/ •i
<^No c^aakUnt cJfonox af^od J^ztiaxtYYLznt
7<oxsman ox
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley John Dembny
Frank Reinke William Heller
Adolph Sorgenfrei Anthony Mulka Geo. C. Wing-
Leon Ruell
Robert Hamilton
John Modrzynski Peter Giovangnoria C. C. Eldridge
Victor Koch
Julius Zemple
Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp
Theo. Haselhuhn
E. B. Metzen L. S. Lee
Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief John Sparre Capt. C. A. Thorsen
Chief Arthur Urdal
Capt. M. R. McLean Chief J. A. Anderson
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published monthly by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.
The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety sug
gestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all employees. Ail
such contributions should be received before the first of each month and should bear the name of the depart ment and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. J- A. VALENTIN, Editor.
Salety Meetings Important
Our Season s Accident Ocore It's a relatively easy and pleasant task to chnmijcle the happening's, events and score of a success ful safety first program., but it is not so pleasant, to record accidents which have caused personal
injury, grief and marred the score. Hut if we take pride, and praise for an achievement we must als<
This being the age of so-called super-intelli gence, we are too apt to regard such prosaic things as safety meetings as just one of the evils to he endured. Or we may say to ourselves. "1 don't need to he told to foe careful. I know all the hazards." Strange as it mav seem, the fact that we think we
M\\\rr the penalty of defeat if our record is broken, are always on the alert, ami go along for a time We have often thought in the past lew months of
our old friend. John White of the Union Carbide
Company at the Soo (now passed on to his reward)
A safety meeting is designed and intended to
who. when we were riding on the crest of a success ful 'No Accident Year' would say. "That's fine, my
promote safety thought and safety spirit. It should
hoy. hut always remember the Law of Averages will take care of you some day. you can't win all
am careful" to "I should he more careful." We humans are creatures of habit; and if we
the Ball games."
Well, probably Friend John was right, but we •
without an accident, makes us easy prey tor the
ever-thinking foe of Safety. CARELESSNESS. teach us to change our trend of thought from "I
travel along without anything unusual happening, we may he lulled into a sense of false security. Now
Still can see no reason for accidents and it is our
couple" this with the readily accepted hut danger
contention that they all can he prevented, even though some are difficult to foresee. Last year the Calcite Plant finished the season
ously false belief that "it cannot happen to me" and make us safety conscious.
with one lost time accident, the Buffalo I'lant had
think of acidents in terms of results.
one lost lime accident, and the Bradley Transpor tation Company had no lost lime accidents during its season's operations and the Detroit Dock .also had a perfect score.
of us take the time to go into the matter thorough ly enough l" consider the cause of the accident.
So far this year the Calcite Company has had one lost time accident, this was a locomotive derailment
resulting fatally to a hrakeman. A bursted throttle valve on the Steamer I'.. II. Taylor resulted in fatal burns to two members of the crew and caused lost time for three other mem
bers. On a recent trip to Conncaut a wheelsman Eel1 off a ladder sustaining lost lime injuries. The Steamer Carl D. Bradley has had one lost
we must admit we do need an occasional jolt to
Far too many of us We are horri
fied at newspaper descriptions of head-on collisions, torn and mangled bodies and loss of life. Far too lew What we really see is the result. Due to some body's lack of judgement to begin with, certain conditions were set up that to the casual observer would make the result, that is. the accident appear
unavoidable. Perhaps unavoidable after the stage has heen set but in all probability if the rules of safety, common sense and courtesy had been ob served the accident would not have happened.
Safety meetings should he your meeting where you speak freely on any subject . •• :"ling to viiur safety or safety result of burns suffered by an oiler. at the plant. And please do not The Buffalo Plant has had no <£. c ce. hesitate to bring up your lost time accidents. ostTime AccidentsSeason 193^ safety suggestions. Who The Detroit Dock has E33 uEOmM ISSsl ESjESfflCHflliliMulMl knows hut a suggestion one lost time accident. FBI!• Rj ¥m Pa III KtM r\mDl 111EtaP • B* rll ftl Kl Bj El lime accident in the aflerendcrewas the
must all put our shoulders to the wheel in an endeav
or to stamp out accidents. And we know our fellows
have what it takes to put us
again he proud of our rec ord,
record which is the pri mary goal hut what the record signifies, a healthy,
happy group of employees, alive and sound of limb.
Spring. 1940
BlastingHAitLiiuu olOIOlo OIQ O o 0 O 0 O Q o 0 olo o Carpenter-Shop 0
oooooo ooooo oooo
mtg-Mi'i^rennnnnHHHEEEEHEJEiEiEi ElECTRICAL-REtNKE 0 0 0 O O O O 0 O 0 010 O O 0 O O O EHEHQJEIOJHHi MlLL-SQRGEHFREl 0 O O O O 0 0 0
POWER— winqoooioo a
oooo oooo oooo
Shop—Heller 0 0 O 0IO 010 0 0 0 0IO O 0 0 0 0lOl Shovel—Ruell o o o o o o o o oin o o o o 0 a 0101 Shovel-Hamilton 0 0 O 010 OOOO O O a 10 O o o O o
which you might deem too trifling to mention may
save a life.
So let's bring in our sug gestions to our general and departmental safety meetings. If they are prac tical we will he glad to put
them in practice, if they are
tell you so and why.
either case we will thank
you for
your effort
appreciate your interest. 1291
Red Cross Seeks i unds To Aid War- Accident Prevention In Summer And o trie ken Areas The National Red Cross is launching a drive for ten million dollars to help relieve the suffering of helpless men. women, and children in war-stricken areas. The Red Cross Societies of all the countries
thus far involved in armed conflicts except those of
Germany, Russia, and Japan have indicated that they will welcome assistance from the American and other Red Cross Societies.
Xorman II. Davis. National Chairman, says thai since the invasion of Poland the American Red Cross has carried relief to Roland and to Polish
refugees, has rendered assistance in England am! in France, has aided Norway and Finland.
claims that millions more have become victims of
a ruthless war and are in need of help. In a tele gram to II. 11. Cilpin, Rrcsque Isle County Red
Cross Chairman. Mr. Davis asks the local chapter to participate in this drive, stating that our quota is $4201. Mr. Cilpin is hopeful that this amount can be raised by voluntary contributions anil is asking everyone throughout the county to give what he can.
(i. \\ . (iramhau heads the coinmitte in charge of this work and is making plans SO that everyone may have an opportunity to contribute. Subscription
forms have been placed in various churches and
stores in all parts of the county. President Kranklin D. Roosevelt issued the. fol
lowing statement concerning the American \<c<\ Cross War Relief Fund Campaign: "The American
Red Cross has issued an appeal for a war relief fund of at least ten million dollars. I urge all Ameri
cans who have a feeling of deep sympathy for the peoples of those unfortunate countries who today have been added to the long list of those who are suffering the horrors of invasion ami aerial bom
bardment to respond quickly and generously to this appeal. The American Red Cross, our official national volunteer relief agency, is efficiently or ganized to answer such emergency calls. It i.-. then-fore. the logical agency through which our citizens express their compassion for the innocent e victims of the wars that rage over
"Ii it's a broken tool, or one that
aw ay and get it repaired.
"If it's a bad pair of goggles,
take it away. Get a new pair. If it's any kind of accident haz ards, take it away or have it elim inated by reporting it to foreman." 1292
more time for leisure and recreation.
girls have an opportunity to enjoy the leisure and recreation that summertime affords.
as many hours as possible out i>\ doors and engage in various forms of recreation on week-ends of
during their annual vacation period. Many forms ol recreation are peculiar to the summer and in volve oUt-oi-door activities that are not common
to other months of the year. Many people enjoy walks or hikes: others ride bicycles; still other's enjoy automobile trips. Certain games, such as
baseball and tennis, are popular during this sea son, and more people engage in aquatic activities
during this brie! summer period than in any other period of the year. Accident statistics show that the greatest hazard occurs in unorganized play and recreation, and it is interesting to know that accidents in the age
groups 3 to 39 years are responsible for more deaths than are caused by disease. It is recognized that the skilled and experienced individual is less likely to be injured than the person with limited train ing or none at all. A large majority of individuals venturing into recreational activities during sum mer months have a limited skill, and their experi ence may not be such that they can safely engage in any of the recreational activities because of the
long lay-off during the fall and winter.
With the
advent of the automobile and good roads, many isolated aquatic facilities have been developed. Each year added numbers of boys and girls, and men and women are engaged in some form of recreation in. on. or near the water. Few have the skill and experience to undertake these activities with safe
ty, and as a result water accidents reach their peak during the mouth of July. — _ Physical fitness for summer ac tivities is an important factor to be considered.
Udder*, ihaim, «c
K- Th.m Jul: prcum [rfpfrfng haurdv hy Icvpirij; pinpttp and wilVi clew.
X- Thnu |hal|no( indulge HI hoi»cpfjy.
Ji. Thmt \hali j)«»i>> *top, Ii*ik, and lni<n jt cnw&Qp SH- "Hum thaii pl*cdanger ugnt. itagt, or u^ ji wfaun* £0WIplam *vlicti teotltsNg mcrhcadnr repairing .ir piling muhincry
M. TIWl dull wt thai ill tnluho and ma<hincr> at. prop. «rl>* guardnL
IX. Thou »hi!t prnntt iolmiwi ofminor WOUfldi by prompd/ reporting, at dUpcouty.
X- Thuu ihalt hvc ihjwll and tin frllo* worUn from idm;i> and painbyboring in mindlu worku/cK ji
Because of warm
weather some persons attempt to get by on a minimum amount of
sleep, while others eat light meals and partake of cold or cooling
foods and liquids. The scanty cos
ity| Jli iinvifcjtra.nu-> jin! (onduii.ni
Jit. Thou Uutl n«l uic ttrfcicivr loub, orct|uipmint swh m
Adults also
take advantage of this particular season and spend
Jt. Thuu %Iul( pitted ch> !tll»»w umUr i\ ChpeU by ik\-i\p
hiring June,
July and August schools are closed and boys and
I- Thouihalrplan tin juhto null it uli.
doesn't fit the job. take it away. Get it lixed or get another. "If it's materials or tools lying in a passageway where someone may fall over it. take it away. "If it'.- a broken guard, take it
During the summer months there is more sun
shine, warmer weather, longer daylight hours, and
i Safety
seas. I am confident we will not fail them."
"If it's a bad ladder, away. Destroy it.
Vacation Alontlis
tttmes which are so popular ex pose the body to the effects of the sun.
Sunburn, sunstroke and heat
exhaustion result from overexpo sure, and poison oak and poison ivy sometimes affect individuals with disastrous results. Medical authorities suggest that salt in
quantity be added to the diet and
that exposure to the sun's rays be limited to that amount to which the individual has become accus tomed.
"Why The Other bellows Job Looks Old JVLm Carelessness Alain Cause iSo Crood lo Us
Ot Injury
The other fellow's job looks good because he makes it SO. It has its worries just like yours and mine. The job that runs smoothly all the time can't be very interesting. It is the problems and worries'that make a job worth having. These must be something- to work for and fight for. Without the
There are several reasons as to why men get hurt. Carelessness is the main one. Inexperienec or being unfitted for the job may also cause an ac
zest i>\ affray work can easily become a drudgery. Mow self-satisfying it is to overthrow a difficult problem and leave the job with a feeling of a task -
well done: a feeling of accomplishment and that you are its master. The other fellow's job is important too. To him
it is the most important thing there is or should be.
lust as vour job is important to you and my
job is important to me. It is not only our means of support, but also it is our opportunity for sellexpression in thought and energy. Because of this reasonable and necessary feeling that we have for our job. it behooves lis to be considerate of the other fellow and his job.
We should recognize the
value of his work as it relates to ours and to the
organization as a whole.
I: is only on the basis of such helpful understand ing and cooperation that success can hi- obtained. Cooperation is the basis for any successful organRation, it grows and expands to the extent that the
Individual members synchronize their thoughts and efforts and direct their energies to a common pur pose.
cident, but the main reason is CARELESSNESS, and carelessness is absolutely uncalled for. A job may be hurried along, yet a careful worker will fig
ure'the safe way of doing it. hie will also see that other workmen do the job the sale way. Our formen are careful, safe men. They are
constantly cautioning and training their men to work safely. If these men will pay heed to this schooling, they will never be hurt. \Yc sincerely
hope you appreciate the efforts of your foremen. Cold V¥atear And Poor Conditions Causes
Ot oprmg Drownings Most people find bathing unpleasant if tin- tem perature of the water is less than 70 degrees. That means that normally in the middle latitudes the outdoor bathing season may be from May to Octo ber, while in the more northerly sections it is usu ally confined to July and August. Under
thousands of bathers are beginning earlier and con
tinuing later than in former years. And there are always a considerable number of enthusiasts including a large percentage of small boys—who feel bound to rush the season.
and scrubbed and patched and nursed from dawn
It is a fact worth noting and retaining that a good part of the heavy, early season drowning toil is directly due to low temperature of the water and lack of good swimming condition, usually because of inactivity in the sport throughout the winter. Stimulated by the cold water, the early season bather will swim with more than usual vigor and is likely to govern the extent of his swim by what he could do at the end of the previous season. Un der .-neb circumstances the onset of fatigue may be
until bedtime, and in the night was up and down
sudden and the results tragic.
The Good Miui'v Mother Your mother's life has not been easy. Your fa ther was a poor man, and from the day she mar.ied him she stood by his side, fighting as a wom an must fight. She worked, not the eight or ten hours we have today but the twenty-four hour day of the wife and mother.
She cooked and cleaned
getting drinks for thirsty lips, cov ering restless little sleepers, lis
The shock of the
mands upon the heart and circu
tening for croupy coughs. She had
lation which all loo often are ex
time to listen to your stories of
cessive, and breathing, in like man
boyish fnu and frolic and triumph,
ner, is sometimes dangerously in
She had time to say the things that spurred your ambition on. She never forgot to cook the little dishes yon liked. She dad without the dress she needed that you might not be ashamed of your
hibited. To those unable to hold out for
clothe-, before vour fellows. Re member this now while there is
Rife Saving and Accident Rreven-
yet time, while she is yet Irving, to pay back to her in love and ten
outdoor swimming be less brava do. Which is to say that the in
northern clime where water tem
above the sixties, the
\<vd Cross
derness some of the debt you owe
itial swim, and
during the period in which the in dividual is gradually getting him self into good swimming condi tion, should be rigidly limited as to time, expenditure of energy, ami
You can never pay it all.
We seem to be signing govern ment forms every hour of the dav; and we don't know what we are
«. signing nor does any other sign er, in our opinion.
those thai
distance ventured—if
wants to live to bathe again. 1293
This picture of the repair crew shows 113 men. We started out with a crew list of 72 boat men and 30 plant men, but this was added to later. This arrangement made a considerable payroll available to the men during the winter.
Winter Repair Work On The Boats "There is no place like home" is a fitting adage that sums up the advantages gained in having pari
% Dk
of the R. T. Company vessels, namely, the CARCITI'.. J. (i. .\ICi\SOX. and T. W. ROR.IXSOX win-
vessel, self-cleaning arch angles were iniroduced and installed, eliminating "the hazards encoun
ter quartering in the home port of Calcite for the first time in the company's history.
tered by boat men cleaning off these members while unloading cargoes.
As those know who are familiar with the Cheboy-
The Steamer J. (",. ML'XSOX work included the
gan River arrangement of stringing our vessels
Complete rebuilding of its center elevator, thirty
along the river face, there is involved an acute prob-
thousand rivets renewed in its side tanks and dou-
lem of moving material and equipment over a large
hie bottom, new curved chute from side conveyor
scattered area. At Calcite. with the boats breasted
to elevator, and new coal bunker over-hang.
to each other and with crane and derrick-scow fa- the Steamer T. \\". ROBINSON a re-arrangement cilities available, this condition was vastly improv- and installation of improved equipment program in
ed. and it resulted in a distinct advantage in com-
the engine room, which was started five years ago.
pleting the winter work program of the 1939-1940
was completed this year with the installation of a
season. The most revealing factor during the first year at Calcile was the manner in which
deaerating heater. This long range planning resulted in marked improvement both in the viewpoint
the Machine Shop. Stores Department. Engineering
of efficiency and improved working conditions.
Department, Safety work and the Michigan Rimestone iv Chemical Company as a whole quickly met
The quartering of the Bradley boats at the home port of Calcite has been met with favor bv the
the changed needs and requirments necessary in vessel repair work. The big jobs during the past repair season were the installation ol new side tanks in
the aft compartments of the Steamer CARCITR.. An innovation was introduced over
men Cash Sobeck, R. C. Stanbrook, Tom Rose, and Chief Art
Urdal. This was Art's first year on winter work here and he moved to Rogers with his family during the period.
assigned to winter re
ter year. From their p e r s o n a I viewpoint
they welcome the op portunity w o r k
go home at
the end of the day to their
the technique formerly employed in this type
of work when welding
ol the sections was ac
lakes, had a few days
complished results. 1294
tofore many spent the summer,
and the
at home and then were
away on winter work.
The T. W. Robinson leaving ihe lay up basin April 8th to
go into the loading slip to complete her fit-out and take her first load. The John G. Munson has steam up but is
still fitting out. The Calcite has already sailed.
getting home only on weekends.
\\ e believe the
new arrangement is much more acceptable. We were fortunate this winter in good weather condi-
>j lions, which aided materially in eliminating many hazards of this type of work. In conclusion, the most noteworthy record was that there were few
minor accidents and no lost time accidents, which reflected to the credit of a
splendid group of employees that comprise a unit ' known as the Ih.al Winter Repair Crew. The W. F. White had a plate removed, rerolled, and re placed. The bent frames were renewed or straightened. This was done at Cheboygan.
• Carl D. Bradley New Propeller & Rudder
liu <^R. (L cStanLrxook After making extensive model tests ol a new pro
peller and rudder for the Steamer BRADLEY as described in the Summer issue of Calcite Screenings lasl year, it was decided to make this installation on the vessel.
The propeller is 15 feet 1 inch in diameter, weighs ten tons, and is made of manganese bronze which - has a tensile strength about the same as mild steel.
Manganese bronze is preferable to steel lor this purpose because it can be more readily cast without
warping and will take and retain a good polish. The casting is made all in one piece and is a so called Number three cargo hold in the Calcite had new side plates installed over the ballast tanks; also new type shedding angles in ihe arches. These received much favorable comments from the crew.
solid propeller, not built up of Four separate blades boliul onto :i hub as on our other vessels.
11 has what is known as a variable pitch.
normal pitch is fifteen feet near the center of the i blade but the pitch is greater at the lip and less (13 ft. 3 in.) at the huh. The rudder is somewhat similar to the 1.5. 1.1. TAYLOR installation in that it has a fixed contra-
propcllcr ahead of the rudder. This is twisted lor the purpose of straightening out the stream of
w;iier having the propeller. On the BRADLEY in^ stallation the twist is continued into the rudder so that the stream has a longer run in being straight• eued. The results predicted by the model tests have been accomplished and Captain Rearse reports ex cellent maneuverability in addition to the increase in speed. The Card D. Bradley in drydock at Lorain with her new
coniraguide (fishtail) rudder and solid bronze propeller installed.
Stone For Construction Purposes Large Shipments of Calcite Limestone Made Over Detroit Dock Each Season. At the beginning of the eighth year of operation, the Detroit Dock organization of this Company and the E. B. Metzen Transit Mixed Concrete organiza tion can look back on an enviable record of fur
nishing high grade material and service to the build ing and construction industry in the Detroit area.
We take particular pride in showing, on these pages, some pictures of work recently completed. Detroit Dock has contributed materially—if this figure of speech may be used—to the numerous improvements instituted by ihe Government, and the photograph of the Lincoln Park Post Office is
evidence of the public work of this nature.
coln Rark is a residential suburb of Detroit made
up largely of homes of the Ford Motor Company employees.
Henry R. Dattner is the contractor
who completed the Lincoln Rark Lost Office build ing and this work required 1000 yards of Metzen Transit Mixed Concrete.
Mr. Dattner has been a
successful bidder on many public construction jobs throughout the Middle West as well as in Detroit.
The Carboloy Building on Light Mile Road, a one and two story factory, measuring 332' x 242' with a modern two story office building and boiler house
Approximately 6.000 cubic yards of E.
R. Metzen Transit Mixed Concrete was used on this
job. Smith. Hinchinan & Grvlls Co.. Architects.
The Montgomery Ward Building, at (iratiot ami Lappin Avenues, has three stories and full base ment. It measures 160'x 178' and required 7.500 cubic yards of L. R. Melzen Transit Mixed Con
crete. Plans were furnished by the owner. Both of the above buildings were constructed by Ihe O. W. Burke Company. General Contractors, who have been operating in Detroit for a number of years. Their officers are O. W. Burke. Presi dent and R. W. Lambrecht, T. B. Christman. and
Mark (i. Stephenson, Yicc-1'residents. A. S. James is Secretary and Treasurer. Superintendent Tom Leslie was in active charge of the Carboloy Build
ing job ami Supt. 0. G. Sharrar was in charge of the Montgomery VYard Building coiistrucliou.
The O. W. Burke Company, one of the many sat isfied customers of the L. R. Metzen Transit Mixed
Concrete organization, have found that the Detroit
storage of high grade limestone in large quantities and various sizes, provides a dependable source of material for construction jobs of any size. Detroit Dock furnishes stone for many uses. Sev eral miles of concrete and macadam streets have
been paved in Detroit with this material. Sidewalks and driveways are also in this classification of work.
Parking lots have been the outlet for many thou sand yards of transit mixed concrete.
Bridges and underpasses, of which many are be ing built in Wayne County in the interest of han dling the enormous traffic loads safely and are con tinuing to provide an outlet for stone and concrete.
Docks, both fill and surfacing, require a large amount of material in the industrial waterfront, and no better material is available than ihe stone
and concrete furnished hy this company and the E. B. Metzen Transit Mixed Concrete organization. krom the industrial standpoint hundreds of tons are sold annually for metallurgical and chemical purposes in the Detroit area. Calcite stone meets the strict requirements of this trade. The mainte
nance of industrial plants in Detroit is also an out let thai contributes {•> the large volume of stone moving over the Detroit docks.
The business of
furnishing suitable aggregate and iransit mixed
concrete is not a hit and miss operation. It is a high ly developed business requiring strict adherence to
good engineering practice and rigid specifications, ami the many problems incidental lo the proper use of aggregate material and concrete are ably handled by the L. B. Metzen organization.
An air-conditioned moving picture theatre has been added to the United States Steel Subsidiar ies Exhibit at the New York World's Fair in or
der to make possible the presentation of the tech nicolor movie, "Men Make Steel."
".Men Make Steel" was filmed by a Hollywood crew. The equipment, direction and technique are the same as are used in making a Hollywood feature production. The actors, however, are the men who make steel and the scenes are scenes
of actual steel operations photographed at the me mines and inside the great mills where steel is made and rolled into finished forms. The pic ture, in addition to telling a story of steelmakiug. presents scenes of extraordinary beaut)- as the technicolor camera records the brilliant colors
peculiar to flashing, molten metal. The narra tive accompanying "Men Make Steel' is present ed by Edwin C. Hill, and the musical score, espe cially prepared for the picture, was recorded un der the direction of Robert Armbrusler.
Along with the moving picture theatre on the second floor of the exhibit are a series of dioramas
forecasting how steel may serve in ihe future. These dioramas include a forecast of possible fu
ture developments in pre-fabricated steel housing; an imaginative representation of a hydrophonic to
mato farm, where all activities from irrigation to reaping are controlled by radio: and a working mo del for the City of the Future, where all traffic runs
smoothly when regulated by central grouping. The first floor of the exhibit features animated
dioramas showing the four basic steps in the pro
ed commentators chosen from the working staffs of various subsidiary plants of United States Steel Corporation.
A research section on the first floor illustrates by actual demonstrations ihe important role of re
search in the manufacture of steel. Other displays, including a mural executed in steel sheets, show
the many uses of steel and the important part that the steel industry plays in modern life. Steel's exhibit is housed in its own building loca
ted ..11 the Rlaza of Light. The building's gleaming
duction of steel: the mining of ore. the smelting of ore. the making of steel, and the rolling of steel.
stainless steel dome, brilliant by day as well as bv
Lach of the dioramas is explained in detail by skill-
night. serves as a natural beacon to visitors at the
Program Of Winter Work At The Plant Every winter season at the Calcite plant is the time for alternations, new equipment, and repair. This program is a necessity leading to better sized stone, ease of operation and maintenance to avoid delays during regular operating season. During the regular stripping program which was operated on a time basis of three eight-hour shifts for five days per week were 41,484 cars ol overbur den hauled to the dump. The past winter was good to this operation and there were very few times that the weather slowed up this work or made it uncomfortable for the men.
The bulldozers have proven their worth a food many time and in many ways.
Above is shown a
picture of one in action out on the disposal dump. This particular job is of special interest from the standpoint of safety and care of equipment. Due
eccomplishineiit when viewed from the standpoint of safely, improved products and efficient Oper ation.
Improved sizing in our flux and special fhix pro ducts is assured by renewal of the rolls on the flux
scalping grizzlies and open hearth recrusher grizz
lies. Revised screening arrangements in the mill adds to the flexibility and improved sizing in our Xo. 3 screenings. Remodeling of many chutes between screens and storage was done with the
idea of eliminating breakage and so a better sized product. An automatic take up was installed on 11-2 conveyor to take care of the variable loads and thus prohibits cosily delays. Changes were
which overburden material is
made in the fines lines so that two different sizes of
placed and weather conditions of freezing and thawing the dumps have in several instances push
stone could be mixed. Formerly lengthy screen changes had to be made to achieve this same result. A chute change at head of openhearih recrusher to
the terrain on
ed OUt from the bottom. These conditions can usual
ly be recognized in advance ami l«. eliminate a haz ard to both men and equipment the bulldozers are brought to the location and push the overburden material outward in order to form a secure founda r-
hu fe?£0W£ <z/\. J.onz$.
tion for future dumping operation. This is an inter esting piece of work that erases any anxiety con cerning what might happen, therefore speeding up the operation and removing what had formerly been more or less treacherous.
We find some of the greatest changes in mill and
conveying equipment. Many of the jobs were com paratively small but they all add up to considerable
permit recrushing of larger proportion of openhearth without changing the size of the crusher
openings. Installation of holdbacks on four load ing conveyors as a safety measure. They also de crease starling stress on loaded belts and as>isl
loading operations. Xew Steel decking in ihe openhearth tunnel and rebuilding of loading hearse in same.
This is one .if the ©Mest lino in the convey
ing system and was in need of this restoration work. Repair on A-2 bell which consisted of a three-man crew doing cold patching on small cuts and holes. Tin- dock repair crew were bus;.- all winter re
placing timbers in the lake half of the dock on the fines side.
This work was carried on by a five man
crew and a strong, neat job was done. Along with this the old Fender piling was removed and new nine inch tubular rubber fender bumpers were in
stalled. The picture below is a scene of the ac tivity "ii this job. The wiuler work jobs were- well done and ol a
constructive nature in regard to keeping our plant
in shape to make the products which are required in the limestone industry.
To keep pace with cus
tomer requirements is paramount with the lime stone plant and we feel that the winter work pro gram has added immensely to this desire. 12)9
Twenty-Five Years Of Service EMPLOYEES
1939 Class of Twenty-five Year Men—Left to Right: Thomas Kelley, William Peetz, Charles Hoffman, Oswald Voight (retired), John Bruning, Angus McDonald, Howard Johnson and Richard Lamb.
Again, as in the past two or three years, it was the priviledge of a number of the Limestone em
ployees and officers to meet in another celebration honoring the employees of the company who had completed 25 years of service. The meeting was held at the Westminster Church
Saturday evening, April 6th, when a party of about one hundred enjoyed a splendid dinner served by Circle Two of the Westminster Guild.
The entertainment was furnished by Roy Flewelliug and his orchestra and group singing was en joyed.
The employees reaching the 25 year goal during
1939 were as follows:
Charles Hoffman. John
service were, in 1938, Lrwin Joppich. Leon Ruell, X. W. Pollock, George Wing, Lmil Dehnke, Hector Hawkins, Robert I'at/.er. John Heller. Fred Morn. Frank <irohowski. Steve Widajewski. Richard Hamann. Vincent Kuchinski, William Sobek (retired). In 1937 Jacob Yareh, Frank Thompson. Mike Yardi.
Henry Shorkey. Adolph Sorgenfrei. George I'ilarski. Lrwiii Adrian, Chas. •'. I latz, Clayton Lldrcdgc. John SchulU. Roman Idalski. Victor Koch. Clare Macklem. Anthony Mulka, 1'".. J. Noble, Gustav Wenzel (retired).
1 .'3(>.
I'anil. Watson Siecinski. George Shorkey. these men were present at the meeting.
All of
President 1. L. Clymer presented the Gary Twen
Bruning, Howard Johnson, Thomas Kelley, Richard
ty-five Year Service medals, suitably inscribed, to
Lamb. Angus McDonald. William I'eel/.. Oswald Voigt (retired).
each member of the 1939 25-year group. The number of informal talks by various mem bers of the organization added to the enjoyment of
The groups previously completing 25 years of 1300
the evening, and as usual, the remiuiscenses of the
employees who had served through the establish ment of this plant in the early days provided amuse ment as well as making the program interesting.
Although the evening was largely devoted to en joying a bountiful supply of food and friendly chats it also had its serious vein.
Speaking with sincere
gratitude to the men for their splendid attitude of cooperation and intelligent interest in the Lime stone organization. Mr. Clymer said that a contin uance of this spirit was our hope for the future. We
were further reminded that such a plant as ours i.~ not the result of one man's efforts but the combined
efforts of every employee. A good share of our lives are spent on the job and it's up to us to either make our work pleasure or drudgery. Our congratulations to these men who have con tributed their skill towards bettering themselves aud their fellow men. Our best wish for them is not.
good enough for what they deserve but may health and happiness reign in their lives and in their familv circle.
May 24. 1(>40. marked the diamond anniversary of the rolling of the first steel rail in the United States. In recognition of the fact that it was in
Captain L. B. Ward's Chicago Rolling Mill that the first American steel rail was rolled, the Traffic
Club <>i Chicago will commemorate the historic event at a luncheon meeting June 10. The lunch
eon program will present a review of the develop ment of the steel rail and the contribution that it
has made to modern rail transportation.
railroads, seriously hampered by tin- limitations of the iron rail, which had to be replaced sev eral times a year if subjected to heavy ser
vice, were importing steel rails from England. English rails, shipped to this country in sailing vessels, were available in limited quantities and at
the excessive cost of $166 per ton. By 1877. with domestic production well under way. the price o\ steel rails had been lowered to 8-15 per ton and rail road construction was going forward at a tremen
Although various forms of iron rail sections were in use in the 18th century, the development of a steel rail was delayed until an economical process
dous pace. Between 1865 and 1885 half a million
for the production of steel could he discovered. In the l<S50's Henry Bessemer in England and William Kelly in this country, working independently, dis covered the pneumatic process for the purification
Steel-making nation in the world.
of iron.
Their discovery opened the way for Un
economical production of steel in large quantities and made it possible to use it in the manufacture of heavy products, such as steel rails. Captain Ward, who pioneered the rolling of steel
miles of steel rails were rolled and laid, and coill-
cidentally the United States became the greatest
Ward's Chicago
Mill, which
touched off a new era in steelmaking and railroad
building when it rolled the first steel rail, played a leading part in the great expansion that follow ed. Ward's original mill, established in 1857. be came the nucleus of the North Chicago Rolling
Mill Company, which by 1887 had a capacity of 793.OC0 tons of finished product and employed 6,000
rails in America, was one of the first to recognize
men. Tin- X'orth Chicago Rolling Mill Company in
the tremendous importance of the. pneumatic proc
turn became Ihe nucleus of the Illinois Steel Com
ess for the production of steel. As early as 1863 he became associated with William Kelly as one ol tindirectors of the Kelly Pneumatic Process Company.
In ISM Kelly's company built an experimental plant at Wyandotte. Mich..where Ward operated a rolling mill. In the same year this plant poured the first
pany, which was to play an important part in the development of Chicago and the West. When the United Stales Steel Corporation was formed in 1901, the Illinois Steel Company was included as one of the original
and this
commercial ing o t s of pneumatic pro
made Ward's historic mill one of the producing units of the Corporation. The steel plant
cess steel made in America, and one of
that Ward estab lish e d in X o r t h
these ingots was us ed
later in rolling
in operation until 1907. Even today
first American steel
the site of his orig
rail at Ward's Chi
cago mill. The development
association with the
rail industry follow
ing ment
Ward's experi in
1865 came
at a most opportune time.
retains steel
ils in
dustry, being oc cupied by the Scul ly Steel ProdUCtS Company, a United States Steel
diary. 1301
With a Fourieen-Car Train.
In 1"37 two I)iesel-electric locomotives were put in service on our quarry trains. These were our \'o. l()l and Xo. 102 which are rated 600 horsepower and weigh 99 tons. These locomotives have proved
very effective on sleep grades and hard pulls since
they are capable of developing maximum horse power from zero up to full speed. The steam loco
motive, tin the other hand, must reach an apprecia ble speed ln-fore it can develop full horsepower, and. in addition, is handicapped by the fact that when backing up a grade the water level in the boiler is such as to limit the amount of steam read
ily available. Another feature of the Diesel is that you can go out and step on the starter as you would with your automobile and the locomotive is immediately available for service, while with the tin- steam locomotive steam must first be built up. Because of the time involved in steaming up, fires are kept in the boilers over night and during week ends, involving considerable added expense. Because of the above mentioned advantages of
ihe Diesel, an appropriation was requested and ap proved for four new Diesel-electric locomotives, two of which will replace steam locomotives thai
have outlived their usefulness and are to be scrap ped. We have, then, two additional locomotives av ailable for service.
Representatives of three different locomotive
builders were interviewed at conferences in Rog ers City in which all our Michigan Lime men inter
est ed took part. These conferences proved very in teresting and educational, both to our men and. we believe, to the representatives of the locomotive
builders because of the various safety and operat
ing features which were brought out. The loco motives which were recommended were the 1000
horsepower Diesel-electric switchers built by the American Locomotive Company, who were the builders of our Xo. 101 and Xo. 102 locomotives.
uu J^ofi ^/LLLa)zdE%Âą new locomotives are rated 1000 horsepower instead of the 000 horsepower of the older ones and weigh 115 tons as compared with 99 tons. In line with the increased horsepower rating the new equipment includes larger traction motors and
generators capable of heavy duly, as well as design improvements made in the past two years. The en gines of the two sixes are (plile similar, having the same number of cylinders and the same bore and
stroke with the exception that the new engines are provided with a supercharger, or lurbocharger as it is called, in order to obtain tin- increased horse power rating. The supercharger is a particularly interesting
piece of equipment. We have often heard of its use on racing cars and airplanes. It is in reality a cen trifugal air compressor and is driven by the engine exhaust gases. It has a maximum speed of 15.000 and a full load speed of 12.000 revolutions per min ute. By means of this device a greater amount of
air is delivered to each cylinder, thereby allowing more fuel to be burned efficiently and greater horsepower to be developed without an increase in engine size. There is the advantage that when the engine is idling it will require only the fuel necess ary for a non-supercharged engine where in tincase of an engine which secures the added power by more or larger cylinders, the idling fuel consum ption would be increased. Another feature of interest is ihe large (ienera!
Electric Company Type CP-39 air compressor which delivers 150 cubic feet of free air per minute to 100 cubic feet delivered by the compressors on the older locomotives. It has been found that the
additional air is needed l',,r satisfactory operation al all times with the air dump cars. .Among the special safety features included art-
step lights to illuminate the ground below the steps
The order was placed and these four new loco
so that a man will not stumble over rocks along the track during night operations. Four windshield
motives, our Xo. 103. No. 104. X... 105 and Xo. 106
wipers are provided for increased visibility during
have been put into service during the past month. Due in the fact that more severe grades and stiffer pulls are anticipated for our future operations, the
stalled to make sure that the quiet and less visible
wet weather. Two extra loud air horns were in
Diesel-electrics will be noticed, and a distinctive
green finish was used to insure visibility against Keep An Eye Out For The Youngsters the limestone background of the quarry. A ground
Now that school bells have stopped ringing and
protective relay is used to protect operators and vacation is at hand please bear in mind that there equipment against grounds on the electrical equip will be many kiddies on the streets and in the alleys, ment. Fire protection is secured by means of two playing and running errands. Particularly do we larger carbon dioxide extinguishers carried on each believe that this would be a good time to slow down locomotive. This type of extinguisher is safe on electrical and oil fires.
in an effort to reduce accidents.
The conditions between the pedestrian and auto
Clasp type brakes have shoes on either side of mobile traffic has never been satisfactory or free
each wheel giving a smoother operating and more
sure brake. The air brake valves are especially lo cated for convenience when operating the locomo tive in what is normally the reverse or backing up direction. We use the locomotive on the back of the
train, as can be seen in the photograph, as a safety measure. The men in the cab are thus placed at the
er skaters, skooters, youngsters and ball players
contact with the shovel bucket should it get beyond control.
The new locomotives are capable of very smooth
? V
that many children are run down and injured by automobiles each year.
greatest distance from the point of loading and are thereby protected from falling stone or possible
from hazardâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we must have both. The situation is much more serious in the summer months. No one wants to hurt a youngster, but records show There will be a decided increase in bicycles, roll in the streets in the next few months.
May we ask that you make the resolution to drive more slowly. Please drive carefully and remember
that adults as well as youngsters dart out from be
parked cars. By taking a few seconds more starting with resulting reduced wear on equipment hind time we may have avoided an accident, and kept and increased accuracy in spotting. They are cap able of a top speed of 60 miles per hour, which will vacations pleasant for all. never be reached in our quarry service because of The State Of Mind safety considerations, but in addition have large ca is fundamentally unwise to try and intimidate pacity for the hard pulls at slow speed which we or Itscare people into a healthy attitude toward safe will encounter in an increasing number of cases as ty anymore than we can be frightened into heaven we go deeper into the limestone.
Erection work has started on our new No. 2
shovel purchased this winter. In general construc tion it will be similar to our present No. 1 shovel. Both shovels were built by the Bucyrus-Erie Com
pany of South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and are their Model 750-B machines.
The bucket will be of 20 cubic yard capacity and
by preaching about the dwelling place or abode of the evil spirits.
A frightened driver or worker is one of the most
dangerous. Carefulness must be developed without timidity and confidence without rashness. This re quires sane persistence in a program of safety edu cation that will promote understanding and good will.
We must use our heads in every day situations in
is designed for high level loading. It is similar to the 18 yard bucket on No. 1 shovel except for ca pacity and the fact that a special alloy steel is used
order to keep from losing them in emergencies. What a person does in a crisis is determined by
for the bottom. The dipper handle has an overall length of 56 feet. An important feature on this shovel as well as
activities. A steady cultivation of intelligence and character is the best prevention against panic, ac
on No. 1 is the balanced hoist which is an idea that
cidents and disasters.
our Vice President Mr. Joseph Penglase originated. The counter balance reduces the power required to
lift the bucket when digging and makes for faster and smoother operation of the shovel. Electrically the new shovel has a 900 KVA motor
on the motor generator'set instead of 800 KVA as on No. 1. It has larger hoist and crowd generators and improved hoisting motors. The hoist generators use a double box brush instead of the older single
box type. The control is of the full magnetic type. The trailing cable is 1500 ft. in length and is hea vier than any of our other cables.
The bicycle season is on again in full swing, with
grownups and children, males and females finding their way onto the streets with their two-wheelers. Bicyclists may annoy you and they're unpredictable in traffic, but be patient with them for safety's sake. The same can easily be applied to the roller skater.
The man who trusts men will make fewer mis takes than one who distrusts them.
wdiat he has been in the habit of doing in his daily
Elbert Hubbard's Code I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy,
I wish to be simple, honest, frank, natural,
clean in mind and clean in body, unaffected - to say "I don't know," if it be so, and to face any obstacle
and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid. I wish others to live their lives, too, up to their
highest, fullest, and best. To that end I pray that I may never meddle, interfere, dictate give advice that is not wanted, or assist when my services are
not needed. If I can help or assist people, I'll do it
by giving them a chance to help themselves; and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by example, infer ence, and suggestion, rather than by injunction and dictation.
On a single Saturday night, California highway patrol officers halted 50,000 motorists in a cam paign against reckless driving and traffic violations. One customer who buys regularly is worth a thousand prospects who never buy a thing. 1303
Here We ILwe More Memtera Of Tke inmate Family Circle A native of Belknap Twp.. Presque Isle County, JOHN BRUNING has been a com pany employee since May, 1914. He has
done a good many of the jobs found through out the quarry and is well acquainted with activities out there.
Previous to his work
with the Limestone Company his field of ac tivity was on the farm and in the lumber woods.
since April, 192.1. Keeping the shovels and locomotives scheduled so as the crusher will
not be crying for stone is a big job and Clayt seems to make it easy. He was born at Olean. New York, has a family of five children and
a farm home at nearby Millersburg.
During winter operations he is a
shift foreman and during the regular oper ating season is a foreman in charge of brush ing and secondary stripping activities.
THOMAS ROSE, born in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, is now located near his original starting place as assistant to L. S. Lee, Manager of the Buffalo Plant. Tom has
Another native of this section is AN THONY MULKA born and raised at Posen. Michigan. He started his record of service on April, 1912, in the mill. At present he is
a shift foreman in the mill having held this position since 1939. Tony is a quiet chap but knows his way about the mill thoroughly. He is devoted to his job and to a fine fam
ily. Keep up the good work, Tony!
had this position since March, 1940. His pre
vious experience with the M. L. & C. Co. has been as varied as it possibly could be. There
has hardly been a nook or corner in the plant where he has not done work. His most re cent work before being transferred to Buf
A native of Germany, VICTOR KOCH, now a U. S. citizen came to-this country thirly-four years ago. His early days here were
falo has been in the Dock Office, conveying spent in Tennessee doing work on railroad belt maintenance and in charge of material grades. When he came to Michigan he again
on construction and repair jobs for winter
work on the boats. Tom has been employed since 1922 with this company.
