Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
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2 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Divided into six macro areas , the most important RFI services for the public are presented in the pages below, together with the targets set for 2021 in relation to two quality factors identified by the regulations, adapted based on the specific company responsibilities and assessed through indicators
1. Train travel, network safety and efficiency 2.Sustainability of RFI activities and services 3. Connection and interchange with other modes of transport 4. Station accessibility and comfort
5. Public information 6.Services for disabled and reduced mobility passengers
3 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Train travel, network safety and efficiency One essential service among those offered by RFI is the safe management of train travel and rail operations across the entire railway network provided by the Railway Undertakings that provide the passenger and freight services.
SAFETY Our commitment for 2021
For RFI safety is the primary factor for assessing the quality of the core services of the National Railway Infrastructure Manager: Train travel and maintaining the entire railway network. Achieved primarily with the extensive involvement of its human capital through technological, organisational and regulatory safeguards and measures designed to reduce the risk of accidents to a minimum, the safety of railway operations is therefore the primary aspect of RFI’s commitment to its internal and external stakeholders and the primary target undertaken within the Service Charter. In compliance with the Italian and international industry regulatory framework, the safety of railway operations target is in line with the National Reference Value (NRV) assigned to Italy for the “Society as a whole” railway risk category. This is the most concise railway risk category of those identified by the EUAR (European Union Agency for Railways), in line with Directive 2004/49/EC as amended and supplemented, the maximum national values tolerated and the European Common Safety Targets (CST), both ratified by European Commission decisions. Specifically, the parameter adopted considers the ratio between the total number of “FWSI - Fatalities and Weighted Serious Injuries” and total number of kilometres travelled by trains in circulation during the year on . the RFI network. As in preceding years, once again in 2020, the ratio remained within the national reference value.
Railway operations safety level
parameter number of FWSI arising from significant accidents/trains per km *
2021 target Remaining below the NRV assigned to Italy for the “Society as a whole” railway risk category
* Internal/third-party monitoring
4 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
In order to maintain the ongoing efficiency of the infrastructure and ensure maximum travel safety, RFI is constantly committed to the protection, maintenance and upgrading of the infrastructure and its technological equipment and in building new lines and systems and development of increasingly efficient production and management procedures. All industrial activities that have a direct or indirect impact on the safety of train travel and railway operations are performed by RFI within its Safety Management System (SMS). The SMS has been accepted by the Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza delle Ferrovie e delle Infrastrutture Stradali ed Autostradali (ANSFISA) (Italian National Agency for Railway, Road and Motorway Infrastructure Safety) issuing RFI with the Safety Authorisation as specified under Italian Legislative Decree 162/2007, most recently updated in 2019. The SMS is one of three components of the Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS), which also includes the Environmental Management System (EMS) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), respectively certified according to ISO standard 14001 and ISO standard 45001 (formerly OHSAS 18001). In addition to targeting maximum safety, to offer travel services per of steadily increasing quality, RFI also focuses its efforts on raising other performance indicators, particularly frequency and punctuality. In the case of the latter, in 2020, as regards passenger trains, the values were above 90% both in the long-haul (15 minute threshold) and regional sectors (5 minute threshold). This is partly owing to the work done for local public transport that have involved both stations, particularly in the metropolitan area, and urban railway hubs, where infrastructural, technological and management measures are being implemented to make the rail traffic flow better. At the same time, for long and medium haul passenger services, work is in progress to speed up the main routes; for freight services, measures are being implemented to increase the train velocity and performance characteristics in the most important international transport corridors.
5 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Sustainability of RFI activities and services Employed as a guiding principle in corporate strategies, for RFI, sustainability is both the ultimate objective of the railway infrastructure development and management activities and of the services offered within it, all geared towards improving the appeal, accessibility and connection of the rail services to support the modal shift towards forms of collective and “soft” mobility, and a holistic approach, systemic to all areas of the company , to create shared value and contribute to achieving the sustainable development targets on the UN’s 2030 agenda, within the framework of the Green Deal, EU Next Generation and Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) policies and programmes.
Every year the environmental and social commitments stated in the Service Charter fall within the far more wide-reaching process of integrating sustainability into corporate strategies and operations. Against the backdrop of the crisis generated by the Covid emergency, this process has been further strengthened and expedited to support the role that the national railway infrastructure manager is required to perform. Its aim is to allow the sustainable transition of the country within the framework of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan, with important infrastructural investments for the sustainable mobility of persons and freight to be achieved by 2026. The commitments undertaken in the Service Charter are to be fulfilled in a period of 12 months and refer to specific actions, representing the many actions implemented to improve the company’s sustainability profile. The 2020 commitments - which were successfully implemented - were set in relation to environmental, social and governance aspects. For this purpose, a corporate Sustainability Committee has been set up to work as an advisory board to the top management in the assessments and decisions relating to choices/plans for the ongoing improvement of RFI’s sustainability profile and its contribution to sustainable development. On the environmental front, as part of the commitment to developing products and processes inspired by circular economy criteria, we tested a new material (Ecoballast®) in the field. Ecoballast® is a material derived from recovering slag derived from high-quality carbon steel production. The testing was done to assess and standardise its use as railway ballast with benefits in terms of lesser use of raw materials, reuse of materials derived from industrial processes and the reduction of waste. In the social sphere, station spaces not used for railway operations have been made available to the community free of charge. For 2021, in addition to continuing with this target in the social field, RFI is setting itself two new targets. -
Drawing up a materiality matrix, as a central tool for company sustainability governance, to support decision-making, which allows the systemic identification of the most important sustainability issues (known as “material issues”), both for the company and for its external stakeholders;
Continuing to amend the sourcing policies for electricity for uses other than railway traction, launching negotiations for the purchase, by means of a special supply contract, of double the current quota of Electricity derived from Renewable Energy Sources (RES), thus raising the percentage to 40% of total electrical energy (the remaining 60% is sourced directly by RFI on the Electricity Exchange through the existing contract with GSE and its replacement with RES power falls within scope of a more comprehensive review of the standards and regulations in this regard). indicator
2021 target
Governance - preparation of the materiality matrix
commitment *
Environmental - Doubling of quota of electricity from renewable sources for RFI internal use, purchased through a special supply contract (tender publication)
commitment *
Social - making station spaces available for social uses
* Internal monitoring
6 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Managing the railway network according to principles of ongoing improvement of efficiency, safety and accessibility means in itself contributing to the establishment of a more sustainable transport system in which trains, together with other collective means of transport, succeed in attracting increasing quotas of private traffic, reducing the costs to the community in terms of emissions, consumption of natural resources, accidents and traffic jams and increasing the ability to meet mobility needs for passengers and freight. This target has been brought closer and more achievable by the initiatives planned to increase integration of the railway with other forms of transport, improving the services and benefits for the Railway Undertakings, intermodal operators and passengers, especially commuters. In the “field” and on a day-to-day basis, for RFI, all this means developing the management, maintenance, upgrading, design and construction of lines and stations, with the utmost attention to the reduction of impact, the rational use of resources, and the management and resilience of infrastructure. It also means working on adopting an increasingly broad and global perspective with a growing commitment to protecting, regenerating and setting value on the territory and its natural, social, economic, urban, architectural and historical/archaeological assets, in compliance with the principles and values listed in RFI’s Environmental Policy, in close collaboration with the involvement of the entire organisation, its suppliers and other stakeholders. Central to the company’s approach is the introduction of product and process innovations which, guaranteeing the highest quality and safety standards, ensure the efficiency of the industrial activities with a view to shared value. Using some of the assets no longer used for railway operations, by making available station spaces for nonprofit activities for example or of disused lines for the creation of cycle tracks and greenways and through the reactivation of lines no longer in use in areas of historical value or of great natural beauty to offer tourist routes.
