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train staffing; requests to alter the transport service characteristics, if incompatible with the allocated train paths; requests for preparing and operating trains at very short notice; the request to alter the schedule of services at the facility. Liaison with the IM’s coordination staff can also be assured by means of total delegation to other RUs. The IM shall ensure that transport services are operated in conditions of safety and in respect of the timetables agreed to with the RU. The IM shall monitor train progress and any exceptional service conditions that may arise and make its findings available to the RUs.
2.4.2 Management rules
The purpose of regulating train services is to minimise the effects of any interferences and deviations on the trains, with the ultimate aim of minimising overall delays. Consistently with the Manager’s mission, and in accordance with the primary objective specified above, in the event of any interferences on train services, or the deviation of one or more trains from its allocated path, the following management principles are provided to resolve the interferences and prevent the delays from propagating across the entire network.
Commuter time slot 6.00-9.00 and 17.00-20.00 (Monday to Friday)
2 3 Management principles Type of service
National Premium OA trains – National Basic OA trains – International OA trains – Long distance and commuter trains serving the larger cities Long distance PSO trains – Regional PSO trains Technical services*
Daytime slots 9.00-17.00 and 20.00-22.00 (Monday to Friday) and 6.00-22.00 (Saturday, Sunday, Holidays)
Management principles
2 3 4
Night slots 22.00-6.00
Management principles
2 3 4 Type of service
National Premium OA trains – National Basic OA trains – International OA trains Long distance PSO trains Regional PSO trains Technical services*
Type of service
National Premium OA trains – National Basic OA trains – International OA trains Long distance PSO trains Regional PSO trains Technical services*
* Scheduled service trains, functional to commercial services (with a turnback time of less than 30’), have the same importance as the corresponding trains.
Legend: OA=Open Access; PSO=Public Service Obligations.
The management principles set out herein define the guidelines for managing train services in ordinary and slightly disrupted conditions (without any severe disruptions). In the case of a severe disruption,