Revolve Magazine Spring 2019

Page 1


ISSUE 1, 2019



An Engineer’s Job


Thank You!


Hafslund Nett




Render of The New Race Car


Falk Profil


Why We Fight


Danske Bank


Business Plan Presentation


Molstad Modell & Form


K. Lerøy Metallindustri AS


A New Motor


Tronrud Engineering AS


Skriverform AS


PLM Technology AS


Lars Gustavsen

Editor-in-Chief & Graphic Designer: Martin Berger Cover: Drawing by Mats Ruste Holen

14 36 40 48





Radionor Communications


Middle page


Torque Vectoring System




Per Schjølberg




Autonomous Technology




Cone Detection & Sensor Fusion






The Driverless Pipeline


5 EnquĂŞte




RevolveDagen 2019



Project Manager: Karoline Halvorsen Marketing Manager: Erik Brettingen Johansen

Printed by: Falk Profil AS Website:

An Engineer’s Job The life in Revolve NTNU Text: Martin Berger Photo: Rafi Khajeh

There are lots of problems out there in the world. An engineer’s job is either to find systems solving these problems or make improvements to remove them. To notice problems and then figure out a solution to them often requires a piece of certain knowledge about the system beforehand. This was the first step we took as a team in Revolve NTNU. Gathering information about the systems in the previous race car and remarking problems that could be improved upon. Taking the system apart into smaller pieces and seeing how it could be improved is a good first step in solving a problem. In a race car, this is a hard task, because of the complexity and the number of parts it consists of. To make matters worse most systems are interconnected and are dependent upon each other. The purpose behind Revolve NTNU is not necessarily the making of our race car. It is more precisely developing the team members. It is helping us think critically and setting realistic goals that we are doing our best to complete. It is giving us real problems to solve using an engineers approach. The last semester I have been witness to many capable engineers discussing problems amongst each other and producing a product, consisting of either intricate mechanical-, electrical parts or complex software. They have moved toward the project’s goal. They are becoming engineers with a wide knowledge on how things work on a race car and I would honestly say the team members have been working as engineers from the time they joined the team.


That is kind of how it is being part of Revolve NTNU. You instantly become involved in a system requiring an engineer. That way you just have to adapt and start learning and working as an engineer. The life of most people in Revolve NTNU consists of an engineers job, but in some cases long before anyone officially qualifies as one. It is a unique experience which is made possible through Revolve NTNU. I am glad to be a part of the wonderful team 2019 and can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Martin Berger, Editor-in-chief

Thank You! Text: Karoline Halvorsen Photo: Ă˜yvind Ingebrigtsen

For eight months we have worked together as one unit. As a family standing side by side through glory and hell. With a goal of developing the best team, and the best race car. Ambitious people will always face challenges. The team has confronted technical problems, external difficulties and internal discussion. All these obstacles develop the team. Revolve NTNU is ONE team, with two Formula Student teams. We are students from 21 different study programs. We learn from each other, we challenge and develop each other, as engineers and as human beings. Personally, Revolve NTNU has become a part of my identity and now lies close to my heart. I remember my first encounter with the organisation, believing that I was far from qualified to be a part of the team. But then, after a pep-talk with myself, I decided to send the admission application. I accepted the offer as Project Manager, and I have never regretted it for a second. Team 2018 and Alumni embraced me in the Revolve Family and shared the knowledge I needed to grow into the role as Project Manager. Team 2019 started in September 2018. From this day on, the members have become like family and that means so much to me. They have had the patience needed whenever I failed, we have learned to solve problems together, and been a great support to me in difficult periods. It is with pride and wistfulness I realise that we are coming to the end of the fairytale. However, we still have a lot to do before the competitions this summer. This will be the highlights of the project year, and I look forward to get our results.

I wish to thank all in Revolve NTNU, for all you have achieved this year and previous years. As well as a big thanks to all our sponsors and families for the support Revolve NTNU gets every year. To team 2020 and to future teams. You are so lucky to have this opportunity. Use it well. And make the time at Revolve NTNU, the best time of your life. Thank you! Karoline Halvorsen, Project Manager Team 2019



We Can All Charge Our Cars in the Future, Right? Can we take it for granted that all electric cars can be charged just about anywhere and everywhere, no matter the number of vehicles that will roam our streets in the future? The answer is yes, but this is by no means a coincidence. Text: Hafslund Nett Photo: Hafslund Nett

"We are constantly upgrading the infrastructure in Oslo to stay ahead of the ever-changing needs of a big, modern city", says project manager at Hafslund Nett, Signe Eika Gjørven Oslo is not only facing a future with more electric cars, but also electric ferries, cruise ships, buses, trams and the subway, in addition to vehicles and machines used on construction sites. "We’re upgrading and extending the power cables in Oslo, preparing them for 132 kV", Signe adds. It’s a complex task, where we have to consider everything else in the ground, be it fiber, sewers, water and heating. We also have to take into account the impact we have on the surrounding community and Oslo municipality’s desire to have charging stations on nearly every street corner. Don’t get me wrong though, complexity makes projects like these all the more exciting.

A common ground

The students involved in the Revolve project and Hafslund Nett work based on a common vision for the future: A fully electrified transportation sector. However, that’s not the only commonality. "Much in the same way that the Revolve project gathers students from various programmes at NTNU, we also have a broad array of


experts working on our projects", continues Signe. Here you’ll find electrical engineers, IT experts, people with backgrounds from mathematics and physics and people with expertise within analytics and construction. To name a few. Signe graduated from NTNU last year and has followed the various Revolve cars through the year with eager. The same goes for her colleague Viktor Myrvang, who also graduated from NTNU in 2018, with a master’s degree in Technology Management. "The experimentation that goes into building these cars is something I can relate to in my work within IT development", says Viktor. We’re looking into how we can use data from smart-meters to detect ground faults in our grid. We’re not yet sure how to solve it in the best way but using an agile work form allows for uncertainty of the outcome, much like the uncertainty surrounding the building of these cars.

A big player

The project Viktor mentions is far from the only experimentational project Hafslund Nett is involved in. Hafslund Nett is Norway’s largest grid company and invest heavily in research and development. "We’re quite good at developing new ideas and trying new things", says Viktor, be it

Photo: Viktor and Signe in front of Hafslunds offices. automation, use of AMS-data, using sensors and a range of other initiatives. "And what’s great is that we can all suggest new areas to explore", Signe adds. Some of my colleagues have for example looked into digital substations. If you’re thinking you have to be a seasoned veteran to suggest improvements at Hafslund Nett, you might want to think again. "We have a group of summer interns with us every year", says Signe, many of them from NTNU by the way. Last year’s group came up with an idea for digitalizing a reporting system for on-site switcher operators, a system being implemented as we speak.

No coincidence

The Revolve cars developed at NTNU are without a doubt a good indication of where the transportation sector is going; towards a fully electrified future. Making that future a reality entails a lot of effort, experimentation, planning and hard work. "We will all be able to take it for granted that we can charge our cars in the future as well, in part thanks to the effort of my colleagues", says Viktor.


