RFK Human Rights Europe Annual Report 2013 - English Version

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COVER Photograph by Robert L. Knudsen, 1963 U.S. National Archives


| intro

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

“ We live in “interesting” times. They are times of

danger and uncertainty; but they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history. And everyone here will ultimately be judged-will ultimately judge himself-on the effort he has contributed to building a new world society and the extent to which his ideals and goals have shaped that effort.

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, University of Cape Town, South Africa 1966

intro |


.00 Index



Annual Report 2013


| index




01. /



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03. / 03.1 / 03.2 / 03.3 / 03.4 / 03.5 / 03.6 / 03.7 / 03.8 /

HIGHLIGHTS 2013 A year of celebrations Freedom Fighters MAXXI Kennedy Lesson Lucca commemorates Kennedy “I have a dream” exhibition in Milan Gala dinner held at the Lions club in Florence “The dream, 50 years from Dallas”. Piacenza

12 13 14 16 18 20 23 22 23

04. / 04.1 / 04.2 / 04.3 /

INTERNATIONAL HOUSE International House RFK Empowerment Laboratory 2013 International House guest map

26 28 30

05. /



06. / 06.1 /

34 34

06.2 / 06.3 /

REPORT SAHARAWI The Robert F. Kennedy center for the Saharawi population Report presentation at the Italian parliament Saharawi delegation visit

07. / 07.1 / 07.2 / 07.3 / 07.4 / 07.5 / 07.6 / 07.7 / 07.8 / 07.9 / 07.10 / 07.11 /

PROGRAMS Speak truth to power STTP Spain and Greece Human Rights Day Open dialogue on Human Rights “Call me Kuchu” screening Ischia Global Film Festival RFK Europe High School Journalism Award Teach Truth to Power Human Rights Tuesday Nights and Dialogue Café 2013 Calendar Teacher Feedback

40 40 42 44 46 47 48 50 52 54 56 58

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RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

08. / 08.1 / 08.2 / 08.3 / 08.4 /

RFK TRAINING INSTITUTE Training program Women in Diplomacy school Level up Training of trainers for strategic use of technology

60 63 64 65 65

09. / 09.1 / 09.2 /


66 69 68

09.3 / 09.4 / 09.5 / 09.6 / 09.7 / 09.8 / 09.9 / 09.10 / 09.11 / 09.12 /

EVENTS Smart citizens: ideas that make you think Book presentation : “Franca Rame - non è tempo di nostalgia” “Girotondo, giramondo” Cospe: “Thirty years in three days ” “Women supporting women” “The world is evolving: thinking about change” “Ladies for human rights” by Marcello Reboani “Mujeres Argentinas And Women In The World” Collective art exhibition “Human right” “Hope and certainty ” by Noel Gazzano “Facticium-muicitaca8” by Valerio Giovannini “Creative summary” by Franco Santini

69 70 71 70 73 72 73 74 75 74 76 77

10.2 / 10.3 /

SPONSORSHIPS “Elsa day for human rights: A sensorial path about human rights” “Le Murate sprigionate” by Domenico Iuliano International festival “Constant change”




12./ 12.1/

FUNDRAISING On line Auction

80 82

13./ 13.1/ 13.2/ 13.4/ 13.5/ 13.6/

STAKEHOLDERS Dialogue with Stakeholders Board of Directors Leadership Council Legal Entity Memoranda of Understanding

88 88 90 93 94 95

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10. / 10.1 /

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indice |


00. Letter from the President



Maria Lina Marcucci President // Robert F. Kennedy Center Europe


| letter from the president

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

2013 was a benchmark for the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe Onlus (RFK Center Europe) and its programs. Two events in particular distinguished the year: the opening of the Robert F. Kennedy International House of Human Rights, a global hub for international activists and experts located in the heart of Florence; and the photography exhibition Freedom Fighters: The Kennedys and the Struggle for Civil Rights, marking the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. The exhibit, inaugurated at the MAXXI Museum in Rome, is now touring Italian museums with the mission of raising awareness among students and citizens about equality, justice, and freedom, values that have inspired great leaders such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and John and Robert Kennedy. The path to equality is long and arduous. We Europeans are reminded of this every day as we receive thousands of migrants desperately searching for a better life, far away from wars, famines, and torture. Through its programs, the RFK Center provides students the necessary tools to become leaders for change. In 2013, we presented a report on the living standards of the Saharawi population in Western Sahara to the European and Italian Parliament. In August 2012, a delegation from the RFK Center visited Western Sahara and refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria, and completed the report. We have launched the Speak Truth To Power curriculum in Spain, established important collaborations in Greece, and consolidated its educational programs in Italy

and Sweden. An initiative we are very proud of is the performance of the play Speak Truth To Power: Voices Beyond the Dark by actresses from the San Vittore penitentiary. The words of human rights need to be spoken by everybody, from activists to politicians, from students to journalists and intellectuals. We share this belief with our dear friend Lucio Dalla, director of the play from 2004 to 2008. For this reason we organized monthly Human Rights Tuesday Nights discussions and have hosted international activists at the Robert F. Kennedy Training Institute. Human Rights Tuesday Nights are organized in collaboration with schools and universities from all over the world: from Florence to Cleveland and from Lisbon to Ramallah through Dialogue Café, a video-conferencing network. We organized a sold-out screening of Call Me Kuchu¸ a documentary focusing on LGBTI rights in Uganda, for the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. Present at the event was Ugandan LGBTI activist Frank Mugisha, who emotionally called the audience to take action to protect a person’s right to be who he or she is. Just as Senator Robert F. Kennedy used to say, we must fight for the recognition of full human equality of all of our people. “We must do this,” he said, “not because it is economically advantageous – although it is; not because the laws of God command it – although they do; not because people in other lands wish it so. We must do it for the single and fundamental reason that it is the right thing to do.”