ADOLPH SOKGENFREI has been con nected with the mill and construction work
since his employment in April, 1912.
sought employment on the railroads and came
to this section of the state.
His first job at
the plant was in September, 1912, as a loco motive brakeman. The next year found him an engineer and in March, 1918, he became a train dispatcher which position he still holds. The shovels and locomotives aren't
idle for long with "Vic" on the job.
present he is shift foreman in the mill hav
ing held this position since 1929. His early clays were spent on a farm in Moltke where
he was born. His service has been long and faithful and he should have many years of service ahead of him.
employed since August, 1918, has always worked in the quarry on blasting and brush ing operations. His position now is blast
ing foreman. To handle thousands of pounds
Since June. 1912, CLAYTON ELDRIDGE
has been employed in the Transportation Department. He now has the position of train dispatcher which has been his work
of dynamite is a responsible job which Theo dore has done well. He was born at Roose velt, Michigan, but has lived in this part of
the state for a good many years. The past few years have found him doing part time
farm work and his home and farm shows that he takes pride in being a good caretaker.
THOMAS KELLEY was born at Posen,
Michigan. After a trial of farming and work ing in the lumber woods he settled in Rogers City as an employee of the M. L. & C. Co. This was in May, 1914, and the Drilling Depatrment has always been his home. For his diligent service as a driller he was promoted as a shift foreman in March, 1924. Tom is a sociable fellow and likes hunting and fish ing. He is the proud owner of a nice home.
In the drilling department we find another native of Posen who has served as a shift foreman since 1928. He is JOHN DEMBNY. who previous to his company ser
vice which started in 1918 swung an axe in the north country's virgin pine and plowed a furrow straightev than any farmer out Posen way. John is a big fellow
Foreman. He has held this job since January, 1925. Pete takes his work seriously and assumes his respon
sibility with plenty of vigor.
His home on the Calcite
Road has attracted attention by his well kept garden.
Pete is a progressive chap and good friend to all.
with a splendid physique and in weather fair or foul can be seen making the rounds of the many drills.
Born in Rogers City, a son of the soil, was WILLIAM STREICH, until he joined the ranks of Michigan Lime WILLIAM HASELHUHN started with the Limestone
Company as a carpenter helper in the Construction De partment. Bill has seen the days before steel construc tion when the carpenter crew had plenty of work plac ing big timbers. He was born in Belknap Twp., Presque Isle County, and has a comfortable home and two daugh
employees in April. 1918. Bill is a foreman in the Yard Department and is found active when the concrete and masonry crews are in demand. A handy man who puts his ability to use has earned Bill the place he holds to day. He loves the out-of-doors and has a well kept home. His family is two daughters who still like to visit with Dad.
Our first recollection of CASH SOBECK was a wiry
chap who had a mania for doing steel construction work. He has been with the company since August, 1915, and has worked in the Mill Dept. as a foreman on construc
tion, mill machinery maintenance, and boat loading. His winter activities the past few years have been con struction jobs on boats of the Bradley fleet. When Cash starts talking man hours, ycu may know that he has a job just about cornered. He picks the tough ones and usually comes out on top. Cash was born in Posen, Michigan, started work when he was young, and has a good many years of pleasurable work ahead.
PETER GIOVAGNORIO landed in the good old U.S.A. in 1912 from Italy, the land of his birth. He became a citizen soon after his arrival. He has always done track work in the quarry and has been continuously employed
since May, 1922.
His position today is that of Track
In April. 1916. JOHN MODRZYNSK1 came to this company. He has always done track work and through his hard efforts now holds the position of Track Fore man. John was born in Pennsylvania and spent his
early years on a farm near Posen. He has raised a fam ily of six, enjoys the reputation of being an excellent gardener, and is a violin player of local repute. Labeled the "life of the party." we hear that he enjoys his leisure hours thoroughly and has a cheery hello for everybody.
In 1912 OTTO ZEMPEL landed in this country from
Germany, his native land. Like our other foreign born, he is now a good citizen of the United States. Since September, 1922, he has been employed at the plant and since January, 1927, he has held a foremanship in the Yard Department. Otto is efficient in giving prompt service to the many requests made to his department. His hobby is proving to others that his wife is a better fisherman than he is and forever improving the appear ance of his new home.
Salt Helps To Keep The Workers Steadily Employed As recently as within ihe past U-u years il lias been necessary to close down certain industrial
operations during periods of unduly hot weather. This is particularly true in ihe case of steel mill., and other induslrics where artificial heal i.> Used
over a wide area. This excess of dry heal made il impossible for workmen to carry on their duties normally. As recently as June. 1033, 12 men were put to bed with heat cramps in one dav in one of our
well-known steel mills.
The frequency of heal cases in steel and other industries led to the carrying on of exhaustive re search into this whole problem to find an answer to why moil are overcome by heat. Significant work was done at Youngstown, Ohio, in the steel
As a result of these studies, arrangement was
made to add (1.1''' salt to the drinking water pro vided for the men working in one mill. Except for
niilh.. and at Ih.uldcr Dam. Scientific authority be lieves that heat cramps are associated with rapid
the complaints from the men as to the taste of the
dehydration of an individual engaged in strenuous
mill worked through ihe whole summer without a single ca.-c of heat cramps or heat exhaustion This during tin- period when it had often previously been necessary to close the mill on account of so many men being overcome with the heal. The next year the salt treatment was applied to
muscular activity.
You are probably familiar with the story about the group i'i men working in a steel mill who seem ed impervious to
ihe effects
of heal,
while all
around them their fellow-workers had severe cases
of cramps and heal exhaustion: Upon investigation it developed that ihe men who seemed free from the effects of heat were in the habit of gathering
to drink beer after work each evening. During the course of sitting for an hour or so. drinking beer, ami eating pretzels, they consumed a consid erable quantity of salt from the pretzels.
This fact
was singled out. and provided the suggestion that a salt deficiency might be the cause of susceptibil ity to heat cramps. Xow. we don't know whether this is a true story. We suspect that it is a bit of industrial folk-lore. Xeverihcless. it's a good tale about how the use ol salt was discovered as a pre ventive measure in controlling heal cramps. Recent studies of the subject, particularly those at Youugstowu, indicate that the average, normal workman takes in somewhat over 5 quarts of wa ter during an ordinary <S hour day. During this same period, only seven per cent of this amount of water is excreted by the kidneys. The rest of this water, obviously, must lie given off in perspiration. breathing, ami elsewhere. Sweat accounts for the removal of the greater portion of this water from ihe body. Many anal yses ol the chemical Composition of sweat show that the. salt content may vary from 0.05 to 0.5%. Sweat composition varies from man to man. and
From time to time.
In any event, taking these fig
ures as general outside limits, they show that a
water, no difficulties were encountered, and the
a larger group of about 12,000 workers. Out of all tiieso men. only 11 cases of heat cramps and 11 eases of heat exhaustion were reported all sum mer. Remember, at the beginning ui this article we said thai it was not uncommon to have this
This last experiment brought out an interesting fact.
overcome by heat. 18 of them were doing hoi workafter either transfer from a cold job. or afler a
This brings out the very important fact
that new- men on the job need special instruction
by the foreman, and the}- should take special careto see that they keep their salt equilibrium by tak ing an adequate supph of salt tablets. Further research on this point indicated that the
salt content of the sweat is perceptibly higher dur ing the first few days on the hot job,. It may de crease as much as 5{)'- in salt content during the
period of adaptation. Therefore, the salt require ment of a new. unconditioned workman on a hot
job is likely to be twice as high as the seasoned worker.
Even here, though, hear in mind that the salt content, and salt
workman vary.
requirement, of
the individual
Xo set figure explains why some
men seem more susceptible to heat cramps than others.
Because oi
nature of
ihe Re
searches into Ilie question of heat cramps, the use
3 to 3d grams in 8 hours. The. usual intake of sail with food is from 10 to 20 grams per day. It is easy to see. therefore, that such a condition may lead to
Of course, the greatest hazard to workers is in the
Of the 22 men described above who were
workman loses salt through perspirialiou equal to
salt depletion and heat cramps.
many men overcome during one day!
oi salt tablets in industry is now very widespread. artificially heated operations where heavy phy.-ical labor is necessary. The steel mill is a good cxainÂť
pie of this. But, other kinds of work result in salt ter. While it is likely that no complaints would depletion of the body. Even some offices provide come- from ihe workmen, you can be on the com salt tablets for their workers. If your plant induces Substantial sweating on the part of your workers,
it is likely that you could profit from the use ol salt.
Vim are probably fully familiar with the effects of heat cramps and exhaustion. You know they can take a worker out of production and put him on the sick list. And you know the more serious result.-, of severe cases.
You know what can happen to
your costs when you have to shut a plant down on account of prohibitive external heat.
In few cases
of workers' health do we have a clear-cut picture
of preventive procedure as we do in preventing these disabilities from heat cramps.
It is conclusively proven that proper use 6i salt
plete! v safe side and use salt tablets. It is now possible to buy tablets made under sanilarv conditions, made with the same care that drugs
ami medicines are made. Dispensers are available that will keep the tablets clean and dry until the worker removes the tablet, one at a time, as re
Dispensers should be placed by all drinking foun
tains, and wherever else indicated. Workman should be told about the proper use of salt in pre
venting heat cramps, and their cooperation in reg ular use of the tablets must be had.
Probably one of the most interesting things about the whole salt treatment is its simplicity.
One case of heat cramps or heat exhaustion i>
tablets gives almost a 100% freedom from heat inexcusable, considering the time and cost involved. Ileal fag and cramps do not belong in any plant. cramps. The only objection to the use of salt in the steel mill case cited above was tile slightly un
pleasant taste of the water when the salt had been dissolved in it.
It was learned that when the water
was kept al around 46 degres !â&#x20AC;˘'. that tin- taste of the salt was barely noticeable. But, it is not now necessary to put salt directly into the drinking wa-
If more than the absolute minimum of heat cases
occur, preventative methods, namely a handy sup
ply of salt tablets and education on their use. will solve the problem. Definite proof of this treatment has come from many .sources as being most eilective.
New Employees Bus Now In Calcite Service On Monday. May 20th. a new passenger bus made its appearance on the Rogers City-Calcile run car
rying employees to and from the Calcite plant. Ihe-
new unit is painted orange with a black belt around the body and aluminum roof. This color combin ation may easily lie seen by approaching vehicles which is a safety feature to be given consideration in painting all moving objects. The new bus is equiped with an all-steel body welded and riveted into a one piece unit. Safely ami comfort to passengers and driver enter into the de sign of this equipment and is manifested by such features as all-around safety glass windows and windshield in metal frames, mm-slip steel entrance
step, slip-proof linoleum covered floor, emergency door in rear, automatic warning signals, electric windshield wipers, heater and defrosters.
Prior to 102.) employees were transported by railroad coach over the D. & M. R. R. tracks be
tween Rogers City ami Calcite.
In that year this
coach service was discontinued and two buses were
purchased for this purpose. A third bus was added in 1928 and these three Units have been in continu
ous operation to the present date. Naturally the new-
Well, is means SUCh things as slowing down well in advance of an intersection or stop sign, or mak
ing sure there is plenty of time and distance ahead for overtaking and passing a car.
Allowing a margin of safety also covers, how ever, a number of other less obvious things.
For instance, you automatically cut down your
margin of safety if you gel up too late in the morn ing, dawdle over a second cup of coffee at breakfast, take longer than the usual time to shave. you'll probably try to make Up ihe time en route to work or to your first stop. And the chances are
you'll try lo make it up by crowding ihe speed limit. hunching on a red light here and there, taking curves too fast or chasing pedestrians back to the curl).
Trimming your margin of safety with antics like these is flirting with accidents.
Stock market rule of a cynic: The time to sell
is when yoiir're thinking of buying.
An Optimist expects to light his pipe with one match; a pessimist knows it will take three.
bus makes a striking Contrast in appear ance to the older ones. The all-steel body construction lemU itself lo stream
lining which adds beauty as well as Strength and safety. A great many safe driving campaigns have been waged under a slogan urging
drivers to always "Allow a Margin for x
Safely." It's a good slogan. It makes sense. But what is a margin of saiety'
Physical Examinations Important The periodic physical examination has, within the past few decades, been recognized as an essential factor in safeguarding the health of the individual.
This is particularly true of the industrial employee. Modern Industrial Medicine, in an effort to elim
inate lost-time accidents and occupational diseases, has made great strides towards improving work
ing conditions. This has largely been accomplished by using dust control methods, by the removal of
working hazards, by instituting shorter working hours, and by introducing organized safety cam paigns. Even these improvements have not, however, succeeded in controlling the greatest evil, loss of working time due to illness, This item alone has robbed the employee of more time and resultant money than any other single factor known to indus
In an effort to stamp out this most preva
lent of all industrial ailments, the M. L. & C. Co.
has, for the past twelve years, endeavored to sup ply its employees with free physical examinations at reguar intervals. The resultant improvement in the general health and morale of the men has
more than justified the necessary expenditure of time and money.
The employee has benefited a great deal by these examinations. As a result of them, many men
By Foster Jackson
to which type of work he is best suited. This re
sults in a happier environment for the worker, saf er working conditions for his fellows, and more ef
ficiency for the job. Then too, many men as they become older, become unsuited for the type of work for which they were originally employed. At one time in the history of industry, these persons were merely discharged. Today, when the physical ex amination discloses a workers' â&#x20AC;˘ unsuitability for his present job, he is transferred to another in which he will be happier and more efficient.
These physical examinations take on a greater significance with the efforts of modern industry
to find an individual suited to the job rather than merely placing a man irregardless of his ability. It
seems that industry today is not interested in a large turnover of man power, but rather in the con
servation and utilization of its present supply. To that end it behooves them to make sure that each This policy has resulted in more healthful em ployees, which in turn results in more efficient
work and consequent better production. To com
plete the cycle; more efficient production means lower production costs which benefit comes back
to the employee in higher wages, and to the em
no apparent trouble at the time but wdiich may easily lead to serious disorders in later life. A good deal of the rheumatism, upper respiratory infec
to make us Safety conscious; now let us be Health
by discovery and treatment of these so-called minor disorders.
Another thing which has been relieved consider ably by early diagnosis is the inconvenience and
discomfort of cardiac and
circulatory diseases.
Heart disease still holds the rather doubtful honor
of ranking first as a cause of death.
most of these afflictions can be diagnosed long be fore they become serious enough to cause death. Proper treatment and reasonable care on the part
For a good many years, this company has striven
conscious. In addition to cooperating in the mat ter of physical examinations, let's try to eliminate those annoying little colds and similar ills to which
man is heir. With well balanced meals, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise or relaxation, a man can work well, play well, live well and spend his
time in the pursuit of happiness instead of being
pursued by the specter of short pay checks and germs.
Keep Friendly With Yourself It is worry that chisels the lines in a man's face.
And there is in most cases only one cause of worry: of the patient can add many years of useful living We do not worry so much about the difficult prob to his life span. lems we have or the failures we have. The thing
Then, there is the person who isn't exactly sick, but who just doesn't feel well. He is probably more dangerous to his fellow workers than an unprotect
done all that we should have done to meet a situa
ed piece of machinery.
reproach. Its best try and avoid that.
His lassitude and inability
to react quickly in an emergency may prove to be extremely dangerous to his fellows.
Often this
that makes us worry is the feeling that we have not
tion. Most real heart-eating worry comes from self-
If during the day I look squarely at every prob
lem and do the very best that is in me to meet it,
man has nothing wrong other than a slight infec
why, at night when I go to bed I can feel friendly
the man is ready to return to work, a safer work
that I tried to escape it or did not give the job my
tion which saps his vitality; then again he may with myself and sleep soundly. have a more serious disorder such as a lung in If there is in my mind a feeling that I neglected fection. But whatever the trouble, the physical ex something or did not meet some issue squarelv or amination aids in locating it, and after treatment er, and a better employee.
Another benefit to the employee is the use of
the physical examination as an aid in determining 1308
man is suited to his job, physically as well as men
ployer in larger profits.
tions and similar disorders which make life miser
have been informed of ailments such as infected teeth, tonsils or other foci of infection which cause
able for the man past middle age, can be avoided
very best, I feel very unfriendly with myself and
I am worried and my sleep is slow to come. And so I try to keep friends with myself. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Sir Hinri Detering
You'll See It in Screeiiiiiigs "Versonak" That Come To The Editor's Desk
Ted Perdike says that Al Tatro is so full of suck ers that he can't get his coat off on account of the
complish this satisfactorily is by all our readers sending contributions to the editor. Give us your contributions today and help make your magazine
bones coming to Al's surface.
a more interesting one.
Albert Schultz smokes his big catch of suckers
and just uses a few at a time.
We saw Herb Campbell strutting up to the punch clock the other day and wondered why he should be feeling so proud. Our curiosity was short lived
plcction since he locked his neighbor in the smoke
when the shrill voice of Fred LaLonde asked Herb he was starting:. Fred
house for a few minutes one morning. Ed Kiehn heard how
easy it was to get a meal of fish. He found the stream but no fish.
his upper
Speaking of new ad
O Radiant Flag
ditions to houses, it wasn't so long ago that Crittendon
Fly Wide In
d i d
some remodeling — well Bob proved that he was doing some long range planning as Robert Crit tendon
ties of nature.
tendon family. Bill
building an addition to his house. We notice he
has a lot of good help around
Her m a n
Fly wide in the winds, our banner of light, With your red and your blue and your unstained white; Your bright brave stars have scattered our night— O radiant flag, fly wide in the winds! O God of our faith, let our flag fly for Thee, For the friendship of men, and for sweet liberty; Let our love of the right from the wrong keep us free— By service for all make us servants of God.
Hopp, Bob Hoffman and
—Charles Coke Woods.
Otto Ouade.
sixteen hours has a new horse.
old college try leads one on many roads. Tom Yarch said that
Son-in-law Art
Hein, who is quite a hunter and therefore keeps a few dogs, says that pa will have to watch the horse next fall as his dogs need meat during the rabbit and fox season.
Joe Kowalski, one of our handsome young eli-
gibles, has a new red coupe. Red is a hard color to hide, Joe, but Ave know from your remarks that you are satisfied with your credentials for the leap year season.
Art Santini isn't saying much—but boy does that, nice new black Pontiac speak for him! Stay away
made up his mind to move all h i s cottages and boats to Lake May where the good fishing was until Tom discover
Watson Siczinski, a shovel operator for eight hours per day and a gentleman farmer the other
Now the
ties Nature has to offer over at Hillman. That
ing the month of April.
Bob Pearse had fool
ed his pals for a long t i m e. Until recent!}' the}' believed that the many trips to Lake May were to enjoy the beau boys wonder what beau
arrived dur
Best of luck to the Crit
Maybe that's why
Tim Horn calls his "Smoky" Schultz. We under stand that Tim is responsible for Al's sun tan com-
if that was a moustache claims to have seen more hair on a bacon rind than Herb was
B o b
Just "Among Ourselves"
What a man, Doc, what a man!
cerning our employees. The only way we can ac
showing on lip.
of smelt from six dips in Clymer's Creek recently.
The aim of this column of "Calcite Screenings" is to obtain all the news items we possibly can con
this spring that a
good bamboo pole would reach the center of the lake from any spot on shore. No chance to rent boats in a place like that so Louie has decided to stay where he is. We've heard so much about beaver meat this
spring. Even Frank Grohowski gets real talkative about its qualities after Doc Bruder gave him a sample. Wm. "Mutts" Cherette almost had heart failure when he couldn't find his car the day after he ab
sent mindedly strolled home in the wee morning hours leaving the car on the street. We also under stand that he found it impossible to put a hub cap
on that part of the wheel designed for the brake
girls, Art just got that car for transportation to the golf course and to take Mom and Pop riding.
All the boys have been going after the smelt and suckers this spring. Boehmer used to give us those next to impossible fish stories but guess who the plant watchman might be that got three milk cans
tions: One. "Are you still living at the lake, Ernie?" —This from September to January, and "Did you
Ernie Ardain never stops answering two ques
move to the lake already ?—This from February to September. 1309
Julius Zempel has been handling autos for a good many years now but finds that the engineers can still build them tricky. He confesses that one of his embarrassing moments occurred when he could
Gust succeeded in luring a nice 13-1-2 inch trout to
not find reverse while parked in Main Street traffic,
in the creel. Gust changed places with the fish. Was
and Joe Penglase had to give him a hand on the shifting lever.
The boys at the Shop tell us that Adolph Redman has put his initials on the bumper timbers of all the older steam locomotives since the Diesels arrived.
"Boys oh boys, that makes some wood" he says. After six weeks of hard labor, Happy Hopp has dug his basement deep enough. As by-products he has on hand two hundred tons of choice openhearth and several carloads of assorted sizes of screenings.
the water in the Little Ocqueoc warm enough for
swimming Gust?
Earl Nagel and Julius Patzer found that bullhead
fishing in the Ocqueoc isn't as pleasant as its crack ed up to be. Earl and Julius managed to get a nice mess of bullheads, but on the way home Julius took a wrong turn in the road and did an exceptionally neat job of miring his car in the river. Earl says that he didn't mind getting stuck, but the five-mile
hike he had to take to get help spoiled his appetite for bullheads.
What did the hot stove lea
Joe Waytosek seemingly holds the world's speed record
at the time office last winter?
Well, they fought most of the big battles of history with Ruell and Pete specializing on the Ethiopian conquest; Bill
for cross country running. The
other day he and Dave Larson were working in the Power House. Suddenly a loud ex plosion rent the air.
Kowalske and Larson sunk all the navies and built new and
Dave said
that he felt something rush past him and out the door.
better ones; Tom Kelley caught
up on his choice bits of read
ing; John Bruning caught all the big ones and did a lot of lumbering; Bill Peetz confess
Seven minutes later Joe called up from Krakow and said that
he was on his way back.
Dave to the door—that's why
P. S. Joe claims that he beat
ed that he didn't understand women's morals and surmised
Dave stayed behind.
It seems that Julius Zemple still has a bit of trouble shift
ing gears on his car. One day, after driving all the way to the
Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky, Hundreds of shells on the shore together
skunked in six minutes flat at
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
the spitzer table.
Hundreds of birds in the sunny weather, Hundreds of dew drops to greet the dawn.
Wilson Pines comes back from winter work with a new
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn
Plant in "low", he asked one of the boys where "low" was.
Ray Grigg, sampler, seems to be having a little difficulty in regard to his transportation facilities. The other day a cer
But only one Mother the wide world over. version of that knotty, decim ated pipe he loves so well. Just a thumb nail full of chips and a handful of matches tain nice looking little brunette came down to give him a ride home, but the trouble was that Ray had per hour—that's peaceful smoking. his car there. Better luck next time, Ray. "What, you're going down to another wedding in Have you ever noticed that a certain young man Alpena?" Joe Kowalski: "Oh, that's just to see what kind from the Electrical Shop is spending his weekends of arrangements are in style. The bug is getting me, in Flint? Isn't it rather hard to get up in time for work Monday morning, Izzy? you know."
Doc Bruder has discovered that tender young beaver is the best source of vitamin E.
To enable
him to meet all vitamin E deficiency between sea
sons, he has cold packed a hundred quarts for his personal use.
There seem to be some among us who have strewn rubbish, boxes, cans and glass on the high way edge and close to the beach—almost from town
Wanted—One good towline for No. 102 in case I run short of fuel oil again. Clarence Stewart. Bill Wischnefski claims that this double shift
business is no good. Bill works one shift at the plant and another at home on his house.
Wanted — One Bulldozer for landscape work around my switch shanty. Gaylord Smith.
to the plant during winter. Besides being a dis credit to us as citizens this practice of dumping refuse makes the road unsafe especially for those
as a carpenter.
who walk to work.
that's out of line, too.
his hook, but in the process of getting him safely
gue of watchmen accomplish
there's lots of funny things. John Demby showed Mark Haswell and experts the game of cribbage and Julius was
Gust Schaedig is a stalwart fisherman, but the other day fickle Mother Nature got the best of him.
Chum Raymond is beginning to doubt his ability He built a house and discovered
that it is out of line. Then he added a porch, and
A) i
[f vou need a rivet expander, asks Elory Mod-
Xow we're wondering about Bill KowaDkc is
rzvuski. He'll run all over the plant looking for
he going on a diet? Ile forgot his lunch pail
times last week.
Whenever Herb Haselhuhii gets beat to a job by another tractor. Herb brands the driver a •'high
One morning while riding from the time office to ihe dumps, it seems that James O'Connor fell
pressure operator". Are there many of them at the asleep standing up in the front part oi" the bus. The bus stopped where we were to get oil. but O'Con
plant I lerb?
nor was blocking the way, and Smith thinking none
was getting off there, started going again. Modtrying to excercise his duties as a peace officer. rzynski let out a sell to stop the bus and O'Connor I'at Sheedlo has been haying his troubles lately
Seems that while I'at was endeavoring to quiet a
disorderly person, Sparks Lezinske, thinking that the I). P. was getting the worst of the battle, came to his aid.
Sparks s«id
woke up.
.eon Ruell is quite a crooner. Ever) day he \\Miild sing the boys a few
that next time he'll look
I. h a t little escapade brought him too close to
Theodore Le-vcck and
M a i n te n a n ce
Stanley Okolowicz be came pals on the job. They were really an odd I air. Theodore being six ieet three and "Shorty" hardly five feet. We us ually kept our eyes on
the track just south of tl;c Oil House. Hut lo ve stigation disc 1o s e d
that they wen- merely testing a lawn mower that Ed had repaired. Radka
those two because there
certainly were a lot oi laughs.
During Lent "Shorty" would bring a lot of raw
Shovel operators Bou tin
eggs to eat.
added hazard to the job. They claim that it keeps to
keep from scooping up some of the wooing cou
Ho. heave, ho! A common sight for this crew many times during the day. Left to right: Ralph Davidson. Dick Lamb, Fred Wetherton, Bill Joppich, Julius Greengtske, Henry Kaminski, Alex Malocha and Ford
ples that like to park by the reclaim pile.
We understand that Vincent Kuehinski has
This crew under the guidance of Alex Ma
locha had charge of handling and delivering materials, setting up stagings, etc., on the boat repair work this Another unit of the winter repair erew who
contributed skill in doing their work and added to their
bought a couple swarms laurels with a record of NO ACCIDENTS. of bees and intends go ing into the bee business. Hope yon don't get stung take il off. Finally Vincent.
Some of the boys were a bit nonplussed a few davs ago when both Cordy Adrain and Eloyd l"r-
One day
some of the fellows said that he ate a dozen raw.
but most of us agreed
that it was only eight. One
were lamping. Han 13cebe was sighting t helifts. I'.aldy Rose had his foot on tin- rail a few times and each timeDan would tell him to
Raldy said, "Gee whiz. Dan. \oifre just like a locomotive -you want all ol the
The active and energetic Cash Sobeck on the .-cc-
back in place. Their trim waistlines were the en vy of all who beheld them. When asked about the
,,11,1 day of winter work-: ••Hurry up there boys. we're way behind on this job!'" Ralph O'Toole: "Gosh, this nut is frozen mi .and
sudden transformation, both boys replied that a new diet was the answer. But, alas, ihe truth will
Elorian Modrzyuski: "It shouldn't he. That truck has been standing here in the garage for three
laub came oil the job with their '•fallen chests'"
prevail and it has recently been discovered that the athletic waistlines were due. not to a diet, but <
fellows teach him Polish wonder if he. still remembers any ol it.
crew. They were seen mowing the grass along
the same
Ed Radka had joined the
pert (?) i cpair.
was having some of the
For awhile we thought that Ervin Joppich and
sing at
the jail for comfort.
al ly a person can't work
before he leaps because
rather to reducing belts. Eloyd and Cordy have taken a lot of kidding about it. but Eloyd claims the seven pounds he lost is nothing to joke about.
I can't budge it."
Everybody is riding the new Ford bus to work. Even Ed Radka likes to drive the bus again and Jul ius was on hand as conductor on the initial trip. 1311
Ben Hounds "put the bee" on the boys in his spitzer club this season, lien went right out and took the honors without any fuss. The part that pleased him was showing the ••brains" of the local teaching staff how to go out and get 'em.
Bear stories from off the hill again.
Ghlrich tells his fellow drillers to fear not. as a
bear isn't dangerous.
When asked to explain fur
ther, he said that a man always sees the bear first and after that l'.ruin couldn't see the man if he so
desired. The boys say that Chas. can certainly do a last disappearing act when he comes onto one of the big black fellows.
Leon "Daddy" Ruell is backing tvp hjs arguments about the wondrous qualities of a Ford \'-<x by in vesting in a new one. Daddy never tires of praising his trusty Fords. When using hand tools, care should be taken to
keep them in good condition. A good looking chap who has oft been the sub
ject of comment in these columns has given us our final chance—a parting jibe. We have Usually cov ered his activities in the social whirl and on
golf course too thoroughly lor his liking. As we were forced to do under like circumstances to his pal "Penny" lloeft, we must forever leave Lester
Raymond alone as the wedding bells are
soon—saved by the gong. Ee.s.
We fear his golf
game will suffer hut we trust that he will play-
often enough to keep up those drinks he has been so benevolent with the past few seasons.
^We are certainly glad to report that Car Dumper Envin Adrian and Pump Tender John Noble haveboth licked "ole man" pneumonia and will soon beback on the job again.
Whenever possible, correct hazards as soon as they are discovered.
Norman "Chief" Dullack and Frank Reinke are
doing a new kind of spreading in a new place. They are busy putting pulverized Calcite limestone oil
their lawns. After this spring rainy season is past
they will take up the pastime of spreading "baa-
lony" again.
Have that scratch attended to at once.
Nobody does what he's hired to do if he can
find a good excuse to do something else. Our experience is that it takes a lot of overhead to support the good things of life.
Jupiter. Neptune, Saturn and I'rauus are larger
planets than the earth. The planets Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and Venus are smaller than our earth.
A *
Can you find the following employees or local
people in this group of youngsters?
Einnie Covey
Rudolph Tosch. August Ouade. (ins l-'.rkfritz. Win.
Erkfritz. Alvin Raymond. Alva Meyer. Roy Duelt-
Nestcr. Minnie Erkfitz Demerest. Elizabeth Heller.
gen. Adolph Radka. Maurice Richards. Ilen'rv Han
P.redow Poch. Lenorc Schlager Elorip. Henry Hoeft. Frank Chrzan. Art Voight. Cordy Admin,
thirty years ago. Have we missed any of this group
Violet Steele Courval, Erma Radka Joppich, Anna sen, Ernest Bruning. This picture was taken about 1312
who are still local residents that vou know?
1 FOIblt IviLVCF 0
!â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Pictured at the right is one of the projects spon sored by the East Prcsque Isle Sportsmans' Club. It is a small dam designed to equalize the water level in Trout River throughout the year so as to
improve the stream for fishing. The dam was des igned by the Conservation Department which also supervised and assisted in its construction. The work was financed hy donations from local busi nessmen and interested sportsmen, with most of the labor being done by members of the club. Thus the dam assumes the nature of a community project aimed at improving and rehabilitating a stream which was once known as the finest trout stream in
this section of the country.
After completion of the dam the Conservation Department stocked the stream with 1.100 legal .size brook trout and 2,000 fingerlings of the same
species. As a curiosity 100 albino trout were also planted. In a year and a half since its organization the East Presque Isle Sportsmans' Club has sponsored a number of projects similar to this one. Among its undertakings may also be listed the transfer ring of deer to this vicinity, pheasant raising, for est conservation and improved law enforcement. The "Screenings" congratulates the Club on its success and wishes it
the best of results in
To you fellows who claim Doc I'ruder does a lot of talking about his hunting and fishing powers we submit the next picture; Doc's success during the
beaver season.
We have been of the opinion that
Doc's stories are sometimes more entertaining than convincing but he gives us all proof this lime. Verified by his partner we were told that the sea son's total netted thirteen beaver, one weighing as
Below is Chas. Link with the. bob cat and son-
much as one hundred pounds of which Doc has seventy-five pounds packed away for his summer's meat supply. We gladly refer Doc to anyone in terested in the art of trapping beaver and how to prepare them as a table delicacy.
in-law Carl Schaedig with two nice red fox. Just a day's bag for these two hunters. Charlie a welder in the Shop whose second nature is trapping and
Fat women are always cooking sweet things "for
lows enjoy a hunt together and on leisure days are out enjoying the pleasures that a hunt provides to
the children."
Emmet Rose, Harold Nidy and Virgil Beebe. (pic tured below) are three members of the Electrical Crew on winter boat repair. The record shows they were conscientious in doing their work and
doing it safely. Handling material and working in tight places requires considerable thought to keep ' from getting hurt. They are to be recommended as are all of the crew for doing a good job safely.
3o-c%is BETAREF
hunting got his experience during his early years in Canada.
Carl was raised in the .Moltke hills and
knows all the tricks of the cunning fox.
the outdoor man.
Both fel
William. So beckJI <er n s i o i n r r
Giuiess WJito ?
William Sobeck. recently retired from active ser
vice in the Mill Department was born in New York slate in the year
At the age of three. he moved with his par ents to Pre-sque Isle County
We fear this Guess Who will be an easy one as our hero didn't lose any ol his good looks as most of
us do when the years slip by.
where he re
As a young man he farmed and worked in the
I u in b e r
s t o n e
C 0 m p a n y, and has worked there until his retirement.
Bill is seventy years young, and is Finding that while it's pretty nice to be able to sleep h the mornings, lie sometimes gets loneâ&#x20AC;˘oiiic \>Âť- the Mill and
would like to get back on the job. I le has been a faith
ful employee and well liked by his fellowworkers. And while we
el Department. Building Ms
Twenty-six years ago he was employed in the M ill I )eparlinent of the Michigan Lime-
P> urn
County fifty years or more ago he made his appear ance locally in 1916 and has always worked in the Shov own home and raising three
children helped keep bis span- time well occupied. He is a great fisherman
and we remember that his catches were the envy of those who made the rounds of the many lakes in this territory. He has given freely ol his time and labor in church work and fraternal organizations. His record as a worker has been excellent and he al
ways remembers that the safe way is the best way to do the job.
Our ('mess Who in the las! issue of "Screenings"
was Elmer "Sam" Yoight. locomotive supply man at ihe Target I Louse-
I'/.\i1111pic- '0:1 j(.\x ITenthe Op Iimism What's your outlook for tin- future? An example of extreme optimism is provided by this aged cou ple who left Pulawski Twp., Presqne Isle County, when they were in their seventies to settle a farm in Chippewa Co.. W sconsin. They are Mr. and
miss seeing him on the
job we are glad that heis in a position to take things easy for awhile. When
cerning his hobbies he said his best hobby was en joying life. We know him to be quite a spitzer
player and gives his buddies plenty of competition with the pasteboards. Being active physically he spends considerable time in his vegetable garden which is usually one of the nicest ones around. He is a proud home owner and has raised a family of seven children. Knowing Bill we can tell you that though he has retired from active service he has not retired from the pleasures life has to offer.
We hope his good health continues for many
years and that he will always be the same jolly, sociable chap. Good Luck and Best Wishes from "Calcite Screenings." A vacationist just
back" from the Ozarks. tells
of a mountaineer who found a pocket mirror, lost by a tourist. "Well, if il ain't my old dad." said he. as he looked
in the mirror. "I never kuowed he had his pitcher look."
He took the mirror to the attic and slipped it into an old trunk. While doing so he was observed
by his suspicious wife. That night she slipped up to the attic and found the mirror.
"Ilum-um!" she said, looking into il, "So that's the old hag he's been chasin'." 1314
Mrs. Julius Paul] age 109 and 105 respectively. Mr. Paull is an uncle to Leo Paul! of the Blasting De partment, and a grandfather of Mrs. Gus Dehring
whose husband is employed in the Drilling Depart
ment. We understand this couple is still actively engaged in farm work.
Safety Poster And Essay Contest r Among The Students Safety education has taken its place in the schools of the country side by side with health, thrift, character education and
which all together make up the immensely impor tant subject of citizenship. In other words, safety is one of the elements which make for personal and
social adjustment to a highly complex civilization. The great increase in street accidents has brought into sharp relief the necessity for preparing chil dren to meet successfully the hazards which will inevitably confront them in their daily life. The
purpose of the movement for safety education is two-fold. Its immediate purpose, springing from the gravity of the accident situation in our large cities, is to teach children to value and conserve hu man life and health through the prevention of ac cidents and the avoidance of dangerous practices
which might imperil themselves or their neighbors. Safety education also takes upon its self the task of demonstrating the part that safety plays in the whole scheme of an active, happy, satisfying life. Our Poster and Essay Contest this year was well received by the students and faculty of St. Ignatius School and Rogers City Public School. The essays were up to .par of previous years, with the girls having it over the boys in the final judging. The
r r
posters were not as good as others we have had in the past, but we find in this part of the contest that most of the entries were from the younger students. The winners in the essay contest were: St. Ignatius School—Blanche Smolinski.
Rogers City Public School—Grade 8, Barbara V-
Haswell; Grade 9, Margaret Mulka; Grade 10, June Kunner; Grade 11, Denny Larke; Grade 12, Eliza beth Boehmer.
Winner in the poster contest was Wallace Dehring, St. Ignatius School. The winning poster is re produced on this page. We feel that safety education work among the school children in this community is on the up
Evidence of this is shown in the honors
awarded the Public School this spring by the Mich
igan Branch of the American Automobile Associa tion. Due to a perfect safety record and following the rules designated by the AAA, the captain of 0*
the Public School was given a trip to Washington, D. C, as were captains from sixty other Michigan cities. We congratulate the students and directors of the Public Schools for this wonderful achieve
ment in safety work.
An example of the type of essay submitted is this one by Denny Larke, prize winner for eleventh grade Public School.
the belittling fact that their total chemical value is little more than 85 cents. It has also proved that the chemicals of which we are composed are of a
very common variety. Why then can we not by artificial means reproduce life? The answer is because science lacks the secret of the one impor
tant factor called the spark of life.
This is the
same way with our safety problem.
Civic bodies
have installed ingenious devices on our streets to aid safety.
Automobile manufacturers and public
spirited newspapers have done their part. month after month
slaughter of man. How vain life is if we live and strive day after day for the things that matter in life such as love, position and happiness, and then in one second to have all our hopes shattered and our lives driven into oblivion by the carelessness of
somebody. It isn't a cheerful thing to think of a human battered beyond recognition or mingled with a ton of twisted steel lying lifeless on some
highway, especially if the horrible cadaver might be you. We can see now how useless all our safety campaigns, slogans, etc., have proved themselves. The mind of the public is simply not pregnant with the idea of safety. Until it is we shall have no sign of a decreasing death rate from accidents.
Of the accident fatalities suffered by persons in
the 5-14 age group, motor vehicle accidents kill more than any other kind—38 per cent. Drownings are second, with 19 per cent of the victims. In the 15-24 age group motor vehicles still rank No. 1 as an instrument of accidental death, killing
52 per cent of the accident victims. Drownings are second with 12 per cent.
Most of you who read this story are between 25 and 64 years of age. In this group, too, motor ve hicle accidents lead, with 41 per cent of the deaths. Falls are second with 16 per cent. There is but one conclusion. Throughout the en
tire span of our more active years, motor vehicle
Modern chemistry has probed into the make up of our physical bodies and has confronted us with
accidents are far and away ahead of any other
single agency of accidents as a threat to our safety. 1315
Mr. Henry Vieghlan, father of Ernest Vieghlan of the Power House, died on Jan. 13, 1940. Carl Wenzel, son of Chas. Wenzel, a plant watch man, and brother of Lewis C. Wenzel of the paint
crew, met his death April 18, 1940, when, during the fit-out, the throttle valve on the Str. B. H. Tay
lor burst fatally scalding he and Stewart Church. Carl was employed as a coal passer. Funeral ser
vices were from St. John's Lutheran Church with
the Rev. L. A. Linn officiating.
Burial was in
Rogers City Memorial Park.
Stewart Church, second assistant engineer on
I'll be content Whenever death's command shall come
the Str. B. H. Taylor, was fatally injured on April 18th, in the above mentioned accident.
To fold my tent, And journey onward unafraid To that blest place Where earthly ills dare not invade
Deutsch Funeral Home, Cleveland, with Rabbi Owen Khan officiating.
Nor sin deface.
Detroit Dock, died from complications following
March 1930.
of the Transportation Department passed away on December 3, 1939. Burial services were from St.
Casimir's Church, Posen, Michigan. Capt. Harry Cook passed away on December 15, 1939 at Marine Hospital in Detroit. Harry was a tug captain for fourteen years with the M. L. & C. Co. and was active up until three months before his
pneumonia on April 8, 1940.
During these hours of grief and sorrow "Calcite
JtvecoFd oi Plant Newlywecls Louis Isabell of the Bradley Transportation Co.
and friendship of all who knew him. He leaves a
wife, two daughters, Dorothy and Catherine, and two sons, James of the Bradley Transportation Co. and William at home. Burial services were at Amer-
stburg, Ontario, Canada. Willard Elowske the nine year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Elwoske passed away on December 14, 1939. His father, Albert, is employed in the Drilling Department. Mrs. Anna Schefke, mother of Leo Schefke of
the Bradley Transportation Co., died on February 12, 1940, at the age of 58 years. Adolph and Robert Schefke of the Track Department are brothers. Burial services were in charge of Rev. C. T. Skowronski.
Mrs. Chas. Link, wife of Chas. Link of the Gen
eral Repair Shop, passed away on February 26, Funeral services were from the home with
burial in Rogers City Cemetery. Rev. Lloyd Marx officiated.
