2019 January Downeast Dog News

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Hot Dog News

American Kennel Club Approves Carolyn Fuhrer as a Tracking Judge The American Kennel Club

is pleased to announce that Carolyn Fuhrer of Somerville, Maine is officially an AKC Tracking Judge approved to judge AKC TD and TDU events. Carolyn Fuhrer teaches tracking at her North Star Dog Training School in Somerville. She has tracked with her Golden Retrievers since 1996 and has earned two Champion Tracker titles (AKC’s highest tracking achievement) and her dogs have qualified in 10 TDX tests. Carolyn teaches tracking clinics and workshops throughout the year in Maine and surrounding states.

Green Acres Kennel Shop

has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Best Kennels and Top 25 Best Dog Trainers in Best Businesses of America’s 19th annual Best of New England ratings for 2018. The results of this rating survey are based on surveyed New England areas and their local survey company’s top-rated businesses in their local survey areas. This rating is based on Market Surveys of America’s survey in the Greater Bangor area. When Green Acres’ co-owner Don Hanson was asked for his reaction to this honor he responded; “Green Acres’ is fortunate to have a team of dedicated, knowledgeable, and compassionate pet care technicians, customer service associates, dog training instructors, and a pet care stylist that are committed to pet care and training that is free of pain, force, or fear. Our clients are people who consider their pet a family member and want their dogs and cats cared for with kindness. It’s that simple. We are privileged to serve such a great community and are thankful for their continued vote of confidence year after year.”

Attention Wedding Professionals and Pet-friendly Venues! Next month we will be running a special feature on dog-friendly weddings. If you have a pet-friendly venue or business you would like to promote to couples who would like to include their dog(s) in their special day please contact Jenn by January 14th. jenn@downeastdognews.com or (207)706-6765.


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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2019 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

January 2019

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Last month, I was just returning home from Ireland, and it was cold and snowy. I felt like I had no closure in between seasons. It looks as though I have been given a do-over on my transi on into winter. I got to see my lawn again! I can’t believe how quickly this year has gone. I s ll feel like it was just summer, and I was trying to get all of my outdoor projects done. Now it’s me for indoor projects! I certainly have plenty, so I hope that helps move the winter along. One major project is to purge things that I do not need, and poor Pep may be par ng with some of her toys because they are just everywhere! There must be some that have received plenty of love and destruc on that they can now be tossed. She probably doesn’t even know they exist, but I always try to be sneaky about it because I feel bad throwing them away in front of her. Since it is winter and our dogs and perhaps we ourselves might need to push ourselves for exercise this me of year, Susan has put together a nice cover story on places to hike with your dog. She tried to cover areas from all parts of the state. Always double check before leaving to make sure dogs are s ll allowed and nothing has changed with the rules. I am certainly going to make this one of my winter goals to get myself and Pepper out more. I really am a fair weather hiker and do not like to be cold or super-hot for that ma er, but we need to keep moving. It does help that Pepper has her puppy cousin Phoebe that also needs to get out and just adores spending me with her. Diana has shared a great ar cle with us this month as well that will come in handy during these hikes on how to teach your dog to behave in public and ways to teach him not to lunge or react to the other dogs and people. This is something we are s ll working on ourselves. Pepper is so excited to see other dogs and has no idea that they might not be excited to see her. She is doing be er with

people and actually seems to be catching on that she would get treats as they pass, but we need more work on ignoring the dogs. This month, we have a special feature on trainers in our center spread, so if you have some things you would like to work on with your dog, there are many trainers from all over to consider. Some of them also teach agility and nose work if that might be something you have been considering. Please keep in mind agility is not for everyone, and just because your dog has a lot of energy

does not necessarily make him a good candidate. Dogs need to be welled trained and obedient. These folks will be able to help you make the determina on if agility is a good fit. We are now entering the 14th year of Downeast Dog News and the beginning of my 4th year as Publisher. The me has flown by, and again, I thank everyone who supports us and reads our paper. Cheers to another new year of goals and unknown things to come! All the best, Jenn and Pepper

“A good dog never dies. He always stays. He walks beside you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near. His head is within our hand in his old way” ― Mary Carolyn Davies Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


3-month minimum recommended

10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 15th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 New Year, New "Tricks"...... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


As you know, your pets love talking to you! So many of you would be able to do this if you could turn off your ego and really trust that your intui on is usually right. If you do get something when you ask them what they want, fight the urge to immediately think, “There’s no way I just heard that!” You really did! I wish you all a happy New Year and would like to share some mini readings with you to start 2019 off right. MB Boudreau asked about Bailey, an 8 year old yellow lab and Mac, a 9 year old Wes e. She wants to know if they are happy. As soon as I ask them, Mac starts screaming YES!!!! YES!!!! If Mac were a human, he would be the kid in the class who keeps raising his hand to answer every single ques on the teacher asks, regardless if he knows the answer or not. Mac is content with the way things are and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Bailey is very happy, too, but is a bit more chill. He’s laying on his side and could care less what everyone else is doing as long as he isn’t bothered. They do love each other a lot! Donna E. asks about Duke, a yellow lab they adopted at age 4 when he was unwanted by his family. Her comment was, “Loved this guy. He passed over to the rainbow bridge with my heart dragging behind him.” Duke is so excited to see you! He knew he was unwanted before he was with you, and he was so hesitant to totally relax when you first got him because he didn’t want to do anything else wrong. This was hard at first because before you he could do no right. You taught him about compassion and mee ng people where they are. I get a whoosh of goosebumps, especially on the right side of my head. Pay a en on to when that happens to you because it’s really him saying hello!

Rat Poison Q. My house is inundated with mice, and they are driving my terrier crazy. I resorted to a poison. Now I am worried Jack will get into it. What signs will I see if he ate some?

