2019 November Downeast Dog News

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Does Your Dog Need a Taste of HEMP EXTRACT? DowneastDogNews.com

Volume 14 • Issue 11 • November 2019

Service Dog Strong: People Saving Dogs, Dogs Saving People By Susan Spisak


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imone Emmons is on a mission. This disabled Army vet founded Service Dog Strong or SDS, Maine’s only 501(c) (3) nonprofit with the purpose of saving shelter canines, raising monies to have them professionally trained and cer fied as service or emo onal support dogs, and pairing them with women and men with trauma c, sexually- and/ or rape-related PTSD (Post Trauma c Stress Disorder) at no cost to them. She’s just beginning the journey of growing this nonprofit that is available to state residents - not just veterans - whose lives have been torn apart by these hur ul acts. Sta s cs back the problem. According to the Maine Coali on Against Sexual Assault, one in five adult Mainers will experience sexual assault in their life me. Addi onally, 48.6% of adult Maine sexual assault survivors report that they’ve been diagnosed as depressed while 38.3% of adult Maine sexual assault survivors have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

See STRONG on page 5


2 Hot Dog News


Basic Training Tips

Photo Credit: Ashleigh London

7,10 & 11 16 & 17 18 Dogs for Adoption Best of the Best Results!


Calendar of Events

Hot Dog News Furry Kids Pet Photography Bronze Medal Jill Piper of Furry Kids Pet Photography was awarded a bronze medal for her 4 entries in this year’s International Photographic Competition hosted by the Professional Photographers of America. One of her images, “The Water Dog Brigade”, is also a finalist in the Grand Imaging Awards. The Grand Imaging Award finalists have been judged to be the very best of the 2019 PPA International Photographic Competition (IPC) and were selected from 5,249 entries judged by a panel of 36 jurors. Winners will be announced in January during an award ceremony in Nashville, TN. Piper, based in Minot, Maine, is the owner of Furry Kids Pet Photography and Lasting Image Photography. “The Water Dog Brigade” is a studio image of one litter of 14 puppies belonging to Christine and Steve Dostie of DownEast Portuguese Water Dogs in Bowdoinham, Maine.

Thank you to last month’s adoption sponsors in our Adopt-A-Dog issue! Thanks to you we were able to include many dogs, print them all in color and donate to three of the rescues! We put the rescues’ names into a drawing and this year’s recipients were Bangor Humane Society, PAWS Animal Adoption in Camden and Midcoast Humane in Brunswick! Androscoggin Animal Hospital, Topsham Bean Group – Stacy Colby Barnes, Gardiner Coastal Dog, Edgecomb Damariscotta Veterinary Clinic First National Bank, 16 branches Wiscasset to Calais Flagship Inn & Suites, Boothbay Harbor Haggett Hill Kennels, Edgecomb Harbor Hounds, Rockland


Hello Doggie Daycare, Raymond Hometown Veterinary Care, Fairfield Keepyourpet.net, Camden Kompletely K-9 Dog Training & Rehabilitation, Montville Lewiston Veterinary Hospital Loyal Biscuit, Bangor-Brewer, Rockland, CamdenRockport, Belfast, Hallowell & Waterville Maine Summer Dog, Union Oxford Hills Veterinary Hospital, So. Paris

Red’s Eats & Deborah Gagnon, Wiscasset Ridgerunner Veterinary Services, Winterport Scarborough Animal Hospital Samoset Resort, Rockport Silver Paw Pet Tags, Brownfield Sunray Animal Clinic, Brunswick Tasteful Things, Bridgton Two Salty Dogs, Boothbay Harbor

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For more information, please contact: Jenn Rich, jrich@rfbads.com or (207) 706-6765

Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Meghan Sullivan GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed. I am already working on the November paper. I think I blinked and September and October came and went! What a beau ful year for foliage though. So colorful! This month is our Best of the Best issue where the results of your vo ng are revealed. Congratula ons to our winners! Pepper’s backyard park is basically complete. I just need to staple on a li le more fencing on one side to keep the ball from going out. I am so grateful to everyone who helped put this together. She absolutely loves it! She jumps up and down and spins circles at the door when she thinks she is going out there to play. She

has added it to her clock and things to remind me to do every day. It is so nice to have the peace of mind that I don’t have to be concerned about her going near the road. I think I am as excited as she is to have this space. Today I threw the ball up on top of the garage roof by mistake, and it disappeared, possibly into a gu er. Thankfully, she let me use a different ball. Usually she obsesses over finding the correct ball if she knows where it went. ‘Tis the season to talk about what we are thankful for, and I am certainly thankful for great friends and family, our new place to play, and for such a lovely dog with whom to play. All the best, Jenn & Pepper

ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

Dog Photo of the Month! ANDO “He was an excep onal dog. Loyal, smarter than most people, clumsy, full of zest, protec ve, empathe c, goofy, and the most lovable and loving dog.”

CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

If you’d like to submit a photo of your pet to be posted on our website send it with a small descrip on of your dog (cool trick, silly thing he does, favorite toy) to jenn@downeastdognews.com or mail it to: 91 Camden St. Suite 403, Rockland, ME 04841. Each month one will be selected to be printed in the paper.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com

COPYRIGHT 2006-2019 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

November 2019

Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


3-month minimum recommended

10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Best of Best ............ 7, 10 & 11 Performance Dog Training .... 8 Ask Bammy ........................... 9 Words, Woofs & Meows ...... 13 Pet Pantries ..........................14 Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome ............... 15 Rescue of the Month ............16 Dogs for Adoption ............... 17 Calendar of Events .............. 18 Business Directory .............. 19


Welcome to November! Summer isn’t too far in the rearview mirror, and I’m s ll trying to wrap my head around the cooler months ahead. I have so much to be thankful for and have been reminded how many of you have become friends over the past ten years. My father passed away at the end of July, and the outpouring of support and love has been surreal. Thank you all! It has been a bit strange being the one going through the grieving process; I’m usually the one helping others through it and it’s been humbling. That being said, life is slowly returning to normal, and I’m grateful to have a job that I love. Here are as many of your ques ons as I could answer in this column. Enjoy! Amy R. asked what Bernie thinks of his new life in Maine and if he previously lived with kids? This dog is in heaven! He LOVES Maine! Oh my goodness, wait un l he gets to play in snow! The word fabulous really may have been created to describe how he feels about himself and his life. I do think he lived with kids, which is why if you’re hustling around, he knows to get out of the way. He got in trouble for being underfoot and does his best to avoid that to this day. Bambi S. asked if Bub was in pain and if he was comfortable. The first thing I get is my right shoulder is sore. I have no idea if this image is going to make sense to you, but I see a giant boar or pig, who loves being lazy and loves being loved without having to earn any of it. He also jokes that he doesn’t want to overdo, which jus fies his laziness but isn’t helping his health. At least he owns it?!

Can My Dog Get EEE? Q. I was in Massachuse s recently and there was an announcement over the highway from the CDC about EEE. What is it, and can my dog get it?

Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

Diane H.’s dog Roxie has passed, and she wants to know if it is really her that visits us? Oh my goodness I’m absolutely covered in goose bumps, and I see Roxie bouncing all around to get your attention! As soon as she has it, she trots away, looking for a treat. I love her energy, and she’s so proud to have been able to get your attention. Yes, she is visiting and kudos to you for being open to it! Jeri M. had Ellie, who is now deceased. “Did she know we were going to come back and loved her?” Yes, she did know that, and you have never held back any love to a person or animal, regardless of the situation you found them in. I also hear that you’ve rescued animals from some pretty horrific situations, but you have never

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman


Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a virus that is carried by birds and is spread by mosquitoes. People, horses, llamas, and alpacas are at greater risk of getting sick than dogs. Dogs usually have mild symptoms and recover from this disease. EEE is a disease seen mostly in the southeastern United States, but it is being diagnosed all along the East. A few cases of very young dogs housed outside in the South have been reported. So what are the symptoms of EEE? The virus will cause an inflammation of the brain called encephalitis. Because of the inflammation, the symptoms can include fever, weakness, depression, loss of appetite,


uncoordinated movements, convulsions, circling, head pressing, irritability, blindness, and coma. If the symptoms are severe, the animal could die. Though these are the symptoms seen in humans and other mammals, dogs are fortunate to not have the severity of symptoms. Most commonly,

judged the person who may have neglected them, because you are fully aware that each of us has our own struggles. Ellie has a wise sense of peace about her, and she’s looking forward to being reunited with you when your time comes. You are both familiar to each other. Michelle P. had Jazzy and she asked if she forgives them. Jazzy wants to give you an earful! Forgiving you was not anything on her radar because she said you did nothing wrong. I’m hearing Billy Joel’s song with the lyrics, “I’m just a victim of circumstance….” I think it’s the song My Life, but I’m not sure. Jazzy’s response is, “Are you serious? For all you’ve been through and all that is still yet to come, THIS is the worry that you allow to rattle around in your brain? You were always fair, honest, and just with me, and you know as well as I do that life played out as it was meant to. Take the worry surrounding this situation and put it into making your life even better for you and those you love.” Jazzy is fully at peace and hopes that you can be as well. Lisa O. wants to know if her dog Cisco is comfortable now and if there’s more that she can do? I feel sleepy but comfortable. When he shows me going from sleeping to standing, it’s like watching a large horse slowly get up, but once he gets his balance and bearings, he’s good to go. I get a no, there is nothing more you can do for him, and he greatly appreciates you being his person and advocate. Lisa R.’s dog Hadley is deceased, and she wants to know if she’s still here with her and to let her know she misses her. I hear a huge YES,

she is still around you, but I also have a smile that spreads across my face as I answer you. Hadley did not like being woken up at all! She can curl herself in a ball just like a cat would, and when I tapped in to her, she was laying on her side, did a stretch that made her look like a sideways horseshoe, and yawned. She never fully opened her eyes and went right back to snoozing. Sheila A. has a dog named Karma. “Does she understand when I talk to her? Is she Montana reincarnated?” Oh she understands you, but sometimes you say things that make no sense! She does better when you talk to her like she’s an adult versus a small child. I don’t think she’s Montana, but Montana’s energy is always around you, so that’s why you feel her. When I say that, it’s not just when you’re at home. Montana is and will forever be your protector no matter where you are. Just a reminder that a psychic reading is not a replacement for licensed veterinary care. If I didn’t answer your question or you’d like to learn more about what was relayed, feel free to schedule a reading at www. enlightenedhorizons.com on the Online Booking page. As always, I offer a discounted Rescue Readings for animals that have been rescued. The more you know about them, the more you can help them adjust to being a part of your pack!

they may exhibit flu-like symptoms. When other animals exhibit these symptoms, other diseases must be ruled out, such as rabies. If this disease is suspected and it is mosquito season, the veterinarian submits blood or tissue to a lab to confirm. Testing is rarely required in dogs. Birds like emus, ostriches, and other game birds can acquire EEE but they develop blooding gastrointestinal tracks and can die suddenly. EEE is not spread from animal to animal. It is spread by an infected mosquito; however, if your dog is exposed to the feces or blood of a diseased bird with EEE, he could get it by direct contact. Animals that get sick are treated with supportive care like fluids, medicines to control the signs of illness, and reduce the severity of the symptoms. Massachusetts has seen a number of cases this year, so the CDC is trying to alert people about the risk. In Maine last August, one horse was diagnosed with EEE in York County.

Here is how you can reduce your risk and that of your dog getting this disease. Use a reputable insect repellent. Remove any stagnant water that can be used as a mosquito breeding ground. This includes run off from your house that pools, old tires, water in flower pots or caught in leaf debris and bird baths, anything that can collect water. Avoid letting Fido out at the most active mosquito times (dawn and dusk). Fix any screens that have holes. Don’t leave lights on outside overnight. Mosquitos are attracted to the light. Remove piles of garden debris, such as leaves, lawn clippings, and manure. There is no vaccination for dogs. At this time EEE is a low risk virus in Maine. With the change in climate, we may see more cases. By being proactive and taking common sense precautions, this disease will stay at low risk.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings. Visit her website at www.enlightenedhorizons.com.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

STRONG from page 1 To help those in need, Emmons has armed her nonprofit with not only a board of directors and volunteers but will work in conjunc on with a local animal rescue and professional training group. This wife, homemaker, and mother of two toddlers with a third baby on the way said she has the me and desire to make a difference. “It’ll be a huge blessing to rescue a dog and rescue a person with PTSD,” said Emmons, whose past hardships led her to this undertaking. In 2006 she was an excited and op mis c 20-year-old American ready to serve her country. She enlisted in the Army and began stateside training, but things soon crumbled. “I was violently raped by another soldier.” She said it was so forceful and intense that she suffered from migraines and didn’t realize that she’d sustained a trauma c brain injury (TBI). She spoke to her commander as she had issues being near the a acker. “Back 10 to 12 years ago, things like that were pushed under the rug.” (Emmons acknowledged that the Army now has programs in place such as Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Preven on aka SHARP to avoid or address incidents and advocate for vic ms.) To make ma ers worse, some soldiers bullied her and told her it was her fault. Eventually she was given an uncharacterized discharge in 2007. Severe depression and anxiety plagued her days. “I didn’t know I had PTSD,” she said which led to selfmedica ng. Eventually she tackled a 12-step program and it took, but she was uneasy with public places and facing authority figures, and she s ll believed the event was her fault. Emmons sought counseling at the US Veterans Center in Portland. Over me her counselor helped her understand the violent act was her a acker’s responsibility. She guided Emmons through the process of appealing her discharge, and it was upgraded to an honorable status. The counselor also recommended that she apply for a service dog through

Portland’s K9s on The Front Line, a non-profit that was co-founded by Dr. Hagen Blaszyk and Linda Murray. She did just that and between counseling and her confidencebuilding Black Mouth Cur service dog named Gunner, it’s been lifesaving. “It’s been a huge freeing experience.” During her months-long training at K9s on The Front Line with the now 4-year-old Gunner, Emmons learned that she was the last individual to receive a service dog from that group to address PTSD/ TBI from military sexual assault. (They now concentrate on military combat veterans suffering from PTSD and/or TBI.) She had many conversations with Dr. Blaszyk – he suggested she initiate SDS and she realized, “My whole life has been impacted by this. Instead of wallowing in grief, now I’m strong enough to do something.” Dr. Blaszyk has remained supportive and continues to be her mentor. She also has support in the form of Kristen Stacy. She met her while ice fishing with friends – but Emmons wasn’t aware that she was a rape vic m who had emo onal support dogs, Riggs and Oakley, un l a er the chance mee ng. Stacy was quick to jump on the board and Emmons refers to her as SDS’s co-founder. SDS aligned with The Green Ark, a foster-based 501(c)(3) dog rescue that was founded by Athena Carriere.

specific eligibility requirements, including having been medically diagnosed with sexual assault and/or rape-related PTSD, open their home to an SDS visit to ensure the dog will be in a safe environment, and must be able to provide ongoing vet care, including monthly preventa ves, annual exams, shots, and any unforeseen medical needs for their new sidekick. “The dog will be with them for many years,” Emmons explained. They’re grateful for dona ons so SDS can aid survivors and their families as well. Emmons put it in a nutshell as to why their nonprofit is important. “You have the power to help li someone out of a dark hole and put him/her on the path to a be er life, and help a four-legged friend as well. It is a win-win.” For more informa on, visit facebook.com/ServiceDogStrong.

