Jan/Feb 2021 Trestle Board - Arizona No. 2

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Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

June, 2020 January/February, 2021

Photo courtesy of : Bro. John Canisales, Senior Deacon Arizona Lodge No. 2 Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

Arizona Lodge #2

January/February 2021 Trestleboard

With a new year comes a new set of goals, dreams, plans and promises. As Masons, we must look to our Masonic Toolbox for the tools that will help us meet the challenge of a new year. Some of the most powerful tools we have as Freemasons are the 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy. According to Albert Mackey’s “Encyclopedia of Freemasonry”, these Arts & Sciences were named “Liberal” so as to separate them from the “mechanical” or “Operative” arts practiced by the handicraftsmen. Eager to “elevate their profession above the position of a mere operative art”, on the same level of Scholars who were above them in society at the time, these Liberal Arts & Sciences became an “essential part of the body of Freemasonry”. The Trivium consists of the first three of these: Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic. Forming the foundation of our masonic school of education – the Trivium teaches us how to read, how to speak and how to reason. Understanding these basic building blocks allows us to delve further into our studies and approach the Quadrivium: Arithmetic, Geometry ,Music and Astronomy. Our foundation in the trivium gives us the skills to ask questions and analyze these higher arts in an effort to elevate ourselves and humankind – thus enabling us to understand the Qaudrivium. The world “Liberal” in Liberal arts has its roots in the Latin word “Liberte” which means “Free”. The idea was that a well-rounded education in these “Liberal Arts” would free us from ignorance and give us the tools to act as responsible free citizens. The word art, while often associated with the creative arts, actually refers to the “art” of practicing each of the seven fields of education. Thus, educating oneself in the “Liberal Arts” meant gaining the knowledge necessary to become a contributing member of society. This year, our educational mission will be to embrace the 7 arts & sciences and improve ourselves as active and compassionate citizens.

Yours in Education, Understanding & Freedom Bo Buchanan, Master - Arizona Lodge No. 2

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

From the West - Reformation Reformation- to be reformed. How do we help our brethren in this quest? How do we use our tools to help brothers? Do we show brothers how we use our tools, then help them learn to use theirs? Do we see brothers in need and walk on by because we are too busy to deal with what his needs are? I ask these questions because when the discussion of retention is brought up, I ask what we have done to keep the brothers attention; furthermore, if he is invested in himself and wants to reform his logic, learn to subdue his passions, and challenge himself to improve—he will keep coming back, if he is seeing the work. Be that brother that you needed at your worst, not the brother you received..

There are times in our lives where we are going to need someone else, and we have obligated ourselves to one another to improve us as individuals, as a group, and as a lodge. Divisiveness, gossip, and envy are things that will feed a man’s ego, and the male ego is the most formidable opponent a man faces in his life. Let’s continue to build in one another, stop feeding the ego, trust each other, and offer gentle reforms to one another through wise, respectful counsel. I will be the first to say that I am in need of a real reformation in my life so I can continue to be the great Mason that I think I am. Semper Fidelis !! Fraternally yours, Matthew Harris, Senior Warden Arizona Lodge No. 2

