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(DuT GoUÂŁX The cover of "Calcite Screenings" has often fea tured some of the beauty spots found nearby in our community. Much publicity is given in the press and in tourist circulars to this section of Michigan. We do not feel that it needs additional publicity but we do want our readers to know that scenic beauty is near us, and that perhaps we are richer than we realize in these things. This beauty spot pictured is the Grand Lake outlet just before it empties into Lake Huron at Thompson's Harbor. The river known as "the outlet" is about three

miles long and is located on the Michigan Lime stone and Chemical Company properties. This ter ritory is extremely wild and is excellent game cover.







Looking Over Our Safely Record The view of our Safety First Bulletin Board for 1945 shows a total of four lost time accidents at the

Calcite Plant. The frequency rate for the year being 3.11 and the severity rate 5.23. Of these four acci dents one was a fatality to David Larson ol the Ma chine Shop, one the loss of a finger to Ben Lewandowski of the Mill Department, one a sprained and dislocated shoulder to Frank Richards of the Shovel

Department, and one to Martin Budnick of the

Track Department, who suffered a bruised hand and wrist.

The Buffalo Plant had a perfect year in 1945 and

as of August 7th of this year boasted thirty-six months without a disabling injury. The men in that organization are hard at work on their accident prevention job. Theirs is an operation where, along with all possible mechanical safe guards, alert and safety minded workers are the key to this very good showing. The Bradley Boats in 1945 had one lost time acci dent on winter-work and one during the operation season. Martin Lewandowski fell, sprained his back and hip while doing winter repair work, and George

LOST TIME ACCIDENTS SEASON 19 HaHaHafiHHaHQHaraann HraraHHrararaiiiHiaaamHaraB CLECTRICAL-REINKE 10 0 010 01010 010 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0



jHHEEaaaanHaHHaEirana bJI^J^JaVLM^HEIHEIE»EIEIElHI3EIEIHEinBIHB TRACK -GKJVAGNORIO10 0 0 0 0 0 010 010 0 0 0 0 010 0




You Will Get Hurt At Home Too

Marsh, a deckhand on the Str. White, scalded his

Before quoting statistics and figures on the sub ject, let us go over this business of being hurt while off the job right here among ourselves. We all read the papers and see where people get hurt and killed,

ankle. This was the only loss of time occuring dur ing the operating season. On Sept. 4th this year the good record at the

and we feel so cozy and secure in our own little com munity that these stories do not impress us, but your neighbor is getting hurt just the same. We

Buffalo Plant was ended. A

workman fell from a

walkway injuring his neck and shoulder. We hope this will not discourage a further quest for another good record. The Calcite Plant with two lost time accidents

must do exceptionally well from now on to make 1946 what we would like to see it. John Dehring of the Mill Department lost the tip of an index finger in January. While there was no loss of time the ac cident resulted in the loss of a

member and one

hundred and fifty da\-s must be charged to the ac cident. Another Mill Department employee. Wil liam Torno. broke a wrist and lost fifty days. The first injury on the Bradley Boats this season

occurred on June 20th when Raymond Budnick of the Str. Robinson severely cut his hand. He fell on deck while carrying an earthen water pitcher. On August 24th Angus Domke of the Str. Taylor in jured his little finger causing him to lose time. The Bradley Transportation Company winter-work crew had another good season and then on the last week of operation James Lamb fractured two ribs and caused a time loss of thirty-three days. We are not exalted with this showing in pre venting accidents but do appreciate the efforts of

our employees in safety work. Keep it up every-

Fall. 1946

are not so safe as it might appear. Let us recall the fellow who. a might}- safe worker on the job, did get kicked by a cow out at a friends farm. And then we arc thinking of the sailor, who was off on a va cation and rolled his car over, with the final result

of severe injury to himself and a friend and the loss of a car hard to replace. Then we can recall the an noying cases of poison ivy. sunburn and stubborn in

fections that our doctor is treating every day at the first aid room, all picked up while off the job. We should not feel too secure even in our own little city, as accidents strike everywhere. There is more and more traffic in our section dur

ing these summer months and soon we will have a

first class problem at our front door. While we are concerned about heart disease, cancer, sluggish liver and hardening of the arterys, let us too think of that other crippling and killing menace—accidents.

Today belongs to us. It's the only day we have to play our parts. We may not know how we lit

into the general picture of events: we do know that we can give something no matter how large or small. We can give a word, a helping hand, a friendly greeting, a piece of forward action. We can give anything we want. We can keep our own counsel, or wisely ask the opinion of others. We can do well for today belongs to us. 1963

Insurance, Another Phase Of Safety Insurance is a development of our social life, whereby the individual is protected against a crip pling loss, by a group of which he is a member. Each member pays a certain fee and in case of loss he makes up his loss from the common fund. Modern insurance with its wide scope and ramifications, is not quite as simple as this, but is built on the same principle. If the amount of loss is greater than the total amount paid in by the group, then the Insur ance Company cannot pay its liabilities or claims and thus the insured loses his equity. If the amount of loss is less than the amount paid out the Insur ance Company makes money. Obviously the balance depends on the amount of premium paid by the in sured and the liability demands on the fund. Competition prevents the Insurance Company from making too large a profit. If premiums are too high some other Company will under-sell and get the business.

How do Insurance Companies arrive at a safe premium requirement ? Over a period of years and from past experience Life Insurance Companies find that out of every

hundred thousand persons, under a given set of conditions, a certain percentage will die. This per

centage remains reasonably constant and from such data a company can calculate the premium it must levy in order to stay in business and make a reason able profit. If liability rates increase, premiums must increase to meet the demand on the companies assets. If liability rates decrease premiums may be safely decreased. Fire, automobile and all other

types of Insurance operate on the same basis. An Insurance Company in the United States in order to start business must obtain a government charter and submit to rigid periodic government in

spections. This has cut the percentage of failures in recent years to a relatively negligible quantity. Since 1930 failures in Life Insurance Companies

have amounted to approximately 2% of the total number of companies operating. Most of these fail ures have been taken over by other solvent con cerns, and the loss sustained by policy holders has been cut to a minimum. Thus Insurance has become,

next to United States Government Bonds, one of the safest forms of investment in the country. The value of Life Insurance to the individual has been so well established that further comment here

would be superfluous. Suffice it to say that actuary figures indicate 7% to 10% of income is the least amount an average family of five can afford to spend on Life Insurance for a minimum protection against expenses incurred by the death of the fam ily bread winner. This percentage is based on straight Life Insurance premiums. Endowment policy premiums over and above straight life rates should show on the budget as savings, and not as insurance.

Sick and accident insurance is a rapidly growing type of protection which more and more people are buying as they see its benefits. This type of policy can be obtained at a much cheaper rate if taken by

ture need of protection, than is the case with the group. But who are we to say where the ax may fall in this uncertain life.

Irresponsible driving and climbing accident rates have caused the government to step in to protect the public from the menace of auto accidents. In

Michigan the driver of a car which does not have a public liability insurance policy may if proven guilty lose his driver's license and any future chance of getting another one. He is also liable for pay ment of court judgments against him, which in many cases have been from $10,000 to $20,000. Auto mobile Insurance rates have risen during and since the war, because of the rapidly increasing number of accidents due to the large number of old cars and the resultant increase in mechanical failures

causing accidents. No man can afford to own a car without public liability and property damage in surance. The older the automobile the greater the need for such coverage. Fire insurance statistics indicate that home own ers are much more conscious of fire hazards than

they are of other types of insurance protection. The percentage of dwellings covered by fire policies in most communities runs close to 100%. Why the public as a whole seems to be more conscious of losses sustained by fire than any other form of pro tection, is somewhat of a mystery which may be ac counted for by premium costs and other tangible or intangible reasons that direct the economic pro cesses of the human mind, although the practical economy is not obvious. Many people, through past experience or hear say, think that insurance is- not safe. Today it is safer than nearly any form of investment. If an individual can afford to own a car or a house

he cannot afford to jeopardize his economic future by leaving them uninsured. All resposible members of society have the urge to protect the welfare of their dependents. Insur ance is a means to this end if a man is suddenly re moved by death from the scene of his responsibil ities.

No man should buy more insurance than he can pay for, but on the other hand the smaller the in come the greater the actual need of some protection against loss of income, through sickness, accident, or death and the inevitable expenses which follow. If you are in doubt as to the amount of insurance you should carry consult some responsible" person who can inform you on what your income indicates that you should spend to give you and your family the maximum protection against the uncertain hazards of life in relation to your particular occupa tion and economic status.

Each, year when birthday time rolls around, it might be wise to indeed remember what Emerson said: "We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count."

In looking at the Atom experiments we can't help but ponder that man can make an Atom Bomb but he can't make an apple.

groups of people in any given type of work. The reason for this may be that a larger number of people buy individual insurance who can see a fu 1964

Enthusiasm gives you a decided "edge" ovei the fellow who lacks it.

Social Security. What is it giving you? of employment. (3) Cancellation of policy by em As of June 30, 1946, Miss Sylvia Paul, Manager of ployee. (4) Retirement of employee on pension or otherwise. (5) Recall of insurance plan. the Social Security Board office in Bay City, Mich CONVERSION PRIVILEGE: Your policy may igan, states that 123 persons in Presque Isle County are receiving a total of $2,616.35 in social security be converted to any standard individual form with benefits each month. This benefit roll for the County out physical examination provided application is made and first yearly premium is paid within 31 includes 52 retired workers, ages 65 or over, receiv ing $1,585.29 monthly; 12 wives of retired workers days of your group policy cancellation. SUGGESTIONS: Discuss your insurance policies who are 65 or over, receiving $172.90 monthly; 42 children of deceased or retired workers receiving with the family so they are aware of the limitations $526.06 and 17 widows with young children and aged of this low cost term policy. A term policy is a limit widows of deceased workers receiving a total of ed form of insurance and will not provide an ade quate substitute for regular life insurance policies $332.10 in benefits payments every month. Too many of us know too little about the social you now have or may contertvplate taking out in the security benefits to ourselves and to our families. future. The following forms are available at the Main There are two classifications of those eligible to re ceive benefits under the present program. First, Office for your convenience: (1) Replacement of monthly retirement payments are paid to those who lost certificate. (2) Change of beneficiary. (3) are qualified workers when they reach age 65 and Change of name. If additional information is required contact the have stopped regular work. If their wives are 65 years of age additional payments are made. If there Insurance Department at the Main Office. are any children under 16 years of age, or 18, if still Steel For Your New Home in school, further payments will be made. In the As a member of that huge industry whose pri case of adopted children such adoption must have been made before the worker became 60 years old. mary purpose is to produce steel, we are interested in its future uses. We are especially interested in Second, there are survivors payments. This is per haps the best feature of the program and one we its use in actual home construction since most of know the least about. In case of a. worker's death us have dreams of building a new home. "Steel is firmly entrenched in the kitchen, laun regardless of his age, his children receive benefits, dry, bathroom and basement," according to Dr. R. if under 16 years or 18 if still in school, his widow re ceives benefits if the children are in her care. She E. Zimmerman, vice president of research and also receives monthly p'ayments if she is 65 years technology, United States Steel Corporation of of age. If he has dependent parents they will receive Delaware. "It is winning its way into dining and livr ing rooms, bedrooms and sun room. It may enclose payments each month, when oyer 65, that is provid ing he has left no widow or young child. A lump sum these areas with strong, tough internal and even payment is made to the widow if she is under 65 external walls, cover them with ceilings, connect them with stairways, warm them with radiant and there are no other dependents. However, appli cation for this payment must be made to the Social heating pipes, and cool them with air-conditioning ducts." Security Board within two years after his death. It is our advice that these benefits briefly given The properties of steel make it ideal in home con be discussed with your family. If any questions con struction. It is easily fabricated, adaptable to nu cerning this program in relation to you and your merous methods of finishing and, finally, it is eco family are puzzling you, we will be happy to find the nomical. One of the important considerations is correct answers. You are invited to visit the per that steel may directly replace several materials sonnel office for this information. performing different functions, steel performing all these functions together. About Employees Group Insurance Outside, these modern steel houses can be of July 1st, 1946, marked the eleventh anniver sary of the present Employees Group Insurance Plan.

With approximately 90% of the original policies still in force a brief review of the plan is outlined for your information. A booklet of information was issued to all em

ployees on May 25th, 1935 covering this plan. Brief ly they were: TYPE OF INSURANCE: Renewable Term In

surance against death. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: Based on employ

ees annual earnings in multiples of $500.00.

familiar materials, such as brick, stone or wood—

or long-lasting porcelain-enamel fused on steel, easily washed and requiring no new coat from year to year, may be used. Windows have steel sections

and frames. Their sills usually are made of porce lain-enameled steel.

The iron age is still with us and steel has more applicable uses than ever before. Plastics, synthetics and the other mentioned steel substitutes have a

strong competitor in steel which will not be chased off the scene as easily as some imagine.

The happiness of your life depends upon the

INSURANCE IN FORCE: (1) While actively, quality of your thoughts; therefore guard accord employed by this Company. (2) Sick leave of not over one year, provided employee is under age 65 during that period.

ingly.—Marcus Aurelius.

