2020 November Downeast Dog News

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Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland DowneastDogNews.com

Volume 15 • Issue 11 • NOVEMBER 2020

Celebrating Older, Seasoned Dogs By Susan Spisak C









A THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF OUR FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDS. To the ones that exhibit love and kindness to humans and animals. They’re in it for us, and we’re honored to be here for them. Follow their stories at: www.sbsavings.bank/heart-and-soul

ovember is recognized by many nonprofits as National Senior Pet Month as well as Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Both focus on highlighting older dogs and the benefits they can add to our lives. For those seniors in shelters and rescues awaiting homes, they’re worth considering, as they bring gentle companionship, unconditional love, are often low maintenance, and can blend into a home seamlessly. For middle aged to senior dogs already in a great household – perhaps you even adopted him as a pup – be prepared to help him live his best life with each passing birthday. Caring for your Older Pet Board-certified Gail Mason, DVM, MA, DACVIM, co-owner of the Bath-

See Celebrating on page 5


2 Hot Dog News

6 Basic

Training Tips


7,10 &11 Best of the Best!

16 & 17 Dogs for Adoption



Calendar of Events

Hot Dog News Eagle Scout Builds Support for AWS’ Canine Training Program

The Animal Welfare Society (AWS)

(shelter) dogs during their stay at AWS. Annually, the program reaches was the recipient of a donation of more than 1,000 dogs. The program is hand-crafted agility equipment for supported by three full- and part-time its Canine Behavior and Training Certified Professional Dog Trainers. Program. AWS’ training program The donation was the result of an runs group training classes and oneEagle Scout service project completed on-one behavior consultations for by Connor Carey, 17, of Eliot. Carey members of the public and supports reached out to AWS because of his the training and wellbeing of resident life-long love of dogs and his desire to make a difference for pets in his community. Through this Eagle Scout service project, Carey worked with AWS training staff to plan the project to best benefit AWS, he fundraised to purchase parts and he oversaw the construction and creation Connor and shelter dog Merlin

of the agility pieces. Through it all, he developed the strong leadership skills needed to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. “The agility equipment that Connor designed and built is a huge asset to AWS,” explains Roberta Guertin, AWS’ Behavior and Training Administrative Manager. “With the number of dogs that take part in our programs each year, our agility and training equipment takes some wear and tear. Connor’s contribution will help us to continue to provide enrichment and fun to the dogs here at AWS awaiting adoption as well as the dogs that participate through our public group classes.” Guertin continues, “We are grateful to Connor for all his hard work and dedication to the project and the animals. The equipment has already been used by our eager dogs here at the shelter and by agile students in several of our classes. We have had nothing but positive reviews!” The staff and volunteers at AWS congratulate Carey on earning his Eagle Scout rank and thank him for

supporting the dogs in his community. To learn more about AWS’ Canine Behavior and Training program, visit https://animalwelfaresociety.org/ training/ About AWS: The Animal Welfare Society, a non-profit organization, exists to provide humane shelter and care to companion animals temporarily in need of housing, to assist in disaster response, and to further the cause of responsible animal adoption and ownership through education and public awareness. The society actively promotes kindness, the elimination of cruelty to and neglect of all animals, and the lifelong commitment of people to their pets. For more information, please contact: Roberta Guertin, Behavior and Training Administrative Manager, (207) 985-3244 ext. 111 Stephanie Kelley, Marketing Communications Manager, (207) 985-3244 ext. 130

See more Hot Dog News on page 19!



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Downeast Dog News Contact Jenn for more information (207)706-6765; jenn@downeastdognews.com

Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News Publisher Jenn Rich Copy Editor Belinda Carter Contributors Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Christine Calder GRAPHIC DESIGN NVDesigns • Nicole Vanorse Advertising Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

President Wendi Smith Parent & Publishing Company Maine Pet News LLC Our Goals

• Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, This year has had the craziest weather! It didn’t seem to want to stop snowing, then the last frost was late and the first frost was early, and somewhere in between we were roasting off and on. I guess that is befitting of this crazy year of 2020. I took Pepper for what may have been her last swim in the lake. She was elated. It had been a while since we had been there. The water was SO low. That is likely a combination of no rain as well as a connected dam. It must be so weird as a dog to go to your favorite place, and it is suddenly so different. Your humans took out the dock and suddenly there is a rocky shore. It provided for a nice sniffing opportunity. I am about one week away from a week’s staycation. Sadly, no fun family trips to warm tropical places this year. Staycations can be nice though, and I will likely spend it on home projects that don’t otherwise get done, and maybe we will throw in a mini adventure. I did finally put a coat of stain on the picnic table! I’ve only been planning on doing that since the spring. I hope you have been able to get out and perhaps explore some places in Maine you may have never visited before. If not, there is still time! If you head out to the woods, make sure you protect yourself and your dogs from ticks. Now that it is cooler and we’ve had a bit of rain, they will surely be stirring. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and take a moment to reflect on that for which you are grateful. It has been a difficult year, and it is important to frequently remind ourselves of these things, people, pets, moments, etc. I know that I am certainly grateful that people enjoy reading our paper and for those who have helped support us in any way this year. Be safe and be well! Warmest wishes, Jenn and Pepper

“Every time we decide to be grateful it will be easier to see new things to be grateful for. Gratitude begets gratitude, just as love begets love.” ― Henri J.M. Nouwen, Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World

Dog of the Month! Louise

Louise Cheese is a 16 month old Bullmastiff who lives with 2 human brothers Carter and Jack, her cat brother Keven and her rat sisters Lemon and Zelda. Her favorite thing is meeting new people young and old, and we are hoping to put that to good use as a therapy dog. However, COVID had put that on hold for the moment. If you see her out and about feel free to ask her to sit so you can say hello and give her a good scratch under her chin.

Contact Us

Maine Pet News, LLC P.O. Box 1076 Camden, ME 04843-1076 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com


Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.


If you’d like to submit a photo of your pet to be posted on our website send it with a small description of your dog (cool trick, silly thing he does, favorite toy) to jenn@ downeastdognews.com or mail it to: P.O. Box 1076, Camden, ME 04843-1076.

Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.


Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2020 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.


Each month one will be selected to be printed in the paper.

Advertising Rates and Guidelines Ad rates (per month) 3-month minimum recommended

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts


10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.


Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News . ..................... 2 Furry Words .......................... 4 Ask the Vet............................. 4 Basic Training Tips . ............... 6 Best of the Best............7, 10, 11 Performance Dog Training...... 8 Ask Bammy............................ 9 Words, Woofs & Meows....... 13 Pet Pantries...........................14 Behavior Problems................15 Rescue of the Month.............16 Dogs for Adoption................ 17 Calendar............................... 18 Business Directory ............... 19


Welcome back to another

edition of Furry Words! I’m a psychic for people and pets, and if I wasn’t the one to actually be chatting with your animals, I’m not sure I’d believe it was possible. I’ve been doing it for eleven years though, so there must be something to it! This month I’m excited to give you a glimpse into some of the readings I’ve done over the phone. I always tell people that a reading is not a replacement for licensed veterinary care, but it’s a great way to complement traditional approaches. The first dog was one I read today. When the owner said she wanted to know how her dog was feeling, my breathing instantly felt funky. I wanted to take a deep breath in but literally couldn’t. My lungs felt tight but full, and I had the urge to cough. I heard “congestive heart failure” and explained what I was receiving. It turns out it was a fourteen year old Pug whose health was rapidly deteriorating. She confirmed that he did have heart failure, and she wanted to know if he was ready to cross the rainbow bridge. He immediately said, “Yup, but I want a parade!” This is not the first dog to request this, and she said he was super social and everyone got excited to see him. He wanted to be carried along their favorite walking route before being brought to work so everyone could fawn over him. Before he headed to the vet for the last time, he wanted to eat cheese filled hot dogs. I honestly had no idea such a thing existed, but she said she had seen them before. Even retelling it to you makes my mouth (or his, actually) water! She asked how her dog in heaven was feeling about his brother’s

Snuffle Mats! Q. I have a really active pup

that needs tons of exercise. If he doesn’t get his long walks, he is into everything. I am worried about this winter when it is icy, and we can’t go out. Any suggestions?