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

From the South

Three Parts not Three Equal Parts As a working tool, our twenty-four inch gauge is a technique to change our surroundings by a specific action - dividing our time. Specifically on one front “whereby we find a part for the service of God and a distressed worthy brother…”. Thinking about myself, that every day I would devote time for the service of God and a distressed worthy brother sounded like a huge burden until I decided how easily to implement accordingly. The word service used with the word ”of” makes clear the method meaning more as acting on behalf of or as an agent of, rather than for God. The logic would be as Benjamin Franklin said of God being “infinitely above being benefitted by our services” I would do kindnesses to my fellow humans daily. The complete quote from Franklin being: “For my own part, when I am employed in serving others, I do not look upon myself as conferring favors, but as paying debts. In my travels and since my settlement, I have received much kindness from men, to whom I shall never have an opportunity of making the least direct return; and numberless mercies from God, who is infinitely above being benefitted by our services. Those kindnesses from men I can therefore only return to their fellow men, and I can only show my gratitude for these mercies from God, by a readiness to help his other children and my brethren.” I say a blessing at mealtime which centers my thinking on gratitude and humility necessary to appreciate the gifts in life enjoyed from the G.A.O.T.U. but that act is not the service required. Charity would be one kind and expressions of kindness to help all people would be one kind of service. Being a better steward of our planet and it’s resources would be another. Ever consider conserving gas as a kindness to mankind? The other part of this ”tools’” charge is “and a distressed worthy brother” - as written and not or. Here “worthy” refers to our fraternity so it specifically means every day I can reach out to the list I know or which is easily provided by our brother secretary where a kind ear, earnest call of concern of act of support would meet that obligation. From that point, any aid can be as broad as the breadth of that distress. Next month the common gavel and divesting vices. Vic Olson Junior Warden, Arizona No. 2

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

February is Black History Month

Happy Black History Month to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons Grand Lodge of Arizona and all our brothers in its jurisdiction.

Duke Ellington Jazz Musician Social Lodge No. 1, PHA Washington, D.C.

Sugar Ray Robinson Boxer Joppa Lodge No. 55, PHA New York, NY

The roots of Black History Month began in 1915 when Carter G. Woodson and Jesse E Moorland founded the “Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) who would later sponsor a national Negro History Week in 1926, choosing the second week in February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. In 1976, it was officially recognized by President Gerald Ford and has been recognized by every President since then to honor the accomplishments of Black Americans.

Thurgood Marshall Supreme Court Justice Coal Creek Lodge No 88, PHA Tulsa, Oklahoma

W.E.B. DuBois Civil Rights Activist Widow’s Son Lodge No. 1, PHA New Haven, CT Shaquille O’neal Basketball player Widow’s Son Lodge No. 28, PHA New York, NY

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

White House Stones From WM Bo Buchanan As American Freemasons, most of us are familiar with the story of George Washington laying the cornerstone of the United States Capital on September 18, 1793 – often referred to as “The Nation’s First Cornerstone”. The gavel from that historic event is also famous - kept by Potomac Lodge No. 5 in Washington, D.C.. In fact, in April 2016 – Prometheus Lodge No. 87 brought that famous gavel to Gilbert, Arizona in April of 2016 for the cornerstone laying of a New Vietnam Veterans memorial Wall replica. But nearly a year before that famous ceremony, George Washington participated in another important cornerstone laying for the White House. On October 13, 1792, George Washington laid the cornerstone of The White House (pictured above) – even though he would never live there. Congress selected James Hoban, an Irish Immigrant architect living in Charleston, South Carolina, for the structure (LOC). Although the White House construction work began in 1792, Construction of the US Capital in 1793 would cause a shortage among stoneworkers: “Although foundation work began in earnest, the government soon discovered that the young nation had an abundance of craftsmen but few master stonemasons. What’s more, those that did have it were working on the United States Capital. After a thorough search in America and Europe, agent George Walker traveled to Edinburgh Scotland. By spring of 1794, he had recruited at least 8 stonemasons from the Lodge of Journeymen Masons No. 8”. (Mark Tabbert, Director of Collections; George Washington Masonic National Memorial). Among the workmen selected to build The White House were Scottish Stonemasons John & James Williamson. John & James Williamson were members of Edinburgh Lodge No. 8 and after working on 66 Queen street, they would travel to the United States among a group of other lodge members, to work on the White House in Washington, D.C. (The Lodge of Journeyman Masons NO. 8 is still active today.) Pictured right is the painting “The White House under construction” as painted by Peter Waddell in 2007.(Courtesy of WhiteHousehistory.org)

