Hot Dog News Loyal Biscuit Opening 5th Loca on The Loyal Biscuit Company will be opening a 5th store in Mid-August in the Brewer Shopping Center (Hannaford Plaza) located at 421 Wilson Street. They are currently hiring for both a full- me and part me nutri on specialist to join their team. FMI: PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS.
Flying High Frisbee Dogs at Union Fair
Mike Piazza and his Flying High Frisbee Dogs will be performing at
the Union Fair this year, August 19th -26th. See fair schedule for daily performance mes. Mike is a mul ple world finalist and world record holder in K-9 Frisbee and the current #1 Professional K-9 frisbee performer in the world. Mike has performed for NFL, NBA, MLS, Minor League Baseball, ESPN, Animal Planet, NESN, college hal ime spor ng events, fairs, TV commercials, magazine covers, corporate events & func ons, pet expos, kids camps schools, churches, and many more. They perform with 4 of the most athle c Border Collies on the planet to entertain audiences of all ages. FMI: flyinghighdogs. com
Wienerfest is looking for volunteers! I
t’s nearly Wienerfest me once again and the folks at P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center are looking for volunteers to help out during the fes val which will be held on September 10th at Steamboat Landing Park in Belfast. Come be a part of New England’s only fes val celebra ng dachshunds! If you are interested email: events@ pawsadop
Coastal Humane Society & Lincoln County Animal Shelter’s
Save a Stray! ! 5K & FESTIVAL
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Cool Collars Self-Serve Dog Wash
NEW Location! Bangor-Brewer 421 Wilson St, Brewer - NEW! 1 Belmont Ave, Belfast US Route 1, Camden-Rockport 408 Main St, Rockland 109 Main St, Waterville
Downeast Dog News
Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Debra Bell
From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Well I purchased a house last week which was extremely exci ng! No more ren ng for us! Pepper has a house of her very own now, the only place she has ever know as home (other than the first ten weeks of her life in Machiasport.) If anyone has ever taken out a loan through Maine State Housing, you can understand that a small forest was killed in order to print all of the paperwork that I had to provide the bank and MSHA and sign on closing day. We have actually been living in the house now for 3 years, so
GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-230-0260 ext. 6
Dog in kilt at Celtic Celebration
while it was exci ng, there was no handing over of the keys, but on the posi ve side all of our stuff is already in there! At the end of June, Pepper, Mom and I also a ended Fun Dog Day in Oxford. We were thankful that it was not quite as hot as last year, and this year all of the demonstra ons happened right in front of our booth. We were quite impressed with the State Police demonstra on. Pepper got a li le excited when one of the officers dressed up in the padded suit and pretended to be the perpetrator and let the police dog apprehend him and cling to his arm. I’m not quite sure who she wanted to help, the dog or the officer. I’m not sure if she is brave or crazy or a li le bit of both. Then yesterday, I went to the Cel c Fes val in Belfast. This is a dog friendly event, and it was great to see people out with their dogs. Some even in kilts! It is nice to have events where you can you bring your dog along because some mes you feel bad having to leave them at home, especially on a beau ful day. It’s just important for people to be responsible and clean up a er
their dogs so that they will con nue to be invited back in the future. The next me I an cipate being on the Belfast Waterfront will be in September for Wienerfest! I am helping out with the hot dog contest and I get to create a trophy for the big winner. Stay tuned; this should be interes ng. Even be er, come to the event and see it for yourself September 10th! Have a wonderful August! All the best, Jenn and Pepper
OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.
CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 266 Meadow St. Rockport, ME 04856 Phone: 207-230-0260 ext. 6
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SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.
SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: COPYRIGHT 2006-2017 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.
Hot Dog News Pet Photographer Named One of Bangor's Best for Fourth Year
Debra Bell, owner of Bell’s Furry Friends Photography
located at 890 Coldbrook Road in Hermon, was named Bangor’s Best Pet Photographer by Market Surveys of America. This is the fourth year Bell’s Furry Friends Photography has been honored with this dis nc on. “Rela onships are the heartblood of my business,” Bell said. “I’m proud to know that my business is seen as one of the region’s best, especially because my clients and colleagues are the best out there.” Market Surveys of America is a survey company that is independent of newspaper or magazine publica ons. Their annual “Best of the Best” winners are determined by tallied public ballots for a par cular region and taken online through their website (
David Brown, Northstar Photography
Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH
3-month minimum recommended
10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.
Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color
Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts
DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.
Contact Jenn Rich (207) 230-0260 ext. 6 or
August 2017
Table of Contents Hot Dog News ............... 2 & 3 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Pet Portraits ...................... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15
July was such a fun month for me! I actually took a week off and even turned off my work phone for longer than I can remember. I played in the ocean, the lake, my garden, and I got to spend me with family and friends. On one my adventures, I met a sweet dog named Dobby. If you’ve ever seen Harry Po er, you know the house elf with ears much larger than normal that is her namesake. I’d like to share the story of how Dobby was saved and who actually needed the saving. She was a street dog in Savannah and it was the height of summer. People would toss her the crusts from their pizzas, but no one ever offered her water or real food. She had been in the town for over a month, but no one took her in or tried to find her owners. As a result, she was terribly malnourished, dehydrated, and her teeth were rotting out of her head. People went about their own business except for one little girl, who helplessly watched and hoped that someone would do something about it. Finally, she told her father that they needed to save her and that she had already named her Dobby. They took her to the vet, had her dewormed, and learned that there was hope for this very timid bag
Ear Infec ons. Ugh! Q.
My lab, Jake, is shaking his head and his ears smell. My veterinarian said he has a yeast infec on. How did he get this infec on? I was told it was because he swims, but he hasn’t been swimming this year, and last year he swam all the me but with no ear infec ons.
