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LMI& Jjd&ue \£>£uobzet to <zffoc}EX± Citu UV3¥le. JlumLitoWL Citu of- ^\/{lcfilqan" J

The idea of devoting an issue of Calcite Screen ings to Rogers City, which was suggested some

time ago by Company President I. I.. Clymer, ap pealed to me as being not only a generous offer but one which had considerable value to the community. Perhaps it is my vocation as a newspaper pub lisher that makes me unusually sensitive to the val ue of publicity for my home city. Certainly I have never thrown cold water on any broadcast which might impress the outside 'world, and my fellow townsmen as well, with what we call the advan

tages, and the good things of life, which we en joy in our liny northern metropolis. I had visions of a really fine Rogers City issue until it was borne upon mc that I was to be the

instrument of creation, the artist whose pen would paint the picture for some thousands of people to vision. While appreciating the compliment, I acknowledge, without apology, such lack of ability as will no doubt be disclosed in our narrative.

Any real history of the community should make mention of many pioneer families and since we could not. with the limited time and means at our

command, cover all of this ground, we have re stricted ourselves to generalities.

There has been some very unusual leadership in this community since 1870 and it is most unfor

tunate that an adequate history has not been com piled which would per petuate the names of

many of our leading citizens of the early days.

There was always a thread of optimism in their view-points and a very great loyalty to Rogers City. Typical of this was in connec





1 have assumed the obligation as one well worth

stone d e v e 1 o pment.

while. If there have been many weary hours of re search and the burning of much midnight oil, that

There were those who scoffed at the idea of

seems to be tin- lot of the small town editor. Pew

anything ever coming

of us have ever reached the Utopia of the short week and the big wage. So this issue of Screenings will not have its usual flavor, devoted as it always has been to the Safety


and Welfare of Company Personnel. Rather it will

the stone which

lay for miles along the Huron shore, stripped oi




A real history would cover many phases. Among these would be the spiritual: the long but success ful struggle to build churches and schools; the political, probably one of the most interesting be

scorched by fire. It was only the unbounded faith of a few that launched the enterprise. And it was the firm belief in the project on the part of the promoters, who were no part of Rogers City, that carried them over unheard of obstacles. 11 was a great cooperation of Company employees and Management, in early daws as well as in later years, that made Calcite and Rogers City what they

cause of the devious paths that things political fol


be something of a history of Rogers City and this community from the view-point of those of us who are not members of the Company family, but are nevertheless next of kin.

low and because of the issues at stake. The story of the ships of earlier, and later days, is another saga and the history 01 the rise and decline of the

logging and lumbering era is still another. The early struggle of pioneer families and their experi ences would bring back to many families fond memories, for man}- are descendants of our first settlers. Only time, and a great deal of research. could adequately portray these important events, and we confess our inability to include them with the limited time at our disposal.

We have chosen to torial and necessarily first thought we could days and find pictures

make the issue largely pic it must be brief. We had incorporate scenes of early of many of the pioneer cit

It was also another striking example of what Free Enterprise can do. in spite of any arguments to the contrary. We hope that in some small degree we can im

part a background of a community which is unique in many ways, ideal in others, and more or less typical of many small cities in our vast country. And now a word for our pictures. We have marie no effort to use pictures of individuals. At first we had hopes of doing so but we found that few

were obtainable and felt that a proper presentation

scenes of 75 or 80 years ago. Some pictures of

could not be made unless we might have a majority of them. (There is one exception. The author has used his own. We assure you it was not from vanity, just our old-fashioned idea that you can get more from a story if you can visualize the person who is writing it.)

citizens of those davs are available but only a few.

The aerial views used on front and back cover.

izens. We found it was almost impossible to find

Special Edition. 1950

and one used inside, were pictures taken by Ken neth Vogelheim from his plane on one of those,

nice bright days when Kenny had left his' earthly troubles to meditate in the clouds. While Kenny

does not claim to be a professional, in this par ticular line, he certainly did a nice job.

If you were a resident in early days the picture of the big load of logs on the front inside cover and the one beneath it of the log hauler, would be no novelty. If you were not familiar with the logging era of our section they will be the more interesting. In either case they will take you

sons Leonard, Thomas and Francis. They landed from a Northern Transportation boat at Presque Isle at the Burnham landing and walked up to what was later known as Crawford's Quarry. They re

mained through the winter and had supplies brought to them by dog sled from Alpena. During the win ter they built a dock so they could furnish cord wood for lake tugs. The Crawfords undertook to open a quarry to get out building stone but this proved a failure in that

early day. The story was circulated that the Detroit Stove Works, the Russell Blast Furnace Company

back to earlier years, and if we are to tell you a

and the Woodware Works of Detroit wanted to buy

story we should certainly start at the beginning.

the Crawford shore frontage along in 1866 or 1867; that their plan was to erect large blast furnaces and

The next illustration is a composite of old scenes, the few which we could find: the first courthouse

smelt the ore that was coming down from Lake

built in Rogers City, the mill site of Herman Hoeft

Superior; using the wood to make charcoal for the

& Son which occupied the shore from Erie street to Ontario and beyond; the steam barge C. H. Starke,.owned by the same firm and captained by William J. Crosby; a limestone outcrop on the shore, just a sample of many miles of this same formation, which led to the limestone development

furnaces and the better timber for making bowls for the Wooden Ware concern. The story was that they offered some fabulous sum for the property

and Rogers City's prosperity; and for a gala touch we have the brewery wagon of Paul Bittner decked put for the July Fourth celebration over 50 years ago. The brewery was one of the earliest institu tions in this predominantly German community. These few pictures are the nearest we can get to the early setting of our story.

Other pictures carry their own captions or will be referred to as we go along.

1 We are deeply indebted to Lawrence D. Larke for early historical data. Probably no one in the community has anything like the data; that Mr. Larke has preserved concerning the early; days. Others who have helped in our search are Paul

but it was refused.

In the fall of 1868 or 1869 Albert Molitor, Wil

liam E. Rogers and Frederick Denny Larke landed their supplies on the Crawford dock for the pur pose of lumbering west and south of the Quarry. They came, I think, on the old propeller boat Wenonah which preceded the Marine City. Captain Boynton was captain of the Wenonah.

They began lumbering in 1869 and succeeded in getting landings for their logs. That summer some ten or a dozen families of Germans came to the

Quarry as settlers, largely through the influence of Albert Molitor. Among them were Michael Elowsky, William Hardies and Gottlieb Hasenburg. By Mr. Parris: I came to Presque Isle county in July of 1866 on a Northern Transportation Com pany boat. I came up from Detroit where I worked

H. Hoeft, the only surviving member of the group

at the Detroit Stove Works. Francis Crawford and

closely connected with the limestone promotion, hale and hearty at 86; Fred Larke, Mrs. Isabelle

his son Len and a hired, teamster named Schwartz were on the same boat. We landed at the Crawford

Larke and Mrs. William Heller.

dock. Settlers then at the Quarry were the Craw

The photography in our Screenings is for the most part the work of Ferris Parsons. We feel

Bradfords had taken up a homestead. The only

that he has given an artistic touch to the many local scenes we portray, and while it is all in

the day's work, we know that he put his heart

fords, an old man named Bradford and his sons. The woman there was the wife of the teamster -Schwartz. Later Mrs. Slack and Mrs. Len Craw ford came.

into it and is entitled to our appreciation for do-" -.'• The first team for this section was on the same

a very good job. In this connection we express our thanks to the Misses Janet Dueltgen, Claire

boat with us and the horses were thrown overboard and allowed to swim to shore.

Daniels and Elizabeth Schleben, whose assistance

fl had given up my job at the stove works on ac count-of ill health and my brother, who had been up to the Quarry, advised me to go north. I went to the land office in Detroit, made entry for a home stead of 120 acres in Section 34, town 35 north, range 5 East, a spot which I found on the map. I paid $14.00 as an entry fee. Then I went north to see what I had bought. I spent a week here fishing and fighting mosquitoes but I was satisfied. Besides those at the Quarry at that time were William Kitchen and Ephriam Nelson who had a little fishing boat at Trout River. There were a few Indian families as well. During the summer

will be noted as you look over some .of our scenery. As an early setting to our story we are repro ducing the' following notes dictated to Mr. Larke

by: William E. Bennett and Harvey L. Parris on Sept. 23rd, 1916: ' ; By Mr. Bennett: The first settlement in Pres.que

Isle, county, then a part of Alpena county, was made at Presque Isle about 1860. Frederick Burnham was the first settler. He came north to engage in the Cordwood business and had a dock and boat land ing in Presque Isle harbor.

John Kauffman came in 1862, settled at Presque Isle and furnished wood for the Northern Trans

several workmen came to cut wood for Crawford.

portation Company. He worked for Burnham and

I recall that three of them were named Slack,

later went on a farm.

Quantz and McLaughlin. I returned to Detroit on the boat but just before

Next to arrive were Francis Crawford and his 4


Christmas 1 came back, coming north as far as I'.ay

City by train and coining the rest of the way by dog

team. It took me ten days to make the trip. Al that time the mail was being carried by dog team from

Alpena to Cheboygan l>y a man named Robargc. 1 arrived at the Quarry on this second trip 01 lannarv 3rd. 1867 At the Quarry i found Lawrence kowalski. Henry Slack, Jim McLaughlin. Schwartz and a few others. In the spring Sam Blake came up. I knew him in Detroit. In the fall he brought his wife in and Tom Kline and Yeagcr came in to take up homesteads. In 18(>8 Mr. Mollitor and Mr. Larke brought in

their crew, provisions and camps. Their associate William I-".. Rogers wanted a site for a mill near the Crawfords in the bay but the latter would twl sell any of his frontage. They were forced to secure Sec. IS north of the Quarry. They lumbered back

of the Quarry and the next year at Kogcrs City. (Editors Note. It is a rather strange circumstance that failure of Crawford to sell land to Rogers led to the platting of the city of Rogers City in its present location. Rogers"City was built in a dense swamp. A good-sized ereek, Factory Creek, it was called, meandered down through the center of the town, coming in off Lhe hill back of the Paul H. Hoeft property, forming a large pond

on what is now the Lutheran church property, crossing almost at the corner of Third street and Erie, the city's main intersection, going on down in the rear of the

Rogers City Hardware and eventually ilowing into the

lake near the William Heller residence. Crawford's

Quarry offered a much better site for a village, with higher ground and deep water off shore.)

The spring after Mollitor and Larke lumbered at Crawford's. (Juarry they built a log house near Bittners (the present William Heller residence). Later they found a deck house or boat cabin from some


many tall tales told of early days and among those told to Lawrence Larke by Bennett and Parris was one about the first election held in the county. In substance it is no doubt correct but if there is a

tinge of imagination about it I am sure you will forgive the narrators.

•" The first election in Presque Isle county was

held in an old log cabin near the present William Heller residence in 1870. The election was called to

elect a supervisor and other township officers but the real issue was political supremacy between Rog

ers City and Crawford's Quarry.

"There were only about 40 voters and most of them were living at the Quarry as Rogers City had not grown to any extent at that time. Mr. Molitor and Mr. Denny Larke saw the importance of

political control as did the Crawfords. Albert Moli tor became a candidate for supervisor and he was

opposed by Leonard Crawford, candidate of the Quarry taction. "] was for Len Crawford." said Mr. I'arris, "and Blake and Larke were for Molitor. I had a good

many votes lined up for Crawford but underesti mated Larke's resourcefulness. On election day

an opportunity was given Tom Crawford to im bibe rather freely and he passed out. Larke got old man Wilson to switch to Molitor and he won the election by two votes. "When I came to the booth to vote Mr. Larke

said. 'Well. Crawford, how are you going to vote?' He called me Crawford jokingly because he knew he had us beat. Molitor was elected supervisor and Larke clerk.'* This is the setting for our story.

ship out. in the lake and placed it alongside the log house. Mr. and Mrs. Mollitor occupied this cabin until the Mollitor store building was put up at the foot of Huron Avenue. The Mollitor dock and mill were built in the same location and that was the start of Rogers City.

The shores of the (Ireat

Lakes of

Michigan have

long been noted for their amazing beauty. Presque Isle county is one of those unusually a t I r a c t i v e counties bordering Lake Huron from the Straits of

Mackinac e a s I e r 1 y in Northeastern Michigan's lower peninsula. Rogers City is the county seat

and the only shore line city in this section. Port of Calcite is within the city limits a little to the south of the actual town site. Rogers City is known as the "Limestone City

Publisher, Presque Isle County Advance

Since this is a history, in a limited way. of a some what unusual section, we must take you back to earlier days. Presque Isle county was formerly a

part of Alpena county. There were a few inhabitants here in 1869, so far as we can determine, but very few. Our sketchy history indicates that Presque Isle county came into existence in 1870. While it functioned as a county it was found that its forma tion was illegal and it did not really become a county

until 1875 when it was Organized by an act of the legislature. Rogers City was incorporated in 1872. Here too we find that the original incorporation was found to be illegal and the village was not legally incor

porated until 1877. Charles Pfanneschmidt was elected village president wdien the village was first

shipping ports on the Great Lakes and the volume of tonnage leaving this port is larger than that

incorporated and probably should be accorded the honor of being the first village president. However, the first legally elected village president was Philip

from manv of our big ocean shipping centers.

O'Parrcll, who was chosen some live years later.

of Michigan." Port of Calcite is one of the largest

Rogers City was named after William L. Rogers ol Xew York, owner of the'section of land on which

the village was laid out. Mr. Rogers, so far as we

know, may never have seen the place. Certainly he

Simon Herres. Dr. Pfanneschmidt is described as

a large dignified man who wore heavy flowing side burns. He was dentist as well as doctor and for his dentistry he used an instrument much like a small

contributed nothing to the village other than his name, and possibly his blessing. His partner in mill, timber and land, was Albert

canthook in place of a forceps. The instrument was

Molitor. Mr. Molitor lived here and operated the

tistry was confined mostly to extraction of aching

business of the linn which included a store. Prob

ably he should be credited with being the founder of the village. He was evidently a man of good education, for his time, and apparently was a man of dominant personality. He incurred the wrath of some of his neighbors in surrounding townships,

inserted under the ailing tooth and when the proper leverage was applied something had to give. Den

teeth and little thought was given to fillings and the finer art of today. There was no anesthetic

except possibly a drink of whiskey, which may have C] been shared equally between doctor ami patient. (

night as he worked in his store. His body was

Calcite was originally known as Crawford's T" Quarry, ,'t was founded by brands Crawford who came to the Quarry around 1860 to invest in tim ber and timber land. He was assisted by his sons Leonard, Thomas and Francis. The younger men

taken to Detroit where he had a wife and one sou

played an active part in business and political life

some years after the village was founded over real or fancied grievances, and was shot down one

living. He was buried there in Elmwood cemetery. The village of Rogers City was laid out by Ed

ward Molitor and he drew the first maps. He was

a brother of Albert Molitor and as a civil engineer was later with the lake survey.

When Rogers City first came into being it occu

in the early days of the Ouarry.

The Ouarry was a station for the- wood burning tugs which came north to low the big lumber laden schooners down to lower lake ports, and tremen dous quantities of cordwood were cut and loaded at

pied the first two blocks on First street, between

the Ouarry dock to feed the boilers of the tugs. Later it was an important shipping point for forest

Huron Ave. and Erie Street. At the\ of Huron Avenue the Molitor dock extended out into the

products of all kinds until the passing of the timber

lake. The Kitchen House, the first hotel, wdiich

to be revived at a later period as Calcite. In the early days the Ouarry was about the same size as Rogers City and there was a great deal of competition between the two (daces. Stores were run by tin- Crawfords and by William llagen. both

later burned and was rebuilt, stood on its present site.

A row of houses on both sides of the street occu

pied the two blocks. The only saloon was that of Mother Wendy (we can find no other name). This was the first building east of Michigan Avenue on the lake front side of the street.

The first courthouse was housed in the building next the Wendy saloon, no doubt not by design

when the town withered and passed away, only

of whom had their homes there. The first court

house was built there and a school building served for both school and church purposes. Among resi

but certainly handy. This was later known as the

dences were those n\ William Dueltgen, Ludwig (Ireka, Stephen Kelley (who also had a blacksmith shop). Tom Lamb and others. The quarry had its

Oscar Smith residence, in the same block and on

own dock over which passed thousands of cords of

the opposite side of the street was the finest resi

wood and huge quantities of cedar.

dence in town, that of Henry Clothier. The post office was located there.

The petition for incorporation of the village,

which we find in the first record book still a part of the city records, bore the names of twenty-one leading citizens: J. Paul Mayer, George P. Kitchen. James Meredith. Charles Haywood. Albert .Moli tor. Charles I'lannochmidt. William II. Buckner. Frank Sommers, William 11. Kitchen. Fred Horn.

William Mathies, August Wenzel. Ernest Papke, August I'omuierenka. Rudolph Streich. Henry Wen/el, (i. Davidson. Henry Clothier. Samuel Blake. John Rich and Joseph LaLonde. Some years later the village, grew back from the lake as far as Third Street. The store of Herman

Hoeft & Son was built (now the. McCutcheon store).

Ed and James Krskine had a store in wdiat is now the [OOF building and the Larke Drug store was erected at the corner of Third and Huron. The first

store of Priedrieh Bertram was in the tiny building

A short distance north

was the



Brewery together with Mr. Bittner's residence and that of Morris I-'ischer. In the earliest days the product of the brewery was rowed up the lake, by boat to Rogers City but when a road connected the two towns at a later date the old style brewerv wagon with its big team of draft horses was u>a\ for transport. The Fischer residence years later was to become the first office of the Michigan Limestone ยงi Chemical Company.

Rogers City had its mills and both villages were born in the dense forests of white and Norway pine, white cedar, hemlock and heavy hardwoods. The forests brought the lumbermen and the rich soil of the hardwood bind the early settler. The lumber men and the sturdy pioneers came about the same time, the former to harvest the timber, the latter

to make permanent homes in a new wilderness. The greater part of the new settlers were Germans and

next tin- Brooks hotel in the block east, "the larger

Poles, immigrants from the old world seeking to homestead the land recently surveyed by the fed

Bertram brick store at the corner of Third and

eral government.

Erie not being erected until some years later. The

As the two towns grew the rivalry between the two blossomed. Records show that the early poli

first courthouse, which burned later, was built in

the present courthouse square. The first doctors were Charles Pfanneschmidt and

ticians brought about the building of a courthouse

at the Ouarry. Then the county organization was 7

declared illegal and the county seat was established

of Huron Avenue, the Hoeft dock at the foot ol

The loser in the tug-of-war seems to have been the contractor who built the Ouarry courthouse. Ik-

tween the two. 'fhe first money crop was cordwood which was shipped largely to Detroit. A short time

at Rogers City ami a courthouse was built there. Erie street, the Priedrich Bertram dock lying be failed to get paid for the job. While the Ouarry lost its first battle for exist ence and became a ghost town, it came to life in 1910. 'file huge mass of high calcium limestone

later came the demand for cedar ties as the rail

wdiich lies all the way along the shore from Rogers

It was not until about 1876 or 78 that the dock of Herman Hoeft <\: Son was built and a mill con structed. The Friedrich Bertram dock and mill came into existence about the same time and the water

City to Presque Die lighthouse, some fifteen miles east, came into demand. The Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company established its huge plant at

roads of the country were pushed west but it was some years later that the. demand for cedar posts began.

the Quarry, the. name of which was changed to Calcite. The Crawfords were not to live to see the

lock bark

dav but Calcite became the home of the largest

Schooners and steam barges carried the bulk ol

limestone quarry in the world. The same limestone made Rogers City a charm

ing place in which some four thousand people were to make happv homes. At a time when this section

Y faced a dubious future, with most of the timber gone and with large sections devastated by fire,

limestone brought a new prosperity, not only to Rogers City and Calcite, but to the entire county and Northeastern Michigan.

In the forty years wdiich followed the coming of the first settlers until limestone opened a new era

front began to look busy. Lumber, cedar and hem went out

in tremendous quantity.

the shipping to market. Only one vessel was owned locally, the C. H. Starke, owned by Hoeft and Son and captained by William Crosby, 'fhe Starke car ried thousands of cargoes over many years.

Just a word regarding this water transportation. The railroad was built only as far north as Bay

City. In the season of navigation supplies oi every nature came north by boat and in the better settled sections of lower Michigan, along the lake shore, trade by boat was brisk. Parm produce and live stock went by boat to the Detroit market and

in 1910. Presque Isle county lived as did all lumber ing communities. Had Rogers City been alone to

almost every vessel carried traders who traded

forest era would have lasted many more years. The

vessels stopped only at the big ports, all the way from Detroit into Lake Superior. Smaller vessels stopped at almost every (dace that had a dock where depth of water permitted. Competition was keen

draw upon the timber resources of the county, the growing demand for forest products, however, brought the railroad north through the center of the county and the villages of Rosen. Metz. Hawks and Millersburg. and the city of Una way. came- to

life. Each reaped its harvest of timber and from 1900 to 1910 most of the forest, inexhaustible in the eyes of many, was gone.

Those were days of business and political strife concerning which a most interesting history could be written had we the time and space to record it.

We regret that we cannot, in this limited history. record the names of hundreds of pioneer families who laid the foundation of city and county. A large

goods of . ne sort or another for produce. There were many navigation lines, 'fhe larger

and at one lime boats stopped almost every day at

Rogers City and the Quarry. In addition to the regular lines, which carried both freight and pas sengers, all sorts of vessels came in for cargo of one kind or another.

In this section horses for the lumber camps and settlers, hay and iced, merchandise for the stores and supplies of all kinds came in by water. In the early days there was little to ship out except forest

part of our population are descendants ol those products. Before freeze-up supplies for the winter sturdy pioneers of early days. The old generation had to be brought in and after winter started travel gave way to a newer one which was an active group. was at a minimum. Mail came by dog team and No great fortunes were made but a substantial cilizenrv grew up to build comfortable homes, hew- out productive farms and otherwise prepare lor those

those who wanted to get out had to take to snow-


'fhe Str. Marine City brought in a large number

who followed them.

of the early settlers. 'With the W. R. Clinton she

'fhe story of the harvest of the timber is a story in itself. First came the cutting of the pine and

was operated by the People's Line, owned by Ash ley cv Dustin of Detroit. Among the boats wdiich plied the lakes and were well-known to the smaller ports, a.s well as the large, were the Flora. Atlantic.

with it the lumberjack in slagged pants and corked boots. Most of the pine went down the streams to the lake and was rafted to the mills in large cen

ters, already hungry for more logs after stripping their immediate territory.

Cedar ties, posts and





grown, gave a harvest, tremendous in volume but one wdiich lasted only a limited number of years. Last the hardwood came into its own. Mills were

built and villages grew- around them and for years the county was a beehive of industry. In Rogers City shipping was entirely by water. Before many years there were three clocks on the lake shore, the original Molitor dock at the foot 8

Keeweenaw and Nashua and later the Thompson Line vessels. Douglas. Rilgrim and City of Holland.

They were succeeded by the Detroit cc Cleveland vessels, 'fhe \)tkC operated on the lower lakes as far back as 188-1 and their lines were expanded to

the upper lakes in later years, 'fhe D&C came into Rogers City in 1909 and continued the service for a number ol years.

The first road of any consequence through this section was the state road from Duncan City (Che boygan) to Alpena. It passed through Bearinger. Moltke. Hagensville and on into Alpena county.

Compared to a modem highway it was a trail but

later. It had its beginning in the tiny building next

\\ e are told that Albert Molitor built a road from the Ouarry to connect with the stale road at Hag-

Isle County Savings Hank in later vears. Most of our modern buildings were not erected until after

it served the purpose.

the old Larke residence and grew into our Presque

ensville. taking payment for the work in script the coming of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical good lor payment of taxes or purchase of timber Company.

land from the state, that being the manner in which

early roads were financed.

yVilh 'the first settlers came the first schools and

churches. These were very humble indeed, lor our

An old-timer tells the story ,,l tins road, although we cannot vouch lor its truth. According to bun

1>et>ple werc an(, ha(, „,, msomcQS ,)Ul lIu. u-(irk llf tlleir ,lan(ls Hm lhe ]( schoulhouses have

the holes filled moss with a little sand spru.klcd on top. One dav a brand new buggy was unloaded from an upbound boat. A few clays later the state highway commissioner came to inspect the road. He was wined ami dined until he was in proper humor. the new buggv was brought out and he

chmxhe§ j„to pretentious places of worship, ,, ,. ,... , , , .. . . . U*-C'S C" "' ^ ,"' a ra,,n,a<l- '" ^ **7* a J**" w!l1,"!U .a, ™l™ad was a back number. ! iMfmr Ft*demk Dewjy Darke began loreeast'»* &e coming of the railroad years beforeji ar-

the stumps were cut oil close to the ground an.

i,T(lW11 inll, mo(k.rn |)uil(|im,,s ,,„, i1r. ,luml)k.

was taken in state over the new "road. If it was ™?' ' k'f ™fS ** m,,st "^miste boostet m the

somewhat bumpy he did not mind, being some- ll,?"l"-V1d t,ie y}Ua^- a l^''»ig busmess man. a what paralyzed from his entertainment, ami after l)G'fca f*?*J°r a &*? Lfu*!»er "' )**« and the trip he'approved the road and the buggv was )mfl°lf (Uf)[. h!s *"*«* a[fec*£»« except w,th-

then put back on board the boat ami shipped back !!' ll,.S/am,] -v CTrde/ was ffr h,e. VI .la§e.,!" ^hldl beto Detroit


' llu' Sweater l>art "' llIS hie. I'1^ railroad

' Frederick Dennv Larke started publishing the !™aI1>' ca"Te but ™\ *?& /he limestone Lra and

first newspaper, the Presque Isle County Advance. ,l * "" «»-'»nate that he d,d not hve to see its comX7X and the paper was first housed in the tiny m* and l" See tllc development ol particular 111

building next the old Larke residence at the corner

of Third Street and Huron Avenue, later in the

\ ears.

WbeM lllc riilrood finally came its importance

third story of the courthouse and still later in the .was ll,,t as «TC'at as ,l ,1a(1 seemed in prior years,

small building now occupied by Walter Thomas. Tbis building then stood on the present Standard

'I be country was oil the verge of tremendous exPension in its highways, 'fhe automobile was on its

Oil corner. There was once a grist mill on this same wa-v aml present day traffic was to re].lace to a corner, 'fhe Bertram building was erected of brick ,a*fe extent that carried by the rails, particularly at the corner of Third Street and Erie, the \<c<\ in mori' JOTS** places. Brick Saloon was built next the Kitchen House by John Wick who also built the Rice building and

Something new.

conservation <>f



sources, almost too late, eliminated the forest lire

the one next door. There were others a.s well and

and the scars left by the lumbermen began to heal.

Rogers City put on the raiment of a llourishing village. 'fhe first bank was a private bank started by C. 11. Osgood but this did not come until some years

Something new. at least for this section, the tourist and resort business, brought summer homes and cottages on inland lakes and streams and opened a vista of prosperity for the future.

-J-Lmzitonz (L'/.2£/2£a c^j tzznkti? dZia \Joz ^J\oxtn£.aitE.xn ^v[icliicjan 'fhe resurrection of Crawford's Ouarry and the

Adams Point and the two men gradually blocked

development of the community's huge limestone

out some 5.000 acres of stone land which is now in

deposits did not happen in a day. It progressed over

the heart of the holdings of the Limestone Com-

a number of years. It began here in Rogers City.


and came at a time when the village was fast being eclipsed by towns along the railroad, when political power in which it had held supremacy for many years was threatened, and when its actual business

'fhe Rogers City Land Company was formed with Mr. Cowham as president, Frederick Denny Larke vice-president, A. p. Lclmdorff secretary and Mr. Ib.eil treasurer. They held the nucleus of a huge

life seemed fated to have reached its best days. The limestone which outcropped in so many

development. They interested Henry II. flindsliaw. a ver\ able

places had been ignored over the years. That it had

geologist of Syracuse. X. Y.. in the property.

possibilities was realized. Raul II. Hoeft. successful lumberman, had for years given a good deal of attentiou to its potential value. He interested \Y. P.

Mr. Ilindshaw was a graduate ol Johns Hopkins University and specialized in geological work. lie was a prominent geologist in the employ of the

Cowham of Jackson, an experienced manufacturer

government lor manv years during which lime he

of cement, who was interested in the possibilities

made surveys throughout almost every state of the

of marl (then used for cement manufacture). Mr.

union. At one time he was assistant geologist to

Hoeft had acquired ownership of some live miles ol shore frontage, from Rogers City east past

the state of Xew York. While in Michigan he became interested in the huge deposits ol limestone 9

which, he found particularly in this area, adaptable for commercial purposes. He visualized the poten tial values and sought a practical method of de velopment.

Mr. Ilindshaw interested the White Investing

Financing started with the sale of $300,000 of preferred stock, 'fhe common stock was used as a bonus and 50 per cent of common stock was given with the sale of the preferred. No doubt present

day financing and financing laws, would hardly

the methods used in those early days Company of New York in the possibilities of the countenance but the men interested must be credited with a development. W. R. White was president of this great persistency, and a mighty belief in the basic company wdiich specialized in the development

of natural resources. Mr. White was a keen busi ness man and an able financier.

The Rogers City project had not been overlooked

by other large concerns, 'fhe Solvay Process Com*

p'anv had purchased quite an acreage of limestone from Mr. Denny Larke adjacent to the Rogers City

Laud Company. Others had wanted to buy the land but would not promise to develop it. Engineers ol the United States Steel Company had condemned

the project on the grounds that it would be impos

sible to build a harbor on the open lake. They were not far off in their thinking. We can recall, in the

early days of the Company, that several times it threw all its resources into a battle to save the breakwall which had been built out into the lake as

a protection for shipping. We must admire the persistency of all of these men who were interested in the project at the time. Mr. Hoeft refused to sell the property unless there was assurance that it would be developed. In the meantime Mr. Ilindshaw had made a very close

study of the stone. A good deal of drilling had been done and there is no question but that he had a well

developed picture in mind of not only the Rogers City development but of all the stone land in this section of the state.

'fhe White Investing Company organized the

Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and pur chased the land of the Rogers City Laud Company.

They were not loo strong financially, and there was a great deal of bargaining before the deal was made. Mr. Cowham demanded cash for his holdings but Mr. Hoeft took stock in the new company for his interests.

A prospectus of the Company is iulereslin^ to read at this late date. Its capital stock was $2,000.000 of which $500,000 was 7 per cent preferred ami the rest common. Rar value of shares was set at

$25.00. W. I*'. White of the White Investing Com

pany was president; J. W. Lewis secretary and

treasurer; A. A. Blow managing director. These men were from Xew York. Raul H. lb.eft of Rogers

City. J. William Smith of Syracuse, N. Y. and J. lb Millard of Lebanon, Pa., were directors and H. H. Ilindshaw was general manager.

(AY. R. White Jr. of Merrill Island. Florida, tells us that his father. William R. While, was president

of the Limestone Company until its sale to the United States Steel Corporation about 1920 and was a director of the company until his death in 1936. Mr. Lewis was the financial accountant for

the company for a number of years and Mr. Blow

was a prominent mining engineer who acted in a consulting capacity. It is presumed thai Mr. Smith and Mr. Millard were representatives of preferred stockholders who invested early in the history of the Company.) 10

soundness of their project. The years have sub stantiated their thinking and their efforts.

'fhe prospectus outlines the company lands, the amount of limestone owned and the uses to which

it would be put. It told of the vast layer of salt underlying the stone and its potential value, the value of the clay and gravel deposits, and the earn

ing possibilities of the Company were not neglect ed. The Company proposed to harness the Oequeoc

River and build a power plant there which would not only furnish power to Calcite but light the towns of the county. It was proposed to lay out a new town site at Calcite which, within a few years, would have at least 2,000 inhabitants.

We must admit it was a little overdrawn. The power of the Oequeoc river was sufficient to run

August Luft's old-fashioned grist mill but it would have a good deal of trouble in lifting the boom on

one of the big shovels at Calcite today. A city of 2.000 people in the midst of Calcite activities would long since have, driven the Company engineers and personnel crazy.

The prospectus went on to state that the Com pany would not develop its huge salt mine until 1911, nor enter the chemical business for the pres ent.

'fhe new Company had financial troubles from the very start. Construction costs were high and heavy machinery was costly, 'fhe first cement was brought up from Alpena by the Str. Starke and Director R. II. Hoeft had to give his personal assurance ol payment.

The first steam shovel, a tiny thing compared to

present day standards, was brought by rail to Metz and was then hauled over land to the Ouarry.

'fhe plant was a radical innovation at that time. The use of rubber conveyor belts on an extensive scale and the system of stone storage was new. It was a constant struggle with engineering difficulties. The returns from the sale of preferred stock

melted away and a bond issue followed, but the work progressed. A crusher house and a screen house were built, as well as a power house, licit conveyors were installed, tracks were built and a quarry face opened up. A breakwater was pushed out into the lake and a loading slip took form. Look

ing back on it all it now looks very crude but it was a wonderful bit of engineering at the time. The

entire plant lias long since been rebuilt, and rebuilt again, steel has replaced timbers, locomotives, cars and shovels have grown in size and efficiency and a huge power plant has replaced the original tiny unit.

The picture at the right was taken shortly after work was started on the plant at Calcite. It was literally hewed out of the forest and the roughness of the terrain shows the tremendous difficulties which the engineers had to face at that time.

- *

* -




'- .. • .'•


Sts-amzx Caxl 2\ iBxaclL'stj, riin[oade.% Pyj&ÂŁ JStonz CaviLs.% of tits. iBxadhij ^ZJiamlioxtation Company II. II. Ilindshaw acted as general manager for

only a short lime. He was replaced by Joseph Jenkins and the latter was replaced in 1911 by Carl D. Bradley. This was a critical period in the Com pany's life, probably its most precarious financial years.

Mr. Bradley was a man of charming personality and most loveable character, lie had experienced adversity as well as success in the business world but he had unbounded confidence, not only in him self but in the Limestone Company. He drove him self and his organization at a terrific pace, He was

successful in securing required financing ami in widening the market for the company products. And he made an unforgettable place for himself in the hearts of all in the community.

Management was materially strengthened with the arrival of John (i. Munson in 1919. Mr. Mun son was connected with the J. G. White Engineer

ing Company. Both J. G. White and W. R. White were heavy holders of stock in the Calcite Com pany, and Mr. Munson was sent here to assist the development. He was an engineer with wide spread practical experience and the Company made great strides under his efficient management, lie

with the Detroit Shipbuilding Company in l'M2 for the building of the self-unloading Steamer Calcite. to be used exclusively for transportation of stone to customers whose docks were not equip ped with unloading facilities. \'ot long afterwards the Steamer W. R. While was built, with some improvements, lor the same

purpose by the Limestone Transportation Company. fhe Bradley Transportation Company was formed and built the Steamers John G. Munson. lb II. Tay

lor. T. W. Robinson and Carl D. Bradley, all sell unloading vessels, 'fhe Calcite was acquired by the Bradley Transportation Company when her charter expired at the end of ten years and the White was also added to the Bradley fleet. All are of the selfunloading type. In 1920 the Michigan Limestone ev Chemical Company was purchased by tin- United States Steel Corporation and is now a subsidiary of that great corporation. We note with interest that the first prospectus

planned for a production of 1,000 tons of stone a day, or 300.000 tons a year. Considering that last year

the Company produced 12.000,000 gross tons of stone, it is evident that in 38 years considerable

'followed Mr. Bradley, at the hitler's death, to the

progress has been made.

presidency of the Company and eleven years later went to the Steel Corporation as vice-president in charge of raw materials, a position which he still holds. His recent presentation of the country's iron ore requirements and developments planned in Venezuela by the Steel Corporation attracted nation

pared to the electric monsters which have opened up a six mile quarry face since that time, 'fhe first tiny dump cars have been replaced with 70 ton cars, fhe entire original plant, cruslierhouse. screenhouse, storage, etc. built largely of wood, have

wide prominence.


•Early in its existence the Limestone Company recognized the need for carriers for its stone. l..'p

replaced with I)iesets.

until the time of the development of the Calcite

Quarrv practically all users of limestone secured their material from quarries located near their

plants and had no facilities for receiving stone by vessel. Realizing that the use of limestone could be developed by the utilization of self-unloading vessels, a ten year charter arrangement was made

'fhe first steam shovel in 1910 is but a toy com


to modern design and greater ca

pacity with steel. Steam locomotives have been The growth of the plant is shown in the picture at the right which is a comparison of equipment. Here we have the first steam shovel, a tiny thing compared to one of its huge electrical brothers now in use; the first locomotive, now replaced with modern Diesel; the first drill, recently discarded for a modern type which does five times the work of the original; and the first dump ear which is a midget beside its present day counter part. It is a striking example of industrial progress.

Czntxat <zf\adlo

^jELE-axajili (Lo))ilicuiu Jbtation


- A. '??•" •*-

\3odau <zf\oa£,%± Citu i± tn& Cs.nts.% of a JLivz, <crf£.altnu and \f-*'ioarE.i±iu£, amidst Cnaxminq ^uxxoundings. While we have enjoyed reminiscing about the years which are past and gone, we can hardly leave you with only fond memories. Rog ers City today is another phase of our story and we speak of it without subsi dization by the chamber of commerce and merely with the pride of a resident of the old home town.

With the plant expansion new life came to Rog ers City. A drowsy village of some 600 people in 1912, it has grown to a prosperous little city of 4,000 in 38 years.

A spur of the D & M railroad followed the build ing of the plant. Highway improvement and modern transportation came along the same time and added to the industrial rebirth of the city. Energetic citi zens instituted an electric light plant in 1913 and this has grown to a Light & Water plant which has kept pace with the times. Power is furnished from Calcite and the service is excellent.







schools were built to care for the increased popula tion. The Lutheran parish added a parsonage and a

very modern school to their property. The Catholic parish built a church and school, a rectory, sisters' home and work has now started on a very fine new church. The Westminster Community church, with Presbyterian affiliation, was formed by joint effort

of several protestant denominations and a fine church was built and manse acquired. Other churches are Episcopalian, Baptist and the Gospel Tabernacle.

City boundaries were extended a few years ago to embrace the plant of the Limestone Company. Latest achievements have been the building of a modern sewage disposal plant and a 36-bed hospital. The latter was completed this year. The community is not lacking in entertainment and recreational facilities. A modern theater covers

that phase of entertainment. The Lucky Strike Bowling Alley is another. The Rogers City Golf Club, with its Golf Course within easy range of the city, provides a seasonable enjoyment for not only local people but for many who travel our highways in the summer time. The Hoeft State Park, a gift of 320 acres made to

the state by Paul H. Hoeft some 25 years ago, has an extended frontage on Lake Huron and has de veloped into one of the fine state parks of this sec tion.

Winter sports as such, have been confined to the locality itself. The city maintains an excellent skat ing rink through the winter months for young and old. In the summer months the beach accommodates

huge crowds, both in the center of the city and along the shore to the north as fancy dictates. Inland lakes and streams within easy reach offer fishing of all 16

kinds and the hunting facilities in the surrounding country are of the best.

This is a country of natural beauty. Our sceneryis unsurpassed as the view on the right well indi cates. This is a picture of one of many sandy beaches on a midsummer day when the sun is bright and hot. It is well to lounge under the shade of the trees but you can always take to the cool waters of blue Lake Huron which shows

in the background. If you must center your in terest on the more outstanding features of the view we will tell you a secret; all our girls are shapely and beautiful, intelligent and womanly. They could be nothing else, living in Rogers City. Rogers City has two very unusual enterprises associated with it, at least they are unusual for cities of this size.

Central Radio Telegraph, Station WLC, is one of the best commercial stations in the Great Lakes

region. This is strictly a commercial station, a sub sidiary of the Steel Corporation as is the Limestone Company. It is a powerful station with both radio telegraph and radio telephone. It was started short ly after the first world war and grew from a modest beginning to a very important station, especially for the vessels of the Great Lakes which use it

widely. The Rogers City Broadcasting Company launched a Radio Broadcasting station here about a year ago. This is a private enterprise financed with local capital. It is a powerful station of 1,000 Watts and is enjoying an ever increasing business. Rogers City is well taken care of "on the air." A live Chamber of Commerce, a Kiwanis and a Lions Club, together with a Woman's Civic League, are among local organizations which take a lead ing part in civic affairs. Industry has been centered in the one big lime stone company to a large extent. Except for a few years when the city had a small branch garment factory, later eliminated in a union struggle, there has been no other large industry. Commercial fishing has been with us since the

time of the earliest settler. The fishing fleet has long since changed from sail to gasoline engine, and then to Diesel, and it has had its highs and lows, but there has always been a fishing fleet which has furnished employment to a number of hardy souls. It is most unfortunate that the industry is facing extinction from the devastation wrought by the sea lamprey in Great Lakes waters.

The Rogers City Cement Products Company, started shortly after the last war, is a minor in dustry but one which has proved very successful and has been of vital importance in connection with the demand for new construction.

And if we may be permitted, with due modesty we mention the city's weekly Newspaper, the Presque Isle County Advance, which at the ad vanced age of 72, is still young enough to record the events of the week and lend an optimistic voice

*?w fr.


iBioculcaitincj Station <W*M<=&D( as we ga/.e towards the dim but vast horizon. Statistics are a dry subject but we must include a few. Within the city we have fourteen miles of

cement pavement and four miles of oilier surfaced streets. This figure includes some three miles ol street surfacing scheduled for completion this year. Money may be the root of all evil but it certainly


to $4,553,000 ai


ll is not surprising then thai Rogers City is a place were peo ple enjoy life. It is evidenced by the number of beautiful, if modest, homes which are found here. It is surprising to our visitors to

makes the wheels turn. How much pay roll in Rog

know that 90 per cent of them are owned by the

ers City? We were greatly surprised when a careful

people who live in them. A majority of Rogers City

and conservative listing showed that Rogers City

and Calcite folks own good homes and fine cars,

pay rolls total $5,000,000.00 a year. This amount in cludes the pay rolls of county, schools, city, hos

and many of them attractive summer cabins.

pital, churches, major and minor industry and the many small business places. This pay roll is re flected in good bank balances, line properties, many automobiles, and nourishing business. More than 4.000 passenger, commercial ami farm commercial vehicles, trailers and motorcycles arc licensed in

welcome in Rogers City. There is a first class hotel, good overnight cabins ami surrounding us are many lakeside cottages. Cool breezes from the lake will fan your feverish brow, the clear air will relieve your asthma and hay fever. There is al most every service you can desire, Irom modern

the county each year.

The 1940 census of the county gives us a popu

If you are a traveler you will find a hospitable

stores and markets, to every need for your car.

And surrounding it all is an atmosphere ol hospi

lation of 12.250 and the present census should show malerial gain.


The Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company gives employment to approximately 600 employees in plant, office and quarry. The majority of these have their homes in Rogers City but there are some who live in adjacent parts of the county. The ves sels of the Bradley Transportation Company give employment to 250 officers and men. 95 per cent of whom are from Rogers City and vicinity.

at the Lookout Station just off l'S-_V> as you enter

The business census of 1948 by the U. S. Depart ment of Commerce shows Rogers City as having

87 places engaged in retail trades whose sales 18

If your time is limited at least stop long enough the city from the south. Here you have spread be fore you all the activity of the Largest Limestone Plant and Ouarry in the world: the drills working, the shovels loading, the trains passing in review before your eyes as they hasten the world's finest limestone to the plant for process, and distri bution over the Great Lakes water system to far away places. There you see the largest lake carriers come and go and Lake Huron spreads before you as far as you can see.












ii m i*mm\'

m pi 11

t^rfaiicuitiLiz Conhif-uUi £/t± <£hom of ifizoikziitu to ConDnuiLitu The agriculture of Presque Isle County is a

good agriculture from the standpoint ol types ol farming, gross farm income, and conservation ol the naturally good soil. Livestock, both dairy and beef, are the principal farm enterprise, and con stitute a major part of the farm income ol the


A majority of the more than a thousand farms

in the county are operated by farmers of German and Polish descent, whose thrift ami inherenl love of the land accounts for the county being credited with the least soil erosion of any county in Mich


double safety in the use of nature's finest


Beef cattle constitute about one-third of the cat

tle population of the county and are produced large

ly for the feeder trade. They do. however, play an important part in producing the (estimated) six to eight million dollar annual gross farm income. Herelords are the predominating heel breed,, while holsteins. guernseys and jerseys are the principal dairy breeds, 'fhe dairy breeds range in numbers in the order named.

Alfalfa seed production varies from year to year

igan, the lowest farm tenancy rale of any county in the state, and one of the lowest in the United

depending upon weather conditions, but has long

the lowest farm mortgage rate and the lowest farm tax delinquency. Of any ol the Northern counties. It is credited too with having the high

Production of strawberries and raspberries for market is increasing and these fruits may become another major farm crop, particularly for the many

in the north.

gation purposes, 'fame blueberries are also being

demonstrated itself as an excellent, ami sometimes

States. Presque Isle is also credited with having major, source of supplemental farm income.

est per cent of high-income farms of any county More than 52 per cent of the farm land in crops is in alfalfa, clover, or legume-and-grass mixtures. The natural limestone soils make the county a

"nalural" for the production of alfalfa hay. alfalfa seed and other legume and grass mixtures. Much of the remaining crop land is used for the produc

tion of small grains—wheat, oats and barley— largely used as feed for livestock on the farm. Yields of wheat and barley of more than 40 bushels an

farms that have access to natural water for irri tried in the county.

Poultry, tree fruit, small fruit, hogs, clover seed

and some other crops constitute minor farm operalions but in the aggregate contribute heavily lo the high farm income of the county. In the way of major farm organizations, the coun ts lias a good Grange, a strong Farm Bureau, an Aritlicial I*.reeding Association, a Veterinary Serv ice Association and a Dairy Herd Improvement As

acre are common, and oat yields ranging up to 100 sociation, banners of the county also lake an ac tive pari in such state and regional organizations bushels an acre have been measured. as the Northern. Michigan Agricultural Planning The approximately seven thousand acres of po Committee, the State Laud Use Committee, the tatoes produced in the county each year are a stable Michigan Crop Improvement Association, and source of income. The county ranks in either first, Artificial Breeding Association. second or third place among counties in Michigan Michigan 'fhe recently-organized Soil Conservation Dis in the number of bushels of potatoes produced each trict just beginning t" play a part in the mainte year, and is high among the first fifty counties in nanceis of a good agriculture in the county, and the United Stales in potato production, it is in Presque Isle was the first of many counties in the teresting to note that with one possible exception, state to adopt a rural laud zoning ordinance. the potato production of the county under the Until recently, only one school in the county, the governmental support price program, has been a Onaway High School, has taught agriculture in an

normal operation. Potatoes here are grown for

market rather than for sale to the government.

Potato yields of up to 500 bushels an acre with out irrigation, have been recorded, ami the county

is one of the largest producers of certified seed potatoes in the state.

organized way. This year, the Poseu High School will make the teaching of agriculture a major part of the curriculum.

Almost one hundred per cent of the farms in the

county now have electric service, and the 100% dream will become a realilv within a very short

of £Pzo£J2£%L£u bo Clom.mun.Lbu The agriculture of Presque Isle County is a

sumer double safety in the use of nature's finest

good agriculture from the standpoint of types of farming, gross farm income, and conservation of


the naturally good soil. Livestock, both dairy and beef, are the principal farm enterprise, and con stitute a major part of the farm income of the

tle population of the county and are produced large ly for the feeder trade. They do, however, play an important part in producing the (estimated) six to eight million dollar annual gross farm income. Herefords are the predominating beef breed, while holsteins, guernseys and jerseys are the principal dairy breeds. The dairy breeds range in numbers


A majority of the more than a thousand farms in the county are operated by farmers of German and Polish descent, whose thrift and inherent love

of the land accounts for the county being credited with the "least soil erosion of any county in Mich igan, the lowest farm tenancy rate of any county in the state, and one of the lowest in the United States. Presque Isle is also credited with having the lowest farm mortgage rate and the lowest

farm tax delinquency, of any of the Northern counties. It is credited too with having the high est per.cent of high-income farms of any county

Beef cattle constitute about one-third of the cat

in the order named.