Furry Words

by Sara Moore


imminent arrival, and the other pug instantly popped into my head clear as a bell. I saw it looking out a window from heaven to her living room. He couldn’t contain his excitement, and he was on tippy toes, his paws on the windowsill while wiggling his entire body in anticipation. He was literally bouncing from one leg to the other because he was so excited! If you’ve read this column before or had a reading with me, you’ve heard me say dogs have a unique perspective on death. They don’t consider it as final as people do; it’s a transition to the other side and there’s no fear. They can see us, hear us, and sometimes visit us energetically. Knowing that her dog in heaven was going to greet her pug ready to go gave her such peace of mind and validated that he was ready. The

Ask the Vet…

by Dr. Judith Herman

A. All our dogs to some degree

need to be exercised physically, mentally, or both. Sometimes you just can’t get out for a long hike. There are mental games you can do inside that will tire your pooch without having to buy a treadmill. In a past article I talked about nose work games. Today I am going to talk about the benefits of snuffle mats. What is a snuffle mat? These are mats made of polar fleece. They are thick like a shag carpet. You take treats or kibble and bury them deep into the pile. The dog has to search the mat to get the treat. Simple and fun for the dog, but how does this help? This all goes back to the dog’s


nose. Dogs smell at least 10,000 times more than we do. When you take your dog for a walk and let them sniff everything along the way, they are reading the world around them. This process takes energy and concentration. The snuffle mat does the same thing. By the dog concentrating on searching for bits of food deep in the pile he is stimulating his brain and breathing

next question the dogs asked was how was she going to honor them? I saw a funky tattoo on her left wrist, and she seemed shocked that I said what she had been planning on doing. Her idea was to have a paw print somewhere on her body, but they REALLY wanted their names. They also wanted her to know how blessed she was to have them in her life, so they wrote “Blessed” in calligraphy with a decorative line above and below the word. The B and D had hearts in them and the younger dog’s name was on top with the others below. She started to cry. I think reality was sinking in, but she was also in love with their design. She promised him she’d do all he asked for and then some, and she was grateful for the validation that he was ready. The other dog I want to share with you was a recent rescue and was now in a home with cats and an older dog. The owner wanted to know how the older dog felt about the new addition. The first thing I heard was, “It’s so annoying. It has no manners and it is gross.” She said that this was exactly how the dog appeared to feel. I asked for them to give me an example of how it was behaving, and in my head I saw the new dog trying to sniff the underside of the older one. This was alright for a few seconds, but if the older dog, who was smaller, had had enough and tried to walk away, the rude one would lift it up by digging its head further under the belly and lifting its back legs off the ground. The dog found this quite offensive and asked the owner to tell it to knock it off. Then I asked if anything hurt the newly adopted pup, and they were happy to report

that nothing did. I asked how it felt about the cats and the answer was hysterical to me. Have you seen the movie Elf with Will Farrell? You know the scene when he points out that the “little elf” who wasn’t really an elf was an “angry elf?” Well, the dog sort of leaned in to me energetically and whispered, “That cat’s a wild panther,” just like Will Farrell’s character would do. I told the woman the dog saw the cat as a giant black panther even though when I looked at the cat, it didn’t match what I was seeing. She laughed and said it was a small orange cat, and the dog did go up to it right away, but the cat hissed, and the dog hasn’t gotten close to it since then. The dog appears a bit curious but extremely reluctant to get within a few feet of the cat. The dog was still trying to explain that the cat had HUGE teeth, GIANT whiskers, and it GROWLED at him. The owner and I were laughing so hard, but the dog stuck with his story. Those are the readings that keep me going because they are fun, helpful, and clear. Next month I’ll reach out to you for questions about your dogs, so follow the Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page and be on the lookout for a call for your questions around the middle of December. Have a great Thanksgiving and give your pups some love from me!

deeply to catch all the information his nose can find. You can equate this to our reading a complicated book. Remember how tired you can get from concentrating? You can use the snuffle mat to train your dog to do other things. Use the words “find it” and send the dog to the mat. Later you can use the command to find other things. Also, the mat can be the reward when training other skills such as stay, wait, sit, down and so on. Another big benefit of snuffle mats to the dog is the deep breathing they are doing while searching the mat. Since COVID, one of the recommendations to stay healthy is to do breathing exercises. Besides filling and expanding your lungs, these exercises decrease stress, and actually stimulate your immune system to be stronger. There is a lot of research on the benefit of deep breathing bringing oxygen down to the cellular level stimulating the cellular energy needed to keep us healthy. This is happening in the dog when it uses its nose.

This exercise with the snuffle mat doesn’t need to be a long process. Just like any other nose games your dog engages in, the whole exercise can be done in minutes depending on the amount of treats hidden in the mat. You can buy the mats already made on Etsy, Amazon, and some pet stores. Making one is easy and cheaper than buying one. All you need is a rubber sink mat about 12 by 15 inches, and about a yard to a yard and a half of cheap fleece, don’t get the thick fleece that is too hard to knot. Cut the fleece into 1 inch by 6-inch strips. You will then knot the fleece strips through the holes in the sink mat. There you have it! One word of caution: to make this work, you need to use smelly tiny treats to start and push them deep into the mat so the dog has to work at getting them out. Have fun!

Sara Moore currently offers long distance readings over the phone or FaceTime. You can learn more at www.enlightenedhorizons.com. All information given in a reading is not a replacement for licensed veterinary care.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopahticvet.com

Downeast Dog News

Celebrating from page 1 Brunswick Veterinary Associates (winner of DDN’s Best Veterinary Practice) and Chief Medical Officer and Staff Internist at Portland Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Care, said in healthy younger dogs, an annual exam with diagnostics is important to establish baseline health and detect any treatable disorders. “The recommendation is a complete blood count (CBC), full chemistry panel (organ functions), and a urinalysis. This combination provides a plethora of information about your dog's overall health,” she explained. A thyroid level may also be recommended if you have an at-risk breed or if your vet detects any signs of hypothyroidism. As they age, smaller breeds under 50 pounds are considered "senior" at 7, while larger and giant breeds over 5 are “senior,” so it’s best to increase to twice-yearly exams at this time. Chat openly at appointments and share any behavioral changes, ask about supplements (think hip and joint chews), and meal options. “Good quality protein in a senior diet is paramount in slowing the loss of muscle mass. High fat foods or treats are not recommended for any age dog, so keep ‘em lean.” Dr. Mason added if there are any abnormalities with your dog's gait, or if there is ongoing lameness, then survey x-rays are helpful. Don’t neglect his oral health - dental disease can be painful, and tooth loss can result. “Dental problems are

more common in this age group as well and can lead to complications in other internal organs,” she added. Discuss if a professional dental cleaning would be beneficial and be sure to brush several times a week. (I use a vet-recommended enzymatic paste, squeeze on my finger and swipe across teeth.) Add in a dental foam to further combat plaque and tartar, and it freshens breath, too. As far as exercise, walking older dogs at least 15 to 20 minutes each day is imperative - activity provides physical and mental benefits. “It also helps to maintain muscle mass thereby maintaining mobility. Like in humans, it is ‘use it or lose it,’” said Dr. Mason. Entertain with games like puzzles. And yes, old dogs can learn new tricks. Bond together and have fun by teaching him a few. Purchase a pet ramp to make climbing stairs or into cars easier – or build one if you’re handy. Slowly train him on it so he’s acclimated when it’s needed. (I bought a used one when Brady couldn’t do deck stairs anymore. Unfortunately, I waited too long, and the ramp frightened him.) If his sight isn’t what it was, use “baby gate” stairs to avoid accidental spills. (Ask your vet if a visit to an eye specialist is in order, and research for tips on making your home safer.) Pick up a few comfy supportive beds so he can rest in various spots without extra steps. Adopting an Older Dog Old Dogs New Digs is a nonprofit