Furry Words by Sara Moore
of bones. The problem was they couldn’t keep the dog. My friend’s son lived nearby, and the girl sweetly looked up to him and said, “Her name is Dobby. You can have her if you promise to take her pink blanket for her to sleep with.” Well, this man never expected to own a dog, but for some reason he fell in love with her at first sight. He has been in the military all of his adult life and true love was something that had
Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman
Ear infec ons with a mul tude of causes are very common in many breeds of dogs. Some ear infec ons are yeast or bacterial and are caused by hygiene issues, diet, allergies, and parasites. Ear problems can be in the outer part called external canal and ear flap or pinna, the middle ear which is behind the eardrum and has a tube that goes into the nasal cavity called eustachian tube, and the inner ear which is closest to the brain. When Jake shakes his head, scratches his ear, and you smell a discharge, something is going wrong. A visit to the veterinarian is a must. Ear infec ons caught early can be easy to treat, but wai ng
could lead to longer treatment mes and complica ons. First, let’s look at causes. The most common cause is a yeast or bacterial infec on. Some mes it can be caused by parasites, and less common are foreign bodies in the ears. Food intolerances and allergies are underlying causes along with other diseases, such as hormonal imbalances and immune disorders. Proper ear hygiene is extremely important. If your dog has hair in
always seemed more of a concept than a reality. He’d always been too busy, or it wasn’t the right me. Apparently, this me it was right because everything lined up, and he walked back home with the frilly pink blanket tucked under his arm and a shy but grateful dog tucked under his arm. To this day, they have an incredible bond that is beyond words! How is it that some mes it takes an animal to get us to open up to love? Is it because we don’t fear judgement? Or that animals just give us everything they have and expect nothing in return? Or that we don’t overthink it the way we would a human rela onship and simply allow the love to flow. I can relate to this story because four years ago a li le orange ki en came into my life. He was starving and full of fleas, but my friend convinced me that my son and I both needed him. At the me I thought she was nuts, and I seriously ques oned my own sanity when I agreed to it, but we named him Casper, and he joined our family of two. Within a day, he found a place in my heart that I didn’t even know was vacant. At the time I was in survival mode, working to pay bills, juggling life to be a good parent, going to bed, repeating. The thought of dating was out of the
question because I really didn’t have time for that and love wasn’t a priority. Simple, right? And then in walked Casper. My smooshy, sweet, lovable boy! He brought my son and I closer. He opened my heart. I was loved and actually gave more love than ever before. We almost lost him to a bobcat a year and a half ago, and then I realized how vulnerable you really are when you allow love to happen. He survived and is actually doing his best to distract me right now as I type up my article for a publication centered around dogs. He’s such a cat…. My point is that animals come in to our lives to teach us a lesson. Dobby was very unloved and overlooked at the beginning of her life. It took the love of a child to rescue her and put her in the arms of a man who needed saving, just in a different way. She s ll has her faded “my li le pony blanket” too! People say is they’re not really sure who was rescued, the pet or the person. I like to think it’s mutual!
his ears, make sure that the ears are free from mats and dirty wax build up. Normal ear hair that is clean can actually prevent ear problems. It will prevent foreign objects going into the ear canal and trap other debris that can cause problems. Historically, removal of the hair in the ears was the norm. Now healthy hair in healthy ears is le alone. The key words are healthy and clean. Dirty, ma ed, debris packed hair is an indica on of a problem and needs to be dealt with soon. The debris and hair needs to be cleaned out, so proper treatment can be effec ve. Yeast infec ons are the most common infec on in ears and o en there is a secondary bacterial infec on. The ears have a reddish brown debris that smells, are itchy, and some mes very painful. Some mes your pup could have a piece of plant, a bug, or other foreign material in the ear canal. Your veterinarian will be able to solve this. Don’t try removing it yourself for fear of pushing the object further into the canal. Many people think their best friends have ear problems because of floppy, heavy coated ears, or being water dogs, but if you look at the bigger picture, there are other possible reasons for these
infec ons. Recurrent infec ons in your dog need to be more deeply explored. A common cause is food intolerance and allergies. If I have an ear infec on that does not respond to treatment, I look at the diet. O en just changing the protein in the diet solves the problem. Environmental allergies can also throw ears into a tail spin. Other underlying diseases such as hormonal and immune problems can show up in the ears. Hypothyroidism and many immune disorders can be the cause. Many folks blame ear mites as the cause for ear problems. Though this can occur, it isn’t as common as you would think. You see ear mites in puppies and in homes with cats, especially ki ens, that have ear mites. Another parasite, sarcop c mange, can manifest in ear infec ons. If your best friend is shaking his head, scratching his ears or face, or has smelly ears, make an appointment with your veterinarian. If your pup has recurrent ear infec ons, ask your veterinarian to help find a possible underlying cause.
Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets, has an office in North Conway, NH but is also available for phone readings and private events. FMI go to, email enlightenedhorizons@gmail. com or call (603)662-2046.
Judith K. Herman DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, ME
Downeast Dog News
ARSON from page 1 His goal was to become a Maine State Trooper, and a few short years later, in 1976, he accomplished that objec ve. He was chosen for the Canine Unit in 1982, and within four years, he was named the unit’s trainer and supervisor. He developed Maine’s accelerant detec on canine training program, and he is an expert accelerant, bomb, and drug dog trainer and handler as well. Heather Paul, State Farm® Public Affairs Specialist at the insurance company’s headquarters in Bloomington, Illinois, touted Gallagher’s exper se,“He’s an interna onal leader in the training and use of accelerant detec on canines.” When State Farm® officials were at a fire scene in South Carolina in 1992 and saw an Accelerant Detec on Canine, aka arson dog, effec vely working the site for accelerants, she said their thought was, “Wow, what an amazing tool this is.” They also discovered that a Maine State Police Trooper by the name of Paul Gallagher had trained that dog and handler. This led State Farm®, as the na on's largest homeowner's insurer, to establish this program with the Maine State Police under the guidelines of the Maine Criminal Jus ce Academy, where teams are cer fied formally. Paul added, “They’re a leader in arson dog training, and it’s wellacknowledged worldwide.” From 1993 to 1996, Gallagher was involved with the State Farm® program through his canine training role with the State Police. By 1996, it was apparent that this program was growing exponen ally. It was decided that he would re re from the Maine State Police and take over the training of the State Farm® Arson Dogs through his Specialty Dogs venture. Paul is also the Arson Dog Coordinator for State Farm®, and she said this program is something she takes great pride in. She added, “Our heart is in Maine.”
