2020 March Downeast Dog News

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Volume 15 • Issue 3 • March 2020

Eastport Collie Was First Animal Movie Star and Played the Lead Role in Maine’s First Film

By Ethan King


efore Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, and Toto, the most famous dog in the world was a Scotch Collie from Eastport, Maine. Jean, the Vitagraph Dog was a film industry pioneer and an actress who paved the way for an entire genre and opened the gate for other four-legged performers who followed her, a figure who would leave an indelible mark on the silent film era in her brief but storied career from 1909-1916.



2 Hot Dog News

6 Basic

Training Tips

A studio portrait of Jean, the Vitagraph Dog (circa 1910), colorized for Downeast Dog News from the black-and-white original.


Healthy & Happy Vet Feature

12 & 13 Dogs for Adoption



Calendar of Events

Hot Dog News AWS Adds a Certified Behavior Consultant to its Canine Training Team KENNEBUNK – Dana Falsetta,

CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, joins the Animal Welfare Society (AWS) Canine Training Department as Behavior & Training Program Coordinator. Dana comes to AWS from Philadelphia where she spent a decade as a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Certified Behavior Consultant Canine with Philly Unleashed Dog Training. During her time in Philadelphia, Dana worked with veterinarians throughout the city promoting safe puppy socialization and low stress handling. She also consulted with the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine’s Shelter Rotation. At Philly Unleashed, Dana managed a private dog training business, building class curriculum, expanding program offerings and educating the training staff, in addition to teaching group classes and conducting individual consultation to dog owners on a wide variety of behavior issues. Dana is a Fear Free Certified Professional and an American

Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. Dana also has experience working with exotic animals, lending her training experience to the Philadelphia Zoo and the Academy of Natural Sciences. “I am so excited to be here at AWS. With a dedicated training department, a progressive animal shelter and a full-service veterinary clinic, the organization perfectly mirrors my professional experience,” Dana states. “I look forward to working with shelter staff and contributing to AWS by developing new group classes and socialization programs along with increasing the public’s access to individual behavior consultations for family pets.” Abigail Smith, AWS Executive Director, agrees, “Dana brings a wealth of knowledge to AWS and we look into tapping into her experience as our Canine Training program continues to expand. From evaluating Canine Good Citizen candidates to analyzing and providing solutions to help a

family with their dog’s unwanted behavior, Dana’s experience will greatly benefit the resident dogs at AWS and pet dogs and their people right here in our community.” Dana is now available for private consultations at AWS on dog behavior. She will host regular puppy playgroup at AWS, to be held Thursday mornings, beginning in February and Tuesday afternoons, beginning in March. These playgroups will be open to the public on a drop-in basis. She will also be teaching Basic Obedience and Puppy Kindergarten this winter at AWS. To learn more about these classes or AWS’ Canine Training program, visit animalwelfaresociety. org/training. Dana and her husband live locally with their dog Fawkes, cat Olive, ball python Sprout and three Shetland

sheep Captain Jack Sparrow, Pepe le Pew and Steve. For more information, please contact: Roberta Guertin, CPDT-KA, Behavior & Training Administrative Manager, (207) 985-3244 ext. 111 or Stephanie Kelley, Marketing Communications Manager, (207) 985-3244 ext. 130.

See more Hot Dog News on page 15!

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Downeast Dog News

2:47 PM

Downeast Dog News Publisher Jenn Rich Copy Editor Belinda Carter Contributors Ethan King Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Christine Calder Androscoggin Animal Hospital GRAPHIC DESIGN NVDesigns • Nicole Vanorse Advertising Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

President Wendi Smith Parent & Publishing Company Maine Pet News LLC Our Goals

• Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Happy March! This has been a slightly strange winter, but I’m not going to complain for a change. It feels like it has gone by fairly quickly. I have kept busy with projects, and it has been nice having Pepper’s backyard park. It’s not always the best conditions out there, but we go out when we have a nice fluffy layer of snow and try to avoid the icy and muddy days. Her cousin Phoebe even came over one day for a quick visit in the park. This month is Phoebe’s second birthday, so a big happy birthday to her!! Water Bark Wellness has opened up again in their new location and with a bigger pool. Pepper has had one visit so far. Even though you can’t really see the pool, from her perspective any way, when you walk in, she still seemed like she knew what we were about to do. She used to cry in the car because we couldn’t get out fast enough once she recognized the old building. Maybe it was the smell and maybe she remembered Kate, either way it made her day which made me happy as well. We have another appointment coming up this weekend! I’m going to keep this short, so I can share a couple of photos and have room below for the Dog of the Month who belonged to a previous Downeast Dog News Publisher. We are so sorry for Noreen and her family having lost their beloved Rexy. Dogs are such great companions, and it so hard when they leave us. Enjoy the rest of your winter with your dogs who love to roll around and play in the snow. I hope they get a couple more chances before spring comes. All the best, Jenn and Pepper

Dog of the Month! Rexy, Rex

Contact Us

Jan. 2005 - Jan. 2020

Maine Pet News, LLC P.O. Box 1076 Camden, ME 04843-1076 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

...and the names go on... Diggy Dog, Puppy Uppy, Rex Trailor. Everyone who met Rex loved him! He was handsome, sweet and fast. Andy used to say he was part gazelle. I always thought of Rex as the dog in the Downeast Dog News in the Logo. He was the best! We will all miss Rexy. Love Noreen and Andy


Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.


If you’d like to submit a photo of your pet to be posted on our website send it with a small description of your dog (cool trick, silly thing he does, favorite toy) to jenn@downeastdognews.com or mail it to: P.O. Box 1076, Camden, ME 04843-1076.

Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

Each month one will be selected to be printed in the paper.


Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2020 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

March 2020

Advertising Rates and Guidelines Ad rates (per month) 3-month minimum recommended

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts


10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.


Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News .............. 2 & 15 Furry Words .......................... 4 Ask the Vet............................. 4 Basic Training Tips ................. 6 Ask Bammy............................ 7 Separation Anxiety................ 7 Vet Feature ..................... 8 & 9 Performance Dog Training.... 10 Words, Woofs & Meows....... 11 Rescue of the Month.............12 Dogs for Adoption................ 13 Calendar of Events ............... 14 Business Directory ............... 15


For the past year, I’ve had a blast

doing psychic readings for you and your dogs, but this month I’m going to tell you HOW I do it instead. So many of you have asked me what it’s like or how to refine your own intuitive gifts, so that I have been more conscious of my process lately. I wish you could just step into my mind for a few seconds and “see” what I see, but that would probably be freaky for both of us, and I don’t really think it’s possible, so I’m going to do my best to give you a tour of my psychic inner workings. Hold on tight and take what you like and toss what you don’t if you decide to try this on your own. First, I create a sacred space and set the intention that I only work in the light. My mantra is “I only allow those of God’s love and light into my space and into my life.” As I think or say this, I am imagining light flowing through me and filling the physical and energy space around me. If I have a long day of readings or I’m about to go on stage for a gallery style event, I add on, “May the messages be clear and may their hearts and ears be open and willing to receive them.” Why not ask for a little help, right? Then I close my eyes, which has become my “on” switch. The other big reason I do this is when I first started communicating with animals, I was usually at a dog show with hundreds of people and pets just outside my booth. Closing my eyes turned off all the distractions and my ego while only focusing on the dog in question. I can’t say anything else until I tell you about Ego. Ego is the part of you that wants to be right, and it can pull you off track quickly if you don’t nip it in the bud. When you see psychics on television saying, “Hmmmmmm… I am getting a name that begins with C…. (long dramatic pause as they look at you)” but if you don’t answer, they fish for the

To Neuter or Not Q. I just got a puppy. I want to

do the best by her, but I am confused about spaying her. The breeder wants me to wait until she is over a year, my veterinarian wants me to spay her by 6 months, and I read that spaying could be detrimental to her health. What should I do?

Furry Words

by Sara Moore


correct letter while watching for your face to light up when they hit the right one. If I had my eyes open and you started nodding in agreement with what I’m saying, you’re feeding my ego. If your facial expression tells me you have no idea what I’m talking about, Ego can make me think that I need to prove to you I’m right, which thankfully isn’t how I roll. Therefore, I close my eyes and trust that the messages come from spirit, and I’m simply a conduit for the messages. Very rarely in a reading do I ask if I’m right, and I encourage you to avoid this until you have finished the reading. To dial in to the dog’s energy, I ask for the dog’s name, kind, or color, and if the dog is living or deceased. I do this because more often than not a dog or pet you’re totally not expecting shows up first. For the sake of time (and to make sure I get to the questions you really wanted to ask), I ask you so that if I’m seeing a different breed or color, I tell you who I’m seeing and hope you

Ask the Vet…

by Dr. Judith Herman


First, congratulations on your new puppy! Like many medical procedures there isn’t just one option, which is a good thing, because one option doesn’t fit all. For several decades, the standard was to spay a female at 6 months and neuter males at 9 months. About 20 to 30 years ago doing early spay and neuter gave shelters, rescues, and some breeders a sure way for population control. Early spay and neuter was performed around 8 weeks. Since then, health issues that were rare or developed in old age became more common. Current research has documented problems with this practice. Hormones are very important for developing normally. What research has found is early neutering slows the closure of growth plates that


results in longer legs changing the angles of the joints. This change results in increased risk of joint injuries. We know that dogs spayed or neutered have a tendency to gain weight and are less active, which add to increased risk of joint injuries. Early spaying can result in urinary incontinence (leaking urine). This is a problem traditionally seen with older female dogs. We are now seeing it as early as older puppies. Retrospective

recognize him or her! I learned the hard way to ask if the dog is living because years ago a dog kept asking the owner for bright orange Cheeseits and wouldn’t let it go. After a few uncomfortable minutes, the owner burst into tears and told me the dog was dead, so how could it be asking for them? Ugh. I read energy, and it feels the same if the dog is here or in heaven. Turns out it was its favorite snack, but now I ask first because I know how brutal losing a pet can be. If we’re on the same page, I go right into what I’m receiving. When I’m in psychic mode, my brain and body don’t really feel like my own. I am an empath, so I feel what the dog’s body feels or felt like. If it has a sore hip, I have a sore hip. If it has congestive heart failure, my chest and breathing feels like the dog’s chest did. When I first started out, I would always feel and taste its mouth first. Although it gave me a great “view” of the dog’s teeth and what food it loves, I don’t have the same fondness for doggie treats, kitty litter (that was a doozy), and raw food that dogs have, and it was pretty nasty at times! I relay what I’m feeling to you and if anything hurts, I ask the dog what would make it feel better. I’m not a veterinarian, so I don’t treat or diagnose, but when you’re trying to decode a mystery illness, a psychic reading can be a great complement to traditional medical care. I drink water so as soon as I’m back in “Simple Sara” mode, I usually go to the bathroom and flush out any residue from the reading, keeping my body and energy clear. My best advice (tied with turning off your ego) is to learn how to ask and get an answer for yes or no questions. For me, my right eye is yes, and my left eye is no. If you ask if your dog has anxiety, and it does, my right eye squeezes a little tighter. If I get a no, I feel it in my left eye.

If I do get a no, it’s like a rolodex (file cabinet for you youngsters) of other adjectives which begins flipping super fast in the back of my head, and the right word pops out instead. In this instance, I usually “hear” the answer like someone in my head said it. I have no idea who this voice belongs to, but it’s like I’m talking to me. Gosh, I hope this makes sense because I do know how crazy it sounds. You can look up how to use a pendulum or muscle testing to get yes/no answers, too. Find a tool that feels right and practice until you get it! Once you can ask yes or no questions, you can get to the bottom of any issue. Does the dog’s belly hurt? Yes/no. Is the dog happy? Y/N. Does the dog love going on walks? Y/N. Does the dog want a puppy? You get the point. I could fill this whole newspaper with questions you can ask, but I encourage you to practice formulating good questions and try it out. Going online and looking at dogs at a shelter is a great way to practice, and you can always write down your answers and then ask them what they know about the dog after. When you become more confident in your own psychic gifts, volunteer to read them and help the dogs find perfect homes! Be open to whatever floats through your mind and send your ego out for drinks or something while you practice. Ego can be really distracting and talks LOUD, so Ego is not invited to the psychic party. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on my Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page or shoot me an email at enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com. Happy animal communicating to you!

studies have shown increased cancer in dogs altered before twelve months. Scientists have also seen an increase in behavior problems in spayed females, which is opposite what we used to believe. They are seeing increased aggression, fear, anxiety, and difficulty in learning. Though we have been talking mostly about females, early neutering our boys can have some of the same issues as the girls. The issue of joint injuries and cancer has been found to be a concern for neutered dogs. Prostatic cancer is much more prevalent in neutered males than intact males. There was a study in the 1970s that did show that there could be an increase in mammary tumors if the pup is spayed after her first heat. The incidence was low and 50% of the tumors were benign. There are different surgical techniques for spaying which can avoid many of these issues. The most popular procedure is ovarian sparing spay (OSS). With this procedure, the entire uterus and cervix is removed, but the ovaries are left. This will remove the concern of pregnancy but doesn’t remove the heat cycles. It can reduce bleeding. It doesn’t remove

the low risk of mammary cancer. The ovaries can be removed later if you wanted. A draw back to this surgery is longer recovery, and if any of the uterus or cervix is left, a complication called pyometra can develop. Another procedure is to remove the ovaries leaving the uterus. This procedure doesn’t address the issues above. If you decide to do the traditional spay, you can ask your veterinarian if he or she does laparoscopic spays or knows a place that does. This reduces the healing time and pain for the dog. Some guardians are electing vasectomies for their male dogs. This will prevent getting someone pregnant, but will not resolve any of the boy issues when present. Remember to become informed and do your research to find what works best for you and your pup. If leaving your little girl intact is not an option, you have many choices. Currently, the recommendation is to do the procedure after 18 months when possible.