Oil and Pastel Portraits A great gift for yourself or a friend! Plan ahead for the holidays.

that supports and partners with shelters, veterinary clinics, and individuals who need to find loving and comfortable homes for this special group of dogs. Since they advocate for seniors, they know a great deal about adopting older dogs. Martie Crone, Vice President and Case Manager for Old Dogs New Digs, shared several senior benefits. “For most of them, you can skip the basic training. They are usually housetrained, know their basic commands, and don't need as much exercise as a younger dog.” Unfortunately, older dogs are often overlooked in a shelter - the environment can be stressful and their true personalities, “often exceptionally mellow and sweet,” said Crone, don’t shine. The reality is that adopters gravitate towards younger, energetic dogs. Crone emphasized those adopters may not realize the work involved with young dogs – they require continual physical and mental exercise, not to mention training. And potential adopters are wary of an older dog’s lifespan. “A lot of people are afraid that they won't have the dog for very long. They don't understand how fulfilling it is to give a senior dog the best life possible for their last years or months.” Seniors deserve a loving and comfortable final home. “Some of them gave their first family many happy years, but just about the time the dog needs extra care, their special person may be unable to provide it.”

They’re hopeful for a compassionate and understanding person. “They are so grateful when they find their loving family. We believe that senior dogs, like senior people, should be loved and doted upon.” Case in point is cover boy, Jake. Old Dogs New Digs partnered with SPCA of Hancock County to find this 10-year-old Beagle a new home after his human passed away. He went into foster care and had a successful meet and greet with the Reifsynder family. They knew they wanted to call him their own, and he’s again part of a loving home. The plan is for Jake to have a satisfying day job, too. He’ll be the shop dog at the business his mom owns, Fabricate in Bar Harbor. If you’re looking for a new companion, check out available oldies in a shelter or rescue near you. There are plenty of dogs hoping for a family or person and you may be surprised how well you click. If you’re unsure, check into becoming a foster home – you’ll learn how to care for and love a senior. Based in southern Maine, Old Dogs New Digs has a network of foster families throughout the state willing to share their abode with senior homeless dogs. Their president moved west a few years back, and she’s working with Colorado and New Mexico shelters as well. For info and applications on fostering and adopting, olddogsnewdigs.com/.

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Stairway to Injury

Basic Training Tips

Are the stairs your dog’s personal racetrack?

The puppy came to us at 4 months old thinking that stairways were a combo racetrack/high jump. Any time anybody started using the stairs, Skipper was there, determined to be first up… or down. In addition, he would leap down from the 4th or 5th step, skipping all those boring lower steps. “Skipper” has turned out to be a very fitting name for him! Stairway to Injury I didn’t want to risk falling by way of a puppy collision, nor did I want our aging Astro to be knocked offbalance and injured. In addition, it’s not safe for a young puppy’s bones to be making such grand leaps, especially onto hard surfaces. I needed to do something before one of us got hurt. Though Skipper was only 4 months old at the time, he’d had enough experience on stairs to establish a solid racing habit. Stairs were his cue to FLY! Despite his agile appearance, he had not actually learned to coordinate his body to take stairs properly and control his hind end. Putting “Obedience” behaviors on the back burner Forget about teaching “sit” - I wanted to focus on safety with our new family member. We dog owners tend to give too much attention to teaching “obedience” behaviors with

by Diana Logan

our dogs and not enough to building day-to-day habits that help make living together peaceful and safe. The great thing about the day-to-day stuff is that we can easily weave it into the day; we don’t always need to set aside a “formal” training session. Repeated, these short, consistent training moments quickly add up to success!

Identify the Behavior(s): First things, first, I wanted to clearly identify the problem behavior(s). • Running on the stairs • Passing people on the stairs. This isn’t about being “alpha.” It’s about safety and keeping him from getting underfoot • Jumping from 4th step up Goals: • Short-term: Skipper stays behind me when I’m taking the stairs • Longer-term: Skipper waits until given verbal release cue to take the stairs if somebody else is on them. • Use ALL the stairs, even if the ones at the bottom. Prevention Plan I knew that my biggest challenge would be how to consistently prevent him from racing on the stairs and from passing me. I also needed to be sure other members of the human household knew what to do. Large pieces of cardboard to the rescue! I took the stairs multiple times at an agonizingly slow pace while holding a large piece of cardboard behind me, blocking Skipper’s path. He was forced to take the stairs slowly, and behind me. I repeated this over and over (good exercise for me!). If I didn’t have the cardboard, I had to be sure that I could use my body to block him from passing me. I didn’t need to say anything! Sometimes I would turn and face

him, which also slowed him down. It was crucial that he not be able to pass me, though. I also occasionally tossed treats behind me so that he would, in theory, be more interested in what was behind me than in front of me. This didn’t work so well for him, but it might for your dog. What Skipper wanted the most was to get all the way down.. or up. First. If Skipper got to the stairway first, anticipating I’d be using them and wanting a head start in his race, I turned around so that he would not be racing me. (I was saying, “so you think you are going to win? Well, I’m not racing. This is not a race.”). He was allowed to take the stairs on his own, however. This was my compromise. I knew it would be impractical for me to control his access 100% of the time. Barrier at the bottom I placed a barrier too tall for him to jump over about 2’ out from the last step, blocking his usual landing zone. Poor guy - he now had to actually place his tootsies on the lower steps and carefully walk around the barrier. It took a lot of practice, but Skipper is no longer a hazard on the stairs. Phew! If you have a dog like Skipper, see if you can slow her down and make your household a bit safer! Release Cue What’s the first verbal cue I teach a puppy? It’s not “sit,” or “down” or “come.” It’s the release cue!! Tune in next month to learn about it.

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connection Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

BEST of the BEST Congratulations to our winners and thank you to our readers for voting!

Best Veterinary Practice 1. 2. 3.

Bath-Brunswick Veterinary Associates, Brunswick Kindred Spirits Veterinary Clinic, Orrington Brunswick Veterinary Clinic, Brunswick

Best Groomer 1. Coastal Creations Pet Salon, Bucksport 2. Zucco’s Dog House, Hampden 3. Something to Wag About, Trenton

Best Trainer 1. Mr. Dog Training, Sara Sokol, Bath 2. Salty Dog Obedience, Whitney Thurston, Blue Hill 3. Titanium K-9, Jason Howe, Bangor

Best Pet Store 1. Loyal Biscuit, Rockland 2. Two Salty Dogs, Boothbay Harbor 3. Pet Provisions, Blue Hill

Best Pet Product 1. Mountain Dog Cookie Co., Scarborough 2. Loyal Biscuit Tug Me Toy, Rockland 3. Tie: Lobster Treats for Salty Dogs, Friendship Coastside Bio Resources Sea Jerky, Stonington

Best Daycare/Boarding 1. Renaissance Dogs, Holden 2. Zucco’s Dog House, Hampden 3. Charlie’s Friends, Cumberland

Best Rescue/Shelter 1. 2. 3.

Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland, Westbrook Pope Memorial Humane Society, Thomaston Midcoast Humane, Brunswick

Best Pet Friendly Lodging 1. Senator Inn & Spa, Augusta 2. Inn by the Sea, Cape Elizabeth 3. Flagship Inn, Boothbay Harbor

HAPPY VETERANS DAY! NOvEMBER 11Th To Veterans everywhere, we thank you for your service! NOVEMBER 2020


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer Obedience Training – Shaping Choices I

am so proud of my students. Several of them are now working with their second dog since they started working with me, and I have seen them change from handlers who sometimes became frustrated with their dogs, felt their dogs were not trying, and blamed their dogs for mistakes. I have been fortunate enough to see them change into thinking handlers who are willing to help their dogs understand “the game” of obedience and make correct choices.

Coming out of yourself and your expectations and being truly willing to understand why your dog is not performing an exercise and then taking the responsibility to teach the dog the correct behavior is the foundation necessary to form an obedience/training partnership you can build upon. The dog must trust that you will help in time of

confusion, that you will be clear and patient and sincere in your efforts. No one, including your dog, needs or likes destructive criticism. It is not necessary to label your dog as “soft”, “shy”, “hyperactive”, etc. It is your job to help your dog become confident, focused willingly, and successful. The first step in getting there is realizing and accepting the responsibility that their behavior is a reflection of you and what you have taught them either directly or unintentionally. Why would any dog not want to try and succeed if it had a clear concept of the reward system, valued the reward, and understood the task? If the problem in performance comes from lack of attention, then you need to go back and teach attention, perhaps even returning to basic pet dog skills, until your dog truly understands attention to you is required, not optional. There are hundreds of types of gadgets, harnesses, leads, collars, etc. to control your dog. They may range from mild control to harsh control. They may give you control, but they do not teach your dog. In order to create desired behavior, it must be a win situation for the dog. The dog needs to understand what

is required and compliance must be valuable to the dog. Unwanted behaviors or “wrong” answers to obedience questions cannot result in value to the dog. It is your job as owner/trainer to help your dog be successful, to manage life and/or training situations so the dog can figure out what behaviors are rewarding. Many dogs shut down in obedience because they do not know how to find the behavior that is going to be rewarded. Obedience exercises can have many parts and what the dog is required to do in each part of the exercise must be clearly shown to the dog. A dog may show a different way of “solving” an obedience problem. If it is not the behavior you want, you must be careful not to destroy the dog’s willingness to try for a solution. Simply set up a situation that by channeling the effort correctly, the dog can be right. Remember - when playing the game of obedience, it’s not about you – it is about setting up a win for the dog by shaping choices. My students are starting to see that this is not only challenging, but a lot of fun for them and their dogs and everyone is much happier.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 125 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker titles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with questions, suggestions and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

Classes Classes & & Private Private Lessons Lessons Obedience, Obedience, Agility Agility and and Tracking Tracking Struggling? Let Let us us help Struggling? help you you achieve achieveyour yourgoals. goals.You Youwill willbe beamazed amazed at how the right right instruction instruction makes makes all all the thedifference differenceininyour yoursuccess! success! Each Wehave havethe theknowledge, knowledge,experience experience Eachdog/handler dog/handler team team is is unique. unique. We and teachingability abilityto tohelp helpyou yousucceed. succeed. and outstanding outstanding teaching Callus usand andlet’s let’sget get started! started! Call

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that

long ago owned Native American people. We were designed by natural selection to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My greatgrandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural instincts and attributes of wild dogs. In addition, my adoptive person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd notions as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your questions! N. Holmes, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@tidewater.net.

Dear Bammy,


y question is about all the loud, scary things that my family has. The worst one stands in a corner with its leash fastened to another leash on the floor. At least once a day, Mom picks up the leash and lets the thing pull her around the room. It makes a horrible smell and a noise like a howl and growl at the same

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

time. It sort of scrubs back and forth and sometimes it makes a different noise and bites the corner of a rug. Then Mom growls at it and makes it lie down while she pulls the rug out of its mouth. If she hates when it eats rugs, why does she let it pull her around the room like that? I try to stay away from it, but it goes into every place I can think of to hide, so I have to keep running from it. That’s only one thing. There are

other loud, vicious things that live in the garage and pull people around outdoors. Mostly, they go around on the lawn, so I just go up on the steps and huddle against the door, so they won’t see me. In winter, they have a thing that makes its own snowstorm. Puppy, you want to stay away from that one! Bammy, does your Boss have things like that? Do you have good places to hide? Why do people keep things like that, anyway? Skittish Dear Skittish, Yes, I have the same problems. Why do our dear humans allow those machines to pull them around like that? All you skittish dogs might like to know that some dogs actually fight them. There’s a Border Collie I know who runs along beside the thing that makes the grass smell good. She barks and nips at its feet. Sometimes her human laughs at her, and sometimes he tells her to shut up. How ungrateful! That brave dog is trying to keep it from attacking him, and she even tries to herd the vicious thing away from her house. I notice that humans don’t let their young puppies anywhere near those when they are growling. That tells you something!

Vicious Vacuum Cleaner Photo Provided by N Holmes

Outdoors, I just stay as far away from the grass thing as I can. If it turns in my direction, I pretend I have some business behind the bushes until it goes away. I go up on the steps too, but when it comes toward me, I just saunter away as if I was leaving anyway. I think it’s a big mistake to let those things know you are scared of them. In the house, I go into my crate. It’s my fort and my bed. I hope you have a crate in your house. It’s your special place, and you should always be safe and comfortable there. Be a brave dog, Skittish! Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

VOTED 2015––2019 2020 VOTED BEST BEST TRAINER TRAINER 2015 thank you you to to our our voters.....YOU ROCK! thank ROCK!

a THANK YOU for your please me for a PleaseAs join me on December 8thvotes, @ 11am for join a FREE seminar, FREE LiveDog seminar on 12/12 10am: The TenFacebook Things Your Wants You to@Know, THANK YOU for your votes The Top 10 Thingsas to aAvoid When Building a Relationship with Your Dog

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BEST of the BEST

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to our readers for voting! Best Vet Practice

Best Groomer

Bath-Brunswick Veterinary Associates, Inc.


ur multi-award winning veterinary practice, has a long legacy of caring with a deep commitment to providing general and advanced veterinary medical care. Our experienced and talented team of veterinarians and technicians have decades of knowledge and work together to diagnose and treat your pets. We offer a vast array of services including wellness and disease prevention, dentistry, surgery, ultrasonography, endoscopy, internal medicine, laser therapy and oncology services. Our dedicated client service staff is here to make sure your needs are met as well as your pet’s needs. From answering questions to scheduling appointments, from client education to handing out treats, we are here to help. Our privately-owned, full-service veterinary hospital also offers a full boarding kennel with overnight boarding, grooming and daycare. Our online services include PETLY, a user-friendly way for you to access some of your pet’s health resources. You can view vaccine due dates, shared lab results or medical notes, request appointments and more. Our online pharmacy is a convenient option to easily order food and medications and have them shipped right to your door. No matter the veterinary services you need at Bath-Brunswick Veterinary Associates, you will always receive our professional care with a personal touch

Best Trainer

Sara Sokol, Mr. Dog Training


ara Sokol is owner at Mr. Dog Training; a positive reinforcement based training center with a 2000 square foot facility located in West Bath Maine and has been voted BEST dog trainer in the state of Maine by Downeast Dog News readers for SIX years in a row now! Sara’s experience includes a position with Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA as a full time behavior and training technician and lead dog trainer, District Manager of The Connecticut Humane Society, mentor trainer for Animal Behavior College and CATCH Canine Academy, Canine Good Citizen Evaluator through the AKC, Creator of the Woofs and Books reading program, and proud owner of Mr. Dog Training in West Bath. Mr. Dog Training offers a number of group classes ranging from a free Puppy Pre-School through Advanced Obedience as well as a variety of fun Activity classes including Noseworks, Tricks, Intro to Agility, and Ninja Dog. In addition, Mr. Dog Training offers a variety of downloadable dog training videos available for purchase with more videos coming soon! Mr. Dog Training also offers a selection of Seminars and Workshop and Sara is proud to be hosted by Veterinary offices throughout the area for staff trainings, seminars, group classes, and workshops. Sara feels that the key to any good relationship, including the one between a person and their dog, is clear communication. Her training style is to teach people how to set their dogs up to make “good” choices, and then reinforce those choices; the more that you reinforce a behavior, the more you’ll see that behavior! In addition, Sara believes that training should be fun for both human and dog and takes pride in being able to make the classroom an enjoyable and safe place to learn. She is grateful to have a job that allows her to work closely with the community and one that helps her strengthen the human/animal bond.


