2018 May Downeast Dog News

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Vermont Middlebury, Rt. 7 South, 388-3139

New Hampshire No. Conway, Rt 302, Redstone, 356-5669

RailwayVillage.org | Rt. 27, Boothbay, ME

et s P Fri

Barrel rides and family fun

Agility demos and try-its.

Maine Lewiston, 671 Main St., 783-1366 Bridgton, 13 Sandy Creek Rd., 647-2383 Jay, 230 Main St., 897-3333 Newport, 12 Progress Park So., 368-4329 Portland, 55 Warren Ave., 797-3151 South Paris, 227 Main St., 743-8960 Turner, 299 Auburn Rd., 225-2525 Winthrop, 83 Royal St., 377-2614 Raymond, 1243 Roosevelt Trail, 655-6760

Limit one per customer, not valid for food or treats. Offer Expires May 31, 2018

Store Locations:


Local pet products

pet toys collars & leashes

Toy brands include: Kong & Nylabone Leashes and Collars from: Lupine & Hamilton

Adoptable dogs and puppies.

Railway Village


Free admission for anyone who brings a donation of dog food or shelter wish list items.


at the Railway


Winner will be drawn Monday morning, June 24. Prize package must be picked up at the Paris Farmers Union retail store of your choosing or we can ship at the winner’s expense. Any applicable taxes will be the responsibility of the winner. Store Organization Raymond Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland – Westbrook Turner Community Cat Advocates – Buckfield Middlebury The Homeward Bound Shelter – Middlebury Winthrop P.A.L.S. No Kill Shelter – Winthrop Lewiston Tommy’s Feral Feline Friends – Greene Bridgton Harvest Hills Animal Shelter – Fryeburg N. Conway Conway Animal Humane Society – Conway Portland Friends of Feral Felines – Portland S. Paris Responsible Pet Care – South Paris Newport Somerset Humane Society – Skowhegan Jay Franklin County Animal Shelter - Farmington

100% of paper paw purchases will be pooled together and divided between the 11 animal help organiza ons/rescues.

For each paper paw purchased we’ll enter your name into a drawing and one lucky winner will receive a Traeger Select Pro with pellets and accessories – Value $1,500!

When you visit our stores you can purchase: 1 paper paw for $1.00/ 3 paws for $2.50/6 paws for $4.00

25 of f



We are teaming up with Traeger Grills again to raise funds to help 11 animal help organizations/shelters (see below).

dl y en

History of freestyle in Maine

Hot Dog News

Basic Training Tips


bout twenty years ago, I was working the graveyard shi as the night reference librarian in the Unity

14 Calendar of Events

Dogs for Adoption

See FREESTYLE on page 5

put my own compe on goals on the back burner while I raised and homeschooled my daughters, and they were now old enough (each with a dog of her own) that I could think about ge ng back in the game. I discovered two amazing things


Maine Dogcation


College library. Once the minimal tasks that had been le for me were completed, I had permission to play on the Internet and familiarize myself with the library’s new computers. It occurred to me to check out what was going on in the world of dog training. Although my family was never without a dog for any length of me, I had

Freestyle Finds a Home in Maine By Judith Stoodley


Volume 13 • Issue 5 • May 2018

Pat Nash's Shel e, Chase during a live performance. P C : G T. W P



Hot Dog News Kennel Clubs Present Ninth Annual Southern Maine Coastal Classic Hundreds of dogs will converge in Scarborough, Maine, for the state’s largest canine event. The ninth annual Southern Maine Coastal Classic, four days of AKC All Breed Dog Shows and Obedience and Rally Trials runs Thursday, May 17, through Sunday, May 20, 2018. All ac vi es begin at 8am each day, outdoors rain or shine, at Wassamki Springs Campground, 56 Saco St, Scarborough, Maine. York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc and Vaca onland Dog Club, Inc invite the public to meet some of AKC’s 180+ recognized breeds and observe the various ac vi es throughout the day. Admission each day is $5 per vehicle. There is ample parking in and around the campground. Wassamki's snack bar will serve food throughout

the day. Also, be sure to visit our vendors selling dog-related items. Each day’s ac vi es include regular conforma on, obedience and rally concluding with a Best in Show winner. All-American Mixed Breeds enrolled in AKC’s Canine Partners Program may enter Obedience and Rally Compe ons. Go to www. akc.org/dog-owners/caninepartners/ for details. Watch puppies enter the ring for the first me in the 4 to 6 Month Beginner Puppy Compe on. Offered only on Sunday, this compe on introduces new exhibitors and their puppies ages 4 to 6 months of age to showing in a stress free environment separate from the regular judging.

Founded in 1945, Vaca onland Dog Club, Inc is a not-for-profit organiza on dedicated to the advancement of purebred dogs through public educa on and responsible dog ownership. For more informa on on upcoming events, becoming a member or checking the latest club news and events, go to h p://www. vaca onlanddogclub.org/. York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc is a not-for-profit organiza on whose goals are to protect and advance the interests of purebred dogs through AKC performance events and community educa on ac vi es. For more informa on about this show cluster, direc ons to Wassamki Springs or any of the featured dog clubs go to h p://www. yorkcountykennelclub.org.

Walking the Dawg T

his outdoor fes val benefits ar sts (Ar sts Suppor ng Ar sts) and animals (Humane Society Waterville Area). At 10am we begin our pet parade of registered pets (not just for dogs). There is a $5 registra on fee. Vo ng can be done at the Ar sts Suppor ng Ar sts table all day. We have vendors and sponsors who offer pet/animal related services and products and at 1:00 we have a great line up of musicians and bands to play for you. An award ceremony will be held at 3:45. We will be giving awards for Best Dressed Dog, Homeliest Dog, Mu Congeniality, Voter’s Favorite, and Best Non-Dog Pet. This is going to be a great family fun day, with picnic tables available and a playground for the kids. Find our event on Facebook and help share the excitement. Vendor spaces available – contact us via email at asamaine207@gmail.com.

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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Gail Mason Judith Stoodley GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Where is spring!? If it wasn’t disappointing enough this morning to discover that I had run out of coffee, I then had to defrost the car to go get some. Hopefully, by the time this paper actually comes out, things will have warmed up enough to pack away my winter coat. I’m ready to throw on flip flops to take the dog out to pee and not bundle up in layers. A couple of weeks ago we did have some warmer weather, and Pepper and I got out for our first hikes. It was as though I had released my hostage with so many things for Pepper to smell. What a happy girl! My sister and I recently attended a presentation made by Don Hanson, our columnist and co-owner of Green Acres Kennel Shop, called Dog Behaviors, Body Language, and Dog Parks. Don shared some of his expertise on how to read the body language of your dog and the other dogs at the dog park. Much of this is also useful outside the

park as well. This was a free event sponsored by the Friends of Belfast Parks. Honestly, I think any town with a dog park should host such a presentation. The dog park may be available to all dogs; however, it might not be the best place for everyone. I consider myself to know more than some, and I am certainly gaining a great education through working on this paper, but I found myself thinking there is SO much more to know! Did you know that most dogs don’t actually like to be petted on their heads? We’ve been doing this all wrong! I actually own one of the books that Don suggested reading, The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell, so I pulled that out to work on my dog/ human behavior education. I believe Don may plan to share some of this information through future columns as well. Now, if only it would get warm enough for me to sit in my chair and read outside. Have a great month! Jenn and Pepper

7th Annual Greater Bangor Bark for Life This event will be held at the Hollywood Casino Raceway on June 2nd. This is a fundraising event that honors the life-long contribu ons of Canine Caregivers. It presents an opportunity for people to be empowered through their canine companion partnerships and to contribute to cancer cures through the mission of the American Cancer Society. It is an event that honors the caregiving quali es of canines and also creates an awareness of the importance of all caregivers in general. It also brings light to the fact that humans are not the only animals that have cancer. Come join us for our 7th year of this fantas c event. Teams can be formed with family, friends, coworkers, organiza ons, etc. But, you do not have to be part of a team to par cipate. You don't even have to have a dog! Addi onally, there are always plenty of volunteer opportuni es. If you are

P C : D B

interested in volunteering, or poten ally becoming a commi ee member, feel free to message us. For more

informa on visit the Greater Bangor Bark For Life website, or email us at greaterbangorbark4life@gmail.com.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2018 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

May 2018

“Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog: but you're never friendless ever, if you have a dog.� ― Douglas Mallock Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


3-month minimum recommended

10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Pancreatitis .......................... 7 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Maine Dogcation ............... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


Hello my friends! Many of you have been reading this column since it began many years ago, and for others, this will be your first me. I’m a psychic for people and pets, so I’m able to communicate with both living and deceased animals. I’m not a veterinarian, and I don’t treat or diagnose (nor do I ever really want to!), but I o en do readings to help owners get to the root of a medical situa on. People ask all kinds of ques ons in a reading, and no two readings are ever the same! To give you some idea of how a reading works, here are some mini readings for my May column. I put the call out on my Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page, asking for the animal’s name, color, if they’re alive, and what you wanted to know. Here’s what came through: Kathryn P. asked about Boomer, who is Brown with a black muzzle. “I'd love to know why he keeps ge ng into things that could kill him and peeing on things whenever he is le alone.” Well, he’s bored and wants more of your undivided a en on. You seem to be doing more things that you really don’t want to do, and he’s working hard to give you a reason to have to bail on them! It’s me for you to take a look at your day to day, determine what you have to do, what you like doing, and what things can you shi away

What are those dangly things on my dog? Q. My dog has these pieces of skin that are dangling. They don’t bother him, but they look gross. Should I be concerned?

Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

from. He’ll be much be er behaved when you find a be er work balance! Tina D. “Hi Sara! It's Jake . He passed in February. He was dark and light brown . He was our best friend. I would like to know if he's ok?” He is awesome! I get a huge smile on my face when I check in with him. I do think he’s messing with lights to let you know he’s around. I know it’s hard for you to think of him without feeling sad and hurt, but when you can think of him with love and know that he’s ok, you’ll become even

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman


These growths may be skin tags. Skin tags in dogs can be confused easily with warts. Unlike warts, though, skin tags are thin and floppy and a ached loosely to the skin. They may be flat or teardrop-shaped and can move or dangle, and they have the same color as the dog’s skin. These growths are not cancerous. We don’t know why dogs get skin tags, but researchers suspect factors such as gene cs or allergic sensi vi es may play a role. Groom your dog daily and examine the skin carefully for lumps and growths. If you find any, consult your veterinarian to make sure these are benign. Skin tags are usually harmless, and most of the me, they don’t require removal. Some mes the skin tags can become irritated or damaged from your dog scratching them or if the skin tag catches on something or gets pinched or crushed. Large skin tags are more vulnerable to damage than


small ones. Damaged skin tags should be removed. This can be done quickly and painlessly on an outpa ent basis by your veterinarian. In extremely rare occasions, skin tags can become cancerous. If you no ce a change in the growth, have your veterinarian check it. There isn’t enough research to tell us why skin tags form, so it is difficult to know what we can do to prevent them. We do have enough evidence to show that some environmental factors can play a role in increasing the chances of

more aware of when he says hello. Hydie B. “Bear, he’s black and alive. How stressed, if at all, is he when I leave the house without him?” I don’t think he’s stressed at all! I laugh when I say this because he shows me how he gets all agitated as you get ready to go, but as soon as you’re gone he kind of wipes his brow and snuggles in. He loves the house quiet, so if you’ve been playing music, he’s asking you to stop. (Because he says this, I’m assuming you have been!) His agita on is only to help prove to you now that he does need, love, and appreciate you. I get that he’s totally happy being le alone! Becca D. “My puppy, Odie! He's a black, tan, and white husky, and he is alive. What is going on in his crazy mind?!” Oh my goodness, this pup spins me!! I feel like my nose is down to the ground, and he’s tracking everything! I would expect a husky to have his head up and sniff, but he’s following things and going step by step where they have been. This definitely makes for some zigging and zagging! He’s not here to protect you, but he wants to show you how to take yourself more lightly. You have proven your strength. Now let that slip to the background and start having fun! You know you are worthy of it, and he’s going to lead you on some fantas c adventures. Make sure you

have a way to get his a en on when he’s on the scent. I hear a whistle like what a referee would use. One quick blast to get him to look up, and he’ll be galloping back to you. Lee M. “Bessie, red-tri. Why has she become very restless and anxious at night and unwilling to stay in her crate?” This dog wants to be in your room, but not necessarily on your bed. I don’t think you like to sleep with your bedroom door closed, but if you put up a baby gate, she’ll sleep on her own bed by the door or bureau. You are being visited by your loved ones in heaven when you sleep, and I actually hear you having conversa ons with them. The dog just wants to be sure it’s all safe, which it is. There are over 50 ques ons I don’t even have the space to answer, so I hope you enjoyed these! It fascinates me how the dogs come here to teach us things, and most readings always circle back to something the owner needs to know. If you’d like to book your own reading you can do so through the website www. enlightenedhorizons.com.

developing and repeatedly ge ng skin tags. Here are some factors that may be implicated in forming skin tags: Parasites such as fleas, cks, and mites can cause your dog to itch. The constant scratching will leave your dog’s skin inflamed, raw, and suscep ble to infec ons. The weakening of the skin makes it easier to develop a skin tag. To prevent parasites, you can frequently wash your dog’s bed, keep grass cut short, use parasite preven on, wash your hands a er exposure to soil, and visit your veterinarian for annual parasite checkups. Skin care is o en over looked, especially if you have a short haired dog, but neglect of this important organ can result in problems. When grooming your dog, star ng with the skin makes sense since it is the first line of defense against illness and infec on. Brush your dog daily to remove mats and debris. Bathe them as necessary, which can be monthly. If neglected, the skin can become dry and itchy which will cause inflamma on and possible infec ons. Diet is important to maintain health and a strong immune system. No longer is it considered one diet fits all. We have more knowledge and op ons than ever before. We know that what we put in our body and our best friend’s body makes a difference. It is important to meet

your dog’s specific nutri onal needs. You can consult your veterinarian or a canine nutri onal expert. Allergic reac ons and intolerances can result in an eczemalike skin reac on that weakens the body defenses. Most commonly, the causes are food and hygiene products. When you see your dog is having issues, you can try changing the diet, or even bathing may help. There are many sources to help you decide on what products or diets you can try. Some dogs are born more prone to this condi on than others. Just as you may have been born with freckles, sensi vity to the sun or bad eyesight, gene cs plays a part in what your dog is likely to develop. Though you don’t have control of the gene cs in your dog, you can limit the environmental impact by following the recommenda ons above. There are many websites on how to remove these tags yourself, but I do not recommend it. First, if a veterinarian hasn’t diagnosed it as a skin tag, you may be se ng up your best friend for complica ons down the road. Second, if you don’t remove it correctly infec on, pain, and bleeding could develop.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings, workshops and fundraisers. Go to www.enlightenedhorizons.com FMI and to schedule a reading. email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine 04330 www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

