Newsletter May 2018

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newsletter May 2018


The Big Reveal Text: Aida Angell, Marketing Manager This year’s cars has finally been revealed. Revolve NTNU had a big show at Studentersamfundet in Trondheim, where we invited sponsors, family, friends and other students at NTNU. We filled up Storsalen with 550 people and had fantastic program for the evening. The program was filled with speeches from our main sponsors, Kongsberg Gruppen and Bertel O. Steen. Our Project Manager talked about the team, the process and what we must go trough as a team to be able to produce such fantastic cars. To top it all of we finally revealed our cars. Let me introduce you to our newest electrical beast, Atmos, and our very first electric driverless racecar, Eld.

Atmos is the result of 6 years research and development and 50 students coming together. Our driverless car Eld is really a technological wonder. 20 students have been working 8 months trying to make the car from Team 2017 driverless. To make these great cars, we have to think outside the box and really put our knowledge to the test. We are grateful for all of the help we have gotten from our sponsors. We have not been able to produce all of the high technology solutions if we didn’t have the help from the different sponsors.

The whole reveal was filmed and it is possible to watch it on our Facebook page (in Norwegian):

The Unveiling 2018 Photo:




The Accumulator Management System

Battery Safety The Accumulator Management system consist of one Master Controller and 14 Monitoring boards all communicating using one big daisy-chain. With a wide range of components and high number of circuit-boards, some things are destined to go wrong at some point. Some of the challenges that we have faced this term includes problems with temperature readings, communication errors and countless smaller issues. The systems usually do not act as intended the first time, but we have been able to produce a working accumulator for Atmos, this year’s electric race car. The plan for troubleshooting and fixing electrical issues varies with the kinds of issues we are having, but generally we go through some basic steps. First we would look for obvious hardware error or soldering imperfections. Then we would look for software bugs or other minor details. Troubleshooting usually takes most of our time. More specifically; one problem we had was incorrect temperature measurements. Having done numerous tests in our laboratory, we found faults both in the hardware on the monitoring boards and in the master controller software. This was solved by doing some simple changes to the circuit design and by debugging the firmware. This is a good example of a problem which you only discover when you test it in real life conditions. We will see you at the competitions this summer!


Finishing Touches Text: Kristoffer Haugland, Motor Development

As the semester reaches its final stages, so does the completion of Atmos. One step in this completion was showing of our work at the grand unveiling at Samfundet. As the unveiling got closer and closer, we received unfortunate news about delayed parts. Atmos looked finished at the unveiling, but because of the delays, it was not ready for real track testing. To achieve our goals in the competitions, it is crucial that we test our creation as soon as possible. The team is currently working on ticking off the final boxes in the completion of Atmos. We are currently

working in shifts. This has to be done to combine studying for exams and the constant work needed on the car. The most crucial part we are waiting on is the motor package from AMK (motors and motor controller). Our current goal is to have all systems up and running when the AMK package arrives. This means that as soon as the motor controller is implemented and the motors are mounted, it is go time! Hopefully, we can show of driving and dynamic testing of Atmos in our next update!

Want More Updates? Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates and pictures!


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