A. This is a banner year for rodents. Just driving down the street you see all the rodent road kill. Now with the weather ge ng cold, the li le buggers are coming indoors and driving a lot of dogs ba y. If you are using a poison, care must be taken to keep your dog from inges ng it. There are many roden cides at your local hardware store or big box store. Read the labels carefully because not all poisons are the same. Here I will go over the more common poisons. The original rat poisons were an coagulants. This means that the chemical in the poison keeps the blood from clo ng, so the animal that ingests the poison will bleed to death. The ac ve ingredient on the package will say warfarin, chlorophacinone, or diphacinone. Second genera on an coagulants are called superwarfarins, these include brodifacoum, difethialone bromadiolone, difenacoum. These are so effec ve only a single dose is needed. These chemicals are slow to be excreted from the body and are stored in the liver. Superwarfarins are so toxic they are only sold to licensed professionals. So what happens to your dog if he ingests the poison? It takes three to five days before the symptoms appear


Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

Tracy M. has Jus ce, a 10 year old yellow lab with chronic back issues. “Anything more we can do for him? He’s super loved and an over the top spoiled puppy.” It’s interes ng because I expected to only feel my lower back, but it really does go all the way up his spine. He feels buzzy to me which would make sense if he’s on medica ons as I’m reading him. I don’t think there’s anything else you can do for him, but you have been and are doing an amazing job managing his care. I think he gets be er care than most humans! He doesn’t think he’s spoiled because he feels as though he’s earned it. Lol! Lynn S. wants to know if Jackson, a 7 year old Labrador is happy and fulfilled. This answer totally cracks me up! He says the only thing that would make him more content is if you could understand what he is trying to

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman

from the ingested poison. They become lethargic, refuse to eat, and are weak. The symptoms may vary depending on where the bleeding occurs. The dog may cough if the bleeding occurs in the lungs, and he will have pale gums as a sign of internal bleeding. There may be bruising, o en seen as purplish spots under the skin. The belly may swell from internal bleeding. You may see bleeding from the nose, gums, and rectum. The treatment is to give the dog Vitamin K1, which is available by prescrip on. The treatment is for three to four weeks. Another class of rat poison contains cholecalciferol. This is a class of vitamin D. Rodents are more suscep ble to high doses of vitamin

tell you! I feel like he stares at you, and you ask him what he wants, and it’s like his eyes are screaming the answers, but you just can’t hear them. He does think in pictures, so if you ask him what he wants be open to, the first thought or image that pops into your head is it no ma er how ridiculous it is. Brianna W. has a Chow. “Did she have fun at daycare and would she like to go back?” YES!!!! Holy smokes, that’s a huge yes! You know when you aren’t the cool kid in real life and then you meet people who don’t know you and they actually think you are? That’s exactly how she felt when she was there. She loved it, and they treat the dogs really well there. I see a guy playing a bit rough with some of the dogs that can handle it (not a bad rough, kind of like how a lot of us play with our pups at home), and she thought it was awesome! Lisa Marie S. asked about Sybil, a gray and white deceased cat. Was she ok with the decision they had to make? Yes, she absolutely is. She feels really, really red when I tap into her energy. When I envision picking her up, she goes very limp. To me, this is the end of her life, and she was at peace when that me came. She smiles and wants you to know that she visits in dreams but not always as a cat. I actually see a doe or a deer with no antlers staring at me, so if there’s one that likes to stare at you, it’s her! Melanie N. wants to know if Roscoe, a Golden retriever Newfie mix was upset when she let him go to his new family and couldn’t bring herself to visit. He is no longer living. You know, he was actually relieved you didn’t go because he would have felt so guilty for loving them as much as

he did. They were a perfect match for him, and they were strict with rules and expecta ons, which is exactly what he needed. He says thank you and wishes you peace. Jessica M. has Loki, a husky. “Does he want us to try for a playmate, or does he want to live the rest of his life with us a single dog?” He hated the last puppy we brought home. He really would like a playmate, and he would like a male dog vs. a female. I don’t think that the puppy you brought home was going to be as healthy as you would have liked. You need a dog that can run, and I see the puppy’s hips rota ng a bit funny. Loki suggests you get a dog under a year old that doesn’t look too puppyish. Finally, Jenn L. wants to know why Duck, a Chihuahua, is so protec ve of her. Her kids can’t come near if he is si ng with her. Duck is too funny! He says you don’t stand up for yourself enough. If you just sat down and someone wants a drink, you get up and get it. If you just opened your book to read (Duck says that rarely happens), someone else needs something. He wants you to tell people to knock it off and do something for themselves! He’s grumpy because you’re being taken advantage of. Thank you again for all of your ques ons! If you’d like to schedule a longer reading, please go to www. enlightenedhorizons.com and the Online Booking page.

D. A chain of events happen in the rat’s body from the high levels of calcium in the blood caused by the high amount of vitamin D. The rodents develop first kidney failure, then heart abnormali es, high blood pressure, diges ve upset, and suppression of their central nervous system. Examples of cholecalciferol containing poisons are Quintox, True Grit, Ortho Rat-BGone, Mouse-B-Gone, and Rampage. Only a small amount of this poison can cause problems in your dog. Call your veterinarian immediately. Within 24 hours, the dog will become weak and lethargic, not eat, vomit, and have an increase in thirst and urina on. Two to four days later, he may develop acute kidney failure. There is no specific treatment for this poisoning. The dog will need extensive suppor ve care. Aggressive treatment may be necessary for two to four weeks post-inges on. Bromethalin rat poison kills by making the brains swell. Examples are Fast Kill, Assault, Vengeance, Tomcat with bromethalin, and Trounce. A small amount of this can cause problems. If you know your dog ate this, call your veterinarian right away. You will want to induce vomi ng. The symptoms are caused by the swelling of the brain. These can include abnormal pupil sizes, wobbly gait, tremors, seizures, hyper-excitability, and death. Symptoms begin 2 to 24 hours a er inges on of the poison. Occasionally, the symptoms develop days later and can only affect the hind legs. There is no specific treatment other than suppor ve care such as

