Lux Review Australia & NZ - Issue 4

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AUSTRALIA & NZ Volume 1 | Issue 4 | 2014 |



SPECIAL REPORT What’s the deal with public lighting procurement in Victoria? PAGE 14

SMART LIGHTING The airport that tracks suspicious activity with lights PAGE 53

REVIEWED: The latest LED high bays PAGE 85


Because Australia deserves the best. AUSTRALIA

LUX REVIEW The Australian Volume 1 | Issue 1 | 2013 |




Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2013 |

Shore thing




AUSTRALIA Volume 1 | Issue 2 | 2014 |


LED lighting hits the streets









O the best products Independent lab testing and reviews of the latest lamps, luminaires and gear O the best projects More than pretty pictures, we analyse a project’s success in terms of design and energy O the best commentary Authoritative and informed opinion from experienced lighting professionals O the best news team Lux Review Australia has the largest team of lighting journalists, working to bring you the latest news

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Halogen Replacement LED Downlight

CFL Replacement LED Downlight

LED Batten

LED Recessed Flat

LED Highbay


Time to speed things up DOUG GALVIN PUBLISHER

e’ve come a long way in the 226 years since Australia was settled by the English. Our development was guided by their expertise in all things engineering. First came buildings and roads, and later other infrastructure such as streetlighting. This was all based on British standards, which gave us infrastructure that was well designed, solid and built with a ‘quality first’ mentality. Australia and New Zealand eventually developed their own standards based on international best practice. Streetlighting standards such as AS/NZ1158 were drafted and approved to cover the country-specific requirements and achieve standardisation. All this worked pretty well, in a time when technology moved at a slow pace. A time New products developing a standard over two years and come to market faster when implementing it over four did not seem unreasonable. than standards can And it ensured that when a new standard was adopted, it would stand the test of time. keep pace” But in today’s lighting market, new products come to market faster than the existing standards can keep pace. This has brought us to the current situation in streetlighting, where some councils are unable purchase the most efficient product that has been designed under the latest international standard, because it doesn’t meet the local one. New manufacturers coming to the market find themselves locked out by standards that were written before the development of LED technology. It’s time Australia caught up with the rest of the world on its use of energy-efficient technologies, or we risk missing out on the benefits. If this means we need to go back to adopting other countries’ standards as our own, we shouldn’t see this as a backward step. I hope you enjoy reading Issue 4 of Lux Review Australia & NZ. This and past issues can now also be read online, on our website



– the team DOUG GALVIN Publisher e: t: +61 7 3121 3095 f: +61 7 3283 2977 m: +61 417 417 005 KATHRINE ANKER Editor e: t: +44 (0)20 3283 4387

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2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

Systemkanal – flawless LED light





Issue 04 2014 Features ANZAC MEMORIAL, SYDNEY

Regulars 20



Dynamic light adds a touch of magic to this shopping centre in an up-and-coming district

Funding delay for facelift project meant LEDs could be used rather than metal halide

Acclaimed designer Kaoru Mende turns his attention to the hotel’s grand ballroom

NEWARK AIRPORT, US 55 The lights are keeping tabs on your every move at this US airport’s car park – is that a good thing?

VEGAS CROCUS CITY, RUSSIA 24 Connected LED lighting helps shopping mall mimic the vibrancy of Times Square in New York

Chinese imports are setting the pace for LED adoption down under

ZORLU CENTER, TURKEY 26 DMX and Dali control all the LED luminiares in Turkey’s biggest commercial development

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 62 A World Bank initiative should transform the lives of 500,000 people in this Pacific Rim country


GAS LIGHTING 64 London and Berlin love their gas streetlights, but they must also cut carbon dioxide emissions…




Four of the company’s sites have cut energy use for lighting by 90 per cent






08 28 34 36 78 81 85 92 95 96 98

We review the latest high bays


The 10 most annoying things about LEDs, chosen by the Lux Review team

Metal halide is out and, you guessed it, LEDs are in at leisure company’s warehouse

The latest world-beating industrial lighting schemes that won’t cost the earth


News Opinion Your letters Interview Design clinic Lighting economist Reviewed: high bays Jargonbuster Upcoming events Lux videos Batwing


SMART CITIES How lighting will be a key part of the infrastructure of the cities of the future


85 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |




A former Detroit public lighting department maintenance worker has been charged with stealing property from the department and embezzling funds. It is alleged that Rudolph Washington made about 79 unauthorised charges totalling nearly US$4,300 ($4,900) to a department credit card. He is also alleged to possess eight new General Electric street lamps and 96 four-foot fluorescent lamps identified as City of Detroit property.

NIGHT-TIME LIGHT MAY IMPEDE CANCER DRUG Exposure to low levels of bedroom light could stop a key breast cancer drug from working. Tests in animals showed that light, equivalent to that from streetlamps, could make tumours resistant to the drug. The work was done by a team at the University of Tulane Medical School in New Orleans.

CONTROL LIGHTS WITH YOUR MIND Philips has co-developed a ‘proof of concept’ that would let people with degenerative conditions and impaired mobility control lights using only mental instructions. The Dutch lighting giant has worked with consulting firm Accenture to develop a system which includes a headset that detects brainwaves and connect it to a tablet computer that transmits lighting commands to the Philips Hue lighting control system.

New Zealand’s capital could be the next city in the country to switch to LED streetlights – the council will shortly review plans to upgrade some 18,000 lamps. Wellington would then join New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland, as well as Christchurch and Dunedin among others that have made the switch, according to Radio New Zealand News. ‘The Wellington City Council is to consider a socalled smart street lighting network which could interact with smartphones and dim when no-one is around,’ the website reported. Paul Glennie, the city’s street lighting manager, said the intelligent system could slash power consumption by 75 per cent. And because it can be controlled remotely, Glennie envisioned other benefits, such as emergency services assistance. ‘LED lights come on straight away, they don’t need a warm-up period, so we build it into the

system where an ambulance could tell us that a particular address has called them and we can switch that light to a flash mode,’ Glennie said. The new system would cost NZ$10-20 million ($9-18 million), depending on features. Wellington has New Zealand’s second largest metropolitan population at about 397,000, behind Auckland’s 1.4 million.


Energy savings underfoot The city council in Gosford, New South Wales has paved a 400m stretch of walkway below a railway line with a material that absorbs sunlight by day and illuminates itself at night. Gosford’s glow-in-the-dark footpath for pedestrians and cyclists is the first of its kind in Australia, according to the federal government’s Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, which is funding the path as part of a broader rail improvement scheme. Infrastructure minister and deputy prime minister Warren Truss trumpeted the scheme not only for its safety benefits, but for its economics as well. ‘The glow in the dark technology will also be a more economical alternative to installing powered lighting to service the footpath,’ he said.

BE PART OF IT | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

The streets of Wellington could soon be lit by LEDs

LEDs could save NZ town nearly $30,000 The streets of Otorohanga and Kawhia on New Zealand’s North Island could soon be lit by LEDs, after a report to council revealed that an upgrade could save ratepayers nearly NZ$30,000 ($27,000) a year. Roading manager Martin Gould told Otorohanga District Council that the 432 lanterns in its network should be replaced with LEDs, according to a report in The Waikato Times. The current system, Gould said, costs council and ratepayers NZ$124,200 a year.

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Reza Ghobadinic via Compfight/Flickr

LEDs to hit the streets in Wellington




Utilities ‘block LED streetlighting’ This month Utilities in Australia are stalling the installation of LED streetlighting because the move is not always in their best financial interests, according to a report that criticises the utilities’ reasoning. Although Australia’s local government councils are ultimately responsible for streetlighting and are pushing for LED upgrades, utilities own more than 90 per cent of the systems and are delaying the switch from conventional technology. That’s according to a new practice note, Towards More Sustainable Street Lighting from the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, as reported by The Fifth Estate, an Australian website that covers sustainable property and the built environment. Utilities are overstating the value of their lighting assets and inflating the writing down

in numbers $


cost of those units or the buy-out costs that a council would have to pay to replace them, says the report. According to the story: ‘Where councils own streetlighting… LEDs have taken off, with 27 of the 30 largest LED streetlighting deployments in the world being council-owned.’

Standard update acknowledges LEDs Standards Australia is to consider the adoption of IEC 60598-23 for road and streetlighting without modification, and the development of a separate technical specification to include performance and design requirements for streetlighting.


As a result, the proposed draft revision of AS/NZS 1158.6 – Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces, Part 6: Luminaires – will not proceed to ballot. The primary objective of the revision had been to accommodate LED technology.

Standards Australia says it is ‘very conscious of the need for the work to continue on the revision of AS/NZS 1158.6, and to continue in a way which supports the introduction of LED technology into the streetlighting market’.

Third generation family company ElElectric has been making lighting for homes and businesses for 60 years. John Ellemor started the company in his Melbourne garage in 1954. In 1965, he built his first factory in Ferntree Gully, Victoria. Ellemor’s son Rob took over the company in 1990 and increased production to combat the influx of Chinese products. El-Electric still makes its signature circular fluorescent fittings, but it has modified some of its equipment to accept LEDs and sells some imported LED products.





For more information and to book your stand, contact Roberta Bontempo +44 (0)20 3283 4387 |


2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

ITALO EVOLUTION WITHOUT LIMIT Now even more powerful. Italo now guarantees 10% more luminous flux then previous versions.

Functionality, versatility and a wide variety of optics features ITALO 1, ITALO 2 and ITALO 3: same design in three different sizes for a variety of equipment designed to light up high traffic urban and suburban roads. ITALO is equipped with a full range of optics able to accomplish all the different installation geometries. The High Performance Optic™ featured in the Italo Series delivers optimal uniformity and glare free light distribution. Thanks to the replaceable optical modules ITALO series is “Future Proof” guaranteed.






Danish lab to test smart systems Northern Europe’s smart lighting test bed, the Danish Outdoor Lighting Lab (Doll) has opened in Albertslund. The lab will demonstrate how LED streetlighting, with its digital and connected nature, can tie into urban information technology infrastructure and help public services such as police, fire and health. For example, a sensor that switches on a streetlamp when it detects a crowd might also alert police that hordes of people have arrived at a location that’s normally quiet. The sensors can also detect noise, air pollution and other factors. Doll is intended to help municipalities, universities and companies collaborate and share the knowledge, risk and costs involved in

Dignitaries push the button to light up the test bed

developing LED technology for connected city infrastructure. The mayor of Albertslund, Steen Christensen, and the president of Lighting Urban Community International (Luci), Martine de Regge, pushed a button that illuminated streetlights from a range of different manufacturers.

Dubai on track to halve outdoor lighting bill Dubai is on track to meet its energy conservation goals, with projects underway to achieve up to 50 per cent reduction in energy consumption for outdoor lighting by 2030, a government official has confirmed. The sustainability push is driven by the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE). Faisal Ali Hassan Rashid, director of demand side management at the DSCE, said the DSCE envisions a saving of up to 300GWh by 2030 through a comprehensive programme of replacing current lighting

systems with LED lamps, and a stringent switch-off policy that will minimise energy waste. The Dubai Road and Transport Authority (RTA) will retrofit up to 75 per cent of Dubai’s streetlights with LEDs, and implement a switch-off policy across the Emirate’s residential streets. Meanwhile lights at Dubai’s parks and public promenades are being limited to six hours of use per day and will be totally replaced by LEDs and other efficient lighting systems by 2030.

Energy savings should pay for new schemes More facilities managers could afford to install efficient lighting if suppliers offered risk-sharing contracts that replaced upfront costs with payments from energy savings. That was the consensus at the International Energy Research Centre (IERC) Conference in Cork, Ireland. The IERC promotes energy performance contracts that allow payments to be made through savings on energy bills.

Dubai looks set to hit its targets

CREE TAKES A 13% SLICE OF LEXTAR Cree is making a US$83 million ($95 million) investment in Taiwanese LED company Lextar, as part of a deal under which Lextar will supply mid-power LEDs to Cree. Cree will own about 13 per cent of Lextar, so the US company can focus on its highpower LEDs.

LED HUT AND BATTERIES PLUS IN $34M DEAL Online LED lighting retailer LED Hut has announced that it has merged with Batteries Plus – the largest battery and light bulb franchise in the US – in an US$30 million ($34 million) deal. LED Hut now expects to quadruple in size by 2017. LED Hut has grown from a five-person start-up operation in 2011 to a 60-strong team today – with a 550 per cent turnover increase in three years.


‘The programme will deliver tangible electricity savings and introduce modern technology,’ said Rashid.

Schiphol to fit LEDs Schiphol airport in Amsterdam is to renovate one of its main departure lounges, including the lighting. Schiphol wants to increase the space allocated to shopping and dining by 20 per cent when construction finishes in summer next year. The project includes wood that is certified by the Forest Sustainability Council and the installation of LED lighting. The lighting scheme will tap motion sensors that adjust lighting levels as people visit the shops and eateries.

Researchers at Cambridge and Oxford universities have demonstrated a new way of making LEDs that could slash manufacturing costs. Along with scientists from Munich’s LudwigMaximilians-Universität, the team built high-brightness LEDs from perovskite, a material that has also shown promise as a silicon replacement in solar cells.

BREAKTHROUGH OLED ‘IN NOVEMBER’ South Korean company LG Chem says it will start selling an OLED panel with efficacy of 100 lm/W and a life of 40,000 hours in November. ‘The LG flagship said it would offer the panels to the global market beginning in November, mostly targeting consumers in North America and Europe,’ reported The Korea Herald. ‘It has already secured partnerships with some 50 companies in those regions, including Acuity Brands.’

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


PEOPLE The Global Lighting Association (GLA) has announced that BRYAN DOUGLAS, chief executive officer of Lighting Council Australia, the trade body for the Australian lighting industry, has been elected to serve as secretary-general for two years. Douglas has been an active member of the GLA since its inception and has previously served as chair of its environment committee. ROGIER VAN DER HEIDE, Philips Lighting’s former design guru, is to join rival lighting manufacturer Zumtobel. Van der Heide takes on the newly created role of chief design and marketing officer at the Zumtobel Group, which owns the Zumtobel, Thorn and Tridonic brands. He starts in December. As well as serving as chief design officer at Philips Lighting and earlier as a global leader at Arup Lighting, van der Heide has carried out a huge variety of independent lighting design work in the fields of architecture, entertainment and art. His work includes designing lighting for Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum and creating LED and OLED-lit stage costumes for the Black Eyed Peas.


Philips’ lighting business ‘to be given independence’ in ongoing restructure Philips is to give its €7 billion ($10 billion) lighting division ‘independence’ from the rest of the business, according to CEO Frans van Houten (pictured). The change is part of a restructure that keeps healthcare and consumer products such as shavers and coffee makers at the core of the Philips business. Philips is already shopping around for new investors in its Lumileds LED chip business, and its automotive lighting operations. The company said it will now ‘consider

various options for alternative ownership structures with direct access to capital markets’ for the rest of the ‘lighting solutions’ business – everything from lamps to commercial fixtures and control systems.

Lighting solutions will keep the Philips name but operate under ‘a separate legal structure’, the company said. The 123-year-old Dutch giant has made lamps practically since its inception and has shed its television, stereo, DVD and semiconductor operations in recent years. The move is a mark of how hard it is to make money in the lighting industry that has shifted away from selling lamps to selling services based on LED sources that are meant to last for decades.


GE lighting division ‘not for sale’ A top executive at General Electric has told Lux Review that the company has no plans to sell its lighting business. ‘GE Lighting is not for sale,’ said Beth Comstock, chief marketing officer and senior vice-president GE. Bloomberg reported that lighting could be the next to go as GE sells off lower-margin units such as its home appliance division, which Sweden’s AB Electrolux purchased for US$3.3 billion ($3.76 billion). The news service based its story on comments from Nicholas Heymann of Chicago-based analyst firm William Blair & Co, who said the division could fetch as much as US$1 billion. ‘Lighting is the next piece of the classic GE

businesses that are not a critical part of the refocus on infrastructure-related businesses,’ Heymann said. Analyst Jim Corridore of Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ also pointed out to Bloomberg that lighting is no longer part of the core portolio. Since last year, GE has also completed the sale of its NBC Universal media and film business, as well as its credit card operations. Under CEO Jeffrey Immelt, GE is focusing on higher-margin industrial goods and services. A GE spokesman told Lux Review: ‘I would affirm that lighting stays part of the industrial portfolio and is well-positioned to excel based on the growth trends in the industry.’

