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1.5.3 Publishing
c) within 30 September of year X, the IM publishes and sends to the TRA the final draft of the NS X+2, highlighting in different colours the parts of the NS that have been changed (with respect to the applicable NS), respectively at the request of the previously consulted parties and on its own initiative, together with an accompanying report illustrating the meanings and assessments underlying the changes introduced, and the reasons for allowing or rejecting the observations formulated by each party consulted in the process;
d) within the second week of December in year X, the IM shall publish the NS X+2, which regards the conditions relating to the contract relationships that will develop from the capacity request for the operating timetable effective from December (X+1) to December (X+2); the name of the document will be “Network Statement X+2”;
e) the NS X+2 shall enter into force on the second Friday of March of year X+1.
The publication obligations mentioned above shall be complied with following the publication on the IM’s website.
Extraordinary updating process
Any changes made to this document, and relating to the working timetable from 10 December 2023 to 14 December 2024, due to changes in the reference regulations or for specific reasons adequately motivated by the IM, shall be specifically updated and incorporated in the NS 2023. These changes are summarised in a table with the following information: date of the changes; effective date of the changes; indication of the changed paragraphs; nature of the changes. The changes shall also be notified to the ART and all the parties concerned, accompanied by a report illustrating the reasons for which they have been made, at least 30 days prior to the entry into force thereof, i.e. the date of posting in the website of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (www.rfi.it). With particular reference to the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, according to the provisions of art. 3 of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2020/1429, the IM modifies the NS in consideration of the measures adopted by the Member State concerned in accordance with art. 2 of the same Regulation.
1.5.3 Publishing
This document is written in Italian, is published in Italian and English and is available – in electronic format, free of charge – at the IM website, www.rfi.it > Servizi e Mercato > Per accedere alla rete > Prospetto informativo della rete. In the event of any disputes or conflict of interpretation between the various versions, the original Italian version shall prevail. The previous versions of the NS (final and for consultation) issued by RFI starting from 2013, as well as the related documents (observations of the concerned parties and RFI counter-arguments, etc.) are available in a special section of the ePIR portal. 18 SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION