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Bible Journaling Update Nancy Completes Five-Year Journey through Scripture
on januarY 1, 2018, nancY bEgan journaling through thE biblE, bEginning in gEnEsis 1. aftEr fivE YEars of savoring god’s word vErsE bY vErsE, daY bY daY nancY wrotE hEr final EntrY shortlY aftEr midnight on januarY 12, 2023.
“My heart is full,” Nancy reflected. “How wondrous are His Word, His works, and His ways.”
As she meditated on the final verse of God’s Word, Nancy penned,
How we all need this promised grace of God—every day. It is for “everyone,” for all who humble themselves to receive His provision for their need. This closing verse of the New Testament is heaven’s answer to the curse found in the last verse of the Old Testament (Mal. 4:6). The grace of God has come to earth in the person of Christ, bringing salvation for all who repent and believe, overcoming sin’s dreadful curse. How great is our God. We worship You. May we walk in that grace through every step of our pilgrimage on this planet— until we see You face to face. Amen and amen.
In the year ahead, Nancy and a team from Holman Bible Publishers will focus on the writing and editing of Nancy’s teaching and journaling notes for a new, devotional study edition of the Christian Standard Bible (csb).
We praise God for His faithfulness in helping Nancy reach this incredible milestone—and we rejoice that He has used this process to write a rich legacy with her life, inspiring countless women to treasure Christ above all.
On January 12, Nancy and Robert gathered at the International Ministry Center with their pastor and his wife, members of the Revive Our Hearts staff, and a few friends for Scriptures & Songs. It was a special evening set apart to celebrate the completion of Nancy’s journaling journey through the Scriptures and commission her work on the upcoming devotional study Bible.
A Playlist to Keep Forever in Mind
Enjoy this compilation of Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes to settle your soul, still your heart, and help you consider finishing the race set before you.
Seeking Him: “Carried Home”
Revive Our Hearts Weekend: “Faithful to the End”
Grounded: “Hope for Death and Dying, with John & Donna Avant and Steve Teng”
Grounded: “Glorifying God in the End of Life, with Colleen Chao”
Expect Something Beautiful: “I Forgot to Plan the Ending!”
Scan the QR code to start listening.