(For more on Green Ark, see page 16.) “She’s the dog whisperer,” Emmons said, adding that she has terrific ins ncts on animals. Carriere will recommend rescued dogs, and they’ll be evaluated by Chris an S ckney, owner and chief trainer of North Edge K9 in Westbrook. That group has also commi ed to training SDS survivors and their canine partners through an 18-week course designed to address individuals’ needs. Upon passing the final exam, canines earn their service dog tle and will comfort and guide their survivors/handlers, so they can take control of their lives. They’re raising $21k for the first class of six survivors which includes the adop on cost of the rescued dogs, spay/neuter, ini al shots, and training fees. Once funding is secure, SDS will begin the applica on process. All applicants must meet

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Please Support Our Advertisers BANGOR & DOWNEAST


Green Acres Kennel Shop ............... 20

Hello Doggie Daycare ...................... 20

Loyal Biscuit ................................ 2 & 7

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital ........... 5

MIDCOAST Ac on for Animals .......................... 13 Androscoggin Animal Hospital ....... 12 Catahoula Rescue.............................. 2 Coastal Crea ons Pet Salon ............ 12 Flagship Inn ..................................... 12 Harbor Hounds .................................. 8 Kompletely K-9 .................................. 6

SOUTHERN All 4 Paws ........................................ 13 Gooddogz Training .......................... 12

BEST VET PRACTICE 2012, 2014 & 2018 Quality medicine, surgery and dentistry from a professional team you can trust.

Maine Veterinary Medical Center .... 6 Pet Connec on ................................. 6

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital

Pleasant Hill Kennels ....................... 15 Portland Veterinary Emergency ..... 20 Tender Touch Veterinary .................. 5

Loyal Biscuit ................................ 2 & 7


Midcoast Humane ........................... 12

Coastside Bio Resources .... back cover

Mr. Dog Training................................ 9

Meredith Reynells Portraits ............ 15

P.A.W.S. Auc on for Animals ............ 6

petMAINE .......................................... 2

Shaw’s Paws .................................... 12

Pickles Pup Transport...................... 20

Two Salty Dogs .......................... 2 & 12

Silver Paw Pet Tags.......................... 13

Water Bark Wellness ......................... 2

Sustenance Herbs ........................... 15

November 2019

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Catherine Sanders, DVM Jennifer Mirecki, DVM

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The Party Animal (?) Par es and Dogs don’t Always Mix


ere we are, at the tail end of 2019 with 2020 looming close. It’s hard to believe another year is about to disappear behind us. With the ringing out of one year, the welcoming in of the next and holidays in between come many fes vi es and gatherings. We humans may revel in this revelry, but our beloved pooches may not be quite as enthusias c. The Perfect Party Dog Do you have a dog who loves to be in the thick of ac vi es, who greets strangers and friends like old pals, who has good manners and needs very li le management to ensure everything is copace c? If you answered “yes,” consider yourself very lucky! This ar cle may not be for you if you have the Perfect Party Dog, but your next dog may benefit from careful management and some training to make those gatherings more pleasurable for all species a ending. Dog Duty When we are hos ng a party, the last thing we tend to think about is what to do with the dog, but it’s a good idea to factor him into the picture just as we would the kids. Delegate someone to Dog Duty. It is this person’s responsibility to make sure the dog feels safe and comfortable and that

Basic Training Tips

by Diana Logan

guests are safe and comfortable, too. The Dog Duty person needs to have plenty of treats to reward the dog for making good choices and needs to have a plan in place in case good choices are deficient. Where would your dog feel most comfortable? Par es aren’t for Scaredy Dogs.

If your pup tends to be fearful or wary of strangers, it’s best to relegate him to a quiet place away from the ac on or even have him stay somewhere else for the dura on of the party. Kudos to you if you have maintained your dog’s crate training because this is the perfect me for the fearful dog to enjoy his sanctuary. The over-the-top social dog lacking the skills for proper intermingling with guests is also an excellent candidate for cra ng. Most dogs haven’t read the Miss Canine Manners columns and need inten onal training to build these skills, so unless you have trained them, don’t expect your dog to suddenly know what he’s supposed to do. What would you like your dog to do when guests arrive? Set your dog up for success. Keep your dog from gree ng people at the door in order to give him some space to enter. Dog gree ngs can be done in another space. Be mindful of how your guests feel about ge ng dog a en on. Some people would rather not have their personal space invaded by a dog and some feel awkward around dogs. Call your dog away so as to respect that person’s preferences. The flip side: Are any of your guests unwi ngly (or wi ngly) sabotaging your dog’s training? Be watchful for interac ons that might contribute to undesirable behaviors. What would you like your dog to do while the party is going on?

Decide ahead of me, and then plan how you can help your dog want to do those things. For instance, if you’d like your dog to enjoy an ac vity in a specific area, add value to that area by feeding him there or offering him a treat dispensing toy on a regular basis. He will gravitate towards that area if he finds it poten ally rewarding. A scavenger hunt (toss treats or kibble on the floor) will keep him busy for a while, too. Don’t expect perfect manners if you haven’t taken the me to train them. If you find yourself saying, “you know be er than that!” your pup has not been trained to the level needed for that par cular situa on. It’s not his fault - he just needs more help from you to master the skills necessary. A party is a very exci ng situa on, and o en mes even a simple “sit” doesn’t work. Food, food, food!! Your dog may have good manners when the daily rou ne is followed, but when there’s food aplenty, he may not be able to resist tempta on. Keep an eye on him - you don't want him to get addicted to table surfing for ever a er! Leash him up Keeping your dog on leash at least part of the me will limit his movement and choices and also give him a break from feeling compelled to get in on everything, and it’s the simplest management tool around! Take care of your dog, and then go have fun and party hear ly!

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352



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Downeast Dog News

BEST of the BEST




1. Androscoggin Animal Hospital, Topsham 2. Topsham Veterinary Wellness Center, Topsham 3. Brunswick Veterinary Clinic, Brunswick

1. Mountain Dog Cookie Co., Scarborough 2. Sew Fetch Dog Collars, Machias 3. Shaw’s Paws Treats, Rockport

BEST GROOMER 1. Coastal Crea ons Pet Salon, Bucksport 2. The Salty Dog, Camden 3. The Muddy Paw, Winslow

BEST TRAINER 1. Mr. Dog Training, Sara Sokol, Bath 2. Gooddogz, Nancy Freedman-Smith, Greater Portland 3. Titanium K-9, Jason Howe, Bangor

BEST PET STORE 1. Two Salty Dogs, Boothbay Harbor 2. Loyal Biscuit, Waterville 3. Wags & Whiskers, Bath

November 2019

BEST DAYCARE/BOARDING 1. The Salty Dog, Union 2. Blue Dog Daycare, Brunswick 3. The Coastal Dog, Edgecomb

BEST RESCUE/SHELTER 1. Midcoast Humane, Brunswick 2. Pope Memorial Humane Society, Thomaston 3. PAWS Animal Adop on Center, Camden

BEST PET FRIENDLY LODGING 1. Inn by the Sea, Cape Elizabeth 2. Bay Leaf Co ages, Lincolnville 3. Flagship Inn, Boothbay Harbor


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

How Good a Trainer Are You?


ometimes it is good to take a step back and look at our role in the training process. It is important to remember that when you are training your dog in a performance sport, your dog is totally dependent upon you. Dogs don’t know what you are trying to teach. They have no idea of the rules or how any of the necessary skills need to be performed. Your dog is a reflection of you and your training.

