2018 July Downeast Dog News

Page 1

Hot Dog News Keep Your Dog Safe on the 4th of July! Act Today, Don't Wait Un l the 4th! I f your dog gets anxious and nervous at the sound of fireworks, start planning now on how you will keep them safe and how you will minimize their anxiety. If you live in an area where others set off fireworks, have a conversation with those people now. Politely explain how distressing fireworks are to your pets. Ask them to either refrain from using fireworks or to at least keep their use to a minimum, at times you are not home. If you cannot reach an agreement, make sure you have the phone number of the local authorities on speed dial and do not hesitate to make a complaint. Talk to your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medications you may use to help your pet. Over the counter products such as Bach Rescue Remedy, ComfortZone Dog Appeasing Pheromone, endocannabinoid based products specifically for pets and certain essential oils, such as Lavender, may also be helpful.

According to the American Humane Association, more dogs are lost on the 4th of July than any day of the year! • 10 million pets get lost every year. This is more than the popula on of New York City. • Of the dogs entering shelters, approximately 35% are adopted, 31% are euthanized and 26% are returned to their owner. • Without proper ID or microchipping, 90% of lost pets never return home. • A third of pets will get lost in their life me. • An es mated 2 million pets are stolen each year. To prevent your dog from becoming a 4th of July sta s c: • Keep your dog on a leash unless they are inside. Do not leave your dog outside unattended, even if your yard is fenced. A dog may panic and either escape or hurt themselves while trying to escape. • If you have guests in your home, make sure everyone is

See FIREWORKS on page 15

Shelter dog Fiona, a 3-year-old terrier mix, is ready for a sleepover, and hopefully a forever home. PHOTO BY JILL PIPER

Lincoln County Animal Shelter's New Slumber Party Program The Lincoln County Animal Shelter in Ed Edgecomb and sister shelter Coastal Hu Humane Society in Brunswick have lau launched a new program to help longter canine residents find homes. term The Slumber Party Program gives pe pe people the opportunity to take home ad adoptable dogs for 3-day sleepovers tha will serve as a trial adop on that pe period while families and individuals ass assess the fit of the animal in their ho o home. The shelters hope that the new in ni a ve will help pups who have ini bee in their care the longest find been ho homes.

Shelter officials hope that sleepovers will encourage people to consider adop ng a dog with more par cular, but manageable needs. “Our long-term residents some mes need more specific home environments, and Slumber Par es are a way for poten al adopters to take home one of these sweethearts for a ‘test drive’ without making the commitment to adopt right away,” said Dr. Mandie Wehr, Director of Shelter Opera ons for Lincoln County Animal Shelter and Coastal Humane Society.

See SLUMBER on page 15

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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes April Guille GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Pepper and I have just returned from camp on Alamoosook Lake where we spent a week with family. We got to meet Dexter, my new doggie nephew, and I think the only boy dog in our family currently. As I mentioned last month, my brother and his girlfriend adopted Dexter not too long ago. He is sweet as can be, and he seemed to really take a liking to his new Auntie Jenn as did I to him. He was so cute and quite often comical. He likes to snuggle and sleep in funny positions. He really liked playing with Pepper although he is not a swimmer which is what she spent most of her time doing. He seems to be adapting quite well to his new family. The poor guy had been returned two times before because his owners didn’t have time for him. I am glad he has found his forever home now! He will surely be loved. I wish he didn’t live so far away! At one point, we had four dogs all at once ranging from two years to ten years, and thankfully they all got along. Nobody got pooped on by the bald eagles this year (except for my car), but they did manage to find some stinky fish to roll in that had either floated in or were dropped by

Pepper and Dexter at camp.

the eagles. I learned my lesson the first year and came prepared with shampoo! On Friday, my sister showed up with her puppy, Phoebe, and she had grown since we last saw her. She will be wrestling with Pepper before we know it, and she cannot wait. She thinks Pepper is awesome!

Exploring Maine with your dog? Check out our 2018 petMAINE Guide featuring:

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

Dog Parks, Beaches, Trails, Daycares, Kennels, Retailers, Lodging, Ac vi es and more! To request a copy – Call Jenn: (207)706-6765 or email: jenn@downeastdogsnews.com

CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

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SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2018 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

July 2018

It’s going to be a 3 dog Christmas this year! It will very likely be utter chaos, but I’m sure we will manage. Enjoy your July and keep your pups safe inside during the fireworks! We don’t want anyone to run away. All the best, Jenn and Pepper

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“Money will buy you a pre y dog, but it won't buy you the wag of his tail.” ― Henry Wheeler Shaw Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


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DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Knee Injury .......................... 7 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Made in Maine .................. 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


It’s summer! I am so excited for beach days, fireflies, and camping. Readings have picked up, and I’m doing my best to juggle my role as mom and psychic. Yup. Even psychics have “real” lives when they’re off the clock! As a ma er of fact, I got so wrapped up in the chaos of the end of spring sports and school that I almost forgot to submit July’s “Furry Words” column. To kick off July, I gave a shout out to my Facebook friends for ques ons about their dogs. I hope you enjoy what they have to say! Sheila asked about Shasta, a black and white border collie. She’s a deceased rescue dog with an unknown beginning. She just wanted to know what she had to say. Shasta’s answer was that she came here to teach you about maintaining structure. She liked things the way they were and wanted them to con nue on that way. So many people think it would be awesome to go off script, but that’s not always the best op on. When I headed off to college, I was so excited to buy my own stuff. I got Close Up toothpaste because my mom always bought Crest. Turns out I really hated the one I bought and s ll use Crest to this day! Sheila, this dog was here to validate that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”! You did a great job with all other areas of your life because you did what felt right for you. You did the same with the dog, and she is eternally grateful for that. When she passed, she went right to heaven without ever looking back. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you don’t feel her energy around. That is a huge compliment because she lived her best life ever and joyously crossed the rainbow bridge

Ticks! Ticks! Ticks! They are Everywhere! Q. I just walked down my road and I found 50 cks on my dog! What is going on?

Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

when it was her me. Jessica said “We have a boy we could use some insight on. Belvedere, living, yellow lab. What does he need for his anxiety?” Holy. Smokes. You need to take a serious lesson from this dog. You are doing phenomenally well in your life, both personal and career wise. This is a dog who is 100% on the job when she needs to be the great protector, but when someone else does it for her, then she has no idea what to do with herself! You are kind of the same…. What do you do when life falls into place and fear and worry aren’t the driving force? Well, you relax. LOL! This is something you really do need to learn how to embrace. Belvedere is ready to show you how to ease into the day and only do what you

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman


Unfortunately, this is a bumper year for cks. Though our winter was long, the temperatures, especially in January and February, were not cold enough or long enough in me to kill cks. To add insult to injury, the snow we had only protected cks from the cold by insula ng where they live. This year I have heard from clients who have been picking cks off their dogs all through the winter. We have a new ck in town called the Lone Star Tick, named for the white spot on the back of the ck. Like all cks, the Lone Star Tick can transmit diseases that are common to dogs and humans. They may transmit Rocky Mountain spo ed fever,


tularemia, ck paralysis, ehrlichiosis, and STARI (southern ck-associated rash illness). STARI has not been diagnosed in dogs, but in people there is a rash and flu like symptoms. It is treated with an bio cs and isn’t associated with joint pain, neurologic,

really want to. That being said, if you want happy kids, you are happy to get up and get them on the bus or get up and go to work. You have created your new groove and you are headed in the right direc on. You can safely slow down and enjoy life, and as you do, the dog will become more calm. Shayne has Luke and wants to know what was his life like before they rescued him from the pound. Well, he was a handful. I think he made a lot of noise, didn’t se le down, wandered all over the house at night (which drove them nuts!), and he didn’t really give the family the a en on they were hoping for. They were hoping for a love bug that would snuggle with them. Problem is, Luke is a cool dude who’d rather be chilling in the sidecar of a motorcycle. You are the perfect family for him! Shayne has another dog, Derby, and she wanted to know if he had anything to say. First thing he told me was he loves pu ng his mouth on things, not necessarily chewing them, but just pu ng his muzzle on them. It’s his way of saying he owns it. He is gentle and consistent. He likes to know what is going on and is funny when he wants to be. Luke is busy being aware of his image, Derby does what feels good, regardless of how it makes him look! They do love each other, and they are the yin to the others’ yang. Debbie asked, “My grubba was 12 when he passed. I love and miss him so much. I would like to know if he's ok and happy.” Debbie, he is giving me the most disgusted look when I ask him this, which cracks me up because he is so sincere! He is loving

life on the other side, just as he did when he was walking beside you. He is a bit surprised that you asked that because he just assumed you knew. Finally, Jen wanted to know about Mac. “He lived the second part of his life with another family, and I would love to know what that adventure was like and if he understood why I had to make the decision that I did...” Jen, he sort of forced your hand on that and is a bit sad that you owned the reason for him being rehomed. He came to you for a reason, and he’s never once judged you for the decision. He had a great life a er you. I feel like he would have been happy either way, but the other family needed him and felt like they were saving him. He was happy to be pampered and showered with love, but he says the joke was on them because he also felt the same amount of love when he was with you. He gave them the puppy dog eyes which validated to them that they really were the hero family, but that tells me very clearly that he had two hero families, yours and theirs. He really is the winner! Thank you to those who allowed me to read their dogs for this edi on of “Furry Words”. I hope you have a fabulous summer, and if you’d like more informa on or a long reading, go to www. enlightenedhorizons.com.

or other chronic disease that are seen with Lyme disease. Another problem for people is the development of an allergy to red meat a er being bi en by this ck. This problem has not been documented in dogs. Remember the cks that feed on dogs and people can carry disease and the best treatment is preven on. If you have a yard that is surrounded by woods or fields, create a buffer around your yard. You do this by mowing the tall grass that abuts your yard, or build a buffer at least 2 feet wide around the perimeter of your yard with cedar mulch. If you have a ck epidemic in your yard, you may need to hire a professional trained in non-chemical pest control. If that isn’t enough, then using permethrin spray or traps would be the next step. The permethrin traps are made with paper towel tubes with co on soaked in permethrin. Place these traps where mice would be hiding. When hiking with your companion, protect him by using topical wipes, sprays, or spot ons that range from herbal wipes and sprays to chemical spot ons; there are pills that are taken monthly or every three months. There

are now permethrin impregnated clothes and beds for dogs. These ar cles come in the form of gators, bandanas, tee shirts, tank tops, vests, crate mats, and beds. I have been using a tank top on my dog and have been really pleased on the effec veness. I put it on before I leave home or before I take him out of the car and leave it on un l I get home. Once home, I do a ck check. Another neat trick is to use a s cky tape-type lint roller. Once you have finished your walk, whip out your s cky tape lint roller and wipe down you and your dog. The tape will collect una ached cks. With the climate changing, we now have to protect ourselves and our companions year round from cks. By being smart, you can s ll enjoy the reason we live in Maine.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings, workshops and fundraisers. Go to www.enlightenedhorizons.com FMI and to schedule a reading. email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine 04330 www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

SEA DOGS from page 1 Dogs. He added that they’ve always had a great rela onship with MVMC and wanted to do something fun with them to promote dog adop ons. Every Sunday, one shelter or rescue is invited to bring an adoptable dog to the ballpark to meet and greet the fans in the hopes that a family or individual will find him irresis ble and want to bring him into their home. The dog is introduced to the crowd in a pre-game ceremony, his personality and habits are detailed, his picture is blasted across their big screen, and fans are invited to meet him on the concourse at a table shared by reps from the shelter and MVMC. Muzzy said it’s a great opportunity for those either looking for their first dog or another canine to add to their pack. They have the opportunity of mee ng him in a social se ng and ge ng up close and personal. It’s nice for those dogs that don’t “show” well in a shelter se ng and may get overlooked by adopters because of that factor. Fans interested in adop ng the dog will have to go through the shelter’s applicable protocols, such as providing vet and personal references and introducing the prospec ve pet to any resident animals to ensure the adop on would be a good fit. Jeana Roth, Director of Community Engagement for Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland (ARLGP), said they’ve had success with the event, including the adop on of a 3-legged dog named Chibi. “We met a local woman at the game who fell in love with Chibi instantly and waited at our door the next morning to adopt her first thing.” Thanks to being highlighted at the ballpark, the threelegged dog found her forever home. Roth added that the Sea Dogs are par cularly suppor ve of shelters in the state, and the fans thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to meet a dog at the game. Muzzy said many non-profits come back year a er year. “The shelters really love it.” But he added it’s valuable beyond presen ng a single dog of the day throughout their season: “It’s good for people to learn about the shelters… where they are, what kind of animals they have, and so on.”

Slugger at Bark in the Park Parade.