Gerald Tulgestke, an employee in the Transpor tation Dept., was fatally injured in a quarry acci dent on Feb. 27, 1940. His father, Alfred, is em ployed in the Blasting Dept. Funeral services were
from the Westminster Church with Rev. S. J. Fran cis officiating. Burial was in Rogers Citv Memori al Park.
Mrs. Donald MacLeod, wife of Donald MacLeod,
Mate on the Str. W. F. White, passed away on Funeral ser
vices were from the Hamilton Funeral Home in
Screenings" offers a most sincere sympathy.
death. He was a fine fellow who had the respect
March 21, 1940. after a long illness.
Funeral services were from
Adam Roth, employed as a Truck Driver at the
Xavier J. Buza, aged 78, father of Edward Buza
had been an employee on the Bradley boats since
Munson on Dec. 2, 1939, by the Rev. Geo. J. Gougeon. Kenneth Bruning of the Bradley Transportation Co. was united in marriage to
Melva Hagen on December 20, 1939, by the Rev. Louis A.
. Linn.
Adolph Filipiak of the Transportation Dept. was married to Agnes Pilon on December 21, 1939, by the Rev. C. T. Skowronski.
Arnold Zinke of the Bradley Transportation Co. was married to Ruth Adrian on December 30, 1939, by the Rev. Herman Heinecke.
Melvin Hopp of the Mill Dept. was united in marriage to Emily Makowski on December 23,
1939, by the Rev. Louis A. Linn.
Robert Monroe of the Bradley Transportation Co. was united in marriage to Fannie Tiffany on December 25, 1939, by the Rev. R. D. Malany. Leo Widajewski of the Bradley Transportation Co. was united in marriage to Hazel Walters on
Jan. 8, 1940, by the Rev. F. L. McLaughlin.
Philip Muscynski of the Bradley Transportation Co. was married to Beatrice Nowicki on Jan. 20, 1940, by the Rev. C. T. Skowronski.
Gerald Bunton of the Bradley Transportation Co. and Virginia King were married on January 17, 1940, by Justice of Peace Howard N. Champhir.
James Cook of the Bradley Transportation Co. was married to Anne Kowalski on Jan. 18, 1940, by the Rev. C. T. Skowronski.
Detroit. Michigan.
Victor Rickle of the Bradley Transportation Mrs. Henry Fleming, mother of Harry Fleming Co. and Victoria Nokonieczny were married by Rev. of the Transportation Dept., passed away on May C. T. Skowronski on March 25, 1940. 6, 1940. Burial was from St. Michael's Lutheran Earl Wenzel of the Bradley Transportation Co. *> Church, Belknap, with Rev. E. C. Weber officiating. was united in marriage to Vera Pommeranke on 1316
March 30, 1940. by the Rev. 11. A. Dimke. Philip Kauia of the Track Dept. and Helen Streasick were married by the Rev. |. (iorski on April 22, 1940.
Elmer Cruelke of the Boat Loading Dept. was married to Martha Strxclccki on April 20. 19-10, by the Rev. E. C. Weber.
Louis 1lornbachcr of the Construction Dept. was
united in marriage to Marion llerr on Dee. 29, 1939. by the Rev. L. A. Barnes of Vine Valley. X. V. Florian Modrzynski of the Yard Dept. and Viola Wtrgau were married on Jan. 6, 1940. by Justice of Peace J. M. Rieger. "Calcite Screenings" wishes all the
newlywcds every joy and lots of hap
on February 4th. Mr. Carter is employed in the Yard Department.
Marv Jane to Mr. anil Mrs. George Leveck on .March'1st. Mr. Leveck is employed by the Bradley Transportation Co. Cail Ann to .Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joppich <>u March 9th. Mr. Joppich is employed by the Bradley Transportation Co. Lea Eva to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rubio on March
15th. Mr. Rubio is employed in the Track Depart ment.
Joan Arlene to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Frederick ..ii March 25th. Mr. Frederick is employed by tin Bradley Transportation Co. Donna Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wasylk on
April 1st. Mr. Wasylk is employed in the Shovel
py years together.
Do yon wish to change the ben eficiary in your company insurance policy? If so. bring your policy to the Main Office and make applica tion for a change of beneficiary.
Rita Mae to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lines on April 14th. Mr. (pines is employed in the Construction Department. Beverly .Ann to Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth I'iechan on April 29th. Mr. I'iechan is emple>ycd as a Tele phone ()perator.
Are I cut Aware '!
Jerry Michael to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Les/.inske on December 12th. Mr. Les/.inske is employed as a Radio Operator.
Sons were horn lo the following employees:
That the total lax receipts of the State of Mich igan for the year ended Itine 30. 1939, were $205.-
Donald Clarence to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mod-
That the State received $51,813,904 from its sales
and use taxes. S28.37o.412 from its gasoline tax and $19,878,590 from its automotive weight tax?
That these three taxes provided $100.0f>8.90b or 49 per cent of the Stale's tax revenue for the year? That the gasoline and weight taxes anil the auto motive share of the sales tax contributed $58,212.488 to the total?
That automotive vehicle users thus paid approxi mately 28 per cent of all State tax collections in the last fiscal year?
rzynski on October 29th, Mr. Modrzyuski is emI loved by the- Bradley. Transportation Company. Merlin Arnold to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin I'erdike on
November 27th. Mr. I'erdike is employed hy the Bradley Transportation Co. I'.rian Otto to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wirgau on
November 18th. Mr. Wirgau is employed by ihe Bradley Transportation Co. I.eroy James to Mr. ami Mrs. Philip Kn/.riicki on January 4lh. Mr. kuznicki is employed in the Yard Idepartment. Daniel Walter to Mr. and Mrs. Hugo liredow on February 1st. Mr. I'redow is employed in the Tran
sportation Department.
' Anthony Maxwell to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Bell-
New Arrivals Jornig
taore on February 17th. Mr. Bellinore is employed in the Mill Department. Larry Allen to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I'.clhnore on February 19th. Mr. Rellmore is employed in the Mill Department.
JI Happiness
Francis Edward to Mr. and Mrs. William LaLon
de "ii February 22ml. Mr. LaLonde is employed by Since
fall of 1939. daughters were born to the following employees: Dianna Carol to Mr. and Mrs, Orville I'iechan on
November 29th. Mr. I'iechan is employed as a boat loader. f
Margaret Louise to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Budnick on December 24th. Mr. Ihidnick is employed as a truck driver.
Gail Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Xormau Raymond on
January 10th. Mr. Raymond is employed by the Bradley Transportation Co. Sally Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mayes on Jan uary 14th. Mr. Mayes is employed in the Mill De partment. Nancv Mav to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carter |r.
tin- Bradley Transportation Co. Xeil Ldwa.nl to Mr. and Mrs. Merman Vogler on February 24th. Mr. Vogler is employed by the Bradlex Transportation Co. Louis
Paul to
Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Urban on
March -l-lh. Mr. Urban is employed by the Rradley Transporlatiou Co. Arthur Llmer to Mi', ami Mrs. Elmer Bruning on
March 20th. Mr. Bruning is employed in the Drill ing Department. Robert Lee to Mr. and Mrs. R. I-'. Crillendou on
April 23rd. Mr. Crittendon is Station Manager of the Central Radio Co.
"Calcite Screenings" wishes the parents much
joy in guiding the destinies of these new family members. 1317
i 1
jDzadLsu -Jianitioitatlon Comhanu - Cxlvj Jliit-igqo f Steamer
John G. munson
W. F. White
C. A. Thorsen
Walter Callum
Theo. Dahlburg Roland Bryan
F. F. Pearse Mark Haswell
Lester Bannon
Gilbert Kempe
M. R. MacLean Donald McLeod William Chain
Oscar Miller
Wm. Joppich
George Leveck
Norman Raymond
Wm. Hornbacher
Theo. Strand
Fred Beebe
Law son Macklem
Wm. Hursh
J. Sucharski
Albert Hoeft Hilton Gould
Oscar Jacobsen James Selke
Clarence Mulka
Bernard Lasch
Chas. Pohelia
Allen Strand
Leon DePeudry
Charles Cook
Edwin Hoeft
Theo. Werner
Lester Gordon
Herman Vogler
Julian Yarch
Ivan Lee
Howard Morrill Wm. LaLonde
Ford Winfield
Hilmar Piatt
James Cook
Martin Joppich
Louis Urban
Arthur Breckon
Herbert Friedrich
Harry Pilarski
Kenneth Bruning
Walter Hincka
Wm. Halligan Neil Jackson John Gregory
Nelson Free
Carl Mulka
Henry Yarch
Merle McLean
Marvin Taylor
Melvin Friedrich
John Robarge
Albert Schultz
Earl Wenzel
John Sparre George Hoy
Thos. Suttle
Arthur Urdal
J. A. Anderson
Norman Henderson
Wm. Shay
Ray Eier Harry Sloan Wm. Mooney
Harold Nidy
Earl Schaeffer
Alfred Dwyer Frank Berg
Wesley Bishop
Joseph Buck
Herbert Stout
Donald Lamp
Walter Ellefson
Victor Rickle
George Bellmore John Claus George Kerr
Stanley Gabrysiak
Wm. McKay Henry Newhouse
(T) Martin Sobeck Everett Shay
(T) Wilbert Perdike
Robert Monroe
Mike Idalski
Russell Kowalske
Richard Haneckow
Rex OToole
Robert Lowe
Walter Buza
Wm. Patchkowski
Chris Swartz
j ii M
I -
Ed. Voight John Spiekhout
i A
Norman Allgiers
J Glen Paradise
Julius Greengtske John Bredow Everett Schlager Louis Isabelle Leon Dietlin
Carl Hagedorn Kenneth Palmer
(T) Harold Partyka Aclelor DuLac
Leopold Mulka Roland Gager
Bernard Darga
Norval Schlager
Victor Weiss
Otto Sparre
Louis Leveck
John Leonard
John Zoho
Frank Warwick
Leo Schefke
Harold Fleming
Melvin Hamann
John Selke Willard Giddings
Ed Hilla
Frank Strzlecki
Douglas McDonald George Lamb
Gerald Bunton
Ferd Limberg
Ed Lawrence
Marlow Pardike
Harold Felax
John Gordon
Marvin Schwaegler
Harold Hoefner
Robert Sheridan
Victor Klee
Edwin Ehrke
James Lamb
Nathan Cadwell
Arnold Zinke
Gerald Burns
Steve Repke
Andrew Nedeau
Marvin Adrian Alvis Radka
.>! bV
% Ohm Official
Captain First Mate
C. McQuinn Alfred Tyrell
Leo Moll
Second Mate
Alex Malocha
Roland Ursem
Third Mate Wheelsman
D. Langridge Henry Kaminski
John Miller Virgil Beebe
Herbert Noble
Donald Monroe
Fred Wetherton
Clayton Gordon
Stanley Idalski
Alex Selke
Harry Piechan Ralph Davidson
Alfred Jarvis
Gordon O'Toole
Leo Widajewski Lindsay Hawkins
r rs
Deckwatch Deckwatch
'7 .
Dean O'Connor
Elmer Fleming Harry Joppich Philip Idalski
Reuben Klee
Wilbert Wirgau
Percy Heward Guy LaBounty
Herschel Pettit
C. T. Greenleaf
Ray Buehler
Robly Wilson
Steve Chibola
Deckwatch r
Donald Nauts
Chief Engineer 1st Ass't Engr. 2nd Ass't Engr
Earl LaLonde
Lyle Goulette
Chas. Frederick
Eric Winter
r r f
3rd Ass't Engr.
Arnold Specht
Sylvester Sobeck
Wm. Kunner
Laverne Bruder
Stanley Nowicki
Merlin Perdike
Ed Oiseck
Stanley Bellmore Anthony Yarch Philip Mttczynski Frank Kelley
Eugene Dwyer
Oiler Stokerman
Stokerman Stokerman Fireman
Roland Tulgetske
Steve Vacoff
William Budnick
Erhardt Felax
Alphonse Schaedig
C. Modrzynski
Handyman Wiper Vern Henry Edward Berg
Coal Passer
William Schwert
Coal Passer Coal Passer
Julius Smolinski Jerome Cherette
Albert Goodreau
Chas. Lister
Second Cook Second Cook
Wilbert Bredow Frank Kenefick
John Paradise
Wilbert Zempel
Lawrence O'Toole
Earl Leveck
Ralph Gapske
Henry Guthman
Conveyorman Asst. Conveyorman
John Hoeft
Lester Pines
Clarence Dietlin Edward Schultz
Stanley Centella
The Bradley Transportation Company Safety Meetings and Personal News RESULTS OF PAST WINTER'S SCHOOL The May bulletin of the Lake Carriers' Associa
tion states that last fall's increasingly large activ ity in vessel operation was the forerunner for an unusually large attendance in the Lake Carriers'
school of navigation and marine engineering. More than 100 wheelsmen were awarded original license and a raise of grade was granted to 57 officers.
In the Cleveland navigation class Captain J. C. Murray was assisted by Wm. A. Fearer, second mate on the R. V. Lindabury and by John M. Nagy, second mate in the Cleveland-Cliffs fleet.
At Port
Huron Captain George R. Manuel was assisted by Captain George Gay, master of the Steamer John R. McLean.
In the Cleveland marine engineering class David Gaehr was assisted by James J. Nolan, chief en
gineer on the Monroe C. Smith, and by Alfred Dwyer, assistant engineer on the W. F. White.
At Marine City Ralph Britz, chief engineer on the Steamer Hemlock was assisted by Arthur A.
observe the mechanism better, in order to avoid a similar accident.
The chairman mentioned the safety equipment on board the ship and asked the men to use it and to report any equipment that did not look safe for use.
The committee discussed the care and proper fluid to use in fire extinguishers. The dangers of handling oxygen tanks were re viewed and men cautioned not to handle them alone
and to be sure of equipment in handling them. The deck crew recommended that a bracket be installed so that coal bunker hatch leaves would
not drop down when opened.
It was also suggested that holes be cut on hop per sides of gates to enable the unloading crew to sec when the pockets are empty. The deck crew was cautioned of the dangers of standing near ca
bles where considerable slack was present. With no further suggestions or recommendations the meeting adjourned at 1:20 p. m.
Baker, chief engineer on the Steamer Maunaloa.
Of the Cleveland Marine Engineering class Wm.
E. Mooney of the Str. Bradley has a raise of grade to first assistant engineer and Michael G. Kerr of the Str. Bradley, Russell Kowalske of the Str. Bradley, William MacKay of the Str. Munson and
Victor Rickle of the Str. White were granted orig inal licenses.
Bill Hornbacher would be disappointed if his name weren't in the "Screenings" so here it is folks. Rumor has it that Mark Haswell has been consid
ering an offer from Arthur Murray. his Rhu-mba technique?
Could it be
When Pete Miller bowled 186 to beat Tasky Jacobsen Tasky said he had a sore finger. Boy!
Of the Marine City Engineering class Rex O'Toole of the Str. Calcite and Everett Shay of the Str. Taylor were granted original licenses. The above young men are to be complimented on
That one smells.
their ambitions and desires and "Calcite Screen
ceptible male, but he isn't calling Vic Klee "Pa" for
ings" wishes them every success in their climb towards the top. Str. Carl D. Bradley - SAFETY MEETINGS
Date of Meeting: May 15, 1940.
Present: Walter Callum. Chairman; George Hoy, Secretary; Frank Warwick; Russell Kowalske, John Clause, Victor Klee, Neil Jackson, Ed. Hoeft, and the balance of crew not on watch.
Meeting called to order at 12:30 p. m. The chairman read the minutes of the last meet
ing, the suggestions were discussed, some of the
work has been started and will be completed at an early date.
Captain Pearse opened the meeting, mentioning the lost time accident we have had recently on this
j J
Bill Halligan says he is the world's most unsus nothing. Bill's safety suggestion for the month is to have
doors of roller skating rinks open inward. They are much easier to go through when being chased
by six guys up to no good.
Speaking of skating, why do you think the lad
with the whisk broom was following the Bradley boys around the floor? Ray Eier's oiler can't smoke on watch because
he gets smoke in the bearings.
Otto Sparre says his porter, Ferd Limberg, is a hard man to work for.
ship, and urged the crew to do their utmost to
Rick Kowalske has finally found a bodyguard to hold off the deckhands. Don Lamp is his name and
spections in confined places such as the wind boxes to allot more time while in there to enable them to
nold Zinke's bunk for trial he made a mistakeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;he should have put it on Eddie Hilla's.
avoid having any more accidents. Captain also he is plenty husky; but the odds are still on the pointed out the dangers of using poorly constructed deckhands. stagings while chipping and painting and asked The Captain, our most prominent inventor, now each man to take time to secure a safe staging. has a device to keep the second story men from Chief Sparre cautioned the men who make in falling out of their bunks. When he put it on Ar
Str. B. H. Taylor -- Safety Meetings
The first safety meeting of the season was called to order at six p. m. May 11. 1940.
Captain Dahlburg told the members present that he was sorry that our fine record has been spoiled by an unavoidable accident during the fit-out. and
said that it would be a good idea to start right out ami build another just as clean. Chief Engineer Sultle suggested that the com
mittee get together and make a tour of inspection to determine whether all the safety devices were in proper order. The new station hill for 1940 has been posted, one
copy forward and one aft.
Lach member of the
crew should study these regulations, know the sig nals and duties at these drills.
The medicine chests are filled and ready for use
and all present were told that any cut. bruise ni hil ru. however small, should receive medical atten tion immediately.
It was brought to the attention of the committee that at the time of the accident in Cleveland the men ••ii the dock furnished a stretcher of the wire bas
ket type and it was found to he far superior to the type now carried aboard the boat. It was suggest ed that one of similar construction should be ob
tained to replace the old one.
The monthly Safety Meeting of the Str. W. F, White was held on May 17th. at 6:15 p. m.
All suggested safety measures have been put in to effect with the exception of the work to be done on the coal bunker hatches.
It was suggested that the plate he replaced on one of the walks.
When all of the hatches are to be opened men have been instructed to walk on the side not being
opened so as to he away from ihe bight of the cable. The question was brought up of the possibility of re-hanging the iwo doors from the corridors leading into the conveyor room so that these doors will swing into the hall instead of the conveyor room.
After a discussion it was decided to leave
them as they are and caution the men to open all doors slowly where there is any chance of striking anyone passing close lo the door. The importance of placing chains across the firehold doors was stressed and greater precautions
will be taken to see that the chains are in place in the future.
There being no further safety suggestions to dis cuss the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p. m. S t r . J o h n g. Munson--
Deckhands were cautioned that lines must not be
s a f e t y meetings
touched while shifting the boat unless definite or ders to do so are given from the deck. Walking between railroad cars was condemned as a bad policy, it is much safer to walk around a string of cars and the added effort is not great. This being all the business on hand the meeting adjourned at six forty-five p. m.
May 5. 1940: All Committee members with the exception of Martin Sohek who has been transfer red to the Steamer Taylor were present. William MacKay was appointed to fill this vacancy. In opening the meeting the Chairman commend
It is with deep regret and a feeling of great loss that we mention the passing of Stewart Church and Carl Wenzel.
ed the men on their Safety-mindedness and asked them to continue the fine co-operative spirit thus far shown and m conclusion expressed his desire that at the end of the year no accident will have come to mar the sailing season.
The following suggestions were then made:
Two swell fellows who will be re
membered on the Taylor for a long time.
The Cook was certainly pleased to have Frank Ware with us for a couple of trips. Frank bought a lot of pop for him. "
The only fellow allowed outside the Galley when we pass a boat is "Lai Stuff." The Cook thinks it is a good advertisement for his chow. The Waiters' Loud interest in Rogers sure has
him in a dither.
We are all waiting to see her driv
ing his car.
Xo longer do we have to listen to the radio for
Seamen to take care of Safetv Cable as soon as
possible after unloading and coming on deck from the cargo hold to insure that no one will trip over it. Have men in tunnel operating gates to regulate flow of cargo so as to make it unnecessary to start anil stop side conveyors
tinually. This is suggested f o r the purpose °f wear on control ler units and lo minimize excess
ive strain placed on
The Taylor now boasts of a bicycle repair shop. Any old hikes made like new. Louis LcVcck. Chief
o v e r 1 o a d has been cleared.
Clad to have yon with us. fellows.
There seem to he loopholes in all laws except the income lax laws.
Men in
work around
moving machin ery feeling and oiling slides and bearings t o b e extremely
starting a f t e r
Repair Man. come the new men we have with us this season.
that is UNSAFE.
e 1i m i n a t i n g
old lime music. We have Alvis Radka, our singing coal passer, to sing for us.
We would like to take this opportunity to wel
IF you see anything
fid with their mind on the job, apply themselves in the manner recognized as the most practical for the performance of the job. lie sure there is no waste-
cloth hanging from their pockets and m. streamers hanging from well worn dungarees and when work
Personal Items
Bill Shay has joined us aboard the Munson as
first assistant engineer. Welcome to our ship. Bill. We hope you will enjoy tin- year with us.
ing in close quarters be certain that platforms and gratings are in good mechanical condition free of oil.
Xol definitely a Safety Factor unless some one is knocked out from having a door slammed in his
11 seems that from the time we leave a port of discharge until the time we arrive at the Calcite
dock every man aboard ship is an authority on the exact lime of arrival at said dock.
face, hut a subject certainly worthy of some consid
Our twins. Henry Xew house and Baldy Manlike
eration is the slamming of doors aboard any ship
who lasi year were in competition for the rating
ami especially so when the doors are in good con
ol Chief Coalpasser are now contending for the
dition, easily closed by using the proper method of doing so. which method might be described as that in which a nioiher insists of the growing children in a home while the new born is enjoying it's between-meal naps. Lsychologically it creates the im
pression of utter indifference for other peoples pro perly which after all is OUT home and actually more
honors of Chief Oiler.
We do not know just what lo say about our Radio Operator. Ilarold I loefner. but he is a swell guy. and as long as he can get Lake Michigan and Soo car goes he will he held in high esteem by all we Rogers City sailors.
our concern than that of the owner.
Secretary Shay then discussed the manner of
using the deck engines and in so doing clarified the reasons for not more than two turns of the valve
wheel being as efficient and practical as a wide open valve and stressed the fact that should some unfore
seen accident such as the giving way of a dock spill ing, the parting of a cable, or possibly the breaking of some part of the winch mechanism occur, then it might be just the difference in time required in shutting off the sleam that may well he sufficient
On Chief Urdal's sixth successful day of his cig arette smoking strike the Chief is down to three a
day. By the time of the next issue we expect to report that he will he hack on the regular two packs; however, right now we hear a lot about will
power, etc.
Carl Mulka informs us that Biologists. Geologists and Anthropologists seem to he united on their con
viction that both plant and animal life originated ÂŤj with the same germ formations and. therefore,
to forestall an accident. In concluding he emphas
when we slam a door we are actually beating up on
ized that he was not pretending to tell the men what to do for his own personal reason hut was mention
our coll.-ins.
ing the subject primarily for the purpose of safe guarding the lives of men engaged in and around the operation of the deck winches.
Several ol the treads of steps leading from main deck to tipper conveyor room had been damaged during winter work and replacements will be made as soon as possible.
Chains used in cargo hold to enable seamen to get from discharge pockets to shipside will be examined and replaced if necessary. In concluding the meeting the Chairman called attention to the necessity of having to wash down
Baseball has just gotten under way but ihe an nual debates are already in lull swing. The Indian fans are hopelessly out-numbered hut it's the old spirit that counts.
Mate Swart* has it ill painted and the boys are planning moonlight parties up there this .summer. A
The watchmen think it is a sun porch made just for them.
W e recently made a run up
quested suggestions from members of the vessel for a more practical and efficient ami safer method of proceedure than that now in effect. Xoiie that have not previously been tried were given and it was
t h e lake w i t h the Stirs. Robin son and the Ta
generally believed that the practice of washing down from up on deck was in every way the best
The Chairman then insisted that the men
engaged in preforming this duty have full regard
of the danger existing and proposed thai they keep their mind atune to the job ami their .safety'to in sure the greatest factor of Safety l.eing ever pre sent,
Xo other subject matter of a safety nature was brought to the attention of the Committee and the
meeting was adjourned.
Present were: Chris Swans. William Shav. |ohn
ylor but reports
other members of vessel's personnel not on duty. 1322
l hose ves
sels will carry the results. We
a bit
pro u d passing eight tugs lyingidle on our way
in and backing out
Captain, you did a perfect job.
Sucharski, Arthur Breckon, Win. MacKay, Wm. I'alchkowski. James Lamb. Jack Leonard and Ml
The new coal bunker overhang is all that we could wish in an improvement (1f thai kind. First
the cargo hold at the end of every voyage and re
11 sure seems
funny to arrive at
a n d
WAR/ Thousands
already been killed
andinjured this year on our highways.
Enlist today in the NEW WAR ON AC-
/C/DENTS. Help to
$ defend yourself and your fellow-men.
not find the Chief all dressed up and staring over the rail like the rest of the boys from that end ol the Lake.
The second safety meeting of ihe Sir. T. W. Rob-
Enjoyed having Tom Rose and Lucas Lee visit us on a recent trip to Buffalo. They tell us their dock is all fixed up and waiting for the boats.
i:::on was called to order by the Chairman at six I'. M.. May 13. 1940. The secretary read the minutes of the previous
Jack Leonard thought someone had hung a re staurant sign outside the Galley. A fellow Irom
meeting and it was round that all items had been satisfactorily taken care of with ihe exception of
the Gary Dock was aboard and requested a gallon
work being done to the after spar.
of coffee and a dozen hamburgers. fellow, we guess.
meeting :
Just a hungry
Mac. our night cook, says he doesn't gel excited. We wonder sometimes during the midnight rush.
Keep cool and calm. Mac. You are doing just fine. We welcome Earl Schaeffer to our fold. Too bad
the doors are not higher. Earl. Suggestions have been made that you remove your shoes on entering.
That should help some.
On this, our third trip Up from Gary the crew of the Sir. Munson wish to report that the RAY.A. still have their crew working at Sleeping Bear.
Ken Bruning is really living up to his reputation as an imitator of hound barking. On several oc casions while passing the Fox Islands lie has been heard whining and groaning and by the time we reach Beaver Island he is actually barking just like a dog.
Second Mate: How do you like the \2 to 4 watch in the morning. Ben? Ben: All (). K. for Night Cluhs hut not so hot on
the briny deep.
One of our crew. John Sucharski. is supporting a new home and does it keep him busy. Try keep ing the wheels oil the trailer. Johnny, until you finish the lawn.
Did you see Jack Leonard's big smile.
Xo won
der, look at the Galley. '
Leo: Say. Chris, the fellows don't seem to care about getting up. Chris: That's on account of those new springs and mattresses.
Dean O'Connor of the Sir Calcite says. "A steam boat has its place but not when you want to get
some place and get there quick, the bridge would be of great benefit to the people of Rogers City as well as Iron Mountain."
George LeVeck is off of Bernard Mcl-'adden for life.
Political economy is the science which teaches us
to get the greatest benefit with the least possible amount of honest labor. '
S t r . T. W. Robinson -S a f e t y Meetings
Tall men lack leg room in theater seals, hut by stretching their necks they can see over the hats of the ladies in front of ihem.
The following is a summary of our very spirited Committeeman Fred Wetherton suggested that
guards be pill oyer the idlers on the boom platform. Serious injury might befall one of the dockmen placing the cargo with the existing condition. Lester Pines asks that Xo. 1 hatch be kept closed while unloading to lessen the hazard of falling while getting on and off ihe boom. Cordon O'Toole called to attention the usefulness of a hot water bottle and an ice pack in our First Aid kit.
It was reported that tin- lights in the hopper house were out.
A noteworthy remark was called to attention by Elmer Fleming concerning the conduct of the crew around winches and cables while locking through
ilu- Wetland Canal. It is impossible for the watch man lo keep track- of the lines and hi- on the alert for men on deck also. The personnel of the ship is requested to use the outboard side while in the
locks. "Keep clear of winches and cables." The crew was again reminded to lei only the watchman handle the ladder and to he sure it is
down before getting on it. A guard railing wiil be installed along the for ward side of X<>. 1 hatch.
The stanchions will be
collapsible for easy removal. Bill Kuuner brought to attention the advisability
of pulling the conduit on the forward side of the alter spar when such needs renewing. It will make it far easier to attend the range lights. A motion was made and carried to have demon strations of artifi
Several members of the crew have had sufficient tra
ining to act as in structors.
The hue and cry to stay off hatches was again raised. U is a dangerous practice
â&#x20AC;˘hem as thorough fares.
The meeting ad journed a t seven fifteen P. M. When
young, we thought
The more is given the less the people will work
a year was ample
for themselves, and the less they work the more their poverty will increase.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Tolstoi.
lime in which to remake the world. 1323
Personal Items
With the 1940 season under way we find about the same crew on the Robinson with Captain Mc-
how about it Llmci and Lester?
Second mate to Herbie Noble while going by Cal cite Light. "Say. Herbie. we seem to he'steering
Ouiim in command. The new faces we nave with
too near the Calcite course belter hold her off a
us this _\ear are those of Alex Malocha in place of
little-;" Herbie: "Got her hard over mate but she
Roland L'rsem who went to the Sir. Calcite. Erie
won't take it."
Winters in place of Ray Kier now on the Str. Brad
ley and Freddie Wet herton filling the vacancy when Fred Bcebc went on the Str. Munson. Though we regret seeing Roland. Ray and Fred leaving us we wish them Q lot i if luck.
Things we like to see—
The actual loading at Calcite instead of ihe dis
tant smoke seen while passing by light. The mail boat at Detroit with a sack full of maii and none for Beaver or Lester.
During the last few days in Calcite before start ing out the season the Mill crew began to put plates on the arches in the cargo hold, but due to a limited
lime, only a few of these were completed. It certain
ly has proved to be a success and the crew on the Robigson hope the greatest effort is shown in completing these in the future. It will certainly
The flashing smile of Boycee Zempel as he rings
the hell calling the boys "Up". John Hoeft when he gets his large catalog letter. STR. CALCITE - SAFETY MEETINGS The second safety meeting of the season was call ed to order at 12:45 P. M.. May 12. 1'MO. with all
help to make it a tot safer around the open cargo
committeemen in attendance as well as several
other members of the crew.
Gordon O'Toole would like to know why they couldn't pass out candy bars at the Safety Meetings instead of cigars.
the deck are a great hazard to safety as well as disIractiug from an otherwise orderly deck.
Pat: I wonder what those bales of hay on that scow are for.
Cordon: They take il out and ived the sea horses.
After the last trip to Toledo we are wondering why Ralph has such a happy smile.
It was brought to attention that pop bottles «>n The deckhands were instructed to put hatch covers on the scuttle hatches after they finish clean
ing oil the ledges so that the conveyorman will not step into an open hatch while greasing idlers during the unloading. Xew flashlights were given to ihe deckhand.-, to use around the docks
We would like to recommend our third mate Don,
The mate requested the after end ladder he left
and Tony Varch for the "Tall Story Club" after
in its place while unloading as it is impossible at
hearing the following stories: Don says that there was a farmer in Goderieb who had two windmills to pump water but due to
night, lie also slated that crew members leaving
the lack of wind had to take one down.
Ton_\- claims that a hog kicked him so hard on the
times to see aft when unloading coal, especially a!
ship during loading should notify someone aboard so that the ladder may he drawn. This prevents strangers from boarding the. boat as well as adding
chest thai it left a scar.
to the scrviecableiics.- of the ladders.
We understand our radio operator is going in for carpentar work as a side line.
new tank of stainless
11 certainly has been cold so far this season but it sure makes one feel colder to see (ioodreau wan
dering around with thai red cap. We advise Al to put il away in moth halls and maybe it will warm up.
(ioodreau claims that as soon as some Publishing Company recognizes him as another Robert Burns he is going to retire and devote all of his lime to
writing poetry. We understand that John Hoeft has promised to teach Gordon O'Toole how to knit.
Gordon claims
he will have a good supply of wool socks by fall. If you are in the market for a car and can't de cide on what kind see Greenlcaf.
Bill Schwert claim.- he has a lerrihlc time every
leap year keeping the girls away.
or the
present one cemented inside to eliminate the dis
tasteful drinking water. This problem was refer red to ihe Captain and Chief Engineer for further consideration, As there were n o other sub
jects brought iqi lor safety disi" u s s i o n.
t h. e
m e e. t i n g ad journed at 1:30 P. .M.
I i e :•
not in achieving what you aim at. hut in aiming at w hat you ought toachieve.
It'.> no use girls
even if Bill is one of our most eligible bachelors he intends to stay single for a while yet. Harry I'iechan has skunked so many fellows playing crihhagc that he has no one to play with— 1324
Members of the crew are of the opinion that a
It makes a difference to all
er we do right or wrong today.
Steve Chibola likes the Calcite.
P e r s o n a l Items
With the beginning of the 1940 season, we wel
come back Captain Donald E. Nauts and Chief En gineer Charles Frederick besides other members of the crew that have occupied berths on the Str. Cal
O'Toole both, Steve.
Everyone is happy.
We are going to get plenty
of loads out of Sodus this year.
cite a number of seasons.
Some of the new bill familiar ones are Ray Bueh-
ler. Steve Chibola. Ed Schultz and Clayton Gordon from the Str. Bradley, John Miller and "Doc" Mon
roe from the Str. Taylor, Lyle Coulette and Clar ence Modrzynski from the Str. Munson ami Roland
Says Steve,
"That engine room is a real Turkish Bath. I'd lose that fifty pounds for sure this year". You and
Is it the beauty of
the port or is it the nurses and school teachers win. spend their vacations there. There's a far away look in Berg's eye.
spend a summer in Rogers City, Junior?
Want to
11 is such
a coxy town.
1'rseiu from the Str T. W. Robinson.
Dean ( )'C<>nnnr is planning again on another trip south this coming winter, bill there is some mistake in his sense of direction, as Iron Mountain, Michi
Vera Henry would like to have an old alarm clock to practice oil how to tell time. So would Rav Buehler.
gan, is as far as he gets, and to the best of our knowledge it is north. Probably about April he will be heading south, from Iron Mountain and back
One of the great surprises of this season, or oi any other season for that matter, was the sight of
to work.
spectors Corporation sitting quietly by his bunk
A new aerial system has been installed in the for
ward end of the ship, thus eliminating the several aerials that had been there in the former years so
each and everyone can connect on to the distribut ing transformers individually and not cause any in ter ference on other sets.
one of our more active members of the Dock In
and of all things doing a bit of knitting. Pete O'Toole, the old doorbell ringer, lias rocked our little world with
he is
visit you. She must be some girl to make you start
For Sale—A popcorn popper guaranteed to pop or burn corn within thirty minutes after the cur rent has been turned on. Inquire—J. Miller, Str. Calcite.
Clayt Cordon: "When are we due back in Calcite again?" (Just after leaving May 3rd) Mate: "Oh. about June 5th."
Clayt: "This ship may be Daddy's Lena, hut some other Daddy can have "her." The new Taxation song: Why not take all of me?
Capt. Nauts seems very well pleased over Ihe op
eration ami performance of the new R. C. A. radio telephone. In fog. the rivers and harbors may be entered with greater safety as the speaker may be turned to ihe lowest point and not be heard, but the
hell will ring indicating that some station with a similar hook-up is calling.—Thanks to science.
Steve Vaeoff reports that everything is quiet on the Western (Union) Front.
Ralph Oapskc. former grocery hoy and now por ter on the Calcite gets a real kick out of steamboaling. He likes it so well he even dreams of it. He boots home a winner almost every night, disturbing
the peaceful slumber of Pete O'Toole. And again Ralph we are going to tell you for the last time that Port Huron isn't East Tawas. that Toledo isn't over
on Lake Michigan, that you can't send a letter in Canada for a two cent stamp and that Canadaiu pol
to knit, Pete!
Hardy Relax, pride of Mollke. is having his usual four o'clock arguments with the cook again. We can't pick a winner in this one.
Stanley (Pinky) Xowicki has turned interior de corator. The oilers room is getting a coat ol paint under the stern direction of Boss Stanley. Eddie Oiseck requests that anyone familiar with the road horn Rogers City to Calcite please send him a map listing all detours.
Poppy Budnick, star fireman and a veteran of many a sports argument is pursuing his lavorite
topic again this year. Poppy is well posted on sport ing events and usually c o m e s out a winner. He is now the
proud owner ol a home in Rog ers City a n d I o o k s forward to next winter when he can
t wandering mind, tho rfonirc for
a thrill, or tho Ur.inoss thai ohirka
common sense precautions—these .ire responsible for for more accidents ihnn blundering blindly into unknown danger
kit of tools. Xice
going. Poppy! Drive
w i t h
called "Bobbies'.
Rav Buehler couldn't figure out why the ice had blown down from Rogers City and packed in front
of Cleveland harbor. "We've been double-crossed" says Kay.
together expect a masterpiece.
with paint and a
your head not with your horn.
icemen aren't named 'Robert' because they
the announcement
changed man. We have heard that before but this time Pete is in earnest- K-eep going Pele. Lots of luck and we'll stop over in Alpena sometime to
W h e n
Io v e
Hat Has r ll cmi
a cargo for von of der boats dot is for keeping boat ends on der ground. Veil der danger of our civilization is nod der vickedness of der few bud der dumncss of dev masses dot are simple euuf to follow dem.
Veil mit/.ie i youst found oud dat Subsidy means a vay of paying our Selves more dan a ting is \orth
Tier lilintcr
using borrowed nu-nev lo make our Selves feel Rich.
Der most wooed Girl dis vear in der united States
vill be Miss Roily Ticks all der Soft job fellows vill be after her.
At least der discussions on der I latch bill tell us
who are for cleaner polities und who are nod.
Veil Liiidenbtirg can refer back to der old adage Urn
Al ScliiinpsicDear Mitzie:
\"ell der Yinter is gone mil id looks like Spring for der Boats are on der go again mil I dink dot ve viil habe a good year dis Summer. Mil der Var tint der Llcctshuu dot vill keep us very busy der Polilikal Question any low. Veil Mil/ic I will giff yotl der high lights of der Y'inter condensed down Mini der leading vims any ho\v.
Boehmer mil a high score in der Spitzer League. Joe Valentin nut Bill Kowalski playing Spitzer in peace mil oud fighting on Monday nights. Cillaudcr nut der President doing Electrical
he who laughs last laughs best. In Europe dey do nod habe der auto lo kill der
population off So dey habe to start war. did you ever hear of a Tree or a Telephone p"le hitting a auto only in self defence ven driven by a crazy dri ver.
Hush! depleted Coal pile don't you cry ve vill he picking on der Ice house by nut bv. We are told dot if one dollar hills to der amount
of <h-y Xational debt ver laid side by side unt end to end dot dey vould cover an Kra larger dan Xew \oi-k City. All right why not make a'W.P.A. Pro ject oud of id.
Veil I vill habe to cut dis oud unt Stop winding dis Broken Cigar Box Language or some crack pot vill tink- I am pio-Cherman. So I vill come to a close for dis time unt vill wride
more next time so I vill say Bye Bye for dis time. Schuopsie
Rossevelt nod riming for der third term why nod elect Kleauor nut den Lrankie could borrow der U.
S. navy ven he vanled to go fishing Erom her all in der family. Xeil Closser identifying Bill Kowalskies cigar
hills. Larson nod telling aimuorc slories ÂŁo any of der hoys.
Veil dis is 40 unt life begines ad 40 mit a forty billion dollar dept staring us in der face. Fred Badic. Henley ami Jean dipping smelt ad
Honey Is- One Of The Oldest Foods Of I be -tinman Ivace lloiiey is one of the oldest foods of man. the
United Slates Department of Agriculture says.
There is little douht that our early ancestors dis covered the honey of the wild bee long before thev learncd to make bread.
The honey of antiquity was likclv as good as that of to-day except that different flowers at
Trout River.
that time gave it a flavor different from that of
Patterson and Kowalski survaying oud on der Pier in a London Pea Soup Log. l-'loyd Crlauh nod snoring ven he sleaps \-im votihl link by der roar
our modern product.
veil iff dey had sent me for der public vould habe heard aloud id any how- uml i could habe Spread der
except the vitamins.
salve youst as smooth as he did.
ami the Pcderal pun food law prohibits the sale
veil der lime is ripe now for new polltickers to start taking money under false pretence by getting elected to a job dot he declares himself qualified to
cial means, Honey is a safe food to use. "because
Honey is unique in that it is the only unmanufac tured sweil available in commercial quantities. dot he vas vun of dose diver bombers. II contain.- simple sugars, easily absorbed by the Veil Sumner Veils had a nice trip ad der expense human system. Honey contains in limited quanti of der tax payers dey bould habe done youst as ties pradically all the elements of a perfect food There is no honey other than that made bv bees, ol any product as honey which is made bv artifi it is clean and pure.
A good vay to get der huget balanced is lo write to your congress man dot if you add a dollar to our
dept you dont gel out voat.
I vas vondcring how Raukie kept dot ford of his on der ground. Yen he was going nioud SO per lour
bud der older day i found oud ven I got a Look in der trunk full of limesloiie he had. very near half 132t i
People can undcrsl.oid what they want to under
stand - even retarded children have no difficulty in Understanding you when you tell them to run
down to the store am: get themselves a hot dog or an ice cream cone.
Often the most helpful thin; keep out of the way. ADVANCE
yon can do is to
.V CH.
By EDGAR A. GUEST Life has but little for the man who builds his dreams
on gold
And all the little glittering gems he fancies good to hold.
For joys are made of gentler stuff like beauty, song and mirth,
And all the countless lovely things God made to deck the earth.
Life has but little for the man who shuts his eyes to flowers
And sees but dollars everywhere throughout his wak ing hours;
For money has a slippery way and it is hard to keep, But beauty never plays men false and friendship's roots lie deep. Life has a store of riches for the man who looks about;
An endless treasury of charms for him who'll seek it out.