Alfalfa seed production varies from year to year depending upon weather conditions, but has long demonstrated itself as an excellent, and sometimes

major, source of supplemental farm income. Production of -strawberries and raspberries for market is increasing and these fruits may become another major farm crop, particularly for the many farms that have access to natural water for irrir

in the north.

gation purposes. Tame blueberries are alsojbeing

, More than 52 per cent of the farm land in crops is in alfalfa, clover, or legume-and-grass mixtures. The natural limestone soils, make the county a

tried in the county.

"natural'- for the production of alfalfa hay, alfalfa seed and other legume and grass mixtures. Much of the remaining crop land is used for the produc tion of small grains—wheat, oats and barley— largely used as feed for livestock on the farm. Yields of wheat and barley of more than 40 bushels an acre are common, and oat yields ranging up to 100 bushels an acre have been measured.

The approximately seven thousand acres of po tatoes produced in the county each year are a stable source of income. The county ranks in either, first, second or third place among counties in Michigan in the number of bushels of potatoes produced each

year, and is high among the first fifty counties in the United States in potato production. It is in

teresting to note that with one possible exception, the potato production of the county under the governmental support price program, has been a

normal operation. Potatoes here are grown for market rather than for sale to the government.

Potato yields of up to 500 bushels an acre with out irrigation, have been recorded, and the county is one of the largest producers of certified seed potatoes in the state.

Dairy cattle predominate, and quite a.number of good dairymen are shooting at 500 pound (butter fat) herd average or better. The county has long been free from'bovine tuberculosis in its livestock,

and three county wide tests for Bang's disease in the more than 12,000 dairy animals during'the past

ten years have 'kept- the county on the Accredited List' as being;^practically free from that disease.

Poultry, tree fruit, small fruit, hogs, clover seed and some other crops constitute minor farm opera tions but in the aggregate contribute heavily to the

high farm income of the county. - '.;'•" In the way of major farm organizations, the coun ty.has a good Grange, a strong Farm Bureau, an

Aritficial Breeding Association^ a Veterinary Serv ice Association and a Dairy Herd Improvement As sociation. Farmers of the county also take an acL

tive part in such state and regional organizations as the Northern Michigan Agricultural Planning Committee, the State Land Use Committee, the

Michigan Crop Improvement Association, and Michigan Artificial Breeding Association. The recently-organized Soil Conservation Dis trict is just beginning to play a part in the inainte-' nance of a good agriculture in the county, and Presque Isle was the first of many counties in the state to adopt a rural land zoning ordinance. Until recently, only one school in the county, the Onaway High School, has taught agriculture,in an

organized way. This year, the Posen High School will make the teaching of agriculture a major part of the curriculum.

Almost one hundred per cent of the farms in the county now have electric service, and the 100% dream will- become a reality within a very short time. It is estimated that electric energy is put to nearly a thousand different uses on the farms of the county.

-Rural telephone service is another matter. It is; available to but few farms at present and this lack

of service is a major problem to agriculture in the county. However, farm organizations, working to

This, plus the/f^

gether with the local telephone company on this problem, believe that large improvements can be

within the county are pasteurized, offers the con

made during the next two years.














• Know your job

• Keep your mind on it

• Use common sense \



The Record Gives Us A Lesson In Safety The cause of safely while not met with planned resistance is often shackled by unintentional dis interest. Safety First is somewhat like the Golden Rule in this respect. It is something we all believe in hut spend very little effort to put into practice when not to our convenience.

The management of Michigan Limestone- and Chemical Company and Bradley Transportation Company sincerely believes that it is possible to operate its plants and ships for a full season with

out an_\' of its employees having a disabling injury. It has been done by both companies in years past and is therefore possible to repeat. A review of accidents which happened in 1949 shows a failure in our objective but no let down in eil'orl to con tinue trying- for the perfect season. The first lost time accident at the Calcite Plant

in 1949 was to Roy Cumming. tug captain. Me lost three days due to a wrist fracture which resulted from a fall as he walked along the harbor dock. The second disabling injury which cost Krwin Kalitla. casing puller operator, seventy-four days of lost time was more serious, lie had a fracture and

severe laceration of the right forearm. The third and last accident of the season was the fatal injury

to Bruno Xempel on October 15th. The Calcite I'lant completed the 194'.' season with a 2.33 frequency rale and a -1.73 severity rate.

Three accidents within the Bradley Transporta tion Company were all reported from the steamer lb II. Taylor. All these accidents were slight, but Caused a time loss. The first one of the season was to Howard Wright, second cook, who was ashore

nineteen days from a scalded foot. Edwin Khrke. conveyorman. was the second accident victim and lost twenty-one days following electrical burns to hand, arm and face. Angus Domke. deckwateh. lost

eight days due to an unusual muscular condition in his back. This was not due to a direct injury. The

Bradley boats completed their season with a fre quency rate of 4.89 and a severity rate ol .OK. The Buffalo I'lant has not had a severe accident

since April 12, 1948. A splendid record is being made (Mice again by those safety-minded men at this 1"cation. We wish them continued success.

The Conneaut I'lant had one disabling injury last year. We wish this newest organization in our fam ily belter going in 1950, We have often spoken to our employees at safety meetings and written articles in Calcite Screenings about our accident experiences. The one point we

have tried to bring out. and will continue to do so. is that accidents are usually caused by people. Either the accident victim or a fellow worker has

presented a condition which led to an accident. We Spring. 1950



ask all who have read this to think of the accidents

we have had in our operations and consider with honest thought if they weren't caused by human failure and not mechanical failure. Most injuries are caused by carelessness in thought or action. We humans just take loo many chances. The Story Of Our Cover Picture This is the second time during the life of "Calcite

.Screenings'* that a full colored picture has been used as a cover. We have had many line pictures of local scenic views and plant views, but we are especially proud of this natural color picture taken by and given to us by J. 1'.. Austin. Director of Research, United States Steel Corporation. Mr. Austin visited the Calcite Plant late last July while taking a trip aboard the steamer lb II. Taylor, lbsaw the steamer Bradley being brought into Un loading dock and recognizing an unusual picture, got this line view which we present to you on our cover. We are sincerely thankful to Mr. Aus tin for his pleasing contribution. We think that this picture has caught the beauty

and romance experienced by many of our local peo ple as they have driven down to the docks at Calcite late on a warm summer afternoon to watch the trim

ships being towed into Calcite. This is an experience which has brought thrills to our visitors and never

becomes tiresome to those of us locally who have seen this activity many times. Industry is not all hustle and bustle of business but also has something which appeals to the finer instincts of man. SUICIDE MY BELIEF

Six murderous beliefs spread accidental death and injury throughout the land—six wrong ideas which we must get rid of to prevent needless tragedy : 1. The fatalistic belief that if it's your time to be hurt or killed, it will happen no matter what you do.

2. The belief that a certain number of people- are bound to be hurt and killed according to the law of averages.

3. The belief that accidents must be a part of the price we pay for scientific progress. 4. The belief that safety is a soft way of life in consistent with the spirit of our forefathers. 5.

The belief that an accident is



Act of Cod.


And. the senseless belief that accidents hap

pen only to other people. Never forget that an acci dent can happen to YOU, and it's up to YOU to see that il does not happen. —National Safety Council It's tougher to be a success than to become one. 2327

Revision In Pension And Insurance Plan A revision in the United States Steel Pension and

Insurance program became effective to employees of the Calcite Plant and Bradley Transportation Company on March 1, 1950. Briefly, the pension program provides minimum pensions of $100.00 per month including social se curity for employees retiring at age 65 or over with

How The American Cancer Society Functions

The American people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the part they must play in the fight to control cancer. The basic objectives of the Society fall into cate

gories. First, the development and support of an integrated program of research, from which must come the discovery of the cause of cancer and its

twenty-five years of service. Such minimum will be corollary; more effective methods of treatment and reduced in proportion for those with service of fif even prevention. Second, full mobilization of all teen years or more but less than the twenty-five resources now available for the earliest detection, years. In the case of disability retirements prior to age 65, after fifteen years or more of service, the minimum monthly pension will be $50.00 per month until age 65, when the pension will be calculated as for the minimum at age 65. Thus, the 1950 non-con

diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Society was formed as the American Society for the control of cancer in May 1913. It was reorganized in 1944 as the American Cancer Society, Inc., strengthened and launched on its threefold program of research,

tributory pension plan re-establishes the pension formula which was in effect prior to the 1939

education and service.

amendments, and in addition eliminates the per

can Medical Association, by the State and medical societies. The American College of Surgeons and other organized groups of physicians work closely with the American Cancer Society and endorse its

centage reductions made since 1933 and establishes minimum pensions. The contributory pension plan effective March 1, 1950 limits participation to exempt salaried em

The Society's program is approved by the Ameri


ployees only. Opportunity will be given employees after March 1st who are now participating in the contributory plan to obtain return of their contri

Broad policies are set by the Society's national board of directors who represent the entire country.

butions with interest or leave their contributions in

special knowledge and a special interest in the cancer problem. Each division has its own board of directors planning state and local activities

the Fund until age 65 at which time they would re ceive a pension based on their own and the company contributions to March 1, 1950.

The insurance program shared jointly by em ployee and the company provides an excellent cov

erage for life, sick and accident, hospitalization and surgical benefits. It is a forward step in insurance coverage at a reasonable premium. The hospitaliza tion and surgical benefits are contracted with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield organization which has covered our employees the past two or more years. In the near future if the demand is sufficient, the

Blue ;Cross Medical plan will be presented and of fered to employees. A later announcement will be made.

With the opening of a new hospital in Rogers City, we feel that the new insurance program will be more appreciated than ever before. It is of inter est to employees that there has been 100 per cent participation in the new plan. It is of great importance that all who have en rolled in the insurance plan read the booklet given them. If, by chance, you did not receive the booklet, you may secure one at the Personnel Office. Your questions, if any, will be answered upon request. Remember to report immediately any changes in family status. We have every reason to believe that the present insurance program will be a great value to em ployees of all ages. Just think! You are living in the greatest era in human history! And the years ahead will make to day's progress look like child's play! Of a group of 100 men at age 25, here is what will happen to that group at age 65: one will be healthy, 4 will be independent, 36 will have died, 54 will be living off relatives or charity, 5 will be working.— Life Insurance Institute.

Half are business and industrial leaders with the

within the framework of the A.C.S. national policy. Medical leaders serve on a variety of committees which assist the A.C.S. in formulating policies on education and service. Through the A.C.S. physi cians, research scientists, and prominent laymen unite. All of these men and women are charged with heavy responsibility in the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society depends for suc cess on the loyalty and the confidence of community leaders, the medical profession and the public. No part of its responsibility in planning, budgets, sup ervising operations, making grants or raising funds

can be surrendered to a joint group of agencies or to any organization seeking to speak for the health field as a whole. Cancer can strike anyone at any time but you can do something about it. By partici pating in the drive for funds for research and edu cation and service for cancer control, you are doing a job for which neither we nor generations to come may thank you adequately.

Nearly twice as many workers die from off-thejob accidents as those that occur during working hours, according to the National Safety Council. Moreover, workers hurt on the job figure in less than 25 percent of all the accidents in the United States. American business supports the Stop Acci dents Campaign which The Advertising Council conducts in cooperation with the National Safety Council.

Greater production is the key to prosperity and peace. And the key to greater production is a wider and more vigorous application of modern scientific and technical knowledge. No matter how well you work on a plan for suc cess, success depends on how well you work.



Safety Award Won By B. T. Company As we go to press, the National Safety Council

New Drugs Sold To Help Prevent Colds

has announced winners in the Marine Section Safe

stores without a prescription have been receivingwide attention this past Fall and Winter in radio

ty Contest for 1949. This includes 91 units com prised of companies whose business is water trans

The antihistamines (cold drugs) now sold in drug and newspaper advertising. As to the merits of

portation. Enrollment in the contest is nation wide. these drugs in iheir company's claims to prevent The crews of these companies worked a total of colds, we are in m. position to question but we 27f).000.000 man hours and finished the year 1949 can pass along to our readers the warnings issued with a frequency rate of 8.1 I.

The announcement is of importance to our read ers as the crews of the Bradley Transportation Company shared in the honors.They have been elect ed as one ol the award winners, finishing third place in the Cargo and Passenger vessel division. First place winner was the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway

Company of Xewport News, Virginia: second place winner was the Wyandotte Transporlation Com pany of Wyandotte. .Michigan. There were seven entries in tin's division which had an average fre quency rate of 9.24.

Naturally, the offteei'S and men of the Bradley Transportation Company are proud of winning this award. The safety results achieved are the true award for honest effort to make the job safe. We congratulate these men and hope that third place honors will inspire them to win the coveted first place in the year 1950.

A report released by the Special Committee on Child Welfare of the Medical Society of the Courttty ol Xew York warns parents that these new antihistamine drugs may be more highlv toxic to children than to adults. A two-year-old'child who consumed nineteen capsules died in thirteen hours. This is not an isolated case.

We know that warnings have been given that it makes some people drowsy and disturbed. Care

should be taken for those workmen who have jobs where it is with regard to taking this drug. We believe that in the interests of good health and safety first medicines of this nature should be used with more than the usual care recommended

by the instructions in each package. HOW ARK WE DOTN'r

Maybe every American isn't a millionaire, as

Europeans seem to think, but as a people we're

Are You Getting Your Money's Worth?

In these days of trying to "stretch a dollar" many of us are doing our best to get our money's worth. We are looking for bargains in the grocery, at the hardware, in the electric shop ami down at the corner drug store. Did you ever investigate what you are getting from your tax dollar? It is

by those who are qualified to speak.

true that while an individual is not satis

pretty well off at that. Just consider these facts about U. S. families which the federal Reserve

Board reported recently: More than half, (51''; ). of the 50.400.000 families own one or more automobiles.

Nearly half (45C ) own their own homes or

farms. And nearly one in six (\(i'/r) owns other real estate.

Moreover, in other forms of savings, the picture

fied with the government spending policy he feels helpless in any attempt to stop the spending spree which is too common with our government to-day.

is even brighter. For instance, the federal Reserve

You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more

Three out of four families. (77', ). hold life in surance policies.

than you earn : neither can our government. Even

Hoard found that:

Seven out of ten. (71%), have bank accounts <>r President Roosevelt often criticized for his spending of public money said back in 1932 Coverntncnl Savings Bonds. Cue in 11. {')'., ). owns a business or has an in that. "Any Government like any family can for a year Spend a little more than it earns, but you and terest in one. not counting those who own slock in tin- late

1 know that a continuance of that habit means the

poorhouse." We have seen our tax money being spent year after year in a reckless fashion. By now. most of us have no idea of the enormous debt we carry.

We believe it's time for you and all of us to be

more particular as to whom we elect to public office. We want our money's worth not only from

the grocerymau but from the public official. The United States is a great country: it has been a rich country but wasteful spending along with our "'devil may care" altitude can force us into bank ruptcy.

Did you know that your share of the interest on the national debt last year was $36.33? That goes lor every member of your family, too. and. in fact, for every person in the country. Just to save von

corporations, 'flic Federal Reserve Board found that 4.000.000 families (more than one in 13) owned stock.

This isn't a perfect picture, but it shows we are making good progress. It looks even more encour

aging when we remember that only a few generalions back only the wealthy owned homes—and no one had an automobile or an insurance policv.

"Ninety-five per cent of the patients coming to physicians do so for repair, less than 5 per cent for upkeep and pre-troublc maintenance. Men do not run their lives as intelligently as corporations run their business. Industry knows the value of the examination of equipment before it breaks down.

the people don't. Perhaps they will learn, if phy sicians teach the importance of a thorough allaround examination and full study of tin- whole man

the lime". $Mk33 multiplied by 150,000,000 comes to

and his whole life."

S5.450.000.000 ami some odd on the national debt alone.

A man may fall several times, but he isn't a fail ure until he starts saying somebody pushed him.




Corporation Announces New Iron Ore Program JOHh

The growth of the United States as an industrial and world power has been possible because ol the

Although many had searched before, without finding" any large deposits of foreign iron ore close

abundant wealth of natural resources that has been

enough to the United Stales to be of great value to our steel industry, the determination with which

deposited in our portion of the earth's crust. The American principle of freedom of enterprise has linked the great iron ranges of the bake Super ior district with the coking coal deposits of Pennsyl vania and West Virginia and the limestone beds of Michigan. Ohio and Pennsylvania to form the great est industrial giant in the world—the American Steel industry. Steel is the basic commodity of in dustry; it is the substance from which washing ma chines, refrigerators, stoves, automobiles, farm im plements, machinery, skyscrapers, and countless items are made in peacetime. Steel is the vital neces sity of wartime from which our nation arms itself with guns, tanks, ships, planes, shells, trucks, and Other material so important to our national security. Most Americans have become so accustomed to

seeing steel in its various applications that it has been taken for granted. Few people, until recent years, have troubled to ask if our nation had an iuexhaustablc supply of steel. The nation's industrial leaders have been search

ing for the answer to this question for years. They knew that the iron ore deposits of the Lake Super ior district, which have supplied <S5 per cent of our nation's requirements, were becoming mined out. The cost of two world wars could be seen by those

Mr. Munson directed the exploration finally was successful after several discouraging years. 'fhe nation first became aware of this success in

late January of this year when Mr. Fairless intro duced Mr. Munson at a joint Congressional hearing

in Washington. I). C. Mr. Fairless explained that Mr. Munson would speak about the very important new discovery ol iron ore in Eastern Venezuela and about the use of the domestic low grade ores. Mr. Mun>on pointed out to the Congressional Committee the heavy drain on Lake Superior di.-.tricl iron ore reserves, and emphasized the serious situation which would confront the country follow

ing a complete exhaustion of these reserves, tie ex plained the steps which the Steel Corporation had taken to obtain iron from the low grade domestic ores ami in the search for foreign ore. Mr. Munson then described the discovery of Cer-

ro Bolivar in Venezuela, a mountain, the whole lop of which is covered with iron ore to great depth, 'flu's now famous discovery and several neighbor ing iron-ore-capped mountains give tin- United States Steel a tremendous reserve of iron ore to

wdio looked at the huge holes in the earth from

guarantee continued operations, lie pointed out that the Corporation would make the Venezuela iron ore available to the entire industry by de

which had come the necessary iron ore to arm the

veloping the necessary transportation facilities to

world's democracies.

bring live ore from the interior of Venezuela to the sea coast. The expenditure for this development

Among those men in the industry to whom the

dwindling supply of domestic iron ore was a matter of grave concern were President Ii. F. Fairless of I'ruled States Steel and John G. Munson. vicepresident of raw materials. United States Steel Cor poration. These men were instrumental in approv ing and directing searches lor new sources of iron

ore to replace the natural ores of the Lake Superior area. Millions of dollars were spent by Cubed States Steel searching for iron ore deposits from the frozen northlauds of upper Labrador to the jungles

of South America arid Africa. Research engineers spent long hours in Duluth endeavoring to find new and practical methods of withdrawing' iron particles from the low grade iron formation, the d'aconites. of Michigan and Minnesota. 2330

would be several hundred million dollars. This ore

and that of the well-publicized recent Labrador-

Quebec discoveries of iron ore will <\i> much to ease the demand on the remaining Lake Superior re serves, and the steel and iron mining industries will

have time to develop ihe methods ami build the plants required to extract iron ore from the do mestic low grade Taconites.

Tacouite. of which the Lake Superior iron ranges were formed, is an iron formation, about one-third iron and two-thirds waste. To obtain iron ore suit able for blast furnace use from the hard, solid Ta

couite formations, a layer of glacial overburden must lie stripped away first, 'fhe Tacouite rock will then be quarried and taken to beneficiating plants

Important New Discovery Of Ore In Venezuela


where it will be crushed and ground to powder

in Venezuela and Labrador-Quebec and the con tinuing life of the Lake Superior district due to ta

fineness and the magnetite iron particles will be removed by magnetic separators. From every four tons ol this powder, one ton of good usable iron

couite development, the nation's steel industry will enjoy the benefits brought by competition among

particles will be recovered. This fine ore will then

these major sources of supply. Present markets,

he reformed or reconstituted for furnace use into

lumps or pellets, analyzing about 60 per eent iron.

which have been secure for Lake Superior district

To "manufacture" iron ore in this manner will

ores, can turn to new foreign sources as they be come available. However, the new" foreign fields

require enormous investments of money for re search, exploratory drilling, and plant construction

cannot capitalize on the scarcity of Lake Superior natural ores because the tacouite developments will

and the operating costs per ton of ore required will

insure that this district will always be a chief con

be much higher than today's costs of mining direct shipping "open pit" iron ore. Notwithstanding the costs involved in developing the Taconite sources, the Corporation is planning

tender for the iron ore market.

large scale developments in this field because it realizes that our national security depends on hav ing available within our own borders the majority

"United States Steel Corporation recognizes that

of our requirements for this vital raw material. Mr. Munson stated that the Corporation's aim is

to plan its development program over the next twenty years so that the minimum cost increase for iron ore will be necessary as the new sources, both Venezuela deposits and Lake Superior Taconites. are developed, while at the same time the maximum amount of "readily minable" domestic natural ore is conserved for use during periods of national emer gency when foreign ores may not be available.

With the development of the new foreign deposits

In summarizing to the Congressional Committee the programs of raw material development con fronting United States Steel Mr. Munson stated, the raw material reserves of this nation, thanks to

the initiative inherent to our system of private com petitive enterprise, are the true measures of our wealth and security. We must exercise foresight and prudence in the conservation of the remaining raw materials of the country. Conscious of such a

responsibility, United Slates Steel is now embark ing upon a program of raw material development that calls for very large capital investments. While this will be an investment to insure our continued

steel operations, it also represents, in a larger sense,

our faith in and desire to protect the future of this nation."

Looking Southwest at the Cerro Bolivar Range


Bradley Fleet Ready For Opening Of Navigation As the 1950 sailing season gels closer to reality it is time to take stock of the work accomplished on the rehabilitation program of the six vessels of

hull repairs.. The familiar wrinkled prow of this ship is no longer with us. Damage accumulated through the years on the bow. sides, and stern all

the Bradley Transportation Company fleet, known


more commonlv as Bradley Transportation Winter

we were so lamiliar. Approximately forty-five plates were removed. Some were furnaced' and


As is always the case, more work was laid out







rolled but a great number had to be replaced with

than could possibly be accomplished in the eight

new plates. All of this work has given the Calcite

weeks allotted. However, the important jobs were

that "new look."

completed and the vessels can start out knowing that nothing was omitted to hinder them from hav ing another successful season. Only five of the six vessels were berthed at Cal

cite this winter. The Steamer Calcite spent this pe

riod at the Manitowoc Shi]> Building Company in Manitowoc. Wisconsin where she laid up last De cember.

A new stainless steel drinking water lank was in

stalled as well as a pressure drinking water system to the quarters Ior ward. The ice box was complete ly reinsulated and the floor tiled. STEAMER W. F. WHITE -- This vessel had

very few man hours of work spent on her this win

ter. The major construction done here the past fewyears has left her in very good shape; however,

A crew of better than 200 men shown in pictures on the opposite page, worked on the vessels at Cal cite this season. They were supervised as follows: Gerald Burns, Construction Foreman: John Smo-

some changes were made to the condensate control to obtain the maximum efficiency from the de-oiler

linski and Victor Klee. Assistant Construction Fore

use of gas in the galleys of other Meets has proven

men in charge of Conveyors and Mull work respec tively; Ceorgy Hoy. Mechanical Foreman: Lawson Macklcm. Electrical Foreman; John Miller. Mater ials Handling Foreman : and Mark llaswell. Chief Watchman. Under these men were numerous squad leaders each directing from five to fifteen men. The success of this highly concentrated opera tion, the eight weeks of which seemed to pass over night, depended on the cooperation of not only tin men on the job but those in the higher echelon who planned and coordinated this work. Neither can

too much be said for the splendid cooperation of Michigan Limestone and Chemical supervisors. Ware. Keinke, Wing, Heller. Sorgenfrei, and I loffnian whose help made this winter boat program the success that it was.

STEAMER CALCITE - - As slated previously,

put in operation last summer. A new gas stove was installed in the galley. The very satisfactory and as a new stove was needed, it was decided that gas would be the best for us. This

range is complete with two ovens, broiler, grill and dee]) fat fryer.

STEAMER J. C. MCXSOX -- A good portion of the hull work accomplished this winter was done on this vessel. Number two and three compartments were retanked and new conveyors installed. Newplate was laid down on the tunnel tank top as well as the side lank slopes. The vertical portion of the side tanks and all framing was left intact. New con

veyor framing and hoppers were installed along with the air operated gates which proved so suc cessful the past year. A new bulkhead also was

fitted. The fourth and last compartment will be completed next winter.

this vessel was at Manitowoc for dry docking and

A new center elevator of a revolutionary design is being placed on this ship. The success of this

Str. Munson Cargo Hold. Placing New Conveyor Fram ing and Idler Decking Prior to Installing Hoppers

Str. Munson Cargo Hold. New Hoppers in Place Before Renewing Side Tank Plating


necessary to bring a project such as this to comple tion, but regardless of the late start the planning operates according to plan, it will eliminate the and scheduling done by the men in charge permitted new piece of equipment will not be known until it unloads its first cargo in a couple of weeks, il it

bottle neck which is inherent in all self-unloading

this job to be finished on lime.

vessels of this type and will open the door to much greater unloading capacities.

to this winter but something should be said of this

STEAMER lb II. TAYLOR — This vessel, as the

White, had little work done on her. A new gas

range, also was installed in ibis galley. Xow it can be said that stewards /.oho and O'Toole are "cook ing with gas." STKAMKK T. W. K< )b,L\S( ).\ -- Most of the

work here was confined to the engine room. A Coffin turbo \vvi\ pump was installed. This com

pletes our program of having at least one of these reliable pumps on each vessel. Several hundred newrivets were, driven in the main turbine and genera

tor foundations. The stator on the 250 K. W. syn chronous motor and the armature from the 250 K.

W. I). C. generator were rewound and replaced; and the main control panel was renewed, complete with new meters and instruments.

STEAMER C. I). KRADLEY — Maximum effort was concentrated on this vessel. The amount ol

work laid out plus the fact we started two weeks

later than anticipated made it imperative that this ship get top priority in men and material. The main job here was the replacing of the old boilers with Iwo new steam generator.-. 11 would be impossible to enumerate the hundreds of jobs

Five vessels have been rcboilcrcd here previous

project as it is so great a departure from the con ventional. Jt is quite different from any rcboilering done previously from the foundation to the slack. Due to the campaigns of cities on the Great Lakes to eliminate excessive smoking from vessels, this job was laid out to cooperate in this program as

much as possible. In all other reboilerings, the

boilers were purchased and the stokers filled into them. On this project the proper stoker ami grate was chosen and then the boiler was designed around it.

This installation is unicpte in that a continuous ash discharge grate is used in conjunction with spreader stokers. This is certainly not new in sta tionary work but is the only installation we know of aboard ship. The great advantage of ibis arrange ment is that the fire is clean at all times and the

furnace conditions remain stable making it much easier to control smoking.

Two 2-dru-m bent tube single pass boilers were

used, each having a furnace volume exceeding 1200 Cu. Ft. The existing forced and induced draft fans were fitted into this arrangement. This completes the rcboilering program for this lleet started in 1940 with the Steamer Robinson.

Str. Calcite with Shell Plating Removed — Port Quarter Aft

Str. Bradley with Stack Removed

To increase the efficiency of the Steamer I'.rad-

General Machine Shop Welding School The welding school conducted at the General Ma chine Shop at the end of last season was the fifth

ley's power plant the working pressure and temper ature was increased from 300 pounds per sq. inch— class of this type that has been held since its organi •700° F to 400 pounds per sq. inch — 750" F. To zation and brings the total number of pupils taught accomplish this the main and auxiliary turbines to thirty-one. They are instructed as to the make-up were renozzled and the second wheel, first stage

and care of their machines and the controls where

of the main turbine rebladed. At the same time the

by the arc needed is maintained for the types of

420 II. I', main propulsion motor was enclosed and a ©OQling system installed. A large portion of the man hours consumed this

essary that they absorb as much as possible in the limited time allowed. Everything from ••laying-

winter went into all of the above mentioned jobs: however, several thousand other man hours were used in miscellaneous work which has to be done-

each winter as a matter of routine. Ripe fitting, motor maintenance, wiring, cabin repair ami paint ing and numerous other tasks must be accomplished to keep this fleet in ship shape. This winter program was again completed with out a lost time accident. On a job that is considered one ol the most hazardous, this is indeed an out

standing record. The credit for this perfect record belongs to the formen. squad leaders and crews. Let us hope that the knowledge of a safety iob well done will not make us earless in the future.

Str. Bradley Looking Down Through Furnace Roof —

Starboard Boiler

work at hand. The class time is limited so it' is nec

down the bead" to V joint and butt welding is cov ered in the course and the pupils put in strenuous

ami anxious days till they are able to hold the steady hand so necessary in this type of work. With the pupils ambitious and the teacher considerate the

results obtained are very successful, 'fhe pupils and instructor are shown above.

Felt to right: Have Grigg. instructor, !•'.. kortman. Walter Idalski. John Single and Robert Smolinski. Ralph Schalk and Lance McGinn were also enrolled in the cla.>s.


The raw materials to make steel often are as

sembled from five continents. The production of steel for an automobile gear, for example, requires the assembly of 15 materials which must be brought to the blast and open hearth furnaces.

A steel plant in the Pittsburgh area may bring iron ore from the Mesabi Range in Minnesota, a distance of about 950 miles. Fuel oil from the Texas

fields may come 1,450 miles to heat the open hearth. India supplies manganese ore which must be car ried roughly 8,200 miles via the Sue/. Canal. Chrome ore comes from Rhodesia over a route some 7,500

miles long. Canadian nickel is about 650 miles away. Colorado is an important supplier of calcium molybdate. which travels approximately 1,600 miles to Pittsburgh.

Nearly half of the manufacturing companies in the United States employ less than ten persons each, the United Slates CenSttS liureau reports, 'flu's doesn't seem to support any claim that •"big" business is squeezing out "little" business. 2335

Both Plant And Quarrq Are Readq For 1950 Season After the holiday shutdown following the close

of the operating season stripping operations in the Calcite quarry began in earnest. As it is necessary to uncover in some ten weeks enough limestone to

lie quarried throughout the nine-month operating

furnished some of the aggregate for the hospital. Number 1 is also being used on the west side. Her cut started near the shale beds: and worked north

until a junction with Number 10 was made. When the two shovels met Number 1 turned soulh again

and shipping season, the stripping operation must

for a second cut through the orchard. Number 11

.minimum of delay regardless of weather conditions

toward the DK.YI track. About the middle of Feb

be well planned in advance and carried out with a Started on the east side of the quarry and worked

ruary she was turned around and took a second cut In the early days of quarry operations stripping back toward the brine tanks. was of little importance as the limestone beds were fhe system of railroad track serving the shovels exposed by nature and offered relatively clean sur must lie planned and laid in advance ol" the stripping face for quarrying'. However, as the quarry lace was operation so that no delay will occur between advanced to the southwest following the general quarrying and stripping. These tracks are laid as dip of Ibe Rogers Cily and Dundee formations, more soon in the fall as the last cut being made during and more overburden was encountered until banks shipping season has been drilled and blasted. As ranging from ten to sixty feet in height have to be these tracks have to rise to an elevation of ten to removed to expose the underlying limestone. seventy feel above the present quarry floor, inclines

or equipment breakdowns.

This overburden is composed of sand, gravel, and boulders deposited by the glaciers that once cov ered this area. Occasionally an area of "hardpan." a dense hard clay formation that once formed the bottom of a small lake is encountered. Generally the

must be built during the operating season. Where

possible the track system is arranged so as 10 allow an empty train to lie in the clear near the shovel. When the loaded train pulls out to the dump the

empty may immediately lake its place thereby

gravel and boulders can be removed by the shovels. holding loading delays to a minimum. but usually the small areas of hardpan have to be In general two trains per shovel or a total of six drilled and' blasted before the shovels can effectively clean the underlying stone of the formation. 'flu- overburden is removed by the same shovels that are used in tin- quarrying operations during the summer. Needless to say, the shovel repair crews and the electrical crew> have their hands full in

maintaining these shovels for around-the-clock op eration. This season three shovels are being used

on stripping. Number 10 was moved into position before operations stopped for the holidays and worked on the west side of the quarry north to the Dietlin corner. From here she moved back to the south and continued through the gravel beds thai

trains and one spare train are required to keep the

shovels operating at capacity. An eighth locomotive is used with the track plow. Two locomotives are used for moving ballast trains from the storage

piles to the dump and shovel tracks. The waste trains are usually limited to six cars instead ol the nine to fourteen carried during the shipping season. The reason for this is the steep inclines the trains must climb going both to the shovels and to the

dumps. The incline grades are limited to approxi mately 3'r whcrea* the tracks used during the shipping season are never laid on grades steeper than 134%.

Tournadozers, Dump Cars, and Spreader Plow in Action on ihe Dumps


Considerable difficulty is encountered during freezing weather in dumping the cars clean. The material handled is usually damp and freezes to the car sides and floor. To prevent this the cars are

sprayed with calcium chloride brine after each trip to the dump. This brine forms a non-freezing film between the surface of the car and the waste and

allows the waste to fall free when the car is dumped. To get the right train to the right shovel or dump at the right time calls for unending cooperation and alertness among the dispatchers, switch tenders,

laid some fifteen feet in from the edge of the dump. This track is well-ballasted and by the time strip ping- season is underway the track is frozen solidly into position. The waste is dumped along the out side edi^c of this track and moved to the etlge of the dump by means of Le Tourneau "A" dozers. The

"A" dozers are powered by 750 horsepower Pack ard engines and are equipped with a Ib/j foot blade. Instead of being on crawler tracks these dozers are mounted on ten-loot low pressure tires.

These tires permit the. dozers to cross the dump

dump crews, and engine crews. That this job is handled efficiently is proved by the fact that there

dozer. The dozers work in pairs moving the waste

has not been a collision between trains for over 30

away from the track and form a level, well com

track without damage either to the track of to the

seasons regardless of weather conditions which are

pacted dump. This dump is built long enough to al

more often than not far from ideal. Communication

low dumping all season so that the track need not be moved. As the dump progresses it forms a level floor for the dump crews to work on and a safe

between the dispatchers and the dumps, switches. and shovels is made by means of telephone. Keeping these lines in good working order is just one more job for the electricians. Two methods of stripping disposal are being used ibis season, the first being the plow dump that has proven fairly satisfactorily for some years, in this

type of dump the railroad track runs along the ex treme outer edge of the dump. The cars are dumped along the outer edge of this track until the waste material builds up to the height of the track. The

dump is then plowed by means of the track plow. 'Ibis plow has a hydraulically operated wing ex tending on either side which moves the waste away from the dump track. After the dump has been

filled and plowed possibly five or six times, depend ing on its height, the track is taken up and ••thrown" or moved again to the outer edge of the dump. Refore the days of the bulldozers each section of trackhad to be moved individually. With the aid of the bulldozers il is now possible to move several sec tions of track at once which speeds track throwing considerably. After the track is roughly in position it is leveled and ballasted. Pali of this work is done

by cranes and track shifters but considerable band labor is necessary for a good track. These finishing touches are applied by the track crews who work in all kinds of weather from warm fall days to be low-zero blizzards, 'fhe fill on which this track is

laid is comparatively uncompacted. As traffic is put over it quite often sections settle ami tilt. While the keeping of the track in passable condition is

primarily the job of the track crews considerable track maintenance on the two night shifts by the dump crews is necessary to keep the around-theclock operation uninterrupted. As was mentioned above, the fill on which the

dump tracks are laid is by necessity relatively nilcompacted. Occasionally large portions of ibis fill underlying the track cave away from: the bank. As a rule these cave-outs give warning by developing large cracks along the edge of the dump. Watching for this condition is the never-ending job of the car

dumpers. To get away from this hazardous con dition a different type of dump, the "dozer dump"

was set up during the 1948 stripping season. The dozer dump is a radical departure from the plow dump where the trains are run along the edge of a high bank on a temporary track laid on loose fill. In building the dozer dump a permanent track is

track bed for the1-trains. As the dozers compact the fill as they go there is very little danger of caveouts along the ^<\}>;q of the dump. This past season approximately 40% of

the waste material was

handled on Number 4 dump by the dozers. Three plow dumps have been maintained to handle the remainder of the stripping. Whether or not the

plow dumps can be abandoned in the future depends on whether the dozers prove able to operate con tinuously with a reasonable amount of maintenance.

It is planned to continue stripping through the third week of March. By that time it is estimated that some 60.000 ^>5 yard cars of waste or a total of some 200.000 cubic yards of overburden will have been removed and sent to the dumps.

Considering all the products, services and jobs dependent upon wood, conservation of forests helps all industry. U. S. Forest Service and the Associa tion of State Foresters, is carrying on a constant public educational campaign to "Prevent Forest Fires"—which destroy this important natural re source. Ninety percent of all forest fires are manmade—and thus preventable. No. 1 Shovel Biles Into Bank of Overburden

Flux Storage Cleaned Out to Replace Tunnel Gates

One of the New "A" Reducers in Position in Drivehous

The Mill Gets A Face Lifting During Winter Shut Down To the accompaniment of the chatter of air tools. the glare of arc welders, and showers of sparks from acetylene torches, each department around the plant started off its 1950 Winter Work season with intensive effort. Knowing that every job that is started and every machine thai is dismantled must

be completed and ready to operate no later than the last week in .March, the department heads inusl plan their work carefully.

The usual large program ol" maintenance and re

pair was started in the -Mill. Nine crews, each under

flux storage. Over a period of time the old gates

wen- deteriorated beyond use. The flux pile was led empty at the end of the season and the pile was further drawn down in order to bare the tunnel tops

to permit the old gales to be removed, brosl. ice. and concrete of considerable strength were encoun

tered but the job was finished in good lime. b.lsewhcrc in the Mill, routine dismantling, in

spections and repairs were made on all equipment. Steel was renewed on the supports of conveyors K-l.


S-6 and





the direction of a squad leader, comprised the

Screens, grizzlies, secondary crushers and convey

•'working gangs." The crusher house


squad dismantled the (>0

ors were overhauled: chutes and flumes relined.

various and

sundry jobs

were completed

gyratory crusher, made necessary repair.- and throughout the season. One certain sign of spring around the Mill is the placed it in running condition for the coming season. Thereafter the same crew moved to the A-drive

house to start one of the larger projects of the season. Four new balk reducers were installed,

replacing the old barrel



which had been in continuous service for more than

twenty yeai's. The heavy loads and continuous op

re-assembling process which precedes the .start ol

operation. The weather may be wintry, the wind howling and the temperatures below zero, but spring cannot be far distant when the belts go back on the Mill conveyors.

Another concentration of activity was centered

eration,"together with the fact that the A-belts are in and around the Pump House. The close of the a vital link in the production line, made it necessary

1.949 season brought an end to the Pump Mouse as

to install new units. Fabricated steel leads for the

il was and lias been for many years.

new reducers and the motors were built in the Shop.

The 1200 II. I', pump was dismantled and moved

Proper alignment of the installation was super vised by the manufacturer's representative. Another job of considerable magnitude was the

out and the obi concrete foundation was removed

installation of gates in the "K" tunnels under the Much Time is Spent on Roller Grizzly Repair

down to the reinforcing steel, and a new excavation was made around the existing structure. Reinforc ing steel was added and concrete was poured to Placing New 1750 H. P. Dredge on Base

make a foundation for the new layout. In addition to replacing the old 1200 II. I\ dredge pump, a new 1750 II. I'.. type 18 G, Morris dredge pump was in stalled. A battery of three large pumps, now in line, across the northeast end of the building, gives ade quate dredge pump capacity to handle all existing and probable future loads. In the future, the practice of pumping into Lake Huron will be discontinued and any or all material can be pumped to the vicin ity of Little Lake.

This installation had far reaching effects insofar as the Electrical Department was concerned. Com

plete new electrical control equipment was built in not only to handle the added power requirements but to give more efficient ami safe control for the

Safety Broadcast Over WHAK

Lor thirteen weeks prior to March bib employ ees of the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Com

pany and the Bradley Transportation Company sponsored a fifteen minute program at 12:15 p. in., Monday through Friday over station WHAK.

These prog-rams, called Rhythm and Reason, were

dedicated to the prevention of accidents, having for their slogan "Accidents Can lie Prevented." They consisted of music, popular and classical and a safcey message pertinent to the home. The broadcasts

were devised and made up for the purpose of in teresting mother and the youngsters in safety, al though we found that dad listened too. both at home

when privileged to be there and on the job where

existing equipment. The efforts of the Yard, Shop. Construction and

radios were available.

Electrical Departments were necessary to bring the

programs prevented any accidents. Neither can we

job to successful completion. Little preparation could be made prior to the start of actual construct-

tion. Therefore, careful coordination and good co operation were necessary. Though much of the work was done below the normal water level where it was necessary to conlend with water and ice. the work went through the season without a lost time or serious accident. This

indicates that safety was considered of prime im portance by all concerned. The Yard Department, in addition to the usual

work ol snow removal, power house fueling, car loading, and construction, maintained a never-end

ing supply of service to the other departments. ""Doing the usual" was the theme at the Dock Of

fice this winter. .After a large tonnage last season the weightometers were in need of complete over haul, repair and balancing. A crew of three men was kept busy with the nineteen weightometers throughout the plant, licit repair was the other ma jor responsibility of the Dock Office gang. No ma jor jobs were encountered but repairs were made to the A-belt splices, and countless numbers of top cover repairs were made.

The Construction Crew facing the oft-times bit terly cold winds off the lake repaired the timber fenders on the Fines Dock. Periodically this job must be done and the winter season is the only time the docks are free from use.

The carpenters, showing their versatility, turned steel workers and made necessary repairs to the steel hoppers, and chutes in the marine fueling tow ers. They also played an important role in the re construction of tlic pumping facilities and kept abreast of the multitude of small jobs throughout the plant.

Early in March, a composite crew of men from the Yard, Mill. Shop, Quarry and Electrical De partments started work in preparation for tin- in stallation of additional superheating capacity in the Power House boilers. At the time the Screen

ings went to press, the work was progressing at a good pace.

A watchful eye is kept on the Main (bate numbers designating the days worked without a lost time

injury. The plant personnel may well take pride in the fact that they have assisted in the progression

of the numbers dating back to January 1st.

We. ol course, have no definite proof thai the

say that there was more than a mild response from our listeners. We do know, however, that there was

considerable effort put forth in the preparation of

the programs to keep them alive and interesting. They were not of the canned type. The safety mes

sages were usually connected with accidents'which

had happened in this locality or were pertinent to

conditions as we find them here.

The personal broadcasts by employees caused considerable interest and comment. In this, we be

lieve our broadcast to have been unique in that em ployees at the plant personally appeared on the air with a safety message or experience. Outstanding is the fact that not once did we ask an employee to speak over the air on this program and have him

turn us down. He was always willing to help and without exception on these days, did a good job.

\\ e know there were many more willing to partici pate had the occasion presented itself. This we

think highly commendable and most praiseworthy. The Benson German Band pictured below was an other feature thai was well received and aroused more than usual interest. Here we were unfortunate

that the recordings were not permanent and after the first of the year, some members of the band were away at college ami additional recordings could not lie made.

The stall' of WHAK was more than cooperative in the many unusual demands which we made in connection with these broadcasts. This station is a

credit to our Community which it serves. The per sonnel is exceptional in their desire to serve. We are duly appreciative of the efforts of all who participated. As to whether or not the program was worthwhile, we can only say that any program de voted to the leaching of safety and the preservation of human life is worthwhile.

Back row from left to right: Frank Wilkowski, Nelson Pilon, Gustav Schaedig, William Haneckow and Earl

S?YS,pSt ? "T fr째T W *째- a*S HflVY FelTaX' \Yalter Meyer' PhiliP Andrlejewski, Leo Kapall and Ro"

^t^F^t^Zl&^S^stone'Joseph Waslyk-Joseph Markey-AIbert Gosselin'Ernest Adrian<

In Honor of Twenty-Five Year Service Men The close of the operating season at Calcite Is to .v-l years and 35 years and over. like a second Thanksgiving Day. YVe relax for a I he various groups of service men were in time as our ancestors did to consider our blessings chairs at 6:30 when the 1949 group, bedecked and have some fun after a year of hard work, ban mortar boards in typical college fashion and quets are the order of the day for many of the planl b\ Mr. Clyiner. filed in to their places at the

departments when men and Management relax and enjoy themselves. The high point in these activities is the 25-Year Service banquet for those employees of the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company and the Bradley Transportation Company who have completed twenty-live or more years of service on the job.

The L'l1' banquet look place in the Rogers City Nigh School gymnasium on January 21, 1950, and was unique not only because it was a quarter cen tury mark but because it represented an all time high in the number of members who attended. The Honor Roll, to date, lists 316 members of which

thirty-live are retired and 23 have passed awav. Out

of 27?> who were eligible to attend, 223 were pres ent.

The banquet hall was decoraled with green and white streamers. These safety colors formed a verv appropriate background for a group of men who

have been and are the backbone of our I'lant Safety Program. The speakers' table, running across the front of the gymnasium, was slightly elevated above the main floor and reserved for the entering class of 1949. The four long tables on the main iloor were marked ol'f in reserved sections for veteran em

ployees with service records of 25 to 29 vears. 30

their with lead

head table. After the welcoming applause for the gradu

ating class had died away. Mrs. George Jones gave the invocation by singing The Lord's Prayer. The

braver, thus beautifully and graciously concluded, chairs were pulled back, the waiting variety head gear donned with boisterous alacrity and the banAlbert Gosselin

I. L. Clymer

Back row left to right: Michael Grohowski, August Pardieke, Lloyd Conley and John Bruder. Center row

left to riqht: Frank Hamilton. Morris Richards, Paul Wirgau. Clarence Stott, Leo OConnor, and Edwin Radka. Front row left to right: Elmer Voigt. Eugene King, Sr.. Rudolph Duellgen. Jr., Henry Bey, Nicholas Grzegorfewski and Harry Meharg.

(|Ueteers seated themselves and drank their tomato were thoroughly enjoyed by alb This line looking juice cocktails with expectant eyes on the kitchen group <>f youngsters have made a good record For door whence shortly came the white-clad ladies of the Westminster Guild laden with plates of savory

themselves during the past year. They sing beau tifully and on this particular occasion they had

food efficiently and rapidly served to music by Roy

friends and fathers in the audience who had not

blew elling's Orchestra.

heard them before.

Roast turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes

with brown gravy, baked squash, cole slaw and

apple pie a la mode disappeared in a business-like manner amidst sundry talk, wise cracks ami laugh ter. After the tables had been cleared everyone

settled back with cigars and cigarettes to enjoy the evening's entertainment. Several choral selections given by the local High

School Girls' Chorus conducted by Charles Wil son Countess Maria Pulawski and Harry Meharg

Following the chorus the toastmastcr. Mr. Cly-

mer. thanked the group for their cooperation in making the 1949 season a memorable one both from the standpoint of limestone production and safety on the job. Me said it bad been a good season run

ning a "close second to the record tonnage produc tion of 1948 and he hoped that 1950 would be as

good. "It is a pleasure to work in an organization with a group of men such as we have al Calcite

and to produce and ship limestone as we have done in the past year with complete harmony and under standing." said he.