7 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Connection and interchange with other modes of transport Integration of the extensive national railway network and its feeder nodes, passenger stations and freight installations with the other modes of transport is a key factor in increasing the attractiveness and accessibility of the railway and of the other modes of transport with a reduced environmental and social impact, to establish a more sustainable and efficient mobility system.
STATION MODAL INTEGRATION Our commitment for2021
Passengers perceive the integration of the stations with methods of transport other than trains as a particularly important quality factor. It is likewise particularly important for RFI, which is directly involved in both the implementation of infrastructural and management measures in the context of its assets to facilitate interchange between the modes of transport used by the passengers to reach the station and the train, and working together with the local authorities and transport operators to explore network solutions. Although the targets and results linked to modal integration are not entirely attributable to the direct responsibility of RFI, the company nevertheless constantly monitors passenger satisfaction levels for the ease and convenience of reaching the station. Furthermore, over recent years, in order to gain the best understanding of the public’s needs, in parallel with the customer satisfaction surveys, we also monitor the last mile travel of the interviewees (to/from the station). The results, combined with the analysis of catchment areas of the individual stations and related transport, road, town-planning, demographic and social aspects, etc., allow us to single out actions to be developed together with the institutions in the individual local areas to increase multimodal connectivity and the attractiveness of the stations and rail travel in general. For 2021 the target value for this indicator, submitted to the judgement of the passengers, has been maintained at the highest level. This target was achieved in 2020.
Perception of ease and convenience of reaching station
% of satisfied customers
2021 target
Quality targets that involve third parties
8 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
As regards freight, to maximise the convenience of rail for freight operators, RFI is committed to implementing and managing intermodal installations in strategic points across the network and to the integrated offer of access to the network and terminal services and the organisational, service and infrastructural development of rail links with the major Italian ports along the main trans-European transport corridors. Similarly, as regards passengers, RFI operates, both directly and working with local government authorities and mobility service companies, for the creation of conditions to support the connection and interchange between rail and other modes of transport through infrastructural, organisational, management, information and digital measures, to transform the stations into a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) hubs, with spaces and services with the capacity to ensure rapid and easy transfer from one means of transport to another in an intuitive and fluid fashion. The strategic target is to make the station the protagonist in a mobility project that promotes shared and active public mobility to facilitate modal shift and contribute to achieving medium to long term sustainability targets. In the majority of Italian cities, stations, owing to the relevance and specific nature of transport that already characterises them, could be the epicentre of a new mobility model, fully functional for the development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) defined in the Italian Ministerial Decree of 04 August 2017 (1) as transport planning tools integrated with the town-planning and local framework and developments. In this regard, the initial results that have emerged from monitoring travel in the first/last mile to and from the rail network launched in 2018 are significant. By monitoring this, – in parallel with the customer satisfaction surveys -, each month, RFI records the types of means of transport with which users arrive at or leave the main stations in the national network, the relating journey times and other information that allows the statistically significant analysis of passenger in and outflow to and from the railway network. Based on the data that has emerged, we note that in 2020, the passenger profile changed in response to social distancing driven by the health emergency, but the travel habits did not change radically. The main method of arrival to the main Italian stations remains on foot (in around 47% of cases) followed by the use of private means of transport, at 24%, following by public transport, at around 17%, showing a slight drop on the preceding year. This shows that the station continues to generate a different and more sustainable modal share than is recorded on average in the urban centres, where the use of private cars and motorbikes is clearly prevalent at 60%, with 31% travelling the last mile on foot and 8% by public transport(2).
Notes: 1)Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, DM 4 August «Identification of guidelines for sustainable urban mobility plans, pursuant to article 3, paragraph 7, of Italian legislative decree no. 257, dated 16 December 2016» 2) Source: 17th Report on Italian mobility “17° Rapporto sulla mobilità degli italiani”, ISFORT, 2020
9 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Station accessibility and comfort Across Italy, RFI manages more than two thousand stations, key hubs on the network where its activities come into direct contact with passengers, and where infrastructure comes into direct contact with urban areas and their inhabitants. Stations are places of arrival and departure, service and reception, the quality and attractiveness of which affects both the passenger experience and the value of the areas where they are located. Stations are now at the centre of an important plan for the growth of their vocation as intermodal hubs and main amenities, to increase their quality and integrate them effectively with both the urban mobility networks and the surrounding local environment.
STATION COMFORT Our commitment for 2021
To report on the company’s commitment to improving the services that determine the levels of liveability, accessibility and comfort of the network stations, the Service Charter concentrates much of its attention on the quality perceived by passengers and monitored through customer satisfaction surveys carried out every year on the collection of stations that receive almost 95% of passengers that travel by rail each year. As ever, among the many detailed indicators in the customer satisfaction surveys, the Service Charter first presents the indicator relating to the overall quality of the station, in relation to which the passenger is asked to express an opinion at the end of the interview, taking into account the opinions expressed for the individual aspects and areas of the station. In terms of comfort, the indicator relating to the overall lighting is a particularly significant aspect, as it is “expressive” of the public experience in the terminals because it is related not only to the perceived comfort of the station, but also its perceived safety. For both of these indicators the target was maintained for 2021, set at highest value, which was fully achieved in 2020.
2021 target
Perception of overall quality of the station
% of satisfied customers
Overall perception of lighting
% of satisfied customers
10 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
CLEANLINESS Our commitment for 2021
To assess satisfaction with the cleanliness of the areas off the station - the cleaning having been performed by companies selected by means of a European tender held to ensure precise quality standards - the indicator refers to the public’s overall perception, which is always closely linked to the overall perception of comfort. Once again, in this case, the target was maintained for 2021 and was achieved in 2020.
