Revolve Media Kit

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Media Kit

2012-13 Unlocking The Potential Of Uk Small Business And Socially Aware Consumers.


A measure of economic activity(GDP) defined by the socio and economic choices of buyers, sellers, producers and consumers.


1 Berkeley street London WH1 8DJ Telephone: 08000988820 Mobile 07983084343 E-mail:


Contact: Stephen Farley

Stephen Farley Announces the Launch of a New Repayment Effort on The 17th February 2012 Stephen Farley trading on a self employed basis announces the launch of Revolve, an advertising and marketing effort. The business main focus is to encourage entrepreneurs, small business and socially aware consumers, to embrace as fact, that challenges are an integral part of success and must be seen as feedback necessary for achieving goals. Many small businesses are defeated by the lack of capital, but Stephen Farley who came to prominence when his former business Cameron Farley Limited controversially became the subject of a Financial Services Authority injunction on 2nd September 2008, said, "Revolve is an example of a fundamental principle every business must embrace: A demonstration of a duty of care to every client irrespective of challenges, never hiding behind the limited liability clause, circumstances or use the blame culture as an excuse for non-performance". Stephen sees this as an opportunity to demonstrate real leadership and is disappointed that the Financial Services Authority, Grant Thornton UK LLP and other agencies knowingly and intentionally choose not to exercise the levels of integrity, impartiality and duty of care expected by the public during the Cameron Farley Investigation. Stephen insists that he will use his experiences to illustrate and challenge Institutional Prejudice and sees his predicament as having similarities to the Stephen Lawrence Case. Stephen hopes his unshakeable resolve drives home to groups such as The London Rioters, that their mindless violence was futile, as it purely served as carte blanche for the unrepentant perpetrators of bias and double standards to justify and continue abuse. Stephen insist that he has overcome the ruthless challenges to his repayment efforts, with an application to the courts under section 303 of the Insolvency Act with his priority being to return the Cameron Farley clients and all other creditors to financial parity. Stephen confirms his repayment commences on the last calendar day of March 2012 and monthly thereafter, using the following structure: Phase 1: Repayment of outstanding Cameron Farley initial loan capital as a % of individuals' initial contributions Phase 2: Payment of the variable interest, calculated as a % of the balances outstanding as at 2nd September 2008 Although the publishing industry is well represented, Stephen is confident that the leverage created by the Social Media Revolution represents sustainable business opportunities. Revolve offers a hybrid of Web Banner and Magazine Advertising at a price that truly compliments the strategies and pricing points of small business. Revolve is all about empowering small business and engaging socially aware consumers, Stephen continued. “Revolve celebrates the lifestyles and work life balance practices across UK communities, without bias, prejudice or limitation.” Revolve Magazines are e-publications, but printed copies are included (as standard) in each full magazine advertising package. Copies are available at Public Libraries and other community outlet such as small business advice centres. You can read the magazines online from Friday 17th February 2012 at, plus on IPADS and other portable devices. Beyond that, mobile phone applications and other rich media channels are planned. “Our goal is to publish magazine and rich media content that actively empower and engage in excess of 1% of the 4 million+ small businesses (and their direct employees) across the UK Regions”, Stephen Farley said. "Read my full and frank disclosure as a precursor to entering discussions or business relationships with Revolve: at ( revolve-magazines/England/)". End. Revolve is a self employed trading style of Stephen Farley: Unique Tax Reference 4616276687: VAT Registration Number: 994 4279 65: Data Protection: Z2906326: Waste Carriers/Brokers License no: CB/AM 3580BA

INTRODUCTORY SALES LETTER Revolve is a business set up to contribute to the management and reduction of the risk of environment pollution across UK communities. Like other small businesses, Revolve is faced with the challenge of meeting the substantial capital cost associated with recycling. Revolve has however recognise the business opportunities created by The Social Media Revolution, not only to generate the required capital, but also to raise awareness about the UK recycling challenge. This translates into the launch of Revolve Magazines- a celebration of lifestyles and work life balance trends across UK communities. Revolve respect the uniqueness and strengths of the UK regional co-brands and publish four separate monthly issues: Revolve England, Revolve Northern Ireland, Revolve Scotland and Revolve Wales. Our target audience is small businesses that want to promote products and services, interact with target audiences in a meaningful way, publicise their green initiatives and duty of care compliance. In addition, we empower socially aware consumers to engage their service providers and take their place as suitably qualified ambassadors to manage the risk of environment pollution in the communities they live and work. Our product offering provides opportunities for small business to promote itself using website banner and advertorial style magazine advertising. We feature and reference small businesses in our marketing material that truly demonstrate social awareness, duty of care compliance and a commitment to reducing environmental risk in the communities that they perform economic activity. This translates into a realistic experience, for our readers. Compared to other magazines, Revolve recognises the price points and marketing strategies of small firms. There is no obligation or sales pressure of any kind and even if you don’t have any immediate need for advertising and marketing products please support our environment risk reduction awareness campaign by reading our magazines free on-line and register at www.revolve. to subscribe and join our conversation.

Here is how it works: Revolve offers a combination of magazine and web banner advertising that makes use of any existing graphics and artworks This translates into a substantial cost saving when compared to other high profile marketing and advertising channels. Our product offering compliments strategies whether a small business is: promoting products and services, revamping a strategy, entering new markets, implementing green initiatives or simply analysing the competitive forces in your industry. The Magazines are published monthly meaning that seasonal trends are always communicated. (The website banner adverts are also updated monthly). Every advertiser that chooses to subscribe on an annual basis, receives a saddle stitched hard copy of the Revolve Magazine for the duration of their advertising campaign. We offer a performance guarantee, which means that it cost you nothing until your advert or marketing material is printed and in public circulation. Sign up at to enjoy high profile marketing and contribute to our campaign to raise awareness about the risks of environment pollution in the communities that you perform economic activity.

Empowering Small business Revolve advocates that small businesses are at the heart of local communities and suitably qualified to manage and reduce the risk of environment pollution at grass root levels. Social media remove most of the barriers to markets and resources and offer proactive small businesses and entrepreneurs the opportunity to secure and maintain competitive advantage in their designated industries and the communities where they perform economic activity: Our product offering includes: 1. A website banner advert on the Revolve website that directs users to your website or other preferred links in a new browser window Revolve Environmental Solution: 1 Berkeley Street, London, W1J 8DJ: Telephone Telephone: 08000988820: E-mail: Revolve is a self employed trading style of Stephen Farley: Unique Tax Reference 4616276687: VAT Registration Number: 994 4279 65: Data Protection: Z2906326: Waste Carriers/Brokers License no: CB/AM 3580BA

2. Advertorial space in the Revolve Magazines covering the region that your business trades from. Subject to availability, we may accommodate promotion across all four regional magazines, if your business trades in more than one region. You can run one advert over the twelve month duration or you can supply fresh advertorial and imagery on a month by month basis. (This translate to a fantastic saving on our listed prices) 3. A free hard copy of Revolve magazine for the duration of your advertising run (subject to package chosen) 4. Statistical information confirming readership and unique page views 5. Authoring rights to your designated blog on the Revolve website, so that your customers can engage with you directly 6. Social media tools-if your business is not connected, we activate a few of these as part of our product offering To Revolve your world, call free phone 0800 098 8820 or register at Alternately, send us an email to

