April 2018 Downeast Dog News

Page 1

Contact Jenn for available sizes: jenn@downeastdognews.com • (207) 706-6765

Net profits will be donated to the Rescue of the Month.

Available in Men’s and Ladies sizes in Light Blue.

See Diana Logan’s ar cle on Pg. 6

• Educate yourself and your children on how to interact with dogs including your own.

• Many bites can be prevented if you learn to read dog body language.

• 77% of dog bites come from the family dog or a friend’s dog

• Any Dog Can Bite

Please Pleas e clea clean n u p afte afterr you yourr dog dog!!

Dog waste is hazardous to humans and dogs.

April 8-14

Preven ng Dog Bites is Everyone’s Responsibility

Scoop the Poop Week Begins June 23rd

Dog Bite Prevention Week

Hot Dog News

Basic Training Tips


ROGER - available for adop adop on on, olddogsnewdigs.com. P J P

Calendar of Events


Pawsitively Pet Care


See ARTISTS on page 5

Photography and Furry Kids Pet Photography in Minot. Animals own her heart--and giving back is a huge por on of her business, albeit it’s pro bono work. She travels to shelters and humane socie es across Maine to take

12 & 13

wonderful ar sts who willingly make me in their lives to be er the lives of shelter animals. Here’s a sma ering of who these friendly ladies are and what they do to give back. A professional photographer for over 30 years, Jill Piper is the owner of Las ng Image


of themselves, sharing their talents for Maine’s dogs in need. I had the opportunity to speak to these

They’re all animal-lovers who give

By Susan Spisak


WILLOW - winner of a pet portrait contest beneďŹ ng Furry Friends Food Bank.


BRADY Y - Holidayy Portrait it beneďŹ ngg Loyal Biscuit'ss Fill the Bowl wl n. Campaign.

Volume 13 • Issue 4 • April 2018

Maine Ar sts Give Back

d that beneďŹ te r Ar st Class ne In ur Yo l y. y et ci Channe ial Humane So Pope Memor



Hot Dog News We're Back for Our 13th Season! Saturday, August 25

PET HEALTH ALERT Xylitol Is Toxic & Deadly To Dogs By Don Hanson, ACCBC, BFRAP, CDBC, CPDT-KA

Join Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln County

It is not news that Xylitol is toxic to pets, but far too few dog parents know this and are not aware that Xylitol is used in many places that one would never expect. A few weeks ago friends lost their dog when the dog accidentally ingested a piece of gum that contained Xylitol. Even though they immediately took the dog to the emergency veterinary clinic, the dog did not survive. As I write this ar cle, another friend’s dog is at the vet's a er inges ng several pieces of gum containing Xylitol. I want to spread the word about Xylitol and the danger it poses to our furry friends. Please help spread the word! For more informa on on products containing Xylitol and the symptoms of Xylitol poisoning go to this link - h p://bit.ly/Dogs-Xylitol

• Salt water pool with a gently sloping ramp just for dogs

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Animal Shelter for our annual Save a Stray 5K & Fes val, now in its 13th year! Take part in the 5K run or one-mile walk with your friends, family, and, of course, your dog! A er crossing the finish line, s ck around for a fun-filled day at L.L.Bean's Dog Days of August fes val. Our 2018 event promises new fun-filled events as well as some returning favorites.

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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Gail Mason

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Happy Spring! Some of us were fooled by the mild temperatures we experienced that winter was nearly behind us, yet March reminded us in a not so subtle way that winter was not over. If you have a dog that enjoys the snow like Pepper, this was not upse ng to them. We had what I hope to be the last of our leaps through the snow during the last Nor’easter. While shoveling was a bit back breaking, it did warm my insides to see how happy my dog was to chase me around the snowy field. I, for one, am looking forward to some

hiking, soon to be followed by swims in the lake. This month is Pepper’s birthday, and I cannot believe she is turning four already! She is such a character, and I enjoy her company and her silly personality every day. Each morning, we start out with a sock and toy parade. I o en refer to her as the sock ninja because she a empts to sneak into the bathroom while I am in the shower to steal a sock or socks out of the hamper and most o en she gets away with it; however some mes the squeaky door gives her away. I even try to bury them under other clothes, but she s ll

finds them. She does not try to eat them; she just carries it around while she proceeds to shove as many toys as she can in her mouth for the “parade.” I keep an eye on her to make sure something doesn’t get shoved in too far and typically the parade does not last very long. We wish you an amazing April, and don’t forget Scoop the Poop week star ng April 23rd! If you have any dog messes le over from the winter, it’s me for some outdoor spring cleaning. All the best, Jenn and Pepper

GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com


H B P ! Pepper’s AM toy/sock parade.

Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

“The greatness of a na on can be judged by the way it treats its animals” ― Gandhi

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2018 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

April 2018

Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


3-month minimum recommended

10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 What is Endoscopy? ............. 7 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Pawsitively Pet Care .......... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


For the April Edi on of Furry Words, I asked for some sugges ons about what to write about, and I’m thrilled with the comments you le me! A few themes included: how do dogs communicate with us, how do they feel about us when we have to make the decision to cross the rainbow bridge, what do some shelter or newly rescued dogs like to talk about, and what wisdom have I gleaned from my years as an animal communicator. I’m sure I could (and someday probably will) write a novel on each of these topics, but for now, I’ll answer those as best I can and s ll fit it into this column. Dogs, cats, energy, and spirits are always trying to communicate with us! Some mes we’re too busy in our day to day to no ce or are just tuned out in general. I know they’re trying to get my a en on when my ear pressure changes or one ear gets ckly. My right side usually means it’s a female, and on the other side (my le side) is a male who is trying to say hello. I also will physically feel what they’re feeling. This means if I’m reading your dog and my le hip and right shoulder start aching, odds are it’s not me I’m feeling. My sense of taste is a favorite way for animals to tell me what they want for special treats. I hate all frozen berries, so if they show me frozen strawberries, not only do I taste them, I wince because I can feel them in my teeth. It’s s ll preferred over dogs who love to eat gross things, but it s ll elicits a visceral reac on from me! The other way is that they try to show me. I see their thoughts the same way I see a memory of something. It’s sort of in my head, but not really concrete. Pay

Laser Therapy Q.