Maria Lina Marcucci

letter from the president |


01. Mission


| mission

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013


// 01

Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights


n order to fulfill Robert F. Kennedy’s dream of a more just and peaceful world, in June 1968 family and friends decided to embrace his ideals promoting human rights in the United States and around the world. Today the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights is one of the foremost inter­ national human rights organizations , commit­ ted to keeping Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s vision and legacy alive through human rights education projects geared to future generations of men and women, fathers and mothers, politicians and workers.

mission |


02. Who we are


// 02

Robert F. Kennedy Center Europe


n 2004, Kerry Kennedy, the seventh of Sena­ tor Robert F. Kennedy’s eleven children, lau­ nched “Speak Truth To Power” (STTP,) the Ro­ bert F. Kennedy Center’s human rights education program, in Italy. The following year, after an enthusiastic respon­ se by various institutions and civic organizations, the Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe Onlus (RFK Center Europe) was establi­ shed in Italy as the European headquarters of the U.S. -based RFK Center for Justice and Human Ri­ ghts (RFK Center). The organization, chaired by Marialina Marcuc­ ci, opened its offices in Italy to raise public awa­ reness, particularly among students, of human rights defenders: ordinary people who risk their


| who we are

lives to let justice overcome oppression and vio­ lence. The RFK Training Institute was founded in 2011, on the 50th anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s appointment as Attorney General. The Training Institute is a place dedicated to hosting human ri­ghts defenders and teachers so that they can train and educate a new generation of activists. In May 2013, the Robert F. Kennedy International House of Human Ri­ghts opened, becoming the only RFK Center bran­ch outside of the U.S. The In­ ternational House is located in a highly symbolic location, Le Murate, a former prison, which has been transformed from a place of suffering into a global hub for the pro­tection of human rights and social justice.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

KERRY KENNEDY President of RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights

who we are |


03. Highlights // 2013


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highlights 2013

// 03.1

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

Bobby Kennedy, Jack Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. were greeted with passion and urgency around the world, not because their policies were radically different (though they were), or because they had a novel way to address the world’s problems (though they did). It was because, in their lives, both private and public, they touched on the courage and compassion that lie deep in our hearts


he RFK Center Europe commemorated the 50th anniversary of the March on Washin­ gton, the battle for civil rights in Ameri­ ca—a struggle in which the Kennedy brothers were key players—and the tragedy that occurred in Dallas in November of the same year. The RFK Center marked these important events with va­ rious initiatives aimed at spreading aware­ness about the extraordinary struggle for equali­ty and justice.

Excerpt from Kerry Kennedy’s letter published on the ‘Freedom Fighters’ exhibition catalogue. (Contrasto, Roma 2013.)

a year of celebrations |


03. Highlights // 2013


// 03.2

Rome, Maxxi


he RFK Center Europe, in collaboration with the U.S. Em足 bassy to Italy, organized the photography exhibition Freedom Fighters: The Kennedys and the Struggle for Civil Rights.

The exhibit was hosted by the MAXXI museum in Rome from Oc足 tober 25th to November 24th, 2013. In addition, ten iconic images were displayed at the Alberto Sordi Gallery in the heart of Rome.


| freedom fighters

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

freedom fighters |


03. Highlights // 2013

MAXXI Freedom Fighters. The Kennedys and the Struggle for Civil Rights


| maxxi

// 03.3

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

The exhibition was curated by Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia and Contrasto. The exhibit presents a chronology of the events that marked the battle for civil rights in the United States. The pictures capture iconic moments in the history of the civil rights movement, including snapshots of everyday life in the South under racial segregation, portraits of the Kennedy brothers as they grapple with the issue in the nation’s capital, and images from the historic March on Washington.

maxxi |


03. Highlights // 2013

KENNEDY LESSON Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica


n November 22nd ,the first session of the initiative Kennedy Lessons was held at the Auditorium in Rome. Marking the th 50 anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s death, the event was organized by the Fondazione Musica per Roma in collaboration with the Robert F. Ken­ nedy Center and the American Chamber of Com­ merce Italy. The ‘lessons’ were opened by Walter Veltroni, who discussed President Kennedy’s policies and his ability to understand the needs of a society affected by World War II. During the following sessions, Ernesto Assante, Gino Castaldo, Mario Sesti, and Giancarlo De Cataldo discussed the cul­ tural influence of the Kennedys in the national consciousness, in music, and in the media.


| kennedy lesson

// 03.4

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

kennedy lesson |


03. Highlights // 2013


// 03.5

Lucca, Palazzo Ducale


he exhibition Freedom Fighters moved from Rome to Lucca, where it was di­ splayed from November 29 th to December th 10 at Palazzo Ducale during the PhotoLux Fe­ stival, an international biennial photo exhibi­ tion. The exhibit is part of a citywide initiative to

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lucca commemorates kennedy

commemorate President John F. Kennedy. It was organized by Provincia di Lucca and Fon­ dazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca. In addition to the Freedom Fighters exhibi­ tion, the event included events open to the pu­ blic and a scanner art installation by Roberto Baronti.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

lucca commemorates kennedy |


03. Highlights // 2013

// 03.7


held on November 20th, the event was a commemoration of the moral and political legacy of President John F. Kennedy. Guests included Sarah Morrison, US Consul General in Florence, Gabriele Canè, Direc­ tor of La Nazione, and Federico Moro, Executive Director of RFK Europe.

