2019 August Downeast Dog News

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Hot Dog News Best of the Best Contest 2019

Opening Soon! Loyal Biscuit Co. will be adding a 6th loca on in the heart of Hallowell just 1.5 miles from the State House and a few miles from Gardiner. This new store will have healthy selec ons of food for dogs AND cats, including raw, freeze-dried, canned, and kibble, as well as great toys, treats, harnesses and more. They an cipate opening in early August but the exact date is s ll TBD. You can check their Facebook page for updates. h ps://www. facebook.com/loyalbiscuit

See more Hot Dog News on page 3! Voted BestBEST Trainer VOTED 2015-2018 TRAINER 2015!


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www.BoothbayLodging.com 1.800.660.5094 200 Townsend Ave. Rt. 27 Boothbay Harbor, ME

Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Gretchen Piston Ogden Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Kate Dutra Nancy Holmes Debra Bell Ardys Goodine Cory Mosunic GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com


From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, I can’t believe another month has gone by already! I really hope summer extends into September this year. While I really do love fall, I am really enjoying gardening and everything being so green right now. Pepper is truly happy to be swimming again! She loves it so much and is so excited once we hit the camp road that she needs to s ck her head or nose out of the moon roof so she can sniff all the way down, and then o en she lets out li le cries once we stop because she cannot wait to get out of the car. In turn, it gives me much pleasure to see her so happy. I would say it is a favorite spot for both of us. Yesterday Pepper went for her annual exam and some shots. You o en hear about dogs who don’t par cularly like going to the vet or get anxiety over it. That is not Pepper! She is so thrilled to be there and see other people. Of course she doesn’t always enjoy being examined, but she gets over that very quickly. She really is just a happy Lab. Since we had some elevated liver and kidney levels about year or more ago, I had them take a look


at them and her liver levels were slightly elevated again, so she is on a supplement and we are going to determine if we need to do further tes ng. So now I get to feed her a pill every morning on an empty stomach and without our faithful peanut bu er method. Then she has to wait for an hour. She was such a good girl and just laid on the couch watching me ever so hopeful that her breakfast

Green Acres Kennel Shop has been recognized as the Bangor Regions Best Kennel for the eighteenth consecu ve year in a survey conducted by Market Surveys of America and the GKM Independent Survey Company. Green Acres was also acknowledged as the Bangor Regions

• Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.


SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

Do you see signs of: - Mobility issues? - Too much barking? - General anxiety? - Skin and coat problems?

"A True Love Story", a documentary film about the rescue Old Dogs New Digs had its premiere on July 21st in Brunswick. It was well a ended and helped raise money for the rescue. The film was created by Five Road Films and will be featured in the NY Dog Film Fes val. Stay tuned for a future screening coming to Maine again soon.

- Trembling? - Pacing? Coastside Bio’s new HempFlex Extract Tincture and HempFlex Jerky Squares provide a wide range of active hemp oils and cannabinoids.

Please contact Coastside Bio Resources

800-732-8072 for a store near you.

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2019 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

August 2019

Best Pet Store for the thirteenth year in a row, the Best Dog Trainer for the eighth consecu ve year, and the Best Pet Groomer for the seventh year in a row.

Does Your Dog Need a Taste of HEMP EXTRACT?

Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

All the best, Jenn and Pepper

Green Acres Voted the Regions Best Kennel, Best Pet Store, Best Dog Trainer & Best Pet Groomer



was coming. She’s not quite that patient when it comes to dinner. Now that I work from home, she has managed to bump up dinner time and comes in and stares at me. If I don’t happen to notice, she moves in closer or lets out a bark to let me know she’s there and she’s hungry. Of course she can always eat, she’s a Labrador. She has been chewing and licking her feet lately, so they tested her for yeast and she did have some of that. Due to her liver values, we are going with a shampoo to treat her feet for now. I am supposed to let that sit on her feet for a bit before rinsing it off and then get them as dry as I can when she gets out. This is not an easy task for a dog who doesn’t like to have her feet touched. We did okay with it though our first time around, and hopefully it will get easier. I hope you are all enjoying your summer! Stay cool and I hope you can get out and enjoy some of the great doggie events. Un l next month….

Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


3-month minimum recommended

10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 15th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Memorials/End of Life ....... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dr. My Eyes ...........................12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


Can I tell you how much I miss having a dog? I have cats but it’s just not the same. The upside is I get to live vicariously through you when you come in for a psychic reading or as I answer your questions for this Furry Words column! I do get to hear from mine in heaven, but oh what I would give for one more snuggle. I asked for your dog questions on my Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page and did mini readings on as many as I could. Here’s what your pups had to say. Anne S. asked about George, who is still living. “Why is he so fearful when people come into our house? It’s nonstop barking!” He gets so excited and he wants to talk with all of you! It’s so funny, because he shows me an image of being at my relatives. People were always coming and going and it was LOUD for me. They all want to be noticed and part of the conversation. He thinks he’s just chiming in. When I ask how can we get him to stop, I see you giving him an extra fancy bandanna that he wants to show off, but he has to be quiet for people to get close to him. Sounds a bit odd but it’s worth trying! Jeri M. has Murphy and she wants to know about his leg. First thing I heard was take it off. He doesn’t need it. He sort of does, because from what he’s showing me he’s not a li le dog, but from his perspec ve it’s just slowing him down and more trouble than it’s worth. Standard disclaimer is I’m not a veterinarian, so talk this over with them, obviously! April D. wants to know “Why

Heartworm Update Q. Can you tell me about heartworm disease? My li le dog is mostly indoors, so how would my dog get it?

Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

Rebel is so aggressive to other 4 leggers? Is she bored? Is she mad we moved her from sunny California to cold and humid NH?” Holy smokes, YES she’s bored!!! She needs brain games. You are doing a great job of exercising her but she needs you to wear out her mind as much as her physical body. She doesn’t care one bit where she lives as long as you’re there with her. Awwww! That’s so sweet! I actually think she is enjoying this cooler climate. Tracy M. asks if Justice is feeling better and what would make him more comfortable? Yes he is feeling much better. I get a pain in my left hip but I’m hearing that the forced rest and relaxation is helping tremendously. I also feel that it forced you to take some time off, too, which was fantastic for you as well!

