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2Vo Accident Hat\tor Roll Department, Foreman and Captain BLASTING CREWS
Theo. Haselhuhn
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei
Max Belmore
Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp Capt. William MacLean Chief John Sparre Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief Guy LaBounty
Capt. M. R. MacLean Chief Arthur Urdal
Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
Calcite Screenings
Page 311 i
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published monthly for the employees of the Michigan Limestone- & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.
The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the department and the sender and should lie addressed to the editor. J. A. VALKN'TIN*. Editor.
K 1) 1 TO K 1 A
During the season of 1930 a reduction of 50
percent in accidents was made over 1929 in all the operations of the Calcite plant—four lost time accidents in 1928, two lost time accidents in 1929 and one lost time accident in 1930. It is a very
gratifying result of the safety campaign which you have been carrying on inten sively for the past few years. To
This Company, being organized in 1912 is not old enough that otir employees might partici pate under the Pension I'Ian of the United States Steel Corporation. However, our em
ployees reaching the age of seventy (70) will come under the keviscd Pension Plan subject to Compulsory retirement. We, therefore, furnish the following information and notice in connec
for 1931. it will be necessary to
tion with this matter.
have no accidents.
Intermittent operations and the fact that it is necessary for men
Carnegie Pension Fund was es tablished in the year 1910 by the
to transfer from one class ol work
joint action of the United Stales Steel Corporation and Andrew
to another makes the liability of accidents greater this season, and yon will have to use greater care in the prevention of accidents. The only lost time accident which occurred last year was in the Construction Department so
that the quarry, the mill and pow er plant, which are the larger de partments, all made in 1930 a per
Carnegie, and began operations on January 1, 1911. Its purpose is the payment of pensions to super annuated or incapacitated employ ees of
Corporation and its subsidiaries. What
I'ENS IOX k ULUS—Employees
of the United States Steel Corpor ation or of any other corporation a majority of whose capital stock is owned or Controlled >y the United States Steel Corpora tion, also employees of the United States Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund, may obtain pen sions under the following conditions: FIRST; Pensions by Compulsory Retirement (Effective May 1st. 1931). All men who have been twenty-five (25) years or longer in the ser vice, as specified in Rule 1, and have reached the age of seventy (70) years shall be retired and be entitled to pensions. SECOND: Pensions by ketirement at Re quest. Any man who lias been twenty-five (25) years or longer in the service, as specified in Rule 1. ami has reached the age of sixty-five
The 1931 Accident Page?
fect accident record.
The company will continue for this year the policy established ol awarding a prize to all members of the department which shows the best co-operation with the Safety Department in their efforts for accident prevention. As many of the departments will complete the sea son without a lost time accident, it will be ne
cessary for the department winning this award in have completed the season without a lost lime accident.
JuUxmbovu I'resident.
"(ireatness is HOI measured in any material terms. It is not measured in inches, dollars, acres, votes. hurrahs, or by any other of the
world's yardsticks or barometers. Greatness is measured in spiritual terms. It is education. It is life expansion.*'—Ralph Parlette.
(o5) years may be retired and be entitled to pension, either at his request or at the request of his employing officer. THIRD: Pensions for Permanent Incapacity.
Any employee who has been twenty-five (25) years or longer in the service, as specified in
Rule 1. and has become permanently totally in capacitated through no fault of his own as a result of sickness or injuries may be pensioned at the discretion of the Hoard of Directors.
Calcite Screenings
Page 312
The above rules also apply to women employ
display flags at their homes as "a public expres
ees who have been twenty-five (25) years or
sion of our love and reverence for the mothers
longer in the service except that the maximum
of our conn Iry." The Idea for Mother's Day originated with Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, and was first observed in that city in May, 1907. She selected
age stated is ten (10) years less under the var
ious sections, namely: sixty (00) and fifty-five (5?) years of age. TIN- AMOUNT OF Till': PPXSIOXS ARE
the carnation as an emblem because of ils sweet
ness, purity and endurance.
of service one per cent (l"") of the average monthly pay received during the last ten years of service.
Illustration: An employee who has been twenty-eight (28) years in the service and has received in the last ten years of service an aver age monthly pay of One hundred ten dollars
($110) will receive a pension of twenty-eight per cent (28%) of one hundred ten dollars ($110)
Child Health Day In proclamation of Presi dent Hoover, gave official recognition to an im portant movement. The well-being of children is a community re
sponsibility as well as an individual duty. Pub lic measures are removing many of the scourges of the past and training in personal health is
cents ($30.80) a month.
raising the standard of health throughout the country.
In view of the relatively short notice given the em ployees of their retirement on
Any movement which has for its object the saving of children's lives and preserva
April 30th. we were author ized to pay the employers over seventy (70) years of age
tion of their health and hap
adult may be of great value to society from a cold eco
or thirty dollars and eight}'
piness makes a strong appeal In the public. The life of an
pension because of insufficient length of service, a "ketirement
nomic point of view, but the saving of a child is much more effective in arousing humani
next twelve mouths beginning
tarian interest.
with May 1, 1931.
Lm ployees reaching the ages of sixty-five (65) to six ty-nine (69) on or before Oc tober 1. 1631. and not having served the twenty-five (25) year period, will be retired and paid a 'Retirement Allow
X. \,
the Civ*» »« all—fcfAVilyarA unKliUh')'.
There!* noihlncco wbHmnty herol; .., her
brought more gratifying re
earc. nolhinc qulv »o noble at hpr lore
hub Irte andonl piovero: "Owl mmU iwtt U
evrt)whc*e m he modemoihoul" After all Ian'!
We call special attention to Pension
movement wider
sults than
it wonh •»HII«. hiu (oi Her i«xe, ra to »re*ut>
ance." this rule of the
No phase of
HEN ii.uk irjiaodj itiKMenl Ihf heme
trustfulness are appealing to our protective sense. But there is an even more import ant reason for our interest in
as several employees will reach the age of sev
their physical and
enty (70) years before they will have complet
lives are before them and on our children de
ed twenty-five (25) years of service with this Company. These employees have been advised
ever mindful of their well-being.
that they will not be granted a pension at the age of seventy (70) years in tin- absence i>l twenty-five (2?) years of service. F.mployees notified by letter are of an age ami have a ser vice record that should entitle them to a recom
mendation for a pension at age of seventy (70) under these requirements. ORIGIN OF MOTHER'S DAY
Mother's Day was made an occasion for na tional observance in 1914, when Congress desig nated the second Sunday in May as Mother's
Day and authorized and requested the president to issue a proclamation calling upon government
officials to display the flag on public buildings. Such a proclamation was issued by President
Wilson, May 9, asking the people to similarly
spiritual well-being.
pends the future of the nation.
We should be
Yon will notice in our Births column we have mentioned a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred V.
X. Bradley. We are sure our readers will be pleased to learn that he will be christened Carl
I). Bradley II thereby perpetuating the name of one whose guidance and ability were so effective in the development of the Limestone Company, the Bradley Transportation Company and in our community at large. Sloth makes all things difficult; but iudustrv all things easy, lie that rises late, must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.—Franklin.
Calcite Screenings
Page 313
\\ bile this magazine is principally a publica tion for the employees of the Michigan Lime stone ec Chemical Company, we are pleased in
Following is a copy of a letter recently mailed to all holders and subscribers of United States
Steel common stock purchased under the Em
ployee Stock Subscription Plan. We take this means also of informing past subscribers and any new subscribers of the future, as no doubt
more employees will, from year to year, pur chase stock under the plan offered by the United States Steel Corporation. Dear Sir: May 5th. 1931 It is believed that employees generally are fa miliar
concerning beneficiar ies
scriptions to Common Stock
deed to open its columns for the use of this
community in further Civic Activities of wide spread benefit. Within the last week there has been organized the kogers City Golf Club and from what we learn ol its inception, we feel that it is on a sound basis and carries with it a great deal of enthusiasm that indicates success.
The organization meeting of the Club was Tuesday evening. 5th, and was largely attended.
directors elected at. that time were W. II.
States Steel Corpora
tion are made,
held May very The
P. Kiu
order to give you defi
ville. C. k. Carter, Dr.
1. The Beneficiary named by the employ
0. C. Williams. F. J. Fisch and I. I.. Clymer. Following the meeting of the mem
ee when he subscribes for stock is entitled to
advise as follows:
bers, the Directors or
all money paid in. plus any special benefits due
the following officers: 1'resident.' W. II. Whiteley : Vice-Presi
should his death occur before the stock is
fully paid. 2. On stock fully paid and issued to the employee, the benefic
Kiuville ; Treasurer, C.
Dr. S.
ledge; Secretary, J. P. K.
Carter. President
Whiteley later inform
iary named is entitled to only the special payments accruing on
are pleased to advise you that kogers City
the stock and not to the stock certificate. The stock certificate
and that plans are un der way for the estab
goes to the estate of
ed us as follows: "We
now has a
the deceased subscrib
subject to
er and
to the laws governing
lishment of
Golf Club
which will be playable this
Safety Poster originated by Marian Rush, age IS,
property acquired for
grade 12.
the course is situated
3. If it is your intention that the beneficiary named should upon your decease have the stock
on Belknap road and is known as the old John lloefl farm. The build ings on the farm are in good repair and avail
certificate, as well as the special payments pro
able for club house facilities.
vided, it is necessary for you to assign this stock to tin beneficiary or beneficiaries you select by
this club is insured by the great amount of in terest taken by the employees of your company, a large number of whom have purchased mem
the methods provided for under the laws per taining to transfers of stock. If it is your intention that the stock now is sued in your name is to belong to your bene ficiary at your death, we suggest that you see the undersigned, who will advise you the neces sary steps to take to protect your wishes or dispostion of the stock. J. P. Kiuville, Treasurer.
The success of
bership in the Club."
As the Welfare Department of this Company, we certainly wish the Club every success as it is an activity that will contribute much to the
development and enjoyment of this community. Friction between two objects always wears on both.
Calcite Screenings
Page 314
Work Of The Winter . . . The past winter found us with the usual re
now go through a double screening and wash
pair, alteration and stripping program ahead of
ing' operation instead of one, and the stone will
us, which provided employment for a percent age of our men. On stripping operation the
al steel used on this work was fabricated on the
crews were divided into four, rotating eight hour shifts, working three shifts a day per week, the extra shift being off. On the day shifts the different crews were made up so that a man worked three weeks out of four.
In this way
the work available was divided more equally to all employees.
A large percentage of the men required for winter work were on stripping operations. The weather was ideal for this work and the opera tion was carried on for sixty-eight working
The structur
job from stock on hand. On the tenth floor the slugger roll knobs were
worn and experimental welding lias been at tempted.
The problem of making
screen water-tight is still receiving a great amount of attention and besides welding up the
seams in the chutes, stee! plates have been weld ed around the screen frames to prevent the ac cumulation of water on the Poors and around the motors.
The yearly repairs arc being taken care ol :
clays. Some
be much cleaner than last season.
screening lay-out so as to further supply the wants of our customers in sizing.
There was
bearings have been re-babbitted, idlers and belts repaired and chutes fitted with new liners. On the eighth floor, the electricians have been
wear of
busy in the panel room. The master panel has
equipment. This furnished employment lor Mill men, carpenters. Yard employees, electricians,
been entirely rebuilt and remounted with equip ment designed and built by our own men. The entire panel was rewired to give a neater ap pearance at the back, and all control leads brot to the bottom of the panel. The panels on the
also the usual winter repair due
painters and welders. The greatest amount of work has been done on the sixth and seventh floors.
The four feed
er conveyors on the seventh floor have been re
220 volt boards were re-arranged and the con
moved, and the four flux grizzlies located on
trols laid to conform with the general arrange
the sixth floor were moved
ment of the motors in the mill. Overload pro tection devices have been mounted to prevent burnouts and will trip out in case of excess stone
Structural steel supports were framed between the seventh and eighth floors to support the
grizzlies and by putting new rolls on the frames the openings were reduced. On the sixth floor, four new screens were in stalled to size the stone after it comes off the
rotary grizzlies and to give washing.
it an additional
These screen's are mounted on re
piling on the belts and stalling the motors. In order to complete the installation called lor by the present plans for the new power house, the 6,000 K. W. turbo-generator was moved from the old power house. Last fall, in prepar ation for this, the construction and yard depart
inforced concrete foundations and arc framed in
ments built a foundation for this unit in the new
heavy steel. New chutes carry the stone from the rotary grizzlies to the screens. This is a de
power house. Winter work was started in the plant February
cided improvement in that the flux size stone will
23rd at which time a crew of mill men under the
Showing Dump Trains In Winter Stripping Operations.
Calcite Screenings
Pia ire 315
supervision of Adolph Sorgenfrei commenced dismantling the 6.000 K. W. unit. When the dis mantling was well under way, Mr. kice of the
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Com pany arrived and assisted materially in hand
ling the many heavy pieces. By the end of the first week, the rotor and slator of the generator were moved to their new location. followed on March 16th.
The turbine
Alter the part of the old foundation and some ol the floor above the condenser had been cut
out by Julius Zempel's crew, the most difficult task of all was tackled. This was the hoisting
of the condenser through made to the operating floor level. By March
the opening thus
14th all of the heavy and dangerous work
large undertaking in the power house program. The crews in the General Repair Shop were
busy on shovel, locomotive and motor repair. There were two shifts working on car repair and also a crew from the construction depart ment working on the dock.
Number 11 shovel was completely overhauled and was ready to dig rock at the beginning of plant operation. Our winter work for a majority of our men is entirely different from that which they are ac customed to doing during plant operations. They work in different crews under varying condi tions. True some have been doing this for years and are thoroughly fa miliar with the chang es, others have not and
are fast learning. This
without an accident. Before this machine
could be
possible for establish ing so commendable a
record that
new power house, it was necessary to make some changes.
made during the past winter in carrying on all these operations
The electric shop re moved the old winding
without a lost time ac cident.
from the generator and the Westinghouse Company with the as
was s o
dis t h e
C a r e 1 e s s ness
tric shop, rewound it. The turbine
you ever stop to think that there might be a relationship between
Westinghouse Compa ny with the help of pi a u t men c o u 1d
jVJad^^nwflKajj fkl
waste ?
Some time ago the
Metropolitan Life In
change nozzles and add
a row of impulse blad ing and make a few other changes. Piping
group of drivers, each
thai EauggsH Tj)ÂŁ 'fma-x
studied a
of whom had been in volved
the average number of
necessary to connect the turbine and its
many auxiliaries was It was found that in done by the pipe gang. 75 per cent of these Iron work around the Original Safety Poster of Joseph Mann, Age 18, Grade 12. cases the drivers confoundation
by the carpenter crew and all electrical connec tions by the electric shop. It is expected to have the turbine running for
average quantity of gasoline, in addition to hav ing more accidents than they should have. This would indicate that men who are care
balance about May 25th and on the line June 1st.
less in one thing are very likely to be careless
During some of the construction period, paint ers have been busy at the turbine room, the oil
in other matters. Not What We Give
circuit breaker room and switch room. Onehalf of the finished floor has been laid which
Not what we give, but what we share,
together with the painting has given the turbine room a very attractive appearance; In this period 47 men coming from nearly
Por the gift without the giver is bare; Who gives himself with his alms feeds threeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Russell Lowell
every department have contributed directly to the construction work, many of them working
at unfamiliar work. Certainly the versatility of our men has assisted greatly in this, our final
The love of money is also the root of all in dustry.
Calcite Screenings
Page 316
Remarkable Results Found In School Safety Poster Contest
Safety First programs, are responsible for the saving of life and limb each year. Safety is now
The following awards were made: Age
represented in practically every industry and
activity in our country.
2nd—Jerry Eldridge 14 3rd—Margaret Kennedy —13
In Industry, especially, accident prevention programs show a steady reduction in accidents, and in fact in every other activity with one ex
ception, accidents have been considerably re duced during the past year.
Automobile accidents are the exception in this statement, as fatalities have increased in this class of accidents yearly, since the automobile replac
5th—Marjorie McAllister __17 6th—Norma Sauvey 9
7th—Joseph Mann'
Grade 7 8 7 8
10.00 8.00 6.00 Post gr ad. 4.00 4.00 4 3.00 12 3.00 12
The contest produced two hundred posters to be judged, ranging from fourth grade to post-gradu
ed horse drawn vehicles. This fact is more dreadful since
ate work and the process of
the greater percentage of ac
amount of consideration. SiN eliminations were
elimination required a great
cidents involved children.
"How painful is the death of a child," said Sylvester Barnard, the lovable profes sor of the charming story by
following time:
remaining eight winners to be graded from first to eighth by secret ballot. Many of the posters were very original and artistic, and the
deeply and scarcely less trag ic than death is the blighting effect of preventable illness or injury. most
51; 2nd, 88; 3rd, 12; 4th, 14; 5th, 6; and the sixth and last elimination, 21. which left the
Antole France. The taking of a young life stirs us all
Our nation's
number out each
total showed evidence of an unlimited amount of effort
supporters of safety say that further reduced to any great
and work in picturing the ideas and slogans of "Safety
extent, we
our accidents
That ever_\- participant will continue their thotighlfulness and practice of safety is
teach the principles of safety to our children.
That children
our have
kogers been
safety and are thinking about safety was evidenced in the Safely Poster Contest, which was started in our schools in
February for the best orig inal safety poster.
The contest, sponsored by "Calcite Screenings" covered a period of six weeks. En trants were invited to enter
our best wish with our con
taught On
hack cover
"Screenings you will find a reproduc tion of the winning entry in tlie Safety Poster Contest. The poster is the work of Ruth Poch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poch. She is in the 7th
The posters were to carry original
ideas, worked out in one or two colors, the size
to correspond to a page of "Calcite Screenings." The judges, Mr. Munson, Mr. Henley, Mr. I'cnglase, Mr. Clymer and Mr. Dueltgen also grad ed the posters for neatness and for age and grade of student. According to the contest rules, the winner was to receive a $12.50 cash prize and the post
A good daed is never lost. He who shows courtesy
reaps friendship and he who plants kindness gathers love. her dog Zipper. Pleasure bestowed upon a grateful mind was never sterile, but generally begets reward.—Basil.
grade and is 12 years old. shown ahove with
gratulations and appreciation for the support given this
Ruth is
The Toy-Strewn House Give me the house where the toys are strewn, Where the dolls are asleep in the chairs, Where the building blocks and the toy balloon And the soldiers guard the stairs! —Clyde Morgan.
er was to be run on the back page of "Calcite
A practical politician should make a good housekeeper, because his bunk is always made
Calcite Screenings
Page 317
Winners of the 1930 Safety Award » »
On our cover we have depicted the busy bee. The story of the bees is like a fairy tale. They are creatures of the sunlight, their food is the sweet nectar and nourishing pollen of the flow er. The bee belongs to the insect family. Their skill is remarkable and their organization ex traordinary. They are industrious and labor
long hours in the summer carefully laying up food for winter. They are wonderful architects and builders. Tliey wander far and have the gift of finding the way back to their homes. They have splendid sight, keen sense of taste
and smell. They love each other's Company, and we all know their method of protection is very el lective.
The Mill Crew
Wiser far than human seer, Ycllow-brecchcd philosopher! Seeing only what is fair,
Sipping only wdiat is sweet, Thou dost mock at fate and care, Leave the chaff, and take the wdieat, When the fierce northwestern blast Cools sea and land so far and fast.
Thou already slumberest deep; Woe and want thou canst outsleep; Want and woe, which torture us,
Thy sleep makes ridiculous. Get your happiness out of your work or you will never know what happiness is.—Hubbard.
The bee can well be taken as the emblem of
efficiency, and we can profit by following the example set by the useful activity of their lives.
The man who steadies the ladder at the bot
tom is as important as the man at the top.
Winners of the 1930 Boat Safety Award »
Crew of Steamer John G. Munson
Calcite Screenings
Page 318
Many New Comers in
Family Circle Florence Louise, a daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yarch on Dec. 9, 1930.
Dorothy Marie, a daughter, on Dec. 18, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Denton Cooper.
A daughter, Alice Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ktischarski on Dec. 29. 1930. A son, Kenneth, on January 24, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Richards.
Richard Herman, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Karsten on January 27th. To Mr. and Mrs. John Gapczynski a son, Gerald Alfondzig, on January 29th. On February 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruelke a son, Elvin Herbert.
To Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kelley on February 15th a son, Arthur.
The proud fathers of the above mentioned young ladies and gentlemen are all employed in the Mill department.
The following five are the births to the Drill ing and Blasting departments:
Milo Roger, a son, on December 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Gruelke.
A daughter, Dorthea Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhlman on December 19th. Lucile Arlene, a daughter, on February 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kortman.
The 1931 Calcite Baby J'orn on January 5th Frank Julian Richards wins the title of the 1931 "Calcite Baby" and re ceives a $5.00 savings deposit in the Presque
Isle County Savings Bank, which is a gift from "Calcite Screenings."
In running over our births for December and January, you will see that Frank had plenty of opposition for that honor. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards
and is blessed with having four sisters so he should be well taken care of.
It is perhaps unnecessary for us to say that Frank now requires a hat two sizes larger than the one he wore last. 4r
and Mrs. Arthur Roeski.
Mr. Roeski is employ
ed in the Track Dept. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horn a
Frederick, on March 31st. Mr. Horn is em ployed in the Transportation Dept. Flenor, a daughter, on March 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wetkowski.
Mr. Wetkowski is em
ployed in the Yard Dept. Delbcrt Lee, a son. on March 19th to Mr. and
A daughter on April 11 th to Mr. and Mrs. James Congeont, who has been named Rita
Mrs. Fred Hevthaler. Mr. Heythaler is em ployed in the Transportation Dept.
Joyce Rose.
On April 12th a son, Carl D. II. to Mr. and Mrs. P. V. N. Bradley. Mr. Bradley is employed as Purchasing Agent. A daughter. Margaret Elizabeth, on April 18th
To Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Zemple on December 24th, a son, Randall Otto.
Mr. Zempel is em
ployed in the Yard Dept. Ralph Widal, a son, on December 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frieksou. Mr. Frickson is em ployed in the Shovel department. A son. Robert John, on January 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wall. Mr. Wall is employed in the Machine Shop. On January 20th a son, Daniel Adolph to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Darga. Mr. Darga is em
ployed in the Track Dept. Anthony, a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Sicinski on January 23rd. Mr. Sicinski is employ ed in the Shovel Dept, On January 25th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Storms, a son, Charles Graydon. Mr. Storms
is employed in the Main Office. Gerald, a son, on February 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kandow.
Mr. Kandow is em
ployed in the Shovel Dept. On February 6th, a son, Clyde Junior to Mr.
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee. Mr. Lee is employ ed in the Power Dept. Doioriue Anita, a daughter, on April 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Durecki. Mr. Durecki
is employed in the Transportation Dept. "Calcite Screenings" joins with the many friends of the above parents in congratulations and best wishes.
Policeman—"Miss, you were doing sixty miles an hour!"'
She—"Oh, isn't that splendid!
I only learnt
to drive vesterdav."
"My wife says if I don't chuck golf, she'll leave me."
"I say—hard luck !" "Ye-es.
I'll miss her."
Pag-e 319
Calcite Screenings
Once more laps sound above their dreams, And with its ancient glowOnce more the flaming skyline gleams, But they will never know. Back with their love of youth and life. Lost dreams of play and sport, Far from the gun-swept plain* of strife Their ship has come to port.
Marriages We Wish You All a Happy Voyage Mr. Leonard Joppieh of the Machine Shop Dept. and Miss Dorothy Bruniug of this city were united in marriage December 10th by the Rev. Louis A. Linn at the parsonage.
Wm. Joppieh., brother of the groom and Violet Bruniug, sister of the bride, attended the young
After the service a reception was held
at the home of the bride for friends and rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Joppieh will make their home in Rogers City, where the}- have many friends who wish them much happiness.
INTENTIONS have no market value—only actions command a price. GUESS WHO
This youngster was three years of age at the lime this picture was taken. He was born in Olean, Xew York, forty-five years ago.
It seems that at this time his hobby was dogs but with the passing of years, it has changed somewhat and now whenever he has any spare time you will find him on some inland lake with his boat and outboard motor.
Miss Marvel Dambra. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dambra and Mr. Lloyd Blackmore of Mayville were united in marriage March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore will make their home
in Mayville where .Mr. Blackmore is engaged in the undertaking business. Mrs. Blackmore is a member of the teaching staff at Mayville public school. A large group of friends of this city
wish the young couple much happiness in their wedded life.
Miss .Ann
I'omerenk of the office and
Wesley Cook were united in marriage on March 1st at St. John's Michigan, by the Rev. .Merrill at the parsonage. Miss I'omerenk is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius I'omerenk,
employed in the quarry department, and Wesley Cook is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Cook. Mr. Cook being employed in the shovel depart ment.
The young couple sort of put a fast one over on their friends. Miss I'omerenk left on a vaca tion with Mr. Cook on his return to school and
during this time is when it all took place. The many friends of the young couple wish them much happiness. "Calcite Screenings" joins their many friends
in wishing the young couples a long wedded lile of health and happiness.
He was employed in the Transportation Dept. in 1911 as a brakemau and has since that time
"But what am I.
An infant crying in the night; An infant crying for the light,
and with no language but a cry." —Alfred Lord Tennvson.
Don't leave Safety in the Plant—keep it with you always.
been promoted but is still in the same depart ment.
His wife says he was born in Woodchuck Hol low so probably that will help you some to identify him. Guess Who of last issue—Lloyd Conley. Low er House engineer and Arnold Conley, black
smith in the Machine Shop.
I'age 320
Calcite Screenings
The Interdepartment Teams Were Busy George R. Jones Tells Us About The 1930-31 basket ball season is past but we
Winter Basketball
still hear echoes of it and enthusiastic comments
struggle. Teams even stronger than the. Yard organization, would have broken under the
on an equally extensive program for next year.
strain of winning six straight games. This team
This is sound testimony on the success of the
knew the road before them and can be credited
past season and that Inter-department basket ball is here to stay. As a recreational factor in this community, the
as being a hard fighting bunch, giving no quar ter and asking for less, with victory their pri
movement has unlimited boundaries toward the
development of sportsmanship, co-operation and social contact. After two seasons of experience to our credit, we will be better able in the future to cope with arising problems. One object of the recreational idea, whether community or in dustrial, is to banish individual malice and self ishness and mold the group into one bod)- of
agreeable and keen contestants. This brings about the ideal social relationship between fans,
players and officials—one of the aims of such a basket ball league. To the sixty-five players and all the fans, the officials express their appreciation of the splend
mary goal. Without a doubt, we can call the Office team
the best offensive team in the league
ways hard to beat. Of the four games they lost not over two points separated the margin be tween victory and defeat. This team rung up 400 points in 12 games to their opponents' 324 points. The Office boasted a good reserve squad having four men—Hamilton, Glazer, Duellgen and I'latz available for the forward positions. Center position was filled by "Len ny" Lloeft and the two guard berths by Mundt and Schluntz. Sam Voight and Denton Cooper
saw some action but not sufficient to display their real worth.
All players mentioned above
id spirit displayed throughout the season by a
performed well and made this aggregation the
large majority of those concerned. The un contented mutterings were remarkably few considering circumstances and close contests, and all contests meaning such a great deal in the respective standing of every team. Hail the Victors and the League's Champs!— that aggregation of basket ball demons from the Yard and .Mill under the management of our friend. Julius. (We've always heard of Julius
most feared team in the league. They were nosed out of the champion honors by a solitary point, having to be content to take eight victor
in connection with the diamond, but he has broken into the court circle and is a steadfast
convert. However, his foul shooting endeavors, especially in competition against "Mike" John son, created just a new sideline and is no reflec tion on the managerial end of affairs).
out the Office to win the tournament play-off, this quintet was declared the season's champs. After a slow start, the Yard took six straight games, ending the regular schedule with only four defeats and having seven victories to their credit at the end of the season. Records show this team to be the best defensive five in the
league, scoring 290 points to their opponents'
269. This factor kept the Yard five in the run ning. Their offensive strength was concentrat ed in three players—Hopp, B. Zempel and Rose —with Hopp leading in points scored. "Ike" Lee. an agressive fast forward, "Louie" Yoda, guard, and O. Zempel guard, had the faculty of breaking up opponent plays and thus added more zip to a basically defensive team. This team, by ruining their combatants' Opportuni ties to score and not forgetting to add a fewmarkers on their own column, forged to the front and took the honors after a well planned
ies and four defeats for their season's efforts.
Last fall some of the plant's basket ball critics wondered just what would happen to the team George Wing displayed, would they last the sea son through or would they fall by the wayside an outclassed team?
The reason
lor this line
of thought was not disrespect for the players' court ability, but their inexperience and long ab sence from the game. To show you the accom plishment of long, hard practice, amiable team spirit and "never-die" attitude, we present the Electric Five as they completed the season—not the least discouraged and having given a very good account of themselves.
These words of
praise, to a team deserving of such, are given because of the success the}- turned out to be against the odds they had to overcome. Next year this same team will force every opponent to their best to keep pace with them. The Electric five had Green and "Spike" Lamb to supply their scoring punch. These two fellows comparatively fast, usually made their shots good and woe to the team that failed to
guard them properly. "Art" Getzinger. a tall, rangy man at center, showed rapid progress in his first attempt at basket ball. Meyers and
Griwatch at guard positions proved to be hard working, fast men and became better as the sea son advanced. Along with these fellows, C. Brunning, EL Kowalske, E, Lee and Stanley Centella served in various positions. All these
men showed marked progress as game after
Page 321
Calcite Screenings
game was played and such a result only comes
ficiency this pair was capable of furnishing in
from conscientious effort. Reinke had the misfortune
a few of their contests. This was the one glar
While our friend to arrive on the
permanent injured list before he had an oppor tunity to get warmed up, his experience and knowledge of the game would have made him
ing fault of the entire team which made a po tentially strong combination an easy one to overcome in some games. Dan LaFountain, Harry Boutin, "Louie" Yarch and Jack Schultz
a welcome addition to this team for the entire
completed the squad. These four players being
.Another team that was a scrapping, ambitious aspirant for the basket ball crown was "Pete" Bollock's Quarry quintet. Always a group with the do or die spirit, the Quarry boys fought to the very last and not losing first place until the tournament semi-finals. The Quarry with a well balanced aggregation had a sturdy defense and
dependable offense built around "Slim" Pau.Il.ey, their lanky aggressive center and the best cen
ter man the league had to offer. "Irish" Lamb, "Chum" Raymond and Chas. Lister shared the forward berths, while "Butch"
Eiowski, "Russ" Kuhlman and Harold Pollock played the guard positions. Harry Schefke and Pat Sheedlo were utility men, playing when and wherever needed. The Quarry had excep tional ly fast, aggressive forwards and a fine combination at guard. Their teamwork was
but ordinary as their style of game was not the short passing, close-in type of ball. Paulley, their center man, resorted to this style of play while Lamb, Raymond, Llowski and Kuhlman were all long shot artists. The game in which
this team overcame a seventeen point lead in the second half to nose out the Office, by a single score was an example of their scoring
punch and fighting ability.
They never seemed
discouraged or disorganized no matter what the
odds against them happened to be.
They Were
another team with the thoughts of victory al ways in prominence. "Billy" Heller's Riveters were the "dope buckel spillers" of the season. With a good line-up to begin with, they were booked to take every
thing they met with ease but instead lost the first three games. With a colorful comeback, they took the Electrics and Office Team by sur prise and administered unexpected defeats. They turned out to be a threat all during the season,
possibly a hard nut to crack and possibly not.
the reserve strength of the team did not sec the amount of action experienced by their team
mates. Their playing was dependable but lack of experience kept them from being entered in more games.
During the 1930-31 season, a team outside of
plant circles entered the race.
A group of ath
letes classified as the Rogers City Merchants, under "Bill" Radka's tutelage, was the City's representatives in this league. This team per formed like wildfire the first five games, com pletely outclassing every team they met. In fact it appeared to be a complete rout for the other teams.
Out of these first five contests,
they stumbled once on a weakened Office team to lose by one point, a game they should have taken without any effort. Then the business supporters of these men dressed them in ele gant new playing apparel which seems had a disastrous effect. They never won another contest of the remaining six played and closed the season a mere shadow of a once worthy team.
In another year the Merchants should have one of the best teams in competition. Otis Pol lock, Melvin Wenzel and O. Tosch were three
good forwards for the line-up. Paul Bredow held down the center position while "Bergie" Platz. "Louie" Wenzel. Roy Dueltgen and "Dave" Dettloff alternated at guard. These men were all capable of playing class "A" ball, but after their early season spurt they failed to click, although their games were usually close contests.
Award Goes To Paulley
A different policy was adopted this year in giving individual awards. Last season the hon or went to the high scorer, but this year a mer it system under control of judges was formu lated whereby a "most valuable player to his team," decision could be made.
One could never make a prediction on this team. Leveck. first string center, was active, a fair shot and a hard man to guard. Monroe, his understudy, benefitting by extra height invar
Every participating player was rated on sportsmanship, field goal shooting, foul shoot ing, fouls committed, offensive floor work, de
iably gave his team the "tip-off."
physical condition and improvement. 4*his rat ing was made by four judges after every game,
Penglase and
"Biffer" Joppieh lacked only consistency to be classed as the best forward pair in the league.
fensive floor work, aggressiveness, team work,
They were both fast, good shots and exception
each judge giving his own rating. This system was in effect for the last five games of the reg
al ball handlers, but rather unsteady in always
ular scheduled season.
producing these qualities. Norman Raymond and John Bredow assumed the greater part of the guard duties for the Machinists, giving some
center, was named the receiver of the award.
good exhibitions on defensive maneuvers. How
ever, momentary lapses in play lowered the ef
\'eru "Slim" Paulley, the Quarry's effective This should have been expected as "Slim" is a
good example of a player who would rate high in the different requirements expected of a val-
Group 1—Yard. Reading from left to right: J. Buck. L. Yoda, 1. Lee, 0. Zempel, A. Hopp. B. Murphy, B. 2 C. Leveck, 1). Monroe. J. Bredow and J. Schultz : bottom row: L. Joppieh, Wm. Heller and B. Penglase. C Schlunlz. I.. Lei-. W. Mundt and L. Yoight. (iron]) -I—Power Dept. Reading from left to right: G. C. W
door baseball. Top row left to right: L. Joppieh. R. Kuhhnan. I. Hamilton, \T. Hoeft, J. P. Kiuville and W. harg. Group 6- -Orchestra. Reading from left to right: S. Blaskey, E. Glazer, E. Micketti, M. Schluntz. W right: A. Deltloff. L. 1'latz. 0. Pollock, P. Bredow-. O. Tosch and R. Dueltgen ; bottom row: M. Wenzel. \ lock, R. Kuhlman and E. Sheedlo: bottom row: H. Pollock, H. Schefke, R. Kuhlman, R. Lamb and Chas. L F. Y. N. Bradley and L. Goodin.
Photography by E. A. Schulwitz
:empel. A. Yoight and T. Rose. Group 2—Machine Shop. Top row. left to right: N. Raymond, II. Boutin,
•fottp 3—Office. Reading from left to right: C. Platz. E. Glazer. 1. Hamilton, N. Hoeft, E. Dueltgen. M.
ing. I'".. Meyers, C. Bruntiing. R. Kowalski. E. Lee. E. Green. M. Lamb and C. Griwatscll. Group 5—InMundt; bottom row: A. Ravmoml. J. Schultz. II. Meharg, G. LaTulip. II. Shorkey and masct Xeil Mem. Warwick. F. Warwick. Geo. Jones, D. Baker and E, Kauabe. Group 7—Merchants. Top row left to Yin. Radka and L. Wenzel. Group S—Quarry. To], row left to right: A. Flow ski. V. Paulley. X. W. Pol
lster. Group 9—Officials. Left to right": T. Rose, P. Livingston, F. Reinke, R. Dueltgen, Jr., Geo. Jones,
Page 324
Calcite Screenings
liable player to his team.
His sportsmanship
was excellent, this point being more considered than any of the above mentioned. lie was a
fine offensive and defensive center being a hard man to guard and once allowed to break loose
was certain to display deadly accuracy on short
shots. Llis ability to break up opposing plays was one of the features in his team's success.
He was an all around good player, an important cog in the Quarry's quintet and unassuming to anything but basket ball while in the game. Team Records
Indoor baseball held the interest of quite a few fans, as well as the players, during the past Winter season. Early in the season, a team representing the Merchants of Rogers City and managed by (ins Kane was organized, and at the same time, a team was organized to repre sent the Calcite Plant, and managed by J. P. Kiuville.
Each Thursday evening found both teams hard at it, one trying to get the scalp of the oth er. The end of the season found both aggre gations tied with five games to the credit of
2 §
K =
fe h
each. On Monday evening, April 13th. the de ciding game of the series was played and the
ft =
ft c
E-r 0(
O %
Calcite wrecking crew emerged victorious by
Quarry Maeh. Shop
128 123
66 71
123 322 276 121 317 360
7 5
4 7
the score of " to 4. but only after a hard fought contest. Henry Shorkey was in the pitcher's box in this last game for the Calcite crew- and
handled his duties in fine style, keeping the hits
Elec. Shop
137 277
330 ' 350
well scattered.
Calcite was able on two occa
sions to bunch their hits and put over what
The Orchestra
When a plant orchestra was suggested to hell) as an entertainment feature in the weekly bask et ball demonstrations, those interested or ex perienced in such endeavors had reason for
wondering. However, after evenings of faithful practice and talked of noise making under the
proved the winning runs. Gus Kane did the pitching for the Merchants and handled the ball
with most of his old time style and deception, but his mates were unable to produce the hits at the opportune time and lost out their scoring chances.
chanced their first public appearance with no
In addition to this series, a composite team ol Merchants and Calcite players engaged in outside competition. Early in the season Rog
disastrous effects upon themselves and develop
ers City defeated the Huron Industries of Al
baton of William Warwick, some of the doubtfid
the musicians
ed into a good organization. The members of the orchestra were Morton Schluntz, sax: Frank Micketti, tenor sax; Dave
Baker, sax; Frank Warwick, banjo; Ed. Knabe, violin: Ed Clazer, drums: Rhoud Benson, trum
pet; George Jones, piano and William Warwick director.
pena, and in a four game series with I'etoskey. each team won two games, and all proved to
be most interesting" and warmly contested from start to finish.
On the page with the basket ball teams is a
picture of the Calcite wrecking crew and the playing positions of each member.
This orchestra performed every Wednesday evening throughout the winter, striving to pro vide pleasing sounds and pleasant rhythm for the folks wishing to dance. There was usually an hour or two of dancing after the basket ball games to top off an evening of recreation and community get-togethers.
The standard of play and sportsmanship set by the ball teams, which was exceptional thruout the season, plus the few hours of entertain ment in the form of dancing brought out a very
We are now in the mouth of
May and we
read in the Sports columns of our newspapers about the preliminaries of the Davis Cup Tourn ament.
Last year we had an M. L. ec C. tennis
tournament which created as much local inter
est as the Davis Cup Tournament creates Inter national interest, and we are anxious that this
year we will have all the old players back in line again and are hoping for a flock of newcomers. We have experienced many fine days suitable
good attendance for ever}- game. The High School gym was taxed to capacity many times with enthusiastic, cheering fans. The compet
for playing tennis, the evenings are getting long er and later on in the season we hope to again
itive spirit among the onlookers was keen and meant much in making this season such a decid
chance to get plenty of practice. Last year we had to go to considerable trouble to get some of
ed success.
The keen interest of the fans will
erect the flood lights so that all will
have a
tin- competitors to enter the tournament and
result in making a real demand for another sea son of such fine enjoyment for all.
"Never played this year," and "Racket needs
Ninety-nine per cent of good luck is account
in the near future asking \ on to enter the
we had many excuses such as â&#x20AC;˘"Out of practice," restringing.
ed for by good sense.
We will be coming around again
tournament and you will either have to correct
Page 325
Calcite Screenings
the above deficiencies or think up new alibis. Never mind if you are not an expert. Get as much practice as you can, come out and we will have lots of fun. It is a good healthy exercise— (and that is what most of us need)—encourages good sportsmanship and good fellowship. Do not forget to send in your name when the
talk after the meeting and congratulated the committee on the good work they have done in the past year, stating that there has not been a lost time accident in our plant since March 5th, 1930.
The date of the next meeting was set for May 20th. Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p. m.
time comes.
Buffalo Personals
George Mintz was a recent visitor at the Buf
We are pleased to announce that substantial cash prizes will be offered in the Fifth Annual Garden Contest conducted by this Company. We expect this year to give considerable credit to the vegetable garden as well as to the up keep of the lawn and surroundings of the homes. ft is very interesting to note that the warm spring weather during a part of April brought forth
that is most sure to last the whole season.
are particularly favored in this community by an abundance of trees and shrubs growing wild in woods nearby that can be easily transplanted. There is an unlimited amount of top soil and other garden material available for very little effort. We look back over the records and note the
wide distribution of the prizes in previous years but as previously stated in one of the articles on this subject we do not plan to continue the wide distribution to the extent of slighting any one who has done a great deal of effective work even though all of the prizes might fall within a reasonably small area of the community. We feel that all of those who have been for
tunate enough to win some of the prize money will continue without urging and we hope that the total number of prospects for prizes increase three or four fold during this year.
falo Office.
We noticed that he looked rather
L'pon inquiring, he informed us that
his hotel at Owego had burned, and he lost all
of his personal belongings. By way of cheering him up, we told him that the depression in the tent making business would be over when they received his order for two or three suits and a
couple of overcoats. We notice that Mr. C. T. Stanage is driving a new Studebaker President Straight Eight.
We wonder if the early Spring has anything to do with the astonishing rumor we hear around the Buffalo Office. "In Spring one's fancy turns to love." One of our most confirm ed bachelors seems to have
tinder the
age old spell. We were quite overcome, the other day, to see the invincible Mr. Baldwin re
turn from lunch with a gorgeous display of roses in tow.
Well, our curiosity was at once
aroused, and we investigated the strange hap pening'. Imagine our surprise on hearing that he has at last succumbed. We guess the ranks of bachelorhood will know him no more after
early summer.
Mr. R. B. Henley was a visitor at the Buffalo Office twice during the past winter. We notice that Harold Stanage has added a
Safety meeting called to order April 24th at 1:30 p. m.; members present: John J. Collins, chairman, Harry Best, Robert Hagen, Jack Gorman. The Committee made a thorough in
spection of the entire plant.
The following
1. Place new toe boards at all doorways in mill building. 2. Committee advises that old guards on all elevators should be replaced with new ones. 3. Build new set of stairs in tunnel section.
4. Replace old guards with new- ones along stairways on four separators. The Question was again raised at this meeting about a safety flag to be flown over the plant during regular working hours and to be taken down in event of loss time accident for a period of twenty-four hours.
Mr. H. J. Stanage, Supt., gave a five minute
new canine to his night force; a good natured looking English Bull. Harold tells us he under stands that bull dogs don't make as good sailors as German Police dogs. Speed Laws Are Not So New At
Boston, and
seventy-three years ago, the board of "select men" passed an ordinance which read: "Owing to the great danger arising oftentimes from coaches, sleighs, chairs and other carriages
on the Lord's day, as people are going to or coming Irom the several churches in this town, being driven with great rapidity, and the public worship being oftentimes much disturbed bysuch carriages, it is therefore voted and ordered that no coach, sleigh, chair, chaise or other car riage at such times be driven at a greater rate than a foot-pace, on penalty to the master of the slave or servant so driving of the sum of 10
Page 326
Calcite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture Here and There About the Plant
Among Ourselves
Did you ever hear ol anyone getting poison
forget, so we just took it for granted that he
ivy during the month of April? We didn't eith
meant mullet instead of mallard.
er. Although Carl Bruuing claims he was clean ing the yard and there's where he got it. An other peculiar thing about it was that only the left eye was just about
Wm. Luschowski was very much excited the other evening when he went out to the garage to gel his car and discover
swollen shut and there were
ed that it was not there.
He was just about all set
to call the Sheriff when he
You're quite sure it wasn't the carpet duster
happened to think he rode
that did that, aren't you
fellow workman and left his
own car at the plant.
The ladies claim it is not so nice to have the men
It takes only a few min utes to get to the hospital— but a long time to come
only working eight and one
week out of
not to be working, but then they also say it has some good advantages, too, espe cially now during house cleaning time as they sure do come in handy at home. We think
home from the plant with a
right according to the num ber of husbands we've seen
hard at house cleaning late-
Harry Meharg has volun teered to give the Time Of SPRING
When you've said farewell to winter, And the snows all disappear, When the little huds are swelling, Then you know that spring is here. Spring, with all its joy ol! living, Winter's morose days are gone,
And the spirit of ambition
They tell lis wedding bells will soon be ringing
fur our good Yoight.
Sam ?
Tom and I'lair. hunting back of Thompson's Har bor.
Tom : I'll meet you at the crossroads by that big rock. Blair: All right. Tom. Tom: If I get there first, I'll make a
white mark on
the stone and if you
there first you rub it out. Fred Bade came in to tell
us about the nice string of
Calls anew, "do on and on."
In every human existence.
Comes a springtime with this call; Make the most of it. my brother, After eaeh spring comes a fall.
Every bud that blooms in .springtime Later
And returns to build the soil
When it's living work is o'er.
Like the buds, our days are numbered Spring and fall touch everyone; Will we have reached our life's ideal When our living work is done? Let the spring enter your spirit, Let your soul hurst forth and sing, Opportunity is waiting. And your chance is now—'tis spring.
suckers several of the fel
lows got the other night and also attempted to tell us just what kind of suckers they were but we are inclined to thing Fred still believes duck season to be open because he told us the\ were all mallards.
Being that we know Fred to )e a great duck hunter, which as you know miikes it
hard to
—Ethel M. Walter.
fice a general cleaning the first nice day we have. "But," he said, "under one condition only and that is not to tell my wife about it because if she finds out I
can scrub floors and wash windows, why it's just go ing to be too bad for me." \\ e feel that Harry won't be in much danger of doing those jobs at home as sev
eral nice clays have already passed by, and we haven't as yet seen any "carpets out on the line at the Time of fice.
Wilson Pines says he hasn't very much to report in the line of happenings this winter, outside of the
Spitzer season having net ted him six skunks.
Yes, sir. sure can
Jack Cherette
throw hot
Thai is providing it
much over a distance of ten feet. Then of course, he shoots them across the floor and ihe rivet catcher
must scoop them up as they come along. Kdward Kelley. Harry Meharg and Lester Raymond were granted a leave of absence dur
ing the winter and spent
Calcite Screenings
age 327
We note that they are applying the
benefits of their further education in their work-
since their return May 1st. We are glad to have
them back and commend them upon taking ad vantage of opportunities to improve themselves. The time to plan for safety is before starting a job. Steve Martin is going into the farming game on a large scale this season. On the back of his
lot, he now has apple and cherry trees, a rasp berry patch and winter onions. This spring with the expert advice of I5en Santimo and Happy Hoi)]). '1e nas broken some new ground and
of Albert Schultz the morning of April 22nd. That's what we call fishing. Now, let's hear from some more of you fellows who claim to know your stuff. Of course, Albert said one just has to go where the fish are and tells us the Cheboygan River is where he got his.
Friend Wm. Kunner of the Bradley Transpor tation Company has been with
radio operator. We regret very much that the opening of navigation takes him from our midst.
George Wing says he has recently realized one of his life's ambitions â&#x20AC;&#x201D; he has danced to the tune of The Peanut Vendor.
will add straw berries and ev
ery kind of veg etable mi market.
Limestone Company for the past few weeks as
Of course you
with the advice of these two
have all viewed the black e v e that P.ill Heller
gentlemen there isn't a possible chance of your c r o ]) being a
has been carry ing around with him this winter.
failure this sea
maintains that he was struck in
.Manager Jul ius Zempel of
very good sendoff
shoot the first basket. We can
not just remem ber if it was 36 or 136 shots be
i n
dropping one in
chain. That's his
the Yard basket
ball team, didn't give his team a
A recent addition to our plant is the Oxygen and Acetylene Stor
age building, located a short distance from the Repair Shop. The building is of brick construction on a concrete foundation
and has a floor area of 365 square feet.
A brick partition divides
the building into two rooms, one for oxygen and the other for acet ylene. Both rooms are provided with a ventilator in the roof and two ventilators at the floor line to provide a constant circulation of
Ample space is provided for the storage of approximately 400
tanks of oxygen and 100 tanks of acetylene. Due to its isolation from other buildings, the absence of electrical
fixtures of any kind, the fire-proof construction, and proper ventila tion, the building fulfills all the recommendations for the safe stor age of oxygen and acetylene.
the basket. Aft
sticks to it, and as no other marks of fistic comb a t have been seen it
looks as though we'd have to ac
cept his
nation. W o n d e r
i f
Arnold Conley will carry that enormous
f i s h
er Julius had been shooting for some ten or fif teen minutes. Mike Johnson walks over to the
basket around with him this year. If he could be induced to carry it to the Raincy River he
other end of the hall and didn't have much trou
might get it filled up. (No advertisement.)
ble making a tally. If the team wouldn't have made any better showing than the manager, it would have been just too bad. During the absence of the editor, R. B. Hen
ley dropped in to borrow a pipe full of his tobac co. After giving it the once over he said, "No, I can't use that and take a chance on ruining a
perfectly good pipe." And out he went. Seventy-two suckers were in the back yard
Clyde Leveck wishes it to be known that here
after he will answer to the name of "the big liucvrus man."
Capt. II. E. Cook's first day's experience with the New Pontiac sedan.
They tell us he was waiting for the green light which in due time appeared and with its appearance also one blast of the horn and about
Iwo seconds later, four more sounds of the horn,
which of course means full speed ahead. Final ly the fellow behind yelled to the Captain and
Calcite Screenings
I'age 328 reminded him that this was Main Street and not Lake Huron. So he then realized the fact that
April 18th. After trying the entire night and also a few hours in the morning, they checked
he not only was Captain of this new ship but
up and found themselves in possession ol one
also the whole crew.
sucker. The question of dividing the mess sat isfactory to all was a real proposition so they
Dave Larson doesn't care to admit that he
doesn't know the
Spitzer. Dave says luck has been against him and has won only two games during the winter. Think, act and talk safety. Louis Smolinski of the Bradley Transporta tion Co. has been seen driving a new Chevy cab
riolet lately and usually with a lady companion at his side.
While blasting some frozen fines at the fines storage a few weeks ago, George Pelarski and Harry Boutin realized the fact that those little-
pieces of limestone certainly do a lot of dam age for their size, especially if
W|H| f|
'close. And by the way, this
Norman Raymond of the Bradley Transporta tion Co. purchased a Ford Tudor; Joseph Kline of the Drilling Dept. a Chevy coupe; Ralph Eli of the Track Dept. a Willys Club sedan: John
Montayt of the Power Dept. a Pontiac sedan. Each department seems to have their own opinion as to which is the best car for the money,
and we hope they all have chosen wisely. And still another, we surely must not leave out, is C. W. Heinzel of the office force, who is the proud
\ \J
car of Harry's which had to
be equipped with a new set of new
Practice Safety, you bet your life when you take a chance.
your auto is parked ;i trifle windows, was a
decidcd to throw it back in the river.
Tudor just purchased shortly
Andrew Nedeau of the Mill
The painting of the steel work al the plant this winter, we have every reason to be lieve, ran way over its cost by the amount of paint drag
Dept- now drives a new Chevy coach. Harry Dietliu of the Drilling Dept. a Pontiac coupe,
ged home on the
Dan Peebe of the Track Dept. a Pontiac sedan, and F.arl Scheiffler of the Machine
hands of
to real
sport so we are told fey our
good friend. Fred J. Fisch.
face and Lamb
Put look
ing at the other side of the story, we can also put it this way. If these fellows did as good a job painting the steel as they did on their face and
Cuts and scratches may take
Smelt fishing
Win. llorubacker.
Shop a Pontiac sedan.
your life if not attended promptly and properly.
there is any doubt in your mindâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;why just see Charlie and then use your own judg mentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and why not.
before this took place.
owner of a Chrysler sedan. Now, when we say proud owner, we mean it and if
nati o n a l
Fred, as you all
know, really didn't go there to fish but only to
take in the* excitement, and we understand he certainly got it.
Now in order to take in every move he placed himself in the front line and when the signal to
start fishing was given by the wardens in less
hands, we should have a paint
job to be proud of.
If yot) haven't already seen it. I surely would advise you to give it the once over.
Even tho
von have seen it. surely it is worthy of another look. To what do we refer? Why. Harold Pol lock's new mustache.
K. F. Crittendou. A. L. (Sparks) Lezinski and
than two seconds he found himself in the river
Gtty Hardin are now housed in their new office quarters at the Main Office where the Central
Radio Telegraph Company is holding forth. Your smiling faces are more than welcome.
up to his waist line with no chance of getting The. men were crowded in about fifteen
deep between him and shore so he thought he may as well fish as stand in the river. But never a word have we heard about the catch brought home by Fred.
A new Tudor Ford sedan was purchased by Harry Smith of the Mill Dept. Wm. Streich. Alfred Wenzel and Herbert Wir-
gau report a successful sucker fishing trip on
Pen Sautimo claims one doesn't know what a real thrill is until he hits a boulder with an out
board power boat about two miles out in Lake Huron at three a. m. on a good dark night ami
motor with only a small flashlight to guide him. If you don't believe him. just ask his passenger, Carl Strieker.
Page 329
Calcite Screenings mission
for several
weeks this winter and it
sure took some time before any information in regard to whom and how this had happened could be had. At last proprietor A. H. M.ende slipped one day and informed us that it was none other than our good friend E. R. Joppieh
who backed up to the station but instead of landing along side of it, he just took it right off its footing and. therefore, being the first cus tomer to leave without air service.
With the number of pike that have been speared through tin- ice this past winter ,it is rather doubtful if any are left for the fellow with the casting rod when season opens for spring fishing. MOTHER
Capt. Pearse and his son Donald getting off to an early start in the Garden Contest.
Yes, sir. Harry Meharg must be back, was the remark made by nearly every one who at tended the last indoor baseball game. The reason for this remark is very well
known by all who are acquainted with Harry. There was more noise and arguments during
that game than we've had all through the win ter season.
Well, anyway, we are glad to see him backon the job again.
"They say that man is mighty He governs land and sea, He wields a might}- scepter O'er lesser powers that be;
Put a mightier power and stronger Man from his throne has hurled. For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world."
We have here reading from left to right: Henry Hey, Emil Rusch and Avery Cook with sixty pounds of pike caught at Trout Lake thru
the ice last winter. The largest one weighed 18 lbs., the next one 12 lbs, and the rest from (> to
A minute For safety may save somebody a
4 lbs. each.
mouth in the hospital.
The Power House crew have high hopes of going into the business of catching eels since they have taken one out of the strainer at the Power House. It was about a foot in length.
Here's one too good to keep so we're going to pass it on to the rest of the plant fellows. A certain fellow came to George Wing's back door and presented him with three nice brook trout all cleaned and ready for the pan and ad vised him to keep it under his hat as the season hadn't opened yet.
George came to work the next day and again thanked the fellow, telling him how good they were and he had never tasted a meal of fish that
compared with those. In fact he talked of it all week. Again he went to the door and here was
the same fellow with three more fish, only these were not cleaned. George began to thank him again and started to admire them when to his
disappointment he saw that they were suckers. "Why," he said, "We don't eat suckers. I never could eat them."
The fellow said. "You
ate them last week and kept telling me all the while how good they were, so I thought I'd bring you a few more."
The big fellow was caught on a small minnow
and hook which was being used to catch perch, so you can imagine their surprise when they lauded this 18 pounder instead of a perch. This is the only picture turned in to us of the hundreds of pike caught last winter by our em pioyees.
One of our free air stations was out of com
met's hear from some more of
Calcite Screenings
Pau-e 330
With Many of Our Friends
lplace was Detroit wlicrc .Services Services were held at two o'clock. o clock, February .February 9th, from the Ouade home on First St., and at two-thirty from the St. John's Lutheran Curch,
. several years with her parents before coming to Presque rresquc Isle County. i\lr. Mr. iJelier Heller passed away two years ago. Mrs. Heller is survived by nine children, four
of which deceased was a member, Rev. Louis A.
daughters Erna. Ida. Elizabeth and Claire all at
Linn officiating, and interment was made in the
h()UK. am] rivc sonSi William Jr., John, Fdward.
local cemetery. .Mr. Ouade was employed in the Mill Dept.
.,,,,, Paul p.,.,1 of (>1- ij. ,.,,...,. (•;,, rw™-.,* '• and Rogers City ..,,,1 and i,-,-' Fred1 ,,," of Detroit:
The funeral of Mrs. Frances Reisuer was held
here February 21, 1931 from the
two sisters. Mrs. Wm. Heller, Sr., of this city and Mrs. Julius Schultz of Hawks; and two brothers, Charles and Fred Schalk of this city.
formerly a resident of Pulawski township, died in
Sunset anil evening star,
Detroit from heart trouble after an illness of but two
And may there be no moaning of the
Her body was brot
home of Mrs. Thomas Yarch. her sister, and the funeral service followed 011
February 24th, Rev. C. T. Skowronski officiating.
Wm. John known
home on
Thursday, December 4th. Funeral
tide as moving seems
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
dropped dead while work
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
held at Tower on Sunday. Dec. 7th and were largely
attended by the friends and neighbors. Elder J. J.
When I embark.
For 1hough from out our bourne of Time and place
The flood may bear me far,
Ledsworth officiated at the service and burial was in Forest township cemetery. Mr. Latsch was the fath
John Schaedig Sr., resi dent of Presque Isle Coun
ty for the past 57 years, passed away Saturday morning. January 17, 1931. at 7:30 o'clock at the age of ')() years, 9 months and 9 days. He had not been in very good health for the last six or seven years, al though up ami around until the last few days. Resides his wife he leaves to mourn his loss seven sons
When 1 have crossed the bar.
and six daughters. Two mms are employed by the
—Alfred Tennyson
Chemical Company. Oustav in the Yard department and
mother of Herbert Campbell of the Transporta
tion Dept., passed away at tier home in Detroit, December Kith.
Services were held in the Alfred F. Crosby
Chapel. 13308 Woodward Ave.. Detroit, Michi gan, on December 18th, Rev. Walter B. William son of Flint officiating. The
laid to rest in the local cem etery.
1 hope to see my Pilot facte l<> face
er of Mrs. John C. Pruning.
at two-thirty from St. John's Evangelical Luther officiating. Mrs. Heller was
Too full tor sound and foam,
resident of Tower,
ing at his
.such a
an Church. Rev. L. A. Linn
When 1 put out to sea.
o'clock from the house ami
And one clear call for me!
here February 23rd to the
held January 13th at two
in Onawav on December 19th and were taken to
the Methodist Episcopal Church
rites were held, interment being made in Elm-
wood cemetery beside her husband and son. The death of Mrs. Frank Heller occurred Fri-
Emil in the Transportation department Funeral services were held at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Moltke on Tuesday, after noon at 1 :30 o'clock. Rev. Heineckc of Belknap
officiating. Tin- body w is carried to its restingplace by grandsons of the deceased. Robert Ileslip of Belknap township, aged sev
enty, passed away at his farm home February 26. 1931. Mr. Heslip's death was quite sudden, He had not been well suice early fall when he suffered a stroke which left him almost helploss. Since that time he had not been able to
dav. January 9. 1931. at her home on Second
work and had gotten around only with difficul-
Mrs. Heller had been ill for the past
He succumbed to a second attack.
Page 331
Calcite Screenings
Funeral services were held March 1, 1931, from the home. Rev. J. L. Kennedy officiating. The service was largely attended as the family have many friends in this section and Mr. Heslip was very well known. Interment was in the Kogers City cemetery.
of the
Michigan Limestone & Chemical
"Calcite Screenings" extends its sincerest sympathy to the members of the bereaved fam ilies.
Mr. Heslip was born in Brighton, Ontario, A
Canada in 1861.
Mr. Heslip farmed for many years.
In late
If I could gather the most beautiful adjectives from the languages of tin- world, and with the
Limestone 6c Chemical Co. but retained his home
skill ol" an orator fashion them into beautiful
on the farm. He is survived by his widow and two children, Mrs. Elva Taylor of Liske and
garlands of rhetoric, and place them upon the
George Heslip of Detroit.
brow of woman, 1 should fail in my great est effort to do justice to her grandeur and glory. Shakespeare has said, "Frailty, thy name is woman." Let me change it in token of my love for my old mother, who
years he was an employee
Mr. Heslip was al
ways counted one of the substantial men of his neighborhood and was held in the highest es teem by many friends. Mr. Charles
Bunton, brother-in-law of
Robert Pardy of the Construction Dept. passed away April 9th at Birmingham, Alabama. The body was brought here for burial. Fun
eral services were held at the home of .Miss
Jennie Bunton at 520 W. Huron Ave., Rev. J. L. Kennedy, officiating. Mr. Albert Karsten, father-in-law of Mr. Al
fred Riegcr of the Construction April 20th at his home in Moltke.
Dept., died
Mr. Karsten was buried from Emanuel Luth eran church of Moltke of which he was a life
long member and the services were held Thurs day, Rev. R. Koch officiating. The services were largely attended.
Thomas Smothers passed away Sunday even ing, April 19th, after a severe illness of some duration. He had gone to a Detroit hospital in hopes of securing relief from an obscure trou ble, only to remain there until his death, his condition being beyond aid of medical science. He was fifty-two years of age. Funeral services were held Wednesday after noon in Detroit at two-thirty o'clock under the uispices of the Masonic lodge. Mr. Smothers was a member of Rogers City Lodge 493 F. & A.
sang the sweet lullabv of mother's love
in my infant ears. Let me change it in token of love for my wife, the queen of my home, who with
me shares the joys of life, and bears its disap pointments and sorrows. Let me change it in token of my love for my little girls, the bright jewels of my home. Yes, let me change it in token of my regard for the exhalted character
of woman. Frailty, thy name is no longer woman: but Love, Fidelity, and Truth, ye are woman's other names.
If I could walk through the floral gardens of the world, and pluck the flowers of rarest beauty and sweetest perfume, and then select from the
crowns of kings and queens the rarest jewels that glisten there. I wotid fashion them into a more beautiful crown, and with the hand of love
1 would place that crown on the brow of MOTH ER.
Mr. Smothers' wife and daughter Helene,
iave the sympathy of many friends in their be
Mr. Smothers came to Rogers City in 1914 and was an employee of the Michigan Limestone
Is this full honor for our dead?
i\- Chemical Company, working as a shovel op
Is it enough to sing a song .And deck a grave: and all year long Forget the brave who died that we Might keep our great land proud and free? hull service needs a greater tollâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;
John Paradise died Friday, April 24th, at McRae Hospital. Funeral services were held Sun day morning, April 26th, from the Westminster
That we who live give heart and soul To keep the land they died to save.
Church at nine o'clock. Rev. J. L. Kennedy of ficiating. Following the services here the body
And lie ourselves, in turn, the brave.
Annette Wynne.
John Bredow and Mr. Everett Shay of the Bradley Transportation Co. and Mr. Harold Pol
Is it enough to think to-day Of all our brave, then put away The thought until a year has sped?
was taken to Whitlemore for interment. Mr. Paradise was the father-in-law of
rocked me in the cra dle of childhood, who
We arc being sized up when we least suspect it.
Calcite Screenings
Page 332
The Bradley Transportation Company » » » » »
S a i Ii n 3
in Safety
Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Only three steamers appeared on the No Ac cident Record at the end of the 1930 season. Our
accident record during the 1930 season was not as favorable as during the 1929 season. There were four serious personal injuries, two on the Steamer P. PI. Taylor in the conveyor
operation. Both accidents were similar in nature and occurred
other injuries, one of which resulted in the breaking ol an arm of one of the mates and the other an eye injury to another mate during Un loading of the steamer. It is suggested that all mates in loading the steamer with openhearth or large size stone be instructed to wear goggles which are now obtainable of shatter-proof glass and are now available at the Storehouse.
One of the first operations to go into active service at Calcite at the beginning of each sea son of operations is the radio station. This year has been no exception, and the first radio
messages went through the air on April 3rd. The Calcite radio station has been in opera tion each year since 1923 during the period of navigation on the Great Lakes, giving 24-hour daily service to the public and especially marine interests whose vessels are equipped with radio sets. Due to the service available through this station many vessels have installed wireless equipment, ami the volume of messages receiv
ed and transmitted has steadily increased. Weather forecasts are sent out at a definite
time each day. giving ihese vessels the latest
While the accident record of 1930 was not as
information regarding weather conditions. Many
good as the accident record of 1929, I believe the co-operation of the captains, engineers and all
through prompt dispatch of messages through
members of the crew in the safety program
during 1930 was much better than in previous
I feel confident by the continued efforts
of each member of the crew that our accidents
can be very materially reduced and our record greatly improved.
The Company will continue for this year the policy established of awarding the members of the crew which does most for safety in the op eration of their steamer, a small token in appre ciation of their efforts. During the past two
years, it has been difficult to decide the winner of this contest, owing to the fine results accom
plished by several of the vessels. As several ol the vessels will complete the season without a lost time accident, it will be necessary to com
plete the season without a lost time accident to be considered for this award.
vessels in time of distrc ss have been given aid the Calcite station.
