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The full list of additional classified lines and their nature, with reference to the opening period for the 2020/2021 timetable, is shown in the ePIR portal. The latter takes into account the classification of the lines referred to in the preceding paragraph and the business organisation of the IM descending from the path requests by the RU for the 2021/2022 timetable. Therefore, the IM, upon receiving the path requests from the RU for the 2021/2022 timetable, may alter the actual line opening timetable, safeguarding the opening periods given above, in order to meet the demand. The list of lines featuring a suspension of commercial services is given in the ePIR portal. The timeframes during which the yards/facilities can be used are indicated in the ePIR portal. With regard to the terminal stations of Torino PN, Milano Cle, Venezia SL, Trieste Cle, Firenze SMN, Roma Tni, Napoli Cle, Palermo Cle, Cagliari, the commercial services shall be suspended during the night for at least 3 hours, in order to allow maintenance and cleaning operations to be carried out. Any requests for and the consequent allocation of paths outside the above mentioned time frames shall generally entail a cost for the RU, corresponding to the time extension charge. For stations with Remote control/D.U. arrangements, the indicated hours refer to the enablement time of the central control point with D.C.O./D.U. In the stations run by a Dirigente Movimento (D.M.), shunting inspector, on the lines with a Dirigenza Locale (D.L.), local traffic control, no train marshalling, opposing train meeting and give-way operations shall be allowed outside the established timeframe during which the yards can be used.
The ePIR portal also gives an overview of the projects that, in the course of the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 timetable periods, will result in either an upsizing (new works) or downsizing (infrastructure projects that the IM undertakes to notify to the RU, in accordance with paragraph 4.3.2) of the infrastructure capacity. If the project entails an upsizing of capacity, the IM shall request beforehand, to the ANSFISA, whether it will require the relevant Safety Certificate and, therefore, inform the RUs concerned. Regarding the projects mentioned hereinabove, there will be an indication of the date on which the infrastructure upsizing works will be commenced and the date/period of unavailability, in the case of works resulting in the downsizing of the infrastructure capacity. The IM, pursuant to article 15(5) of Legislative Decree 112/15, shall adopt a commercial plan, consistently with the development strategies indicated by the State and subject to prior consultation with the parties concerned, also in pursuance of and according to Article 11 quinques of Legislative Decree 112/2015 setting out the plans for the best and most efficient development of the infrastructure and services provided by RFI as the service facility operator. The IM, on a yearly basis at least, also in pursuance of and according to Article 11 quinques of Legislative Decree 112/2015, shall organise a technical meeting – in agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport – Department for Infrastructure, General Affairs and Personnel – General Directorate for Rail Infrastructure and Rail Interoperability, and with the TRA – for the purpose of collecting suggestions and requests for improving, enhancing the efficiency and developing the infrastructure and services provided by RFI as the service facility operator, with all the Applicants, in order to independently assess, in agreement with the DG of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, their eligibility for inclusion in the CdP. Any proposals submitted at these meetings shall be accompanied by a documentary analysis on the effective benefits of the project, its cost-effectiveness (in terms of cost-benefits) and the qualitative improvement of the infrastructure concerned. The IM guarantees the start of the technical table by 30 April of each year, communicating to stakeholders and making available on the corporate website, according to the IM's offer: - the list of stations for which the IM is considering decommissioning and an indication of the service systems connected to them or that use them as back-up stations; - a list and brief description of the service facilities or portions of them that have not been used for at least two years (highlighting those that the IM plans to decommission/reconvert);