Text: Helge Bergo Photo: NASA

Ever since its start, Revolve NTNU has named their cars. It is a long tradition, and every name has a story and meaning behind them. This year we have continued the trend of letting us be inspired by Mother Nature. We are proud to announce that the new car made by Team 2019 will be called Nova! A nova is a natural phenomenon consisting of a star quickly growing in brightness. In Latin, the name means “new�. What better name for our new and upcoming beast of a car, ready as ever to compete for fame and glory in the coming competitions. We hope this name will represent our goals and ambitions for Team 2019 and bring good luck and fortune for Revolve NTNU.




Vi har Exponering XL når du virkelig vil være synlig!

Vi har Produkter og ideer til din profilering!

Vi har Magazine 2019 Finn stilen og se ut som en proff!


Photo: Components of the shim stack allowing us to finely tune the suspension. Machined by Simplicity Production AS.


Why We Fight To prove ourselves as competent engineers we have to compete to show it. The best way to test how far we have come is to join the Formula Student competitions and face other teams from all over the world. This pushes our skills to the limit. Text: Helge Bergo Photos: Øyvind Storvik Ingebrigtsen & Ragnhild Kvisle

Ever since Revolve NTNU was formed back in 2010, the Formula Student competitions have always been the main goal of the organisation. This is something we have done every single year since, and all cars have had one goal, and that is to perform in the competitions. Formula Student is arranged all over the world. There are competitions in USA, Asia, Australia, and of course Europe. Throughout the years, Revolve NTNU has been to competitions all over Europe, and this summer, the team is going to Hungary, Austria and of course Germany. We will spend 4 weeks travelling through Europe, pushing the cars to the limit on all competitions. The competitions itself are first and foremost an engineering and design competition, where student teams build combustion and electric race cars and test them against each other. We have two main parts, the dynamic and static events. It’s not only about driving race cars as fast as possible, but so much more. In the static events, we are tested in engineering knowledge, finances and manufacturing, as well as making a business plan and marketing strategy to sell the car if it was to be mass produced.


To decide the winner of the events as well as the overall victors, there are judges in every event. These are representatives from some of the biggest companies in Europe. Don’t be alarmed if the person asking you about your design choices for the accumulator is the engineer responsible for all battery production in Audi, for instance. The stakes are therefore high. There are no prices to be won in the competition, except honour and glory for the teams achieving the top rankings each year. This has always been a huge motivating factor for Revolve NTNU, and the reason so many of our members are part of the organisation for two or even three years. There are countless technological improvements to be made, and you can always push the limits of what’s possible just a tiny bit further. Last year, Team 2018 achieved a record breaking second place in Formula Student Germany, the largest and most prestigious competition. Revolve NTNU has never had a better result, and this is a huge motivator for our team. It shows that hard work and dedication pays off in the long run. There are few teams who have achieved similar results after so few years. Even though Revolve NTNU is only 9 years old, we have made huge technological breakthroughs in this time.

©FSG - Maru Photo: All the teams participating in Formula Student Germany 2018. Still, everything is possible during competitions. The cars are by all means prototypes, and no place is this more evident than during the technical scrutineering and dynamic events. Cars break down, stop without any reason, and refuse to turn on. “But this worked yesterday” is a normal excuse to be heard in the pits. Top teams with years of experience can experience catastrophic failure, and underdogs may appear every year. The competitions aren’t all hard work and no play, though. A large part of the competitions is socialising with other teams, from all over the world. We learn from each other, as well as have a lot of fun together. The camping life is a great experience, bonding and making ever-lasting friendships between students from all over the world. Walking around the pits in the daytime and chatting with other teams is a great experience. No teams have solved their challenges the same way, and looking at the technical solutions of other teams is a huge motivation for us. When the dust has cleared, and the last car has finished endurance, we will hopefully, once again, end up on the podium, celebrating with the best engineering students in the world. Only time will tell.

Photos: Having a great time watching the race and camping in the nice weather.



Teaming up with Revolve NTNU

Text: Danske Bank Photo: Danske Bank

Danske Bank is on board when NTNU’s students in Revolve NTNU are building this year’s racecar from scratch. The partnership gives Danske Bank the opportunity to get even closer to their partners and show that the bank have more to offer than good terms on loans and savings. “The approach to the partnership reflects our strategy where we want to do more with and for our partners – and in this case Tekna. A collaboration with the committed team in Revolve NTNU gives us a clear signal to Tekna on how we want to help build up around their students and tomorrow’s engineers”, says Ole Kristian Hansen, Head of Marketing in Danske Bank Norway. Among other things, as part of the collaboration, Danske Bank and Revolve NTNU will produce and share content across each other’s channels. Student activities are important for Danske Bank With over 12,000 student members in Tekna, these make up a large proportion


of their total membership, and students are highlighted as an important focus arena for Danske Bank. “Many of the associations we cooperate with encounter the same challenges when it comes to students. One of them is how to ensure that student members remain members even after completed studies. This type of collaboration where we, together with Revolve NTNU, can connect the students closer to both the business sector and the association, is a measure to succeed with this challenge”, says Johan Gotteberg in Partner Relations, Danske Bank. At Revolve NTNU, the new partner was met with great enthusiasm. “We all cheered when it was announced that Danske Bank joined our team”, says Erik Brettingen Johansen in Revolve NTNU. As part of the collaboration, Danske Bank will also assist the team in the preparation for a business case that is to be presented in connection with Formula Student. Danske Bank will be present when Revolve NTNU unveils this year’s car in May.

Business Plan Presentation The other side of engineering Text: Erik Brettingen Johansen Photo: ŠFSG - Shidhartha

Who said putting theory in practice only applies to engineering? The goal of the Business Plan Presentation is to convince a company to invest in your project. In real life, building high performance race cars is useless unless you can create a bridge between your company and the end user through marketing and sales. The business plan presentation is one of the competitions that differs the most from the associated racing- and engineering aspects of Formula Student. In total it is accountable for 75 out of 1000 points in the competition. The process of creating a business plan usually starts with defining a business concept. As the technical feasibility of the concept is of less importance in this competition, novelty is rewarded. Some teams are combining racing on snow, providing racing solutions to people with handicap, or even fusing racing with the concept of escape rooms.

break-even point and profits vs. timescales? Only the most appealing and bullet-proof business concepts will win and achieve the most points. The finalists will present their concept in front of all the thousands students that attend one of the Formula Student competitions.

Being responsible for the Business Plan Presentation with only one other person taught me to present for larger audiences and gave me experience within conceptualisation of business ideas. Furthermore, it is one of few tasks were your performance directly affects our final score. Therefore, I felt a lot of pressure and was motivated to work hard and do my best. - Anja Murud Gahre, Marketing Manager 2017

When the concept is chosen, the task is to find the target audience. Who is the customer, what are their requirements, how does your solution meet those requirements and how is your product positioned compared to your competitors. Next, the production plan and financial documents are prepared. Everything then has to be presented in a neat way with appealing graphics to the judges that by nature are sceptical. Is the market bulletproof? Are the technical and financial risks minimized? Is the business model clearly stated with return on investment,

Photo: Anja and Nadia during the BPP for judges at Formula Student Germany 2018.



Molstad Modell & Form

Using new technology to improve a 5000-yearold production method.