China’s ‘queen of lighting’ sets sights on India One of China’s largest LED vendors has set its sights on the Indian market with a low price strategy. Opple Lighting of Shanghai will undercut the prices of established brands such as Philips and Havells by between 10 and 15 per cent, according to Indian newspaper The Economic Times. Opple Lighting India chairman S Venkataramani said: ‘We will be an early starter in the Indian LED lighting market which is at a point of significant growth with prices falling.’ | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

Opple says it is the largest home lighting company in China, where the press has dubbed CEO Ma Xiuhui as the ‘queen of lighting’. It sells a range of LED lamps and luminaires spanning the domestic, commercial and outdoor markets. Ma has been leading an international expansion across Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia with a vigour that catapulted the company on to Lux Review’s Global Hot List of lighting companies. The company operates in about 50 countries.




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Analysis: Victorian procurement regime ‘bad for competition’ say streetlight suppliers Are streetlighting suppliers getting a fair chance to enter the Victorian market? Annie Waddington-Feather reports


treetlighting suppliers in Victoria have complained that competition is being stifled and energy-saving opportunities missed because the public procurement process costs too much and lacks transparency. Victoria is undertaking one of the world’s biggest energyefficient streetlighting projects, with 230,000 of the state’s half a million streetlights set to be replaced by 2016. But at August’s Australian Smart Lighting Summit in Melbourne, a number of LED lighting suppliers and manufacturers raised concerns about the cost and difficulty of getting into the market. Suppliers’ products must be assessed, then submitted for approval by the various electricity distribution businesses that look after streetlighting in different areas. To handle this process, the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) directs enquiries to an external consultancy, Ironbark Sustainability, which charges suppliers to have their products assessed so they can be considered for approval by the electricity companies. Ironbark calls itself the ‘first port of call for LED manufacturers wishing to enter the Australian market’, working with half the electricity authorities and local governments in the country. It says it has assessed more than 50 LED streetlighting products in

the past two years. But some suppliers object to being asked to pay for the chance to have their products specified in Victoria. According to the MAV’s website, the suppliers who currently have streetlighting products approved for use in Victoria are Sylvania Lighting, the country’s dominant streetlighting manufacturer; Pierlite, which amalgamated with Sylvania earlier this year; Austeknis; Streetworx; Vicpole and Legend, which sells power products and controls for lighting. When asked by Lux Review how many of the approved products were LED, the MAV declined to say, citing ‘commercial confidentiality’. In a section of Ironbark’s website carrying announcements of approvals for Victoria, the only LED products mentioned are iterations of the Sylvania StreetLED.


Thousands of streetlights are set to be replaced in Victoria, and companies are keen to get in on the action | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

Some manufacturers and suppliers of LED lighting say the whole process of getting approved – which Lux Review understands is currently under review – is holding back competition. Ed Darmanin, managing director of LED Innovations, told Lux Review: ‘We, like many other international LED streetlighting suppliers, are very keen to compete for business in the Victorian LED streetlighting market. However unlike other states, technical barriers to trade have been unnecessarily created in Victoria that are preventing new suppliers from entering the market.’ Nigel Parry of LED lighting supplier OrangeTek said: ‘Most manufacturers have to meet standards – international standards, EU standards for recycling, and most manufacturers have these already in place. What seems unusual and harsh is for Ironbark


Streetlighting manufacturers complain of high costs and a lack of transparency when trying to win public contracts

to charge all manufacturers a cost to go through the process. Our view is that we don’t agree with the process and price opportunities are being missed.’ Parry compared the system with that in Auckland, New Zealand, saying: ‘Auckland has three consultants working the approvals process. They give you a list of everything you need to supply and there is no payment up front.’ And because it’s the electricity distribution companies that approve products, Parry says, ‘even when you’ve paid the money, there’s no certainty you’re going to be on the list, or used by councils’. The MAV’s CEO Rob Spence told Lux Review: ‘LEDs are required to be approved for use by each of the electricity distribution businesses in Victoria. The MAV has no role in this process.’ Lux Review approached several of the electricity companies to find out more about their approval processes. AusNet Services confirmed that it approves products internally to check that they meet its own standards, and national standards. The other companies contacted said they were unable to provide more detail on their procedures at the time of publication.

Local requirements Suppliers are also frustrated by the differences between local requirements for streetlighting and international requirements and best practice. Victoria has strict rules to protect wildlife, including measures covering light distribution, as well as requirements to ensure that products are compatible with equipment and fittings used in the state. One lighting manufacturer, which asked not to be named, told

Lux Review that Victoria’s highly specific wildlife protection rules – combined with a lack of transparency – make for an extremely difficult environment in which to sell LED lighting to public bodies. But Paul Brown, managing director of Ironbark Sustainability, defended the local specification, saying that all such large-scale installations operate on a similar basis. ‘Local specifications are important, for instance, brackets Suppliers upon which the lights are installed are frustrated by are different in the different parts the differences of Australia, and around the world. We need to tell a manufacturer, between local this is our bracket size, otherwise requirements we’d by buying a product you and international can’t install. ‘The IEC [international requirements and standards] are minimum standards best practice” and don’t cover a bunch of local requirements that make the lights more robust, more energy efficient and longer lasting. But again the Australian standards cover this – vibration – and the Victoria [LED lighting] spec simply refers to the Australian standards in this regard.’ Brown said the typical cost of assessment was dwarfed by the cost to a manufacturer of adapting products to meet local requirements, which might reach six figures. He defended the stringent requirements, saying: ‘If it can’t be installed, it is irresponsible to buy it, so there is a balance between approval and making sure of adequate quality to meet local needs.’


2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



The drive to promote lighting in Iran Iran’s clients are learning the value of lighting design, and acknowledging the skills of lighting professionals


ighting design and the lighting industry are growing fast here in Iran. For nearly a decade, the need for a professional lighting designer on important projects has been becoming clearer and clearer for Iranian clients. Because of the government’s interest in promoting tourism, as well as emphasising the country’s rich background in art and architecture, the lighting of historical buildings in the cities of Isfahan and Shiraz were among the first projects where a professional lighting design process was followed, and some beautiful results were achieved. Today, clients are thinking in terms of a lighting design not only for big and important projects such as shopping malls and museums, but also in smaller buildings like a typical five-floor building. Depending on the size, budget and level of engineering With a new knowledge in the construction team, either a lighting designer is involved generation of or a lighting supplier is providing designers and products and services.


engineers, Iran will play a major role in the region’s lighting profession in the future”

Healthy demand

This big demand in the market, as well as the large amount of construction work going on in the country at the moment, has made the lighting market interesting enough for new companies in the areas of production and services. Some of Iran’s luminaire producers are among the best in the region, with significant exports to a number of overseas markets, including Europe. The Iranian Lighting Manufacturers Association is a wellestablished organisation and Iran’s Illuminating Engineering Society (IESI), established four years ago, is actively promoting the level of knowledge among experts as well as public awareness of the importance of lighting and its effects. The Iran Lighting Design Conference (ILDC) is one of the major professional events in the Middle East. After a successful

KAVEH AHMADIAN managing director NOORSAFORM LIGHTING | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

Dramatic lighting at Tehran’s Azadi Tower

event in 2013 in the city of Shiraz, with more than 1,200 participants, the second edition of this conference and exhibition will be held in Tehran this November. It will feature speakers from around the world, including university professors and wellknown designers from Europe, as well as speakers from Iran. The conference is planned to have six keynote speakers, 35 paper presentations and 10 workshops. The exhibition area, with more than 50 companies as exhibitors, is one of the best opportunities for companies to find their best target customers in a cost and time-efficient way. Luminaire design and lighting project competitions are two of the side events of this major conference, which is designed to support creativity and promote designers and the recognition of their skills (see for more information). With the emergence of a new generation of designers and engineers who are passionate about lighting, and the rich culture of our country, I believe that Iran will play a major role in the lighting profession in the region in future.


Get ready for

LIGHTING LEADERS SUMMIT Monday 27 October, Hong Kong Int’l Lighting Fair Chaired by Robert Bain, managing editor of Lux Review

PRESENTATIONS Three developers explain how to make networked fixtures with diverse functionality. This will include the opportunities for location tracking in applications such as retail, where LED luminaires can transmit location-specific marketing to smartphones.

2.30pm How to make your luminaire smart With Simon Coombes, chief technology officer, Aurora Group

2.50pm Smart, simple, accessible: the future of connected lighting With Fred Bass, director, Megaman international division, Neonlite International

Lighting Leaders

SUMMIT 3.10pm New Frontiers in LED lighting: Today and the coming decade Max Yue, sales director for Asia Pacific at LED lighting manufacturer Cree, considers the future of technology and predicts where LED is going.

PANEL DISCUSSION 3.30pm Is the luminaire dead? Does the move to connected luminaires mean the death of the standalone fixture? Our industry experts debate the implications of smart systems. Panellists include Neil Salt of Aurora Group, Fred Bass of Neonlite, Max Yue of Cree and Gordon Routledge of Lux Review.

4pm Ends O The seminar will be followed by the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair’s exhibitor party | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

Learn about the future of connected lighting at Asia’s biggest lighting show this October


ong Kong’s lighting business is booming. Last year exports surged by 16 per cent to $1.4 billion (AU$1.6 billion). Hong Kong is also home to Asia’s biggest industry gathering: the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair. The show, which takes place from 27-30 October,, will play host to more than 2,300 exhibitors and will welcome more than 38,000 buyers.

Unrivalled showcase The show is an unrivalled showcase for the region’s lighting manufacturers, who have to prepare for a future in which their products are smart, multifunctional and connected – or lose out. The next generation of luminaires will do more than simply illuminate a space. Fitted with sensors and connected to networks, they’ll monitor, measure and control our world. This year, for the second time, Lux Review is running a seminar alongside the show to address the challenges thrown up by smart lighting.


in association with

Tuesday 28 October Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hong Kong

The international lighting market is changing beyond recognition – driven by a cohort of companies with the vision, innovation and design talent to shape the future. Now Lux Review is recognising these world-class organisations in the first Global Hot List 2014 – revealing the 20 most exciting companies in the global lighting industry today. It’s a who’s who of the leading-edge lighting players setting the pace in the market (view the list online at The publication of the Global Hot List will culminate this October with a very special event, held in association with Aurora, to celebrate innovation in lighting. At this exclusive gathering, Lux Review will present the list and reveal the hottest companies in the world’s lighting business. The Global Hot List Party takes place at the prestigious Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hong Kong on the evening of Tuesday 28 October, and it will bring together senior executives and decisionmakers from across the international lighting supply chain. To learn more about the event, contact Miriam Hier at

10 MUST-SEE STANDS AT HONG KONG AURORA For innovative LED lamps and fixtures Find Aurora at stand 1C-A02 CREE Some of the best LED luminaires on the market Find Cree at stand 1E-B22

NVC Chinese lighting giant Find NVC at stand 5C-F24

PHLIIPS LUMILEDS LED modules and drivers Find Lumileds at stand 1C-A22

MEGAMAN Manufacturer of precision LED lamps Find Megaman at stand 1D-B02

EVERLIGHT Taiwanese LED giant Find Everlight at stand 3E-A01

MLS ELECTRONICS The first Chinese LED supplier in the world’s top 10 Find MLS at stand M4-A19

MATSUSHIMA Hong Kong-based induction specialist Find Matsushima at stand 3CON-003

ABSEN OPTOELECTRONIC Chinese maker of LEDs products for lighting and displays Find Absen at stand 3C-E06 ALMECO Italian manufacturer of reflectors for luminaires Find Almeco at stand M4-D

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



Light to remember The Anzac Memorial Building in Hyde Park South in Sydney has been given a facelift in the run-up to the centenary of Anzac Day. The new design incorporates the existing lighting poles to throw spots of LED light on each of the statues, bringing them to life at night and revealing parts of the building that are missed under daylight. In what turned out to be a blessing in disguise, the funds for the project, which was supposed to start three years ago, only became available recently. That meant the technology had evolved enough for LED lighting to be a viable option. Mark Elliott, principal of PointOfView Lighting, says: ‘The previous design relied on lighting technology available at the time, namely metal halide, but the delay in the implementation of the scheme meant that technology had moved on and we had greater control of light from within the LED spotlights used.’

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


Lighting on the rocks Acclaimed lighting designer Kaoru Mende and his team at Lighting Planners Associates in Tokyo have helped refurbish the grand ballroom at the Shangri-La hotel on the waterfront at Sydney Harbour, an area known as The Rocks. Working with interior designer AB Concept, Mende has created a contemporary space of contrasting textures that combines modern Australian aesthetics with subtle indigenous motifs. Four oval chandeliers bordered with 2,148 glowing crystal rods create scalloped patterns and wave-like motifs on the ceiling and walls, and more than 60 remote controlled spotlights from RCL add further exibility. A combination of Director DR7 and Director DR8 MK2 LED luminaires form the core of a complete lighting, sound and visual system. Both the DR7 and DR8 spotlights can be focused wirelessly using a simple handheld remote controller from oor level, bypassing the need for mechanical lifts or long ladders. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


Moscow rivals Times Square A connected LED lighting system is helping a shopping mall in the heart of Moscow rival the vibrancy of New York’s Times Square. The Vegas Crocus City retail and entertainment complex is dominated by a media façade that displays graphics, animations and video. It is the first connected LED lighting project in Russia that is built into the architecture of the building. The system’s mix of connected LED façade lights, light panels and HD screens allow for the broadcast of text and images, graphics and colour effects, commercials and online broadcasts for sport events, news, even the latest on traffic jams in the city. The system was designed and installed by Philips. Marina Tyschenko, head of Philips Lighting in Russia and CIS, commented: ‘The media façade is the biggest lighting project of its kind in Russia. We used innovations that have never been used before in this market. For instance, we designed an LED decoration using the latest Philips Color Kinetics products.’ | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


LEDs on the Bosphorus The Zorlu Center in the heart of the business district in Istanbul, Turkey, is a mixed-use development comprising a hotel, mall, office spaces, performing arts center and residential units. At the moment, the 850,000m2 project is the biggest in Turkey and more than €30m ($43m) has been spent on lighting. The building is almost entirely equipped with LED fixtures and controlled by DMX and Dali systems. The shell structure, covered with a green roof, is visible from the city and inside the centre, and connects the hotel and residential towers, the performing arts center, and the landscape. It is lit by LED floodlights, and elsewhere thousands of custom-designed LED downlights have been discreetly integrated behind surfaces. The look and feel of the lighting has been designed with the change of seasons in mind, using dynamic white light sources that emit light of different colour temperatures depending on the daily and seasonal changes in the weather. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

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Reality check The times are changing Gordon Routledge, lighting expert and publisher of Lux Review, considers the pace of technological change


e always overestimate the change replacement back under control, it is a job for a that will occur in the next two years specialist – and their priority is to ensure that that and underestimate the change that remains the case. will occur in the next 10. Don’t let yourself be lulled What is happening in controls now is that it is into inaction.’ moving beyond a battle of the protocols into a new This is a quote from Bill Gates, and many era of software, in which we will assume that things technology companies have fallen, and continue will simply talk to each other and work, and let to fall, foul of this scenario. Looking at the financial you know when they are unwell. The battle is now reports of Philips and Osram, the fall in sales of between those who would control the gateway to traditional lighting products is happening more the connected world. quickly than they would have predicted – in Chances are it won’t be a lighting company, Osram’s case another 8,000 people will be ‘looking thank God! Apple has recently announced HomeKit, for new opportunities’ as a result. which it hopes will be the key to a user interface for I’m not going to bang on about the doldrums of the all smart lighting devices. traditional lighting companies, but look at what’s Over at Google they are pushing the Nest learning happening in controls. Today, I’m led to believe the thermostat as the gateway to your home. I’ve written living is easy in controls. Doubleabout Nest before, and the folks at digit sales growth throughout the Lux Review Towers are probably recession because controls are often fed up of my Nest musings. We’re moving the fastest of energy Google has recently announced into a new era of quick wins. a Works With Nest programme, software, where and has already signed up quite a few high-profile partners Fiddly stuff we will assume including LIFX from the lighting To me, the lighting controls that things will space. Perhaps of more interest is business is like were printers just talk to each Mercedes-Benz – the plan is that 15 years ago: you had to your car knows where you live decide which cable to use to other and work” and when you’re heading home, connect the printer to your your car tells the Nest hub to computer, fiddle with some activate the relevant smart devices tiny switches on the back including lights, heating and appliances. of the printer to set baud rate, parity and so This is similar to what happened with on, make sure the software, installed from a smartphones, which were pulled by consumers, CD, is right. Getting a printer to work used rather than pushed by technology developers, and to be half a day’s worth of frustrating effort. adopted in commercial applications first – what we Ten years on we forget all of this toil and love at home we want at work. just assume a new printer will say hello across I’m always at the front of the queue when it comes a network and let you know if it has run out of to predicting the effects of technology change, so paper or is getting low on expensive ink. just ignore my ramblings for the next two years if In the controls space we still get obsessed you are a consumer. about protocols – 1-10V, Dali, KNX, DSI, DMX, However, if you are somehow involved in the leading edge, trailing edge… And we have development, management and sales of traditional added to the confusion with a raft of wireless lighting controls it is probably already too late to implementations: ZigBee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi. fall in behind the 8,000 Osram guys heading for the If a lighting unit that is ‘under control’ fails, jobs pages. it is often not a job for a mere mortal to get a


