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Kennels, Daycares, Sitters
If you’ve come to Maine with your pet, but you want to take a day trip or a hike somewhere that doesn’t allow them to come along, what do you do?
Especially if your outing will keep you away overnight, you may need to find a boarding kennel, daycare or pet sitter. According to the ASPCA, here are a few things to avoid when selecting a boarding facility ... Overcrowding | Limited access (pet guardians should be allowed to visit their pet at any time) | Unwillingness to meet your pet’s needs | Poor customer service | Pets left unattended.
According to one expert, kennel designer Kay Key, suggests you ask the following questions. Does the kennel smell? • Is the kennel constantly noisy? • If the kennel accepts dogs that are not neutered or spayed, are they kept separate? • Can you see where your dog will be staying? • Is the kennel in good repair? • Are there newspapers, paper shavings or gravel on the floor? • Is there bedding in both the sleeping area and the run? • Is proof of vaccination required? • Is the kennel heated and/or air conditioned?
If boarding, don’t forget to label what you leave with indelible ink, including bedding, toys, food if your dog has a special diet, medications, proof of vaccinations, and contact information, including how to reach your veterinarian in case of emergency. Sometimes though, kennels and daycares may not be the right fit (if your pet isn’t spayed or neutered; or if they don’t like being around other animals, etc.). In those cases individual pet sitters are a wonderful option.Some lodging places in Maine will offer a list of preferred kennels, daycares and pet sitters in their area so be sure to ask for recommendations when booking your stay.

A Place FUR Pups
53 Wilson Rd., Pittsfield (207)399-6866 Find us on Facebook!
All About You Pet Services
Boarding & Daycare Serving Midcoast Maine (207)701-8963
Betty McBrien
Insured Petsitter 30 mile radius of Camden (207)701-8491
Boothbay Canine Daycare & Boarding
Canine Inn at Blake Vet
66 Atlantic Hwy., Northport (207)789-5700 blakevet.com See our ad on pg. 37
Carden Kennels
The Coastal Dog
Haggett Hill Kennel
Harbor Hounds
Paw Print Pet Lodge
579 Alford Lake Rd., Hope (207)763-4444 pawprintpetlodge.com See our ad on pg. 37
York Bark & Play
915 US Rte. 1, York (207)361-4758 yorkbarkandplay.com See our ad on pg. 38