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RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013


// 03.6

from October 6th to October 20th at the Transetto in the Chiesa dell’Assunta in Milan. The event was organi­zed by Associazione Arcobaleno Vigentino Onlus and sponsored by the Mayor of Milan and RFK Center Europe. The photo exhibition was followed by a performance of the play Speak Truth to Power – Voices Beyond the Dark by Ariel Dorfman, inspired the book Speak Truth to Power written by Kerry Kennedy.


// 03.8

held at the Teatro dei Filodrammatici in Piacenza on November 21st. The play, created by Alberto Dosi, Alberto Fermi, and Stefano Pareti, narrates the 1000 days of the Kennedy administration through vide­ os, music and exhibitions.

celebrations |


04. International House


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international house

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013


n 2013, the RFK Center Europe inaugurated the Robert F. Kennedy International House of Human Rights, a new project located at ‘Le Murate’. The RFK International House is part of the redevelopment of the for­ mer convent, prison, and headquarters of the RFK Center Europe since 2011

“The house of human rights, the house of all”.

international house |


04. International House



he RFK International House is composed of 12 bedrooms (10 double bedrooms and two sin足 gle bedrooms with handicapped acces足 sibility), one exhibition and conference room, one training room equipped with TelePresence Cisco technologies for video conferencing, a library, common rooms, a kitchen, dining room, and a courtyard for events and movie screenings. The RFK International House is a mee足 ting point for international human rights activists and a safe place for sharing and confronting experiences through partici足 pation in the RFK Training Institute and Speak Truth To Power.

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international house

// 04.1

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

international house |


04. International House



he training course “Empowerment Labo­ ratory” was held at the RFK International House from May 13th to May 19th, 2013. The course was organized by the RFK Training Institu­ te and trained 11 activists from nine countries. The course provided an introduction to recent digital security techniques, media campaigning, and con­ scious use of digital instruments, in addition to

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// 04.2


specific capacity-building activities targeted to the optimization of the use of resources for the defense of human rights. Our international partners were: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Ford Foundation, Global Partners & Associates, Global Voices Online, Human Rights Watch, One World Digital Security Exchange, Open Society Foundations, Tactical Tech­ nology Collective and Witness.org.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

rfk training institute |


04. International House


THE NUMBERS: // 100 participants from 18 countries participated in training sessions organized by the RFK Europe // 35 participants from 20 countries participated in training courses hosted by the RFK International House. // 200 Students visited the RFK International House // 110 Guests stayed at the RFK International House

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international house

// 04.3

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

39 COUNTRIES Afghanistan / Algeria / Argentina / Bahrain / Belarus / Brazil / Cuba / Egypt / France / Germany / Great Britain / Holland / Hungary / Iceland / Indonesia / Iran / Italy / Jordan / Kosovo / Lebanon / Libya / Mexico / Moldova / Myanmar / Pakistan / Philippines / Romania / Russia / Sahrawi Population (Morocco) / Sri Lanka / Tunisia / Uganda / Ukraine / USA / Zimbabwe

international house |


05. Amartya Sen

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ethics, sustainable development and human rights

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

// 05



n May 15th, 2013, the RFK Center Europe organized a roundtable entitled ‘Ethi­ cs, Sustainable Development, and Hu­ man Rights’ in Milan. The event hosted extra­ ordinary guests including Prof. Amartya Sen, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Economics; Kerry Kennedy, President of the RFK Center; and Prof. Marco Frey, President of Fondazione Global Compact Italia. The event presented an occasion to discuss the need to implement ESG (environmental, social, and corporate gover­ nance) goals in corporate practices and in na­ tional industries.

amartya sen |


05. Report Saharawi


// 06.1



uring 2013, the RFK Center continued its advocacy work in favor of the Saha­ rawi population by presenting a report on the delegation to Western Sahara and refu­ gee camps in Tindouf, Algeria. The RFK Center was invited to intervene by the President of the Inter-Party Parliamentary group for the Saha­ rawi, Norbert Neuser. The delegation was led by Kerry Kennedy, Pre­ sident of the RFK Center, and Santiago Canton, Director of RFK Partners for Human Rights, and was supported by Aminatou Haidar, also known as “Ghandi from the Sahara”. The delegation

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report presentation saharawi / europe

witnessed serious abuses by the Moroccan Po­ lice Force and collected testimonies from the Saharawi about the continued violence and hu­ man rights violations that they suffer. During his speech at the European Parliament, Santiago Canton highlighted the importance of exerting pressure on the United Nations Se­ curity Council for the extension of the United Nation Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and the inclusion of a moni­ toring system of human rights violations in We­ stern Sahara and the refugee camps of Tindouf.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

RFK PARTNERS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS The only international human rights program of its kind, RFK Partners for Human Rights forges multi-year partnerships with recipients of the annual Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. Grounded in listening to and serving the real needs of the Laureates, Robert F. Kennedy Partners’ unique model is one of the most effective ways to advance long-term, systemic change for communities across the globe. Since 1984, the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights has worked with 45 Laureates from 27 countries.

saharawi population |


05. Report Saharawi

REPORT PRESENTATION AT THE ITALIAN PARLIAMENT Santiago Canton, Executive Director of RFK Part足 ners for Human Rights, and Federico Moro, Exe足 cutive Director of the RFK Center Europe, were invited by Carmen Motta, coordinator of the Par足 liamentary multi-party association for the Saha足 rawi population, to present the aforementioned report at the Italian Parliament. The presentation established the RFK Center as a key advocate for all Italian programs dedicated to the defense of Saharawi rights.