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman


Heartworm disease use to be rare in Maine especially north of Bangor. With the higher temperatures, we er environments, and the large influx of southern dogs into Maine, more dogs are at risk for heartworm (Dirofilaria immi s) infec on than in the past. To understand heartworm disease we need to know the life cycle of this parasite. So what is heartworm? It is a spaghe -like worm that lives in the heart of the dog. Dogs, coyotes, and other canids are the natural host, which means the worm will thrive and reproduce in them. Any canid that has adult male and female heartworms can infect another dog through mosquito bites. A mosquito bites an infected dog and ingests the heartworm baby (microfilaria). The parasite develops


into the infec ve stage in the stomach of the mosquito. Your dog is bi en by the mosquito, which transmits the larvae into your dog. The developing larvae are in the ssues for the next one to two months. A er that, the developing adult is in the bloodstream and heart for four to five months. Heartworms need to have male

Donna C. has Hans, living. “Is he in more pain than he is showing from his glaucoma?” No, I don’t get that he is. My belly just felt yucky, however. Is he on medica on for it? If so, the pain meds make him feel a bit nauseous and without it his eyes feel more dry and irritated than painful. Hans has always relied so much on his sense of hearing that I don’t think glaucoma is affec ng him the same way a person or animal that used sight as their primary sense would. Kelly G. has Sabrett and wants to know why he barks a lot? I get a HUGE smile on my face with Sabrett and hear him say very quietly and smugly, “Because I can.” You tend to put up with a lot from other people, and it’s time for you to put your foot down and tell them to knock it off. They’re asking for you to set boundaries for both you and them. Your life will be so much better if you figure out how to do that and you’ll be much more respected in the long run. Sabrett will validate that you’re doing well by barking a whole lot less. Elizabeth C. asked if Jake lead her to Henry? Absolutely. You needed love and to be understood. You hold your cards close to your chest and only let people you really trust into your inner circle. Henry is a sexy beast (I’m laughing because I have no idea if he’s a dog or man) but he always has your best interest in mind. If you need a nap, they make sure you get it. If you need fun, they act ridiculously silly! Jake is pre y darned proud of himself! Ailsa M. wants to know what makes my dog Zoey the happiest? Zoey loves doing the zoomies! She

doesn’t need a huge amount of space but I’m seeing a long and narrow fenced in back yard. The fence is made of a black metal and every time she zooms by you she loves that you reach out and pretend to try to smack her on the butt. She feels like she is flying and it feels amazing! Kimberly W. lost their black Lab Boone. “We'd like to know what happened to her the day she died. She was fine and then just wasn't.” As soon as I read your question my airway got super tight. My chest feels warm, too, like blood is slowly spreading through my chest cavity. From what she’s showing me it feels like an aortic aneurysm. There wasn’t any sharp pain but I feel her spirit left her body before the body completely shut down. She still peeks in the windows! Actually, I see her reflection looking out a window from the couch with her on the inside. If you ever think you see her it’s because her spirit is always near. Thank you to all of you who submitted questions! If I didn’t answer your question or you’d like to learn more about what was relayed, feel free to schedule a reading at www. enlightenedhorizons.com on the Online Booking page. As always I offer a discounted Rescue Readings for animals that have been rescued. The more you know about them the more you can help them adjust to being a part of your pack!

and female adults to produce the microfilaria. In the heart, the mature adult produces microfilariae for the next 5 to 7 years. The cycle then repeats itself. The recommenda ons from the American Heartworm Society (AHS) have been updated in 2018. These guidelines are based on the 2016 Triennial Symposium of the American Heartworm Society. Here is a summary of the updates and changes: Diagnos cs: Most clinics have the an gen test made by Idexx or Abaxis for heartworm. These tests can test for heartworm alone or combined with tes ng for ck borne diseases. The AHS is also recommending doing microfilaria tes ng. Tes ng for microfilaria is what veterinarians used to do before the advent of the an gen test. Preven on: The AHS recommends year-round administra on of an approved heartworm preven ve drug because of the documenta on of resistant subpopula ons of heartworm. They also recommend using a bug repellent to reduce the risk of your dog being bi en by mosquitoes. It is also recommended

to avoid taking your dog outside at peak mosquito ac vity, which is dawn and dusk. Another way to reduce the risk is by elimina ng mosquito friendly environments. This is done by removing standing water whereever possible. Breeding grounds for mosquitos are found in buckets, birdbaths, stagnant ponds just to name a few. Heartworm has been diagnosed in all 50 states and around the world. Reloca on of microfilaremic dogs and expansion of the disease in our wild canids are contribu ng factors. Another extremely important reason for the spread of heartworm disease is the rise in temperature and humidity needed to support heartworm. With these changes, the ingested microfilaria matures into the infec ve stage (third stage larvae) in the intermediate host, the mosquito. Current heartworm preventa ve medicines are effec ve, but there is concern for the growing pockets of resistant heartworm popula ons.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings. Visit her website at www.enlightenedhorizons.com.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

ZOLA from page 1 The 2019 Field of Challengers has been chosen: Cooper (springer spaniel) – “Anything to do with a tennis ball, I’m on it!” Handlers: Saylor and Jeanine Salica Sassy (golden retriever) – “I love, love, love the water!” Handler: John Crawford Tache (curly-haired) – “That’s French for spot!” Handler: Viking Gustafson Ta oo (papillon) – “10 tons of ’tude in a 7-pound sack!” Handler: Lisa Lane (Alternate: Charlie (dachshund) “A registered ground-support service dog!” – Handler: Paul Schafer) Zola and challengers will stand up, sit down, roll over, and act silly (or not at all) before an adoring crowd. This year’s chosen dogs will be expected to complete three events within an 8-minute me limit: Dockside Obstacle Course — Dog and handler will nego ate a maze of lobster traps, piles of rope, buoys, and other funky dockside paraphernalia. Dinghy Hop — Dog and handler will scramble in and out of a very unstable dinghy that’s tethered to a float. Freestyle — Each dog (and their person) will show off his or her special talents…. No holds are barred during this segment— dogs have tied bowlines, sung sea chanteys, climbed ladders, danced in costume, and “cooked” lobsters

in the past. There’s no telling what this year’s crop will come up with to entertain the crowd.. The 2019 Esteemed Panel of Judges will be April Thibodeau from long- me sponsor and local petsupply emporium Loyal Biscuit (stores in Bangor/Brewer, Belfast, Camden/ Rockport, Rockland, and Waterville); Ka e Griffin, cer fied canine swim coach and owner /founder of Water Bark Wellness in Camden; and Ruth Woodbury Starr from 250 Main Hotel in Rockland, “where dogs are welcome, and if your dog will vouch for you, you are welcome too!” The verbal an cs and howling puns of emcees Mike Joyce and Alan Sprague, from WERU-FM’s call-in show “Boat Talk” will add to the fun.