The birds are his to understand, and every wood and stream
Have pleasure to bestow on him if he but friendly seem.
Life holds but little for the man who thinks in terms
of gold,
But he who keeps an open mind finds treasures he can hold;
There's beauty here to cheer his soul and friends on every side,
Unless his eyes are blinded by the lure of wealth and pride.
(Copyright, 1933, by Edgar A. Guest)
It's Better To Be Sold On
Safety Than Shortchanged By An Accident
Calcite Screenings Summer 1940
d\o c^faaidznk cy-fonoz df\oLL d^EJiaitmznt
7<ozsman ox Cafitain
Theo. Haselhuhn
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley John Dembny
Frank Reinke
Adolph Sorgenfrei Anthony Mulka Geo. C. WingLeon Ruell
Robert Hamilton
John Modrzynski Peter Giovangnoria C. C. Eldridge
Victor Koch
William Heller
Julius Zemple Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp L. S. Lee
Capt. M. R. McLean Chief J. A. Anderson
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published periodically by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.
Thecolumns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety sug gestions and other items of general plant interest. Contributions will be welcomed from all employees. All such contributions should be received early before the date of publication and should bear the name of the depart ment and the sender and should be addressed to the editor.
J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.
A Thoughtful Glance Backward
Reviewing The Accident Xvecord As we review the present season's accident rec ord of the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Com pany and the Bradley Transportation Company we must all answer this question, "How proud are you of our showing to date?" There can be only one reply that our record is not one to be proud of. Since our spring issue of "Calcite Screenings" the Calcite Plant has had no accidents, the record re
maining one for the season to date. The Detroit Dock presents the same story, having only the one mentioned previously. The Buffalo Plant contin ues with no lost time accidentsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;they can be proud.
When starting away from the curb into a stream
of moving traffic do you always glance back ward before doing so and then gradually pull away from the curb, thus enabling other drivers to move to the left to give you more room? Or, do you, without looking back, swing right out into the passing traffic, knowing that you have as much right to the use of the street as the oth er drivers, determined to prove it to all who may be near?
Assuming that all drivers are possessed of or dinary intelligence, the only reason that may be advanced for
The Bradley Transportation Com pany has added one to the seven listed last time making a total of eight for the season. This accident occurred on the
Steamer John G. Munson when Harold Partyka, a coal passer,
in starting away from the curb
suffered a severe chest injury.
its the. Number of Times You
While painting in the fantail he was caught between the quad
is that some drivers do not ap
preciate the danger of damage to their vehicles in following such foolish practice. Usually, no really serious dam age is done when an accident oc curs as a
result of such reck
about having recovered very nicely from this serious injury.
lessness. A warped fender, a bent axle, a scarred running board or body is usually all that may occur, but can you afford to risk the expense of repairing
This accident removes the Str. Munson from the No Accident
$10.00 and straightening a bent
rant and a
We are
glad to report that he is up and
Honor Roll.
While it is the procedure in a safety program to analyze the causes of accidents which occur
a fender at a cost of $8.00 or
axle at a cost of $15.00 or $20.00? The cost may be doubled if you are required to pay the expense
of repairing the car you damag
and learn from our experiences
ed as a result of your careless
on what not to do in the future,
we can never prevent accidents
by this mopping-up process alone. Foresight in accident prevention is about the most valuable sin gle measure that can be successfully used. "Get the accident before it gets you." We want our safety program to be one of accident prevention and not accident investigation.
All our employees are boosting for a perfect record of no accidents.
Such a record means that
your life and mine has not been taken through care lessness, long hours of pain and suffering are pre vented and the routine of family life has not been disturbed by the loss of a pay check. Our 1940 season has a few more hours of work
to offer in line with the general step-up of industry throughout the nation. This means more exposure
$2*5.00 to $50.00 is indeed a high
price to pay when just a thoughtful glance back ward and careful start away from the curb would enable you to take your place in the line of traffic without any risk what ever.
The Almoner The duties of the Almoner are secret and sacred.
He is the intermediary between you and your dis tressed brother, his widow and his orphans, be
tween you and distressed and needy humanity. Remember Tne Almoner "I expect to pass through this life but once.
therefore, there is any kindness I can show, or any
to accident and we need to balance this with a more
good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do
active interest in our safety program. We desire â&#x20AC;&#x201D;That perfect record of No Accidents.
not pass this way again."
Summer, 1940
it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall
Selfishness Spoils Us All; None Are Health Examinations Are Valtiath Without It
lo You In .Employment
Selfishness spoils us all; there is none of us
without it.
Yet now and then there rises among
us one who seems by nature endowed with kindli ness and thoughtfulness. and the writers of the
world call it personality. "*~.,..,i
"_. ...i.
He knows how to say i
Some men feel that pre-employment physical examinations will prevent them from getting "a Job and tlint check-up examinations will cause older
workers to lose their jobs.
They do not know
that the best type of health plan rarely excludes
"Good Morning" as though he meant it; he drops as much as five'percent of the applicants and that into your home with trifling gifts, which he fancied
you would like: he hears something he thinks you would want to hear, and he calls you up to tell eon of it: he seems always to be going out of his way to do somebody a good turn.
He it is who sees
the gray-haired old woman waiting at the corner
for the crowded street car: stops and invites her to ride: learns where she is going, and takes hel lo her door. Most of us see the old lady, too; but we are always in a hurry. There is none so rich that he can afford to he
wasteful, and none so poor that he nevd he stingy,
The eves of mankind are keen to make distinctions. The kindly nature is seldom misunderstood. Its purse may be limited but the graciotisness of
spirit is nearly always felt and appreciated. There is a wide difference between stinginess and economy.
The latter deserves and should win
all men's admiration.
Economy is that golden trait by which a man
even without examinations the physical condition
of this percentage would soon cause them to he out of work because of illness, accidents or inabil
ity to do the job.
Also, they do not realize that
the examination is in reality an inventory of their ability to work and can frequently show them a
way to improve their conditions and consequently
their ability to work and earn.
Practically the same situation is true with the
older worker, who through the physical examina tion and health correction can make his years of
earning power last longer.
npi np • • q. 1 TT • lhe lomc m ^'»Ple ^ktn^s I eople meet their losses, disappointments and
hurts in different ways. One philosophizes, one re viles the earth, one laughs at the turn of affairs, one goes to arts and hobbies, one lakes to the woods. O'Xeil somewhere has a character in one of his
plays speak of the sea in its violent squalls as a devil and a bully: the wood.-, to the contrary, are like
disciplines himself and makes himself do without those luxuries of life which his purse cannot read
sympathetic friends.
ily afford. Economy is that strain of courage which holds a man to his definite purpose. Econ
ter of rain on the leaves and turf, are medicine to
omy will not take where it cannot give; it will
the mind disturbed.
not go where it cannot pay. and it will not accept what it cannot bestow.
The economical man saves
at the expense of his own desires,
lie denies him
self pleasures and comforts for tomorrow's great er good.
The burden economy imposes he will
ingly bears, and at no sacrifice of his self-respect. How vastly different is stinginess!
ployee will name a relative — his mother,
Writing in "American Forests." Archibald Rut-
ledgfe tells of an experience with a friend with whom he was driving along a wooded vale. The day was cloudy and he had chosen to bring his friend out hecause he had learned of his melancholy. The un stained beauty of the dells beside the road would.
he believed, heal his heart if any tiling could. It was in his mind to stop beside some scene, of beauty and let nature's story arouse hint ; and his chance came. He tells of the incident:
"The road dipped into a dewy hol low. On one side was a noble growth
member of his family as the beneficiary of his (iron]) Life In surance carried through the com pany. Later this employee may become married and forget to change the beneficiary of his insur ance policy. In such cases law re quires that the insurance benefits
of oaks and hickories . . . on the side a mountain meadow
stretching away under massive scar let oaks to the distant mountain stream. I saw the crimson turrets of
tall cardinals ... I pointed out noth ing to him. for the heart rejoices
must be paid to the person named
more in making its own discoveries
in the policy as the legal beneficiary.
ol beauty . . . presently his eyes he-
Now is a good time to avoid em
came rested as he absorbed the pan
barrassment and inconvenience, at
orama, his spirit calmed. We stayed
least, for your wife and children. Make sure that you have named the beneficiary on your policy that yotl want to receive the insurance
benefits in case of your death. Check ii]) and see if you know where your insurance policy is and check the beneficiary. 1XU
The rustle of trees, the wild-
flowers one finds, the lyric of a song bird, the pat
until sundown; and from that time
ol communion with natural beauty and peace my friend began what
ANew School Year ...letsmakeita Safe one
proved to be complete recovery." All this may sound sentimental, but if we take sentiment out of life it's apt to become cold, barren, unin teresting and cynical.
We Progress a Step at a Time
Wlien Tlie Injury JDoesn t Occur
There is an old story about a young boy living in the country a few miles from town who started out one dark night on an errand in the town. He
a lot of excitement.
could not see his way and so his father provided him with an old-fashioned oil lantern (this was
in the days before electric flashlights).
The boy
complained that the lantern did not shine all the
way from liis home to the town, hut his father replied: "It will shine far enough so that you can
see where to take your next step, and when you have made that step it will shine a little farther for your next step, and thus by using the lantern
for one step at a time you will soon arrive in trie town safely." So it is with safety work—we pro
gress a step at a time, a day at a time, a job at a time.
When each is done safely for ourselves
and safely for fellow workmen, the task is satis
A crowd will gather and dis
play an interest in all the facts regarding the acci dent. If something fell out of a derrick and hit a man on the head, killing him. everybody would want to know what it was and why it fell. His fel low workers, his foreman and other supervisors
would develop the facts regarding the accident. A complete report would be made disclosing all the facts. Steps should he taken to avoid a recurrence of such an accident.
What if something falls from a derrick and misses a man's head by a few inches r The chances are that the crew will call it luck and it will never be
reported. But it remains just as important, because it could have killed somebody.
factorily accomplished.
JDeing Dusy Accomplishes I_,ittle
Spirit NeecleJ In All Work
Those who are "too busy" usually accomplish very little. That seems a harsh assertion, but calm
Many of us are ambitious enough, but we are ambitious to be millionaires, United States Sena
tors or presidents of big corporations. We are not ambitious to be the best shipping clerks, or the most skillful buyers, or the most pro
ductive salesmen. Our ambition cools when we contemplate the immediate task. We fail to get a thrill from aiming at perfection in the job at hand. What would it mean?
It would mean that we had real capacity. It would mean that we had something of the quality
that distinguishes first-class men and women. This
quality is the desire to <\n everything well. A thor
oughly good man can't do poor work. Whether he is paid 10 cents or $100 an hour makes no diff erence.
The baseball fans liked Babe Ruth because he
gave them the feeling that he would play good baseball even though he worked without pay. The Babe liked the game. Me may have disliked the manager of his team, or his team mates, but that didn't make any difference in his play.
Such spirit work.
is needed in all
When the worker has it.
any job becomes a good job- Such workers usually find that the pay
adjusts itself.
But whether they
get good pay or poor pay. they get the one thing that makes any job worth while, and that is the feeling that they are a little bet ter than others who are trying to do the same thing.
A judge has ruled-—that "any man has the right to control his wife." Sure, and many drivers who insisted on their right-of•
If an accident occurs and a man is killed there is
relfection soon convinces anyone amenable to rea
son that being busy in r.o way is an assurance of businesslike methods.
True, there are those who do their own work
best under high pressure. However, such individ uals, if placed in an executive position, rarely suc ceed in getting the best and largest amount of work out of others.
The testimony ol" many highly suc
cessful executives would seem to indicate that the
deliberate, almost seemingly casual, type of exec utive makes more for the completion of the day's
program than does the speed-up. hurricane type. Bustle, syuonomus in the Victorian Age with the "fuss and feathers" of the vernacular of today, was the curse of that age. Kvcn Dickens causes some of his heroes, and all of his heroines, to bustle.
be a "busy little bee" was the acme of feminine virtue.
It made one feci so important.
Well it appears that progress is still progressing —as it ever will.
Tin- younger generation, for tunately, hates bustle. Seeming
ly, they are not concerned with the right or wrong of bustle. Rather, they hate it because of a healthful dislike of self-impor tance.
Poise, calmness and the ability to refrain from '"breaking loose" when
manded respect in all ages. They command respect today.
It is an
auspicious augury for the future that the youth of today, both girls and boys, continue to admire these traits.
If a way could be invented, of
canning the hot air that politici
way are now pushing up daisies..
ans will let off during the coming weeks, and releasing it by degrees next winter, it would be lough on
You don't need credit ences to borrow trouble.
rest of us.
the coal man, but swell for the
Comes To Presque Isle County "The breaks showed no faults in the stone."
ku CJvii^tian \}. iBzuksrna
Climaxing many years of anticipation, the past summer brought to completion the first stretch of concrete paved highway to be laid in I'resque Isle County.
The project was a part of the program of re-rout ing U. S. 22> over the new scenic lake shore road, yet to be completed, between Alpena and Cheboygan. The paved portion of the highway. 11 feel wide of reinforced concrete, extends from its intersection
with the present route of U. S. 23 west of Rogers City north to the I'. H. Hoei't State Park a distance of 5.088 miles. This portion of the road was chosen for the concrete at this time because of the unstable,
sandy condition of the subgrade prepared in 1936. Following the completion of the highway contract, an extension approximately 1400 feet long, was paved from the intersection west of Rogers City to West Erie Street, linking the city with the new highway.
As is fitting such a step toward the progress of this locality and the state, and
system, Calcite limestone played an important role toward the success of the project.
The coarse aggregate for the highway paving and all of the aggregate for the extension was pro duced by the local quarry and mill. Early in the past spring samples of limestone from the various shovel positions were tested and approved by the testing division of the state high way department. Following approval of the stone, production was started. Storage piles of both 4A. lyi"—^". and 10A. lx4''—"4", were made by
side conveyors from the S gallery on the fines side of the Calcite plant. The process of making the stone of the size specified by the state highway de partment required a combination in the mill of the correct proportions of standard sizes. To make the 4A stone specified, the No. 3 standard size was com bined in the mill with one half of the No. 2 standard
size. The 10A stone, however, required no special mixing operation since it coincided with the regular Xo. 4 size. A third storage pile of (>.\ stone was made by a special screening arrangement in the mill.
This stone was used for the concrete in a
bridge and culvert on the new highway. Stonesand made by the rotoscope in the Calcite screenhouse was used for a substantial portion of this project.
The contract for paving, fine grading, curbing, guard rail. etc. was let by the Michigan State High way Department to the Bridgeport Core Sand Com
pany of Saginaw, Michigan for the figure of $114. 588.54. As soon as the storage piles had been ap proved, the contractor set tip a batching plant on the
fines side which prepared a mix ratio of 1:2'/[ :4 by volume. A fleet of trucks loaded by hoppers, car
ried the mix to a \y2 cubic yard dual drum mixer at
the site of the paving. The mixer, a high speed machine, was capable of handling 90 hatches per hour, and on August 9 made a record urn of 1743 lineal feet.
Approximate quantities of the material used in Left—"A batching plant was set up on the fines side"
Below—Stone sand from
the Rotoscope.
the paving project were as follows: cement, 20.000 barrels; coarse aggregate. 14,000 tons; sand, 11.000 tons; of steelmesh rein forcing, 65,516 square yards. A careful and
accurate check
is being
made on the strength of the concrete. Each
day of the run test beams were poured. These beams are being broken at the end of seven and twenty-eight day curing inter vals. It is of great interest to note that the
average strength of all of the seven day beams broken to date is 666.6 lbs. per square inch. 21.2 per
cent higher than the required 550 pounds. The seven day beams using all Calcite aggregate which in cluded stone sand tested an average of 673.5 lbs.
per square inch. 22.4 percent higher than the re quired strength. The 28 day beams tested for an average strength of 805,7 lbs. per square inch or 24.1 percent higher than the required 650 lbs. X'o 28 day beams using Calcite stone-sand have yet been broken, but it should be of great interest to
the residents of Rogers City to contrast the wearing qualities and life of the extension and the highway
"The mixer made a record run'
The Art of Happiness
"Happiness is the reward of right adjustment to your many jobsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;your wage job. your family job, your friendship job. your citizen job!" In other words, happiness does constant fighting to have your own on human collisions, fro: i trying over into duplicates of ourselves, against fate. The art of happiness is the art
not come from way. from headto change folks or from raving of adjusting to
life as we find it. It is the art of eliminating dis cord and creating human harmony.
When the gears of human adjustment fail to mesh, happiness goes out of the window!
Many tons of Dolomite "Lours" were used by the contractor to build up the subgrade of the exten sion after a great amount of muck had been re moved. In addition to the aggregate used in the
paving, the contractor has used a considerable amount of Calcite openhearth for S.112 cubic yards
of rip rap seawall to protect the highway from the wash of Lake Huron.
It is indeed gratifying to note the excellent strength developed by the lest beams. Of all pos sible methods to test a concrete made of an aggre
gate of sedimentary origin, such as limestone, the beam test is probably the most severe. In this test the beam is subjected to all three major stresses.
compression, tension, and shear. Since a pavement slab is also subjected to those stresses, the beam
test is probably the most accurate method of test ing highway concrete. All of the breaks were clean and showed no faults or organic material in the stone. The strength of the beams can lie largely attributed to the excellent cohesiveness found be
tween the sedimentary layers of the local limestone. Although no definite plans have been announc
ed by the State Highway Department regarding^ a continuance of the paving program, the near fu ture should bring the long-awaited concrete paved highway between Alpena and Cheboygan. To complete the project, so well started, would be
not only a progressive step for this locality, but it would complete the last link in the beautiful trunklines in I'resque Isle County, to travel the â&#x20AC;˘
"scenic shore" way.
Conclusions are never any better than the facts upon which they are based. Belowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Beautiful Federal Highway US-23
First Locomotive and Steam Shovel Used at Calcite—These midgets were shipped by rail to Metz and brought overland.
This picture shows the equipment just after being taken from the cars at Metz.
New Shovel Adds To Our Equipment The new No. 2 Shovel has been in operation for the past six weeks. Assembly was started May 13
and completed July 22. It required 20 freight cars to transport the parts from the Ijucyrus-Erie fac tory in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin to the erection site in our quarry. Number 2 shovel is a modified
Type 750-B similar to our No. 1 shovel except for several improvements. A look inside the operator's cab discloses the fact that more consideration has been given to neatness and comfort.
The cab floor is covered
with inlaid linoleum, the switches for auxiliaries are
uij jD&n (f/dLandz'i± age synchronous motor starting equipment is en closed in a steel cubicle and is readily accessible through removable side plate and a rear door. The motor-generator set is driven by a 1000 horsepower. 0.9 power factor synchronous motor designed to operate on 4200 to 4400 volts. The set includes a 100 kilowatt crowd generator, a 175 kil
owatt swing generator, a 450 kilowatt hoist genera tor, and a 35 kilowatt exciter. The generators are
of the multibreaks type mounted in a trim cabinet
all of the new fabricated welded frame construction
and last but not least an electric fan is mounted on
and the hoisting generator is provided with double
the wall for increased comfort on hot days. An electric heater is provided for cold weather. While
comments have been heard that the operator's seat looks like those on farm machinery it is provided with a back rest and is comfortably designed. Due to the fact that full magnetic control is used on all the shovel motions, all the controllers are
lighter in weight and easier to operate.
The full
magnetic feature means decreased maintenance on controller contacts.
The layout of the electrical control equipment is a distinct improvement over that on No. 1 Shovel.
All main control is located in an enclos
ed steel cabinet in the open space between the motor generator set and the hoisting drive. The cabinet is accessible both front and rear through steel doors so that all equipment is easy to main tain, and is kept out of the dirt. The high voltAt the rightCrew and Supervisors in the Erection of No. 2
Shovel—Reading from loft to right. Top Row: Hector Hawkins. Wm. McManemy, Arthur Hem, Angus Baine. Martin Lewandowski, Russell Pollock, Frank
Second Row: Stanley Modrzynski, Law
rence Bellmore. David Grigg, Fred Lee, John Dietlin. Bottom Row: Edmund Sheedlo, John Smolinski Jr.. Charles Derry. Thomas Tulgetske. Clare Macklem.
box brush rigging to eliminate flashovers under any normal operating conditions. A safety rail is placed along the front of the motor-generator set to pro tect against a person coming in contact with live parts while the shovel is in motion.
A motor driven cable reel is furnished capable of holding 1500 feet of trailing cable. The trailing cable contains three power conductors of Xo. 2-0 stranded cable insulated for 5000 volts and shielded with copper braid. The three shielded conductors
are enclosed along with three separate
ground wires in a rubber core and the whole enclosed in a special tough rubber casing to protect anyone working about the shovel from shock.
As an additional
safety precaution a special hook on a wooden pole is used to move the cable by hand. The shovel has a working weight of
approximately 2.000.000 pounds of which about 350.000 pounds is ballast. The caterpillar truck mounting consists of four trucks each 9 feet 2 inches wide by 15 feet 9y2 inches long. When moving a
3-point suspension is obtained by means of an equal
izer beam. When digging, a 4-point suspension is used, the load being removed from the equalizer beam by means of motor-driven screw-jacks. The shovel lias a self-propelled speed of #i to Y> mile per hour for moving, the power being furnished through suitable gearing and wobbler shafting liom the hoist drive.
The shovel revolving frame ro
tates on a double rail track riding on 110 nine inch rollers.
The boom is 85 feet and the dipper handle 50 feel
long. The bucket has a capacity of 20 cubic yards of stone and is specially designed for high level
No. 2 Shovel Loading Cars in Regular Operation
been unloaded on the main line to be transported some 12 miles over the highway to the plant. As far as we can ascertain the men are from left to
right : Unknown. Unknown. Art Wilkins. Bill Hageu, Phil Ilaske. Ed Hageu. .Max Llurshutz. August Kowalske. Henry Plate, Unknown, Win. Taylor, Sam Blake, Henry Hopp. ACCUMULATIONS OF A LIFETIME
A young fellow once found a $2,00 bill as he walked along the road. From that time on. he never lifted his eyes from the ground as he walked. In forty years he has accumulated 29,015 buttons: 54,172 pins; 7 cents in pennies; a stooped body, and a miserable disposition. He missed the sunlight, the smiles of friends, the virtue of trees, the blue
loading. The lower shell of the bucket is fabricated
of skies, and all there is in life worth living forâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the
from Man-ten steel.
opportunity to serve one's fellowman and to spread happiness throughout the world.
Of particular interest is the counterbalanced hoist which allows better than two yards more capacity and smoothes out and speeds up the hoisting cycle. This type of hoist allows the two 250 horsepower hoist motors to handle the 20 yard bucket with ease and at a reduced power and equipment cost. The
patent on this type of hoist is held by our vice presi dent, Mr. I'englase. To a person standing on the revolving frame of the new shovel while it is dig
ging the smoothness of operation as compared to the smaller and lighter shovels is amazing. The swing movement is smooth because two 125
horsepower motors on opposite sides of the revolv ing frame divide the load and apply it evenly. For pushing the bucket into the stone when the digging gets hard the 125 horsepower crowd motor is a great help.
This motor is larger than that on
No. 1.
The Michigan Lime erection crew under the dir ection of the Bucyrus-Erie erection engineer Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Baine are to be congratulated on
the fine job they have done in putting No. 2 into operation.
The picture at the heading of this article was tak en on June 0. 1911. just after the first locomotive and the first steamshovel to be used at Calcite had
No. 2 Shovel During Erection
Dolomite - - Very Little Has Been Said About This Stone For many centuries men have known that where
by J-O^dih (VaUntbi
limestone existed health was normal; but where it
was lacking, human beings as well as animals began to suffer deterioration in body, tooth, and bone. In ancient England a thousand years ago it was the
stone and limestone containing more than 20 percent
annual custom of cattlemen to drive their flocks
Others claim that limestone carrying magnesium carbonate in any quantity up to 45,65 per cent are
northward for a time to improve their health. These
treks would resemble a great cavalcade, crossing marshes, braving the terrors of dense forests, and fording streams. The crossings were given names, some of them still well known, such as Oxenford.
today's Oxford. The necessity of the movement was a scarcity of limestone in parts of the island which caused a lack of Calcium in the body hence destructive results.
Modern science can put calcium in food. Make it in pills, tablets, or chocolate flavored drinks for those who need it and practically all stock ami poultry foods contain calcium. \o longer do we have to repair to a limestone county to achieve strength of hand and limb.
of magnesium carbonate as dolomitic limestone.
classed as magnesian lii vestoue thus, including nor mal dolomite.
We prefer the former classification
as a clearer distinction.
DOLOMITE, Dolomite is a mineral rock compos ed of the double carbonate of calcium and magnesi um. When pure it contains 54.35 percent of calcium carbonate and 45.65 percent of magnesium carbon ate. The term "dolomite" is sometimes loosely used
by geologists to include limestone containing consid erable amounts of magnesium carbonate.
In com
mon practice Limestones carrying 20 percent or more of magnesium carbonate are called dolomites.
The dolomitization of limestones has long been a subject of inquiry and many elaborate experi-
Since the quarry at Calcite was started in 1011 our people have gradually become acquainted with the commercial uses of limestone in The Open Hearth Furnace, The Blast Furnace. The Cement Plant. The Lime Plant, The licet Sugar Plant. The Paper Mill, The Carbide and Chemical I'lants and
so on. through all the various and sundry phases of industry in which limestone plays a part. liu-l it hasn't been until comparatively recently that much has been said about Dolomite.
HIGH CALCIUM LIMESTONE. High calcium limestone is distinguished by a low content of mag nesium carbonate and relative freedom from other
impurities such as silica, alumina sulphides of iron. High calcium from 93 to more than 99 percent MAGNESIAN LIMESTONE.
and the oxides and limestone contains calcium carbonate. Some authorities
classify all limestone containing from 10 to 20 per cent of magnesium carbonate as magnesian lime1338
ments have been carried out in order to discover the
principles and conditions that might give a plaus ible explanation of the widespread occurrence of, magnesian limestones.
Some dolomites are U rmed through leaching but experimental and geologic evidence indicates that replacement of the calcium carbonates by magnes ium carbonates is a much more general process of dolomiti/.atiou.
Many new uses have been found for limestones during the pa>t few years, and with the trend of present day industrial advancement it can well be expected that the demand for these non-metallic minerals will continue to increase.
"\ never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.*' â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thomas A. Edison
Limestone and How It Pertains To Life . Âąon
Most of us in this part of the country are inclined phorus in the muscles. They are evidently neces
to think of limestone only in terms of work and consequent pay checks. But in reality, it means
sary parts of the muscle building foods.
much more to us than we know.
finger nails which makes them tough contains lar ger quantities of the substance cystine. Cystine is
To the farmer
Keratin which is the substance in our hair and
it is of invaluable assistance toward producing abundant crops. To the consumer of those crops essentially a sulphur compound and when burned it is the essence of life itself.
In order for any living thing to grow, certain chemical compounds are essential.
These com
pounds are derived from the chemical elements
magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, nitrogen, sulphur and potassium which may or may not be found in the soil.
In some instances the elements
were not in the soil originally, but usually the ori ginal supply has merely been depleted.
It is at this point that limestone enters the story. Limestone contains calcium and magnesium in large quantities, ample supplies of both phosphorus and sulphur, varying amounts of iron and potassium and small amounts of nitrogen. (Nitrogen, how ever, is usually supplied by leguminous plants) Hence, these ingredients which are taken from the ~~r.
soil by growing plants can easily and economically be replaced by adding powdered limestone to the soil, thereby assuring the farmer not only of a splendid crop this year but also in the years to come. Since the plants have utilized these chemical in gredients in growth it is only logical to assume that when those plants are used as food that these same chemical ingredients are in turn utilized by the consumers body. That is exactly what happens. Have you ever considered why your blood is red rather than green, blue or yellow, why your finger nails and hair have a peculiar odor when burned, or why your teeth and bones are white and strong? The fresh vegetable and fruit foods that you eat supply the answer. Dissolved iron which comes into your body via
the plants you eat, forms the nucleus of the very complex compound haemoglobin. This in turn com bined with oxygen from the air you breathe results in the red colored oxy haemoglobin. The blood also contains calcium which is an essential part of the
blood clotting mechanism, and phosphates which in combination with calcium, form one of the import
ant buffer salts which aids in keeping the blood from becoming too acid or to alkaline. Calcium from the blood stream is deposited in
layer upon layer on our bones and teeth. It is this calcium deposit that gives our bones their strength and our teeth their dazzling whiteness.
If you were to take a little piece of muscle tissue,
gently tear it apart, expose it to some ammonia fumes and then look at it under a microscope, you v
would see tiny white crystals of magnesium am monium phosphate. This proves the existance of considerable quantities of magnesium and phos
releases the sulphur to produce that pungent "burn ing feathers" odor familiar to all of us.
These are but a few examples of how we are de pendent for our existence upon the fruit of the soil. The man who coined the phrase "mother earth" must have fully realized our relationship to the soil. The plant is produced to feed the animal, man de vours plant and animal alike, and from each derives certain benefits so that he may grow and prosper. Unlike the plants, man is unable to utilize these essential chemical compounds in their raw state. He depends upon the plants which, by certain phy siological processes, convert them into organic complexes which are then suitable for consumption by the human body. Obviously, plants cannot take food from the soil year after year without depleting the supply of that food. It must be replaced from time to time. Since man harvests the crops and so robs the soil of the food which, in the ordinary courses of nature would be returned to the soil by dead and decaying plants, it is up to him to replenish the supply by arti ficial means. It is in this respect that we in this
area are particularly fortunate. We have an almost inexhaustable supply of a nearly perfect plant food at our very doorstep. It is easily available, ex tremely economical, and within a short distance of our farms and gardens.
It is easily applied to the soil and in the compara tively short space of one season, can renew the worn out, or as the agriculturist calls it, acid soil and result in vigorous crops, the consumption of which enables man to lead a healthy and normal life.
So, to us limestone is indeed a blessing. It feeds, clothes, and shelters us; provides work and money for amusement; it is literally the source of our
health, happiness and well being.
In 1939 Presque Isle County had 2,341 Registered Passenger cars, 169 Commercial cars, 112 Farm ve hicles, 2 Hearses and Ambulances. 2 Motor Cycles, 10 House Trailers and 12 Dealers.
Total collections
of motor tax money bv the Secretary of State in
Presque Isle County was $34,132.22. Total Motor Vehicle Registration Tax collected in Michigan was $19,893,910.27. Of this Presque Isle County was apportioned $59,826.38. Always give clear, concise instructions. Make sure they are understood, and follow through to make sure they are obeyed. 1339
Here's Looking At Yotul"' More Mjemlbers Of Xlue O&lclie Family JOHN HELLER started out as a storeboy
on April 1, 1913.
After a year on this job
he became a machinist apprentice. Today he is a foreman in the Machine Shop. John was born in Rogers City and has always lived here. His interests center around a fine
home, wife, daughter and a shiny automobile.
Yard Department in April. 1921. Frank spent his time on a farm and in the U. S. Army.
A proud home owner and father of five children shows that Frank is typical of our
many empoyees. He is now a sub-foreman in the Yard Department and does much ol the work with the machinery in the lower Yard operation.
Rogers City from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, in June. 1916. He started with the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co. as a blacksmith and is now a sub-forman in the General Re
pair Department. Bill is interested in build ing boats and inventing appliances useful in shop work. He has raised a family of four and is now a proud grandfather.
In June 1926, LESTER RAYMOND grad uated from high school and found steady employment witli the Michigan Limestone &
Chemical Co.
He started
the Yard
crew and by the end of the season was transferred
worked on clerical jobs ever since and at present is ÂŤ;. Purchasing Department assist ant. "Les" is a native of Rogers City and is well known as an outstanding athlete. Re cently Cupid cornered him and he is now a happily married man.
anytime or anywhere you see himâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;friendly, unhurried and punctual. Another of our family men who can count eight around the table. Doc has been employed since March, 1916, and as far as we are able to tell he has
always worked in the Storehouse as a clerk
and bookkeeper.
He was born in
County. Michigan.
A native of Rogers City, AARON SMITH is now foreman of the House Maintenance
Paint Crew. At an early age "Smitty" work ed in the Yard Department and transferred lo the paint crew in 1930. He is known for
Ontario to this country. He has made the name Cherette well known locally by his
active interest in sports. He enjoys life, his family and his job as a locomotive crane operator.
his ability to catch fish and has many en thusiastic stories of the big ones at Long Lake. We know that Aaron spends more time at his lake cottages than with the fish. But good fish stories of necessity go with the renting of cottages to tourists.
He has always liked work with
machinery and has been a crane operator for many years. His employment dates from May. 1915, with the Michigan Lime stone & Chemical Co. A proud home owner is Jack and a father of six children.
FRANK PILARSKI is a native of Posen. Michigan. Before his employment in the
EMIL DEHNKE was born in Alpena but has been a resident of Rogers City si nee his employment with the Limestone Com pany in March, 1913. He is an electrician
of a shift in the Mill Department and has always followed this type of work. Now a home owner and a father of three young sters keeps Emil busy and content.
Born in Russia, ROBERT PATZER came to this country in 1902 landing at Baltimore. Md. He started working for Michigan Lime stone & Chemical Co. on June 20, 1913, in the
Mill Department.
In 1916 he became a fire
man in the Power House and is now head
repairman of the Power Department. Bob enjoys his work and the task of keeping his nine children well supplied with the neces sities of life. He says that work is his big gest hobby but that a game of spitzeT now and then provides him with the needed rec reation.
Born in Moltke Township
of Presque Isle County
On May 10, 1919, the Mill Department took on a
Other than
promising new employee from Alpena, Michiganâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;our
a few years of farming, lumbering and embarking on business ventures, Adolph has worked as an electrician for the Limestone Company. He is now a shift elec trician in the Mill Department. When he isn't working
friend HARRY MEHARG. After four years in the Mill he was transferred to the Time Office where he worked up to timekeeper. Since the first of the present year
ADOLPH DULLACK is a true native son.
to keep his family of eight fed, he is making the rounds of field and stream.
His service has been continuous
since August, 1916.
he has been office cashier in the Accounting Depart
ment. His wife and two youngsters keep his home and
yard in first-class condition while Harry keeps the golf course well dug up. He plays a powerful game of spitzer, so he says, and certainly can carry on an argu ment in any sport.
DAN KELLEY has been in the Transportation De partment as a locomotive engineer since April 25, 1925. During the past few seasons he has been foreman in charge of the locomotive watchman crew. A native of nearby Alcona County, we know little of his activities before coming to Rogers City. He has a wife and four children, owns his home, is interested in municipal, fra ternal and American Legion affairs.
ARTHUR WENZEL, a sub-foreman in the Carpenter
Crew, started his service on March 14, 1921. Art was born in Rogers City and has raised a family of four children.
He has done considerable commercial fish
ing during his spare time and still has the "Ralph W.," a small fishing tug which he uses when trolling for lake trout.
Since June, 1925, when NORMAN "PENNY" HOEFT was released from the local high school he has had a variety of work. He has done Yard labor, locomotive brakeman, telephone switchboard operator, engineer
ing office helper, belt repair work. Dock Office clerk. Accounting Department, and at present is an assistant in the traffic manager's office. Penny was born in Rogers City and has always lived here. He has a wife and two daughters and says that these ladies keep him
busy. We do see him trying to play golf and spitzer quite often so we would say that his ladies have a job keeping him out of mischief.
Since July 7, 1922, DAVID LARSON has been em
ployed in the machine shop as a general repairman. Dave has charge of many of the extensive repair jobs around the plant and on the boats. His friends say he is a clown, but his experience, knowledge and wit combine to go farther than the funny side of life when
you pin him down to realities.
Born in Sweden, his
wife called him a foreigner until a few years ago; however, Dave is now a citizen of the U.S.A.
Mickigan My Mickm
Do You Know Its Value ~- In
Recreation, Industry, Natural Resources, Etc. Citizens of Michigan are usually in accord that we live in the best state in the Union.
Each may
have a particular reason for their choice, but Michi gan has many desirable characteristics which at tract the permanent resident as well as the tourist. Known as the "Playground of the Nation.*' Michi gan is divided into two great peninsulas by the Straits of Mackinac and its shores arc washed by
four Great Lakes. Michigan. Superior, Huron and Erie.
An annual out-state tourist business ol over
$350*000,000 is credited to Michigan and why not?
graphite for seven-eighths of all the pencils made in foreign countries. The Soo Locks on the St. Mary's River is the busiest waterway in existence. Mil lions of flics lose their lives on the sticky fly paper made in (irand Rapids and housekeeping the world over is made easier by Carpet Sweepers made in the unexcelled Sweeper plants of that city. The Detroit River is considered as the world's greatest maritime thoroughfare. Michigan has many outstanding features of in terest such as the great dunes that follow the Lake Michigan shore; the furniture museum at (irand
Rapids; Ford's Greenfield Village at Dearborn; the It has 5.023 clear water lakes and 2.100 streams, ranking from small creeks to mighty lakes over 350 automobile factories at Detroit, Flint, Rontiae and Lansing; Historic Mackinac Island; the Cascades at miles in length. In these waters each year the con servation department plants upwards of 250,000,000 Jackson; the Irish Hills; the Soo Locks; the great fingerling food and game fish. In 1939 Michigan waterfalls of the Upper Rcnisula; the Picture Rocks led the United States in the number of fishing lic enses issued.
Michigan offers the visitor a continuous organ ized program of entertainment: starting in the
spring with the Smelt and Perch Festivals at Boyne City and East Tawas, follows the Blossom Festival
at Munisiug; Brockway Mountain Drive in the Cop per Country; Lake of the Clouds in the Porcupine Mountains; Michigan's Geyser at Rockland: the Ambassador Bridge at Detroit and the Blue Water
Bridge at Port Huron connecting Michigan and On tario: the Oil Wells of Mt. Pleasant: the Zoo at De
Holland. Pancake Festival at Glenn. Swedish Festival at Whitehall. Forest Festival at Manistee.
troit ; and thousands of other interesting places to visit ami enjoy in the S3 counties. Our own Presque Isle County was set off in 1840.
Cherry Festival at Traverse City, and a round of regatta, tennis and golf tournaments, shuffle board
the county government being established in 1871. The county has fifty miles of Lake Huron shore
tournaments, horse shows, flower shows, lairs, mu
line, besides numerous rivers and inland lakes. The nameâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;French for "almost an island"â&#x20AC;&#x201D;was taken
at St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, Tulip Time at
sical concerts, fruit festivals, hunting shindigs, color northern towns where large Winter Carnivals are
from the narrow peninsula which juts several miles into Lake Huron and which voyageurs could cross at its base by a portage of 200 yards. The county is
notable for its limestone formations, and the lime
Although Michigan is known as the Nations I'layground she is noted for much more than Sports as industrially Michigan leads the world in the manu facture of automobiles, refrigerators, adding mach
stone industry ranks foremost. At Rogers City, we are told and modestly repeat, we have the world's largest limestone quarry and crushing plant. The
ines, drugs and pharmaceuticals, chemical products,
although agriculture probably still exceeds it in an nual value. Oats, potatoes, barley and hay are the leading crops; the livestock ami dairy industries
tours and in the winter there arc the snow trains
running to Grayling, I'eloskcy. Alpena and other
sand, limestone, lime, brick, bromine and calcium chloride.
Detroit, besides being an automobile center is the leading" salt center of the United States and has the
largest drug manufacturing plants in the world. Midland is the location of one of the largest chemi cal plants and Kalamazoo has the largest book pa per factory in the world. Grand Rapids is known as
the "Furniture Capital of America".
People the
world over start their day with breakfast from food
factories 1342
Battle Creek.
tourist business is fast becoming a leading industry,
are also valuable.
We cannot rise simply by demanding a higher
place, or by assuming qualities we do not really possess. If we rise to the to]), it must be by honest ly and patiently earning our place.
Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Benjamin Franklin
May 17, 1940. Mr. Viegelahu is employed in the Power Department.
Tliose VV no Have Passed Away Mrs. Wilhelmina
Bruning. Mother of
Bruning of the.Blasting Department passed awav
Ronald Lerov to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Beebc on June 16, 1940. Mr. Beebe is employed by the Brad
on July 25. 1940. Edward Burns, father of John Burns of the Drill
ley Transportation Company.
ing Department, passed away on May 14. 1940. Rev. S. J. Francis was in charge of Funeral Services and burial in the Long Rapids Cemetery. Harry Kucharski Jr., six-year-old son of Harry
June 29, 1940. Mr. Sclke is employed by the Brad ley Transportation Company. TerroRl to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Malocha on July 17, 1940. Mr. Malocha is employed by the Bradley Transportation Company.
Kucharski of the Mill Department, met with an ac cident which caused his death on July 17. 1940. Funeral services were from the St. Ignatius Church with Rev. C. T. Skowronski officiating. Burial was
in Rogers City Memorial Park. Mrs. Alcid 'Burned, wife of Alcid Burnell of the Drilling Department passed away in the Peloskey Hospital on April 30, 1940. Rev. Louis Linn offi ciated at the funeral services held from St. John's Lutheran Church. Burial was in Rogers City Me morial Park. Chas. Tober of the Mill Department
James Leonard to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sclke on
James Roy to Mr. ami Mrs. William Buczkowski
on July 20, 1940. Mr. Buezkowski is employed in the Drilling Department. Duane Florian to Mr. and Mrs. Florian Modrzvn-
ski on July IS, 1940. Mr. Modrzynski is employed in the Yard Department. Congratulations parents! May these new arrivals brine joy to your household.
is a brother.
Edward Siecinski, fifteen year old sou of Watson
Siecinski of the Shovel Department, was killed in an auto accident on August 24, 1940.
Funeral Ser
vices were held at St. Dominic's Church at Mel/.. Interment followed in St. Dominic's Church Ceme tery.
JN ewiyweds
"Calcite Screenings" joins with the many friends and neighbors in extending sympathy to those mourning the loss of loved ones.
