2024 July Downeast Dog News

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$150 per person / cash bar

RSVP encouraged by July 13

Free parking and shuttle from Connors Emerson School


of yours. Maine’s unique regions beckon us to visit not only the gorgeous state parks, trails, and beaches, but the lesser-known nooks, crannies, and hidden gems. There’s plenty to see and do--plan several day trips to experience Maine. Here’s the lowdown on a few regions…let your adventures begin!

Starting in the Downeast and Acadia Region, you and your canine have an opportunity to give back to the community as Acadia National Park’s Bark Rangers. As a team, you teach other dog owners the importance of following the rules of

Hot Dog News

Fireworks and Pets

Fireworks can be terrifying for both domestic and wild animals. On the 4th of July, many animals go missing because they are frightened or disoriented by the booming sounds and flashing lights.

Unfortunately, you may not be able to completely avoid them so here are some tips on how to help keep your furry loved ones calm and comfortable.

• Resist the temptation to bring your dog to a fireworks display.

• If possible, take them on a walk before fireworks are expected to begin.

• Keep your pets inside and turn on the tv or music to help soften the noises outdoors.

• Make them a comfortable space with a favorite toy, blanket or treat.

• Puzzle games or frozen treats might work as a distraction.

• If you pet is crate trained, consider putting them in their crate and maybe covering it with a sheet.

• Vests made to ease anxiety may work for some pets.

• If you can’t be inside, then keep them with you and on a leash.

• Speak to your veterinarian about medications that might help with anxiety.

• Make sure they are wearing a collar with id and/or are microchipped should they happen to get out and go missing.

• On and around the 4th of July, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center sees an increase in calls concerning pets who have ingested fireworks. Fireworks contain several types of chemicals and heavy metals. If you are setting off fireworks at home, make sure you thoroughly clean up the area before letting your pets have access again.

Dog Days of Bridgton

Saturday, August 17, 2024, 11 am to 2 pm is the 5th Annual Dog Days of Bridgton at 15 Depot Street, behind the Bridgton Community Center. It is truly a celebration of dogs and the people who love them! It’s a great day for canines and their dog-loving families to enjoy the outdoors and meet and mingle with others. Expect games, vendors, participating dog rescues, contests, and much more. It’s hosted by Tasteful Things to benefit Harvest Hills and other local animal rescues/shelters.


Pet Supplies Plus locations:

50 Market St., South Portland, (207)331-4062

91 Auburn St., Portland, (207)331-3263

1364 Main St., Sanford, (207)292-4171

770 Roosevelt Trail, North Windham, (207) 292-4017

Wag N Wash locations:

4 Scammon St., Saco, (207)331-8665

200 Expedition Dr., Scarborough, (207)413-2011

From the Publisher Downeast Dog News


Jenn Rich


Belinda Carter


Susan Spisak

Diana Logan

Sara Moore

Judith Herman

Carolyn Fuhrer

Don Hanson

Christine Calder


NVDesigns • Nicole Vanorse


Jenn Rich

207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com



Maine Pet News LLC


• Provide the latest in dog-related news and information.

• Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services.

• Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership.

• Support animal welfare causes.


Maine Pet News, LLC

8 North Main St., Suite 201, Rockland, ME 04841

Phone: 207-706-6765

jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com


Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge to grocery stores, pet stores and other Maine locations.


Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $39 (includes tax) per year.


Downeast Dog News

welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com

COPYRIGHT 2006-2024

All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

Dear Dog News Readers,

Well summer came in like a lion this year with some hot temps! I hope you were able to keep yourselves and your pets nice and cool. On the hottest day had a big thunderstorm in the evening and our power went out. My bedroom is upstairs and was too hot, so I attempted to sleep on the couch. Pepper did this. She often sleeps on the couch but lately has coming upstairs for a bit. She paced around so I tried getting into the recliner, but she really wanted upstairs and ended up going without me. Thankfully the power came back on shortly after and I joined the AC.

I also have some heavy news to share. As you may have previously read Pepper has some lumps but she is also a 10-year-old lab. During a recent visit the discovered that the larger lump on her leg had a new harder spot on it so they checked it this week and it turned out to be a mast cell tumor. From what I understand we will not know what grade until remove it. It is going to be a rather large incision and depending on when she has the surgery will certainly put a damper on her summer swimming but keeping her healthy and alive is my top priority!

I was looking through old issues of the paper the other day for something else and happened upon Mason’s column from 2019 about the “411 on Tumors.” I feel like that was not a coincidence. In bold words it said “Do not panic” so I am trying to that. We welcome any prayers, positive energy, positive news next month.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and safe July!

Best wishes, Jenn and Pepper

Dog of the Month! OUR DOG PENNY

She came on Christmas day one year, A mutt with eyes that showed some fear. We welcomed her with gentle strokes, And told her we were her new folks.

Gentle, kind, and full of fun, After us she loves to run.

Protective of all eight of us, She barks at strangers, trucks and bus.

Extraordinary she is not, Showing love is all she's got

And 'though she isn't super clever, she is the most loved present ever.

If you’d like to submit a photo of your dog to be considered for Dog of the Month, send it with a small description of your dog (cool trick, silly thing he does, favorite toy) to jenn@downeastdognews.com or mail it to: 8 North Main Street Suite 201, Rockland, ME 04841. Each month one will be selected to be printed in the paper.

Advertising Rates and Guidelines


3-month minimum recommended

Business directory: $55/month

1/16 page $85 B&W, $100 color

1/8 page $145 B&W, $175 color

1/4 page $240 B&W, $285 color

1/2 page $415 B&W, $495 color

Full page $715 B&W, $855 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts


Up to 10,000 issues per month are distributed in grocery stores, pet stores and other Maine locations.