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

White House Stones (continued) By 1945, when Harry S. Truman became America’s 33rd President, the 153 year old structure was in serious disrepair. During his early years, President Truman often complained of drafts and unusual noises “The floors pop and the drapes move back and forth. I can just imagine old Andy [Jackson] and Teddy [Roosevelt] having an argument over Franklin [Roosevelt],” he wrote to his wife Bess in June 1945. Finally, in 1948, after years of complaining – engineers conformed that the White House was structurally weak and in danger of collapse. In December 1949, a major rehab project began (pictured right, courtesy of WhiteHousehistory.org). It is said that one day in 1952, while walking through the construction site, President Truman came upon a pile of discarded bricks. Having been a Freemason since 1909, Truman recognized the “Masons Marks” upon these bricks as having an important meaning to Freemasons. Truman contacted the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia and arranged to have more than a hundred of these stones delivered to them. In recognition of the important contributions made by Masons like John & James Williamson, he asked the Grand Lodge of D.C. to send one of these marked stones to every Grand Lodge in the United States. This exciting gift is documented in the Grand Lodge of Arizona Proceedings from 1954 on page 51. Past Grand Master Nelson C. Bledsoe read the following speech from President Truman: “Through the good offices of an ambassador from the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, which is Masonically supreme in the Capital of the Nation, I place in your hands a stone taken from the walls of the White House during its just-completed re-building. A sufficient number of these stones, each with a Masonic symbol upon it, was discovered to give one to each Grand Lodge in the United States. These evidences of the number of members of the Craft who built the President’s official residence so intimately aligns Freemasonry with the formation and the founding of our Government that I believe your Grand Lodge will cherish this link between the Fraternity and the Government of the Nation, of which the White House is a symbol. ..Sincerely and Fraternally yours, Harry S. Truman”. If you’d like to see this exciting piece of history, check out the display case in the lobby next time you’re visiting the Grand Lodge of Arizona offices in Phoenix.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

Pioneer Cemetery holds an important place in the hearts of Arizona Freemasons. Early founders of the state of Arizona as well as Freemasonry in Arizona are buried there. That is why this year, for the 2 nd year in a row, in addition to being a member of the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association, we will be donating $1.00 for every member of Arizona Lodge No. 2 . If you would like to support this important Arizona historical site, please visit the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association website below:


Before you speak


T – is it true? H – is it helpful? I – is it inspiring N – is it necessary K – is it kind?

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

Arizona No. 2 will be travelling to the Lost Dutchman Degree in March! Register Now.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

FEBRUARY STATED MEETING WILL BE IN PERSON AS OF THIS PRINTING Stay Tuned for updates via Facebook, Website & Email NO DINNER WILL BE SERVED IN FEBRUARY 7:00pm – Gavel starts Virtual Zoom Meeting

Trestleboard Education 7 Arts & Sciences Stated Meetings Short Talk Education This year, each month at our Stated Meeting we will be presenting a “Short Talk Bulletin” originally written by the Masonic Service Association. Each month a different officer will be presenting. Check out the website for short talk podcasts! www.MSANA.com

Each Month for 7 months of the year, our electronic Trestleboard will focus on 7 Arts and Sciences. Each Sunday, our Facebook page will share an exciting virtual education presentation.

of the Mind 4thQuarry Tuesday Education Quarry of the Mind Every 4th Tuesday we will hold our “Quarry of the Mind” education night, either in person or virtually online – open to Masons & NonMasons about esoteric topics, the 7 arts & sciences & selfIn 2021, we will continue improvement. These will our th Tuesday education night 4 continue online while we are with a toLong education unable meetform in person. th every 4 Tuesday – either virtual or in person. Check Facebook & the calendar for topics and speakers.

2021 D U ES 2021 DUES are now payable. Dues are the lifeblood of a lodge and help us keep running smoothly. Lodge dues become payable in December of the year prior. Dues are now OVERDUE. You can now use Chase QUICKPAY or pay via Paypal. A link for paypal/credit card payment will soon be placed on our website page.

