Editorial - The Universe of Revolve NTNU
Project Manager
The Formula for a Self Driving Car
Aerodynamics Package
�What Does Marketing Do?�
A Brief Introduction to Accumulator & Housing
A Day in the Life of a Revolver
HTS Maskinteknikk
Lars Gustavsen - Mapping Our Way to the Finish Line
Brage Vasseljen - Slowing Down While We Go Faster
What Separates Revolve NTNU from Other Extracurricular Activities at NTNU?
Fagforbundet + Students = Strength & Solidarity
From Technician to Student to Engineer
Man in Black
An Exceptional Testing Ground for Innovation
Torque Vectoring
From Human to Actuator
Anatomy of Revolve NTNU
Editor-in-Chief: Mia Berge
Graphic Design and Layout: Mia Berge
Cover: Drawing by Mats Ruste Holen
Marketing Manager: Aida Angell
Molstad Modell & Form
Race Car Sensors and Circuitry
A Day for Our Sponsors
Digitally Accelerating Additive Manufacturing
Revolve NTNU Makes Trondheim Stål Better
Back in My Day
Real Time Car Data in Your Web Browser
Speak Revolve
A Global Network Built on Local Relationships
Ensuring Reliable Data Transfer
PLM Technology
Production of the Monocoque
From Formula 1 to Revolve NTNU
Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk
The Road Ahead
70 72
Putting Ideas Into Practice på lys farget bakgrunn Revolve NTNU TeamLogo 2018
Logo på rød/mørk bakgrunn
Project Manager: Cornelia Reme-Ness
Printed by: 3
The Universe of Revolve NTNU Let me take you into the universe of Revolve NTNU, where students are real life engineers, coffee is a thirst quencher, and the days do not have enough hours. It has now been eight months since Revolve NTNU Team 2018 saw the light of day. The endless hours of designing systems with CAD, programming software, and contacting sponsors have finally paid off. Today, we can for the first time, present two new cars. Revolve NTNU greatly values continuous development, and every year we try to be better. We strive towards greater aerodynamic downforce, a lighter monocoque, and optimal software. The marketing group is no exception. With this first issue of Revolve Magazine in 2018, I hope to give you a new perspective of Revolve NTNU.
There is no Revolve without evolve
In earlier issues, the articles have mainly focused on the technical systems and the organization itself. This year, we have tried to personalize and humanize the magazine by changing up the content a little bit. I want you to get to know the students who make up the organization, how it is actually like to be a member of Revolve NTNU, and to give you insight to our little universe. If you are worried that there are too few technical articles, don’t be, there are several! But there is no Revolve without evolve, and that goes for this magazine as well. Last, but not least, I want to thank all the sponsors for making this project and magazine possible. A special thanks to all the sponsors who have taken the time to write an article for this magazine. I also want to thank my team members who have provided content. Without you, this magazine would only have been an idea. I hope you enjoy this magazine as much as I have enjoyed working on it. Mia Berge Editor-in-chief
ATMOS Text: Aida Angell, Marketing Manager
Choosing names for our cars has always been a source of discussion within the team. This year was no exception. The last three cars were named: Vilje, Gnist and Eld. These names have a natural order and tell a story, which is something we wanted to reinstate going forward. We asked ourselves many different questions; What name would naturally come after Eld? Would we like to continue with similar names? What represents us as an organization? What defines Team 2018? After several long discussions we decided to start a new category before picking a name. We also decided that the new car’s name has to tell a story, and be related to the names of the upcoming cars and the teams behind them. The cars we build are always an improvement of the preceding car, so it is appropriate for the names to be closely related. As the initiation of a Driverless project represents a new milestone for Revolve NTNU, we believe this year is a good starting point for a new category of names.
S The category we chose is weather, and the name of this year’s car reflects the place where it all begins. It is with great pleasure to introduce you to the newest member of our family - ATMOS. ATMOS is short for atmosphere. All weather phenomenons arise in the atmosphere. From there they build, and a massive diversity of weather form as some of the most powerful forces in nature; Rough weather can ruin cities, sunny days can fill up power supplies and rain can turn deserts green. Revolve NTNU shares several similarities with the category we have chosen. Just like the weather, Revolve NTNU is a powerful force. We work together to make a car that has maximum performance. Our members drive the organisation forward. By building on previous knowledge, we will continue to grow as an organisation, where dedication, innovation and ambition are key values. We will never stop advancing, and we will only get stronger, season by season.
Photo: NASA
Project Manager In March 2017, I got the opportunity of becoming the Project Manager of Revolve NTNU. At first, I was reluctant to apply for the position, but I am very glad that I decided to go for it! An inherent part of my job is to maintain a good relationship with the industry and NTNU. Last summer, the Marketing Manager, Aida Angell, and I presented Revolve NTNU at the world’s most ambitious science festival, STARMUS, as a part of our cooperation with NTNU. Later on, I attended Industri Futurum, a Norwegian conference arranged by Norsk Industri, focusing on the industry of the future, Industry 4.0. I was there with one of our previous graduate students, who presented his work at the conference. This February, Angell and I travelled to Oslo to present Revolve NTNU to the corporate management in Bertel O. Steen, one of our main sponsors, as well as meeting Kongsberg Gruppen, our other main sponsor, to discuss our cooperation. The people and the industries I get to meet at these events really showcase the opportunities that are out there. It is very exciting to represent Revolve NTNU to the outside world, but let us not forget what we spend most of our time doing; developing and building a race car from scratch. I do not work on a specific technical system, as most of our team members do, but I get to observe and follow the progression of the entire project. I have weekly meetings with the three Chief Engineers, where they update me on the work our engineering students do. I do not think people understand how valuable the Revolve NTNU experience is. I am proud to say that I have been a part of leading this team of 70 engaged and skilled students - an experience that has taught me a lot about engineering processes, economy, marketing, and project management. In many ways, Revolve NTNU functions as a medium size company. Together, we put theory into practice and push the technological limits, and I am sure I have been working with some of Norway’s best engineers to come.
Cornelia Reme-Ness, Project Manager Team 2018
The Formula for a Self Driving Car Text: Mathias G. Backsæther, Technical Leader Driverless You are given a task to build a Formula-type race car that can handle the track all by itself. Where do you even start? That was the most demanding question for me as the Chief Driverless Engineer when we started this project one year ago. Luckily, we had a great foundation: our race car Eld from the 2017 season and three very capable groups: Perception, Guidance & Control, and Vehicle. The classical way of explaining robotics is with the help of anthropomorphization: attributing human abilities to the different systems. By doing so, we immediately recognize that the car must be able to perceive its surroundings, as we do with ours. We use our eyes for vision, ears for sound, vestibular system for balance, and so on. From there on, we need to make sense of all the impressions and organize it so that we can use the information we have gathered. The next step is more of a mental one; First to understand the situation and then plan forward. After that, it’s time to execute the plan, something we often do without even thinking about it, all the while correcting errors and readjusting the plan. When you think about it, driving is a very complex task, but for most of us, it becomes second nature after a couple of years of training. It is more or less exactly the same for an autonomous system, and we have even organized our three groups based on this interpretation; First, the perceiving part (Perception), then the planning part (Guidance & Control), and lastly the acting part itself (Vehicle). At the perception stage, we use both a Velodyne LiDAR and cameras from FLIR to observe the environment. To make sense of the raw data, we use Convolutional Neural Networks and estimation techniques to find objects of interest. In our case, the objects of interest are the cones that indicate the left and right side of the track. From there on, we use a SLAM method called isam2 to both locate the cones and
our own position simultaneously. When we have a map with our own and the cones’ positions, we must make an educated guess of which cones are to the left and right, and then plan a path through the cones. For this, we plan to use a decision tree to locate the track, and with that the path. After that, we use a lookahead-controller to adjust the steering parameters. When we have mapped the whole track, we can use Model Predictive Control to drive as fast as possible, always planning for the next corner. All of this happens on our Nvidia Drive PX2, a driving computer that is used by both Tesla and Roborace. At this stage, the autonomous system has calculated a given torque for each wheel and a steering position, but how does that make the car move? This is where the Vehicle group comes in. The Drive PX2 is connected to the rest of the car via CAN, and can in that way communicate with our Autonomous Control Unit (ACU). The inverters receive the CAN-messages, which in turn energize the motors, and the ACU controls the steering system so that the car can turn its wheels. The ACU is an in-house developed Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that together with more than 60 other PCBs, run safety checks and controls the Emergency Brake System (EBS). On the driverless team, we have a total of 20 members spread across the three groups, with good cooperation and communication probably being the two most important factors for success. So far, the challenges have been massive, but the rewards will be larger still if we manage to get this going (literally). Eld will potentially become the very first fully autonomous race car in Scandinavia, representing a huge step for Revolve NTNU, and for the development of autonomous vehicle systems in Norway in general.
Aerodynamics Package Text: Magnus Bjølseth, Aerodynamics Team Leader If you have seen some of our older cars, I bet you have wondered why the aerodynamic package is so big! The reason is that the tracks we race on are designed to have a lot of sharp turns, which require a relatively slow pace, at least compared to what you see in Formula 1. Low speed means that the air hits the car at a lower rate, which gives less downforce on a given wing. To compensate for the reduced downforce, we use larger wings. It might look strange with such large wings on a small car, but a well designed aerodynamic package will decrease the lap time significantly, because it gives the car the ability to reach higher speeds through the corners, without losing grip.
