AZ2 September/October Trestleboard 2021

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Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

Under the Jurisdiction of the No33 Grand Duncan Lodge ofB.C. Arizona Photo: Temple Lodge Historian

Sept/Oct, 2021

– from a Lecture chart circa 1890


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Arizona Lodge #2

Sept/Oct, 2021 Trestleboard Music I remember the music of my youth: Van Halen, Prince, Whitesnake, Michael Jackson, Journey, Madonna, Bon Jovi, Whitney Houston, Guns-nRoses, Ozzy Osbourne, Motley Crue. The list goes on. I remember sitting in my high school library and reading a magazine about Prince & “Little Red Corvette” in 1982, and then checking out the Cassette tape & listening to “1999”; It was on the edge, futuristic and exciting. I remember first discovering Van Halen in my basement with a friend and shuffling through boxes of cassette tapes; the winged baby on the cover of “1984” smoking a cigarette was pure rebellion. I remember listening to my brothers Ozzy Album “Bark at the Moon” and it felt so wrong, like we would surely get in trouble just for having the album. We all look back on the music of our youth as a soundtrack of our life, I think mostly because it transports us back to a time of excitement and innocence. These songs, these musicians, they make life seem less dull. They make us feel more alive. And somehow, the music becomes more than just music- we connect to it on a spiritual and emotional level. Music has the power to lift our spirits up and help push us through the toughest days. It surrounds us everywhere we go; our cars, our elevators, the stores, the streets, our workplace and our worship place. The Famous Monk and founder of the Reformation, Martin Luther, thought music was so spiritually important that he said, “Next to the Word of God only music deserves to be extolled as the mistress and governess of the feelings of the human heart.” It’s no wonder that Music, this important companion, and soul mate, made its way into the 7 arts and Sciences and became an important part of Freemasonry. In the 1700’s & 1800’s, over 25 Composers were known to be Freemasons, including Beethoven, Mozart, John Philip Sousa, and Irving Berlin. In more recent times, the Jazz era of the early 20th century was full of Freemasons; Duke Ellington, Nat King Cole, Dizzy Gillespie and Count Basie. So, what is it that draws the parallel between music and Freemasonry? Perhaps we look to Freemason & Jazz Philosopher Duke Ellington who is quoted as saying “A Man is a god in ruins”. He recognized the divine in each of us and the imperfect nature of our rough ashlar. He too, like all Masons, recognized that we have so much potential as human beings – and yet, we fall so short. He also said that “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” This kind of attitude certainly lines up with our masonic ideals: we seek to improve ourselves as men and keep our passions in due bounds, always polishing our stone. Duke also said, “Love is Supreme and Unconditional” and he recognized the need for mankind to take care of one another as our ritual tells us to “relieve the distressed” and to “have charity for all mankind “. Perhaps Freemasonry and Music are bound by a common search for meaning. As Freemasons, we look beyond the grave – to the boundless realm of eternity. We speak of seeking knowledge and wisdom and of finding the unspoken word. I think David Bowie said it best when he said “Searching for music is like searching for God. They’re very similar. There’s an effort to reclaim the unmentionable, the unsayable, the unseeable, the unspeakable, all those things, comes into being a composer and to writing music and to searching for notes and pieces of musical information that don’t exist”. It’s no wonder musicians are drawn to Freemasonry. Both Masons and Musicians are seeking a deeper connection to the almighty, a search for meaning. Or, as Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without Music, life would be a mistake”.

Yours in Education, Understanding & Freedom Bo Buchanan, Master - Arizona Lodge No. 2 7 Arts & Sciences: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

The Seven Liberal Arts

Illustration from "Hortus deliciarum" by Herrad von Landsberg (c. 1180 CE) depicting the Seven Liberal Arts: Rhetoric, Dialectic, Grammar, Mathematics, Geometry, Music, Astronomy.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

From the South – A Little Shot at Prose I like sitting in the south. The view from there is just the best. During a cold winter, the sun on my back keeps me warm, and with a little shade, I enjoy the spring, summer, and fall seasons as well. I can build that little shade. The view to the north is beguiling because it seems cooler and is higher ground even though a little darker. The higher ground is not obvious because that cold, high ground is a long way away. I can wonder about that place. The northern vista in my mind is of greener pastures and adorned with the beauty and splendid creative works of man in built form is all for my imagination. Green even feels better looking that direction. When I turn around, behind me I see the crops and harvest of man tending our earth. I can grow those. With gentle alarm, my clock to the right is the rising sun. My circuit to the left is just the end of that day. My clock to the left assures me there is time for rest. I can follow that pattern. Looking up to the north, the sky displays Polaris and greater works of our Supreme Architect of the Universe, I can acknowledge that. From above and in my conscience of the glory of this creation, I am shown wisdom, truth, and beauty knowledge and encouragement for the protection of these views which shine all around me. I can see that.