The art of casting has been known for more than 5000 years, but that does not mean that there are no process improvements to be made. Molstad Modell & Form has a team of very skilled pattern- and mould makers constantly working to find innovative solutions, smarter and better ways of building moulds and patterns for different kinds of casting. Text: Molstad Modell & Form Photo: Molstad Modell & Form

As a result of this Molstad Modell & Form has become Norway’s most recognized mould and pattern maker. They make casting tools for several types of metal casting, vacuum forming, GRP moulding and thermoset plastic moulding. With PartnerPlast AS joining the team as a new owner in 2015 they also started up producing polyurethane elastomers. This has become an essential part of their business, and they now deliver PU parts such as cable protection, subsea support MudMat, Bend restrictors, etc. to demanding customers worldwide.


Molstad Modell & Form has for many years been a sponsor of Revolve NTNU, supplying tools for moulding body parts, wheels and seats. “We are proud to be able to supply the Revolve team with our solutions”, says Managing Director, Tor Henning Molstad. “We think the whole project is very exciting and gives the students a lot of experience that will prove to be very useful in future employments. We also love fast moving objects with wheels.” Molstad Modell & Form wish the Revolve team 2019 the best of luck in the building process and the races to come.


K. Lerøy Metallindustri AS

Part of Revolve NTNUs planetary gear box to be used in the 2019 season. We are proud to support Revolve NTNU and are impressed by their results so far. We wish the team the best of luck in the competition and in their careers. Text: Benjamin Halsøy og Fredrik Larsen Photo: Benjamin Halsøy

When Revolve NTNU asked us if we wanted to support them, we turned to our recently hired engineers from NTNU Gløshaugen for whether this could be benefitting for us. They vouch for the Revolve NTNU team and the effort they lay down each year. Ultimately assuring us that they possess the technical knowledge to deliver results in the Formula Student Competition.

Our mission at K. Lerøy is to materialize your ideas in the best possible way. It does not matter if you need some simple sheet metal brackets or are engineering high tech, next generation machine components. Our focus will either way be to understand your needs and to convey our knowledge and experience so that you get the quality you need in your product.

We are a specialized manufacturer supplying precision made components for all kinds of customers. In the same way that we are involved in a wide array of industries, Revolve NTNUs ability to bring different fields together to build something extraordinary is something we value and can relate to. We are confident that students that engage themselves in a multidisciplinary project like Revolve NTNU will gain experience valuable to their future employers.

To machine the planetary gear box for Revolve we made use of our DMG Mori Milltap 700, a 5-axis simultaneously milling machine. This machine has the capabilities to produce some incredible geometries. It also has a user-friendly robotized feeding of material that makes it possible to run unmanned even on small series. However, this is only one of our many advanced and precise machines. We will continuously focus on pushing the technology to its boundaries and by doing this we are confident that we will be in business when flying cars is Revolve NTNUs focus.

As a sponsor we naturally see this as a good opportunity to make an impression on the students that soon will start their careers. But it is important for us to show that it is possible to manufacture almost anything you need using Norwegian suppliers.


A New Motor

Moving to inhouse production For the 2019 season, we have decided to do major changes to our powertrain. We are currently in the finishing stages of implementing our self-developed inverters, redesigned gearbox and all new motors. Text: Kristoffer Haugland Photo: Øyvind Storvik Ingebrigtsen

Since the 2016 season, our cars have had a 4WD set-up, with our motors mounted directly to our uprights. We can with such a configuration control the torque each wheel transfers to the ground individually. This gives an advantage, especially in tight hairpins. The motors that have been used since then are made by a company named AMK. The AMK motors are what is called “Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors”. Motors within this category deliver a great deal of specific power, when looking at the overall size of the system.

with Fischer Elektromotoren. Fischer supports teams with the electromagnetic system of the motor, while the team must design and make the interfacing mechanical parts. This means that rotors, housings, end bells and lids, have for the 2019 season been designed by Revolve Team 2019. The result of this cooperation has given the 2019 car a reduction in gearbox and motor weight just north of 3 kg compared to the 2018 car. Adding to this the change yields and added design space for the suspension and an increase of 39 % in torque.

Although the AMK motors yield great benefits, the 2016 team saw that more gains could be obtained by switching to a more tailor-made solution. The 2016 team started a development project of an in-house designed motor. The project was called “Alexis”. It was unfortunately discontinued in 2018, largely due to the lack of production know-how and excessive costs which started to accumulate.

Changing the motors has really shown what formula student and being a part of Revolve NTNU is about. The motor development for 2019 has required cooperation with five different companies from three different countries. We want to thank these for making the 2019 Fischer-Revolve motors a reality.

During the end of the 2018 season, the new 2019 team decided to change motor suppliers. This was after finding a new company, Fischer Elektromotoren GmbH. Switching to the Fischer motors not only adds a great deal of new possibilities in terms of design, it also adds a performance gain in terms of increase in torque. The development process is done in cooperation


Finally, we want to thank our partners involved. Semcon has done an excellent job on all the machining work. Smart Maskinering has wire eroded the rotor profiles. A final thanks must be made to Bumax for supplying us with Bumax 88, a non-magnetic steel for our balancing discs.

Suspension rods


Upright Photo: CAD model of the wheel,

Photo: Rotors for our new motors.



3D-Printing Technology

Tronrud Engineering has printed 3D-parts for Revolve NTNU’s racing cars since 2014. To be able to build an optimal racing car, creative and innovative people are required. New solutions must be considered and there must be room for taking chances. Revolve NTNU has done so - by using 3D-printed parts manufactured at Tronrud Engineering. Text: Tronrud Engineering Photo: Tronrud Engineering & Øyvind Ingebrigtsen - Revolve NTNU

A leading manufacturer within 3D-printing

Tronrud Engineering has since 2011 experienced and used 3D-printing technology. The company’s focus has been on building expertise and competence, and highly skilled operators have made the company a leading manufacturer within 3D printing. With a total of three printers in-house located at Eggemoen Technology Park, a wide range of materials such as metals and polymer can be used to design and manufacture components. With great solutions and design freedom, the possibilities are almost endless.

different parts have been printed for Revolve NTNU, consultation and advice of design and size have been given, and the result has been a great collaboration and exciting transfer of expertise.

Supporting Revolve NTNU

Five years ago, the student organization Revolve NTNU came up with an interesting request for a collaboration and sponsorship agreement with Tronrud Engineering. The student group presented a good and idealistic case, where the goal was to use 3D-printed parts to develop an optimal racing car. Their main goal was to win the Formula Student competition. The student group was innovative, committed, talented and dared to try, and with the company’s desire to increase the competence and information known about 3D-printing in Norway, a collaboration started. Since then,


Photo: Borgar Tronrud, responsible for 3D-printing at Tronrud Engineering.

Photo: 3D-printing by using laser sintering of aluminium powder. The beginning outline of one of Revolve NTNU’s uprights.