VALUE OF AN ARSON DOG Each year, billions of dollars’ worth of property and hundreds of lives are lost as a result of arson. Insurance fraud associated with arson is a huge problem as well. “Arson is such a difficult crime to solve anyway…It’s
literally a crime where the evidence burns up,” Paul said. So having an arson dog quickly cover a fire scene for poten al evidence is essen al. She explained, “It really levels the playing field between the good guys and the bad guys.” She indicated that a dog’s nose works much be er than a human’s. Why? A dog’s nose has 300 million olfactory or sense of smell receptors, compared to about six million in humans, and the part of a dog's brain that analyzes smells is 40 mes greater than humans. An arson dog helps inves gators determine if a fire was inten onally set—or not—and that knowledge is valuable to community safety. Having an arson dog find and “sit” at the spot of a possible accelerant reduces the samples that need to be sent to a lab for tes ng, thereby reducing taxpayers’ dollars. The arson dog can also point to possible accelerants on ar cles outside a fire scene, such as on shoes or clothing. Gallagher added that a full inves ga on s ll needs to take place. Inves gators must work together to establish that a crime has been commi ed, but using a trained dog cuts down on site me by helping its human partner out of the “black hole” of guessing where an accelerant may be.
THE TRAINING PROGRAM An applicant may apply for a State Farm® Arson Canine Training Scholarship if he is eligible according to their criteria, including being a full- me employee of an agency that inves gates at least 50 fires annually, is in good health, is willing to commit to five years as an arson dog handler, agrees to train his canine partner con nually and be recer fied annually by Maine Specialty Dogs. State Farm® typically underwrites 10 to 15 new teams per year. They cover the approximately $25k cost per team, which includes the acquisi on of the dog, training fees, onsite room and boarding during training, chemist cer fica on, and evalua on by the Maine Criminal Jus ce Academy. They also provide reimbursement of travel to Maine for the five week training. Labrador Retrievers, generally one
Please Support Our Advertisers BANGOR & DOWNEAST Bear Brook Kennels .........................16 Carden Kennels .................................6 Green Acres Kennel Shop ...............16 Hounding Around Town ..................14 Oceanfront Camping .......................14
CENTRAL Fresh Air Dogs ...................................7
MIDCOAST All Clean Carpet ................................2 Ames Supply....................................16 Boothbay Railway Village ................16 Flagship Inn .....................................14 Kompletely K-9 ................................10 Loyal Biscuit ......................................2 Mr. Dog Training..............................14 Save A Stray.......................................2 Two Salty Dogs ..................................6
August 2017
to two years old, are used for this program, and they come from rescues, shelters, or guide dog programs (perhaps they were too high-spirited but s ll a good worker, so they changed “career paths”). Gallagher said they like these dogs to be exuberant, sociable, food-driven (they train using a food reward system), non-ski sh, and fairly small—a fire scene can be ght quarters. The dogs arrive a few months ahead of their handlers, and Gallagher and his small staff of cer fied canine trainers begin working them. They split the dogs among them, and while the trainers have kennels, Gallagher doesn’t think any of them use them— they live in their homes. He admi ed training the dogs is the easiest part of the process, the humans are tougher. Once the handlers arrive, they’re paired with their canine partner, courtesy of Gallagher. “I don’t know [how I pair them]. I just know the handlers, I know the dogs, what their disposi ons are, what the personali es are and I match them.” He laughed when asked about the handlers mee ng their dogs. “It’s kind of an eye opener for some. Some may have had pets before but never a working dog. It’s kind of a learning curve for the first, second, or third days.” Maine Specialty Dogs developed the curriculum and oversees all training. Gallagher indicated there are one or two sessions a year, depending on the number of applicants. They u lize fire training loca ons—with dorms and dining facili es—in Maine and New Hampshire. There’s classroom instruc on for the humans, and fire scene inves ga on and rigorous training exercises for the teams. The dogs are also trained to work around physical obstacles and locate and discriminate countless scents. A er the 200 hours of training, the dogs are evaluated by The Maine State Criminal Jus ce Academy, and a chemist cer fies that each canine is capable of scen ng a variety of
Taylor Brook Animal Hospital ...........5
Daycare, Boarding and Grooming with Love, Care & More! Spacious indoor/outdoor pens Professional grooming services Individual care and playgroups
Over 1/2 acre of outdoor play areas Flexible pick up and drop off hours Please come for a free tour!
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Animal Emergency Clinic.................10 Maine Veterinary Medical Center ....6 Pet Connec on..................................6 Pleasant Hill Kennels .........................5 Portland Veterinary Specialists.......10 Puppy Love ......................................14 Tender Touch Vet ............................10
Pet Portraits .................................8&9 Pet Life ..............................Back Cover Pickles Pup Transport........................7 Silver Paw Pet Tags............................6
THE ARSON DOG’S LIFE “They get to go to work with their best friend. That’s probably one of the greatest gi s,” said Paul. When not on duty, the dog lives with its human partner and his or her family, and the handler provides for its care, further enhancing their posi ve rela onship. They train seven days a week, star ng in the morning. Words of praise and bits of kibble are hand-fed to the dog by its handler as reward for sniffing and si ng when the dog recognizes a training accelerant—this is a “passive alert.” Gallagher added that the handler is not holding food back. Instead, the dogs’ full nutri onal needs in the form of kibble are simply spread out over the course of the day. Gallagher likes a dog to re re when it is 10, but some handlers are hesitant to lose their partner. By the me a dog is 11 or 12, Gallagher puts his foot down. He wants to know the dog is enjoying life at its one- me partner’s home, relaxing and lying on the porch. The handler can apply for and test with another dog. “State Farm® is very good about that,” Gallagher added. He and his wife, Wendy Gallagher, are “dog-less” now, and when he’s not training arson dogs, he’s busy raising ca le on their farm. He likes the challenge of working with animals, and is especially fond of dogs. “Dogs are very forgiving. They’re not biased. All they care is that you take good care of them and they’ll work for you.”
207-865-4279 • 81 Pleasant Hill Rd., Freeport, ME 04032
Water Bark Wellness .......................10 Wienerfest ......................................11
accelerants used to set fires. This is crucial because evidence uncovered may be used in criminal and civil court cases. The recer fica on process is a three day condensed version of the original program at one of three na onal loca ons they choose. Over the years, they’ve had a few dogs that didn’t pass, but they allow a second tes ng that day. Gallagher may ask them back to Maine for more training, or he may re re them. “We have to have a system of checks and balances.”
Taylor Brook Animal Hospital “Honoring the Human-Animal Bond”
Catherine Sanders D.V.M. Michael Binette D.V.M.