Best Pet Product

Coastal Creations Pet Salon


lsebeth DeBiase, owner and stylist at Coastal Creations Pet Salon is an award winning IPG Certified Master Groomer with 19 years of experience in the pet industry. As a graduate of the University of Maine Department of Animal Sciences, she has an understanding of the animal industry that encompasses farm, veterinary and pet industries alike. In 2011, Elsebeth opened Coastal Creations Pet Salon with the goal of providing individualized services to her fourlegged clients while utilizing state of the art equipment, compassionate handling methods and modern styling techniques. Her specialties include small dogs, cats and geriatric pets. Elsebeth is Fear Free and Low Stress Handling Certified. Her goal is to continue to pursue education that will be helpful to her clients. This fall she is participating in a Pet Loss Bereavement Counseling course. Recent grooming accomplishments consist of 1st place in the New England Groom Olympics 2016, 2nd place in the Ultimate Grooming Competition 2018 and 2nd place in the Whole Pet Academy Grooming Competition intermediate class 2019. It is an honor to receive Best of the Best Groomer 2016, 2019 & 2020. Thank you!

Best Pet Store

Loyal Biscuit, Rockland

Mountain Dog Cookie Co.


e began making cookies at Mountain Dog Cookie Co. in 2015, developing our signature peanut butter, pumpkin and cinnamon recipe, that dogs go NUTS for. We bake in small batches each day, with over 200 different cut out cookie options to decorate, as well as mini drizzled bones and small bite size treats we call “Crunchy Treat Bites”, that dogs will do just about anything for. Each cookie is baked and decorated with love and care, and in hopes from my 4 Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs that one will become a reject they can share. I firmly believe that just because it is a dog cookie, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun to look at! This is why homemade decorated dog cookies made at Mountain Dog Cookie Co. are so special. To see photos of our amazing cookies or to place an order you can find us on Facebook or email us at Mountain.Dog.Cookie.Co@gmail.com. Thank you to all of our amazing customers who have helped us become the Best Pet Product for the 4th year in a row!

Best Rescue/Shelter

Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland

Loyal Biscuit Co. is

a Maine-based, family owned, award winning pet supply store owned by Joel and Heidi Neal. Purchased in January, 2010, Loyal Biscuit Co. is an independent dog and cat supply boutique with seven great Maine locations—Downtown Rockland; Route 1 on the Camden-Rockport line; Reny’s Plaza, Belfast; Main St. Waterville; Hannaford Plaza in Brewer; Water St. Hallowell and our newest location, Front St. in Bath! We are your destination for the best in healthy, holistic, all-natural food and treats, the best in toys, collars, leashes, beds, and more with over 4,000 hand selected items in our stores, plus we have access to over 25,000 more products we can special order! We love dogs and cats, and our pets mean the world to us, so we understand how much your pets mean to you! Fenway, Chuck, George, Piper, and Kevin (our dogs) and Meredith (our cat) are our inspiration when choosing new products and deciding what to carry. There isn’t anything in the store that we wouldn’t give to our crew! We are educating ourselves and our team every day on nutrition, treats, toys, and more to help you provide the best for your dogs and cats. We are always open to suggestions on new food and products and how to improve our Self-Serve Dog Wash in order to serve you better. We are here to provide the absolute best for your four-legged friends!

Downeast Dog News

Best Daycare/Boarding Renaissance Dogs


e are so honored to have been voted as the best doggie daycare and kennel in the state of Maine for the 6th time. In a very uncertain time, we continue strive to go above and beyond for our daycare dogs and their families. We appreciate all the love and support that they show us in return. Renaissance Dogs is a special place, and we are so proud to be able to share it with all of you. We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy. Thank you – Rebecca, Maggie, Rick, Shawna, Hayley, Courtney, Miriam, and Katie.

Best Pet-Friendly Lodging The Senator Inn & Spa


As a life-saving organization, the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland

(ARLGP) serves as a safety net for pets near and far. Pets from across our state and country arrive to the ARLGP for the opportunity of a new beginning. Focusing on adoption, education, and community-centered programming, the ARLGP nurtures the connection between pets and people to improve the quality of life in our communities. Join the ARLGP in their life-saving mission! Learn more about how you can get involved at www.arlgp.org


he Senator Inn & Spa is often a popular stay for pet lovers including those on their way to visit children at summer camps, enjoy summer properties on the coast, and a halfway point on theirs journeys to Canada. We value taking care of our guests with inclusive amenities including a full-service spa, conference center, and our well-known Cloud 9 Restaurant. However, it does not end there. We also pride ourselves on being the perfect place to visit with your pet! The Senator Inn has specifically designed pet-friendly rooms with outdoor access that provide short walks to green space, tree lines, and pet stations for exceptional potty breaks. When checking in, you and your furry friend are greeted with a welcome bag full of goodies. Stop by the Spa for a warm greeting and extra puppy treats. This summer, we were excited to invite our canine friends to our pet-friendly Yappy Hour where canines were treated to fresh water and homemade peanut butter banana ice cream at our outside dining area. From prize winning show cats to the dog next door, we have a wonderful history of amazing furry friends. Come stay with us and meet all of the pet lovers at the Senator!!


Delicious Dog Treats & Fun for Your Salty Dog! Ask About Our Maine Lobster Rope Dog Toys Too! Thank you for voting us Best Pet-Friendly Lodging!

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Help for Salty Dogs and Those Who Love Them saltydogsobedience.com I info@saltydogsobedience.com


Thank you to our loyal customers. Without you and your continued support, we wouldn’t be Maine’s Best Pet Product for the 4th year in a row! Thank you for allowing us to bake for your pups!

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Thank you to our clients for voting for us!

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Zucco’s Dog House will care for your dog like they are our own.

95 Carey Dr., Hampden, ME • (207)576-4723 • zuccosdoghouse.com


Downeast Dog News

Preparing Your Dog for Winter & the Holidays As the days get short, the

temperatures drop, and the snow flies, we need to take some extra measures to ensure our dogs will be safe and comfortable. • With decreasing daylight, both you and your dog may be less visible on early morning and late afternoon walks. An orange vest or reflective coat will help make you both more visible and safe. • If your dog gets wet in the rain or snow, dry him off with a towel when he comes back inside. • Once the temperature drops below 20 degrees, it's time to bring your dog indoors. When he is outdoors, make sure he is not exposed to the cold for extended periods. • Shorter haired dogs, those acclimated to warmer climates, and senior dogs may need a coat to stay comfortable when it gets cold outside. • When your dog is indoors, make sure he has a warm, dry spot that is away from drafts. Tile floors and uncarpeted areas may become cold and uncomfortable. • If you have a long-haired dog, make sure you keep him groomed and free of mats and tangles. While long hair will act as an insulator, it loses its insulating properties when it becomes matted. • If your dog has long hair on its feet or in between his pads, have your groomer trim that

can slip, or the ice can break, and he can fall in. • Crusty snow and ice can have sharp edges that can cut some of the thinner skinned breeds' skin and pads. • Be very careful of supplemental heating sources, especially those with a flame. Fireplaces and portable heaters can severely burn your dog. Make sure all fireplaces have screens and keep portable heaters out of reach. • Make sure your wood is stacked securely so that your dog cannot cause it to fall over.