Jocelyn Po hoff of MVMC agreed that the Dog of the Day is a great opportunity for rescues. She wears many hats for this veterinary referral and 24/7 emergency prac ce in Scarborough, including being responsible for their Purchasing, Website, Marke ng, and Facili es departments, but she’s also excited about her Dog of the Day role, and you’ll o en find her at Hadlock Field on Sundays. “We’ve really enjoyed running the program.” She said it wasn’t their brainchild, but when the Sea Dogs approached them about reviving it years back, “We really jumped on board.” MVMC liked the idea of strengthening their community bond and felt this was not only a great way to nurture it but to help rescues--obviously a fit for this prac ce chock full of dedicated animal advocates. She also indicated that the Sea Dog’s Muzzy truly likes the promo on. “John says, ‘This is our favorite program.’” So it’s a win-win for all involved, especially for the shelters and their dogs. Amber Creswell, a Licensed Veterinary Technician at MVMC and President of Animal Rescue of Kennebec (ARK), a ested to the benefit of having

a presence in the park as a rescue. They had a very shy 13-week-old Boxer-mix named Wesley and u lized Dog of the Day on May 13 of this year to socialize him. “He enjoyed going out on the baseball field and mee ng many new people.” While they had many inquiries about the once malnourished dog at the game, he was ul mately adopted by a family who had seen him on WCSH 6’s “Fetch ME a Home” segment the weekend before his ballpark ou ng. (Creswell has received terrific updates and photos from his new family.) That said, Dog of the Day was very worthwhile for ARK. “The event helped us get many contacts for poten al fosters for when we bring our next group of dogs up from South Carolina.” As anyone in the world of rescue knows, fosters are key and hard to come by.

BARK IN THE PARK The Bark in the Park promo is held twice throughout the season to benefit dog-related non-profits. Dogs and their owners par cipate in a pre-game parade around the field and Slugger, the team’s affable mascot, greets the two- and fourlegged walkers near the dugout. Dennis Meehan, Assistant General Manager/

Sales for the Sea Dogs said they’ve been offering the Bark for a number of years with great success. He explained that the owner and his dog must each have a cket, and the price per dog is $6. (The excep on was this past June’s Bark sponsored by Planet Dog Founda on. The $10 cket proceeds benefited their Founda on and con nued commitment to suppor ng service dog organiza ons.) “We have a special entrance for dogs, and the Corporate Corner and Le -Field grandstand are our dog-friendly sec on.” (Dogs are not allowed into other parts of the park.) The next scheduled Bark in the Park is slated for August 17 when they play the Altoona Curve. Meehan said it’s sponsored by IDEXX Laboratories, and he’s hoping to again partner with Allagash Brewing for this Bark, “They usually bring us a rare beer.” And a por on of their beer sales goes to the ARLGP. Sounds like an extra special night-and it’s Elvis Night too. (Check Sea Dog’s website for game and beer cket sales info--an Allagash rep kindly returned my call and said they’re ironing out details for this Bark.)

SLUGGER THE SEA DOG Ok, the team’s mascot, Slugger the Sea Dog, is really supposed to be a harbor seal, but his face has such a canine resemblance that it’s hard not to be confused, especially because the team name refers to dogs. Muzzy agreed, “It’s funny, a lot of people think he’s a dog.” Regardless if one thinks he’s a seal or a dog, his entertaining stunts and goofiness delight the fans. “He’s very popular,” added Muzzy. And it’s his off-field good works, what the mythical character refers to as his “hobbies,” that makes Slugger a really good guy. He loves to visit kids in hospitals to cheer them and bring a smile to their faces. That should make him a top dog in everyone’s book. For more info on the family-friendly Portland Sea Dogs, including Dog of the Day and Bark in the Park info, visit www.milb.com/promo ons/index. jsp?sid=t546.

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July 2018


Take Away Your Dog’s Charge Card


t’s commonplace to witness offleash dogs charging at top speed towards the object of their a en on - joggers, other dogs, passers-by, bikers, etc. If you are a jogger, you have an aversion to dogs running up and nipping at your ankles. If you are a dog owner, you don’t like strange dogs appearing out of nowhere at top speed, headed straight for you and your dog. If you are a dog, you will likely feel uncomfortable, if not defensive or fearful, at the sight of a dog racing up to you. If you are the owner of a dog who habitually charges at people and dogs, you are probably embarrassed and wish there were something you could do to change the situa on. You have even no ced that your dog exhibits a similar behavior when he’s on-leash; in fact, he gets over-excited at the presence of s muli in general. It’s a big problem. Dogs are gene cally programmed to chase, and when they see movement or anything that grabs their a en on, off they go as fast as they can, like it’s a race they absolutely must win. If a dog has been allowed to do this a few mes, it can soon become his go-to behavior. You can modify this behavior, but it will take work and me… and a dedicated effort to prevent future infrac ons. Pa erns Everything always seems to come down to pa erns: what are

No Charge, Please! Basic Training

Tips by Diana Logan

the predictable events that lead to charging? Helping our dogs learn a new pa ern while doing our best to prevent the old ones from repea ng themselves is our key to success. The Three L’s: Look, Lock, Lunge Look In many cases of charging or reac vity, there are predictable, sequen al events. The first one is the “look:” that moment when your dog

no ces the trigger (in this example, it's a dog way over yonder, but it could be anything). The look might just be a small turn of the dog’s head; “oh, there’s a dog over there.” Lock A er just a few moments of looking, our dog might “lock” onto the dog in the distance. “Oh, boy! There’s a DOG over there!” This “lock” is a look that has gone on long enough for it to gain intensity through a more tense and forward body, a closed mouth, or other subtle/not-so-subtle changes. There’s a build-up of emo on, observable in his body language. Lunge The lunge is a sudden, physical ac on towards the dog. The look/ lock has boiled over and is expressed through the charge. Emo ons influence decisions in both dogs and humans and the above scenario clearly describes a highly aroused, emo onally-charged dog making a decision that is very natural…. but very inappropriate from the standpoint of the rest of the world. Changing the Pa ern We need to take an active role in modifying the behavior by introducing a new behavior the dog can do instead of charging, and we have to make it very worth his while! For this example, we are going to teach the dog to look away from the dog at a distance. Timing is cri cal - we MUST interrupt the look. If we wait un l the lock, it’s too late.

