REWIRE 2013 - Festival Guide

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November 8 & 9 — 2013 Various Venues, The Hague

Festival programme

Music - Art - Film - Architecture

Free concerts, art and film


per month

Introduction Welcome to the third edition of REWIRE Festival. REWIRE was originally envisaged as a nomadic festival; however centring the festival round the ‘Rond de Energiecentrale’ was so effective that the second edition also took place there. Now for the third edition, it’s time to move on. New locations include Prins27, Paard van Troje and the beautiful Teresia van Avila church, amongst others, all within walking distance of each other in the city centre of The Hague. The central exhibition will take place in GEMAK and will run on until December 14th. REWIRE is looking forward to use and transform The Hague’s current cultural infrastructure next to using undiscovered places such as the Teresia van Avila church. The central exhibition ‘Momentum: As art has to happen now’, investigates how art can thrive in a society that is increasingly focused on living in the here and now. During the exhibition, there will be an extensive series of workshops for secondary school students and an interesting, parallel programme with lectures, presentations, screenings and performances. This year, the music programme is more extensive than ever before, and it centres on several cornerstones: Nordic Jazz, Indie Classical, Chamber Pop, the Collaborative Programme and Post-punk/minimal wave. It also highlights a number of interesting electronic producers who are developing as against-the-grain vocalists. Although we have done our best to make this programme booklet as complete as possible, it might be possible that some details are missing. For the most up-to-date info please see: We wish you a very inspiring stay at our festival. #RWR13


Exhibition November 8 – December 14 Momentum - As art has to happen now Aditya Mandayam - Ahmet Ögüt - Berend Strik CM von Hausswolff - David Maljkovic Giorgio Andreotta Calò - Haroon Mirza Miranda Meijer - Jonas Lund - Lyndsey Housden Nishiko - Roger Hiorns - Sarah van Sonsbeeck



Exhibition — Momentum

Momentum As art has to happen now “ If the end of the twentieth century can be characterized by futurism, the twenty-first can be defined by presentism.” Douglas Rushkoff


The central exhibition, Momentum: As art has to happen now, focuses on art in the time of the endless now. In a society where live, real time and ‘always-on’ viewing are constantly increasing, our capacity to process impressions is changing. Binge watching, second screen and the ‘festivalizing’ of leisure time change our attitudes towards art and culture - but not always for the worse. While we read alarming reports in the newspapers about our reduced attention spans and inability to concentrate, we see more images, listen to more music and, online, we read more than ever before. All the culture in the world is just a click away. In this super-inundation of information and possibilities,

finding focus for visual art is a challenge. Biennials and festivals are tried-and-tested forms for reaching many people in a given time span. These events are the larger, cultured form of binge watching: trying to see as much as possible in a short space of time. Spectacle art is another way to reach people, as is creating networks, for ­Museum Nights, for example, or collective purchases by the Van Abbemuseum and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. But how does one find their audience when they are smaller and have fewer resources? As an artist, how do you develop a practice when the speed of turnover in our attention economy is higher and higher? And what kind of work evolves


Exhibition — Momentum

from an age that wants more and more while investing less and less?

generations in general, Momentum investigates possibilities for art as it needs to be today.

In the Momentum exhibition, the REWIRE Festival creates space to ask these questions. At G ­EMAK, various artists spend five weeks contributing to the search for creative dynamics and public involvement, each at their own pace. Supported by the festival and its visitors, and inspired by the self-organizing potential of international protest movements and the DIY mentality of young

Momentum is a co-production of two of the Hague’s adventurous festivals: REWIRE Festival and State-X New Forms. It serves as a laboratory for critical reflection within the respective festivals. The exhibition opens on 8 November, together with the REWIRE Festival, and will hold its finnisage on 14 December, during the State-X New Forms Festival.

Curator: Juha van 't Zelfde (nl). Festival (weekend) Friday November 8 20:00 – 00:00 Saturday November 9 12:00 – 00:00 Sunday November 10 12:00 – 18:00

Regular opening hours Wed – Fri 10:00 – 17:00 Thursday 10:00 – 22:00 Saturday 13:00 – 17:00 Friday November 29 10:00 – 23:00 (Hoogtij)



Exhibition — Momentum

Ahmet Ögüt:Let it be known to all persons here gathered


Ahmet Ögüt tr

— let it be known to all persons here gathered, 2012

The film documents a journey undertaken by a horse rider, dressed as a postman. The postman rode from Liverpool to Manchester, with the rider pausing in towns along the way, including St Helens and Heywood, to read the Biennial’s press release that is ironically manipulated in the style of a Royal letter. The audience for the work became the accidental passers-by and not someone who has a particular expectation or interest in art. Aim of the work is not trying to attract more audience for the Biennial, rather question the role of the Biennials in general; such as lack of a far-reaching influence on the wider public, creating a real progressive dialog with the city and the local audience. #RWR13

Exhibition — Momentum

Berend Strik nl

— untitled, 2013

For Momentum, Berend Strik made his first edition of a new, ongoing three-dimensional work. This decor is a product of Strik’s fascination with artist’s studios. For years, he has been visiting and photographing the studios of other artists, architects and designers, including those of Marcel Duchamp, Gabriel Lester and Anton Corbijn. Berend Strik’s work for Momentum is at the service of the exhibition and its visitors, and is his investigation of his own limitations as an autonomous artist.