Advertising deadline is the 15th of the preceding month.


Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com


ell, we’re in the thick of it now! Warm days, thunderstorms, and humidity, but gorgeous gardens and flowers make it magical. I hope that you and your pups are staying cool and finding time to be active and create more memories. If yours are in heaven, I promise they are at peace, they can still hear and see you, and you can talk to them as clearly as I can! The only difference is I’ve learned how to hear them answer and I do offer classes to teach you the ways. Here are the questions the followers on my Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page asked me.

Stacy W. asked about Chassie Charlotte. “She is a rescue mixed breed and I’d like to know if she likes her new eight-monthold Labrador brother or if he adds to her knee pain or makes her leery or anxious? Can I do anything differently to help her with him?” You have such a fun house with these two!!! I love them both and she loves him, but she needs to be put in time out after interacting with him for more than thirty minutes at a time. I’m seeing a grandmother that loves the grandkids but needs her nap and quiet time to make it through the

Furry Words

trained as a mini service dog (going to get the remote or a slipper, etc.) and they have a pretty good sniffer, so playing games where they have to find an object would also be great for them. It’s like they were hired to be a rocket scientist but are stuck in the break room making coffee. That’s very silly!!

day. She would die for him if she had to. I guess she really loves him! Other than that, I think you’re on point with how you’re raising them both.

Kimberly H. asked about her Shih Tzu Dixon. “Are you happy?” Yes, but Shih Tzus are not just another pretty face. They want to get credit for their brains as much as their beauty. They can follow directions, could be

Lisa D. asked about her Doberman Sardi, who they lost with their cat Ichi a few months apart. “I’m wondering if they are frolicking together on the other side.” They absolutely are!!! Have you seen the Ice Age movie? There are two Possums who zig and zag and have a blast together, and that’s how the two of them interacted. They were also very much here to experience life with each other more than the world around them. They are also proud that they exited so close together. It’s hard for us, but they are thrilled to be across the rainbow bridge.

Gloriane P. asked about Goose, her black Lab.“What seems to be bothering him?” Well, he feels like he can’t get comfortable. His body is achy but not terribly painful, but he can’t seem to get the perfect position to lay or sit. Standing and wandering is alright, but his left arm feels a little funky to me. I’m hearing

that the vet may be able to figure out what’s causing the discomfort because I think it’s medical but also something that can be remedied. Cynthia L. asked about a black Boxer named Edna. “What can I do to get her settle down quickly when she is over excited and wound up?” Edna is a very interesting girl!!! She feeds off everyone’s energy but doesn’t know how to shift gears at all. She needs a clear end to an activity, a reset activity that is consistent every time, and then have her lay down on her favorite bed or blanket. It’s more the blanket on the bed than the bed that she loves. I asked her what the reset is and she said you go through a series of commands. Sit, paw, wait, etc. Then give her the clicker or treat and she’ll be off the clock.

Just a reminder a psychic reading is not a replacement for licensed medical care, and you should always work with a licensed veterinarian when providing care for your pups. If you’d like to learn more to www. enlightenedhorizons.com and follow us on Facebook at Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons.

Let’s Party!

Q. Now that summer is here, I am planning a lot of BBQs, which include our dogs. What should I keep in mind, so everyone has fun?

A. Having picnics and barbecues make this time of year special. To have the most fun when including your best friend there are a few safety tips to keep in mind.

To begin, if you are having multiple dogs, who don’t know each other, there needs to be a meet and greet. If a dog is afraid, honor this concern by having a safe place for him to go. Give them time to get to know each other. If there is a puppy in the group, remember not to over stimulate the little guy. Over handling and constant play isn’t good for the baby. Again, have a safe, quiet place the pup can have down time. If you are having friends bringing dogs you don’t know, get to know them before the event.

Food and drink will be everywhere at these events. Know that dogs love this stuff as much as we do.

Ask the Vet…

Giving leftovers to your best friend may be a kind gesture but can be lethal to him. Rich, fatty foods can cause GI upsets, and pancreatitis. Fat on grilled foods change to grease. Grease can be deadly. Never give dogs cooked bones. They can splinter and cooked bones can cause GI upsets. If they eat a lot of

them, a bone impaction will occur and a trip to the veterinarian is in order. Summer adult beverages are delicious. Your dog thinks so too. Keep all drinks above Fido’s reach. Now that marijuana is legal, caution your guests that edibles and other forms are toxic to your dog. Be mindful of your doggy guests. Have fresh water available and dog friendly treats and chewable snacks. Fireworks are available everywhere. Many party goers bring them to gatherings. Firecrackers may be fun for humans but not for our dogs. A lit firecracker can easily be grabbed by Fido. If he doesn’t have a solid drop-it, it will go off in his mouth. Bigger fireworks are loud causing fear in some dogs. If you know there will be fireworks and your dog is sensitive to them, leave him at home.

A rousing game of frisbee or fetch is always fun for you and your doggy guests. Don’t overdo it. Some dogs are ball obsessed and don’t know when to stop. If you are tossing the ball in the water, again don’t overdo it. There is a condition called water toxicity. Every time your dog grabs the ball, he can take in water.

If this game goes on too long, the water taken in dilutes the salt in the body resulting in seizures and death. Another concern would be bloat. Both conditions are medical emergencies.

This summer is predicted to be very hot. Our dogs can’t sweat and can easily overheat. Be aware of your doggy guests and give them cool places to go. The ball obsessed dog and those running around playing can build up internal heat to the point of heat stroke. So, plenty of breaks and cool water and shade are a must.

It is always fun to have your best friend go with you to events. Like toddlers you will need to keep an eye on them, so everyone has a safe and fun time.