A typical setup: Dog is on leash outside a dog park or other area where there are dogs (no dogs should be able to interact with him for this). If a dog park is too exci ng, find an individual dog you can use as a “decoy dog.” Choose your distance so that your dog is aware of the other dog but is unlikely to want to lunge. This is his “threshold.” Pay a en on to what your dog is focusing on. Each me he looks in the direc on of the dogs, say “yes!” and reward him with the most delectable treats he’s ever known. Repeat, repeat, repeat (remember, we are trying to establish a new pa ern, and it takes many repe ons to do so). Keep your repe ons short but numerous. Stop while you are ahead. Prac ce again in a few hours or the next day. Adjust the distance you are from the other dog based on your dog’s interest in the rewards. You will probably have to adjust the value of your treats, too. Meat… or a fun game of tug or other game - don’t be s ngy! You are building a new pa ern. If things are going well, you can make it a bit harder by 1) decreasing the distance, 2) increasing the me the dog is allowed to look at the dog before you reward him, or 3) increasing the anima on of the other dog. Take away his charge card! Do not expect your dog to be able to refrain from charging un l you have built up his skills sufficiently for him to be able to self-interrupt the "look." Happy training!

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Native American people. We were designed by natural selection to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without humans. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural instincts and abilities of wild dogs. My human and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I call my human, tongue in cheek, Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd notions as most humans, so I can relate to other dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your questions! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ tidewater.net Dear Bammy, When I went out last night, it was hot and I saw a firefly. It reminded me of other years when Mom and I drove in the dark to where we heard horrible bangs, and mosquitoes got into the car because the windows were rolled down because it was so hot. It was sort of like a long, scary thunderstorm with no rain.

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

There were funny lights in the sky, kind of like lightening except not very bright, and they drifted down slowly while I just crouched waiting for the next bang. Mom would say, “Oh, isn’t that pretty?” Sometimes there were people around who howled, “Ooo, Aah” when there were lots of slow lights in the sky. What did they think was pretty, Bammy? I don’t get it. Last night when I saw the firefly, I was afraid Mom would say, “Let’s go see the fireworks!”

So, of course, I would have to go because I hate to get left behind. She didn’t say it last night, but I’m scared she will one of these nights. What can I do? Tender Ears Dear Tender, I SO hear you! Boss made me go to “fireworks” once. Thank my happy ears, never again! My ears are very important to me. I can find mice by hearing their little feet pattering, and I can hear the kind of trucks and cars that howl, long before we see their flashing lights go by. (Boss and I like to sing along with them.) But big bangs are very hard on me. I’m not afraid, of course. It’s just something a dog should avoid if possible. You remind me of the rest of that miserable evening. There were wonderful little children running around carrying twinkling lights. It would have been so much fun to get out and run around with them, but Boss made me stay in the car panting and snapping at mosquitoes and waiting for the next ear-splitting bang. The stand-up parts of my ears are very tall and soft. Boss loves my ears and says they feel like rose petals. And mosquitoes love my ears for dinner. It gives me the nervous yawns to remember it.

But we have Dog-power, Tender Ears! Boss has never made me go to “fireworks” again, and you can probably put an end to it, too. You just have to be such a pest that Mom will leave you home next year. On the night that she took me, I whirled around on the seat chasing mosquitoes, and I jumped back and forth from the front seat to the back and whined and pawed at her. I was so unhappy I didn’t give her a moment’s peace. And it worked. Of course, you must not beg to go with her. You will have some warning because all day there will be little bangs all over town getting practiced up for the big ones, I guess. At the end of a day like that, with distant bangs and mosquitoes and heat and fireflies, just lie on your bed and refuse to go out with Mom. And whatever you do while she’s gone, don’t do things she doesn’t like. This is definitely NOT the time to see if she has put anything in the wastebaskets for you. Think how safe and peaceful it will be, and doesn’t she always come back? Be kind to those tender ears, Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

Cranial Cruciate Disease (Part 2) — Surgical Op ons L ast month we discussed cranial cruciate tears and how they are diagnosed. In this ar cle, we will cover some of the surgical op ons available for this condi on. Many surgeries have been developed over the years to help deal with instability (cranial drawer or cranial bial thrust) in the knee created by a cranial cruciate ligament rupture. The first thing to realize is that there is no silver bullet, meaning no one surgery can reverse the changes that have already occurred within the joint and more than one surgery may be appropriate for a pa ent. One common procedure that has been around since the 1970s is the lateral fabellar suture technique (extracapsular repair). This procedure uses a heavy duty nylon line that is anchored around the lateral fabella, a small bone behind the femur, and passes through a hole in the bia. It acts as a prosthesis for the cranial cruciate ligament and prevents cranial drawer in the short term. The body adds periar cular fibrosis, or scar ssue, over the next several weeks and ul mately provides long term stability for the knee.

July 2018

In the 1980s, Dr. Barclay Slocum developed the bial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO). Whereas all of the surgeries up to this point a empted to replicate the cruciate ligament in some way, the TPLO changed the alignment and therefore the biomechanics of the s fle joint through a curved cut (osteotomy) in the bial bone. In a TPLO, the cut piece of bone is rotated to reduce the slope of the bia where the femur sits, thus elimina ng cranial bial

thrust. The cut bone is held in place by a plate and several screws while healing in its new posi on. The development of the TPLO opened the door for a series of new surgical procedures. These include bial tuberosity advancement (TTA), closing wedge osteotomy (CWO), and triple bial osteotomy (TTO). All of these procedures can be thought of as different roads to the same des na on. That is, they all alter the angles within the s fle joint to neutralize the cranial bial thrust that Slocum concentrated on in the 1980s. We perform the TTA at Portland Veterinary Specialists in addi on to the TPLO and lateral fabellar suture technique. The TTA creates stability through changing the angle of the patellar tendon in rela on to the joint. The bial crest, where the patellar tendon a aches, is cut and advanced forward. The bone is held in place with a tanium spacer “cage” and either a “fork” or a bone plate. Like the TPLO, special equipment is required. Similar recoveries are seen rela ve to the TPLO. All of these procedures have their pluses and minuses. These differences have been a hot topic in veterinary

surgery for the last 25 years. For many years, no one procedure has been shown to be superior to any of the others, but this should be related to appropriate pa ent selec on. Most surgeons would agree that larger, more ac ve dogs do be er with a biomechanical stabiliza on over the lateral fabellar suture. Three recent studies found significant differences comparing the lateral fabellar suture and the TPLO (other procedures were not examined). The TPLO group showed a higher owner sa sfac on and be er force plate values at a walk and a trot. But even if these last 3 studies show the TPLO offering the best chance over an extracapsular repair for an excellent outcome, it remains that the lateral fabellar suture is a good procedure, and dogs show improvement with this procedure over no surgical interven on. The key point is that surgical selec on should be performed taking into account individual pa ent factors. The pros and cons of each surgery should be discussed with an owner to make the best informed decision. April Guille, DVM, DACVS Portland Veterinary Specialists


Made in Maine This month we put a spotlight on Maine


businesses that have devoted their me, energy and money to our animals! Be sure to read up on these great businesses and check out their products!

