6 minute read
Weaving the Web of Wyrd Together
by Donald L. Engstrom-Reese
Over a month ago I was asked, “How has the Radical Fairies and the Reclaiming Witch Tradition influenced each other?” I have been thinking a lot about the question over these last few weeks. I realize that I have no over all, unbiased view of the question. I can only look at the query as a participant in both of the traditions for many years. I can only reflect on the intermingling of the traditions from what I have witnessed with my own basic five senses plus one. So, what else has formed the lens through which am I looking at this question? I have been an artist and a gardener my whole adult life. I am one of the co-founders of RFD magazine. I have been exploring Queer Spirit since the early 1970’s and have been involved with the Radical Fairies since before the term came into being. I had my first real taste of Witchcraft at the Colorado Faerie Gathering that led me to start my journey with the Reclaiming Tradition in 1980. As you can see, the intermingling of magical methods and worldviews began early in my life. In fact, the continual interweaving of many different weft threads of Mystery has become a mainstay of my daily practice.
I have noticed that many Radical Faeries and Reclaiming Witches are people of spirit and enquiry. Both groups encourage the questioning mind and spirit. Faeries and Reclaimers both dare folks to step beyond their comfort zones, encouraging us all to bravely take a long hard look at our own habits. Both groups also use personal experience as a sacred starting place from which deep journeys into the spirit realms can begin.
I have noticed that many in both traditions hold the body as sacred. Both groups celebrate the sensual, the sexual and the delicious. Many in Reclaiming and in the Radical Faerie communities delight in decorating their faces and dressing in fabulous outfits, daring to cross into the thrilling and challenging lands of uncertainty.
I have also noticed that many folks in both of the traditions are not afraid to look at the world as it is. In many cases, this has lead folks to actively engage in a politics of change and transformation. Many folk in both traditions are deeply involved in the growing and the nurturing of the emerging Cultures of Beauty, Balance and Delight1.
When I look back over the years I truly find it hard to separate out one group’s influence upon the other. Though, I do remember a few examples from my own life.
I remember that the early Radical Faerie ritual circles seemed to have no other structure than to sit or stand in a circle until something happened. It seemed rare to set an intention for a ritual. Often it felt as if we lingered for hours waiting for something to happen. Some folks were very hesitant to develop any structure whatsoever; for fear that a Faerie circle would simply evolve into another religion of control. Others could hardly imagine doing a ritual with no clear purpose, no objective or no guiding outline. I remember when Reclaiming and other Witches tried to offer ideas around ritual structure, which would work for their Fae communities. I remember the mix reception many Faeries had to ideas about the casting of a circle, about inviting the Mysterious Ones to join us formally and the setting of clear intentions or purposes for specific ritual circles.
One result of this exploration of basic Witch ritual forms designed to hold Queer Spirit was the Queer God Ritual.2 I wrote this ritual as way for groups of queers to experience the Queer Ones together in a safe space. This ritual worked for many people. Folks had a deep life changing experience in the presence of the Queer Ones who had come specifically for them. The ritual became a community build activity that is still used as a blue print for other Queer Ritual work taking shape today.
Some of the other rituals to come out of this experiment were a variety of sex rituals, celebrations of the dead, water purifications and handfastings/marriages.
Radical Faerie sex rituals were the beginnings of powerful healing change for many of us. Some of the work was based on Joseph Kramer’s work. These ceremonies almost always started out with some kind of sacred massage done inside of a sacred circle. Other sex rituals were built upon more obvious Witchy foundations.

One sex ritual that I remember in particular was built upon concentric circles. Our intention was to raise a strong cone of healing power. A solid circle was cast, inviting all allies of sexual pleasure and healing to join us. Continuous, steady heart beat drumming began. We each slowly undressed in a scared manner, one fag at a time, in front of each other. We dared to openly stand in our own glory inviting the sacred sensual gaze of all the other ritual attendants. When we were all naked, we went to the orbit of our choice. The outer most circle was a place for solo work (whatever that maybe to the individual). The second circle was a place where folks were invited to touch each other with their hands and mouths above the waist. The third circle was a place where folks were invited to touch each other with their hands and mouths anywhere on each other’s bodies. The center of the circle was a place was all sexual acts were a possibility. We reminded each other that no matter where we started the ritual, we were all free at any time to move from one orbit to another throughout our time together. It was made clear to all that it was vital to the working that each of us follow our place of power as it moved about during this sexual healing circle of change. When we had all found our places, we began to tone. As our voices began to warm to our purpose, so did our cocks and lips. The energy began to build and build. We breathed
Sacred Queer Power with each breath we took. When the healing lusts and loves of our bodies and souls completely filled the circle to over flowing, we screamed a primal scream. Our queer joy shot intense healing sexual energy high into the atmosphere and deep into the earth. It became instantly available to all who were in need of it, no matter where they maybe. After the ritual, we retired for chocolate desserts and other sweet treats.
Reclaiming came late to sex magic. Its focus has been on the essential work of healing our wounds, naming our desires and creating spells to restore our sexual wholeness. I have not been to a Reclaiming workshop/ class/camp that has yet dared to engage in actual sensual full body sex magic. I am still hoping that sometime in the near future such body explorations will be taken on by some of us in the Reclaiming communities.
I have noticed what could be Radical Faerie values’ inspiring some of the sex work has begun to emerge into Reclaiming sex workshops. Folks have been asked to courageously step into the sensual gaze. Folks have been asked to look at and be willing to be willing to recognize what are their own desires and what are the desires of others. I have also noticed that folks are also being encouraged to see their own inherent sexual glory. People are being asked to love their bodies just as they are, declaring to the multiverse that they are desirable and sexy. Folks are also asked to ponder the mystery that we are our luscious bodies until the moment we die.
I admit though, that the cross pollination of magical thought is hard to chart. I strongly suspect that many ideas and techniques appear, manifest, materialize, etc., around the same time in many different communities. Yet, I know that significant minorities of us have been challenge each other for many years to come. I am convinced that our two tribes are called continue to weave the Web of Wyrd together with side our allies of wonder, love and compassion. May we all dare to dwell in beauty, balance and delight.

1 The Cultures of Beauty, Balance and Delight–These are the emerging cultures that among other things, are concerned with transforming the relationships between the human made worlds and the natural realms into loving, sustainable, joyful partnerships, that are dedicated to pleasure and beauty, that embrace an ethics of justice and fair play, and that delight in the authentic lives of it’s individuals and communities. The Cultures of Beauty, Balance and Delight are the emerging cultures that, among other things:
1. Focus on transforming the relationships between the human made worlds and the natural realms into loving, sustainable, joyful partnerships,
2. Choose to live life fully awake, aware and co-creatively,
3. Are dedicated to pleasure and beauty,
4. Embrace an ethics of justice and fair play,
5. Delight in the authentic lives of its individuals and communities,
6. Are willing to accept the consequences of their choices, learning from them and moving on, active in both the Radical Faerie and Reclaiming communities. I also know that we go betweens delight in sharing our skills and abilities, dreams and visions, lusts and desires. With this in mind, I am confident that the Reclaiming Witch Tradition and the Radical Faerie communities will continue to inspire and
7. Remember that there is always a choice, are spinning cosmologies clearly naming love and compassion as foundational underpinnings of the multiverse.
2 http://web.me.com/iowariver/Walking_in_Beauty/ A_Queer_God_Ritual.html