Victor E Olson, Junior Warden AZ#2 2021

Image Source:

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Volunteers Needed! Brothers, we are looking for volunteers to help with lodge duties. • Website • Widows/Ladies Luncheon If you are interested in taking over these duties or forming a committee to work on them, please contact the Worshipful Master.

8:30 OUT -STATED MEETING GUARANTEE From Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan As I have travelled through the line, one consistent complaint I have heard is that our meetings are too long. I get it. In a busy world where we have jobs, families and other activities in our lives – sitting in a boring stated meeting till ten o’clock at night can make it difficult to carry out your other responsibilities. That is why I am giving you the 8:30 Out Guarantee. In hopes that you’ll attend and reconnect with your brothers, I promise you that you can be out of our stated meeting by 8:30pm GUARANTEED. This year, we have revamped our agenda in the following ways. Firstly, we start off our 7:00pm Stated meeting with your sickness and distress. Brotherly love is our most important duty, so we start our meeting off right by checking in with our brothers to see how they are doing. Then we continue our meetings with unfinished business and new business. But regardless of where we are, at 8:00pm we go from Labor to refreshment for the purposes of education. Each stated meeting, a brother will be giving a 10-20 minute education related to one of the Short Talk Bulletins. Ranging from Masonic Leadership to Esoteric Studies, we want to give you something to think about in your day to day travels. Then, before we come back to labor – if you need to leave, you are free to go. Take a moment and say goodbye to your brothers until we meet again. The important thing is for us to stay connected – there is no clock on brotherly love.

Be a Free thinker and don’t accept everything you hear as truth, be critical and evaluate what you believe in… ~Aristotle.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

From the Secretaries Table Good Dirt I was listening to Susan Warren speak at Grand Lodge and in her oration, she called us “good dirt”. This brought a chuckle to the audience and a little dismay. People don’t really like being called dirt. As she spoke the attitude changed from hey! I’m not dirt to hmmm, maybe I am good dirt. If anyone know a gardener or someone from a state that farms, you have heard this term many times. It refers to the capability of soil to grow anything that’s put in it. The ground has a life inside that transmits energy to the plant that is buried in it. The soil itself has a warmth and feel that you can sense when you stick your hand in it. No need to add nutrients or additives, just put the seed in and watch it grow. There are many men in our fraternity that can be considered “good dirt”. They take it upon themselves to help all, to teach all, and to nurture all. Some might seem gruff in their teaching; this is an example of the good dirt that creates wine out of grapes. Theses mentors give the men they meet the smallest bit of information and see if they can take root and grow by burrowing into the deeper meaning of the lesson. Others give information like a roaring river. Sometimes too much information for comprehension at first, but in time through hard work and patience all is consumed for growth. This is emblematic of beautiful trees and flowers that grow on waterfalls and banks. And then you have the men that have created a way of teaching that enables men to sit and philosophize the boundless realms of eternity. Giving men the luxury of time and nature. This you can see in the redwood forests of the northwest. You can also look at this concept from another point of view. The new candidates and seekers can be either receptive or not. If you are open to the teachings and information that is given, you can grow in the light of the lodge. The nurturing you receive from those you meet will embed itself in your mind and you will develop an attitude of gratitude. If you are already pre-set in your thought of what Masonry is, then your soil is not able to absorb the nutrients needed to develop as a man and a Mason. When you come in contact with Masons, think to yourself, is this “good dirt?”. Usually, the answer will be yes and then you can become the good dirt to help the next man grow.