Some people are of the opinion thai the iullationary trend of our economy today does IU'1 l'"'1' too good a promise of a stable future. Certainly a business could not run for long in the red and remain solvent. Whatever the final outcome ol the unsettled conditions of the world today we must

remember that this is our country, our govern ment and our economy and it will become what we make it.

The 25-Year Service bins were then handed out to each of the 17 members of the Class of 19-19. The

new sound system installed in the gymnasium re

cently made the hearing conditions for those throughout the auditorium much better than they were OH former occasions. Many of the boys were

"mike shy" and refused to talk but Art Cctzinger. Albert Gosselin;, Joe Markey. Joe Wasylk and Wal ter Meyer each had something to say to the group. The men who had completed thirty years with the

Company at the cud of the 1949 season were then

presented with gold watches in recognition of their

services. Harry Meharg and Rudolph Duletgcn. Jr.. were the orators from this group and took over the microphone for a few minutes. Ibid reminisced on the past and Harry made a plea for greater con

centration in the future on safety and accident prevention.

The speaker for the. evening was the famed Countess Maria I'ulawski. She held her audience

spellbound as she related her experiences as a Brit ish spy during World War II. At the end of her

talk she warned Americans against spy infiltration in this country and demonstrated how easy it is Eor a foreign agent to mislead us by putting on an act. a plausible story and a good appearance. "For in stance." she said, "how do you know I am the Countess Maria bulawski? blow do you know I am a woman?" And at the same time she whipped off her wig. Ask Harry Meharg if she was con vincing—he sal next to her all evening!

Community singing was led as usual by Joe Valentin accompanied by Mrs. Valentin on the piano. Joe added a little variety to this part of the program by inviting Charlie Hoffman up on tinplat form to assist in the leading. The general opinion seems to be thai this was

the best banquet and program we have had for years. Some of the reactions of the audience dur

ing the evening can be observed by studying the pictures on the preceding pages. Referring to the composite picture at the start of this article; individual pictures are as follows: The top picture shows the banquet hall from the balcony. The picture below and to the left is the

Sport Shots _e Michigan Lime bowling'beam at the time of this issue of Screenings was tied for the lead in the

Merchant's League. But they have been hard put

to keep up in the standings all winter. Kiuville de veloped a bum pitching arm and the fact that i'lalz

and Iloeft were away some of the time coupled

with Klowsky and Boutin working nights has made

the going pretty rough most of the season to date. To give a little inside information on these fel lows :

Arnold "Big Dutchman" bh-wsky. who was kept at home by (he big storm and couldn't get into the

picture, is one of the big score boys on this team

Rogers City High School Girls' Chorus which was

when big scores are needed.

Schefke telling the photographer that he is not

All red "A-Drive" Hopp has been coming along in fine Shape and really gets down in the dumps when

Harry "\'o. 3 Shovel" Boutin, the smart remark the hit of the evening. To the right of this and abovemember of the team, is always good for not only arc live of our sailor men. Captain Xauts. J (dm Mill er, bill Hornbacher. Ceorge Hoy and Steve Centala. a laugh or two on bowling nights but also a good Ib>_\- is just saying. "Stop your laughing, you're share of the pins needed to make a winning com rocking the boat." Directly below this is Harry bination. overeating but





Louie Schmidt and Kmil Schaedig on the other side.

The three small pictures across the page show Russ Kuhlman and "Mose" Basel, interested in the beau ty of the Countess; John Mruning. John I feller. Ceorge Wing, and Charlie Hoffman amused at Har

ry Meharg rating a seat along side the Countess

and the lone figure of Stanley Okolowicz meditating on next year's potato crop. In the lower left hand corner we have Art

I'aull. Frank

Kcinkc and Al

I'elt/.. We don't know what Al said to the other

two but it must have been good. To the right of this and above are Sam V'oigl. Henry bey. Morris Richards. Gene King and Bud Ducltgen all so full of turkey that they can't sing nor talk. Below in the right corner are Hutch b.b.wsky. Art Wenzeb Bob Mnndl and Otto Zempel with a variety of facial expressions which only you can interpret.

That ten pin has been giving Harry a bit of trouble of late and he is beginning to think that it

is a part of the building—stationary, ya know! Delay is responsible for more failures, more lack ol success than any other circumstance.

that ball of his isn't working.

John Henry "Harry" Meharg needs no introduc

tion With regard to bowling or anything else north

of the center of the slate, bor anything regarding this fellow please consult Joe Valentin!

Charlie I'lalz. who placed 8th in the singles and

11 lb in the All-Events at Lansing this winter, is actually the spark plug of the team.

J. I*. "Blackjack" Kiuville was going along in great style before he contracted a bad case of iumpuckaroo in the right arm and had to ask to be

kept on the bench for quite some lime. At this time there is hope held out for his recovery. Xorman "benny" Iloeft. the quiet member of the team who is always trying for something whether it helps his score or not. rounds out the team.

11 has been said that if this team were able to

bowl their weight they would have no trouble

claiming the World's Championship. But after all is said and done they have a good time during the months that they bowl together. We honestly be lieve that Michigan l.ime was well represented in the Merchant's League this season. 2343





Vv. ~

Foreman Hold Banquet At Close Of Season The Calcite foremen, superintendents, tugmen

the old timers." Someone brought out a big print

son and the start of winter stripping activity. As

accomplishments of another year. Our customers and employees were all well taken care of so the

and clerks got together once again at the end ol of the Schnitzelubank Song for Charlie to go to the 1949 shipping season to loss memories of the work on but his ability was over-estimated and "Ja past aside and to have a little food and fun. It was Dcr Vas Xcin Schnitzelubank." A good lime was sure good to be able to forget production charts. had singing the songs which everybody did know. delay sheets and hurry-up work assignments for A review of the work in the past by Chairman the few days between the close of an operating sea Clymer left the gang feeling pretty good about the shown in the accompanying pictures, the gang was happy and carefree. The chefs and waitresses ol Rainbow Gardens put on a delicious chicken din ner amid the decorations of the Christmas season.

Austin Headman and Roy blcwelling furnished mu

sk for the dinner as a piano and accordion duct. The real musical surprise for the evening was Rboud Benson's German Band composed ,,f Carl and Boh Leow, clarinets: Delmar Conley. trombone: Donald

Benson, sousaphone and Rboud Benson, trumpet. The boys knew their Cerman music although their

season was considered as a job well done. In the front row left to right: b. Xewhoiise. C. Sobeck. I. Illinium. II. Lewis. I. L. Clymer. C. Hoff

man. H. Meharg. b. Reinke and b. Kelley. Second row left lo right: C. Jones. F. Lamp, lb Sorgenfrei.

R. Lamb. |. Cook. J.'Buck, lb Stcinke. M. Thomas, W. Mundl". P. Mulka. I.. Raymond, C. burlaw, b. Adrian. B. Santimo. F. LaLonde. b. Ware. L. Ruell.

pronunciation of the Cerman titles might have been

C. Wing. Back row: |. Valentin. W. Ileller. V. Koch. W. Meyer. R. Ilamann, lb Luebke. A. (Juade. b. blcwelling. 0. /.empel. X. Ilaselhuhn. R. Smart and


R. Strieker.

This musical treat got the Cerman boys warmed lip so they wanted to sing. Christmas carols in Cer man and English and a little Polish tossed in were sung in keeping with the spirit of the season and then Charlie Hoffman says, "Let's sing some of

In the picture below are the members ol this group who have been employees at the Calcite I'lant for thirty years or more. Though they look young in years they are well seasoned in experience. •nnm

General Repair Shop Celebrates End of Season Once again the members of the General Repair Shop gathered to celebrate another season suc cessfully completed without a lost time accident. The gathering was held at the Traveler's Hotel mi Saturday evening. December 10th. The committee

in charge of the evening consisted of Emerson Lee. Richard I lamann, Leonard Joppich and Rboud Ken-

son and genial Frank Ware was the master ol cere monies. After a delightful dinner a short business

A problem has never been placed before this group without its receiving the wholehearted cooperation of all concerned and if we put forth this type Oil" cooperation during the 1950 season there is no doubt the safety record can be continued.

Dick Hamaun is pretty well up on his mechanics but when thai Jewish .salesman came around and

Grigg and Emerson Lee was appointed for the

asked him what the mule power of an electric mo tor was Dick was stumped. Maybe we had belter start a course in disguise detection up at the shop. Some of these Russian Communists might come around with an over-large nose and get some vital

1.950 program. There were approximately seventy individuals present and the master of ceremonies proceeded to extract the hidden talent in the group. The pro fessional portion of the entertainment was fur nished by Tommy McManus while blorian Modrzynski. Ivan Wirgau and Carroll 1lopp highlighted

any suspicious-looking visitor trying to pump vital statistics out of Dick Hamaun and Al Reltz or buy scrap brass from Hill Heller. We should really have

meeting followed in which a vole of lhauks was

given the present committee and a new one consist ing of Charles Hoffman, William Conley. Dave

with their musical and vocal renditions. The duets

and quartets all went strong, the welders doing best with '"Down by the Old Mill Stream" and the con

struction on "Let the Rest of the World Co By." The bulldozer men went romantic and used their talent on "Let Me Call You Sweetheart."

Paul Thornley was on band for some pictures, a couple of which we print above, the rest being for the secret archives.

The evening lasted well till midnight and was taken lip by visiting and reminiscing on the past season. The spirit of fellowship which prevailed

reflected the spirit of the past season in this group. Their duties are varied and the foremen and men

alike cooperate to make their jobs safer, easier and more pleasant each year. The meeting adjourned with a resolution thai if we all have a safety attitude il will not lie necessarv to worry about numbers on the safetv board.

union information from Al belt/, before he has dis covered the enemy. It has been suggested that Er nest Tulgetske be presented with a Sherlock Hol mes hat and glass to ferret out the background of

a special investigator at the office to cover our treasurer. Fred bisch. After all. we can't have some subversive individual walking off with that all-

important signature or we might not get our pay checks.

Chris Beukema says, '"That just shows you how easy it is for those ' dinners' to put it over on us trusting Americans. All il takes is a little brass and a big nose!"

We hear that some of the boys on Bradley winterwork find some rare foods in their lunch baskets.

Bill Chain discovered a nicely wrapped bundle of hay tucked away for dessert and Lawson Macklem

very carefully unwrapped what he thought was sugar and was disagreeably surprised. Since- neither Rill nor Lawson is a horse driver nor mule skinner we have a hunch there must be a rat down around

the boat office. A good thing for rats is red pepper boys; that is. il you can locate his feed bag.



Gay Time At Office Group Christmas Party We don't know bow the word got around but

"Schnit/.clbank" using the English words, that is.

someone told us thai Santa Claus was going to

unless Ella may have been inclined to do bit ol German. Say. an idea is born! better do a little practicing between now and next Christmas. I.yle Eddy and his orchestra from Cheboygan came over I" entertain us with some very line

entertain the office personnel of the Michigan Lime stone Bi Chemical Company at the Lutheran School last December 22. We heard too that be had made

great preparations for a very line party and that he. himself, would make a special effort to be there to greet each and everyone. Yes sir. there was great excitement about tin- office when we heard this bit

dinner music.

We have now come to the highlight of the eve ning yes sir. Santa Claus. Management realized

of news. The girls rushed down to Ella's to gel that

that he must become very weary from the burden

holiday dress and maybe a necklace with a lot of glitter. The men tried hard not to let the girls think that they were excited but liny weren't fooling US. Bernard Heath might just as well have taken the day off for all he talked about was Santa Claus and

of his heavy pack so Mr. Clymer gave him a packet of envelopes to pass out amongst us. It was one

of the nicest envelopes ever given us—that is. other than al the end of the month! Regardless of how

quick inventory of their good (and maybe, some a

much we may have disliked history we certainly developed, if not love, a great respect for Jackson. Hamilton, and Lincoln! Mr. Clymer was given a Special record changer as a gift from the group.

little bad) deeds during the year and decided thai

We don't know how that Penny Iloeft rates but

Rob Xol'fze and Clayt I lopp seemed to know all about him. That Accounting Department made a

good ole Saint Xick would find them worthy of he got an extra gift. Evidently Santa expects great some compensation for all their good efforts—and

things of Penny in the bowling game. We thought

he did. 'fhe fellas went home to their wives (ex

he was doing alright but Santa must think he is

cept Heath) and bad them looking Up their very

capable of doing much better so he brought a min iature bowling set for him. He didn't bring one for the writer--must have given up all hope for that individual who is beginning to think that even a real honest-lo-goodncss bowling lane in the base ment could not solve her many do's and don'ts in the game. Anyway, il sure was fun and we're looking for ward to another this year. Lack row left to right: Xorm Iloeft. Joseph Val entin. William Ciow. Charles Platz, Ceorge Breach, Lloyd Coodin. Robert Xoff/.e. Bernard Heath, Ray Crigg. Clayton I lopp.' Chris beukema, bred bisch, Karl Rieger, Robert Lucas, Fred Strasser. bat Pat terson, Hon Van Xandt. Charles Dolsen. Rudolph Duellgen. jr.. I. b. Clymer. Robert Crittendon and John Kinvi'le. Seated: Ceorge Jones. Sarah Schult/.. Eva Dobson. Banna Toseh, Lola Rotttly. Ella Rcinke. Dolores Mendrick. Cisela Plat/.

whitest shirts and their "sharpest" lies. Our leader

in song. Mr. Valentin, donned his "Governor Wil liams polka dot" and wore his most genuine "Tru man grin."

Everything was in keeping with the holiday at hand, 'fhe tables were decorated with pine and evergreen boughs and red and green streamers,

brightly gleaming candles added to the gay holi day spirit of all present. Yes. even Sarah didn't let her out-of-town interests hire her away From

the party this year and we were certainly happy to have her with us. We missed little Helen Mc

Lean at the party this year. That "u "gremlin" bad no consideration for Helen at all. Mr. Lewis, too.

was unable to join lis at the party in our least ol savory turkey and all the triiiiuiiiis. Mr. Valentin did a line job of getting the group to sing out on their best loved Christmas Carols and even introduced us to the famed Cerman ditty. 2346

Helen I.uza. Anna Marie Karsen. Paul Thornlcv.

News Items From the Buffalo Plant . To Johnny Kowalski fell the task of building doors for the new 2 and 4 packing house loading shelter, and by the time he built the last 15 x 20

foot door, she was a masterpiece of design and perfection.

Our own Larry (O'Leary) Dye, was determined to catch some fish at Conneaut last Fall, so in the

company of George Swanson, and Phil Richards,

he started late the same evening. Phil and George had done alright, but O'Leary had no luck and he

Walter Kowalski was heard to remark, "Gee! The girls in the front office are beginning to cook themselves hot meals. I wonder what a fellow has to do to get an invite?"

wouldn't go home until he got one. While waiting for the fish to bite, he went fast asleep. Phil and George hooked one of their recently caught perch on O'Leary's line. Then the fun started; O'Leary awoke and went into action like a Minute Man.

Lis. Since they purchased their sets, they all report

With great skill he fought the fish all the way, finally netting and landing the seven inch perch. The last the boys saw of O'Leary that night was after he had the fish encased in about fifty pounds

not leaving the house in months.

of ice and headed back to Jamestown.

Television is the greatest contribution toward the revival of home life in America today. Ask our friends, John Kunik, Edward Spillman and Stanley

We have our deer season here in Buffalo too. Our

pro's, Johnny Kowalski, John Rychnowski and Francis Connolly made the annual effort, but all they were able to report was, too many hunters, slippery roads, wet feet, and no shots at the deer.

Tough luck fellows, but try again next year. Eliseo Tomani underwent a major operation in November and we are happy to report his splendid recovery. The plant employees during his illness paid him a very fine tribute in providing Liz with a very nice robe and slippers. During a number of years, this is the first time the boys have remem bered the other fellow during time of sickness, and we all feel now that we have cracked the ice, we will remember our fellow-worker in the future. A POOR MEMORY STORY

Two lads decided to settle their differences by fisticuffs with the agreement that the first to yell, "SUFFICIENT," would decide the issue. After bat

tering themselves around for quite a period, one of the lads yelled, "SUFFICIENT." When the other contestant was able to regain his breath, he was heard to remark, "I tried to remember that damn

word from the moment the fight started." SAFETY BARBS

You are the big boss in safety guidance. A TKO by injury means you are over matched. To practice safety—leave your troubles at home or you won't have troubles to take home. "Hi Joe, Stop, Look and Listen, then go." Eddie Spillman played a major part in making the Timon High School Sports Night Program a success. When he ran into sales resistence in pur chasing space in the program book, he would over come the opposition by stating, "Look fellow, I don't even belong to your faith. I am only doing this for the youths of that school." And he always won. It's nice to report news items of this sort be cause it goes a long way in making a better Ame rica.

One million people of the Niagara Frontier took a trip to Florida on January 25th. The temperature in Buffalo was a pleasant 72 degrees, the warmest day ever recorded in the history of the weather bureau here.

We made our first sale of our new product Poul try Litter Conditioner on December 5th, to L. H.

Westfall of Springville, N. Y. This new product, one of the many we produce here, is 99.9% through 325 mesh screen.

The finals for our grade schools quizdown late this fall which were broadcast over WEBR found

Mary Sue Corpus daughter of our Stanley Corpus on as one of the brain trust groups. The Buffalo Evening News reported, "An outstanding perform ance by both teams."

The Steamer B. H. Taylor was eight hours out side Buffalo. The sun was shining, there was no wind and Captain Swartz doubted very much the weather report, "Snow by midnight." Well, the Taylor not only got snow on arrival, but after she left, it still kept coming until a record was estab lished for this date, a modest 22.6 inches.

Could it be that old age is catching up with T.G. R? Seems like he has a cold pretty often. Stanley Lis planning a multi-million dollar ex pansion program on his Dad's former beer garden. "I'm gonna rip out four walls and make a big back room! No cover charge. P. S. No money." Our loading crew had their first lunch in their

newly decorated dining room and bag storage. In charge of remodeling was Stanley Lis. Leon Moore was appointed cook and Clarence Cooper and Rob ert Collins waiters.

A newcomer to our feathered friends has been

spotted flying around the plant area, a great big grey and white owl. This specimen being quite scarce around these parts, J. Kunik was heard to

remark, "Look there goes one of the "flying-sau cers" from Mars that the papers have been so full of lately."

With the veterans insurance premium benefits in sight, Robert Stephany has been constantly dis cussing the new fish-tail 1950 super-duper Cadillac 12. He is anxiously awaiting his check from Uncle Sam.

L. H. R. returning from a recent sales trip in the hills, "Wanna buy some eggs?" 2347

Our Switchman, "Slim" Swiatosz—"Hopper Car, White line car, Carbon car, WStone car, Bulk box

car, *@x%lb@*o%*. Will you please put down on paper what cars you want in tonight?"

ker will be glad when summer comes. Their cars give them a hard time. Slieth, also a native, walks; says he likes the brisk morning air.

Ground Hog Day—and Bill Scattolini did not see his shadow coming out of the tunnel! We wonder

Downing looked much better after his cocker spaniel was on the road to recovery. It sure was tough the few nights he was kept awake playing

if that means anything.


Stanley Corpus serving on jury duty for a week came back highly disgusted. "Shucks! Every time we had a case it wound up being settled out of

The greatest standing offer ever made has been in effect since the days of the colonists.


It is a basic fact of human nature that people will work amazingly hard if they get something extra for doing it. Through the years it has stimulated Americans to

Famous last words of Joe Caruana, one of our office staff in a recent collision with another ve

hicle, "I'm gonna sue." The man who throws himself earnestly and en

thusiastically into every task (whether he is being observed or not) is a go-getter, indeed! J. Kowalski shopping for two side-view mirrors to install on our giant D-8 for Alex Kruszka's bene fit.

CLOP — CLOP — CLOP — first we saw the

shoes, then we saw Robert Collins — Size 10! Rathbun to Rose: "Now you know how it feels to be a grandfather."

Henry Podraza, a veteran of a "Bloody Bastogne" battle in Italy, is back in the saddle again. Sitting at the controlls of our D-8 rehearsing the old clays: Temperature, Normal. Oil Pressure, O. K. Blade Up. Target, Stonepile.

Our traveling salesman, Frank Guido, had to for feit his Wyoming County license plates. He was heard to remark, "Now I don't stand a chance in that county."

News Items from the Conneaut Plant Our new storage and tractor garage here at Con neaut is sure a big improvement over the old one which was in the plant. Swanson claims that now it's so quiet he has to wear ear-muffs when Dye pays us a visit—Mule Train, Ya! Ya! By the way, Dye, the fisherman, was asked where the most fish was, and he replied, "Between the head and the tail."

We have two big stock piles of lime piled high and

straight as a string thanks to Schor, our crane op erator. He claims he could pile it higher but there's too much back-lash.

George Thompson is back to work after a ser ious accident on the dozer. A dear experience but a good safety tip for the rest of the plant. Cox can tell within six feet the number of loads

we haul to the stock pile by the mileage on the Ford truck.

The Moisio brothers will be glad when the pan feeder is fixed. They are putting more stone out the stack than they are through the dryer. Those natives from Pennsylvania, Gibbs and Bar 2348

It is this—reward for extra effort.

invent new and better machines—to invest in new

enterprises... to create the world's greatest in dustrial plant... to compete in free markets. By increased use of machine power on our mass production lines, we have been able to lower costs— to produce more for every hour we work than any people on earth. Our productive efficiency has resulted in con stantly higher wages and shorter hours. Our labor has the right to choose jobs, to organize and to bargain collectively. No wonder that the United States, with only 7 per cent of the world's population, produces as much material wealth as all other nations combined. No

wonder so many other countries are looking to us today for help and guidance. Our American system has its faults. We all know that. We still have sharp ups and downs of prices and jobs. We'll have to change that—and we will. Meanwhile, we're being challenged to make the American system work as it never worked before. Let's create new industries and expand old ones— make more new jobs for more people. Here's a big reward for extra effort—one we all can share. Let's show the world what Americans

can do when they really try. The better we produce, the better we live. WHEN CANS WERE SECOND-HAND

The ordinary tin cans which today we toss away after opening, once were considered a luxury in our country. They were made by hand at the rate of about six an hour, and were so expensive that they were used over and over again. But today, thanks to industry's constant devel opment, we have machines which turn them out 21,000 an hour—resulting in low costs to consumers and steady employment for the men who mine and transport the raw materials and those who run the machines.

Individual citizens are the biggest creditors of the United States Government. As of last June the public owned $68.8 billions worth of government bonds—an average of $466 for each citizen. Next biggest creditor group consists of commercial banks, with private corporations and associations third.

Character is like a tree and a reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the

tree is the real thing.—Abraham Lincoln.

You'll See It In Screenings I ersonals

Thai Come To The Editors Desk

Reading from left to right, back row: Joe. Dan. Tom and Emmet. Front seated from left to right; Mrs. Vincent Cotlgiont (Grace), Mrs. Peter Rose, Pete Rose. Mrs. French (Annette) and Mrs. Adams (Phyllis). Pete Rose worked on the tracks al Calcite for a


Among Oarselms"

Frank Ware likes to spear fish through the ice but the only trouble is his feet. Frank just can't seem to get the spear between them. Xorm (Juaine

is a little worried from the .safety angle and is thinking of fixing up a system of mirrors in the shanty so Frank can stand on his head and thus

good many years and during those years raised a save his feet and still see the Ibsh. brank is really line family of four boys and three girls. We have a wizard at electricity. Norman, if you could get them all together in the above picture which was him working on the project be could'set up one of taken during the past Christmas holidays. Pete and those electric wave machines whereby ihc Mrs. Rose are both very proud of their family and would he forced to gravitate to the hole and jump they have every right to be. Joe is now a third as out. This would entirely eliminate the spear hazard. sistant engineer on the Str. Calcite of the Bradley Roy Strieker L usually rather quiet but be seemed Transportation Company. Dan is a coach and a physical education instructor al Central State a little more quiet than usual when he came to work I eachers' College. Tom is plant superintendent of the other day. bob Mundt thinks a lot of his men the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company Ag and usually senses it when they are a little off color, bob i.s also quite a spitzer shark so when he noticed ricultural Limestone I'lant at buffalo ami Km met is working at Chevrolet Motors in Detroit. Mrs. a slight aroma in the atmosphere a great light Congiont's husband. Jimmy, is a plug driller at the dawned. Says Bob in a sympathetic voice, "I lowCalcite Plant. Mrs. French lives in Alpena where was your score last night. Roy?" Roy hesitated, her husband is the personnel director of the lesser blushed a little and finally said. "Well, my total Plant. Mrs. Adams' husband is employed by the score was pretty good." Rob is very diplomatic Western Union Company and they make their home and has been through the mill himself so he just in Alpena, also. Congratulations Pete, on a job well said. "ToUgh luck. Roy." Misery loves company and done and we hope you and Mrs. Rose have many a little later Roy said. "Yea. ami they hting one on more years in which to enjoy your family and Orville Piechan. loo." grandchildren.

Ray Grigg thought his car was falling to pieces

You know, fellas, after all the bragging we hear from some of these bowlers about how some ol

this winter when he drove to Cheboygan. When he them can knock over the maples, we notice they investigated he found that someone had thought find it hard to alibi after Charlie I'lalz steps up ill fully put a few spare nuts in his hub caps so that he the Stale Championship Tournament and takes high

would be sure to have enough when he changed tires. Could that thoughtful individual have been

score. Yes. that's hard to smoke. Charlie says. "The old fellows still have to step up and show them how-

Vic Klee ?

it's done."


From time to time we have shown family groups

Collon I'auly says thai he could use a little bit of

in Calcite Screenings. We are happy to feature the

Krhardt Schultz's luck when il comes to deer hunt

family of Kmil Schaedig. locomotive engineer. They

ing, lie's been hunting for a good many years now and hasn't had the good fortune of downing his buck yet. One of these years the tables will turn for

live on a small farm just outside Rogers City ami have a nice new home. Don't you agree with us thai bind has every right to be proud of these line

looking daughters and sons? In front are Mr. and Mrs. Schaedig with their youngest daughter. Carol Lee. Standing from left to right are Lola Jean, at home; Earl with the Conservation Department;

Joanne, a nurse in Flint, Michigan: Virginia (Mrs. James Maynard); Shirley, a telephone operator; Raymond, a bulldozer operator at the IMaut: and Joyce at home, bmil tells us not to forget their

granddaughter, Eunice Maynard. who though only eight months old. does justice to grandma's mashed potatoes and gravy. Our best wishes to the Kmil Schaedig family.

\<v<\ bee claims fishing parties are nice but some

one always spoils it and goes fishing. Wilbcrt Radtke was a year younger March 3. He says it didn't hurt a bit !

It's somewhat out of season to be talking of deer hunting but Erhardt Schultz hasn't missed his for

22 years. W'e asked him how he did it and he said that il was just a stroke of good luck. He's ver\ modest, don't you think? W'e still insist that he charms them.

you. Collon.

More deer stories—maybe we should save them for a Fall issue of Screenings but we feel that a

good story is appreciated at any time. My such ego! During deer hunting season Ave had a chat with Emie Adrian of the Time Office who says that he-

is going to let his buck grow and get a bit older and then pick him off next year. W'e told Ernie that we didn't like old bucks and thai they were likely to be

tough. I le didn't agree with us and cited an instance where a local hunter picked off a 10-pointer that weighed 200 pounds dressed and it was reported to be lender. Yes sir. you can't always tell about these old bucks, sv/. Ernie, sometimes you- find one that's tender.

Bernard Wagner Jr.. seemed sincere as he said one morning. "My car wouldn't start today but it may be my fault and not the car's." Isn't il a won derful life?

Harvey b.lowsky is one of the toughest fellows we have seen in a long time. One cold Saturday forenoon, with a strong breeze blowing Inun the Northwest, we saw him sealed on a cake of ice in

Since J. P. rolled that great big 354 on November 10 we haven't seen anything of him at the bowling alley- that is. not in action anyway. Jack claims

lhal Harvey stays out like that all day if there is

that he has a bum elbow and had to quit. Well, il

a chance to catch a fish.

was an opportune time, anyway! We hope he gets it back in shape again before next Fall so thai he can give Meharg. Iloeft and Plat/, a bad time oc

l-'eldt out doing a little fishing. He hadn't caught

any fish but seemed to be enjoying the out-of-




the middle of Trout

bake. Other fishermen Com

fortably located in heated shanties nearby claim That same Saturday we saw Sailorboy Rudy

An old-time picture of city and county fathers who were proudly known and are fondly remem bered by many of us. This picture, taken on the old steps of the present courthouse, was in the year 1907. 'bo the left are John Kerdelman and Mabel

Kaiser Kidman; up the stairs is Eugene D'Viucenl who was County clerk for years: completing the

Irvin Adrian seems to be quite an important man around the Mill in the winter lime—and rightly so. being a material chaser is sometimes difficult but

he does well indeed, 'fhe harsh words spoken to anyone are just a good sign thai he likes you. Have von seen a new pair of love birds?

group are Dr. M. II. Xeslei\ Alfred Dcttlofi'.'John

Who?" -Bill Schelb-y and Roy Strieker!

Iloeft. William Schultz and Rudolph Dueltgcu, Sr. Mrs. Kidman and Mr. Duellgen are the only ones of the group who are still with us. Much of the community's history has been built around the activities of this group.

Art VVenzel—"Strong blew the wind that took


wonder how Dominic Michctti



Santa at the kids' Christmas party—he got two boxes of candy. Fred Krueger was telling Steve Mayes that he bought a pair of synthetic rubbers for the whole

purchase price of fifty cents. Steve, who is always looking for a bargain asked Fred where he bought those "plastic" rubbers! This was one bargain that Steve missed out on for the sale already over by the time he got there.

What we want to know is when is Mark Florip going to start delivering gas? It looks kinda serious to us.

At a safety meeting held at the Quarry building this winter, it was so comfortable that Rill Heller

How Come?—They each have a new car! 11 card while passing:

my cable and logs away from across the mouth of the slip."

Interest in housecleaniug in February and March by the male members of the family can be indica tive of only one thing. He wants all the little menial jobs out of the way before fishing season starts.

Why else would Owen Kroll be burning the mid night oil swinging a paint brush? (ietsie's shanty on Grand Lake has all the com

forts ol home, housing a combination cook stove and heater, cooking utensils hung in an orderly array above the stove, two comfortable seats and

a radio. Wi:VL- is Getsie with one nice pickerel and as he says one never knows when they will bite again. Patience and perseverance from sunup to sundown are the secrets of success in the fishing game.

fell asleep and came near toppling off his chair. When a safety booster like bill falls asleep at a safety meeting we wonder where he was the night before or what was wrong with the meeting. Ed Partyka had the winter off-—said he wasn't

working. Maybe he wasn't down al the lay-tap har bor working, but we expect that those wedding bells are a good sign that Ed didn't sleep the winter away. Al least he didn't waste all his lime.

Down at the boat clock this past winter Alvis Radka at times would talk long and loud about his prowess as a spitzer player. We were all witness to this. What some ol you missed was his chagrin

when, alter a game in the county league involving 48 players, Alvis steps np to collect his twenty-five cents for the honorary place of low! 2351

John lives in a large city located in the southern

part of Michigan. His home is a four room apart ment on a street of closely-packed apartment build ings. There is no yard of grass nor shade trees around this home. Vacation time comes and John packs his wife and children into the car and heads

north. They rent a cabin on a lake, fish, swim, en

joy themselves and call the 'natives' very lucky to live in such a wonderful part of the state. Little do most of us realize how fortunate we

are. The forests are at our back door; cool clear lakes are within easy reach of all; our streets are lined with large shade trees; our homes have well-

kept lawns and gardens; many of us have cottages or hunting camps close by. All these things are often taken for granted. How many of the men in other plants own their own homes and cottages? At Calcite a very high percentage of us own our homes and also have cottages in the nearby area. We all live in vacation land. Thousands of people come to Northern Michigan every year for fishing, swimming, hunting or to enjoy the splendor of our wonderful scenery. Our vacations go on week after week all year, if we but stop and compare our lot with that of John from the big city. Evenings can be spent at one of the many lakes. Week-ends need not be filled with hours of driving to fulfill any of

The little cabin on the right, top row, is located on Lost Lake and owned by Emerson "Red" Lee, an electrician at the Calcite Plant. Red loves fishing, boating and swimming and spends much of his spare time here in the summer months. And to

think that the "city folks" think that the people do nothing but work, sleep and eat in this town

—when Red so generously contributes his spare time to the Lions Club, the Eagles, bowling and what have you. We wonder when he finds time to sleep!

Raymond Paull is the owner of the cottage on the left in the second row which is located on Lake May. He is a crane operator in the Machine Shop and he owns and operates a barber shop out in Hawks where he lives. He spends his spare time out at Lake May where he fishes and hunts.

In the second row on the right is the cottage of the Arthur Getzinger family. "Getsie," as he is commonly called, is an electrician's helper at the Plant. He owns his home in town and spends his spare time in the summer at this cottage on Lake

May and in the winter he hibernates at the hunting camp and in his fish shanty on Grand Lake where he is shown elsewhere in this issue.

Hunting may be enjoyed after working hours or

The cottage pictured in the third row on the left is owned by Ernie Adrian, a pay roll clerk in the timekeeping department. It is located at Lake Nettie and is really some spot. You'll notice, too,

on week-ends, while John must plan his vacation around his hunting trip. A fifteen-minute drive and

that Ernie is somewhat of a mason. He owns his home in town and drives to work from Lake Nettie

we can be in some of the best deer and bird country

in the summer months. He manages to get his ex ercise by building and landscaping and of course painting the cottage boat when necessary. In the third row on the right we find the beautiful rustic log cabin of Wilson Pines which he put up at Lake Nettie. He is employed as a boat loading fore man at the Plant. If you'll look closely enough, you'll see Wilson and his wife seated on the swing in the foreground. Wilson is nearing retirement age and plans on spending much of his time at this beautiful spot. He also owns a very nice home on the outskirts of Rogers City.

our vacation desires.

in the state.

Sooner or later we all face retirement. What will

I do with my time? Where will I go? are questions we might all ask ourselves. Those of us with cot tages will have plenty to keep busy. There is al ways work around a cottage that needs to be done. What better way to retire than to a cottage ? We should all be thankful that we live in a coun

try where all these things are possible. Where we can own our homes, have a cottage, and be free to spend our non-working hours hunting, fishing, swimming, and doing the things we enjoy most. Our John could be from the big city or from some other country. Would you trade places with John?

A few of the cottages owned by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company employees are shown on the opposite page. Located on small lakes near Rogers City, they are at a convenient distance for the employees to drive out for week-ends while others move out to their cottages for the summer months.

The cottage pictured in the top row, left, is owned by Vern Henry and is located at Long Lake. Vern is a locomotive engineer and he and his wife built this cement block structure on week-ends and dur

ing his vacations. Mr. Henry also owns his own home in town.

The top center cottage, which is under construct ion and nearing completion, is owned by Neil Glosser. Neil is shown in front doing some masonry

Edwin Radka also chose to build his log cabin at Lake Nettie and we find it pictured here in the bot tom row on the extreme left. Ed is a Yard equip ment repairman at the Plant and he too owns his home in Rogers City. Ed likes to work around his place at the lake but says that this 6-day work week we have been having for the last couple of years

doesn't give him too much time for his hobby. Art Paull is another one of our employees who

owns his cottage at Lake May. You'll find his pic tured here in the bottom row, center. He spends much of his time fishing here during the summer and he also does his deer hunting here in the Fall. Art owns his home in town. Lie is a shovel oiler at

the plant. Lake May and Lake Nettie seem to be the fav orite lakes for cottages—at least, as far as our em ployees are concerned. Pictured here on the lower

work. His cottage is a cement block structure and

right is the half-log cottage of Arnold "Butch" Elowsky. He and his wife, "Bea" spend consider able time at their very attractive cottage during

located at Long Lake. Neil is a shovel operator and

the summer months. Butch is an oiler on one of our

owns his home in town.

shovels at the Calcite plant. 2353

The question came up the other day as to whether a chicken is dead or not after it has its head cut oil.

'flu- fall of the mighty spitzer players continues. Herbert Lielzow made the rash statement thai he

cided to kill his own Christmas turkey and has de cided that he will have the bulcher do it the next

would buy the drinks for the house at a recent spit zer session if be was skunked. Bernard Wagner. Jr. did the dirty work by playing a solo and Herb paid

time. Says Alfred. '"I hung on to one of his legs but

his bet. Sometime later in the evening someone

von shoulda seen me and the wife when he quil floppin'."

dust again. They say it takes quite a while lor the

Maybe we bad better ask Alfred Savina. Alfred de

b.eruard Murphy: "That Packard sure can go through that heavy snow. I went out to see if the buses could make it to the boats after that heavy snowfall and all I had to do was take a little run at it and made it. After that I figured that the buses

should be able to make it if my Packard got through the drifts."

That Kuturamic 88 Oldsmobile looks nice but Nel son I'ilon thinks il should lie re-dcsigned so that it won't collide with garage doors and things thai

might get in the road. Nelson doesn't know whether it's the brakes, the hydromatic clutch or the ac celerator but the confounded thing isn't satisfied with hitting tine door when he backs out but on bis

played a schneider schwartz and poor Herb bit the smell to wear off loo. Herb.

Yes, Alfred Basel shot a deer last ball. Down went

the deer and just to make sure Al went over and shot him again, lb- then relaxed, lay down his gun

and pulled out his knife. Mr. Deer then opened one eye and saw the knife and jumped up and ran away. Is that right. Al? Or is old man rumor busy again? Directions with grease guns should include the following instructions: "This gun is not constructed

to pass through moving gears. It is non-pliable and may break startling the unsuspecting user." Xow. who could have put a grease gun into the gears ol a crane?

\'o. 10 shovel is getting rather close to some of

second try it socks the one on the other side. Some the buildings Up at the drill house. It never pays to of the boys think you ought to send in a complaint lie too certain about anything these days. Watson to the factory. X'elson. Those cars are just too ram

Siecinski really has a long reach when he extends


that dipper stick out. Gus Grulke didn't shake both

at Watson but he did shake the one that W&3 'Ibis happy looking fellow is not playing peek- fists free. You would be surprised how far Xo. 10 can a-boo but just coming out of the new boilers he is helping weld together on the Steamer Carl 1). reach and still dig stone. Bradley. In case you don't recognize him. he is To you- married men who love ice fishing: Take beo Kapala who is usually seen around Ihe Shop. your wives along as Waller Meyer does. He has

Shovels, and boats and always with a welding hood

atop his head and an electrode holder in his hand.

her stand outside on the ice wdiile he goes in the fish shanty where it is warm and dry so she can warn him when the shanty starts to sink slowly into the water. "It works good." says Walter.

Archie I'lume and Humprey Berg were discussing different tractors one morning. Says Humphrey; "You know. Archie, wdien 1 was home on the farm

we had a tractor with two carburetors, one for gas and one for water. We started it with the gas car buretor and when the tractor got warmed up we switched on the water. You understand we mixed

half gas and half water. You know, it had a lot more power that way." Says .Archie: "Anyone interested in water car buretors, see Humphrey l.erg."

bill 'frapp and Ernest Pruning, driving to work the other morning: bill: "You know Ernie, I have already bought live batteries for this Ford."

Ernie: "Well. Bill, I guess I am lucky. I only

bought two for my obi one. ( Krnie was tapping the ash tray gently with his knuckles as a sign of good luck.)

Pill: After watching a moment, said. "Ernie you'd better take off your hat if you want to knock on wood."

Hereafter, passengers in "/-iggy's" car had hel ler watch the driver, lie has been known to throw

his front seat passengers into the snow drifts and keep traveling right along. Xiggy sez it was the other guys' fault. 2354

With This Ring I Thee Wed carried a baskel-bouquet of Amazon lilies. Thev David Rome! was wedded to Esther Siepauiak on were married by Rev. C. T. Skowronski at a 9 November 5 at St. Casimir's Church in Posen by o'clock nuptial mass al St. Ignatius. Walter Jr. is employed as a repairman in the Mill Department. Rev. Szyper. David is employed in the Track De partment and he and the new missus are making their home in Posen.

On November 23, Stanley "Lefty" blaske took on his life partner, a little blonde, blue-eyed girl by the name of Betty Koznowski. They, too, were married

Dan Cupid proves to us that practice makes per fect—at least when throwing darts for they cer tainly found their way to many of our employees. Donna Carter and Donald Matuszcwski obliged old Dan and spoke their vows at a 9 o'clock nuptial

by bather Szyper at Posen. Lefty is employed as a

mass at St. Dominic's Church at Mctz on February

porter on the Str. John G. Munson and he and his new bride are making their home on South Second

9 with Rev. bron performing the ceremony. Donna

Street. Remember. Lefty, for a successful marriage leave the kitchen to the little wife except, of course. il you want to give a helping hand in doing the

Donald are making their home at 122 W. Ontario.


Edna Smolinski and Norman Quaine chose Thanksgiving Day to exchange their vows. Edna, in shimmering white satin, walked down that longaisle on the arm of her father, Simon Smolinski and

met Norm just outside the sanctuary. They then proceeded to the main altar where they spoke their

"I do's." They were married at a 9 o'clock nuptial mass at the St. Ignatius Church with Rev. C. T.

Skowronski performing the marriage. After the ceremony. Norm and Edna clasped hands in "school-

was lovely in her gown of white satin. She and

Don is employed in the garage of the Yard Depart


Ivan Streich and Louise Smolinski spoke their "J do's" at a pretty wedding at the St. Ignatius Church on February 18 at a 9 o'clock nuptial mass and were united in marriage by Rev. C. T. Skow ronski. The new Mrs. Streich was a picture in her

gown of traditional white satin as she unfalteringly walked to the altar on the arm of her father, Simon Smolinski. Ivan is employed as a watchman aboard

the Str. White and they are making their home at 430 Last Antonia Street.

And just as we go to press we find Willard Blair

kid fashion" and unaware of countless admiring- and Dolores Kelley taking a trip to the altar. Yes eyes, smiled rapturously at one another and with sir. they made it Air. and Mrs. on February 27 at fleeting steps left the church to the strains of

Lohengrin's Wedding March, Norm is employed as a wheelsman on the Str. White.

Eddie Grohowski found his one and only over in

Alpena quite some time ago hut made it a per manent partnership on January 14 when he and Rita

Marie Rembowski spoke their vows at St. Mary's in Alpena. Temporarily, they are making their home at the Alike Grohowskis. Eddie, like Lefty Haske, will have to learn to keep out of the kitchen. He is a porter on the Sir. T. W. Robinson.

Arnold Pruning of the Track Department chose Betty Bredow for his one and only when they spoke their vows at St. Michael's Lutheran Church at

Belknap before Reverend A. II. Klenke on Novem ber 2b.

Melviu Miller, loo, is aiming to prove how two

can live considerably cheaper than one. He chose Lorraine Marsh of Millersburg to assist him. They mutually agreed to love, cherish and live happily

the St. Ignatius Church with Fr. Skowronski doing the honors. "Hooker" is employed as an oiler on the

Str. \\ . F. White and he and Dolores are making their home at 545>< Calcite Road.

'fhe Screenings Staff wishes you young folks oodles of wedded bliss and may each ensuing day of your married life be a happier one. This good-looking group of majorettes are mem bers of the Rogers City High School. Here we see them putting on their act during the half when Al pena played Rogers City on the local floor this

winter, 'fhe girls put on a good show and received enthusiastic applause. Around the circle clock-wise they are: Barbara Congontc. Pat Hilla, Esther Patzer. bernadiue Hincka. Pat Dagner. Norma Klee, Donna Voigt, Carol Schlager. Sandra Chain and Ida Pruning.

ever after when they spoke their vows on Decem ber 17 before Reverend W. J. Lichau at the West

minster manse. Melviu is employed as a drill helper at the I'lant.

Wedding bells pealed for Raymond Modrzynski and Caroline lloefl at 10 o'clock on January 7. 1950. Rev. C. T. Skowronski performed the nuptials. Ray mond is employed as a watchman on the Sir. John. (i. Munson.

Royce Wickersham chose December 26 to go

aisling with Ethel Reisner by his side. They were married at St. buke's Episcopal church and are mnv making their home at 595j/. South First Street. "Wickie" is a deck watchman on the Str. Calcite.

Walter idalski Jr. and Norma Jean Michetti chose January 21 as the day on which to pledge their troth to one another. Norma Jean was lovely in her gown of while slipper satin and lace and 2355

This group of successful deer hunters is not the whole story but it represents those nimrods on the

pay roll whose pictures we were aide to get along with the evidence.

Grandpa Robert Hoffman was not quite so hungry for venison and waited for us.

Cash Sobeck—"Maybe salt would help."

The scene in the upper left hand corner is a pic

Allen (Doc) Bruder—"Had a load on before 8:00 ture of the first group of Michigan Limestone & a. m. this morning—coal that is!"

Leon Ruell Jr.—"We just got lost." Chemical Company employees to set up a real camp Robert Heller—"My car is OK; it's this cold on Company property for the sole purpose of hunt ing deer and bear. Certain areas of the Company weather that makes il squeak." property have been open to employee hunters for the past few years. At first there was some doubt ol the wisdom of exposing this territory to the lire

hazards and conservation problems which usually follow when hunters are in the woods. However.

our experience of the past few years has convinced

ns that we do not have any of the careless, thought less type of hunters working for the Company, The

Rudy Kreft—"They asked me and 1 told 'em."

Russell Smart—"The figures get pretty small

when you go from zero to nothing."

Harry Meharg—"How can you have five depend ents and still be single?"

Aaron Smith—"I'll smoke cigars this summer when the tourists come back."

Al Klingshirn—"I don't want to look at another

boys appreciate the privilege of having a fine hunt pan after fixing all those in the Mill last winter." ing reserve at their back door. They know too. ^Clayton Murphy—"The temperature was down to that every man is a sportsman and knows how to 0° at 3:00 this morning-!" Jim Kami)—"Tigers look good!" handle a gun. When he hunts on Company property he does not have the spine chilling feeling that some There is a rumor that the Calcite family mav be trigger happy guy from the city might see horns losing some of its good members. Seems that after on him and blaze away at him when he moves. their appearance on the air in the "Rhythm and They know what they have and as Kirby Miller Reason" program, Emerson Lee and Paul Thornputs it, "W'e are going to make it the example a ley were besieged by talent scouts in an effort to

safe and sane hunting area should be."

Kirby Miller, Fred Hey thaler, Bill Conley, Bill

enlist their talents in the broadcasting field.

b'-rkfritz. Adelbert Meythaler and Archie Karsten

Speaking ol" bird hunting, how are the fish? Ed

set up this camp and are shown with part of the

Radka likes to hunt pheasants and usually gets a

hag. After the above picture was taken they got another deer and a bear. Some of these boys spent their two weeks vacation in the camp and the others

good bag of game when he. goes south each Fall. Past Fall when he came back Kes Raymond asked him how many he got. Ed reported that he got four

went out week-ends.

birds and one pike.

Top center we see John Bruning and his buck.

John shot this one out near his own camp. Ernest Pruning, top right, shot this husky looking (her on plant property. Before the season ended

Tom Kelley: "I'M. when are you coining out to service those drills?"

Kd Radka: "Be right out. Tom."

Tom: "That's a heck of a place to get into. You

Ernie's boy had another hanging on the next limb. had better come out and land with one of those Second row. left, we see Cash Pudnick eyeing 'hell-a-hopters'!" his son Alvin with his first buck. A day or two later. Cash had one hanging beside it. "Those deer sure are getting smart," says Harry The deer climbing the ladder with its horns was

taken on the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company property by Archie Plume of the Blast ing Crew.

To the right is Krhardt Bruiting with another trophy from the Calcite swamps. Krhardt stopped on his way to the plant main gate to show us his deer.