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report presentation saharawi / italy

// 06.2

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

saharawi population |


05. Report Saharawi


// 06.3

The RFK Center Europe has been supporting the Saharawi population by advocating before national and international institutions and collaborating with local communities that have been working for years to protect Saharawi rights. In 2013, the RFK International House in Florence hosted a delegation of Saharawi children between the ages of eight and ten for a visit and a presentation about Robert F. Kennedy’s life and ideals. The visitors were received by the President of the Provincia di Firenze, Andrea Barducci. Mr Barducci and Federico Moro, executive director of the RFK Center Europe, reiterated their commitment to supporting the right to self- determination for the Saharawi population and the end of hostilities with the Moroccan government.

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RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

saharawi population |


07. Programs


// 07


// 07.1

Preparing a new generation of leaders


peak Truth To Power is a global initiative dedicated to education and awareness in human rights. The program, based on Kerry Kennedy’s book, Speak Truth To Power, Human Rights Defenders Who are Changing Our World, consists of a human right curriculum, , a pho­ to exhibition, and a play, Speak Truth To Power: Voices Beyond the Dark, by renowned playwright Ariel Dorfman. The curriculum uses the expe­ riences of courageous defenders from around the world to educate students and others about human rights, and urges them to take action. Speak Truth To Power has been adopted in ele­

mentary schools, high schools, and universities in Africa, Asia, Europe (France, Italy, Romania, Sweden and Spain), South America, and the United States through the free distribution of the curriculum. Our staff works with teachers and administrators to develop material tailored to their needs and the needs of their students. In Italy the curriculum has received the High Patronage of the President of the Republic of Italy and the Patronage of the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Culture.

FIGURES IN ITALY 2008-TO DATE: Teachers trained // 850 / Primary Schools // 173 / Secondary Schools // 639 Students trained // 476.597 (number of Edupacks distributed in Italian schools)

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speak truth to power

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

speak truth to power |


07. Programs


// 07.2

Speak Truth to Power educational project adopted in Spain and Greece


n 2013, the educational manual created by the RFK Center was launched in two new countries: Spain and Greece. During the month of April, Kerry Kenendy, President of the RFK Center, met the Spanish Minister of Education, José Ignacio Wert, and signed an agreement for the adaptation and the translation of the Italian manual into Spanish by the “Fundación Gregorio Peces-Barba para el Estudio y Cooperación en Derechos Humanos” at the University Carlos III of Madrid. Javier Bardem, who collaborates with the RFK Center on a campaign for Western Sahara, was present at the press conference for the presentation

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speak truth to power

of the new initiative. The City of Mallora has been the first signatory of the agreement for the implementation of the manual in Spanish schools. In July, Kerry Kennedy met with Marianna Vardinoyannis, UNESCO Goodwill ambassador, at the auditorium of the Cycladic Art Museum and signed a collaboration agreement between the RFK Center and the Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Foundation. It was announced at the event that the first step would be the introduction of Speak Truth To Power in Greek schools.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

speak truth to power |


07. Programs



he educational project Speak Truth To Power was presented by Marina Pisklako­ va, a Russian RFK Center defender active in the field of domestic violence. The presenta­ tion was held at the 17th human rights meeting organized by Regione Toscana at the Mandela Forum in Florence on December 10th, the day dedicated to the Universal Declaration of Hu­ man Rights. The 2013 meeting was dedi­cated to Women’s Rights and hosted over 9,900 students accompanied by 700 teachers.

FLORENCE Mandela Forum December 10 2013

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human rights day

// 07.3

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

human rights day |


07. Programs



n May 10th the RFK Center organized the event “Open Dialogue on Human Rights” with the participation of three extraor­ dinary guests: Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize, 2003, Iran) Magodonga Mahalngu (Robert F. Ken­ nedy Human Rights Award, 2009, Zimbabwe) and Frank Mughisha (Robert F. Kennedy Human Ri­ ghts Award, 2011, Uganda). The event was held at the Sezione Soci Coop CENTRO*Gavinana and presented a unique occasion for sharing and reflecting on the efforts of these great human ri­ ghts activists.