Thank you for reading another edition of Furry Words! Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings. Visit her website at www.enlightenedhorizons.com.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopahticvet.com

Downeast Dog News

EASTPORT COLLIE from page 1 Ten thousand hopefuls hit Hollywood every year, dreaming of becoming legends. Most won’t – and even the few who do, can’t hope to match the popular success of a Downeast dog who lived over a century ago. There’s no shame in that though – Jean was a prodigy, almost certainly a more talented and expressive actor than at least a third of those on The CW. Her path to stardom was improbable. She was the family pet and companion of Laurence Trimble. When Trimble was a teenager a circus came to his hometown of Robbinston, Maine, an experience that generated a life-long passion for working with animals. In 1909, Jean and Trimble boarded a Maine Central train in Ellsworth and headed to New York City where he pursued work as a writer. He picked up some jobs as a freelancer, and eventually sold a series of magazine articles on the production of motion pictures. This assignment led him to Vitagraph Studios, then one of the major film companies. That day, a scene was being shot involving Florence Turner – at the time the screen’s most prominent actress, known as The Vitagraph Girl (branding even then) – acting alongside a dog. They observed the shoot, and when the dog who had been cast was failing to adequately perform, Trimble suggested they do a take with Jean. The director agreed, and she nailed it. Vitagraph almost immediately offered Jean a contract and Trimble a screenwriting job. Trimble would move from screenwriting to directing and eventually even acting as his career progressed, propelled by a prolific string of successes, many of which involved Florence Turner and Jean acting alongside each other. Susan Orlean describes this incident beautifully in her biography, Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend: “This story is laughably implausible, and yet it is the same sort of story that is repeated throughout Hollywood history, used to explain the innocent, almost accidental but also seemingly fated moment when life marvelously changes course. It paves over the bumpy road of tiny, unplanned steps

Laurence Trimble

you might have taken to advance from being a small-town kid from Maine with a pet collie to being a movie director with a famous dog – steps that are so many and so hard to retrace that it is natural for the story to blur into a fairy tale.” Jean was the catalyst for Trimble’s long and fascinating film career, which features a string of reliably profitable “animal films” he directed in the US and eventually abroad. In the process of creating an entirely new type of film, Jean became a celebrity who was just as famous as her human costars. The legendary film and stage actress Helen Hayes (the second person to ever win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony award) made her film debut at age nine alongside Jean in Jean and the Calico Doll (1910). Twentyone years later in an interview with The New York Times, she recalled this experience, more than anything else, being excited to work with Jean. Of the 25 films Jean and Trimble made together, only four are known to survive. One of those, Jean the Match-Maker (1910), is the oldest narrative movie made in Maine and will be shown at 15 locations during the Maine Bicentennial event, “Maine in the Movies” (www. MaineMovies200.com), March 5-15. For the occasion, an original music score has been commissioned from Los Angeles composer Mikel Hurwitz. Photographed in summer 1910

near Portland (probably Yarmouth where the Trimble family had by then moved), the light-hearted 13-minute film opens on two young women sharing a tent in a bucolic area on their vacation. They look happy enough, but their surroundings are expansive and lonely. Enter two young men: one classically handsome and lissome, the other taller and in the habit of burying his chin into his neck and pulling his top lip back over his maxillaries – which, in combination with the luminescence of his pale skin and the black-and white cinematography, makes him resemble Nosferatu. Nothing frightens these two – nothing except girls. The sight of the two young women emerging from their tent sends these guys running. They scurry home without being noticed and, giddy with laughter, inform their mother of the discovery while their dog, Jean, sits on a chair at the table, poised to listen. Their mother devises a plan to contact the girls, possibly in a last-ditch effort to find partners for her unusually immature adult sons and move them out of the house. She sends Jean to the tent carrying a wicker basket with a letter inside. Thus, a correspondence begins, as Jean delivers messages back and forth between the two parties. As the story progresses, one thing becomes increasingly apparent: Jean is the real talent here. Nimble and graceful, she’s exactly where she needs to be in every shot, and her emotional intelligence makes her a natural at playing off her fellow actors. It’s

impossible to watch this picture and not recognize her as its breakout star. Unfortunately, as with more than half of all films from the silent era, much of Jean’s work is now difficult to find. Until a decade ago, Jean the Match-Maker was considered lost. Solely by chance, a hand-tinted nitrate print was discovered at the New Zealand Film Archive during repatriation of early American films. The Library of Congress undertook a two year restoration, and that is the version that can now be seen. (Another presumed-lost film was found in New Zealand at the same time: Upstream, the 1927 silent comedy directed by John Ford, the great American director from Portland, Maine.) That these original animal films can still generate attention and admiration is cause for optimism about their continued recovery and revival. Any aspiring filmmakers looking to contribute to the genre of movies centered around dogs should familiarize themselves with its progenitor. There is no doubt that this category is still very present and popular in Hollywood, from movies solely devoted to canines like A Dog’s Purpose and the Air Bud series, to stories in which the dogs appear as crucial supporting characters, like the John Wick series and Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood. All four-legged movie actors can trace their lineage back to that one afternoon at Vitagraph Studios, when a dog and her best friend from Maine were in the right place at the right time.

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Ashes to Ashes................................... 10

All 4 Paws............................................. 6

Green Acres Kennel Shop.................. 16 Loyal Biscuit......................................... 2 MIDCOAST Catahoula Rescue................................. 7 Coastal Creations Pet Salon................. 7

Charlie’s Friends Doggy Daycare......... 6 Maine Veterinary Medical Center..... 11 P&C Insurance.......................back cover Pampered Pooch................................ 10

Kompletely K-9..................................... 6

Pet Connection.................................... 6

Loyal Biscuit......................................... 2

Pleasant Hill Kennels.......................... 11

Mr. Dog Training................................... 2

Portland Veterinary Emergency........ 16

Neighborhood Vet............................... 6 Two Salty Dogs..................................... 2 Water Bark Wellness............................ 2 CENTRAL

BEST VET PRACTICE 2012, 2014 & 2018 Quality medicine, surgery and dentistry from a professional team you can trust.