On account of this station doing public utility service, it was found desirable to separate the radio department from the Michigan Limestone ov Chemical Co. and organize it as a separate company. This was done and the Central Radio
Telegraph Company Was organized under the laws of Michigan and approved by the Michigan Public Utilities Commission. The wave lengths under which the station operates is assigned to the radio company by the Federal Radio Com mission.
Arrangements have
with the
Radiomurine Corporation of America to take over all radio traffic which last year went thru their Detour station, which they do not plan
operating this year. There is some possibility of the Mackinac Island station not operating this year. With the DeloUr and possibly Mackinac Isl and stations closed, working conditions ol the Calcite station will be improved as the interfer ence between these stations and the Calcite sta tion will be eliminated.
There has been no change in the operating
There is no magic about Safety—just com mon
R. P. Critteudon is chief operator
with Guy Hardin and Adolph Leszinske com-
Page 333
Calcite Screenings
Licensed Officers Appointments for the Steamers of the Bradley Transportation Company for the Season of 1931 On account of existing business conditions on v four of the six steamers will be in operation
which results in a number of changes in the personnel of licensed oflicers. Str. Carl D. Bradley
Str. B. H. Taylor
Wm. J. MacLean, Captain.
F. F. Pearse, Captain.
Theo. Dahlburg, First Mate.
C. A. Martin, First Mate.
Clarence Thorsen, Second .Mate.
Donald Nauts, Second Mate.
John S. Sparre, Chief Engineer.
(iuy LaPounty, Chief Engineer.
j. A. Anderson, First Assistant.
Chas. Fredericks, First Assistant.
C. T. Greenleaf, Second Assistant.
James Gatons. Second Assistant.
Martin Birk, Second Assistant.
William Shay, Third Assistant.
Henry Miller, Third Assistant.
Albert Goodreau, Steward.
Otto Sparre, Steward. Str. John G. Munson
Str. Calcite
aM. R. MacLean, Captain.
Crosslcy McCjuinn, Captain.
Alfred Tyrell, First Mate.
Chris Swarts. First Mate.
George Peck, Second Mate.
Francis Bacon. Second Mate.
Arthur L'rdal, Chief Engineer.
Thos. Suttle. Chief Engineer.
Raymond P.uehler, First Assistant.
Harry Sloan, First Assistant.
George Hoy, Second Assistant.
Norman Henderson, Second Assistant.
William Kunner. Second Assistant.
Steve Chibola, Third Assistant.
Alfred Dwyer, Third Assistant.
John Miller. Steward.
hdward Fawcett, Steward.
The Following Are the Tug Appointments for the Season of 1931 Tug Rogers City
Tug Frederick T. Kellers
Walter Peppier, Captain.
11. E. Cook. Captain,
E. G. Newhouse, Captain.
John S. Purely, Captain.
Frank Lamp, Engineer.
Frank Weisnewski, Engineer.
Frank Flewelling, Engineer.
Daniel Ryan, Engineer.
Page 334
Calcite Screenings
pleting the staff.
its mark on the brain cells and there is no better
During the winter shutdown period of the radio station, the radio office and operating
to pop up again.
was moved from the former location in
the old electrical repair shop at Calcite to their office in Rogers City. The transmitting equip
ment, however, remains at Calcite ami opera
time or place than a safety meeting for them As the meeting adjourned, a wish was ex pressed by all that we might earn a place on the honor roll this season.
tion is carried on by remote control over a spe
Ju addition to above a general meeting of the crew was held on April 29 at 6 o'clock in the
cial cable running to the operating room in the Main Office. This arrangement greatly im
evening when hazards of fit-out were discussed.
proves the radio service as messages can be filed without the necessity of telephoning mess ages to and from the radio station. Steamer B. H. Taylor Date of Meeting, May 3rd, 1931. Present: Donald Nauts, chairman: Wm. Shay, secretary ; and the crew. The first meeting of the safety meeting, May 3. in addition to the regular members was at tended by Capt. Pearse, Capt. Martin, Chief En gineer LaBounty, Second Asst. Gatons and four teen other members of the crew representing every department. Capt. Pearse opened the meeting with a short talk on safety, describing the success of safety
committees aboard ship and ashore in reducing accidents. He requested every officer to consid er himself a member of the committee with au
thority to correct as well as warn anyone vio lating a safety measure. Although economy will be stressed this year more than ever before and will play a vital part
D. E. Nauts presided. Twice Told Talesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Taylor
Greetings everybody from all the crew. We hope all of our friends in Rogers had a fine win ter. Even though we hate to leave our homes to come back to work, we are glad to see our old friends.
Owing to the current business conditions, the
crew of the Taylor is Composed of men from even- ship of the fleet. The newest man has worked at least two years for the company and the average is four or five.
Among the crew from Rogers are Lester Bantton, Win. Joppieh, Louis Smolinski, Edmund Mulka, Elmer Jones and Alex Selke.
We hear we have two talented guitar players in our midst. C'mon Ed and Louis, give us a
tune to sweep away those fitting out and first trip blues.
Some of our shipmates of yesteryear aren't with us this year. We miss you, gang, best of everything on your new ships.
in keeping this vessel in operation, Capt. Pearse warned everyone, especially the officers, not to carry it to extremes by using equipment to a point where it becomes dangerous to men using same. Speaking along this line, Chief Labounty
cording to the superstitious fireman, was indica
said that in our campaign of cutting down lights
tive of a fine season.
and excessive consumption of electricity, he did not want any dangerous place on the boat milighted as this was false economy. Capt. Pearse also issued a supply of "Handi-Tape" dressings for minor cuts and scratches to be distributed in
various places handy to the crew , explaining their use and purpose. The committee chairman stated he hoped to have as good a turnout at future meetings ami that it was his intention to advise not only the committee members but everyone on the ship as to time and place of meetings. An excellent
example of having as many of the crew present
as possible was shown by the suggestion of as sistant conveyorman Joe Halleck who requested lights lie installed at each side of the boom drive
When the boom is way out the side aft
Our first trip was to the Gary Breakwall. All went well, the sea was calm and everything, ac
Our only regret in being on a ship this time of year is missing the opening of trout season. We expect to hear some tall fish stories, also to see some pictures of some fine fish in the Screenings.
Being the only ship of the Bradley fleet in commission at the time the Screenings goes to press, there is some probability of our humble offerings being the cynosure of all eyes turned
Upon the department devoted to ship news in this issue of Screenings. This being the case and having always longed inwardly to be the aforementioned cynosure, now that the golden
opportunity has arrived we find that our reporlorial brain has a pitiful supply of bright and sparkling wit.
Where have all those sparkling-
is in total darkness at night and is a dangerous
anecdotes, those subtle witticisms which we so
place due to idlers and bearings needing fre quent attention. Very often good safety ideas are thought of but are forgotten in the course of the day's work. Every thought, however, leaves
often dreamed of enthralling reader with, vanished?
We wish we knew but
the fact remains that they have disappeared. So we will just say "so long."
The Way You re Judged IT'S the way you live, not the way you talk, Not the way you preach, but the way you walk,
That the world will judge whatever you claim, That the world will praise, as the world will blame. It's the way you do, not the way you say,
Not the way you speak, but the way you pay, It will like the best or will like the most,
It's the way you work, not the way you boast.
It's the way you sing, not the way you sigh, Not the way you whine, but the way you try,
That will hold you down, or will help you far; Not the way you seem but the way you are. Douglas Malloch
H/WOOS Originated by Ruth Poch, Grade 7, Age 12 APVANCE
JUNE 1931
A/o Accident Hanar Rail Department,
Foreman and
Theo. Haselhuhn
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei
Max Belmore
Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp Capt. William MacLean Chief John Sparre Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief Guy LaBounty Capt. M. R. MacLean Chief Arthur Urdal
Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
Page 339
Caleite Screenings
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published monthly for the employees of tie Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.
The columns of "Caleite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general
plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the department and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. .1. A. VALENTIN, Editor.
•: i) i t
R i a
It is with a feeling of great satisfaction that we can print our Honor Roll for this month's "Caleite Screenings" without any change in its original set tip. This means that all plant de partments as well as the var
The May issue of "Caleite Screenings" car ried a lengthy article in connection with the re
vision of the pension plan of the United States Steel Corporation. As this subsidiary of the
United States Steel Corpora-
ious boats have gone thus far through the season without a lost
lion has not been in existence
twenty-five years, no em ployees were eligible for pen sion. However, all employees over the age of seventy (70) were retired effective May 1,
various departments are cer tainly justified in a feeling of elation because of
cess in being able to maintain their position on the Honor
Roll by keeping
accidents and thus eliminating pain and suffering from this
1931, under Allowance list these
1 {
cently by the United States Steel Bureau of Safety, Sani tation and first three
Welfare months
for the in 1931
showing the comparative ac cident standing of subsidiary companies, we were pleased
to see the Michigan Limestone
ec Chemical Company occupy ing first position in the mining and limestone division.
A position we are fortunate in main
taining at present and should we go through this month without a lost time
"Retirement We with
E. B. Hebert, 73: John Mazany, 7?>; Charles Gruelke. 75: Patrick Lamb, 71 ; Joe Markey. 71 ; George Southerhy, 7^: Thad Kneale, 71. A number of our employees will reach the age of seventy (70) before they have a ser vice record of twenty-five
Provision." men below
their respective ages:
source in all of our depart In
place on the bulletin issued for the half year of 1931 should remain the same. May we all do our utmost to attain this honor and distinction.
ing times which surrounded June 14 back in the
18th Century, when the little seamstress on Arch Street. Philadelphia, sewed the stripes of white and red together and set them off in the
upper left hand corner with the Field of thirteen stars.
What a glorious banner it has turned out
to be!
Let us vow anew that, with all serious
ness and intelligence at our command, we will strive for our country and its future.
years of service shall be eligible for pension. All employees coming under this classification have been notified by letter of their status in order that there will be no misunderstanding of
the matter at any time and also for the purpose of making sure that our records of their ages and length of service, etc., are exact.
June 14 is Flag Day, coniniemoratnig the birth of Old Glory. The citizenry of our land should pause for a few moments on this day. allowing to come to mind the days and the try
Pension rules are very spe cific that no employees with less than twenty-five (25)
There is nothing more terrifying than the one fleeting second when it is too late for any thing but regrets. How many times do we hear it said: "Oh. if he had only been careful." Honestly, now. what's your hurry? Why take a chance? Life is short enough at best. A second saved is less than nothing in the eves of Etern ity ! Be alert.
Re careful.
Think first, then act.
Kvcry driver can largely determine whether he shall be careful or careless—safe or sorry. Which road do YOU choose?
Page 340
Caleite Screenings THE FOE OF YOUTH
Tuberculosis is a mortal enemy of youth. But youth little knows it. or knowing, seldom heeds the danger. In the life period from 12 to 20, the boy grows into young manhood ami the girl into young womanhood. This is a strenuous period. Youth discovers the world .and the
The accident experience of the United States
f<.r the past year is clearly presented in the booklet "Accident Pacts" which is gotten out by the National Safety Council.
There were approximately 99,000 people kill ed by accidents in the United Slates during 1930, which is the largest number in our history.
The result usually is a heedless enthusiasm that
Besides this, ten million people suffered injur
takes no count of health.
ies of a more or less serious nature, and three billion dollars is a modest estimate of the eco
Society, too. contributes to this "burning the candle at both ends'* by requiring of the youth
nomic cost of accidents during this period as
school work, athletics and part-time work in
this sum represents
excess of what the growing body
United Stales continues to lead
may do in
All' of this saps the vitality of youth ami ex
poses him to a host of evils, among which tub erculosis stands foremost.
guidance of parents
The youth needs the
Most classes
the automobile.
fifth as a
severely criticized,
warning that a
cause of death and
woman driver, who is so often
sponsible for but 0 per cent of the deaths.
The automobile claimed 33,-
serious flame may be kindled. As young men and women
becomes still more complicat ed and more demanding. In that brief span ol
years from 12 to 20. profound physical changes take place which make the child into the adult. At the same time, parental guidance is gradually transferred to the shoulders of the youth him self. The combined effect of these several
strains tends to fan the spark of tuberculosis into a Maine ol
ninety-four per cent of the fatal accidents last year were caused by males, while the
ing spark, harmless enough in
among women accidents rank
might be regarded as a glow
Men continue
heart disease as a
This is called the child
accidents being second only to
hood type of tuberculosisâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;it is not necessarily a disease but a
to have most of the accidents,
teens it is as yet so slight as to cause no signs nor symp
outstanding cause for the in crease in accidents last year is
damage results. In other cases, some injury has been done, but during the
have been reduced. However, some have increased. The
gets into the body >n at h-ast 2~> per cent of children up to age 15. In most cases, the re sistance of the body keeps the upper hand and no severe
accidents by a wide margin because of the in creasing use of automobiles. However, general increase has been experienced in practically all of the important countries of the world.
time as much as ever.
The germ of
000 lives as the result of acci
dents last year, and the home,
which has always
posed to be the safest place a man can be, claim ed 30.000.
These accidents
mainly to carelessness in all parts of the home. There were parlor, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and cellar tragedies as well as those happening in the yard and garage; falls constituting the leading cause for home fatalities. Drowning takes an annual toll of 8,000 lives
threatening disease.
Whether or not that dangerous spark is there can be discovered only by means of the tuber culin test and the X-ray. Knowing the danger
ous spark to be there need cause no alarm if proper precautions are taken. These are de scribed in a booklet called "Tuberculosis and
the "Keen Age" which will gladly be furnished our readers on request,
while 3.000 are killed as the result of fire-arm accidents.
The industries in the United States have con
tinued to make a fine showing in accident re
duction, the total fatality figure being 19,000 and this includes agricultural, clerical, marine, construction, railway and mining accidents. Manufacturing plants accounted for but 3,000 of the above fatalities.
Suppose our hens should
bricklavers receive for laving bricks?
"The bearing and the training of a child is woman's wisdom."â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Alfred Lord Tennyson.
We hope you will give this article and the above ligures some study because with your
help they can be further reduced. What has happened in regard to reducing accidents in in dustrial plants can also be effected on the high-
Page 341
Caleite Screenings way. street and in your home. Don't wait for some one to tell you about your careless habits. Train yourself to act thoughtfully and carefully
is laughable at times to see the alacrity with which each driver rushes to jot down the num
and then teach others.
It's a gesture ol course—and oftimes a funny one. It is the preliminary skirmish, the "cur tain-raiser," to be followed immediately by the
ber o\ the other fellow's license.
Ninety-nine thousand tragedies in one year and that number may again be increased this year, and it may include you or someone near to you so why not do all we can to prevent ac cidents ami take the uncertainty out of life as
usual jawing match—which from the standpoint of fixing responsibility, means nothing at all. Keep your safety sense working full time and it won't be necessary to "blame the other fel low" or waste your breath in a useless highway
far as possible. THAT PRECIOUS SECOND
Mr. Driver, what is your "reaction time?" You don't know? Well, as the operator of a
swift and heavy vehicle, capable of death-deal ing potentialities, it may pay you to have this information. Briefly stated it is the length of
A child, like a chicken has an inclination to
dart across the street at any place without thinking or looking. There is nothing criminal
time it takes you to size tip a suddenly changed
about that; it's a normal instinct, but a danger ous one in this motor age.
situation and react to meet it.
Some months ago an actual test was made to learn something about this "reaction time." It was found that it takes the average driver one
A hen can spot danger quickly enough when a hawk is around lint her protective instincts don't function in the presence of an automobile. She loses her head as completely as she does prior to a chicken din-
second to respond to an emergency while he is at the wheel of his car.
That sounds like quick
work. But when you are traveling forty miles an hour just keep in mind that your car
goes nearly sixty feet a second—sixty feet while you are making up your mind what you ought to do!
And the test show
wa™woo mmy:
ed that if you are tired, it usually takes a little
street have increased so
©HEP SM@Q!)@K]
proper co-ordination be
rapidly in the past 2$ years that even grown up human beings can't always realize them. They still act as they used to when the great est danger in crossing a street was losing their rubbers in the mud.
Educators have prov ed that children can be
tween mind and muscle. Suppose a child darts into the street 50 feet in front of your car. 11 you are traveling 40 miles an hour you will hit the youngster before you can apply your brakes. Or, if you are too close to the car ahead it will
taught to take care of themselves and safety is now part of the regular instruction in many schools. Hut children spend only about five
be the same story.
ly at home. The teacher needs a little co-opera
These facts would seem to be pretty good
argument for the slogan: "Honestly, now, what is your hurry?" When you get hurt it's nine chances to one that it's your own fault! A recent study of a group of 10.000 accidents brings out this fact. Nine out of every ten
mishaps occurred either because the victims did not apply known reasonable safety precautions, or else they failed to consider their personal safety a fraction of a second before the accident occurred.
And yet isn't it funny how we always are in to blame "the other
Eleven thousand children of school age were killed by automobiles during 1926. Some were the victims of reckless
hours a day in school and the classroom instruc tion may be wasted if they are taught different
larly is this true in motor vehicle collisions. Sel
merely following the example of their thought less elders.
The youngsters learn from you. ing up to your responsibility?
Are you liv
WHY DIE?—Why take a chance at
crossings! The railway, you know, has both right and might. And you are bound to come out second best whenever you fight a duel with a train. After all, its much better to lose a min ute than to lose a limb—or a life. The best way
•—and the safe way-—is to slop. look, listen, and live!
dom indeed will either driver admit he is in er
Nearlv always each blames the other.
It will always pay to keep danger away.
Caleite Screenings
I'au-e 342
Modern Locomotive Fueling Station Prior to 1928 the quarry locomotives took fuel at the coal dock by dumping sacks of coal manually into the coal hoppers. I'.ach sack con tained approximately 100 lbs. of coal and many sacks were filled ahead and placed near the track sides of the coal dock ready for the arrival of the locomotives to be fueled.
comotive bunkers.
Likewise, the steam shovels were fueled in a
Many sacks
Quarry Locomotives Are Fueled By a Modern Automatic Coaling Plant. Many Safety Fea tures Incorporated In This Labor and Time Sav ing Equipment.
erts and Schafer Company and is known as the •'Simplex" patent automatic electric locomotive coaling plant. This plant has 150 tons capacity and its operation may be briefly described as follows: Coal is dumped from a railroad car in to a concrete receiving hopper.. Directly be
transported from the coal —I
dock to the quarry on a flat car drawn by a loco
els at an idle period, this could not always be ac complished and delays in
lowered to
dams itself when the skip is filled, eliminating spill even though the ski]) is left in its loading position. As the skip ascends the
fueling to be done by lo comotive crane. The coal was then hauled to the
quarry in gondola cars to gether with the locomo
undercut gate of the load er automatically cats off
tive crane during the noon
the flow of coal from the
track hopper. The loaded skip is automatically dumped when it arrives at the top of the storage bin
and the work accomplish ed without delaying the operation ol the shovel.
and returns to the loading pit. Many safety features are incorporated in the de
sign of this equipment, A
The number of steam shovels has decreased from
eight in 1921 electric
pit, it automatically opens the loader gate which is designed so that the coal
shovel operation were oft en incurred. Later hop pers were built on the shovels, permitting the
top of the storage, bin and emptied. The operation of the skip hoist is fully auto matic. When the skip is
planned to fuel the shov
hoist is loaded and travels
was very inefficient and although it was usually
neath this hopper is a pit from which a roller ski])
motive, ami the coal was carried from the ear to the shovel. This method
When the lo
comotive stopped for coal, it was the duty of the brakeman and coal dock attendant to dump the required number of coal sack:- into the losimilar manner.
installed until
only two were in opera tion, ami this season's op
solenoid brake
eration has begun without
when the power is cut off preventing dropping the
any steam shovels. Thus the fueling of quarry shov els as well as pumping •water
and a
operated independently of the main control system
eliminated leaving the finding of locomotives the
Locomotive Coaling Tower
only function of the coal dock. In 1928 a modern coaling plant was erected at the coal dock site and the old familiar sight of many filled sacks of coal on the coal dock is a thing of the past. The new coaling plant was furnisher bv Kob-
cuts out the current should the bucket over-travel.
The slow down and reversing operation is con trolled by the Cutler-Hammer system. Coal from the storage hopper is loaded di rectly to the locomotive by gravity through a lever type undercut gate and spout. This briefly summarizes the history of our (Continued on Page 344)
Caleite Screenings
Page 343
Limestone And Its Uses
* //
The Part It Plays In Ordinary glass is a vitreous, congealed liquid of amorphous structure, consisting usually of silicates of an
element and an
earth element, which under ordinary conditions after leaving the molten state, remain mutually dissolved and may be regarded as a solid solu tion.
Glass Manufacture
any undesirable ingredients must be eliminated before the fusion is made.
The materials are thoroughly mixed in the
proper proportions and are then subjected to a temperature sufficient to melt them into a clear homogeneous mass. The melting process may take place in furnaces of several different types.,
There are many kinds of glass which vary in the raw materials and processes used in their manufacture. Some do not employ lime in any form, or any material which may be considered interchangeable with lime. Jena is one of these
depending upon the kind of product desired and
special glasses.
out the mass. After investigation has shown these bubbles to have disappeared, the tempera-
On the basis of raw material used, technical
the method of working.
When proper fusion has taken place, the tem perature of the melt is raised in order to elim inate the bubbles which are disseminated thru-
glasses are known either as lime or lead glasses, and in the final form assumed by these glasses and from considerations of the purity of the materials used in their production, they are
ature is lowered to that required for proper working. The blown or rolled product is then
classified and known as bottle glass, blown or pressed glass, sheet or crown glass, rolled or plate glass, and optical glass.
cess depends upon the final use of the product.
Process Involved
Glass Manufacture
Preparation and mixing of the raw ma
annealed, whereby the internal stresses of the cooled glass are removed. The finishing pro The Use of Lime And Its Functions The sole function of lime in the manufacture,
of glass is to assume the role of the alkaline earth element.
Silica, in
the form of sand, is
Melting and fusing.
admixed in carefully weighed amounts with an alkali metal compound, usually sodium carbon
3. 4.
Fining1. Working, which includes casting, pressing,
earth compound, usually granulated quicklime.
blowing and rolling.
5. 6.
Annealing. Finishing.
The selection of raw materials governs, for
the most part, the quality of glass produced, and
ate or sodium sulphate, and with an Various other materials are
alkaline in
amounts, depending upon the kind ol glass to be made.
Requirements of Lime Either quicklime or hydrated lime can
Battery of Drills And Train With Shovel Number One In The Background.
Page 344
Caleite Screenings
The choice between calcium and mag
nesium lime depends not only upon the kind of glass being produced, but also upon the method of production. The chemical composition ol the lime is very important and must not vary more
than 2 per cent from that stipulated in the eontract. The requirements are quite different for the various kinds of glass. For optical glass the iron oxide should be practically zero, whereas in bottle glass 0.5 per cent is permissable, with nearly the same limits for blown or sheet glass. The silica and alumina may run as high as 15 per cent for bottle glass, but it should be very much less for the other grades of glass.
sulphuric and phosphoric anhydride should be low, not exceeding 1 per cent for bottle glass and diminishing through the other kinds to about
0.2 per cent for optical glass. The combined CaO and MgO should preferably be at least 8*J per cent for bottle glass, 91 per cent for sheet glass, 93 per cent for blown glass, 9b per cent for rolled glass and 99 per cent for optical glass.
Quicklime should not contain more than 3 per cent, and hydrated lime not more than 5 per cent, carbon dioxide.
The requirements regard
We must face the fact that youngsters will play in the streets—just as long as there are streets and youngsters. No matter what laws are passed some kiddies, will continue to run out into the highways in spite of all restrictions and in spite of all warning.
A ten year old boy lives in a happy world of dreams. Mis magic castle is often a busy street •—for the time being. He comes and goes as
youthful fancy beckons. It is his own world and in the excitement of play he loses sight of all things material. Of course, it is up to parents to do everything
within their power to keep the children off of the highways. But we must not forget the fact that we all lived in this happy-go-lucky land of make-believe at some time or other.
There is a sacred responsibility on the part of all drivers to look out for all children; to ex
pect the unexpected on their part; and
Advantages of Lime
The use of burnt lime for certain types of glass is well established. Limestone is also ex tensively Used, the claim being made that the
evolution of the carbon dioxide in the batch pro duces a beneficial effect.
the driver.
Consequently the driver must be Brevity
Brevity is the soul of modern journalism.
budding journalist was told never to use two words where one would do.
He carried out this
advice in reporting a fatal accident. "John Jones struck a match to see if there
was any gasoline in the tank. There was. Age 65.'"
Although this state
ment is open to argument, an analogous effect is gained by the expulsion of water from hydrated iime in the inciting process. Both quicklime and hydrated lime have the advantages of being of high purity with a Iairly constant composition, and they are practically free from organic matter.
continually on his guard.
ing the state of division of the quicklime are variable, depending upon the conditions under which it is to be used, but, unless specified, it should pass a 12-mesh sieve.
their thinking for them. The little folks are entirely at the mercy of
Both enter the melt
at much lower temperature than limestone. Father quicklime or hydrated lime allows the production of a greater amount of glass than the use of limestone under the same conditions
and this, together with their saving of fuel, is alone enough to offset their increased cost. Other Uses of Lime
Hydrated lime, in varying small percentages, is also used in admixture with plaster of Ban's for bedding plate glass on the grinding table. MODERN
(Continued from Page 342)
quarry locomotive and shovel fueling methods. The new and efficient coaling plant has added
a safety feature to this operation by eliminat ing the hazard of carrying heavy sacks of coal «>n slippery planks and walkways in rain or snow.
When a driver gets good enough to do stunts safelv he seldom wants to. Accidents knock the work out of workmen.
Page 345
Caleite Screenings
President's Medal Awarded Emerson Lee
In our safety campaign last year much at tention was given toward
ployees in the Schaefer Prone method of artificial respiration.
and Bressure We were for
tunate in having with us at that time Mr. Owen
In Recognition of Timely Resuscitation Work
Archer of the Consumers Bower Company, who not only hail a thorough knowledge of the work ing principles of the Schaefer method of re suscitation but had actual experience in reviving fellow-workers from asphyxiation and electric shock by this system, so that he could talk from experience, ami it wasn't long before our plant fellows were thoroughly interested. One fellow wdio showed particular interest and who was always ready to demonstrate was
Presentation Made At the PostSeason Athletic Dinner
Schaefer I'roue Bressure method.
It is given in cases of electrical shock, gas
asphyxiation, drowning or other accidental cases
the art and on Sept. 21, 1930, he had a real rea
of suspended respiration. The National Safety Council determined upon this method of recognition in May 1928 and the first awards were made in September of that
son for using it. While cutting over from the old
Emerson Lee.
He became very proficient in
year and to date there have been 264 medals
to the new
power house, Prank Keinke, Lee's foreman, had thrown the disconnects in
stepped hack to inspect the job.
In tilting his
head in order to look upward, his cap came in contact
In proper recognition of the heroic work of saving a human life. Bresident John G. Munson
very effectively presented the medal to Mr. Lee at the nost season athletic dinner on May 26th. JUST A REMIND
line which was carry
ER—W e are fast ap proaching the vaca
Keinke was knocked unconscious at once
and Lee seeing
a^S&Sfita %•
piration and in a lit tle while Frank again breathing mally. The morning' he was
was nor next back
•mi /i/i.t '-r.
r,„, ,/
/*///,,-'/! ftYr //Wttl 'f"i//> f'y.i/r.i/ii/i.if"ii '/w/titit/ /•/'"'//"/"/ ry '/'•
•/i/,//r/,/-. /////f • /it./.i'//' • //t//tr//r/. //rjtr./rr/'//" /' ;<l,.1llilm-.rdll|h-.wl'. //.r-/!;..,^,/,///,.. U. „.,//.,/./., ',„„. „/,». //,.
/rt/tn/f*i/f/0t*f f/f
from returning home.
Keep in while on vim
mind that an outing
are a
usually far doctor
vim should there fore-
be doubly careful.
In packing do not
ilwik .••ii ^jfiv-ini-ji- :i WW.
neglect to
perfected the great
accident prevent you
for his experience.
let an accident
vaca.L.n don't let an
on the job apparently none
An I whi'e on your
head it off.
and immediately put into
Should you be plan ning a pieasure trip,
first aid kit Certificate Awarded Emerson
you will lie prepared for emergency. Take
est (Ivx'A that one can
do for his fellow-man. that of saving his life. In recognition for this service the National Safety Council presented him with their Pres
care of all the little scratches, cuts and insect
ident's Medal, a reproduction of which you will
course we all know the danger connected with
find ->n the cover of this issue of '"Screenings" and also the accompanying certificate. The medal is bronze about the size indicated
in the picture with the following inscription on the back: Awarded Emerson Lee for the suc
bites and thus avoid infection. Most vacations take us near the water and of
swimming and boating. look a toll of .S.000 lives.
Last year drownings No doubt many of
these lives could have been saved if some one
near had been familiar with the working prin ciples of the Sehaefer Prone Bressure system
cessful resuscitation of Frank Keinke on Sept. 21. 1930. The medal is in a wooden frame. The Bresident's Medal is awarded by the Na
of resuscitation.
tional Safety Council as a fitting recognition for
families before the vacation season is too far
Most of our plant employees are familiar with this system and they should teach it to their
Pasre .346
Caleite Screenings
It's a simple thing to learn and one
never knows when he will be called upon to re vive a drowning person or one suffering from electric shock or gas suffocation.
We will be pleased to supply any request for pamphlets covering this system of artificial respiration.
All furniture, dishes, floors, windows should
be cleansed with soap and hot water. As far as possible only such books, papers, magazines and toys should be given the patient as are of little value and these shall be destroyed by burning when case is released.
A thorough cleansing bath including hair and complete change of clothing.
At the present time there is just an even doz en placards tacked on homes of Michigan Lime stone Ss Chemical Company employees, why not attack' the disease with the Safety First Slogan and quickly eliminate it from Rogers City. Seemingly Scarlet Fever seems to be in light form and at the time the children are not very
Clothing that has been worn by patient that is not washable should be cleaned with naptha and pressed with hot iron. The last and best rule is try not to give to others what von would not like yourself. WELL-KNOWN FACTS THAT AREN'T SO
sick but the death rate is about .^ per cent, and
Dye from stockings is often blamed for bloodpoisoning, and scratches from rusty nails are considered especially dangerous. Blisters and
those that do recover very frequently do not re
cuts are serious, if germs are allowed to get in
gain their full health.
and make trouble. Only because the dirt which carries the germs can come easily from stockings and can stick in greater amount to rusty than to new nails are these two things to be feared. It is important that any
The reason for
that the toxin or poison formed by the disease attacks the tis sues of the body, causing trou ble in later years that is not noticeable at the time.
How Scarlet Fever is spread.
The infection is usually spread
wound of the skin, wherever it
by direct or indirect contact with a person having the dis ease or by some object freshly contaminated
charges from the nose and throat of a patient. Mild cases are frequently not brought to a physician's atten tion. They often attend school or have
well people and
spread the infection to ;i far greater extent than if the de
gree of illness had kept them in their own
ol the spread of this infection can
be accom
plished of the known cases by complete isola tion ol patient from other members of house hold.
Keep all articles used by patient separate. Do not use clothing or bedding that is not washable.
Keep ailing children out of school and from
( ther public places and from people until they
This is
most important to prevent spreading the dis ease.
The State Department of Health does not re
ly on fumigation for disinfecting purposes but substitutes a thorough cleaning following. Now to disinfect after quarantine. Terminal
disinfection of the person, rooms or dwelling shall be carried out by the use of soap and water, fresh air and sunlight.
ochrome solution, ami protec tion so that dirt
II we bear these things in mind, the dye and the rust need not cause us any worry.
There is not scientific
slightest that
mind or the body of a child can be affected in any way by the mother's mental impressions before its birth.
chance of creating a musician,
an artist, or a writer by prenatal efforts: neith er is there any danger of causing birth-marks or malformations by sudden fright or fear. The prospective mother can influence the health of her child to a great degree, however, by her own physical life. Diet, rest, fresh air, exercise and other elements of personal hygiene should be guided by an experienced physician.
have been seen by a physician. Disinfection following Scarlet Fever.
is or how caused, shall be given prompt and careful treatment— including thorough washing. application of iodine or mcrcur-
Free Air
"Mary," said Mrs. Xewrich to the new maid, "you may take the dog out now and give some air."
"Yes, ma'am," acquiesced Mary.
"And please
ma'am, where will I find the nearest service sta tion ':"
"That bird uses his head," said the sparrow of the woodpecker.
Page 347
Caleite Screenings
What Is Infection?—Why All Injuries Should Be Promptly Cared For healthy body tissues, because these tissues can
As far back as human records run. it has been known that there was some unseen influence that acted when the skin was cut, torn or burn
and do resist them.
The fact remains, though,
that many microbes produce extremely poison
ed, and which might cause many complications
ous substances, which can weaken and destroy
in the healing of a wound. Wounds festeredGangrene set in. "Proud flesh" occurred. No
even strong, healthy body tissues, if enough is
body knew why these
to get together and as herd thy tissue is these poisons, there tunities for feeding
the effort to escape this danger and suffering, wounds were burned
with red-hot
irons, and
the stumps of amputated arms and legs were plunged into boiling oil. This treatment caused suffering enough by itself, but many people sub
and ed.
large part of the population of England in the years 1348 and 1349. was one of these.
ple died in such numbers, and there were so many sick, that it was almost impossible to bury the dead. Even today, many of
-•% :\'
l'l4 Z
rying suffering and death with
done to avoid them.
could .
be ,
loday we know that wher-
Note: We ar<> todeWAfl t0 the
Oxford University Press
missioll l0 use thia plate>
ever we go, we are surrounded by uncountable millions of tiny creatures, so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye, but capable of doing a tremendous amount of damage. These little creatures are known as microbes, germs, bacteria, etc. Microbes are everywhere. They are all over the surface of and inside our bodies—in in our mouths and often even in
starting place The
may breed so rapidly, and pro
and diphtheria would sweep through a town or a city, car
The microbes may be the winners in the contest. They
occurred, or
eases as typhoid lever, smallpox
and to produce their poisons.
ir>.Ol)().ai)0,il(l().()0n under favorable
such dis
will start in to feed and breed, «•
why these terrible happenings
microbes will be on the job, and
them. Until a comparatively recent time, nobody knew just
furnish a good
magnified 1000 times. Eacb black dot represent one complete organ ism. Staphylococci, which are re sponsible for many infected wounds, appear in groups, while Streptococci, ol'teu the cause of serious general infections, occur in cbains. A single microbe may in one day give rise to as many as
us can
for a colony of microbes.
clotted blood all of which will
Death, which wiped out such a
lP'<~ whole
derneath it are torn and expos
Also, in those days, cities and even
to feed and multiply. And, destroyed or weakened by are more and more oppor and breeding by the mic
When a man receives a slight scratch on his
swept by "plagues." The Black
finger the skin is opened, and the body tissues
4.. ,
mitted to it willingly because sometimes it seem ed to guard against worse suf fering and the greater danger ... . I •' arising from that unseen influ ence that we
easy enough, if sufficient microbes are allowed
everybody quickly came to know the danger and the horrible suffering that they caused.
The production of these poisonous
substances in
our our
Microbes do not live very long, but they
duce so much poison, that the healthy tissues around Un
wound become poisoned and in flamed, and die, thus giving the microbes a still better chance to
increase and become stronger. They may continue to take ad vantage of this condition, and widen their field of action, until
presently there is so much pois on being poured into the blood stream, and so many microbes are getting into it, that the blood is no longer doing its reg
ular work of cleansing the body. It is carrying microbes and microbe poisons in
to other parts of the system in such quantities that they can continue to carry out, on a larger
scale, the deadly work which was started in the neighborhood of a small scratch. Infection has set in and is spreading. The infection that start ed around a scratch mi a finger may cause the loss of the finger, of a hand, an arm, or a life. We mentioned that there are microbes inside
can produce remarkably large families in a short
our bodies.
space of time.
onably healthy, and are able to resist these, little creatures, they do no noticeable harm, but they
.Microbes are hearty eaters, considering their small size.
Those which
body arc likely to feed on any dead, worn-out or weakened body tissues that they can find. They are not so liable to U-v<\ on any strong.
As long as our bodies remain reas
are always mi the job and ready to take advant
age of any opportunity that may arise. This is why even a bad bruise may sometimes become infected.
The blow which causes the bruise may
Page 348
Caleite Screenings
not break the skin, but it
breaks small blood
vessels and weakens the body tissue under the skin, with the result that the microbes may have a chance to make a
proper care is taken to hold them back. This is why we request you to have every minor in jury taken care of at once. That scratch, cut or bruise may seem small and insignificant to you at the time of injury but if you do not have it properly taken care of at once it may cause you no end of suffering. Anyone who has ever suf
Horse Sense
The true value of horse sense is clearly shown by tlie fact that the horse was afraid of the
automobile during the period in which the pe destrians laughed at it.
Tourist (in village store): "What have you got in the shape id" automobile tires?" Saleslady: "l-uiu-ral wreaths, life preservers, invalid cushions and doughnuts."
fered from an ulcerated tooth will know what
can be done by microbes working inside the bod_\-. It may reasonably be asked how the human race can continue to exist under conditions such as we have described, but we believe we have
already laid the foundation for an
answer to
this question. Microbes are powerless to harm the human body as long as it remains in a heal thy, vigorous condition, in the old days, when the body, or any part of it, became weakened, as a result of a wound, or through such causes as fatigue, exposure to cold or insufficient nour ishment, the microbes had a good chance to make a successful attack, and many times they did. Nowadays, though, science has given us
powerful weapons with which to fight the mic robes.
These weapons are called '"antiseptics,"
which in plain English means "poison fighters." If these pojson fighters are property-—and promptly—used, a man can kill the microbes be fore the microbes have a chance to start to kill the man.
Judge of I'robatc. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are making their home on Erie St.
"Caleite Screenings" extends its best wishes to the young couple. Seeing America First Mention .Niagara Falls, Yellowsti me Park or the Grand Canyon to the flivver owner who drove his car across the continent, and he will
probably recall having heard those n; unes before. Ask him what he saw on his tour and he will describe it to the last detail:
The place where gas was thirty-e ighl cents a gallon.
The polite traffic cop. The thirty-four detours. The weather for twenty consecut ive days. The mudhole he avoided. The mudhole he did not avoid.
The eighteen cars he saw from his home state,
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deny, a daughter, Rose Mary, on May 8th. Mr. Derry is employ ed in the Yard machinery dept. A son. Durwood, on May 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joppich. Mr. Joppieh is employed in the Machine Shop Dept. On May 10th a son, Louis Stanley, to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Chr/.an.
Floyd Martin of the Yard Dept. to Miss Irene McCory of Belkiiap were united in marriage the evening of May 21st at the Court House by the
The hot-dog vender who short-e hanged him fifteen cents.
The rusty nail that caused his one {juncture, The other good driver he saw on the road.
Just to remind you fellows that trout season is now open and we want pictures of you and
Mr. Chrzan is employed
in the Yard Dept. Madelene Mary, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Huchowski on May 10th. Mr. l.uchowski is employed in the Yard Dept.
**-*\^r,r '-firs- ^kai
%"\ '•
•' r Wa
'• *'i*^»>i. -«•
Derrel Harold, a son. on May 13lh to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Smith.
Mr. Smith is employed in
the Mill Dept.
A daughter, Barbara Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Brady on May 17th. Mr. Brady is em ployed in the Shovel Dept. "Caleite Screenings" joins in extending con gratulations to the above parents. Mrs. Mack: "I'm bothered with a
little wart
that I'd like to have removed."
your catch.
Dr. Jones: "The divorce lawyer is three doors to the right."
the first day of the season.
This string of speckled beauties was caught
Caleite Screenings
I'age 349
Post Season Athletic Dinner Following a winter of greatest athletic activ ities members of the various teams participating enjoyed a dinner at the Westminster Church din
ing room Tuesday evening, May 26th, about eighty were present. While tin- program was more or less informal it was marked by many important features. President John G. Munson presented a num ber ol awards to the champions of various ac tivities during the past year. A number of short interesting talks were made by various members present. The trend in general was one of congratulations to the players taking part in athletics during the past season, for their sportsmanship and for the importance this en tertainment afforded the community during the
Champion Athletic Awards Are Made
The Valuable Player Cup Awarded Vern Pauley
solo accompanied by George Jones. A feature of great importance was the pre sentation of the President's medal from the Na
tional Safely Council to Lmersou Lee. The presentation was made by Mr. Munson in honor and reward for the brave act of rescue per formed by Enlerson Lee late last fall in admin
istering resuscitation
more or less inactive winter.
Vocal music was furnished by Ardis Leebe
and Georgina tarter: Edward Knabe. a violin
Rcinke. who had received a
expected that tin- sand greens will be ready for play about tin- middle of June. The mowing equipment h a s
By John P. Kinville
early and erroneous characterization as "a rich
man's game. The early courses were main tained by private clubs whose membership was willing to pay for luxuries and facilities that had nothing to do with the enjoyment of the game
The average citizen in any community
can well afford the recreational
we feel sure that
Michiga-i that wi-h
go If pi a y e r(s
the attractions of
a place to live. game
no dis
wear both
glasses ami
the community as The
vides play facili
crepancy between golf and glasses. Man_\" g o 1 I e r s
year to It also pro that
Scores by W'caring Glasses.. —
among the tour ists is increasing
will increase terial! v.
at tract tourists, as the number of
from year.
learning the game
community ne cessity and espe cially is this true in
the re
sponse shown am; the number of
but from
The game is practically new to
fairways will also be in shape at about the same has
enjoyment of (iolf.
been received and
Golf Takes Its Place Among Season's Sport; The Rogers City (iolf Club has made an au spicious start and interest in this latest com munity enterprise is increasing from day to clay. The Club has a membership of about seventy-five. Construction is coming along nicely ami it is
foreman. Frank severe
First Rogers City High School Baskel Ball Team, 1911-12.
Lett to
right: Edward Kelley. Arthur Poi:li, Earl Dueltgen, H. 11. Gilpin* R. Dueltgen. Jr.. Erwin Kuhlman. Leonard Poeh and Joseph A. Valentin.
Of the above six are living in Rogers City and four of
these are with the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co.
shades to prevent eyestrain result ing fnnn glare. Dr. Henry (i. Langworthy tells Jlygeia readers.
Caleite Screenings
Page 350
Most golfers would fare better if they wore a head covering to shade the eyes. Playing bare headed in all kinds of weather and light tends to
affect sight and causes strange shots that can not be attributed to the lack of practice. Tinted lenses subdue excessive
they do not affect the coloring of the sky and ground or make the eyes dependent on them. The average golfer would improve his game as well as lessen fatigue, irritability and nervous ness if he would pay attention to his eyes. BUFFALO PLANT SAFETY MEETING
Date of Meeting. May 25th, 1931. Names of Committee Members: John J. Col
lins, Hiairman. Harry Best, Jack Cormau, Rob ert I Iagen.
Meeting called to order at 11:30 a. m. May 25th.
The committee inspected the mill and
found that all
four recommendations made at
the last Safety meeting, have been carried out.
After further inspection, the committee ad vised the following recommendations be taken care of:
1. That planking guards under over-head belts on bagging machines be revamped. 2. Guard coupling on motor drive "A
in tunnel.
3. Place all new exit signs over all main en trances and mark with red light.
Hate of the next meeting set for June 26th, 1931.
Meeting adjourned 12:30 p. in. OBITUARY
Henry Lrkfitz. aged 22 years, died at the home of his mother. Mrs. Frank Pretty, on May 18th. Altho he had been confined to his lied only the
past two weeks, the youth had been ill for somefive years, tuberculosis being the cause of his
(iive me a mind that is not bored, that does not
whimper, whine or sigh ; Don't let me worry much about the fussy thing called "I."
Give me a sense of humor, Lord: give me the grace to see a joke. To get sonic happiness from lige and to pass it on to other folk.
When a motorist of this age stops, looks and listensâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;there's usually something wrong with his engine. CLEAN UP!
The linesl evidence of good citizenship is a clean body, a clean house, and a clean shop. Clean up! Waslchaskcts should be made larger and storerooms smaller.
Half the attics and basements in the United
States are filled with junk! The drawers and pigeonholes of most desks are crammed with junk ! The workrooms, storerooms, yards and docks
of the average plant contain enough junk to sink an ocean liner. It occupies floor space that costs about 5(1 cents a square foot a year to maintain. It slows up production: gives the shop an appearance of disorder; lowers the quality of the product. *'It might come in handy." Yes. but in the meantime it will eat you up in charges for rent and handling. The Foreman who operates a clean, orderly department is doing a public service because he is teaching his men by example the lesson of cleanliness.
Funeral services were held on May 21st from the home at two o'clock and from St. John's
Evangelical Lutheran church at 2:30 p. m., Rev. L. A. Linn, officiating.
Surviving him are his mother, one sister, two brothers and step-father, Mr. Frank Pretty who is employed in the Mill Dept. "Caleite Scrcuiugs" joins with the many friends of the above family in extending our sincerest sympathy.
A Prayer Found In Chester Cathedral Give me a good digestion, Lord, and also some thing to digest. (iive me a healthy body, Lord, with sense to
keep it at (ts best. (live me a healthy mind, good Lord, to keep the good and pure in sight. Which seeing sin is not appalled, but finds a way to set it right.
much trouble in recog nizing this fellow. He has
company long enough to he well known to all as he is seen about
the office and continually. lie likes
plant water,
likes to play golf and is quite taken up with gardening.
He is also
prominent in politics. We will be glad to have you send in file name of whom you think this fellow is.
Last month's
Who: Train dispatch er Clayton F.ldridgc.
Page 351
Caleite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture
Here and There About the Plant Clyde Leveck was pulled out of the pitcher's evcrvthing I throw ?"
I-".. K. Joppieh said he likes to play and can play every game of sports except the Greek game and when asked why he doesn't play golf, he an swered. "Boys, that's Creek
only to find it closed.
Too bad for Harry.
Herman Schlager had to dp the cooking and he sure better
delay than cause
can cook suckers.
cause it
said it takes about 2b shots
before he finally succeeds putting the ball in the hole.
Frank keinke Ki walske now
11 shovel
While eating dinner the other day at the Zempel home, there was an aw ful smell of rubber burning antl a
boy," said Otto, "I painted the golf balls last night and
put them in the
Oh, how that hurts Marv
Rick say this shovel is big ger and better than ever.
dry." Sure enough there they were with a nice coat
in's record. Can't you jump
that hole. A Seng is in the hermit's breast
We understand John No ble ami Chubby Scheifler are in the honey business.
you value
And glee is in the robin's lay; The eggs are warm within the nest That friendly breezes lightly sway.
The stream is singing through the glen And there is gladness in its tune;
Julius Zemple said, "No one is going to wear my basket ball pin but Yours
The roses are in bloom again,
legs, keep them clear conveyors.
The fields proclaim that it is June. By genlle winds the leaves are stirred
Every time they shoot at No. I shovel, Meyers comes down to the Storehouse and
Where honey from the clover drips; leans to hear the word
That trembles on
her lover's lips.
of tan.
One day on the job beats a dozen in the hospital.
one with three pipes and he
boats stop here again.
and then since
and could make 18 holes in 37 shots if it wasn't for that one hole. You know the
see the I). & C
We see and Kussel
likes to play pee-wee golf
Somebody asked k . n . would Henley when he have his dock read)' lie-
You can talk about your good sucker fishing but you got to show Sam Voight, Bernard Wag ner and Ed Clazer. They spent nine hours fish ing one night and would have starved if one of their good friends hadn't come along and gave them a sucker so they could eat and get enough strength
to me." is
AmonQ Ourselves
box in one game ami when asked what was the trouble, Clyde said, "Can 1 help it if they hit at
Tin? orchard shadows slowly shrink
The glorious year is at its noon; Mi. if there is a hesiven 1 think
That there it always will be June
The other day they caught about five hundred bees and Jack said that they were going to have some honey as they have the queen bee. John claimed that it was fun catching them after he
calls the new power house and asks them if they felt the jar. Of course they didn't so Meyers tells Jop pieh that more dynamite re(|uisilions will be needed next lime.
Clyde Leveck said. "Boys she has a lot more speed and pep now so don't be surprised when vou sec a green streak pass you by. It's nothing but my old
behind the
put a wire netting over his head. Well, boys, we wish you loads of luck and don't forget we
Anybody looking for old model T Ford parts, sre l.)an Lindsay. We understand he bought Ed (ilazer's obi Ford ami said he didn't like to part
like honey,
with it cause it sure was a good old can.
had Chubby tit' Up his pant legs and sleeves and
Our good friend Harry
Mcharg drove
miles to some trout stream in Alcona County
Edward Heller wants a little help in getting his car together.
All he needs is two wheels,
Page 352
Caleite Screening's
tires, 3 fenders and a top. Outside of that Ed die says she'll be in A-l shape.
6 a. m. and 6 p. m. so now Collin had to drive init to Charlie's farm and buy an alarm clock so he can wake ui> in time to wind it.
Frank Ware is going to lay up the old motor cycle now that Clvde has the car in shape again.
When "stepping out" be sure of your footing.
Don't leave safety in the plant, keep il with
At about this time for the last several years the Screenings has kept tab on some of our young fellows that patrol the road between Rogers City and Moltke We regret to say we have
vou always.
Boys, if you want to hear
real bear story
ask Win. Warwick or Lar
ry Boutin. The other eve ning they saw one come
been unable to
said. "She was a dandy." Harry said. "Oh, boy. isn't she
was seen
Harry: "Oh, no; let's
ride over cause sometimes fail
my me
legs on
the road sev
eral times last year but perhaps if we give Carl time he will put us wise. However the past winter has given us two new patrolers from the Drilling Department, namely, "I'orkey" Bruniug and "Slim" Pauley. We understand
over. Harry,
and get a good
mystery of a certain mem ber of the Tug crew that
down to the lake shore and take a drink, "(ice." Bill
quick get away,"
Ihey wore out quite a fewshovel handles in keeping
In life as in base ball it's
the number of times you reach home safely that
the roads open.
Driller—Where are
Tully, the next time you go out to Crand Lake and
going. |]<e?
plan on doing the duck and
make a grade for the next move. Stanley. Driller—()h. the grade is
dive and cutting the figure eight, let some of the boys in
you gave the
quite a thrill.
Don't forget
ol* our
pliinl Fishermen, Fred (Tim) Horn, .lust why he has Ibis rod and reel in his possession we do noi know as we understand il was not need ed in lauding this 20 inch rainbow
Tully. this getting out and walking on the water is a thing of the past.
After fishing for some time try
Meyer—Hello. Char
lie, how's the
ing to make Ihe big fellow take the
cycle hitting? C.
jumped in
her hit any belter. I can get bO miles to a gallon any time only 1 hit a pretty bad piece of road the other day and lost the carburetor, gas tank and one cylinder so I haven't checked tin on her
bait, Tim
made a
To his surprise he came to
the surface with ;i death grip on Mr. Rainbow. Tim says he wasn't sick or dead either especially, not after he got him out of the water.
Loose sleeves may shorten your arms.
When it comes to repairing' and selling watch es our good friend Charlie Ohlricii stands at tIn to]) of any we have heard of so far. It seems his helper. C. Pauley, gave him his watch to clean and repair a little and when the watch was brought back Charlie told him the main spring was weak and if he wanted it to keep good time he would have to wind it twice a dav at about
35 ft. deep here. Herb Brcdow
on the job one night with a fresh package of tobacco and a couple was
hours be
later out
"What's the matter Herb,
hearted?" asked one of the
helpers. uOh. Charlie ( Ullrich came over and asked
for a
chew," answered
"Well, where's the package?" the helper asked. "It's empty."
Anyone wanting any makes of baskets for laundry use or any other purposes from $1.00 up sec Henry Diellin or his assistan. Herb Bredow of the Drilling Department and they will fill your orders. Some men are born to trouble: some have it
thrust upon them; others look for it by violat ing the safety rules.
Caleite Screenings
I'age 353
The May term of Court made citizens of the following plant employees: Andrew Tischler. Patsy Savina. Alex Zempel, John Link and
believe Mr. Storms is well pleased with his pur chase by the satisfied expression ptl his face
M ike (iregorv.
when seen in his new car.
new Pontiac coach and we have every reason to
A wound neglected may be a wound infected. A. L. Kowalske says the reward I* a good cigar will be given to any person win will come across
Capture oi the crook who hung a crow on his tool box and a note saying, "A turkey for your dinner.
The gang around the Yard were worried over Julius Zempel. It seems that Julius was acting
Being' careful is part of your job. Mrs. Meharg was telling Marry how tired she was the other evening from cutting that Scotch grass all over their back yard. Of course, Harry couldn't get just what kind of grass she meant until he went out and saw that it was quack grass. But we do believe that if Harry had anything to do with the grass in his yard, why Scotch grass would lie the right name for it.
rather queer and a few of the fellows kept an eye mi him. Every timehe thought he was unob
This driving home
with someone else and leaving your own car at the plant must be getting
served, lie would stick his head into an empty bar
derstand Alfred llopp pull
red and yell and shout for
past month. But then there may be an excusesuch as a heavy date or something responsible for
was in him.
hardly be heard.
to be a disease as we un
The fel
lows decided to wait until
the following day and if no improvement was shown, they would see what could
Julius explained
whispers A ,)ai.t of the crew 0|- rt,I)ajnm,n wi,f) worked
The other fellow may be at fault, but it's up to you
that his
to prevent accidents.
<>,, nâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;. fj shovel during the past repair sea-
throat was in such a con-
ditiori that it would Ire im
Denton Cooper and John Gapezynski.
possible for him to make
row: Arb'igh O'Toole, Eli Mulka. Alex Kandow.
a speech. And this also explains his queer actions during the day because
Third row: John Smolinski, Russell Kowalski,
they tell us the next day Julius' voice and behavior was fine.
saver certainly saves the gas for Hamilton Inn it's tough on O'Toole's gas
But that same evening while at the banquet, Mr. Zempel was called upon to give a little speech and in
few hoarse
be done.
Reading from left
to right,
Walter Pelarski and standing. Walter
top row:
Second Reinko. Four lb
row: Griffin Pines. Henry Felax, Frank Rich ards, Archie Bellmore, Geo. Shorkey, Chas. Link and seated in the foreground, John Le veck.
where his dad pulled out 52 trout several years
day when he saw the tractor parked alongside of the oil houses and no one near it. He walked around the
building ami
one went inside to inquire of the driver's abouts. He was
Grigg and Henry Bey set out about four a. m. one Sunday with high hopes of catching about three limits of trout and especially after Arnold pointed out a small branch across the creek
Julius Zempel sure had blood in his eye the other
where told it
was noon hour and the driver had gone to din ner. "Oh. is it?" said Julius, at the same time looking at his watch to find out that it was 12:10
p. m. It would have been just too bad for friend Johnnie Zempel if it hadn't been lunch time.
After fishing until late in the afternoon, they
finally all met at the ear and made a check of the number of fish caught and found they had only "ne between the three of them. Dave said he just couldn't understand why he
The new Bower House whistle sure was the
cause of some of the drills being greased in good condition.
We understand
(Slim) Paulley at tin- first screech of the whis
tle immediately shut down his machine, grabbed the grease bucket and in about three leaps was
failed to get his limit as he had in his possession a brand new rod, reel, line, hip boots and the
at the top of the derrick greasing the crown
nicest assortment of flies a trout would wish to
put an eye on.
R. C. Storms of the Office force purchased a
Frank Jones had been told by Mrs. Jones several times to be very careful when driving
Caleite Screenings
I'age 354
into the yard not to drive over the bed of sweet
peas and the flower garden.
But this day as
off a step ladder with a pail <<\ paint in his arms and didn't spill a drop, seems to think that's more
Frank drove in without a thought of flowers,
than any painter can do.
he suddenly realized himself about to enter tile
you sci- a painter's sign in his front yard.
bed of sweet peas so swung over to avoid them when tin- flower garden placed him in the same fix. He swung the car over again and finally ended up by driving over a basket of clothes just taken off the line, tearing the clothes line and taking a fender oil when he struck the cor
ner of the house. 'By George, I didn't run over the sweet peas and the flower garden anyway.,"
One can never tell over how much territory sotne activities extend.
Meyers. Contracts are easily taken but not always so easily filled. At least we believe our friend Stanbrook thinks so after his
recent experience in build ing No, 9 green out at the
John Palmer of the Transportation Dept. pur chased a new- Chevy coach Frank
We are told that some
one of the teaching staff of our public schools is making quite a tennis enthusiast out of Earl
said Frank.
Don't be surprised if
Coif Club.
Thej' say be bought his
Martin of the
Mill Dept, a Chevy sedan.
car for a song high notes).
There seems to be quite
some story connected with
wants to practice high diving, we suggest she try
We've tried to find out
it off a dock- where there is
just what took place, but it seems just about im
plenty of water instead ol
a rainbow trout and Closser.
possible. a few
the hill al
We have heard words
Questions never answer
there but just can't piece it together so as to make a story. Whether Xeil caught the fish or wheth
ed. Why do they put so many holes in Swiss cheese when limburger
er the fish caught Xeil. we
needs ventilation r
don't know.
Icy and ten others went on a few days fishing trip to Black River taking with them
row boat made about two
years ago. but had as yet not been in tin- water.
Upon inquiry in re-
good and proper by T. L. Kelley not to mention hi>
Hal White-
moustache in the ••.Screen We have heard of mnny uses for the SfcSeaMed
Ford, but in this swing we think there is some thing rather unique. All pile in. the driver pulls the string anil away lliey .no. Reading from left to rijilu: Top standhm, Arthur Sanlino. T(ii> row. left In ii;hl, Mary Miekel te. Angeline Snnlino and Leonard Marti. Sealed.
ings" or be sorry for it in the following issue. For «t while he sort of had our gnat but we've de cided
moustache moustache we're
or 10 anxious
gard to what luck Lucas j,^,.,,), .\ik-keite, .Joseph Mlefcette, Flan Miekei- to know Just what is gohad and how the boat was te, and Mary Savins*. Sealed on fonder. Peter iug to take place in the we were informed that he
S;ivina and standing, Pave Miekette.
only lauded one fish bill then he said that doesn't mean there aren't an\ fish in the river because we all had more lish
than we cared to eat only I didn't catch them. And the boat was all right outside of it leaking
quite badly near the seat on each side and also just under the rear seat which was soon fixed with some rags, a jack knife and a hammer.
Marvin Lamb has purchased the Perry Gas and ( >il Service station on South Third Street, and we wish him success in his new undertak ing.
Blacksmith Cordy Adrian, since he has fallen
Kelley says it is
all right to kid some of these young fellows but US obi men. it's perfectly (.). K. for us to have one.
X'ow to tell the truth we weren't trving to kid T. L. at all. What we were trying to do is tell him that he has the finest red hot mous
tache ever grown and one to be proud of. A'ow- that the weather is getting warmer wc will soon see Lmil Dehnke and mtr good dog lack.
Nave you seen tin- new pipes General Supl. J. I'englase and X. W. Pollock are smoking.
Caleite Screenings
After watching some of the golfers demon strate out at the Club, we feel sure our garden
program will be a success. Because they cer tainly can make the ground fly.
We hear that Penny 1loeft is spending all his spare time at Grand Lake now. My, "Ain't love grand."
Fred Bradley certainly takes the prize when it comes to organizing crews to build goll
By the amount of oil on his wearing
apparel when we see him leaving the job, he must think what is good for the greens is also good for his clothes.
Kick Kowalske's Ford is sure stripped and carries no extra weight. It looks as though Rick may be contemplating to enter the 4th ol July races.
Beneath my poison ivy vine I rest at close of day. and sweet and tranquil thought are mine, before I hit the hay. I've not neglected any chore that I can now recall; I kalsomined the cellar door and swept the garden wall. 1 put
new stovepipes on the stove, at my good wife's behest, although the labor nearly drove the glad I took a heaping can ol
kraut to Egenezer Jones, a neighbor who is down and out. with anguish in his bones. And I returned a bunch of books I
been effective for the last five years. This issue of "Caleite Screenings" carries an efficiency chart for a vegetable garden. The object of this chart is to teach intensive gard ening as practiced by experts—to make two vegetables grow where one grew before. By laying out your garden on paper first you can easily visualize and plan in advance means of
getting the most crop out of the smallest space during the season.
Even a small back yard plot can be made to yield heavily and you will be surprised at the value in dollars a few hours work will yield. Jn working out a garden along these methods, for example, you could plant radishes and on ions between rows of beans and peas and by the time the latter are ready for cultivation the radish and onion crop will be out of the way. Tomato plants can be put between rows t>\ let tuce and by the lime the lettuce is gone the to matoes can be cultivated.
Duties Done
ness from my breast.
weeks since; the lender, with excited looks, de
clared I was a prince. 1 paid the doctor for ad vice he gave me yesterday, and when 1 handed him the price he nearly swooned away; for he is used to waiting weeks, and sometimes mouths and years: his patients, acting much like freaks, are always in arrears. 1 gave ten cents with cheerful lace when some one passed the hat to build a decent dwelling place for homeless dogs and cats, i cannot think of any task that I have left undone, and so in comfort here I bask, and
watch the setting sum 11 is a cheering thing to know you've let no duty slide: it fills you with a grateful glow, that warms you, hair and hide.
It makes you feel you are not cheap like idle, heedless men ; you feel you've earned eight hours of sleep, or maybe twelve or ten. Vou
feel you're not a total loss in life's progressive scheme: you burn some incense to your joss, and go to roost and dream.—Walt Mason.
Fertilizing is probably necessary and if the soil requires liming any amount of this mater ial is available free of charge. ,. T"£ - £ ft'U'lENC |S r-
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If any of the neighborhoods
Company will be glad to arrange for a plot of Just One Word
"Is there a word in the English language that contains all the vowels?"
"Unquestionably/' THIS YEAR'S GARDENS
We want to emphasize here the desirability and importance of vegetable gardens nection with our Garden
con has
ground suitable for division into smaller areas lor the neighborhoods use. That unusual in terest is being taken this year in gardening and landscaping cannot be doubted. The enthusiasm seems to continue full force and we hope that
one of the fall issues of "Caleite Screenings" will carry the photographs of the fruits of the summer's labor. They will be as interesting as anything we have so far published.
Caleite Screenings
Page 356
The Bradley Transportation Company » » » » »
Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Steamer Carl D. Bradley Dale of Meeting: May 25, 1931. Present: Clarence Thorseu. chairman: 0. K. Falor. secretary; and Leo Moll, Oscar Larson,
warnings to those in his department. All of our deck crew are experienced hands and we trust that they will continue with their present
Harold Xidy. Walter Levondoski. Otto Sparre,
clear records.
The male stated that he would make the usual
Last season's lost time accident came up for
C. Greenleaf. Isaac Kanke and Erie Winter.
Our first meeting of the season was attended by all members of the committee. Captain MacLean and Chief Sparre also were present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and as there were no minutes to lie read he called
upon Captain MacLean for a few remarks. The Captain addressed the committee for a short period and made several suggestions relating to our proposed activities in the season to come.
He requested that the committee confine their
discussion and the committee
conditions responsible for that accident have been completely removed. In closing Captain MacLean asked that any body seeing others taking needless risks be not backwards in calling that person's attention to his dangerous performance. No further business remaining the meeting was brought to a close.
structive effort rather than merely talking about it—Do something practical to make our
Boosts on Board—Str. Bradley After spending the winter at home and at other more or less pleasing localities we find ourselves again concentrating on what to eontribute to the "Screenings." It was a swell va cation but everyone seems glad to be back on the job once again. Due to the fact that the Steam ers W. P. While and T. W. Robinson are not yet
meetings function as they should. "Be doers instead of savers!" Captain MacLean invited
change in personnel on the good ship Bradley.
efforts exclusively to matters pertaining to safety work and pointed out that in his opinion it was rather poor taste to make personal com ments concerning the other fellow's negligence during the course of a meeting. Members should limit their activities
to con
anyone who lias thought of an Improvement calculated to be of benefit to the crew to attend
the safety meetings and there make known his ideas.
All members of the crew free to do so
are invited to attend any of our meetings.
Captain Dahlburg, of the Steamer White is act ing as our chief officer and Chief Anderson of the Steamer Caleite as first assistant engineer. Other men from the White are Carl Lckburg. Henry Miller. William Chain, Edwin Beck, Leon
Chief Sparre stressed the importance of hav ing anybody who has found a delect or other
DcPudry and your reporter.
items of interest to safety go at once with it
of becoming a rival to the long famous absent
to his superior officer or department head in stead of waiting until the next meeting before bringing the matter to notice. The Chief con tinued by warning the convevormen to always shut down their conveyor machinery before at tempting repairs and to take adequate precau tions against anybody starting it before repairs are completed. Due to the brief filling out period this spring and to the short time we have been operating our men have not had much of a chance to be
come organized as far as Safety activities are concerned and so suggestions were few at this meeting.
Leo Moll, who is our new bosun, is suspected minded professor. "lis said he once tried to unlock a door with a toothpick but personally we cannot vouch for the truth regarding this incident.