Ta oo


Please Support Our Advertisers BANGOR & DOWNEAST Acadia Sunrise Motel ..........................6 Green Acres Kennel Shop .................16 Loyal Biscuit ........................................2 Oceanfront Camping ...........................7

CENTRAL Bessey's Posi ve Paws ...........................7 The Salty Dog Pet Grooming......back cover Skowhegan/Kennebec Valley KOA ......7

MIDCOAST Ames Supply......................................16 Boothbay Railway Village ....................... 10 Coastal Dog .......................................10 Flagship Inn .........................................2 Harbor Hounds ..................................16 Kompletely K-9 ....................................6 Loyal Biscuit ........................................2 Maine Wienerfest .............................14 Mr. Dog Training..................................2 Pine Grove Co ages............................7

August 2019

The Salty Dog Pet Grooming......back cover Two Salty Dogs ....................................2 Water Bark Wellness ...........................2


New this year will be a waterrescue demonstra on, in which a burly Newfoundland will show off their safety and retrieval skills for the crowd. The pawsome event will kick off with a furry procession of canine compe tors at 10:15 on the show grounds. The official trials will begin at 10:30 a.m. on the waterfront. Admission to the trials is included in the price of a show cket; children under the age of 12 always get in free. Please note: Only pre-entered dogs may compete and only service animals (preferably marked as such) are allowed on show grounds. Please leave Fido and Fifi at home—you can tell them all about it later! As always, Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine and the Boatyard Dog® Trials will offer show a endees a chance to help support local midcoast animal shelters. Anyone can come by Tent B to make a dona on to the shelters at any me during the show


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Taylor Brook Animal Hospital

Dog Days of Bridgton .......................... 15 Hello Doggie Daycare ........................16 Taylor Brook Animal Hospital .............5

SOUTHERN All 4 Paws ..........................................11 Maine Veterinary Medical Center ......6 Pet Connec on....................................6 Pleasant Hill Kennels .........................11 Portland Veterinary Emergency..........7 Save a Stray 5k/Fes val ................... 15 Tender Touch Veterinary...................11 Waggerstown ......................................6


weekend. The trials compe tors will also be encouraged to bring shelter dona ons. The Maine Boats & Home Show is produced by the interna onally acclaimed Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine. For more informa on, call 800-565-4951 or visit h p://maineboats.com/boatshow. The 2019 Boatyard Dog sponsors are: 250 Main, Bell’s Furry Friends Pet Photography, Casco Totes, Hamilton Marine, Loyal Biscuit, and Water Bark Wellness. Overall show sponsors are Awlgrip/Interlux, Bangor Savings Bank, Camden Na onal Bank, CedarWorks, Courier Publica ons, Epifanes, LCI Fiber Op c Networks, Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine, Owls Head Transporta on Museum, Rock Harbor Brewing, US Harbors, and Yarmouth Boat Yard. The support of the City of Rockland, the Rockland Main Street program, and West Bay Rotary is also much appreciated.

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Office Hours By Appointment

Catherine Sanders, DVM Jennifer Mirecki, DVM

207-784-1726 www.taylorbrookanimalhospital.com 33 Millett Drive • Auburn, ME

Coastside Bio Resources .....................3 Memorials/End of Life Care ...........8&9 Silver Paw Pet Tags............................11


Peas and Cues Does your dog really understand?

Ko'pincha itlarimiz ularga DOGS aytadigan gaplarimizni tushunishi kerak, deb hisoblaymiz va ko'pincha itlarga nima qilishni ay shni xohlaymiz. Holbuki, agar ARE ularga ma'lum so'zlar ularga tegishli bo'lgan aniq ma'nolarga ega bo'lishlariga yordam bermasak, AWESOME! ularni qo'lga kiri sh uchun juda ko'p vaqt talab qilishi mumkin. Unless you speak Uzbek, your eyes probably glazed over slightly as you looked at that gibberish-laden first paragraph. Three words may have popped out at you though because your brain has been wired to latch onto something that is familiar. All creatures, including us, are subjected to an infinite range of s muli* each and every day which may or may not affect what we do or how we act. It wouldn’t make sense for us to respond to everything - that would be a huge waste of our valuable energy (such as “Oh look! A bird!” when there are birds everywhere, all the me). We pay a en on to things that have meaning to us (“that damned bird just pooped on me!”). Whether we realize it or not, we are con nuously filtering out extraneous informa on. We can certainly make a conscious decision to no ce specific things, but for the most part, our autofilters keep us focused on what has the poten al to affect us. What does this mean for dog training? Dogs are not verbal creatures, so they do not automa cally tune in to the

Basic Training Tips

by Diana Logan

words we say. Instead, they focus on what they do understand: movement, body language, visual informa on, consequence. Our words are like the Uzbek gibberish above with perhaps a few meaningful ones tossed in there somewhere. Words which have a history of being paired many mes with something valuable are the only ones that become meaningful. Example: When we want to teach our dogs that

certain words have meaning to them, e.g., get a behavior on cue, it’s most efficient and effec ve to do it in a very specific way. Sure, "ANY trainer, using ANY method, can train ANY animal, to do ANY behavior, given enough me.” (Bob Bailey) The ques on is, “Is there a way to do it that’s most efficient and clean and that’s most fun and rewarding for the animal?” The answer is an empha c “YES!” When we are asking our dogs to do something, for example, "lie down", we tend to provide lots of informa on to them in conjunc on with our words. They, in turn, will filter out what is extraneous. That o en means they filter out our words. Typical Scenario: We say “down” while we point to the floor. Dog lies down (maybe). We think the dog is responding to the verbal cue “down” but he’s probably responding to the visual gesture of poin ng to the floor instead. We have prac ced a messy pa ern of: 1. Verbal/Visual cues together (or “new/old” cues) 2. Behavior 3. Perhaps a reward If we really pay a en on to what we are doing and not just saying, we can figure out what our dog is responding to most. Experiment! If you sit s ll in a chair with your dog in front of you, will your dog lie down if you say, “down”? Remember not to move a muscle except those required to say “down.” If he lies down, GREAT! He understands a verbal-only cue, which really is pre y amazing! If he doesn’t, he just needs a bit of help to make that cue more meaningful. The pa ern above needs only a bit of tweaking to become more efficient.