In the beginning of teaching a skill, your dog should be open and trusting and wanting to engage with you. If not, you need to abandon your training plans and go back and work on creating

a dog that wants to engage in learning. A defensive dog is not open to learning. To start, you must have a dog who wants to engage and who is not afraid to try a behavior to see if it works. Your dog should be confident that the right behavior will be praised and rewarded and the wrong behavior will either not be rewarded (try again) or guided into what is acceptable and then released. Your dog should understand that effort in the right direction will be supported and may be rewarded. This encourages a dog to work and try to solve problems. Handlers who insist on the finished product without rewarding effort will soon lose the dog’s trust. You, as a trainer, need to have a clear idea of what you are trying to teach and what are the progressive steps leading up to the skill you wish the dog to learn. As soon as you see confusion, you must be careful not to put too much pressure on the dog. When confused, some dogs will act out and bark, get the zoomies, or offer other known behaviors. Others

will shut down and do nothing and others will try to leave. A good trainer should recognize confusion and help the dog be right, then praise and release, reward and play. Rethink what you were asking for and make the problem a li le easier so the dog can be successful. When successful, praise, reward, release and play and end on this success. The dog always needs to feel that it can trust you to make the outcome posi ve. All training sessions should begin and end with play, and you should intersperse play throughout the session. Work should be fun and problems should be fun to solve. If you don’t have a dog who willingly wants to play with you, it is time you spend some time enhancing that part of your relationship. Play should be fun for both of you and something the dog wants to initiate. Play is a great reward for work. Learning how to successfully play with your dog will teach you a great deal about your dog and yourself. A good trainer can always keep his dog’s interest without food. Try playing – it works!

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

limited trim, we can accomodate most dogs


Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net.

About My Best Friend I knew something was wrong when my old best friend, Pookah, suddenly lay down while we were going for a walk. Boss and I ran to her and sat beside her. Her humans came and sat there, too. They looked so sad, I gave them each a slurp on the nose. Pre y soon Pook wasn’t there anymore. I mean, her big, black furry body was there, but she was gone. So I went back to see if I could get a

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

chipmunk out of the stone wall. But it wasn’t much fun – I kept thinking about Pookah. Her humans wrapped the empty body in a sheet and loaded it onto the tractor. We were all sad, so I walked back to the house close to them instead of hun ng. Some mes I look out the window at her house, but I know she isn’t there. I whine a li le and go looking for something new to chew on. I was so li le when Boss came for me, I don’t remember much. I missed my mother and the other puppies, so when I met Pookah,

I was all licks and wiggles. She lived in a den close by and o en came to play with me. We always wagged a lot and licked each other’s noses. She wasn’t that swi at barking to come in, so I barked and ran around like crazy when I knew she was here. Some mes her humans went away, and she stayed with us for a long me. When I was li le, I looked out the window at her den and howled when she went home. Some mes she brought me a toy, and we played tug. We ran in huge circles in the hayfield, taking turns chasing and being chased. A er a while I could run faster than she could, and I’d jump over her at top speed while she ducked. Even when I knocked her over or snatched her toys right out of her mouth, she never, ever growled at me. Even so, I didn’t try to eat from her bowl, and she didn’t look at mine. Some mes Pookah visits me when I’m asleep, and we do things together. We used to love to sing when one of those howling machines went by on the road. When she got old, she couldn’t hear very well, so Boss would say, “Hear siren?” and we would all have a good sing.

We loved to have Boss join in even though she couldn’t howl right. It’s confusing, now, when I howl in my sleep and wake up in my bed and no Pookah. Boss calls it “dream” when Pookah and I play while I’m asleep. I growl and twitch when we play tug. She is such a good tugger! When Boss and I walk in the woods, it sometimes seems as if Pookah is there, running beside me. Maybe she is. Who knows? Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

Pookah brings a tug toy. NH photo

VOTED BEST TRAINER 2015 – 2019 thank you to our voters.....YOU ROCK! Please join me on December 8th @ 11am for a FREE seminar, The Ten Things Your Dog Wants You to Know, as a THANK YOU for your votes

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November 2019




he Androscoggin Animal Hospital (AAH) is located on the Foreside Road in Topsham Maine. It has been locally owned and operated at the same loca on since 1985. AAH has been an American Animal Hospital cer fied prac ce since 2003 and has consistently exceeded the guidelines for cer fica on. We are a Fear Free and Feline Friendly prac ce employing an amazing team of 5 Veterinarians and 23 dedicated support staff. The hospital is commi ed to providing an excep onal experience that is compassionate, convenient, comfortable, professional, and affordable. We use the latest technology (including a therapeu c and surgical laser, diagnos c ultrasound, complete in house diagnos c equipment, and digital radiography) to provide complete surgical, dental, and medical care. We love suppor ng the community that has graciously con nued to support us. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram, text us, call us, email us, visit our website, and download our app for your smartphone. Thank you to all of our dedicated clients, pa ents, friends, staff, and colleagues. We are honored to have been selected by the community as the Best of the Best in the Downeast Dog News.


lsebeth DeBiase, owner & stylist at Coastal Crea ons Pet Salon, is an award winning IPG Cer fied Master Groomer with 18 years of experience in the pet industry. As a graduate of the University of Maine, Department of Animal Sciences, she has an understanding of the animal industry that encompasses farm, veterinary, and pet industries alike. In 2011, Elsebeth opened Coastal Crea ons Pet Salon in Bucksport with the goal of providing individualized services to her four- legged clients while u lizing state of the art equipment, compassionate handling methods and modern styling techniques. As a result, pursuing various forms of condi oning educa on has become a passion for her and in 2019 Elsebeth became the first Fear Free Cer fied Groomer in Maine. Her special es include small dogs, cats and geriatric pets. Recent grooming accomplishments consist of 1st place in the New England Groom Olympics 2016, 2nd place in the Ul mate Grooming Compe on 2018 and 2nd place in the Whole Pet Academy Grooming Compe on intermediate class 2019. It’s an honor to receive Best of the Best Groomer 2016 & 2019. Thank you!




began making dog cookies for my Swissys in 2015 because I wanted to know what was going into each cookie and treat they ate. A er experimen ng with several recipe varia ons I landed on our signature peanut bu er, pumpkin and cinnamon recipe that dogs go nuts for. With amazing feedback from friends and dogs alike Mountain Dog Cookie Co was established. We have now been in business for 4 years, making hundreds of cookies in small batches each month in over 175 different sizes and shapes. Each cookie is baked and decorated with love and care and in the hopes from my 4 Swissys that it may become a reject they will get to share. I firmly believe that just because it is a dog cookie doesn’t mean it can’t be fun to look at! Which is why homemade decorated dog treats made at Mountain Dog Cookie Co. are so special. To see and order our amazing cookies find us on Facebook or email us at Mountain.Dog.Cookie.co@gmail. com. Thank you for all who have helped us become the Best Pet Product for the 3rd year in a row.