BARK while visiting this spectacular national park that encompasses 50,000 acres along the Atlantic Coastline. Respecting and teaching Acadia’s rules, especially concerning pet etiquette, is important as it’s one of the few national parks across the U.S. that allows dogs.

The Acadia Bark Ranger program is a partnership between the National Park Service and the Association of Pet Dog Trainers to promote responsible pet ownership and the protection of the natural resources of national parks. So, what does BARK stand for? Bark is comprised of acronyms that includes Bagging waste, Always using a leash, Respecting wildlife, and Knowing where you can go in the park. Bark Rangers are terrific role models for those visiting Acadia National Park, with or without pets.

To become a ranger team, you must complete a list of tasks and pledge to adhere to the guidelines. After completing the program, your canine companion will be sworn in as a Bark Ranger. He’ll receive a bandana, a wallet card for you with the ranger pledge and rules, and a certificate that he’ll “sign” with his paw print.

If your dog isn’t up to speed on manners to become a ranger in that national park but you’re interested, begin with the AKC Canine Good Citizen classes. (Look for a nearby trainer using your favorite search engine.) Check out the steps of the test at the link below. Start them at home, so when classes begin, his confidence is bolstered and he has a leg up, akc.org/products-services/

training-programs/canine-goodcitizen/canine-good-citizen-testitems/. Once he passes, he’ll be to try out for the Bark Rangers! (Even if being a ranger is not of interest, he’ll be ready to join you and your crew on your treks and be the best boy.) Hint: Add Acadia National to your September “to visit” list. It won’t be as crowded and the leaves may be turning, adding to the park’s beauty.

Be sure to schedule time in the stunning Midcoast and Islands region that hugs the coast. Expect plenty of charm, from the tiny towns that are steeped in history to the islands that are teeming with fishermen, everything in between.

The Camden Hills are a wonderful spot for hiking and to take in the views below. But if you’d prefer to experience the sites from the water and your dog has his sea legs, book a trip on the Schooner Olad or Cutter Owl. You’ll set sail out of Camden and glide through the waters of Penobscot Bay while captain and owner Aaron Lincoln and his crew talk about history and the schooner trade.

back deck after a round. What better way to spend a day on the links than with your faithful friend? For details, belgradelakesgolf.com.

Katie Luehman at the cruise and charter line said many people bring dogs of all sizes. The Schooner Olad is the larger vessel so friends can join you and your pooch. To do: Pack a lobster roll picnic to take aboard—you can find many cafés and shacks that have fresh shellfish sandwiches. For info, maineschooners.com/.

A beautiful region is the Kennebec Valley, which is the widest northsouth region of Maine covering more than 5,000 square miles. Don’t miss the Belgrade Lakes, a chain of seven immaculate lakes and ponds. While fishing is a big draw, there’s lots to do for the family. The hiking is good— look for French’s Mountain for a mile jaunt. Grab a to-go bite at a food truck or café and bakery. Just for Fun: Interested in hitting 9 or 18 holes or simply walking a course? Take your trusty fur mascot along because they’re allowed at the award-winning, public Belgrade Lakes Golf Club. A call to the club confirmed that he can cheer you on from the cart, walk the course on a leash, or hang with you on their

A call to Casco Bay Lines Mailboat Run in the Greater Portland and Casco Bay region confirmed that dogs are allowed for a nominal fee. Because it’s a working boat carrying passengers, mail, and freight to the Casco Bay islands of Little Diamond, Great Diamond, Long, Cliff and Chebeague, the tour time varies from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Check out the schedule and rates at cascobaylines.com.

If you enjoy craft beers, or just want a bite, many Portland breweries welcome you, your friends, and canines of all ages. I did a quick internet search by “Portland breweries that are dog-friendly” and was pleased to find a large list.

Favorite: Wild blueberries in Maine are harvested from mid-late July through early September, with August being the prime season. There are many farms in this region to pick your own…but do your homework, the farms aren’t limited to this area!

Maine's Lakes and Mountains is an all-season destination in the western part of the state. It stretches from the shores of Sebago Lake to the Appalachian Mountains. There are hundreds of calm lakes and ponds to explore. The Sunday River Resort is dog-friendly and has various trails to hike that can be geared to your pets’ stamina level. A must: Long Mountain Trail has cascading falls and pools for the perfect cooling rest on the way up.

If you want to take a weekend getaway to the western region, there are many accommodations that will accept your entire gang. For a

special adventure, if your guy has guts and you feel spirited, leashed or voice-controlled dogs can ride the Sunday River Resort Chondola (an enclosed gondola), free of charge, up to the North Peak. You’ll take in views of the Sunday River Valley and Mahoosuc Mountain Range in western Maine. For hours and pricing, visit sundayriver.com.

If your dog is a good swimmer and your crew likes water, don’t forget the Beaches region, aka the Southcoast. It is a year-round vacation destination due to its miles of sandy beaches, stately lighthouses, and good restaurants. It includes the notable towns of Biddeford, Kittery, York, Wells, Ogunquit, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, and Scarborough. (Remember, when swimming, your pet should wear a life vest. And be sure to check if there are restrictions at beaches before heading out.)

Gem: If the evolution of transportation interests you, head to the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport. Since 1939, they’ve collected over 250 national, international, regional, and state mass transit vehicles. They welcome friendly, licensed, healthy, and up-todate canines. If he tags along, keep him on a 6 ft. or less leash, and please clean up after him. For directions and admission details, trolleymuseum.org.

A wonderful resource, petMaine, allows you to have at your fingertips, info on dog-friendly parks, trails, beaches, and a calendar of events, please contact Jenn at jenn@ downeastdognews.com or (207)7066765 to request a free copy.

See pages 10 & 11 for pet-friendly lodging and camping options.


One of the biggest challenges for any dog owner, whether she’s a firsttime dog owner or a professional, is to teach her pup to walk without pulling on leash. It is not a “one and done” pursuit: it’s a long-term project.