I do agility with my dog. Lately, I have been hearing a lot about laser therapy from my agility friends. What is it, is it safe, and would it be something I should do with my dog?

Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

a en on and use all your senses to see what way they’re trying to “tell” you! Do they miss other pets who’ve gone to heaven and if they’re the one over there, do they miss you? Um, no. Not usually. Some are ready for a new pet immediately, and others LOVE being the center of a en on. Do they miss you? I wish I could tell you they do, but they don’t view death the way most of us with limi ng beliefs do, so no. They usually don’t. Heaven is kind of all around us, and if I’m talking to them in a reading they’re with you and part of the conversa on, so they can’t really miss you. Time on the other side is nothing like our earthly me here, so when we think that it’ll be years before we’re reunited, they see it as more like a few minutes. The other side isn’t a punishment, either. They love

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman


Laser therapy has been around for a long me. Because of the advancement of technology and research over the last few decades, cold laser therapy, also known as photobiomodula on therapy, has become more available. Let’s start with, “What is laser?” There are cold laser and hot laser. Hot laser is used in surgery. Cold laser is a lower level of energy that is directed to damaged or painful ssue. Research has shown that laser energy causes a reac on at the cellular level s mula ng healing. The deeper the injury, the more energy needed to reach that area. Lasers are rated from class 1 up to 4. Class 1 is what you use to play with your cat or dog or used in a power point presenta on. Class 2 is used in bar code readers at the grocery store.


Class 3 and 4 are used for therapeu c treatment in people and animals. In veterinary medicine, the lasers used are either a Class 3B or 4. These lasers are strong enough to penetrate deep into joints, spines, and in some cases, organs in the abdomen, such as urinary bladders. These lasers are so strong, the technician, guardian, and the dog all wear special goggles to protect their eyes. Lasers have been used to treat ear infec ons, skin wounds, cruciate

it! Can you imagine not having any pain, worries, s ll being able to check in with your loved ones who walk among the living? Probably not. That’s what makes our pets spectacular. Regarding the ques on what do rescued animals like to talk about? That would be like me telling you what movie is their favorite. There are so many varia ons that I can’t even begin to cover them all, but a lot of my readings are to help owners be er understand their past and find ways to make them feel more secure or confident in the forever home. Some are ready to erase everything they’ve been through because now that you’ve FINALLY found them the past is irrelevant, and they’re here to teach you something profound about yourself. Some want you to know exactly what they’ve been through, so you can nurture their strengths and in some way enhance your own. Some aren’t with you very long before they are ready to go home to the other side. This is a tough one for people to wrap their heads around, but some mes the story and legacy they leave is to inspire us to be kinder, gentler, and more compassionate to everyone around us. This is never easy, but I assure you, they’re grateful for the me they’ve had with you, and they encourage you to share your experience as you see fit. Finally, what have I learned as an animal communicator? Holy smokes! The short answer is more than I ever thought I would! I have learned that we all come here on this journey to learn something about ourselves. If we choose to ignore that or aren’t quite ge ng it, the perfect animal shows up

to move us further along in our educa on. This isn’t always comfortable, but they’re always grateful to help. I think that’s why they have shorter lifespans. Once they’ve shown us how to get back on track or share some life lesson with us, they’re gone. It’s brutal to lose a loved one, but even that loss and how we process it can be part of what we are here to be er comprehend. I have learned that animals hold no resentments toward us when they die. They are always at peace on the other side (all but one dog who was s ll cked off she never got to have puppies, but a er I explained why, she forgave the owner), and they’ll do their best to leave you signs le ng you know they’re s ll around. I also find that some mes their story has a regional, if not global, impact. Hearing about neglected animals pulls at our heartstrings. What you do with that sadness or anger is up to you. They hope that we shi towards sending them light and love vs. ha ng the people who caused their suffering. Love is a pre y high and powerful vibra on, but it takes our awareness to bring the deeper story to light. Thank you to all of you for your suggestions! Hopefully, by the time you read this, it will have stopped snowing, and you and your pooch will get to enjoy the longer spring days.

ligament injuries, disc disease, osteoarthri s, skin disease, gum disease, speed up healing from surgery, lick granulomas, and more. The veterinarians and technicians that perform laser therapy on your dog have completed many hours of study for op mum results in treatment. Before star ng laser therapy, your dog needs to have an in-depth history, thorough exam, and appropriate diagnos cs. Once the area of interest is found and a diagnosis has been made, your veterinarian will discuss with you all your treatment op ons. In conjunc on with other treatments, laser therapy may be recommended. Each me your dog has a laser treatment, he is evaluated before and a er to assess improvement. If the appropriate amount of laser has been used and in the correct areas, there should be some no ceable improvement. In most cases, a series of treatments are indicated. When your dog has a dental, laser is applied a erward to speed healing of his gums. A er surgery, laser is applied to the incision to speed incisional healing. If your dog slipped on the ice and injured his elbow, daily laser may be indicated. When dealing with osteoarthri s, laser therapy ini ally may be daily

or every other day. Then treatments are spread out un l a maintenance of once a month has been reached. Laser therapy may be part of a physical therapy plan to maintain healthy muscles and joints. Laser is very safe, but some precau ons are necessary. If a class 4 laser is being used, the technician will be following the laser with her finger to make sure the area does not overheat. When using a class 3B or 4 laser, appropriate goggles are worn to protect everyone including the dog’s re nas. Laser can reflect off tables, jewelry, watches, and anything shiny. When laser is being used, windows are covered and doors are closed. There should be signs saying laser is in use. These prac ces will protect anyone walking into the room when the laser is on. Any class laser should never be shined into the eyes. In my prac ce, we use our laser every day. I recently used it on my dog’s ears for inflamma on. He healed in half the me. When indicated, the laser is a great tool to speed healing and to remove pain.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings, workshops and fundraisers. Go to www.enlightenedhorizons.com FMI and to schedule a reading. email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.