Overall perception of cleanliness of the station areas
2021 target
% of satisfied customers
ADDITIONAL SERVICES Our commitment for 2021
The level of satisfaction with the quality of additional services is presented through the indicator relating to the commercial services provided by third parties. Although not entirely attributable to the activities performed by RFI, the adequate presence of additional services contributes significantly to rendering time spent at the station more comfortable and satisfying. Therefore, RFI nevertheless monitors its performance and for 2021, this indicator maintains the maximum target value, which was fully achieved in 2020. indicator
Perception of overall commercial services
% of satisfied customers
2021 target
Quality targets that involve third parties
11 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
SECURITY Our commitment for 2021
A decisive component in the accessibility and comfort perceived by passengers in the stations is security. This is pursued by means of many actions performed through a dedicated corporate protection system in conjunction with the Public Security Authorities and Institutions, designed to protect both the spaces open to the public and all the other railway assets. The protection of those assets from external risks is essential to maintaining the infrastructure available and the frequency of trains and therefore to the quality of service provided to the end customers, the passengers. There are many measures that have already been successfully implemented and are being extended to a growing number of stations on an ongoing basis: installation of video surveillance systems, increasing presence of security staff at peak times (holidays, sporting events, etc.), information campaigns for passengers on proper conduct and, above all the Gate project, which was set up in 2015 to overcome certain critical issues in the major stations and reduce the phenomenon of station thefts and general petty crime. This model involves separating the railway area from the commercial area of the station by means of appropriate boundaries. Access is managed through gates manned by corporate security staff who check the validity of authorisation documents and, with specific training in safety and security, are also required to identify potential critical situations for the safety and security of users of the major stations. Gates are currently in use at Milano Centrale, Roma Termini, Firenze Santa Maria Novella and Napoli Centrale. At Roma Termini, three automatic turnstiles have been installed to support the surveillance staff, whereas in Milano, they are currently being installed. As usual, once again for 2021 the Service Charter has two indicators and two targets, referring to the quality offered and the quality perceived: •The first regards the number of thefts suffered by passengers in the stations, excluding those that take place within the businesses. From 2007 onwards, there has been a constant improvement in that parameter, owing to the effectiveness in the action time and the schemes lasting several years defined by FS Italiane Group for the security of its customers and its assets, carried out in collaboration with the Railway Police following the Agreements signed from 2007 onwards with the Italian Ministry of the Interior. Hence from this year onwards, the target value will be compared with the average value for the three-year period 2016-2018, already achieved in 2020; •The second relates to the perception of those who frequent the station as a safe place: for 2021, the target value raised in 2019 and also achieved in 2020 will be maintained, owing to the extraordinary effort implemented to ensure, among other things, the health safety conditions in response to the Covid emergency. indicator
Level of personal and property safety in the station no. of thefts ** Perception of security in the station
% of satisfied customers
2021 target Do no exceed the average value for the three-year period 2016-2018 85%
** Polfer Monitoring Quality targets that involve third parties
12 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
In synergy with the planned initiatives for the upgrade and technological and infrastructural development of the network and its use for regional train, long distance and freight services in terms of security, punctuality, capacity, accessibility, protection and enhancement of the area travelled through, RFI is pursuing a new growth horizon for the stations. The aim is to increase attractiveness, functionality, accessibility, security and integration with other modes of transport in order to turn them increasingly into transport hubs, protagonists of a new sustainable mobility model, but also to hubs for amenities and services for the area, helping to develop the smart city: The simple, smart, connected, sustainable, inclusive and digitalised city. The target is pursued through the definition of a new station concept that incorporates in an organic approach the projects already implemented for the renewal and upgrading of the internal areas of the terminals – spaces, passenger services and digital facilities – with new infrastructural and management initiatives, focused on the relation of the stations with the outside, meaning both the urban physical and social environment and the network of multimodal mobility services. The aspect of the relationship of the station with the outside environment requires the development of shared actions, that is with RFI working closely with the institutions and local authorities. The main areas for action – which must be tackled with a system approach - relate to integrated infrastructure design and connection services between the station and the city that houses it, which is also a necessary condition for the development of commercial and social services of benefit to the area; work on station forecourt to optimise road, cycle and pedestrian access for passengers, the redevelopment of the urban environment and improvement of security; and integration of train times with those of the other local means of transport. To renovate and upgrade the internal areas of stations - particularly in the 620 busiest stations on the network -, RFI, with its subsidiary GS Rail, is pursuing the Easy Station project to improve the physical space of stations and public information, and the Smart Station project to equip stations with digital technologies. As regards the Easy Station, we will be improving accessibility and usability (by installing lifts/ramps, signage, tactile routes, upgrading lighting, etc.); functionality, decorum and safety (by upgrading internal spaces, enabling the provision of additional services, and delimiting track access fronts, etc.); public information (with the wide-scale implementation of the new IaC system and new public information devices complying with the most advanced quality standards). As regards the Smart Station, the availability of the wi-fi service is being extended in stations, and a digital platform is being implemented to monitor and manage station utilities remotely. All this without forgetting the smaller, less frequented stations, which are spread throughout the country and are often run using “remote” technologies. For these stations, RFI is pursuing initiatives that are strongly geared towards creating shared value, for example, by increasing the number of spaces granted free of charge to local authorities and non-profit organisations for activities of social value, with positive effects on both the liveability of the stations and the area where they are located.
13 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Public information RFI’s number one communication activity is providing information to the public on train times and on train status, first and foremost in the stations. And with an increasing focus, also on web and digital channels, already the protagonists in the information reports to the Infrastructure Manager with passengers, Railway Undertakings, suppliers and the public.
RFI’s commitment to public information is presented in the Service Charter in relation to the activity specifically linked to the Infrastructure Manager’s core business: passenger information on train travel, distributed primarily in the station. RFI provides public information using visual and/or audio tools dimensioned based on the specific characteristics of the various stations, size, number of visits, type of services provided at the stations by the Railway Undertakings. Public information performs an increasingly central role to the accessibility of rail services to passengers, particularly in the case of travel issues owing to bad weather, breakdowns, etc. Intrinsically linked to smart technologies able to “translate” data received from the traffic control systems with which the network is equipped into audio and/or visual messages, passenger information owes its accuracy and punctuality to increasingly evolved technological systems and tools in parallel with more effective methods of management and presentation of the data for distribution. Having achieved the objective of rendering the visual information provided in stations accessible on the Internet with the publication on www.rfi.it of the new Monitor Arrivals/Departures live service, as usual the Service Charter again for 2021 sets targets relating to the quality of information provided in stations both in normal traffic conditions and in critical traffic conditions: • The indicator “Overall perception of information” indicator target, fully achieved and exceeded in 2020, has been maintained. • For the indicator “Perception of information in critical conditions”, confirming the effectiveness of the actions to improve performance in progress, the 2021 target has been increased to 90%.