In again introducing our accomplice in crime we take pleasure in announcing that Harold Xidy is now the proud owner of a second as sistant engineer's license, unlimited in scope. Harold has proven himself a valuable assistant to the writer if only nearly to confound those par lies whose toes have been trampled upon a bit too heavily thru this column! lint we hasten
in assuring you that we confidently expect him
Page 357
Caleite Screenings
to save the day for us more than once by sup
The galley crew still insists upon fediug us
plying enough material to make our column
the rubber doughnut.
sufficiently imposing.
man says it's not only indigestible but uncdiblc
Our assistant conveyor-
as well.
Erie Winter was quite disappointed when salt would not take the place of washing powder.
We are still wondering who the girl was that
AS least his clothes suffered no ill effects and
Xorman MacLean escorted over
we must admit we approve of the experiment. Who knows? He may yet discover something
night before we left Lorain. At least we'll give
to benefit the human race.
him credit for his choice of company.
But it did have one
unexpected resultâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Bill Schwerts nearly laugh ed himself to death !
We are sorry that Carl Lckburg had to return home due to the unexpected death of his moth er. We take this opportunity to extend our
sympathy and that of his many friends to Carl and his family in their unexpected bereavement. We trust that we will see him with us again soon.
John Heglin had visions last fall of spending the winter in true Viking style amid the hills
of Norway but it seems he got no farther than South Brooklyn. If we didn't know John we'd say it looked suspicious! As you may have surmised. Bill Schwerts is back with us again spryer than ever. He re ports having divided his time between
last winter. Today. Ibll claims
We are glad to report that Captain Wm. MacLean has recovered nicely from his re
the record of being the busiest man on the boat. His claim to distinction is that if he
cent accident and is back with
were payed overtime he would
us as hale and heart} as ever. We might also mention here that his daughter Jean was recently married to our old
be drawing more money than the captain !
The fitoiit
Congratulations. (iil!
It is bandied about Rogers lately that there is good rea son for that kidding Louis Le veck is getting about a future "'Louis and his Hungry Five." most
are fully aware that
this is
an all electric
boat and
Oh. yes! We have another newly licensed man with us
this year.
Otto Sparre is the brand new
license empowering him to operate motor boats, etc. All
even the cooking is done en
to "cheat."
elated owner of a Since
eventful inasmuch as nearly everybody was broke or still remembered their promise not
he needs now is the boat and N AT I O
tirely by electricity, the fol lowing bit of conversation overheard from the
private dining room needs no further explaining: Captain Dahlburg: ''Say, Otto, send this steak out and have 'em give it another shock."
We are reliably informed that "Joe" Laurenti spent a very exciting winter along with various
friends. A new ''Whippy" car was responsible. WE NOTICEâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;
That the depression has taught quite a few of the boys to roll their own. That Ike Ranke and John Heglin are encour aging infant moustaches. That Scotty Phillips is saving his money this
we suggest that he employ it
running between the Bradley and Rogers when we are at anchor.
( hie I Sparre ami family escaped some of the Cold weather by going to Florida last winter. Kay Lier's Ford headed for Florida shortly after the close of navigation last fall and much to our surprise it not only took him there but brought him back safely as well. It is still go ing strong and Ray reports having had a won
derful trip. Xo. Ike Ranke is not married yet, but if those
trips to Cleveland during the fit out mean any thing, il won't be long now. And how the let ters from that cits- do inspire him !
That Bob Shaw likes to get up at 2a. m. That Otto Sparre gave up eribbage for spitzcr. That Mclvin Lozen doesn't sleep well after getting those letters from Onaway. That stocks ain't what thev used to be.
Most of us are wondering when summer is
going to come. To those vessels plying Lake Michigan such a question is entirely understand able. Chill winds, fog and rain have been our meed so far.
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Caleite Screenings
And so, having completed our initial efforts for the Bradley, we leave vou until vet another
we all hope to extend it on thriiout the coming
(). Kenneth Falor and Harold Xidy.
There is a saying that "the man who never
Reporters. Steamer Caleite
Date of Meeting: May 21st, 1931.
Last season the Caleite had a clean record and
thinks never gets anywhere," but quite often that is just the man who gets to the hospital or morgue.
7 p. in.
Work safely, boys, and think Safety!
Present: Chris Swartz. chairman: Xormau Henderson, secretary: and John Miller, Donald
MacLeod, Robley Wilson. John Web. Eugene Jones and Howard Schauni. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p. m. with all available officers and men of the ship crewpresent. Captain McOuinn and Chief Suttle
forget tin- other fellow.
their utmost
and warnings that were passed and passed upon at this, the first meeting of the season of 1931. Cargo Clippings—Str. Caleite We are all back, a little late, to start out an
other season.
It can easily be seen how much
we appreciate being here by
the manner in which we op erate, at an excellent table set
ing the line of safety: to take the long road every time in preference to the dangerous
this ship
warned all
Johnnv will
before all the wrinkles disap pear.
Our friend Pat MacKenzie is with us and it looks much
as though he were getting a
danger on every hand await ing the first misstep. All men are
was a
have to turn out lots of food
and the unloading equipment, has
cook, Johnnv
balls long gone.
Quite often the short cut proves to be a one way street, you don't come back. Our Donald
sure a long one. with the snow
short cut.
being familiar with
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p. m. and we hope that every one will remember all the remarks
as compared to more modern boats of the self-unloading type. All
those who can't think for himself.
talked to the men of the dangers encountered
aboard ship generally, and especially the dangerousness of the unloading equipment mi board,
He may be
Post Office,
than five letters in five days'
warned of the
dangers encountered in ihe cargo hold, which may be more precarious at present, N AT I O N A I due to having been painted with No-Oxide paint. The following suggestions were brought up.
mail, all in the same clear hand
the ground looked over and the work decided upon.
Suggested: That the wooden grating in the forward engine room be renewed as the old wooden grating has become uneven and broken.
Suggested: That a hole be cut under center conveyor to wash off platform on level with main deck. The hole used at present is directly under rope drive and affords no protection, whereas a man would have the protection of
the center conveyor housing at the position se lected.
Suggested: That an extra plate be put on bot
sters. Pat. COUNCIL
might be passing the cigars any day now.
We might suggest that some ambitious person find a means of supplying our new conveyor man with fresh water so that he does not have
to go aft for a drink.
Maybe he has corns, fall
ing arches, i.r an athletic foot.
Evidently Louis Voda. one of our deckhands,
forgot to bring his heating pad along—the one the crew of the Steamer Munson gave him last
fall. He seems to be greatly disturbed because he is cold in bed.
tom ol Boom to protect any one on deck from the possible danger of being struck by a broken
A little boy went to his mother and told her what a line Christian gentleman the ice-man was: very religious, indeed. The puzzled moth
idler or idler shaft.
er demanded an explanation.
Suggested: That all men be warned against loose clothing. Men who wear overalls and jackets should wear the jackets inside of the
little fellow, "•this morning a cake of ice fell on the ice-man's foot. He sat on the curb and just held his foot in his hands while he talked about
i veralls.
"Why," said the
Caleite Screenings
Page 359
A chef is a cook who makes such a wonderful
sauce for the venison that you can't tell wheth er it's veal or pork.
Another reason for offering your seat to a pretty Flapper is that she may be an elderly woman.
Sotty—What is the difference between a Pessimist and an Optimist? Robley—A pessimist says, "Is there any milk over there?" and an optimist says "Pass the cream." Francis Bacon, Reporter. Steamer John G. Munson
Date of Meeting: May 31. 1031. Safety first meeting called to order at 1 :40 p. in.
Those present were Captain M. R. MacLean. Chief Eng. A. Urdal. chairman George Beck, secretary George Hoy, J. Miller. Angus McRae,
P. Fleming, L. Graham.
cables when ship was moving: signs are to be made in effect to same.
coal bunker, so that men can see coal level in
service bunker at night without any danger or falls. It was also decided to install a light overhead of swinging engine, so men can see
clutch controls, and safe operation
Musical Murmurs—Str. Munson As is well known, the Steamer Munson was
awarded Safety Honors for last season. Those of ns aboard again this year wish to thank the officials of the company for this honor. \\ e wish to thank Mr. Valentin especially for his wonderful co-operation. His highly instructive Safety talks were of great aid in carrying out our safely program.
The old shipmates seem to be scattered wide and far be tween this season, but where-
first regular
ever you are we send you greetings and wish you the best of luck, happiness and
meeting, having had a prelim inary meeting a week ago, covering various points on safety first, and a talk on newly installed equipment. Captain MacLean passed a
We were
viewed several points of in terest brought out last year in regards to safety and opera tion of machinery and equip ment.
A note was made to repair
which were broken this winter during the in
Railings around the coal bunker
were have
ap been
Men accustomed to
electric winches were cautioned to familiarize
themselves with the steam engines. A talk was given by Mr. Tyrell, First Mate,
on our first aid equipment. He instructed the men not to nse rags for skin bruises but to see officer in charge of department for medicated dressings. Men were asked to use the safety switch on conveyor equipment if necessary to remove any obstruction from same. Officers in charge of departments were asked to refresh in the minds of all the men all facts of safety
Company are extended to Al
stallation of new equipment. Men pointed to do this work at once. repaired to avert danger.
crew and their many friends in tin- Bradley Transportation
cabin doors and locks, also to
replace broken steps on
gards to safety and economy He
visit by Mr. and Mrs. IL P.. Moore on our trip to Con-
the co-operation of each in dividual on board ship in re season.
word of welcome to the mem
greetings to our Rogers City
bers of the crew, also asked
Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 o'clock p. m.
Knight. B. Beau vis, commit tee
Mr. Urdal mentioned
that a lighting circuit had been installed in the
fred Tyrell, our first officer, <»n his recent step into matri mony. The happy bride being Mrs. Spangler of Caro, Mich.
Another happy event we are pleased to chronicle is the marriage of Gil Kenipe, who took Miss Jean MacLean, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Wm. MacLean, as his bride in Lanse, Pa., April 5th. Alter a siege id' illness lasting fourteen weeks, thirteen of which were spent in the Baby's and Children's Hospital of Cleveland. Ohio, Mary Lou, infant daughter of Captain and Mrs. M. R. MacLean, has returned home completely recov ered, much to the joy and happiness of all.
Frank Berg thoroughly enjoyed his visit to his old home in Norway the past winter.
is very happy in his new- work as stokerman on the good ship Munson. Bernard Beauvais and Stewart Church, engineers in the B. T. Co. are also stokermen this season.
and their duties.
All men
were cautioned to stand
Our able Steward, Ed Fawcett, and his as-
Caleite Screenings
sistants Messrs. Fleming, Schwartz, Lister and Selke are with us this year on the Munson. Their exceptional ability and genial personali ties make it a double pleasure to have them with us.
We enjoyed having with us for a trip Barney Brennan of the Hoffman
adjusted and at last they are doing wonderful work.
Of course
Mr. Stanbrook
qualities. The electrified members of our crew aft miss the hum of the old faithful turbine but are
taking to the old form of propulsion like a duck to water.
hot after
!•".. G. Moutoux, Reporter.
stokers were installed during the past winter. We will miss his happy smile and gentlemanly
this year's crop of COi's and reports a satis factory harvest. With his instruments cleared fur actii>u he certainly went about his task with
Steamer B. H. Taylor Date of Meeting: June 1. Members Present: I). E. Nauts, chairman; Wm. Shay, secretary: Walter Callum. bos'n:
Claire Kudgers, deckhand: Ed. Ehrkc. conveyormau ; Waller Eggleston. oiler: Edw. Johnson, fireman.
The June meeting of the Safety Committee
Glad to have our old friend Win. Kunner with us on the Munson. Bill's good nature is always
was held this evening
an inspiratoii to others.
feels good to be back on the
tee members it was attended by Capt. I'earse, Capt. Martin. Chief Eng. La-
Steamer Munson after spend ing the winter alongside the
Bounty. 2nd Assl. Galons and twenty-two additional mem
Arch Beebe says
Jungle Paradise on the Sir. Robinson, lying in Black Riv er.
John Miller also reports
boat and fire drill.
a pleasant winter in Rogers.
He has been entertaining us with his fishing tales. Molocha
Meeting was opened by re viewing minutes of our pre vious meeting. mendations and have
Our Chief Engineer tried his
fishing luck at Eairport. He caught one. the rest benefit ting by its mistake. correct time
nowadays. Charley has big watch — 21 Jewells
one and
to the
The new radio station of the Central
Telegraph Co. is one of the neatest layouts we have seen for quite a while. It certainly is a great improvement.
ing condition, this type of boat would probably
Gil Kcinpe's voice is still in "ye old forme." He has been regaling the boys with his original songs and verse as only Gil can do. with Mou toux tickling a mean banjo and our crew's high class close harmony—what a time!!! What music!!!
slay afloat five or six hours, but thai he doubted
whether she would stay upright over two min utes. This alone should tell us the importance of our drills. He stated we have shown a marked
development from utir firsl drill, but there was still room for improvement both in lime and
Roland Bryan spent the winter at Loudonwhere he was associated
He slated this the
watchman's most important job while loading and that the mates should arrange to free him from any minor duties that might lake him away even for a few moments. As we had just completed a lifeboat drill, he remarked this was a good opportunity to say a few words on that subject. In case of collision or mishap placing this vessel in a sink
holes bored for more.
ville, X. V.
when at Caleite. that he considered
Arlington sends to Charley the
lower end of boom. They have been nicely installed and are very satisfactory. Capt. I'earse favored us with a short talk, stressing particularly the after ladder
is also among those present.
All recom suggestions
was made on the new lights at
pleasant smile is again a mem ber of our crew. Virgil Beebe
bers of the crew.
letter Alex
In addition to the commit
with his
brother in the grocery business. His old friends are more than glad to see him again. Our Chief is proud to say that onr stoker in
stallation is at last functioning quite satisfact orily. Man}- of the imperfections have been
Thus for every man's own safety
he should be interested in these boat drills, and
should understand as well as learn bis particular duty thoroughly, so that his boat will go over the side efficiently and speedily when the emer gency arises.
As the swimming season is not far away. Mr. Galons suggested Ibis was none too early to
Page 361
Caleite Screenings
consider the subject of swimming from the boat, and requested the opinion of the Captain and Chief on the matter. Capt. Pearse stated he had no objections whatever to swimming from the boat, providing the proper precau tions were taken to cover emergencies. The Chairman at this point remarked that most of
the swimming was done at our unloading ports and consequently it was often impossible for a licensed man to watch the men
Twice Told Tales—Str. Taylor June the month of folly, a la Schopenhauer, is upon us again. Therefore it behooves \ye celib ates to gird up our loins and don the armor of cynicism that the little arrows of Cupid be spent in vain. Several of our erstwhile com panions in single blessedness have struck their colors during the winter and our ranks grow thinner and thinner.
Capt. Pearse replied that he considered the rules complied with if any competent man is appointed to safeguard the swimmers.
Mr. Galons then favored us with a practical demonstration of the prone method of artificial respiration, stating that in the majority ol cases a man can be successfully revived if this meth
The Gary I'reakwall has seen the last of us. In popular opinion this was the most odious job we have ever done. The only one who was able lo go ashore was a Caponelander and they had to hold the ship for him as he was delayed in getting his passports visaed between the lands of Morania and Cnponeland.
od is intelligently applied as quickly as possible. He added also that effects of electrical shock
and drowning were identical, namely, the lungs being filled with foreign sub stance and
We hear Leo Moll is the possessor of a new Auburn sedan.
the dock.
The bottle raised baby of today has one advantage, it doesn't get cigarette ashes in its eves.—Detroit
butdorft forget to
habit of men going ashore at the unloading dock to cluster around ladder ami mooring cables while boat
by lljelm.
Meeting was next devoted to discussion of suggestions offered. Asst. Conveyorman ladders, slated it
To Besser in Saro."
part of the 2nd Asst.
Petersen, the Danish boys are aboard the Taylor this year. "L'nd round the Skaw we go South down the Cattegat
interesting as well as instruc tive, and shows expert knowl edge of the subject on the
the velocipede that it has been
he has had it—by a speed cop.
This talk proved very
in the habits and
overhauled at least once since
until he is exhausted and un
is we
are willing to bet our interest
just demonstrated was used for both emergencies. He al so advised proper way of ap proaching a struggling victim in the water, avoiding him
No matter how new it
practiceit yourself
There is no drought on this season's growth of mustaches. In sooth a goodly number of
our shipmates are ornament ing their upper lips with hir
This is a dangerous practice due to
frequent heavy strains on wires while docking, and possibility of parting.
sute appendages. In reply to the gentle irony and subtle sarcasm elicited from our shipmates we quote, as our only defense, Dillen. "A hicktown is a place where wise-cracks are made on
Chairman requested that men running hatch engines shut off steam when not using engines
budding mustaches."
at the loading dock, instead of merely leaving them in neutral, not only from the standpoint of Safety, but for Economy as well. If some
"Will I get a shock if I step on the rail?" said the olcl lady to the motorman. "Not unless you
one passing should accidentally knock reversing lever, serious results
from the
flying cable hook before it could be shut off. At the close of the meeting
gave us the following slogan as a prescription for a clean record this year—"Don't Get Hurt." l\ each man keeps this in mind at all times and uses his head to keep out of dangerous situa tions, this formula should prove successful.
touch the trolley wire with the other leg."
"How did you get such strong arms?" said
an onlooker to the pin-setter at alley.
the bowling
"Taking my setting up exercises."
Excuse us folks if the piercing wit of these attempts at humor docs not amuse you. Our
only object in perpetrating them upon you read ers is that perchance some of you have a similar sense of humor to ours and our humble sallies
A man is worth just as much as the things are worth about which he busies himself.
will produce a chuckle. As Grottcho Marx says, "All the jokes can't be good. '
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Caleite Screenings
One of OUr shipmates has for the last four years been reading over the catalogues, looking at the bicycles, and planning to get one for his little nephew. Prior to that he was planning on getting the lad a velocipede but as time rolled on and the boy grew as boys do, that became impracticable. 'The consensus of opinion is that when the nephew gets the bicycle, his son will
The following accidents have recently taken
place at other plants and through their courtesy a description of these accidents has been made available to us:
In one of the plants, an old employee had been cleaning a crusher connection with kerosene. He had scraped and scraped and eventually felt
be too old to have any use for it so the nephew will have to trade in his son's bicycle
that tin- equipment certainly must be clean.
for a
order to make sure, he lit a match.
wheelchair for the paternal granduucle. Which proves the old adage that he who gives a bicycle
'The result
was a first degree burn on face and hands. A crusher feeder received a bad back injury
shall receive in return a wheelchair, or in other
when he was pulling stone into the crusher with
words "He who laffs last, laffs his last." Bang!
a hook which slipped off the rock, causing him to fall into the hoist. Off duty four days and
Break the news to Mother.
the three fellow employees that investigated WHAT SICKNESS MEANS
the accident reported. "This accident was caused by poor judgment on the part of the feeder. A similar accident can be avoided by taking suffi
We think of illness as affecting a particular
person and his immediate family.
But we are
inclined to overlook its mean
cient time to see that the hook-
ing to society.
is securely fast on the stone to
About two per cent of the en tire population in the United
be pulled into the crusher."
Slates is ill every day of the
load of stone to be used on bin foundation work. When the
year, says the
Daily, this means that 2.450.abled.
000 people are continually disThis means approximately 800.000 workers are absent from
their duties each day because of illness.
truck driver had hauled a
load was dumped by winding hoist with a crank by hand some stone lodged in the truck
and a fellow employee loosened them. 'The truck driver had let loose of the crank and was
standing nearby when the sud den release of weight from the
There is certainly a
big economic loss here. About 13 per cent of our pop
crank lo strike him on the jaw
ulation are disabled for the per iod of a week or longer during the course of a year.
caused him to fall against a car
There are approximately 36,-
on which he struck the back ol
his head.
000.000 working people in the United States.
Each working
person loses an average of sev en days annually through illness.
'This means
i C O
252.000.000 days lost every twelve months. This is what illness means to industry in terms of economic waste.
But huge as this sum may be it isn't a drop in the bucket compared with what it means to the victims and their families—in terms of suf
fering and economic hardship. It certainly pays to check your health regu larly—and to protect it. When health goes just about everything else fades. 'Two of the richest blessings of mankind
good health and safety—are within easy reach of all of us. Let's grab 'em--and keep 'cm !
'The foreman report
ed a similar accident could be
avoided by putting
hoist on the truck. A steam shovel
was replacing a side plate on the boom of the shovel and while going down boom ladder ami holding onto the "safety" cable some barbs (broken strands of the cable) pierced his right hand. While the investigation disclosed that the cable was too good to dispose of, we feel it
may be good policy to use it some place else ami not lor this purpose, Wrong Lead
Parson: "Deacon Jones, will you lead in prayer?n But I)eacon Jones was sleeping so the Par son said a little louder : "Deacon Jones, will you
The Wrong Man
"Where"d you gel the black eye?" "Oh, I got into an argument with a wise guv
lead, please?" Deacon Jones (coming to): "Lead yourself, I just dealt."
about driving in traffic."
"Why didn't you call a traffic cop?" "He was a traffic cop/'
Erom an Australian Paper: Miss Blank will sing her farewell solo, "Thanks Be 'To God."
"There's no such thing as success," said he "For there's no one as fine as he ought to be, And the. fellow on top Is as apt to drop As the fellow below is apt to rise, And nobody's safe till the day he dies." I shook my head.
"What I mean," said he,
"Is the wisest of mortals could wiser be.
There is more to learn, And more to earn,
And more to do at the break of day, And medals won't do it, but courage may. "He's a great success, so the papers say, But what will be said if he fails today? If he once sits down
To enjoy his crown He'll wake up some morning to find it gone. Who has once done well must keep right on. There's seldom a man who has done so well But could have done more if the truth he'd tell.
A goal remains Which he never gains, And the wise man knows in his heart that he Isn't half as wise as he'd like to be." (Copyright, 1931, by Edgar A. Guest)
IP Originated by Jerry Eldrldgc, Age 14 Grade 8
2Vo Accident Honor Roll Department,
Foreman and
Theo. Haselhuhn
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei
Max Beimore
Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp Capt. William MacLean Chief John Sparre Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief Guy LaBounty
Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
Page 367
Calcite .Screenings
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published monthly for the employees of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare. The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons,
safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the department and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.
E 1) I T O
Mr. I). G. Kerr, Vice President of the United States Steel Corporation; Mr. MacGilvray Shiras, Ore Agent of the Carnegie Steel Compa ny : Mr. W. J. Olcott, former President of Oliv
Despite the splendid decrease made in recent years in the reduction of fireworks accidents; July Fourth continues to be our most dangerous day. Motor vehicle fatalities rising yearly to new heights always reach their peak on that one dav, and in recent years have almost doub
er Mining Company; Mr. A. F. Harvey, Presi dent of the Pittsburgh Steamship Company; and Mr. A. W. Worthington, General Manager of the Pittsburgh Limestone Company and as sociate stone companies arrived at Calcite Plant at 7:00 a. m. on the Steamer Myron C. Taylor Wednesday. June 24, 1931, and together with local Company representatives made an inspec tion tour of the various facilities of this plant.
Records of accidents of the past Fourth are incomplete, but there seems to be little room for doubt that more persons met accidental death on July Fourth than on any other day in the year and where motorists flock on any holi day is apt to he the scene of fatalities. In the industrial classification alone do fatal
LOST TIME ACCIDENT first lost time accident this season oc
curred on the Steamer John G. Munson on June 8th when Frank Berg attempted to remove some fly ash which had collected on top of one of the boilers. The refuse was smoldering and when disturbed flared up causing Berg to be burned on the left side of his face.
While this
accident was not serious it was quite painful, causing Berg to remain ashore for one trip. The Steamer Munson won the safety award in last season's contest and it is with regret that we remove her from this season's Honor Roll. However, we know this will be an incentive for
them to do more in accident prevention rather than a cause for any let up in this line of en deavor, and that the}' will strive to finish the season without further mishap. TENNIS TOURNAMENT
We again intend to run a tennis tournament this summer and in spite of the present popular ity ol golf expect to have as man)- interesting contests as we have had in past years. We particularly invite the new devotees to the game who have been practicing on the courts
ities decrease on July Fourth, and it's an inter esting fact that workers are generally in great er danger on holidays than while working re gardless of their occupation. AREN'T THEY WORTH IT?
Far too many of our children are sacrificed in highway tragedies. And fully three-fourths of all motor vehicle fatalities among children oc cur while the youngsters, for the time being, are innocent little pedestrians. It seems so little to ask of men that they should try just a little bit harder, to protect the lives of our little folks; that they should give the matter more thought, more serious atten tion ; that they should make it a rule to drive
at all times as if they were expecting a little tot to dart out into the street.
Freedom from accidental mishap would certainlv seem to be the birthright of every little child! EDITOR'S NOTE
In reading over the pages of this season's "Calcite Screenings" you will note that we have altered our course slightly and are now print-
this year, as tournament plays will improve their
big material more closely associated to the de
game and in the past it has always been good
tail work with which our employees are famil iar. This endeavor is being made in an effort to supply <Âťur men with information so they can be better equipped to carry on under our changed operating conditions that prevail at the present
fun for both winner and loser. We would like all those who are interested to
enter by either sending their names or telephon ing them to the Safety ec Welfare Department as soon as possible.
There are three things which come pretty close to being the sum total of the requisites for success. They are intelligent work, correct
He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. Every time a man laughs he takes a kink out
rest and stick-to-it-ive-ness.
of the chain of life.
aire 368
Calcite Screenings
The famous painting "The Spirit of "76" was painted one hundred years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, by Archibald M. Willard who was a wagon painter at the time and who had never received a lesson
in art prior to the completion of this famous work.
Probably no painting of an American artist has received such wide and continuous interest
and attention as this patriotic symbol of Amer ican spirit,
In 1876 Willard painted a humorous picture called "Yankee Doodle" delineating a Fourth of July celebration in a small village. An old man in the center beating a drum with a younger man on each side, one with a drum, the other
with a fife. This picture came to the attention of an art dealer, who realizing the widespread spirit of patriotism existing in that period con ceived the idea of changing the subject from humorous to patriotic. Willard concurred in
this idea and began the new painting, the name
With the rather high temperatures we are having man}- of us will be hunting the wide open spaces where we can get back to nature and feel the freedom of the breeze and wood
lands There are, however, a few hazards in vacationing which one should keep in mind. One should be reasonably sure that his car or conveyance is in good condition and exercise care in driving. Remember there are many others on an outing the same as you, so don't take any chancesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the other fellow may be do ing the same thing. Carry a small first aid kit with you, you may need it. If you are going in the water, you should know how to produce artificial respiration and teach it to other members of the family. Avoid getting chilled. Don't dive into riley or muddy
water or tax yourself beyond your capacity in an endurance test. Don't stay in the water too long. Cramps have drowned many a good swim mer.
Sun baths usually are not harmful when the
of which was changed from "Yankee Doodle" to "The Spir
exposure is not too long, and there will be less danger if one readily acquires a good coat of
it of 76."
The determination and Eight depicted by the old man in face
and figure, without uniform, in shirt sleeves and open vest is
ures to the sun may result in
But severe cases of sun
symbolic of the patriot ready
headache, fever, painful burns or sunstroke. A good bit of
to fight without purpose or thought of anything hut the
ed by the use of a non-irritat
this discomfiture can be avoid
ing cream before exposure to
cause at heart.
the sun. One should wear ap propriate clothing and keep in the shade around high noon. In this way all the benefit can lie bad without any of the harm
In the filer we have a hum
orous face.
A bandage shows
a scar of battle as he marches
with decided poise to the tune of his own music.
The boy fresh from home and carefully uniformed. His eyes fixed on his adored grandsire that he may do all that this grey loyal man is determined to do. The wound ed soldier in the foreground salutes "Old Glory" as thr- Flag of Freedom passes on leading the cheering troops into action. It tells the story of the spirit and determina tion with which men fought for the freedom and the love of our country and shall ever strive to preserve it for our posterity. DEPRESSION?
In checking over the records of the Village Clerk, we find that there were 45 births in the
village of Rogers City for the first six months
in 1931 as compared to 71 for the same period in 1930. Whether or not the above can be credited to
the so-called depression, we cannot say, but in further going through the records we find there were 6 deaths in the city for the first six months in 1931 and 18 deaths for the same period during 1930. All of which goes to show that Rogers City is a might}- good place in which to be living.
after effects.
Your body does not require much food in hot weather and what you do eat should be simple food well cooked. Be particularly careful of the water you drink. Water from abandoned wells and stagnant pools may cause typhoid in fection. If you don't know about the water, boil it and then there will be no cause for worry. Watch your camp fires. Be sure they are out
before you leave them. Also take care of your cigars, pipe fillings and cigarettes. Millions of dollars worth of time and property as well as human lives have been destroyed because some one was careless with fire.
lie careful, think before you eat and with ad herence to a few precautions such as mentioned above, we should all enjoy happy summer out ings. The human race is divided into two classes.
Those who go ahead and do something and those who sit and ask why it wasn't done the other wav.
Sometimes a pessimist is a man to whom an optimist owes money.
Calcite Screening's
The best advice on keeping comfortable dur ing the hot summer day contains many don'ts. Don't eat too much of any kind of food no mat ter how tempting. There should be no eating
Man\- housewives serve meals of meat, gravy, vegetables and a heavy dessert similar to those served in
In summer there should be
less foods having a high fat content.
The ancient philosophy that one must eat a peck of dirt before he dies has gone into the discard. We are getting finicky on the subject. We were formerly content to drink most any kind of clear water or white milk, but now-a-
should he less of the carbohydrates both sugar and starch. In summer it requires little energy to keep the body warm so the energy producing foods can be eaten in smaller quantities. Only enough is needed to keep the body running in
days we insist that the water be purified.
the daily activities.
disease of any age in history.
Science tells us that everyone should enjoy a good breakfast.
An ample summer breakfast
consists of some kind of
fruit, a
cream and sugar, toast or bread
Closing windows and doors and loweringblinds in the daytime and opening them at night often is a much more effective way of keeping the house cool in hot weather than a policy of wide openness twenty-four hours a day.
between meals and one should not eat when
milk must be clean. We insist that proper gar bage and sewage disposal be provided and that the generations of the house fly shall be cut off.
As a result we have the least dirt-borne
"What you can't see or don't know
hurt you." This refuge for careless and dirty people has led many a poor wight to an untime ly end. There is clean dirt and dirty dirt. Coal soot soils the
and butter and the favorite bev
erage. An egg with a strip of hacon is a pleasant addition to
linen but does not poison us. The dirt of the machine-shop or the cornfield is ordinarily harm
the above which is a suitable meal for all normal adults and older children. The noon meal should be made
less when on our hands or clothes
up of any foods which are light
or even in our food. Dirty dish es are merely smeared with food—perfectly wholesome food
and do not tend to upset the
as a
stomach, a salad with bread and
butter and a beverage or some cold sliced meat and a hot veg etable and
fruit salad.
can't see that is most danger ous. A lump of clay would ob viously render a bottle of mjlk unfit for drinking, but other
The old
fashioned heavy noon meal is likely to give one a feeling of heaviness and dullness which can
easily run into an attack of in digestion. Should the amount of
^and^PleaseKeep (DaddySafeAlways
food consumed be out of propor tion to the requirements, a feeling of being overheated will be experienced. The evening meal should be ample and can include meat, vegetables and something sweet to give a satisfied feeling at the end of the meal. One way to avoid over-eating in hot weather
is to refuse second helping, and the habit of eating between meals is pernicious because it overloads the system with Unnecessary food.
We should not eat large meals when we are extremely tired, but after a hard day's work in the heat a
rule—which has been left
Actually it is the dirt that you
minutes relaxation before the
meal is advised to keep the digestive apparatus from being upset. Eaten in moderation no food that is digestible need be barred from one's hot weather diet, al though loods with a high water content are
highly recommended and water should be drunk
wise would do little harm.
A few
germs of typhoid in the same
bottle would be entirely beyond detection even by the most re fined bacteriological technic, but
might easily cause disastrous consequences. Practically the sole source of dangerous dirt is the bodies of human beings. This kind of dirt carries the germs of typhoid fever, tuber culosis, diphtheria, smallpox, influenza, colds and most of the other catching diseases. Since we cannot often tell which is the clean
and which the dirty dirt it is the best policy to keep it all out of our mouths and as far away from the rest of our bodies as we can.
It is very doubtful if many folks cat their
allotment of a peek of dirt—the undertaker gets them first.
Accidents are seldom happy accidents.
Safety is bought only through thought.
freely. Buttermilk is said to rank first in the list of beneficial beverages. To keep comfortable dress accorc mg to temperature. Women know how to dress for
Health is the greatest of all possessions—a hale cobbler is a better man than a sick king.
son makes a fool of himself.
Most men are believers in heredity, until the
Calcite Screenings
Page 370
Modern Industrial Explosives and Their Manufacture Industrial explosives can be conveniently di vided into detonating explosives, commonly called high explosives, of which dynamite is the
type, and deflagrating explosives, of which the most familiar is gun powder, but the most used
type is blasting powder as smokeless powder has made gun powder almost obsolete.
Dynamite, in turn, may be divided into five
different types, known as straight dynamites, ammonia dynamites, gelatin dynamites, semigelatin dynamites and permissable explosives. The straight dynamites are the oldest and best known, but the least used at the present time.
Their characteristics are—fair water re
sistance, quickness in action, and. unfortunately, great sensitiveness.
The ammonia dynamites are somewhat sim ilar to the straight dynamites in that they are crumbly in texture, but as part of the nitro
glycerin in the straight dynamites is replaced by nitrate of ammonia, they are less sensitive, less water resisting, somewhat less quick and shattering, and generally speaking, less expen sive. One of their most important character istics is that they can lie manufactured in a wide range of density. The gelatin dynamites are the most popu
lar explosives at the present time and consti tute the best sellers of the dynamite manufact
urers. They differ physically from the straight and ammonia dynamites in that they are plastic instead of granular and are denser. They are
highly water resistant and they give ofl a much smaller volume of objectionable fumes
than either straight as ;i rule. There-
for e
Manager of the Technical Section, Explosives Department, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Com
pany, Inc.
much more extensively used today than the straight gelatins. Tli- semi-gelatins, which are a new develop
ment in explosives manufacture, are somewhat similar in composition to the ammonia gelatins, hut they are cohesive in texture rather than plastic and they are bulkier. They are also cheaper than the gelatins and as the}- can be used underground as well as above ground they have a wide field of application.
The first Step in the manufacture of dynamite is the nitration of glycerin to make the nitro glycerin which is the base of practically all in dustrial high explosives. Nitric and sulphuric acids are mixed in the proper proportions to give the greatest yield of nitroglycerin, the greatest safety in the nitration process, and the quickest separation of the nitroglycerin from the spent acids. This mixed acid is introduced into a receptacle lined with brine cooled coils ol lead pipe, and provided with paddles or an air
jet. or sometimes both, for the purpose of agi tating and thoroughly stirring the ingredients. When the acid has been reduced to the proper
temperature, glycerin is run in slowly, the op erator keeping an eye always on the thermom eter to see that the temperature does not get ml of control at any stage in the reaction. When the requi site
much used in sub marine work, tun
been added to the mixed acid and the mixture thor
nelling and metal mining. The gelat i n dynamites
are of two types
is drawn off into another t a n k,
known as a sep
glycerin and uit-
arator, where the
nitroglycerin, be ing insoluble in
ro'cotton for their
explosive ingredi ents,
the acid mixture,
which contain al so some nitrate
lighter rises
of ammonia. The
top. As soon as the separation is
ammonia gela tins have the ad-
complete, the ni troglycerin, a yel
V a n t a g c of a slight improve
low, oil}" liquid, is
thoroughly wash
and a lower cost.
Shell House Where F a per Shells Are Made In Which The Dynamite
Is Wr apnea.
ed trace
until of
every acid
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Calcite Screenings
removed. It is then stored in a separate build ing, generally remote from all other buildings on the plant, whence it is carted as needed to the
mixing house in a nitroglycerin buggy, a rubber lined and rubber tired vehicle especially design ed for transporting this dangerous substance. If straight dynamite or ammonia dynamite is to he made, carelully weighed and screened quantities of the dry ingredients—-nitrate of soda, wood pulp and chalk, and also in the latter
atin cartridging machine, different from that used for packing granular explosives. The semi-gelatins, which contain some nitro cotton, are mixed in the same way as the gela
tins but they are cartridged by the same type of machine as the straight and
In order to adapt high explosives to the very great variety of operations in which they are used, man}- different ingredients are employed which give slightly different, but nevertheless
circular howl under rubber shod wheels which
significant, properties to the different kinds of
revoke in such a way as to mix all the ingred
explosives. For instance, the permissable ex plosives which have been developed especially
case, nitrate of ammonia—are
ients thoroughly. 'I he nitroglycerin is next added and mixing is continued until it is evenly incorporated with the other ingredients. This mixture is then dynamite and looks for all the world like old fashioned brown sugar. Boxes
containing this dynamite in bulk are transferred to the cartridging house where it is packed by a very ingenious machine into cylindrical paper shells, which have been previously made on the plant by another especially designed machine and sprayed with pafaffitt. Sometimes the fin ished cartridges of ammonia dynamite are then
dipped in parraffin or other water resisting compounds.
Ammonia explosives absorb mois
ture when stored under humid conditions more
readily than straight dynamites ami therefore in making them it is necessary to have all the in gredients perfectly dry and the shells more moisture proof. If gelatin dynamite is to be made—either straight gelatin or ammonia gelatin—the nitro glycerin goes to a different mixing house where a different procedure is followed. A special grade of nitrocotton is placed in a bronze, steam jacketed bowl with paddles which looks some thing like a bread mixer, nitroglycerin is added to the cotton and the two are mixed
until a
solution of the nitrocotton in the nitroglycerin is elfected. This is a sticky, mucilaginous mass and as such is unfitted for any practical use un
til the Other ingredients are incorporated with it. These are practically the same as those used in straight and ammonia dynamites but the proportions are varied with the greatest exact
itude according to the purpose for which the gelatin is designed. If it is intended for mining or tunnel driving the ingredients are balanced in such a way as to give exactly enough oxygen carrying ingredients, such as the nitrate of soda, nitrate of ammonia and nitroglycerin, to burn up all the carbonaceous matter, such as
the wood pulp, nitrocotton, and even the paper wrapper, to carbon dioxide, which is a nonpoisonous gas. If. on the other hand, the gela tin is intended for open work in a quarry or in submarine blasting, where fumes are of little or no consequence, a quicker acting and stronger
explosive is made by adding more carbonaceous matter than there is oxygen to burn it. making what chemists call an unbalanced formula.
atin dynamite is packed into the shells by a gel
for use in gaseous and dusty coal mines are somewhat similar to the ammonia dynamites
but contain radically different proportions of the ingredients in order to make a comparatively short and cool flame when they explode. Man}- different types of wood pulp are em ployed in order to produce explosives of the varying densities needed for various purposes
and yet permit the perfect balancing ol the formulas. By this means explosives of practic ally the same formula in other respects are made in densities ranging from 115 cartridges, \x/\ by 8 inches, to the 50 pound case to as many as 172. These high count, low density dyna mites have a wide field of usefulness in agri cultural blasting, in mining coal, the softer ores and the non-metallic minerals, and in quarrying, especially as a top load. They permit extend ing the charge through a greater length of bore hole and this is often of advantage in securing the kind of breakage desired, as for example, large lumps in a seam of soft coal or greater
fragmentation of the to]) of a quarry face.
Probably the greatest single advance made in high explosives manufacture in the last twen ty years has been the development of low freez ing explosives, the most recent method being to mix with the glycerin before nitration a cer
tain percentage of ethylene glycol, which not
only lowers the freezing point of the explosives but also maintains its sensitiveness when chilled.
Tt is now possible to manufacture every type of high explosive on a formula which permits its use all winter long in any one of the fortyeight states with entire freedom from the nuis ance and danger attendant on the thawing of the explosives which was necessary not so many years ago.
The whole manufacture of explosives today requires the most careful chemical control from start to finish. The nitrating acids must be of exactly the right strength and mixed in exactly
the right proportions for safety and for best yield. The glycerin must be of the highest pos sible concentration and of the greatest purity. The wood pulp must be of the greatest absorp tive capacity for some kinds of dynamite, and the least absorptive for others, with all degrees between. Even the way the nitrate of am monia is granulated has a very great bearing on
age 372
Calcite Screening's
the kind of dynamite which it will make, and
the history of the control of this process is one of great interest to explosives chemists. Thru a series of exacting laboratory tests rigid standards have been established for the strength of each type and grade of dynamites, its velocity of detonation, its sensitiveness,
its inflamma
bility, its water resistance and its fumes, and the finished product must conform to all these
standards before it is pronounced satisfactory for shipment. REAL CRAFTSMANSHIP
A great deal of the joy of life consists in doing perfectly, or at least to the best of one's ability, everything which one attempts to do. There is a sense of satisfaction, a pride in surveying such a work, a work which is rounded, full, ex
act, complete in all its parts—which the super ficial man. who leaves his work in a slovenly, slipshod, half-finished condition can never know. It is this conscientious completeness which turns work into art. The smallest thing, well done, becomes artistic.
On the level, persons slip or stumble and fall where it would seem no hazard existed.
Oil on
the floor, uneven flooring or tools and other
objects left thoughtlessly about cause many of these falls. Sometimes ;i .slight slip causes a man to fall into moving machinery. Slipper}' surfaces develop where least expect ed, especially if water or oil is allowed to spill or drip. Pencils, short ends of round stock, buttons, mops or brooms on Steps and stairways increase the hazards. Women fall easily while running or by catching high heels on stairs or small obstructions.
Men fall from scaffolds because they fail to select the lumber with care,
knotty or cross-grained planks, or because no hand-rails or toeboards have been provided. Life belts are recommended for use in all pole work, tank or bin work, roofing or cornice work. "Horseplay" contributes many cases to the total accidents from falls. In spite of serious consequences men continue to scare and tickle
persons whom they know to he susceptible.
third party is often the victim.
Moderation in all things, be food and in drink, in
observed, in
work and in exercise, in
smoking and in sleeping—moderation even in being moderate—for an occasional departure
Wife (trying on hats): "Do
from the strict rule of moderation is probably
Husband: "Mow much is it?" "Eleven dollars."
grood for health.
"Yes, turn it down."
turned down dear?"
View ol the Acid Houses at Repauno Dynamite Works
-LL ia-
Paere 373
Calcite Screenings
For Preservation of Game and Timber Lands
By John P. Kinville
"Protective Measures
The company has posted a large part of its
fine second growth of timber, which if allowed
property, lands which will remain idle, as far as
to grow, will prove quite valuable in a few years. There is quite a variety of timber growing, the conifers predominating, and which mature more rapidly than the hardwoods. Another depreda
quarrying operations are concerned, lor some years to come. The area has been posted against hunting, fishing, camping or other trespass. The
property posted lies East of the Detroit & Mack inac Railroad right-of-way and North of the State
tion has been the unlawful cutting of timber on
the company's property. This promiscuous and unlawful
que Isle Township line
been almost as destruc tive as fires in this
near Grand
to the
from the State road to
The company will have the property pa
the shore of Lake Hur
Maps of the prop
erty posted and defining at
the company in its ef
fort to restore the tim
ber and game in this region, and it is felt
plant. The decision
with the management of
on display on the Bul Boards
are asked to co-operate
the boundary lines are letin
passers out of posted area. Employes of the company and the public
sportsmen will be amp
part ol the company to post this property was not intended to impose a hardship on local
ly repaid for their for bearance
ance of the posting rules, when the region is again opened to hunt
hunters or fishermen or
other sportsmen. The property has long been recognized as a wond
ers and fishermen. The
company has been promised the co-opera
sanctuary and it is the plan to keep the prop erty closed for a time, to allow wild life, espe cially deer, to again ac
tion of the Conserva tion Officers in this dis trict. Lunch Lake or "Lit tle Lake" as it is more
cumulate here, and when conditions are im
not been closed or the
again be permitted on the property, subject to restrictions to determined.
In former years, this
property abounded with deer and other wild life
and was regarded as a hunter's paradise. The use. of dogs by parties
Vacation is a game, and we are all in it.
quires a terrific, unending energy to succeed.
the men who do hig things are those who occasion
ally gel away from the mass and find rest and recre ation where the winds blow and the soothing waters flow; where the odor of pines is perpetual, and
land lying West of the railroad right-of-way. Anyone discovering violations of the post ing of an}' nature are requested to notify the main office of the com
where Nature supplies everything in the way of
liopes to receive the full co-operation of the
health and healing that tired bodies demand.
public, as well as o f
when hunting has kept the deer away from this locality and local sportsmen realize that if dogs
own employes, and that no prosecutions will be necessary.
are kept out of this region for a time, deer will eventually find their way to this game sanctu ary and stay there if they are not molested. Another reason for posting this property has been the carelessness of the hunters and camp
ers in the past, as numerous fires have been ex perienced in this region in the last few years. This property is being rapidly covered with a
Nature's Beauty
The above picture is a scene taken at one ol our nearby lakes, and is filled with natural beau ty and bespeaks for the conservation and preser vation of our natural scenic beauty which we all enjoy.
Calcite Screenings
Pace 374
A Little Golf»And Some Base Ball
The new golf course is beginning to present a nice appearance and no doubt that in the future, will be one of the show spots of the County. The large frame barn has been removed, which greatly adds to the appearance of the course. The Caddy House has been opened and in it the
caretaker has supplies to take care of the needs of the members and visitors at the course.
Talking About Inter Dept. Base Ball
New Golf Course Will Make For
Interesting Competition
As to the comparative strength of the teams
boxes, water pails and towels have been placed at each tee, which have added to the convenience
little is known.
of the players, as well as added to the appear
newcomers and have yet to show their hand. On paper the Merchants, General Repair and Mill look the best, but after having seen the
ance of the course. It is expected that bench es will shortly be added at the tees.
Interest in this latest community enterprise
Some of the teams entered are
other teams in action, the three favorites are
continues to grow, as is evidenced by the num likely not to fare so well. Hvon now the Mer ber of players, both members and non-members chants received a surprise from the Drill crew, who are availing them going down to defeat by a selves of the opportunity to 6-4 score. Then the Yard play. At times, the course and Construction nines have JACK KINVILLE'S LAMENT is almost congested. better than average pros ft is hoped that in the pects with plenty veteran 1 hit a golf hall into the air, near future competitive matt-rial to build around. It fell to earth I knew not where, teams can be arranged The two quarry teams and For so swiftly it flew, the sight among the various enthus the Track team have suffi Could not follow it in its flight. iasts which should prove to cient strength to make it in be very interesting as well teresting for any of their 1 teed another with many a swear as entertaining. foes. So it looks like a And drove that to I know not where, Inter-Department Base tight race all the way thru 1 slice and cut and then I muff with the team showing the Ball It seems I'm always in the rough. The evening ol June 23rd most fight, pep and sports witnessed the grand open manship the favorite to And long, long afterwards tired and capture the season's award. ing of interdepartment base sore To date we've had eight ball for the 1931 season, I quit the green hoping my ball at games played. The Mill Hilary OToole's warriors the Club House will be seen, taking the first battle from defeated the Yard by a 3-2 Alas it's not and again I'm sore score in a might}- close Julius Zempel's ball tossers Thinking some Scotch friend has laid contest. Next the General by a score of 3-1. And then it in store. two evenings later the Repair chalked up a win on General Repair team took the Construction nine by a 7-5 tally. Then the Drill one from Chas. Hoffman's But the ball I thought was gone for ers behind air-light pitch Construction gang 7-5. good, ing and health}- slugging Well, fans, the season Was found in the cup as good balls took the Track crew down looks like a bright one with should lots of competition from 11-0. the. first shut out of And the oaths I swore from begin the season. By running up every possible direction, ning to end
plenty of good base ball and lots of opportunities to pick the winner. We have nine
the running, every depart ment in the plant being
I hear again from the mouths of
—With apologies
represented and a team fly ing under the local Merchants' colors. Each team meets only once during the season but this
six scores in the
Merchants trim
med Kelley's Quarry team 9-2. The Drillers again showed strength when the fast
good indication of the interest aroused in base
overcame a six run lead and wiped out the Con struction boys 11-7. As a Fourth of July sideliuer, the General Re pair gave Hilary's Mill team their first defeat bv a 9-7 score. And Laflin's Quarry tossers just nosed out Pollock's Track sluggers 12-11. All games so far have been very good. The usual early season errors have been noticeable but not so bad that a poor class of ball has been dis
ball this year.
constitutes a thirty-six game schedule running from June 23rd to Sept. 7th. From the recreational viewpoint this should be one of the best seasons in interdepartment base ball One hundred forty-four men have been listed among the nine teams, which is a
Pase 375
Calcite Screenings of two different boats.
Miss Viola Froelich and Elmer V'oight of the
Storehouse were united in marriage on June 6th by Rev. L. A. Linn at 8:30 p. m. at the parson age.
Immediately alter the ceremony, the young
couple left for Detroit, returning again the fol lowing evening.
are at present making their home
home at the of the bride's
parents. Miss Davis
Kathryn of
Grove, Illinois, and Lloyd R. Goodin of the Main Office were unit
ed in marriage by the
Rev. A. J. Pitman at the home of the bride on June 27th at 4:00 p. m. After the ceremony a reception and dinner
was enjoyed by some fifty guests and friends. The young couple returned to Rogers City July 5th and at present arc located at the home of
Funeral services were held at his home at 1652 Chesterland Ave., then from Our Saviors Lutheran Church at Lakewood. Ohio.
He is survived by his wife and eleven child ren. Arthur Urdal. Chief Engineer of Str. Mun
son. John Sparre, Chief Engineer of Str. Bradley and Otto Sparre. steward of Str. Bradley are three sons employed by the Bradley Transpor tation Company.
Mr. Daniel Ryan, aged 48 years, passed away very suddenly about eleven p. m. Friday even ing, which certainly was a shock to his many friends.
He was born near Hagensville. Sept. 16, 1882 and shortly after moved to Cheboygan with his parents, where when old enough to sail was em ployed on the tugs which occupation he follow ed the remainder of his life.
He. came to this
company April 1. 1927. and was employed as Chief Engineer of the tug Kellers, which posi tion he held at the time of his death.
Dan was very congenial, happy and well liked
Mr. Vincent Brady but contemplate moving
by all with whom he came in contact. He is survived by two brothers, Simon of Oc-
soon to X. Seventh St.
queoc, John at Cheboygan, and two sisters, Mrs.
Miss Claire Heller of the Main Office and Mr.
Ralph Traxler of Ann Arbor were united in marriage at 4:00 p. m. on June 27th in Detroit.
After the ceremony a reception and dinner was
given at the home of Mr. Fred Heller, a brother
Bowers of Cheboygan and Mrs. McPhearson of Port Huron.
"Calcite Screenings" joins the many friends of the above families
of the bride.
After a few days visit in Detroit the young
couple left for the home of Mr. Traxler in Ann Arbor where they will stay for a few weeks.
Mrs. Joseph
Wasylk, a
daughter, Mary Lou. on June 9th. Mr. Wasylk
"Calcite Screenings" joins with the friends of the above mentioned young couples in wishing
them much happiness in many years of wedded bliss.
is employed
Yard Machinery De partment.
daughter on June 12 OBITUARY
Mrs. Catherine O'Connor, aged
passed away suddenly in Flint Friday. June 5th, after an illness of a brief hour. She was living with a sister at the time she suffered a heart attack
Born to Mr.
She was buried in Gracelawn cemetery
to Mr. and Mrs. Andr e w Yarch. M r.
Yarch is employed in
the Drilling Dept. On
daughter. Phyllis Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Wen/.el. Mr. Weuzel is employed in the Pow er Dept. To Mr. and Mrs. John C. Miller on June 14th, Merylin Ruth, a daughter. Mr. Miller is em
employed in the Power Dept. as electrician, is
ployed in the Bradley Transportation Co.
of that city . following services at St. Michael's I'p until a year ago Mrs. O'Connor lived here for a number of years. Leo O'Connor, who is
Mr. and Mrs. Leo O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs.
A son, William, Junior, on June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patchkowski.
Mr. Patchkowski
John Palmer of Rogers Citv attended the fun
is employed in the Bradley Transportation Co.
linski on June 30th. Mr. Smolinski is employed in the Transportation Dept.
Mr. Severin Urdal died June
eighty-fifth birthday after a short illness of only a few days.
Mr. Urdal was bom in Norway on June 19, 1846 and came to the United States at the age
of 63 vears.
For 30 years prior to his coming
to the' United States, Mr. Urdal was Captain
Edna, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Smo"Ca'cite Screenings" joins with the many friends of the above parents in extending its congratulaJions.
There is something better than making a liv ingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;making a life.
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Calcite Screenings
The War on Waste Is Raging Like Preventable Accidents
"Preventable Waste Can Be Eliminated
Although surprising reductions have been made in waste the war is by no menus over. In
also tor trying to protect and promote the com
continued efforts to reduce waste our best re
thereby reduce operating costs.
sults no doubt will come from avoiding num erous small wastes, which though they may seem trifling in themselves nevertheless run in to big figures for the season. Preventable waste can be eliminated much
the same way as preventable accidents.
Not so
much by the work of any one individual but by everyone in the entire organization thinking of
what they can do to prevent waste and putting their thoughts into effect.
Waste isn't a single
thing, but the sum total of thousands of little
things and in most of these things a little more thought and interest, even the matter of mere
ly thinking about it. can reduce the waste loss. There is no individual in the organization but
what can help in preventing waste and in help ing—help not merely the company for whom he is working but his fel low workers as well.
because it happens to be a large company is entirely wrong and inexcusable. Everyone should consider themselves a part of the organization
they are working. If the company be prosperous,
good as money made in sales. BUFFALO PLANT SAFETY MEETING
Date of Meeting: July 1st, 1931. Present: John J. Collins, chairman, Best. Jack Gorman, Robert Hagen.
The inlet of a
The chairman reported making a careful
inspection of the mill and found all recommenda
tions of the May 25th meeting had been taken
care of. After further inspection, the following
There is no item no matter how small but
that it is worthy of attention if by attending to Little items added to
gether soon amount to much larger sums. Take for example: 500 men who work 200 days per operating season. If each can in some way save
the company 25c a day in lime, materials, sup plies or equipment that would otherwise be wasted, the saving will amount to $25,000 a sea son.
The story is told of John I). Rockefeller that
once in going through one of
the individual who owns it and is
are you working "for the company" or are you working "with the company." it a saving can be made.
useless to the community.
the enemy of every business. The question is
stopped to observe the work of a man who was
soldering small covers on five gallon cans. Ten to twelve drops of solder were used on each
Mr. Rockefeller thought that five drops
were enough. A few trials prayed the work could be done properly with six and thus $10,000 a year was saved.
The efforts of everyone are appreciated not only for trying to do the job well and safely but
Meeting called to order at 10:00 a. m. July 1st.
what he learns; the outlet is what he accomplishes. If his mind is not fed by a continued supply of new ideas which he puts to work with purpose, and if there is no outlet in action, his mind becomes stag nant. Such a mind is a danger to
the individual will prosper but no organization can exist without a profit, and the less waste the more profit. Waste is
originator. Every little bit helps—and don't forget! Money saved in production is just as
Xo saving is too small to be considered and
if you have a saving suggestion, we will appre ciate it and be glad to give proper credit to the
organization can stand up under
pany's interest by keeping down
items were advised:
1. That new guards be placed on gears on both sides of "A" conveyor. 2.
stairs on each end of Un
loading platform warehouse. 3. Committee
that all broken glass and bottles around yard and ash dump behind drier room be cleaned up at once as this is very dan gerous.
Meeting adjourned'at 11:00]). m. Dale of next meeting set for July 28th. BUFFALO PERSONALS
Robert Hagen spent the 4th of |ulv with his daughter at Ithaca. X. Y.
Mr. Baldwin has just returned from a five day trip to Seranton. Pa., where he attended a fam ily reunion.
John Collins spent his holidays at Toronto,
We wonder why?
Miss Frary and Miss Frost, from our office,
spent three days at a Girl Scout Camp at Or chard Park, and reported a very enjoyable outine\
Harold Stanage attended the Schmeling-
Stribling fight at Cleveland, Ohio. The Difficulty
Cop: ••Don't you know that you should al ways give half the road to a woman driver?"
Driver: "1 always do, when I find out which half she wants."
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Calcite Screenings
ryr Ikl II |P|CC
Goggles Are Supplied For Your Protection. An Eye Accident
L 7 L. IINJUI\ICD"--May Mean Perpetual Darkness For You. Eye injuries about our plant are far in ad
vance of what we would like
During the past six months we have had many eye cases. To be sure the majority of these are classed as foreign substance in the eye, but no eye injury can be classed as a minor one. Most foreign bodies are alive with germs or germs may be carried into the eye by such in struments as matches, toothpicks, corner ol handkerchiefs, etc., by some one endeavoring to give the sufferer relief. Every foreign body in the eye is a potential serious injury and should be treated by a nurse or doctor. According to the recent statistical report on accidents, a serious eye accident occurs every minute of the day and night, every day in the year in the United States. There are fortunes
spent every year in the United States on eye accidents and one hundred thousand blind people
of them given are based on lack of experience
and disappear after the workmen have used goggles for a while. Goggles are uncomfort able only when not properly adjusted or when
the proper type for the kind of work one is do ing are not being used. When one is cutting, chipping or
be secured at the Storehouse and although the foreman should see that his men wear goggles, the individual ought to think enough of his per
sonal safety to wear goggles even though the foreman is not around.
It's a mighty good thing to remember that we only have two eyes to start with and we
can't grow new ones. Should we be unfortunate in losing a
leg. we may get a wooden leg
It is made
to walk
Back of the
the cornea is
punctured so as to release this fluid from the eye blindness will result. Xext is a
known as the iris which gives
to be a
the bossebmes around
color and controls the amount
(if light entering the eye.
Back < the iris is the lens which is a clear semi-solid substance sur
rounded by a ring of muscles which decrease or increase the focal power of the eye by contract
ing or expanding.
lose a
If we
lose our teeth we can buy some store teeth and get along but it's mighty discouraging to try to see anything with a glass eye and we don't want you to have to try it. THE BIG LIFT. Don't try
cornea is the anterior chamber
filled with a fluid very much
cal one to work with.
The outer coat is pol
the more tender layers be neath, there is very apt to be
hand we may get a mechani
ished and quite tough and when it is punctured exposing serious results.
around flying material, he should have added eye protection. Goggles of various types may
up of five layers with a total of
There are many objections on the part of
The cornea is the win
some workmen to the use of goggles but most
can see there is a very definite need for teaching eye care and eye safety. The human eye is very del icate.
in these United States, so you
dow in the eye ball.
work it is necessary to provide additional saleguards. For this purpose goggles of various kinds are provided for the different classes ol
human crane!
is a well defined limit to phys ical strength.
The crane can
lift a lot because it's backbone
is made of steel,
beings aren't built that way at all. There's a wrong way and a right way to lift. Bend the legs rather
than the back.
That's important, but it's even
more important not to try to lift more than you should.
The large chamber back of
the lens is filled with a jelly like substance known as vitreous. If an injury causes loss to
aii_\- part of it. loss ol vision results. Xext is the retina on which the object is fo
cused by the lens. The picture is then transfer red through the optic nerve to the brain. Often due to fatigue, sickness or accidents it is necessary to strengthen the eye by the use ol glasses. Usually normal vision can be regained
in this Way. We are glad to say that physical examination reports show the majority of our men to have good vision.
The exposed part of the eye is covered by eyelids for protection, but in some classes of
igue St; mdin gs \\ 'on L ost
General Repair Quarry—La ffin
Track Construction
1 1 1 1
Mill Yard Merchants
2 2
0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2
Sleepless nights bring dangerous days.
Pet. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .500 .500 .500 .000 .000 .000
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Calcite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture Here and There About the Plant "AmonQ mong O ourselves »
Mrs. Carl 1). Bradley arrived Sunday. June 28th, from New York, having stopped on her way to visit relatives in East Aurora, N. Y. We are giad to say that Mrs. Bradley is looking as well as we have seen her for many years past. Mrs. Bradley contemplates leaving soon for Long Island where she will spend the summer months. 1\.
get, and they tell us one thing he didn't forget was how to pin the runner as he sure socked
someone so was chosen.
didn't know the first thing
about a ball game, but he was game and put the mitt
on for a trial.
stand it was impossible to throw a ball past him that
shortest road
was within his reach as he THE
evervthintr that came alone'.
The Track base ball team
have been doing some heavy practicing for the last two
Along the street there comes A blaze of bugles, a ruffle of drums.
weeks out at the old Nelson
A flash of colour beneath the sky.
clearing near the quarry. The}' tell us these fellows have been taking a double lunch and as soon as they were through with their day's work they would have lunch and then practice
Hats Off!
The only bad feature about
home instead of going j.oy riding after leaving the golf
Max was that he never has handled a base hall and
prevent a similar happen ing we would advise Stan take
bail when
self and kill Max Glomski
him as his ear was out of
would probably forget him
own choosing but forced on gas about a mile back.
about base.
They then decided to try
explained that not
John with
walk on such a warm even
this walk was
young fellow with a rag ball when it was fair to pin the runner with the ball. John Modrynski was up to bat and put one down between first and second base which Steve managed to
picked up on US-23 the other evening walking to ward town. Upon being questioned about taking a ing,
course, they had good rea sons for doing this as there were a few fellows never had a ball in hand and had to be
who their made
The flag is passing by!
Sea-fights and
land-fights, grim
After taking a nice big chew of scrap tobacco, twisting it around a few
times and getting it placed just right in his mouth, Frank
Fought to make and save the state; Weary marches and sinking ships; Cheers of victory on dying lips. Sign of a nation great and strong To ward her people from foreign
around as tho it were alive so he took it out and found a bumblebee in the center of
it. While telling one of the fellows about it he said,
"You know that thing could have bit me."
Pride and glory and honour—all Live in the colours to stand or fall.
into ball players before the opening of the season.
N. W. Pollock was one of the hardest fellows to train as he had an idea that he
Along the street there comes
ing his own ahead of a Hud son the other day—Hilary was out of gas and H. K.
A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums; And loyal hearts are beating high;
into town with his Hudson.
was going to pitch.
Modrynski knew that would
Hats off!
The flag is passing by!
be impossible but Pete was his boss so the only thing to do would he to put him in the box and con
vince him that his place was out in the field, which we understand was done in very short irder.
Next in line was to develop a first baseman and the most likely looking prospect was Steve Widajewski. Now Steve had played when a
Joppich was In
which were passed out a few days ago it mentioned a morning
the "Wake up.'
pushing him
Walter Meyers said he tried
it but it didn't seem to work out very satisfac torily. He said he had hardly begun when he received a wallop in the jaw from his wife who
told him to either lie still or get out of bed. Lawrence Carter claims a sure wav to find
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Calcite Screenings
out if your wife loves you is to come home with your hair clipped off tight to the scalp. Nick says the whole family were in tears for a week and he was forced to sleep in the base ment for three weeks.
Also said he would nev
er try a stunt like that again without consulting the wife first.
Safety depends on brakes, horn, steering gear, lights, oil. gas and cheerful driving.
John Kapala and John Fitzpatrick have been driving to Alpena in Kapala's car and spending the week-ends there. This being John Fitzpatrick's old home town, we take it for granted that he has been showing Jack Kapala the town
and getting him acquainted with the ladies.
If our judgment is any good we're just about due for another song on one of these Friday
evenings. w in
Someone saw F. R. Joppich and Ed-
plant. John Schlager isn't much of a fisherman but when he heard of these big catches he thot
he also would give it a try.
thing gave a terrific jerk at the line and by the
time fohn came to. all he had left in his hand was the handle of the fish pole. A big pil<e took the other part along with him.
The first few times of practice was rather hard on several of the ball players after being
away from the. game for some time. In run ning to first Edwin Radka got within ten feet of first base when his legs gave way and since then he has been doing a lot of limping around.
Arnold Conley misjudged a pitched ball and in stead of stopping it with the mitt, he used his jaw, which has been quite sore. But Chas. Schratu used Safety First and in order to avoid an accident purchased a new glove and it seems
R a d k a
with an armful of sheet music. Don't
We'll be
us. hear
can have a tire as he
flat be
er's license. But
the trooper just
lieves he picks up all the nails road.
was driving
within the limit, had his car li cense and driv
how anyone else
quite understand
couldn't think of
Ed Heller said
A Ford coupe was stopped a few days ago by a State trooper. The driver just
you sing. he
heard of any broken fingers.
John had caught
several bullheads when all of a sudden some
wanted to know what caused all Here is the crowd which witnessed the arrival of the first steam train
in Rogers City.
Now and then
How many can you identify?
you will see Butch Elowski "tit at the golf course. We un derstand he invested in a new set of clubs. Butch
the rattling un. der his car.
by with a promise of having his paired and put in good condition.
muffler re
said it is great sport but why pick out such a hilly country.
Seeing is believing but as yet we haven't seen
Ben Founds playing golf.
What's the hold-up
Several of the sailors have been compliment ing Chas. Sauve on living in a city with such a healthy climate. "Yes, sir," Sauve replies, "they had to shoot the. first man in order to start a
Ben ?
Lester Raymond and Penny Hoeft are having one grand time figuring out when they ought
vour fingers on vour hands.
to launch their boat.
