May, 2021 Trestleboard - Arizona Lodge No. 2

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Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand of Arizona Photo: Scherer Masonic ChartLodge as displayed on

May, 2021 June,

the wall at Eloy Lodge No. 46



Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Arizona Lodge #2

May, 2021 Trestleboard From the East –Logic Logic rounds out the trivium in the 7 liberal arts & Sciences: Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic. Once we have learned to understand language with Grammar, learned to speak and have an effect on the listener with Rhetoric, we then learn the idea of Logic which helps us understand an ever increasing complex world around us. According to Mackey’s Masonic Encyclopedia: “The last and perhaps the most important art of the Trivium is logic, which permits us the gift of reasoning. In a purely Masonic sense, it allows us to understand our duties to God and towards each other”. When we think of logic today, one might immediately think of Spock from Star Trek. Perhaps one of his more famous quotes was “Logic is the beginning of Wisdom, not the end of it”. Indeed, it is by the exercise of logic

that we are given the gift of “Discernment”. We are able to understand a thing and reason a decision or outcome. Logic, then leads us to judgement: judging right or wrong. But as we learned through Spock, logic does not always operate in a void; it is polluted by emotion. Therefore, it is logical to weigh emotional factors in when we are interacting with our brothers. Although we want to be better men, we often fall short; our emotions pollute our decisions and thus, we make illogical choices. Thus, we are led to the idea of BALANCE; coincidentally, the symbol most commonly associated with law is “the Scales of Justice”. Here we have applied logic to learn that we must weigh varying factors, as the law does, before we judge our brethren. While it may often seem black and white through our own eyes, Logic demands of us that we first gather the evidence and weigh the varying factors.

Yours in Education, Understanding & Freedom Bo Buchanan, Master - Arizona Lodge No. 2 7 Arts & Sciences: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

From the West – Just Us When we think of the 9 minutes and 29 seconds that has blanketed the news in the current media cycles, we are remined of the purity of heart that is to be extended to your fellow brother. Your fellow brother in man, of whom we are ALL born of woman, your fraternal brother, your biological brother, your sentimental brother, your brother. We use that term to describe the relationship between two men, but what does it really entail to be one’s brother. For it to be just us, what must happen? To embrace another man as your brother, where does your heart need to be. When you see someone suffering, how does your heart react? Do you see that man as your equal, even though he is filthy, begging and seemingly cognizant on the E way corner? Do you see the man as your brother if he has a different skin shade than you? Do you see that man as your brother if he is different from you in any way? As Masons, we should try harder than most to instill these fundamentals of equality into everyone we meet. We need to practice out of the lodge these moral and virtuous attributes that we have no issue using during tiled times! For me to call you MY brother means that I have a responsibility for you and from you—that should not be used so loosely! Semper Fidelis !! Fraternally yours, Matthew Harris, Senior Warden Arizona Lodge No. 2

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

From the South – What Stations? Our “stations” both in lodge and per our masonic Fellowcraft charge are to walk uprightly “before God and man”. I am in the Junior Wardens station this year, and the jewel of the office being a plumb, focuses me on uprightness in myself and others. Two appropriate definitions I found of the word are: • a place equipped for some particular kind of work • a position, office, rank, calling, or the like The first place for some “particular kind of work” is in our hearts but more specifically would be our compassion, less specifically our strength of commitment or endurance in service to others. Cannot say I am always walking uprightly in my several stations, first station being at my home and with my loved ones as a partner and father. The partner thing I slip up on all too often. I take some things for granted (like keeping in touch and being a good listener), and some things I like to think I excel at – aid, support and protection. With my kids it’s kind of the same balance, upright by my practice being some combination of goodness, mercy and steadfastness.

