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Recollections from GG 3: Third Global Gathering in South Africa Theoklymenos
Recollections from GG 3: Third Global Gathering in South Africa, February 2020 by Theoklymenos (from the Black Forest, Germany)
“T hose were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end...”—but, all of a sudden everything stopped: The coronavirus changed our lives dramatically in no time, in and outside of Faerie Space, as we all know. Because of that I am looking back a bit melancholically and sing a hymn of praise.
I am so glad and thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to join the Third Global Gathering in South Africa from 15th to 24th February 2020, which was one of the last Faerie gatherings in the whole world happening before the corona-crises stopped the way we Faeries use to connect in real Life. By joining literally in the flesh. GG 3 was a great gift from heaven (or MotherEarth or Universe or God, whatever you may call it) for me and over eighty other Faeries from around the globe who just happened to be there. We attendees can keep and cherish in our mind those still fresh memories about the amazing, fabulous, healing Faerie energy that we co-created and enjoyed all together during this wonderful ten days in sacred Faerie Space. Each time you recall a memory, it’s rewritten the moment you think of it. It is the rewriting that you remember next time.
Warmwaterberg Spa: to begin with—(a selfcatering resort between Barrydale and Ladismith in the Province Western Cape) is a perfect place for Faeries to come together. Located in the middle of nowhere with mineral hot springs and a scenic view to the mountains around, it is a beautiful piece of nature. Peacocks and turtles were some of our permanent guests in the sanctuary, OK, a few uninvited mosquitos after sunset as well. Who cares?!
We had a big, longtime heart circle every morning under a big open tent with deeply heart- and soul-touching sharings by Faeries of all ages, mainly from Africa, Europe and Northern America. I can hardly remember when I’ve had such intense heart circle experiences in my former Faerie gatherings.
Our big timetable on the wall in the main hall was filled up quickly with lots of meaningful rituals and interesting workshops of different types: Opening ceremony, regular Faerie history talks, nature ritual, international queer-freedom workshop, love temple
opening ritual, two documentaries (“Hope along the Wind” about Harry Hay, and “Big Joy” about James Broughton), portrait photo shootings, HIV-positive workshop, info-talk about Sex Magick, financial empowerment workshop, auction and fashion show, Enneagramm workshop, Faerie discos, closing ceremony—and many more events in smaller or bigger groups. Not to forget a wedding ceremony for a binational, lovely male couple. And, last but not least, an extraordinary, amazing, fabulous No-Talent-Show with twenty-four performances.
What can hardly be described properly by words is—of course!—the emerging and spreading Faerie energy and magic, the deep love and bright-light, all the sweet sudden moments: Faeries flying around with imaginary wings like butterflies with or without beautiful drag and glittery makeup, hugging each other tightly, moving their bodies on the dance floor or playing billiards together, teaching others how to swim in the warm water pool, looking deep into one others eyes and souls, laughing out loud, having serious conversations about the struggles and challenges in life, crying in the arms of another, embracing the inner and outer beauty and contributions of everyone, cooking delicious meals and washing dishes while singing together joyfully, sharing their bodily love inside and outside the wonderfully decorated love temple. This literal “Big Joy” needs to be experienced by oneself.
What about drama? Well, I’ve seen lots of drama in former Faerie gatherings by many Faeries. But in the “GG3”it was different. There was no drama in that kind of meaning. What we had were very intense and heart-touching ways, especially by African Faeries to express their deep love, great joy and playful happiness. One may call it drama, but I wouldn’t call it that.
I am very pleased, thankful and joyful that I did join this wonderful gathering. It felt to me like climbing the highest, brightest Faerie mountain (after falling into the deepest, darkest Faerie valley only two months before—but that’s another story). What an incredible journey for me! Looking back I realize what (besides the experienced organizing skills of the organizers) the main reason for the success of our powerful gathering was: The strong bond of brother-/sisterhood that the Portland (and other Northern American) Faeries have built during the last forty years! This deep heart connection in their Faerie communities and the strong will and power to make it happen was the basis on which the co-creative fabulous Faerie magic of all attendees could blossom and rise up to the highest point, where all new and longtime Faeries from different backgrounds and cultures could enjoy a wonderful, challenging, changing and healing experience, especially those from Africa (for most of them it was the first Faerie gathering ever). This shows us what is

possible when we put all our Faerie energy together and push it in the same direction to fulfill a vision. By the way: Soon after the gathering Faerie magic started spreading, some enthusiastic attendees invented a Faerie Café in Cape Town. And recently an attendee from Benin dedicated his hairdresser’s salon to the Faeries by naming it “Féerie Coiffure Salon de Beauty,” pointing out: “I am not the same person anymore. I love you and you will always stay in my heart.”
I am so longing for and looking forward to experiencing the next “real life” Faerie gathering—hopefully soon after corona shutdown will be history!
Photograph by Kerfuffle / mikekear.com

Photograph by Theoklymenos
Photograph by Kerfuffle / mikekear.com

“Shokti and Kam,” photograph by Kerfuffle / mikekear.com

Photograph by Theoklymenos

“Bilquisss and Afrohomo,” photograph by Kerfuffle / mikekear.com