Penny wants it at Grand
Lake and Fester wants it at Black Lake.
know why Penny wants it at Grand Lake but why does Lester want it at Black Lake?
Leo Kelley must have turned over a new leaf. Yot1 can see him now and then helping Walter mowing the lawn. Remember!
Keep your mind on your work and you'll keep
Prevention is better than cure.
There have been some real catches of bull
heads made at Bell by some of the men at the
Stop accidents, but if one occurs, report it. Your report helps the claim department and vour record.
Griffin Pines and Fred Bade enjoyed a Sun day's fishing at Black Lake, but we believe we are using the wrong word when we say enjoyed, because according to all reports it was not very
enjoyable to Fred especially after the blow came up which kept Fred busy with a pail bailing the water out of the boat in order to keep it afloat.
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Calcite Screenings
It it hadn't been for Griff the four pike would have been thrown overboard by Fred to lighten the load of the boat. Not a word did Fred say of his experience.
We tried to get him to tell
us fey asking him if he had been fishing lately,
but his answer was always, "No, I haven't been out."
This Year's Gardens
The accompanying photograph of an excellent garden will probably heal up the contest to match with the last few days in June. It is pleasing to note in our various inspec tion lours the number of vegetable gardens un der cultivation.
The photographer has already begun his re
cord and. of course, the gardens should be kept up in order that the pictures taken will reflect the credit due for the work that is being- ex pended. In order that none will be missed, we would
be glad to have you call us if your garden has made such pro gress that it
Fred Bade was sent up to the new ball dia mond to meet Mr. Fredrick, who had made ar rangements with J. P. Kinville to flood the dia
After waiting for some time, Fred re
ported back to Kinville that no one had as yet shown up to take care of the job and also in
quired if there was a possibility of him going to the old diamond instead. Upon investigation they found the job almost completed at the place last mentioned.
Arthur (Happy) Hopp reported a catch of 60 bullheads at May Lake the other evening. Hap py said he could have gotten a real mess but the
mosquitoes became so thick and without any dope he was forced to quit fishing at ten p. m. Catcher Ernest Pruning of the Drill hase ball team was having a little argument with the u mpire when Manager Meyers Stopped hiitn Intelling him to "lay off the um
the game."
should be entered Aside
as the Drill team won the srame.
I did not think, has put many a
the money value of these is espe cially important.
A Corner of William Sobak's Vegetable Garden
taking, if placed at only $5 per capita, would reach almost $20,000 per year.
Stanbrook says it is a good thing golf courses are not like parrots and repeat everything they hear.
We wonder if
the basifi ball managers would use a system sim
figures. In our own community
some one else.
and many a fam ily in want.
total of this value has reached al most unbelievable
the value in mon
pital, many a man
In past years the
ey of this under
umpire must have taken it seriously
in the contest.
We'll take-
care of him after
himself or
How about it, Stan?
was one started the other day
But there sure
ers it probably would help as it seems to in Manager Meyer's case. We understand there is a standing order at O'Callaghan's for ice cream
sodas for the team if they win. but if they lose the instructions are to just beat it down the alley for home and say nothing. They won each
players during the last inning so they could get in on the sodas, too.
Dietlin called Ella Reinke, who happened to be on the switchboard, and told her to let Walter Meyers know that Chas. Ohlrich had a bear in a hole.
That caused some excitement for
game so far and have put in three or four extra
It's been a long time since we've heard any bear stories from the hill crew.
ilar to
by Walter
Things were going along in fine shape at the L. 0. X. plant and Dave Larson was standing with his arms folded with his watchful eye on the machinery when along came a bumble bee,
sal on his arm, stung him and went on about
.Meyers was trying to round up a gun and Schulwitz was getting the camera all set to get some pictures when the message was finally cleared up. and we found that it was only a bailer stuck
must have known something
in the hole.
happen as he sure gave me a good start to get
his business.
Dave jumped up and at the same
time the machinery all went dead as the elec tricity Ltd heen shut off. David said that fellow
going to
Pafffe 381
Calcite Screenings GUESS WHO
to work and take care of the machines.
We are pleased to see the smiling face of Jack Munson again. Jack graduated from the Choate School at Wallingford, Conn., with the class of 1931. Alter which he joined one of his classmates in sailing a 20 foot sloop from Bar Harbor. Maine, to Biddeford, Maine, a distance of 165 miles.
Jack was associate editor
School News and has man}- interesting stories to tell of his experiences.
The oilier day while driving out on US-J3 we noticed Hector Hawkins ami Bill McManemy waiting in their car alongside the road near 'Front River. We thought they were enjoying
the scenery but later information proved that their gas tank was empty, and they were wait ing for their good friend Roll Rains to bring along' the replenishment. Last fall several loads of choice lumber were
delivered and carried into the basement at the
home of A. L. Kowalske.
When questioned about it, we were inform
ed by Adolph and son Rus sell, had this lumber order
ed, cut to spe cification
were going to build
during 1,o n g
the winter
months. From the amount of lumber they got they could make Noah's ark look like a canoe. But with man\- hours of real work the boat
was finally completed late this spring and ready to take out into the yard when, "Good gosh !" A. F. remarked, "I never thought about getting it out ol" the hasenienl.
It's too wide!"
"Now 1 suppose I'll have to wait until a cy clone knocks the house over before 1 can get
This young gentleman was born in Fort Re covery, Ohio, forty-seven years ago. At the time of this picture, he was eighteen years of age and most likely felt as big then as he really is now.
He was employed fourteen years ago in the shovel department and still holds a position in the same department. Last month's Guess Who窶年o, folks, we don't
blame yoti a bit. Even R. B. Flenley thought we had snapped him when he wasn't looking. Truth is. however, thai the picture was one of our
good photographer F. A. Schttlwitz. Bad brakes often explain but never excuse an accident.
What a world! By the time you're important enough to take two hours for lunch, the doctor limits vou to a Hass of milk.
the boat out."
Russell said, "And since you had the drain
P'tlt in. the basement doesn't get flooded any more."
C. R. Link met
with an old friend
up in Canada as shown
Ted Yerks always claimed that he had two motors in his car but one rainy night our friend Ted got the chance to try both of the motors and lie finally found that neither one would start. So Ted had one of the drill helpers put some work on the main motor. A flashlight and handkerchief are the only tools that were used to repair the trouble.
To keep out of hospitals, keep out of danger. Policeman: "Miss, you were doing sixty miles
She: "Oh, isn't that splendid!
I only learned
the left of him is his brother. The.
picture was tak en
when Mr. and
Mrs. John Fink and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fink and fam
an hour!"
to drive yesterday."
above photo.
w h e r e
week end visiting.
Page 382
Calcite Screening's
The Bradley Transportation Company » » » » » fnasLi^ty Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Steamer Carl D. Bradley Date of Meeting. June 25. 1931.
may be shut off in time to avoid serious injury. This v\i|] also be arranged.
Present: Clarence Thorsen, chairman; Ken
<Eric Winters added the suggestion that the
neth halor. secretary; and Leo Moll, Oscar Lar son. Harold Nidy, Walter Levondoski. Otto Spar re, C. Crcenleaf, Isaac Ranke and Eric Winter. Our second meeting of the season was attend
first aid cabinets be inspected to make sure that they are all properly stocked and outfitted. No further business remaining for considera tion the meeting was brought to a close.
ed by all members of the committee.
MacFean. Captain Dahlhurg and Chief Sparre also were present. The Chairman called the meeting to order at seven p. m. and the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Chairman then called upon Captain Mc Lean lor a lew words. The Captain spoke for a short time and told us that he was highly satis fied by the manner in which the various mem bers of the crew had been handling themselves and their jobs. He said that he had been un able to note a single man who was not carrying out his duties just exactly as he should. The various department heads agreed that their ob servations were of a similar nature.
Suggestions were few at this meeting but since this is a modern and recently constructed .•esseI this was to be expected. Chairman Thorsen advised that he would in struct his men to be on the watch when dock
Boosts on Board—Str. Bradley At least we have the l-(\^ on most ol the others on this Buffington run during the torrid weather we have been having, in-as-much as it is usually fairly comfortable on Lake Michigan at all times, sav what you will.
However, we have it from good authority that the mosquitoes are very plentiful in certain sub
urban sections of Rogers City—hungry ones at that.
The source of our information had not a
lew marks to prove his statement. The warm
weather has made the beach at
Buffington much more popular than the town itself.
Hank Miller ushered in the swimming
season by braving the watery depths and en joyed himself to such an
extent that several
more soon Hollowed his example. He distin guished himself from the more common herd by wearing shoes in the water as well as out of it.
ing ai Buffington because of the tendency for the wooden fenders on the dock to fly up as the
hut has been educational as well as we learned
vessel touches them.
several new strokes, the most interesting by far
Chief Sparre asked that the men operating the forward deck winches be very careful to operate them in the correct manner, with all controls properly adjusted as considerable dam age might result from carelessness in this par ticular.
Eric Winter called attention to the fact that
a few were often seen standing in the vicinity of the after cable while being towed into Cal
They are to be warned about this prac
tice immediately. Feo Moll made the timely suggestion that all of the men. and quite especially the new ones, be shown where the emergency switches are lo:alcd. This is to be done immediately. He also advised that a man be stationed to watch the
Xot only has it offered a respite from the heat
being one known locally as the "Marine City Crawl."
Bill Schwerts seems to be becoming as poputtlar in Rogers City as he is in the vicinity of Flyria and Lorain. He was recently seen on the dock at Calcite holding fond farewell to two of the fair sex. Bill says they just WON'T let him alone !
We are sorry to
say that John
and Otto
Sparre had to leave in order to attend the fun
eral of their father, Mr. Severin Sparre in Cleve land. On behalf of the crew of the Str. Bradley we extend our most sincere regrets and sympa thy.
nen working in the tunnel during the cleanup,
\\ e just had a peek at some of the prepara
so that if a man should fall thru, the machinery
tions for the Fourth of July dinner and we ini-
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Calcite Screenings
mediatetly changed our plans about dining up .1 today. Two great American flags worked out in icing and strawberries on immense cakes are due to grace our tables today, not to men tion other fascinating delicacies being fabricat ed by Otto and his crew.
Some time ago our porter and waiter were
seen stepping out in a Ford truck.
We didn't
know that love could thrive in such an environ
ment but 1 guess we still have a lot to learn about women.
Of course Louis was razzed for
courting his girl in a truck but he replied that the}' didn't do any courting—only a little neck
ing'Any member of the crew wishing to hear some of the more serious problems of life dis cussed is cordially invited to listen in on the ten to two watch in the galley after they come off watch. The topic of conversation varies to such an extent that one night it may be music and the following night halitosis. Very en lightening to say the least.
Bridge has become quite a popular pastime on the good ship Bradley. Perhaps we can attrib ute the lack of arguments to the fact that no one has his wife for a partner.
We notice Erie Winter going ashore in Rog ers City quite regularly now. Yes, there's a reason—his wife is spending the summer there.
velopcd a curious passion for chewing gum,
especially the kind put up in the sugar coated, chiclet form.
This odd trait was almost his un
doing when a trusted friend prevailed upon him to masticate no less than six or seven of those
innocent looking laxative chiclets during the course of the day's labors. Eddie swears that hereafter he will stick to
forms of g*um.
Well, today is the fourth of July—the Grand and Glorious Fourth!
And we scheduled to load
flux with a clear dock!
Also it happens to be
the morning after the night before for a lot of people 1 know—especially since Young Stribling lost his "fight of the ages." Strange as it may seem, Scotty Phillips hacked the wrong man and we are of the opinion that by doing so Scot
ty gave the Southern fist thrower considerably more prestige than he deserved among those who are sportingly inclined—much to their dis gust. It takes years to build a reputation, Scottv, but only a few minutes to lose it!
Ancl now we are about to take leave of you but before doing so we are moved to quote the old Arabian Proverb: The remedy against bad times is to be patient with them. As the "old maestro" says: "I hope you like it." 0. Kennth Falor and Harold Nidy Steamer John G. Munson
We are depending on Jack Anderson to keep us posted as to the progress being made at the new golf course. He seems to be quite enthused
Date of Meeting: July 2, 1931. Members present: G. Beck, chairman: G. Hoy, secretary; H. Knight, P. Fleming, B. Beauvis. L. Graham, A. McRae, J. Miller, committee
with it but we understand there is still room for
improvement. But perhaps it was nobody's fault but his own that he lost so many balls. "Moxie" MacDonald was considerably irri
tated to find that the party who splashed white paint so promiscuously the other day while he and his gang were painting the deck up forward were only some seagulls.
We regret that illness has made it necessary
for Captain MacLean to go ashore for treat ment. We all hope to see him back with us very soon. Meanwhile, Captain Dahlhurg has assum ed command of the Bradley.
Business must be picking up—we have at the
Meeting called to order at 7 p. m. with all available members of the crew present. The minutes of the last meeting were read, all sug gestions and recommendations having been carried out, some of which are being worked out at present.
A report was made by the unloading crews that the starboard belt was giving considerable trouble at intervals during the unloading. The
condition existing was reported as being dan gerous, due to the fact that large openhearth fell from the belt along the incline. It was the consensus of opinion that this should be taken care of at the earliest convenience. Several idler
boards were found that allowed idler pullies to
present time no less than two full sized radio
shift. We have partially improved this condi raffles. "Chink" Thorsen is disposing of his tion by renewing some of the boards. A one man staging is being constructed for "Splitdorf" and Norman MacLean is his sales use in cleaning stone out of manager. Otto Sparre is offer pigeon holes in hopper house, ing some little competition as practice make* perfect thereby avoiding the former he is selling chances on his allPRACTICE SAFETV ALL practice of using a ladder for electric "Roister" receiver. THE TIME AND VOU'LL "Chick" should have a compar that purpose. MAKE A PERFECT atively easy task in cornering The throttle lever on hatch .TAFETY RECORD/ the raffle market since they say it takes a Scotchman to sell a Scotchman!
Eddie Beck has recently de-
winch has been changed to op posite side to avoid reaching over cable, when operating en gine.
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Calcite Screenings
It was suggested that a member of the engi neering department examine all tools to assure safety in that respect. Captain MacLean gave a short talk, regard ing conditions on board ship, also passed a fav orable comment on the co-operation of the crew in regards to safety first and other respects. Chief Fngr. Urdal mentioned with regret the
lost time accident in the engineering department due to ;i misunderstanding. The condition is be ing rectified, all the members of the. engineer ing department were cautioned of the dangers present in the boiler and engine rooms. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p. m.
a wicked banjo we are just about ready to enter into competition with Guy Lombardo et al. Do we have rythm, And How!
Together with our
Amos 'n' Andy imitators we are all set to put on a first class minstrel and hereby nominate our genial second mate as master of ceremonies, or to be more exact, interlocutor. One of the Admirals from a fish tug was aboard looking the boat over, lie asked the mate if we had a Diesel engine. Al was non plussed for the moment but investigation re vealed it was Erik breaking in a new briar. Lost: One 1-11). can of Bakers Cocoa.
It the weather gets any hotter than it has been for the last week or so we are going to stop burning coal and move our boilers out on deck. Pete, our second cook, says he is going to order shade trees from Sears, Roebuck 6c Co.
We have already quit burning fuel in our galley stove, we are utilizing the sun's rays.
We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Chief Urdal in his recent bereavement upon the death of his father who passed away recently. Captain Urdal was born in Norway and was a mariner for forty-eight years, thirty-two of which were spent as master. Tho retired from active service, his greatetst delight in his last years was taking a trip on the lake steamers.
Steamer Calcite.
Chas. Sauve, our assistant conveyorman, has joined the Lion Tamers Club. Chas. has gone in for taming unruly belts and how! We are at a loss to know whether he uses a whip or a Spear buj he reports that he has the starboard belt in hand. With Leo as ringmaster we bold ly issue the statement that we can tame any thing but those Ohio mosquitoes. It seems that Leo and Charlie tied seven of them to the boom
the other day but had to let them go as they shifted the boom five inches.
move over
when we pass Marine City. Our ships orchestra
growing both in size and vol ume.
Steamer Calcite
Dale of Meeting: June 29th at 6:30 p. m.
Present: Captain McQuinn and Chief Suttle, retary; and John Miller, Donald MacLeod, Robley Wilson. John UbI, Eugene Jones and How ard Schaum.
Notes from the last meeting were read, sug gestions commented Upon and progress of work noted.
The following suggestions were brought up at this meeting: Suggested: That new rope be secured to re place old rope on bunker hatch tackles. The rope now in use is unsafe for the strain applied. Suggested: That the bare steam and exhaust rance in fire hold be covered, thus preventing
the possibility of firemen or coal passers being burned if coming in contact with them. Suggested: That railing on after house at port
ladder from Maine deck lie repaired. Suggested: That all men be warned against walking up the ladders without using their hands to steady themselves, this may prevent a fall in
case of slipping; where if a person's hands are not on the ladder a slip may mean a bad fall. Cargo Clippingsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Calcite The crew of the Steamer Calcite are all work
ing towards an economic operation, in fact are so interested in keeping down costs, that they told Johnny Miller it won't he necessary to buy fish for
our Friday
We have fishing-
poles, baits of all descriptions, but to date the
Bernie says that he is going to to
E. G. Motttotix, Reporter.
elbows in the forward steam line at tunnel ent
It is very seldom that two stone boats get to gether at an unloading dock at the same time. However the last trip to Fairport we were greatly pleased to meet our old friends on the
ed : liberal reward.
Chris Swarts, chairman; N. R. Henderson, sec
Congratulations were in order several trips ago on the arrival of a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, June 14th.
the Canadian shore so
please return to Frank Berg; no questions ask
Musical Murmursâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Munson
It was recently augment
ed by the addition of a piano accordian manipulated by the nimble fingers of Frank Miller,
the coming King of the Ivories. With Ike}- Klingshirn picking-
only one who has proven his worth as a fisher man is our first assistant Harry Sloane: he pulled in a nice four pound Northern Pike, measuring 27 MOPE WE OF .fAFETV
inches from stem to stern. The
ships reporter was present at
but he forgot the exact size of Harry's sunny smile.
the time the fish was measured
some repair work
was on
doing our
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Calcite Screenings
loading hopper.
He asked Pat MacKenzie to
get a backing out punch. Pat went to the en gine room and asked "What's a Mackinaw Punch?"
Steamer B. H. Taylor
Date of Meeting: July 1, 1931. Present: D. E. Nauts, chairman; Wm. Shay,
secretary; and Walter Callam, Ed. Ehrke, Claire
Rudgers", Walter Eggleston, Edw. Johnson.
Ide To A Steward
Lost! Somewhere between Sunset and Sunrise,
One golden Pineapple, set with many pointed spurs,
The July Safety Meeting was called to order at seven p. m. this evening and in addition to
the regular members was attended by Capt. Pearse, Chief LaBounty, Second Asst. Gatons
Search in vain, for it's gone forever.
and fifteen additional members ol
Certain members of our crew are becoming studious, if we can judge between conversation
Meeting was opened by reviewing our June meeting, and the report on results from recom
of Messers Bacon and MacLeod.
mendations made at that time.
We are still in
doubt which has the best dictionary.
A letter from Mr. Valentin pertaining to care
and handling of mooring cables was read by
Harry Sloane has threatened to put a coin box on our washing machine and charge each one five cents for its use. Harry, we are afraid it might be classed as restraint of trade.
stead of the becket. As our meeting was being
Mr. Wm. Patchkowski is now the proud fath er of a baby boy. Many congratulations, Wil
held forward of number one hatch, an examina tion of our beckets was made to ascertain the
liam, and thanks for the cigars.
the chairman. This dealt with a recent accident where a deckhand received serious injury to
fingers from handling a cable by the bight in
size of wire used for beckets, as this injured man had stated that his reason for so handling
The crew of the Steamer Calcite has coined a
the cable was to avoid cutting his hands on the
new word, which takes place of many longer words and in some cases a complete sentence.
thin wire. They were found to consist of strands
It has been estimated that after a short time,
the monosylable will take a great place in Amer ican speech, thus greatly simplifying the Art of conversation.
For instance if some one should
come Up to you With a complicated question to be answered, or asking your advice, and yott happened to be pressed for time, just say, "Goop." It means Yes, No, Maybe, Hello or Goodbye, and many other things too numerous to mention.
Bacon slipped on a bathing suit and went swimming at Fairport the last trip there. He is now suffering with a case of Ultra Violent Ray. Tt was hot, the flies, bugs and mosquitoes were thick : the boys were standing against the after rail when, Zipâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;off went Andy's glasses. He isn't sure whether it was just a common fly
or a Lake St. Clair mosquito but anyway the fly won't have them long, as flies are always leav ing their specks behind them. Ah-Ha! Mystery? Chief Suttle coming up the deck saw a naked light weaving to and fro round about in the forward engine room. But
it was only Rod looking for a few inches of Vacuum.
In closing this chatter, Roland Francis Bacon say "Goop." The train of time and op portunity has no rear entrance ;
of a regular mooring cable and about threeeights inch in diameter. After a practical dem onstration of the proper method of handling beckets. it was decided that they were of suffi cient diameter to prevent cutting of the hands when pulling on same and that the present con dition of same was satisfactory to the commit tee.
Capt. Pearse stated that although there has been considerable swimming from the boat this hot weather of the past few weeks, he was glad to see that the proper precautions had been taken at all times and under the supervision of a competent man on deck. Considerable discussion was given to an arti cle in the May Lake Carriers Bulletin concerning the carrying of bundles up and down ladders at the docks, and the recommendation therein that a basket be kept by ladder for pulling bundles
and packages aboard.
The general opinion of
those present was that a man coining aboard a vessel on a ladder was observing proper pre
caution if one hand was free to steady and guide himself. It is seldom that anyone brings back
anything but clothing or light bundles and if, for any reason, he felt himself in danger, he would "not hesitate to drop them. It was agreed that a basket or bucket by the ladder would be
a very handy thing to have in case someone does return with more than he can
carry in one hand.
Speaking further of ladders, Chief LaBounty stated that he
considered the most dangerous
The man who really knows himself is quite sure to be a
to go down a ladder facing away from it for if one slipped there would be no possible way
modest man.
of catching; oneself
you have to enter by the front door if vou care to ride.
practice of all was to attempt
Pa-e 386
Calcite Screenings
ing injury. He added that if a man is seen do ing this he should be warned once, and if he
persists in his dangerous practice he should be discharged without any further hesitation. A man careless in this respect is very apt to be taking chances elsewhere. Since our last meeting, awnings have been put up around aft, making it impossible for a man on deck to throw the lifeboat cover lashings under boats. Asst. Conveyorman Halleck stated that he had seen a man standing on the bulwarks in order to throw lashings over the awning and under boat. This dangerous practice has been remedied by use of a pikepole to pull lashings under boat.
Meeting adjourned. Twice Told Talesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Taylor By the time Screenings is off the press the Fourth will be a thing of the past, but at pres ent all the boys are figuring time, counting hours and figuring trips to see whether or not we will be in Rogers for the Fourth. The aver age member of the crew hasn't been ashore for the Fourth for the last four years. For the past ten days we have had Mr. Burns
of the Sperry Gyro Compass Company with us. He proved to be a congenial shipmate and his
Optimism is a great thing.
The newspapers
laughed at Doctor Coue and his theory that was based on mental suggestion but is seems as if they had changed their opinion of his treatment for almost every one of the rags are using "In dications Show Business Is Getting Better." As they have been using this cure for the last year, it business doesn't pick up within the next decade or so, we will begin to lose faith in your theory, Dr. Coue.
Hard times and business depression don't mean a thing to Al Goodreau, our genial stew ard. In spite of the heat, which is doubly fierce in the galley, he still continues to tickle our pal ates with the most tasty rations ever served by sea-going cook. We believe in giving credit where credit is due and not waiting until a man is dead before doing so. No doubt, dear read er, you think that I am writing this to curry favor and to secure an extra dish of ice cream,
but this opinion is erroneous as any member ol the crew will testify that Al is impartially giv ing the maximum amount of favors now and none remain to be gained by the loathsome
pandering of the ship reporter. And the same, to a certain degree, applies to the galley crew, although we are oft wont to wage wordy battle with them.
absence is felt.
The radio department of the ship did a thriv ing bit of business when the ship made it's first trip of the season down the rivers to Fairport. Some of the fellows went home, some had their folks come to see thein.
Those that were not
included in these two classes enjoyed the famil iar old scenery along the river so everybody was happy. Some more trips like this would not be amiss. Oh! No, not hintin' anything. We were all interested in the account of the
presentation of the President's medal to Emer son Lee. A concrete example like this brings to the people who read of it, the benefits of safety. The greatest thing a person can do is to save the life of another. Any instruction with the object of teaching people how to do this, cannot be given too much attention or praise.
Jimmy Gatons tells us of a little negro boy that dashed into the corner drug store and asked to use the phone. The following conver sation ensued.
"Is this Missis Jones? - - - Does you need a
Fred Wetherton says that football may be a more brutal game than croquet but croquet is more wicket.
Ed Fhrke is going in for taxidermy in a large way. All he needs is some specimens to work on. If any one kills an owl or any other kind of bird and doesn't know what to do with it, leave it in the dock office for us.
By the Beard of the Profit! it is waxing warm this aft. May Allah be gracious unto thee and give thee a low golf score. Be seein' ya. "1 was sorry for your wife in church this morning when she had a terrific attack of
coughing and every one turned to look at her." "You needn't worry about that. She was wearing a new hat."
The person who has so much vitality as to lead him to defy the laws of health, assured that he pays no price, no matter how he lives, is
likely to be the first to exhaust his account of health prematurely. On the other hand, ob servance of the laws of hygiene affords wonder ful results in producing vitali
good boy to work for you ? No isficd with the one you has?
Are vou sat-
The druggist, surprised at the broad smile on his face, asked him if he wasn't disap
Alright, thank'you."
pointed. "Oh, no, Ah has a job, Ah was jus' checking up on my self."
companies are discovering that even weak and sick people will, if they take good care of themselves, outlive those with robust constitutions who abuse their health.
A mighty good example to follow.
Quit arguing, get the facts.
Never a day without something of gladness, Something to soften and sweeten the sadness; Something to startle the eye or entrance it, Never a day but a smile may enhance it,
Never a day that isjust like its brother; Always it's different in some way or other. Comes a new bud into blossom, or maybe
A new tooth is found in the mouth of the baby; Somebody leaves us or somebody tarries; Someone goes visiting, somebody marries; Some man invents a new trinket to sell us,
Somebody stops with a new jest to tell us. When the day dawns there is no way of knowing What joy is coming or what care is going. What if above us the storm clouds may hover, We may in trouble a new fiend discover. What if we wake to the same dreary duty,
The eye may find somewhere a new touch of beauty. Never a day without something worth seeing, Something worth doing and something worth being. Even the oldest find something to live for, Something to wait for and something to give for. Always some new joy or problem arises, Never a day dawns without some surprises. (Copyright '93' by Rugar A Guctt.)
All 窶認ar
Safety or
CALCITE SCREENINGS i i m jl! i ^ n
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1931 fff ^
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2Vo Accident Homor Rail Department, Foreman and Captain CARPENTER SHOP
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei
Max Belmore
Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp Capt. William MacLean
Chief John Sparre STR. B. H. TAYLOR
Capt. F. F. Pearse
Chief Guy LaBounty STR. CALCITE
Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
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Calcite Screenings
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published monthly for the employees of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare. The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the department and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.
E D 1 T
We regret very much to report an accident in
our quarry blasting operation on Friday, July 10th, about 2:50 p. m. due to a premature ex
plosion resulting in the death of Charles Pauquette and seriously injuring John Schlager. Thedore Haselhuhn and Leo Paull of the blast
ing crew and Cyrus Bessie, casing puller, receiv ed minor injuries due to flying stone but were able to continue A blast of 41 which had been Tiad been loaded
work alter receiving first aid. holes was being loaded, 27 of loaded with dynamite and four with L.O.X. The explosion oc curred during the loading of the fifth hole with L.O.X. Four cartridges were dropped to the bottom of the hole which was 42 ft. deep and the fifth cartridge stuck in the hole about 15 ft. to 18 ft. from the top. Schlager and Pauquette were attempting to dislodge the cart ridge by the usual method of pushing it with a wood .n pole when the explosion occurred. This is the first accident experienced with ex plosives since the beginning of operations in 1912. During this time a large quantity of ex plosives, amounting to millions of pounds, has been safely handled. L.O.X. has been used successfully in the quar
ry blasting operation since 1928.
No definite
cause of this explosion has been determined. However, it is believed that a spark from some unknown source ignited some of the free carbon
present in the bore hole which then ignited the cartridge which was stuck and also the other four cartridges in the bottom of the hole. The work was being carried on in the regular man
ner and apparently no unusual condition existed to account for the premature explosion. The L.O.X. plant has been shut down tempor arily and an investigation is now being made to determine a method to eliminate cartridges
from getting stuck while being dropped in a bored hole before reaching the bottom.
It is
also planned to change the process of manu facturing the dry cartridges in which the car bon will be subjected to treatment which will render it less sensitive to sparks and flame. Since the accident Mr. Schlager has been con fined to the local hospital from which he will
be released shortly.
Present indications are
that when his left arm which was lacerated by
- the explosion, is healed he will be in as good a physical condition as he was prior to the accident.
President John G. Munson recently received a very grateful letter from a Mr. Fred C. Baldock of Detroit commending the crew of the Steamer John G. Munson for their efforts in bringing aid to him and his party, which con sisted of Arthur M. Swigert, Victor N. Hansen and Cleo Cowell when their motor boat swamp ed in Lake St. Clair on the night of July 16th. The men had been in the water about one and
one-half hours when they were sighted by the crew of the Steamer Munson, who being unable to maneuver to make the rescue, called assist
ance from shore which was answered by Mr. Peter Saver of Jefferson Beach, who effected the rescue by the aid of the crew of the Munson who kept the steamer's searchlight on the cap sized boat until the crew were picked up. Mr. Baldock's commendation was full of praise for the men who participated in accomplishing the rescue.
And thus another entry is made in
the Steamer Munson's book of heroic deeds. OUR COVER PICTURE
Some time prior to 1869 Crawford's Quarry (now the present port of Calcite) was establish ed as a lumbering center and at that time a large part of Presque Isle County was a town ship of the County of Alpena. In 1872 just after the formation of this Coun ty, a Court House was built on the site of the
present Court House in Rogers City, this Vil lage having been established by members of United States Government survey party. The original Court House, not unlike the present one in architecture, was burned in 1881 and on
its foundation the present buiding was con structed. Improvements were added from time to time and most extensively in 1927, and this building now houses the County officials, the jail and provides a place for public meetings and holding the regular session of Circuit Court. Drink the fresh air and bathe in the sunshine
and out in the silent night under the stars say
to yourself, "I am part of all my eyes behold." And the feeling will be that you are not a mere substance between the earth and sky, but a ne
cessary part of the whole. If people would take half as much trouble about health as they do about wealth, disease could be banished.
Calcite Screenings
Page 392
IT'S TIME TO IMITATE THE SQUIRREL Altho we are now sweltering in the heat and wishing for a cool breeze, it's high time we be gin to think about winter and it's swirling snow and zero temperatures, and as an aid to your
thoughts, we print the accompanying picture of a local winter scene.
it will not be long now until the squirrel will start laying in his winter stock of provisions and in this, altho he is a
kingdom and we members of the great human race, the squirrel has wisdom and judgment far in excess of many of us. He lays in his winter
food supply in late summer and early fall and then leads a life of contentment while some of us
busy ourselves all winter gathering our daily needs.
It is a mighty good time now to get in that coal and coke you are going to
Accidents apparently defy prediction.
unexpectedly without regard to time, place or circumstance. That is the common impression. In looking over accident experiences covering a period of years, however, it is possible to pre dict certain numbers and types of accidental mishaps with uncanny ability and to foretell just about when and where they will happen. A continual check up on plant conditions and extra precaution in instructing men in their work and thoughtfulness on the part of the workmen have greatly reduced plant accidents. But accidents in the homes and on days of out ings or trips into less familiar sections of the country are far in excess of what they should be. A knowledge of the hazards ,?... '
need for the winter while it's
i:i< ist
i'n .miner,!
nice and dry, and if you really
feel ambitious you can take your trailer and haul it on your days off. And, if you
wish to gather in wood, we will be our employees a they can cut it
»3K' 'Sf: •••4'-l-B*lj ',.-\s •"•..•
some winter glad to show place where but as the
possible for the individual to take the precautions that will
It can be avoid
ed through the development of health habits, through the wearing of proper clothing and avoidance of over-fatigue. Treatment
sists mainly of reducing the victim's temperature. Drowning is the most prom inent type of fatal accident dttring the summer season. Water
hazards are
of course
It May Be Warm Now, But Scenes
greatly reduced
Such As This Are Not Far Away.
learn to swim and when swim
vantage of days off and have a good supply of canned berries on hand. Yes we can learn much from the cunning little squirrel who starts early to lay in the winter stores and then lives a life of contentment while
the wind is howling and the country covered by a blanket of snow.
If you spend all the money you earn, some other fellow is banking your money. Mark Twain once said: "We should be careful
to get out of an experience only the wisdom that
is in it—and stop there; lest we be like the cat hot stove
dition about.
and the same is true with the
that sits down on a
Excessive heat is almost ex
and apples. We understand that many farmers will be glad to give you potatoes if you will help him harvest the crop. And so for a few days work your potato bin can be filled people have already taken ad
clusively a hot weather haz ard. Too much exposure to the sun's rays firings the con
ited we suggest you don't wait too long before you make your wants known. Likewise, it is a good time to start gathering in your winter potatoes, vegetables
Many of our
lead to the greatest degree •>'' summer safety.
supply may be somewhat lim
apple harvest.
It is
presumed that an accident is something that happens undesignedly, something that occurs
when people
ming avoid unnecessary risks.
And when everyone has learned the technique
of artificial respiration, one should remember that the same treatment
electric shock or for one who has been gassed. Resuscitation annually cuts down the toll. Most anyone can learn it. Make sure you and your family have. Between the ages of 5 and 14 accidents cause more than twice as many deaths as the most important disease, and the motor vehicle is now considered the most serious accident hazard, it
being responsible for 33,000 deaths in the Unit ed States last year, and of this number 1,560
that is well; but also she will never sit down
happened in Michigan. We should therefore take extra precaution in
on a cold one anymore."
our summer driving.
never sit down on a hot stove lid again—and
Our habits not only determine how
enjoy living, but how long we can live.
One never can tell what
the other fellow is going to do and courtesy on we
the highway always has its rewards.
When we
get away from our familiar haunts, there are
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Calcite Screenings
always strange hazards and conditions. Grade crossings bob up unexpectedly, regulations and signs may not be the same as those which we are accustomed to and the tendency to divide atten tion between the wheel and scenery is great. NEW DRIVERS LICENSE LAW
Everybody needs some form of amusement.
It not'only'refreshes the mind from the cares and worries of every day life. It refreshes the mind and body and overcomes fatigue tempor arily at least. Some persons find their recreation in various hobbies. They raise vegetable and flower gard
L'nder the provision of Act 91 of the Michigan State Legislature all operators of motor vehicles
ens, play musical instruments, golf, tennis, cards,
who obtained their driver's license before Jan
read and a thousand and one other things that
uary 1, 1925, are required to take out a new li
hold interest.
cense before November 1, 1931.
Recreation does little good unless you enjoy it. Pick out something beneficial you like to do and devote a great deal of your spare time to it. A wholesome hobby should be of benefit.
All licenses is
sued between December 31, 1924 and January 1, 1928 must be renewed before May 1, 1932 and all licenses issued after December 31, 1927 shall ex
pire on November 1, 1932.
We are more or less all faced with serious prob
Forms for making application for licenses may be obtained from the County Clerk or the Main Office and after they have been properly filled, verified under oath before a Notary Public, the
lems in our daily life which need careful consid eration. But a little play will help us smooth
application for license is then taken to the Sheritf who is examining officer for the purpose of examining applications for operators and chauf feurs licenses.
Applications for driver's license should be ac companied by one dollar and five cents. Such license when granted shall run for a period of three years when operator must again make ap plication for renewal. Applications for chauffeur's license should be accompanied by a fee of two dollars and five cents and such license expires on December 31st of each year. When licenses are received they must be
signed by operator and should be carried by the driver at all times when he is using his car.
Departmental records show that applications for new licenses are being made very slowly. Those who neglect to make application before
expiration of license may find themselves with
them out if we can enter thoroughly into the spirit of the occasion. Many of us do not know
how to play, and we are missing some of the finest pleasures of life.
To understand this one
need only to attend one of our league baseball games which are now going on or one of the basket ball games in the winter. Of course we can't all play baseball or basketball, but there
are plenty of other forms of recreation we can take up which will in turn make our job and living more enjoyable. The fellow who has a daily routine of work without a bit of play will find life a drudgery and may not have much but ill health to show for it.
If you can form friendships in the pursuit of recreation, so much the better because one of the greatest gifts we are privileged to enjoy is that of friendship, and recreation whether ol the physical or mental kind, can be much better enjoyed with someone else. BRAGGING "cuts no ice," but no man who
out a license if they wait for the "last minute"
has caught a large fish totes it home through a
back allev.
Attending a Safety Meeting of the Drilling Department
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Just a Visit With Mr. and Mrs. Tax Payer Every employee of the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company is a tax payer, and while a large majority of the employees pay taxes di rect, every person living in this community con tributes his share to our Local, State and Fed eral Government costs.
Kv'ry citizen is a stockholder in our Govern ment
His voice in the Government is his vote
just as a corporation stockholder votes his shares of stock at the meetings for election of
officials and transaction of other corporate bus iness.
Based on a study of the number of votes cast at local elections previous to this time it is an established fact that not more than half of the
qualified voters of the community are exercising their rights and privilege in a most important part in the Government of our community and, even of the Country. It is most important that every voter cast his vote at every election. Of ficials elected by large majorities and by votes in large numbers are assured
support in general than officials elected where the vote is very light. Officials elected by a large majority also carry a broader responsibil ity, a sense of service much broader than il elected by a mere handful of voters. The chanc
By R. B. HENLEY, Auditor
Based on Knowledge and Experience Gained Not Only As An Officer of The Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company, But Thru Affiliation With the Village Council and Thru Kindred Channels. vuliug Ior the less fortunate of the County— Poor Fund—12.5 per cent.
3. Construction and maintenance of County Roads—7.5 per cent.
4. Retirement of Court House repair bonds, the last of which is payable March. 1932—4.5 per cent.
5. General Township expense including salsupervisor and other officials—1.6 per
Rogers City Band- -1 /> per cent. Rogers Township Roads, including nm-
struction and maintenance—2.8 per cent. S. School expense for approximately seven
hundred children at about $130.00 each per year, two-thirds of which expense is local, the balance
being provided by State Funds—33.0 per cent.
es are Strongly that more competent officials
9. Village expense including fire protection,
can be elected by a large vote as it makes it more difficult for persons of less ability to be elected to these various offices of importance. Almost $200,000 annually, based on 1930. is
Village share of street paving, salaries and all other miscellaneous expense—10.0 per cent.
expended in the upkeep and operation of our
The tax money is charged to the people on the basis of the value of their property and is
This is a large amount of money, almost $700.00 per working day, and the administration of an
contributed by an owner direct, by a renter throtigh his rent and even by a visitor to the community in any purchases he makes locally. The value of the property is placed by assess-
Village, Township and Count}- Government.
expenditure of this size should be in the hands of officials competent to wisely spend this money
Total Local Tax Dollar, per cent.
and to properly protect the interest of lax payers who are all interested in pro
gressive government in all its phases on a conserva tive basis.
Based oil the year 1930
the expenditure of this money divided per dollar
was approximately as Eollows:
1. Count y Officials, Co ur t blouse upkeep, Courts,
state Institutions, Agri cultural Agent, and dona tions to various develop ment and charitable orga
nizations—26.5 per cent. 2. Temporary relief, maintenance of County In-
fimary and other expenses in connection with pro-
The Original Unit of the Improved School Facilities For Rogers City, New Used For the Primary Department of the Public Schools
Pasre 395
Calcite Screenings
Birdseye View of Rogers City
A Village Progressing Without Excessive Taxation Costs
ors or supervisors, elected by the people, who prepare the tax roll. This assessment is passed upon by a Board of Review meeting publicly so that any tax payer may, before the tax is spread,
formed than is the private dollar. This is due to several reasons many of which lie in the power of each community to correct. Perhaps the most important reason is that quite often
investigate the value of his assessment for the purpose of equitable distribution of Government expense. Ilaving established a value upon the property owned on which the taxes are assessed, budgets are presented including the expenditure necessary for the various operations and main tenance of Government Departments and facil ities and then the Board of Supervisors, the Township Board, the Board of Education and the Village Council, each in so far as their juris diction reaches, decide the rate to apply to the property to produce the revenue required. Then,
officials are elected for reasons other than their
of course, in due time the Treasurer of the var
ious Government units by notice or bills collect the tax due.
Our experience over the past several years is that in the expenditures of large amounts of money there are bound to be many dollars ap plied in ways that do not produce the value that
is due to and expected by the tax payers.
The tax dollar is probably more susceptible to production of smaller value
ability and suitability for the office to which they aspire. It is herein that lies the power of the tax payer to control his taxes.
Contributing also to wasteful expenditure is the fact that our Government is divided into small units which we inherited from the time
when transportation and
very slow. This causes a duplication of over head that could be corrected by establishment of larger units of Government and due to modearn transportation and communication contact would be as easy over perhaps five times the area as it was a hundred years ago. The cry for tax relief at the present time has been heard in practically every legislature in the United States and studies of the problem have offered solution after solution,
them practical, some of them radical. It is the one question today in Government that is get ting deservedly a great amount of attention. However, the cry is directed largely toward the State tax and it
that the State tax is only ten per cent of the total taxation. This is really the
answer the legislators bring back home to their constit
uents with a suggestion that as long as ninety per cent of the tax raised is for
local expenditures it wotilc be wise to consider the eco nomical administration of
this larger percentage of tax money in order to make the greatest savings. This community is no ex
ception in the pleas for tax
The Pride of the Community and Its Operation So Administered That Annual Reduction in Tax Expense
is Being Effected.
relief and this community should be no exception in taking up the suggestions of the legislators that the greatest savings can be " „ ,1
,.;, i . _. il...,,,,.
made light at Home.
Calcite Screenings
The support and strength of your pleas for tax relief lies in your vote. We urge you to suppp-rt your plea in this way, wisely and care fully; supporting the candidates for the various offices who are qualified to administer the funds entrusted to them in a most careful and business
like way.
We suggest that you apply the same
study at the time of voting for a public officer that you would apply in the election of officials running a business in which you are a stockhold er or in which you are interested. This Company has an interest and quite a large interest in matters of this kind. The Township in which we are situated and which includes about one-fourth of the population of the County pays considerable over half of the total tax of the County and pays almost threeFourths of the amount of money discussed in this article. The interest of the Company is also based Upon the fact that the employees of this Company are affected to a large extent by unwarranted taxation which in turn affects the
whole community and
The story of accidents in the plant, in otu homes and on our highways is a familiar one to most of us, but the story of accidents that oc
cur while people are playing games is new p|d interesting.
For instance, il* someone asked you to list the popular sports that cause the most accidents, you would probably lead off with football, box
ing, basketball, etc. And you would be wrong. A large insurance company has recently ex amined some 5,000 compensation cases where the victims were injured in sports, Golf lead off! Swimming and baseball followed in order while football was far down oil the list. too.
Ol course more people play golf than football but there's another reason why there were so
few football cases.
tion and a part year operation on a competitive basis and it is. therefore, to the mutual interest
of the employees and also of this Company to give attention to matters of this kind. The foregoing article will
other articles more in detail, dealing with ex
The player is conditioned.
He is trained to a fine c(\^t and is fit mentally
and physically.
And besides he wears protec
tive clothing.
communities as it adds a eontrolabie cost item
to the production of limestone which contributes about ninety percent of the payroll in this and the surrounding vicinity. The annual tax bill of this Company is large enough, reduced to cents per ton. that it may mean the difference between a full year opera
ing came in for quite a number of the mishaps,
In short he is trained to meet hazardous con
ditions and as a result the hazards usually fail to materialize. BE A DOER
Virtue by itself is not enough, or anything like enough. Strength must be added lu it, am' the determination to use that strength. The good man who is effective is not able to make his goodness of much account to the people as a whole.
No matter how much a man hears the
words, small is the credit attached to him if he
fails to be a doer also: and in serving the Lord
pense of individual local Government units and
offices and while our files are not complete, there is a large amount of accurate information available concerning our local tax problems to
in his business as well as cultivate fervency of
all who will interest themselves further.
needs avoid
Spirit.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Theodore Roosevelt.
Laugh with folksâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not at them.
Safety lies in living like a
how much money you have and above all things bring your children up to be use ful to perform the neces sary tasks of life. Never to be
doing good
plain old-fashioned work. Any one
term "menial" is ladened with intellectualism. Thereare no menial tasks. The
necessary is sacred and the useful is divine. Keep your feet on the earth, even tho
your head is in the clouds. Do
set yourself apart as some thing special or peculiar. Have intellect, but build it on a common sense basis.
Now We Find Such Road Conditions As These Rapidly Disappearing From Our Community To a Very Great Mutual Advantage
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Precautions And Safe Practices 1. All cylinders carrying oxygen or acetylene are manufactured under close inspection, are provided with proper safety devices, and are
Consequently they are safe
3. When transporting cylinders by means of a crane or derrick, use cradle, boat, or suitable
Never use slings or an electric mag
Interstate Commerce
the puipose intended and it is only necessary to pi event their abuse. 1. Full cylinders should be used in rotation as received from the supplier.
Unless cylinders are on a suitable truck,
regulators should be removed when the outfit is moved.
5. Cylinders should be kept far enough away from the actual welding or cutting operation so that sparks or flame will not reach them. 6. Close valves when moving cylinders.
7. Always close cylinder valves when work is finished.
8. Always close valves of empty cylinders. 9. Never use cylinders as rollers or supports even if considered empty. ACETYLENE CYLINDERS
1. Call acetylene by its full name—"Acety lene"—and not by the word "Gas." Acetylene is far different from city gas or furnace gas. 2. Acetylene is a fuel gas and. since it will burn, it must be kept away from fire. 3. Acetylene cylinders should be handled carefully. Rough handling knocks or falls are liable to damage the cylinder, valve or fuse plugs
In the Storage, Care and Handling of OxyAcetylene Weiding and Cutting Equipment
given most severe tests, according to specifica tions established by the
J. Xever tamper with fuse pings* (>. Open the cylinder valve slowly. 7. Do not open an acetylene cylinder valve more than one and one-hall turns of the spindle.
Always use the special tee-wrench provid
ed lor the acetylene cylinder valve. 9. Leave this special wrench in position on the stem of the acetylene valve while cylinder
is in use so the acetylene can be quickly turned off in case of emergency.
If this wrench is lost
a new one may be obtained from the acetylene supplier. 10. Xever use acetylene from a cylinder with out a pressure reducing regulator. 11. When returning empty cylinder to the original supplier by freight or express, send the
original bill of lading to them promptly.
sure to close the valves.
KNOW THE SUCCESS FAMILY The father of success is Work. The mother of success is Ambition.
The oldest son is Common Sense.
Some of the other
Honesty, 4'horotighness, Foresight, Enthusiasm, and Co-operation. The oldest daughter is Character. Some of her sisters are Cheerfulness. Loyalty,
Courtesy. Care, Economy and Harmony.
used with valve-end up. and not be .allowed to
The new baby is always Opportunity. Cet well acquainted with the "Old Man" and you will be able to get along pretty well with
lie on their sides.
all the rest of the familv.
and cause leakage.
4. Acetylene cylinders should be stored and
The best preparation Eor good work tomorrow is to do good work today. The best preparation for life in the
Loyalty is the greatest lubricator in life.
It saves
the wear and making daily decisions
best to do.
balance and makes results cumulative. The. man whet
is loyal to his work is not worrying nor perplexed by doubts.
He sticks to the
ship and if the ship found
A Part of the $60,000 Paving Program in Past Two Years All Paid Except Less Than 510,000 In Bonds Outstanding.
ers, he goes down a hero with the colors flying at the mast and band play ing.
Calcite Screenings
You Can Help Prevent Waste The Question
Nobody ever was. is or will be perfect.
ami the more expert we become in our work, the mistakes We are
men who
the cut pieces. In both cases anyone will agree
WasvsliKe .Rceidems Is Due
the former is "working
for" the company while
the latter
with" the company. And
thus we could cite you many similar examples
factory work can read ily be excused. On the other hand, you will agree that it is hard to excuse
hammer or bar to Loosen
others unless it teaches us to avoid errors.
their best to
ing the more or less delicate equipment, as compared to the fellow who finishes his burn ing and then shuts off the torch and uses a
we not
profiting' bv our own experience or that of Mistakes
Working "For" Or Working "With" The Company
all make mistakes, but the more careful we are f e w e r make.
prevent waste. The man who "works
employer appreciates the importance of pre
are caused by indiffer
venting waste and uses
ence or carelessness.
his head to avoid losses of time and materials
It's a mistake for any workman to say "1 do my work. Why should I worry about waste." He shouldn't worry about
wherever possible. Many a man has got ten to the point where he does his job in a routine way and he may be doing many little things that he could do
worrying doesn't do anyone any good. But every workman should be thinking about waste and should be interested enough in his job and
company to
differently and save his company money. It's a good thing for all of us
to check up on ourselves now to find out wheth You Can Save On These Items.
slipping and doing our
appreciation for the job he has and in loyalty to his company and. second, because every work man profits in proportion when a company is successful. While there are not many ways an
job in the easiest way most economical way.
individual workman can benefit his company outside of doing his work well, here is one placehe can be of additional help and alter all waste prevention like accident prevention is just part of ever}- man's job and a part of the work for which he is being paid. One fellow is doing what he thinks he ought to do and gets by for the amount of wages he is drawing. The other fellow does his work as he
port it to your foreman who will see to it that you get proper credit for your suggestion and in
thinks it should be done and the way he would want it done if he were hiring someone to do it
instead of the safest and
In going about the plant or in your depart ment il you see a way a saving can be made, re this way you will be giving proof of honest and loyal service which you may be sure will be ap preciated.
MUCH of today's grief reminds us of "The
Story of a Fish." A big, healthy, ambitious pike was put in a tank and separated by a clear plateglass partition from a school of minnows.
wanted a piece of round iron bar one foot long
days the pike continued to strike at every min now that approached, taking his bumps regu larly and heroically. Finally, however, he gave up. convinced of the futility of it all, his spirit
and one inch in diameter.
for him. To illustrate this we can
take a
He went out to the
stock pile and sawed it off a twelve foot rod in storage. Another fellow went to the sera]) pile and readily found a piece that would cut to the size needed. Or take a man burning a piece of plate with an acetylene torch and when finished
the piece stuck, the operator uses the torch as a hammer to break off the piece, thus damag-
The glass partition was then removed and thereafter the minnows swam all around that
big pike in perfect safety.
lie was thoroughly
sold on the idea that business was bad! It's not counts.
the Job, Fait the wav it's done that
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Hooks and Slices
By Jack Kinville
The accompanying picture portrays better than we can write of an episode which took place on the local golt course a few days ago, and in which a prominent member of the office force was the leading character. This usually genial, though at times temperamental olfice worker is pictured during an aggravating round oi
golf, but the picture only partly portrays the anguish and disgust which he experienced on this devastating round. Flis usually placid countenance is distorted beyond recog nition and we can fully sympathize with him in his hour of anguish. The picture shows him in the act of abandoning his clubs to his caddie (he reclaimed them the next day) and leav
ing the other members of his foursome long before the round had been completed.
He can usually be counted up
on to play the nineteenth hole in par and it is hard to be lieve that he passed this up. Me again resolved to quit the game forever (Resolution No. 199 by actual count) and to
devote his time and energies in the future to some other form of endeavor.
The outburst pictured here was occasioned by this office worker taking thirteen strokes on a pal" five hole. One of his opponents was unkind enough to inquire if his caddie carried along an adding machine to tally his score. Golfers have been known to go completely insane on much less provocation than this. As golf resolutions go, this one was lorgotten in a day or two, and this same golfer was at it again. We are glad to report that he negotiated the course on his next round with a much better score, and everything seems rosy again. The writer has been sworn to secrecy as to the identity of this well known and temperamental
prominent office worker. You can keep on guessing.
The match play tournament now in progress will not be completed for a week or two.
ing this tournament, another has been arranged at medal play, with full handicaps. During Sep tember, a match play tournament will be staged to determine the club champion among the mem bership. A handsome trophy emblematic of the championship will be tendered to the winner, to be held by him until a similar tournament next year and succeeding years. The caddies at the golf course are engaged in an elimination tournament to determine the championship in that group. The final play will take place Wednesday morning, August 26th. Each Monday and Wednesday morning finds the caddies hard at it, and some good scores are being turned in by them.
How They Stand In Inter-Department Base Ball Amid the cries of "We'll show ya." "Naw, Ya can't do that" and "Let's go." Hilary leads his ball tossers to action. And the Mill put a score into the Drillers just a while back when they took a three run lead in the first inning. Com
By G. R. Jones
bining two hits, a hit batsman and an infield
hard games to prove their worth, however. Wall says that the race from now on will be for second place onlyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;-first place is already taken care of by his huskies. Time will tell. Kelley says that his team won one just to show folks that when they get startedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;We'll
error, when Max F>ellmore hit one, the net total
let them prove that shortly.
was three- runs for the Mill and a rosy inning for Hilary. Ik-fore the arrival of the final fifth, the drillers eked out two runs and with two out. two
on. F>running. the slugging driller, smashed a hot one through the infield, giving his team a 4 to 3 margin.
And another soda on Walter!
They say Man
ager Meyers feeds those wild sluggers Irom out South a little pep in the form of chocolate sodas. One fan calls it a Coco-Cola inspiration, Never-
And then the Track crew
Quarry team hustle to dig up that 5 to 4 win. Pollock, Modrynski and followers have an in experienced club but show much better form than at
the season's start.
the one
member on the team with experience and does a nice job at twirling. We never hear "Billy" Heller or his General Repair tossers say much. We take it that they
are thinking plenty and especially
happen August 25. The Repair team has yet to
ll:e-less. this nine representing the Drillers has been the surprise of the league and have two
foe defeated but must face the Drills, Merchants
games to play to achieve a perfect record. Two
and Laffin's Quarry team before they can make
Calcite Screenings
I'age 400
themselves heard. That's a tough meal for any club to put away without trouble.
Laffiu's Quarry team is staying right up with the leaders, playing good
having a
chance to trip up some of the undefeated. This Quarry bunch is full of fight, the usual Quarry hurry and go spirit. The Construction Nine is just rolling along playing everybody with a grim determination but losing by small margins. Their followers
GLOSSARY OF GOLF TERMS Address the ball is struck.
Approach—The shot to the green. Away—Fartherest from the hole and i.s played first.
P>aff—Striking the ground with the sole of the club.
Baffy—A lofted wooden club used on the fair
call them the "Hard-Luck" team. It's rumored that their star hurler "Fddie" Heller uses all his
energy picking berries and has none left at game time. Anyway, Eddie's last game against "Bill"
The granddaddy of the present spoon.
Birdie—A hole negotiated in one stroke under
Radka's butchers, bakers and candlestick makers
Bisqtte—A one-stroke handicap that can be
was well done, the Merchants having a hard
taken at any time by the player receiving it. provided he announces his choice before the first shot on the next hole is played. Used only in match play.
time winning 3 to 1.
The Merchants true to form have an eye for business and don't let much slip past them. They have one defeat to mar their record, but they look unbeatable right now. Manager Julius says, "We're still the threat ening "snag" for any of this bunch. Just a littlehard luck kept us from winning these close con tests of ours."
The Interdepartment league seems to be more
popular than ever this season.
The number of
spectators are many and we hope they are hav
ing lots of pleasure keeping pace with the ath letes.
By the way, the Umpires even report a banner year. The razz berries haven't been over-ripe,
Bogey—Col. Bogey is the mythical name of a man who established his own reasonable score
for each hole in defiance of "par."
Bulger—The type ol wooden club whose face is built in a convex curve to minimize hooks and slices.
Bunker—Formerly an artificial hazard run ning across the fairway. More recently applied to the modern sand trap. Bye—Tw<> definitions: (1) The odd man in a tournament who draws the privilege of not playing against an opponent in the first round, and (2) Holes yet to be played when the match
accidents few, etc. Bill Warwick, "Pete" Kelley, "Nig" Joppich. Ossie Voight and a few other faithfuls have evidently been giving satisfac
is finished.
clubs and offers advice.
Standings August 5th Won Lost
General Repair Merchants Mill
Quarry (Laffin) Yard
- "
Pools of rainwater, for instance.
Chip Shot—Very short
green, hit with back spin.
Cleek—An iron or wood club with a trifle less loft than the mid-iron.
Casual Hazard—Any hazard that is caused by the elements, and not a planned part of the
Quarry (Kellev)
Caddie—The player's "Man Friday."
Cup—The object hole on the green. And also a small hole or depression on the course. Cut shot—A shot produced by bringing the club head across the ball with the face of the
club laid back.
This produces side spin and
Below is the preliminary and first round grouping among the twenty-one entries for the
causes the ball to stop dead when it lands.
annual M. L. & C. Company tennis tournament. Preliminary Round: J. P. Kinville vs. George Jones: C. A. Storms vs. R. C. Stanbrook ; Irvin
putt is merely a formality is said to be "dead." Dormy—A player who has won the same num
L. Clymer vs. R. Dueltgen Jr.; N. Hoeft vs. Guy Hardin: J. A. Valentin vs. L. R. Goodin. 1st Round: E. Meyers vs. Frank Hamilton: I. Hamilton vs. T. Rose: O. Zempel vs. Lester
Raymond: R. Crittendon vs. II. S. Lewis; W-
so close to the hole
ber of holes as there are remaining to be played. If he is 4 up at the fifteenth tee, he is said to be Dormy 4.
Down—In match play, the player is "down" when his opponent has won more holes than he.
Mundt vs. P>. Zempel ; J. G. Munson vs. winner
In medal play, a player is down the number oi strokes he has taken beyond those of his op
of Valentin-Goodin match.
It is requested that all matches be played promptly. Arrange with R. C. Stanbrook or j.
gotiated in 3 strokes under par.
A. Valentin for umpire.
Dodo—An arbitrary name given to a hole ne
Eagle—Two strokes under par for any hole.
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Calcite Screenings Ah
r vJlDV-zIN At this
Be Recognized By the Cluster of Three Leaves. It Creeps
IV /"-"Along the Ground and'Has a Yellowish White Berry in Late Summer.
It is possible to be af
fected indirectly for the sap can be carried on
year when we indulge ourselves in the great outdoors, we are apt to come
poison ivy. Many of us have
the furs of animals,
garden implements, golf sticks or balls,
clothing and shoes.
If you come in con tact with poison ivy and recognize the fact be fore eruption breaks out. wash the body thor
comforture of it and a
most painful experience is awaiting those who look upon poison ivy with impasivity. There is no plant which can so
oughly with soap and
us. 'Phis vine in and around
water. A little tincture of iron chloride added
Rogers City and grows in most all parts of
to the wash water may
torture thrives
prove beneficial but a good lather ol soap is necessary since the pois onous sap is not soluble
Michigan. The irritation
by poison ivy is excru ciating
in water and cannot be
cases il seems there is little in the science of medicine which can alleviate the torture ol its
irritation. ness.
It is as great a curse as reckless
To those who have suffered the pangs ol
removed by water alone. When the first symp toms of redness and itching of skin appear, one
poison ivy. we need not issue a word of warning for they will remember the agony as long as they live, but it is to the many, especially child ren, who are unacquainted with the suffering which coming in contact with this plant means that a word of warning should be helpful.
The. poison ivy irritation does not affect everybody. Some persons are immune from it. but you can never tell whether you pass im munity or not. If you do not possess it, coming in contact with poison ivy will be one of the most distressing and painful experiences one can encounter. Therefore, you should keep away from it.
It is the resinous sap that causes the trouble. If any part of these poisonous plants is crushed or broken, cases of poison ivy can usually hetraced to direct contact with lummer
the plant
exposure, a physician
should be consulted.
An attack of ivy poisoning may subside in
four i r five days, depending on the amount of irritant and the sensitiveness of the skin.
dividual susceptibility plays an important part.
Some persons are extremely susceptible and Others are resistant.
You may perhaps have heard of some person of whom others Speak of or have nicknamed "poison ivy" because of their opposition or an tagonism against what the majority believe to lie right. Likewise, persons who beieve them selves to be immune from accidents and do not
believe in exercising care and caution have been named "poison ivy"â&#x20AC;&#x201D;which we think is a very good description for those who apparently think incorrectly themselves and are unwilling to take
suggestions and advice from those who could do them some good.
By Our Nurse, Edna Shane
Brinqs Trials For Younq nS Babies
Babies and young children are particularly susceptible at this time of the year to digestive upsets and diarrhea diseases. It is much easier
mother's milk if it is diluted with water under doctor's direction. The mixture should be boil ed two or three minutes and cooled before feed
to prevent than to cure these diseases. Young babies especially during the warm weather should be brought up under a doctor's
month so the mother may be advised of the food and daily care. Pew babies, who are fed exclusively on mother's milk, have diarrhea dis turbances. Every mother should nurse her baby
ing it to the baby. When cows milk cannot be obtained unweakeued evaporated milk diluted with water makes a satisfactory substitute. Babies should be carefully protected from contact with older children, who are suffering from any intestinal disorder. House flies fre quently carry germs that cause intestinal dis turbances. The baby should be protected by 5creens and his food should be guarded from
if possible and weaning should be avoided in hot
The doctor should set- the baby
who i.s less than one year old at least once a
Clean cow's milk is the best substitute for
Dress the young child according to the temp
erature and not according to the season. Babies
Paee 402
Calcite Screenings
should rarely be fed oftener than at three hour intervals.
Cooled boiled water should be offered
dies. They are simple little thingsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but that's just the reason why they are overlooked so
The funeral of Charles Banquette, who was fatally injured Friday afternoon, July 10th, was held Monday morning, Jul)- 13th. at eight o'clock from St. Ignatius church. Ft, Skowronski hav ing charge of the funeral service. The body was laid to rest in the Rogers City cemetery, the funeral being in charge of Undertaker Shirtum. Mr. Banquette was 58 years of age at the time
of his death.
See that stairs are well lighted always and have bannister or handrail on every stairway. Do not permit rubbish or other material to
to Rogers City seventeen years ago. For the past fifteen years he had been an employee of
to the infant frequently between feedings in hot weather.
Helpful Hints For Safer Homes Here are some friendly little lips for the homefolks.
Talk them over with the wife and kid
accumulate on stairways. Xever stand on rocking chairs.
not use
defective ladders.
Label all poisons. Better keep them locked up if there are children in the home. Never takemedicine in the dark.
Jt is dangerous to hang clothing over a stove to dry. Keep passageways clear in the home just as you would in the plant. Dispose of broken glass immediately. Bury old safety razor blades. Be careful with can
openers, sharp knives, lids of opened cans, etc. It's nice to have the kitchen window open but keep an eye on the flames. A sudden gust of wind may blow out the fire. A pot boiling over may also extinguish the blaze.
Highly polished floors look awfully niceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but they are dangerous. Oily rags start fires.
Guard against falls, especially bathroom and stairway falls, Be especially careful of electric fixtures when floor or body is wet. Keep your electric fixtures in good repair.
Better keep explosive fluids outside of and away from the house. Be careful with matches and keep them away from the little folks.
A Few Health Don'ts
Don't drink ice or very cold water when yon are overheated, unless you hold it in your
mouth long enough to warm it before it enters your stomach. Don't eat between meals; that is the time to
drink water slowly.
Don't eat fast, take one-half hour to eat your meals. If you have to eat in a hurry don't eat until you have time to do it properly., It is bet ter to go without food than to abuse your organs and health by eating too hurriedly. Don't wash your food down with a lot ol water or other liquids. It dilutes the normal digestive secretions, and the}- cannot act properlv upon the food.
He was born in Canada and came
the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co.
He is survived by Mrs. Banquette, one daugh ter, Mrs. Arnold Reynolds of Muskegon, three sons, Leo, Kdward and Francis, all of whom live at home.
Mrs. James Wright, aged 53, passed away at the family home at 565 S. Lake St. about three o'clock, Monday. July 27th, following an illness of about a year. Death was due to cancer. Fun eral
Community church Thursday, July 30th, at two o'clock, Rev. J. L. Kennedy officiating. Mr. Wright survives her and she also leaves three daughters, Mrs. Frances Gamasch of Bon-
tiac, Mrs. Pearl West of Rogers City and Miss Claribel who lived at home.
"Calcite Screnings" joins with the many friends of the above families in extending our sincerest sympathy. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schram a son,
John Clarence, on July 8th.
Mr. Schram is em
ployed in the Shovel Dept.
A son, Stanley, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smolinski on July 19th. Mr. Smolinski is employed in the Track Dept. To Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Boehmer on July 22nd a daughter, Joy Viola. Mr. Boehmer is em ployed in the Tug Dept. On July 28th a daughter. Virginia Gertrude.
to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ku/.nicki.