2021 target
Overall perception of the information
% of satisfied customers
Perception of information in critical travel conditions
% of satisfied customers
14 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Strictly linked with network operations, RFI has made increasing resource and professional investments in public information in stations both in terms of technology and tools and in relation to organisation and communication strategies. On the technological front, among the many improvement measures implemented to raise the quality and methods of public information to a uniform standard, RFI is progressively implementing a cutting-edge technological system throughout the network, the IaC (Information and Communication) system. Borrowing from traffic management models, this system allows all information relating to the same train to be distributed at the same time from a "central post" to all stations connected to it. The aim is to make the shift from a simple “Public Information” vision in stations, to an integrated “Information and Communication” vision, which is not limited to specific information linked to an individual train in an individual installation, but looks at the rail service as a whole, ensuring, particularly in the case of abnormal situations, the distribution of full and consistent information that help passengers to understand the situation and choose the best travel alternatives. Despite the fact that in 2020, owing to the Covid emergency, activation of new installations were inevitably slowed, there are currently more than 350 installations on the network migrated to the new IaC system. Among the activations planned for 2021, the Venezia Mestre installation is particularly important, which completes the migration to the new «Venice Node» started with Venezia Porto Marghera and followed by Venezia S. Lucia. In addition to developing increasingly advanced ICT systems capable of increasing the timeliness and accuracy of information, the company is constantly striving to improve the tools and methods of presenting audio and visual messages to make them clearer, more effective and more user-friendly. The company started moving in this direction as early as 2004 with the 1st edition of the Manuale degli Annunci Sonori (Loudspeaker Announcement Manual) (MAS) prepared together with the Department of Linguistics of Università La Sapienza in Rome. At the end of 2020, a project was launched for the issue of the 4th edition, undertaking to improve the effectiveness of the information, simplify the language used and make it more dynamic and capable of describing how events evolved, in the event of critical situations. All of which must take into account a considerable reduction in the “ordinary” audio messages, replacing them with information relating to changes in the transport service and the unfolding of critical situations in progress to “accompany” passengers in choosing between alternative travel options available. The same efforts are also being made to improve the quality of visual information in stations. As well as replacing monitors and other display peripherals currently under way at national level, measures are being taken which are tailored to the size and characteristics of the various stations. Falling within these is the piloting, in the stations Roma Termini, Milano Centrale and Torino Porta Nuova, of a specific configuration of certain visual devices that allows the display, upon the command of the operator, of a list of departing trains on two alternate pages, thus increasing the number of trains displayed on the device, which is particularly useful in critical travel situations. However, RFI does not limit the provision of information to stations and traditional communication channels. Constantly updated news on travel conditions and services offered to passengers are provided online, including on the company website www.rfi.it, which was completely redesigned in 2020 with the continual update of the Infomobility section. The aim is to make the RFI information available online more extensive and functional, in the name of transparency and participation, for use by passengers and other relevant stakeholders in the company, including Railway Undertakings, suppliers, local authorities and institutions.
15 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Services for passengers with disability and reduced mobility To support mobility and access to station services by all passengers, RFI is committed to the progressive elimination of architectural, sensory-perception and communication barriers in stations. Since 2011, on acquiring the role of Station Manager in application of EC Regulation 1371/2007 on passenger rights and obligations on rail transport, RFI offers assistance services in a circuit of more than 330 stations and has strengthened its commitment to accessible information to the largest possible number of passengers.
RFI’s commitment to offer assistance services to Passengers with disabilities and with Reduced Mobility (PRM) to guarantee the right to access to rail services for all is presented in the Service Charter through indicators referring both to the satisfaction expressed by passengers who have used the services and to planned corporate actions for their improvement. To date more than 330 stations are involved in the assistance circuit (“Sale Blu” circuit), spread across Italy and identified both based on their accessibility characteristics , the types of trains that stop at the stations (that is whether the trains are equipped to accommodate PRM in wheelchairs), actual demand in the user catchment, and on dialogue with the category federations and associations and local authorities. Despite the extremely serious health crisis caused by Covid - which for the first time, particularly during lockdown, led to a drop in the amount of assistance requested by passengers (-56% on 2019) - RFI has always maintained the assistance service active. To guarantee the maximum safety of passengers and operators, specific measures have been adopted, established with the aid of dialogue with category associations, including new rules for proper social distancing during assistance operations, access to Sale Blu (Blue Rooms) and sanitisation of the personal assistance devices used for getting on and off of trains.
In parallel, in 2020, despite the difficult circumstance of the crisis situation, it was possible to move forward with the company’s ongoing commitment to improve assistance services and achieve the targets stated in the Service Charter, both maintaining the high level of satisfaction of passengers who have used the services, increasing the number of stations included in the Blue Rooms circuit, and activating the National Blue Room to support the regional Blue Rooms, equipped with highly specialised and trained personnel, also able to communicate with foreign passengers. For 2021, the Company is committed on a new front for action that involves launching the mass production, in the Officina Nazionale Attività Industriali (Italian National Industrial Activity Workshop) in Carini (PA), of running boards for passengers in wheelchairs boarding trains receiving RFI assistance. Where there is a platform and train entrance on the same level, the running boards, certified based on the PRM Technical Interoperability Specifications, allow the easy crossing of the distance between the platform and the train without having to use a wheelchair lift, with numerous advantages also in terms of simplifying and speeding up boarding. indicator
Overall level of satisfaction with the assistance provided on the SALE BLU circuit Launch of running board production for boarding
2021 target
% of satisfied customers
Commitment *
* Internal/third-party monitoring
16 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
To report on the company’s other important action front to guarantee access to rail services for all, together with the other indicators relating to assistance services offered by RFI in stations, indicators and targets are included in the Service Charter, linked to the company commitment to develop measures to remove the barriers that limit accessibility, to allow passengers with reduced mobility to travel as independently as possible. Once again for 2021, the company is maintaining its commitment to further extend targeted measures to ensure the best conditions for train access specified at supranational level newly constructed installations and for those subject to complete renovation initially with Decision 2008/164/EC and then with the EU rail network Regulations on Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) relating both to accessibility for passengers with disability and reduced mobility (1300/2014/EU) and the «infrastructure» subsystem (Reg 1299/2014/EU). The indicator takes into consideration both work to raise the platforms to the standard height of 55 cm and other measures, such as on lifts, escalators, etc. The 2021 target, pursued as part of the more comprehensive station renovation project, is to implement at least 125 measures to improve accessibility.
Performance of work to improve accessibility in stations (platform h 55, lifts, etc.)
