Newsletter November 2019

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newsletter November 2019

DESIGN FREEZE Text: Mathias Lien Photo: Marion Christine Løkkevig

Design freeze at 1st of December is the biggest and most important deadline of the year. This is the deadline where most designs are locked and most of the car is fully modelled in the CAD software, in preparation for manufacturing during the spring. In addition, many systems now need to be complete with tolerances and measurements in machine drawings. Design freeze is also the third and final CAD check day we have throughout the fall semester. Here the whole team participates in checking each other’s system for flaws, but also the interaction between systems, to ensure that every system works and assembles together the way we intend them to. Performance, durability and manufacturing processes, are among the considerations that all systems will be

judged by. A car is an assembly of a lot of systems and every part must fit perfectly together and withstand system relevant forces. In addition, it needs to be rules compliant as well and easy to assemble and manufacture. The team has been working hard the last couple of months to meet the deadline at required quality. Most parts and assemblies are nearing completion, with some non-critical parts still being in development. It has been challenging and progress have not always been as fast as we want it to be, but we are getting there. Considering design freeze is due in the exam period, we surprise ourselves with how much we get done and how well we are doing it. But a lot can be done with more coffee.

GO KARTING WITH R20 Text: Rasmus Søvik Photo: Marion Christine Løkkevig

The 1st of November a big part of the Revolve NTNU team went go karting. It was Friday afternoon and you could feel the excitement in the team. They were ready for some hardcore driving and burned rubber. We took the bus from our office to Lasermaxx Gokart Fossegrenda. Upon arrival, after a 5 minute bus ride, everyone had to suit up into their Gokart suit. After suiting up, it was game-on. Everyone was randomly picked into different groups of 5. The first heat was all about finding out how fast you were driving. We had a lot of different times from 26-38 seconds per lap. This heat was characterized by a lot of crashes

and excitement when people crashed. After completing the first heat we got divided into new groups dependent on your time in the heat. So we started off with the slowest and ended with the fastest. During the second heat almost everyone improved their time, it was a close race with a lot of good driving and some accidents here as well. We could see that people learned by doing. This was a good thing because what the team did

not know, was that we were looking for drivers to Team 2020. By going go karting we could see who had potential to perhaps become a driver. Overall everyone enjoyed the day. It was good to get our heads out of the office and do something else. It was a nice effort from the whole team. A special thanks to Lasermaxx Gokart for having us. The final result was this:

GET TO KNOW: THE KIOSK Our Saviour from the Dreadful Condition Hangry

Text: Ole Jørgen Halvorsen Photo: Andrine Resvoll

The sweets are not far away from where Kristian Sandaa is sitting, well placed just next to Revolve NTNU’s own kiosk. Since 2017 the kiosk has been a very popular offer for the members who occasionally needs some refill or just some snacks as the days get long. When

that happens, it is good to have ice cold energy drinks in the fridge and soft and delicious chocolate in the shelves. Here the members can buy everything from refreshing smoothies and healthy nut mix to less healthy emergency food,

such as instant noodles, candy and chocolate. The student card is used as a payment method, and after filling up your account it just needs to be beeped by the screen! For daily motivation members can choose to get up different pictures of cats, dogs, women or men (whatever floats your boat), among other things every time they make a purchase. The selection is wide, ranging from Rugsprø and cream cheese, to Bamsemums and Hubba Bubba. It should also be mentioned that the competition is high when it comes to getting your hands on those dark, crispy and soft chocolate sticks from Twix they are a big favourite among the members, including the author of this text‌ Instant noodles, the widely known favourite among students, is really something, says Hermann Schips.

Chicken, beef, and shrimp are the three different types to choose from, even though the smell of the last one is quite an uncommon smell at the office. In addition to this, the kiosk offers pizzarolls and Billys as the most nutritious food on the menu. The summer body is not exactly built at the office, it’s made out of chocolate, candy and pizza - which all ends up at all the right places. When the kiosk runs out of stock, Rasmus Søvik is the hero that flies off to Storcash and buys us julebrus, Coccio and Vestlandslefse so that we can fatten up! The kiosk’s newest supplement comes in the shape of rugsprø and cream cheese. The big classics: Snickers, Twix and Kvikk Lunsj are bestsellers and the energy they provide keeps Revolve NTNU’s work efficiency high. Talking about energy, I need a refill! Cya!

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