Page 1



Page No.

First Aid Training


Red Cross




Winter Sports


Fires - Destructive


Accidents and Sickness


First Aid School


Straits of Mackinac Bridge


Vaccine for Dog Bite


Iron Ore - Prosperity in the Lake Region




Radio Interference


Paint - by N. H. Capthorne


Eirds - Local Species


Spring Fever and Spring Tonics


Village Improvements - Hemes


Village Street Improvement


Group Accident and Sickness Insurance


Infantile Paralysis


First Aid Instruction Classes


Boys1 Club - Christmas Activity


Air Views and Story - Rogers City


Salt Tablets


Str. Bradley Rescue Lake Michigan


Have you a Hobby








i, • .







gage No. Diesel Electric Locomotives


Caterpillar Tractor and Bulldozer


Track Department


Power Department Safety pecord


Detroit Dock


Winter Work on Boats


Winter 'York at Plant


Bradley Transportation Co. Crew List - 1933


Radio Operation


Bradley Transportation Propulsion


Management Personnel


Original Stone Crusher in America


General Repair Shop


Drilling and Stripping



Valuable Information to Sailors


Prepare for Advancement



j '


19f7 -• 193S - 1939 CALCXTE 3CHSE3INBS

Page No,

Leo Paull


Watson Siccinski


Arthur Santini


25-Year Employees - 1937


25-Year Employees - 1938


George Zenz - Obituary


25-Year Service Medals - 1939


Plant Banquet


Bradley Transportation Co. Banquet - Detroit - 1939


Lucas S. Lee, Buffalo Plant Manager


Hi B. 0»Toole, Obituary


Fred V. N. Bradley, Congressman


25-Year Employees - 1938


Alexander Zempel - Obituary


Gustav Wenzel


Griffin Pines


C. A. Martin, Obituary


Oswald Voight - Retirement


John G. Munson - Testimonial Dinner


I. L. Clyraer and Organization


C. A. Storms, Obituary



I .


• '" ':







• . . .




. '



• .

• •

•• • •



•'• •



1 <







• "

•' ! •






Page No.

Thomas Kelley and Joseph Kasuba


Joseph Penglase


Robert Boutin


Louis Yarch


Earl Meyer


William Wischnefski


Hugh S. Lewis


Elmer Voight



- •'


I -N D E X


Page- No.

Progress in Its Uses




Screenings as Affected by the Trend of Business


Higher Quality Products





Home Safety


We Fall Too Much


Plant Traffic


Safety, Fssay, Poster and Speech Contests

1037-1049-1061 1130-1164-1199 1229

We Still Pay for Our Errors


National Safety Competition


Drive Safely


Household Safety


Driving Questionnaire


Our Accident Record 1938


Our Accident Record 1939


Zero Days and Hours with a Car


Swimming and Lifesaving


The Cost of Hurry


Fall Hunting Season





1937 - 193B - 1939 CALCl'TE SChZEfllilGS ECONOMICS

Sage No.

Social Security




Steel Operation and Cost of Living


Blast Furnace Operation - Business Barometer


National Income and Its Relation to Quarrying & Mining


Profits and Taxes


Trend of the Times


Steel Ingot Production - Business Barometer


Steel Industry Developments


Winter tlkftNor> Qflfn'pfbe.i-v


dYv c^aclcknt c^onofi <J\o

^jqxzmxxti o% Gaktain

J^shaxGri&nt c< BLASTING CREWS

Theo» Haselhuhn



Chas. Hoffman



DRILLS .'.'*-

• John.\Dembny




: :"

" Frank Reinke


:William Heiler


Adolph Sorgenfrei



Thomas Kelley




. Max Belmore.

Geo. C. -"VSrinjg";


W. W. Pollock «



Robert Hamilton

John Miodrynski


Peter Gioyangnoria


"/'.' '


C. C. Eldridge' .





.' Victor Koch

Julius Zemple



• ' '- • ,Gapt. Walter Peppier "'•'

sDhieL Frank Lamp


C. W. Richard's. *




«Ev B. Metztfn

tapt.*F. F. Pearse


Chief-John Sparre STR. T. -W-. ROBINSON


Capt. Grossley McQuihn . - Chief Guy LaBounty


Capt. M. R. McLean Chief Thos. Suttle



Capt. C. A.Thorsen Chief J. A. Anderson


Capt. Theo. Dahlburg Chief Arthur Urdal ^






Capt. Clayton Martin Chief Charles Frederick




Published monthly by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.

The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all employees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the de

partment and the sender and should be addressed to the editor.

Winter Issue

J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.

February, 1937


We oeek .Renewed Jbllort Alter .Reviewing Our oalety .Record Tor Ike xast Year The accident record in 1936 of the

Limestone and Bradley Transporta tion Companies was the most disap pointing record that we have had since our intensified safety

campaign has

been carried on.

There were but two accidents in the

Limestone Company, but both of these resulted in fatalities.

On the Bradley Transportation Com pany there were five accidents, two of which were major and one of which resulted in a fatality.

The Buffalo plant, with the least number of men employed in any loca tion.-had six lost time accidents, none

of which- were major. It is difficult to reconcile the num

ber of accidents occurring in 1936 with those that occurred in the previous four years. In three of those four years the Limestone operations at Calcite were carried on without a lost

time accident, and the record during those four years on the boats was con siderably better. The- interest taken by the Central Safety organization at Calcite and on board the boats was apparently as great as was taken in any of the past

years. In fact, at several of the safety meetings at the Calcite plant, which I attended personally, there was dis played as much interest in the topics discussed as in any previous years. I do not believe, however, that the in

formation and knowledge gained at

these meetings has been forcibly enough brought to the attention of each of the men on the various opera tions.

We must always bear in mind that the first duty of any employee is to protect himself and his fellow worker from injury. From our experience this past year we know that there has been a let-down in the strict attention

necessary to their own and their fel low workers' personal safety or we would not have had so many accidents. In addition to the activities of the

Central Safety Committee at the plant and on the boats, it is our intention to

more aggressively carry on safety meetings among the various groups so that the question of personal safe ty will be always foremost in the minds of our employees. The Management looks forward to

the year 1937 with the hope that when the final results of its operations in the year are reviewed, that it will have regained the enviable position which we occupied in the safety work in the four years prior to 1936. To accom plish this is going to require the best efforts of each individual.

As we return to work in the early part of this year with the safety slo gan impressed upon our minds, may I offer to you the Company's Very Best Wishes for your —and Prosperity.


LUA/I^ovu President.

Paare 1024

Calcite Screenings

First Aid 1 raining

JLhey Cjo Where You JDnve

First aid training is an essential part of every well balanced safety program. It is not a pan

venting accidents as well as actually administer

Present day automobiles are marvels of me chanical perfection. They are safer, too, than their predecessors—IF properly driven. Unfor tunately, however, there have not been similar improvements in the mental and physical, make up of human beings.

ing to the unfortunate. Not only is First Aid instruction valuable in

more speed at his command than he can often

acea or cure-all. but is a means to an end. First

aid training will nut eliminate accidents but un

questionably it is of considerable value in pre

safety programs of industrial organizations, but the knowledge gained from these classes can be used at home, oil the highway, at play, or any

where accidents happen as well as at the plant. With 100.000 mishaps resulting in death and 10,000,000 in personal injury last year, it would seem Aid training for most of us would be

time well spent. .Many seriously injured persons handled by those inexperienced or without a knowledge of First Aid have been taken care of in such a man

ner as to cause suffering and accentuated injur ies to such a degree that permanent disability or even death has resulted.

The First Aid train

As a consequence, the

motorist today has

handle. This means that he must be governed by the principles of safety not only as determin ed by road, weather and traffic conditions and

the mechanical fitness of his car. but also by his own physical limitations. The highway between Rogers City and Calcite

presents a wonderful opportunity to watch the action of drivers. Many of our local people still think it a place to see how fast the old bus will go, and this stretch of road has seen many a race. We thought, however, that most of the

racers had long since learned from experience that racing on highways does not pay dividends, nor much in satisfaction, but we were sadly mis

ed person, on the other hand, knows or should know at least the care necessary for the treat ment and transportation of the injured, and the


proper treatment by artificial respiration of those seriously affected by electric shock, gas poisoning, suffocation, drowning or paralyzing

their cars between Calcite and Rogers City. The one driver, seeing Henley's corner not too far away, slowed down: the other wanted the thrill

blows to body or head; he knows how to re

of a flashy finish! He took the turn while going

move a person from contact with an electric con

Xot so long ago when the four o'clock shift

was coming off work, two drivers started racing

too fast!

It was icy. and he smashed into an

ductor without subjecting himself to injury. Fie has been taught to recognize arterial venous and capillary bleeding and how to control it. He al so knows the proper treatment for shock, asep

other car parked near the sidewalk, damaging both cars. Luckily there were no personal injur

tic dressings lor open wounds, how to apply

There are generally people walking on this



to bandage


fractures and dislocations

so the injured may be safely transported if nec essary, and how to han dle an injured person gently so as to minimize suffering from injury. He is taught how to treat sunstroke



poisoning and

snake bites.



In short, lie

is fcaught what should be done l>e fore the doctor arrives and how to do it. We




rangements with the U. S.





ies. There could easily have been someone severe ly injured, and all because of a little foolishness.



LostTime Accidents Season1936 liHHiiEHEnaMisrmii t-sa ten rja iizs

HrjHfdiririHrjHnHunHHnnnii •hbebehhbbhbqbhee prrrrgffTraHEBBHHBCaBHBHHHnaaBBB


and Woodward Avenues.

and much more so when

slippery. So far there have been

fortunately n o personal injuries. always

We might not be

so fortunate.

We would feel badly if


someone's heing hurt. A









car can be fixed if it is


but a


leg or back would not be so easily mended, would it?


Huluth, Minnesota, to as








several wrecks here, but


send their senior instruc

(Con Untied on



The corner at Henley's is hazardous at any time,

tor, Mr. A. J. Stroinquist. from the Lake Superior District Headquarters at sist us in bringing First Aid training to our em-



Accident Bulletin

Board for 1937 shows Let's strive to fin ish with a clean slate this year. two lost time accidents.




Haste makes waste!!!! And remember —• Drive



drive farther.



Pasre 1025

Calcite Screenings

Do You Profit By The Do accident statistics tell us anything, or do we wait until an accident has happened to us to

realize it could have been prevented?

Last year death from accidental causes reach ed a new peak. More preventable tragedies vis ited our fair country in 1936 than ever before. So far this year one of our principal cities has doubled its fatality list of last year in accidental deaths.

It is readily admitted that to deal properly with a condition which annually is responsible

for the loss of more than 100.000 lives, some sta

tistics must be used.

If, however, they serve

only to make us lamentable instead of pushing us into action, they are of little use. We realize that a point is easily reached

whereby mounting figures may pass from ordi nary conception mU> a realm little understood, and the condition covered by these statistics thus taken for granted. Naturally, with this feeling follows the tendency to dismiss with a shrug a national catastrophe responsible for the useless deaths of thousands of lives, and therein lies our trouble.

It is difficult to understand, but nevertheless true, that in these days of a Christian era we

still have many who would place this disgraceful situation at the feet of Providence and arc sat

isfied to let it go at that. There are others who

still believe accident prevention is something ap parently entirely apart from their walk in life, and they are quite content that if anything is to

be done in preventing accidents, "that George

.E/xperierice Of Others? look for increased fatalities on our streets, in

our homes, factories and wherever people are.

Our safety is something which requires much

thought and'some action at most times. We can't

pick it up today and forget about it tomorrow. We can't read and think about accident preven

tion while in an easy chair at home and then be

thinking about how you enjoy your fireside next dav while crossing the street and run very good chances of living to tell your grandchildren about it. The same at the plant. To talk about eve hazards, about falls and broken toes is of

little value in comparison to using goggles, safe ladders and safety shoes.

It is agreed that accidents are sad, deplorable, costly and preventable occurrences, and statis tics will point out the most hazardous walks of life.

However, the mere acceptance of these

facts will accomplish little unless they serve to awaken all to the realization that accident pre vention at the plant, home, street and every where is just part of the responsibility of every one of us. Then and only then can we hope to

accomplish definite and constructive results in accident prevention.

A motorist traveling a country road, saw a house burning. Getting out of his car, he pound ed on the door lustily, till an old woman opened it. "Madam, vour house is on fire!" he exclaimed. ••Fh?"

"I say your house is on fire!" She put her hand to her ear and leaned to ward him. "What?"

does it."

True, most people are sincerely sympathetic in their expressions and feeling of an accident vic tim, but they go little farther than that, and while these conditions continue to exist, "we can

"Your house is burning up!" he roared. "Oh! Is that all?"

"That's all I can think of just now, madam," he gasped.

We do not recommend this way of practicing Safety First.

Page 1026

Calcite Screenings

^LLmEitons- -

rea£ £Ao^i£ii cHqa !Bs£h <J\/(acL in £Jfa H&


From small beginnings in the remote dawn of

man's development, the stone industry has pro gressed. Not without lapses and periods of re tardation, until today it has become one of the

great fundamental industries in every part of the world.

In tile very earliest epochs, long anterior to the first page of history, in what is termed the "'Stone Age/' men sought out hard stones and

from them fashioned their rough domestic tools and their weapons of chase. In those days stone probably had as high a value as is occupied to day. The earlier implements of stone were rude and unfinished. Later they came to exhibit the extraordinary dexterity of their makers and of

ten passed great beauty and form. This employ ment of stone still lingers with the more inac cessible savage races. In the civilized countries,

cation and use of limestone and lime in industry, as well as in the specifications and requirements of the commodities.

Customers are becoming more and more in

sistent in their demands for a purer and higher grade material in chemical properties as well as

better and more unified sizing. This change has developed partially by economic conditions which necessitated" the consumer's use of the

best of raw material in production so that his costs would be kept in line with those of his

competitor, and by our desire to give the con sumer a product of a quality and size best suited for his particular operation. In blast furnace practice, high calcium lime stone is generally desirable. However, a stone with varying percentages of magnesia can be used. For the most efficient furnace operation

however, stone gradually gave place to metals and limestone is one of the principals in the pur

and as is true with a fluxing stone, the size uni

ification of metals.


Lime, which is made by burning limestone, was Undoubtedly one of the first chemical re agents used by mankind, and lime burning is one of the oldest chemical industries. The process of calcining limestone is probably nearly as old

This picture has changed somewhat in differ ent localities because of the demands for slag. Formerly, slag was a waste, product gotten from the blast furnaces in the manufacture of pig iron, and at times was difficult material to dispose of.

as the use of fire because in any limestone conntry the effect of lighting a fire on the stone

Later developments led to its use in the manu facture of cement when the magnesia content of

would produce lime, but the intelligent applica

the magnesia content should be fairly regular

the slag is such as to keep it within specifica

tion of the process must have come much later.

tions for this purpose.

Even in our short contact with the limestone in

the demand for high calcium limestone in blast

dustry, we have witnessed changes in the appli-

furnace operations when the slag was to be used

First Shovel

Used At Calcite

It Wa.s Brought I ii Over 1 he

Road From Mel:

This, of course, led to

Calcite Screenings

Page 1027

many of the subsequent ages, we find it has al

in cement manufacture.

Recently in other districts a market has been

developed for the use of slag as concrete aggre gate. For this practice a slag of higher mag nesia percentage is desired. The magnesia is valuable because it adds strength to the slag. To satisfy the demands of this trade, it has been necessary to add a higher magnesia stone

to that of a quality formerly supplied. On our property near present operations there is a stra ta of dolomite which is chemically suited for this purpose. The demand for a higher magnesia

Stone presented a little difficulty in quarry op erations, and thus far such cargoes have been loaded directly into boats from the quarry, so no changes in storage have been necessary. With an increase in the demand for magnesia stone in future tonnages, there is now under considera tion plans for storage of this material. Some test cargoes were shipped in 1936 and as they were up to expectation, it is anticipated that 1937 will find us shipping a considerable tonnage of this material.

In addition to the above requirements for higher magnesia stone, there has always been a demand for dolomite in open hearth practice, a trade which we have never supplied.

In this

practice a dead burned dolomite is used in fur

nace lining and in the open hearth technique of steel manufacture a rice dolomite 3-S" to 1-16" is used; also a clinkered dolomite which is burn

ed dolomite to which is added some iron, usually in the form of scale. These requirements run into considerable tonnages and while we have never supplied these markets, there has been in quiry for dolomite, both raw and clinkered. In addition to the thin strata of dolomite is

the Dundee in which we are operating. There is

ways been in evidence in the progress of man, and today is again closely related to much of the activities in all walks of life.

I1 irst Aid JL raining <ri,niiinie<l




ployes. It is planned that Mr. Stromquist will train a small group of our men to act as First Aid instructors and they in turn will pass this training on to small classes of the remaining employes. We hope to carry this instruction to the point where all our men are familiar with proper First .Aid procedure. The Bureau of Mines will issue "First Aid"

certificates to all those who qualify and instruc tors will receive certificates from the Bureau of

Alines in recognition of their services.

Cruard Your Health The important part of a man is his body. Un less the body is strong and healthy, nothing is worthwhile. Don't abuse your body. The next best part of a man is his character. Character is the product of habits and will. With good habits we acquire a good character. AVe pay our bills and we keep out promises. When we undertake a job we go through with it. We are dependable. The next best part of a man is his mind. Many will go to any extreme to avoid mental develop ment. Thinking is painful. Study is often painInl. That makes it easy for the brainy to suc ceed. The competition is so feeble.

With a sound body, a strong character, and

the Monroe foundation directly below, which

an able mind any man can make himself toler

extends down to the Salina formation and var ies from 600 to 800 feet in thickness. So there

ably comfortable. He may not become an Edi son or a Rockefeller, but he will enjoy life and he will have the respect of his friends and neigh

is an ample supply of this material for any de mands which might be made.

So while it is probable that stone may have, had a higher value in connection with the daily livelihood of our early ancestors than it had in

bors. He will have a complete and wholesome existence.

Punishment should fit the criminal, not the crime.

Below 窶年umber 10 Shovel On Stripping Work, Preparing For Regular Season's ProilnctK

Page 1028

Calcite Screenings


<zz)ocIclL o^zauxi



JBy John P. Kinville A comprehensive review of the Social Security Act which explain.'! its relation to the individual and the employer. UMmHO*MtNT I


rune MfAitN


hcmm umcci

Economic security has been of vital concern to every individual since time began and in our modern industrial life, it becomes more intensi

fied yearly. Passage of time and economic ad justments cannot be counted upon to solve the question. Employers and economists have been grappling with this question for many years and many concerns have tried to solve the problem by instituting pension systems benefiting their individual employes. These and other plans have not proved adequate to take care of all the peo ple. The economic stress which we have just un dergone gave the proponents of a social security system a chance to have their ideas placed on the Federal Statute books and the last Congress

set up a broad plan to more adequately carry people over periods of enforced idleness and to provide support during their last years, respec tively titled Unemployment Compensation and Federal Old Age Benefits. A brief summary of the Federal Old Age Ben

efit plan was given in the October issue of Screenings, wdiich became effective on January 1st of this year and for which deductions from

payroll have already been started. Of equal in terest to employes of this company is the Un

employment Compensation law passed at the special session of the Michigan State Legisla ture. The present law was hurriedly drafted in order to take advantage of the Federal provis ions and, no doubt, will be changed in some res pects by the present and succeeding legislatures.

We give you here a summary of the benefits to be derived from this unemployment compensa tion act.

1. Benefits for unemployment are payable on and after January 1, 1939. 2. For each week of total unemployment an

eligible person will receive benefits equal to 4%

of his total wages earned during that calendar quarter in his base period in which such total wages were largest. However, the maximum weekly benefits for any person totally unem ployed is $16 and the minimum is $7, or 6% of his earnings during the calendar quarter upon which his benefit amount is determined, which ever is less.

3. For each month of partial unemployment an eligible person will receive benefits equal to the difference between the wages earned during that month and 5 times his benefit rate if totally unemployed, less any remuneration over $12 earned during that period in employment not subject to the Act or self employment.

4. Benefits paid to an individual in any one benefit year must not exceed 16 times his most recently established weekly benefit amount for total unemployment, but such benefits must not exceed 12.5% of his total wages earned during his base period. 5. An unemployed individual is eligible for benefits if: (1) he has registered for work and continued to report at an employment office; (2) he has made a claim for benefits; (3) he is able to work and available for work; (4) he has been unemployed for the required waiting per iod; (5) he has earned wages equal to at least $50 on each of any 3 quarters out of the 5 com plete calendar quarters immediately preceding the first day of his benefit year, or an aggregate of at least $250 in any 3 of such 5 calendar quar ters ; (6) his unemployment is not due to a labor dispute in which he is directly involved and which is actively in progress in the establishment in which he is or was last employed, or he has voluntarily stopped work in sympathy with em ployes in some other establishment or depart ment in which labor dispute was then in pro gress ; and (7) he is not receiving remuneration in lieu of notice, vacation with pay, or payments for temporary partial disability under the work men's compensation law of any State or a simi lar law of the United States, or Federal Old Age

benefits or similar payments under an Act of

Page 1029

Calcite Screenings

Congress (if the amount of such payments is less than the benefits otherwise due him under this Act he will be entitled to receive the differ

ence between the two.) If an individual has left work voluntarily without good cause, or has been discharged for misconduct the waiting per

ment of benefits will be withheld pending the determination of the claim. An appeal may be taken to a referee who will affirm or modify the findings of facts and the initial determination. The parties will be given due notice of the refer ee's decision, and reason therefor, which will be

iod is extended.

the final decision of the Commission unless fur

6. If an unemployed individual otherwise el igible for benefits fails to apply for suitable work, or to accept suitable work when of fered him, or to return to his customary selfemployment (if any) when so directed by the Commission, he is ineligible for benefits

ther appeal is taken.

An appeal from the decision of the referee may be taken to an Appeal Board which on the basis of evidence submitted and such additional

evidence as it may require, will affirm, modify, or set aside such referee's decision. All interest


ed parties will be given prompt notice of the de

and for the following 1 to 5 weeks (in addition to the waiting period). In determining whether

cision of the appeal board with reasons there





which the


work is suitable the Commission will consider

the risk to the individual's health, safety and morals, his fitness, training, experience and pri or earnings, his length of unemployment and prospects for securing local work in his custo mary occupation, and the distance of available work from his residence. No employment will be deemed suitable, however, in which: (1) the vacancy is due directly to strike, lockout, or oth er labor dispute; (2) the remuneration, hours, or other conditions of work are substantially less

favorable than those prevailing for similar work in the locality; or (3) as a condition of being employed the individual would be required to join a company union, or to resign from or re frain from joining any bona fide labor organiza tion.

7. An unemployed individual may receive benefits only if he has, during the 52 weeks im mediately preceding any week for which he claims total unemployment benefits, been total ly unemployed for a waiting period of either 3 consecutive weeks during which he has been otherwise eligible for benefits or a total of 5 ac cumulated weeks. The Commission may increase

the waiting period to not more than 4 consecu tive weeks in special cases. This requirement shall not interrupt the payment of benefits for consecutive weeks of unemployment, or disqual ify any individual during the balance of a bene fit year for which he has already qualified. No week of total unemployment which is included in any period for which partial unemployment

(benefits) is claimed may be included in the waiting period. 8. An unemployed individual must file a claim for benefits in accordance with such regulation as the Commission may prescribe. (Application for partial unemployment benefits must be made within two weeks after the end of the month for which such benefits are claimed). A repre sentative of the Commission will examine claims,

for which will be the final decision and ben

efits paid or denied in accordance therewith unless further appeal therefrom is filed. If such appeal is filed, benefits with respect to the period prior to the final determination of the Appeal Board will be paid only after such determination, except that if a referee af firms the initial determination, or the Appeal Board affirms a decision of a referee, allowing benefits, such benefits will be paid regardless of further appeal. The Circuit Court of the Coun ty in which the original claim was filed may re view the final decision of the Appeal Board. An appeal from the decision of the Circuit Court may be taken as provided by the laws of the State with respect to appeals from Circuit Court. An employe may not alienate his rights to ben efit, nor will benefit pass to any trustee in bank ruptcy or other person for the benefit of credi

tors, except that such benefits are subject to claims of persons furnishing necessities to the employe or his dependents during his unemploy ment. An individual may not waive, release, or commute his rights to benefit. 9. If in any employment it is customary to

operate only during a regularly recurring period or periods of less than one year in length, the rights to benefits apply only to the longest seas onal period or periods which the best practice of such class of employment will reasonably per mit.

No employment will be deemed seasonal

until the Commission determines the seasonal

period or periods for each such seasonal employ ment after which it will fix the proportionate amount of previous earnings and contributions required to qualify for benefits. The state employment service division of the Unemployment Compensation Commission will establish and maintain free public employment offices in such number and such places as may

be necessary for the proper administration of the Act. All benefits will be paid through these of fices.

determine the facts, the validity of the claim, and the amount and duration of benefit.


claimant and other interested parties will be promptly notified of the determination. If an

appeal is taken from such determination, the pay

He: "I suppose you dance?" She: "Oh, yes, I love to." He: "Great!


That's more fun than dancing

Page 1030

Calcite Screenings

<J^zcait £fncxza±z 1Em&ms> aSfzei ^Waaz csi%dk IQ ^ex Cent c^-fljoiTz TQ2Q JIeajeL

By >y flueh JLiugh S. Lc A recent issue of Steel Facts shows the aver

age weekly earnings of the largest number ol employes in the Steel Industry's history to be 32% more in 1936 than in 1935.

The basic rate

of pay is now 19% higher than in 1929 and is the highest rate in the history of the industry.

The latest wage increase will add approxi mately $75,000,000.00 to the annual payroll on the basis of current operations and employment.

Total payrolls of the industry are now at the rate of S860.000.000.00 annually—the highest in anv peace-time year except 1929 when the total

The recent wage increases amounting to ap proximately 10% affected practically all employ es in the Steel Industry. At present there are

war, $914,000,000.00.

about 476,000 wage earners and 50,000 white col

this number 91% were wage earners while 7%

lar employes on the payrolls of iron and steel companies. Employment in the industry is now at the

were clerical and 2% were administrative and

highest point ever reached and exceeds by 50,000 the number at work in 1929; although' steel output in 1936 averaged only 146,000 tons per day as compared with 175.000 tons per day in 1929. In 1929 thirty man hours were required to produce a ton of steel, while 33 man hours were

required in 1935. This is due to the increased demand of highly finished steel in relation


During the past year, 97,500 employes have

been added to the Steel Company payrolls. Of sales employes. The wage increase is one <>f several added fac

tors in cost facing the steel Companies during the current year.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not : nothing is more

•omnioii than unsuccessful men with talent. Ge

nius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not: the world is full

heavy steel. Output of highly finished products, sheets, wire and tin plate represented Zlv'< of the total in 1929. while the 1935 production rep

of educated derelicts.

resented 52% of the total.

the execution of all officers and directors of any bank that fails. While this may be carrying capital punishment to extremes, it seems to have bad a salutary effect, inasmuch as China has not experienced a bank failure in over 1200 years.

Fewer than 7% of the employes receive the basic or common labor rate, while fully 93% re ceive the higher rates paid to skilled or semi skilled labor. Average hours of work now amount to -10.5 hours per week. The 1929 av erage was 55 hours.

Persistence and determi

nation alone are omnipotent."'—Calvin Coolidge.

A pleasant provision of Chinese law requires

Fences are only for those who cannot fly.

Page 1031

Calcite Screenings

^ZJhziE. jJÂą dVo <LPLaCZ JjUkS. C7JOYYIE <ZZ)tVEzt C7J-OYYLZ iSalety will Kelp make it so The number of accidental home fatalities in

when they result in an accident. Burns and scalds are high on the list of home

our fair country every year is exceeded only by the number of deaths caused by automobiles. Certainly, as American people, we can hardly do

lessons comes

else but bow our heads over such a

fire will burn.



Hardly a day passes in any of our homes but some member of the family meets with an acci dent. The mishap may be serious or it might be of so little consequence that it is almost imme

diately forgotten, but every misfortune empha sizes the fact that the home is not the safe place it is often considered, and too, the idea that im munity from danger is to be found in the home

has been proven unsound by accident records which show that 30,000 accidental deaths


more than 4,000,000 non-fatal injuries take place in the home every year. The prevention of home



mother when she tells us

However, thousands of house

wives, and husbands as well, attempt to rekindle fires with kerosene, and an equal number pur chase naptha or gasoline for use in home clean ing, not perhaps realizing the tremendous haz ards that exist from using these fluids until some tragedy occurs.

And there is the washing machine and the wringer with its ability to entangle fingers, hair and clothing so that often there is serious injury. Cuts and scratches, which are not promptly and properly taken care of, become infected and help increase the toll of accidental deaths in our American homes.

accidents therefore should be a matter of con

cern and interest to everybody. When we, as a people, become safety conscious in our actions about home, accidents in all walks

As infants, one of the first safety

How can we make our homes a safe place in

of life will be greatly reduced, but certainly we

which to live? Largely by avoiding haste, by more careful planning, by closer supervision in the play of children, and a little respect and con cern over the hazards that really exist about any

will never go far until we recognize hazards and

and every home.

do what we can to correct them.

Most men desire to have their loved ones in

The following comparisons are based on ac tual experience in the payment of accident claims during one year: Nearly six times as much was paid for acci dental injuries in and about the home as was paid for injuries sustained by travelers on steam, railway, subway and elevated trains, on street railway cars and on water craft. More than twice as much was paid for home accidents as for injuries to pedestrians. The payments for home accidents

the safest place possible, and this can only be accomplished through physical safeguards and education.

If you were to name the most dangerous place on earth, you- probably would begin wracking your brain to think of some hazards in a remote part of the world or jungle. Of course if you were a practical individual you might say our American highways are the most hazardous and

you probably wouldn't be far wrong. The facts

were nearly

are, however, that the home is

twice as great as those for oc

a most perilous place. Home, generally regarded as a haven of safety and a retreat from the pitfalls of the outside

cupational injuries. Of accidents about the home,

falls constituted

the largest

single class. Falls on stairs and


steps from other objects and


elevations are most numerous,

with slipping and tripping a close second. Most homes to

day have no hand rails on their stairways or steps, yet thous ands of accidents occur year ly due to falls on stairways. Hand rails would prevent many of those serious and painful injuries. The added call for a little protection here and there would be nothing as compared to the suffering

these unprotected places cause

h< i ow

world, is really a dangerous i



a safetvj


place. Boys who think it isn't nec essary to wear all their equip

in ijour own

ment and padding for football

home O

practice should remember that their



know the

difference between a practice


scrimmage and a real sjame. Steinmetz, the electrical wi

zard, defined a highbrow as "any person educated beyond his intelligence.'1

Don't worry.

Page 1032

Calcite Screenings

—friz, c^fymzxlaan <^/\sd d%o±± .Roll Call Brings Good Response

Juno Raised Tor Flood iSuff<e r e r s

The 1937 Red Cross Roll Call returns show

that Presque Isle County should again be well up in the standings in the State. The number of members and the money returned from the membership drive show a marked increase over the 1936 totals.

The employes of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and the Bradley Transporta tion Company can well be proud of their splen did support of the American Red Cross. Sixtyfive percent of the total membership in the coun ty came from these two organizations. The following table shows the memberships from various parts of the county: 1937


The people who are called on to support the American Red Cross have during the past sev eral weeks been given a chance to follow the

workings of this organization, in giving aid to the needy and suffering. The Radio and the Newspaper brought the recent flood of the Ohio River so close to home that many people asked long before contributions were asked for, "Where can I give my donations to the Red Cross for the people who are in need of aid?" This spirit is what makes it possible for the American Red Cross to function as well as it

does during times of great need. The recent floods along the valley of the Ohio have been called the greatest disasters that have ever been witnessed in this country.

Michigan Limestone & Chem. Co. 356


Bradley Transportation Co. Rogers City

205 113

137 115

Rogers City Schools Onaway

30 65

23 86

When the call went out from headquarters of the Red Cross to various chapters, Presque Isle County was given a quota of sixty-five dollars. Within the next three days this was jumped up

Posen Hawks

40 7

35 5

Millersburg Ocqueoc Belknap

42 11 0

31 10 8

county as usual came through in great shape.

0 0

4 5



Metz CCC Black Lake Total

The membership drive returned a total of $1,102.00 of which all but $462.00 was retained for Red Cross activities in Presque Isle County.

This money will be used by the Local Chapter to give aid to people in our county throughout the next year.

The following people have been chosen as di rectors for the year of 1937: H. H. Gilpin John Sibley J. A. Valentin G. W. Grambau I. L. Clymer J. P. Kinville Rev. S. Francis Mrs. G. Jones Mrs. J. G. Munson Mrs. Anna Nagel Mrs. G. Moffat Rev. L. Linn

Mrs. R. Rains Norman Hoeft

Rev. C. T. Skowronski

It is hoped that next year when another Roll Call comes around, many who were not quite able to spare enough for a membership or dona tion, will find their way clear to be able to join this great organization.

to five times this amount as a minimum.


The collection in Presque Isle County should, when the final count is taken, be well over one

thousand dollars. This money is well spent and the people who so willingly gave to this cause can feel that they have helped to put people who were entirely destitute, due to the floods, back on their feet.

This alone should make us feel

proud of the organization that does more in times like this than any other agency in the of fering of help to the ones who are down and out. The American Red Cross has again come to the front in times of great stress. The people in the region of this last catastrophe have noth ing but praise for this organization.

Accident Reads Like Fiction A piece of Douglas Fir was being sawed on »ship board when the blade of the saw struck a bullet of .25 caliber embedded in the wood and

split it lengthwise. One-half of the bullet was thrown out violently, struck the wall of the cab in, and rebounded with a sinister hum past the sawyer's ear, but fortunately without striking anyone. Examination showed that the bullet had lain in the wood at such an angle with the grain that, in all probability, it had been fired while the tree was still standing, doubtless at a

Calvin Coolidge, the late President of the

squirrel, and no estimate can be made of the

United States, made the following remark in re gard to the Red Cross: "Trie Red Cross is about the only organization

number of years that had passed since a hunter fired it; showing the hazards of hunting may not

that I know that does good by looking for trou

the sawyer, he would have been wounded by a shot fired years ago and a thousand miles away.


be confined to forest areas. Had the bullet struck

Page 1033

Calcite Screenings

Valuable Information X or

I lie Oailors Ol Our Omps A Public Act approved by Congress on June 25, 1936 provides that every member of a crew below the rating of master on vessels of 100 gross tons or over shall be furnished with a con

tinuous discharge book upon application there for to the United States Local Steamboat


spectors. The exceptions are on vessels employ ed exclusively in trade on the navigable rivers of the United* States. Pictured below is Herman Vogler, a deck watch on the Steamer "Taylor", looking over his discharge book which he secured in Detroit, Michigan. Herman was what we might call the real early bird as his book was the first one is sued by the Detroit office. We would suggest that all sailors follow Herman's example and have this taken care of immediately. The office for the Rogers City district is located in Port Huron, Michigan.