The Design Period
During the fall semester, our group spend a lot of time in front of the computer, designing the aerodynamics of this year’s car. The design process is like a closed loop. The first step is to come up with a design. Then you simulate your design and post-analyse it to see how it performs, and where you can make potential improvements. After that, you must make design changes in CAD before a new round of simulation begins. Because the loop is closed, there is basically no limit on how many times you can iterate to find a better design. However, in reality this would be impossible because we only have a limited amount of time. Therefore, the design-period is like a race against the clock because we want to do as many iterations as possible in order to make the best possible aerodynamic package!
The Simulation
As mentioned, we use simulations to evaluate the performance of the aerodynamic package. Ideally we would test our car in a full scale wind tunnel to get an accurate number on how well the aerodynamics perform. However, due to high costs, testing in a full scale wind tunnel is not possible, at least this year. Another way to test the performance is to simulate airflow through computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The simulations are carried out in a software called Star CCM+, provided by Siemens. Here, a domain similar to a wind tunnel is divided into several different sized cells through a process called meshing. In our case, the number of cells is about 25 million, and the software iterates on different cellvalues to satisfy the significant differential equations as accurately as possible. As you probably can imagine, this process requires a lot of computational power, which is
why we run our simulations on NTNU’s supercomputer, Vilje. Once a simulation is completed, we can analyse the effect of the air moving around the car, and look at different vector, pressure and velocity plots. This gives us valuable information on where we might want to make changes in the design to guide the air around the car in a more beneficial way.
The Production Period
During the spring semester the production period begins. Every aerodynamic element is made in our workshop at Valgrinda. Depending on size and reusability, we use moulds made out of MDF or aluminium. To get a good surface finish on our products, it is crucial that the surface finish on the moulds are correspondingly smooth. For the MDF moulds, this requires some preparation. The moulds are milled by our team with some help from Sintef Ocean, Molstad and MTP, Valgrinda. After the moulds have been milled, they go through three steps before they are ready to be used. These steps include seal, coat and clear coat. The seal ensures that the woodwork does not absorb any moisture during the process. The coating provides a hard and even surface, and the clear coat gives us a smooth surface finish. The aim is to have moulds that are as shiny as a brand-new car! Of course, some sanding between each process and a round of polishing after the last step is required in order to get the desired finish. Once a mould is ready, we apply plies of carbon fiber reinforced polymer and core material, before the part is cured in the oven for a solid 12 hours. Depending on the geometry of the part, we use an open or closed mould. The benefit with a closed mould is that the surface finish is smooth on all sides of the part, and is suitable for simple geometries. With an open mould, only the side facing the mould becomes smooth, but it suits more complex geometries. On our car, we have used both techniques, because we have a wide variety of how geometrically complex our parts are. The best thing about the production period is when we demould a part and it turns out to be just as it was imagined when designed in our CAD software.
“What Does Marketing Do?” Text: Nadia Chaudry, Event Manager
Our stand during the Enova Conference in Trondheim earlier this year.
Photo: Geir Anders Rybakken Ørslien.
“What does marketing do?” is a question several Revolve NTNU members had at the beginning of this year’s project. In a highly technical organisation such as Revolve NTNU, we do stand out slightly. Being part of the marketing group does have its advantages though. We get to express our creativity to a greater extent and get to collaborate with all the different groups that make up the team. So what do we do? Well, put shortly, we are responsible for securing funding for the project, planning events, and forming Revolve NTNU’s image.
tours we offer of our workshop, in addition to organizing our attendance at different exhibitions and fairs. Events are perfect opportunities to reach out and share our enthusiasm for what we do, with both younger and older generations, in Trondheim and other larger cities in Norway. During the course of the last few months, we have participated in fairs such as Forskningstorget, Researchers Night, Industri Futurum, the Enova Conference, and Oslo Motor Show. We have also held presentations for several secondary school classes.
Without funding and the partnerships we have with the industry, it wouldn’t be possible to design and build our cars. Maintaining and establishing new partnerships are challenging and time consuming, but crucial, tasks that lead to a sense of achievement if done well. We also learn a great deal about networking and get to brush up on our negotiation skills.
Marketing is also responsible for forming the image Revolve NTNU has externally. These task involves working in several creative mediums such as graphic design, photography and film directing, often simultaneously. Important platforms are Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. This year we have, for instance, started a new series on Youtube named “Tech Corner”. The idea is to showcase some of our technical solutions and provide some insight into how we work. Check out our Youtube channel to watch all the episodes!
Planning events entails planning our annual career day, RevolveDagen, the unveiling of the cars, and the guided 14
A Brief Introduction to Accumulator & Housing Text: Odin Aleksander Severinsen, Accumulator & Housing Team Leader The Accumulator & Housing group is responsible for designing and building the entire high voltage battery package that energises the motors as well as the wire harness of the vehicle. The group is new for Team 2018 after recognising that the responsibility of the battery was split between the different groups of Revolve NTNU, in spite of it being such a critical system on the car. The group facilitates the communication between the most relevant parties that work with the accumulator: Battery Casing, Accumulator and Wire Harness. This makes Accumulator & Housing a diverse group where many disciplines of engineering are present.
Battery Casing
The Battery Casing is the group’s mechanical contribution, this position is responsible for designing and producing the casing that contains the battery cells and all the associated electronics. This is a complicated and challenging task as the design space is very limited, with many components to be fitted securely inside. We make the casing out of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and aluminium honeycomb, which means the structure has to be approved as a part of what the Formula Student rules refer to as ”Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet”, or SES for short. Therefore, we have to conduct tests on panels with the same layup as the actual casing to ensure that the design is at least equally strong and stiff as the baseline design described in the competition rules.
The accumulator can be considered the battery casing’s electrical counterpart and the accumulator responsible has to choose the battery cells that will power the vehicle, designing the circuit boards called ”High Current Printed Circuit Board” or ”HCPCB” for short, that functions as the interface between the cells and the electronics that monitor them and assembling the components into what is called ”modules”, which connected in series become the battery.
Wire Harness
Wire Harness responsible, designs the layout of the entire network of wires and cables in the vehicle and chooses the connectors that attach the cable to the component it interacts with. This requires a good overview of all the electrical components in the vehicle to understand the electrical and mechanical requirements as the cables must be fitted in an optimal way in the monocoque. The wire harness design must take into consideration the reduction of susceptibility to electromagnetic interference, placement of circuit boards to reduce length of wires, and the limited space available due to the monocoque being rather sparse in space.
A provisional CAD rendering of the tractive system. The tractive system is defined as the high current path from the accumulator, via the inverters, then out to each of the four motors. 15
A Day in the Life of a Revolver Text: Marcus Engebretsen, ROS-Architect and Processing Responsible
Our ROS-architect and processing responsible, Marcus Engebretsen, was was kind enough to let us follow him around with a camera for one day. Get a feeling of what a normal day is like for one of our members.
GYM I am kind of a morning person, so I enjoy waking up early and train before going to the office or to school. It is a nice way to start the day in order to get some balance and to get ready for the travelling in Europe this summer ;)
OFFICE I am lucky to be able to work with something I am really enthusiastic about in Revolve NTNU. There is a lot of free space for me to dive into topics that both help Revolve NTNU develop a good autonomous car, and help me satisfy my urge to learn more about the vast field called Cybernetics. I get the opportunity to work with the the powerful computer Drive PX2, to design advanced state estimation algorithms using commercial simulation tools and to learn about the not so trivial dynamics of a race car! Cooolio! Along with the satisfaction of a challenging technical environment, I enjoy the cooperation between different parts of the team. If you ask someone for help, they are always willing to take the time to help you. I love it!
MATTELAND During the week I also make some appearances at school. There I have a reading spot at the not so famous place at Stripa called Matteland. This is a kind of geeky place where all the people studying math at NTNU Gløshaugen is gathered, but I like it. I have some good friends there, so it is a fun place for me to hang out (and maybe work with school).
& Revolve NTNU
Text and photo: HTS maskinteknikk HTS maskinteknikk are proud to be a part of the supplier base of the Revolve NTNU project for the third year. The first year, we manufactured a number of parts for the suspension in our lathes, the second year we really stepped up to perform the fine-machining on the uprights that had been 3D-printed by Tronrud Engineering. Now, for the third year, we will continue to machine the uprights and have also taken on machining precision parts for the gearboxes, which in sum will make us a Platinum sponsor. Briefly about HTS maskinteknikk, we combine cutting-edge technology, capacity and human capital, to deliver flawless quality products with an impressive time-to-market speed. HTS maskinteknikk is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of high quality mechanical precision components to the subsea-, aerospace- and defense industry. We are specialized in critical machining and welding of advanced materials and offer a range of professional production technology advisory services. Located in Drammen, Norway, and with a production facility over 6000 square meters, we are featuring more than 50 CNC operated machines and provide the latest within production technological solutions. Having recently launched our “HTS 4.0 – changing the game” initiative, we are determined to maintain a leading role and being in the forefront of the development in the machining and production market. Taking on the task of machining on the uprights is of course an important investment for us in man- and machine hours, both for programming and milling, but rather more important is the investment for us in learning about machining 3D printed parts and getting to know these processes. Knowing the importance this will have in the years to come, we see the participation in this project as a great opportunity. We wish all the best of luck to the 2018 Revolve NTNU team in finalising this year’s race car, and for their participation in the upcoming events during this summer!