Judith K. Herman DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, ME www.mainehomeopathicvet.com

Downeast Dog News

ARTISTS from page 1 photos of their harder-to-adopt and long-term dogs. She adds another layer to that effort by sharing those pictures and blogging about those pets on her website. “Hopefully, it gets them no ced, where they haven’t been no ced before,” says Piper. She’s done this for a few rescues for 14 years, and state-wide now for four years. She holds photo events throughout the year for various nonprofits, with all proceeds going to that group. Her “Santa” and “Easter Bunny” photos--folks bring their dogs in for a pic with either--have raised over $23,000 so far. She humbly admits she cannot do it without helpful volunteers. She’s also used her graphic design skills to create calendars for rescues to sell--chalk up another $15k. She feels good knowing she’s helping animals. It’s not just about cash proceeds for Piper, either. She and her husband, Jason, have fostered over 20 dogs for three rescues, and they currently have three dogs of their own. And she volunteers at Responsible Pet Care of Oxford Hills bi-weekly, cleaning kennels and walking dogs. Piper is also a member of Hearts Speak, an interna onal organiza on made up of 600 volunteer ar sts. Through their program, Ar sts Helping Animals, they u lize their talents to make shelter animals more visible and to support and empower animal welfare organiza ons.

Debra Bell is owner of Bell's Furry Friends Photography and the “mothership business” of Bell Imaging & Design LLC. in Hermon. A professional photographer for 14 years, she delved into snapping dog shots five years ago because something about canines clicked. “If I could do nothing in my life but pet photography, I’d be a happy girl.” Like Piper, she’s a member of Hearts Speak and is a supporter of many animal non-profits. She’s loyal to her “give back work,” by advancing the message of shelters and rescues, raising awareness and money, and crea ng good will. For the past nine years, she’s held the Holiday Photo Session Event-hosted by Don and Paula Hanson of Green Acres Kennel Shop--that benefits the Furry Friends Food Bank (and For Dogs in Holden also hosted for a few years as well). It’s a very worthwhile organiza on that helps seniors and those with disabili es feed their pets so they’re able to keep their beloved companions. She es mates that she’s donated several thousands of dollars to them. She’s also worked on their website revamp. “I do a lot with them. They’re my pet charity per se.” Bell supports The Bangor Humane Society by providing event photography. She also captures recently adopted dogs as artwork to hang on their walls, free of charge. She says the goal is that when poten al adopters see them, they’ll the want wan to find that perfect per pet to have hav

Please Support Our Advertisers BANGOR & DOWNEAST


Bear Brook Kennels .........................16

Animal Emergency Clinic.................10

Green Acres Kennel Shop ...............16

Fish & Bone .....................................16

Loyal Biscuit ......................................2

Maine Veterinary Medical Center ....6

showcased as a success story, tory, too. “It gives me a good feeling that hat what I’m doing ma ers…and helping elpingg to find homes for adoptable ble animals.” Humane Society Waterville Area, Greater Bangor Bark for Life and Maine Greyhound Placement Service have profited from Bell’s generosity as well. (She and nd her husband, Bill, rescued a Greyhound named Buddy,, and lost one named Laura, who o helped her with pet photo techniques.) ques.) She takes pictures of their adoptables bl and d hopes to show off each dog’s best side by capturing its soul. She currently is crea ng artwork for their lobby, too. Becky Lowe, owner of Becky Lowe Photography in Camden, is the proud “mom” to a 5- year-old Olde English Bulldogge named Boston Strong. Instead of fostering or adop ng more dogs--her home is full with a husband, two boys and the muchadored Boston--she gives back to area shelters by holding holidaythemed photo events at Maine’s award-winning pet supply stores, the Loyal Biscuit Co. “Heidi [Heidi Vanorse Neal, co-owner of Loyal Biscuit with husband Joel, does a fantas c job of dividing up the funds to provide food for those shelters. Heidi and I started this with a Spring Pet Portrait shoot in 2015, not realizing how big it would really end up ge ng. We had over 100 dogs and one hedgehog come through with this past holiday shoot between all five [Loyal Biscuit] loca ons.” Channel Your Inner Ar st pet portraits is part of Marie Spaulding Art, owned by the ar st of the same name. She dabbles in paints, preferably acrylics, and has been at it all her life. In 2015, she was encouraged to offer pet portrait classes. “I gave it a shot,” says Spaulding. She ini ally collected pet food and accepted dona ons for shelters at her classes. Vanorse Neal, the

VOTED BEST VETERINARIAN 2012 & 2014 Quality medicine, surgery and dentistry from a professional team you can trust.

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital

Party for the Pups ...........................14


Pet Connec on..................................6

Ames Supply....................................16

Pleasant Hill Kennels .........................5

Flagship Inn .......................................2

Portland Veterinary Specialists.......10

Harbor Hounds ................................15

Puppy Love ......................................14

Kompletely K-9 ..................................6

Tender Touch Vet ..............................6

“Honoring the Human-Animal Bond”

Office Hours By Appointment


Loyal Biscuit ......................................2 Mr. Dog Training................................2


Two Salty Dogs ..................................2

Miley's Munchies ............................14

Water Bark Wellness .........................2

Sew Fetch Dog Collars ....................10

aforemen oned co co-owner aforemen oned owner of Loyal Biscuit Co., took one of her Waterville classes and suggested that she offer one in Rockland for Pope Memorial Humane Society. Spaulding agreed and also began dona ng a por on of each a endee’s fee. They’re very popular and are usually held at the facility they’re benefi ng. The o en skep cal painters are asked to send in a photo of their pet prior to the class, so Spaulding can lightly sketch their friend on a blank canvas. She says when the class is finished and the brushes are put down, most cannot believe what they’ve accomplished. Spaulding’s done a few for Pope Memorial, Humane Society Waterville Area, The Bangor Humane Society, and P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center in Camden. Spaulding said some people paint a much-loved pet who has passed as a memorial, and enjoys helping them through their grief. And this helps her--she lost her yellow Lab to lymphoma but hasn’t had the heart to rescue another dog. “I really enjoy doing this. I know people love their dogs…I’m living vicariously through their pets and enjoying their excitement about them. And it’s also just my way to give back to animals in the shelters.” bffphotos.com furrykidspetphotography.com h ps://www.facebook.com/ beckylowephotography mariespauldingart.com