Uprights and brake calipers for the 2019-project

Four uprights and four brake calipers have been printed for Revolve’s racing car 2019-project. The uprights are the most advanced to print. The four uprights are placed on each wheel of the racing car with the function to help the engine, gearbox, and cooling hose to be stable and in place. For the last three years, uprights to Revolve have been printed in Titanium (Ti6Al4V). The 2019-season focused however on making the right compromise between the design parameters, resulting in the material being changed from Titanium to Aluminum (AlSi10Mg). Aluminum printing takes more time, but the benefits are predictability and ease of finishing. By doing so, other great benefits followed, like an increased stiffness of 50 %.

advantages and possibilities introduced by 3D-printing.

Perfect results require perfect work

To be able to reach Revolve’s goal: to each year design the optimal racing car and win the formula competition, the 3D-printed parts from Tronrud Engineering needs to be perfect. The 2019-upright contains of 2500 layers of Aluminum powder, taking 33 hours to print. If one layer was somehow not perfect, the production process needed to start all over again. The 3D-print operators had to work smart, carefully and detailed, which required both time and effort. But - the operators did it, and at the end it was all worth it, seeing the result of the faultless printed parts.

The brake calipers were also printed in Aluminum, resulted in a weight reduction more than 60% compared to the previous CNC-milled design. This demonstrates the



Skriverform AS

Working with additive manufacturing Text: Skriverform Photo: Øyvind Ingebrigtsen - Revolve NTNU

Skriverform AS is a tool manufacturing company located in the town of Tretten in Gudbrandsdalen. We perform product designs, tool designs and 3D programming on Siemens NX. Since we were established in 1964, we have specialized in conventional molding tools and multi-component molding tools. Besides we offer high precision CNC milling and turning. The 2019-season is the first year we collaborate with Revolve NTNU. We are proud to do the advanced post machining of the additively manufactured uprights. The additive manufacturing market is rapidly evolving, and for us it was important to learn about machining 3D printed parts. This will be an investment in the years to come, as more metal 3D printers are entering Norway. Sponsoring Revolve NTNU is a great opportunity to support dedicated students in their journey of becoming world class engineers. “With the non-traditional geometry which additive manufacturing offers, our CNCoperators Tom Nymoen and Hans Olav Fonstad were challenged”


Photo: Hans Olav Fonstad readying up for post machining of our upright.


PLM Technology AS PLM Technology AS is one of the first Value Added Reseller for Dassault Systèmes in the Nordics. We have over 10 years of experience delivering world leading engineering solutions, training and services to the industry. We deliver courses in use of the Dassault Systèmes software and have a team of highly qualified specialist’s. Projects like Revolve offer new and exciting cases which we are eager to contribute with and share our knowledge to. Text: PLM Technology AS Photo: PLM Technology AS

We have sponsored the Revolve project with training and support of Abaqus for two years and this year we extended the agreement to include the 3DExperience - one of the most sophisticated engineering packages on the market. The Revolve team continues to impress with their ability to learn and explore advanced techniques on a continuous quest for higher performance. Today nonlinear topology optimization has become an integrated part of their design process - where loadcases and manufacturing constraints are used to identify optimal geometries for any given part. Where topology optimization is impractical, for example optimization of CFRP (carbon-fiber reinforced plastic) layups, the team pushes forward with the use of Isight - a parametric optimization tool. Last year a fully-fledged workflow of the wheel shell was created to find the stiffest and lightest solution within their design space. This year the team embraced Functional Generative Design for reconstruction of topology optimized geometry - which aids the process of converting computer generated geometry to conventional CAD. Looking ahead, the team has started to include fatigue analyses on their components - ensuring both lifetime and at the same time increasing confidence when optimizing the components.

Carbon fiber is a well known material within the Revolve project and this year we have helped with the analysis done on the carbon fiber monocoque and found new failure criterias, and more reliable results. There has also been performed simulations on anisotropic carbon fiber crash box, which has to withstand the forces generated in a crash scenario. The knowledge in composite modeling is growing within the team and a field we find exitinging contributing with our knowledge. PLM Technology is a proud sponsor of a highly resourceful and avid team!


Lars Gustavsen

Alumni of Revolve NTNU My name is Lars Gustavsen and I was responsible for VCU software in 2017 and wrote my master’s thesis on Localization and Mapping in 2018. I now work as a software engineer at Radionor Communications, one of the proud sponsors of Revolve NTNU. Interviewer: Øyvind Storvik Ingebrigtsen Photo: Øyvind Storvik Ingebrigtsen

Why did you join Revolve NTNU?

Well, I think the origins of my interest in Revolve NTNU can be traced back to the year before I joined while taking a course called Instrumentation Systems. A big part of the course was based around a project where the class was divided into two imaginary companies, each competing for delivering a complete instrumentation solution for a factory. Each company was further divided into subgroups responsible for one part of the final product. It was my first brush with a larger scale engineering project, and I was hooked. and the following fall I simply had to apply for Revolve NTNU.

When looking back at your time with Revolve NTNU, what do you think affected you the most?

When looking back, I can safely say being a member of Revolve NTNU was a great investment, even though at times it can be lots of work. For me, the magic of Revolve NTNU is seeing students from so many different fields and levels of experience come together and create something so much more impressive than anyone could manage on their own. Sure, some courses have some project work, but nothing can compare to the scale of being a member of Revolve NTNU. As an engineer, I got to develop a system that serves a purpose and scale beyond simply being handed in and essentially discarded after the assignment is approved. It taught me the importance of leaving a trail of documentation and a focus on maintainability and extensibility, that can help the next team to pick up where I left off. As a person Revolve NTNU has given me lots of new friends and amazing experiences. Being part of a community where everyone is so passionate about the same thing as you is truly inspiring. Since the team is so large and

diverse, having to cooperate and coordinate has improved my communication skills also. And hey, being able to say you’ve developed a race car is pretty cool.

Do you think having been a member helped you get into the job market? Having been a part of Revolve NTNU definitely made an impact on my job search. Both in terms of having made me a better engineer, but also because I think companies that know about Revolve NTNU recognize that it’s an environment that exposes you to many situations that will help you transition into your professional life.

What changed when you started working? In many ways my days as a professional software engineer has a bunch of similarities to being a member of Revolve NTNU. For starters, every day still can’t truly start until I’ve had the first cup of coffee, and I’m lucky to still work on a project I have lots of enthusiasm for.

I obviously can’t work as long hours as is common in Revolve NTNU (that would most likely be rather illegal), and this creates the need for a higher degree of prioritization. Another aspect is the fact that there is no yearly cycle of design, production, testing, and then finally the competition. New software versions are continuously released, and old ones have to be maintained. It does add a certain pressure knowing that people around the world rely on the software you wrote, but it’s also very exciting and rewarding.



Radionor Communication Radionor Communications is a supplier of next generation tactical broadband data links based on phased array antennas. The technology provides unmatched range and stability and is ideal for high-mobility applications. Text: Radionor Photos: Radionor & Revolve NTNU

In racing, data is everything. For testing, racing and eveuntally winning, having full control of what goes on at every moment is crucial. Revolve NTNU uses a telemetry system based around the products of Radionor Communications. Radionor’s Cordis Radio Eye phased array radios provides them with range, capacity and reliability neeeded for an aspiring racing team. Using this system, Revolve NTNU have the connection needed when they need it. Other teams use WiFi for their telemetry that causes them to often lose connection. With Radionor’s system, Revolve get data on their base station before the car itself gets it. Because of this, Revolve have received a lot of attention in competitions. To develop and build a race car from scratch in one year is a challenging task that demands numerous engineering fields, extraordinary dedication and hard earned resources. Every year a new team of students take on the complex and comprehensive project to make the transition from students to fully capable engineers. Radionor Communications AS sponsors Revolve NTNU for the 3rd year in a row.