No. measures*
2021 target
At least 125
* Internal/third-party monitoring
17 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Reference points for the organisation of assistance services in stations offered by RFI to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility are 1 Blue Rooms, special facilities open every day, including holidays, from a.m. 6:45 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. at the main stations in Turin, Milan, Verona, Venice, Trieste, Genoa, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Ancona, Naples, Bari, Reggio Calabria and Messina. The recipients of the services, which are provided every day, including holidays, 24 hours a day, are passengers who, owing to temporary or permanent disabilities, have reduced mobility (all information on ww.rf.it > Stations > Accessibility). To ensure mobility of those passengers, with the same focus as always on overcoming physical barriers in the access routes to trains, RFI has launched a specific plan to improve the accessibility of the spaces open to the public, systematised and harmonised with other specific initiatives to improve station services as part of the Easy Station project, which involves more than 600 of the busiest stations on the network, prioritising those in the metropolitan areas with local public transport services. Furthermore, to support the right to mobility, RFI is committed to removing communication barriers, which are less tangible but equally critical. With this in mind, in 2020, the website www.rfi.it was completely redesigned, maintaining compliance with the web accessibility standards laid down under Italian L. 4/2004 (‘Stanca law’) as amended and supplemented. The online information relating to services and accessibility facilities of the individual stations on the network was also supplemented and made more user-friendly. This information is helpful in allowing passengers to plan their trips better. Each station has a dedicated page on the site where users can consult the online Schedules that include the scheduled train times with information on the availability of assistance services in the stations along the route and the live Arrivals and Departures monitor. In parallel, the range of new services continues on https://salabluonline.rfi.it, which has been online since 2018, the “online Blue Room” for booking assistance services at stations over the Internet.
18 Public information
Services, quality factors and targets
Focus >> Compensation pursuant to resolution ART 106/2018 in the event of failure to comply with reported lift repair times In accordance with Italian Transport Authority Resolution no. 106 of 25 October 2018, RFI undertakes to pay compensation to disabled and reduced mobility passengers using transport services subject to public service obligations (PSO) if, in the event of lifts not working for a period longer than 24 hours at the stations managed by RFI, the deadlines for their repair communicated or amended by the station manager are not met online at the page Accessibility Info – Lift and Ramp Status. To request compensation, the passenger with disabilities or reduced mobility must submit a claim, indicating the identification references of the journey (date, time of departure, origin, destination, train number and PNR or ticket/season ticket code which will subsequently be requested) and providing all the information useful for the evaluation of the request for compensation, through the following methods: 1. the RFI responds channel, accessible from the https://www.rfi.it/en.html homepage at link http://rfirisponde.rfi.it/RFIrisponde/HomeRfiRisponde.aspx or, alternatively 2. registered mail, by filling in the specific form available on the Claims and reports page of the website https://www.rfi.it/en.html (https://www.rfi.it/en/misc/reports-and-complaints.html), to be sent to the following address: RFI. S.p.A., c.a. Sales Department - Network Regulation Access and Claims Handling, Piazza della Croce Rossa no. 1, 00161, Rome. If the passenger has purchased an integrated ticket that also includes the use of transport services not subject to public service obligations, the compensation will be calculated by taking as a reference the cost of the ticket limited to the route covered by the PSO services. Within 30 calendar days from the day the claim is sent via the RFI responds digital channel or from the day of receipt of the registered letter, the passenger will be notified of the outcome of the request and, if accepted, of the methods and time of payment of the indemnity. Passenger rights related to claim management are indicted on the web page https://www.rfi.it/en/misc/reports-and-complaints.html as well as in the specific section called Claims and Reports of of this Service Charter The compensation is calculated according to the criteria shown in the table below, which are based on the parameters indicated by the Italian Transport Authority. CRITERIA FOR CALCULATING COMPENSATION Parameter A
Parameter B
Parameter C
delay in restoring access to the lift with respect to the times communicated/amended by RFI
distance to be covered by the train in order to reach the first accessible station for the journey planned by the passenger
absence of an alternative means of local public transport, accessible and the same price as the train, to reach the destination station of the planned trip
> 48h
< 48h
50% of the ticket price
25% of the ticket price
> 10 km
0 - 10 km
50% of the ticket price to the 1st accessible station 25% of the ticket price for the 1st accessible station
If there is no travel alternative- to be proved by the passenger- a flat-rate reimbursement of €15.00 is granted.
► The amount of compensation is the sum of the value calculated for each of the three parameters (A+B+C). ► The calculation criteria are defined reasonably, proportionally and progressively.
Public information
2. Listen, measure, improve To direct company commitment towards quality targets that successfully meet real passenger needs in the stations and that of other stakeholders, RFI has created its own listening system to assess perceived quality and monitor the quality offered to them.
20 Public information
Listen, measure, improve
Main listening and monitoring processes
To improve the services offered and guide business decisions, RFI constantly monitors the opinions, needs and desires of its current and potential direct and indirect customers and other stakeholders by means of structured listening and monitoring processes. There are four processes dedicated to passengers: ●Discussion groups, particularly with associations representing consumers and passengers with disabilities. Held in plenary and industry meetings partly based on initiatives promoted by the FS Italiane parent company, direct dialogue with end customers of business activities has now become well established at RFI as a fundamental tool for understanding public needs and taking part in the definition of actions for the improvement of the services provided, which may also be implemented together with the associations themselves; ●Analysis of public complaints regarding services and activities for which RFI is responsible, which are received either through the Railway Undertakings, to whom passengers usually refer for any problems linked to the journey or through the online RFI Risponde (RFI Responds) service, on the website www.rfi.it. Managed with the support of a dedicated IT system, complaints are a precious source of information regarding public needs, dissatisfactions and tastes. These complaints, together with those received from other sources, are followed up with the definition of action plans to resolve critical issues and for the ongoing improvement of the services; ● Customer satisfaction surveys, among the most extensive in Italy, to measure the quality of the stations. Complemented in recent years by further surveys of specific service areas - such as assistance of passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility - the surveys have been carried out for more than 10 users by the RFI Market Observatory by companies selected by means of a European tender, the most recent of which was awarded at the end of 2017 to RTI Scenari Srl/Doxa SpA. There are two types of standard ongoing surveys:
Monitoring of perceived quality, face-to-face interviews (CAPI or Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) based on questionnaires that include both precoded responses, to allow passengers to express their level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with a “score” of 1 to 9 for the various aspects of the station and the services offered, and “open-ended” responses, to collect suggestions for areas for improvement directly from the interviewee; To monitor the of quality offered, analysis is performed using the mystery customer approach by researchers who, by following predefined routes to be assessed according to a set of standardised indicators, experience the station at first-hand to objectively understand its strengths and defects.