Kids as many can attest can be the single most powerful source of joy and/or frustration in life, both being one and raising them. I always felt I brought my father joy and at times frustration like when bending up his Pontiac Le Mans. I like to think the idea of walking uprightly was instilled in me early on by his example. I did not know my father was a mason until after he was gone. I know now my father’s good friend Tom Skinner was a freemason and our neighbor in one place I grew up. My father and he had had each other’s back when it came to watching out for their respective families. That neighbors’ daughters baby sat me growing up and I had many occasions to spend time with those girls. To this day I periodically check in on the one my age, Toni. She also became a masonic orphan in later life and we wondered a little if our fathers as masons were walking uprightly as masons for each other or were just good men with families. Back to the plumb. As Junior Warden, from my station in the south I see the sublime view of our letter “G” suspended in the east directly above the United States Flag. A quantum segue from family and neighbor to country for me is standing tall to pledge allegiance. Plumb together in the view. The walking uprightly part with that pledge is participating as a member of our community at large: food drives, blood drives, disaster relief, and public debate would be those avenues. Ever wonder if Arizona Masons helped sandbag an area of Phoenix to protect a home from flooding? I bet it happened, maybe only as individual good neighbors but maybe walking the talk in our masonic charge to be that guy. I argue we are required to be involved, not because the esoteric merits of our teachings don’t demand that of us to God, our country, our neighbors but because that rings true to my attentive ear. Next month the Level. Vic Olson, JW AZ#2 2021

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Eloy No. 46 Visitation on April 15th, 2021

Brothers from Arizona No. 2 visiting Eloy Lodge No. 46. From L to R: Robb Knotts(JD), Roman Chavez(MM), Cory Whalin(Treas), Vic Olson(JW), Bo Buchanan(WM), Anthony Miller(MM), Mike DiGiacomo(Sec).

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona

Eloy Masonic Temple


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Volunteers Needed! Brothers, we are looking for volunteers to help with lodge duties. • • • •

Facebook Page Trestleboard Website Widows/Ladies Luncheon

If you are interested in taking over these duties or forming a committee to work on them, please contact the Worshipful Master.

8:30 OUT -STATED MEETING GUARANTEE From Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan

As I have travelled through the line, one consistent complaint I have heard is that our meetings are too long. I get it. In a busy world where we have jobs, families and other activities in our lives – sitting in a boring stated meeting till ten o’clock at night can make it difficult to carry out your other responsibilities. That’s why I am giving you the 8:30 Out Guarantee. In hopes that you’ll attend and reconnect with your brothers, I promise you that you can be out of our stated meeting by 8:30pm GUARANTEED. This year, we have revamped our agenda in the following ways. Firstly, we start off our 7:00pm Stated meeting with your sickness and distress. Brotherly love is our most important duty, so we start our meeting off right by checking in with our brothers to see how they are doing. Then we continue our meetings with unfinished business and new business. But regardless of where we are, at 8:00pm we go from Labor to refreshment for the purposes of education. Each stated meeting, a brother will be giving a 10-20 minute education related to one of the Short Talk Bulletins. Ranging from Masonic Leadership to Esoteric Studies, we want to give you something to think about in your day to day travels. Then, before we come back to labor – if you need to leave, you are free to go. Take a moment and say goodbye to your brothers until we meet again. The important thing is for us to stay connected – there is no clock on brotherly love.

Be a Free thinker and don’t accept everything you hear as truth, be critical and evaluate what you believe in….Aristotle.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

From the Secretaries Table Always There When you are selected to begin your Masonic officer journey, you have been chosen to become an example for all to follow. Things are now expected of you that sideliners do not have to worry about. When you sit in the Junior Steward’s chair you have now taken on the responsibility of ritual. You will be taught how to carry the rod properly, how to step in unison with your Senior Steward, where to go, and how to present your position with honor. As you progress toward the end of your first year, it should be your purpose to learn the charges. Then as you progress toward the end of your Senior Steward year you should have all the charges memorized and presented to a candidate at least once that year. Your journey has now taken you to a new level, Junior Deacon. You are responsible to show the new Stewards the way and proper form, to tyle the Lodge, its security being coordinated with the Tyler, and start working on one of the smaller lectures to prepare yourself for the ultimate demonstration. Ritual and the presentation of such has become an important goal in your Lodge persona. Advancing to Senior Deacon creates a bigger duty. You are now in charge of mentoring those who are following and conducting the new candidate. The Senior Deacon also is tasked with delivering all orders from the Master. By now you are looking forward to showing your acumen in your position as well as what you have learned. The lecture for a degree and the running of a lodge for a degree is the great purpose you see within your grasp. Junior and Senior Warden positions are the place where you learn the running of the lodge and the obligations that, as an elected officer, has now been placed in your hands. These offices are where men are tested and where Masters are made. Mentoring has come to you and mentoring has run through you. You have passed the proficiencies that allowed you to sit in these chairs and you are now qualified to be chosen to become master. This journey has not been made alone. You have diligently and precisely worked on your forms and wording. You have crafted a presentation of inflection and articulation that has made the ritual your own. The traveler that has been by your side the whole time, has worn a jacket of blue and opened up to your education whenever you requested assistance. It will hold true for you to make sure you are upright and in due form. It will always be there for reference and to settle any debate that might arise questioning the proper forms or words.

This companion you have carried is your ritual book.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael DiGiacomo P.M., Secretary Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Pioneer Cemetery holds an important place in the hearts of Arizona Freemasons. Early founders of the state of Arizona as well as Freemasonry in Arizona are buried there. That is why this year, for the 2nd year in a row, in addition to being a member of the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association, we will be donating $1.00 for every member of Arizona Lodge No. 2 . If you would like to support this important Arizona historical site, please visit the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association website below:

We have a new roof on the Phoenix Masonic Temple!

After months of new work, a roof with updated mechanicals and braces has been installed on the roof of our beloved Phoenix Masonic Temple!

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Brothers, Did you know June is not only the month we celebrate Father’s Day, but it is also Men’s Health Awareness month? I want to take this month to kick-off “Brother Check 2” by designating on the second day of each month that we reach out to at least two brothers and/or male family members or friends to discuss health and wellness, especially the importance of health care screenings. I am not a licensed health care professional, but from my own personal health experiences, I have learned over the years the importance of being my own health care advocate and “seeking more light” as we do as Masons. Too often we as men, are more incline to do regular maintenance checks on our vehicles versus ourselves. It has been proven that if we are more proactive with our health that it can enhance our lives through early detections and health care screenings. Recently, I had my fourth colonoscopy, because I lost my father to colon cancer several years ago and it was advised by medical professionals that I begin having colonoscopy screenings conducted. Prior to my father’s passing, I was not familiar with colon cancer nor had I thought about the importance of having a colonoscopy screening. However, this last screening that was performed, the physicians had to remove a 10 mm size polyp and check to make sure it was not cancerous. I am thankful that the results came back as non-cancerous, but it made me reach out to a lot of men encouraging them to have a colonoscopy screening. One of the people reached out to me to thank me, because they never had this procedure performed on them and on their first screening this past April, it was discovered they had eight polyps removed. Therefore Brothers, reach out to your dad, brother, uncle, grandfather, son, or anyone you care about to express the importance of taking care of themselves and becoming more proactive in their health and wellness, even if you must take them to the doctor yourself. It is worth it!

I hope you will join me in seeking more light in not only masonry, but in health care too.

Remember, Brother Check 2! Brother Anthony Miller.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Operative Speculative Masonry & Helping those living through Crisis Bro. Robb Knotts, Junior Deacon Dear Brothers, Freemasonry in its best and most benevolent form is a verb. The statement I just made does not negate the noun of Freemasonry – we do view ourselves as Masons, and rightfully so. No, what I am suggesting is obvious: Freemasonry is at its best when it takes the form of an action. Our operative brethren of centuries past also saw their Masonry as a verb. These men toiled and plied their trade across the globe, leaving many ancient structures that conjure wonder and reverence within the hearts of mankind even to this day. In this modern era, our work as speculative Masons is no less daunting or impressive. To discover the nature of this work, one does not need look further than the principals of our ancient order: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. There are many ways to perform these tenets; though what better way could there be than sharing our time and resources to help those who are in crisis? Per the CDC, in 2020 alone, 47,511 people in the USA killed themselves and many more struggled with mental health

As the difficulties of our modern times mount and wash over the very people in our communities that we as Masons are so diligent in uplifting, our own operative form of speculative Masonry – the task of making good men better so that better men may build stronger, healthier communities – takes the forefront. There are many excellent opportunities to volunteer your time and skills toward this great endeavor.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