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital

STATEWIDE & BEYOND Gracie’s Moose Antlers........................ 2

“Honoring the Human-Animal Bond”

Josie’s Story........................................ 10

Bessey’s Positive Paws....................... 11

Nooksack Racing Supply ................... 10

Loyal Biscuit......................................... 2

petMAINE........................................... 15

North Star Dog Training..................... 10

Silver Paw Pet Tags............................ 11


Sniff My Snack ..................................... 6

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital.............. 5

Vet Feature....................................8 & 9

March 2020

Scene from Jean the Match-Maker, from left, Jean; Florence Turner ("The Vitagraph Girl"); and Mary Fuller.

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Civilized Dogs

Dogs' Best Friends Are Often Not Dogs


ou’d think we’d have it figured out by now,” said my husband. The “it” he was referring to was world peace. After thousands of years coexisting on our small planet, the human species continues to be rife in warfare, dictators, poverty, racism and political dissonance. “Civilization” indeed! Yet.. we expect our dogs to get along with each other, instantly, unconditionally, even if they are meeting for the first time. We may think something is wrong with them if they don’t make fast friends, if there's a growl or worse. Perhaps, in a strange twist on anthropomorphism, we hope that our dogs can achieve something we humans have failed to do ourselves. Happy dogs playing is a beautiful thing to witness. They share respect, understanding, and joy; it's a reciprocal giving and taking. Dog friendships can be long lasting and enhance our dogs’ overall well-being. When we introduce young puppies to a variety of dogs of all ages and attitudes, we help them navigate the subtleties of

Basic Training Tips

by Diana Logan

canine language, to hear and be heard without needing to resort to aggression; this information sets them up nicely for future interactions. After our dogs have matured into adolescence, they often become more selective about what dogs they are interested in

befriending (sound familiar? Think middle school!). “50-60% of adult dogs are not interested in making new dog friends.” Several hundred professional dog trainers attending a lecture made this estimate at a dog training conference I attended. It was an informal survey but very telling. It means that, if they could speak, most adult dogs would say they have no interest in establishing or expanding their circle of doggie friends. The bottom line is this: it’s okay. It’s okay if our adult dogs don’t like other dogs and aren’t appropriate for the dog park. We needn’t pressure them to love all other dogs or pressure ourselves into thinking we need to fix them. This lack of friendliness can, however, get challenging and cause issues. Potential Problems: When to Seek Training Help Reactivity If a dog becomes reactive to the mere presence of another dog and this reactivity affects day-today living for the dog and/or his humans OR for the target of his ire, it’s time to work with a trainer. There are many things we can do to mitigate this reactivity, and the sooner you address it, the better.

Perhaps loving other dogs isn’t a realistic goal, but being able to relax in the presence of other dogs and walk by them on the sidewalk can be. Adding Another Dog If you are considering adding a new dog to the house, you will need to do it carefully. It isn’t impossible for your dog-unfriendly dog to have peaceful relations with specific other dogs, but you will have the role of peace broker and need to know how to do it so your chances of success are as high as possible. Contact a positive trainer. Aerobic Exercise Finding an appropriate place for our dog-unfriendly dogs to get aerobic exercise can be a challenge. Taking them to the dog park is not an option, so we have to get creative. There are many classes that are appropriate for them, and there are fun, physical training games you can play at home. Positive training also offers good mental exercise that can go a long way! If you have a dog-unfriendly dog, you have a lot of company, but don't despair; there are many other things your dog can excel at that are equally satisfying and not about being Mr. Popular with the other dogs.

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connection Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed

that long ago owned Native American people. We were designed by natural selection to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural instincts and attributes of wild dogs. In addition, my adoptive person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd notions as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your questions! N. Holmes, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@tidewater.net. Dear Bammy,


am just an old Labrador Retriever. A new puppy has come to our den. She is the sweetest

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

thing! She licks my nose and chases my tail and climbs all over me when I lie down. I love to play tug with her, very gently, of course. Nothing gentle about her, though! She grabs my ear with her sharp little teeth and shakes it. My tail has thick hair so her teeth don’t hurt, but she hangs on and runs back and forth, making me walk in


a zig-zag. I don’t use my voice much – just a bark to come in, but this little smarty makes all kinds of noises, and I don’t know what she’s talking about! Sometimes she yaps as if she’s mad at me, but I don’t know what I’ve done to upset her. She growls when we play tug, and she growls before she yaps at me, but they sound alike to me. Might she be making body talk that I don’t notice? I love this puppy, and I get so sorry when she’s cross and I don’t know what I’ve done. Worried Lab Dear Worried, You poor retrievers! You are so loving and patient that you think every dog is like you. I’m guessing that your new pack-mate is not a retriever. I bet she says a lot of body talk that some retrievers wouldn’t notice. You surely know that when she goes down on her elbows with her rump up in the air, she’s asking you to play. In fact, even humans understand it and call it a “play-bow.” What you and humans may not know is it also means “come.” One of my friends fell though the ice. It was really thin ice and shallow water, so he got out okay, but I was so scared, I ran up and down the shore, bowing

The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

Education • Rehabilitation • Guardianship • Adoption Dedicated 501(c)3 rescue working with shelters and dog owners of both Catahoula Leopard Dogs & Australian Cattle Dogs along the East Coast. 30 Clements Point Rd, Warren, ME 04864 207.273.1320 | 207.975.2909 nehoularescue.com www.facebook.com/CatahoulaNewEngland



like crazy to tell him to come out of the water. You know that a wagging tail usually means friendly, happy, eager. But be careful to notice HOW it wags. If the tail is stiffly up and wagging quick, short wags, back off! The wagger is nervous about something. If your puppy does that, maybe you are too close to her food dish, or she doesn’t want to share her toy. Pay attention to her eyes and ears, too. If her eyes are way wide open, so the whites show, and her ears are stiff – back off. If you think the tail wag is an invitation, but it’s a tight, nervous wag, and she’s standing stiffly on her tip-toes, be careful. If you bounce up to her to play, she may yap at you, or even give a little warning snap. I know retrievers are so loving and easy-going they want to think every dog is just the same. But try, Worried Lab, to slow down and notice the little things your friend is saying to you. And love that puppy! Bammy

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Separation Anxiety (Part I) What is it? Separation anxiety is one of the most common behavioral disorders in dogs. Approximately, 17-29% of dogs in the United States are believed to suffer from some form of separation anxiety or distress. This anxiety disorder can be damaging to the human animal bond resulting in shelter surrenders, rehoming, and even euthanasia. Common behaviors associated with separation anxiety include house soiling, destructive behaviors, and an increase in vocalizations (barking, whining, and howling). Some dogs can even become aggressive, in their panic, especially when trying to confine them to a crate or as you walk out the door. Clinical signs tend to occur when the family, its person, or even another pet is absent. Some dog owners may not be fully aware of the distress level experienced by the pet and will often come home to find the destruction evidence, urination, and/or defecation in the house. Dogs that are barking and howling often result in a notification from neighbors about the dog’s behavior when left alone. It is important to remember that these dogs are in true distress; therefore the destruction and/or elimination behavior is not out of “spite” but rather the result of a true “panic attack.”