Words, Woofs & Meows by Don Hanson ACCBC, BFRAP, CDBC, CPDT-KA

photo credit: debra bell

hair, so it does not accumulate snow when your dog is outdoors. • Avoid walking your dog on areas that have been treated with salt or any deicer. Afterward, always wipe your dog's feet and pads with a damp cloth. You may want to consider using one of the dog safe products for melting ice. • Be careful if your dog has access to frozen ponds or streams. He

Dealing with the Holidays November and December are typically filled with opportunities for us to gather with family and friends. With COVID, that might not be the case this year, but nevertheless, the holidays may still be a hectic time of year for us, as well as our dogs. Dogs do not always enjoy meeting new people or the frenetic activity that often comes with any holiday gathering. Due to COVID, they may be out of the practice of being around people, so please consider that. • Recognize that if the holidays and 2020, in general, are stressing you out, your dog will pick up on your distress, and it may negatively affect their behavior. Make sure that both you and your dog have a quiet, comfortable hideaway for some down time. Sometimes boarding your dog can make

the holiday more enjoyable for them, you, and your guests. • Dogs do not make good holiday gifts, especially if the person receiving the gift is not aware of it. If you want to get a dog-related gift for someone, give that person a book on selecting a dog or a leash or a toy or a gift certificate for the dog to come. • Many holiday plants such as holly, mistletoe, and poinsettias are poisonous to dogs. Make sure they are someplace where your dog cannot get to them. • Be cautious about where you leave holiday gifts, especially those with food inside. A misplaced box of chocolates can kill a dog. Candy and other holiday treats sweetened with Xylitol can also be fatal when dogs ingest them. • Keep lights and fragile ornaments off the lower branches of your holiday tree where your dog can get to them. • Ensure all electrical cords for holiday lights and decorations are located where your dog will not become entangled in them or attempt to chew on them. • Avoid using edible ornaments on your tree. • Tinsel can be very attractive to dogs and cats and can also be fatal if ingested.

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is committed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.

Charlies Friends doggy dayCare 207-829-6580 42 Middle Road, Cumberland, Me Daycare, Boarding and Grooming Small playgroups Large outside areas Daily dog walks for no additional fee


you for voting for us in the Best of the Best contest! CharliesThank Friends

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Maine Pet Pantries

If you find yourself struggling to feed your pets there are people out there that can help you! The following is a list of some of the pet food pantries available in Maine. Each pantry may provide different products and/or services. We try keep our list updated but please check with the individual pantries for more info. and to confirm their hours/requirements. If you run a pet food pantry and would like to be added to our list for the future please contact: jenn@downeastdognews.com or (207)706-6765.

AniMeals for Seniors Spectrum Generations runs an AniMeals program in conjunction with the Meals on Wheels program for seniors. Belfast, Camden, Brunswick, Muskie Center in Waterville, Skowhegan, Hallowell and Damariscotta. https:// www.spectrumgenerations.org/ nutrition-services/animeals Dogwill We work with Food Banks in Bath, Richmond, Bowdoinham, Whitefield, and Jefferson. Our contact info is: 207-522-1018 by text, Facebook messaging from the Dogwill page or email: dogwillinc@gmail.com Pittie Posse Rescue’s No Bowl Empty Pet Pantry Serving residents of Cumberland, York and Androscoggin Counties. Visit Facebook page for distribution dates and locations www.facebook.com/ pittiepossespetpantry. (207) 619-0027, pittiepossepetpantry@gmail.com ­— ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY — Greater Androscoggin Humane Society 55 Strawberry Ave, Lewiston 783-2311 Every Tuesday, 9 – 11 a.m.

Southern Aroostook Food Pantry 434 Callaghan Road, Houlton 694-6018 Every other week, Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (twice/month) — CUMBERLAND COUNTY — Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland 217 Landing Road, Westbrook 854-9771 Daily: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Call an hour before you plan to stop by. Camp Bow Wow 49 Blueberry Road, Portland 207-541-9247 M-F: 6:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sat: 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sun: 7:30 -10 a.m. and 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Call to check supply levels. Midcoast Humane 30 Range Road, Brunswick 449-1366 x206 Any day, 9am – 3:30 p.m. Call to check supply levels. Steep Falls Library 1128 Pequawket Trl., Steep Falls 675-3132 Mon. & Thurs. 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Call ahead – Curbside only. — HANCOCK COUNTY —

— AROOSTOOK COUNTY — Houlton Humane Society 263 Callaghan Road, Houlton 532-2862 Tues – Fri, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call ahead for pet pantry assistance.

Bar Harbor Food Pantry 36 Mount Desert St in the YMCA basement. 288-3375 Pick-up system – call with list of needs

Hardy’s Friends Non-profit organization, helps pet owners in need in the towns of Gouldsboro and Winter Harbor. Provides dog and cat food, litter, basic flea and tick protection. FMI: susanburke58@hardysfriends.com or 963-7444 SPCA Hancock County 141 Bar Harbor Rd., Trenton 667-8088 Currently open to the public by appointment only. — KENNEBEC COUNTY — Amy Buxton Pet Pantry South Parish UCC 9 Church St, Augusta 622-0552 2nd and 4th Sat. of ea. month. 9 - 10 a.m. If urgent need check with Pastor Richards on Tuesdays or Wednesdays as well. — KNOX COUNTY — PAWS Animal Adoption 123 John St., Camden 236-8702 Pick-up once/month by appointment. Pope Memorial Humane Society 25 Buttermilk Ln., Thomaston 594-2200 Call ahead for pet food/litter assistance. — LINCOLN COUNTY — Action for Animals Maine (for Lincoln County residents) Boothbay Harbor 350-1312

Boothbay Region Food Pantry Congregational Church Eastern Ave., Boothbay Harbor 350-2962 Fridays, 12 – 2 p.m. Ecumenical Food Pantry Second Congregational Church, UCC 51 Main Street, Newcastle 563-1311 Tuesdays 9:30 -11 a.m. Jefferson Food Pantry 72 Gardiner Rd., Jefferson 315-1134 2nd Wed. 9 - 11 a.m. Midcoast Humane 27 Atlantic Highway, Edgecomb 449-1366 x206 Any day, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Call to check supply levels. — PENOBSCOT COUNTY — Bangor Humane Society 693 Mt. Hope Ave., Bangor 942-8902 Call to check supply levels. Furry Friends Food Bank Available through the Eastern Area Agency on Aging in Washington, Penobscot, Hancock and Piscataquis Counties. Services for low income seniors and their companion animals. People must be enrolled with EAAA. Call 941-2865 or 800-432-7812. — WALDO COUNTY — Waldo County Pet Food Panty VFW 34 Field Street, Belfast 3rd Saturday of every month, 12:30 p.m. 322-3237

Do you have a pet-friendly business? Reser ve your space today in the 2021 petMAINE guide! “The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Maine with Your Pets”

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Contact ­Jenn Rich, jrich@rfbads.com or (207)706-6765


Downeast Dog News

The Treatment of Behavior Problems: A Behaviorists Secret Behavior problems are one of the leading reasons why pets lose their homes and sometimes their lives. When their pet has a behavior problem, many pet owners are not sure what to do or who can help them. Some will consult with their veterinarian or trainers while others will research online or ask a friend. Online searches often result in a multitude of websites containing conflicting opinions and solutions. These can be confusing and sometimes even dangerous. In dogs, there are many different behavior problems ranging from aggression to house-soiling and from anxiety to compulsive behaviors. Some dogs have a bite history while others refuse to leave the front porch. During thunderstorms, many hide in the bathtub or under the bed. Some dogs try to bite the veterinarian and others bark and lunge when on leash. Regardless of the behavior, there are five basic principles to every

treatment plan. Part I: Management Management is always the first step when it comes to the treatment of behavior problems. If your dog charges the door when visitors arrive, place your dog in a “safe haven” away from guests until they have entered the home. Teach your dog to wear a basket muzzle if he has a bite history or if you worry that he might bite. Using window film may reduce barking out the window while tools such as a front clip harness may reduce pulling on leash and provide more control. Part II: Communication Often with behavior problems, there is a breakdown in communication between pets and their people. Frustration, embarrassment, and often desperation lead to misunderstandings and a break down in relationships. In order to become better communicators, we must learn how to “speak dog.” While humans use words to communicate, dogs use their bodies.