One such opportunity that I have chosen to undertake is the volunteer role with the Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Text Line is a 24/7 text-based mental health and crisis intervention platform that people going through incredible emotional difficulties can contact to speak with trained Crisis Counselors who will help support them in their painful moment of need. The text line presents a unique opportunity for younger people who do not feel comfortable speaking openly about their crisis, or in some cases who are in imminent physical danger, to silently use their phones to text for support. To become a volunteer for The Crisis Text Line, simply visit and select the “VOLUNTEER” tab and click on the corresponding “GET STARTED” button. I have personally undergone the 30 hours of excellent requisite training that guides the trainee from their starting place to becoming a trained and certified Crisis Counselor. I personally recommend this program as a fantastic starting point for those Masons who are looking for a new way to ply their own trade in the world and help build monuments made of healthy minds and contented hearts. For those who are now experiencing their own crisis, text HOME to the number 741741 or call the number 800-273-8255 to receive support from a trained Crisis Intervention Counselor. There is support and you are not alone. discover the nature of this work, one does not need look further than the principals of our ancient order: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. There are many ways to perform these tenets; though what better way could there be than sharing our time and resources to help those who are in crisis? Per the CDC, in 2020 alone, 47,511 people in the USA killed themselves and many more struggled with mental health issues, emotional crisis, substance use, and suicidal thoughts. No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. - MEDITATION XVII, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, John Donne, 1624 Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

2021 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION Registration for Grand Communication is now available. Visit the Grand Lodge website or click the link below: • 139th Grand Lodge of Arizona Grand Communication • June 3rd – 5th, 2021 • Prescott Resort & Convention Center – Room reservations due May 2nd, 2021. • As of now, limited to 300 participants. •

Our Newest EA – Kevin Prier! Congratulations to Brother Kevin Prier! Kevin had this to say about his experience: “Last night was wonderful. I particularly appreciated the Chamber of Reflection. I have never been so sure I was in exactly the right place as when the blindfold was lifted in that room. I am honored and grateful. I appreciate all the brothers did to make last night happen!”

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

MAY STATED MEETING WILL BE IN PERSON AS OF THIS PRINTING Stay Tuned for updates via Facebook, Website & Email No Dinner will be served. 7:00pm – Gavel starts the in person May Stated Meeting We will be celebrating all May Masonic Birthdays as well! Trestleboard Education 7 Arts & Sciences

Stated Meetings

Short Talk Education This year, each month at our Stated Meeting we will be presenting a “Short Talk Bulletin” originally written by the Masonic Service Association. Each month a different officer will be presenting. Check out the website for short talk podcasts!

Each Month for 7 months of the year, our electronic Trestleboard will focus on 7 Arts and Sciences. Each Sunday, our Facebook page will share an exciting virtual education presentation.

of the Mind 4thQuarry Tuesday Education

Quarry of the Mind Every 4th Tuesday we will hold our “Quarry of the Mind” education night, either in person or virtually online – open to Masons & NonMasons about esoteric topics, the 7 arts & sciences & selfIn 2021, we will continue improvement. These will our th 4 Tuesday education continue online while wenight are with a toLong education unable meetform in person. every 4th Tuesday – either virtual or in person. Check Facebook & the calendar for topics and speakers.

2021 DUES 2021 DUES are now payable. Dues are the lifeblood of a lodge and help us keep running smoothly. Lodge dues become payable in December of the year prior. Dues are now OVERDUE. You can now use Chase QUICKPAY or pay via Paypal. A link for paypal/credit card payment will soon be placed on our website page.