Engaging Socially aware consumers In addition, we recognise that UK consumers want to influence the customer service offerings and business strategies of their service providers, while being advocates of reducing the carbon footprint in the communities they live. As a direct response, we have added the WIIFM (What is in it for me?) factor to our product offering in the form of Revolve Members' Club, an on-line community that rewards consumers for supporting our efforts. In addition to a free monthly prize draw, members enjoy discounts and products bartered in exchange for website banner and magazine advertising. Our membership card incorporates the latest CHIP technology which means that benefits are easily transferred. Revolve promote the members' area as a vehicle to compensate communities for the risk of environmental pollution created by small businesses performing economic activity. Revolve also uses this channel for small businesses to promote their green initiative, duty of care compliance and social awareness programs. Revolve identify Good Causes (Charities) as being a true representation of the social groups, cultures and lifestyles across grass root communities and a reliable medium to raise awareness about the risk of environment pollution. In recognition, we provide free advertorial exposure in our monthly magazines and donate five pence in every pound of net revenues we generate from our recycling initiative. (To be shared across our four designated good causes: Environmental Protection, Education & Learning, Fitness & Wellbeing and Health) Revolve is not part of the structure, nor do we participate in the administration or management of the good causes we support.

Realising grass root potential Revolve is of the opinion, that although not all disadvantage individuals and groups are victims of their own circumstances, a majority fail to realise their true potential or suffer from the stigmas of teacher and other in authority telling them they are lost causes. Living examples are Simon Cowell of the X-factor fame who was often bored in school, dropped out at age 17 and was told by his teachers that he would never amount to anything. His first job was working in a mail room, now his true abilities speak for themselves. James Dyson the inventor of the popular Dyson cyclonic vacuum was given the cold shoulder by every UK manufacturer and distributor, not because his product lacked merit, but to avoid disturbing the monopoly for replacement vacuum dust bags. The moral of the story, "understand the motives of your critics and doubters". I myself know what it is like as Leslie Wooler and the Grant Thornton team- the liquidators of Cameron Farley Limited, refuse to recognise the innovative product being offered by Cameron Farley Ltd and is reported to communicate to clients that I am a dreamer and delusional. I see this as a perfect opportunity to demonstrate stealth and engage and empower those amongst the 40 million plus adults (over 15 years old) that want to realise their true potential. "If you are ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, then you are a fool and certain to be defeated in every battle". Sun Tzu (Chinese military strategist) and the Art of War

Introductory offer: register at Register now and enjoy up to 65% discount on list prices, plus gain automatic membership to Revolve members club. Consumers can register to raise awareness about issues in their grass root communities. Revolve your world. Yours sincerely Proprietor

18 Revolve's target audience by industry 18 We are totally aware who our target audiences are and where they are located. We conduct


continuous market analysis to gauge what

1 1

Media Kit Unlocking The Potential Of Uk Small Business And Socially Aware Consumers. 3 PRESS RELEASE 3 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9 Welcome to Revolve Magazines 10 Empowering and engaging small business and socially aware consumers

12 Linking economic value to social value to synergise small business and consumer dynamics

14 Celebrating diverse brands,

lifestyles and


14 Illustrated by editorials, advertorial and features on lifestyle and work life balance practices of small business and consumers across grass root communities including:

16 Statistical industrial classifications 16 Revolve uses the Standard Industrial Classification to group small businesses by their activity and as a recognised benchmark to review and analyse the factors that influences the trends and developments in each industry.

Revolve's aim is to create small business league tables and industry recognised performance statistics.

they think about our brand and gauge how successful our message is.

20 Small businesses are well qualified ambassadors of social change

22 RECOGNISING REGIONAL BRANDS, CO-BRANDS AND LIFESTYLES 24 Distribution channels 26 Demographic profiling 26 Revolve recognises the economic, political, technological and social changes inspired by the social media revolution.

28 Recognising small business as a reliable measure of social values across lifestyles and communities

30 Projected revolve magazines readership 32 revolve magazine english edition 32 A communication channel that is as engaging, empowering, innovative and a true reflection of small business and grass root communities

English communities. 34 revolve magazine n.ireland edition 34 Northern has more small business per 10,000 residents than any other region of the UK and should be recognised as a leader in innovations. 36 revolve magazine scottish edition across

Revolve media kit 36 Scotland has fired imagination, encouraged invention and inspired creation for generations the year of creative


38 revolve magazine welsh edition 38 Analysing the history of Wales, it's economic performance since devolution, and the outlook for 21st Century Wales 40 competitor analysis and business intelligence 44 Leveraging strengths supporting weaknesses 44 unexpected outcomes are the hallmark of success

46 Work life balance 46 Revolve explores whether the work life balance is reserved for the well healed corporations, or is something that small business owners can attain?

48 50 52 52 53 53

MAKE A DIFFERENCE Magazine advertising Publication dates Revolve is a monthly publication that is current Rate card-2012 Competitively priced marketing and aadvertising. We do not have the same overheads as large publishers and we pass cost savings on to our customers.

54 WEB BANNER ADVERTISING 54 advert. The advert banner is linked to your website that opens in a new browser window each time an internet user clicks on the banner.

Benefits include: 56 Marketing effectiveness that is measurable and a true representation of target audiences cross grass root communities.

59 Revolve's objective is

to develop sustainable

end of life materials supply chains that are reliable, provide access to quality stocks from suppliers and transfer good legal title.

60 Ostensible authority 60 It simply sets out the terms and conditions I use to solicit and introduce new suppliers to my buyers (and in some cases provide additional

services) against payment of a fee or commission.

61 To establish a sustainable supplier selection process is designed to embrace a legal framework that eliminates circumvention, copyright infringement or conflict.

62 An indirect recycling Strategy 64 revolve membership 64 Enjoy unlimited digital recognition in our magazines and on our web portal. We publish a leader board that clearly identifies the social programs and green initiatives rolled out across the country

65 What’s in it for you? 66 How to conect to revolve's products and services

66 Register for free at to revolve your world with direct action. 68 Contact Us 68 Please send us your feedback or comments, so

that we can improve our product and services.



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Welcome to Revolve Magazines Embracing the digital publishing revolution

Revolve is a direct response towards the call to action for heightened awareness regarding the risk of environmental pollution and realising the potential of the people who live and work in grass root communities. We are not setting unrealistic expectations, we are metaphorically in a similar scenario to the late Sir Bernard Mathews, (an incubator and a few turkey eggs), a lack of capital to meet the cost of recycling, previous projects that did not achieve the desired outcome, but the tenacity and spirit to succeed. We do not embrace the blame culture; instead we aim to use magazine and internet advertising as the source of capital to deliver our sustainable recycling solutions. Empowering small businesses Our product offering enable small business to empower the people who live in the grass root communities where they perform economic activity. A cost effective opportunity to promote green initiatives and realise potential. Revolve recognises small businesses as the real ambassadors of the communities where they perform economic activity and suitably qualified to influence community dynamics. Engaging socially aware consumers Revolve recognise and salute the savvy consumers that want to engage service providers and influence their business strategies, customer service offerings and green initiatives of their service providers. A simple registration at raises awareness of the risk of environmental pollution in your local community. This raises awareness about the risk of environmental pollution and encourages service providers to show a level of awareness



Empowering and engaging small business and socially aware consumers Revolve recognises the parallels between The Social Media Revolution, Duty of Care Compliance, Social Awareness and Recycling. Revolve aim to contribute to good community relations through its magazines and web portals. Revolve advocates that small business and the people who live and work in local communities are suitably qualified ambassadors for raising awareness about reducing the risk of environment pollution at grass root level. This format is based around empowering small business and engaging socially aware consumers. Revolve embraces the UK government's and regional administrations' economic strategies and applies its product offering to small businesses as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Our goal is to deliver measurable solutions that are a true representation of the industries, brands, social trends and other small business related community activities. Revolve’s goals are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

To become a reliable statistical index. To offer reader choice through information To promote diverse lifestyle activities To empower and compensate consumers for the risk of environmental pollution created by small businesses performing economic activity in their local communities 5. To encourage and enable small businesses to promote duty of care and social awareness using the opportunities created by the social media revolution, while engaging consumers. 6. To commission recycling plants across the UK that provide a long term sustainable solution to the UK’s end of life tyre crisis, plus develop a reliable secondary metals and e-scrap supply chain.