Best Rescue/Shelter Midcoast Humane

Best Pet Store Two Salty Dogs

Best Trainer Sara Sokol, Mr. Dog Training ara Sokol is owner at Mr. Dog Training; a posi ve reinforcement based training center with a 2000 square foot facility located in West Bath Maine and has been voted BEST dog trainer in the state of Maine by Downeast Dog News readers for FIVE years in a row now! Mr. Dog Training offers a number of group classes ranging from a free Puppy Pre-School through Advanced Obedience as well as a variety of fun Activity classes including Noseworks, Tricks, Intro to Agility, and Ninja Dog. In addition Mr. Dog Training offers a variety of downloadable dog training videos available for purchase with more videos coming soon! Sara feels that the key to any good rela onship, including the one between a person and their dog, is clear communica on. Her training style is to teach people set their dogs up to make “good” choices, and then reinforce those choices; the more that you reinforce a behavior, the more you’ll see that behavior! In addi on, Sara believes that training should be fun for both human and dog and takes pride in being able to make the classroom an enjoyable and safe place to learn. She is grateful to have a job that allows her to work closely with the community and one that helps her strengthen the human/animal bond.

Best Pet Product Mountain Dog Cookie Co.

Best Groomer Coastal Creations Pet Salon


wo Salty Dogs Pet Ou i ers in Boothbay Harbor is for people who truly love their pets. Don and Liana Kingsbury stock their li le shop with pure dynamite. High-quality dog and cat foods, locally made treats and toys, Maine-made collars and leashes. Large bags of food are stored in the shed out back, and they are more than willing to run a load out to a car. The Kingsburys are known as shop owners that always go the extra mile for their customers, which is one reason people who visit come back again and again. Don and Liana got the idea to open a shop when their Black Lab “Max” began talking to them in barely audible tones, saying “...build me a shop and stock it with all kinds of tasty things for me to eat...” That complete, Max's orders became more direct-- “Build me a Dog Army of hungry Labs that I might conquer the earth and impose my will upon all living creatures...” So Don & Liana acquired Auggie and Buddy -- Max's friendly Black Lab Lieutenants. These days, the shop is ruthlessly run by Max and his two hench-dogs whilst Liana and Don obey Max's every order, however ridiculous.

Downeast Dog News


idcoast Humane is one of the biggest shelters in the state of Maine, opera ng in Brunswick and Edgecomb. We provide care and second chances to 3,500 animals every year, and assist thousands more through our programming. But we’re not just about the animals – Midcoast Humane is about the people, too. We dropped “Society” from our tle, because we’re not a membership organiza on, and we are not exclusive. Animal companions are for everyone, and all can make a difference in the lives of animals. We hold municipal contracts with 41 towns along Maine’s Midcoast from Falmouth to Washington, but our adopters come from across the state and New England. Every animal that comes through our door receives excellent medical care, spay/neuter surgeries, vaccines, care and comfort while they’re with us. We believe that every life is worth saving. Midcoast Humane is extremely grateful to the Downeast Dog News readers, our adopters, supporters, and community partners for naming Midcoast Humane the Best Animal Shelter of 2019. We could not do our life-saving work without the support of our community. Thank you all for believing in our mission and for all of your support. Learn more about our life-saving work at midcoasthumane.org.

November 2019

Best Daycare/Boarding The Salty Dog Boarding/ Grooming/Daycare


he Salty Dog Maine LLC currently owns and operates 6 loca ons on the Midcoast in Maine (Camden, Union, Damarisco a, Hallowell, Wiscasset, Belfast), with over 30 years in the business!!! The Union loca on offers boarding, grooming and daycare for both cats and dogs set on almost 13 beau ful wooded acres. This loca on was established 13 years ago and purchased by The Salty Dog family in November of 2018. The kennel offers the largest accommoda ons for your pet on the mid coast which consist of 2 indoor suites ( sleeping quarters and feeding/ exercise) and an outdoor individual play yard. In addi on, there are 2 very large fully fenced in play yards to assure your pets are ge ng their play/ exercise me! The facility is climate controlled and has radiant heat within the floors. Full service Grooming is offered by professional , cer fied , pet stylists to complete the full spa package for your fur baby. The Salty Dog family would like to thank everyone who voted for us and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!!!

Best Pet-Friendly Lodging Inn by the Sea


ogs Days at Maine’s luxurious Inn by the Sea include in room ameni es and over the top pampering for both traveling pets and humans. One of the first luxury hotels to accept pets, the Inn has welcomed man’s best friend for over 25 years with complimentary stays, water bowls, beach towels, cozy L.L Bean dog blankets, and handmade turndown treats. Gourmet pet menus, dog walking and doggie day care is all available for doggie divas. Dogs are welcome to join their humans for meals al fresco on the seaside deck or in the fireplace lounge. Located on the coast on sandy Crescent Beach in Cape Elizabeth the Inn is a beau ful spot to relax with ocean views, but just 7 miles from Portland’s urban chic small port city. Fetching fall days include the pool going to the dogs- mid October the pool is closed to people and open for pets to enjoy a er a relaxing walk on the beach. Meet the Inn house dog! The Inn fosters dogs from Animal Refuge of Greater Portland un l a ‘forever’ home is found. This program supports pet adop on, connec ng guests to dogs who need homes. 153 dogs have been adopted from the Inn to date.


Thank you for voting for us for Best Maine Pet Friendly Lodging 4 years in a row!

"A Big Thank You To All Who Voted!"



www.BoothbayLodging.com 1.800.660.5094 200 Townsend Ave. Rt. 27 Boothbay Harbor, ME




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Medicine Surgery Dentistry Radiology Ultrasonography Preventive Care Thank You for voting for Androscoggin Animal Hospital! It is with sincerest gratitude that we receive the news of being voted Best Maine Veterinary Practice. It is our goal to deliver the most compassionate care for your pets and top notch customer service to our neighbors and community! You make it easy as we have the Best Clients and Patients!


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Thank you Downeast Dog News Readers for voting for us! Best of the Best Pet Store in 2013 – 2019!


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Downeast Dog News



ogs do not come with wri en instruc ons, and whether you have an 8-week old puppy, a sixyear-old rescue dog, or anything in between having a rela onship with a professional and accredited dog training or behavior expert can be your greatest asset. Dog trainers typically teach you how to train your dog to be a great companion. They will address housetraining, bite inhibi on, jumping, and socializa on with puppies and skills like teaching sit, down, stay, come, heel, leave it, and a en on. Dog training is not a licensed profession, so you need to do your research carefully before making a selec on. You can learn more at these links:


• What Is Dog Training? – h p:// bit.ly/WhatIsDogTraining • How to Choose a Dog Trainer – h p://bit.ly/ HowToChooseADogTrainer • Maine Dog Trainers That I Recommend – h p://bit.ly/ MEDogTrnrs If you have a dog with anxiety, fear, or aggression issues, you may need more than an accredited, professional dog trainer. In fact if you are experiencing any of these issues, you should start with a visit to your veterinarian as there are medical issues that could be contribu ng to your dog's undesired behavior. Any medical issue causing pain or discomfort can contribute to aggression. Other


medical problems that can aect behavior include endocrine and neurological disorders and even ck-borne diseases. Aggressive behavior is o en an emo onal response (anger or fear), and training alone may not be helpful. For example, a dog who has been trained in a wide variety of scenarios may well be able to sit on a single visual or verbal cue, but when under stress it may not respond to the cues you give. For example, you may be able to recite Shakespeare or solve dieren al

equa ons, but your ability to do so when stressed may make doing those tasks very diďŹƒcult. We need to recognize and accept that a reac ve dog is stressed and uncomfortable. If your veterinarian rules out a medical reason for your dog’s behavior, you will want to seek the assistance of a professional creden aled to work with behavior cases. There are three levels of professionals to consider. At the top of the list is a Diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. This is a veterinarian that has completed addi onal training in behavior and is en tled to use the term “Veterinary Behaviorist’ and use the ini als DACVB a er his name. He will be experienced in training, behavior modiďŹ ca on, and in the use of pharmaceu cals to aid in trea ng behavioral issues. As of last month, Maine has its ďŹ rst Veterinary Behaviorist in the state, Chris ne D. Calder DVM DACVB, who is prac cing at the Maine Veterinary Medical Center in Scarborough. Next on the list are individuals who are credentialed by the Animal Behavior Society. They usually have a doctorate or master's degree in animal behavior and have passed an exam that then allows them to use the title Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists (CAAB or ACAAB). You can find a list of these individuals at http://www. animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/ applied-behavior-caab-directory. php. I am not aware of any currently practicing in Maine.