1. SILVER PAW PET TAGS Durable, unique and original! Made from stainless steel right here in Maine, they are the pet tag that will remain looking amazing. Their tags come in three different sizes and have a number of beau ful designs to choose from.

2. NOOKSACK RACING SUPPLY Dog powered sports equipment for dogs and their owners including but not limited to mushing, bikejoring, skijoring, hiking, scootering and canicross. Their products: harnesses, collars, leashes, a achments for bikes, skijor hip belts, waist belts for dog walking, dog boo es, dog coats, safety vests and more.


High quality visibility products that feature 3M reflec ve stripes and No Fly Zone InsectRepelling Technology. Dog Not Gone products range from their Original Safety Dog Vest to Walker Safety Vests and so much more.

Proudly crea ng the BEST PRODUCTS from the BEST MATERIALS for your BEST FRIEND. 100% Guaranteed since 1997.Durable dog toys, including the world famous Orbee balls, bones and toys.


4. LOYAL BISCUIT Tug Me Toys are hand cra ed in Maine and made en rely of 100% polyester fleece, these braided tugs are durable and washable. Fidelis Biscuit Co. Using the finest all natural and organic ingredients (as many from local Maine sources as possible).

5. LOBSTER TREATS FOR SALTY DOGS Made with locally caught lobster from Friendship, Maine. Lobster Treats are available in two recipes, the original larger bone shaped biscuit as well as a gluten free smaller treat.


It’s all about the buckle! A wide variety of fabrics to choose from with coordina ng buckles to help keep your Barkdanna from falling off and they’re reversible!

Readers Poll. Trendy, wi y, cool designs created by local ar sts. Offering dog collars and leashes, as well as belts, flip flops, hats and canvas totes.

available. All proceeds benefit Li le Paws Big Hearts Pekingese Rescue.

12. MASON ANTLER DESIGN 10. COATHOOK The idea came about when their senior cat began to have trouble grooming himself. One day while making a bracelet using a ny crochet hook, Lisa ran the hook through Cozzie's fur. The fine hook reached down through Cozzie's outer coat and very nicely removed those loose clumps from his undercoat.

8. MILEY’S MUNCHIES Made fresh to order, completely grain free and made in Maine. Dog biscuits, cinnamon rolls, pupcakes, macaroons and more.

collars in lots of fabulous prints. Made with heavy duty nylon with grosgrain ribbon sewn on.

Organic dog chews made from antlers found throughout New England. They also create chandeliers, coffee tables, chairs and more.

13. MOUNTAIN DOG COOKIE CO. First place winner in the Best Maine Pet Product category in the 2017 Downeast Dog News Readers Poll. Homemade decorated dog treats that come in over 120 shapes and sizes.

11. SEW FETCH Third place winner in the Best Maine Pet Product category in the 2017 Downeast Dog News Readers Poll. Offering hand sewn custom dog

15. WOOF & HOOF Unique jewelry and accessories for horse and dog lovers including aromatherapy designs. When you see a heart symbol next to a product a por on of the proceeds goes directly to a dog or horse rescue. Each quarter a new organiza on is selected.

14. GLADWAGS Handmade bandanas that have a channel sewn in for the collar to slide through. Many pa erns

9. BELTED COW Second place winner in the Best Maine Pet Product category in the 2017 Downeast Dog News




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Downeast Dog News

July 2018


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

ACT I and II – AKC Agility: New Agility Opportunity for Beginners


he Agility Course Test (ACT) is an entry level agility event to introduce beginning dogs and handlers to the sport of agility and the AKC agility program. There are two levels of ACT events: ACT 1 and ACT 2. ACT 1 is designed for the beginning level dog to show beginning sequencing and performance skills. ACT 2 requires an increased skill level by the addi on of weaves and seesaw.

Who can enter? Any dog 15 months or older that is in sound physical condi on. The dog cannot have earned an AKC agility tle. Non-registered and AKC registered dogs may enter.

Dogs without an AKC registra on number will be issued a temporary one a er the event by the AKC office. If an unregistered dog earns a tle, it will not receive a cer ficate un l he is registered. In order to earn an ACT 1 tle, the team must run a course at any height it chooses from 4-24 inches. The course will consist of 10-12 obstacles, including a 5 foot A frame, table, jumps (no spreads), and open tunnels. The course must be completed in 60 seconds (max me) with a score of 85 out of 100. There can be no dropped bars, no missed contacts, no more than 3 a empts to complete any obstacle, and no more than 3 wrong courses. A team must earn 2 qualifying legs to earn a tle. To earn an ACT 2 tle, the team must run a course, at any height, which will include 11-13 obstacles. Obstacles will include A frame (5’), teeter, table, jumps (1 spread jump), open tunnels, and 6 weave poles. The dog walk is allowed in course design but is not required to be used in an ACT 2 test. For an ACT 2 tle, the team is allowed 70 seconds maximum me to complete the course with the same performance requirement for

the ACT 1 test. A team needs to qualify in two ACT 2 courses to earn a ACT 2 tle. An ACT 1 tle is not necessary to enter an ACT 2 test. These ACT events are to encourage the sport of agility and help the dog and handler team prepare for regular agility events. ACT compe tors can learn how to me, score, ring crew, course build, and learn how to help a trial run smoothly. ACT compe tors will also learn about ring procedures and protocols, helping them to enjoy their first agility trial experiences. The exci ng news for all of us here in Maine is that Mid Coast Kennel Club will be hos ng an ACT 1 and 2 test at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, August 24, 2018 at North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. Mid Coast Kennel Club will also host two ACT prac ces on Friday, July 13 and Friday, August 17 from 9:00 un l 10:30 at the same loca on to help teams prepare for these events. For more informa on on how you can register, contact Kathy Duhnoski of the Mid Coast Kennel Club at kduhnoski@myfairpoint.net or call Kathy at 207-691-2332. Don’t miss out. Put this on your schedule!

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

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Indoor and Outdoor Access Dogs have access to our 1/4 acre outside covered play yard as well as a daycare play room and eight additional secure outside play yards.