Size does not matter

anymore... 10 | WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM

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% Population by UK regions Wales 5% England 84%

Scotland 8% Northern Ireland 3%

source: National office of statistics

Small business by UK region Northern Ireland, 122,065 England, 3,938,000

Scotland, 289,965 Wales, 192,735

source: National office of statistics

One in every ten households has someone that owns or work for a small business. Revolve is leveraging the talents, experiences and the value chains of people who live, work and visit grass root communities across the UK. The social media revolution Community now has a new meaning and it is the consumers and internet users generated content that dictates the conversations, while business is losing the power to lead the debate. Embrace the concept and practice of online customer engagement and respond to the fundamental changes in customer behaviour that the internet and social media has brought about. The cost of switching to Revolve represents a substantial reduction in advertising cost, while offering small business access to high level advertising and marketing. A viable substitute to traditional customer service models. Sustainable competitive advantage Distinguish your company from your competition, with a powerful magazine advert or website banner advertising. Our low prices start from as little as some popular cups of coffee. We utilise your existing artwork, so there are no hidden costs.

Linking economic value to social value to synergise small business and consumer dynamics Revolve e-magazine is free to the readers but every paying advertiser receives a hard copy for the duration of their campaign. Other readers may request a copy for a small fee. Revolve is unique, as we embrace competition. Revolve aims to provide a mix of advertorial and editorial that is a true representation of small business across industries, (as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification).


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Celebrating diverse brands, lifestyles and communities

Illustrated by editorials, advertorial and features on lifestyle and work life balance practices of small business and consumers across grass root communities including:

☑ Personal development/Relationships Real life examples of people who improve their social life, productivity, health. Resources for personal development and transformation of body, mind and spirit - stories of challenges and outcomes ☑ Local government: National Affairs : Global events Topic ranging from devolution to global news in addition to comments and analysis from industry experts. ☑ Work life balance activities Community led and managed projects; empowering and sustainable projects involving people, animals and environment. ☑ Consumer Electronics Understand the rapidly-evolving product landscape and consumer electronics trends at the national and local market levels. ☑ Sports/Recreation/Hobby Professional and nonprofessional sports information are featured in each month's issues ☑ Personal Finance Finance news, expert tips on how to make and save money and look after your personal finances. Exclusive personal finance news and views to help you manage your money. ☑ Property/Building Features on historic and listed property plus the latest trends in the 21st century property industry ...


☑ Friends/Family/Children How to celebrate and enjoy family life. Creative ways to communicate with your children. Practical ways to clarify and share what is important to your family Ways to help your children connect with their family history Fun, imaginative ways to look at future hopes and dreams ☑ Social media An in-depth review of the impact social media is having on small business and the community at large ☑ Fashion /Accessories Discover the latest high street fashions and celebrity style. Find out what the must -have women's fashion and clothing trends from all the The latest fashion news, advice and comment from the Guardian. ☑ Life style /Culture Unique and exciting talks that explore issues of health and well-being, the arts and society, and the quest for happiness and self-knowledge. ☑ Travel / Transportation The impact of the industrial revolution The Ford Model T) and modern day technology on the latest family member . The family car. ☑ Home Furnishings Style your home! ... Be inspired with our wide collection of beautiful home accessories ☑ Recycling The true cost of recycling on small business. the latest trends and the leaders in recycling in the industry

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Statistical industrial classifications

Revolve uses the Standard Industrial Classification to group small businesses by their activity and as a recognised benchmark to review and analyse the factors that influences the trends and developments in each industry. Revolve's aim is to create small business league tables and industry recognised performance statistics.

01 Crop and animal production, hunting related activities 02 Forestry and logging 03 Fishing and aquaculture 05 Mining of coal and lignite 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 07 Mining of metal ores 08 Other mining and quarrying 09 Mining support service activities 10 Manufacture of food products 11 Manufacture of beverages 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 13 Manufacture of textiles 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 15 Manufacture of leather and related products 16 17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 21 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 23 Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products 24 Manufacture of basic metals 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 31 Manufacture of furniture 32 Other manufacturing 33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 36 Water collection, treatment and supply 37 Sewerage 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal; materials recovery 39 41 Construction of buildings 42 Civil engineering 43 Specialised construction activities 45 Wholesale/retail trade +repair of vehicles and motorcycles 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 49 Land transport and transport via pipelines 50 Water transport 51 Air transport


52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation 53 Postal and courier activities 55 Accommodation 56 Food and beverage service activities 58 Publishing activities 59 60 Programming and broadcasting activities 61 Telecommunications 62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 63 Information service activities 64 Financial service, except insurance and pension funding 65 Insurance, re-insurance and pension funding, 66 Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance 68 Real estate activities 69 Legal and accounting activities 70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities 71 Architectural and engineering; technical testing and analysis 72 Scientific research and development 73 Advertising and market research 74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities 75 Veterinary activities 77 Rental and leasing activities 78 Employment activities 79 80 Security and investigation activities 81 Services to buildings and landscape activities 82 Office administrative, office support and business support 84 Public administration, defence; compulsory social security 85 Education 86 Human health activities 87 Residential care activities 88 Social work activities without accommodation 90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities 91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 92 Gambling and betting activities 93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities 94 Activities of membership organisations 95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods 96 Other personal service activities 97 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 98 99 Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies

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Revolve's goal is to become a reliable source of small business statistics in the UK WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 17


We are totally aware who our target audiences are and where they are located. We conduct continuous market analysis to gauge what they think about our brand and gauge how successful our message is. Revolve is targeting small business and socially aware consumer, we continuously monitor their interaction with other service providers to get information that enable revolve to maintain a competitive advantage. Revolve’s recognise the strengths of the UK co-brands. To this end, we have segmented our target groups by the uniqueness and the strength of the regional brands and celebrate this in separate regional magazines and web portals Community engagement is about people becoming involved in the decisions and activities that affect their lives. Engaging with communities on sustainability is important if we are to protect the environment for future generations. Therefore, change must happen in every local community, and in the way we recycle end of life materials. Policy and regulation is only guidelines and 5% of the total solution. The risk of environmental pollution and sustainable change is best tackled by small business and consumers collaborating and learning together in local communities. Revolve mission is to help communities: identify their needs, opportunities, rights and responsibilities. A key feature of this project is the real time statistical information to help communities measure the impact of their work on s


target audience by industry


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Target audience by industry (000s) Other Service Activities