March 2020

Who is most likely to have separation anxiety? Research tells us that most dogs with separation anxiety are male, mixed breed dogs however, many females and pure breed dogs experience this disorder as well. There is some evidence indicating that dogs adopted from shelters are at an increased risk along with dogs raised in a single human household. In fact, these dogs are 2.5 times more likely to have separation anxiety than those coming from a multi-human home. An increased incidence of this disorder is seen in orphaned puppies, early weaned puppies, and/or those separated from mom and littermates before 8 weeks of age as these dogs tend to form strong attachments to their human caretakers. Other risk factors include puppies that are never left home alone or away from people from a young age, puppies confined to crates for long periods of time, and puppies that experienced a serious illness in the first 4 months of life requiring hospitalization. What else can separation anxiety be? For every behavior diagnosis, there is a potential medical diagnosis, and therefore a medical illness should always be considered, especially

generalized anxiety, noise and storm phobias. Research tells us that separation anxiety often is not a diagnosis of exclusion, and many dogs have more than one behavioral condition contributing to their behavior. Video recordings when your dog is home alone can help to properly diagnose separation anxiety, identify the true cause for the behavior, as well as, response to treatment.

if the clinical signs are new. Some medical conditions to look for are urinary tract infection, intestinal parasites, food allergies, diseases that result in an increase drinking and/or urination, any condition that causes pain, dermatological diseases, seizures, and cognitive decline in older dogs. Behavioral rule-outs for separation anxiety include confinement anxiety, lack of mental stimulation and physical exercise (basic needs are not being met), incomplete housetraining, territorial aggression,

Treatment of separation anxiety Treatment for separation anxiety includes a variety of medications and behavior modification techniques to help your dog feel less anxious and more independent. In part II of this article series, we will go more in depth about the treatment of separation anxiety. In the meantime, if you suspect your pet is suffering from Separation Anxiety, find a way to avoid leaving your dog home alone, if possible, and talk to your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist about the best treatment plan for your pet

Christine D. Calder, DVM, DACVB

Director of Behavior Services at Midcoast Humane


Healthy and Happy This month, our center feature focuses on those who help us keep our pets healthy and come to their aid when and if they become sick or injured. Thank you to the veterinarians and their staff who care for our beloved, furry family members! Please be sure and check out the other veterinary ads throughout our paper.

Protect Your Pet and Family with Rabies Awareness By Androscoggin Animal Hospital Voted #1 in the 2019 Downeast Dog News Best of the Best Contest

As a fellow dog lover and owEveryone has heard of rabies, but most have very little, if any, experience with the disease. It’s easy to think of rabies as a disease of the past or one that affects only wild animals, but rabies is still a concern for people and pets around the world. Rabies Awareness The rabies virus specifically affects mammals and is

transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. Once infected, the rabies virus resides in the muscle tissue for a short period of time before making its way to the local nerves. The virus continues to spread throughout the nervous system before finally ending up in the brain, at which point symptoms appear. The time between initial exposure and the onset of symptoms (and ultimately death) is about 3-8 weeks in dogs and 2-6 weeks in cats. The symptoms of rabies appear

Other ways to minimize your pet’s risk include: Don’t allow your pet or children to interact with or investigate wildlife.

in three distinct stages: Prodromal stage – You may notice subtle personality changes in the beginning phase of the disease. Changes in vocal tone, irritability, weakness, or other unusual behaviors aren’t uncommon.

stage of the disease occurs as the motor neurons in the brain are damaged. The infected animal becomes weak, unable to swallow, and may drool excessively. The animal will ultimately die when the breathing muscles become paralyzed.

Excitative stage – This is the stage most people associate with the disease. It’s usually accompanied by hyperactivity, aggressiveness, hallucinations, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Doing Your Part The number one way to protect your pet is to make sure they remain current on their rabies vaccination. Remember, rabies is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted to people, so vaccinating your pet is also a

Paralytic stage – The final

preventive measure for the whole family.

Feed your pet indoors, and do not leave their food outside where it can attract wildlife. Make sure trash bins are properly secured. Stay away from any animal that’s acting aggressively or behaving strangely; report the incident to animal control immediately. Be aware of your surroundings, especially as the weather gets colder. Wildlife are often looking for warm, dry areas, such as garages, sheds, and under cars. Report stray animals to animal control, as they may not be

We also offer worry free cat boarding.



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Seek veterinary help immediately if you or your pet comes into contact with wildlife.

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Downeast Dog News

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Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Stress and Our Dogs


oday there is more and more focus on how stress affects our health. These same concepts also apply to our dogs. We, as humans, can use stress reduction techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other relaxation techniques. For our pets, there are many products on the market ranging from drugs to aromatherapy to videos they can watch while we are gone. But there is more that we can do. In order to help our pets with stress, we need to look at what might be causing stress. Stress

has been defined as any event that requires the organism to adapt or change. The more adaptive or resilient the organism is, the better it can handle stress. Through our training and guidance of our dogs through their daily lives, we are looking to achieve

a state of mental, physical, and emotional balance. An animal’s potential for wellness depends upon how well he can respond to stress at any given time. An animal that cannot respond well to stressors loses his emotional, physical, and mental balance and can endanger his wellness. Animals must have ample time to recover after responding to a stressful challenge. If stress is too prolonged, they lose more energy than they can recoup. This can lead to cell or tissue damage, a build up of free radicals and other by-products, and the animal will be weaker the next time he has to cope with stress. Prolonged and persistent chronic stress can be expressed through behavior issues, gastrointestinal disturbances, weight loss, problems with other organs or glands, and inflammatory responses which can further damage health. So, how can we help our dogs? Insecurity about place in the pack or family is a primal source of anxiety. I believe that clarity and consistency in training and life situations are the foundation to reducing stress

in our dogs. Overstimulation is another factor we should try to control. In a natural state, dogs spend a great deal of time sleeping or resting. When they engage in activity, even enjoyable activity such as agility, a run in the woods, play – stress levels increase to meet the needs of the activity, and dogs should have time to rest and recover. Consistency – knowing what is required and expected in life – helps them feel more secure and can help lower stress. Some people confuse stress and drive. Frantic behavior is NOT drive. Drive requires focus that can be channeled. Out of control behavior is NOT drive. A dog that is frantic cannot learn. If their basic life needs are met – water, food, shelter – nothing can stress a dog more than inconsistent demands, lack of structure and, therefore, lack of a feeling of safety. An owner must realize that a stressed animal cannot learn and must work to reduce stress through clarity in training and expectations to help the dog become available to find a structure in life that will work for the dog.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker titles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with questions, suggestions and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

Daycare & Grooming Mon – Fri 7am – 6pm Boarding - Saturday & Sunday 8-9am & 5-6pm 228 Lewiston Rd., Gray (207)657-6624 Pamperedpoochmaine.com Professionally trained staff & certified groomers!