INSURANCE IS TERMINATED: by (.1) Non payment of premium by employee. (2) Termination

the love of virtue, and the attainment of ambition

The five blessings are long life, riches, serenity —The Hung-Fan, 1100 B.C. (Chinese). 1965

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Coast Guard Cadets Are Among Our Summer Visitors

Various employees of the company have derived

were timed so that the cadets could observe the

a great deal of pleasure on four different occasions

building is pictured on the left and an air view of

drilling, loading of holes, the actual blast, and its result as well as the loading into cars. A visit was made to one of the large shovels, and the cadets inspected the entire mechanism. They resembled a white horde attacking the machine as

the entire academy is located in New Britain, Connecticut, and during the past two years, a

the point of the boom, over the roof, inside the

by acting as hosts to groups of United States Coast Guard cadets visiting our properties. The Coast Guard Academy whose administration

part of the cadets training has been a trip through the Great Lakes on the ice breaker "Mackinaw." Cadets board the ice breaker at Buffalo, New-

York, and are assigned regular positions incidental to the operation of the vessel. The cadets become

a part of the crew and stand watches, performing the various duties assigned to them as if they were permanently stationed on the ship. .Many different ports on the lakes are visited, and at each port an industrial activity has been observed by the cadets. Four groups of cadets have now visited Calcite

and inspected our operations. Approximately forty cadets were in each group. They were met upon docking by company employees who acted as guides. Upon leaving the ice breaker, which is a beauti

ful white vessel immaculately maintained, the cadets boarded two flat cars which were equipped with steps and safety railings. Company employees were spaced on the cars so that the cadets might readily have the different phases of our operations explained to them, and have a target to which they could direct their numerous questions. The cadets wore white uniforms and presented an impressive picture as they toured the properties. One of the diesel-electric locomotives was utilized

to transfer them to various locations on the proper ty. The tour started through the quarry over the back main line. Stops were made to observe shovel

operations and the stone formations. Operations

they scrambled over every part, including a trip to bucket, and underneath the shovel, as well as ob

serving the driving machinery, generators, and the operator's control station. The quarry being well digested by our visitors, the next stop was made at the crusher house, vyhere the fascination of the large gyratory seemed to hold them enchanted.

Perhaps this is a good place to remark about the questions the cadets directed to their guides. You can well imagine the thirst for knowledge, the "How" and "Why" of forty individuals who are spending their time in current education. Questions galore were fired. Many of them, being of technical nature, found their answer only by referring them

to the company employee who was directly con nected with that particular phase of the operation to which the question had reference. Noon time descended upon the group as they left the crusher house and a return was made to the "Mackinaw" for "chow."

After lunch a trip is made aboard a ship loading cargo at Calcite. The July 8th group boarded the Str. William B. Schiller, under command of Capt. G. A. Lehne and Chief Engineer E. F. Heckel, and inspected it from the pilot house to the engine room. This was the cadets first visit to a lake bulk carrier.

Then came a trip to the "A" drive house, and an elevator ride to the top of the screen house. There the cadets were taken out on the roof, where a

wonderful panoramic view of all they had closely inspected, was available. The trip down through the 1967

Summer Visitors At The Plant

screen house from floor to floor was somewhat of

a rest for the voices of the company men, as the sound made by the product being handled and screened precluded the asking of questions and the receipt of a satisfactory answer. The electric con trol room on the eighth floor seemed to hold a great interest for many, of our visitors. A trip through the Power House proved very interesting to the majority of the cadets who were familiar with generation of steam and electricity. Some of the groups had sufficient time to also visit the Radio Station, which seemed to hold untold charms for the observers.

The cadets represented almost every state in the Union. Conversation with young men from Texas, Florida, Maine and Washington proved en

lightening to the company guides as they learned of conditions in states as they differed from our own locality.

The commanding officers in charge of the cadets are to be commended on the very fine appearance

and manner of their group. It was a sincere pleas ure to meet these officers, and after meeting them we all felt assured that the future of the United States Coast Guard is to be a brilliant one, when

the cadets have an opportunity to train under such capable leadership.

We are looking forward with pleasurable antici pation to more visits to our plant by coast guard groups.

On the upper left corner of the next page is the trim, well groomed ice breaker "Mackinaw." We envy the cadets their cruise on this vessel and wish we could be part of the crew for a short time at least. The cadets are lined up preparatory to start

ing their sight seeing tour of the Calcite plant. The upper right shows some of the boys watch


The Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company

plant at Rogers City is one of the show places of Northern Michigan. Tucked away off the main highway, many tourists fail to see this mammoth operation for mining, screening and shipping lime stone. To the average individual, a stone quarry is a very prosaic place until he has seen the size and ramifications of the Calcite operation. We do, how ever, have a considerable number of visitors at the

plant during summer months; many of them re peaters who come back to watch with fascinated eyes the huge electric shovels in operation, the ci usher grinding its trainload after trainload of stone, and the freighters coming in to load and leaving with their various cargoes of processed stone.

Last year the new ice breaker "Mackinaw" docked at Calcite and the members of the crew

were taken thru the plant and shown the Calcite

operation from the drilling, blasting and loading of stone in the quarry to the Crusher House, Screen

House, and Loading Docks. The tour also included an inspection of one of the Bradley Transportation Company steamboats. This season the "Mackinaw" made two more stops at Calcite for the purpose of showing each new group of cadets how limestone is quarried and processed. During the Rogers City homecoming on the week of July 4th this year, Friday and Saturday were designated as days for sponsored tours of the plant, and guides were kept busy conducting groups of visitors thru the various scenes of plant operations. Truckloads of boys and girls from the various summer camps, as well as college groups interested in the geological aspects of the Rogers City lime stone, also took advantage of sight seeing trips thru the plant and quarry.

ing the stone tlowing into one of the Pittsburgh Steamship Company freighters. An examination of Due to the number of trains and trucks continu these ships will acquaint cadets with construction ally moving around the quarry and yard, the com and operation. Some day these boys will be officers pany does insist on a guide with these parties of in the Coast Guard and cargo carrying vessels will be under their protective eye.

The left center shows number two shovel being

taken by storm. This piece of equipment was en trancing to the visitors because of its unusual size and complicated operating equipment.

The right center is another view of a few cadets aboard a lake freighter at Port of Calcite.

The lower left picture of the cadets at the 60" Gyratory Crusher is a study of individuals inter ested in an unusual activity. The noise, rush of material and ease of handling thousands of tons of stone made this part of the tour one of the most outstanding. This always impresses any of our plant visitors.

On the lower right we find the group just getting underway before much has been seen and few questions asked. These fine young men soon have the guides busy answering questions and pointing out the highlights of this industry so little known to most people outside of our own community.

tourists, not only to give information but to protect the visitor against accident hazards. Now that war restrictions are lifted, we welcome

these visitors to the sights of the operations at Calcite, and hope that they carry away with them

a more integrated picture of one of the industries of Michigan and its contribution to the industrial giant, which is America. Local Doctors Honored

One of the highlights of the Rogers City home coming last 4th of July was the presentation of a watch to each of the town's four veteran members

of the medical fraternity—Doctors Rutledge, Mon roe, Arscott and Larke. These four members not

only served the town, but have all directly or in directly been active company doctors for many years, and Calcite Screenings takes this oppor tunity to wish them well after their many years of unstinting service to our community. Wherever there is a human being there is a chance for a kindness.

Those men who try to do something and fail, are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and beautifully succeed. 1968

Life consists in wanting something. When a man is satisfied he is as good as dead.

No. 21 Shovel Loading a New Mack Truck and the Haiss Loader Filling One of the Reo Trucks

Changes In Plant Equipment During the period of a few months there are changes in our plant that are hardly noticeable un less we stop to consider just what is new or changed. There is a continuous process of new ideas, new machinery and improvements all going towards bettering the process of quarrying, preparing and shipping limestone. This season the lake storage project has been speeded up to meet shipping" requirements. A piece of new equipment used there is the Haiss Loader, a machine using a bucket elevator and conveyor combination to load trucks quickly and easily. The loader is powered by a LeRoi Engine and is com pletely controlled by one operator. An auxiliary conveyor was added on our Machine Shop so that dump trucks could be better accommodated. Several new trucks have been added to trucking equipment. One type is a Reo, with six wheels and a drive on three axles if necessary. The other type is a Mack Truck which hauls 15 tons per load with ease. These trucks bring back memories to some of our service men. Some of the drivers had experi

age. This change presents a neat picture in our dock arrangements.

New rolling stock for stone trans >ortation are

the nice fifty cubic yard capacity pressed steel cars seen sliding into the crusher house. These dump cars

arc equipped with roller bearings in each journal and have numerous small improvements that have been tound advantageous in our operation. They are a fine addition at a time when greater tonnage is expected from the quarry. One of the interesting machines that has been added to the Shop is what is known as "Hi Pressure Jenny.'* It is used for cleaning grease, paint, and dirt from machine parts in for repair. High pressure steam is supplied almost instantly at the turn of a switch and is regulated to produce dry >r wet steam, hot water or a compound which can be controlled to the point of removing paint. Gone is the neces sity of handling castings and parts loaded with grease and dirt.

Perhaps you have missed the oxygen and acety-

ence with these vehicles while in the service.

Between the truck parade, the Haiss Loader and No. 21 Shovel, the lake storage operation has been

one busy little quarry, There is an installation over by the tug slip. a Dutton Oil Fired Boiler to be used in steaming frozen stone encountered in the fines storage dur

ing early spring and late fall. The boiler is being in stalled in what was a compressor house. A pent house has been added to make room for the boiler

and the necessary automatic equipment. Previously No. 25 Steam Locomotive provided heat for this need. It was the last of the steam locomotive equip ment and when it was shipped away an era passed in our plant. No more smoke, steam, chugs and whistles which put romance in the quarry operation of years gone by.

:.— «t».

Dock maintenance has received its share of at tention and the area between the flux dock and

•':\ ---•/

power house has been altered allowing consider able more Space for the railroad tracks handling

Hector Hawkins, Shovel Engineer, and New 20-cu. yd.

sugar stone and for miscellaneous screening stor

Bucket for No. 2 Shovel


A 50-cubic-yard Air Dump Car Adds to Transportation Equipment

lene storage building, but it has just moved to the south side of the Machine Shop. With it is an air compressor house which contains a compressor entirely automatic in its operation. It shuts down when air is not used and turns its cooling water off and on as needed. The iron dock has been moved to

the rear of this building and will eventually be en closed. A system for moving and handling material

will be installed. Stored here is the iron supply in

Rhinardt Wirgau and Scotty McDonald Busy Cleaning and Sorting Parts to Get Grizzly Rolls in Mill Set for

all its shapes and sizes and spare parts for dump

Tons of Stone

cars, diesel locomotives and shovels. It has a load

ing platform for flat car service. This is all a wel

come addition in the program for keeping an order ly house.

The track crew have welcomed a new portable

The use of ladders presents a variety of accident problems, whose solution demands correct con struction, proper storage and maintenance, and safe use. Ladders should never be used where the volume of traffic is sufficient and the location suit

air compressor which supplies power for the tie tamper and air wrenches. These labor saving tools

able to justify the installation of stairways or in

have eliminated much of the hard work from track

Primer construction is essential to safe use, and should be governed by the provisions of the Amer ican Standard Safety Code for Construction, Care

maintenance. With the cranes this job is made much safer and easier then track work has ever been.

A new twenty cubic yard bucket has made an ap pearance on No."2 Shovel. It is slightly different from our previous buckets. The design of the front and the addition of a bail are the main changes. Shovel operators say it handles and loads well. Another bull-dozer has been added to this line of

machinery so extensively used around the plant and quarry.

All these changes we have mentioned are pointed towards getting out the stone with speed, ease, ef ficiency and safety.


and L'se of Ladders. Wooden ladders, the most

common type, should be made from wood which

is straight grained, thoroughly seasoned, and free from large checks, shakes, decay, or injurious knots.

Don't be fooled by the nice shiny appearance of your apples. Worms may be hiding inside. One way to tell is by using the newly invented micro

wave tube which makes heretofore impossible in spection, control and grading operations. The tiny "rocket tube" can indicate the worm in your apple. "7v3

One of the worst misers in the world is the man

who keeps counting his troubles because he's afraie

. '-*^''•••-

he might lose one.


Dock Maintenance at Calcite Keeps Crews Busy



• - . - .. •-


' •-• •'-. >

; -•"•


Getting Prepared to Replace Gates in the Flux Tunnel 1971

Boats Were Ready For Post War Season Following the completion of another successful winter work program, our boats were ready to take care of their share of the first post war shipping season with the anticipated tonnage comparable to that of any shipping season during the war. As

feature adds a great deal to convenience of operation as well as to the safety of the men on the dock handling the lines. Another safety feature was the installation of water proof light fixtures in all the showers on the boat.

usual there were a few minor details that had to

The straps and buckets of the center conveyor

be taken care of after the operating season began. With the large tonnage to be handled this year

of the Str. Robinson were overhauled, The hatch

the shipping program on the Great Lakes was slowed up a great deal as a result of the railroad and coal strikes. An attempt is being made to catch

up' as much as possible during the balance of the

combings were raised. This required a lot of weld ing and riveting. New tile floors were put in the refrigerators of both the Robinson and the Bradley. The Bradley also received a new stainless steel drinking water

season. This will mean a very busy operation for the balance of the navigation season. The success


of a full operating season can in a large part be attributed to a well planned and well organized

was the usual amount of checking and repairing done on the electrical equipment of all the boats. The same was true of all the conveying equipment. Many chutes were relined, some rivets replaced, and repairs to the cargo holds were made. As dur ing the past years, many improvements were made to the living quarters on these boats. This adds to

maintenance program. The result of the winter work program of the Bradley Transportation Com pany speaks well for itself in this respect. '•. Four boats of the Bradley fleet were laid up at Calcite. They were the Steamers Bradley, Robin son, Taylor, and Calcite. The Munson and White were at Toledo. The nature of the be done

In addition to the above mentioned items, there

the comforts of the crew members. All these im

provements that were made add to the efficiency of the operation of these vessels and increases the

on these two boats made it necessary for them to be at a shipyard.

safety of the crew members.

This winter again found many familiar faces on the job. Charles Frederick was chief engineer. Cash Sobeck was again in charge of the erection and hull work, with Victor Klee and Paul Mulka as assistant foremen to keep the hull, conveyor, and construc tion work on all the boats progressing to schedule. Norman Henderson was in charge of the mechan ical work. Victor Koch very ably took care of the timekeeping duties. We had the usual group of

sembled at the General Repair Shop, are being in stalled during the operating season on the Steamers Munson. Taylor, and White. William Heller and his .shop men are to be highly commended for the fine. cooperation given this winter work program at all times. When considering the hazards encountered in this

welders and burners, most of whom were well ac

quainted with this type of work. John Miller and his crew of "huskies" took charge of all the handling

jobs, many of which were tough ones. Lawson

New electric hatch winches, which were as

type of work and the limited time in which these jobs need to be finished, the safety records show that all the men are safety conscious. Most of the accidents included minor cuts and scratches with a

number getting foreign objects in the eyes.

Macklem and his electricians were a busy group

Top left view on next page is of Tony Yarch

of motors and other electrical equipment along with the trouble shooting on the electrical equipment in .use. We had with us Joseph Ackers, who under the

in setting brick in lower boiler room of Str. Taylor. Top right is view of air heater section going aboard Str. Taylor in new boiler installation. Right center

doing a lot of new wiring, cleaning and overhauling waiting for his helper to pass on more mud used

direction of Robert Lucas took care of the engineer

is Norman Henderson, Joseph Buck, Frank Mayes,

-new boilers in the Str. B. H. Taylor.

Brege and Cash Sobeck touching off the first fire

ing details in connection with the installation of Joe Acker, John Smolinski, Ford Winfield, Dick .

: The major job of the last winter's work was the Teboilering of the Str. B. H. Taylor. As soon as

under the new boilers they spent clays assembling. Right center is the handling crew hoisting a new stainless steel drinking water tank aboard, for the

the old boilers was begun. This was finished before the lay off during the Christmas holiday season. Erection of the foundations was begun after New

Str. Bradley. Lower left, the new stack swings into place on the Str. Taylor.

Years. The slow delivery on many items for this job

Lower right a crew raises the hatches on the Str.

^possible after the operating season, dismantling of

hindered the progress to some extent. In spite of Robinson. the'fact that many of the items were hard to ob These were just a very few of the many jobs that tain and slow in being delivered, the Taylor sailed the Bradley winter work crew do each year when only a few days following the other boats of the the snow is deep and the chill winds blow. fleet. A new high pressure cylinder and column

were also installed on the Taylor. Two new typhoon whistles similar to those on the Steamers Bradley

and Robinson were installed this spring. The coal conveying system was overhauled. Shipside con

trols for the mooring winches were installed. This mi

Kindness is a language the deaf can hear anr* the dumb can understand.

It ain't no disgrace for a man to fail, but to lav there and grunt is.—Josh Billings.

CHB._ 1973

Crews Find Off Season Operations Make A Busy Winter

Removing Overburden in the Quarry

One of the questions asked most often by visitors

With the large market for limestone the shovels

going through the Calcite plant is. "What do you

and transportation equipment are kept busy uncov ering enough limestone from its layer of overbur den, so that the required tonnage can be dug". Last winter, as can be seen in accompanying pictures, the material moved was quite thick and so created a larger task in getting it out of the way. This part of our winter program has been going very well and thousands ol cars of sand, gravel, etc., have been

do when the boats lay up and cold weather sets in?"

Well, our answer is that we use this period to pre pare tor the next operating season and there is al ways plenty to do.

One would think that the process of quarrying and preparing limestone could become so routine that there would be few variations over the years. However, so many things in the way of chemical analysis and sizing of product can occur, that the

whole mechanical processes and steps of operation are changed. Customers requirements on quantity

and quality of the product make what would appear to be only a routine procedure, one with variations. So we do have to plan and work (hiring the winter months for what will be asked of us during the next shipping season.

Dismantled Equipment Gets Thorough Inspection in Mill 1974

disposed of in the huge disposal dumps south and east of our regular quarry* This operation is run on a twenty-four hour day basis and in itself is quite extensive.

The winter period finds the shop and repair crews getting shovels, drills, and rolling stock in shape to go another season without delays. This might mean simple replacement of worn parts or a radical change which will give improvement in operating

Cone of Huge 60-inch Crusher Needs, and Gets Repair

Third Floor Screens in Mill All Repaired and Painted

efficiency. Starting at the crusher house a thorough check and repair job is done on the crusher unit which must handle a million or more tons per month with out any possible delay. That is a lot of hard rock and the unit must be kept in good shape. Belt repair follows on the two long conveying lines from crusher to mill. This job is another of importance in combating costly delays. Changes in the screen house are largely replacements, but never a winter goes by without seeing some part of the screening equipment changed so that more stone can be han dled and a better, closer graded product made. Customers of Michigan Limestone c\- Chemical Company can be assured that a progressive altitude is ever present in adopting methods to get out a stone that will suit their purposes. One of the big jobs done in the mill last winter was to install a large grizzly on the sixth floor to remove oversize stone from the flux. This grizzly takes the product from the recrushers and scalps

on; stone which is considered oversize lor Ilux and

diverts it to the openhcarth storage. This was an

important change to improve the sizing of the fluxing stone. As usual vibrating screens are completely over

hauled, reducers, pulleys, drives, chutes, flumes, skirt boards and belts all renewed or cheeked.

Xew gates were put in part of the flux tunnel last

winter. This was quite a job and consumed a good share of the time spent on storage repair. Another big job was the new conveyor line ami a new floor installed in the openhcarth tunnel. These were some of the older installations and had served for many years.

We could go on enumerating the many small and large tasks to be done in order to maintain a stone

producing plant. Some day major changes will be made, all towards making the job of producing the raw material limestone easier and making the

product better suited for the numerous companies served.

Third Floor in Mill After Repair, and New Coat of Paint 1975

Twenty-five Year Service Banquet-Class 1945

The back-bone of any organization is its nucleus of veteran workman who have stayed with the job through the years. The}- know their job from past experience and can pass this knowledge on to the newcomers with the least possible loss of time and expense. The United States Steel Corporation rec ognizes this valuable asset by giving recognition to those men who have completed twenty-five years of service with the organization. Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and

Bradley Transportation Company are comparative ly young in years and it was only in 1936 that they

The veterans were a little doubtful in 1945. when

some of the ladies from the office force appeared at the banquet table for the first time, but as usual the .men found that a feminine touch adds to the

glamour of any event and this year they were ac cepted as part of the organization, a pleasing sight against the green and white decorations. As the

evening progressed the ladies became a little hazy through the screen of cigar smoke, but seemed to enjoy themselves and survived the occasion with

amazing vitality. Flewelling's orchestra and accordion, which is be

became of age and had men on their payrolls who were eligible for the above recognition. In 1936

coming as much of an institution at these affairs as

there were five

tertainment and Joe Valentin led the community singing with his usual vim and vigor. Mr. Clymer as toastinaster gave an outline of

men who had completed their

twenty-five year service record. The 1945 twentyfive year service men number twenty-three and the total Honor Roll to date lists 174 members. Twentyeight of the Honor Roll members are. retired and fourteen have passed on to their reward. We now can boast of one hundred and thirty-eight men, hail and heartly and still on the job with over twenty-

five years of service to their credit. It is this group

the service men themselves, furnished musical en

the work at the plant for the past year and com mended the men on their co-operation in making the year a success, both from a safety and a pro duction point of view. He also predicted that bar ring unforeseen events. 1946 would see the company produce and ship more stone then in 1945. resulting

and those drawing close to the mark who are re sponsible for Michigan Limestone & Chemical Cornpan)' and Bradley Transportation Company's envi


able safety record of the past few years. On January 19. 1946. the annual turkey banquet

The main speaker of the evening, Edwin M. Steckel, entertained the group with music accom panied by a running monologue which kept the

to initiate the new 1945 group of twenty-five year service men was held in the gymnasium of the Westminster Church. The evening started out with a little confusion and delay, when the lights went out a few minutes before the banqueters were ready to start on the turkey. There is one thing about these Calcite affairs, we always have men around for any emergency. Frank Reinke and Frank

more overtime and hours of work. The toast-

master then presented the men with their service medals.

listeners enthralled with interest or convulsed in

laughter. Every one cannot enjoy an evening of music but even the stone deaf could appreciate Mr. Steckel4s performance entitled '"Music in Fun." In the group picture above we have left to right. back row. Ferd Dost. Bernard Wagner. Robert

Ware soon located the trouble and the festivities

Crittenden, Frank Hincka. Robert Mundt. Russell Kuhlman, Arthur Grambau. W. Yarch Martin Po-

proceeded as per schedule. The Ladies of Westmin ster Guild served the 170 plates in style and the

Reinke. Al Basil. Front row, L. Roski. . Mayes. Al

turkey disappeared with the usual dispatch.

bert Smith. Jacob Dembny, H. Haselhuhn, Fred Lee.








News Items From The Buffalo Plant By Our Plant Reporter

Along With News Stories Of Interest To Us Our Safety Record

We have been striving since August 7, 1943 to set up a new safety record that would surpass

At the rate we are building silos for distribution

of Agricultural limestone—first a silo at Silver Springs, then one at Wallace, New York and next at

the last one made of 38 months. We did reach the

Cohneaut—soon we will have a chain of equipment

Scattoline fell from a walkway suffering injuries

at Calcite and convey it back in stage to Buffalo.

to his neck and shoulders causing lost time. We are disappointed in not setting a new rec ord but will continue to try again. Our safety

Johnny Kowalski found the answer to stop cor rugation of grinding elements in the B&W Pulver izer by designing a new type plow that reduced turbulence around the plow area to a minimum and more than doubling the ring life of elements.

three year mark but on September 4, 1946, William from here back to Calcite. Then we could pulverize

policy has been and continues to be, "Don't wait until an accident occurs, to learn—correct bad

conditions now and if possible sooner." New safe ty records can be made and we will start anew, knowing that every employee will try harder to keep conditions leading to accidents at a new low. The problem was to transmit paper limestone filled bags down a steel chute without sticking and the answer was supplied by our Bill Stephany— "electric heat controlled chute."

Our winter patterned after a popular song that

goes "Let It Snow—Let It Snow" and boy it did! For. a period of two weeks we registered 75 inches here in Buffalo—but, as the popularity of this songfaded, so did the winter and we ended up having a very mild season. "See bee" Simms can make a D 8 tractor do every

thing but "Cook with gas." He built a road at the plant, provided a drainage ditch and rounded the top of the road with a tractor and bulldozer blade. Navigation in reverse is the only explanation we could offer for the trip Johnny Kowalski took the

other day. From reports we hear he had Lizzie Tomani "sweating plenty." The Admiral left our plant dock, sculling a huge rowboat headed for the Great Lakes D&D Co. He made several unsched

uled stops at both sides of the river—but, he finally docked at the Dellwood Elevator. Lizz seeing "Just about everything in the book" had to turn away from the spectacle. He just couldn't stand any more

Captain Malcolm MacLean was a plant visitor on May 6th and we all enjoyed his visit very much. Ida To Eddy It all started in a matter of fact way. The paint

ing career of our little "Keke Michaelangelo Spillman" the second. As the crowd all turned to admire

his work, there developed a finesse in his posture that was lovely to behold. The way he would place one hand on his hip when he raised his trusty brush

then pause and admire his work with an elegant twist of his head. In due time, his prowess traveled far and wide in our little Kingdom until one day the news reached the pearly ears of his dear little

Queen. And alas, this was his undoing, for our proud little Keeke, to promote peace, maintain health, and to prevent revolt, gave his own little kitchen two coats of white with a gray trim in order to live happily ever after.

Beautiful Summer

Mickey and Roccb think they made a discovery, finally convinced the snow was concealing solid Tera Firma.

Ann and Ruth awakening to the fact that those

two dusty squares on the wall were actually win dows.

John Kunik lifting his hat high enough so you're able to see his nose.

Bill Collins and Howard King polishing No. 21. Lizzie Tomani asking when we're going to take the storm sheds down.

Sisto Penque's mustache beginning to thaw out. Stanley Corpus chiseling the winter accumulation off his car.

Grace Enright wearing a bouquet of flowers on her head.

Alex. Kruszka adding another coat of red paint to his fenders.

Phil Richards sporting his bright red baseball jacket.

Leon Moore walking just a trifle faster. Warner Brown finally cleaning out his locker and helping finish up a bulk car. Bobby Collins running up the road shadow box ing. Mickey Scanlon able to cut through the fields for his customary ice cream cone.

I'm old fashioned enough to think that what a man does on his own time is his own business.

But there are some things that are everybody's business, among which I rate a safe and decent world up there near the top. After all, I've got to live in it, and so do my wife and kids, and some other folks I'm beginning to get used to. So when I put in this plug for the Green Cross Campaign—the National Safety Council's drive for

public support for safety for everybody all of the time—I'm strictly grinding my own axe. Efficient, safe production is every supervisor's immediate job. But safety goes beyond that. Only a chump will forget that we're all in the same boat when it comes to home and highway accidents and all the rest of them.

Grandfather may have been proud to die with his boots on. But me—I'd rather wait for natural causes.



Many Faithful Employees Retire Do not dream of retirement but plan lor retire ment for when that day comes you will welcome a well planned program directing your activities.

We say this after talking to our many friends pic

tured on these pages who have been retired after

years of faithful service to the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company. Those with new work and

activities are to enjoy the many remaining years of health we hope they all have. Those with nothing definite to do are soon to be tired of what retire ment is bringing them.

that never grows old. We talked to hill Sabin the

other day. and he showed us a new patent he had just received on a steamboat uuloader control. Bill

retired January 1. 1946 after thirty years service with Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company. Starting work with the company on June 17, 191*6, he was an integral part of the Machine Shop De partment. Working up from blacksmith to a black

smith foreman, he has added many improvements on machine operation and new devices to improve and increase production. The boys all miss Bill's familiar figure around the shop but every now and then, when he can spare time from his basement workshop or his boat building, he comes back to see what's going on and pass out a few words of

advice or comment on some piece of machinery in the making.

Peter Montyeh started working at Calcite on May 24. 1916 and retired January 1. 1946. Fete worked as a laborer until April 30. 1923 when he went to the Mill Department as a boat loader. Transferred to the shop as janitor March 28. 1945. Pete kept that building spick and span until the end of the season. A member of the well known

Thompson House club. Pete stayed with his cronies for a few months but is now living in the old Montyeh place in Metz. When he gets tired of batching. Pete visits relatives or turns up at the Thompson House for a round with the old gang.

'.: • mil

Julius Zempel was employed Michigan stone & Chemical Company on April 13. 1917. On April 7. 1920. Julius was made yard foreman and

served the company in this capacity until the last lew years when his health dictated a less strenuous

job. During the war years. Julius was made fore

man of lake storage production and lor a period of time when ties were hard to get. he toured the surrounding country as tie buyer for Calcite's rail road network. Julius says he is a little stiff for

going up and down stairs but otherwise feels pretty well. As the picture shows, with the help of Paul

Some people say that an inventor is born, not made. He must be born at least with an inquiring mind, a mechanical bent and an optimistic outlook 1978

Knopf, Bill Peetz. and a few other members of this year's retired Calcite men. he is getting his home on Fourth Street in shape to live in. We miss the old car moving around the plant as Julius used to check his various gangs of workmen <n their jobs of track construction and trucking. We still see

him around when he's not busy supervising his house construction.