Arts, Entertainment and Recreation


Human Health and Social Work Activities




Administrative and Support Service Activities


Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities


Real Estate Activities


Financial and Insurance Activities


Information and Communication Accommodation and Food Service Activities

268,520 147,220

Transportation and Storage


Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles




Manufacturing Mining and Quarrying; Electricity, Gas and Air Conditioning Supply; Water Supply; Sewerage, ‌ Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

237,645 24,695 149,825 WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 19


Our marketing message is aimed at small businesses that want to interact with their individual target audiences. The UK is a rich and vibrant country made up of a diverse mix of communities and brands. Revolve’s mission is to celebrate each brand and be the voice of these urban and rural (consumers and business communities). Our methodology is to interact at grass roots levels in a way that make individuals feel positive about where they live and work Revolve targets small businesses and socially aware consumers; we are totally aware that the number of retained customers is far less than the number of customers who actually responded. Enjoy real-time insights about customers' needs and listen and join conversations in which customers rate and make recommendations about the products they buy. So, unified marketing is a framework that allows all marketing tactics - traditional and digital - to be plotted together and compared. It will help reduce redundant efforts and identify

Small businesses are well qualified ambassadors of social change


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Revolve's target market by region Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

122,065 289,965 192,735 3,938,000


South West

427,125 744,975

South East


London East of England West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire and the Humber North West North East

474,060 333,240 307,040 332,100 452,710 118,655



An opportunity to celebrate your brand, irrespective, of product offering, business location, size or target audience. Your identifiable brand is a demonstration of intent to your customers and your competitors. Customers now have choice therefore any strategy that builds loyalty results in sustainable competitive advantage. Revolve recognises the uniqueness, individuality, strength and positioning of the regional brands. To this end, we have segmented our target groups by the uniqueness and the strength of the regional brands and celebrate this in separate regional magazines and a regionalised web portal. (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales). Revolve is targeting small business and socially aware consumer sectors, we are totally aware who our target audiences are and where they are located. We conduct continuous market analysis to gauge what they think about our brand and gauge how successful our message is. We continuously monitor their interaction with other service providers to get information that enable Revolve to secure and maintain a competitive advantage. Revolve empowers small business and socially aware consumers through taking advantage of the social media revolution. An opportunity to demonstrate a resilience that is inspiring and an entrepreneurial drive to succeed even in challenging conditions.�



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Shaping Small Business Across Uk Regions

Recognising regional brands, lifestyles an cobrands






Revolve magazines is an alternative to the newsstands, and capitalises on the economies of scales created by social media, The e-Magazine is designed to look just like a printed copy. It doesn’t require any additional software to open, is easy to use , navigate and share.

Revolve recognises the internet as a revolution in publishing and changing consumers buying habits. The e-magazine is a fast growing referral tool which: given ongoing changes in consumer shopping behaviour and the increased opportunities that emerge with new technology, e-magazine circulation continue to evolve as business revamp their strategies to match evolving consumer lifestyle and consumption choices. Revolve magazine is accessible through every available social media channel (including email, Face book, twitter) and can be viewed on most media sources including computers, IPADS and I PHONES Revolve uses ISSUU that has a UK wide daily distribution of 3 million and a world wide readership in excess of 24 million. Revolve is pro actively exploring different distribution channels, ranging from mobile devices to rich media blogs and websites. Target specific stories anywhere in the magazine; these individual pages can then be emailed

Distribution channels


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Acorn 'types'

Types defined

Acorn 'groups'

A - thriving

1.1 wealthy suburbs 1.2 villages with wealthy commuters 1.3 mature affluent home-owning areas 1.4 affluent suburbs, older families 1.5 mature well off suburbs 2.6 agricultural villages, home-based workers 2.7 holiday retreats, older people, home-based workers 2.8 home owning areas, well-off older residents 3.9 private flats, elderly people

1 - wealthy achievers, suburban areas 2 - affluent greys, rural communities 3 - prosperous pensioners, retirement areas

B - expanding

4.10 affluent working families with mortgages 4.11 affluent working couples with mortgages, new homes 4.12 transient work forces, living at their place of work 5.13 home owning family areas 5.14 home owning family areas, older children 5.15 families with mortgages, younger children

4 - affluent executives, family areas 5 - well-off workers, family areas

C - rising

6.16 well-off town and city areas 6.17 flats and mortgages, singles and young working couples

6 - affluent urbanites, town and city areas 7 - professionals, metropolitan areas

6.18 furnished flats and bedsits, younger single people 7.19 apartments, young professional singles and couples 7.20 gentrified multi- ethnic areas 8.21 prosperous enclaves, highly qualified executives 8.22 academic centres, students and young professionals 8.23 affluent city centre areas, tenements and flats 8.24 partly gentrified multi- ethnic areas 8.25 converted flats and bedsits, single people

8 - better-off executives, inner city areas

9.26 mature established home owning areas 9.27 rural areas, mixed occupations 9.28 established home owning areas

9 - middle managers, home owning areas 10 - skilled workers, home owning areas

D - settling

Demographic profiling

Revolve's objective is to develop sustainable end of life materials supply chains that are reliable, provide access to quality stocks from suppliers and transfer good legal title.


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E - aspiring

F - striving

9.29 home owning areas, council tenants, retired couples 10.30 established home owning areas, skilled workers 10.31 home owners on older properties, younger workers 10.32 home owning areas with skilled workers 11.33 council areas, some new home owners 11.34 mature home owning areas, skilled workers 11.35 low rise estates, older workers, new home owners 12.36 home owning multi- ethnic areas, young families 12.37 multi- occupied town centres, mixed occupations 12.38 multi- ethnic areas, while collar workers 13.39 home owners, small council flats, single pensioners 13.40 council areas, older people, health problems 14.41 better-off council areas, new home owners 14.42 council areas, young families, some new home owners 14.43 council areas, young families, many lone parents 14.44 multi- occupied terraces, multi- ethnic areas 14.45 low rise council housing, less well-off families 14.46 council areas, residents with health problems 15.47 estates with high unemployment 15.48 council flats, elderly people, health problems

11 - new home owners, mature communities 12 - while collar workers, multi- ethnic areas

13 - older people, less prosperous areas 14 - council estate residents, better-off homes 15 - council estate, high unemployment 16 - council estate residents, greatest hardship 17 - people in multi- ethnic low income areas

15.49 council flats, very high unemployment, singles 16.50 council areas, high unemployment, lone parents 16.51 council flats, greatest hardship, many lone parents 17.52 multi- ethnic areas, large families, overcrowding 17.53 multi- ethnic estates, unemployment, lone parents 17.54 multi- ethnic areas, high unemployment, overcrowding



evolve’s goal is to accurately analyse and record the changes in modern society, whether social, economic, political or technological, and their impact on lifestyles and socioeconomics behaviours of consumers. Revolve approach to demographic profiling and brand recognition ensures that small business advertising with Revolve get value for money and performance measures that are suitable barometers to fine tunes target market focus and the advertising message relevance of each advertiser.

small neighbourhoods, post codes, or consumer households into 5 Categories, 17 Groups and 56 Types. By analysing social factors and population behaviour, it provides precise information and an in-depth understanding of the different types of people in every part of the UK. Revolve seek to analyse and understand consumers in order to increase engagement and to deliver successful marketing strategies.