Good leash walking skills are a dog’s ticket to the world, but when it’s a battle between the two ends of the leash, we both lose out.

High Expectations

It’s a tremendous ask to expect a dog to drop its genetic programming and replace it with something as unnatural as heeling*, so we have to understand where the dog is coming from first before we delve into a training plan.

Why is it so darned difficult?

Dog the Explorer

Basic Training

You’ve probably never seen a loose dog trot slowly in a straight line, looking up and ignoring the world around him. Dogs are naturally pulled in all directions by an intense curiosity about their environment. Their noses guide them towards a plethora of sensory benefits.

This “seeking behavior” should be embraced and enabled as much as is safely possible as it plays an essential role in their emotional and physical health.

Dogs are not simply sniffing: they are collecting important data about their world. Familiarity with their environment provides a sense of security, predictability, and satisfaction - or sometimes gives

them reason to be concerned. Curiosity is good! Constant Motion

Our dogs want to be in motion. This is difficult when combined with the much slower and linear stride of a human. Most dogs walk much faster than the typical human, so she must unnaturally adjust her pace to match. This is hard work and has nothing to do with leadership or being “alpha”. If you’ve ever tried to walk with someone who walks much slower than you do, you have an inkling for how tough it is. Take me, for instance. I am a fast walker, but my husband is a slow walker. It’s difficult for me to slow down but equally difficult for him to take longer strides. We have to compromise and meet in the middle. Pulling is Fun… And it Works!

When a dog is drawn towards the exploration of his surroundings (his purpose in life, mind you) but is restricted, his natural response will be to… try harder! The dog’s efforts are usually rewarded by being able to successfully move towards that thing that drew his attention. He instantly makes note of that: “pulling is a good strategy to get what I want, so I will employ it again as my ‘go to’, so to speak.”

It’s no wonder so many dog owners reach for any tool that might help, even if it hurts the dog,

because a pulling dog is very difficult to manage, especially when he is large. Aversive tools such as choke chains, prong collars, and shock collars do nothing to condition a dog to want to be close to us. In fact, you may have noticed that dogs will still pull even with these punishment-based collars.

Imagine if the table were turned and we were forced to match the pace and movements of our dogs instead of them having to match ours.

Next Month: what to do about it! Simple approaches to teaching loose leash walking. Stay tuned!

Happy Training!

*The term “heel” typically refers to a position in consistent close proximity to the handler's feet where the dog is looking up at the handler and following the handler's movements. This may be on leash or off.

**The term “loose leash walking” generally describes a dog who may be on a longer leash with freedom to explore, but who stays within the confines of the range of the leash without pulling. A strict position relative to the handler is not necessary.

Many dogs fear loud noises. This is a common problem for dogs. Fireworks are the biggest trigger, followed by thunder and gunshots. These noises can traumatize dogs, causing fear that lasts for weeks or months. Fireworks are used in many celebrations, like New Year’s Eve and the 4th of July, which can frighten animals. Locally, gunshots and bird scare cannons used to protect crops also add to the problem. Thunderstorms, which can be unpredictable and frequent in some seasons, make it worse. Climate change is expected to increase severe thunderstorms, making loud noises an even bigger concern for dog caregivers.

Noise fears often start early in a dog's life, usually in the first or second year. These fears can get worse with age, but it is rare for a dog to develop new noise fears later in life. If a dog suddenly becomes scared of noises when older, it might mean there is a health problem, like neck, back, or joint pain, or a condition affecting the endocrine system, heart, lungs, nervous system, or brain. A thorough medical check-up helps to find these issues and provide the right treatment.

Genetics can play a role in noise sensitivity, as some breeds are more affected than others. However, mixed-

Noise Sensitivities and Phobias

breed dogs also show high levels of noise sensitivity, suggesting that the environment matters too. Mixed-breed dogs are often adopted from shelters or found on the street, which means they might have had fewer socialization experiences compared to purebred dogs. Purebred dogs are usually raised by breeders who know the importance of early socialization. Proper socialization, especially early in life, can reduce noise fears.

Helping dogs with noise fears involves managing their environment, behavior training, and sometimes medication. Environmental management includes creating a safe, quiet space for the dog during noisy events. This could be a comfortable crate covered to block out visual stimuli or an interior room. The dog should feel secure in this space and associate it with relaxation and positive experiences before any noisy events happen. Keeping dogs in a closed crate is okay only for short periods if they are not scared or anxious, and they should be able to enter and leave the crate on their own. Staying in a windowless room or blocking out visual stimuli by closing curtains and blinds can help. Masking outside sounds with music or white noise, like a loud fan or drumbeats, can also work. Classical music, jazz, and audiobooks have also been shown to reduce fearful behavior during noise events. Distracting the dog with food, games, or training tasks during noisy events can help them form a positive

All proceeds from golf and ice cream support Grammy Rose Dog Rescue and Sanctuary

association with the noises.

Ignoring dogs who are seeking comfort is not recommended, as it can increase their anxiety. Comforting them by petting or talking to them can reduce their stress levels, but this should only be done if the dog seeks contact on its own. Feeding and playing with dogs during noise events can create positive associations, helping to reduce their fear over time.

Various calming products are available, but their effectiveness varies. Some products, like pheromones, pressure vests, and certain herbal remedies, have shown mixed results. Prescription medications can be more effective but should be used carefully and tailored to each dog. These medications help reduce anxiety during noise events and can support behavior

modification by helping dogs form new, positive associations with the noise triggers.

Behavior modification techniques are needed for long-term improvement. Desensitization and counterconditioning are commonly used methods.