Michael DiGiacomo PM., Secretary

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Pioneer Cemetery holds an important place in the hearts of Arizona Freemasons. Early founders of the state of Arizona as well as Freemasonry in Arizona are buried there. That is why this year, for the 2 nd year in a row, in addition to being a member of the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association, we will be donating $1.00 for every member of Arizona Lodge No. 2 . If you would like to support this important Arizona historical site, please visit the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association website below:

The Heatwave is Nearly Gone! – Water at the Temple

It’s officially Autumn and the 100-degree temperatures that drag into the evening are nearly over this year! As a continuing tradition, another donor has made sure we have plenty of water for the summer heat! If you would like to donate for a pallet of water at the Phoenix Masonic Temple (around $125) – please contact the Worshipful Master!

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Thoughts on Temperance from an Entered Apprentice

I received this gift for my birthday this year. I'm now forty-one. This gift is obviously intended for an alcoholic beverage, one of which I am quite fond, especially during these long, hot, summer months in Arizona. And this inspired me to write down some thoughts about Temperance. Temperance as an idea, leads straight to the idea of Divine Providence purely by nature of its own argument against itself. "All this has been provided that I might use it." Indeed, this has all been provisioned. Yet it is up to the craftsman to know the utility of his tool. For some, the "spirit" of alcohol must be avoided altogether, for it calls to the Earthiest aspects of our nature, it being the spirit of the grain, as it were. For others, it is an act of Temperance that enables enjoyment without over-indulgence. So, what IS an act of Temperance? Webster’s dictionary defines temperance as a Noun: 1. moderation in action, thought, or feeling: RESTRAINT 2. habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions a. moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages From Middle English temperaunce, borrowed from Anglo-French temprance, temperance, borrowed from Latin temperantia "self-control, moderation, restraint.” It comes from the word “temper” which is also necessary to define. And it would be well to look up these words to get the full definitions and etymology for yourself, but for this little essay, these two are the primary ones of interest: 1. Verb: to dilute, qualify, or soften by the addition or influence of something else: MODERATE. (e.g., to temper justice with mercy) 2. Verb: to make stronger and more resilient through hardship: TOUGHEN So, in an act of Temperance, two things are intimated. One, is that there is something being mixed into the solution to make something more malleable, and moldable. Applying this to building techniques would be likened unto the creation of an aggregate that can be fully molded to the actual building blocks. And the proportion is the important thing. The mix must be discerned and measured to be tempered. Two, is that this thing being tempered must be held to the fire as in blacksmithing. The blacksmith controls the TEMPERATURE of the fire. He controls the temperature of the fire with a properly discerned mixture of air and fire. He mixes air with the super-heated iron to remove impurities and lower the carbon content. We know this process turns iron to steel which is stronger and more resilient, and many towers stretch into the sky which are framed with this tempered substance. The point of all this is to say that when choosing to add things to your mixture that one should be aware of the change they are attempting to create and the hardship they are purposefully undergoing to enact that change. In the case of alcohol, the hardship may be as simple as wanting to “keep the good time going” but needing to restrain that impulse in order to stay measured and discerning. That is not as small a hardship as it sounds. It is a hardship that could be avoided altogether, except it be needed to what end? To this question, every man must know his own answer. Every man must temper his own passions. Bro. Kevin Michael Prier EA

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Sickness and Distress Brethren,

We are headed to the Holidays. Holidays are for family. Your Masonic family hopes you are well. You are important to us and we know you value your independence. For the Brethren who are not as independent as they once were or those who need a hand, I would like to know how we as a Lodge can help. The minutes, which are distributed to all the Brothers, enable us to let your fellows know that you need help.

In our stated meeting, we have a sickness and distress report and if we do not hear from you or have a way of contacting you we cannot report and lend a hand.

If you have experienced a loss or need a brother to come by and talk, please let us know. Our widows are also a priority, so if you know a widow in need of help please contact us.

This year the bothers and officers will be trying to contact everyone of our members. If you haven't heard from us in a while that means we do not have your updated contact. Please get back to me with any new contact info. If you talk to a brother that has not heard from us, please have them contact me.

It is our obligation to you that we communicate to the brethren if any help is needed. So please contact me with your needs, for that is why we're here.

See you in Lodge,

Michael DiGiacomo PM., Secretary

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Persistence - Table Lodge

Brethren, Arizona Lodge #2 is having a Table Lodge on October 9th, 2021 at 6pm. It will be at the Downtown Temple in Phoenix. 345 W Monroe Ave. Persistence... What is it and how do we use it? Join us and hear from our Guest Speakers Most Worshipful Grand Master Randy Jager and Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Scott Thomas. Tickets are $50.00 and include a charger and Quote Card. Doors Open at 6:00pm. Dress is Tuxedo Formal. Attendance is open to all Lodges.