Catherine Sanders D.V.M. Office Hours By Appointment
207-784-1726 33 Millett Drive • Auburn, ME
Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun! D
ogs are a “neotenous” species; juvenile traits persist throughout their lives, unlike most other mammals. They don’t care about “working” or personal responsibility – they just “ wanna” have fun. Puppies: what isn’t to love? They are full of vim and vigor, ac on and enthusiasm. When observing puppies, it’s clear that much of their me is spent in the pursuit of play. They play with toys, furniture, rugs, each other… and anything that moves - such as the family cat or that roll of toilet paper. Playing teaches them about the world, about boundaries, about problem-solving. It’s an essen al part of development. We can take advantage of the tremendous power of play when teaching everything from good manners to coming when called and everything in between. Introducing the concept of “learning equals fun” early in your pup’s life will build an amazing founda on – and you will be at its center ac ng as his personal ac vi es director. Your puppy will become addicted to learning the right
Basic Training Tips by Diana Logan
stuff if it’s “gamified.” Many behaviors that we want from our dogs are actually trained skills rather than innate behaviors. Our puppies will be more likely to learn and maintain a solid recall if it is introduced as an exci ng game that will result in “winning” instead of a game they risk losing something for. The same goes for sits and downs, for leash walking, and for nail trimming. Pre y much anything we want to teach our dogs we can teach by “gamifying” it. It's never too late to gamify things, though, so keep the games rolling with your older dogs, too!
How to Gamify: Does your dog want the toy you are holding? If he offers you eye contact, he wins it! Does he love to tug? When he voluntarily drops the tug toy (you may have to trade it for a treat at first), he gets invited to tug again! Then there’s leash walking… if he can walk beside you without a ght leash, he gets to move forward. If not, he goes nowhere. For handling such as nail trimming or grooming, I make sure there’s lots of food and very short sessions. Handle/feed simultaneously for 3 seconds, then
stop. Repeat a bunch of mes and Puppy will beg to be handled some more. Any me your puppy wants something is the perfect me to train. Capitalize on as many opportuni es as you can, and those good habits will take hold and blossom! If humans don’t gamify it, Puppy is sure to do so on his own, and his rules leave a lot to be desired. The more fun something is, the more likely we are to do it whether we are dog or human. A er all, who wants learning to be boring, or at worst, in mida ng or painful? From James Paul Gee’s book on gaming: • Games provide instant feedback; • Games cul vate progressive learning; increasing a player’s competence through an increase in level of difficulty while remaining achievable; • Games allow players to be producers and not just consumers. Visit to see how gamifica on can alter human behavior, from driving the speed limit to taking the stairs vs. the escalator. Now, go play with your dog... and have fun together!
Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | | 207-252-9352
Help a dog find a forever home! See page 13.
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Downeast Dog News
I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ Dear Readers: I’d like you to meet my e-mail pal Eddie. He likes to chase things, too, so I wrote him about my latest adventure.
Dear Eddie, I wonder if you are in Maine yet. I just have to tell you what I did yesterday. Boss has lots of plants she fusses over. Her
Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog
“Trade Game.” Again! She brought a yummy hard-boiled egg in my dish. Every me I tried to bring in the woodchuck, she shoved the dish in front of me and said, “Trade!” What could I do? I dropped my prize and followed the dish into the house. When she let me out later, I trailed her to the garden gate, but there was no strong scent of woodchuck, so I suppose she buried it. I might have done that myself if she hadn’t tricked me out of it. I saw her bury a dead bird I found, so I know humans bury things, too, but I never saw them dig something up again to eat. What a waste!
May you have grand adventures, Bammy
Dear Bammy,
asparagus and kale are delicious, but she doesn’t like to share with me. Woodchucks like them, too. She bays like a hound for me when she sees one. Yesterday I had a big surprise for her! I brought her a woodchuck I’d just caught! She made a wonderful fuss over me and called me “Hector Protector.” I love the way she says that, but I don’t know what it means. Do you? I wanted to bring it into our den, but she wouldn’t let me. I’m embarrassed to say I fell for her
Are you a breeder with puppies to go to a new home? Airport shuttle? Ground transport? Do you have dogs needing transport to specialty veterinarian appointments?
My humans have not gone to Maine yet. We have had change in our pack. My grandma Bunny, who lived in the cave underneath ours, used to feed my sister Lulu and me dinner every night. Before bed me we would go down to her cave for cookies. Grandma Bunny loved it when I turned circles on my hind legs to get a biscuit. Lulu can only sit with her tail straight behind her. Grandma called these behaviors "tricks." A er the tricks, I would race around her house looking for her cat, Dexter. He knew how to disappear. I could smell him but never see him. This winter Grandma stopped
feeding us so o en, and we didn't always get cookies. The last me we did tricks Grandma didn't even stand up to feed us, but I did my "piroue es" for her. She seemed very weak, and then one night my human, Susan, picked me up and let me sniff a human body, but Grandma was no longer inside. We didn't go in Grandma's house very o en a er that, and Dexter's smell is almost gone. Instead there are chemical smells and humans yelling, "Stay away from the paint!" Do you know what paint is, Bammy? It doesn't smell like anything you would want to eat, but the humans seem fascinated by it. I sure miss Maine, but my humans say that we can't go un l a er we've "moved downstairs." I'm not so sure what that means. I hope we go to Maine soon. Maybe I'll get to meet you. In the mean me, I hunt the big wood bees that fly in our garden. Some mes opossums and raccoons come by. I cornered a baby one between the fences a few years ago. Whenever I have one treed, the humans come out and drag me back inside. They have no sense of adventure.
Eddie The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.