Revolve embraces Acorn’s geo-demographic segmentation of the UK’s population developed by CACI Ltd. It segments WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 27


UK Social Chart Title Moderate Means 14%

Unclassified 1%

Hard-Pressed 21%

Comfortably Off 27%

Wealthy Achievers 25%

Urban Prosperity 12%

An opportunity to celebrate your brand, irrespective, of product offering, business location, size or lifestyle choices. Small business owner permeate every social strata and are therefore a fitting measure of social values across lifestyles and communities. Revolve goal is to test the Insight Social Value Groups (UK) study of UK social values and change, that draws heavily from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. Revolve strategy to create sustainable social value is the recognising the parallel factors that link economic value with social value. Revolve is founded in response to a problem; Stephen Farley's efforts to demonstrate a real duty of care. Revolve's focus is UK wide and is representative of current social trends driven by the social media revolution. Revolve is of the opinion (and hopeful) that the socially astute UK consumers will create a heightened awareness as the project is publicised. Social responsibility is at the core of Revolve’s strategy and Revolve can be classified as a social business model. Our economic success is dependant on the social model. Although a sole trading business Stephen Farley is well aware of the need to leverage resources using partnerships, strategic alliances and outsourcing. Revolve's main explicit goal is to create social value, through mobilising resources from external sources continuity.

Recognising small business as a reliable measure of social values across lifestyles and communities


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Revolve magazines is an alternative to the news stands, and capitalises on the economies of scales created by social media, The e-Magazine is designed to look just like a printed copy. It doesn’t require any additional software to open, is easy to use , navigate and share. Revolve immediate focus is to secure a readership in excess of at least 1% of UK 4+million small business and 5% of the direct employees of small business. Our goal is to statistically establish a true categorization of female and male small business owners including a detailed demographic profile that explores if gender has any impact on business success or access to resources. Stephen Farley hopes that his plight and his demonstration of real leadership and duty of care inspire a large proportion of the 40+ million adults over 15 years old to not only engage their service providers, but follow and learn from the examples he set when faced with challenges and uncertainty. Read the magazines free on-line at revolve-magazines/.

Projected revolve

magazines readership


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Social Grade E Social Grade D Social Grade C1

Skilled Working Class - Skilled manual workers

Lower Middle Class - Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional

Social Grade B

Working Class - Semi and unskilled manual workers

Middle Class - Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional

Social Grade A

Those at the lowest levels of subsistence -Entirely dependent on state for longterm income

Social Grade C2

Estimates of uk population by social grade

Upper Middle Class - Higher managerial, administrative or professional

Women 24,808 Men 23,378 All UK Adults (15+) 48,186


4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 31


revolve magazine english edition A communication channel that is as engaging, empowering, innovative and a true reflection of small business and grass root communities across English communities.


evolve magazine is a place where the innovative small businesses can promote their brands and raise awareness about the green initiatives rolled out in the grass root communities that they perform economic activity. Our aim is to create a high-quality monthly publication that represents small businesses (across industries and local communities) in their true light. It assumes that it is small businesses, and not local authorities or government officials, who take overall responsibility for reducing the environmental impact of economic activity. It strikes a balance between small businesses and socially aware consumers that want to influence the strategies of their service providers. The magazine is underpinned by a strategy that draws on the UK Government's 21st century framework of sustainable economic growths across regions with focus on realising the potential of small business, social groups and grass root communities. Revolve measure the opinions regarding the claims made by the former Welsh and Northern Ireland secretary Paul Murphy (now Labour MP for Torfaen), says devolution for the English regions could protect the interests of people across the UK. Mr Murphy, was discussing the implications for the future of the United Kingdom given the prospect of a Scottish referendum on independence in 2013 or 2014. Revolve recognises the link between small business success and work life balance. Revolve advocates that there are other aspects of small business success more important than purely their industries and products or services offered. The magazine is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners, and also provides consumers with solutions to issues that impact the communities they live and work in.


A key feature in every issue is the analysis of regional economic development with the goal to define economies at regional level and to measure the impact, influence and contribution small business make to localised economic activity. Revolve advocate strategic alliances, shared resources and constructive competitiveness. Benefits of embracing Revolve Magazine: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Magazines provide reach – faster than you think: Two-thirds of its audience within a month’s time Target efficiently: With a range of titles at appeal To specific demographics Lifestyles and interests,

Introductory offer?

Register to demonstrate your commitment to manage and reduce the risk of environment pollution in your local communities and promote your business’s duty of care, social awareness programs and green initiatives. Register

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revolve magazine n.ireland edition Northern has more small business per 10,000 residents than any other region of the UK and should be recognised as a leader in innovations.


t is estimated over 80 million people scattered across the world have direct roots to Ireland as their ancestral motherland. Ireland is an energetic, culturally and ethnically diverse country with (over half the population under 30) an entirely optimistic outlook. Equally noteworthy, 21st century Ireland enjoys more immigration than emigration, thanks in large part to the boom of the Tiger economy in the 1990s, Revolve recognises the importance of the Irish culture and economy to the overall UK prosperity and our goal is not only to engage the 122,000 small businesses and their direct employees, but a large percentage of the Irish descendants across the global communities. The Secretary of state for Northern Ireland, mirrors Revolve strategic thinking in his Sustainable Strategic Overview for the region. Revolve offers a highquality monthly publication that truly represents small businesses across local communities. It strikes a balance between small businesses and socially aware consumers that want to influence the strategies of their service providers. The magazine is designed to appeal to diverse social groups and communities. It recognises the link between small business success and work life balance and stresses that small business play a significant role at grass root level and are suitably qualified ambassadors to reduce and manage the risks of environment pollution in the communities they perform economic activity. The magazine is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners, and also provides consumers with information about viable solutions to issues that impact their local communities. Revolve Magazine advocates a partnership approach to community development and stresses that the people who live and work in Northern Ireland communities are well qualified ambassadors to meet the challenge. Our approach recognises that some communities are marginalised and our solution is to feature a different community in every issue. Revolve magazine represents real value for money, is current and a true reflection of Irish culture. Our goal is to enhance the advertising impact of our small business advertisers and deliver a strong consumer experiences with magazines that consumers can refer to multiple times.



his the first ever Northern Ireland Sustainable Development Strategy, represents our first steps in establishing the focus for tackling the challenges ahead toward our long term objective of securing a better future for the present generation and protecting the future for generations to come. A healthy environment, a thriving economy, prosperity and quality of life are all inextricably linked, and the principles underpinning the strategy recognise the need to ensure that our decision making processes recognise that linkage. Respecting the limits of the planet’s environment, including its resources and biodiversity, is one of the key principles of the Strategy and we will work to encourage everyone – be they farmers, businessmen and women, voluntary groups or individuals - to live, work and enjoy their leisure time in an environmentally sustainable way”. Rt Hon Peter Hain MP. Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

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revolve magazine scottish edition Scotland has fired imagination, encouraged invention and inspired creation for generations the year of creative Scotland


recognition of 21st century Scotland’s and a celebration of 2012. The year of creative Scotland celebrating 2012 as the year of creative Scotland typifies the strategy of Revolve Magazine-Scotland. Our goal is to showcase the important contribution of Scottish business and recognise the talents of the people who live and work across grass root communities. Revolve strikes a balance between small businesses and socially aware consumers that want to influence the strategies of their service providers. The magazine is designed to appeal to diverse social groups and communities. It recognises the link between small business success and work life balance and advocates that small business success entails more important considerations other than industry and product offering. Our hopes are that the magazine be perceived as a valuable reference for entrepreneurs and small business owners and provide consumers with viable solutions to issues that impact their local communities. Experience Scotland's talents all year-round ranging from the success and challenges of small business (including activities that manage and reduce the risk of environmental pollution across grass root communities) to community projects that engaging marginalised groups and individuals. Vision, outlook and priorities of Scottish small business. The lessons that have been learnt from success stories and challenges. What is the showed how important it was that society encourages small business to constantly refresh and update their skills