Desensitization involves gradually exposing the dog to the fear-eliciting stimulus, starting at a low intensity and slowly increasing it over time, allowing the dog to learn that the noise is harmless. Counterconditioning pairs the fear-eliciting stimulus with desirable rewards, like treats or play, to change the dog’s association with the noise. Using recordings of fireworks or thunderstorms for desensitization and counterconditioning is considered the best method for treating noise fears. However, real-life noises are often more effective because they include other sensory stimuli like smells and sights. Counter-conditioning techniques, where a loud noise is immediately followed by a reward, can also help. This method is practical for everyday life and effective in preventing and improving noise fears in dogs. Relaxation training, which teaches dogs to relax on cue, is another effective method. This can involve classical conditioning, where relaxation is paired with a specific signal or operant reinforcement, where relaxed behavior is rewarded. When teaching relaxation exercises, starting

See NOISE on page 15


This month we highlight Maine businesses and craftspeople who create marvelous pet products and tasty treats. Be sure to read up on these great businesses and check out what they have to offer!


Wild Folk Farm is one of Maine's original CBD Hemp operations and has crafted organic, full spectrum, small batch medicinal formulations for pain, anxiety, and beyond since 2018. We combine a no-till growing approach with the finest plant genetics to produce our top testing line of potent CBD and herbal wellness products for pets and people.


Coastside Bio Resources is focused on the health benefits of marine-derived supplements. They offer a variety of products for dogs, cats and humans. Their products can be found online, at vets’ offices and stores throughout the state as well as the Belfast United Farmers Market.

Recent studies have demonstrated that glucosamine and chondroitin can act synergistically to lubricate joints and nourish cartilage and connective tissue.

Sea Jerky® is the original, patented “joint flexibility product for dogs”. Imitators may make similar claims -but there is only one Sea Jerky!

Made Pet Products


Featuring their own brand of dog collars, leashes, harnesses, and Martingale collars as well as dog beds, bow ties, bandanas and bucket hats. Made in Maine. They also carry a variety of wonderful toys and well-made accessories as well as healthy and locally made treats.

Located in Southern Maine, Ruff Pine makes a variety of treats focusing on single and minimal ingredient options with no additives or preservatives. They specialize in custom biscuits for weddings, businesses and beyond. You can find them this summer at The Yarmouth Clam Festival July 19-21 and AWS Woofstock on July 27th. You can also check out their website to learn more www.ruffpinedogtreats.com


Our dough is made with the highest quality, organic ingredients promoting healthy body, mind and spirit of your tail wagging best friend. Serve dough fresh from fridge, bake into always fresh treats, perfect pill wrapper, spread on lick mat or great for toy stuffer.


Lucky’s BOW-Tique features artisan BOW-Ties hand crafted in small batches right here in Maine. A BOW-Tie for every occasion for those dapper pooches and sophisticated felines in your life. We offer standard sizes and take custom

orders as well. Our BOW-Ties and flowers feature an inner layer to add BOW stability and a Velcro strap for easy placement. Another day another BOW-Tie.

Training Your Performance Dog

Agility, Obedience, Tracking

When you enter an event with your dog, you are actually asking the judge to evaluate your performance according to the standards of the venue. Some people would say if my dog can do everything, it really doesn’t matter who the judge is. This is not necessarily so. The less experienced you are, the more influence a judge may have on your performance.

An obedience judge is responsible for ring set ups – where the exercises will take place and the heeling pattern. Set ups close to the ring entrance, recalls towards the ring entrance, and set ups with a lot of distractions behind the dog can all complicate

simple exercises. While you should practice with distractions before you show, a good judge will do his best to make the ring dog and handler friendly.

The efficiency and energy of the judge also sets a tone that you and your dog react to – basically, if you are comfortable, your dog will be comfortable. While judges should expect you to take your performance

seriously and to know the rules and ring procedure, it is important to never lose your sense of humor. Things happen; and remember, there is always another show. Good judges work hard to make the best of the situations they are given. Rally judges design the course using the signs and guidelines appropriate to the level. Some like courses with lots of sits and fronts. Other judges prefer flowing, open courses. Some look more at precision while others focus more on teamwork. Both courses can be legal but reflect a different style. In agility, the judge’s skill at design is also very important because he designs the course. While of course there are guidelines to designing a course, a judge’s influence in course design, i.e. angle of approach, tight turns, how the course flows – can all influence your dog’s performance. Some judges are influenced by the type of dog which is running and what kind of course they like, so sometimes you may get a course that is friendlier to big dogs or one that is friendlier to little dogs. Again, both can be legal courses but may favor one size dog over another. Some judges like lots of obstacle discrimination, some like pinwheels or serpentines, some like a spiraling, tight course, and others like a loopy, flowing course. Again, the more experienced your dog, the less

this will concern you. Try and learn from the type of courses you have trouble running.

In tracking, the judge’s knowledge of scent theory and how dogs work and what will help the dog and what can hinder the dog along the way is extremely important.

In tracking, each new day is another experience depending upon terrain and weather conditions. Since tracking is an outdoor sport and subject to varying conditions, tracking judges must consider many factors when plotting a track. What looks good on paper may not transfer well to a field. Tracking judges must be willing to go that extra mile to make things work. Judges, in my experience overall, are very dedicated and want to see dogs and handlers succeed. They work hard and put in a long day, but as in any other slice of life, some become complacent and settle in and don’t put forth much effort.

If, in your trialing experiences, you are not happy with a judge – be polite and chalk it up to experience. Seek out other experiences with other judges. You can enjoy showing and good judges are out there. Please make sure you tell the clubs when you really like a judge. Clubs work hard to put on shows, and it means a lot to know they made good choices in choosing judges.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 130 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 4 Champion Tracker titles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She is also an AKC Tracking Judge. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years.