At the next er are those like myself that are creden aled as Behavior Consultants. Although people occasionally refer to me as a behaviorist, I am not. The only people who should be using the tle “behavioristâ€? are those that are creden aled by the Animal Behavior Society or the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. There are three independent accredi ng bodies for creden al people like myself doing behavioral work listed below: • Pet Professional Accredita on Board (PPAB) – h ps://www. creden alingboard.com/ • Interna onal Associa on of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) – h ps://m.iaabc.org/ • Cer ďŹ ca on Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) – h ps://www.ccpdt. org/ Like dog training, behavior consul ng is not a licensed profession, so please verify the creden als of whomever you select to help your dog. If they recommend the use of any type of aversive (shock collar, choke collar, prong collar, spray bo le, dominance downs), anything meant to punish, look for someone else. Punishing your dog is only likely to make its aggression worse and more dangerous. Lastly, you might want to review a past column of mine at the link below. Help! My Dog is Aggressive, Reac ve, Fearful, Anxious, etc. – What do I do? – h p://bit.ly/ HelpDogAggx

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.

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November 2019


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Action for Animals Maine, a 501 (c)(3) non-proďŹ t organization serving the regions of Lincoln County, has a mandate to helping people in desperate need of ďŹ nancial assistance by supporting in the health care of their pet. AFAM will contribute ďŹ nancial aid to approved applicants to help pay for procedures, hospitalization, medication, and emergency animal services to realize the full recovery of the owner’s pet. And just like you, Action for Animals Maine wants your pet to have a long, happy, and healthy life!

Action for Animals Maine (AFAM) P.O. Box 238, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 04538 207.350.1312 www.actionforanimalsmaine.com


Maine Pet Pantries If you find yourself in tough mes and struggling to feed your pets there are people out there that can help you! The following is a list of some of the pet food pantries available in Maine. Each pantry may provide different products and/or services. Please check with the individual pantries for more info. and to confirm their hours/requirements. We have done our best to provide an up to date list but some mes things change. If you run a pet food pantry and would like to be added to our list for the future please contact: jenn@downeastdognews.com. AniMeals for Seniors Spectrum Genera ons runs an AniMeal program in conjunc on with the Meals on Wheels program for seniors. Bath, Belfast, Brunswick, Muskie Center in Waterville, Skowhegan, Hallowell and Damarisco a. FMI: Lynda Johnson, 207-626-7777 or ljohnson@ spectrumgenera ons.org. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY Greater Androscoggin Humane Society 55 Strawberry Ave, Lewiston 783-2311 Every Tuesday, 9 - 11 a.m. AROOSTOOK COUNTY Houlton Humane Society 263 Callaghan Road, Houlton 532-2862 Tues. - Sat., 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call ahead for pet pantry assistance. Southern Aroostook Food Pantry 434 Callaghan Road, Houlton 538-6404 Every other week, Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Camp Bow Wow 49 Blueberry Road, Portland 207-541-9247 Mon. - Fri., 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat., 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sun., 7:30 - 10 a.m. and 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Call to check supply levels No Bowl Empty Pet Food Pantry 238 Old Alfred Rd, E. Waterboro 233-2793 By appointment. Please call ahead. Town of Standish Animal Control (Town Hall) 175 Northeast Rd, Standish 642-4343 Mon. - Thurs., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call to check supply levels Steep Falls Library 1128 Pequawket Trl, Steep Falls 675-3132 Mon. & Tues. 9:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m. Midcoast Humane 30 Range Road, Brunswick 725-5051 Sun., Mon., Tues. & Thurs., 12 - 4 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 12 - 6 p.m. Call to check supply levels

Hardy’s Friends Non-profit organiza on, helps pet owners in need in the towns of Gouldsboro and Winter Harbor. Provides dog and cat food, li er, basic flea and ck protec on and veterinary assistance. FMI: 963-7444 or susanburke58@hardysfriends.com Deer Isle-Island Food Pantry Island Community Center (Lower Level) 6 Memorial Lane, Stonington Kathy 348-6181 Thurs. (with the excep on of the occasional fi h Thurs.), 5:30 - 7 p.m. SPCA Hancock County 141 Bar Harbor Rd., Trenton 667-8088 Thurs. - Sun., 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Call to check supply levels KENNEBEC COUNTY Amy Buxton Pet Pantry South Parish UCC 9 Church St, Augusta 622-0552 2nd and 4th Sat. of each month 8 - 9 a.m. Apr. – Sept., 9 - 10 a.m. Oct. – Mar.


CUMBERLAND COUNTY Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland 217 Landing Road, Westbrook 854-9771 Tues., 1 - 3 p.m. and Sun., 1 - 4 p.m.


Bar Harbor Food Pantry 36 Mount Desert St. in the YMCA basement. 288-3375 Tues., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. & Thurs., 4 - 6 p.m. Call to check supply levels

Penobscot Pet Pantry American Legion Corner of John & Pearl, Camden 763-4291 First Thurs. of the month 1 p.m. Applica on form required.

LINCOLN COUNTY Midcoast Humane 27 Atlan c Highway, Edgecomb 882-9677 Every day except Wed. & Sun. 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Call ahead for pet food pantry assistance. PENOBSCOT COUNTY Furry Friends Food Bank Available through the Eastern Area Agency on Aging in Washington, Penobscot, Hancock and Piscataquis Coun es. Services for low income seniors and their companion animals. People must be enrolled with EAAA. Call 941-2865 or 800-432-7812. Bangor Humane Society 693 Mount Hope Ave, Bangor 942-8902 Mon. - Fri., 12 - 6 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mostly dog and cat food/li er; supplies vary, call first. WALDO COUNTY Waldo County Pet Food Panty VFW 34 Field Street, Belfast 3rd Sat. of every month, open at 12:30 p.m. In case of emergency 322-3237 YORK COUNTY The Corner Cupboard Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church 5 Lebanon St., Sanford 324-3191 Open the third Sat. of every month, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Downeast Dog News

Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome Brachycephalic airway syndrome is a common syndrome which is found in breeds who have been purposely bred to have shortened skulls. French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Pugs, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are some of the most common breeds with this condi on. The shape of their head results in redundant so ssues in the airway which causes impaired breathing and some mes obstruc ve breathing. Brachycephalic airway syndrome consists of steno c (narrowed) nostrils, elongated so palate, and a severely narrowed trachea. Clinical signs of brachycephalic airway syndrome includes exercise intolerance, stertorous (noisy) breathing, and snoring. Some pets will gag or retch especially while swallowing. Pets with steno c nares have secondary increase in airflow resistance and therefore increased nega ve inspiratory pressure. This

pressure results in the redundant upper airway ssues ge ng sucked in and causing progressive collapse of the airway including everted laryngeal saccules, laryngeal and pharyngeal, and lower airway collapse. If you can imagine sucking air from a deflated balloon, you can understand how the airway collapses. Diagnosis of brachycephalic airway syndrome is two-fold. Examina on of the pet awake will reveal a narrowed (steno c) nares. A sedated oral examina on is required for further evalua on of elongated so palate and collapse of the larynx. Surgical correc on with a cer fied specialty surgeon is recommended for any brachycephalic breed with clinical signs of airway issues. These pa ents have an increased risk of anesthe c complica ons and the surgery and a ercare must be precisely planned. The nostrils are widened surgically so that they can pass air more

readily. The so palate is trimmed to the correct length so that it does not get sucked into the airway. If the laryngeal saccules are everted those are removed at the same me. Surgery is very quick and rou ne and carries an excellent prognosis. Brachycephalic airway syndrome is a progressive condi on with age and also worsens with obesity. The ideal me to have the airway evaluated and surgically corrected is at the same me as spay or neuter. Pa ents who undergo surgery at a young age have a fantas c prognosis and tend to recover very well from anesthesia and surgery. As pa ents age and the nega ve pressure causes worsening of the airway, the surgical recovery and anesthesia recovery can become more challenging and risky. A very small percentage of pa ents require a temporary tracheostomy if they have significant swelling post-op for a day or two to help with their recovery.