RFI customer satisfaction surveys scheduled for 2021
Target universe
►More than 2,000 RFI stations with active passenger services (managed both directly and through GS Rail) ► Passengers getting on or off at network stations (~1.4 bn*) ► The 760 busiest stations, which alone account for almost 94% of total passengers
Total sample * ► ~183. 501 interviews/year of passengers aged over 14 to assess perceived quality ► ~9,900 mystery customer analyses/year to assess the quality offered * Considering the extraordinary change in 2020 traffic volumes owing to the Covid emergency, 2019 remains the reference data ** the analyses are structured in such a way as to offer a complete overview of the station sample on a quarterly basis
21 Public information
Listen, measure, improve
Supplemented by in-depth ad hoc studies on specific areas or themes, the surveys are carried out each month and analyse the performance of over 70 indicators for perceived quality and the same number for quality offered, the most representative of which are shown in the Charter for Services together with the objectives established for the year in question and the results achieved the previous year. As of 2018, both the questionnaire, in order to ensure more substantial information for RFI and greater access for those interviewed, and the sampling scheme were optimised, in order to strengthen its representativeness (e.g. 20% more interviews than in previous years). The performance of all the indicators is made available to the company management within 24 hours of the survey and is used both to immediately follow up any critical issues that have arisen and to best adjust the regional improvement plans and the strategic decisions and to manage contracts with the companies involved in managing the stations. ●Monitoring business processes and the status of corporate assets performed internally by corporate figures and/or externally by third parties such as public authorities or approved organisations to verify consistency with set standards and define improvement plans and actions. Internal monitoring is carried out according to formal procedures, included within FS Italiane Group’s “Internal Control System”, consistent with the corporate rules and standards, and is subject to checks by the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008certified Internal Auditing function. In all of the more than 2000 stations with active passenger services, inspections are carried out “in the field” by specialised RFI staff from the regional branches to check cleanliness, decoration and maintenance, both routinely, according to set deadlines, and as reported by users or the staff themselves. Supported by the computerised management system, the checks are part of a broader control and improvement process, on both company and provider services.
22 Public information
3. Contact us To increasingly learn more about passenger needs guide actions to improve on-line service quality at www.rfi.it RFI responds, the channel dedicated to claims and reports from the public. .
23 Public information
Contact us
Claims and Reports
To learn more about the needs of the public and broaden the opportunities for dialogue with travellers and citizens who come into direct contact every day with the activities and services of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, especially in stations, RFI has created the digital channel RFI Responds through which users can send complaints or reports regarding the services offered by RFI described in this Service Charter and governed by sector legislation in addition to the customer satisfaction surveys and dialogue with consumer associations and disabled people. By following a wizard (available at the link https://www.rfi.it/en/misc/reports-and-complaints.html), web users can: i. send claims on the services offered at the station, such as information to the public, the assistance service for people with disabilities or reduced mobility, comfort and cleanliness, accessibility conditions and security; ii. send reports on the services under the responsibility of the Infrastructure Manager relating to train traffic, network safety and efficiency, the environment, etc.; iii. help guide corporate actions aimed at improving the quality of RFI services and mitigating or resolving any critical issues found. Forwarding channels Claims and reports must be sent through: 1. the RFI responds channel, accessible from the https://www.rfi.it/en.html homepage at link http://rfirisponde.rfi.it/RFIrisponde/HomeRfiRisponde.aspx or, alternatively 2. registered mail, by filling in the specific form available on the Claims and Reports page of the website, to be sent to the following address: RFI. S.p.A., c.a. Sales Department - Network Regulation Access and Claims Handling, Piazza della Croce Rossa no. 1, 00161, Rome. The channels above are solely dedicated to handling claims and reports on RFI services. Claim and report response time RFI undertakes to provide an adequate and justified response to claims within thirty calendar days and to reports within sixty calendar days from the day information is sent via the RFI responds digital channel or from the day of receipt of the registered letter, or, in justified cases, undertakes to inform users of the date, within a period of less than ninety calendar days from receipt of the claim, within which they can expect a response. Right to compensation for failure to respond to claims In the event that RFI does not send any response to claims within ninety calendar days from the day it is sent via the RFI responds digital channel, or from the day of receipt of the registered letter, users are automatically entitled to compensation equal to 5 Euro. It will be the responsibility of RFI to ask users for their current account data in order to pay the compensation by bank transfer.
24 Public information
Contact us
Claims and Reports
Appeal to the Transport Regulatory Authority In the event no reply is received or if deemed unsatisfactory, we would like to inform you that you can contact the Transport Regulation Authority through the Electronic Claim Acquisition System (SiTe) available at the Autorità Trasporti website https://www.autorita-trasporti.it/?lang=en or by filling our the specific forms to be sent via certified e-mail to pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it or by email to (art@autorita-trasporti.it). For further information on the procedures, terms and conditions for submitting claims to the Authority, please visit https://www.autorita-trasporti.it/?lang=en . Personal data protection The personal data communicated for claims and reports are processed in compliance with Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 (so-called GDPR). The RFI responds digital channel privacy policy is available to user on the www.rfi.it homepage.
Please note: ►under measure 4.2. of Annex A to Resolution ART no. 28 of 25 February 2021 RFI, as station manager, is required to examine as claims those claims that at least include: (a) user identification references (name, surname and e-mail address) and of the representative, if any, enclosing, in this case, the authorisation and an identity document for the representative; (b) identification references: (i) the completed or planned journey (date, time of departure, origin, destination, train number and PNR or ticket code), (ii) the railway station where the alleged disservice occurred; (c) the description of the inconsistency of the station service found with respect to one or more requirements defined by European or national legislation and by the RFI Service Charter; ►pursuant to measure 5.1 of Annex A to Resolution ART no. 28 of February 25, 2021, the response to the claim is motivated by RFI, in a language that is easily understood by the user, with reference to all the reasons for the claim lodged by the user, and clearly indicates, in particular: (a) in relation to the ascertained facts, whether or not the subject of the claim is inconsistent with one or more requirements defined by European or national legislation and by the RFI Service Charter; […] b) whether the user has the right to receive compensation as indicated in the RFI Service Charter and concerning the unavailability of the station elevators managed by RFI and, in this case, the timing and methods for obtaining it; c) the measures put in place for the resolution of the ascertained disservice and, if the same has not yet been resolved, the relative time frame; ►in the event that a claim or report is rejected by RFI since not under its authority, the claim or report will be forwarded to the Entity deemed pertinent and with whom RFI has stipulated specific Protocols within thirty days of receipt, simultaneously notifying the user.
25 Public information
Contact us
Associations in dialogue with FS Italiane Group Below is a list of consumer associations and Italian national associations representing passengers with disabilities with which Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group maintains an ongoing and constructive dialogue to gain the best information about the needs of its customers and the market.
