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A Message

Ocfds and EJiofe With 1957 behind us, Michigan Limestone can look back on the best

year, safety wise, in the Division's his tory. All plants were honored by at least one of the Division President's awards

with the highest honors going to Conneaut with 2,000 days. A complete

From Tne President A s this issue goes to press we are confronted with major

problems resulting from an econom ic recession. Some of our Michigan Limestone employees have been un employed for many weeks. Others have been more fortunate in receiv

round-up appears on page 29 with the

ing the benefits of at least partial

Buffalo and Conneaut stories on pages

weekly employment. While state unemployment compensation pay

26 and 27. The Calcite 25-year dinner

starts on page 15...Winter work has been completed and the plants are about ready to start a new operating season in the Northern District, see pages 10-12 ...As we look back on '57, though, we must also look ahead to '5S. Bradley Transportation started the year right by setting a new world record for safety for vessels on inland waterways (pages 8, 9) and Calcite reached 500 safe days ... This could be a better year than last. *

ments and supplementary unem ployment benefits are helping to ease the financial burden on our

families caused by low weekly earn

ings, we know that all our men would prefer full employment. We are looking forward to changes in business con ditions that again will make this possible. I wish we could pre dict


must pay more as pro


able changes in the ec onomic picture. Many business men more ex

the Board of Directors

perienced than I are hesitating to do so. In one thing financial ex

of United States Steel Mr. Beukema

while more severe than a minor re

ful remedies are at work to add

strength to the economy. Benefits from such remedies are expected to be evident before the year is gone,

dawning of a new season.

have not matched increases in rates

of pay and benefits. Money to pay for the higher wages can come only from the same place as all costs of doing busi-

ductivity falls behind wages and decreased volume greatly increases the unit costs of pro duction. Mr. Roger Blough, Chairman of

adjustment, is expected to be of temporary duration. Already power

air is crisp, the skies are sunny and bright and there is an unmistakable freshness that can only mean the

creasing business volume. Such in creases were intended to compensate employees for expected gains in productivity. However, such gains

always pays, and now

perts and industrial leaders appear

This small creek, just a few miles from the Calcite plant shows spring in the north country. There is still a little snow present and although the

tracts, must maintain or even in

crease rates of pay and extra em ployee benefits in the face of de

ness—the customer, who

to be in agreement: this recession,


the costs of doing business also fell as the economic slump progressed. Now, modern industry, operating within obligations of labor con

and 1959 is expected to see contin uance of national economic growth. There arc several striking differ ences between the current recession

and the last big depression. One of the most noticeable to many is the fact that, in general, prices are not falling as business volume declines. This difference from previous ex

Corporation, made some interesting observations on this subject recently when in Detroit. I am pleased to call your attention to them as they are re ported elsewhere in this issue of Michigan Limestone Screenings. We are hopeful that by the time our next issue goes to press operat ing conditions will more than jus tify our present optimism. In the meantime we are sure that each of

our employees will continue to as sist us in attaining greater produc tivity so that with resulting lower costs we may continue to obtain our full share of the markets in which we compete.

perience is startling but is easily ex plained. Back in the early thirties

ML Screenings is published quarterly by Michigan Limestone, a Division of United States Steel Corporation. R. J. Wheaton, Editor, Publication office. 2650 Guardian Building, Detroit 26, Michigan. Nothing appearing herein may be reprinted without special permission.

Lester Hassler, Annandale, machines a drive housing for a "Joy" loader. This is precision work.

SKILLED HANDS The Division's Maintenance Crews

Keep Machines, Equipment in Top Shape

Whether it be a leaky faucet or a major repair job to one of the 1,000 ton, 18-yard shovels, the maintenance departments throughout Michigan Limestone's plants are

other departments who assist in making needed repairs before

equipped and trained to handle the job. Keeping machinery and equipment in efficient operating

shop, men put their skills to work to keep Calcite in good operating condition. Men like Rhoud Benson, machinist, and

condition is one of the most important tasks around the Di

Alfred Brege, lathe operator, machined parts for the mill and boats to close tolerances. Other men, like Julius Patzer and Philip Idalski, guided one of the six pistons of a 1200 h.p. diesel back into place, while the remaining overhaul work on the locomotive was handled by the skilled hands of Alfred Wenzel, Theodore Werner and Arthur Radtke.

vision and the men of the various maintenance crews have the

skill needed to carry out the work. The most extensive department is at Calcite where its huge

shop handles many large and small jobs simultaneously. This plant's busiest season is during winter work when the usual staff of about 50 men is augmented by employees from

the start of a new season.

Take a typical day in January for example. Throughout the




One of their busiest times is after the mill stops for the day. Maintenance crews make a thorough check of all operating equipment, skirt boards and screens in the mill and make re pairs that cannot be done during operating hours. Annandale is rather unique in that it has two shops, one outside the operating area and another underground. Some of its repairs are different from the quarries since they have no large shovels, diesel engines or huge trucks. Most major repairs are on shuttle cars and loading machines—usually handled in the underground shop—and on the low-slung electric locomo tives and mine cars used to bring limestone from the mine. The skill and inventive capacity of the employees who man the various maintenance departments is represented by one Annandale employee, Roy Kerr, master mechanic, who has developed various helpful innovations. His latest is a hydraulic machine for removing replaceable bits that have "frozen" to the


In another corner of the shop, a large, self-propelled drilling rig, brought in for general overhaul, was handed over to ex perts like Rudolph and Fred Kreft and Roy Goulette. These were only a few of the operations done by the Calcite crew. All through the various departments, including car re pair, locomotive repair, the machine shop, carpenter shop, electric shop and general repair shop, each man is a specialist in his trade.

This might be termed a normal day during the winter work season which is busier from the standpoint of maintenance than others. But during the regular operating season the hustle of activity in the shop hardly diminishes. The maintenance situation at Hillsville and Moler is a little-

different than at Calcite. In the Northern District, many major

drill shaft. The bits can then be re-used.

changeovers and repairs are deferred to the winter work sea son, but in the Eastern District these jobs must be handled

Michigan Limestone's men in maintenance have the know-

how to keep the Division's plants in tip-top shape and free from serious mechanical breakdowns while operating.

when time permits.



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A welder, above, at Calcite, repairs a "Caterpillar" roller

Frank Lorello, above, prepares the boom to retrieve a

from a Bueyrus shovel from Cedarville. Angelo Marcucei, below, shanks a drill sharpener in the shop at Annandale.

stalled truck at Hillsville. Bill Mercer, Moler electric ian, below, checks the armature of an electric motor.

Julius Patzer and Philip Idalski, Calcite locomotive repair, grease a piston for a diesel locomotive before it is installed.

Blacksmith's helper, Alfred Reiger, readies the fire. This is an almost forgotten skill outside of industry.


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Rocco Luscre, above, repairs drill at Hillsville, while Sam Eakin, underground shop foreman, checks shuttle car at (he Annandale Plant before sending it back into the mine.

The huge shop at Calcite, above, is equipped to handle a variety of jobs. Repairing bulldozer at Moler, below, from left, T. Pierce, E. Breeden, T. Holmes and B. James.

Limestone in the Chemical Industry Michigan Limestone Supplies A Basic Commodity In The Manufacture of Many Important Alkalies Throughout the past half century, the use of chemicals in our everyday life has constantly grown in importance Until there is virtually no industry in the nation today that does not rely on them in some way. A basic commodity in the manufacture of many of these chemicals is limestone. Without chemicals made from limestone we would not have

fine glassware, windows in our homes and automobiles, nor would we have important pharmaceuticals, such as aspirin. This magazine might not have been printed except for the limestone used to make calcium carbonate for printing inks and soda ash for processing pulp and paper. We would be brushing our teeth with something besides toothpaste or tooth powder, cleaning our clothes with old-fashioned soaps, and be without many of the important textiles and wonder fabrics we now have.

For the most part, limestone's usefulness in the chemical

industry is in the production of alkalies, which play an im

portant part in supplying many day-to-day living needs, such as foodstuffs, utensils, furnishings and clothing. Chemical limestone is used chiefly in the Solvay process and as it progresses through the various chemical reactions, it un dergoes many physical and chemical changes to fit the work it has to do.

The Solvay process was developed in 1861 by two Belgian brothers, Ernest and Alfred Solvay, primarily to provide an inexpensive and efficient means of producing sodaash (sodium carbonate). Since the process involves many chemical reactions, a number of important by-products are obtained. It is through this process that more than 98 per cent of all the world's soda ash is manufactured.

To make soda ash, four natural resources are utilized, lime

stone, coal, salt and water. Coal is heated to remove gases, leaving coke. The coke is then burned with limestone in huge, upright, cylindrical ovens or kilns forming carbon dioxide and

A flow chart, showing how the chemical industry uses limestone to make alkalies by Solvay process, is shown below.



Photo courtesy of Wyandotte Chemicals

A typical kiln, above, where limestone and coke are burn ed for the initial process in the production of soda ash.

Limestone from the Calcite plant is loaded into one of the Bradley steamers for the trip down the Great Lakes.

quicklime (calcium oxide). Ammonia gas obtained from pro

coal to supply 225 homes for one year, enough salt to supply the yearly needs of 650,000 families, and enough limestone to fill 66 fifty-ton freight cars. The quicklime that is produced in the first burning process has a more direct application. Its biggest use is in steel pro

duction of coke is combined with brine (salt water) and car

bon dioxide (from the burning process) to form impure bi carbonate of soda. When this substance is filtered off and

heated in a dryer (calciner) it results in soda ash. Soda Ash Used To Make Other Chemicals

Soda ash, from the standpoint of volume, is the most im

portant of the alkalies and is consumed by industry at the rate of about 3,000,000 tons per year. Its chief use is in making glass. It is also used extensively to make other chemicals and has wide usage in the paper and pulp industry. Once soda ash is produced, much of it goes directly to mar ket. Some, however, does not leave the process in the form of soda ash. In one case it is combined with milk of lime (calcium

hydroxide) to form caustic soda (sodium Hydroxide) used to make rayon, cellophane, textiles and paper; in another, soda ash is passed through a recarbonator, where carbon dioxide is again introduced to form bicarbonate of soda. Most people are familiar with use of the latter in baking powder and phar maceuticals, such as seltzer.

The calcium chloride formed by combining milk of lime with ammonium chloride is used in dust control, ice removal,

refrigeration, coal treatment and concrete construction. Cal cium chloride has an important role in the production of cal cium carbonate, which is used in paint, paper and rubber pro ducts, to name a few. Thousands of tons of raw materials are used daily in the

production of alkalies. At just one such plant, each day enough wateris used to more than supply the city of Cleveland, enough

duction. As a flux in steel furnaces, more than 1.65 million tons are consumed annually. (This is in addition to raw lime

stone used for the same purpose.) Other uses of lime in the iron and steel industry are found in the agglomeration of ore concentrates, slag handling, pig casting and wire drawing. The pulp and paper industry consume more than 900,000 tons of lime annually. It is used principally to make calcium hypochlorite, one of several bleaching agents. Tons of lime also go into the manufacture of acetylene, ethylene glycol (anti-freeze), chrome chemicals, wood dis tillation and explosives. Other Markets For Chemical Lime

Other large markets for chemical lime are water treatment, glassmaking (other than soda ash use), waste treatment, insec ticides, leather tanning, petroleum refining, sugar refining, food

products, paint and varnish, plus hundreds of miscellaneous small quantity users. Some experts say that in the next few years it could become very important as a soil stabilizer. It more than probably will be tied to the forthcoming road-build ing program and usage could reach 700,000 tons per year. Limestone thus plays an important role in this country's manufacturing processes, and its adaptability through its use in the chemical industry has made possible many of the im portant things in our everyday life.

Paul Jones, National Safety Council, presents the top award to N. O. Hoeft, Bradley Transportation Line Manager, for the fleet's 1,000 safe days. Also present at celebration are first mates, from left, N. Raymond, G. O'Toole, P. Stone, Hoeft, N. Haselhulm, Northern District safety director, Jones, E. Fleming, R. Schepler, J. Newhouse and M. Joppich.

Bradley Earns World Record Employees of the Bradley Transportation Line were pre sented the top award of the National Safety Council for establishing a new world safety record for the marine trans portation industry. This is the third world record for safety captured by the Division. The other two are underground mining, earned in 1954 by the Annandale Mine, and quarrying, held by the Cal cite Plant, earned in 1955.

The Council's Award of Honor was presented April 14 byMr. Paul Jones, Director of public information for the Council, to Mr. C. F. Beukema, Michigan Limestone President. The 350 Great Lakes seamen employed by the Bradley Transportation Line set the new record by working a total of 2,228,755 man-hours—from April 25, 1955 through Dec. 31, 1957—without a lost-time injury. The no-injury record reached 8

1,000 days on Jan. 16 and is still continuing. Mr. Beukema, in accepting the award for the employees stated that the accomplishment was a result of the individual effort of each and every crew member of the Bradley vessels. He, in turn presented the award to Mr. N. O. Hoeft, manager of the fleet, and expressed his hearty congratulations to the assembled vessel crew members attending the ceremonies. Mr. Beukema added, "In this accomplishment the men of Bradley have upheld the highest tradition of U. S. Steel's safety effort, and have demonstrated that they believe in and work by the now famous slogan coined by U. S. Steel back in 1900— 'Safety First'." The previous record for the marine transportation industry was held by the marine department of the Eric Railroad Co., Jersey City, N.J., with a total of 1,525,140 man-hours.

The Bradley Transportation Line also won first place in the

"It is appropriate that a unit of the U. S. Steel Corp. should

cargo and passenger vessels division of the marine section safety contest conducted by the National Safety Council in

because it establishes a new world record.

be setting this new world record. For it was through the ini tiative and effort of the steel and iron industry that the Nat ional Safety Council was founded 45 years ago. "We firmly believe that the know-how and resources which industry has used to reduce the accident toll to workers on the job may well be a secret weapon in the war on traffic accidents. Industry more and more is extending its leadership in safety beyond the factory gate throughout the entire community as a public service." The presentation ceremonies were held in the Rogers Thea ter following celebration dinners at St. Ignatius, Westminster

"Industry and labor have proved that accidents can be pre vented if everyone will go to enough trouble to prevent them.

dinners were Captain Donald Nauts, Mr. Hoeft, and Mr. L. J.

1957 by compiling 101,791 man-days without an injury. "These achievements are the answer to those who glumly

proclaim that accidents just must happen," Mr. Jones asserted in presenting the Council's award before employees and officals of the Transportation Line and Michigan Limestone. "Twenty-five years ago," said Mr. Jones, "such a record would have been regarded as a miracle. Ten years ago it would have been big news. Today we accept it as noteworthy only

"Industry and labor have made such progress in their de termined efforts to prevent work accidents that today only half as many employees are injured on the job as off the job.

and St. John's Lutheran churches. Toastmasters at the three

Patterson, Northern District Manager, respectively. Marvin Claus, left, passes out favors at the dinner at St. John's Lutheran. Those present included, from left, Mr. and Mrs. Trafelet, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Pardieke, Don



Selke, George Meredith, Gary Grulke and Duane Bodie. Seated a( the table at Westminster church, below, with

Captain and Mrs. Donald 3Ionroe, left, were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O'Toole and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joppich.

Paul Jones, National Safety Council, presents the Bradley award to C. F. Beukema, Division Presi dent, for the fleet's 1,000 safe days. This is the

Those attending the safety dinner at St. Ignatius auditorium,

highest award presented by the National Council.

3Iayes, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Budnick and Mrs. David Plume.

below, included, from left, Don Martenies, Mr. and Mrs. Frank

Bulldozer pushes overburden within easy access of stripping shovel at Cedarville. Stripping, a reg

ular part of winter work in all Northern District plants, removes overburden to reach limestone.

BUILD-UP FOR SPRING Annual Winter Work in Northern District

Prepares Plants for New Operating Season Almost from the day that the Bradley fleet is laid-up each year, work is started to prepare the plants of the

prompted by an increase in the use of sintered iron ore in

Northern District for the next season.

stone fines.

At the quarries, ground called "overburden" is removed or "stripped" from the top of the stone. Repairs are undertaken to put the quarry equipment and crushing and screening plants in top operating condition, and Bradley fleet steamers are re conditioned for another safe and efficient sailing season. This year, at Calcite, the largest job was the installation of a recrushing system for oversized stone. The addition of a rotary classifier will help increase sinter-sand production to meet growing demands of steel plant blast furnaces. This is 10

blast furnace operations which requires the utilization of lime The usual stripping operations at Calcite were carried out

utilizing a method inaugurated last year. In 1957, the stripping procedure was modified by using a large production-type shovel to cast overburden at the dump, thus speeding up dumping operations. Drilling and blasting was active at Adams Point and at the west face, with stripping being done on the south side. In the plant, the primary crusher was repaired and in the mill, chute liners were reinforced. In addition, a 100-foot sec-

tion of the roof of the utility tunnel was replaced. Some of the other repairs included replacing dock timbers,

inspecting and minor repairing of generators and turbines in the powerhouse and adding one transformer in the mill area for a more balanced power distribution. At Cedarville, besides regular stripping operations, "field shots" were made to make available a supply of broken stone

for the opening of the production season. A second, lowerlevel cut in the quarry was opened on the southeast side and should be ready for operation in the near future. New ring gears and pinions were installed in both primary and secondary crushers. The top row of "concaves" (wearing

plates) on the primary crusher was replaced for the first time since the equipment was installed at Cedarville. The new con caves are made of manganese steel; the old were made of chilled iron. The mantle of the primary crusher was built-up by welding with hard surface alloy. The track from the quarry surge pile was replaced where necessary and the grade was improved to smooth out the run to the mill.

The primary crusher will also use a new kind of oil this year, since the type of wear experienced last year indicated the need for an E.P. (extreme pressure) additive to help the equipment withstand the shock of the crushing process. A new conveyor belt was installed in the mill and the 5/8-

Stripping at Calcite is handled by 18 yard, 1,000 ton shovels, as above. Overburden is loaded into quarry cars and dumped into a marshy area that will not be quarried.

inch diameter cable used to suspend vibrating screens was reCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Clearing brush before stripping operations start at Ced arville are, from left, Mike Hank and Joe Kott. Most of the limestone at Cedarville plant lies near the surface.



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Casting overburden with a shovel is an innovation at Cal cite started in '57. Previously it was done by bulldozer. 11



placed with one-inch cable for greater support. Additional equipment for the continuous weighing of stone on conveyors was installed.

In the L-3 stone loading conveyor tunnel, skirt boards were removed and new-type chutes installed.

Three Bradley self-unloader steamers are tied up at Cedar ville for standard winter repairs; the balance of the fleet is at

Calcite. For the first time, as an experiment in winter ship repair, steam was piped from the Calcite power station to the Steamer Robinson. Some of the repairs to the Steamer White

include replacing bulkheads and reconditioning the conveyor system.

As soon as stone operations start for the new year, the boats

of the Bradley fleet will be ready to sail and help keep the plants of the Northern District operating for another season.

Directing the unloading of a drive shaft and pinion for the primary crusher, below right, are Forrest McCord, center, and Paul Kreft, right. Shovel operator is Marshall Cruick-

shank. Track crew tamps ballast and jacks track to grade in new section of main track at Cedarville, above right. The crew, from left, F. Smith, G. McCord and J. Williams.

Structural steel is hoisted onto the Steamer White at Cal

cite. The vessel's conveyor system was also repaired.


LET'S LOOK AT PROFITS An enlightening discussion of this subject is contained in the following excerpts of Mr. Blough's speech made recently before Automotive Parts Manufacturer's Assoc. There is an old and oft-told story of three blind men who were asked to identify an elephant. One felt the tail and said it was a snake; the second felt the trunk and said it was a

rope; the third blind man felt the elephant's leg and said it was a tree.

In recent months it has become apparent that segments of the American public have similar varying views of profits. An enlightening discussion of this problem was given rec

ently in Detroit by Mr. Roger M. Blough, Chairman of the Board of United States Steel, in a talk before a meeting of the Automotive Parts Manfacturers Association.