Catherine Sanders DVM Karen Hale, BVM&S-MRCVS Bridget O’Donnell, DVM Jennifer Mirecki, DVM

www.taylorbrookanimalhospital.com 33 Millett Drive • Auburn, ME

Silver Paw Tags ................................10


Pet Care Special ...........................8&9

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital ...........5

April 2018


The Language & Culture Gap


Kids are from Mars & Dogs are from Venus

graduated from college with a degree in “Language and Culture.” Yep, it was one of “those” liberal arts degrees that can lead to… what, exactly? Though I tried to convince her, my mom could never quite grasp the connec on between my degree and dog training. My career is actually a product of that educa on - with help from a zigzagging progression and convergence of experiences and life choices. One of the benefits of learning a foreign language is that you have to prac ce listening. You also have to rehearse speaking that new language over and over in order to be understood. Carrying on in our own language with blatant disregard for who is at the receiving end isn’t conducive to good communica on, so study and prac ce are impera ve. If we think we know what the speaker is saying without being really sure, misunderstandings will abound. We also need to be on the lookout for “faux amis.” These “false friends” are words that look the same or similar between languages but have very different meanings. They can poten ally lead to big trouble if we don’t recognize them for what they are. For example, if we go to a “librarie” in France and borrow a few books, we might get arrested for shopli ing. (“Librarie” is bookstore, not library.)

Basic Training Tips by Diana Logan

Are you fluent in “DOG”? Are you teaching your kids dog language, too? We frequently have a language and culture gap with our dogs. Faux amis are everywhere. A dog who is yawning might be saying he’s uncomfortable with a situa on - not that he’s red. A dog who freezes when he’s hugged is likely saying, “please give me space.”

Recognizing and respecting the fact that dogs have a very different way of communicating and a different set of rules than our own can help us live safely and happily together. It is not our dogs’ responsibility to learn to speak human: it’s our responsibility to learn their lingo. If we don’t, clashes can occur, sometimes leading to the worst possible outcome. Dogs put up with a lot of rudeness from their human families and friends, particularly if there are young children involved who do not have the capacity or knowledge to read - or heed - dog. Sometimes, after many warning signals are broadcast to no avail, dogs reach the tipping point and take action. Just this evening I was at a presentation where I overheard a conversation where a woman said they had to euthanize their dog because she nipped a child. The dog didn’t break the kid’s skin, but that one act cost him his life. Most dog bites, even nips, are preventable if we listen to the dog and respond accordingly, before things go downhill. If there is an incident, a professional must be consulted. Other incidents are likely without proper intervention. Have you ever politely asked someone to leave you alone? What if that person insisted, and you were very uncomfortable about it? What would you do? You would probably speak more aggressively, gradually increasing

your warnings until you took aggressive action. So goes it with our dogs. We just don't hear the "please" part, and then we blame them for taking action.

THE 3 SECOND RULE One of the best rules of thumb when it comes to dog/kid me is to SUPERVISE and quickly interrupt any interac ons where either the dog or the child is expressing discomfort. I also love the “3-Second Rule.” A er 3 seconds of interac ng, stop, and give the dog a chance to leave. If he moves away, he’s saying he doesn’t want anymore. If he stays or moves closer, he’s happy. Do this with your dog and see what he says! The beauty of it is that it teaches our dogs that they have a choice, and as a result, future interac ons actually improve. A dog should not be thought of as an object to be toyed with any me we desire, but rather a family member to be respected and understood. A few signs of stress in dogs: Lip licking Yawning Showing the whites of eyes Freezing Ears pulled back But there's much more! Here's your special assignment. Visit the website below, and watch the 2.5 minute video on the home page. Enjoy! h p://www.stopthe77.com

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without humans. My greatgrandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and abili es of wild dogs. My human and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I call my human, tongue in cheek, Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net Dear Readers, I have woofs from two friends, and I want to tell you all about both of them, but there isn’t room! My old friend is Eddie the Jack Russell Terrier from New York City. I’ll answer his le er next month (Unless something happens that is even more exci ng than Eddie’s new job!) My new friend is Princess El-Hajj. She is a thirteen year old Boston Terrier who lives with her human, Claire, and her two B.T. younger brothers.

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

Here are parts of Princess’s two le ers. Dear Bammy, I spent the first six years of my life on the Passamaquoddy Reserva on. I am a real Indian dog. On the “res” I moved to new families four mes. I lived like a “real dog” in those homes. I ran with the big dogs on the “res” and know how to take care of myself. I didn’t have warm jackets or pre y dresses and shirts like I have now. I ate Old Roy – “Rocks and S cks” (as

Claire calls it) for food. That stuff is yucky. When I came to live with Claire in 2011, I had not had an easy life. But my name was Princess and that is what I am – royal! I am about thirteen now, but I s ll command the household. It is Princess’s way or else. I have to share Claire with my two Boston Terrier brothers, Toby and Chip, in an apartment with a nice back yard. Claire has mul ple sclerosis, but she won’t move to “some place easier” because she loves us and won’t give us up. My brothers are not nearly as smart as I am. They used to live in crates in bad places, so they didn’t learn much. Boston Terriers don’t like snow too much. We don’t like heat or rain either. We are meant to wear clothes. I love clothes. That Corgi who didn’t enjoy raincoats doesn’t understand. Clothes make us even cuter than normal and people notice us. We get extra ear scratches, snuggles, and snacks. That is a total win for the Woofs! Someone in my past taught me to play “Bounce on the Bed.” Claire discovered I knew this game when I started play-bowing on the bed. I do a play bow, and Claire bounces the ma ress. I jump up in the air and bark like crazy. We don’t let the boys play this game ‘cause they don’t know how and just end up figh ng.