Paul Knopf pictured with Julius entered the com

pany service in 1912 and retired on January 1, 1946. Paul worked on the drills, the tracks, in the yard,

as a locomotive engineer, a watchman and switch man during his many years of faithful service with Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company. He was a conscientious and steady employee, and we f

four boys, graduated as a Chemical Engineer at Michigan State College and played tackle on the varsity football team. With a family out on their own, and of whom he can well be proud, John, Sr. is taking a well earned rest at home working and watching his garden grow.

all wish Paul many years of health and happiness in

his home on North Fourth Street, which


built himself and which he and his wife keep in the pink of condition both inside and out.

Another member of the Thompson House Club retired this year is Steve Grohowski who was em

ployed by Michigan Limestone and Chemical Com pany <>n April IS, 1924. Steve worked in the Mill Department during his stay with the Company, and has decided to remain at the Thompson House where he can watch the. world go by in the same old way. After twenty-two years on a job it is nice to slay where you can keep in touch with the gang and the town. Steve retired January 1. 1946.

Alonzo All retired from working for Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company on March 15,

1946. Lonny was employed as yard laborer on April 26. 1917 and later worked on the tracks, then boat loading and finally as screen tender in the

Mill. A good workman. Lony was always on the job and had a smile and a pleasant word for every one. Although he has had his full share of life's troubles ami the recent lamented death of .his wife

has left him a family to raise. Alonzo meets his trials with his head in the air and carries on like a

good tropper. Still full of vigor. Lonny is now load ing and hauling cement blocks for the new Rogers

Cement Block Company and talks and acts as if life begins at 65.

John Smolinski retired January 1. 1946 after near

ly 30 years of faithful service in the Mill. Hired on April 2. 1917. John was not only a good mill man but raised a family of four girls and four stalwart sons. The boys, like their father, are all well over the six foot 'mark. Leo. Louis and John. Jr. are

Frank Kucharski. who retired December 21. 1945.

valued employees of the Michigan Limestone and entered the employ of Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company, while Ted. the youngest of the Chemical Company September 29, 1924. Frank 1979

worked in the yard and on the quarry tracks dur

ing his years of service with the company. A quiet,

steady man. he performed his job efficiently and well. Frank still is in good health and is now moving from Pine wood to Petersville where he intends to

spend his time cultivating his land. Having raised a family of six children. Frank is going to spend his remaining years tilling the soil and raising

days Pete served time before the mast of the old windjammers where men were men. When Max

had a cable to splice he always knew who to get lor the job and have it done right

Retired on

January 1. 1945, Pete is living in Alpena where he has many old friends to give him a little competi tion at checkers and discuss the events of the day.


E. J. Noble, known to us all as "Johnny." is one of the real old timers having started in the Electrical Department on October 1. 1912. Fie spent his full time in this department but had a variety of jobs during those many years. "Johnny" always ap peared to be enjoying life to the fullest, and it is

Charles Schalk came to work at Michigan Lime stone and Chemical Company on February 7. 1921 as a carpenter, and spent all his twenty-four years of service in the Construction Department. As you see from the picture, Charlie continues to keep busy and so remains happy and healthy. We know

our wish that he continues to do so. Flis three

that he must

daughters and two sons have always had a lot of fun keeping as young as dad.


Pete Kelley entered the employ of Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company on April 2. 1919. Pete, who entered the Mill Department at that time as a boat loader and repairman, learned all the tricks of screening and loading stone. In his younger 1980

take some time i>fl to do a


We all miss that cheery little chap who during the last few years kept the first floor of the mill

running smoothly. Eugene Vallee. as the. name would indicate, is of French Canadian ancestry and proud of it. Eugene became a company employee on August 5. 1915 and retired January 1. 1946. Most of his thirty years of service were spent in the Mill Department where he made sure that his par ticular job in the Screen House was running

smoothly. Gene's garden is a typical example of what patience, perseverance, and fertilizer can do to a sand the little house or complaint

hill. Spry and busy as ever Frenchman around home making the garden grow. is that he hasn't enough to

you will find painting the Gene's main do.

rabbit season opens. If there is anything Fred likes more than working, it is fishing or hunting rabbits. Fred Bade entered the employment of Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. April (">, 1925. After a year in the yard he became janitor at the Main Office where he remained until his retirement on

January 1, 1946. A handy man and an expert at flower and vegetable gardens, Fred kept the com

pany houses and office grounds in shape. In fact, Fred's help and advice on gardens and flowers is still in great demand by his friends when they can

pry him loose from his many other private enter prises. We all miss Fred's presence and salty humor around the office and







new projects.

Paul Fisher served in the quarry, on the hill, the tracks, as a pitman and as a switch tender. The greater part of his time was spent as pitman. He came to Michigan Limestone and Chemical Com pany on April 15, 1918. Besides keeping his home in good shape, we expect Paul will continue to en joy himself with his family.

John Montyeh retired January 1. 1946. He entered Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. service as

a pitman on March 6. 1915. On January 25, 1923. John was transferred to the main pump house where he worked most of the time until retirement. Unlike his brothers. Pete and Tom. who are con

We tried to find Fred Bade at home three-times

before we finally caught him in that line garden behind his house. Fred has been at the farm cutting wood. There is a little hound dog around Bade's these days that looks like a good bet when the

firmed bachelors, John has raised a fine family of eight children who are a credit to their parents. We caught John trying to catch ftp with the weeds in his corn patch. He was away for a while this sum mer and the weeds got the best of him. John says that considering the aches and pains of the aged 1981

he feels well otherwise. We wish him many years of health and happiness with his family and friends.

which job he retained until his retirement on June 9. 1946. Walter has raised a family of four girls and three boys who are now all out from under the paternal roof and earning their own living. Walter has a nice home in Pinewood and he and his wife,

both young for their age. look as if they were ready for anything that turns up. We wish them both a long future of health and contentment.

It would be interesting to know how many feet of limestone Gus Wietersheim has drilled during his years at Calcite. Gus signed up with the Com pany as a driller on April 1. 1914 and pounded away at the holes for the blasting charges until his retirement April 27. 1946 with the exception of three years from 1915 to 1918 when he was employed elsewhere.

William Peetz. another of the carpenter crew who retired at the end of the

1945 season, has

doing down there in the hole in his sleep. Good luck and good drilling now that the daily grind of up and at it is over. Gus.

been with Michigan Limestone and Chemical Com pany for over thirty-one years. Hill is a native of Presque Isle County and says he expects to live here the rest of his days. He has .t-nice home and a son and daughter to complete a hippy family. Bill still is very active and keeps himself busy.

Waller Strzlecki gravitated to Rogers City and a job with Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co. on April 12, 1920. Walter first worked in the Mill and then with the boat loaders. A good millwright, he eventually was given charge of a loading crew

Roman Idalski first started at the Calcite plant over thirty-four years ago as a pitman. The last twenty-six years he was in the mill and most of his work there was as a car dumper in the crusher house. Other than taking care of his garden, he

Twenty-six years listening to and feeling the pound of a drill is a long time. Gus must be able to tell what kind of stone a drill is in and what it is


has not much to do since his retirement on August 6th. Fie will soon get busy as he says the rocking chair is no place for him. During the years he has raised a family of six daughters and five sons which is a big job for any husband and wife.


Jake Varch is one of the oldtimers around Calcite.

He entered the company service July 1, 1912 when the plant was in its infancy. Jake worked as a gen eral laborer around the yard and on the tracks until

1919 when he was transferred to Hillary O'Toole's gang in the Mill where he worked until he retired July 11. 1946. After thirty-four years of service on

the job during which he raised a family of five girls and three boys. Jake has retired to his home on First Street. Hale and hearty Jake tends his flowers and garden or passes his time visiting relatives and

Robert Kroll entered the service of Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company on May 7. 1918. He worked as a car repairman, brakeman and loco motive engineer. A steady, dependable employee. Bob hauled many a trainload of stone to the crush er, and has an enviable record of safe and efficient

locomotive operation. Retired on January 1. 1946, Bob is enjoying a life of ease after 28 years of service on the job. With his family of four chil

dren on their own and grandchildren to brighten the days, he is looking forward to many years of health and happiness among his family and friends.

various old co-workers, such as his friend Roman fdalski.

Frank Gordon was em

ployed by Michigan Lime stone and Chemical Com

pany on February 19. 1919 as a carpenter. On June 23. 1919 he was assigned to the operation of the derrick scow Ajax and

when the company pur chased the scow Vulcan in 1933. Frank took over

that piece of equipment which he operated and maintained




tirement on June 24. 1946. Frank was a faithful em

ployee of the company for twenty-seven years and now spends his time be tween his home on Huron

Avenue in Rogers City and his cottage on Black Lake. Frank's family of live boys and one girl are all married and have fam

ilies of their own except t h e youngest member. Robert, who is in the armv serving1 Uncle Sam.

Martin Pokorski spent more than twenty-five years as a pitman on the steam and electric shovels. He retired in good health at the au\ of the 1945

season, and is now busy developing his small farm out in Petersville. Martin did not retire but just changed jobs as he is still working hard. He has

always had a good home and raised a family of three daughters and one son. 1983

Rogers City's Bathing Beach Has A Good Season

Life Guard Chester Wing Holds Class for Young Folks

With the advent of the summer season, our minds most often turn from the drudgeries of work to

the American Red Cross. There was a large turnout for these swimming classes and everyone enrolled

thoughts of vacationing, a week-end fishing trip, a picnic in a shaded park, or a day at the beach.

in the Beginning Swimmer's Class swelling the en rollment to one hundred and thirty persons between

There's nothing quite like a warm afternoon spent at the beach, basking in the sun for awhile until you're sufficiently burned, taking a cool, refreshing dip. and then perhaps a short nap in the sand to make up for invigorating stimulation of the water. The inhabitants of Rogers City are extremely

the ages of five and fifteen years. The prospective swimmers were divided into three age groups and each class was given one hour of instruction per day. every day with the exception of Sunday, 'fhese classes continued for a period of four weeks. At the en<\ of this period, tests were given in beginner's swimming skills and certificates were issued to those who had successfully completed the course.

fortunate in having a fine natural beach at their convenience.

There has been a great deal of interest shown in the local beach, more especially by the younger generation and the city has also taken steps to encourage this enthusiasm. As in past years, the beach has been prepared for the summer season of swimming activities. The last remaining cement section of the old Hoeft dock was planked over to form a platform and a smaller ten foot diving tower

placed thereon. Two wooden, four barrel rafts were anchored between the platform and the beach and

a smaller ship-board type, steel life-raft was also purchased by the city and anchored near shore for the benefit of the smaller children. The beach has

also been leveled and cleared of logs and rocks

hazardous to the safety and well being of the bathers.

The local beach has been filled with many large crowds during the present season although the younger generation tends to predominate in the group of actual bathers as the older folks seem to enjoy the scenic beauties of the beach and lake, to

watch the younger and more enthusiastic persons, and relax in the sunshine and fresh air. During the

warmer afternoons of July and August there were as many as three hundred persons on the beach and

approximately one hundred and fifty of these in the water at one lime.

Many of the students became proficient in swim ming skills and on the other hand some who had hardly been in the water at all before this time, learned nothing more than how to get wet and a few of the elements of swimming. However, each and every student in the swimming classes learned

something which will one day aid him in becoming a good swimmer. They were taught swimming in a

prone position, on their backs, a plain front dive, and many rules and techniques of water safety. Classes were being taught as well in Junior lifesaving to students aged twelve to fifteen years. They not only learned personal safety in the water but also all the latest techniques of life-saving and water safety. It is hoped that through this train ing these boys and girls may become skilled in the art of swimming and rescue work and will pro

mote the water safety campaign in force all over the country. We have had no serious accidents at the beach as

yet this year and there have been no spectacular rescues performed, although there have been sev eral tired swimmer assists. It is hoped that through this swimming program we can put across our ideas

of water safely and continue to have many more safe and successful seasons at the beach in Rogers City. As interested citizens of our community we must be grateful to the American Red Cross for

With the continuation of large crowds of young sters swimming daily at the beach, a swimming pro gram was inaugurated on July fifteenth, under the

securing the services of "Chet" Wing as life-guard. "Chet" did a very fine job as guard and instructor. We were fortunate that a young man of his ability

supervision of the life-guard and the auspices of

was able to perform this public service.


The electric Shop crew had their annual picnic board can just ask Ralph, for he flew in the air

at Gril Pines cottage on Long Lake again this year. The Pines cottage is nicely situated for a picnic. The swimming is good for both adults and young sters. Horse-shoe, soft ball and boating gave the gang a fine outing and speaking of refreshments,

that electric crew had everything from peanuts to ice cream. Crif has a fast speed boat with a surf board and this sport absorbed the interest of the gang most of the day. The following article by one of the members at the picnic gives some idea of how both the rider and the spectator can enjoy the surf-board :

Two nights before the picnic Red Lee wanted to ride the board, but Red didn't have his trunks,

so he hopped on in his shorts. You can't hang onto the ropes and your shorts at the same time. Red preferred the ropes so with shorts around his knees he stayed with the board. The sad part of it was there were no spectators to see the show. Ten days after the picnic the. boys still hadn't had enough surf-board. Red Lee, George Glosser.

Bill Conley. Ralph Pines, Alvin Vilburn and John Meyers went out after supper to try and slick on

with the greatest of ease, just when he thought he had everything under control and took a beau

tiful swan dive right through the ropes. 'fhe last man out was George Glos?,er. The boys said they were going to tie anybody to the board who wouldn't go out. Don't know whether George used the same bottle Jack did or not. but he finally got tip enough nerve to try the old sea horse. Grif took George around Gross Island four or five times until he got the feel of the old board then

turned on the show. George got such a grip on the hand rope that when he went around one of those

fast curves, he fell off and couldn't let go. as a result he took both the hand rope and the tow rope with him when he parted company with the surf

board. It's a good thing George had on a good life preserver, because when Grif picked him up his trunks were down around his knees and he thought the sun was going down in the Last.