From Race Car

To Trackside This is what Hermann Sundklakk in NTNU says about Radionor’s system: “It uses a personal computer on a car that listens to the packages on the car’s internal network, that stands for communication between di¬erent systems like batteries and dashboards. The computer does this to IP packets sent over Radionor’s radio link, where we use their error-free UDP option for a near flawless link. This along with the fact that Radionor’s products work over IP, allows

us to have more people looking at the same data stream independently of each other, in real time, without errors. Radionor’s support has no doubt been of great help during the previous season, where we collected close to 100 GB with data where Radionor’s radios accounted for much of this. We look at a good telemetry as one Factor in achieving the results we want, thanks to Radionor we have the link we need.”


Torque Vectoring System Optimizing car control

Revolve NTNU’s 2019 team has two members responsible for developing the racecar´s torque vectoring algorithm, Tom Daniel and Christine. Christine is 25 years old and from Sandefjord, she is currently in her fifth year studying cybernetics and robotics. Tom is 24 years old from Steinkjer and is currently on his 4th year, also studying cybernetics and robotics. Text: Christine Borg & Tom Daniel Grande Photo: Christine Borg & Ă˜yvind Storvik Ingebrigtsen

In 2016 Revolve NTNU went from using one electric motor to four in total, one motor in each wheel, which gave us the opportunity to introduce torque vectoring and it was the beginning of the torque vectoring algorithm as it is today. By giving torque setpoints with different magnitude to each in-wheel motor, we can manipulate the vehicles driving characteristics, and push the acceleration limits of the race car in both longitudinal and lateral direction. The torque vectoring algorithm is essentially the vehicles control system. The way it works is by evaluating the cars current states from over 360 different sensor inputs in addition to states estimated online, and by using these states the algorithm calculates the optimal torque and rpm setpoints to the four hub mounted electrical motors. The optimal setpoints are set in the baseline of the control regime; the quadratic programming controller, the QPC, tries to follow the inputs from the driver, i.e accelerating, decelerating and the steering wheel angle. In addition, the controller ensures that the vehicle does not spin too much in high acceleration straights, or slip out of the track during high speed cornering by looking at the available tire grip estimated online.


The torque vectoring algorithm takes into account the different types of dynamic events. During the acceleration event the launch control module takes over, and during the skidpad event the skidpad mode is set. The Launch Control module only optimizes motor setpoints based on maximizing longitudinal force from the wheels to the ground while keeping the car under the maximum power limit set by the competition rule of 80kW over a timespan of 500 milliseconds. The power limit rule is applicable to all the dynamic events. The skidpad mode is the opposite of the Launch Control and optimizes the cars lateral force by using a Kalman filter for giving a low varying reference to the QPC making it more intuitive for the driver. The torque vectoring algorithm is also tailored to the different drivers needs and preferences. Each driver has a distinct parameter profile from their respective driving styles which is set before they enter the car. These parameters decide, among other things, how under/over - steered the car feels. Focus areas for us this year have been rewriting and reorganizing the code by introducing git version control in Matlab, changing to using slip ratio regulation

Photo: Visualization and validation of the torque vectoring system for Nova in IPG carmaker instead of direct torque allocation, implementing a state of the art solver for the quadratic programming problem, designing a more theoretically sound gain scheduled PID power limit algorithm and making so that the launch control mode is now using an online estimated slip ratio instead of a statically set slip ratio in the control regime. We both think that Revolve NTNU has given us a unique possibility to actually use the theory we have learned during our study

Photo: Tom & Christine.

course and Revolve NTNU is a one time “hands-on� experience. Working on a real and complex system is something entirely different than what we will learn in lessons at the university. Additionally Revolve NTNU has learned us how to attack challenges and to know how to approach them, and it really helps that all the members in Revolve NTNU are always helpful if we are in need of help. The teamwork and the team spirit is an invaluable experience and has given us a lot of new opportunities and friendships.



From Formula 1 to Revolve NTNU Text: SKF Photo: SKF & Martin Berger - Revolve NTNU

As a leading supplier of quality bearings and other mechanical components, SKF is both responsible and privileged to contribute to the development within mechanical design and engineering. Since founded in 1907 we have been working closely with customers across industries all over the world, and contributed with our knowledge and expertise to help create the best mechanical solutions. The Revolve NTNU project is both a great project to showcase how we work in SKF, and a project that we believe really contributes to the development within mechanical design and engineering. Every year students join the Revolve NTNU team looking at challenges with new eyes, creating new solutions, continuously improving, developing and learning. After studies students will go on bringing the Revolve NTNU experience with them creating and shaping tomorrows world of mechanical design and engineering. SKF recognize this value and see it as both our


responsibility and privilege to contribute with our knowledge, expertise and awesome bearings to create the most amazing full electric four-wheel drive racing car. SKF delivers bearings for the upright gear system, the electric motors, and the suspension system. Every year we are challenged to deliver slimmer, lighter and more reliable bearings. This year we are delivering both slim thin-section SKF Kaydon bearings and hybrid ceramic bearings. Both technologies are problem solvers where space and weight is critical. Working with Revolve NTNU is both technically interesting and great fun. We enjoy working with the highly motivated people in the team and gladly contribute where we can. We look forward to this years race car and wish you all the best from all of us in SKF!


Photo: Henrik Tveit from SKF showing Kristoffer Haugland in Revolve NTNU what SKF are making at RevolveDagen 2019.

Photo: Some of the ball bearings that SKF are making.


Per Schjølberg

A prominent person for Revolve NTNU It is not only the students who are drawn into Revolve NTNU. In many years we have worked in close cooperation with Per Schjølberg. This year he was voted in as an honorary member at our general assembly. He received this because of his entushiasm, dedication and devotion to the organization. We know who he is but do you? Of course, we have to tell you a bit about the wonderful person who has been working in the shadows all this time. We want to take a deep dive to get to know our newest honorary member. Interviewers: Martin Berger & Karoline Halvorsen Photo: Martin Berger

We started the interview with a simple question: Where are you from? “I am born in Hell!”, Per exclaims. He can tell us that he has multiple times tried to put Hell in his passport but to no luck as of yet. He works at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and is the one responsible for the tuition, principally for subjects revolving around maintenance and reliability. He tells us multiple times about how he tries to connect people with each other and he emphasises how important it is to have a good network of people. He is working closely with multiple companies in the Norwegian industry and tells us that he always tries to include his students into the projects with either master or bachelor thesis. Per also has connections worldwide and is often working on standardizing industrial processes abroad as well. He tells us about a project in Europe involving 12 countries that he is leading. This is what Per is doing now but we also wondered if he has done something else before he started working for NTNU. Has he been working in the industry for example? “I have been at SINTEF”, he said. There as well he worked on projects involving the industry so even though he has not worked directly in the industry he has a lot of experience in working with them.