FOLLOW GORDON ON TWITTER @gordonroutledge | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


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Opinion That’s not what we wanted A bad lighting specification can limit the choice of products considered, and reduce the quality of the finished installation, says Steve Hare



pecification. Specification. Specification. I cannot emphasise enough how important a well-written specification is to successful procurement. In my field of work, I come across tenders on a regular basis. Unfortunately, they are generally lacking when it comes to lighting. This is a shame because this has been a major factor in users experiencing problems with new technology, which has left a sour taste in many people’s mouths. In some instances specifications are scant of detail. On the other hand, sometimes specifications are layered with requirements that aim to deter the lesser quality luminaires, but in doing so can result in a perfectly suitable luminaire not being put forward. The result can often be an installation that is not what you wanted. An example is warranty. What is it about LED lighting that requires an extended warranty of 10 to 15 years or more? Would you ask for the same if you were installing compact fluorescent? Of course not, we all know that the What is lamps would all have been replaced it about LED numerous times after 15 years, so the lighting that supplier would essentially be signing into a maintenance programme. requires an So already we are not comparing extended different light sources on a level warranty of 10 to playing field. There are many LED 15 years or more?” luminaires on the market, for many different applications, that are reasonably expected to last 10 to 15 years or more with minimal failures, but to guarantee this at your cost is a big ask. Fifteen years is a long time. What projects did you work on in 1999? The only LED I knew of was in my hi-fi system. And does this really stop the ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ lighting companies from submitting a tender proposal? Probably not, because they will be long gone in three years, let alone 15. There are more reliable ways to reduce your technology risk without depending on a long warranty. A well-written specification that ensures the manufacturer has designed and manufactured its product in a thorough and responsible manner is arguably as a good as an extended warranty. This approach will


STEVE HARE systems engineer EYE LIGHTING | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

also statistically reduce failures, regardless of who foots the bill. Surely this has to be a good thing. And what about the infamous LED trial? They are to establish which products are suitable for a certain application. Or is it because the environmental impact officer has insisted it be done? Or is it just to jump on the bandwagon? Regardless of the reason, a trial is essentially an experiment, and any good experiment will have set parameters so certain variables can be measured to ascertain information that allows a conclusion to be drawn. Rarely have I come across an LED trial that really sets out to establish a suitable conclusion. Sometimes the luminaire specification is not well defined or there are no real measurements being made after installation at all. And to take this a step further, there are many occasions where we (the collective group of luminaire suppliers) are asked to supply free products for such trials. Straight away you have limited yourself to assess only the products that you can get for free, which most probably are not from the high-quality end of the spectrum. So to what benefit and to what end is the trial being carried out in this manner? But there is hope. There are examples of strong specifications out there that do use fundamental principles and effective performance criteria to compare luminaires and establish the most suitable products available. Across the Tasman, the New Zealand Transport Agency has been building an excellent example of a strong specification for its road lighting procurement that uses well-considered technical parameters that, if met, will ensure good performance and high reliability. And over in Western Australia, the Main Roads Authority is running trials based on specific calculations for specific applications and purchasing the best-performing products to use on small project sites, as opposed to trialling one or two lights here and there. Yes, they are taking on some risk, but they will no doubt end up with a reliable and efficient network in the future that will ultimately reduce cost in the long run. From a manufacturer’s point of view, we urge you to review your specifications and consider whether they are going to give you what you want. Enlist the help of lighting professionals to help build specifications that let you sort out the good from the bad and reap the benefits that new technology has to offer.





ARE WE LETTING THE OFF-BUTTON WIN? Some controls manufacturers should visit the buildings where their kit is installed – but being overridden – and offer some product training. It’s all very well having an all-singing, all-dancing, wireless dimming, self-testing, remote monitored, touchscreen interface, super-duper state of the art control system, but if nobody has deigned to tell the poor soul who has to make sure all the lights come on every morning how it works (and what to do if it doesn’t work) then he/ she is just going to hit the big red ‘off’ button and ignore it, and switch all the lights on manually. Why bother trying to fathom out an overly complicated controller when the contactor in the fuse board does the same job? STEVE HINE Project manager, Optelma Lighting

NOT UP TO STANDARD The time has come to fully count the cost of the businesses making money from your lack of knowledge. ‘We can save you $1000s’ is the pitch. All we need to do is replace these old fittings with the nice new LED ones. The light is the same…

Arnie Kendrick sent us this picture from his trip to Rome. ‘The floodlights on the pillars of Hadrian’s temple added the perfect atmosphere for a Roman holiday,’ he said.

Well is it? Now we have a market that pulls in container-loads of LED light fixtures of all types. The testing of the products is done in the place of origin, and frankly, not worth the time to even consider. There are no demonstrative efforts to show how or what Australian standards will be met by installing the LED product. There is no lighting design that demonstrates new-for-old and what that will mean for the prospective client. Apples aren’t apples and some are lemons. The lighting market is just a cash cow for those who are brazen enough to be flogging their wares without

even knowing that there are Australian regulations and standards. Some LED providers exclaim: ‘We supply to government, hospitals and schools.’ Yet though these suppliers may have done so, the new owner has not asked for the correct paperwork; it’s just assumed. Claims of ‘reduce fire risk’ and ‘why pay more for electricity?’ push the end user into misleading and false economies, while professing that the supplier knows everything about lighting without having internal support of qualified personnel. JAMES GRAHAM Managing director, Lux Plot Design

I see the rise of the electronics companies in lighting as an entirely good thing that should be embraced by controls manufacturers and electrical equipment manufacturers alike. Although compatibility will always be an issue, LCD screens and app-driven systems are now as much a part of lighting controls as were the pull cords, pushbuttons and relays of years gone by. Electronic processing is the engineer’s latest platform to attain new levels of innovation and creativity. We used to call it ‘cutting edge’, but today anything is possible. PAUL FELIX Commercial specification manager, Hager Group

WHY LIGHT IS NOW A SERVICE The current economic climate and short innovation and development cycles that are part of the dynamic LED sector mean many traditional lighting companies must be finding it challenging to enhance their business models and offering to encompass the innovative services necessary to secure their future. New, innovative, value-added and productised services must be created to support and boost physical product sales and

C O N N E C T I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S F O R I N N O VAT I O N | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


create beneďŹ t over the entire life cycle of the lighting solution. Some organisations are showing promise and are moving in this direction already. Change must start with a supporting strategy and full management understanding and support of the service philosophy. It would be interesting to hear ideas and experiences of how lighting companies are coping with this challenge and what these new services could be. ROBERT HUTSON Technical service, support process development engineer

WHY WE NEED GLOBAL RULES I believe the global lighting industry has been slow to promote, adopt and standardise on testing benchmarks and regulation. What is desperately needed is industry regulation, a standard or ‘kitemark’ that proves that product has been independently tested and qualiďŹ ed. But until there is a formal industry standard, buyers must ask the supplier for all relevant documentation. Responsible LED lighting suppliers will have independent test data for each of those factors as well as photometric data, CE marking and IP rating certiďŹ cation, TM 21 reports and LM 80 reliability data. They will also be happy to share case studies with you and should provide reference sites to visit. If they can’t supply the

necessary independent test data and sites then don’t buy from them. Industry regulation is vital. From a manufacturer’s point of view these standards and regulations provide for a consistent language in regard to the deďŹ nitions, test methods, laboratory accreditation and for product design, manufacturing and testing. Regulations are primarily to ensure public safety and protection whilst monitoring energy consumption and environmental issues. As an industry we need a consistent message to prevent mis-selling of substandard and sometimes dangerous LEDs in whatever product they are installed. Until there is an industrywide initiative, which not only takes on the Zhaga co-operation regarding interchangeability, but also hammers home the photometric, electrical and thermal behaviour, CRI, colour temp, and so on, we will not increase conďŹ dence in specifying and purchasing LED products. PAUL GREGORY SpeciďŹ cation sales director, Eaton (UK)

AND FINALLY‌ I absolutely love your magazine! ANN SCHIFFERS Vice-president, USAI Lighting



WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR AN ‘INDEPENDENT’ PHILIPS LIGHTING? A leader can’t stay apathetic against the historic shift from selling bulbs to selling services in the era of LED lighting. Dr-Ing Georgios Paissidis Stilvi Lighting There are a lot of smart guys at Philips. It is one of the most agile multinational corporations around. It may not look the same in a few years’ time, but I’m sure it’ll be there as strong as ever. Alan Tulla Independendent lighting consultant Is this an admission that they do not think they will be able to compete with the Koreans over the next few years? I wonder who will retain ownership of the IPs? Martin Kessell National sales manager, LED, Luxlogic I think time is ending for the large companies in the lighting business. With every new light source sold, a light spot is blocked for the next 10-15 years if not longer. This will shrink the market slowly but steadily. Thomas Roeding Export manager, Insta Lightment I am not sure I fully agree with the comment that with every new light source sold, a light spot is blocked for the next 10-15 years. I believe that as lighting technology moves on, lighting applications will also increase. We will put lighting in places where it has maybe not been able to go before. Terence John Technical speciďŹ cation manager Join thousands of lighting professionals in our Lighting Talk group on LinkedIn:


2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



Kiren Chang

Interpretation of curatorial intent and integration into the lighting design can make an ordinary exhibition extraordinary” | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


Simm Steel Consultant and senior lighting technician at the Art Gallery of New South Wales I design lighting for the gallery and study technology I work closely with curators, exhibition designers and artists to interpret concepts and artistic intent. I deliver museum lighting design solutions and supervise all electrical lighting and equipment maintenance and the ongoing adjustments required to preserve the integrity of all exhibitions. I trial and specify new technologies, review all lighting consultant proposals for new gallery constructions and refurbishments, and ensure they are delivered to the highest possible standard. Good lighting can make or break an exhibition The interpretation of curatorial intent and integration into the lighting design can make an ordinary exhibition extraordinary, and finding new solutions to deliver the best possible outcome with limited resources constantly presents new opportunities to trial new ideas. Long-term projects always present challenges and the rapid changes we are experiencing in the lighting industry require constant attention. I protect the exhibits without compromising light quality Everything a museum does revolves around the protection of collection and loan objects, but this doesn’t have to compromise the visual quality. New and emergent technologies and innovative use of materials and control systems will enable far more complex lighting design responses for the future and deliver superior quality light. I teach subjective analysis in lighting design for the illumination design programme at The University of Sydney. My focus is to instil in all future illumination design students the wonder that is light and a subjective sensitivity to project analysis with the aim of driving innovative thinking and design. Long-term financial repercussions will have to be forecast New technologies have offered efficiency in museums ever since metal halide lamps have emitted higher light quality, but the museum budgetary restrictions often stymie upgrades. The life expectancy of LED sources reduces lamp-changing maintenance but long-term financial repercussions will have to be forecast. The challenge will be to translate annual maintenance budgets into an end-of-life product replacement funding cycle. My talks about lighting give what I do broader meaning Bringing tertiary students from non-lighting practices into the museum for talks about lighting gives what I do a far broader meaning. Technology upgrades staged over the next few years will greatly reduce the carbon footprint, improve lighting quality and reduce the damaging effects of both natural and artificial light, and although integrating new technologies, control systems and

innovative design does have its risks, if properly assessed and managed it is well worth the while. Lighting upgrades and daylight are part of our future We’re looking into further lighting upgrades throughout the museum and the re-introduction of natural light into our Grand Courts as budgets allow. I’m hoping research into the innovative use of materials will result in innovative ways to lower intensities and shift wavelength distributions towards less energetic and damaging CCTs to improve colour quality, modeling and texture. Suppliers must know more than the sales pitch I respect suppliers who know their product technology beyond the knowledge required for a sales pitch and who show some understanding of the standards required for museum applications. I look for luminaires of high colour quality, excellent distribution, low chromatic aberration, high efficiency, colour uniformity, longevity, and design elegance that prioritises an aesthetic suitability to the architecture or display design over product image. LED technology was irresistible Our first upgrade to LED technology was nearly three years ago and we suspected it might be fraught with problems. We understood the colour quality was below our standards but the attraction of energy saving and the opportunity to move away from the muddiness of incandescent sources to crisper ‘whites’ could not be ignored. We resolved colour quality issues with a minor contribution of 50W halogen spotlights – of course this is no longer necessary. Lighting controls are essential in galleries Gallery lighting has to respond to a range of curatorial philosophies and intent. Exhibitions can have complex design configurations requiring varied lux zones and multiple lux requirements within each zone for objects of varying light sensitivity. New lighting technologies are exciting I name names, but be assured I’m not advocating a manufacturer or product and it can all change tomorrow. Xicato is my current LED light quality benchmark. Erco is my current wall-washing distribution uniformity favourite. I recently had a chance to look at Martini’s HD retina LEDs based on Memory CRI which impressed with its ‘whites’ but I couldn’t determine if the colours were well rendered or oversaturated. I believe they have also developed a way to alter an LED chip’s CCT without changing phosphor or reducing CRI, which I’d like to get a look at. I’m also keeping an eye on the progress of Perovskite, TLSC (transparent luminescent solar concentrators) OLEDs and quantum dot technologies.

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


Freezing the

ENERGY BILL Cold storage company Swire has managed to cut energy use for lighting by 90 per cent at four of its sites. Annie Waddington-Feather reports


wire Cold Storage has a network of temperature-controlled warehouses across Australia with a total volume of nearly two million cubic metres. As well as its cold-storage facilities, it has a fleet of refrigerated trucks that deliver the chilled goods to a broad range of businesses. The company’s customers include many Australian and international food producers, distributors and retailers. It also exports bulk commodities such as beverages and products for the pharmaceutical industry.

Sustainable growth Swire is committed to sustainable growth and development, and the company has made energy efficiency a high priority at all its sites. In the first 18 months of its commitment, it has saved over 1,000,000kWh by following the Australian government’s Energy Efficiency Opportunities legislation. A key element of this programme is intelligent LED lighting, which has dramatically reduced energy use for lighting across a number of sites. A number of LED products were considered, and eventually Swire Cold Storage decided that fittings with integrated intelligence – movement sensing, control and wireless management – were the key to achieving dramatic energy savings from lighting.

The system The final system is a network of intelligent LED fixtures with built-in occupancy sensing, power metering, a microcomputer and wireless networking, all managed by LightRules energy management software. It ensures light is only provided when and where employees are present, lights are on in the areas where employees are working and off or | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4



dimmed when no-one is present. Each fixture reports its power consumption, occupancy sensing and on/ off/dimmed data to LightRules, which shows exactly how much energy is being used and where. Initially, Swire Cold Storage installed the Digital Lumens Intelligent LED Lighting System at Laverton in Victora, Hemmant in Queensland, Lurnea in New South Wales and Dry Creek in South Australia. The results spoke for themselves. ‘In addition to impressive energy savings, LightRules gives us detailed information on the savings and justification to retrofit additional facilities in a timely manner,’ says engineering project manager Ramana Haran. ‘Further, having operational data about occupancy patterns, down to usage patterns in particular aisles and rooms, provides a valuable perspective on how our facilities operate, how we can support our staff,


Intelligent LED fittings have replaced 400W high-pressure sodium luminaires

and how we can further optimise the placement of our inventory.’ Swire Cold Storage then worked with specialist energy consultant Maser, on the second stage of the project. Detailed audits were performed on Banjup and Welshpool in Western Australia, Homebush in New South Wales and Clayton in Victoria, and Maser analysed existing 400W lighting fittings, energy costs, maintenance plans, and facility occupancy patterns. It then recommended a number of lighting upgrades, including detailed calculations of potential energy savings.

Further installations


Maser managed the installations and system commissioning to ensure the project was successful and in line with Swire Cold Storage’s established project goals. It worked quickly to minimise

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


LED lighting is ideal for cold storage sites because it generates so little heat

disruption and costs while performing the wholesale lighting upgrades. The system met and/or exceeded Maser’s initial energy savings estimates, with the results as follows: O Banjup 273,851kWh a year, or 94.80 per cent, O Welshpool 558,328kWh a year or 95.32 per cent, O Homebush 776,977kWh a year or 94.01 per cent, and O Clayton 111,015kWh a year or 95.41 per cent. With proven energy savings across multiple facilities and almost no maintenance or re-lamping required, Swire Cold Storage is now expanding its use of intelligent LED lighting to retrofit projects, as well as to new sites such as the expansion of its warehouse at Laverton, Victoria. ‘Historically, lighting was an energy-intensive, high-maintenance activity in our cold facilities,’

says Haran. ‘With the move to intelligent LED lighting, we are achieving our energy efficiency goals while gaining a data-driven perspective on business operations. ‘Our lights typically operate in daytime hours, which is when electricity pricing is highest,’ he says.