Classes & Private Lessons Obedience, Agility and Tracking Struggling? Let us help you achieve your goals. You will be amazed at how the right instruction makes all the difference in your success! Each dog/handler team is unique. We have the knowledge, experience and outstanding teaching ability to help you succeed. Call us and let’s get started!


Watch for 2020 Tracking workshops with Carolyn Fuhrer, AKC Tracking Judge

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Become a sponsor of an adoptable dog in our paper and help raise money for a Maine rescue. A must read for all dog lovers! “I am a yellow Lab who is adopted and arrives untrained with no life experience. Through humor and personal opinions, I share my new life, my struggles, successes, and my eventual understanding of the value of human leadership. Mom explains the difference between a therapy and service dog and the importance of responsible dog parenting.” ~ Josie (a yellow Lab)

Downeast Dog News

In Search of the “Perfect” Dog – Part 2 What Can Affect Our Dog’s Behavior? Last month I started to

address the question, “How do I get the perfect dog?” I discussed how I have heard people define “perfect” and how what people may perceive as “perfect” may not be a realistic expectation and may harm our dog's overall welfare. I also discussed how absolutes like I want my dog to like ALL people, and I want a dog that NEVER leaves an unfenced yard are unrealistic. Behavior is constantly changing and is affected by a wide variety of factors during our dog's life, most of which are beyond our control. The effect of genetics on behavior and the importance of a puppy’s early experience with mom and its littermates before it even joins our family were also discussed. Once a dog leaves mom and its littermates, and it arrives in our home, we are responsible for that puppy and need to appropriately socialize and habituate it to everything we expect it to encounter (people, animals, surfaces, objects, sounds, smells, etc.) before they are 16 weeks old. Socialization can be a very daunting and time-consuming task if you do it right, but it is essential for your dog’s future behavioral health. A puppy that is not gently exposed to a wide variety of people of different ages, sizes, races, and behaviors may very likely be fearful of certain types of people. Never being brushed or having their nails trimmed until after 16 weeks

Words, Woofs & Meows by Don Hanson ACCBC, BFRAP, CDBC, CPDT-KA

photo credit: debra bell

of age may result in a dog that is extremely fearful and reactive during this process, which can be a stressful experience for all involved. A puppy that is raised in a rural area the first 16 weeks of its life and then moved to a home in an urban environment with the never before experienced sounds, smells, and intense activity of urban America, may become very anxious and fearful. A dog that is displaced

from its home and family could be extremely traumatized just as you might be in shock if you ended up living in a homeless shelter. Trauma can cause fear and anxiety for life and does not go away on its own. Whether you decide to train your dog and how you train it will also affect future behavior. Dogs with little or no training are less likely to be well-mannered and, for that reason, are more likely to be surrendered. If you use any aversives to train your dog, the most common ones being shock, choke, or prong collars, your dog is more likely to develop behavioral problems. If you inadvertently reward your dog for jumping up on people, chasing people, or barking at strangers, you may create the very behavior problems you are trying to prevent. Training matters and you will be best served by investing in working with a rewardbased dog trainer accredited by a reputable, independent certification body. During the course of your dog’s life, it will have many behavioral interactions with people and animals. Any time such an interaction occurs, the behavior of one individual in the interaction can influence the behavior of the other individual. The simple act of an infant grabbing at a dog’s wagging tail, due to no malicious intent, may cause the dog to feel physical or emotional pain or discomfort causing the dog to react with anything from a bark to a bite in an

attempt to get the child to stop the behavior. The infant’s behavior may have established a fear of children, and the dog and the dog’s reaction may have created a fear of dogs in the child. Fears of this nature can be locked into memory by a single event, and the brain is designed, in the interest of our survival, to remember these lessons forever. Many behaviors in all animals are driven by emotion and thus are not always predictable or rational. Either party in a behavioral transaction can misinterpret the behavior of the other, which can cause a situation to spiral out of control quickly. It’s dark, and you cannot see your dog lying by the bed, you get up and step on the dog, and the dog lashes out in fear biting your ankle but not breaking the skin, you scream in pain and yell at the dog as you kick him, causing your dog to bite harder in an attempt to get you to stop before he scrambles under the bed to hide from the vicious person. You have both reacted instinctually and emotionally and may be wary of one another for minutes, hours, days, or maybe forever. Emotional responses have a great impact on our reactions to another's behavior and on our remembering those incidents. Next month I’ll address medical issues that can affect our dog's behavior and offer my suggestions on how to give you the best chance of ending up with the perfect dog.

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Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is committed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.

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Downeast Dog News

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Rescue of the Month: Responsible Pet Care of Oxford Hills Providing a Loving Environment for Homeless Animals By Susan Spisak Responsible Pet Care of Oxford Hills (RPC) in Maine’s Western Region is a 501(c) 3 non-profit, no-kill shelter and adoption center with an interesting backstory. It was operated informally for years by a small group of compassionate people who realized there were area animals in need and opened their homes, garages, and basements so these pets had a roof over their heads. They formally incorporated in 1997 with the mission, “To Improve Quality of Life and Promote the Responsible Way to Treat All Pets.” In their first shelter in Norway, RPC focused on cats, but once they contracted with other towns to house their stray dogs, they realized they were outgrowing that space. They launched a fundraising

campaign and thanks to community support, RPC was able to purchase a large commercial building in nearby South Paris and their new doors opened in 2014. President Shirley Boyce said RPC repurposed part of the facility so there’s also room for dogs from southern US and Puerto Rican shelter partners. She said that offshore transports are often hindered by weather but added, “We do try to help them.” And when possible, RPC will provide temporary housing for the pets of area abuse victims and the homeless during their transitional period. RPC added a small pavilion for the transport dogs, so they can get outdoors even in inclement weather. “We added a ‘catio’ but this is Downeast Dog News, so that doesn’t matter,” Boyce said with a

