Join the Revolution!
Start enjoying these benefits today!
Professional tutors
Our faculty is made up of professional tutors with 100+ hours of training and 1,000+ hours of tutoring experience each year.
Financial aid & scholarships
We care about access to learning, so we offer robust financial aid packages on our services.
We take a revolutionary approach to getting results Our unique methodology paired with world-class educators helps your student rapidly achieve their goals today and gain the skills to succeed tomorrow. All on your schedule.
20+ years of getting students results
Professional educators and research-backed methodology
100+ academic, test prep, and learning skills offered
If a family is unsatisfied for any reason, Revolution Prep will refund their money.
Mock SAT® & ACT® tests
Help students prepare for the SAT and ACT with free practice tests (online or on-campus) with instant scoring and expert-led score interpretation
Presentations for parents
Let us take work off your plate: we deliver engaging online and on-campus presentations for parents and students on topics of your choice
Student tutoring packages for the 2024-2025 school year *
For faculty and staff (for students K-college)
Talk to a School Relations Manager for details Offer ends 10/31/24
Dedicated Revolution Prep team
Your school families get a personal team committed to helping you set goals, track progress, and customize your experience.
Perks for your faculty & staff
We appreciate how hard educators work We offer your faculty and staff significant discounts on our services
Scan the QR code to connect with your dedicated School Relations Manager.