Here’s the magic formula: 1. New Cue 2. Old Cue 3. Behavior-MARK** 4. Reward 5. Repeat ad nauseam (in many sessions - don’t drill your poor pup!) 6. New cue, wait a few seconds to see if your pup responds. If yes, you are on your way! If not, con nue 1-5. In prac ce, it would look like this: 1. Say “down” only once, then - pause a second 2. Point to the floor 3. MARK** the moment he lies down 4. Reward him with something he loves 5. Repeat ad nauseam 6. Say "down," wait a few seconds to see if your pup responds. If yes, you are on your way! If not, con nue 1-5. By separa ng the new cue from the old cue (in this case, the verbal from the visual), you are helping to highlight the new cue, to make it stand out more. When we mix them by doing them simultaneously, the new cue gets lost and filtered out. Have fun with this and test your dog’s understanding of verbal cues. If he does well at “down” when you are si ng in a chair, can he s ll do it when you are hopping up and down? Remember to reward him generously for his efforts! If he doesn’t respond, it’s not his fault - he just needs more guidance from you. Happy Training! *s muli, “a detectable change in the internal or external environment.” **using a clicker or a verbal marker such as “yes!”

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

Promote your business to a targeted audience of pet lovers. Advertise with

Downeast Dog News! Contact Jenn for more information (207)706-6765; jenn@downeastdognews.com.

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net. Dear Bammy, The awfullest thing happened to me when I was just patrolling my own yard. The garbage can usually smells like old coffee and moldy stuff – not worth a second sniff. But early this morning I smelled an animal, but nobody I’ve ever met. I sneaked around behind the garbage

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

can and saw a pointy li le black face looking at me. It was sort of like a cat, but it sure didn’t smell like one. Being a friendly sort of dog, I did a play bow to it. It stamped its front feet and glared at me. So I ran around the garbage can the other way to see the back end of it. It had a big black and white tail raised up over its back, and it squirted in my face just like Dad’s garden hose.

Only it wasn’t water. Baaad! I fell over backwards and scooted away. I couldn’t open my eyes, and the smell made me choke and gag. I whined and rolled on the grass and pawed at my eyes un l I could see a li le bit. Then I ran up to the house and barked hard at the door. Dad let me in, but he immediately started yelling at me to get out!! He brought out a pail of water that smelled pre y bad of something else and started pouring it on me. I ran away, of course, and I saw that he’d le the house door open a li le. He yelled at me, but I zipped in and started rolling on the rug. He chased me around while I rubbed and rolled on everything I could reach. He was really mad, but he stopped yelling. He sweet talked me outdoors again and bathed me over and over with the warm odd-smelling water. My eyes felt be er, and we calmed down. The whole house s ll smells awful, and Mom isn’t speaking to me. Now I know that smell is a black and white animal about the size of a cat, and it can shoot the world’s worst stuff into a dog’s face. Seems as if Dad was saying “Skunk.”

Do you know anything about skunk, Bammy? How can I kill it or chase it away? Sincerely, Dad’s S nky Buddy Dear Buddy, No, no, no! Stay away from that animal! When we smell it, Boss yells, “Look out! Skunk!” I know that “look out!” means that she’s going to trip over me or something is about to crash down on me. The first skunk I saw was outside an open window at night. Phew! I barked and Boss came to look. She sounded really scared when she said “Skunk! Look out!” and we ran away from the window. So when you smell that smell, just shut your nose and look somewhere else. Don’t even look at it! I never run away, of course. I just pretend I was planning to go somewhere else anyway. Mind over nose, Buddy! Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

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Forever in Our Hearts For so many our dogs are our best friends, members of our family. When we lose them it is devasta ng and can hurt as much as the loss of one of our human family members. Below you will find professionals that will provide you with compassionate care during your me of loss as well as some op ons to memorialize your loved one.


hey say that a picture speaks a thousand words, but it’s not just photographs that can help us remember the loved ones, furry and furless. In fact, crea ng beau ful images in photographs, pain ngs, drawings or another art form is a beau ful — and meaningful — way to honor our beloved animal friends. Maine, especially, is full of ar sts ready to lend their talents to fur families. And for families dealing with loss having a way to create a memorial is an important part of the grieving process. The American Veterinary Medical Associa on suggests that art can help owners and pet loved ones work through their grief, including embracing the memories of your pet through pictures, tributes in wri ng

and art. But you don’t have to be cra y or ar s c to create art. While your pet is s ll bringing a smile to your face with their adorable an cs, take a moment to capture images of them doing all the things they love. Look to simple moments like taking a nap in a patch of sun, or focus your a en on to their body parts. Some ideas to spark your own crea vity: • Love Fido’s special marking on his belly or somewhere else? Focus your smartphone or camera on those areas. • Think outside the box: Look for the heart shapes in your pet’s paws (hint: it’s generally the upside down shape of their paws) or create an image from your pet’s point of view by standing behind your pet as they look out the window or prepare to start chasing a ball or Frisbee.

• Choose a me of day or a special ritual and take a photograph of your pet every day for a month (or once a month) doing that ritual. • Pay a en on to the things around you. Going for a walk in wet sand? Your pet will leave footprints along with you. Have someone take a photograph of your footprints side by side with your pet. For cat owners, consider pu ng your cat’s paw over your hand or create a heart shape on their fur with your own hands.

• Get in the picture. If you have someone who can take a photograph of you with your pet, do it. It could be a professional pet photographer, your friend or loved one. Alternately, you could consider inves ng in a Bluetooth shu er release and a GorillaPod tripod to mount your smartphone or a small camera on and have fun crea ng images while your pet’s not paying a en on to the camera.

The loss of a companion pet as

And I chose you today to try and be strong so please don't you cry and don't say that I'm gone When you're feeling alone just remember our love, I'm up near the stars looking down from above. Remember our love In a moment you'll see that I'm s ll here beside you when you're thinking of me.