“Education is not the learning of the facts, But the training of the mind to think.” ------ Albert Einstein-------Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021


Stanley Smith


65 yrs Glenn Johnson


38 yrs

David Hobe


63 yrs Christian Rainer


36 yrs

Albert Willis Jr.


61 yrs Arthur Brest Jr.

1/24/84 36 yrs

Harold Holley


55 yrs David Wacknov

1/20/87 33 yrs

Daniel Seniuk


53 yrs Michael Irwin

1/15/91 29 yrs

William Bryant Sr. 1/31/68

52 yrs Scott Smith

1/18/94 26 yrs

James Tollefson


50 yrs Perry Petri

1/13/98 22 yrs

Douglas Kurbat


47 yrs Clyde Smith

1/24/98 22 yrs

Ronald Woodworth 1/29/74 46 yrs Justin Garrard

1/28/03 17 yrs

Delvin Pierson Jr.


42 yrs Scott Holdorf

1/28/14 6 yrs

Glenn King Jr.


39 yrs Toros Kabajouzian

1/13/15 5 yrs

C O N ST R U C T IO N U N D E R W A Y !! Thanks to the Bonus Swap Project Grant we received earlier in the year, several projects are underway. The Roof construction is almost completed. Next up: repair and/or replacement of windows. Also in the planning stages – a landscaping solution for the building! Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021



60 yrs

Mark Prusiecki


26 yrs

William Keaton


58 yrs

Joseph Zito


24 yrs

William DeCroix


55 yrs

Phillip Stanfield


20 yrs

Wayne Houser Jr. 2/15/66

James Labertew


20 yrs

Gary Maynard

Patrick Lennon


19 yrs

Richard Driver Jr. 2/28/72

Paul Ruskaup


15 yrs

Michael Buckley

Joshua Hill


11 yrs

Joseph Simmons Jr. 2/16/80

Kevin Jordan


8 yrs

Junius Pruett


Igor Razlivanov


8 yrs

Larry Hill


Paul Waterman


1 yr



“Tell me I forget, teach me and I may remember Involve me and I learn” ------ Benjamin Franklin-------

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

Upcoming Events February Schedule 2/1/21 2/2/21 2/9/21 2/16/21 2/23/21

Trustees Meeting (Virtual) Stated Meeting – In person Ritual Practice Masonic Seekers meeting 4th Tuesday Education

Please check our Facebook page or Web page for information and links for meetings. There will be no February Wives/Widows event this year.

As school starts this year, virtually and in person – no one knows what the future holds. Educators, parents, and communities are rising to meet the many challenges they face. Public Schools week is a designated week for administrators, teachers, parents, and school board members to show the strength – and potential – of our nation’s public schools and the students futures. Arizona Lodge No. 2 will participate in this week by reaching out to teachers to kick off our yearlong commitment to helping educators and students meet the challenges of learning in post-pandemic Arizona.

2021 Charity Work?

Thank you for all your hard work supporting St. Joseph the Worker in 2020. Thanks to all your hard work we delivered 8 loaded toolboxes and battery operated drills as well as over $1,600 to help put people back to work! Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

January/February, 2021

2021 Officers for Arizona No. 2 Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan 630.846.4663 rfb321@gmail.com

Senior Warden Matthew Harris 480.939.1321 mharrisaz2@outlook.com

Junior Warden Victor Olson 480-544-2174 victoro@pdgoffice.com

Treasurer Cory Whalin 480.246.5566 cory@suvinowineryaz.com

Secretary Michael DiGiacomo 602-570-4476 secretary@azlodge2.org

Chaplain Anthony Crosson 602-717-0435 acrosson1984@gmail.com

Senior Deacon John Canisales 623-853-7913 Jcanisales3@gmail.com

Junior Deacon Matthew Traylor 480.669.4422 traylorpark83@gmail.com


Senior Steward Robb Knotts 602.769.8468 Apollyon07@gmail.com

Junior Steward Joel Birch 623.680.7531

Tyler Forrest Holdorf 202.352.4218 Forrestholdorf@gmail.com

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


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