Socialist Voice - Number 115 July 2014

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Socialist Voice


Communist Party of Ireland Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann Partisan Patriotic Internationalist Number 115 July 2014 €1.5

In this issue Anti-clericalism Page 2 Republican Congress Page 4 Workers in struggle Page 6 Water is a human right Page 8 Gharda Síochána Page 9 Réabhlóid na Fraince Page 10 Economics and the euro Page 12 Jimmy’s House Page 16

Reaction Page 10


HERE IS not a town or city in this country that is not experiencing increased homelessness. Walk down any street and you will see at first hand the growing problem of individuals and whole families sleeping rough or wandering around the streets, as they have to leave a hostel or B&B during the day.

“The Germans were down and out, had lost confidence in themselves . . . had no hope of revival. Now all that has disappeared. There is no doubt whatever that Adolph Hitler has done some great things for the German people. Germany was a second, or even third rate power . . . now she is one of the strongest countries in the world.” Irish Times 6 November 1936.

Homeless families are being placed in Socialist Voice sub-standard accommodation while rent 43 East Essex Street Dublin 2 allowances continue to be cut. (01) 6708707 Meanwhile rents, particularly in the Dublin region, continue to spiral—up 11 per cent in 2013 alone—beyond the reach of thousands of people seeking a roof over their heads. continued overleaf

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