Mr. Kuznicki
is employed in the Yard Dept. Robert Emmet, a son. to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kinville on July 29th. Mr. Kinville is employed as Treasurer of Michigan Limestone & Chem ical Co.
"Calcite Screenings" joins with the many friends of the above parents in extending its congratulations. Accident Prevention is accounted for to their
myriad of stockholders.
a fad, not an indulgence.
It is not a whim, not
It is part of good
management to teach, examine
then account for accident prevention.
To get to the top, get to the bottom of things.
Our physical troubles are caused by what gov* into the mouth and our mental ones by what goes out of it.
The love of money is also the root of all in dustry.
Page 403
Calcite Screenings
First Aid In Accidents Before Doctor Arrives
By Our Doctor, N. C. MONROE Treatment of Injuries which do not Bleed: (Such as contusions and sprains.) (a) Use several layers of sterile gauze or cot ton, placed directly on the injured part. (b) Apply bandage: use nothing else.
» »
(h) After the alkali
has been thoroughly
washed off, flood the part with vinegar or
milk and apply 3 per cent, bicarbonate of soda and vaseline.
(c) Place the patient at rest and elevate the
(c) Cover wound with plenty of sterile gauze
injured part.
and bandage lightly.
Treament of Injuries in which the Skin is Broken:
(a) Drop into the wound a 3 per cen. alcoholic iodine solution.
Use is freely, but do not use
Treatment of Eectrical Burns:
(a) Apply 3 per cent, bicarbonate of soda and vaseline.
(b) Cover with plenty of sterile gauze
bandage lightly.
it on the dressing.
(b) Apply a sterile gauze compress and band-
10. Treatment of cause):
(c) In case of excessive bleeding proceed as
(a) Lay patient on the belly with the
under "Treatment of Hemorrhage." Treatment of Hemorrhage:
turned to one side.
(b) Loosen all tight clothing.
(a) Place the patient at rest and elevate the injured part.
(b) Place a pad of sterile gauze over the bleeding spot, large enough so that pressure can be made above, over and below the wound.
(c) If bleeding does not stop apply a tourni quet between the wound and the heart, using for this purpose a belt, shoe string, cord or
suspender if regular tourniquet is not avail able.
(e) Do not give anything to drink. (d) Call a doctor as soon as possible. (e) If breathing has stopped, proceed with artificial respiration as described under prone pressure method of resuscitation. 11. Treatment of Eye Injuries: (a) No attempt should be made to remove a foreign body stuck in the eye.
(b) In case of foreign body in or injury to the eye, apply clean gauze and bandages.
(a) Maintain the patient in an upright position
(c) In acid burns, freely wash out with water and put in 3 per cent, bicarbonate of soda so
and elevate the arms.
Treatment of Nose Bleeding:
(b) Get the patient to breathe gently through
(d) In alkaline burns (from lime, plaster, pot
the mouth.
Caution: Do not attempt to blow the nose.
pounds) wash out with boric acid solution or
Treatment of Foreign Substances Located in the Body:
(e) Visit the doctor at once.
Do not attempt to dig out any foreign bodies, no matter how small, from any part of the
body. (See treatment of eye injuries and suf focation.) Treatment of Burns, Scalds, etc.:
Treatment for
Proceed with prone pressure method of arti ficial resoiration.
(a) Do not open blisters.
(b) Apply vaseline and 3 per cent bicarbonate
If pleasures are greatest in anticipation, just remember that this is also true of troubles.
of soda.
(c) Apply several thicknesses of clean gauze and bandage lightly.
Those We Love
Treatment of Acid Burns:
(a) Get the patient under a shower bath as soon as possible and thoroughly flush the parts
They say the world is round, and yet
to remove all further damage from the acid.
So many little hurts we get
(b) After the acid has been thoroughly wash ed off, dry and apply 3 per cent, bicarbonate of soda and vaseline.
(c) Cover wound with plenty of sterile gauze and bandage lightly. Treatment of Alkaline Burns:
(Such as from
(a) Get the patient under the shower bath as soon as possible and thoroughly flush the
parts to remove all further damage from the
I often think it square, From corners here and there; But there's one truth in life I've found
While journeying East and West, The only folks we really wound Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest. And deal full many a thoughtless blow To those we love the best.
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Calcite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and an Pictu re Here and There About the Plant Safety is not a one man job but body's job.
it's every-
Henry Lamb of the Power Dept. purchased a new Chevy coach and to hear Henry tell of his new car. why there just can't be any doubt in your mind about it being the best car for the money.
We haven't heard much about Spitzer lately. It's been more or less golf, baseball and tennis but friend Happy Ho])]) appeared on the job the
other day with about as close a clipped head as can be found anywhere, which was the outcome of a Spitzer game in which the loser agreed to
have his hair clipped.
He sure must have lost
heavy bv the looks of his hair cut.
Who the young lady was that fe a few weeks ago, we do not know, do
But Hilary O Toole to
differently than fellows.
Among Ourselves see that his bauds,
getting them all in the game so as Walter Meyers realize that he has
some claims
make worths'
Yon may know your job better than anyone— but keep safety in mind always.
Adolph Radka of the Construction Dept. is now driving an Essex coach and according to reports we feel sure Adolph i.s quite proud of his purchase.
A real catch of perch was reported by George Zenz. Watson Sicinski and Edward Buza at Lake
Augusta. In order to get to the lake it is ne cessary to drive through the property of a farm er near the lake, who issues a permit to cross his land.
so as to keep a check
siderable risk to Bob.
pi players to seventeen men. You can Manager Hinder lias a real job on
Mundt was right on the job with rope and ladder to kelp her up to safety again at con seems
into the slip
damage which might be done by the fisher
The year is waxing with the moon, and sweel
The air's refulgence blows on winds fresh born;
I hear the red bird's lovely cry at morn. And watch him flash across the golden wheat, Where treads the hopeful fanner with quick feet; I see. along the ocean of green corn. The brown and golden tassels that no scorn Could touch, they are so perfect and complete.
fellows didn't
know that and shortly after arriving at the lake the farmer came with the inten
tion of telling the men
that any number of men. and especially he
August, the golden month, at night afire
just where to head in
Willi star flame butnfng immemorially,
would have been more
Killing our hearts with love's divine desire,
at, but George said after he saw who they
help the young lady.
And lifting earthly clods to Deity;
were he
Then gather courage in this August rose
—B. Arnold.
Out in the quarry we heard men refer to No 11 shovel crew as the
nice and told them he
To face the austere winter's winds and snows.
didn't care who fished there but he wanted to know who and when
anyone was at the lake. Now we don't blame
the farmer for talking real nice after taking a
"Four Hanks." Henry Shorkey, Henry Bey, Hen ry Felax and Henry Ford. The fourth Henry is none other than Win, Beach and just why he should be given the above mentioned name, we have been unable to find out. We will be pleas
anyone would have done the same thing.
ed to learn more of the details.
plant at full speed the other day. trying to jump
Lester Raymond told us he was put in to pitch the last inning of the game July 22nd. He said he walked the first three men up and hit the
fourth. say.
Just what else took place, he wouldn't
It's very seldom anyone tells of his bad
playing but usually just the opposite.
If that is
the case here, we don't blame Les for not telling us about the rest of his game.
look at these three fellows.
We saw Chas. Hoffman running around the on some sm;ill slips of paper and finally making a dive for another. At first we thought Charlie was practicing some new war dance but when the truth became known we found that he was
only trying to gather up his time slips while the wind was giving him a merry chase. Wc understand the baseball fans had quite a treat
Manager John Pruder certainly is busy dur
ing these baseball games changing the players
We believe most
the other evening—Bob Crittendon was
out to play ball.
The liases were loaded on Ed
die Heller so Hoffman told Sob to warm up.
so as to get them all in on the sodas that Capt.
but Eddie's arm held out and the men died on
Meyers promised them for
the bases. Charlie says. "We'll have Bob on the mound next game for sure."
every game they
We understand they have increased their
Rage 405
Calcite Screenings Geo. Wing said: "What dock builders Louis
see where at least $1800.00 can be made in a
year, lint Victor Klee disagrees with him and claims that he is going to make more money raising guinea pigs. After hearing Herman Hopp tell how much more he's going to profit by going into the sponge game, why you can't help but think the other fellows are all wrong. Now the big question to decide is that of Mar
and Tom Yarch turned out to be."
11. B. O'Toole isn't going to talk too much any more before the game is over because he's tired of sneaking away after each game. Chas. Hoffman likes golf but hasn't any sticks yet. When asked what the holdup was, Charlie
tin Lewoudowski's.
said he didn't know what kind of clubs to get— Now that Dave Larson has his car out you
unable to decide for whom he will act as sales
can find Dave in the berry patch every evening. What is it, Dave.
Do you like the ride, or does
the wife want the berries?
If we remember correctly it seems there was an agreement that if one of the ball teams didn't show tip at the ball diamond, the game would be
John Noble said the bee business isn't so good. It's hard work trying to make tame bees out ol
forfeited to the team that did show up.
wild ones.
that of
agreement as it did not cover games that had
been postponed on account of rain or some other
will fill a potato must
be some berries, Steve.
game with Pol
R. Kinville
entered the of fice the other
in o r n i n g --* smiles and
The oth
er evening Hil ary notified all of his players to be at tlie ball park to play off
sack. They sure
But we
believe Hilary didn't quite understand all of that
Steve Martin claims to have the best patch oi tame raspberries in Michigan. He says they arc so
Martin wants to be sales
man for one of them but they all put up such a strong argument that up to this time he has been
rii>ht or left handed.
lock's team.
all ap
peared to be very happy, and
track The next
morning Hilary saw Harry Meharg and wanted credit
why not — an other caddy was
delivered to his
not show up. Meha rg , of course, got in
h o m e by the stork on July 29th.
Sunset ok Lake Huron ™
f?o<«e»*$ City, A| /<_/».
Pol did
touch with Pete and then learned
Mike Johnson
that Hilary had
say his garden is coming along in fine shape.
not said a word about wanting to play off the
Only he i.s a little afraid of his squash crop as the vines are growing so fast that they'll have
game that evening.
the squash worn out dragging them over the ground.
Edward Heller has a bad case of "lovitis" and
we don't know whether we are entitled to cigars now or in the near future.
We hear our good divot digger. Lester Ray mond, is taking up boating lately. What is it, Lester-—the high price of golf balls or are you going stale?
Mr. Ernest Bade and wife, Rudolph Schalk and Ilia Doolittle drove forty miles to a lake to fish. After a strenuous day with the rod and line, they managed to land seventeen bullheads. On their arrival home they found they had brol
everything back with them except the fish which they had forgotten in the brush by the lake.
Self control and cool-headedness are factors
in playing a good game of golf. plies in accident prevention.
The same ap
Lyle Gotilette—"I can say this much. I have a very, very clever girl." Dave Larson—"Yes, my wife finds out every thing, too."
Adolph Sorgenfrie has been putting his spare time io a very good use this summer by learning
Bill Hornbacker says he has the money mak
to .swim. We understand he spent several hours each day at the State Park beach and finally did learn to swim. We feel it was time well spent
ing situation well in hand. He claims all that is needed is about 35 pair of rabbits, and he can
and a good example for others to follow. Adolph knows all about artificial respiration, too.
Better luck next time, folks.
Calcite Screenings
Rage 40o YOUR 1931 GARDEN
The accompanying photograph is further proof of what may be accomplished in the art of city farming. We are receiving numerous calls to Come and
inspect and photograph gardens of our employ ees and while \vc will make every effort to in clude every garden entitled to be entered in the
contest we still want to remind the employees that we are depending on them to call us so that none will be overlooked.
As a program for work in August we submit
(iive those vegetables which are to remain
in the ground, such as Swiss chard and parsnips,
frequent top dressing of a quickly available fer tilizer, to prevent them from becoming tough. 7. Make final sowings of peas, spinach, cress, radishes, lettuce and turnips. 8. Spray cabbage with arsenate of lead lor leaf-eating slugs. \'o baseball team can win unless the)- play to gether, Xo plant Can reduce accidents without team work.
the following: Mr. and Mrs. Marry Boutin, Mr.
In the Flower Garden Riant madonna lilies.
2. 3.
Stake the perennial asters. Sow seeds ol bcllis, pansies and forget-
Arnold Elowski. Mr. and
4. Sow delphinium now.
Mrs. Win. Warwick
and Mr. and Mrs. Art (ietziuger enjoyed a few
days outing at Grand Lake. They report a good catch of fish. That is. they had* all they cared to eat and more.
Mrs. Elowski caught the larg
best. Many other perennials may al
large black pike, so
so be sown.
5. Grasshoppers may be controlled
just what new sort
with lead.
at last succeeded in
fish â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
says. to
\\ eve find
of fish this was and
getting a little in
Use liquid
manure on chrys anthemums, dahl ias and hydrange
w h i c h
cleared Up the story for us. It "was a black bass.
7. Cut phlox to ground when they
took place at any
In case you art-
f i n i s h e d
blooming and fer tilize with sheep
Cut back severely the golden
Gather the everlastings now. Disbud dahlias for large blooms.
Move evergreens with balls of earth.
Mulch newly transplanted evergreens.
Sow new lawns now.
Sow seed thickly.
4. (iive the hedges the final clipping.. Build cold frames for Fall and Winter use.
(>. Prune shade trees, leaving no shoulders and making clean cuts.
In the Vegetable Garden
Pinch off tips of squash, pumpkin and to
mato vines.
Rrevent potato blight by spraying with
Drilling Dept. hasn't
In the Home Grounds
Grambau \ Corner In The Vegetable and Flower Garden ol Fred Bade.
second bloom.
11. 12.
the our
ol sea
son, just get touch with A.
poppies now.
time or during any
Separate iris
plants. 9. Move young plants of oriental
certain play since
in J the
tie writ
ten in a book either, but he has some memory when it comes to baseball. 11c can tell you every play in detail regardless of which game it was
or when it was played. Our editor has now taken up the game of goll and Icarus a new cuss word at every visit to the course.
Since we have been inducted into the golf game and from certain observations made re cently, we believe there is a mint of money waiting for the individual who can invent a nonshattcrable golf club. We understand "Honey Boy" Raymond and "N'oey" Pollock are on their second set ol clubs this season.
bordeaux mixture.
3. Sow cover crops in areas not being used. 4. (lather the onion crop. Leave in sun to dry. then store in a cool place.
5. Sow parsley seed for use next Spring.
People get struck trusting to luck.
The best way to work for people is to work with them.
Rage 407
Calcite Screenings Vou
Unless looks are
so happens that on this picture his cap is sev
deceiving we be lie v e Rudolph
eral sizes too small and
Schalk and Norm an Dullack have
off his vest which may
taken the yoke and are getting ready for a heavv
make it rather difficult
to reC()gn ize hi m. \\ e can't say we blame him
much for the chest ex
pansion with
The two young ladies in the pic
this 28
lb. pike which meas ured forty-four inch es. And if you care to know about the fight
ture are Xola Denton and Loleta Call en.
this fish put up before
The picture was
being landed, just get
t a k e n at the 11 art wick Riues.
in touch Hein/.el.
with C. W. Chas. has
been spending all his spare time lately at
That's Different
Grand Lake fixing up his power boat and
'Ra'son," said Aunt Eliza ferociously, "I'd like to kill dat low-down husband ob mine."
"Why, Eliza, what's he done?" "Done? Why, he's gone and left de chicken
house door open, and all de chickens has es caped." "Oh, well,
this gentleman but it
when we have her fix
ed then we are going to do some more fishing savs Chas.
There certainly is a big change in our friend
"Come home?" groaned Eliza. "Come home? Ra'son, dem chickens'll go home!"
Eddie Kelley lately. He seems so quite and the only solution we can offer is that it is either due to the late hours he kept in watching Spec
know, come home to roost."'
Leonard Roch has been on the sick list the
past several weeks.
tacle Reef light or he is ill and really needs the
little nurse in a professional way.
Anyway be
sure seems to have taken it all in a serious way.
Ves, the editor did run out of gas and had to row the boat for a mile on Grand Lake.
but as they said about Lloyd—they along sooner or later.
they do say he did get some fine fish. Sometime ago smoke was seen emerging from
the Upper section of the target house.
Upon in
vestigation it was found that it was only VicKoch breaking in his new pipe.
We wonder if Mr. Renglase hasn't reached the limit on this saving campaign. We saw lien
Rounds and Mr. Clymer pushing l''s car around the plant the other day and someone said it was to save gas.
The timekeeper says if he had known this de pression was coming on he would have deferred his family increase until later.
Mike became
papa to a bouncing baby boy early Wednesday. August 5th.
The Universe pays every man in his own coin; il" you smile, it smiles upon you in return: il you smg. you will be invited into gay company;
if you think, you will be entertained by think ers: and if you love the world and earnestly seek for the good that is therein, it will pour into your la]) the treasures of the earth.—Elm er R. Mttrphey.
Some Grand Lake perch caught one afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. August Wetershcim and their little daughter Ivah shown above and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hcinzel.
When they bite like this you can say you've been out fishing and really mean it.
Calcite Screenings
Page 406
The Bradley Transportation Company » » » » »
Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Steamer B. H. Taylor Date of Meeting. August 1. ]<)3\. Present: I). E. Xauts, chairman: Win. Shay, secretary: and Walter Galium, bos'n ; Edw. Ehrkc. conveyorman ; Claire Ridgers. deckhand: Walter Egglc.-tou, oiler: Louis Smoliuski, fire man.
In addition to the above, eighteen other mem bers of the crew were present as our August Safety Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, including Capt. Rearse. Capt. Martin, Chief Eug. LaBounty and 2nd Ass't. (jatons. After a review of progress during past month.
Chairman asked for reports of each member ol the Committee on their particular department. All reported their departments in good order from the standpoint of Safety. Claire Rudgcrs reported that he had found the holding down clamp for pulling hatches cracked and that the engineers had repaired same satisfactorily.
Walter Egglcston stated that the oiling cup for Cross-pin on forward side of stern mooring en
gine projected ©lit sufficiently from the enginecasting to strike a person walking by when same was in motion.
The Chief instructed him
to correct this by either shortening the cup or else by installing an alemite connection. Capt. Rearse favored us with some very good Safety hints. He stated that he had recently noticed a condition which he considered very dangerous. After unloading, men are sent up in the pigeon-holes below the conveyor hopper to throw out the accumulation there. A passing
r an was nearly struck by a piece of openhearth thrown out of there without warning.
He ad
vised the mates to have a man stationed on deck-
while the work was going on to warn passersby
oi the danger. Rle also took this opportunity to again speak of the improvement in boat drills since the start of the season.
We have cut the
riers Bulletin.
One member of the crew affect
ed by this trouble stated that he had obtained relief from the use of "Oil of Salt" which pos
sesses both healing and
We have used this oil quite extensively this sea son, and found it superior to iodine or lncrcurochrome. As ringworm is spread most com monly in shower baths, it was suggested by the 2nd Ass't. that wc make a practice of scrubbing the decks in all showers frequently and at regu lar intervals.
It was reported that at Gary several trips ago, the crew in wholesale numbers on their way swimming, jumped off the ships side to the
dock rather th;ui walk Up forward to the lad der. These men probably saw no danger in this practice. Nevertheless it is a bad practice, ex plained Chief Eng. LaBounty. In the first place it violated a Safety Rule, and one viola tion soon leads to another. Furthermore, jump ing off around mooring cables is a dangerous thing in itself, as a boat at the unloading dock is liable to shift at any time. The safe way is to go down the ladder forward, under the eye of the mate or bos'n on watch, whose duty it is to look out lor persons coming aboard and leaving the ship. Comments from various ones present showed a big improvement in the way wc have been going up and down the ladders. Only one case of a man gonig down facing away was re ported and he has been warned that a contin uance of the practice will endanger his position. One of the tunnel men. Ben l.cliu, remarked
that when unloading openhearth, fragments of stone often fly up into the faces of men operat ing the gates, and requested «i remedy for this situation. Last year we used goggles to take care of this. Question was then raised whether our goggles were safe, not being shatterproof. After some discussion, it was the genend opin
time down from two minutes to forty-five sec
ion that these fragments would not have force
enough to break the glass in the goggles: as
He advised however to refrain from at
tempting to lower this time further, as he fear ed it would sacrifice thoroughness and efficien cy to do so. Attention was called to the prevalence this -car of "Athlete's Root" or ringworm as it is also known. A good article on the subject is to be found in the May issue of the Lake Car
there is a possibility of such a thing happening however, we will endeavor to obtain four pair of the non-breakable goggles from the store room for that purpose. Our newly appointed member of the Commit tee.
Patre 409
Calcite Screenings
BE CAREFUL," which is a slight addition to
to abandon ship and all got off safely except the
last months slogan offered by Capt. Martin, who took the opportunity to say that he considered slogans a very good way to keep the safety idea
the chain locker and didn't awaken until the
constantly in the minds of the crew. There being no further business, meeting was then adjourned.
Danish ship carpenter. He had been sleeping in
lioats had been lowered.
Twice Told Talesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Taylor
And another month has passed and the timehas come to sit down in front of the old gossip mill and hammer out the happenings of the last month.
Running up on deck
he yelled, "Captain, Captain, vait for me. Vot do "you think I'm going to do." The old man stood up in his boat and yelled "Keep ship." Ol" late the government has been busily en
gaged in trust breaking. The great radio monopiv has been broken and now that Al Capone is to be jailed, the alky monopoly in the midwest will disintegrate. We were beginning to think that the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was just a
Rolo may be a rich man's game and very pop ular but think of all the old graybeards sitting around the stove at the little country store play
bedtime story and a clever little bit of humour
singular) and also think of what's going to be
fostering competition and a healthy reaction
ing chukkers. Yes, my dear reader (decidedly
for schoolchildren to laugh at as they found it in their histories. But this act of the "Feds" is will result. Prices should soar downward
come of our dear old
and the rosy, halcyon
Spain with a paltry eight million to subsist upon. Bet he wishes now he had
pre-Capone days will return.
in the alky and
those livers or plasters or whatever they cal' money in Spain, that he tossed away on the gaming tables, did he, or didn't he? You don't know. am not sure.
men will become rich
rackets and the indus
try will flourish to the benefit of all and the
the Federal Prohibi tion Enforcement Com mission. Poor Al will
Even 1 But who
brought up the subject anyhow? Let's drop
it. But I've given you something to thinkabout while you're
come out wiser and fatter and all in one
But I can't
that matters;
money it's
principal â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and inter
th e
Capt. and Mrs. Mc-Quinn Doing Their Daily Dozen
About The Yard
doing: Walter
least a year and
think for you. Now that I've got you start ed thinking, ge t the What
made several attempts to grow a mustache but
finally desisted after some wiseacre called his latest attempt a hairlip. The sixteenth brand of hair tonic proved suc
cessful and Benny Belin's hair has commenced growing again. Benny had his head shaved and for a long while his hair didn't grow and every one was afraid Benny was going to be perma nently bald.
Donald Langridge has left the shij) tempor arily owing to the serious illness of his aunt. Harold Papineau's folks drove up from Port Huron to visit him. Some people get all the breaks.
And that applies also to the members of the
"Times are hard and
I need the money to buy food for my wife and children, so I'll quit smoking cigarettes." They laughed when I said I would crack a
joke but they stopped laughing when 1 cracked it.
And now dear reader, we
monthly attempt to write the news of this ship. If, in our rude sallies and attempts to tell you of life aboard ship, we have angered anyone, we
hereby make apology. We have merely tried to put on paper a touch of the life of a sailor. "Rude figures of a rough-hewn race:
For pearls strew not the marketplace.1'
crew whose folks live near Cleveland.
A shipmate tells us a tale of a ship that was sinking in mid ocean. The captain gave orders
Horse-play is the enemy of Safety.
Jack Griffith, Reporter.
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C alcite
Steamer Carl D. Bradley Date of Meeting: July 27, 1931.
always be extremely careful about running the
Present: Clarence Thorsen, chairman; O. K.
They assured the committee that they invari ably made a practise of extreme caution in this particular. No further business remaining the meeting
Falor, secretary; and Leo Moll, Oscar Larson,
Harold Nidy, Walter Levondoski, Otto Sparre, C. Greenleaf, Isaac Ranke and Eric Winter.
Our third meeting of the season was called to
belts when there might be men in the tunnel.
was adjourned.
order on the above date at seven p. m. All mem bers of the committee and some visitors were
present. As the possibilities for safety work is naturally very greatly limited on this vessel the
discussion soon turned to subjects pertaining to general safety. Some things herein have been brought up time and time again but it seems that there are some things that will bear fre
quent repetition. LfiO Moll advised he had frequently noticed that many make a practise of walking inside or dangerously close to the cables, especially when docked at Buffiugton. He urgently warned his men of the dangers of this
He also
men often would
the slack
Boosts on Board—Str. Bradley We hardly know whether to say our "Good Byes" in this issue of "Screenings" or not—the threat has been hanging over our heads for some time but has failed to materialize thus far.
However, a fair consideration of existing con ditions leads us to believe that the Bradley will be out ol commission before we have another
chance at our column this season. Every gloomy situation usually has its brighter side if one looks carefully enough and so we believe that a short
operating' season this year may well produce a longer one next year. We will hope so. Therefore if another
offerings missing, our readers
taking very great chances of injury. The time worn subject of blowing off steam at the dock was again brought Up but our engineers assured us that there was no danger from this source as they were always careful to take adequate pre cautions when at dock.
it was again brought up that
may assume
made our most sincere adieus
in this issue of "Screenings." In view of the impending lay-up and the consequent change of activity this will mean for many, we are im pelled to give public notice to Hank Miller's proposed activi ties for the winter.
We hear
that Hank intends to pose as the habit of standing around an art critic and profit by oth on the fantail when making er people's mistakes. (We say port. If the cable to which "posed" advisedly but for all the tow line is attached should we really know it is just pos SAFE part it would very likely whip sible that we may be doing back in the vicinity where Hank an injustice.) He in most of you are in the habit tends to buy old masterpieces of standing. We suggest that at cut rale prices and then sell them at their true worth. If it proves profitable you stand alongside of the cabin or go upon the next deck. he w ill probaby branch out into antiques also, One thing to be impressed upon our men is You know, old rags, paper, scrap iron, etc. that the watchman is in sole charge of the lad The Sailor's Lament—'AVhv didn't I save my der and that no one else is to operate it. Now and then a man who is overly anxious to land m o n e v will take it upon himself to lower it and we want John liegland, our tonsorial artist, has been it known that we will not permit such action if it comes to our attention. Otto Sparre also has specializing in "Depression Haircuts"—guaran teed to outlast two ordinary ones. If they be called attention to the fact that watermelon some of the men were still in
should be eaten at the table and not on deck be
come as popular elsewhere as aboard shij) it's
cause of the danger from the slippery seeds. We are hauling considerable large stone lately
going to mean a real depression for the barbers.
and we have thought it wise to warn the men to be extremely careful when passing the center elevator because now and then a large stone will bounce clear of the skirtboard and would do a
great deal of damage if it were to strike somebod)-. Leo Moll added that the convevormen should
Rob Shaw, our "spasmodic" oiler, is thinking seriously of shaving off his moustache.
see, it hasn't proven much of a success.
He says
the only reason he let it grow was that he didn't have as much face to shave.
And, by the way. Bob sure made the boys dragout their dictionaries when he sprung that one about "spasmodic" on them the other day!
Page 411
Calcite Screenings Well, the radio raffles have come and gone
and our bright hopes have been blasted,
Moll won Chink's outfit and Carl Ignatko re
ceived Otto's machine.
Harold Nidy says that
Leo's machine is the most unusual one that ever came to his notice because it uses several anten
MacLean is once more enjoying fine health and
we certainly hope that all future bulletins will
contain the same report. 0. K. Falor and Harold Nidy, Reporters. Steamer John G. Munson
nas—one long, one short, and one medium. And anyone who doesn't believe this can look it up for himself, 'cause they are all marked on the
Members present: Geo. Beck, chairman: Geo. Hoy, secretary; H. Knight, P. Fleming, B. Beau-
set connections.
vias. L. Graham, A. MacRae, J. Miller.
Louie Leveck. our star waiter, apparently doesn't trust to the navigating ability of our of ficers when getting into Calcite at a favorable time is at stake. As a quartermaster, Louie makes a good waiter.
Date of meeting, July 28, 1931.
Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p. m. In addition to the regular members, Captain MacLean, Chief Engn A. Urdal and several mem bers of the crew attended.
Meeting was opened by reviewing minutes of our previous issues on safety first, and report
It seems that Cowboy Winter and Saxiphone
Ike are quite anxious to retain memories of their youthful days. At present they are contem plating a slingshot tourna ment.
made of results from recommendations.
It was recommended that the ledges in the
cargo hold be cleaned off after loaded to avoid falling stone from there when on clean up at unloading dock. The
Harold Lozen has been nick named "The Tuneless Croon
pointed in charge of the ladder
er." No explanation is neces sary to anyone who has heard
member of the crew be per
when at the dock,
The Chief Engr. suggested
that the practice of jumping from ship to dock be discon
"Hello, How Are You, Good
Bye," was the name of the Moxie
mitted to lower it.
him singing.
tinued. Use ladder regardless of distance to dock from ship.
singing the other night in Rogers. Of course Moxie can
A member of the unloading
crew suggested that the boom
explain everything to any who
walks be inspected and re paired. Some safety first methods previously mentioned regard ing the handling of hatch ca
may be interested. The ex planation will be suitably en titled "Short Romances."
Lost, strayed or stolen. A rescuing expedition was sent out the other night at Buffington in search of the clean up gang. After a long and pains-taking hunt they were
bles and
finally located attempting to scale a vest pocket
edition of Mt. Everest back at gate twenty-four while the tunnel gang were patiently waiting at gate forty-three for openhearth rejections.
People have many different ways of spending idle time—some have something "to show for it afterwards. John Hegland and Norman "Salty" MacLean are two of
the latter class.
The dangers of using the emery wheel without the use of the shield or goggles was brought up and it was suggested that one man on each watch be in charge of all necessary work to be done on this machine.
Captain MacLean gave a short talk on several safety first methods formerly mentioned: also asked that the practice of men sitting on the ship's rails be discontinued. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p. m.
have been using their idle moments for fashion
ing all sorts of novelties from wood. Bread boards, model boats and nautical scenes are all a part of their output. Otto Sparre also makes seaworthy vessels, we'll have you know. One •if them started out on Lake Huron and quite
effectively evaded all efforts to regain it by
Musical Murmurs—Str. Munson An Ode To A Modern Maid
(With apologies to Reilly) Blessings on thee little dame, Bare of back and knees the same.
With thy turned down silken hose. An 1 tl-.y thin transparent clothes.
swimmers and oarsmen who frantically attempt ed to overhaul the tiny craft. Apparently that was one time that it didn't pay to make a thing
With thy reddened lips reddened more
too well.
And thank the Lord I was born A BOY.
We are happy to announce that Captain Bill
With lipstick from the store. And in my heart I give thee joy
Johnny Miller has been giving us the low-
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Calcite Screenings
down on how to bag a lot of rabbits next hunt
Young Bill MacLean has been looking for the
ing season. He selects a nice smooth stump and plants himself comfortably thereon.
bow and arrow ever since.
Then the
rest oi the party hunt around and as they chase
We have recently discovered
the rabbits out why he just bangs 'em' down.
quite a dancer.
Al, our first male can vouch for the success of
Bottom. It is expected that he will head our next hill with his "Dancing Wiles in Diversified
this plan. When doing this be sure that you are the largest one in the party or else bring along
Styles "
a couple of extra boxes of shells.
We want to stop right here and give a vote of thanks to Eddie Fawcett and the boys for car
However, rabbit hunting has become too tame for Johnny as we overheard him tell Al the oth
er day that he was planning a tiger hunt this winter. Pie has his plans all formed in detail
Boy, he sho' slays the Black
rying tin as they have during this extremely hot
weather. Under the most trying conditions they are keeping everyone well satisfied and the
and is only waiting for the first snow.
crew is highly appreciative.
Charley Sauve has been doing quite a lot of carpenter work around here. We notice espe-
Hawaiian guitar and Oscar Jacobsen has a tenor
ciallv the addition of a beautiful "bav window."
Young men will find that older men, when
courtesy i.s shown, will go out of their way to help them or do them a kind ness.
Alex Molocha
troit can consider themselves
their lives to the extreme watchfulness which our navi
exercise. Lake
"math" and
able to point out almost the exact spot the cries Such an inborn sense of watch
fulness is truly miraculous.
shared in the general excitement and were very much impressed with the orderly manner in which the above was carried out.
Gil Kempe and Frank Miller, devotees to the Pipes of Pan, entertain with Tea Time Tunes. Dizzy: "My gosh, Pete, what a time we had
Knight is plugging away at the code with aspirations of becoming a wireless operator. Geo. Hoy says he must have bumped his head. Sure, Geo., that's the bum]) of knowledge.
searchlights. Two speedboats from a nearby beach, answer ing our alarm signals, work ed under the direction of Cap tain MacLean and picked Up the drowning men. They were carried to De troit and given medical attention. It is inter esting to note that altho Al Tyrell, First Offic er, was off watch and sound asleep, he immed iately awoke upon hearing the calls and was had come from.
is plugging away at the old
we put about and located the ones
minded aboard
Captain MacLean. Whereupon unfortunate
ion that there isn't a musician
aboard, but he is undoubtedly possessed of the green mons
Among the
faint cries for help. He im mediately sensed the gravity the
To be of use in the World is
windy night recently, Mr. Beck, officer on watch, heard of
the only way to be happy.
instruments. Several of the boys have made a stab at the Hawaiian guitar but no music is lorthcoming as yet. One of our stokennen is of the opin
guitar on order. The deckhands' room is begin ning to look like a music store with its array of
To get down to serious mat ters. Four people from De
very lucky and probably owe
And as all good (?) things must end, we reluctantly, yea, yea very much so, say "(â&#x20AC;˘(nip" (an revoir). George Moutoux.
Official Skips Correspondent. Steamer Calcite
Date of Meeting, July 25th at 6:45 p. m. Present: Chris Schwartz, chairman: Norman Henderson, secretary: and John Ubl, Howard Schaum, Robley Wilson. Donald MacLeod and Eugene Jones and John Miller. The meeting was also attended by Captain
MacQuinn, Chief Suttle and First As'st. Harry Sloane.
Captain MacQuinn spoke of dangers of blow ing off boilers in the Piers. The engine room
putting that first pair of shoes on you when you
crew are warned against opening blow off lines
first came aboard these boats."
or syphons while at the dock, or going in or out of the piers, until positive that everything is clear; in case of opening a blow off in the piers although there may not be any danger of scald-
Rele Miller: "Well, Dizzy. I was never caught running around the fantail with a bow and ar row."
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Calcite Screenings
ing anyone, the steam and vapor might fright thought waves, it suddenly dawned upon him en a person on the pier while at the same time that he was suffering from the cold. enveloping them in a cloud of steam. Under There are many different ideas of a good these conditions they might make a fatal mis
Here's one—Robley and Roland and two
It was suggested that the companion way from the conveyor room to the tunnel be enlarged so
buckets of water.
out striking his head. This would also make it safer in carrying anything up the stairway, as it is along side of one of the rope drive idlers. An Opening at present gives little or no room to
that a person could come up the stairway with
Come. come. Johnnie, we miss that Repsodent Rat MacKenzie says he is getting good mile age out of the safety first pen awarded him last season.
All men were again warned against letting strangers or children come aboard the boat at
any time.
No person should be allowed aboard
the boat unless on business, or with special per
What's the use? If you drive recklessly you will dent the front of your car: if you drive
carefully somebody will dent the back of it. Roland Ursum and Francis Bacon,
The act of riding the center conveyor was
also brought up and all men were warned against such practice. There is noth ing to be gained and every thing is risked. Altho none have been seen doing this it is well to point out the danger of such practice. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 ]).
Well, we've
various lines of
Its not only the
knowledge of SAFETY
butthepractice that
Chibola to go into partnership with him, raising lap dogs.
Gossip Are you willing to sign your name to the
For instance, Harry
Sloane is reading up on chick en raising: Robley Wilson has purchased a farm on Pelee
their own well-being and con venience
to August so far and we hope we can keep going for some time yet. as a number of the boys need a little extra money business.
happiness of others than about
Cargo Clippings—Str. Calcite
we sec are those whom we see more concerned about the
Said Hamilton Fyfe: "The only happy people
about to repeat regarding your neighbor? Would you go into court and swear to it? Mo?
not repeat it then. It may harm your neighbor's reputa tion. The story may be false. You may then have explana tions to make. You may also be sure that you will be put down as a gossip and busy body. You will not be trust ed. It is best not to repeat
Robley says he knows how to raise them but he wants Steve to do the train
stories about people.
ing. Johnnie Miller says if they raise any hot ones he'll put Up a stand and get rid of them
unless you know it is 100 per cent true.
that way.
Magistrate: "But if you were doing nothing wrong, why did you run when the officer ap proached you ?" Prisoner: "1 thought that he wanted to sell me a ticket for the policemen's annual concert."
Louis Voda has won the laurels as a
man from Harry Sloane. He came aboard with a 2-)4 lb- northern pike and several trips later had two nice pickerel. We must give Harry credit though—when he gets a fish, it's a big one.
Customer: "1
Never repeat any story
don't like the
How come Steve Chibola is always whistling that old tune, "Don't Bring Lula"? Ole—What's dumber than a dumb Irishman? Pat—A smart Norwegian.
Sparks was sitting in his room and a strange
Dealer: "Yell, lady, if it's looks you're after, why don't you buy a gold fish?"
"My wife says if I don't chuck golf, she'll leave me."
"I say—hard luck !"
feeling crept upon him. Some time ago in the dim
Concentrating until
Take a tip—don't trip!
past he had experienced the same sensation. he
I'll miss her."
Rage 414
Calcite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture » Here and There About the Plant
Among Ourselves
Safety Spark Plugs
Rick Kowalske says a few more trips around
Think. Be Alert.
the golf course with Sam Salomon and he'll have
his golf sticks paid for.
Drive Carefully. Stop, Look. Listen. Don't hurry-—start early.
Butch: Mas
Hopp's car?
Buck Johnson bought Alfred
Lester: I don't know.
Is your car under control?
The train has the right of way. Every mother's plea: Drive safely.
Butch: I just wondered.
Paige parked at his house most of the time.
Children should be seen—not hurt.
After the wreck comes the reckoning.
Our friend Julius Zempel made a trip to Bay City over the Fourth and came back by train to Indian River. Someone got the wires crossed
Jaywalking—a short cut to the hospital.
as no one met him at Indian River so he started
Frequent inspection—your protection. Save the flowers—say it with brakes. The best traffic rule of all—the Golden Rule. BUFFALO PLANT SAFETY MEETING
Date of meeting, July 28, 1931. Present: John J. Collins, chairman,
Best, Jack Gorman, Robert Hagen. Meeting called to order at 10:30 a. m., July 28th. The committee made a thorough inspec tion of the mill and found all recommendations
made at the last meeting had been earned out
and they reported that all guards were in first
He had been told how hitch hikers
travel at low cost, but there weren't many cars out that night whose drivers felt kindly toward hitch hikers. Consequently Julius walked to Afton and on arriving there telephoned for a taxi. Not being able, to get one. he finally did manage to catch a ride to Onaway and after that he was among friends. Julius says he didn't mind the walking but he was afraid of
spoiling the Sunday shoes he had purchased in Bay City.
class shape. The following recommendations were made: 1.
The committee recommended that new toe
board be placed in mill room door above wash
way along side of machines.
At the close of the meeting, Harold J. Stanage, Supt., gave a short talk asking the com mittee to take all the precaution possible as very shortly we will be coming into a rush season and there will be several new men put to work. Date of next meeting, August 25th, 1931.
came to Michigan with his parents when a small boy. Being an adventur ous youth, he could always be found
near the water
from Bellefast, Ireland. office,
Western States. Born in Wooster
Chas. T. Stanage, has a cousin visiting him
the age of found him
spending a few days of her vacation at Atlantic
sixteen sailing
the Great Lakes. At
the time this picture was taken he was 28
Another ol our confirmed bachelors seems to
have fallen under the age old spell. Johnny Collins has purchased a diamond ring which he claims is for himself. It isn't very often we see this type of ring, worn by the masculine sex. Bees have a scheme whereby they eliminate the useless drones.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a. m.
bow and everything
Committee recommended that some kind
of guard be placed on drive pulley at Bates Packer, to protect men going up and down stair
Miss Helen Frost of the
dressed up in a blue uniform, cap, black
room entrance.
That is where the bees set
man a pace. But bees have no way of making a worker out of a drone, and possibly that is where we score one on the bee.
years old. He came into the
employ of the Mich igan
Chemical Co. early in 1923 as spare man on the boats, and the fol lowing year was transferred to the Power Dept.
Last mouth's Guess Who—Our good friend. George Zenz.
DON'T QUIT When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road your trudging seems all up-hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, ^{est, if you must—but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow— You may succeed with another blow. Success is failure turned inside out— The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems far; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit— It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. —Selected.
2Vo Accident Honor Roll Department, Foreman and Captain DRILLS
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier
Chief Frank Lamp STR. CARL D. BRADLEY
Capt. William MacLean Chief John Sparre Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief Guy LaBounty Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
Pa ire 419
Calcite Screenings
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published monthly for the employees of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare. The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons,
safely suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the department and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. .1. A. VALENTIN, Editor.
E L) 1 T O R I A I. S
Two departments are taken from the Honor .Roll this month as the result of lost time injur ies. The first is the Mill Department, Bellmore
shift, because of an accident suffered by Ber nard Murphy when struck with the handle of a sledge while attempting to re move a shaft coupling. The end of the sledge handle scraped the leg below the knee causing only a slight abrasion.
steam power to industry and substituted the factory for the small workshop brought with it a heavy toll of life. The change in conditions began about a century ago. The victims and their families
were just which
were privileged to enjoy. Per
haps some were more fortu nate because they were more careful and thoughtful with their work as in those days
So slight in fact that the in jured did not think it neces
sary to report to the first aid hospital or see the doctor re garding it. However, in about
the responsibility for the pro tection of
a week it began to swell and
fell by the employer as it is
pain and by that time suffi
cient irritation had developed to necessitate the injured los ing considerable time.
The prevention of accidents was probably beyond humani
The above is a good example of what can happen when a minor injury is neglected. A few days more without proper care this injury might have given cause For amputating
tarian dreams. Perhaps many felt as. we regret, some still do that AM GLAD TO TESTIFY TO THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE SAFETY MOVEMENT
in the progress of industry. But with the increasing toll of life society began to awak en to its weakness.
The old
the leg. 'That is the reason we ask that all injured be giv
idea of labor as a commodity without responsibility has
en prompt medical attention.
slowly died and the worker recognized as a human being, a citizen and an important cog in any going organization has done much for industrial pro gress. Labor Day recognizes the important
'I lie second lost
dent occurred in the Construction Department when Robert I'ardy, who was painting on a scaffolding, fell causing bruises which necessi tated his staying home. Mr. I'ardy had been somewhat ailing for a time but not sufficient to keep him from work. Although he had been cautioned against climb ing ladders or scaffolds, feeling the dizzy spell coming on, he started down the step ladder and was about two feet off the floor when he fell. Present indications are that he will be back at
work shortly. We regret removing these departments from the Honor list as both crews have worked earn
estly supporting our safety first activities. Nevertheless we cannot help but feel that both these accidents would have been far less serious
if the injured had been more mindful practices of safety first.
Any system can be defeated by one single man who places himself out of harmony with it.
part the worker has done in building our na tion.
Industries are becoming steadily safer u<>t merely through mechanical perfection of plant machinery and enforcement of safety rules but. also by the response of workers in the practice of safe thinking and safe practices. Workmen today are beginning to realize that accident prevention is simply a matter of ordinary com mon sense and constant observance
principles and that there is no excuse which can logically and rightfully justify an industrial ac cident.
The heroic man does not pose : he leaves that for the man who wishes to be that heroic. Most of us 1ind that our own worse than the other fellow's.
luck is
Calcite Screenings
On our cover this month we have a picture of the grand old frigate "Constitution" as she was leaving Boston for the first time since 1881 to make a tour of Atlantic ports.
The staunch old ship has been reconditioned from stem to stern, refitted with
spars and thirty white duck sails and a maze oi rope and lines complete the latest picture of the gallant old man o' war and presents an import ant national monument.
Launched in Boston October 21, 1797 the "Constitution's" first victories were made when
as flagship of the Mediterranean fleet during the blockade of Tripoli she covered herself with glory by dealing a decisive blow to the system of piracy and tribute existing for centuries on that coast.
In 1812 she gained lasting gratitude by de
feating, in the darkest hour of
HOW QUICKLY THE SCENE CHANGES Have you ever tried to figure out just how long it takes an accident to happen and just what would be the condition of your family if you should meet with a serious accident? Accidents happen very quickly. A slip, a flash or a crash and all is over. Just like a snap of your fingers or the blink of your eye it takes no longer but what a vast amount of difference a second spent that way will make the whole picture change. One minute a fellow is alive and well and then
in the fraction of a second the damage is done. The whole course of one's life may be changed.
Health, comfort and happiness can quickly be transformed into suffering, sorrow and how often poverty. An accident has made the strongest of men cripples and passed a shadow of darkness over a former bright and happy
the war with England, the British frigate "Guerriere." Thus establishing the United States on the high seas. In
all she made nineteen captures-, three of them being among
the most spectacular battles of maritime history. She has been in foreign waters and harbored with ships of all principal nations. Two other great crisis oc For the
was never defeated
only too quickly.
It doesn't
take long for an
accident to
happen. Just a second but the pain, the suffering, the sorrow
lingers scars
on, that
never heal.
leaving Acci
dents happen every day reap ing a harvest of life and limb. What has happened to others can happen to vou. Of the 99,000 people killed by acci
curred in her career when shewas threatened with destruc
In a
things in many a life have been taken away and often all that is left is a memory. Xo, the scene can change
ship in
war succumbed with decay of
last year few, if any. thought
In 1828 she was ordered
destroyed or sold but was saved by national indignation largely because of a poem written by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Again in 1871 in Philadelphia too far gone to go to sea under her own sail, she was rebuilt and in 1926 Congress authorized the reconditioning of the famous old warship by popular subscription. Pier last foreign cruise was to carry Amer Exhibition
United States
their existence on earth would
terminate the way it did.
ican exhibits to the Universal
That is why we plead with you to be thoughtful, to be careful and to be ever mind
ful that there is always time for an accident no matter how limited it might be. And accidents
can happen any time, any where and any place. COAL, COKE AND WOOD
From indications the past few weeks it doesn't
Paris in 1878. To withstand the rigors of her long voyages, she carried food enough for six
look as if the people in our fair city are going
months and 48.000 gallons of water for her crew of 465. In one cruise she circumnavigated the globe covering 52,279 miles in 495 days.
The flag she is flying at her mast head in this picture is the same as she carried so glor iously to victory in 1812. It consists of 15 stars, white and blue field with 15 stripes alternate white and red.
Before you are fit to give orders, you must be willing to take orders. The leader of the or chestra has always been a man who has played second fiddle.
to be cold this winter. The scales at the plant are busy weighing out coke and coal, and we never saw such a train of trailers as are busy at this work to say nothing of the trucks and teams.
We have had an unusual number of requests lor permits to cut wood and on days off the sound of the axe and saw on the woodlands re
mind one of the old lumber days. That's the way. boys. It will lie mighty fine when it commences to snow and blow just to know your winter's warmth is all stored away and all you have to do is to keep the fires burn ing.
"age 421
Calcite Screenini
From the Indian Canoe to th
Great Lakes Freighters
Unquestionably the Indian and his canoe made of oaken framework and covered with pieces of birch bark carefully laced with the crevices fill ed with tallow were the first known navigators on our Great Lakes.
This is what the earliest
explorers found when coming into this new country. .
One of the earliest explorers in this region was Cavilier cte La Salle, owner of a vast grant of land near Montreal. In the year 1005 LaSalle sold his property so that he might make a voy age of conquest into the region west of Mon treal and with permission from the Governor
of Quebec, started on his voyage which led him first into the Niagara Falls district where he made friends with the Indians who told him of the vast area of water west and north of the
great falls.
It was here that LaSalle's dream expanded as he thought of the vast areas to be explored and attained for France.
With this in mind and
having spent bis money, he
France lor further help.
Being successful he
returned to Niagara where he built sailing boat, the "Griffin."
The "Griffin" was about 45 ton burden and
Completely rigged. When this ship was com pleted LaSalle crossed Lake Lrie, passed De
One of the First Navigators of the Great Lakes and His Craft.
the furs into his ship and sent it with the pilot and crew of men back to Niagara. The lurs were to be given to his creditors so that new
loans might be obtained for further exploits.
troit into Lake Huron, on to the Straits of Mackinac and through the unchartered area in
The "Griffin" is supposed to have left Green Bay late in September but failed to reach her
to Green Bay where he found shelter for his ship and great quantity of furs which were
traded for salt, tea and trinkets.
LaSalle loaded
were advanced
to what had happened. One was that the crew tiring of LaSalle's domineering command had turned northward and joined the Indians in Canada.
While another was that the boat met
heavy weather and was wrecked near Georgian Bay. This latter report seems substantiated by findings in the year 1930 of wreckage from an old wooden ship, which according to an article printed in the Great Lakes News, the material
corresponded quite closely to the construction, dimensions, quality and hardware of that sup posed to have been used in the "Griffin" and authorities were quite convinced that the wreckage was that of LaSalle's ship. LaSalle then turned south, making his way
down the shore
friends with the Indians, but be was a ruthless,
domineering person bound for destruction soon er or later, and we are told the end came from
the hands of his own men a few years later. But nevertheless to LaSalle goes the credit lor being the first to succeed the Indians in sailing the Great Lakes and visioning their importance to a nation's commerce.
Soiling Ships of This Type at One Time Spotted the Lakes. This Picture to be of the Good Ship Cora A.
We believe
History is somewhat scattered for the next fifty years but mention is nuide that at the close of the Seven Years war, King Louis XV in the bargaining passed France's possession in the new
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world over to King George III With
the withdrawal of the French
England. from
While lake traffic was developing on the lower lakes, explorers and tradesmen had enter
territory the Indians were not satisfied with the treatment from the English, and it wasn't long before a bitter war was raging between the English settlers and Indian tribes of Chief I'on-
ed the Lake Superior district and in the year 1820 or thereabout copper was discovered in what is now known as tipper Michigan but little
til sometime later.
who commanded the
from Lake Superior to the Niagara Falls. The Indians, however, steadily lost ground until the year 1770 when their Chief Pontiae was killed and the tribes became scattered.
About this time the American colonies signed the Declaration of Independence and advances in lake shipping were somewhat curtailed for a time during 1770-1778 while the colonists fought the British on one side and the savages on the other, until Benjamin Franklin and his treat}' makers finally were victorious and the colonists
came into possession of the lake region and commerce began to develop, first on the eastern lakes and gradually working west. The "Jcmina" was the first vessel of any im
was done in the way of definite exploration un Numerous trading posts had sprung up along the lakes and John Jacob Astor was the head of the American Fur Company and fur contributed the bulk of the shipping business on the lakes up until 1839 when according to the Marine Re view the square rigged "Osceola" loaded the
first bulk cargo of grain
which was shipped
Irom Chicago to Buffalo. The cargo consisted of 1,678 bushels of wheat, it taking five days to load the cargo, fourteen days to make the trip and seven days for unloading.
The venture was
considered successful and the following year considerable mechanical equipment was added which greatly facilitated loading and unloading and boats engaged in grain traffic continued.
portance to be constructed and enter lake traffic
Robert Fulton, although not the first person
and history tells us that in 1800 schooners were becoming familiar along the shores of Lake Ontario and a little later portaging their cargo around Niagara Falls ft was loaded into new
to build a steamboat, was the first to run on a
ships which began to sail as far west as Mack inac. Furs and some salt comprised the princi pal bulk with tea, coffee and provisions. Later the "Surprise" a vessel of about 20 tons burden was built in Buffalo, and she was quickly
followed by about twenty-five others and trade was carried on all along the lakes as far as Fort Dearborn, which was later named Chicago. About this time the Lieutenant Governor of
Canada being awake to the importance of con trol of the lakes in trade, dispatched a detach ment to take over the principal strongholds from the colonists and war raged from that time un
til Perry's victory over Barclay on Lake Erie,
trial trip from New York to Albany.
The trip
of 150 miles was made in 32 hours.
This was
in 1807 and steam gradually worked westward into the Great Lakes region. Although for a period of time steam was looked upon with skepticism and for that reason most ol the early steam boats carried a complete set of sailing rigging or sufficient to carry them to port in case of failure of any part of the steam power. The first steamers were side wheelers and in
an article written by Capt. James Van Cleve we have the story of how he and several others in
partnership built the first sloop rigged propeller ship. This vessel was named the "Vandalia" and was ninety-one feet long, twenty feet two inch es in beam and eight feet three inches in depth of hold with 138 tons burden. This ship was
and the following trea
tween President Mon roe
His Majesty: On
each country
was al
lowed one vessel not to exceed 100 tons
burden and armed with
cannon. lakes
On the upper
like description and on Lake Champlain a similar vessel could be stationed. This was
one of the earliest dip lomatic
giving a foundation ol peace between the American
and England,
Another Type of Carrier With Tow Going Through the Locks.
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launched in 1841 and made her first trip to the head of Lake Ontario. The "Empire" a pro
peller ship built in Cleveland about this time was the first to be launched sidewise.
During this time there had been a rush of copper prospectors into northern Michigan. This was made difficult because of the rapids at Sault Ste. Marie which made it impossible for ships to navigate from the St. Mary's River into
Lake Superior.
We are told that John Jacob
Astor built a ship on the shores of Lake Super ior out of material imported from Ohio, this be ing the first vessel to sail these waters. Later several small steamers were transported over
the rapids into Lake Superior. This was shortly after Douglas Houghton, who was appointed Michigan's first geologist in 1837, made his re
port to the Governor on the wealth of the cop per country.
Iron was discovered in the copper country in 1844 by a party of surveyors having trouble with their compass because of attraction be tween the iron and the needle point of the com
pass, and this new find put more traffic up Lake
The ore and copper traffic moved
for a share and when the railroads began push
ing into the West wheat and grain came pouring into newly constructed elevators at Duluth to be carried east by boats and the lakes were
spotted with the busy traffic of schooners and steamers.
The next big event in shipbuilding came in about the year 1870 when Joseph Belknap orga nized the Detroit Dry Dock Company and built an iron steam boat, the "E. B. Ward, Jr." Al
though there was a great amount of interest shown in the iron ships there was a greater de mand for the wooden ships because they were
cheaper. But with the urge for larger bulk car goes of ore, grain and coal the steel freighter came into its own and the schooner and small wooden steamers drifted into transporting tim ber and lumber from the smaller lake ports.
With the passing of this trade the sailing vessel on the lakes gradually passed over the horizon until last season when the schooner "Our Son,"
the last of her line, swamped in Lake Michigan,
ending the colorful career of this type of ship. ft will perhaps not be long until the small wood
en steamers join the fate of the graceful sailing
east and it was necessary at first to carry the cargoes around the rapids at Sault Ste. Marie
and reload it into other ships.
vanced in demand and today we have six hun
hauled by horses.
Later it
This was the practice until
the locks were completed. In 1853 a canal was started around the rapids and after several failures, the locks were com
pleted and vessels could load on Lake Superior and go down through the Lakes into the ocean if necessary. The Erie Canal connecting Buf falo and Albany on the route to New York City was finished in 1820 and the Welland Canal con
necting Lakes Ontario and Erie on the Canadian side was.finished in 1829.
At this time copper and iron headed the list of trade commodities.
Later lumber came, in
The steel constructed ships have steadily ad
dred footers, such as operated by the Pittsburgh Steamship Company, the Ford Motor Company, the Interlake Steamship Company. Hutchinson & Company, the Bradley Transportation Company and many others carrying a tonnage last season of ore, coal and limestone aggregating close to 105 million tons, which, no doubt, will be aug mented in the future as new equipment is
brought into effect and docks, rivers and har bors are improved.
Of course what we have a right to expect of the American boy is that he shall turn tint to be a good American man. Now, the chances are
strong that he won't be much of a man un
less he is a good deal of a boy. He must not be a coward or a weak
ling, a bully, a shirk, or a pfig. He must work hard
hard. He must be clean-minded and clean
lived, and able to hold his own under all cir
cumstances and against all comers. on these
It is only conditions
that he will grow into the kind of American man of whom America
can lie really proud.â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Modern Equipment Used In Transportation On The Great Lakes.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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General Repair Shop An Im portant Unit Is Essential In Plant Operation
.By R. Dueltgen, Jr.
In the operation of a stone quarry with its crushing and screening plant, a well equipped repair shop is an essential unit. All machinery used in excavating, crushing and screening stone is subjected to severe service necessitating repairs.
Machine and hand tools of sufficient
size and number must be maintained to take care
of any kind of repair job from a small weld to overhauling a locomotive. Lathes, shapers, drill presses, grinders ami all small tools used by machinists, pipe fitters, mechanics and black smiths are among the many different kinds of tools comprising the shop equipment and an overhead traveling crane for handling heavy pieces ol machinery is indispensable.
Our general repair shop is equipped to take care of practically all maintenance work on our plant equipment as well as considerable work
for the Bradley Transportation Company. With the aid of radio
boats and plant, material and shopmen are on hand when the boat arrives at dock to do repair jobs during the time the boat is loading. The scope of the work which the shop is called upon to do is so broad and diversified that a crew
of skilled workmen, among which are mechan ics, electricians, boilermakers, blacksmiths and
Beading from left to right: Dave Gregg, black
helpers, are employed during the operating and
smith helper; Cortlie Adrian, blacksmith; Frank Telaski, blacksmith helper.
repair seasons. As nearly all of our equipment is driven by electric power with the exception of the loco motives and locomotive cranes, the electrical re
pair department has the responsibility of main taining the electric motors and control systems. The blacksmith shop located in one corner of
the general repair shop building is a department
which is called upon by all maintenance and operating phases of the plant. It takes care of
not only the small repair jobs and replacement
parts but the largest job necessary in shovel, lo comotive and plant operation in general are also taken care of here.
The present day blacksmith shop with its large forges, air hammers and automatic tools is quite differ ent than the old type of blacksmith shop which held the interest of every youngster in his early teens. The blacksmith takes a piece of iron or steel and in a short time has
it shaped into a repair part which might cause considerable delay were il lie -essarv to wait until new parts could be shipped hi. One interesting phase of the black smith's work is the sharpening of drill bits
for blast hole drills.
is accomplished with
sharpener using a hammer.
air as
sharpening and tempering of other tools, requires much skill on the part of the blacksmith. Upon his judg ment dI the propei1 temperature at which to Forges of the Blacksmith Shop
steel depends the degree of hardness
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and texture of the finished job.
Drill bits must
have a definite temper and shape to give the maximum footage before resharpening and highest rate of footage drilled. Much more could be written regarding the activities of the general repair shop, but a visit to the shop will bear us out that this is truly a busy place.
One fool can cause just about as much damage as two fools almost any time. It all depends on the circumstances. It may take two people to make a quarrel, but it doesn't necessarily take two to make an accident. DONT PICK 'EM UP!
If you pick up a highway thumb jerker and he turns out to be a thug or a robber, it is just
Common highway
too bad!
fashioned kind which existed in horse and buggy
There are lots of these cases where drivers, out of the kindness of their hearts, offer rides
days—would remedy many of our traffic ills. A recent study shows that right of way vio lations are the cause of a great many of these
to highway pedestrians. Instead of giving the pedestrian a ride it turns out that the car owner
an astounding case of this kind in the west some
Some of these violations may be through ig norance but a large number of them undoubted ly are wilful. Others are caused through selfishness.
months ago.
himself is often "taken for a ride."
course there
hoggishness, intolerance and indifference to the rights of others. The best mannered of men often become selfish boors
when manipulating their ben zine buggies through traf
ten minutes
in the First
LJ Aid roonv Tiusmanwait
ed 5 daijsbe fore reporting injunj—He I
anywhere on
lost12weeks with blood
A sizeable group of safety men were discuss
ing accidents. More especially they were trying to find out what caused motor vehicle collisions.
There were professors who analyzed what they called "intelligence levels." '1 here were police who claimed that weather conditions had much to do with accidents.
There were safety directors who cited numer ous other causes.
There were doctors who talked of "emotional
stability." Most of the talk was a little too deep for yours
truly. One remark, however, struck home. This particular gent said: "The cause of most motor vehicle collisions is
not so much that a couple of CARS meet as it is that a couple of FOOLS meet." A pretty good answer but not always correct.
traveling salesman who had given a pedestrian a lift and who was struck and beaten by his guest passenger, was not entitled to compensation for bis injuries. The assault, the
highway, where life and limb is at stake, it is
time to pick out the worthy cases as you drive along the highway. The best vule to follow is to ignore such re quests. Otherwise you may be
fooling with dynamite. The Supreme Court of Ne
on the other hand there are a
lot of people of questionable.
there lies exposed a spirit of
the highways and occasionally they will signal for a lift. But character who make a practice of bumming rides. You haven't
er's seat. It is peculiar how the veneer of courtesy is sloughed off and in its place
of re
they lose their sense of lairplay when they take the driv
cise Common courtesy? some
spectable people walking along
Isn't it appalling to think drivers
The good Samaritan was murdered
in cold blood by the man he befriended. Why take a chance?
that many people are killed or injured on our streets just because
There was
an inci
dent of the traveling man's employment. The thug got away of course. And he took with him the traveling man's money and his auto mobile.
In addition the victim suffered serious
injuries. The action of the Supreme Court in cutting off his plea for compensation just about capped the climax to a series of most unfortu nate events.
Emmanuel Jackson, mule tender, appeared one morning on crutches. "blow come?" asked a friend. "Ah thought yo' was one o' de best mule skinners in de bus iness."
"So Ah is," affirmed Emmanuel proudly, "but we got a new mule dat didn't know mah reputa tion."
Teacher: "Johnny, do you know who built the Ark?"
Johnny: "Xaw." Teacher: "Correct, for once in your life."
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Precautions And Safe Practices 1. Keep oxygen from oil or grease. Oil or grease in presence of oxygen under pressure will ignite violently. Oily or greasy substances
must be kept away
platform with oil or placed in a position where oil or grease from overhead cranes or belts is
likely to fall Upon them. A jet of oxygen should never strike an oily surface, greasy clothes, OX enter a fuel oil or storage tank. 2. Always refer to oxygen by its full name— "Oxygen"—and not, for example, by the word "Air." A serious accident may easily result if oxygen is used as a substitute for compressed air. Do not use oxygen in pneumatic tools, to start Diesel engines, to blow out pipe lines, to "dust" clothing or work, or for head pressure in a tank of any kind. 3. When an oxygen cylinder is not in use, the cap, which protects the outlet valve, should always be in place and screwed down against the neck ring to prevent injury to the valve. 4. Do not drop or handle oxygen cylinders rouirhlv.
In the Storage, Care and Handling of OxyAcetylene Welding and Cutting Equipment
from cylinders, cylinder
valves, couplings, regulators, hose and appar atus. Do not handle oxygen cylinders or ap paratus with oily hands or gloves. Oxygen cylinders should never be handled on the same
5. Never tamper with nor attempt to repair oxygen cylinder valves.
is exper
ienced, send the supplier promptly a report of the character of the trouble, giving serial num ber stamped on the cylinder. Follow his instruc tions as to its prompt return. 6. Do not use a hammer or wrench to open oxygen cylinder valves. If valves cannot be
opened by hand, notify the supplier. 7. The Valve should be opened slowly. If the high pressure is suddenly released it is liable to damage the regulator and pressure gauges. 8. Never use oxygen direct from the cylin der without a regulator. It is not safe to do so and will possibly burst the hose. 9. Do not move an oxygen cylinder any dis tance unless the valve is securely closed and the cap is in place. 10. Remember always—never allow oil or grease to come in contact with oxygen. Never use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air, or as a source of pressure.
Something About the Symptoms and Treatment of Infantile Paralysis Although health authorities state that there is no immediate cause for alarm, there is a mild
epidemic of infantile paralysis going on in the state of Michigan at this time, and that our people may become more familiar with the symptoms and peculiarities of this type of in fection, we present a few of the high spots on the disease as gathered from a recent interview with Dr. S. H. Rutledge of the Rogers City Hospital. Much has been learned in the past few years regarding infantile paralysis. The common be lief that infantile paralysis and spinal menin gitis are similar types of infection is entirely er roneous. These two diseases are distinct types of infections.
It has been found
paralysis is much more common than has here tofore been anticipated, mild cases existing in most communities quite regularly and only in about 20 per cent of the cases is the complica tion of paralysis made manifest because of the fact that the paralytic symptoms are not in evi
The paralysis is due to a general infec
tion involving the motor cells of the spinal cord. Isolated cases have always been a problem of great concern with the physicians, and it now appears that these cases are brought about by a
very effective.
This serum, however, is of little
value to the patient after paralysis. The only instrument of value after this stage is the re storing of the patient to as near normal as pos sible by orthopedic surgery and mechanical supports.
harly symptoms of infantile paralysis are fever, chills, nervousness, pain in the neck, head ache, rigidity of the neck, nausea, tremors of the lips and hands, general sluggishness, drowsi
ness or indifference, and constipation, paralysis usually not occurring until several days after these symptoms have been in evidence.