If laryngeal collapse is too far advanced as the pet has aged, then the prognosis is poor, and only rarely a permanent tracheostomy tube may be recommended. It is recommended for one overnight stay postopera vely and then pa ents have a short rest period for about a week at home to recover from surgery. Performing the brachycephalic airway surgery on young pets when they are neutered/ spayed is helpful to prevent them from requiring separate anesthesia episodes. Most owners no ce marked improvement in their pet’s quality of life including be er ability to exercise, less noisy breathing, less gagging/ choking on food or water, and less progression of breathing difficulty.

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November 2019





of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: THE GREEN ARK Saving Dogs from High Kill Shelters to cut the carbon footprint. She and her group also promote the use of natural cleaners for washing crates and dogs and purchasing recycled products. All their rescues are brought up-to-date on shots and are spayed or neutered. Then they’ll spend me on Athena’s 30-acre farm in Hollis for assessment. The reason? She believes their personality may be guarded in a shelter, but once they’re in a familystyle se ng receiving plenty of exercise, guidance, and love, they’ll likely blossom. Over the years Athena and her dedicated crew have found new homes for upwards of 2,000 dogs. Lately they’ve slowed their intake. She’s a busy single mom to 3-year-old Dylan and 4-year-old Delphine, both major priori es. Once the children are a bit older and more self-reliant, the group, also comprised of other moms, will ramp up the intake beyond a handful at a me. Eventually she plans to expand the nonprofit into an animal refuge – a er all she already is a caretaker to a few rescued sheep. “I hope for it to be an Ark for all animals, mul ple species.” She laughed and added, “Not exo c animals, but you get the picture.” This one- me chef turned entrepreneur has

By Susan Spisak Athena Carriere’s life changed with a Facebook crosspost. It outlined the imminent euthaniza on of a pregnant southern shelter dog. “I had no idea about rescue,” she admi ed. “I couldn’t sleep that night.” She spent hours sending pleas for help to over 50 nonprofit animal organiza ons. The few responses that she received were polite but firm declines, with one excep on. A Maine southern sister shelter agreed to rescue the momma, saving her life and pups. That experience led Athena to explore rescue, and she began fostering. She failed with her first (and not last), a “very challenging” heartwormposi ve female German Shepherd named Andy. “I had been circling the rescue world. [I thought] I’m going to start my own here in Maine. It’s been a wild world ever since.” She ini ated the foster-based 501(c) (3) Green Ark in February of 2013 with an eco-friendly edge. Since she pulls most of her dogs from Georgia – she works with two groups there – she subscribes to the “carpool” method, u lizing professional transporters

chickens and ducks and sells their eggs, and she hosts a “Hipcamp” on her land, an Airbnb of sorts for tent buffs. She lends her talent to two Portland nonprofits, K9s on The Front Line and Service Dog Strong, finding and matching rescued dogs to vets with combat PTSD (the former) and individuals with trauma c, sexually- and/or rape-related PTSD (the la er) who would benefit from a service or emo onal canine. For Green Ark, their mission is simple: “Adopt a pet, Save a life.” To that end, senior dog adop on fees are reduced, and there’s also a discounted Senior for Senior program. Green Ark recognizes those who serve their local communi es, so there’s a credit for police officers, military, firefighters, first responders, teachers, and coaches. For the adop on applica on, all rates and info, visit thegreenark.me/ faq.html. They always need fosters as well as applica on and social media volunteers. Experienced or willingto-learn grant writers are welcomed. Monetary and physical dona ons such as new and gently used crates, bowls, leashes, and kibble are appreciated. Message Athena at facebook.com/TheGreenArk.



May have some Mexican Hairless and Lab in him. He’s an awesome and very smart dog. Taco is great with kids, dogs and chickens. He is a unique gentleman and has a wonderful fun-loving side. He’s a snuggler and loves adventures. He’s so special, he could be a great service dog. He’s neutered and up-to-date on vaccines.

Housebroken, good with kids and dogs. He’ll be a great walking and hiking buddy – but keep this curious boy on a leash, please. He has a strong prey drive. He’s neutered and up-to-date on vaccines.

For more informa on, www.thegreenark.me

Sponsored by

HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • (207) 453-7387 • www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




10 yrs., Treeing Walker Hound

3 4 yrs., Collie

10 mos., Bloodhound

A sweet & loving senior. He is great with people of all ages. His best dog buddy has died, and he would love another canine companion in his new home. Favorite ac vity: going on sniďŹƒng walks or hikes.

Rose was part of a state cruelty seizure. She was not socialized and is fearful of most new situa ons. Must be leashed and supervised when outside. Needs a child-free, pa ent and careful family with at least one other dog.

Orion is wonderful with kids, but he can get excited, so may be a bit much for young children. House broken and loves car rides. Very handsome and since he is s ll a puppy, he’s got lots of pep!

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207) 594-2200

Sponsored by

Current Status: K-9 Correc ons Program.

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

First Na onal Bank

Scarborough Animal Hospital

Sunray Animal Clinic

16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais 1-800-564-3195 • theďŹ rst.com

29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412 scarboroughanimalhospital.com

73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com

JACK, 12 Yrs., & TY, 10 yrs., Jack Russell Terriers

MILA 10 mos., Shepherd/Basenji MIx

Jack and Ty are a bonded pair meaning they are looking for their forever home together! Jack and Ty were brought in due to the health of the owner. The two would prefer to be in a home that has no other animals. Home with children 10 years and up. Jack is a senior boy who has some senior health needs, so he is looking for a home who has a vet rela onship as well as Ty.

I'm a naturally playful, curious, and trus ng canine. Take me for a big walk every day; give me something to do. A er my job's done, I'll curl up in front of the ďŹ re with you in the evenings.

Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902

Sponsored by

Hello Doggie Daycare 1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521 hellodoggiedaycare.com

PAWS Animal Adop on Center, (207) 236-8702



TACY, 10 yrs., Treeing Walker Hound

10 yrs., Catahoula Leopard Mix

3 yrs., Ca le Dog Mix

A sweet, calm, and kind boy. He is a perfect balance of relaxa on and exploring. Walks pre y well on a leash but needs guidance to not pull; he is just so happy to go on walks! James knows basic commands (sit, wait, come, gentle {for treats}) but he needs consistency to reinforce his knowledge. FMI: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

Brushing, head/ ear rubs, body massages are his favorite thing. He would do well as an only dog or with a conďŹ dent female. Due to his size, not recommended for small children. He will need a strong proac ve and conďŹ dent leader who u lizes posi ve reinforcement training. FMI: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

Very sweet senior hound mix who was surrendered to the shelter as her owner had health issues. She pulls on the leash a bit. She loves other dogs and is very playful with them. Any dog housemates would need to come meet her to ensure it is a good match. No cats.