The Scottish Government has introduced a programme of economic recovery to boost Scotland’s economy, focusing all our resources on: protecting households and businesses in the current economic difficulties; building on our existing economic successes; making sure that Scotland is well positioned to take full advantage of the economic recovery when it comes. The six points economic recovery programme is designed to form an integrated framework of action, addressing different aspects of the downturn by using all the levers available to the Scottish Government. Source: the Scottish executive

Some benefits of embracing Revolve Magazine: 1. And advertising Favourable Return on Investment Tool bar Ads/Sponsors 2. Offer advertisers premium space unavailable in printed products. 3. Use audio and video in ads. Allow advertisers to go beyond print and/or repurpose television and radio spots. 4. All of the special components in print are available online. 36 | WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM

Introductory Offer

75% off

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revolve magazine welsh edition Analysing the history of Wales, it's economic performance since devolution, and the outlook for 21st Century Wales “As First Minister of the Welsh Government, I have been given a mandate by the people of Wales to deliver on a renewed set of ambitions. Our manifesto set out the difference that we want to make to the lives of people in Wales: healthy people living productive lives in a more prosperous and innovative economy; safer and more cohesive communities, with lower levels of poverty and greater equality; a resilient environment with more sustainable use of our natural resources and a society with a vital sense of its own culture and heritage. We set out the key things that would make the difference to achieving these outcomes, and in particular our priority actions on Five for a Fairer Future. At the heart of this is a focus on people and our commitment to support the development of a fairer society in which every person is able to make the most of their abilities and contribute to the community in which they live. This is our Welsh account of sustainable development: an emphasis on social, economic and environmental well-being for people and communities, embodying our values of fairness and social justice. We must also look to the longer-term in the decisions that we make now, to the lives of our children’s children as well as current generations. All our policies and programmes will reflect this commitment to sustainability and fairness so that we make sustainable development our central organising principle�. Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM First Minister of Wales

The Welsh First Minister's aspirations is a reflection that the Revolve business strategy is relevant and directly focused on key drivers fundamental to Wales economic and social prosperity. Revolve's focus is to co-ordinated a project which is a representative of the industries, small businesses, and communities. A demonstration of how people live in Wales, their work life balance activities and the impact on the local and national environment. Revolve use the framework of the Standard IndustrialClassifications to analyse small business and their impact on Welsh Gross Domestic Product and the well being of the people who live and work in Wales. Direct focus is on the gender debate, social status and realising potential through skill training. An opportunity for consumers, business and government agencies to contribute to the management and reduction of environmental pollution across Wales. Register now at to join our conversation.


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To successfully launch a challenge Revolve is focused on: Many factors go into making up Revolve's comparative advantage: No business is an island. For success, the business will need to deal with customers, suppliers, employees, and others stakeholders. Within the 4m+ small business in the UK, there will be thousands offering similar products to same customers you are targeting. These other organizations are competitors and their objective is the same as yours. Success is no accident, it simply boils down to the business with the best strategy that ultimately, gains the territory and the customer loyalty. Revolve magazines is in effect a small business and grass root communities intelligence vehicle Revolve has something to offer your small business whether planning a new product or analysing how your industry will develop over the next 5 or 10 years. Or are you looking to expand, form new business partnerships plus develop a small business network. If you simply want to withstand adverse competitor actions, Revolve provides business intelligence that is current, relative and business's strategic plans. Equally socially aware consumer, author a blog or share your personal experiences with our readers. maximise your entrepreneurial skills and raise consumer awareness, by firstly targeting the one in every 10 households that own or work for a small business to engage and empower these business owners 2 Collaborate to drive domestic demand firstly at grass root level, then regionally and nationally 5

competitor analysis and business intelligence


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Revolve's goal is to be experienced and knowledgeable about the people who own and work for small businesses and their contribution to the Recycling Challenge. WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 41


Competitor analysis Revolve is focused on the way competitors measure themselves, their strategy to date, their major strengths and weaknesses and likely future strategy. In the first of these knowing the way competitors see themselves - much can be learned from public accounts, interviews and the trade press. Other ways are to have competitive personnel, take part in trade fairs, purchase the competitor’s product and take it apart, or indulge in “espionage”. In identifying the competitor’s strategy to date, it is not enough to believe what they say but to reconstruct their strategy. Evaluating resources is difficult. It is essential to look at their production, marketing, financial and management resources. On the basis of these first three, it is possible to guess the future.

Sources of competitive advantage Revolve’s competitive advantage is driven by innovation that culminates into: 1. New technologies: The technologic change resulting in e-publishing offers Revolve a sustainable vehicle to deliver a product that is feasible 2. New or changing customer’s needs: The need of small businesses have change, with emphasis on reducing the cost of production. The new breed of savvy small business and consumer also realise that innovation is driven by small business. Revolve is not incumbered by an old hybrid structure 3. Devolution has given birth to a new recognition of the well established brands and co-brands across the UK. The regrouping of the old tradition segments enable Revolve to recognise the new segments of clients, and opportunity to offer products that compliment this change Change in the costs of inputs: The barriers to entry caused by access to capital has now been removed, giving small business equal access to resources and opportunity. Most significantly, Revolve embraces the local regional and national governmental programs that urge small business to empower themselves in addition to recognising their impact and contribution to environment risk in the communities that they perform economic activities.

Competitive strategy Revolve's marketing. Coordination of activities across regions to gain leverage, of know how. Grasps opportunities for upstream advantage in the value chain. Generic approaches There are few perceived differences between magazine in print form and e-publishing products and their uses are widespread, then the lowest cost firms get the advantage.


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Positioning strategy Revolve pursues a hybrid of the three main positioning strategy: (1) market leading, (2)market challenging, (3) market following. Our goal is to strive for cost advantage, innovation, and proactive reactions to small business marketing and advertising needs. Our success is built on: 1. Economies of scale - low cost of production 2. Customer knowledge - shifting the product mix to meet changing demand 3. Technological innovation- service segments on a more personal level than the leader 4. The “copy adapt� strategy replicate successful product/ market strategy pioneered by another organisation and adapt it regional and grass root brands. 5. Out sourcing- Leverage our strengths and out source our weaknesses.

Strategic alliances Revolve intend to take advantage of the collaborative schemes regularly promoted by government and environment agencies. We view competition as constructive as it can absorb demand fluctuations, expand the market, increase motivation, and act responsively to the industry. There is, for example, room for all industries to share the responsibility of limiting and managing the risk of environment pollution emanating from economic activities across local communities.

Product life cycle We are mindful to monitor the product life cycle and is of the opinion that e-publishing is in its growth stage and a perfect opportunity for small and marginalised business and entrepreneurs to enjoy the same high profile marketing and advertising as their large counterparts.

Strategies for success Revolve has identified opportunities to use the parallel between social media, recycling, duty of care compliance and social awareness to empower and engage . The fact that one in every ten households has a resident that owns or work for a small business offers Revolve an opportunity to identifying growth segments within small business segments.