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We will personally escort and deliver your beloved animals Can transport puppies or adult dogs
Call John Pickles at Picklespuptransport LLC
This well-respected, turnkey business provides doggie daycare, boarding and training. Located in Guilford, Maine (close to Sebec and Moosehead Lakes, State Parks and the coast) Established and flourishing since 1/1/2010 with a large client base, only 19 days with no dogs in 7.5 years! Seller willing to provide transition training. Contact Russell & Cynthia Scott FMI and to Excellent Home-Based Business schedule a tour. Opportunity in Central Maine Owners Retiring — $349,000
207-812-0052 USDA licensed and bonded PicklespuptransportLLC |
Safe, secure and caring transportation of your pets August 2017
Pet Portraits By Debra Bell
Choosing a Pet Photographer
et parents everywhere happily snap away hoping to capture “the image” that perfectly encapsulates their pet. While anyone can take a pet photograph, a good pet photographer will have some addi onal skills and training to help your pet look and feel its best. These are professionals who specialize in crea ng meaningful, cherished images. Not all photographers have the specific skillset that it takes to help your pet — and you — feel at ease in front of the camera. Here are some ps to help you choose a great pet photographer. Start with research. Work with a photographer who specializes in pets. A pre y website or cute Facebook page are not enough. Ask to see a full session or to speak with past clients. What you should look for is consistency and a style that matches your own home and decor. Some pet photographers strictly work on loca on while others have tradi onal studios and also work on loca on. Knowing the kind of style the photographers use is important. Ask them what kinds of sessions they offer and what kinds of loca ons they choose to use. Experience ma ers. Right a er research, experience ma ers. Your pet photographer should have worked with a variety of animals, breeds, and temperaments and will have an understanding of pet body language. This is especially important in ensuring that your pet is at ease and has a good me while being photographed. A nervous or shy dog will not do well with a photographer who does not take its needs into account. It goes without saying that your photographer should also have a strong background in photography. He should also know when and where to photograph the pet, how to properly light the subjects, and how to elicit meaningful reac ons from your pet. If you’re hiring a photographer to create images of a senior or an ill pet, discuss any special needs or accommoda ons your pet will require to make the session successful. Prepare to have fun! A great pet photographer will make the session a complete delight for both you and your furry friend! Not only will you have the chance to sit back and watch your pet in ac on (and it’s OK if the pet isn't perfectly behaved), but you’ll have the added advantage of someone else’s eye. Great pet photographers will be willing to crawl on the ground, get dirty and have fun with your pet. They’ll also know how to read its behavior to make sure the pet is having a blast as well. Invest. Good photography is an investment and you get what Hermon, Maine • 207-356-2353 Bangor’s Best Pet Photographer 2014–17
you pay for. A beau ful portrait can create beau ful art for your walls or gi s for family and friends. Your chosen pro will be able to help you choose the right products for your needs and make sugges ons for pieces that would look good in places in your home. When you set up an appointment, find out what is included in the session fee as well as what the costs will be for addi onal products. If possible, meet with your photographer to view the images and order. The photographer will be able to help you decide on the images you’d like to have printed or turned into something for your wall, desk, or even the Christmas tree. Many mes a second set of eyes will help narrow down the decision making rather than just viewing a session online. Debra Bell is the owner of Bell’s Furry Friends Photography (a division of Bell Imaging & Design LLC) and she and her husband Bill are owned by Buddy, a greyhound, Olivia, a Maine coon cat and an angel greyhound named Laura. View her work and find out more at
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Belfast Augusta Camden Minot
Downeast Dog News
August 2017
Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer
Tracking: Training With A Purpose A tracking dog needs to understand its job. We, as trainers, need to define the job. In other words, we need to really give a good detailed job descrip on. What is it you want your dog to do? A tracking dog must follow the basic path the tracklayer walked. A tracking dog cannot cut out en re “legs” of the track and get to the end as a Search and Rescue dog might do. It must follow track scent, not air scent in order to be successful. We, as handlers, must
understand and teach the task. Tracking is not nose work, and nose work is not tracking. Yes, both require scen ng skills, but applied in a different way. If a dog is successful at nose work by air scen ng, it may resort to this technique if the “track” scent is difficult to find or contaminated or the
safety issue. Teach “leave it” away from the track so you have this command on hand when you need it. There are many posi ve ways to teach “leave it”, and it should be understood by all dogs. Telling your dog you must leave something is not a bad thing; it could even save its life, so teach “leave it.” Another very important concept we must incorporate into our training program is reducing the help we give our dog on the track and crea ng a confident dog who will make correct decisions on the track. In the beginning stages, we help a lot to get the dog to understand the job and be well rewarded for doing the job. We must gradually reduce our help and let the dog take over. This many mes requires a great deal of pa ence and being quiet so as not to verbally push the dog. A relaxed body posture will help the dog realize there is no pressure, and it will allow the dog to work. Make your training sessions meaningful. Before you go out and just lay a track, think about the purpose of the track and what aspect of tracking you are trying to teach.
environmental condi ons are difficult. Air scen ng has paid off in the past, so it may default to this “successful” behavior when confronted with a problem. This is where training must be clear to the tracking dog. We do not want it to follow air scent. We want it to follow track scent. This is why le ng a tracking dog fringe and wander on the track is not giving a clear job descrip on of what the dog needs to do. A successful tracking dog must focus and then maintain its focus on the track scent. At the beginner level, the dogs must do this for 450-500 yards and make 3 to 5 turns (corners) along the way. So our purpose in beginning tracking is to keep the dog on the actual track, discourage fringing and air scen ng, and make track scent valuable. Tracks should be designed so dogs are successful and are mo vated to keep their heads down. In other words, following track scent pays very well. Another common problem is distrac ons or “cri ering” along the track. Dogs must be taught to ignore distrac ons and to follow the track. A “leave it” command is very necessary for a tracking dog. Some mes it is even a
Happy tracking!
Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 90 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing
Tender Touch Veterinary Hospital 336 Gorham Rd., Scarborough, ME 04074 Dr. Rita DeMeuse, DVM | Dr. Kelly Hill, DVM
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Downeast Dog News
Does My Dog's Breed Ma er? — Part 2 The Spor ng, Non-Spor ng, Terrier, and Toy Groups L ast month I started a threepart series on the importance of understanding your dog's breed and what they were bred to do before selec ng a dog. That understanding is cri cal to making sure you get the perfect dog that we all seek. Last month I discussed the AKC Herding and Hound groups. This month I will look at the Non-Spor ng, Spor ng, Terrier, and Toy groups. Non-Spor ng Group – “The breeds in the Non-Spor ng Group are a varied collec on in terms of size, coat, personality and overall appearance.1” Some of the more popular breeds in the Non-Spor ng group include Bulldogs (#4), French Bulldogs (#6), Poodles (#15), the Bichon Frise (#45), Dalma an (#62), Keeshond (#92), and more2. The breeds in the Non-Spor ng group are so diverse that discussing them as a group is not very valuable. For that reason, I recommend that anyone considering a dog from this group not only talk to breeders but also veterinarians, trainers, and kennel and daycare owners about your par cular breed of interest. Always make sure you seek advice from those with no financial gain in the breed that you choose. FMI – h p:// FindingTheRightDogForYou Spor ng Group - “Naturally ac ve and alert, Spor ng dogs make likeable, well-rounded companions. … Poten al owners of Spor ng dogs need to realize that most require regular, invigora ng exercise.1” The Labrador Retriever has been the most popular dog in the US for many years, and the Golden Retriever o en holds the number three spot on the AKC most popular breeds list2. Other popular breeds in the Spor ng group include: German Short-Haired Pointers (#11), Bri any’s (#25), English Springer Spaniels (#26), Cocker Spaniels (#29),
and more. We see lots of Spor ng breeds in Maine due to their overall popularity but also probably because many Mainers love outdoor adventures and so do the dogs in the Spor ng group. These dogs are bred to work closely with their handler, so they o en are some of the easiest dogs to train. However, they do tend to be some of the larger breeds as well as being well known for their enthusias c exuberance. If you have a dog from the Spor ng group, star ng training at an early age is essen al. Because of their retrieving ins ncts, some of the Spor ng breeds can be overly mouthy, so training them appropriate bite
inhibi on before they are 13 weeks of age is cri cal. FMI - h p:// ChoosingADogTrainer For hundreds of years, retrievers have been bred to have the stamina and ins ncts to hunt during hun ng season while being able to relax and be an ideal companion dog the rest of the year. Within the past few years, some of these dogs have been bred to be, in my opinion, overly driven so as to be more compe ve in field trials. These dogs are not always a good choice as a companion as they o en exhibit poor bite inhibi on and a hyperac ve personality. Terrier Group – “These are feisty, energe c dogs whose sizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn or West Highland White Terrier, to the grand Airedale Terrier. Terriers typically have li le tolerance for other animals, including other dogs. Their ancestors were bred to hunt and kill vermin. …In general, they make engaging pets, but require owners with the determina on to match their dogs' lively characters.1" The most popular breed in the Terrier group is the Miniature Schnauzer at #17. Other dogs in the Terrier group include the West Highland White Terrier (#41), So Coated Wheaten Terrier (#50), Airedale Terrier (#55), and others2. You may have noted that Terriers fall lower on the popularity list, and that is because a terrier is not for everyone. The AKC group descrip on indicates that dogs in the Terrier group o en have issues with other animals, including dogs. I describe Terriers as being the Seal Team of the dog world; they seek out and kill and do it very efficiently. That some mes makes them less than ideal for those new to dogs, those with children, and those that are fans of backyard wildlife. If you have other animals in your home, talk to a cer fied dog trainer or canine behavior consultant about
adding a Terrier to your family before commi ng to do so. FMI - h p:// ChoosingADogTrainer Toy Group – “The diminu ve size and winsome expressions of Toy dogs illustrate the main func on of this Group: to embody sheer delight.1” The most popular breeds in the Toy group include: Yorkshire Terrier (#9), Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (#19), Shih Tzu (#20) and Pug (#32)2. The most dis nguishing feature of these breeds is their size; they are small. The shape of their faces, the length of their coat, and personality can vary widely. Many breeds in the Toy group were bred specifically to serve as lap companions. We see several toy breeds for boarding and grooming at Green Acres, and they have very endearing quali es. For someone that primarily wants a canine buddy, they can be ideal. I o en recommend both the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Pug for first- me dog parents. They are small, durable, have great personali es and are pre y low maintenance although both breeds may suffer from serious health issues. Some would argue that future behavior is all about the environment and the way a dog is raised. Environment certainly plays a tremendous role in a dog’s temperament but so do gene cs, and we cannot change gene cs. If you want the best possible companion that meets your criteria of “the perfect dog,” then spend some me researching the breeds before you get your dog. Next month I will close out this three- part series by discussing the AKC Working group and Mixed Breed dogs.
References 1
AKC website - h p://www.akc. org/public-educa on/resources/dogbreeds-sorted-groups/ 2 Most Popular Dog Breeds - Full Ranking List - h p:// content/news/ar cles/most-populardog-breeds-full-ranking-list/
Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop ( in Bangor. He is a Bach Founda on Registered Animal Prac oner (BFRAP), Cer fied Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), Associate Cer fied Cat Behavior Consultant (ACCBC) and a Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). He produces and co- hosts a weekly radio show and podcast, The Woof Meow Show heard on The Pulse AM620 WZON and streamed at h p:// every Saturday at 9 AM. A list of upcoming shows and podcasts of past shows can be found at Don also writes about pets at his blog:
For more info: 207-236-8702
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August 2017
10 11
of the
welfare, to provide exemplary shelter and veterinary care, to place adoptable companion animals in loving homes, and he Coastal Humane Society is a 501(c) 3 to enhance the bond between humans and non-profit animal shelter and companion animals. animal adop on agency that was founded The dogs they bring in are more o en in the 50’s by a group of Brunswick’s owner relinquishments (cats are usually animal loving ci zens. Fast forward to 2017; strays). Jane indicated that they also they’re s ll going strong and are one of transport fully ve ed and healthy dogs Maine’s largest animal shelters, complete from their “hard-working, wonderful” with its own vet and a dedicated staff. Last partners in Florida, Mississippi, and summer, they merged with Lincoln County Georgia as space allows. She explained Animal Shelter in Edgecomb, and they can that o en in the south, animal shelters house approximately 75 dogs between are desperate for help due to apathe c both facili es. spay/neuter and leash-law a tudes that Jane Siviski, who serves as the joint nonresult in overpopula on. profit’s Marke ng Manager, explained To meet all the needs of the facili es, that Lincoln County Animal Shelter folks they rely heavily on their approximately approached Coastal’s Execu ve Director, 200 volunteers who aid in areas such Joe Mon sano, and requested that they as administra on, dog walking, special join forces. “They sort of needed a paw events, fostering (usually sick or stressed up,” Jane explained. “It’s been sort of a animals), laundry helpers, and short whirlwind,” she said of the merge, adding distance transporta on. that they’re all on the same team and Dona ons and supplies are always happy to be helping more animals. welcome. For their dogs, leashes and The mission of this joint non-profit bedding are high demand items. They is simple: to protect and save animals’ appreciate adult dog food, especially lives, to educate and advocate for their specialty diet blends. It’s worth no ng
that it’s “ki en season,” said Jane. Supplies for the influx of these felines, such as cat li er, canned food, hea ng pads, and co on balls are needed. They do appreciate monetary dona ons, but why not get out and have some fun while suppor ng this joint nonprofit? On Saturday, August 26, 2017, you’re invited to the Save a Stray 5K & Fes val at L.L.Bean in Freeport that benefits the 3,500 animals cared for by Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln County Animal Shelter every year. It's a day of fun for runners, walkers, and animal lovers alike. Take part in the 5K run or 1 mile walk with your friends, family, and even your dog. Stay on and enjoy L.L.Bean's Dog Days of Summer Fes val. The registra on is $25, and Jane said there is no cap on the number of runners. Visit h p://saveastray. for all details and registra on. For more info on both facili es including all volunteering areas and all adoptable animals, visit h ps://www. and h p://
1yr., Australian Shepherd/Mix
She’s friendly and likes to play, also likes bu scratches! She must go to a home with no small children (13+) and no other dogs.