Cool advantages LEDs produce less heat than most conventional light sources, and for a cold storage facility this is an extra benefit. As well as the direct lighting energy savings, Swire is using less energy for refrigeration energy too, because there is less heat to remove. ‘The LED lights last 35,000 to 40,000 hours, five to seven times as long as the older metal halide lights that are being replaced,’ says Haran. ‘In fact, our investments in efficiency are having a positive impact in a number of areas in our business where lighting has never had a role before.’

Credits... LOCATIONS Laverton, Victoria; Clayton, Victora; Hemmant, Queensland; Welshpool, Western Australia; Lurnea, New South Wales; Banjup, Western Austalia; Dry Creek, South Australia; Homebush, New South Wales ... PREVIOUS LIGHTING SOLUTION 400W HPS ... PROJECT TYPE Lighting retrofit ... LIGHTING ENERGY SAVINGS 1,000,000kWh a year … REDUCTION IN ENERGY USE FOR LIGHTING 90% ... RE-LAMPING/RE-BALLASTING N/A ... LIGHTING MAINTENANCE COSTS close to $0 a year | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4



We are achieving our energy goals while gaining a data-driven perspective on business operations” Ramana Haran, Swire Cold Storage

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


A trail of

SAVINGS Replacing metal halide sources with LEDs let OZtrail change its electricity tariff, and make big savings. Annie WaddingtonFeather reports


enowned for its high-quality, innovative goods, OZtrail Leisure Products is one of Australia’s leading camping and outdoor equipment suppliers. Products vary from camping and sporting equipment to 4WD accessories, BBQ equipment and outdoor furniture; whether it’s something for relaxing in the back yard, or a tent for the extreme adventurer, this familyowned company has all of Australia’s outdoor needs covered. It supplies a network of more than 500 stores nationwide including many of the larger stores such as Anaconda and Ray’s Outdoors. Its flagship 20,000m2 warehouse in Eagle Farm, Brisbane contains more than 30,000 pallets, and with electricity costs spiralling upwards, OZtrail explored ways to save energy for lighting. ‘We looked at sensors but the cost for an unknown saving wasn’t justified,’ says director Andrew Whittaker. To see what potential savings it could make with other solutions, OZtrail decided to run a trial of Dialight’s LED High Bay fittings. In the trial, OZtrail replaced all 68 400W metal halides on a single circuit with 146W Dialight LED High Bays. ‘We chose Dialight because they were willing to | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


install their lights on a complete lighting circuit and monitor the power on this specific circuit before and after to show the dramatic decrease in power consumption,’ says Whittaker. ‘The test ultimately confirmed what Dialight had told us,’ he adds. ‘Power consumption had dropped from 28.5 to 10kWh. The Dialight fittings produced a crisper, clearer natural type of light than the previous fittings, and they came on instantly, so we didn’t have to wait for them to warm up.’


More than 330 metal halide luminaires were replaced after a successful trial installation

These results convinced OZtrail to replace the remaining 332 metal halides with a mix of 146W and 172W Dialight LED High Bays.

Energy usage cut in half


The installation itself went smoothly. ‘The biggest challenge of this installation was that there was no “real world” data showing how much power these lights would save, it was all just on paper,’ Whittaker says.

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


The energy savings meant OZtrail could switch to a lower energy tariff

INSTALLATION SNAPSHOT Replaced (400) 400W metal halide fittings with: O 254 146W DuroSite aisle optic LED high bays O 32 146W DuroSite LED high bays O 114 172W DuroSite LED high bays O 60% energy reduction in energy use O $106,318 annual energy savings O $627,975 total cost of ownership savings O Less than two-year payback O 138% ROI | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

With the new fittings in place, energy consumption for lighting at OZtrail dropped by 60 per cent immediately, a drop of $106,000 a year in electricity costs. Not only did the more efficient fittings cut energy use, but the drop was so dramatic that it reduced OZtrail’s peak demand enough for it to switch to a lower electricity tariff. This created an further $2,000 a year in savings.

Lower cost of ownership As well as reducing electricity consumption, the Dialight fittings also delivered an immediate drop in ongoing maintenance costs – each LED fitting is rated for at least 60,000 hours, rather than 20,000 for the metal halide lamps. ‘These are covered entirely by Dialight’s five-year full performance warranty,


The firm’s power bill for lighting has dropped from $16,000 to $6,000 a month

Another benefit of the switch to LEDs was that the high-efficiency lighting contributed greatly to OZtrail’s sustainability objectives. Carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by 351 tons – the equivalent of taking 61 cars off the road a year – and kept 30,400mg of mercury out of landfills by eliminating the disposal of metal halide lamps. ‘The original power bill when we took ownership of the building was just over $16,000 for the month, now all the Dialights are installed we received our last power bill last week which was down to about $8,000,’ Whittaker says. ‘However, as we are now using so much less power, we are looking at changing tariff to General Supply as opposed to Peak Demand Supply, which will then cut the bill to about $6,000 a month. ‘The lights we chose have exceeded all our expectations. We are getting a major reduction in power and visibility throughout the warehouse has been maintained,’ Whittaker adds. ‘The OZtrail DC at Eagle Farm was built to supply the majority of the country, and if we have to expand the facility further then we would certainly be using similar lighting.’

$106,318 ANNUAL ENERGY SAVING meaning the switch to Dialight LEDs will virtually eliminate lighting maintenance at the OZtrail facility for at least half a decade,’ Whittaker says. The savings in this area are immense; the total cost of ownership, including annual operating costs, relamping and maintenance fell by nearly $628,000.


The switch to LEDs will virtually eliminate lighting maintenance for half a decade.’ Andrew Whittaker, OZtrail

The Eagle Farm site stores more than 30,000 pallets

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



On top of the world MEDICAL CENTRE


PHILIPS AVENT, SUFFOLK, UK Baby products maker Philips Avent has replaced the 400 and 450W high-pressure sodium luminaires in the production area and warehouse at its site in Suffolk. Philips Lighting supplied GentleSpace LED luminaires – bespoke highoutput versions in the factory and ‘high rack’ optics for the warehouse. Pacific LED surface-mounted LED luminaires have been fitted in the mezzanine inspection area. The system is divided into seven zones controlled by a Philips Dynalite lighting management system.


DELL CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER, TEXAS, US This medical centre has become LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum certified by using LED products from Acuity Brands. The system has night-time dimming options and automatic illumination in hallways and patient rooms when emergency buttons are pressed. VT luminaires from Lithonia Lighting illuminate hallways and common areas and are paired with nLight control devices from Acuity Controls. LED Step Lights from Winona act as night lights.



FAGERLI HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT, NORWAY Finnish company Valtavalo has supplied G3 LED tubes for this hydroelectric power plant to improve the work environment, cut energy consumption by as much as 60 per cent and reduce maintenance. Tubes are fitted in the machine room with indirect lighting to the stone walls. They are also used in all the corridors and generator rooms. The new scheme has also opened up opportunities to use motion detectors to control the lighting. Energyoptimal implemented the project for plant owner Salten Kraftsamband. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

is an interactive 3D building façade. Claudia Paz and Nicholas Cheung designed the permanent installation that creates dynamic 3D sculptural shapes. The public can interact with and manipulate the façade from an interactive podium in the plaza. The installation consists of the 3D façade canvas with six layers of LEDs, measuring 50 x 19 x 1.2m; the podium with multi-touch sensors; and the lighting control systems. There are 26,182 RGB addressable façade fixtures.


THE RESTAURANT ON THE DRACHENFELS PLATEAU, KÖNIGSWINTER, GERMANY Lighting the new restaurant on the Drachenfels (Dragon Rock) Plateau was difficult because it is essentially a glass cube. Direct downlights emit their light from circular apertures in the restaurant’s custom-made metal ceiling panels. Restaurant staff can precisely aim the projectors from the ground using a special tool. The luminaires’ direct light distribution and the low-reflectance surfaces prevent unwanted reflections in the floor-to-ceiling glazing. The scheme is the work of Licht Kunst Licht.


Our lowdown on the latest world-beating lighting schemes that won’t cost the earth



MANSFIELD BUS STATION, UK Mansfield’s new £11 million ($20 million) bus station incorporates lighting equipment from Concord in the main concourse and other public areas. It has a light and airy airport-style concourse enhanced by large areas of floor-toceiling glazing and daylight-controlled lighting. The steel columns around the perimeter are lit by Simes Slot up/downlighters. Each trunk is topped with a splay of six tubular steel branches of differing lengths and angles to support the ‘floating’ roof.


MAXMARA, VANCOUVER, CANADA MaxMara’s furnishings and design concept, conceived by Duccio Grassi Architects, is marked by white surfaces, minimalism and the clever use of wood. Reggiani luminaires were chosen to blend in with the furnishings and focus attention on the garments and accessories. Mosaico fittings with a number of light sources – metal halide, halogen and LED – were used. Mosaico is equipped with the Interchangeable Optical System, which ensures an even and flexible distribution of light.

CINEMA, DORDRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS A 17th century listed building has been converted into a cinema in the centre of Dordrecht. Outdated lighting fixtures and lamps have been replaced with dimmable LEDs controlled from central drivers in easy-toaccess areas. LRS Solutions, which designed the controls, says this POWER STATION was essential because there was limited space above the ceilings. The project incorporates 12 iDrive Force 24 centralised LED drivers, each controlling up to 672W of LED lighting.

20C POWER STATION Irish company Verde LED has won a contract to supply lighting to 20C, which operates what it calls the ‘greenest’ power station in the UK at Beckton, London. The combined heat and power plant will use household fats, oils and greases for fuel, and will generate 130GWh of electricity a year. It is equipped with modular LED lights and controls that cut energy use for lighting by 62 per cent compared with conventional fittings, preventing the emission of 41 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.


GEBRÜDER WEISS, PÖCHLARN, AUSTRIA Tecton LED continuous-row system solution from Zumtobel have cut carbon dioxide emissions associated with lighting at its freight hub in Pöchlarn by nearly two-thirds. Tecton replaces fluorescent tubes in the loading and unloading hall, with a floor space of some 2,250m2. One of the arguments in favour of the Zumtobel system was the low maintenance effort necessary, because the continuous row system and the trunking is plug and play. No tools are needed to connect trunking elements or to replace luminaires.

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Changing colours give the centre a different character by day and by night

A touch of


Beijing’s latest shopping centre gets a dramatic and dynamic LED lighting scheme. Robert Bain reports


large skylight over the main atrium, and views of the rolling mountains on the horizon. The China branch of lighting design practice LDPi worked on the project with architect Woods Bagot, interior designer Benoy Beijing, Maitian Landscape Design Institute and Aecom.

Unified look After examining the building, the team realised that the challenge was to achieve a unified lighting effect while applying different lighting methods to the glass box and metal panel curtain wall.


he Beijing Jinyu Vanke Plaza is a major new shopping centre in the city’s northwestern district of Changping, home to the famous Ming Dynasty Tombs. The 140,000m2 mall, from developer China Vanke, is designed to bring international style to this upand-coming area. It includes a department store, supermarket, entertainment facilities, restaurants and other services. The shopping centre’s architecture is characterised by sweeping curves and a neutral colour palette. It incorporates as much daylight as possible, with a

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Lights in daylit areas are carefully controlled | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4



Lighting was considered at a very early stage of the architectural design” Dominique Phommahaxay

Linear LEDs from suppliers Luci and Roled were used, together with wallwashers from Roled, and other products from Guangpu Times, Yin Yu and Shi Ji Liao Heng Lighting. In the glass box, low-voltage 5500K white outdoor LED strips were hidden under the arc-shaped pattern behind the glass curtain wall, allowing the indirect reflected lights to form a soft arc-shaped light ribbon. High-voltage outdoor RGB linear LED projectors were also hidden, installed in the beams to enhance the texture of the façades while enabling colour-change in the glass box. Linear 3000K LEDs highlight the random window-like pattern carved in the metal panel curtain wall.

Magic box


Interior lighting consumption is just 17.6W/m2

Dominique Phommahaxay, general manager of the China branch of LDPi, called the project ‘an unparalleled opportunity’. The idea behind the exterior lighting was to create a ‘magic box’, that would have a very different character by day and by night, when it would come alive with colour-changing lighting. The box is surrounded by a ‘ribbon’ made of squares dispersed onto the façade and the landscape. The interior lighting, created in co-operation with interior designer Benoy, is designed to give another dimension to the magic box, creating a dreamlike experience and a surprising view of stars through its organically-shaped skylight. ‘Lighting was considered at a very early stage of the architectural design,’ Phommahaxay told Lux Review. ‘Preliminary hand sketches showed initial requirements made on the curtain wall and beam structures that were further refined when LDPi was later engaged in the project with final dimensions that allowed light fittings to be installed adequately. Also, various mock-ups were necessary to confirm the anchor points as well as the beam angles of the fittings installed on the façade.’

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The organically shaped skylight is a prominent feature

Lighting transforms the centre after the sun goes down

Beneath the skylights, where daylight comes in, lights are flexibly turned on or off according to the time of the day. For most of the day, about 70 per cent of the lights are used. From sunset until closing time at 10pm, the remainder of the lights come on, then after business hours about 30 per cent of the lights are left on while the centre is cleaned.

Unique effect Phommahaxay said: ‘For the façade, using LEDs gave the opportunity to create a unique façade effect by contrasting slowly changing colours and cold white. Also, on the façade, LEDs with high CRI were used to highlight the content of the advertisement areas. ‘In addition, LEDs not only allowed the skylight to be an icon of the interior, but also functional LED downlights lowered the interior lighting energy consumption. ‘Nevertheless, we also noticed that decorative lighting based on the interior design contributed in some specific areas to about 50 per cent of the energy consumption per square metre. ‘This gave us the opportunity for future projects to reflect with the customer and the interior designer, the possibility to prioritise decorative lighting based on the interior areas.’ | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4




















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2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

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Is lighting the grid of

The lighting network in Newark Airport’s car park already tracks people’s movements, and might soon be checking you in and ordering your coffee. Kathrine Anker reports


Above: Newark Airport’s Terminal B has a groundbreaking connected lighting system


ewark Airport’s smart car park lighting has not exactly been warmly welcomed by the press: ‘The lights are on – and they’re watching you’, reads one headline in The New York Times. ‘Newark Airport’s lights spy on visitors as they travel through,’ reads another. It’s a topic that leaves many uncomfortable, but for facility managers, connected lighting systems like this could transform the way they work. Energy data can be monitored more effectively, updates on parking space availability help to manage traffic, and the system can even track ‘suspicious activity,’ such as people who stop at various cars in a parking lot.

The system currently consists of 174 LED fixtures connected to various sensors and cameras installed around the parking area of Newark Liberty International Airport’s Terminal B. Developed by Sensity Systems, the lighting is part of a wireless network that collects data, which is fed into software that can spot potential problems. ‘They’re going to be looking at the behaviour of cars – how long do they stop, when have they been there too long, and the movement of people in and out of the terminal,’ says Hugh Martin, Sensity’s chief executive. Newark Airport wanted a retrofit solution for its car park area, so Sensity supplied a 105W LED retrofit kit. Each luminaire has a networking module with Wi-Fi, temperature sensing, motion sensing, ambient light and power monitoring. About 10 of the fittings also have cameras connected. Two of these cameras are for recognising licence plates, the rest are a variety of fixed-mount and pan, tilt and zoom cameras. Collectively, the setup becomes something more than just a lighting system.

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‘On one level there might be something like 250 motion sensors – we don’t really think of them as lights,’ says Martin. Sensity Systems has written a predictive application for the luminaires, or ‘sensors’, that can sense the speed of a car in motion and use this information to calculate where it is going, how long it will take and how many lights will have to be activated to cover its journey. The sensors can inform a dimmer to keep the lights at 20 per cent when they’re not needed, allowing energy savings of up to 90 per cent. But the ambition doesn’t stop there. ‘You can do a lot of things with video by predicting people’s behaviour,’ Martin explains. ‘If you want to know how many parking spots are available, you can tell. If you want to make that information available to the passengers, you can do that. As a potential revenue generator, the information about how people are moving around the airport is all available.’ To illustrate the potential, Martin draws up a scenario: ‘You’re riding in your car to the airport. You wish you had a cup of coffee, so you use the application via your smartphone and as you get closer, it asks you what airline you’re going to. It tells you where the nearest parking spots are. The minute you get out of your car, if you have opted in and given your consent, the airport knows you’re there. So Starbucks can have a coffee waiting for you when you get there. As you’re waiting in the queue to go through security, the airport can track how long each smartphone has been in the queue and deploy more resources if the waiting time is too long. And once you’re past security, the airport can send you coupons for the things that it knows you like.’