FREESTYLE from page 1 in my research: clicker training and canine musical freestyle. The first changed forever the way I train; the second shi ed my training interest toward a sport that I find sufficiently challenging and rewarding so that it is, in one form or another, a regular part of my daily life. The performance which caught my a en on with the engagement, level of training and joy it showcased was one that has hooked many dog people on freestyle. The performers were Carolyn Sco and her nowdeceased Golden Retriever, Rookie, performing to “You’re the One That I Want” from Grease. You can watch it here: h ps://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=HqbVbPvlDoM At the me that I learned about freestyle, there were, I believe, three freestyle organiza ons in North America; today, there are at least a half-dozen freestyle or freestylebased venues on the con nent, some of which extend interna onally, in addi on to ones based overseas. Resources generally, and especially in northern New England, were few and far between in those days, and the handful of trainers in Maine who wanted to try the sport were largely self-taught. In southern Maine, a small group formed and reformed several mes in an effort to bring the sport to Maine. In 2011, the mee ngs became a li le more focused, and the introduc on in 2012 of the new sport of Rally-FrEe, which followed a rally obedience format, but with spins, leg weaves, circles, bows, and other basic behavioral vocabulary featured on the courses, provided some achievable target goals. The mee ngs morphed into get-togethers for the purpose of filming each other’s runs for RallyFrEe compe ons, and over several years, eight members (Dancing Paws of Maine was voted into being in 2014, with a mission to “promote and support the spirit and sport of canine musical freestyle” and related

ac vi es) earned Rally-FrEe tles at various levels on ten dogs, and three members’ dogs (two Standard Poodles and a French Bulldog) were among the first eleven dogs to earn Grand Championships in the sport. In the mean me, three members turned their sights to Cyber Rally-O, Dance Division, and became the first par cipants ever to earn Gold medals in that sport, while four members competed successfully in RFE and/or WCFO freestyle, where the club can also boast one Grand Champion and other tles. In 2016, the club hosted interna onally recognized trainer and freestyle compe tor Michele Pouliot for a workshop and private lessons. This October, we look forward to having Michele and co-presenters Julie Flanery and Diane Balkavich for an event we have called Trifecta! Freestyle Retreat, which will take place in Milford, NH. Working and auditor spots for this workshop sold out within days of registra ons opening, but there is a wai ng list. Dancing Paws members now get together about once a month at MainelyAgility in Raymond, Maine where open training follows a short educa onal program on a specific topic led by a club member. Club mee ngs are conducted as part of these get-togethers on an as-needed basis. The club hosts a website (dancingpawsmaine.com) We welcome inquiries on our FB page (Dancing Paw of Maine) or by email (dancingpawsmaine@gmail.com)

Training the freestyle dog Since freestyle is not a cookie cu er sport, training for freestyle is largely up to the individual and depends on the end goals of the handler and the abili es of the dog. Some trainers enjoy teaching and incorpora ng flashy tricks into their rou nes, while others focus on showcasing the par cular style and movement of their dance partner. In either case, a basic foundation in

obedience with lots of emphasis on play and engagement makes a good starting point. The goal in most freestyle venues is to have the dog work on verbal cues as much as possible, freeing the handler to interpret his end of the music without hands and body, and proximity to the dog tied to having to lure the dog into a behavior such as a spin; in fact, lure-lie cues will have a negative impact on the team’s score in competition. As a result, modern trainers have a basic toolbox of equipment and techniques which allow them to maintain a neutral body position when introducing new behaviors while using their voices, markers, and treats or toys to signal that a correct choice has been made. These tools, which include platforms, perches, training gates, targets and shaping, make it difficult for the dog to make an incorrect choice, especially in the early stages of training, promoting what is sometimes called “errorless” learning. Positive reinforcement is the method of choice for training the freestyle dog; in fact, one of the stated objectives in the Dancing Paws

of Maine bylaws is “to encourage positive, motivational training methods.” The dog should learn early on to work on all four sides of the handler: le heel, right heel, center (front), and behind. All are referred to as “heelwork” in freestyle. Beyond that, there are no required moves although a useful basic vocabulary of behaviors which includes spins, circling around the handler, and weaving through the handler’s legs facilitates moving the dog from one posi on to another and the team around the ring. The sport of Rally-FrEe was created in 2012 by Julie Flanery of Philomath, Oregon to assist aspiring freestylers in developing these skills, a list of which, both in their most simple form and with various embellishments, can be found on the rallyfree.com website. Click on “Rally-FrEe” in the menu at the top and then on “Sign Descrip ons” to find them. There are also videos of the individual behaviors being performed in another area of the website. Dancing Paws of Maine’s membership is happy to assist newcomers in training any of these skills. Judith Stoodley is a Cer fied RallyFrEe Instructor and judge, as well as a Cer fied Trick Dog Instructor. She began her love affair with dog training when she was fi een and acquired her first dog, a basenji. She has tled dogs in conforma on, obedience, tracking, agility, barn hunt, tricks, rallyfree, and freestyle. Her current dogs include two Standard Poodles, Luna and baby Penny, and a French Bulldog named Wiggin. Luna is also a Trick Dog Champion and Rally-FrEe Grand Champion and currently competes in agility, barn hunt, and freestyle. Wiggin is mostly re red although he s ll loves to train. Judith has been the president of Dancing Paws of Maine, a freestyle club, for the past five years. Photos courtesy of Gunther T Weimaraner Photography

Please Support Our Advertisers BANGOR & DOWNEAST


Bear Brook Kennels ...........................16

Animal Emergency Clinic...................11

Green Acres Kennel Shop .................16

Maine Veterinary Medical Center ......6

Loyal Biscuit ........................................2

Pet Connec on....................................6 Pleasant Hill Kennels ...........................5


Portland Veterinary Specialists.........11

Li le Dog Day Care ...........................14

Southern Maine Coastal Classic........14 Tender Touch Vet ................................6

MIDCOAST Boothbay Railway Village ......................


.................................... 16 & Back Cover

Dog Not Gone .....................................2

Catahoula Rescue............................. 15

Miley's Munchies ..............................14

Kompletely K-9 ....................................6

Paris Farmers Union ........... Back Cover

Loyal Biscuit ........................................2

Pickles Pup Transport........................16

Mr. Dog Training..................................2

Silver Paw Tags ....................................6

Two Salty Dogs ....................................2

Dogca on Special...........................8&9

Water Bark Wellness ...........................2

WESTERN Taylor Brook Animal Hospital .............5

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Your Dog is a Garden Basic Training

Nourish those good behaviors!