Pools and Shade Our guests enjoy two sun cabanas and two pools during the spring and summer months.

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311 Park Street U Rockland, ME 04841 U 207-593-7913 www.harborhoundsmaine.com U mydawgs@harborhoundsmaine.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! And see your pets enjoy their day!


Downeast Dog News

How Hemp-Derived Phytocannabinoid Nutraceu cals May Help Your Dog Marijuana and hemp-based products are being promoted for medical reasons for dogs. Research indicates that phytocannabinoid nutraceu cals can be very eec ve in helping with allergies1, anxiety2,11, arthri s3,4,11 , behavioral issues5,11, depression2, epilepsy and seizures5,6,11, inamma on7, joint health3,4, diges on, joint mobility11, nausea8,9, and pain relief 10,11. A report in the Spring 2016 issue of the Journal of the American Holis c Veterinary Medical Associa on reviewed how 631 pet owners used cannabinoids with their pets12. Commonly reported beneďŹ ts were: relieved pain, aided with sleep, relieved anxiety, supported nervous system, reduced inamma on, reduced seizures, reduced vomi ng, helped suppress muscle spasms, aided diges on, helped with thunderstorm or ďŹ reworks phobia, inhibited cell growth in tumors and cancer cells, and helped with skin condi ons. What is the dierence between hemp and marijuana? While hemp and marijuana are both part of the Cannabis family, they are not the same. The chemical makeup of marijuana and hemp is very dierent. Marijuana is probably best known for containing an endocannabinoid called THC, the psychoac ve ingredient in marijuana which can cause one to “get high.â€? Marijuana has a high THC content (5 to 35%) while the THC content of Hemp is less than 0.3%. This is very important as THC can be toxic to dogs13,14. Common signs of THC toxicity are: severe depression, staggering, lethargy, coma, low heart rate, low blood pressure, respiratory



depression, dilated pupils, coma, hyperac vity, vocaliza on, and seizures. What are phytocannabinoids? Cannabinoids are substances that occur naturally in both hemp and marijuana. There are 66 dierent types of cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD), is the most abundant of the cannabinoids and can make up as much of 45% of the resin extracted from the cannabis plant.

CBD is believed to have an -anxiety eects and may counteract the psychoac ve eects of THC. Since there is now a CBD based drug undergoing clinical trials, the term PRO (Phytocannabinoid Rich Oil) is being used for phytocannabinoid nutraceu cals. How do phytocannabinoids work? All animals have an endocannabinoid system that works with the body’s physiological, neurological, and immunological systems. Our bodies produce endocannabinoids which ďŹ t into specialized receptors throughout the body. In the dog, CB1 receptors are found in the brain, gastrointes nal tract, lungs, muscles, reproduc ve organs, and vascular system. CB1 and CB2 receptors are found in the bone marrow, brain stem, gall bladder, liver, and pancreas. CB2 receptors are found in parts of the brain, bones, skin, and the spleen. Cannabinoid receptors in your dog’s brain play a role in the Cerebral Cortex (memory, thinking, awareness, and consciousness), the Hypothalamus (metabolic processes, appe te), the Amygdala (regula on of emo ons), the Hippocampus (memory and recall), the Basal Ganglia (motor skills and learning), the Cerebellum (muscle control and coordina on), and the Brain Stem (reexes, heart rate, blood pressure, pain sensa on and muscle tone). Producing adequate numbers of endocannabinoids is essen al to good health. When the body does not produce enough endocannabinoids due to poor health, we can supplement them with phytocannabinoids derived from hemp.

Are phytocannabinoids right for your pet? Whether or not phytocannabinoid are right for your pet is something that only you can decide and I would suggest you do so only a er having a discussion with your veterinarian. At the end of 2017, the World Health Organiza on issued a report15 indica ng that CBD exhibits no eects indica ve of any abuse or dependence poten al, and in several clinical trials has been shown to eec vely treat seizures. Research suggests that it may be useful in trea ng a number of other medical condi ons and has a good safety proďŹ le. Buyer Beware! The buzz over CBD/PRO products is enormous, so it is a “seller's market.â€? Whenever that happens, it is not uncommon for some unreliable companies to get into the business. Before adding these products to our offerings at our store, we did a great deal of due diligence to select a company with a known track record and a commitment to quality and education. I would advise you to spend some time doing your own research before you buy a product, or talk to your veterinarian or a pet care professional you trust. Whatever you do, do NOT use marijuana you are growing yourself or that you buy from the couple down the road. You could kill your dog. For an expanded version of this ar cle with links to the footnotes and references and recommenda ons on what to look for in a CBD/PRO product, go to my blog at h p://bit. ly/BLOG-Hemp-CBD-PRO-for-pets.

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.








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of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: PASSION FOR PETS RESCUE A Small Group of Like-Minded Folks with Big Hearts By Susan Spisak The popular and heartfelt quote, “Saving one dog won't change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will be changed forever,” is the mission statement of the non-profit Passion for Pets Rescue (PPR). I had the pleasure of speaking with Lisa Bouchard, the president of this 501(c) 3 nonprofit that serves Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and parts of Canada. Our conversation started with Rosie’s progress, a little brown and white Boston Terrier who was “overbred” by a backyard breeder and then dumped at a vet’s for euthanization in Mississippi. The vet didn’t follow through on the breeder’s request; instead he called PPR’s rescue partner, Alice Gill of Southern Pup in Macon, Mississippi (many of their dogs do come from the south and Southern Pup). Gill contacted Bouchard, and they committed to taking the sweet gal. Gill had Rosie spayed in the south, and once she was healthy enough,


she was transported to Maine. Unfortunately, by the time she arrived, something was amiss (transports can be rough for some dogs). “She was pretty much horizontal…I think she was on the way out,” said Bouchard. Fast forward several days. She was treated at Androscoggin Animal Hospital in Topsham, and once she was stabilized using broad spectrum antibiotics, she underwent surgery to clean up her “oozing, nasty [spay] incision.” A drain was also input as those interior stitches had torn. “[Dr.] Jon Spelke is my god,” laughed Bouchard. She became serious and added her gratitude towards Dr. Spelke, Dr. Freedman and the staff at Androscoggin Animal Hospital. “They saved her life, absolutely.” And the good news is, she responded well to her wonderful care and was cleared to go into a foster home. PPR’s been around for five years, and they rescue and rehome an average of 30 puppies and adults a month. That adds up to a lot of dogs who’ve gotten a second chance at a good life in New England and parts north. While PPR has a


four member board, the modest Bouchard said while each has a specific role, titles are just titles. “We’re all the boss. We work as a team. We’re all equal and make decisions together, and I think it should be this way.” They have 20 to 30 fosters who also serve as volunteers in other areas, but they can always use more. As a foster, you supply a loving home environment, and they take care of the veterinary bills and medicine. If you’re planning a vacation, which many folks do in the summer, they can find a respite foster if they’re given enough notice. Know that the foster application process is similar to the adoption process, which will include providing vet and personal references and a home visit. PPR may have a small board and don’t have hundreds of volunteers (nor an unlimited bank account), but they have spunk and a will to rescue. Bouchard said it best, “You do the best you can…you do your fundraisers, and you move forward and try to save the most you can.” For more info on PPR, visit www.pprorg.com/.