If you get any real hard ques ons and need advice, just let me know. With two smart dogs like us, we can do anything. Your Friend, Princess Dear Princess, Wags and licks to Claire for rescuing you and Chip and Toby! You had four different homes! How can people be so heartless? I suppose they were having a hard me themselves, so we shouldn’t growl too loudly. It sounds as if you have a really good home now. Claire did well to figure out what you meant about the bed bouncing game! And she gives you medicine for your injured leg. I sometimes have a hard time with clothes. My blaze orange vest is okay. It is pretty loose and light, but I don’t like my winter jacket even though it does keep me warm. I think it’s a little too tight. Thank goodness Claire doesn’t want to give you all up to live somewhere easier! I hope she can find a place where you all can be together or else have someone help her in your apartment. Good luck and keep in touch!! Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

What is Endoscopy? B orrowed from human medicine, endoscopy is a medical technique that involves the use of a flexible, fiberop c instrument to noninvasively view, biopsy, and obtain samples or cultures for pathogen tes ng. The most common procedure, “gastroscopy,” allows the veterinarian to examine a pa ent’s pharynx (throat), and so palate on the way to viewing the esophagus, stomach, and small intes ne. Colonoscopy is the term used when examining the “south end” of the dog. This efficient, safe technique is useful in viewing suspected internal inflamma on, infec on, ulcera on, or poten al cancerous condi ons. The procedure does not require a surgical incision nor is it painful for the pa ent, though anesthesia is required for a thorough examina on. The anesthesia period itself is usually very brief (20-30 minutes) and can be accomplished with a high degree of safety even in geriatric or ill pa ents. This risk is minimized further by evalua ng pre-anesthe c blood tests for any significant abnormali es. Dogs that have a history of intermi ent or progressive poor appe te, vomi ng, regurgita on, belching, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and/or weight loss greatly benefit from informa on obtained during this procedure, thereby avoiding

April 2018

major abdominal surgery. Most endoscopies can be done on an outpa ent basis if the pa ent’s condi on is stable. Endoscopy is frequently used in cases of “dietary indiscre on,” to safely remove foreign objects such as bones, toys, needles, pacifiers (the list is long and varied!) and cloth from a dog’s esophagus or stomach. In the hands of a skilled clinician, informa on obtained by visual endoscopy allows the immediate formula on of an evidence-based therapeu c plan, even prior to receiving results of laboratory tests.

Bronchoscopy is the term to describe endoscopy of the respiratory system. A smaller diameter scope can be used to view and sample the nasal cavity (rhinoscopy), throat, larynx, trachea, and larger (primary) bronchial tubes. This is the preferred tool to inves gate respiratory symptoms such as chronic sneezing, reverse sneezing, nasal discharge or bleeding, coughing, wheezing, gagging, and difficulty swallowing. Bronchoscopy also allows visual diagnos cs in cases of laryngeal paralysis, “tracheobronchi s”, and

pneumonia. It has great accuracy in determining the presence and degree of “tracheal collapse.” Endoscopy is also very useful modality in the diagnosis of urinary tract and vaginal ailments. A cystoscope (which can either be flexible or rigid) is small enough to see in the inside of urethra, vaginal vault, and bladder of most female dogs. An even smaller scope can be used to examine the urethra of male dogs. This specialized technique allows visualiza on of the lower urinary tract, the inside of the bladder, and the ureters. Dogs that have chronic urinary tract infec ons, incon nence, straining/pain upon urina on, blood in the urine (hematuria), or suspected tumors would be poten al candidates for this instrumenta on. Bladder stones (“cys c calculi”) can be retrieved from the bladder for both diagnos c and therapeu c purposes, though there are some limita ons on both pa ent and stone size! During arthroscopy, veterinary surgeons use contemporary rigid scopes in the diagnosis and treatment of many orthopedic condi ons in dogs as they offer minimally invasive, but unparalleled views of the joints. Lesions can be documented, magnified, biopsied,

See ENDOSCOPY on page 11


Pawsitively Pet Care From me to me, there are situa ons that may require us to seek an outside pet care provider, be it a vaca on or just someone to look a er your pets or take them for a walk while we are at work. Bringing your dog to a doggie daycare provides your dog with a day full of ac vi es and supervision. This is also a good way to provide them with socializa on. They can learn how to be a dog which is not something they will learn from you. They will also more than likely come home exhausted from a day of play and exercise, and a red dog is a well-behaved dog. Dogs that are not socialized can o en be fearful of new situa ons, new people, and other dogs which can lead to stress condi ons which can affect their health. Socializa on should begin puppies but is something that needs to be prac ced their en re lives. Not all dogs are suited for daycare. Careful screening will determine this as it is important to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Choosing someone to look after man’s best friend is not a task that

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should be taken lightly. Just because someone bears the title doesn’t necessarily mean he is qualified to look after your pet. You can always start with a recommendation from someone you trust, such as a family member or your veterinarian, but do your research and figure out who is the best fit for you and your dog. Do you want to leave him at home where it is familiar, or would you like to leave him at a boarding facility or daycare where he might have more supervision? Regardless if your dog is being cared for at home or at a facility, be certain and make your reserva ons early, especially during holidays. If your dog takes meds or is on a special diet, be sure and leave explicit instruc ons and make sure the meds and food are well stocked. Leave a list of phone numbers including your vet’s, how you can be reached while you are away, and perhaps the number of a local friend or family member. We hope you will consider speaking with one of our adver sers when/if you have the need to leave your dog in someone else’s care.


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Downeast Dog News

April 2018


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Entering A Dog Spor ng Event

Today, more than ever, there are so many opportuni es to enter compe ons with our dogs. While different venues may have different rules and procedures, one thing holds true for all events: there are rules and procedures that must be followed and it is the entrant’s job to understand and abide by the rules of the organiza on. For people new to the sport, this can be confusing. The best place to go for help in understanding how to enter a compe on and to understand

the rules that will govern your performance would be your instructor. Your instructor should be able to guide you in obtaining the necessary informa on and also help you fill out an entry form. Your instructor should also be able to help you with basic ring protocol so you know how to find

what you need at a trial and also what your responsibili es are as a compe tor. There is no doubt that judges greatly appreciate compe tors who understand and abide by the rules and are where they are supposed to be and ready to perform when they are supposed to be. Exhibitors who know and understand the rules and the trial protocol really help the trials run much more smoothly. All venues have rules and procedures which are usually in the form of a rulebook. These are usually readily available online or in a handbook form which you can buy. Ul mately, it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to understand and abide by the rules. Statements like “I didn’t know that” or “nobody told me” will not go over well with the judge. When you enter a show, you sign a statement, which is usually part of the entry form, sta ng that the entry informa on is true and that you have read and understand the rules. Most venues have rules regarding types of collars and leads, food or toys as rewards or no food or training aids in the ring, etc. There is also an

unwritten etiquette which to me is just common sense and courtesy to fellow competitors: don’t play outside near the ring with toys or vigorous tugging. Conduct yourself and your dog outside the ring as you would wish others to behave when it is your turn in the ring. Be a gracious winner or loser and always thank your dog for going in the ring with you. The rules, procedures, and e que e to follow at a dog spor ng event should be taken seriously and respected. This is what lends credibility and respect to the tles that are earned. If you are new and train alone or online, make a point of visi ng a show before you compete and learn the procedures and become comfortable with ring protocols. Most compe tors are happy to help newcomers; just remember to ask if it is a good me to talk in case they are ge ng ready to show. Be prepared when you enter a show. Knowing what to do is your responsibility. Understanding the rules and protocol will not only help you with confidence, it will also help you take be er care of your dog.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