CM von Hausswolff se

— red empty, 2013

With ‘Red Empty’, created in the Hague in 2013, Carl Michael von Hausswolff has brought the American artist Dan Graham’s long-term project, ‘Fiets&Stal’ (Bike&Shelter), out of anonymity and back into focus. Red floodlights separate the bicycle shelter from the rest of the city and ‘turn it on’ for passersby in public space. This new work by Von Hausswolff is part of a series of installations and photographs begun in 1999, which has so far been presented in Chicago, Sarajevo and Bangkok. His Red series shines flame-red light onto architecture that has been abandoned, is in decay or under development. The red lights freeze the buildings in this transitional state, distinct from whatever they had been or will become. In this way, the work reveals a connection with the ‘Anarchitecture’ of Gordon Matta-Clark.



Exhibition — Momentum

Dan Graham: Fiets&Stal

Haroon Mirza uk

— adam, eve, others and a ufo, 2013

Haroon Mirza’s ‘Adam, Eve, Others and a UFO’ (2013) is a roomsized sculptural installation and surround sound composition containing a UFO (an LED circuit not too dissimilar to a bike light) which powers a circle of 8 speakers. 10

Thick, black microphone cable connects the speakers in a rhythmic and symmetrical formation. The cable is taut, reaching from the back of the speakers up to the ceiling and across to the centre of the room, where it then drops down to the ground, splaying on the floor around the glass vase which the UFO rests upon. Grey foam pyramids cover the walls, dampening the sound which the speakers emit. The electricity that drives the LED lights is amplified to generate the sound, which can be heard through the ­speakers. The LED lights are programmed to turn on and off in a sequence creating a looping composition. The lights on the UFO and the sounds from the speakers are seen and heard simultaneously which creates an ­audio and visual synthesis. Each speaker’s sound is varied as they are made by different manufacturers, reflected in the title of the work, and providing another layer of variation. #RWR13

Haroon Mirza: Adam, Eve, Others and a UFO

Exhibition — Momentum



Exhibition — Momentum

David Maljkovic hr

— out of projection, 2009

David Maljkovic’s new 2-channel video installation, ‘Out of Projection’, was first realized for David Maljkovic’s 2009 solo show at the Museum Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain. The installation expands on his exploration of memories as futurist propositions. It refers to antithetical film genres such as science fiction and documentary. ‘Out of Projection’ was filmed at the carefully guarded test track of Peugeot headquarters in the French city of Sochaux.


Giorgio Andreotta Calò it

— clessidra , 2010

Calò has completed a series of bronze sculptures cast from eroded mooring posts found in the Venice Lagoon. Salt water and countless tides had altered the bollards into beautiful, raw forms. Andreotta Calò has captured them, like hourglasses in time. In silence, he reminds us of the moment when they finally break and loose their function. ‘Clessidra’ came about during Calò’s study at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, just before the Dutch government cut its support for the arts. As a result, the work seems to be an unintended monument to the fragility of art as a whole. #RWR13

Exhibition — Momentum

Miranda Meijer nl

— meanwhile, 2013

In her continuing performance, ‘Meanwhile’, Miranda Meijer puts herself completely at the service of the REWIRE Festival. At a central point among the various festival locations, she spends the entire evening giving directions and helping visitors find where they need to be. What has been has been, and one artist makes way for the next. And the next. Time is relentless, and the memory that remains touches only the moment that has passed. So too does everything move inexorably forward in the performance – until all is taken over by the music in the night.

Jonas Lund se

— gallery analytics, 2013


‘Gallery Analytics’ is a site specific installation by Swedish artist ­Jonas Lund, made especially for the Momentum exhibition as part of the REWIRE Festival. By setting up a mesh wifi network and combining it with custom made software, ‘Gallery Analytics’ is able to track every wifi enabled device moving around in the exhibition area in real time. Similar to how a shopping mall is tracking their visitors to determine how well a window display converts customers, Lund will be able to provide in depth analysis of the exhibition visitor’s movement in the space and from that distill how well the works in the exhibition performs. The wifi mesh network is connected to an online, openly available gallery analytics website where the tracking data and analytics can be accessed. This interface is also installed in the exhibition space, to enable the visitors to detect that they are being analyzed. #RWR13

Exhibition — Momentum


Roger Hiorns: Untitled — Photo: G.J. van Rooij


Giorgio Andreotta Calò: Clessidra

Exhibition — Momentum



Exhibition — Momentum

Lyndsey Housden uk

— untitled, 2013

The art gallery as public space was the starting point for the Momentum installations. What is the scenography for an open field for experimentation? One that is built out of the temporal dynamics of such a public space, which is neither an object in itself or the static architectural frame. How to create a space that triggers action, creates momentum and invites spontaneous events in the open, public space of this art gallery, GEMAK?

Nishiko jp


— study studio for ‘repairing earthquake project’

Nishiko started her ‘Repairing Earthquake Project’ half a year after the terrible disaster hit Japan in March 2011. Since then she has been busy with collecting objects that have been destroyed by the tsunami and trying to repair them in the temporary studios, which are open to public. Interaction with locals in the disaster area, and with visitors in the exhibitions where the studios are located, play a big role throughout the process. By tracing and imagining the disaster with people, she blurs the boundary between the persons involved and the persons who were not. During Momentum, Nishiko will create a temporary studio in the space of GEMAK from November 8 till December 14 working at the site trying to figure out how to store objects and pictures that she repaired and documented in Japan.


Exhibition — Momentum

Special Screening: The Otolith Group uk

– people to be resembling

Several RWR13 artists have released albums on the contemporary jazz label ECM. The video essay People to be Resembling by the ­London The Otolith Group is a portrait of the method-

ologies of free jazz, world fusion music trio Codona, who released their first album through ECM in 1978.

People to be Resembling will be screened in the main hall of Paard van Troje on both festival days. See time table (p58).

Nishiko: Study studio for ‘repairing earthquake project’



Exhibition — Momentum

Roger Hiorns uk

— untitled, 2008

The work of the British artist Roger Hiorns seems to create an endless stream of foam out of nothing at all. His pots and vases contain liquid detergent, with air generated by small compressors. Over time, a soapy substance rises out of the vessels, then collapses and dissolves on the floor. These works give the impression that they pay no attention whatsoever to their environment, visitors or even our known reality. They are at once formed and formless, motionless and in motion, always now and always just in the future. It is a perfect loop that continuously reinvents itself, repeating itself without ever being the same.

Sarah van Sonsbeeck 18


— moment of bliss, 2012

Sarah van Sonsbeeck’s ‘Moment of Bliss’ from 2012 is a sight specific light installation, recalling a sunrise. The work was originally made for the Funeral Museum (Uitvaartmuseum) in Amsterdam. While thinking about what to contribute to such a sad place, the sunlight lit up Van Sonsbeeck’s studio, inspiring her to use this natural phenomenon to ‘lighten’ the mood. The stage light is positioned in such a way that it mimics the angle of a natural sunrise. The work is sight specific in the sense that it is positioned in the gallery space in such a way that it really engages with the architecture, either emphasizing the architectural features in place or obscuring them.


Sarah van Sonsbeeck: Moment of Bliss

Exhibition — Momentum



Tijdschrift over vernieuwende muziek en cultuur



Mind The Gap sampler

Muziek • (Beeld-)cultuur • Media • Kunst • Maatschappij Interviews • Essays • Achtergrond • Nieuws • Recensies GONZO #116- MTG #103


en cultuur





cultuur Laibach-Kunst (SL) en (AT) muziek / Paul Poet ende (D) vernieuw Schlingensief Over Christoph


(circus) Over vernieuwende muziek

Jonathan Meese (D) Marina Abramović David Černý (CZ) Architects of Air (UK)

Over vernieuwende muziek



en cultuur









#10 CD 2
















mei - juni 2013



september - oktober 2013


#115- MTG #102


juli-augustus 2013

#117- MTG #104

Electroboutique (RU) Goldie (UK) ex (DK) TOPOTEK1 (D) + Superfl Conor Harrington (UK) Köken Ergun (TR) ALTIPS FESTIV DE Ahmet Öğüt (TR) MET O.A. ep? VAN IE Weg van de postdubst IRWIN (SL) MARCUS FJELLSTRÖM, REDACT FEMEN Met een basgitaar dwars VLADISLAV DELAY, Refunc _ Marc Bijl door de crisis _ PAN•AMERICAN & Teun Castelein genie? goeroe, ker, AYISOBA KING Platenkak Miktor & Molf Aldo van den Broek Jeroen Kooijmans INCLU Boris Tellegen (R&S) SIEF Felix & Mumford Over tapeloops, 9/11 Alicia Framis en ‘Nocturnes’ Breure & van Hulzen Eddie The Eagle Museum Abner Preis Vatican Shadow, Hieroglyp Arno Coenen hic Being, IRIS Sean Nicholas Savage, escapade eke Neoklassi Spookhuisje & meer ROYALSTEEZ Jan Cremer Gert Jan Kocken Hugo Kaagman De terugkeer van de Boom Hans Citroen Bap Henk Wildschut g Olaf Mooij Kosmische kortsluitin Rob Hornstra Jonas Ohlsson Interview Alan Bishop & Electro Ego Leonard Shaabi: de sonische Egyptisch Bert Teunissen e revolutie Willehad Eilers Ronald Ophuis nstenaar geluidsku tot geld? rapeut voor schockthe VanViaOral Nieuw mecenaat of buigen Pipsqueak was here!!! Van ‘Silver Apples of the Merijn Hos Moon’ tot apps Midas Zwaan Lilith Love werking van zingen De helende TE DOWNLOADE Martin C. de Waal N Elektronische blues GELUIDSWAND Marc van Elburg ELINGEN* Sluik / Kurpershoek EXCLUSIEF VOOR ABONNEES Jan Pötter J & Lucy Speedy project Nieuw David Scheidler Jelle de Graaf Sarah Bijlsma Daniel Maalman Kirsten Wilmink juli-augustus 2013 8,E Matthias König ENSCHED rkseptember-oktober 2013 8,SAVAGES | YODEL IN mei-juni 2013 Roombee HI-FI | SUNkKILCultuurpa Hans Runge kant van de maan MOON | RAZEN | EXOTIC De andere PYLON | EVGENY MOROZOV Born Digital | ROCKET RECORDINGS Rob van der Hoeven Stefan Gross Studio Kortmann | PETER JOHAN NIJLAND | HIELE | PROLOGUE van Rossem, TAPES | ASHLEY PAUL + free lectures by Maarten | HIS ELECTRO BLUE VOICE MORDANT MUSIC | OPAL | MIK QUANTIUS | IVVVO de Mul | POMRAD | HESSIAN | | LORIJosGOLDSTON FEIGLSteinz, MACHINIST | THE VOID* ZOROPieter Disco Silent days + 18 + many many more….






ionale topkuns ’ t




8,- Eindelijk een coole Biënnale!

Music Friday November 8 751 - Black Marble - Food & Fennesz Holly Herndon - Iceage - Intergalactic Gary Lumisokea - Modeselektor - Møster! Nils Petter Molvær & Moritz von Oswald Ricardo Villalobos & Max ­Loderbauer present Re: ECM live - Still Serious Nic Stellar OM Source - The KVB



Music — Friday November 8


Black Marble


Music — Friday November 8

751 — rwr at night Paard I, 1.00 & 4.00 nl

751 started out as a dj in skatepark Sweatshop in The Hague. Jelle Hamstra, not even 20 years old, already made it to leading club nights in The Netherlands like Colors, Dekmantel, Electro Deluxe and Pitch Festival. 751 is ready to become a name in techno you cannot ignore.

Black Marble — post punk Paard II, 20.45 us

Performing for the first time in The Netherlands, REWIRE presents Black Marble, a duo hailing from Brooklyn, New York. Their synthwave sound simultaneously delivers an exhilarating dark, cold, punk and electronic punch. They come highly recommended to fans of 80’s wave or more contemporary acts like John Maus, Light Asylum and The Soft Moon.

Food & Fennesz / uk / at — nordic jazz Prins27, 22.15 no

Another special collaboration on the festival programme is the partnership between jazz/improvisation duo Food (Norwegian drummer Thomas Strønen and British saxophonist Iain Ballamy), and Austrian guitarist/producer Christian Fennesz. Their album is released by the adventurous contemporary jazz label ECM R ­ ecords. #RWR13


Music — Friday November 8

Holly Herndon

Intergalactic Gary


— rwr at night Paard II, 0.00


Electronic music scientist Holly Herndon likes to blur the boundaries between man and machine. She uses her voice and laptop in an innovative and unconventional way, resulting in a dark, compelling performance.

I­ntergalactic Gary mixes italo, disco, Chicago and Detroit house, synth and electro. This old warhorse has already been spinning records in the European club scene since ­ the 90’s.




— post punk /minimal wave Paard II, 23.00


The restless, nihilistic band Iceage creates a storm with uncompromising (post) punk heavily resonating with industrial and noise influences. These Danish youngsters always manage to whip up an element of mayhem in their boisterous crowds. Their second, critically acclaimed album ‘You’re Nothing’ came out earlier this year through Matador Records and was awarded one of the highest ratings of the year from online music magazine Pitchfork (just like their first).

Lumisokea’s music is highly physical and at the same time rich in texture, using both acoustic (cello, prepared piano) as well as (analog) electronic instruments to create a dark and introspective listening experience. Their influences range from dub to noise, bass music, techno and musique concrète. The impact of their live show is strengthened by its visual aspect, created by video artist Yannick Jacquet (Legoman).

— rwr at night Paard II, 1.45

/ be Prins27, 23.30



Music — Friday November 8




‘Alleen De Groene Amsterdammer houdt het nog bij geestelijk voedsel van superieure kwaliteit’ (Remco Campert in de Volkskrant)

Probeer De Groene 5 weken gratis. Groene_Kunstschrift.indd 1

27-09-13 12:55


Music — Friday November 8


Modeselektor dj set + vj Pfadfinderei — rwr at night Paard I, 2.00 de

The Berlin duo Modeselektor recently released a top notch second album together with Apparat as Moderat. We are happy that Gernot Bronsert and Sebastian Szary found some space in their busy schedules for one of their infamous dj sets to get everyone sweating on the dance floor. Their sets are difficult to pigeonhole. Modeselektor, accompanied by their regular vj Pfadfinderei, pull out all the stops to get us dancing; playfully switching between techno, IDM, glitch-hop or anything else they feel like playing. #RWR13

Music — Friday November 8

Møster! — nordic jazz Prins27, 20.30 no

The Norwegian composer and saxophonist Kjetil Møster plays in several Norwegian jazz and pop groups (including D ­ atarock). He has a background as a bass player in metal bands and is also a big fan

of jazz master John Coltrane. His band consists of guitarist Hans Magnus ‘Snah’ Ryan (also frontman of Motorpsycho), bass player Nikolai Eilertsen (Bing Bang) and drummer Kenneth Kapstad (Motorpsycho). The result: Møster blows you away with expressive and fierce eruptions of sound, based on inescapable grooves and riffs.

Nils Petter Molvær & Moritz von Oswald / de — nordic jazz Teresia van Avila, 21.15 no

This rare performance represents the Dutch premiere of trumpet player Nils Petter Molvaer playing with techno pioneer Moritz von Oswald. Molvaer is one of the most famous jazz musicians from Norway; he blends jazz, ambient music and post-rock into intense soundscapes. German based Moritz von Oswald was one of the founders of minimal techno in the early 90s, and is known for his work with Basic Channel, Rhythm & Sound performing under the name Maurizio. Their collaborative album was released in October. #RWR13

Nils Petter Molvaer & Moritz von Oswald


Music — Friday November 8




Music — Friday November 8


Stellar OM Source


Music — Friday November 8


Stellar OM Source — rwr at night Paard II, 0.45 fr

Surrounded by a sea of sequencers and synthesizers, Stellar OM Source (the French visual artist and musician Christelle Gualdi) creates retro-futuristic dance music. On her new album ‘Joy Mile’, S ­ tellar OM Source aims to bring her sound to the dance floor.


Music — Friday November 8

Ricardo Villalobos & Max Loderbauer present Re: ECM live / cl — collaborative programme Teresia van Avila, 23.00 de

Special collaboration between the Chilean/German minimal techno superstar Ricardo Villalobos and the German electronica pioneer Max Loderbauer. They will present their Re:ECM live project for the first time in The Netherlands, including percussionist. For this project, the duo tackled the archives of the renowned jazz label ECM and constructed their own interpretation.

Still Serious Nic — rwr at night Paard I, 0.00 nl


Still Serious Nic

This guy has more to offer than an impressive beard. Still Serious Nic is one of the leading forces behind the notorious BAKK organization/record label from The Hague and he hosts the weekly ‘Odd Beat Radio show’ on I-F’s influential Intergalatic FM internet radio station. As a dj he treats us to anything from house, techno, acid, electro, Chicago/Detroit to disco / boogie and back.


Music — Friday November 8



Music — Friday November 8


The KVB — post punk /minimal wave Paard II, 21.45



The KVB from London is the brainchild of Klaus von Barrel, a young man with a pitch-black soul, along with the mysterious Kat Day. Together, the duo creates ‘dance music for the clinically depressed’: fuzzy, hypnotic darkwave / shoegaze / post punk music to completely immerse yourself in. Klaus (real name Nicholas Woods) provides the intensive guitar layers and reverb-drenched vocals, while Kat delivers the minimal synth melodies and compelling visuals. #RWR13


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Music Saturday November 9 Baths - Cloud Boat - dBridge - James Ferraro Julia Holter Jerusalem In My Heart - Kelpe - Lone Loyu - Lucrecia Dalt - Moon Ate The Dark Nathan Fake - Seams - Space Dimension Controller live - Tape - Traxx - Valgeir Sigurdsson



Music — Saturday November 9




Music — Saturday November 9


Cloud Boat



— r & s records night Paard II, 0.15

Paard I, 22.45 Producer and singer-songwriter Baths (Will Wiesenfeld) caused a stir with his new, second album ‘Obsidian’, released in late May. His intimate and layered electronic songs with unconventional crackling beats, create a dark under-layer of sound, which contrasts beautifully with the lightness of Wiesenfeld’s voice.

The London duo Sam Ricketts and Tom Clarke of Cloud Boat were chosen by Mount Kimbie and James Blake to join them on their recent tour. When you hear the delicacy and subtlety of their songs, it’s easy to understand why. Their debut album ‘Book of Hours’ was recently released on R&S records (Vondelpark, Lone, Space Dimension Controller, and previously James Blake). 39

dBridge — r & s records night Paard II, 2.00


As a former member of Bad Company, the London based producer dBridge could easily be lauded as the godfather of drum ‘n’ bass. However, he actively distances himself from the drum ‘n’ bass revival and incessant pounding sound that dominates the dance party scene. Instead, dBridge has crafted a unique style of his own called autonomic, which combines the pace of drum ‘n’ bass with sounds covering the whole electronic music spectrum. His musical development - from drum ‘n’ bass to dubstep to techno - has shaped the sound of dBridge of today. With his performances, dBridge brings the welcome elements of surprise and unpredictability to contemporary drum ‘n’ bass. #RWR13

Music — Saturday November 9


Jerusalem In My Heart — collaborative programme Paard I, 21.30 ca

Lying somewhere between visual installation, theatre and Middle Eastern electro performance, Jerusalem In My Heart (­ Constellation Records) live is not your average concert. Accompanied by projections devised by ­ Chilean-born Malena Szlam, Radwan Moumneh creates a totally immersive, visual and theatrical experience.


Music — Saturday November 9

Jerusalem in my Heart


Rewire #RWR13 Festival — 2013

Music — Saturday November 9

James Ferraro us

Paard II, 23.15 The highly productive and conceptual American musician/producer James Ferraro is the founder of so-called hypnagogic pop, best described as “a music that dreams of the future by dreaming of the past”. It sounds like a combination of electronic pop and disco from the 80s and 90s, New Age and experimental music. Ferraro describes his music as “recordings approximate the headspace of the moment just before you go to sleep as a child, while somewhere in the distance the sounds of pop and disco come muffled through the wall and infiltrate your subconscious.” On his new album, ‘NYC, Hell, 3:00 AM’ (released October 15) James Ferraro evolves from electronic music producer to against-the-grain vocalist. 42

Julia Holter — chamber pop Teresia van Avila, 21.45 us

August saw the release of the long-awaited new album ‘Loud City Song’ (Domino Records) of Los Angeles-based singer/ songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Julia Holter. Her high, clear voice, backed by carefully arranged, experimental pop songs, cuts right through to your soul. Live, she is accompanied by her band, providing a warm, dynamic carpet of strings and soaring saxophone melodies. A reviewer from Boston recently praised it as “completely entrancing, cinematic, and utterly gorgeous set of avant-pop music.”


Music — Saturday November 9

Julia Holter



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Music — Saturday November 9



Kelpe uk

Paard II, 22.00 The rich, eclectic musical world of the British electronica producer Kelpe (Kel McKeown) expands all the way from beats ‘n bass and instrumental hip-hop, to dubstep and chillwave. Kelpe’s fourth album ‘Fourth: The Golden Eagle’ glows with ingenuity, and encourages dancing with a broad smile. #RWR13

Music — Saturday November 9



Lucrecia Dalt


— r & s records night Paard II, 3.00


Lone (Matt Cutler from Nottingham, UK) started out as a bedroom producer several years ago, influenced by acts like Boards of Canada, Madlib and Bibio. Over the years, his hip-hop flavoured sound has evolved into a faster-paced more energetic sound, focused on classic rave and ­Detroit ­techno.

Colombian-born Lucrecia Dalt crafts hypnotic and compelling compositions by building layer-upon-layer of bass guitar riffs, rich pedal effects and driving drum machine beats. Her hypnotic, dreamy soundscapes evoke a feeling of eerieness.

/ es — chamber pop Teresia van Avila, 20.15


Moon Ate The Dark


/ ca — indie classical Prins27, 20.00

Loyu is an electronic duo formed in 2011. Their music is a play between voice, collapsing beats and intricate soundscapes. The music is highly physical and atmospheric. While it is built around the voice and lyrics of (former jazz) singer Baiba Yurkevich, traces of glitch and avant-garde electronic influences leave a mark in the musical world of Loyu.

Neo-classical/ambient duo Moon Ate The Dark consists of Welsh pianist Anna Rose Carter and Canadian producer ­Christopher Bailey. Lose yourself in their beautiful, fragile compositions and dream the night away. Their eponymous album is released through Sonic Pieces, a label that also includes releases by Nils Frahm, Peter Broderick, ­­­­Dustin ­O’Halloran and Hauschka.


/ lv Paard II, 20.45


Music — Saturday November 9

Lucrecia Dalt




Music — Saturday November 9

Nathan Fake

Space Dimension Controller

— rwr at night Paard I, 1.00 uk

— r & s records night Paard II, 1.00 ie

UK based Nathan Fake (real name) provides the much-needed warmth in techno music. Operating from James ­ Holden’s Border ­Community label, ever since he conquered the world’s dance floors with ‘The Sky Was Pink’, Nathan Fake has become a true star of electronic dance music.


Science fiction lover Jack Hammill creates stories and then converts them into funky soundtracks, blending electro, disco and house music. This young Irish producer and self-proclaimed King of ­Galactic Funk is the lynchpin connecting the past and future of electronic dance music. 49

— rwr at night Paard I, 0.00 uk


Seams is the alias of the young British producer James Welch. He got inspired by the vibrant, sultry summer nights in Berlin, which you can hear in his glitchy synthesizer sounds and light beats. Seams does not sound smooth or clinical, but a little lofi with a very danceable edge. His long-awaited debut album ‘Quarters’, recorded at four different locations in ­Berlin, was released mid-September.

— indie classical Prins27, 22.45 se

Stockholm-based trio Tape combines pop, minimalism and experimentation through acoustic instruments, electronics and field recordings. The result is exceptionally beautiful, warm post-rock. Their eagerly anticipated new album is expected later this year.


13+14 december 2013

Sunn O))) The Child Of lOv experienCe (world premiere) ft. TwO inCh punCh, dOOm, Sun paTzer rejjie SnOw, COnkwake & liSa king The Orb:25Th anniverSary TOur amenra / dean blunT / daughn gibSOn fred & TOOdy (dead moon) / dakhabrakha xOSar & legOwelT & Orgue eleCTrOnique (world premiere) einS zwei & The parallel Cinema / meridian brOTherS OrCheSTra Of SphereS / riChard buCkner SelvhenTer / xenia rubinOS / filOSOfiSChe STilTe g▲rTm▲len / bOmbay ShOw pig / SanTa Cruz niCad & new eurOpean enSemble (world premiere) + many more

Paard van Troje THe Hague dayTickeT: c25,– TwodayTickeT: c35,–

Music — Saturday November 9

Traxx — rwr at night Paard I, 2.00 us

Melvin Oliphant III from Chicago, better known as Traxx, lives for music. The label owner (Nation) is more than a dj, he’s someone who loves to challenge the dance floor and who does not compromise. He composes his dj sets in an inimitable and organic way and energetically conveys his music to his audience. He draws from the depths of diverse styles like acid, wave, Chicago and Detroit house and disco.



Valgeir Sigurdsson — indie classical Prins27, 21.00 is

As a producer, composer, label founder (Bedroom Community) and studio owner, Valgeir Sigurdsson is one of the key figures of the Icelandic music scene. Playing solo on a grand piano, his music exists in the space where (neo-) classical music and electronics meet, and is guaranteed to send chills down your spine. #RWR13

bring this star to the bar and get a free Cremers bitter

Prinsestraat 84, Den Haag.

Of het nu gaat om briefpapier, enveloppen, brochures of een complete huisstijl, wij zorgen voor een juiste productie die past in elk budget. Dankzij onze eigen studio met een moderne CTP conďŹ guratie, onze moderne drukpersen en eigen afwerking zijn wij in staat een constante kwaliteit te leveren met een korte doorlooptijd.

Vraag om een offerte en ervaar onze service en concurrerende prijzen!

Bel vandaag nog met de offertelijn: 070 385 94 00, of mail naar asprint. Nu ook Canv site voor de Kijk op onze en. aanbieding www.oranjev

Chroomstraat 33 -2544 EX Den Haag

Festival Information Tickets Tickets are available online at and through all 400 Primera outlets in The Netherlands and all Free Record Shops in Belgium. 55

Pricing (ex. fees) Weekend Weekend CJP*

€ 37,50 € 30,-

Friday Friday CJP* Friday Night**

Premium Support Weekend Ticket

€ 25,- € 20,€ 15,-

€ 65,-

Saturday Saturday CJP* Saturday Night**

€ 25,€ 20,€ 15,-

(Support the festival plus receive the festival t-shirt for free.)

* Valid only for CJP members, without a CJP card no entry. ** A s long as capacity allows, a limited amount of night tickets will be available at the door (Paard van Troje). Night tickets grant access from 0.30.

Tickets can be exchanged for festival wristbands at Paard van Troje #RWR13

Festival Information

Accommodation The Hague has a wide range of hotels and hostels, for which you can find recommendations on our website. Ibis The Hague City ­Centre and REWIRE have teamed up in order to make staying over during the festival as affordable and comfortable as possible. There are two combi-deals on offer. Reservations can be made by through our website. One person 1 night: € 80,00 including 1 Friday or Saturday ticket. 2 nights: € 75,00 including 1 Weekend ticket. Prices per room, per night.


Two persons 1 night: € 105,00 including two Friday or Saturday tickets. 2 nights: € 85,00 including two Weekend tickets. Prices per room, per night. Please note that hotel packages do not include breakfast and city tax.

Getting There Trains run 24 hours a day to Den Haag Central Station or Den Haag Hollands Spoor. On Friday and Saturday after midnight trains will also run every hour from Den Haag Hollands Spoor to Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, Schiphol, Delft, Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Breda, ­T ilburg, Eindhoven and ’s Hertogenbosch. Check You can take several trams to the festival from Den Haag Central Station (tram 2, 3, 4 or 6, tram stop Grote Markt) and Hollands Spoor (tram 9, tram stop Grote Markt) or take a 15-minute walk from one of the the train stations. For directions please see website. #RWR13

Festival Information

Map P





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Teresia van Avilakerk Westeinde 12a, Spaansche Hof

Acte de prĂŠsense Jan Hendrikstraat 17

Paard van Troje Prinsegracht 12

GEMAK Paviljoensgracht 20 - 24

Prins27 Prinsegracht 27

Tram stop Grote Markt #RWR13


Time table

Friday November 8 20.00


Teresia van Avila



Villalobos & Loderbauer present Re:ECM live

Nils Petter Molvær & Moritz von Oswald

Paard I


The Otolith Group People to be Resembling (every 30 minutes)

Paard II DJ

Black Marble







Prins27 Food & Fennesz



Acte de présence


Momentum [exhibition] Aditya Mandayam, Ahmet Ögüt, Berend Strik, CM von Hausswolff, David Maljkovic, Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Haroon Mirza, Jonas Lund, Lyndsey Housden, Nishiko, Roger Hiorns, Sarah van Sonsbeek

Miranda Meijer Meanwhile (continuous performance)

Venues have a maximum capacity, if you want to secure entrance to a certain programme make sure to arrive early. #RWR13

Time table


Still Serious Nic

Holly Herndon



Stellar OM Source


Modeselektor (dj set) + Pfadfinderei visuals




Intergalactic Gary 59

We have invited our ­media­partner Resident ­Advisor to present ­interesting new documentaries. Screenings take place in he foyer of music ­venue Paard van Troje. Subject to change

20:30 - 22:00 (every 30 minutes) #RWR13

Time table

Saturday November 9 20.00 Teresia van Avila

Paard I



Lucrecia Dalt



Julia Holter

The Otolith Group People to be Resembling (every 30 minutes)

Jerusalem In My Heart


Paard II Loyu

James Ferraro



Prins27 Moon Ate The Dark


Acte de présence

Valgeir Sigurdsson


Momentum [exhibition] Aditya Mandayam, Ahmet Ögüt, Berend Strik, CM von Hausswolff, David Maljkovic, Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Haroon Mirza, Jonas Lund, Lyndsey Housden, Nishiko, Roger Hiorns, Sarah van Sonsbeek

Miranda Meijer Meanwhile (continuous performance)

Venues have a maximum capacity, if you want to secure entrance to a certain programme make sure to arrive early. #RWR13

Time table




Cloud Boat



Nathan Fake

Space Dimension Controller





Lone 61

R&S Records night

We have invited our ­media­partner Resident ­Advisor to present ­interesting new documentaries. Screenings take place in he foyer of music ­venue Paard van Troje. Subject to change

20:30 - 22:00 (every 30 minutes) #RWR13

Festival Information

Partners Funding Partners


Facilitating partners


Media Partners

Creative Partners


Festival Information

Colophon Board David Kenselaar Dunja Colman Remco de Valk Management Bronne Keesmaat director Artistic / Curatorial Team Bronne Keesmaat music Juha van ‘t Zelfde visual arts Production Walter Thomson manager Rogier Thomson artists Eelco Borremans volunteers Marketing & Communications Daan Spangenberg Floor Spapens Education Joya de Bock Š 2013 Stichting Unfold

Graphic Design Daan Spangenberg Web Development KSMT Visual Design Printing Oranje van Loon, Den Haag Translation Mari Shields, Nadja Freeman 63

Thanks We would like to thank all of our partners for their continuous support. We would also like to thank the embassies of Norway, Germany and Austria for their financial support. Also a big shout to our amazing team of volunteers. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Although we tried to be complete we may have missed on copyright issues. If you spot something of yours that we used drop us an email and we will credit you for the picture. - P.O. Box 243 2501 CE The Hague.


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