Mapping Our Way to the Finish Line DEEP DIVE Name: Lars Gustavsen Age: 27 From: Stavanger Field of study: Cybernetics and Robotics Major: Embedded systems Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay?: Plz, no Earlier Revolve experience: ECU Software for Team 2017 My name is Lars Gustavsen, and I’m currently writing my master thesis about localization and mapping for the driverless team at Revolve NTNU. Despite my embedded background not being that relevant to a robotics thesis, I thought the driverless project sounded really exciting, and I wanted to challenge myself to explore a new field. In robotics the challenge of making the robot aware of its environment is a central problem. If we want to plan ahead what kind of controls we should apply to the car to complete the race as fast as possible, we can’t do it blindly. For some robotics applications you might know the area where the robot is operating ahead of time. This is the case at the skidpad event at Formula Student, since the cone placement is detailed in the competition rules. Here we can use this information as a map to localize the car within the track and plan our route. In the trackdrive event, the exact track layout is not known, beyond some general rules setting constraints for how a potential track can be. Now we need to generate the map of the track at the same time as we perform localization. This is known as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). The challenge arises from the fact that we have to perform the localization and the mapping at the same time. Since we don’t know either of them ahead of time, it becomes a chicken-and-egg problem.
Luckily for us, the SLAM problem has been a topic of robotics research for quite some time, and there are a number of different approaches available for solving it. For each application one needs to tailor the approach to the available resources and domain specific challenges. For us at Revolve NTNU, some of the key challenges are the high speed we wish to attain, as well as the fact that the only guaranteed features available in the environment are the cones delimiting the track. On the other hand, there are some good news as well. We do not require a full 3D model of the environment, only knowledge of where the racetrack is located. We also have tools such as GPS available, which makes the localization much easier. Despite this, we aim to have a solution that could work independently of GPS, which enables us to test our systems in areas with no GPS available. Several steps make up a SLAM system. Typically we can divide it into two main parts; the frontend and the backend. The frontend is responsible for making sense of collected sensor information, while the backend uses optimization to provide an accurate estimate of the location. Because all sensor measurements have an inherent uncertainty, a common way to approach the problem is by using statistical methods. At the top of the page you can see the SLAM problem formalised as a mathematical formula, albeit in a more graphical form. The goal is to calculate the probability distributions for the vehicle position and cone positions, provided that we have measurements and knowledge of the previous states of the vehicle.
The mathematical formula behind SLAM in a more graphical representation.
Based on camera and lidar, we use machine learning to classify and measure the distances to cones as seen from the vehicle. Together with an initial estimate of the vehicle’s position we can generate an estimate of the cones’ position in the global map. Subsequent observations of cones, will then be tested for association with this initial position. If an observation is associated, this makes us more sure of the position. Over time, the map will converge to an accurate map of the track. So how does this help us to localize? In our graph, we also have nodes that represent vehicle positions. These nodes are linked together with a measurement of how far we have moved between them, known as odometry. This could be rotary encoders on the wheels, measured velocity and steering angle or as we currently use, visual odometry calculated based on camera images. By combining these constraints between subsequent poses, and the landmark positions, we can fuse the information to provide a more accurate estimate of both.
In our backend this optimisation is done by an algorithm called Incremental Smoothing and Mapping (iSAM2). iSAM2 uses what is known as a factor graph and a data structure called a Bayes tree, to organise the measurements and estimates, and finally calculate an optimal solution to the SLAM problem. For us this approach is powerful because it is able to incrementally calculate a real-time solution, and because of its great modularity. If we have a new sensor, we can simply add a new type of factor in our graph. Once the backend is done optimising, we publish a list of all the cones observed so far, as well as a correction to the odometry. With this information, the guidance and control group are now ready to plan their route, and guide us to victory.
A typical map generated by our SLAM algorithm.
Slowing Down While We Go Faster DEEP DIVE Name: Brage Vasseljen Age: 24 From: Trondheim Field of study: Mechanical Engineering Major: Product Development and Materials Engineering Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay?: Pineapple on everything Earlier Revolve experience: None, unfortunately My name is Brage Vasseljen, and I am in my last year of studies within mechanical engineering. I am currently writing my Master’s Thesis about the design of the brake system of this year’s race car. More specifically, we are developing our own brake calipers through topology optimisation. The brake system includes all components made for converting the car’s kinetic energy to either recharge our batteries or to heat, and allow the driver to control acceleration and deceleration of the car. So, let us start at the beginning - with the pedals that allow the drivers to interact with the car. This year’s car features a fully adjustable pedal box, with possibilities of both regenerative braking through our motors and mechanical braking through the brake calipers and -discs. The regenerative braking allows us to recharge our batteries while we drive, pushing the limits in longer runs. Although we utilise regenerative braking, we need a mechanical brake system for braking while our batteries are fully charged and as a backup. With that in mind, let us continue through the mechanical brake system. The pedals are connected to a brake caliper in each wheel through brake lines. In order to generate friction and convert kinetic energy to heat, the brake pads are actuated towards the brake disc by the brake caliper and its pistons.
Now, with some basic insight about the brake system, let us take a step back and look at the bigger picture. During braking, the car and its components experiences loads due to shifts in weight distribution and tire behaviour, thus the brake system induces different load cases for different components. That is only one of several considerations that had to be done throughout the design process of our new brake system. So, how do we design a perfect brake system for our new car? Well, in Revolve NTNU, we are all about going faster. We strive to minimise weight whilst maintaining a sufficient stiffness for each component’s specific load cases. The process holds true for the brake system as well, where the starting point is how much torque is needed in order to stop the car in a safe matter, how we avoid overheating our brake discs, and how we push the weight further down. There is a well-known saying about going fast – slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. For Formula Student teams, I believe that safe is smooth and smooth is fast, where the safety should come from well designed, documented and reliable systems. With a fascination for both topology optimization and product development within fast-paced environments, being given the opportunity to write my Master’s Thesis on behalf of Revolve NTNU was perfect. The year has been full of new experiences, and I am looking forward to slowing down the car while we go faster this season.
What Separates Revolve NTNU from Other Extracurricular Activities at NTNU? Text: Mons Erling Mathiesen, Administrative Manager Revolve NTNU is one of the most educative extracurricular activities a student at NTNU can partake in, but also one of the most demanding. Every year, our members, most with no prior experience in the race car field, learn how a Formula Student car functions and how to build one. Regardless of what position a member has, Revolve NTNU requires your best efforts. An aspect of the project that really motivates us is the cutting-edge technology. There are very few student projects with the same amount of resources that Revolve NTNU has. Our driverless car uses the same processing unit as a Tesla, we laser sinter our titanium uprights, and our carbon fibre monocoque is produced in one of Norway’s leading workshops in Kongsberg. In other words, our members get hands on experience with technology that no other students have. Combining that experience with the amount of teamwork needed, our members are more than ready to step into the industry. There are very few organisations in the world who build a race car like ours in less than a year, and the one that do,
usually consist of many hundred paid workers. The fact that 70 NTNU students are capable of producing a result at this level is only possible through dedication. As members of Revolve NTNU, we often get asked why we spend so much time working on this project; The answer is that we love what we do. Revolve NTNU is not perceived as work. Each member is given a large responsibility by having their own system or part on the car. With this responsibility, each student probably learns more at Revolve NTNU than at school. In addition, there is the team spirit. Knowing that the whole team is dependent on your work is a lot of pressure, but it can also be a great source of motivation. A final aspect that separates Revolve NTNU from most other student activities is the competitions. Revolve NTNU travels to some of the greatest racing tracks in Europe, such as Hockenheimring and Circiut de Barcelona, to compete against other universities. The Formula Student competitions allow us to making acquaintances of people from all over the world, and have an amazing time competing, celebrating, and learning from each other.
As an engineer, in the future you might be the key contributor in designing a driverless car. But would you go to your own job without someone in the driver’s seat? As you might have noticed, when developing a new car, everyone on the building team is important. And so it is in working life: Building a good workplace, fair pay and a healthy working environment is a matter of teamwork. If you are alone, it just won’t do. But as a team, you can achieve great things. It’s all about teamwork. The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) has been designing working life for over 100 years. We are the largest and most influential workers’ organisation in Norway. What we
do is teamwork: We want to have the best working life in the world. And we never give up. Our demands are simple: a healthy working environment, a good work place, and fair pay. Just like when designing a winning car, you will need to have a winning team to get the best working life in the world. Do you want to be a part of our team? If so, join us as a member today:
Fagforbundet + Students = Strength & Solidarity Text: Fagforbundet
Fagforbundet is the Norwegian labour organization’s (LO) largest union, with more than 360.000 members. In 2018, we opened a student office at NTNU to expose ourselves as a natural alternative for students. Why, you might ask? Well, Fagforbundet sees society as a whole. We know how all the professions we organise are the reason why Norway works the way it does, every day and every night. Students are an important part of the puzzle - during their studies, when they work part-time, and when they start working full-time. Fagforbundet and Revolve NTNU are a good match because both believe academic cooperation and the importance of mutual complementary areas of expertise are important. We want tomorrow’s workers to create a better and more sustainable world. However, this development is also dependent on comprehensive social planning and interaction between different professional disciplines. Social security and contingency, water and infrastructure, resource recycling and environmental and climate issues – they are all linked together. Emission reduction and energy conservation are areas where looking at these issues in a social context is evident. The waste sector and recycling measures provide renewable energy sources for public transport. Utilizing biomass gas from composting plants can provide the transport sector with climate-neutral fuels. Seeing the individual areas in a broader context is decisive.