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open dialogue on human rights

// 07.4

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

// 07.5

“CALL ME KUCHU ” SCREENING by Malika Zouhali-Worrall and Katherine Fairfax Wright

On May 17 th, the RFK Center Europe organized an event dedicated to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi­ sexual and Transgender) rights in collabora­ tion with Ireos, Florence Queer Festival, and Mediateca Toscana. A screening of the docu­ mentary movie Call Me Kuchu was held at the Cinema Principe in Florence. The documentary depicts the widespread ho­

mophobia in Uganda and the touching activi­ sm of the LGBT community. Present at the event were two extraordinary guests: Kerry Kennedy, President of the RFK Center and Frank Mughisha, a Ugandan hu­ man rights defender active on the frontlines of the struggle against discrimination.

call me kuchu |


07. STTP


// 07.6

June 29 - July 6 2013


erry Kennedy, President of the RFK Center, presented the Speak Truth To Power play and photo exhibition in Ischia during the 11th Global Film Festival, which hosts many Hol­ lywood celebrities and personalities from the music and movie industries. To mark the film festival, the photographic exhibi­ tion “Speak Truth to Power” by Pulitzer Prize-win­ ning photographer Eddie Adams was hosted in the magnificent the Ravino gardens. The photo exhibit features 50 portraits of human rights activists from around the globe. During Saturday’s gala at Villa La Colombaia, Kerry

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ischia global film festival

Kennedy invited on stage actors Vanessa Redgrave, Gloria Reuben, and Franco Nero to recite an abstract of the play “Speak Truth to Power” reenacting inter­ views with human rights activists Frank Mugisha, Digna Ochoa, Fauziya Kassindja. After the performance, Kerry Kennedy was awarded the “Global Social Award” for her work on behalf of human rights. The Ischia Film Festival also hosted the Italian pre­ miere of the movie Ethel, a documentary about the extrordinary life of Ethel Skakel Kennedy by Rory Kennedy, eleventh daughter of Ethel and Robert F. Kennedy.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

ischia global film festival |


07. Programs



obert F. Kennedy Europe High School Journalism Award Ceremony In Ischia, during the 4th year of the International Award for Journalism, the RFK Center Europe held its high school journalism award ceremony. This year’s event was dedicated to the theme of bullying. This year’s award went to three Florentine stu­ dents for their video “Prima pensa poi… Clicca” or “Think Before You Click!” Giada Corsi, Azzur­ ra Giuntini, Alice Punzuti, and their coordinator Prof. Valeria Russo from Istituto Cellini Torna­ buoni of Florence who were honored with special acknowledgement. “The originality of the script, the excellent edi­ ting, the freshness of the cuts, and the master­ ly use of special effects and sound that combine rhythm, music, and images contextualize the phenomenon of bullying both technologically and culturally,” proclaimed the judges when an­ nouncing the winners. The short was established as the overall best by a panel of expert judges composed of Luca De Biase (Il Sole 24 Ore), Anto­ nella De Gregorio (27 Now, Corriere della Sera), and Domenico Guarino (Controradio).

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high school journalism award

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

// 07.7 THE WINNERS: Giada Corsi, Azzurra Giuntini, Alice Punzuti from Istituto Cellini Tornabuoni of Florence

high school journalism award



07. Programs


// 07.8



or the past four years, the RFK Center Europe has organized training courses for teachers and trainers entitled Teach Truth To Power. The course is designed for teachers from any gra­ de as well as anybody who is involved in educa­ tional projects. The program aims at providing in-depth analysis of human rights education and extensive learning activities on the topic of edu­ cation as a tool for freedom and related approa­ ches to teaching and learning. Ample space is dedicated to laboratories related to educational methodologies, focusing on the design of didactics in schools of all levels. The 2013 session, entitled “Different from whom? Education makes you free to be yourself!”, was held at the RFK International House in Florence on May 9th. The course was created in collabora­ tion with Regione Toscana, Comune di Firenze, COSPE, IREOS, and Sucar Drom. The training was part of a series of events for the European Festi­ val and was attended by over 70 teachers from all over Italy.

NUMBERS: // 75 Italian teachers // 13 speakers

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teach truth to power

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

teach truth to power |


07. Programs


// 07.9

In-depth analysis on Human Rights


ince January 2012, RFK Center Europe has been hosting a monthly “Human Rights Tuesday Night” discussion to identify and analyze various human rights issues from around the world with guests including scholars, political leaders, and humanitarian activists. The RFK International House in Florence is the only Italian location of Dialogue Café, the wor­ ld’s first open video-conferencing network desi­ gned for civil society. Dialogue Cafés offer orga­ nizations the opportunity to encourage learning,

sharing, collaboration, and communication and promote collaboration among foundations, asso­ ciations, NGOs, community groups, universities and schools, benefit corporations, agencies, and public sector entities. Sponsored by Cisco Systems all over the world, Dialogue Café uses innovati­ ve technology called ‘Tele-Presence’ that enables face-to-face communication, allowing users to share experiences, to more effectively learn from each other, and to more effectively collaborate to make the world a better place.

DIALOGUE CAFÉ EVENTS: // Khaled Jarrar’s Art for the Israel-Gaza Wall (July 2013) Participation by Dialogue Café in Lisbon and Wroclaw // Filming Revolutions: Documentary Directors from Egypt and Turkey Narrating Change (October 2013, in collaboration with Festival dei Popoli) // Arab Spring and Egyptian Revolution Event with Luciana Borsatti, journalist and Gilberto Mastromatteo, Freelance (October 2013) Participation by Dialogue Café in Lisbon

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hrtn e dialogue cafè

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013




U.S. Consul General in Florence

Journalist and writer

Spokesperson for the Senegalese community in Florence



Regional director for Tuscany for Associazione Libera

Politician and writer

hrtn e dialogue cafè |


07. Programs


// 07.10


Human Rights Tuesday Nights


“International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Discrimination Against Roma and Sinti Populations Throughout History.”


