Newsletter July 2018

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newsletter July 2018


Revolve NTNU’s First Ever Driverless Competition Text: Aida Angell, Marketing Manager

“1st place winner: Business Presentation, Cost & Manufacturing and Engineering Design, goes to… Revolve NTNU!”

On the 17th of July, we arrived in Hungary to participate in Formula Student East with our Driverless vehicle, ELD. We were very excited to get started. The first two days, we worked in our pit to get ELD ready for scrutineering. We passed the Accumulator Scrutineering as well as Mechanical Scrutineering and Electrical 1 Scrutineering. Day three was quite a busy day with all static events, as well as Acceleration and Skid Pad. Unfortunately, we did not pass scrutineering, so we were not able to participate in Acceleration and Skid Pad. There were three static events; Cost & Manufacturing, Engineering Design and Business Plan Presentation. We had a good feeling about these events and were excited about the upcoming results. We continued to work on ELD, hoping to be able participate in Trackdrive on day four. On day four, we had little time to pass the scrutineering. Unfortunately, we did not pass and were unable to participate in any of the dynamic events. This was disappointing, but even after the scrutineering tent had closed we were still working on the car, as we knew what was in need of being fixed. We also got to know that we were top 3 on every static event. On day five, we packed down our pit. We spent the day outside in the sun watching the Endurance event. When the competition was over, we attended the award ceremony. We were thrilled to hear them announce “1st place winner: Business Presentation, Cost & Manufacturing and Engineering Design, goes to… Revolve NTNU!”. Everybody ran up on stage to receive the awards. We won overall statics and were placed second overall driverless. Currently, we are in Munich, Germany, testing with TuFast. You can read more about our stay in Germany on the next page.


Testing with Our Rivals (And Best Friends), TuFast Text: Aida Angell, Marketing Manager After the amazing experience in Hungary, we jumped on the bus to Munich, to our friends in TuFast. We had made plans to stay with them for two weeks in between FS East (Hungary) and FSG (Germany). Here, get to work on our car while we are staying at TuFast members’ houses. Our first day in Munich was short, as we arrived late. We spent the evening unpacking tools for our pit. The next day, we gathered the team to make a plan for our stay. Some of the questions we asked ourselves were “What is our main goal during FSG?” and “How should we work to accomplish that goal?”.

Our main goal for FSG is for ELD to participate in all dynamic events. In order to reach this goal, we have divided our team into day and night shifts. During the day, we’ll be working on the autonomous system and do some testing, and during the night we will work directly on the car and try to correct some of the mistakes we have made, pointed out to us during FS East. So far, we are really enjoying our stay in Munich. The TuFast members are incredibly nice and they help us with whatever’s needed. Even though it’s 30 degrees and we are working in a high pace, we are very motivated and we believe that ELD will be ready to race at FSG.

Testing In Trondheim Text: Cornelia Reme-Ness, Project Manager Until now, ATMOS, this year’s electric race car, has been in Trondheim with about 20 of our members. They have been working day and night to finalise the car for the competition season. We will not deny that some days are long, hot and tiresome, but most days we see great progress. We get to see ATMOS’s full potential and work together as a team. Those days make it worth the time. This summer, we have been testing at both E. C. Dahls Brewery here in Trondheim and at Lånkebanen. E. C. Dahls has been a perfect place for our initial testing, located only 15 minutes away by car, and Lånkebanen has offered great space, as it is a road racing circuit. We have just finished our last day of testing in Trondheim, and we are now ready to see how well ATMOS will perform at it’s first competition at Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Austria. Wish us the best of luck!


Ready To Smash It In Austria

Text: Aida Angell, Marketing Manager Our Electric Vehicle, ATMOS, is currently in Trondheim being tested so it can get ready for the first competition of the season. We weren’t able to participate in Austria last year, but this year we are ready to smash it. The competition in Austria is located at Red Bull Ring, a famous Formula 1 race track. The event will take place from the 30th of July to the 4th of August. There will be three static events and four dynamic events. The static events are Business Presentation, Cost & Manufacturing and Engineering Design. We hope and believe that we will do quite well in all of these, even though we will be competing against some of the world’s best formula student teams. The dynamic events include Acceleration, Skid

Pad (figurine), Autocross and Endurance. We have gotten a lot of test time in Trondheim and our car has been very stable the past few weeks. In order to be able to participate in the dynamic events, we will have to get through the scrutineering. Our car needs to be rules compliant in front of the judges. We have worked hard to make sure that ATMOS is 100% rules compliant, so we can hopefully get right through the scrutineering and use as much time as possible to test our car and to participate in all four dynamic events. This will be a great warm up for the FSG, where both EV and DV will participate together.

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