Solidarity Ensures Welfare
Fagforbundet and the other unions within the LO, are important social actors who use their power to influence society’s development, not just for their own members but for the entire population. The Norwegian model is essential to how the welfare state ensures care, health, welfare and education to all. Essential to the Norwegian model, is the well-organized working life, with strong unions representing the wide range of employees. The tripartite partnership takes social responsibility, ensuring cooperation and less conflict. Such a well-regulated workforce with high productivity and adaptability in business gives high occupational participation and low unemployment. Why is it so important to be organised? Fagforbundet believes a comprehensive education policy and a solidarity wage policy are intertwined, and contribute to a sustainable workforce. Unfortunately, there are many examples of how trust in society erodes when the weakest groups lose their rights, or the people most well off pull the ladder up - leaving people behind. Society consists of complex relationships, and to make a change for the better, equal rights are a necessity. Fagforbundet has chosen to collaborate with Revolve NTNU, because the educational diversity we take for granted in Norway today has not arisen in any vacuum, or by itself.
Fagforbundet has chosen to collaborate with Revolve NTNU, because the educational diversity we take for granted in Norway today has not arisen in any vacuum, or by itself.
Photo: Helge Rønning Birkelund
Aida Angell, Shobiha Premkumar and Mia Berge at the annual national convention for Fagforbundet last autumn.
LO has always worked to strengthen education and competence, and was at the forefront when LĂĽnekassen was established in 1947. LO realized that in order to build the country after WW2, Norway needed more than raw muscle power. There was also a need for theoretical knowledge and academic muscles if the country were to meet a new era. The goal was to eliminate inequality, making higher education an option for everyone, regardless of her or his economic and social background. Today, with nearly 240.000 students in Norway, we have never been closer to the goal of equal education. Still, the fight is not over, it needs maintenance to persevere.
Therefore, Fagforbundet will stay on our toes. Society never stops evolving. Reforms do not last forever. The egalitarian mindset may be set back and new challenges can create a need for new reforms. That is why Fagforbundet wants to collaborate with Revolve NTNU and the workers of tomorrow - to maintain a good, sustainable and organized work life.
From Technician to Student to Engineer Text: Thomas Overen, Wire Harness In 2005, I received my certification as a telecommunications technician and worked as a fiber optics technician for one of the biggest companies in Norway. I did so until 2011, but I wasn’t quite content, so I decided to take a leave of absence to figure out what motivates me. Today, I am studying to become an electrical engineer, and I am also responsible for the wire harness in this year’s Revolve NTNU build. Working as a technician and making a wire harness might sound like similar tasks, but I have learned that they could not be more different. Let me briefly explain how the typical process of getting involved with Revolve NTNU is like. For most technical positions, you apply at the beginning of the fall semester, in August. Successful candidates are accepted in early September, followed by a boot camp. Leading up to the concept review, there are a few hectic weeks of getting to know your area of responsibility, before moulding that concept into an actual design, before the design review in late November. All the while reading up on, and becoming acquainted with, the rules for the Formula Student competition, because they govern many of the design choices one can make, focusing heavily on safety. Once the new year comes around, it is time to prepare for the competition qualification quizzes, and send 3D design drawings and circuit board layouts off to production. You then move on to produce all sorts of documentation concerning your system that have to be submitted to the competition officials for approval. By mid-March you should ideally be done with this, because by then the carbon fibre monocoque has returned from Kongsberg, and the assembly begins. In the assembly phase, my experience really started to become valuable. I have previously worked with various sorts of cables, and I feel comfortable handling them. Where the Revolve-experience differs so greatly from previous experience, is everything up till then. The engineer’s approach is far different from the technician’s way of considering an assignment. As a technician, you
do some preliminary preparations before heading to the worksite, then assess the situation visually, and plan or improvise from there. As an engineer, the process is the opposite. You are not accessing an already existing system, but creating it. This means research, calculations, drawings, schematics and 3D modelling. You have to trust that the design and calculations hold up in the real world, after manufacturing it yourself or having sent the plans to one of our competent sponsors. This realisation makes me certain that any soon-to-be engineer can benefit greatly by being part of Revolve NTNU. It may be obvious to some, but after experiencing the difference between my practical approach and what was needed for this project, I can confirm that it does not matter what sort of background you have when joining Revolve NTNU. This project will take your experience, assess it, then crack its knuckles and show you what it really takes to work on an engineering project. Revolve NTNU’s slogan is “From theory to practice”. For anyone joining the project, be it fresh out of high school, after a couple years of engineering studies, or after years of work, it will provide invaluable experience on how to get into the mindset of an engineer. Watching a system evolve from its initial idea, to design, revisions, and in the end to a functioning part on the car, makes you aware of so many aspects that you would otherwise only gain awareness of after graduation in a professional capacity. Most of the time, I feel like I am in control of my system, but I have also had the feeling of having no control. I might have made mistakes, but I have learnt to push through and keep trying and failing until I get it right. I have gathered knowledge and experience that I would not want to be without. The words of the wise Yoda, “you must unlearn what you have learned”, hold true for me. Now, however, it is a matter of combining my experience in different fields when moving forward. Revolve NTNU made me realise what it takes to be an engineer, and that it does not matter where you start. You will learn. You will grow.
MAN IN BLACK Text and model: Herbert Wikheim, Drivers’ Team Leader
Made from flame retardant fabric and improves overall safety as well as comfort for the driver. The fabric is stretchable and breathing.
The race suit is the main apparel of the race driver. The suit provides essential freedom of movement, but has a snug fit which is important for safety reasons. The suit’s number one objective is to protect the driver from fire hazards but should also be wind resistant to keep the driver warm.
Arm Restraints Prevent the arms from extending outside of the car’s chassis. They are adjustable to provide freedom of movement, and are covered in fire-retardant material.
Gloves The glove’s quality is both important for driving the car and for providing protection from fire. A well-designed glove not only fits well but also improves your grip on the steering wheel.
Shoes The right shoes allow the driver to have a good grip and feel the pedals. They have a stiff and flat surface to ensure good contact to the pedals and are flame resistant.
Helmet Motor racing has long been known to be an exceptionally risky sport. Sudden deceleration forces on the head can easily occur if a racing car loses control at high speeds. The helmet protects the driver from sudden impact and wind.
Semcon Devotek
Text and photo: Semcon Devotek
“An airport is like a miniature society with clear and ambitious targets for the business. If we can get self-driving vehicles to operate there we can apply the technology to any field whatsoever” Semcon is an international technology company that develops products based on human needs and behaviours. We strengthen our customers’ competitiveness by always starting from the end user, because the person who knows most about the user’s needs creates the best products and the clearest benefits to humans. Semcon collaborates mainly with companies in the automotive, industry, energy and life science sectors. With more than 2000 specialised employees, Semcon has the ability to take care of the entire product development cycle, from strategy and technology development to design and product information. Semcon was founded in Sweden in 1980 and has offices in over 30 locations in eight different countries. In 2017, the Group reported annual sales of 1.8 billion SEK. Read more about us on Semcon Devotek has been an proud sponsor of Revolve NTNU since 2012.
Autonomous Snowplows Helping You Arrive On Time
Semcon Devotek, together with Øveraasen, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Norwegian airport operator, Avinor, to develop a self-driving snow removal vehicle. The solution will provide both improved accessibility and efficiency. A full-scale pilot will be test run in March 2018. The project is the first in the world where large vehicles are adapted to autonomously handle the important task of keeping runways clear from snow. Øveraasen is contributing its deep technical knowledge, and Semcon Devotek in Norway provides its expertise in complex real-time systems and autonomous technology. “Every minute a plane is parked is precious. We see great potential for gains in accessibility, but also for the environment and safety because the machine is selfdriven,” says Hans Peter Havdal, general manager for Semcon Devotek. Having previously worked with prototypes to a 1:14 scale, Yeti Snow Technology will now develop a full-scale selfdriving snow removal vehicle that is up to 20 metres long and 8.5 metres wide. A unique element is that the solution will operate in the most difficult conditions imaginable for autonomous vehicles: heavy snowfall and poor visibility. “An airport is like a miniature society with clear and
Vehicle vs. the real thing. ambitious targets for the business. If we can get self-driving vehicles to operate there we can apply the technology to any field whatsoever”, says Hans Peter Havdal. A first demonstration of the technology will take place in March 2018, at Fagernes Airport Leirin, Norway. If the project proves successful, the possibility of implementing the solution at all of Avinor’s 45 airports is there. This project started as a student project back in 2013.
An Exceptional Testing Ground for Text: Hanne Sjøvold Hansen, Radionor Cooperating with Revolve NTNU on this unique project enables the possibility of testing Radionor Communication’s technology as a telemetry link in an extremely challenging application. The results from this gives us valuable feedback and knowledge about innovative usage of our communication technology. Our wireless datalinks send sensor and localisation data directly from the race car, back to the team. With long-range and high capacity data transmission, Radionor’s products enable the Revolve NTNU team to make reliable decisions based on the current situation, both for optimisation during building and testing, and for real-time information exchange during racing. Revolve NTNU is an ambitious and forward-thinking project that generates enthusiasm for learning among students. This year, due to the new driverless vehicle, two sets of Radionor’s datalinks are used by the Revolve NTNU team. Committing to an exciting new field of transportation technology, the Revolve NTNU team proves that they have an innovative approach to the future. Working on real engineering tasks, the students must make use of the entire knowledge base from their studies. Based on a multidisciplinary approach, students are exposed to a range of academic disciplines in their work to complete this mission. This creates engineers that are better equipped to collaborate, innovate, and make decisions. Consequently, Radionor Communications is a proud platina sponsor of Revolve NTNU. It’s the second time Radionor Communications has supported Revolve NTNU, and we have already gained a lot of good results with the Revolve NTNU team. With professionalism and ambitiousness, the Revolve NTNU team has contributed to a solid collaboration for knowledge exchange both ways. This ensures valuable learning and development for both parties when pushing the technological limits. Radionor holds this collaboration in high regard and looks forward to following this year’s competitions.