There is at present a supply of this serum in the county which
given before general Complication of paralysis sets in, ancj although health authorities do not
feel there is any cause for undue alarm at pres ent concerning this disease,
several cases in this vicinity during the past month, and we feel that the above will acquaint our readers with the severity of the infection and also enable them to recogni/.e early symp toms, and the necessity of securing prompt medical attention.
Your friend is the man who knows all about
carrier who has had a touch of infantile paralysis
you and still likes you.
of tinsufficient severity to show well defined characteristics of this type of infection. There is at present a serum which when given before the complications of paralysis set in is
than the one who lends.
The man who borrows takes
To pardon is the privilege only of the living.
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The Waste of Time and Where Time Can Be Wasted It is an old adage "That time and tide waits
for no man," and how true it is. Time goes on and we all have many useless minutes, yes even hours of wasted time during the average day and what will it amount to in a
lifetime and how
much better would our journey through life have been if all our working hours were spent in an effort to do the best possible for the good of the particular task we were doing. This holds true whether we are working for ourselves or selling our services to others.
With business conditions as they are today jobs are at a premium. Large industrial concerns have found it necessary to curtail their man power because of a decrease in the sales of their
product. Workmen who are left on the job find in many cases that more is expected of them now than when business conditions were better.
Today more than ever a man sells his services to the company for which he works. Any in dustrial activity can be successful only when it shows a profit so its operations can be contin ued. When a workman is hired today, he has a certain specific task to do in the cog wheel of industry. If he does not honestly try and fill
that position to the best of his ability, he is fall ing short of the requirements of his position. There are many ways in which workmen may waste considerable time.
Some of them may be
classed as a willful waste while others are done
more or less unconsciously and perhaps have become a habit.
Life is a grindstone, and whether it Grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he's made of.
problem which confronts every employer and a loss which each workman can eliminate for his
company if he will earnestly endeavor to do his part.
While the above is probably responsible for the greatest waste in time, other items which
are large contributors to waste, are laying off without advance notice, being late on the job and late in starting the job after one is there, taking more time than is needed to do a particular job, failing to follow instructions, making mistakes which necessitates doing the job over, waste in motion due to unsystematic personal working habits, waiting around when not ne cessary for tools to be repaired, trying to work when not physically fit and doing personal work on company time. All these taken together day after day through the season, if they could be accurately computed, would perhaps present a figure which would be astonishing. it is the duty of every employee to try to prevent every minute of waste time and every penny of waste material possible. The harder we try the nearer we will come to accomplish
ing our purpose and the more effective results will be obtained for our company and ourselves. EVERYTHING in
It is not the intention of men to waste time
but if Only practiced to a small degree by each and taken collectively it amounts to a great er loss to their employer than might be realized
gamble. Timidity never accomplished anything in this world. Faith is the mainspring of enter prise. It is the easiest thing in the world to reason the merit of a new idea.
The man who
in a plant that has 800 men employed 250 days in the year. If each man wastes 50c in time each
"gets there" is the man who has the courage to make the plunge when the thought is fresh in
day.' the annual loss is $100,000.00.
his mindâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to strike while the iron is hot.
This is a
wait for nobody. They must be taken at the flood.
attempts to argue all the way to the finish is lost.
Difficulties are
not at their
T h e
world's real benefact ors are its brave men; the men who have the soul to dare, to risk
everything â&#x20AC;&#x201D; fortune. reputation and life it self.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Frank
The object of teach ing a child is to enable
him to get along with The Charles H. Bradley Transporting a Cargo of Lumber Down the Lakes.
out a
Calcite Screenings
Pasre 428
General Repair Takes Season's Honors Heads Calcite League The General Repair gave conclusive proof that they were the class of the League when they pounded "Bcrgie" Platz, star Merchant twirier, for many hits of every variety and gathered
thirteen runs to take the League honors. Final score 13-5.
Both teams hit often and the bases were al
ways full. The Merchants' first markers came as the result of two pretty squeeze plays and the Repair crew came back to garner three on healthy slugging. In the later innings "Lefty" Leveck was relieved by Reinke due to a desper
ate Merchant rally but, the Repair sluggers again crashed through to put the game on ice. Due to the extreme hitting that slowed the contest and dark, low hanging clouds, the .game was called on account of darkness. Although only another ball or so was necessary to com
plete the game, another pitched ball might have meant serious injury to players or bystanders. Umpire "Bill" Warwick had no other course, but to call the game when he did. There were two down and two strikes on the batter when the
game was called, although the bases were full also.
This win meant eight for the Repair and made the number of defeats for the Merchants two.
We didn't see any greenbacks flashing for speculation at this General Repair-Drill tussle either before or after the game. The compara tive strength of the two teams made the invest ors rather careful it seems. Kelley lost his stake four days previous and times are hard. \\ alter
Meyers made on this last game, however. Walt had seven extractions in a row and then his
team got kind-hearted. Maybe chocolate sodas aren't to the liking during this late summer sea son. Anyway fans, something was wrong with
With Eight Straight Victories game to the General Repair and it was a mighty interesting battle. "What's this we hear about expense money?" Manager "Bill" Fleller seems to be questioned by some curious fans. Rumors of telegrams,
gasoline bills, hot-dogs and lemonade purchases center around "Left)-" Leveck. And. finally we discover that some long headed fan cooks up this story. Sadly in need of a pitcher for this crucial contest with the Drillers, Manager "Bill" Heller and his "right bower," Frank Reinke, called a "meetin' of two" and tempted Clyde from his Denver abode. Of course, it was pol icy to dot and dash off a few pennies for trans portation and human sustainance.
Hence, our
friend Leveck was at hand and did nice work in the box.
Then, on the evening of August 27th, Hilary and Leo staged the ball game DeLuxe, one of the closest and most interesting games of the season. A half hour before game- time, O'Toole had his Mill proteges (some of them newly adopted, by the way) skipping around the dia mond and pepping them up with his usual verb al skill. Yes, Hilary could be heard. It looked like a beating for Kelley. But, wait until that Quarry team comes forth! Yes sir, somebody whispered in Leo's ear; he's prepared for his old-time rival and the line-up he exposes would make Connie Mack's A's stagger. But. O'Toole keeps right on with the discourse.
Batter up! The five innings had started and certainly constituted a real battle. Good baseball throughout the game was one of the outstand ing features; the players performed like sea soned veterans and, the interest among the fans was the most keen of the season.
To climax
something and the General Repair dug up an 8
the fray, Bob Mundt of the Mill comes to bat
to 2 victory. The Drillers, a dark horse team we might say from the very start, lost their last
and Kelley with a one run advantage.
with two out, bases loaded, last half of the fifth
A General Repair Run Being Scored Which Figured In On Tlie Driller's 8-2 Defeat.
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And a hot liner streaked far over the shortstop position. But, "Red" Martin streaked upward, hauled down a sure double for an out and doub led a man off third to retire the side.
A bril
liant play all around and a check on three cer tain runs.
Whoever placed that exit only a few feet from the dug-out, made it easv for Hilarv.
The Mill
lost 2-1.
Laffin's Quarry team, for most of the season contenders for first place, won one and lost two
of their last three games to finish season in 4th place with the Yard. The Yard team played good ball, capturing all of their last three games. While the Track Team has yet to gain- a vic tory. Hoffman's Construction team turned in some nice ball to win two out of their last three contests.
Explosion-—A shot played with
General Repair Drills Merchants
Quarry (Laffin) Yard '
Quarry (Kelley) Mill Tracks
The tennis game seems to have succumbed to the noble game of golf among M. L. & C. Co. employees this season. With a reduction in en tries and a lacking in interest, this season's tournament has progressed rather slowly. How ever, some very hard fought battles have taken
place and the participants seem to have enjoyed the competition.
The next two weeks will like
ly see the finish of the matches and the champ ionship decided.
Scores of matches played to date, September 8th :
Preliminary Round: Lloyd Goodin-J. A. Val entin, 7-5, 7-5; Guv Hardin-N. Hoeft 11-9, 6-0:
J. L. Clymer-R. Dueltgen jr.. 6-4, 6-1; R. C. Stanbrook-C. A. Storms, 6-0, 6-0; George JouesJ. P. Kinville, 6-1, 6-0. First Round: W. Mundt-B. Zempel 6-3, 6-2: H. Lewis-R. Crittendon 6-1, 6-4; J. G. Munson-
L. Goodin, to be playeC; Guy Hardin-I. L. Clymer 0-3. 6-4; L. Ravmond-O. Zempel to be play ed; I Hamilton-'L Rose 8-6, 6-2: I-'.. Meyers-K. Hamilton 6-1, 6-0; George Joncs-R. C. Stanbrook 6-1. 9-7.
Second Pound: H. Lewis-W. Mundt, 3-6, 8-6,
(,-] ; George Jones-L. Meyers, 6-4, 7-5. Men are strong only as they believe in one another.
Men do not vary much in virtue; their vices only are different.
across the ball as in the cut shot.
Fairway—The strip ol" tween tee and green.
Flat Lie—A club has a "flat
shaft is attached to the head at an angle to al
low the player to stand comparatively far away from his ball.
Poursomc—The real foursome is 4 players playing only 2 balls. Most Americans, however, regard the usual 4-ball match as a foursome.
TEAM STANDINGS Won Lost Pet. 1.000 8 0 7 1 .875 -> o .715 .500 4 4 .500 4 4 3 5 .375 ) .250 6 9 .250 6 7 .000 0
out of a sand trap. The club strikes hard into the sand under the ball. The ball and sand are literally "exploded" onto the green. Fade—A fairly long approach shot that goes high and to the left of the object. Its descent is a gradual curve to the right, caused I))- cutting
Gobble—When a strongly hit putt, that would normally overrun the hole, hits the back of the
Cup and drops, it is called a "gobble." Green—Literally, the green is the entire course, but this word is only popularly applied to the putting green. Hal I-one—A "stroke-every-other-hole-handicap." Half-shot—A shot in which the back swing and the follow through are only half length. Halved—The same number of strokes by both players on a hole, or the same number of strokes in a match of medal play, or the same number of holes won in a match play is "halved." Hanging Lie—-When a ball rests where the ground immediately in bunt of it drops abrupt ly.
Hazard—Anything that obstructs the approach to the putting green. Heel—The portion of the club nearest the shaft and not part of the face.
Hold the Green—When an approached shot is hit to carry the green and it succeeds in stick
ing, it is said to "hold the green." Honor—The privilege of playing first. Hook—A shot that curves sharply to the left. Caused by hitting across the ball from the in side out, imparting side spin from left to right. Ilosel—The neck of the club head into which the shaft is fitted.
Lie—The position of the ball in play. Like—The
words, two players whose scores are identical either by holes or strokes.
Like-as-we-lie—This term designates oppon ent's status on a particular hole when they have both used the same number of strokes but have
not yet holed out.
Lip—The verv Qd^c of the cup on the putting green.
Loft—The angle or pitch of the club's face. Also means to hit the ball into the air. Neck—See Hosel.
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Calcite Screenings
Feeding The Child For Health By Edna Shane
Plant Nurse
A very precious possession is in your care. It is the life of a child. Through the child the race goes forward.
A great responsibility confronts those who have children in their charge. The child's suc cess and happiness in life depend largely upon the guidance of the grown up. The foundation for success and happiness in life is a strong, healthy body. The lime to lay this foundation is in the growing body of a child. Each child is a builder. He enters the world in the tiny body of the infant. This body he builds during the
years of infancy, childhood and youth until it is fully developed and ready for his use as a man. It is important that the child build his body rightly. Weak bodies cause suffering and are a handicap in the game of living. Healthy bodies furnish their possessors an abundance of vital energy for the daily tasks of life and more than that they supply a reserve force with which to meet life emergencies. Malnutrition—How To Recognize It. Ask yourself these questions. Is your child delicate? Lacking in vitality? Is he listless, nervous, fretful? Does he tire easily? Do you scold him because he will not stand up straight but slouches forward with drooping shoulders? These are symptoms of the child who is un dernourished or threatened
and if not taken in hand and put on the road to health, he will grow into a physically weak adult
portant the
o 1
building ma terial
fo 0 d .
needs a more careful diet
than the adult whose
to help him grow properly may be listed as follows: Pro teins—the muscle building foods. Protein is essential in building body cells. It is found in milk, eggs, meat, cereals such as wheat and oatmeal, certain vegetables like beans and peas, Foods that the child must have
and nuts.
Mineral matter—the food that builds
bone, teeth, blood, brain tissue and stimulates body functions. It is furnished by milk, green
vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat and whole grains, especially wheat. Vitamins—vital growth reg ulating and health promoting substances found in many foods but especially in raw whole milk, eggs, leaf vegetables and fruits. Energy foods —the fuel foods. These are sugar, starch found in cereals, potatoes, fat, butter or milk fat.
How to know that your child is building his body for health: Be sure that the child has ten hours sleep each night with windows open. Plays out doors part of each day. Washes his hands and face before each meal
unable to do his share of the world's work el-
(this prevents carrying diseases into the mouth
and system). Brush teeth as often as once a day.
The Remedy
In his work of building the body, the child must observe certain health rules and have cer
Dirty teeth in the mouth are like eating with dirty forks or silver not cleaned. Have a full bath more than once a week.
tain needful building materials. The health rules that the child should follow are simple but vital since they lay the foundation for health habits during life. They may be summed up as bodily cleanli
Have one or more bowel movement daily; regulated by proper food not cathartics. Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily.
ness (frequent baths), teeth brushed daily, suf ficient sleep, regular and complete elimination
is ideal). Eat some vegetables and fruits each day, especially oranges or fresh fruits in season.
of waste material and
Drink as much milk as possible (quart daily
movements most important) and right habits of diet.
The building materials that the child requires are air, water and food.
The child must have
plenty of fresh air and he should play out of doors part of each day and sleep at night with windows open. Physical defects such as ade noids that may interfere with his air supply should be corrected, especially before his first year of school. Plenty of fresh pure water is likewise neces sary. Water keeps the internal organs of the body clean, provides a carrying medium for the food substances and in addition itself enters into
the body composition.
It is best to take most
of the water between meals.
If we noticed little pleasures, As we notice little pains; If we quite forgot our losses And remembered all our gains;
If we looked for people's virtues And their faults refused to see,
What a comfortable and happy Cheerful place this world would be. Robbers always give much to charity for thus do thev absolve themselves.
A person may be very secretive and yet have no secrets.
Page 431
Calcite Screening's
Wandering In the Gardens and About the Home Grounds A Few Tips
That May Be Somewhat Profitable In The Flower Garden:
As the garden growing close
Divide peonies, phlox, in
and the harvest season is
fact, most perennials. Plant bulbs, especially those which you have saved yourself. Do not allow them to remain out
season draws
want to call attention to
the necessity of notifying the office of any inspec tion calls to be made be
of the soil.
Give the garden a final
fore it is too late.
cleanup. If roses arc planted now
The gardens this sum mer have been unusually successful and one of the
in a well-prepared bed we
novel crops for this com munity is the watermelon
may expect a greater pro
display pictured on this page. Fred Bade reports a
Spring. Lift gladiolus, tuberose,
caunas and dahlias Store in cool cellar.
nineteen, all
good size and all matur
garden and improvements and we furnish a list of -work to be done during
the month of September. Itt The Home Grounds: Do not fail to cut lawns
before freezing. The long growth will be matted
~^&i3&3£&Ji Not a had 1031 crop, especially for our cooler climate. Crown by Fred Bade.
down during the winter and will be difficult to get into shape, A large amount of Winter injury to ever
greens is due to a dry Fall. Water them thor oughly. Continue to sow lawns.
Transplant most shrubs at end of mouth. Give hedges a final clipping. Before
grounds carefully, making all plans for changes. In war it is considered good strategy to keep the other fellow guessing. In traffic it is the worst possible blunder.
Trying to figure out what the other fellow is going to do next is one of the problems of mod It is sometimes hard to avoid hit
ting a fellow when you don't know which way he is going to move, and the raw material for an accident doesn't seem at all sure either.
Just watch some drivers in action. They can't make up their minds which side of the road is better for driving and weave from one sideto the other.
When they stick their hands out
you can't tell whether they are going to turn or are just flicking the ashes from a cigaret. Also watch some people crossing the street.
They step from the curb before looking both
sects or disease.
Rake and pile leaves. Start gathering mulch material.
A large amount of print
ed matter concerning gardening is distributed annually by the Federal Government, thru the Universities and other channels. If you have not availed yourself of this opportunity to se cure accurate information on the subject, you can. no doubt, add this to your own gardening experience with benefit.
Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the importance of planning now for your 1932 gard en.
Keeping Him Guessing In Traffic Ca uses
ern traffic.
Prepare rose beds. Cut everlasting flowers and hang up to dry. In The Vegetable Garden: Sow spinach. Remove garden trash which might harbor in
ing. This is the time of year when a great deal can be done
ways, then hesitate about what to do next. The driver slows down—if he doesn't, it may be just too bad—and the two of them do an Alphonse and Gaston act in the middle of the street.
hesitating pedestrian may finally decide to move on and perhaps he will get in the way of a mo torist who has decided to pass the patient driver. Planning the job carefully prevents many ac cidents in the factory. Planning what you are going to do before stepping from the curb will prevent many mishaps on the street. Dodging
among cars is dangerous business, but if you arc caught in traffic it is often better to stand still and give the approaching driver a chance to avoid you. It is harder to hit a moving target with a rifle but it is easier to miss a stationary
pedestrian with an automobile.
If you keep the
other fellow guessing he may guess wrong.
Paee 432
Calcite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture »
Here and There About the Plant
"Among Ourselves
What do you think about a fellow who was raised in the Canadian wilds and for the past fifteen years a resident of Rogers City going a
eighteen inches of top dirt and haul it out in the woods and refill it with some good earth. This
few miles out of town and getting lost in the
stores to purchase some good lawn seed. Some thing that would grow and form a good sod, which it
huckleberry brush? Well, that is just what happened to
was done and then Carl went to one of the local
our good friend Hector Haw
prise he again has a wonder
Jack Schultz says the next
few bets if he hadn't tried to economize CHILD'S THOUGHT
LIT in the fields which were
green last May.
But are rough and stuhhled and
brown today,
lieve that drift wood comes into shore as fast as it does
but by taking a look at the wood piles in Wm. Sobeck's yard it will give you some idea
washed up on the beach just Opposite his place. Observe stop signs. shorten life?
It's too short
They are stacking the sheaves of the yellow wheat And raking the aftermath dry and The barley and oats and golden rye
Are safely stored in the granary; Where the pumpkins border the tall corn rows.
The busy reaper comes and goes; And only the apples set so thick On the orchard boughs are left to pick. What a little time it seems since
getting in his supply ol coal. Almost eveiw trip found Fred along the road fixing tires but he stuck right to it and the coal is all hauled.
The tug slip will soon be circled with herring fisher men according to the way the herring are beginning to jump these evenings. The herring is not a fighting fish
but it sure is great sport
Not very much longer than yester day! Yet all this growing, which now is
strong screen
Of corn were but little poiuts o£ green.
apple blossoms were pink and sweet,
But no one could gather them to eat; And all this food for hungry men Was but buds or seeds just planted then.
—Susan Coolidge
Chas. Platz finally caught Up with Capt. McOuinu. We hear a daughter. Nancy Jane, was born to Mr.
and Mrs.'Chas. F. Platz on August 18th. Carl Hoch decided to clean out the quack-grass in his lawn.
He hired a truck
which shows that his judg Yes, sir! The gasoline is all it cost manager Win. Heller to get Clyde Leveck back here for the game be tween the Drillers and Gen
At least
that's what Pill says altho there arc many of the opin ion that between Frank Reinke and Bill Heller the
offer was made so tempting that Clyde couldn't
seems to be some truth.to it
as Clyde says since the last
ball game, he is quite fixed
winter ami
Experience says safety is
worth a lot. Never fo'rget it.
The nodding wheat and high,
catching them and they also are very good eating.
ment was very good.
And finished, was scarcely then
claims he has picked the winner of almost each game
eral Repair teams.
Fred Lee seemed to have considerable trouble with the tires on his trailer while
Hilary says he could have
Edward Kelley says the "Screenings" is all wrong about him watching Specta
It certainly is hard to be
to Carl's
made some money during the baseball season by placing a
his neck.
cle Reef light as he just hap pened to drive up there and parked by mistake. Lester Raymond claims that Ed must be very forgetful.
ful lawn of ctuack grass.
time he takes Hec along he is going to tie a cow bell around
ings" R
C. Stanbrook said.
"Well, what do you know about that—a picture of the jail fight on the cover. I suppose we will have a pic ture of the poor
the back."
over to see
on it
really meant it.
A few days ago when the plant was down Julius and Otto Zempel decided to take a trip on the new highway leading into
the quarry but to their surprise they found the gate locked on their return. Finally after a
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Calcite Screenings
half hour's search a key was found to fit the lock and out they came.
Julius says the queer part of it was that a
his surprise he thought it to be a hornets nest instead and dropped it to his knees which was just too bad for the knees. Chuck seemed wor ried about his hands and knees and wanted to
half hour later the gate was again without a lock. All that we can say is that the quarry watchman was right on the job.
occu ranee.
Carl Hoeh seems to be having plenty of trou ble with his car lately. His two last trips cost
sodas the other evening when they lost to the
him $12.00 and $7.50* respectively and still had
General Repair.
to be towed home.
The drill team claimed it
You remember
Joe, our editor, is rather lucky.
He drives up
to the gas station with a Model A to get gas in a can for his Model T. It beats walking, doesn't
it, Joe?
"'Nick" Carter had his hair clipped.
Well, you
wouldn't think he was the same man to look at
him now with his new set of curls.
Nick said
he would never try that again without his wife's
After losing the game to the Shop, it didn't cost Waller Meyers the usual amount. All he had to buy was all day suckers to cheer his boys along until their next tilt. The other night Arthur Getzinger was com
ing home from fishing and saw a new tire in the
know what he should do to prevent a similar
Conveyors are for "dead" material,
workers stav off them for safety.
Marvin Lamb offered ten gallons of gas to the Yard team last Saturday for a home run which makes it seem as though he and Leo Kelley had something up on the game.
'â&#x20AC;˘If I had my 30-30. a gat and some tear gas bombs, I would have
If he it
ing over any
stopped and picked it
without hand
there were no home runs made and the score was in favor of the Yard.
up." Safety first, Art; it pays. Everybody is wond ering
gets the out with
Remember! Preven tion is better than
pullâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;comes lively base
balls and a new bats.
On Ed. Radka's
Way Back When.
days he is kept busy looking for the lost revolutions
In case you have trouble recognizing
this fellow, it's our good friend John Sparre.
If someone with an outboard motor had
been on the job the other night, he sure would have
We all wonder how the Repair Clydie back from Denver so quick.
Sunday. rang
The fellow who allows many safety lessons to pass has a great future behind him.
"With a simple stroke of the brush," said the school teacher, taking his class around the Na tional Gallery, "Joshua Reynolds could change a smiling face to a frowning face." "So can mv mother." said a small bov nearbv.
quick sale. Edwin Radka started out to row across Lake Nettie and after rowing several hours decided there must be something wrong
when to his surprise he found he hadn't moved an inch. The party in the back seat had for gotten to pull the anchor. The new base balls nearly caused an accident
the night the General Repair played the Drills. Everybody wanted to get the foul ball that was knocked and leaning up against the fence with too much pressure, the fence gave way.
the duir-out was there.
Art Grambau as Nick Altrock was on the job doing his stuff, but he just seemed to disappear after the third inning when the shop made their 7 runs.
Wm. Streich, Otto Quade and Elmer Wenzel took "Chuck" Storms out on a bullhead fishing
In fact, it was Chuck's first fishing trip
since he's been married.
Chuck finally succeeded in hooking a dandy big fellow and not wanting to take any chance on losing it, dove at it with both hands when to
Friend George Jones was collared by the watchman and brought before Judge Meharg for violating the parking rules at the Time Of fice. Lucky for George this was his first of fense as no fines were levied but he was placed on a 30 day probation. George said he will be very careful hereafter and doubly careful for the next 30 days.
Little Neil Meharg came to his Dad the other dav and wanted a dime.
His father, of course,
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Calcite Screenings
told him if he wanted money he would have to earn it the same as a lot of other little boys do
Schrani sure have been getting their share of
and told him he would either have to sell some
bullheads this season at the Seven Mile dam on
thing or run errands. A few days later we find the little fellow going from house to house sell ing last year's Christinas seals which he had
came home with was 110. Steve says he has eaten so many he doesn't want to see a bullhead
gathered somewhere.
again this season.
Steve Parytka was telling the boys at the Shop about a quarry where he used to work on
A certain lake in Montmorency county where Arthur and Albert Hopp went bullhead fishing proved itself to be haunted. At least there were stories about someone drowning in it several years ago and ac
the coal dock which furnished coal for the shov
els. Yes sir, that sure was a real job. They had one gasoline drill and one shovel.
Martin. Steve
the Thunder Bay River.
the boat, it surely
selves with
they decided that there s o m e
the tug just came
fish when all <>l" a sudden a terrible
after the two life
purchased the
splash right near
the boat was heard which al
g an Limestone Company which were placed on the shore
most upset them and was gone be fore the guns were given a
S a m Vo ig h t sure
must be mistake
about a ghost be ing around so they started to
down there." But
around until about 2:30 a. m. when
clean case. I must
guns and waited
Hilary said, "This sure is a good and
they armed them
small tug stopped near the old quar ry dock and began transferring box
seemed more than true to them. On
Screen House window when the
disturbances in the water near
It sure did look
The least they've ever
suspicious to Hil ary from the
Top row, standing left to right, Fireman Arthur Christensen, Lineinnji
the prevention of
Lineman Roy Minton. Lineman Carl Hoch, Lineman Harry Mill
waste. At least so it seemed when he told Arthur
Jones, Capt. Edn.ar Newhouse, Engr. Frank Fie welling, Engr. Frank Musnewski, Engr. A. P. Boehmer, Engr. Frank Lamp,
Getzinger to clean
Capl. Walter Peppier, Capt. H. E. Cook, Capt. John S. Purely.
ion and
Alfred Quade.
out all the corn
ers in the barrel and get all
Getzie wanted to know where there were corners in a barrel.
the fishing trip. On another trip several
unteered to
solve the mystery and found it only
to be a couple of playful beavers.
Bob Mundt: Have vou played anv golf yet, Bud?
Bud Dueltgen: No!
thought. This, of course,
Have you ?
Bob: Yes, I've been out once.
Bud: I wonder when we could go out and
practice without anyone watching us.
People who want to live long use soap suds to test for gas leaks—others use matches.
Lester Raymond posted a notice the
day—For Sale: Good set of golf clubs, cheap. A few days later he came in and tore it down. Said be changed his mind as he had just gone around and made his best score.
Yes—we all feel that way at times, fellows.
Frank Langlois sowed a few rows of pumpkin seed this spring but to his surprise they turned
The coke and coal pile will soon be transferred uptown if it keeps up at the rate it was being
oUt to be water melons. Frank says he isn't a bit disappointed as they certainly got it all over
hauled on August 2<Sth. One hundred sixteen loads went over the scales at the Time Office.
any pumpkin he has ever raised.
This is the time to get it into the basement.
Page 435
Calcite Screenings BIRTHS
The efforts to popularize the
subject of
HEALTH have been so successful that it is al
most impossible to read through any periodical •without finding the subject discussed, or at least referred to, many times. It is natural that advertisers should endeavor
to capitalize everybody's interest in health, but it is unfortunate that they should so often do so with slight, if any, regard for the facts. Take the following, for instance, picked up at random from a magazine, a ride in a trolley car, and a walk down the street.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yarch on Aug ust 1st, Delores and Lillian, twin daughters. Mr.
Yarch is employed in the Mill Dept. A son. Philip Paul, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson on August 5th. Mr. Johnson is em ployed in the Time Of fice.
Fk^f IW-
A dental preparation leaves you in the dark as
On August 18th a daughter. Nancy Jane,
with "190,000,000 germs killed in 15 seconds."
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Platz. Mr. Platz is
A coal company brings up this point: "Pro Burn
A card in a tailor shop offers this bit of infor mation : "Clean clothes mean good health." Would you insure yourself against the dan gers of your water supply? Then buy this sand filter which claims that it is a "new invention
purifies water instantly at the faucet." Diphtheria, tonsilitis and other dread diseases need no longer cause any concern for we are informed that "sore throats quickly relieved by rubbing on Your physician enters the discussion with the following advice—so at least we are informed by a sign on a penny-in-the-slot scale: "Your doc tor says, Weigh yourself every day." You may save your time or your cash depend
ing Upon which of two remedies you use that are advertised as follows: "Stop a cold in 6 hours " "8c a day keeps a cold away." Would you be clean? "A tablespoonful of to a gallon of warm water will dissolve all the dirt and kill all dangerous germs." 'Take it as a general principle that the more
wonderful the claims for an advertised product the more likely it is to be a fake. Don't lose common sense in this whirlwind of health pro paganda. SAFER HOMES
Scare headlines almost lead us to believe that
"Home is a Deadly Place." So it is when con sidered in one way—in fact most people die at home.
A rather large percentage of home accidents affect young children and aged persons. This is natural because they are the ones most likely to have accidents and since they are at home most of the time, it is easy to misinterpret sta tistics.
Some accidents are unavoidable, but most of
those at home can be prevented by simple and inexpensive methods.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zinke. Mr. Zinke is
employed in the Drilling and Blasting Dept.
to the details but hopes you will be impressed tect your children against tainted air.
Eugene Herman, a son, on August 19th to
employed at the Main Office. A daughter, Dolores Margaret, to Mr. Mrs. Stanley Szcze.rowski on August 21st.
and Mr.
Szczerowski is employed in the Shovel Dept. On August 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Feldhizer a son, John George. Mr. Feldhizer is em ployed in the Track Dept. To Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kuchinski on Aug
ust 28th, Theresa Dorothy, a daughter. Mr. Ku chinski is employed in the Blasting Dept. A son, Rueben, on August 29th to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waytosek. Mr. Waytosek is em ployed in the Yard Dept. To Mr. and Mrs. Arleigh O'Toole a daughter, Ailene Bernice. on August 31st. Mr. O'Toole is employed in the Mill Dept. "Calcite Screenings" joins with the many friends of the above parents in extending its congratulations and best wishes. GUESS WHO This wee bairn was born in Canada of Scot
tish parents.
The picture was taken on tin-type
a b o u t forty-eight years ago. He has lost
brogue lint still practices the famous trait of thriftiness to the mutual ad
vantage of himself and his employer.
Being an advent urous youth, this chap's early ambi tions were to be come a sailor, a call in
been ful.
He came
this company in 1915 and at present is one of our highly esteemed officers.
Better mend one fault in yourself than a hun dred in your neighbor.
Last Month's Guess Who—Alfred P. Boehm-
er. chief engineer of the tug Kellers.
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Calcite Screenings
The Bradley Transportation Company » »
Sailing In Safety
Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Steamer B. H. Taylor
comes carelessness and indifference.
Present: I). K. Nauts, chairman; Wm. Shay.
secretary: and Walter Callum. bos'n; Neils An derson, deckhand; Edw. Ehrke. conveyorman;
Walter Eggleston, oiler; Louis Smolinski. fire man.
The September Safety Meeting was called to order at seven p. m. this evening, and in addition tn the committee members was attended by Chief Engineer LaBottnty, 2nd Ass't Gatons, and fifteen other members of the crew.
The minutes of our last meeting were gone over and effects of recommendations made at. that time were discussed. The Chairman stated
that he had found the deckhands complying with the suggestion of Capt. Pearse in warning everyone in the vicinity when stone was being thrown out of pigeon-holes. Regarding our discussion of goggles to be used in the tunnel when unloading openhearth. the boatswain who took the matter up al the storeroom, reported that a type of goggle was available there which although not unbreakable, was at least shatter-proof. The storekeeper as sured us that we could feel perfectly safe in us ing them for the purpose desired, and we ap
preciate his kindness in sending us four pair for that particular use.
Reports and suggestions of committee mem bers were then called for.
Third Asst. Shay re
marked that with fall and tarpaulins at hand again, care should be taken by the deck crew to
see that battens did not project out past the hatch so as to trip anyone passing. Everett Shay, speaking likewise of fall hazards, stated
that we should be prepared for heavy weather at all times, by having movable equipment lash ed or secured by some means. It is much eas ier to do this in quiet waters, than when a ship
is rolling and pitching, Our Chief Engineer, Mr. LaBounty remarked
lie was pleased to see another month slip by and our safety slate still clean. He added however that
we beware of over-confidence
lost many battles,
We should
double our precautions in the next two months,
Date of Meeting. Sept. 2, 1931.
as fall brings us our most dangerous conditions.
Mr Gatons stated that the present condition of our first aid kits at both ends of
were inadequate in his opinion
more than minor injuries, such as cuts, bruises and slight burns. In case of a serious mishap such as broken bones, scalding or burning of large areas, our supply of bandage, carron oil. cotton, etc., on hand would soon be exhausted
and we would have to fall back on emergency dressings. The small containers of carron oil
(about one-half pint) would cover little surface, and he recommended at least quart sizes. Capt. Pearse Informed the crew that there is plenty of carron oil and bandages in reserve to care for at least ten men who might be badly burned or injured but this is kept in his medicine
chest and is available whenever the supply runs low in the various first aid kits in the different
departments. He does not believe it good pol icy to have too much of these supplies in these kits at one time as it tends toward waste.
of bandage partly used and left laying about are often seen and it is a very easy matter for bandage to become infected with germs if not
properly taken care of. As there were no further suggestions or mat ters for discussion the meeting was about to be adjourned when a remark was heard that we had overlooked a slogan for this month. \u new
slogan was furthcoming however, and our wheelsman Claire Wade suggested that under the circumstances it would not be amiss to bor
row a very good one found on page 411 of the August Screenings for the month, namely "To Prevent Accidents. Take Care."
Care, described
as a medicine in the illustration, is one of the
few medicines that may be taken every day of your life, and one which will help you realize your wish of three score and ten.
To remain on earth you must be useful, other
wise nature regards you as old metal and is only watching a chance to melt you over.
I'age 437
Calcite Screenings Twice Told Talesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Taylor What a life! Wherever we go it seems that we always find a brand new issue of "Screen ings" demanding our immediate attention. Say,
who ever conceived the notion of permanently assigning "Sparks*' as ships' reporter? Well, now that this bit of beefing is off our mind we will become serious long enough to assure the incredulous ones that it isn't always the snap it looks to be.
No sir !
A very observing reader will no doubt notice sometime soon that yours truly is indeed none other than your former dopestcr of the White
and the Bradley so we may as well tell you that right away. We shall continue to faithfully re port any and all news that may chance to find its way to our eager ears. If the worst comes to pass it may well be said, "He did his best but his information was all wet!" Yes, we take this opportunity to thank those willing helpers who were of such tremendous value to us in garner ing the somewhat barren crop of news. Since
they have begged us not to include their names in this column we have, and will, respect their wishes.
This is supposed to be the annual ship number of Screenings but we greatly fear that our group picture will be missing since no enterprising person had a kodak handy that day when Mr. Schulwitz had us all nicely posed and after click ing his camera impressively at us several times, discovered that it was out of commission.
On behalf of the crew of the Str. Taylor we welcome those members of the Bradleys' crew who have recently joined us. We hope that they will enjoy the rest of the season with us and as most of them are old shipmates, everything is fine and dandy.
The boys around here want to know if Benny Belin has removed the stitch from his nose that
he put there while sewing tarps a short time ago.
We are also advised that anybody who is cur ious and wants to know what it is like to be in
love should ask Don Langridgc.
lie knows.
A conversation in the deckhands room recent
ly went somewhat as follows:
Ted: Gosh! Two sandwiches and a glass ol beer for a nickle!
Fred: Where can you get that? Ted: Oh, nowhereâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but isn't that cheap? Business must be doing something or other because we see our second mate sporting a nice, new and shiny corncob pipe. Don says that it wouldn't be quite the thing for the drawing room but that it works to perfection in a dark pilothouse. We have received inquiries as to the brand of weed vou use in it, Don.
Our trusty deckhand. Emil Johnson (some times known as "Emily") seems to be serious
about the matrimonial question.
From what we
understand the attraction is in Morrisdale, Pa.
(wherever that may be.) Don't forget the cigars!
Good luck, Smaltz.
Of all the places that Wade and Wetherton have picked to spend the winter Arizona seems to be their favorite at present. We wonder where it will be this time
have it that Wade and Moll are planning to visit Dirty Joe's place in Havana this winter but then you never can tell about that Moll boy. Leo DePudry claims that when he gets thru turning hatches he will be fit to tackle Jim
The Crew of the Steamer B.
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Calcite Screenings
Londos, the heavyweight wrestler. By the way, can't anybody think up some dirty crack about Leo's Hudson'' It's been a long time since we have seen it in print.
Summer Scenery. Gus Larsen and white striped bathing suit.
The betting is five to two that Buck Anderson doesn't get an answer to his amorous. Lorain
We rejoice with our good friend Walter Egglesloii in the recovery of his mother who was seriously ill. Walter is now back with us alter a few days at home.
Harry Gracie recently made a neat dropkick of a cracker box from the deck to the lake.
should be interesting to students of that great scientist Isaac Newton, to know that Grades' slipper reached the water first.
These break wall trips have their drawbacks.
Especially when getting to Calcite while the boat is at the wall unloading.
Louie Smolinski
(known in Belknap as Louis) slept on a cold, hard desk
The Emperor
bound billet deux. Now if you could only croon to her, Buck
We understand that our old
a weak moment—and said "Yes."
Pardon me a few moments, we have to copy
the 10 o'clock weather report and see what it says.
You know, we believe we could write a
report quite as well as some that are officially issued every now and then. It would go some-
what like this:
']• misses its balks, bucks
lighter overhead, you know. What would we reporters do
Steamer John G. Munson
Date of meeting: August 16th. 1931.
the back
Now you have it—for
O. Kenneth Fator, Reporter,
Capt. Pearse exhibits a diamond Pat
master's hand it and runs amuck.
this mouth.
explanation. It seems to us that having the job he has, Jim should
down !
"Cocoa" Jim Frye, fireman, is storing up calories. "Won't need
We wonder
Hold her down, big boy. bold her
without our Scotchmen?
Just recently we saw a dem onstration of the theory some hold that a motorcycle is just like a western cow pony. When
"Scotty" Cameron, fireman, is figuring on wintering in Glas gow and has very definite plans lor his winter there. He is go ing to date up only blonde girls—
heat to store up.
have no difficulty
isn't warmer, not the latter, surely the
usurped Captain Cook's bunk on
Ted has shied a long time but perhaps some aggressive female has basely taken advantage of
Strand is thinking of marriage sometime soon.
the tug and retired "shoes and
much heat this
or have Gracie "fix" for you.
Capt. says they are not harmful
Meeting called 7:15 ]). m.
chairman: Geo. Hoy, secretary; knows how really popular he is when they are dead. P. Fleming, J. Miller. B. Uea'uamong the fair sex of Rogers City? If not, this issue of "Screenings" should vais. A. MacRae, L. Graham, Harold Knight, in let him in on it. Opportunity is fleeting, Pat! addition to the committee it was attended by Capt. MacLean. Capt. Dahlberg. Chief Engr. (Xames on request.) We have it Irom a very reliable source that our oiler, Everett Shay smiled on the twentysecond day of August. Don't know the occasion for all the hilarity.
Lorenzo Laurenti, fireman, came to the Tay
lor when the Bradley "laid up." Welcome, Joe. Others from the. Bradley are Leon DePudry, watchman ; Roger Leo Moll, wheelsman and yours very respectfully. •'Give me Liberty or give me death," said Spikfi Lamb when he discovered he had lost his magazine.
Harold Knight of Jackson says only two more
pay days and he can purchase a car—if he finds a good one at thirty-five dollars.
L'rdal and ten additional members of the crew.
Meeting was opened by reviewing the min
utes of our previous meetings.
A favorable
comment was made on the progress of the sug gestions and recommendations of former meet ings.
Capt. MacLean recommended that playing on the hatches and near the guard rails be discon tinued, this has been mentioned numerous times
but it seems that the men forget the dangers attended with such play. Capt. Dahlburg mentioned that due to the un employment and depression of the present time
men be very careful when going ashore and re turning to the ship, as they may be encountered by dangerous characters, ft was suggested that the men double up if possible.
Calcite Screenings
Suggestions: Capt. MacLean recommended that all deck engine cables be carefully examin ed. He mentioned that with fall sailing condi tions Hearing, that the men in his department be sure that all movable parts in dunage room and lockers be properly fastened. It was also
mentioned that the deck crew be properly in structed in flattening the tarpaulins down. Chief Engr. L'rdal suggested
lights and clamps, ash gun plates be inspected to insure proper closing. It was also suggested that furniture in the rooms be made fast to avoid
damage in heavy sea. Mr. Urdal instructed the men in his department to be sure that oil bar rels and other movable parts be properly fast ened, also that fire hold tools be kept in their proper places. A member of the engineer's department sug gested that the chadburn wires be kept free from portable light cords and other objects that might he of danger when operating same. It was recommended that the drop light on the port side of the cabin aft be repaired and kept lighted at night, also to avoid leaving stools and boxes in passage way along side of cabin. After a general discussion of the meeting was heard and all the members were sure they had coverec all points of safety first available, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p. m. Musical Murmursâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Munson
The first of September has arrived at last. Most of us are only too glad to bid goodbye to the summer heat and enjoy these golden days
"I see your book 'Ten Years of
We wish to extend our welcome to Captain
Dahlburg who is now first mate aboard Also Ike Rauha and
Edward Tor""-
Marriage' is a great success." "Yes. now 1 can afford a divorce."
Mrs. Kunner was seen the other day leading young William down the street. "Yes," she said, "I am talcing Willie to the barber." We regret the circumstances which made it
necessary for Harold Knight and Stanley Bazukis to leave us and hope to see them back next season.
1st Motorist: "Were you in an auto accident?" 2nd ditto: "Xo, I was being shaved by a lady barber when a mouse ran across the floor."
The luck of our persevering fishermen was finally rewarded when at the Soo they captured five beauties. The Chief getting two, Tlior Sparre two, and Geo. Beck one large one. With the addition of Ike's "Sax" to the ships orchestra they should be able to put out some red hot stuff.
We understand Mr. Torgersen is
also a performer too but we haven't heard him as
New-wed: "What's wrong with this sentence: 'The world is full of book lovers' ?"' Old-wed: "There should be check before the book."
There is a popularity contest now going on aboard.
of fall.
ersen who came aboard from the Bradley.
returns arc not available
we expect to have them for the next issue. Latest reports have it that A. Beebe is leading by a hair with G. Kempe next. Chas. Sauve is also running neck and neck with the leaders.
The Crew* of the Steamer John G. Munson and a tew sailors in the making who were visiting Dad while the ship was in port.
Calcite Screenings
Page 440 Charlie Sauve has outgrown his bunk and it was necessary for him to trade Leo Graham Eoaf the double bunk. Charlie is trying to counter act this however by taking floor rolling exer cises.
of the engine.
Suggested: That soil pipe vent through eleck aft ol pilot house be painted while this vent is directly in ones path in crossing the deck and would be seen better at night when painted white.
Our lost and found column works very well.
Mr. Frank Berg successfully located pound of "kttku." In view of success to present the following ad: Lost, one pair blue pants, 56 waist finder please return to Mi-. Geo, Beck.
his half we wish 30 leg: Reward.
The poor deckhands get blamed for every thing, even when the conveyormen misplace a bucket of dope. We see Frank Miller all dolled up in new glad
Suggested that a bar be
railing to keep the mooring cable off scuttle hatch; that scuttle hatch hinges be straighten ed.
All men are again warned about practice- of
going ashore over ships side instead of using the ladder. A person jumping onto the dock from the ships side takes the risk of a bad fall if land ing on a loose stone, or uneven, slippery dock. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p. m.
fagS. Who are you crooning to now. Frank?
Cargo Clippingsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Calcite
Stewart Church found the stokermen's room
in a shamble the other day when he came off watch. Using third
degree methods he
fore and aft standards of after
We extend our welcome to the new members of the crew who came here, due
to the early lay up of the Str. Carl D. Bradley.
finally got
We now have with us Chief Anderson. .Yorman MacLeod and
Frankie to admit that he did the
dirty work. It seems that Prank had a dream, or rather a night
Otto Sparre.
mare, that he paid $25 for a box
timers can talk of the times we
of candy ami then couldn't eat
an for
X..w all
the old
awful hurry to get Christinas.
been going around with
Mac was telling the boys the other day how he used to fling his money away. "Yes," says Mac, "I used to throw pennies to the monkeys, but of course T would always heat them with a match so the
lace due to the fact that he re
ceived only five
time. Things are so quiet around Steamer W. P. White in an
spent in digging up this small amount of news.
when he talks in his sleep.
here that considerable effort was
Scott_\- says he'd know a lot about Kobley's private affairs, ii Rob would only speak English
couldn't all
pick them up." Well,
a long
By the way. Chief Suttle caught a nice pike on one of our recent trips to the Soo.
inil'aniiliar dress.
Ait revoir.
F. G. Moiitoux. Reporter.
Our new steward. Otto Sparre, gets the fishing honors for the mouth. I lis aquarium is now stocked with an abundance of new arrivals, just out of the egg.
Steamer Calcite
Date of Meeting: August 31st. 1931. Present: Chris
Henderson, secretarv;
John Miller, Roblcy Wilson. Andrew Petcrka, Eugene Jones and Norman Raymond. Meeting called to order at 12:30 p. m. Cap tain McQuinn, Chief Suttle and Otto Sperry. and Francis Bacon joined us in this meeting. All men were warned to be careful on deck
where there is any spill from the loading belts or boom and hopper, as there is danger from stepping on a piece of stone that may cause a sprained ankle, or a fall.
Suggested tkat piece of grating in engine room over air pump that is cracked, be repaired and straightened, that screws or bolts holding
grating iron around Maine engine lie examined. They may have become worn through vibration
Xorman MacLeod (Salty) wonders why they call the Calcite "Leaping Lena." Stick around, Norm : you'll gel a practical demonstration. Steve Chibola ami his smiles (here are a cou ple). We passed him like a pay car passes a tramp. Hates "em like a cat hates soap. Come on. Rod, ten after.
Harry Sloane is going to build a chicken coop out of dynamite boxes this winter. Leave the
printing on the boxes, Harry, it ought to prove a great inspiration for the layer. It looks as though we will have to change our
wireless operator's nickname (Sparks.)
see he is vcrv fond of Pie.
Rob Wilson, Lieutenant Governor of
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Calcite Screenings
Island is contemplating "Clean rooster fights.''
When Otto Sparre
strenuems came
aboard he
reached for buttons on the stove anel as a result
several burned fingers. BUFFALO SAFETY MEETING
Date of Meeting: August 25th, 1931. Date of previous meeting: July 28th, 1931. Present: John J. Collins, Harry
Best, Jack
Committee reported that all previous items had been completed. Committee suggesteel the following recom
It was aelvised that a new cr>ver be made
for return screw conveyor under bagging ma chine in No. 2 warehouse.
Build new railing around stairway
home accidents.
Label poisons anel put them in bottles of spe cial color or shape. Better keep them locked up. if children are in the home. Never take Dispose carefully of broken glass, open
cans, and used safety razor blades.
rance to washroom.
Date of next meeting: September 28th, 1931. Meeting aeljourned at 3:00 p. m. BUFFALO PERSONALS
Chas. T. Stanage is now enjoying a vacation trip to Yankton, So. Dakota. E. K. Baldwin spent Labor Day at the Toronto Fair, making the journey by boat from Lewiston. He returned to the office this morning re porting a good time but with a terrible cold. We cannot understand why any man would sit in a deck chair enjoying the cool September breezes of Lake Ontarioâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;all by himself.
scissors are the best for children's use.
mendations :
Never stanel on rocking chairs or rickety laelders. Be especially careful about slipping in the bath tub. Kails make up almost half of all
medicine in the elark.
Meeting called to order at 2 p. hi.-, August 25.
1. That new posts be placed under No. loading platform.
Stairways should be well lighted and equipped with handrails. Steps should be kept clear of rubbish and other things.
of can openers anel sharp knives. When the kitchen windows are open, keep an eye on the gas flamesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a gust of wind may blow them out. A pot boiling over can do the same thing. High polish on the floors looks mighty nice but is dangerous, especially for old people.
Oily rags or those saturated with paint can easily start fires by spontaneous combustion. Don't try to encourage your furnace or coal stove with gasoline or kerosene. You may get more fire than you want. Keep your electric fixtures in good repair. HANDS OFF when your body is wet. Explosive fluids for cleaning or fuel should be kept outside the house. Do not "dry clean" clothing in an unventilated room. Matches and children make a dangerous com bination. Keep them apart. Cuts and scratches should receive immediate attention. L'se iodine or mercurochrome solu
If infection sets in, see your doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson spent Labor Day with
Strong men can always afford to be gentle.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafferty, at their home in Union
Only the weak are intent on giving as good as
City, Pa.
they get.
The Crew ol' the Steamer Calcite as they appeared an the ship docked at the plant on August 9th.
Caloife Screenings
Pasre 442
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture
Here and There About the Plant
"Among Ourselves
Due to existing conditions we regret that it has been necessary to take the Steamer Carl D. Bradley out of service for the balance of this
Did you ever hear one cackle because work was hard?
Ohio, on August 8th.
Xot on your life. They save their breath for digging ami their cackles for eggs. Success means digging. Are you?
We just met Erhardt Schulwitz coming from the golf course and he said Sam Salomon just
way to Hawks to the ball game, experienced a
The Bradley was laid up at
made a hole in one.
At least he said he was
quite positive of it because be
was ready to
leave for home when Sam let loose at number
five and according to what he could catch ol what was being said, he knew it could have been nothing less than a hole in one.
A real .Man never talks about what the world
owes him, the happiness he deserves, the chance he ought to have, etc. All that he claims is the right to live and play the part of a man. Fmil Dehnke and Norman lloeft went out to
the breakwater to repair some lights and on their return they each had a string of about
a dozen nice perch which sure looked good to Capt. Purely and Ncwhouse, who at once iue|uired where and how these fish happened to
gfel in their possession.
They were promptly
informed that at the end of the break wall the
perch were biting as fast as you could drop in your hook and if they would oiilv have had the lime more fish could have been caught.
So. right after the day's work was done the
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klowski, while on their
little trouble with the steering wheel of their car and were forced to take the ditch just below the Fleming bill. The car finally came to a stop after several exciting moments and was not parked in any too good a position when the}' both happened to think of Junior in the car who
seemed to have disappeared through the open door. By this time two or three cars had slop ped and they also seemed very much upset as Mr. and Mrs. Klowski were still calling Junior
who at this time appeared DO the scene by crawling out from under the ear unhurt. Im agine the surprise of the onlookers whey they discovered Junior was a dog.
Nothing is easier than fault finding: no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are rc(|iiired to set up in the grumbling business.
One way to prevent old age is to try to beat the train to the crossing.
The greatest thing in the world is joy but only the stricken know this.
two captains and their wives armed with fish poles, bait of all description, overcoats and a couple of 14 quart pails to put the fish in. set out for the end of the breakwater.
You have
to hand it to them for being stickers because after four hours of good hard fishing, they re turned with one herring about six inches long.
Then they were informed that if one connections with the fish tug when
their nets out there, why it is possible to get a nice mess of perch in a hurry. Digging Hard work means nothing to a hen. She just keeps on digging worms and laying eggs,
regardless of what the business prognosticators say about the outlook for this or any other year, [f the ground is hard, she scratches harder. If it's dry. she digs deeper. If it's wet, she eligs where it's dry. If she strikes a rock, she digs around it. If she gets a few more hours of daylight, she
From left to right are Cash P.udnick, Chas.
Schram and Charlie's little son who expects to be as great a fisherman as his dad some day. The two gentlemen caught this string of bullbeads the night of August 28th at Seven Mile
itable broilers.
dam on the Thunder Pay River. They say the fish weren't biting very good this evening but sometime when they start to bite real good, why they would take us along fishing.
Did yon ever see a pessimistic hen? Did you ever hear of one starving to death waiting for
couldn't count that high but
worms to dig? themselves to the surface?
must be about 400.
gives us a few more eggs. But always she digs tip worms and turns them
into hard-shelled profits as well as tender, prof
These fish were not counted as Cash said he
thinks there
The patient man who stands to care And shrugs his shoulders now and then At little hurts he has to bear
Outdistances the fretful men. The patient man who bit by bit Some trying, tedious task completes, Conquers where fretful men admit The pain required their skill defeats.
The price of many goals is Time, Plus willingness to work and wait. Though courage oft is called sublime, One must have patience to be great. Steadfast of purpose he must be, Who would some worth while goal attain, When fretful men disheartened flee, The man of patience dares again. (Copyright, 1931, by Edgar A. Guest.)
Published In the Interests of Safety and Welfare For the Employees of the -â&#x20AC;˘
Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company :.:';-.'v
^o Accident Hatiar Rail Department, Foreman and Captain DRILLS
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei
Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp Capt. William MacLean Chief John Sparre Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief Guy LaBounty
Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
Calcite Screenings
Page 447
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published moulhly for the employees of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City,
Michigan, m the interest of Safety and Welfare.
The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items or plant news, photographs, cartoons,
safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name ot the department and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. J. A. VALENTIN. Editor. October
D 1 T
In fact, there have been
lint few minor accidents.
On October 10. 1925,
one of the motor patrol men slipped on an in cline raid injured his knee necessitating a three day lay-off from his regular duties.
At that time the Power Department renewed their efforts in accident reduction
With this issue of ''Screenings" the Power Department will have completed six years with out a lost time accident.
with added
impetus and set a mark of 1,000 days free from injurv as its goal. This record was made and the department then set out for a five year goal which was reached last year and on October 10, 1931. the department completed 2190 days or six years without a lost time accident. Thi/ is an achievement worthy of a great deal ol credit and one of which every member of the department can he justly proud, because records of this kind are not attained by the efforts of a
few men in an organization, hut requires that every man be on the job active and alert to their
responsibility and co-operating to the extent that he goes a little farther than his so-called share in performing his duties in a safe manner, preventing injuries to himself and his fellowmen.
There are now forty-three men in this de
partment which includes the electricians, pipe
fitters, pump tenders and power plant operators.
In his address at the annual National Ameri
can Legion meeting in Detroit, the keynote of National Commander O'Neil's address was ser
vice. What greater deeds can a man do than in rendering service to his fellowmen? Many of the American Legion Posts are now
turning their activities towards safety in the various communities and what greater service can any body of men do than that of preventing accidents to life and limb in their community. The need of safety activities at the various Posts of the American Legion can hest lie explained when we consider that during the eighteen months the United States was engaged in war our forces lost some 90.000 men. This includes the men killed in action as well as those who died from wounds and disease.
In peaceful United States during the year 1930 there were better than 90,000 accidental deaths
to men, women and children during that twelve month period. This comparison should make everyone realize the need of an effective safety organization in his community. In 1917 and 1918 we fought to make the
democracy but now we should fight to make our communities safer places in which to live. This can he accomplished if everyone will do his part. It is not necessarily a problem for the Post but for the individual legionnaire and cit izen. The best way to get started is for each to
And in the course of their work, there are just as many conditions coming up involving risk as there are in any other phase of work. But for the last six years these men have carried on
set a good example by driving courteously and carefully and ([hereby eliminating hazards and preventing accidents and in this way he render
their work in such manner as to attain an envi-
ing a real service to his fellowmen.
ahle record.
VVe congratulate these
achievement and wish them continued success in their endeavor.
We have pictured on our cover this month the
Steamer John (i. Mtmson as she passed Rogers City on her way to Calcite.
This view of the Munson was taken looking through the pergola at lake front on the grounds
of the home of one of our employees.
The twentieth annual Safety Congress and ICxposition will be held at the Hotel Stevens in Chicago October 12th to 16th.
The National Safety Council's objective is the elimination of accidents to
Cleanliness compels order and order compels efficiency.
unnecessary and wasteful.
It seeks co-operation
and contacts to insure that its services may pro vide the instrumentalities to accomplish this objective. Through education it seeks
Chase your work or your work will chase you.
children, accidents being considered deplorable,
that the safe way is the right way and the best way. from the standpoint not only of human satisfaction but of social efficiency and econ
omy. It seeks those ways and means for safety
Calcite Screenings
Face 448
Approximately one hundred and fifty differ
were lost during the year as a result of fires. There is little question but that many dwelling fires can easilv be prevented if a little inspection
for the Twentieth Congress as well as the story
garages are kept free from accumulated rub
that satisfactorily fit into the practical affairs oi life.
ent sessions and meetings have been arranged
is made now and then and the cellars, attics and
of the progress and modernization in safety
bish." Controlled fire has been a great contributing
exhibit spread out on the exhibit floor of the
factor in scientific advancement but fire out of
equipment which will be told in the form of an
Stevens Hotel.
Each succeeding Congress has been bigger
control knows no bounds and is responsible for much needless waste, suffering and poverty.
and better and delegates to the Congress always
leave with a greater realization of what is and can be accomplished in the field of preventing accidents and a firm resolve to increase their
efforts in the prevention of loss of life and limb. NEEDLESS WASTE
As lime passes, and the years mature and in crease lor us. there is not much inclination to
set out upon new adventures. Vet there is nothing so likely to keep us from getting old in body and sluggish in mind as taking up some
President Hoover proclaimed the week of
new Idea or something that may call upon ns
October 4th to 10th as Fire Prevention Week, and considerable effort was put forth striving
Youth is the paramount force in the new-
to change our ways.
to show how waste and suffer
ing could be reduced if every citizen would lend a hand in a serious effort to eliminate fire danger.
through the forest, it doesn't see the bright little eyes of the animals, or hear the songs o! the birds, or see the wonders
lookout for
fires and conditions which may cause fires but a good inspec
of the trees.
And you can't give youth experience. But to the wjs-
now and
then is also advisable.
There are many causes of fire. A few of the common est, however, are the accum
ulation of rubbish, poor stove
pipes or chimneys, unprotect ed wood
pipes, bad insulation on elec tric light wires and faulty in stallation.
doni of the older man may be added some of this fire of
W- Clfowcountry needs yourproduct -your employer needs yourskill-yourwifo and children need theirbreadwinner Avoid accidents - Help your
emploi/er and associates to
keepyousafe. r^^^
weather coming on. it will be neccssarv soon to have a good fire burning in
the stove or furnace.
to start blazing a new path
One should be con
on the
years of experience at the
We hope that all our readers general
back of it. When it begins, with gaiety and a bright eye,
co-operated in this effort and have effected a
brave and wonderful and" fear less as it is. has not a world of
It is well to pay particular
attention to your heating system and see that
there are no cracks or holes for sparks to Ely
Not necessarily of the
body, away.
for that soon burns But the fire of enthus
iasm, of high purpose, of gaie ty even, and of the spirit-. Nothing is nobler or more stimulating than to see the man and woman of years
blazing a new trail with hope and courage in spite of many difficultiesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;far greater than those that encompass youth. The latter don't know thev exist, which makes their tasks easier.
through, especially is this advisable, this winter
when there will 'be considerable more
Another dangerous hazard is the practice of use of kerosene in starting fires.
burned than in past winters.
Mental equipment is even more important than mechanical equipment. Do not depend too
On the first-
much on the common sense of the other driver.
frosty mornings in an early fall, we know that
He may be sadly lacking in "gray matter." Head work in operating motor vehicles is just
somewhere someone is going to use kerosene
ple went to the grave by taking this chance
as essential as footwork in operating brakes or handwork in controlling the steering wheel. The other driver may have his feet and his hands all right, but north of the ears he may be just another vacuum. So it's best to watch the
should be sufficient to stop all our people from
Other fellow as well as be careful yourself.
to hasten a lazy fire.
This is done every year
and every year* there are fire losses from this cause. The' fact that last year hundreds of homes were destroyed and several hundred peo continuing this dangerous practice. In 1930 there occurred in Michigan 30,654 fires with a total loss of $15,287,674.00 and 264 lives
Patience is bitter, but its Rousseau.
Page 449
Calcite Screenings CIVILITY
The open sesame to the heart of the world. Costs you nothing, entails no sacrifice, and what an opulance of pleasure follows in its train. Civility . . . our heritage. What wonderful po tentialities are embodied in its teachings. Among
the big vital issues of life, civility plays a prom inent part. Civility, the summit of our social structure.
Civility, an objective of supreme desirability. It is a personal equation and, as such, dissolves the grouch like water melts the winter's snow . . . It gives an added zest to the weary traveler, gives the timid a sense of relief, the aged a feel ing of security. No labor union has ever been
organized to regulate rules for civility. It is a worth while habit all should cultivate. It goes further, it means more, and brings better re sults, than the average individual realizes.
So cultivate civility . . . practice civility at all times, and never let your personal animosity mar your good judgment; as a kind word turneth away wrath, so will civility net you the good will dI all "you may come in contact with
A little and a little, collected together, event
ually become a great deal. Trifles, you know, make up the sum of human things. It has been said that if the nose of Cleopatra had been a little shorter the whole course of the world would have been changed.
1 envy the chap who has a marked sense for detail: "who has that rare gift of appraising trifles; who can sort out the important from the unimportant, heed the former and weed out the latter.
Attention to trifles is a fundamental key in successful safety. A father of six was recently killed when a ladder on which he was at work broke off some
feet from the floor. The top of the ladder was okch. The bottom was firmly anchored and his helper was on the job too. But somehow or other the defect was not ap parent. It was probably such a "trifle" that ordinary inspection had failed to reveal it. Yet what a big part it was destined to play in this regrettable tragedy !
as you pass through life. ANGER
Already there have been numerous accounts
published in newspapers this fall on deaths due to exhaust gas from automobiles.
Deaths from this type of accident are always more prevalent during fall and winter months.
This probably is because of the fact that during cold weather garage doors
more apt to be kept closed than the}- are during warmer weather.
Most users of automobiles are aware of the
fact that carbon monoxide gas is a dangerous poison but often they start their car with ga rage doors closed and then go about some minor
adjustment which they think will only take a minute and this practice often leads to a fatal ity. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas
and the safest way to be free from its poisonous effect is tu have plenty of ventilation. Have the garage doors open before you start the engine. of your car. If you nse an exhaust heater be sure the gaskets and connections are tight and
take no chances of being overcome by carbon monoxide gas. II. however, someone is overcome, the treat
ment for the victim is exactly the same as that used in cases of electric shock or drowning and that is the prone and pressure method of artilicial respiration.
I he cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.—Oscar Wilde. The worst sorrows of life are not of its losses and misfortunes, but of its fears.—Benson.
We do things under the impulse of anger that are far more injurious to ourselves, than to those at whom we are angry. A moinen't anger may lose to us a dear friend —gain for us an enemy—or sometimes bring real tragedy into the lives of ourselves and our family. "What's the use? What do we gain? Working ourselves into a rage, may relieve our feelings temporarily—but later we must stop and Count the cost—in
money—lost opportunities — or
greater misfortune.
After all. wh;it is anger?
It is only the up
surge of our elemental instincts—the echo of ages past when it was of uncivilized days when it was easier for mankind to fight than to think. Let's learn to "forget" it!
It is really not so hard to "forget" to get aiurrv! SMALL TALK
There is a safety appliance
for just about
everything except a wagging tongue. Inattention is one of the great causes of acci dents. You can't gossip with the fellow next to you on the job and give your work the atten tion to which it is entitled. The same thing holds true when you are driving a car. If you are talking to your passengers your mind is not OH the task of driving safely.
There is a time and a place for everything. Idle gossip—small talk—is all right in its place —but it doesn't belong in the plant. It's fun of course—but after all it's hardly fair to your fellow-worker, your company, or yourself. Man}- an accident has been charged up to a roving mind.
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The Beginning In Steam Eng ines By R. C. Stanbrook
Power Engineer
The words Engine and Engineer have an in
teresting origin in the Latin ingenium, signify ing "ingenius." The first "Engine" was a longheavy beam of wood decorated with a ram's head, it is said, and the Roman
opened unwilling city gates with this plunger were "Engineers." Hero in 120 P.. C. and Branca in 1629 built
slide valve.
In 1800 a noncon-
densing engine was produced and short
ly a compound en gine by Hornblower. This was perfected by Woole
"Engines" which were very elementary turbines.
The Cornish Pump
Branca claimed that much aid to man was lock
ing Engine followed
ed up in vapour.
DeCaus in 1615 contributed
knowledge of the expansive power of steam as follows: A tank was constructed in a mine with
a pipe leading from bottom tank upward to a drain, above ground. When heated the tank would empty itself. The earl}- history of the pumping engine is the history oi the Steam Engine because it was for this service that the Steam Engine was developed. In 1693 Sevary built the first success Ittl Steam
It used about twenty times as much
fuel for a given amount of work, as a modern
The principle was displacement of air
in a vessel with live steam which when condens
ed, formed a vacuum that lifted water into the
vessel. Again this was an effort to rid mines of water and in spite of hand operated valves, this elementary pulsometer was a valuable con tribution.