“I am born in Hell”


One might ask how Per is connected to Revolve NTNU and what is the reason behind an interview with him. The story begins in the infancy of Revolve NTNU when our founders first took contact with Per. They pondered on how they were going to be able to found a group of students at NTNU who would be able to create a race car. Per tells us how he took his network at NTNU to good use and started pulling in the correct strings and putting us in contact with the correct people at NTNU. Afterwards, he became our contact person. You took on the responsibility for being our contact person at NTNU. How do you feel like that has been? “It has been supreme”, he says and continues to tell us that he thinks the experience has been very positive both professionally and for networking. He feels like it has been quite easy to get NTNU on the team and get Revolve NTNU what we needed. After a short time things took off and when we got both a workshop area and two subjects we began showing improved results in the competitions we attended. He could tell us: “This is connected and it motivated me”. Per has since been fast on his feet and helped us in upgrading our workshop and is always helpful in giving us useful tips and opening up new possibilities for improvement for us. It was a lot of work to get so far, but he was impressed with how professionally we acted and showing competence and securing the industrys support was the reason why it went so fast. He tells us that: “Every process takes time and one has to be patient”, there are still things Per has initiated and that we are working together on to improve. As previously stated, Per has recently been appointed as an honorary member of Revolve NTNU. We also ask him what he thinks about that.


“What is the best car that exist? The Beetle!” Per just brushes the question off and continues to describe how important it is for him that Revolve NTNU has a good vision and how important it is for him that NTNU likes the project. “If I deserve to be named as an honorary member is another topic!”, he says with a smile and laughs. Per is a person who likes to have much to do. You could describe him as a workaholic regularly working 12 hour days. Even working that much he has time for his family and he tells us that he regularly works out. On his spare time, he is fond of meeting new people as well as hanging out with his old buddies. One way he can meet new people is by travelling to new places and this spring he accompanied students on their excursion to Asia. If I am asked to shortly summarize Per as a person I would say that he is a positive and energetic person. He eagerly showed us different things strewn about his office and did so with a smile on his face. He is also a hardworking person who really cares about the students under his care and works hard to be able to always lend a helping hand.


Working Together to Evolve

Revolve NTNU provides a glimpse into the future. For BDO, it’s a great chance to support the development of important technology, and at the same time learn about the fundamental changes of our time. Text: Atle Bersvendsen, kommunikasjonssjef BDO MidtNord Photo: BDO

Change and innovation are key words for BDO. Since our founding in 1963, the BDO story has been one of continuous response to our clients’ and our people’s ever-changing needs. In 1973 the organization took the name BDO, made up from the initials of the three founding European firms: Binder (UK), Dijker (Netherlands) and Otte (Germany). In the folllowing years, BDO has grown into a US$8 billion+ business, operating in 162 countries, with over 80 000 employees. In Norway, we are about 1600 employees, and we have 72 offices countrywide, serving around 42 000 customers. We have achieved this by adapting to the changes brought about by external forces such as regulation and globalization, as well as the changing needs and expectations of our clients. The cooperation with Revolve NTNU is a local initiative for the BDO office in Trondheim, where we are about 160

employees. Trondheim is the technology capital in Norway, so supporting local business and NTNU is important to us. That is why we are proud to support Revolve financially and through advisory activity. We live and operate in an environment characterized by an unpredictable global economy, politics and digitalization. Like all businesses, we must take wise strategic decisions to ensure that we can continue to attract clients. Above all, we will continue to deliver exceptional client service. Technical excellence is a given, but customer experience is embedded in our strategy and undertaken on both a global and local level. In that context; the relationship between BDO and Revolve NTNU, can help both parties evolve and reach our goals in the future. Audit & Assurance | Tax & Legal | Advisory | Business Service


Autonomous Technology Here to stay Text: Toralf Frich Photo: ©FSG - Rankin

Autonomous systems have come to stay. Even though we are not aware of it, the influence of AI and self-governing robotics grows larger every day. It’s easy to think that autonomy and AI only applies to cars, machines and other objects that move, but in a decade, I am sure that many of the solutions of today’s infrastructure are obsolete due to increased amount of computing power. I recently attended a talk where several startups presented how they use AI. One interesting use case presented was to inspect wooden power poles with AI. The problem with power poles today is that they are changed rather frequently as there currently does not exist any tools to inspect them. Hence, the company utilized AI to compare the tree trunk of the power pole to data from a simulator and pictures of tree trunks from other wooden posts. Hence, the company were able to determine when the post had to be changed. Considering that the estimated cost of changing one power pole is NOK 150.000, the solution could save the power industry millions every year. What fascinated me was that this was a use case I had never thought of before, and there are probably many more that haven’t even been looked into yet. In Revolve NTNU we utilize technology that almost every autonomous system relies on. From creating a virtual map using SLAM to creating tiny circuit boards that are responsible for the state of the autonomous system. These are the systems of the future. When your workstation adapts its position


depending on who is sitting in the chair, or the circuit board inside your body closes all doors without you having to think, these are the systems that will be responsible. Autonomous systems have come to stay, and I can guarantee you that the progress will not go unnoticed.

Photo: Our first driverless car, Eld, performing at Formula Student Germany last year.

ŠFSG -Rankin



Simpro Simpro has been working with the entire process of electronics production since 1990. They provide services from PCB production and board assembly to automated testing and documentation. Among their core values you will find “reliable” and “flexible”.In our work with Simpro they have always adhered to these values, being able to help us with challenging tasks on short notice. Text: Gorm Bjørnar Karlsen, Simpro Photos: Øyvind Storvik Ingebrigtsen

How has the co-operation between Simpro and Revolve NTNU been?

Why are Simpro and Revolve NTNU a good match?

• Simpro has been a sponsor for Revolve for 7 years. Simpro helps with the manufacturing of the electronics used in the car. We provide materials and components for the building, arranges soldering and Electrostatic discharge(ESD) courses for members of the Revolve team.

• There are a lot of electronics in the car and development of this are made of very capable students, even though to be able to help Revolve we need to live by our values especially the value flexible. Our experienced and skilled workers and production facilities make us a good match for helping Revolve making electronics that work.

Why do you want to support Revolve NTNU? • We know of all the pitfalls you may have when designing electronics, team members from the Revolve team may be customers when they are graduated. So we are both teaching probable customers to avoid the usual pitfalls when designing electronics for production, and to be able to demonstrate our capabilities for future customers. How have you supported Revolve NTNU? • We support through delivering materials and components for manufacturing all electronics used in the car, we also produce all the electrical systems in the car. In addition, we fulfil essential courses for understanding some of the challenges in electronics production and through our personnel


How do you feel about the co-operation? • We highly appreciate this co-operation and everybody at our site in Løkken are looking forward to their visit and together we make some of the essential parts of the car reliable and rough.


Photo: From the front to the back, Jan Ottar Olsen, Christian Holmvik and Nikolai Nymo putting together their PCBs while visiting Simpro.