Left, second from the bottom, is "Doc" Bruder, retired, with his deer and trusty old long Tom. Doc usually gets one and comes down to the plant to show and tell us how he did it. Doc picked this one up on his own favorite hunting grounds. Bottom left. Charles Kleiber and his son. Robert.

with a pair, 'fhe one Robert has must have been a sight on the hoof, book al that rack. boys. Bottom center, Norval bade wilh his first buck.

'Ibis one was picked off by N'orval on companyproperty the first day of the season.

'fhe last one is a deer picture, as well. 11 may look like a kangaroo but we will vouch for the bal

ance of John Gregory's deer. John and his son. John

Pey. "You know, last Fall I was standing in mv

favorite spot in the woods when I heard die brush cracking. I got all set and pretty soon here comes big Jim Soper sneaking through the brush. I was going to hail him but thought maybe he smelled something and I had better not make any noise. Well sir. Jim had just passed me about fifty feet away when I heard the brush cracking again and pretty soon here comes a deer and a fawn walkingright in Jim's tracks. Yes. sir. those deer are smart." Captain Russell Kami) would like the fellow who

took his binoculars last Fall to come back and gel the case. "After all." says Puss, "the case is no good

to me: he might as well have the whole thing." Boiling hammer handles in linseed oil is said to

make the handle nice and tight, fhe job. of course,

must be done at the right temperature, like all good cooking. Griff Pines says: "Oh well, live and learn." Frank Keinkc has suggested that we mark out a

Jr., got hungry before the camera man arrived on

safety zone on the road in front of the Mill Office so Cash Sobeck can give his instructions without

the scene—all that was left was the head and horns.

interrupting traffic. 2357

Mr. Rosenliurg Pcnkcina to Cash Sobeck: "Have vnii any scrap belt'" Cash". "What? Sera], belt?" Rosenburg: "Yes, yes. scrap licit." Cash: "I don't know lor sure; meet Mr. Sorgenfrei."

Come on you automobile salesmen. Rube Pruning

says that if'lie buys a new car he'll buy cigars for the boys.

Daddy Knell says that if anyone doesn't like a Ford, he doesn't know how to drive. Daddy should know for he has been married to that product for a good manv vears.

John Pruning: "How are things today. Su-vie.'" "Stevie Tmn:" "Oh. jist-a-jisl."

Leonard Meyers: "See if you can get "Slim" on

Henry Shorkey is another one Šf our old timers who has raised a family while working for the

Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and is now a grandpa and mighty proud of it. That black hair is slightly gray at the temples and he doesn't

the telephone." Rube Pruning: "Has Chum Raymond got my dinner pail again ?"

boxy: Say Getsie. what are you doing? Getsie: Nothing. How about helping me?

look loo much like a grandpa but this picture cer

Beards Strieker: "Hey. Murphy, how aboul a job

and Sandra Mae seated next to him are tin- chil

Murphy: "You wouldn't have anything to do."

dren of Raymond Shorkey, Henry's son. who is a

Beards: "That's the idea."

tainly proves it. Danny Ray, sitting on Henry's knee as your assistant?" mechanic in Morth Carolina, 'fhe little- fella on Mrs.

Shorkev's lap is Robert Roland Kiske. the son of

their daughter, Henrietta. Her husband. Roland Liske, drives a Greyhound bus. Henry has been

with the Company for thirty-seven years and is a shovel engineer, lie has raised a fine family of three hoys and two girls. The following remarks were heard here and there after some of the boys made their safety talks over WHAK:

Art. Wenzel: "That was a good speech you made over the air. Charlie, but what was that knocking sound I. heard?"

Charles Hoffman: "Heck, that was my knees."

Anyone who wants to know how a boat is built and what goes into it see Grill I'ines. He says the

lime is well spent. Hope it's finished soon. Griff. You have all heard the old adage. "Love me. love my pet." There was quite a feud on this winter (hiring one of those soft spells. Mr. Heller came right out at the foreman's meeting and accused Mr. Lewis of allowing his little black and white

pets, which be occasionally keeps penned np under his house, to run wild. Said Bill, "They were fight ing with those thoroughbreds of mine at 4 o'clock this morning. They didn't make any noise but 1 had to get up and close the window. I wish you

would keep those animals of yours al home." Kdi-

Kd Radka: "One of my transformers burned out the other day when Reiuke was on the air." Al Hopp: "I sweated so much it dripped mi the

spitzcr skunks and real live honest-to-goodness

record and spoiled it."

have a great love for either variely.

Those fishermen on 'front bake have all the con

veniences of home. Adolph DuKac thought it was the music from the skating rink but on investigat ing be discovered Johnny Myers holed up com fortably in his fish shanty listening to a radio. Xeedless to say, Johnny didn't have any fish and he ex

plained lhal they just weren't rising to music that


Joe Kline was reported sick the other morning and while be was home he had the county snow plow-

come in and plow out his road. Clarence Blair wasn't very sympathetic with poor Joe. He claimed that Joe stayed home to get his road plowed and to save that hard pressed snow shovel lor future use.

lor: We seem to have had large numbers of both skunks around town this winter. Xo one seems to

Rudolph Schlelien. Jr.. has left our employ to at tend business school. It isn't often that we have men

leaving the Michigan Limestone Cv Chemical Com pany hut we do admire a young man who leaves with the intent of bettering his lot in life. Pest ol luck to vnii, Rudy.

Our sympathy is extended to the Tom Kuznicki family who lost their iuiant daughter. Sally, on Pel). 27 <\\\f lo pneumonia. Was it Mr. Lewis's car or the bulldozer that mis

judged the strength of the ice on the road beyond the radio station? Which pulled out the other? They were both seen coming back and the car was in the lead.

If you have any sheep for sale contact Art Flem ing and 'fed Pardieke. Do you really want sonicwoolies boys or is il just the cold weather? 2358

Life is never dull fur the man who starts each day with vim and enthusiasm, determined to do his best !

Printing Colored Screenings Cover My dear Mr. Jones :

You* suggestion that your readers might be in terested in our comment on printing the cover of

He evidently had broken most of the labor laws

by starting to work around his home town printing office at the tender age of twelve. He acquired

quite a knowledge of the trade by the time he had

this issue is very much appreciated. We are very gotten through high school and knew about every

proud ol the job and we welcome your suggestion thing that a small shop could teach him about the printing business. He was a very fair linotype op that we say something about this type of work. The average printing office of our size is not erator as well, a skill that he has since perfected. On his way north he stopped off at Dowagiac for prepared, either in equipment nor personnel, to do a job of this kind. That is to be expected as the some weeks and acquired a further knowledge of amount of this kind of work is too small to war automatic presses and color work in Harry Whiterant special attention in the. average shop. It ball lex's Commercial Press. In spite of his youth, and I surmise that when he pens that we have been called upon for a good deal ol high class work in past years and we welcome a job of this kind.

It is lour color process printing. In other words il goes through the press four times, printing a different color each time from a dif

ferent plate. In this particu lar job the first plate was printed in yellow. ()ver ibis the next run was printed in red. a third run blue and a

came to Rogers City he was not quite as old as he

Claimed to be. he was pretty well seltled. lie mar

ried Xclna Stewart and they have a line family of

lour good-looking intelligent youngsters.

Art has acquired his own home. Fortunately he is

something of a plumber, painter, carpenter and ma son and he put these talents to good use in making it comfortable. .Most of the improvements in his home are the work of his own hands.

In spite of his youth Art is the oldest employee in the Advance Office in point of service. We lost

him when b'uele Sam borrowed him for a couple

final run black. The blending of the four colors gives the various shades which you see in the finished picture.

him in an army printing office in Hawaii.

There are a number of re quirements for ibis kind of work, 'fhe plates must: be

a lew musical instruments but he has had such 'a crowded leu years he has sort of let that slide. Al any rate lie has never brought his horns down to

absolutely perfect. T h e s e plates were made by t In-


Engraving Com

pany ol Kalamazoo. They have furnished all plates used in Screenings for a number of years.

What we call "register" on the press must be perfect. Each sheet that is run must \v^d into the press exactly the same each time it is run through.

ol years during the war. a part of the time using

()h. yes. Along with his other talents Art can plav

the Advance Office to practice, thank goodness. Hal Whiteley.

'fhis is not a picture taken at the ballet nor at a school of interpretive dancing but just train dis patcher. \ ic Koch, overcome by the music from Benson's German band. Oh. those waltz strains

which carry us back to the days of youth! Vie will give us a good going over for inferring that

If it varies a liny fraction of an inch on any one of the four runs the sheet would be spoiled. U is one this demonstration of youthful grace is just for thing to set the register but it is quite another to a fleeting moment, boys will be boys. Vie. If the see that the register is kept. Any number of things spirit is young we never grow old. can happen to throw it off which might mean Iinspoiling of the entire job. The same uniform color must be maintained. We

might start with perfect color but if it were l.o be

allowed to vary a shade, the final coloring would be entirely changed.

You may not know it but paper will shrink and expand. So on jobs like this we endeavor to main

tain an even room temperature, before the first run it was put through the press (and heater) to remove excess moisture.

There are other, more technical phases entering into work of this kind that are difficult to explain", Naturally this sort of printing requires unusual skill and careful attention. Printers who can do this kind of work are less numerous than the av

erage. In this instance the job was turned out by Art Claxlon and we want him to have full credit.

Art came to us about ten years ago this April from Missouri. While I am not particularly en thused about some of the folks who come from Missouri. I must admit that in Art's case Missouri

did a good job. 2359

Cradle Column "Frankie" Rubeo of the Track Department found

his wav into the Personnel Office ami joyfully an nounced the birth of 'ferry Kranklin on Xovember

Bradley Transportation Company would not be represented in this issue but lo and behold along

comes Jeffrey Paul on December 7. a big hand some, healthy fella claiming Xelda and Glen Para dise as his ma and pa. Jeffie. ale boy. if you had only

8. 1949. In Spite of the fact that the doctors warned known that you were coming into a home infested Frankie about smoking, he appeared with that very familiar little black cigar ami my. how he was en

joying it. Good hick. Frankie. to you and the missus. Fred Strasser's wife, Nan. presented him with

with women—ves. three besides your ma. namely.

Judith. Jacquclyu and Jill! And to think that your daddy is away for almost eight months out of the vear! On the Other hand you'll probably be treated

another $000 lax exemption on November 11, Ar

royally since you'll be the only man about the bouse.

Strassers and Steven and Mary arc the names ol the other two children. Thanks for the treat. Fred

will brag about voii to his sailor buddies on the P.

mistice Day. Margaret Aim is the third child for the Our best wishes to you jcl'i' and my how your dad and congratulations to you ami Xan. (I must not

II. Taylor.

he says there's only one way to outsmart the Gov ernment on the tax deal ami that is to raise a fam ily. That's good logic, too.)

joined their family. The good ship Taylor didn't quite make it into port in lime for Pud lo be on

Kdmond Jackson experienced the thrill ol be

fail to enlighten you that Fred is our tax man and coming daddy on December 6 when Kathy Sub 'Yes sir. Tim Horn and Leonard llaselhuhn are

hand when Kathy made her debut bill there'll come a time when you'll get a chance to walk the "Wait

grandads again! This time, it's a little lass by the ing room floor." name of Ruth Ann who was born to the Morin llaselhuhns on November 12. 1949. 'fhe 1lasellui-hns have a son. too. by the name of Carry. Norm is em

ployed in the Chemical Laboratory. Harry Wcisel entered the household of the Mar tin Wc'isels al Met/, on November 9 and made it

Judy. Chris and Ken are the names of the three lovely Dagner children. Ken. the newcomer in the

family, was born on December 21. Wally's ship, the

Steamer Bradley on which he is a watchman, lay snugly in its winter quarters in the lay-up basin al Calcite so dad was right on hand to welcome the

four boys and two girls. Harry's pa is employed as young fella. Congratulations to you and Petty. a drill helper. § ... Wally. on your very fine offspring. Arnold Ziuke finally won and convinced his wile On' January 10 Susan Claire found her place in Ruth to call their fourth sou Arnold - or could it be that Arnold, himself, has been too modest to have

the nursery of the Leo Yarch home out there at Petersville. bit tie Susan has a brother, Tommy, and

a namesake? Anyway, now the Zinkes have a lovely a sister Krnestine. Leo works with the track crews family of five: namely. Norma. Roger. James. Ken and il seems lo me that those fellas out there gel neth "and Arnold. We'll wager thai Norma has the

more free smokes than anyone.

upper hand and the sympathy of her mommy and The Str. W. F. White is another ship in the daddy when the boys" get out of hand. Arm.Id is Bradley fleet that has a brand new daddy. That little employed in Ihe Mill Department. gab Colleen Miller, tipped the population of Met/. And'it's another boy for the Alfred b.reges down

there in that little white house on South Lake Street. Dale Allen is the name and he was born

just exactly three years later than his oldest broth

er, Doranc'e, on November _'0. Well, Al. you've al most got an orchestra, now how about a little girl

when she was born to the Robert Taylors on Feb ruary b bob is employed as an oiler in the engine room of llu- "Willy."

fhe Theodore Kings are the proud parents of a

baby girl. Karen Kay. who was born to them on February 5. Ted is employed as a swingmau of the vocalist? Alfred is a Mill Repairman. Bradley Transportation Company. Kittle Larry and Arleue Smith got a new baby bike Fred Strasser. Ray Crigg came into the of brother on payday, November 25 and his name is fice beaming from ear to ear with his chest pushed David. Their daddy is Robert Smith and he is em out there just a little more than usual on February ployed in the Yard Department, Sally Sue must be the queen of the Keith Palmer 7. He hail with him a box of chocolates which he household. She is their First girl ami has two passed around to the girls and a box of cigars lirothers, Johnny and Dickie, (irandad John I'al- wrapped in fancy cellophane paper saying ""It's a mer of the locomotives is mighty proud too—the Poy." Ray and Peggy are very happy with young Raymond Benjamin and our congratulations to both bliss of parenthood. skys. She made her debut on December 14. Harvey

of them. We might add that little Ray is occupying a new nursery in their new home into wdiich they moved right after the little fella came.

workers sure like cigars!

That stork made his way to his old familiar haunts at Petersville and left Rebecca a baby sis

Rosanna Marie was born to the Harvey b.low-

is employed in the Track Department and his fellow That Track Department sure likes to get into the

ter, Jessica, on February IS. Rebecca and Jessica are the daughters of Phil Pokorski and his wife years John Greene will be buying cowboy suits, Petty Jane. Phil is a drill helper at the Plant. holsters, footballs, cub fishing reels, etc. Yes sir. Herbert Stevens of the Track Department was these baby boys can become expensive items I Jo seph Lawrence was born to the Greenes on De stunned when his wife Ruth presented him with a news and often loo and we like it. In a few more

cember 12 lint elder son. John Carl didn't like it i-veil a little bit. X'ow. they're real buddies! For a while we were beginning to fear thai the 2300

son whom they named 'ferry Lee. Becoming a fath

er was a great enough thrill but fur that first child to be a son was far beyond Herb's wildest expecta-

lions. February 15 was his "\<cd Keller Day" and one never to be forgotten. And now. the b'.lvin Johnsons, too. have a little

one whom they call Merschelb She was born to

them on March 2. Her daddy will scarcely have time to become acquainted with Merschell before the Str. While leaves its winter quarters at Calcite. Elvin is employed as a deckwaich on the W. F.

On December 12 wee little Mary Jo was born to Alice and Jerry Kaiser, 'fhe Kaisers have a son too

and call him Ronnie. He is mighty thrilled with his baby sister.

'fhe members of the Screenings staff extend their

best wishes to all the above proud mamas and papas and the "tender new twigs" they've added lo their

family trees. May they grow into strong, healthy and stalwart citizens of tomorrow.

On these cold sub-zero mornings Ed Radka. Pill

Heller ami George Wing Spend most of their spare moments going lo California.

Hats off and a hearty handshake to Alfred Ih>r-

rocks and George "Raslus" Pat/.er who got their third assistant engineer's license and to "Stitch" Rygwelski. "Mac" McLean and Norman Ouaine who got their pilot's license.

Two of our sailor men. Art bey and Dick Newhouse, are making the best of those days ashore by going ice fishing on bake Emma, Looks as if

they had some luck loo. These two boys, who were brought up in Rogers City, welcome an opportunity to go back to some of the fishing haunts they knew when kids. Aren't you glad to be able to live in

Daniel Boone had nothing on our friend Dominic Mauti during the rabbit season this winter. Dominic

needs no dog—just his trusty double barreled shot-

Northern Michigan, even in the winter? We sug

gnu. He just walks back on the Plant property early

gest that Capt. Pearse take note thai Florida wri

in the evening ami runs down his limit in'a half

ters aren't the only ones having fish.

hour or so and comes back with a handful like von

see in the above picture, 'fhe weather is no object

to Dominic—storm or balmy weather, Dominic gets his rabbits. How many did he get? Well, we don't know lor sure but we saw him coming back with four or five at least three times one week. When

asked how he did it Dominic said. "Oh, just shoot uiu."

Ray Kelley: "Van, where is that test bole drill thai has to be repaired ?" Don YanZandl: "Out on Section (>." Ray: "Where in the heck is that?"

Van: "Six sections this side of section twelve."

Ray. looking sober, thought for a while and (hen brightened and said: "'fake me out there will you Van?"

Snow certainly changes the appearance of things out in Ihe quarry and when those bulldozers start

making roads things really don't look natural. When

they have to send a search party "Ut after Bert Smith and his bus it really is time lo post a few signs, at least lo the switch shantv.

Frank \\ art- has presented his nephew, Norm Ouaine, with a certificate for llu- bone Ranger Club to hang over his bed. Norm waits patiently for bis monthly copy of the Ranger. Watch out' for the

galloping hoofs ibis summer on the Sir. Bradley, 2301

Boat Personals We didn't get many personals from the Bradley Winlerwork Crew this lime. They must have been

too busy although we did manage to gel a few which we print here.

William Crow says. "We'll have to have a soup kitchen next year for all the toothless foremen we have on the job."

We are still wondering why Curly Ib.y needed 25

Don: "How many more you got to dor"

Jack: "Oh. about five hundred. 1 wonder when fitout starts."

Don: "Pretty soon. I guess. Why?"

Jack: "This is too hard work. I want lo gel backin the galley." We just learned that Jerry burns purchased a new rubber toothpick. There are many different ways of announcing an

approaching wedding. Archie Karsteu's pals have pounds of rags—and looked with disgust when told posted signs all over ihe place reading "August 12 they were in the lb T. tool room.

Sure sign of Spring is when the chief engineers

is Coming."

We wonder if Mark Florip slid plans lo use the

and captains start migrating from that Foreign ship's phone to call his little operator. Could be that Country.

We know that Chain works like a horse but didn't know he ale like one!

Have vou ever been invited to have lunch with

Jack Fahtting from his electronic dinner pail? We thought Norm Quaine acquired a Pilot's lic ense but hear he ended Up with the bone Ranger's

the skipper could have something to say about thai. Mark. It doesn't hurt to hope, though. 'fhe best way to keep your dreams from coming true is to oversleep. The best way to make 'em come

true is to wake up. ffEL50J>l Guess Who Pllotf


'boo noisy on the Munson to bear anything in teresting for the Screenings. Those riveting ham mers . . .Cgh ! Someone down there on

winlerwork is pretty

good at poetry—listen to this—"Too much snow so

joe didn't show." Could be thai Ibtssetl didn'l have a shovel.

Henry Shorkey may lie an authority on the Pol ish language but when he's in a hurry to catch the bus al the traffic light so Bert Smith won't have to

miss the green light, he doesn't hear very web. Maybe Henry just knows pure Polish and doesn't understand the language of a man on the street who is three sheets in the wind and kind of peeved.

Now, if the fellow had been a German, Russ Kuhlman would have known just what he said and may be hurried a little faster.

Editor's Note: Henry, you know, is not a Pole bul a Frenchman. He is quite a linguist when it comes to speaking the Polish language and can stop the best of them. And to think he learned it from a text book without the aid of an instructor.

Bill Conley and Foxy Dullack were discussing the fine points of that fabulous dog the other day while the dog sat on the ground between them vigorously scratching himself with one of his hind feet. Finally. Foxy sighed ami said. "Yeh. he's a good dog but I haven't got a license for him this year yet." Bill: "What do you mean, no lice, he's covered

The interested anil well-groomed young man on

the right is our "Guess Who" teaser for this issue

of Screenings. Many years have passed since this picture was taken. He has worked at Calcite since April of 1924 and on a job where he is not seen by many of the other employees. Vou will find him around the Mill although be is not a member of that

Department, lie lives out of town on a small farm

with them."

and is known as one of our commuters. To make

Steward Jack Paradise was sitting comfortably on a keg a week before fitout laboriously watching the power hacksaw cut off rivets while his helper

your guess work easier we will tell you thai he has always been a member of the Electrical Depart ment'. He still looks upon the world with trusting eyes even as in this picture. You know him as a quiet, congenial fella who is a friend to all.

placed them in the jig. Don Monroe was walking by and said:

"Say Jack, what are you doing?"

Jack: "Cutting off rivets, been at it all afternoon

and just got a hundred done.'' 23( >2

Our •'Guess Who" in the last issue of Screenings was none other than Frank Michetti. Did you have trouble with that one?

Keep busy. Que cannot always work strenuously, so have a hobby.

Never indulge in self-pity. Maybe you did not have opportunities as a child, but you can make them now.

When you go out. prepare to give a smile to everyone who will take it. "No one is properly clothed unless he wears a smile."

Cultivate a cheerful disposition and a sense of humor.

Put yourself out to help someone every day. Fill your life with worth-while things. Then, should the light go out. you will have something to think about.

Appreciate people. Nothing gives more joy than appreciation. Children are the hope of the world. Make at least one child happy every day. Refuse to be discouraged. What should be done, can be.

Read your Bible, and talk to Cod about all your affairs.

President Irvin L. Clymer Assigned A Big Nation Needs Big Business Additional Responsibilities Says U. S. Steel Broadcaster Announcement was made on July 1. 1950. by Benjamin F. Fairless, President ol the U. S. Steel Corporation, of the appointment of Irvin L. Cly

mer as President of the Pittsburgh Limestone Corporation. b"ivc mines and quarries make up the Pittsburgh Limestone Corporation. The limestone produced

by this company supplies U. S. Steel mills in tile Pi t t s b u r g h


Many of you have listened to the NBC Symphony Summer Concerts under the sponsorship of Cnited States Steel Corporation. We believe that the re marks made by Ceorge Hicks on the program of August 13 are well worthwhile for us to read. It is a .sincere, direct answer to those who believe that

"Big" business is something we should be afraid of. We quote Mr. I licks: "Most ,.f you know that United Slates Steel is

Three mines. Annan?

often referred to as **Big Steel" in newspapers,

dae. Kaylor. and Buf

magazines and over the air. As a matter of fact. U. S. Steel is the largest of the nation's hundreds of





quarry, llillsville. are located in Pennsyl vania.



quarry ( Moler) is in West Virginia. The appointment of

.Mr. Clymer to this position is one oi a succession of promo tions lie has received

since coming to Mich igan Limestone & Chein i c a 1 Company

Company in March.

1926, as" Chief Engi neer. In 1928, he be

came Operating Man ager, on June 1, 1938, he was promoted to

Vice-President of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and the Bradley Transportation Company and on November 3, 1939, was appointed I'resident of these two companies; Mr. Clymer is a native of Ml. Cory. Ohio, where

lie -pent his early days. After attending Ottcrbciu College and graduating from Purdue University in 1911. he worked for the Robins Conveying lb-It Company as a draftsman and engineer in connec tion with the design and installation of handling equipment for coal. coke, ore and limestone. This experience provided him with an ideal background and assisted in his work at the Michigan Limestone

ec Chemical Company and the Bradley Transporta

steel-producing and fabricating companies. Bttt in comparison with its competitors. United States Steel relatively is only half as large as it was 49 years ago. In 1901. when United States Steel was formed, it produced 60 per cent of all the steel made in this country. Today 33 per cent of the steel production of the nation comes from United States Steel.

Nevertheless, the term "Big Steel" is a dangerous one if your thinking is influenced by the few in this country who would have you believe that "bigiu-.-..-" means "badness." Actually. I think most Americans today know that you have to have big industries and big com panies to serve a nation as big as ours. J think most of you realize that the bigger a company becomes the bigger its responsibilities are to the nation as a

whole as well as to its workers and

its stockholders. I think, too, that most of you know that without big companies like U. S. Steel we could never have accomplished the miracles of production that have made our nation the great nation it is—in peace and in war. The management and the workers of United States Steel are proud of the way in which they

have met these responsibilities throughout all the years since the Corporation's founding in 1901— and especially in the years during and following the last war.

Security of i,uv nation today depends to a very large extent on the technical brilliance and amaz

ing production capacity of our free and enterpris ing system of private industry, and particularly, on the many big companies which play such a vital

tion Company-. His many associates at the Calcite Plant and on the Bradley Boats were pleased to hear of the new appointment. While we must share his leadership with Pittsburgh Limestone we are proud that one

as United States Steel it would be impossible for us to convert with the necessary rapidity from a

among us has been so honored. Mr. and Mrs. Cly mer have a host of friends in Rogers City and all

world. Without big companies like U. S. Steel, for

wish them continued >ueeess anil happiness.

Accidents cause more deaths among children than any disease! Parents are urged to devote time and thought to training your children for long life.

Teach them they can have fun without reckless risks. .And remember especially that your good ex ample is their best lesson. Fall 1950

part in that system. Without such big companies peacetime footing to the kind of war production that is essential for security in today's troubled e-xample. our nation could not have produced over 186 billion dollars worth of planes, ships, guns and other war material



live defense and

war years from July 1. 1940 to July 1. 1«>45. United States Steel Corporation -or "Big Steel." if you like, as the largest steel producer in America —had then and has now a virtually important part in our great national effort. Finally, I think most of you will agree there is 2367

nothing bad about being big when that business is dedicated to providing you and every other American with the greatest possible help as we all march forward together. Remember, the bigness of our nation is the basic reason and justification for

the bigness of the industrial family that serves the nation—United States Steel."

Steel Industry Produces for the Nation The steel companies of the United States, with their present record high capacity, can provide 2,240 pounds of steel for every 2,000 pounds needed when World War II was at its height, according to American Iron and Steel Institute. In 1952 that fig

ure will be raised to 2,360 pounds as a result of the further expansion and improvement programs of steel companies.

Every day, the finished steel made from 24 hours of full output of ingots and castings will provide steel for all the following items (average sizes) : An aircraft carrier, 500 airplanes, 1,000 anti-craft

guns, 500 tanks, half a million 3-inch shells, 1,000 howitzers, 2,000 aerial bombs, two heavy cruisers, 1,000 freight cars, 2,000 trucks, two cargo ships, two tankers, 12,000 autos, 2,000 homes, 20,000 household refrigerators and 20,000 stoves. And after all that, more than 20,000 tons of steel would remain for other purposes. The United States has the world's largest steel

industrv, with a record high annual capacity of

100,563"500 tons as of July 1, 1950 and will have a capacity of nearly 106,000,000 tons by the end of 1952, as the result of the current expansion pro grams.

Never before has so much steel capacity been available. The output of steel-making furnaces, op

erated fully for a year, will now yield nearly 14 million tons more steel than was made in all the rest of world combined in 1949.

About 1,332 pounds of steel for each person in the United States, or more than one ton for each adult

can be provided yearly with the present capacity. That compares with an estimated 256 pounds made for each person in Russia last year, 992 pounds in the United Kingdom and 486 pounds in France.

As we progress in this safety job, we find it is not a one-man job—it's everybody's job, every minute of every day. Safety is part of every job in every kind of business and industry—in the shop, on the highways and railways, in the stores, in the mines—everywhere. To make it every man's job, there are things which must be done, of course. Top management must sincerely believe in safety and sell that spirit to supervision. This means not only making supervisors responsible for safety achievements, but giving full support. Supervisors are in turn responsible in showing the way to every worker what safety means to him self, his family, to fellow workers and success in doing his duties. A supervisor to do his job well must sell the idea so that it sticks. It takes every ..worker to carry the load, but only one to upset the best laid plans and efforts.

Workers are responsible for heeding safety in structions, and helping to impress fellow workers with the importance of safety. This means that they must be alert, correct hazards and nonsafe prac tices and take an active interest in accident preven tion. A

worker cannot be a "chance taker" and

escape trouble. The law of averages will eventually catch up. Whose job is Safety? It can be truthfully said that it is yours and mine.

To be able to complete 1950 without injuring any employee would be a real pride to us all, and bring honor on our company. Will we heed the warnings of those close accidents? If so, 1950 could be the year for that perfect record.

How to Properly Care for Milk Milk, while being the most nearly perfect of all

foods, is also one of the most perishable. Although soured milk has many uses, it is not generally used as a beverage and may result in some waste. As a

matter of economy, we offer these suggestions for the proper care of dairy products in the home. Milk, when it leaves a plant is in as nearly per fect condition as it is humanly possible to have it. It is properly processed, cold and in perfect shape for use.

1. When the milk is delivered, it should be put in the refrigerator immediately. If this is not possi

Your Job Is Safety Every Second

ble, a place should be selected for the milk sales

Ever since the year 1934, we have been trying to complete a full year without a disabling accident. We have had fifteen years of disappointment, sometimes because of tragic accidents and some times by accidents which were not too serious. We entered 1950 with just a bit more determina tion on everyone's part to make this the year. So far we have been successful, and the safety

man to set the milk so that it will not be exposed to sunlight and will be protected as far as possible from heat. Sunlight shining on milk causes a chem ical change that affects the flavor adversely. Sun

record shows no "lost time injuries." We all know that there have been close calls and far too

many of them, but nevertheless the will to make this an outstanding year for safety is paying off.

light oxidizes the fat, which while it does not affect the food value of milk, does affect its taste.

2. Never leave the milk outside of the refriger ator longer than necessary. 3.

Never take out of the bottle more than is

needed. If this happens, do not pour milk back in the bottle. Keep it separate and return to the refrigerator as you would the remainder of the

Calcite, Buffalo Plant, and Conneaut Plant have all


kept the record clear. The Bradley Boats have yet to have a serious accident, and we can depend upon the sailors to do the excellent job on accident pre


vention that is so much a habit with them. 2368


Always keep the milk clean—cold and cov

Do not plunge into eternity to save a minute.

Your Future Needs Your Help Today

Fatalism Is Dangerous Thinking

The most insistent sound in the world today comes not from the halls of government, not from the meeting rooms of diplomats, but from the

and fellow workers, we share conditions together

hearts of the people, of the people of every coun

derstand. The condition or situation frequently

try, of the people of all the world. This sound is

shared is the one of tragedy or sudden death which always stuns and depresses us. Many times these situations are hard to explain, and we hear this remark, "It is his or her time to die." Any sincerity

a swelling voice asking, urging, demanding that we








strengthen it and make it the instrument by which nations may live together in peace and march to gether toward a better, healthier, safer future. The attainment of lasting peace is, of course, the predominant goal of the United Nations. This goal is still far beyond the horizon, and the road to it is long, hard and hazardous. Long, hard and

hazardous, but not hopeless. Nobody can say at this time whether or not the United Nations will

achieve this goal. But it does seem that it is our only hope today, and as such that it deserves the fervent support of,us all. And while it has not yet succeeded in this field

As we live each day with our families, friends, which are puzzling to us and oft times hard to un

of thought in this remark is dangerous thinking on the part of the person who so expresses himself. This is a defeatist attitude, and if truly believed in

is an attitude born of a lazy mind, or perhaps the philosophy of one who has little faith in his Creator, or even one who wishes to dodge responsibility. When an accident happens especially odd or mys terious in nature we often hear the remarks, 'It was to be," or "It was in the cards." This is another

other fields great accomplishments of united ac

form of dangerous thinking. Any individual or group believing this thought will have accidents, and they are dangerous to others because an atti tude of safety cannot grow in such minds. Whether we are safe or not depends upon our actions which


are born from our attitudes. There are hundreds

where all else has failed, it has brought to many The world, all the world, is a better place for







children because of the United Nations. The forests

schools, and homes where a shift of attitude to

of the world are being less wasted, and the soil of

wards safer working and living conditions has shown improvement in accident records.

the world made richer because of the United Na

tions. The hunger of the world is being lessened, its food made more plentiful, because of the United Nations. Diseases that have destroyed peoples since the beginning of history are being brought under control by the United Nations. Understanding and enlightenment are marching forward with educa

As supporters of safety we hope that our readers will not be dangerous thinkers but agree with con structive thinkers who know that accidents can

be prevented—think and act safely.

None but the productive can be strong, and none

tion under the banner of the United Nations. These

but the strong can be free.—Wendell Wilkie.

are no small accomplishments for an organization that is only five years old this year.

How Much Is A Billion Dollars?

Let not the defeats within the conference rooms, with all their drama and headlines blind us to the

good that the United Nations has brought to the world and to the desirability of keeping both the organization and the good intact. We citizens of the United States should be particularly proud of

the United Nations and particularly support it. We showed the way in the principle of union. We led the world in bringing together people of different^ interests and different places for the good of all. America brought to practical realization the

phrase and the idea, "In Union there is Strength" and we have fought for it, fought for it hard. Let us now lead the way in principle, "In Union there is Strength; in UN there is hope!"

We must support the United Nations—today's best hope for peace. It is not putting the hand to the plow, but resist

ing the desire to look back that takes the courage. The average hourly earnings of workers in in dustry have grown from 15 cents an hour in 1890 to

$1.40 as of the end of 1949. By working a good, av erage 54 hours a week in 1890, you could take home as much as $8.10. Needless to say, you couldn't very well take it home in your own car.

With so much discussion over the appropriation of billions of dollars, it is interesting to determine, by comparison, just how much a billion dollars is.

By placing dollar bills on top of each other, a billion dollars would make a pile 6 miles high! If all the silver coins in the pockets of American citizens were added to the silver coins in banks

and those in general circulation, you would still not have a billion dollars.

Of the 15,000 nationally known corporations, only 45 have assets of a billion dollars or more.

The gross revenue of the Post Office Department in 1943 did not amount to one billion dollars.

Working 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, it would take a man nearly 500,000 years to earn this amount.

P.S.—Our national budget for one year is more than 42 billion dollars.

No man really becomes a fool until he stops ask ing questions.—Charles P. Steinmetz. Calcite Screenings Published periodically by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the inter ests of safety. Contributions should be received early be fore date of publication, and they should hear the name of the department and sender and should be addressed to the editor, Geo. R. Jones. 2369

Rogers City Hospital is Completed and Now in Operation The hospital which Rogers City has needed for mi long is now completed and in operation. It has been interesting to watch how this hospital first grew in the minds of the people and eventually grew to a reality of brick, concrete, and steel which now houses the latest in


furniture and

equipment capable of providing the people ol Rog ers City and Presque Isle County with efficient and complete hospital services. Previous issues of the "Screenings" have told

about the history, the initial planning, and the con struction of the hospital. In this issue we would

like to acquaint you with its furnishings, equipment, ami its operation. In the following description we life]- to the pictures at the left.

As von pass through the main entrance and enter the lobby (upper left) you will find the business office and reception desk on the right. The business office combines the admittance, accounting and ad

ministrative services all in the .same locality near the entrance lobby. This arrangement increases the efficiency of receiving and discharging patients and controlling the How of visitor traffic into the hos

pital. The nurses station located at the center of the four wings becomes the heart of Ihe nursing serv

ices and is equipped with a system of buzzers, light's, and intercommunication equipment, by which the nurses have immediate contact with all

the patients' rooms and the operating department. The patients' bed rooms (upper right) are fur nished with beds, chairs, dressers, and night stands

all painted with soft pastel colors. The four colors

used. rose. mist. gray, and cream, harmonize well

together and provide the hospital with a quiet, cheery appearance rather than the white institu tional look so often found in many hospitals. Ad justable window blinds in harmonizing colors are used on all windows to soften the sunlight entering each room.

The maternity department (right center) is com pletely equipped with all surgical instruments, sterilizers, tables, and other items of equipment which are necessary to make the first few days of a

baby's life as safely cared for. and the new mother as comfortable as possible. The nursery proper is

equipped with ten plastic bassinets and aluminum stands \<> hold all the many necessary items needed to care for a newborn baby. A suspect nursery

separate from the main nursery is provided lor the use of babies needing special care and observation. The baby's diet and formula is prepared in a special diet and formula room. The entire nursery suite is built with windows between all adjacent rooms so thai the nurses can keep a watchful eye on the young ones regardless ol which room the}' are working in.


operating department


center), lo

cated in the norlheast wing is separated from the rest of the hospital so that the very important function of the operating division can be carried out without interference, noise, or possible con tamination from other parts of the building. It is efficiently arranged to reduce the many steps taken by doctors and nurses as they work lo2371

Back row, photo at left, left to right, Dick Haneckow, chief engineer; Donald Morrison, charge of laundry. Front row left to right Genevieve Hincka; Mrs. Vida Breckon; Mrs. Myra Lewis supsrvisor; Mrs. Cora Lamb; Mrs. Walter Buza. Photo at right, left to right Theodore King; Mrs. Ethel Mielke, obstetrical nurse; Mrs. Geral-

dine Arscoit nurse supervisor from 11 to 7; Mrs. G. Burgess, practical nurse, obstetrical; Audrey Kuhlman prac tical nurse, medical surgical.

gether on minor surgery or to perforin a delicate operation which will save a life. A central steriliz ing and supply room, located near the operating department, is used to store and sterilize all instru ments, bandages, and solutions used by the operat

ing department and other divisions of the hospital. The delivery room and the operating room are both equipped with special air-conditioning units which heat and/or humidify the air as it enters the room and an exhaust air duct can be regulated to com pletely change the air in the rooms as often as re

quired. This ventilating and air conditioning system provides the best in working conditions for the

hospital personnel and comfort for the patients by removing the stale air laden with medicinal odors

and providing fresh, conditional air in the rooms. The emergency room, although not actually a part of the operating suite, is equipped and de signed similar to the operating room. This emer gency room will be used for fracture cases or the setting of broken bones and applying plaster casts,

ice carts and trays with paste] colored, plastic dinnerware

to add






to serve the patients in their rooms. The x-ray department (center)

located in the northeast wing of the building is equipped with the- most modern of x-ray equipment. The x-ray machine is a Ceneral Electric. 200 milliampere. rotating anode, motor operated machine. This ma

chine is tin- very latest in design, highly powered, and complete with the many accessories needed to

provide the hospital with a working set-up that will perform any x-ray services required of it. Ad jacent to the x-ray room proper is the darkroom Which is equipped with the necessary items such

as developing tanks, driers and special lights need ed to develop the x-ray films. The general services department which is lo cated in the northwest wwg of the building con sists ol the laundry and the boiler or heating sys tem. The laundry contains such items as a washer, extractor, tumbler, ironer. press, etc.. which are

however, in the event that the operating room is

needed to equip it completely so that all laundry

busy it can be used to perform emergency operalions. This in the true sense of the word provides the hospital with the services of two operating

can he done at the hospital. The heating system consists of two 60 horsepower steam boilers which are fired by automatic oil burners with electric con trols. 'I'he heating system is controlled by thermo


The dietary department consists of a completely equipped, modern kitchen (lower right) for the preparation id food and a staff dining room for hos pital personnel. All of the utensils, work tables, and cabinets in the kitchen are stainless steel to pro vide the utmost in sanitary conditions. An electric dishwasher, mixer, juice extractor, meat sheer,

stats in various zones throughout the hospital so that a constant, even, temperature is maintained in the building at all times. An emergency lighting plant, located in the boiler room, automatically starts operating if the city power supply should fail. This assures the- hospital of adequate light and

etc.. are a lew of the many pieces of equipment

power at all times. As can be seen by the outside view of the hos

as easy and efficient as possible. Stainless steel serv

ing space for hospital visitors. The landscaping will

used in the kitchen to make the preparation of diets 2172

pital, the landscaping plan provides plenty of park

Back row photo at left left to right Beth Monroe clerk, Mrs. Rauka Stafford nurse (obstetrical). Mrs. Loreita

Wozniak supervisor 3 to 11 shift. Front row left to right Alice Zgorski practical nurse, obstetrical dept., Mrs. Eleanor Tulgetske practical nurse medical and surgical, Mildred Noffze practical nurse, obstetrical. Photo at right, back row left to right Hazel Schaller, operating room supervisor; Anna Hale operating room nurse; Ruth Schaller practical nurse central supply; Vera Paull practical nurse, operating room; Mrs. Edith Pardieke relief nurse; Mrs. Helen Geyer practical nurse medical-surgical floor. Front row left to right Mrs. Katherine Spezzano in charge of obstetrical dept., Betty Paulley practical nurse, medical-surgical; Alice Green pharmacist; Richard Thomas administrator; Ethel Clark director of nurses; Mrs. Louise French charge of medical-surgical dept. day shift.

be completed this fall with the seeding of the lawn and the planting of trees and shrubs. Thus Rogers City's own hospital will be complete and in opera tion to serve the community with the services it has needed for so long. A view of the many hundreds who were present

at the formal opening on Sunday. July 23. 1950. is shown







sand visitors shows the interest people have had in this project. Visitors and local citizens are complimetary in their opinion of the hospital and its ap pointments. Rogers City and I'resque Isle County can be proud of this addition to the community's public services. To name groups or individuals who have contrib uted their energy and gifts to the hospital would be a huge task. All we can say is that when help was needed it was received adequately and freely.

To the hospital board appointed in the spring of 1945 and under the enthusiastic leadership of Rev. C. T. Skowronski should go a liberal share of the credit for keeping the movement active and finally completed. The present board which has been active through the construction stages has spent much time in seeing that a good job was done.

Xow that the hospital is opened to us. we will need to continue that cooperative spirit with the staff which is prepared to give service to us in better health and happier living. We have featured the front entrance of the hos

pital on the cover of this issue of Calcite Screen

ings. The picture was taken by our stall' photogra pher. Paul Thornley. Do you agree that Paul has once again given us a very line cover picture? The aerial photograph was taken by Ralph Dol-

sen. one of the Michigan Lime engineers. Ralph

contributed many hours of his time in helping the contractors and hospital board during the construc tion stages. This picture gives a good outline of the building. IS 'fill-; TROUBLE Willi MY WORK -


bet's face it. Maybe the trouble with my work isn't the boss, or the folks I work with, or the way the stuff is coming through . . . Maybe it's me! And maybe the trouble with you started about

the time you decided to skip church for some extra sleep, for fishing, or just fooling around the house. For nothing can take the place of church in your life •- in anyone's life. It fills a deep-seated human hunger for peace of mind and all the satisfactions that spring from it. Xew thousands every day are finding this is so.

By going to church, by reaffirming their faith. they're gathering new strength, new hope, new courage.

Families, finding themselves through faith, are being brought closer... becoming real families,

strong against the world, happier, more tolerant among themselves. Men and women everywhere are gaining a new sense





things" . . . the


security that brings success to work as well as to life... by finding themselves through faith. Can you honestly say that things have been belter for you. going it alone? Or wouldn't you rather join your neighbors . . . and find a happier, more successful life — through faith!

Goodwill is about the only asset that competition can't undersell.—Animator. 2175

Lookout Point Popular Place For Visitors The Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company

\\ e have also found that the operation is so large

qUarry at Rogers City is the largest operation of

that the average visitor leaves with a rather hazy

its kind in the world, and. as such, attracts thou

impression of the plant and quarry as an integrated unit. The uses and production of limestone imparted

sands of visitors each year. We have attempted to

accommodate these visitors in the past by con

during rapid transit from one part of the plant to

ducted tours of the plant explaining the various phases of the operation en route. Such tour> due to the size of the quarry are not very satisfactory

another tends tO confuse rather than enlighten.

with a large group in separate cars because ol the prohibitive number of employees necessary to

volved in lours led to the happy solution two years ago ol establishing what we now call "Lookout

impart information. Our interlaced system of tracks with trains continuously crossing is a positive haz ard which always worried company officials and train operators when visitors were present in the quarry even under supervision. The mill with its moving belts and machinery ami the yard ami dock-

Point" or "fhe Lookout

Lookout Point is located at one of the highesl spots on the northwest side of the quarry about one half mile off the US-23 business route through Rogers City. A leisurely view of the quarry and plant from this vantage point gives the visitor a

area where trucks and boat traffic is on the move

much more comprehensive idea of the size ami

are also no safe places for the uninitiated sightseer, either individually or in a group.

:.eopc of the operation than a trip thru by car or bus. An attendant is on the job from 8 A. M. to 9







"*' F3


Our desire to accommodate the public and at the same time eliminate the hazards to the visitors in


P. M. to answer questions and explain the opera tion.

The Lookout Station proved so popular last sea son that the company improved the sight by a build ing with water facilities, wall charts, maps, stone samples, and fossils to explain and illustrate lime stone production. The improved station operated and kept up by Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company was turned over to the Rogers City Chamber of Commerce as a

civic attraction on

June 13, 1950, and opened to the public on July 1st.

Since the opening of the station on the above date, hundreds of visitors have streamed in to marvel at the vastness of the world's largest lime stone quarry.

As of September 17, 15,882 persons have signed the register with an estimated 4,445 who did not

sign; making a grand total of 20,327. The register shows visitors from the foreign countries of France, Australia, Japan, Canada. Haiti, Switzerland, England, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Germany, Norway, Porto Rico, Ireland, and Poland. This record also shows addresses of people from five provinces of Canada with Ontario having the highest total. The largest number of visitors are from this country with representatives from 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska.

Visitors are impressed by the excellent view greeting them as they move to the fence railing near the edge of the perpendicular bank cut by earlier steam shovels. From here they can witness the major quarrying operations, the blasting of the limestone embankments, the huge bites of the electric shovels as they load the stone onto Dieseloperated trains, and the plant structure itself, where the stone is crushed, washed, screened into various sizes, and eventually loaded into lake freighters. Much of this is new to most visitors, many of whom have never seen an open quarry before, and

the thousands of questions asked daily by these visitors testifies to their wide and varying interests. They would like to know more about the blasting

of the stone, the size of the shovels, the uses of the various sizes of stone, and "just how big is this quarry?" Questions having to do with nature's own reforestation of the quarry, the amount of stone produced per day, and the ports to which the crushed stone is taken are also frequent. The many educational aids on the inside of the station building help in answering the host of questions. A giant aerial map of the open quarry indicates vividly the size and scope covered by the quarry. Across from this map is a map of the major limestone shipping points in the Great Lakes area. Geological maps of the northern and southern peninsulas of Michigan have been very helpful and give valuable information on the geological struc ture of the state, showing clearly the extent of the Dundee limestone quarried at Calcite. A large flow chart constructed by Lewis J. Pat terson of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Com pany has constantly been a chief center of interest, since it ties in the limestone of this plant, the coke

and coal of Pennsylvania, and the iron ore of the Mesabi Range in Minnesota in the production of iron and steel.

And perhaps the most surprising item to the typi cal visitor is the chart listing the various uses of Calcite limestone, the products which eventually result from this stone, and "isn't it marvelous what

you can get out of an ordinary limestone?" Enlarged pictures of several boats of the Brad ley Transportation Company and a glass showcase completes the informative air of the inside, the stone samples and especially the fossils exhibited in the case always bringing forth numerous remarks and inquiries. Visitors speak highly of the station's value as a means of promoting better public relationships and of the service rendered to the passing tourist. The station certainly has proved itself a valuable asset to the community and to Northern Michigan as a whole.