Newcomen in 1705 developed the first piston
in a cylinder, which was of wood, and attained a diameter of 60 inches.
Steam was used at at
mospheric pressure and
the principle of the
vacuum employed rather than steam pressure. Put it was the best pumping engine so far. Smeaton assisted in its perfection. Xow comes a great name—James Watt, an instrument maker of Glasgow, Scotland. New-
coinen's Engine was still in popular use and had been improved somewhat in 1763 when Watt became interested in il.
With genius that must
have been comparable with Edison, he devoted his life to the Steam
Engine and developed
many principles in modern use. Many of his ideas could not be carried out practically be cause of the crude tools with which he had to
work, but later on, when precision became pos
sible, his principles were proven valuable and were adopted. lie used both pressure and ex pansion keeping the cylinder at steam temper
Km. 1.—HKBO'a Kniiine.
Boiler below. The r^lil lliuul Kuppprf i«n| lrwith xiiiffiiiK l*« convoying stcntn to ihr hollow *|ilicra.
first to operate with
economy comparable with modern equipment in use at the present time.
Early attempts to operate boats were nearly as spectacular as attempts to fly the Atlantic. Fulton developed the first successful Steamboat in 1807, the Clermont, in spite of the fact that
England, Scotland and France had been trying for years. The Savannah, launched in 1818, sail ed to England in 26 days, using steam 18 days. A locomotive was in use in England in 1805. The Rocket, also English, was the first practical one, winning a competitive prize in 1829. As steam saved man and horse labor, it was
developed rapidly by thousands of engineers in man\- specialized services. At first, men gathered in crowds just to see an engine run. They clamored for rides on steam boats and locomotive drawn trains. There
was great discussion as to whether these new inventions would ever be more than novelties.
Xewcomen's engine of 1705, using steam at
atmospheric pressure, does not differ greatly from the Beam type pumping engines of 1850. using steam at about 45 lbs. pressure. This 150 years of development was very slow and grad ual, but the change during the 50 years of 1850 to 1900 was quite marked. While few new principles have been used, modern engines have greatly increased in size and efficiency and steam pressures have been increased to 1200 lbs. per s<|. inch and temperatures up to 800" E. Good examples of modern reciprocating steam engines can be seen in the Uniflo engine in our old power house and in the triple expansion en gines on our steamers.
Me invented the throttle valve, the indicator, the
In Marine engineering, with the exception oi steamers on the Great Lakes, the reciprocating steam engine has been displaced by the steam turbine in the large ships and by the Diesel en gine in the smaller ships, the intermediate size ships being divided between the turbine and the
centrifugal governor,
Diesel engine.
ature with steam jackets, and recommended high pressure but never could use over 7 pounds in his engine, due to inability to attain accuracy.
He employed condensation and double action. lie used the fly wheel,
glass water gauge, mercury steam gauges, pop
pet valve with beveled seat, cross head and guides. Murdock. his assistant, invented the
The steam turbine pre dates the reciprocating engine by 1800 years and Ave publish a picture of Hero's engine which is a steam boiler and a re-
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modern developments in the steam engine, we must remember that even our best Central pow
er plant only utilizes 25 per cent of the energy of the coal they burn while the general average of engines throughout the country probably do not average over 10 percent. It: will be seen that we have much room for improvement. Plants have now been built using Mercury
Vapor and others using Diphenyloxide instead of water but. water has much to commend it being so cheap and plentiful, and experimental plants are using steam up to 3000 lbs. per sq. inch pressure and others with steam at 600 lbs. pres
sure but with the temperatures raised to 1,000"
Pin. &—DiuKU'i Bmixc
action turbine. Branca's engine was built much later, about 1629 and is an impulse turbine. These crude machines use steam slightly above atmosphere.
Great credit is to be given for the develop ment of the impulse turbine to DcLaval and for the reaction turbine to Sir Chas. A. Parsons.
good example of a modern turbine is to be seen in the 10.000 K. W. unit in our new power house. This turbine uses both the impulse and
the reaction principle. This is quite a small unit compared with those in Central power
plants which use high efficiency units up to 200,000 K. W.
It is quite possible that future developments such as the use of Solar heat and the difference
of sea water temperatures for making power will make the steam engine obsolete and our great grandchildren will look upon our present machines much the same as we look Upon the group of old-time engines shown in our illus trations. TIME
Believe me when I tell you that thrift of time
will repay you in after-life, with a usury of profit beyond your most sanguine dreams; and
In spite of extensive experiments with steam turbines, Diesel engines and Electrification, the
that waste of it will make you dwindle alike in intellectual and moral stature, beyond your
steam reciprocating engine still dominates the railroad application. We publish a
darkest reckoning.—W. E. Gladstone.
picture of "Stephenson's Rocket" and. if we visualize this beside our
large quarry locomotives, we see that they are similar in shape and
general arrangement and still op erate on the same general princi
ples. Our new 0-6-0 locomotives, using steam at 185 lbs. pressure, are good examples of modern en gines but are only pygmies com
pared with the new C. P. R. 8.000 type which generate steam at 1700 lbs. and use 850 lbs. steam in the
11. P. cylinders. As we look back at some of the
old type engines, it is perhaps dif ficult
inventors full
credit for their efforts and we look
upon their results as crude.
It is
hard for us with our knowledge of machinery to realize that even Watt,
maker, was jubilant if his cylinder
was not more than ^
of an inch
untrue in its bore, while we today think of machine work in terms of a fraction of one thousandth of an inch.
ConiUh Pumping Ermine—1850
Beam Engine— 18S0
Encinc of the Comet- 1SI1
While we have much to congrat ulate ourselves on
because of our
A Few Early Types of Steam Power
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New Road Into Quarry
The past month has witnessed the passing of another old land mark from use in quarry opera tions when the old railroad coach run was re
placed by bus service. During the early operations of our plant many men walked from Rogers City to work at Cal cite, others rode bicycles and some rode by teams. Later the company made arrangements for the use of a railroad coach which transported the crews from the plant to Rogers City, making two trips every twenty-four hours and later when the quarry extended it became necessary to use the coach in transporting men to and from the quarry operations. At that time the coach
picked up the men from Rogers City, stopped at the Time Office to let off the plant men and then carried the shovel and
This practice continued
busses were purchased to transport the men from Rogers City to Calcite, the coach being used to transport the men from the plant to the quarry as before except the men working on the upper level, and they were transported directly from town to the hill by a much shorter route than going through the quarry. A road has been completed which crosses the
D. & M. railroad tracks into the quarry near the site
years ago. This road runs south until near the quarry face where it turns east and fin ishes a short distance from the east end of the
quarry and the workmen are now transported by bus over this road into the quarry and dis tributed to the various quarry operations. A substantial ladder leads from the lower to the
Upper level and the upper level men now go to work through the quarry. From reports we have received, the change has been very satisfactorv.
Not Open To Public
As this road crosses several railroad tracks as
it leads through the quarry, bus drivers are re sponsible for exercising safe crossings and have been instructed to stop before making a railroad crossing both when loaded and when returning
empty. In all times of poor or impared visibility he is to send a man ahead to signal him over the tracks.
Plant employees are also privileged to Use this road in the course of their work and when
driving their cars to and from work. However, due to the hazards present at all grade cross ings, we would prefer that the men ride the buss
es and thereby reduce traffic as much as possible. This road is not open to the public, to visitors or sightseers. Its purpose is for plant operation only, and we hope that those who are privileged to use it will exercise utmost care in making crossings, as responsibility here does not rest with the train crew but with the driver of the
vehicle. However, signs will be placed to call the attention of the train crew of approaching crossing.
The new road is considered a valuable
improvement and we earnestly ask the support of all in exercising safe practices in using it. CHANNING'S SYMPHONY To live content with small
elegance rather than luxury: and refinement rather than fashion: to be worthy, not respect able: and wealthy, not rich: to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to
stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart: to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasion, hurry never; in a word, to let the
spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common. This is to lie my sym phony.—William Henry Channing.
View of New Road Leading Into Quarry
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Preventative Medicine and its Application in Adult Life By N. C. MONROE, Plant Physician » » It has always seemed to me that too little is being done, along educational lines, to prevent the more chronic diseases that are prone to at tack the human machine in later life.
There is
considerable discussion about the prevention of disease in children and much has been been ac
complished along this line.
This accounts, to a
large extent, for the lengthened span of life, rather than any actual lengthening of the aver age life of the adult, through lessening the more chronic diseases which arc liable to attack peo ple in later life.
Some of these diseases, such as cancer, per nicious anemia, etc., are not well understood, as
Ear as their cause is concerned, and the only co operation the medical profession can expect from the laity is that they have periodical physical examinations, so that early symptoms may be recognized and proper treatment applied. ' The symptoms which people refer to as rheu matism, are recognized by doctors as any one of a variety of diseases ranging from the so called 'growing pains" of children to chronic arthritis, which may turn the joints of the victim into rigid, chalky masses. The cause of rheumatism,
Or they may attack the kidneys, caus
ing a nephritis which, if not checked before too much damage is done, may become chronic, or Pright's disease, as it is called. It is estimated that one million four hundred
thousand individuals in the United States have, or will have, diabetes. The most frequent time of the onset is at about fifty years of age. Flesh)- people are more predisposed to this dis ease than thin people. While there are other causes than improper diet, most of them are beyond the control of the persons afflicted, so the best advice which can be offered as a pre ventive measure is, watch the carbohydrates or sugar content of your diet, if you tend toward
obesity. The best procedure to follow in the preven tion of the diseases above named, is to be mod erate in all things. Divide each twenty-four hours into three shifts of eight hours each, al lotting eight hours to work, eight hours to meals and recreation, eight hours to sleep. Eat mod erately at three regular intervals. Eat meals
in most of its forms, is infection; this means
which form a balanced ration, containing enough roughage and of sufficient caloric value to op erate the human machine and supply the neces
that disease producing bacteria have gained a
sary heat and energy for the particular kind of
foothold somewhere in the body. Some of the most frequent sources are diseased tonsils, in
work you are doing. Do not worry. Worryprevents sleep, reduces resistance and lowers the vitality.
fected teeth, chronic appendicitis, infected gall bladder, and some of the
From these primary sites, or foci, or infections, they may travel in the blood stream to other
parts of the body, usually the joints, where they cause in Ilamination and pain. A more serious menace of the roving bacteria is that they may attack the lining of the heart, causing endocarditis with a resulting valvular
Baths For Health
Have your dentist check and double check your teeth twice a year, and at all times remem ber that your physician, who has made an ex tensive study of the human body, is the man to consult when you have physical ailments, and that your neighbors, who are prone to offer ad vice, have no keener insight into the workings of the human machine than you, yourself, have.
Who doesn't have his occasion hard to get up mornings, his stumblings, fumblings, no account work days, his evenings spoiled by being tired inexcusably, his nights of broken or too little sleep?
Edna Shane, Plant Nurse
deny themselves the quick help of a morning bath. The morning bath is a self-starter, an
energizer, a tonic that takes effect quickly, Now the bath hot or warm brings the blood with a rush to the skin of the entire body. The
\\ ho doesn't sometimes have days of depres
quick cold splash with which we end this bath,
sion, nervous headaches, sore muscles after ex
still further speeds up the circulation. In connection with any bath you may take these facts. We have something like three or four million sweat glands and two or three mil lion oil glands in our skin. The sweat glands should give off every day. summer and winter, an .average of nearly a quart of perspiration. From the oil glands another kind of secretion constantly spreads over the skin to keep them flexible and to make them water proof. Our bodies, therefore, should be thought of as oiled (Continued on Page 459)
ercise, spells ol easy cold catching? The answer to all these questions we are sure is no one. Here is a subject, therefore, in which every man and woman
above too common complaints, the right baths can help astonishingly. A morning bath to wake us up. Too many people wake up slowly.
Their minds are dull
and their body machinery working at low speed. These folks, unless they wish to spend half of a precious day getting fully awake, should never
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A General Review Of The Base Ball Season
By George R. Jones
One Of Our Leading Sports With all
this baseball atmos
phere present, it doesn't seem possible that the curtain will shortly drop on the 1931 season of the National pastime and be come just a memory. At the
present time our radios are tell ing us in the excited tones that only radio announcers can pro duce, all about the Cards and
Athletics. While the press scribes
three games each week, extending from June 23
to September 7. was carried out successfully.
The teams and managers are now complimented on their keeping this schedule always up to
date. In past seasons keeping up to a set list of games seemed a hard task. No doubt, a lot of fans well learned in the baseball art would pick the General Repair Nine,
last year's champions, to repeat. This they did in fine fashion, playing mighty smart ball to take eight victories and no defeats in the face of still
are shooting out copy of every description on
the relative merits of the two teams now battling
happened to be with the teams high in the league
so fiercely for what is called the World's Base ball Championship. So readers, in these sur roundings, we'll go over our own championship
standings which puts severe pressure on any
contests that provided so much amusement and recreation for fans and players during the past season.
The success of this year's Inter-Department
baseball program was signified by the large at tendance at each game and the interest shown concerning the outcome from the very start. Undoubtedly, the baseball activity this year was carried off more smoothly, produced more plea sure for fans and players and held the interest of more spectators than any year since plant baseball has been sponsored. Nine teams in action, representing eight plant departments and one from the city Merchants, made up the per sonnel of the league. A schedule calling lor
The last half of their schedule
team and they never faltered once, proving themselves champions all the way through. The General Repair's strong features were a line-up of healthy sluggers and a fine defense. They were poison to most of the league pitchers, their line-up was a murderer's row from to]) to bottom. Keinke, Joppich, (ireen or Kowalski took care of the fielding and proved the best all around fly-chasing combination on any team. They pulled Leveck out of numerous dangerous
spots with sensational catches.
The infield of
l.ee. LaTulip. Starr and Griwatseh provided that sector of the diamond with as much strength as any of the other eight teams could boast. While the battery of Leveck, a port-sider. and Halligan behind the bat lasted throughout the season to prove their worth. '"Lefty" Leveck was usually
Referring To Our Plant Teams Pictured On Opposite Page (1) General Repair Team: Top row, left to right. Manager "Pill" Heller; "Lefty" Leveck,
Warwick. "Butch" Elowski, Pete Kelley, Otto Xempel, Art Voight, Ernest Bade, "Irish" Lamb;
bottom row. left to right, Harry Meharg, Ed.
Harry Potitin. Ed. Green; bottom row, left to right. "Tully" LaTulip, "Happy" Halligan. Chas. Griwatch, "Piffer" Joppich, Carl Starr. (2) Drill Team: top row. left to right. Tom
Glazer, Bruno Zcmpel, "Dutch" Derry, Joe Way-
Kelley. Joe Kasuba. John Prudcr, Stanley Ka-
Alfred Ouade. Chas. Lloffman, manager; bottom
"Rick" Kowalske, "Red"
(f>) Construction Team: top row. left to right, Les. Raymond, Chas. Schram. Arnold Conley.
suba, "Slim" I'aullcy, Bill Trapp, Albert Elow-
row. left to right. "Sparks" Leszinskc, Martin
ski. Art Grambau; bottom row. left to right,
Lewandowski, "Irish" Lamb, Ed. Heller.
Humphrey Berg and sou, Martin Lewandowski, Lucille Trapp, Ernest Brunning, Clarence Blair, Alva Meyers.
(3) Mill Team: top row. left to right. Ivan Hamilton, Roy Warwick. Morris Richards. John Smolenski. George Sobek, Max Bellmore; bot tom row. left to right. Tom Rose. Al Hopp, Bob Mundt, Denton Cooper. "Lenny" lloeft. (4) Track Team: top row. left to right. John Modrynski, Harold Pollock, Steve Grolewski, Steve Smolenski. Max Glomski. Dominic Mauti:
bottom row. left to right. Martin Budnick, Frank Micketti. Walter Idalski, Robert Browulce, Herb Wirgau.
(5) Yard Team: to]) row. left to right, Pill
(7) Laffin's Quarry Team: top row, left to right. Frank Hamilton, Clarence Curvin, "Rus" Kuhlman. Otto Flemming, Howard Warwick, George Smart. Elmer Bruuning: bottom row, left to right. Otto Brunning, "Chum" Raymond. John Gruelkc. Alfred Wenzcl, Arnold Nagle. (8) Kelley's Quarry Team: top row. left tit right. T. L. Kelley, manager. George Dagner,
Herb Campbell, Ralph Kuhlman. Art llein, Fred Heythaler. Louis Selke; bottom row, left to right. Walter S;uitimo, "Biffer" Joppich, Frank Richards. Mike Grohowski. Joe King. We regret the Merchants' Nine failed to see
photographer Schulwitz so their picture is not listed with the other groups.
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right there with the goods, a little wild at times
these championship chases. They've proved to
but not too wild.
be a good class of sports playing a fine brand
The Repair nine with a total of 73 runs, lead the teams of the league in scoring, slightly over a nine run average per game. The second place team in the league was the Drillers. This team went through the season
of ball to offer the best of competition. We hope
with seven wins and one defeat.
Thev lost their
last game to the champion Repair tossers to take undisputed possession of second place. This last game was one of the crucial
that the Merchants will always be able to put just such type of teams in the field.
Now we have two up and going clubs tied for fourth
Laffin's diamond
stars and
Yard team with their usual peppery leader, Jul ius Zempel. Julius always boasts of his base ball powers and well he may as he generally produces desirable results.
His stock looked
year, a win for the Drillers giving them the pen
pretty good this year on the start with a few
nant. However, they gave the Repairs too many markers and failed to pull the game out of the fire in their particular last inning rallies. Manager Meyers had a surprise ball club in his Drill team. They were the true dark horse
veterans and enthusiastic members on his line
record was unimpressive so they were noticed in the first part of this season. their unusual hitting and scoring stamped as having championship caliber. Many of games were won through that "never die" which they exhibited. They were fighters
little Soon them their spirit until
With Art Voight and Bill Warwick to share
the pitching burdens and "War Horse" Meharg to do the receiving, this Yard bunch was pretty well fixed to live up to their reputation. The infield was composed of "Butch" F.lowski. reli able first sacker, Bruno Zempel, Ed Glazer and one or another of the available pitchers. Ernest Bade. Dutch Dcrry. Jack Cherette and "Happy" Hopp took turns in the outfield.
This group rolled in forty-four runs, figured in on four victories and four defeats.
None of
their opponents had it easy as their set-backs
the last out.
Paully, the tall right-hander, and Brunning, a nice catcher, formed one of the best batteries in
the league. They worked with a calmness which is the desirable asset of any pitching and catch ing combination. Meyers, Elowski. Blair and
Berg held down the infield positions in very capable style. Binder, Trapp. Joe and Stanley Kasuba roamed the outer gardens.
This team
scored the only shut outs during the season taking the Track crew down to a 11-0 defeat and overwhelming Kelley's Quarry 20-0. Their total points for the season being 67 or a trifle over an eight run average per game.
were by mighty close margins. Next year Jul ius should be right tip there with the leaders. Roy Laffin happened along at the annual base ball meeting last Spring and when asked about prospects for a Quarry team replied in the pos itive. He certainly gathered a likely looking bunch of "horse-hide" murderers.
Fact is, this
same Quarry team had a chance at first place right along until the final stretch when they were barely nosed out by other would-be champs. They had a let down when they met the Merchants suffering a 20-6 defeat which was the only game to mar their endeavors. The
Next in the standings appears the classy Mer chant line-up with Pill Radka at the helm. This team represented the young blood of the league, lots of pep and vigor along with their smooth playing. Suffering two defeats, the first one a
other three defeats charged against them were
huge surprise, to the Drillers and another to the Repair crew they coasted through a fairly suc
group of fellows, using a changed line-up most
of the hard luck variety, the General Repair, Drillers and Yard just nosing them out and that's all. The members of this team
were a
ager Radka had the strongest appearing line-up of the lot. The weakest point in the entire Mer chant organization was the lack of regular out field support. Changing players in the garden
every game. Warwick and W'enzel shared mound duty. Raymond and Otto Brunning caught, while "Rus" Kuhlman, Gruelke, Nagle and Elmer Brunning had infield berths. Curvin, Flemniing. Smart and Hamilton covered the outfield territory. Fifty-one runs in eight con
cessful season.
At the start of the season. Man
from game to game, caused numerous costly
With I'latz and Kitchen on mound duty and Sorgenfrei and Warwick behind the plate, the Merchants had plenty of strength in this quar
through for a sixth place rating with only three
Martin. Kroesch and either of the
above named catchers formed an airtight in field. Regular outfielders were among the missing: Kane, Walboru and Marvin Lamb be ing the only players to appear over once or
The season's total runs were fifty-nine
for this team.
The plant teams are glad to have a Nine rep resenting the City Merchants as competitors in
Charlie wins and
the offensive
Hoffman's Construction
five defeatsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;another team
where a
break in the game forced them to lose by a close score. Again. Manager Hoffman had a hard
task to keep his team intact throughout the sea son. His line-up at the start of the season failed to hang together to the end and so the result was substitutions from various sources to com plete a team. Ed. Heller was the mainstay in the pitcher's box and turned in some pretty nice contests.
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Who remembers when some of the fans were
telling how wild Eddie was?
And, a feminine
onlooker was heard to remark, "I'd like to meet
that pitcher," So our friend Ed was a popular twirler. Reiger was the everready catcher on the Construction Nine, with Raymond, Sehrani, Lewandowski and Hoffman in the
Lamb, Conley, Quade and Leszinski playing the outfield. Forty-five runs was the total scoring for this team.
Then those ancient athletic rivals. Hilary and Leo. decided to not outdo one another so they ended in a tie for seventh place honors.
victories and six defeats.
This Mill team was given one of the highest ratings in the league by the pre-season "dopesters" and why they only chalked up but two victories is still a problem. Hilary had some good materia] in his line-up but, they failed to get going during the season. They, however, have the consolation of having offered some very hard battles to their opponents but, there's
season is being planned than ever. Start think ing and talking basket-ball, fellows, and give us your ideas for better basket ball. The early days of December should see the teams under way for a winter of exceptional pleasure. The bread of bitterness is the food on which men grow to their fullest stature: the waters
of bitterness are the debatable ford through which they reach the shores of wisdom; the ashes boldy grasped and eaten without falter ing are the price that must be paid for the gold en fruit of knowledge.—Onida.
Luck means the
which you have not hesitated to endure: the long nights you have devoted to work. Luck means the appointments you have never failed
to keep; the trains you have never failed to catch.—Max O'Rell.
A thing done right today means less trouble tomorrow.—Anon villous.
not much satisfaction in that all the time.
Hamilton and Mundt. the battery, Hoeft, Cooper, Hopp, Smolenski, infielders, and Rose, Warwick, Richards and Sobek, outfielders, com pleted the Mill line-up. Kelley's Quarry team was another Nine that had a hard job keeping one line-up. Outside of
Kuhlman. their dependable twirler, they changed positions repeatedly. The remainder of the team were Dagner, Campbell, Heythaler, Hem, Selke. Santimo, Richards. Grohowski and Joe
Although their total runs were only
twenty-seven, they had some exceptional lowscore games that were good ones. We hope this same bunch can come back next year and pro duce the results possible of them. The cellar occupants happen to be the Track crew without a win to their credit.
It's too bad
these fellows hadn't more experience in the na tional pastime as they certainly had the neces sary spirit to produce a winning team.
Idalski. pitcher, was the bright spot on the team.
John Modrynski, Mieketti, Glomski, H.
Bollock. S. Smolinski, Pudnick, Grolewski, J. Smolinski. Wirgau and Brownlee completed the Squad offered by the Track management. These fellows shouldn't feel discouraged with their
first year results: they had the pleasure of try
ing and with a year's experience might come through for better times next season. '
We don't want to forget that noble group of martyrs—the Umpires.
All the razzing and no
roses for these faithful fellows and they gave a good exhibition of officiating
this year.
Pete Kelley, Bill Warwick, Mike Johnson and Art Voight were the season's dependables. Just a short annoncement on Basket Ball which
and players will be glad to hear. A bigger and better
This picture was taken at Black River. Mich
igan, about forty years ago. shortly after this fellow moving to Rogers City, became one of our city's early settlers. The young fellow with his hand on his fath er's knee at the left has been employed at the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co. since 1916.
He was employed in the Construction Dept. two years and then transferred to the Yard in which
department he still is employed. Lie was about twelve years of age at the time of this picture. Last month's Guess Who, our good friend Captain M. R. MacLcan.
Calcite Screuiugs
Page 458
Limestone And Its Uses
In The Manufacture Of Lime is used for a number of different pur
Iron And Steel Products
corrosive waste material which many States re
poses in the making of various finished products
quire to be neutralized and treated before being
and commercial forms of iron and steel. These uses are in connection with the follow
and economical base for this purpose.
ing processes: 1. "Rig" casting; 2. "Pickling; 3. Wire drawing. 1.
When iron from blast furnaces is marketed
as such, it is cast into "pigs" of convenient size
for handling. The old method of casting the
discharged into streams.
Requirements of the Lime Since lime is used in connection with pickling for its neutralizing power, and is employed in the form of a milk of lime, it should not be too
rapid settling, and it should be reactive, not con taining a high percentage of core or overburned
metal in beds of sand has been replaced by cast
ing machines. In the more usual type ol ma chine, an endless chain carries a series of par allel troughs with overlapping edges. The molt
en iron is poured continuously into these molds as they move under a spout from which it flows. The molds must be either "limed" or "smoked"
to prevent sticking of the iron to mold. The lime in the form of a whitewash is applied, either
by being sprayed upon the molds, or by having the chain of molds pass through a milk of lime. Requirements of the Lime The requirements of lime for this purpose are not very rigid, but it should form a slow settling suspension and not contain too high a percent age of "waste."
2^ "PICKLING" Iron and steel are usually coated with rust or scale, and frequently this must be removed before the metal can be used in manufacturing
This is accomplished fey pickling,
which consists in soaking it in a bath ol sul
phuric or hydrochloric acid. The acid dissolves and loosens the rust and scale, leaving a clean, bright surface. The metal must be washed
after pickling to remove the acid remaining on
Lime is an efficient
In making iron wire, the iron is first rolled down to the size of small rods.
These are then
pulled or "drawn" through dies of successively smaller sizes until the wire has been reduced to the desired diameter.
Previous to the draw
ing, the iron rods or coils of wire are pickled, to remove scale, etc., and then very care full v
washed. They are then dipped into hot milk of lime which completely neutralizes any remain ing trace of acid, and this coat of lime serves as a lubricant during the drawing process. The coils of wire are then baked to thoroughly dry the lime coating so that it may be most effec tive as a lubricant, and also to remove the so-
called "acid brittlencss" which is produced in the cleaning operation. In addition to removing the residual acid from the pickling process, and lub ricating the wire and dies, lime also protects the wire from oxidation and scale formation both
before and after drawing. Requirements of the Lime
The chief requirements for lime for use in wire drawing are that it forms a very slow set tling suspension, and that it is absolutely free
completely neutralize and remove the last traces
from grit or ash. The requirements in this last respect are very rigid, as grit damages the dies. The present practice in many mills is to make
of acid.
an aged putty from quicklime, and to carefully
it. and frequently it is given a lime wash
The spent pickling liquor is a highly acid and
screen and then dilute this to a milk of lime.
North View of Plant. Showing Storages
'age 45"
Calcite Screnings
A Glance At Some of our Local Gardens As the garden season closes and the gardeners are now beginning to benefit substantially by the harvest produced by the summer's work,
we can perhaps turn our thoughts more to the flower garden which undoubtedly requires more planning
lor equal success than does the vegetable garden. Pall is, of course, the only time
for planting a large number ol the bulbs
gree we feel safe in saying that from the personal success ol some of our employees that it is an ex cellent time to transplant trees and The Sunken Garrien Built by Arthur Gelzinger is an outstanding local shrubbery. Pest of all it is a example of how employees are beautifying their homes. time of clcan-up and planning that more efsmall supply is now available at the Main Office can be done now to make your work wt and may lie had upon request. fective next year. While it is a repetition in statements earlier The November issue of "Calcite Screenings" made in connection with gardens, we urge you will, no doubt, be of particular interest in con to consider the natural local resources that will nection with the garden contest as it will carry enable you to accomplish a great deal with small a list of the prize winners. expense as is evidenced by the accompanying A comparison of photographs over the past few years is a permanent record of the good photograph. General rules and plans cannot be offered or that has been accomplished in this direction. The followed by all as a difference in landscaping past summer has been particularly active as most adds to its attractiveness, and while study of of our employees have had more time to devote your neighbors accomplishments will no doubt to this work. be helpful, individual expression and originality The results this year are outstanding and will add untold interest to your undertakings. everyone is to be complimented on the interest We again want to call your attention to the they have shown in beautifying the community interesting pamphlets distributed by Federal and in taking advantage of their spare time in Government, Department of Agricultural. A the productive work in their vegetable gardens. BATHS FOR HEALTH
(Continued from Page 453)
How fortunate it is for all of us that we can not foretell our future success or our future
surfaces which shed water when water alone is
used. The oily secretions also collect dirt and serins ; dead cells, secretions and odors. Soap is necessary for cleansing the skin and has not a little to do with the fine feeling we get from the bath.
physical fatigue after a hard day's work.
taken before evening meal is better for diges tion. Paths act as a protection against colds and
improve our looks. THERE are two kinds of discontent in this world: the discontent that works, and the dis
content that wrings its hands.
The first gets
what it wants, and the second loses what it has. There's no cure for the first but success: and there's no cure at all for the second. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Gordon Graham.
failure! If it were possible to know just what was going to happen, many of us would leave
our "luck" to "Fate" and quit trying. It is the uncertainty of all things that compels us to keep on keeping on. If you could be cer tain that your future is to be successful, you would, most likely, slow down in your efforts to win. You would be too sure. If you could be sure that your coming days are to be full of trouble, you would be discouraged.
Therefore, the most helpful thing is that human Hope that springs eternal and is for the better things. Mope on! Put keep your head, your heart, and your hands working. Hope will
help, but just "hope" alone will not win. The ladder of life is full of splinters, but they always prick the hardest when we're sliding down.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;W. L. Brownell.
Calcite Screenings
Pa ire 460
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture
Here and There About the Plant Some of the boys in the Machine Shop are wondering how Louis Dambra is getting so much wood in his backyard because he hasn't
"Among Ourselves he was forced to climb up mi the top. Accord ing to the manner in which he yelled for help he must have expected the car to sink out of sight.
been seen with a saw on his shoulder or in the
The nearest workmen were about a half mile
WOods with an ax.
away and they were positive something terrible had happened so came to the rescue as fast as they could. Instead of finding a fellow with a broken leg, here was John doing an Indian dance on the top of his car and calling for help. The men finally found a cable which they
John Noble says Earl Scheifler is some decoy maker but what good are thev, Earl, if vou go
out to the lake and then find out that you for got to bring them along? Chubby says next time he goes he is taking nothing but decoys.
E. R. Joppich plans to buy some live decoys from Leonard Poch but will not get them until the last day of cluck season. E. K. says if his luck is too bad he can at least shoot the decoys.
It only takes one small jack to lift up an automobile but it takes a lot of jack to keep it up.
Hilary said he wasn't a bet ting man when asked how he was betting on
the ball
game, but he did bet L>i 11y
him on the last game. Prank
Richards and
Larson, axe on
entered the woods like a lion but came out like a lamb. We understand
walske is taking diving les sons lately. Put diving at rabbits under a log, striking one's thumb on a protruding knot and throwing it out ol
After cold and cheerless drizzle
Of September, which, remember, Only last a few short clays, Comes the balmy Indian summer With its misty, dreamy haze. In the dressing room of Autumn Thus Dame Nature, fickle creature,
By the eyes of man unseen Dons her gorgeous colored garments
And lays by her somber green.
"Pis the time of year for roaming And admiring soul inspiring Scenes of beauty by the stream. And the woods are full of gold tints
|ohn out—car Leonard the job
again after several days (in the sick list.
Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Yarch and .Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Yarch and family had quite an exciting time at Grand Lake a few weeks ago when a sudden blow came up which kept them busy bailing water
and keeping the boats afloat. Loilis says never again will that happen to him as he is going to leave in time here after so as not to be caught in
that one.
Indian summer, linger longer. We adore thee, we implore thee Leave us not. to winter's cold. We care not for her white diamonds.
We prefer the autumn gold. —Alson
In place of a Spare tire it would be much more convenient for John Dem-
bny to carry a raft or pontoon on his trips around the stripping level of tin- quarry. While driving along after a heavy rain, John several
Percy Lee and I'och are back on
Not unlike a heavenly dream.
joint is no laughing matter, according to Rick.
had passed through
and all.
Heller a dollar so as to give
him a chance to even up for the dollar he took away from
thrrw out to John but he was unable to tie it anywhere so he braced his feet against the rad iator cap and hung on. With five men on the other end ol the cable they
formed in the low spots, but in the last one there happened to be a clay bottom and you fellows all know what clay is like when it gets good and wet. and according to John this was.
your arm?
Win. Shay of the Steamer Taylor has been at the Rog ers City Hospital on the sick list for the past several days, and we are glad to re port that he is considerably improved.
What would you take for What would you take for your leg?
What would you take for your eyes? over. Don't forget safety.
Think it
V. J. Henry and family have been doing con
siderable fishing at Grand Lake this past month and report several nice catches of perch and bass.
Vernon says he knows just where all the
good fishing spots in the lake are now.
Me drove to about the center of the pond
Anytime the tug crew couldn't get their cars
when he felt his car sinking. He opened the door and tried to get out but the water was about eight inches above the running board so
started Capt. Peppier would baud them some good sound advice. Sell the thing, get rid of it and buy a good car.
Rut it so happened that
Calcite Screenings
Pa ire 461
during our last rain storm the Captain exper ienced a little trouble in getting his car started, but when asked if there was anything wrong and
if he needed any help his reply would be "No" as he was just waiting for a fellow to ride up with him. It turned out he had a lengthy wait and in
the meantime some of his own advice
was being handed back.
"Yes, sir." one fellow-
said, "Every sailor has his day."
One doesn't realize how much wood is being cut by plant employees until talking to Walter Meyers. He says an
to Walter Meyers and wanted to be directed to a place to cut wood it rather took Meyers off his guard and he was forced to take them over several miles of territory in order to find a large enough section of timber for them to cut in. Frank shouldered all the tools and by the time they finally located a place to cut. he was all in and the rest weren't far from it, as it was
one of the hottest days we've had in some time. We understand they didn't start cutting until the next niorniim-. The National Amer
other two weeks at the
rate they've been cut ting and it will look
tion at Detroit was at
tended by some of the
more like a farm be tween the drill house and Swan Lake instead
fellows from the plant who report a good
of a
it was one of the great
time and
we are glad to hear so many of the employees
wouldn't it be with the
ance from
the Harold
L. Young Post of Rog
bill this winter.
Sad but true. takes an accident
Legion ever held. Why
are cutting wood and thereby making a real saving on their tuel
ers City: Steve Mart in, Liuil Erickson,
It to
Chas. Hoffman. Harry Wing, ISen Pounds and
Roll Rains.
ered just what became
Kowalski used to give
of all those big trout
us a
Dave Crigg was telling us he was going to catch this season.
word Well,
are wondering whether Rick has <|uit playing
had these trout almost in his basket at that 'time. The season's been closed for some time but we haven't
but lor some time now we haven't heard a word from him. We
new fishing outfit and
winnings playing golf
golf or if it's his game that is not so hot as it
might be.
Friend Joseph King said the only man in
from here's
hoping you have better
his crew
luck next season.
to handle is T. L. Kid-
ley, sure
The Sun Sinking in the West at Grand Lake
was worried the other
day when the clock read five after three and Os wald Yoight hadn't shown
work yet.
Main- reasons were given for his absence such as sickness, met with an accident, etc., but a few-
minutes later the group of men were relieved of their anxiety when Oswald came in.
Yes, sir,
that man loves his job. They tell us he begins to get restless about noon keeping at his wife from then on to get his lunch ready so he can get to work at 4 p. m.
who is
the quarry fore
man, but he
hopes of seeing a great improvement in him as he's been able to control
Leo fairly well this past season. With the base ball season over and basket ball
still several weeks away, we are wondering just
how Dominic Matili is going to be able to hold himself that long. It probably would be well lor Dominic to take in a few football games in the meantime.
Frank Ware was out to Lake Nettie looking When A. L. Kowalski, Pen Santimo, Walter Santimo, Dave Larson and Frank Richards went
over the ground.
Pelieve he must be planning
on another winter in that territory.
Calcite Screenings
'age 462 Rick Kowalske and Tully are spending their spare time at Grand Lake.
under vour hat is evervbodv's loss.
Lewis asked Bruno Zempel how he liked the job on the steam roller. Bruno replied, "'She's a great machine but it ought to be more modern -—free wheeling and a longer wheel base."
his tank he probably wouldn't need to pump air into the gas tank every few miles. Ed claims there was a shortage of air in the tank which caused his car to stop on him every little while but upon investigation he found it filled with
The other day while Hilary's gang were pull
ing down the old power house stacks, one wasn't just falling right and when it was about half way ('own Hilary said. "Hold it Cash." Cash
If Edward Heller would put some gasoline in
all air and no gas. We just discovered for the first time that our friend Fred h'isch is part Scotch. We were won
said. "Who do you think I am—another Hou-
dering why he never stopped to pick up his tee
but when about half way
Leonard Joppich claims there is nothing so invigorating as a nice cold bath when on a fish ing trip, but before we take his advice too seri ously we had better wait until we hear the re sults of his next fishing trip and see if he really means it. Our advice is that you stay in the boat instead of trying to stand on those slipperylogs. How about
We expected to hear about Fred Badc's first duck hunting trip long before this but
the fever strong enough to pur chase his license but while down at the lake front he saw a Saw Bill and was almost
now trying Julius Zempel's game of hitch hiking. They
tempted to run up to the Court
say that on their way down to the plant they are v e r y successful
Llotise for his li cense so he could
come down
is as
The above iiieture proves to you thai the wily trout still abound in the streams of Northern Michigan. These are probably some of
they are able to
the beauties thai Dave Grigg had in mind at the beginning of the
get in line. ... ~7~
trout season, but we are sorry to say
\\ e
1 it-i
his shotgun.
but on the home stretch consider
most all the cars
speaking with Fred he said he hasn't as yet had
Karl Daniels and Gene King are
are gone
of string tied to the tee and all that was necessarv was to pull it back after each shot.
it,' Biffer?
able walking being done
someone said. "What is Fred pulling in after every tee off?" And here was Fred with yards
were not found in
Dave's basket.
A very peculiar thing about Al fred Hopp's car is that
neve r
ready to go home. Now
Sheedlo carrying his lunch in a small iron cori-
understand us. we don't mean when leaving the
tainer lately instead of the usual paper bag. Ed. placed his lunch on the sidewalk behind him
plant because it gets him home from work all right. We know he has taken it to the garage
while waiting for the bus and when ready to
to have some work done on it. but whether the
get on the bus his paper bag was gone. They
mechanic finds the trouble is doubtful. It just doesn't start well nights, and Alfred loses a lot of sleep.
tried to tell him that Geo. Grambau's dog had
already taken care of it but he had everyone in the bus stand up for inspection before he was convinced that he was being told the truth. So that's the reason he now has an anchor attached to the lunch.
Les Raymond was telling us about the nice meal of wild duck he had the other day. He said a friend <<\ his brought over two nice Line Gills. Xo. he said, that isn't right. I mean Plue Pells and were they go.id. We regret very much that Les doesn't know ducks any better than that, but we do believe one more guess will straighten out the duck question very easily.
Everybody has safety ideas, but keeping them
For the Master Painter is painting today. Pie is painting this worn-out world away.
Retouching the landscape of old Mother Earth With a Master touch: with startling new birth. He is painting His glory on mountain and glen And aye, if yow will, in the hearts of men. —Narcissus.
He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. When love and skill work together expect a
masterpiece.—John Ruskin.
Calcite Screenings
I'ace 463
BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Sept. 3rd. a daughter, Blanche Mary. Mr. Bellmore is employed in the Mill Dept. A son. Louie Donald, on Sept. 10th to Mr. and
Mr. August Dehring. Mr. Dehring is employed in the Drilling Dept. Ronald Paul, a son. to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Baker on Sept. 12th. Mr. Baker is employed in the
.Machine Shop,
To Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mays on Sept. 14th. a son, Lewis Ed ward. Mr. Mays is employed -in the Shovel Dept. A daughter, Joanne Martha, on Sept. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Em.il Schaedig. Mr. Schaedig is
employed in the Transportation
Dept.' '
lo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
I ul-
getski. a son. Lawrence L. D. on Sept. 21st. Mr. Tulgetski is employed in the Machine Shop. Lois Ann, a daughter, on Sept. PJth to Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Conley.
Mr. Conley is employed in
the Power Dept. To Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh on Sept. 27th a daughter. Loraine. Mr. Marsh is employed in the Transportation Dept. "Calcite Screenings" joins with the man\r
friends of the above parents in extending its congratulations.
A view of Clear Lake where local fishermen have made some fine catches.
'Tis the mind that makes the body rich.
don't think much of a man who is not wiser to
day than he was yesterday.—Abraham Lincoln. If wrinkles must be written upon our brows. let them not be written upon the heart. The Spirit should not grow old.—James A. Garfield.
The stomach is a slave that must accept every thing that is given to it, but
which avenges
wrongs as slyly as does a slave.—Sotivestre.
Never, throughout our history, has a man who lived a life of ease left a name, worth remem
bering.:—Theo. Roosevelt.
It may make a difference to all whether we do right or wrong today.
Miss Irma Macklem, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Clare
Macklem, became the bride of
Mr. Vernon Scott on Sept. 30, at 2:30 p. m. at the Westmins ter Church. Rev. J. L. Ken nedy officiated.
Alter the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the bride's parents for a large number of friends and guests. Following the recep
tion the bride and groom left on a wedding trip of two weeks to be spent in the
southern part of the state. On their return the young coupje will be at home to their many friends at 555 S. Lake Avenue.
"Calcite Screenings" extends its best wishes to the young
couple. Yotl can not believe in honor until you have achieved it. Better keep yourself clean and bright: you are the window through which you must see the world.—George Bernhard Shaw.
Today is yesterday's pupil.—Franklin.
The two young gentlemen shown above are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith.
Pert of
course told us he caught the fish they are hold ing but we have our doubts, because if he is the same at fishing as he is at duck hunting we know the youngsters are well able to hold their own with their Dad. Left is James and on the right is Frederick.
Calcite Screenings
Page 464
The Bradley Transportation Company » » » » »
Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Steamer B. H. Taylor
Date of Meeting. Saturday. October 3, 1931. Present: I). E. Xauts, chairman: W'm. Shay,
6. Deckhands and Conveyormen not cleaning up grease and oil spilled on deck. 7.
Standing on after bulwark rail to throw-
secretary: and Walter Galium, bos'n, Niels An
lifeboat lashings under boat, when a boat hook
derson, deckhand: Fdw. Fhrke, conveyorman;
was being used above.
Walter Fggleston, 3rd Ass'l.; l.ouis Smolinski,
Every one of the above mentioned practices
have been mentioned time after time during the
The October Safety Meeting was called to order this evening at seven p. m. The minutes of the last stated meeting were first reviewed
present season, and there can be no reason for them but carelessness and undue haste. Any ol the above might prove serious, and we regret
and as no comments were made on the same,
to say that the deck department is at fault in
chairman proceeded with the regular order ol
most of the cases.
Chairman next asked members for reports o:.
In our last meeting we commented on dangers of fall sailing due to heavy weather, rolling, etc.
their respective departments. Neils Anderson reported a coal bunker railing broken the prev
Speaking; on this subject, the chairman stated that although we might not run late enough this
stated there was a cracked plank on the convey
fall to be bothered with ice, nevertheless ice on
deck was one of the most perilous of fall haz ards. In freezing weather, ice accumulates
ious day
Conveyorman Phrke
or room platform, which will lie replaced with a new one at the first opportunity ol obtaining
around the deck valves due to the valves leaking
one. He also requested that the watchmen when repairing deckhose to either cut off or
whenever the deck line is being used. The Chief
bend over the ends of wire binding so
Engineer, Mr. LaBouuty stated that he would
would not project out to catch on hands or
have all o\ the valves ground and thus remedy
the condition as much as possible. "Familiarity breeds Contempt" and likewise
The safety committee secretary ol the Str. Bradley, Leo Moll, now on this vessel, has brot his safety ideas right along with him. He slates
observations and comments of nearly every committee member present, it appears that we have shown signs of carelessness during the past month, even though we have come through with out accidents. The points brought out were as follows:
Boom blocks at side saddles not stowed
Over by gunwale out of traffic. 2. Crowding around fantail and after towline making Calcite. 3. Deckhands throwing hatch equipment,
namely dolly-bar, and holding down clamp along
that it
that as we are frequently washing out the cargo hold, he would advise against the deckhands wearing rubber boots in the cargo hold cleanup, as on the wet hoppers they prove extremely slippery. He also remarked that when our boom is swung out when loading or unloading
at night, it is quite dark amidships, and that when using an amidships cable a lantern should be placed by the cable to prevent anyone stumb ling over same. Capt. Martin requested the committee mem
same for footresl.
bers not to be backward in calling attention to violations of the Safety Rules, and assured them of the hearty co-operation of each and every of ficer. Each and every one of us. he stated,
5. Galley crew failing to rinse soapy watei from deck outside galley and mess room door after scrubbing floors.
any injuries whatever. Carlessness on the part of one man spells danger to his shipmates, and
deck and over hatches.
I'lacing feet on
wants to go home this fall alive and free from
Calcite Screenings
Page 465
every member of this crew should shoulder his
share of the responsibility of keeping our record clean for the year. There being no further business the meeting was then adjourned.
.Mr. Papineau of Port Huron must have heaved a sigh of relief when he heard his boy would not be home for a while. By Gar! That boy she can eat a mouse! Overheard : "Pike this—like that."
Twice Told Tales—Str. Taylor The gang from the hills and dales of Penn
"Scarce as the grace of God at a gangster's
sylvania are showing signs of homesickness.
"I Iang it up."
Something must be causing them to think of home.
Everybody seems to be doing first rate with their respective "cooky erstwhile
OUT Don't
The Rogers City boys are beginning to know what it is like to be away from home. After the last ti'ip Louie said, "Well, Sis, I see we have the same old cat!'
worry, Gal, the cook has lots of stove blacking!
Grades' new album is a dandy.
Our new second mate, Chris Swart/, may be the pinochle champ on the Str.
We are curious
0. Kenneth Falor, Reporter.
Steamer John G. Munson
what the attraction is in Buf falo. Last trip Xels Anderson came back sporting one of those
hear his recovery has not been
chairman, Geo. Hoy, secy.. I. Rankc, I'. Fleming. A. McKae, B. Beauvais, J. Miller, C. Sauve, A
pike and
that were caught in the Soo river one evening a few weeks ago by
as rapid as we hoped for and Chief Arthur Urdal, left, and anthat he is still in the hospital. Kindest regards. Mr. Shay, ami a speedy recovery. We sure are missing your daily weather
million dollar smiles.
When arriving at Calcite last trip we fully expected to see our engineer. Mr. Shay, waiting to greet us. But regretted to
Jim Frye, Gtts and Buck were singing. "I Wonder Who's Kiss ing Her Now"-—I wonder!
will tell 'em how it's done.
other member of the steamer Munson's crew, shown on the right. Art has often told us of the fish
he has been catching but this is the first time he has sent in any proof.
There are some who suggest
that Mr. Plat/, is now qualified for nomination to the school board. Our recent voyages have been highly educational in several ways.
The Emperor Jones is always amazing. Re cently saw a sign on a soft drink parlor—"Bil Elmer sauntered
ordered a glass of billiards. The proprietor aft er a hasty appraisal, brought in a glass of cold tea.
Pat Mulke. the on the boat.
Edwin Fhrke. is going into the rabbit and fur business this coming winter. Anybody who wants the dope on the bunnies need only consult Ed and he
liards, Ten Cents."
his pocket.
he's lonesome?
No femmes
show it anywhere and still keep his stand-in. The girls' pic tures? Oh. he keeps those in
Calcite but he doesn't seem to
be doing his stuff here.
"Well, son," he said, "How is it?"
replied the Fmp. "but you know if I wasn't an old billiard drinker I'd sav that was tea."
in addition to the committee it
was attended by Capt, McLean, Capt. Dahlberg, Capt. McQuinn, Chief Engr. Urdal, R. G. Buehler, 1st Asst. and ten additional members of the crew.
Meeting was opened at 1 :15 ]>. m. with a general review of our previous meetings, discuss ing the effects of various sug
gestions made. Capt. McLean gave a talk on the importance of caring for minor injuries, and of the dangers associated with neglects of these natures. The
Capt. also reviewed several important points on the handling and storage of oxygen tanks, and asked those not familiar with the dangers of these tanks to carefully read the precautions stated in the September issue of the Screenings regarding same. Our chairman suggested that before going down
ladder that
ladder is on dock ami that it is properly fasten
Walter Fggleston is taking Mr. Shay's place during the hitter's illness. Walter is growing a
mustache to save razor blades—which is another
that the railing be repaired around the hopper house. A member of the crew was appointed
defense for one of those thing's.
member of the
Calcite Screenings
Paire 466
the Treanon Ballroom said he just came from
to take care of the matter at once.
It was recommended that
platform be put in place of plank staging under head pulleys in tunnel. It was also suggested that the deck crew be more careful about leaving planks and other ob jects near pulleys in tunnel. After a general talk on safety measures the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p. m.
The season of 1931 is drawing to a close and
plans for winter.
Chas. Lister says he surely has enjoyed him self, even though busy. He looks forward to the
winter season in Rogers City and basketball.
Frank Miller says he just cannot imagine whylie is so popular. According to the large amount of Correspondence he receives, we would say- it is lust "It."
Musical Murmursâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Munson
the various members of the crew
Geo. Beck has already taken
We have recently referred to Charles Sauve as having taken on a bay window ol such pro
portion as to necessitate changing berths with
leave of absence and returned to Ohio State Un
his roommate to
iversity. Harold Knight has also followed the advice given recently to young men and returned
the additional
to Michigan State, where he is a student in the
Capt. Dahlburg admired the general appear ance and style of architecture and had Charlie
Fngineering class. Poland Bryan plans on going
grocery business in
draw up plans and specifications for a similar These were turned over to the Stew
ard's Dept, for bids. Needless to say this department receiv
ville, X. Y. with his brother.
Gilbert Kempe says just a
life of retirement and leisure in Detroit. Archie Bccbe was all smiles
has already begun to the ex
on one trip to Lorain. He says
larger clothes this winter.
that counts,
lie plans on going to
tent that Capt. Dahlburg is worrying over having to buy
school this winter and writing for a pilot's license.
for symmetrical figures, with the request that he also be
decorated likewise. former case the
Sorry to lose our friend Ed
Dept. has been
win Moutoitx who returned to in F.vansville. Bid.
his home
We're glad to welcome his successor, John Fsch.
cheers when you
friends of the Bradley Com Also
friends and relatives of our present crew. \\ e are glad to see that the old spirit of the Bradley Company still lives regardless of the repres sion (apologies to Amos and Andy). Arthur Lrdal. our genial Chief Engineer, en joyed his short visit home to Berea while in Lorain. Art still holds the pinochle champion ship aboard. We regret that Leo Graham had to leave us to return to his home in
Fairhaven. Mich., ow
ing: to the death of his father.
Bernard Beauvais says the lure of Marine City cannot be avoided and is always glad to get up
while passing irrespective of the hour.
As a conse
quence Ivl Fawcett and his able assistant. Peter Fleming, have a busy season ahead. is beginning
even on Capt. MeOuinn. who was handicapped with a de
As in the Steward's
The success of their endeavors
come home
pany who were on hand to us.
fill the contract.
L\o one
Surely glad to have a trip to Lorain and the opportunity ol meeting many ol our old greet
Now along conies Capt. Me Ouinn. who also has an eye
pression where he now seeks to establlish the bay windoweffect so popular on the Steamer Munson this fall.
We welcome to our crew Donald Mcl.eod of
the Calcite. His many friends in the BradleyTransportation Co. will regret to learn that his wife is very ill at her home in Chicago.
Win. Kuniier has put in a busy season but looks forward to the old job in the Robinson. Virgil Beebe and Alex Molocha California.
Ian a trip to
Good luck, bovs.
In the last month's issue of "Screenings" we
expressed our pleasure in having Capt. Dahlburg with us
in the capacity of first mate.
month has wrought some changes, and we now
Our trip to Chicago was enjoyed and the op portunity it presented to see the good shows,
have occasion to express the same feeling to ward Capt. MeOuinn. who has joined us in the
baseball game. etc.
capacity ol first mate, Capt. Dahlburg actnig as
Peter Fleming on being
told that he did not look or act like a native at
second mate.
Life never shouts: Do this! do that! I think it doesn't care
What road we take, what choice we make,
What sort of garb we wear. Who will not wisdom work to learn
Gets only what the fools can cam.
The things we lose, the things we gain On choice alone depend. Who wills to stray the easy way Finds hardship at the end. Who fears to risk a steep ascent Must with the valley be content.
Though fortunes change with circumstance And bodily distress, The normal man must shape and plan And build his own success
And he must say how far he'll go To claim the joys he wants to know. We hold our destiny in hand At least to this extent,
That all may say what price we'll pay For goals within our bent. And man from life takes nothing more Than he has had the courage for.
Life makes no gifts to great or low. Its joys are on display. How much we'll learn, how much we'll earn
Is left to us to say. And where at last our progress ends Upon our strength of will depends. (Copyright, 1931, by tid^ir A. Guest.)
1 #*ii
#MBk &*9
mmm mm
mm •&&#
No Accident HoTtO* Roll Department,
Foreman and
Thomas Kelley
John Dembny
Geo. C. Wing
William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei
Geo. C. Wing
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
N. W. Pollock
T. L. Kelley
J. Leroy Laffin
Julius Zemple
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp
Capt. William MacLean Chief John Sparre
Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief Guy LaBounty
Capt. Crossley McQuinn Chief Thomas Suttle
To all our employees, customers and readers of
"Calcite Screenings" our Companies extend pur best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Healthful and Happy New Year. In these times of strenuous curtailment of our
operations and in our income, it gives us pleasure to recall at this Christmas Season, the splendid attitude of
ail our employees in adjusting themselves to amaterially reduced income and to commend them for the personal efforts they have made in many varied ways to sustain
their own needs and to help carry their share in pro viding tor others in our communities. These qualities, so eminendy responsible for our past progress, strength ened by experierice in this present long but temporary recession will make for greater progress in the future.
Calcite Screenings
['aire 47)
Published monthly for the employees of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company. Rogers City. Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.
The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all em ployees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name
of the department and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. December
J) J T
.). A. VALENTIN, Editor.
I. S
made in the companies' accident record during the past season, the number of lost time acci dents totaling six against the record of nine made in 1930. This reduction is very pleasing and speaks well for the active interest and sup port department heads, foremen and workmen have given onr campaign to keep accidents to a
During 1931 the Calcite plant had four lost time accidents, two of which were caused by a pre mature explosion in which Chas. Pauquette lost his life and John Schlager suffered injuries which necessitated his being off the job for the balance of the season. A third happened to Bernard Murphy of the Mill when the handle of a sledge caught him in the leg, causing a slight abrasion which later developed into infection
and necessitated his losing four weeks work. son, there is an argument used by various au The fourth accident was sustained by Robert thorities on accident pre Barely when he slipped vention in which they from a ladder, striking give their reason for his head on the cement logical increases or de floor and necessitated his creases during 1931 being away from work ;FIRST BTjj; Some are of the opinion for three weeks. '"• m. l. & c. CO. "' . . that during the past sea We do not feel that the
In viewing accident records of the past sea
son accidents should have
first two can be consid
decreased in proportion to the decrease in pro
duction. This sounds reasonable because hav
al to believe there should be fewer accidents. How
ever, there are those who say that during times, when production is down and men are working on
ness or carelessness.
ing had less working hours and consequently less hours of exposure to accidents it's only natur
HHEEErannoinEOQm Jimmmm
HBEHEEEraraaEnannnM aHEaannanannnnnn
accidents which may have been prevented.
complishment which was not made without a greal deal of support and co operation given safelv first measures by the foremen in charge of the
Our 1931 Accident Record
off the job considerably
the season without a lost time accident. An ac
to keep men's minds on and have spare time cm their hands. Also it seems much harder to keep a safety organiza tion functioning to full extent when the work men are on part time. With us we might say that we have had ex
partments came through
several theories advanc ed as to what caused the accident, no definite rea
The last two. we feel, are
son has
having an increase in accidents, it being harder
part time, there is a greater possibility of
periences both ways.
3BEBEHHI1HHHEII3E101 ijaHHEEEEEnnnnaEEBiBi ui:H:ii:i<=M:i.i-»mfflmmrnnr^mmmmnrnrrirn
their work when they are
ered in any way as attri butable to thoughtless
departments and workmen as well. Many of these departments have now completed several years without having had a lost time accident and several have been free from lost time acci
dents a much longer period.
The Yard and Ma
chine Shop have two seasons to
their credit:
plant had but one lost time accident, which was the lowest level we have managed to reach thus far: although the decline has been gradual since
and the Power Dept. six seasons without having
1925 when we had 47 lost time accidents.
had a lost time accident.
no accident campaign was started in that year.
Drills. Track and Tugs have gone five seasons;
The Award Committee decided that although
Calcite Screenings
Page 472
all departments in the No Accident class are to be congratulated on the commendable way in which the}- carried on their work, the award lor the season should go to the Machine Shop as their work being of the nature that not only requires utmost care in shop practices but also careful supervision of all outside repair jobs which in many cases are unusual in that each repair job requires a little different set up. The crews on the steamers Carl D. Bradley.
B. H Taylor and Calcite finished the season without having had a lost time accident during their fit-out, navigating or lay-up periods. The steamer John G. Munson had two lost time accidents. One just after the ship started
out in the Spring when Frank Berg was burned about the face by flare of smoldering fly ash. while attempting to remove it from the top oi one of the boilers.
The accident necessitating
the injured to be off duty about four days. The second happened late this Fall while the steamer was unloading when Oscar Miller, who was cleaning the archways in the ship's cargo
hold, slipped going thru the hopper with the stone and partway out on the belt before the belt
was stopped. Miller got off the belt and walked
After reviewing the safety records and activ ities of the three ships going through the season without a lost time accident
also the length of time each ship was in com mission during the past season, the salety award committee voted that the crew of the steamer
Taylor were deserving of the past season's safety honors.
The Buffalo plant and Detroit Dock also came through the season without a lost time accident. The Detroit Dock has always been comparative
ly free from accidents of any kind. The Buffalo Plant reduced their accidents from two last year
to none this year which certainly is a very cred ible performance. And thus we complete another season, while
the Calcite plant as a whole failed to live Up to the practice established the past six years in cutting clown the number of lost time accidents each year, the great regret is that we had one fatality in our operations. Other accidents caused' little loss of time, and we feel that all
departments are deserving of commendation and are to be congratulated for the way in which they carried on their work.
to the Illinois Steel Hospital at Gary unassisted, where it was found he was not much the worse
off for the accident, but it was thought best he
remain in the hospital for observation. On the Munsou's return trip to Gary he was able to President.
resume his duties.
During the operating season the nurse's of
There are many reasons advanced for the in crease of accidents throughout the United States.
Whether they sight the true cause or
not. we do not know.
W'e do know, however,
that last year about 100,000 were killed through
fice is located in the plant First Aid Hospital, hours 9 to 4 o'clock, which time is entirely given to First Aid to the employees, and only emerg ency calls made during that time.
Beginning December 1st the
accidents, one person every five and a quarter minutes. With this number of fatalities hap
will be in the Main Office and emergency bed side care will be given by the nurse to the em
pening daily, we might well ask ourselves how
ployees' families. Calls should come into the Main Office early in the day if possible so the
safe are we from accidents?
Of the above one-
third can be attributed directly to automobile
nurse will receive them in
before next day.
As we see it this is the biggest accident haz ard with which our people have to cope and
of a physician, but if bedside care is needed for
particularly is this so during the next three
time to make calls
The nurse will not in any way take the place
a short time and recommended by the family
months as we are now approaching the danger
physician the calls will be promptlv taken care
ous driving season and have rain, snow and slip pery roads to contend with. The careful motor
Instructions and letters im prenatal care will be given on request. Also the nurse can help plan for better maternity care if consulted and
ist will be as interested in checking the safety of his car as he is in checking its performance. We suggest that every one exercise a bit more
advice given on articles needed for that time.
care in the operating of their automobile. We have a supply of booklets entitled "Check your
Car" which we will be pleased to distribute to anyone desiring them.
The world is blessed most by men who do things and not by those who merely talk about them.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Oliver.
Help during confinement will only be given in The best time to call the nurse is during her office hours, 9 to 10 a. m. and 1 to 2 p. m. The remainder of the time is given to calls and it is difficult to locate the nurse unless calls come in during office hours.
.Speech is the index of the mind.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Seneca.
Calcite Screenings
Page 473
Your Group Life Insurance has been in effect, since October 1, 1929 and by arrangement with
the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company the insurance has been effective through the winter lay-up period which affects all of our employes in varying length of time during the winter months.
Your policy also provided that upon leaving
Of special interest to the employes is the fact that the rate established for the third year of this plan is the same as paid in the first two years.
So often do we hear of the prevention of acci dents being a national problem, or a civic duty,
er leaving the employ of the Company you had the privilege of converting your coverage with
or that it is something for industrial leaders to worry about, that individuals are likely to think it is no at lair of theirs, when in reality acci dents usually pertain to an individual, and the solution or prevention of the accident is a mat
out any physical examination, to any policy
ter of their own actions or endeavors.
which the insurance company might issue.
Xational, industrial and civic organizatons have done and are doing much for the elimina tion of accidents, but a great deal more could be
the employ of the
However, for thirty-one days aft
Our November wage increase checks carried the following notice:
"In addition to the advantage you now enjoy under your Group Life Insurance Certificate, an arrangement has been made to continue your Insurance for a period of thirty one days after leaving our em
accomplished if each individual would always choose the safe way of doing things.. After all it's the individual who suffers from accidents and also he in most cases is re
sponsible for the accident hav ing happened, so if he will he can
Consult your certificate
for information concerning the
be the preventor of accidents. There isn't any one who really
privilege of conversion." This simply means that you
wants to get hurt.
have an added advantage under your present policy. Hereto fore you were not insured dur
ed by some individuals in dis regard of safety precautions, it would seem that they are not
ing the thirty-one day period following
Yet from the
actions and carelessness display
willing to do much toward keep
ing themselves out of trouble.
and now you do have insurance for this added period. We are glad to have an op
Safety programs sponsored by various organizations about the country have done much to de
portunity at this time to co
crease the annual toll taken of
operate with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in making this extended period o! insurance possible for our em ployees without additional cost
our country's men. women and children through accidents, but all of the safety work that has been done in the country is of
to them.
ends our
second year of operating under Group Life Insurance plan which new plan replaced the one effective for twelve years. We feel that it is not necessary to dwell on instructions and explanations previously issued in "Calcite Screenings" in connection with th'S matter, however, this issue does carry a notice
of importance and benefit to all employees. Insurance in effect at the
little avail if we fail to realize
that what has happened to oth ers may happen to us, and the
problem of safety is largely our individual affair.
Owing to the early close of operations, our Xoventber and December "Calcite Screenings' material
has been combined
present time b
During the past year six deaths occurred and the beneficiaries were paid $13,500.00 as follows: Beneficiary of Charles Quadc $ 2.000.00 2.000.00 Bcueliciary oi Robert Heslip 3,500.00 Beneficiary of Thos. R. Smothers Beneficiary of Daniel Rvan 1.100.00 Beneficiary of Charles Banquette 2,500.00 Beneficiarv of Frank Langlois 2,400.00
I think the first
tongue: he approaches nearest to the gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right.
Success or failure in business is caused more
by mental attitude, even than by mental capac ity.
The greater the obstacle
into a
overcoming it.â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Maliere.
th e
Calcite Screenings
With the object of broadcasting the gospel of Safety and to more directly instill into the youth
Plans are now being made by our local Red Cross Chapter with the National Red Cross Headquarters for a visit from their First Aid training instructor and a class for this work will probably be organized some time in January. The purpose of the First Aid Institute is to give a thorough course
of the community the lessons of carefulness and to remind them of the hazards of our daily life, the second annual school Safety Poster Contest
will be held during the winter of 1932. The
year ago produced more than two hundred post ers in the local and pa
A Happy Man
rochial schools and from
the interest
this first contest we look forward to an eve l
Fever Mjjtakes
in first aid work so that more individuals will be familiar with first aid
procedure and so they will also be
to carry on instruction with the organization
group or whom
In the thoughts to be covered by the posters
it is well
thirty hours of instruc tion over a period of ten working days. The first
The course consists of
home, public, traffic and other safe practices as well as those pertaining direct to
fifteen hours is devoted to the standard course
the entire given to
plants. Originality in thought and design will be the highest scoring points. Entrants are in vited to enter any num ber of posters.
iod of
special course is given in
It is proposed to pro set of
During the second per
placed on proper teach ing methods as well as practice in teaching and
vide each school with a
January. 1932, but
time being the subject
course all of the school
children who expect to enter can give, this con test some thought from
tomary to give the class
now until
not Poster of Margaret Kennedy, age 13, grade 7, winner
It than
cus three
hours of instruction per day.