A Supplier of Novel Communication Technology The communication technology sector is constantly evolving. Enabling to send and receive ever-more data increases the situational awareness. Thus allowing decisions to be made on a broader contextual ground, ensuring safety and reliability of critical operations. Radionor Communications AS was founded in Trondheim in 2000. The company has since been a supplier of high performance tactical broadband data links based on phased
r Innovation Photo: NORUT, Tromsø
array antennas. We offer a unique technology, based on a full-range, mobile communication network. The products are operable for both manned and unmanned vehicles. With the unique technology, sending voice, image, video, telemetry, and location data over long distances, is made possible. This enables better precision and situational awareness in both military and civil applications. To remain the best at what we do, Radionor Communications strives to find and take on broad great
young talents in the company. Our strategy is to build a leading centre of competence concentrating on advanced wireless communication systems. Our team continuously focus on technology and product development, and we are motivated to quickly respond to new requirements and suggestions. By investing great measures in research and development (R&D), based on usage of technology and progress in industry, Radionor retains its position at the forefront of the communication technology advancement.
Torque Vectoring Text: Emil Thyri, Torque Vectoring Torque vectoring is all about optimising the stability and handling properties of the car in every condition. Traditionally, these qualities are determined by the geometry and tuning of the physical parameters. This is a game of trade-offs, where stability comes at the cost of handling, and vice versa. The result tends to be a suboptimal performance in most situations. A four wheel drive vehicle, with independently actuated wheels, opens a new dimension of vehicle control. Torque vectoring utilises this to optimise the response and stability of the vehicle in every situation. In order to optimise the torque applied on each wheel in a given state, the optimisation algorithm has to have an understanding of the situation. We provide this by equipping our race car with a set of sensors ranging from current, temperature, and RPM sensors in the motors, to gyroscopes, accelerometers and GPS measurements of the movement and orientation of the center of mass. The sensordata is filtered and combined with estimators and driver input to determine the state of the car, and predict the driver’s intentions.
When the intention of the driver is predicted, a mathematical objective is formed which includes the vehicle state and where the driver’s intentions are met. The objective is inserted into an optimisation algorithm that calculates the torque setpoints for each wheel, putting the car as close as possible to the drivers intentions without compromising the stability of the car or the laws of physics. In order to regulate the fastest dynamics of the car, torque setpoints are calculated at up to 1000 times a second, depending on the situation. The sensordata is sampled at several thousand hertz, and filtered in real time to provide correct states for the regulators. During testing, all data from the torque vectoring algorithm is live streamed from the vehicle to a computer on site. The behaviour of the vehicle can then be analysed and combined with feedback from the driver and lap time measurements to tune the torque vectoring to maximum performance.
During development, advanced simulation software is used to test and tune new concepts with a vehicle and track model that is similar to the reality we will face at competitions. 34
From Human to Actuator Text: Bo Willem Woelfert, Vehicle Team Leader
One of the big challenges of converting a formula student race car to autonomous racing is the replacement of the driver. Not only are we required to find and plan the best possible route, we also need to execute it. Since many of the control systems in Eld are purely mechanical, we need something new. This is where our actuators come in. In total, we have four actuation systems on Eld: the electrical steering system, two electrohydraulic brake units and an emergency brake system to stop the car if any critical failures occurs. Let’s have a look at each of them and how they extend the metaphorical reach of our autonomous software. The first and most obvious system we must actuate is the steering system. In contrast to most road vehicles and heavier race cars, formula student cars do not employ power steering systems. This means that we were required to design a way to actuate the steering from the ground up, while still permitting a driver to steer the car when the autonomous system is turned off. Our solution has been to use a three-phase motor coupled with a 65:1 planetary gearbox, mounted just in front of the dashboard. This allows us to have a high steering torque while maintaining the necessary speed. Since we are lucky enough to work on an electric vehicle, we do not have to worry about mechanically actuating the throttle or electric braking, but the hydraulic brake system still requires some form of adaptation. As the competition requires that we have two completely independent braking circuits, we have also built two so-called “service brakes”. These are self-contained units consisting of an electrical linear actuator and a standard master cylinder, allowing us to convert electricity to hydraulic pressure. With one hidden in each sidepod, we are able to dynamically control the braking on the front and rear axle, which in combination with energy recovery through our four motors gives us full control of the car’s deceleration.
Lastly, there is the Emergency Brake System, or EBS, one of our most vital safety systems. It consists of a hydraulic circuit and cylinder constantly applying pressure to the brake pedal, and thus both brake circuits and an electronic unit that monitors important values of the autonomous system. When we power up the car and apply a counterpressure to the EBS, the brake pedal releases and we are ready to race. Should the system detect a fault, the car loses power or the Autonomous System Responsible triggers the Remote Emergency System. The counter-pressure will be relieved and the brake pedal will once again be actuated, bringing Eld to a swift and safe stop.
�We are the engineers making sure that all the bright minds writing our autonomous software are able to quite literally set their plans into the physical world�
As a redundancy to our EBS, the electrical part continuously monitors the pressure in the hydraulic and brake systems. Should we detect an irregularity anywhere, the service brakes will be engaged to ensure braking in the rare event that the EBS should fail. Either way, the high voltage system will also be disabled to ensure that the autonomous system no longer has any ability to move the car and it is safe for us to approach the car.
All these systems and some others are the responsibility of the Vehicle group. We are the engineers making sure that all the bright minds writing our autonomous software are able to quite literally set their plans into the physical world, at approximately 9% of the weight of your average driver.
Anatomy of R
70 members of which 8 are women
15 Fields of Study
8 Years 7 Cars 2017 ELD Design by Mia Berge with
2015 VILJE
2016 GNIST
2018 ATMOS
Most Popular Fields of Study
Revolve NTNU Mechanical Engineering
Engineering and ICT
Cybernetics and Robotics
Electronics Systems Design and Innovation, and Energy and Environmental Engineering
Computer Science
12 Groups
Accumulator & Housing
of all Project Managers have been women
Monocoque Perception Drivers Aerodynamics The Board Marketing Software Vehicle Guidance & Control Electronics Suspension 10
Group Members
We asked five questions to five people at the office. Get to know our members by taking a look at their answers.
Text: Mats Pettersen, Key Account Manager Electrical Vehicle
PAUL FRIVOLD Trajectory Planning, Guidance & Control
1. What is your favorite food to prepare in the office? - Frozen tortellini from Coop. 2. If you had to choose another group and role within Revolve NTNU, which would you choose and why? - Aerodynamics seems cool, something to do with wings. 3. What is the funniest moment during your time in Revolve NTNU? - When Dino and Lars blew up a fidget spinner by spinning it too fast. 4. If you could add an additional product to the kiosk, which would you choose and why? - Frozen tortellini, definitively, no explanation needed. 5. What do you get out of being a member of Revolve NTNU? - Exciting challenges, lots of great people to work with and a cool purpose to work towards throughout the year.
YOHANN JACOB SANDVIK Electronics Team Leader 1. What is your favorite food to prepare in the office? - Vegetables and legumes. 2. If you had to choose another group and role within Revolve NTNU, which would you choose and why? - Mapping in the perception group, I think image processing is exciting and would like to try it out in a practical application. 3. What is the funniest moment during your time in Revolve NTNU? - Mons is very competitive at Ping-Pong. When I beat him, he shouted like a maniac. 4. If you could add an additional product to the kiosk, which would you choose and why? - Beer, because beer is good. 5. What do you get out of being a member of Revolve NTNU? - Lots of friends, lots of technical experience and the opportunity to create an outlet for my anger management issues.
CORNELIA REME-NESS Project Manager 1. What is your favorite food to prepare in the office? - French toast with avocado and banana. 2. If you had to choose another group and role within Revolve NTNU, which would you choose and why? - A technical position in the suspension group, not sure which. 3. What is the funniest moment during your time in Revolve NTNU? - When Jørgen (last year’s team) tried to throw back a Ping-Pong ball, but accidently hit the girl in the face. 4. If you could add an additional product to the kiosk, which would you choose and why? - Homemade baked goods, it’s delicious and I get cravings for it. 5. What do you get out of being a member of Revolve NTNU? - I’ve challenged myself and become even better at working in team.
TONJA JOSEPH Vehicle Control Unit, Electronics 1. What is your favorite food to prepare in the office? - Oatmeal 2. If you had to choose another group and role within Revolve NTNU, which would you choose and why? - Trajectory planning or trajectory following in the Guidance & Control group, because I have several subjects at NTNU that covers this, and it seems cool. 3. What is the funniest moment during your time in Revolve NTNU? - When Harald did his eccentric, and over the top, presentation of who placed top three on the Ping Pong leaderboard. 4. If you could add an additional product to the kiosk, which would you choose and why? - I would add Go morgen yogurt, because if I’m hungry, the closest thing to actual food right now is noodles, which I’m not a big fan of. 5. What do you get out of being a member of Revolve NTNU? - Insane amount of knowledge, lots of friends, increased workload capacity, poorer food and sleeping habits.
BENDIK HOLM Accumulator, Vehicle 1. What is your favorite food to prepare in the office? - Toast with gourmet mustard. 2. If you had to choose another group and role within Revolve NTNU, which would you choose and why? - I think that had to be trajectory following in Guidance & Control, it seems cool. 3. What is the funniest moment during your time in Revolve NTNU? - When Sondre accidentally hit the flight attendant on the way to Hamburg. 4. If you could add an additional product to the kiosk, which would you choose and why? - Snus, so I can feed my addiction. 5. What do you get out of being a member of Revolve NTNU? - I get access to a lot of expensive high-tech equipment, loud power tools and being able to crush the competition.