Why lights? In today’s digital world where everyone carries a smartphone, a connected airport experience isn’t hard to envisage. But why would lighting be at the heart of it, when the applications are so much wider? ‘Every really important network got built on top of some kind of platform,’ Martin says. ‘The telegraph system was built on the railroad system, these lights are that platform,’ Martin says. With four billion HID lights in the United States that are likely to be converted to LED in the next 15-20 years due to the energy and maintenance savings that can be made, an opportunity is emerging: ‘The new lights run off direct current, so you need a power adaptor. So the question really is: If you’re going to install four billion DC power supplies up in the air, with the labour already financed through the energy savings afforded by LED technology, what else could you do? And the answer is, you can build an amazing network around that.’ The elephant in the room is the uneasy feeling that we’re now one step closer to a totalitarian surveillance regime where the lights know everything about us. In the case of Newark Airport, the data is in | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

the hands of the owner of the network – the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Video footage is stored locally for security reasons, but all other data is uploaded to a cloud-based system, so it can potentially be made available for other applications. This doesn’t mean that Starbucks can just burst in to find out how punters take their coffee. Currently, all the applications that exist have been commissioned by the airport, and surveillance and security has been the general interest registered by Sensity’s clients. But Martin envisages a future in which applications will be built by third parties, such as retailers. Sensity would charge a small fee for the use of the information, and share that revenue with the owner of the data. ‘At the moment we’re the matchmaker between developers and facility owners, but eventually I think there will be an app store for this – we don’t have to be involved at all,’ he says. Martin believes that this potential scenario would enable a whole new range of services: ‘Newark wants services for the airport, and a third party wants to develop that application, and then the terrific thing about creating an ecosystem like this is that we actually lower the cost tremendously for many of these service providers,’ Martin says. ‘If you think about smart parking or surveillance and security systems, many times those technologies require the build-up of a separate network, just to support the application. It could cost up to $500 per parking slot to develop a smart parking system, and the parking

Data collected by the lighting network is not only useful for the airport itself, but can be shared with third parties to provide new services


company needs to manage the network – we can do all that for them. So they don’t have to install the sensors, they don’t have to manage the network. All you have to do is pick up the information in the cloud and use it to drive your application. It’s a tremendous cost benefit for developers.’

Facilitating a network Whether lighting will become the main facilitator of a more connected world, in the same way that the railway facilitated the telegraph, remains to be





seen. But Sensity Systems has started talks with Westfield, Martin tells Lux Review, and according to the New York Times, the lighting company Amerlux has recently agreed with Sensity to start using the technology in its LED luminaires. Smart networks are starting to crop up in other places, too. Copenhagen is installing 20,000 smart streetlamps this year, and under Glasgow’s Future City Glasgow Demonstrator programme, LED streetlights in the city centre will become part of a network that can monitor vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic and dim illumination accordingly. As lighting gets smarter, the lighting industry won’t be alone in reaping the benefits, Martin says. ‘Thirty years ago at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas it was all about stereo components. If you go to CES today, it’s all about software. That same change is going to happen in the lighting industry and you’ll see Cisco and Google there.’ But there are opportunities for manufacturers too. ‘Now a manufacturer can offer light as a service, or they could offer other services such as security. It’s a way for manufacturers to move into services.’

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On the brink of a

REVOLUTION Chinese imports are setting the pace for the adoption of LEDs in Australia, as Oliver Milman discovers


ustralia has traditionally taken its technology lead from the US and Europe, but the rise of China as an economic superpower has changed the way the country does business, especially when it comes to lighting. Two-way trade between China and Australia is worth more than $130 billion and has been growing rapidly over the past decade. During this period there has been a flood of new LED products into Australia, which is helping the country move away from traditional sources. ‘Australia ranked seventh in the world as an export destination for LEDs last year, which is extraordinary considering our population is so small,’ says Bryan Douglas, chief executive of Lighting Council | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

Australia, the industry peak body. ‘It shows that Australia is an important market. There isn’t a day goes by when I don’t get 20 emails from China trying to sell me product. There’s a lot of interest. ‘What’s called LEDification is an incredibly important mega-trend. There’s a lot of interest in LEDs, they are starting to become mainstream, where you are seeing them stocked by major hardware stores and supermarkets.’

Import boom Alongside a boom in the number of LED importers in Australia, there is plenty of work for businesses retrofitting buildings, car parks and warehouses. ‘We used to have tenders for work and half of them would be T5 fluorescent replacements,’ says Mark


LED luminaires from Lumino are built into the architecture of 8 Chifley in Sydney, in a lighting scheme devised by Arup


Rutherford, chief executive of Ilum-a-lite, which makes energy-saving lighting for industrial and government clients. ‘But in 2014 I’ve only seen three tenders that specified legacy lighting. Everyone else has decided that LED is the future. The market has made a shift to quality LED.’ Cost is the primary factor, with clients working on a basis of a two-year payback on LED replacements as a result of energy savings. Extra features are creeping into the Australian market, such as lighting controls, which add another year or two to the return on investment. So there are relatively few takers – for now. But the improvement in LED quality is clear. ‘There’s increasing performance for reduced cost,’ says Rutherford. ‘You’re getting 100 lumens per watt whereas 18 months previously you’d be happy with 80 lumens. And 18 months before that you’d be happy with 65. And over those three years, prices would’ve halved. ‘I tend to compare it to the computer chip. The capacity on computer chips doubled every two years and that’s the same with LED. We’ll continue to see performance increasing and value improving.’

But the handy proximity to China hasn’t been the only factor in the growth of an Australian lighting market that’s now worth $2 billion, according to Lighting Council Australia. Technological innovation may be lagging slightly compared with Europe and the US, but Australia’s regulatory regime has helped nudge the country towards more sophisticated, efficient light sources. In 2007, the Australian government committed itself to phasing out cheap 40¢ incandescent lamps. This was followed by the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), agreed in tandem with New Zealand, which set energy-efficiency standards for linear fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, transformers and converters of halogen lighting systems. Then, in 2011, the Building Code of Australia was updated to include wattage allowances for all hardwired fittings in new premises. Energy-efficiency standards have been embraced by successive Australian governments, with the regulations reducing electricity demand by 10.5 terawatt-hours (TWh) between 2006 and 2013 – or 28 per cent of the total 37TWh reduction in that period. Premier Tony Abbott has scrapped the country’s carbon tax, so energy efficiency is one of the few weapons left with which to tackle Australia’s sky-high per capita carbon emissions. All of this is good news for businesses that upgrade the outdated lighting systems common in commercial Australian buildings. LED designer Enlighten has just celebrated its fifth birthday, having sold 60,000 LEDs of its own design, saving clients an estimated $5 million a year in lighting costs. The company’s revenue grew by around 20 per cent in the last quarter, with 98 per cent derived from retrofits. Steve Cahill, Enlighten’s chief executive, says that the supply chain is also changing. Rather than go through a wholesaler or catalogue, clients are coming directly to him. LED chips make up most of the market focus down under. ‘I think Australia is ahead of the game in retrofitting,’ he says. ‘I sense there is a lot more talk of innovation and technology overseas, in Europe and the US, but there is a huge change going on in Australia in terms of moving to LEDs.’

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H&M in Melbourne (inset), which occupies the old post office building, uses linear recessed LED equipment in existing ceiling pockets

For clients, price is the key priority, coupled with payback time. ‘These decisions are run by chief financial officers, so cost and payback take priority over function. This is a business decision,’ Cahill says. ‘Maintenance is up there as a major selection criterion as the cost of maintenance is extraordinarily high.’ Douglas says the LED transformation is not likely to abate in the next couple of years. ‘We will probably see saturation by the end of the decade but until then we will see investment in smart lighting at home, but also outdoor and roadway lighting. We are on the brink of a revolution here. ‘Historically the major technological breakthroughs have come from overseas, but with the advent of lighting controls there is an opportunity for savvy Australians companies to join in. ‘It won’t be easy if we’re competing with the likes of Apple and Google, who are looking to get in to this space, but there will be a niche market for Australian companies.’ Niche is certainly the word. The vast majority


There is a small window of time for retrofitting at the moment, so the question is, what’s next?” Steve Cahill, Enlighten | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

of Australian lighting firms are importers and resellers rather than designers and manufacturers. The export market is tiny, but there is innovation, if you look for it, as well as the hope that the export market will open up. ‘We designed the Chameleon light, which has a microwave sensor in it, for fire stairs and car parks – there’s a lot of success there for us,’ says Cahill. ‘The next step is the interface, putting new radio-frequency controls into high bay lights. In large areas such as warehouses and car park entrances, there is interest in controls that can dim lights to provide a natural sort of light you get through translucent sheets on the roof. ‘Export is something we are considering, it’s an issue we’re wrestling with at the moment. There is a small window of time for retrofitting at the moment, so the question is, what’s next?’

Outside the square ‘We are starting to think outside the square a bit,’ he said. ‘We can have round lights now, we’re not restricted to a tube. Everyone expects high bay lighting to be a dome but we can change the look of that now. LED is very receptive to switching or dimming. People wouldn’t think of controlling warehousing lighting like that before, but now they can produce a result they never thought possible.’ That’s not to say that everything is looking rosy. The industry in Australia has two main bugbears – the sea of ordinary products that has washed in from China and some pesky Australian regulations that seem to be modelled on Europe without exactly aligning. For example, Australia has a hot wire test for components that requires heat resistance to 800°C before they catch fire. In Europe it’s 750°C. Lighting products in Australia must be earthed, a stipulation not required universally in the US or Canada. For a Chinese manufacturer, making these sorts of alterations for a country of just 23 million people is problematic.


‘They say “no we can’t do that”, which is very annoying,’ said Rutherford. ‘Australian standards are awfully confusing and difficult to do. This means the rules aren’t always enforced and therefore not followed, it’s a vicious circle.’ In April, a New South Wales woman was electrocuted by a cheap USB charger, a situation that Rutherford blames on this complex and lax regime, although no such disasters with lighting have occurred. ‘There remains a lingering doubt in the marketplace about LED lighting,’ he says. ‘There is some cheap, non-approved product that hasn’t gone through regulatory process.’ Douglas says Lighting Council Australia will soon release a guide for consumers and businesses on how to identify high-quality lighting. ‘There are good quality LEDs available but there remains a lot of rubbish in the marketplace,’ he concedes. ‘We also have a rather uneducated marketplace that can’t be expected to distinguish between good and bad product. We need to educate people more about that. ‘There are also a lot of untruths told by marketers about the performance of products. The government has had a hands-off approach to regulating LEDs and we do expect them to do that with labelling, but we are some way off that happening.’ Cahill said he hopes the smarter Australian businesses take matters into their own hands and start displacing some of the lower-grade products available in the market. ‘China has mass produced a whole lot of cheap LED bulbs and tubes and unfortunately they’ve spread across the world,’ he said. ‘There are good, high-quality manufacturers in China, but Australian manufacturers have been so short on the technology front that they’ve had to import from China, so we’ve seen a lot of junk. ‘The discussion taking place around the world about technology hasn’t translated into product development here, yet. We are one of the companies designing our own radio-frequency control systems and there are some examples of innovative designs coming out of Australia, but that’s the exception rather than the rule.



Harris Scarfe’s Adelaide store (top) is lit primarily with LEDs from Aglo Systems, and Number One Bligh Street in Sydney has won plaudits for its energy efficiency

‘I’d hope more companies will start to move in that direction. At the moment it’s a race to see who can innovate the fastest and that race will unfold in the next couple of years.’ While cost is still king for residential and business customers, the industry feels a shift is under way. While most families might be happy to burn a fluorescent light, there are enough wealthy households for smart mood lighting controls to be viable. Also, although operators of commercial buildings will want their energy-efficiency rating to

be as high as possible, they will start to look at control features that take the technology to the next level. ‘We will see fewer and fewer players selling classic lighting technology in Australia,’ Douglas predicts. ‘Companies that do not adapt will struggle to find a place in the Australian market. ‘There is an enormous number of start-up companies in Australia, driven by individuals who don’t know much about lighting but who can go to China, pick up a container of LEDs and bring them here. I can’t see them surviving. ‘You will need to add value in the future, not just import and distribute. There are simply too many of those importers and many will fall by the wayside. But there will be a few really high-quality Australian businesses left from that.’

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Power to the


The annual amount Papua New Guinea consumers spend on off-grid lighting through a mix of kerosene lanterns, battery-powered torches, candles and firewood


The rising price of kerosene over the past five years, often sold at more than twice the price in Papua New Guinea compared with other markets


The number of off-grid households not currently using solar devices for their lighting needs


The proportion of mobile phone-owning households that have no capacity at home to charge the devices | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

A revolutionary new lighting initiative by the World Bank is set to transform the lives of more than half a million people in Papua New Guinea. Scott Lang reports


t the southern edge of the Pacific Rim lies one of the world’s most diverse countries, home to more than 1,000 tribal groups that speak 848 different languages. But while Papua New Guinea is rich in cultural heritage, it’s poor in public services – 90 per cent of inhabitants have no electricity and therefore no reliable light. As a result, about 6.3 million people cannot carry out household chores, read, or do business outside daylight hours. The majority of islanders depend on subsistence farming as their main source of income and a lack of lighting drastically hinders their ability to catch, sell or process products.



Access to electric light helps children study, businesses stay open at night and improves safety on the streets

In response to this growing lighting crisis – the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the funding arm of the World Bank, has started a scheme that aims to bring safe and affordable solar off-grid lighting to more than half a million islanders. ‘This will not only improve living conditions but also boost business, allow children to study, cut household costs, and help women stay safe on the streets,’ says IFC operations officer Liam Grealish. The project, which is part of the Lighting Global campaign, will meet the needs of underserved energy consumers as well as low-income households and micro-enterprises, says Karin Finkelston, the IFC’s vice-president for Asia Pacific. ‘Sustainable lighting power will support the kind of growth in the country that benefits all, especially those who work hard to improve their livelihoods by studying or setting up small enterprises.’

Solar solutions In recent years, advances in low-powered lighting systems have given rise to more adaptable and efficient solar products. Also, declining manufacturing costs mean products are now more affordable. This, coupled with a rising cost of alternative lighting sources such as kerosene and torch batteries, has driven demand for solar alternatives. ‘The market is ready for new growth and we’ve already generated a lot of interest from manufacturers within other emerging markets,’ says Grealish.

1 NICOLA GODDARD FOUNDATION The Nicola Goddard Foundation’s Light Up PNG initiative works to improve the quality and functionality of healthcare facilities in rural areas by installing solar-powered LED lighting systems so health facilities can be used in the evening.

2 KOKODA TRACK FOUNDATION In partnership with Brisbane-based social enterprise FlexiWay Solar, the Kokoda Track Foundation aims to give a solarpowered LED light to every villager along the infamous Kokoda Track, an area without access to electricity.

But the key to the success of the scheme is to educate consumers and build lasting business connections in Papua New Guinea, he explains. ‘Previous commercial attempts to distribute low-power products have been as part of donor programmes, almost always on a small scale,’ says Grealish. ‘By creating trust within the consumer base and providing after sales support, we expect businesses to achieve good scale.’ The IFC has teamed up with Origin Energy Group to benefit from its expertise in service delivery. ‘Papua New Guinea is a market with immense promise for solar-powered products,’ says Lesieli Taviri, general manager of Origin Energy. ‘With IFC’s support, we expect transformative growth and evolution over the next five years.’ But with such a large proportion of islanders – more than 85 per cent – living in dispersed rural off-grid populations, getting solar products to the ‘last mile’ will be a challenge, says Grealish. ‘Manufacturers will have to develop a healthy in-country dialogue to establish a productive supply chain and get products to the end user.’ But with a wealth of experience garnered from lighting projects in other parts of the world, the IFC is confident that this will be the first step in securing a brighter future for Papua New Guinea islanders. ‘This is just the beginning and we hope to expand the scheme to make affordable solar lighting available to all of the islands’ inhabitants,’ says Grealish.

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Why gas lights are

STILL BURNING Robert Bain discovers how cities such as London and Berlin are preserving their gaslight heritage, while embracing energy efficiency


he last lamplighter in London is thought to have hung up his pole for the final time around 1968. They were once a common sight all over the British capital – appearing as night fell, stopping by each of the gas lanterns that lined the streets and, one by one, bringing them to life. But while the lamplighters may have gone, gaslight is still with us – just about. London once had 40,000 gas lanterns, and about 1,100 are still burning in the city’s central boroughs and royal parks. They now turn on and off by themselves, with British Gas teams on mopeds visiting them periodically for cleaning and maintenance. Most of the gas lights in the district of Westminster were long since converted to electricity, but eight years ago the 304 that remain were designated ‘cherished assets’, and are now being preserved. ‘Only the Queen has more gas lanterns than me,’ says Dave Franks, who looks after Westminster’s lighting with the help of engineering consultancy WSP.