inducing vomi ng, gastric lavage, ac vated charcoal, IV fluids, and careful monitoring. Drugs may be given to decrease the swelling of the brain and control seizures. The last poison is zinc phosphide. This is usually in poison bait (Moletox) for moles and gophers. This poison releases phosphide gas once it reaches the stomach. It works by blocking the cells from making energy and then the cells die. In the dog, it only takes a small amount and causes the stomach bloa ng, vomi ng, stomach pain, shock, and liver damage. Guardians are not encouraged to induce vomi ng because the gas is a respiratory irritant. If you suspect this type of poison, call your veterinarian right away. Symptoms may develop within a half hour to four hours. There is no an dote for this poison. Treatment management needs to be le up to the veterinarian. The prognosis is guarded. The bo om line is this: if using roden cides, make sure the poison is in containers the dog cannot open and placed where he can’t get to it. There are alterna ves to these products. Call a professional for help. If you suspect your dog has ingested poison, call your vet right away and take the box of the poison with you. Every second counts with fast-ac ng products. Remember the possibility of secondary toxicity if your dog eats a dead rat.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings, workshops and fundraisers. Go to www.enlightenedhorizons.com FMI and to schedule a reading. email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine 04330 www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

WINTER from page 1 Traveling a distance to the trailhead? Check the weather in that area-unfavorable condi ons may necessitate a des na on change. For late winter/ spring hikes, spray ck repellent on your dog when temps reach the 40’s; the cri ers can and do live. Here’s a sample of dog-friendly trails, preserves, and parks that Maine’s regions have to offer. Make a game of it and see how many you and your faithful companion can conquer this year. (Unless otherwise noted, park fees are free.) Star ng with the Midcoast region, Erickson Fields Preserve in Rockport features a family- and dog-friendly 1+ mile trail that loops across fields and forests. (If your dog will sit obediently for you, you can workout at fitness sta ons do ed along the route.) This is an easy hike, good for those just star ng out or if you have a dog who can’t overexert. It’s worth no ng that Erickson Fields is just one of the countless Maine Coast Heritage Trusts’ public preserves, and most are suitable for hiking. They include waterfront parks, forests, islands, and community garden spaces. For the many adventures in these preserves, visit mcht.org/visit-apreserve/. Dog policies are noted under “Preserve Informa on & Guidelines.” Camden Hills State Park has dogfriendly trails (leashed only) that will interest novice to experienced hikers. Atop Mt. Ba e and Mt. Megun cook, you’ll see the beau ful town of Camden and Penobscot Bay. Day use fee for an adult state resident is $4, 65+ are free. (Mt. Ba e’s car access road may be closed due to weather and/or staffing from Nov 1 to May 1; for the park’s phone number and details--maine.gov/ dacf/parks/trail_ac vi es/camden_ trail_condi ons.shtml.) The Boothbay Region Land Trust or BRLT and its preserves provide over 30 miles of year round pet-friendly trails. One in par cular is The Ovens Mouth Preserve in Boothbay. It has over 5 miles of trails for all hiking levels that span two peninsulas and are joined by a bridge. You’ll enjoy quiet coves,

Asa and Chuck Billy at Mt. Agamen cus in York, ME. PHOTO CREDIT: LivingwithaGolden.com

scenic shorelines, and salt marshes. For a lis ng of BRLT’s preserves and trails, go to bbrlt.org/trails-2/%20bbrlt.org/ trails-2/. In the Greater Portland/Casco Bay Region, Back Cove Trail is one is of the most popular trails in Portland. The 3+ mile loop around Back Cove showcases the city’s skyline. This is considered easy and is a great dog-walking spot for locals and day-trippers alike. About 30 miles west of Portland is Sawyer Mountain Highlands near the towns of Limington and Limerick. It’s a peaceful, moderate to advanced hike and has an almost 6 mile network of trails. Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park near Freeport covers 244 acres and is open year round. There are 4 miles of easy to moderate trails surrounded by the shorelines of Casco Bay and the Harraseeket River. Fees are $4 for adult state residents, 65+ are free. Pack a lunch, there’s picnic areas. If you want to take a nice seashore walk, head to The Maine Beaches Region and its Ferry Beach State Park in Saco. Dogs are allowed on the ocean beach before April 1 (and a er September 30). There’s also an almost 2 mile network of trails for an easy hike.

Fees are $5 for adult state residents, 65+ are free. The Downeast and Acadia Region boasts the “Crown Jewel of the North Atlan c Coast,” Acadia Na onal Park near Bar Harbor. There are 45 miles of carriage roads and 100 miles of hiking trails in the park where pets are permi ed, including a few on Cadillac Mountain--where you’ll see amazing views of the ocean and outlying islands. Private vehicle fee is $30, good for 7 days. There are petfriendly accommoda ons nearby for an overnight trip. Monday, January 21 is one of five 2019 entrance fee-free days. (Certain trails are be er suited for dogs, and there are restric ons, including mandated leash length of 6 . or under.) In the Maine Highlands Region, you’ll find Bangor Land Trust's North Penjajawoc Forest with adjacent dogfriendly trails (on-leash only) in the North Forest. Even though this is just a 1.6 mile network of trails, they’re off the beaten path. So if ge ng back to nature is your thing, put this on your list. The trails in the Caribou Bog Conserva on Area in Orono offer easy, moderate, and advanced networks in varied forests that include Newman Hill,