In celebra on of this season of plan ng and growing, I share with you a Doggie Haiku I composed:


"Your Dog is a Garden" Nurturing good plants Carefully preven ng weeds Leaves only the best I came up with this as I was out working in my garden many moons ago. Always thinking "dog" and how so many things in life are connected, I got carried away in thought. "Behaviors," I mused, "are like plants." If we want them to thrive, to be strong and resilient, we have to tend to them, and ensure they have what they need. The stronger these behaviors are and the more we have of them, the less opportunity and space there is for weeds (the undesirable behaviors) to take hold. Our plants need nurturing In behavioral terms, this means rewards.. and in sufficient quan es to make them thrive! Insufficient care of a valued plant will result in its decline. The same holds true of desirable behaviors. What about using chemicals to get rid of the bad stuff? Sure, we can also use pes cides

by Diana Logan

("punishment") to rid our proverbial behavioral gardens of weeds. The problem with toxic chemicals, however, is that we end up tain ng the soil in which all the plants grow. If we do choose to use punishment, we have to proceed

with great cau on because the risk of side effects is great, and it can be difficult to predict their reach. Many summers ago, a lawnobsessed neighbor was fed up with figh ng the crabgrass in his lawn and resorted to using Round-Up. He enthusias cally applied it to an area of about 30 square feet. Everything died. Everything in that small area, and then some. He ended up having to remove the soil and replace it with new, then replant. Years later, you can s ll discern the area in ques on. Those, of course, were just the visual reminders; there are many unseen nega ve consequences to using such a harsh approach – effects that may not be seen for years or may never be connected to the poison. What about our dogs? How do we keep the weeds from growing, and how do we fer lize those good behaviors? First of all, nip the behavioral weeds in the bud! Once they take hold, they can be as difficult to remove as the garden loosestrife a friend generously (or so I thought) shared with me. To her, it was a fine, upstanding plant. In my garden, it became an aggressively invasive weed, taking over everything. In the end, I, too, had to remove the soil from my garden and replace it - the loosestrife roots had consumed and reached far into the ground like an invisible evil monster.

If we can see, early on, that there's an undesirable behavior starting to grow, we have to do something about it as soon as possible. Jumping, for instance, is so very easy to weed out if we do so early on. All we have to do is cut off its supply of nutrients (typically any form of attention). For the good stuff, for those perennial behaviors we want to keep around for a long, long time, we have to be sure they get what they need to thrive. Behavioral fertilizers will vary from dog to dog, but whatever it is, the behaviors will only last for so long without them. One person's weed is another person's rosebush. We are boarding a small dog right now who is a real lap dog. She will leap up onto anyone's lap at will. This is something that her humans like, but I do not. While I certainly enjoy a lap dog as much as the next person, I do not like the "at will" part. She is just as likely to land on a plate of food or my keyboard as she is to land on my lap. That behavior is her family's rosebush, but to me, it's a weed. Observe your dog. Nurture your dog. Pay it for the good stuff so it will keep flourishing, day a er day, year a er year. Keep on weeding, too! Happy behavioral gardening!

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without humans. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and abili es of wild dogs. My human and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I call my human, tongue in cheek, Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net A le er from my good friend Eddie: Dear Bammy, My humans and I were so happy with your le er to me. Our city life here seems to revolve around work. My humans have been very busy this winter. They hardly ever have any fun throwing my toys. One stays home, but she spends all her me in front of that thing they call a computer. She says she is wri ng a book and has a deadline. The other one leaves every day to go

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

called a health food store that had a mouse problem. I searched the store and located the place where the mice entered through underground pipes. They had the hole fixed, and no more mice! I got lots of pets and treats there. My humans tell me that we have to "dress for success" in the city, so I have to wear a collar and e when I go to a job. Fortunately, they take it off when I get down to business. Everyone who sees me in this get-up seems duly impressed and calls me "Mr. Businessman." I don't get it, but I get lots of treats just for showing up. That's my city life. It sounds like you are having lots of fun up in Maine. Your friend from away, Eddie

to a place called "the city," but I've never been there. They say I would hate all the noise. I decided I needed to work, too. I call my business, “Mouse Busters.” A friend of my humans trapped a mouse in her house. They were afraid they had more, so I checked it out - three whole floors! I smelled a lot of interes ng smells, but no mouse. They pe ed me and gave me treats anyway. My second job proved much more exci ng. My humans some mes hunt for food in a place

Dear Eddie, So good to hear from you, and congratula ons on your new business! Boss and I wish you could find the mouse holes in our den. We hear them scrabbling around in the walls, but we can’t find how they get in. My dear friend Pookah has just le a er a long visit while her pack was away. I barked for her as she went, but she raced home to her special human. I’m so sad! I watch her den from my window, hoping to see her coming back to me. I live far from the road, so she can run back and forth between our dens. She comes to visit a lot, but I want her living in my den. I’m doing agility again a er a long vaca on. Boss has lightened up a lot, and she gives me real *MEAT* rewards! Wishing you successful mousing! Bammy

The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

Pancrea s in Dogs The pancreas is a glandular organ in the abdomen, which is tucked in the angle between the liver, stomach, and small intes ne. This organ produces and secretes diges ve enzymes into the intes nal tract to break down nutrients, which allows for their absorp on by the body. The pancreas also produces insulin and glucagon, which carefully regulate how the body u lizes these nutrients. The term “pancrea s” means an inflamma on of the pancreas, which is a common malady in dogs. The exact cause may never be determined, but dogs who are obese have diabetes mellitus, low thyroid hormone levels, or Cushing’s syndrome are at higher risk. As well, inges on of high fat meals (especially a large amount all at once) can trigger this disease. Just say NO to pork chops, steaks, turkey legs, and those weird cheese snacks that your parents keep at their house….When pancrea c inflamma on occurs, the diges ve enzymes within the gland are released before reaching the small intes ne. This results in damage (“acid burn”) to the pancreas itself, as well as to the neighboring liver, gallbladder, and intes nes. Pancrea c damage ranges from mild to poten ally life-threatening, and prompt medical treatment should be sought.