Molstad Modell & Form Text and photo: Molstad modell & form
Molstad modell & form is part of PartnerPlastkonsernet. We are a modern model workshop with long traditions, combining craftsmanship with state of the art 3D modelling programmes and NC-controlled milling machines. Our core competency is 3D-scanning, construction and milling services, with an emphasis on moulds, models and prototypes. Our most recent area of focus is the manufacturing of products made of the thermoset polyurethane. We use the highest quality raw materials that the marked has to offer, and in combination with solid expertise and advanced moulding machines, we aim to deliver quality products to offshore, seismic and land based industries.
are either made in wood, plastic, aluminium, or steel, depending on what is suitable for the production process. Together with our network partners, we deliver moulded, machined and surface-treated parts in plastic, aluminum, cast iron and steel. We are proud to be able to contribute to the Revolve NTNU project by supplying moulds. This year, we have milled the moulds for the undertray, diffuser, nose plug, and seat. We think that the project is very exciting and look forward to following it’s development until the unveiling, and the competitions that follow. We wish Revolve NTNU the best of luck!
We use our competence to provide assistance with the production of moulding tools, for a number of different production methods. The moulding tools and models
Production of MudMat, a product used for protection of subsea installations. 44
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Race Car Sensors and Circuitry Text: Sindre Åberg Mokkelbost, Sensor Systems In the electronics group, we are nine members from different study programs. We design and produce 23 different circuit boards for the various systems in the car. The process starts by looking at last year’s design and trying to map the strengths and weaknesses of the design. In addition, new functionality must be considered before we start with the schematic and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design of a prototype of the circuit board, that is used for testing and verifying functionality. The finished prototype is tested, and necessary adjustments are made before the production of the final version can be started. The cards are assembled during two intense weeks in March, where over 15.000 components are placed on a total of 100 PCBs, including reserves and circuit boards for the driverless car. This is a laborious process that requires accuracy and patience. One of the circuit boards we make is for the sensor system. There are four sensor circuit boards in the car, each of which can be connected to seven sensors. The circuit board’s task is to receive the analog measurements from the sensors, digitize and process the data, and then distribute this to other systems in the car via the car’s CAN-based communication bus. The system receives measurements from sensors such as damper, pedal and steering position, gear and cooling temperatures, brake pressure, and acceleration, from different parts of the car. Some of the measurements are used to ensure safety. Having good control of the car’s internal states makes it possible to push the car to its limits safely. The measurements are also used to control the car through the car’s torque vectoring system. Here, it is absolutely crucial with good measurements to be able to get the most out of the permitted effect transferred to acceleration in the desired direction. In addition, all data is logged and stored. The data is used for continuous development and iterations for the next Revolve NTNU build.
A Day for Our Sponsors Text: Nadia Chaudry, Event Manager
RevolveDagen is Revolve NTNU’s annual career fair at Gløshaugen where sponsors are invited to showcase what they do to the student body here at NTNU. In addition, we host a number of competitions, put our cars on display, and invite a profiled personality to be our keynote speaker. This year, RevolveDagen was held on the 22nd of February. Our goal on the day was twofold; give something back to our sponsors by introducing the student body at NTNU to them, and share our enthusiasm for our projects and innovative engineering with others. All 16 sponsor-stands were engaging, and together with our EV and DV stands, driving simulator, and gift bags, drew students throughout the day. Simens Isbar was also a success, serving ice-cream, popcorn and hotdogs to visitors.
A highlight during RevolveDagen tends to be the lecture. This year, we were lucky enough to host two lectures. Earlier in the day, one of our main sponsors, Kongsberg Gruppen, gave a lecture on “Composites in aircraft production”, which the attendees found very interesting. Later on, our keynote speaker, Bryn Balcombe from Roborace, gave a presentation on “Roborace - the future of road relevant motorsports”. Roborace is a global race series for driverless electric cars that will provide a competitive platform for the autonomous driving solutions that are now being developed by many large industrial automotive and technology players, as well as top tech universities. Seeing that this is the first year Revolve is developing a Driverless Vehicle, we thought it a perfect fit. Mr. Balcombe’s presentation on the relevance of autonomous motorsport was intriguing and bolstered our belief that what we do at Revolve NTNU is highly relevant in the development of automotive technology.
Digitally Accelerating Additive Manufacturing Text and photo: Dassault Systèmes
Over the past century, we have witnessed amazing milestones in manufacturing. The most impactful achievements share one important commonality; they brought greater simplicity and automation to the design and production process. Today, we are witnessing the next mammoth milestone, the widespread adoption of additive-manufacturing technology, popularly known as 3D printing, in production. With the advent of highly controlled materials and processes, made possible through advanced software, we are now seeing the proliferation of much more functional engineering applications using layer-wise manufacturing methods. This adoption of additive manufacturing is being aided by the rapid advances in simulation technology for multiphysics optimization and predictive analytics. With design no longer constrained by subtractive manufacturing restrictions, a part designer can answer relevant questions: What is the functional objective of the part? Can we design a part with the same functional characteristics but use less material? Can we obtain the cost-savings from optimized 50
additive parts? Engineers and designers are empowered to develop parts that are increasingly complex, more organic and lighter—all while meeting their performance requirements while using less time and resources! Process simulation solutions allow us to successfully print these unique designs by providing us with detailed analytics that help us predict potential failures and optimize the printing process parameters, so that each part can be printed right the first time. The adoption of 3D printing will continue to rise as manufacturers strive for faster and more reliable throughput from their machines. As the factories of the future become reality, so will the parts that roll out of these machines. We are ready to help our customers succeed in this transformation by ensuring that simulation insight can guide them all the way from concept to design and production. We are delighted to continue our Sponsorship of Revolve NTNU, to be a part of NTNU’s design and simulation journey and welcome them to our expanding additive manufacturing community.
Revolve NTNU Makes Trondheim Stål Better Text and photo: Trondheim Stål
Trondheim Stål are currently in the process of moving into brand new production facilities located at Hofstad Industripark in Melhus. With a 3000 sqm footprint and a high tech machinery park, over 50 skilled employees are ready to take on new challenges. Trondheim Stål complies with the CE marking requirements of NS-EN 1090-2, class EXXC3 and ISO 9001 + ISO 14001. At the new facilities, there are two laser cutters; one with automatic loading of plates and picking of parts from high rise shelving systems, and one that is more suited to cut tubes and profiles. We also have a waterjet cutter, which can cut just about any material up to a thickness of 250 mm, in addition to two CNC controlled trimming presses and various other machinery and equipment.
Regarding the work we do for Revolve NTNU, we are best known for waterjet cutting highly detailed carbon fibre inserts that have a thickness of between 3 - 30 mm, but we also produce smaller parts in steel and various aluminium alloys using plates and tubes. Trondheim Stål has been a part of the Revolve NTNU team as a sponsor since the very beginning, producing parts for every build. As such, we have over the years, gained a better understanding of the impressive work that the students do, and the expectations they have of us as a supplier. Every build presents new challenges, and ensures that we push our own development. For example, the opportunity to work with more exotic materials and alloys help us become a better supplier, which is beneficial in competitive settings, both now and in the future. We wish you the best for the upcoming season!
This Year’s Inserts
Back in My Day Text: Erling Kjelsrup, Project Manager Revolve NTNU Team 2011 Revolve NTNU competed for the first time in 2012. We were awarded the best newcomer and performed at FSUK and FSG that year. Since then, the organisation has grown and the performance has increased. Revolve NTNU was founded in 2010, so what happened to the less known 2011 season? Let’s start at the beginning. During the summer of 2010, four students founded Revolve NTNU. Later that fall, there were ten of us. This small group had one goal: to make Norway’s first Formula Student race car. Soon after, our second goal was to compete in the world’s largest competition for engineering students, Formula Student. In order to accomplish this, we needed to recruit the smartest students we could find at NTNU. The key was to look for those who had the right drive to participate in a project we estimated had 10-20 working hours a week per student (in hindsight, I’m very happy that many of our members contributed with more than the double of that - without them, we would never have finished).
After a while, the organisation had tripled in size, and we had even more goals. The car had to be reliable, stylish, sellable, win points in all areas, beat Swedish teams, and more. We watched movies, read posts, visited a Swedish team from Karlstad, and even borrowed their old car to run promotions in Trondheim. Another goal was then added; Revolve NTNU should be familiar to all students in Trondheim and be mentioned in national newspapers. Karlstad’s car got NTNU press coverage and gave the team motivation to build a better car. Before the summer of 2011, we considered signing up for Class 2, presenting concept and technical execution for judges without presenting any car; a competition class for all teams that are only at the concept stage of development. We had made some progress, creating prototype parts to test concepts, while still being able to have relaxed weekends and take a long summer vacation. Class 2 was not so important, and we trusted our concepts without competing that summer.
Four of us bought airline tickets for the FS competition held at Silverstone in 2011. We read the regulations, and cranked up our car interest. All four members could be called petrolheads with a good margin. The sound of an internal combustion engine had become music to our ears. At Silverstone, we chose the luxury edition - no tent, car hire from the airport and big cameras for pictures. During the FS competition in Silverstone, we figured out that we had full access to everything with our visitor passes. We were courteous in the pits and asked to take pictures of the vehicles. We asked questions and quickly learnt that all teams compete as much as they cooperate. We cheered on the Swedes from the stands and were almost like groupies in the garage of the most popular cars. Out of the 130 cars present, not one was built the same way. Thousands of images were taken, 90 percent being pictures of details on cars in one form or another. We were here to learn all about the competitors. Looking back, we should have taken more pictures. The Swedes did well and we were getting the feeling of being at a festival with only engineering students and race cars. 3000 students with the same interest and goals. We got to be part of all the fun at Silverstone, even though we did not have a car yet.
