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Downeast, Bangor & Acadia
Mount Desert Island, Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor and Cadillac Mountain — these are the breathtakingly beautiful destinations that call most visitors to the Downeast region of Maine.
Natives and visitors alike know, however, that there is more to see and do in this area, a lot more!
The residents of DOWNEAST MAINE often claim to be the “real Mainers.” They welcome visitors with true down- home hospitality, in locales such as the twin cities of Bangor and Brewer, Bucksport, Ellsworth, Trenton, Southwest Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Deer Isle, Blue Hill, Stonington, Machias, Calais, Eastport, Lubec and Prospect Harbor. BAR HARBOR is the best-known and largest town in the northeast section of Mount Desert Island and leads to one of the entrances to Acadia National Park. Former President Barack Obama brought the then “first dog” (Bo) to Maine for the family vacation to this area. For a great view of the Bar Harbor area, take Shore Path, which starts near the town pier and continues along the eastern shore. Bar Island, which you can walk to at low tide, gives you a spectacular view when you look back toward Bar Harbor with the towering mountain in the background. You can walk, hike, and bike just about anywhere, which makes the Bar Harbor area a destination not to be missed on your visit to Maine. Downtown businesses care enough for Fido to keep water bowls filled outside their door. The area is well known for its pet-friendliness ... many activities (like day cruises) allow pets and pet-friendly hotels pepper the island. ACADIA NATIONAL PARK scores high marks for dog friendliness. Dogs are allowed on most of the 120 miles of hiking trails and 45 miles of carriage trails, as long as they are on a leash not more than six-feet long. Dogs are not allowed on sand beaches, in public buildings or on park ranger tours. Specific trails where dogs are not allowed for safety reasons include the Ladder Trail, the Precipice, Beehive, South Bubble Ridge, Jordan Cliffs and Beech Cliffs Ladder Trail.
One exception to Acadia’s leash rule is a privately owned section of the park near Seal Harbor, called Little Long Pond, where dogs can run and play off-leash, as well as swim in the pond. A dog owner’s gem and tail-wagging favorite, local canine fanatics call Little Long Pond the dog park of Acadia.