Midcoast Kennel Club Obedience and Rally Show Saturday/Sunday, April 14 & 15, 8:30AM Mt. Ararat High School in Topsham. FMI: See Dog News calendar of events.

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Downeast Dog News


In the past three months, we have examined the ďŹ rst three of Brambell’s Five Freedoms; Freedom from Hunger and Thirst, Freedom from Discomfort, and Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease. This month I will address the Freedom to Express Normal Behavior. When discussing what cons tutes normal behavior, I mean behavior for the dog as a species, not what we, as humans, believe should be “normalâ€? behavior for our dog. As much as we might want to, we cannot dictate what is normal or abnormal for a species. In our classes, I ask students to list what behaviors they dislike in their dogs. The list almost always includes: barking, begging, chasing, chewing, not coming when called, digging, ea ng “yuck,â€? ge ng on furniture or in the trash, growling, guarding things, humping, jumping on people, not listening, play bi ng, pulling on the leash, rolling in “yuck,â€? sniďŹƒng bu s, stealing, being stubborn, and going to the bathroom inside. A er reviewing the list, students learn almost everything they have listed is normal behavior for a dog. One of the easiest ways to create behavior problems in any animal is to deny them the opportunity to express normal behaviors. Caged animals in a zoo that pace back and forth are exhibi ng stereotypical behavior caused by stress because they are not able to do what they would normally do. So even though we ďŹ nd some of our dog’s typical behaviors undesirable, we need



to ďŹ nd ways to allow them to express these behaviors so as not to compromise their mental and emo onal wellbeing.

ENSURE YOUR PET IS FREE TO EXPRESS NORMAL BEHAVIOR FOR THEIR SPECIES Some ques ons you can ask yourself to assess if you are adequately mee ng your dog's behavioral needs are listed below. • Do your dogs have an adequate and safe space in which to run, explore, and express normal behaviors? Do you provide

your dog with an opportunity to do so on a regular basis? Dogs like and need to sni and explore. You can do this in your yard, home, or on a walk. When you take your dog for a walk, do you allow him adequate me to sni, or do you expect your dog to heel by your side during the en re walk? Walking the dog is very overrated as physical s mula on but can be great for mental s mula on if you allow me for explora on and sniďŹƒng. • Is the environment in which your dog lives suitably enriched so that it s mulates your dog’s mind? Mental s mula on is one of the things people o en neglect, yet is very easy to provide. Instead of always feeding your dog in a bowl, feed him in a Kong or several Kong toys that you hide throughout your home. Having to search to ďŹ nd his food and then work to get it out of a Kong is great mental s mula on. Walking a dierent route every day also provides for mental s mula on as do training sessions. • Does your dog receive suďŹƒcient interac on with family members to establish a bond and to provide ongoing emo onal enrichment? Most of us get a dog to be a companion. It is vital that we provide companionship to the dog and not just expect him to be there for us when we want company from him. Like any rela onship, both dog and person need to contribute to that partnership. Are you always there for your dog when you come home from a disaster of a day? Some would argue that dogs oer “uncondi onal love,â€? and therefore our role in the rela onship does not ma er. Really? The idea that a dog oers "uncondi onal love" is a beau ful myth but believing it is our greatest disservice to dogs because it sets them up to fail and allows us to presume that they will always be okay with whatever we do. Dogs want and need more from us than our love when it

is convenient for us to oer it. Take me to cuddle, to play, and whatever else you and your dog enjoy doing together. • Does your dog have canine friends? No ma er how wonderful our bond is with our dog, from his perspec ve, we will never be another dog. Having appropriate doggie friends is just as important for our dog's social life as having human friends is important to us. However, it is essen al to make sure that your dog's friends are well-matched so that they do enjoy one another’s company. Dogs do not automa cally like all other dogs. • Do you allow your dog to decline to par cipate in events he ďŹ nds stressful? Dogs will o en tell us with their body language, their normal way of communica ng when they are uncomfortable. Are you able to read your dog and when you see these signs do you respect them? Just because we want our dog to be a therapy dog and he can pass the test, is it okay to use him in that role if he does not enjoy it? ( FMI – h p://bit.ly/ DogsSignsofFear ) Next month, we will complete this series by examining Freedom from Fear and Distress. To read previous ar cles in this series visits the Downeast Dog News website at h ps:// downeastdognews.villagesoup. com/ or visit Don’s blog at h ps:// www.words-woofs-meows.com Helping Your Dog Thrive – Brambell’s Five Freedoms – Part 1, Freedom from Hunger and Thirst – h p://bit.ly/Brambell-Hunger-Thirst Helping Your Dog Thrive – Brambell’s Five Freedoms – Part 2, Freedom from Discomfort – h p:// bit.ly/Brambell-Discomfort Helping Your Dog Thrive – Brambell’s Five Freedoms – Part 3, Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease – h p://bit.ly/BrambellPain-Injury-Disease

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor. He is a Bach Founda on Registered Animal Prac oner (BFRAP), Cer ďŹ ed Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), Associate Cer ďŹ ed Cat Behavior Consultant (ACCBC) and a Cer ďŹ ed Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). He produces and co- hosts a weekly radio show and podcast, The Woof Meow Show heard on The Pulse AM620 WZON and streamed at h p://www.wzonradio.com/ every Saturday at 9 AM. A list of upcoming shows and podcasts of past shows can be found at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.