Guests: Luca Bravi, author of Between Inclusion and Exclusion: A Social History of Roma and Sinti Edu­ cation in Italy, and Carlo Berini, member of the Associazione Sucar Drom, an organization that unites members of the Sinti and Roma societies with members of the majority population working for the right to citizenship for the Sinti and Roma minorities. // 26 FEBRUARY

“We Have a Dream: The RFK Center Remembers the March on Washington.”


Guests: Sarah Craddock Morrison, United States Consul in Florence; Pape Diaw, spokeperson for the Se­ negalese community in Florence; and Nadia Venturini, author of Eyes on the Prize. The Movement for Civil Rights. // 26 MARCH “Women and Jobs: Current Conditions, limits and opportunities.”


Guests: Maria Federica Giuliani, President of the Commission for Equal Opportunities, City of Florence; Cri­ stina Scaletti, Assessor for Culture, Tourism and Commerce for Regione Toscana; and Silvia Ballestra, writer. // 29 APRIL

“LGBTI Rights and New Families”. Guests: Paola Concia, member of the Democratic Party and former MP; Maria Silvia Fiengo, from publi­ shing firm Lo Stampatello; Fabrizio Paoletti, from Genitori Rainbow; and Grazia Sestini, Guarantor for Childhood and Adolescence from Regione Toscana.


| 2013 calendar


RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

// 29 MAY

“War Against the Mafias: The Culture of Law.”


Guests: Andrea Bigalli, regional director for Tuscany for Associazione Libera; Luciano Silvestri, supervi­ sor for legality, CGIL; and the actor Paolo Romano. // 25 JUNE

“I Dream of Things that Never Were: Robert F. Kennedy’s Moral Legacy.”


Guests: Walter Veltroni; Aldo Cazzullo, writer and journalist; and Giovanni Borgonone, author of I Dre­ am of Things that Never Were. // 24 SEPTEMBER

“Eat, Drink…Live! The Right to Basic Goods.”


Guests: Elisabetta Bacciotti, Advocacy and Campaigning Supervisor, Oxfam Italia; Erasmo De Angeli, underse­ cretary for infrastructure; and Maria Grazia Mammuccini, Vice-president Associazione Navdanya International. // 29 OCTOBER

“Narrating Rights: The Role of Media in Human Rights.”


Guests: Luciana Borsatti, journalist and author of Beyond Tahrir (Internationazionali Riuniti Edition) and Gilber­ to Mastromatteo, freelance journalist, and Egypt supervisor for Cospe. // 26 NOVEMBER

“Neglected Rights in Western Sahara: The Issue of Saharawi Population”


This discussion followed a screening of the documentary Saharawi: Woman from Exile to Republic by Fio­ rella Bendoni and Stefani Alemanno. Guests: Gianni Gianassi, Mayor of Sesto Fiorentino; Omar Mihi, Representative of POLISARIO Front in Italy; and Nicola Quatrano, magistrate. // 10 DECEMBER

“Happy Birthday DUDU: International Day for Human Rights.” Guests: Marina Pisklakova, a Russian activist working in the field of domestic violence, and Areta Sobie­ raj, educational projects supervisor, Oxfam.

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07. Programs


// 07.11




“The educational manuals created by the RFK Center are a precious contribution to the promotion of the culture of legality and human rights. I used the forementioned manual for the International Holocaust Rememberance Day to create a connection between the Shoah and human rights. I am currently organizing a conference on the topic of justice and I would like to include a speaker from the RFK Center.”

“Following a Memorandum of Understanding, the manual became a compulsory tool for approaching human rights issues in their curriculum. Because of the implementation of the manual in my classroom and in my school, I believe that its use should be mandatory for all Italian schools.”



“The educational project integrated in my school through the use of the STTP educational manual has reached many students and teachers (those who have worked with it before). It is a noble formative project: it creates new knowledge, engages students on an emotional and intellectual level and encourages them to take action. In summary: it makes them grow.”

“I started using the Speak Truth to Power manual for the International Day for Human Rights. I assigned my students to read one of the chapters dedicated to a defen­ der and a report of their choice. A year-long discussion arose that encouraged the students to find newspaper articles and find similarities with the experiences nar­ rated in the book.”

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// TEACHER FROM DI MILANO: “The integration of the Speak Truth To Power manual completely revolutionized my didactics and allowed me to receive feedback from my students. The quality and modernity of the themes created an understanding of the existence of modern heroes worthy of being compared to great historical figures.�

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08. Training Institute // 2013


// 08


Inspired by Robert F. Kennedy’s belief that every individual can make a difference, the RFK Training Institute was established in Florence to provide a secure space where human rights defenders can further develop their skills, exchange information and best practices, and establish new partnerships to confront pressing human rights challenges around the world. The RFK Training Institute organizes trainings for human rights defenders about a wide range of issues including social media strategy, digital security, human rights protection mechanisms, immigration, freedom of expression, and the rights of women, LGBTI people, and indigenous communities.

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08. Training Institute // Training Program

FRANK LA RUE Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

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// 08.1




he RFK Training Institute organized a training program on International Protection Mechanisms in collaboration with the American University Washington College of Law (AU-WCL). The program was held at the RFK International House from September 9th through September 13th. The training sessions included international acti­ vists and experts who focused on improving their skills and access to existing procedures, mechani­ sms, and protection standards for the protection of human rights. Among the speakers were Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Dragana Korljian, Human Rights Office at OHCHR, and Valérie Couillard of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

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08. Training Institute // Women in diplomacy school and Level Up


// 08.2

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SIOI


n March 1st, the RFK Center Europe, in collaboration with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Società Italiana per l’Organiz­ zazione Internazionale (SIOI), presented an event entitled “Women in Diplomacy School.” The work­ shops aimed at creating a network between more than twenty young managers from public admi­ nistration and private entities in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt.