As the competition reached its end, we had become more familiar with the Formula Student environment. We learned a lot and got many new friends. During the 2011 competition, we set a lot of new goals, also in regards to how important it is to appear professional in the garage, wear the same t-shirts, and make sure the car is polished at all times. With our luggage full of new knowledge and experiences, the 2012 season could finally start. Our motivation had risen and we had realised that we were behind on the labor marathon compared to the competing teams. Time to stop having relaxed weekends. Looking back, I am incredibly proud to have competed and won the prize for best newcomer with our team. Behind our goals, there were two goals we did not give much thought to, but which turned out to be the most important ones the knowledge we gained, and to be a part of a group that competed as a team. My only regret is not spending even more time on the project than I did.
Real Time Car Data in Your Web Browser Text: Audun Wigum Arbo, Software Developer Revolve NTNU’s software group is a team of six people, which mainly work on creating our in-house analysis tool, Analyze. In this article, we will talk about another project that we are working on, and why we are so excited about it! This year, we are developing a web application we call LiveDash, a supplement for Analyze which will be open for everyone to use. The application will allow you to view live telemetry data and video from our cars, both when we are testing during early summer, and during the real Formula Student competitions. This means that you can see the velocity, forces, temperatures, and more interesting sensor data from the car, in real time. The tool can help us internally, to easily track vital information from the cars, without the need of downloading or installing anything. There is no limit to the number of
users that can use the web application simultaneously, and everyone in the team, even if they are in another country, can give feedback to the run. Our current solution can on the contrary only have one PC (with Analyze installed) connected at a time, and acts as a bottleneck for including everyone in the testing. The application is still in an early prototype stage, and thus the functionality and design is still very basic. We have a goal to make the interface both beautiful and user-friendly, so that everyone can cheer for us under competitions while getting live information from the car. LiveDash is webbased, which also means that it can be used on any device, as long as it has a relatively modern web browser. This includes PCs, mobile phones, and tablets. Be sure to keep an eye on our social medias, as we will publish a link to LiveDash when we’re going to use it in real runs!
Text and photo: Bandak
More often than not, new visitors at Bandak AS are intrigued by our location. Lunde is a town of just under 2.500 residents. Geographically wise, it is located in central Telemark, around 1.5 hours by car south of Kongsberg, one of the core technology centres in Norway. Despite Lunde’s relative obscurity to the general public, Bandak has always treated the global market as its local market. We realized early on, that to survive in the competitive mechanical business, differentiation and entrenched customer collaboration are the key. Today, the mechanical parts produced by Bandak are used in different oil and gas fields all over the world, through a global supply agreement that we have had with one of our main customers since the early 2000’s. Also, the taut wire system that we have produced since the 80’s for our major maritime customer, is installed on ca. 90% of the vessels in the world that use a dynamic positioning system. As part of our corporate social responsibility to give back to our community, we take in four interns every year from local vocational schools to prepare them, the future industry players, for the actual mechanical business environment.
Lunde has a deep connection to the automotive industry. It is known to automotive enthusiasts as the production site of the Troll automobile in the 1950’s. Although only six Troll cars were ever built (one of them remains in Lunde), the production of the Troll was at the forefront of revolutionary material technology for car production at that time, as the body was built from glass-reinforced plastics. Being from the birthplace of the Troll automobile, Bandak is honoured to be part of the sponsorship team for Revolve NTNU, since 2017. We believe that perseverance, teamwork, and a perpetual determination to reinvent, are agents for industrial evolution, and the stimulant for support and a deep collaboration with industry players. For this year’s electric race car, Bandak is machining complex and high precision parts for the gear box, brake pedals, and cooling blocks. We wish the 2018 Revolve NTNU team all the best in their project and look forward to the breakthroughs they will achieve with their car this year.
Speak Revolve As a member of Revolve NTNU, you usually don’t have a lot of time available. That is why we try to save time whenever and wherever we can, which includes talking and writing. It is rare to experience a day at our office without hearing at least one abbreviation. To give you an insight, we have listed some of the most FUA (Frequently Used Abbreviations) down below. Some of them are well know in the industry, some of them are used in Formula Student, and some of them are homemade.
AMS - Accumulator Management System BOS - Bertel O. Steen BPP - Business Plan Presentation CAN - Controller Area Network DF - Down Force DV - Driverless Vehicle EV - Electric Vehicle FSG - Formula Student Germany FW - Front Wing GLV - Ground Level Voltage G&C - Guidance & Control IA - Impact Attenuator INS - Inertial Navigation System KOG - Kongsberg Gruppen NL - Newsletter PCB - Printed Circuit Board RD - RevolveDagen RW - Rear Wing SBS - Sensor Broadcasting System SES - Structural Equivalency Sheet SLAM - Simultaneous Localization and Mapping VCU - Vehicle Control Unit NMBDCPCB - Not Much But Decent Current Printed Circuit Board
A Global Network Built on Local Relationships
Text and photo: BDO
Norwegian businesses are like most Norwegians. Unique, different and strong-minded. In BDO we know how to do business across the country. Or across the planet. We have more than 70 offices across Norway, and we are represented in more than 160 countries.
Exceptional Client Service, Delivered Across the World
No matter where you do business, we have people who can help. We’re big enough to be able to access the best group of experts for your needs from our national and international network, and we’re small enough to be responsive and innovative in how we tackle our clients’ challenges. BDO’s vision is to be the leader for exceptional client service. This is not about reinventing our profession’s approach to service, but about delivering our services exceptionally well – and delivering that high quality consistently in every office, every country and every territory where we have a presence.
Seeing the Best in Each Other
We are committed. To the community, to our customers and to each other. As advisors, we know that magic occurs when people meet, understand and challenge each other. We believe in working together, and seeing the best in each other. We are a global network built on local relationships. Our global commitment to exceptional client service means that we deliver what we promise, when you need it.We pride ourselves in being the most agile and responsive of the global accounting networks. Our Trondheim office is located at Lerkendal with 160 employees. We are proud to support Revolve NTNU. BDO are a gold sponsor, supporting Revolve NTNU both financially, and with advisory services regarding judicial, market related and accounting matters. We look forward to working together to find good solutions to challenges that arise.
Audit & Assurance | Tax & Legal | Advisory | Business Service
Ensuring Reliable Data Transfer Text: Hermann Sundklakk, Telemetry
Revolve NTNU has a constant desire to improve our cars’ performance in order to go as fast as possible. Ideas, concepts, and new tricks are continuously considered in order to improve the present car, as well as laying the foundation for the seasons to come. During testing, the data stream from the cars internal communication between our self developed electrical systems is a highly desired object for monitoring. Knowing what goes on with for example the batteries voltage and temperature levels is crucial, not only from a performance point, but from a safety perspective as well. In order to continuously monitor these parameters, Revolve NTNU has over several years worked on making a telemetry system with a long range and high capacity, and thanks to excellent help from the industry, we believe that we have succeeded.
a system that listens to the car’s internal communication, and transmits this as data packages, using Radionor Communications radios to provide the range and capacity needed. This system was first tested in 2017, with excellent results. The results were so good, that for this year’s car, we are adding on functionality, trying to include a live video stream capability and an ability to communicate with the driver.
Revolve NTNU’s telemetry system works in tandem with the excellent capabilities provided by Radionor Communications radio systems. Revolve NTNU has made
In racing, data is everything and thanks to Radionor Communications, we have it, when we need it.
In addition to providing the communication between the driven EV (Electric Vehicle), we will employ Radionor Communications radios for monitoring the performance of our Driverless Vehicle. The impressive capacity of Radionor Communications radios will surely help with the testing and tuning of this vehicle.
PLM Technology Text: PLM Technology
PLM Technology AS is one of the first Value Added Resellers for Dassault Systèmes in the Nordics. We have over 10 years of experience delivering world leading engineering solutions, training, and services to the industry. We deliver courses in the use of Dassault Systèmes software and have a team of highly qualified specialists. An organisation like Revolve NTNU offers new and exciting cases which we are eager to contribute to, and share our knowledge with. We have sponsored Revolve NTNU with training and support of Abaqus for two years, and this year, we extended the agreement to include the 3DExperience - one of the most sophisticated engineering packages on the market. The Revolve NTNU team continues to impress with their ability to learn and explore advanced techniques on a continuous quest for higher performance. Nonlinear topology optimization has become an integrated part of their design process - where load-cases and manufacturing constraints are used to identify optimal geometries for any given part. Where topology optimization is impractical, for example optimization of CFRP (carbon-fiber reinforced plastic) layups, the team pushes forward with the use of Isight - a parametric optimization tool. Last year, a fullyfledged workflow of the wheel shell was created to find the stiffest and lightest solution within their design space. This year, the team embraced Functional Generative Design for reconstruction of topology optimized geometry - which aids the process of converting computer generated geometry to
conventional CAD. Looking ahead, the team has started to include fatigue analyses on their components - ensuring lifetime and at the same time increasing confidence when optimizing the components. Carbon fiber is a well known material for Revolve NTNU, and this year we have helped with the analysis of the carbon fiber monocoque, finding new failure criterias, and more reliable results. They have also run simulations on an anisotropic carbon fiber crash box, which has to withstand the forces generated in a crash scenario. The knowledge in composite modeling is growing within the team, and a field we find exciting to contribute to with our knowledge. PLM Technology is a proud sponsor of a highly resourceful and avid team!