The law further provides for the surrender of all existing able seaman and lifeboat man cer tificates and the issuance of new certificates in

lieu thereof, and for the issuance of certificates of service to all other members of the crews of

vessels subject to the act below the rating of licensed officer.

It will be necessary, therefore, for the seamen

to furnish photographs and information. Some of the important information needed is the name of seaman in full, date and place of birth, for which a birth certificate is necessary; if a nat uralized citizen, all papers pertaining to entrance in this country ; name, relationship and address of next kin; permanent address, and an itemiza tion of all certificates, if any. now held. This A c t will make it

possible for a thorough clas sification marine

o f m e n

on our Great Lakes


will lead to a condition ben

eficial to sail

ors and


owners alike. W e can t u n d e r stand how the ant

acquired such a reputation for being so

triiess Whoi In the last issue of "Screenings" we delved into the gallery of the Mill Department to find our '-Guess, Who."

He was none other than Leo


This issue we go to the Drill Department. Both these dandies pictured are drillers. And aren't they the dashing young pair, with the lat est in men's dress for these particular times. Xo\v. who is the fellow on the left.

When this

was taken he was a hard working man of the lumber woods.

Now he is a member of


Drilling Department and has been since 1914.

He started at this job and has been at it ever since, lie has a good smile, a corn cob pipe and can tell some good stories of past and present companions, lie is now in his forties, but with a derby hat and his Sunday clothes, he doesn't

look any older than in this photograph.

If you

can guess who he is. let us know.

"Tell me, Jock, is my golf getting any better?" "Weel. it's no' gettin' better, an' it's no' gettin' wur-r-se. It's just gettin' queerer."

i n d u s triotis.

Nearly all we e v e r saw were

— on a picnic.

"How do you know he was drunk."' "Well,

he shook the


tree and then

started to feel around the floor for some apples."

Page 1034

Calcite Screenings

jtoÂątljltz, and (JkiiuLaim, 1 bey are a real danger to of us who work out ol doors m winter tune.

Frostbite is not so common in these days of

to use parts involved, change in color, especially

mitigated winters, steam heated houses and tra

a suggestion of mottling. The area may become

vel in heated automobiles. However, among those who engage in outdoor work in winter, the danger of Frostbite is real.


Most people know one thing about frostbite and that one thing is wrong. Ask most anyone what

and length of exposure to cold and on the treat ment given. A mild frostbite properly treated

various shades of red and purple and later a The results of frostbite depend on the severity

he would do if a companion were frostbitten, and

may never be heard of again ; but if it is severe,

he will immediately say "Rub the parts affected

the condition called chilblain may result. For years following frosthite the victim may feel a

with snow." According to Dr. S. F. Harting this is barbarous procedure and unheard of in the Arctic region. However, the fallacy is still taught in some first aid courses but cold snow is gritty and will scratch and in jure, if not infect, the frostbitten

sensation of tingling "pins and needles" and pain in the area that has been involved every time he enters a warm room in the winter. The treatment of frostbite con

sists of gradually warming the part, avoiding too rapid warming


Frostbite is due to the action of


cold on the tissues of the body. Its





source of warmth is that of your own body or that of a companion's. Fingers may lie placed under arm pits and ears and nose may be warmed by applying the hand to

effect is to block the circulation in

a certain area. The part involved loses its blood supply and eventu

ally becomes blanched or white, liars, nose. face, hands and espec

the affected part. In this way the

ially the feet are most affected. When the temperature gets below

circulation is reestablished.

eight degrees Fahrenheit, frost

wrapped in cotton wool.

bite becomes common.

There are many predisposing causes to frost bite. Foremost among these are fatigue and ex haustion and hunger. Malnutrition makes peo

ple more susceptible to frostbite. Other pre disposing causes are grease, moisture and high


It's a fallacy to think that grease Spread

over the body will serve as a protection against cold. Clothing is warm only when air layers exist between the fibers or layers of clothing. One reason why wool is so warm is that the meshes of the wool lorm air cells.

In addition.

the air layers between the various layers of clothing act in the same way to insulate the body. A so-called windbreaker or leather jacket over woolen clothing is excellent protection. The onset of frostbite is often


lowing watched



this the frostbitten area may be



for: decrease



If the

skin is broken, a sterile dressing should be applied, as frostbitten areas are highly susceptible to infection. Many people when thinking of frostbites have in mind the frozen winters of Siberia or the ex

periences of Arctic explorers. We should not forget, however, that in our own country during work or play, frostbite is a possibility to us all.

A group of traveling men were swapping lies about their radios in a Smith Center drug store. An old man had been listening silently. "Got a radio, old man?" one of the drummers asked.

"Yeah," the old fellow replied. "I got one. It's pretty good, too." "Does it have good selectivity?" the drummer asked, with a wink at his companion. "Well. I was listenin' to a quartet the other night, an' I didn't like the tenor, so I just tuned him out and listened to the three of 'em," the native answered.


circulation, loss of heat, loss of sensation, inability

The leader of the orchestra is always the man who has played second fiddle.

Page 1035

Calcite Screenings

(Ju/i ^Wlntzx J^fjozti \J\oaxam JtSy Creorge J one.v The favorite winter sport to date has been talking of the lack of the usual conditions that go to make a winter. Mother Nature has been

known to stray occasionally and roll up a year of thaws, rains and sleet in our weather cycle, and this seems to be one of those years. It's a difficult job to gather enough ice to construct thrones for the numerous winter queens being elected in our fair northern country, let alone

cil has a program of boxing, basket ball, skating, hockey, indoor games and amusements for the hoys of this community. This group is well or

ganized and has enough planned to keep the boys busy throughout the winter months.


hoys' work is under the supervision of a full time

director and has prospects of becoming one of the leading community projects. This Club will be a year around affair.

having snow and ice for a winter sports pro gram. With a few weeks yet to go before the buds swell and the wild flowers bloom, we will have our regular winter without a doubt. So

"Elmer—Elmer, do vou love me?"

"I'll say." "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

you older winter recreational enthusiasts who

"You bet."

took advantage of the Spring sales to purchase your toboggans, skis and skates should cheer up as we can be certain of a little winter yet to

"Are my eyes the loveliest you've ever seen?" "Shucks, yes." "•—my month like a rosebud?" "You know it."


The village, the local Kiwanis Club and the

Boy's Council have together a fine program of winter sports for the local population. While most of these activities are planned with the youngsters in mind, they are not denied to any

of the older folks. Skating rinks and slides are available to all.

The city skating rink has been enlarged this season, and the quarters used for those attach ing and removing their skates has been relocat

ed and put on a level plane with the rink. This improvement makes it better for some of the adults who are again taking to skates after a few years absence. Most of us have found that yon must take it easy for a few times and not try any of these trick slides getting to the ice. The Kiwanis Club's contribution to the win

ter sports program to date has been the con

struction of two slides.

They are fifteen feet

"—mv figure divine?" "L'h-huh."

"Oh. Elmer, you say the nicest things.


me some more."

Diner: "I can't eat this soup." Waiter: "I'll call the manager."

Diner: (when manager arrives) "This soup, I can't eat it."

Manager: "I regret that: I'll fetch the chef."

Diner: (when chef arrives) "I can't eat this soup." Chef: "What's the matter with it ?"

Diner: "Nothing; I ain't got a spoon." Hubby: (at golden wedding) "Well. dear, all

the years have flitted by and I haven't deceived you yet. have I."

Wilier "No, John, but goodness knows you've tried hard enough."

high and located on natural down

hill grades so that they make a

long ride for sleds or toboggans. One is located at the golf course where hills make the slide a real

long one. nearer

The other is

town on the










I .



M-10 highway. These slides must be maintained with additional snow and ice at intervals. With

colder weather conditions helping the maintenance work, these pla ces will lie popular resorts on evenYoungsters ings and week Enjoy ends. •Skating Rink The newly org anized Bov's Conn-


Calcite Screenings

'age 1036

•Jf\&&k tliz c7Tom& ^jLzEi J^wtnina — LLndz-z Clontxol It's nice to keep the home fires burning if they

can be kept under control.

Fire is a splendid

servant but a hard master.

In January of this year we have had three fires in our community. Last year during the same period we had one. It is difficult to say

Explosives and fires as the result of using gas oline and naptha and other cleaning fluids are quite common. Usually these fluids are used in the kitchen or possibly in the basement where mixed with a little dust, the stage is all set for a good fire.

We are told of a fellow using gaso

whether our people are becoming more careless

line in a washing machine tor washing heavily

in the handling of fires and fire precautious or not. but certainly this is an increase that should be recognized. In reviewing the fire record in Rogers City

during the past five years, we find they were

soiled clothes. Thus far he has gotten by but we wonder how long he will be so fortunate. Anyone can buy 30 ampere fuse or even worse use pennies to replace the old 15 ampere or tighter fuse. This practice in a lighting circuit

caused by overheated furnaces and stoves, poor

continues to result in serious shocks and fires.

chimneys, poor stove pipes, sparks from chim neys, careless use of blow torch, matches and cigarettes, spontaneous combustion and electri cal appliances. Nothing unusual in the origin of any of them, yet all contributing a substan

Most people know of the danger but some just must learn from experience, which is usually costly and often tragic. Fires are usually costly even though the prop erty is covered by insurance. There is always a

tial loss to the people of our town.

loss to the owner.

Fire has been a servant of man since time

Certain fire precautions are always necessary

immemorial and in that time very often has pro ven to be his master. In most all fires there is

but in winter when the heat is turned on and the

a certain element of risk. Yet practically all ol us use fire every day in a controlled way with no unfortunate results.

It is when we become

careless and allow fire to get out of bounds

windows closed, fire prevention takes on a new meaning. Combustible material may get dryas tinder. Static electricity becomes more prev

alent. Klammable vapors become more easily confined and ignited and spontaneous combus

through misuse, poor chimneys, stoves and flues

tion becomes more prevalent near sources

that it goes on a rampage.


We hear a good bit about spontaneous com

bustion and usually when this is given as the


If you have not already done so, we might suggest that a check on fire hazards about your

cause, it seems to be accepted as an excuse for the origin, but it really isn't any act of Divine

home would be time profitably spent.

providence. Spontaneous combustion is likely to

The old commercial traveler was relating his experiences to a young man. "And don't forget, he said, "never try to sell an encyclopedia to a

occur only where there is an accumulation of old cloths, rags or oily waste—usually in a closet. attic or small spaces. We know of a recent fire occurring in a cold air duct because the floor sweepings had been swept down a cold air reg ister.


"Why not?" asked the young man. The older man smiled cynically. "She always thinks her husband knows everything."

Fire Which Destroyed The Building Known A.s

V« Wlm :jh fjjftc

Night Picture i H^tT^-N.

Taken By O. F, Ferclleman A Number Ol Years Ago

1 he Incubator

~^8 Bg•jjrS»-awfl





Page 1037

Calcite Screenings

<zSafztu <E±±au, iPoitzx, <^>(izzali Conts±£ 1^37 The average public school graduate spends six years in the junior and senior high school. Dur ing these six years it is possible, through Safety Essay, Poster and Speech Contests, such as

sponsored by "Calcite Screenings," for a stu dent to express eighteen individual thoughts on Safety in three different fields. There must be an exchange of ideas between fellow students during this period as they are composing and re cording the subjects they have chosen. What we would like to bring out is that a contest of this nature reaches farther than one might think. We will never be able to say just how much acci

dents may have been retarded because of an idea developed during one

Last year we extended the program by giv ing the orators a chance. A general High school assembly period was turned over to a Safety program where these orators competed in the field of safety speeches. A similar program is planned for this year and the date will be set by the School. The speeches are judged on sub ject, preparation, delivery and appeal. If time permits, a contest of dramatic nature between individual classes will be promoted. This can be made very attractive on a safety program as we experienced last year. If the fac ulty and classes can fined time, this will become part of the activities. We wish to thank all contestants and individ

of these contests.

The cooperation given

uals for cooperating in our past contests. We

by the students and fac ulty of our Rogers City


schools has always been of the best and has made these contests of unusual interest. There is work

for each to fit this pro gram in one that is al ready busy and this ef


this one

will be

well received with plenty of material composed on the Safety question. As in the past, cash prizes will be given to add that much more to a

highly vity.

fort is appreciated by the

competitive acti


Do You Know . . . That

The rules in these con

tests are simple. Any safety topic may be cho sen, with originality firm ly stressed. The Essays are judged on the value of the safety idea brought out, style, neatness and grammar. We have al ways been inclined to give a good safety idea full value so

we should

if you have an accident in which there is injury or death, or in which the vehicle cannot be moved

say that contestants keep


this in mind. The Essays

should range within two hundred and five hundred

words each, although the

judges aren't going to count the words, but will be looking for your safety idea. The Poster contest will be

similar to other

years. They may be of slogan or picture style, worked out in one or two colors on white or tinted stock. The size of the Posters should be

eight by eleven inches.

A Poster that is well

done is one that will catch the eye, but again we

wish to encourage the safety idea as being im portant. A good idea will go far in making your Poster a winner.

The contest in these two fields will be clos

ed on April 1st.



under its own power, the complete facts must be reported within 48 hours to the nearest police sta tion or police officer? That carbon


gas has already taken its first toll of a driver who was so anxious to hear the balance of a radio

program which was on as he drove into the ga rage that he kept his engine running to keep warm until he listened to it?

That if the pressure in your tires is reduced to about 25 pounds this slippery weather, the danger of skidding will be lessened? That in starting on slippery pavement, the tendency to skid will be reduced if you start in high? Also when you stop, do not throw out your clutch until the car has nearly stopped.

Mrs.: What lovely fleecy clouds! I'd like to be up there sitting on one of them. Mr.: All right—you drive. But let me out first.

'ao-e 1038


Calcite Screenings

11 <£u. JJt <Jn A GtE&mna± .Personals Inat Come lo The Editors Desk mong Ourselves J tist Among

Residents of this section don't have to leave

ure. Says Doc, "What you expect? Two years

their own doorsteps to vacation in the summer.

already and im venison have 1 seen."

but since most of us like our vacations in the winter so as 10 bun I. fish and travel, we have to move around somewhat. Louis Schmidt has a

As a suggestion to some of our ambitious fel lows who buzz up their own wood—Don't mon-

new house trailer which lie constructed during

kev with the buzz saw.

his spare moments last summer and moved ar ound plenty to hunt, fish and just go. Unlike

healths- Worker?" If not, ask the "Screenings"

most of us he didn't go south but went north as Louie says his trailer is as comfortable as any

Did you get your copy of the pamphlet "The editor for this interesting and educational book let.


When "Daddy" Knell rushed Into the boiler house at the Indue tanks one night Bob Brownlee wondered what should cause such a look ol

fear on "Daddy's" face. About the time "Daddy'" had enough breath to tell Bob that a coyote had chased him

Edwin Radke must have some resort proper ty on Lake Nettie. We've been hearing the Time Office crew ask Ed. about cleaning up that lot every summer and winter for two seasons. In the winter Ed is waiting for summer and in the summer, he's waiting for winter.

Of course we might offer the suggestion that a little help by

from out on the dump, they beard a scratching at the door. Bob's heartbeats



some ol these fellows some nice

Sunday would do the job,


Easter than usual, but lie prepar Al Hopp

ed himself with a bar of iron and


cautiously opened the door to re veal a foot weary hound dog looking for shelter from the cold.

Butch says that Al would like to

key player. We didn't realize the

game looked as easy as that.

boys tell about the coyotes using

Lake for a


Another winter and we notice

shortly before the dog met him

a few of the boys having trouble pronouncing their f's and s's. An X-ray today, a trip to the dentist and sou]) tomorrow. The removal

and decided to follow the advice

of that

safety slogan


Be Careful."

Safety is always in season. Thomas Rose, one of our DockOffice clerks, is not with us this winter.

lie is in

Menominee on

the Str. B. H. TAYLOR, This assignment was a godsend to Tom as he was score keeper for one of the town's big Spitzer games the even ing before he left for the job in Menominee. Al ter the books were audited they found Tom was

sliOtt. What these plant boys wouldn't do to Tom after they paid for the chicken dinner and found later that the final count snowed both plant and town teams tied up. It seems that yard watchman Dor I'ruder contracted with some of our deer hunters to dig



quit his job and try out as a hoc

Evidently "Daddy" hail heard the Little

and Butch

in Detroit

of bad teeth has also solved some

health problems.

Fred Heythaler has been offer ing a car with one hound dog in cluded for a very reasonable price. Until you know the facts it looks like a bargain. The car

alone isn't worth the money and the dog won't stay with the car. lie has repeatedly jumped through the top of the sedan and legged it for home. Fred has found no permanent buyer as yet.

off the tracks, avoid disaster.

We thought that our sailors ami plant men wdio went to Menominee to work this winter were able to lake care of themselves. We hear

a well at their hunting camp. In return for his labor, he was to be kept amply supplied with

of one fellow who went apartment hunting and

venison. At the end of the past deer hum a com plaint was made to Doc that his well was a fail-

lost his wife. After finding friend wife, he couldn't find the apartment lie had rented. This

Calcite Screenings

Page 1039

twin-city of Marinette must be quite a town.

If only the brakes would get tight when the driver does, what a happy world this would be. Fred "Tim" Horn says that you get enough silverware during one of these seven course din ners to supply a dozen men. Not only that but you order roast beef a la something and you are served tomato juice wrapped in ice. At least

"Tim" clowned his way to a good time during a recent business trip to Chicago.

All of you readers have heard of the Editor's

golf through his publicity agents, Meharg and Kiuville, but he now has the urge to be a rabbit

hunter. With a swell gun and new beagle hound, he has the important part of his equipment and has spent some time this winter at the sport with success. His hunting companion, Norman Hoel't. tells us that Joe is a good hunter but that he doesn't think it necessary for a man to go twenty miles from town with a dog and gun in order l<> fall into a creek. A

word to the


on thin ice

Some of our readers who have been following the personal touches in "Screenings" since its

should be sure to lake along their Avater wings.

birth must have wondered time, and again if

Bob Hamilton says that Bill Warwick swings the meanest bucket of any operator around the


Hoffman had

discontinued his winter

visits to Grand Lake. A few years back Charlie put a car through the ice with regularity but until this winter he kept a pretty good record. His V-S, along with two good dogs, was sub merged in about ten feet of water early ibis winter. So far Charlie has always picked shallow water. Again we

plant. Bob was impressed by the dexterity Bill used in loading coal with his crane.

We notice

that Bob keeps his distance. Frank keinke bought a Ford coupe in Detroit and when he was asked what it

Charlie says that there will be

cost him to drive it home, he said, "Just a few new parts and now she is good for the sum

no next time.


wonder about the next time and



water line red is a paint.




hear of one sailor on our com

pany boats who was told to paint the

fantail of the

boat "water

line red" and spent considerable time measuring, taking sound ings, etc., to find the water line. He then applied water line red on the water line.

No matter how small the job, wear your goggles if they are needed.

George Pilarski took Joe Waytosek deer hunting and Joe took Bert Smith along, so there was a party of three. All shot a few rounds of ammunition, had a lot

of fun, but got no deer. They decided to settle clown to business and get their buck, and soon drove one out. With so much artillery around, the poor thing lost its head and jumped into a

fence, to be caught. All guns were emtpicd and still the buck got away. Eye witnesses claim that the deer was in the fence long enough for any ol the hunters to have had time to cut his throat.

John Cherrette and son Jerome hunted all winter with a dog that wouldn't bark. Never theless they got their limit of rabbits because

they used a little headwork and pul a bell on

Mr. Dog's neck. \ow when the boys see Fred Ileythaler come to work smoking a cigar they know that Fred had a penny ante game the night before.

Hugh Lewis bumped his head on a shovel dipper, or we should

say that the dipper was bumped on Hugh's head, as it took three

shop men a half day to repair the unfortunate dipper, Ed Glazer says that Chum Raymond is the kind of a fellow who asks you into his house to get warm when he knows all the time that the fire is out.



sure gave the

boys a lecture and demonstration

of how spitzer should be played. This took place at Lake May. Bear Cat Heller came very close to having to walk in from the same party due to his flirting with a skunk lor quite some lime.

Dave came

along and pulled him out of harm's way just in time. But along ibis line of reasoning, Les Ray mond got his first skunk skin of the season.

Frank Rose gives this advice (although not from experience)—Never steal a pig because it will squeal on you every time.

Friend Dave Larson is so proud of his quali fying for citizenship that he swaggers around with his head up and chest out. He got so strong the oilier day on the end of a wrench that he cracked a rib. What a man—he doesn't know his strength.

When a woman takes in washings for four dollars a day, that's labor. But when she does

it for nothing, that's Love.

Calcite Screenings



oale Workers-—Wood Julearth

Just A Plain Salety Fact

To be a sale worker it is necessary that a man be healthy. For him to be healthy it is neces sary that he receive plenty of exercise, plenty

The primary aim ol any safety program is, of course, the protection of the employes.

of fresh air. ami a lot of good, sound sleep.


is also necessary that he eat the proper foods and maintains a high standard of cleanliness. The man who does this will keep in the "pink" of condition and will be fit, both physically and mentally, to do a man's job.

The employe who lakes care of his health is

A departmental safety program must be so designed and executed to impress upon the minds of all employes the necessity of safely consciousness. Success in any accident preven tion program will be assured only if the work is well organized, systematized and conscien

tiously maintained. There must lie centralized control and leadership.

Every foreman and workman must be trained

the man who usually does his work without an accident. Me is the man who can put in a good day's work ami come out feeling the minimum of fatigue. He is full of pep. He is cheerful.

to think, and must, before attempting to perform his job, be trained [<• ask himself subconsciously

Be is the man who gets the most out of life. A healthy person is alert. He is wide awake;

whether the necessary safeguards are being followed. When this becomes a reality, it may

that is why he. is a safe worker. stamina

and i> rugged

himself from

He has the

enough to safeguard

the hazards which surround him.

He is able to keep his mind on his work, because he has built up a consti tution



whether he has outlined the safe procedure* be said that the safety program has become ef fective.

When the safety program becomes effective, the results will be gratifying. Co-operative ef forts in Accident Pre vention Work can mean



the most trying condi tions to which he may

lie subjected. He has wrought this constitu

tion through




CESS. Influenza was known


as far back as the year

recreations and outdoor

412 lb C. It takes its name from the Italian word "iufluenz" and


Good health and safe


was once thought to be

Each seeks to preserve life and each is depend

caused by supernatural

ent upon They are

Epidemics have occurr ed frequently on a







accidents, if an should




wor4d-wi4e scale and a study of them has shown: (1) that the


the respect of everyone. Although a healthy person is less suscepti ble to


the other. of a family

Otto Bruning and J ohnnie Wenzel putting loco back On t ails.—Says Otto, "You lift up the wheel and I 11 put the block under." their

good health will enable this person to stand the shock and will aid in a quicker recovery. We should spend some time every day in a manner that will build up our health, and at the same time help us build up a good safety record.

disease can take effect in all seasons of the

year, although it gener ally reaches a peak in January and February; (2) that it can be trans

mitted directly by coughing, suet-zing and talk ing and indirectly by handshaking or using poor ly washed dishes : and (3) that all age groups,

sexes and races are susceptible, whites more so than Xegroes and country residents more


even when safe.

than city people. In American history, the most tragic epidemic occurred in the winter of 1918-

Meharg bought all the refreshments for the game between the Shop and Office at Lake May

19. when 500.000 persons in excess of normal died of the disease. There have been 10 epidemics in ibis country since then, but none was in any

He is safe from danger who is on his guard

and he kept the costs way down. The reason was

this. Harry told all the boys to let the Shop win and have a good time so that they would get in the habit of inviting the "pencil pushers." He said, lose one and then you are sure of a fewfree feeds. I'ill (iapske played with him and lie evidently wasn't in on this because he ran 366 for eight games and almost upset the apple carl.

sense comparable, although this winter's epidem ic is quite severe. Until a truly effective vaccine is developed, little Can be done to prevent influenza. As for a cure, there are at present no specific treat ment:, other than complete rest in lied and med ical attention.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1041

Those Who Have Passed Away Mrs. Charles Fleming passed away at the Ann Arbor hospital on October 10, 1936. She was fif

ty-one years of age, the mother of eight chil dren and a devout member of St. John's Luther an Church. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. Heinecke and interment in Rogers City cemetery. Left to mourn her loss are her chil

dren Mrs. I. M. Reynolds, Mrs. R. J. Weyhing, Jr., Mrs. Alice Wright, Mildred, Norman, Clar ence, Harold and Elmer of the Bradley Trans portation Company, and her husband


Fleming of the Construction Dept.

Alexander Lozen, fifty-four years of age, died on October 14, 1936. Funeral

services were in

charge of Rev. E. N. Burt and interment in Rog ers City cemetery. Harold Lozen of the Str. T.

death. Burial was in Rogers City cemetery and funeral services conducted by Rev. C. T. Skowronski.

"Calcite Screenings" expresses its sincere sympathy to the many friends and relatives of those who have gone.

"We Welcome Tke New Arrivals Daughters were born to the following em ployees since our last issue of "Screenings": Cleo Bonnie to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patchkow-

ski on Nov. 6, 1936. Mr. Patchkowski is employ ed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Shirley Jane to Mr. and Mrs. John Zempel on Nov. 17, 1936. Mr. Zempel is an employee in the Yard Dept. Darlene Frances to

W. ROBINSON is a son.

Edward Streich of the

faelle was five months old at the time of his

Str. W. F. WHITE

passed away on November 4, 1936, following a fall into the cargo hold on his boat. His death

was a sad blow to the members of his family, his fellow-workers and his many friends. He leaves a widow and two children to mourn his loss.

Charles Wall, for fifteen years a machinist in

the Machine Shop, passed away on November 15, 1936. Charles had been seriously ill with a heart ailment for six weeks previous to his death. He was well liked by his fellow workers and the boys in the Shop all miss Charlie. He leaves a widow and eight children to mourn his passing. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. J. Francis and interment in Rogers City cemetery.

Herman Klann for twenty-two years an em ployee of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical

Company met his death by a sad accident just at

the end of his shift on November 25, 1936. Her man was employed in the Mill Dept. Burial was in Rogers City cemetery and services were con ducted by Rev. L. A. Linn from St. John's Lu theran Church. He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter.

Antoine Shorkey of Alpena passed away on December 11, 1936. He was the brother of Henry and George Shorkey of the Shovel Dept. Mrs. Gustave Wenzel passed away on Janu ary 5, 1937, following a year's illness. She was

sixty years of age. Six children surviving are Mrs. Rudolph Koch, Mrs. Edward Greene, Mrs. Mathew Bidvia, Marie, Elva and a son Rudolph of the Transportation Dept. Her husband, Gus tave is in the Power Dept. Funeral services were from St. John's Lutheran Church of which the deceased was long a member. Interment was in Rogers City cemetery. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rubio

passed away on November 18, 1936. Frank Raf-

Mr. and Mrs.


. Yarch on Dec. 3, 1936. Mr. Yarch is employed in the Mill Dept. Dina Christine to Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLeod on Dec. 7, 1936. Mr. McLeod is second mate on the Str. BRADLEY.

Sons were born to the following employees: Gerald Thomas to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mulka

on Oct. 25, 1936. Mr. Mulka is emploved in the Mill Dept. Joseph Henry to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Schefke

on Oct. 27, 1936. Mr. Schefke is an employee of the Track Dept.

Neal to Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Bruning on Nov. 24, 1936. Mr. Bruning is employed in the Trans portation Dept. Roger William to Mrs. Chas. Wall on Dec. 10, 1936.

Myron to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Smolinski on

Dec. 11, 1936. Mr. Smolinski is employed in the Transportation Dept. "Calcite Screenings" offers congratulations to

the parents of these baby sons and daughters.

Yvishing You A Great Happiness Eldsworth Crooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Crooks of Millersburg was married to Delyn M. Klien of Hillman on November 21, 1936. The ceremony was performed by the

Rev. M. H.

Bank of Onaway. Eldsworth is one of the young er members of the Yard Dept.

Henry Kaminske was united in' marriage to Bernice Smolinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smolinski, on January 16, 1937. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. C. T. Skowronski. Mr. Kaminske is employed by the Brad ley Transportation Company. "Calcite Screenings" wishes the best for these young newlyweds. The bird who roosts on the back of a motor

truck is about as safe as a turkey who hangs around the feeding pan in the middle of Novem ber.

Calcite Screenings

['age 1042


Veil Mit/.ie der news iss nod verry much dis time bud vill write more next time.

Audi Veder Sehn

M Wn Irr

Sehnopsie. The pastor was examining one of the younger classes, and asked the question, "What are the sins of omission':"

After a little silence, one young lady offered: "Please, sir. they're sins we ought to have com mitted and haven't."

Frowsy Gent: "This liquor won't cause any damage to my eyes, will it?"

Musky Bartender; "Not if you've got the mon ey to pay for it."

Is Al ^riutopm? My dear Mitzie: Veil der vinter iss veil on der vay to spring

unt der boys are all back to work again unt are all happy again.

I hear dot Henry Ford iss vorking oil a de

sign of car der suberniarine type for Charlie Hoffman so dot ven he goes ottd on Grand Lake on der ice he vill be safe veder der ice holds der car or nod.

Doc Brudcr has been giving his car valsing lessons but judas priest Doc be careful dot dere are no odder cars around ven you start der les sons because der odder vons don't vant der cars cutting up.

Yell der Spitzer players are going strong butsome of dem don't seem to be able to run up any

score unt der plant team let der business men hornswoggle dem oud of a chicken supper but dot vass on account of Harry Meharg's book keeping. Better dot Marry gets a Audit..r to go ofer der books for him.

Veil dis iss a funny vinter. Like Meintz's pic kles any variety dot you vant so dot all vould be satisfied mit id.

Say Mitzie some people are funny 窶馬ever sat isfied kicking aboud der coal bills mil trying to keep der temperature in der bouse der same as dot dey were kicking aboud last August. Adolph Lagsinskie has got der Boys Sport Club agoing at last. Adolph is a sticker unt George Jones iss a great help to him in der sports events. He gifs out der tickets to der odder fellers to sell.

Sort of a super-salesman.

Veil all right George some von has to do id. Veil now dot der sit-down strikers are all der

fad vone can nod tell vot vill happen next. Youst like der fellow dot sat down untill der girl

said yes, unt der dole vorkers dot vanted more money. Now vouldent id be funny if der big industries ami der taxpayers vent on der sitdown unt did not vant to pay anytiug. Youst dink if mama vent on vone and would nod make

der sourkraut, den we could song. Home on der range.

sing der kcttel

W^itk Our Old Timers Our "old timer"

Leo Paull is the congenial

looking chap holding the cup of good will to the readers of "Screenings". Leo '1as been employ ed by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Com pany since the year 1911. Me has worked as


pitman, in

the Yard and



share of the years a s a blaster. At

which job he has been care

ful and indus trious : there fore, a safe worker.

Leo w a s born in this

county near

out I'osen

between fifty a ud s ix t y years ago. He is also an old timer in the




county, hav ing seen it



a vast tract of standing limber to its present

agricultural possibilities. He has always been a sou of the soil, despite his industrial employ ment and has a nice farm where he now makes his home. Here he dwells with his wife and

young daughter in one of the coziest places any one would wish to see. Leo is not a

full time

farmer but with his wife's help might give some regular farmers something to do to keep pace with him.

For Leo we wish many additional years of safe ami pleasant work as he is not the man to want a life of idleness.

^okftisj. True worth is in being, not seeming ' In doing,- each day that goes by, •* Soine little good—not'in dreaming • . r Of great things to do by and by. ,^


For. whatever men say in their blindness, And in spite of«the fancies of youth,

There's nothing sq kingly as; kindness, * "And nothing so royal as truth.


We get back our mete as*we measure-— We -feanriot dp»wrong and .feel right,. Nor can we give pain and gain pleasure^ >. for justice avenges each>slight. The air for tjie wing.of the.sparrow, -

The bush fpr the robin arid wren, " But always the p'atfc that is harrow .


v And straight; for the children of men. *Tis not in xthe pages of story ♦ The heart of its ills to beguile, .'.''. Though he.who makes courtship to' glory Gives-all that he hath for her smile.

-• "'

For'when froni her heights he has won her, ,

'Alas kit is only .to prove


fThat nothing's so sacred as. honor, . And nothing so loyat as love! ' ; •~• f - c . •: ,






. j '.

We cannot make .bargains for blisses Nor catch them, like .fishes in nets: •

And spmetiines~ the thing qur life misses

Helps mote than the thing which/ it ,gets;

For gopd lieth not in pursuing,•'. * ' • . Nor gaining of grieat nor of small "."•"• .. j. But just in the doing, and doing,. As Ave would be done by-, is all. , e,' •'*' • .. '••'*» —Alice Caryv





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«« v/o


dVo c^rfaaldznt ciTfonot d)\oil


^Jotzman ox (^atitain


Theo. Haselhuhn


Chas. Hoffman


Thomas Kelley


John Dembny


Frank Reinke


William Heller


Adolph Sorgenfrei


Max Belmore


Geo. C. Wing


N. W. Pollock


Robert Hamilton


John Modrynski


Peter Giovangnoria


C. C. Eldridge


Victor Koch


Julius Zemple


Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp




C. W. Richards E. B. Metzen

Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief John Sparre Capt. Clayton Martin Chief J. A. Anderson Capt. Theo. Dahlburg Chief Arthur Urdal



Published monthly by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.

The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all employees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the de

partment and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. Summer Issue

J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.

[tine, 1937


We Fall Too Much

Accident And Oick n

Five months of the year 1937 has slipped by. and in viewing our record, we find we have also


Among persons of all ages only three diseases kill a greater number of persons than do acci

slipped in our accident experiences. Slipped men


tally, physically and actually.

bral hemorrhage. In earlier years, particularly in the decade from 1910 to 1920, both pneumonia and tuber culosis caused many more deaths, but these dis eases have been conquered to the extent that they are now distinctly less important numer ically than accidents. Considering only those persons from 3 to 18 years of age, we find that no disease causes as many deaths as accidents. Under the age of 3 pneumonia takes a heavier toll, and beyond the age of 18

We have had one lost time accident

at the

plant since January 1st which was caused by John Hauler slipping on the ice.