Political will Without this political support for gas lighting in Westminster, ‘we’d lose it tomorrow’, says Franks. After all, the running cost of a gas lantern is several times that of a metal halide or LED equivalent. If you’re going to keep gas lights for their historic value, you have to accept that ‘they are what they are’. ‘We’re trying to optimise their performance and make them as friendly as they possibly can be to the environment,’ says Franks. A strategy developed in 2010/11 led to Westminster’s gas lanterns getting new mantles and reflectors, time clocks and photocells, among other improvements. Franks is now looking for a central management | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

system that will work with gas lighting. By modern standards, the lanterns last well – the ones in William IV Street have been there for 200 years, although Franks admits, ‘they’ve had 16 paint coats, three new hoods…’ Franks is complimentary about some of the LED retrofits of heritage lanterns in the borough – including those in Downing Street where the Prime Minister lives – but efforts to find a low-energy solution that could provide the same look and feel as gas haven’t got far. ‘We tried and gave up,’ he said. Rebecca Hatch of WSP says: ‘The atmosphere created by gas lighting cannot be replicated – it retains a historic charm that electric lighting simply cannot match.’

Still burning Berlin is another city that’s not letting go of its gas light. The German capital has some 38,000 gas lights of various models still in operation. But like London, it now faces big pressure to cut its energy costs and carbon emissions. The decision to protect some of Berlin’s gas lights was enshrined in the founding agreement of the city’s current coalition government, and the council confirmed in June that all gas fittings in Berlin’s conservation areas would be preserved. So while firms including Selux, Hahn Licht and Braun help the city retrofit thousands of lanterns with LED sources or replace them with CFL post-top fittings, about 3,500 lanterns in Berlin’s conservation areas will be kept just as they are. The 29 areas that will still be lit by gas include parts of the city’s modernist housing estates, the old town of Spandau, and the banks of the Lietzensee lake. ‘These areas are accorded a special preservation status because of their architectural and historical significance,’ the council explains. The lanterns that survive ‘will reflect the former diversity of historical types and models of light’. This isn’t enough to please some locals who would have preferred that all their beloved gas lanterns remain untouched, but from an environmental,


Thousands of gas lights remain in the streets of Berlin

Linus Lintner

A gaslit sewer vent column near the Savoy Theatre in central London

sustainability and cost point of view, it’s an open-and-shut case. In both Berlin and London, authorities have had to strike a balance between sustainability and the passion felt by residents about their heritage. For Dave Franks, Westminster’s gas lights are one of the best things about his job. ‘Most people wouldn’t notice the difference [between gas and electric lights],’ he says, ‘but if you know, it’s obvious.’ ‘It’s very warm light, and if it’s quiet you can hear them burning, there’s sort of a roar from the gas. As the mantles get older, the colour changes from bright white to a nice orange glow like a fireplace. Even if the same look and feel could be achieved using LEDs, to convert the remaining few gas lights to electricity would be missing the point, which is to preserve this little piece of heritage, Franks believes. ‘It’s a little forgotten world,’ he says. ‘They’re wonderful things. I love every single one of them.’

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

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Grrrr! The 10 most annoying things


We love LEDs, but even we admit that these pesky little chips and their impact on the industry can be... frustrating. Ray Molony explains why


If the announcement of the Apple Watch had been accompanied by an LED light show, the world might have gone into hype overload






BonniePower - CreativeCommmons

OK, we get that LEDs are a major technological advance – but with levels of hype to match an Apple product announcement, it’s hard not to get cynical. OK, they might last 50,000 hours at a push and use 1/10th of the power of an incandescent and never need to be maintained, but just stop banging on about it. Enough already!

Help! My expensive new LED retrofit lamps are flickering like tea lights when I dim them! That’s because the dimmer and the lamps are incompatible. One’s trying to vary the voltage by slicing up the waveform and the other is trying to keep the current constant. Oh, the manufacturer didn’t tell you about all this compatibility malarkey, you say? Funny that.

Flicker: it’s pretty flicking annoying


We all thought that flicker was something evil from the past, like 1970s disco lighting. Well it’s back, and having an serious effect on our sanity. Most of the time you can’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t messing with your head. And just wait until you try to dim your LEDs – compatibility issues are a flicking nightmare.

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


a replacement when one fails in the future. One that matches in terms of colour temperature, output, photometrics, etcetera. Well the bad news is, you won’t be able to.


Hey, nice lumen package! Were you going for a blinding feel?

We’ve all seen the graph – LED prices are tumbling. LED chips, that is. But LED fixtures are still too expensive compared with fluorescent and halogen. The reason? The whole mass production gig that made, for instance, Thorn Pop Packs cheap and cheerful hasn’t yet been applied to LEDs. It’ll happen eventually, but in the meantime get used to paying a premium.




The raft of new entrants to the lighting industry missed the memo on glare. You know, that it’s a bad thing and all that. It’s not that they’ve forgotten about people, it’s just that they’re more concerned with getting some good hero numbers such as lumen package and lumens per watt in time for LuxLive. Just don’t look directly at the fittings. Ouch!




If you don’t specify the colour temperature, expect fittings from the Ice Palace in Disney’s Frozen. That’s because cold colour temperatures are more efficient, have higher outputs and are easier to manufacture. Who decided, for instance, that streetlights should be 5000K?


Yes, an LED fitting becomes obsolete as soon as you buy it. Then again, so does your laptop, your smartphone and the Rough Guide to Syria. No, a bigger problem is getting


‘Sigh… I specifically asked for 2700K!



s.c ler sty e f i ey L


I once, stupidly, tried to compare energy price tariffs from different suppliers. That’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back. It’s not much easier with specification sheets from LED lighting manufacturers. The easy solution: standardised spec sheets. Coming any day now. Oh yes.

Obsolete yet irreplaceable. Great | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


One batch, fifty shades of white



LEDs can experience more colour shift than a chameleon on a chessboard. But the manufacturers won’t tell you that. It all depends on who made the LED chips and the quality of the materials they used. And here’s the thing: the shift takes time, so we won’t know how big a problem this is for some years.



No, not one of the perils of being a parent at a One Direction concert, the blue light hazard is lighting business jargon for the sometimes potent effect that the short-wavelength element of LED lighting has on our health. According to the more excitable elements of the media, this includes retina damage, obesity, and, of course, cancer.

Must have been all the blue LED light…

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

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It’s well documented that artificial lighting can affect our circadian rhythm, but now hospitals and lighting suppliers are starting to work together to exploit the effect for the wellbeing of patients. Systems such as Philips’ HealWell mimic the way natural light changes over the course of a day. Philips says research to date suggests patients fall asleep more quickly, sleep for longer and score better on the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, and the technology is in use at Bradford Royal Infirmary and Maastricht University’s medical centre. Meanwhile, Osram believes that mimicking daylight in therapy rooms and waiting areas, in part by illuminating them to 4,000 lx, might reduce pain. It seems that robust clinical trials are needed to prove the benefits of these technologies beyond doubt, though anything that helps patients sleep better must be good for them.


It might not quite be time to consign the light switch and dimmer to the history books, but smart lamps from the likes of Samsung, LIFX and PhotonStar mean we’ll be using switches much less in the home. The implications of wireless technology go much further than turning your lights on with your smartphone: your light bulbs will be able to gossip with your family’s devices to know who’s there. Factor in the time of day, and any other gadgets and appliances that are in use (your bulbs won’t be alone in coming equipped with wireless tech), and you have a system capable of adjusting the lighting in every room, including its colour, to meet the wants and needs of the family. Set lights to come on while you’re away, pulse in time to your stereo, or match the dominant colour of the on-screen action as you watch telly or play games. Samsung’s lamp works with its Smart Home system, and the Philips Hue lamp will soon work with Apple’s HomeKit framework. But without open standards, every gizmo in the house will have to be made, or at least endorsed, by the same multinational.

It stands to reason that shops would seek to exploit the smartphones in our pockets. If our phones can make shopping at particular outlets simpler and faster, we’re more likely to return. But doing so means they must know where we are with much greater accuracy than GPS affords. Bytelight is one startup that thinks lighting is the missing piece of the puzzle. The company is putting its devices into GE’s LED fittings, which use visible light communication and Bluetooth. Combined with a dedicated app and the accelerometers in your smartphone, the technology can tell not only which aisle you’re in, but which products you’re next to, and send special offers, customer reviews and videos to your device. Philips demonstrated a similar technology at Light + Building this year, also with a view to helping retailers target shoppers in their stores. If all this sounds like hell, the technology could also be used to map the most direct route through the shop based on previous buying habits. Small mercies.


Streetlights are adopting wireless technology to become all-singing and dancing information hubs. Technology like Harvard Engineering’s LeafNut can be retrofitted to streetlights to make them remotely controllable over radio and mobile phone networks, so the output of each light can be adapted to suit local conditions. With this sort of technology, streetlights can report when lamps are close to failure or otherwise need attention. Controlled solutions from the likes of Thorn and Schréder allow lights in parks, car parks and tunnels to be dimmed if no-one is around, or adjusted to improve visual perception as drivers move between light and darkness. And mobile internet providers may soon be licensing streetlights as a means of expanding their over-burdened networks. Ericsson has joined forces with Philips to do just that with its Zero Site technology. But why limit yourself to internet connectivity if it’s possible, as Sensity Systems believes, to use the world’s streetlights to create a global distributed sensor network? Streetlights might one day track everything from atmospheric CO2 to the comings and goings of shoppers. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


Lighting the

SMART CITY James Holloway takes a stroll around the city of the future, and sees the key role that lighting will play


Where once smart office lighting entailed a world of extra design, installation, commissioning and expense, wireless technology is drastically simplifying things. Sensor nodes from Australian company Organic Response can be added to any dimmable luminaire so it responds to the presence of both people and ambient light. But those sensors talk to each other using infrared, so nearby fittings also brighten as someone passes by. The system has been compared to a school of fish: individual luminaires behave quite simply, but in concert, there’s a sort of distributed intelligence at work. Sensors must have a direct line of sight to communicate, but that’s a blessing not a curse: refit your office and the lights will adapt to the new layout.


Regular Lux Review readers will be acquainted with Li-Fi, which lets you transmit information with light by rapidly modulating the output. But could pupils soon be connecting to the web by logging in to the nearest LED luminaire rather than the Wi-Fi? They will if PureLiFi, the company pioneering visible light communication, has a say. The Business Academy Bexley in Kent has installed the company’s Li-Fi system in a trial classroom where it’s hoped the advantages and, perhaps, unforeseen potential of the technology will be realised. Li-Fi allows each student to be allocated equal bandwidth, and could be used to transmit information tailored to each individual. This differentiates Li-Fi from Wi-Fi, and would be a great advantage in an environment with lots of people with diverse needs. School lighting might just be Li-Fi’s killer app.

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |

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Pondering the

John Bullock considers what happens at the end of an LED product’s life cycle.


hen we look at the sustainability issues that affect LED technology, there are three headline issues that crop up constantly. These issues have an impact on how the LED technology is delivered, so it’s worth taking stock to see what’s going on in the real world.

The waste cycle Charles Dickens is probably the first person to write about the business of recycling. In Our Mutual Friend, his character Noddy Boffin makes his fortune by sifting through London’s collected ‘dust’. He becomes known as the Golden Dustman. Noddy’s success came about because he was the one to see that there was money to be made from the stuff that the rest of us throw away. V 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


We’re really not very clever about this and seem almost willfully blind to the material value that passes through our factory gates, never to be seen again... until someone else sells the same stuff back to us – appropriately treated and re-valued – a few years later. But now there’s a terrific new wheeze being trumpeted. It’s marketed as ‘plastic from air’ – an idea that gets scarier the more you think about it. So profligate and careless are we as a society that a company based in California says it can produce plastic pellets from the exhaust air of industrial processes. The company, Newlight, is aiming for a production target of 27 million kilogrammes of plastic pellets a year from its AirCarbon technology. And there was me thinking that my sinus problems came from eating too much cheese. Meanwhile, the lighting industry finds it difficult to find ways to re-work aluminium components without having them re-smelted first, and we still don’t have a way to recycle LED chips because they are too small. But we can make plastic out of the air.

account for 30 per cent of the company’s greenhouse gas emissions and this is a cause for concern. The Lego company is researching new materials with a view to minimising its environment impact; and this from a company that makes something that doesn’t get thrown away. We’re still in thrall to our latest piece of lighting technology and haven’t yet paused to ask what we might be doing better – and by better I don’t mean better performance; I mean better behaviour. UK member of parliament Eric Pickles tried to get the lights switched off. The police put them back on again

Materials technology We do things the way that we do because that’s the way that we do them. The printed circuit board is one such example. Despite the PCB being the spine around which the LED revolution is supported, we really have very little idea of how these beasties should be dealt with at the end of their lives. Sorry… of course we know what to do with them. We send them away to the other side of the world where very poor people get sick and die for very little reward by breaking them down into something tradeable for the ‘developed’ world (that’s us) – like Noddy Boffin’s overseas cousins. Lighting professionals may have heard about ‘unzippable’ PCBs, where components can be literally washed-off the board. That research is ongoing, with expectations that PCB recyclability can be increased from 30 per cent to 90 per cent, which will be good news when we get there. But if we want to see how a global business – and a product that is a global cultural icon – is looking at its future, we have to visit Denmark. According to Lego, there are 90 Lego bricks for every person on the planet. The interlocking design has been the same since 1958 and it is probably the most cross-generational toy ever conceived. But the company, still owned by the family that founded it in 1932, is looking to the future. Although the Lego product is already a fine example of the ‘re-use’ concept, the company feels that there is more to be done. It’s reckoned that the raw materials used in current production methods | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


Global energy management And the final headline issue is the one that’s been in our faces for a long time and will never go away because we don’t have the will to do anything about it. But circumstances will drive change and in ways that we’ll not be particularly happy about. It’s only a matter of time. I’m not talking about climate change; I seriously feel that’s a horse that’s bolted and the stable is very empty – and wet underfoot. What I’m most concerned about is the apparent lack of will to balance our dwindling energy resources with our ever increasing energy consumption. Here in the world of lighting we’ve done very well for ourselves in reducing the amount of energy it takes to make a lumen of light, but we have no sense of what it will take to organise a net reduction in lumen consumption. In the UK, the Guru of Municipalism is one Mr Eric Pickles, a member of parliament who went public on the benefits of switching off streetlighting and was dubbed ‘Minister for Darkness’. He has, however, been embarrassed by his local police force, which ordered (not asked, ordered) the streetlights to be switched back on after a rise in reported burglaries. So that worked well, Eric. Good intentions for the wrong reasons, badly executed… no change there, then. And so back to the drawing board. Thinking caps on, chaps.

We’ve done very well in reducing the amount of energy it takes to make a lumen, but not in organising a net reduction in lumen consumption”


Welcome to Luxercise Gyms – it’s time to work out our lighting scheme






yms should appear light and airy – and clean. You must speak to the architect or interior designer to ensure the room surfaces are fairly pale – a dark ceiling in a large gym can look oppressive. A light ceiling also reduces the contrast between the luminaire and its immediate surroundings, reducing glare. A particular aspect of gyms that differentiates them from other interiors is that people often spend a considerable time on their backs looking at the ceiling. This means that your luminaires should have a low surface luminance. Remember that even ‘lowbrightness’ luminaires were pretty glaring if you looked directly into them from underneath. Uplights or micro-prismatic diffusers are a better option. Cross-trainers, treadmills and other equipment often have sloping control panels. Try to minimise bright reflections from the luminaires. In the UK, the excellent SLL sports lighting guide LG04 recommends illumination levels of 200 to 500 lx for gymnastics, depending on the standard of performance. British Gymnastics recommends 200 lx for non-competitive play and 500 lx for competitions. We have designed to a notional 300 lx at 1m above floor level. One last point to consider is the mounting height of the luminaires. This may not be an issue if the gym is in an open sports hall, but can be if it is in a standard 2.4m floor/ceiling location. Our gym measures 12 x 10m with 3m to the lowest part of the ceiling.

G | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

There are still a large number of gyms that are being illuminated by recessed 4 x 18W T8 fluorescent units. Nowadays, they are being superseded by the LED panel equivalent. These vary enormously in quality and performance. The panel used here is from a major European manufacturer and has a microprism louvre and an opal diffuser. The result is that you get high light output with low glare – even when the fixture is seen from directly underneath. What’s good about the scheme is the high uniformity and low glare. I have never been a fan of totally recessed luminaires because they tend to produce dark ceilings. This can be improved by having a pale coloured floor. To be consistent, all three options have a floor reflectance of 17 per cent, which is fairly dark for a gym.

