February 2020 Issue of rez Magazine, the Virtual Arts and Life Magazine published by jami Mills

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After Dark Lounge Meegan Danitz

Theper f ec twayt or omanc ey ourS weet hear t ! H Openi ngi nF ebr uar y J oi nusaswebounc e ands hi mmyi n

“ Pi nMeUp” F ebr uar y15t h&29t h 6pm S L T F ebr uar y23r d 3pm S L T Att he Mi l eHi g hCl ub! Comi ngt o TheAr tF ac t or yS t ag e i nF ebr uar y

“ DI VAS ” Dat est obeAnnounc ed! Chor eog r apher sS i g nup f orMar c hOpenDanc e!


Cur r ent l y S howi ng

J oi n“ TheAr tF ac t or y”g r oupi nwor l df ori nf or ma onons hows !

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