Who are your competitors targeting? Who are their

current customers? Overlooking.

unexpected outcomes are the hallmark of success Revolve Magazines intend to break the mould that sadly recognises mediocrity as acceptable and a social norm. We are teaching children how to ''fail well'' and statistics use by the key small business service providers advocate a 98% failure of new businesses, which translate into barriers to resources and opportunity. Failure as a word should be made obsolete to be replaced with unexpected outcome. "Failure is the hallmark of success. It can be the starting point of a new venture such as when you were a baby learning to walk; you had to fall down a lot to learn the new skill of walking." We all have abilities to be a success. Revolve's goal is to reassure small business and consumers that it is ok to get an undesired outcome, as this stimulates learning, that translate into the strengthening of the

Leveraging strengths supporting weaknesses


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Life style activities



Work life balance Revolve explores whether the work life balance is reserved for the well healed corporations, or is something that small business owners can attain?


evolve explores the correlations between, work life balance and work life and gauges the advantages and disadvantages for career,ambition taking precedence over health, pleasure, leisure, family and friends. Is work-life conflict gender-specific? What is its impact on day to day operations?

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evolve creates an environment where small business and socially aware consumers can maximise lifestyles choices while contributing to the management and reduction of environmental risk in the communities they live and work. A statistical analysis of the impact that social media revolution is have on work life balance practices across regions




Small business and the people who live and work in grass root communities are suitably qualified ambassadors and best positioned for managing and reducing the risk of environment pollution. Revolve view small business as suitably qualified ambassadors for managing and reducing the risk of environment pollution in grass root communities.

Revolve is leading by example (using imagination and dynamism) to develop ways to compensate consumers for the risk of environmental pollution caused by small businesses performing economic activity in their local communities. Revolve also provides a structured way for small businesses to promote their green initiatives and demonstrate their social awareness and duty of care compliance. Register at

Revolve recognise charities/good causes as being truly representative of social groups, lifestyles, cultures and ethnicity of grass root communities. This makes them suitable conduits to transfer benefits to residents and raise the level of awareness about the risk of environmental



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PDF/X-1a Revolve Magazine is produced in a 100% digital format and printed in high quality format to industry standards. Advertising material must be submitted in digital format. Advertising material should be submitted in PDF/X-1a format. Fonts format To ensure that all text appears correctly, outlined your fonts prior to sending the final file. The Minimum Artwork Resolution is 300 dpi (dots per inch) Convert your graphics to CMYK colors Your file should be saved in CMYK mode before submission. When we receive a design file in RGB mode, we automatically convert the files to CMYK mode for printing. Artwork format Whenever possible as opposed to flattened images for logos.Vector artwork retains perfect quality no matter how large or small when re sized in your artwork. Trim Marks/Bleed “Bleed” is the area that will be trimmed off after the job is printed and cut to the finished size. Furthermore, we require an additional 5mm buffer for “Safety” margin inside the edges of the artwork.

Magazine advertising Introductory Offer up to

65% off


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Revolve Magazine Adverts Dimensions (mm) Full page bleed 240x307mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£250 3 months-£750 6 months-£1500 12 Months-promotional offer 2 page spread bleed 480x614mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£500 3 months-£1500 6 months-£3000 12 Months-promotional offer Bleed add 5mm to all image sides, for safety add 5mm to all imagery All measurements are in millimetres 1 millimetre = 0.0393700787 inches 1 millimetre = 0.1 centimetres

Full page trim

Full page live

Full page bleed

Half page horizontal- top Size 238 x 151mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£185 3 months-£555 6 months-£1110 12 Months-promotional offer

Half page horizontal- bottom Size 238 x 151mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£185 3 months-£555 6 months-£1110 12 Months-promotional offer

Half page vertical (left & right) Size 118x307mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£185 3 months-£555 6 months-£1110 12 Months-promotional offer

1/8th page horizontal Size 118x76mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£99 3 months-£297 6 months-£594 12 Months-promotional offer

1/4 page vertical Size 118x151mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£150 3 months-£450 6 months-£900 12 Months-promotional offer

1/4 page vertical Size 118x76mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£150 3 months-£450 6 months-£900 12 Months-promotional offer

1/4 page horizontal Size 118x76mm inc. 5mm bleed Cost 1 month-£150 3 months-£450 6 months-£900 12 Months-promotional offer WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 51


Publication dates Revolve is a monthly publication that is current


Copy deadline date

Launch Edition Mar-Apr 2012 Apr-May 2012 May-Jun 2012 June-July 2012 July-Aug 2012 Aug-Sept 2012 Sept-Oct 2012 Oct-Nov 2012 Nov-Dec 2012 Dec-Jan 2013

n/a February 15th 2012 February 20th 2012 March 1st 2012 March 15th 2012 April 1st 2012 April 17th 2012 May 1st 2012 May 19th 2012 June 1st 2012 June 20th 2012 July 1st 2012 July 20th 2012 August 1st 2012 August 15th 2012 September 1st 2012 September 19th 2012 October 1st 2012 October 23rd 2012 November 1st 2012 December 20th 2012


Proof read cut off

Publication date n/a April 15th 2012 May 15th 2012 June 15th 2012 July 15th 2012 August 15th 2012 Sept 15th 2012 October 15th 2012 November 15th 2012 December 15th 2012 January 15th 2013

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Rate card-2012 Competitively priced marketing and aadvertising. We do not have the same overheads as large publishers and we pass cost savings on to our customers. %

Magazine advertising




Annual Offer Payment Saving price terms

Double page spread


480w x 614H



£1000 ☑ Arrears

One full page


210w x 297h


12 %


☑ Arrears

Half page


220w x 151h



☑ Arrears

Up to one ¼ page Inside cover Back cover Front cover 4 page section sponsor 10 page section

12 12 12 12 12 12

103w x 146h 210w x 297h 210w x 297h 210w x 297h 2 x double page spread 5 x double page spread

£1200 £5000 £5000 £10000 POA POA

£265 £565 £799 £1500 POA POA

☑ Arrears

☑ Arrears ☑ Arrears ☑ Arrears ☑ Arrears ☑ Arrears

*Special launch discount ends 31st march 2012 % Web site advertising Home page rotator Leader board Leader board-opt 1 leader board-opt 2 Right side column Side bar button 1 side bar Button 2 Side bar button 3 Sponsored link Link page/sponsor

Revolve media pack Story sponsor Revolve blog Story sponsor

Months 12

Dimensions 216 x 86px

* RRP £3000

Offer Saving price £365

Payment terms ☑ Arrears

12 12

728 x 90px 468 x 70px

£2100 £1380

£365 £365

☑ arrears ☑ Arrears

12 12 12

265 X 70px 265 x 140 px 265 x 280px

£780 £900 £1188 POA

£365 £365 £365

☑ Arrears ☑ Arrears ☑ Arrears


312 x 288px


☑ Arrears

Issues 12

Dimensions 312 x 288px

Offer price £500

Payment terms Arrears




312 x 288px


% Saving



Maximise your advertising Return on Investment with a hybrid campaign that promotes your message in our e-magazines and on our websites. Every full advertising package includes a saddle stitch hard copy for the duration of your campaign.. he advert banner is linked to your website that opens in a new browser window each time an internet user clicks on the banner. Benefits include: 1. Targeting your direct customers and focus your campaigns focused campaign with various options. 2. Demographic targeting - options that allow you to select the target audience for your banner Target your grass root customers demographically by average visitor age, interest, location and gender distribution. 3. Weekly reports - showing unique visitors, page views and location Your brand is display on 4x54 pages websites with a maximum of 10 impressions per advertising option. This guarantees high level exposure. Performance related, which means you do not pay until your campaign



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Advertise here Call 0203 402 2109





Revolving Rectangle – Home Page rotator Dimension 1 mnth

3 mnth 6 mnths

12 mnths

216 x 86





Revolving Rectangle – leader board Dimension 1 mnth 728 x 90 £175 486 x 70 £115

3 mnth 6 mths £525 £1050 £345 £690

12 mths £2100 £1380

Revolving Rectangle – right column 265 x 70 265 x 140 265 x 180

£65 £75 £99

£195 £225 £297

£390 £450 £594

£780 £900 £1188



Revolving Rectangle – Sponsored link 312 x 180






Marketing effectiveness that is measurable and a true representation of target audiences cross grass root communities. Revolve is a cost effective tool to serve their customers better. Revolve’s goal is to deliver effective marketing, respecting size, budget location and the inherent characteristics of small business structure. Advertisers are able to rely on good market information primarily sources from their direct audiences and engage the new breed of socially aware and savvy customers and most importantly, contribute to the urgent issue of reducing environment risk in the community that you live, work and visit.