If you’re looking for a goo all--look no further. He’s a good boy and his foster is working on making him even more well-mannered. Good with dogs, kids and cats.

Shy and sweet. Good with dogs and children.

Good with dogs, cats and children.

Contact us at passion4petsrescue@gmail.com

Contact us at passion4petsrescue@gmail.com

Contact us at passion4petsrescue@gmail.com

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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • 207-453-7387 www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




2 yrs., Ca le Dog Mix

Boxer mix

1.5 yrs., Mixed breed

Beau ful boy, well trained in obedience. Loyal, loving and likes a en on from someone he trusts. Other dogs scare me. Also need a home with no cats or children. I love toys, hikes and walks.

She can be a bit of a diva on a leash, especially when mee ng other dogs for the ďŹ rst me. She loves to run and play and would excel with a family that leads an ac ve life style. Ruby could be your perfect hiking partner! Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207)594-2200

P.A.W.S. Adop on, (207)236-8702

Good with most dogs and kids over 5. Not so good with cats and small animals.

P.A.W.S. Adop on, (207)236-8702

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Sunray Animal Clinic

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1 yr., Catahoula Leopard mix

7 yrs., Beagle

2 yrs., Beagle

Just about as perfect as they get. Can guard his toys. His new family needs to have pa ence, understanding and be willing to do some training to manage this behavior. Loves to go for a morning stroll and cuddle on the couch. Should be only dog.

Sweet, friendly boy who loves people. Has lived with cats, good with mellow dogs, no young children. Has separation anxiety and can be destructive when left alone. He can be dominant at times and would do well with an experienced owner. Butters enjoys walks, rides in the car, and snuggles.

Friendly, playful, boy who loves people and other dogs. Gets along well with cats. Prefer a home without young children as he can play rough. Happy, good tempered boy who would be a great family member.

Email New England Catahoula Rescue: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207)797-5392

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207)797-5392




1 yr., Lab/Husky mix

5-6 yrs., Lab/Terrier mix

He may be a mix of many breeds. Sweet, friendly boy who gets along well with other dogs and people. Fairly energe c, ac ve fella who would love an outdoorsy family for hikes, beach days and lots of play me.

Great dog for a woman who lives alone and likes to go hiking. Good watchdog, not comfortable with strangers. When she does bond with you, she's the sweetest thing. Only dog in a home, or perhaps a submissive dog. No cats.

5 yrs., Jack Russell/ Beagle


FMI: almosthomerescue.net

FMI: almosthomerescue.net




Senior, Pit bull

9 yrs., Lab

9 yrs., Chow mix

Sweetheart who is desperately in need of a Foster or Forever home. Came from a diďŹƒcult situa on, so she could really use some TLC from some big hearted dog lover. Starving for some love and a en on. She would do best as an only pet.

Loving and aec onate, Bella lights up around people. She doesn’t care for other dogs as much, so would like a home where she is the only dog & gets all the love herself. She’s in great shape and loves her walks!

Loyal and sweet, looking for a comfy bed to sleep on. Very much a couch potato. Gets along with mellow, older dogs. A cat free home would be wonderful and no children under 16 years old as I have some sensi ve spots that I do not want touched.

FMI: olddogsnewdigs.com

FMI: olddogsnewdigs.com

Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491

May be part lab too, because Rowdy LOVES to swim and fetch tennis balls! Good with cats & dogs. Nervous in some situa ons, would like a home in a rural area, without children. He’s an ac ve guy!

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


July 2018


July C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com There will also be silent and live auc ons, which include trips, art by local ar sts, and cer ficates for dining at local restaurants. All proceeds from the event will help support our shelter opera ons. Tickets are $125 and reserva ons are required. To buy ckets h p://www. spcahancockcounty.org/spca-events/ wine-and-whiskers/ or call (207)6678088

ALES FOR TAILS Thursday, July 5 Warren, 4PM – 7PM Come enjoy some great beer while suppor ng a good cause! Snacks will be provided by Simplicity Brewing Co & Supplies, 2473 Camden Rd. A por on of the proceeds will be donated to P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center. Outdoor sea ng is available. Friendly dogs welcome!



Saturday, July 7 Belfast, 10 AM – 11 AM Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group at the Belfast Free Library, 106 High St., Belfast. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadop on.org; (207)236-8702

FUN IN THE SUN Saturday, July 7 S. Portland, 11AM – 3PM Pet Life is hos ng an adop on event featuring mul ple rescues, a bake sale to raise funds for these rescues, including fun games for the kids, raffle prizes, and a talent show! We can't wait to see you there! South Portland Pet Life, 50 Market St. (207)799-7282

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, July 7 Rockland, 12 PM – 3 PM Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Rockland loca on at 408 Main St. from 12pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

PETCO MEGA ADOPTION EVENT Saturday & Sunday, July 7 & 8 Topsham, Time TBD Coastal Humane Society will be at the Topsham Petco, 131 Topsham Fair Mall Rd, with adoptable animals! Check back for more informa on on the me of the event and the available animals as the date approaches. h p://www. coastalhumanesociety.org/calendar/

ACT PRACTICE & INSTRUCTION Friday, July 13 Somerville, 9AM – 10:30AM Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine is offering instruc on and prac ce at North Star Dog Training School (252 Jones Rd.) in prepara on for the ACT Test on August 24, 2018. The Agility Course Test (ACT) is an entry level agility event to introduce beginning dogs and handlers to the sport of agility and the AKC agility program. There are two levels of ACT events: ACT 1 and ACT 2. ACT 1 is designed for the beginning level dog to show beginning sequencing and performance skills. ACT 2 requires an increased skill level by the addi on of weaves and seesaw. Cost: $25 club members, $35 non-club members. (207) 691-2332 NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, July 14 Camden/Rockport, 10AM-12PM Belfast, 1PM-3PM Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Camden/Rockport loca on on U.S. Rte 1, Rockport from 10am – 12pm and our Belfast loca on on 1 Belmont Ave. from 1pm-3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