ENDOSCOPY from page 7 cultured, and monitored over me. Clinical examples of such use include: • Shoulder: osteochondral lesions (OCD), subluxa on, biceps tendon inamma on or tears • Elbow: fragmented coronoid process (“dysplasiaâ€?), OCD of humeral head, infec on, trauma, removal of bone/car lage fragments

April 2018

• Carpus: fractures, trauma, synovi s, infec on • Hip: femoral head ligament tear, degenera ve joint disease, infec on, cancer, pre and postopera ve evalua on of hip joint procedures. • Knee: evalua on of par al or full cruciate ligament tears, OCD lesions, defects/trauma of car lage, infec on, inamma on,

lesions of tendons/ligaments of the s e. Arthroscopy is gaining much favor in veterinary medicine as it improves the detec on of abnormali es before they would be discovered by standard radiographs. Being minimally invasive, there is li le down me which is especially key for athle c, performance, and

poten al breeding animals. Early interven on improves treatment op ons and, in most cases, pa ent outcomes. The use of this family of diagnos c tools has greatly enhanced the delivery of pet heath care! Dr. Gail D. Mason Portland Veterinary Specialists



of the


ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY Jumping for Joy Program By Susan Spisak

A breakfast mee ng at the Na onal Humane Educa on Conference in 2016 changed things up for Kennebunk’s 501(c) (3) Animal Welfare Society (AWS) and their Humane Educator, Megan Cross. Cross was seated with Darlene Blackman, the Director of Community Engagement at California’s Marin Humane Society, and learned that she was making a presenta on on their program called Jumping for Joy. It’s their successful canine agility training and bonding program geared towards high school students on the au sm spectrum, created by Blackman’s own teenage daughter while pursuing her Girl Scout Gold Award. “We need that here,” Cross thought to herself, and not just for lower func oning au s c students. “There’s plenty of higher func oning kids that fall between special needs and tradi onal mainstream classrooms that are being marginalized.” She knew it could work, as AWS already had agility equipment and a nice facility to u lize during cold and rainy months, and paths and a great outdoor space for nice days. The heartwarming program has been in place for two years and it’s been effec ve, but Cross says they’ve had learning curves. They work directly with special educa on teachers in local schools who select students on the au sm spectrum who they feel would benefit. For six weeks, groups of four to five high school students, along with educators, come to their facility once a week during their school day for an agility class with handpicked AWS


alum dogs. AWS offers several sessions each school calendar year and has had one in the summer as well. Many of the dogs belong to AWS staffers or are alum dogs that have Canine Good Ci zen status or are therapy cer fied--in other words, they’re calm, obedient, and super-friendly. “[These dogs] are the Tom Hanks of the dog world. Everyone loves these dogs,” says Cross. Each student is paired with the dog that the staff feels will suit him. “Some me it works, some me it doesn’t…It’s a lesson in pa ence.” The first week the kids meet their dogs and learn basics such as how to greet them properly. They’re also introduced to agility, the equipment and the course. The next weeks when they arrive, it’s outside for a


2 yrs. Echo is a tan/white male and Luna is a black/ white female, they would love to find a new home together. Both a li le nervous in new surroundings, but are very sweet. Animal Welfare Society, Kennebunk (207)985-3244

Friendly and ac ve girl. She does great while on a walk. Not a fan of small animals or cats. She’d prefer a home with older children who can handle her energy. Has done well with other dogs while at AWS. She’s an all-around nice dog and would make a great addi on to almost any household. Animal Welfare Society, Kennebunk (207)985-3244

quick walk with their assigned new friend to reconnect. Then they work their dogs through the agility course, using jumps, hoops and cones. “We’re not trying to turn [the kids or dogs] into the next Westminster,” says the enthusias c Cross, but the agility exercises do help them understand team work, spa al awareness, non-verbal cues, and hand-eye coordina on. Through their me at AWS, the kids have an opportunity to widen their social skills, expand their friendships, and gain confidence. The dogs love the program, too. “The kids come in and teach the dogs agility, but the dogs don’t really care…they just want to be with the kids.” They don’t race through the course as an agility-trained dog might, rather they seem to understand their students’ needs--thus the kids really are training the dogs--a boost for their egos. When the agility por on of their hour is over, there’s me for cuddling. Cross says the third week is usually growth week. “I’ve seen non-verbal kids talk, kids who are deathly afraid of dogs walking them on their own. It doesn’t sound monumental, but if you’ve seen it, you’d understand the improvement.” The kids come back on week seven for a gradua on, and Stephanie Kelley, AWS’ Marke ng Associate, says they celebrate it with a pizza party, awards, and a T-shirt. Cross shares, “We make a big deal out of it, ‘cause it is a big deal.” The kids really like Jumping for Joy. It gets them out of school and into an ac ve, engaging environment with dogs they have come to love. Kelley says they’ve had wonderful feedback from parents, and teachers say the kids are more focused when they return to class. And Cross adds that not only is the class beneficial, but it’s fostering kindness, empathy, and animal welfare advocacy in the next genera on. The impact on students’ lives has been huge. One boy who was in their second session was very shy and withdrawn--he’s now their student mentor for kids who need catching up. “He’s kind of like the obedience instructor’s assistant,” says Cross. He also has decided he wants to be a dog trainer. Another student is now a Jumping for Joy volunteer. And another young man, who was so shy he would only speak in a whisper and couldn’t make eye contact, looked her in the eye at the end of his seven weeks and said, “‘Thank you, Miss Megan.’” For info on all AWS programs, volunteering, adoptable pets, or to make a dona on, visit animalwelfaresociety.org.

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Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




2 yrs., Pitbull Mix

10 yrs., Catahoula Leopard Dog/ Shepherd

2 yrs., Catahoula/ Aust. Shepherd

Loves to snuggle. He would do best in a home with no smaller animals.

Angel’s person passed away, and she is looking for a new home. Shy at ďŹ rst but eager to please. Loves squeaky toys! She gets along well with other dogs, cats and children.

arkofmaine.org or ambercreswell.ark@ gmail.com

Mature dog who has retained the personality and spunk of a puppy. Loves to play and cuddle but will also put herself to bed when it's me. Very well house trained. Email Catahoula Rescue at SLN2310@yahoo.com


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12 wks., Catahoula Leopard Hound

4 yrs., Beagle/ Bulldog

12yrs., Beagle Mix

Very playful. Likes to explore new things. Loves playing with his canine companions. Some mes plays extremely rough, because he cannot hear. His humans are teaching him signs that will help.