Edgar Newhouse |r. was united in marriage to
Mildred Wirgau on" June 8. 1940 by Rev. G T. Skowronski. Mr. Xewhouse is employed in the Electrical Department. Martin Sobeck was married to Hetty Sclke oil
June 29. 1940 by Rev. C. T. Skowronski. Mr. So beck is employed by the Bradley Transportation Company.
Arrivals Since our spring issue of "Screenings" daughters have been born to the following employees: Carol Nan to Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLennan on
June IS, 1940.
Mr. McLennan is employed in the
I*ower Department.
Emily Louise to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Isabelle on June 30. 1940. Mr. Isabelle is employed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Cay Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Algenstedt on JuneS. 1940. Mr. Algenstedt is employed in the Drilling Department. Geraldine Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flcwclling
George Bellmore of the Bradley Transportation
Company was married to Mildred Burt on July 5. 1940 by Judge Charles Dcttloff. Jr. Miss Betty Clymer and Kenneth X. King of Albi on were married Friday evening August 31. 1940, by Dr. Frederic S. Goodrich of Albion College. Miss
Jane Clymer, sister of the bride, and Ralph C. (iraves attended the couple. Following a wedding trip in northern Michigan where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Clymer. the couple took up their residence in Albion where Mrs. King received her
master of arts degree in 1939 and has since been teaching in the Gardner Grade School. Mr. King
is a partner in tin- Craves and King Home for funerals.
on July 13. 1940. Mr. Flcwclling is a tug engineer.
Lester Raymond was united in marriage to Mary Janc Murdoch on July 13, 1940 by the Rev. Charles
on July 26, 1940. Mr. S/.czerowski is employed in
J. Keppel at Detroit. Michigan. Mr. Raymond is employed in the Purchasing Department.
Joan' Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Szczcrowski
the Shovel Department.
Karen Jean to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smolinski on July 11. 1940. Mr. Smolinski is employed in the Tug Department. Sons were born to the following employees: Robert David to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cicero on
May 14, 1940. Mr. Cicero is employed in the Load ing Department.
Gary Lee to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Viegelahu on
George Lamb was married to Alma Fcrko on July
31. 1940 by the Rev.E. C. Weber. Mr. Land) is em ployed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Frank Gordon was united in marriage to Mary
Cager on August 16, 1940 by the Rev. Francis A. Jurek. Mr. Gordon is operator of the derrick scow. "Calcite Screenings" wishes these uewlyweds
much happiness on their matrimonial voyage. 1343
it i n
"Personals" That Come To The Editor's Desk Bob "Comet" Pearse has just finished a thirtyday course on how to buy a second-hand Ford. Af ter completing the training period, which included research trips to various northern Michigan towns to investigate what type of body makes the fem
inine heart flutter best, Bob found the right model
If Joe Kowalski seems lost in some far-off place when he should be tending to your load of coal, he is making further plans to bear the ball and chain without getting Bugs in his eyes. His latest move is buying a goat whose double duty will be to serve as sparring partner and furnish milk rich
in iron to rebuild the muscles he expects will be
here in the home town.
Ernie Adrian has just rounded out the first dec ade of married life.
Just "Among Ourselves"
He wonders what most of
his time would be charged to if he had made a dis
torn down by the hard impacts of married life.
Soon to leave and continue preparations for a bigger job is the crew of fine young fellows known
tribution sheet of those 3650
to us as "Thornley's Crew."
days. Now that Ed Radka and
Careful WW Yoni S
Julius Patzer have installed soft tires on the old McCormick tractor to increase
speed and reduce the bumps, how about turning the cab around to complete the streamlining job. The finest job of amateur engineering done by a cot tage builder this year is the new set of steps built by Earl Nagel at his Lake Net tie place. Some day when a queen of Lake Nettie is chosen, these concrete stairs
In speaking of a person's faults, Pray don't forget your own; Remember those with homes of glass Should seldom throw a stone.
If we have nothing else to do But talk of those who sin, 'Tis better we commence at home
And from that point begin. We have no right to judge a man Until he's fairly tried; Should we not like his company, We know the world is wide.
Some may have faultsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and who has not?
The old as well as young;
Perhaps we may for aught we know, Have fifty to their one. Then let us all when we begin To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do
will be a fitting background from which to lead her to the water below.
To those we little know.
Baldy Rose tells many tales of the good things out Millersburg way. One which has been definitely estab lished is that he makes good sandwiches and creamy cof
Remember, curses sometimes like Our chickens "roost at home."
Don't speak of others' faults Until we have none of our own.
They have covered the quar ry, tracks, and yard with willing hands and backs to give us all a better, safer place in which to work.
When a fellow runs up the "Stars and Stripes" so they are flying upside down it means that he is in trou
ble and needs help badly. The other morning it was noticed
House flag was flying up side down. Investigation showed that Gus Schaedig was responsible but to this day we don't know what the trouble was.
Could it
be that he got lost up there on the roof and couldn't find
his way back to the eleva tor?
Alfred "Dead End" Hopp tried out the new hot plate in the sample room some
time ago with unexpected results.
fee, and looks ahead to the clay when "Baldy's Lunch Wagon" will be the sensation of the town. Ray Kelly, the genial engineer from Notre Dame
has made his political debut at Millersburg and Metz. Ray isn't running for anything but he stands for the best in democracy with that wallop ing oratory which builds great crusaders. We wish him a lot of followers in the days to come.
Thinking that the
hot plate was a stool (it does look like one), he sat down on it. It had just been turned on but was still
cold. As time went on and it grew hotter and Al fred failed to move, the samplers began to think that at last they had discovered some relative of the "Dead End Kids." He finally did moveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and suddenly, but by the time he had located the seat of the trouble he had lost the seat of his overalls.
People about town were amazed this summer at
John Heller must be planning to become a fisherman, if one can judge by the questions he's been asking this summer. He wants to know where the fishing is best for bass, bluegills, perch, etc.
He wants to know what baits to use for each
kind of fish.
And where can he fish without get
ting into too deep water.
When he has the an
swers to all those questions we'll be waiting for our invitation to a fish dinner. 1344
the speed with which the Steamer Bradley flashed by Rogers City. The real reason for all the speed was this: Captain Pearse was doing .his best to keep the biggest, whitest and juiciest "bone in her
teeth" possible, so that George Jones could get a super-special picture. The picture was hard to get, and so the performance was repeated time and again all through July.
George didn't miss the
boat once in a whole month.
Jr ecTtaliar
What was causing the gravel on the quarry road to disappear this summer was quite a mystery un
to be an instrument of destruction. Fortunately members of the Victor Koch family were home and
til the radiator on Carl Sehaedig's Mack truck be gan to boil and steam without apparent reason. When that venerable machine was brought in for
the beginning of a fire was checked before much
a check-upâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;there was all the gravel that had van
damage was done.
ished from the road. It had been sucked up by the truck's cooling fan and neatly deposited around the radiator. Why not go into the street cleaning bus
A decoration to help beautify a home turned out
The picture shows a glass win
dow shelf used to display small plants. In the cen-
iness, Carl ?
We must hand it to Julius Zemplc for the en
thusiasm he displayed while resurfacing the quarry road lately.
He even tried riding the grader him
self to make sure that the job was done right.
It wonld be a blunder, if not an impossibility, to let a summer issue of the Screenings go by with
out its full quota of fish stories. The prize for the season, perhaps, is the report that Rudy Kreft swiped one of the kids' inner tubes at the lake one
Sunday, donned a bathing suit, and paddled quietly out onto the lake for a little swim-fishing, if wc
can call it that.
What he caught other than a Gold
we don't know.
Does anyone know if Max Belltnore recovered that shaving brush he lost down the kitchen drain?
He was talking about taking the drain apart the last we heard of the situation.
For Bernard Wagner's information we wish to
ter was a small water filled bowl containing a sprig of ivy.
The window faces the northwest and a re
gulation shade had been drawn to keep out the heat of a summer afternoon sun.
Whether the glass
shelf or the water filled bowl acted to concentrate
the heat of the sun's raws igniting the window shade we do not know. This should serve as a warning to all housewives that such attractive displays carry a fire hazard.
We observe that window shelves are
widely used and pass this interesting information on for our reader's benefit.
The office force enjoyed the candy Lester Ray mond sent tip while on his honeymoon. We all hope that "Les" and his wife are as satisfied with each
say that Emil Dehnke has laid in a fresh supply of binder twine. If Bernard hasn't found it yet when this issue comes out he can begin looking for it right away.
When Leonard LaGuire begins taking all bets he can place on the Tigers it is time for all inter ested sports fans to beware. We understand that Leonard really "cleaned up" the day the Tigers playecl Muskegon. Harvey Elowski. a pitman on No. 1\ shovel, brought proof that wc have good fishing in this territory and that he is a pretty good fisherman too. Many of our employees spend some of their
other as the office force was with their candy. There is more than romance "on the shores of
There is also soft sand that's not
so good to drive on. Having found this out by sad experience Chris Beukema has the following ad vice to offer young men and their girl friends when out driving on a moon-lit night. Never get off the concrete highway. Rather drive on the crowded city streets than on some lonely lakeside lane. It is still better to use the old gag about run ning out of gas than to get your car buried to the fenders on some deserted beach.
We would like to suggest that the next time Don Gillanders decides to run into the ditch he picks a spot where there are no ant hillsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;this out of con sideration for those wdio stop to help him. Hav ing ants in one's pants is every bit as annoying as it is supposed to be.
leisure time on the lakes and streams nearby.
is a privilege we should appreciate. Your support on conservation problems is the best way to show your appreciation. 1345
Tke Paul Mulka Family Meet the family of Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Mulka. eight girls and one boy. I'aul has been in the Mill Department during his entire employment with the limestone company which dates back to Julv 1917. He has always been an industrious fellow and now we know that this splendid family surely provided an inspiration tor him to make good.
found little pleasure in it.
Sea-sickness induced
by gasoline fumes; backaches caused by repeated attempts to restart a stalled motor, and assorted
coatings of grease and grime were the by-products of the trip. The boys figure that if they could put the old scow into better condition it might be passable. The
church regularly the rest of the summer are con
siderable. He went out fishing a few Sunday's ago and while enjoying that pastime he noticed a huge pike lying contentedly in the watery depths under his boat. Why man. it was easily the big gest pike he'd ever seen—four feet long if it was an inch! Well sir. for tie next half hour that pike was besieged by the greatest array of worms, frogs. grasshoppers, dare-devils and threats he'd ever come upon in his whole life but he wouldn't bile.
Whereupon. Dick sal down t«. ponder on the rea sons for his failure.
Then it dawned on him that
he wras supposed to be serving as usher in church that morning.
There arc two gentlemen who are wondering
just what condition they were in when they sawthat big pike George Dagner claims they saw him In the back row left to right are Esther. Helen,
Paul. Mrs. Mulka. Sophia and Mary.
Front row-
left to right are Patricia. Martha. Jerry. Pauline and Dorothy. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mulka on rais
ing such a fine family.
Otto Zemple not only enjoys the distinction of being unable to catch as many fish as his wife, but in addition is now being seriously considered as a candidate for the R.O.F.L. (Royal Order of Fish Losers). As such he will be entitled to wear their emblem, a giant leather medal adorned with fish heads and surmounted by a broken stringer. It seems that not so long ago. Otto caught two fine pike, hooked them securely to his stringer and fastened it to the bank. While engaged in luring another wily pike to his bait, he heard a snap and to his chagrin discovered that his stringer had parted from its fastening and was flashing down stream accompanied by his catch. Evidently the fish soon became entangled in
catch on Thunder Bay River last winter. They don't remember seeing it at all They don't even remem ber being down on Thunder Bay River last winter. In fact, they think that George jusl thought they were there—or else he knows they weren't, but claims otherwise.
One of our stenographers goes to the city and wins a new car—good going. Kva!
Ten years ago these two gentlemen posed for a picture in the 18 cubic yard dipper of the new No. 1 Shovel and were shown in "Calcite Screenings". Mere we have the same gentlemen in the 20 cubic
the weeds near the bottom of the stream, so Otto,
with true Teutonic deliberation and thoroughness, endeavored to retrieve his quarry with the aid of
a line and heavy sinker. After repeated attempts and as many failures. Otto gave up in disgust and departed for home—but not empty handed; his wife had succeeded in landing three or four nice fish during the time that Otto was engaged in his
unprofitable venture. It is thought in some quarters that Art Wenzel ought to be indicted for renting his "Ralph W." to gullible young engineers as a pleasure boat. Two stalwarts of the Engineering Department and a friend recently took the boat on a short jaunt but 1340
yard dipper of our new \'o. 1 shovel. The years have increased the size of the dipper, we will let you decide whether or not the years have done likewise
to our friends Joseph Peiiglase and R. B. Henley.
Ascending and Descending a Ohip's JLadder Not often do we hear of sail
The unheralded but highly important young la dies pictured above we know as the office girls. They do their share in keeping the company's wheels turning by tending the switch board, oper
ors f a 1 li n g while going up o r
d o w n
When such an accident occurs
ly results in se rious injury. H e r e show a
w e man
going aboard ship with his arms
luggage trust ing to luck that he
ating typewriters and mimeograph machines and
deck safely. Such a practice is a deliberate viola tion of safety rules. How much easier and safer to use the bucket shown which is provided for the pur pose of transporting bundles to and from the dock.
looking after the many details so essential to any
business. From left to right they are: Ardis Hopp, Ella Rcinke. Kathryn Ferdclman. Ruth Ricgcr, Gisela IMatz. and Ida Schultz.
We ask that the men of the Bradley Transportation
On ess j'VV ho :'
Company use the luggage carriers and keep their hands free when using the ship's ladder. Just one fall and you will lose all the time you think you save. Besides prolonged residence in a hospital is
liere as
not a pleasant or desirable occupation.
\v ho"
Doc Minder always carries a complete wardrobe of head gear locked in his car. hi is working hats include enough kinds to fit any kind of weather conditions which might exist when he makes his rounds, and his fishing hats are also selected lo be changed with the humidity. The latest addition to Doc's
our "guess is
known that we find il difficult to give
you much informa tion without giving a w a y the secret. This picture w a s taken some 17 years ago when this
decks the hat with exotic blooms and imagines
He began
that he is some south of the border reverie.
for the M. L. oc C
ing young chap
m a n
w a s
working as a black smith in New York.
Company in the spring of 1915 and, with the
wc have here is Daniel Wal ter B redo w
of a nine months in terval in 1921. he
j u st
ever since. He has an excellent record
se ven
months old. He is
Hugo of
portation D epartment. Dan iel
cided yet wdiat he wants to be
when he grows
bet h e want to
for Michigan Lime, just like his daddy.
The h a n d s o m e
young chap we have
Sporting panama made in the Pacific waves be low the equator. Doc didn't meet the squaw who wove the hat. but to get a comparable effect, he
and is regarded by
superiors and sub ordinates alike as a
fine d e p e u d a b 1 c man.
Gardening is the hobby w h i c h re
ceives most of his spare time. His industry and in genuity have produced an unusual garden which we all admire.
When not busy with his flowers he
may be found enjoying his new car, for he has a weakness for these sleek new streamliners.
Last month's "guess who" was Neil Glosscr. 1347
Did you ever play train when you were a kid? Remember how much fun it was to go noisily up and down the street, engine panting and tooting, and the rest of the "train" rattling along behind? Here is a picture to prove that the game never
tain immunity to ivy poisoning, ho certain treat ment and no certain preventive measures aside
from the sometimes difficult procedure of staying completely away from the plant. A person may es cape the flaming irritation once or twice, but then,
in a second you get a case <>\ poison itch of infection that is very uncomfortable!
Learn to recognize each ol these plants and don't touch them.
A characteristic common to all three is that they give ofl droplets ol oily sap containing an irritatingagent that is extremely dangerous to skin tissue. This sap is present even in dried out. uprooted plants And when the plant is burned, the smoke carries the poison droplets. After exposure, remove your clothing carefully and have it dry cleaned. Wash exposed parts of your body repeatedly in hoi water. Use stronglaundry soap generously. Don't use brushes or rough wash cloths. Sec your doctor.
As for immunity, it is purely relative, the author says. Too many people who have counted on natur
grows old. These young trainmen, passengers and onlookers were snapped while hard at work along Second Street. They are from left to right: Owen Lamb, Calvin Rickle. Thomas Warwick. Don
ald Warwick. Luella Land). Billy Soper. Betty Bruder. Wava Keller. James Land) and Billy Warwick. Joe Wojtas/.ek can pick thirty-two quarts of blueberries in an hour and a half we have learned
from good authority (that is, from Joe himself). Just why some people aren't satisfied with the
horsepower that is locked under the hoods of pres ent day automobiles is hard to guess. Foster Jack son had hardly gotten his car when he tried pick ing up some extra horse-power on the side, lie got it scattered too indiscriminately on the hood and it proved disastrous to the car. Moral: Onlyqualified engineers "horses" and atttos.
al immunity have found themselves poisoned when they failed to take proper precautions. There has been some success in acquiring immunity by the administration of a toxic agent, but this varies with the individual.
How to Keep from Growing Old—It is reported that the prize boner of the year was pulled by an enthusiastic car owner taking an examination for a driver's license.
He stated that the white lines
•m our highways are placed there to enable the
driver to potential ing is to with the
travel in a straight line. According to this fatalist, all that is necessary for safe driv straddle the white line and keep it in line raditor cap.
Occasionally, the temptation to say what we think yets the better of us.
The results are better that
Our old friend and former employee Pat Lamb underwent an operation recently necessitating the amputation of his left leg. Circulatory conditions aggravated by an old injury of several years ago was given as the cause. Rat is a pioneer of this lo cality and well known. Despite his eighty years,
he is cheerful and is making a very rapid recovery. It was Rat that told us once that you can't kill an
Irishman—he'll just dry up and blow- away.
TL e O Fiigiinial
Ivy iL/eague Li Tte P«oisoii ivy
THE BIG THREE among poison plants are I'oi soii Ivy. Poison Sumac and Poison Oak. and each year some of our men or their families have trouble with one or the either of these troublesome irrita tions.
Any one of these three can raise hob with vour health, your safety and your comfort—and soon it
will be time to start watching out for these plants
if your work or pleasure takes you outdoors, along railroad tracks, fences, or into the woods.
\'o one is completely immune. 1.548
There is no cer
In the railroading day of Casey Jones, the sem aphore and disc signals liadn't been invented. Willi ropes and pulleys they used to raise a ball high on a pole to indicate a clear track. From that came the word "highball"—meaning the train could pro ceed full speed ahead. ^
Health Sense and Safety
By Foster Jackson
The word stands out. a symbol of the
gestion. constipation, colds, temporary eye strain,
mysterious ami dreadful. It brings to mind piclures of writhing agony and violent death. Not
etc., and which leave in a short lime should cause no
one of us. as a gesture of normal behavior, would deliberately take poison, yet each year thousands
sources need the attention of a physicianâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;3io,t the services of a pill or powder. Patent medicines can be roughly divided into two
of people are unwittingly but surely poisoning themselves through the self-administering of drugs originally intended for use only upon the
advice of a physician, and by the use of so-called
patent medicines.
Others suffer untold misery
But persistent pain from these or other
First; those which are composed chiefly
of foots or herbs and water, yield about 99 percent profit to the manufacture, and are comparatively harmless. Second: those which contain large quan
and even death by accidental poisoning. Self dosing can become a particularly vicious habit. For example: constipation, brought on by
tities of alcohol or sedatives, are sometimes habit-
the typical American practice of overeating usu
only in the testimonial advertisements, and should never be taken without first consulting a doctor as
al!)- can be corrected by nothing more stringent than reverting to a proper diet and a little mild exercise. However, instead of resorting to this natural method of dealing with the situation, the
average person swallows a pill and obtains tem porary relief. As a result the intestines, exhaust ed by the harsh purging action of cathartics be comes even more sluggish and the constipation returnsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to be treated with another pill. Thus the cycle goes on ami on until the person as a last re sort, hies to the doctor and spends a good deal of time and money in an effort to regain his health. The same accusation can be brought against suf ferers from headache.
Headache tablets are de
forming and therefore dangerous.
Both classes are expensive, are usually effective
to their merits and suitability for your purpose-. Each year we read in the newspapers of a num ber of tragic incidents whereby small children and even adults are accidentally poisoned. The ma jority of these cases are a direct result of the use of drugs from improperly labeled or even unlabeled bottles.
Householders should make it a practice to clean OUt the medicine cabinet at regular intervals.
bottles or containers with indistinct labels as well as those with no labels should be discarded. All bot
tles containing poison should be so marked that there is no mistaking them and medicines designed
signed for the relief of pain pending the actual
for external use should have that information plain
cure or removal of the cause. They arc not cure-alls.
ly printed on the label.
Few people realize just how dangerous the indis criminate use of headache preparations cart be. Pure aspirin if taken in moderation, is probably the least dangerous of the popular remedies. Sub
The two condensed safety rules for every med icine cabinet in the home are: 1. Keep it clean and
stocked only with high-grade and well-labeled prep arations,
2. Have it located away from children's
stances that contain acetanilid. when taken in quan
curious fingers.
tity or used over a period of time, are apt to affect
One ingenious mother improved on the last rule. In addition to keeping the cabinet out of reach she
the heart. Particularly to be avoided are concoctions advertised to "bring relief within a few minutes." They contain patent drugs that can disrupt the whole body system with dire results..
However, the most danger
studded the corks of all the bottles with pins. Hence, if the youngster should happen to get his hands on a bottle, of medicine and at
tempt to open it the pin pricks would cither discourage him
ous aspect of the whole situ
entirely, or make him cry and
ation is not what effect one or two doses of these remedies
will have on the body, but rath er the undesirability of their repeated use over a period of
years coupled with the fact that too many people regard them as cures.
When the pain
leaves nothing is done to cor
rect the condition causing the pain. If it recursâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;another
thus attract
the mother's at
How is your medicine cab
Is it well placed out of
reach of small children?
it contain ample supplies of re liable first aid material?
the medicines those prescribed by your doctor? Are the poi sonous materials set aside and
rious ailments an- thus kept
labeled as such? If you can an swer "yes" to these questions, pat yourself on the back, then
lingering a long period of time.
take another look to be sure.
tablet is taken.
Sometimes se
It cannot be stressed too of
ten <>r loo strongly that pain is a danger signal and should J>e regarded as such. Occasion al headaches arising from indi-
If you answer "no" to any or all ol the questions, correct now a condition that might easily cause someone in your family suffering and death. 1349
The Bradley Transportation Company Safety Meetings and Personal News
To Captain Malcolm Robert MacLean of the Steamer W. F. White goes the honor of being the first man in the Bradley Transportation Company to have twenty five years of continuous service. Captain "Mac" started his service with the Bradley boats in September 1915 as a first mate on the Steamer White. After a year and a half in this posi
As his name indicates he is of a nationality with conservative tendencies and lives along those lines. His hobbies have been Irs family of wife and three
tion he was made master of the Steamer White and
children and keeping one of the best groomed ships
has been master of every boat in the I'radley Fleet at some time in his years of service.
Captain MacLean was born in Goderich Ontario in 1880. Twelve years later his family moved to Detroit. Michigan, where Mac's formal education was completed. His father followed the occupation
of sailing on the Great Lakes ami il was quite nat ural for his sons to be interested i" following this same life. Mac's progress was steady and soon he reached the top in his line, that of being captain of a vessel.
It is always interesting when talking to a man of experience to learn what he might do if he was to start over again. "Mac" has no regrets because he followed the sailor's vocation,
lie has found
interesting, hard work and has enjoyed every min ute of his service.
He thinks we are in need of a
had training under Captain "Mac". He is known as a father to the boys and his advice has always been sincere and good. He has made many friends in his travels from port to port.
on the lakes.
To this friend we extend our greetings on his twenty Fifth year with the Bradley Transportation Company. We hope lie has many more years of pleasure in navigating our Great Lakes and Rivers
before he retires to his home at Rocky River. Ohio. Walter Greenwood
We were grieved to hear of the passing of Walter Greenwood. Inspector or Boilers with the United States Steamboat Inspection Service at Port Hu ron. Michigan. Mr. Greenwood has been coming
to the Port of Calcite for the past ten years inspect ing our tugs and boats. He made many friends here and gave helpful aid to many fellows seek ing continuous discharge books. This congenial gentleman will be missel by many in our Marine
check up on our moral stamina but that the boys of today following the lake transportation are as good
if not better than they have ever been. I le stresses the importance <>\ education as giving a fellow a better start in competition for jobs and as a true sailor he says that the water has more to offer the
'J he best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness ; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart: to your child, a good example; to a father, defer
conscientious worker than the laud.
Many of the men still following the lakes have 1350
ence; to your mother, conduct that will make her
proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men. charity.
The Romance of the Sea -by Jean C. Henley
from any of the larger ships and their signals were not seen. Agonizing moments passed for those boys as they tried to make their shouts heard above the wind. They unshipped the spar and the boat
"CALCn'ESCRKLNINGS" has had many stories of rescues of life and property by the Bradley Transportation Company boats during their years of operation. It has been interesting to read of
Their wet flares were useless but as darkness ap proached they found a flashlight, which had been
these and to hear of them but it was far more in
submerged for some time, and to their relief the
teresting to lie on the scene of a rescue, which was our privilege Saturdav. August 24th. returning from Gary on the ST LA MRU "CARL I). BRAD
flashlight performed, and it was this flash signal that the Steamer Bradley picked up. From the time their signal was sighted until the time they were picked up was but a matter of
righted herself but
remained well
under water.
The Captain's report starts out formally with
minutes, but to those of us who watched, and to
the statement that the ship left Gary at 8:17 p. m.
those boys, the minutes seemed like hours! It may not be unusual for a crew of the Steamer
bound for Calcite.
A more detailed report might
have been stated that shortly after 8:17 \>. m. the
Captain turned his ship over to the navigating crew and said that the Captain's day was now over for some time and we could sit down for a visit,
but shortly after the visit began the Captain re ceived a call from the bridge. After a brief absence he came down to his room and remarked that he had been mistaken earlier because there seemed
more work to do, and told us a distress signal had been sighted. We went on deck at once to observe the procedure. In the inky blackness of the lake a Ilashing signal was sighted and before long the searchlight picked up a submerged sailboat with three men clinging to her. An alarm had brought the crew on deck in life preservers, with rope. buoys and ladders ready to perform a duty, and the ship was swung around to the lee of the disstressed sailors who by this time could be heard
calling for help, but who were in good enough con dition that it was not necessary to lower a life boat. In a few minutes the STEAMER "CARL D.
BRADLEY" was brought alongside the sloop RolWin and the survivors were able to climb a ladder
to board the ship.
Bradley to perform so orderly and with so little excitement where excitement might be disastrous, but to one who is unused to emergencies of this kind the performance of the crew seemed out standing.
for men to go over the side to do the work and
to perform other acts of heroism and bravery. But if this is but a modest sample of the performance of the Bradley crews in emergencies at sea, we are glad to have had the opportunity to witness it. and to understand better the many fine stories of the men who go down to sea in ships. S t r . C a r l D. B r a d l e y S a f e t y MEETINGS
Date of Meeting: August 31st. 1940. Present: Walter Callum. Chairman; George Hoy, Secretary, and Frank Warwick, Russell Kowalske, John Clans. Victor Klee, Xeil Jackson. Merman Yogler, and the remainder ol
the crew not mi
After a short discussion the
owners decided that their sloop was in bad condi
This particular rescue did not call for
any unusual performance, but upon inquiry we heard of previous rescues when it was necessary
Meeting called to order at 6:20 p. m.
tion and not worth salvaging.
The chairman read the minutes of last meeting. reviewing some of the recommendations.
On board the boys were taken to a Spare room, relieved of their wet clothes and given a warm
more attention be paid to the ladder, also that no
bath and dry clothes, ami over the stimulant of
one be permitted on board ship unless properly
hot coffee and a lunch told us of their adventure.
Irwin Pearson. 21045 50th Avenue, Cicero, 111., the son of a retired employee of International Har
vester Company and at present himself an employee
approaching and
of their McCormick works at Chicago, together with Roland Rlomgren. 6018 S. Artesian Avenue, Chicago, employed by Union Special Machine Com pany, had built a 21-foot Arrowhead sloop and
bad launched her in July of this year. The boys had made several trips in lower Lake Michigan and on this trip, along with Arlhur Lrling of 1927 S. I Ionian Avenue, also an employee of the Union Special Machine Company, bad been to St. Joseph. Michigan, and were on their way backto Chicago. They had skirted the shore as far as Michigan City and then attempted to cross the open lake to Chicago. They had made one-half of the thirty-five miles from 1 :40 in the afternoon to 6:00 in the evening, when a sudden change in
the wind quickly capsized the boat.
It was hardly
dark at that time, but they were some distance
Captain Pearse opened the meeting stressing that Cap
season some
such as slippery decks,
handling of tar paulins, and of the importance of stowing ma terials
proper places and making sure that it is secure
for ther.
rough He
wea also
discussed life preservers. lor the deck
being put ashore on the landing booms, the aver age opinion of the men being that the preserver would handicap them handling the cables on the dock.
Chief Sparre gave an instructive talk on the im portance of working the. water out of the deck machinery: he suggested that the engines be warmed up just before the cables are put out to prevent them from accumulating more conden sation.
The chairman suggested that each individual make sure that the ladder is in proper place before using it. The
plates be roughened outside, of cabin doors, to avoid being so slippery when wet. It was also suggested that an extension be add ed to the present ladder in the coal bunker. The committee also suggested that the new men on
deck be properly instructed to make certain that
the block bar used for opening hatches was secure in the bracket provided for before putting a strain
to start a baseball Lamp.)
on the power cables leading forward be disconnect ed and that the engineers put a lag on the circuit breakers. "Men rinsing in cargo hold." as the ca
John Gregory got his Able Seaman's ticket re cently, and along with it an A.Ii. job.
Bill Rieger is getting ready to go back to Mich igan State College for his fourth year ami a degree in Sanitary and Civil Engineering. Best Wishes. Bill.
And then there was the third assistant engineer who ate night lunch ami carried the dishes out on deck. It couldn't be Mooncy?
It seems as if the passage of the conscription bill has made some of the boys military conscious. The other day we noticed acting Lieutenant Neil Jackson reviewing the manual of arms with trainee Bill Rieger.
Ihe passage ol the conscription bill brings both
hope and sorrow.
Mr. Williams, a guest on board ship spoke to the committee, on several safety measures prac ticed in the building industry, and of the great ac complishments being made through SAFETY FIRST MEETINGS, and being safety minded. The committee reviewed the suggestions made in previous meetings and the progress made. With no further suggestions the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p. m.
To some the $21 a month pav
is no incentive for staying ashore. To others like Marry Sloan and Vic Klee the thought of girl oilers and girl deckhands seems verv favorable.
bles pass through the cargo hold and are subject ed to water at that lime.
(Contributed by Don
Bob Patzer defeated Lerd Limberg in the Na tionals by eating nine eggs for night lunch.
on the cables.
The committee and deck crew recommended that before rinsing cargo hold that the current
Two of the crews
Vahooty" and "What do you say now" seem to have lost their usefulness. We are open for any recommendations to take the places of the forego ing expressions.
We always thought that we were in(\ enough to keep better than the average man going so Kerd Limberg must be far better than the average. The first thing upon getting off the boat in Buffalo he ordered a lettuce, bacon and tomato sandwich. Dur
ing his four-hour stay in town he ate only three P e r s o n a l Items
If there is anything Otto Sparre likes better than
Mow that the vacation boys -Bob Lowe. Rus Ko-
cooking, it is making bird housesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;nice ones too.
walske, John Clans. Donald Lamp, Johnny Greg
Hitler gets few compliments in these diggin's but George Kerr says that he has more sense than
to tackle Ireland.
Tarp season is here and we can't find the tar]) stretcher.
Lvery "foreigner" remarks about the fuss "home towners" make when we pass Calcite; but when we go to Buffalo and Rete Miller spots those Penn sylvania hillsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Wow! Carl Hagedorn is the best ball player on the boat. The only time he takes a beating is when the time comes to buy the baseballs.
L a w son
Macklem â&#x20AC;&#x201D;- are back the crewcan c o n t i n u e their nor m a 1 routine. It will
be a while yet before all the stands are fin ished but from a I1 indications and rumors the
boys really en joyed lb e mselves.
Clarence Gabrvsiak is expecting an appointment to Rensacola.
We hope you make good Gabby.
Talk about sailors' vacations; you should sec the fellows race down the deck when they get a chance to ride in the Captain's speed boat.
George Hoy says next year Cleveland is going 1352
iew more weeks of
competition is gettingve r y keen. Sloane and
Bill Mooiiey rooting for the Cleveland Indians keep
Up a constant verbal battle against Donald Lamp ami his favorite club—The Detroit Tigers.
stand by passively until some time in October and then see who does the real talking and throws all the—"I told you so's." Str. B. H. Taylor --
Safety Meetings
Date of Meeting: August 17. 1940. Present: Roland Bryan... Chairman;
Schwaegler, Secretary, and Allen Strand. Norman Henderson. Xelson Free, Stanley Gaforysiak, Ed win Khrke,
Richard Haneckovv,
ami other members of the crew.
Country and make it his permanent home. Ware is still buying the cook pop. Allen Strand still won't talk.
Ted Werner is still giving out with his private brand of double talk.
Talking about dictators, we've got one. When the steward says "jump." the. galley crew say "how high ?" Merle
Michigan State Police, and we know that he will
make a mighty fine cop,
Those of the crew who work in the tunnel were
cautioned again against leaving tools, belt, and
S t r . J o h n G. Munson --
S a f e t y Meetings
stone underfoot.
It was decided to remove a cleat that is on deck
at the top of a cargo hold ladder.
It is in such
an inconvenient position thai it is never used as a hand-hold. It is easily tripped over and being between two hatches might trip someone into the cargo hold.
Part of the Welding on the hopper house rail is coming loose ami will be repaired as soon as possible. The Jacob's ladder used to go ashore from the boom when the boat is not up to the dock was re
ported frayed. The use of the ladder is to be dis continued until it is repaired.
The danger of bunk lights breaking and caus ing injury to eyes was brought to the attention of the committee.
Bumping light bulbs with arms
or head may cause breaking. Bulbs have been known to explode when the sockets made a poor connection and the heat of the arc so formed be came intense.
The landing booms are dangerous pieces ol equipment, and to keep this danger to a minimum it was suggested that only the men who have to use them to lie up the boat be lowered on them. The door to the firemen's room was reported to stick badly. This condition will be repaired as soon as possible.
This being all the business before the committee,
the meeting was closed. PERSONAL ITEMS
The best wishes of all the crew to Betty and
Date of Meeting: Wednesday, August 21st. 1940, at 0:00 p. m. Present: Chris Sw arts. Chairman ; William Shay. Secretary, and John Sucharski. .Arthur Breckou. Wm. McKay, Win. Patchkowski, James Lamb, Charles Lester and other members of vessel's per sonnel not on duty. The Meeting was called by the Chairman and
was Opened with the reading of new laws, recently adopted relative to the searching of the vessel liefore arrival at the St. Mary's Falls Canal and the Welland Canal, and also the law with regard to the searching of packages, bundles, cases, etc.. which
may be brought aboard while the Ship is in port, for the purpose of ascertaining that no Contra
band or explosives are brought aboard. These laws for the. protection of personnel, ship, and waterways was then explained by the Chief Officer to avoid any mis-understanding at any time should it become necessary in the judgment of an Officer on watch to institute search of pack ages being brought aboard. Various excerpts from the "Book of Recom mendations" were then read and discussed for the
purpose of clarifying some misunderstanding of different
p r d-
Sugges t i o n s were
quested and the
Martin Sobeck: Martin got off the boat for his
following made: I n working
vacation and came back a married man.
We can't figure out what is wrong with Bill Hursh, the only time he comes to is when the ship passes Cheboygan.
contacts, switch blades, and oth
er open conduc
The girls of Rogers will soon be getting a break ; Benney the Greek will soon be on the loose again.
tors be sure that line switch has
Keel) track of your actions boys, there are three motion picture fiends around these days.
Dad Ellefsen is hard at work trying to make a
gentleman out of Bill Joppieh. Willard Giddings is moving bag and baggage
to Rogers.
We hope he will like our part "I ihe
been pulled ami circuit
SAFETY is your great
est responsibility while driving • • • Know the
dead as the gas
rules of the road and
from the ammo nia used in met
local regulations ♦ The
al polish is high ly inflammable and any eleclri-
ancient rule still stands
"Ignorance of the law excuses no man" 1353
cal arc between the conductors will result in a seri
the City and some which he made himself and the
ous fire, which can very probablv get out of con
past few days he has been amazing the crew with
his magical methods.
With tarpaulin time drawing near, the men were
cautioned to be on the alert when pulling tarps across the hatches to insure against the possibility of falling into adjacent hatches which may be open. It was decided some illumination should be pro* vided over the coal bunker hatch and lights will be installed there.
In pouring caustic soda or tri-sodium into wa ter the
individual should
back with
Announcing the happy union of Alma Ferko and
George Lamb of this vessel. George recently left for a few weeks vacation and came back, another married man.
Since then he has taken on a new-
burst of Speed which has gained such momentum that if you are eating while the boat is at Calcite
he might come along and take your dishes away before you have barely gotten started on your
ous gases generated by this combination.
meal. Well, best wishes. Alma, and congratula tions, George.
One of the port lights in the porter's room was found in a damaged condition and will be repaired. Men having finished drinking pop will return
Gilbert Kempc has shown us some pictures of his new home recently completed at Lorain and wc assure you. it looks like the ideal place to live.
their bottles to the cases or throw them overboard
So let us have many trips to Lorain so Oil. can en
and under no circumstances shall the)- be left on
joy his home.
clear of container opening to avoid inhaling vapor
deck or in between hatches.
Men to refrain from leaving clothing hanging on lines in Windlass Room after they are dry as this interferes with clear vision between Windlass
Operator and man stationed at port hole giving directions when Windlass is being used.
Men are again cautioned to report all bruises,
cuts, or burns to a proper authority.
Many big
strong men have died of little insignificant cuts and wounds.
The Chief Officer then complimented the sea men and stokermen on the clean, neat appearance of their respective quarters and informed the stokermen that in his years at sea he has never seen stokermen with nicer-kept quarters. The following extracts were then read and the meeting adjourned. Avoid
loose sleeves,
flowing ties, or finger rings. 2. Protect your feet with good shoes. Poor shoes invite nail punctures and other injuries. 3. Do not throw waste material, oily rags, or oth
er objects on the deck.
Serious falls arc caused
by tripping over or slipping on such material. 4. Secure instruction from your department head on any work you do not understand. 5. Report all injuries, no matter how slight, and secure first aid at once.
Marvin Taylor: Sure, my grandfather was chas ed all the way to Mexico.
Albert Schultz donates the following: A hickis one who looks both ways before crossing a one way street and a city man is one who does not look at all.
Jimmy Cook contributes the following medita tions :
Corn on the cob is more pleasant than corn on the foot.
A street cleaner knows enough not to put tincart before the horse.
A brainy woman earns her own living.
A sensi
ble one lets some man do it.
All the world loves a lover and hates a hater.
FOR YOUR OWN GOODâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;
1. Watch your clothing.
Kenneth Pruning: Have your ancestors been traced Marvin ?
In one
Gilbert: ^ou should place your hand over your mouth when you sneeze. Ben: What ! And get bit?
Ray Buehlcr is aboard relieving Art L'rdal who is off
tion. Ray says he is certainly enjoying h is vacation with us.
thoughtless moment a serious accident can make
the best man aboard a cripple for life.
As they left the Night Club
"Horseplay" does not belong aboard ship.
a s k e d
serious accidents have occurred as the result of
B a 1d y
"Practical Jokes," fooling or friendly scuffling on the job. Material thrown in fun has put out eyes
was the idea of
giving the hat
and otherwise caused injuries to fellow-workers.
It is difficult enough to keep a good safety rec ord. Why make it more difficult by creating new-
We could say Bex O'Toole is up to his old tricks but such is not the case.
a for
checking h is coat and Baldy w h i s p e r e d, "Sh-h.
Lie now has several new-
wear a
tricks which he obtained from a novelty store in
coat to-
TELL US If ypu see a condition here
that is dangerous, tell us about it at once. We would
rather have your sugges tion now than an accident report later, r. :: s :: q
Harold Wagner: This gingerale like gingerale.
Albert Schultz: (. live me an example of an in
direct lax.
Steve Repke: The dog tax for one. Albert: Why is that an indirect tax. Steve: Because the dog doesn't pay it.
Šill McKay: Oh. I forgot to put the gin in it. Arthur Breckou was of the impression that sea
clamps were used to calm the sea. George Lamb says he took Alma for his mate and she is already starting to be the skipper. Well. we warned you. George. Reformer: Young man. you must conquer your
Why. 1 conquered myself when I was about
your age.
Lester Gordon: Well. I am a harder man to lick than you were.
The revised version is:
A Roller Chock is one with a sheave or sheaves
to prevent the through.
As you may have suspected, that building along side Leo Schepke's home is a garage. The varied angles of construction are as a result ol Leo hav ing drawn the plans during rough weather at sea. Somehow the garage reminds one of this modern art we see in the magazines.
Wifey: But darling, when we married you said my mother could stay here as long as she pleased. Hubby: True, but she doesn't please me yet. Dorothy: Honey. I'm a failure. Henrv: Come into the hands of a receiver, darl-
Harold Wagner: Why is the sea of matrimony so terrible?
Ivan Lee: Because married couples are always
chafing of
Cleats are fittings, having two projecting arms, attached to the bulwarks, around which a rope or line can be secured.