From all accounts the boys, had a good wet eve ning.

the bucking board. Red was the first victim. He was in the lake more often than he was on the board. Kca's excuse was that he could never watch when Gril made the curves.

Buck Vilburn came next, but Red played a dirty

brisk on him by shortening the rope so he spent most of his time in the lake. The last three years,

Buck has been in the army away down South in Texas. Grif stalled the motor and" didn't know the

difference, because Buck's teeth were chattering just like the old 22 11.P. out-board.

Bill Conley must have had some experience in the Aleutian Islands, lie did pretty well and only fell oi i four or five times.

Last year Jack Meyers was not so sure of himself

on the board. Every time he fell off he had to go back to the dock for a glass of beer. That gave him a lift and he would come back and say—'"Grif. I'll bet you can't throw me this time"— but Jack al ways had to go back for more beer. This year the boys must have changed the brand as Jack could make the curves wide open—sometimes.

The above catch of trout is enough to brighten the eye of any angler or make him green with envy. 'fhese beauties came out of the Little Ocqueoc River —-don't ask us what section of the stream. In order

to catch trout these days you have to know just

Ralph Pines was a beginner and did pretty well until Grif gave him the works. Anyone who thinks

where to go and when. Dick Schaedig apparently knows the spot, you will have to ask him. 'fhe larg est one is about fifteen inches long—a good sized speckled trout for any man's creel. If some of these anglers can get on the right side of Dick they won't

that the man in the boat doesn't control the surf

have to go to Canada to catch them. 1985

Second Half Standings V. F. W. Lions K. C. Union Merchants

W 4

L 1

3 3

2 2

3 2

2 3

Pet. .800 .600 .600 .600 .400

Legion 0 5 .000 Play-off games were set for August 27th. 28th,

and 29th with the K.C.'s battling the V.F.W. for the Rogers City Softball Championship. During the first play-off game, the K.C.'s continued to play along first half standards, and trounced V.F.W. However, the Vets came back stronger than ever and knocked the K.C.'s all over the park in win ning the second game. The Softball League

Softball for 1946 ended when the K.C.'s won the

Once again the Softball season has passed, and to those who should know (the fans) it has been a successful season.

Because so many of the younger players re turned to the game, the caliber of play naturally improved. This fact meant a greater interest on the part of the fans, which is only fitting. It takes loyal fans with their never-ending raspberry to complete any ball season.

At a general pre-season meeting teams and their managers were composed, and the playing schedule arranged. Six teams formed the league and games were scheduled for Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of each week.

The six teams entered in the league consisted of

the Legion with Bill Conley as manager, the K. C. managed by Joe Chrzan. the Lions with Red Lee as manager, the Union managed by Gene King, the Merchants managed by Otis Pollock and the V'.E.W.

third play-off game 8-3 from the battling V.F.W. nine, and as a result of that victory, walked off with the championship. Teams, managers, and fans are to be commended on their line showing throughout the1 season, and everyone looks forward to an even better season in 1947.

'filings You Have to See to Believe

Harry Wing getting two consecutive foul ball doubles.

Penny Hoeft going from 1st to hone plate on a single. Louie Wenzel taking a 3rd strike and calmly

walking away from home plate. Red Lee in agreement with the umpire when one of his Lions is called out on a close play at 2nd base. Bert Murphy sitting through a complete game without once yelling "Kill the Umpire!"

managed by Charlie Furtaw. As usual, the season was divided in half with

play-off games scheduled between 1st and 2nd half winners.

First half competition continued from May 21st through July 11th with each team playing 8 games. The K.C.'s led all the way through the first half. showing plenty of power in each department and grabbed first half honors with an impressive 7 games against a lone defeat. First Half Standings W

K. C.





1 -S75

4 4 .MX)



4 .500

Lions V. F. W.

3 3

5 .375 5 .375



5 .375

July 18th started second half competition and all

During the days of war when most of our younger men were serving in the armed forces very fewsailors were eligible for able seaman certificates. With a return of veterans last winter. Capt. Russell Lamb once again had a class for instruction to get

tled for top position throughout the last half of

the AP.'s. Front row left to right: Capt. Lamb. Wm. Derry. Archie Johnson. Ed. McFalda. Back row left to right: Eugene McLean. J. Siecinski. Clarence Pilarski and Thos. Derry. We expect to have an other A.I!, class this winter for all Bradley sailors who are eligible to enroll.

schedule. V.F.W. finally cinched second half honors with a decision of 13-1 over the Legion, completing a record of 4 victories against one loss.

times sound like a dozen.

teams assured the K.C.'s that final standings would be far from a duplicate of those ending first half play. Three teams—the Lions. Y.F.W.. and K.C.'s bat


Man and wife are one, even though they some

or an alligator skin finish, or better yet. a combin ation of all three. A special technique is required for the "Raymond Finish." The process is secret, but rumor says, it takes two coats with a spray gun and a final over-all with the good old fashioned paint brush.

There is nothing like scientific instruments Eor weather predictions. Tom Kelley breezed into the Storehouse the other day as Ken Piechan was com plaining about the brown grass and the lack of rain. Tom: "It's going to rain tonight." Kenny:

"How do you know?" Tom: "The thermostat's go ing down."

Adolph Radka, (discussing the trend of the times) "'fhe increase in the cost of living is terrible: there

should be a law." Mose: "Yeah, and when you do get it. it's not fit to drink." We lost another member of the office staff this

year to the bonds of matrimony. Ruth is making cakes for Mr. Herman Greves of Detroit, the smil ing gentleman who seems so interested in the wed ding cake in the above picture.

A secretary in the Personnel Department of Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company and a daughter of Otto Fleming, locomotive engineer for Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company. Ruth

Louis Schmidt has driven up to Mackinac Island quite a few times this summer. He bought all the whips in Rogers City and look them with him on

one trip. Louis had quite a time distributing the whips to the horse drivers, 'fhe trouble was—ac cording to Louis—the whips ran out too soon. Now he is a swell guv with some of the boys.

Fleming was married in St. John's Lutheran Church

June 22. 1946. We miss her smile and pleasant ways around the office as well as her help in assembling and copying this issue of Calcite Screenings. The office force all join in wishing the bride and groom a long and happy life as man and wife.

One Sunday morning recently, Butch Elowsky took his usual Sunday drive out to the farm. Butch

was early for dinner and his Mother was doing the chores in the yard. Butch: "Good-morning Mom, those are sure nice chickens you have this year." Mom : "Yes, they are pretty good." Butch : "Did you have that smoke house door fixed?" Mom: "Yes, we put on a new one," Butch: "Lots of cream this year- etc.—Harry Boutin (driving in with his wife)

''Butch should get his car repaired, look how those springs sag." Mrs. Boutin : "Ha! If you were carry ing the load that car is. your springs would sag too." Frank Reinke (looking at a new Studebaker parked by the Shop) "Some car. Bill." 15111 Heller:

"Yah ! but I wonder why they put the seats in facing the back."

'Even some of the so well traveled "G. 1. Joes" haven't seen everything yet. Eugene Kitchen went to the Oil House the other day ami asked for a chamois. Russell Bey: "What's that?" Eugene: "You know! One of those things you clean cars

Lake. The fishing this year was rather uncertain and

with." Russell: "Where do they come from?" Eu gene: "They grow on trees." Russell: (doubtfully)

them in. 'fhe trouble with most of us was that we

"I never saw one of that kind of trees. I don't be lieve it!"

Some of these old cars that have been through the war. need a new paint job to remove some of the battle scars. Any one interested in rejuvenating

his jaldpy is advised to contact Lester Raymond. In one week Les will guarantee, either a glossy, a dull

Leo Smolirtski caught these two pike in Little when the fish were hitting the bows really hauled didn't get there at the right time. It is nice to see someone like Leo hit the jackpot now and then so the rest of us won't get discouraged and think there just aren't any.

The perch lishing at Calcite was very spasmodic this year, however, those fishermen who were

lucky enough to hit the docks at the right time made some nice catches. 1987

for a hair-cut, but the barber must never be home,

as Herb has not had a shear yet. It is now thought that the hair-cut story is an excuse to see some good looking girl over there. Cordy Adrian was in a poor spot for a few days after the new daughter's arrival. Being a gate watchman gave everybody a chance to ask, where are the cigars. If you have any real estate for sale give it to Elmer Wen/.el and he will find you a buyer. Lake property, timber land or city lots are all handled fast and easy by Elmer.

It looks as though the time is getting short for

: rr


". . ..!

Freddie Green, young son of Roy Green, oiler on the Str. Calcite. holds a big rainbow he caught in "front River. Roy was as proud of this picture as the boy was. That vacation we all look forward to is an ideal

time to get all of those jobs done at home that have been hanging fire so long. "Doe" Furtaw spent some

Dale Farero. When a man starts asking questions about the cost of living and the problems of find ing a house, his days of single blessedness must be drawing to an end. Good luck Dale. Your bachelor pal. Jimmy O'Connor says that you will certainly need it. Wait until Jim leaps though. It will be

some jump. We are glad to see John Bruning tack to work after an operation. There are some who would dispute John's title of "Champ." but he will pitch a game of horseshoes with anyone at anytime to prove that he is worthy of the title.

of his vacation time doing a little plumbing. Stopped one day on his way down-town with a broken cast ing, by a friend. "Doc" explained that he was going to gel it welded. "There is only one thing that both ers me." he said, a puzzled expression on his thoughtful brow. "Ilow am I going to get that other casting off without breaking it?" Bus Driver: "Blanket)- Blank! Two men missing again." Johnny Wen/el: "Sure. I know the same two guys. Harry Wing and Alex Karaim."

Sometime ago Steve Partyka went down to the doctor to have something taken out of his eye. 'fhe

doctor was busy, as doctors are these days, but he finally turned around, took one look at Steve and said. "Which tooth seems to be giving you the trouble?"

"If you care to keep working Keep working with care." Our advice to Hugo Predow is that he should

always wear his safety shoes. ft seems that after a hard day's work at the plant. Hugo headed for the barns to do the customary chores on the farm. One of the cows was particularly ornery so Hugo administered a swift kick in the cow's leg to make her move. As luck would have it. Bossy had the last laugh for Hugo was wearing bedroom slippers and

as a result his toes began to swell up and caused him a great deal of diseomfort for the rest of the evening and night.

We all know this happy couple who were married April 25. 1946. This is another one of those clannish Calcite weddings; Norman Haselhuhn son of Mich

igan Limestone and Chemical Company locomotive engineer Leonard Haselhuhn and the former Lois Horn, daughter of Fred Horn. Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. locomotive engineer. Norman was one of those good cooks we hear about on the Bradley fleet before he enlisted in the army December 1. 1944. StalT Sargeant Haselhuhn took his bride to California after the wedding, but

is now discharged and back in Rogers City ready Herb Sorgett. one of the eligible young bachelors in the Mill Department lias the Loading Crew wondering now. He is alwavs going to Millersburg 1988

to settle down to the routine life of i. civilian. We

wish the young married couple m; ny years of wedded bliss.

Cash Budnick should quit the drilling job and go into the bond selling business. He showed a lot of natural ability when he was selling tickets on that refrigerator the KC's gave away.

Alva Meyers has returned from being in a hos

pital in Bay City. Glad you are back Alva and may you have no more such trips. To settle a big argument. Dick Schaedig and Har

ry Cicero are going to make a special trip out to Spratt to see on which side of the road a certain gas station is located. It seems the two boys couldn't see alike. Were there any bets made? She was mad at a certain Mr. Not because he went and Kr.

But lhe thing that made her sore Was that on the night before This same Mr. Kr. Sr.

Did you see any of those brook trout from the quarry ditches that were 21 inches long? The

drillers won't believe that this is true. They see Al bert Llowski with those home grown ones \3l/> inches long, so they would like lo see some id" those real big ones.

George Sobeck harvested a good crop of rasp berries and rattlesnakes out on the dump this year. George goes back every year so the snakes don't .-•care him out.

John Burns is known as the rhubarb king. His back yard has a nice crop.

The season is about here again for the deer hunter. Sam Yoigt has been talking about the buck

he hopes to shoot in 1946 for several months now so we are showing the one he shot in 1945 just to keep it fresh in his mind. Deer hunting is a minor activity in Sam's life, and we thought he might forget to go out this year without a reminder.

Ralph O'Toole has been so quiet lately that his pals don't know whether it is old age or just day dreams inspired by eupid. Something has put the linger on Mart v.

Martin Budnick catches his fish through the ice,

but this year we understand he has spent quite a few evenings working over Quarry Creek and has become finite a trout fisherman.

Wear your goggles and you will see that safety pays.

An injury is a lesson—learned the hard wav.

Don't kid about safety. You may be the goat. The boys on the hill wish good luck to their two buddies who decided to go into the well drilling business. Arnold Xagel and Harry Kuhlmau were here for a long time and will be missed by the gang. If you want a well drilled call on Arnold and Harry. they know just how to do it. "A Driller is Always Right" A short, short story

If he drills 100 feet — He is right'. If he makes 25 feet -- 'fhe helper is wrong. If he breaks down -- It's the foreman's fault. If he is late to work — It's the car.

If he is sick -- 'fhe wife is the cause (<'i course).

Work and play safe. It's a good way to slay on the job.

Morris Richards: "How many are in the tunnel?" Dale Farero: "Three of us."

Morris Richards: "Half of you come out here

Our Operating Manager, who for many years was editor of "Screenings" and so has contributed much of his talent ami lime to this newsy per sonal column, can no longer escape its long reach

and so this picture of him. We know an operating manager can't be thinking of production and costs every minute so this diversion of feeding three hungry- ladies is one of excellent choice. Joe's charming smile and abundance of good food proves that he knows how to do a job well come business or pleasure. 1989

This happy, healthy looking group is the Theo

goes fishing, to understand the view-point of an ardent angler. We understand Fred threatened to igan Limestone & Chemical Company since 1917, collect all the fishing licenses on his shift and burn most of the time as a locomotive engineer. Raising them up after Ted Pardieke caught all those and feeding a family of ten children in this day and speckled trout out of Quarry Creek. age is a man sized job which Mr. and Mrs. Pardieke dore Pardieke family. Ted has worked for Mich

have handled in a most exemplory manner. The boys are all workers and the oldest one. Merlin, is a 3rd

assistant engineer on one of the Bradley boats. Children of large families learn to shift for them selves and usually make good citizens. From left to right—back row: Guy. Harold. Xorman. Merlin. Second row : Virginia. Mrs. Pardieke. Marlow. First

row: Rosemary, Elva. Ted, Sr., Ted. Jr.. Robert.