While the fall

in itself was not serious, there was a slight abiasion on the knee which

became infected


caused loss of time.

On April 1st Oil Kempe fell on the deck of the Steamer WHITE and suffered

injuries which confined him to

the Cheboygan Hospital


several weeks.

Melvin Frederich slipped while working in the cargo

These are, heart disease, cancer and cere


hold on the Steamer TAYLOR

deaths are



straining muscles which caus




ed him to be off ship for sev eral trips. While assisting in closing

the ages of 3 and 40. Among

hatches on the Steamer TAY

males of all ages accidents kill

we find that accidents are the chief cause of death between

LOR Julius Yareh had a fin ger pinched. This accident

more than tuberculosis.

wasn't a fall, but it did result in lost time.

age of 40, and after 55 cancer and cerebral hemorrhage cause

On May 27th John Sparre, Chief Engineer on the Steam

more deaths than accidents.

er BRADLEY, slipped from a step ladder, falling four or

If a boy or man wishes to stay alive, there is only one

five feet to the floor of the fire hold. This accident re sulted in the fracture of sever

disease he needs to be more afraid of than accidents and that is heart disease.

al ribs and John spent some uncomfortable weeks ashore before resuming duties aboard ship. The Buffalo Plant and Detroit Dock have had

no lost-time accidents so far this year.

four of them have been caused by falls.

Among girls and women the

accidental death rate is not quite as high.

Combining both sexes, accidental fatalities rank

fourth in importance among all catises. The above figures are facts taken from sta

Of the five lost-time accidents we have had,

ences elsewhere, although perhaps


disease becomes more impor tant than acidents beyond the


not in the

same ratio, show that falls are accountable for

many serious accidents annually.

It might be

well to be a little more attentive

to that

\\ e spend much time and energy and are gen erally quite concerned about our health, which is commendable. However, we should not lose sight of that ever-present hazard, accident.


safety slogan, "Watch Your Step.'' There is nothing better a man can do in the interest of his work than to think about it.


If you think enough of a job to accept it— think enough of yourself to do your work the best you can and you will come out on top in the final count.

Calciie Screenings

Page 1048

Plant Traffic—A Request To Plant V isitors In Tne Interest Of oalety There seems to be something about ships and marine life which interests and attracts people. Limestone cargoes have been shipped from Calcite in ships since 1911, and in that time thou sands of persons have visited the plant and watched, without serious accidents, the docking, loading and departing of boats. The Management has always felt that it want ed to extend to the public such pleasures as vis iting the docks would furnish, but this can be done only when regulations governing plant traffic and visitors are adhered to.

Our traffic regulations are not difficult to re member or abide by, and we sincerely request the courtesy and cooperation of everyone in abiding by the following: Traffic about the plant should be of moderate speed and the car under control at all times. Those wishing to visit the flux side of the loading slip are to go by way of the Power House gates. Only when these gates are closed are they to use the pas'age' through by the Oil House, going between- the flux and openhearth storages.

When stopping on the flux side, 'cars are to park well back of the cement dock. The lane between the Screen House and open-

hearth storage is only to be iised for traffic leaving the docks, and at very low speeds.

There is a temporary highway leading to the fines side and tug basin, and this should be used with particular care. Parking on the fines side should be outside the fence which parallels the slip. The roadway bordering the rear of the slip is not to be used by automobiles. -, Parents are to keep their children off the docks at all times.

No fishing will be permitted in the loading slip.

No swimming will be permitted from any of plant docks or breakwater at any time. The plant watchman is on duty at all times and we hope that any suggestion he might make with reference tq plant traffic will be courteously received. We believe with cooperation and thoughtfulness for the rights of others, our plant traffic can be kept safe for everyone. If this fails, it must be controlled by fencing, and as this would exclude those who have thoroughly enjoyed the visiting privileges, it is an action which the Man

agement would very much regret being forced to take.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1049

Death JVLarches On —Prize Winning Poster laking Oecond Place "Death Marches On" is the title to a prizewinning poster, winner of second place in our local schools' Poster Contest sponsored by CAL CITE SCREENINGS.

No statement

could be

car you are passing, making 40 miles per hour, will travel while you are getting around. If the car you are attempting to pass is traveling faster than 40 miles per hour, you must, of course, al

more pertinent or more true.

low greater distances.

In the poster are pictured the modern car of 1912 in comparison with that of 1936 and the comparative accident rate as attributive to traf

To pass a vehicle going 50 miles per hour, you need about 300 feet more, or four city blocks,

fic accidents in cars those years. While it might be assumed that the higher speeds at which cars are driven today in com parison to that of 1912 has added materially to this increase in accident deaths, that in itself is

not all the picture. Highways, pavements, roads and traffic regulations have not kept pace with the increase in speeds

and you will have to attain a speed of 63 miles per hour. These are all minimum

matter, always keen and alert to these changes. The most

of us



We believe many drivers have had experiences similar to our own. One increasing menace is •





pass, (or he is just forg ing through) and pulls around a car going in the same direction he is way and face of a third

car going in the oppo site direction, forcing the third car off the highway to avoid a col lision. This seems so discourteous, so inex cusable, and yet in our

the new car will accel


the fellow who thinks he has sufficient time to

and into the right-of-

erate to 65, 75 or better, and these speeds are

turn, the bad spot in the road, an approaching car or any other ob struction is upon us be fore we anticipate it. It


passing distances.

change from one of the older models into a pres ent day modern car and step on the gas are usu ally surprised with the ease and speed at which

maintained with so lit tle effort that often the


er acceleration will, of course, require greater

nor are the minds of our

driving public, for that


cars with good acceleration. Vehicles with slow

experience there




much of it. Probably it is caused by a driver

who cannot judge speed and distance. Perhaps he has a new car, and again he may be just irrespon


sible or a common road

looms ahead that many

hog. In any event he is

first realize they are go ing faster than imagin

a distinct hazard and it

ed and often it is too late then to avoid an ac cident.

1936 38,000 FATALITIES

Many of the so-called "straight ahead" acci dents are caused by the driver's error in attempting to pass other vehi cles going in the same direction. Judgments about distances necessary for pass ing other cars on highways vary, and most driv ers could but hazard a guess if asked how much clear road is needed to pull around a vehicle moving in the same direction at 40 or 50 miles per hour, as in stopping, many drivers do not realize fully the distance required. There have been some mathematical calcula tions and actual tests made and it has been found

that when your car is traveling 40 miles per hour, you need 1,050 feet (a little more than three city blocks). This gives you 560 feet for passing and 490 feet which is the distance the

is regrettable that this type of car operator is privileged to use our highways. The



become an all-important

factor in our every day

life. And it is unfortunate and regrettable that we have not yet learned to enjoy a"nd use this marvelous invention without paying so tremen dous a price.

Year after year the traffic death record grows worse. It is a condition that must be solved by each individual for himself.

So what are you going to do about it? The traffic problem is YOUR problem. Your stake in it is high for it is your life and the lives of your family. Will you continue to bet your life, to substitute chance for caution, and uncertainty for safety, or will you, by driving and walking sanely, do your part to end this senseless March of Death?

Calotte Screenings

Pace 1050

By C. A. Storms

Last year wben \vc had a strange looking lo

These new machines are more or less standard

asked if we were likely to have diesel locomo tives bere in our quarry, It is true that this

600 H. P.—100-ton switching locomotives with the designation 0-4-4-0. They have an engine with capacity to furnish 600 H. I', to the drivers

demonstration showed that

plus extra for air compressor, fans, oil and fuel

comotive bere Š11 a "free demonstration.'" many

such a


would be very valuable pulling loaded trains out of the cut from Number 10 shovel and pushing

pumps, and have speed and drawbarpull charac

empty trains up that heavy grade to where Num

tured by other locomotive builders.

ber 9 shovel could load them. However, consid

The diesel engine is an internal combustion (limine just as is your automobile engine, but with some very essential differences. In the first

erable study had to be made to justify the extra cost of such a machine over the cost of equiva

teristics similar

to 600 H. I\ diesels


operating costs which may be cut by the use

place, the compression ratio is much higher, this ratio being 16 to 1 in place of from 5j4 to 1 to

of dicsels instead of steam: fuel is not expen

(>Y\ to 1 on the auto engine.

sive to us because of the boat haul, our mainte nance crew is efficient, and the engine crew

U) quarts of air is compressed into the space of 1 quart, or 51/. or 6-k'i quarts into the space of 1 quart in the case of the auto. This of course re quires much stronger and heavier engine frame and cylinders. Also, since the automobile sales

lent steam locomotives.



are few

could not be reduced under our present system

of quarry operation. In many places where diescls are used, considerable is saved in the fuel

This means that

bill and maintenance is reduced because of Inter

man talks so much of how much more efficient

state Commerce regulations on steam locomo tives. Then they also save the cost of half the crew by using an engineer only. This may be

are the new engines with a compression ratio of from 6.2 to 6.7 over the old engines with a ratio of only 5.5 to 1. you could expect to get much greater efficiency from the engine with a compression ratio of 16 to 1. However, this high compression is necessary in another way for compression heats air, and

done for there is no fire to stoke or boiler water level to watch.

The appropriation request to cover the cost of two locomotives was approved.

After studying

the bids of the various locomotive builders, three

this high compression heats the air high enough

men made a trip to Chicago where a number of

to cause light oils to burn. The diesel has no carburetor, no ignition system, no spark plugs.

machines of various makes could be seen at work. Then back here there was a conference

with all of the men in any way interested in the new locomotives.

At that conference it was de

cided to recommend the purchase

of the ma

chines made by the American Locomotive Com pany.

The fuel, an oil somewhat heavier than kero

sene, instead of being mixed with the air before entering the cylinders, is sprayed into the cylin der at the "firing" time under immense pres sure—from 2500 to 3500 pounds per square inch, and is Ignited bV the (Continued on Page 100U>

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80 1937 70 1936


DL Coit of

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IJy Hugh S. Lewis













The Operating rate of the steel industry, as in dicated on the accompanying chart, is of much interest in that it directly affects the wage earn ings of all of us the production of

with operations at 80 percent of capacity and has now reached around 90 percent. If operations hold fairly constant at this 90 percent level for the remainder of 1937, wage earnings should re


main at the present high basis. If, however, the 1937 rate should, due to out

The operating rate for 1935 was approximate ly 45 percent, rising in April of 1936 to a fairly constant rate of slightly over 70 percent. In the September, 1936, Screenings we repro duced a chart showing the relation of wage earn ings to living costs and indicated that earnings should cross and go above the cost of living curve in 1937.

Due to two increases in rates of

pay and the increased operating rate of the steel industry since that time, our wage earnings have

increased much faster than the cost of living, as shown on the Government Bureau of Statistics chart.

At the time of the wage raise in November, 1936, the cost of living curve was at 82 percent. Since July 15, 1936, the cost of living has in creased from 81 percent to 84 percent at the present time.

The steel industry started the current year

side influences, tend to lower to the 1935 rate

of operations, we can look for some recessions

in the overtime now being worked.

When young men are beginning life, the most important period, it is often said, is that in which

their habits are formed. That is a very import ant period.

But the period in which the ideas

of the young are formed and adopted is more important still. For the ideal with which you go forward to measure things determines the nature, so far as you are concerned, of every thing you meet.

Real merit of any kind, cannot long be con cealed, it will be discovered, and nothing can depreciate it but a man exhibiting it himself. It may not always be rewarded as it ought, but it will always be known.

Cost of Living

u.s.D.ept. of Ut>or.

Bureau o{ Labor Statistics.









8o ,,





, ,


















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Jbmployees ibecurc J\_no\vleclge ol J^mergeiicy First Aid Procedure Wliicli Should Be Of

Great V alue In Safety Work JMr. A. J. Strotuquist How often and by what means are forms ol safety education brot to our populace? To name a few agencies which devote full or part time in

this field includes public schools, newspapers, civ ic clubs, police and fire departments, federal and state governments, broad industrial programs and national safety organizations. These orga

nizations will bring something in the way of safety education to you almost every day. The effectiveness of this instruction depends upon

the methods of presentation. With this thought in mind, in addition to the knowledge that any

dependable first-aid instruction is of a value be yond estimation, a qualified instructor from the U. S. Bureau- of Mines was engaged to instruct our men in emergency first-aid procedure. Mr. A. J. Stromquist, Senior Safety Instructor

with the experience, personality and knowledge had by Mr. Stromquist. While here he instruct

ed three separate classes





eighty-two men enrolled. Two of these classes were given twenty-four hours of instruction and one class sixteen hours. Thirty of the men chos en by Mr. Stromquist who received twenty-lour hours of training are capable of conducting small classes in first-aid training.

The purpose of this first-aid class was to in struct and train the men to assist those, who may

be injured, sick or helpless. This course of study also takes in causes and means of preventing accidents and promotes safety in all walks of life. In the main, our course of instruction followed these general lines: 1. Be calm and take command.

from the Duluth office of the U. S. Bureau of Mines, was the instructor sent to us. We soon

2. Locate injury. 3. Check bleeding.

learned that we were fortunate to have a man

4. Treat far shock.

Below—Standing, lefl to right, B. Murphy, B, Adrian., R. Rains, F. Pretty, H. Hopn. O. Zempel, K. Daniels, K. Bninins. II. Boutin, ft. Schlehen. D. Beebe. E. Meyers, 13. Smith. D. Larson. Ed. Adrian, F. Horn, T. Kelley, J!. Sanliino. D. Kelley, A. .1. Stromquist, Front Row, left to rig ht, A. Paull, A. Smith, V. Koch. M1. Johnson, R. Zinke, H. Pollock, M. Bndnick, G. Glosser.

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Standing—Left to right, W. Heythaler. E. Sheedlow, E. Radka. N. Hoet't. E. Newhouse, L. Carter. A. Voigt, John Dembny, A. Perdike, V. Panlley, Art Hopp, S. Smolinski, Louis Mnlka, E. Glazer, E. Mulka, F. Flewelling, 0. Tlocli, N. Glosser, E. Adrian. Front Row, left to right, L. Yareli. A. Nagel, II. Schefke, A. Mever, C. Baker, 1 B;uinon, G. Soheck, Win. Haselhnhn. W. Rlalski.

5. Keep patient lying down. 6. Cover wounds with sterile bandage. 7. Look for fractures and apply splints if ne cessary.

respiration for victims of drowiug, suffocation or asphyxiation and electric shock, how to make dressings and apply splints, treatment of burns, heat exhaustion and sunstroke, treatment of

8. Leave dislocations for the surgeon.

shock, what to do in case of poisoning and how

9. Exclude air from burns.

to handle the situation at the scene of an acci

10. Prepare patient for stretcher.

dent. One thing stressed is for the first aider not to carry his treatment beyond the limits of

11. Call a doctor.

12. Only move a patient when you are sure moving will do no harm. 13. Make your patient comfortable and cheer

more than usual interest. Instructor Stromquist


added much with his illustrations taken from ac

During twenty-four hours instruction the course offered some general anatomy, how to Stop bleeding, treatment of cuts and bruises, de

tual experiences. Regardless of where one went on the job, the

le ction and treatment





his qualifications. This is a doctor's work. This course was received by the men with

first-aid classes and first-aid methods were dis

Those whose tpye

of job


Below—Standing, left to right, R. Knhlman, J. Link. A. Raymond, D. Gregg, C. Griwatsch, J. Lamb, J. Smolinski, A. Zinke, M. Hawkins, G. Burns, W. Pilarski, F. Dagner. A. Boehmer, D. Manti. F. Urlaub, R. Hoffman. A. Leszinske. Front Row—left to right, A. Radka, M. Hopp, G. S< halk, R. Lamb, F. Lnmb, E. Voigt, R. Kreft, R. Menton.

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them from taking this course when it was offer ed can be justified in feeling that they missed a great deal. However, it is the Safety Director's plan that all the company's employees will have an opportunity to go through this same instruc tion in the near future. With the thirty instruc tors recommended by Mr. Stromquist as a nucle us for a teaching staff, the company's personnel will be divided into groups for this work. An appreciation is expressed to the public school for the use of a classroom and equipment, to the U. S. Bureau of Mines for sending us such an able instructor, and to our men for their splendid co-operation in accepting this training.

We are all better boosters for safety because of this first-aid knowledge.

Your Old-Age Benefit Claim The Social Security Board will be able to pay off your claim for a lump-sum payment, if you are entitled to one, in double-quick time under the procedure it has just announced. This procedure, explained Benedict Crowell, Regional Director of the Social Security Board

in Cleveland, uses




have from a minimum of two to a maximum of

twelve questions each. Only one of these forms need be used by any one of the five different types of claimants. If you are a wage earner and live to file your

or committee.

A "Statement of Employer" form must also be filled out by the employer, telling the amount of wages paid and the period of employment. It should be filed with the applicant's claim. Prompt execution of this form by the employer will be of material help to the wage earner filing a claim.

The lump-sum payment provisions of the Fed eral Old-Age Benefits plan became effective January 1. Persons eligible for lump-sum pay ments are those in covered employments after

1936, who at age 65 either fail to have total wages of $2,000 or fail to meet the time require ment, or both. Claims may be filed at this time, therefore, in only two instances: first, where a qualified worker has reached age 65 since Decem ber 31, 1936; second, where a qualified worker has died since that date. Lump-sum payments now payable amount to Zl/i % of the total wages earned by the individual in covered employment since December 31, 1936.

The regular monthly-benefit payments under the Federal Old-Age Benefits program will not become operative until 1942. To qualify for a monthly benefit, a wage earner must be 65 years old; his total wages from covered work after 1936 must be $2,000 or more; and he must have earned wages after 1936 in covered work for at least one day in each of five different calendar years.

own claim, you will use the "Wage Earner" form. If you should die, and your widow or

Flag Day-

widower should file a claim, he or she would use

the form for that category. If you die without leaving a will, "close relatives" could file a claim for the lump-sum payment. If you died and left a will, a special form would be filled out by your executor or administrator.

If, upon reaching

the age of 65, you are mentally incompetent, a special form may be filed by your guardian or committee to obtain adjudication of the claim.

In no instance is it necessary for an individ ual to bother about which form to fill out. Claim

ants can qualify to use but one form窶馬o more. Field Offices of the Social Security Board have been established in important cities in this re

gion. They are always open to inquiries. Claim ants may go to such offices for information re garding the procedure to be followed and their rights and obligations under the Act. Help will

June 14th is Flag Day. It is the day on which we commemorate the birth of Old Glory.

The citizens of our land should pause for a few moments on this day, allowing to come to mind the days and the trying times which sur rounded June 14th back in the 18th Century when the little seamstress in Philadelphia sewed the stripes of red and white together and set them off in the upper left hand corner with a field of thirteen stars. What a glorious banner it turned out to be!

Let us vow anew that with all seriousness and

intelligence at our command we will strive for our country and its future. The business of living in the day and age when every moment requires energy and exertion, precludes the constant exhibition of sentiment.

be given in use of forms. These forms are so simple that the employ ment of attorneys or claim agents will be un necessary. Even a notary fee will not be re quired on claims of less than $100. Each claim ant must file with the proper form the following supporting papers:

This life we lead is but a segment in the eternal order of things. Too soon we find ourselves out of the running, living on memories of the days gone by. Build yourself a heritage for that

1. Proof of birth, where the claim is for an amount in excess of $100. 2. Proof of death if the wage earner is de

Leon: "Do you think your father would say anything if I told him we were going to get



3. Proof of appointment where the application is filed by the executor, administrator, guardian

Leona: "I don't, but I imagine he'd say some thing it you told him we weren't."


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OL <M\/oxk Of !B%iclgLng OL Stialh Of <J\/{aeknac By James H. Cissel The recent observance of Michigan's centen nial has served to recall many interesting histor ical facts concerning her admission to statehood. One of thest, was the boundary dispute with Ohio, which delayed admission for nearly two years and resulted in a compromise that forced

ods of producing copper from low-grade ore, also made tremendous inroads on her once prof itable mining industry. To offset these indus trial losses, however, shortly after 1900 there came a great industrial development, centered


in the Detroit area, and out of this emerged a new means of transportation destined to change

portion of the Upper Peninsula as compensation for the Toledo strip giveiv Ohio in settlement. At

ade, the span of a day's journey by highway was

her to include within her domain the

the time of admission, in 1937, the population of the State was about 175,000; Detroit was a vil

lage of about 8,000 people; the Hcinity of Lan sing was a dense forest; and the now thriving industrial cities of Flint, Saginaw, Jackson, Kal amazoo, and Grand Rapids were villages of only a few hundred inhabitants.

The "Detroit and

St. Joseph Railroad," now the Michigan Central, was surveyed in 1834, and a crude train was run from Detroit to Ypsilanti in 1838. The pioneer industries of Michigan were lum bering and mining. The remote and once thought "barren wastes" of the Upper Peninsula were found actually to be rich in mineral resources and heavily forested. Michigan's forests furnish ed building material for the nation and her mines were the source of fabulous wealth. The avenues

of transportation were the rivers and lakes, and Michigan's 1624 miles of shore line gave con venient access to the Great Lakes which then

constituted the major artery of commerce for her products.

our whole scheme of existence.

Within a dec

lengthened tenfold and the horizon of human contacts was proportionately broadened. The present state trunk-line system was not created until 1919; the road from Detroit to

Lansing had then been fully "improved" to a sixteen-foot gravel road; before it was a day's journey (with good luck) from Detroit to Grand Rapids; northern Michigan, particularly the Up per Peninsula was practically inaccessible by automobile. In 1920 there were only 2,400 miles of improved through roads in the entire State, and only 860 miles were paved. Since 1919 more than $300,000,000 have been expended in devel oping and maintaining Michigan's system of trunk-line highways. Due to the development of automotive transportation and general improve ment of highways, Michigan has, within the last decade been virtually rediscovered, and her lakes

and forest areas now are a summer playground for thousands of persons. Considering only the states of Michigan, Illi nois, Indiana, and Ohio, a total population of more than twenty-two million people lives in this district. More than four million people live in cities outside of Michigan but within an easy

By the turn of the century the tremendous de mand for Michigan lumber had practically de nuded her forests and this once prosperous in dustry became of minor importance. Discov ery of copper in other sections of the country,

adequate facilities to cross the Straits, a large

coupled with the development of economic meth

portion of the Upper Peninsula would be within

day's drive of the Straits of Mackinac.


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a day's automobile drive of probably ten million people.

miles from shore with 60 passengers and a crew

of 40 aboard, in addition to a cargo of passenger

The tourist and resort business is estimated

to produce a gross anunual income of approxi mately $400,000,000 and in recognition of the importance of this huge business parks have been created, reforestation has been developed on a large scale and highway improvements have been pushed as rapidly as possible. Dur ing the past two or three years there has devel oped a wide-spread national interest in winter sports and in many sections of the United States this has created winter resort business of large proportions. The Upper Peninsula offers splen did future opportunities in this field of activity, and with proper development Michigan can fur nish unequaled year-round recreational facilities. Within a radius of but four hundred and fifty miles of Detroit are such points of interest and scenic beauty as the Soo Locks, the Pictured Rocks, the great Tahquamenon Falls, largest in the Middle-West, together with a multitude of beautiful streams, lakes and forests. The fact that so many of these things have re mained so long undiscovered even by residents of lower Michigan, has been due in most part to lack of means of access.

Within recent years,

however, splendid highways have been con structed into this territory so that there now remains but one serious barrier to convenient

and speedy transportation to the many points of

automobiles, trucks, and railroad cars.

It was

thus held for 22 hours, breaking free on Mon

day afternoon, February 8, and during that time no transportation service between the peninsulas was available.

The effects of such occurrences on potential business and traffic interchange between the peninsulas is obvious, and reports that fully eighty per cent of salesmen's cars traversing the Upper Peninsula bear Wisconsin or Illinois li

cense plates are not surprising. Business men in Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, and other cen ters in the Upper Peninsula, report that they obtain much better and more rapid service from Chicago than from Detroit. A manufacturer in Battle Creek states that his products are shipped to Newberry via Wisconsin and pass through Michigan (Lower Peninsula), Indiana, Wiscon sin, and back into Michigan. According to the 1930 census 313,600 people live in the Upper Peninsula. They consume products and manu factured goods which the majority would un doubtedly prefer to obtain from the merchants and manufacturers of their own state.


ing an adequate and modern transportation fa cility at the Straits will not only make most of this business available to the merchants of the

Lower Peninsula, but will also provide an outlet and market for commodities in the Upper Pen

of interest in the Upper Peninsula. This barrier


is the Straits of Mackinac, across which ferry

Provision for a permanent and adequate phys ical link between the peninsulas has been the subject of discussion for many years. It is said that at the first meeting of the stockholders of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, held July 1, 1888, Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of the organizers, said, "Now what we need is a bridge across the straits."

boats provide the only connection between the two peninsulas.

The inadequacy of this connecting link in the State's transportation system is evidenced by the delays and inconvenience to travelers which have been recorded in practically every year of ferry operation. These ferries must be navigat ed through hazardous waters and service is sub ject to the vicissitudes of the weather. The state owns no boats suitable for winter service and,

prior to the season of 1936-37, all winter service was provided on the railroad ferry operated by the Mackinaw Transportation Company. Dur ing the current season the State leased the rail road ferry boat "Sainte Marie" from the Mack inaw Transportation Company and used it ex clusively for highway traffic. On January 30 the ferry boat "Chief Wawa tam," owned and operated by the Mackinaw

Transportation Company, ran aground on North Graham Shoal in a blinding snowstorm.


reports stated that traffic across the Straits was completely disrupted and by that night the re maining boat, the "Sainte Marie/' which was immediately scheduled for combined highway and railway service, was 28 boatloads behind. The "Chief Wawatam" was freed on February 3, but was immediately removed to dry dock at

River Rouge for repairs, thus leaving only one boat in service.

On Sunday afternoon, Febru

ary 7, the "Sainte Marie" was stalled in the ice

In 1920 the late Horatio

Earle, then


Highway Commissioner, suggested consideration of a floating tunnel to connect the peninsulas. The present State Ferry System was inaugurat ed in 1923 as a result of public demand for bet

ter transportation facilities. By 1928 traffic had grown to such an extent that the inadequacy of the service induced consideration of replacing the ferries by a more modern facility and, at the request of the late Governor Fred Green, the

Highway Department studied the problem and reached the conclusion that it was feasible to

build a highway bridge directly across from Mackinaw City to St. Ignace. Although at that

time negotiations for financing the cost of such a bridge, estimated at about $30,000,000 were undertaken and partially completed, the project was eventually dropped.

Early in 1934 the matter was again revived and proposed as a suitable P. W. A. project. In the extra session of 1934 the Legislature created the Mackinac Straits Bridge Authority of Mich igan and empowered it to investigate the feas ibility of such construction and to finance the

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work by issuance of revenue bonds. The Author

ity began its studies in May, 1934, and has been

continuously active since that date. Although limited funds precluded full and complete pre liminary studies, the Authority was able to reach the conclusion that it was feasible to construct

a bridge directly across the Straits at an esti

mated cost of not more than $32,400,000, for a combined two lane highway and one-track rail

way bridge. In its studies the Authority utilized soundings made by the War Department Engin

eers and was aided by the gratuitous counsel and

advice of engineers and contractors experienced in work of this magnitude.

The general plan, upon which the Authority's

capital invested. At the end of 1932, the records show that, after deducting depreciation, the value of the facilities owned was $1,363,051.40. Total collections from tolls on the 866,515 ve hicles of 1923 to 1932 inclusive

amounted to

$2,619,007.89. The net profit from operations, after deducting operating expenses, 5% interest on the capital invested, and depreciation costs, amounted to $753,820.82.

If the ferry system is to be continued indef

initely, such additional boats and coresponding dock improvements must be provided as will build up a system capable of meeting peak traf fic requirements. Studies of past and present traffic indicate that the total annual traffic in

conclusions were based, placed the construction on a location starting easterly from Mackinaw City and extending in a northeast direction

000 vehicles.

Peninsula directly south of St. Ignace. Starting

be provided only by increasing operating costs, with corresponding increase in tolls, it is unlikely

across Graham Shoals to a point on the Upper

at the Mackinaw City shoreline, the construc tion on this end would consist of about 4,600 feet of causeway and viaduct-type steelwork. The main bridgework, about 14,000 feet in length, would consist of 600 and 900 feet canti

lever spans, with a principal span of 1,700 feet. The remainder of the construction, about 8,700 feet in length, would cross Graham Shoals and would be of the same general types of construc

1942 will probably amount to not less than 575,-

Since more frequent and better service can that future service would be much better than

at present, excepting at periods of compara tively heavy traffic. The hazards of navigation will be considerably increased when more boats are in operation—with eight boats operating, three boats must pass one another on each trip across the Straits.

Adverse weather conditions

such as snow, wind, and fog will not only mag nify navigation hazards tremendously, but will

tion as on the Mackinaw City end. The total

at times completely disrupt ferry service.

railway and highway bridge of its kind in the

gested as a possible means of connecting the

length would be about 27,300 feet (5.17 miles) The construction of a tunnel through the rock from shore line to shore line, and in point of underlying the Straits has at times been sug overall length would be the longest combined world. The main span of 1,700 feet would cross

the deepest water and provide a clearance above water level of 150 feet. The main piers for this span would be located in water of depth such as to require placing their foundations about 200 feet below the water surface.

Although such deep foundation work is a ma jor construction problem, foundations have actu

ally been constructed at greater depths, as for example those on the recently completed San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge where a maxi mum of reached. ibility of given to

240 feet below mean sea level was In connection with studies on the feas construction, careful consideration was ice action, wind force, and such other

matters as constitute the technical problems which must be solved for major bridge projects. The limited finances available to the Authority did not permit determination of the most eco

nomical location and design. It was determined

only that the construction was apparently feas ible and that the cost would probably not ex ceed the amount stated above.

Further and com

plete studies are necessary, and will perhaps produce a better plan and possibly a reduction in the estimated cost.

The present ferries have been continuously operated since 1923. Toll charges from 1923 to 1932 inclusive were based on operating costs, al lowance for depreciation, and 5% interest on

peninsulas. Although there is evidence that such construction may be feasible, no studies worthy of consideration have yet been made. Such a construction would be spectacular and would have no counterpart in the world. It would have a total length of about six miles, assuming that grades suitable for railroad oper ation are provided. In order to allow ample rock cover, at the deepest section it would reach probably 350 feet below the water surface. Based recent years, it appears probable that the cost

of such a tunnel, including the necessary vention the cost of vehicular tunnels completed in lating equipment, would exceed $75,000,000. Moreover operating costs due to the necessity of maintain continuous forced ventilation, would entail a considerable annual expense. In the final summing of facts and arrival at

conclusions concerning this Straits transporta tion problem, too much emphasis must not be placed on the value of direct returns to be ob

tained from tolls. Whatever form of utility is furnished or built will provide practically the only connecting link between the peninsulas. All traffic passing from one such section of the State to the other must pass through this bottle neck. Selection of a means of transport which will stimulate and encourage traffic will aid the development of a vast territory rich in nat ural resources, and the wealth thus indirectly Created may easily be (Continued on Page 1060)

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Pae-e 1058


^ii±E jJt ^Jo cz^f-auantaaE On Hjou% ^aiciEninq By R. B. Henley The illustration on this and the opposite page

show the posibility and effectiveness of using stone in building a permanent and beautiful sec tion in your garden. The illustrations are but two of the many suggestive pictures appearing

in the newspapers and magazines continuously. The value is not so much in these particular

ed over the wall, such as climbing or trailing vines.

If a low wall is used to simply define an area

within your grounds, an earth wall might be suitably used. This type of wall requires the use of a rich soil thoroughly tamped into the space between the two upright settings of stone of the

pictures as in the creation in your mind of an

wall, without the use of mortar.

idea of a similar attractive addition

such a wall laid with large stones filled with dirt is to be used for very extensive growing, some thought should be given to an adequate



suit your own individual needs, extended or re arranged to meet the extent you may care to go in expense and space required. Walls form a distinctive structural element in

the design of your landscape. A wall may sep arate or unify space relationship. When the wall

However, il

water supply, which can be accomplished by in serting a perforated iron pipe to which a hose can be connected, to thoroughly saturate the soil.

is set up as a protection, it should be of such

In the construction of any wall in which it

construction as to induce a sense of security.

is planned to grow plants, the stone should be

The type and style of a wall, as well as its height and extent, is influenced by location and general surrounding conditions.

so laid that water falling on it is drained into the wall, rather than from it. allowing it to be lost. Plants for planting such a wall, also known as a

The plainness of a wall is removed and the en

dry wall, consist of those listed in the following

tire structure is made more effective in a land

paragraph, and may be planted with a reasonable

scape when planting is judiciously done.

expectation of success: Goldentuft. kockcress, Maiden Pink, Snow


material for walls may be divided into two gen

eral groups: First—Plants to grow in the wall, such as rock plants; Second—Plants to be train

drop, Creeping Cypsophila.

Evergreen Candy

tuft, Bigleaf Sea-lavender, Moss Phlox, Stonecrop, Thrift and Motherof-thyme, as well as many others


numerous to

mention here, but readily

available in any ol the many flower catalogs is sued.

The use of rock work

in gardens was first in troduced




teenth century in China

and Japan. Unfortu nately, the motive that inspired the Chinese and Japanese in their rock work was not imported with the practice and the result




A water garden, alter arst cost, brings good results wiih less work and exijeiwe

than other types.

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Pasre 1059

European gardens consisted of a meaningless jumble of rocks, which were hardly anything but ordinary rock piles planted with unsuitable material.

It has only been during the past thirty years that progress has been made in the art of rock gardening construction so that in this country rock gardens may be seen that are artistically correct and well adapted to the cultivation of al

a grade, but if only a level location is available, a grade may be made by excavating slightly and using the same material for the grade. Drainage is important, and unless the subsoil is naturally gravely provision must be made to cany away excess water.

The soil should not be too rich, and the fol lowing treatment of good garden loam is re commended: To 3 parts of loam add 2 parts of

pine and rock plants. Aside from the value of the rocks in providing a natural setting, this material also performs other functions, such as helping to keep the

and 2 parts of humus,

ground cool, and to conduct moisture to the roots

this vicinity.

of the. plants. The rocks also give shade to an extent and provide efficient drainage as well as holding up the soil in the garden. The forms that rock gardens may take are many and vary from the many pocketed con structions, solely for the purpose of growing plants, to the type designed merely for the dec orative effect of the rock themselves.

The ideal

garden lies between these two extremes, and should be constructed with some relation to what

a person might find in nature, and thereby be doubly beneficial in providing suitable location for plants, as well as nicely displaying the rock work.

As a rule, the rock garden should be located in the open, not subject to the drip from trees nor molestation by tree roots.

The soil should

be of a porous nature for proper drainage. By using local stone there is less danger of a com pleted garden that would look entirely out of place. Weather worn limestone of irregular shapes is recommended as the most pleasing ma terial for construction, and the easiest to work with. However, weath ered rocks of almost any kind can bs used to ad

vantage provided they are blocky in form and of a

neutral color.



exceptional cases should more





rock be used in the gard en.

It is said that a rock

garden is, and should be, a rock garden and not a collection of geological specimens.

Preparation of the site and the soil is most im

portant. As a rule, the rock garden should be on

Wall and rock gardens provide efteetive additions

•to home grounds.. Ouitanle material i.s easily avauaule.

crushed stone (3-8 inch and less), 1 part of sand, which




swamp muck.

All of the above material is readily available in

Addition of j^ pound of ground

limestone per bushel of humus is recommended, and by using the above mixture the right soil conditions are available for lime, acid and sand

loving plants respectively.

Before starting the actual work of putting the rocks in place it is well to study the location ar rangements as they occur in nature, so that the garden when completed, will not be too far re

moved from nature. Starting from the lowest point, each rock should be placed on its broadest base and when completed should be from twothirds to three-quarters covered with the soil. Where the slope is gentle fewer rocks should be used, and if the grade is more pronounced, the rocks should be placed to have little more than

a crevice for location of the plants.

If the rock garden is large enough to justify a walk, flat stones are recommended as best.

This eliminates the garden being over-run by grass roots, and provides a suitable walk for wet or dry weather.

Planting the rock garden becomes largely a matter of individual taste, but the plans should

Calcite Screenings

Page 1060 take into consideration colors and time of bloom

ing. There are many annual plants suitable for rock gardens, and by using these, the expense of complete permanent planting can be spread over a longer period. Some easily grown rock gard en plants are Goldentuft, Rocky Mountain Co lumbine, Rockcress, Carpathian Bellflower, Snow-in-Summer, Babysbreath, Alpine Forgetme-not, Blue Phlox, Moss Phlox, Stonecrop, Al

pine Catchfly, and Horned Violet. These plants will provide a large variety of color. Of the annuals for a rock garden Mexican

Ageratum, Sweet Alyssum, California Poppy, Goldencup, Candytuft, Sea-lavender, Fig-mari gold, Drummond Phlox, and Dwarf Marigold

transportation system at this point. Tolerance of the present divided condition of Michigan means the fostering of divided state interests and may easily entail losses in eco nomic development which may never be recov ered. The construction of a permanent and pos itive connection which such a bridge insures is an immediate economic and social necessity and will firmly weld the state's interests. (Reprinted from The Michigan Alumnus Quar terly Review. On June 7th Professor Cissell spoke in Rogers City to a large number of bus iness and professional men on "Bridging the Straits of Mackinac."

will provide quick effect for less expenditure of

JSIew Diesel-i^lectric JLocomotives (Continued from Page 1050)


A thick layer of snow is all the winter cover ing that is needed for a rock garden; however, when subject to freezing and thawing a cover must be provided that will not mat down from exposure to rain. Evergreen bows provide the best covering, but these should not be put on the garden until the ground has frozen. Water gardens provide further use for lime stone. In the September issue of "Screenings" last year, water gardening was discussed to some extent; it is worthy of repeating that the value

of water gardening lies in its extreme ease of care and culture. Water gardens may vary from

small tub gardens to large formal pools; but in each case they share the same lack of weeding, cultivation and spraying so constantly demanded by the ordinary type of flower gardens. The one very essential point is, that a water garden is to be so located that it gets the maximum amount of sun; and second, that its construction is prop

erly done to avoid future expense and bother. And in this connection, no other material is equal

for proper foundation and drainage than outown limestone. No better, nor more beautiful effect can be had, than by using stratified lime

stone that readily breaks into flat slabs for the edging of the pool. Whether you plan a wall, a pool, a rock garden, or just a plain garden walk, make use of lime stone for beauty.

convenience, economy and lasting

Bridging tne Straits of jMLackinac (Continued from Page 1057)

many times the total investment required. The transportation requirements across the Straits will never be permanently met by a ferry system and, if the present system is continued and amplified, the State should recognize the above fact and prepare for the day of inevitable replacement.

At the present time it appears that the best solution to the problem is the immediate con struction of a bridge. Modern science of design and construction now make such a construction

feasible, and Michigan should immediately take advantage of its opportunity to modernize its

high temperature of the air. Of course the en gine must be turned over by some outside force to get this process started. To do this, a battery is provided which, when the "starter" button is pressed, causes the starter motor to "crank'' the engine. This same battery furnishes light and other power for the locomotive when the' engine is not running.

The diesel engine drives two D. C. electric generators, a very large one which supplies pow er to the four driving motors, one geared to each axle and also acts as the starter motor, and a

smaller one which supplies power to fans, com

pressors, pumps, lights, and to charge the bat tery.

The operation of the diesel locomotive while hauling trains or switching is very similar to that of the steam locomotive.

The air brake valves

are identical, the reversing lever is as simple chough much easier to operate than the "John son bar" and the throttle which actually controls the speed of the diesel engine as well as the power given to the drivers and the speed of the entire train, is very similar to that of a steamer, though smaller and easier to operate. The starting effort or drawbar pull which these locomotives can give to a train of cars is 60,000 pounds on clean dry rails. The motors themselves are strong enough to slip the wheels against the best friction between wheels and rails, but the power of the motors can be con trolled very closely by the operator so there is not as much need of slipping the wheels as on the steam locomotive. Our present steam loco motives have a drawbar pull of about 35,000 pounds so you can see that these new machines can move heavier trains with less fuss though they have a limit as to what speed the train may be hauled.

These two new machines may be a start of a change in train operations, the end of which we cannot predict until we have had a chance to study them in operation for some time. Any change or modernization of our plant is inter esting to all of us and the development of this end of our operations will be especially inter esting.

Calcitc Screenings

Page 1061

<SajEt)j <£±±aij, ^Po±£e% c^fnd ^SjiEEcfi Conbzsfa, -Dy Cjeorge Xv. Jones To all contestants in our "Screenings" contest on essays, posters, and speeches, we will not keep you in suspense any longer. As was prom ised, we now announce the winners in this issue

of "Screenings." In the essay division we have ten winners. In the Rogers City Public School, Etta Voda, Grade 12, won the grand prize for the best essay re

children, but accidents in sports take many lives.

Children there do not have much freedom to play

with a gun or any object that may cause a death. I find it so different here in the United States.

Ihere are accidents happening every minute of the hour—every hour of the clay. They take lives that we are trying to make happy. I*m not trying to praise Italy. There are acci

gardless of grade. Because of her essay being practically on a par with the grand prize winner, Francis Friedrich wins a grade prize, Grade 12.

dents happening there, too, but not the wav they

Ila Patzer is announced the winner in Grade 11 :

Chicago or Detroit than in my little backward village in Italy because they are modern cities— beautiful and exciting. You have good times, progress, and prosperity. Yes, in America you

Jane Pearse in Grade 10; Iverne Pines in Grade

9; Francis Richards and Denny Larke in Grade 8. (This is a duplicate award given because of the judges being tied on these two essays) ; Lucille Gonyou in Grade 7. In the two grades from St. Ignatius School, we have Raymond Smolinski winner in Grade 8 and Pat Osborn in Grade 7.

First prize in the poster division goes to Isadore Pines, second prize to John Nowicki, and third prize to Mary Ellen Kinville, Grade 7, St. Ignatius School. In the speech division we had seven contest ants. During an asembly hour in the high school gymnasium, the contest ants gave their speeches. We have

chosen two for prizes. to Angeline Santini Betty Hein.

happen here.

I know you would rather live in New York,

have everything, except the assurance of life it self.

What can progress do without any life? Don't

you realize that one out of every three children, alive, happy and health}', is now doomed to be killed in an accident? Isn't this a horrible condi tion to exist in the finest countrv in the world?

Hack in the hills of Italy is my little Italian

village—an unprogressive town—but safe! What I wish for this country of ours is the progress that it has now plus the

safety of my little Italian village.

First goes

As usual, •"Calcite Screenings" re

and second to

ceived a wonderful response to this contest. Co-operation of the school faculties and the students made the contest a success and a pleasure to

Below is the prize winning speech entitled '"Can't





Progress Both?" as given by Angel

its sponsors. We hope that ideas of safety born in these essays,

ine Santini, Grade 9:

I was born in Italy and I was nine years old when I came to America.

posters, and speeches will go farther than the printed page, the drawn

There I never saw a child with a gun, and seldom a man with one. We had no stoves and no furnaces—

lines, and uttered words.

The originality shown this year was equal to any of other years. It

fires were very few. We had no pavements where children could skate—and get killed by cars.

is also interesting to note that style and methods used in prize winners of previous years are always to be

When I was abouc eight years old we made a trip of thirty miles, walk ing. It was a question of either walking or taking a train when you

found. It is always interesting to go ihiough the many entries and get a slant on the school age ideas of safe ty. "Calcite Screenings" hopes to

wanted to get to another town. Here in

bring this contest to you again next

the United States there

are so many ways to travel,



many people are injured or killed in travel accidents.




sports here not enjoyed by the Italian


Angeline Santini Winer of Safety Speech Contest

Boss: "How are you getting along with arith metic, Sam ?"

Sam : "Well. Ah don learn to add up all de noughts, but de figgers still bother me."

You never see the stock called hap piness quoted on the stock exchange.

One of the troubles in this modern age is that too many people are spending money they haven't yet earned for things they don't need to impress people they don't like.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1062

ou LL J^ee Lit Lfn <^>czEznLna± Personals That Come To J.he Kditor s JJesk

J tist Among Ourselves The Steamboat Inspector, Avhile issuing Sea

man's books to Tug crews, said, "Boy, Oh Boy! What a rogues gallery they have started on these boats!" The pictures of Captain Pep, Olie and C. Hoch were honeys.

The photographer

had to leave the darkroom when he worked on

Pep's negative. He was afraid to stay in there alone with him.

Marvin Klann, one of our samplers, has an idea that if he would save some of the good high

Erwin "Nig" Joppich has decided that he will have no need for a phonograph or radio at his

cottage as the mosquitoes furnish plenty of music.

We have had a dry spring and are facing a dry summer. We ask you all to stamp out all fire and sparks in cigar and cigarette butts and in the ashes from your pipe before you leave them.

calcium stone that he works with each day and convert it into calcium wafers, he would have a

Denton Cooper has a new car since he Avalked home from the plant one morning at 3:00 o' clock, as his old one failed to start. Some of our car salesmen should take the tip.

product for curing human ills. His idea has gone as far as thinking of advertising slogans. One of which is, "A Free Sample of

Locomotive Engineers Frank Rose and Geo. Dagner captured a mttksrat in

one of the quarry creeks—then

Alka Seltzer to each Dissatis fied Customer."

came the question on how to divide the hide.

They tell us that Ted Per-

dike is trying to


strain of tail-less mice.


At the

present stage the farmer's wife and her carving knife


A Thought forToda

Adolph Radka holds the re cord for planting potatoes— nne hundred bushels in a hand

planter per day. Adolph has no witnesses, but do you doubt


best formula for sure success.


It is said that there are two classes of workers in the Ma

Financial News

chine Shop—those who have a farm and wish to sell and those

who haven't one, but wish to buy. The boys should get to gether.

up over the good fishing at Spratt dam. Lunch

Ask Chas. Kleiber why the sudden departure from his perch fishing at the Ocqueoc River. One answer has been that Chas. met up with a rattle snake.






Ed. Radka




little tractor that John Zem-

pel trained for years. We judge SO from the way he hugs the steering wheel.

Albert Schultz and Herman

time arrived and it was sardines that the gentle men were eating.

P. Boehmer gave the market an unhealthy

stocks today.

It is thinking one thing and doing another that causes acci dents. Watch your step! Zinke spent a forenoon getting the blasting crews all pepped

A. stock

Chas. Schram and John Kapala gave Steve Partyka so many suckers one morning that Steve couldn't clean them all and still get to work. So much for our fishermen.

What would you do with a husband whom you had driven to work and then left you while you were stuck in the mud? I bet John Noble wouldn't want you for a wife if he heard that answer.

Wanted—"Kentucky Club" tobacco coupons by John Heller. John wants the pipe given with so many coupons, but smokes another brand.

A Rogers City suburb that is going to surpass

Bruningsville is the settlement just south of town.

The mosquitoes are so thick at Lake Nettie that Ernest Adrian was seen with a red silk pet ticoat tied around his head.

Many of our men arc property owners

there and plan on building soon.

Ah, folks—our good friend George Pilarski is

Page 1063

Calcite Screenings

again in the news. George recovered from an illness last winter and is on the prowl once more. Wherever he reports seeing a bear, you will find a choice strawberry patch.

luck. He bought his fishing license recently and took two or three trips and now says that he made a big mistake. He should have bought a beer license instead of the fishing license.

Speaking of bears, John Dembny saw the bear reported by Collon Paulley and Tom Kelley. Just a big, fat porcupine rocking in a tree top.

"Red" Lee, one of last year's barnyard golf en thusiasts, is trying to interest somebody in a soft ball league. We remember when "Red" used to play the outfield on those champion Machine Shop teams.

This summer is the time to inspect your stoves, furnaces and chimneys.

Walt Santimo says that No. 11 shovel will soon run out of stone, the bottom of the cut feels like iron to him.

Harry Schefke says that Timekeeper Meharg might be a good golfer and a firstclass bowler, but he is just ordinary around a pool table.

Joe Markey: "Say, mister, how far is it to To

"Chum" Raymond, a ball star of not many summers back, would rather see a game than to play in one. He and Red Lee spent a week end scouting some of the big league teams. Andy Tischler is seen driving a new V-8. That's all very nice, but the shop boys can't understand

it as Andy has been known to be anything but partial to V-8 rides offered him.


Farmer: "Well, sir, the way you are going now it's just 24,996 miles, but if you turn around, it's only four miles."

Bill Torno bought a Chrys

ler and then again we hear it's just a car. What Bill's friends want to know is whether it will hunt rabbits? Ask Vic Koch or Dave Lar son how to tie and untie a

When it was asked who the battery was for


you'll be completely

In the same school our in

structor heard of "artillery," "bleeding" and "caterpillar" action which were


your life.

i chance in 25

sidelights to him.

We will have to charge Jack Cherette for advertising space

Warwick men

Diesel locomotive.

y o u l l be p a r t i a l l y disableo t h e r e s t of y o u r life.

When you feel that your job is so safe that you no longer




being worn by the locomotive runners do not mean an enginsers' picnic. The boys are just getting spic and span so they can look the part in the new

i chance. in 2000 d i s a b l e d t h e r e s t ok



No, all these clean overalls

you'll, be. killed.




tioned. Bill used to be a pitch er of note, but we always thought that he did the umpir ing in recent years. (Who said "mean crack"?).

%1 chance. in 90

school gave them some new ideas on the subject.


the Rogers City ball team on its opening game, we heard the

need to think





safety, you are riding to a fall. Alfred Peltz was seen at a

as he has two more good hunting dogs for sale. It seems as if we've mentioned Jack's name be fore in this column and he had a dog for sale at that time. Some of you fellows having lost dogs

new thirst parlor with a white apron around his middle and a center part in his hair. He denies that he is to be a bartender, although he cer tainly looked like a first-class one.

had better investigate.

Claude Powers must like winter, or maybe liking it has become a habit with him. Anyway he found a patch of last winter's snow buried in No. 5 dump and brought a snowball up to the target house (where it wasn't appreciated). Eldridge told him that we see enough of that nine months of the year. The Transportation Department boasts


some excellent fishermen and since Ed. Glazer

supplies the oil to the locomotive fellows, he hears all about those big ones. Ed has always thought that more fish were caught in the Tar get House than at the lakes, so never accepted the many invitations extended him to try his

We were surprised to hear that Art "Firpo" Hein was a ballplayer. He pitched the Metz team to a win in the league opener. Frank Richards is one of the many fishermen catching perch at the mouth of the Ocqueoc riv er.

It is whispered that his wife catches most

of them. Fred Dagner fishes in the same place and was seen coming in with a nice five-pound lake trout.

To those who don't know these

parts, we must add that a commercial fisherman is located a very short distance away and he sells nice lake trout.

Politeness is like an air cushion, there may be nothing in it, but it eases our jolts.

Page 1064

Calcite Screenings

Mrs. Henry Kreft, aged sixty-three, passed

Those vV no Have Passed Away Joseph Fulcher, father of William Fulcher of the Mill Department, passed away suddenly on May 16th at his farm home in Alcona County. Burial was in Westlawn Cemetery, Harrisville, Michigan.

John Glazer, a former employee of the Mich igan Limestone & Chemical Company, passed away at his home in Alpena on April 21st. Still in this company's employ is a son, Edward, of the Storehouse Department; and son-in-laws Adolph Leszinske, radio operator, and Harry Wing, electric welder.

Many friends and acquaintances of Clare Wade were surprised to learn of his death on April 28th at the Marine Hospital in Detroit. Few outside of his shipmates knew of his illness and the passing of this young man was a great shock to many. At the time of his death Clare was Second Mate on the


away April 8th after a long illness.


services were held from St. Michael's Lutheran

Church, Belknap. Of a family of children she leaves Ida Kreft, telephone operator at the Main Office, and Paul Kreft of the Shovel Department.

Stanley Haske, age thirty and a member of the Mill Department, passed away suddenly on February 10, 1937. A shock and surprise to his family and fellow workers. Funeral services were held from St. Dominic's Church, Metz, Michigan.

Anderson Pines passed away on January 31, 1937, in the local hospital. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. J. Francis. Lester R. Pines, a son, Lester Pines, Griffin Pines and Wil son Pines, brothers, are all employees of the Limestone Company. To the families of the bereaved relatives CAL

CITE SCREENINGS expresses its sympathy.


BRADLEY. His service with the Bradley Trans portation Company showed him to be a wellliked young man of promise. His widow, two



brothers and one sister survive his death.

Mrs. Valentin Leszinske of Rockford, Illinois,

passed away on May 23rd.

Mrs. Leszinske was

the mother of Adolph Leszinske, radio operator of the Central Radio Company.

Joseph Kuczinski, an employee of the Mich igan Limestone & Chemical Company for nine teen years, and until recently a member of the Mill Department, pased away at the home of his brother-in-law at Hatley, Wisconsin, on April 6th.

He had been in ill health for some time so

news of his death was not surprising to his fel low workers. Joe will be missed on the job.

Mrs. Charles Sauve passed away on April 1st.

Only forty-one years of age and apparently healthy, her death was a great shock to her many friends and relatives. She leaves her hus band, two daughters, her mother and Erwin Joppich of the Storehouse, a brother.

No, this is not Johnny Weissmuller, but one of the popular men from around the plant en joying a dip at the beach. We understad he also modelled some new styles in bathing equip

The increasing toll which automobile accidents is exacting in human lives was very forcibly and sadly brought home to our community on Mon day, May 31st, in the collision between two cars

in our employ since 1917 and can be seen around the quarry and plant at most any time of the day. His hobbies are spitzer and golf. He claims he

which took the life of Carl Strieker and seriously injured his wife, Mildred Strieker.

Details as to just what happened are lacking, but the results are none the less horrible and re

grettable. Carl was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand

Strieker of Rogers City. He was born in ers City on February 2nd, 1906. He was comotive engineer, having worked for the pany since June 5th, 1922. He enjoyed the comradeship of his plant

Rog a lo com

asso ciates and was privileged with a wide circle of friends.

ment which should be on sale soon.

He has been

is the best spitzer player in the county, and we think he is, but he does not seem to have much to say about his golf. There must be a reason.

He is, however, a past master with a curve-ball, and usually has for his opponent Dr. Monroe who can tell you lots more about him. The "Guess Who?" in our Spring Issue, Thom as Kelley was the gay Beau Brummel on the left and on the right his running mate, Joseph Kasuba.

The absent-minded gentleman who kisses the umbrella goodbye and takes the baby out in the rain has no place on the highways.

Page 1065

Calcite Screenings

A AV^arm vV el come to tne New Arrivals Girls born to our employ ees w e r e :

Elizabeth Marie



and Mrs. Alfred Klingshirn

on January 30, 1937. Mr. Klingshirn is in the Mill De partment. Geneva Elsie to Mr. and

Mrs. Alphone Schaedig on

January 9, 1937. Mr. Schaedig is with the Brad ley Transportation Company.

Jacqueline Joan to. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller on April 1, 1937. Mr. Miller is with the Bradley Transportation Company.

Sandra Joan to Mr. and Mrs. William Chain on April 24, 1937. Mr. Chain is with the Bradley Transportation Company.

his estate.

It seems that as part of the test to

determine the ability of each man, he asked each one how close he could drive to the edge of a cliff along the roadside. The first man said he could drive within six inches. The second man said he could drive

within a foot of the precipice. The third appli cant said he would keep as far away from the edge of the cliff as possible. The third man was hired.

This old story illustrates the fact that no em ployer sanctions risks or smart practices on the part of his employees, and that careless men are aot wanted in any industry. The only way to rule others is first to learn to rule yourself.

Dost thou love life?

Then do not squander

time, for that's the stuff that life is made of.

Donnabelle Martha to Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt

Bruning on April 3, 1937. Mr. Bruning is an em ployee of the Transportation Department.

Wishing You Both A Great Happiness

Sandra Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greene

Mr. Robert Zinke of the Con

on March 27th, 1937. Mr. Greene is in the Pow er Department. Sons born to our employees were:

struction Department was mar ried to Miss Doreen Schoenith

of Cheboygan on April 24, 1937. Justice of the Peace Chas. Dett-

Julius Wilfred to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Budnick on January 18, 1937. Mr. Budnick is in the

loof, Jr., officiated.

Trucking Department. Paul Louis to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Durecki

on January 21, 1937. Mr. Durecki is in the Shov el Department. Robert Elroy to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruelke on January 23, 1937. Mr. Gruelke is an em ployee in the Mill Department. Thomas Leroy to Mr. and Mrs. Howard War

wick on February 27, 1937. Mr. Warwick is em ployed in the Transportation Department. Walter John to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buza on April 20, 1937. Mr. Buza is with the Bradley Transportation Company. Malcolm Lancaster to Mr. and Mrs. Donald

Monroe on April 19, 1937. Mr. Monroe is in the employ of the Bradley Transportation Company. Robert John to Mr. and Mrs. John Selke on April 16, 1937. Mr. Selke is with the Bradley Transportation Company. Calcite Screenings extends congratulations to these many parents.

John C. Bruning of the Drill ing and Blasting Department was united in marriage on May 1, 1937, to Gertrude Hagen.

Rev. Louis A. Linn performed the ceremony.

On May 1, 1937, Carl J. Schaedig and Mildred Link were married by the Rev. H. Heinecke.

Miss Link is the daughter of Chas. Link. Mr. Schaedig is an employee in the Yard Depart ment.

Harold Fleming and Nina Lamb were united

in marriage on February 3, 1937, by Rev. Louis A. Linn. Mr. Fleming is an employee of the Bradley Transportation Company. Gerald Burns was married to Mildred Elowske

on February 6, 1937. Rev. Louis Heinecke per formed the ceremony. Mr. Burns is employed by the Bradley Transportation Co. Albert Schultz, Jr., another Bradley Transpor

tation employee, was united in marriage to Miss Gladys Schlager on March 4, 1937. Rev. Louis A. Linn officiated.

Careless Workers Not VV anted JJy i^mployers

Ralph Zempel was united in marriage to Edith

While employers of men of this Modern Ma chine Age are particularly anxious to hire only

Schultz of Rogers City on March 6, 1937. Rev. Louis A. Linn performed the ceremony. Mr. Zempel is an employee of the Bradley Transpor

careful men, this same concern for safety on the

tation Company.

part of employers dates back hundreds of years. Safety has always been given a prominent place

It is quite unusual for Calcite Screenings to be able to record



in any physical endeavor even to the lowliest of positions where manual labor is involved. Perhaps the reader can recall the old story of

number of marriages in one issue. During the past few

the English Lord of vast estates, who wished to

a marriage famine. We ex tend our very best wishes to these happily married cou ples.

employ a coachman. There were three appli cants for the job. The English Lord, as part of his interview, had each applicant drive him over

years we have gone through

Pa c-e 1066

Calcite Screenings

\\ the heat hasn't convinced you that summer lowed some of the fellows' advice and clipped is at band, notice the white linen cap worn by their wings. Apparently you can clip wings too '•Bill" Heller. The season is now officially short, as Rudy has to place his chickens on the opened.

roost every night as they can't fly to the height

From the speed shown by the contractors in putting up Al Ilopp's new house, he must have

decided to get married and do it quickly while her answer was still "Yes." Good looking start for a

house. Al.


Voigt wanted to know who




ol the roost's now.

Herman Karsten took Gene Vallee for a ride

recently which was a neighborly thing to dp. We saw that part of the joyride where Herman was walking for the gas

Vacation Days Are Here !

windows 'way up in the peak? worker,

Being that


and Gene enjoying "his pipe in the car.

Squeak, squeak,squeak Chas. Hoffman coming. If those are safely shoes,



be a problem to Al.


A careful habit is the




about the squeak, Char

best bodyguard.


Two of our attractive

Dick Hamanu was in

stenographers have tak en Up the game of golf.

Schenectady, New York on business (at least he

To date each


have the

bug well under cultiva





town sounded somethinglike that), and went to

tion and will be seen real

often on the local golf



turned out to be a real

It has been re

marked that golf les sons by a competent

G e r m a n







good, according to Dick, and oysters on the halfshell, which he says

these fine young ladies, and we are sure that all offers for such instruc tion would be received

must be German, too, as it

with pleasure.







Childhood pleasures on a sunny spring afternoon,

"Why don't you shave,

roller skates, an old tire and some of mother's shoes.

Soper?" Howard replies, "I'm

Left to right are: Mary Jane Glazer. her cousin. Carol Powers, Margaret Alice Glazer and David

just hiding from my pal, Gager." Again we hesitate to advertise, but we must

mention that Adolph Redmond is taking ord ers for kindling wood. Our riddle for this is

sue is donated by Hugh Lewis. As stated by Hugh, "I fish in the same

Glazer. Of course Ed. Glazer is the father of three in the group, so you understand why they are so good looking. With vacation just around the corner, Ed. says ihat he will get lots of practice in first aid as cuts, bruises and slivers occur frequently. Now is a good time to start teaching youngsters of this age the im portance of being careful. We will not be lead astray in thinking that Ed. has assumed full responsibility in caring for these srlendid children as we know a

mother is the real guardian angel of most, families and one of our first safety teachers. The above picture will soon be changed from a street scene to a scene on our bathing beach. A guard will be stationed there to proieci youngsters altho it would be wise for parents to caution their youngsters on the hazards connected with water sports.

depth, identical tackle, same kind of bait, and Albert Martin '-ht beside me catches all the

fish. What's only thing left t


They served real Ger

male instructor would be of untold value to

same water, the



Our guess is about the ••> try prayer.

Do you boost for sa.^y? A good example is always the best safety sermon.

k'udwlph Schleben raises chickens for a hobby and of course for the eggs. His hens are city bred and don't like staying at home, so he fol-

The careless man may be happy, but not for long. Kobert I'x.utin re ceived a letter from his sister in Canada. It was written in French so

Bob didn't know was said.


He tried Gla

zer, Vallee, Cherette and some of our Frenchmen, but could not find a translator. Bob should

n't have

forgotten his


The harder you try to

pursue happiness, the more elusive it is. This is because happiness is a by-product. It always comes as a result of -"me other action—usually work because then yon feel necessary and useful. If you are idle you feel selfish and unnecessary. Find some worthwhile occupation, lose yourself in it, ami

suddenly some day you'll find yourself happy and wonder how it happened. Don't make excuses—make good,

Page 1067

Calcite Screenings

Among Our veteran -Lmployees

You will agree that our old timer looks good •for many more years of shovel operating. Always a careful worker and a good worker, we wish him many pleasant years on the job.

Winner Ol The President s Cup Ar t h u r


winner of the Presi

dent's cup, a trophy given to the winner of the golf tourna ment in the Rogers City Golf Club. Art is justly proud of his achievement. He is the son of Mr. and

Mrs. Angelo Santini

and is employed as pump



the loading docks. ed

Arthur has start out with a nice





clubs this season so

we presume he will In the year 1884 our veteran of the Shovel De partment, Watson Sicinski, was born in the country of Poland. Seventeen of the first years of his life were spent in his native land. Encour aged by his parents, who had preceded him to this country, and with an urge to see this land

of plenty, Watson came to the United States in 1901. His parents had settled on a farm in this county, so he came directly here. For a period ol ten years he had numerous jobs. Like most young fellows, he had some experience in the lumber woods and also with the wanderlust of

the young gripping him he traveled to Utica, New York, where he spent some time in a steel


However, about this time Watson must

have entertained the idea of settling down as he worked for the Detroit and Mackinaw Railroad

Company until he came to Calcite in 1911. To you folks who have seen the first shovel used at: Calcite exhibited on the plant grounds, it will be of interest for you to know that Wat son got his first shovel experience on this ma

chine, lie served as a pitman when this shovel was first operated at Calcite. He is now a shov el operator on No, 12 electric shovel, which is a long way from the little steam shovel used in 1911.

Besides being an ever faithful workman, Wat

son has spent considerable time raising a family. To Mr. and Mrs. Sicinski twelve children have been born since their marriage in 1905. Seven

daughters and five sons have made their home a pleasant one.

Watson says that he hasn't any Special hobby. but we do know that he goes fishing occasion ally and that his farm home demands all his spare time.

be all set to defend his title when the time comes.

Do vour work as well as voti can and be kind.

Here we have proof that there are fish in the Thunder Bay River. These pike were caught just before the ice broke up in March. The ang lers from left to right are: Quentin Dullack, Ivan Dullack, Adolph Dullack, Helen Dagner, George Dagncr and Billy Dagner. George claims that he caught all the big beau ties in the center. We haven't heard Adolph's version.

Page 1068

Calcite Screenings

-JriE jLj^aaLEij ^J%an±tiostation (Lomttanu Oalety JVleetiiigs ana .Personal -Ne-

Rogers Citv, Michigan April 15, 1937

Mr. Joseph Valentin, Editor

The opening of this season of navigation found two familiar names and faces missing from the

crew line-Up of our ships. On April 1st Mr. George S. Beck left our em ploy to join the forces of the United States

Calcite Screenings. Dear Sir:

On April 7 we were trying to get into Presque Isle Harbor after returning from our nets. We ran into heavy ice at 10:00 o'clock that night and worked until 1:00 o'clock the following morn ing when we became fast and drifted in the ice abreast of False I'resque Isle Point. The Steam er White, downbound, realizing we were in trou ble, changed her course and came within hailing distance of us and then swung on down the lake.

Steamboat Inspection service, where he has ac cepted a position as Assistant Hull Inspector in

We should have hailed her and asked her to

Mr. James Gatons also left our employ on April 1st, "Jimmy" joining the

come alongside, but did not, which was a mistake



part. When the Steamer White was abreast of Middle Isle, she

the Milwaukee District.

George entered our employ on May 22nd, 1927. and has acted in the capacity of First Mate on all of our steamers at various times during the

period of employment with us, being First Mate on the Steamer T. W. Robinson the season of 1936.

ittt t»»

turned about and came along side of US and we followed her out.

i ««?*



the Steamer White, but it cer


Steamboat In

District, where he is Assistant

Inspector of Boilers. Jimmy entered our employ on July 1st. 1928, and has

First Assistant

That ice meant nothing to

tainly did to us, and we, as members of the Fish Tug Ram bler, wish to thank the Cap


spection service in the Detroit





the various vessels of our fleet. He was First Assistant on the Steamer W. F. White

during the season of 1936.


Both of these men have been

Samaritan and willing to lend

good cook as he was interest

capable, loyal and conscientious employees and their smiling countenances will be greatly missed by all in the organiza

ed and asked if we had any thing to eat. Thanks again.

"Calcite Screenings" joins in wishing them every success in

tain of the White as a :i hand.

And also many thanks to the

Rambler Crew.


their new fields of activity.

Inattention may serve some useful purpose when Wifie wants help in hanging the curtains or demands that the cellar be cleaned up. But the man who gets lost in reverie while driving

Daydreams behind the wheel often become nightmares in a wheel-chair. If you are in the throes of your income tax report or a post mor tem on last night's bridge game, wait 'til yon get

is likely to be found in a ditch.

home to figure it out.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1069

JtjxadL&ij ^Jxari^tioxtatiori Comhanu Crew List—1937 STEAMER







F. F. Pearse

M. R. MacLean

Theo. Dahlburg

C. A. Martin

First Mate

Leo Moll

A. Tyrell

Chris Swarts

Donald McLeod

Second Mate

Lester Bannon

Alex Malocha

Roland Ursem

Wm. Chain

Third Mate

Donald Langridge

G. Leveck


Wm. Hornbacher

C. Gordon

Norman Raymond Virgil Beebe


Donald Monroe

L. Macklem


William Hersch

F. Wetherton

John Miller Wallace Soney John Sucharski Louis Gregory


Lester Gordon

H. Morrill

Theo. Strand

Chas. Cook


Hilton Gould

John Phillips

Allan Strand

Edwin Hoeft


Ivan Lee

Richard Tulgetske

Dean O'Connor

H. Piatt

Theo. Werner

Arthur Kurver

Deck Watch

Herman Vogler Martin Joppich James Selke

A. Breckon

Gordon Hunt

Herbert Frederick

Deck Watch

Lyle Goulette

Albert Schultz

Louis Urban

Clarence Mulka


Ford Winfield

M. Frederick

Jack Christmas

Kenneth Bruning


Edward Hilla

Julian Yarch

Carl Mulka

Gordon O'Toole


Chas. Smith

Ruben Klee

Harry Pilarski

Chas. Vogler


Thos. Suttle

Arthur Urdal

First Assistant

John Spiekhout John S. Sparre Alfred Dwyer

H. Sloan

J. A. Anderson W. Shay

Second Assistant

Ray Eier

S. Church

Geo. Hoy Robley Wilson

Steve Chibola


Harold Nidy

Deck Watch

Chief Engineer

Bernard Lasch M. Adrian

Third Assistant

Herbert Stout

W. Bishop


W. Ellefsen

Joe Buck Frank Kelley

Victor Rickle


Wm. MacKay Chas. Thompson

T. Yarch

Robert Lowe

Carl Hagedorn


Arthur Brunk

W. Wallace

Stanley Gabrysiak

Edw. Cisick

Evert Shay

Wm. Patchkowski

L. Smolinski

Emmett Rose

Roland Tulgetske John Hansen

W. Buza

Mike Idalski

Fireman Fireman Fireman Fireman

(Stoker) Geo. Kerr (Stoker) Russell Kowalske (Stoker) Joseph Kuroska (Handy) Eugene Dwyer


Louis Isabell

F. Warwick

Clarence Modrynski William Schwertz Clarence Gabrysiak Robert Monroe Lawrence Thompson Keith McDonald John Leonard Louis Leveck Del Sly John Selke

F. Stryzlecki

Leo Schefke

Wilbert Zemple

Merle McLean

Marvin Adrian

Donald Dulack

Coal Passer

Roy Green

Coal Passer

William Budnick

Coal Passer

Second Cook Porter Porter

Otto Sparre Ralph Zemple Jack Paradise Ray Smith

Leif Smevick

Eugene Jones Julius Greenske John Bredow



Arnold Specht

Stanley Nowicki J. Zoho

Conveyorman Asst. Convey.

Clarence Curwin

E. Ehrke

James Lamb

Nathan Cadwell

Victor Klee

E. Mulka

Gerald Burns

Andrew Nedeau


E. G. Moutoux

H. L. Clark

John Esch

W. T. Schulatch

Page 1070

Calcite Screenings

Str. Carl D. Bradley—Safety Meetings

Kay Eier, another of the confirmed bachelors, succumbed last winter.

We understand his wife

will soon join the other summer widows in Rog

Date of Meeting. May 17, 1937. Present: Leo Moll, chairman: !•'.. G. Moiitoiix.

secretary; and William Hursh, Ford Win field. Clarence Curvin, Ralph Zempel, Harold Nidy,

George Kerr. Arthur Brunk, Lester Gordon. Meeting called to oder at one p. m. All mem-

ers City.

Doc Monroe's chest size is somewhat larger this season.

And the reason—Malcolm Lancas

ter, the world's most perfect boy.


tions !

bers of crew not on watch in attendance.

Captain Pearse read two letters received from Mr. Valentin.

One concerned the drowning of

a seaman who was washed overboard from an

other vessel. It was brought out that this ship is less hazardous in this respect because, in addi tion to having a life-line, we also have the tun nel through which the crew can walk in bad weather.

The second letter concerned auto traffic in the

plant and the rules governing the same. The crew of this ship will co-operate 100% in this regard.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and re ports of action taken on various suggestions made at the last meeting were given.

Baffle plates have been installed on forward arch to prevent stone from lodging on web. This eliminates any necessity for men to go into the cargo-hold to clean arches. Coal bunker hatches to be checked to make

sure they are completely closed. The mate on watch is to notify the engineers when fuel is about to be loaded.

The steam pipe into chain locker reported as

being exposed.

This is to be investigated and


A suggestion was made that a safety railing

be placed along forward side




hatch. This is to be done as soon as possible.

Regarding the wear and tear on hatch cables, men were instructed to reduce power on ma chines when hatches are nearly closed.

The subject of minor injuries was discussed and i( was brought out that the crew has been taking care of these.

Chief Sparre advised men to shut down any machine requiring repair or adjustment and not to take a chance at any time by attempting to

make repairs with machinery running. Meeting adjourned at: 1 :50 p. m.

The crew of the Bradley wishes to extend its

deepest sympathy to the family of Clair Wade who died in the Detroit Marine Hospital. Be sure to read the rules governing automo

bile traffic in the plant at Calcite. There are several points in the plant where very slow speed and caution are necessary. One place in particular is the vicinity of the screen house ele vator.

The other night all the radios forward sound ed like a broken down threshing machine on its

last roundup. Investigation revealed that Bill Hornbacher, deciding to do a little engineering on his own hook, had tied all the ariels together. Curvin says he'd better stick to chicken farming.

Fishing seems to be fairly good at present. Cap tain Pearse reports catching several nice pike and Vic Klee savs he caught three nice trout.

Smokey joe is still trying to find out how much Art Brunk got for forgetting to call George Kerr. Louis Isabell, our erstwhile wiper, bought a

compass and took a few lessons in navigation from

the mates.

Captain Pearse was kept quite busy during the spring fit-out getting the sound system in order and holding demonstrations. After seeing this method of communication between the fan-tail

We hear that a certain pearl grey Chevrolet coupe became quite prominent in Cleveland in a c o u p 1e o f short


t h i s spring. We advise a





stead of r o s e s

the h e

planted, we suggest that

Chief Sparre had not a little trouble making his chromium plated whistles work this spring.

straw berries

h e

a while were strictly ornamental.

The Chief's

perseverance finally won however and now they are quite efficient as well.


new p a i n t


and the pilot house even the most skeptical won der why it hasn't been more widely adopted.

They added a lot to the ship's appearance but for


and money wasted.

Otto Spar re is enlarg ing his fam

Personal Items

Now that the smoke in

fire-hold has been eliminated he says it was time

MAN,s the raw material FOR

plan t

-— then vv e could h a v e more of that

d e 1 i c iotisly d e 1i c i o u s


Page 1071

Calcite Screenings

strawberry shortcake. We welcome to our midst the following new employees: Herbert Stout, 3rd asst. engineer; Ray Smith; Bill MacKay; Joe Kurosky and John Spiekhout.

We still think Ziggie Zempel is a fine cook— even if he did forget to put sugar in the pump kin pie once. Leo Moll seems to be very much interested in trailers judging by all the trailer and equipment catalogues he receives.

Clarence Curvin seems to be the leading radio dealer so far this season. After owning a radio for two months he reluctantly allowed himself to be pursuaded to part with it at a profit of only about 100%.

Ford Winfield says he's been studying so hard to get an able seaman's certificate that he feels like asking to be allowed to take the examination for a pilot's license instead. We understand Hilton Gould is still unable to

come to an agreement with the inspectors in re

gard to some phases of lifeboat operation. Per haps the President could be persuaded to set up a board of arbitrators.

John Spiekhout— on watching the clean-up for

Miutes of April 18th meeting were then read. All proposed suggestions have been complied with and the grating approved for fantail en trance has been made and installed.

On a request by the Chairman for suggestions for the prevention of accidents, the following old but still good proposals were made and will be adopted.

Goggles to be worn by men using emery wheel regardless of nature of the work. Glasses are cheap while eyes are comparatively expensive. Water in firehold is only for wetting down the ashes and not for drinking. Keep clear of idler pulleys and belts. Unless it is absolutely necessary for some def inite purpose, keep off the hatches. In unloading cargo seamen to definitely ascer tain that arches are cleared of stone, also verti cal stanchions where the stone becomes lodged between the channel flanges.

In bringing a strain onto mooring lines, winch operators to be careful not to bring the strain on with winch wide open. This whips the moor ing cable into the air and may endanger the life of some one on the dock and also subjects the wire to greater wear than is necessary and furth er might result in pulling or weakening the splice in the eye. No other suggestions of a safety nature were brought to the attention of the committee and the meeting was adjourned.

the first time: "The Coast Guard was never like this."

Str. B. H. Taylor—Safety Meetings Date of Meeting, May 16, 1937. The meeting was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p. m. Roll was called and all members, Al

fred Tyrrell, chairman; Harry Sloan, secretary, and Clayton Gordon, Albert Schultz, Anthony

Yarch, Everett Shay, Edmund Mulka and John Zoho of the committee, were present as were Captain MacLean and Chief Engineer Suttle and all other members of the vessel's personnel not on duty.

For the general information and guidance of the men aboard this vessel who have cars and

use them in coming to and going from the ship while in Calcite and driving on the company property, Captain MacLean read and discussed a circular issued by the Safety Director at the

plant instructing drivers while on these grounds. The suggestions were met with full approval and will be complied with by the men aboard this ship in our own as well as the interest of others. The Chairman then read extracts from the Lake Carriers Guide entitled "Care and Preven tion of Accidents." This book is considered as

being well worth its publication and after read ing and discussing some of the major hazards

Personal Items After many false starts, we finally cleared the port of Menominee! We were beginning to feel like natives and some of the boys showed a pre ference for being such. But upon gazing at the smiling faces as we entered Calcite, shows that there is no place like home. The crew of the B. H. Taylor sent an official delegation to the crowning of the King and Queen at the Men ominee Smelt Festiva 1 this

spring. After being shoved around


trampled up on for hours, they all re turned to the

MtUMmt •_!*Mj:



ship badly d isappointed without hav

ing had one glimpse o f the King and Queen. Next

the book was turned over to a committee mem


ber to fully acquaint himself with its contents and then pass it on.

shall provide


them stilts.






Calcite Screenings


Will someone please tell us why Fred Weathcrtou is walking around with that far-away look in his eyes ? The firemen are very busy these days decor

ating their "halfway-to-Heaven penhouse." William (Popovich) Budnick, the "Metz Maul er." is contemplating buying an interest in either Max Schmeling or Joe Louis. Bill is quite a fight fan and cannot sec why Schmeling doesn't fight r.raddoek.

What is this peculiar black looking substance coverinu" the deck?

Can't be fly ash!

Scotty Phillips claims that he is really going to take that much talked about trip to California this winter.

Just to make sure that he knows

where it is, we are going to take up a collection and buy him a map. Walter Buza, upon receiving news that he was

ture. Watch the next issue of Screenings close ly for further developments.

Str. W. F. White—Safety Meetings Dale of Meeting, May 17, 1937. Present. Donald MacLeod, 1st mate, chairman ;

William .Shay, 1st asst., secretary ; and the fol lowing members of the ship's Safety Committee, lloeft. Vogler, deck: Sly, stewards; Hagedorn, Jones. N'edeau engine; and other members of the crew not on duty. The meeting was called to order by the Chair man at 7 p. in. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. On motion made and seconded the)" were approved as read. Old Business: FifSt Asst. Shay reported Un broken steps in the tunnel approach ladder have been repaired, a sign painted on the toilet door in the fan tail and a faulty deadlight chain in the

a father of a baby boy, remarked. "1 hope he can

firemen's quarters replaced, as ordered in the

hit like Gee Walker."

previous meeting.

Congratulations. Walter.

Notice to all future fathers: does not smoke cigars. Fred



Your reporter




very busy trying to figure out just how much it will cost to start housekeeping. All advice is welcome.

New Business: Captain Martin addressed the meeting and stated that in his opinion the most dangerous practice followed aboard these boats is rinsing out the cargo hold from on deck. He stated that he had ordered 150 feet of 1 inch

hose and that hereafter a

I"pon hearing a peculiar buzzing noise emanat

ing from the region of the windlass room, we in vestigated and found George Leveck operating his portable sawmill. To date he has all available lumber sawed into small pieces and al present is casting his eyes around for more. Sailors, hold on to votir chairs.

I!•>< - anyone kwm If Glc\-cki"d is still on the Lakes?

Sly reported the lifebelt rack

in the porters' room has been repaired as sug gested in the previous meeting.

(Charlie, how about a break?)




should do so from the cargo hold. This way it will not be necessary to open the hatches more than a few inches to allow the hose to be lowered down from the deck.

The mate distributed a circular, "A Request to Plant Visitors/' to all attending the meeting with the request that it be read and taken home. He then read a letter from Mr. W. C. Garbutt of

Pittsburgh Steamship Co. giving the details of

The wheelsmen claim that partiality has been shown on this ship. Automatic stokers were in

the drowning of Anthony Modic of the Str. E. H. Ferbcrt. who was washed overboard by a sea April 21st off Point Clark, Lake Huron. All

stalled last winter, but they (the wheelsmen ) are still steering by hand.

were advised to use the

Our swing orchestra will stage its premiere as soon as John (Benny Goodman) Zoho can find a sponsor. Regular practice sessions have Ik en held in the Porter's room. The personnel consists of Fred Weatherton, "Deacon" War wick and Frank Strelelzski, string instruments;

Steward Church, mouth organ, and Walter Buza and Pat Mulka. rhythm section. The unusual

feature of this orchestra is the "Wiper Warb lers," a trio composed of Green, Budnick and Nowicki.

Come on. ye sponsors.

Our Third Asst, Engineer has purchased a new car and we expect to hear in the near future that he has installed automatic stokers.

Your reporter has first-hand information that

ship's tunnel during heavy w e a t h e r rather t h a n take a chance



the long passage from one



the vessel to

the other. S e cottd Mate Chain

suggested a Safety First sign be paint ed



several members of the crew will embark on that

door leading

uncertain sea of matrimonv in the very near fu

to the stairs

Do YOU kHOW Of Amy Safe guard For a

Page 1073

Calcite Screenings

which go down to the conveyor deck. The mate issued orders that this be done.


machinery. It was decided that a permanent walk should be built, the mate stating he would

Vogler called attention to the lack of any fend

attend to it.

er to be lowered over the side while docking or

There being no further business or sugges tions, the meeting on motion duly made and sec onded, was adjourned at 7:56 p. m.

going through the locks, the purpose of said fender being to provide sufficient space between the vessel and dock so that if anyone fell over the side they would not be crushed between the ship and dock. This was endorsed by the Com mittee and orders issued by the mate that a suit able fender be constructed at once. The new deckhands were instructed in the hazzards at

tendant to unloading, such as keeping clear of moving machinery and all were asked to be par ticular in cleaning stone off arches and other lodging places during the cleanup, and under no circumstances to put their head through open

hold gates. Hagedorn suggested a safety glass guard be placed over the emery wheel in the engine room since the goggles that are to be kept hanging near the wheel are too often taken away and not returned. On discussion it was decided to hang two pair of goggles next to the wheel in prefer ence to installing a glass guard since these guards reportedly become clouded in very short time and must be replaced. A sign is to be placed next to the goggles forbidding their re moval.

Committeeman Jones reported that large lumps of coal are frequently lodged on the arch es of the coal bunker and that these are danger ous. Coat Passers were instructed to clean coal

off all obstructions as a regular part of their duties. Jones also reported seeing men coming up the boarding ladder without holding on to it with their hands and some persons have been observed going up and down two steps at a time. The folly of such habits were discussed and it was stated that such actions marked the novice

and the landsman, that true seamen always kept in mind the ancient adage of "One hand for the ship and one hand for yourself" in ascending and descending ladders aboard ship. Committeeman Sly reported that the door from the steering engine room in the fantail to the deck blocks off the passageway and that

ii it is opened suddenly and a man is approach ing from forward along the deck, he is liable to De struck by the door. This was discussed and it was found impossible to alter the door in any way and still conform to Inspection regulations, so it was decided to post a sign inside the door warning all persons to open the door slowly so that a person approaching outside will not be taken by surprise. Committeeman Nedeau inquired whether it would be possible to have a permanent wooden walk constructed to the sump pump. He stated that under the present system of merely laying down loose boards which began to float every time a little water accumulated in the tunnel such

a floating board could get into the conveyor ma chinery and this might result in damage to this

Str. John G. Munson—Safety Meetings Date of Meeting, May 26, 1937.

Present: Chris W. Swarts, chairman; George Hoy, secretary; and L. Leveck, steward, Theo. Strand, watchman; S. Gabrysiak, oiler; Wm. Patchkowski, stokerman; James Lamb, conveyorman; Pelarski, and other members.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p. m. Chief Engr. Urdal commented on the good progress we were making in an effort to have a no accident record for this season.

Chris Swarts cautioned tunnel men when un

loading to not look thru gates to see if pockets were empty.

Also reviewed minutes of last meeting and some of the former mentioned Safety measures. The subject of flood lights on the coal shuttle at Calcite to assist men loading fuel, was brought up. This request was made last year. Captain Dahlburg read a letter on the drown ing of a seaman on Steamer Ferbert and asked

men to take heed to Safety precautions and ad vice of officers.

Captain also asked the crew to keep galley and mess rooms in a more orderly and sanitary condition.

The Committee members discussed the acci

dent of Theodore Werner who suffered an Eye injury from a bounding stone. A review of measures and recommendations

of last meeting was made and everything was reported in good condition.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p. m.

Personal Items The year of our Lord one thousand nine hun

dred and thirty-seven. Once again we are gath ered from near and far for another season aboard

the good ship John G. Munson. We are pleased to greet the old members and welcome the new ones into the fold.

Many of the members of the ship's company were favorites of Lady Luck during the past winter. Some were employed on winter work;

others obtained steady jobs. (Bridegrooms). Some took vacations and enlisted on ocean-going vessels.

Still others bought new cars, and took

trips. The rest of us stayed home and kept the fires burning. These many and varied experienc es will, of course, furnish fuel for the usual yarns that are exchanged during the first eight months of any sailing season. One sad tale is that of the tailor-made cover-

Page 1074 alls.

Calcite Screening's

It has not been decided whether or not this

is the best way to purchase them.

Anyone in

terested may obtain the



from Kobley Wilson whom we believe is an au thority on such matters. In passing, we would suggest that Rod change tailors the next time. Heartiest congratulations to the two members of our crew. John Miller and John Selke, who have become proud papas within the past month. "Goldilocks" Mulka is having a difficult time of late, keeping his trysts with the fair damsel or damsels in Rogers City.

"Sparks" is the proud possessor of a new and very fine commercial receiver. Here's for bigger and better weather reports, John. Another sure sign. A telegram to Alpena the time of our arrival in Calcite. A green Plymouth waiting at the dock with a fair damsel at the

wheel. Oh, well! Just springtime and a young man's fancy, eh. Pose, when is it going to take place? The nights of the full moon seem to have a somewhat melancholy effect on "Crooner" Pilar ski. Although he insists that his repertoire con sists of many airs, the only one we have thus far been favored with is, "Down On the Farm

They Are Asking for You."

We really don't

know whether to hope or despair. Mow about it, Mike?

After dinner chat. Johnny Miller trying to tell George Hoy what a mild winter they had in Che boygan last winter. George says it's probably just his luck for them to have the worst ones in history, the three winters he spent in Cheboy gan.

We are pleased to have our Steward back again this year. As heretofore, in his untiring efforts to please the palates e\ the personnel, he has promised to have buttered ham in the near future.

We. however, wish to know, even as he

himself wants to know, the answer to the ques tion, "Where is the ham, and where is the but ter?"

Pose has been wondering if the customer he was waiting on at Pose's Grill has received his hamburger that Rose left in mid-air when he re ceived call to go back to work on the Munson.

We understand that Roblcy Wilson has put

in his application to the I.aleewood Fire depart ment for a position during the winter mouths. just to keep in practice for the sailing season. We see the "B. H. Taylor" is back in the fleet

again. Seems we only had the pleasure of see ing her once or twice last season.

fly-ash. Marry?

to avoid such objects from "Doc" Hunt.

I low is the

Better close, the sky-lights.

It seems that some door, or something, either


frankly "Doc," we know it talked a language all its own. but did it walk?

Kelly: "Want me to put your overcoat away, George?" George Hoy: "Gosh, No! Just leave it handy in my locker. Never can tell what kind of weath er we might have in Little America." (Calcite) We have a few new faces in our personnel this \ear, but most of the old timers are back. Among us are Stanley Gabrysiak, Robert Lowe, oilers, and Keith McDonald, coalpasser. The ability to make good—all have it.


main difference is the WILL.

The world does not owe us a living. The world

is a place where we have a chance to make a liv ing.

Just A Couple Of Feet Just a pair of feet, but they represent the good understanding of Harry Kucharski, and have a story everyone should know about. Marry has always been a good advocate ol safety. That is, be believes in safety, thinks

safety and actually puts it into practice.

Oh. yes. Mike Idalski gets a letter from Che

boygan every trip.

has teeth or a stiff upper-cut. Anyone who hap pens to be a bit leery about external marks upon his anatomy, may obtain information upon how-


ever, he had a puncture in one of his tires the other day and had to change the tire. He had a little trouble with it and before he could get it back, the car slipped off the jack and the rim of the wheel caught Harry on the toecap of his left shoe. Luckily Harry was wearing a pair ol safety shoes and experienced no ill effects. Just another instance where a pair of safely shoes saved some toe from being crushed and

much pain and discomfort to the owner.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1075

*Ws, <^rfz£. cz/fdurL±£.d the. \joLLo(xrinq (2z£cv± c^/fxz Smh.loXjs.di Uru ths, ^WatsxixrauiL

<zAfavlcjabLon Comfianij On. [DPlzie, <SkiJ2± £&axhexzd 23u ^D(is,m STEAMER





C. McQuinn

First Mate

Donald Nauts

Walter Callam

Second Mate

Mark Haswell

Roland Bryan

C. A. Thorsen

Third Mate

Wm. Joppich

Oscar Miller


John Nicholson

Chas. Pahelia



Fred Beebe Leo Centella


Harry Piechan

O. Jacobsson Ralph Chateau Alfred Jarvis

Henry Kaminski

Albert Hoeft


Herbert Noble

Deck Watch

Louis Yarch

Leon Depudry Michael Deady

Deck Watch


Stanley Idalski Edw. Voigt Ralph Davidson Elmer Fleming

Joseph Sackowacki Lindsey Hawkins


Nelson Free

Earl LaLonde


Deck Watch Deckhand

Leo Wedijewski Alex Selke


Chief Engineer

R. G. Buehler

Chas. Frederick

First Assistant

C. T. Greenleaf

Second Assistant

Frank Berg

Norman Henderson Eric Winter


William Kunner

Third Assistant Oiler

W. T. Mooney James Frye


Richard Haneckow

Martin Sobek


Phil Muschinski

August Quade

John Lamb

Geo. Bellmore Erhardt Felax

Fireman Fireman Fireman Fireman

(Stoker) (Stoker) (Stoker) (Handy)

Frank Kroesch William Gross

Earl Schaeffer

Sylvester Sobek

Steve Vacoff

Alphonse Schaedig


Rex O'Toole Alfred Erkfritz


Coal Passer

Laverne Bruder

Hector Beson

Coal Passer Coal Passer Steward Second Cook

John Hoeft

Everett Schlager

Merlin Perdike Albert Goodreau

Chas. Lister

Henry Haselhuhn

Harold Fleming Quentin Dulack Roy Schefke Stanley Centella


Wilbur Bredow


Edward Schultz

Conveyorman Asst. Convey.

Lester Pines


William Kunner

Henry Herman

Arthur Freitag

Calcite Screenings

Page 1076

Reports of Ships of the Waterways

Personal Items

Navigation Company

For another year we shall again poke around new and familiar ports of call, seeing old friends ,iiid making new ones. We hope for a long sea

Str. T. W. Robinson—Safety Meetings

son, one free from accidents and injury. With care and co-operation, this goal can be obtained. Lei's go, fellows. Let's give the T. W. and Uncle Mike a clean slate this year.

Date of Meeting, May 27, 1937, 7:00 a. m. Present: Mark Haswell, chairman; William

Mooney, secretary; and members of the com mittee and those of the crew not on watch.

Proceedings of meeting on date above named were as follows:

The second meeting of the season was called to order by Chairman Mark Haswell and opened with a discussion of the safety suggestions brought up at the previous meeting. It was found that all suggestion had been attended to except

the moving of the radiator in the messroom. Donald Nauts then spoke on the success of the

During the past winter at winter quarters at the Shipyards in River Rouge, the Robinson, bet ter known as the "Old Lefthander," again under

went some changes.




Lamb, "The old ship had her face lifted, tail braided and a new ribbon put in her hair." The fire forward last year shortly after layup did a considerable amount of damage. The Captain's guests and crew's quarters on port side had to be completely renewed. Some changes were made for the better. Where formerly only two

safety work so far and supplemented this with

rooms, deckhands' and conveyormen's, made up

the recommendation that, since rinsing down the cargo hold was one of the most dangerous duties

the quarters on the port side, four smaller but

of the deck department, the dcekwatch and watchmen be the only two men allowed to handle

The switchboard was rewired according to stand ard and a great job was done all in all.

the hose.

This will eliminate the hazard which

would result if inexperienced men were to do the work.

Fllmer Fleming recommended that the rung on

the ladder entering No. 1 hatch be put in a safe condition.

This will be attended to immediately.

A suggestion was brought up that some ar rangement be made so that when rinsing down

the cargo hold, the man handling the hose would be notified if the deck line pressure were about

more comfortable rooms now have



The boiler room underwent a transformation.

The old underfeed stokers went to the junkyard and new Firites were installed in their place. Automatic draft control, which looks like one of Rube Goldberg's creations, was installed. The

main motor was rewound and "Pappy Tucker" of G. [•'.. did a finejob. A thousand and two other changes were made to make this ship the fastest on the Great Lakes. (Are you listcnin' Steamer

Bradley?) After "Silent" "Nauts. First Officer,

to drop. This would eliminate any possibility ol

and his crew, had worn out twelve dozen paint

his falling into the hold due to the decreased re

brushes and "Wrecker" Greenleaf had put all the nuts and bolts back into place, we shoved off from the shipyard on the 16th of April.

action of the hose.

The method to be used, it

was decided, will necessitate the Mate notifying

the engineer of the danger existing, and the en gineer in turn notifying the Mate before allow ing the deck line pressure to drop.

Our first trip was up the lake and through the

ice. The T. YV. played her role as icebreaker rather well.

Frank Kroesch advised tightening the hand

rail of the stairway leading to the lower fantail. Attention was brought to the fact that after

leaving port the night of May 26th, one hatch

of s m a 11 e r vessels. Mr. Don

was found part way open. This called for a repitition of the warning to keep off the hatches and

Nauts has re

to be sure that all were closed on leaving port. Lester Pines suggested that in the event the

turned after a u absence

conveyor belt had to be stopped by means of the

of two years.

tunnel cord, some measure be taken to prevent

Mr. Beck, former First Officer, has left the line

the belt being started again until it was all clear. Two precautions were taken to prevent this. First, all inexperienced men were warned against starting machinery which had stopped until they

a position in

to be stopped by using the tunnel cord, instruc

boat Inspec

tions called for one man to hold the cord until


it was permissable to again start the belt.

with a tion at wattkee.

no response, brought the meeting to a close.



and accepted

were sure of the reason for its stopping; and second, in the case where the conveyor belt had

A call for further suggestions, which brought

"Broke trail" on several occasions











Page 1077

Calcite Screenings

is a regular visitor to the ship when in that port and he sends his regards to all the "gang." Mr.

the crew who shipped in Detroit this spring, re enters the Fleet after an absence of 10 years.

Nauts, better known as "Silent" Don, now wears a wide smile and soon ma)' be known as "Little

John is French and speaks the language very well.

Jolly." The reason is very evident. Toledo is one of our regular ports of call and the home of our Mate.

Chief LaBounty has a leave of absence.


the first two weeks of his vacation he went for

a boat ride. He rode along with us to get the feel of the ship and the new equipment. After which he turned the job over to Chief Ray Buehler. Welcome home, Ray! The entire galley crew was transferred from the Taylor to the Robinson. Headed by that jol ly, genial, jovial jester, that old cowhand, that old hard ridin', leather pullin' Northside Kid, the man who for 40 years was a cow puncher and never once fell off his horse, John Albert Goodreau. Assistant meat burner, Heinle Haselhuhn,

A veteran of many ships and ocean crossings, he adds the salty flavor to a fresh water ship. He has already been christened by Goodreau as "St. John the Baptist."

Str. Calcite—Safety Meetings Date of Meeting, May 28, 1937. Present: Walter Callam,



Henderson, secretary; and Leo DePeudry, Alex Selke, representing the forward end; Steve Vacoff, Martin Sobeck, the after end; Chas. Lister,

Steward's Dept., and other members. The third meeting of the season was called to order at 7 p. m. and was attended by a large number of the crew.

and the rest of the back field are Bredow and

The Chairman spoke briefly and congratulated the crew on the showing of the previous month and urged everyone to do his part in continuing


for the remainder of the month.

William "Bill" Mooney, famous in Cleveland as the tall, dark and




Road, came over from the Bradley in the shuf fle which sent "Stewey" Church over on the Tay lor as 2nd. Bill is our Third Engineer and a pop

ular one with the ladies. He is an authority on Ford coupes. Take care, Bill, that blonde in Cleveland looks like she might possess a temper. Sorry to lose "Poison" Bannon to the Bradley, but equally glad to welcome Bill Joppich from the Calcite. Bill jumped into his job like a veteran




likes the Robinson. Ford's





lots of luck.


It takes longer to load at the




again, Bill, she's a swell girl. Herb Noble is a transfer this year. The "Moltke Kid" dition to the crew. His jolly Morning to You" song rubs

from the Taylor is a welcome ad spirit and "Good that ugly look

Steamship Co. was read and talked over. As this is a very serious matter it was discussed at length and it was decided to use our tunnel at times when any sea was breaking over our sides.

This order is to be strictly up to the Captain or Mate on watch and not up to the individual him self.

Swimming season coming on was discussed and everyone is to have a life ring or preserver handy while swimming and not to go in alone. The crew



W a r n e d


from the faces of the q;allev crew everv morning.

gain to keep

Harry "Chummy" Piechan, better known as "Horsepower Harry," has been promoted to

off the h a t c h e s at all times and also to han dle cables on the dock the


Keep going, Harry.

Jimmy Frye reports that the Atlantic Ocean is just as salty as ever. He and his mother spent a quiet winter lolling in the sands in Florida.

Mark Haswell, the hero of many a lady's heart, is our Second Mate.

The former native of Che

boygan is back to Big City life again. Address— Lakewood, Ohio.


Got to leave Mark alone this

Pie's got the finger on the writer.

"Cappy" Yarch gets a new nickname practically every season. His latest is "Spanky," while in the fireholcl several years ago he was known as the "Scratch."

John Nicholson, wheelsman, a new memebr of

He also read

the poster sent from the plant referring to plant visitors and requesting them to observe plant rules relating to traffic. This was talked over and the crew resolved to go strictly by rules and regulations set down by the committee and drive slow. If not, this may result in not letting any cars enter the grounds at all. The letter to all captains from the Pittsburgh

w ay


w ere i nstructed.

The cargo hold lights have


repaired and t h e o r s


and painted. This is a big im p r o v ement and is

Calcite Screenings

Page 1078 very satisfactory. Meeting closed at 8:35 p. m.

and we doubt if he will be satisfied to go back and stay in the coal region. Mr. Doughton load ed the Munson with anthracite at Buffalo a short

Personal Items All is well on the Calcite. Our new Captain, C. A. Thorsen, took over the ship this year and is getting accustomed to those Welland Canal trips that the Calcite knows so well. We hope and wish you good luck and success in command ing our good ship, Captain. Walter Callam, formerly Second Mate here, has taken over the First Mate's duties and is do

ing a good job of it, too. Walter, by the way, is good with the paint brush. We have some new faces here this year and they are doing well. This pertains to the for ward crew and the galley boys mostly.

To see us dock at any hour at Calcite and the rush of the boys, one would think the Great White Way of Calcite makes Broadway in New York City, look like a Mexican nickel.

Wm. Joppich has taken the Third Mate's job on the Robinson in the absence of Lester Ban-

non. Wm. left with the good wishes of the crew here and we feel that there isn't a doubt that he

will be a full-fledged pilot when he returns. In his absence Al Jarvis is filling in at the wheeling job. Al says that he isn't too short only they should make all Mates and Captains shorter or the pilot house bench and stool higher. Al took over the job just in time to get three trips thru the Welland Canal and says the S. E. bend and rest of the rivers are duck soup after looking over the concrete walls for two weeks.

time ago and has promised to send literature to us on the hard coal question—how to get the most for your $ in heat. He claims that next season we will all be anthracite burners and

boosters. We are sorry your vest is so tight but you will have to blame our steward for that. We enjoyed his company and wish him luck on his trip thru the Middle West.

Several of the boys who were in Sodus with us last season were very disappointed that the summer season wasn't in full swing. "Sparks" was seen standing across the street from the beauty parlor and claims he doesn't like the looks of the place as well as last year. Maybe the new name over the door has not the attraction,


The Sodus barber did a rushing business and was overheard asking some of the boys if we came across the ocean. There is still plenty of evidence that the Calcite is a night hawk and barber shops all closed when we hit the ports. Some of the boys have applied for a dog license and won't have to worry. Overheard in the conveyormen's room . Three

loud laughs and a voice of Steve Centalla: "From now on there will be no talking when a hand is

being played." Evidence enough that one of the Spitzer boys was trying a sneaker and didn't get brush.

Herschell Pettit, who began the season with us, was called to California where his mother

has passed on after being in very ill health. We

Mike Deady, our navy boy, is filling in at watching job and the only thing he misses is the

deeply sympathize with him and his family in


Frank Ware, of electrical fame, M. L. & C. Co., spent some time with us and made many electrical improvements here. Frank seems, for

His shoulders and elbows are slowly

going back in their sockets. Mike says about another month at taking off hatches and he would be able to shuffle them like a pack of cards.

Mike's 16 years of navy adventure are

very interesting and his lectures every evening in the dog house hold Earl LaLonde and Tom

Hawkins spellbound. And when he and Eric Winters get together there is plenty of slang slung. Pete Miller claims that Tom Hawkins handles

the paint brush and soogie broom the same. However, Tom has applied for his soogie papers. Steve Vacoff was very disappointed when we didn't get hard coal in the fuel bunkers at Sodus. We have with us on our trip to Sheboygan, Wis., Dave Doughton, the ever-smiling hard coal inspector from the D. & H. anthracite mine in Scranton, Pa. Dave was a great help on the trip, especially on painting the white cabins. He

enjoyed the scenery the whole trip and was all taken up with the Detroit and St. Clair rivers

their sorrow.

some reason, to like it here on the Calcite. What is it, Frank, the eats? Frank was with us on our long siege thru Welland Canal and ports on Lake Ontario and he did go ashore at Sodus too.

Our Steward, Chas. Lister, is doing a fine job and all the boys are well pleased with both qual ity and quantity in the eat business. No one has seen "Chuck" mad at anything yet. Keep it up, "Chuck."

"Sparks" felt pretty blue this spring. He bought a new suit to get married in last winter and when he came aboard, all he had was the

suit. There is a bit of sunshine, "Sparks." If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Jack Leonard and Bill Chain please note.

We were deeply grieved to learn of Clare Wade's death and sympathize with those who were close to him.

The thing that goes the farthest towards making life worth while, That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile, The smile that bubbles from a heart that loves its fellowmen

Will drive away the cloud of gloom and coax the sun again, It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent— It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent.

There's no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look—it's never out of style— It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue; The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you. It pays a higher interest, for it is merely lent— It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent. A smile comes very easy—you can wrinkle up with cheer

A hundred times before you can squeeze out a soggy tear. It ripples out, moreover, to the heart-strings that will tug, And always leave an echo that is very like a hug. So, smile away. Folks understand what by a smile is meant It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent.

czrfLvjaUi iJ^Lau <c3af£ —

VV atcn Your Otep! "Wny Be Caught By An Accident f






d\o czfyaaldznt czJfonoz d^oLL J^stiaxtmznt





Theo. Haselhuhn


Chas. Hoffman


Thomas Kelley


John Dembny


Frank Reinke


William Heller


Adolph Sorgenfrei


Max Bellmore


Geo. C. Wing


N. W. Pollock


John Modrynski


Peter Giovangnoria


C. C. Eldridge


Victor Koch


Julius Zemple


Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp



C. W. Richards E. B. Metzen

Capt. Theo. Dahlburg Chief Arthur Urdal



Published monthly by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.

The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety suggestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all employees. All such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the de

partment and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. Fall Tssue

J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.

September. 1937

E D 1 T O R I A L S

We Still Pay For O tir

Jbrrors The study of our mental and physical actions and reactions will perhaps always present an ar duous task-. It is difficult to determine why we

humans do certain things one way one time and under like conditions react differently another. The psychologist will attempt an explanation,

but by the time he finishes, it may be quite in volved to the layman.

An analysis of accident experiences will showthat often we continue to pay for our errors the same old way time after time. We are gener

-National OaLety


Twelve years of progress in the prevention of accidents at mines and quarries in the United States was recorded with the completion of the National Safety Competition for the "'Sentinels of Safety*' trophies for 1930. These contests are conducted by the United States Bureau of Mines, and trophies for the winning companies are pro vided by The Fxplosives Engineer. The award for the Quarry and Open-cut Mines goes to Ilanna Ore Mining Company, Keewatin, Minn., for 1936.

ally quite familiar with condi tions- and hazards surrounding them when we get in trou ble. We may be quite mind

The Folsom State Prison won it in 1935. This




trophy which was in our posession



vears 1929,

1932, 1933 and 1934.'and we are

ful of our safety and yet do the opposite of that which con stitutes good judgment. Why? Is it the chance that we can

beat the game and come out unscratched? Is it that we do nut wish to take the time to do

God grants us the privilege of

the job the safe way, or do we rely too much upon Divine

living. - • • « * How



told the period from January 1st. 1932, to December 31, 1934 represents the best known alltime, no-injury record in the quarrying industry. Forgotten laurels perhaps and we use it now only as an indication of what can be done. It isn't be cause we have lost interest in

Providence? Xone of these are sufficient for which to risk

live depends


one's life.

upon how -well

we have not been able to again capture the coveted price; we haven't quit trying, neither have we reached the top, and perseverance and conscientious effort can and may again win

Our accident experience for . two-thirds of the year 1937 is not satisfactory. Accidents have happened where the in jured had a thorough know ledge



we apply our




keep ourselves

the faliure of the human element.

So far this season we have had at the Calcite

plant and on the Bradley Transportation Com The De

troit Dock and Buffalo Plant have been free from

any loss of time because of accidents.




which he was working", and yet was caught. These types of accidents are hard to understand. There may be an excuse for an unanticipated failure in mechanism or support, but it's hard to justify

pany boats seven lost-time accidents.


Fivr oi

these seven were mentioned in the summer is

sue of Screenings. Since then Laurence Thomp son, coalpasser on the Steamer White, slipped, sustaining injuries resulting in the loss of time. James Super, Shovel Department, Hamilton shift, while making— (Cumimmi on page loss;

safety or sight of the "Fond with


Babe" that


Until then we must content

ourselves with "Our hearty congratulations to the winners." The National

Safety project is a very worthy one.

The appeal

ol its competitive safety methods is shown by an increasing enrollment, and the effectiveness ot such methods in the prevention of accidents is demonstrated by a marked decline in the fre quency of accidents at Mines and Quarries that participate in National Safety competition If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both—Horace Mann.

In the trend of human life, five things observe

with care: of whom you speak, to whom you speak, and how, and when and where.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1084

Vaccine Tor JL)og Jbite

JLry lo JDnve oalely er, acquired by practice and attention to driving

We perhaps have all heard of late August and early September days referred to as "Dog Days."

rules, is the ability ÂŁo "drive ahead." This con sists of analyzing traffic situations before he nears them and visualizing scenes several hun dred feet ahead as they may be when he reaches them. This is not guess work. The good driver merely figures out what the other driver may

There has. however, been some anxiety be cause of two deaths in the state during the past

One of the outstanding skills of the good driv

Credit for this is probably because of the pestulant diseases and bites of bugs, reptiles and dogs, which may seem more prevalent during this per iod. Others are prone to believe it a myth.

do in order to decide what he will do to avoid a

two months caused by the strangling paralysis

critical situation or an accident, regardless of

of rabies.

how the other driver acts.

Doctor C. C. Sleinons, State Health Commis

For example, a good driver traveling at high speed on a rural highway approaches an inter section governed by a traffic signal. The light is green and he knows that he is legally entitled

sioner, made a public plea for immediate treat

ment of persons bitten by "supposedly" rabid dogs and said that proper follow-up and treat

to enter the intersection. However, experience has taught him that the light may turn red at

ment should be given with rabies vaccine. Jn one of the fatal cases a boy was bitten by a mongrel dog June 29th and his case was not re

any moment, and that unless he reduces his speed, he will rush headlong into the intersection

By that time paralytic infection had set in and

ported to the local health officer until July 30th.

and directly into the path ol

treatments failed to check the






traffic, also approaching at high speed, watches the sig nal, if it turns green, speeds

"In cases of bites about the neck and head, anti-rabies

treatment should begin im mediately," said Dr. Slemons.

into the intersection. In such situations accidents are almost certain to result. And it's a


all other cases treatment

should begin




traffic signal irrespective of

five days. When possible, the dog responsible for biting should be captured and kept

whether the light is


under observation for a week

A good driver, approaching a line of parked cars, knows the situation is potentially ha

or more to see if he develops rabies. If a dog suspected of having rabies is killed, the head may be sent to the Pas

good rule to always reduce speed when approaching a red


zardous. Any of the cars may suddenly move out into his

teur Institute at Ann Arbor or

the .Michigan Department of Health at Lansing for diagnos

path or a pedestrian dart out from





pating such action, the good


driver slows down and moves

away as far as practical when passing, constantly alert for some


health officers and

physicians may obtain rabies vaccine free of charge from the State Health Laboratories."

unexpec ted

The only other authentic death from rabies re ported in Michigan since 1932, when the depart

Likewise the alert driver will not pass a car in ascending a hill or grade and will keep well

ment began free distribution ol vaccine, occur


to the right when breaking over a hill, anticipat ing that a car may be coming over the hill from the opposite direction, and being on the alert for any unexpected hazard which he may find as he breaks over the hill.

If we. as drivers of

learn to "size up"





red July 23rd when a 10-year old girl died the

day she was admitted to the hospital.


ing to Dr. Slemons she had received none of the Pasteur treatments which so effectively prevent rabies when administered immediately after the person has been bitten by a rabid dog.



preparing for any eventuality if there is a pos sible doubtful situation, we would not only be driving safely, but would be quite insured to ar

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year . . . Xo man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is doomsday . . . Today is a king in disguise. To

rive safely.

day always looks mean to the thoughtless, in the

Too many motorists expect an automobile horn to work miracles. They forget it was made for only one purpose: A horn should warn.

great and happy actions are made up precisely

hundred feet ahead and slow down, if necessary

face of a uniform experience that all good and of those blank todays.

Let us not be deceived,

let us unmask the king as he passes."

Calcite Screenings


Page 1085

llie Jjiggest Disaster

Accidental death—the catastrophe which lookover 300 lives every day during 1936—is the big gest of all disasters, killing during a single year twice as many Americans as were killed during the World War. and injuring two and one-half times the total number of our men engaged in

We Still Pay For Our Errors (Continued from

Page 1083)

repairs on an electric shovel, received injuries which resulted in the amputation of his left thumb.

Of these



accidents, all, of

that war.

course, could have been prevented as it was pos sible to anticipate what happened.

Locally we couldn't do much about the World War and its casualties. We can, however, if we


will, do much toward reducing the number of

happening there is always the danger that we

deaths as the result of accidents.

During 1930 deaths from home accidents be

While most of these accidents might not be serious,



accidents are

will not be so fortunate and some employee may be seriously hurt.

came largest of the four principal causes into which accidental deaths are commonly divided. Approximately 38,500 persons or 35 percent of

Let's please remember, man is given only one life. When it's snuffed out, he's through. He is given only one body; when he loses part of it,

the total were killed in home accidents—700 more than were killed in motor vehicle accidents

it's gone forever.

during the same period of time. Accidents during 1936 were the fatality equiv alent of the New London, Texas, school disaster every twenty-four hours.

If it doesn't look safe, don't

do it. And after the accident you probably won't be able to practice safety. That's why we urge all to practice safety now!

J: revent Accidents—JLliey -Run interference lor

Present statistics indicate that death from ac

cidental mishaps in 1937 will far exceed those of any preceding year. Just who will be included in this increase is of course not foretold, but it

is quite probable many of them will be the care less, the thoughtless, the discourteous and the one who thinks accident prevention is for some one else to practice, not himself. Poor fellow, like many others. How we like to kid ourselves !

Play Ike Grame

A ologan

The ancient philosophers, the modern teachers

have all given us a lot of very good advice, but those three words. "Play the Game,'' form a slo gan that packs a lot of sound sense.

Business is nothing more, nothing less than a game. Yon either win or you lose. When you win, it is generally because you like the game. What you like you play well. When you lose,

it is probably because you do not like the game, therefore do not play it well. You never saw a champion in any game who did not consider his game the greatest in the world. That's why he is a champion. The moment that we feel the thing we are do ing is not the best thing for us to do and let it breed discontent, the moment we do not like our

work, that moment we are slipping into the mire. "I cannot think of any American man or wo man preeminent in the history of the nation who did not reach their place through toil. I cannot

think of anything that represents the American people as a whole so adequatly as honest work.

We perform different tasks, but the spirit is the same.

We are proud of work and ashamed of


Isadore Pines took first prize in the Poster Contest this year with the above poster. We think this combination of picture and slogan is effective in making us all think of our safety. Isadore is the son of Griffin Pines of the Elec

trical Department and is in the eleventh grade of the Rogers City Public Schools.

With us there is no task which is me

nial, no service which is degrading. All work is ennobling and all workers are ennobled." —Calvin Coolidge.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achieve

ment. Nothing can be done without hope. —Helen Keller.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1086

J^ooklnq (D<jz% ^(omz l3


By Rudolph Dueltgen, Jr. ^*. \

Caterpillar Tractor with Bulldozer and

Carryall Ocraper Given J.rial

Efficiency and economy in practically every in dustry necessitates the introduction from time to

time of new equipment to replace worn out or obsolete equipment. Also changes in operating conditions may require new and different equip ment than previously used.

Much curiosity has been aroused at Calcite by the appearance of a large Diesel caterpillar trac tor with a LePlante Chute bulldozer and a l.e-

dozer is being utilized is moving storage stone when special sizes are being made and for which there is not sufficient storage space in the pres ent recoverable storages. This stone is discharg

ed from a belt conveyor and as it builds up into

a conical pile, it must be moved or spread in

order to store the required quantity and keep it separated from other sized stone. The trac tor and bulldozer move this stone very effective

put into operation about the middle of July to

ly and it is a very spectacular performance when working twenty or thirty feet up the side of the

demonstrate its adaptibility to various opera


Tourneau carryall scraper. This equipment was

The bulldozer is attached to the front of the trac

Shifting storage stone has been accomplished in the past by an electric gantry crane, but it is a much slower operation than when moved with

tor and moves material by pushing it forward and discharging it to one side. The position of

the bulldozer. The crane moves on fixed tracks and is limited in the area over which it can work

tions about the plant and quarry.

The tractor

is powered with a 125 horsepower Diesel engine.

the blade is regulated by the tractor operator

through a power unit mounted on the tractor.

without shifting the tracks, while the bulldozer moves around the entire circumference of the

It was demonstrated that this machine is well

pile very rapidly. In this operation, speed is of

adapted for grading roadways about the plant and railway track beds for the quarry transpor

as fast as it is discharged from the conveyor.

tation svstem.

This work is usually done by a

small steam shovel.

One of the greatest uses for which the bull

AllOVC—Trnrlnr Willi




•||lli|)|X'(l grading


railroad IniHiK.

Hitflil—( sili'ipillai-




i ra^-


working on mtoiiiIiu'.v siriii|)ln|{ in «|uuri'.v.

primary importance in order to move the stoneWhen this stone is shipped, the bulldozer is again brought into operation to move it back over the reclaiming tunnel gates so it may be loaded into

Calcite Screenings

Page 1087


The other piece of equipment used in connec tion with the tractor is also used to move earth, stone or other loose material,

it is called a "car

ryall scraper." However, in contrast with the bulldozer which is pushed in front of the trac tor, the carryall scraper is pulled behind the trac tor. It is made of heavy alloy steel pieces built together by electric welding and is mounted on wheels equipped with Timken bearings and ex tra large pneumatic tires. These tires absorb

Intelligence And lUJucation Intelligence has been defined as something that enables one to get along in the world without

education, and education as something that en ables one to get along without intelligence.

These are excellent definitions, because they cxplain why some men make brilliant progress with little or no schooling; whereas others, after spending more than a third of their lives in

much of the shock which is encountered in load

school, contribute nothing to human progress.

ing and hauling. The capacity of the scraper bowl is twelve yards. The operation is entirely


controlled by the tractor operator through a me

added to us, or taken from us. If our patents and

chanical cable conti-ol mechanism.

grandparents were intelligent, the chances are

tor travels forward



As the trac


to be

moved with the scraper blade lowered to the proper position, the bowl is filled and closed by an apron in front of the blade. The bowl is then raised and hauled to the disposal location. To discharge the material, the front apron is raised and part of the load is discharged automatically. The sliding tailgate then moves forward forcing out the remaining material.

While the material

is being discharged, the scraper blade spreads it leaving a level surface upon which to dump the next load.

The carryall scraper has been used on secon

dary stripping in the quarry with very good suc cess. The secondary stripping is the remaining material after winter stripping operations by the large electric shovels, ami due to the frozen con

dition, is allowed to remain until the summer op

Intelligence is something with which we are We have it, or we don't.

It cannot be

favorable that we have inherited a fair quota. Education helps the intelligent more than the stupid. After 10 years in school the mental gap between an intelligent and a stupid boy is vastly increased.

Is the teaching in certain universities better than in others? Very likely, but the chief ad vantage of the old established universities is

that they attract young men and women from families of demonstrated intelligence. The grad uates of these schools often seem to do better

than the crop produced by the newer universities.

It is doubtful that the teaching has much to do with the apparent advantage. An exceptionallyintelligent boy will do well in any college, or without the benefit of higher education. He will educate himself, as thousands of our most dis

tinguished men have done.

erating season when it was previously loaded into trucks by a small electric or steam shovel and hauled away. The pictures accompanying this article illus trate very well the nature of the work for which

the bulldozer and scraper are being used. It doesn't matter so much whether we win, it's how we play the game.

Someone has


the statement

that "it's

good to have money, and the things money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy." Safety not Only makes it possible to earn money, but it keeps one fit to enjoy both the things money can and can not buy.

JJelow —Three Pictures Illustrating The Tractor and Bulldozer Moving Storage Stone.

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Page 1088

J3/aii ^winaas Qfi£xatlon--lBii±lnzii jBazomztEZ By Hugn 5. Lewis The volume of production of iron and steel has increased rapidly during the past year. Steel is the most truly basic of all our industries, for iron and steel enter into nearly all sorts of pro duction and are used in providing tools and

equipment of them all. Probably the best indi

cator of the demand for steel products is furn

ished by the changing percentages of all the

oped recently to bank furnaces for long periods

without closing down, which usually necessitat ed a relining before operations could be resumed. Therefore in former times the furnace operators

would delay the closing down time as long as

possible so as to obtain as much service from the old lining, even though necessary to stock the iron for future orders. Today, where orders are

blast furnaces in active use and actually produc

not available, furnaces are promptly banked and expenses curtailed, which means no blast furnace

available furnaces are in operation at the same

flux is necessary. Also, as the demand increases for iron, these furnaces can more easily resume

ing pig iron. There is never a time when all the

time, nor are they ever all closed down. The

percentage actually in operation reflects the vol


However, our operations at Calcite are so

ume of demand.

The chart "Percent of Blast Furnaces Active" from the Cleveland Trust Co. Bulletin, shows for

54 years the percentages of all available blast furnaces actually in productive use. The data

closely tied in to blast furnace activity, we can well use it as a local business barometer.


long as operations stay above the sixty percent level, we should have some surplus and begin to

buy the things we need, remembering though terly averages thereafter. The record begins in that blast furnace operations have been below 60 the depression of 1884 when only about 45 per percent in the past and will no doubt drop below

are annual averages up through 1932, and quar

cent were active, then shows the following pros

60 per cent again in the future. As we have no

perity when the proportion rose as high as 74

definite indication of when the drop will come, it would be wise to be conservative in our spend

sion of the 90's, the percent fell to 40, and in the

ing. The present orders of the various steel com

percent. In the latter part of the long depres

exceptional prosperity of 1906 it rose almost to

panies have been considerably reduced lately by

high rate of furnace operations and the lower The highest records of all were made in the rate at which new orders are being received as war years, when the average for 1916, 1917, and compared to the rate at which they were receiv 1918 was 83 percent. In the post war depression ed last winter. An increase in such orders must


reached, but even that was lowered in the de

develop if we are to continue our present very active rate of stone production.

iod ends with this long depression, it is fair to conclude that 60 percent may be considered the

anew the foundations of philosophy.

of 1921 a new low record of

25 percent


pression we seem to be just leaving when the My share of the work of the world may be average fell to 18 percent in 1932. The average for the whole period is about 58 percent, and limited, but the fact that it is work makes it making some allowance for the fact that the per precious. Darwin could work only half an hour normal level for blast furnace activity.

At the present time blast furnace activity has risen







approaching the peak

at a time; yet in many diligent hours he laid Green, the historian, tells us that the world

is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the

aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest

of the war years. It is far higher than it

worker.—Helen Keller.

went in the long pros

man who could do real

perity period just pre vious to





I have never seen a

work except under the stimulus of encourage ment



As a natural business barometer or forecas-'

and the approval of the

ter, it is doubtful if the 60% furnace operation can be depended upon

O. Schwab.

in the future as it has

people for whom he is working. — Charles You



been in the past, owing

tell what a man is by

to the fact that meth ods have been devel

what he does when he

has nothing to do.

Calcite Screenings

Page 10S9

L/ton (Dze <^7fa± tlontxiuiitsid ^LazqzLu Jo Jhz lJ\oih,E,%lti] CL¥ -Jnz JLalzE, <y\zqLon Iron ore is one of the most abundant metals

found. It is exceeded only by aluminum. About five percent of the earth's crust is iron. It oc

curs in many different forms and places. Rocks, soils, plant and animal life contain : ' n. In the June issue of the U.S. Si'. -I News we were told of the extensive iron ore properties in

the Lake Superior district where the average ore mined runs well over 50 percent iron.

It is generally considered that early tactions in the formation of iron ore deposits were com

pleted before there was any life on the globe other than one-cell organisms, and these changes took millions of years to accomplish. Later for mations indicate that the iron became separated

from the rock in which it originally occurred and was deposited as a sediment in a great lake basin

Jackson Iron Company in October, 1904, to mark

the first discovery of iron ore in the Lake Super ior region. The exact spot is 300 feet northeast erly from this monument to an iron post. The ore was found under the roots of a fallen pinetree in June, 1845, by Marji Gesick, a Chief of the Chippewa tribe of Indians. The land was se cured by mining permit and the property subse quently developed by the Jackson Mining Com pany, organized July 23, 1845." A picture of this monument appeared in the June issue of U. S. Steel News and is reproduced here.

Jxayon A .Beautiful .Material

formation in which the Calcite quarry is operat-

Rayon is no longer just a cheap substitute for sill<. Within the last decade it has been so vastly improved that now it has a high place in the

We are quite familiar with the part which limestone plays in the producing of pig iron from iron ore and steel from pig iron with the aid of coal, another of nature's provisions.

Of course, there are various qualities of rayon at various prices. Good rayon gives long wear

much the same, we are told, as was the limestone

Iron ore was first discovered in the Lake Su

perior region in 1845 under a large pine stump which had been uprooted. Captain William Peuglase. Superintendent of the Jackson mine and father of our General Superintendent, is here shown sitting on roots of the stump under which the original discovery of iron ore in this region was made.

Since then a monument commemorating the Indians' discovery of iron ore near this spot has been erected. This historic monument, which is constructed principally of rich iron ore mined in its immediate vicinity, stands half way between the mining cities of Negaunee and Ishpeming- in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Its inscrip tion reads, "This monument was erected by the

fashion world as a beautiful, durable material. and lovely effects.

Rayon, made chiefly from cellulose by a spe cial process, is a uniform thread with definite charactertistics just like any other thread. Fab

rics woven from it range from very shiny ones like the satins to the dullest crepes. It takes dye well and beautiful color combinations are pro duced in an unlimited variety of weaves. It is also widely used in weaving other fabrics —such as wool, cotton, silk and linen. Indeed, a

large percentage of high grade fabrics of all

kinds, used in tire home or in apparel, now con tain some rayon, often entirely unsuspected by the buyer.

And it helps to add beauty and ser


Good drivers don't slice—on the fairway or on the highway.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1090

c^fna JJtÂą <^f\ELation to J-zluazzuLna ana <^l\l\lnlnq By C. A. Otorms There have been so many misleading and con

creased our national income by a total of 22.7

Our national income has varied from 81 bil lion dollars in 1929 to 42 billion in 1933 and 53

billions of dollars in that sixyear period. Thus we can see that the last rainy day would have been much wetter if nothing had been put aside during the good years. It is also interesting to speculate as to what our next depression may be like if the government continues to tax cor poration undivided earnings at the present rate. It is certain that not as much money will be available for such things as tearing down old buildings, and building new ones, etc., which gave us some extra work in the last six years and paying dividends which in turn were used to purchase manufactured products. So we can see that if our company does not put some money

billion in 1935. These figures are beyond our un

aside from year to year, in the next depression

derstanding, but we may note that our U. S. gov ernment debt in July, 1937, became more than

there may not be money available to make con tinued improvements, and we may have to

two-thirds of

scratch harder than we ever have to maintain

tradictory statements made in the past few years that it was with considerable interest that some of us received a booklet from the U. S. Depart

ment of Commerce.

This booklet presents the

findings of a commission appointed by President Roosevelt, was printed in 1936 and covers the years 1929 to 1935 inclusive. It is not possible to give here a summary of this 300 page book. However, I will attempt to present those general figures of real interest to us and in particular the charts and figures concerned with that in dustry of which we are. a part.






1935. National Income may be that income pro duced, or it may be that income paid out. These two are not necessarily equal as is shown by

Chart No. 1. "Income produced" is composed of the receipts of various businesses, manufactur ing, mining, construction, professional and per sonal services. "Income paid out" is composed of wages, salaries, compensation for injuries, pensions, interest on borrowed money, dividends,


The importance of the mining industry to the nation as a whole is not properly indicated by the table below for though there is a small percent of the total workers engaged in mining, our mines, quarries and our oil and gas wells supply raw materials which enter into


manufactured goods produced.

This industry



reserves for exhaustion of mines and worn out

machinery payments to individuals promoting the business, and last but very important, bus

iness savings. It is interesting to note that the total value of business transactions is several times the total value of our national income. This

is because any payment of wages flows through so many hands, from the worker to his grocer to his wholesaler, to railroads, to the packing company or canning company, and some of it back to wages all along the line. This last item is that income of business man-

facturing, etc., not paid out but laid aside for a rainy day. Chart No. 1 shows the effect of this saving on our national income for the years 1930-31-32-33-34 and 35. The savings of pre vious good years were used and in effect in-

The following table gives at a glance a picture of the mining industry as a whole: YEAR


Percent of total U. S. Workers in Mining . . . Percent of total U. S. Income Relative Income Produced Relative Income Paid Out

Business Saving Millions of Dollars















2.6 100 100

2.4 69 83

2.0 37 58.3

1.7 25 39.7

1.8 27.6 39.1

2.1 44.5 50.1

2.0 46.9 52.0

_.186 -.452 -.511 -325 -.292 -200 -192

Calcite Screenings

Page 1091

also furnishes the raw materials which are the

source of heat, light, and power




homes and factories.

The third and fourth lines in the table show-

how the industry fared during the depression compared to 1929. Our own company did not do as well as the industry as a whole though wages paid out by our company were better than indi cated for the industry as a whole. The last line shows the business saving which is negative or actually a loss for the whole industry.

From that you can see that more money has been put into mines, quarries, oil wells, etc. in those seven years than was taken out. It is for tunate for us that our own plant has not operat ed so continuously at a loss or we might have been looking for jobs elsewhere long belore this. Chart Xo. 1 shows the percentage of mining "income paid out" distributed as wages and does not include salaries. If you were to take this chart and compare it with another we have not space to show, yon would see that wages alone in our industry are almost identical in percent of "income paid out" with wages and salaries com bined for the whole nation.

It has been stated

that labor a lew years ago received as its share in the form of wages about 50 per cent of the value of goods produced by their efforts, and that now this share has dropped to 36 percent, but the facts are that wages 20 years ago were only 50 percent of the national income, while they are about 65 percent today, which also does not count the labor expended in making parts or

devices put into the product nor did it include the labor expended in producing the elaborate machines used by the workman and necessary to produce their product. Another error generally made is that though a shoemaker 50 years ago received a wage equal to half the value of the shoes he produced, still he could not buy as much in comfort and pleasure

as can the shoemaker today who supposedly re ceives only 36 percent of the value of the shoes produced. Fifty years ago a shoemaker made one pair of shoes per day worth two dollars and received in payment one dollar. Today the shoe maker, with the help of much machinery, makes six pairs of shoes, but gets paid enough to buy

two pairs each day.

His standard of living is

much better, as it should lie, and we can expect to increase our standard of living from year to year, but it will be by improving manufacturing methods and making our quarry and mill more efficient. For only by making it possible for a man to produce more can we expect to buy more.

Care About Carelessness How many men, observing a careless habit on

the part of a fellow workman would tactfully

call his attention to it? Any man will put out a small fire or turn in an alarm for a larger one. Any man will avoid small pox.

is bandit conscious, snake conscious and con

scious of other dangers. Why not become conscious of carelessness and

make it so unpopular that it will be stamped

out.-' Just as typhoid, yellow fever, and plagues ol the past have been stamped out.

OH To School Again School begins and it is good to see all those freckles, coats of tan and bright smiles after a well and safely spent vacation. New teachers, new books and classes await

you. Also new school rules and regulations. But you can polish off the same old safety rules you used last year, making a brand new resolve to follow them straighter than ever before.

How long is a safety rule? Long enough to be applied to every situation ; on the street, in school or at home. And certainly it should ex tend two feet—your own two feet keeping out of danger.

A farmer contracted with a somewhat sharp nursery man to plant an orchard for him. The contract called for "ten rows of trees, each row

to contain three trees." The nursery man plant ed a total of only nine trees and fulfilled the

contract—how did he plant the trees? PERCENT 100

than six miles from the point where they were released.






fftCOrtE 60



WA6£^. 30

Tots made by the American Institute of Sani tation. New York City, show that the common house fly. in its wanderings, may fly more than five miles in a single day. A swarm of flies were marked with dye and released. On the next day some of these dyed flies were captured more

Any man will

jump at the sight of a rattlesnake. Everybody




e-Y rrr?. cf paym£ht

Calcite Screenings

Page 1092



*$& ' ^


When we hear about all the accidents that are

happening these days, some people are apt to

think that accidents just happen in the natural


Ten years of safety is a very commendable record and our track boys certainly have shown

course of events and there is little we can do

that they have that which it takes to step out and

about them.

accomplish things.

Such deductions



however, and it has been proven time and again that accidents can be eliminated, and when they are not, it is generally because someone isn't putting much effort into the cause. Take our Track Department back in 1925. They had twelve lost-time accidents during the oper ating season April 1st to December 1st; and in 1926 they had six during the same period of time. In the first three months of 1.927, during strip ping season, they had six lost-time accidents, the last suffered by August Hilla on March 6th when be slipped and caught his foot under a tie

supporting track over which a locomotive was hauling a train, crushing the toes on his right foot.

Before this, considerable had been done

in the way of promoting growth of safety in this Department, but from the records, it can be seen that little had been accomplished. .After (just's painful accident, these men took on a new deter mination to eliminate accidents from

their De

partment, with the result that they have not had a




that time



present. Ten years without a lost-time accident is a credit to any man's record. They didn't start out to make a ten-year record. Their goal was the next day with a perfect score, then the next and so on; and by taking care of the days, they leugthened into weeks, the weeks into months

until ten years have successfully slipped by, not without effort, but without accident.

repairing track,

same consideration.

11ugh Lewis, one



En gin e e r s,

displaying a f i n e speci men of rain bow t r o u t and a real s n c c e ssful f i s herman's smile. Who w OH1 d n't smile after

landing such

a beauty? Now


other Engin eers w h o h a v e excel



tions as fish ermen,

b u t

we never can

Ga t c h pic-

Their work consists of general track work—

laying new track,

There is nothing quite so irritating as a horn-

tooting motorist, with the possible exception of a mosquito in a sleeping porch. Both merit the


track and moving power cables.

Ninety percent of this crew have been with the Calcite I'lant 14 years and longer. The)' are giving a real service and know the value of safe

t u r e s t h e i.r

o f fish.



The only evidence we see are mosquito-bitten limbs and "Charley-horses." Maybe they should shadow Hugh on his ramblings around Trout River and Little Lake,

Calcite Screenings

Page 1093

J^xad-czrf'viz, Lniao %ho icttsd

For The Air-Minded


Rogers City and Presque Isle County has a newly formed corporation in the Brad-Aire In corporated. The promoter and President is Fred V. N. Bradley, Purchasing Agent of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, a man well known locally and in many sections as a follower of .sports. Fred has always been an ardent follower of transportation since the days of his youth, having had unusual interest

in motorcycling, atitomobiling, boating and now aviation.

The past two years he has been a promoter and leader in making local citizens air-minded. Through his efforts a ground school course, a model airplane course, numerous air shows and social activities have been brought to this com munity. His organization of a local N. A. A. Chapter has received commendation from Na tional officers as having the largest member ship in a city of this size. The first privately owned aircraft in Presque Isle County is Fred's new Taylorcraft purchased

by him a few weeks ago.

With the acquisition

of this new plane, Fred announced the formation of "Brad-Aire Incorporated,'' a flying service that will give local aviation enthusiasts a means of training and transportation. To date many have announced their desire to learn to fly and many have taken short hops over the city. The officers of the new corporation are: President—F. V. N. Bradley. Secretary-Treasurer—Marie H. Bradley. Mr. C. Rimer Weese, pilot and instructor, is a capable flier with many years of experience. He holds a Transport License, a Michigan Depart. ment of Aeronautics Flight Instructor's License and a Radiotelephone Operator's License issued by the Federal Communications Bureau. Mr. Weese has flown for the Mutual Flying Service of Detroit and was formerly employed at the Wayne County Airport as Operations Officer. The new Taylorcraft plane is a product of the Taylor-Young Airplane Company of Alliance, Ohio. It is powered with a four-cylinder Conti-

By G



R.J o n e s

nental motor of 40 horsepower, has a wingspread of 33 feet and is 22 feet in length overall. Weight empty is 585 pounds, and loaded 1,050 pounds. It it a two-place, side-by-side cabin type with wheel control. With all the latest improvements, in struction on this type of plane would allow the student to fly practically any of the larger planes being built today. This is a neat looking plane and makes a graceful appearance both in the air and on the ground. We expect Fred will graduate to a larger plane wdien his course of instruction and examinations are complete. He has done much traveling by air and on different sportsman pilots' cruises. His splendid colored movies, taken on these cruises, gives one a slight idea of the pleasures given by this type of trans portation. Passenger flights and charter flying will also be available through the newly formed company. Those interested in student instruction or pass enger flying may contact Mr. Weese at the local airport. It is of interest to know that before a student

receives credit for any dual instruction on air plane piloting, he or she must have a Certificate of Medical Examination issued by an authorized medical examiner. Dr. J. M. Trudeau of this city has been appointed as District Medical Ex aminer by the U. S. Bureau of Air Commerce. In furnishing the community with this service Fred is to be commended. The new corporation should appeal to local aviation enthusiasts.

Good temper, like a sunny day, sheds a bright ness over everything; it is the sweetener of toil and the soother of disquietude.—Washington Irving. If you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper; if you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it.

Up-hill work generally leads one to the top.

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Page 1094


Wl.en Nature's Stoplight-Signals, Be Sure To Heed Its Warning JUr. Irving J. Sand.s

Headaches are the most common of all human


It is doubtful whether there is any

person living who at some time or another has not suffered from a headache. Its very preva lence makes a headache a rather dangerous con

dition because it is so apt to be neglected. In one sense, the human system is a machine. Like any other machine it consists of a skeleton, an energy creating mechanism, an energy dis persing mechanism, a waste disposal mechanism and a co-ordinating and integrating mechanism. The skeleton of the human system is its bony structure. It gives to the human being his gen eral contour and bodily form. The energy creat ing mechanism consists of the gastro-inteslinal tract, the lungs and the glands of internal secre tion. The energy dispersing mechanism is the heart and




A headache is not a disease in itself. It is only

a sign and a symptom of a disease somewhere in the body. It may denote something insignifi cant, or it may be indicative of a most serious illness. For this reason, doctors regard the head ache as a serious manifestation of a disturbance

in a human being. It is a warning on the part of the body, which says to its owner, "There is something wrong with me; go to a doctor, and find out what it is."

When a patient comes to him seeking relief from a headache, the doctor examines the pa tient thoroughly with the hope of finding the

part of the body that is diseased, so he may treat the patient scientifically and effectively. The skeletal system may be affected, and a disease of the bones of the skull may cause severe head aches. Eyestrain not infre

The waste disposal mechanism comprises the kidneys, bladder, intestines, skin and lungs. The

quently is responsible for in

central co-ordinating

eases are not infrequently ush





of the blood and infectious dis


tegrating mechanism, on which

ered in with severe headaches.

the uniformity of the activities of the rest of the organs of the

Kidney trouble may first ex press itself with a headache. Severe constipation may pro

body depends, is the nervous system. Because of the fact

duce a chronic headache.




ease of the heart and particu larly of the blood vessels, espe cially those of the brain, may

that most of the organs in the body contain parts of the nerv ous system, disease of any part of the body is reflected in the

c a u s e chronic, intractable headaches. Diseases of the

some function

Headache in itself is the re sult of irritation of the brain.

glands of internal secretion, particularly of pituitary gland which is lodged within the

Therefore a headache may be

skull, are frequently expressed

nothing more than an expres

in headaches.

sion of disease anywhere in the body. The human being- dif fers from any other machine in

flammation of the brain are al aches.

that he has a mind, which may

lining of the brain, or menin

of the nervous .system.

be defined as the brain in action, or preferably, as the expression of human behavior. Every act of a human being is accompanied by a pleasur able or an unpleasurable feeling, which results

in a more or less prolonged state of pleasurable or unpleasurable tension, which we may call the

Tumors or in

ways accompanied



head of


gitis, causes excruciating headache. Occasional ly chronic poisoning, such as results from exces sive smoking, may produce a severe intractable headache.