ADICONSUM www.adiconsum.it
ASSOUTENTI www.assoutenti.it
ADOC www.adoc.org
CITTADINANZATTIVA www.cittadinanzattiva.it
ADUSBEF www.adusbef.it
CODACONS www.codacons.it
A.D.V. (Associazione Disabili Visivi) www.disabilivisivi.it
CONFCONSUMATORI www.confconsumatori.com
A.N.G.L.A.T. (Associazione Nazionale Guida Legislazioni Andicappati Trasporti) www.anglat.it
COORDOWN www.coordown.it
A.N.M.I.C. (Associazione Nazionale Mutilati e Invalidi Civili) www.anmic-italia.org
A.N.M.I.L. (Associazione Nazionale Mutilati e Invalidi del Lavoro) www.anmil.it A.N.P.V.I. (Associazione Nazionale Privi della Vista e Ipovedenti) www.anpvionlus.it ASBI Onlus (Associazione Spina bifida Italia ) www.asbi.info
E.N.S. (Ente Nazionale Sordi) www.ens.it
F.A.N.D. (Federazione tra le Associazioni Nazionali delle persone con Disabilità) www.fandnazionale.it
FEDERCONSUMATORI www.federconsumatori.it
FIABA Onlus (Fondo Italiano Abbattimento Barriere Architettoniche) www.fiaba.org
FIADDA (Famiglie Italiane Associate Difesa Diritti Audiolesi) www.fiadda.it
F.I.S.H. (Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell'Handicap) www.fishonlus.it LEGA ARCOBALENO www.legarcobaleno.it LEGA CONSUMATORI www.legaconsumatori.it
MOVIMENTO CONSUMATORI www.movimentoconsumatori.it
MOVIMENTO DIFESA DEL CITTADINO www.difesadelcittadino.it U.I.C.I (Unione Italiana dei ciechi e degli ipovedenti Onlus) www.uiciechi.it
U.N.M.S. (Unione Nazionale Mutilati per Servizio) www.unms.it
26 Public information
4. Our company RFI carries out its activities and provides its services in accordance with the “principles regarding the provision of public services” and the values shared by the entire Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group
27 Public information
Our company
Mission and activities
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA is the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group company that, by virtue of the Concession Act issued by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and based on specific industry regulations (*), performs the role of National Railway Infrastructure Manager. Its main areas of activity are: ● The safe and secure management of railway traffic, including through manning the train control and command systems; ● Efficient running of the national railway infrastructure so that it is fully usable by Railway Undertakings, through regulated planned and unplanned maintenance work, together with safety activities, security and railway shipping to Sicily and Sardinia, by the “Planning Contract - services section” signed between RFI, in its capacity as National Railway Infrastructure Manager, and the government; ● Planning and implementing investments for upgrading existing infrastructure and its technological equipment, as well as developing and constructing, including through the investee companies, new railway lines and facilities, in accordance with the schedule defined with the government through the specific Planning Contract - investment section”; ● Annual definition of the railway timetable on the basis of requests from Passenger and Freight Railway Undertakings, in accordance with the rules set out in the Network Statement (NS), the official document the Infrastructure Manager provides to its direct customers indicating the criteria, procedures, methods and deadlines for the allocation of infrastructure capacity and for the provision of related services;
● Assessing the psychological and physical suitability of staff – both their own staff and that of railway undertakings and other transport operators – engaged in activities connected with the safety of train travel and railway operations, and with the safety of sea and land public transport; ● Accessibility of stations and the services offered within them to passengers and, in general, to all users, according to the principles and core values on which RFI’s relations with customers and the public are based; ● Assistance of Passengers with Reduced Mobility at stations in compliance with the role of Station Manager taken on by the Company in December 2010, in implementation of EC Regulation 1371/2007 on “Rail passenger rights and obligations”; ● Accessibility of freight terminals owned by the Company, including through the integrated offer of access to infrastructure and last mile railway services provided through the subsidiary Terminali Italia, which operates with network stretching throughout Italy and made up of 16 terminals; ● Maritime links to ensure regional continuity of rail services to Sicily, provided on a continuous basis by ferrying passenger and goods trains between Villa San Giovanni and Messina, and to Sardinia, carried out exclusively at the request of the railway undertakings for freight trains or service transport; ● Integration of the Italian network into the trans-European transport networks according to the plans and standards defined at supranational level and according to the programmes carried out together with foreign infrastructure managers, also within the framework of European Economic Interest Groupings (EEIG), for the interoperability of the networks and the development of freight corridors. Note: (*) See “Concession Act” (DM 138-T/2000); Italian legislative decree 112/2015 “Implementation of directive 2012/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated 21 November 2012, which establishes a single European railway space (Recast)
28 Public information
Our company
Our company in numbers as at 31.12.2020
Local Production Offices
National Workshops (rail tracks, work vehicles, electrical equipment)
Local trading offices
Local investment offices
Local health units and facilities
Active contracts with railway undertakings that provide freight services in 2020
Active contracts with railway undertakings that provide passenger services in 2020
298.6 m trains- km
Volume of traffic on our network in 2020
Main subsidiaries (Bluferries, Blujet, GS Rail, Terminali Italia, TFB-Tunnel Ferroviario del Brennero, Infrarail Firenze)
Main affiliates (Quadrante Europa Terminal Gate)
European Economic Interest Groups and international law associations to which we belong (Austrian law association, “Scandinavian Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor”, G.E.I.E. Mediterranean Corridor, G.E.I.E. Corridor Rhine-Alpine, G.E.I.E. Trieste-Divača; Baltic-Adriatic Rail Freight Corridor)
€4,438 m
sum of investments in 2020
Share capital:
NETWORK 16,782 KM classification 6,468 km 9,364 km 950 km
WORKING RAILWAY LINES (1) Essential lines Complementary lines Hub lines
24,515 KM OVERALL LENGTH OF PLATFORMS 23,048 km 1,467 km
207 7,732 km 9,050 km feeding 12,015 km 7,656 km 4,409 km 4,717 km
Double platform lines Single platform lines
Electrified lines - Double platform lines - Single platform lines Non-electrified lines (diesel)
High-Speed Lines (2)
Conventional lines
Stations with active/potential passenger service Freight installations
Ferry installations
ADVANCED REMOTE CONTROL AND TRAIN PROTECTION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES (4) 13,321 km 12,653 km 3,325 km 782 km 11,633 km
Remote control traffic systems SCMT for train control system Train Operation Support System ERTMS for interoperability on AV/AC network GSM-R for mobile telecommunications
NOTE 1) 70 Km of which foreign network; 2) referring to stretches equipped with ERTMS and their connections with the service locations; 3) installations with stops, junctions, etc; 4) all network lines are equipped with one or more train protection systems
29 Public information
5. Our principles RFI carries out its activities and provides its services in accordance with the “principles regarding the provision of public services” and the values shared by the entire Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group
30 Public information
Our principles
Equality, impartiality and freedom of choice In its capacity as National Railway Infrastructure Manager, RFI ensures access to the network to the various transport companies according to the principles of fairness, impartiality and non-discrimination, also to protect passengers’ right to choose, without discrimination based on nationality, sex, race, language, religion or opinion. It further guarantees that the different geographical areas and different categories of users receive equal treatment. In order to facilitate the mobility of passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility, RFI is committed to providing assistance services in stations and to the ongoing improvement of accessibility to spaces, services and information. Service continuity RFI continuously ensures the railway infrastructure it manages is in working order and the provision of travel services. In the events of suspension of services or irregular operations, whether or not owing to causes attributable to the company, RFI is committed to reducing inconvenience to passengers by means of its public information services provided at the stations. Transparency and participation RFI is committed to ensuring the maximum availability of and accessibility to information regarding its services and activities and to reporting on its environmental, social and economic impacts and commitments to all infrastructure users and