The most important thing in any sport is the pre liminary training of the athlete. Ed Buza gets his buck every year and has already started putting on three suits of underwear. The result seems to

be that Ed can stand the. cold without moving, longer than the buck. We pass this information on for the benefit of the traveling hunter who gets plenty of exercise, but usually no buck. Good hick this year Ed.

Have you heard of the hope and tie prayer and the Model T. Ford? When George Daguer drives his Ford to work he hopes that it won't rain and

prays—without much hope-—that if it does rain the to]) won't leak.

That is a nice addition George Dagner is putting on his house. They say George is a good carpenter when Clarence Stewart is around to show him what to do.

'fhe less a man knows the easier it him that he knows it all.

s to con vine*

Picked Up Around The Winter Work Crews It seems that for a few days the avorite topic

during lunch hour was the bragging about who was "boss" at home. Norm Henderson took this all in for a while and then with a little distrust in his voice

"Ernie's" bowling team had its annual picnic at the Red Lee-Chum Raymond cottage on Lost Lake.

stated. "You fellows bear watching, because you might lie about other things too."

George Baker got by alright this year by playing horse-shoe on shore while the more hardy seaman went boating on the rolling deep.

Heller and Cash Sobeck. concerning a bolt with a

Vern Henry is not so sure about taking an aero plane ride with his sou. Vern says the old Chev. is good enough for him.

You have heard about those people who love to drive and pick berries? "Sparky" Fleming was selling raspberries to the boys for 38 cents a quart, picked and delivered. Art Hein and Ed. Buza drove

over to Spratt for the fruit—10 cents a quart—pick 'em yourself.

It's hard for a man like Fred LaLonde, who never 1990

There is a little fifty dollar bet between Bill right hand thread and a nut with a left hand thread.

Cash claims he is too busy to prove his point. Ask Bill for the particulars. Vic Koch spoke rather harshly to the boys at times and usually they heeded him until one day he told two little fellows, namely John Miller and Alex Malocha. that if they didn't watch their step. he would throw them out o\' the window. A few seconds later we found Vic on the other side of the

window. He said to us. "I just climbed through the window to please them ; but it took the two oi' them to persuade me."

If you inspect the faces in the above picture you will find that without exception they all work in the Michigan Lime repair shop in some capacity. Last fall the boys in the shop instigated a banquet in honor of Bill Sabin who was to retire at the end

of the season. The banquet was a howling success as you would expect it to be. and Mr. Sabin was

presented with a smoking stand. This is not an ordinary piece, of smoking equipment. It is made of scraps of brass skilfully put together by that genius of the torch—Alfred Savina. In fact "it is a part of the machine shop just as the guest of honor has been part of that same shop for the last thirty years. In order to appreciate the gift ask Bill Sabin to show it to you but don't try to buy it from

Harry Meharg and Butch Elowsky took a trip to the Upper Peninsula. One of Harry's tires was in bad shape. Mechanic: "You better get a new one. Harry." Harry: "Oh. put a boot in her.. I'll put Butch on the good side. If she blows. Butch can fix her."

Tony Mayes says he is getting the first jeepstation-wagon in town, so watch out for your girls when Tony gets started. We all remember when Jack Munson was in our midst and wish to extend our hearty congratula tions to Mr. and Mrs. John G. Munson. Jr.. on the recent birth of their twin daughters.

him. All of the banqueters are not in the picture but it is a fair representation of a crew that can repair anything from a Diesel locomotive to an electric time piece. First Row (left to right) : William Heller. George Wing. Alfred Savina. Peter Montyeh. Bill Sabin.


Arnold Elowski. Richard Hamaiin. Alfred Pelt/, and

stone and Chemical Compnay

John Heller. Second Row: Clarence Curvin. John Dietlin, David Gregg. Leo Promo. Roy Warwick,

spent part of his summer vacation in his hometown

We were all glad to see Capt. M. R. McLean,

formerly of Bradley Transportation Company and retired, on

his short


to our town



Thomas Rose. Superintendent of Michigan Lime Plant



of Rogers City. It was like old times to see Tom's

Louis Hevthaler. George Baker. Bernard Murphy.

familiar face around as he visited the scenes of his

Leonard Joppich. Third Row: Louis Selke, R. Schleben, Harry Wing. Charlie Baker. Leo Kapala.

old stamping grounds.

Pat Kerr. V. Klee. Fourth Row: Rhoud Benson,

We use most of our energy in seeking to <.>;ei

Louis Yarch, Andrew Tischler. Howard Johnson.

ahead financially and not in learning how to live

Jr.. and Thomas Tulgetske.

satisfactorily. 1991

Births Since the last issue of "Screenings" daughters were born to the following Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and Bradley Transportation Company employees. Nancy Jane to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Urban on Sep tember 20th, 1945.

Kenneth Lee to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Zinke on

July 24th, 1946. Robert Ivan to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Soper on Au gust 9th, 1946.

Gary William to Mr. and Mrs. Royal Schulwitz. Twins born were:

John Mathew and Judith Claire to Mr. and Mrs. George Sobeck on June 17th, 1946.

Rhoda Louise to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noffze on


October 16th, 1945.

Hollis Gwen to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards on October 27th, 1945.

Marie Kay to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kasuba on De cember 27th, 1945.

Sanza Kay to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Hein on January 13th, 1945. '

Harry Durecki of the Mill Department and Regina Roznowski were united in marriage October 20, 1945. Henry Yarch of the Bradley Transportation Com pany and Eleanor Micketti were married January 14, 1946.

Sue Ellen to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vallee on Jan uary 15th, 1946. Jennifer to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon on February 8th, 1946. Janet Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Cordy Adrian on

Eugene Kitchen Michigan Limestone and Chem ical Co. Yard Department and Iris Hawkins of the Accounting Department were married February

March 5th, 1946.

Koehler were married February 24, 1946. Norval Bade of the Mill Department and Muriel Lynch were married March 7, 1946. Kenneth Tulgetske of Bradley Transportation Company and Elaine Peltz were married March 10,

Jean Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Karsten on March 21st, 1946.

Dorothy Louise to Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Schultz on March 30th, 1946.

Mary Lou to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gager on April 4th, 1946.

Margaret Mary to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dietlin on May 12th, 1946. Sally Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Max Glomski on May 21st, 1946.

Joan Blanche to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Durecki on July 10th, 1946. Carol Jean to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kline on July 20th, 1946.

Linda Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Szymanski on August 11th, 1946. Suzanne Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schalk on August 12th, 1946. Judy Arlene to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hoeft on August 2nd, 1946/ A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Urlaub on Au gust 7th, 1946. Margaret Ann to Mr. and Mrs. William LaLonde on August 9th, 1946. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haneckow on August 13th, 1946. Sons born were:

Larry David to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hopp on Sep tember 25th, 1945.

Dennis Lloyd to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Piechan on December 11th, 1945. Keith to Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Claus on February 9th, 1946.

Dean Thomas to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kucnicki on March 7th, 1946. Donald Stanley to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Malocha on March 20th, 1946.

John Murdock to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Raymond on March 22nd, 1946.

Robert John to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reinke on June 10th, 1946. Lester David to Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Pines on

June 13th, 1946.

16, 1946. Theodore Werner of the Str. Calcite and Eileen

1946. Ivan Bannon of the Dock Office and Thora Hoch

were married March 29, 1946.

Roy Strieker of the Dock Office and Ethel Nagel were married April 12, 1946. Edward Smith of the Mill Department and Eleanore Smigelski were married May 18, 1946. Joseph Belusar of the Track Department and Evangeline Yarch were married May 25, 1946. Lyle Morrin of the Bradley Transportation Com pany and Catherine Derry were married on July 29, 1946.

Donald Kowalski of the Bradley Transportation

Company and Ruth Bruning were married July 27, 1946.

Russel Bey, Oil House Tender for Michigan Lime stone and Chemical Company and Magdeline Brege were married August 17, 1946. New Employees Once we were all new employees. Most of us can remember some thoughtful man who took a kindly interest in us when he saw how "green" we were, and helped us when he was so kind as to pass on to us "tricks" of the trade.

Some of us also remember how we were put to work in a sink-or-swim manner with every man for himself and let the accidents take the hindmost.

Today those thoughts remain with us. We can't thank the fellow who took the interest in us in

the good old days. But there are new employees coming into the plants every day, and we can show our appreciation by being their friends, ac quainting them with safe practices, and above all, making them understand that safety is the most important part of every job we do. Treat the green man white.

Give the world the best you have and the bes will come back to you.



Obituary William Fusher died June 6, 1946 in Rogers City. William was an old and valued employee of Mich

igan Limestone and Chemical Company. He entered the Company service August 9. 1918 and served in tlie Mill Department during the intervening years. A good working and pleasant companion. Bill had

many friends in the town and plant. We sympathize with' Mrs. Fulsher in the loss of her husband.

John Cherrette. a familiar figure around the plant,

Youth's Number One Enemy

Before you read this—stop just a mement and think of some child or young person who is very dear to you.

Maybe you have a mental picture of your own son or daughter, or maybe it's a niece, a nephew or some cute neighborhood kid. There isn't anything you wouldn't do. within your

power, to prevent that youngster from injury or suffering.

Vet 20.000 such youngsters will be struck down

died suddenly at his home on April 1. 1946. John Carhc to Michigan Limestone and Chemical Com

this year utterly needlessly—-unless .something is

many years. We miss his familiar face on the job and extend our regrets and sympathy to the family.

cough, diphtheria, cerebrospinal

Waller Yarch passed away suddenly at his home in Rogers City on June 14. 1946. Walter worked in

In addition to the 20.000 children and youths who were accidentally killed last year. Zo.OOO adults met

done'now to prevent such tragedy. They will be pany as a brakeman when the plant was young in the victims of accidental death which annually takes May 1914. He worked on many jobs for the com the lives of more children and young people between pany, but we best remember him as the operator of 1 and 19 years id" age than the ravages of pneumonia, the 'locomotive crane which he took care of for infantile paralysis, diarrhea, enteritis, whooping

the .Mill Department during his thirty two years with Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. Another (die of our old employees who came into the com pany's employ when the plant was young, we were

meningitis and

scarlet fever—all combined.

death. The injured numbered 10,000.000 of which 3-10000 were permanently disabled. In fact. 60 per cent of all permanent physical impairments in this country today were suffered through accidents.

all shocked at his death. Walter raised a family of

The tragedy of it all is that those accidents were

nine girls and two boys. We extend our sympathy

preventable. They didn't just happen. They were

,u the family in their bereavement.

caused, 'fhe causes of accidents can be removed by

George Shorkey, who started work at the Calcite

better and more widespread knowledge.

i'lant on April 10. 1911. passed away August 20. it's no fun to have 1940. George was an old and valued employee of you will last longer.

Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company. He worked at many jobs since his employment with the Company but the greater part of the time he was an electric shovel operator. Besides his wife the deceased leaves a family of four girls and four boys. We sympathize deeply with Mrs. Shorkey and the

an accident. Think first and

Guess Who?

family in the untimely death of the husband and



George Feldhiser of Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company passed away on April 20. 1946. George was a veteran of World War I. and was

employed by the company March 26, 1923. He was a steady worker on the tracks in the quarry during his years of service here. He leaves a wife and six children. We extend our sympathy to the family in the death of the husband and father.

We were all grieved at the premature death of Harry Sloan of the Bradley Transportation Com pany on January 15. 1946. Marry entered the service of the Bradley Trans

portation Company on April 15, 1921 as an oiler

on the Str. Munson and in 1927 became 1st assistant

engineer on the Sir. White.

He was a fine engineer and had many friends in both the Bradley Transportation Company fleet and the Calcite Plant. We miss him on the job and wish to extend our sincere sympathy to his bereaved family.

'fhe desire for safety stands against every great

.•.ml noble enterprise. Work safely today; and work tomorrow.

This is one of the easiest '"guess who" pictures

you have seen in some time. It is easy because this "man's youngest son looks just like the young fel low in"the picture. We don't know when the pic ture was taken but for the last thirty years our

hero has been working at the Calcite Plant. You will see him around the shop and around the docks doing his special line of work. Again, we can't tell you what his job is as that would make it too easy. He has a family of two daughters and three sons attd is one of the Grand Lake fishermen. The •"guess

who" in the last issue'of the Screenings was Wilbert Radka. 1993

Many Of Our Veterans Are Back Home And Working With Us Once More Michigan Limestone 6z Chemical Company Name Ernest Adrian Norval Bade Ivan Bannon Lawrence Bannon

Russell Bey Alfred Brege Elmer Brege

Department Time Keeper Mill Dock Office Mill

Oil House

Erhardt Binder

Mill Tracks Mill

Chris Beukema


(feral d Burns

Mill Repair

William Conley

Electrical Yard

William Cook

Lloyd Dullaek Clarence Eldridge Dale Farero Robert Ferdelman

Adolph Filipiak

Jack Florip William Friedrich Charles Furtaw

George Glosser Raymond Grigg Robert Haneckow

Clayton Hopp Clarence Kelley Eugene King Jr. Eugene Kitchen Fred Kreft Ivan Lozen Donald McLennan

LeRoy McLennan Calvin Meyer Earl Meyer Florian Modrzynski Jerome Montyeh Paul L. Mulka

Earl Nagel Edgar Newhouse Jr. Robert Noffze

James O'Connor Ralph O'Toole Keith Palmer Lewis Patterson

Machine Shop Yard Mill Tracks Yard

Sampler Laboratory Electrical Electrical Dock Office Drills

Accounting Department Yard Power House Yard Drills Drills Power House Mill Drills Power House

Machine Shop Tracks Yard Yard Electrical Time Office Mill Yard Yard


Kenneth Piechan

St tire house

Orville Piechan

Mill Mill

Leon Ruell J r.