There are lots of interesting things to look at and to think about these days—even when you're driving a car. It isn't always easy to keep your mind on your driving. And it IS easy to overlook or disregard a plain little sign or signal. But don't charge this off to human nature and excuse your slips of sight and mistakes of judgment. Don't be one of those who say, "Everybody else does it. Why shouldn't it?" If you seriously answer that ques tion. "Why shouldn't I?" you will realize that there are good reasons for NOT overlooking or disregarding traffic signs. For one thing break ing a traffic regulation is no more excusable than breaking any other law. Moreover, in violating traffic regulations, you are taking chances with your life and other lives. More than half of the drivers involved in fatal accidents were violating a traffic regulation at the time of the accident. So look for all the signs when you drive, in spite of other interesting sights. Think about the reason for the signs. And let your good judgment tell you they are signs of life—for YOU. You know, friends, no matter what you tell chil dren to do, they are going to do those things they see you and other adults do. For youngsters learn by imitating the examples of grown-ups. That's why the National Safety Council—in stressing child safety in traffic—urges adults to "set children a good example." That's the best way parents can teach their youngsters habits of safety that will make them self-reliant and safe at all times. See

that children play in safe places . . . never in drive ways or alleys. Cooperate fully with police and school authorities in enforcing safety rules. And enforce official and home rules for traffic safety by appropriate penalties for violations. You mo torists should also drive with extra caution when

ever you see children, in school zones and in home areas where children might be playing. Remember, friends: children look up to you—for life. The truly determined man is not he who is never discouraged, but he who keeps on in spite of it. 2375

Expanded Social Security Program Now In Effect A matter of great interest to us today is the Fed eral Social Security insurance program of monthly payments to retired workers, to their dependents, and to their survivors in the event of their death.

A bill has just been passed by Congress and signed by the President calling for greater benefits. We expect that many of our employees have read of these changes in the daily paper but through our ex perience we have found that many do not know what benefits are provided for them. First, social security insurance provides a month ly payment to covered workers upon reaching age 65 or to the survivors of those workers who might die before reaching age 65. Also, the wife or hus band of a covered worker reaching age 65 will be come eligible for benefits. To show how the increases will effect individuals

we quote some typical examples which come from the files of the area social security office.

Mr. and Mrs. A arc both 67 years of age. He retired two years ago on his 65th birthday after working on a job covered by social security. Until this month he had been receiving $30 and his wife $15 monthly. Starting with their September pay ments (to be received in October) they will get $81 including payments of $54 to him and $27 to her. Increases going to the A's represent the approxi mate average for beneficiaries in our area. Another example is Mr. B who is 69 years of age and his wife is 55 and their only dependent child is 15. Since his retirement in August, 1946. he has been receiving $44 a month, the child has been getting %22 and the wife nothing. Under the new-

law Mr. B will get $67.50. the "child $33.80 and Mrs. B will get $33.80 per month. Mrs. B's bene fits from a new provision granting payments to wives under 65 who have in their care a child en

titled to monthly payments. Mrs. C. is a widow, age 30, whose husband died in

1949 after working for wages of about $200 per month on a job covered by social security. There are three minor children. Since Mr. C's death, Mrs. C

has been receiving $26.66 plus payments of $17.78 for each of the children. Under the new law. Mrs. C

will get $45. each child $35 for a total of $150. Un der the old law they received $80. If Mrs. C remarries her checks stop but the chil dren will continue getting payments until they are 18 years of age. If she does not remarry her checks will stop after the youngest child reaches 18 but will be resumed when she reaches 65. If she remarries

after the youngest child reaches 18 her payments will not be resumed.

Mrs. D is a widow, 63. whose husband died early

this year while in covered employment. Since they had no children. Mrs. D received a lump sum death payment of $273.60 but no monthly benefits. After reaching 65 she will receive $51.38. If the law had not been changed her monthly benefits would have been $34.20.

Here are some of the major changes brought about by the new law. Under the old law, maximum benefits for a retired worker were $45.60 a month and $85 for a family. Now the new law provides the 2376

worker with a maximum of $68.50 a month and a

family as much as $150. After July 1, 1952, the maxi mum for a worker will be $80 a month.

Under the old law, lump sum payments were made only in cases in which the survivors of a de

ceased worker received no monthly benefits, but

under the new law there will be lump sum payments to survivors in all cases in which a

worker was

covered by social security. Under the old law, retired workers benefits were cancelled in an}' month in which he or she earned

$15.00 in covered employment. Under the new law retired workers may earn up to $50 a month in cov ered employment without effecting benefits. After age 75 there is no limitation on earnings. Only the first $3,000 earned in any one year were formerly taxed. Under the new law taxes will be assessed against the first $3,600. If a covered worker dies and leaves no widow or

a child a surviving parent is entitled to benefits un

der definite qualifications. A widow receives a lump sum for burial expenses if she is living with the hus band at the time of his death. Otherwise, the person who pays the burial expenses receives the lump sum payment. In either case you must be fully or cur rently insured when you die and a claim must have been filed in the local social security office within 2 years after the worker's death.

Of special interest to World War II veterans (in cluding those who died in service) are given wage credits of $160 for each month of military service during the war period. Contributions for this period are paid by the Social Security Fund. A big question to us all and a very important one

is this. Where does all the money come from to pay these benefits to me and my family? Each payday you contribute 1x/i% of your wages earned on cov ered jobs to the Social Security Fund. Your employ er contributes an equal amount. This tax rate will stay the same until the end of 1953. Then there is a

sliding scale upward so that by 1970 a worker and his employer will each be contributing 3)4%. You

"are not getting something for nothing as these benefits have to be paid for. For this reason we should he alert and interested in the administration

of such a program.

It has been the experience of your employer that husbands and wives know too little about social se

curity. We urge you to read this article carefully and then discuss it with your family. Usually when it is time for benefits to be paid the program is either misunderstood or not understood a bit. The

personnel office of your company will be willing and very happy to help answer your questions which may arise during these family discussions. Please feel free to call on us.

In conclusion, we want you to know that this pro gram which you are a part of is big business. In our district there are 11 counties which come within the

Bay City Field office area. Monthly insurance checks are now being paid to 4,226 beneficiaries.

The average primary benefit in this area is $26 per month. The beneficiaries for the month of Septem ber would have received about $89,078.00. Under the

new increases this sum will be raised to about $161,-

160.00. We are happy to report that we have found the officers in charge of the Bay City Office always very obliging, prompt and sympathetic in process ing all claims. They will help you when and if you qualify for benefits under this law.

When we look at our watch, thinking it must be three o'clock, and discover it is five, we know we

have accomplished something, on that day at least.

Are You Using Your Group Insurance? Since the new insurance program went into effect on March 1, 1950, we have wondered if all of our

employees have read the booklet and the policy so that they know how to get the most out of their insurance program. There have been a few cases brought to our attention which would indicate to us that a few of you do not know what your in surance benefits are and are not. We will repeat some of the things which seem to be of most im

portance to you and hope that these hints will make the program more effective to you. 1. We urge you to read your policy carefully. 2. Do you have the beneficiary you desire? Sometimes a beneficiary should be changed due to marriage or a family death. 3. Report change of address promptly. 4. If you are sick or have an accident report immediately to the Personnel Office to apply for sick and accident benefits.

5. Use your new Blue Cross Card which was last sent you. Throw all other cards away. Some

folks are still taking the old cards to the hospital. They are now no good. The new Group number for Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company em

ployees is No. 22003 and for the Bradley Transpor tation Company employees it is No. 22006. Be sure ÂŁo check these numbers so that you'll keep the right cards.

6. Report births and marriages immediately. While you have a 30-day period in which to do this it is better to do it as soon as possible since the effective day of change is the first of tljev.month following date of notification. If you fail to make a written report of these changes there is a penalty. Changes made after the 30 days do not become effective for another 90 days.

7. If any of your dependents are no longer with you or are over age, report this as it may change your premium cost.

Those employees who come under the salaried workers plan are also urged to notify us of any

change in family status. They are also requested to ask for hospital claim forms when going to the hospital or soon after. Another important point is that upon entering a hospital where proof of insurance is requested, have the hospital call the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company collect for identification and amount of insurance cover age.

It is the object of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and the Bradley Transportation Company to make your insurance program of real

value to you. We are at your service and will help you at any time. There are a few things, however, which you must remember to do to help yourself.

Bradley Transportation Company To Build A New Ship The Bradley Transportation Company will have another ship added to its fleet in the early spring of 1952. The Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, has the contract to build a self-unloading boat in its yards and it will be com pleted, ready for service, early in the 1952 season. The new vessel will measure 666 feet in length, 72 feet in breadth and have a molded depth of 36 feet. It will be capable of carrying 20,000 gross tons of limestone at a loaded draft of 25 feet.

The ship will be powered by a 7000 horse power geared turbine drive. The boilers will be fired by coal and there will be innovations as to the relation

between engine room and boiler room layout. The vessel will travel at approximately 16 miles per hour when loaded.

For many years the Company's Steamer Carl D. Bradley was the largest ship on the lakes. In recent years other ships were built larger. Once again the new ship will bring to the Bradley fleet the honor of having one of the largest carriers on Great Lakes' waters. There will be many new ideas in corporated in this boat, not only the new ideas re cently accepted but some which will be brand new. When the ship appears at Calcite for its first cargo of stone, we of the Bradley Transportation Com

pany, the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Com pany and Rogers City will have just cause to be very proud. With the addition of this ship to the fleet will

come the opportunity for many of the Bradley em ployees to gain promotions. The effect of this will be far reaching. Mates, Engineers, A.B.'s, Oilers, Steward's Departments and Unloading Depart ments will all have the opportunity to "go up the ladder" to better jobs. Many of the crew are al ready prepared to take better jobs. Many others will have time this winter to study, prepare and take examinations so that they will be ready when the new ship is fitted out. Younger seamen are urged

to give this situation careful study for there will be some fine jobs for those who arc prepared to take them.

Another part of the program of shipbuilding by the United States Steel Corporation includes three new ore type carriers to be built for Pittsburgh Steamship Co. by the American Shipbuilding Co. at Cleveland, Ohio. These ships will be 646 feet and 11 inches long. 70 feet wide with a 36 foot molded depth and will carry 18,000 gross tons. FROM WITCHCRAFT TO TAXES

Know ye: "That all women of whatever age, rank, profession or degree, whether virgins, maids, or widows, that shall, from and after such Act,

impose upon, seduce and betray into matrimony, any of His Majesty's subjects, by the scents, paints, cosmetic washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish

wool, iron stays, hoops, high heeled shoes, bolstered hips, shall incur the penalty of the law in force against witchcraft and like misdemeanors and that the marriage, upon conviction, shall stand null and void." 1770. English Parliament. 2377

News Items from the Buffalo Plant Angeline Puleo was bringing a little white cat to

"I found a new herb that will keep me in shape."

Marie Walbeck and Marie wanted to know if it

—Johnny Collins. "I am working late today because I don't like my lunch."—Angeline Puleo.

was a Persian, real fluffy, or an alley cat. Angeline said, "It's never even been out in the yard." WVve a real farmer in our midst, Pat Di Salvo.

She went to the fair and came back telling every one of the different makes of cows which she saw.

Johnnie Kowalski was getting an early start for work one morning last May. As he went out the back door there stood a big 5 pointer deer and was Johnnie shocked. The story we get was that the deer looked him right in the eye and asked him if he w-as the little fellow that was chasing him all over those Pennsylvania Hills last fall. Apparently the buck had decided to pay Johnnie a visit when conditions were more favorable to all parties con

"Wally when are you running the Dynamite Stone again?"—Billy Scattoline. "Whatever it is, it's no good and a fake."—Rocco Dipietro.

"Where do you want the "Doodle Bug" (Trans fer Car)?"—Harold Kroff.

"The boys are building, I am selling my dining room furniture."—Lizzy Tomani. "It looks like a "Pink Lady" (Multi-Min Prod uct)."—John Kunik. "Better check it Johnny, it looks like too much fines."—Bill Larivey.

"Can I change with Billy Friday?"—George



John Kunik was heard to remark, "They finally built me an office in the Mill Building." Asked

"Where did you get the dog John?" "I don't know, he just followed me in."—John Rychnowski. "We are worried he is too polite (Percey Der-

where it was located he stated it was the New Min

eral Mix Room, top of No. 3 Bin.

We were about four weeks behind in the spring shipments due to the severe spring weather, but the mill and loading departments deserve a lot of credit for maintaining a 1,500 tons per day pace for two and one half weeks without a delay. Thanks a lot fellows. We appreciate it. You all did a splen did job. Lizzy Tomani and John Kowalski did a master

ful job of rigging, in landing the new Mineral Mix Machine into the floor on top of No. 3 Bin. It was unbelievable. They had only inches to spare but the job went off without a hitch.

It was a sad moment when the Mill boys had to remove the cats from the Raymond Oil Furnace

den)."—Mill Boys. "We will sell 10,000 tons Multi-Min in fourteen

months."—Jimmy Rathbun.

"Take the marbles out of your mouth (telephone conversation)."—George Mintz.

"It's off about one ounce per minute (Feeder of Minerals)."—John Kowalski.

"I can't lose with my system at Hamburg Race way."—Eddy Spillman. "Sure we will ship it today."—Joe Caruana. Heard among the shadows of the Locker Room—

"Wonder when we're getting—our pension money back? Notice wife's payment is due soon." Mr. Safety First himself (Tom Rose) received a broken finger while inspecting one of the plant elevators. Recently when asked for explanation to

this spring so that they could start this unit in op

be filled in report he remarked, "Damn poor judg

eration. Bill Larivey was heard to remark, "Hold everything until I get the cats out."


Modest Clarence Copper showed unbelievable skill in handling all phases of railroad track main tenance this summer. Finally Stanley Lis remarked, "Clarence you sure learn fast." Clarence replied, "I wouldn't say that, you know I was a section fore man for a few years before I started here." Were our faces red!

Zeke Spillman is not satisfied with the plate we are using on our new Multi-Min bags. He suggests that it should be changed to have all of the animals smiling. FAMOUS QUOTES "When are they paying so I can start playing?"— Eugene Hill. "Just leave us alone and we can handle it."—Fran Connolly. "The Bug Killer is rolling (Raymond Pulver ized)."—William Stephany. 2378

The port of Calcite isn't the only place that a ship is launched. We had a launching here of our own. Stanley Lis. mentor of the loading gang launched his 20 foot inboard motor boat by a crude but succesful operation. Our tractor lowered the trailer down an embankment until the boat floated free,

then all we had to do was pull the trailer out. As she hit the water Lis raised her flag and Captain Lis immediately began giving orders. "Happy Boat ing- Stan."

With the warm weather here to stay for a while, so has come another vacation period and an oppor tunity for our plant employees to finally fulfill their long planned vacation schedule. The happiest part of it all is that they are returning 100% as there was not a single casualty listed among our vacationists, which means our boys play it safe at work and play.

Repeat performance—our plant mascot the "Cal-

cium Cat" has kittens again—but none of the boys seem to claim dependents on the new batch. Could

it be Uncle Sam's tax evasion checkup had some thing to do with it? Last year's kittens were claimed as dependents by both Bob Stephanv and John Rychnowski.

On a bright sunny day Stanley Lis took his yacht un her maiden voyage. In command was Cap tain Eugene Hill. When they left the dock Eugene called for full speed astern, but Lis gave him full speed ahead, and they both nearly uprooted our stone dock before the}- finally got in the clear. We saw them last as they rounded the lake and rail elevator dock going about 40 miles per hour with

Captain Eugene wildly waving his arms to show Lis the way to go. The Lord was with them be cause they returned all in one piece.

able above water level. The dragline equipment used for the above water operation was found to be not only insufficient for production require ments, but unsuitable for under water operations. A long boom crane was necessary both for effi cient stock piling and the necessary solid footing required by the machine as the under water pit depth increased.

The transportation of lake storage lines to the

loading storage piles by truck, an operation direct ly controlled by the reclaim production required, entails a truck purchase program. As a result of the above program two new pieces of equipment were added to the miscellaneous group of machinery at the plant soon after the be ginning of the present operation season. One is a Model 1055 LC D $2 II dragline which is No. 9 on the records. It is similar to our No, 8 with the exceptions that it has longer crawlers, carries

On a recent motor trip our Mr. Mint/, was per suaded by his co-pilot (T. G. Rose) to take a short cut around a large city which they were approach ing. The suggested short-cut became progressively worse and very narrow. Finally Mr. Mint/ was heard to remark very sourly: "If this road gets

in section, so the length may be decreased if de sired. The machine is equipped with planetary

much narrower. I'm changing to a Crosley so 1 can

lowering in the front drum when used as a crane.

get back on the main road."

Using the 100 ft. boom the dragline handles a 3 cubic yard bucket and as a crane is capable of

On June 7 the Buffalo Plant started production of a new product For the feed mixing industry. This product which will be marketed under the trade

name of Multi-Min. is Michigan High Calcium pul verized limestone to which has been added mineral

elements such as Iodine. Manganese. Cobalt. Cop per, Iron, and Zinc.

Whenever you feel tempted to put things off, say to yourself: "1 WILL DO IT NOW!"—and DO it!

The exercise of a little will-power will overcome any desire to delay.

a 100 It. boom, and is motor driven. Motive power is furnished by a 150 HI' motor with drag cable

at 2300 volts. The boom is box type lattice design

handling a 20 ton load on a 15 ft. radius. The cab is modern with the usual conveniences, well venti lated for summer and heat for the colder weather. The other addition is our \'o. 20 Mack Truck.

This truck is a Heavy Duty End Dumper similar to our No. 2. The motive power of this truck is a Cummins Full Diesel Engine rated at 27? IIP. The cab has the usual conventional controls and

is Complete with heaters, defrosters, etc.. fur the cum fort of the drivers. These trucks show good engineering, ami are the finest of their type. Worthy additions to our machinery family,

New Equipment Deterioration of equipment thru use change in production methods, and increase in stone require ment at M. L. .K: C. Co., as in any other efficiently

operated concern, calls for a continuous program of repair oi old machinery and the purchase of new. The type, size, and cost of the item to be purchased is naturally controlled by the job it is required to do and the various types of equipment which the industrial market has to offer.

The sale of lake storage stone in the past few years has somewhat depleted the supply avail


Street Repair Part of Civic Improvement Program The streets of Rogers City are getting a real face lifting. A much needed repair and maintenance pro

gram will change the appearance of our city streets, improve their transportation value and belter yet save the taxpayers considerable money. Rogers Cit_\- has been widely noted for its clean, well-kept appearance. While such a project will cost money,

In addition to the resurfacing project, the City Council appropriated $10,000.00 in the annual bud get for the fiscal year starting July 1. 1950. to place an asphalt surface on part of the existing graveled streets in

I'iuewood and





found that where traffic is light, the so-called double

seal coat surface is adequate over existing gravel

it remains the progressive Way to keep our city a good place to live. A decisive vote by the tax pay

streets. With the preparation of grades and other

ing voters gave the City Council the support it needed to proceed with the street repair program. In the past several years the concrete paved streets in Rogers City have deteriorated badly. This

proximately 3 miles. Therefore, the summer ol 1950 will find the City undergoing a program ol improvement which will result in 8 miles of im proved streets.

preliminary work, the $10,000.00 will resurface ap

deterioration, in part, has been due to the excessive

When conditions warrant, the State Highway

use of calcium chloride combined with severe ice and frost conditions in the winter seasons. Several

Department will resurface those streets within the city which are designated as State Trunklines. This

streets were in such condition that travel was possi

includes Erie Street west from Third Street to the

ble onl}- al reduced speeds. Obviously, in a very few more years the streets would be a complete loss and an investment ol $400,000.00. at present day costs,

city limits ami the business route of L'S-23 on Third Street through its entire length, However, the State will bear the entire, cost on only the 20 foot

would be lost.

wide center slab on Third Street. The cost of addi

A survey, made in the summer of 19fu, revealed that of the 8% miles <>\ pavement in the city, ap proximately 5 miles needed attention immediately. At this time the Michigan Limestone i\* Chemical

Company offered to loan the city $35,000.00 interest free for the purpose ol making adequate repairs.

tional resurfacing on each side of center must be shared equally by the City and the State. The type of surface for the concrete pavements, as recommended will be a Michigan Highway De partment specification Class CI. S409 with a dense graded mineral filler. The resulting surface will

the advent

have smooth riding qualities and barring accidents

of cold weather the proposal was tabled until the spring of 1950. Meantime, the question of a suitable repair program was discussed and technical advicewas sought from the Michigan State Highway Dept. The Highway Department engineers sug

ami misuse, will last for 12 to 15 years with a very

gested that bituminous mat of \x/>" thickness be placed over the existing slabs. The cost of such a program was found to be within the limits of Un available money and the issue was placed to a vote of the taxpaying citizens on June. 19. The results of the vote were 4<S1 to Of. in favor of the proposed

The modern trend in highway practices is toward bituminous surface. Only recently the State High

However, time was limited and




small amount of maintenance. The Highway De partment advised that there is no perfect surface. Kvery road surface requires repair and mainte nance.

way has built new roads by paving with concrete

and surfacing this with a bituminous mat. By the end of the summer of 1950. Rogers City will again have a street system to which it can point with justifiable pride.

One-half Century on the Great Lakes By Capt. F. F. Pearse

The writer is on the way out after completing one-half century on the Great Lakes. During those fifty years a lot of water has passed under the keel:

an old order has passed and in passing it has been an interesting life.

Compared with present day standards, fifty years ago the methods which we thought were the best that could lie attained have become so outmoded

ii is pathetic to recall them. Yes. those wen- the

days ol "wooden ships and iron men'" which only means that operations were performed mostly by

main strength and awkwardness. We have pro gressed from the days when the ships were not much more than floating coffins with vermin in fested living quarters, lire hazards and lighted only willi oil lamps. I well recall one captain I sailed with who was

given his choice of a modern steel ship of that day and

one of

wooden construction.




wooden vessel because the specific gravity of wood was less than steel and in case of foundering the woMtlen ship would not sink as quickly. He con demned steel for ship construction. Yes, those were the good old days when deck hands were paid a dollar a day and the work day was set by the mate and frequently consisted of twenty-four hours including Sundays with no over

time. The food was consistently of poor quality. We had steak for breakfast and 1 often thought my portion was cut off the horns—it was that tough.

"Bully beef" was served for dinner "dry salted corned heel in oak barrels" was another mainstay which lasted like sole leather. For supper, dessert always consisted of slewed prunes which the sail ors dubbed as "steamboat strawberries." We had

few fresh vegetables and milk consisted of chalk dissolved in water. Coffee—Oh, what coffee! I sometimes watched the cook make it. He would

use a live gallon kettle of boiling water, take a stick

of something that looked like tar. whittle off a por tion and dump it in the water and then slew it for several hours and serve. It lasted like bilge water but it was dark brown and hot!

Those were the "horse and buggy days" and I mean this literally for it was not exceptional to carry livestock as part of the cargo. Once we stop ped at a port to take on some freight. Among other things there were 50 head of some very lean cattle being shipped out from a drought area. While the farmers were herding them aboard the mate was

and men as long as ships sail the seas and no doubt

the same differences of opinion that have always existed.

It is a far cry from the crude ships of fifty years ago to a modern day freighter with its mechanized

means of operation. If some of the men who have passed on could only return and see the operation's now with all the electrical devices such as radar.

gyro compasses, direction finders, inter-communi cation systems, electrically controlled mooring winches, anchor windlasses, conveyor unloading

machinery, turbo propelled, electrically equipped galleys with mechanical potato peelers, air condi tioned living quarters, etc.. they would say we are going completely soft and are not lit to go to sea. Well, maybe so. but to sleep in a clean bed with in ner spring mattress, connecting bath, and food that

is equal and often better than served in so called first class hotels; the eight hour day for all hands: the line friendly cooperative spirit which exists be

tween the officers and men today along with good clean recreation they can call us "softies" but we'll take the modern age!

I wonder if any of us would consider going back to those "good old (lavs?" One may as well ask us

to submit ourselves to the old feudal System and slavery—the answer is decidedly., NO! In looking ahead, is there any reason to believe that the next fifty years will not show as much achievement as the last? The answer lies with the

keeping tally. One of the farmers asked him what

American seaman. As tp:ng as they continue the American way of life there is no end to the prog ress which can be achieved but let some foreignism gain control you can depend on it that sailors

he thought of that kind of cargo and the mate

as well as all other Americans will go backwards

responded. "Rather an expensive way to ship hides." Yes. those were the good old days and as I look

while wondering what happened to the propeller.

back I wonder what was so good about them other than we were healthy, strong, ambitious and willing to work for an end. What was that end? To be

master of a ship when we could "tell that mate off" and let him know how we resented his overlord at

titude. The only drawback was that we had to

After thirty of those years with the Bradley Transportation Company, my only regret on re tirement is that it means a break in the close con

tacts with the personnel of the finest organization I have ever, been connected with. Yes, from top management down through the ranks ami even to the newest rookie seaman—one could not ask for

progress through the various positions including mate. 1 wonder how many men resented the "hard

a. liner complement of men. However, f have a

boiled" tactics I used? Well, there will be mates

vou've guessed it—I'm {join' lishin'.

wonderful and pleasant future to anticipate. Yes,


You'll See It In Screenings "Personals" That Come To The Editors Desk . . . Just Among Ourselves"

The rice really flew as Mr. and Mrs. Mark Florip came running arm-in-arm down the Westminster Church steps on their wedding day. Rev. I.ichau performed the service which united Mark and Joyce Ilodgetts in "holy wedlock" on June 17. Mark is an

Fred Lai.onde has been looking for a one handle saw. but up until now he lias had little success. When asked why only one handle. Fred replied that

oiler on the Sir. Bradley, and Joyce works as a telephone operator. They are at home at the Flem

his wife cut them down. Head work. Fred!

ing Apartments.

A big vellowish-colored dog was almost making the Target House his home last month. \o out put his claim on it for fear someone might say, "Yellow dog two of a kind!"

Frank Rygwelski to Frank Michetti: They ought to plant shade trees along the tracks. Pretty hot

he had two dead trees in his front yard and if he

brings home a two handle saw. he'll have to help Dragging the slip and harbor is one of the jobs our engineers enjoy more than any ol the other routine chores around the plant. The spring check —when those refreshing breezes blow over the water which is kept cool by an occasional strayblock of ice that has not yet succumbed to the rays

of the sun. Early morning may even find a deli cious scum on the quiet surface. Nothing deters tin-

serious toothache and all the dentists were out ol

hard}' crew of the Drag Craft. Captain I'alterson steers and directs operations on the long voyage back and forth across the slip. Chief Male Don Van Zandt raises and lowers the drag, while deck

town. Thinking that perhaps Dr. Jackson could

hand Ivan Soper records the loo.

like this.

Bill Heller says it can be overdone! He had a

help out. he went to the first-aid room at the time

fhe happy Mariners three


With their dauntless craft

As he opened the door he immediately saw the intended help. Around him gathered his strongarmed so-called friends who had a chair with ropes

attached waiting for Hill. The dental tools included hammer, saw. pliers, files, rasps, chisels, in Iact everything but a plug drill and dynamite.

We agree Hill—it can be overdone, but don't let them do it !

Ice conditions were quite bad at the Port ol Calcite this past spring. Among other boats the B. H. Taylor had the dubious distinction of being stuck in the ice coming in and also going out ol Calcite.

In case some of you ardent fishermen want some

advice about the sport of catching fish, you can ask Herman Luebke. His special catch was made at Lake Nettie and was pretty nice—(sorry, no pic ture).


Who keep the harbor free.

Robert H. Lucas, power engineer, has been granted a year's leave of absence from his duties

with us as he was a successful candidate among those applying for the Sloan Fellowship lor the school vear 1950-1951. Bob

was one of four a p p Iic a n t s within the U. S. Steel Cor

poration. Sloan







Steel Corpora tion.



the latter part 0 f J u I v hi r

P i t't s b'u rgh where he will be on the staff

ship was set up


under a grant

Munsoii. Vice Presi d e n t in

ol hinds from the Alfred 1'.



charge of raw

Sloan Founda tion, Inc. Suc cessful candid a t e s attend

worked at the Calc i t e Plant

Massachuse 11 s Ins I i t u t e of

from June 1940 September to

ol Technology

I'M! was

and study busi

ness administration and economics. The Fellowship is designed to assist management in developing

young men for leadership.

This is indeed a great honor to Hob and indirectly, an honor to the organization where he has been gaining experience. The diversified work for the

Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company and the Hradley Transportation Company which were part of his duties has helped him quality in the com petition met to win this award.

Hob and his family are now living in a suburb nearby Boston, We wish him success in his return to the classroom.

During the Lookout dedication there was a long pause between the end of John Rlasky's speech and the band music. For the benefit of those who

might wonder what caused this interruption of the smooth sequence of events, we were informed that

John Heller had to change from far-sighted to near-sighted "lasses. Better get some


John. We all have to give in sooner or later.

Kelly, a Jewish looking man complete with an ex tremely long nose, asked if he might buy some dynamite and a couple of drills. Ernest was the first to recover and told the man he would have to

see Mr. Meyers. As the fellow was walking toward the drill house he met "Happy" Hopp. "Are you the boss?" he asked,

"Xo I just work here." came the reply, As the man continued on his way. "•Happy" hurried to his

fellow workers to spread the news of the Jew looking lor the boss, it was a joke on everyone was discovered that the man


materials. " C h r i s "

when called


Army service. His service covered work with the

Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command. War Depart ment. Stall duty overseas. Hqs. Oth Army Croup. lb|s. ('. S. Forces. European Theatre. lie was dis

charged from the Army with the rank of Major and returned to his work at the Calcite Plant in De cember. 1945.

Much of tin- repair work on the boats and in the quarry and mill kept Chris busy while with us. lie leaves with an excellent background of varied ex periences. He and his family will be missed in our commu nity as he was unusually active in civic alfairs. When he left lie was President of the Kiwanis Club, member of the Westminster Church Choir

and a member of the Community Building Fund Committee. The Heukenias made many friends while here and we regret their leaving. With them goes the best wishes of us all that they will be happy in their new location.

X() I It I'.: 11 yuii want your car really clean, see

To the surprise of Ernest Pruning and Tom

when it

Christian F. Beukema who has been in the engi neering department since he received his degree in civil engineering at Michigan State College in 1940, has been transferred to a new position with


1)aniel Zielaskowski.

Fred Radka went into the store the other day and plainly stated that he wanted two packs of bubble gum. flu- clerk looked startled but gave Fred his merchandise. As he went out the door Fred heard the clerk murmur, "Twice a child and once a man,

my father always said. Xow I believe it!" Does anyone know who the tallest, smartest.

quietest man in the quarry is? Industry's continuing search for new ideas saves

money for American home-makers in many ways,

Nowac/.vk in disguise.

For instance, there is the manufacturer who makes

Hill Crow says that it sure is a long Way from Swan River bridge to Calcite—especially if you

ments. 'Ihe}- come without a single stitch in them, and the housewife can save up to $11 per garment, by just sewing them together.

have to walk all the wav.

pre-cut. pinned ami ready to sew children's gar



Journey Ends Edward "Johnny" Xoblc

Edward J. Noble, known to everyone as "John

ny." passed away on July 10. 1950, with death at tributable to a heart attack. Me was employed by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company on

October 1. 1912 and worked continuously until his retirement on January 1, 194-'). He was employed in the Electrical Department during the entire thirty-three years of his service with the Company. "Johnny" always enjoyed life to the fullest and had a Irieiidly greeting for everyone he met. Ikwas sincere and honest ami because ol these traits

he leaves a great host of friends who grieve his

passing. "Johnny" is Survived by his widow, three daughters and two sous. Adolph Sabin EDWARD ADRIAN

Retirement had a hard time catching up with the active and likeable Edward Adrian, but it did on March 2. 1950.

It was back in 1918 that Fd entered the Calcite

Employee family, and first got acquainted around here in the quarry. First impressions are lasting ones, for it seems that Ed spent the remainder of his working time out of doors in the quarry. \:.d is pictured in his garden which is growing

very nicely. The variety of garden stock ami its healthy appearance testifies to Fd's aptitude m that line.

It would seem that gardening would be a little tame for him after being head blaster at the plant for so long a time.

Blowing the big quarry banks involved a lot ol

responsibility, and at times could have been ex tremely hazardous work. \:a\ made it as safe as possible, and has a goŠd safety record to prove it. Yes. he sure knew his blasting,

Two boys and two girls were the members ol Fd's family: Lois. Margery. Ernest, and Dale. Of these F.rnest. is employed by Michigan Lime as a mail carrier.

Shall we leave our friend to his line gardening? Rest of everything to you. Fd!

Dave Grigg drove his new 88 Olds to the shop while on his vacation ami some of the boys came

out to take a good look at it. There was no doubt it was a beaut!! Dave seemed in quite a hurry to get started for home and someone noticing his eagerness asked what the rush was. The answer came from Dave in a concerned, stern voiec, "Don't

you see that big cloud coming? It may rain!" At the M. L. k ('. Co. fowling dinner Clayton

llopp saw pink mice! Just ask Frank Reinke and Martin Thomas.

Ralph O'Toole : If it weren't for taxes, expenses, ami luxuries. I'd be a rich man.


Adolph "Hill" Sabin is another one of our "old timers" who departed from the uncertainties of this world, He died on July 13, 1950. of a heart attack. He was employed in the Machine Shop of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company from June 17. 1916, until his retirement on January L 1946. After his retirement

he became active


politics and was elected Justice ol Peace for a I year term which he did not finish. Hill enjoyed go ing down to the Plant to pass the time of day with his many friends in the Machine Shop. He is sur vived by his widow, two daughters, and two sons. Russell Sabin is a second assistant engineer aboard the Steamer Calcite of the Bradley Transportation Company. Edmund "Pat" Sheedto

The untimely death of "Pal" Sheedlo was a shock to the entire community. Me passed away very

suddenly on July 30, 1950. death being attributed to a heart attack. He was born on Sept. 6, 1904, and

was employed on April 8. 1925. as a Yard locomotive brakeman in which capacity he worked for the entire 25 years of his employment with the Michi gan Limestone & Chemical Company. Pat was a very line upright man and was thought ol very highly by his fellow employees and his many friends in the community. Surviving him are his widow ami one son.

Almost 4.000 children under 15 years of age were killed in motor vehicle accidents last year. friends. That's a lot of young lives to be snuffed out by needless and preventable accidents. So when you are behind the wheel of your car. remember to ex pect the unexpected from children. You were young once. too. Remember that children look up to you— for life!

Do yni] want Success? Then start this very in stant to do the things you know you ought to do. and quit doing the things you know you ought not do!

The forty-ninth wedding anniversary was a very

George Wing quit smoking for a lew days. He

happy occasion for Mr. ami Mrs. Hugo Pruning

says it's too embarrasing to borrow a dollar when he needs a haircut when it's so easy to save that

and family. It was on April 10, 1950. that the some what scattered fainil} of 3 boys and 4 girls came together to make the celebration a success. Hugo and his wife plan a Golden Wedding celebration in 1951, and what a time that will be!

The Michigan Limestone i\- Chemical Company fainil}' of workers has a good representation here.

There's Leonard Joppich ol the Shop Department who started in 1923, Alviu Raymond, Otto Bruning, and Reuben Hruning all of the Transportation De

partment who started in 1921, 1922. and 192.1 re spect ivelv.

Collectively, there is I I I years of service at the

Calcite Plant represented in this line family group. We all join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bruning and fainil}' many happy returns of the day.

Hack tow. left to right: Mis.



Leonard Joppich. Mrs. Leonard Joppich. Alvin Ray

mond, Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Arthur Wagner, Vic tor Kohsman. Mrs. Otto Bruning and Mrs. Reuben Hruning.

Sealed, left to right: Paul Bruning, Mrs. Alvin Raymond. Mrs. Hugo Bruning, Hugo Bruning, Mrs. Victor Kohsman. Otto Bruning and Reuben Bru ning.

amount this wav.

Cord}- Adrian: Say Hill, how come the water is so close to the shore?

Hill: It must be that the ice is shoving it from the other side of the lake.

"Alone and armed with only a broom. I braved those furious attacks until I found myself cornered

with little chance of escape. It looked hopeless, fellows!"

"Who is giving such a hair-raising account ol the battle of life or death?" you say. Well, it is r,\\y friend Vic Klee who has an [indisputable reputation for stilting things exactly as happened. Not knowing which battle of life or death Vie was

telling about, we are rather hesitant about showing one battle Vic was in. It sure was quite a job shoo ing that porcupine out of the storehouse building wasn't it. Vic?

Earl Tiilgetske stands by to direct the intruder in the right direction. Brave men those two!

Found in the Xo. 12 shack: 1 pair of men's pa jamas. Owner may have same by calling for them at Target Ilouse. There is im one more tickled to be driving a truck again than Melvin l.o/.en. \'o one is more

tickled to see him driving that his host of friends at


Frank Strzelecki to Arnold Zinke: "Hovy about

buying a vacuum sweeper?" Arnold: "Are they any good?" Frank: "The}- can do everything but shave you!" Arnold: "In that case I don't want one."

("hum Raymond: Gee, I won't have a very good garden crop this year. Otto Hrunning: Why. Chum? Chum: Because a flock of ducks Hew over my

garden and left a lot of quad



Wallace Hein came to work one morning with an

extremely big pipe hanging loosely in his mouth.

It created quite a commotion and soon the ques tion "f where Wallace, got it came up. Upon being

pressed for an answer. Wallace said. "Pop was sleeping this morning when I left for work so I borrowed it and brought it along." Daddy Ruell says it's confusing to post the locu tion of trains on the bulletin board at midnight

with so much help. The little slip ol paper he holds in his hand is supposed to be correct, but the men

jokingly disagree. 'Taint lair to gang up on a man like that is it Daddy?

Clarence Blair was always talking about the fish he was catching and how well he liked to eat them. Yet each day passed but Clarence brought no fish to work in his lunch bucket. Van kiddingly told Clarence that he could eat more fish than he ever

caught. Next day Clarence showed up with a lunch bucket full of fried fish, ami so Van had to start

eating. After while Van admitted he

had been


It isn't often that we are able to get a picture of Charlie Baker with his grandchildren for you see these special grandchildren don't live in Rogers

.•Mid have a long ways to come to see Cramp Baker. We were lucky though and are passing our good fortune along to yon. 'flu- picture shows content ment de luxe doesn't it?

Charlie has worked in the Machine Shop tool room for some years, and you can't stump him

A beautiful wedding was solemnized by Rev. C. T. Skowionski on May 29 at St. Ignatius Church.

Ida Micketli, looking lovely in her gown of white, walked slowly down the aisle on the arm of her father to greet her husband-to-be John S/.czerowski. Ida and John are making their home at 795 South First Street, and are the children of Dominic

Michetti and Stanley S/c/.ciowski. John is a deckwatch on the Sir. Muuson.

Sailor wife: Say Rill, can you see the Bradley

coming yet? Hill: As soon as we gel that load of cement

glasses so we can see through that cement wall, we'll give you better time on the boats. Ha-Jla. Ernie Adrian doesn't hunt deer much each fall al

though he has a good reason for revenge. Ernie explains it like this: Me. I like my cottage at Lake Xettie. Also I like in}' cedar tree hedge out there. Fact is. I'm down

right proud of it. but those blanket}", blank deer (big and little ones both!) keep chewing away at it. It makes me so -

- mad I could chew nails

and spit buckshot!!

flu- fish just weren't coining Julius Patzer's way the day he was fishing at the Alpena dam. He stuck his pole down and walked away. When he looked back the pole swayed over ami disappeared. Sure enough—a pike had taken it. 2M>

with tools, ft wouldn't be the same place without Charlie tor he is a sort of walkin-lool encyclopedia.

The situation was funny to start with, but as it. progressed you couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The setting was the Machine Shop office with Don VanZandt. very business-like, making a phone call. By a slight misunderstanding it was Marlin Thomas just a few feet away that Van greeted with a warm "Hello." Sincerely Tommy returned the greeting and Van asked if a Mr. So-and-so was there. Tommy glanced around and replied, "I don't see him here now. but just a minute I'll look out the window7 and see if his car is outside." It wasn't so

Van didn't get to talk to his man. but he thanked

Tommy anyway. Isn't the telephone system a won derful thing?

Tom Kelley dreamt he saw \o. 1 Shovel digging right up to four of the- new drills. He saw a large section of the cliff cracking, and ran waving his arms and shouting at the shovel crew. Hut before they heard him, the bank crumbled ami all four new drills were crushed in the rock slide.

He sweated half the next day. and made a few extra trips to see that all the drills were safe.

Are you wondering who this pretty lass might be? She is well known to a lot of people and par ticularly to the Bernard Murphy family. Her name is Patricia. Pat for short, and of course she wears

the traditional friendly smile so common in that family. Mute evidence of Pat's painting ability is that the excessive paint is on her. and the outside of the paint pail. Any good painter knows that all the paint doesn't belong on, in this case, the fence. Pat has goofl wrist motion too. which assures paint in all those small nooks ami cranies that shouldn't be there.

Douglas Selke chose that very pretty little tele

phone operator Vernelta Kleiber as his very own to "have and to hold from this day forward." They

were married by Rev. C. T. Skowronski at the St. Ignatius Church on April 10. "Doug" is the son o!

a painter like Pal to make it like new for us. What

Louis Selke and is employed in the Track Depart ment, and his bride is the niece of Charles Kleiber.

say, Pat?

a locomotive engineer. The new Mr. and Mrs. Selke

When our picket fence needs painting, we want

art- making their home at 271 North Sixth Street.

Herman Steinke has had complete charge of the cooking for the past three months, while his wile

and son were visiting relatives in England. It might have been a field day for the canning factories or perhaps Herman is a natural-born cook, but









weight. Just before Jul}' 24th. Herman was getting

quite excited for he left for N'ew York mi that day to greet his homecoming family. Nothing quite like that wife and son. hew Herman.''

Gradually the drift of conversation turned to building; It was then that Harry iVleharg elaborated on his home, and its construction.

"I'm building in a restricted area." he proudly said.

From the lar corner tame a reply, "How come the}" let you in ?" Ollie Radka wonders how far back that heredi

tary business goes. He is raising a family of puppies

and one is a real standout as far as coloring is HBHHI^HHHMHKJHBflHn&flHMKMi

concerned. Sorry we can't help you, Ollie, 2387

Les Raymond has a new yellow -colored Ford and is she a hone}! .After lie gets it broken in to suit his taste, watch out! Les says. "Don'i let anyone

try to pass me." Why all the speed. Les? What young watchman is called "Cilbert" be cause he is so generous with his chocolates.-'

Even the deer have an April Fool's Day. Satur

day, April I. two deer walked right up to the win dow of the main gale shanty. The}- saw Pill FrkEritz's head through the window and thought it

was a salt block! Guess vou'd better get a wig. Bill!

Then two weeks later they came back again. Pill says they still thought it was a salt block liecause his head was so stpiare! He's inclined to think that maybe the deer are right about the whole thing. Now Pill, even we have a better opinion ol you than that.

Warning to Vic Klee: Don't catch any speckled trout two hours after they are planted. They don't

taste good! It seems Clarence IHair is set on telling the truth about his garden, 'fhe little radish we have here is the result of leu hard days of work. At least thai is what we are told, 'fhe finished product was a seed 10 days before the picture was taken. With results like this maybe Clarence should lake farming as a full time job. or could it be this radish was stretched just a little? WILSON PI NFS

As we take stock of the laces of Calcite men each

year, it is regrettable to learn that a few are miss ing. Wilson



be absent




henceforth, but when you realize that he has retired and is really enjoying life it makes you glad. It was on the 3Dth day of January of the year 1916 that Wilson started his employment at Calcite. 'fhe job was as a carpenter. From carpenter he went to the mill, and the balance of his working lime was spent in that department. A lot of us will always remember Wilson and his loading crews at the boat loading slip. Very few

delays in the vessel loading time were due to his conscientious work.

One of the most beautiful cottages on Lake Nel lie belongs lo our retired fellow-worker. It is hoineawav-fioui-honie and each summer the Pines fain

il}- spend about 4'A months enjoying life there. The fish in the- lake seem to favor Mrs. Pines in

preference to Wilson i.,r few has he boated. In re ply to the situation Mrs. Pines continues to do most of the fishing while Wilson navigates the boat.

On March 7. IÂŤ'5(). Fre7f'LaTonde took Wall Mey ers out for a ride. Fred got stuck in a water hole on

the road going up to the drill house, Fred looked at Walt and said. "Aon have been up North, haven't vim!'"

"Well, we ought to get out of here then." kidded Fred. Walt did 2388

he walked for help.

We are happy to report thai Karl Daniels is well on the road to recovery after his off the job acci dent of seven weeks ago.


Bill Frkfr'it/.: Say LaTulip. if the

black queens don't get a trick, what do the other

two players get ? LaTulip: Fifteen. Frank Lamb: No, it's 18. ) im Lamb: Cee. I must be out.

Bill: Vou only had 18. Jim: Well. 18 ami 18 is 12. Pay me!

Markey: Say. I wonder when we are going to get six days a week. Pill: Vou wouldn't know anvwav.

Markey: Why. Pill? Bill: Because yon can't count. Look closely at the baby in the carriage. See any resemblance to Walter or Alva Meyers: It might even be Eileen or Keta. because all eleven

members of the Meyers family at one time oc cupied this perambulator. It was made to last

sixty-five years old. and as good as ever. Eileen Radka, who is the custodian, thinks she will turn it in to the Ford Museum as a relic.

Grandpa Meyers in the picture below


make a good Guess-Who. "He" is none other than Janet (iet/.inger! Thai demure little Grandmother is Kay Radka. This picture was taken during the 4th of July Parade, and would have taken a prize, but it was the only one of its kind, and the com

mittee on prizes could not place it. We think Janet and Kay did a nice job, and we congratulate them on their originality.


Vincent started working at Calcite away back in 1913. Calcite was in its infancy then, so you can see that Vine came along with Calcite through the years until he retired on March 2. 1950. There was a lot of manual labor back in the olden days ac cording to Vine.

"I could throw a stone from the quarry to oui present crusher house." says Vine. 01 course, he meant back in 1913, for the quarry is now about 4l/> miles long. Yes. Calcite suhe has expanded, and

Vine got a great satisfaction of being around to watch and take part in that expansion. The first job of Vine was pitman on a shovel. At this job he worked from 1913 to 1919. For the re maining 20 years he worked with the blasters. Plug drilling was also part of his quarry job in prepara tion for the blasting.

For a retired man. Vine looks extremely health} ;nid remains quite, active, which is the way it should be. As some of his main interests he has his garden and fruit trees, as well as the upkeep of his nice home. As yet we don't know who has charge of the Mowers, but whatever the case you can bank on it that a wonderful job is being done. We all wish you an extended retired life full of events that happen to your liking. Vine. Adolph Radka says news really travels fast up

in the shop. Steve Partyka made a slight error in stenciling letters on a car. Foreman Pill Heller couldn't even see the mistake, but everybody in the shop had to come and take a look at it. Don't tell us that mistakes up there on the hill are so few and far between that a letter on a dump Car off a

ten-thousandth of an inch is a phenomenon? It seems some people around town were most

fortunate this spring in having private swimming pools. For more information on private | Is con tact Clarence Stewart or Pi ff Joppich. 2389

Bert Urban was telling about his false tooth fall ing out. "Would you believe Ihat I glued it back in with plastic wood?" Tom Tulgetske, "That stuff

works good



Sometimes boys and girls like to take shortcuts going to and from school. Sometimes the}' like to loiter on the long way. The smart thing is to have

your parents show5 you the safest route to avoid traffic dangers. And alwavs cross streets care fully.

Guess Who? Once is a while from some nook in ihe archives

or some long forgotten album a gem such as this picture comes to light, 'fhe good old days when life was gay. Hats were hats and girls were girls as they are today. We don't know who that good look ing lady is in the picture but you may be able to find out from the gay youny lover with his head in her lap if you can guess who he is. lie drives his car to ami from work every day and has done

so for years. He is a rather staid and quiet gentle man ordinarily and is happily married and has two sons who are also married. You'll note a twinkle in

his eye which might indicate thai he was once a ladies' man.

Are those dislocated kneecaps shown in this pic ture? Well, that is something else again! Look him over carefully fellas, he might even be your

JOSEPH MALOCIIA Joe is a rather quiet fellow whom we have riot seen around much since his retirement in March. 1950.