See MEMORIES on page 9

Julie Epp

MEMORIES from page 8 • Consider a special end of life photo — or art — session. While these types of sessions can be difficult, having images you can look back at and enjoy will help with the healing process. Always ask your ar st what he or she recommends and don’t postpone any later than necessary. It can be even more difficult to be willing to do this kind of session when you’re worried about deadlines or your pet is just not feeling it. If you’re looking to honor a pet that has passed away, consider se ng up an area of your home that is a small memorial. Choose a beau ful container for their ashes and choose a favorite photo or two that you can place near it. If your vet helps your pet cross the

Stray Duck Foto (207) 249-5554 @ @strayduckfoto

By Ardys Goodine Owner of Ashes to Ashes Pet Crematory

I was chosen today I'm learning to fly the world took me away, but please don't you cry

Crea ng Valuable Memories of Your Pet By Debra Bell Bell's Furry Friends Photography

Pet Crema on

Remember Our Love



rainbow bridge, ask to he vet to do a nose print and a paw print in both clay and ink. If you wear jewelry, consider asking for some fur to be clipped from your pet and enlist an ar st to help you create wearable art that includes some of its ashes and fur. Because a er all, your pet is worth it. And you are too.

we all know can be sudden and unexpected, or we have an aging pet and know the “decision” is going to have to be made to end the suffering. We started our business to fill a need for local and compassionate pet crema on and mely closure for pet owners. Some customers choose to make pre-arrangements sta ng their wishes and the service they want for their pet; they also get to meet the person performing the crema on and see the facility. It provides some peace of mind and comfort. If your pet is euthanized at your veterinarian’s office, you s ll have the choice on where your pet is cremated. Your pet can be picked up by the crematorium you choose, or if you prefer, you can transport your pet to the facility. At home euthanasia performed by your veterinarian is another op on we see more now. A er the procedure, the pet can be picked up at the owner’s home by a crematory operator or brought to the facility by the owner. We have found from talking to our customers, knowing about us before they had to make a decision

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Downeast Dog News

August 2019


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See why we have customers drive to us statewide! Wide selection of rememberance jewelry and urns for pets or loved ones Direct pickup from your vet or home. ($1 per mile) Private Cremation $90 plus $1 per lb Semi-Private Cremation $45 plus $1 per lb Open 7 Days, 7am-7pm Emergency Services Available


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Pet Cremations

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Pet portraits with personality

to euthanize made things a li le less bewildering and painful and gave them some peace. We offer them one on one care from the beginning to a few days later when they return to pick up the ashes. Our customers are so grateful knowing their furry family member was truly handled with compassion and respect. So when asked how can you do this type of service, this is why, it helps heal the heart. It’s important for people to know that they do have choices; it’s not a subject that one wants to talk about or even think about prior to needing the service. We have met the most wonderful caring people. We truly enjoy hearing about the lives of their pets and how the pets affected their lives sharing their uncondi onal love with them and being part of the family. A er a life me of companionship and uncondi onal love, our pets deserve our compassion and respect for their end care.

Wildwood Pet Cremations offers you the comfort of dignified and respectful final care for your treasured animal friends. 47 Lowell Rd. Enfield, ME

Private cremations available as well as same day service. Pickup services from your home or veterinarian, please call to make arrangements. Reasonable travel locations, pickup fees may vary. Seven days a week 8:00-8:00 and emergencies


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Urban Tracking

Most people think of tracking with their dogs as being out in a field or fields and woods. There are two tracking events that use fields and woods. A TD (Tracking Dog) test is held in a grassy field; a TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) is held in fields and woods. Yet there is a whole other world of tracking that many people know li le about – urban tracking. AKC offers two titles in urban tracking: an introductory title,

TDU (Tracking Dog Urban) and an advanced title, a VST (Variable Surface Tracker). These tests are held at college campuses, schools, business parks, and other urban areas that offer a mix of pavement, grass, buildings, and

other non-vegetative surfaces such as the infield of a baseball field or bark mulch. The thing I like best about urban tracking is that there are so many areas available to train. So, if you enjoy tracking, you can really extend your range of possible sites, to prac ce by doing some urban tracking. A few weeks ago, we spent a wonderful weekend teaching dogs to track in the City of Rockland, nice views, good food, and fun tracking opportuni es. By including urban tracking in your training, you can s ll track when grass in the fields is too high and needs to be mowed or if it is not the me of the year you want to be in the woods. By teaching urban tracking, you and your dog can track almost all year long. Keep your tracking gear in your car and put out a small track when you run an errand. Opportuni es are all around us. In tracking, we are teaching the dog to follow the human scent the dog is shown at the start. In urban tests, there are no physical obstacles. The rules state “the level of physical difficulty should be such that it will permit all AKC

breeds and handlers of any age to participate. Ordinary stair steps are not considered to be an obstacle.” AKC tracking tests verify the dog’s ability to recognize and follow human scent while adapting to changing scenting conditions. The test is designed to be as practical as possible. The team of handler and dog working in tracking is a wonderful thing to watch. The dog is the only one who can detect the scent. The handler must learn to understand what the dog is communicating and trust the dog. The handler is there to understand and support the dog’s work. Few dog sports require the understanding, patience, and teamwork necessary over an extended period of time that is demonstrated by successful tracking teams. Interested in learning about urban tracking? An Introduc on to Urban Tracking workshop will be held in Augusta on September 14, 2019. For more informa on, e-mail carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com or call 207-691-2332. Find out about a whole new world of scent work opportuni es for your dog.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

Open for the season on June 15 - Oct 14

RailwayVillage.org 586 Wiscasset Rd | Route 27 | Boothbay, ME


Downeast Dog News

The Wisdom of Rota ng Your Pet’s Diet – Part 1 For this month and the next, my column will be authored by Kate Dutra, my co-host on The Woof Meow Show and our Opera ons Manager at Green Acres Kennel Shop. I have asked Kate to update her ar cle, “Alterna ng Dietsâ€? which ďŹ rst appeared in our newsle er in May of 2005. With the current concern about dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and a possible, but as of yet unsubstan ated link to what we feed our pets in the news, we thought an update on the wisdom of rota ng what you feed your pet was in order. This is part 1 of that series. – Don Hanson

WORDS, WOOFS & MEOWS by Guest Columnist Kate Dutra, CPDT-KA

Would You Be Healthy If You Ate the Same Thing At Every Meal? Tokyo turnips dipped in cilantro hummus; a ham, cheese, and le uce sandwich on organic sevengrain bread; raw pepper, tomatoes, and cucumbers; a handful of pretzels – this is what comprised my lunch today. Overall, most would agree that it was a healthy, well-balanced meal. Now, what if I ate this same meal every day, twice a day, for several years? Is that s ll considered healthy and well balanced? Probably not. Why then do we deem this acceptable for our canine and feline companions? Pet food companies, veterinarians, breeders, and others have convinced us that changing our pets’ food is diďŹƒcult and will result in diges ve upset. Intui vely we know our pets should have more variety in their diet; however, there is also a grain of truth to the tummy troubles. If animals have been ea ng only one food for several months or longer, it is only natural that they will experience


diges ve upset, and possibly diarrhea, when their GI tracts are exposed to other types of food. The reality is that many companies do not want us to change our pets’ food because it impacts their bo om line. Fortunately, several companies now oer their foods with a variety of animal protein sources and have made adjustments in their diets to allow for a smooth transi on from one type of food to another. While this is a good start, it is insuďŹƒcient. When speaking of dietary rota on, it is not just limited to rota ng within a brand of food, but also rota ng among brands as well as food types.