Leading into his discussion of profits, Mr. Blough said, "We all have our problems; and because we see them from widely divergent viewpoints, they seem to be different problems. But they aren't. They are just different sides of the same problem. "So in the light of simple reason let's seek the facts together, and follow them, without prejudice, wherever they lead us." Three Propaganda Campaigns

Of "three great propaganda campaigns converging headlong on Detroit," he said, the one against profits "could well be the most disastrous for us all—for employees and employers alike." The two others are: A campaign from Iron Curtain sources to undermine America's faith in its way of life and "in the domestic field" a cure for the slump which would call for "a few more shots of the hair-of-the-inflationary-dog-that-bit-you." "Not the least of these, of course, is the oft-tried-and-found-

wanting scheme of increasing purchasing power by merely in creasing wage costs." He said, if we take a part or all of profits and "put them into the pay envelopes of our own employee people, we can only do so by withholding them from other consumer people" and in the process "consumer purchasing power as a whole will not have been increased by so much as a thin dime's worth."

"The fact that the present slump in business activity began at a time when consumer purchasing power had reached the

highest levels in history does not dampen for a moment, the ardor with which the proponents of this quaint theory are urging their formula upon you," he added. "Nor are these enthusiastic 'sharers' discouraged by the fact that profits have already been squeezed considerably. For seven

successive years corporate profits as a whole have fallen below the 1950 level; and—as a share of the national income—they have shrunk by more than Vi during that interval," he said. One of the most remarkable things about the campaign, Mr. Blough said, was that it is "being innocently supported by large numbers of well-meaning people who sincerely want the United States to prosper and to be strong; and who yet seem to think that somehow this can be brought about by eroding the one thing our economy must have to live on and to grow on: A working profit." He said that usually people picture profits as "something that goes into the company's pocket as though a company were an actual person who might go out and squander these profits." He pointed out that of U. S. Steel's profit of 9!/2 cents on each sales dollar last year, "every penny of it came from people; and every penny of it went back to people. From people to people in one operation." Let's Look At U. S. Steel

". . . let's look for a moment at the records of United States

Steel, and see what really happened to all the money we re ceived from our customers last year. "Well, first of all we had to finish the job of providing for the replacement of the tools and equipment that were used up

last year in production. And since the depreciation allowed by the tax laws was not sufficient to meet this replacement cost, we had to devote 2 cents of our profit to this purpose. So this

2 cents was only a phantom profit which went to keep our facilities intact. We had to use it, just to stand still.

"And that left us IVz cents of what I would call real profit. "The first thing we had to do with this was to repay an in stallment on a $300 million loan we got several years ago. That CONTINUED






took about seven-tenths of one cent and left 6 and eight-tenths cents of the profit. "Next we had to pay the owners of our business for all of the billions of dollars worth of plants, furnaces, mills, ma chines, equipment, and tools that they provided for the com panyand for the use of our employees. So 4 cents went to them in dividends for this purpose.


"And all that was left of our profit then was 2 and eighttenths cents 'to grow on.' Now was this money salted away in a bank, or hoarded for use on some rainy day? "Oh, no; not a bit of it! This, for example, was the money

COMPLETE SPEECH AVAILABLE Complete copies of Mr. Blough's speech are avail able to anyone by writing Editor, "ML Screenings," 2650 Guardian Building, Detroit 26, Michigan.

we spent to develop new sources of iron ore and other raw materials—to enlarge and improve our research laboratories;

to build sintering plants and coal washers and other facilities that will help us to hold down the cost of steel, and that will enable us to play a responsible part in meeting the future steel needs of this growing nation of ours." "In the course of its travels," he said "that profit made pos sible the productions of millions of tons of quality steel and other products that the American public wanted, needed, and used. Thus it added enormously to the material wealth of the nation as a whole. It was in truth a 'working profit' working for the welfare of everyone. "My purpose in presenting this discussion is simple; I be lieve it is up to everyone of us to use our voices in helping to create among all of our fellow Americans a better understand ing of what profits do for people."

AN OPXN LXTTXR Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl it works quitx wxll xcxpt for onx of thx kxys. I wishxd many timxs that it workxd pxrfxctly. It is trux that thxrx arx forty-six kxys that function wxll xnough, but just onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxncx.

Somxtimxs it sxxms to mx that a safxty program is somxwhat likx my typxwritxr—not all thx kxy pxoplx arx working propxrly.

You may say to yoursxlf, "Wxll, I am only onx pxrson. I won't makx or brxak a program." But it doxs makx a diffxr xncx bxcaucx a safxty program, to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xvxry xmployxx. So thx nxxt timx you think you arx only onx pxrson and that your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my typxwritxr



U . S. Steel Corporation has launched a "new look" in its merchandising and advertising program following a two-and-one-half-year survey to determine new ways to in crease sales in the total steel market and for U. S. Steel pro ducts in particular. Unique in steel industry merchandising, the program's "new look" centers around five basic objectives aimed at holding and extending the preference of the general public for products of steel over such competitive materials as aluminum, plastics, glass and wood. "Today's steel is not yesterday's steel," says Richard F. Sentner, Executive Vice President, Commercial. "Great scientific

and artistic advances have been and are being made in steel to the extent that there are some 10,000 types, grades and finishes of steel in existence today. I suppose we've taken the tremendous advances for granted and assumed the public had an appreciation of them as well." "This new merchandising program will herald all steel— not just U. S. Steel's steel," Mr. Sentner continued. "To the ex tent that this program increases the total steel market, U. S. Steel will benefit through its share of increased sales." The core of the "new look" includes:

1. A new advertising theme emphasizing to the public that "today's USS steels lighten your work... brighten your leisure... widen your world." 2. A new label program which will be offered to manu facturers of consumer products to identify clearly all items made of steel irrespective of whether it is USS. 3. A restyled USS trademark, modern looking and easier to remember.

4. A uniform and streamlined identification program to enable the public to more clearly interrelate U. S. Steel with all of its divisions and subsidiaries.

5. A "steel plus" advertising program beamed at direct users of steel, featuring U. S. Steel's special marketing assistance to customers as well as its metallurgical, research and facilities services.

In conjunction with the "new look," the USS trademark has

been restyled so that it is more representative of a modern, forward-looking U. S. Steel Corporation and is also more

and say to yoursxlf, "I am a kxy pxrson in our safxty program

legible and easier to remember. The trademark has not been changed extensively because Alfred Politz Research, Inc., showed that there is a high degree of identification between

and I am nxxdxd vxry much."

the letters USS and U. S. Steel.



Celebrating 40 years with the company are, from left, Ted Pardeike, William Kunner, Charles Baker, Claud Powers, Leo J. Smith, Frank Mayes and Howard Warwick. Not present for the festivities were Albert Hopp and Emil Erickson.

Calcite Celebrates 25 Year Banquet More than 600 Attend Annual Affair

More than 600 people, Michigan Limestone employees and their wives, attended the annual 25-year dinner at Rogers City, Saturday, Jan. 25. Dinners were served at three different locations to accommo

date the crowd, St. Ignatius, Westminster and St. John's Luth eran churches. After the dinners, the guests met at the Rogers Theater for entertainment and presentation of awards. Actually, as last year, this was a 25-year servicemen's cele bration but with no employee marking his 25th year with the Division. However, nine employees with 40 years service were honored as they received United States Steel stainless steel watches from Mr. C. F. Beukema, Division President.

Mr. L. J. Patterson, Northern District manager, reminded the wives that last year they had been enlisted as safety dir ectors in the home since safety at home is as important as

The ladies at Westminster serve turkey dinner. Almost

600 employees and wives attended at three churches.

safety in the plant. He said that reminders to their husbands to follow safety practices would help them return home with out having suffered any injury. CONTINUED ON



25 Year Celebration



He commended all employees on completing a full year without a lost-time accident. He also said that, with their help, the plant could make 1958 another no-accident year. After presentation of awards, Mr. Beukema reviewed the economic situation briefly and discussed its effect on Michigan Limestone. Although he mentioned that conditions would not be as favorable as last year, he did not forecast gloom. Mr. Beukema said that indications are that business should have

an upswing before the end of the year. Discussing the Division's excellent safety record, Mr. Beu kema said that early in January he had the honor of reporting the lowest frequency rate in the history of the Division at a New York meeting of Corporation officials. This record, the lowest in the Corporation, was 0.49 disabling injuries for each .1,000,000 man-hours worked during the year 1957. "But," he

Calcite employees gather at Rogers Theater for presentation of

said, "we are not satisfied, and will not be until it is zero." "Here at Michigan Limestone and in U. S. Steel management

is as interested in its people as in the machines its people op erate," he continued. "Although we all recognize that to be

competitive in the materials we offer for sale and in the ser vices we perform, we must have low cost, we must not do so at the price of injuries to the people of this great Corporation." He concluded by stating that the determination to prevent an injury to ourselves or our fellow citizens is a Christian rhought, and the successful exercise of that determination is a Christian act.

Entertainment for the evening was "No Time for Sergeants,"

a kinescope film taken from U. S. Steel's TV program, and a band known as "The Gay Ninety Men." Toastmasters at the various dinners were: Donald VanZandt,

plant manager, St. John's Lutheran; N. O. Hoeft, Bradley Transportation Line Manager, Westminster; and Mr. Patterson at St. Ignatius. Norm Haselhulm and Bud Osborn, pass out favors to, from

right, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wagner Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joppich, Frank Rose, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelly. At left are Otto Fleming and Richard Hamann.

Employees also gathered at St. John's Lutheran, above, and St. Ignatius, below. Toastmasters at these two gath erings were U. VanZandt and L. J. Patterson respectively.

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ids and entertainment as a part of the 25-year celebration.

The first to receive his United States Steel stainless steel

watch from Mr. Beukema, ML Pres., was Ted Pardeike.

L. J. Patterson, addresses employees at Rogers Theater, above, and C. F. Beukema

presents safety certificate to C. A. Pratt.

Raymond Grigg, above center, passes out favors to, from left, Albert Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Budnick. Below, from left, Mrs. Ed Radka, Mr. and Mrs. John Heller and Mrs. Calvin Meyers are served turkey dinners.

' &

Norm Hoeft, above, addresses crowd at Westminster. At

table, from left, were Capt. and Mrs. Nauts, Mr. and Mrs Hoeft, Mr. and Mrs. H. Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. R. Duel

tgen, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruning are in foreground. Below part of crowd enters Rogers Theater for entertainment

This is main street, New Castle. Eastern Distru

NEW CASTLE-in nÂť When America was starting to grow, its industry, and hence its cities, grouped themselves around the na tion's waterways as a means of cheap, convenient transporta tion to leading markets. One such city is New Castle, Pa., lo cated at the confluence of the Shenango River and Neshannock Creek and at one time a part of the vast Erie Canal system. New Castle lies in the foothills of the Appalachian Mount Duane 3IcLennan presents favors to, from left, Mrs. W. Hornbacher, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mayes, Mr. and Mrs. H. Shorkey.

ains at the eastern end of what is referred to as the industrial

heart of America. It is the headquarters for Michigan Lime stone's Eastern District.

Like most cities in this area, New Castle is highly indus trialized. It is a community that grew steadily, yet slowly, from its founding in 1798. For some unknown reason, the city site was almost over

looked until John Carlyle Stewart first settled there. He recog nized the importance of the area's vital geographic location to the industrial growth of America. Even before Stewart laid out the site for New Castle, the

Kuskuskie Indians had made it an important part of their network of villages, mostly because of the easy access to other villages by water.

Ifices are located in the Lawrence Savings and Trust bldg., center.

-leart of Industrial America New Castle is far different than the town its founder knew.

Since his time, it has become the county seat for Lawrence

County (1849) and in 1869 it became a city. Added to its natural waterways was the Erie Canal exten

sion completed in 1833 which joined the city with Erie and Pittsburgh. In 1838, New Castle was linked with Youngstown and Cleveland by the Cross-cut Canal which met the Erie system where the Mahoning and Beaver Rivers converge just below the city.

As America industrialized and the railroads replaced the canals as a faster and more efficient system of transportation,

New Castle played a prominent part. In her back yard were deposits of vital coal, limestone, iron ore and fire clay. The first limestone quarry in the area was started in 1866 by Green and Marquis where a gray limestone was quarried with a car bonate of lime content of 90 per cent. This stone was used principally for fluxing. Today the city is an industrial center that includes the manufacture of chemicals and allied products, clay, glass and stone products, leather and rubber goods and metal and metal CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Blenn Cook, industrial relations, from left, Herb Lampe and A. R. Shaffer, industrial engineering, leave New Cas

tle office located in Lawrence Savings and Trust bldg. 19



products, such as, steel mill equipment, chrome tables and chairs, wire products, cold rolled strip and spring steel. New Castle is surrounded by numerous educational institu tions within a radius of about 50 miles. Some of these include

Slippery Rock State Teachers College, Grove City College, Westminster College, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Uni versity of Pittsburgh, Duquesene University, Chatam College, Geneva College and Youngstown University. The population today numbers about 51,000. It has be come a rail hub serviced by four railroads and is in the center of a network of criss-crossing state and federal highways. New Castle's real claim to prominence is undoubtedly lo cation, for within an overnight ride lie 19 states and over half of the country's population. Within the even shorter radius of only 80 miles are over 6,000 industries supporting the claim that this city is truly a part of the industrial heart of America.


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Like many communities, the suburbs are are mushroom

ing with new homes. These are located near the city on U.S. 224. J. N. Suliot, below, is Eastern District Manager.


New Castle became the seat for Lawrence County In 1849. Pic tured above is the county building. New Castle's modern school

system is exemplified by the city's high school, pictured here with the modern "physical education" section built recently.


This is the "diamond," one of New Castle's lead ing landmarks, located in the downtown area.

Calcite Receives

Safety Award 550 Employees Attend Celebration Banquet at St. Ignatius Church

The Division President's safety award for 500 days was pre sented to the Calcite plant for their record set March 27. This record includes over 1,600,000 safe man-hours. More than 550 employees attended a dinner April 10 cele brating the event at St. Ignatius church in Rogers City. Guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Jacob Rosenstein of Mar quette University. Dr. Rosenstein said, "Safety must be a living thing in which everyone participates. It is not the job of the supervisor alone to enforce safety, it is everyone's job, for we are all responsible for the safety of those who work with us." "You cannot separate safety from the job," he continued, "just like you can't separate heat from fire or water from wet ness. Safety is a part of the whole and you can't operate a plant efficiently without it." He said that the cause of many accidents is the lack of

knowledge. "All accidents, even a scratched finger, should be investigated thoroughly. Don't be petty about accidents. Don't ever let anyone say, 'It isn't much, just a scratch,' because the next time it might be more serious," he stated. "All accidents are the result of an unsafe act or unsafe con

dition," he said, "both are responsible. If an accident could possibly happen, it will happen." Dr. Rosenstein said that one of the surest ways to prevent accidents would be to include it as part of a child's basic edu cation in school. "Let them grow up with the idea of being safe so they can live to apply the other things they have learned," he urged. Norm Haselhulm, Northern District safety director, attri buted the safety record to a number of things, chiefly the concerted safety efforts of everyone. The record was also highlighted by specific campaigns, in cluding the 100 per cent eye protection program, safety shoe program, safety slogan program—which awards a silver dol lar to any employee who remembers the slogan and the number of safe days—and the "Knowing's Not Enough" pro gram which develops safety awareness through posters, films, banners, booklets, flags, stickers and incentive gifts. "At Calcite," said Norm, "everyone takes a personal interest in safety and watches out for the person working next to him."

Group shot of crowd at Calcite 500 Day Safety dinner.

L. J.


Northern District

Manager, address es the gathering at St. Ignatius church.

Office personnel attending Calcite dinner, below, included, from left, Helen Conley, Lois Conley, Ella Reinke, Sarah Schultz, Sharon Karsten, Shirley Wenzel, Enid Ritzier, Margaret Radka, Janice Klee, Donna Quaine, Alice Kai ser, Loretta Przybyla, Shirley Grigg, Patricia Brunning and Gisela Platz. At right of table is Anthony Yarch.



Familiar things We work with Can turn into

Dangerous hazards

Some of the most dangerous safety hazards around us are things never thought to be safety hazards at all. They consist of things people use every day, such as chairs, paper,

1949 to 1953, falls accounted for 53 per cent of all disabling accidents. Of these, 25 per cent occurred on stairways and steps; tripping over objects accounted for 15 per cent and falls

filing cabinets and even the office desk. Ordinarily these things are a great help to us, but they can

from chairs and stools, 11 per cent. Handling of materials was second on the list, rated at 20 per cent. Other office injuries were incurred in striking against equipment, 8 per cent, and

assume a hazardous nature from careless users. Often they are taken so much for granted that people forget to be "safety conscious" in their presence and these old friends end up in juring those who forget ordinary rules of safety.

A case in point is the office chair. Improper usage, such as tilting it, can put the user in the hospital or injure him for life. Other examples of friendly enemies are paper, sometimes as

sharp as a razor; a desk, which causes painful bruises when the drawers are left ajar; or a file cabinet that can topple on the unwary secretary who opens more than one drawer at a time. Recently, the U. S. Labor Department's office of employee

compensation studied office accidents and found that from 22

falling objects, 2 per cent. It should be remembered that these are disabling accidents; non-disabling accidents numbered hundreds more! An acci dent, even when it is not serious, shows that there has been a lack of safety consciousness.

Just KNOWING that these things can be dangerous IS NOT ENOUGH. It takes positive action to avoid the pitfalls around an office. To be alert or "safety wise" is essential. Close-

drawers after use, be careful when handling paper, don't run on a well-polished floor. When these things are practiced reg ularly many office accidents will disappear.

An office is not an obstacle course. Close all drawers.


One drawer at a time. It's hard to file in this position.


Be careful of stairs. One step at a time is safest.

A tilted chair is sitting on the brink of disaster.

Sometimes floors can be as slick as ice. Walk, don't run.

Look sharp! Be sharp! Paper can be as sharp as a razor.


Conneaut Reaches

2000 Safe Days The best safety record ever established by any plant in the Division was accomplished by Conneaut on Dec. 10, '57, when it reached 2,000 safe days without a disabling accident. At a dinner for employees and their wives held Jan. 16 at Conneaut, Mr. Beukema commended the men. He said, "I

wish to express congratulations for a job, not well done—for a safety job is never done—but a job well started. "Some people think that accidents are inevitable—you are proving that this isn't so—but then some say that after a record is made you should accept it and recognize that it's the best that can be done. This we refuse to accept. Such reasoning

is a mental barrier thrown across the path to still lower acci dent frequency records." "Our accident frequency record, while excellent, can come down," he said, referring to the Division's record of 0.49 dis abling injury per 1,000,000 man-hours worked, "and your continued safety awareness and attention to safety procedures G. W. Mintz congratulates Conneaiit employees for 2000

safe days. At speaker's table are, from left, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stuntz, B. and L. E. Railroad, Mr. and Mrs. K. Stevens, Pres. Pittsburgh and Conneaiit Dock Co. and C. F.

will be of essential assistance."

In setting the record, Conneaut worked 273,400 man-hours. The last lost-time accident occurred more than five and one-

half years ago.

Beukema, Division President. Below, L. Dye passes out favors to Mr. and Mrs. Sleith and Mr. and Mrs. Downing.

Also at the speakers table were, from left, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mintz, Lake Erie District Manager, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Richards, Conneaut plant manager and Mr. and Mrs.

George Bruce, V. P. of Pittsburgh and Conneaut Dock Co. 24

plant mgr., H. C. Farrell, Industrial Relations Dir. In foreground J. Ferrmo,

Carl Hogberg, Vice President, reads a telegram of congratulations from C. F. Beukema, President, to the Buffalo employees for a record of 500

Wm. Collins, J. Kroff, H. Podraza and F. Guido J. Caruana passes out favors.

days without o disabling accident.

Part of the group attending the Buffalo dinner included, from left, J. Kunik, June Linneborn; "Jim" Rathbun, plant mgr., at speakers table, C. G. Hogberg, Division Vice President, G. W. Mintz, Lake Erie District Mgr., T. G. Rose,

Buffalo Celebrates Safety Record O n Jan. 15, just one month from the day they set their new record, employees of the Buffalo plant gathered to

celebrate having worked 500 days without a lost-time accident. Mr. C. G. Hogberg, Vice President, congratulated the em ployees on their achievement and expressed the best wishes of Division President C. F. Beukema for continued success.

In a letter to Tom Rose, plant superintendent, Mr. Beukema

The importance of the record was stressed by Mr. Hugh C. Farrell, director of industrial relations, when he said, "If every industry in the United States could have gone as long as you without a lost-time accident, nearly 20,000 more people would be alive today. There would be three million less injuries. "During the period of your record—500 days or more than

IVi years—industrial accidents cost United States industry

wrote, "Please convey my personal congratulations to every

more than five and one-half million dollars."

person in your plant with my earnest wish that the present achievement is a stepping stone to attaining and surpassing your prior record of 1,579 days without a disabling injury."

In setting the record, Buffalo worked a total of 123,000 manhours. This total, combined with Conneaut's 2,000 safe days, is an outstanding safety accomplishment for the District.

Enjoying the entertainment are, from left, R. Stephany, E. Kurdziel, A. Swiatosz, J. Ferrino, Wm. Collms, H. Podraza.

Albert DeMatteis, left, his son Sam, center, and Nick Debiase, caretaker look over a white mink on Albert's farm.

Putting Purple In The Pelts Annandale Employee Develops New Mink Color

This year when the ladies stroll down 5th Avenue in their new mink coats and stoles, probably one of the most popular will be a new shade called "purple glow." Behind the development of this new beauty of the fashion world lies more than four years work; and the ladies owe it all to Albert DeMatteis, a stone inspector at the MLD Annandale plant. A new strain of mink was developed by mating four different species over the past four years. Working closely with Dr. R.H. Shackleford, assistant professor of genetics at the University of Wisconsin, DeMatteis claims that it took

64 kits (kits are the industry term for baby minks) to produce just one of the new shade.

The raising of mink all started for DeMatteis and his wife back in 1936 when they saw a story about a mink farmer in Vermont. Pooling their money, they bought one male and six females from a farm near Geneva, New York.

There is a big investment in a mink farm. A pair of females costs about $150. Then there are the huts which pro tect but allow the animals to stay in the fresh air. They also have a very strict diet of fish, chicken, beef liver, horse meat and mink mash. This diet, as much as the cold weather, in sures them of a fine coat. 26

A purple glow mink poses prettily for Mr. and Mrs. De Matteis before it is killed and skinned prior to shipment to market. Color of the new strain is a light pastel hue.

A well equipped farm also has a deep freeze to store the

pelts before shipping and to keep the frozen foods for the mink. Added to this equipment is a skinning house and a food grinder. The mating season starts in March and lasts for one month.

The young are born in May and average about four kits per animal. They grow to full size in about three months and are ready for skinning in November. DeMatteis has over 3,000 mink on his farm now, which include such shades as darks, whites, aleutian blue, silver blue,

autumn haze, blue sapphire, steel blue and his new purple glow.

This year he hopes to sell about 2,000 pelts. This will allow him to keep the best breeders and bring his stock back up to 3,000 for next year. Now that he has developed the new strain, he is planning

on another new development, "Lettuce Green." "And who knows," says DeMatteis with a twinkle in his eye, "maybe in about four years this too will be the newest thing on the market."

Feed time finds DeMatteis spreading the special diet to the individual cages. They are fed once a day. DeMatteis feels the diet is as important to the quality of the finished pelt as is the weather.

Nick does the finishing touches, trimming off the legs and excess fur pieces. Nick is so proficient at his job that he can usually skin a mink in a little over a minute.

After skinning, the excess fat is peeled off.

A fat mink

means a healthy mink and the best pelts for the industry. 27

Rogers City Receives Michigan Limestone Property Property, formerly occupied by Division presidents, was donated to Rogers City for "community purposes" by Michigan Limestone in a letter to Mayor Vogelheim and the city council on Jan. 13. In his letter to the mayor and council, Mr. C. F. Beukema,

Division President, stated that in addition to this property the Division would donate $1,000 toward any modifications that might be deemed necessary. After the letter was read at a special city council meeting, Mayor Vogelheim said that, "There is no question about the acceptance of this very fine gift. We should give the greatest consideration to its use, make sure that it is utilized to the fullest extent."

Shown being blood typed at Calcite are Clarence Kelly, seated, Clarence Brege and Art Santini. Hospital tech nician is William Stanley from the Rogers City Hospital.

Calcite Plant Employees Participate In R. C. Blood Typing Program More than 570 employees of the Calcite plant were blood typed recently to provide immediate, up-to-date in formation on blood donors for the entire community. The blood typing, done in cooperation with the Rogers City Hospital, will have a direct benefit for the entire community, according to William Gebeau, hospital administrator. Further more, each individual volunteering is protected in case of emergency by having information on his own blood type readily available. The blood typing program was suggested by plant officials and was readily accepted by the hospital as a supplement to the long-established community-wide walking blood bank. It was done by William Stanley, hospital technician, in coopera tion with Norm Haselhulm, Northern District safety director. The hospital and the plant will maintain cross indexed rec ords of each individual's blood type. Thus, when blood of a particular type is needed and cannot be supplied from the hospital's normal blood bank, the individual with the type blood needed can be contacted and asked to give blood. Since the blood typing program was started several weeks ago, the hospital has had several occasions to use the list. There are eight different types of blood, several of them being relatively rare. Type AB negative, for instance, occurs in only 3/4 of one per cent of the population. B negative oc curs in but IV2 per cent while the most common is type O positive which occurs in 38'/i per cent of the population, ac cording to hospital figures. Two persons with the rare type AB negative blood have

been recorded. Recently a Calcite employee's wife needed type AB negative blood. The list was checked and a Calcite em ployee supplied the needed blood. Each employee is given a card showing his own blood type and it is suggested that he carry the card at all times. 28

The property is located near the heart of the city on a corner lot 150 feet square and, although it is a residence, it can be readily adapted not only for a library but for varied uses by civic organizations. Some years ago civic bodies in Rogers City started to apply proceeds of various activities to a fund for a community cen ter. Although a considerable amount of money has been raised for this purpose, it never seemed enough to launch a building of the kind necessary. The letter of acceptance from the mayor stated, "It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to thank Michigan Limestone Division for the donation of land and buildings at 176 West Michigan Avenue to the City of Rogers City. This generous gift is very appreciated." This is the second piece of property donated recently by the Division. In the latter part of 1956, Michigan Limestone pre sented its former main office buildings to Rogers City. This

included four lots, a brick office building and stone fireproof storage vault and a frame three-vehicle garage, all located at 170 E. Woodward Avenue.

Michigan Limestone Establishes Safety Record For 1957 During 1957, Michigan Limestone set a safety frequency record of 0.49 disabling injuries per 1,000,000 manhours worked, the best ever established for the Division and the best for the year in any Divisionof U. S. Steel Corporation.

Leading the list of plants was Conneaut with 2,021 safe working days without a lost-time accident. This totaled 275,611 man-hours. Also in 1957, the Bradley Transportation Line

completed 9S4 safe working days for a total of 2,228,755 manhours, largest total for the Division. Other plants received the Division President's Award for safety during 1957. Cedarville completed 750 safe days in October and finished the year with 824 days. Buffalo hit 500 days on Dec. 15 and Kaylor 500 in September. Hillsville re ceived the Award in August for 250 days. Calcite completed the year without a lost-time accident with a record that covered 414 days and 1,367,580 man-hours. Moler

completed 720 days on Dec. 31 and Annandale 144.

Pete Wilhelm, accounting, Detroit office, is presented a 25-year watch by C. F. Beukema, Division President. Pete started at TJ. S. Steel at the A. E. Chambers Co. in Pitts

burgh. He joined Michigan Limestone 17 years ago and lias worked at Pittsburgh and New Castle before Detroit.

Cedarville Receives Safety Award The United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines has awarded Cedarville its Certificate of Achievement

in safety for the plant's outstanding record in the 1956 nat ional safety competition. The award was presented by Mr. C. F. Beukema, Division

Goggles On-

President, to Mr. C. A. Pratt, plant manager, at the 25-year banquet at Rogers City, Jan. 25 (see page 17). Cedarville earned the award for a record of 290,977 man-

hours without a disabling injury in 1956. It ranked fourth. The letter accompanying the certificate read in part, "The attainment of this injury-free record was possible only with the full cooperation of all employees and officials."

No Harm Done!

Personnel Changes Personnel changes for Michigan Limestone—including new hires, rehires, promotions and intra-division transfers— since Nov., 1957 include the following: Infra-Division Transfers—William A. Thompson, master mechanic, from Kaylor to Moler; John D. McCord, chief elec trician, from Hillsville to Moler; Donald P. Knowles, indus

trial engineering trainee, from Detroit to Northern District; Benjamin Patsy, senior payroll clerk, from Kaylor to Annan dale and James W. McMillin, plant maintenance clerk, from Kaylor to Hillsville. Promotions—W. C. Benton to assistant manager—Annan dale was formerly supervisor of operations—Kaylor; Floyd L. Kohlmeyer to general maintenance foreman—Hillsville was formerly master mechanic—Moler; Ralph L. Baker appointed to general engineer—Eastern District. Rehires—Lee Decker, stenographer—industrial relations. New Hires—Robert A. Sherlund, accounting clerk—Ced arville and Ruth O. Franklin, record clerk—central filing.

During the past winter work season, all Bradley Trans portation employees were given expert training in fire fighting. Operating in small groups, as above, they learn ed how to extinguish actual fires of oil, gasoline and pro pane. Here Joe Krawczak handles a dry powder extin guisher. Demonstrator in white jacket is from Ansul Co. 29

Retirees Arthur Wenzel, Calcite

Harry Smith, Calcite

John Modrzynski, Calcite

Andy Isacco, left, OUviero Notareschi, Amiandale

James (Skinny) McGinnis, Annandale Herman Schaedig, Calcite


I Berardino Andreassi, Annandale

Fred Radka, Calcite

Steve Widajewski, Calcite

Bocco Martino, Annandale

Joe Kasuba, Calcite






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47 feet wide?

W c El


The head of a pin would appear about 47 feet wide if

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examined under this instrument. It's an electron probe microanalyzer—the first to be used industrially in this



Want to see a pinhead—



3 |rH P 3 HH o






9 > H O




country. U. S. Steel research teams use it to get a better look at the microstructure of new types of steel. In this way, they gather more information about the factors affecting steel quality and performance. Research like this is typical of U. S. Steel's leadership in the production of better steels for the wonder products of tomorrow. USS is a registered trademark

(USS) United States Steel


5 2. 00


ej W


See Page... 13



Otfck and Enofe As this issue of Screenings went to

press another Michigan Limestone pub lication was being finished at the print er's. It is the LIMESTONE booklet,

revised and enlarged and designed to

tell the public and customers who and what we are. The principal changes are the inclusion of two pages on the geology of limestone . . . two new pages on the chemical laboratory at Calcite to show how we maintain the quality of our product and a page that points to our all-important customers. The main distribution of this booklet (about 20,-

000 copies) is from the lookout sta tion at Calcite. With this issue we also

are going to make it available to schools, libraries and the Chambers of Com

AMessage trom trie President W h i l e in this issue we salute the men and women of

1932, 1933, 1934, 1950 and 1957; Annandale, as already mentioned,

the Calcite Plant and Quarry for their splendid achievement in mer

won the award in 1952 and 1953; Hillsville held it twice, in 1952 and

iting the Sentinels of Safety award

again in 1955.

for 1957 performance, we cannot say enough in congratulating the

standing safety year for Michigan

That 1957 was indeed an out

employees of Cedarville and Hills-

Limestone is underlined by the fact

ville on their outstanding accomp lishments as recognized by the Bur eau of Mines in this competition. Indeed, the lost-time injury experi

that every division plant but one worked the entire year without a disabling injury. While the Sentinels of Safetycalls attention to the quarries and mines, otherMichiganLimestone operations have notable safety rec ords. Bradley Transpor

ence could not be better than these

plants recorded. Since plant safety accomplishments to a

large extent depend on individual safety aware ness and performance, we wish to point out

tation Line now holds

a worlds safety record in its field with more

than 1,200 days with out a disabling injury. Employees of our

that each individual em

ployee at Cedarville, Hillsville, Moler, and on Bradley Transportation

smaller plants at Con-

merce in our plant towns. If someone asks you about your company, refer

Line vessels worked as

neaut and Buffalo also

safely as their contemp

have shown they have

them to this booklet.

oraries at Calcite. Had more man-hours of work

been accomplished at

an active and effective Mr.


Hillsville or Cedarville

the trophy could well have been awarded to one of these plants. As it is, they were accorded the very great honor of being runners-up in the competition attesting to the safety sincerity of Michigan Lime



Sentinels of Safety is truly a trophy

that belongs to every individual in the plant to which it is awarded. It can be won only if every man in the plant practices safety. That is why we have given it such signifi cance in this issue of Screenings . . . a tribute to you.

ML Taylor, I

hed quart

lost-time accident, and the Buffalo

plant is nearing the 800-day mark. Your management is proud of the safety consciousness of its em ployees which has made these safety achievements possible, and it is our

stone men and women.

hope that each Michigan Limestone

Even as we pay tribute to these operations for the safety accomp lishments of last year, we are re minded of the extraordinary safety accomplishments of Annandale

employee will feel similar pride in his individual participation in es tablishing these records. With a final word of congratu

the Sentinels of Safety award for both years. The Annandale Mine

lations for these records noted here, I would turn your attention to the future. Your past performance in safety gives us assurance that you will continue your duties within

Mine in 1952 and 1953, an achieve ment for which it, too. was awarded ON

safety program. The Conneaut plant is close to 2,300 days without a

record is an underground mining

the framework of safe working

safety record which will be difficult for any mine to equal or surpass


in the future.

individual Michigan Limestone em ployee will begin each day knowing that Safety comes First.

Michigan Limestone quarries and mines now have won the Sentinels

It is our earnest desire that each

of Safety award a total of 10 times. Calcite won the award in

higan Li


. a Division of United Sratfs S. arhig herein may

frimted without: .special permission.

Str. Munson Shown At Bridge Dedication









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The Straits of Mackinac between Michigan's Upper and Lower peninsulas was a bustle of activity during the week-end of June 26 as dignitaries from the state, U.S. Steel

Corporation and across the nation formally dedicated the Mackinac Bridge, (called locally "the Big Mac") On "Dedication Day," the last day of the three-day affair, the Steamer John G. Munson joined the Coast Guard Cut ter Mackinac at the ferry dock in St. Ignace in welcoming visitors to the area.

While dignitaries dedicated the "Big Mac," visitors, through out the day, were treated to open house aboard the "Big M." Homecoming queen candidates from Rogers City assisted the vessel's crew in greeting nearly 5,000 visitors from all over the country.

Mr. Roger M. Blough, U.S. Steel, addresses gathering.

Displays erected aboard the boat included a limestone ex hibit showing the various products of the Calcite plant, an

exhibit showing the safety accomplishments of the Bradley Fleet, and American Bridge Division and American Steel and Wire Division displays showing their respective participation in the building of the Mackinac Bridge. From the time the open house started at 9 a.m. until the

boat departed for Calcite at 8 p.m., sightseers boarded the vessel, visited the pilothouse, strolled through the captain's quarters, inspected the self-unloading system, the galley and the crew's quarters, and marveled at the spotless boiler-engine-

Open House aboard the steamer was part of the official festivities on the last day

of three days of events. More than 5,000 viewed the lakes' largest self-unloader.


When the festivities had ended, the Steamer Munson re

turned to its regular task of transporting limestone on the

Great Lakes, and the ships of the Bradley fleet will pay their own silent salute each time they pass under "Big Mac."



^<v % h *-\ (CONTINUED)

Tlie Steamer John G. Munson, all decked out in her finery, stands alongside the




Mackinac during the official bridgededication festivities at St. Ignace.

Visitors come aboard the Str. Mun

Three of the homecoming princesses from Rogers City acted as official

All parts of the 66fi-foot self-unloader

(Top photo) The U.S. Steel delegation includes Mr. Blough, Mr. Beukema, and Mr. C. H. Sander, Contracting Manager, American Bridge. (Below)

son. They are, top to bottom, Jean

were open to public for inspection.


Viegelahn, Pat Kelly and Kaye Kile.

son, which was open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. during the day of dedication.




hostesses aboard the Steamer Mun


As one of the homecoming princesses

for Rogers City, Janice Klee served as hostess aboard the Steamer Mun

son. Here she hands out literature at

the Bradley Transportation exhibit.

Visitors view the American Steel and

Wire display. Other exhibits were ar

ranged at various spots by Ameri can Bridge Division, Bradley Trans portation and Michigan Limestone.



From the observation tower at Calcite the visitor looks

down into the largest limestone quarry in the world. Stretched before him lies a vast industrial complex that sup plies a basic commodity to a variety of industries. The eye of the inquisitive, however, searches beyond the operation seek ing an answer to the origin of the stone being quarried.

water. Ancient streams emptied into the sea carrying calcium carbonate dissolved by water and the corals and shelled ani mals extracted this compound from the water to form their shells. When the water became saturated with calcium car

bonate, it settled as a lime mud covering up corals and other organisms, and the whole mass was slowly compacted

Geologists who have studied limestone and strata of the

and solidified into the stone as we see it now. These con

same age all over the world, as well as the overlying sand and gravel deposits (called overburden), have presented us with an intricate and fascinating story.

ditions continued and a uniform deposit scores of feet thick

Limestone is composed chiefly of calcium, carbon, and ox

ygen, combined as the chemical compound calcium carbonate. The Calcite deposit is "high calcium" which simply means that it is of unusual purity compared with ordinary limestone. Limestone of such purity is rarely found at the surface in quarryable thickness bordering on avenues of economical bulk transportation like the Great Lakes, as it is at Calcite. Under such conditions it comprises an industrial resource

essential to many industries from steel-making to agriculture. How was so much high-purity limestone concentrated in one place? To answer this question, geologists go back more than 310 million years. At this time the limestone strata of the

Calcite property were deposited in clear, warm sea water dur ing the Devonian period of geologic time. To the visitor this is a fact hard to believe, but a close examination of the

stone yields many petrified forms of marine life, principally corals, which live only in warm, clear salt water. The clear

ness of the water in this ancient sea is further proven by the high purity of the Calcite stone. If the water had been only slightly muddy the limestone deposited in it would have been impure and this vast industrial operation would have been located somewhere else.

Although our stone abounds in forms of extinct life, most

of the stone originated as a chemical precipitate from sea

was formed. This, geologists call the Dundee Limestone. The stone at Calcite is part of a great series of marine

sediments deposited in the bowl-shaped Michigan basin. The Dundee limestone at Calcite dips southward at the rate of about 50 feet to the mile. In the vicinity of Clare County in the central part of the southern peninsula, it lies about 4,500 feet beneath the surface. From this point it rises in all direc tions, but its outcrop, except near the "straits," is buried under surface deposits or lies beneath the lakes. Following the formation of the Dundee limestone, con

ditions changed and layers of shale and impure limestone were deposited immediately on top of our quarry stone. During the millions of years that followed, literally thousands

of feet of strata of various kinds were deposited above it. Then Mother Nature, like many another woman, as though unhappy with the way she had done her work, uncovered the

Dundee in the vicinity of the present quarry by the processes of erosion. To make the warm sea origin of the quarry stone harder to believe, the whole of North America as far south as the Ohio River was covered by an ice sheet like that now

covering Greenland. When warmer weather again returned and the ice melted, it left behind the deposits of sand and gravel we now see covering part of our deposit. Other ridges of fine sand which now lie at considerable distance from the

present edge of the lake were left behind by fluctuations in the level of Lake Huron as the ice retreated northward.

Each year the Calcite quarry alone is capable of yielding more than 16,000,000 tons of limestone for industry.

How best should operations be planned to support the needs of generations of steel, chemical and cement users yet to come? What variations in stone quality may be anticipated in maintaining day to day consistent quality? To get the an swers to these questions, Michigan Limestone relies on the

services of two geologists as they study both the deposit and the reports of many geologists in Calcite's history.

What is a geologist? Formally, he is a person who deals in that branch of science which studies the earth's crust. In

essence he is part chemist, part historian, part paleontologist, part physicist, pare mathematician, part gypsy, part cook and at all times a lover of the great out-of-doors.

The various qualiries that make up a geologist are derived in

part from his basic college education. Besides the science of geology, in which he is most interested, he must minor in another branch of science and must have at least a speaking

acquaintanceship with numerous others, such as chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology etc. The selection of his minor course of study is governed largely by the particular field in which he plans to work. The mining geologist may elect to minor in chemistry or civil engineering because of the

practical value of knowledge in these fields to his work. The petroleum geologist may minor in biology because of

Herman Ferguson, Michigan Limestone senior geologist,

takes a preliminary check of a stone sample with his 10power microscope in the field. These cheeks in the field eliminate much unnecessary testing in the laboratory.

gist is in an area where there is little access to sleeping or eating facilities, he must camp out and cook his own food. Geologists sometimes withstand extremes of temperature ranging from 125° F in such places as Death Valley to 80" F below zero in Antarctica. These areas are extreme examples,

but, since the vast quantities of mineral raw materials needed

The Geologist - aportrait

large deposits are likely to be found, he may find himself searching for iron ore in Labrador or manganese in Africa.

its association with that branch of geology known as paleonto

region depends largely on the terrain involved. When the

logy, which is simply the study of fossilized animal and plant

topography of the land is fairly flat, he usually follows creek

remains found in sedimentary rocks.

or stream beds for in such regions outcroppings of stone are

in our industrial economy must be sought in places where

Like the soldier, the geologist's scientific attack on a

A geologist's college training acquaints him with the earth's surface and locations of various strata by regions. This purely

only found along water courses. Highway and railroad cuts yield valuable information. In areas where there is more

introductory information, however, must be supplemented by more detailed data before he starts to explore a given territory. Unless he is operating in an area, such as Africa,

usually numerous outcrops available along roads and hill sides. In such areas his picture of the underground forma

the Middle-East or vast reaches of the Arabian desert where

tions is likely to be more accurate.

he is doing a great deal of pioneering work, a geologist can narrow his area of exploration by studying previous geological surveys available at public libraries, and through govern mental services.

His clothing for an exploration trip depends entirely on the areas in which he is working, but his equipment is much the same regardless of which part of the world he might be in. A well-equipped field geologist carries a hammer, a sturdy leather case containing maps and various colored pencils for plotting different types of stone on the map, usually a bottle of acid for testing in the field, a pocket mic roscope (10 power — see picture), sometimes a snakebite-

relief, streams still afford the best outcrops, but there are

If preliminary studies show that minerals of a commercial nature are present under conditions of economic exploitations, the geologist will recommend a drilling rig be brought in to obtain core samples of the stone beneath the surface. These

core samples are analyzed to determine the amount of min erals and the depth to which they go, and from this infor mation determinations must be made as to the suitability of

deposit for commercial development. Once a site is picked and a plant has been erected, the

geologist is on hand to advise where the best qualities of minerals are available. He also lends valuable assistance

regions, he will probably also carry an aneroid barometer to

should mining or quarrying encounter material not found in the exploratory drill holes. In short, he seeks to insure his company that its deposits are completely known so that

measure heights.

operations may be planned properly both for the immediate

kit, and always a compass. If he is working in mountainous

Field trips vary according to the area explored. If a geolo-

and long-range future. 7

WINDING THE FLEET Tugs Limestone and Dolomite Help Dock Bradley Boats One of the trickiest navigational jobs for boats arriving at Calcite is docking; but there are two reasons why this difficult job is made to look as easy as pulling up anchor. One is the tugboat Limestone, the other the tugboat Dolomite. Although neither tug is more than about 94 feet long, the muscle for these little mites is provided by powerful engines that allow them to wind (turn) boats up to seven times their own length.

The whole operation of winding and docking takes about

docked. However, in accordance with marine regulations, all signals for power are given by the tugboats' whistles; one blast for "stop" or "proceed," two for "reverse," three for "check" and four for "strong."

In addition, the Limestone is equipped with radar for op erations in bad weather and for navigational aid on her trips to Cedarville to deliver equipment and supplies. The tugs perform other services too. Occasionally, they are called out to help a boat in distress or rescue pleasure boaters

20 minutes but about a full hour is consumed from the time

(see 1957 Fall-Winter issue of Screenings). When there is

the first radio contact is made. During the procedure, rhe tug

a sick person aboard a passing boat, they give assistance by

Limestone always takes the bow because of its more powerful engines. The Dolomite maneuvers the stern. The most power ful tug must be at the bow to balance the combination of tug power and the boat's own engine power at the stern. To facilitate handling, each tug has a radio-phone for in

transporting medical care from shore.

stantaneous contact with the other and with the boats being

Some crew members come from sailing families, like Everett Shay, whose father was first assistant engineer on the Steamer White or Captain Cook, skipper of the Dolomite, whose father was skipper before him.

Most of the crew, however, are land-based sailors, except for the time they spend berthing the boats; but theirs are able hands handling good equipment to make sure all boats are docked safely.

Nearing the dock, the tugboat Dolomite, center, works the stern of a Bradley steamer. On shore, deckhands pre pare to handle the lines to make boat secure for loading.

Adolph Ganske, linesman, searches the horizon with glasses for an incoming boat. First contact was made by radar because of fog and rain squalls. 8

Captain Lamb has behind him a long experience on the boats. His job demands quick decisions to land boats safely.

On a foggy day, the Tug Limestone usually makes the first visual contact by radar. Captain Lamb, above, looks for one of the Bradley vessels off the harbor at Calcite.

Walter Buza, fireman, secures the tug Limestone to the bow of a Bradley Transportation Line boat as "winding" process starts. Operation takes 20 minutes.

The two innovations at Conneaut are

shown here. In the foreground is a portion of the new 96-foot conveyor already starting to stack agricultural limestone






background stockpiling open-hearth.

The boom of this Bradley boat un loads directly into the hopper of the stacker which stockpiles the stone.

Stacker, New Conveyor Installed At Conneaut A

stacker with a 190-foot boom and a new 96-foot con

veyor have been installed at Conneaut to improve dock handling capacity and increase plant product stocking efficiency. The stacker was transferred from Hillsville where it was

used to stockpile overburden that had been stripped from the stone deposit. At Conneaut, it will enable the plant to store almost 300,000 additional tons of open-hearth limestone. The stacker moves laterally along the dock front and can handle 2,700 tons per hour. Previously, the stockpiling area was limited to the length of the self-unloading booms on the boats of the Bradley lleet. The boats can now unload directly into the hopper of the stacker which enables the plant to utilize areas as far back as 310 feet from the dock front.

The new conveyor system was added to the pulverizing plant and consists of two units, a 48-foot belt conveyor start ing at the blender and an additional 48-foot screw type con veyor for stockpiling. The conveyor will enable the plant to add 32,000 more tons of agricultural stone to the stockpile from which it shipped

during the spring and fall farm liming programs. This cost reduction installation enables elimination of the truck— rail

road car—crane stockpiling practice previously used. 10

Pictured here is the Calcite plant at Rogers City. The plant was originally designed lo produce about 300,000 tons of limestone

per year, but through the ap plication of profits and investors' capital, to buy more machines and equipment, the plant is now

capable of producing nearly 16,000,000 tons per year. A good ex ample of increased productivity.

PRODUCTIVITYOne Key to Economic Balance One of our most serious economic ills has been inflation. Part of the solution to

this and other such problems can be found in an increase in output per man-hour. One thing that would make everyone happy, regardless of his economic status, would be to pick up the news paper and read that living costs have been stabilized and that employment remains steady. In these days of uncertain eco nomic conditions, few of us realize how this is to be accompIised, but experts claim that the answer lies in productivity. Productivity can be a confusing word, for it is often as sociated only with the total capacity to produce. As an econominic factor, however, productivity expresses a measure of efficiency between "input" of capital, raw materials and man power, and "output" of product. That word efficiency is im portant.

Let's take an example. There are two companies, each pro ducing bicycles. The first company employs ten men and pro duces 50 bicycles per hour or five bikes per man-hour. This firm obviously has the capacity to produce. But let's take a second firm which also produces 50 bicycles per hour but has invested capital, stockholders' money, in machinery which

enables only five men to accomplish this production. This means an output of 10 bikes per man-hour. It can readily be seen that the second firm has a better productivity rate or produces more efficiently than the first and can compete easily. In order for the first to regain its competitive position, it must increase productivity or become more efficient. This

does not mean that it must necessarily increase production while holding the line on costs (although this is one solution), but it must reduce its present man-hour costs. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, better productivity will not force workers into a great deal more physical labor. Their contribution can probably best be measured in better

utilization of time and effort or by employing improved tools and materials. This applies to all groups of employees, pro duction and non-production. Simply put. improved productivity is an increase in the efficiency of the productive capacity of a company. How does CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE




this affect inflation? How does it figure in industrial expan

sion, profits, a high standard of living and how can produc tivity be increased? Let's take a look.

In regard to inflation, Mr. Roger M. Blough, Chairman of the Board of United States Steel, said that the solution to this

problem has two approaches. "The first—and most desirable approach—would be to in crease productivity to the greatest possible degree in order that the inflationary gap between a too rapid rise in wages and the laggard improvement in productivity may be nar rowed or eliminated.

"The second, and most difficult approach, would be to avoid future wage increases not clearly supportable by rising pro ductivity. And presumably the final and only practical answer will be found in a combination of these two approaches."

ered, at least in part, by improved productivity. As one comp any found out, a piece of machinery that cost $12,000 14 years ago, costs $67,000 today. The money used to buy these tools to maintain business must come from profits, but with the replacement cost up, it takes a larger proportion of profits. This same company found that even when depreciation funds

and resale or scrap money were provided a balance of $54,000 still remained to be raised for the new equipment. This amounted to an additional $112,000 in earnings before taxes or the sale of an additional $1,250,000 worth of products to customers so that the profit level would not be depleted. This cost of maintaining the business comes from profits that could be used to either expand the business, which has a favorable effect on productivity, or to raise wages or both. Increased productivity cannot come solely from new tools.

As Mr. Blough said ". . . it will command the most diligent and intelligent effort of all of us—labor, management, bank ers and government."

Why Price Increases?

The importance that increased output plays in granting wage increases can be viewed by examining U.S. Steel's figures for the past 17 years. Hourly employment costs have risen at a rate of eight per cent, compounded annually, each year since 1940, while actual productivity has increased at a rate of only two per cent. Improved machines and materials, management planning and worker training and efficiency all have contributed to this excellent but inadequate increase.

A difference of six per cent between costs and productivity increases must be gapped each year so that U.S. Steel can maintain a healthy business. Since three quarters of every

wage increase granted over the past 15 years was not offset by increased productivity, prices have been regularly raised to obtain the money needed to pay the higher wages. Result— a wage-price spiral and inflation. How can productivity be increased? In the past 100 years, the national output grew at an average of two to three per

cent a year. These gains came from a variety of reasons, in cluding higher quality raw materials, improved methods and practices, customer demand—since higher demand has a favorable effect on productivity—and capital improvements, such as tools and machinery.

Probably the most important of these is capital improve ments. A hundred years ago industry provided the average worker with crude tools and plants costing about $500. By the 20's this investment stood at nearly $5,000. Today in dustry spends almost $15,000 to equip a worker with the tools and machinery needed to do the job. The cost of these tools has been justified on the basis that today's worker turns out as much as several workers did 100 years ago and we have cut the work week by one third since 1900. One answer to productivity then seems to be "tool up to the highest possible degree." But there is a point of no re turn when the costs of supplying equipment far outstrips in creased revenues from improved production. In addition, the cost of providing new machinery and re placing the old is also rising. These rising costs must be cov 12

Labor too, plays an important part. The worker has as big a share in the future as does management. He is as much a

part of the team as anyone else, and a very key part. The Bureau of Labor Statistics made a study of the man-

hour costs per unit of output in the basic steel industry in the U.S. This study claims that there is a human factor that must be considered in productivity. This is expressed as "the effort, skill, organization and application of both, manage ment and labor. Adoption of technical improvements is en hanced by a work force which has the capacity and willing ness to learn, change and adapt." Most workers have come to realize that their job futures and the job futures of their families depend on how well the economy prospers; and since our economy hinges on a healthy, free atmosphere, business must thrive to insure a healthy and free economy. Each soundly informed employee who wishes to play his part by giving an honest day's work re ceives an honest day's pay. More Effort By Everyone

Increased productivity will mean additional effort on behalf of labor and management. The foreman who finds more ef ficient ways of getting a job done or finds means of cutting waste is increasing productivity. The worker who makes a conscious effort to cut wasted time, lost-time accidents and

absenteeism is contributing his part. Much of the increase can be accomplished by the simple expedient of each one carrying his share of the work load. Each employee knows he has been well rewarded for the rise in the national economy. He is better paid—real or actual

wages—works shorter hours and has more fringe benefits than any worker in the history of the world. The team of management and labor has been chiefly responsible. But if the economy is going to prosper, including the defeat of inflation, the team of labor and management must continue

to work together to increase productivity even more. It is as

Mr. Blough said, "... a task that will command the diligent efforts of all of us."

Calcite Wins Top Safety Award For the sixth time Calcite quarry has won the coveted Sent inels of Safety in the quarry group of the National Safe ty Competition sponsored by the U. S. Bureau of Mines. To win the award, the Calcite plant worked 1,142,423 safe, man-hours during 1957, bettering the record of 333 other quarries in the competition. Presentation of the award was made by T. E. Miller, con

tributing editor of Explosives Engineer magazine, sponsor of the trophy, at a special ceremony for all employees on Aug ust 27. Also present at the ceremonies were Mr. C. F. Beukema, Michigan Limestone President; A. D. Look, District Supervisor for the Bureau of Mines; L. J. Patterson, North ern District Manager who served as Master of Ceremonies; H. C. Farrell, Director of Industrial Relations and Donald VanZandt, Plant Manager.

In presenting the award to Mr. VanZandt, who accepted on behalf of all employees, Mr. Miller paid high tribute to the workers of Calcite and to Michigan Limestone generally. "Your remarkable achievement of working a million manhours without a lost-time accident or injury is one that was not equalled by any of the other quarries in the National Safety Competition last year," he said. "It is evident to me

that your winning of this award was achieved only through a carefully planned program in which everyone cooperated and, futhermore, every man must have used his own good judgment and common sense every minute he was on the job." Mr. Miller recalled that the plant had won the award six times — 1929, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1950 and 1957. "Not only that," he commented, "but your sister quarries at Hillsville and Cedarville, with perfect safety records, were runners-up in this contest last year. Michigan Limestone almost monop olized the winning places in this quarry competition last year." Accepting the trophy, Mr. VanZandt termed it, "an honor

The Calcite Safety Committee holds the Sentinels of Safety Flag presented to plant for its safety record.

which signifies a record of safe work by many people." "Safety is no one person's job but a prime responsibility of each of us," he stated. "During the time this award was be ing earned we looked to the Employees' Safety Committee for help in keeping the Calcite plant a safe place to work." He concluded by saying, "I would like to turn this trophy over to the Employees' Safety Committee, whose constant work in alerting us to the hazards and ways of eliminating them has done so much toward making this award possible." The trophy was accepted by the Committee on behalf of all Calcite employees. After the presentation, Mr. Beukema addressed the gather ing briefly. "Here at the Calcite plant and quarry," he said, "you have been witness to that fact that ever since the slogan 'Safety First' was coined by United States Steel it has been a principle to be faithfully followed in our everyday activities." "Your actions speak much louder and more eloquently than

can I of the attention and importance safety principles have assumed in your lives and in the life of the collective activity known as 'Calcite'," he continued.

A. D. Look, Bureau of Mines, presents individual cer tificates to Robert Bruning. Each employee received one.

"Although there were several intervening years between safety performances that merited this award in the past," he said, "I am sure we do not expect such lapses of safety in the future. While we know that your 1958 experience has probably eliminated the possibility of a follow-up honor next year, we believe that with your continued safety awareness in the future you can help establish Michigan Limestone as the main residence for this distinguished trophy." Mr. Beukema said that a glass enclosure is to be built to house the trophy just inside the plant entrance — a place of honor in front of the rock garden. "I suggest that you consider this display house as the home for the 'Sentinels of Safety'

award during those years when Calcite earns it," he said. 13

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Sentinels of Safety - Industry's Leading Symbol The Sentinels of Safety trophy (pictured above) recently awarded to the Calcite plant, has been a leading sym bol of safety in industry ever since it was originated in 1923. At that time Herbert Hoover was Secretary of Commerce

Each participant would report its accident records to the Bureau of Mines. The one with the best record in each group would be awarded a trophy provided by the Explosives Eng ineer magazine.

It was decided that the trophy would be awarded annually to the quarry and mine with the best record of safety in its division of the national competition. The trophy is a bronze figure of a mother holding a baby in her arms with the baby reaching out to welcome the father in his safe return from work. They are the workers' true sentinels of safety. The trophy was designed and executed by Begni Del-Piatta, an Italian-born sculptor who was known

which supervised the activities of the Bureau of Mines. Before going to Washington Mr. Hoover had achieved world wide repute as a mining engineer. He had become alarmed at the high rate of deaths and injuries to miners and quarrymen in this country, and to help reach a solution, he called a num ber of people to Washington for a discussion of the situation. Among the group was the editor of Explosives Engineer magazine, who proposed a nation-wide safety competition in six groups — anthracite, bituminous coal, metal and nonmetallic underground mines, open-pit mines and quarries — to be enrolled by the Bureau of Mines.

Navy and Marine Memorial in Washington.

Mr. C. F. Beukema, Michigan Limestone President, ad dresses employees at the official presentation ceremony.

T. E. Miller of Explosives Engineer, congratulates Don ald VanZandt, plant manager, at trophy ceremony.

for his remarkable ability to conceive and execute powerful ideas. Mr. Del-Piatta is most famous for his work on the

Rogers City Homecoming

The newly crowned queen, Carol McLennan, awaits the start of the Homecoming parade at Rogers City.

Down the broad expanse of Third Avenue in Rogers City last Fourth of July came brass bands, fancy floats, a bevy of beauties and crazy clowns as the city and residents, past and present, marked the beginning of a three-day cel ebration.

Before the parade began, Carol McLennan, daughter of Donald McLennan of the Calcite Plant, was crowned Lime

Queen Carol McLennan is crowned by C. F. Beukema, Michigan Limestone President. Below, the winning float,

by Michigan Limestone, followed the 4th of July theme.

stone Queen by Mr. C. F. Beukema, Division President. Carol was chosen from a group of eight contestants. More than 60 floats participated in the parade with Mich igan Limestone winning the award for the best float. Everything was fine except the weather which managed to postpone rain only long enough for the opening parade. On Saturday night, there was a queen's ball with a name band. At a special ceremony, Mr. Beukema was named honorary Chief Rogers City by the Chickagami Pale Face Indian Maidens, sponsored by the Cheboygan Daily Tribune. Celebrities and former residents came from all over the

nation. There was a rodeo, an open house aboard the Steamer

Rogers City and at the Calcite Plant, an old-timers reunion, a queen's ball and, of course, fireworks. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Looking for the start of the parade, big brother tries to see if he can see the clowns and the marching bands.

Tim Stafford, center, and wife, left, enjoy the parade

with Jackie VanZandt, right, holding her brother, Brent.

Lawrence Larke, member of the historical society, reads the Declar ation of Independence before start of parade. Also on the officials plat form are Karl Vogelheim, chairman of the festivities, and Buddy DeVito, well known singer and band leader.

At a surprise ceremony, Mr. Beukema, Division President, was named honorary Chief Rogers City by the Chickagami Pale Face Indian Maidens, sponsored by the 16

Cheboygan Daily Tribune. Official introduction, the ceremonial headdre


Str. Rogers City ^ Hosts Visitors \

Part of the three-day celebration was an open house aboard the Bradley Transportation Line's Steamer Rogers City. At 9 a.m. sharp the ship's horn blew its first wel come aboard and started a procession of visitors

through all parts of the huge, self-unloading lake freighter. Walter Szymoniak, left, and Dale Sorgenfrei, welcome visitors aboard the Str. Rogers City during open house at homecoming celebration.

p Don Knowles brings Bill Ransom to "Kangaroo" judges stand assess damages. The "Court" was sponsored by the Jaycees.


A few of the visitors aboard Str. Rogers City get a good look at pilot house with its controls and radar equipment.



)»./' • • •emonies are shown from left to right, the

the warpaint and ceremonial dance.

Official float judges include, from left, John Heintz, Dorothy Boutin, Rogers City Postmistress, Jolm Crawford of Detroit. WHAK broadcast proceedings. 17

This is the midway during the homecoming.

Harold Jones and family enjoy a quick snack at midway.


Event Features

Contests, Rides and Hot Dogs Kids scramble to see who will win the pie eating contest.

Besides the formal activities, there was the usual midway

with its merry-go-round, ferris wheel, games, and kids' contests.

One of the features of the contests was to see who could

eat a blueberry pie the fastest. The winner, a girl, left behind her three blue-stained male faces.

Even with the steady rain, the midway did business as usual.

Present at oldtimers reunion during homecoming were, from left, Roll Rains, retired, who started at ML in 1916; Leo "Buckets" Kuhlman, who started in 1913, now lives in Detroit; Frank Hamilton, who started in 1912, now re

tired, living in Alpena; Clare Macklem, who started in 1912, retired, now living in Florida; and Ernest Meyer, who worked at ML in 1912, now living in Chicago.

These three, shown above, were the runners-up. This young lady, pictured below, beat all other contenders.

Moler Honors Long-Service Employees

dent, presented a United States Steel

ema congratulated the men on the fine safety records established in the past. "The men of long service are the backbone of a well run plant," he said. "We are, therefore, proud to single out those with 25 or more years service and we are sure that Moler's fine per

stainless steel watch to C. E. Russell

formance will continue.

Five employees of the Moler plant with 30 or more years service were honored at the annual long-service

dinner held at Camp Hill Methodist Church, Harpers Ferry. Mr. C. F. Beukema, Division Presi

for 40-years service. Beverly D. Taylor

"But we cannot slight those who have

and Willard Willingham received 30year service awards and B. W. Hoffman and J. C. Wagner were honored for 35-

less service," he continued, "because it

years service.

In presenting the awards, Mr. Beuk

takes every member of the team, doing his part, to get the job done." One of the safety records referred to by Mr. Beukema included the plant's recent record of 750 days for which they received the Division President's award. In setting the record, Moler

worked a total of approximately 392,000 safe man-hours.

Mr. C. F. Beukema, Division Presi dent, presents service awards to the





top, C. E. Russell, 40-years, Beverly D. Taylor, 30-years, Willard Willingham, 30-years, B. W. Hoffman, 35years and J. C. Wagner, 35-years. Bob Ross, Moler plant manager, ad dresses employees at service dinner.

Community singing before dinner was enjoyed by, from left, Harford S. Brackett, Louis L. Upright, James Kirby, Jolm H. Penwell, George S. Wittington, Hursell W. Caniford, Har vey H. Garrett and J. Walter Baird, assistant mgr. operations.

Hillsville and New Castle Office Hold Joint

Long-Service Dinner

Lynnford Groce, right, pins a flower to the lapel of Vincenzo Retorto before long-service dinner starts. Waiting for the festivities is Thomas Via, center.

Part of the evening's festivities at the HillsviUe-New Castle dinner included entertainment. Here a pretty

singer serenades a group of Hillsville employees. 20

Henry Foringer pins a corsage on Florence Davis of the New Castle office. Mildred Shaffer, center, received her 25-year award at the banquet which honored New Castle and Hillsville.

Thirteen Michigan Limestone employees from the Hills

ville plant and New Castle office, with a total of 440-years service, were honored at a combination long ser vice and safety banquet held at Bessemer, Pennsylvania, May 28.

The only 25-year pin awarded went to Mildred Shaffer of the New Castle office. It was presented by Mr. Carl G. Hog-

berg, Vice President. Other awards went to Nicola Agontini, Domenico Greco, Donato Lupo, Theodore Bono and Leland Baker for 30-years service; Bendetto Pugliese, George Reese, Nicola Schirville, Walter Stoner and J. W. Balentine (New

Earl Stephan, Western Pennsylvania Safety Council, Inc., presented on behalf of the National Safety Council, a cer tificate of commendation for the plant's 1957 safety record of 406,087 safe man-hours. In addition, the plant received the Joseph A. Holmes award of honor for safety, presented by H. H. Engle of the Bureau of Mines. In his letter of congratulations to the plant, Mr. C. F. Beukema, Division President, said, "I salute the entire per

sonnel of the Hillsville plant who have diligently coordinated their safe working practices to attain a milestone of 500 consecutive days without any employee suffering a disabl ing injury.

Castle) for 35-years service and Ercole Innocenzi and Lodovico Squeglia for 45-years service. The plant also received the Division President's award for completing 500 days without a lost-time accident. This cov ers a period from December 18, 1956, to May 1, 1958, and

serve to stimulate continued safety consciousness." As if this achievement wasn't enough, the Hillsville plant

includes 519,279 safe man-hours.

the next day broke its own all-time production record.

"Please convey my personal congratulations to every in dividual with an earnest wish that this achievement will

Part of the employees who attended the Hillsville-New Castle long-service dinner. Thirteen employees were honored. 21





Keep your back straight,

footing—keep the area

feet about 8 to 12 inches



"Put your back into it," is an old, oft-repeated phrase by those who want to get a job done. Actually, from the standpoint of safety, we should never "get our back into it" if we are referring to lifting. Much has been said and written about proper lifting habits, especially if it is a heavy object. Too many men end up in the hospital with expensive operations because they have not paid attention to these warnings.

We need not be injured by lifting. We should always — with the emphasis on "always" — use

our heads when lifting. Even when the object is not heavy, be sure to use proper lifting procedures (see illustrations). One way to help cut down lifting injuries is

Keep the front end of a long ob ject being carried slightly higher than the back, but be careful of how you handle it. If too awk ward, get help.

at about 90-degree angle and straddle the object

With your body close to the object, grasp it firm ly, "let your legs and


arms do the lifting."

Squat. Bend your knees

pounds. A safe lifting limit does not prohibit you from lifting

when you must lift more. Proper lifting of weights takes just a few minutes. Al ways check to see if you can properly balance the load— a medium-heavy load when improperly balanced can cause serious damage. How high will you have to lift it? How far will you have to carry it and is the route unobstructed? Always place your feet so that they are well balanced. Lift straight from your feet and not bent over. Lift slowly. Above all, make sure the load isn't too heavy in the first place. These might sound like time-consuming rules to fol low, but how much time would you consume on your back in a hospital? If you must lift something heavy "don't put your back

things heavier. It just prompts you to take more care

into it."

to determine how much you can lift . . . safely. This is

usually quite a bit less than the most you can lift. We might be capable of lifting our own weight, but it isn't safe to make a practice of doing it. Even professional weight lifters, who are capable of hoisting as much as twice their own weight, take care and caution when lifting because even they can get injured. A safe weight limit is always under your own weight; let's start there. About 100 pounds is heavy enough for most men in good physical condition to lift. A very husky fellow will probably set the limit at about two-thirds his weight, but for those on the heavy side, deduct about 30

When lifting an object such as a sack of ce ment, squat, draw the sack onto your shoulder and grab the front end with both hands. For extra heavy object be sure to get help.


OUR HOUSE Calcite Family Played Host To Foreign Exchange Student

As in Germany, Sigrid often took long walks. Her compan ion usually was Louis Hornbacher of the Calcite plant.

During the past few years, many American families have had the opportunity, through the American Field Service, to welcome into their homes guests from foreign lands who have come to study under the American system of education and to learn how Americans live. One such

fortunate family were the Louis Hornbachers of Rogers City. Last year, the Hornbachers welcomed into their house

hold a foreign exchange student from Germany by the name of Sigrid Klug. From the day she arrived, the home perched prettily atop the hill on Dettloff Avenue took on an added bit of vigor, characterized by a typical German thoroughness and seriousness. Sigrid had come to learn. She wanted to know about the

country, the people, the educational system. Through the auspices of the American Field Service, which places students in homes on both sides of the world, she was here to study at the local high school. But the seriousness which was typical of her fatherland was punctuated by a curious glint that informed everyone that this girl was going to have fun too. Her first difficulty, language, was easily surmounted be cause she had studied English since the fifth grade. But even

a girl of 18 with about six years of academic training behind her, found it difficult to break through the slang barrier. One of the other language difficulties encountered came from her civics class. Nightly readings which involved unfamiliar terms kept Sigrid and one of the Hornbacher girls constantly busy consulting the dictionary. ("Actually, we were quite amazed at Sigrid's command of the language. About her only diffi culty was a few misplaced accents"—Jo Anne H.)

between teacher and pupil was strange, as was the freedom to choose her own curriculum. Discipline was also much more liberal here than at home. In German schools students stand whenever a teacher enters the room and remain stand

ing until told to be seated. Sigrid enjoyed the informality but thought there should be more discipline. "Actually," she says, "there should be a middle way." Another way that American and German schools differ is that here all students, regardless of capability, attend school together. In Germany, they are tested early in their academic careers to determine what each student is best suited for.

From that time forward, the German student has a set course

of studies that relates directly to the results on the tests. Sigrid, for instance, had a high qualification and, as a result, she will prepare for college work. Students in what is refered to as the middle school only attend formal classes until the 10th grade and then specialize in skilled trades or "low engineering." Students who have low qualifications attend classes until the ninth grade and then become apprentices, stenographers, etc.

This is something else that Sigrid likes, but our system of mixing classes helps you to know all groups, she thinks, and fosters a better understanding between social and edu cational levels. Again, "a middle way should be sought." Sigrid busied herself with other things besides school. Her schedule for a week was as busy as the agenda for a corpor ation executive. There were two violin lessons a week, church

and church choir, swimming, when weather permitted (Sigrid was the last out of the water last year, staying in even longer than local inhabitants), regular practices for the school play,

Noise was another thing. In Germany, when a girl sits

skiing and skating during winter months, Youth Fellowship

down to study, all is peaceful and serene, but here, whenever they returned home from school, one of the Hornbachers, Jo Anne, Faith or Mary Beth, flipped the radio dial to WHAK

group at church, Girls Athletic Association, choral club and numerous speeches to groups around the northern parr of Michigan about her visit to the U. S. As if these activities

and the house would start to "rock and roll." It was neces

weren't enough, she read incessantly, taking a particular in terest in Sherlock Holmes and O. Henry. Spare time in Germany is allocated to studying—which

sary to become accustomed to this normal American activity. School was somewhat of a surprise to her. The informality 24

One of Sigrid's most popular subjects at Rogers City High School was English. Here she recites from a day's lesson.

The Hornbachers gather to help Sigrid. Group includes Sigrid, Faith, "Dad," Mary Beth, Jo Anne and "Mom."

takes up most of her time—and traveling to and from school. She likes to play handball, goes hiking and biking and attends the theater twice monthly. (When asked about Sigrid's spare time here, Jo Anne Hornbacher replied, "What spare time?")

Her home town is Hamburg which is considerably larger than Rogers City, but, she comments, "I know more people here than I did back home."

The choice of the Hornbachers as a foster family was a happy one for Sigrid, for it helped her to see what American families are really like. "We get the wrong impression in Germany," she says. "All we see are western movies, kids in blue jeans, someone getting a fifth divorce, tourists and Chicago gangsters. This doesn't give a good picture." She became very close to all the Hornbacher girls but es pecially to Jo Anne, who is in the same grade. In fact, both

A tense moment in the school play for "spinster" Sigrid.

girls made the honor roll with Sigrid's lowest marks being two B's. one for typing ("The terminology was difficult.") and one for chorus.

Her comments on things American—she likes typical Amer ican dishes, such as corn and pumpkin pie, enjoyed her travels through the East, has a passion for malted milks ("They're bigger here than at home."), and concerning rock and roll says, "We have that disease at home too. In fact, my brother wants me to bring him an Elvis Presley record. I prefer the classics." ("On this we disagree." — Jo Anne H.)

Sigrid returned home in July, after a trip along the east coast. Waiting were her mother, brother Sigurd, 14, and sister Sigurn, 16. Her father is a ship's captain and sometimes doesn't get home for nine months at a time. What was it like when she got home? There were the typical reunions, of course, and then back to finishing high school and later college, after which she will teach. Even

after the readjustment to the old life is complete, she assures everyone that her thoughts will many times return to the pretty white house perched atop the hill on Dettloff Avenue in Rogers City.

Fixing hat for play, above. Taking violin lessons, below.

Foreign Exchange Students

Visit Europe More Employees* Daughters, Sons Selected by American Field Service

An opportunity to see how people live abroad is being experienced by a son and daughter of two Mich

igan Limestone employees. Under the auspices of the Ameri can Field Service (AFS), James Nidy, son of J. Harold Nidy, of the Steamer M. C. Taylor, and Martha Anne Druschel, daughter of R. H. Druschel of the Eastern District, were selected to spend the summer in Europe as foreign exchange



James Nidy stayed with a family in Switzerland. In letters home, he described the view from the patio of the home of his Swiss host as "looking down upon the Boden Sea,

James Nidy, son of Harold Nidy, visited Switzerland.

the River Rhine, the Unter Sea, the city of Konstanz in Ger

many and the towns of Kreuzlinger, Tagermilen and Gotileiben in Switzerland."

right. "The sight of the green fields, the bright-roofed villages,

James reports that the country is very beautiful, and that when his Swiss father likens it to "one large garden," he is

the sailboats on the lakes below me," James says, "are things that I'll always remember."

During his stay in Europe, James also visited the World's Fair in Brussels, Belgium, and toured parts of that country. Martha Anne Druschel spent her European tour in Norway. Although she does not speak Norwegian, the people with whom she stayed spoke English, which helped her to over come any language difficulty. While in Norway, Miss Druschel stayed at a small farm in Sandvika near Oslo. She also had an opportunity to attend a world Girl Scout camp in the mountains and an AFS gettogether for all American foreign exchange students in Nor way. This meeting was arranged by the AFS to enable the students to compare notes and in that form opinions based on the observations of others as well as their own.

James and Martha Anne swell to four the Michigan Lime stone representation in the foreign exchange students' ranks. Last year Janet Hogberg, daughter of Carl G. Hogberg, of De troit, and Nancy Santini, daughter of Andrew Santini of Cal cite, were selected by AFS to visit New Zealand and Germany, respectively.

Martha Anne Druschel, center, discusses her coming trip abroad with fellow foreign exchange students, Anne Baggethun, left, of Norway, who is just completing her year here, and Betsy Mansell, who will travel to Germany. 26

Michigan Limestone Goes To Broadway A

Michigan Limestone "show" is on Broadway for a two and

The "show" is a three-window dis

were installed the first week of Septem

one-half months run but it is far from

play in the lobby exhibit windows at the U. S. Steel headquarters offices at

Corporation Christmas displays are put

the bright lights of Times Square.

71 Broadway near Wall Street. They

in about mid-November.

ber and will remain there until the

Design for the windows was created by the U. S. Steel display department at Pittsburgh. Features of the three windows in clude the well-known model of the Str.

John G. Munson, a large piece of lime stone from Calcite quarry, and eight samples of Calcitc's sized product. The floor of each window is covered with

open-hearth rice size dolomitic lime

stone from the Cedarville quarry. The Michigan Limestone windows are part of a series which have been shown at 71 Broadway on the various Str. John G. Munson model and reproduction of Central Radio are displayed against enlarged photo of stock pile at Conneaut dock. Photos show operations.

divisions of the Corporation. When the displays are removed from New York it is planned to take them to Calcite as a permanent exhibit at the lookout station.

This window tells about the geological origin of limestone. In the background is an enlarged photo taken at Cedarville. Outline map pinpoints ML plants.

Products and customers are featured in this window which includes actual

samples of Calcite product. Reproductions here lack color of real displays.

New Yorkers on way to work paus ed to watch workmen unload large piece of Calcite limestone in front of the building; at 71 Broadway. 27

Michigan Limestone Receives 14 J. A. Holmes Safety Awards The Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association in connection with the United States Bureau of Mines has awarded

certificates of honor for safety to four plants and ten employees of Michigan Limestone. Plants which were honored include the Calcite plant at Rogers City, Mich, with 1,367,580 safe man-hours worked between Nov. 12, 1956 and Dec. 31,1957; the Cedarville,

Mich, plant with 681,722 safe man-hours from Sept. 30, 1955 to Dec. 31, 1957; the Hillsville, Pa. plant with 460,711 safe man-hours from Dec. 18, 1956 to Feb. 28, 1958; and the

Moler W. Va. plant with 407,406 safe man-hours from Jan. 11, 1956 to March 1, 1958.

Only 14 employees with 40 or more years service with out a disabling injury in the cement and limestone industries received the award. Ten of these were from Michigan Lime stone. They include Cordy Adrian, 41 years service, Emil Dehnke, 44 years service, Peter Giovagnorio, 42 years service, Richard Hamann, 44 years service, Alex Karaim, 41 years service, Theodore Pardieke, 40 years service, Henry J. Shorkey, 40 years service, John Heller (deceased), 44 years service, Leo J. Smith, 40 years service, all of the Calcite plant, and Charles E. Russell of the Moler, W. Va. plant with 40 years service without a disabling injury.

G. W. Mintz, center, receives his 35-year service award from C. F. Beukema, Michigan Limestone President as

H. R. Baltzersen, Comptroller, looks on. Mr. Mintz, Lake Erie District Manager, has been with Michigan Limestone since he started bis career with U. S. Steel Corporation.

Northern District Starts

Management Development Plan Anew management development program "to assist all

supervisors in better understanding of duties and responsibilities of a supervisor" was started in the North ern District June 11.

The plan is being coordinated by Blenn Cook, Supervisor of Industrial Relations, and is patterned after the program which

has proven so successful in the Eastern District. In addition to Cook, numerous technical personnel handle sessions on items that relate to their specialties. These people include C. G. Hogberg, Vice president; L. J. Patterson, North ern District Manager; N. O. Hoeft, Bradley Transportation Manager; E. A. Weymouth, Manager of Sales; Robert Crittendon, Norm Haselhuhn, Dallas Hartford, George Jones, Harold Jones, Bob Leow, Frank Reinke, Les Raymond, Led

Spira, Paul Thornley and Frank Ware. 28

There is a new look aboard all the Bradley Transportation Line boats and Calcite tujrs this year. Each of the stacks has had the old familiar "L" chanjred to an "L" superim posed with an "M." Painter above makes the finishing touches on the tug Limestone.

More Than 40,000 Visitors Visited Point Lookout In '58 Visitors from 41 states and 14 foreign countries took a look at Calcite's quarry operations this summer from Point Lookout.

Twenty-six thousand, nine hundred and ninety-five people signed the register and another 14,156 persons were estimated to have visited the quarry view station for a total of 41,112 visitors.

Point Lookout was opened to the public on July 3 and continued open through Sept. 5. Attendants Wallace Wag ner and Nick Matwiyoff were on duty daily to answer ques tions about the operations. The largest registered attendance for one day was 805 per sons on Sunday, August 31. For the season the lookout sta tion averaged 632 visitors a day.

Foreign countries represented by visitors included Canada, England, Mexico, Poland, Jamaica, B. W. I., Scotland, Ger many, Ireland, Canal 2x>ne, Japan, France, New Zealand, Denmark and Venezuela.

The only states not represented by visitors this year were North Dakota, Maine, Louisiana, Idaho, Nevada, New Mex ico and Mississippi.

Although the total number of visitors this year was not as great as in 1957, the number who signed the register was over 5,000 more, indicating a greater interest in the displays in the building at the lookout. Attendants at the lookout estimated the number of persons who visit the sta tion but do not sign the register book.

Rogers City School Physics Class To Test U.S. Steel Teaching Aid

Part of the home team wait their turn at bat, from left, Bill Crocker, Bob Landis, Manager Chet Ludos, Earl

Block, R. A. Engelhardt and O. B. Shearer, shielding eyes.

Detroit Office Drops Opener To American Steel and Wire

In the early part of the baseball season, the Detroit office challenged the Detroit office of American Steel and Wire to the annual baseball game. Starting batteries for the home team were George Reilling and Bob Cronise. R. A. Engelhardt went at third base, Earl Block at shortstop, M. R. Roofner at first, O. B. Shearer at second, Bob Landis in left, Bill Crocker in center, Chet Ludos in short center and Paul Jones in right. But this didn't last long. At the end of the first inning the score stood 9 to 0 in

favor of the opposition. This could have been caused by con fusion on behalf of the starring pitcher because he was heard to remark, "How many touchdowns did they get?" It took a few innings for the Limestone steamroller to get moving and by the time it got pressure up the game was over. The final score, 23 to 14.

A new teaching aid to be added to U. S. Steel's extensive list of free materials for schools will be given a final try-out in the Rogers City high school, one of three in Michigan selected for the test program. The kit is designed to show students the various qualities of different kinds of steel and how these characteristics are

imparted to the metal in making the steel. Steel samples are provided with instructions on how to determine the physical characteristics of the pieces. A num ber of classroom experiments can be performed with the materials.

After the test kit has been used, the instructor will write

a report on its effectiveness or make suggestions for changes. The kit then will be revised on the basis of the reports from the teachers using the test kit and then it will be added to the materials already being offered to schools. In Michigan test kits also will be given to schools at Muskegon and East Lansing.

The cheering section was composed of, from left, Lee Decker, Shirley Reynolds, Bea DeGiacobbi, Eva Meharg.


Michigan Limestone

RETIREES Each year many em ployees choose to join the

ever growing list of re tirees in Michigan Lime stone. To each person it means something differ ent. Some travel to dis

tant places. Others take up hobbies or accomplish many of the things that they have been wanting to do for many years. But to all, it is a time of re laxing and

doing just

what they please, caring

not for time schedules, or deadlines. Pictured here

are a few who recently joined the retired ranks.


From top to bottom

Albert Schroeder, Calcite Robert Brownlee, Calcite Alex Karaim, Calcite

From top to bottom Vincent Conjonte, Calcite

Albert Hopp, Calcite Herman Kitsch, Calcite





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From top to bottom William Kunner, Calcite Charles Baker, Calcite Andrew Tischler, Calcite

o o

in y—


»> 22




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THE WASH THAT STOPPED THE DRAIN More than fifty years ago, U. S. Steel scientists found a way to reclaim the iron particles in low grade ores by washing away the useless sandy particles. Thus they obtained a high grade ore from a low grade one—which early miners had pushed aside as worthless. In 1910, they built

their first plant to handle this job of ore beneficiation, because they knew that even vast ore deposits like those of the Mesabi Range in Minnesota would soon be drained if only the richest ores were scooped out to feed our steel-hungry economy. Today, more than xh of all the iron ore shipped out of Minnesota is beneficiated ore. And

U. S. Steel's research work on ore beneficiation is still going on to find even better ways to Utilize and Stretch our ore deposits.

USSis a registered trademark

United States Steel

w •s.

o M

ft! i. Steamer Carl D. Bradlev Memorial Issue

WINTER 1958-59



CONTENTS Steamer Bradley Lost


(oast Guard Rescue


Safest Fleet


A Message From Tlie President


A s this issue of ML SCREENINGS

community. The foundations laid

ML Aids Men's Families


goes ro press we are once

down by Mr. Bradley before his

Children's Fund Established


1927 — Do You Remember?


memory of the brave men lost on

Shipmates Attend Services


the Steamer Carl D. Bradley,



Hearts Went Out


From Quarry to Coffee Cup


Moler Celebrates 1,000 Safe Days__23

Planning for Safety


Around the Division


again commencing a navigation sea

death were indeed solid. Even as the

son. We dedicate this issue to the

companies which he had led through the early formative years grew in influence and accomplish

with the resolve that these mem

ories will continuously direct our safety efforts in the current season and in the seasons to come to the

end that we may prove again that the Bradley Transportation Line personnel operate the "World's Safest Fleet." We have undertaken

ments through the years, the ship which he had built to be the great est ship on the Great Lakes sailed through seasons of economic storm as well as prosperity. The Steamer Carl D.




the greatest, the fastest, and the longest of any ship on the Great Lakes

in several ways to con

for more years than any

vey our deepest sym pathy and regrets to the

other ship has held

those honors. During this ship's 31 years of many whose lives were excellent performance tragically affected by Mr. Beukema her great carrying ca rhe "Bradley" disaster. pacity contributed substantially to Words of sorrow often may not be the growth of Michigan Limestone heard, bur words of hope frequently and to the employment, both ashore bring true comfort. We invite your and afioar, this enterprise has given. attention to the words of hope we The loss of lives of the men of have printed elsewhere in this issue the Bradley will be felt by many in dedication to those men who for years to come. So, too, will the were lost on the last trip of the loss of the ship be felt not only by Steamer Carl D. Bradley. COVER This issue o! ML SCREENINGS is dedicated to the men who sailed the Steamer Carl D. Bradley. The

cover photo shows the flag of the Bradley Transportation Line Fleet. The picture was taken aboard the Str. Munson shortly after the loss of the Bradley.

With the loss of the Bradley,

those whose investments made her

some of us have commented that

operation possible, but also by the many who benefit, in a community

no longer will a great ship proudly fly the flag honoring the man whose vision, initiative, leadership, and enterprise were contributing factors in the growth of Michigan Lime

of interest, from the industrial de

velopments of Rogers City.

stone & Chemical Co. with conse

quent benefits to the Rogers City


ML Screenings is published quarterly by Michigan Limestone, a Division of United States Steel Corporation. Ted Taylor, Editor, Publication office, 2650 Guardian Building, Detroit 26, Michigan. Nothing appearing herein may be reprinted without special permission.


ness of November 18. Even the day was

Roland O. Bryan, a veteran of more than 28 years as a ship's master and of ficer, (five of them on the Bradley) kept the Bradley to the western side of Lake Michigan to take advantage of the protection offered by the Wiscon

dark. Skies were bleak and overcast as

sin shoreline. Winds from the south

the worst lake storm of the season swept across Lake Michigan. In spite of the storm, things were routine for the men aboard the Bradley. She was nearing home, the Port of Calcite at Rogers City, Michigan carrying water in ballast, after delivering a cargo of limestone to Gary, Indiana. Ironically, the Bradley's first cargo of stone went to the Gary area, 31 years before. The Bradley was riding easily on the afternoon of November 18. Captain

west gave the big ship a following sea. The sturdy, 639-foot vessel had weather ed many storms of equal fury in her 31


ABOARD STORM-TOSSED LIFERAFT .. . Disaster struck the Steamer Carl D.

Bradley, swiftly, unexpectedly, and with brutal finality. The second largest self-unloader of Michigan Lime stone Division's Bradley Transportation Line sank in a violent Lake Michigan storm at dusk on November 18, 1958.

Thirty-three members of the Bradley's crew of 35 were lost.

The tragic events from late on that fateful Tuesday afternoon until late the next day, stamp the 24-hour period as the darkest in Michigan Limestone his tory. No accident, no incident, no series of events of the past have left such a

mark as the death that came in the dark

seasons on the Great Lakes.

First Mate Elmer Fleming, one of the

two survivors, later told of walking on deck from the pilothouse to the stern for dinner. Usually in rough weather, members of rhe crew use the tunnel.

When Fleming returned to the pilot house everything was normal. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE



ETOSKEY Detroit Free Press Map

Map shows the island area in northern Lake Michigan where Steamer Carl D. Bradley sank in violent November storm.

At 5:26 p.m. Fleming answered a and

the ship making it possible to direct the cargo onto storage piles some dis

Telegraph. Radio Operator Frank E. Sager was on duty at Central Radio. Sager later told of passing along a rou tine message to the Bradley from the dispatcher at Cakite. Fleming acknowl

tance away or into railroad cars. When Frank Mays finished the rou tine "sumping out" he walked through the tunnel, between the two conveyors, to the forward end of the ship. All was

edged the message and said nothing of

well at that time.

any difficulty aboard the ship. Deckwatchman Frank Mays, the other survivor,also reported normal conditions just before the tragedy. When he had finished his dinner, Mays went to the tunnel under the cargo hold. After a

Mays was in the forward conveyor room with another crewman when they






cargo of stone is unloaded the decks and cargo holds are washed down. Mays started the pump that carries oflf the accumulation of water and bits of stone in the bottom of the vessel.

The Bradley, like the other eight selfunloaders of the Bradley Transportation Line carried her cargo in a row of hop pers along each side. When the vessels unload, the stone flows from gates at the bottom of these hoppers down onto conveyor belts. The two conveyors take the stone to the forward end of the ship

heard a loud thud. The sound was such

an obvious sign of trouble that, without a word to each other, the two men ran topside to the main deck. At the same time, Fleming and the wheelsman were on watch in the pilot house with Captain Bryan. "We heard a thud," Fleming said, "and the three of us spun around and looked down the deck. We saw the stern of the boat

sagging. We knew then and there we were in trouble."

At 5:28 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, men at Coast Guard stations and other

the main deck onto the conveyor on the unloading boom. The long boom

radio positions throughout the Great Lakes heard the Bradley's desperate "Mayday" distress call. Fleming's voice rang out over the channel reserved for emergency messages. "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday," he shouted. "Carl D. Bradley

can be swung far out over the side of

breaking in two and going down 12

where a bucket elevator lifts it above

miles southwest of Gull Island." Fleming then said something like "Any ships in the vicinity, please come." Captain Bryan immediately sounded the general alarm aboard the ship. He used the Chadburn to signal the engine room crew to stop the engine. Then he

blew the whistle giving the order to abandon ship. There were more thuds and then the vessel broke in two.

Fleming and Mays said later that the ship that was once the queen of the lakes, broke in two and sank within a matter of a few minutes.

Those last minutes aboard the Bradley were filled with terror. Captain Bryan spoke to the crew over the ship's inter com system, directing them to get life jackets. Fleming suddenly realized he had no life jacket. He ran to his room two decks below, picked up his jacket and returned to the pilothouse deck. Fleming could see the Captain and several other men pulling themselves along the rail on the high side of the ship as it listed to the port side. Fleming was tossed into the water when the for

ward end went down. He and Mays both came up near the 8 by 10-foot raft that

floated free of the stricken! vessel/ They pulled themselves onto the raft. They

Central Radio and Telegraph, nerve center for communications with all

vessels of Bradley Transportation, had routine radio contact with the

Str. Bradley two minutes prior to "Mayday" call. Tom Curtis is shown at the Central Radio control panel.

saw the stern rise, propeller out of water, and plunge into the heavy seas. Sometime later Fleming and Mays helped pull Gary Strzelecki, a deckwatchman, and Dennis Meredith, a

deckhand, onto the wildly pitching raft. The hours of darkness were a terror-

filled fight for life. The men huddled to gether for warmth. They prayed. They fired the flares that were part of the raft's survival gear . . . the flares brought no rescue in the raging storm. Moun-

there was ice forming in my hair and there was ice encrusted on my jacket,

manded the Sundew throughout the hec

time after time. Each time the four men

had to find the raft in the darkness,

but I felt that, if we were still on the

their miraculous survival, "SOMEONE

fight through the heavy seas and pull

raft by morning, someone would surely

looked after them."

themselves back aboard. During the night Strzelecki and Meredith were lost. "I can't remember how many times I fell off the raft," Fleming said. "I swal lowed a lot of water but I always man aged to get back to the raft." Mays said, "There never was any doubt in my mind that someone would find us if we could last through the

find us. When T was on the raft, I laid

The men who lived through the dis

face down and gripped the sides of it with my hands," Mays explained. Fleming and Mays were picked up by the Coast Guard Cutter Sundew early the next morning. The raft that saved

aster were unable to tell what Caused

tanious waves overturned the liferaft

night, I prayed every minute of the time. I got pretty scared when I found

tic night, had his own explanation for

the catastrophe. No evidence as to the cause has been found since the Bradley went down. Little is known beyond the fact that one of the best ships on the

their lives was found about 20 miles

lakes was lost in a violent storm. The

from the place where the Bradley went

cause may never be known. Whatever

down 14 hours before.

When the two men were found alive.

Lt. Commander Harold Much, who com

the cause, the terrible loss of the Stea

mer Carl D. Bradley and her 33 crew men will not be forgotten.

Petoskey News Review Photo

Detroit News Photo

Coast Guard cutter Sundew returns to her base in Charlevoix from disaster


area carrying two survivors, a liferaft, and bodies of 8 Bradley crewmen.

with news men after directing the

Commander Harold



rescue efforts from Cutter Sundew.

COAST GUARD SPEARHEADS RESCUE EFFORT The "Mayday" distress call from the Steamer Carl D. Bradley touched

November 19, 1958

2:30 A.M. Coast Guard Cutter Holly hock joined the search. 7:50 A.M. Three Coast Guard helicop ters left Traverse City for the

off one of the most difficult and dra

matic search and rescue operations in the history of the Great Lakes. Hurri cane force winds and huge waves made even routine ship and plane movements extremely hazardous. The following information was sum marized






United States Coast Guard log and pro vides an hour-by-hour account of the all-out land, sea and air rescue effort. November 18, 1958

6:20 P.M. Coast Guard Cutter Sundew,

a 180-foot buoy tender and search-rescue vessel, left Char levoix, Michigan for the disaster scene. Small rescue boats already

... A Gruman Albatross left Sel-

fridge Air Force Base to join the land, sea and air search. disaster area. ... German motor vessel Chris

tian Sartori was reported in the Bradley disaster area. 7:00 P.M. Sea plane arrived at the scene. Flares were used in an

effort to improve visibility for observers in the plane. ... Christian Sartori reported negative results of initial search of disaster area.

enroute from Beaver Island and

8:00 P.M. Traverse City air station re

Charlevoix lifeboat stations were

ported winds of 58 to 60 miles per hour, with gusts up to 68 miles per hour. 9:52 P.M. Coast Guard sea plane re turned to Traverse City for a new supply of flares. 10:15 P.M. Steamers Elton Hoyt and Robert C. Stanley were reported proceeding to the search area.

forced to return by heavy weath er.

.. . Coast Guard Cutter Holly hock, a 175-foot buoy tender, left Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin for the disaster area.

... A two-engine Coast Guard sea-plane, which was enroute

from Chicago to Traverse City, Michigan was directed to the 6

search area.

10:40 P.M. Coast Guard Cutter Sundew

arrived and began a search.

... A Navy PV2 was enroute from Glenview Naval Air Sta

tion to join the search. 8:23 A.M. Coast Guard cutters Sundew

and Hollyhock reported winds at 30 mph, diminishing seas, water temperature of 50 degrees. 8:55 A.M. First confirmed report of survivors. Sundew reported pick ing up two survivors on a raft between High and Gull Islands. Survivors identified as First Mate

Elmer Fleming and Deckwatchman, Frank Mays. 9:20 A.M. Aircraft spotted capsized lifeboat

two miles



raft. Sundew was proceeding to pick up lifeboat when it received word that bodies were sighted near Gull Island.

9:55 a.m. Ground parties were dis patched to search Beaver and High Islands.


Detroit News Photo

Coast Guard helicopters from Traverse City combed disaster area looking for survivors and assisted vessels and ground parties in their searches.



2 of






18 life




all victims were wearing jackets.

sighted the bodies of three vic

Traverse City with personnel for ground searches of nearby islands


...Ground search on Gull Island

10:11 A.M.








discovered one life jacket and a


10:29 A.M. Forty-foot patrol boats from Beaver




were dispatched to assist the Sun dew in recovering the bodies of

considerable amount of debris on the southwest shore.

victims in shallow water.

Several life jackets were discover ed on southwest shore of High Island. Capsized lifeboat recov

... Sundew picked up three un

ered in waters off south end of

identified bodies.

High Island.

12:25 p.m.


and Hollyhock

launched small boats to recover bodies.




more bodies. 1:56 P.M. Sundew enroute to Charle voix with survivors.

2:26 P.M. German motor vessel Trans-

. . . Whiskey Island search nega tive except for some debris in the water. Swan Island,Negative. Garden Island, negative. 6:23 P.M. Aircraft returned to Trav

erse City air station. 6:27 P.M. Surface craft returned to

ontario picked up the body of

Charlevoix. Search to resume at

one victim, one mile west of

first light on November 21.



Two survivors won all-night battle for life clinging to this liferaft.

High Island. 4:45 P.M. Count of victims recovered

this far: eight aboard the Sun dew; four aboard the Beaver Is

land patrol boat; five aboard the Hollyhock; one aboard the Transontario...a total of 18 victims in addition to the two survivors. 5:19 p.m. Aircraft left disaster area...

search to resume at first light on November 20. November 20, 1958

4:03 A.m. Sundew and Hollyhock left Charlevoix for search area.

7:24 A.M. Coast Guard plane left Traverse City to resume search.

9:30 A.M. Coast Guard helicopter left

November 21, 1958

5:16 A.M. Sundew and Hollyhock en route to search area.

8:20 A.M. Helicopter and sea plane left for search area ... Helicopter ordered to stand by on Beaver Island to investigate findings of surface craft.

9:21 a.m. Beaver Island and Charle

voix patrol boats on the scene. 12:11 p.m. All search efforts negative. 4:24 P.M. All surface units ordered to discontinue search at the com

pletion of daylight operations.

... Coast Guard planes from Traverse City continued daily air searches of the area.



Frank Mays, left, and Elmer Flem ing rest in Charlevoix hospital after surviving all-night ordeal on raft.

Tragedy Strikes Safest Fleet Bradley Line Earned World Safety Mark The Steamer Carl D. Bradley was one of the safest ships on the lakes. Her crew and the men who sail the other eight self-unloaders in the Bradley fleet were understandably proud of their safety record. Their record was unequalled. The Bradley was lost seven months after the Bradley Trans portation Line received the highest award of the National Safety Council for establishing a new world safety record for the marine transportation industry. The fleet continued to add to its record right up to the time of the Bradley disaster. The fleet had operated more than 3lA years without a lost-time injury, a total of 1,303 safe days, beginning on April 24, 1955. Such a record is not luck ... it is built on day-to-day care. This care grows out of a safety consciousness by both manage ment and crews. A look at the operating practices of Bradley Transportation Line and the precautions taken to keep all vessels seaworthy helps explain how the fleet was able to compile the safety record.

The safety program of the Bradley Line, as with the plants of Michigan Limestone Division, is effective because everyone takes part. Management sets the pace with constant concern for equipment and safe working conditions. The National Safety Council presented tliis plaque to the Bradley fleet to honor its marine safety record.

When the Safety Council's award was presented last April President Beukema said, "In this accomplishment the men of Bradley have upheld the highest tradition of the U.S. Steel's safety effort, and have demonstrated that

they believe in and work by the now famous slogan coined by U. S. Steel backin 1900 — 'Safety First'." The men of the fleet make the safety program effective through their con tinuing efforts to find better and safer ways to work. Any time a crew member sees anything he feels is hazardous, it

is reported, investigated, and if possible the hazard is corrected.

Frequent safety meetings are held aboard each vessel. The meetings are the responsibility of the First Mate and many are attended by the Captain. They are held primarily to give crewmen a chance to discuss safe operating practi ces and make their own safety sugges tions. The last safety meeting aboard the Bradley was held on November 7, Paul Jones, National Safety Council, hands an award to N. Hoeft at safety dinner. From the left are 1st mates N. Raymond, G. O'Toole, H. Gould, P. Stone, Mr. Hoeft, N. Haselhuhn, Northern District Safety Director, Henry Kaminski, Mr. Jones, E. Fleming, R. Schepler, J. Newhouse and M. Joppich. 3

just eleven days before the disaster. The minutes from one of the last Bradley safety meetings illustrate the safety con sciousness of her Captain and crew:




PROTECTED THE IfOBKMAX. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by the Chairman. The Captain stressed the importance of wearing safe ty equipment such as hard hats, safety glasses, and safety shoes while loading or unloading a cargo. If any crew mem ber wishes to have safety prescription lenses for his glasses, he should check with the Safety Director. "The Captain cautioned crew mem bers of fall-season sailing hazards, such

as icy decks and a rolling ship. Keep material lashed down and decks well

salted. Walk on the lee side of the ship in heavy weather.

"Crew suggestions: With cold weath er the deck line should be blown out

with air after each using. The deck line should never have all deck valves closed

when de-icer is on. Paint all the eyes of cables with yellow paint." There were no reports from any of the ship's safety meetings expressing concern as to the seaworthiness of the

Str. Bradley by the men who knew her best —

Benjamin Kowalski and Ronald Gosselin look over safety display at Bradley fleet's winter headquarters. Cards tell how safety gear prevented injury.

series of careful inspections to be sure they are seaworthy beyond any question. The Coast Guard makes a careful

inspection of each vessel during winter

her crew.

classification agencies, Lloyds Register of Shipping and American Bureau of

lay-up. A Coast Guard inspector checks the hull, tanks, and all life-saving equip ment. Inspectors set and seal all safety valves. They inspect the boilers every year, and check them under pressure at frequent intervals, depending on the type of boiler in the vessel.

Shipping in a regular program of safety maintenance. Every year all ships of the Bradley Transportation Line undergo a

ing fitted-out for a new sailing season, Coast Guard inspectors work with the

In addition to the day-by-day work of the crew to keep each vessel in top operating condition, Bradley Transpor tation United

works States

hand-in-hand Coast






At the time when the vessels are be

crew to be sure the vessel is seaworthy

and that all safety equipment is in order. Hatch clamps, tarps and other gear is inspected. Every life jacket and life ring is checked to be sure they are in rhe proper places, that there are enough of the approved type, and that they are in proper condition. Fire ex tinguishers are inspected for contents and proper location. Flares and water lights on ring buoys are checked. Life boats and rafts are inspected and drills are held to be sure the crew knows how to

launch the boats and how to use

Deck is washed down. Good housekeeping is an important part of Bradley Transportation's day-by-day safety effort. 9



other lifesaving equipment properly. The Coast Guard also hold a re-

inspection during the operating season which includes boat and fire drills. The

Captain holds other boat and fire drills at regular intervals. These drills are re corded in the ship's log which is check ed by the Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard regulations require a sight and survey inspection of each vessel within every 60 months. The ves sel is taken to a shipyard, put on a drydock, and given a thorough inspection of the hull inside and out.

Occasionally, the need for out-ofwater work may necessitate more fre quent drydocking; a stern bearing may need replacement; a rudder or propel ler change or repair might be needed; a new seacock installation may be re quired to accommodate new equipment; a vibration stabilizing fin may be in

stalled; repairs to damage caused by ac cidental groundings, collisions or ice may be necessary. As a result, the hull inspection fre quently occurs in less than the required five year intervals. The Bradley was a case in point. The vessel had been drydocked IS times in its 31 years in con trast to six minimum drydockings need ed for "sight and survey" inspections. As recently as June 1957, the Bradley had a shipyard inspection in drydock.

In addition to these regular safety and maintenance inspections, the Coast Guard is notified anytime a Bradley ves sel receives significant damage from scraping bottom, hitting a dock, or is damaged in any other manner. The

Size of Bradley vessels is shown in this drydock picture of men replacing a stern bearing in the Str. Munson. Regular visits to a shipyard for both

inspections and repairs are a vital part of Bradley fleet safety program.

Coasr Guard inspects such damage and either authorizes the vessel to sail, or

orders definite repairs that must be made before returning to regular service. The American Bureau of Shipping and Lloyds Register surveyors also make an annual inspection of hull and boilers to be sure each vessel is seaworthy. Still another annual inspection is

made by the Federal Communications Commission to check the condition of

radio communication equipment and to determine that minimum standards are

being met and that specified proced ures are being followed. The FCC in spector checks to be sure all radio mes sages are entered in the log and that one licensed radio operator is on duty in the pilothouse at all times when the ship is being navigated. This is easily checked because the licensed operators must sign the radio log when they come on watch, and again when they go off duty. The radio-telephone equipment is tested for its operating condition. The constant stress placed on safety and maintenance by Bradley Transpor tation Line helps explain how the line established a world safety record. . . it adds to the mystery of what caused the loss of the Steamer Carl D. Bradley.


at left gives




view of tiie underside of Str. John

C. Munson. Rivets and bottom plates are shown at top. Unusual picture was taken when flagship of Bradley fleet was in drydock for a regular sight and survey safety inspection.


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^6*4* WCH1CAN HEARTS WENT cembor 2. 19S8


McLout-u Steel Corporation

. . . Hearts went out to the fami lies of the 33 crew members lost


in the sinking of the Str. Carl D. Bradley. Expressions of sympathy

K, dear fe Bouz-cmo:

poured into Rogers City and to Michigan Limestone Division from all parts of the nation. They came from friends and strangers alike. The letters shown on this page are just a sampling of the thought ful messages received by the Di vision from business friends, cus

oocr„tlon and

City, circumstance. struck f°r by we„£ such °a circ

,_ thH


tomers and others.



December 17. 1958

Mr. C. F. Beukema President

Michigan limeitont Division 2650 Guardian Building Detroit 26. Michigan Dear Chrii:

1 want you to know how <

ry greatly we at McLouth Steel

•hared your lorrow at the tragic Iom f the Steamer Carl D. Bradley ud its crew who went down in the tei


n on L^ke Michigan on

November 18th.

We arehappy to join in .ub.cribing to a fund to ea.e in .ome .mall way the .orrow ofthe familie. of the menwho were toil. Tragedie. ofthi. kind •trike without warning, and there .eem. tobe „n .ntidnte for the •uf/erlng caused hy them " " " 'i-pp.

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I local paperi.

Ithe future with

Michigan Limestone Aids Men's Families From the first report of tragedy, Mich igan Limestone Division officials worked around the clock to give all possible assistance to the families of crew members of the Steamer Carl D.

Bradley. Actions by men and women of Mich igan Limestone to help the grief-strick en families were prompted by deep feelings of sympathy and friendship. The men on the Bradley were more than co-workers — they were friends, neighbors, and in some cases relatives. Many men sailing Bradley vessels have brothers, uncles or other family mem bers who work at the division's Calcitc Plant or on other vessels.

Larly in the evening of November IS, staff members of Bradley Transpor tation Line telephoned the families of al! men on the ship to tell them of the distress call and to promise further word when more was known.

Committee Appointed

Division President C. F. Beukema, who first heard the news while he was

en route to Detroit from Rogers City, returned immediately to direct the com pany's disaster relief activities. He as signed four men to a special committee

All of Rogers City mourned. A special committee was set up by Michigan Limestone to assist the grief-stricken families of lost Bradley crewmen.

to assist the bereaved families.

Serving on the committee were Nor man O. Hoeft, Manager of Bradley Transportation Line, George Jones, Sup ervisor of Industrial Relations, Blenn Cook, Supervisor of Industrial Relations,

and Harold Jones, Northern Districr Ac countant. These men, along with L. J. Patterson, Manager of the Northern Dis trict, traveled throughout the area call ing on families and offering assistance. They were on call to the families, day and night. Shortly after the disaster, false rumors of survivors created problems for the

worried families. To keep relatives factually informed, the company check ed all the rumors chat came to its atten

tion and set up a procedure with the Coast Guard to obtain fast and factual

information as the search progressed throughout the day and night.

After the two survivors were rescued

and the bodies of 18 victims were re

covered, company representatives took next of kin across the state to Charle

voix to make positive identifications. Later, members of the special com mittee helped beneficiaries apply for rhe company life insurance which each man carried. They also helped the lost men's families apply for funds in a U. S. Steel Corporation savings plan to which many of the men contributed; for funds in

the company's contributory pension plan; and for social security benefits. President Beukema wrote each fam

After the funerals, Mr. Beukema vis ited each family to reaffirm the com pany's willingness to help. The company took legal action in the Charlevoix County Probare Court for an early de termination of death so death certifi

cates could be issued for the 15 men whose bodies were not recovered. This

cleared the way for the payment of in surance claims and relieved the families

of the need to take legal action on an individual basis.

Company Offers Benefit

Late in January, Michigan Limestone

ily expressing his sympathy and offer ing his assistance and that of other com pany officials. The Division paid each widow or family S300 for personal be longings lost. Families were also reim

done to give them the opportunity to accept a fair settlement without a long delay or a costly court action.

bursed for funeral and burial expenses.

Laws governing Great Lakes shipping

officials met with the families and of fered each a death benefir. This was

do not specify the amounts of death benefits to be paid for men who lose their lives at sea. However, the Division

offer to each family was as high or higher than death benefits specified by Michigan Workman's Compensation, which would apply if the men were in volved in an on-the-job accident on land. The company's total offer also ex ceeded amounts that would have to be

paid if a court decided the company had liability for the disaster but that the company's liability was limited, as pro vided by Admiralty Law. The voluntary settlement was offered with the condition that it be accepted by a sufficient number of families to enable the company to go ahead with the settlement. By the date set for ac ceptance of the offer, representatives of ten families had filed suits against the company claiming more than 7 million dollars in damages. Under these circum stances the company withdrew its offer of settlement.

The company has since filed a peti-

Aerial view shows closeness of Bradley fleet and Calcite Plant. Company

men who helped victims' families helped friends, neighbors, and relatives.

postpone considerarion of all damage

tion in Federal Court asking exoneration from all liability or limitation of liabil

suits until action is taken on the peti-

ity as provided by Admiralty Law. Pur suant to petition the Federal Court will


rion for exoneration or limitation of

U.S. Steel Executives

Come To Offer Help Roger M. Blough, Chairman of the Board, U. S. Steel Corporation, and Clifford F. Hood, President, flew

to Rogers City when they received word of the Bradley disaster. The men joined Michigan Limestone officials in extend ing their sympathy to the families of the Bradley crewmen who were lost. In a press conference at the Calcite Plant, Mr. Blough said, "It is with pro found regret that I had to make this visit to this area. We are here to help share the burden with the survivors and

relatives during this time of disaster. "This is one of these very unfortun ate things that one cannot account for. Last February our fleet was given the ranking of the safest in the world by the National Safety Council. Until now we had been increasing rhat record."

Roger M. Blough, Chairman of Board, U. S. Steel, speaks to news reporters during his visit to Rogers City. Division President Beukema is at left. 13


Detroit Times Photo

Captains Nauts, Chain, Monroe, Miller and Malocha (1 to r) helped make Christmas merry for children of Bradley men.

Children's Fund Established A

sympathetic nation opened its heart — and its pocketbook —

to the children of men lost in the

Bradley Disaster. More than $154,000 was given for the children. Michigan Limestone Division em ployees, industrial firms — customers and competitors alike — crews of lake vessels, labor unions, children, friends and strangers all became a part of the flood of donations. Pennies came from



hundreds and

thousands of dollars




firms. The Ship Disaster Children's fund was established by the DETROIT Times which gave S1,000. In announcing Michigan Limestone Division's $10,000 gift to the fund,

did opportunity for those so inclined to express in a tangible manner their sym

pathy and their desire to help." Nearly $23,000 of the total given the fund came from Michigan Limestone Division employees, including more than $9,000 from the crews of the eight ships of Bradley Transportation Line. Crews of other vessels added $18,000.

Fifty-two eligible children will re ceive equal shares in the fund, with the

wife of one Bradley victim expecting another child. Trustees have enrolled the children

in a group health insurance plan, the cost to be paid by the fund's earnings. The Trustees, who serve without pay, have invested $100,000 of the money in

Name Trustees

A group of Rogers City businessmen and clergy were named Trustees to ad minister the children's fund. They are the Mayor of Rogers City; J. S. Blasky, President of the Presque Isle Bank; the Rev. Frederick T. Steen of the Westmin





children as needed. Money remaining in each child's share of the fund will

be paid as they reach 21 years of age. John Blasky, Treasurer for the Fund said, "The committee in charge of this fund is charged with the responsibility of administering and protecting this

President C. F. Beukema said, "We are

ster Presbyterian Church; the Rev. Rob ert E. Weller of St. John's Evangelical

pleased to see this effort sponsored by the Detroit Times. It affords a splen

Lutheran Church; and the Rev. Adalbert

fund for rhe besr interests of all

Narloch of St. Ignatius Catholic Church.

children who are to share in it."

! i


rest in 3 per cent savings certificates. Cash will be available to help eligible


Partial Tally of Contributors Michigan Limestone Division employees (Including $9,140 from crews of Bradley vessels) Crews of other lake vessels Division customers and associates Michigan Limestone Division Total Contributions

$22,994.50 18,093.00 15,543.00 10,000.00 $154,072.20

Children's Fund Becomes

Non-Profit Corporation In January, papers filed with the Michi gan Corporation and Securities Commission formally created the Carl

In Sympathy The feelings of many were well expressed by the following: "We desire to express our deep sympathy to the families of our fellow crewmen, the men of the

Str. Bradley, who were victims of the tragedy of a short time ago. "The men of the ships of the Bradley fleet have always been very close, perhaps because of their maritime calling, and per haps because most of us are close ly associated as friends and neigh

D. Bradley Ship Disaster Children's

activities of the corporation shall consist in carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. "The corporation shall have such

the fleet, extends to the families

Fund as a non-profit corporation.

powers, not inconsistent herewith, as

of those who have been lost. We

are granted to it by law or as are in

stand ready to be helpful in any

cident, useful or necessary to the ac complishment of the purposes for which

way we can in these sad hours."

The purpose of the corporation, as stated in Article II of the Articles of

Incorporation are as follows: "Solely for the health, welfare, edu

it is organized."


The same friendship and in terest that existed between men of

The Crew of the Steamer

I. L. Clymer

cation and benefit of the children of those men who lost their lives in the

sinking of the Str. Carl D. Bradley in Northern Lake Michigan on November 18, 1958, by making gifts, contribu tions, disbursements, and paying ac counts in furtherance of said purpose, and to receive, obtain, control, hold, ad minister, invest and reinvest, and dis burse such funds and property as may be received by it from gifts, bequests, devises, granrs, contributions or other wise, for such purposes, which, together with the earnings and increments there of shall be used exclusively for the pur poses aforesaid and administration thereof.

No part of the property or net earn ings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any member. Members and Trustees of the corporation shall serve without compensation. No part of the

Steamer Bradley Named For Michigan Limestone Pioneer The Steamer Carl D. Bradley bore the name of a Michigan Lime stone pioneer. Mr. Bradley went to Rog ers City in 1912 as General Manager

myself. I'm selfish. I want the best neigh bors in the world!" The community mourned his passing in March, 1928.

and became President of Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company in 1920. Mr. Bradley foresaw the great industrial need for limestone and de

veloped an organization and facilities to produce ir. He also organized the fleet of self-unloader vessels that bears

his name, to carry limestone from the

Calcite Plant to industrial users through out the great lakes region. A friendly, dynamic, generous man, he built the community of Rogers City as well as the business he directed. He was

a leader in the development of Rogers City Schools, churches and other civic affairs. He was once quoted as saying,

"You asked me why I am working to make Rogers City the best town in the

world? Why, its because I live here



;:- * L

You can almost hear the "ooo-ga" of car horns as Rogers City welcomed the new Str. Carl D. Bradley in July, 1927.

1927-Do You Remember? (Editor's Note: The first arrival of

the Steamer Carl D. Bradley at Calcite Plant was a festive occasion. The story

and pictures describing the event are reprinted here from the August 1927 issue of Ccdciie Screenings.)

"At exactly eight o'clock in the morn ing of July 28th, the new steamer Carl D. Bradley, latest addition to the Bradley Transportation Company's fleet and which has just been completed at the yards of the American Ship Building Company at Lorain, poked her big nose aiound Adams point for a first sight or Calcite harbor and a short time later

was given a warm welcome by hundreds of plant employees and people from Rogers City, who came down to the docks for a sight of the handsome new steamer.

"Operations at the plant were su spended for several hours to give all the employees an opportunity to wit-

Banners waved, horns blew, and a band played as tugs escorted the Bradley into the harbor at Rogers City.

ness the arrival of the new boat. Auto

mobiles were made to park outside the Fines side of the loading slip in order to keep a clear space where the boat landed and which was completely filled with eager spectators. Hundreds of flags placed on the numerous buildings, loco motives, trucks, etc., fluttered in the morning breeze and the whole affair presented a holiday appearance. "The new rug Rogers City with the Rogers City Community Band and Mrs. Carl D. Bradley and her guests on board, steamed out to meet the Bradley and escorted her into the loading slip amid the shrieking of whistles and the wav ing of flags by the spectators . . . "Village President Rudolph Dueltgen

Curious visitors walked the deck of the largest sliip on the lakes while she waited for first stone cargo.

Sr. greeted the boat party as they landed and expressed feelingly the warm in terest of the community in the Com pany and its welfare and commented on the huge achievement completed in the arrival of the magnificent new boat. Carl D. Bradley, President, responded in his usual hearty manner on rhe part of the organization. Justly proud of the magnificent boat which bears his name, Mr. Bradley told of her construction and paid tributes to her qualities, not failing to give credit to her officers and

crew and to the men who have built her.

He expressed a warm appreciation of the welcome given the Bradley by the plant employees and the people of Rogers City . . .

"The newsteamer Bradley is the long est freighter on the Great Lakes and is the largest of numerous unloader type of boats which have been built in re

cent years for the stone trade. The boat is 638 feet 9 inches long and has a

beam of 65 feet, 33 feet in depth and is 77 feet from the top of the pilot house to the keel. The unloading boom over which the stone travels is


feet in length . . . "Modern aids to navigation are also a part of her equipment, the gyro com pass, the gyro pilot (Metal Mike) radio direction finders and similar equipment make the Bradley the last word in freighter construction."

President Carl D. Bradley thanked the crowd of employees and townspeople for the warm welcome given the new ship. 17

Shipmates Attend Services In Memory Of Bradley Crew Saturday, November 22, 1959 was a solemn day on the Great Lakes. At noon on that day, families, friends and shipmates paid their final farewell tributes to men who lost their lives in the sinking of the Steamer Carl D. Bradley.

Four of the self-unloading vessels of Bradely Transpor tation Line were kept in Rogers City so crewmen could

attend funeral services. The other four Bradley ships were delivering cargoes of limestone at distant ports. At the same time funeral services were being conducted in Rogers City, the four ships that were on the lakes stopped to join the final tribute. Relatives of disaster victims were O'oimeaut employees attended memorial services aboard

relieved of their duties earlier so they could be in Rogers City

Str. M. C. Taylor with crew. Capt. Monroe, left, of Str. Calcite, who served so (apt. Chain could return to Rogers City, watches as Fr. Rich and Rev. Marr of Conneaut present a wreath in memory of Bradley crew.

for the funerals. Other crew members attended the noon

memorial services aboard their ships. The accompanying pictures show Roman Catholic and Protestant clergymen who came aboard the vessels from near by communities to lead the memorial services.

Rev. Cressman, First Presbyterian Church, Port Huron, Mich, leads a

memorial service aboard the Cedarville.

Buffalo Plant employees and crew members of the Str.

T. W. Robinson are shown on deck during the service.

Rest in


At South Chicago, 111., crew of the Str. Rogers City pays final respects to victims of Bradley Disaster.


The bulldozer shown here is moving breakwater stones up to the loading dock at Cedarville. Weighing from 3 to 12 tons each, the stones are put on a

Lew Irvin is dwarfed by Cedarville breakwater stone.

shipment to


at Harrisville


barge for


Northern District Produces . . .


breakwater, like an iceberg, lies mostly underwater. Limestone giants from the Northern District are

they form a protective surface, or cover, for the smaller, lighter, material making up the bed and core of the breakwater.

going into the water in harbor projects at Manistique and Harrisville, Michigan. At Manistique the stone is being used to protect a concrete breakwater which is already in place, and at Harrisville

The layer of these stones in the water

the all-stone breakwater is a new harbor-

of-refuge project being built by the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Shovel operators at Calcite Plant and Cedarville put aside unusually large pieces of limestone when they find them in their regular loading. The boulders, which weigh from three to twelve tons each, are later moved to the waterfront. There the huge stones are put on a

barge for shipping to the site. A crane, usually mounted on the barge which transports the large pieces of stone, places them in position where

The Harrisville, Mich., breakwater

has large stone as a base to keep lighter material from washing out.

helps absorb the force of crashing waves and prevents backwash from carrying the lighter material in the breakwater back out into the lake.

Since each stone must be so large, handling them calls for techniques not ordinarily needed in producing stone for other uses. The pictures on this page call attention to the ability of the men of Michigan Limestone to produce stone to fit the needs of a specific job)—even

Manistique breakwater is protected

when the requirements are unusual.

by stones next to it in the water.






FROM QUARRY... Division Provides High Calcium Stone For Midwestern Sugar Beet Refineries Quarry at Calcite

If you had sugar in your coffee this morning, Michigan Limestone may have helped put it there. For, limestone is one of the vital raw materials used

by the beet sugar industry in refining stigar from sugar beets. Sugar is ex tracted from sugar beets in much rhe same manner as iron is taken from iron

ore, and the limestone used does es

sentially the same job in each case. It acts as cleansing agent. High calcium stone from Calcite Plant is shipped by boat or rail to sugar plants in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota and as far away as Colorado.

Since high calcium stone is important, the loading crews check with the chem istry lab to be sure only the purest

Foreman of a Michigan Sugar Co. plant near Saginaw stands beside conveyor that carries limestone and coke into the plant for use in refining sugar. A workman puts stone and coke into a bucket elevator which carries it to the top of a large, upright kiln.

stone is shipped. The four month season or "campaign" for sugar refining plants ordinarily be gins in October and runs around the clock, seven days a week, until some time in January.

Stone is removed from kiln, mixed with water to form

milk of lime.

Milk later goes into raw siigar juice.

. TO COFFEE CUP Coffee Break

As one of the first steps in the refin ing process, the limestone is burned with coke at 1500 degrees in an upright kiln. It is then mixed with water to form

a solution called milk of lime.

Meanwhile, the sugar beets are

thoroughly washed and sliced into shoe string-size pieces. The slices are put into hot water to soak out the sugar. After most of the sugar has been removed from the pulp, the milk of lime is pumped into the raw juice. The lime solution absorbs many non-sugars. Carbon dioxide, which is produced and collected during the burning of the limestone, is bubbled up through the

Juice from sugar beets is mixed with milk of lime in this tank at the Bay City plant of Monitor Sugar Company. 21



mixture of juice and lime. The gas coag

minute. The syrup is thrown out through


the screen-like holes in the basket, leav


lime and


settles to the

bottom of the liquid, taking the nonsugars it has collected with it. In one of the final stages, the juice is boiled under a vacuum until the sugar begins to form into crystals. The heavy brown mass of sugar and syrup is then dropped into a finely perforated basket in a centrifugal machine. The round basket is spun at 1500 revolutions per

ing the pure white sugar crystals. The crystals arc then washed with a spray of distilled water, dried and packaged. After the four month producing sea son the plant machinery is dismantled, cleaned and repaired for the next year. The sugar finds its way from the com pany warehouse ro the grocer's shelf, and finally, into your morning coffee.

After doing its job as a cleansing agent, lime is taken from solution as muddy waste material shown.

Land near the plant is turned into a huge storage pile as sugar beets arrive by truck from nearby farms.

Workman operates centrifugal machine which spins the heavy syrup at 1500 rpm. Syrup is thrown out through screen-like holes while pure crystals remain inside.

Genevieve Williams. Detroit Office, examines a sugar beet. These two beets, with the help of the stone in the center, will yield pound of sugar shown at right.

Moler Celebrates




1,000 Safe Days

Moler employees and their wives, shown here at their 1,000-day dinner, added more than 100 safe days by press time.

Fall was in the air and safety was the keynote as men of Moler and

Both men and women received the

R. R. Ross, Moler plant manager also

thanks and congratulations of Mr. C. F.

their wives were honored for the com

Beukema, President of the Division,

pletion of 1,000 days without a disabl

who said, "Safety does not just happen but is the result of a coordinated pro gram of safety awareness of each and every employee. It is this safety cons ciousness that has enabled you to estab lish this truly outstanding record we celebrate tonight and for the second time in recent years put together 1,000 successive safe working days."

expressed his appreciation for the 1,000day record which was begun on Janu ary 11, 1956. Among the others on hand to help Moler employees celebrate their

ing injury. Employees of Moler Quarry and their wives were honored for their

safety achievement at a dinner on Oc tober 30 at the Camp Hill Methodist Church in Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Men received the President's 1,000 Day Safeey Award while each of the ladies re ceived a favor as a memento.

Mr. Beukema congratulates Plant Manager Bob Ross and hands him his safety award. H. C. Farrell looks on.

safety achievement were H. C. Farrell, Director of Industrial Relations; J. N. Suliot, Manager, Eastern District; L. J. Patterson, Manager of the Northern Dis trict; H. H. Foringer, Safety Director,

Eastern District; and J. W. Baird, Man ager, Hillsville Plant.

Mr. and Mrs. Williard Beahm, right, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. William Clevenger enjoy dinner. 23

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Henry Foringer, Eastern District Safety Director, checks his program of events during National Safety Congress.

PLANNING FOR SAFETY How do safety programs begin? Where do the ideas for new

programs come from? Who starts the ball rolling? Last October representa tives of Michigan Limestone Division plants spent a week in Chicago at the nation's largest annual safety meeting— the National Safety Congress — looking for answers to these questions and dig ging for new ways to keep personnel of the Division safe from injuries. They swapped ideas and traded ex periences with safety representatives of other U.S. Steel Corporation divisions and with professional safety people from every state and industry. These men were among the more than 300 persons who attended the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of Safety Representatives of United States Steel on opening day of the safety week.

Norm Haselhuhn, Northern District Safety Director, points out his luggage

Al the Seneral morning meeting, Corp-

for the bellhop as he and Henry Foringer check in at the Safety Congress.

oration leaders stressed the goal of "no


Norm Haselhuhn found clever ideas Textile Section

when he attended a

meeting — "Showmanship in Safety."

Hilton Gould, left, and Henry Newhouse chat outside

disabling injuries" and discussed safety plans and performance. J. C. Gray, Administrative Vice Presi dent, Raw Materials, U.S. Steel, opened

during brief break. They represented the Bradley fleet.

the afternoon Raw Materials Section

meeting and complimented Michigan Limestone Division for its safety rec ord. He told the raw materials group of a visit to Calcite and a tour of the Str. Munson. "Calcite Plant deserves a

star for good housekeeping. And the Munson, talk about shipshape—no fussy housewife could do better!" he said.

Another highlight of the raw mater ials session was a paper on "Safe Blast

ing Practices in the Use of Ammonium Nitrate," by W. R. Ransom, Assistant to the Northern District Manager.

During the rest of the week, Division

representatives sat in on sessions of var ious sections of the Congress. Hilton Gould and Henry Newhouse represent ed Bradley Transportation and attended meetings of the Marine Section. W. K. Gwin, Maintenance Foreman,

Hillsville Plant; John McCord, Chief Electrician, Moler Plant: and H. H.

Foringer, Safety Director, Eastern DisCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Gerry Burns, left, compares notes with Henry Foringer and Norm Haselhuhn after attending all-day meeting. 25

Henry Foringer, left, stopped during a visit through the exhibit hall to discuss safety glasses with a supplier.


Bill Ransom's paper on safe blasting was a highlight of one-day Corporation meeting held during Congress.


trict, attended the Chicago sessions rep resenting the Eastern District. N. W. Haselhuhn, Safety Director for the Northern District; and Gerald Burns,

Mill Superintendent, Cedarville Plant attended





along with Mr. Ransom. Ken Gwin, John McCord, Henry For

inger and Gerry Burns saw a scries of slides showing dangerous working con ditions and the steps taken to correct them, during a session of the Cement, Quarry and Mineral Aggregates Section. The men also browsed through the huge exhibit hall looking for safety ideas and checking new protective equipment for possible use in Division plants.

A scries of early morning talks on "Getting Results Through Team Play" ser the tone for the entire safety con vention. By taking part in the Congress, members of the Michigan Limestone ream took another step in the contin uing job of helping all Division em ployees work and live safely. %

The exhibition halls had more than hard hats and safety shoes! Ken Gwin, Hilisville, gets a friendly smile and chrysanthemum at one display booth.

Buffalo Creek Property Donated To Church Michigan Limestone Division re cently donated more than 37 acrea of land and 30 houses located on

it to the Pitsburgh Synod of the Evan gelical and Reformed Church. The property adjoins the Church's Camp Shadyside near Worthington, Pa. and includes most of the townsite lo cated at the Buffalo Creek Mine. The

mine has been closed since early in 1954. In thanking the Division for the property, H. W. Black, President of the Pittsburg Synod wrote Division Presi dent C. F. Beukema as follows: "Our

Synodical Council met in special ses sion, today and took formal and official action to accept with deep appreciation Men at Buffalo Plant put finishing touches on new stockpiling system that

improves plant efficiency. The new system has simplified stone handling.

your offer to contribute to our Synod the buildings and lands specified in your letter . . ."

Buffalo Installs New

Stockpiling System A

stockpile conveyor system has been



the Buffalo

Plant to speed the handling of bulk agri cultural limestone. The system is made up of a 275-foot belt conveyor, a mech anism to de-aerate the pulverized pro duct for effective handling, and an el evated 80-foot screw-type conveyor which distributes the material under its

entire length, creating a stockpile. The system improves the efficiency of the Buffalo Plant by moving the pul verized limestone directly from the processing plant to a stockpile. This eliminates loading the product into rail road cars, moving the cars to the stock

pile area and unloading them with a crane equipped with a clamshell bucket. The installation was designed by the Detroit Office Engineering Department and installed by the regular crew of the Buffalo Plant, under the direction of

Tom Rose, Plant Superintendent.

Vein Best, left, and Henry Foringer, Eastern District safety supervisors, hold a banner carrying the slogan of the 1959 U.S. Steel safety program.

If we destroy the free economy, we will destroy free government. — Roger M. Blough


Annandale Mine

Officially Closed The Annandale Mine at Boyers, Pa., which





February 1958, was permanently clos ed on January 31, 1959Mr. C. F. Beukema, Michigan Lime stone President, said the action was

taken as a result of high mine produc ing costs and decreases in limestone re quirements. In a letter to the more than 300

employees of the mine, Mr. Beukema said, "After careful and serious con

sideration we have come regretfully to the conclusion that the decreased re

John McCord answers the call of one of the 30 "Hams" he contacts often.

Moler Electrician Is Amateur Radio Operator "Kay-eight-kay-zed-arc may sound like a foreign language to you, but to John McCord, Chief Electrician, Moler Quar

ry, those words are a spare time name. John is an amateur radio operator. The words express his call letters—K8KZR. John uses the words to identify him self almost every evening as he talks

John McCord would like to add a more powerful transmitter to his gear, but he says with a wink, "It might cause static in the neighbor's TV sets and I don't want this to be known as the place where John McCord was hanged."

quirements for limestone, both in the immediate and long term future, do not justify continued expectancies that Annandale Mine, with its high costs of operation, will be operated again. The Annandale mine on January 12, 1954 set a world's safety record for all types of underground mining by achiev ing, 1,098 days and 2,612,223 man hours worked without a lost-time acci

dent. To date, this record is unbroken.

Open-pit quarry operations began at Annandale in 1907. Underground min ing started in 1912. The first electric shovel was put into operation in the

with other "hams". On a bulletin board

in his "hamshack" he posts cards he has received from operators confirm

mine in 1929 and electric locomotives

replaced gasoline driven units in 1930. The present crushing and screening plant was put into operation in 1931. J. W. Baird, Assistant Manager, East ern District, and Manager of the Hilis ville quarry east of New Castle, manag

ing their radio contacts. His board has cards from Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. He has one

from a man who is a guard at President Eisenhower's home in Gettysburg, Pa. He also contacted a radio operator in


Southern Rhodesia, South Africa, but

the Annandale

was unable to get a confirming card. John has been interested in amateur radio since the early 1930s. In addition ularly, he has a unit that can be used in a car or a plane. His "hamshack" is in a second floor bedroom in his Charles Town, W. Va. home. Less than a block from his back door an historical marker locates the




headquarters in New Castle, Pa. The district includes the Hilisville quarry and a quarry near Charles Town, W. Va.

to the 50 watt transmitter he uses reg

spot where John Brown, the Civil War martyr, was hanged nearly 100 years ago.


until its official closing. J. N. Suliot, is Manager of the Eastern District, with

John checks communicator which can

send or receive radio signals from his home, his car, or an airplane.

The man who loses his head is usually the last one to miss it.

The Outdoor Life backs into a blackberry bramble. You'll find both kinds of outdoor activity

No matter what the season of the

year, Michigan Limestone people find fun and relaxation outside. This page

recorded here.

is just one small slice from the Divis ion's annual helping of outdoor activity. And not all outdoor fun, is fun. Some

times the fish gets away, or the hunter

Gerry Burns and Phillip Goetz show three "Muskies" they caught through the ice near the Cedarville Quarry.




Gene Barker of Conneaut is behind

Hilisville Karl Haselhuhn was one of the many Calcite employees who shot a deer.

Manager, shot this big "ringneck" on his way back to office at noon.

face foliage. Beard is result of a "no deer . . . no shave" bet. No deer!

"The Midnight Deer Caper" or "Just the Facts, Man" By Eugene M. Luttrell, Geologist The story you are about to read is true. The names have vot been

changed to protect the innocent. It was 11:30 p.m., January 21. It was windy and rainy in Pennsylvania. I was working the geology detail in the New Castle office. The boss is Herman Ferg uson. My name's Luttrell. I was driving a brand new company car ... a gray Chevy . . . from Moler

car and waited for the herd to cross the

road. I started moving again. A straggl

er leaped out of the darkness into the glare of car headlights. The suspect

smelled new. I was on route 18 about

was obviously exceeding the speed lim it .. . trying to catch the rest of the gang. He was blinded and confused by the car lights. He tried to cross behind my headlights . . . just 6 feet behind them. POW! After a struggle the deer got back on his feet. He was dazed but not seriously hurt. The suspect escaped.

IVz miles north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike when it happened.

view mirror and two scratches on the







The car even



I saw several deer at the side of the

road. They weren't armed. I stopped the

Examination disclosed a broken rear

left front door of the shiny, new Chevy. Garage costs: mirror S5.40, paint, S5. Case dismissed. Dum De Dum Dum!

Are you working on the solution — or are you part of the problem?


Calcite Switches To Consumers Power A t 10:30 a.m. on October 31,1958 switches were thrown

to send

electricity furnished by Consumers Pow er Co. through circuits at Calcite. This event marked the completion

of a high tension power line to the

Steamer Carl D. Bradley The color photograph of the Steamer Carl D. Bradley that appears on the facing page is printed on heavy paper and is plastic coated to make it suit able for framing. The entire page can be removed and trimmed for framing.

Vital statistics of the Bradley are printed on the back of the photograph. A few extra copies of this page are available for those who do not want to cut

it out of this Memorial Issue. To get a copy of the picture, or an additional copy of this issue, while they last, write Editor, ML SCREENINGS, 2650 Guardian Building, Detroit 26, Michigan.

recently installed sub-station just south of the gate office. The new line brings 140,000 volts into the sub-station where it is transformed to 13,800 volts, the

voltage formerly generated

by the

Calcite Powerhouse.

The decision to purchase Power was made after a careful study showed such action would result in cost reduction.

One of the three boilers previously used to make steam for the power producing turbines at Calcite has been converted to a low pressure steam gen erator to heat plant buildings. Four of the men who formerly work ed in the powerhouse now tend this boiler. The remaining personnel are en gaged in other departments at Calcite.

J. Walter Baird and Elder R. Wallace

Retire with Over Forty Years Service J. Walter Baird and Elder R. Wal lace, both of the Eastern District, re tired recently, each with more than 40 years service with U. S. Steel affiliates. Mr. Baird retired as Manager of the

1915 as a timetaker at the Mahoning Plant of Pittsburgh Limestone Corp. Elder Wallace, the Division's Eastern

District Engineer, spent his entire 40 year engineering career in the New

Hilisville Quarry and Assistant Manager,

Castle, Pa. area with U. S. Steel affili

Stone Production, for

ates. He began as a rodman and transitman with the old Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation. He was made Engineer when the company became Pittsburgh Limestone Corporation in 1921. Robert R. Ross, former Manager at

the Division's

Eastern District. During his 43 years service he supervised stone production at several U. S. Steel Corporation lime

stone mines and quarries in Pennsyl vania. Mr. Baird started his career in

Moler Plant, Millville, W. Va., has been transferred to Hilisville as the new Man

ager. W. Carl Benton, former Assistant

Manager at Annandale Mine, Boyers, Pa. is the new Manager at Moler. George L. Robbins has transferred to New Castle to succeed Mr. Wallace as

District Engineer. He previously served as Budget and Appropriations Engineer at the Detroit Office.

Mrs. Clymer Passes Mrs. Irvin L. Clymer died March 28 at Ford Hospital in Detroit. The Clymers have lived in Dearborn, Michigan since Mr. Clymer's retirement as Presi

dent of Michigan Limestone Division at the end of 1952.

Mrs. Clymer often traveled with Mr. Clymer in his 27 years with the com

pany and had many friends throughout Rogers City Physics students use materials from U. S. Steel educational kit. These Division sons and daughters are left to right, James Nidy, Larry Sobeck, Jack Meyer, Wally Wo.jtaszek, Kay Radtke, Bill Modrzynski. 30

the Division. Funeral services were held in Dear

born and burial was in Finley, Ohio.

kink of Stepping on shore and finding it Heaven!

Of taking hold of a hand and finding it God's hand,

Of breathing a new air and finding it celestial airf

Offeeling invigorated andfinding it immortality,

Of passing from storm and tempest to an unknown calm,

Of waking up and finding it Home! Author Unk n o w n

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lost in sinking of Str. Carl D. Bradley




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Third Mate








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PAUL C. HELLER Stokerman

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YEAR-ROUND QUALITY The production of high quality limestone for industry and agriculture is a year-round job. Michigan Limestone Division plants produce and ship stone all year — at locations where weather permits. In northern Michigan, both Cedarville and Calcite Plants work to ward next summer's quality even when winter closes the Great Lakes to shipping. The shovel shown above is stripping the layer of tree and brush-covered earth off the stone at Calcite.

Employees at Calcite and Cedarville carefully check all mill facilities. Equipment used in crushing, cleaning and sizing stone is thoroughly inspected and repaired every winter to get ready for a new operating season.

Many men of Bradley Transportation Line also work through the winter, readying the fleet of self-unloaders for another sailing season.

Winter work at Northern District quarries and at Bradley Trans portation helps insure top quality stone and "on time" deliveries next summer.

Michigan Limestone /hqo\ United States Steel Corporation Division of Vwy

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