The position of their tail, the lowering of their head, the position of their ears, and the whites of their eyes all tell us a story about what they are thinking and feeling. Once we know what our dogs are telling us, we can

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then use that information to manage our dog’s behavior and help it make better choices. In addition to reading body language, training can help us communicate clearly with dogs. Training is not behavior modification. Teaching your dog behaviors such as eye contact, targeting (“touch”), “sit”, “come”, and where you want it to “place” gives opportunities to reinforce your dog for desired behaviors. When teaching new behaviors, it is important not to correct your dog for mistakes. Training methods which focus on “mistakes”, “corrections”, and basically stopping behaviors often result in side effects such as fear and anxiety, making behaviors worse and not better. Positive reinforcement such as a food rewards, game of fetch or tug, and for some dogs, petting,

See TREATMENT on page 19

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of the


Rescue of the Month: Pulled from the Pits Creating a Better World for Homeless Bully Breeds By Susan Spisak

“So, I save Pit Bulls,” laughed Kelly Ouellette, Founder and President of Pulled from the Pits when asked about her rescue’s efforts. She’d been working in shelters since she was 16 years old and her first dog was a Pit. That was that, “I fell in love with the breed.” This passion led her to become a Veterinary Technician – she’s currently working at Tender Touch Veterinary Hospital in Scarborough. But the experience at past vet clinics and shelters, where many of her beloved breed were feared or turned away, opened her eyes to the misconceptions of Pits. “Pit bulls are the dogs that get overlooked…who everyone’s afraid of, they’re the dogs that nobody wanted.” Kelly, a single mom to two teens and a few dogs as well, wanted to

change this injustice and began her own rescue efforts last year with the help of Georgia shelter friends. “Before I knew it, it just exploded.” Her rescuesavvy good friend, Morgan Miles, came on board as vice president while their “big fan,” Amanda Williams, rounded out the board and serves as adoption coordinator. In their short time as a fosterbased rescue, 350+ dogs have found new homes. While many of their dogs are from Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana high-kill shelters, they accept local owner surrenders and non-bully breeds such as German Shepherds. “We have a hard time saying no.” They also get their share of “problem children” with behavioral or trust issues – these dogs may have had a rough life and are tweaked in their costly “board and train program.” Funding for this and all vetting costs

comes from donations and adoption fees. They also rely on smart fosters who can train on commands and home manners. Normally they use professional transports, but recently Kelly and her crew flew to Oklahoma to pull 16 dogs on death row – they rented a vehicle to drive them back to Maine. She wanted to have a hands-on experience, and through that “Oklahoma Rescue Mission” she has an even greater respect for transporters and is more committed to her mission. A recent addition to their efforts is kittens and cats. While she feels cats are a little “more challenging” than their dogs, Kelly’s excited that the kittens they have currently are all ready for adoption. Regardless if you’re interested in a dog or cat, you’ll need to fill out and pass a home, vet, and personal reference application.

She had one last thought on why Pitties have a negative reputation: “It’s because of people, it’s not the dog. They always had a bad rap. It’s people and how they portray these dogs.” She’s determined Pulled from the Pits can change that. “We’re just out here [trying to prove] that they’re the true nanny dog and they’re fabulous. We’ll keep doing that until we don’t have to do it anymore.” They serve central Maine and surrounding areas and desperately need additional foster homes, volunteers, and donations. For their Amazon wish list of needed items, visit facebook.com/Pulledfromthepits/ posts/323802822348564. For all applications, pulledfromthepits. com/. You can donate via PayPal to Pulledfromthepits1@gmail.com, or checks can be sent to 17 Lower Road, Minot, Maine 04258.

Suke, 10 mos., Pit/Spaniel Mix

Bayne, 2-3 yrs.

Fully housebroken, crate trained, loves other dogs, cats, and women. She takes a bit longer to warm up to men but does so very nicely and is now her foster dad’s snuggle buddy. She doesn’t care for young kids – her best match will be a no-children home or preteen and up. All that said, she is the best dog ever. She loves to watch TV, snuggle, ride shotgun, roll in the yard, play in the dirt, play with toys, and gives the best hugs and kisses. She is fairly submissive and lets the foster’s puppy sleep on her, shares hers toys and plays nicely at tug of war.

Bayne is people and dog friendly. She is current on vaccines, is being spayed, and will be ready for her forever home. Bayne came to us after her family was evicted from their home and they needed help placing her. We took in Bayne and her final puppy and her puppy’s been placed, so now it’s her turn.

Apply today to adopt one of these gorgeous girls at https://www.pulledfromthepits.com/applications

Sponsored by Raymond (207)655-6760 • So. Paris (207)743-8960 • Bridgton (207)647-2383 Jay (207)897-3333 • Lewiston (207)783-1366 • Newport (207)368-4329 Portland (207)797-3151 • Turner (207)225-2525 • Winthrop (207)377-2614


Help us find a forever home!

Become a sponsor and help raise money for a Maine rescue. jenn@downeastdognews.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765

Most rescues are showing dogs by appointment only right now. Please visit their website or give them a call if interested in one of these dogs. Aretha



7 mos., Lab Mix

4-5 mos.

Aretha was rescued from a hoarding situation and is very shy. She needs time and patience to learn how to be her best dogself. She also needs another, confident dog in her home. She is also fine with cats.

Will is a super happy, energetic and adaptable pup who will likely do well in any home. He likes learning new tricks and is very playful. He may act like he hates his kennel but he’s fine once he’s in it and sleeps through the night.

FMI: almosthomerescue.net

FMI: fetchinghope.com

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1 yr., Terrier Mix

Rico loves other dogs! He would love to have another dog in his home to play with and learn from. He is wary of people, especially strangers, but is learning that they provide yummy treats. He needs a quiet home where he can form a lasting bond with his humans. He is ok with cats, but kids would probably be too scary for him. FMI: almosthomerescue.net


5 yr., Beagle/ Chihuahua

Came from a challenging situation and needs a special home with someone who is understanding & patient. She wants to be the only pet, and no children, please. She has a lot of energy and a playful spirit. Needs a quiet, committed home. FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/petfinder.html

Zephyr Rose

She is happy, kind and energetic. Gets along well with other dogs and would do great with a friend, but she would also do well anywhere. She is very food driven and loves her crate but is still working on sleeping through the night. FMI: fetchinghope.com

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

First National Bank

16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais 1-800-564-3195 • thefirst.com

4-5 mos., Hound Mix

Sunray Animal Clinic

73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com

Scarborough Animal Hospital

29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412 scarboroughanimalhospital.com


Brody 1 yr.

3 yrs.