The reasons for dietary rota on are many. The most obvious is to increase our pets’ exposure to a variety of meat sources, thus giving them varia on in both macronutrients and micronutrients. Whether it is kibble, canned, freezedried, or raw, varying the meals between red meats, poultry, ďŹ sh and some of the more novel protein sources, can be a simple way to beneďŹ t our companion's nutri onal well-being. By rota ng brands, even when using the same meat protein, we are increasing the odds of some small varia ons in diet. All chickens (turkey, pigs, etc.) are not created equal. For example, one company may source their chicken from a poultry farm in the Mid-West and another from New York. Both farms may be Cer ďŹ ed Organic, but the soil in the Midwest has dierent nutrients than the soil in New York. Addi onally, the air and water quality will vary, and the farms may be using dissimilar poultry feeds. This results in small dierences between the chickens, and as we learn more about nutri on, we are discovering that these dierences ma er. Another ra onale for brand rota on is the vitamin and mineral packs that are o en supplemented in pet foods. While all of these packs should meet industry standards, there will be some varia on because many of these vitamin and mineral packs are proprietary blends manufactured for speciďŹ c pet food companies. Additionally, we still do not understand everything there is to know about nutrition. Nutrition is a very complex science and one that shifts with evolution and the environment. Currently, we are

experiencing an apparent increase of (DCM) in dogs (and a few cats). It has yet to be determined if there even is a link between diet and DCM, or what that link may be, but we do know that many of the dogs in the analysis did not have any variation in their feeding. If it is concluded that something in diet plays a role in DCM, had those dogs been on a rotational diet, there is the possibility that they may have had less exposure to whatever is causing the increase in DCM. In our world of genetically modifying everything, who is to say that we have not damaged the bioavailability or essential makeup of some nutrients? Furthermore, recalls and shortages do happen. If your pet can only eat one food, and that food is recalled or unavailable for some reason, you may ďŹ nd yourself oundering for what to do. If, however, you have introduced mul ple foods and proteins to your pet, you will have other op ons available. It is essen al also to have an alterna ve protein because when there is a shortage in an ingredient, it is likely to impact mul ple lines of pet food. A ďŹ nal reason to change up our pets’ diets is boredom. There is a middle ground between crea ng a picky eater and oering a variety. We control so much in our pets’ worlds, and uninten onally deprive them of choice and experiences, and this is an easy way to enrich their environment. Next month, we will explore transi oning your pet to a variety of diets, what to do about those pets that truly have sensi vi es to foods, warming and cooling foods and other ques ons such as these.

Kate Dutra is the Opera ons Manager at Green Acres Kennel Shop ( greenacreskennel.com ) in Bangor, ME where she has been helping people with their pets since 1992. She is a Cer ďŹ ed Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA) and is commi ed to PPG’s Guiding Principles and the Pain-Free, Force-Free, and Fear-Free training, management, and care of all pets. Kate co-hosts a weekly radio show and podcast, The Woof Meow Show, that airs on Z62 Retro Radio WZON (AM620) and WKIT 103.3-HD3 and is streamed at h p://www.wzonam.com/ every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at h p:// woofmeowshow.libsyn.com/, the Apple Podcast app, and at Don’s blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. The opinions in this post are those of Kate Dutra and Don Hanson.

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RESCUE OF THE MONTH: POPE MEMORIAL HUMANE SOCIETY OF KNOX COUNTY Celebra ng 30 Years of Giving Homeless & Abandoned Animals a Second Chance By Susan Spisak The 501 (c) 3 Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County (PMHSKC) was highlighted in the Downeast Dog News in 2016 when they opened their new 10,000 sq. . state-of-the-art facility at 25 Bu ermilk Lane in Thomaston. I wanted to check back to learn how they have aided their mission of caring for and placing unwanted and abandoned animals in loving homes and see how they’re celebra ng 30 years as an independent non-profit, so I called their Execu ve Director Tracy Sala and was quickly reminded how friendly and hands-on she is – she chuckled and said she was fixing one of their vacuum cleaners, but she was happy to put that aside. “We love the new building,” said Tracy of their lighter and brighter facility. “What’s more important is that the animals seem to love the new building.” And the public likes it, so more people stop in, which facilitates adop ons. “We’re so incredibly fortunate, we feel that every day,” she said of their home.

Their facility with interes ng features such as extra-large dog kennels and garage door “walls” that allow fresh air and sunshine in, along with two older buildings, provides plenty of space for their animals – dogs, cats, ki ens, pocket pets, and rabbits. All these aspects make for less stressed animals – they’re more relaxed and showcase be er. They’re o en overwhelmed during “ki en season,” but they’re able to free up shelter space by relying on fosters (and can use more). Another plus is the fostered felines aren’t suscep ble to upper respiratory infec ons and they’re socialized in home environments. These ki ens are more robust, wellrounded, and appeal to adopters. (They also have a “Senior to Senior” cat program – fees are waived for felines 8 years and up, humans 60 years and up.) Tracy said they kicked off their 30th Anniversary year-long celebra on on January 1 with an open house complete with light fare and a nostalgia corner filled with historical shelter pieces. In May, they hosted the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce at their “Business A er Hours” to

share their mission. On Aug. 14th, they’re hos ng an exci ng 30th event, “Bark + Brew in the Barn,” which will be held at Harmony Hill Farm, 1140 North Pond Road in Warren. There will be a 30th spin on their 12th Annual “Eat for Pete’s Sake” on September 19. PMHSKC supporters and restaurant patrons dine out at par cipa ng local restaurants – those restaurants graciously donate back a por on of the day’s sales. And in lieu of their “Whisker Walk,” they’re hoping to have a special “Canine Carnival” at the end of September – details will be posted on their website. PMHSKC has much to celebrate including their countless innova ve programs such as the Spay Neuter Assistance Voucher Program, Humane Educa on and the Slumber Party, a foster-to-adopt scenario. “It is a wonderful program all around, for making the right match for everybody,” Tracy said of the adop on program. Everyone involved with PMHSKC should be proud of the accomplishments across three decades and the value they add to the animals and the many communi es they support.