Sisters Ellie and Mocha are 1 year old Australian Shepherd mixes. They've been with each other since birth, and they should go home together! Mocha is more confident of the two, but would benefit from some guided obedience instruc on to keep their minds busy. They will be smar es! This adorable pair will make fantas c companions and would thrive in an ac ve household with older kids or as the only children. This pair came to Coastal Humane from a partner shelter down South where they struggled to find a home.
Stop by Coastal Humane Society at 30 Range Road, Brunswick, ME or call 207.725.5051.
Stop by Coastal Humane Society at 30 Range Road, Brunswick, ME or call 207.725.5051.
2 years, Terrier Mix
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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • 207-453-7387
Downeast Dog News
Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 230-0260 x6
10 years, Australian Shepherd
2 years, Redbone Coonhound
22 mos., Shepherd/Heeler/ Lab Mix
Jack was an outside dog for many years. He has been in foster care for quite a few months now, and is growing to enjoy it very much. Jack loves people and aec on, but he needs someone who will give him space when he needs it. So no young kids. He does well with other dogs.
Sweet as can be. He loves children and he is good with other dogs, especially puppies. Needs a strong leader and a family willing to work with his protec ve behavior. Not a big player but he does like his walks, exploring and riding in the car. Hank will win your heart in no me!
Alice is a good natured, friendly and happy girl, and gets along well with other dogs. This lovely lady would love an ac ve person or people to enjoy outdoor ac vi es and fun adventures. How can you resist that smile!
FMI: h p:// inder.html
FMI: Puppy Love, Inc. (207)833-5199,
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Sunray Animal Clinic
First Na onal Bank
Damarisco a Veterinary Clinic
73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick (207)725-6398 •
16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais 1-800-564-3195 • theďŹ
530 Main St., Damarisco a • (207) 563-3934 damarisco
Black Lab Mix
5 mos., Shepherd Mix
3 years, German Shepherd
This li le man is looking for a home with an experienced dog owner who understands how important it is to take him to training before he grows into a big, strong dog. Odin needs a kid and dog free home.
Roy came to Maine from a shelter in Egypt. He is learning to live in a house for the ďŹ rst me. He has all the traits of a GSD, so needs a person experienced with the breed. He is good with dogs of all sizes, cats & chickens.
Available at PAWS in Camden (207)236-8702
5years, Beagle
8 years, Beagle
Came from a Rescue in New York. I was tested posi ve for Heartworms, but have been treated. I love children and tolerate cats. I have been known to take excep on to larger dogs. I am a good boy and will make someone a very special family member.
Came from a neglec ul home in northern Maine. I am a sweet, friendly boy who loves people! I lived as an outdoor dog, so I will need some me to adjust to a new home. Please give me a chance!
Bunny is friendly and has that big smile on her face when she sees you! She likes people but would like to be the only canine princess in her new home. Available at PAWS in Camden (207)236-8702
Sponsored by
Scarborough Animal Hospital 29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412 scarboroughanimalhospital.
BUDDY 6 years, American Shelter Dog Friendly fellow who enjoys playing with other canine pals. Available at Animal Welfare Society in Kennebunk (207)985-3244
Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392 Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392
BRIDGETTE Boxer When rescued, this girl had been underfed and neglected for far too long. She doesn’t let any of that slow down her wiggly happiness! Very aec onate girl who loves people. Favorite amongst our dog walking volunteers. Great with kids but would prefer a home without any cats or smaller dogs. Available at Pope Memorial Humane Society (207)594-2200
8.5 years, Basse /Beagle
2.5 years, Hound/ Pit Mix
Her people had a child, and Gracie is displaced and unhappy. She is a friendly, lovable, aec onate girl that loves a belly rub and a place on the couch.... and in bed! Enjoys walks, play me in the yard and car rides. She is looking for a quiet, adult home where she will be lavished with a en on and aec on. She gets along with her similar sized foster siblings. Adop on fee waived. FMI: Puppy Love, Inc. (207)833-5199,
Hoping to ďŹ nd his very own humans to cuddle up with. He is a snuggle bug and loves being with people. Gets along well with some dogs, although he wouldn’t do well with cats. He is a big goofy guy who would beneďŹ t from dog savvy owners who are willing to give him the training and focus he needs. Available at Pope Memorial Humane Society (207)594-2200 Photo: Kris na Moro Photography
Help us find a forever home! B M . .
August 2017
Voted BestBEST Trainer VOTED 2015 & 2016 TRAINER 2015!
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Friendly Lodging 3 years in a row!
August C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to ALES FOR TAILS Wednesday, August 2 Warren, 4PM – 7PM Join us for a pint or two at Simplicity Brewing, 2473 Camden Rd. (Rte. 90) next to Frantz Furniture and help PAWS raise some $$ too! Well behaved dogs welcome. h ps:// simplicitybrewingco/
PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Saturday, August 5 Camden, 10 AM – 11 AM When a beloved pet dies it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your sorrow. Unfortunately, friends and family may not get how important your pet was in your life. Join others who share your feelings and understand your loss. Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group in the P.A.W.S. Community Room at PAWS Animal Adop on Center, 123 John St., Camden. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadop; info@pawsadop; 207-236-8702
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 12 Belfast, 10AM – Noon Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at the Loyal Biscuit’s Belfast loca on on 1 Belmont Ave from 10am – Noon for our next nail clipping clinic! For just $10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to the Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary, just stop by with your pup or cat.; 207-6609200 x6
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 12 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp my Paws will be at the Loyal Biscuit’s Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic! For just $10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to the Humane Society Waterville Area. No appointment necessary, just stop by with your pup or cat. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine!; 207-660-9200 x6
BOATYARD DOG TRIALS Sunday, August 13 Rockland, 10:15AM Annual event during the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show, at the Harbor and Buoy Park (Park Drive). Pre-selected dogs compete in just-for-fun events that include obstacle courses, boat boarding trials and more!