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training institute

The opening remarks were given by Sarah Morri­ son, Consul General for the USA in Italy; Cristina Giachi, Assessor for University and Research from the City of Florence; and Imco Brouwer, Director of the RFK Training Institute. Other speakers inclu­ ded Micaela Frulli and Massimo Livi Bacci, Profes­ sors of International Law and Demographics at the political science department ‘Cesare Alfieri’ at the University of Florence.

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// 08.3

Internews Network and Tactical Techonology Collective

The RFK Center Europe hosted the second week of the educational project Level Up at the RFK International House from May 28th to June 2nd. The initiative was promoted by Internews Network and Tactical Technology Collective. Their aim is to recruit computer technicians, education experts, journalists, and NGO professionals for the creation

of advanced curricula and teaching materials and to educate new internet safety trainers. Once the project is completed, the material will be published with Creative Commons and accessible for all educators who wish to spread awareness about the importance of internet safety.


// 08.4

In October, the RFK International House hosted another educational course for trainers focused on the strategic use of new technologies. The course was promoted by Internews Network, an international non-profit organization that works for free information and easy access to the internet and provides tools for activists to speak up through technology.

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09. Eventi all’RFK International House


// 09



uring 2013, the Robert F. Kennedy International House of Human Rights held several events dedicated to human rights and development issues. The events included art and cultural exhibitions, conferences and workshops.

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09. Events held at RFK International House

// 09.2


A presentation about the book Franca Rame – Non è Tempo di Nostalgia was held at the RFK International House. The book contains Franca Rame’s last interview, conducted by Joseph Farell in her house in Mi­ lan in February of 2013. Franca narrates her life as an artist and an activist, including her childhood on a stage, her commitment to social issues, her role as a mother and a wife, and her love and creative partnership with Dario Fo. The event was sponsored by AICS Culture Coordinator Giorgio Burdese, was hosted by journalist Gianni Caverni,and included guests Joseph Farell and Daniele Lamuraglia.

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// 09.1

The RFK International House hosted the conference Smart Citizens: Ideas That Make You Think, organized by the cultural association marem.ma. The five themes – Communication, Community, Cohercion, Citizenship, and Culture and Casuality – were selected as a starting point for the creation of new ideas through the collaboration of the participants.


// 09.3

The RFK International House hosted the screening of the educational project Girotondo, Giramondo in the Octagonal Columns Hall. The project was created by Letizia Monti and Rossana Rontini in col­ laboration with students from the Giotto nursery school and was inspired by Kerry Kennedy’s book Speak Truth To Power. The initiative celebrates ethnic and cultural diversity among children through a project that unites theatre arts, singing, and gastronomy.

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09. Eventi all’RFK International House

// 09.4


The exhibition by Noel Gazzano uses sensual images to explore female identity with softness and ima­ gination. The project is based on research on the invisible concept of hearing. Natural elements mixed with feminine figures portray the truths and hopes of women’s relationships with others.

// 09.6


The RFK International House hosted the third session of the conference Thinking About Change created by Giorgio Burdese and organized by AICS – Area Cultura, Comitato Provinciale of Florence. The three events are designed to offer journalists, university professors, managers, and entrepreneurs a place to discuss themes such as Thoughts, Training, and Jobs. The last event of the series was an art exhibition that displayed the work of 60 international artists inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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// 09.5

The RFK International House held a charity marketplace organized by the American League of Florence ONLUS, a nonprofit working in fundraising in the City of Florence and active in social services projects. The proceeds from the market and the cocktail reception that followed were donated to Associazione Artemisia, an organization that supports victims of domestic violence since 1991.

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09. Eventi all’RFK International House


// 09.8


The exhibition is composed of two sections: 18 pictures by Gustavo Noviello, an Argentine artist, entit­ led Mujeres Argentinas, and works by 22 international artists on the theme of Women in the World. Each artist was commisioned to produce an artwork inspired by a woman, originally from his or her country of birth, active in the sector of human rights and women’s rights.

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// 09.7

This exhibition features eighteen portraits of women who have been at the forefront of the fight for human rights in the world throughout the twentieth century. Each of the portraits use recycled mate­ rials to represent the importance of environmental protection. The exhibition, organized by the RFK Center, features two new portraits: Ethel Kennedy, whose portrait is on display at the RFK International House in Florence, and Malala Yousafzai, whose portrait is at the MUST museum during TEDxLecce in the Italian capital of Baroque art.


// 09.9

The exhibition was organized in conjunction with the last session of The World is Changing and focused on man as a human being with inherent rights. Sixty international artists replied to the public calls issued by AICS, umaneXXImo, and the RFK Center Europe to create artwork focused on one article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among the participants were: Horst Beyer (painting, Ger­ many), Laura Hadnett (design, Ireland), Eleonora Nistri (painting, Italy), Mikayel Ohanjanyan (sculpture, Armenia), Ignazio Fresu (sculpture, Italy), Ludovica Gambaro (art design, Italy), Arianna Papini (painting, Italy), Dorothy Pizzuti (sculpture, United States), Miljan Suknovic (painting, Montenegro), and Annalisa Venturini (painting, Italy).