Please purchase ticket below. Persistence Table Lodge | Facebook Table Lodge Tickets | arizonamasons (

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Education Night! – Leading in a Digital World: Freemasonry Post Pandemic by Bro Dr. Ted Cross

The Education nights continue to be a success with attendance from Brothers and seekers alike. This month Bro. Dr. Ted Cross delivered a thought-provoking talk on organizations adapting to a work-from-home world and how, if at all, Freemasonry as an organization might adapt.

Above: Bro. Dr. Ted Cross in deep discussion. Right: Reading list for the so inclined.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Seekers Night at State 48 and 5th Tuesday Social Night

Not Pictured: A special thank you goes to Bro. Andrew Hayes for putting together a great night for the Brethren and their partners at Fate Brewing Co. in Tempe. It was good to meet and enjoy fellowship with Brothers we don’t get to see as often. And it is also nice to get to meet the people that are important to the Brothers as well.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Brothers Assist “Never Alone Inc” through Masonic Charities of Arizona

Arizona Lodge No 2 is honored to have assisted Masonic Charities of Arizona in presenting a grant check to Never Alone Inc. - a nonprofit here in Phoenix that does Street outreach to the homeless. Every day, they hit the streets and talk to those who are in the most need. We also presented them with 50 bags to hand out and support their mission.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Brothers Assist “Cloud Covered Streets” with Masonic Charities of Arizona

Arizona Lodge No 2 is honored to have assisted Masonic Charities of Arizona in presenting a grant check to Cloud Covered Streets. - a nonprofit in Phoenix hitting the streets every day with a mobile trailer for the homeless to shower, get haircuts and shaves, good clothes for interviews and more. We also presented them with 50 bags to help support their mission.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Officers Long Term Planning Meeting

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

September Degrees

Congratulations to our newest Fellowcraft, Bro. Kevin Michael Prier!

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Education Night! – The Archetypal Temple: by W.B. Jaime Paul Lamb

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

OCTOBER STATED MEETING WILL BE IN PERSON AS OF THIS PRINTING Stay Tuned for updates via Facebook, Website & Email No Dinner. 7:00pm – Gavel starts the in-person October Stated Meeting We will be celebrating all October Masonic Birthdays as well! Trestleboard Education 7 Arts & Sciences Stated Meetings Short Talk Education This year, each month at our Stated Meeting we will be presenting a “Short Talk Bulletin” originally written by the Masonic Service Association. Each month a different officer will be presenting. Check out the website for short talk podcasts!

Each Month for 7 months of the year, our electronic Trestleboard will focus on 7 Arts and Sciences. Each Sunday, our Facebook page will share an exciting virtual education presentation.

of the Mind 4thQuarry Tuesday Education Quarry of the Mind Every 4th Tuesday we will hold our “Quarry of the Mind” education night, either in person or virtually online – open to Masons & NonMasons about esoteric topics, the 7 arts & sciences & selfIn 2021, we will continue improvement. These will our th Tuesday education night 4 continue online while we are with a to long form unable meet in education person. th every 4 Tuesday – either virtual or in person. Check Facebook & the calendar for topics and speakers.

2021 DUES 2021 DUES are now payable. Dues are the lifeblood of a lodge and help us keep running smoothly. Lodge dues become payable in December of the year prior. Dues are now OVERDUE. You can now use Chase QUICKPAY or pay via Paypal. A link for paypal/credit card payment will soon be placed on our website page.

We are that we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ….Aristotle

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021


9/23/58 63 yrs Keith Deane Sr.

9/21/93 28 yrs

Kent Ray Myers

9/13/66 55 yrs Mark Hester

9/30/97 24 yrs

Gary D Thomas

9/24/68 53 yrs Ralph A Bell

9/30/97 24 yrs

Junior Ray Pruett

9/29/70 51 yrs Keith W Patterson

9/22/01 20 yrs

Henry H DePue Jr.

9/24/74 47 yrs Richard W Thomas

9/23/03 18 yrs

Walter Carroll

9/09/75 46 yrs Charles M Moore

9/06/08 13 yrs

Gene H Nolan

9/14/76 45 yrs James Salmans

9/06/08 13 yrs

Wilson J Humber

9/14/76 45 yrs Christoph John Speer 9/28/10 11 yrs

Charles Paton

9/29/77 44 yrs Bryan Robert Vance

Don Hensley

9/25/79 42 yrs

Carl R Klaproth Jr.

9/17/81 40 yrs

Mark Boys

9/30/86 35 yrs

Eric Wenzel

9/04/90 31 yrs

9/15/20 1 yr

“Whatever we may think of the legends of Masonry, as recited in its oldest documents, its

symbols, older than the order itself, link it with the earliest thought and faith of the race. No doubt those emblems lost some of their luster in the troublous time of transition we are about to traverse, but their beauty never wholly faded, and they had only to be touched to shine. ” -

Joseph Fort Newton – The Builders (1914)

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021


10/22/64 57 yrs

Jeremy Lucas Killian


9 yrs

Larry Dale Henry

10/27/64 57 yrs

Gary Lee Hicks


8 yrs

John D Jones

10/25/65 56 yrs

Robert F Buchanan III


8 yrs

Robert Jay Farrer

10/07/67 54 yrs

Qerop Grigorian


8 yrs

Gerald H Lassen

10/19/71 50 yrs

Rouben Beglarian


7 yrs

Gerald Stephan Russell

10/24/72 49 yrs

Daniel Matthew Griffith 10/24/15

6 yrs

Sherman Lee Orton

10/15/74 47 yrs

Thomas B Mich Jr


5 yrs

Billy R Haley

10/14/75 46 yrs

Christopher P Fasano


4 yrs

Kenneth W Ottinger

10/31/87 34 yrs

Carlos Luis Santo


4 yrs

Gregory P Harkleroad

10/12/95 26 yrs

Matthew Joseph Traylor 10/13/18

3 yrs

John D Hayworth Jr

10/12/96 25 yrs

Robert David Knotts

2 yrs

David Richard Larson

10/26/99 22 yrs

James Warren Perry

10/14/03 18 yrs


Ernest Ottway Williams 10/20/07 14 yrs Thomas B Mich Sr

10/25/11 10 yrs

“Our second Masonic ideal is that of knowledge. One of the ends of Masonry is light; and light

is synonymous with intelligence. The man who travels the highway from West to the East is a seeker after light.” -

Bro. M.S. Hughes – The Builders (October - 1916)

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Upcoming Events October Schedule 10/4/21 10/5/21 10/9/21 10/12/21 10/19/21 10/26/21

Trustees Meeting Stated Meeting – In person Table Lodge - Persistence 3rd Degree Practice Degree Night Quarry of the Mind Education Night

Please check our Facebook page or Web page for information and links for meetings and the latest updates.

Lodge #2 Committees Dues & Bylaws: Matthew Harris (Chairman), Vic Olson, Cory Whalin, Matthew Traylor Fundraising: Cory Whalin, Robb Knotts Calling Committee: Drew Armenta (Chairman), Vic Olson, Anthony Miller Sickness & Distress: WM Bo Buchanan, Mike DiGiacomo

Sickness & Distress Please keep our brothers, those known and unknown, in your prayers and ask that the Great Architect of the Universe help them find peace and strength in their time of difficulty.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

Our New Lodge Coin is Here!

Coins are $15.00 shipped to you – just click on the link below and purchase a coin to have it directly mailed to you! Coins are heavy duty enamel filled –1 ¾” wide! Or, if you’d like to save on postage -purchase one next time you’re at lodge! This is a lodge fundraiser. All proceeds will go into our lodge general fund.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

September/October, 2021

2021 Officers for Arizona No. 2 Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan 630.846.4663

Senior Warden Matthew Harris 480.939.1321

Junior Warden Victor Olson 480-544-2174

Treasurer Cory Whalin 480.246.5566

Secretary Michael DiGiacomo 602-570-4476

Chaplain Anthony Crosson 602-717-0435

Senior Deacon John Canisales 623-853-7913

Junior Deacon Robb Knotts 602.769.8468

Marshall Bryan Vance 928.380.3188

Senior Steward Joel Birch 623-680-7531

Junior Steward Drew Armenta 480.709.0783

Trustees: Bo Buchanan(WM), Mike DiGiacomo(Sec), Cory Whalin(Treas), Robb Marquis (PM), Chad Gappa (PM), John Canisales(SD). Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


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