Carl J. Schaedig

Mill Drills Electrical Yard

Robert Santimo Arthur Santini

Rudolph Schalk

Dock Pumps

Leo J. Schefke Royal Schulwitz


Edward Smith

Howard Soper

Mill Tracks

Herman Steinke

Dock Office


Roy Strieker Ernest Tulgetske Bernard Urban Alvin Vilburn

Bernard Wagner LeRoy Warwick John Zempel

Mill Yard

Dock Office Tracks Tracks Electrical Mill

Machine Sh >p Dock Pumps

Bradley Transportation Company Name Erwin Adrian

Stanley Bellmore Harry Bey John Claus John Corriveau

Wallace Dagner


1'i isition

Calcite Deckw atch Robinson Oiler White Oiler


2nd Asst. Engineer

Robinson Deckhand Robinson Deckwatch

Howard Flowski



Lyle Goulette John Gregory Percy He ward


Asst. Conveyorman

Taylor Bradley

Clarence Idalski


Edward Langlois


Emil Lietzow

Theophilus Pilarski John Robarge Ivan Stretch Kenneth Tulgetske Walter Tulgetske

Wheelsman Watchman Deckhand Deckwatch Cook Watch nan Stokerman Deckwatch Watch nan

Robinson Robinson Robinson Munson Robinson Munson Watchman Robinson Deckwatch Robinson Maintenance Robinson Oiler

Wilbur Wiseman


Eugene McLean Cash Modrzynski Clarence Pilarski

Watclr nan


Vern Pauley Carl Pilarski

Norman Stott Albert Strieker


These Four World War II Vets are Protecting Steel Work with a Needed Coat of Paint. Left to Ricrhi窶認red Dag ner, Chas. Gordon, Phil Henry and Adolph Fuhrman.

The Bradley Transportation Company Safety Meetings and Personal News


Marine Inspection Service Since we are so closely associated with the Mer chant Marine Inspection Service, we should like to acquaint our readers with the personnel and work done by the .St. Ignace office of that governmental




A few years ago Rogers City was midway be

tween offices situated at Marquette and Port Hu ron. Michigan. The areas were then shifted, so that

Detroit and St. Ignace became the headquarters. The Marine Inspection Service remains under the Lnited States Coast Guard, having been transfer red from the Department of Commerce, at the out break of World War II.

Their office is located in the Municipal Building at St. Ignace. Lt. Commander Joseph Change is Of ficer in charge. Lt. Lester Gallagher, hull inspector. Lt. Alexander Brewster, boiler inspector and Eliza beth Boynton, stenographer, are the members of the staff.

Perhaps these persons are best known to you for the many documents which they issue to seamen and prospective seamen. The documents consist of certificates of identification endorsed for service




i n s p ection,

this man answers

hundreds of ques and


valuable advice all direc t e d toward safe and efficient

operation of






spector examines and tests boilers. valves, steam and water



inspection follows set rules and regulations in regard to this equip ment and must be checked thoroughly. The aim of the inspection is to keep the machinery of a vessel safe under every operating condition. It is a protection to the public, the crew and the vessel owner, against loss of life and valuable cargo. When a marine accident occurs the Marine In

in the different departments aboard ship and cer

spection Officers investigate the conditions of the

tificates of endorsement


accident and authorize further movement of the

boatman and able seaman, given after sufficient experience and proper examination. They conduct

vessel or vessels involved. We are happy to know that such accidents are very few. The Personnel in this office have always been very helpful, cooperative and courteous in their

for oiler, fireman,

and prepare examinations for those seeking First Class Pilot's license. Master's license and Engineer's license of all grades. Every commercial vessel to ply the waters in this area is inspected by them to determine if it is sea worthy and conforms with the laws of navigation. The hull inspector examines for defects in the hull, caused by wear or damage, checks the life saving

equipment, fire fighting apparatus, sanitary condi tions in conjunction with the United States Public Health Service and checks navigation equipment.

associations with our officers, seamen and citizens.

During the war years when conditions were diffi cult and great lakes transportation was almost pushed beyond its limits the Marine Inspection Of

fice did all in their power to help and keep this transportation operating smoothly. We congratu late them on the good work they do aid say it is our pleasure to work with such a fine staff.

Lt. Commander Joseph Change Officer in Charge (upper right)

Lt. Lester Gallagher

Lf. Alexander Brewster .^^^JK•

E'izabeth Boynton, Stenographer


Timely Suggestions On Safety The new electric hatch winches are a great im

Cigars were being passed out quite regular so far this year by some of our proud fathers. Alex Malocha our 1st Mate became the proud father of

provement and have greater power than the old a son, John Miller our 2nd Mate a daughter, John

steam equipment. Care should be taken, as the in creased power could part a cable or turn over hatch leaves with possible injury to seamen nearby. Watch your step around coal bunker hatches. They should always be closed when fueling is fin ished.

Keep hands off burning equipment unless you understand its operation thoroughly. Freshly painted decks are slippery. An old, old safety rule which always bears repeat

ing is the one about using goggles when grinding or chipping. You need your eyes.

Claus our 2nd Asst. Engineer a daughter, and

Rudolph Hoeft our Maintenance Man a daughter. Congratulations fellows. We enjoyed the cigars too.

Lyle Morrin: "Gee, I've never been so broke in my life." Thats married life for you Lyle. The crew wants to know if the date has been set

yet Hank ? I guess they are looking for more cigars. Bill Hornbacher has taken to fight promoting now. He claims his son Gary will take on all chal

Keep guards in place. They are no good if not used lengers between the ages of two and five. We can't properly. Guard plates on mooring winch controls, blame you for feeling proud Bill, he is a husky should always be put back at once. Deck crews must never stand on steps and hold onto boom cables while waiting for the landing chair. Wait until it is along side and you are told to get on.

Another old warning, but a good one to repeat, is not to throw stones to dislodge material on the sides of the cargo hold.

Crawling under conveying belts during unloading operation is asking for the hospital or undertaker. Never take a chance around difficult docks; al

ways wear a safety vest. Blocks to fender ship from dock are recommend ed for emergency use. It is good safe practice for the Engineer's crew

to report to the deck crew when after end supplies are put aboard, so the deck crew can notify when the boat is to shift.

Dispose of oily rags in the proper place. Keep all lights in good shape. Good lighting helps to prevent accidents. Putting wet gloves or clothing on electric heaters is a real fire hazard.

Again seamen are cautioned about going under the loading shuttles at the Calcite Dock. Flying stones are dangerous.


Captain Pearse still takes all awards for being the best fisherman. Out of fourteen men fishing at Lime Island, thirteen fishermen score zero, Capt. Pearse five. I guess that's proof enough that it pays to know something about the art of fishing.

Louis: "Boy Otto, that was good pie. Who made it?"

Otto: "You know, "Darn well" who made it. I did."

It was quite nice seeing Mrs. Hoy again. She flew up from St. Petersburg, Florida, to spend several trips with Mr. Hoy, our 1st Asst. Engineer. If anyone is interested in getting their license so they can qualify for a handyman's job and wishes to save time and expense see Henry Newhouse.

It used to be a favorite saying on the Bradley, "O'Boy, a trip down through the St. Clair and De troit River." Now it's, "O'Boy, a trip down Lake Michigan for a change."

Experienced men are requested to teach new hands about safety aboard ship. Keep a clean place, watch out for horse play and remember to think

With the fall issue of the "Calcite Screenings" coming out, we know we have passed the half-way mark and we are still batting a thousand on acci dent prevention. Lets keep it that way fellows, so

safety at all times. These items are a few taken from the safety

day of the season.

meeting records aboard the boats of the Bradley Transportation Company. We hope that publishing these ideas will help you in making your job safer.

make a little more effort to be on time for his eve

STR. CARL D. BRADLEY . . PERSONAL ITEMS The crew of the Str. Bradley has several new faces. Thomas Madden our 2nd Asst. Engineer from

St. Ignace, Leonard Ridgely our Repairman from Lakewood, Ohio, Blenn Cook our Asst. Repairman from Circleville, Ohio. The crew extends their wel come to you men and hope you enjoy your new job. Two members of our crew who recently joined

we all can look forward to and enjoy that last

Some one asked Slim Modrzynski why he didn't

ning meal. Slim: "Well if I were on time Otto wouldn't have anyone to bawl out." The 12-4 watch wants to know if they have to

finish every load in Calcite. Well fellows, you know one thing. If you come back and finish every load you will never have to worry about missing the boat.




The recent trip to Fort Williams on Lake Su

the ranks [of married men are Lyle Morrin our perior was a new experience for many on the Deckwatch and Donald Kowalski our oiler. Con

White. The waters of Superior and the mountains

of luck.

terest. Ed Voight says the trip kept him on his

gratulations fellows. The crew wishes you the best near Fort Williams were the main points of in


iocs nearly every minute. We wonder if it was

the scenery or the machinery.

Felix Gajcwski is a busy Real Estate Agent— almosl. If anyone is interested in some well-envel oped swamp land near Sarnia Felix would be de

lighted to give complete details. A needle in a haystack is easier to find than the Willie White. At least that's what several still-

somewhat-weary fellows tell us. They knew they would catch her sooner or later that night, but they learned it was to be a lot later than sooner.

Need a washing machine? For complete instruc tions and blue-prints see Nathan Cadwell. Alfred







in the old town later on.

New or slightly used spitzer players are still in

demand in the stokermen's room. Send qualifica

tions and references to Jack Kerr, Alfred llaneckow. Alex Selke and Leo Dietlin.

Do you have trouble trying to relax? Perhaps Bob Schefke can help you. He uses a formula that is time-tested.

Some of our ex-service boys arc enrolling in various educational and vocational training courses offered by many colleges. Art Kami >w we under stand is planning on attending W( lverinc Trade School in Detroit. We wish you luck. Art.


punching bags. He knows how much they have to lake. They say it's better to give than to re ceive hut Al is mostly on the receiving end. We

suggest that he and Bill smoke the peace pipe. Of course its only in fun and everything can be patched up—even Alfred.

Alfred Planeckow says John Szczerowski is al ways asking silly questions. Well John, silly ques tions always get silly answers.

Captain Leo .Midi couldn't quite distinguish the name of the tug at the bow so he asked the Watchman which one it was. The Watchman re

plied that it was the "Iceland." "Iceland." snapped Captain .Moll. ••Are you sure? How is it spelled?" "1\—H." began the Watchman. "Oh, it's the Ice land alright."

Chief Frederick has his troubles, lt always seems to be warmer in the summer than it is in the coun try.

John Zoho: Say. Bob, can you cook? Bob Schefke: No. but I'd like to learn.

John Zoho: Okay! Just follow my tracks.

The only time Bill Hanson is happy is when he has someone to argue with. We wonder why he always looks so contented.

Bob Hall is a quick change artist. He'll give you lour cents for a nickel any day. They say, "that time waits for no one." but what about the fifty-nine seconds that waited for a

whole minute.

Victor Sickle says there is only one thing that keeps him from building a better mouse trap. It's a material shortage—mice!

The fishermen on the White are having a bad year. They can't brag about the big one that got

awav. The Great Northern Pike must have gone South.

"Scotty" AIcLeod says. "Stocks and Bonds may break my bonus, hut words to the wise will never

hurt me." We have nothing to add to that "adage."

"One Alan Band" Louis Schefke is keeping his guitar warmed up this summer for a long cold winter. Sounds like there will he some hot times


The Str. William A. McConagle. cue of the six hundred foot ore carriers of the Pittsburgh Steam

ship Company, was the first ship from this company to load at the Port of Calcite this se; son. Many of the Pittsburgh boats carry limestone rom this port during the season. The Str McGonagle has a carry ing capacity of approximately 13,000 gross tons.

Captain R. A. DeWitt and Chief O'j. Berger of

the McGonagle are both well known to many of

the men at Calcite. Captain DeWitt spends con siderable time looking operations over at Calcite

and perhaps knows more about the plant than many of our own employees. We are fortunate in meet

ing men of this type, for numerous ideas are ex

changed which have made operations in our port easier and safer.

(TII'IKR UP!! If somebody ridicules you, he is only trying to whittle you down to h s size

One way to get the reputation of being wise is

to keep the mouth shut. If you do not speak they cannot be sure you are a look If you do. that may clinch all doubts.

Every time a man gets to thinkinj big gun somebody fires him.

that he is a




Tarp. time is a milestone in the sailor's season, thus it behooves us to take a backward glance at

the past months before we press on to the future. 1 he confusion so apparent to the whole world and to the nation, and to our own individual self, is a

new experience this season. Last year we were straining our every effort to put an end to the war. We even felt the fruits of success and finished the

sailing season with the joy and relaxation of a job well done. In the spring we came back to our ships eager to start the job of reconversion so we could live the normal happy life which we sacri ficed so gladly during the war years. It was soon apparent that the standards we had known in the pre-war days were to be put to the test and strikes to darken and delay such an achievement. Looking back upon this confused picture we must straighten our shoulders and face the future with a firm reso

lution to recognize our failures in the past. While labor and management adjust their rela tions, we the lake sailors, will steer a steady course and miss the shoals. We can use our good judg ment and take the word of the rabble rousers with

a grain of salt. We'll ask for our rights but keep in mind that labor and management are inter-de

pendent. When a ship runs aground and blocks a narrow channel the crew can't sit and complain, but must take some action. An effort must be made

to move that ship and open the channel so other ships may pass through. If we have labor troubles to straighten out let's call in an expert and solve it, instead of throwing up our hands in despair or slanding by idly. The flow of raw materials must

not be stopped. The Munson pledges itself to share this responsibility in every possible way. We enjoyed having Mrs. Thorsen and daughter Carol with us for a trip. Among the Captain's souvenirs are two boxes of Lux, a bar of Swan.

and some clothes-pins.

It costs plenty these day to impress the gals. Ask the Mate.

If the cook needs more shortening for dough nuts ask Norm if he did a good grease job on his

The wives of the second assistant and the second

mate were glad of the 45 mile wind. It got them to Milwaukee in time to get some nylons.

Welcome to our ship, Rod. We're glad to see your smiling face again.