TECH SPEC Luminaires Sixteen 600 x 600 LED panels Optical control Microprism behind opal diffuser Average horizontal illuminance 340 lx Electrical load 785W Pros Low capital cost Cons Looks like a million other gyms






When I researched lighting for gyms, I was surprised by the number that had direct/indirect systems. The luminaires must be high enough to be out of reach of anyone using the equipment in the gym. As long as your ceiling is higher than about 3.5m, you should be OK. The big advantage of this scheme is that it puts a lot more light on the ceiling and makes the space look open and airy. A disadvantage is that the open louvres mean that you can get a direct view of the T5 lamps if you are lying directly underneath them. It would be worth considering moving the luminaires away from the mat and bench exercise areas. Personally, in this location I would always use a direct/ indirect luminaire with a diffuser top and bottom rather than a louvre. But so many gyms have louvred luminaires, I thought it was worth including them.

We often forget that we don’t have to use just one luminaire type per location. This option uses a combination of compact fluorescent uplights and continuous linear T5 fluorescent. A better option might be to use LED equivalents, but you would have to check that they had sufficient light output. Narrow luminaires and uplights are never the most efficient in the simple terms of horizontal illuminance per watt consumed. However, they often produce the best looking and most effective functional spaces. Gyms have to look good to attract customers. We have been able to use wall-mounted uplights in the higher central area to lighten the ceiling. These wouldn’t work so well in the lower side areas because you would get hot spots on the ceiling. Instead we have used a continuous line of T5s.



Luminaires Twenty suspended direct/indirect fittings with T5 fluorescent lamps Optical control Specular louvres Average horizontal illuminance 330 lx Electrical load 760W Pros Bright ceiling and low glare Cons You need a fairly high ceiling

Luminaires Eight 1 x 55W CFL uplights plus linear T5 system Optical control Simple, high-reflectance aluminium Average horizontal illuminance 280 lx Electrical load 860W Pros Best looking Cons Heaviest electrical load


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2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



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It’s all about the


Does the inexorable rise of LEDs mean we are losing the ability to focus on the application and the client specification? Dave Tilley investigates



is the LED retrofits that have taken place at UK retailer WHSmith. An emember the days when manufacturers delivered lighting excellent sale of LED products but not a great result for the retailer. solutions that focused on the application and client I have highlighted this because it is relevant to a recent project specification? What happened? in which a client was keen to use LEDs. The project was a vehicle LEDs. The evolution of LED technology coupled with the cost of workshop: a large space, high ceilings and a range of tasks within development has resulted in rapid obsolescence, the cost of which the space. The vehicle workshop was illuminated by 30 250W low manufacturers have to factor into future sales. bays, in three rows of 10, providing excellent uniformity. Those of you who use the business-oriented social network The client had already seen a number of LED high bays, one LinkedIn will probably have noticed Philips has used it for a stock clearance. There is a problem with this approach to stock clearance: had even been installed as a trial. To demonstrate the difference between LED high bays, units from two other manufacturers were it depresses the market price and the perceived value of LEDs. installed. It is important to remember that there are no standards This – together with the increasing number of LED businesses that compete with, and take business from, the major manufacturers to refer to when specifying LEDs, unlike traditional light – has shifted the emphasis to purely selling products and ENERGY AND COST SAVINGS WITH T5 OR LED HIGH BAY RETROFIT reduced the emphasis on the lighting solution. QUANTITY LUMINAIRE TYPE ANNUAL ENERGY CO2 (TONNES) ENERGY SAVING COST It is important that users USE SAVING recognise this shift in sales 30 250W low bay 29,700kWh 16.5 – – technique because it adds another 10 4 x 80W T5 12,700kWh 7 17,000kWh $3,100 aspect to the old adage ‘buyer beware’. A good example of selling 12 150W LED high bay 5,950kWh 3.3 23,750kWh $4,400 a product, not a lighting solution,

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


The main criterion for the vehicle workshop scheme was an average illuminance of 350 lx with good uniformity


The application is the key to the specification and the lighting design. Users must be involved in the process.”

The directional nature of LEDs resulted in hot spots directly under the luminaires, with dark LUMINAIRE TYPE UNIT COST PROJECT COST ROI spots where the cones of light did not overlap. 4 x 80W T5 $545 $4,700 20 months (price includes sensor) Also, the mechanics working 150W LED high bay $730 $7,750 24 months (no sensor) on the vehicles complained about glare from the LED high bays when looking up. Integrated lighting controls are generally available with LED sources. This was evident when comparing the three installed luminaires today, but when the vehicle workshop was being LED high bays. Despite a clear specification, the variance in colour specified and designed, integrated controls were not generally temperature and lumen output was spectacular. available. Lighting controls would have to be installed remotely A series of lighting designs – incorporating T5 fluorescent and at an extra cost. LED high bays – were prepared, the main criterion being average The use of T5 luminaires has the obvious disadvantage of more illuminance of 350 lx with good uniformity. frequent relamping. Also, with 40 T5 lamps there would be a number of failures over life. However, this has to be balanced against the Efficiency head-to-head potential failure of a LED high bay. Before considering the lighting designs I have compared the efficiency of the T5 fluorescent and the LED high bay luminaires. The calculations are based on 3,300 annual operating hours, THE LIGHTING ECONOMIST’S VERDICT an electricity cost of $0.19 per kilowatt-hour and a 20 per cent allowance for gear losses. The return on investment, based LED technology has moved on since the vehicle workshop was completed, on the calculated savings, for the T5 and LED options is shown in but the specification of LEDs must still be managed carefully. the table above. The accuracy of the information must be tested – colour temperature, The vehicle workshop has a number of skylights in reasonable lumen output and glare index in particular. condition, which admit some daylight into the space. In view The lighting design parameters should also be checked, uniformity can be of this, the specification demanded a combined occupancy and a problem in large open spaces. daylight sensor. Induction lighting was also considered. Colour temperature, uniformity The lighting designs seemed to suggest that only two extra 150W and glare did not pose a problem, but price and therefore ROI negated the LED high bays were required when compared with the 4 x 80W use of this technology. (320W) T5 installation. The application is the key to the specification and the lighting design. However, as always, the devil is in the detail. Users must be involved in the process. The design of the LED high bay installation had used reflection LED may well have been the more efficient technology over time. percentages that enhanced both lux levels and uniformity. However, However if staff performance is reduced because an inappropriate when the reflection percentage was adjusted to realistic levels, the lighting technology has been used, the ROI calculation is flawed. number of LED high bays increased. It was possible to achieve the You can contact Dave Tilley at required lux levels, but uniformity was a problem. RETURN ON INVESTMENT FOR T5 AND LED HIGH BAYS | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4


As simple as it sounds

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HIGH BAYS High bay luminaires all used to look the same. Nowadays, they vary enormously. Alan Tulla looks at six of the best


Industrial lighting products have changed over the years

raditionally, high bays comprised a spun aluminium reflector, sometimes with slots in the top to emit a small amount of upward light. Prismed glass reflectors were a better option because they didn’t scratch or collect dust due to static. The upper slots were also said to produce a venturi effect that meant the reflector cleaned itself using the upward flow of air. (To be honest, I was never totally convinced by this – isn’t it the air that contains the dust in the first place?) Inside the reflector was a high-wattage HID lamp topped by an even bigger ballast. LEDs have changed all that. First, most optical control of LEDs is achieved using individual lenses, so you don’t need a huge reflector. Second, without a reflector, there is no reason for the high bay to be so tall. Some of the units we tested are quite shallow and rectangular. High and low One aspect of industrial lighting that is often forgotten is that the ambient air temperature around a high bay may be considerably higher than at a ‘normal’ ceiling height. It’s worthwhile checking the temperature at the height the luminaires will be mounted and then verifying that the luminaire is suitable for use at these elevated temperatures. In industrial areas, local standards and codes often let you use a light source with a lower CRI than normal, depending on the use of the space. You need to take care though. High lumen output is often achieved by using an LED with low CRI and a high CCT, maybe as much as 6000K. I have seen installations where the calculations and payback look brilliant, but you wouldn’t want to work there. Be wary of claims such as ‘equivalent to’ when comparing LEDs to HID. Always ask for calculations to demonstrate that the maintained illuminance is the same. At the same time, check what maintenance factor has been used in the calculations. The LEDs might lose 30 per cent of their output during the life of the installation (that’s what L70 means).

The light output is further reduced by the accumulation of dust on the luminaire. Taking this in to account, means that a maintenance factor of 0.55-0.60 would seem reasonable. I have seen maintenance factors of 0.9 used in calculations, which is most likely either ignorance or mis-selling. Finally, a plea to manufacturers. If you pack 2,500 lm on a module less than 3cm square, can we please have some glare control? O Turn over for our verdict on six high bays

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


Reviewed: high bays 1ST LED LIGHTING FLARE X

1st LED Lighting is an offshoot from 1st Millennium Electronics, which has been going for many years and specialises in electronics, circuit boards and optics. This is an IP65-rated unit that seems surprising because there are huge slots on the top. However, look inside and you can see an IP65 driver with fully sealed leads and connections to the four LED modules. The driver is mounted on top of the finned heatsinks, which doesn’t seem


ideal. The model we tested only has a single 120-degree beam, but there is a variety of optics available – from 30-120 degrees – plus an aisle light distribution on larger wattage versions. Each of the LED modules on the unit we tested is covered by a clear lens that projects the light downwards, but they are still visible from quite high angles and so can be glaring.


A solid no frills option | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

constructed of cast aluminium. This most probably accounts for its suitability at a high ambient operating temperature of 60°C. It delivers over 100 lm/W, but that’s with the standard 5700K, CRI>70 version. Life is quoted as 100,000 hours to L70.


Good quality from Cree, and very compact



This conventional-looking high bay has a 130W induction lamp. The main reason for using these lamps is their long life and reliability. Loxa says life to L70 is 60,000 hours, which then drops to L50 at 100,000 hours. The lamp has a CRI greater than 70, so you can use it in most applications. This particular high bay is said to be suitable for use up to 50°C. The disadvantage

This Cree-manufactured unit is designed mainly for undercanopy lighting and there are two distributions available, one of which is suitable for medium mounting heights of, say, 6m. It is an extremely shallow luminaire, being just 50mm deep. One of the other units we tested was 10 times as deep. The whole luminaire is less than 400mm square so it is an extremely compact unit. It’s rated at IP66 and the whole unit is solidly

of induction lamps is their large size, which means they are fine for large, open areas, less so where you want tight beam control. Also, the efficacy is lower than LED. You get instant restart but dimming and EMC performance can be variable so always check that.


A simple, durable, long-life luminaire

At first glance, this looks like a T8 luminaire, albeit with nine ‘lamps’. Then you realise that instead of fluorescent tubes, the luminaire has clear acrylic rods. It’s when you switch it on that you notice the difference: these rods emit about twice as much light per linear metre as a regular T8 lamp. The technology is in the patented ‘end-caps’, which house the LED modules (about 10W each) that

direct the light into the rods. The light travels along the rod by total internal reflection, with matt white paint silk screened on the rear of the rod to focus the light. We tested a powerful nine-tube unit that had a total circuit wattage of 194W and emitted over 20,000 lm. Lower power versions are also available.


Five stars for the technology


lighting solutions HOLOPHANE HALOPRISM

1(: OP

The Haloprism won the Interior Luminaire of the Year Award at the Lux Awards 2013, and it still looks and performs like a winner. It is designed to produce a lot of light – the lowest output version emits 22,000 lm and you can get over 38,000 lm if needed. The luminaire is a torus shape with the control gear in the centre and LEDs with a prismed glass lens on the perimeter. The glass lens breaks up the image of the LEDs so there is less glare.

The data shown is for the lowest output version so that it’s comparable with the others we tested – the higher wattage version is more efficient. There’s a choice of six lumen packages, four light distributions and two CRIs – 70 or 80. This has clearly been designed by someone who understands an industrial environment.


A winning high bay


This is an unusual looking unit with just three large LED modules producing 13,000 lm. To disperse the heat, there is a massive, ďŹ nned aluminium heatsink on the rear. Pulsar has cleverly mounted the IP67 driver on the outside of the mounting frame so it stays clear of the rising warm air. The standard unit has a clear lens with a 110-degree beam that, because there are just three

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point sources, could be glaring. We would choose the version with a prismatic diffuser, which is used in conjunction with a highly reective white backing reector.



**** An interesting newcomer to the market

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2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



The tools of the trade ³

PHOTONSTAR’S INTERNET-ENABLED LAMP PhotonStar LED has started shipping its Halcyon internet-enabled home lighting system. Competing with the likes of Philips Hue, LIFX and Samsung’s Smart lamps, Halcyon is an intelligent wireless lighting system – complete with sensors – and controlled wirelessly. It uses colour-tuning technology to create light that changes throughout the day, with positive effects on health and wellbeing. Halcyon has an open interface for developers, and PhotonStar hopes to collaborate with partners to provide new services.


EATON’S WIRELESS LIGHTING MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM Eaton has launched the LumaWatt outdoor wireless control and monitoring system from its Cooper Lighting division. It minimises power consumption using a combination of motion sensing, daylight control, power metering, event monitoring and performance reporting. The system manages lighting levels according to pedestrian and traffic safety needs, reducing light levels during low usage hours or when daylight is vailable. The software creates and manages performance data and can be accessed using any web browser. It can also increase the lighting on demand with occupancy sensors.

CREE SIMULATES SUNSET WITH DIMMING LEDS Cree’s LMH2 LED module changes colour temperature from 2700 to 1800K as it dims, simulating the colour changes that happen at sunset. LEDs deliver a smoothly adjustable, warm light that is also efficient. The 6,000 lm LMH2 LED module can replace 100W ceramic metal halide lamps in high-ceiling applications. CRI is greater than 90 and efficacy is 85 lm/W across a range of colour temperatures (3000, 3500 and 4000K). It uses 30 per cent less power than an equivalent CMH lamp.



INTELLIGENT LIGHT FROM PROJECTION UK manufacturer Projection has unveiled a range of intelligent LED products with built-in electronics to feed information to building management systems. AlphaiLED works with Lumenpulse’s Lumentalk control system, and includes sensing, diagnostics and more. The products, including the Apto luminaire (pictured) have efficacies that exceed 100 lm/W. Projection’s luminaires use high-end Xicato LED modules that ensure excellent colour rendering, and the company guarantees light output and colour consistency for five years. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

FAGERHULT RESEARCH IMPROVES CLASSROOM LIGHTING Indira is a lighting system designed for classrooms, based on research that indicates the importance of ambient light in an academic environment. Indira uses ambient light from LED sources to create a brighter, more pleasant classroom using less energy than conventional sources. Fagerhult developed the system for a study conducted at a Swedish school in the 2012/13 school year that found Indira improved pupils’ activity and wellbeing while cutting power consumption by 13 per cent.



XICATO’S INTELLIGENT APPROACH TO THE ‘INTERNET OF LIGHTS’ Xicato’s XIM LED module accommodates a built-in LED driver, on-board dimming, self-diagnostics, sensors and connectivity. The module will enable luminaire manufacturers to simplify the implementation of controls and dimming for users and establish a digitally enabled ‘light platform’. Menko de Roos, Xicato’s CEO, says: ‘We’re essentially putting the power of a smartphone into the module. With chip technologies, sensors and networking protocols, we are enabling an Internet of Lights.’


Don’t be dumb, wise up to the latest trend in illumination – smart lighting ³

MINIATURE BATTEN-MOUNT SENSOR FROM CP ELECTRONICS Lighting controls specialist CP Electronics has launched the Gimb batten-mount PIR sensor for automatic control of lighting loads. It is designed to mount directly onto a batten-style interior or exterior luminaire, and will work with any type of lamp, including LEDs. When movement is detected, the load will switch on, and when the area is vacated the load will switch off after an adjustable time-out period. The sensor has a range of 2.8 x 7m. Gimb is IP65 rated, suitable for exterior use or wet areas. CP supplies components for fixing to a variety of luminaires.

AEC LOOKS TO THE FUTURE AEC describes its Italo lantern as a ‘preview of the future of lighting’. The Italo 1, Italo 2 and Italo 3 models all have a choice of optics, and can illuminate busy roads in towns or in the country. Their optical modules can be replaced at the end of their lives. The Italo Urban range is designed for urban furnishing applications – residential areas, parks, squares and city centres. The Urban range includes the arm-mounted TP version and the TS suspended catenary version for road-centre applications.



HARVARD LAUNCHES SENSORNODE Harvard’s SensorNode enables presence detection for the company’s LeafNut monitoring and control system for outdoor lighting. SensorNode overrides any scheduled dimming profiles on the system, returning the lights to full power for a specified period of time. The device is ideal for footpaths and cycle paths. After recent concerns about turning lights off at night, the SensorNode lets local authorities save energy through scheduled dimming, and maintain the safety of residents with increased light levels when required.