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09. Eventi all’RFK International House

// 09.10


The exhibition by Noel Gazzano uses sensual images to explore female identity with softness and ima­ gination. The project is based on research on the invisible concept of hearing. Natural elements mix with feminine figures portray the truths and hopes of women’s relationships with others.

// 09.12


The exhibition is composed of twenty oil paintings, acrylics, and mixed technique illustrations on canvas and wood focused on the City of Florence. The RFK Center Europe and Onlus celebrated the City of Florence, where their headquarters are located. Since 2011, the RFK Center has been located at ‘Le Murate’ a former prison that has been transformed from a place of suffering into a symbol of freedom and change.


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// 09.11

Valerio Giovannini’s Faticium-Muicitaca8 has been displayed as part of the third edition of The World is Changing. The paintings represent the theme of jobs in the contemporary world from two different points of view. On one side, as expressed by the Latin term Faticium meaning “made as art,” the divi­ sion between work and leisure is portrayed as the only way to achieve sustainable development. On the other hand, the artist uses painting and collage techniques to convey the need for new production methods that focus on sharing knowledge and resources rather than on the exploitation of the planet and workers.

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10. Sponsorships


// 10.2

// 10


The RFK Center Europe sponsored the photographic exhibition Le Murate Sprigionate (Le Murate Are Free) by Domenico Iuliano. The exhibit depicts the transformation of the former prison, which was defined by a search for a balance between the conservation of historical elements and the need for new spaces. The photographer takes full advantage of the location and perfectly depicts Le Murate’s transformation from a location of suffering to a cultural and recreational space.

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// 10.1

As a celebration of ELSA Day for Human Rights, the Florentine section of the Italian Organization of Law Students organized a “sensorial path” about human rights: a series of activities to raise awareness of human rights through the senses. The event was held at SUC, Spazio Urbano Contemporaneo (Con­ temporary Urban Space) located at Le Murate and was sponsored by the RFK Center Europe and the City of Florence. The event was followed by a presentation of the Speak Truth To Power play interpreted by the students.


// 10.3

The 2013 International Festival Constant Change focused on the connections between three capitals of world culture: New York, Paris, and Florence. The event aimed at shining a light on international ‘ar­ tivists’, or artists-activists, who foster a new interpretation of cultural activism around the world. The 17th edition of the festival was organized by the City of Florence, COSPE, European University Institute, and Duke University and was supported by the RFK Center Europe and the Consulate General of the United States of America in Florence.

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11. Participations


// 11

In 2013, the Robert F. Kennedy Center Europe participated in events organized by cultural associations, NGOs, and institutional entities: ONE BILLION RISING An international movement created to end violence against women and promote gender equality. The event is held in many significant locations where hundreds of people share their personal experiences through the arts. ‘MARCH 8: LISTEN TO MY VOICE’: HOMICIDE, VIOLENCE, STALKING AND ABUSE: BETWEEN SILENCE AND REPORTS A conference organized by Associazione Stampa Toscana and supported by Provincia di Firenze and the City of Florence during International Women’s Day. MEDITERRANEO NOW: BEYOND CONFLICT - ISSUES AND BEST PRACTICES TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA A public debate sponsored by the City of Florence in collaboration with the festival Middle East Now 2013 was held to analyze current events in the Arab states. The event aimed to create discussions and develop new directions for new cooperative initiatives. NOTTE BIANCA An evening event organized by the City of Florence. The RFK Center Europe participated with a photo exhibition at the RFK International House. Ten portraits of Robert F. Kennedy taken by Harry Benson between 1966 and 1968 and ten portraits of human rights defenders from the educational project Spre­ ak Truth To Power taken by Eddie Adams were displayed through the House. EUROPEAN FESTIVAL A festival organized by the European Commission as a display of new initiatives and a communication tool between the European Union and its citizens. The event highlighted the “European Vocation” of the Tuscany Region and its main city, Florence, and made the area the capital of the old continent for five days.

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SUDDENLY DANTE: 100 POEMS FOR FLORENCE Public readings of 100 poems by Dante were organized by Associazione Cutler with the contribution of the City of Florence. The RFK Center Europe participated in the initiative with help from Magodonga Mahlangu, the 2009 RFK Human Rights Award Laureate from Zimbabwe and Frank Mugisha, the 2011 RFK Human Rights Laureate from Uganda. FLORENCE QUEER FESTIVAL The most important movie festival in Tuscany dedicated to LGBTI culture. The RFK Center Europe par­ ticipated in the event by premiering the movie Born This Way by Shaun Kadlec and Deb Tullmann, a courageous documentary about intolerance and homophobia in Cameroon. A THOUSAND ASPECTS OF VIOLENCE An event organized by the City of Florence in collaboration with the RFK Center Europe, COSPE, River to River Florence Film Festival, Soroptimist Club Firenze, and N.I.C.E. The event analyzed loopholes in the political, economic, social, religious, and family systems that hide violence and discrimination against women, even within the family nucleus. The closing event was a presentation by the RFK Center and screening of the movie Lessons in Forgetting (2012) by Unni Vijayan, focused on the battle against emancipation and rights pursued for young Indian women MICROSOFT’S PINK CLOUD A social and cultural event promoted by Microsoft Italy designed to raise awareness for gender equality in science, technology and research, key drivers of Italian economic development. