Architecture Portfolio, M.Sc

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M.Sc Student of Architecture

+49 176 47089912


Erasmus Exchange Semester: M.Sc Urban Planning and Policy Design — Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy


M.Sc Architecture — HafenCity Universität, Hamburg, Deutschland


B.Sc Architecture — University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



pbr Rohling AG, Hamburg - Student Assistant

Architecture competitions, concept design, LPH 0-2, 3D modeling, 2D documentation, layout, etc.


acollage, Hamburg - Student Assistant

Model making, 2D drafting, 3D modeling, graphic design, layout, visualisation.


Tehran Urban Innovation Center "TUIC"Independent Junior Researcher

Voluntary research with the title "Searching for Urban Tranquility", to be published as a TUIC 101 issue. Supervised by Prof. Nashid Nabian.


Ali Haghighi Architects, Tehran - Internship

Full participation in individual projects in drafting 2D drawings, 3D modeling, destruction plan, interior design, renders, research

MARCH - MAY 2022


Creative Coding Workshop: “Processing” Software DigitalFUTURES

JULY 2022

Freeform Space Structures: Active Bending Shells Workshop

Tehran University of Art, Digital Craft House


CADF98: Floating Plates Structure University of Tehran, Digital Craft House


Workshop on Regeneration: Project Taar II

INTBAU Spain, INTBAU Iran, Terrachidia Association, Atelier Sigman, Architectural Association of Tehran University



Revit Rhino Vectorworks


Adobe Suite Enscape / Lumion


Persian English Deutsch Native Proficiency Native Proficiency Advanced Proficiency (C1)

01 02 03 04 05

Housing Grounds: A Masterplan

Arolsen Archives

The Garden in Kampnagel

Das Hanfhaus

TUIC 101: Searching for Urban Tranquility


Reyhaneh Mohsenian, Francesca Carletti, Lilliana Marwood, Margherita Re, Marcel Vázquez

Masterplan Studio in Urban Planning and Policy Design: The Project of Proximity

Politecnico di Milano – SS 2024

Prof. Cristina Renzoni, Francesco Curci,

The project Housing Grounds focuses on proximity infrastructures along the urban axis extending from Stadera to Gratosoglio in southern Milan.

At its core, it examines and reimagines the ground floors of buildings along this axis. These ground floors are considered pivotal as they represent the intersection between the physical structure of the buildings and their surrounding environments.

Exploration of these neighborhoods reveals a lack of positive urban dynamics, with vitality hindered by the underutilization of public and semi-public spaces. Housing Grounds seeks to reinterpret ground floors and create a network of proximity infrastructures to address spatial and social needs.

Dissecting The Neighbourhoods: an Analysis

The project examines four neighborhoods along the axis—Stadera, Chiesa Rossa, Gratosoglio, and Missaglia—each with distinct characteristics and challenges.

Stadera’s internal courtyards lack usability, while Chiesa Rossa suffers from neglected public housing and commercial desertification Gratosoglio features scattered public spaces that lack cohesion, and Missaglia has abundant green areas that are poorly connected

This analysis highlights the need for tailored interventions that address the unique issues in each neighborhood.

Strategic Goals and Action Plan

Reinterpreting Ground Floors – These are designed as active zones linking buildings and public spaces, fostering interaction and accessibility.

Zoning for Social Cohesion – By promoting a mix of functions, the project strengthens community bonds and reactivates underutilized areas.

Improving Connectivity – A network of accessible pathways and reconfigured public spaces links green areas, plazas, and services, ensuring inclusivity and vibrancy.

Dissecting The Neighbourhoods: Gratosoglio

A public housing neighborhood with towers and slabs typologies and dispersed public spaces

Strategic Action Plan for Gratosoglio

Refocusing the Public Value of Space – The Community at the Center of the Neighborhood

Pilot Project: Stitching The Neighborhood Back Together

Translating the strategies into actions; connecting the three “ecologies“ of the Gratosoglio neighborhood into one cohesive unit.


Reyhaneh Mohsenian, Güldem Gönül

Conceptual Design Project HafenCity University – WS 2023/24

Prof. Gesine Weinmiller

für d e Aufbewahrung des Arch vguts bieten und g e ch ei g a s O t der Er nnerung und Bi dung d enen

The proposed archive building in Bad Arolsen blends symbolic significance, innovative construction, and aesthetic design, aiming to become a city landmark. Encased in a robust 45 cm thick concrete facade, the structure houses archives symbolizing a deep commitment to preserving history. With an open ground floor layout featuring offices and a conference hall encircling the archive, crafted in a lightweight timber frame, the design facilitates fluid movement and invites visitors. Contrasting wood elements against the concrete facade create a distinctive aesthetic, while a memorial space within the foyer encourages reflection on the past. This concept prioritizes functionality alongside profound symbolism and aesthetic expression.

Lagep an M 1 00 K D g

Archivgebäudekonzep : E n neues Wahrze chen ür Bad Aro sen Unser Arch vgebäudekonzept ve e n symbo sche Bedeu ung nnovat ve Bauwe se und äs he sche Gesta ung um e n neues Wahrze chen ür Bad A o sen zu scha en Symbo ik und Bauweise Das Arch v wi d du ch e ne mass ve 45 cm d cke Dämm-Betonfassade geschü z d e S ärke und Beständ gke t symbo s ert D ese Fassade umhü das Herzs ück des Gebäudes das A ch v mi se nen drei Obergeschossen und zwe Unte geschossen D ese Ebenen d e a e d e gleiche Größe haben symbo is eren e nen eferen und festeren Anke der s ch n den Erdboden boh und d e Verb echen der Nat ona soz a sten und d e Sch cksa e h er Opfer bewahr Raumkonzept und F uss des Lau ens: D e Bü oräume der Kon erenzsaa und das Foyer befinden s ch a e m E dgeschoss und s nd in e ne e chten Ho zrahmenbauwe se gep an D ese Räume g edern s ch ähn ch e nem Schutzr ng um das Arch v und ermög chen e nen kont nuier chen F uss des Lau ens Das Foyer das s ch w e e n R ng um das Arch v egt unte s ützt d esen F uss und schaf t e ne e n adende A mosphäre fü Besucher Ästhet k und Kontras : Da das Gebäude e e Pa k iele Bäu e egt habe bei de Ko s ukt o de Räume au Ho z gese z Von außen w rken diese Räum chke en w e ein e ch er Ho zpav lon der das Gew cht und d e Opt k des Be ona ch vs n Kont as se z und verdeut ch D ese Komb na on aus Mater a en und Gesta tungse emen en ver e h dem Gebäude e ne e nz gar ge Äs he k und macht es zu e nem markanten und bedeutungsvo len E emen de S adts houe te von Bad A o sen Gedenks ätte und Ausste lungen: Ent ang des R ngs m Foyer üh t e n Weg h nter dem A ch v zu e ne Gedenkstä e m t Auss e u ge übe d e Gesch ch e u d d e Op e de Na io a so a s e D ese Gedenkstät e st e n nteg a er Bes andte des Gebäudes und äd Besucher dazu e n n ch nu d e Vergangenhe zu eflekt eren sondern auch da über nachzudenken w e s e s ch au d e Gegenwart und die Zukun t ausw rk M unse em Konzept s reben w n ch nur nach unk ona e E fizienz sonde n auch nach symbo scher Bedeutung und äs he scher Ausdruckskra t

Ground Floor Plan East Elevation


“Understanding the social structure and dynamics of the garden in Kampnagel by analyzing the space through the frictions, practices, and physical manifestations.”

Reyhaneh Mohsenian, Gesche Valentin, Gözde Öner

Urban Design Project: Transforming the Minimum, Speculating Kampnagel –

Prof. Bernd Kniess

Our research on “The Garden“ focuses on how space is created collectively- how different peoplecontributetoshapingit.Beyondbeingaphysical entity, the garden encapsulates the fusion of intentions, perceptions, and influences of those who inhabit it. As it transforms under the hands of its inhabitants, the garden‘s purpose shapeshifts, adpoting roles that reflect the evolving identities of those who give it life.

Diverse interpretations coexist, portraying the garden as the community’s private backyard and a platform for their artistic expression, or as a public green space accessible to all. But who does the garden really belong to?

From the book:

.... One of the fundamental goals of this research is to identify the visible and invisible borders that define this space. These boundaries, both real and conceptual, depict the interactions between the garden’s occupants and the wider societal context. By interpreting the interrelation of these borders, our goal is to reveal the complex power dynamics that underlie the garden’s existence, and how they impact the conflicting perceptions of its function.



Reyhaneh Mohsenian, Emilia Großmann, Carl-Simon Ullfors, Fiete Wende

Interdisciplinary Design Project: Das Kultivierte Haus

HafenCity Unversität – WS 2022/23

Prof. Karsten Schlesier

Site plan 1:5000

In the interdisciplinary project THE CULTIVATED HOUSE, we explored the role of renewable resources in construction, focusing on materials that, like those in agriculture, can be harvested in short cycles. Our primary focus was on the hemp plant. The hemp stalk consists of woody shives and surrounding fibers. When combined with lime and/or starch, hemp shives exhibit excellent properties as a biological building material. Its strengths lie in its ease of processing and its building physics properties, such as thermal insulation and moisture resistance

Groundfloor plan 1:500

Section B-B M 1:500

Section A-A M 1:500

North Elevation M 1:500


Due to the low compressive stress that can be absorbed by hempcrete, ring-shaped willow rods are used to transfer normal force. Hemp ropes absorb the ring force and, together with the hempcrete, prevent the pasture rods from buckling.


All components are made exclusively from circular, biological materials. The materials used also have good insulating properties and are insensitive to moisture. In order to improve fire protection, the components are covered with a clay plaster.




Tehran Urban Innovation Center (TUIC)

Under the guidance of Prof. Nashid Nabian Mentors: Golrokh Heidarian, Avisa Yazdani

February 2022 – 2024

As part of TUIC 101, a series of publishments promoting agile knowledge, this research aims to explore urban tranquility through an extensive analysis of 101 taxonomy words paired with corresponding case studies. By examining various aspects of architectural design and environmental configuration, the study seeks to understand the complex interplay between built environments and the sense of tranquility they evoke, especially in the context of bustling cityscapes. READ MORE HERE:

Each taxonomy word, ranging from navigational experiences to sensory encounters, provides insights into the diverse elements influencing urban tranquility. Through a curated selection of case studies representing different scales, functions, and styles, the research aims to uncover universal principles and unique strategies employed in fostering peaceful urban environments.


+49 176 47089912


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