Emma, 2yrs., Lab

laugh. That said, they do have cats and kittens available, and they have a Barn Buddy Feral Program. They’ve repurposed an office to use as an exam room in the event they find a veterinarian who can provide on-site services. (If you know of a vet who may be willing, have the vet call Shirley at the shelter.) They also need general volunteers and occasional foster homes for dogs. They’ve made improvements to their Pawsibilities & Fabulous Finds Thrift Shoppe at 124 Waterford Road in Norway. The store offers new and gently used items such as furniture, toys, and custom-made gift baskets -- and the inventory is always fresh and creatively displayed. “A lot of people are looking for a bargain and want to help animals,” Boyce explained. “You never really know what you’re going to find.” Donations

are welcome -- see their wish list as well as items not accepted at responsiblepetcare.org/pawsibilitiesdonation-list/. RPC has private gravel paths and bridges behind the shelter that were designed and built by Eagle Scouts. It’s a great place for the dogs awaiting their forever homes to get outdoors and exercise with volunteer handlers. “The dogs love the walking path into the woods,” Boyce said. Their website at responsiblepetcare.org/ contains information including the shelter hours, applications, adoption fees, the PayPal link for monetary donations, and all their adoptable pets. Watch their Facebook page for info on their upcoming Fun Dog Day and Ticket Auction.

Monty, 2yrs., Shepherd (UNKNOWN TYPE)

Emma is one smart girl! She knows many commands and loves to play. Emma will do best in a home without felines and small children. She does have a buddy at the shelter who she loves to romp with, but if you have a resident dog, a meet and greet is necessary. Interested adopters must fill out an application and be approved.

He loves the outdoors and his ideal home situation may be with a very active retiree who likes to hike, swim, fish, and snowshoe! At best, it’d be great if his new person had plenty of time for him and could exercise together. His energy level makes him more suitable for older children. Interested adopters must fill out an application and be approved.

Call the shelter for more details and to check the availability of Emma and Monty at (207)743-8679.

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51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • (207) 453-7387 • www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




4 yrs., Pitbull/Lab Mix

Adult, Labrador Mix

7 yrs., Shepherd Mix

FMI: Underhoundrailroad.org

FMI: Underhoundrailroad.org

FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/petfinder.html

Has a herding instinct so her ideal home will have no cats and dog savvy children no younger than 6 years old. Active girl that loves to run around in the yard, play fetch, and chew on her toys. Crate trained.

Playful and active lady who needs regular exercise and stimulation in order to be her happiest. She loves everyone she meets. Very friendly, but jumps so suggesting a home with older children. Has done well with children, dogs and cats.

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First National Bank

16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais 1-800-564-3195 • thefirst.com

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Sunray Animal Clinic

73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com

6 yrs., Beagle

Low-maintenance bonded pair who need to be adopted together. Little Bit is very loving, house trained and listens well. Scout is slower to warm up to strangers but loves her family once she settles. Scout is not comfortable with cats, toddlers, or lots of company. FMI: http://almosthomerescue.net


Good with children, cats, and other dogs. Loves to be outside running and playing, but also likes to cuddle. Has a seizure condition that requires her to take a medication twice per day. Would prefer a family that is home often. Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207)797-5392

Sponsored by

Hello Doggie Daycare

1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521 hellodoggiedaycare.com


3 yrs., Lab Mix

Looking for a quiet home, perhaps with a calm, well-mannered dog buddy. Cats and kids would be fine. Loves humans of all ages, but was attacked by a dog once, so is selective about his canine friends. Loves attention and running and playing in the snow. FMI: http://almosthomerescue.net


6 yrs., Catahoula Leopard Mix

11 & 8 yrs., Shepherd Mix & Neapolitan Mastiff Mix

Bonded pair who are happiest together. Chico (11 year old shepherd mix) is laid back. A bit arthritic, but is a great guy! Spike has a positive attitude and is in great shape. They haven’t lived with cats, but do ok walking through the cat room at the shelter. FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/petfinder.html


9 mos, Blue Heeler Mix

Kennebec Valley Humane Society (207)626-3491

Kennebec Valley Humane Society (207)626-3491



Big goofy guy who loves people! VERY strong and will need a handler that can control him on leash until better trained. Can be picky about dog friends and must go to a home with a family that has time to train to him. No children under 12 years old.

A super smart, beautiful ACD-Hound looking for a very quiet home. Her current location is too chaotic and loud. She needs to live with one adult human in a rural area with a fenced yard. Doggie roommates ok, but no kids, cats or other small pets.

E-mail: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412 scarboroughanimalhospital.com

1 yr. 6 mos., Shepherd Mix

11 yrs., Australian Cattle Dog

A very loving and loyal dog that needs a family that is going to lavish her with love, exercise and devotion. Looking to just settle down and be close to her people and know that they aren’t going anywhere!

Sponsored by

Scarborough Animal Hospital

Chico & Spike


Scout & Little Bit,

Adults, Papillon Mix & Chihuahua Mix

A good-natured pup who loves playing outside. She might be ok with cats, but would prefer to be the only dog in a home. She would love someone to take her for walks. Older kids welcome, the more attention the better!

E-mail: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

NO Children under 18 years old! No other pets. Sweet and spunky boy who requires clear boundaries in his home. He needs experienced owners who are willing to consistently train him. He requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation

9 wks., Terrier/ Chihuahua Mix

Mort came to us from Puerto Rico. He is a happy, friendly pup. Mort will need obedience training as well as house training. He has a big personality and is a bit of a goofball! Has lots of energy and loves to run and play all day! Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207)797-5392

Help us find a forever home!

Become a sponsor and help raise money for a Maine rescue. jenn@downeastdognews.com

March 2020


March C lendar

To submit or get more information on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com Workshop

Recurring Events

Increasing Focus and Drive Through Play With Your Dog - Does your dog initiate play with you? Does your dog willingly work for release and play? Learn how to use the powerful tool of play to help you achieve better focus and have a happy and engaged dog in all the venues - Rally, Agility, Obedience and Tracking! All levels of experience are welcome. North Star Dog Training School, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville. Call Kathy with questions and to register. (207)691-2332 $60 dog/handler team. $30 Audit.

Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 4PM Thursdays, March 5, 12, 19, 26, 9AM Kennebunk

Saturday, March 7 Somerville, 10AM – 1PM

Puppy Playgroup

Led by one of our professional trainers, this 45 minute drop-in class is exclusively for puppies and their people! Puppies will socialize and play with other puppies, learn to navigate new environments and meet new people. Each week we will set aside time to answer your questions about living with your young furry friend. Puppies should be under five months old and have started their vaccines and produced a negative fecal test result. Each session is $15. Register in advance or pay at the door. Animal Welfare Society, (207)985-3244

Nail Clipping Clinic Saturday, March 7 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM

Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be in our Loyal Biscuit Brewer location, 421 Wilson St. for their next nail clipping clinic. For just $10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to the SPCA of Hancock County! No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com

Nail Trimming Clinic Saturday, March 7 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM

Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue. Call ahead in case of snow!