We are that we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ….Aristotle Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

MAY MASONIC BIRTHDAYS Byron Kempf James Blasdell Don Leber James Rolle Paul Dore’

5/14/46 5/20/52 5/20/52 5/28/58 5/10/65

75 yrs 69 yrs 69 yrs 63 yrs 56 yrs

Chad Urich 5/6/00 Richard Hanna 5/6/00 Christopher Price 5/27/06 Robert Satterfield 5/15/07 Joseph Martoccia 5/26/07

21 yrs 21 yrs 15 yrs 14 yrs 14 yrs

Arthur Gray 5/13/65 Lawrence Leabo 5/18/65 Frederick Hammer 5/14/68 Harry Jones 5/5/73 William Champion 5/23/73

56 yrs 56 yrs 53 yrs 48 yrs 48 yrs

Ronald Trumbauer Joshua Miller Ryan Toftoy Kevin Nelson Theodore Brownell

5/20/08 5/20/08 5/25/10 5/10/11 5/24/11

13 yrs 13 yrs 11 yrs 10 yrs 10 yrs

Kenneth Chambers Graydon Booth Marc Leverant John Kent Thomas Wilson

48 yrs 46 yrs 46 yrs 38 yrs 38 yrs

Mikel Branch Vartan Arabyan Tyson Sullins Thomas Boone Freddy Saavedra

5/5/12 5/15/12 5/18/13 5/18/13 5/18/13

9 yrs 9 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs

5/28/73 5/10/75 5/27/75 5/7/83 5/19/83

David Beaton Michael Leeds Dalvin Palmer David Strong Steven Speer

5/27/86 5/27/86 5/27/86 5/31/88 5/31/88

35 yrs 35 yrs 35 yrs 33 yrs 33 yrs

Ralph Herro Rex Boyes Richard Kriner Michael Middleton Romeo Deguzman

5/18/13 5/18/13 5/18/13 5/18/13 5/18/13

8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs

Joseph Worrall Justin Bridges Donald Goldwater John Johnson Charles Kelly

5/30/89 5/30/89 5/6/00 5/6/00 5/6/00

32 yrs 32 yrs 21 yrs 21 yrs 21 yrs

Mark House George Gollihar Travis Patterson Andrew Hayes

5/21/13 5/24/16 5/17/18 5/22/18

8 yrs 5 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs

CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY!! Thanks to the Bonus Swap Project Grant we received earlier in the year, several projects are underway. The Roof construction is now completed. Next up: repair and/or replacement of windows. Also in the planning stages – a landscaping solution for the building! Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Upcoming Events May Schedule 5/3/21 5/4/21 5/8/21 5/11/21 5/18/21 5/19/21 5/25/21

Trustees Meeting (Virtual) Stated Meeting – In person Volunteer Day – St. Joseph the Worker Fellowcraft Degree Fellowcraft Degree Lodge of Instruction – Sahuaro Lodge 4th Tuesday Education

Please check our Facebook page or Web page for information and links for meetings and the latest updates.

Bikes For Books It is that time of the year, and we are reaching out to our School Partner Capitol Elementary School in Phoenix to discuss a possible Bikes for Books campaign this year or Teacher Grants for the classroom. Because of our inability to hold fundraisers over the last year, we are looking for donations to help support our school partner. If you would like to make a donation via PayPal or Credit card

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2021 Charity Work

ON May 8th we will be doing a day of Service at St. Joseph the Worker by organizing their clothing storage. If you’d like to make a donation please click below: ted_button_id=7BF9FP3NWYJSS

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

Our New Lodge Coin is Here!

Coins are $15.00 shipped to you – just click on the link below and purchase a coin to have it directly mailed to you! Coins are heavy duty enamel filled –1 ¾” wide! Or, if you’d like to save on postage -purchase one next time you’re at lodge! This is a lodge fundraiser. All proceeds will go into our lodge general fund.

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


Arizona Lodge No. 2 F. & A. M.

May, 2021

2021 Officers for Arizona No. 2 Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan 630.846.4663

Senior Warden Matthew Harris 480.939.1321

Junior Warden Victor Olson 480-544-2174

Treasurer Cory Whalin 480.246.5566

Secretary Michael DiGiacomo 602-570-4476

Chaplain Anthony Crosson 602-717-0435

Senior Deacon John Canisales 623-853-7913

Junior Deacon Robb Knotts 602.769.8468

Marshall Bryan Vance 928.380.3188

Senior Steward Joel Birch 623-680-7531

Junior Steward Drew Armenta 480.709.0783

Tyler Forrest Holdorf 202.352.4218

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arizona


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