George Feldhisen hopes we go to Buffalo again —but



wedding bells soon be ringing for Red


Who put Paul Heller's portrait in this issue of Look magazine? He must have been a rascal to carry all that chain.

Hank Hoeft to Paul: "I can't give von the Plotwell."

Sheriff Bill Budnick is still in the running.

Congratulations to Chief L'rdal and his wife on their 25th wedding anniversary. May their life together have a fine silver lining. Thus eudeth another Screenings! STR. B. H. TAYLOR





We have all heard of the different banks located

around the lakes where lake sailors sail away their winters stake, hut Joe Vogelhcim does us one bet ter. Joe is hanking his lake in the Bank of San Francisco, in care of some first class storekeeper who at the time is located at that station.

We were all sorry to see our good friend Elmer Flemming leave our ship but upon learning that he now has a permanent berth as third mate we all join in wishing him the best of luck. WANTED—one first class radio repairman to

ship on Str. B. II. Taylor. Said man must ship as wiper so as to keep Chief Suttles radio in condition. As yet this year the Chief hasn't even been able to gel Detroit, not even while we are in the Detroit River.


We wish to welcome back to our ship all the boys

who so gallantly defended our country. We are

proud of you fellows for a job well done. Joe and Ed remember the good old days when the Munson went to Detour once in awhile.

See Bill LaLonde for any type of construction work, from foundation work to new kitchens.

Whv do blueberries make Mulka and Charlie so terribly ill ?

Cross. Vallee and Fuhrman enjoyed the hall game, but what happened to Casey?

Jack is asking for suggestions for places where melons can ripen in safety.

Flewelling slings a mean omelet. How about put

ting some blackberry jam in them ALSO?

Bob Daubert. Pete OToole and Don Kihn part ,,f the "hash gang" on the Str. Taylor put on an

act for the crew before giving out with that last call for supper. 1999

Louie Voda—Two grass pike turned up by ships wheel.

Harry Sorgatt—One grass pike (undersized).

Capt. Nauts—Five hours casting practice (no fish). N. Henderson—Fifteen fine perch (bought in fish

installed last winter, the Capt. cla ins there are only 18 ships on the lakes that can pass us. The strange part of this story is that those same 18

ships are always in the river when we are and they never fail to pass us. We are now wondering if there aren't 118 ships faster than the Taylor.

market at Sarnia).

Joe Vogclheim—Lots of loud fish talk, but no fish.

Kenny Free] is now known as the traveler aboard

the good ship Taylor. His last long jaunt was to North Tonawanda where he met this ship. Besides the hard treek that he had by bus. train and the hoof he showed up with $200.00 more than he started with. We understand he had a little business

deal on in Detroit. How about it Kenny? \•alter I'lath sure is the eager beaver, especially i! we are headed Bay City way. He is out on deck fifteen minutes before meal time yelling "last call for dinner."'

Joe Acker, known in shipping circles as the champ cribbage player, met his master while on this ship.

Several games were played with the cook (Pete O'Toole) and not a game did he win. Joe then played Haswell. who was also his better, but of


Elmer Fleming is a former wheelsn an aboard the Str. B. II. Taylor. Elmer is now the regular third mate aboard the Str. Carl D. Bradley, We all wish him success on the new job.

course Haswell is no match for O'Toole either.

Bob Dambert was heard to ask. upon seeing the Huron Light Ship for the first time, "Gee! I wonder what kind of cargo that little ship carries?"

Kenneth Freel, wheelsman on Str. I'.. H. Taylor,

poses for a movie magazine or maybe just for "Calcite Screenings.''

Kenneth Free! and Jim Maynard. deckaroos on the Sir. Taylor, all greased up ready lor an all over

Now that Merlin Pardike has bought a grocery store way out Hawks way he is really kept busy. Upon reaching the port of Calcite Merlin has to

paint job.

speed out to his place of business, check the cash


register, borrow five dollars from the Mrs. and


Vacation time is almost over and tarpaulin time head back for his ship. (The five dollars each trip is for payment of the evening spitzcr games at is here. For some that marks the beginning of the which Merlin isn't so hot.)

The Cough Drop Kid (Bill Joppich) claims that

end of another season. We even heard one of the

boys counting the watches that are left in the year.

There are many new faces and some that have been

his vacation was only half long enough. It appears with us lieiore. Most of them have seen service in that all the while Bill was on his so called vacation

the armed forces and of course they have varns to

the Mrs. had him painting, cleaning the basement, spin ol the distant lands and seas.'Welcome back moving the coal bin, and what not. Poor Bill. We

all feel sorry for him but that is the price one pays when one is married and the Mrs. wears the pants. Now that we have our new boilers, which were 2000

boys we're glad you're here.

"Chips" Yarch has his set of chessmen almost completed but .s having tremble with the horses or is it the kibitzers?

We've quite a few old timers here too. One of them is Pauncho Admiral of the Eskimo navy.

Goodreau and 'Dagwood' Dagner are the two

gents with the multicolored fedoras. It is a close race and we haven't been able to decide which one

should get the ribbon but they both have some won derful 'creations.'

'Gabby' Modrzynski wants to know what time we are going out. Won't someone please tell him?

Our fledgling pilots Pines and McLean spend many an hour zooming around but unfortunately they can't enter the time in their logs. McLean says Pines is having eye trouble but Kunner claims it is because they are hazel. Come over and take a look at our new ladder

hoist. If you think that the boys don't appreciate it just ask any of the watchmen.

. If you should meet anyone on here aiming some thing .at. you .don't be! alarmed for it is only Mac and his new camera.

Back to the Str. Bradley, Ray. She now goes to Cleveland and Lorain.

Buehler, "Who said that the Calcite goes to Cleve land." I'd like to know when.

Night cook "Benny the Boom Boom," the boy from Buffalo, better known as "Shycosky," says "nice crew on Str. Calcite, but one cow, one pig, one calf, one lamb don't mean notin."

Count Widajewski: Boy was my hay long. Had to double it up to bail it. My corn says, cut me down

my ears are too long. My potatoes says pick me and peel me before my skin cracks. That's what you call deep sea farming. Our watchman, who was married this spring,, is still suspended somewhere between the deck and the ironsphere. Can anyone suggest a suitable anchor.

Welcome to the good ship Calcite, Martin. Martin Joppich is now our new Third Mate. Frank Shaul decided it was rather cold out one

evening. He found that remembering to wear his

" 'Butch" Bruder is doing some good work in moulding. Too bad he can't do something along the line of autos. Gould says that he will take anything

socks raised the temperature considerably.

for he is tired of walking.

an advice to the soon to be married men. It is well

The fishermen haven't been doing so good at Detour this summer. It must be the weather. Yarch

says that he is sure that is the reason.

Chief LaBounty was telling about his hunting expedition while down at Fair Haven last winter and we understood that he was pretty good. Short

Unknown to may readers is the fact that we have

conducted by Mate Gil Kemp and assisted by Jimmy Selke. Adrian says thanks for the advice fellows, but I'll try it anyway. Often Heard Remarks

Clarence Idalski: Today I am a man. Ted Werner: Chee Vis. Charlie Wilkins: I remember when.

ly afterwards we got the real story of how Guy saw a nice cock pheasant out by the barn. Although it couldn't be called the right season, the temptation was too great and Guy grabbed the gun. On the

Woody Shawhan: What time Calcite. Frank Shaul: What you may call it and that thing-a-ma-jig.

first shot the bird never moved. The second shot

Julius Baur says, "It's swell not to use roller skates anymore." Since he went on as watchman he sets his own pace.

got the same results. The third shot moved the target and Guy came close enough to see that the beautiful bird was well mounted and perched upon

a nice piece of polished wood. He didn't break the law anyway. STR. CALCITE . . . . . PERSONAL ITEMS Miller: Boy am I tired. Werner: Shucks gee vis I don't know vot comes

mit you ven comes mit my age yet.

Charles Wilkins—Gimme the good old barn yard aroma any day.

Baur: I got a new girl now. Deckhand: Nice stuff eh.

Bauer: Show her to ya some time. The after-end Romeo, who was so well liked by the Wisconsin ladies, is attempting to raise a mustache. Think it will help, Roy ?

Captain Swarts has had the pleasure of seeing both of his boys this summer while in Holland,

Emil Lietzow was observed kneeling at the galley stove and was asked if he was praying. Remarked Lietzow, "I've tried everything else to make this thing burn. Maybe a few prayers would help." All our expert fishermen have red faces, but it seems like Captain Swarts caught the first fish this season and the only one this season. Congratulations Captain.

Feel glum? Keep mum. Don't grumble. Be hum ble. Stop crying. Keep trying. Trials cling, just sing. Can't sing? Just cling. Don't fear, God's near. Money goes, He knows. Don't' rust. WORK TRUST. In closing these random notes from the Str. Calcite let us all try and also remember: When we can't make light of our troubles, we can keep them in the dark.

All men want to succeed. Some want to succeed

Michigan. Johnnie Neilson paid us a visit with his so badly that they are willing to work for it.

wife and two daughters. In Rogers City, August

14th, Kaj and wife also paid us a visit. Both boys are well known in Rogers.

Safety instructions are almost wasted unless re peated many times. 2001

What Is DDT? We have all heard about DDT, its powers, and of the vast amount of benefit this chemical was to

the armed forces when occupying insect infested areas.

What is DDT? Well, the,description that we have is not too enlightening. It is a white powder, an organic chemical of high purity, which is an excep tionally effective insectside, due to its lasting power, if left undisturbed after applying. It is technically called Dichloro Dipheny (Trichloroethane). Writ ing it is bad enough without trying to pronounce it, so as long as everyone else refers to it as DDT, and we know its right name, why should we be different? Lets go on as we started and DDT it is.

First of all let us recognize that DDT is a toxic (a poison) to humans as well as both warm and cold blooded animals. We now realize that the ma terial should be handled with care.

DDT should never be used full strength. A 5% solution is recommended. Assuming that this chem ical is not used full strength we will use the term DDT solution as meaning a liquid insectside con taining DDT.

To prepare an effective spray dissolve one pound of DDT, technical grade, in 19 pounds (or 3 gal lons) of Stoddard Solvent. The resulting solution of approximately 5% strength is suitable for gen eral use. It is easy to prepare since DDT is highly soluble in this liquid. Furthermore the solvent has a high flash point (reducing fire hazard) and evap orates without leaving a stain. A spray may be made by dissolving DDT in kero sene in the proportion of one pound DDT to 19 pounds (or 2.8 gallons) of kerosene. This spray is not desirable for some applications on account of the grease spots it leaves. No doubt formulas containing a wettable DDT powder will have greatest appeal because these combinations can be readily mixed with water, have no odor, and present no fire hazard. In preparing the spray, make a paste of wettable DDT powder and water and then add sufficient water to give the de sired 5% concentration. DDT is a contact poison (not a repellent which in sects merely dislike) and when applied, paralyzes, then kills. Do not expect instant results since all in sects in the room or building must touch the ma terial before they are killed. DDT solution may be applied as a spray using either a hand or power sprayer or by means of a cloth or brush. The method of application will de

pend on the surface to be treated, the prevalence of the insects, and the preference of the user. All surfaces must be thoroughly covered, with particular attention to undersurfaces, cracks, crev ices and other places where the insects may live, breed, and walk.

Apply DDT solution to walls and surfaces. Do not spray it into the air as this leaves fine particles of DDT floating around a room for several hours, during which time they may be inhaled.

After treating a room with DDT, keep it closed for an hour or until all mists and vapors disappear. 2002

Solutions should be mixed to contain 5% DDT, as weaker solutions do not leave enough of the chemical behind.

Thorough treating of screens, walls, painted woodwork, light fixtures, and other places.where the insects may alight is necessary. For flies and other insects attracted to light, it is most important to cover the spaces toward the light. Since some kind of mosquitoes seek dark places, these hiding places must be treated. Screens are subject to weathering, and therefore, must be reapplied at frequent intervals. If you are staging a battle against ants the DDT

solution should be sprayed so as to hit as many of the ants as possible and to thoroughly wet their runways and other places where they frequent. Spray behind and beneath baseboards, behind win dow sills and frames, about sinks in the kitchen and

bathroom, to all table legs and chair legs, to both sides of pantry shelves and to any cracks and crev ices leading to the outside of the building. Such treatment should give a residual effect for periods up to several weeks. We might now list some "Do's" and "Don'ts"

that will assist in handling this chemical. DO—

1. Keep the handling of DDT solution confined to the smallest number of persons possible, and where practical restrict its use to one person who shall be trained in its use.

2. Confine solution to 5% consistency. 3. Wear a respirator and rubber gloves when spraying.


Provide sufficient ventilation when applying

in a room or a confined area.

5. Apply the solution only when no other persons are in the area to be treated.

6. Inform other persons who may frequent an area or a room that DDT has been applied.

7. Wash all benches and tables thoroughly with soap and water in a room in which DDT has been

applied after the application.

8. Label DDT "POISON" and keep it locked up. When eaten it can kill.

9. Avoid excessive skin contact. DDT solution, especially in oil, can be absorbed through the skin. 10. Wash the skin with soap and water in case of excessive spillage. 11. Cleanse the hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling or spraying DDT. DO NOT—

1. 2. 3. 4.

Use DDT full strength. Apply DDT powder. Handle carelessly. Inhale the powder.

5. 6.

Swallow. Store near foodstuff.

7. Store where children or animals can get at it. 8. Use on grain, fruits, forage, edible plants or other crops used as human or animal food.

9. Permit persons allergic to DDT to use it. 10. Spray into or near fire or open flame. 11. Smoke while spraying. 12. Use gasoline as a solvent for DDT.


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Walter Pilarski


Chas. Hoffman







Thomas Kelley


John Dembny


William Heller

















Frank Reinke



A. Sorgenfrei


Anthony Mulka



Frank Reinke


Fred LaLonde





John Modrzynski


Peter Giovangorio





Leon Ruell

Victor Koch

C. C. Eldridge



Otto Zempel

Capt. Arthur Cook Chief Frank Lamp





Capt. F. F. Pearse Chief John Sparre


Capt. C. A. Thorsen Chief Arthur Urdal



Capt. Leo Moll

Chief Chas. Frederick








Capt. Chris Swartz Chief Ray Buehler






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