The Short Lived Adventures of Seal and Unicorn
By: Dingduschwitz D. Ong
For Jimmy-- You know what you’ve done
There once was a seal on the horn, One day he found a magic unicorn,
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They fell down a hole, one day on the shoals, And the horse and the seal were no more.
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They fell down in a soft heap, They found they were on soft sheep, There was no sun in the sky, so they started to cry, And very soon after came sleep.
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When they awoke they were somewhere on shore, In a land they had never seen before, They walked down the beach and found a nice peach, And soon found a house with a door.
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In the house was a man named Henry, And by all accounts looked friendly, He led them to a stable, where he told them a fable, Where dreams occurred indefinitely.
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They dreamt of being home with friends, Horns and flippers on the bend, Running and swimming, Jumping and eating, But soon the good dreams began to end.
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They awoke back inside the cave, And walked around trying to be brave, They saw a large boulder, and using their shoulders, Rolled it aside to escape.
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Above them the sunshine was bright, But dusk was showing and soon it would be night, Although it was blinding and their path was winding, They both made it home alright.
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The seal went home all alone, And told his friends at his home, About the unicorn, who helped him on the horn, But thought he lied because they don’t live in this biome.
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When he went down the the shoals, He looked once more for the hole, And to his surprise, he found his guy, But the unicorn was made out of coal.
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The seal could no longer find his one horned friend, But remembered the story on which he often pretends, That the horse and him, would live hoof and fin, And continue their adventures,
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The End
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This is the wonderous story of a seal and unicorn’s short lived story in the form of a lymeric. If you want more information read between the covers and you will find what you need.
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