Bangor Hill, and the Bog. Dogs need to be under control and are not allowed on groomed ski trails. The Kennebec Valley Region has the Sally Mountain Trail, a 6+ mile trail located near Jackman, with excellent views of A ean Lake. (alltrails.com/trail/ us/maine/sally-mountain-trail) Nearby Sally Mountain Cabins offer pet-friendly accommoda ons for a hiking vaca on-there’s plenty of trails in the Jackman area. The Maine Lakes and Mountains Region in western Maine offers trails from strenuous to easy. There’s Tumbledown Mountain with its three peaks, 700-foot cliffs and a pond near the summit. (Pets must be leashed as it is a fragile ecosystem.) From Li le Jackson Mountain you’ll see Saddleback and Sugarloaf Mountains, Mount Blue, and Webb Lake. Each trail may be explored separately as a day hike, or a ack several trails together in a loop. Up in the Aroostook County Region near Presque Isle is Aroostook State Park, Maine’s first state park. It has almost 3 miles of trails weaving up Quaggy Jo Mountain and they range in difficulty. The 1 mile Ridge Trail is ranked as the easiest; it runs along a ridge with varied terrain and you’ll overlook Echo Lake. Dogs aren’t allowed on groomed ski trails. Day fees are $3 for Maine adults, 65 and up are free. Last, but not least (and not limited to a specific region), The Appalachian Trail, which runs from Georgia to Maine, has 282 miles of trails through the Pine Tree State. Some trails are easy to moderate, while others are very difficult (and may not be suitable or allow dogs). For details visit www.appalachiantrail.org/ home/explore-the-trail/hiking-basics/ groups-families-and-pets. For safety, choose trails that are best suited for you and your dog. And remember, hiking’s not only a great ac vity but it will enhance your bond with your buddy. So get out and trek on! (For details, hours, and direc ons to parks without a link, search the Internet using park/trail name. For other dogfriendly trails across the state, visit mainetrailfinder.com/.)

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Maine Veterinary Medical Center ......6

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Pleasant Hill Kennels ...........................5

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January 2019


Dog-Dog Reac vity is Contagious Let's do Basic something about it! W Training hen you and your dog are enjoying a walk together, how would you like her to behave when she no ces another dog? There are several possibili es and each of them dictates what might happen in the future. Here are a few standard op ons: 1. Your dog barks and lunges. This is unfortunately very commonplace and is a reac on akin to a human yelling, swearing, and waving his gun menacingly at a stranger. Talk about rude…! Emo ons erupt for humans and dogs alike; your dog is now amped up and pulling (if on leash), and the situa on is very difficult to manage. If the dogs are close, it could result in a fight. Even if they aren’t, it takes quite a while for your dog to calm down, and the innocent dog on the receiving end has just been harassed (which will affect his view of other dogs). Then there’s the next dog around the next corner… and another inevitable bout of reac vity occurs. I don’t know anybody who chooses this op on, but it seems to be all too prevalent. It teaches the dog who reacts to make reac vity her go-to behavior, and it teaches the dog on the receiving end that

Tips by Diana Logan

other dogs are a poten al threat, which can lead to preemp ve defensiveness. 2. Your dog hides and tries to avoid the other dog. This is a fearful reac on, and the dog needs some

help feeling more comfortable in the presence of other dogs (“presence” doesn’t mean direct interac on but rather sharing the same part of the world with his brethren). If a fearful dog is regularly forced to be exposed to the things he fears, he will start to avoid those situa ons altogether. (Imagine if this fearful dog is the one that the reac ve dog in #1 sees.) 3. Your dog looks at you and shrugs her shoulders - if she could and acts as the other dog is as interes ng as a boring rock. You carry on with your walk, enjoying your special me together. Nobody else is affected.

In this age of dog-filled ci es and communi es rife with dog parks, public dog-friendly areas, doggie daycares, playgroups, and more, we seem to be headed in the wrong direc on when it comes to managing our dogs around other dogs. Many of our dogs have learned from an early age that any dog they see - and o en mes any human - is 1) righ ully their plaything and/or 2) must be “greeted” at all costs (“greeted” is a term fraught with contradic ons). If they are prevented from approaching their vic m, an emo onal explosion may occur. “We really want our dogs to ignore other dogs 99% of the me,” says Sue Sternberg, a world-renowned expert in

dog behavior and training, shelter dog assessments, and so much more. When we get a dog, we want to share a special rela onship with her. While we want her to have select dog friends, we don’t want her to set her sights on every dog she sees to the detriment of our connec on. Achieving #3 op on above takes me, prac ce and knowledge, but it's essen al, for everyone's sake, that we try. Here are some ps to help with dog management: •

• •

Know what your dog is focused on! If her ears perk up as she turns towards another dog, call her to front posi on and reward. Do this consistently so that you break her focus and teach her that the presence of other dogs means good stuff comes from you. Back up if necessary to help her stay in front and to create some distance. Three behaviors to teach your dog to do with joy, enthusiasm, and a en on: heel on le side, heel on right side and recall to front. Keep your dog close to you; have her turn her back on other dogs. Reward generously! Take treats on every walk! Know that your dog’s behavior affects more than just you. Take responsibility for what she does. Get educated!

We are all in this together. Let’s do be er when it comes to managing our dogs in public!

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News! Contact Jenn for more information (207)706-6765; jenn@downeastdognews.com.

Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net. Dear Bammy, I am a Basset Hound of ancient and honorable lineage. My ancestors have been hun ng small game in France for centuries. (I keep hearing my Dad telling people that.) He says we have short legs, so humans can hunt with us without trying to cling to the backs of those

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

huge, crazed horses. And our long ears drag on the ground to s r up the scent of li le rabbit paws and things. I don’t know why we have droopy eyelids. I keep ge ng dirt in mine, and it hurts. We have beau ful baying voices to tell our humans what’s going on. That leads to the problem, my young friend of ancient New World lineage. My Dad can tell by my

sonorous bay when I am smelling something exci ng. But that’s about the only thing my pack understands! We have a li le puppy human who crawls around on the floor with me. I love Freddie. We lick each other’s noses, and it makes him giggle when I pull off his socks and keep them just out of his reach. But he has no manners at all. He pulls my beau ful ears and s cks his fingers in my eyes. I s ffen my body and stare at him with hard eyes when he starts climbing on me, but he doesn’t understand the way a real puppy would. I have to jump up and go away. Some mes that makes him p over, and he cries. Then the big people scold ME! Can’t they see that Freddie was climbing on me, and I asked him not to with my whole body? I really can’t stand him crawling on top of me, and it’s not fair that my humans blame me when he falls over. What can I do, Bammy? Bonaparte Basset Dear Bonaparte, Does your name have something to do with bones? If it does, I hope they keep Freddie from bothering you when you’re enjoying one. I certainly sympathize with your problem with that rude human puppy. If he was raised like a proper puppy, his mother would growl and nip him. But you aren’t his mother, and he isn’t a smart, sensible puppy,