It is a known fact that the earlier a disease is

and aspirations. These activities demand a good

recognized the more effective will be its cure. Therefore a headache should not be neglected. Whenever headaches are accompanied by nausea and vomiting it is a sign of a severe disturbance

deal ol both nervous and glandular activity, re

in the human machine.

sulting in chemical and physiologic changes on

Occasionally, a delay has meant the sacrifice of a human life, as in the case of a man who had been suffering from headaches for a period of six months and had been taking certain so-called

mood of the individual. A human being in his daily activities expresses his inner hopes, desires

the part of the brain and other organs in the

body. Headache often comes from worry and from disappointment; therefore the human be ing may suffer from headaches not only because of disturbance in the function of his general ma chinery but also because of his mental activities.

"headache cures." Examination revealed obvious

signs of a brain tumor, which could have been ef fectively treated at— (Continue-i on Paga loflJJ

Calcite Screenings

Page 1095

^ijou LL <^>zz Ut On <Sa%EznLnqÂŁ Personals" That Come To Tke Editor's Desk Just Among Ourselves It is rumored that quite a time was had at the Reinke household when a bat gained entrance to the living room. Our friend Ella didn't enter the chase, but stood at a distance in fear and tremb

ling. No reason for her timidity was understood, but some of the party figured that she must have thought it was a mouse on wings.

Wilfred Heythaler spent his spare moments this summer on erecting a building to serve as a gas station, thirst parlor, etc. Despite all the advice given him, many say it is low on one corner and ask him if he hadn't a level in his tool chest.

Howard "Mike" Johnson, who hands out sup plies and wise-cracks over the storehouse count

er, was getting all practiced up for the coming hunting season. He made a target and got out the





lengthy practice he felt con

by a salesman. The salesman's car looked like a patrol wagon, but John didn't notice that until

he was reminded by his good Storehouse friends.

Not knowing the salesman, John thought he might be an officer of the law and that some of

his past sins were catching up with him. "Judas Priest/' says John, "It sure got hot in that bus all at once."

Are you always a safe worker at home or on the job?

We greeted Joe Markey the other day and he answered in a weak whisper. We thought he had some information or secrets to give us and didn't want others to hear, but his voice was

gone because of running a keno stand at the St. Ignatius picnic. Harry Kucharski was also there, but our powerful silver-voiced tenor stood the strain.

fident that his aim was per fect, so when a young rabbit

If you have faith in those with whom you labor,

raided his cabbage patch, he said he'd make short work of

And trust in those with whom you make a trade;


If you ibelieve in friend and next door

Five shots with the

shotgun failed to destroy the garden pest, so friend Mike is

going after the target again with a vengeance. A Tug Captain took his car to Sea-Gull Point to give it a wash. It happened that the car got stuck after being run into the lake, so the Cap's

neighbor, And heed examples pioneers have made;

If you expect the sun ito rise tomorrow, If you are sure that somewhere skies are

We've seen

Clarence Os-

born, Joe Penglase and Ed. Kelley out on the golf course and we bet that white ball takes

that little an awful

beating from those three hus kies. It's good that some of us golfers can beat some thing, as old man par never gives us a chance.


Frank Reinke is going soft. After years of taking the hot and cold blasts so commonly For 'better days are largely up to you. found in the quarry, he is in companion had to wade stalling an air conditioning ashore and go for help, as a Captain never leaves plant in a new home he is building. We're afraid Wake up and pack away the futile sorrow,

his ship.

Frank won't be able to take it in the future.

We've had inquiries on who owns the black Model "T" coupe seen about town and around the plant. It belongs to three of our new En

some of the other horseshoe players were told by a professional just how they should throw the

gineers who have equal partnership in the ve hicle, but not such an equality in its gas tank. It has been suggested by some of our friends' acquaintances that the coat-of-arms decorating the car should be changed to a call-to-arms. However, we are told one member of the trio

deserts the unreliable Model "T" each evening for a blue V-8 coupe. John Heller was called from the Machine Shop to the Storehouse with the understanding that he was to look over some new tools being shown

Arnold Conley, Russell Pollock, "Red" Lee and shoes so as to beat those Moltke fellows.


gave them a special shoe this year with hooks all over it so they couldn't miss the stake. We're afraid you can't beat the farmers at their own game, boys.

We can all breathe easier now, folks.


Lewis turned in his canoe on the new Buick. His

won't be death by drowning. When Art Santini dubbed that drive on num

ber one tee, he got more distance with the club than with the ball. The Meharg-Santini feud is

Calcite Screenings

I'age 1096

still on and we think the boys are about even up

on the golf honors. Harry says if he could putt on the greens like he does on the parlor rug, he wouldn't have auv competition in the entire Golf Club.

Age is an opportunity no less than youth itself, though in another dress; and as the evening twi light fades away the sky is filled with stars in visible by dav.

This story was sent in to the Editor's desk by

George Pilarski has promised us a good bear picture for the next issue of Screenings. He says that the boys won't give him any razzing about the bear running away after leaving his anatomy scattered all over the woods this year.

one of the Dock Office clerks.

•"At three-thirty

this morning Louis Smolinski came into the Dock Office and told the following tale: He was

just returning to the boat and when he came by

One shot

the Storehouse a deer came off the lawn and ran

and one bear, says George. John Btuning has a nice one all spotted for him at the south cud ol the quarry.

ahead of his car. He stayed ahead of the car all the way down the road to the Power House and

Martin Budnick is a good mechanic when he works on







doesn't respond to his mechanical touch. "Guess I'll trade her in." says .Martin.

proud of his Italian ancestry, but he tells us that his house was painted green because he wants to be an Irishman. His reason for a change in nationality is that he thinks an Irishman has a better chance against a Swede than an Italian, So far his

only comeback has been that citizenship business, but from now on it's <>-oin»" to be diflerent.

Art Hein says that when his ball team is in

the lead, they always put him in the pitcher's box to help even things up. We hear that Ed. Glazier umpired a ball game recently and was mighty thankful thai he had a mask and chest protector on.

The first thing that Elmer Molt pulls out of the dinner bucket at lunch time is a set of false teeth.


that they feel more they do in his mouth. Ed






would be much of a



shower house.

install bath Bill


a a


to figure and Ed told him he wanted the drain to lead to his


When Bill

asked why that ar rangement. I'M said that he wanted to make use. of the limestone dust the shower bath would remove. That's what

we call being farsighted.

lie said that this was

Martin Pokorski is one of the pitment on No. 1 shovel, lie is a peaceful fellow and inclined to be a good listener. Working with Frank Rich ards, Fred Liedtke, Fred LaLonde and some of the boys on Xo. 1, he has to be a good listener. When Martin told this story to the fellows, they had to believe him as he isn't noted for telling tall stories. It seems that Martin went up to

water his garden one night, and as he was bail ing water out of a ditch he saw a long garter Miake hanging from a bush with its head in the water.

Martin soon





was taking a drink. When the snake was finished with its drink, Martin said that: it looked like the

inner tube of an automobile tire. This drew quite a laugh from the real story-tellers, although they sav it must be true if Martin savs so.

George Atkinson has a new car, a shiny new-


comfortable there between meals than


his wife was with him.

hard to picture, but perfectly true."' A safe worker has a future to look to.

We always thought that Alfred Savina was

and he's out after that Larson fellow.

then cut down the lake shore toward Quarry Point. Louis was perfectly sober and said that

PLANT CLEAN-UP—In keeping with the policy of good housekeeping, Julius Zemple's yard crew has had a busy season. With additional new em ployees, many being young men having their first jobs since finishing school, Julius has had a program of clean-up and property improvement this season. To these young fellows a word of praise is given for their fine safety record and co-operation in our safety program. With much to learn about indus trial work, they have been good students—hence the good showing. Here

is pictured a group of these fellows on a job near the Machine Shop.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1097

Pontiac. He uses flyspray in his garage, a blank et over the car and gives it three wax jobs a week to be sure that the finish is preserved. Some of his advisors have suggested dust catch ers for use while the car is on the road.

We all

know that George takes pride in ownership and keeps his cars looking like new.

The wedding bells have been tinkling around the main office this summer. First our telephone

dred miles and says he saw all the country. That is an accomplishment to average four hundred miles a day and still see what there is that's in teresting'.

Melvin Hopp has been seeing Jack Wheeler about the plant using his surveying instrument and asked why Jack was taking so many pic tures.

operator, Ida Kreft, took the vows, then Howard


Johnson of the Laboratory was next, and from all reports, substantiated by a sparkling diamond, Edythe Shirtum has her plans all made. We're glad to see that the depression is really over.

the onset of the headaches. Delay permitted the tumor to grow to such a size that successful op

The mighty hunter has returned. Some years ago Fred Bade exterminated a family of skunks which was homing beneath the Main Office. His

last big hunt was to clean up a family of mice.

uv. Irving JLrving j. Dr. J. oands «SancL« (Continued I'rum Pstge LOM)

eration was impossible. It is indeed unfortunate that headaches are re

garded so lightly by so many people. It is in deed a pathetic situation that so many proprie tary medicines arc advertised in the press or on

Fred has won the esteem and devotion of all the

the radio as a sure cure for headaches. It must always be remembered that a headache is not a

lady workers in our office as they are now safe

disease in itself but a sign of physical disease or

from further worry.

What was



of a disturbance in the emotional life of the in


Fred ?

Herman Hopp, William Wischnefski, and wives, spent a few days camping at Black Lake. When asked as to what they did for pleasure, they said that they just rested and went swim ming as they didn't care about fishing. Some of our observers said that even the swimming was

doubtful; they said it looked more like wading to them.

Merlin Peetz got all "oiled up" while driving the bulldozer. When he got oiled the second time, he had to be sent home. It was just oil from a broken oil line, folks, and not "oiling" as it is usually thought of. Frank Richards picked all the blackberries in Presque Isle County, at least Vern Henry says that there are none left.

Since Frank told the

original story, a lot has been added Frank is beginning to doubt it all him self.

We've heard onem a n bands a n d

heard of great ones,




Medical help should be sought when

ever one suffers from it; and the sooner it is

sought, the earlier can treatment be instituted and relief be afforded.

XUectrie Oervice vV^itli iSafety It is the job of electrical inspectors to see that electrical installations are safe, hut inspectors have no way of maintaining safety after the house is occupied. The best they can do is to im part their knowledge of safe practices to the public so that each householder can protect his own property,

It is common knowledge that electricity is per fectly safe when properly used, but there are certain rules which should be observed to keep it sale at all times.

Have you received your booklet "Electric Ser vice with Safety"'? Lxtra copies are available at the Time Office.

BATHING BEACH—A general scene on the local, bathing beach tells one

that the sun's rays and the invigorating waters of Lake Huron are just as popular in 1937 as in previous years. The local chapter of the Red Cross again provided beach guards and the Village Council sponsored improve ments and new7 equipment.

but we believe that the best could not

compare with Leon ard LaGuire and his

lone mouth


We don't know how-

Leonard holds out as





wind to that instru ment.

Griff Pines took a

three-day trip in the Upper Peninsula, drove




^Witk tnz (Lomfianij rox


No institution is of much value without t

loyalty of those who are connected with it. 'fl are the component parts which amalgamate (has. I'. Plata! started woWc-

ing ill Calcite September I-. l!li;. bill during vacations. long before that, he hel|Âť-il Willi test Imle drillings and harbor




originally mi office boy. He h:is hail various partitions anil is niiw Traffic


whole into a solid, understanding unit and fo the character of the institution. Without loy ty, any business enterprise is shallow and of tie merit.

The year 1937 rounds out a service record 15 years (1912 to 1937) for 22 employees the Limestone Company. Of this group E< have been with the company 26 years.

A quartet of a century is a long time to spe in the service of one organization, especia when compared with the way some drift arou The staunch service of these men is highly CO mendable and no doubt was inspired by the axiom, "One of the most beautiful compen tioiis of life is that we cannot serve others wi

out serving ourselves"; as these men, in serv: their Company, gave to their families, to th community, to their country and to themsclv All are attributes that anyone with ambitions lie a worthy citizen would strive to attain.


gives to an organization where long time CO mitments to its many customers are pertim

a continuity of service in its personnel whicl niost desirable.

Sit vice is not inherently possessed by evei

one, nor can it always be acquired, but it cod Max Bell more, horn in Chip pewa

falls, Wisconsin, entered

quite naturally to those who have the pro

the employ or the Limestone Company in .lane. 11)11. Mux is now shirt foreman in the .Mill, limiting anil fishing arc his hnhhics during I lie hum's when he is nwny I mm (he job in Hie Mill.

Originally a

railroad man. Charles Kichards, lo

oar company April Tib. Illl'!. In lilii be lic-iimc m Manager of t lull unit. Charlie enjoys n good ball i::i right oar coiiKcnial Mill Superintendent. II. It. O'Tool

power house.

When production started

lie transfer

well as any eniislriK'tion thai might he going np.

Coming lo linger* City from

Alpena October I.".. 11)12, 3tifM Schnltz has worked in I he Ma chine Shop since that time, ex-

ccpl while in the Army dur ing I he World War. .lack says his bi>bb> is wnrU. and besides

his job. he has a nice garden to show for it.


on a


in tin


tit MollUc. Michigan, Ailnlph Siirgcnfrci was pi:ssessed with a

desire In

build I hiims ratilCV

than see Ilii'in grow, and slarled out in the Ciinslriiction


parlmcnl as a sleel worker till

April 10. lilli. -L



He is nnw shiU Ill



^yVumljEt or cZmhLou ££1 iderstanding and appreciation of the accountilities and obligations in life. This generates isfaction, not of a kind that breeds content-

nt and over-confidence, but a desire to be re serviceable.











A condition under which the

operated by Jtoh Hamilton who

otic threads of reported labor chaos do not rminate. Certainly an achievement worthy of

was born in Sunilae, Michigan. Hob's starting dale Is



The United States Steel Corporation has had effect since January 1st, 1911, what is known

1012, and




now shift

foreman in (be njjurry.

In his

spare lime he throws a hand of spitzcr.


the United States Steel and Carnegie Pension !!ild, out of which pensions are paid to those 10 qualify for them. Applications for pensions :• submitted to the Board of Directors of this

id. who determine whether or not the applitat has met with the qualifications necessary. Pension rules now effective were given on

ge 311 Of the May, 1931, issue of CALCITE •REEN1NGS.

There also appeared a notice

th reference to the revised plan on page 3.39 the June, 1931, issue of SCREENINGS. It has been the practice of various subsidiary npanies in the Corporation to issue medals in

:ognition of United States Steel Corporation vice. It is contemplated that those of the nesone Company with 25 years of service will feted with some form of entertainment and

•ecoguition of service medal later this year, t as yet no definite plans have been consumted. '










ridge, was bora in New York. For some years he worked on

a logging Iraia oat of Onaway.

he piclnre below, took over the timekeeping job for gent and in l!)K3 was transferred In Hnffnln plant a-. •i export al bridge and some other card games. On the ted al Caleile .Inly 1st. 1811, on 1lie erection of the old "ill


has always had



lie came here as a







also excells in the art of rais

ing lurkeys.

in its operation as




marks I he

starling date of Ailolph Dnllaek of the power department. Ailolph belongs to a depart ment


has mil

had a


time nccidt'lll in I'J consec utive years. Next lo work

ing at his job. this fellow gels a big "kick' oat of fishing.

The flrsl job Vielnr Koch held down at Ibis plant was

thai of Hrakemaii. coming In work







Itailroad oa September II. I!M3. Later he was a locomotive en gineer and



Ami for diversion,

now shift



seeing light

Poland, ski







al an early age. lie be came





U.S.A., started working for


t bis




is aunt her farmer






near -Mel/.

Mike Varcb was horn I'nlnnd anil came to

America with his broth er Jake when he was 2 years old. Mike started as a pitman •Inly



Mil-:, la













A successful man is one who has tried, not cried; who has worked, not dodged; who has shouldered responsibility not evaded it; who has gotten under the burden, not merely stood off, looking on, giving advice and philosophizing on the situation. The result of a man's work is not the measure of success. To go down with ship in storm and tempest is bet ter than to paddle away to Paradise in an Orthodox canoe. To have worked is to have succeeded—we leave the results to On July

l'anll came to oar plant a shovel pitman. Since then



Life is too short to gather the Harvest—we can only


—Elbert Hubbard

1, IIHI. Eeo



red to the Blasting De partment. I.eo also makes good at spare lime farming. I.eo first

saw I he light of day in 1'osen. Michigan.

To look at Clare Muekleni one wouldn't think he had 35

yearn of service, but Clare Maeklem started here as a shovel fireman July 13, MM3. Clare is now an electric shovel op erator,



War vet



eran, Tirst




company July 1. MM3, as a locomotive engin eer.

Since than he has

transferred to

the gen

eral repair shop, frank is it good gardener and a


Another old

Anthony first

April has

timer is



worked in the mill



part meat

MM3. left


Tony Ibis




maintenance crew fore man, and when it comes

to gardens Tuny is un excelled.


lie was bora in An Sable. Michigan.

F r a ii k


started working at Cal

cite September 3. MM3. ns a pitman. Coming to




I'osen. Michigan, where he was bora in 1XS5, Frank





ber of years been with the I rack department.

To work 33 years for





department is one re cord. To be pari or the power crew I hat for 13 conseeiitive yenrs has not

bad a


lost-time ac

is another.


Noble started working at Calcite Oct. 1. I!M3.

h fcC

To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little, and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not to be embittered, to keep a few fiends, but these without capit

ulation; above all, on the same condition, to keep fiends with himself; here is a task for all a man has offortitude and de licacy.

—Robert Louis Stevenson

We congratulate tliese Oltl JLnner.s. JLliey not only nave good .service records but splendid .safety record.s.

Coming lo America from Poland al the age of 10, Jacob Varch be came





us be could ipialiiy. and July I. 11)13. found

him working at man


I he

partment. Starling as a

drill helper July 1.

MM3. Krwin Adrian has







works in the mill.

since worked on (lie tugs, in (he yard, on the shovels, ami is now car dumper in the Mill. ICrwin WON liorn in lingers City in 1X1)3. and yon Should see the garden this fellow has.

If villi what







In know a




ask George Hlarski ami hi- will tell you. lien. was horn in I'osen, Michigan, and stalled work in the yard No vember





Ml 13.






was no child's play, and Roman Idalshl fill

ed this job ver> well In Mil-



came from







now a





.Met/.. .Mich





car dumper.


Calcite Screenings


Henry Schmidt passed away at the age of sev

Those Vv no .Have Passed Away -Mrs. Margaret Nagle, aged 62 years, passed away at her home on June 3, 1937, her death cul minating a lingering illness of twelve years dur ation. Arnold Nagle of the Drilling Department is a son and Mrs. William Warwick a daughter. Julius Zemple, Yard Foreman, and Alex Zemple. Paint Foreman, are brothers. Funeral services were held from St. John's Lutheran Church and burial in Rogers City Cemetery.

Mrs. Augusta Sorgenfrei passed away at her bome in Moltke on June 11, 1937. Adolph Sor genfrei, Mill Shift Foreman, is a son. Burial was in Moltke Lutheran Church Cemetery. Mrs. Victor Koch, wife of Train Dispatcher

X'ictor Koch, passed away on June 11, 1937, after a long illness. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. S. J. Francis and interment in Rogers

enty-seven years on August 9, 1937. Four sons Aaron, a painter, Bert a garage mechanic, Harry of the Mill Department and Henry, Jr. of the Drilling Department are Michigan Limestone &;

Chemical Company employees. Funeral services were from Section Twelve Lutheran Church and interment in the Church cemetery.

Herman Knopf passed away in Detroit on Au gust 17. 1937.

J lis brother Paul is employed

as a locomotive watchman.

To the many friends and relatives CALCITE SCREENINGS extends sincere sympathies.

An ancient Chinese philosopher said: "The big voice betokens the small mind."

Five thousand

years have not altered this truth, although it is expressed on our highways today with less grace and more profanity.

City Cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Breckon, mother of Ed. 1.reckon of the Mill Department, passed away at her home on July 3, 1937. She was 82 years of age. Interment was made in the South Allis Ceme

Despise not any man. and do not spurn any thing: for there is no man that has not his hour, nor is there anything that has not its place.— Rabbi Ben A/.ai.

tery at Onaway.

Mrs. Josephine Hoffman, aged 60 years, passed away on July 7, 1937. Frank Hoffman of the Shovel Department is a son. Interment was in the Church cemetery at Posen, Michigan. Clarence Schram, one of the best known and well liked of our employees succumbed to an illness on July 13, 1937. Clarence had been em ployed by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical

Company since 1920, having worked up to tbe position of shovel operator. It is always sad to lose a clean young man from our midst, and "Peg," as he was known to fellow workers, had a friend in every man on the job. His pleasantdisposition and flashing smile will always lie missed and will always be a pleasant memory. He leaves a wife and young son, Mrs. Wra.

Kortman, Mrs.





Breckon and M'rs. Win. Schelley sisters, and Charles ol" the Construction Department, a broth er. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. J. Francis and interment in Rogers City Cem etery.

Mrs. Mina Fiewelling. aged 67 years, passed away on July 15, 1937, at her home in Ocqueoc. Frank Fiewelling. a Tug Engineer, is a son. Burial was in Rogers City Cemetery.

Ralph, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pilarski, met a tragic death on Sunday, August 22nd. 1937. He was accidentally struck

by a .22 calibre bullet. A pierced jugular vein and windpipe caused his death a few hours after the accident. This is a sad blow to his parents and casts a pall over the entire community. Funeral



This young man was born in Canada close to seventy years ago. Up to the time this picture was taken we haven't any record of him. but here we see him in his

early ties

twen a s

h e

1o o k e d

in Au Sable. M i eh. H e was a brakeman on the D. & M. rail road at the time.

T w e n t yf our years ago he eut e r e d

t h e

e m p 1o y o f the Michigan Lime



Ti'ansporta -

tion Department, and he has been on the same job ever since. You see him every day groom ing the locomotives and puffing his pipe. Time has not erased his handsome features although we wager that the picture will not give you a good clue as to who he is. Applause to those who can guess correctly. Last month's Guess Who was our friend and

General Superintendent, Joseph Penglase. frol

services were held by Rev. C. T. Skowronski and

icking in the warm waters off Florida's coast

burial in Rogers City Cemetery.

last winter.

Calcite Screenings

Pag-e 1103

L.congratulations Miss Fern Zinke and Allen Bruder were united

in marriage on June 12. 1937, by Rev. C. T. Skow


Mr. Bruder is employed as a pump-


Miss Ruth Taylor and Harry Cicero were mar

Daughters were born to the following: Kathryn Rosalie to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lamb

on June 4, 1937. Mr. Land) is employed in the Machine Shop.

Frances Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Modryznski on June 9, 1937. Mr. Modryznsk'i is em ployed in the Shovel Department. Patricia Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bellmore

on June 3, 1937.

Mr. Bellmore is employed as

a welder.

Donna Joy to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Selke on July 5, 1937. Mr. Selke is employed in the Trans

ried on June 12, 1937. The marriage ceremony was peformed by Rev. W. Schoenow. Mr. Cic ero is employed in a boatloading crew. Miss Irene Walchok of Alpena and Emmett

Rose were united in marriage on July 15, 1937, by the Rev. D. E. Malone. Mr. Rose is: employed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Miss Emma Ross and Howard Johnson were married by the bride's father, Rev. Ernest Ross, on August 22, 1937. Mr. Johnson is employed in the Laboratory. Miss Ida Kreft and Reuben Schultz were mar

portation Department. Elenore Mary to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blair

ried on August 14, 1937, by Rev. Henry Kreuler

on July 8, 1937.

phone operator at the Main Office.

Mr. Blair is employed in the

Drilling Department. Jean Delores to Mr. and Mrs. Anthonv Kline

on July 26, 1937. Mr. Kline is employed in the Mill Department.

at Bay City, Michigan.

Miss Kreft is* the tele

CALCITE SCREENINGS wishes much happi ness to these young married folks.

Impatience never got anybody anwhere except into trouble.

Sons were born to the following:

Leonard Frank to Mr. and Mrs. George LaTulip on June 9, 1937. Mr. LaTulip is employed in the Electrical Department. Paul Robert to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horn on

June 9, 1937. Mr. Horn is employed Transportation Department.

in the

David Herbert to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Hoeft

on June 30, 1937. Mr. Hoeft is employed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Richard William to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ray mond on June 23. 1937. Mr. Raymond is em ployed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Ronald Edward to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gos-

selin on July 8, 1937. Mr. Gosselin is employed in the Mill Department. James Lee to Mr. and Mrs. |oseph A. Valen

tin on July 18, 1937. Mr. Valentin is Safety and Welfare Director.

Leo Junior to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Promo on July 21, 1937. Mr. Promo is employed as a boat loader.

Karen Dee to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook on May 29, 1937. Mr. Cook is employed by the Bradley Transportation Company. To the proud parents, CALCITE SCREEN INGS extends congratulations.

KIDS—A summer's morn and sandbox equip ment makes a youngster's paradise. Left to light we have pictured here Graydon Storms, Claire Daniels, Howard Storms, Frances Hamil

ton and Dick Jones, all youngsters of plant em ployees. Electrical Engineer, Chas. Storms: Shovel operators, Karl Daniels and Frank Ham ilton ; and Chemist, George Jones, are the proud fathers of these happy boys and girls.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1104

*Uns, SxadLzu ^Jxan^tioxiation Comkanij Safety jpVteetings and Personal .News Str. Carl D. Bradley—Safety Meetings Date of Meeting, July 29, 1937. Present: Leo Moll, Chairman; G. Harden, Sec retary ; and twenty-one other members.

Meeting called at 7:00 p. m. and minutes of last meeting were read.

Proceedings of meeting on date above named

The porter was cautioned about being verycareful while making the rounds at bell time, to

prevent any serious injury from Iailing or trip ping over anything. Bannon showed the danger of flying stone while loading the after hatch, and it was sug

gested that the passageway between the after hatch and the cabins be closed off during that time.

Chairman Moll gave a short talk warning of the dangers of things going too well, pointing out the necessity of being on the alert at all

Captain Pearse gave a talk regarding men mis sing the boat at Calcite where information is easily obtained from the dock office, and warned every member to be sure and give himself am


ple time in getting back.

were as follows:

Captain Pearse explained the purpose and ad visability of lashing the ladder securely while taking men aboard at Mackinaw where it would be very easy for the small boat to come under

Meeting was adjourned 7:45 p. m.

Personal Items

the ladder in a sea and dump a man in the water. Winfield suggested that some method be found

ers Citv hale and hearty as ever.

to protect a man from flying stone at the gates while unloading openhearth. A committee, con sisting of the Chief, the conveyorman and Win-

Greetings to Ray Buehler who has taken Chief Sparre's place during his absence on account of

field were appointed to investigate.

Nidy warns to be. sure and see the man in charge of engine room regarding any orders re quested of the engine room.

Zemple suggests some method to hold open the door of flour and sugar bins be found. Chief

We're all glad to see. Chief Spnrre back in Rog


From our First Mate we learn that preparing for a DeLuxe fishing expedition this coming-

winter is quite a job. His prospective home on wheels is to be complete with all modem con

Buehler advises this is being taken care of. Zem

veniences. And, as for the fishing he intends to

the crew waiting to go ashore, possibly interfer ing with the Mate in charge at the controls. Cap

time by "Cowpuncher" Goodrcaiv. He's quite pleased at being able to get home to dear old Chi

ple also pointed out the dangers of too much do, you should see the shark hook he bought! congestion at the forward ladder by members of Our stomachs are being tended at the present tain Pearse warns all to be sure and keep clear until the ladder is down.

cago so frequently.

It was suggested that some means be found

We understand that our assistant conveyor-

that will show when the ladder is up or down, thus eliminating the possibility of anyone start

man has mastered ''Home Sweet Home" on his

ing down when the ladder is up. especially at night.

This is being investigated further for

some solution.

During washing down, it was suggested some sort of skidders be used on the boots to pre

vent slipping, and Captain Pearse pointed out

the dangers of a possible fall on a newly painted deck and hatches when wet, and urged the ut most caution.

violin. At any rate, that's what he said it was. Guess we just haven't an ear for music.

Our Third Assistant has taken tip fight pro moting as a hobby. We rather expect him to give Madison Square Garden and Mike Jacobs some stiff competition in the near future. To date his stable consists of ••Battling" Brunk, "One Round" Kowalski, and "Wildcat" Zemple.

Bill McKay was about to sign a contract with

Moll warned of staying clear of the mooring cables at all times. Captain Pearse also pointed out the extreme danger of putting one's head out of the dead lights, adding that these two

him, but didn't approve of the name he was to

things were primary safety rules at all times. Al

admits that while he may lie a hundred and sev

so the dangerous practice of coming aboard on the cables was brought up by Chief Buehler.

Selke brought out the point of keeping one's fingers clear of the lips when pulling hatches.

fight under. Although he did say, quite emphat ically, that they were fighting words. And speaking pugilistically, our second cook

enty-five pounds of wildcat on the boat, at home he's just the domesticated type. Bill Hornbacher was somewhat taken aback

Calcite Screenings

Pao-e 1105

when, after returning from a three-day vacation and asking if he was missed, everyone professed

the new flag-ship steamed majestically into the harbor amidst cheers from those thronging the

being ignorant of the fact that he had been off.


Better hire a press agent, Bill.

Since that day she has continued steadily on her way, in a thoroughly dependable, if slightly-

Congratulations, George Kerr. Don't you think that a boy rates two cigars ?

less spectacular fashion down to this tenth anni


We've been unable to get any information in regard to Bill McKay's Cleveland girl friend, but the fact that he carries her picture down to the engine room with him seems to indicate more

than just a passing romance. It seems that '"Hammer" Gould is more of a

butcher than a mechanic. When told to get a hacksaw the other day, he asked if that was the thing that looked like a meat saw.

Vic hasn't explained yet how certain intimate

articles of ladies' wearing apparel got mixed tip with his laundry.

On her tenth birthday the Bradley

stands as a vital monument to the vision and

foresight of the man whose name she bears. Al

though a multitude of technical developments have come into being during the decade which has elapsed since her launching, few lake ves sels can boast of being her equal in equipment or efficiency.

The ensuing years should witness yet fur ther proof of her capabilities and there is little doubt that future narrators will place the Brad

ley in a position of distinction amongst the longlist of outstanding ships that have traversed the

Great Lakes since the days of the early French voyageurs, down to the present time.

Ray Eier is considering commercializing on his new movie camera and projector by showing weekly movies for the crew.

Ralph "Wildcat" Zemple, bantam-weight champion of Liske (Mich.), steadfastly denies all

W'e haven't much information on the ship-toshore telephone system recently installed aboard our ship, but the first reports on it were quite favorable. As usual, the Steamer BRADLEY leads the way.

the winner of the Joe Louis-Tom Farr bout, sometime in January. PTowever, Zig can be heard working out daily in the mess room with

We notice our Second Mate driving a new Ford these days. And confidentially, there are rumors of a honeymoon in Florida this comingwinter.

To the man ashore, sailors may appear to be quite carefree, but such is not the case. Allow us to quote some of our crew's main worries. Art Brunk: "What am I going to do with all my money ?" Ray Smith:

"I wonder if she loves me?"

reports that he has signed a contract to meet

some of the ship's best men and is sure to be in

splendid condition for whatever may turn up. Art Josephson is the latest man to be initiated into the Ancient and Royal Order of Pearl-Div ers. W'e extend to both Art and his rare collec

tion of pipes, a hearty welcome.

"On the Gary Road" has been officially adopt ed as the ship's song for the current season. Al

though a few optimistic souls still cling dogged ly to the belief that there is a city somewhere in Ohio named Cleveland, the majority have long-

Clarence Curvin: "I'll bet you don't believe I've lost thirteen pounds!" Gene Dwver: "When are we going to Cleve

since decided this to be


of fancv.

Herb Stout: "When are we going to Buffalo?" Jim Selke: "When will we be back to Calcite?"

but a flight Despite the

Rick Kowalski: Most everything.

f act

Bob Pearse: "I wonder if it's going to roll this

several longmonths yet

Bill Halligan: Not a thing".

t h a t



Bill Hornbacher: "When I start my chicken farm, will you buy eggs from me?" Joe Kenosky: "How long 'till payday?"


Most of the readers of the SCREENINGS are

readily able to recall an event which occurred some ten years ago at the port of Calcite.


that July day, made perfect by ideal weather conditions, people gathered on the docks early in the morning, eager for a first glimpse of the Carl D. Bradley on her maiden voyage. With pen

nants waving in the breeze and all flags flying,



of the hunt



"Rick" Ko walski is al

ready busily engaged i n

prep arations for


u pon wildlife

the o f

Rogers City.

Calcite Screenings

Page 1106

and vicinity. With the old Bowie Knife in first class condition, one and all may look forward to another set of thrilling talcs with the coming of spring. We cannot help feeling a bit out of place stand ing amongst the knot of veterans who have gath ered near the after rail to watch with critical eye, the last tons of stone which drop into the hold with a thunderous roar, just before beginning our first trip. To them, it is an old business, whose countless repetitions have long ago ex tracted all thrill and glamor, but to the novice it

never fails to bring a quickening of the pulse and a sense of high adventure. At last the stream of stone ceases and there is a

frantic scramble

among the newlywcds on shore to get aboard before the ship leaves. A short blast of the whis tle, mooring cables drawn in to the accompanment of clattering- winches, and the deck beneath our feet begins to tremble with the vibration ol the engine. Soon the familiar routine of sailing calls the men to their various posts and the voyage is on in earnest. When viewed from a moving ship, the coastline has a peculiar appearance not to be duplicated on shore. Particularly is this true 01 the Straits, Grand Hotel standing out above the solid green of Mackinac Island with a startlingclarity. Towns seem in mineature with minute houses separated al regular intervals by straight white lines of streets.