As this class conies opening. of third prize, poster contest 1931. during this winter's in Suitable prizes will be awarded to the winners, and we again want to active period, we are sure that many of our men thank the 1931 participants for the support they will want to avail themselves of the privilege of gave this contest, and to urge the continued taking this course, as one never knows when
they may have occasion to use first aid knowl
practice of safety and thoughtfulness. LOOKING BACKWARD
Xo Delver after the tidbits of scandal need
climb out of his garbage barrel to tell me that the
the American
One might as well break into my house
with trumpetings to inform me that grass is green and snow is cold. No more does the normal mind care for trifling defects in the man
it is reading about.
The only real questions
are: What did this man do, Of what use was he, What did he contribute? Charles Edward Russell.
edge. While we should do all we can in pre venting accidents, we should also know how to take care of an accident should necessity arise. There will be no charge made to employees
taking this instruction and those wishing to take this course will please register at the Main Office before January 1st.
If time be of all things most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality', since lost time is never found again; and what we call time enough always prove little enough. Let us then be up and doing, and doing to a purpose; so by diligence shall we do more with less per plexity.—Franklin.
The man who has not anything to boast of but his illustrious ancestors is like
—the only good belonging to him is under ground.—Sir Thomas Overbury.
The first and best victory is to conquer self: to be conquered by self is of all things the most shameful and vile.— Plato.
Calcite Screenings
Paee 475 //
A Brief History Of The
A history of the development of the locomo tive is a fascinating record, not only to railroad men. but to the general public as well, and espe
cially to those who travel frequently,
Iron Horse
This Article Was Prepared For Us Through the Courtesy of The Baldwin Locomotive Works
hi view
of the fact that the first locomotives to be built in the United States were constructed about 100
years ago. the story is one of special interest at the present time. As far as is known the first vehicle to be ac
locomotives have been
quarry of the .Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company for ;> number of years and our engi neers and repairmen speak well of their opera tion and low maintenance.
Thus far none of
tually propelled by steam was a gun carriage
these engines have figured in a lost time acci
built by Nicholas Cugnot, in Paris, in 1771, while the lirst locomotive designed to run on rails was
built in 1803 by Richard Trevithick. a mine op erator in Cornwall, England. This machine had a single cylinder, and the wheels were rotated
New York City, built
through an elaborate system of gearing.
locomotive made only a lew trips, however, as it proved too heavy for the light track on which it was operated. During the succeeding 25 years the progress of the locomotive was comparatively slow, al though various exam ples, fearfully and won derfully
phia, who had become well known as a builder an order
for a
phia, (jermantown & Koristown Railroad, whose short line of six miles between Phila
delphia and Germantown was being operat ed by horse power. This
and locomotive develop ment received a great
impetus in 1829, when George
of stationary engines and machinery, received
"Best Carolina
Other locomotives soon followed, and a new in dustry was born which was destined to revolu tionize living in this country. In 1831. Matthias W. Baldwin of Philadel
built in England and the Continent
the South
"Old Ironsides," was completed in Novem
f a m on s locomotive "Rocket" was awarded
ber, 1832. and consider
a prize in a contest on the Liverpool & Man chester Railway'. This
der which it was built it was a success. Car
was the first locomotive to combine three basic features which are stib
ing the difficulties un
ried on four wheels, it —• weighed about five tons amazing contrast Baldw in Locomotive, Built 1S32 —an
to the passenger loco
universally employed, viz.: a horizontal multitubular boiler, pistons directly connected to tindriving wheels, and the use
steam, which was discharged up the stack, t * furnish a draft for the fire, and thus make pos sible the generation of large quantities of steam in proportion to the size of the boiler. In the same year in which the "Rocket" was
built, the first locomotive was operated in the United States.
Lion," a British-built engine that was tried at Konesdale. Pennsylvania, on what is now the Delaware & Hudson Railroad. It proved too heavy lor the track, however, and had a short career in consequence.
During the years 1830 to 1835. locomotive building assumed a prominent place among the industries of the United States.
In 1830. Peter
Cooper, of Baltimore, built the "T<nu Thumb,"
a little machine that demonstrated the practi cability of steam power on the Baltimore v\ Ohio Railroad; and the West Point Foundry, in
motives weighing from 150 to 200 tons, which travel the rails today. The building of "Old Ironsides" marked the
founding of an establishment whose products to date include int.re than 61.000 locomotives, and are now know the world over.
Other builders soon entered the field, and the
locomotive began to develop rapidly,
John B.
Jervis, of the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad, in troduced the four-wheeled swivelling truck: and in 1837 Joseph Harrison. Jr.. of the firm of Garrett and Eastwick. Philadelphia, devised the equalizing beam, which distributed the load evenly between two or more pairs of driving wheels, and enabled
to ride
more easily when passing over rough track. One year previous, in 1836, Henry R. Campbell of Philadelphia had introduced the so-called "American" type of locomotive with two paiis of driving wheels and a four-wheeled front truck—a design that played a leading part in handling traffic on American railroads during
Calcite Screenings
Page 476
truck. It proved a success in ser vice on heavy grades, and estab lished a type which is still in use on railroads the world over.
From the building of the "Con
solidation" up to the close of the last century, the majority of the locomotives railroads
lished types, which had proved their suitability for the service re
Weights were stead
ily increased to permit the hauling 0? heavier trains, while tracks and bridges were strengthened to
Baldwin Freight Locomotive of 1842
the succeeding 60 years. It was the use of the swivelling truck and the
equalizing beam that differentiated these early American locomotives from those built in Eng land, and enabled the former to operate over the
carry greater loads. Locomotives exceeding 100 tons in weight had been built shortly prior to 1900, and the use of trailing wheels back of the drivers, for the pur pose of supporting a larger firebox and thus increasing the steaming capacity of the boiler, was proving valuable in fast passenger loco motives. This feature was introduced by The Baldwin
Locomotive Works in
the "Atlantic"
rough tracks and sharp curves which, at that
type, first used by the Atlantic Coast Line earlv
time characterized American railroads.
in 1895.
Subsequent to 1840. locomotives began to grow rapidly in weight and capacity, and the
The locomotive had now reached a point in its development where it was becoming essen tial to increase, not only its size and capacity, but also its efficiency. Various compound de
names of various buildersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Norris Brothers,
Ross Winans. and Thomas Rogers among them
â&#x20AC;&#x201D;became prominent in tin- industry. In 1842 the introduction, by Mr. Baldwin, of the flexible beam truck, enabled him to build heavy freight locomotives, with three or four pairs of coupled
signs, in which the same weight ol steam was
passed successively through two cylinder, there by gaining the benefits of increased expansion.
heavy freight power, and turned out a class of
were extensively tried. These locomotives showed a saving in luel ami water consumed, but they were difficult to maintain : and com pound cylinders are no longer used in this coun try, except in certain special instances.
eight-coupled locomotives known as "Camels,
The principal devices which have been applied
which for a time attained considerable popular
to locomotives during the past 20 years for the
driving wheels, that could easily traverse sharp curves. Ross Winans, whose shops were located
in Baltimore, also specialized in the building of
The period 1850 to 1860 witnessed a marked advance in locomotive design, with the general
adoption of such features as wide spread truck wheels, horizontal cylinders, link motion valve
gear, and improved types of boilers. In all this
work a leading part was played by William
purpose of increasing economy and capacity. and which have made possible the building of units weighing from 150 to 300 tons, and devel oping upwards of 3,000 horse-power, are as fol lows :
The superheater, consisting of an arrange ment of pipes through which the steam passes
Mason of Taunton, Masachusetts, whose loco
while flowing to the cylinders. These pipes are
motives achieved a high reputation because of
exposed to the hot gasses from the fire and the
the excellence
ship. Ju 1866. the Baldwin Locomotive Works built a locomotive named "Consolidation"
Lehigh Valley
This was a heavy freight hauler, weighing 45 tons
and having four pairs of driving
1e a d i n g
Fast Passenger Locomotive of 1S!>6
Calcite Screenings steam
aire H-/ ffl
heated above
its normal temperature
electric motive power oi,
a trunk line railroad was in 1895. when the Balti more & Ohio Railroad
that condensation in
vented ;
The feed water heat
electrified its long tun nel under the City of
er, which heats the wa
ter to a high tempera ture before it is into the boiler: The
Baltimore. Since then there have been various other installations, all of
which are operating suc cessfully; but in proper
er, which relieves the fireman of the manual labor involved in hand
Hon to the total mileage in the country, the
ling the large amount- One of Our Baldwin Locomotives with Train of Cars amount of steam rail ol coal consumed by a road mileage that ha-' high power locomotive. It should be mentioned been electrified is still almost negligible.
that in certain sections of the country locomo
tives burn oil, which is blown into the firebox
by means of a steam jet. There are also in use other labor saving de vices, the most important being the power re verse gear, by means of which a locomotive can be reversed, or the cut-off changed, through the movement of a small hand lever that is easy to manipulate. In addition to the use of these devices, the
design of the locomotive has been much im proved. Fireboxes have been enlarged to the point where it is now frequently necessary to
The electric locomotive possesses and inherent advantage, in that it can be designed to do cer
tain things which no steam locomotive can pos sibly do. The maximum power output of a steam locomotive is limited by the capacity of its boiler; whereas, with amide power house ca
pacity beind it, the power output of an electric locomotive is limited only by the heating of the motors. The electric locomotive, moreover, can be built in units of moderate size, and several of
these can be coupled together and operated from
use four-wheeled rear trucks in order to properly
one control station by a single crew. Another advantage is that, on descending grades, with the equipment suitably designed, the motors
support them.
can operate as generators, feeding current back
In the heaviest mountain ser
vice, so-called articulated locomotives, with four
into the line, and the train can
cylinders and two independent groups of driv ing wheels, are successfully employed. Mention
without using the brakes. In tunnel service, the absence of smoke and gas from the electric lo comotive is of course an advantage of the first importance.
should also be made of the extensive
alloy steels and special materials for parts sub ject to unusual stress or wear.
These various improvements, recently made in locomotive- design, have increased
pacity, efficiency and reliability of the machine: and it is safe to predict that the bulk of the traffic on our railroads will be handled bysteam power for many years to come. Elec tricity, however, has now entered the field, and
Electric locomotives are far
be controlled
Irom standard
ized: the various types in use show radical dif
ferences in design and methods of operation, and there is still room for a large amount of research work and investigation. But electri
fication has proved a success without question, and its increasing use on lines of dense traffic,
and under the special conditions which
is proving its superiority in certain classes of
been outlined, may be confidently expected.
work, such as suburban passenger service and handling freight and passenger traffic over heavy mountain grades and through long tun
Things don't get done unless somebody makes it his business to see that they get done.
The New 2-S-S-2 Baldwin Locomotive
Calcite Screenings
Page 478
The Winners in Our Garden Contest Pictured on the opposite page are
photographs of homes of employees of this Company who were awarded prizes in 1931 Home and Carden Contest as follows:
Mrs. Arthur E. Cetzinger
Mrs. A. X. Patriarchs Mrs. Louis Hevthaler
10.00 10.00
Mrs. John Witulski Mrs. Julius Pommerenke
10.00 10.00
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
A. D. McDonald Wm. Sobeck Louis Mertz Clarence Stuart
10.00 10.00 5.0C 5.00
Mrs. John Bruder Mrs. Howard Johnson
5.0C 5.00 7'lie Sunken
Garden Built by Arthur Getzinger is an outstanding
It is a pleasure again for this example of how employees are beautifying their homes. Company to extend its congratula tions to the residents and employees of this the hiune gardens this year produced a value in community lor the interest they have taken in actual dollars and cents somewhat difficult to 1931 in beautifying their home surroundings estimate. A garden 50' x 200' is considered which contributes so much to the improvement worth $100,00 pet year and while this may not be the average value, it is safe to say that this of the town. The year 1931 provided a great deal of spare value can be approached with proper care and time for many people, and it was nut surprising cultivation. The novelty of having vegetables in this community of industrious people to note of ones own growing adds considerable to the that this spare time was put to valuable use in pleasure of using them. The fact that they can be used when fresh not only makes them more home improvement work. No doubt the work in this direction will con tinue and with the general community improve
ments during the past two years, such as paved streets and water works system together with the attention given to improvements by indi viduals has produced marked results that will continue to be beneficial as time goes on.
Vegetable gardens were given particular at tention during? 1931 contest.
Vegetables from
palatable but encourages a nnÂťrc liberal con
sumption of vegetables and this in turn aids bet ter health, especially for growing children. Can ning and proper winter storage of produce.from the garden continues the benefits through title entire year.
We are glad to note also at the close of 1931 that the prizes are widely distributed over the town and that some new
First Prize Winnerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Oelzinger, North Sevenlh Street.
Calcite Screenings
I'age 479
No. 1—Residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Patriarehe, Lake St. No. 2—Residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McDon ald. S. Second St. No. 3—Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pommerenke. W. Michigan Ave. No. 4—Residence of
Mr. and Mrs. John Witulski, S. First St.
No. 5—Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heythaler, S. First St.
No. 6—
Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yarch, N. Sixth St. No. 7—Residence of Capt. and Mrs. Crossley McQuinn, E. Woodard.
No. S—Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Griwatsch, S. Fourth St.
Calcite Screenings
1'age 480
We hope the improvement will con
tinue to be widespread. To list all of those deserving honorable men
tion in 1931 would require a great deal of space and, hence, we list the following who seem to
have accomplished some substantial results this year.
"Calcite Screenings" again announces that it will give a five dollar Bank deposit account to
the first child born of Calcite parents in the year 1932.
A resume of past winners is quite interesting. The contest was announced
The honorable mention list is as follows:
Mrs. Crossley McQuinn. Mrs. Guy Halligan. Mrs. Fred Heythaler.
Christmas number of "Calcite Screenings." The first winner was Phyllis Antonette Audrozjewski. who was born on January 4, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Androzjewski and weighed five
Mrs. Louis Yarch.
pounds- The second winner was Edward Basel
Mrs. John A. Smolinski.
who was born at 8:15 a. m. on January 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Basel and weighed ten
Mrs. Chas. R. Griwatsch.
Mrs. Alfred Quade.
pounds. The third winner was Elenore Idalski born mi January 4, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Idalski and weighed eight pounds, and the fourth was Frank Julian Richards born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards on January 5, 1931, and weighed eight pounds.
Mrs. Wm, Kunner.
Mrs. Arnold Nagel. Mrs. Ed. Radka. Mrs. Fred Bade.
Mrs. Martin Johnson.
You are, of course, now planning your 1932
improvements and if. as previously mentioned in "Calcite Screenings,'" we can be of any assist ance in furnishing booklets or other informa
tion we will be glad to have you ask the editor
We again ask that all employees haying new arrivals at their homes after the beginning of the new year advise us giving the date, hour of birth, name and weight of baby. Should it be twins, we will double the award.
Names of new
arrivals should be presented before February 1.
for this information.
Each year through the selling of Christmas seals, the National Tuberculosis Association re ceives aid which enables them
to carry on their fight against the white plague "tubercu
Bernard Pelarski of the Drilling Dept. and
Miss Virginia Stoinski of Metz, Michigan, were united in marriage on November 23rd by Rev. Fr. Szturmowski at
Tuberculosis may prove fat al at any age, but takes its hB^uuauia^ greatest toll from youth. Tu berculosis is a mortal enemy of youth, but youth
mony ed
Bernard is the son
of Mr. George Pe
larski, also
Drilling Dept.
Edward Hopp of the Drilling Dept. and Mrs. Jennie Wright of this city were united in mar riage on October 15th by the Rev. L. A. Linn at the Parsonage.
What Is A Headache?
Headache is a symptom, not a disease. It's a signal that something, somewhere, is wrong. Headache is usually due to a trivial causeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but sometimes to a serious condition.
Lie down and relax, when possible.
number of friends.
bring thousands of children and adults to free clinics. Nobody should die of tuberculosis. Yet thousands are taken each year by the dreaded disease and these deaths are preventable.
evening dancing was enjoyed by a large
Early discovery means early recovery from have
of guests and friends. During the
is fanned into a flame of threatening disease. seals
home for a number
vitality and resistance of the patient to the point where the spark of this dreaded malady Christmas
breakfast was serv
little knows it or knowing seldom heeds the danger. Tuberculosis often creeps in after some other disease has sapped the strength, lowered the
If it per
sists for long periods and is recurrent, be ex amined by your doctor. Your sole contribution to the sum of things is yourself.
The uewlyweds will be at home on South First Street to their many friends.
"Calcite Screenings" joins with the many friends of the above in wishing them much joy
and happiness. All truth is safe and nothing else is safe: and he who keeps back the truth or withholds it from men from motives of expediency is either a coward, a criminal or both.
Calcite Screening's
Page 481
The Common Cold As A Lost Time Accident
By N. C. MONROE, Plant Physician What seems to be the beginning of a cold may
[trove to be influenza, whooping cough, measles or any one of a variety of diseases with a simi lar onset. Even if it is just a cold it is nothing to be regarded lightly. Colds take more dollars out of the workers
pocket than any other sickness. They are re sponsible for a greater loss of time than any other single cause. What is more, it is veryeasy to give a cold to some one else. Yours may be light, but the cold the other person catches from you may have serious consequences.
Isolation rules should be kept for a cold, be cause acute colds are very contagious, and be cause it may be the beginning of a more serious disease in its most infectious stages. Always cough or sneeze into a handkerchief, or better
a paper napkin or a piece of gauze which may be bttfned. Dishes, including drinking glasses used by the person with a cold should be kept separate from those used by the rest of the family. To keep from taking
colds, influenza, and There are two types of colds: The cold you pneumonia, stay away from people with colds. catch from other people, and the cold you take Especially during influenza epidemics, it is wiser even though no one to stay at home than to around you has one be unnecessarily out in People wdio have ade a crowd in a poorlyTHE DOCTOR'S LAMENT noids or diseased ton ventilated room. Keep sils, or are in poor phys Last nighl when others were at rest. your body built up byical condition are likely I rode about and did my best eating nourishing food to have either kind. To save some patients, called by fate (not o v e r-e a t i n g From trav'ling through the Golden Gate, The germs which sweets). Sleep eight cause you to catch cold
may enter your nose and throat
when the infected per son talks, coughs, oi sneezes. You may catch cold through the common drinking glass or the germs may be on your hands, because you have touched something that has been handled by a person with a cold.
People who contract cold without catching it
This morning, when the news I spied, I thought they might as well have died.
"Two Hundred Injured in a Wreck." "Man Falls, Sustains a Broken Neck."
•'Two Drown While Rocking a Canoe." "Grade Crossing Murders Twenty-Two."
"Gas Blast Takes Lives of Twenty-Three." "Two Die 'Neath Falling Apple Tree."
sible, drink six glasses of water daily. Tram your skin to stand changes in temperature by daily cold sponge or shower
enough clothing to fcfc All night I toiled to save one life, And millions die in useless strife; What is the use to make one well,
comfortable, with extra
wraps when going out-
While thousands barken to death's knell?
Where is my labor's recompense? Why can't the world have common-sense?
from other people are most
doors every day if pos
have poor circulation or local infection in the
nose or throat, who are exposed to dust or oth er irritants, or who do not live according to proper hygienic rules. When your head stops up, your back and legs ache, when there is a soreness in the throat, and
yon have other signs of a cold, such as sneezing or running nose, you should start treatment right away. Stay in bed. or at least indoors, particularly if you feel weak or have fever, as this may mean influenza. Take a laxative, drink plenty of water, eat lightly of simple, nourish ing food. At night before going to bed, take a hot bath, cover up in bed with plenty of blank
of-doors. Winter shoes should have thick soles and rubbers or over shoes should be worn when out in the rain or snow.
See your doctor if you have trouble breathing through your nose. Have diseased tonsils, ade noids or bad teeth removed. Always wash your hands before eating. Brush your teeth at feast twice daily.
Keep your home well ventilated.
Open your windows for a complete change ol air at least twice daily. Keep the temperature of your home below seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Over-heated rooms cause more colds than under-
heated ones.
Sleep with the
windows open
ets, and take a hot drink, such as hot lemonade
winter and summer. It is not enough that the air be cold, it must be fresh. Consult your doc tor if you keep on taking colds in spite of takingcare of yourself. If you take colds often, and if colds hang ( n. your health needs watching
to start perspiration. Do not use any drugs or a nasal douche unless ordered to do so by your
much sickness and manv deaths from influen
Do not blow your nose more than ab
solutely necessary, and never blow your nose
The proper treatment of a cold will prevent za and pneumonia, precautions.
Do not take chances, take
Calcite Screenings
Page 48;
Date of Meeting, November 20th. 1931. Members Present: John J. Collins, chairman,
Robert Hagen, John Gormati and William Col lins.
Meeting called to order at 10:00 a. m. No vember 20th.
The committee made a thorough inspection 0«
The accompanying picture was taken some twenty-five years ago in the neighborhood ol Hawks, Michigan, and represents an activity
which is fast passing from our northern Michi gan counties. Here we have the chore boy, the cook, the watchdog and crew of the once famil iar logging camp.
the plant. They found that everything was properly guarded and that all previous recom mendations were taken care of.
There were no
accidents during the past month. The following recommendations were made:
Repair platform behind bag machines in new warehouse.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a. m. The next safety meeting will be held Decem ber 20th.
Harold Stanage left the Michigan Limestone
Company on the 1st of October. He was em
ployed by the Company for 14 years.
called at'the plant the other day and said Hello. He said it seemed like old times to come back and see the old familiar faces.
3rd a daughter, Pauline Anna. employed in the Mill Dept.
Mr. Mulka N
A daughter, Audrey Iris, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wenzel on October'3rd. Mr. Wenzel is em ployed in the Power Dept. On October 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Menton a daughter, Alice Jlene.
Mr. Menton
A son. William Jos
difficult for you to recognize this chap as one of the men now employed in the Power Dept. Porn in Bay City about a half century ago,
this young fellow moved to the
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mulka on October
The figure of particular interest to us in this picture is the man on the extreme right. With the heavy camouflage about his face, it will be
eph on October 16th to Mr. and Furtaw.
Mrs. Clarence Mr, Furtaw is
for a period of time followed the lumbering ac tivities in that section.
Genevieve, a daughter on October 19th to Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Modryznski. Mr. Modryznski is employed in the Shovel Department.
Loretta May. a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, LaTulip 'on November 9th.
Mr. LaTulip
is employed in the Power Dept. On November 18th, June Bridgette, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuznicki. Mr. Kuznicki is employed in the Yard Dept. A son, Frank Louis, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mayes on November 24th. ployed in the Mill Dept.
Mr. Mayes is em
"Calcite Screenings'' extends its congratula tions and best wishes to the above parents.
A lot of time is wasted when, instead of using our heads and analyzing a problem, we try to argue that our first guess was right.
On March 28. 1916. he
entered the employ of the Michigan Limestone
ec Chemical Company in the Power Dept.—the department with which he is identified at the present time. He is one of those fellows who always takes pride and interest in his work, and he is also an ardent supporter of safety first His chief recreation next to piiroviding enter lainmcnt for the family is Spitzer. Our last month's Guess Who was our good friend Wm. Streich.
employed in the Stores
Dept. *
vicinity of
Hawks. Michigan, at the age of twenty-five and
A man asked to define the essential character
istics of a gentleman—using the term in its widest sense—would presumably reply, "The
will to put himself in the place of others; the horror of forcing others into positions from which he would himself recoil: the power to do what seems to him to be right, without consid-
ering what others may say or think."—John Galsworthy.
No job is too big for anyone—if the proper instruments are at hand.
You could even "lift
the world!" But most jobs do not require elab orate instruments—just knowledge, patience, ami ambition. And anyone can acquire these tools!
Despise not any man, and do not spurn any thing: for there is no man that has not his hour, nor is there anything that has not its place.— Rabbi Pen Azai'.
Page 483
Calcite Screenings
Eight Winter League Basket Ball Teams Out
By G eorge R. J o n e s
Winter Schedule Looks Promising Old Man Time forever chasing the days and
Manager Julius Zempel is putting forth every
weeks with perpetual regularity has chased us
effort to cash in on another championship, lie's
into another basketball season ere the echoes
trying to repeat last year's performance and his chances are pretty even. When the teams were first organized, the Yard's hopes were exceed ingly black. Last year's Five was very much
of the past one have faded.
The high light of
Michigan Lime's year around sports program, namely, basket-ball is here again, about to start a season with prospects brighter than ever be fore.
An eight team league has been organized with
plans complete in every detail for a pleasant, interesting season for every individual, player and fan alike. Six teams representing plant de partments and two teams from city ball tossers
dismantled and the remainder of the squad lacked members. But, this "catch-as-catch-
can" method of obtaining players showed up an alert management and here are the men wear
ing the purple of the Year for the coming sea son: A. Voight, O. Zempel, B. Zempel, I. Lee. J. Zempel and Joe Buck of last season's team;
provide competition from varied sources. Games
while Herb Noble, Clyde Leveck, Paul Bredow
are scheduled covering a period of four months whereby each team plays fourteen games to complete a season. Every Wednesday evening will see six teams in action displaying three games of high class basket-ball and then the
and Schalk have been recruited to round out the
usual dance program. Preseason views and arguments are generallyshattered in any man's league but, neverthe less, a dopester has his place under the sun tho his remarks are based on possibilities and not deeds. Last season the sports scribe wdiispered some encouraging words about the Yard team and they finally came thru. Nevertheless, don't
wager your bottom dollar on the strength of the following review because the tussle is greater, longer, and more complicated than be fore. A shake-up of players has changed the
line-up. This bunch is hot to go, even Julius improved his free throwing ability this past summer. It's a wise man that attempts to overcome his weakness, Julius.
O'Toole got the championship fever again and enters a team. Hilary took the honors the first year of sponsored basketball, didn't enter last season and comes back now to give his rivals something to worry over. Any time he has been interviewed he declares that his line
up of Hopp, T. Rose, E. Glaser, B. Murphy, J. Rose, S. Centella, D. Cooper, J. Schultz, harg and J. Smolinski is plenty strong to take games as their fancy dictates. is a sportsman of experience and has faith in his veterans crashing through.
E. Meenough Hilaryperfect
personnel of nearly all the entries and a likely
This year's Office team has lost none of its
combination on paper could very readily be a
former strength. Some of the past members are absent but the addition of H. Meharg and B. Penglase makes this aggregation a real tough proposition. Then, an honest-to-goodness Man
sad loser on the court.
First, let us scan the newest addition to this
year's league. Clarence Mertz has presented a group of huskies under the title of "Fishermen." Appar ently Manager Mertz is out
In past seasons, the Manager
for greater business and will attempt to make fish out of the other seven
ger has been secured in fhe person of R. C. Stanbrool; of the Office team has also
been a player which handi capped the efficiency of their
We're not acquainted with all the ability that this team holds but we know enough
Lots of competition
is in store
teams meeting this lot.
mighty Bergie
Storms, R. Dueltgen Jr., I Hamilton, N. Hoeft, S Voight, Guy Hardin, B. Pen glase and E. Dueltgen con stitute the line-up and would make any Manager smik
stiff Platz.
competition. the Scott and
Joe Mann, F. Weber, Russell Clark. Clyde Spencer, Steve Repke, Harold Lamb and Roy Green are the fellow* lined Up on this squad. An imposing aggregation mosi
H. ' Meharg.
to class these newcomers as
with satisfaction.
With only one replacement the hard fighting Power
any critic would agree and
crew under
we're wondering just how much strength it will take to
guiding hand starts the sea
put them in their own nets.
George it
Wing's off
What they do
Calcite Screenings
Page 484
year depends on the time it will take them to hit their stride. Their hard work has made
them a good squad. This asset combined with more improvement which they seem capable of showing, will give this department something to root for. C. Brunning, M. Lewandowski, C Griwatsch, E. Lee, R. Kowalske, Ed Green, A.
Getzinger and C. Cook are the players signed up to do battle under the Power Department colors.
This team has always played a strong
defensive game.
Their scoring power is an un
known matter.
Charlie Platz didn't assemble a team of novic
es when he presented E. Shay, C. Lister, J. Brcdow. L. Yoda, H. Boutin, R. Lamb, N. Raymond, L. Raymond and L. Sorgenfrei as his Marine
These fellows have the speed
shooting ability and defensive strength in a pro
Since the foregoing article was written by George Jones, the first basket ball games of the Interdcpartinent League schedule were played, on December 2nd and December 9th. and con
trary to what might have been expected these Opening games have been excellent exhibitions of basket ball. The games were fast and the players have shown themselves to be in excep
tionally good condition.
Referees Bradley, Liv
ingston and Reinke are calling the plays close and before long we will be witnessing as good a brand of basket ball as any one would care £0 see.
As for the way these various teams are sup ported by the fans, one can hear the rooting
when a block away from the gymnasium. The first game starts at seven o'clock and at eight
portion that makes them look like champs be fore they're started. We see no reason why
o'clock most of the six hundred available seats
these fellows shouldn't be one of the best bets
one should come in as late as nine o'clock, ex
in the league. The Marine team is another de partment entering the plant contests for the
pecting to see the last game, he might find a nitch into which he could squeeze himself but
first time.
we doubt it.
The quarry lost a man to the Sailors and ac quired one from the ex-shop team. Close to an even exchange and the remaining line-up is composed of the usual quarry following. "Pete" Pollock is not to give up for gaining the honors and he stands pat on the strength he knows he possesses. Even Wing and Stanbrook couldn't argue him out of a thing, so Quarry fans you will
have your same team to cheer to victory. "Pete" has A. Meyers. A. Raymond, L. Joppich, A Elowski. E. Sheedlo, H. Schefke, "Rus" Kith I-
man. V. Pattllcy. Ralph Kuhlman and H. Pollock on his roster.
Last but not least, we
have the City Mer
chants with us again. Membership in this group is about half old-timers and half new comers. Manager for this season is Gus Kane,
local sports promoter, and capable of bringing the team's full strength to the surface. You will see these boys putting forth extra efforts to atone for some of last season's defeats.
they have a real line-up with O.
Wenzel. 0. Tosch. L. Schefke. R. OToole, M. Lamb, F. Kroesch, F. Warwick, L. Wenzel and A. Piorowski.
So folks, you have a peep on the material that
this year's program offers—eight mighty fine teams and every one a champion. Fight hard to
win. enjoy yourselves and lie good sports—the season is going to be a ringer. TEAM PLAY
Team Play is the deciding factor where one group competes against another. The Team that wins the trophy is usually the Team thai has been so well coached in Team
Play that they give their best, smoothly and in perfect rhythm, without any thought of indi vidual glory.
are taken, and there is standing room only.
The regular after game dances prove to be ;i> popular as ever, the floor being filled, and a much enjoyed feature on these occasions is the old time square and round dances.
( hie outstanding characteristic that has been present during all interdepartnient sports, and is very much in evidence again this season, is the sportsmanship displayed by both players and fans. With this ever prevalent spirit of good fellowship, we are bound to have a most de lightful winter's pleasure in our
week basket ball games. We have one regret in connection with this
activity, and that is the seating capacity of the gymnasium. Although plenty large enough for most functions, we find it entirely filled on these nights long before the final game. This has made it necessary to limit
admittance to
children above the 9th grade unless accompanied by their parents, to plant and town-people and their friends.
The following is the team standings to date:
Pts. Op.
0 0 0
1000 1000 1000 1000 500 000 000 000
62 46 29 27 39 32 48 33
Office Marines Ouarrv Mill
1 1
1 )
Power Merchants
1 0 0 0
1 1 }
41 32 27 20 38 46 66 46
Energy Weariness
hard day's work. It is merely a sign of lack of energy. Let us keep our "storage batteries" charged to capacity—simply by getting suffi cient fresh air. exercise, healthy above all. sufficient sleep.
We help ourselves only as we help others.
Calcite Screenings
Page 485
1931-32 Inter-Department Bas ket Ball Schedule
Dec. 2nd—
Jan. 20th—
Fishermen vs.
Quarry- vs. Merchants Marine vs. Power
Mar. 2nd—
Merchants vs. Fishermen
Mill vs. Quarry-
Quarry vs. Marine
Power vs. Yard
Fishermen vs. Office
Jan. 27th— Mill vs. Office Fishermen vs. Mill vs.
Mar. 3rd—
Dec. 9th—
Office vs. Yard
Merchants vs. Marine
Power vs. Quarry Power
Merchants vs. Marine
Mill vs. Marine Jan. 28th—
Dec. 16th— Merchants vs. Power
Merchants vs. Office
Merchants vs. Yard
Feb. 3rd—
Dec. 30th—
Quarry vs. Marine
Fishermen vs. Yard Mar. 16th—
Marine vs. Office
Quarry vs. Yard
Mar. 9th—
Fishermen vs. Marine
Yard vs. Marine
Mill vs. Power
Power vs. Office
Quarry vs. Office
Fishermen vs. Quarry-
Feb. 10th—
Mar. 23rd—
Mill vs. Yard
Quarry vs. Merchants
Power vs. Yard
Fishermen vs. Office
Fishermen vs. Mill
Merchants vs. Fishermen
Marine vs. Power
Mill vs. Quarry-
Jan. 6th— Fishermen vs. Yard Merchants vs. Office Mill vs. Marine
Feb. Nth-
Mar. 30th—
Office vs. Yard Fishermen vs.
Power vs. Quarry Power
Mill vs. Merchants Jan. 13th—
Power vs. Office
Feb. 24th— Merchants vs. Power
Merchants vs. Yard
Mill vs. Office
Apr. 6th— Fishermen vs. Marine
Yard vs. Marine
Marine vs. Office
Mill vs. Power
Fishermen vs. Quarry-
Quarry vs. Yard
Quarry vs. .Office
Page 486
Calcite Screenings
News Items of the Month in Print and Picture
Here and There About the Plant Capt. Edgar Newhouse and Harry Menton have had to admit that the handling of a gaso line motor is entirely different than a steam driven tug. We understand that just about every other morning, it's been up to some one with a Ford to give these fellows a tow or else push them in order to get their
"Among Ourselves almost hurt both her knees on the evening ol the first basket ball game.
John Pruning is still out at the Company property keeping a watchful eye out for anyone who may feel as though he would like to do a little hunting there. Even though hunters have given the watchmen
car started. On one or two occasions
no trouble, this docs not mean that the
they have had to push them all the way home with still no signs of life to
property will not be patrolled during the
will happen and especially just at a time you would most of all not want it to. Out in the centei of a marsh w a s a nice stack ol marsh hay which looked
place to Art Getzinger to crawl up on and keep an eye out for the buck. So up he
the sun got up a lit tle higher and it be gan
Getzie He
by something pull ing the hay out from under
by (Srrssa iweaHij JSefab
coming months as it
picks up his gun and
AGAIN Christmas evening arrives with good cheer,
And by the big fireplace the family draws near; The chatter of children breaks out with hurrahs
Awaiting the visit of old Santa Clans. The mantle above the warm eoals all aglow
Is weighted with stockings that hang in a row. A bountiful home is a plac:e of delight When Christmas approaches with everything bright. And while we are greeting the season with ease, Nearby us a father is down with disease; His family is needy . . . bills cannot be paid And money is needed for medical aid. As fond hopes are fading, the postman draws near And brings to this family a message of cheer; A cheek, bearing joys of compassion divine— Your name may have graced it—perhaps ii was mine.
To his surprise he a
reaching up for an
other helping.
puts it. *'It"s a lucky break
that he purchased a new long range
glad to hear that George K. Jones
who recently under went an operation for appendectomy, is recovering from the effects very nicely. (leorgc was strick en rather suddenly on and
December 5th was immedi
ately driven to Jack son where he is un
der the care of their
family physician. The absence of hi.-
The season of Yuletide when good folk abound A barren and comfortless cottage is found;
A widow is hovering her little ones near Who want to hang stockings, that Christ mas is lien-. She knows that no Santa can come while they sleep. When outside she hears someone silently creep.
And lo! on her doorstep leaves baskets piled high.
Who found this poor family, did you or did I?
looks over the cd^c. sees
will be watched con tinually.
To have a bright Christmas, a time of good cheer, Means more than to give just to those we hold dear; For once in a manger glad lidings unfurled When God gave His Christ Child unlo I he whole world. The holiday pleasures that always will live Are not those we get, but the ones that, we give. If we will endeavor each day to spread cheer We shall celebrate Christmas joys all Ihrough the year.
rifle or he never would have landed that fellow."
We noticed Ella Reinke limping into the ol • lice the other morning and
after considerable
questioning we believe we know just about what happened. Ella finally put in a complaint and
congenial personali ty from our midst is (ptite noticeable and all wish him a cheer ful convalescence.
Frank Flewclling of the Tug Dept. is imw chief cnginee; of a new Ford Tud"!
sedan which he says
handles every bit as nicely as his tag does.
Ouarry foreman T, L. Kelley, pur chased
new this
and re
mark at the plant the other day: "Relieve mc, Hilary, you'll think you arc going backwards when I pass yon mi the road now."
James Lamb bi the Mill Dept. purchased a new Chevy coach and Eugene King of the Shov
said something should be done about the icy-
el Dept. is sporting a new free wheeling DeSota
sidewalk out in front of the school house as she
Calcite Screenings
If you
who will?
Page 487 accidents,
shoot at a deer if one happened
Think of each acci
along now with your gun wayover there?" "Oh, well," Jack
dent as though it had happened to you.
Mow would you have
prevented it?
answered. "I don't believe I could hit it anvwav."
Have you noticed the new in signia gracing the breasts of the
winter at Grand Lake instead of
basket ball suits worn by Charlie Plat/.' marines? Charlie says should his team ever develop a
Lake Nettie this year and wishes to notify his friends to that ef fect so they will be able to find
losing streak, he will blow them
Frank Ware
four whistles to come to anchor.
This job of keeping score at
Plant employees who got their buck this year arc Harry Boutin. Otto Wenzel, Edward Bu/.a.
the games is sure a hardship on Chas. Hein/.cl. We do not mean that the job is too much for
Walter Yarch. Arnold Conley, Lester Pines, Vic
Charlie to handle but if you remember rightly
tor Klee, Leonard Poch, Elmer Voight. Denton Cooper, Arthur GcUingcr, Louis Schmidt, Erwin
you must admit that he always was an ardent rooter for his team at every game.
Merchant. Chas. Schram, Wm. Streich, C. R. Os-
born. Harry Wagner and Leonard Joppich.
we have omitted any one it is because it has not
been reported and we hope you will excuse us. We are very glad to see the rapid improve ment of our good friend John Schlager who was injured this season in the blasting accident. We notice him out and around very often of late and are pleased with his successful recovery.
Having this job means that he
must at all
limes be nice and quiet, and when he does want to make a noise it must be done with a whistle
and then only to call time out for certain pur poses. This is where the hardship comes in as Charlie often opens his mouth to let out a yell but so far has caught himself in time, but w^e are
very much afraid that some evening he is going to forget all about his position and run wild for a few seconds.
One of the greatest hazards in our commun ity in connection with the coming of ice and snow is the children sliding down grades on
A week or ten days of hunting and fishing is being enjoyed at Ocqtteoc Lake by Les Ray
streets not blocked off from automobiles. There has been several near accidents in connection
with this practice so far this winter, and we suggest that all parents caution their children not to slide on the streets which are being used for vehicle traffic.
Elsewhere in this issue is a notice concerning the First Aid class which is to be given under the direction of the American Red Cross. now have definite information that the
We Red
Cross instructor will be here on January 5th or 25th for the purpose of instructing the class. If you arc interested in a course of this kind, please hand in your name to us as soon as pos sible.
Jack Leveck was taken out deer hunting and set
with a red shaw' a r o u n d h i in. About
mond before entering school the
Here's wishing you luck on your outing, also a successful school term this winter.
If Arthur Grambau is as interested in basket
ball as he is in base ball and is able to keep as good a record of each of the plays, it would be well to sign him up as sports editor. That's the kind of spirit to go into the game with and we hope you keep it up, Art. The first fishing of this winter season is re
ported by Cash Budnick at a small lake near
He says he got two pike and several
bullheads. With the ice forming fast on our inland lakes, we will soon hear of many catches being made. The fishing firm of Cook and Bey will most proba bly be starting operations soon.
of his partners came along and found Jack lean ing up against a
Pruning is savingmoney on gasoline this winter by
spending the win
gun about twentv
stump eating hi? lunch
first of the
ter at Moltke in
stead of the reg
Tack. "How' would c- T- Stanage, Mgr Buffalo Plant, second you be able to of Schuyler County , N. Y.,
and a group
and forth.
Calcite Screenings
'age 488
It was with some surprise that we noted Fred Bade had become a member of that now popular "Roll yer Own" Club. However, his demonstra tion during one lonely noon hour stamps Fred as a "Green-horn."
He would have met with great
er success had he used that new fangled piece of tin and canvass that
Eddie Heller exhibits at
the switchboard during his evening's toil.
So ended another
The past several weeks in all different sec tions of the town one could hear the sound oj
buzz saws rigged up and run by automobiles which were used for the cutting <>f poles into stove wood lengths by plant employees. Then there were fellows who didn't believe in modern
Well Edward Kelley finally admitted that it
was his car parked at Forty Mile Point Light this summer.
tin' two dogs, coming home, perfect day.
"Yes, sir," he said. "Only once I
went up there and right away I got hooked."
methods and used the old cross cut. Three flat tires, two blow outs and then have
to be pulled out of a ditch besides, was just about the extent of Arnold Con ley's hunting
Wc- would like to suggest to the safety com
trip a few weeks ago. We believe there was
mittee that they have one of the old type hitch
very little time left to do much hunting.
ing posts placed at the parking lot near the old
about it Arnold?
Power House for Rick Ko-
The first buck of tinseason was brought into town by Otto Wenzel and
walske so he can tie up his Ford. We understand it almost tore down one sick of the Power House when
Clarence FIcwelling, both of the Power Dept. They left early Sunday morning
it ran away from him, but the
bad shape. radiator,
and were back in time to
Rick took the
go to work at 4:00 p. m.
back seat along with a few
Ty Rains says he really isn't interested in any on*?
pieces that dropped off, cranked it and
basket ball team, but what
he does get a kick out of
is to find someone in tint
Chas. Baker would have
crowd he can kid along and get just: about as soreas a boil and "That's when
won an Alladin lam]) had he been present at the Lee Hardware store, so Mr. H.
I get a kick out of
E. Johnson. who was chosen to pick the winning ticket, informs us. As Charlie wasn't there. Mike drew on to another win
ner who happened to be a lady from the country.
Lost: One mallard
Finder please Chas.
game." There must have- been a
slight shortage in the cigar Hero we have our good friend and Purchas
market as X. W.
Grand Lake.
er. The reason for paying his bet probably was be
With ducks as scarce as they are this year,
we realize the joh Fred had bagging this hunch of ducks in one day. In fact, we believe
they were the most shot at hy anyone around
Our friend Honey Boy Raymond is again troubled with cold sores fall. After much questioning Les slipped
ing Agent Fred Bradley and Ins dog Rover with the result of a day's duck hunling at
here in one day.
He said, "You know they come from
inside affection."
That's a new one on us but wc don't doubt
his word, he surely ought to know. Fred P.ade and Griffin Pines had some rabbit
hunt a few days ago. The dogs started a rab bit or that is at least what they thought it was
and went right out of hearing. This was about 7:30 a. m. After waiting about an hour Griff said to Fred, "You wait here and I'll go after the
base ball bet to Win. Hell
cause. Pill gave his sup
port to basket
Pete ball
being lined this and
here we pass on to you the cause, just as given to us.
Are we correct?
when teams
the were
coming season.
Linil Lrickson claims to be tin- first one to
change his car into a free wheeler. It seems that the other evening when ready to go home his car refused to start so he had his four pas
sengers do a little pushing until it started. The passengers were James Leovv. Richard Ilamann. Louis Mertz and Guy Halligan. They don't quite agree with Lmil about the free wheeling as they say it didn't seem that way when doing the pushing.
dogs. We understand that at 3 p. m. bred was still waiting when he finally took the car and
It is rather doubtful whether our friend Julius Zempel will live to see this issue of "Screen ings" as he sure double crossed a few fellows
drove up the road a few miles and met Grif with
wdio don't
so hot about
the matter.
Calcite Screenings
Page 489
First he came into the Time Office and show
ed Johnson a partridge up on the old water tank. While* Alike wa.s on his way home for a gun he called E. R. Joppich, who happened to have a gun in his car and of course got the bird.
Thos. Kelley had the same experience that John Denibny had some time ago when his car almost sank out of sight in a water hole up oil the hill, but Tom didn't get nearly as excited over it as John did. He just reached over into the back seat, strapped on a life belt and swam
Now his next trick was to get O'Toole to hide the bird so they can go over and have some inn with Joppich but while the argument wa.s at its
best. Julius got away and this time he got the partridge for him sell.
all times.
As far as Harry Boutin is concerned a bulb is a bulb regardless of what kind it is. Mrs. Potitin sent Harry down to the basement for the
on it as followsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Waiting for stone.
Looks like Tom believes in being prepared at I lee Hawkins sent in his report with a delay
tub']) bulbs and told him to set them in the flow
er beds.
that needed some blasting.
About a half hour later
That is
something new to us as wc were under the im pression that stone was plentiful out in the But it developed Heck ran into a spot
went out to see how near he was finished and
to her surprise found him just setting the last bulb, but instead of tulips Harry had planted all
)ltcks have )een rather scarce this season and 'enny Hocft and a friend of his wonder.
if there happens to be a
the beds with onions. few
ahead ducks
were but
ten nice instead of
shooting, Penny suggest ed sneaking up on them first. You all know just what happened because there isn't much sneaking to be done when you're
During the days of the games, it
when just about fifty feet
with the tulips next spring, you will know just how :t happened* World Series
around a
sary to inquire who was winning. The expres
as near as that.
sion on the faces of a few
base ball fans such as J. P.
and Harry Meharg would tell the story at all times. All
letics going strong.
sour face with chin al most on their chest meant
St. Louis going strong. Friend
A wood cutting machine rigged up with a helt driven from
the rear wheel of a
Ford roadster,
one of the many types used throughout the town
this Fall by employees of the Company. Reading Irom left to right are Eugene King,
Henry Felix and Geo. Shorkey. The fellows usually help each other in the cut ting and sawing of the wood, and it is surprising the number of wood piles one can see throughout the city, and they certainly will be a saving in the buying of fuel this winter.
eral old chair ties and hauled them home with
a trailer. He took great pride in telling the boys about the nice pile of wood he would haveas soon as he had it sawed up. A few days later we find Karl hard at it with a cedar saw and
when we say hard at it, wc mean every word as he was three days sawing up two ties. Is it that Karl doesn't know how to handle
a saw or do you suppose if someone would set the saw for him it might help? There have been several eye infections around lately and as Dave Larson tells us the diseasehas been mostly among the Dutchmen. If you take notice you will find the same thing takes place every fall during the sauerkraut season. He says you know they keep looking into the keg every time they pass it to see how it is work ing and when they do the bubbles fly up and hit them in the eye.
black eye which he claims was given to him by Pat Sheedlo. We lieve this is
don't be the first
black eye he ever had 01 how is it that he happen ed to get the nickname of "Shiner King." Yes, sir, wrestling is almost as
took special care this fall in gathering up sev
We notice Gene King around with a beautiful
eyes as boding.
Julius Zemple claims he has done considerable practicing since last year and is sure he will be able to drop the ball in the basket after twenty attempts. If you remember it took thirty-six lo do it last season.
We've heard a lot about fellows with bigfeet but if you take a good look at those twenty inch high tops of J. L. I.affin's you will agree with us that they are not to be at. As Roy says. "If the cow was large it would In- possible to make them out
have to sneezed enough of just
one hide."
Joe Waysosek and Joe Markey while out rabbit hunting a few weeks ago brought in the first bobcat of the season. It weighed 17jA pounds.
Walter Meyer and John Pruning,
Calcite Screenings
'age 490
his team was working out fine, but Leonard
been posted against hunting this Fall, report that they have had no trouble ;it all regarding fellows trying to get into the property, which we are very glad to know. In about three years,
watchmen of the company property
Joppich, one of the new players Pete signed up for this year, hadn't been out for practice as yet. It seems Biffor left on Xov. 15th to do a little hunting and was running in hard luck so
with this land closed to hunting, we should be able to see deer along the Gratia Lake road al most any day of the year.
We understand he made connections about tin-
A. D. McDonald, Win. (iager and Clarence Stewart were headed down the street the other dav with a cross cut saw, an axe and a shovel. Wc don't know just where they went but w< do know that a few days
he made up his mind to stay till he got his deer. last hour of the last day of the season and cam-into camp with a little spiker. With 15 days of hard hunting Differ should be in the best of condition for basket ball, which will
relieve Pete's mind consider ably.
It's a good thing our friend Rick Kowalske doesn't shoot baskets the
later we saw some nice
piles of
in their
way he shoots deer or it
would be just
is the cause of
bullets were fired some
where in the general di rection of the deer he saw. But when it comes
to basket ball, we must
say he knows his stuff as he sure played a wonder
the story as handed down us.
He purchased rifle, had it
ful game the opening night this season.
and looking like a million
Since finishing at Art Grambau
getting all wet and soil
ed from the rain so while stationed on the runway
Now Arnold claims if it hadn't been raining, he would have been sitting
perfectly still ami
mischief somewhere else The honor of bringing in the first buck of the M-ason goes to these two gentlemen of the Power
sitting there wiping hi-' Dept., Otto Wenzel, left, and Clarence Flewelback and disappeared.
great but while doing this they are keeping out of
time but the minute he
gun so he pulled his heal
and trailer. They sa\ the profits arc not s:
pushed his head out ol the brush he spied Arnold
hauling business with cai
he kept wiping it con tinually to keep it dry in
plant Clarence Blair and
dollars. Of course, he didn't like the idea of it
His buck came
bucks every day he was out and a total of 68
getting a buck. Proba bly he is right. Here is to
We understand he shot at
Many of the boys got their deer even though it did rain every day, bill still Arnold' Elowski claims the rainy weathei
ling, right. Kenneth the little son of Otto, seems to be unite proud of his Dad and why shouldn't he fee as ii was bis Dad who did the shooting
Pearse. who reccnlL drove to Florida, inform* us that he and his fam
ily had a very nice trip
wliic-h downed the buck. li is an eight point buck weighing about one
down and are now locat
hundred and sixty pounds.
Lakeview Drive. Sebring
Buck would have Stepped
right out in the open. Just how this information
ed at Ivy Apt.
No. 10
got out. we don't know but you can bet your
From Captain's letter we gather that it didn't
hat it didn't come from Arnold because we que.-.-
take him long to get out the old fishing and
t .... i •.. i.. .i_ ...uii.. !.....<: tionedi ihim about his luck while hunting andi i,,. he
told us he hadn't been out at all.
down there: two row-boats and a launch.
We saw Capt. Peppier walking into the office the 30th of November with the marine clock from the tug Rogers City, which was a sure sign that the 1931 sailing days are over. Pete Pollock seems to be worried a lot these
days while getting his basket ball team in shape for the coming season.
As far as we could see
hunting itogs.
c\u ,..,.• u,.\ ,.„.-.<-„;.-. fn.fvi Oh. yes, he's captain ,.f of a-, fleet
are all mighty glad to hear from you Captain. Jim. the Porter: Poss, de ladies has finallygiv' in. ain't they?" Boss : "(live in ?
Jim: "\\ street
1, I just now seen a sign down the 'Ladies Ready-to-Wear Clothes.' —Exchange.
Calcite Screenings
Page 491 TENNIS
The introduction of golf into our midst seems to be the one reason for the big slump in tennis
competition this year.
We hope the popularity
ol the game has only subsided for a short time and that tennis is not doomed in our plant ath 4E
The doubles tournament this year was aban doned because of lack of players to take part. Ivan Hamilton repeated his championship of last year with comparative ease. His most dif ficult test came in the finals when Guy Hardin
$w 1*1 A
letic activities.
tfcjjE. > r-J
forced him into three sets.
We're hoping that next season will be more prosperous for the tennis, it's too good a sport to discontinue from the plant athletic program.
j5w'"... /
Frank Ruby and Anthony Tobacco are mak ing a trip to the old home country, Italy, to pay
Mrs. Frank
live in one of the Com
pany houses
They plan on being back some time in March,
The Height of Hospitality! He—"I want to marry your daughter." Father—"Have you seen my wife yet?" He—"Yes, but nevertheless I prefer your
Mr. and
Modrynski. The one the little fellow is holding is nineteen inches in length and those placed at hi:1 feet are also of very good size. Cash has just reach ed the age of five and is going to start school in the spring so he says. Mr. and Mrs. Modrynski 846
S. he
spaded over a small patch for a garden and raised many vegetables besides
a visit, and see how many of their old friends of fifteen years ago they can find.
and it will most likely be a very interesting trip after being away from there for so long a time.
cucumber almost as
large as little Cash, son
says next year he is go
ing to try and better this year's record.
Keep your head and keep your temper. The driver who is easily upset by small things or who allows himself to become distracted so that
he cannot give proper attention to driving is not safe behind the wheel of a car.
Our good hunter, Adolph Dullack. says he didn't get his buck this year but he could have gotten a bear if the thing would only have stayed far enough away from him
raised the gun and shot.
so he could have
It seems that Adolph was sitting on a hollow log from which steps this bear who
It is true that "hurrying" results in many ac cidents. But it is also true that "worrying" is responsible for many mishaps on the road. It is just about as bad to take your mind off your driving as it is to take your hand off the steering wheel.
If you've got a load on your mind get rid of ii somehow before you get into the driver's scat. Driving nowadays—especially city driving—de
though he wanted to
mands constant alertness.
part-time safe driver.
The faster
Adolph would back up so as to get fa. enough away it shoot, the faster tinbear came toward
Finally Adolpn
forgot about trying to shoot and kept right on going back to camp with the bear not very Ear behind him. If some one hadn't opened the door for him. we believe it would have been a case
of the bear getting a hunter instead of the op posite.
Talk Happiness. The world is sad enough Without your woes. No path is wholly rough. Look for the places that are smooth ami clear. And speak of those who rest the weary ear Of earth, so hurt by one continuous strain <)l human discontent and grief and pain. All those who love Nature she loves in return.
and will richly reward, not perhaps with the good things, as they are commonly called, but with the best things, of this world—not with moneyanil titles, horses and carriages, but with bright
ami happy thoughts, contentment and peace of "I've just heard your son was an undertaker. I thought you said he was a physician." "Not at all. I just said he followed the medi cal profession."
Man is the merriest specie of creation, above and below him are serious.
mind.— lolui
I .ubbock.
The youth gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon, or perchance a palace or temple on the earth, and at length the middleaged man concludes to build a woodshed with them.,—Thorcau.
Calcite Screenings
I'age 492
The Bradley Transportation Company
Safety Meetings and Personal Touches From the Pens of Interesting Boat Reporters
Steamer John G. Munson
Date of meeting. October 30th. 1931.
Those present: A. Tyred, chairman. Geo. Hoy, secretary. P. Fleming, I. Ranke, A. MacRae, B. Beauvais. J. Miller, L. Graham: in addition to the committee it was attended by Capt. Mac-
Lean. Capt. McQuiun. Capt. Dahlberg. Chief Eugr. LTdal. R G. Beuhler, 1st Asst. and eight additional members of the crew.
The meeting was opened at 1:00 p. m. with a general discussion of previous meetings. Capt. Macl.ean gave an interesting talk Qfl the cost of accidents, and of the progress of our previous suggestions.
Capt. Dahlberg discussed the hazards ol la'l weather near a' baud, mentioning the dangers
of slippery decks, docks, etc. A member of the crew suggested that when
taking boom guides off turn buckles not be left in walk where any one might walk into them. It was suggested that the arches be built U] with cement to avoid stone from sticking on
them and thereby do away with the dangers of cleaning same.
It was suggested that sy
phons not be used on dock side when in port or when this practice is necessary to have man watch dock while syphon is on.
It was suggested that Pa rnate and watchman on duty be notified when men of the
suggested that strong back? lie placed between hatches with flange down to avoid falling or twisting ankles. After
safety measures the meeting was called to a close at 2:00 p. m.
Great Lakes as a rule attractive, glad to get home in the Fall and glad to get back in the
Spring, is the prevailing spirit. On our trip to Port Huron we located our old friend and
former shipmate
who was seriously injured last Fall during th•• lay-up period of the Str. Calcite. He was hit by an automobile. After eight months in the hospital, he is again looking fine and expects to have his leg out of the cast bv December 1st His address is 906 St. Clair St.
No doubt he
would be glad to hear from any of his friends.
Isaac Ranke. our popular saxophonist, says this is the life especially when we get a run to Conneaut.
We were treated to a sight that does not oc
cur very often to the average person on Oc':. 10th when we saw
dirigible the U. S. S. Akron on her trial cruise. It surely
created more than
Sorry our friend Don MeLeod
was called
count of Mrs. McLeod's ill
ness. We hope to hear of her early recovery. Also miss
good nature.
putting on supplies. A
Musical Murmurs—Str. Munson
The season of 1931 is fast drawing to a clove and the old feeling that makes sailing on the
We are glad to welcome our good friend and form-'i .shipmate Norman MacLcan to the Munson. He is taking Don McLeod's former berth
I lc says it is just like home to be back
with us.
Stewart Church, our stole-
Page 493
Calcite Screenings
erman. is just waiting for the lay-up day. He says he doesn't know just how he will ever for
fifteen of the November Lake Carriers Bulletin
get this season.
offered by the Str. Widener. which cover the
Leo Graham and Chas. Sauve are contestants in an endurance contest aboard. At this time-
after again changing berths Charlie is in the lead by two hours.
Geo. Hoy wears a very broad smile these days.
There's a reason, too, but that will have
to wait to be told.
Eric Schwartz, our jovial and good-natured waiter, plans on visiting his old home in Den mark this winter.
Thor Sparre looks forward to the day when he will be home in Cleveland.
Steamer B. Date of meeting, Nov. Present: D. E. Nattts, secretary; and Walter lum,
We wonder whv.
H. Taylor 2nd, 1931. chairman: Win. Shay, Cal-
conveyorman: Niels Ander son, deckhand; Walter Eggleston, oiler; Louis Smolinski, fireman.
The November and proba bly our last safety- meeting of the year was called tc order the evening of Novem
time the "Layup Instructions'' found on page
subject very well. We have mentioned the dangers of freezing weather and icy decks previously, and so far have had none to contend with.
davit, the boat-deck has dropped about threeinches and water accumulates there from rain
washing decks, etc. The least wind keeps blow ing this over the edge-angle, dripping to the deck below where in freezing weather it would make a mighty slippery spot right outside the mess room door. Chief Engineer, Mr. LaBounty promised to examine the situation at once and either attempt to raise the deck or install a scupper. Proof of his word lies in the fact that within 24 hours a very excellent scupper had been constructed and installed by Conveyorman Ehrke and 3rd
Dorit Gamble with Death
five members of the crew at
tending. The Chairman up on opening the meeting ex pressed his appreciation of the splendid turnout at every meeting this season, having had an average of around 2C per
tion is to be commended.
The Chairman cautioned the deckhands that their
as it is
far safer to
out over the deck than ovei
the shipside. It is a severe strain to suddenly drop their weight on the line and boom as it clears the side, adding
many pounds strain to the
added that it was this inter
est and co-operation in the safety work and with tinsafety committee, which has
Asst. Shay. This prompt at tention to a Safety sugges
weight should always be on the landing chair gear be fore it was swung outboard
ber 2nd, with about twenty-
Before the after
end is through this fall however, it is very likely they will have some freezing temperatures Along this line, 3rd Asst. Shay offers a very good suggestion. At the port forward boat
Drive Carefully/
carried us thru the season t . date with a clean record.
Capt Pearse favored us with a short talk. giving us briefly the progress of the Safety idea in the plant as well as on the boats since wayback in 1914, proving conclusively that "Safety Always Pays." He stated that nothing would please him more this fall when the season is
them to keep strongbacks al ends of hatches when open as placing them between the hatches makes walking haz ardous, especially when rinsing out the cargo hold for coal.
The Committee wishes to express their appre ciation of the various issues of "National SafetyNews" we have received from the office from
tii"ÂŤ to time. The copies have been passed around so that every member of the crew had
finished than to leave the Taylor knowing that we had come through one hundred percent. With the layup work soon to start, comes ex
an opportunity of looking them over, and have proved interesting as well as educational. There being no further business the meeting
tensive repair work and a very important re quirement for this work is having tools and equipment in good condition. 2nd Asst. Gatons stressed particularly the acetylene outfit, mak
was then adjourned.
ing sure no oil or grease came in contact with
last few news items for "Screenings."
connections, etc., as the slightest oil in the gas was extremely dangerous. He stated it would be a good thing for everyone to read a second
Twice Told Talesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Str. Taylor "Homeward Bound!" As we gather in the the
No one.
we think, feels the melody in these words quite like the sailor-man.
By the time this issue is
distributed the members of this crew will have
Calcite Screenings
Page 494 scattered to the four corners like bees leaving
the hive in search of honey. saying "Goodbye" now.
Therefore we are
An S-O-S for advice sounds from the galley Al Goodreau had an order for two eggs—"fryone on one side and one on the other side." The
whole crew, from Captain to coalpasser, wish
to take this opportunity of thanking Al for the kindly and excellent care he has taken of us. Pap, Shine and the Emporer, too!
Somehow it. seems we haven't seen enough of the plant personnel this season. Wish to express
our appreciation of their helpful efforts and co operation.
A few days now and we shall hoist a safety pennant to the top of a spar. And are wc plug ging? ! We regret that Gust Larson could not finish the season with us. He was called home be cause of the serious illness of his mother. May
Frank I.auglois of 645 S. Lake Street died October 31st after an illness of only a few days,
death being caused by chronic nephritis.
Langlois was employed in the Power Dept. since 1916 and wa.s fifty-two years of age at the lime of his death.
Surviving the deceased are his wife and sk children. Ambrose, Frank. Laura. Robert, Irene and Arthur all at home; three sisters and two brothers of Detroit. Funeral services were held November
eight o'clock from the St. Ignatius Church. Kev. FT. Skowronski officiating and interment was made in the local cemetery. Geo. W. Prunning of 181 W. Erie Street pass ed away Friday morning, Nov. 27th at four thirty o'clock at his home following a brief ill ness i I" two weeks, pneumonia being the cause of his death.
Mr. Prunning, who was sixty-two years ol
age, was born in Belknap Township where he-
your mother have a speedy recovery. Gust. And lived with his parents in earlier years, later in life moving to Rogers City. He has been in the employ of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical
good luck until another season !
It may be of interest to know that George Kerr and Gerald Smith are finishing the season on the Taylor. We are sure now that Louis Smolinski is a
Company since April 1919 during which time he worked in the Drilling Dept., Quarry Dept. and at the time of his death was in the Yard Dept.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon
lucky palooka.
at two o'clock from the residence and at two
They are going to handcuff Joe Halleck since we got that new barrel of kerosene aboard! Joe says he'll get some of it yet—"just wait and
Church of which Mr. Brunning was a member. Rev. L. A. Linn officiated at the services and
thirty from the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran interment was made in the local cemetery.
Surviving Mr. Prunning are
Mrs. Brunning
Your reporter wishes to acknowledge the aid and five children, three daughters. Mrs. Alof James Gatons and Ted Strand in gathering a large portion of our usual monthly material We only wish that we could have had their aid earlier in
our news gathering career! Thank you, Jim and Ted!
frieta Wall and Miss Gertrude of this city and Mrs. Adaline Dutton of Birmingham; two sons. Carl Prunning of this city ami Ernest Brunning of Belknap township.
' il
"Calcite Screenings" joins the many friends of the above
won't be long now!" Figure it our yourself—we can't
families in extending our sincerest sympathy.
Now. if it was Ted Strand - - •
To our friends
we are now bidding a regret
ful adieu. May your Christ mas be merry and the NewYear a happy and prosperous one. Signing off now and say
ing good-bye to everybody. 0. Kenneth Falor
Would you like to assume the burden of bringing up your
children and taking care of yourself on the income your wife will have when you are gone?
I f wc do our best; if we do
not magnify trifling troubles' if we look resolutely, I will not
say at
things, but at things as they really are; if we avail our selves of the
ings which surround can
not but
wc is
indeed a glorious inheritance -—lohii
those who are not sure of their
position.— Berton Pralcy.
A Merry Christmas! I IT's Christmastide.
4 Let's clean the slate
Of every old-year grudge or hate. Let's pin a sprightly sprig of holly Upon dull care and melancholy. Let's reach out friendly hands and grip Each other in warm comradeship. This world's a pleasant place. Let's smile In mellow retrospect awhile. Let's feign we're young again, elate, With hearts attuned for any fate. Let's sing the old songs, ever new, When we were heroes on review.
Before the fairies yet had brought The stars and garters that we sought. Ah, me, some gentles are not here Who glorified the yesteryear; Whose jocund jests and merry quips Were ever ready on their lips.
Let's sing the old songs, ever new, Then here's remembrance, hate and true,
To those forever passed from view. Lay wreaths of holly where they sat,
And tender tears, remembering that It's Christmas time. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Anon.
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