Our not-for-profit Museum is very pet-friendly. Since inves ng in a six month run in Downeast Dog News and an ad in petMaine, the Museum has seen an exponen al increase in doggie visita ons. It’s clear to us that our ads dollars are working and I’d recommend to anyone either with a specific petbusiness or trying to a ract pet owners and families that these publica ons work and are a great value. — Margaret Hoffman, Execu ve Director, Boothbay Railway Village


TOE NAIL TUESDAY Tuesday, July 17 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Petquarters, 235 Camden St., and volunteers from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Trims $10, Ear Cleaning $5 Combo $12.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, July 21 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to the Somerset Humane Society. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7

WINE & WHISKERS Tuesday, July 24 Northeast Harbor, 6PM – 10PM Wine & Whiskers is a fabulous evening benefi ng the SPCA of Hancock County. Held at the As cou Inn, this fes ve event includes cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and live music with The Blake Rosso Band.

Wednesday, July 25 Brunswick, 3PM – 8PM Flight Deck Brewing, 11 Atlan c Avenue. We have been selected to be Flight Deck Brewing's charity of the month! All ps and ll from Wednesday, July 25 will be donated to Coastal Humane Society & Lincoln County Animal Shelter. Stop by and see us, grab a beer and delicious food for a great cause!

MUTT SCRUB Saturday, July 28 Boothbay Harbor, 11AM – 3PM Come join Two Salty Dogs Pet Outfitters for its 6th Annual Mutt Scrub at 22 McKown St. Rain Date is Sunday, July 29th. There will also be The Doggie Talent Show, several rounds of Doggie Musical Chairs, dog nail trimming, giveaways, $1,000s in Raffle prizes - including 6 months of FREE Pet Food - and lots of FREE SWAG! ALL donations received benefit the Lincoln County Animal Shelter. FMI: muttscrub.org Questions? Want to get involved? Email Mutt-Scrub@twosaltydogs. net or call our shop at (207) 6337387.

HAIRY PAWTER: DOGWARTS EXPERIENCE Saturday, July 28 Brewer, 6PM – 8PM Join us for a magical evening at the Brewer Loyal Biscuit Co. (421 Wilson St.) Dogwarts School of Witchcra and Wizardry! This is an a erhours, special event and space is limited! Tickets are $20 per dog and available for sale at all 5 Loyal Biscuit Co. loca ons! Only 20 ckets available, enroll your dog today! FMI: h p://www.loyalbiscuit.com/events; (207)660-9200 x7

D D Downeast Dog News is looking for a delivery driver for approx. 44 stops from Falmouth to Kennebunk. Paid posi on or willing to trade for adver sing. Must have own car, current license, registra on and insurance. Job is once a month. Please contact Jenn @ 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

P -T S Downeast Dog News is looking for a part- me salesperson. Sales experience is perferred. Looking for someone who is friendly, professional and organized. Commission only posi on. Please contact Jenn @ 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

g Goin

trip? Come home to a on a Clean House & Happy Pets


Betty McBrien 701-8491 • Loving pet caregiver in your home within a 30 mile radius of Camden • Professional housekeeper • Farm animal care also available

Wiscasset, Maine • 207-882-6128 redseatsmaine.com

The ďŹ nal act of kindness for your pet, in the comfort of home. • Affordable • All Species • Cremation thru Ashes to Ashes • In-home Consultations

Robin Elms, DVM cell (848) 333-2211 robin.elmsdvm@yahoo.com www.apeacefulpassage.net

Reach New Customers! Adver se Here

FIREWORKS from page 2 careful so as not to accidentally let the dog out. • Do NOT take your dog to the ďŹ reworks. They are not going to enjoy the experience and may become frightened and runo. • If you choose to use ďŹ reworks at your home or camp, or if you have neighbors that do so, make sure that your dog is inside, preferably in a room where they will not hear or see the ďŹ reworks. To give your pet the best chance of being returned to you: • Please make sure that your dog is either microchipped or wearing a collar with a current, readable and legible ID tag. • If your dog is microchipped, make sure that the chip registry has your current contact informa on. • Keep a current photo of your pet that you can use on a “Lost Petâ€? poster if your pet goes missing. Make sure it’s a good photo that clearly shows any iden fying characteris cs of your dog. • Maintain a list of phone numbers for your local animal control organiza on, police department, animal shelter(s), and pet-related businesses so that you can no fy them if your pet is lost and ask them to put up the “Lost Petâ€? poster that you create.

July 2018

• If your dog is microchipped, contact the chip registry if they go missing. Many registries will help disseminate informa on about your missing dog on social media to aid in recovery. • If you live in Maine, contact Maine Lost Dog Recovery via their Facebook page (h ps://www.facebook.com/ MaineLostDogRecovery) as they can be very helpful in assis ng you in ge ng the word out about your lost dog. • If you are traveling with your pet, provide your pet with a temporary ID tag that provides local contact informa on for wherever you are staying. Don Hanson, ACCBC, BFRAP, CDBC, CPDT-KA Green Acres Kennel Shop - Bangor Past Chair - Associa on of Professional Dog Trainers (2007, 2011 & 2012) Dr. Ian Dunbar Member of the Year - Associa on of Professional Dog Trainers (2014)


Little Dove Farm




Don't Miss Bridgton's First Dog Event! Dog Days of Bridgton When: Aug. 4th Where: Community Center grounds (15 Depot St.) Time: 1pm-4pm There will be games, discussions on dog health, vendors, dog adop on organiza ons. An overall fun day for dog lovers! All dogs MUST be leashed and waste must be picked up.

SLUMBER from page 2 According to sta, these dogs will be fantas c pets in the right home, but they don’t always show well on the adop on oor, which can be a stressful place. There are other beneďŹ ts to the dogs besides the opportunity to go home. “There has been research in the last year measuring cor sol levels−a common measurement of stress−in

dogs that spend an overnight in a foster home, and return the next day. The results indicate that the break from the shelter was beneďŹ cial and lowered the cor sol levels. It’s great news for shelter dogs, and we were happy to see that even a short break can decrease their stress,â€? said Wehr. Both facili es currently have several canine candidates that would beneďŹ t from a sleepover.


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