May 2018

The symptoms can be sudden in onset and most o en include nausea, vomi ng, lethargy, hunched or “praying” postures, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These symptoms can be variable in intensity and can be associated with many other diseases as well. The diagnosis is o en based on recent dietary/medica on history, results of a thorough physical examina on, and certain laboratory tests. Your dog’s “white blood cells” are o en elevated due to the body’s response to inflamma on. There may be eleva ons in certain enzymes such as lipase and amylase, though they are not specific to the syndrome. A newer test called a SPEC cPL is now widely available and is a more reliable marker

for pancrea s. If the veterinarian is not convinced of the diagnosis at this point, abdominal radiographs (“x-rays”) may be obtained for suppor ve evidence. They may show a widening in the angle between the duodenum and stomach, o en with a hazy “ground-glass” appearance. If available, abdominal ultrasound is superior to radiographs in diagnosing pancrea s, and offers a view of all the internal organs. This is key, as other medical issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, gall bladder disease, hepa s, and intes nal obstruc ons can mimic or co-exist with pancrea s. Very rarely, an abdominal exploratory surgery is performed to confirm the diagnosis and eliminate the possibility of subtle intes nal or gall bladder obstruc ons. Treatment for pancrea s is tailored to the degree of illness of the individual dog. Outpa ent care may be appropriate for dogs who are s ll alert and able to drink water and be given oral medica ons (an -eme cs for nausea, antacids, and pain control). Small, frequent meals of a low fat, bland diet (home cooked or commercial) are usually recommended. Maintaining hydra on and normal blood pressures in pancrea s pa ents is important in those with moderate to severe disease to reduce risk of systemic

shock and organ failure. Electrolyte intravenous solu ons, given in a hospital se ng, allow the natural healing mechanisms to occur in the body, as well as correct dehydra on caused by vomi ng and diarrhea. The intes nal tract and pancreas can “rest” while medica ons are given intravenously. Your dog’s condi on would likely be assessed by repeated physical examina ons, blood enzyme tests, and response to treatment. Most dogs hospitalized for this condi on spend 2-4 days under a veterinarian’s care, and fortunately, most survive the event. However, repeated bouts can lead to chronic, smoldering pancrea c damage and possibly diabetes mellitus. What can you do to lower your dog’s risk of pancrea s? Plenty! 1) help your dog maintain a healthy weight with (you guessed it) diet and exercise; 2) avoid high-fat diets (ideally 7% or less); 3) avoid feeding table scraps; 4) don’t allow your dog to be una ended in yards or woods where there may be “unsanc oned” treats; 5) keep trash receptacles securely covered; 6) provide healthy, low fat treats for your dog while he is in the care of others to avoid tempta on. Dr. Gail D. Mason Portland Veterinary Specialists


Maine Dogcation 5

Traveling with your Dog Maine is perhaps one of the more pet friendly states. You’ll find more than 300 dog parks, beaches, and trails, and hundreds of accommoda ons and stores that will welcome you and your dog. From the forests and the mountains to the beau ful rocky coast, there is something for everyone including the family dog. If traveling by car, you might consider restraining your dog with a pet barrier, pet seat belt, or travel crate to ensure a safer trip for everyone. According to AAA, about 30,000 accidents are caused each year by an unrestrained dog in the front seat. It is also important for them to keep their heads inside the vehicle. While they may enjoy riding with their heads out the window, it is not recommend as they could suffer ear damage, lung infec ons, or get something in their eyes. Bring something familiar with you from home, a blanket or a favorite toy to help them feel more comfortable during the trip. Keep them hydrated and be sure and make frequent stops for a bathroom break and for them to get some exercise. The American Veterinary Medical Associa on suggests you stop every 2 – 3 hours. According to the American Pet Products Associa on, 17.5 million

dog owners stay with their dogs in a pet friendly hotel. As this becomes more and more popular, you will find more places that are willing to accommodate Fido, some even providing special pet welcome packages that can consist of water bowls, treats, toys, blankets, and so on. Every accommoda on will have their own set of rules, so do


your research before making your reserva on. Some places may allow you to leave your dog in your room for a short period of me, and some will require that you take them with you whenever you leave. If your daily plans do not allow your dog to come along, then you might want to look into a nearby kennel for that period of me. DO NOT leave them in the car. On an 85 degree day, 10 minutes

is all that is needed for the inside temperature of your car to reach 102 degrees. Even on a bright sunny day when the temps are in the 60’s, your vehicle can reach the danger zone, and rolling down the windows or parking in the shade doesn’t guarantee protec on. Make sure your dog’s vaccina ons are up to date and travel with a copy of their vaccina on records. You should also make sure your dog has been treated for fleas and cks. If you plan to spend me outdoors even if you don’t go in the woods, you should s ll check yourself and the dog for cks before you head inside. Your hotel may have a designated area where they want you to walk your dog to do their “business.” Please adhere to their guidelines, and clean up a er your dog. This really applies to anywhere you go and will help ensure that our four legged friends will remain welcome. For a full list of pet-friendly parks, beaches, and trails, pick up a copy of petMAINE, a statewide resource published in collabora on with Downeast Dog News (to request a copy via email: jenn@ downeastdognews.com). All of the adver sers that you find on these pages are pet friendly and eagerly await a visit from you and your four-legged family member.

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Downeast Dog News


May 2018



Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer


In order for your dog to be successful in tracking, he needs to learn to work through many situations which can be highly variable. Your dog must learn to deal with scent contamination on the track. Depending upon the test and the area, contamination could be very high (a school playground) and very low (a quiet country field). Your dog must learn to handle contamination and lock onto the “track” scent. Your dog must learn to discriminate the “track” from cross tracks – something

which has crossed the main track – for example: a rabbit, mouse, dogs, people, horses, bicycles, etc. He has to learn to nego ate turns to the le and right, at 90 degree angles, and more open (so er) turns. He needs to learn to deal with windy condi ons as opposed to a calm day.

If he is working at more advanced level tests, he needs to realize tracks can go anywhere someone can walk, through hedgerows, woods, across roads, over stone walls, or down stairs, around buildings, through breezeways, any place someone could walk. There will also be obstacles along the way on some tracks, such as drainage ditches, low stone walls, fences, heavy brush, woods, small streams, etc. Depending on the type of test, there will also be distrac ons – wildlife, wildlife droppings, apples, turkey feathers, farm animals, hay bales, farm equipment, other dogs, people, dumpsters, sirens, children, cars, etc. Ar cles, which are objects the dog is supposed to find along the track, can be anywhere; some mes soon a er a turn, some mes a long way from a turn, some mes a li le off track to the le or right, or placed on a bench or low wall, or on the side of some steps. The dog must learn to look for ar cles anywhere along the track. Do not become habitual and therefore predicable where you place the ar cles. Keep it interes ng. The dog needs to learn to deal with me variables on the track. He

should be able to deal with fresh scent and also be able to deal with tracks several hours old. Scent is rela ve to the condi ons. If condi ons are good, aged scent will not be as hard to track. If condi ons are difficult – hot, dry, windy – even fairly fresh scent will be harder to follow. The dog needs to be exposed to different condi ons and me frames in order to work them out. He needs to be able to work for the dura on of the length of his track. He needs both physical and mental stamina. This does not mean you need to run full length tracks every me you train. Short pieces of tracks presen ng different problems will keep tracking interes ng and increase mental stamina. Walking, hiking, swimming and retrieving can all help condi on your dog physically. So each of the above variablescontamina on, cross tracks, turns, wind, obstacles, distrac ons, ar cles, me (age) and distance - all need to be considered when training. Do not combine too many variables and make the track too difficult. Success is what will build confidence. When your dog shows confidence with each one of these variables, you will have created a solid founda on for tracking.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

Does your business need to reach an audience of over 10,000 dog lovers?