Photo: Jostein Brovold soldering components and measuring voltages on his PCB while visiting Simpro. 43

Cone Detection & Sensor Fusion The eyes of an autonomous racecar Text: Martin Kristoffer Hoel Sandberg Photos: Ouster, Velodyne & Basler


To master autonomous driving, one has to master the art of perceiving the world. The state of the art technology offers autonomous car developers a great variety of sensors to use. In Formula Student, the racetrack is defined by cones with different colors, size and distance offsets. Hence, the perception system is faced with several challenges. Revolve NTNU Driverless has chosen three top notch sensors which will ensure a colored, far-reaching and wide-ranging view of the car’s nearby environment. The sensors chosen are the Ouster OS-1 LiDAR, the Velodyne PUCK VLP-16 LiDAR and the Basler Ace machine vision camera.

Detection Sensors

The selection of the sensors are cherry-picked by the influence of many factors and parameters. As our stunningly looking racecar Atmos has well-defined curves with great aerodynamic performance, and is tightly packed with high-performing mechanical parts, there was a challenge to find the ideal positioning of our sensors. Hence, we had to make a tradeoff between raw mechanical performance and autonomous perception performance. We chose the latter, because utilizing the real power of the LiDARs 360° field of view (fov) will in theory obtain a greater performance gain on the autonomous race car than the front and back aerodynamic wings.


The LiDARs sends out pulsed laser light. When the light hits an object or natural surface, it get reflected back to the LiDARs. By tracking the time the light used to return, the LiDARs can estimate the position of the hit object or surface. The Velodyne have 16 channels while the Ouster has 64 channels. Hence, the Ouster produces 4 times as many data points compared to the Velodyne, which offers a greater potential of detecting cones. Removing the aerodynamic wings, made space for a LiDAR to be placed in the main hoop with a full 360° fov, and another beneath the front nose. Although this expel the potential of using the full 360° fov, it enhances the sensor’s effectiveness by sending out pulsed laser light in parallel with the ground. Empirical studies have proven this to be the best placement for the Velodyne. Having two great LiDARs is awesome. Nevertheless, there are room for more. Utilizing a machine vision camera designed for high-performance autonomous applications, capable of reaching 200 frames per second, makes it possible to frequently capture prime colored pictures of the environment even at very high speeds. This enables the autonomous system to consequently classify cones with different colors and size. Exploiting three sensors with unique

capabilities according to sensor specifications and positions, the perception system employ great redundancy and supplementing functionalities.

Cone Detection Algorithms

LiDARs generates data which are called Point Clouds. A point cloud is a collection of points which the pulsed laser lights from the LiDAR have connected with the real world 3D environment. Possessing two separate LiDARs creates big data. To accomplish astounding cone detection results from the point clouds, we apply the C++ Point Cloud Library together with a ground removal algorithm. Removing the ground points makes it easier to detect the cones through downsampling and clustering algorithms. However, these types of algorithms tend to produce some false positives, which means that it detects cones where there aren’t any.

The chosen camera algorithm is YOLOv3. It is a convolutional neural network which can efficiently and accurately both classify and localize objects in a far range within a 2D image, The classified objects are highlighted with rectangular bounding boxes. Such a neural network is hungry for training data. Luckily, Revolve NTNU Driverless has a good habit of exchanging image datasets with tons of cones with other Formula Student teams. This have culminated into a training set of over 9000 captured images in

a variety of weather conditions, making the neural network highly robust and flexible in different environments. By coupling precise estimated bounding boxes with certain specifications of a mono camera, it is plausible to estimate cone positions. However, not as reliable estimates as the LiDARs can produce. Although these cool algorithms can perform good results by themselves, they need to be merged to create great results. That enforces us to aggregate the pros of the algorithms to mitigate the cons with an advanced and innovative sensor fusion step.

Sensor Fusion

All the sensors run independently and feed the sensor fusion algorithm asynchronously with detected cones. Together with position estimates of the cones, the LiDAR and camera algorithms outputs covariances. This covariances are used to associate cones in a Kalman filter. The Kalman filter enables the algorithm to solve the association problem probabilistically opposed to deterministically. The strength this implies is that the algorithm can determine associations by enrolling a likelihood of an association being true instead of a discrete “yes or no” approach. This makes the algorithm flexible for different situations and scalable for further challenges.

The Fundament

The detection algorithms of Revolve NTNU Driverless make a great foundation for the rest of the autonomous system by utilizing top-notch sensors, exploiting the strengths of the sensors’ associated detection algorithms and aggregating their generated outputs in an innovative detection fusion step. The result of the detection algorithms is a great fundament for mapping the environment, plan and select the optimal trajectory through the race track.



Ouster Text: Ouster Photos: Ouster

Ouster was founded by and for roboticists. Angus Pacala and Mark Frichtl founded the company in 2016 to bring lidar and 3D sensing to the masses and power roboticists working on autonomous technology. From day one, the focus was on delivering a compact, inexpensive, highperformance, and practical product. With a mission of shipping products not promises, Ouster emerged from stealth in December 2017 when the OS-1 64 lidar was ready to ship. Ouster’s semiconductor approach essentially replaces thousands of components in traditional lidar technology with two custom designed chips. The result is a lidar that is streamlined, compact, robust, low cost, and high performance. Simplicity without compromise. The OS-1 product portfolio changes the landscape of the world of mechanically scanning lidar; it achieves the smallest form factor and mass of any lidar on the market, while maintaining the lowest price, highest performance, and unmatched lifetime reliability of any other sensor of its kind. The OS-1 64 packs 64 individual beams in a compact sensor smaller than

a coffee mug. Ouster’s unique application of semiconductor technology the same scalable laser and detector technology in the latest smartphones enables high beamto-beam repeatability, angular accuracy, and spatial resolution. Combined with our finely tuned optics, we have the unique ability to produce camera-like 2D images along with our 3D point cloud output. This allows for camera-based deep learning models to be applied to lidar data for the first time, saving autonomous vehicle customers significant time and cost in adapting training algorithms. Since launch, Ouster has quickly gained hundreds of customers spanning major OEMs, ADAS, robotics, and drone companies.



Semcon & Revolve NTNU A perfect match! Text: Semcon Photo: Semcon

Devotek became a part of Semcon in 2015. With a dedicated focus on innovation, our office in Kongsberg is known for its creative culture and exciting, innovative technical solutions, always with the end user in focus. Project examples we are proud of range from electrical pumps on dairy trucks and self-driving airport snow removal vehicles to electrically adjustable ski bindings and advanced subsea systems. We deliver complete systems, being able to start from an idea and go all the way to a finished product. Most of our projects are executed in-house with a multi-disciplinary team mainly within the mechanical, software and electronics fields; which contributes to our creative and open culture. We look at the Revolve project with great interest, knowing that the team consist next generation upand-coming engineering stars. Our prototype-workshop, which is a central piece of our iterative development process, has delivered high quality components to Revolve for many years. A few of the deliveries has also been manufactured on very short notice on request from the project, this also reflects our agile approach to the projects we run. Revolve is a front-runner when comes to new technology, this is important for us to support. Semcon Norge strives to be the best

in innovation, focusing on new products, systems and services. Just like Revolve, we must be in front of the technology development to provide our customers the best service and together create new business opportunities. “In order for us to be able to offer our customers the expertise they require, it is important that we keep up-to-date on the latest technology and research. The development is rapid and we must continuously improve to stay ahead and be relevant.� -Hans Peter Havdal, Division Manager Semcon.