so YOU can’t punish him. You’d be in big trouble even for a gentle li le nip. I think you are doing the right thing by ge ng up and moving away. If you always jump up and dump Freddie off, he might stop crawling on you. Humans can be pre y stubborn, but they can be trained with pa ence I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but the way you look might make it hard for humans to understand what you are “telling” them. You can’t really prick up those long ears when you are eager or alert. Maybe people don’t no ce when you do a hard, aggressive stare, because – well, because your eye holes are sagged down below your eyes. Your eyes just look sad whether you are happy or mad. The best thing for you to try is to let out a good big yip when Freddie is rude. Make it sound as if he’s almost killing you. It might stop Freddie, and his parents might finally realize that they should be protec ng you instead of scolding you! Put those marvelous vocal chords to good use! Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

You’re not the only one we treat like


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January 2019


New Year, New "Tricks" It's a new year and what be er me to improve our dogs' knowledge and behaviors with some training. There are many different trainers available to assist you. It's a good idea to check out several and ask ques ons to find one that is the best fit for you and your dog. Below, please enjoy a training ac vity that you can prac ce at home with your dog.

To Your Sta ons, Everybody! The Miracle of a Stationary Dog "S

ta oning” is when a pup stays in a specified loca on un l invited to leave it. Just think how miraculous it is when we can get our dogs to want to stay in one place! There’s no more jumping, no chaos, no craziness. Sta ons are safe, controlled, predictable spaces and can even be put to use to help dogs who are fearful or unsure in certain situa ons. It’s an all-purpose skill with its versa lity of applica on and the numerous behaviors that can be built upon it. Sta ons are safe,

controlled, predictable spaces which we skillfully train to have great value to our dogs. The sta ons themselves need to be easy to iden fy for the dog. We use perch bowls, snow saucers, pla orms, cardboard boxes, kiddie pools, crates, boogie boards, placemats, etc. at my puppy day school. In the house, we regularly send our dog to “the living room,” (where he needs to wait for his meals to be prepared), the shower stall (for rinsing feet or bathing), his crate, a perch, his bed, etc. In the summer me, we have a kiddie pool with some water in it strategically located outside the door, and we will send him into it to rinse his feet. All of these items provide

tangible clarity to the dog for where he should place his body. A pup may be in a sit or down or stand at a sta on depending on what the sta on is and how we train it. Are you ready to give it a try? Let’s start with a down-stay on a mat (also known as “Puppy Picnic” or “Magic Carpet”).

Instruc ons Choose something your dog can lie down on, such as a towel. This item will eventually serve as a target for his nose! This will make sense shortly (there are videos of this exercise on my YouTube channel that will help, too: search for “PupStart” “mat”).

With a hungry dog at the ready, place a few small but yummy treats on the towel as you set it on the floor. Your dog should immediately orient to the towel if he’s hungry. If you are using a clicker, click each me your dog lowers his head towards the towel, then place the treat on the towel. The criteria for rewarding, in the beginning, is simply to orient towards the towel. Your job is to place a treat on the towel whenever your dog focuses his a en on towards it. Do not feed your dog directly! We want him to start believing that treats sprout from the towel whenever he looks at it; focusing on your hand is counter-produc ve.

Be generous!! Click and treat - or simply treat - just as your dog is finishing the previous treat but before he li s his head. Pre y soon, if you are sufficiently generous, he will start to look for more treats on the towel before you put another one down. Place them in a way that he doesn’t have to move around a lot to look for them. A er a few moments, say “okay” then toss a treat off the towel. Put the towel down again in a slightly different loca on. It’s a pre y sure bet that he will return to the towel. Treat! Repeat the above un l he’s really wan ng to go to the towel no ma er where you put it. You have the start to

sta oning! Do keep sessions short, though. Now, to get the down… Warm him up as above, so he’s on the towel and focusing down. If he responds to a cue for down, use it now. If not, see if you can lure him into a down. Reward him between his front legs on the towel. Repeat the same procedure as before but this me you are adding the criteria of body in a down as well as nose down. Place the treat between his front legs. Eventually, we can add verbal cues to differen ate one sta on from another, and we have a whole new level of communica on with our dogs. More importantly, we have a mutually fun and rewarding way to manage them! Obedience, Agility and Tracking

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Downeast Dog News


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Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Let’s Just Keep Entering


hether it be obedience, rally, agility, tracking, or any other performance sport, is the answer to just keep entering trials if you keep failing? No. No. No! First of all, by continuing to enter a dog you may not feel is ready or have confidence in, you may take away a slot that another team could have, especially in trials with limited entries. This is not responsible, nor does it reflect good sportsmanship. Just because

you can enter a trial, doesn’t mean that you should. Trials and tests are not prac ce sessions so that you can see how you are doing. A trial or test situa on is not designed for you to help your dog. If things are

not going well, the most you can do is to ask to be excused. This is some mes the best thing to do rather than let the situa on deteriorate further. You should not enter an event unless you feel that you, as a team, are ready. There will always be more trials to enter. If you did enter an event and did not do well, you need to understand why. Many mes there are mul ple factors that affect performances, but you need to be honest with yourself. Were you and your dog fully prepared for the trial? Did you generalize behaviors enough? Were you confident of your dog’s performance or were you hoping things might go well that day? If your answer is “hoping”, you need to go back and build up a confident performance through training. Both you and your dog should be comfortable in the venue for which you are training, and you both need to have the skill levels necessary for success. If there is a certain problem that keeps recurring, going in trial a er trial will not fix it. You need to clearly iden fy the problem. Is your dog comfortable in the venue? Does your dog fully understand the

exercise? Are you fully comfortable in the venue? If your dog depends upon you for leadership and you are not comfortable, it can really affect some dogs. Do you have underlying dog/human rela onship problems that are some mes masked in training by food or other mo va ons? Do you really truly believe in your rela onship with your dog? Can your dog count on you, and can you count on your dog? Is there an understanding that we are in this together? Dog sports are team sports. Success depends upon the communica on and rela onship we have with our dogs. Our rela onship with our dog is intrinsically ed to our ability to not only communicate to them what we want them to do, but to be able to listen to them as they a empt to communicate with us. This is the essence of training built on clarity and consistency. So, if you are struggling with lack of success or poor performances, get some help to iden fy the problem or problems and work on solving them before showing again. You will be glad you did and your dog will, too.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