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In addition to nearly statewide circulation, the entire newspaper is available online complete with ads for unlimited readership! “Our not-for-profit Museum is very pet-friendly. Since investing in a six month run in Downeast Dog News and an ad in petMAINE, the Museum has seen an exponential increase in doggie visitations. It’s clear to us that our ads dollars are working and I’d recommend to anyone either with a specific pet-business or trying to attract pet owners and families that these publications work and are a great value.” — Margaret Hoffman, Executive Director, Boothbay Railway Village

FMI: Contact Jenn at jenn@DowneastDogNews.com 10

Downeast Dog News


This is the last of a five-part series in which I have discussed Brambell’s Five Freedoms and how they provide a valuable reference point for assessing a dog’s quality of life. So far we have examined the first four of Brambell’s Five Freedoms: Freedom from Hunger and Thirst, Freedom from Discomfort, Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease, and the Freedom to Express Normal Behavior. This month I will address the fifth freedom, Freedom from Fear and Distress. I will be readdressing some of the same topics from part 2 of this series, Freedom from Discomfort, as fear and distress are an extension of discomfort especially when considering our dog’s emotional state. I genuinely believe that no psychologically healthy human would ever inten onally cause his pet fear or distress. However, a lack of knowledge — or incorrect informa on about animal behavior o en is a cause of fear and distress in dogs. Experiencing fear and distress is normal for any living thing throughout its life. However, since one fearful event can be trauma c enough to create a permanent and debilita ng disability, it is essen al we understand fear and distress and that we do everything possible to minimize its eect on our dog.

ENSURE YOUR PET IS FREE FROM FEAR AND DISTRESS Can you readily tell when your dog is fearful or stressed? Dogs



typically do one of four things when afraid. 1) They ee and run away as fast as they can from whatever it is that has scared them. 2) They ďŹ ght by barking, growling, lunging at, and a acking whatever has threatened them. 3) They freeze in place, not moving a muscle, and not making eye contact with what they fear. 4) They ďŹ dget about, displaying normal behaviors (sniďŹƒng, scratching, etc.) in an abnormal context while ignoring the threat. These four are the most extreme reac ons, but well before your dog exhibits any of those behaviors, it will give you subtle

signs of its emo onal distress. It is essen al that you know and understand these signs so that you can intervene early. Unfortunately, when many dog parents see their dog freezing or ďŹ dge ng about, they say “Oh, he’s ďŹ neâ€? not understanding that the dog is in fact distressed. ( FMI – h p://bit.ly/ DogsSignsofFear ). Have you and your family commi ed to NEVER using aversives to manage or train your dog? By deďŹ ni on, an aversive is anything that causes your pet fear or distress, so if you use these tools or methods, you are NOT ensuring your dog is free from fear or distress. Commonly used aversives include but are not limited to shock collars, choke collars, prong collars, leash correc ons, or anything where the intent is to physically or emo onally punish the dog as part of training or management. Dogs subjected to aversives are likely to develop behavioral problems and have a much higher probability of becoming aggressive. The American Animal Hospital Associa on (AAHA) notes that the use of aversives is a signiďŹ cant reason for behavioral problems in pets and that they should NEVER be used. (FMI – h p://bit.ly/RewardVSAversive ) Was your puppy well socialized? Early socializa on and habitua on is key to freedom from fear and distress, as is ongoing socializa on and enrichment throughout a dog’s life. Inadequate socializa on or inappropriate socializa on is a frequent reason for a dog to be fearful in certain situa ons. Remedial socializa on is possible, but you should work with a reward-based, fear-free trainer so that you do not make things worse. (FMI – h p://bit.ly/ Socializa onPuppy) (FMI – h p:// bit.ly/HowToChooseADogTrainer ) Do you ac vely look out for your dog’s best interests so that you can protect it from people

that do NOT understand canine body language? Most people do not understand that not all dogs want to interact with people nor do those people comprehend the subtle signs that a dog gives that says, “please leave me alone.� Most dogs do not want to bite, but only do so when they feel they have no other op on. As our dog's caregiver, we have a responsibility to look out for our dog’s welfare which means intervening when others do not respect our dog’s right not to interact. Addi onally, we need to understand that some mes the best thing we can do for our dog is to leave it at home. Not all dogs enjoy walking in the animal shelter’s annual fundraiser. Do you understand the necessity of providing both physical and mental s mula on for your dog while not le ng either go to extremes? A lack of adequate physical and mental s mula on can cause a pet to be distressed. However, too much s mula on and exercise can also be even more detrimental, crea ng a state of chronic stress. Playing fetch or going to the dog park every day can become addic ve, causing chemical changes in the brain which can contribute to distress and other behavior problems. Do you understand that while the dog is a social species, it may not like every dog it encounters, even ones that you may want to add to your family? While the domes c dog is considered to be a social animal, some are more social than others. Dogs do not automa cally like one another. If we force a dog to live with another pet that it is afraid of, we are causing fear and distress. To read previous ar cles in this series visit the Downeast Dog News website at h ps:// downeastdognews.villagesoup.com/ or visit Don’s blog at h ps://www. words-woofs-meows.com

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor. He is a Bach Founda on Registered Animal Prac oner (BFRAP), Cer ďŹ ed Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), Associate Cer ďŹ ed Cat Behavior Consultant (ACCBC) and a Cer ďŹ ed Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). He produces and co- hosts a weekly radio show and podcast, The Woof Meow Show heard on The Pulse AM620 WZON and streamed at h p://www.wzonradio.com/ every Saturday at 9 AM. A list of upcoming shows and podcasts of past shows can be found at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.








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of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: ANIMAL REFUGE LEAGUE OF GREATER PORTLAND A Lifesaving Organiza on Commi ed to the Preserva on of Life

By Susan Spisak When I rang up Jeana Roth to learn about Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland (ARLGP), we realized we’d talked last year regarding their Puerto Rican rescue efforts--they’ve taken in hundreds of dogs through that territory’s All Sato Rescue (ASR) for several years now and over 170 since the devasta ng hurricanes of 2017.


Roth, their Director of Community Engagement, shared that she and a few others from ARLGP were planning a hands-on mission to Puerto Rico in a few days. They wanted to understand what ASR and the island’s animals were experiencing, especially a er the hurricanes le them in crisis mode. We connected again a er their trip. The group helped in several areas, including loading dogs for cargo travel to ASR’s partner rescue in Florida and visi ng known dog “dumping sites” to feed the friendly, but o en feral-like


From Puerto Rico rescue partner, All Sato Rescue. This sweet and so -spoken fella might be hearing-impaired, but you'd never know it with his outgoing-ness and goofy nature. We think Byron would prefer an adult-only home, but would likely do well with a canine sibling to share his fun with.

Friendly and ac ve girl. She does great while on a walk. Not a fan of small animals or cats. She’d prefer a home with older children who can handle her energy. Has done well with other dogs while at AWS. She’s an all-around nice dog and would make a great addi on to almost any household.

Visit arlgp.org for more info.