Create Value by improving Marketing Return on Investment


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Revolve's objective is to develop sustainable end of life materials supply chains that are reliable, provide access to quality stocks from suppliers and transfer good legal title.


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RECYCLING Revolve recognises the challenges faced by small business that produce small amounts of scrap and therefore find the cost associated with most recycling programs a challenge. As a solution, Revolve goal is to create a performance related UK supply chain that offer small business a reliable recycling channel and an alternate revenue stream: Metallic -High-grade scraps such as; 1. Wires and cables, tubes and sheets etc 2. Red and yellow brasses and bronzes 3. Shredder fractions from shredders, granulators, shredding of electronic devices.. etc Low Grade Scraps such as; 1. electric motors, armatures, stators, ballasts, bimetals,

plated Fe, electronic devices 2. metallic run outs from ball milling installations etc Oxydic 1. Slags, drosses and ashes from metallurgical processes 2. Fines and oxides from filter installations 3. Catalysts from chemical processes 4. cake for cementation, sweepings etc etc
















Ostensible auth One of the biggest challenging the Scrap Metal industry is the high levels of theft and misrepresentation by suppliers that do not hold good title to the items they offer for sale. Our solution is to maintain a database of suppliers that are happy to use performance related pay as a demonstration of their legal entitlement to pass good title. Ideally, suppliers can deposits the goods at our designated bonded warehouses and ring fence funds for the payment of the goods being supplied in ESCROW payment facility (UK high street bank only) with payment subject to receipt and verification of good title to the product supplied. Team up with identify suppliers around the world that 60 | WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM

offer a wide variety of goods that translate to substantial contribution margins. I aim to find lower-priced supplies, giving you a competitive edge, or new supplies that allow you to sell a completely different product. Initially I source products for My optimum goal is to source products in my own right for resale. The buyers I introduce to suppliers are well established and financially sound. My strategy is to source suppliers that have the capabilities to streamline product offerings, are happy to embrace my legal framework and provide supply chain visibility via due diligence and compliance. .

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hority To establish a sustainable supplier selection process is designed to embrace a legal framework that eliminates circumvention, copyright infringement or conflict.



Most electronic gadget have a problem free life span of three to five years. After this, maintenance cost may be an issue that must be addressed. In addition to using our business exchange to discard excess and obsolete materials (an indirect recycling is the practice of recycling products or materials that consumers have used and discarded). A service where you end of life or obsolete technology can be exchanged or sold. Revolve has teamed up with suitable license electronic waste disposal businesses revolve to provide a dual benefit solution to end of life technology: A low cost replacement option an e-commerce solution that sources and supplies competitively priced replacements electronic gadget. While not a blueprint for business success, e-commerce gives marginalised business across the UK greater visibility to markets and opportunities. Revolve's proposition is an opportunity for small business and consumers to enjoy mainstream social and economic integration. 1. We promise to supply high quality, low price technological advance products. Unlike our competitors, we offer a scrappage scheme that makes recycling a painless process. 2. Our value proposition is rooted in the premise that customers are savvy and must be allowed to engage and influence our business strategy and customer service offering

E-commerce An indirect




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revolve membership Enjoy unlimited digital recognition in our magazines and on our web portal. We publish a leader board that clearly identifies the social programs and green initiatives rolled out across the country Revolve provides you with a great opportunity to demonstrate to your direct stakeholders your intent on reducing the risk of environmental pollution. Use the Revolve web portal intelligence to leverage and grow your business. What this means is that you be able to engage directly with your customers in a more meaningful way at community level. Membership includes the option to offer and mediate topics that are specific to your particular business, whilst targeting your audience. Become a member today to start benefiting. As a valued member, your Membership card enables you to enjoy special discounts from a variety of high profile businesses, in addition to our wine club, travel club, business and consumer product exchange facility at local, regional and national level. Membership cards utilise the latest technology, enhancing your experience by personal customisation. All benefits are easily accessed and enjoyed upon presenting your card.


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Reader Offer

In addition to discounts from an unlimited array of suppliers Free monthly prize draw

What’s in it for you?

Member benefits Revolve offers a world-class on-line community that sets standards for social media. As a member, you become part of the wider community that benefits from numerous Revolve promotions and special events. For businesses, we work on your behalf to promote your business at a local, regional and national level. For consumers, we provide an opportunity to engage service providers and participate in the activities important to, firstly, your local community and the wider community across the UK. Membership is free and offers many benefits. Join today and enjoy special discounts from a variety of high profile businesses, in addition to our wine club, travel club, business and consumer product exchange facility at local, regional and national level. Consumers Be a Source of relevant content about topics that are important to your local community. Revolve allows members freedom of communication without anyone influencing your views, providing content does not infringe the rules outlining responsible communication on the internet. Specific regional pages on the site provide useful local information, facilitating the sharing of information and co-operation across each sector. We always keep you informed via our information resources and knowledge base, most importantly by sharing knowledge and views.



Register for free at:p to revolve your world with direct action. Revolve explores the links between environmental and social values. We challenge small business and socially aware consumers as a bare minimum, to raise awareness about the risk of environmental pollution across grass root communities. Simply go to to register free and be part of this opportunity.

Revolve blog

Go to, register and we activate your account once you respond to the email confirmation, In recognition of your support, you automatically be entitled to our member benefits. Your personal journal , reflections and comments about subjects that are relevant to your small business and to you as a socially aware consumer. Our goal is to interact honestly with our customers in a meaningful way that translate into a value adding and learning experience, but also asynergies a stronger connection to the Revolve brand.

How to connect to revolve's products and services


1 2 3

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Website advertising Advertise on this site at exceptional value for money. Our goal is to engage the 4 million micro and small businesses with primary focus on enabling small business to

Magazine advertising Advertise on this site at exceptional value for money. Our goal is to engage the 4 million micro and small businesses with primary focus on enabling small business to interact

Revolve’s Blog Social media Advertise on this site at exceptional value for money. Our goal is to engage the 4 million micro and small businesses with primary focus on enabling small business to interact WWW.REVOLVE.UK.COM | 67


Contact Us Please send us your feedback or comments, so that we can improve our product and services. We’ll be able to get back to you quicker if we have your full contact details, so remember to include all of your personal information in your message. Please also indicate whether you would prefer us to reply by e-mail or phone. Contact us By post Alternatively, you can write to us at:

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