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Chamber Benefits
Why Belong to the Greater Bridgton Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce?
Chamber membership is profitable for your business! Membership in your local Chamber tells patrons that you are a strong, community-involved establishment.
A national study reveals that membership in a local chamber commerce significantly boosts a business’s image among consumers and other businesses.
The study by The Schapiro Group, an Atlanta-based market research firm, is good news for all Chamber members:
• When consumers know that a business is a member of the local chamber, they are 44 percent more likely to rate is favorably
• Consumers are 63 percent more likely to buy goods and services from a company they believe is a member of the chamber of commerce
• When consumers believe a restaurant chain is a chamber member they are 40 percent more likely to eat there.
24/7 Availability on our Website –Whether you already have a Web site or not, when people search the Chamber Web site, they can find you by category, business name or location. We’re also here to answer questions about your business, promote it, and refer potential clients, while you’re boat or skiing.
As a chamber member, you can be listed in up to 4 categories on our website and in our Area Guide at no additional cost! This gives you GREAT exposure!
NEW THIS YEAR! The new chamber website has a portal just for you! You will get log in credentials so you can edit your profile, add sales, events and more! Have an event? Let us know and we’ll get it on our calendar! Annual Area Guide – This is a beautiful Area Guide with great photos, ads, from you (Chamber members get a discount!) and surrounding businesses, a membership list by category; plus business descriptions, Calendar of Events and an area map. Only Chamber members are listed on the membership list.
Member to Member Discounts –Participate and offer a discount to other Chamber members or just take advantage of the discounts offered to you! From attorneys to cleaning, pet services, health care and snowmobile rentals, you save because you are a chamber member.
Weekly Chamber Update- Our emailed “Chamber Chatter” is sent out weekly to over 3000 subscribers, members and “friends of the Chamber.” Tons of information is shared, and for a minimal fee you can share an ad with all of the readers.
Social Media Participation- This has become one of the favorite benefits of our Chamber members! When your business posts to Facebook and Instagram, (as long as we see it) we will SHARE it with all our friends on our Greater Bridgton Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce page! You’ll get lots more exposure that way!
After Hours- Open to the public and held the 4th Thursday of each month and multiple Thursdays during the summer months, this networking event is a great way to showcase YOUR business. No Chamber fee involved, your event will be promoted on our Web site, on our Facebook page, in the Chamber Chatter, and sent out as a press release to the local papers. Dates go quickly, so some business like to “partner” and share a date.
Member Spotlight- SSelect the week you’d like. Set up a display in our window at the Chamber office on Main Street and we’ll display your business name/logo/ad/event on our 75” monitor that plays all day in our office for all to see. We’ll promote your business with a post in the Chamber Chatter, on our Web site and on our Facebook page.
Invest in the Greater Bridgton Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce today and grow your business!