Senior, Boston Terrier/Pit Bull Mix

10 yrs., Hound Mix

BECK, 5 yrs., Retriever Mix

Midcoast Humane, (207) 449-1366

Sweet, smart, gentle girl. Loves to cuddle & give kisses. Serenity lost an eye to glaucoma and is on medica ons for Cushings disease. She can be bossy with other dogs, but seems to do be er with male dogs. She ignores cats & adores humans.

A real snuggle Buddy! This loving dog is good with kids & great with other mellow dogs & cats. Buddy is full of energy for walks. He’s a gentle guy who likes to be tucked in with a blanket at night.

Looking for an adult only home or one with kids 13yrs + who are dog savvy and know not to push him past his comfort zone. He needs a family who will work with him on his impulse control and overs mula on. Beck would do best in a home without a lot of foot traďŹƒc.

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

Midcoast Humane, (207) 449-1366

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


November 2019


November C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com

Purchases made during the following times will receive the following discounts!7:00am - 8:00am - 30% off*, 8:00am - 9:00am - 25% off*, 9:00am 10:00am - 20% off* What a great opportunity to save on winter jackets, treats, toys (holiday toys will be out!), shampoos, supplements, kennels, beds and more! Self-Serve Dog Wash will be closed during the Early Bird Sale. *Discount does not apply towards food or the self-serve dog wash.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, November 2 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC TD/TDX TRACKING WORKSHOP Saturday, November 2 Augusta, 9AM - 3PM A comprehensive workshop with Carolyn Fuhrer with lots of hands on work in the field. Held behind Viles Arboretum off Hospital Street. Line handling, ar cle indica on, keeping your dog mo vated. Call for more informa on. Kathy (207) 691-2332. $95 dog/handler team. $50 Audit. Space Limited - please register early.

St. for their next nail clipping clinic. For just $10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to the SPCA of Hancock County! No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com



Saturday, November 2 Boothbay, 10AM – 2PM An adop on event for the whole family to find their new furry family member in me to share a Thanksgiving dinner with them. Held at Boothbay Canine Daycare & Boarding, 653 Wiscasset Rd. midcoasthumane.org; 449-1366 x303

Sunday, November 3 Brewer, 10AM – 2PM Belfast, 10AM – 2PM SMACK Photography will be in our Brewer loca on, 421 Wilson St. and Chris_In_Focus Photography will be in our Belfast loca on, 1 Belmont Ave. to take Holiday themed photos of your pups! To make an appointment, please email chelsie@ loyalbiscuit.com. Appointment mes book up fast and are preferred. Walk-ins are welcome and will be accommodated as best as possible! For more details and pricing see our Facebook page: h ps://www. facebook.com/loyalbiscuit/

EARLY BIRD SALE Saturday, November 2 Belfast, 6AM – 10AM Early Bird Savings at the Belfast Loyal Biscuit at 1 Belmont Ave. Purchases made during the following mes will receive the following savings: 6:00am - 7:00am - 30% off*, 7:00am 8:00am - 25% off*, 8:00am - 10:00am - 20% off* What a great opportunity to SAVE on winter jackets, treats, toys (holiday toys will be out!), shampoos, supplements, kennels, beds and more! Self-Serve Dog Wash will be closed during the Early Bird Sale. *Discount does not apply towards food or the self-serve dog wash.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, November 2 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be in our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on, 421 Wilson

SHELTER BRATION Thursday, November 7 Bath, 6PM – 9PM Join us for a fun-filled evening of friends, food, drinks, and ac vi es— all to support Midcoast Humane and the animals that depend on our team for a new beginning. Held at Maine Mari me Museum, 243 Washington St. $40/person or $75 for 2 ckets. Your favorite ac vi es are back again this year: The Wine Toss, The Beer Pull and The Mystery Prize Board. Cost of ac vi es range from $15 – $100. Purchase your ckets online. Midcoasthumane.org

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, November 9 Camden, 10AM – 12PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/ Rockport Animal Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

TOE NAIL TUESDAY Tuesday, November 12 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon Nachajko from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.

EARLY BIRD SALE Saturday, November 16 Rockland, 7AM-10AM Early Bird savings at Rockland Loyal Biscuit, 408 Main St.

Promote your business to a targeted audience of pet lovers. Advertise with

Downeast Dog News! Contact Jenn for more information (207)706-6765; jenn@downeastdognews.com. 18

Saturday, November 16 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be in our Waterville location, 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic! For just $10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! loyalbiscuit.com

HOLIDAY PET PORTRAITS Sunday, November 17 Waterville, 10AM – 2PM Rockland, 10AM – 2PM Iris Bloom Photography will be in our Waterville location, 109 Main St. and Chris_In_Focus Photography will be in our Rockland location, 408 Main St. to take Holiday themed photos of your pups! To make an appointment, please email chelsie@loyalbiscuit. com. Appointment times book up fast and are preferred. Walkins are welcome and will be accommodated as best as possible! For more details and pricing see our Facebook page: https://www. facebook.com/loyalbiscuit/

EARLY BIRD SALE Saturday, November 23 Boothbay Harbor, 12AM – 4PM Two Salty Dogs, 22 McKown St. This is our biggest sale of the year. Get up early or stay up late to get these great deals on almost all of our stuff. At the shop or on our website. EXCLUDES FOOD, DOG HOUSES, AND ITEMS ALREADY ON SALE. twosaltydogs.net See our ad on page 2 for the discount breakdown.

DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar.

CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm mes and loca ons. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Add your comments TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!

Downeast Dog News

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Fundraising Campaign for Biddeford Dog Park The Biddeford Dog Park is a 1 acre volunteer supported dog park located at 550 Main St in Biddeford. The park is completely maintained by volunteers, and funded by both business and individual dona ons. Since its incep on in 2009, it has become one of the most popular parks in the area, and very well a ended all year long. It is located within Rotary Park which includes a boat launch, youth football ďŹ elds, soccer ďŹ elds, so ball ďŹ elds, teen center, disc golf course, picnic area, swimming beach, walking trails, skate park, sledding hill and mul ple playgrounds. Rotary Park is a very heavily traďŹƒcked area, with the dog park located in the most visible corner along the entryway. We are now launching a campaign to add ligh ng to the park, so that it may be used year round un l 8pm. Currently, the park closes at dusk, making it unusable to many who work un l a er dark during the winter hours. To this point, we have received in kind contribu ons from Camille's Electric and Biddeford Public works to dig and run power to the park. The last phase will include digging a trench, installa on of a telephone pole, 3 ligh ng ďŹ xtures

November 2019

Op on 1) $250. We oer a yearly sponsorship to the park which includes a 3x5 foot banner hung on the fence facing the main road into Rotary park. These banners stay up for an en re calendar year, and not just one par cular season

and a mer for those lights. The cost for these items will be $3,000. There are 3 op ons to help support this project. All dona ons are 501c3 deduc ble through our ďŹ scal sponsor, The Animal Welfare Society. Thank you so much for your considera on of this project. Please feel free to reach out with any ques ons. We hope to have your support! E-mail Joe at joe@ mckenneyphoto.com

Op on 2) $1,000. This op on will include a 5 year banner sponsorship of the park, giving you an addi onal year at no cost Op on 3) $3,000. This op on will include the above banner sponsorship, as well as a plaque located on the light pole indica ng the project was made possible by your dona on.


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