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Downeast Dog News

Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Training Dogs Aversives are Unnecessary and Counter-Produc ve When Training A Dog – Part 1

In September I wrote the 1



of a series of columns en tled “Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Training Dogsâ€? [FMI – h p://bit.ly/ Things-Gus-Dominance]. This month I am addressing the next stage in Gus’s training. In 1991, dogs were rou nely trained with collars designed speciďŹ cally to administer an aversive: posi ve punishment or nega ve reinforcement. At the me, there were two primary types of collars: choke collars or prong collars. Choke collars are typically made of a metal chain or nylon. They are used to give a “leash popâ€? or “correc onâ€? when the trainer gives a quick jerk on the leash. The intent is to cause the dog pain around its neck. A single correc on with a choke collar may restrict breathing, cause damage to the spine, the thyroid gland, and even to the eyes. The use of choke collars has even been reported to cause brain damage. Prong collars, also called pinch collars, consist of a metal chain that contains several prongs that rest against the dog’s neck. Just as with the choke collar, the trainer jerks on the leash causing the prongs to press against the dog’s neck causing pain. Prong collars, like choke collars, can cause both physical and psychological injury to a dog. The fundamental training philosophy behind the use of



choke and prong collars is to set up a training scenario where the dog will react inappropriately (e.g., the dog does not sit when cued or the dog pulls on leash) whereupon the trainer administers a correction by jerking on the leash. This jerk causes an aversive or pain which is meant to deter the dog from misbehaving in the future. The Merriam Webster Dic onary deďŹ nes “aversiveâ€? as “Tending to avoid or causing avoidance of a noxious or punishing s mulus – behavior modiďŹ ca on by aversive s mula on.â€? I define an aversive as; “An aversive is anything that makes

patient. It causes problem behaviors in normal animals and hastens progression of behavioral disorders in distressed animals. Aversive techniques are especially injurious to fearful and aggressive patients and often suppress signals of impending aggression, rendering any aggressive dog more dangerous. Aversive techniques include prong (pinch) or choke collars, cattle prods, alpha rolls, dominance downs, electronic shock collars, lunge whips, starving or withholding food, entrapment, and beating. None of those tools and methods should be used to either teach or alter behavior.� - 2015 AAHA Canine and Feline Behavior Management Guidelines [Emphasis added] This is what I would have liked to have known about aversives before I started training.

your dog anxious, afraid, or uncomfortable. An aversive makes our dogs want to be away from whatever they believe caused the aversive. If they believe we caused the aversive, they will no longer want to be near us.� Since most people get a dog to be their companion, I have to ask, “why would anyone want to use a tool that would cause our best friend to want to avoid us?� Today, it makes no sense to me. Unfortunately, not knowing any better back in 1991, the next stage of Gus’s training involved the use of a choke collar. We taught Gus to sit, to lie down, and to stay when he was given a verbal cue by using a correction with a choke collar. We worked on the heel but never mastered it without using the choke collar. Gus never had a reliable recall until we discovered reward-based training. I am not arguing that punishment and negative reinforcement do not work as training methods. I am alerting you to the fact that there are significant adverse side effects to using these tools. Peer-reviewed studies indicate reward-based techniques, emphasizing positive reinforcement, work as well or better than punishment. That is why organizations such as the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) have policy statements that state: “This Task Force opposes training methods that use aversive techniques. Aversive training has been associated with detrimental effects on the human–animal bond, problem solving ability, and the physical and behavioral health of the


• • •


Aversive training tools and methods are designed to hurt, and if these methods did not cause pain, they would not work. The use of aversives can cause physical injury and thus both acute and chronic pain. Causing pain and discomfort is not necessary to train a dog. The better the relationship you have with your dog, the easier it is to train. Aversives are damaging to the relationship. The use of aversives can cause reactive and aggressive behaviors in a dog.

Next month I will address other aversives still used far too often to train and manage dogs.

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.








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of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: HARVEST HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER Providing a Safe Refuge for Neglected, Stray and Abandoned Dogs By Susan Spisak “I think there’s lots of things that make us different,” said Joan McBurnie, Execu ve Director and Manager for Harvest Hills Animal Shelter in Fryeburg. And she wasn’t referring to the fact that they’ve been around since 1992 and have rehomed 17,000 animals, or that they’re contracted with 19 communi es in western Maine to take in their stray dogs and cats. Joan said their Nine Lives Thri Shop next to the shelter is one of the crea ve differences that supports the nonprofit year round. Stocked with donated merchandise that’s dropped off by locals daily, there are home goods, current magazines and books, jewelry, games, toys, and much more. There’s even an area for vintage and an que items called the “Cat’s Meow.” (Refer to their website for items they can use.) “It’s a pre y amazing thing that we have over there,” she said, adding that the camaraderie of the shops’ volunteers is outstanding. The shelter also has a living room. It allows poten al adopters to meet pets in a comfy, relaxed

BETTY BOOP, 2 YRS., BULLDOG MIX She is quite the character! Take her out into a yard to play and your day will instantly get be er! She has lots of energy to be out and about, but also knows how to relax and snuggle. Can be nervous and jumpy so we are sugges ng a child free home, at least for now. With posi ve reinforcement and a dog savvy owner the possibili es are endless!