Celebrating Life Together Calling ALL People with Pets Who Wish to Raise Awareness About Humane & Ethical Care

Muppy and I try to do something fun that we both enjoy at least once a day, and I encourage my students and clients to do the same. This is why I am thrilled to tell you about the Pets & Their People Celebrating Life Together event. If you and your pet enjoy having fun together, this is an opportunity to share your story with the world via social media and potentially win some great prizes.

How can you participate? — Pet owners/parents can participate in one of the following three categories:

1. Quality Time with Your Pet— Show us how you spend quality time with your pet in a photo or video. For example, play with your pet indoors or outdoors, snuggle with your pet, read to your pet, and more!

2. Your Enriched Pet—Use a photo or video to show us how you enrich your pet's life. Examples could include socializing your pet with people or other pets or people, playing with a puzzle toy, or allowing your pet to sniff and discover treats and toys you’ve hidden for him.

3. Train A Fun Behavior—Take a video of your pet demonstrating a fun behavior you have trained him to do on cue.

• Dog behavior examples: spin, tidy up (put something in basket or toy box/bin), press something (like a bell or button), roll over, peekaboo (dog comes between your legs


from behind and sits), hand touch (no tongue or paw involved; nose or mouth or cheek/ear), go or stay on a mat/bed while being read or talked to, open a door/ cupboard/closet using a string or similar.

• Cat behavior examples: nose or paw target, high five, sit

pretty (front paws in the air), spin, go to a mat or bed or a chair/perch, come when called.

• Equid behavior examples: walk around an object, stand (front feet) on a pedestal, back up, targeting (nose to target, cheek to target, shoulder to target)

No matter which of the three categories you choose, we encourage you to be creative and do an activity you and your pet will enjoy!

• Register by July 31st at https:// www.petprofessionalguild.com/ webinars-events/your-petapproved-event/registrationoptions/ • There are three registration options; the first includes the competition and full access to a three-day virtual education event, which you can attend live or access the recordings for 12 months! The latter two options allow you to choose the competition or the educational event. In all cases, you will receive the official event t-shirt sent to your home address.

• Review the submission guidelines in the email you receive after registration and make sure you comply with them. The welfare and comfort of every participant (both humans and pets) is paramount. Pets and people

must feel happy and safe to participate at all times.

Please check out this event, submit an entry, and promote it to show others how to make life fun for themselves and their pets!

Prizes Awarded by Pets & Their People

• Winners will receive a $250 gift certificate toward pet care, grooming, training, or other pet-related services from an approved provider in their area.

• Runners-up will receive a $150 pet enrichment package. More than just a competition, Celebrating Life Together is a community-driven initiative that aims to raise awareness for humane, ethical, and effective pet training and

Don Hanson lives in Bangor, Maine, where he isthe co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) and the founder of ForceFreePets.com, an online educational resource for people with dogs and cats. He is a Professional Canine Behavior Consultant (PCBC-A) accredited by the Pet Professional Accreditation Board (PPAB)and a Bach Foundation Registered Animal Practitioner (BFRAP). Don is a member of thePet Professional Guild (PPG), where he serves on the Board of Directors and Steering Committee and chairs the Advocacy Committee. He is also a founding director of Pet Advocacy International (PIAI). In addition, Don produces and co-hosts The Woof Meow Showpodcast,available at http://bit.ly/WfMwPodcasts/,the Apple Podcast app, and Don's blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com.The opinions in this post are those of Don Hanson.

photo credit: debra bell
Training Partner
Haulin’ Aus, Inc

Founded in 1967, the private 501(c) (3) Animal Welfare Society (AWS) is located in Kennebunk on a 40-acre campus. It not only has an animal shelter, adoption center, and a fullservice in-house veterinary clinic, but boasts resident and community dog training. AWS serves eighteen municipalities, and they care for stray, abandoned, and owner relinquished animals.

AWS also welcomes out-of-state pets through their transport program. Stephanie Kelley, AWS’ Marketing Communications Manager, said they were one of the first Maine shelters to begin working with rescue groups and shelters in the South to import dogs and cats, more than 20 years ago. “At first the program transported only young, healthy puppies (and their mothers). Now we transport dogs and

Rescue of the Month

A Community Driven Animal Shelter

cats, and we're able to take in adult dogs and cats, including some with known health issues, because we know they can get top notch care right here at AWS.”

That top notch in-house care she’s referring to is their Community Veterinary Clinic that offers spay/ neuter, wellness, and preventative care for those imports as well as area pets, all at affordable prices. “We offer a discount program called the Companion Program which offers 25% off all services for pet owners who meet income eligibility requirements. The demand for our services far outpaces our capacity so every day is a full schedule of surgeries, consultations, and appointments.”

AWS has various programs, including those geared towards youth and canine training. While Stephanie appreciates

Handsome Hank is one goofy boy! This hambone can be described as a classic introvert who loves attention and people, but is more shy and reserved when first meeting someone. Despite his initial shyness, he is a young dog who is very playful and energetic. He loves to go on adventures and is always down for a romp outside in the woods or on the beach. Hank loves cookies as well and will happily do whatever it takes for a tasty treat.

in the state. It’s a suite of services that aids pet owners facing hardship, and she says the need is important. “The goal of Stay@Home is to keep pets with their beloved owners when their owners are facing crises, such as homelessness, medical emergencies, or unexpected financial hardships. Resources include temporary boarding, food, and supplies through our pet food pantry, access to affordable veterinary care, and behavior and training consultations.”

Every year, AWS takes in and adopts out countless animals. The staff works hard to match each adopter with that perfect pet, and Stephanie loves to hear positive feedback. She shared one example from a thrilled owner. "Lana is an amazing dog and has been the light of me and my daughter’s life. She helped us through some tough times.

about to have her Vertigo moments. And she also was a protective girl around her after my daughter and I were in a car accident when we got hit by a drunk driver. This dog was a true friend and hero, and I couldn’t imagine life without her!"

