Number 98
February 2013
We must build on Connolly’s legacy
But it is our time, our fight, our history in the making. Take to the streets with pride, and march behind your trade union banner on 9 February
The great lock out in 1913—14 was “an apprenticeship in brutality, a hardening of the heart of the Irish employing class” (Connolly). The current attack on Irish workers by the state sees the ruling class re-enacting that brutality through its continuous austerity measures being hurled at workers, their families, the unemployed, and community organisations.
For the last three years we have been active witnesses to this. There is not a household or an individual unaffected—some worse than others—unless you are in the “fat cat” bracket. The consequence of the triumph of the bankers and their fellow-travellers has led the country to an economic crisis, which has almost destroyed our existence as an independent,
‘I see people aged 67 or 68 at class reunions who dodder around and are constantly going to the doctor. Why should I have to pay for people who just eat and drink and make no effort?’ ‘The Ministry of Health and welfare is well aware that it costs tens of millions of yen a month to treat a single patient in the final stages of life. The problem won't be solved unless you let them hurry up and die.’ Asô Tarô, prime minister of Japan (multi-millionaire former president of AsoCement, which employed prisoners of war as slave labour), 26 November 2008.
sovereign state. Now, self-interest furnished by greed is not unusual in a capitalist state: what is unusually was the previous Government’s response. They accepted liability for the debts of private speculators. The second staggering blow to the Irish people is that the present Government is continuing with this policy. These policies are not in working people’s interest: the poor, the marginalised, the unemployed are the scapegoats. Let us put the debt and the present economic and political policies into context. The decision to continue to pay the speculators has resulted in Ireland carrying 42 per cent of the entire euro-zone bank debt. Now that is overwhelming: to put it in context, every man, woman and child pays €9,000 of bad bank debt, compared with €192 per capita in other eurozone states. (These figures were supplied by Michael Taft of Unite.) Connolly understood that the working class needed fighting, militant trade unions to defend their interests, given the irreconcilable divisions between workers and a capitalist class that sought to brutally maximise profits at its expense. But trade unions are only one part of the representative coin. It is political parties that make the decisions that affect all citizens. The question is, are trade union interests being represented by present Labour Party policy?
Inside this issue
CPI calls for support for the ICTU demonstration page 2 The ICTU’s “better, fairer debt” strategy page 2 2013: the continuing of the great scattering page 3 ‘Social Europe’ for the EU’S privileged page 4 Rarefied Davos air fosters elite illusions page 5 More on monopolies globally page 6 Democracy and the crisis Part 1 page 7 Is Ireland a tax haven? page 8 Another imperialist intervention in Africa page 10 Slanted media attack Caribbean socialism page 11 FILM Red westerns page 12 Socialist Voice 3 East Essex Street Dublin 2 (01) 6708707