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1.5 NETWORK STATEMENT VALIDITY, Updating process and publishing [EX 1.6 +1.7

Section 2 – Infrastructure: illustrates the general infrastructure characteristics necessary to appropriately draft and compile the capacity requests, while reference to the ePIR portal must be made for the relevant details; Section 3 – Access Conditions: contains the conditions for regulating access to and utilisation of the railway infrastructure, and managing the relevant Access Contract, in accordance with the applicable national regulations and the terms and conditions established by the IM; Section 4 – Capacity Allocation: describes the capacity request and allocation process, in terms of schedules, priority criteria and types of requests; Section 5 – Services and tariffs: describes the services included in the access charge, provided by the infrastructure manager to the undertaking for an extra charge; as well as the reporting rules, in respect of the infrastructure Access Contract, and the system for calculating and levying the access charges, including the services not included therein. Section 6 – Execution of the contract: the obligations of the RU and IM, after signing the Path Access Agreement, with respect to the use of the capacity, and the criteria relating to the management of the circulation, including disruption, and of any operational incidents. Section 7 – Service facilities: the services, and the tariffs associated with them, in relation to facilities with guaranteed access rights pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 112/2015. This Network Statement has been drafted in accordance with the RNE Network Statement Common Structure. Therefore, Applicants from the various countries may access similar documents and find the relevant information in the same position of the respective Network Statements.


1.5.1 Validity period [ex 1.6.1] (Updated in December 2022)

This document provides:  the rules and procedures governing capacity requests and the related allocation process entering into effect on 10 March 2023, with regard to the working timetable from 10 December 2023 to 14 December 2024;  the rules and information governing the obligations and responsibilities of RFI and RU/Applicants, with reference to the signing and implementation of the relevant agreements (Framework Agreement and Access Contract), regarding the working timetable from 10 December 2023 to 14 December 2024.

1.5.2 NS updating process [ex 1.6.2] (Updated in December 2022)

The NS is updated by RFI by preparing a first draft after consulting all the interested parties referred to in art. 14, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 112/15. At the end of the consultation phase, the IM sends the draft of the updated NS to the Regulatory Body for any further indications and/or instructions for the purpose of publishing the final document.

Ordinary updating process

In particular, in relation to the ordinary updating of the NS, the preparation phases and the related timeframe are shown below:

a) within 30 June of year X-2: publication of the draft for consultation of the NS X and related communication to the Authority; b) within 30 July of the year X-2: deadline for submitting observations by the parties concerned; c) within 20 August of year X-2: publication of the observations received by the parties concerned; d) within 30 September of year X-2: publication of the final draft of NS X; at the same time as publication, the IM must send the Authority: the final draft of the NS, a copy of the observations made by each of the parties who participated in the consultation and the related reasons for the acceptance or rejection of the same by the IM;

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