Smart, energe c, quick learner. LOVES squeaky toys and to run and play. Because of his bulldog nature, can be protec ve of his space. Needs me to get to know people. Jasper will ourish in a home with an experienced, loving owner.

Email Catahoula Rescue at SLN2310@yahoo.com FMI.

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392

Sweet old Beagle. He has a lot of energy for an old guy, and he will sit when told. He loves to explore and hang out on the couch with his people. He would do best in a quiet home without young children. Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392




6 yrs., Lab Retriever Mix

1 yr., Mas  Mix

13 yrs.

Super ac ve, looking for an adventure buddy. He craves a stable, structured home. He would prefer to be the only pet in the home, with an owner who is experienced with stubborn pups who like to get their way!

Ri Ra has been around the block a few mes (originally a Katrina dog). S ll a lot of life to be lived and love to give. He is sweet and playful, loves car rides and even enjoys a good ole grooming session.

Kali has been wai ng for a family for years. She is very shy and mid, so will do best with a conďŹ dent dog-sibling. Very aec onate, and a low energy couch potato!

Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207)594-2200

fetchinghope.com Bangor Humane Society, (207)942-8902




1 yr., Lab/ Shepherd

2 yrs., Lab

13 yrs., Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Gets along well with other dogs. A li le shy at ďŹ rst, she warms up quickly and is quite aec onate. Likes to play, but would also like to be a lap dog. We won’t tell her she’s too big. What a beauty!

Happy, friendly, playful, energe c. She gets along well with other dogs especially if they like to play. Looking for a very ac ve, outdoor loving family that will meet her exercise needs. puppyloveme.org


Very energe c – always on the move and runs around like a 4 year old. Good with cats and other dogs. Would like a home where she is walked regularly. She loves to be near her person. olddogsnewdigs.com

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


April 2018


April C lendar

To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to the Somerset Humane Society. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Saturday, April 7 Belfast, 10 AM – 11 AM Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group at the Belfast Free Library, 106 High St., Belfast. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadop on. org; (207)236-8702


NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, April 7 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Rockland loca on at 408 Main St. from 12pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

PAUSE FOR PETS CRAFT FAIR Sunday, April 8 Lewiston, 10AM – 3PM Pause for Pets Cra & Vendor Fair will be held at the Ramada Inn Conference Center, 490 Pleasant St. This is a fundraiser for Greater Androscoggin Humane Society. Free admission and everyone receives a free entry for door prizes. Volunteers and staff from GAHS will be on hand to discuss the shelters services, programs and volunteer opportuni es. We will also be collec ng physical dona ons of pet food, cleaning supplies, etc.

communica ons by their body language. Proper understanding and posi ve training will strengthen the human-dog rela onship. FMI: Email friendso elfastparks@roadrunner. com; (207)338-1704

STRESS AND OUR DOGS Thursday, April 12 Union, 5:30PM – 6:30PM How does stress affect our dogs? How can we help them? Come and join us for a panel discussion. The public is cordially invited to come and listen and ask ques ons. The panel discussion will be from 5:30 un l 6:30 before the regular monthly mee ng of Midcoast Kennel Club. Thompson Community Center, 51 S. Union Rd. A small dona on to the club is suggested. FMI: Call Kathy at (207)691-2332



Sunday, April 8 Belfast, 2PM This community presenta on by Don Hanson, noted cer fied dog behavior consultant, will take place in the Abbo Room of the Belfast Free Library. Do you wonder what your dog is thinking? Or feeling? Or trying to communicate to you and/ or other dogs and people? Wonder how you can help your dog have a posi ve experience at a dog park? Humans must interpret their dog’s

Saturday/Sunday, April 14 & 15 Topsham, 8:30AM Midcoast Kennel Club of Maine’s all breed obedience and rally compe on held at the Mt. Ararat High School in Topsham. All levels of compe on from Beginner classes to U lity classes. Rally. CGC Test, Trick Tests, Match on Saturday. Public is welcome to come and observe. Don't miss coming out to see the finest dog show in Maine! FMI: Call Kathy at (207)691-2332

CARING FOR YOUR ELDERLY ANIMAL Saturday, April 14 Camden, 10AM – 11:30AM Dr. Sarah Tomalty from Li le River Veterinary Hospital will be joining us at PAWS Animal Adop on Center to talk about elderly animal care. Learn about age-related condi ons and how owners and veterinarians can best handle the special needs of a senior pet. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be available. (207)236-8702

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, April 14 Camden/Rockport, 10AM-12PM Belfast, 1PM-3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Camden/Rockport loca on on U.S. Rte 1, Rockport from 10am – 12pm and our Belfast loca on on 1 Belmont Ave. from 1pm-3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, April 21 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient

Saturday, April 28 Rockport, 10AM – 12PM Loca on: Taxes Plus, 146 Camden St, Rockport (next to the Camden/ Rockport Dog Park) Sponsored By: Catahoula Rescue of New England. Cost: $10 per shot* cash, check or credit card accepted. Dogs AND cats welcome! All dogs must be on leash. Cats need to be in a cat carrier. Please bring proof of previous rabies vaccine. Vaccina ons will be administered by a veterinarian from The Camden Hospital for Animals. FMI: Call Shannon at (207)273-1320 from Catahoula Rescue of New England. * Nail trims will also be offered if needed - fee is the usual $10.

AKC TD/TDX TRACKING TEST Sunday, April 29 Somerville, 7:30AM Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine - Come watch an exci ng AKC Tracking Test - a combined TD and TDX test in the beau ful fields in Somerville and Jefferson. Watch these dog handler teams work towards their AKC tracking tle - a great way to learn if you are interested in tracking with your own dog! North Star Dog Training, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville. FMI: Kathy, (207)691-2332.

RECURRING EVENTS TOE NAIL TUESDAYS Tuesdays, April 3 & 17 Rockland, 10AM – 1PM Bring your pet to Pet Quarters and volunteers from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Trims $10, Ear Cleaning $5 Combo $12. Weather permitting - Call ahead in case of snow! (207)596-9910

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