Revobeauty - Cannabis benefits on human

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Cannabis (Weeds/Hemp/Marijuana)





SATIVA Light green Tall and lean Long, narrow fan leaves

INDICA Dark green Short and dense Short, wide fan leaves

RUDERALIS Shorter stature, small size No psychotropic effects. It is used exclusively for breeding purposes

HIGH THC LEVELS – mainly affect the mind Uplifting and energetic Hallucinogenic Fight depression Enhances creativity (Preferred for day use) HIGH CBD LEVELS – mainly affect the body Relaxing and calming Sedative Pain relief Insomnia Stimulates appetite (Preferred for night use) No psychotropic effects Exclusively for breeding purposes Hybrids are a combination or indica and sativa bred to have a variety of benefits. Similar chemical profile to hemp contains very low levels of THC

HYBRID Hybrid marijuana plants strategically combine sativas, indicas, and ruderalis plants to produce the best of all worlds. Plant description: The appearance of hybrid strains depends on the combination of the parent plants. Typical CBD to THC ratio: Many hybrid cannabis plants are grown in order to increase the THC percentage, but each type has a unique ratio of the two cannabinoids. Commonly associated effects of use: Farmers and producers select hybrids for their unique impacts. They can range from reducing anxiety and stress to easing symptoms of chemotherapy or radiation. Daytime or nighttime use: This depends on the predominant effects of the hybrid. Popular strains: Classified as indica-dominant (or indica-dom), sativa-dominant (sativadom), or balanced. Popular hybrids include Pineapple Express, Trainwreck, and Blue Dream.

What is Hemp? “Hemp” is a term used to classify varieties of Cannabis that contain 0.3% or less THC content (by dry weight). Federally legalized hemp and hemp-derived products that contain no more than 0.3% THC. “hemp” has generally been used to describe nonintoxicating Cannabis that is harvested for the industrial use of its derived products. Capabilities to produce crucial resources such as food, rope, clothing, paper, housing material, and more, hemp has been the catalyst for man’s earliest innovations

What is Marijuana? “Marijuana” is a term used to classify varieties of Cannabis that contain more than 0.3% THC dry weight) and can induce psychotropic or euphoric effects on the user The defining characteristic between Hemp and Marijuana is based on a single factor — the amount of THC in the plant — or rather whether it will get the user high. CBD can de derived from either hemp or marijuana

YET Hemp-derived CBD is legal if it contains 0.3% THC or less under the Agricultural Act of 2018 Marijuana-derived CBD is illegal and is still classified as a controlled substance regardless of its percentage of THC.

WHAT ARE CANNABINOIDS? Chemical compounds from the cannabis flower which are responsible for creating the enumeration of medicinal benefits such as pain relief, antiinflammation, and appetite stimulation.

Our bodies have what are known as endocannabinoid systems more properly termed – endogenous cannabinoid systems. The endocannabinoid systems are found throughout the body in our brain, organs, connective tissue, glands, and immune cells. The goal of the endocannabinoid system is ultimately homeostasis, which essentially means internal balance. Cannabinoids promote homeostasis, and our body naturally produces them as endocannabinoids.

Researchers have pinpointed two cannabinoid receptor sites, the CB1 and CB2. The CB1 is predominantly present in the nervous system, connective tissues, gonads, glands, and organs; and the CB2, is predominantly found in the immune system and its associated structures. While our body naturally produces endocannabinoids, the cannabinoids found in the cannabis flower also stimulate these cannabinoid receptor sites. This stimulation in turn produces a number of physiological effects ranging from pain relief to sleep aid. It is believed that cannabinoid deficiencies lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms.

•CB1 receptor: found on neurons throughout the central and peripheral nervous system. •CB2 receptor: found largely outside the nervous system, including the immune and gastrointestinal systems. Psychoactive effects of marijuana are largely due to CB1 activation by THC.

Cannabinoids: Effects on mammalian nervous system

•CB1 is one of the most widely expressed receptors in the mammalian brain

•Cannabinoids act as retrograde signals sent from “receiver” to “sender” neuron.

Historiacaluse of cannabis plant •Ancient China: surgical anesthetic •Fiber •Food •Medicine •Religious/ritual •Recreation

•Ancient Egypt: pain relief •Ancient India: anxiety •Roman Empire: labor pains

Hemp fiber

Hemp Paper




Hemps strands decorating clay pots from 8000 B.C.

Hemp clothing 450 B.C.

Hemp ropes for ocean voyages around 200 B.C.


Poland & Lithuania


hemp-seed Dessert 130–200 A.D

Serve hemp-seed porridge known as semieniatka on Christmas eve

food of the god Shiva (thousands of years)

China Hemp paper 105 A.D.

Hemp Food

Medical Marijuana

From ancient Asia throughout the world Medicinal use of cannabis began around 2737 B.C.,


appeared in pharmacopoeia and folk medicine as a treatment for pain, seizure, muscle spasm, poor appetite, nausea, insomnia, asthma, and depression. Its potential to alleviate labor pains, premenstrual symptoms, and menstrual cramps also received attention in multiple medical reports from ancient times to the present.

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