Visit animalwelfaresociety.org/ for all info. Be sure to support them by attending Woofstock. It’s a familyand dog-friendly, local beer and food festival, held rain or shine, on July 27, from 11 am to 3 pm at Animal Welfare Society, 46 Holland Road in Kennebunk, Maine. Stephanie shared, “Due to the kindness of our title sponsor Rarebreed Veterinary Partners, all sponsorships, fees, beer garden tickets sales, t-shirt sales and donations raised at Woofstock support pet veterinary care at AWS’ Community Veterinary Clinic and throughout the state.”

Elmer is a handsome, active, and friendly young guy who is ready to find his happy, new home! Elmer can be described as a classic extrovert because he loves the spotlight, loves attention, and is ready to be the new light of your life!

We love Karhu! This handsome boy is a young, active, and fun-loving guy who is ready to be your adventure buddy and best friend! Karhu can best be described as an outgoing extrovert who is always looking for a good time and will turn heads when he's walking down the street. He's a big, fluffy boy, but definitely a gentle giant at heart!


9 year old, Mixed Breed

Sweet guy who loves attention and cuddles! A special needs boy, he is blind and diabetic – who needs special family. He’s looking for a laid-back home where he will get walks to help with his weight loss and diabetes. He’s low to medium energy and not a barker, easy to walk and likes the car.

FMI visit: olddogsnewdigs.com


Dogs for Adoption

Sponsored by: York Bark & Play 915 US Route 1, York, (207)361-4758, yorkbarkandplay.com

7 year old, Retriever Mix

He may enjoy being the only animal in his home, but don’t let that stop you from checking him out! Neo is extremely smart and picks up on new things very quickly. He knows his name, sit, down, does well on leash, learning the start of heel, the “Find it” game with treats, and is always down to try and learn new tricks! Kid 10+

FMI visit: pethavenlane.org

Sponsored by: Mason’s Brewing Company 15 Hardy St., Brewer, (207)989-6300, masonsbrewingcompany.com



7 year old, Beagle & Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Boomer would love to be your constant companion tooling around town with you. He prefers women, so looking for a lady to adopt and dote on him. Boomer goes to daycare & gets along well with the other pups there. He also has been known to cuddle with a cat now and then.

FMI visit: olddogsnewdigs.com

2 years old, Pit Bull Terrier Friendly, sweet, and goofy with a playful spirit. He’s a quick learner and loves engaging in playful activities. However, is a bit wary of strangers and can be dogs. This doesn’t stop him from being a loving companion. His loyalty knows no bounds, and he’s always ready to give cuddles.

Sponsored by: Androscoggin Animal Hospital 457 Foreside Rd., Topsham, (207)729-4678, androscogginanimalhospital.com


4 year old, Anatolian Shepherd Mix

She’s silly, goofy, and loves to talk when playing! She’s full of spunk and loves everyone she has met. She’s truly a peoples’ dog! She loves to go for walks, and does very well on leash! children over the age of 6 as she likes to cuddle on her terms only. We think she might enjoy a feline or canine friend or two.

FMI visit: pethavenlane.org


12 year old, Mixed Breed

Perfect blend of low-key energy, enjoys leisurely walks exploring his surroundings and cuddling up with you on the couch, soaking up your love and attention. He is on a leash. He would like to meet any other dog his potential adopter No history with cats or kids.

visit: olddogsnewdigs.com

Sponsored by: Haggett Hill Kennel 93 Dodge Rd., Edgecomb, (207)882-6709, haggetthillkennel.com

Sponsored by: Kompletely K-9 Dog Training and Rehab. 248 Choate Rd., Montville, (207)322-5111, kompletelyk9.com

FMI visit: www.pawscares.org


1 year old, Catahoula Leopard Hound Mix

Completely house broken and can easily be distracted to prevent chewing. He loves humans but can be leery of males at first but then snuggles up for affection. He is very calm in the house but in typical Catahoula fashion, can be very vocal and rambunctious when playing with other dogs.

FMI: Email: sln2310@yahoo.com


12 year old, Retriever Mix

Gizmo is a sweet old man looking for his retirement home. Don’t let his old age fool you, this guy is a sucker for a good tennis ball! Mellow and affectionate, Gizmo enjoys the relaxed pace of life and long walks are his favorite. Kids 12+ and dog savvy kitties should fare well with him!

FMI visit: pethavenlane.org

Sponsored by: First National Bank 18 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais, 1-800-564-3195, thefirst.com

He is also the true essence of his name; he loves to be your


6 months old, Mixed Breed

Tegan is super sad, he’s wondering why he hasn’t found his forever home yet. He’s potty trained plays well with his foster fur siblings. Tegan is still and will do great with some training and a whole lot of love.

FMI visit: blessedbethebullies.com

Email: sln2310@yahoo.com


7 months old, Mixed Breed

She LOVES to be people, loves all doggies and absolutely adores kids. Knows some basic commands and still learning some Love sticks, toys, game of chase. She is fully vetted, microchipped, crate trained and ready to go home

FMI visit: blessedbethebullies.com


July C lendar

To submit or get more information on the events below, go online to

These events are currently scheduled as of our production date however please check with the event organizers to ensure they are still taking place on these dates.


Monday, July 1

Portland, 6PM

Bring your dog to a Sea Dogs game 6PM – start the game with a parade around the ball field led by Slugger, then enjoy the game in the leftfield grandstand. Tickets are available at seadogs.com, or by calling 207-8799500. Only 300 tickets available. www.milb.com


Saturday, July 6

North Windham, 10AM – 1PM Patriotic pet photos by a professional photographer for any donation! Get to know more about Old Dogs New Digs, buy some ODND merchandise handmade items, sponsor a dog, and learn about volunteering, fostering or adopting. Pet Supplies Plus 770 Roosevelt Trail North Windham, Maine.