You might wonder what Joe does with himself now that he no longer works at Calcite. but he seems to keep occupied. Joe does numerous things that should be taken care of around the house. These small jobs take

boss. If you can't guess who he is our next issue of Screenings will upset the applecart and you'll be able to ask the gentleman himself all about the

picnic, the girl with the hat and the misplaced kneecaps. The "Cuess Who" in our last regular issue of Screenings was none other than Nelson Pi'""- Thai one wasn't too difficult was it?

a lot of time as all of us can testify.

Then too there is the matter of a nice garden. Joe does very well in his. and many are the meals to which he supplies the vegetables and greens. It was in the year 1923 that Joe started his work at Calcite. From that time until retiring he spent his working time at different quarry jobs. He work

ed on stripping operations, track repair and track laying as well as quarry cleanup. Joe has two sons and one daughter: Alex, Wat son, and Helen. Alex is working for the Bradley

Transportation Company, and this year is first mate on the Str. John ( •. Munsoii.

Joe keeps occupied and bus} enough to provide a happy, well-rounded lite,. Vou are missed at Calcite. Joe. How about coin ing down to see us some time? We are quite sure that a cigar could be found to give to you.

Fred Radka showed up lor work Monday mornteg with a beautiful shiner. Fred says the pruning shears slipped, but the blasting gang wonders if maybe he wasn't up to his old tricks in the Hillman area the previous Saturday or Sunday night. 2m

w M-


Marvin "Archie" Karsten chose Laurel Wenzel

as his bride on April 17. They were married by Rev. W. Lichau at the Westminster Manse at a simple ceremony. We regret that we were unable to get a picture of this couple, but Archie insists that that

little ole Sfcr. Calcite gave him a bad deal! and Laurel are making their home at 181y2 ward Avenue, and they welcome their many to drop by when that baby of the licet lies in its winter quarters at Calcite.

Archie Wood friends snugly

Audrey Hein has moved down the alphabet to the "M's" since June 10, when she became the bride of

Duane McLennan. The couple was married in the Westminster Church at a simple ceremony in the late afternoon performed by Rev. Duaue works as a porter on the Str. Mmison. 'fhe McLennans are now livimr in Hawks.

Leslie Taylor and Lois Manier were married at

the Lutheran Church in Cheboygan. Rev. C. I'oerger officiated at the simple ceremony held on Jul} 18. Leslie is employed by the Bradley Transporta tion Company as an oiler on the Str. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are living in llagensville at present.

Leo Richards, son of Morris Richards, and Carole

Rogers of Onaway took the final step June 24. Leo is an <n'ler on the Str. Mufjson, and he and Mrs. Richards live at 541 Birch Street.

liernadette Dumsch and Ralph Smith chose a balmy May day to "tie the knot.' Rev. C. T. Skow-

nmski performed the ceremony at St. Ignatius

Church on May 5. Ralph is the son of Henry Smith Jr. and PernadetU- is the daughter of the Charles Klcihers. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are at home to their

friends at the F.rnie Adrian Apartments. Ralph is employed at the Plant in the Track Dept.

A lad}- called the gate. "Say Bill, when is the White leaving?" Bill: Two o'clock next week.

Lady: How come it takes so bÂťng?

Pill: Well, it's loading Screenings.

Pail}': That doesn't take so long. Pill: They aren't printed yet! I his lesson might have a meaning to millions of men: 'fhe right tools can make monkeys out of amateurs.

One ol our good Tiger baseball fans is Raymond Paull. This summer he marie a trip to Detroit to see a game. After getting his tickets at the ticket office he stepped into his car ami drove dow u Mich

igan Avenue II blocks looking for the P.all Park. Upon inquiry as to the ball park loeatiou. he was informed to go right back where he started. Small world after all. hev. Rav ?

George lb-each certainty put the braces on that new hopper for loading lines. Have Grigg claims there is a brace to the square foot. Jim l.eow checked mil a pair of magnifying glasses to inspect the job. After all the talk about that old hopper and its llimsy construction. George decided to make one that would stand the gaff. 2.v91

It's now a boy and a girl for the Art Kihn's. It was truly Mother's Day for Mrs. Kihn since Bar bara Ann chose May 14 on which to start her life's journey. Her papa is a deckwatchman on the Str. W. F. White.

Nursery Notes

Beverly and Kay Piechan finally persuaded that old stork to bring them a baby brother, and what a handsome guy he is even at the ripe old age of 4 months. Lee Wayne is the name and he was born

Several of our employees have been communicat

ing with Mr. Stork, and the following will prove that he certainly is an accommodating ole bird:

The Elroy Mielke's of Hawks had a little girl. Susan Jane, born to them on March 18. They have two other children, Gary and Donna Mae. Their daddy is employed in the Mill Department. Oscar "Pete" Miller, first mate on the Str. Calcite, boasts of a new son, James Lee, born to he and the Mrs. on March 11. The Miller's have three children.

On April 20, Michael Gerald joined the house hold of the Gerald Grohowski's. He is their first

child and his "pop" is employed in the Track De partment.

Rebecca Ann made her debut into the Frederick

Dagner home on April 24. Little Michael is sure thrilled with his baby sister, and you can bet your

ing in the Power House at the plant. Grandpa Wal ter Meyer sure wears the big broad smile very well,

to Angie and Kenny on May 4. Kenny is employed in the shovel department as a pitman.

June 6 is a day never to be forgotten by the Eu gene Dembny's. 'Twas twins, yes sir, a boy and a girl, namely Dana John and Gail Frances. They now have six children. 4 girls and 2 boys. Their pop works with the Yard crew.

The fellows on the Str. Bradley were the recipi ents of free cigars too. Gustav Wirgau's wife pre sented him with his first son on June 19, and they called him Richard Dean. Gustav is a deckwatch man.

Herbert Quade experienced the thrill of becom ing a daddy on July 4 when Karen joined their fam ily. Herb is another of our Yard employees. On July 7, Shirley Ann and Connie Lynn Rygwelski could scarcely take time to finish their break fast in order to run out and announce the good news to the Proctor and the Raymond children

last dollar he'll teach her a few tricks. Fred is workDavid Romel of the Track Department joins the

that they too had a baby brother. Kenneth Ray is

ranks, too. He and Mrs. Romel experienced the joy of parenthood for the first time when their son Eu gene was born to them on April 28. It appears at the time of this writing that each of the Bradley ships except the B. H. Taylor is represented in this cradle column. Kenneth Freel. wheelsman on the T. W. Robinson, named his^ first boy Kenneth Ray. He was born to the Freel's on May 2. Besides this young 'un the family has two


little girls.

The Mill Dpartment likes to be represented in

the name, and his daddy is a wheelsman on the Str. And now the Arnold Brunings have a little one whom they call Brenda Jean. She is their first child and was born on July 9. Arnold is employed in the Track Department.

Eddie Smith is once again a proud papa. Carol

Jean weighed in at 8>4 pounds, and edged three year old brother Florian right out of his big crib. But, of course, Florian is quite "the man" now

since he's occupying a big bed with no sideboards! Carol Jean was born on July 31, and her daddy

this column, too. Adolph Ganske's wife Virginia

helps load those great big boats down at the

presented him with a little boy Stephen on May 8. They also have a little 2-year-old girl whom they


call Susan.

Up, up, up goes the population of Millersburg and wee little Ruth Ann Maynard will take the

William Bailer of the Mill Loading Crew says he

credit for that. She is the second child of the James

could work a ten hour shift seven days a week now,

Maynards, and was born on August 3. Jim is a

and we don't wonder why. On April 1. Bernadine

watchman on the Str. Robinson.

joined their household and brought the total up to seven. The girls really hold the upper hand at the

Mrs. Gerald Burns presented her husband with a whopper of a son weighing 10^ pounds on August 9. All expectant daddys were hoping that their off spring would hold the distinction of being the first child born at the new Rogers City Hospital. "Big" little John Gerald was late by about four hours, and his daddy still thinks he should have been named

Bailer home, there being 5 little gals and two boys. When little Miss Marcia Jane came to the Ches

ter Szymanski home to live, she tied up the score. Yes sir, it's three boys and three girls now. Chester works with the Mill Crew, and Marcia Jane was

born on April 29.

Nine year old Kay Radtke was thrilled to death

the first since the other baby was premature!! Gerald is a Mill repairman.

crew hasn't had any free cigars or chocolates for

On the morning of July 24, Mr. Clymer came into the office with a really BIG smile on his face. Ah, yes, at long last he and Mrs. Clymer can say, "Our granddaughter, Carol Jane ." Carol Jane's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth King, Mrs. King

a long time!

being the former Betty Clymer.

when wee little Lynn made her debut on April 4. I'll just betcha that Wilbert was more than happy

to pass out the "segars" to the members of the Electrical Crew. That reminds me that the office



1. What kinda bird isa that that playa da polka on tha tree?


Hey Vic. (Koch that is) this bulletin board

doesn't show where our trains are.

3. Tim Horn—6 trips today. 108 cars! 4. Pill Warwick : Once in a while I get a skunk around, my house—awful!! 5. \\ hen skunks moved in under my house I moved out. Boy. are they ever hard to get rid of! 6. Bill Heller: My Oldsmobile gave me 30 miles per gallon.

7. Harvey Strieker saying today was an easy day: "I was on the go all day!" 8. At the dedication of the Rogers City Hospital a person coming out the door said. "This hospital certainly is wonderful, but I never waul to see the inside of it again !" Let/.y was using a slop watch on No. 3 shovel to check the speed of loading when Steve asked him what he was doing.

GetJcy: Putting a stop watch on you t" see how fast you work. Steve: Stopping watch? Who ever heard of a watch like that? Who wants a stopping watch? "'Those foremen around Calcite just can'l seem

to make up their minds." says Pill Trapp. Now take John Pruning in this picture

where in heck is a


fellow supposed to drill that hole? We don't know

Everyone knows him as "Pill" for he has been with Michigan Lime since April 13, P'18. I lis re

what the argument was about, but it must be a

tirement was well-deserved and Marled March 2.






looks so confused and

John is so serious with those index lingers. If there

water was the problem. Could it lie hypnotism, or is Bill read}' stumped for something to say for once.

Except for one summer during which Pill Worked on a steam shovel, he spent his 31 years al Calcite in the yard. Working on const ruction. As you go around the plant, notice the number of buildings made of brick and stone and concrete. Pill helped

I guess we will just have to ask Bill and John what

in the construction of all of them.

were some hard heads to pick up. we could under stand it. We might even suggest a divining rod if

A good safety policy is "'Look before you leap."

il's all about ami how it came out.

Pill adopted this one in 1918 and remembered it.

His safety record is one accident in 31 vears of

work. Bill says that Michigan Lime has a good


safety education program now as well as better and safer working conditions. Pill may halve retired from our midst, but he is currently employed at home and al Lake Xettie. Never one to take it easy. Bill is painting his home on l.arke Avenue and maintaining a cottage at the

lake too. The cottage is Bill's special interest this time ol year. \'ow we envy him his opportunity <>\

boating and fishing. Harry Meharg: Spring must be here. Ernie Adrian: Why, Harry? Harry: I saw a Rock ol seagulls this morning. Someone otlghl to tell Joe Promo that it doesn't do any good to loek his new Chew and then leave

the keys in the door. Jack- Burns says that he will never buy another cow from Archie Plume. Says they're too stubborn.

Apparently Jack had quite a lime getting the cow loaded on the trailer for the trip home. 21'>1

During the period when replicas of the Liberty Bell were being exhibited throughout the United States in conjunction with a Savings Pond Drive. one was shown in Pogers City and was also viewed

by some ol the workers at Calcite. Our employees have always been receptive to the Savings Bond idea and since beginning over a million dollars

has been put into I". S. Savings Ponds by Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and Pradley Transportation Company employees. During the confusions of today "n the home front and in for

Originally when it was necessary to connect two pieces of eable a temporary splice was made and

put in a wooden box for protection. In wet weather and snow a short would occasionally occur which necessitated repairs thereby interrupting produc tion. It was also a delinite ha/.ard to personnel ami equipment. The box made a good seat and was even used by some thoughtless individuals for this pur

pose. A permanent splice in the cable requires moving several hundred feet of cable to the vulcan izing machine in the Shop which is a three or four

eign lands plus the radical differences of opinion in things political and economic, the average Amer

hour job.

ican citizen is still farsighted enough and convinced

of steel and is raised above the ground and has

that to prepare for the future is a fundamental which is sound. Il is the hope of us all thai our

Country will always have leadership which will not depart from fundamental action. The value of our savings, whether bonds or other securities, is de

pendent upon the Coad we travel. Savings Ponds are a good long range savings program. If you invest in a .$25 bond each mouth for twenty years and reinvest as the bonds mature at the end of the twenty years you will receive $700 per year for ten years. Prom an original invest ment of $4,500 the investor receives $7,000 or a gain of $2,500 which is accumulated interest. The sum total of the common sense of tin- com

mon people is the greatest and soundest force on :arth.—Thomas Jefferson.

A Safe Connector Box The piece of equipment shown to the right is a safe connector box designed by the electrical de

partment and constructed in the machine shop. This box is used to conned the large cables used as power conductors for the electric shovels in the quarry. These cables conduct a current with a 4000 volt potential. The}- are heavily insulated and used to carr}- power from the high lines to the

shovels. Lying on the <piarrv lloor and moved when the shovel is moved, they of necessity arc- moved often and get rather rough treatment. 21<M

The connection box in the picture is constructed handles which facilitates handling and moving. It has connector bolts inside which make a good safe connection in a few minutes and is adequately pro tected from snow ami rain. The sign painted on the side is a warning to all and it is just another one of the man} devices that have come out id' our safety-minded electrical and machine shop. Keep up the good work. boys.

The Bradley Transportation Company

.Another Bradley Transportation Co. employee who started at the bottom .if the ladder has now-

reached the top. Mark Haswell was appointed Caplain of the Sir. W. F. While on July 13. 1950. lie lirsl came to Pradley Transportation on April 5. 1930. as a deckhand and has gradually followed the progression to Captain. Mark and his family are well known lo the com munity. His wife, three daughters, ami one son. live at their home on North Third St. The seamen of

the Bradley Fleet are well acquainted with the new "Skipper" and wish him well as he takes on this responsibility. We expect that Captain Haswell will be a busy man learning the tricks of his trade. As a male he

had the full cooperation of his crew and now as

Captain he will continue lo need the same support. We have every reason to expect him lo be a suc cessful and popular skipper. Pest of luck Captain Mark.

How do accidents happen? Here's how: A man

Struck a match to light his pipe. The entire package of matches llared up and set lire lo his pajamas. The man died of the resultant burns. Pe careful

whatever you are doing, and wherever you are . . . to prevent an accident from striking you. Peinem-

ber that "accident" is just another word—until you have one! So play it safe—to stop accidents before the}- stop you !

You don't have lo be a genius to get ahead. Don't wail for extraordinary opportunities. Tackle or dinary ones and make them great!

Donald Monroe was promoted lo 1st mate on the Str, White on July 13. 1950. Don is one of oiir

local hoys, a graduate of Rogers City High School, and the son ol Dr. Monroe, who was an old resi

dent ol the city and company physician prior to his death a few years ago. Employed as a deckhand on the Str. Munson.

July 12. 1933. Don moved up to a watchman after his first year sailing and served in this capacity on the Str. Robinson until the cn<\ of the 1936 sea son. Kroin 193o to 1940 he acted as wheelsman

aboard the Strs. White, Bradley. Taylor and Calcite

respectively, gaining in experience and improving his rating to officer status. He became 3rd mate of

tin- Str. White March 1, 1945. Don rose rapidly in the ranks ol his chosen profession, and was promoled to 2nd male of the While in 1946, and earned hi- master's ticket January 15, 1948.

Thus armed with the credentials Don was ready when the opportunity came, and has been appointed 1st mate on the Str. White.

Don is married and has a fainil}- of one girl ami one boy. We all join in congratulating him on his

new job. and wish him luck and success in the yearahead.

Here'.- a bit of common sense from tin- National Safety Council, friends: No sense and nonsense cause most accidents! So remeber the ABC's of

safety—and always be careful! Xo matter who you are or where vou are—there

are opportunities all around yon! Often, the best opportunities are in the very work vmi are doing! 2395

Elmer Fleming is another local boy who has worked his way up the ladder of command in the Pradley Fleet. Son of Charles Fleming, a former Calcite employee, Elmer became a porter on one of

the company ships September 15, 1935. A fewmonths in tiie galley convinced him that he was out of his element as a cook, ami in the spring ol 1936 he became a deckhand on the Str. Robinson and later on the Sir. Taylor. From 1943 to 1940. Elmer served as wheelsman on the Sir. Taylor and Sir. White respectively. Ambitious and a hard worker he succeeded in getting rated as 3rd mate lulv 9. 1946, and became a first class pilot February

28/1943. From P>4() to the end of the 1948 shipping season, he served as 3rd mate on the Str. Pradley.

and held the same position aboard the Calcite dur

We have a new officer on the Pradley Fleet, an other local boy John Richard Newhouse. common

ly known as Dick. Porn and raised in Rogers City. where his father Edgar Newhouse has served the M. L. & C. Co. as tug captain for many years, he received his diploma in the. local high school and then followed the parental lead by becoming a sailor.

Dick first entered the employment of the Brad ley Transportation Company as a watchman on the

Str. Calcite June 13. 1947. Tie started the 1948 sea

son as a wheelsman on the same ship, and when

changes in personnel were made on Jul}- 11. 1950. he was promoted to the position ol 3rd mate. Though a comparatively young employee in terms

ing 1949. It is a long hard climb, but all things come to those who work and wait. Elmer was promoted to

of service with the Company. Dick had experience working on other lines before coining to the Brad ley line. Having obtained his 1st class pilot's license February 10. 1948. he was the first wheelsman in

2nd mate of the Sir. While.

line for promotion.

Happily married with one boy in the family. Elmer is on his way. and we wish him good luck in his new position as 2nd officer. THE $100,000 TRY


In the prennial search for something to head off or cure the common cold, two doctors at the

Permanente Foundation Hospital in Oakland, Cali fornia (established in 1942 by Shipbuilder Henry Kaiser) gave twice daily doses of penicillin to al most 1,500 volunteers. An equal number, serving as controls, were given chalk pills. Xeither group knew which dosage they got.

After a year, in which more than .$100,000 of penicillin was used, the doctors came to conclusion: if you want to ward off a cold, is just about as useful as penicillin—and cheaper: Neither prevents a cold. 239b

Dick recently married Lois Stretch, and like a good Irishman has settled down with his weather eye on the future. Good luck and congratulations on on your new job, Richard. Keep up the good

worth a sad chalk a lot

Nearly a third of all the wealth (food, minerals and other useful things) produced in the United States each year consists of value added lo raw ma terials by manufacturers. Thus, a pound of cotton may be worth only a few cents to a farmer, but when woven into cloth, dyed and made into a dress it is worth much more, principally because it re

quired jobs to make, distribute and sell the finished product. The Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will

give grace and glory: no good thing will He with hold from them that walk uprightly.

Psalms 84:11.

Mr. Clymer presents Chief Raymond Puehler of the Str. Calcite with a gold watch in recognition of his thirty years of service will) the Pradley Trans portation Company. Appearing in the picture are. left to right: Mr. Clymer. Chief Puehler, Ray Crigg.

Ceorge Jones. Xoruian Iloefl. Joseph Valentin, Hugh Lewis. Charles Plat/. J. P. Kinvillc. STR. CARL I). PRADLEY

< < <


Carl D. Pradley on ihe ensign

A ship so tried and true R job is hauling limestone Loading flux and cement stone, loo

Do vou ever wonder at the long ships passing

ever found apples growing on a maple tree. Any one in

doubt contact


Hornbacher. our star

wheelsman. It was suggested that Bill change his brand.

We would like to oiler our congratulations at this

lime lo Stanley Rygwelski, Gus Wirgau. and Louis Crban as being proud parents.

There are quite .a few rumors at present on cer

tain ones preparing to take the final leap into matrimonv. But to Mark Florip our congratulations on being the first. Wishing you and the Airs, every suc

cess and happiness in the world.

Between the dusk and the dawn

A census laker working in a crowded colored dis trict came to a home that was literally teeming with children. Observing a woman bending over a wash-

R the ships bound lor some sung harbor

tub he addressed her as follows:

And will the beacons all be on?

"Madam, I am the census taker. How many chil dren have you ?" "Well, lemme see." replied the woman as she

Down the lake to Pul'iington Limestone for the mills

Each cargo a potential weapon Yes. the cold war must be won.

At this time we bid farewell to Captain Pearse who is leaving us for tin- life ashore. We all wish that every moment of your retirement you will enjoy the bountiful fruit.- of life that you so right fully deserve. It has been an honor ami a pleasure serving under your command. To our new skipper Captain Xauts. "Welcome to the Bradley, Captain." She is a line ship so tried

and true. Wishing you every success and pleasure in your new command. We also have the "Welcome Mat" out for Stanley

Rygwelski. our new wheelsman from the Munson. Hope that you will like the Pradley. "Stitch."

straightened up wiping her hand on her apron, "they's Mary and Ellen and Pansy and Kate and Tommy and Joseph and Moses and Lijah ami Charlie and




".Madam." interrupted the census man, "if you could just give me the number— ".Yuniber!" she exclaimed indignantly, "Don't yo' e'ber think we'se got to numberin' 'em yet. We ain't run out of names."

Pill Lal.onde maintains he isn't talking to any

one from now on until they are properly introduced. Seeing that new Oldsmobile you're driving around. Pill, don't blame you one bit. Louis Urban asked recently. "What does a bride think when she walks into the church?"

"Aisle. Altar. I lymn." And very often she does, Louie.

All of us disliked very much to see our watchman Phil Pilarski leave us for the Munson. Put congrat ulations on the promotion to a wheelsman. Phil. \\ e know that you will make good.

Art Kandow claims that there aren't any idle rumors—they're always bus}-.

There are but very lew of us who haven't seen two kinds of apples growing on the same tree.

Who's stealing Jarvis' gas out of the new Chev? Better lay off whoever it is. Heard him make some

Put so far as we can learn onlv one of our crew

vile threats recent! v. 2397

When the Chadburn of the vessel Str. Carl I).

Pradley reads full steam ahead, you need some capable men in the pilot house. Two such men are First Mate Donald Langridge ami Wheelsman Pill Hornbacher. The}- are both sailor.- of long stand

With the clock giving the time at 6:17 P. M. and

ing, each having put in over twentv years on the

everyone aboard the Sir. Carl I). Bradley finished


with their evening meal, ihese two men can feel proud of the task just completed. Otto Sparre, Steward, ami Robert Adrian. 2nd Cook, along with their crew of galley helpers, think little of it though,

Hill likes the new electrical steering apparatus on the Bradley- The wheel in the Pilot House sure is a lot smaller.

Don. like Pill, is a very congenial fellow. Looks like we're watching for the birdie—very soberly,

lor to them it is all in the day's work. Thirty-six hungry men three times each day nec

essitates a lot ol cooking. It doesn't take any prob


Darner tells .if the fellow who called his girl "Postscript" because her name was Adeline Moore.

ing from member- of the crew to have them state

that the quality of the cooking is excellent, the food just couldn't be better.

Prackenbury claims ihe most tiresome job in

Otto and his men know that a good working,

the world is doing nothing—because vou can't ([till

safcty-ininded crew is a well-fed crew. Who can

and rest.

dispute the Bradley crew's record hauled safely?

Did you know that there were fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence? Twenty-six were lawyers Eight were mechanics Seven were farmers

Six were physicians Two were soldiers

Twi i were statesmen "ONE WAS A SAILOR"

( >ne wa- a printer

One was a surveyor ( )ne was a shoemaker

()ue was a minister

Our reason for printing this item is the mention of a "Sailor."

Adrian says the most observing fellow wa.- the one who noticed Lad} Oodiva had a horse with her.

Dick Paull maintains when She starts stroking your hair, brother. She's after your scalp. It is easy lo see our own virtues but it lakes a clear mirror to see our own faults. 239K

for tonnage

Asked to Hank, our second male, after giving his wife a lecture on economy, "Any results. Hank:" Ml eah. I gave up smoking." Andy Yedeau

It is better to be a spoke in a fast

revolving wheel than to be the whole wheel standins'" still.

With all the Mash bulbs and big smiles to go with them, things looked like Hollywood for a trip. We'll keep watching for the C. S. Steel Mews and our most willing models.

On our recent trip to Fort William. Cordon, our third mate. Stared in amazement at the boiling wa ters in the rapids at the Soo, and wonders how his great uncle "Plack Pete" O'Toole ever rode logs thru the rapid.-. Have Gordon tell you about it sometime, fellows.

Paul Kreft. deckhand on the Str. Pradley. is cer

tainly doing justice to the phrase, "You don't know, do ymi.'" lie never misses the opportune moment to sav it. iust ask someone who knows!!

We nominate Norman Raymond for the World's

"Lassie" Voigl claims Position never makes you

happy or unhappy, it is Disposition.

Most Truthful Fisherman Award. When asked how

Ered Liedtke tells of some travelers who wen-

looking at the molten lava inside Mt. Vesuvius. An

many fish he caught while on vacation, he replied. "Just one and that was an accident."

American remarked: "Looks hot as hell."

It is

An Englishman mumbled under his breath, "These Americans have been everywdiere."

Just can't quite figure Plorip out. He's awfully qtiiet lately and always has a big smile. I'm sure we all felt the same way. Mark.

with amazement, mixed with not a


envy, that we observe the progress of the herbage struggling outward on Ered Peebe's upper lip. Judging from the rapidity of the growth of this nourishing specimen of hirsute disguise, we'd ven ture the guess that there will be handle bars by fall unless the crew takes matters into their own hands.

It's the luck of the Irish says O'Toole, but the luck of a cook when it comes to winning Mix Mas ters, and Otto says it's all in the way one lives. Howmany of us believe that?

Some guvs have all the hair, hey. Wes? From this angle: Intuition is that ability which a

woman possesses whereby she can instantly arrive at







For ten years Altman has been operating at a loss when it comes to pigs. Now he's looking for some more to buy. It's nice of you to help out the other

thought, discussion, research or logic.

farmers. Doc.

Just one guess to name the seaman on the right. Though a few years have passed since the picture was snapped, he is still as handsome as ever.

Pickles has half his gold watch earned, and just a few more months to go. I guess you got what it takes. Robert. Whatever bit our "Hillman Hill been terrific. He sure has it bad.

must have

Vacations make one feel like a new man. and

something a mariner looks forward to—it certainly is a swell organization!! STR. T. W. ROPLNSON

< < <

Guess Who?

Vou can see him at Calcite now when a certain

Bradley boat comes in. Yes—he is a Pradley Trans portation man. and as the picture shows—aft end. We've given too many clues now so make your guess and we'll tell vou next Screenings if vou were


coy UdOVrT^i


We wish to open our remarks with a vole ol

thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the edi torial staff of Calcite Screenings who produced

the last issue of the magazine. All issues are tops in interest and eye-appeal, but it was something special and will remain a keepsake in many homes for years to come. We of the Steamer T. W. Robinson bid farewell

and good luck to Captain D. E. Nauts who took command of the Carl D. Pradley in July. At the

same time we bid a hearty welcome to Captain Holland Lrsem who came to us from the W. E. White.

Harold Nidy has figured out a plan to finance Al Poehmer's wedding, if and when it should occur.

It's (piite simple, he plans to sell tickets at a dollar apiece entitling the holder to kiss the bride. Since this occasion is still in the future, maybe distantly, the tickets are in the form of interest-bearing sight drafts. Cet the idea? Line up. boys!

Moscow: Boy, what nice wheels Gus Lietzow put on the trailer he built. Mate: Pneumatic?

Moscow: No. ball-bearing.

We are expecting Lester Pines back any time now from his convalescence from a hernia opera

tion which has incapacitated him for several weeks. "Chick" Vallee has been filling in for him as con veyor man. and doing a bang-up job of it. too. "Pang-up," meaning excellent, ol course. 2399

Ice is one of the chief factors controlling the op ening of navigation on the Lakes in the spring of

the year, and for several weeks after shipping has started drift ice adds to the hazards and delays of sailing. The spring of 1950 was no exception. The Sir. P. II. Taylor left Port of Calcite wilh the first limestone cargo of the season on March 30th. con

signed to the Peerless Cement Co. plant at Detroit. The above picture shows her on April (>lh. fast in ice in sight of her home port. STR. P. II. TAYLOR

* < *


Overheard in the oiler's room at 2:00 A. M.:

Sam : Oh ! Oh ! Must be raining outside. Jackson: Co back to sleep it's only the roof leaking.

Wanted one blonde: Apply tins' barber shop. Must know how to cook.

LaTulip: What do you want me to do next?


Budnick: I'll check to you, chief. -Mulka: Three-thirty mate, rivers. Cross: It's twenty foot eight. I'll bet a hun dred dollars it's twenty fool eight. Goulette: Open the hatches, and let her roll out. Ehrke: li vou are through you can go up for ward.

O'Toole: It's the Krst of the month, boys. Steak tonight. Paradise: Tigers won: Oh! Oh! William- broke his arm.

Smigelski: It sounds like Tennessee Ernie to me. Schepler: Gar Wood ean't go thai fast.

Baker: If we don't gel a break this trip, I'll quit. Domke: Shave and a haircut, fifty cents. Captain: What! No tonnage! STR. CALCITE

* > <


The season aboard the Calcite had a slow start

First Asst.: Why. is it time to go off watch ?

due to ice and weather conditions and we have been

The love bug bit Howard Elowsky but hard on his

trying to make up lost trips, but we are finding that lost trips are pretty much like lost time, never

last vacation.

We hear Pete O'Toole has opened his heart to a stray kitten at his house.

Chief: We ought lo gel lo Cleveland once before the season is over.

Strand: I never want to see a hospital again. Schular: Are all the loads like this one?

Streich : The Tigers took two today. They're in! iMichetli: Why those irouheads should be lead ing by ten games!


Russel Sabin our most eligible bachelor is sport ing a new Puick and Russel tells us it is so modern that all yotl have to do is push a button and it will do anything you want. The first time he drove il he almost missed the boat. He forgot which billion lo push to open the door. Better be careful, girls!!!

Mrs. McLcod and family are paying Rogers City and friends a visit during the summer months, and then, loo. the trips lo Rogers are more certain than

those to Detroit. So the captain will enjoy seeing theui more often.

Kempe: Did you ever see Arthur Godfrey on television ?

GoUld: No, and I don't want to.

Our nomination for the star (pioit player on the "Taylor" is Angus Domke.

An opponent's ringer is invariably accompanied by "blankely-blank-blauk-blank !" 2400

Donald Johnson (Olie). Suttoiis Bay gift to B. T. Co.. ha.- that long lost look in his eyes, and has been

in pursuit of a doctor for some time. He finally found one but it was 3 A. M. at the Soo. and the doctor gave him a transfusion instead. So now he-

has to start all over again. Better luck next time. Olie.

We predicted last year when Wickersham an nounced his matrimonial plans that Karsten would not be far behind, and sure enough with his newcar and all he finally convinced her to say yes. Mow we have only Leonard Gabrysiak left of the

old gang, and if the girls only knew how nice he can sing in his sleep (also hold speeches), no one could say he doesn't have ambition. For one night after a hard day behind the broom he was heard to say. "If I only had mates papers I could be mate." Elmer Fleming has been promoted to second mate on the W. F. White and John Richard New-

house, our deep sea sailor, is now our new third mate. We wish them both good luck, and hope they

find their new jobs both pleasant and profitable. We can't figure out why Archie and Corky insist on being behind the wheel at the same time while driving the ear. Is it that they have only one drivers license between them or is Archie teaching Corky the fine points of how to handle a car? The fellows all report a good time while oil on their




most common


heard on their return is: "Gee. I wish ten days


Leo "Rem"' Richards: "Sailing i.-. no life for a married man."

Raymond "Hex-head" Modrzynski: "Yeah! Well. we do all the work."

Woodford "Woody" Show han: "Two hardest workers on the boat. Me first, Fuhrinan second."

Louis "Pug" Dcinbny: "You've got to go to Al pena and scout around."

Eugene "Casey" Jones: "What! No fresh coffee?" Alex "Shine" Selke: "Yep! Just like I figured!"

We're happy to report that all the kinks, few as they are, have been ironed out of the new elcvator

installed last winter. It now operates like a sewing machine with the onh drawback being that there

isn't enough time in unloading ports to change your mind.

With vacation lime here we have, among other

replacements, three college lads. William Patchkovvski. Edmund Karsten. and Frederick Purrell.

A couple months hard labor and we're sure that they will return lo school in the fall with a /.est for studying, fully realizing what a Wnv thing an educa

would go by that fast while 1 was on the boat."

tion is.

We are very pleased to have Otto Sparre aboard the Calcite where he is spending his vacation. Just

The picture below isn't just a picture of an or dinal"}- guy taking a drink from an ordinary drink ing fountain. It's Mike Idal.-ki. 3rd Assistant Engi

to please us he is up at 4 or 5 A. M. lo bake bread, sweet rolls and the like. We will all regret when

von will have to go hack to work on the Bradley. Otto.

John Newhotise to Eugene McLean after load ing the Calcite the first time: "You better make a study of how to load this boat. Mac. There is more

neer, aboard the Str. John G. Munson taking a drink from a newly installed drinking fountain. Those

engine room men can testify to the value of a good drink during the warm summer months. Mike looks like he's enjoving it very much. How about it. Mike?

lo it than I thought."

John Xewhouse is sporting a brand new P.uick car. It seems to go with being Third Mate on the

Calcite. Then. too. he is all set to go places come vacation time.

Our First Mate, Pete Miller, is building a new house. From all the details and blue prints he has shown us. it is certainly going to be a well con structed and beautiful home.

Wickersham was heard to say that they would never make a farmer out of him. Latest reports

are he is learning to milk (with an electric milker). Has someone changed your mind. Wick? Our chief engineer continues to lie way off in

his predictions. Last year he predicted a lay Up in Jul}, and also an earl\- lay up. This year it was no trips to the Soo. and no time at the breakwall. So we are beginning to have less confidence in him then we have in Drew Pearson.


<' <



Roblev "Peelv" Wilson: "Well, now I'll tell you

William "Pill" Joppich: "A boat ahead is our oiilv chance." 2401


"Ching Lee" Kelly—our genial night steward— chop-chopping toward the laundry every trip. Don't worry, Kelly, those shirts will get special attention. Chet "Shorty" Kandow—our lanky watchman— headed towards the suburbs of our fair city—out near Belknap they say.

Louie "Slim" Dembny—Hurrying towards Al pena at the odd hours of the darkness. Seems that our small town girls don't have the appeal that the big city girls have. Stanley "Lefty" Haske—Woooosh!!! There goes

red coat is Melvin Conley's little woman.

Christmas is still a long way off, but here is a good toy suggestion for children. Why not buy them a boomerang—it's something they can't throw away.

If the truth were known, we'd probably find out that many of the girls go to church just because they like the "hymns."

Arthur Kihn: When I was a boy my one ambition

that new Fraiser.


Angus McLennan, our smiling waiter, and Miss Audrey Hein on June 10th. Leo Richards, star oiler, and Miss Carole Rogers

of Onaway on June 27th. Our heartiest congratulations and may all your troubles be little ones.

Capt. and Mrs. McLean favored us by making their annual trip with us. Shore life seems to be

agreeing with the "Old Man." STR. W. F. WHITE

We've been wondering when we pass Marine City if the girl with the green coat or the girl with the

1 / /


Bob Schefke thinks that Hydra-matic drive is the thing in cars. In fact, he says he's going to send his children to Hydra-matic school so they can learn

was to stay ashore. Shorkey: Congratulations!! Haneckow: How cold it it, mate?

Gordon: Twenty degrees above zero. Haneckow: That checks with the end of my nose. Elvin Johnson has joined the ranks of the tax payers by purchasing a home in Rogers City.

Al Pilarski is the head cheese in the galley de partment. Everyone has to check with him for loading orders.

Grocer: How come you don't buy more fruit, Joe? Joe: The boys don't eat it anyway.

to shift for themselves.

Herb: How much do you weigh, "Doc?" Monroe: One hundred eighty pounds of bone and muscle, and forty pounds of fat.

Joe Zoho is really on the ball—he's cooking with gas.

Capt. Rol Ursem reading instructions for his out board :

"Open gas cap valve, open gas line, set spark lever to START, set throttle to START, then pull start ing cord. Repeat if necessary." "That REPEAT IF NECESSARY is what both

ers me," says Capt.

Al Fuhrman has taken over the job as ship's bar 1.

THINGS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO: Make Dietlin's hair stand on end.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Make Kihn go on a diet. Have Fuhrman part his hair in the middle. Get Patchkowski's chest up where it belongs. Get Joe Zoho to say "I do."


Get Skid Robinson to chin himself.

ber, and is doing a fine job. Skid Robinson: What's the definition of love,

Joe? Partyka: It's a ticklish feeling around the heart that you can't scratch.

The Forward-end Crew is all waiting anxiously to see how the Chief Engineer's TV set is working. Blair: How about a double dip sundae with nuts ? Pilarski: Don't you want me to get my bonus this year ?

Fuhrman: Would you like something on your face after I finish shaving you? Leo: Yeah, the end of my nose. The crew of the W. F. White wish Capt. Ursem, Capt. Haswell, Donald Monroe, and Elmer Fleming success on their recent promotions.

7. Get Felax to weigh himself. Captain H.: How much will you take to paint my house ?

Painter: $160.

Captain H.: Do you mean if I paint it myself I save $160?

Painter: Right!

Captain H.: On your way, bub, you just talked yourself out of a job.

Leo: What were you before }-ou were a sailor? Quaine: Happy, chum, happy!!

Goulette: What are you going to do on your va

Partyka has the same bunk that Ivan Streich had last year. That same love bug must have bitten him,

cation, Paul?

too. He can't eat or sleep either.

at night we'll take in the ballgames.

John Szczerowski really appreciates his deckwatch job now that he has joined the ranks of the

taken off the ship and is now at the Marine Hos

married men.

Paul: Swim at Belle-Isle in the afternoons, and

Nathan Cadwell, our congenial conveyorman was pital at Detroit. Hope you get well soon, Maggie.




^No c^J-ccLdznt cJ-fonoz <^f?oii J->£.fiaxtni£.nt

^joiEinan at (—alitabi












Ernest Bruning Chas. Hoffman



Thomas Kelley



I€ill11 Dembfiy








William I Idler








Cash Soheck








Paul Mulka










1 /


Frank Reinkc

1 y

Fred LaLonde 1







John Modrzynski





Peter Giovangorio








Victor Koch

C. C. Ehlridge














Capt. Russell Lamli Chief Frank Lamp




1 Capt. I). E. Xauts Chief John Sparre—Geo. Hoy



Otto Zerapel


Capt. Roland Ursem Chief Chas. Frederick





Capt. Chris Swart:; Chief Thos. Suttle




Capt. Roland Bryan Chief Arthur Urdal





Capt. Mark Haswell Chief Guy LaBounty




1 Capt. Don McLeod Chief Ray Buehier


» "IDidn't See


» "IDidn't Know


» "IDidn't Think





Take time to live. That is what time is for. Killing" time is suicide.

Take time to work. It is the price of success. Take time to think. It is the source of power. Take time to play. It is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to be friendly. It is the road to hap piness. Take time to dream. It is hitching your wagon to a


Take time to look around. It is too short a day to be selfish.

Take time to laugh. It is the music of the soul.

Take time to play with children. It is the joy of joys. Take time to be courteous. It is the mark of a


The Calcite Plant and Safety This is a story of Safely. It is also a story of success which hillnwed the application of such fundamentals as cooperation, planning, energy and sincere faith in a cause. The result has been an

adventure ill human happiness along with the pride ol achieving" a worthwhile objective. Because ol the success that the Calcite Plant of

the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company has had in an accident prevention program the past

year we wish to tell something about that program. Much has been written about safety in years gone by for Calcite Screenings brat a description of safety activities at our plant has never been sum marized in one article. Plant departments have been

featured and we now believe that something can be said about the Safety Department which today includes all the personnel of the company.

Some history must lie written to bring" the pres ent into belter understanding. Accident records of

the year 1925 showed that a total of sixty-nine dis abling injuries were suffered. A sorry record, in deed. In 1926 the record was fifty-seven which was not much betier. However, belter things were to come and though the results seemed slow. Presi

operation. To impress you with the solid founda

tion upon which this program was built we quote the first paragraph as written by Mr. Ferdelman in the very first column of the initial issue of

Calcite Screenings: "The publication of this pamph let or magazine is the outgrowth of long consider

ation as to the best methods and most desirable way in getting safety messages to all our employees, to foster good will and understanding, and to convey ideas and ideals of both management and men." This philosophy could well have been expressed to day and nŠt twenty-five years ago since it is so ap propriate. Willi a statement of this sincerity we need not wonder on ihe successful years which were to follow.

In the early spring of 1928, Safely Director Oil"

l-'erdelman passed away and our present Operating Manager. Joseph A. Valentin was appointed to the position. Mr. Valentin had been one of the men who

had contributed much to ihe safety organization and the program continued without interruption. The results of two years work really showed up in 1928 when disabling injuries were reduced to nine.

four ol these occuring during the regular operat

dent Carl I). Bradley, with an optimism, character ing season. The year of 1929 saw the Calcite Plant istic ^'\ this line man. complimented the Calcite winning the "Sentinels of Safety" award. This was. employees for "the reduction of accidents in 1926 indeed, an honor for a company to achieve in the following a safety first campaign of two years du comparatively short time that a full scale safety ration."

In October. 1926, the first issue of Calcite Screen

ings was published. It's purpose was to help in a safety program which had been developed at the Calcite Plant. A friend of the Michigan Limestone

iV Chemical Company. John White, superintendent

of the Union Carbide Company, Sault Ste. Marie. who was a strong supporter of safety gave the stimulation of his experience and enthusiam in help ing this program of accident prevention. Otto Ferdelman was the first Safety Director and also the

first editor of Calcite Screenings. Prior to this time. departmental foremen organized their departments and the safety department was under a full scale Winter. 1950

program had been active. This award, based upon national competition within industries having simi lar operations and presented by the United States

Bureau of Mines, is coveted by hundreds of plants throughout the United States.

The best safety record in the years to follow was the one which extended from August 6, 1931 to

April 16, 1935, during which time no disabling in juries were suffered by any employee. This covered the lean years of the depression and the man hours worked during this period were 2.288.895. Again

the "Sentinels of Safety" trophy rested at the Cal

cite Plant for ihe years" 1932, 1933 and 1934. To win this trophy lour times during the ten year period in 2407

which an accident prevention program was fol lowed is perhaps a record which we will have diffi culty in repealing". Below is a tabulation of the acci dent score through the veai's: 1939— 1925—69 1932-- 0 1940— 1933-- 0 1926—57 PHI— 1927—37 1934-- 0 1942— 1935- - 1 1928— 9 1936- ) 1943— 1929— 3 1930— 2 1931— 4




1 2 3 2 4 1944— 3 1945— 4

3 2 3 3 ?

trance :

Drills Drills Electrical

Machine Shop Mill

Mill Power Shovels Shovels Tracks


Transportation Transportation Yard I tigs M iscellaneous Office

P.. Pruning I loffmaii

T. Kelley J. Dcmbny Reiuke Heller Sobeck Mulka Reiuke Puell

LaLonde Modrzvnski

<iiovaugorio Fldridge Koch XcmiH'l I .anib

Date 1-26-48 8- 6-31 8-21-48 7-27-49 10-10-25 4- 4-45 8-28-44 1-28-46 5-11-24 2-16-48 7-14-47 11-10-45 1-17-44 12-13-29 2-11-27 10-15-49 6-24-49 6-19-47 8-12-43

Some of the departments have enviable records, flu- leader is ihe Power Department whose record goes back to 1924. We are told that after that last

accident in the power house the employees decided to do something about preventing similar happen ings. With an honest determination to prevent accidents and with the idea that they could be pre vented, a record has been made. 2408

partments have also done a fine job during the operating" season. An accident in the winter of 1942 while not charged to either shift above is chargeable

t<. the department. The Construction and Mainten ance employees have always been leaders in acci dent prevention and their nineteen year record re flects the effort given by them. The track crew de

on the Accident Bulletin Board at the Plant en Foreman

ted with ihe Power Mouse, is the next group to have

made a remarkable record. The Transportation De 1946— 1947— 1948— 1949— 1950—

Another interesting" tabulation which is given below shows ihe date of the last disabling accident in different departments as these groups are shown Department Blasting Const, ol" Maint.

Ihe Electrical crew with over twenty-five years without a serious injury, and indirectly associa

spite hazards of weather, machines, and hand tools have done a very fine job in keeping their work safe. This also holds true for the Mill where hazards are

a part of the job and caution must be used or else serious injuries will occur. For many seasons the Machine Shop was the lo cation for disabling injuries but since April 194S

Ihe men in this group have made a concerted effort to prevent these serious accidents and have

Chemical Company. Calcite Plant. Calcite Screen ings, dedicated to safety, has been an influence.

been accomplishing good results. As you have reviewed the results in the tabula

given us services in posters, literature to foremen

tion it is difficult to single out any one group for

and workers, information on safe methods, newest

honors as every department has made an extended

record sometime in ihe last twenty-five years. A question in the minds of many of our workers and friends is. "How do you account for the reducliou in accidents?" To answer this in one sentence

we can truthfully and thankfully say, "Everybody

is interested in Safety." 'I'here must be a program

membership in the National Safety Council has safety ideas and inspiration from some of the na tion's top industrial leaders. Recently, the local radio station has been used to spread safety edu cation and interest to employees and their fam ilies. The local newspaper carries publicity on acci dent prevention

which reaches the whole com

munity and so helps industry within the area in pre-

behind such a movement and while ours is not

elaborate as some programs go it has proven itself with our people and at the Calcite Plant location. First through the years we have had a management that gave safety its wholehearted support. This is not unusual for management to so commit itself

bul there arc industrial plants today where a sin

cere, determined safety leadership is wanting and their accident records reflect their attitude. Pilepersonnel at the Calcite Plant is thankful for an

interested management. A Central Safety Com mittee which meets monthly, composed of fore men, subforemen. representatives from each de partment and a number of delegates at large are

active in correcting hazardous conditions and prac tices. A further breakdown of the employee group is to hold departmental safety meetings conducted by a foreman or a representative from the Safety Department. The discussions at these meetings are

informal and every man is encouraged to speak his

opinion without fear of any embarrassment to him self or others. The third group to give attention to the promotion of Safety First is the foremen .and

management personnel who meet daily to plan and

coordinate plant operations. A generous portion of their time is spent fin safety problems, policy and procedure. Follow-up is well taken care of by those in authority.

Many other forces have contributed to selling

ourselves safety at the Michigan Limestone il 2409

senting safety to its workers. The most effective and important force behind

the entire safety program is the energetic, active spirit within every individual in the Calcite organi zation in making safety an everyday objective. At the beginning of this story is a picture of the plant entrance. The three hundred and thirty-three on ihe gate tells us the number of days in ihe year 1950 which have been accident free. It is the aim of

all to see a big 365 on this same gate come Decem ber 31si. This past season has had its many close calls which we cannot ignore. Close calls are as

much a symptom of poor safety practice as a actual accident—although more fortunate. Those of us at Calcite are not unmindful of this and rejoice in our record with humbleness.

On the second page of this article is a group

picture showing those in attendance ai a typical Central Safety Committee Meeting. On the third page is a picture of the Transportation Department Meeting of the LaLonde shift. These are the meet ings where every mail's an expert on his own job and can really discuss safety problems. On the fourth page is a picture of the Power and Electri

cal Departments who have compiled a remarkable record over twenty-five years without a disability. On the second page is a picture of Adolph Fuhr-

man. operator of the shop overhead crane which carries a score of the numbers of days the Machine

Shop has worked free of accident. On the third page is pictured William Conley who was saved

have prevented accidents while resting in a supply room.

In reviewing the accidents of our associated op erations for the 1950 season we have two accidents

to record from the Bradley Transportation Com pany. Gustav Wirgau, deckhand on the Str. Brad ley had a severe lame back, cause undetermined, and lost 11 days of work. Martin Sobeck. stokerman from the same ship lost ten days due to a

foreign body in his eye. Apparently a small particle of emery dust got around protective goggles and lodged in the eye resulting in a painful infection. These injuries were simple and not serious but enough to spoil a safely record for ihe boats. At the Conneaut Plant a no accident record con

tinues. Congratulations to the employees at Con neaut.

Oil October 25. 1950, a mill operator at the Buf falo Plant received a severely injured hand while greasing a piece of moving machinery. This is a flagrant violation of a simple safety rule. Why people should lake Mich chances is one of the ques tions which make safety programs necessary. 'Phis is the first break in the no accident record from the

Buffalo Plant since April 12. 1948. Approximately 200.000 man hours had been worked there before this last accident. We are sure that the workers al

this plant will continue to make safety a first on their jobs. So we conclude the story of safety at the Calcite Plant. George R. Jones, present safety director, in

from serious injury when atop a thirty-five foot

recent remarks said. "We are happy for the success

pole because he was wearing a safety bell. This safety equipment is easily provided but a work

resultant of the cooperative efforts of so many peo ple in making their daily work pleasant and safe. We believe that having such a goal has added to our happiness—because it is a joy to achieve."

man must make the effort to use it. Goggles, safety shoes, safety belts and like equipment never yet 2410


Shipping Production At All Time High The subject of supply and demand has always been one of interest. At Calcite we have seen ship ments in stone vary from year to year depending

Secondly, there has been an increased demand

for foundry fluxing stone and also from the manu facturers of cement and chemicals in those loca

much on outside influences. There have been years

tions where water transportation is not available.

when the demand

'I his demand has come to us because many previous

for stone has been



what we would call a normal season's production.

sources have become depleted. In some areas lime

At these times steel, cement, chemical manufactur

stone is still available but such stone does not meet

ing and business in general has been slow. This year, again, we have found the demand for lime stone. In fact, the demand will far surpass the ton nage which the estimated 1250 ships will haul from Calcite this year. The accompanying picture common enough at a casual glance implies more than the mere loading of rail cars for direct shipment. This is our first

Operation whereby stone has been loaded directly from the pit into cars for shipment. The picture shows a small area of the huge lake storage reserve

of high quality limestone. It's size makes it readily adaptable for the cement and agricultural limestone industries.

In recent years rail shipments have increased to the point where instead of a few thousand tons it

is now a matter of many thousands. There are sev eral reasons why this is so. First, increased tonnages of limestone, ore. coal. grain and other bulk cargoes have caused an acute

the requirements ol present day chemical specifi cations.

The operation pictured above was started in Oc tober.


has contributed

to the all

lime record

production and shipments enjoyed in that month. The demands for Calcite stone are such that we

find it advisable to make eight different sixes of stone in one crushing, screening and washing op

eration and in the preparation of these sizes it is our desire and aim to produce the best product possible for the use of any particular operation or customer.

The customer needs our product bul we are conscious of the fact

that we also need the cus-

iomcr. perhaps, even more than he needs us. It,

therefore, behooves us to give him the best product possible. The 1950 season at the Calcite Plant has been the

best in the company's history. Besides a produc

shortage of shipping- capacity in bulk and self-un

tion record a safety record is being made. While

loading type lake freighters. Because of this, it has become necessary to ship increased tonnages

records are usually made due to a sharply increased tempo in planning ami added energy at no time was

by rail in spite of much higher rail freight costs. This condition will perhaps continue until new

safety forgotten. Il has taken the combined effort

vessels now contemplated or under construction are added to the Great Lakes fleet.

of every man on the job to contribute to any of our records. Yes. our job at Calcite is to quarry and prepare limestone efficiently, carefully ami safely. 2411

Krakow Garage: August Quade, Florin Hoppe, Rolland Miller, Alphonse Lewandowski, William Blemke, Ermin Blemke, Max Trapp, Harry Smigelski, Michael Andrze-

Ocqueoc Garage left to right: Raymond Bischer, Marston Portice, Leon Brege, William Decker, Richard Auger, Ferris Fitch, Harlan Vermilya, Elwin Pesl,

jewski, Leo Modrzynski, Roy Dueligen.

Douglas Felabaum.

Road Commission Makes Safety Their Business The rapid development and growth of the auto mobile industry in the United Slates to meet the

public demand tor better and faster transportation m the past thirty years has of necessity required a similar development in our highway system. Smoother, wider and more durable road systems

to accomodate and make higher speeds safe and more comfortable for the traveling public have resulted in a road program in this country second to none. Michigan, the hub of the auto industry has not lagged in the race for better n>ad>. If we are to believe tourist reports both local and nutstate, our roads and roadside facilities are anions

the best in ihe Cnion. The traveling public, and they should know, say that this is particularly true in the recreational upstate areas of Northern Michigan. I'rescue Isle count} is no exception to the rule. It's roads, roadside tourist parks and sightseeing accomodations are as good or better than those of any count}" in the State. We take

these public convtuieiices in our stride and only

they do. The}" often come to the rescue with a chain to pull out the earless driver stalled in a soft shoulder or snowbank.

Lei's lake a



ihe men behind this job and see how the} do it. A few days ago the grapevine brought to the

editor's desk a rumor that the Presque Isle Count}' Road Commission had received a safety award.

Upon investigation we found that they possessed mil oiil}" one Safety trophy but five ol them and further questioning uncovered the following en viable safety record.

Ihe Mutual Liability Company of Detroit start ing August 1. 1934 sponsored an annual safety con test for Road Commissions. There were twenty-

six participants at that lime and ihe contest which has continued from 1934 to the present still has

about ihe same number of contestants. The Presque Isle Count} Road Commission won the first Safety

award for August. 1934 to August of 1915. An account of this event and a picture of the crew at that time can be found in the fall issue of Calcite

too often consider them as a part of our rightlul

Screenings of that year.

heritage. We bowl along our highways al .ins speed our

mission has won the yearly plaque representing

cars and hearts desire and only when some flaw in road conditions which interfere wilh our own par

Since the contest started the local

road com

first place ami a full year without a lost time acciaccidenl four limes, "nanielv 1934-1935, 1946V-1947,

ticular pleasure or profit do we think ol those

1948-1949. and 1949-1950. hi Ihe intervening years

patient yellow trucks of the Count} Road Com mission and the men who operate them. Day in ami da}" out the}' do their stint of eontiuuous road re pair and upkeep. Our complaints are taken care ol

the}- placed second six times.

in <\\\i- lime. A load of gravel to fill a hole some

times on a private drive, a scraper to level a lit lie used road and a layer of chloride to lay the dust

The fifth trophy is a statue added on August 1. 1945 representing one million man hours of workwithout a lost lime accident. As of August 1. 1950. ihe record shows an accumulation of 16 years and

1.774.507 man hours of safe operations on County roads without one lost time accident. This all proves

for lake cottages are just a few of the many jobs

that we have noi only some of the best roads in

Onaway Garage left to right: Alonzo Booth, Earl Mc-

Michigan but they are also maintained by the most safety minded crew in the State.

Ates, Earl Burgess, Verdier Porter, LeRoy Glasier.

Superintendenl Roy Dtleltgen whose job it is to direct ihe activities of the Presque Isle County road crews takes his safety record as a matter of course and all in the days work. Roy is modest and unassuming: he gives the credit for Ihe whole thing to his road men. Roy says, "they are the ones who made the record, not me. I have some good fore men on the job who have been at road work a.; long as I have. They know all the hazards which accompany road maintenance, get along well with

their men and keep their eyes open." Marl Duel tgen is the foreman in charge of County Road Maintenance. Xorman McDonald takes care of the

Rogers County Garage left to right: Andrew Yarch, Charles Moniych, Stanley Paull, Joseph Smith, Alfred Haselhuhn, Joseph Kelly, Earl Claus, Eli Pilarski, Al fred Miller, Earl Dueltgen, Walter Idalski, Frank Kelley.

Rogers State Garage: Roy Dueltgen, Max Haske, Wilbert Fleming, Sylvester Wasilk, Roy Lamb, Clarence Korlman, Floyd Flewelling, Ralph Repke, Herbert Bruning, Campbell Griggs, Theodore Kasprzyk, Elizabeih Heller, Lawrence Muika, Rita Conjonte, Norman McDonald.

state roads; Ferris Fitch is foreman of the crew at

in behind one of those big yellow plows and fol

Ocqueoc. William

Bleuke at Krakow and


lowed it back to town. Seldom, indeed, in recent

McAtee takes care of the work at Onaway. Safe operation is the product of each group of men work

years have the trunk lines of the county been im passable for more than a few hours even during

ing together as a unit and as individuals making our roads safe for themselves as well as the public. The foremen cannot be with their men at all times. Take the truck drivers, for instance, who are on their

own most of the time. They watch their front and rear view mirrors al all times and are careful to

observe all road signs and crossings. As a result

they haven't had any equipment damage to speak of as long as they can remember. Roy is proud of his crew ami their record. Inci dentally, he estimates that he himself has driven close to a million miles on county road maintenance since he became Superintendent on March 15. 1931 and has had one accident. He doesn't like to talk about that but is thankful that no one was hurt.

Rov started working on the countv roads on March 15/1921.

The Presque Isle County Road Commission em ployees maintain 144.759 miles of State roads and 615.4 miles of township roads. To do this job they use 34 trucks. 2 tractors, 2 motor graders. 3 mow ers. 3 truck shovels. 4 spreaders. 1 bucket loader. 2 cars and 1 pick-up truck. Two mechanics. Stan ley Paul and Reinhart Zinke do most of the main tenance work on the equipment in the State High way garage located on US-23 just south of Rogers City. Constructed of steel and concrete, the State garage is the Commission's headquarters. This

the worst mid-winter storms. Some 35 miles of

snow fences painstakingly installed in the fall along those stretches of road which drift the worst have keep road blocks to a minimum.

Proper road maintenance like any other job takes experience and the Presque Isle County Road Commission has this commodity in abundance. Out of the fifty roadmen on the job nineteen have been with the Commission for ten years or more. With a few exceptions they have all been on the payroll for five years or more.


to Superintendent



road accidents are caused by falls from crawling in and out ol trucks, careless truck driving and careless handling of other mobile equipment where men are working. Winter sanding of icy highways is hazardous both to the workmen and the public since the truck must travel on

the ice ahead of

the sander. Drivers who do not watch back traffic,

road signs and crossings cause many of the road men's accidents. Other causes may of course be

due to poor equipment maintenance and poor

building is of pleasing1 architectural design and one

housekeeping and cleanup both around ihe build ings and on the highways. A saleiv meeting ol the whole group once a month in the State Highway Garage or if this is not possible separate group meetings keep the men Safety conscious. At these meetings they discuss past close accidents and how to prevent a recur

of the finest of its kind in the State. The spacious grounds are beautifully landscaped and cared Un

might cause an accident in the future.

making ii one <Âťf the show places of the County. It is well equipped for repair work and houses the Superintendent's office where yon will find Deputy

Garage floors are cleaned once a day and all tools and equipment are put in order. Usually this cleanup is performed the first thing in the morning

Clerk Elizabeth Heller and bookkeeper Rita Conjonte busy with the clerical work of the Com

to start the day's work with a clean slate.

mission. These young ladies are busy but the}" are

always read}" with n smile when you ask for in formation and speak of the safety trophies. The personnel of the Presque Isle County Road Com mission is composed of 54 employees a far cry from the 13 men who won the first safety award in 1935. Their work day starts at 7:30 a. m. and ends ;il 4:30 p. m. except when nature goes on the rampage in Ihe form of storms and snow. The crews then work in relavs until the roads are again clear for traffic. May of us when caught in a snow

storm on the highways have thankfully crawled

rence of

the same or a

similar condition


A casual visitor lo any of the County garages can see the fruits of careful housekeeping. Snow

plows ami oilier equipment not in use are arranged in near orderly rows both inside and out. "Cooperation in the Safety Program from the County Supervisors down to every man on the job is the secret of success" says Supt. Dueltgen. and the record proves his point.

We are more than pleased at this opportunity to congratulate the Board of Supervisors, the Presque Isle County Road Commission and their fine group of intelligent employees shown in the accompany ing pictures, for their fine safety record. 2413

Five Members Of Troop 90 Are Eagle Scouts Recently the five Rogers City boys shown in the

picture were awarded the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable as a member ol the Boy Scouts of America. As it is estimated that only one scout in two hundred achieves this rank, Rogers

City may well be proud of these future citizens. The Boy Scout program is built around two things: The Boy Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law.

The Scout Oath or Promise:

On my honor 1 will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout law. To help other people at all times.

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. The Scout Law:

A Scout is Trustworthy

Loyal Helpful Friendly

for promotion. To reach the rank of Eagle Scout ihe scout must complete the requirements for five lower ranks: Tenderfoot, Second Class. First Class, Star,

and Life. To become a Tenderfoot scout, a boy must

lie eleven years of age and have his parents approval for joining the scouting program. After demon strating his knowledge of the Scout Promise and Law-, the history of the flag of the United States and the respects due it. he is made a Tenderfoot scout.

The rank of Second Class Scout is the next step

up the ladder. The boy learns to take care of him self on m five mile hike; to build a fire in the open and cook a simple meal and leave a clean campsite. He studies the compass and finds out how it works and how to use it. Elementary first aid ami safety

requirements are included. When he proves his

Courteous Kind

know ledge on these subjects he is promoted to the

Obedient Cheerful

To become a First Class scout the boy must show proficiency in advanced first aid, be able to cook a well balanced meal in the open: sketch and follow a maji of an area with which he is familiar: swim at least fifty yards; be familiar with the trees and

Thrifty Brave Clean Reverent

In addition to meeting the scoutcraft require ments needed for advancement to the various ranks 2414

in scouting, the boy must show that he has lived up to the scout oath and law and has taken an active part in troop activities before he is eligible

rank of Second Class scout.

wild life to be found in the vicinity of his home, and be able to send and receive a message using the Morse code. When he proves, by his conduct

EW\L-Pzm& on an overnight camping trip, that he can make


himself comiorlable in tne woods he is ready lor his award of First Class rank.

From the rank ol hirst Class scout the boy can move up through the ranks of Star and l.iie'scout

by earning merit badges. These merit badges cover

proficiency in some \2.5 fields ranging from aero

nautics through zoology. Any five merit badges certify the scout for Mar rank. To earn the rank

of l.iie scout, ten merit badges are required, the ten to include those on Safety. First Aid. Lifesav-

ing. Physical Development, Personal Health, and

Public Health. A total of twenty-one merit badges is required for the attainment oi Eagle Scout rank, and these twenty-one must include ihe badges re quired for Life scon', as well as awards in Camping, Bird Study. Citizenship, Cooking and Paihfinding.



A Bay Seoul troop must be sponsored by some civic organization such as a church, service club,

or lodge. This organization appoints a committee of from four lo seven men to direct the activities of ihe froop. The committee selects a scoutmaster ami one or more assistant scoutmasters. These adult

leaders plan and direct the activities of the troop along the general principles of the scouting pro gram.

Ihe troop is organized on the lines of a demo cracy and elects its own junior leaders. A senior

patrol leader, usually one of the older boys, acts as the link between the scoutmaster and his assistants

and the membership of ihe troop. The membership divides itself into small groups, usually consisting of eight boys, called patrols. These patrols elect their leaders who are the patrol leaders and assis tant patrol leaders. These junior leaders, with the help of the adult leaders, plan and execute the de tails of ihe troop program laid out in general by the troop committee. These activities, in addition to

the advancement program, include Camping trips, both of the individual troop and joint trips with other troops, winter trips known as "'Klondike

Derbies." and Mother and Dad nights. Participation in civic activities or "good turns" such as clean-up campaigns ami charity drives is .also an important part of the troop's activities. The Scouting program not only gives a boy one more well directed outlet for his energies but helps him tit develop leadership and team spirit while gaining knowledge of worthwhile subjects.

In the group picture at the beginning of the article are the Eagle Scouls in the front row. Left to right are: Robert Smith. Leo O'Connor. Bill

Borough, Ronald V'oda ami Xorman Ouinn. In the back row are the parents and beginning at the left are Mr. and Mrs. Xorman Smith, Mrs. Leo

O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. William Borough. Mrs. Louis Voda. Mr. and Mrs. James Ouinn and Don

Guess Who? This picture was taken back in the days when the Calcite Plant was in its infancy. You can spot the period by the ribbon ties on the boys and the photographic props. Drops for a background such as the one on the baby chair were always part of the studio equipment of the first decade of the cen tury. None of these gentlemen worked for Calcite at that time but the boy at the right has been working here for nigh on twenty-five years. He is not quite as goad looking as he was then but he is still a handsome chap with a ready smile. He is married, has a family and you will find him in the

Mill department at the plant. We can't pin him down much closer than that without giving him away but don't spend too much time looking over the boat loading crews when you start comparing faces.

Our last issue of Screenings featured William Heller of the Machine Shop and his wife in the '*( iuess Who" column. We are told that that one

Van Zaudt. scoutmaster.

didn't have too many guessing.

The Cover Picture Our cover picture is a scene a short distance up stream from

the mouth of Swan

River. Xorman

Haselhuhn. a newer member of ihe Calcite Screen

ings staff, took the picture. We believe you will like the view as il has caught the beauty which is so typical of man}" sections in northern Michigan.

Calcite Screenings Published periodically by the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company, Rogers City, Michigan, in the inter

ests of safety. Contributions should be received early be fore date of publication, and they should bear the name of the department and sender and should be addressed to the editor. Geo. R. Jones.


News Items from the Buffalo Plant locker?

Henry Podraza wearing a sour look on his face, after Lis and John Kroff—all winners on Lis's weekly football pool. Good luck boys—and another

cents and I'll take the "Jinx" off of you."

day for you Henry.

—No dog, no birds !

that he could bite, off the tail of one of the Mill

Eugene Hill—Who put them "Birds" in my Hardy Johnson—"Hey Eugene: Give me fifty

J. Rychnowski—(Pheasant Season) Got 2 shots Alex Krusxka—"Hey Wally, we got enough

"Dolomite Stone" stacked up to run 12 hours." Lizzie Tomani—Seems to be protecting his for

eign interests, he has been seen sending carpenters tools across.

Ask Ed. Spillman how smoothly he talked Eu

gene into donating one dollar to the Community Chest Fund.

Stanley Lis was told to mark his tools—He has just received a new "Stanley Hammer" and noticing it he said. "Here's something 1 don't have to mark— My name's already on it."

Johnny Collins is operating a "2 minute car wash," a good strong water pressure and the car is clean—"That's another 2 bucks 1 saved."

Stanley Corpus seems to have benefited by those excursions to Conneaut. He either gained weight or its the clothes he's wearing. The food must be good and plentiful up there.

We like the one about Lizz Tomani taking the bet

Cats. They claim he really tried but lost. That operation he had. sure cured his eating habits. There was a time he couldn't keep water down. We claim that if we could find someone crazy

enough to board out our salesman, Big O'Leary Dye. we could save thousands of dollars each year. Bill Larivey became a shift operator this sum mer and a few hours after he was on his new job.

the finished product elevator fell. He reacted cool as a cucumber, stopping all accessor}- mill equip

ment, without any plug ups. He has been going great guns ever since. Believe it or not: Our star electric welder, Otis Robinson, is left handed. As a side line he is a

"Junk Dealer"—scrap iron and miscellaneous steel items. Otis handles everything and in addition to this he runs a dry cleaning establishment. What a man!

The Buffalo plant boys claim it's getting tough

if you ever need any baking soda to settle your stomach, ask Pat McCaul he is never without it.

to work at Conneaut, by working straight through the night, they have saved the price of hotel rooms.

A sure sign of family trouble: Stanley Lis driving 80 miles per hour in his new Hudson and of all things, his mother-in-law in the

John Kunik wants a road map to find his way around the mill building. John was heard to remark. "They can't build clown and sideways, now they're going up. Why to grease the carbon elevator, it will be just like a trip to the moon."

back seat.

The most popular man in the organization with Uncle Sam and Tom Dewey is our own Eugene Hill, for example:

Oct. 20—Uncle Sam—Please pay Federal Tax of $67.04.

Oct. 21—Uncle Sam—Questionnaire on Selective


Oct. 23—Tom Dewey—Please pay state $18.00 tax.

Take it easy Eugene because the induction paper will be the answer to all your problems. And this

So long Chief John Sparre and the best of every thing for you. and you have left more of a mark than you will realize right here in the Buffalo plant. The methods you taught: Don't take things for granted. The best job you can do is still not good enough. Check and then double check is standard

proceedure at the Buffalo plant and we find it paying off for all of us.

all happened to a Veteran of World War IL Joe Caruana—I just missed having a clean sweep

George Penn is ranked right with Howard King and Robert Stephany in operating the Raymond Pulverizer to perfection. Recording charts on this equipment really need not be changed, they are

on Lis's football pool, picked 7 out of 8 but a miss

the same day in and out.

is good as a mile.

We are rapidly approaching the winter months, when slippery walks, ice and snow conditions will

It's a sure sign that winter is just around the corner when the super's office starts firing these orders:

"Covers on V-3 loader until further advised."

Order me a dozen lengths of stove pipe—Lis.

Keep bag storage building doors closed at all


Be sure that door to loading shelters is closed at all times.

Is the anti-freeze in all equipment and check the salt inventory.

It's the same story every year and then comes the snows.


contribute to the cause of many accidents. Let's all see that we at the Buffalo plant are not included in the list of victims. If conditions are not right

don't go ahead with your work until they are right. Report unsafe conditions to your foreman, it's a must for him to provide safe working conditions. We of the Buffalo plant wish to congratulate

the fast increasing group of 25 year men which includes Eliseo Tomani, William Collins. Rocco DiPietro, William Scattoline. Tom Rose, George

Mintz. and Johnny Collins.

Well it finally happened, Larry (snowshoeg, O'Leary) Dye has finally captured his first Muskie. He had some trying moments until he was able to exceed the legal length by a scant }4 inch. The Multi-Min Product was checked in field and

proves to be right up to the "SPECS." The mixing crew of Johnny Kowalski, Stanley Lis, and Eddie Spillman sure know their business.

We wonder why Eugene Hill each morning for gets his lunch and each day that long trip at noon to get one. It's not efficient.

The Sunday when the sun blanked out at Con neaut and the eastern section of the states, we had

of the Albert Strieker family. Al is employed as a DHM painter and he fully realizes that he'll have to keep swinging the brush in order to feed another

hungry child and fill another Christmas stocking. Al now has two sons.

Audrey Jean made her debut at the John Gordon home on Hilltop Lane on August 19. Linda, their other child, was pleased as punch with her new baby sister and she held "open house" so all her little friends could come in and share her joys. And Johnny—well, he just broke out with a broader smile than usual and stated that he could handle

three women as well as two anyday! Johnny is a wheelsman on the Steamer W. F. White.

three little bad fellows, Johnny Kowalski, Franklin

When that little ole ship, the Steamer Calcite comes into port, Daune Valley is without fail the

DuBois and Stan Corpus who had missed church that morning and were more than worried. The

watch. He just can't lose any time getting over to

story we get is that they were in favor of stopping work right there and then so that they could attend church—during the late afternoon.

We of the Buffalo plant regret seeing Captain F. F. Pearse retire. He is a great skipper and an allaround good fellow. He should thank Captain Mark Haswell for prolonging his career. It seems he was

stuck in an ice flow outside of Cheboygan, Michi gan years ago while inspecting ice conditions—and the fellow in charge of arranging his rescue double crossed him but thanks to Captain Mark, the rescue was finally arranged.

You cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late.—Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Stork Notes

first man down the ladder—that is, if he isn't on Atlanta since little Carol Leona was born to he

and his wife in September. William LaLonde, wheelsman on the Steamer

Bradley, boasts of another little girl born to he and the missus on September 27. Sally Marie is the name and she has five sisters and three brothers.

You can't make up a football team that way, Bill. On October 12 Columbus not only discovered America but Captain Nauts of the Steamer Bradley became a grandpa and Jerold Geyer of the Steamer White became a daddy. Susan Isabelle is the name of that black haired, blue-eyed little lass who was born on such a memorable day. And now we have another brand new grandpa and daddy. The Bradley fleet seems to be taking all the honors in this issue, at least thus far they have. The crew of the Steamer Munson was ready to use the right hand for congratulations and the left to receive that traditional cigar when Dick Brege returned after welcoming young Owen Carroll. "Cappy" Rus Lamb of the Tugs is the grandpappy. We don't know how Edwin Fuhrman will manage

Mr. Stork is on the job again bringing bundles of joy to our employees. We note, however, that since our last issue of Screenings he has more or less had an easier time of it winging his way to only fourteen homes. Could be that he is conserving his energies for the Christmas rush! Well, anyhow he did make a trip out Moltke way and left little Marleine Jo for the William Pauley's on August 22, 1950. Bill is employed in the Yard Department. Engineer "Daddy Lamp" is what they call him

tober 1. Elizabeth and Mary Ann are her sisters and their daddy is employed as a deckhand on

and my how he does beam! No sir, we won't call

the Steamer W. F. White.

him "lover" anymore 'cause it just isn't befitting to the dignity of parenthood. Don can't lay up that Steamer White soon enough so that he might get

Richard DuLac experienced the thrill of becom ing a daddy on October 2 when Camille Elizabeth

acquainted with young Malcolm Frank who brought the Lamp's much joy and happiness on August 16, 1950. We might warn you, Don, that by December 10 or thereabouts young Malcie will have developed a good strong set of lungs and you

might find yourself doing some wee morning hour exercises. Congratulations to the both of you on your fine son and also that cozy little bungalow you recently purchased. Seven boys, three girls and a blank space in the

withholding tax column! Tom Kuznicki, employed in the Mill Department, is an ardent hunter and each year hopes to get his buck to bring down the grocery bill. He called his last child Arthur Lewis who ws born on August 23, 1950. On August 29 Norman Paul joined the household

with four women around the house this winter.

Guess he'll have to consult Jimmy Congonte on that score, after raising five of them he should be an authority on that sort of thing. Anyway. Patricia Louise was born to the Fuhrman's on Oc

came to make her home with "Coon" and Norma

Betty. She is their first child and her pa works with the track crews.

On Ocotber 26 Ralph Paul invaded the house hold of the Richard Zempel's because he felt that Lynn Louise should have a playmate. Dick is em ployed on construction and maintenance at the Plant.

And just as we are about to go to press Melvin Miller rushes in breathlessly and gives us the glad

tidings of the arrival of Linda Loraine born to them on November 11. Melvin is employed in the Track Department. The Staff of Calcite Screenings congratulates

the proud parents of these new twigs on their family trees and we sincerely hope that they grow into strong and healthy citizens of tomorrow. 2417

You 11 See It In Screenings Personals" That Come To The Editor's Desk . . . Just Among Ourselves

This fine looking family was all on hand on Oc tober 29th to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anni

versary of their parents. Mr. ami Mrs. John Smolinski.'Sr. John, who for twenty-eight years was

tough man to handle on the gridiron and basketball

floor. Betty Works in Detroit and is the only one of ihe girls who chose to remain single. Irene L now Mrs. James Lamb whose husband is a boat

a millman at the Michigan Limestone 8? Chemical

loader at Calcite and a former Bradley Transporta

Company is now retired but has left with us a goodly representation of husky men to carry on the work' of producing and transporting limestone. When we say husky we mean just that. The gentle

tion Company employee. Berniece is the wife of Henry Kaminski. second mate on the Steamer C. D. Bradley. Lorraine, the baby of the family, is now Mrs. Albert Cadieux and also lives in Rogers City.

men in the back row are all well over the six fool

John. Sr. and Mrs. Smolmski are proud of this fine family and rightfully so. They are representa tive of the type of employees we have at the Cal cite Plant. The oft repeated story of faithful ser vice which has made our production and safety rec ord what il is today stems from employees such as

mark. Ted. the youngest of the boys is around f> foot 4 and his father is right up there in the same atmos

phere. Leo, on the left, is a boat loader and was but a sixteen year old lad when he first started to work for this Company and now boasts of twenty-eight years of service. He is a grandfather and his son.

the Smolmski boys. We all congratulate and wish

Robert, is a mill repairman. John Jr.. the second to the left, is also a boat loader and has been employed

the Smolinski's many more happy reunions.

since 1923. He has followed his father's footsteps

Jack Lexer came into the electrical shop all out of breath one morning. Lie was obviously excited. and this is what he told us. "Look al my hands,

and is also a good millwright. Next to John is Louis

who got away from the parental hue but still fol lows the same pattern. Louis is a tug fireman at the see, the skin is -wore right off. Gosh, it sure did plant and an excellent mechanic. And in the line of happen fast." The gang finally calmed him down sports he. is rated as a skillful and inveterate fish enough so that he told them the whole story. He erman. If you are interested in fishing and want to know when they're biting just watch Louis. That little fella on the right is the only one of ihe

continued. "My old friend. Wilson Pines came over yesterday and showed me how to locate water and he used a Divining Rod! 1 was skeptical so 1 look

boys who forsook his native town. Ted is graduated from the Michigan State College as a chemical en

the twig myself and started out. I really grabbed hold of it. As 1 walked along 1 gripped it with all my

gineer and works in that capacity with the Packard Motor Company of Detroit. Ted was a very fine

might thinking how foolish 1 must look. Then it

athlete while attending the local high school and was a member of both the football and basketball teams and when in college he was a tackle at Michi

gan State. All that height and weight made him a 2418

happened—that twig bent down so fasl that it took the skin right off mv hands! There must be at least

2,000.000 gallons of water at that spot." All we say is that you had belter be careful when you tap that reservoir. Jack. Don't flood the whole country.

Eddie Smith must have consulted John Miller regarding poultry breeding sometime in the past when the Str. Calcite docked at the fines side. The truth would never have come out but for the fact

that Eddie says he has some square chicken eggs. After persistent coaxing Eddie admitted that the breed started at Johnny Miller's farm ! George Hoy was one of the fellas who received

promotions recently in the Bradley fleet and of course he had his picture taken and then retaken.

George murmured. "I'm George Hoy, 1 just face it—I'm not George Murphy!" Heard while passing: Gus Schaedig: "Easy does it. lads."

Herb Quade: "Forty fetters but m> bird." Alex MaJocha: "As long as you put the stone in we'll carry it." Bob Heller: "I've already bought a box of cigars and each one is labeled "It's a boy." Butch Froelich : "It's too warm lor a vacation in

June: I'll take mine during deer season."

Edgar Xewhouse: "Did vmi vote?-'" George Baker: "I've got a better job than vim. The only one I have to watch is you and yon have to watch 60 of us!"

Steve Widajcwski. a disciple of safety, using the "long stick" to replace light bulbs in the quarry building. Stevie. as he is known to the trackmen,

keeps those track tools in shape so that a good. safe job can be done at all times. He is one of tinold timers at Calcite and seems to get a big kick out of his job.

One day not long ago "Chum" Raymond and Art llein while talking about wrist watches saw "Rube" Bruning coming on the job and said. "Let's have some fun with 'Rube'. " We'll tell him that .Michi

gan Lime is going to give him a wrist watch be cause he is an oldtimer and that the safety record is

unbroken." So our cameraman who happened to he close by got a picture of the proceeding's. George Smart and Bob Brownlec in the background are the amused onlookers. The best part of it all is that

"Rube" will get one of those watches he was being ribbed about. Chum is taking his wrist measure ment.

WC've heard of many and varied cures for rheu matism hut Ralph O'Toole has an effective one he swears by. He says that all you have to do is carry a potato (a small one is O. K.) in your pocket. Simple, isn't it? The one he carries is small, shriv eled with age, but very effective. Just like limburger cheese, hey Ralph, they improve with age! Doc Lurtaw of ihe storehouse can be heard fre

quently giving Bob Heller advice on how to raise a family. All we can say is that Bob couldn't consult a better authority for he did a fine job of raising his large family. ()h yes, these partridges must ihink that the lo

comotive- crew is a very hungry group of people and fell sorry for them and sacrificed their lives by just laying their necks across the rail and let them run right over them. Now. I think we've

heard everything! 2419

It seems Doc Eur taw and Bob Heller have things

all planned out since Bob bought the two houses. When they are in the dog house wilh the wife both of them

will move into

Bob's Other house.


claims he is a pretty good cook so it looks like Bob will have to swing the mop.

Herb Ouade of the yard department is a good hunter and he especially likes his bird hunting sport. On rare occasions be does miss and those are ihe ones we like to tell about. This time the bird

was making a definite getaway across an old road into the brush. Without any forethought Herb raised his gun and out flew the deadly pellets. Some bushes screened the outcome hut Herb confidently

strode over lo investigate but was reported to say. '•••Gosh,

lortv fetters but no bird!"

The deer hunting season brings to mind deer

hunting stories. Invariably you can hear of hunters tell "f experiences out on the runways. George Teeples gave an account of bagging his first buck to one of his fellow workers and his story went

thus: "Man. it happened at Drummond Island. I can still see myself sitting on my runway when this great big buck came through. Shivering, I raised my single shot shotgun and fired. Down Sylvester "Joe" Smolinski, deckhand Steamer W.


White, chose





wenl the deer and 1 sure got over there in a burr}'. It seemed lo me thai he was trying lo get away so 1 grabbed the gun by the barrel and hit him

as his wife on October 7. Rev. C. T. SkowronSki

over the head. That blow killed him but I broke my

united this couple in matrimony at the St. Ignatius Rectory. Joe is the son of Simon Smolinski and

gun all to smitherenes."

Wilfred Schleben is the father of the bride and they

are both employed at the Plant. You may find this couple at 266 South Third Street where they are making their home. St.







Michigan, was the scene of the August 11 wedding of Verna Wichem and our Donald L. Johnson. The\" were united in marriage al an early evening

ceremony by the Rev. Edward Schmidt and they are now making their home in Rogers City. Don is

a repairman on the Steamer Calcite. We regret that we have been unable to get a picture of this fine couple but perhaps when the ship is securely tied up in the layup harbor we may have an oppor tunity to meet the wife. How about il Don? Bill Trapp seems always to have his troubles. The other (lay Walter Meyer was over talking to the blasting crew and everyone seemed unusually

quiet and it aroused Walt's suspicions. He singled out Bill and asked him what was wrong and Bill

replied. "I've got a headache." Says Walter. "You're luck}" you've got something to ache.

On Sunday, September 24 a big forest Fire in Al berta, Canada sent a heavy draft of smoke over Michigan and almost completely blotted out the Stin. When Don Matuszewski woke up to his 10:30 alarm and looked the situation over he started re

calling mentally all the bad little things he has done in his life and immediatelv went down on his knees

trying to make amends, '["hat's all right Don. there were a lot of other people just like you who were thinking and doing the very same thing but not big enough to admit it. 2420

11 Lift hard lo establish the identity of this pros

perous hunter. 11 is. of course, Wilbert Radtke ol the Electrical Department. Of Wilbert ii can truly be said that he is a real sportsman. If he goes hunt ing or fishing it is taken for granted thai he'll not come home empty handed. These two unlucky par

tridges were shot beyond Swan River. So as not to give away any secrets we'll not elaborate anymore on ihe vicinity.

Anyone looking for a bah}' siller? Just call on John Burns and Fred Radka. Their services are

readily available and no one is afraid of either of them.

Besides being a good plant carpenter Herman Hopp has many other talents. He can rise equal to any occasion. The boys tested his ability the other day by putting some fine sawdust in his beloved pipe which he had momentarily laid aside. Willi restricted smiles they all stood around as Herman

retrieved his pipe and dug inlo his pocket for a match. The match glowed and the smoke curled

but Herman said nothing. You guessed it—Pierman smoked that pipeful just like it was a blend of his richest imported an domestic brands!!! The Army? Xoi me. I was in once and that was enough. This remark is heard often at the plant lately but some feel that they really got something

out of il. Maybe it was the buddies the}" met or tinplaces they have seen and will never see again.

Ralph O'Toole is one of the boys who spent his vacation in October looking some buddies up and attending a reunion of his old outfit in Chicago. He said il was a thrill to get together once again

and we know thai Marty would make the most of il.

Our locomotive crew in the yard seem to be quite the hunters. The pheasant we see Howard Soper holding was supposed to have come in on the empty cars. We are told it was very much alive when thev found it and who are we to doubt such

"Honest Abe's?"

September 3 was the day Joe Hasselt. radio op erator, and Gloria Kaniecki chose to go aisling

and they tell us ihey never walked such along one! Rev. C. T. Skowronski had the honor of joining this fine couple in holy wedlock at the St. Igna tius Church. The new Mrs. Hassett is the local li

brarian and church organist. In the accompanying picture we see this happy couple pausing long enough to oblige the photographer directly after the ceremony. They are now making their home at 656)/. South Third Street where they will welcome their many friends. Bill Trapp. one of our ardent fishermen, came upon a great discovery. Whenever his goldfish came to the to]) that was a sure sign that things were

just right for fishing and it was a sure thing that the}" were biting. P.ill worked his goldfish so hard

that they all died. Just think. Bilk you could have caught your limit each time if this story hadn't leaked out. Too bad you lost those fish too because "Foxy" Dullack has been bragging about that hunt

ing dog of his for so long now that even a fish story would be a diversion !

From the target house doorway. Bob Mrownlee saw several flocks of geese winging their way north this fall instead of customarily going south. It was indeed an unusual sight and Bob spontaneous!} pro claimed, "(ice. I guess those birds figure they're too far south this year and had better get a wee bit farther north."

Jack Le/.er of the electrical crew saw the north

bound geese too and said. "Good weather yet for awhile: I have more faith in those geese than I have in some of those radio commentators!" 2421

What's this we hear about that great hunter Dick

Schaedig? They tell us he missed the first twelvepartridges lie shot at this year and according lo any man's mathematics that's a very poor percentage. Dick's going to forget about hunting ami is going to concentrate on boxing now. Seems thai that lad

Wayne, his son. almost took a round Old of him the other day am] he's all of one year old! The owl is a predatory bird which preys on rab bits, partridges and other types of game. Joe Valen tin saw a large speciman of a Canadian owl on his way to the plant the other day and later chauffcred hunter. I'.ill Crow, lo the scene. The big bird was

still on his perch and Bill blazed ..way with his shot gun but Mr. <)\vl got away. Says Rill. "They look Mg but they're all feathers." Clayi Murphy almost got hL muin without firing a single shut. Air. Rear came out of the wilds and aimlessly wandered down Main Street rate evening taking in ihe sights of ihe City lights when Clayi came driving along and nicked him slightly just to gel him off the street. We might also mention for tin- benefit of our oul-of-town readers and those

who are unfamiliar wilh this country that it is not unusual to sec deer parading down our ihorough-

That smiling young man shown here with his "doll-like" bride is none other than Albert "Bob"

Schefke, second cook on the Steamer W. F. White. Could ^ be that Rob is gelling tired of his own

cooking? His bride is the former Jeanette Kurkierewicx of Alpena. They were married on Sep tember 1(> by Moiisignor Gatzkc at St. Mary's Church. Albert is the son of Robert Schefke of the Track Department.

George "Do All' Baker purchased a beautiful Winchester shotgun this fall. To do the right thing he had the gun equipped with both cylinder bore and full choke. The cost? Somewhere around quite a Int. George made elaborate plans for that lirst

duck hunting excursion. Everything seemed per fect until he got the gun loaded tip in readiness lo blast that first duck. You guessed it—the part of that nice equipment he needed right then was at home!

The fellows at the Mo. 3 shovel came up wilh the following problem the other day: Suppose you could find two metal balls the same weight and size and one being solid and the other hollow. How cotild you tell them apart? Can anyone help them out? Authorities say that it couldn't be done by

pounding or letting them rusi but just roll them down an incline and think of the principle of a fly-wheel. Simple hey?

Adolph Sorgenfrei's Pontiac just wouldn't start that morning so he caught a ride to ihe plant and left his car behind. He got hold of a mechanic and went back to dig into the mystery. While the me chanic was getting his tools out Adolph got in the car and first off he notices that the bydromalic

gear shift was not in position for starting the car. Nothing to do now but try it again so over went

the gear shift, on went the key and away went the motor! 2422

fares as though it were the natural thing to do. Yes sir. these "dumb" animals are getting smarter

all 'he time. Pretty soon they'll be moving into town during the hunting season when things get tot) hoi on the runways!

Kenneth Frederick certainly hated to leave that

Ford—so new. shiny and popular. When your Draft Board number comes up there is not much a fella can do hut say goodbye to civilian joys and climb

into ijnele Sam's uniform. At least, Kenny didn't complain. The boys on ihe track miss you Kenny and we wager that Frank Rubeo would like to have

you back right now. Kenny left for the Army early in October,

Could you lake an Oldsmobile of aboul


model and install a Dodge motor in it? If you can. then for good measure put in a Chevrolet clutch and brake pedal. Any man that can do this is a good mechanic and qualified for most any job. We have Just such a man at Calcite. His name is George (do

all) Baker. Lie has named his newest product a "Dodge-mobile." 1.

SIGHTS TO HAYF SEEN 101 Kihn's face when he learned that his car.

which he loaned to a friend, had been in a smash-up. 2. "lYv/./.y" Reuhler without a cigar. 3. Captain Swarts telling that his new Pontiac ran out of gas. (He didn't miss the boat.)


Bob Heller trying to make a bet with him

self on the current baseball games.

5. Leonard "Peanuts" Haselhuhn trying to make conversation over a phone that was out of order.

6. "Rat" Patterson and Don Vau/andt wearing their new skipper hats while measuring the water depth of the harbor. 7. Kelly's innocent look when he said, didn't flo it!"

8. Art Wcnzel driving his V-8 around for the first time alter using the Model-A for so long.


Johnny Meyer's serious expression as he tries

'.lot to lose his deer rifle while hunting this next fall. Clad you got it back last year. Johnny.

Xo age or time of life, no position or circum

stance, has a monopoly on success. Anv age is the right age to START DOING!

The happy appearing fellas are members of Al

fred Klingshirn's boat loading crew. Those loading belts have been kept busy this season and here we

show the gang doing ;i little repair work between ships. It is men and crews such as shown here who have been working diligently making production records this season. We are told that busy men are happy men. This picture of Frank Filipiak. Bill Bailer. Al Kliugshirn. Leo Schefke. Larry Syrette anil Dick Schaedig is sufficient proof of ihe truth of that statement.

And last but by far not the least, we have here

none other than that congenial fellow. Clayton Murphy, whom you'll find working at the Chem

istry laboratory al Raul Thornley's able assistant. His bride, the former Lorene Yarch is the daughter

of Anthony Yarch of the Drill Department. They chose October 7. a beautiful Indian summer day. on which to speak their vows. The}" were wedded by Rev. C. T. Skowronski at ihe St. Ignatius Church.

It seems when anyone asks Bernard Murphy how man}- birds he got they always gel the same answer. "I don't go out to kill the poor little things.

'. -'llsl •?". .I(,r llu' vv;i,,,c an'' scc WMat there is to be

found." To prove this statement even though he didn't know it. he walked man}- a mile one after noon without a firing pin in the gun. Came dusk and time to return home he came upon a perfect

shot but you can bet he wasn't very happy when the gun went click for the second time. I don't suppose anything would have been said if he hadn't

carried the gun around and what's more we hardly think he was carrying it fur the effect!

Since "Happy" Hopp had .-.onie difficult}- in lo cating the Xo. 11 shovel one day when he was de livering a load of dynamite it was decided that an up-to-date map of the shovel locations and the roads

leading to ihem must must be made up. We knowthat we're having a big year "Happy" but we didn't know thai ;i few new roads could confuse you. 2423

~ " -• -V

The family tree of the Wenzel family receives

quite a boost from the looks of this picture. \\ e recognize Grealgrandpa August Wenzel without much scrutiny for he was an employee of the Mich igan Limestone and Chemical Company for a good many years. He started to work at the plant in

Young fellows had their fun in the good ole days, too. You no doubt are well acquainted with this

dashing cyclist and can recognize him easily. He is still an employee of the Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company even as he was when this pic

1912" and retired in October of 1938. In the center

ture was taken over thirty years ago. However, this

is Rudolph Wenzel. the proud grandpa and who are we to dispute his supremacy. His beaming smile

present family Ear an afternoon ride.

grandpas are privileged to enjoy. Rudolph knows

Melvin Rade. a member of the Yard Department, didn't wait for the local Draft Roard to say "conic

spcads louder than words the feeling which only

two-wheeled vehicle

would not accomodate his

his way around the quarry very well since he is hither." He enlisted in the Air Corps and left our

an engineer on a diesel which hauls stone Irom far corners of the quarry to the crusher house

where it begins it's journey to the mill. Papa Delmar Wenzel holds his son with the aire that leads one to believe that some, day he is going to be President. It is that attitude which marks Ame

rica as a great democracy. Delmar and his family make their home in Flint but come to Rogers City

as often as possible. Good luck to all four of you and as king as you keep having sons the name <-i Wenzel will live for posterity. IF YOU MUST DRINK

Give, your wife $18 to buy a gallon of good whis key.

Buy Ml vonr drinks from her at lift}- cents pet-


Remember, there are 96 drinks in a gallon. By

the time you have guzzled the first gallon she will have $30 "in the bank and $18 to start in business again.

Should you live ten years and continue to buy

your booze from your wife, she will have enough money lo give you a respectable burial, educate your children, buy a car. house and lot. ami marry

a decent man after you die with snakes in your boots.

( )nr of the generals of history once remarked that the brave man wa> not he who never felt fear, but he who advanced in spile of it. 2424

midst on August 10th. Melvin lives out Belknap wav on a farm and we bet lie misses the quiet oi the" country and the Yard gang at Calcite. Lei's

hope and pray for world peace so that such fun voting people can live normal lives without inter ruption by military training.

Honestly. I have never been at a wedding recep

Back Stage Tidbits

Since Roy Warwick's very fine performance in tion where there were so many famed personalities. Why even Rett} Grable made a grand entrance and ' Womanlcss Wedding" be has been asked to or ganize a "Lonely Hearts" Club. Pie tells us lhat swayed down the aisle in a clinging red satin strap evening gown stroking the bald heads seated "Marty" O'Toole and Joe Chrzan have already paid less in the aisleway. 1 soon learned that she not only their dues and have the distinction of being the has "shapely pins" but also has a great future as first members of a rapidly growing organization. a torch singer. She proved her ability by giving us Our very congenial Irish friend Harry Meharg her rendition of "1 Don't Know Why." That joe must have concentrated on the talents of Countess Hassett has many and varied talents and as Betty Maria Rulawski. entertainer at last year's 25-Year (irable he was good ! Servicemen's Banquet. He was "stunning" in his Thai tail, dark ami handsome Van Zandt is going dressy, black fringed gown and those dainty toebecome so accustomed to the feminine attire less and heelless evening slippers. His snowy white lo that days he's liable to come lo work coiffure was a perfect compliment to his'stately in oneoneof ofhisthese wife's Sunday go meetiu' frocks, lint stature and everyone who saw this play will agree really, he wears them well! Yes, and he wears that as a grandma he was super 1 makeup very well too. In the show he played the Alfred I'eltz just isn't the woman he thought part of a devoted wife of a henpecked husband. he was. After several attempts to play the part of "She" sure kept that man of "hers" under "her" the crying mother, he and the directress decided

thumb when Bclty Grable and Mae West looked at

there just wasn't enough squeal in his voice. We him with those liquid eyes. Why. "she" didn't even understand that Al has aspirations of taking this give Mae a chance to invite him to "come up and see me sometime!" group of artists under his management and travel ing the states because he feels that such talent

should be witnessed and enjoyed by as many as pos sible.