Getting a car to drive by itself Text: Martin Kristoffer Sandberg Hoel Illustrations: The Driverless Group

State estimation Using state of the art sensor technology on the race car, we can estimate what state it is in. A state is defined as position and orientation. This must happen fast for the information to be precise at the speeds of a race car.



A camera and 2 LiDARs are observing the world asynchronously to ensure accurate and rapid detection. To capitalize on their strengths while mitigating their weaknesses, a detection fusion step has been implemented as well.

To keep track of the race car’s state in correlation with the cones defining the track, we create a virtual map. The SLAM algorithm maps both the race car together with cones in one big map which we can use to plan the race car’s next action.


Planning The planning module uses the map which SLAM has created, and plans the best track through the cones. It does so by finding the left and right track boundaries to predict a path inbetween the boundaries.

Control The control module utilizes the path from the planning module to create an optimal raceline for the car to follow.


Text & Photos: Helge Bergo

We sent our Deputy Project Manager Helge around the office to ask 5 members 5 simple questions to see how life in Revolve NTNU really is.

Odin Aleksander Severinsen Chief Electrical Engineer

1. What are you actually doing nowadays in Revolve NTNU? ”At the moment I’m working on the wire harness for Nova, and the Electric Safety Form. It’s a lot of schematics before the competitions. We spend time planning, then measuring wires in the car, and making splices for the cables.” 2. What have been the funniest in the project so far? “Lars and I designed the Distributon Board for Nova. This is used to fuse the low voltage system in the car. It’s a typical Chief Engineer task, that someone has to do. It was really fun to have some technical work again, and spending time in Altium.” 3. What is the highlight of the week? “Being early in the office and enjoying some coffee while I get all the small tasks done. The evenings in the office after long days are also really fun.” 4. How much table tennis do you play, and how good are you? “Not much, I play Super Smash instead. I’m not very good, and the Software guys are amazing.” 5. What are you looking forward to the most the next months? “The day after the Unveiling when the car is ready, and being with my family after a hectic period. Also seeing the car drive for the first time of course.”


Bo Willem Woelfert Christine Borg Torque Vectoring

1. What are you actually doing nowadays in Revolve NTNU? “I’m working with the moment inertia reference for the car when turning corners. This consists of looking at Carmaker, looking at plots, and see if it all fits with our goals.” 2. What have been the funniest in the project so far? “When seeing that things you have done actually works.” 3. What is the highlight of the week? “This week it has been implementing a new solver. It was a lot of fun. This was something we spent a lot of time trying to do last semester, without success, but this week I did it all by myself, and it worked!” 4. How much table tennis do you play, and how good are you? “Almost every day. If the level of the team had been like last semester, I would have been average.” 5. What are you looking forward to the most the next months? “Testing the Torque Vectoring on the car, and seeing it in action. I think it’s going to be scary, exciting and fun!”


Vehicle Dynamics

1. What are you actually doing nowadays in Revolve NTNU? “I’m setting up a model of our car in the laptime simulator, to figure out what we need to improve to get better. Some examples are weight, torque and downforce, and find out which of these we need to improve, and how they affect each other.” 2. What have been the funniest in the project so far? “Second place in FSEast last year, without ever getting through scrutineering.” 3. What is the highlight of the week? “This week it was when my model worked without crashing. There are no error messages in this program, so when things don’t work, I just test out different things till they work again.” 4. How much table tennis do you play, and how good are you? “This year I have played 6-7 matches. Last year I played 130. There is a fine balance between making a great car and being a great ping pong player.” 5. What are you looking forward to the most the next months? “The Unveiling is going to be great, but the biggest is always the competitions. The first time the car is driving. See the development during testing, and watching the car going from a slow roll outside the workshop to over 100 km/h when testing driving at Værnes.”

Adrian Skibelid

SLAM & Visual Odometry 1. What are you actually doing nowadays in Revolve NTNU? “I have fixed the front end for the SLAM algorithm, and now I’m working on the back end. The front end measures cones, and associates these with hypotheses of previous measurements. The backend has control of all earlier cones, and tries to optimize and guess where we are now.” 2. What have been the funniest in the project so far? “The trip to Hamburg with the Driverless team for ARWO (Autonomous Racing Workshop).” 3. What is the highlight of the week? “When everyone starts on Monday morning, ready for a new week of work.” 4. How much table tennis do you play, and how good are you? “Every day. World champion.” 5. What are you looking forward to the most the next months? “Winning all the competitions, and bringing the trophy back to my mom.”

Vemund Vestreng Steering System & Driver

1. What are you actually doing nowadays in Revolve NTNU? “Aero production. Mostly sanding and fiber casting.” 2. What have been the funniest in the project so far? “Seeing things go from the PC screen to the real world, from concept to finished product.” 3. What is the highlight of the week? “Every time we demould a form. It’s a bit like pulling a fishing net, you have to open it up and see what you get.” 4. How much table tennis do you play, and how good are you? “I haven’t played since January. I played a lot before that, and am the undefeated champion when I was in shape. Now I’m on a ping pong rehab.” 5. What are you looking forward to the most the next months? “I’m both anxious and excited to test drive the car. The whole team is doing a great job on the car, so I hope it’s going to be a great experience driving it for the first time.”




BANEBRYTENDE Om man bygger verdens mest avanserte racerbil eller fremtidens smarte og bærekraftige byer trengs mange av de samme egenskapene. Vår kunnskap driver verden fremover.





KUNNSKAPEN BAK DINE 360° LØSNINGER COWI er et av Norges ledende rådgivende ingeniørselskap med kompetanse i verdensklasse innenfor komplekse funksjonsbygg, klimatilpasning, bærekraftig byutvikling og effektive transportløsninger.

Photo: Testing of the prototype battery management system.


RevolveDagen 2019 Each year, in the spring semester, we invite our sponsors to our annual career fair, RevolveDagen. Here they hold presentations and get the chance to recruit future talents. Our main goals for RevolveDagen is to give students the opportunity to explore, learn and be inspired by our own and our sponsors work. Text: Rafi Khajeh Photos: Martin Berger & Hugo Schleicher

This year we had the pleasure of presenting 24 companies to more than 2000 attending students. We had speed interviews, a presentation by former NASA engineer Gabe Gabrielle, over 500 prizes and giveaways and free ice-cream, the RevolveDagen 2019 was a great success. A lot of hard work went into making RevolveDagen 2019 go so smoothly. The marketing team stood strong and after endless hours of planning beforehand, the entire team helped on the day in giving the students and our sponsors the career fair of the year. We want to thank all of our sponsors! Both in sponsoring the event itself with prizes and merchandise but also with all the contributions to the project. Last but not least, the attendees. Thank you all for coming to El-bygget and participating in RevolveDagen. Without you, there is no career fair, so once again thank you so much for your attendance, support and interest in our project.


Photos: EndFrame Media


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