Saturday, March 14 Somerville, 10AM – 1PM

All About Independence! This fastmoving workshop will focus on sending your dog - teaching your dog to "go on!" and work ahead of you. This agility workshop is appropriate for all levels of experience. North Star Dog Training School, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville. Call Kathy with questions and to register. (207)691-2332 $60 dog/handler team. $30 Audit.

Nail Trimming Clinic Saturday, March 14 Camden, 10AM – 12PM

Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/Rockport Animal Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue. Call ahead in case of snow!

Affordable Pet Clinics Sunday, March 8 Saturday, March 14

St. Puggy’s Day Celebration Sunday, March 15 Brewer, 10AM – 5PM

Join us for a special Pug Play Date in Brewer for our St. Puggy's Day Celebration and Fundraiser for the GREEN MTN PUG RESCUE. There will be goodies, an off-leash Puggy Play Date area with a ball pit, costume contest between Noon and 1PM, a raffle, nail trims and more. Please note that the costume contest and play date ball pit will be reserved for pugs and pug mixes during this event! For more information: loyalbiscuit.com

Toe Nail Tuesday

Tuesday, March 17 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM

Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon Nachajko from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make

your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue. Call ahead in case of snow!

Nail Clipping Clinic

Saturday, March 21 Waterville, 11:30AM – 1:30PM

Melissa from Primp My Paws will be in our Waterville location, 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic! For just $10 you can have your pet's nails trimmed and all the proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! loyalbiscuit.com

Coming March 28th The Pittie Posse Rescue and Lady Luck Burlesque Presents: "Bad Reputation" Drinks - Live Show Dance - Real Fun Guest Performance by Sasha Lee's Boutique Performers

Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits all household domestic pets are welcome! We offer nail trimming for $7; ear cleaning for $5; topical flea/tick prevention for $15 (pets <80 lbs) and $20 (pets >80 lbs); ear mite treatment $7 and dewormer $20. facebook/ TheJordanFarm

Second Saturday of every month

9-11 AM - Winthrop Paris Farmer's Union, 83 Royal Street, Winthrop 1-3 PM - Waterville Aubuchon, 485 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Waterville

Second Sunday of every month

9-11 AM - Turner Paris Farmer's Union, 299 Auburn Road, Auburn 12-2 PM - Lewiston Paris Farmer's Union, 671 Main Street, Lewiston

DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@ downeastdognews.com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar.


Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors. Add your comments TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!

Doors Open: 6:30 PM, Show Begins: 8 PM Sure to sell out so get your tickets now! https://pittieposserescue.com/burlesque


Downeast Dog News

Business Directory Midcoast

p? a tri n Come home to a o g Goin Clean House & Happy Pets

● ● ●

• Loving pet caregiver in your home within a 30 mile radius of Camden • Professional housekeeper • Farm animal care also available


For Only $45 Per Month CENTRAL MAINE

www.wholedogcamp.com Humane education and professional dog training

Stay and Train in Freeport Maine

Reach pet owners in and out-of-state Great resource for travelers and locals 50,000 printed copies Posted on-line as an interactive e-guide www.travelmaine.com and www.downeastdognews.com Guide includes pet-friendly lodging, dining, dog parks, beaches and trails, veterinarians, daycares, kennels, activities and more!

“[petMaine] is a must-have for folks who can’t bear to leave Rover at home.” ~Patricia Harris, Boston Globe correspondent


with Jenny Ruth Yasi, CPDT-KA, CTDI, CGC evaluator

“The “ h ultimate li guide id to enjoying j i maine i with your pets” ●

Betty McBrien 701-8491


Do you have a pet-friendly business? Reserve your space today in the 2020 petMAINE guide!

Psychic for People & Pets

Communicate with your pets, living or deceased with Sara Moore. Long distance sessions available!

For more information, please contact: Jenn Rich, jrich@rfbads.com or (207) 706-6765



As heard on 94.9 and Magic 104.5

More Hot Dog News

My Perfect Pet Gently-Cooked Pet Food Available at Green Acres Kennel Shop

BANGOR - Green Acres Kennel Shop has added gentlycooked, frozen foods for dogs and cats from My Perfect Pet to their selection of wholesome foods for healthy pets. My Perfect Pet blends contain fresh, whole foods with minimal processing and no preservatives. The meats used in the blends are gently-cooked per FDA food and safety guidelines to eliminate pathogens, unlike the extreme temperatures used to make kibble and canned foods that negatively affect nutrient levels and digestibility. All of the ingredients used in My Perfect Pet blends come from suppliers who exclusively sell human-grade food, the same companies that supply restaurants and high-end grocers. The meats used are not scraps but are quality cuts of; beef (round & liver), turkey (breast, thigh, & heart), chicken (breast & thigh), lamb (shoulder), and wild salmon (filet). A variety of fresh vegetables, cranberries, and kelp contribute important micronutrients and vitamins. My Perfect Pet’s ten dog blends and three cat blends come in bags of individually wrapped food bars for easy portion control, thawing, and serving. Green Acres co-owner, Don Hanson stated: “Common sense, as well as science, tells us that fresh, minimally processed foods offer the best nutrition for us, as well as our pets. The My Perfect Pet blends provide pets with excellent nutrition, whether fed exclusively or as part of a rotation diet, and Muppy and Boomer find it delicious! When we add a brand of food to our offerings, we also want to know about the company and the person making the decisions. When My Perfect Pet owner, Karen Neola, told us ‘My Perfect Pet is an independent family-owned business founded with a mission to improve pet health through education and nutrition and to put pet health over profits’ I knew we had found exactly the type of partner Green Acres can count on and can support.” FMI – http://bit.ly/WhyWeLikeMyPerfectPet

March 2020

For the March screening schedule visit: MaineMovies200.com


     

Boarding & Daycare Dog Grooming Dog Training Classes Behavior Consulting Wholesome Pet Foods Quality Pet Supplies

Animal Emergency & Specialty Care


Portland Veterinary Specialists have teamed up to become

Portland Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Care

ME License #F251

Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Introducing Gently-Cooked Fresh Food for Dogs & Cats

Dr. Marta Agrodnia, DVM, DACVS



739 Warren Ave., Ave, Portland Portland || AnimalEmergencySpecialtyCare.com AnimalEmergencySpecialtyCare.com

207 878 878 3121 3121 + + 207 207 207 780 780 0271 0271

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