Email: luckypuprescue@yahoo.com

Email: luckypuprescue@yahoo.com

A gorgeous brindle dog and such a good and loving boy! He loves to play with both humans and dogs. After a long day of playing Brody will melt in your arms for some snuggles. No cats. Brody had never lived in a home so he is still working on learning the rules.


2 yrs., Mixed Breed

A happy, affectionate, spunky young dog with special needs. He has a neurological condition that caused the underdevelopment of his back end. His foster is working with him and he has a brand new 4 wheeled cart. FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/petfinder.html


A handsome big boy who needs a very patient and understanding family who is ready to work with the shyest of boys. Would not do well with small children or a lot of people coming and going. He does best in the presence of another dog and a consistent routine.


6-7 yrs., Lab/Chow Mix

Bubba loves being petted! He has scoliosis and is a little sore in the back end, so a home with few steps is best. He is indifferent to cats. A home without other dogs might be best. Bubba is not high energy. FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/petfinder.html


2.5 yr., Catahoula Leopard Hound

1 yr., Shepherd Mix

2 yrs., Mixed Breed

FMI: Email: sln2310@yahoo.com

FMI: Animal Refuge League, (207)854-9771

FMI: Animal Refuge League, (207)854-9771

An energetic, exuberant adolescent pup. Needs a home that has Catahoula experience and is active. Zephyr is a love and when she looks at you with those eyes, your heart will melt. She has not really been exposed to children.


A sweet girl looking for just the right home to help her become more confident. Nala needs a quiet home with a fenced in back yard and would benefit from an ARLGP training class. Looking for a home where she is the only animal and ideally no children.

An energetic guy that is looking for a home that can help him become a more confident companion at his own pace. He is unsure of new people, but once he gets to know you his goofy side comes out and he'll keep you laughing.


November C lendar To submit or get more information on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com

Nail Trimming Clinic


Saturday, November 7 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM

Cyber Furry Tales Story Hour

Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

Thursdays, November 5, 12, 19 Online, 10AM – 11Am


Tuesday, November 17 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM

Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.

Nail Trimming Clinic Sunday, November 22

Rockland, 12PM – 2PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

Auction for the Animals Friday, November 27 – Wednesday, December 9 Online

PAWS Animal Adoption Center is taking its largest annual fundraiser 100% online this year! Starting at midnight on Black Friday (November 27), bidding on dozens of amazing items from local businesses and beyond will be open to all. The best part? 100% of the proceeds from the auction go to help the animals at PAWS. Mark your calendars, you won't want to miss this one. 50/50 Raffle 11/9 – 12/9. Online auction 11/27 – 12/9. pawsadoption.org

Each week is a new animal adventure for our toddler and preschool friends! We invite everyone - daycares, classrooms and little friends at home with their parents or babysitters - to join us via Zoom! Meeting ID: 818 4108 2830, For passcode, please visit https:// animalwelfaresociety.org/youth/furrytales/ If you can't make it to the live reading, the recorded program will be available on our You Tube Channel. Families can sit down together and catch it on demand.


Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews.com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar.


Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors Add your comments TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!

limited trim, we can accomodate most dogs


Downeast Dog News

Business Directory Midcoast


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TREATMENT from page 15 is the preferred method to capture, shape, and reward desired behaviors. Daily reinforcement in the form of SMART x 50 or See Mark And Reward Training (Kathy Sdao - Plenty in Life is Free) can help you focus on desired behaviors rather than undesired ones. Count out 50 pieces of your dog’s food every day and stash it in containers around the house. If you catch your dog doing something you like, reward her with a piece of food and walk on. Once you are marking 50 behaviors every day, increase to 100 and later 150 behaviors every day. Remember to keep a container by the front door to mark and reward your dog for quiet behavior at the door. Part III: Tools and Basic Needs Today, there are a large number of tools available to help manage behaviors such as head collars, front clip harnesses, leashes, gates, ex-pens, and crates. Clickers can be used as markers for communication and even remote activated treat dispensers such as the “Treat and Train” or

“Pet Tutor” are available to reward desired behaviors from a distance. These tools are helpful to reduce the practice of unwanted behavior and in some cases reduce the need for behavior modification. Food dispensing and puzzle toys are also considered tools. Items such as a snuffle mat, LickiMat™, stuffed Kong, West Paw toys, and many more can help manage behaviors such as separation anxiety, storm phobia, and even fear of unfamiliar people. Feeding out of these tools gives your dog something to focus on in its safe haven and can reduce stress when attaching a leash or placing a harness over your dog’s head. You can also use these tools at the veterinary hospital, when giving your dog a bath, and to help build good relationships with people or dogs. In addition to using tools, basic needs such as physical exercise and mental enrichment are necessary to reduce overall stress levels and promote relaxation. Daily walks and games such as playing with a “Flirt Pole” (squishyfacestudio.com) or a game of fetch can be both physically

and mentally stimulating while building positive relationships with people. Part IV: Behavior Modification Behavior modification is the method used to make long term changes with behavior. This is where we change emotional responses and reinforce the dog for making better choices. For example, dogs can be reinforced for choosing to make eye contact on walks instead of barking, growling, or lunging at another dog. Methods such as “Open Bar: Closed Bar” help the dog associate the presence of a trigger with good things while lowering arousal levels, ultimately changing the dog’s response. Food “rains from the sky” in the presence of a trigger (Open Bar) and dries up when the trigger disappears (Closed Bar). Before behavior modification can take place, a basic understanding of dog body language and training skills are needed. Practice of foundational skills is key. The dog should easily provide eye contact and other focus behaviors such as targeting. Relaxation on a mat can be useful when working


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Contact Jenn for more information (207)706-6765; jenn@downeastdognews.com with aggression between dogs as well as help with many anxieties and fears: noise and storm phobias and generalized anxiety. Behavior modification is a slow process which often takes several sessions before noticeable changes in behavior become evident. Part V: Medications Medications are often needed to lower overall anxiety and arousal levels while increasing learning potentials. There are different types of medications with some being used on an as needed basis and others every day regardless of triggers. Since there are very few medications dedicated to just animals, many of these medications are human. Many of these medications are very safe to use and can make a big difference when it comes to changing your dog’s behavior.

Christine D. Calder, DVM, DACVB

Director of Behavior Services at Midcoast Humane

More Hot Dog News

Thank you to last month’s sponsors in our Adopt-A-Dog issue!

Thanks to you we were able to include many dogs, print them all in color and donate to FOUR of the rescues! We put the rescues’ names into a drawing and this year’s recipients were Responsible Pet Care (So. Paris), Pope Memorial Humane Society (Thomaston), Fetching Hope Rescue (Westbrook) and Animal Welfare Society (Kennebunk) Androscoggin Animal Hospital, Topsham Bean Group – Stacy Colby Barnes, Gardiner Damariscotta Veterinary Clinic First National Bank, 16 branches Wiscasset to Calais Furniture Superstore, Lisbon, So. Portland Harbor Hounds, Rockland Inn by the Sea, Cape Elizabeth


Kompletely K-9 Dog Training & Rehabilitation, Montville NVDesigns, Rockland Oxford Hills Veterinary Hospital, So. Paris Paris Farmers Union, Raymond, So. Paris, Bridgton, Jay, Lewiston, Newport, Portland, Turner, Winthrop Red’s Eats & Deborah Gagnon, Wiscasset Ridge Runner Veterinary Services, Winterport

Saco & Biddeford Savings, Saco, Biddeford, Old Orchard Beach, Portland, Scarborough, So. Portland, Westbrook Scarborough Animal Hospital Silver Paw Pet Tags, Brownfield Sunray Animal Clinic, Brunswick Tasteful Things, Bridgton The Salty Dog Pet Grooming, Camden, Union, Damariscotta, Wiscasset, Hallowell, Belfast


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