other stakeholders. By means of specific surveys and research RFI also monitors the opinions, needs and desires of current and potential network users regarding services offered, takes into account proposals, suggestions and complains and fosters dialogue and discussion with stakeholders. Efficiency and effectiveness RFI performs tasks that are attributed to it in its capacity as national railway infrastructure manager with a view to ongoing improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of its services, planning, implementing and offering installations and services that are increasingly tailored to the needs of the network users and other stakeholders. Travel safety and passenger protection RFI is committed to adopting tools, processes and technologies capable of offering the highest safety standards in train travel, and in all of its other business activities - from construction to infrastructure maintenance and the provision of station services to passengers - to protect network users, employees and the environment. For the protection of the infrastructural assets managed and the security of those who use the station spaces, it works with the police and adopts the most suitable prevention and surveillance measures. Sustainability In compliance with its corporate mission, RFI focuses its activities on the development of a more sustainable and integrated mobility system and undertakes to contribute to the full achievement of the sustainable development objectives on the UN 2030 agenda. This is the guiding principle behind both its strategic decisions and its approach to all corporate areas, with growing involvement of the stakeholders, local communities, railway undertakings, suppliers and its own employees. It promotes and develops product innovation and processes based on the efficient use of natural resources and on circular economy, the minimisation of environmental and social impact, the growth of a safe and inclusive working environment, local regeneration and the creation of shared value. Public information
Appendix - Guide to reading the RFI Service Charter - Targets and results 2020
32 Public information
Guide to reading the RFI Service Charter Clarity, usefulness and directness are the criteria that RFI set itself to communicate its commitments to the public in the Service Charter, in relation to the quality factors indicated in the regulations for companies providing transport services. Therefore,
▪ ▪ ▪
All the targets are presented in relation to the service/activity to which they refer, together with an explanation of the indicators identified - particularly useful for indicators subject to internal or third-party monitoring related to regulatory requirements or industry technical specifications - and the summary of the results achieved in the preceding year, presented in detail in the appendix; To allow the greatest accessibility, including for passengers with disabilities, the RFI Service Charter is also distributed online at www.rfi.it, which also allows the option to concentrate the descriptive sections of the document on the aspects most relevant for the end customers, with references, for any further information on RFI services and activities, to other sections of the corporate website; The targets for the indicators relating to customer satisfaction surveys refer to the percentage of satisfied customers (those who, on a scale of 1 to 9, gave scores of 6 to 9) out of the total interviewees and are set within the series 75%, 80%, 85% and 90%. The lowest value marks the lowest minimum percentage of satisfied customers, which, owing to the results achieved over time, it has been possible not to assign to any target since 2017; furthermore, since 2019, it has been possible to raise the targets further, setting them at 85% or 90%. The latter is the value currently undertaken by the company as the most challenging to achieve and/or maintain in interacting with the public, which has become increasingly demanding and more aware of the increased quality offered. In this context, the company has a further target to increase not only the percentage of satisfied customers but also that of those who are fully satisfied, that is those who – again on a scale of 1-9 - give scores of between 7 and 9; Regardless of the quality factors monitored, to gain the best understanding of the public’s needs, particularly as regards modal integration, as of 2018, certain indicators have been subject to different surveying methods: for example, in order to understand passenger needs in terms of station connection/other methods of transport - and best adjust the relating development plans - during the customer satisfaction interviews, mobility modes and preferences to and from the station are investigated. As usual, some indicators and targets, relating to offer quality are updated from one year to the next based on the specific improvement requirements identified during the stakeholder listening and result monitoring processes and on interaction with industry regulatory authorities and the increasingly central role attributed to current and potential customers and passengers within the business plans. The targets stated in the Service Charter relating to the commitment to the environmental and social sustainability of RFI activities, for example, refer to specific actions to implement the corporate environmental policy and relate to the corporate commitments and performance reported on annually according to the Global Reporting Initiative standards in the FS Group Sustainability Report and NonFinancial Information Statement pursuant to Italian legislative decree 254/2016. The commitments relating to the quality offered to passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility are updated regularly. Together with the indicators relating to quality perceived by users of the assistance services offered by the RFI Blue Rooms, they refer to both initiatives for improvement of the services themselves (to be provided in a greater number of stations and/or to be strengthened with broader adoption of support equipment) and physical accessibility to the station spaces (by implementing measures to overcome architectural barriers such as access platforms to raised trains, lifts, escalators, etc.) and information accessibility to the greatest number of passengers.
Note: (*) Italian Prime Minister’s Office (Office of the President of the Council of Ministers) Directive of 27 January 1994 “Principles of provision of public services”; Italian Prime Minister’s Office Decree of 30 December 1998 “General reference framework for preparing a transport sector public service charter (Mobility charter)”
33 Public information
Targets and results 2020 Note: in 2020, the Covid health crisis forced the suspension from March to June of the usual monthly customer satisfaction surveys conducted with passengers in stations, owing to the restrictions both on passenger flows in stations and the social distancing and safety regulations and on the scarce number people and their willingness to get involved. Nevertheless, overall it was possible to complete 122,000 interviews overall during the year.
Railway operations safety level
number of FWSI arising from significant accidents/trains per km *
Remaining below the NRV assigned to Italy for the “Society as a whole” railway risk category
Establishment of RFI Sustainability Committee
Testing “in the field” of ballast commitment* derived from waste products from high-quality steel manufacture (blast furnace slag)
Making station spaces available for social uses
Perception of ease and convenience of reaching station
% of satisfied customers ►
90.0% ●
Overall perception of the station
% of satisfied customers ►
Overall perception of lighting
% of satisfied customers ►
Overall perception of cleanliness of the station areas (1)
% of satisfied customers ►
Perception of overall commercial services
% of satisfied customers ►
90.0% ●
Level of personal and property number of thefts safety in the station **
Do no exceed the average value for the three-year period ●
Perception of overall security in the station
85.0% ●
% of satisfied customers ►
key Quality targets that involve third parties * Internal/third-party monitoring
►customer satisfaction surveys
**Railway Police monitoring 34
Public information
Targets and results 2020
Overall perception of the information % of satisfied customers ►
Perception of information in critical travel conditions
% of satisfied customers ►
Overall level of satisfaction with the assistance provided on the SALE BLU circuit
% of satisfied customers ►
Extension of PRM assistance circuit
No. stations*
At least 10
Activation of the National Blue commitment* Room, for the ongoing improvement of telephone relations with passengers requesting Blue Room services
No. of measures* At least 100 Performance of work to improve accessibility (platform h 55, lifts)
key (1) closely linked to the ‘cleanliness’ indicator is the “maintenance and decoration” indicator, for which the % of satisfied customers in 2020 was 97.40% * Internal/third-party monitoring ** Railway Police monitoring ● quality targets that involve third parties ► customer satisfaction surveys
35 Public information