He’s an adorable guy but is a high energy dog and needs a lot of room to run. We think he’d do best in a home with adults only or older children. He knows some basic commands, but he does need further training. He is treat mo vated, and that makes training a bit easier. If you have an ac ve lifestyle, Remy could be a good companion! Come meet him and ask about scheduling a “slumber party” if you feel he may be a good fit.

She’s one of those surprising dogs: if you walk by her kennel, you might think she’s something of a beast; but get her out for a walk or even a stop in the Community Room, and you will see that she is actually a great dog. The kennel staff and dog walkers all love her! Would do best in a home without kids or cats. House trained, crate trained, and up-to-date on all her shots. Loves toys, car rides, and baths.

For informa on on their programs, events, shelter hours, adop on, dona on, and volunteer info, visit hskcme.org. Pope Memorial Humane Society, 25 Bu ermilk Lane, Thomaston, (207) 594-2200

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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • (207) 453-7387 • www.yourhometownvet.com

“Doctor, My Eyes…” Does my pet need an eye doctor?

One common ques on veterinarians o en hear from owners is, “How can I tell if my pet is having an eye problem?” Many of the people that ask this ques on are shocked to know that animals suffer from many of the same ocular ailments that people do, such as glaucoma, cataracts, corneal ulcers, and re nal disease. One concern pet owners o en have is that they may miss signs that their pet can’t see or their pet may have ocular discomfort that they cannot recognize. Typically, owners are very in tune to their pet and o en the signs are noted because their pet’s behavior and ac vity changes. Here are some other


signs that your pet may need to see a board cer fied ophthalmologist. • Is your pet hesitant to walk up and down stairs or jump on furniture? • Does your pet bump into objects or startle easily? • Is your pet more hesitant to navigate in dimly lit condi ons? • Does your pet avoid bright light or squint? • Is there drainage or discharge from the eyes? • Does your pet rub or squint its eyes? • Is there any swelling of the eyelids? • Does your pet’s eye have a cloudy or bulging appearance? • Is there redness on the surface or the white of the eye? • Is your pet “head shy?”

• Is there known or suspected trauma to the eye? (penetra ng wound, foreign material, bite/fight wounds) Change in appearance or color of the eye could be a sign that the eye needs to be evaluated and should not be overlooked. Typically, the sooner the eye is evaluated, the be er chance to preserve vision and your pet’s overall health. Eye health can also be an indica on of your pet’s overall systemic health. Some diseases that affect the whole body will first present with symptoms in the eye before showing symptoms in other areas of the body. The eye is very sensi ve and can react far earlier than the rest of the body. Diseases such as infec on, ck borne disease, and cancers in the body can

first present with inflamma on inside the eye. Uncontrolled inflamma on in the eye is detrimental to ocular health and vision. It can also result in glaucoma (high pressures within the eye itself). As your pet’s caregiver, you know your pet best. If you are noting a change to your pet’s eyes or changes in its behavior, have the eyes examined. Your quick action could save your pet’s vision or even its life. As the old adage goes, “The eyes are truly the windows to the soul.” Dr. Cory Mosunic Board Cer fied Veterinary Ophthalmologist Portland Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Care

Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




1 yr., Lab/ Doberman Mix

7 yrs., Jack Russell Mix

2.5 yrs., Labrador

An energe c youngster, always up for a game of fetch! Would do well with older kids. Learning how to be less territorial with other dogs. Likely not a great ďŹ t for cats. Ryder adores his humans and is a wonderful companion.

Rudy loves swimming even more than food. He is very smart and loves his people once he is comfortable with them. Needs slow and posi ve introduc ons to people and other dogs. No cats.

Would do best as an only pet. It has also been noted that she would do best with children 13 and older because she can overs mulate during play and become a bit mouthy. Otherwise she is a sweet girl who loves to play and go on long walks.

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

Midcoast Humane, (207) 449-1366

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3.5 yrs., Border Collie Mix

12 yrs., Shar-Pei Mix

8 yrs., Mixed Breed

A very smart, independently mo vated, high energy, young dog that can be protec ve of his things. Can be a bit possessive of his food around other dogs, and is wary of sudden hand movements. Would do best in an adults-only home, or with older children who understand his boundaries.

Spunky, curious and engaged. She likes other dogs and would be ďŹ ne with children. She loves to cuddle and explore new areas. She is ready to be part of a family! h ps://www. olddogsnewdigs.com

Brought to the shelter because his family moved. He loves all people, and lived with a cat. He didn’t live with dogs but he has done well with the dogs at the shelter. They think he would do well with a female dog especially.

Midcoast Humane, (207) 449-1366


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Hello Doggie Daycare 1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521 hellodoggiedaycare.com


h ps://www.olddogsnewdigs.com


2.5 yrs., Boxer Mix

6.5 yrs., German Shepherd

4.5 yrs., Hound

Very nervous at ďŹ rst, but a very sweet, loving girl. Looking for a home with no other pets, or children under 15. She can have dog friends, but is best if she does not share a home with them. Her ideal home will give her lots of me to adjust to new people, and situa ons. Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491

A lovable guy looking for a home with no dogs, and no children under 13 years old. Loves to take walks and hang out with people, and can be quite the love.

Sweet girl who loves to go for a long walk and then cuddle up at your feet at the end of a long day. She is good with other dogs and ďŹ ne with children that are respec ul of her space. Frankie is available to meet by appointment. Come meet this loving girl and give her a home!

Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491

P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702



1.5 yrs., Border Collie


8 yrs., Beagle

3 yrs., Beagle

Boomer has a neurological disorder but it does not stop him from living a “normal� life and he is a perfectly happy boy! He is on an seizure medica on and since has not had a single seizure. He will need a family who can accept him and his quirkiness and have tons of pa ence with him. No young kids or cats.

Sweet, friendly boy who loves other dogs, cats, and children. He has good house manners and walks well on a leash. He is a bit s  due to his age and takes pain medica on as needed. He would prefer a home without too many stairs. Jack enjoys sunbathing and sniďŹƒng around his yard.

Sweet, friendly girl, good with other dogs and children. Has lots of energy and loves to play fetch and go for walks. Enjoys riding in the car and snuggling. Can be protec ve of her space so she will need to be monitored with other dogs or be the only dog. Needs some work with housebreaking.