The Counter is the overhang at the stern of the
When Carl Mulka talks about Virgilinc even his
Kenneth: Wipe off your chin. Marvin. Marvin: Oh. no. It's the only one I have.
tired to operate his newly established restaurant
man is a wonder to himself, a Romeo to some wom
voice blushes.
in Cheboygan located on the new Huron Shore Highway. Wc wish best success to both.
an, ami fust a sap to the little wife. he is the salt of the earth.
diaries Lister recently joined the Munson as Chief Steward relieving Jack Leonard who has re
We learn from a reliable source that the average
When a conceited sailor gets ashore he thinks
Angels fear to wed.
Hawse Pipes are casting extending through the deck and side of a ship for passage of the anchor chain.
Wildcats are the large toothed sprockets that catch the anchor chain when being hove in by the steam windlass.
Devil Claws are the strong split hooks which fit around the link of an anchor chain when secured for sea.
Bollards or Bits are heavy steel castings, gener
ally of cylindrical shape, fitted to the deck and used for securing mooring lines or hawsers. Ratlines are small, usually three-stranded, tarred
rope used as one of the transverse ropes attached to the mast stays to serve as steps. Lanyards are short pieces of rope or line used as a handy line for securing anything aboard ship. Halyards are lines or tackle used for hoisting or lowering sails, flags, signals, etc. Ensign (En'sin) The national flag when used aboard ship.
sailing into each other. W h a t
Carl Altman: And do I get a raise after I have been here a while?
Captain: Certainly, if your work proves satis factory. Carl: Ah. I knew there was some catch to it.
Baldy: Did you enjoy your boat ride with Carl? Virgilinc: No. he was too cautious: he just hug ged the shore.
Fred Beebe: How are you getting along with your arithmetic, my girl? Artis: Well. I've learned to add up the naughts, but the figures still bother me.
An adult is a person who has stopped growing except in the middle.
Marriage sometimes changes an ideal into an ordeal.
in e r e
ment, but some supreme pur
pose that
p o w e r s. and will give unity and direction to life. Wc can never know the
|>r o fun ndest joy without a conviction
OUT life is sig nificant â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
episode. 1355
str. w. F. white--
Safety meetings
Date of Meeting: August 17. 1940. ITesent:
MacLeod, Chairman; Alfred
I'. Dwyer. Secretary, and Hilton Gould, Harwood MoitcII, Henry Yarch, John Zoho. Julius Oreeugtske. Victor Rickle and sixteen other members.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p. m. Min utes of previous meeting were read and discussed. All safety suggestions so far this year have been carried out.
Assistant conveyorman suggests that we get a new helmet for his use around conveyor elevator.
about the handling of the same.
away where they won't litter up the deck. The cable drums on the winches are full and at
tention was called to the hazard of operating en gines under the circumstances. It is up to the watchman to see that the wire does not loosen up. The T. W. Robinson's Safety Record is com mendable but the Chairman advises that our rec
ord will not protect us. So to carry on for the rest of the season constant attention to safety first will be necessary.
A new member of the crew was warned of two
occasions that he had endangered himself, and was also told at the time.
A little oil from the wireless operator's genera tor is leaking down onto a step and it will be cor rected.
In the Captain's talk he mentioned that he was
told that three men that labor on the (locks at Gary had strained their backs handling lines on the dock. There was a general discussion about putting on tarpaulins and strong-backs. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p. m.
Fishing must have been terrible while Tony Varch was on his vacation. We wonder if he in tends to stock the waters with those wooden mon
strosities that he is making.
Rat Heward claims that he has finally discovered
how to make his stronger.
It is very simple; all
you have to do is to put an onion in it. Congratulations Alex. We wish the new arrival health, happiness and success. We wonder who Lester Lines new heart-interest
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Isabell had a visit from the
stork on June 30th—the prize package being a lit tle lady by the name of Emily Louise. Lots of luck
is. Surely he hasn't taken up fancy needle work for profit.
Did you know that this years potato crop in I'resque Isle County is being threatened bv the late
from the crew of the White.
Robert (Sparks) Sheridan took a month off and was married to his sweet sweetie on June 22nd. Her name is Orscelia and is just as pretty as her
picture that "•Sparks" displays . Hope they never
toes commercially rank second to none "and that leaving out the Orient, one-fourth of the worlds
food consists of potatoes.
A sure cure for corns for the night cook . . . Some one to teach Clint Oreenleaf and John Hocft how
Reports o f Ships o f t h e
Potato Blight. That Presque Isle County's pota
Wanted on the Robinson
have reason to send out an SOS.
He also asked
that pop and milk bottles be gathered up and put
to play Cribbage . . . A buyer for Rod Wilson's new radio—since he purchased it the Tigers aren't
doing so well . . . More letters for Frank Kelly . . . S t r . T. w . Robinson -S a f e t y Meetings
Date of Meeting: August 15. 19-10. Present:
Specht. Secretary; and F. Wetherton. R. Davidson. II. Joppich. J. Hocft, A. Ooodrcau. I-". Kelley. V. Bruder. J. Smolinski. and other members.
The fifth safety meeting of the current sailingseason was called to order at 6:00 p. m. Captain McOuinn, Chief LaBounlv. the committee and most of the members of the crew off watch attended.
The records of the previous meetings were re viewed and it was found that all items have been
properly taken care of except the following: No screening has been put up over the center elevator and the first aid kit still lacks a hot water bottle.
The railing around number one hatch was report ed in need of repair. It would be advisable too. to have some steps welded up over the boom belt motor.
cables catch
second boom
A few more fancy neckties for Fred Wetherton . . .
Someone to stand Pat's watch in Calcite—wc hope she is worth it. for "Snowball."
lectures on Sea-
m a n s h i p and Navigation will be interested
know that they are held
Pilot House be tween 8:00 and 10:00 in the eve
and Don.
Says Phil, while watching LT n c 1 e
up over it was recommended.
Eagle target practicing out
Chairman Alex Malocha advised that tarp time
A smaller lady friend
Anyone desir ing
saddle so a guard made of pipe so cables will slide was a matter of only a few days and cautioned
S a m's
1350 1
Beach, "That would be one. sure way to go duck hunting."
Lester: Fred, have you made anything on your lathe yet? Fred: Oh, yes. a lot of shavings.
Ray Buehlcr is now acting temporary Chief En gineer on the Sir. Munson. 1 wonder which he likes best: flyash or coal dust? Cheer up \)]-/.. bug dust pretty soon, oh, by the time you return to Calcite.
Lake Erie - - the canal —
We wonder why Herbie Noble was all smiles when he came back from his vacation.
Was it be
cause he was coming back to work or could there be another reason?
(live us the low-down. Herbie.
Anyone wanting any good wood-work done con tact Clint (ireenleaf who is taking orders for LaBounty and Runner Company. To date they have certainly turned out some neat looking jobs. Str. Calcite--
S a f e t y Meetings
Date of Meeting: July 30. 1940. I'resent:
Entire Committee.
The fourth safety meeting of
hekl aboard ship July 30 with a
the season was of the Commit-
tccmeu present.
With one-half of the sailing season finished, and no lost time accidents up to the present time, we hope to finish the balance of the season with a clean record. The balance of the sailing, as ev eryone is familiar with, is the most dangerous and
hazardous, and cooperation is needed from every member of the crew.
Don't wait until
the next
meeting to mention about loose articles not be ing lashed or anything else that may cause an in jury. Report it to the one in charge of that de partment immediately.
The chains in the cargo hold have proven to be of such success, especially in Xo. 3 hold where the new plates were installed last winter, that more will be added in No. 1 and Xo. 3 holds.
Watchmen were instructed to always replace burned-out bulbs
it occurs,
sockets were put there for a purpose, to keep the dark places lighted. Attention was called again in regard to the red
lantern by the boom blocks, during darkness, espe cially when carrying passengers; the mate on watch will see that this is done each and every time, load ing or unloading. All loose articles are being fastened down for rough weather. Several valves and a union are leaking badly on the tunnel line and this was mentioned to the 1st
Asst. Engineer. Also the siphon valve for the forcpeak needs attention, or a new one in its place. As there were no other subjects brought up for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 1 :45 p. m. P e r s o n a l Items
Since the last issue of the CALCITE SCREEN
INGS, Virgil Beebe is the proud father of a baby boy. Alfred Jarvis of a baby girl, and Alex Selke ihe father of a baby boy. Greetings, greetings! Yow sah !
Edward Schultz is now occupying the steward's berth.
Charles Lister was transferred to the Str.
Munson the early part of August.
I low about a rinse around aft?
Lake Ontario, occa
sional trips up the north end, Green Bay. Sawyer — Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal, those green-topped blocks of limestone called islands in Green Bay. Tin- black-green water — the lighthouse and the Coast Guard Station at the canal entrance -— the
wide lake-like stretch coming into Sawyer — roll ing hills, beautiful farm homes with lawns to the water's vdi^d-. -- dredges in the channel. Bushman's dock - no water - coal dust — lump coal — too big - - sweating deckhands — uptown — Raul's Nautical Inn — the dreamy man playing the elec tric organ —- summer stock players from Fish Creek in Hollywood dress, headed by our old and beautiful
Lisher —
outside — heading for Calcite — in and out again in two hours and ten minutes —- too fast, Mr. Cly mer -— the river — boats and more boats — speed boats and beautiful girls in shorts •— Ah! — Cleve land — up the creek — four hours twisting, turn ing, bridges and more bridges, down again — De troit, passengers off and on again — Fords — coke
— uptown -
show —• window shopping •— Lake
Erie, Port Colborne, rain, the Canal — the locks,
whistles blowing — engine in reverse, winches rattling, linemen — mates scurrying about — guards and the Xorthwest Mounted Police — guards on bridge-heads, power line towers, barbed wire, airplanes overhead — fences — ship's inspec tion — the flight locks — out again, Lake Ontario — thousands of dead fish floating on the surface — Toronto, more sailboats, yachts, the beautiful lake front - Exposition buildings — well-kept grounds — the new island airport — bombers, trainers, pilots — Maple Leaf Stadium, the new barracks for Xorwegian. Lreuch. Polish and Czech fliers w h o escaped ami
barracks on the water front in the heart of Toronto — sol diers — mar-
i n e s. guards, guns, bayonets —
S c o t s
kilts, the ladies from
Flags, recruiting stations' signs reading: "There will al
ways b e England"
a n —
bulletin boards — war news, crowds silently read
Battle Axes still.
ing — appeals on the windows, signboards, on the
Vont id look funny ven der Draft goes into Efect to see Fred Bady a General, Joe Penglase, Henley unt Joe Valentin doing K. P. Duty, Stanbrook, Kin-
screen in theatres for American dollars and Amer
ican tourists — strained grim faces — soldiers snap to attention when "God Save the King" is played — unloading, out again, back through the locks — ship's inspection again — back to the States — a relief.
Grim, bad business, this war.
ville unt Platz buck Privats, Boehmer, Larson unt
Bill Kowalski mule skinner mit Cap Peppier unt Major Gooding top Sargents Der Kiser wrote Der Tag Adolph Mein Kampf
over, back to work on the downhill glide — gang figuring their summer wages and winter stakes —
unt Elnor My Day I vonder if she vants to be dic
nights cooler — Ah! — sleep — flies at last, too many tarps out — sure sign — baseball talk, pen nant time near — football dope, painting all done —
corse, I am Judging her by my Var Department She
she's looking like a "yatch" boys — sump, zump, bump, be seeing you in the fish pond at Calcite
dictator Oh my
about December 10th.
visit us vill habe gone home soon. After spending dare Sumer on der friends up here in der jungles tx
tator to id has always ben a toss up in my mind veder Elnor or F. D. R. runs der Government.
has run me ever since I tuk her for better or vorse
Veil all der relasions unt friends dot vare up to Mrs. Menton vill be able to get some vork oud of Harry now dot der Vedder is to cold for der bathing beauties, she should habe kept him up at der fish dock vare he could only habe vatched der fish tuge come in.
Veil Mitzie I habe youst an apeal to make to all of us: tx
Vake up America! Let us See in our mines a picture of the future before it is to late, so to us
all is given der task of preserving liberty und Freadom und sabing der Christian World, of returning Civilation back to der Dark Ages. Since dis is our task America! let us do it mit all Speed und minght. Let us mit Courage und Sacrifices Prepare ourselbes to meet might mit greater might in order dat
<AI JsMjunpste
from der Earth. Der torch is ours to hold und Hold
Liberty und Freedon of Nashions shall not Perish it ve shall.
Dot is all for dis time
Dear Mitzie:
Veil, I vill have to wride you a few lines dot you vill know dot I am still alife.
veil Mitzie dese are
troubled times mit der Elecsions coming on und dem fourniers fightin mit dem selves a feller does not know vare to go. Veil I think dot if dey vould start a department of nutral Surgery on Some of der Administration unt a lot of oder Peoples dis world vould be mutch bedder off. veil Mitzie I see dot Some of der Politickers vant
to put us right vare ve were before Sevanteen Sevanty Six only now dey vant us to take dare troubls along mit dem. also vat did our forefodders fight for any hor or are ve goin to be classed as Some of der Tolerian Countrys dictator Ship gib der army der Power unt ve hab der Man unt ve vill be mit dem
Veil id is to Early to know horn many of der Demcrats dot are taking a valk to Vilkie are hitch hikers or nod.
Vhy nod tak father Devines Sugestion und buy all of der Sout American Nashions unt unite us in
von big Demovracy. why not get all of Europ into id also, dese vild flights of fancy must be Contag ious Krum Elbow on der Hudson across from der
Hyde Parke
Veil dey can blame a lod of dis BlitzKrege stuff on der Inventors of der Planes unt der gas Engins if dey did nod habe dem day vould be ad it mit der 1358
Please step aside, I have to catch a train . . . Are you sure you had a muffler? . . . Those tables are
reserved . . . The minimum charge on Saturday nights is $3.50 ... I must have made a mistake in my addition . . . How about celery and olives? . . . Please read the guarantee more carefully . . . I think you can get good tickets from the speculator down the street . . . Let me see your tickets, please, a mistake has been made . . . This space is reserved for guests . . . Due to sudden illness, the star will not appear this evening . . . Our contract is clear on that point . . . Will you please spell your name again? . . . We are not responsible for hats and overcoats . . . Who is this speaking, please? . . . Mr. Jones is in conference this afternoon and will be away tomorrow . . . You'll have to see the mana
ger about that ... I haven't any change, mister . . . Your tickets were sold five minutes ago . . . the only
seats left are in the back row . . . Please move over
. . . The cheapest room left is $8 . . . Your order was delivered to the wrong room . . . You'll have to see
my lawyer . . . My witnesses will testify quite the
contrary . . . There won't be another train for six hours.
American women average three to five pounds less weight than they did in 1930. 6*
God grant that we may never rest in what we are,
There yet are glorious heights to climb, beauteous but far;
There is much progress still to make, though foes may bar.
Lord, grant that we may never rest in what we have;
There are so many gifts from Thee; which we should crave;
From foolish pride and selfish ease our spirits save. Lord grant that we may never rest in what we know;
Thy spirit hath much deeper things which He would show; We would know more from day to
day and wiser grow. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Olney.
Feel Safe
Enough To Be
Calcite Screenings
<y\fo czrfcaidzni cyfonox cJ\oii J^zhaximsnt
oxzman o*i
Theo. Haselhuhn
Chas. Hoffman
Thomas Kelley John Dembny
Frank Reinke
Adolph Sorgenfrei Anthony Mulka Geo. C. WingLeon Ruell
Robert Hamilton
Peter Giovangnoria C. C. Eldridge
Victor Koch
William Heller
Julius Zemple Capt. Walter Peppier Chief Frank Lamp L. S. Lee
Capt. M. R. McLean Chief J. A. Anderson
/ t
CALCITE SCREENINGS Published periodically by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the interest of Safety and Welfare.
The columns of "Calcite Screenings" are open to receive items of plant news, photographs, cartoons, safety sug
gestions and other items of general plant interest.
Contributions will be welcomed from all employees. All such
contributions should be received early before the date of publication and should bear the name of the depart ment and the sender and should be addressed to the editor. J. A. VALENTIN, Editor.
The Health of Workers Has a Direct Relation to
Keep Safety Factors in Mind in Preparing for
the Accident Experience A man not in full possession of health and vigor
As usual in these fall days there is much evidence
is more liable to accident because his brain and
muscles do not coordinate as they should.
is particularly true on shipboard. There is a dou ble-barreled charge in Health Examinations, first: because of the loss of time due to illness, and sec
ond: because of accidents due to lack of physical fitness. "Sickness causes more lost time than accidents.
We stand appalled at the thousands of hours lost throughout the country by reason of accidental in juries but are just beginning to worry about the time that is chargeable to illness. Whether the. sick man is kept on the payroll, everybody "pitching in" a little harder to make the grade without him, whether the sick man is taken care of by mutual benefits or whether he loses out for the time of his disability, it is an ex
pense to the individual and to the employer when an employee is away from the job.
the Cold Months of Winter
if imitating the squirrel. Vegetables and food is being- stored for the winter, and most everyone is putting in wood, coal and coke so that they will be able to keep the home-fires burning during the long cold winter months. Along with getting in the winter's supply of fuel, it is a good precaution to give the stove, furnace, fireplace and flues a thorough inspection and nec essary repair as defective heating appliances are one of the greatest sources of fire, therefore, their proper installation and maintenance are essential. Special and careful inspection should be made of flues and chimneys in all buildings, and steam pipes should be cleaned of all combustibles before fires are started.
Stoves and all other heating devices should be thoroughly inspected to guard against cracked bowls, loose fitting doors, etc. Wherever possible, they should be at least three feet clear of any wood work on all sides, but if not, woodwork, where less than three feet distant, should be protected by sheet asbestos or metal on non-combustible nailing strips, with a good air space between it and the protecting material. Stoves should be supported on legs of non-combustible material of at least eight inches in length, and floors which will burn that are under stoves should be protect
How to reduce this expense is a problem with which some have been struggling for some time and on which others are just beginning to work. Many have the doctor or others talk to people about keeping well, and put up attractive health posters. All these things, if taken to heart., may aggregate a great deal of good. But they may not make the right impression in many cases where they are needed most. One solution of this ques ed by metal plates which extend approximately tion, thought not the final an two feet on all sides. None oth swer, is the physical examination er than metal receptacles should required in the case of new men be used for the removal and coming into the organization and storage of ashes, and wherever Šr Safrtg (tort after that regular periodic exam possible after ashes are taken from the pit, they should be re inations. This has proven of ifil WX& Eompana tKe employees have long since agreed that Safety moved from the building. great value in many cases in prolongs life, improves efficiency Numerous fires have resulted showing the man that he should and builds self respect among from the defectively installed not do certain work or indicating fellow workers. stovepipes, so great care should medical attention that will great be exercised in their installation. Occidents are regarded as an indication ly improve the health and effi that someone has failed, are evi They should be substantial, riv ciency of the individual. Many dence of inferior workmanship, are eted at all joints, securely fas physical defects are thus discov an unfavorable influence anda det tened in place, and should not ered which, if not known, might riment tothe well being ofall ofus. pass through combustible walls make the man very susceptible f J1QU art in doubt about your work, "1 or roof, or through windows un to accidents, thus making him a advice or assistance willbe gladly *""* less provided with metal collars liability to himself as well as to given. We want to help you _? with at least three inches clear the company. It is for this rea avoid accidents. son that our men receive and en
joy periodic health check-ups, a source of real satisfaction.
Fall, 1940
itttt jj
IChc ^afctg. Committee a-jfc
ance on all sides.
Furnace pipes, stovepipes and flues should be inspected and 1363
(.-leaned at regular intervals.
Thawing water pipes should not be (lone with Mpcn flames, nor d<> we advise the use of electrical devices for this work in the home -it is best to use hot water.
The use of open salamanders should lie prohib ited except where absolutely necessary, and then
only in fire-resistive buildings containing uon-combustihle contents or where no inflammable material
will be exposed. It might be well. also, to have all electrical wir ing checked.
Portable electric heating devices as
well as fixed units should he insulated from com
bustible materials and firmly set up to prevent their overturning or their being pushed near SQinething that can he set on fire. Only heavy duty cable should be employed in supplying current for equipment of this kind. It is also a good time for the inspection of what ever fire-extinguishing you might have. Now is a good time to give the basement a thor ough cleaning and dispose of any useless material and rubbish that may have accumulated. The out side premises, too. of all property should be freed from rubbish, leaves, grass ami weeds and similar
A Second Lost Time Accident This Year Mars
Our Safety Record The second lost time accident for the season oc curred at the Calcite Plant on October 24. when a
member of John Modrzynski's track crew had his left side severely bruised when caught between the cab and drawhead on the Rurro Crane.
This means
that this particular crew will be removed from the "No Accident Honor Roll" for the first lime since
March 12, 1927. Over thirteen years without a lost time accident and then the slip which sets this group back a long way in making this record more impressive. hi analyzing the cause ol this accident we find that the injured man admits he was entirely respon sible for placing himself in a position to be hurt. He cannot explain why he should have placed him self in this spot as he was aware that to do so would be dangerous. It is this point that we want to bring out to all our workers. Regardless of what is done in the way of mechanical safeguards, regardless of how wide awake your foreman is in instructing you in safe working methods and in watching you personally, you must still think of your own safety each minute you are on the job.
material that may have accumulated during the
Make safety a habit in your daily thoughts, you
cannot afford to gamble with your life and health
It is also a good time to remove the birds' nests from the roof eaves and rafters.
A fire can be such a devastating tiling.
It can
sweep away practically all one has in a few sec onds. Good housekeeping is an important safe guard against fire. Let us not neglect this impor
lor one second. Your family needs you and you owe yourself this important attention to make for
a liappy and successful life. There is Nothing That Invites Confidence Like a Confident Look
tant part of our preparations for winter!
I have a friend, who in prosperity looks every inch a success â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but. alas, when things are not go
Air. J. L. Mauthe. General Superintendent of the Voungstown Sheet and Tube Company of Youngstown, Ohio, was quite interested in our report of i peculiar hazard in last month's Screenings thai gave the account of a fire in the Victor Koch home due to sun shining through glass, and reported the following personal experience: **()ue night I left my tobacco pouch on a small
ing well with him. he also shows the fact and looks
the part! Today J saw him. unshaved. and with a worried expression stamped upon his face. Each one of us carries about secrets and dreams
as well.
And no one ever can guess when one of
our biggest dreams may come true.
We can at
least look the part of one vrliose dream has already become true. Certainly nothing else can do more to
table which accomodated a lamp
bring reality than this, for we are
made from an old clear ijdass jug
largely what we think we are. or may become. Napoleon believed himself invin
filled with water,
in the morning
before I left for work I looked for
the tobacco pouch which 1 found near the jug: the sun was shining brightly through the sun porch window striking the jug and con centrating the rays on the pouch. There was a nice hole in it about
the size of a lead pencil and it was smoking at the time 1 found it. I f this had been a piece of paper in stead
There is no better safe
guard than a man's own
they took him
prisoner and
stood before the multitudes
he this
hero worship was so deeply im planted that the men in the crowds remove their hats in silent tribute.
confidence like a confident look!
for the
above and. no doubt, there others who have had similar
are ex-
periences. We would be pleased to run them in Calcite Screenings if you will send them in to us. 1364
As a result, neariv every
body believed it too. for a dozen years or more. At least lie looked the par; he played. Even when
There is
would have had a fire."
We are very grateful
One's best credentials are display
If he keeps it on his work
ed in plain sight, across the planes of one's face, in the way one wears one's clothes, and in one's attitude of mind, which doesn't nem\ words to explain.
Where Do We Go From Here? Difficult to Say.
Will man's amazing ingenuity result in the com
plete annihilation of the human race?
Have we
invented ourselves right off the face of the map? Will civilization's greatest industrial age write its
Science Explodes many Food Fallacies of Year Food fallacies that have long since been explod ed in the course of the development of the modern science of nutrition are very interesting. Bananas used to be thought indigestible, it has
finale in the destruction of civilization as we know-
has been pointed out: now ripe bananas are con
it today? Where are we going?
sidered good food for a baby. Tomatoes were thought to l>e an actual poison one hundred years
Quite obviously no living person can, with any degree of accuracy, answer any one of those ques tions.
Pessimists say that, with the eastern world
hurling tons cf explosives at each other with the resultant loss of thousands of lives, it isn't too far fetched to declare that ere the end of this twen
tieth century—and perhaps long before that—the
ago; now no vegetable is considered more healthful, or is more popular. It is no longer considered dangerous to leave food in a tin can, nor do aluminum vessels poison the food cooked in them. Celery and fish have been advocated as a brain food because they con
They will tell you this wholesale murder of inno-
tain phosphorus and because the brains and nerves are high- in phosphorus. Now it is known that phosphorus reaches the brain only through the
ents abroad is the beginning of the end of every thing, that the end of the world actually is at hand
chance at the phosphorus supply than any other
entire world will be a shambles, inhabited only by some eerie monsters that survived the onslaught.
at last.
However, there is another angle to the terrifying situation. Despite the fact that the world, as we too well know, is drenched in blood and writhing
in pain, the optimist believes that out of all our worry and our suffering will come a new era— more abundant, more peaceful, more cultured than
any we have seen. The optimist sees the silver lining on the war clouds. He sees halos in the smoke rings given off by death-dealing bombs. He sees the Angel of Peace carrying a Cornucopia of Plenty in her arms. Sometimes it does seem difficult, but we still
feel that we would like to string along with the
optimist, as long as we don't seem to know where we're going. Anyway, it's always more fun to be an optimist, don't you think? Self-Criticism
"Always thinking of himself" is a frequent crit icism.
Yet the man is wise who thinks a great deal of
himself. Suppose we devoted ten minutes a day to thinking about
blood stream and the brain cells have no greater
cells in the body. The iron in raisins has been widely advertised, but raisins actually contain less iron than spinach and meats.
Yeast has likewise benefited by a
high-powered advertising campaign, which has been based on the discovery that yeast supplies the element lacking in
a diet that causes pellagra.
Yet thousands of persons wdio have an adequate diet eat yeast as a cure for all their ailments. Bran is in the same class with yeast.
Many oth
erwise thinking persons have forgotten that emer gency measures are not for ordinary usage, it is the people who can least stand excessive irritation
to the walls of the digestive tract who adopt drastic measures in repeated usage of cereal husks. Slow Drivers
Ever since the advent of speed in automobiles— yea, even back when bicycle "scorchers" and faststepping horses were the vogue—law enforcement
officers have picked on "fast drivers."
No one
ever seems to get arrested, or even warned, for driving too slowly. To most, of us. slow drivers are more of a
nuisance and more dan
gerous than the fast driver.
ourselves as some people are said to devote ten minutes to setting-up exercises. We m ig h t inquire
don't enforcement officers make a
"What's good about me and what's
essary congestion and who is def initely a menace to public safety? Why not quit picking on fast driv ers—if driving with care, of course —-and pay attention to the danger
bad about me?" "What old habits can 1 break and what new habits can I cultivate that will make me
a more agreeable and useful per son?" "Am I wasting too much time?" "Do I talk too much?"
"Am I doing as well as 1 can or am I drifting?"
We see plenty of room for im provement in our friends and neigh bors. This one is lazy. mean.
That one is
The man down the street is
drive against the
dawdling driver
who holds up traffic, causing unnec
ous dawdler for a change. OCR COVER—Wc have dedicat
ed this issue of Screenings as a mar ine number. Our cover picture shows the Str. Carl. I). Bradley leav
ing Port of Calcite with 14.000 tons of limestone.
As we go to press she
This woman neglects her
has made 67 trips ami will probably
children and that one is sulkv. What
make five or six more before the end of the season. At the left of the Str.
about you? Do you know what peo
ple criticize in you? Do you know vour faults? Don't excuse yourself.
Bradley can be seen the W. F. White just nosing around the breakwall. 1305
Sea Scout Carrierâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Oliver H. Perry Among The Last Of Our Old Sailing Ships There remains in operation on our Great Lakes a three-masted schooner the "Oliver
H. Perry." The schooner with a 140-foot keel length and 33-foot beam was built in Wevmouth.
Nova Scotia, in 1919 for the African mahog any and South American timber trade. The vessel came under American registry in 1922 in Miami, Florida. Following acqui sition by an American the ship was sent into the illegal rum trade and became one of the lew daring smugglers which caused the C. S. Coast Guard much trouble. Winds drove her ashore at .Yew London.
She was salvaged and towed into
Noank and bought by G. II. I'iggott who put her into dry dock and thoroughly rebuilt and installed her with new canvas and run
ning gear, lie brought her to the Lakes through the St. Lawrence River and tried to interest sportsmen to finance training activities, but met with no success.
Two years later he put her into cargo trade with boys making trips. She car ried pulp wood, cedar wood and saw logs from Georgian Bay to Green Bay. Wiscon
sinâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the youth learning about sailing under canvas which is almost a lost art, but one in
which America
led the
many years ago with
her famous clipper
ships. During her
early days on the Great Lakes, the ship sailed under the name of "J- T. Wing." and carried a mainsail, fore sail, and mizzen, three topsails and four
jibs (in all about 14.000 sq. II. of sails). The setting of sails is done by deck power and all loading was done from the deck power as
she has no propeller or auxiliary plant. Owing to business conditions and lack of time it was necessary to abandon lumber trade.
Another drawback with the vessel
in cargo hauling was the loss of time in port due to the thousands of spectators who crowded the docks and hindered loading
and unloading operations. in 1939 the schooner "Oliver II. Ferry"
was brought back from Marine City where she had gone as the "J. T. Wing." She was decidedly changed in her appearance and was the seascouts new training ship. The three-master's hull had been paint
ed a steel gray and her upper works white; steel posts for the tiers and hammocks and a mess hall had been put in her hole and the galley is now on deck amidship. Tn 1940 the ship had on board 85 boys mostly from southern and southwestern Michigan. Four separate cruises were made on the Great Lakes teaching these
youngsters the art of navigating the ship. She was under command of Captain John Mattison. The boys were in direct charge of Commodore Frank Ford of the Michigan
Shipbuilding Terms--Measurements We have frequently been asked for an explan ation of various shipbuilding terms that it was
thought a short article in the "Boat" number of Calcite Screenings would be worthwhile. While this may be eld stuff to many of the B. T. Co. crews, there are many folks ashore who are in terested in things nautical. It is felt that a mere definition of the various terms would be very un
by R. C. Stanbrook
become generally accepted that this should be a measure of the cubic capacity of the vessel. There have been various methods set up for taking these measurements and as usual someone tries to beat
the game by getting around the rules by freak de signs which have in the past resulted in some ship wrecks.
interesting, so we have attempted to give some of
The first tonnage law in the United States was passed in 1789 and followed what is known as the
the history. LENGTH—Even a simple measurement like the
"Builders Old Measurement Rule," and the pres
length of a vessel requires some explanation and the usual length referred to is the "length between perpendiculars" which on our lake type vessels is
tion of this rule.
measured from the forward side of the stem post
to the after side of the stern post. This is simple as most of our lake vessels have perpendicular
posts, but many salt water vessels have no well defined perpendiculars which complicates the meas
ent measurement of gross tonnage is an applica GROSS TONNAGE—The register gross tonnage is a measurement of space and not weight and is the total cubic feet of a vessel's closed in spaces
divided by 100. This is the tonnage on which dry dock dues etc- are paid.
urement somewhat-
„SFAB_ DSjX. AT. '*!P5....
The "overall length" is sometimes used and this term explains itself. The measurement does not include projections such as steering pole or en sign staff.
BREADTH—The molded breadth or molded beam is measured on the outside of the frames or
inside of the shell plating.
TONNAGE—Although we may know the length, breadth, and depth of a vessel, we still do not know the carrying capacity, and there has been much confusion in trying to express this carrying capac ity as it is sometimes governed by the cubic feet of the cargo and sometimes by the weight. There is reason to believe that there was some recognized
capacity in
There is definite
Phoenician established
method about the thirteenth century, the reason
being that port dues were based on a vessel's car rying capacity in barrels of wine. The word ton was first a measure of capacity. The old English word "tun" means barrel or cask and about the
fifteenth century wine barrels in England had arrived at a definite size of 250 gallons which weighed about 2240 pounds and occupied about 57 cubic feet.
It is still necessary to have some form of meas urement for paying dues on a vessel, which should be in proportion to its earning capacity. It has Bradley
Length over all Keel length
638 ft. 9 in. 588 ft. 615 ft566 ft.
65 ft.
60 ft.
33 ft.
32 ft.
Summer draft
22 ft. 6 in.
Displacement Light weight Dead weight
This is the measure
DEPTH—The molded depth is measured from the base line to the underside of the deck plating at the ship side.
ment used in most calculations. The register beam is measured over the outside of the plating.
method of
21,880 6,340 15,540
J A. ^NE
CS- 0"
NET TONNAGE—The register net tonnage is intended to represent the space available for the stowage of cargo and accommodation of passen gers, and is obtained by deducting from the gross tonnage, allowances for the space occupied by en gines and boilers, fuel, crew, and other spaces necessary for the operation of the vessel. DEADWEIGHT TONNAGE—Deadweight ton
nage or deadweight carrying capacity is the num ber of tons that a vessel can carry of cargo, fuel, stores, etc., so that the vessel's capacity for dead weight cargo is less than its total deadweight ton nage by the amount of fuel, stores, etc. LIGHT WEIGHT—Light weight is the weight in tons of 2240 pounds of the vessel without cargo, fuel, stores, crew, etc. DISPLACEMENT—The total weight of a ves
sel is the deadweight plus the light weight. This total weight equals the weight of water which the vessel displaces and is referred to as the displace ment.
Taylor 552 ft. 530 ft. 60 ft. 32 ft.
21 ft. 8^ in 22 ft.2j4 in.
17,760 5,620 12,140
16,880 5,280 11,600
Munson 552 ft. 530 ft. 60 ft. 32 ft.
550 530 60 31
White ft. ft. ft. ft.
Calcite 436 ft. 416 ft. 54 ft. 29 ft.
22 ft.25^ in. 21 ft. 5% in. 19 ft. 9]/8 in16,240 10,370
16,880 5,280
4,710 11,530
2,990 7,380 1367
Calcite Limestone Used In New Post Office A rapid increase in postal business which has more than doubled since 1935, coupled with an
acute lack of adequate space in the present build ing, brought about pressing need for a new Fed eral Building in Rogers City. Funds for construc tion of such a building, the purchase of a site and administrative costs were included in
the $85,000
allotted to this project by the Federal Government under the authority of the Federal Public Buildings
Appropriation Act of 1938. Bids for the building were opened in Washing ton, 1). C, June 1, 1940. Mr. A. II. Proksch of Iron River, Michigan, was low bidder and. conse quently, awarded the contract. The old Fisher Building on the southeast comer of Third and Michigan, a landmark ol" Rogers City for many years was torn down, and on |nne 10. actual construction on the new building was start
ed on that site. The building when completed will face Third Street.
According to plans and specifications set forth
Lni -Zi-wci
/. £/~att£i±on
The walls of the building are of monolithic con crete, or more commonly known as architectural concrete. The lobb}- floor is of tcrrozzo. The floor in the Postmaster's office together with workroom floor is finished in
hard maple.
is well insulated on top. Both lavatories are equip ped with tile walls and floors. All the aggregates, coarse and fine, came from
Calcite. The coarse stone was graded according to State Highway specifications bA and 10A. The ()A stone required a special screen arrangement in the Mill. The 10A conforms to the regular No. 4 size. Stone sand from the rotoscope was used for the fine aggregate. The concrete was mixed bv a small stationery drum mixer at the site of the building. The mixed concrete Avas raised to the
top of the plywood forms by means of an eleva-
by the Public Buildings Administration, the build
ing will be of one story and a basement. The overall size is 65x78 feet. The receiving platform at the rear of the building is sheltered by an overhang roof and is accessible from Michigan Avenue by a short driveway. In addition to the Postmast er's office, lobby. finance section, carrier's
necessary to puddle the concrete a great deal.
swing room, two lavatories, mailing platform and
In order to Obtain the smooth finish it was
The exterior of the building is being finished with a buff-colored coating over the smooth con crete. Already the yard surrounding the building is beautifully landscaped. The general construction is under the direction
of Mr. Gust Groth, Superintendent on the proj
i workroom of 40x48 feet on the main floor, there
is office space in the basement. The basement offices will be occupied by the Farm Security Ad
is Mr. William Jarvis.
ministration. Department of Agriculture and anv other Federal agencies as desired. Also in the basement will be a boiler room and
three post office storage rooms. The public lobby is fifteen feet wide and has five service windows and approximately 120 lock boxes.
The Postmaster's office is on the left ad
joining the main lobby.
roof is constructed of four-ply built-up wood and
The U. S. Government supervising engineer
According to plan, the building will lie ready for occupancy by January 1. 1941. As of late the prog ress has not seemed so rapid to the observer be cause of the fact that the exterior is practically finished and all work is now inside.
From archi
tectural drawings and from progress already made it can readily be seen that it will be an attractive structure, and when completed it will be a distinct asset to the Community.
The interior of the building is well-lighted and ventilated. The workroom is lighted by a skylight in addition to windows. The building will be heat ed by a down-draft hand-fired boiler. 1368
If we would have a true home we must guard well our thoughts and actions, Tis kindness, gentle ness, love that make the home where peace dwells.
C o l d factsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;bywm.foster jackson How many times have you heard the warningsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Don't wet your feet wet. Don't get your head wet. Don't go outside after a hot bath. Don't sit in a
Contrary to popular opinion these above
mentioned actions do not cause cold, but they are contributory factors. Colds are caused by a '"germ" â&#x20AC;&#x201D; more accurately called a '"virus" which lodges in the upper respira tory tracts and waits for a chance to set up house
keeping. When the body is subjected to sudden ex tremes of temperature, or prolonged exposure to cold, its resistance becomes lowered, thus afford ing an excellent opportunity for the cold germs to establish themselves in your nose or throat and in vite all their relatives for a visit. Just how long they remain there giving out their toxins which are
responsible for the "dopey" feeling so common when one has a cold, depends entirely upon your state of health.
Unfortunately, the cold is so common and. in the majority of cases, seem to cause so little damage
that the public is inclined to be indifferent about ex posure to and treatment of colds.
Nothing could
be more dangerous to the public health than this indifference. It is a well known fact that colds are the fore
runner of a good many more serious diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox, flu. mastoid itis, pneumonia, and have even been known to pave the way for tuberculosis.
Thus it can be seen that
the common cold is not to be trifled with.
To give yourself the best possible, chance of avoiding a cold, keep your body resistance up to a par. This can be accomplished quite painlessly bygetting an adequate diet, plenty of water, and suffi
cient exercise and sleep.
Another way to give
yourself a better chance in the fight against colds
is to avoid contact as much as possible with persons
guaranteed to work at all times under almost all conditions has been found.
As an example, "cold
shots" work splendidly with some persons and af fect others not at all. One year a patient may ob tain relief by taking the "shots." and the next year find them utterly useless. Most drugs on the mar ket afford only temporary relief, and cannot be depended upon to cure. Hence, the treatment of colds still depends on the
old standbys. plenty of rest, plenty of water and fruit juices, and avoidance of constipation.
View from the standpoint of the public the cold probably causes more inconvience. more lost time from work, and more inefficiency while at work,
than any other simple factor and it is only by a con centrated effort on the part of both science and the public that this evil can. be brought under control. Triumphs Of Surgery Before the discovery of antiseptics, the death toll of surgical operations was terrific. In those days it
was estimated that 99 per cent of all abdominal op erations were fatal. Sixty per cent of all other ma jor operations, such as the amputation of an arm or leg, resulted in death. Without realizing it the sur geons infected the wounds they dressed. This terrible death rate was due to "hospital gan grene." It was believed that a wound had to grow
worse before it could grow better to rid the body of poisons. Dr. Joseph Lister, in England and Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, in America, however, be lieved that the sources of infection were from out
side the body. In 1866 the great French scientist, Louis Pasteur, proved that bacteria were the cause of infection. Dr. Lister was the first surgeon to
follow up this discovery with the use of antisep tics and is called the "father of modern surgery." But best of all. antiseptic treatment has made amputation unnecessary in cases where it would
formerly have been imperative. Prompt first aid
who already have them. There are thousands of preparations on the mar
treatment is the best protection against infection.
This world is not so bad a world as some folks try to make it; but whether good or bad. depends upon
the treatment of colds.
Scientists have
worked for years trying to perfect cures or preven tatives for them, but as yet nothing that can be
how you take it.
A View of the Post Office Roof Taken While Under Construction, Showing Calciie Aggregate Base. 1369 *
The Importance of Competition in Business The competitive life may not be the ideal form of existence, but it works not only for tin- good
Surely not just because someone's whim to have fourteen-story screen houses, large electric shovels
of the individual but also for the welfare of society. The manufacturer maintains a research depart
and Diesel locomotives to look at.
ment to keep abreast of the inventions of others
trends cut down the demand lor steel products, the
and at the same time makes constant efforts to re
steel manufacturer had time to look around and
duce costs and discover new processes which will give the public greater service. same time he is giving the public greater value. The service-performer and professional man are
experiment. He found that if fluxing stone was more uniform in quality and size that he could get better results in his steel mill. In the mean time, smaller stone quarries sprang up which, lack ing facilities for more production, pointed to their more elaborate manufacturing methods in an ef
ever on the watch for the newer and better meth
fort to sell the stone.
The merchant is competing with others in sell ing the best goods at the lowest prices and at the
ods and under pressure from without must put forth their best efforts.
The purchasing agent for a town or almost any organization endeavors to obtain the most for the money at his disposal, and he usually insists on com petitive bidding. The thrifty housewife and mother goes to the
market for supplies, and shops to the best advan tage of her family. Her motive is not a mean or low one, but is based on love for her family, and a
the years went by
and the
Indeed not, as
Since the consumer was so favorably impressed
with the results obtained by using chemically and physically uniform stone, and since our plant was interested in not only retaining this business, but also in expanding into other fields, a greater and more substantial industry was evolved. Today, our stone products meet the most rigid chemical and physical specifications. It is scientifi cally quarried, screened, washed, stored and shipped.
desire to save for the future, for the education of her little ones, and for comfortable old age for her
We supply not only steel mills but also chemical plants, carbide plants, cement plants, lime and sugar plants, paper mills, and construction stone meeting
husband as well as herself.
the various State specifications.