Visit arlgp.org for more info.

animals. (People who no longer want their pets leave them on beaches or construc on sites.) The group also discovered and rescued three abandoned moms and their li ers. They took them to an animal hospital for care and were placed in ASR foster homes where they’ll remain un l they’re cleared for transport to ARLGP. They did bring a few dogs home with them who’d been in the ASR foster system and were vaccinated, quaran ned, had health cer ficates, and were ok’d for travel. It’s evident that animal care and quality of life is night and day between the island situa on and Maine. “We feel fortunate to be in the greater Portland area where animals and adop ons are supported.” Their numbers prove that. ARLGP rehomed over 1200 dogs last year (and about 2200 cats, bunnies, and cri ers). While some were owner relinquishments and strays from contracted towns, many were dogs from partner rescues, shelters in the south, and California. “We really help where there is a need,” Roth said. This non-profit was founded over 100 years ago. In 2016, they moved to their new 25,000 sq. . facility at 217 Landing Road in Westbrook. Their mission is to serve their community in a mul tude of ways and nurture the connec on between people and pets to advance animal welfare. To accomplish that mission, they offer wellness clinics with low-cost shots, microchipping, and free spay/neuter services for qualifying community members through 2018. They also have an on-site pet food pantry (hours are Tuesdays 1 to 3 pm and Sundays 1 to 4 pm). ARLGP is big on teaching kids to be responsible pet advocates. They even have a dedicated in-shelter Humane Educa on classroom and a dedicated Humane Educator. Age-appropriate animal welfare topics are explained during their a er-school clubs, summer and vaca on camps, birthday party packages, and Scout programs. They also offer free in-school presenta ons covering a wide variety of animal-related topics. They’re always looking for fosters to provide temporary homes for pups, ki ens, the medicallychallenged, and elderly dogs. If you’re interested in fostering and to see their adoptables, visit arlgp.org.

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Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




7 yrs., Lab/ Shepherd Mix

4 yrs., American Bulldog Mix

3 yrs., Pitbull Mix

This gentle giant is a real love bug that enjoys being with his people as much as possible. He walks well on a leash. We think he would do best as the only pet in his new home.

Chumley would do best in a home where he is the only dog and no cats. Chumley would ourish in a home that can provide him with lots of exercise to keep this ac ve boy from ge ng bored.

Ac ve Beefy needs an experienced home that can provide him structure and energy releasing exercise - chasing balls is a favorite of his. Beefy would be best suited in a quiet home, too many visitors can cause him to get protec ve of his family.

Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207) 594-2200

Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902

Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902

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1 yr., Collie/ Terrier Mix

5 yrs., Staordshire Terrier/ Whippet mix

10 yrs., Boxer/ Pit bull Mix

Very ac ve girl! Loves adventure, loves to play with other dogs and would make a great family pet! She has beau ful markings and a cute heartshaped nose!

This sweet boy is the last of his li er to be adopted! He is very social and playful, loves dogs, cats and kids.

Surrendered a er his owner was too sick to care for him, Patrick is a sweet guy. We think he’d like to live with another dog. Patrick loves baths! He is good with cats, dogs and kids.

FMI: fetchinghope.com

FMI: fetchinghope.com

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net



5 yrs., Pit Bull Mix

Jemma - 5 ½ yrs., Staordshire terrier mix Layla - 8 ½ yrs., Retriever mix.

He is a goofy guy who loves walks but can also be a couch potato. Is good with dogs and older children, but not cats. Warden is crate trained and has his basic obedience down pat. He loves puzzle toys and treats!

Both are playful, ac ve and aec onate. Jemma is great once she knows someone, but can be fearful with sudden movements and loud noises.

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com




3 yrs. Catahoula Mix

Young dog

2 yrs. Catahoula Mix

He does well with other dogs and loves to explore. Was rescued from a trash dump. Ready for a nice family of his own.

Sweet, calm, and playful boy. Knows basic commands (sit, wait, come, down, gentle {for treats}) but he needs consistency to reinforce his knowledge. One of his sweetest characteris cs is how snuggly he is. Email Catahoula Rescue: SLN2310@yahoo.com

Paws Adop on, (207)236-8702

Bonds quickly with her humans. Likes to hang out with other people and dogs, but no cats. High energy outside and super lazy in the house. Very polite pup in almost every sense. Email Catahoula Rescue: SLN2310@yahoo.com

Help us find a forever home! B M . .

May 2018


May C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com 3) the physical aspects of the dog park, and 4) the dog parks culture, the behavior of the people that make up the dog park. The seminar is free. FMI or to register, go to h p://bit.ly/ GAKS_Event-DogPark

PET NUTRITION 101 Wednesday, May 2 Waterville, 5 PM – 6 PM Chelsie from the Waterville Loyal Biscuit Co. will be speaking at the Humane Society Waterville Area, 100 Webb Rd., about the basics of choosing a healthy diet for your dogs and cats! She will be discussing the different types of commercial pet food diets, which ingredients you should look for and avoid in your pet's food, what dogs and cats need most in their diets, and why it doesn't have to cost more to feed your pets a healthier diet! loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7


PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Saturday, May 5 Belfast, 10 AM – 11 AM Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group at the Belfast Free Library, 106 High St., Belfast. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadop on.org; (207)236-8702

PUPPY PLAY DAY Sunday, May 6 Brewer, 1 PM – 2 PM Play me and socializa on are two very important factors in your puppy’s growth and development! This play me will be open to puppies that are 6 months or younger, and weigh less then 25lbs! A par cipa on and waiver form will be required for you to sign before your puppy is allowed in the play area. There is NO charge, but we encourage you to consider making a dona on to one of the many local rescue organiza on within our community! loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, May 12 Rockland, 12 PM – 3 PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Rockland loca on at 408 Main St. from 12pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

SOUTHERN MAINE COASTAL CLASSIC DOG SHOWS Thursday, May 17 – Sunday, May 20 Scarborough, 8 AM – 5 PM Hosted by the York County Kennel Club of Maine and Vaca onland Dog Club. Held at Wassamki Spring Campground, 56 Saco St. Rain or Shine! Concessions and vendors on site. Four Days of Conforma on, Obedience and Rally. Spectators welcome for $5 per car/day. FMI: yorkcountykennelclub.org or vaca onlanddogclub.org.

PLANT SALE Saturday, May 19 Brunswick, 8 AM – 2 PM Join Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln County Animal Shelter for our 16th Annual Plant Sale! Get everything you need for your garden this spring: annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, vegetables, herbs, shrubs, trees, and more. All proceeds benefit our animal guests! Held at Coastal Humane Society, 190 Pleasant St. Brunswick. *Rain date of May 20 from 8am-2pm

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, May 19 Camden/Rockport, 10AM-12PM Belfast, 1PM-3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Camden/Rockport loca on on

Southern Maine Coastal Classic

DOG SHOWS hosted by

York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc. &

Vacationland Dog Club, Inc.

May 17-20, 2018 est Larg t! s ’ en ine Ma ine Ev n a C

Wassamki Springs Campground 56 Saco St., Scarborough

8am-5pm each day – Rain or Shine!