John Lezer was a bit dumbfounded as to how he

Rat O'Flanncgan had difficulty in finding his Rosie O'Grady at the wedding. He anxiouslv scan ned each face in lhat large audience calling his Rosie in doleful and despairing tones. She linallv

got his part. Royden Schefke set him straight and came skipping down the aisle singing. "Sweet reminded him that he had volunteered but Jack still insists he must have been duped. Sort of like the Army. Jack: once you're in they tell you what to do.

Rlioud Benson was given quite a shock when he looked into a mirror that night and was heard making the following remark: "I knew I should have taken my wife's girdle, with my form and this dress I look like someone I shouldn't."

Harry Meharg and Don \'an /audi will most

likely be complaining about their feet in the days to come. After all. trying to put their No. 10 D'> into a dainty feminine shoe is no easy task. Grand ma Meharg. like most women, had to take off her

shoes when just resting because they pinched and when the show started she just couldn't find them.

You've guessed it—those bad little boys were play ing a few tricks !

Say, one could never mistake that Southern Gen

tleman attired in tails and derby ami carrying that conventional cane and bowing so ceremoniously to his friends in the audience. 'Twas none other than our Mr. Valentin, himself, and on his arm was his

most gracious and charming wife. She was lovely in her blue satin gown and her red wig! Yes sir. thai

Les Raymond sure had the public Fooled that night. We also have much musical talent among our employees and when Rhoud Benson was too shy to appear as Sally Rand and her fan he was happy to lie able lo turn to his most cherished instrument,

the trumpet, and really give out with McCoy's Sug ar Blues. Man. how that Sally can play—why ever Grandma and Grandpa turned back the clock and were determined to skip the light fantastic!

Rosie O'Grady and Pal (Alfred Rellz) took her in

low and proceeded lo the wedding.

It happens every time! That long lust brother, dressed in tattered and brightly patched clothes and feeling very hungry ambled in. in search of a crust ol dry bread. He was given a very warm wel come, by his family at least, who hadn't seen him in 15 years. Jack Lezer. didn't realize thai he was in

attendance at


was destined

to he


"Social Event of the Year" but what signifance

might that hold for a bum who had been hopping

from one train to another for ihe past quarter of a century? All Jack wanted to know was. "Where's

the grub. I'm hungry." And then we have none other than

Vic Koch

dressed in his nightcap, booties and little flannel gown. His mammy wheeled him down the aisle

in a buggy and then when In- began to cry she stuffed a nippled (|iiart bottle of Karsteu's pas teurized milk in his mouth to keep him quiet. What provoked Vie was the fact that a few of those young

"squirts" were enjoying that punch. "Woe is me, sn."e hope I grow up pretty soon." laments Vic. Al last, the Bridal Party finally arrived. We found George Jones leading the parade as an usher and then Clayt Murphy, carrying a dainty berihboned while pillow on which was placed the wed

ding baud, taking care of the honors as ring bearer. Royden Schefke assisted as Best Man and thev all

made up a very good looking Bridal Party, but oh, the Bride, she was a HUMDINGER !

Probably ninety percent of all human ailments can be cured without medicine. By the same token, our "complexes" can be corrected by forceful think ing. 2425

Bradley Transportation Company


Str. Carl D. Bradley



Back row standing left to right: I). Langridge, 1st male; O. Sparre. steward; L. Mulka, electrician;

II. Xewhouse. 3rd asst. engineer: L. Taylor, oiler: G. Hoy, chief engineer; V. Rickle. lsi asst. en gineer; W. Dagner. watchman: C. Allmau, stokerman; R. Paull. deckhand; L. I'rban. watchman; G.

O'i'oole. 3rd male: R. Adrian, cook: S. Rygwelski. wheelsman: W. Hornbacher. wheelsman; II. Kaminski. 2nd mate: L. Felax. stokerman ; A. Kandow , watchman.

Front row left to right: L, Jarvis. deckwatch : R. \\ irgau. asst. repairman : M. Sobeck. stokerman: L. II. Rachuba. repairman; W. Derry. <leckwatch ; E.







Grulke. porter; C. Dodge, cook: R. Kreft. deck hand; A. X'edeau. conveyorinan : L. Yoigt, asst. conveyorman.

Never mind refiuishiug that gun sti.ek Art. you won't get a chance to use it until this winter, do il then. Just get going on that Thanksgiving music that we have been promised. Xo excuses, remember.

spite the cold weather that is setting in these

hale and hardy fellas of tin- Steamer Bradley seem to be taking it right in their stride. It could'he the extra clothing they are wearing lo weather the bone chilling wind.- which enable them to take it with a smile or maybe that smile was meant for the cameraman.

Alva Budnick, a newcomer to ihe fleet, is a deck-

hand and still has his first winter to put in on the boats so here's hoping things don't get too rough during the winter weather and hope to see him back on the boats come next spring. Louis Urban, watchman and Henry Kaminski. Second Mate are both veteran seamen of the Brad

ley line. Like all other sailors they are. waiting for the time when the Steamer Bradley finds her" wav into the lay-up harbor so that they might spend "a couple of months wilh their families. Hank bought a beautiful new home this past summer and his wife has worked like a beaver getting it comfort

ably furnished so that they may enjoy every idle moment at their own fireside this winter. All

need now is a TV set. hey I lank?


Don Langridge doesn't spend much time in Rog ers when the Bradley docks. He just passes through our lair city on his way to the State Park where he has a very nice cottage. It seems that Don is having trouble with his drinking water there so he

goes tight (jul and pumps and pumps until it's time lo <>-o back to the ship. Such is life. Don!

Screenings lime again and we are told the last publication of the Season. Last spring, layup seem ed ages away but suddenly the sailing season is -.caring an end and the "Greyhounds" of the Lakes will soon be in their winter quarters. We started

this year hoping to ignore the elements hut 'twas all in vain. We were hoping to surpass even the gnu ling war years with raw material but Mother Nature had a hand in this situation and due to ice

conditions we were held up considerably. After con ditions moderated .somewhat every human effort was put forth to make up for the late start. Then

gradually a dark shadow began to fall across the picture—that awful war in Korea! Mow we won der if there will be enough raw material to meet the "I'was a season well done but is it enough ?

Chief Engineer George Hoy of the Steamer Bradley may have a new job in the Bradley lleet but he is certainly not a stranger in that organiza tion. George was first employed on Match 1. 1923 as an oiler on the Steamer John G. Munson. He was an oiler on the Steamer Calcite during the 1924 season and served in the same capacity on the Steamer B. II. Taylor in 1925. He was appointed 3rd Assistant Engineer on the Steamer Robinson in 1929 and later on the Steamer Bradley until the season of 1929 when he became 1st Assistant on







White. Munson. Taylor and Bradley received his services as 1st Assistant until the end of ihe 1946

operating season. In the Spring of 1947 Mr. Hoy

became Chief Engineer on ihe Steamer T. W. Rob inson while Chief LaBounty was absent. The fol lowing year he returned to the Bradley where he

We've finally reached the stage in our sailing season when we can afford the luxury of reminis cing a bit and -WE LIKED IT WHEN: Our ship was ready to sail after a blustery March Eitotit:

The ice disappeared; Vacation time came and the things we'd talked

about doing seemed less important than just being ashore;

Our retiring skipper was honored by photograph and print in several current publications I The new skipper walked up the deck ; The Carl I), in full color on the Screenings cover

and then rated a feature story in the L". S. Steel .Yews .... Just like downtown! The chief executive of our Company became President of still another subsidiary;

By '51 we would no longer be the flagship but would salute a new "super-duper." We'd load our last cargo of the season:

Oh. yes, we forgot to mention—WE LIKED IT

served in ihe capacity of First Assistant until Jul}


28. 1950 when he became Chief Engineer of that ship. The above service record shows that the new

to all as "Hucklebuck" would like to know what

chief is a veteran engineer who knows the after end of every ship in the fleet and can call every wheel, nut and bolt in all their engines as enemy

or a friend as the case may be. George is well liked

Our star quartermaster. Bill Hornbacher. known

those green lights are for in the middle of the load ing slip? And when were they installed? Can any one help Bill out on this info? We all know- that •"Stitch" Rygwelski has a warm

by all who have dealings with him ashore and spot in his heart for his old ship the John G. Mun

afloat, lie's a square shooter and a good man on

son. We would like to know what method he uses

the job. We congratulate him on his new position

in figuring her speed. Better go over your figures.

and wish him luck and good sailing in the years



Jarvis claims it is merely a matter of approach and he goes on to explain this as follows: The Pessimist: "Hello, girls, you wouldn't care tu go with us. would you?"

The Optimist: "Hello, girls, you will go with us

won't vuii r'

THE SAILORS: "Hello, girls, where arc we going?" 2428

Speaking of speed—Who said the Bradley could beat the Robinson? Some have reasons to doubt ibis statement.

Bill LaLonde was discussing income tax with a crew member recently. When asked bow many

children he had he proudly answered "Nine" and the shipmate asked. ••.Altogether?'" "No." replied Bill, "just one at a time."

Dagner wonders why everything happens on his watch. Well. Dag. what happened to the mate's pliers? " Rop, did Edison really make the first talking machine?" "No, son, God made, the first one. All Edison did was to invent one that could be shut off." Budnick : •"What


Come out of the wheal field. Grandma, you're too old to go against ihe grain. The chance-taker





"Captain ()ssie" (Voigt) and Mornbacher often reminisce ol their days in a lumber camp. One will

Gus Wirgau claims sailing has it's drawbacks— but it isn't too bad after all.

Tom Derry has his "heavy weather clothes'' out

of moth balls so prepare yourselves, boys, fall is officially here.

Paul Kreft got lost in the wilds of Chicago oneda}". We'll tag you the next time you go alone. Paul. We migh even offer a reward for your safe re turn to the ship. understand

had a '•'•murphy

is the technical name for snor

ing?" L'rban: "Sheet Music."


O'Toole tells us of the "very good Irish Psychi atrist" who instead of having a couch in his office





congenial oiler, is still hoping to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if such a thing is possible at this time of the year. These new Mercurys and diamond rings work two ways—-they might inflate your ego but they deflate your pursabook as well! 'Twouldn't surprise us one little bit if he and Dorothy decided to go aisling this winter. Seems like that's the natural thing to do these days so good luck kids. During a discussion of the word "diadem" rec ently. And\- Xedeau was asked his views on it. "Well" said Andy. I know one thing—a person who works or drives carelessly will "diadem" site faster than those who are careful.

Dick gives us the definition of a shoulder strap—It is a piece of cloth which saves an accident from beim>" a sensation.

Who's buying Dagner cigarettes? This isn't fair. Cliff, you'd better investigate.

lie about the size of a tree or the distance covered

in one day and the other will swear to it. Take it easy you two, please!

Anybody want to buy some pari from an old Chevie? See Cappy. our night cook who lells us he isn't going to fix it up as was previously planned. \ es sir, Cappy Pfeiffer is going to get a horse and

buggy or a bicycle. He seems lo think that either one or the other would be safer.

Victor Rickle was raised and attended school in

Rogers City. Like many of our local boys he de cided to try his hand at sailing and was first em ployed as a coal passer on Ihe Steamer W. F. White on April 17. 1936. He stayed with the job and liecame an oiler on the Steamer T. W. Robinson, a fireman and oiler on the Steamer Calcite and from

1938 to the end of 1943 acted as an oiler on ihe

Steamer W.

P. While. Having obtained his 3rd

Assistant Engineer's papers he was in a position to take the job of 3rd Assistant on ihe Su-amer Cal cite in 1944 when an opening occured. Some time later he obtained his 1st Assistant Engineer's li cense and worked temporarily under this license on ihe Steamer White for ihe 1947 season. He is

now serving as a 1st Assistant Engineer on the Steamer Carl I). Bradley. Vic is a good example of the man who keeps his mind on the job ami pre pares himself lo grab opportunity by the horns when the time is ripe. We commend Victor for his ambition and congratulate him on his new job.

There for a while it seemed that every time that Calvin Pfeiffer hit port it meant trouble so the

Captain threatened that the next time the ship docked at Calcite he would chain Cappy to the Stove in ihe galley so that he couldn't get off. However.

one fair evening when the good ship Bradley found its way into port, our friend Cappy found his way downtown. I'pon questioning he slated that the Captain relented a bit .and will now allow him to leave the ship providing that he returns before darkness sets in. Skipper Xauts really takes care of his boys and we don't doubt but what the moth ers back home appreciate it—that nine o'clockcurfew !

Hank, our second mate tells us the story oi the farmer who butchered a pig and left it hanging over night to freeze. In the morning he went out to lind

half the pig gone. He came in storming to his wife about some darn Republican stealing half the pig. I lis wife asked how he knew it was a Republican?

His reply to this was—"Plad it been a Democrat lie would have taken it all." 2429


Str. B. H. Taylor


Front row kneeling, left to right: W. Szymoniak, deckwatch : A. Michetli. deckhand; A. Skowronek.

second cook; J. Makowski. asst. conveyornian; I. Streich. watchman; L. Smigelski. asst. repairman; G. Paradise, stokennan ; R. Tulgetske. stokernian ;

M. Baker, porter; G. Patzer, repairman.; I.. Mc Ginn, second cook; K. LaTulip, oiler: A. Domke.

deckwatch; C. Pilarski, watchman: J. Schular, deckhand: E. Ehrke, conveyornian; R. Schepler, wheelsman; J. Mulka. deckwatch. Rack row left to right: B. Smigelski, waiter; L. O'Toole, steward; E. Cross, watchman; H. Piechan, third








chief engineer: G. Kempe. first mate: C. Swarts, captain: L. Yarch. deckhand.

Engine room tactics are being employed by these Iwo members of the Steamer 13. PL Taylor's crew.

Anthony Yarch, 3rd assistant engineer, keeps a stead}" hand on the throttle while his sharp eyes carefully check the telltale gauges on the panel board. His alertness and quick thinking contribute greatly to the safety of the ship. The forward end members of the crew navigate the vessel but the engine room is the ship's source of power. An oiler going about his duties aboard the ship is a busy man. He must know where and when to oil or the

consequences could be disasterous if the crankshaft bearings ran hot and burned up or the wrong kind of oil was put on the moving parts of some ma chinery. Charles Horn began his rounds as an oiler while "serving in the Navy. His experience serves him well since he joined the Bradley fleet. A suc cessful sailing season depends on men knowing and conscientiously performing their duties. We salute our men who man the ships to whom the laurels go for a successful season !

Some of the boys say the countryside is beautiful by highway from Ashtabula to Lorain!

Well, another successful season is fast rolling to a close and most of the boys are already making plans for the winter months. Our Pennsylvania delegation, when asked their plans answered very tersley, •"The Moose." The Captain and Chief will no doubt bask in the sun of Calitornia or Florida

while the First Mate will spend the winter with his family in Lorain. Bill Budnick will be in Cleveland Studying lor that coveted Chief's ticket. Ed Cross will spend his time in the wilds back of Detour

looking for choice game (legal or otherwise) while Rob Schepler will ride the ferries at Mackinaw.

Cappy Yarch and Clarence Pilarski plan on spud ding through the ice at Grand Lake looking for those big yellow bellies. The rest of us no doubl

will be lound digging our way through the snowaround the boats at Calcite on one chore or another.

Irving Berlin bad better look to his laurels. Our

distinguished composer. Gil Kempe. has just re leased his latest sonata entitled, "Al© Gomala Gosatsky" in G minor.

Budnick to Gould after the attempted assas sination of the President. •"Can't say ihe Republi cans are not trying."

Our fabulous gourmet. Harry Piechan lias just handed us this recipe which he would like us to pass on to other connoisseurs of good foods: Omelet





eggs, two tablespoons each of mayonaise and sweet relish, two tablespoons each of chili sauce and horseradish, a dash of Worcestershire sauce and a

dash ol Tobasco sauce. Mix thoroughly and season to taste. Harry says this recipe is destined to be come more famous than Rockefeller's oysters. Our noted woodsman. Ed Cross from the wilds of

Pete O'Toole, steward of the Steamer B. H. Tay lor is shown here inspecting the technique of second cook, Ben Smigelski. in making gravy. There is no doubt about the ability of the Taylor's galley crew in preparing food—the cook is good proof that the menu is full of luscious calories. It's too bad that

Chippewa county, is developing what is known as a wheelsman's spread. Better go easy on the po

pleasures have to be sins—such as overeating. Oh

tatoes. Ed. or the folks back home won't recog nize you this winter.

and then?

If those famous pollsters. Roper and Gallup want the right dope on world problems they should drop in the galley at 4:00 a. m. any day. Budnick and Gould have it and by the way Bill, whatever be came of "Soapy." Rumor has it that Benny our musical porter has switched his allegiance from Tennessee Ernie to a local lady.

Motorists, this will certainly be a long, hard winter—IE you have an accident. Prepare your car and keep it in shape for safe winter driving. Check the brakes and lights, the tires and tire

chains, the defroster and the windshield wiper blades. And be sure to keep yourself in good con dition bv cautious driving.

Jackson to deckwatch late in bringing down sounding: '"Did vou get lost or fall in the soundimr well?"

Our two speedsters, Cappy Yarch and Howard Elowsky have made application for entry into the famous 500 mile race at Indianapolis. Reason— more room to roll !

well, who wants to be without a little fault now

Second Mate to Millersburg Eagle Scout: "What rind of a knot do vou call that?"

Scholar: "That's a Millersburg double-ender." Most ol the boys are deciding lo finish ihe season but whether its for the bonus or one of O'Toole's fruit cakes we can't determine.

Cappy Yarch: "When I get to be Skipper there will be some changes made."

\\ e hear that Glen Paradise is planning on taking up taxidermy at the Second Assistant's expense.

Why We Go Ahead

Although the American steel industry is able to make more steel in a week than many countries can make in a year, it is spending about $750 per em ployee during 1950 in order to improve and ex pand its mills.

That kind of expansion by industry is what has

given the workers of America the world's highest standard of living, ft provides more chances for

jobs and more materials for making the things we want to buy.

The more yon hear of safety the less you hear of accidents. 2431

Personals Back row standing left to right: S. Centala, con veyornian: O. Miller, first mate; R. Newhouse,

at the bit! She is so full of vim and vigor that Ar nold Specht can't take his hand off the throttle

third mate; R. Sabin, 2nd asst. engineer; M. Karsten, deckwatch: E. Showers, porter; A. Johnson, watchman; J. Selke. wheelsman; J. Yarch, wheels man; S. Smolinski. deckhand; Mark Haswell. cap tain; Ray Buehler. chief engineer. Front row left to right: R. Wickershani, deck watch: W. Bredow. Steward; IL Kuebler. porter; W. Zempel. cook; E. McLean, wheelsman: J. Krawczak. deckhand; C. Modrzynski, cook,

watch and see that she doesn't get too anxious and start blowing her top. Oiler. Roy Green, keeps the oil can poised so she won't burn up when she digs her propellers in at the start off. The repair man, well you just can't tell what might happen

Str. Calcite

Xow we know why the Steamer Calcite is prac-

itcally under way before the loading shuttle has stopped dropping its last stones into her cargo h"'4 ^h" is ins* like the old war horse champing

long enough to get he and his gang in a crew picture lie fore she pulls out. Stokennan Furtaw has to

when a

mettlesome steed like the Calcite is


stoked up and snorting on the starting line with a full cargo of limestone.

The regular crew picture above may be a little short on manpower but here are some of the mis sing members standing before that artistically dec orated engine of the Calcite in the background, and Old Glorv waving in the breeze.

Now that Hallowe'en and Thanksgiving Day arcover and gone, we on the Calcite are anxiously looking forward to Christmas and layup. We have had a change in Captains since, the last issue of Screenings. Captain McLeod nas been transferred to the W. E. White and Captain Mark

Haswell is now "skippering" the Calcite. We wish you both good sailing and good luck. Raymond Beuhler, our chief engineer is sporting a brand new Buick and it seems he has a little

trouble getting it in the garage. The fenders stick out! Let your wife show you how to engineer that job. Chief.

Most of the fellas on the Calcite are talking hunting these days and how they shot that big buck some time in the past. The deer at Calcite don't

seem to pay much attention to that for they are down at the plant about every trip to meet the Calcite.

We are still trying to Imd out what Plelen said

to "Mac" McLean after he slept in while at Cal cite. The speed at which Mac went down the deckto get home to explain gives us some idea of what

he expected. He also has been cleaning windows for quite some time lately. Let that be a lesson to you, Mac.

Joe Smolinski was heard discussing that old saying. "'Two can live as cheap as one." Now we

know that Joe really believed that for he is a hap pily married man. Congratulations to you both. The opening of deer season is getting closer every day and we find Russell Sabin taking off for Onaway whenever the ship comes in. Make sure that vour rope is strong enough to hold to the 15th, Rick.

Our night cook seems to be walking around in a trance or with that certain gleam in his eyes. V'es, Clem, that first step towards matrimony may have something to do with that. Marvin other day grouse on telephone

Karsten and his wife went hunting the and proudly showed off a nice fat ruffed their return. We don't know if it hit the wires or if Archie actually shot it. Xo

pellet marks were found.

11 is a rare occasion when cigars are passed around for that new addition to the family on the

Calcite Duane "Red" Valley can be proud to be one of the first ones. He is the daddy of a beautiful daughter. We have all been wondering when Leonard Gabrvsiak is going to get his pilots license. Yes, we know he has to have training but Lenny has gotten around that by flying "jet planes" in his sleep. I guess that's all for this time, Eljay Showers, has summed up our state of mind about this time of the year. It goes something like this: It haint the igh. igh, hurdles that hurt the horses hoofs, but the hammer, hammer, hammer on the ard igh wav.

The big dark secret is out! We all know how Xempel gets the potatoes out of the bin.

Wickersham has been reading and talking a lot about "hot rods." Some day we expect to see him with his car all remodeled. Do you think there is a possibility, Wick? We will take this opportunity to wish all our shipmates a Merry Christmas and a wonderful winter







dangerous than boats and there may not be anyone around to tell you that there is ice on the highway up ahead or that you are going too fast. It's no fun to spend Christmas in a hospital—no, not even our new one in Rogers City.

This likable wheelsman featured here is none

other than James Selke of the Steamer Calcite. Jim had his hand on the controls and his eyes on the

boom when caught at work by the photographer. A wheelsman stands his four hour watch in the

pilot house when the ship is prodding her way through the calm or turbulent waters towards a

destination somewhere on the Great Lakes. Steady are his hands on the wheel to keep the big ships on their course. Jimmy could vouch for the fact that a wheelsman has more jobs than just steering the ship. He takes care of the forward winches, moves

the boom while loading and unloading cargoes as well as continually checking the draft for the Mate.

It's a real job and certainly has its responsibilities. Jim enjoys the winter months at home with his wife and family. During the winter months, he like

many of the other sailors, repair the big ships in preparation for another big season. John Newhouse says it is good training to be loading the boat but he would rather do it in a port other than Calcite.

The better we produce—the better we live.

Motorists, don't let that sense of power behind the wheel trick you into taking advantage of pedes trians. Keep in mind that pedestrians are people— some are children, some old and feeble persons, some blind, some crippled. Re prepared to yield a safe chance to any pedestrian, even the merely careless person, to avoid an accident. One victim might haunt you for the rest of your life. 2433

Str. W. F. White


Back row standing left to right: A. Schefke.

cook; D. McLeod, captain: J. Zolio. steward: G. LaBounty, chief engineer; W. Blair, oiler; E._ Partyka, watchman: R. Taylor, oiler: C. Robinson, deckwatch: A. Haneckow, watchman: D. Monroe, first mate: L. Widajewski, wheelsman; X. Ouaine.

wdieelsman; P. Felax. asst. conveyornian; E. Euhrman, deckhand: E. Johnson, deckwatch: I'".. Rygwelski. deckhand; J. Gordon, wheelsman.

Front row left to right: C. Smith, watchman; L. Diellin, stokernian; E. Fleming, second mate; A.

The routine aboard ship during the operating season is a continuous and somewhat complicated procedure to the unitiated. From the time the ship is fitted out in the spring until she is laved up in the fall this routine is continuous. Watches of four hour

duration with a complete complement of trained personnel for each watch is required. The forward end of each of the Bradley ships has a Mate. Wheelsman, Watchman, Deckwatch and Deckhand and the after end has an Engineer, Stokennan and an Oiler on duty al all times in or out of port. Each position requires a man with the proper cre dentials indicating his ability to handle that par

Chibola. 1st asst. engineer; H. Frederick, third

ticular job and the specific duties of that job. The Captain is responsible for the ship and is on call at


all times and must be on the bridge when entering

Kihn, deckwatch; L. Goulette. conveyornian: _S.

or leaving port. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the engine and the mechanical operation of the ship. He is on call at all times and must be in the

engine room when entering or leaving port. The repairman and assistant repairman are on the day watch unless otherwise required. The couyeyorman and assistant conveyornian are on the job when unloading or otherwise on day watch tak ing care of the unloading equipment. We all must eat and the galley is one of the most important departments of the ship. A steward, two cooks and two porters comprise the required per sonnel who feed the hungry crew. The accompanying pictures show a few of the duties performed by our sailors in port while load ing. Charles Robinson, deckwatch. is checking the water in the tanks. He reports his findings to the mate who in turn relays orders to the engine room. Leon Dietlin, stokernian on the Steamer W. E.

White, is checking his stokers. Everything is spic and span—a far cry from the old hand-stoked boil ers of yesteryear. The only hand stoker left in the firehole of the Steamer White is that pipe of

Leon's! He works on this pipe between times when he feels a yearning for the good old days of the shovel and the poker. Edward






White, is shown at the after winch. He is operating this mooring winch when shifting the ship while it's being loaded at Calcite. The smiling man wilh his hands full of dishes is Alfred Pilarski. waiter on the Steamer White. Al

is one of the Galley gang who serve thai luscious food which Steward John Zoho prepares for his hungry sailors. Al looks as though he were serving

someone—he's walking right up to the photograph er—could be that he looked hungry. Bring it on Al. for me chow time is anytime!

The crew members have chipped in and bought Skid Robinson two new electric drills. He says it's

the only time he ever won anything on his own punchboard.

The fellas on the ship are all waiting for her to lay up so that they can go over to see that wonder

child. Malcolm Frank, who according to Don Lamp is destined to be the greatest guy who ever lived. A chip off the old block, hey Don, Congratulations Don and we hope you're right—right now we could use a gentleman like that.

Art Kihn: Gee. it must be nice to sit on the dock

and watch the boats go by.

Doc Monroe: Yon ought to know, chum; you've been ihere half the season.

Anyone interested in the construction of model airplanes can obtain first class information from

the Second Mate. Seems that that young fella "Doug" Fleming wanted an extra special model

lor his room made by an extra special guy and yOu'Ve guessed il—Pop always pays. We would like to confer upon Paul Felax the title of '•Hunter Extraordinary." It isn't everyone who can gel off the boat in deer season, get their buck and not even use a gun. Rumor has it that Paul is working on some kind of a device to protect the front of his car. Boy, he really bowls them over.

Caught in the act of keeping our mighty little ship the Steamer W. F. White in tip top shape is Oiler Robert Taylor. The name will sound familiar to the movie goers but perhaps the Robert Taylor

of the Steamer White is every bit as good in his line of duty as the great lover of the screen is in

his. It's Bob's responsibility of keeping the power ful engine well lubricated so that failure in oper ation does Lakes.







The crew of the Sir. W. IL While wish to lake

this opportunity to bid farwell to Captain Mark llasweil who has now taken command of the Stea mer Calcite. We also wish to welcome Donald Mc

leod as our new skipper on the W. IL White. If your ship is slow in coming in If something seems to block her, It's ten to one she's waiting for A lug or two to dock her.

Got A Cold? Many of us are subject to colds, chills and the sniffles about this time of year. We can save our selves a lot of trouble, then, by avoiding wet feet, drafts and by building up our resistance. To ward off the cold germ, doctors advise that we dress warmly when going out-of-doors: avoid chills from getting our feet wet; and avoid chilis from drafts that hit only a part of our bodies, such as the neck, the arms or the head.

Skid Robinson: When I gel ihrotigh scrubbing this Rilot House deck you'll be aide to eat off of it.

was right by saying colds come from breathing

be time to eat.

cold air. while others think a cold comes from getling our clothes or shoes wet in a rain or snow

Joe: When you get through with it it's going to

Joe Rartyka is now taking vitamin pills. He says he has to build up his resistance—he's being wedded on December 30. The best of luck. Joe.

Waller Tulgetske is no stranger to the local scene. He hails from Moltke and developed that

husky frame of his on his father's farm. He decided that "life on the farm was not for him and joined the

Bradley fleet as a coalpasser on the Steamer B. LI. Taylor in 1940. He was a repairman on the Steamer Munson from 1941 to the end of the season in 1943 and an oiler on the same ship in 1944. Walter worked for Uncle Sam as a Machinist Mate 11 in

the Navy from July 25. 1944 to June 8. 1946 and after his discharge from the Service he returned

to the Bradley fleet. From 1947 until 1949 he served as a repairman with a 3rd Assistant Engineer's li cense aboard the Steamer R. II. Taylor. When va cancies occurred this past spring Walter was pro

moted to a 3rd Assistant Engineer on the Steamer T. W. Robinson. Walter knows his way around the

engine room and we have every reason to believe that he is on his way up. Congratulations to you. Walter, we know vou wouldn't be there if you didn't fill the bill.

Quite a number of people still believe Grandma


Doctors scoff at these ideas, but insist you'll catch a cold if you get your feet (not just your shoes!) wet. or sit in a strong draft. They say if a draft bits the entire body, no cold will develop. Lowresistance and the presence of cold germs is the cause of most common colds.

Cold germs, the doctors say. are the cause of one of the most contagious diseases known to us. They point out that lumberjacks, hunters, trap pers, miners and others who work in the frozen North seldom suffer from a cold, but when they return to civilization they become victims within

a few days. Why do these outdoor guvs and gals pick up a cold when they return to the city? It's easy to Understand.

It's because a majority of colds have been traced to coughing and sneezing in public. The germ

spreads and you and I and the other fellow and the lumberjacks—-if our resistance is low. become the victims.

To avoid that cold this year vou might observe the following DO'S and DON'TS! Don't go outside unless you dress warmly. Don't get your feet wet.

Don't sneeze or cough in public, if you possibly can avoid it.

Don't mingle with crowds.

Don't sit in a draft that hits only a part of your body.

If you have a cold, doctors advise the following: If your nose is running and you have to sneeze or cough, use tissue and then burn it to prevent

germs from spreading. Wash your hands frequently to prevent contam ination of things you touch. Go to bed if you have a fever.

Drink large quantities of alkalizing liquids such as orange or grapefruit juice. (iet as much rest as you can. Be sure .vou eat lightly. Just to give you an idea of how many industrial workers suffer from colds each year, the Metro politan Life Insurance Company recently released a survey showing that 60.000.000 man-days are lost through colds alone. In addition, you and other

workers suffer a $420,000,000 wage'loss and spend another $400,000,000 for

medicine and treatment

of colds.

It is not the knowledge of safety but the practice that counts.


Str. John G. Munson



Front row left to right: E. Adrian, watchman; I). McLennan, waiter; R. Relluiore. deckhand: A. Ilor-

roeks. repairman; R. Heller, stokernian; R. Modrzynski. watchman; W. Haske. oiler; R. Rudnick.

asst. repairman; L. Dembtty, deckwatch: W. Shawhan, asst. couvevormau.

Rack row standing: W. Stafford, wheelsman. B. Czajka, second cook; I'. Stone. 3rd mate; A. Selke.

wheelsman :C. Kandow, watchman; S. Haske. por ter; L. Richards, oiler; R. Schalk. deckwatch; G.

Kelley. second cook; A. Euhrman. conveyornian : II. Iloeft. oiler: M. Idalski, 3rd asst.; E. Jones, stokennan: J. Paradise, steward: R. Brege, stokerman; J. Sze/.erowski. deckwatch: A. Lrdal. chief engineer; A. Rosmys. deckhand; A. Malocha. first mate: R. Rlume. deckhand: T. Rilarski, wheelsman:

R. Rryan. caplain.

We welcome lo our fold. Johnny Szczerowski. deckwatch from the Str. White. Johnny says the only difference between ships is that we don't have all those pretty colored lights at the controls. We'll

have those. John, when the winter crew gets

through modernizing the conveyors this winter. Alfred "Chub" llorrocks: "I never gel much sleep." YoU may get away with that story in Che boygan. Chub, but the boys on the boat knowbetter.

Food is the real power which operates a ship and the Bradley fleet is noted for its good food and

justly so. Here we see Anthony Rosmys. Ralph Schalk and Ray Modrzynski of the Munson's deck

department bringing aboard the power which pro motes power. Filling the "larder" is just another task in their line of duty and three good "squares" a day lor a crew of hungry men plays as great a part in making production records as fine up-todate machinery.

We take this opportunity to congratulate Dick and Mrs. Brege on the birth of their first child, a boy, Owen Carl, born at the Rogers City Hospital on October 17. Who knows but what this young

fella may not be oiling for you someday when you get to be Chief, Dick?

Sixty-four dollar question: Who is going to bowl on ihe team this winter? We have so many appli cants that il looks like we will have to have our

own tournament to pick a team. We overheard someone say that sailing would be wonderful if: We had all the time off in Calcite: Didn't have to unload her;

Made all the overtime; We didn't have to run the Rivers.

Tony Rosmys. the Bolton Elash, is still undecided whether or not to lake that great step. Now Tony, that should be a simple decision to make; just look at Leo Richards and Stanley Haske. why we'll

wager that they've never been happier in their lives. Just think—someone to darn your socks, polish your shoes, prepare your favorite dishes three times daily and what's more bring you your

morning slippers and the daily paper after a day of hard work. Sounds pretty good doesn't it Tony? Casey Jones has taken up wood carving as a hob Dick Brege, stokennan aboard the Steamer Munson. bosses his shipmates, Al Horroeks, repair man and Raymond Budnick, assistant repairman, in getting supplies aboard the. ship. We have been told that a stokernian has a white collar job and from this picture we are forced to believe it to be true. Maybe the cameraman should come around

by. Place vour Christmas orders early boys.

Those things that you see Stanley "Lightening" Haske popping in his mouth aren't peanuts. Seems as though lie gets his vitamin tablets by mail. Hold it girls! Sure he's single but so far it has

sometime when the boilers are acting up and it would be a different story.

not meant a thing. A good cook, good looking and a good guy are the qualifications possessed by Gerald Kelley. second cook on the Steamer John

An alarm clock is a small machine to wake up childless couples.

G. Munson and some girl will hook onto this "treasure" someday. You can't dodge 'em forever, Jerry.

By the way the boys are putting on the pounds from Jack's good cooking we know that it is gel-

ting near the end of the season. Rob Plume says that we'd better lay up pretty soon or he'll spend all the money he's made on a new wardrobe. Could it be that the Call of the Wild (ieese has

got Chet Kandow? The only trouble is. Chet, they were heading South instead of East! Rod: "I have two ambitions in lile."

Clans: "What are they?" Rod: "Xumber one is to stay out of my brother's

airplane and number two is to own a Cadillac." Ray "Hot Rod" Budnick; "I don't know- why the brakes and tires don't hold up on my car." \\ e wouldn't know either. Ray.

Henry "Moss-Back" Hoeft: "Rod. il doesn't do a bit of good to tell those darned kids a blasted thing." Could it be lhat the Love Rug has bitten our

Third Mate? Lately, he has been seen studying house plans very seriously and maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea either. 2438

Rod: "Vou did a fine job on



Henry, you won't have to iron or starch them again." All one has to do in order to find out what time

the good ship Munson is due in at Calcite is to see which watch has the biggest smile.

The b"}'s are wondering why Raul Stone and Tim Stafford were always sleeping when the Detroit Tigers lost.

Anyone interested in model plane building would do well to see Dick Brege. Dick has a fine fleet of ships but no pilot's license as yet. Seems funny to us that with just an hour and a half to unload in Port Huron that three old lime

sailors like Richards. Heller and Rudnick would go through all the trouble of taking a speedboat ride! When it comes to acrobatics, we are sure that

Richards has no peer. He can lean back and drop a quarter which has been placed on his forehead into a funnel tucked into his belt.

This You Can Do! There are many things difficult lo do. Some vou couldn't even do—off-hand—no matter how hard ymi tried.

V'otl could not be a dentist without the educa

tional qualifications. Perhaps you couldn't steer

a ship on course. Bui despite these things you arcunable to do or find particularly hard to do—you can smile and show a cheerful disposition. It goes a long way—being cheerful. It has a real

contagion and never lets the fellow down who

practices it. Old Crumpy-Grump will always be as be is. X'o one will ever expect a cheerful word from him. He's really in a class of his own—right al the foot of the class.

But you don't have to be that way. lie isn't the one to imitate. Xo matter how appealing the thought may be to you. never think that grouchy attitudes get you anywhere—anywhere at all. On the contrary, the most successful folks you have ever heard of were men with a keen sense of

humor and quick: wit. They found time—in often times very busy lives—to see ihe bright side and to pass along to those around them the cheerful ness of their nature.

Sylvester Sobeek is another local boy who is on the way up the ladder in his chosen profession. He

reported for Bradley Transportation Company win

ter boat repair on December 12. 1945 and then ac

cepted the Third Assistant Engineer's job on the Steamer Calcite on March 11. 1946 and held lhat job until the end of the 1948 season. "Wes" as he

is commonly known, had former]}- worked for the

Bradley Transportation Company and then sep

arated and returned in 1c>45. During the $949 sea

son he served as a 3rd Assistant Engineer on the Steamer T. W. Robinson. "Wes's" determination to

get ahead prompted him to write for his 1st As

sistant Engineers license which he obtained in Jan uary of 1948. Thus qualified lie was able to acce'pi the 2nd Assistant Engineer's position on the Steam

er C. I). Bradley on August 19. 1950. Mice going, Wes! Keep up the good work. Congratulations on your new position and good luck for the future. A cheerful disposition and a read} smile are in. handi cap to au\" man regardless of his walk of life.

The stern, taciturn features of Abraham Lincoln,

as they appear on his marble statue in the Wash

It Could Happen To You!

ington memorial to his greatness, belie the humor

A tombstone fell on a woman a.- she arranged flowers on her husband's grave.

and cheerfulness of his real character. The same

thing is true of many other great men of this and

other countries. Often where the artists depict stern faces, the works the great men left are loaded with their witticisms, humor, and cheerful outlook.

Yes. you can smile. Evert the busiest of men have found time to smile.

Two of the worst diseases that afflict mankind have the same first letter—cancer and communism.

Medical science is conquering the first: common sense should be medicine enough to eradicate the

A man had his ears cut off by his derby hat. In jumping headfirst into bed a man broke his neck.

A lawn mower shot ;t home-owner in the fore

head when it picked up and exploded a cartridge;. A motorcyclist, riding along ihe road at night, ran into an elephant. An insurance company paid off to a young man

whose ribs were broken while he was being hugged by his best girl.



A match may be down but not out.

Learning is like rowing upstream: Wot lo ad vance is to drop back. 2439



Str. T. W. Robinson


Front row seated left to right: B. Str/.elecki.

oiler: E. V'allee. asst. conveyornian ; J. Single, deck watch ; W. Kunner. electrician: II. Rev. repairman:

M. Campbell, watchman; G. Smigelski. second cook: IL Recbe. wheelsman: II. Yarch. watchman.

Second row left to right: A. Goodreau. steward: R. Kinville. waiter; E. Ratzer. porter; A. Gape/.} nski. second cook : W. Wagner, oiler: A. Rev. wheels man : L. Flewelling. deckwatch; K. Lrcel. wheels man: H. Hincka. deckhand; S. Shay, second asst. Back row left to right: M. Joppich, third mate:

R. I'rsetn. captain: W. Chain, first mate; X. Ray mond, second mate; G. Liet/.ow, stokennan; II.

Xidy. first asst.: R. Ilein. deckwatch; C. Frederick. chief engineer; B. Kowalski, deckhand: II. Lamb, oiler; R. Kowalski. deckhand; C. Modr/.ynski, stokennan: L. Lines, conveyornian. The Bey family divide.- up its services between Ihe Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company and the Rradley Transportation Company. Henry Bey is a shover engineer at the Riant and two ol his sons, .Arthur ami Harry are members ol the crew of the Steamer T. W. Robinson. Arthur is a wheels

man while Marry is a repairman. We caught up

with Harry while he was polishing and checking some gauges. It is vitally important that these gauges be accurate for they are the indicators ol

good or bad conditions. A repairman is certainly an indispensable men aboard ship for his services are in demand when trouble begins. There's one lit

tle item missing in this picture and that's Harry's pipe which seems to have become almost, a part of him. His favorite tobacco is Cookie Jar and any

time vmi got a whiff of that you know that Harry is nearbv.

Spark.)' Fleming found out the hard way recently, that the long distance operators don't tell you any more when the three minutes are up. Oh. how easily three minutes ean stretch into twenty when talk ing to the girl friend and how easily a five dollar bill can shrink to sixty cents! It's a practical application ol the theory ol rel-

ativity. Twenty minutes with a girl seems likethree, and three minutes sumping out in the tunnel seems like twentv.

Breathe confidence in all your actions—walk,

talk, act and think as though failure did not exist— and so you will find it! A SAILOR'S HOLIDAY

(Xov. 11. 1940—Str. W. IL White)

T'was twelve o'clock noon on Armistice Day.

The wind was southeast as we cleared Thunder Ray,

Torrents of rain helped flatten the seas.

Rut the glass gave threats of more than'a breeze,

When the Captain saw how things might go.

He said. "Turn the men to and prepare for a blow.

Look to your boom guys, hatch battens and all.

For this looks to me like more than a squall"

"Look to your lifeboats, cover and stay-

See nothing is loose to be carried away,

Inspect all deadlights, if they haven't'been, ^i on know the danger if water gets in."

As supper time came we rode every crest. Rut lo and behold the wind went southwest. It blew harder and harder—'twas a gale not a breeze.

And as eight o'clock came there were mountainous seas.

It whistled and shrieked thru "A" frame and boom. And it sounded almost like the crackle of doom. The steering pole whipped and the anchors clat tered.

"Cash" Modrzynski, first a stokernian and second a fiddler is a crew member of the Steamer T. W. Robinson. His appreciative audience of one is

"Jerry" Smigelski. second cook on the same ship.

Looking at the clean, shining engine room on the

Robinson would lead you to believe that the boys had no time for entertainment but this imposed snapshot tells us otherwise. We know that whereever "Cash" is there is bound to be a little fun. Since Raymond Kowalski has been married he

has gotten quite domesticated. He has started to make his own furniture and lo date he has made

one table lam]) and eventually he may make a table on which to set the lamp. Krom the tenor of Harold Xidy's comments on

the harmonious ability of our vocalists in the gal ley we judge he'd be mighty pleased if the boys would let "Irene" go to sleep or at least say good

Rut lucky enough there were no windows shattered.

night for the last time.

As the new sea made from the southwest quarter.

The heart of the ship—a good galley crew. Here we show Uncle Al Goodreau and his boys who

But when waves came aboard and swept their wax-

make up ihe kilchen help on the Str. Robinson. Edwin Patzer, Bob Kinville. Steward Al Goodreau,

She started to roll and take on some water. aft.

We were proud of the lift and the roll of our eraft.

1'ho" she rolled and she pitched she was doing |H.r best.

With seas from southeast as well as southwest.

From eight until twelve we rode Huron's might

Jerry Smigelski and Art Gapc/.ynski are the pleas ant looking fellows appearing in ibis picture. We would think thai with this crew at their service

that the boys on the Robinson would lie well looked

alter—at least, we've heard no complaints.

Always in sight of Rte. Aux Barques light. At last we were into the lee of the land.

And needless to say the feeling was grand. I'm sure every sailor welcomes the feel. Of his ship once more on an even keel.

Then came the dawn as they say in a story. And the mate went around lo take inventorv.

Xot a thing was missing, loose or askew. Thanks to the foresight of master and crew.

As we paused to reflect on the possible plight. Ol less fortunate sailors who were out that night. We hoped they knew as surely as we.

That eternal vigilance means safety at sea.

Written by William Chain. First Mate on [he Str. T. W. Robinson. 2441

Xorman Patzer. serving as a stokennan aboard the Steamer T. W. Robinson was in the Naval Reserve and received his call in early October.

Alfred "Red"

Roehmer, oiler on the Steamer

Robinson is shown here taking life easy in his

Norm was one of our amateur photographers and

quarters during his off hours. He was rudely inter rupted by Uncle Sam in early October and is now

some of the candid shots we have of members of the T. W. Robinson were from his collection.

a good soldier but we would like to have him back

Best of luck. Xorm, during your second go in the Navy. Our wish is lhat you will be able to return

for you, Red.

home soon.

a recruit in the Army. We know that Al will make with us as he was a good sailor too. We'll be waiting

Einstein may know all about astronomy but

11 is amusing to note how far from the mark

Fred Beebe and Gus Lielzow know all about gas-

some well meant efforts will lead us at times. We

troiiomv and vou can paste that in your hat. Every

refer specifically to two safety posters which found their way aboard the Str. T. W. Robinson recently.

mun l,,'his tri,le! 4ÂŤeigy w^6<?si

One showed several oxygen bottles, near the top

under the smash caption. "Handle wilh Care" while near the bottom was the caption "Or Else" ;u'" companied by a forlorn and worried looking baldheaded angel who. incidentally, resembles Mickey

Finn's uncle Phil in the comic strip, complete with wings and halo reclining on a cloud.

The other poster, in the same vein, depicts an other angel conversing with presumably St. Peter while seated on a cloud. This character carries a

dinner pail, wears a shop cap and a woe begone ex

pression as he says. "I only had one accident in thirty years."

Since the supreme goal o! mankind is unquestion ably to become an angel, enter the pearl} gates and have everlasting life, joy and bliss, why the woe begone expressions when after all they have at tained lhat highest of all aims simply by having an accident?

The first poster actually says, in effect. "Don't handle with care at all if you want to become an

angel and share eternal bliss quickly and easily." The other says by implication and expression. "I'm sorry I didn't have an accident sooner, hence, the tardiness in making my appearance." To un it seems that this is an apology to St. Peter. Of course we realize what the artist meant in

spile of the vaugeness of his execution and we highly commend his intentions but lie should have had the accidents depicted in the other place with

Guess Who? This young buckaroo was getting his experience early when this picture was snapped. His mount doesn't look particularly dangerous but we should consider the fact that be is riding bare-back and that the odds are about even.

He decided that sailing the Great Lakes was far more adventurous than tilling the soil and his ser

vice of almost a quarter of a century is proof that Satan prodding them with a three lined fork while he the proper choice. According to our rec they labored over the fires. Thus, a penalty for ordsmade he is married and has two daughters. Sorry— having an accident instead of a reward! no more clues!

How times have changed! Once upon a time you

got musical entertainment in a barber shop. Today you usually get chin music. 2442

Our "Guess Who" in the Bradley section of Cal cite Screenings was none other than that congenial Chief Guy LaBounty.

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Ernest Bruning



Chas. LI off m an




Thomas Kelley




John Dembny

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Frank Reiuke


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William Heller








Cash Sobeck







Paul Mulka











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Peter Giovangorio ,



John Modrzynski



Fred LaLonde 1



Frank Reinke


Victor Koch

C. C. Eldridge






Capt. Russell Lamb

Otto Zempel

Chief Frank Lamp STR. T. W. ROBINSON



Capt. Roland L'rsem Chief Chas. Frederick





Capt. Chris Swarts Chief Thos. Suttle




Capt. Roland Bryan Chief Arthur Urdal


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Capt. Mark Haswell Chief Guy LaBounty /

Capt. Don McLeod

Qiief Ray Buebler


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