Here and there a water

tower, or light projects .above the sur rounding horizon to break the monotonous ex

panse slowly merging with the lake in the far distance.

Once out in the mid-lake, only the

thin line of smoke from

the stack of another

down-bound boat, soon to be

overhauled and

passed greets the eye. Another dawn brings the faint outline of Chi cago off what we rapidly learn to call the "star board" bow.


a few



buildings may be distinguished, the famous "Gold Coast" standing apart from the rest in what seems an aristocratic withdrawal from the com

merce that makes it possible. South Chicago breakwater is reached, and we slowly nose into

the dock ahead of an ore boat being unloaded by huge cranes which ceaselessly dip into the hatch

es, draw up with a whine of powerful motors and a shower ui dust, to deposit their spoils on top of an ore pile further back on the dock. Flames shoot out of blast furnaces, pale against the morning sun. but burning at night with an

eerie purple glow, as fresh gases are released. With the first cable our boom goes out, motors grind and roar, and a stead}' stream of limestone emerges at the end. to slide tumbling down Upon

previous loads. The gate watchman signs out passes, and we Step out on a busy .street which might make np a part of any large industrial city. Traffic passes, horns honk, trucks heavily loaded with merchandise clatter around corners.

It is a pleasure to return to the ship after tramp ing narrow pavements, staring at squat lena-

ment houses through the dense pall of smoke

which never seems to leave the plant district, and listen to the confused jumble or noise which is a city.







beautiful, with the sun's great orange disc drop

ping slowly into the blue waves while the famous sand dunes stare unwinkingiy at us from the Michigan shore on the other side. A fine mist begins to fall which threatens to develop into a

downpour on the slightest provocation.


slide by in the darkness and the beacon light ol

Calcite is dimly visible against the sky. Puffing tugs greet us at the harbor entrance, whistles roar and we slide stern first into the dock which

we left but sixty-eight hours before. A bustle around the ladder, each trying to be first ashore. Faces stare eagerly up out of cars clustered about the dock and soon it is our turn to descend.

The loading chutes go out, stone falls, loading begins again, and our first trip lias become a memory.

A lot of hard luck comes from sitting around wailing for a soft snap. The iSreamer C

XX. Otarke

We are all quite familiar with seeing cargoes of stone leave Calcite in the big steel freighters, and there are some

who can



Steamer C. PI. Starke loading out ties and posts

from Old Crawford's Quarry (about one mile east of the present Calcite slip), but it's one ol those happenings in the March of Time that we will never see again. The cedar in this section is about all cut out

ami the Starke rests in a boneyard somewhere in Lake Erie.

William Haselhuhn. of the Construction De

partment, says he helped load this particular car go in 1907. 'It consisted of 12,000 ties piled 2?> feet above deck and was loaded in less than elev

en hours. They were shipped by P. II. Hoeft to Chicago. The Starke was under the command ol Captain W. J. Crosby.

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Sir. B. H. Taylor—Safety Meetings

aboard after having commanded the Steamer Calcite for the past nine years.

Date of Meeting, July 29, 1937. Present: .Alfred Tyrell, chairman ; Harry Sloan, secretary; and Clayton Gordon, Albert Schultz, Anthony Yarch, Everett Shay, Edmund Mulka,

Our radio operator, Ralph Bennett, left us at Cleveland on July 30th to take up an operat ing job in the West. Frank Sager, who was on

committee men, and other members.


The meeting of the Ship Safety Committee on board the B. H. Taylor was called to order at seven p. m. on the evening of July 29th, 1937,

on July the 2nd at Detroit to go to Can.! Mich

the Bradley lasl fall, is now radio-man on the

Alfred Tyrell, our first mate, had to get off

headed for

igan, because his family was involved in an au tomobile accident at Yassar, Michigan. Parties

The minutes of the previous meeting held on

in both of the cars received injuries requiring

while bound down Lake St. Clair Cleveland.

May 16th at 1:00 p. m. were read. Motion was made and seconded that they be approved. Harry Sloan announced that the new draft control system is now in operation which is op erated by oil pressure. This makes the control ling of the draft completely automatic and de pendent upon the steam pressure. The possibility of an accidental fire in the fire hold was discussed.

It was deemed advisable to

keep a few bags of sand in the fire hold to meet any such possibility. While speaking of fire prevention it was not

ed that the radio room and other pertinent points were equipped with fire extinguishers. A string of lights was reported not burning in the cargo hold during a recent trip. The trouble was found to be defective wiring. This was re paired at once.

While loading the last load of open-hearth pre vious to this meeting three of the steps were broken off the after cargo hold ladder.


steps are now being made for this ladder.

medical attention. Mr. Tyrell s daughter re cently left the hospital and is convalescing at home. We all hope that her complete recoverywill not take too long.

Louis Smolinski, we are glad to report, has become permanently employed on the tugs, and has given up sailing. (He hopes.) In keeping with the promise made in our col umn in the previous issue of CALCITE

SCREENINGS we now give you the low-down on all the fellows aboard the Taylor who are

contemplating that "serious step in life" and also about those who have already "walked the plank."

It's now well known to all of us intimatelyassociated with Fred Weatherton that he became

a married man on July 6th to Miss Virginia Dare Ranke of Derry, Pa., but to those who didn't know it we vouchsafe that information.


die stood the boys up to a round of LaPalinas. That contented look on

Mention had to be made again about leaving



dirty and greasy rags lay around. It must be remembered that there is danger of spontaneous combustion from such a source and beyond that

face, we have learned, comes from the fact that he's engaged to marry Miss Miriam Schultz. It

it looks better to keep things ship-shape in the engine room. There is a rag can in the engine room for them or they may be thrown overboard. Alfred Tyrell reported that the towing shackle on the stem and was found to be quite worn and the pennant had been kinked. This was replaced.

the Taylor lays up this fall.

is believed that the nuptials will take place when "Alex" Molocha says he still denies the rumor that he is married! His girl (or wife?) couldn't b e


at press time f o r


One of the large ladders forward became dam aged and was deemed unsatisfactory. A new-


ladder was constructed and is now in use.

With the aid of Geo. L e V e c k 's new electric

Planking was found to be defective on the end of the boom.

To be fixed.

It has been suggested that the deckhands should be cautioned not to take hold of the lines

on the spiles on the dock until the order has been given to shift them. This being all the business on hand meeting adjourned 7:30 p. m.

Personal Items On July 1st Captain MacLean left the Steam er Taylor to take over the White. We were sor ry to lose Captain MacLean on the Taylor but we were fortunate in having Captain Martin come

p o r t a :b 1e sawmill new racks

were made for the ice box in

the As of

galley. a result this re-

construe tion

Jack Leon ard says he can


now go and turn

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around without having to back out with a load in his arms.

Reuben Klee and Art Breckon,

earnest devo

tees of the outdoor life, debate loudly and at

great length over the relative merits of two

The Taylor has become quite a familiar sight on Lake Superior. On August 3rd we visited Fort William and Port Arthur.

After "Alex"

Molocha and l.awson Macklem climbed Alt. Mc

Kay "Mac" says he knows now why Fred Weatherton has one leg shorter than the other.


lives in hilly Pa.)

Again on August 12th we were in Superior.

brands of rifles.

"Russ" Petzer. up and coming hash-slinger, can now answer "yes" in three languages when the lads ask him lor a second order.

during both trips.

Anyone wanting to buy at least a barrel ol

good'molasses cookies may apply to Dell Sly, 2nd cook. S. S. Taylor. (Adv.) Dell baked a plen

tiful supply for the "hazardous" trip across Lake Superior to Duluth. Incidentally a very dark looking sea-gull was noticed on Pake Superior. It is believed he had been following the Taylor for several days hav

ing become lost in our "smoke screen." From all indications a man must be a master

of the art tit fisticuffs to gain favor with the eirls of Met/.. Is that correct Bill Budnick ?

We've noticed that Wesley Bishop's upper lip

He says

that he is coming along fast in his lingual stud ies and pretty soon he'll be able to say "no" in all three too.

Wise, with a crowd of curious onlookers at the

dock to view the "super-liner" B. II. Taylor from Rogers City. The weather remained calm

No decision has been reached.

Walter Ellefsen went up town in Menominee one trip and came back to state that he had seen

a girl who loked like a million but she was only thirty-five!

Str. W. F. White—Safety Meetings Date of Meeting, July 28, 1937.

Present: Donald Nauts, chairman:


Shay, secretary: and Mulka and Vogler. deck; Zoho, steward: Uagedorn, Jones and Nedeau,

engine department; and all other members of the crew not on duty.

The meeting was called to order by the chair man at 7:15 p. m. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. On motion made and seconded the}- were

opposition by cultivating an "hirsute adorn

approved as read. Old Busniess: Mr. Shay said that the expos ed steam pipe in the tunnel which had been re ported in a past meeting, had now been covered with asbestos eliminating this hazardous condi



is in a state of fuzziness preluding a full grown moustache.

Willis Stott is also giving Clark Gable some

There's an old saying that the hour is always

darkest just before'the dawn. Tony Yarch, ace oiler on the 2-6 watch, casually remarks that he

isn't in a position to be an expert Oil the sub

ject but he knows darn' well that it's plenty bad at 1 :4S a. m.!

Honors for heavy mail go to Eel Erkhe with Stan Nowicki a close second.

Ed wears a dis

appointed look for the rest of the day if he only gets about 10 letters, packages, newspapers, et al.

Among the famous runs in history will be list ed "Skip" Piatt's dash down the dock at Lacka wanna as the Taylor was leaving to unload over at Tonawanda. "However "Skip" will not reveal his training methods.

"Ollie" Schultz is the proud (?) possessor of

a unique instrument.

It looks like a radio,

sounds (sometimes) like a radio and seems to

be a radio, but it has one peculiarity. It gets the same station all over the dial. "Ollie" is un decided whether to donate said device to the

Smithsonian Institute as a curio or throw it overboard.

Oratorical genius reached new heights on the Taylor what with hunting season approaching.

Mr. Nauts stated that the hole in one of the

steps of the tunnel

ladder, port side, had

been repair ed.

.New iness:

Bus Mr.

N a u t s




meeting on the subject o f ladders. He stressed the fact that





der being us

ed by a pcrs o n both free

w it h hands is as

safe a piece

of apparatus as can be found on a

steam b o a t,

Here we have Luke Lee, R. C. Suuibrook and John Sparre discussing


one of those weighty iiuricacies ne

that im

properly se cured to pre

vent slipping

cessary iu the operation of ships—or was it last niglu's catch of fish?

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and used by a person ascending or descending with a load they are highly dangerous. He warned that it was a very dangerous practice for any person except the watchman to lower the boarding ladder since the watchman in charge

of the ladder was the only person who knew definitely whether the ship had finished shifting and it would be safe to use the ladder.

Men re

turning to the ship and finding the ladder raised a few feet off the dock were told to attract the watchman's attention and have him lower it and

not to attempt to climb it with one end swing ing free. Those having loads to take up or down should ask the watchman to raise them or lower

them with a heaving line so that they themselves would have both hands free.

tails as removing the tarps, and gripes and in serting the plug. The purpose of boat drills is to make the crew familiar with the launching

procedure through frequent practice so that when an emergency arises they can launch the boats in an orderly manner despite the excite ment of the occasion. Obviously this skill and knowledge cannot be attained in the drills if all thoughts are directed to merely "getting it over with" and trying to beat the other boat. Capain MacLean called attention to the new "Keep OFF the Hatches" signs which have been hung on the hatch rails and spoke of the dangers attendent to walking on the hatches. He also called attention to a dangerous practice some of the deck crew are making use of. When the ship is nearly loaded at the Calcite dock our decks are about five feet above the dock level and in

stead of using the ladder to board and leave the ship, these men are making a practice of jumping ashore and climbing back up the ship's side. The accidents that can result from this procedure are so obvious that they don't need to be recounted and this practice is to stop at once. Vogler (deck) called attention to the poor con The ca

ble is full of kinks, turns and other defects which

prevent smooth running. Dullack (deck) stated that the signal man should at all times make sure that no one is on

a hatch before giving the signal to open the hatch to the man at the winch. This pertains to those hatches under the boom which are in shad

ow at night. There being no further business or suggest ions, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p. m.

No magnifying glass is powerful enough to en able a man to see all his own faults.

Bill Chain and Charlie Cook both became fath

ers of daughters recently. Both girls are get ting along nicely and if they live up to the expec tations of their fathers will soon have their first

teeth and begin talking.

Gordon O'Toole and "Sparky" Mulka went to Port Huron a few weeks ago where Bruning got his Continuous Discharge Book and Mulka his AB ticket, so the following is vouched for by Mulka:

The Inspector (to Gordon) : How many paint ers in a lifeboat?

Gordon: Only the deckhands.

He then spoke on the matter of Fire and Boat Drill, the importance of being familiar with your assigned station and learning the various steps necessary to the launching -of a lifeboat. The tendency is for the crews to rush to man the davits with insufficient attention paid to such de

dition of the cable on the hatch winch.

Personal Items

Which recalls another one by Bruning. The Mate: Kenneth, see if there are any deadmen on the dock so we can tie up. Kenneth: How can a dead man help tie up a boat?

Those of us living near Lorain got their first break of the season a short time ago when the White came in to the B & O dock there and had to wait twelve hours until an ore boat finished

discharging. They had from two a. m. 'til 9 p. m. of a Sunday to visit their homes. One swallow may not make a summer but when the mail begins to consist of nothing but

fishing gear catalogs you can be sure it isn't far away. Quite a few of the boys are spending their spare time below flexing their casting rods and studying the catalogs. Apparently the fish are just as anxious to get started because several fine pike and bass were seen on board recently. Since no one lays claims to having caught them

it's naturally supposed that they jumped aboard by themselves. We don't know how much a man must eat to

be classed as a heavy eater but the following breakfast conversation might give some idea: Don the Waiter: Your usual order this morn

ing, Virg?

Virgil: No, I'm not hungry this morning, four

eggs will do. Tact, after all, is merely

thinking of the point of view of others, con sidering others and saving the

feelings of. oth ers.

You c a n ' t

push yourself forward by patting your self back.






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Sir. John G. Munson—Safety Meetings Date of meeting, July 25th, 1937. Present, Chris Swarts, chairman; George Hoy,

secretary; and L. Leveck, J. Lamb, S. Gabrysiak, Wm. Patchkowski, Theo Strand, Harry Pelarski and an attendance of 15 members of the crew.

Captain Dahlburg commended the crew on their good record to date and reviewed some formerly mentioned Safety measures, expressing hope of no lost time accident for this season. Chief Urdal urged the men to continue the use of salt tablets during the hot weather, explain ing its benefits and importance. The dangers of bounding stone while loading at Calcite was discussed again. The deck crew was urged to keep in the clear at all times. The Mate suggested that the safety cable be placed at the foreward end when unloading large stone in the camb of plugging Hopper, when men are not on clean up.

The operating and care of deck and hatch en gines was discussed in general. New cables were recommended for hatch engines. The engineers department made hooks to guide cables on drums

so it would not be necessary to use hands on the cables.

All former suggestions and recommendations were found to have been taken care of and with

no further questions the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p. m.

talent has an able competitor in Ted. Ted says he doubts very much whether he can beat Rose, but he can at least tie him by riding on his shoulders on the trip down the ladder. Should you, by any chance, hear a buzzing sound while in the vicinity of this vessel, don't be alarmed for it is probably only one of the

many electric shavers in use here and not a "dia mond-back."

Ted Werner is the possessor of a fine mesh net. We've been wondering whether he is go ing to use it to catch fish or butterflies. How about a little information on the subject, Ted?

Heretofore we have had only one group of collectors, those interested in stamps. Now there is another group in search of the lowly penny.

Competition is very keen in this latter group. Woe be to the luckless individual who happens

aboard with a pocketfull of pennies.

George (Shippa) Hoy our noble 1st asst., has raised the ante on starting a quarter George, or is this away a nice stake

the penny collectors. He is collection. Are you serious, just another way of laying for next winter?

Jim Lamb is still looking for the young gentle man to whom he gave the thirty cents the last time in Buffalo. Better luck next time, Jim. Rod Wilson, one of the most active members

Stone, steel and the butt of a cigarette of course can do no harm, but have you ever ob served a flying cigarette butt thrown by some innocent person perhaps expecting it would be carried over the ship's side with the wind. Sel dom no further attention is given once after leaving the hand, but just consider for one mo ment when the butt is driven in some corner

especially where a rope is neatly coiled up. The writer on two occasions watched a cig arette butt first driven in one corner and then

in another finally stopping just under the boat swain chair line. Imagine what this would mean

at night and a man being lowered over the ship's side. The writer stepped on both of them and was grateful to be there to See, Think and Act.

Personal Items After arriving at the halfway mark in the sail ing season we find the members of the crew bearing up nicely under the strain. We, how ever, find that several of the members have not been able to throw off the effects of spring or perhaps it is because Dan Cupid has been doing some target practice during the past winter. At any rate the attraction must be very strong if we are to judge from the haste with which the boys leave the ship in Calcite. Hitherto, all the entrants for the race down the ladder have been Rogers City boys but since

Mrs. Strand's arrival in the fair city the local

of the local bridge club, says that between the bridge games and the baseball games his spare time is entirely consumed. He is very much in doubt as to whether he can stand the pace. The score doesn't look it either, does it, Rod?

Inasmuch as Mike Idalski took a longer vaca tion than he first anticipated we choose to be lieve that he became lost in the wilderness near


Is that right, Mike?

July 14, 1937. Boys, take your last look at a carefree and single young man, none other than Rosie. According to all reports we will not see him single again as he is to be married tomor row and is leaving for his honeymoon. Good luck is wished upon you and yours from the en tire crew, Em met.

Boy Oh Boy! Gem of the Ocean. Who ? None other than "Gienski" the bouncer from Greka's.

Up until a few weeks ago many of the members of the crew had been





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wondering if the weather would ever warm up. The last load of washed stone to Detroit erased

all doubt. Kelly, you may now put Geo.'s over coat away.

Does anyone know what happened to our hill billy trio? It seems that they have been rather quiet of late. Perhaps it is because "Maestro" Mulka and his swingsters are on a sit-down strike. We would appreciate any information on the subject. It has been said that the "Maes tro" has been secretly practicing on a new in strument which he purchased recently. We are expecting a recital in the near future, Carl.

John Miller, our -3rd mate, is the possessor of a lucky sea-bean. Of late this talisman seems to have lost its charm. We would suggest John,

that you loan it to "Lucky" Sucharski for


seems to be on very good terms with Lady Luck. Perhaps he can restore its mystic powers.

Mrs. Urdal and family are vacationing in Rog ers City. Guess the boys will have to save a place for the Chief on that famous ladder.

Reports of Ships of the Waterways

Men who are going up town and waiting for the ship to dock and the ladder put over, have a habit of crowding the rail and getting in the way of mates and crew who are tieing up. It was suggested by Schultz that all men not en gaged in such work to stand clear, thus prevent ing any lost time on the part of the mate in case of an emergency. Stand clear of the cables at all times.

Steward Sparre suggested that men leaving the dining room do not use the passage way from the dining room to the galley. Go out the dining room door. A waiter coming through from the galley with hot foods can easily be scalded by bumping someone coming through. Committeeman Beebe suggested that the safe ty cable be kept strung along on top of the hatch es. A sprained ankle or worse could be obtained by stepping on the cable on the deck. Within a few weeks tarps will be placed upon the hatches.



handling them in high tion was given to new A bell for the tunnel was suggested again. immediately.




winds. General informa members. for calling the watchman It is to be placed there

Navigation Company Personal Items

Str. T. W. Robinson—Safety Meetings The fifth meeting of the ship's Safety Com mittee was called to order by Chairman Mark

Haswell at 7 p. m. in the dining room. Proceed ings of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and checked by the committee to see if all matters had been tended to. The list of "Don'ts" issued for Marine Accident Prevention was read for the benefit of new mem

bers of the crew by the chairman. A letter forwarded to the Captain by Mr. Val entin from Mr. C. C. Garbutt of the Pittsburgh Steamship Company was read by Committeeman Schultz. The gist of the letter was the disre garding of orders in regards to walking up the decks during a heavy roll or high wind. The re sult was a man was drowned.

Herb Noble suggested that any member of the crew, if he thinks it necessary, warn and sug gest safety measures to guests aboard ship. Also to be sure to caution guests about the boom guys which extend to the rail about knee high. A nasty fall could be the result of non observance of these guys. Third Mate Joppich warned crew members of the dangers of leaning against the mooring lines. A few of the crew in a rather jovial mood at tempted to walk the line from the winch to the rail.

One never knows when the winch would

be on and a sudden pickup of the line would cause an accident.

In the past a very noticeable condition has been evident when the ship is making a dock.

On Monday, the 26th of July, Captain McQuinn sighted the wreck of the barge "Michi gan" off Point Au Barques in Saginaw Bay. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a gale was blow ing and the seas running heavy. In thirty min utes the Robinson was under check and standing by. For sixteen hours Captain McQuinn stood by and maneuvered his ship in the trough of the sea to give protection to the sinking barge with her crew of seven men.

These men could be

seen huddled in the shelter of the cabins, in hea vy clothes and lifejackets. The weather seemed

more like a day in November than one in July. A high cold wind, driving a flour like rain in sheets, made men seek cover.

The "Michigan" and Tug "Harrison" were out of Georgian Bay with logs for a sawmill in Sarnia. She was caught out in the blow and the tow line parted. The barge went into the trough of the sea and started to lose her deck load. A crane for un

loading broke loose sweeping logs right and left with every roll, like a giant steel arm.

When Captain McQuinn b r o t the





That's why we urÂŁe

Safety First/

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along side a sea of floating logs made it impos sible for him to get close enough to take the men off. As the barge was in no immediate danger of sinking a small boat





"Sparks" (Henry Guthman, operator out of Chi cago and riding with us for the rest of the sea son) was ordered to call the Coast Guard Cutter

Cardigan out of Alpena and a Surf Boat out of Tawas Point.

They arrived at midnight, and

completed a most dramatic rescue of five men. The Captain of the barge and a deckhand refused to leave the sinking craft. For six hours the lit tle surf boat pitched, rolled and fought its way near enough to take off the men. Time and time

again their attempts to reach the men were in vain.

The third attempt almost ended in dis

and potatoes out on that 40 acres




Not to be outdone by his buddy, Dick Bredow has one eye on his bank balance and the other on his "best girl." Dick is soon due to be listed as among the missing. Good luck to you, Dick! Attention, Don Nauts. The boys would like to

know if you've succeeded in getting that whistle, you were trying to learn, to be heard beyond a distance of ten feet?

Hank (at Sunday dinner): "What will you have, light or dark meat, Spike?" Spike Lamb: "Aw, just bring me chicken."

the barge, bumped and one man jumped. In turn

The T. W. seems to be the pivot ship of the fleet. First Mates come, just turn around and

ing away for another try the barge heeled over

then leave.

and "sat" down upon the little boat. There was a sound of splintering wood, cry of men and all the light on the surf boat went out. We on the Robinson thought that it was all over for the

Nauts, Rolland Bryant, and our present Mate

aster for the surf boat. She road a big one up to

Coast Guard.

But within five minutes out of

the blackness came the bobbing light of the surf boat. Her bow had been smashed and lighting

system put out.

Right back at the barge she

went, never giving up until all those who wanted to leave were off.

All this time the Robinson

was kept in position to give protection for the rescue.

The orchids go to the Coast Guards for the

bruising beating they took. To their brave and daring attempts, to Captain McQuinn for his ex cellent handling of his ship and to Sparks Guth-

Since last reporting we've had Don

is "Hoot Mon" McLeod.

We welcome the Scot

back among the dirty deckhands and black dia monds. Although Scotty is studying the stars for a sign which will tell him when he'll return to loading openhearth, we'd like to have him stay. We think Scotty misses that little rosycheeked "Scotty" he has at home in the cradle. Rolland Bryant took his job as Mate in pro fessional stride, and like Don Nauts, had a hard

job finding the time to get some sleep. We were sorry to see both go, but wish them luck on their ships. Promotions last month were Herb Noble, Hank Kaminski and Fred Beebe to wheelsman;

am for sticking to his key, guiding the Cutter

"Cappy" Yarch and

and Surf Boat to our location.

watch; "Si" Davidson and "Beaver" Idalski to

Later we learned that the Tug Harrison aided

by the Coast Guards succeeded in getting a line on the wreck and beaching her at Harbor Beach. Walter Hinska, of Rogers City, shipped aboard the T. W. as deckwatch a few weeks ago. Walt

er, 225 pounds, six feet, ex-gob, is a former foot ball player, playing guard on the ship team of

Elmer Fleming to deck-

watchman; "Friday" Perdeik to oiler; also Bill Gross to oiler. Dick Haneckow going back stokering to work off a little stomach muscle.

James Frye left the Robinson last month after 12 year's service in the "Gray Backs." Most of the time spent as oiler on the T. W., Jimmy made and held a host of friends in the Limestone fleet.

the U.S.S. Mississippi. Another old salt and anxious for the Navy to sink the Army this fall. Welcome back to the "Frog Pond," Walter.

He is now in New York City getting a lot of Coney Island sand in his hair, swimming the surf and seeing the sights. He sends his regards to

Beaver Idalski had a chance to ship salt water out of New Orleans last winter, but didn't go.

Good luck, Jim

With tales of far places from various salts we

shipped this year, Beaver is thinking about going this winter to see if it is really so.

It's a bit early to speak about going places aft

er layup, but as only,four months remain in this season, one thing is noticeable—the boys are

starting earlier this year to hang on to the pay checks. Only three things cause that. A trip this winter, a new car, or a wedding.

Speaking of weddings, Henry Haselhuhn is making plans for his jump off the bridge shortly after Christmas.

Good luck with the chickens

all his friends. my.

W e


if Bill Mooney will






Florida this

winter, or will the blonde have a chain around his neck ?


going to




'poor judgment/

Calcite Screenings

Page 1113

engineering and go stokering. He says it's the best job in the fleet. All the stokermen agree with him for once.

Str. Calcite—Safety Meetings Date of Meeting, August 6th, 1937.

Bill Gross, the young Adonis, is now known as '12 Dozen."

Otto Sparre can't understand why he can't keep his clothes clean on this ship. The first three days he was on the T. W. he changed clothes three times a day. This is that coal haul you've heard about, Otto. Chief: "Haswell bought






Captain: "Yes, his wife is driving up to Detroit today. The Second Mate seems more anxious to see the new car than he does his wife."

And that reminds us of the time when Ray Buehler bought his Buick. He wrote and asked his wife how the new car was.

She answered

and said, "Fine, and I'm fine, too!"

Our Third Mate is going domestic. His room is full of magazines about interior decorating, home building, modernistic furniture! What's up, Bill, a little home for the little woman? Nelson "Nellie" Griwatsch invested his hard-

earned money in a new Ford "60." Last trip into Rogers Nelson took ashore two baseball bats which he bought in Detroit. He's got to go "Tarzan" to keep the girls away from him now.

Present: Walter Callam, chairman; N. Hend

erson, secretary; and other members represent ing other departments of ship. The fifth meeting of the season was called at seven p. m. on Aug. 6th, 1937, and a large attend ance was witnessed, besides the committee.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and discussed, our recommendations were looked aft er.

The chairman addressed the meeting and thanked the crew for their full co-operation and warned everyone to keep on the job, the remain der of the season as the fall season is now com

ing on and the task is much greater and will re quire the earnest effort of everyone to make it a season of no accidents.

The accident report of the Bulletin was read and each accident was discussed and the proper way pointed out. The new men were warned to watch the old

hands, when in doubt to be cautious, and ask

someone before getting hurt. A discussion came up about the conditions of our cables and chalks, this has been reported and are to be welded at the Calcite dock while load

fever. It won't be long now before they will be

ing. The lecture delivered by Mr. Forster was read and discussed, this pointed out and ex plains a great percentage of accidents and we agree that mental attitude is the big factor not only to one's safety but to his fellow worker's. A general talk amongst the committee and crew that lasted until 8:15 p. m. and the meeting

carrying a pack of towels around with them.


Si Davidson and Frank Berg are laying in med ical supplies for their annual battle against hay

How about a nice bunch of ragweed for


dressers, boys?

Personal Items

There's a certain young lady in Rogers who has a tough job on her hands. She probably doesn't know that Elmer Fleming is a woman hater. Keep trying little gal—they all soften up under pressure.

IN PASSING—Green Bay doesn't seem like the same old town.—We hope we make Toronto during Fair time.—Swimming over the side in Petoskey and Toronto.—Those beautiful yachts and girls on Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River. —Belle Isle at night with its multi-colored foun

tain.—We saw the girl in the orange colored shorts again. Three deckhands swooned.—The heat,




dust.—Shortcake and ice

cream on Sundays.—That delicious baked ham and pineapple.—Si Davidson and his "bridge" game.—Cappy Yarch and his swagger.—Fred Beebe and his hot cakes.—Sunrises on Saginaw Bay.—Canadian Soldiers on Lake Erie.—George Beck's big smile in Milwaukee.—Those awful

docks in Gladstone and Hamilton.—The quiet, pleasant trips down the "long stretch" in the Ca nal.—Rogers City only twice a month.—No let ters from the girl friend.—'Bye now.

Capt. Thorsen is getting so used to our trips to Lake Ontario, that he says soon he will be able to go thru the Welland Canal with one eye closed. Capt. thinks the Calcite is all right— what is it, Capt., those frequent Cleveland trips with some fairly good stays in port there? Roland Bryan, our beloved, ever-smiling, efficient second off icer has returned to the fold here after having been on the T. W. Robi::so i

t e m p o rarily. Roland was re

lieved by Pete Oscar Miller who took over the Second Mate's duties and Mortimer Doc Monroe came here as Third





right but says he likes it bet

ter working





Calcite Screenings

Page 1114 from six to ten p. m. Then he can catch that last floor show in Cleveland with playboy Sparks.

Oscar Jacobson—rather "Oscar" the second —is Pete Miller's wheelsman.

Guess all of the crew enjoyed the trip thru Portage and the little villages of Baraga and Ontonagon. It was something new in scenery and ports.

These two are

inseparable ashore and afloat. Jacobson wonders why we never go into Lorain but those steady Cleveland trips, with the long grind up the river, a good 6 hours unloading, another grind down the river and then 4 or 5 hours at the coal dock, he thinks is all right, and Lorain not being so

far away.

What say, Jake?

Ever-happy-go-lucky "Earl Sehaeffer,-' OUf Third Ass't Engineer, bought a new car and says no more going ashore, boys, other than Cleve land or nearby good old Amherst, Ohio. Says

the only time he will venture ashore is when he feels like playing ball. "Wow" you should see


WllO We JHLave

Earl run those bases.

Nothing new has emanated lately from the eonveyorman's room about no One talking while a hand is being played. So, since our last com


ment, guess Steve Ccntalla's suggestion proved all right. That right, Steve? Mrs. Frederick recently underwent an opera tion, and we are glad she now is well and up and around again.

Mrs. Lister is always at the dock with thatnew Oldsmobile Charlie, our steward, recently

purchased, to greet the Calcite. As was stated in the last issue of Screenings, Chuck never gets mad, and you can imagine how happy he was to see the new car.

Sparks is only seen occasionally



brand new blue suit he figured On getting mar

ried in last winter. It's mostly wearing whites now. What did you do. Art, sorta put it away in moth balls for next winter and hoping for bet

ter luck next winter or as you say, are you really going 'way down South for the winter and re main in batchelorhood?

things come in small packages. We were to Sodus Point last month and it was

Some of the

boys had to wait for a particular barber who runs a shop just outside the coal loading dock. The

sign on the door read "Out. will be back later." It was discovered later that the barber was out

milking his cows. But. never-the-less, good hair cuts were well gotten. The population of Sodus has increased in large numbers since our firstarrival there this spring. Sodus is quite a sum

A Sailor's Life!

Which of US is there but who has listened to the trials and tribulations of men who follow the

sea, and we give due credit to those "stout fel lows" because theirs is an arduous task, with ex

tended stretches of heavy weather, long watches in the rivers and short trips, all of which can make regularity impossible. We are sincere in our praise for the sailor for they are a noble group. But, however rough and rugged may be their lot at sea, we believe there must be recompense on shore. Of course prob ably it's only a myth, but we have all heard the old adage of "A girl in every port." Then there are those tales of fishing in Florida in the winter. We can see where that must be great sport; And then we have this picture of a certain Captain being feted with all the pomp and ceremony be fitting a king. Our

Our little wheelsman, Jarvis, too, is an owner of a brand new car—it's a Ford, isn't it. Al, and how about a ride sometime? Al still thinks Mates and Captains should be as short and small as he is. Well, Al. remember mostly all good

the usual run on the barber shops.

Oh, Ho!






state the occasion, and other details are some

what vague, so we must not say the above was taken on a pleasure jaunt. It may have been in the line of duty. Of course we know there are times when the Commanding Officer must do the honors. It may have been a political celebration, but we doubt it; possibly some big civic celebra tion around Lakewood, Ohio, we are rather un

certain. The Steamer Calcite was operating un der charter last season and we were not always

closely in touch with her movements. Leastwise it's a good picture and serves well our purpose, and with all due credit and respect we still be lieve the life of a sailor certainly has its high lights!

mer resort, is located on the south shore of Lake

Son: "Say. dad. what does it mean when die paper says some man went to a convention as a

Ontario, not far from Rochester, and situated in a land-locked natural bay.

delegate-at-large?" Dad: "It means his wife didn't £fo with him."

DiU guy r/n OL gL*& When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,

And the world makes you king for a day, Then go to the mirror and look at yourself. And see what that guy has to say.

For it isn't your father, or mother, or wife. Who judgment upon you must pass. 'I he feller whose verdict counts most in your life Is the guy staring back from the glass. He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with you clear up to the end.

And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test h' the guy in the glass is your friend.

Yotl may be like Jack Homer and chisel a plum. And think you're a wonderful guv.

But the man in the glass says you're only a bum 11 you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down thepathwav of years, And get pats on the hack as you pass.

But your final reward will be heartaches and tears

If you've cheated the guy in the glass. Dale Wimbrow.

cMawe fyjau £u&i £aueda Jli^e? Years oftraining and years ofexperience lie behind the deft strokes ofthe great surgeons

knife as he performs a delicate operation.

Life and death are in the balance. Loved ones tremble in apprehension. Finally, after anxious hours—success! The supreme ability

ofone man in a million has saved another

life . . . Most of us can never save a life that way. The surgeon's skill is not ours.

But, by preventing accidents, everyone ofw

can just as surely save lives and safeguard our fellowmen against crippling injuries.

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