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, May 19 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to the Somerset Humane Society. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7

DOG BEHAVIOR, BODY LANGUAGE & DOG PARKS Saturday, May 19 Bangor, 10 AM Held at Green Acres Kennel Shop - In this presenta on, Don Hanson, Cer fied Dog Behavior Consultant, and Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer will address what you need to know about canine behavior and canine body language to make sure your visit is safe and fun for all. 1) if you are ready for the dog park, 2) if your dog is ready for the dog park,

ley’s Munch ies i M 100% Grain Free Dog Treats Made Fresh to Order


cess Ven ions an dor s! d

Four days of Conformation, Obedience and Rally Breed Supported entries, Best Bred by Exhibitor, Best Veteran Competition, Junior Showmanship, 4- to 6-Month Puppy Competition and lots more! AKC-enrolled All-American mixed breeds may enter Obedience and Rally Competitions. Spectators welcome – $5 per car each day. For details go to www.yorkcountykennelclub.org or www.vacationlanddogclub.org


U.S. Rte 1, Rockport from 10am – 12pm and our Belfast loca on on 1 Belmont Ave. from 1pm-3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

All natural and fresh ingredients No preservatives

Order a batch today! Email: mileysmunchies@gmail.com or visit: mileysmunchies.com

Saturday, May 26 Augusta, 8AM – 12PM Vendors, food, ac vi es and much more! All funds raised go directly to support more than 2,000 animals that find their way to the Kennebec Valley Humane Society annually. Registra on and Check In - 8AM. The 5K walk will start at 9:00 AM. The 5K run/race will start at 9:15 AM. All dog registra ons will include a Mu Strut collar bandana for your dog. All dogs are welcome! FMI or to register: h ps://runsignup.com/Race/ ME/Augusta/25thAnnualMu Strut5K

PACES FOR PAWS Saturday, May 26 Belfast, 8AM – 1PM 5k race and 1k family walk held at the Belfast Rail Trail. Bring your canine companions and don’t forget a leash! All proceeds will go to support the animals at PAWS Animal Adop on Center. Check-in begins at 7AM, race begins at 8AM and the walk begins at 9:30AM (check-in by 9AM). FMI or to register online: pacesforpaws.org

RECURRING EVENTS SHOCK COLLAR SEMINAR Tuesday, May 8, 6:30PM Saturday May 12, 2:30 PM Bangor Why Shock Collars Can Be Harmful to Our Dogs & Humane Alterna ves to Electrical Shock – at Green Acres Kennel Shop. Don Hanson, co-owner of Green Acres will discuss electronic shock collars and why they are a dangerous and inhumane choice for training, managing, or containing a dog. He will review the scien fic, peerreviewed literature on shock as well as recommenda ons from veterinary behavioral experts on humane and effec ve alterna ves to electric shock. The seminar is free. FMI or to register, go to h p://bit.ly/GAKS_ Event_Shock_May2018

Li le Dog Day Care FOR SMALL BREED DOGS Established in 2009

In Home No crates or kennels Fenced yard 25 foot covered porch 4-6 dogs or puppies per day 5-7 days a week Multi-day and membership rates Boarding available for members Flexible drop off and pick up times Near State House, Augusta


Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

g Goin

trip? Come home to a on a Clean House & Happy Pets


Betty McBrien 701-8491 • Loving pet caregiver in your home within a 30 mile radius of Camden • Professional housekeeper • Farm animal care also available

Wiscasset, Maine • 207-882-6128 redseatsmaine.com

The ďŹ nal act of kindness for your pet, in the comfort of home. • Affordable • All Species • Cremation thru Ashes to Ashes • In-home Consultations

Robin Elms, DVM cell (848) 333-2211 robin.elmsdvm@yahoo.com www.apeacefulpassage.net

Reach New Customers! Adver se Here


Little Dove Farm




Green Acres Kennel Shop in Bangor, will host the following FREE educa onal events for pet parents in May Why Shock Collars Can Be Harmful to Our Dogs & Humane Alterna ves to Electrical Shock – Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 PM and Saturday, May 12th at 2:30 PM at Green Acres Kennel Shop. – Don Hanson, co-owner of Green Acres Kennel Shop will discuss electronic shock collars and why they are a dangerous and inhumane choice for training, managing, or containing a dog. He will review the scien ďŹ c, peer-reviewed literature on shock as well as recommenda ons from veterinary behavioral experts on humane and eec ve alterna ves to electric shock.

May 2018

The seminar is free. Hanson is a Cer ďŹ ed Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) and a Cer ďŹ ed Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). For more informa on or to register, go to h p://bit.ly/ GAKS_Event_Shock_May2018 Dog Behavior, Body Language & Dog Parks–Saturday, May 19th at 10 AM at Green Acres Kennel Shop – Going to the dog park is not an enjoyable experience for all dogs and people and can, in fact, result in irreparable harm. In this presentation, Don Hanson, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, and Certified Professional Dog Trainer will

discuss current thinking on dog parks. He will address what you need to know about canine behavior and canine body language to make sure your visit is safe and fun for all. Lastly, he will provide you with four checklists that will allow you to assess: 1) if you are ready for the dog park, 2) if your dog is ready for the dog park, 3) the physical aspects of the dog park, and 4) the dog parks culture, the behavior of the people that make up the dog park. The seminar is free. For more information or to register, go to http://bit.ly/ GAKS_Event-DogPark.


1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Upcoming FREE Seminars Why Shock Collars Can Be Harmful to Our Dogs • Tuesday, May 8th—Green Acres—6:30 PM • Saturday, May 12th—Green Acres—2:30 PM FMI—http://bit.ly/GAKS_Event_Shock_May2018

Dog Behavior, Body Language & Dog Parks •

Saturday, May 19th—Green Acres—10:00 AM FMI—http://bit.ly/GAKS_Event-DogPark


N Meeting the R boarding and grooming needs for your dogs, cats and other pets.


Your pet’s home away from home



ME License #F251

U Boarding & Daycare U Dog Grooming U Dog Training Classes U Behavior Counseling U Wholesome Pet Foods U Quality Pet Supplies

If the road is calling, go ahead and go. Let us help make the time away from your pet worry free. The staff at Bear Brook Kennel is committed to helping ease the anxiety of separation for both you and your pet. Your pet will receive quality care from the kennel attendants, trainers, groomer and receptionists. All services will be customized to your specifications. Your pet is our guest. When boarding, a reservation should be made, preferably a week or more in advance. If you should have an emergency or urgent situation, we will do our best to accommodate you. For reservations call 207-989-7979.

Seating is limited.

Voted the Bangor Regions: Best Kennel, Best Pet Store, Best Dog Trainer & Best Pet Groomer


Railway Village

19 Bennett Road, Brewer, ME 04412 tel 207-989-7979 fax 207-989-6927 e-mail: info@bearbrookkennel.com

Are you a breeder with puppies to go to a new home? Airport shuttle? Ground transport? Do you have dogs needing transport to specialty veterinarian appointments? Surgical implants? Genetic testing?

Engineering Experiences with Maine History Opening May 27 for the Season Historical Village • Train Rides Antique Cars • Goat Feeding

Frozen semen collection? Do you need transport for your dogs to and from a show handler or trainer? Are you moving and need transport to relocate your cat or dog in mainland USA or Canada?

We will personally escort and deliver your beloved animals Can transport puppies or adult dogs

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RailwayVillage.org | Route 27, Boothbay, ME

Safe, secure and caring transportation of your pets

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