CRESTRON EYES UP HOME LIGHTING CONTROL Crestron has set its sights on the entry-level home automation market with its CLWI keypads, part of its InfiNET EX wireless range. The company says CLWI is the only integrated dimmer and keypad in Europe, and that it harnesses InfiNET EX wireless technology to control lighting, as well as various subsystems such as heating, ventilating and air conditioning; audio and security systems. The CLWI is available with adjustable button layouts and button caps can be swapped for customise engraving or colour. SMARTER OFFICE LIGHT FROM ZUMTOBEL Zumtobel’s Sequence luminaire is built on a modular system that allows lighting to be personalised and controlled, making it flexible enough to deal with workplaces that have different lighting requirements at different times. Drawing on new research showing that office workers have a strong preference for lights with a direct and indirect element, Sequence incorporates direct light from LEDs in the centre, plus diffuse light from behind an opal diffuser. Each linear luminaire contains modular sections with their own Dali addresses.



STREETLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND EV CHARGING STATION Lighting columns are ideal locations for electric vehicle charging stations, but most streetlighting systems are set up so that power would only be available for charging when the lights were on. However, the Vossloh-Schwabe Smart Night controller activates lighting for each individual column. As a result, the lighting network can be energised at all times, and the column can be used as a charging station. The system saves energy and makes it possible to use existing infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



SHALLOW CEILING VOIDS MEET THEIR MATCH WITH AURORA’S D SERIES Shallow ceiling voids are no match for Aurora’s latest D Series compact profile LED downlights. The D13, D19 and D32 each incorporate Aurora’s own advanced LED technologies to enable an incredibly slim form factor, while their ‘punchy’ output of up to 2,250 lm makes them the perfect high-performance replacement for CFD. For maximum reliability, performance and lifetime, Aurora’s revolutionary HVLED and icDOB technologies eliminate the need for an external driver. Inside the dSeries trio is also the world’s smallest active heatsink, CrystalCool. Guaranteed for five years, lifetime to L70 is 40,000 hours.

LED STREETLIGHT CONTROLS FROM VOSSLOH SCHWABE AND GRAH LIGHTING European LED lighting company Grah Lighting has worked with Vossloh Schwabe, a member of the Panasonic group, to incorporate control modules in its LSL luminaires. Light management systems enable centralised control of individual luminaires. The system makes it possible to get regular feedback data from luminaires about their energy consumption, current, power, voltage, temperature, lighting hours and other metrics. Grah’s products are available in Australia through distributor Gigavision. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 24

CREATIVE LIGHTING UPGRADES ADDICT TOOL Creative Lighting is marking the 10th anniversary of its Addict Dali commissioning tool with the introduction of an advanced version. Addict is a portable device for use in commissioning and maintaining Dali installations. It can back up and store settings and used saved settings to program new Dali devices. It can also be used with existing Dali installations for testing and fault finding, and is able to continuously ‘sniff’ the Dali line to a PC. The new version, V2.15-sys, can disable and re-enable Tridonic sensors in luminaires, and provides DMX512 and RDM compatibility.

HESS LAUNCHES VAREDO IN AUSTRALIA Hess’s Varedo outdoor luminaire is now available in Australia. The product is equipped with up to three Levo LED modules and comes in 23, 46 and 69W versions with colour temperatures of 3000, 4000 or 5600K. A Levo LED module contains 14 high-power LEDs and offers excellent heat management, achieved through a thermal connection between the LED unit and the luminaire housing. The luminaire can be controlled using Hess’s proprietary dimming system DIMEasy or via the control system DIMPro. DIMEasy allows simple nighttime dimming with or without a control line, while DIMPro offers a wide range of control options and various dimming profiles.


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ROBUST LED LIGHTING BY McGEOCH TECHNOLOGY McGeoch Technology’s Endurance LED lighting is designed for hazardous area applications. The lights are Atex approved and produced with a marinestandard aluminium enclosure. They can be used in any zone 1 and 21 area in environments ranging from oil and gas to open cast mines, petrochemical plants and distilleries. Endurance lighting is designed for use on global mains supplies and is an easily fitted direct replacement for fluorescent units. It is available in 55, 30 and 17W versions, and emergency units with battery back-up are available for the 55 and 30W models. The 17W option can be supplied in a slimline design.

WILA INTRODUCES GENERAL-PURPOSE ALPHABET ZONO Wila has expanded its Alphabet range of luminaires with Alphabet Zono, a collection of high performance downlights for general illumination. Available in round and square formats, the products can deliver up to 3370 Llm of usable light with a luminaire efficiency of up to 105 Llm/W. The downlights are particularly suited to VDU applications, with a cut-off angle of 30 degrees to block out glare and a unified glare rating (UGR) of less than 19 to ensure visual comfort.

WE-EF’S NEW LED POST TOP LUMINAIRE The RMC320 LED post-top luminaire from WE-EF is a slim, elegant product with mounting accessories that make it ideal for residential areas or historic urban settings. The luminaire is fitted with an 18-LED array and a lens system providing a choice of beam distributions – from S60, S65, and S70 for side throw to A60 and R65 lenses for forward throw. The luminaire’s connected rating is up to 54W, with luminous flux of up to 6,236 lm and two colour temperatures (3000 and 4000K).

MODULAR LINEAR LED LIGHTING BY WILA Wila’s Linic is a range of linear LED luminaires based on flexibility. Available in both recessed and surface-mounted versions, the continuous light lines are easy to combine, and angular connectors in both standard and custom lengths allow for project-specific solutions. Luminaire luminous flux of up to 1750 Llm per running metre is available and luminaire efficiency can reach 83 Llm/W. The colour rendering index exceeds 80, and two colour temperatures – 3000 and 4000K – are available. One version with a microprismatic cover has a unified glare rating (UGR) of less than 19, making it suitable for use with VDU workstations.

2014 Volume 1 Issue 42 |




People who work in lighting use a lot of technical terms. Here’s what some of them mean...


COLOUR TEMPERATURE Colour temperature describes whether a light source appears ‘warm’ or ‘cool’ – indicated by the correlated colour temperature (CCT). Lamps with a warm appearance have a CCT of 2700-3000K, and are considered appropriate for domestic settings; cooler lamps might be 4000K, and are used more often in offices and shops. The higher the colour temperature, the ‘cooler’ the appearance.

CRI Short for colour-rendering index, CRI is the ability of a light source to show the colours of objects accurately. The higher the CRI, on a 0-100 scale, the more accurately the lamp will render colours. Lamps with poor colour rendering will distort some colours, so you may end up with brown socks when you wanted green ones. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

Pulse-width modulation PWM is a technique used to control the power supplied to electrical devices such as LEDs. The supply voltage (and current) is switched on and off many times per second, and the average power delivered to the load can be varied by changing the proportion of the time the voltage is on. This technique can be used to dim LEDs.

SON High-pressure sodium lamps (commonly called SON lamps) are gas discharge lamps that use sodium vapour in an excited state to produce light. They are often used for streetlighting. SONs produce a yellow light and have poor colour rendering. But they are efficient, often reaching efficacies of about 100 lm/W. Higher-powered 600W versions can reach an efficacy of 150 lm/W.

CFL Popularly referred to as energysaving lamps, compact fluorescent lamps have a poor image because of perceived deficiencies in colour, power and the time it takes them to reach full output. But massive improvements have been made in all these areas thanks to substantial investment by the big lamp manufacturers.

Circuit watts Circuit watts (Wcct) means the number of watts used to power an entire circuit, including the control gear or driver rather than just a light source or luminaire.

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PIR Short for passive infrared. PIR sensors are electronic sensors that measure infrared light radiating from objects in their field of view. PIR sensors are one of the main technologies used for presence and absence detection, turning lights on and off when people are or aren’t there.




The kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy equal to 1,000 watt-hours. That’s what a 1,000W device uses in one hour – or what a 1W device uses in 1,000 hours. It’s the ‘unit’ that shows up on your electricity bill.

Lux is the international unit of illuminance – a measure of how much luminous flux (in lumens) is spread over a given area (in square metres). In other words, it tells you how much light is hitting a surface. 1 lm/m2 equals 1 lx. Multiply an illuminance figure in lux by an amount of time in hours and you have a measure of exposure in lux hours – useful if you’re looking after delicate objects or surfaces that can’t be exposed to too much light.

Light output ratio – the percentage of light emitted from the light source that makes it out of the luminaire. An LOR of 70 means 30 per cent of the light from the lamp is lost inside the reflector and light fitting. But there’s some debate about how to apply LOR to LED luminaires because of the directional nature of light emitted by LEDs.



Higher quality, brighter light for longer™


IP RATING An IP (index of protection) rating tells you the amount of protection a luminaire or other piece of equipment has against things getting in – including dust, dirt and water as well as hands and fingers. For example, a fitting rated IP22 will prevent the insertion of fingers and will not be damaged if exposed to dripping water.

Controlled, even light distribution

No separate driver

Superior colour rendering

Watch Aurora’s animation explaining LED life and the term L70 at

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2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |







HONG KONG, CHINA Lux Review is revealing the 20 most exciting companies in the global lighting industry now in the first Global Hot List 2014 – a who’s who of the leading-edge lighting players setting the pace in the market. The publication of the Global Hot List 2014 culminates with a special event, held in association with Aurora, to celebrate innovation in lighting. At this exclusive gathering, Lux Review will reveal the hottest companies in the world’s lighting business. Taking place at the prestigious Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hong Kong on the evening of Tuesday 28 October, the Global Hot List Party will bring together senior executives and decision-makers from across the international lighting supply chain. To find out more about the hottest party in the lighting world, contact Miriam Hier at

27-30 OCTOBER MEET US HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL HERE LIGHTING FAIR (AUTUMN EDITION) HONG KONG, CHINA The largest autumn lighting fair in Asia. Exhibits include LEDs and ‘green’ lighting; interior, exterior and commercial lighting; and lighting accessories. In conjunction with the fair, on 27 October Lux Review is bringing together top experts Lighting Leaders and lighting professionals at the Lighting Leaders Summit to discuss the connected lighting revolution at the Hong Kong International Exhibition and Conference Centre. The summit is chaired by Robert Bain, managing editor of Lux Review, and includes a session on how to make a luminaire smart with lessons from developers. A panel of industry experts will discuss the implications of smart lighting systems and answer whether they believe that the luminaire – as a standalone fixture – is dead. The Lighting Leaders Summit starts at 2pm and finishes at 4pm. Contact Miriam Hier at for more information.


3-5 NOVEMBER LIGHT MIDDLE EAST DUBAI, UAE This event, organised by Messe Frankfurt, is a conference and exhibition that covers lighting design and technology. 11 NOVEMBER ENLIGHTMENT: THE BASICS OF EFFICIENT LIGHTING PERTH, AUSTRALIA Enlightenment is an entry level introductory lighting course by the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand. It covers basic lighting principles, and requires no previous lighting training. The course consists of three full day sessions on 11, 18 and 20 November, as well as home study, assessment and revision. 24-25 NOVEMBER MIDDLE EAST SMART LIGHTING AND ENERGY SUMMIT ABU DHABI, UAE The premier event for discussion of energy efficiency and other trends that influence lighting.


2014 Get the date in your diary now! LuxLive is back for a fourth time this year, and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever. We’re pleased to announce that LuxLive is moving for the first time to ExCeL London, the capital’s most modern exhibition venue. The world-class ExCeL London is a purpose-built exhibition space with superb facilities, as seen during the Olympic Games in 2012. Don’t miss the UK’s premiere lighting event.

To see your event included in this section, contact Lux Review’s events editor Miriam Hier at

2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |


Watch and


Lux Review’s YouTube channel has racked up nearly 50,000 views – and there’s something there for every lighting sector. Here are the latest must-see videos…


WORKPLACE LIGHTING THE LATEST RETAIL LIGHTING TRENDS What’s holding up the uptake of LEDs in retail? Facility managers, designers and manufacturers discuss.

PROJECT REPORT: WESTERN TRANSIT SHED Hoare Lea’s King’s Cross office in London, UK has taken lighting controls to another level.

PROJECT REPORT: WAITROSE IPSWICH, UK Lux Review visits the first Waitrose and John Lewis store to go all-LED and hit the magic 10W/m2 for lighting.

HOW CAN WE LIGHT WORKPLACES MORE EFFECTIVELY? Estates managers, lighting designers and manufacturers combine their expertise in workplace lighting.


HOSPITALITY LIGHTING PROJECT REPORT: PARK INN HEATHROW HOTEL One of the biggest hotels in the UK is switching to LED lighting. Lux Review speaks to the people in charge.

WHY RAIL OPERATORS ARE SLOW TO ADOPT NEW LIGHTING TECH Leading specifiers and suppliers discuss the unique challenges of lighting for the rail sector.

PROJECT REPORT: PARIS METRO Lux Review reports on the first phase of the shift to energy-efficient LED light sources in the Paris Metro. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

OUTDOOR LIGHTING PROJECT REPORT: DURHAM CATHEDRAL How Durham Castle and Cathedral in northern England slashed energy use with LED lighting.


EDUCATION LIGHTING PROJECT REPORT: BATH UNIVERSITY Bath University in southwest England has installed the most hi-tech lighting controls of any estate of its kind.

INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING PROJECT REPORT: FORTH PORTS How LED lighting at the Scottish port won a green award from the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.

HEALTHCARE LIGHTING THE UNIQUE CHALLENGES OF LIGHTING FOR HEALTHCARE Lighting technology can play a unique role in healthcare. Industry experts discuss the challenges.

LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY LUMINAIRES ARE GETTING SMART – ARE YOU? Will Li-Fi take off soon? And how will we manage data with light? Lighting experts predict what’s coming next.

THE LIGHTING CONTROL REVOLUTION Lighting technology leaders share their thoughts on the latest developments in controls.

AN END TO CONFUSION IN THE LED LIGHTING INDUSTRY? Can the new LIA ‘Verified’ scheme improve the standard of British lighting products?

WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND IN 2014 Specifiers and users of energy-efficient lighting explain why they wouldn’t miss LuxLive 2014.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT LAST YEAR… What happens when you tell two designers they’re not qualified to make decisions about controls?

THE LUX AWARDS – HIGHLIGHTS FROM LAST YEAR The winners – straight from the stage at the Lux Awards 2013. Will 2014 be your year?

THE GREAT BRITISH LIGHT OFF – HAVE YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES? Do you have unbreakable team spirit, knowledge and creativity? Register for the light off.

.com/luxmagazineuk 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4 |



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LED-ible lights

Wearable tech is the latest craze, and the internet is an endless repository of imaginative ideas as to where you should be putting your LEDs. On the DIY See Mike Warren’s make-and-share site LED slippers tutorial at you can learn how to add id/LED-slippers them to your slippers, saving you many a stumble over your cat when you wake up in the middle of the night and head for the loo. We need this. You need this. Everyone needs this.

It was only a matter of time. An artist in the US has come up with a recipe for edible LEDs. They’re not real LEDs, of course, they’re gummy sweets that contain quinine (the same stuff that’s in tonic water) so they glow in the dark. Mmmmm... tasty.


FEELING LIGHTHEADED? Thanks to LED technology, this hefty helmet can go where no brain scanner has gone before – detecting your daydreams by shining dozens of tiny LED lights on the head. The LED lights in the scanner capture dynamic changes in the colours of the brain tissue. ‘It’s roughly akin to spotting the rush of blood to someone’s cheeks when they blush,’ said Joseph Culver, associate professor of radiology at Washington University. Batwing ordered a test sample but has since regretted it due to the looming prospect of having Molony monitor our brain activity – or lack of same – when writing this page.

Get cuddLED Is it a penguin? Is it a cooling fan? Is it an LED neon light show? According to (yes, really) this item is all of the above and ‘great for hot summer days and nights in the bunk’. The only limit is your imagination. | 2014 Volume 1 Issue 4

A video came to Batwing’s attention this month that may show the first luminaire in space. Of course, light fittings have been to space before as part of space stations and such like, but we believe this is the first one to travel on its own, so congratulations to manufacturer Atelje Lyktan. Whether it has a plan to get it back down again, we’re not so sure.

STREETLIGHT ROBBERY Plans to light the city of Kampala with LED streetlights have suffered a setback because 2,000 of the lights have been reported stolen. What the mystery thief plans to do with 2,000 lamps without getting found out, we don’t know, but we can’t help but recall the recent story of gangs in the UK stealing Range Rover headlights for their cannabis farms. Perhaps we’re seeing the onset of a global agricultural lighting revolution.


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Transparency – The Illusion of Zero Gravity Highly efficient pendant LED luminaire. Architecture of light and transparency. 15mm visible frame. Built-in Light Control Structure (LCS). Combination of direct and indirect light. Light statement in the room: minimalist and clear cut.

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