atmosphere--and they’re able to see how the poten al pet will behave in its home. (Do they stay off the furniture?) The living room also is a spot where volunteers can sit quietly and socialize with animals in their care. She said the living room has greatly aided in their adop on process. Harvest Hills also boasts “huge” runs to insure their dogs get plenty of exercise. Another recrea onal bonus is their walking trails--staff and volunteers can hike with the dogs. This added exercise reduces stress that can be prevalent in shelter animals. Joan also noted that readers may be impressed with their feline facili es--they have cat condos, not cages. “They’re pre y phenomenal and they have hammocks, too.” As far as owner relinquishments, Harvest Hills accepts animals from the western Maine region and nearby New Hampshire. They do not import dogs from southern rescues--local dogs are their emphasis (That said, if a local resident rescues a southern imported dog and it doesn’t work out, Harvest Hills will accept the animal.) Joan men oned two dogs in par cular that

she wanted to share in the hopes of finding their forever homes. “Super sweet” Brooke has had a tough life and needs to be the only pet in a no-child home. Once she gets comfy with her “person,” she’ll be a “Velcro” gal. “She’s going to become someone’s best companion animal,” emphasized Joan. Consider stopping by the shelter rou nely and visi ng her so she becomes acclimated to you— with me, you may have a new 3-year-old bes e. Echo is a great dog, but she needs to be the only pet in the home. Her problem is she’s 11, but she has the energy level of a 4-year-old. Both Brooke and Echo do not “show” well when poten al adopters stop by. They’re easily disrupted by noises (which are constant in a shelter), so they get li le rest. “They’re grumpy children,” Joan laughed jokingly, but knows with the right adopter and rou ne rest, they’ll be loving pets. For informa on on Harvest Hills Animal Shelter, including available animals, adop on rates and hours, visit harvesthills.org/about-the-shelter/. Or stop by the shelter at 1389 Bridgton Road, Fryeburg.





Great hiking/running partner, playing outside, snuggling, kisses and uncondi onal love. If any of these traits appeal to you come meet Miles! Although Miles didn’t have the best life before coming to us, he doesn’t let it get him down. His favorite place to be is on the couch or outside in a fenced yard. Miles will make a wonderful companion to an experienced home as the only pet.

Do you LOVE doggie kisses?! Not only does she love to give kisses, she loves to play. Echo does not act like an 11 y/o girl. She loves to be outside scoo ng around and chasing any animal that crosses her path. Echo has never had someone in her life (other than her almost 2 years with us) to show her love and stability. She is looking for a home with no small children, dogs or cats.

For Informa on: (207) 935-4358; info@harvesthills.org

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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • (207) 453-7387 www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




4.5 yrs., Foxhound/Lab Mix

9-10 yrs., Hound Mix

8-10 yrs., Lab/ Hound Mix

She is currently living in a boarding facility and she gets along great with dogs of all sizes and personali es. She does well with the sta here, but can be wary of strangers. Very loving, but doesn’t love cats!

Hercules loves everyone and everything! He is good with dogs, cats and kids. A home with a fenced yard would be ideal for him. He loves both playing and being ac ve, as well as snuggling on the couch.

A nice older gentleman looking for his forever home. He gets along with other dogs, but is a li le too interested in cats to have them as housemates. Gemini needs a family that will help him set a few pounds!

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

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Sunray Animal Clinic

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2 yrs., German Shepherd

2 yrs., Border Collie Mix

2 yrs., Ca le Dog Mix

Energe c and very smart. Well trained and knows sit, down, stay and wait. She does well with other large dogs and should go to a dog experienced family.

Sweet and spunky and does great with older children. Should go to a home without cats. Loves other dogs!


P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702

Sponsored by

Hello Doggie Daycare P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702

1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521 hellodoggiedaycare.com

Brushing, head/ ear rubs, body massages are his favorite thing. He would do well as an only dog or with a conďŹ dent female. Due to his size, not recommended for small children. He will need a strong proac ve and conďŹ dent leader who u lizes posi ve reinforcement training. Ca le dog or herding breed experience would be op mal. FMI: catahoularescuene@gmail.com



8-9 yrs.

3 yrs., Lab Mix

They are a bonded pair of seniors. They originally came to us as strays; their leashes ed together. They are easy going, silly, and fun, but do not like their naps interrupted and need an adult-only home where they are the only pets. Adop on fee $100.

He is such a sweet, soulful pooch. He is silly, aec onate and loyal, with a love for toys that cannot be explained in words alone. He adores people, and is going to be a wonderful addi on to the family that takes a chance on him!

Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491

Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491




9 yrs., Mixed Breed d

5.5 yrs., Bloodhound

2 yrs., Beagle/Basse

Emma is very sweet, gentle, calm and great on a leash. She knows her basic commands and can even do a high 5! She loves car rides, doesn’t mind baths, and is good with kids of any size, cats, and other dogs.

He was surrendered to us when his family could no longer care for him. Dobie is a sweet, friendly boy who is good with other dogs. He loves to run and play. He is looking for a new home with no young children and possibly another dog to play with. Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392

Came to us from Downeast Animal Rescue in Ellsworth. His coat looks like he may have had some rough experiences in his past, but his happy exuberance tells us that they did nothing to dull his joy for life or his enjoyment of humans! Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207) 594-2200

Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207) 594-2200

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


January 2019


January C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC


Saturday, January 5 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)6609200 x7

Sunday, January 20 Brewer, 1PM – 2PM Brewer Loyal Biscuit will be offering a Puppy Play Group every other Sunday throughout the colder winter months to help your puppy get out some of their winter me wiggles! Open to puppies that are 6 months or younger, and weigh less then 25lbs! A par cipa on and waiver form will be required for you to sign. There is NO charge but we encourage you to consider making a dona on to one of the many local rescue organiza ons within our community! loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, January 5 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, January 12 Camden, 10AM – 12PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/Rockport Animal Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear

FURRY TAILS STORY & ADVENTURE HOUR Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, January 12 Union, 1PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Union Agway located on 2179 Heald Highway in Union and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.


DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar

CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Add your events TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!

Tuesday, January 15 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.

ELSMERE BBQ & WOOD GRILL FUNDRAISER Tuesday, January 15 Portland, 4PM – 9PM Nonprofit Night at Elsmere BBQ and Wood Grill 476 Stevens Avenue,

Portland. Elsmere is “Cowboy Cooking at its Finest! “ January 15th from 4-9 pm 8% of all food sales including take out will be donated to the Standish Community Dog Park!

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, January 19 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7

SMITTY’S CINEMA FUNDRAISER Sunday, January 20 Windham January 20th at Smi y's Cinema in Windham present your Standish Dog Park fundraiser card with your $10 fundraiser admission for any showing and earn $5.00 towards the building of the Standish Dog Park!

TDAA TEACUP DOG AGILITY FUN RUNS Sunday, January 20 Lincolnville, 10AM – 12PM Held at Wag It Training Center, Calderwood Ln. Fun Runs in Teacup Agility for the li les to prep for the official February 10th trial! Registra on online: www.doggiedecipher. com/207teacup; (207)293-4784 Gina

Thursdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Kennebunk, 10AM – 11AM Join us Thursdays (when school is in session*), in the Humane Educa on Room at the Animal Welfare Society on Holland Road, West Kennebunk, where preschoolers are invited to discover the exci ng world of animals with: Stories, Play me, Cra s, Songs, Movement and Animal Time. The event is free to a end, though dona ons are appreciated. *Furry Tales follows the RSU 21 school calendar. We will not hold Furry Tales during school breaks, on holidays, or on snow days. animalwelfaresociety. org

DROP IN PUPPY SOCIAL HOUR Sundays, January 13, 20, 27 Kennebunk, 10AM – 11AM Drop in to our puppy social hour, on select Sundays, if your pup is younger than 6 months and under 25 pounds. The session will be led by one of our cer fied canine trainers. The instructor will lead the hour with an ac vity to connect with your pup, plenty of breaks, and, of course, play! Learn to understand how puppies play, basic canine body language, ways to get your pups a en on in a posi ve way, and other interes ng puppy facts. $12/hour. No advance registra on needed. Sessions are held rain or shine. 46 Holland Rd., Kennebunk. animalwelfaresociety. org

Do you have a pet-friendly business? Reserve your space today in the 2019 petMAINE guide! “The ultimate guide to enjoying Maine with your pets” • • • •

Reach pet owners in and out-of-state Great resource for travelers and locals 50,000 printed copies Posted online as an interactive e-guide www.travelmaine.com and www.downeastdognews.com • Guide includes pet-friendly lodging, dining, dog parks, beaches and trails, veterinarians, day cares, kennels, activities and more! “[petMaine] is a must-have for folks who can’t bear to leave Rover at home.” ~ Patricia Harris, Boston Globe correspondent For more information, please contact: Jenn Rich, jrich@rfbads.com or (207)706-6765


Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

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Communicate with your pets, living or deceased with Sara Moore. Long distance sessions available!

www.enlightenedhorizons.com As heard on 94.9 and Magic 104.5

Available in Men’s and Ladies sizes in Light Blue.

Net profits will be donated to the Rescue of the Month. Contact Jenn for available sizes: jenn@downeastdognews.com • (207) 706-6765

January 2019


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Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Voted the Bangor Regions: Best Kennel, Best Pet Store, Best Dog Trainer & Best Pet Groomer

Rated as one of the Top 10 Kennels and Top 25 Dog Trainers in New England by Best Businesses of America for 2018

Committed to Humane, Effective & Compassionate Dog Training

Bessey's Positive Paws Erin Bessey CPDT-KA Whitefield, 485-0851 besseyspositivepaws.com

Green Acres Kennel Shop Don Hanson CDBC, CPDT-KA Bangor, 945-6841 greenacreskennel.com

Right on the Mark Dog Training

Canine Behavior Counseling Judy Moore CDBC, CPDT-KA Cumberland, 232-5007 caninebehaviorcounseling.com

Keep Your Pet Royan Bartley Rockport, 975-4605 keepyourpet.net

Salty Dogs Obedience Whitney Thurston Blue Hill, 659-9547 saltydogsobedience.com

Canine Insights Breanna Norris KPA-CTP Pittsfield/Waterville, 487-1361 canineinsightsllc.com

Mr. Dog Traning Sara Sokol West Bath, 798-1232 mrdogtraining.com

Sit Stay Play Larissa Savage Freeport, 751-9458 sitstayplaymaine.com

Center for Canine Excellence Lisa Walker CBATI, CCC Freeport, 653-0993 centerforcanineexcellence.com

Oh My Dog! Annette MacNair Camden, 542-1843 ohdog.us

The Familiar Canine Naomi Smith CPDT-KA South Berwick, 251-8168 thefamiliarcanine.com

Gooddogz Training Nancy Freedman-Smith CDBC, CBATI Scarborough 671-2522 gooddogztraining.com

Pawsitive Canine Care & Training The Silver Paws Project

Stephani Morancie Belfast, 355-4094 FB-RightOnTheMarkDogTraining

KT Bernard CPDT-KA Windham, 893-8676 PawsitiveCanineCare.com

Jessica O'Donoghue 752-2500 silverpawsproject.org

PupStart Diana Logan CPDT-KA North Yarmouth, 252-9352 dianalogan.com

Tree Frog Farm Dog Training Elizabeth Langham North Yarmouth, 837-1613 treefrogfarmdogtraining.com

Raising Canine Dog Training Mallory Hattie CPDT-KA Scarborough, 642-3693 raisingcaninemaine.com


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207-610-0802 In this video you will see dogs with real bite histories gain confidence and choose to engage with multiple trainers. Each dog’s low level warnings will be highlighted and respected.



207.655.6521 1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond, Maine 04071

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