Saturday, July 6

Thomaston, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure?

Bring them over to Tractor Supply in Thomaston and Shannon Nachajko, Director of Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimming and Ear Cleanings are available for a $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for ear cleanings. All funds raised go directly to rescue.


Tuesday, July 16

Thomaston, 11AM – 1PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Tractor Supply in Thomaston and Shannon Nachajko, Director of Catahoula Rescue of New

England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimming and Ear Cleanings are available for a $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for ear cleanings. All funds raised go directly to rescue.


Tuesday, July 23

Bar Harbor, 5:30PM

Please join us for a celebratory evening with delicious food, a cash bar, music, silent and live auctions, and a paddle raise. The event will be at the beautiful Bar Harbor Club, 111 West Street, Bar Harbor. This event raises essential funds to continue the SPCA’s life-saving work, while celebrating with a community that is passionate about the welfare of

Animal Welfare Society, 46 Holland Road in Kennebunk, Maine. Enjoy live tunes, local craft brews, food trucks, games, kid’s activities, dog agility courses, raffles, vendors, giveaways and so much more! Due to the kindness of our title sponsor Rarebreed Veterinary Partners, all sponsorships, fees and donations raised at the event support pet veterinary care at AWS’ Community Veterinary Clinic and throughout the state. AWS is a statewide leader in providing affordable and accessible veterinary care to pet families whose pets need it most. https:// animalwelfaresociety.org/woofstock/


Sunday, July 28

local animals. RSVP encouraged by July 13th. FMI & tickets: spcahancockcounty.org


Thursday, July 25

Lincolnville, 5:30PM

PAWS is celebrating its 50th anniversary at Cellardoor Winery! The Golden Paw Gala will celebrate not only the last 50 years of animal rescue, but will open the next chapter as we seek to be a resource to the entire community. FMI: www.pawscares.org/


Saturday, July 27

Kennebunk, 11AM - 3PM

Woofstock is the FREE family-friendly, dog-friendly beer and food festival held annually on the grounds of

Thomaston, 12PM – 2PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Tractor Supply in Thomaston and Shannon Nachajko, Director of Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimming and Ear Cleanings are available for a $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for ear cleanings. All funds raised go directly to rescue.


Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews.com


Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Business Directory



NOISE from page 7

in the safe room helps dogs develop a positive emotional response to that room or area.


Communicate with your pets, living or deceased with Sara Moore. Long distance sessions available!

www.enlightenedhorizons.com As heard on 94.9 and Magic 104.5

Preventing noise fears through early socialization and training is possible and effective. Caregivers can teach puppies and adult dogs to form positive associations with noises, reducing fear and improving their well-being. Training both puppies and adult dogs before they show any signs of fear is particularly effective. Staying calm and relaxed when potentially startling stimuli occur can also help as dogs respond to human behaviors and emotions.

In conclusion, noise fears in dogs can be managed and even prevented through a combination of environmental management, behavior modification, and medication. Early socialization and training are key to preventing noise fears while proper management and training can help dogs already affected by noise fears. If your dog is experiencing noise sensitivities, consult with your veterinarian to rule out potential medical causes and determine if medications would be beneficial for your dog.

Pet Care

Service areas: Bangor, Waterville, Mid-Coast, Ellsworth/Bar Harbor 207-561-7322 lindsay@petcarebylindsay.com

WORDS from page 11

care. It's a celebration of the unique bond between you and your pets and a platform to inspire others. While there are exciting prizes to be won, the real reward is knowing that your participation will make a difference in the lives of pets by encouraging everyone with a pet to celebrate life by making it fun!

Pets and Their People is a free online publication of The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) and refutes the adage “You get what you pay for.” It is a digitally accessible resource filled with pet-related tips,


tools, and resources that will be an excellent addition to the handouts you receive from your professional dog trainer. The articles and blogs will empower you to make informed and ethical decisions regarding your pets' care. Each issue will deliver accessible, friendly, practical, and fun topics from a wide array of professionals committed to supporting your pets' emotional, physical, and environmental well-being. I encourage you to subscribe at https://www. petprofessionalguild.com/pet-owners/ pets-and-their-people/

To request a copy — Call Jenn: (207) 706-6765 or email: jenn@downeastdognews.com View online at: petMAINE.com

petMAINE is an annual travel guide for those exploring Maine with their pets. We are looking for a 2025 cover photo.

The individual who submits the photo we chose will win a gift basket valued at $180. (Includes a $50 gift card to Loyal Biscuit, $50 gift card to Pet Supples Plus/Wag N Wash, XL Dog cookie from Mountain Dog Cookie Co., Catnip toys from Proxima Designs, Set of 3 dooloops and 2 bowties from Lucky’s Bowtique)

If you have a photo of your pet(s) enjoying Maine that you would like us to consider, please email it to: nvanorse@rfbadvertising.com. Submission Guidelines:

• You must own the rights or have permission to publish the photo. • Photos should be vertical and a minimum of 300dpi. (in general anything over 3.5 megabytes (MB) would be classed as a high-resolution image)

• Photos with Maine scenery are preferred.

• Please include where in Maine the photo was taken.

• Submissions close October 30th and a winner will be selected by November 30th. When you submit a photo, you are giving us permission to use it in our petMAINE guide.

Horizontal photos may be considered for another section but do not qualify for the contest or gift basket.

Contest Sponsored by: Loyal Biscuit, Pet Supples Plus/Wag N Wash, Mountain Dog Cookie Co., Proxima Designs, dooloop and Lucky’s Bowtique.

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