And so it goesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the struggle to stay in the race. to finish as thr- winner, results in greater effort on our part, both as individuals and as organizations.
Our principal shipments consist of high calcium stone running 97.50% to 98% calcium carbonate. In addition to this Ave supply stone meeting chemical requirements from .60 to 14% magnesia. In all about
When our Quarry was in its infancy, the quarry ing, screening and loading methods used were crude compared to our modern plant. Stone was dui^ with out regard for minor variation in chemical analysis,
32 different sizes and chemical gradations fit the
physical sizes ranging from dust to openhearth on a
abrasiveness. or wearing qualities. It was load ed into cars, which compared to our present day equipment seem almost like tovs, screened into three major sizes and shipped to eager buyers.
closely sized or wide range material. No other plan of organization conforms so well to the inescapable facts of human nature as free competition. It is the Spark which touches off the ''fighting spirit*'â&#x20AC;&#x201D;the desire to win cleanly, honest
But why the change that is so evident today?
ly and fairly, tl is the motivating spirit of progress.
Adequate Facilities
Storage Neces
sary for Storing Nec essary Sizes. 1370
OUR .-
With but a few days remaining we are all pulling for this crew of the Str. W. F. White to complete the 1940 season without a lost time accident. This has been a habit of the White's crew to go along
and do their jobs safely. They have the seasons of 1938, 1939 and 1940. to date, without an accident
involving loss of time. Good going, fellows!
Front Row, Left to Right: Voigt, Yarch, Chain, Weiss. .Rickle. Wirgau, Wenzel, Dietlin, Nedeau, Cadwell. Zoho, Adraiu. Back Row, Left to Right: Capt. MacLcan. LaLonde, McLeod. Raymond, Chief Anderson. Berg, Buck, Dwyer, Schlager.
Horip. .Mulka. Monroe. Cook, llincka. N. Fleming;, Frederick, Morrill, Lawrence. Sheridan. If. Flem
ing, Gould, Gordon, Hoeft, Greengtski.
Crew of the Str. W.
F. White Have Every Expectation of Com pleting the Season Without
Lost Time
Chas. Hoffman's Construction Crew are certain
Front Row. Left to Right: Chas. Hoffman. John
ly a crew of versatile gents. Their many task's in clude repairing of quarry cars, painting plant build ings, making forms for construction work, keep
Kapala. Adolph Radka. Wm. Peetz. Arthur Wenzel,
ing company houses in first class shape inside and out, repair and construction of docks, dredging of
harbor and boat slip and all the many carpenter jobs that are required in an operation as ours.
I'aul Mulka, Edward Smith. Center Row. Left to Right: l-'.ric Pardiekc. Robert Hoffman. Eric Gruelke, Frank Gordon, Chas. Schram. Martin Levvandowski. Chas. Fleming, Alfred Basel. Back Row, Left
Rhinardt Froelich. Louis llorubacher, Steve Par-
These fellows not only do many jobs but their rec
tyka. Henry Haselhuhn. Herman Hopp, Lawrence
ord shows that the many jobs are done safely.
Carter and Chas. Schalk.
Record of Construc tion Crew Shows That
They Do Their Varied and
With a Safety.
We Bid Farewell To Rue Henley Here For Many Years
R. B. Henley
Seated around a banquet table September 21,
will set: that both plant and civic pride will cause
sixty of the foremen and office staff of the Michi
the work of good housekeeping to continue.
gan Limestone & Chemical Company bid farewell
In mentioning this brief sketch of friend Henlev's doing Avhile with us, we can't overlook the help he has given in making "Calcite Screenings" a better
to a
friend and fellow-worker-
our auditor and secretary was leaving us for a new field as auditor of the Oliver Iron Mining Com pany at Duluth. Minnesota.
Back in 1919 while a public accountant with the Cleveland Trust Company, R. B. Henley made the audit for the Michigan Limestone cv Chemical Co. Finally on May 1, 1924, he decided on a permanent residence in Rogers City, and the following year he was made auditor and assistant secretary.
ing a man of ideas and blessed With a tireless en
ergy and rugged physique he soon was active in plant and community affairs. As a member of the village council he was ac tive in beautifying the city with better streets and parks.
Many suggestions and contributions
were passed on to the editor coming from him. and his interest in employee safety welfare and person nel problems were always helpful. Mr. Clymer was toastmaster at the meeting, and many short talks were enjoyed by those who had served with "R. B." longest. Mrs. Henley and Jean were also in attendance at the banquet. Community singing was at its height at this meeting, and along with "R. B.'s" favorite song,
"Doodle-dee-doo" the following parody composed by George R. Jone^- was very much enjoyed:
This was in accordance with his hobby of
gardening and landscaping. Rogers City will bear testimony of his residence here for many years to come with these civic improvements. During the period he was director and secretary
I'm leaving a home, I'm going to roam Prom the city where limestone holds swav To a place in the north where the iron comes
of the Rogers City Light and Power Company, the
city waterworks was installed with the Light Com pany having the franchise.
And the Swedes and the Philanders play-
As another hobby he was active in politics and served for sometime as secretaiw of the Republican County Committee.
Home, home on the range Where the ore from the dock goes its way And there I will work to help remove dirt To the mills down the lake far away.
Due to his unusual interest in gardens and flow ers his home on Woodward Avenue is one of the
show places in our city.
The swampy shoreline
prouse Maintenance, com
While the short time available at a banquet hard ly suffices when a group is bidding adieu to a friend and fellow-worker we are sure that the Henleys have left us with many pleasant memories of their years in Rogers City. Mr. and Mrs. Henley and daughter Jean were al ways on hand when
pany yards and houses benefited bv his love for
their quiet but
shrubbery and flowers.
deeds of kindness will ev
was converted into a beautiful garden and many-
novel ideas have made it interesting and beautiful. "R. B." always had time to show a friend or visitor
around much to their pleasure and knowledge. Being in charge of Ihvcll-
As each vear sees the
buildings and grounds at the Calcite plant showing improvement his contri butions to the landscap ing have been many. Be cause
this program is sure to Fred J. Fisch 1372
continue and when "R. ]>.'' returns to visit he
friends were needed and
er be appreciated. We re gret to lose the Henleys, but
them to a new work with out best wishes.
As a vacancy occurs in
any organization it is a pleasure to announce that such
filled from the organiza-
John P. Kinville
)vi Diasivp J)rim rig
tion personnel. So we find John P. Kinville, former Company Treasurer, taking over Mr. Henley's post
Really Goot
as auditor and Secretary of the Michigan Limestone
resulted over disputes involving the right of way than perhaps any other traffic condition.
& Chemical Company and Bradley Transportation Company, and Fred J. Fisch from the Accounting
Department being promoted to Treasurer.
best of luck to two fellows who have been with us for some time as faithful, efficient workers in an
organization of which we are all proud to be a part.
More futile, arguments and more accidents have Individual drivers still
are a long
adopting the viewpoint that when they're on the road they don't have any rights, in Spite of the. law, and "that all they have is responsibilities. But good defensive drivers have the right of
way problem whipped. They reason along these lines which works out very well:
The right of wayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;never depend on it. The other fellow may disregard the right of
Tine Red t/Foss Roll I
way. If he does, it is better to let him have it than crack up. Insisting on your legal rights in
Call--Join Now
after all.
such a situation isn't the most important factor
By Norman O. Hoeft
Each year in November the people of this coun try are asked to aid in the work of the American
If you have a smash up you are most apt to get
hurt'and it's going to cost you money no matter who is to blame.
Red Cross through their membership in this or
ganization. These memberships along with dona
Don't you think that it pretty sane reasoning? Keep out of accidents regardless of who has the right of way and you will save a lot of wear and
tions received are all that the Red Cross can rely
tear on your nerves as well as your pocketbook.
on to carry out their large and varied program. Conditions in the world today have made the
Most drivers are contiuuallv crabbing about traffic conditions and reckless drivers and pedes
need for membership and donations much larger than it has ever been since the last World War.
trians, but after all. isn't common road courtesy
Presque Isle County has always been well up in standings in this state. The people in this county have always been ready and willing to help at any time they were called upon. That need of help now is the reason that we would like to see the
largest Roll Call that we have ever had. The lo cal chapter is now planning the coining drive for membership. They are asking that each of us give as much as we possibly can to help in carrying on
this organization's work. The largest demand for
assistance now comes from the war stricken coun
tries of Europe.
The amount
of supplies and
financial aid forwarded to these countries is enor mous. The United States Government has been
helping the Red Cross very much in this work. But they must also have a much larger number of mem bers and donations to continue to do this work to
aid the suffering people in these countries.
Last year the employees of the Michigan Lime stone & Chemical Company and the Bradley Trans
portation Company were very generous in joining and donating to the American Red Cross. The re
sult of this generosity is shown by the following figures. It is hoped that in these times of need the figures will be much larger than they have ever been. It is hoped that many Who were not able to join last year will see their way clear this year to become members. Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co. and Bradley Transporta tion Co. 584 Members $ 665.2S
Balance of the County Total 1939 Roll Call
420 Members
1004 Members $1,094.25
If you have not often felt the joy of doing a kind act, you have neglected much, and most of all yourself.
the answer to most of our complaints?
Four spies, each, representing a different coun try, were aboard an airliner at the same time. Each knew the presence of the other because their re spective headquarters had kept them informed of the activities of the others. While en route four
radio messages came to the ship for each of the spies. One of the spies was German, one Italian, one Spanish and the fourth Russian. Each mes sage was in the native language. The German unstood Spanish, the Italian understood German, the Spaniard understood Russian, but the Russian understood only his own language. In delivering the messages they became mixed and no one of the spies could read the messages. Each of them met and showed their messages to one other spy,
but still they could not read the messages by ex
changing them. Who received which message? Professor Jones left the school cafeteria and handed the cashier a slip of paper on which he had written the number 1004180.
Whv did the cashier
not collect any money from him? If one-third of six apples sells for three cents, what will one-fourth of forty apples sell for? Now that the election is over Slim Paully and Art
Grambati arc friends again. Charlie Hoffman is try
ing to sell the tin sign advertising his favorite can didate. Pete Kelly is running the elevator in the mill a little less violently. Marty O'Toole is remember ing to put the truck body down before he goes un der the viaduct, and activities around the plant are back to normal.
Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It overwhelms and engulfs all obstacles. It is nothmore nor less than faith in actionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Henry Chester. 1373
Twemlfcy^Nmltk Animal Safety C
J ongress
Gathered at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago during the week of October 7, some eight thousand indi viduals registered to make the twenty-ninth Safe ty Congress one long to be remembered. With the theme of Safety and National Defense, the Congress got under way with Col. Stillwell,
President of the National Safety Council, giving an address on "Strength for Critical Days." He reminded us that our country is facing critical days which will demand our utmost loyalty and devotion. A safety movement which can bring accident losses under control will be a source of immense moral and material aid to the nation.
He implores us to serve both America and the world effectively by giving our best efforts to the job so that our country can maintain its program of daily life as well
To find such a large group as was present at
we as safety workers have.
safety program to be worthwhile must start at
the top. To Michigan Lime employees we can be thankful that our top is behind every effort. It must be genuine—no flash in the pan—and must proceed from an honest and sincere interest.
a diversion to
new fields
There must be a
high morale. To say foremen are key men is trite but true. If they are sold head and
heart on safety, the two-thirds
job is
your challenge, foremen! Years and years ago about all the safety work there was
on any job was covered by the foreman shouting every once
paring to defend ourselves. The defense program means efforts
must not become mechanical. Accident preven tion must be kept personalized, humanized and
of our National Defense. We must conserve it while pre
We have much mis
sionary work to do in our own realms to bring the idea home to all. It's not a one-man job and to make it so means failure for the whole. Any
W. E. Mitchell brought out the safety angle on Na tional Defense in his speech, "We'll Need Every Man." Man power is the foundation
of our
in a while, "Hey you, look out! That's dangerous!" But the last 30 years have
and a
brought great changes in acci
building of the mechanical in
dent prevention work and the
attitude of men toward it.
defense undreamed of by us
one year ago.
defy us to name a machine operation that can't
ery industry and in every company for the revitalization of our safety program to the end that the defense job is done not only efficiently, but
have worked endlessly on safety education to train
also safely. Not only was safety discussed in terms of na
improve the safety of our working habits.
be guarded. •Safety conventions, conferences and committees us to sense and avoid hazards instinctively, and to
tional defense but also in terms of the new meth
There's an effective safety rule for ever}' hazard.
ods of making this great cause greater than ev
All the trouble has been worth the bother, if you
er before. Countless discussions with methods, exchange of ideas and how to bring safety closer
to all were had by small groups of delegates. Group meetings devoted to particular problems of different industries and public safety were had throughout each day with outstanding leaders providing information and enthusiasm.
As our
friend W. H. Cameron, Managing Director of the National Safety Council, and a pioneer in safety work, expressed it "We want new ideas in our The world moves and we must move with
it or be hopelessly left behind.
Research is bring
ing new hazards as well as new comforts and con veniences and it is our job to stimulate efforts
that will enable us to enjoy the benefits without the hazards." 1374
Machines have been guard ed and safety engineers now
It challenges
us as never before to have an organization in ev
movement, impresses one as to the responsibility
this Congress so intensely interested in the safety
as the necessary measures for
please, a thousand times over! More than 250,000 men and women have been
saved from death by safety work of one kind or another.
That figure represents the number of extra ac cident deaths that would have been suffered had fat al accidents continued to occur at the same rate
which prevailed before 1913, the year in which the organized safety movement got its start. Was it worthwhile?
That all of our employees could catch the spirit of this congress would be wonderful. We have a job to do, fellows, and we will do. We will be doing our duty if we work a little harder to do our job a little
safer. Let's make 1941 a perfect year of no acci dents at our plant and on the boats.
Youi'Il See it In Screenin "Personals" That Come To The Editor's Desk
Just "Among Ourselves"
Alfred Savina says you can have all your flesh and blood movie stars, but he prefers the pen and
which is as fine a machine as the diesel engine he drives out in the quarry.
ink gal. Olive Oil. as his choice. He thinks her run ning mate. Pop Eye, to be pretty good, but what
Although birds have so far eluded Doc Brudcr, he has bagged several big swamp rabbits on his
a gal is Olive Oil!
reservation in Ocqucoe. Doc has completely fenced
We tried to get some of our duck hunters to give
the area and posted it with signs to assure himself of lots of elbow room and
us a picture of their game
and not a one did we get. When Chas. Hoffman and
Eagle Eye Dehnkc went out one day we were sure that a good picture would be given us. Disappointed again. It seems that the boys got lost in a Grand Lake fog and didn't get much shooting. It couldn't be that your compass was off could it, Charlie? Emil
says that his buddy didn't give him a chance as the ar tillery and decoys were left behind at Charlie's cottage.
to us is to know your city when you go to one. lie taxied around
cently to the tune of $2.05 before he got to his destina tion. George thinks he must have been on a sight-seeing tour.
If any one wants a car for his son or
work, see Jimmy Congonle. He has just the car for you —a flashy '29 Whippet, sel dom used, at 93% below the original cost, fully equipped and read\" to be towed away. Charlie Wenzel bought a
fishing license.
Charlie was
Lord, I'am T Lankoal Lord, I'm grateful to You at this Thanksgiving season for the bounteous blessings You have bestowed upon me and mine, and all the other peoples through out the world where peace still reigns. Lord, I'm thankful to You for my stur dy body, my clean mind, my strong heart —and the gift to use them. I'm thankful for my friends, my loved ones, my coun try—and the gift to love them. I'm thank ful for the rains of spring, the flowers of summer, the leaves of autumn, the snows of winter—and the gift to see and feel them.
I'm thankful for books and music
and laughs and song.
Lord, I'm thankful for the freedom I possess, the job I have, and for all the material things You have bestowed upon me. I'm grateful to You for the days and the tasks they bring, for the nights that bring peace and rest and contentment. I'm grateful for the happiness You have given me—yea, even for the sorrows I have experienced, because one has brought joy, the other has helped to build character.
that I
was born and live in the
who worked with
mark that it seems like yes
terday when they were at work on boats. wants to know
Lonnie All if the en
gineers have provided space for storing rivets—he's itch ing to start them flowing to the heaters again. Is the language of golf exclusive
the shop mechanics who re ported time worked on fair ways of the Str. Calcite to come
It seems to us that every
fall a strange dog makes its
appearance a r o u n d plant.
Many of our fellows wish
will eye the stranger and finally attempt to get it to
Please help me always to be humble for that gift. And please, Lord, help our country, which has had such a glorious past, to have a bril
their home. Adolph Dullack, Lawrence Bellmore and Chas. Griwatsch have
liant future.
this year's stray and much
United States of America.
all taken turns to capture to their sorrow. The goodlooking black and tan hound
out with a fish pole—not intending
The winter boat office has
been assembled again, and Cash Sobek and the boys
Lord, I'm most thankful of all, at this time,
an abundance of game.
just won't be kept in the trunk of any car and does
stand—when he caught a game warden on the end of his pole. That might accidentally have been a fish, so Charlie bought a license to be sure when he
a quick job of tearing out the partition and then
really goes fishing.
luck, fellows.
After six months at the shores of Lake Nettie Ernie Adrian remarks that it's so remote from
Among those participating in the installation ceremony for the new Peony bed back of the Mill Office we noted the following personages: Super
town not a single fish peddler has come there so
through the upholstering of the rear seat. Tough
he hasn't tasted fish this year.
intendent Bill Bade. General Manager Alex Durecki, Line Markers L. J. Patterson and Don Pearsc.
Herb Campbell has disposed of his fenderless symphony of rattles after getting the last mile of
and eighteen of the best kibitzers in the plant. The question in our minds right now is, wdio ac tually planted the peonies?
service out of her.
He now has a new Hudson
Alonzo All (jf the Mill
Dept. is trying to con vince us that he is an upto-date version of "Peter. Peter Pumpkin - Eater."
Lonnie's pumpkin hap pens to be a squash and a big one at that.
doesn't fool, whether it's
raising squash or doing his work in the mill safe
ly. This squash weighed sixty-four pounds. Lonnie didn't invite us to a
squash dinner, but we arc sure that he ate squash for a long time. Like many of our employees Lonnie is a good garden er
berry picker.
We hear
that the young daughter in the family is her fa ther's helper during the garden season.
The boys in the Sample room had quite a time convincing Bob Patzer. neophytic sampler, that
the stones were not supposed to be forced through the testing screens with a hammer. There are no office hours for leaders.
Clare Macklem says that after climbing that rope "ladder" in the No. 2 Shovel cut a few limes.
all he needs is a pair of leopard skin shorts to run Tarzau a close second.
The first and most important step toward im provement is the decision to improve.
The husky (and some not so husky) fellows in this picture were well known around the quarry this summer as "Thornley's Gang." They could be found almost anywhere cleaning up old ties, drill casings, and sundry other eyesores and hazards in the quarry and yard.
The two peaceful-looking gentlemen sitting on the flatcar are Bill Larson and Pete Savina.
In the
bottom row, from left to right are: Don Pearse. Walter Macklem, George (irambau. Elmer Radka, and the boss, Paul Thornley. (Paul claims that being the boss didn't seem to make the ties anv easier to lift.)
All joking aside, the boys did a good job and managed to improve the looks of the quarry a great deal. If possible we should like to see a similar crew with us again next season.
George Sobeck is quite a wood carver. His spe cialty is carving realistic looking birds out of old broom handles.
fact one that he carved and
left on the eighth floor of the mill was so natural that Walter Yareh crawled on his hands and knees
for half an hour trying to get close enough to see what kind of a bird it was.
Al. the painter, catches fish. AI Strieker is the successful fisher
man you see here and we got this picture because we have always told him that his
fish stories would lie more convinc
see the fish. If \ou 1o o k e 1 s e w h e r e in
"Screenings" you will see that Al caught himself a
charming b r i d e
Xo w
don't some of vou
old guys tell
that his fishing days are gone forever. 1376
papa. Leo Seheffee, second cook on the Str. Munson. and
daughter Kay en joying each other's
w bile
dad's boat is load
ing at C a 1 c i t e. Many of our sail ors have families a n d t h e a I" t e r
decks of the Brad
ley boats are usu ally
w it h
crew members an
xious to get ashore for those valuable minutes with the folks while the
L.ai is loading.
ivan/, LAWR£f)(£/L»n^ , Guess wL? ey\MMM Here
three boys for you to make a guess on. To make it easier we will tell
you that they are brothers so if you guess one you can
readily tell who the other two are. Big
Boy on the left has been a sailor for
Bradley thirteen
years and is now in
There's lots of power under friend Fred Radka as this happens to be a load of dynamite. Fred has worked in the Blasting and Brushing Dcpt. for some time.
He owns one of the two teams still
used in the quarry, and the wagon you see here is one of his own making.
It is just the thing to
transport safely explosives to the many locations around our quarry. Fred hopes his accident rec ord always remains perfect, and so do we. It is the general opinion of the men at the plant that the concrete wall along the back of the slip looks well enough without paint, especially red paint from Charlie Hoffman's car fenders. What do you think, Charlie?
It seems that James O'Connor is trying to com pete with Wilson Pines. Anyway we noticed the other day that jimmy is sporting a stubby pipe. He figures that if he can keep it well stokered for a couple of years no one will be able to tell the two pipes apart.
the mate's department. He is married and has one youngster. The little fellow in the center is seen around the loading docks whenever a boat toots. He is married and has a cute little home of his
own just completed this year. The handsome lad on the right is more handsome than ever, is still sin gle, bashful, shy, and just waiting for the right one. You'll find him around the mill, docks and dock of
fice while on the job and scouting in the Ford during his leisure time. Who are the three brothers?
Our Guess Who in the last issue of "Screenings"
was just who you
thought—Pete Giovangorio,
foreman of the track crew.
With hunting season at hand again the end of the day, exodus from the office is pretty fast. That bolt of greased lightning going out the door on
the opening day was probably Fred Pisch on his way to his private hunting grounds. Billy Heller claims that it has taken him ten years to catch Ed Kellcy in a mistake. Now that he's done it, Bill is happy.
The "Home Port of Calcite" is not a port of name
These two chaps were rudely interrupted by the cameraman while playing in their sand pile. The
only. A majority of Bradley Transportation Com pany employees live in Rogers City. Many have recently built or purchased homes here. The love ly home pictured is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Malocha.
Alex is a local fellow who is second mate
young "bucko" on the left is Ronald, the son of
on the Str. T. W. Robinson.
Albert Gosseliu of the Mill Dept.. and the prince
have the boys of the "Limestone Fleet" make a per
charming on the right is Walter, the son of Walter
manent residence here and help to contribute to
Buza. stokennan on the Str. B. H. Taylor.
We are happy to
the progress of the community. 1377
It was a nice crisp fall afternoon.
Our mightv
hunter had all his work behind him and was free to
go out with dog and gun to bag
those birds and rabbits that he
We all wish .Mr. Crawford every success and pleasure on his new field.
DREAMS—The greatest amount of dreaming is
had told his drill crews he was done by persons who are between 20 and 25 years sure to get.
Making his way
to the woods he flushed a flock
old. Dreams increase with the variety and activity
of the individual's intellectual life. Students re port the heightened frequency of dreams during ex
of partridge and as the dogcaught up with the birds he
aminations and intensive school work. Dreaming
soon had his limit. It being rather early he went to a near
than ten minutes.
by swamp and according to form he had his limit of rab
bits. Here we have a picture of our hero journey ing homeward anxious to make good his boasts to the boys. lie could show them what a real hunter could do. Suddenly he was given a violent shake
decreases with age.
A dream seldom lasts more
Of course, we couldn't let the hunting season get
by without telling you about Happy Hopp's bird dog. Happy says that his dog is so fast that a gun is useless. The dog just runs them down and picks them out of the air.
and in a bewildered daze he heard his wife announce
The roast goose had just been brought to the
that supper was on. It had been a nice afternoon alright, but what was a successful hunt turned out to be just a pleasant dream for our friend Tom Kelley. The easy chair by the stove got the better of
table, and the minister, u ho was the guest of honor,
him and he still has to show those drill bovs the
looked at it with the same keen anticipation that was shown on the other faces 'round the festive board.
"Dai's as fine a goose as I ever saw. Bruder Wil liams," he said to his host, •"where did you get such a fine one?"
Dippy and Sticky had just been released from the big house, where they had been visiting quite a spell due to their taking ways. When they were in a crowded movie lobby one evening a couple of pickpockets made the mistake of picking their pockets. When they discovered it. Dippy had left five dollars to every eight dollars that Sticky had.
Tills peeved them so they went to work and picked the pickpockets' pockets. Then they each bad nine dollars more than they had after the pickpockets left them. Plow much did they each have when they started
"Well now, Revrind Brown," said the carver of
the goose, with a sudden access to dignity, "when you preach a special good sermon I never axes you where you got it. 'Pears to me dat's a triv'al mat ter any way — what'll you have. Parson, the drum stick?"
The other day Fred Radka had to take his trailer in to town to get some "free air" for the tires. Ed Adrain and Albert Schultz said that he should have
come around where they were — there was plenty of fresh air out there in the form of a stiff breeze."
after the pickpockets? Kenny Paull, sampler, says that now he knows
how the "Bird in the gilded cage" felt. The only difference being that the cage. Kenny was almost in was made of iron bars. Those Alpena cops don't fool, do they. Kenny? Frank S. Crawford, district
United States {Bureau of Mines, with headquarters in Dulutli since September, 1928, has been notified that he will be transferred
Phoenix. Ariz., in
charge of the safety division. Mr. Crawford's work in this district has brought him in contact with the iron and copper mines of the Lake Superior District, the upper lakes coal docks, the lignite coal mines of North Dakota and
the stone quarries of Michigan, lie also holds the office of secretary of the Lake Superior section of
the National Safety Council. Many of our employees will remember Mr. Craw
ford being with us on occasions when we have celebrated some of our accomplishments in acci dent prevention. He has made the formal presen
lirr it's cold but not too cold for these healthygals to enjoy a good j lay outdoors. Constance Smoliuski, daughter of Louis Smolinski. a Tug
watchman, and Ronnie Patchkowski, daughter of
tation of the "Sentinels of Safety" trophy which has been won by our plant in the years 1929, 1932.
son, are the two you see here with bikes and lollv-
1933 and 1934.
William Patchkowski. stokerman on the Str. Main'
on July 31. 1940. Mr. Kuznicki is employed in the Loading Dept. Robert Francis to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ware on
.August 9. 1940 trical Dept.
Mr. Ware is employed in the Elec
Lawrence Matthew to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Sobeck on October 20. 1940. Mr. Sobeck is employ
ed by the Bradley Transportation Company. Norman George to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gosselin on October 28. 1940.
George King of the Mill Dcpt. was united in mar riage to Mrs. Mary Gruschki by Justice of the Peace Liunie Nester on September 14. 1940. On September 28, 1940, Eugene Jones of the Yard Dept. and Marion Middaugh were united in mar riage by the Rev. S. J. Francis, Eugene King Jr., of the Machine Shop and Grace Grambau were married on October 3. 1940. by Jus tice of the Peace Chas. Dettloff.
Albert Strieker. DHM painter, and Bernice Stoinski were united in marriage on October 24. 1940, at St. Casimir's Church Parsonage.
Calcite Screenings offers its sincere congratula tions to the newly weds.
Mr. GosNclin is employed in
the Mill Dept.
Congratulations folks, and our best wishes to the young lads and lassies.
Tihose Who Have Prissc-il , \vy,iv Mrs. Chas. Schram passed away on Nov. 5, 1940.
after a prolonged illness.
Funeral services were
held from St. John's Lutheran Church and burial in Rogers City Memorial Park. Pier husband. Chas. Schram. is employed in the Construction Dept. Win. Schalk. brother of Gustav Schalk
of the
Shovel Dept. passed away on October 19, 1940. In terment was in the church cemetery of St. Michael's
Lutheran Church, Belknap. Mrs. John Peluser passed away on Sept. 20, 1940, in the Alpena Hospital. Her sudden death was a terrible shock to her family and friends. Funeral services were held from St. Ignatius Church and
New A
Since the Summer issue of Calcite Screenings,
the following daughters have arrived to our em ployees : Anita Helen to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Durecki
burial in Rogers City Memorial Park. I Icr husband, John Beluser is employed as a Quarry blaster. To family and friends we express the most sin
cere sympathy during this time of sorrow.
File Sacrifice Ol 1 lie B
on September 25. 1940. Mr. Durecki is employed in the Shovel Dept. Virginia to Mr. and Mrs. Gearld Burns on Sept ember 13. 1940.
Mr. Burns is employed bv the
Bradley Transportation Company. Sonja Mae to Mr. and Mrs. Alviu Gager on Sept ember 10. 1940. Mr. Gager is employed in the Yard Department.
Nancy Gina to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Santiui on September 21. 1°40. Mr. Santini is employed on dwelling house maintenance. Barbara Ann to Mr..and Mrs. Ployd L'rlaub on
October 7. 1940. Mr. Crlaub is employed in the Tug â&#x20AC;˘
Sous arriving to our employees: Robert to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dietlin on Aug
ust 30. 1940. Mr. Dieltin is employed by the Brad ley Transportation Company. Walter William to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wetkovv-
ski on September 11. 1940. Mr. Wetkowski is em ployed in the Transportation Dept. Ronald Edward to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gruelke
on September 4. 1940. Mr. Gruelke is employed in the Drilling Department. Mark Lee to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pruning on
September 9. 1940. Mr. Bruning is employed by tin- Bradley Transportation Company. Eugene Arthur to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuznicki
May the brave who have sacrificed their lives rhat peace might be brought about still live in sac red memory in the hearts of the nation. 1379
Wliile 1 on i&itgay Your Illoimtiaig Jlkeep
lm Mimi Tie Need For Safety Each fall thousands of our Michigan people take up their guns and travel into woods and open spaces in search of game. There is no better or more healthful sport, not from tin- standpoint of killinggame but from the mere fact that it gets one out-ofdoors into the clean fresh air.
The hunter exercises
well, cats well and sleeps well putting his body in shape for the rigors ol winter.
Shells and gun should be kept away from stove, fireplace or other fire, and where they will not he
roine a plaything for children. Let's be a little more careful with our hunting this year. No one want- to get hurt, neither does anvone want to hurt some one else.
It seems that Waller Meyers will have to do one of three things — 1. Get a car with a starter that won't lock. 2. Buy a wrench to loosen the starter. 3.
Walter is a little too husky to crawl under his car
and fix it when the starter locks, and since reduc
ing takes a little time, we'd suggest buying the
special wrench. Of course, if Walter had to walk eight to ten miles back to town a few times in rapid
succession, then he'd probably be slim enough to be able to fix the car. Oil, well, it's too much for us. so you figure it out. Walter. We wonder if President Roosevelt's third term will have anything to do with the farewell of the
welfare. When we hear Julius Patzer speak of people getting food from the farewell we wonder.
ED R.\DKrVs"pRAVI'R Lord, fill Lake Nettie with great big fish So that even I,
When telling of it afterwards. May never have to lie-. P. S. Don't forget Pari Xagel.
God often comforts us. not by changing the cir cumstances of our lives, but by changing our atti The Doe Is Not To Be Shot According To Michigan Law
I hinting, however has its hazards.
People unta-
tude towards them.
Smile, if possible.
miliar with firearms, and some oldlimers as well,
handle the gun without due precaution and some
one gets hurt — often killed. In fact, so far this season 12 people in Michigan have lost their lives because of hunting accidents. Added to these are oar accidents of hunting parties and then there is the fellow who over-exerts while hunting or over
eats after a day in the woods and suffers a heart attack.
There are a \v\v hunting precautions that are well i o keep in mind. It's against the law to carry a loaded gun in an automobile or other vehicle - - besides it's verv
dangerous. It is well to make certain that the barrels of your gun are free from any obstruction. It is wise to
keep the safety lock on until you are ready to shoot. It is not good practice to pull a gun through a fence. Lay it through and then climb over. Al ways keep the muzzle pointed away from yourself and others.
It is not in keeping with safe practice to lay a loaded gun down in a boat or lift a gun barred first. Neither is it wise to stand a gun Up against a tree or post. The safe practice is to lay it down. A good hunter will not shoot at objects indistinct ly seen among trees or bushes as it might be human beings. 1380
These Liiile Fellows are Protected by Law from Hunters
Jrosfer and Jh/ssay v^omitesf By George R. Jones Don't groan students. Just take a few seconds and let us tell you about the Safety Poster and Es say Contest for the school year of 1941. Your co operation in recent years has been grand. You might never write a word on the Safety idea ordin arily but you have been good enough to respond to these contests sponsored by Calcite Screenings and have turned out some good work. Maybe you haven't realized as an individual what your efforts taken as a group have shown. As the judges go
over your contributions quite a story is told. First, you are showing a trend towards thinking Safety. During pre-school and grade school age you are influenced by what natural instinct tells you in the way of Safety. This is entirely inade quate, so you experiment and learn the hard way. You get so you dread the iodine bottle, the lost finger nail, the bump on the head and the barked shin.
PERSONAL ITEMS Since Christmas isn't so far off we'd like to make
a few requests for some of the boys. Dear Santa:
Please give— Elmer McCutcheon a new cork for his thermos
(And a watch)
Ed Radka a catcher's mask so that those tire tools
won't be so hard on his jaw. Julius Patzer a rubber hammer so that he can pound all he wants without disturbing anyone. Ralph O'Toole a girdle to keep his tummy in.
Eugene Jones a great big pair of overalls so that he won't have to tie strings on the suspenders to make them reach the buttons. Lawrence Carter a razor so that he can cut those
little strings off his face. Bruno Zempel a lecture stand so that he can give his after-dinner speeches in real class. P. S. And bring Gust Schaedig some cotton bat ting so that he won't have to listen to them.
You become more careful to avoid the ac
companying pain. You are learning Safety the hard way, but formulating definite ideas. Secondly, you reach an age when you are influen ced by the school safety patrol, your parents' teach ing such as it might be and the experiences of your self and friends.
Natural instincts of self-preserva
tion are disregarded, you have now become the world's worst gambler playing for the highest stake known — your own life. That is why these safety contests that you don't welcome with open arms.
It's the impulsiveness of youth that makes you the gambler you are. You know better and the fac tor in your favor is quick response and alertness to new situations Constant reminders help keep you on the straight and narrow. So again a minute of "hold on awhile" and you write a few words on
what you think safety means to you and your group.
Thirdly, we see your ideas as they progress and you reach the adult stage. You shape your life ac cording to your ideas other than impulsive action. Now if you have thought enough about safety dur ing your youth you will have fundamentals which will qualify you to preach to the young such as we preach to you. Thus is the cycle briefly and it's our assumed or actual duty to win you as a disciple of the safety movement. We sincerely believe that what you write concerning any phase of safety is part of your training that will eventually be of un told value in your life to come. Now for the contest — rules as usual, no holds
barred. (As a tip the judges like those typewritten essays.) Write what you will on any phase of safe ty. Make your essays snappy, not too long, not too short. You can't all win a prize but you will all be better equipped because of your few minutes strug gle in making this year's contest the best ever.
A man had a slight difference of opinion with his wife. But he acknowledged his error generously by saying: "You are right, and I am wrong, as you generally are. Good-bye, dear," and he hurried off to catch the train.
"So nice of him to put it like that," his wife said to herself. And then she began to think about it.
They tell us that John Pilarski is in need of a chauffeur to drive that new Chevy. It seems that
he forgets that the gear shift is on the steering column and not at
his side
so he
has to
do a
lot of searching before he can get underway. Quartermaster's Sergeant to Rookie—"Well, speak up there—how do you want your uniform— too big or too small?" John Dehring gives chase to some young Hal lowe'en pranksters and ends up in the middle of a big mud puddle. Lot of fun, eh, John ? Remember when you were a lad? SURPRISES
Your friends won't believe you, but you will be correct if you insist that Reno, Nevada, is farther west than Los Angeles, California. Reno is about 100 miles closer to Asia than is Los
Angeles. Then after you have the attention of everybody in the room tell them that Cleveland, Ohio, lies less
than three miles west of Jacksonville, Florida.
Jones was sitting with his wife behind a palm on a hotel veranda late one night when a young man and girl came and sat down on a bench near them. The young man began to tell the girl how pretty and good and loveable he thought she was. Hidden behind the palm, Mrs. Jones whispered to her husband:
Landlady: "If you don't stop playing that saxo phone you'll drive me crazy." Sax Player: "Ha! Ha! You're crazy already. I stopped playing an hour ago."
"Oh, John, he doesn't know we're here and he's going to propose. Whistle to warn him." "What for?" said Jones. "Nobody whistled to warn me." 1381
The Bradley Transportation Company Safety Meetings and Personal News
The Boat Harbor at Calcile Where ihe Calcite Boats Will Be Berthed This Winter
The Great Lakes-One of the Greatest and Most
Worthwhile Suggestions By The Ship Safety
Essential Waterways of the Nation
Committees Which We Should Take Notice
Half of all the fresh water that lies on the surface
of the earth is in the Great Lakes. Somebody has figured then that it is enough water to cover all of Continental United States to a depth of ten feet. This water is useful, not only as a roadway For
ships, it is a cheap raw material, essential in many industries, and for this reason the shores are dot ted with mills. It also is responsible for Michigan
being our country's "great play-ground." Incredibly low freight rates exist between cities on the Lakes.
In the season of navigation huge
cargoes of iron ore, coal, limestone, grain and lum ber are moving day and night in twenty-five hun dred freighters which have a capacity of 3,000.000 tons. In good years as much as bO.OOO.OOO tons of ore are brought down the lakes. Into the hulls of some of these vessels go 35,000,000 tons of coal,
giving- the vessels a payload each way. And 400.000,000 bushels of grain are moved over the Lakes annually. Ships can load in Great Lakes and reach prac tically any other port in the world, and many of them do each year. The great ocean lines are proud of their sched ules and their ability to get in and out of port quickly. They unload passengers and freight at noon Friday and sail at midnight Saturday. On the Lakes, however, the huge bulk carriers unload as much as 14,000 tons in six or seven hours and take
on a new load in an equally short time. The arrival and departure, schedules are as fixed as are those of limited trains.
These vessels are manned with
a trained personnel who are proud of their calling
One of the first things the ship safety commit tees did when safety-first measures were method ically taken up on the vessels was to point out the
common practices leading to personal injury. Their admonitions were effective but without keeping rliem constantly before the eyes of our seamen, the men on shipboard become lax in safeguarding themselves and their shipmates and careless prac tices may be resumed. Then, too. there are the new M K.\ who must be told what not to do.
will surpri.se most seamen to read the age-old warn ings the ship safety committees issued during the
past as if safety-first were something new, and covering practices that even the most careless ought not to be guilty of. Here are some of them : Men have been warned against walking over mooring cables and under loading shuttles. Keep the ladder on the dock whenever, possible. Somebody will always endeavor to get aboard even if the ladder is hanging on the tackleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a dangerous practice that can be eliminated bv a little careful watching.
It having been brought to our attention that heads have been seen sticking out of deadlights at the locks and in port, it was decided the only thing to do is to close them at such times.
have been seen jumping to the dock before the ship is properly alongside; one man has been stopped from carrying books up the ladder without hanging on with his free hand.
Master ordered that more precautions are to be taken in taking off and putting on hatch covers. When cable jams against the ship's side the lines
and ambitious to maintain the highest degree of
man should let go of it to avoid being jerked into
efficiency possible in Great Lakes shipping.
the river or thrown fore-
â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Continued on page 1392
that care be taken when changing boom cables that all shackles and pins have a full nut. It was also suggested that the First Aid kit forward be placed in the Hospital room so that First Aid can be. obtained more readily.
The deck crew reported that some beckets needed to be repaired on the mooring cables which will be taken care of at once.
S t r . C a r l D. Bradley-Safety Meetings
With no further safety suggestions the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p. m.
Date of Meeting: October 23. 1940. Present: Walter Galium. Chairman; George Nov. Secretary; Frank Warwick. Russell Kowalske, Vic tor Klee, Neil Jackson. Herman Vogler, John Clans, and the remainder of the crew not on watch.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p, in. The chairman read the minutes of the last meet
ing, and discussed some of the recommendations
not as yet completed. Captain Pearse opened the meeting with a gen eral review- The captain cautioned the men about opening and closing hatches. He referred to the near accident which occurred while closing hatches at loading dock, when the. dolly bar bracket broke
and a man was standing inside the bight of the cable. He suggested that the stock of the dolly bar lie made longer so that it would extend through the bracket, also that particular attention be giv
en to make sure that the bar is in proper place before putting a strain on the cable.
Chief Engineer Sparre mentioned that more at tention be paid to switches anil electrical equipment during the fall season when decks and
wearing apparel might be wet. The
And Calcite to Amherstburg would be quite a trip He'll be on time tonight, J hope 'Morning Walt, here's the dope— 185° for South Chicago we are bound Now slip in there and don't make a sound 'Cause I'll be sleeping and that is my meat So at six o'clock don't forget to call I'etc. You will unload the stone and be out bv noon Ibit for the 12 to 4, that's a little, too soon
That will make it back to Rogers about 12 o'clock And we are hoping there's a boat al the dock.
If a little puff, puff from the North should blow: Sixteen per, she would never go And if we get to Calcite a little after four Oil. boy. would Alpena and Mooney be sore? Of course, we don't want all the breaks our Way. We would just like to see what the other watch would say
There's the buoy, just ahead .And that. I guess, is about enough said.