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 19 Camden-Rockport, 10AM-12PM Rockland, 1PM – 3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at the Loyal Biscuit’s Camden-Rockport loca on on US Rte 1 in Rockport from 10am – Noon and Rockland loca on at 408 Main St. from 1pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics! For just
Hounding Around Town Dog Walking & Pet Care Bonded • Insured • Reliable • Caring Serving Bangor & Surrounding towns (Orono to Dixmont). 978-290-1815 cell • 207-234-3154
$10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to the Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary, just stop by with your pup or cat.; 207-6609200 x6
Ross Rd. Entry fee $5, deadline August 24th. Judging criteria: crowd favorite, waggiest tail, most energe c, smallest and largest. Come take a photo with your dog at our dona on based photo booth. All dona ons and entry fees will benefit the Animal Welfare Society. FMI: Amanda, aaus or 207-985-7141 x3101
Sunday, August 20 Portland, 11AM – 2PM
Pixel Fund will be at the Portland Pet Life at 91 Auburn St., Portland. Come meet some dogs that need to find their fur-ever home!
AGILITY COURSE TEST 1&2 Saturday, August 26 Somerville AKC ACT 1 and ACT 2 Agility Course Test (ACT) will be held on Saturday, August 26, 2017 outdoors at North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, ME. Judge: Carolyn Fuhrer Call or e-mail for more informa on and to request entry forms. kduhnoski@, 207-691-2332
SAVE A STRAY 5K & FESTIVAL Saturday, August 26 Freeport, 8AM This is the Coastal Humane Society’s 5k, walk and fes val for the shelter pets. Live music, food trucks and much more. Held at LL Bean Campus. Check-in for the 5k begins at 7am at the Bean Boot. The race begins at 8am. You can register online in advance un l 6pm, Friday, August 26th.
PET ROCK IN THE PARK Sunday, August 27 Portland, 11AM – 4PM
FREE PUPPY PLAYSKOOL! Thursdays, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Edgecomb, 5:30 PM A supervised, safe, socializa on opportunity for puppies less than 20 weeks of age at at Posi vely Best Friends, 280 Boothbay Rd, Edgecomb. Ongoing Thursdays. FMI: marcia@posi velybes; 207882-7297; www.posi velybes
PLANET DOG ADOPTION DAYS Saturdays, August 5, 12, 19, 26 Planet Dog Company Store at 211 Marginal Way in Portland hosts adop on days for those looking to add a new member to the family. So come join us for a funfilled a ernoon to socialize with our visi ng Rescue Group and their pups and learn more about the process of fostering and/or adop ng. Soul-y Maine Pet Rescue August 5th, 12-2pm Tall Tails Rescue August 12th, 12-2pm The Green Ark August 19th, 12-2pm Lucky Pup Rescue August 26th, 12-2pm
Join Portland Veterinary Specialists and the Animal Emergency Clinic of Portland at Deering Oaks Park for the 7th annual Pet Rock in the Park. Featuring LIVE music, animal demonstra ons, food vendors, pet products, services, animal shelters and rescue organiza ons. To benefit the Animal Cancer Founda on.
DOG SHOW Thursday, August 31 Kennebunk, 2PM Kennebunk’s first ever dog show. Held at the Kennebunk Center for Health at 158
Oceanfront Camping
@ Reach Knolls Primitive camping on the shores of Eggemoggin Reach Brooklin, Maine
44° 16’ 59.9º / 68o 37’ 18.7º
Downeast Dog News
Business Directory MIDCOAST
• Full service veterinary care from the heart. • Voted best Veterinary Clinic in Bangor 7 years running. • Now accepting new patients.
Mark Hanks, DVM Chris Barry, DVM 857 River Road Orrington, ME (207)825-8989
Terry Costa Warren, Maine
Wiscasset, Maine • 207-882-6128
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2017 OFFICIAL BALLOT Downeast Dog News introduces the 8th Annual Reader's Poll. Readers please vote for your top choices in each category by filling out the form below. Winners will be announced in the November Issue. Please be specific, include the TOWN where your selec on is located and mail to Downeast Dog News. (Only one entry per reader, NO photocopies accepted)
PLEASE PRINT Vote for the Best... Best Maine Veterinarian Office: Best Maine Groomer: Best Maine Trainer: Best Maine Pet Store: Best Maine-made Pet Product: Best Maine Daycare/Boarding Center: Best Maine Rescue or Shelter: Best Pet-Friendly Lodging/Inns/Hotels:
Town: Town: Town: Town: Town: Town: Town: Town:
Entry Deadline is August 31st ORIGINAL BALLOT ONLY WILL BE ACCEPTED NO photocopies accepted, ONE entry per person
Mail to: 266 Meadow St., Rockport, ME 04856 August 2017
Downeast Dog News would love to help you promote your business in 2016. With a readership throughout the state, our newspaper is a perfect way to reach nearly 10,000 pet lovers each month! Contact Publisher Jenn Rich for more info: jenn@downeast 207-230-0260 ext. 6
U Boarding & Daycare U Dog & Cat Grooming U Dog Training Classes U Behavior Counseling U Wholesome Pet Foods U Quality Pet Supplies
ME License #F251
Your pet’s home away from home
Boarding Training obedience agility puppy class
1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841
Thank You! For voting for Green Acres Kennel Shop as:
Best Kennel (2002—2017) Best Pet Store (2007—2017) Best Dog Trainer (2011—2017) Best Pet Groomer (2013—2017)
Dog Daycare BEAR BROOK KENNELS 19 Bennett Road, Brewer, ME 04412
For reservations call 207-989-7979.
GREAT SELECTION, GREAT PRICES AND A HELPFUL STAFF. WE HAVE IT ALL! n Huge selectiot a c d n of dog a foods!
Where History Moves You
Nutro Pro Pac Candidae Iams
Vintage Village & Antique Autos Steam Train & Model Railroad Festivals , Events and More!
Blue Seal By Nature Fromm Wysong Innova Solid Gold
Pedigree Purina Pro Plan Science Diet Taste of the Wild Eukanuba
Merrick Max Triumph Whiskas Friskies
U.S. Route 1, Wiscasset Mon.-Fri. 7:00 - 5:30 Sat. 7:00 - 5:00 Closed Sun.
Railway Village Check out special events at: Pet Friendly
On Route 27, Boothbay, ME
Bring your dog to check out our great supply of pet foods and toys!