P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


August 2019


August C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 3 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, August 3 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, August 10 Camden, 10AM – 12PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/Rockport Animal Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England

DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar

CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

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will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, August 10 Union, 1PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Union Agway located on 2179 Heald Highway in Union and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.

BARK & BREW IN THE BARN Wednesday, August 14 Warren, 6PM – 9:30PM Held at Harmony Hill Farm in Warren, 6pm – 9:30pm. This rus c and fun barn party will celebrate 30 years of Pope Memorial Humane Society. Food vendors, music, games, photo booth, door prizes, cash bar and more. Tickets are $30 and include one drink, one popcorn and one dessert. Limited ckets available! FMI: humanesocietyo noxcounty.org



Saturday, August 10 Bridgton, 1PM – 4PM Held at the Bridgton Community Center. 4-5 Rescue Groups, Nail trimming, Pet Health talks, Raffles, Games, Illustra ons, Make new dog friends, Vendors, No cats allowed. PLEASE no aggressive dogs, aggressive dogs will be asked to leave. Please clean up a er your dog, waste bags provided. Rain date 8/11. FMI: (207)577-0782 or oils@ tastefulthingsme.com

Saturday, August 17 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7



Sunday, August 11 Rockland, 10:15AM Annual event during the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show, August 9-11 at the Harbor and Buoy Park (Park Drive). Preselected dogs compete in just-for-fun events that include obstacle courses, boat boarding trials and more! Procession of canine competitors at 10:15 on the show grounds and the official trials will begin at 10:30 a.m. on the waterfront. Admission to the trials is included in the price of a show ticket. Visit: maineboats.com/boatshow

Saturday, August 17 Somerville, 9AM – 12PM Need to strengthen your agility skills? Spend a great morning with Carolyn Fuhrer at North Star Dog Training, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville and work on reliable contacts and confident see saw performance. Learn to enhance the skills your dog has! Limited to 6 - please call to register. Kathy, (207)691-2332

TOE NAIL TUESDAY Tuesday, August 13 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon Nachajko from Catahoula Rescue of

ALES FOR TAILS Saturday, August 24 Portland, 2PM – 5PM Held at Thompson’s Point, Portland. This dog-friendly beer fes val has tails wagging every year! This annual sell-out event features breweries from across the state pouring their hand-cra ed ales to support pets in need. arlgp.org

SAVE A STRAY 5K & FESTIVAL Saturday, August 24 Freeport, 8AM – 2PM This is the Midcoast Humane’s 5k, walk and festival for the shelter pets. Race 8am, walk 8:30am, festival events begin at 9am. You can register online or the day of the race. Demonstrations, DockDogs®,vendors and more. Held at LL Bean Campus. FMI: saveastray5k.org or (207)449-1366

THE BIG LEAP RALLY TO OBEDIENCE! Saturday, August 24 Somerville, 9AM – 12PM Would you like to try obedience with your dog, but you don't know where to start? Take the leap! Let Carolyn Fuhrer show you the way you can make that leap - you will be amazed at what you can achieve with the right direc on and the right instruc on. Limited group - please register ASAP. Call Kathy, (207691-2332), $60 dog/handler team, $30 audit. North Star Dog Training, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville.

PET ROCK IN THE PARK Sunday, August 25 Portland, 11AM – 4PM Join Portland Veterinary Specialists at Deering Oaks Park for our annual Pet Rock in the Park. This dog-friendly event features LIVE music, animal demonstra ons, food vendors, pet products, service vendors, animal shelters and rescue organiza ons. To benefit the Animal Cancer Founda on.

BARK IN THE PARK Friday, August 30 Portland, 7PM Bring your dog to a Sea Dogs game – start the game with a parade around the ball field led by Slugger, then enjoy the game in the bleacher sec on. Tickets are available at seadogs.com, or by calling 207-879-9500. Only 300 ckets available.

PET DAY WEEKEND Saturday, August 31 – Sept. 1 Prospect, 9AM – 4PM 9am to 4pm at Fort Knox. Two day event welcoming pets and owners to par cipate in various contests (best trick, ugliest pet, best in class, etc). Dog day is Saturday and all others pets are welcome on Sunday (no dogs please). FMI: (207) 469-6553 or info@ fortknoxmaine.com

8 14

Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

rip? nat Come home to a o g Goin Clean House & Happy Pets


Betty McBrien 701-8491

Little Dove Farm


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Reach New Customers! Adver se Your Business Here.

Sara Moore

Psychic for People & Pets

Communicate with your pets, living or deceased with Sara Moore. Long distance sessions available!



As heard on 94.9 and Magic 104.5

(1ST(1/2) ANNUAL)



Save a S


5K & Fes



sat • 4-5 Rescue Groups • Nail trimming • Pet Health talks • Raffles • Games • Illustrations • Make new dog friends • Vendors • No cats allowed (will be chased)

For information: 207-577-0782 oils@tastefulthingsme.com Tasteful Things 8 Depot Street



L.L.BEA N Freepor t D iscovery Park

5K, 1-Mile Walk, and Festival to benefit shelter animals of Midcoast Humane with L.L.Bean register online now at SAVEASTRAY5K.ORG WIN PRIZES • CELEBRATE PETS • SAVE LIVES 5K at 8 AM | 1-Mile Walk at 8:30 AM Dog Days of August Festival with L.L.Bean from 9 AM - 2 PM

PLEASE no aggressive dogs, aggressive dogs will be asked to leave. Please clean up after your dog, waste bags provided.

August 2019


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Hello, Doggie!


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ME License #F251

Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Voted the Bangor Regions: Best Kennel, Best Pet Store, Best Dog Trainer & Best Pet Groomer

BOARDING AND DAYCARE Cage-Free Staffed 24/7 10:1 Dog to staff ratio 30 Total capacity Personalized Care for every dog

*All dogs new to the facility must pass their audition and spend at least one full day with us before their stay.

Thank you to our many clients that again voted us the “Best of the Best” and every member of our wonderful team at Green Acres that makes these awards possible. Amya, Ashley, Brenda, CrisƟna, Haley, Jamie, Kaleigh, Kate, Kim, Lamont, Lauren, Lindsay, Mason, Nicole C., Nicole G., Sarah, and Taylor, YOU ARE THE BEST! — Don & Paula Hanson, co-owners Rated as one of the Top 10 Best Kennels and Top 25 Best Dog Trainers in New England by Best Businesses of America for 2018


Bring your dog to check out our huge selection of dog treats and toys!

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every Saturday at 9am open enrollment

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