The deckhands and deckwatches like the inter
that the deck crew warn each
mediate draft.
other of dangers around hatch es ami cargo holds and to be
opening and Captain Pearse
Waller is the mate on this here ship
closing hatches,
They don't have to pick openhearth
When the mate added up the number 0 each watch said they chipped
lie also mentioned that chang
to 99. There, are only 46 to begin with and at the lime of
were being
unloading gates in order to clear stone away from
the tunnel, the total came
ladder to cargo hold.
the summation they were only
The committee suggested that care be taken when blowing out deck line with steam. It was also suggested that the hand crank on the elec tric deck winches be re-fitted or renewed. The
hall" done. That's one for the auditors, or mavbe one for the
committee also suggested that Ihe use- of calcium chloride and sand be used instead of the salt used
in the past seasons. The matter of blowing boilers at Calcite was taken up by the committee- It was suggested that a circular letter be sent to each of our steamers;
we consider it not a safe practice to blow down
boilers opposite the engine room as we have had steam with mud and chemical entering through port holes and gangways which may e&USfl an accident.
The committee suggested that a standard be made for the parcel bag to keep it away from cables and clear of scupper.
Speaking of hair tonic, Paul
Stone says
keeping it
Chief Sparre
locked up is adding insult to injury, and he doesn't like Gregory's brand anyway. '"Can I use some of your hair tonic r"
"You don't want hair tonic, you want brass pol ish."
if yon notice a faint odor of skunk around the hallway it is just Vic Klee and Carl Hagedom play ing quoits. We hear Johnny's going steady But we wouldn't know. 1 wonder if he's told her about Buffalo? 1383
The following items were reported out of order and are to be fixed, Coal bunker strong back clamp,
thread striped. Forward port deadlite in conveyor room cracked badly. Several flood lights periodical ly causing short circuits. Becket on windlass room mooring cable gone. Fly ash getting into drinking
water tank under cover.
This being all the business before the committee the meeting was closedPERSONAL ITEMS
The World Series sure taught a number of the crew not to count their chickens before they were SAFETY MEETINGS
hatched. A rather expensive lesson but it made an impression.
Members Present: Roland Bryan. Chairman; Marvin Sehwaegler, Secretary: Allen Strand Nor man Henderson, Nelson Free, Stanley Gabrysiak,
Much to the disgust of those self-appointed mem bers of the Rogers City Chamber of Commerce, the last trip into Cleveland the weather was ideal, fur
Richard Haueckow,
Fdwin I'.hrke
thermore the Clevelanders won't let them forget it.
The recommendations of the previous meeting were reported as follows: The coal bunker strong-back clamps have been
We understand that congratulations are in order to Eugene Jones, we of the Taylor send our best wishes for a happy and safe voyage on the sea of matrimony.
Louis Leveck,
and other members of the. crew.
re-threaded and fitted with new wing nuts.
A new becket has been, put on the windlass room mooring winch cableThe cleat which proved a stumbling block was
thinking about settling down in Rogers.
removed from the deck between the hatches. The deck crew was cautioned to keep the larps
Frank Strzlecki has been having women trouble —might we suggest Beatrice Fairfax?
even around the edges of the hatches as a short tuck will not hold when it is subjected to wind. It was suggested that when roping off painted deck on dark portions of the boat a light be hung from the ropes. Deckhands were warned not
to climb up the cargohold lad ders with hands.
Replacement of a rung in
Captain Dahlburg
the forward starboard ladder and also of ;i starboard hatch cable block are to be taken
care of
as soon
The tunnel has been kept in better order, however
Tt has been rumored that the high mate might be
Lou Leveck's one ambition in life seems to be to
do Joe E. Brown one better. Jack Robarge ha? set a record for staying aboard
the boat in outside ports —quite a change from last year.
Somebody said that they saw Bill Robarge mov ing fast the other day. We wonder. Several of the Deck Crew have been busv bluing their shotguns and rifles for the coming hunting season.
So far three or four
different processes have been tried —- guess it's a case of if at first you don't succeed try, try again.
it was observed that buckets containing tools had Some
been left haphazardly around in the tunnels, and it was suggested that they be kept in a special place.
The cleat between two hatches that was intended
l'ilarski doesn't sores. How about
for a hand hold has not as yet been removed but it will be as soon as possible. The railing around the
hopper house that was reported as coming apart has been re-welded. With the advent of fall weather the crew was cautioned to watch out for ice on deck, and to use
salt if necessary to remove it. Also it was pointed out that loose objects should be kept tied down when not in use as there is enough to do when the ship gets into rough weather without having to go around and tie them Up. A member of the engine department suggested that extra care should be taken of the deckengines when the weather be
wondering why
have bed it, Harrv?
To go about your work with
Chief Suttle
pleasure, to greet others with a word of encouragement, to lie happy in the pre sent and confident in the future:
this is to have
achieved some measure of success in living.
Why do people laugh at a man who buys hair re storer from a bald headed barber, and fall for busi ness remedies proposed by politicians who could not run a business of their own.
comes cold, also the coal bunker hatches should be
Do not condemn the judgement of another be cause it differs from your own as you both may
kept closed from now on to tin- end of the season.
be in error.
scratch, no matter how small, at once — and keep it clean.
Then, and only then, can you be sure it will heal "Bv Itself.'"
The men were then complimented on their safetyrecord to date and at the same time warned against
any carelessness oi neglect which might result in an accident of any kind.
Suggestions presented in our meetings through out the season were then reviewed to acquaint the
men with the general trend of our Safety Measures.
and this was followed by reading of excerpts from the "Book of Recommendations" and Safety Slo
gans" contained in other literature.
S t r . John G. Munson-l SAFETY MEETINGS
Date of Meeting: October 23, 1940 at 6:00 P. M.
The "Safety Posters" are a picture study. It is proposed that every man concentrate on the thought they are designed to convey. Work in a sane manner, be careful, get First Aid for all injuries.
The Price of Safety •— Working safely costs neither time nor money, but it does require alert ness ever_\' hour of the working day. That is a cheap price to pay for the benefits that accident the Committee, also Captain Thorsen, Chief Urdal prevention brings. It saves suffering and loss of and all other members of the vessel's personnel no^ wages and doctor's bills. It means a happier home on duty. W and no hardships brought to members of your fam The minutes of the September 27 meeting were ily because of an injury that could have been avoid
Present: Chris Swartz. Chairman : Win. Shaw See'y : John Sucharski. Arthur Breckoii. Wm. MaeKav. Wm. Patchkowski. James Lamb, and Chas. Lister of
read and discussed.
Excerpts from the "Book of Recommendations" and the "Bulletin" were then read.
In view of the
general satisfaction with the use of sand during winter work, and also the timely suggestion made by the Str. Governor Miller, we are planning on having sand for use aboard the Str. Munsou in conjunction with the use of salt as of pre vious years.
Several days previous to the meeting
the committee
called upon to make a general
inspection of ships equipment. This
included examination
Captain Thorsen h,a,ul «*ils, laf,der E»Jlf. win-
dies and hatch winches and cables.
mooring cables and
Men in leaving warm quarters and going out on deck should see that they are properly clothed, h doesn't, take much carelessness to contact a cold
which may require the attention of a doctor. SAFETY CAMPAIGN
The best safety campaign in the world is that in which every employee appoints himself a committee of one to stop accidents. It's everybody's business to stop accidents. If all of us make safety a part of our work every day in the year, we won't have to worry about peo
invest in the bank of Safety.
Keeping Our Ship in Order — When we talk about Good Housekeeping throughout the ship, we do not mean "dolling up the place" for the sake of
looks. Good Housekeeping means neatness, order liness, cleanliness ami system.
These conditions
make for more and better work, less waste of time,
fewer losses of tools and supplies, fewer accidents, and more pleasant as well as more healthful work ing conditions- Good Housekeeping is just good business. That is all, but that's enough. Co,id Health —
Good health is necessary for
earning a good living. Poor health reduces effi ciency, paves the way for serious diseases, and is one of the important indirect causes of accidents.
Safety Organization
hazard safety work is ineffec
tive. It must lie organized, continuous and energetic. This is
takes its place aboard ship, on the highway and in the home. Suggestions were then in order ami the following pro posals were made for the con
h. Chief Urdal
sideration and future comment of the committee: That a Baffle Plate be made to check the over
board discharge from ballast pumps and thus pre
ple getting hurt or maimed aboard ship.
vent the water from discharging on the. docks. When mechanical or electrical equipment such as
pumps-, boom swing and hoist gear, winches, etc..
Perhaps you are among those who say: "Oh, it is only a scratch, it will heal by itself." Possibly — but, suppose it doesn't. Suppose
which are operated by the Deck Department and maintained by the Engine Department, give any in dication of trouble by virtue of peculiar or unusual manner of operation, this condition should be promptly brought to the attention of the Engine Department that the fault may be detected and cor-
grease or dirt get in and cause infection-
grief then? No one but yours. Protect yourself. Dress and bandage any cut or
Aviation experts have recently invented a new self-sealing gas tank. Ottr excellent assistant cook.
Leo Schepke, reports favorably on his efforts to develop some chemical solvent to act as a countereffective for use on evaporated milk cans. He also reports that his chemical for dispersing flies when
within three inches of the sugar bowl has now been perfected to the trial stage, but states it will be necessary to await another year lie fore he can make tests â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that is unless we get a trip to Eorain mCleveland where flies are plentiful and where some of the members of this ship live. We have a flock of DON'TS in Safelv hirst and
here are a few lor the hubby returning home this
Old State Locks al Saull Ste. Marie, Buili in 1855.
The Fall precautious then voiced were:
sounding wells closed. Keep chain locker and con
veyor room ports closed. Keep all gear including supplies and material on shelves well secure. I.cave anchor free in anchor housing so it can be broken loose in event of freezing. Use plenty of salt if necessary.
Warm steam winches well before using.
When freezing temperatures are registered have cable drum out of .gear and steam val.es cracked to allow just sufficient steam to enter steam chests to pass through into exhaust lines-
By night unless the range light can be clearly seen, it is very difficult to determine the beading of some vessels because of the location of their respec tive side lights and of the reflection caused bv the light shining on the inboard screens, causing these lights to be seen across the bow.
To eliminate the possibility of collision from this as a source it is suggested that all vessels have full regard to the requirements of the law and keep their navigating lights shining bright and clear. In view of shorter and colder days just around the
corner with more lights and bigger fires being maintained at home, while the husbands are aboard
ship it was suggested thai each man appoint him self a committee of one to check over the electrical
appliances and heating units of the individual's Innne having full regard for spider webs, clothes lines, etc.. which may have collected around the furnace and now constitute a fire hazard.
Much satisfaction has been expressed by the sea men in commenting on the work which had been done on the Screening's Dock this spring. The
Don't let the wife induce yon to help with the
If she does, drop a few.
Don't let her start you to washing clothes. If she does, drop a few black socks into the white washing.
Don't let her get you to ironing- Jf she does you know what to do there.
Don't let her persuade you to tend her latest child. If she does, pinch the child a few times and that job will be done.
Don't let her get the last pay check. If she does you will be busted for the winter. Tell her it got mixed in some old papers you threw overboard. Don't let her hang clothes in the basement.
is your domain.
These are trying times,
if she does open the fur
nace door and smoke her out.
Don't let on you are too enthused about getting home for the winter. If you do she will talk you into dresses and clothe.-, for herself and the kids
and out of your last pay check before the dawn of another morning. Don't indicate that you plan lo be a model hus band this winter. If you do. rest assured you are in for a raging storm the first lime you come home smelling of anything stronger than halitosis.
Don't forget to assert your rights lo the family bus. If you don't you surely will have lo get her permission to use it whet she sends you for the gro ceries-
Don't let this advice gel you in trouble. .-â&#x20AC;˘'
We miss our friend and co-worker Frank Ware
wheelsmen are well pleased with the shoulders that have been welded on the two bollards at the outer end of the dock.
In view of the necessity to have short leads on the mooring cables at times, because of strong winds blowing off the dock il was believed bv mem bers of our Committee that it would contribute ma
terially to have shoulders of similar design on all the dock bollards.
No other suggestions of a Safelv nature were presented and the meeting was adjourned.
Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world. me
Guard it with all your energy.
The Present Slate Locks al Saull Sle. Marie.
this summer. Where are you, Frank, home with the new boss? Congratulations old boy, but how about coming aboard sometime for a nice dish of sauerkraut. Our loud speaker is calling you back. Fantail discussion—
Harold Wagner — Why do you suppose they have
those heavy iron doors down here so close to the water?
Harold Partyka — Well they must be for the En
gineers to pilot the stern end of the boat. They are always standing there.
Marvin Taylor — Well. Art, you better think of something funny for the Screenings. Art — Yes. I know Marvin, have been thinking
of you all along.
Gil: Plow can you tell the weather by looking at the water?
Ben : Well the D&C Line boats are all layed up.
Schepke and Eelax discussing a radio purchased
from shipmate Lamb by Harold.
At that price I
Chris Swartz, Chairman of the Safety Committee,
having given Fred the box of cigars to pass around would like to know how Fred disposed of fifty
cigars when we only have 37 men in our crew. Baldy Pardike: Are you broke, Joe? Joe Buck: No, I haven't been home yet. Baldy: I have some money yet, haven't seen Edith since payday. Iiarold Wagner: Did you get on your knees when you proposed to Edith? Sarg. Pardike: No, she did-
Well, you said I had to chose, didn't you? deman ded Lester Gordon in bed with his guns and fishingtackle.
Chief Urdal glared sternly at his young hopeful: Another bite like that son and you will have to leave the table.
John : Another bite like that dad and I'll be done. Albert Schultz :
What is the fellow called who
Some of the early Steamers used sails with winds favorable.
don't think he gypcd you. Harold. Oh no. I haven't paid him yet. Ben Lasch. student of Meteorlogical Conclusion
by Astrological Observation remarks. "I see bv the signs on the water that fall is here." ibis vessel recently has now obtained his A.B. and Steve is an alert and capable
seaman and is to be complimented on his efforts to
prepare himself for promotion. Yesterday he was inquiring about an A. B. berth on Fred Beebe's model of the Munson. Carl Mulka will also be a certified A. B. and Lifeboat man by the time the
Screenings reach you.
Good going Carl.
We all
wish you lots ol success.
Henry Newhouse: Well. Bill, are you going to sow any wild oats this winter? Wm. MacKay: No. I live in Cleveland and we don't have any garden.
James Lamb: A bartender my boy. a bartender. Gil Kempe:
Go down and see it the sea cocks
are closed up, Carl. Carl Altman : Oh. do you have chickens on the boats too?
Steve Repke who became a permanent member ol Lifeboat Certificates.
brings you in contact with the spirit world.
Census Taker:
Have you a bath tub?
Art: Nope. But you can use the hose. Ivan: When are you going back on the farm, Art? Art:
Whenever I get enough money so I don't
have to work any more.
Gil Kempe says if we get a trip to Lorain he will see how the grass is growing on his new lawn.
This completes our efforts to make the marine issue of the Screenings more or less interesting to
you. Hope to see you all in good health in the win ter work gang this winter where we will again dis cuss the possibilities of that new boat for our fleet. 1387
Her ierb V/ic
Stout—Who's going up-towu ?
Rickle—Lots of ice cream and a£ll the trim-
Leeps Mulka—What, payday again ! Bob Monroe—I ain't talking. John Bredow—They hooked me in the draft.
Big Boy Schlager—Blah. blah, blah, blah. Julius Greengtski—-Go on to hed. Leon Dietlin—Pay me. Str. W. F. White-Safety Meetings Date of Meeting: October 15. 1940. Present: Donald McLcod, Chairman; Alfred
Dvvyer, Secretary; Hilton Gould. Howard Morrill, Henry Yarch. John Zoho, Julius Grccnglski. Victor Rickle and
other members of
Meeting called to order at 6:15 p. m. and min utes of the previous meeting were read and dis cussed.
In a discussion about icy decks it was decided to try a mixture of sand and salt to see what results are accomplished with the mixture. It was decided to put an extension to the guard around a large gear on the anchor windlass so that the man running windlass will be belter protected. A letter about an accident on the steamer lames P.
<%, v
A new compound feeder was put up in the boiler room and the men cautioned to keep their clothes far enough from
Louie Isabell—Time to take a blow. Glen Paradise—Five minutes to twelve.
Weasel Richards—Get up and go to work. John Florip—I rap on three, points. Tarzan Weiss—I'll betcba five bucks.
Sarge Zoho—Where we going? Harold Fleming—Candy, pop and smokes, for sale cheap. Johnny Gordon—With or without. Butch II Adrian--! knocked down 39 out of 30
airplanes. Eddie Lawrence—There ain't no more.
Sparks Sheridan—-Wonder when we will go to
South Chicago.
Maggie Cadwell—It won't be long now. Andy Nedeau—Give him one checker and take three.
Not a bad idea to gel an automobile salesman all
cooked up about purchasing a new car—then get a demonstrator and ride all around in it—even' to Alpena and Cheboygan.
the boiler to avoid anv chance
of boiler compound being acci
dentally dropped on them. An unused towdiue hole will
be made water tight to keep Chief MacLean
water off the fantail deck.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15.
A big group of politicians cropped up on the boat this year—Big sessions in the galley—Pilot house and in the deckhands' room.
Senor Berg is absorbing the Spanish language— We think he met some olive-
Captain MacLean -Safety First.
Scotty MacLeod—Holy Jumping Moses! Bill Chain—Wish I was out hunting right now.
Norm Raymond—Who got the funny papers? Charlie Cook—What say. Johnnie? Speed Hoeft—I'm Omar the Rug Weaver. Hammer Gould—Five will bring you ten. Bill LaLonde—When do we eat?
Howie Morrill—Wonder how many boats are ahead.
Walt Hincka—I hope potatoes sell for SI a bushel. Ossie Yoigt—Easy money in the fish business. Wilby Wirgau—Anyone need a haircut? Happy I lalligan—(Censored). Hank Yarch—Toss a coin for a coke
Euz/.y Weu/.el—I don't like it when we anchor off Calcite.
Mel Eriedrich—What time Calcite? Chief Anderson—How about a flash?
Al Dwyer—Openhearth stone is hard on auto mobiles,
Toughie Berg—Get the women out of the Bowl ing Alley. 1388
show off.
Dear Gals—You should see
the men weaving all kinds of
doodads—Just like a sewing circle.
Sparks (Lieut.)
got a call
from the L". S. Naval Reserves
Chief Anderson
to be ready for sea duty, bin will probably be put on the inactive list until the sailing season is over. Drop us a line from Coco Solo. Sparks.
Did you ever notice how- Erankic Ware gets the enjoyment out of a bottle of pop? Charlie Pohelia, wheelsman
on the White until
he took sick, will be glad to hear from any of his shipmates while he is in the Marine Hospital at Detroit.
We also hear that Lawrence (Pete) O'Toolc of the Str. Calcite is also in the same hospital. We sincerely hope they are back with us soonDrop them a line and cheer them up.
shipside and bulkheads—must make the job more interesting.
Walter Galium probably would like to know that Hammer picked a winner in the world series—and will have white sidewall tires on the new car as a result.
The checker players are pretty good on this boat —Charlie Cook doesn't like it when you "man" each other.
Fuzzy Wen/el carries his dishes out on deck same as the engineer on the Bradley.
The Oliver Hazard Perry, referred to in the fore
part of this issue, as she appeared in the summer of 1940 as a Training ship for Sea Scouts. Everyone thought Hank Yarch had on a false face the night we had the Hallowe'en Party, but it was his own kisser, plus whiskers. Swapper Stout had two left hand gloves and finally found a way to trade, them for a pair- Watch your gloves, men.
Short}- Mulka put his money in circulation and now has a Dodge.
Al Dwyer is in the market for a car with enough
road clearance to go over a piece of openhearth. Joe Zoho (Sarge) claims that the lazy fellows make the best bosses. He claims to be a good one— He says it is true because when you dodge work then you can see more for the other fellow to work
Walter Ellefsen Walter Ellefsen is an old-timer in the ranks of
the Bradley Transportation Company. I ie has been a sailor for many years and hails from Sandcfjard.
Norway, a country long-famed for its followers of the sea.
Walter came to the Bradley Transportation Com pany from the Pittsburgh Steamship Company with Chief Engineer Tom Sultle in 1920, and is now an oiler on the Steamer 13. EI. Taylor. Previously he had been on the Lakes in the Steamers Mataafa,
Mariposa and Parguy. In the fall of 1905 he was in the Str. Mataafa,
and during a storm so great that the men of the forward
end could
Speed Hoeft finally got over his lameness from trying to show the deck hands how to work in the cargohold. Big Boy Schlager says if he gets married he will wear the pants. Won't he look funny with the lace on the cuffs?
That is a swell farm that Speed Hoeft has out there.
Yeah, yon couldn't raise an umbrella on it. According to Maggie, soldering paste is no good for grinding valves—it polishes but doesn't cut.
the after end and
end were indisposed with the exception of Chief Engineer Mcl.eod and Wallter Ellefsen, then a fireman.
many of the after end crew were berthed forward. As the storm continued all on watch on the after
The chief and Walter were the oiilv two
in the engine room and firehold capable of working for a period of five hours. They, no doubt, saved the ship from disaster as several ships foundered during this storm. Walter is a conscientious and faithful employee, ami can tell many interesting stories of past ex periences. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature'.-, peace will flow into you as sunshine Hows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness
into you. and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
Our lathe hands Louie and Maggie don't know
when to quit since we moved the lathe to the fantail.
Coalpasser—-What is the Federal Tax taken out of our pay for? Louis—That is for our Old Age Benefit then they give us poor fuel so we won't live that long. Bill Chain said he was going out to hunt pheas ants and we wondered why he was wearing a top coat and soft hat.
There were three extra cars on the dock one
payday—must have been either Bill Collectors or Automobile Salesmen.
Our chipping artists can make sketches on the
Sunset on Lake Erie Taken From the Str. Calcite
easily cause a short circuit. Attention was called to a recent accident on the
Lakes, and men were asked lo keep clear of deck winches and rails in vicinity of cables to prevent a repetition of the accident. All business for the month being disposed of. the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P. M. Registration Of Great Lakes Sailors at Port of Calcite Under Conscription Act R e p o r t s o f Ships o f t h e
Waterways Navigation
To the Great Lakes sailor, who wondered how he would be able to conform to the law of the Con
scription Act and register on October Id. a solution
was provided when offices were set up by the local S t r . T. W. Robinson -S a f e t y Meetings
Report of Safety Committee. Date of Meeting: October 20. 1940. "Chairman: Alex Malocha : Sec retary: Arnold Specht. Members of the commit tee: F. Wetherton, R. Davidson. H. Joppich. J. Hoeft, A. Goodreau, Frank Kelley. E. liruder and J. SmolinskiThe seventh safety meeting of the present sea son was called to order by Chairman Alex Malocha at 6:00 P. M. in the dining-room. All members of the committee were present as were most of the crew not on duty. The chairman gave a short talk stressing the haz ards due on account of the coining stormy season
constriptiou boards at all Great Lakes ports. These
offices were open from October lo to October -0. 1940, and gave twenty-'our hour service-
tion to assistants were deputized by the local con scription board to take registrations. It is of in terest to note the following data given us by \V. J. Mundt from our I )ock ( iffice.
A total of 294 registrations were received. A total of 279 registrations were sailors. A total of 13 boat crew were serviced. There was an average .1" 21.5 men to a boat.
The Str. Robinson had the greatest number of registrants with 27.
Each registrar averaged about six men an hour.
putting particular attention to ice conditions on the decks and hatches.
He also warned the crew to ex
ercise care about slippery docks. The hatch winch cables were
Safe Workmen
In any national emergency, conservation of men ami material ceases to be an economic problem and becomes one of patriotism. Mechanized war has placed industrial plants in our first line of defense, and they must operate at top efficiency. The ac cidents which we merely deplored and worried
reported to be in bad condition. Tney have been in service a long while. A suggestion was made lo have a baffle put over the vac uum pump discharge- A line spray of water shoots mil which, when freezing weather
about in peace time must stop now. With all of our
comes, will ice up docks.
A resolution was made to remove the radiator in the The heat is not needed and burns are
Captain McQuinn mess room.
At the
Port of Calcite the local Dock Office staff in addi
very likely in such cramped corners.
A word of caution was given about throwing things over the rail without first ascertaining where
the tugs were when maneuvering in or out of port. A broken step was reported in ihe conveyor room and it was announced that there being spare
stair treads aboard, that replacements would be made where needed.
This time of year quite a bit of paint spraying is going on and a motion was made and carried to purchase a respirator for that work. As the season when decks are icy is drawing near it was suggested that sufficient salt be purchased.
Posters for artificial respiration have been posted
wealth and machinery, we have none to waste.
cannot spare a skilled workman for even the fewdays that a lacerated finger would cost1 We have a new message to
There is a new reason for safe
ty; one that stands on equal footing with the humanitarianism
have preached all along. Safely will speed the work we have to do.
more securely, will safeguard
the sinews that enforce our determination
Chief LaBounty
freedom and our way of life. Our national safety demands our personal safetyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;on the job. in our car and at home.
The states of Vermont and Xew York are leaders
in the producing of Maple Syrup and onc-fourlh of their production goes to
flavor and sweeten to
forward and aft and the crew was instructed to be come familiar with their instructions.
The Electrician warned the men about throwing empty fuse, cartridges in the bottom of the switch
Wear a smile and have friends: wear a scowl ami have wrinkles. What do we live for if not lo make the world less difficult for each other.
board. 1390
During a little rough weather they might
A canvas bag will be made for members of the
crew coming up the ladder with parcels to replace the bucket as both hands should be
free when
coming Up the ladder. Erom now until lay-up season, when time per mits, the forward crew will be working around the conveyors and whenever this occurs the watch man should notify the convcyorman first and then
place the signs around the controls which an- to read: "Men Working Around Conveyors." When this work is completed the signs should be taken down.
Safetv Meeting Minutes of the Str. Calcite. Date
of Meeting: October 20. 1940. Present: Leo Moll, Chairman: Ray Euehler. Secretary, and all mem bers of the committee.
The seventh safety meeting of the season was
called to order on October 20. at 12:45 I'. M. with
all of the committeemen present, also several mem bers of the crew attending. Several hundred pounds of salt had been order ed to be used on icy decks, and the crew warned to
keep off the slippery hatch covers.
certain kinds of coal—a ventilated booth or a suc
tion system were recommended as the two most efficient methods for eliminating the dust.
of the battons extend out from the end of the hatch es, a bad fall could result from such conditions.
A steel sheathing would be very much apprecia ted around the coal bunker hatches, especially when
pilings going up the river while the boat is under As no other suggestions were brought up for discussion the meeting was adjourned at 1 :-IO p. m. PERSONAL ITEMS
Coal Dock Boss—Is that the longest boom you
the bunkers are filled beyond capacity as it is a dan gerous place for anyone to pass by, or for the one
who has to run the winches, as the coal keeps drop
ping on deck until it is used up sufficiently to per mit the closing of the hatches. During freezing weather, the watchman and deckwatch were instructed to throw the.
clutch out of gear on the moor
ing winches, and
Captain Nauts
Mate—Well we don't have any room to carry any
Question \'o. 9967538 (I nloading)-Oiler, what side should I use to keep her straight ? EXTRA!
and 30 minutes in port. In with a dash, out with a flash—Str.
The deck hose should always
be drained before putting them away to prevent the water from freezing in them and causing them to
split open, they may have to he used in an emerg ency, which would be impossible if frozen. \ new set of goggles were purchased for the crew thai should be used whenever there is anv
chipping to be done.
Instructions as to the proper handling of lines around the docks, walking around open hatches
and everything pertaining lo safety were given the new deckhand. Watchmen and deckwatch were told to throw
the lever out of gear on the mooring winches dur
ing the warming up period, and when finished with them after departing docks to put the lever in the neutral position, also, when heaving in the cable not to run the winch at full speed when the
eye is nearing the chock as the eve will always fly u]i and inward which is very dangerous.
Cleveland- -Eellows,
this is done then the winches
Oh. seven or eight hours load
are always ready warming-up period-
The originator—Wes Sobeck.
After being away from Calcite for 15 davs—mill
to put the
lever in the neutral position before cracking the valves. If
It is
impossible at times for the deckwatch to see (this matter will be taken up with the proper officials this winter by the Captain). The men were again cautioned about jumping off the boat before it is docked and jumping on way.
Attention was called again about letting the ends
Several suggestions were made in regard to the coal dust in the conveyor room when unloading
Eoiir shuttles—2 hours
September 11th—No more trips through the Welland Canal—October 7th two trips to
Toronto, one
two to
c ^1
Chief Frederick
will wind up the canal trips of 1940—we hope, we hope, we hope. IS IT TRUE THAT:
The deckwatch patrols the deck without a gnu passing through the canal? Leonard wrote Uncle Mike requesting the Cal cite to make another trip to Saginaw?
Leo Moll really lets the big ones get away for
the sport of trying to catch them over again?
Captain Xau'ls packed his fishing rod away with
a perfect season—NO FISH.
Poppy Ibidnick really fired six double-end boilers
all by himself on the Paisley? 1391
Stan Xowicki can use. all the shop tools he is buy ing? Schaedig picked the football winners without any help? Tom Hawkins has quit "cokes" for good and Mil ler will be back on the Calcite next year? Pete OToole really has pleurisy or did the Love Bug give him both barrels? Roland Ursem and Vera Henry will desert the bachelor ranks this winter?
Ray Buehler is going to buy a new LWiiek? Steve Chibola is going to Florida this year? Don Monroe was a long-distance runner in school? The cook would rather lead a band than stir a stew?
Junior Berg has a bank account on account of the <>ne and only? Slim Modrzynski can keep from talking for five minutes at a time?
Worthwhile Suggestions by the Ship Safety Committees Which We Should Take Notice Of
Personal Items
"Woo is woe," says Don Lain]).
"Em way up
hyar and she's way down thar—in Alpena-" Say fellows, don*t go wrong on that draft eliminater on the new cars—it has nothing to do with conscription. How Captain Warren Jones,
Now Manager
of the
Tomlinscn Fleet, Rode Out "The Storm of 1913"
Capt. Warren Jones, manager of the Tomlinson Eleet. tells of his experience in the storm of 1913. At that time he was master of the Steamer SYLVANIA. He locked through the Soo at 7:00 a. m. November 9th. and arrived at Duluth at 4:00 a. m.
Thursday the 13th. lie had turned his boat around in Lake Superior with the stern into the wind and pumped all the water out forward, so that the forward cabins acted as a sail, and in this manner they lay for 44 hours with engine working astern, until the storm blew itself out, and then proceeded for Duluth.
(Continued from page 1382)
ibly on the dock when the cable frees itself. Men should not be permitted to sit on the guard rail when hatch is open. It has been noticed lately that men are careless in both going down and coming up the ladders. It is suggested that there be a bucket with a line on it long enough to reach the deck from the dock to lie used by men returning with bundles. When men are working on stage planks over the side a stout line should be stretched between stage lines to serve as a hand rail. To prevent fire, hand made paper shades over electric lights in crews" quarters should be discontinued. Men on different boats have been seen with one
foot within the eye of a cable; sometimes carrying the cable with the eye over their shoulder ami their arm thrust through it. THESE PRACTICES SEIOULD BE TINUED.
Str. Carl D. Bradley --
We are happy to report that Captain Walter Pep pier, our senior tug captain, who has been confined to the Marine Hospital at Detroit for the past few weeks is improving nicely. We all wish you a speedy recovery, Cap.
We are also glad to report that Guy LaBounty. chief engineer on the Str. Robinson is getting along nicely after an emergency appendectomy at the Deaconness Hospital in Detroit. We know Guy's many friends are hoping that his condition will con tinue favorably.
The picture below was sent in by a member of
one of our boat crews who suggested we might run it as a sort of "Guess Who?" for our boat personnel. It is a lighthouse situated on one of the Great
Lakes and not frequently seen by the majority of o u r men.
Avoid Hatch Accidents
The danger in careless handling of hatch covers is
evident from the following which appeared in a
safety engineer's report: "—stepped on hatch cov er; fell into lower hold." (fatal accident) "—step ped on hatch cover: fell 26 feet to hold."
(fatal ac
cident) "Falling hatch cover struck man on head." (fatal accident) "Man standing on covered portion of hatch; sling board being hoisted out caught and pulled strong back.
Man fell into hold."
(fatal ac
Man standing in bight of cable while pull
ing on hatch covers was thrown into cargo hold, (fatal accident).
The proud mother visited the furniture store to make final payment on a baby carriage. The ambitious clerk, ever alert for a customer's wel
fare, inquired: "And how is the baby?"
"Oh, just fine," answered the mother. "He's get ting married next week." 13<>2
The Storm of 1940
by C. F. Platz
November 11th and 12th, 1940, Great Lakes ship
ed in Duluth after the loss of a number of automo
ping experienced the worst storm in 27 years. No
biles during the storm on Lake Superior.
vember 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1913, were the dates of what is called the "Big Storm" in which thirteen
steamers, the loss has been heavy in damage suf
In addition to the losses of sunk and grounded
freighters and one Lightship were lost, with a total
fered by a large number of vessels to cabins, hatch
loss of life exceeding 250. In addition to the vessels
es, etc., which cannot be estimated at this time.
lost scores of vessels were driven ashore and aband oned. The storm of 1913 in many respects compares
SPARTA, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, went aground
with the conditions just experienced as shown by
the report of the wind at that time, "a storm of such unprecedented violence with such rapid changes in the direction of the wind and its gusts of such fear
ful speed had never been experienced. Storms of that velocity ordinarily do not last over four or five hours, but this storm raged for 16 hours continuous
ly at an average velocity of 60 miles per hour, with
In a storm several days earlier the Steamer on Pictured Rock near Munising, Mich., on Lake
Superior while seeking shelter from the weather and has been abandoned as a total loss.
Considerable concern was experienced on Novem
ber 12th for the safety of the ship and crew of the Steamers CONNEAUT and FRANK BILLINGS, both of which sent out SOS calls near the Straits
Mackinac. Both of these vessels were bound frequent spurts of 70 and over.'' Much of this same of light from Lake Michigan to Calcite to load car condition existed this year and many boats were
caught out in the open lake with no port of shelter available, and they were left to the elements to at-
empt to find a safe haven as best they could. To do this a number of vessels were lost and many others
that the Steamer BILLINGS is due today to load
her cargo.
The Steamer CONNEAUT is still aground 35 miles west of St. Ignace but has suffer ed no loss of life.
She had lost her wheel, rudder
suffered severe hardships both of vessels and mem bers of the crew. It is impossible for us who live
and shoe during the gale on Lake Michigan, and
ashore to visualize even in a small degree experi ences of a crew of a doomed ship, as it often hap
the beach near Nabinway, Michigan.
pens that there are no survivors to tell the tale. As the time between the storm and going to press
is limited we cannot give a detailed account of all the damage suffered by Great Lakes shipping dur
ing this storm we give below an account of the loss es as nearly accurate as can be secured at this time: The Steamers WM. B. DAVOCK, ANNA C. MINCH and NOVADOC were sunk in Lake Mich
igan, with the loss of their entire crews. The WM. B. DAVOCK, owned by the Interlake
Steamship Company, Cleveland, Ohio, was a steel vessel 420 feet long, 52 feet beam, built in 1907 with a carrying capacity of about 7,500 tons. Some years
ago she was a frequent visitor at Calcite, carrying stone to Fairport. The ANNA C. MINCH, a Canadian vessel owned
by Sarnia Steamship Co., of Port Colborne, Ont., was 380 feet long and 50 feet beam with a carrying capacity of 6,300 tons. The NOVADOC, also a Canadian vessel owned by Paterson Steamship Company, of Montreal, was 253 feet long and 43 feet beam carrying about 3,000 tons.
There are still several freighters unreported but their owners feel sure that they have been sheltered
at some port where it was not possible for them to
goes, and it is very gratifying to learn today, (13th)
report their whereabouts. There are also a number of fishing craft not reported and are feared lost. Total loss of life is estimated at one hundred.
The carferry, City of Flint, \yent aground at Ludington. No loss of life to crew or passengers. The Steamer SINALOAvwas abandoned in Big
Bay De Noc.
The Steamer F. J. PETERSON is aground on
Hog Island in northern Lake Michigan. The CRUDOIL is also aground in the northern end of Lake Michigan. The Steamer CRESCENT CITY arriv-
when the anchors failed to hold she drifted in on
In talking with Captain Murphy of the Steamer BILLINGS on his arrival at Calcite he states that
apparently much of the information given out over the air as to the condition of his steamer was unau thorized. He said that the forward bulwarks were stove in and four windows in the pilot house were
broken by the heavy seas and one of the wheelsmen was injured by flying glass from the pilot house windows, and he had only authorized a message to the Coast Guard to come out to him and take off the
injured wheelsman. He said that the condition of the BILLINGS at no time was such that any
thought was given to abandoning the ship or that it was necessary for the crew to be taken off. He also said that the seas were very heavy and it seem
ed as though the wind was blowing 75 miles an hour at times. We are glad to report that on his arrival at Calcite there was no evidence of any damage
except to the bulwarks and the BILLINGS loaded her cargo and went, on her way as though the ex perience was just another entry in the log book covering a season's operation on the Great Lakes. We are glad to report that although all the ves sels of the Bradley Transportation Company were
in a portion of the gale, none of them suffered any damage, but do doubt some members of the crews will have many a fancy story to tell the children around a cozy fireside this winter when the boats are laid up and the frosty winds are whistling. No doubt many a spitzer game will be interrupted when some of our good sailor friends think of something new to add to the oft-told experiences. all be glad to hear your story, boys.
We will
Since writing the above we understand all but two members of the crew of the Str. NOVADOC have been rescued. 1393
nod have to sabe der stubs so dot he vould have vone hole vone to chew on ven he makes a toe.
^Ber visual
_ Veil der Bolers are ad id now Major Goodin dey Say rools a mean Ball I have nod got any data on
(§ool JJrius
any of der Scores. Crlatib and a few of der oders vould like to See Boehmcr und Dave Larson rool
fixmxxd Mtt
a few.
Veil id vill be time for der Deer Hunters to be
in action by der time you get dis unt den ve vill have all der Storys of der Vones dot dey mist. Ray Menton should gel his deer dis year his deer is like
der Seven years Locust Vone evrv sevan years.
veil I vill have to come to a Close unt get dis oud
ol" der vay So vill say By By for dis time. Schnopsie.
J\I J§»clrrtn»sie My Dear Mitzie: Vill have to wride you a few lines to let you know dot ve are still alife regardless of der oudcome of der elecshun So I vill have to wride vou
vonce more any how. Veil Rankie vent to see der Base Bailers at der
Vorld Series.
Did you make any money on der
games Frank ?
Congenial gatherings promote the true spirit of
hospitality, meeting friends, making friends. It is literally true, as the thankless say, that thev
have nothing to be thankful for. He who sits by
the fire, thankless for the fire, is just as if he bad
no lire. Nothing is possessed save in appreciation, of which thankfulness is the indispensable ingredi ent. But a thankful heart hath a continual feast.— \Y. J. Cameron.
Efficiency is not doing the unusual well but in doing the usual unusually well.
You Know dot Norman Dulack der Dock office
manger unt Harbor master vas vide avake der oder
^ Too many people get into the procession without
evening ven he cast his Eagle eye oud unt saw a
finding out who is in front or where they are going.
Cloud of Steam around der tug Kellers Ha Ha Some vun Must be commiting der Sabotage Act Unt he put on der seven league boots unt Scooted around der slip but could nod find Elansom Louie der Vatchnian tint der Rogers City vas oud in der
We are very grateful to all who have contributed in any way toward the various issues of Calcite
Lake mit der derrick Vulcan but der good Ship
Str. Taylor vas in so he got Rocky River Tommy to investigate und he said dot he thought der might be a short circuit in der muffler unt to get der
We always enjoy a good response
when we ask for contributions. From reports we receive our readers enjoy '•Screenings." and it is your splendid cooperation that has made our ef forts worthwhile and interesting.
Veal Scow around unt investigate. Veil dot did nod mean anyding to Dulley so he Called Stanbrook bud he vas oud of town Ha Ha. Anoder
bright idea up on der good ship Taylor unt got Vindward to blow for der Tug Rogers City bud dey did not know vot dey vanted. Youst thought dot dey ver vorkir.g on der vissell unt youst den he saw Hansom Louie on der tug unt Vanted to know vot vas der madder. Nodding youst blow ing off der boiler so dot dey can vash id oud to morrow so now he vants to Bill der Company for a Pair of shoes dot he claims dot he vore oud.
Hitler has mine Kampf unt Truman Arnold has his Bottle Necks of Business. Both Rooks have dare Gadaren ol Swine on whom all der Evils vich
beset mankinde are loaded.
Hitler has his Jews
unt Trueman has his american Business men for all
dot is wrong mit der Vorld. unt say dot let us run Every ding den all vill be Jake unt der are a whole lot of der Same mind in dis Vorld bncl let there be a firm stand between good Intenshuns of Elected or Apointed officials unt der Manner in vich dese Intenshuns are put in Practise. some of der boys on der tugs Vish dot some vone
vould give Cap New. house a few cigars so he vould 1394
CLLlic Reason's Oiircctuujs-(lllfristnias cheer drill sunn be here.
JWe drish umt
blessings anb all the joys nf a bright, bapuu, health ful anii safe HNelu T^Icar.
—QIalcite Screenings
By ANNIE JAMES Perchance a ship on some unknown sea Is searching for gifts to bring to me; I'll ask not for wealth or fleeting fame, Not love, or success to win the game, Neither happiness nor friends galore, But this one thing I do imploreâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Bring me health. Without health I cannot enjoy Wealth, fame, success, or chosen toy; Without health all things become dust, It is the one gift for which I lust.
So when you lade my ship, if you'd be kind, Leave out all other giftsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;I don't mind, But bring me healths
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Curtails Waste Saves Time
Conserves Health Prevents Fire
Improves Morale
Promotes Happiness and