Production of the Monocoque Text: Anja Murud Gahre, SES & Simulation
This February, five of our members arrived in Kongsberg to produce our monocoque, the chassis and in all senses the body of the car. The design utilises carbon fibre, aluminium honeycomb and PMI (polymethacrylimide) foam in a sandwich structure to achieve both high strength and stiffness with minimum mass added. New of this year is the use of unidirectional fibre in combination with twill fibre, enabling us to take full advantage of the directional properties of the composite. At KONGSBERG’s high tech production facilities, we were given time, space and expert advice to finish the parts. The collaboration with KONGSBERG gives the members the opportunity to work with materials, machines and tools otherwise unavailable to the common student organisation. This includes materials suitable for lightweight aerospace parts and an the biggest autoclave in norway(pressurised curing oven). Furthermore, after the stay, the students will have unique hands-on experience, by producing highperformance, high-tech parts layer by layer.
Simultaneously, a few members was at the composite production lab, Krag Composite Lab, at Krona. Krag Composite Lab has a smaller autoclave, sponsored by KONGSBERG, which we used to make the impact attenuator, nose of the car, and rims. Finally, after 3 weeks of dedicated work, a security clearance, tooling, outer skin, inserts, core material, inner skin, lap joint, and countless cups of coffee and frozen pizzas, the chassis was completed and ready for the new season! Thanks to alumni, KONGSBERG, and Krona for facilitating an educational and efficient stay!
From Formula 1 to Revolve NTNU Text and photo: SKF
As a leading supplier of quality bearings and other mechanical components, SKF is both responsible and privileged to contribute to the development within mechanical design and engineering. Since founded in 1907, we have been working closely with customers across industries all over the world, and contributed with our knowledge and expertise to help create the best mechanical solutions. Revolve NTNU is both a great project to showcase how we work in SKF, and a project that we believe really contributes to the development within mechanical design and engineering. Every year, students join the Revolve NTNU team looking at challenges with new eyes, creating new solutions, continuously improving, developing and learning. After their studies, students will go on bringing the Revolve NTNU experience with them, creating and shaping tomorrow’s world of mechanical design and engineering. SKF recognise this value and see it as both our responsibility and privilege to contribute with our knowledge, expertise and awesome bearings to create the most amazing full electric four-wheel drive racing car. SKF delivers bearings for the upright gear system and the suspension system. Every year, we are challenged to deliver slimmer, lighter and more reliable bearings. This year, we are superseding the previously used Ferrari F1 bearings and deliver even slimmer and lighter bearings for the gear system. SKF Kaydon thin-section bearings is a problem solver where space and weight is critical. Working with Revolve NTNU is both technically interesting and great fun. We enjoy working with the highly motivated people in the team and gladly contribute where we can. We look forward to this year’s car and wish you all the best from all of us in SKF!
Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk Text: Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk AS is a manufacturing company, with in-house production capabilities for prototyping, casting, machining, assembly, and testing. The company’s key strategy is to support customers with production know-how and provide engineering services with a real design-for-production approach. The company is well equipped for engineering turnkey solutions; as a stand-alone service or in joint cooperation with the customer. Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk AS manufactures a wide variety of mechanical precision components for the maritime industry, the offshore and subsea market, as well as other demanding industries. Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk AS is located on Osterøy, north of Bergen. The company was established in 1865, hence representing more than 150 years of proud heritage within the foundry and machining business.
sustainable production of mechanical components and products. This requires sustained focus and continuous development of our own organization and the technological tools and equipment we utilize in production. To ensure our competitive strategy, we are conducting a number of internal development projects and are participating in extensive development programs with renowned industry partners and research institutions. We also attach great importance to maintaining a close dialogue with relevant educational institutions–both to ensure the recruitment of future employees and to convey the industry’s requirements and expectations of the respective educational institutions. Sponsoring Revolve NTNU is a great opportunity to support technological development and to participate in the creation of an ever more impressive race car. The journey taken on by a new team of students each year truly correlates to our own mission–putting theory in practice.
Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk AS focuses on state-of-theart technological solutions to ensure competitive and
As they did last year, Mjøs Metallvarefabrik AS has taken on the challenge of fabricating our latest generation rim centre. Through their expertise, they turn and mill almost 200 kg of raw aluminium into highly optimized, three-dimensional structures, of just 765 grams a piece. This has allowed us to create our lightest and stiffest wheel assembly to date.... 65
The Road Ahead Text: Cornelia Reme-Ness, Project Manager We have now completed the registration for the competitions. Soon, we will start our journey through Europe, participating in Formula Student. But before that, we have testing. Testing is one of the most important phases of our project. Based on experience, only half of the job is complete after the car is built and ready to drive. We have dedicated students who spend their entire summer in Trondheim to test and prepare the car for the competitions. These students make up part of what we call the test crew. The test crew also consists of students who spend a few weeks in Trondheim to relieve the workload of those who are here for a longer period. Their contribution to Revolve NTNU during the summer is essential, but also extraordinary, and should not be taken for granted; They sacrifice their summer holidays and jobs to give back to Revolve NTNU, ensuring that the car is ready to compete. In return, they drastically increase their knowledge of the car they help build. This year, we will compete on F1 tracks in Hungary, Germany and Spain. Our goal is to place top 5 at all these events. During these competitions, we meet the world’s best engineering students from some of the world’s best universities. We therefore need to perform at the same level as, for example, AMZ, a team from ETH Zurich, who designed and built an electric car that can accelerate from 0-100 km/h in an astonishing 1.513 seconds, and was the very first winner of the driverless class in Formula Student. We also need to perform at the same level as several German teams, many sponsored by automotive industry giants such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Porsche. Reaching our goal of top 5 in Formula Student will definitely be a challenge, but it is possible.
Putting Ideas Into Practice Text: Tronrud Engineering AS
�With the organic topology optimized upright design for the latetst car ATMOS, both the machines as well as Didrik and Borgar, the DMLS Engineers, were put to the test.�
Upright from 2017.
At Tronrud Engineering, we have always been at the forefront of “Innovation” in manufacturing. Over the past 40 years, we have developed, produced and delivered customized industrial products and technical solutions for our customers -bringing them competitive advantage and profitability. Being a long-term partner to Revolve, we are aware of the hard work, dedication and innovation that the team delivers, year after year. With the state-of- the art additive manufacturing capabilities at our facilities at Eggemoen, Tronrud Engineering provides Revolve NTNU with additive manufacturing of the suspension components, the so-called “uprights”, which are made of titanium.
With significant overhanging frame members, customized support-structure was designed in collaboration with Revolve NTNU to reduce material waste, manufacturing time and cost. The result ensured both high part quality and cost-efficient production. Researching for better, smarter, more time-efficient design and production methods is something we at Tronrud Engineering rate highly. With the recent installation of two new machines, one EOSINT M290 for metal AM to complement our trustworthy EOSINT M280 machine, as well as a Formiga P 110 for plastic materials, Tronrud Engineering is the leading additive manufacturing supplier in Norway for both metal and plastic materials.
With the organic topology optimized upright design for the latetst car ATMOS, both the machines as well as Didrik and Borgar, the DMLS Engineers, were put to the test.
Revolve NTNU
Back row: Mathias Backsæther, Cornelia Reme-Ness, Harald Lønsethagen, Ole Marius Forbord, Odin Aleksander Severinse Håkon Eig Carlsen, Andreas Haukeland, Audun Wigum Arbo, Morten Smebye, Paul Frivold, Kristoffer Haugland, Je
Third row: Amund Fjøsne, Thomas Herstad, Herman Sundklakk, Håkon Myklestad, Thomas Frekhaug, Anja Murud Ga Rønningen, Nadia Chaudry, Shobiha Premkumar, Robert Karlsen Ta
Second row: Adrian Leirvik Larsen, Magnus Greger Leinan, Even Krogedal, Mats Aamodt Pettersen, Marcus Engebretsen Yohann Jacob Sandv
Front row: Mia Berge, Tonja Joseph, Jacob Vigerust, Simen Ekornåsvåg, Sondre Ninive Andersen, Mons Erling Math
Not present: Ole Andreas Ramstad, Thomas Frøysa, Herbert Wikh
U Team 2018
en, Øyvind Sekkesæter, Henrik Syrstad Moen, Bo Willem Woelfert, Simen Norderud Jensen, Edvard Frimann Løes Narum, ens Mildestveit, Brage Vasseljen, Emil Thyri, Magnus Kjærnet Bjølseth, Eivind Yu Nilsen and Sindre Korneliussen.
ahre, Odd Harald Sjursen Sande, Jonathan Selnes Bognæs, Thomas Overen, Truls Mentzoni Skoglund, Fabian Skarboe amang, Dinosshan Thiagarajah, John Chen and Ragnhild Abildsnes.
n, Sondre Midtskogen, Andreas Brostrøm, Didrik Galteland, Roberts Račko, Ambjørn Grimsrud Waldum, Øystein Hovind, vik and Aida Angell.
hiesen, Lars Gustavsen, Fredrik Cappelen, Fredrik Schmidt, Sindre Åberg Mokkelbost and Lasse Hansen Henriksen.
heim, Bendik Holm, Anders Fagerli, Eirik Bodsberg, Jakob Løver.
Photo: EndFrame Media
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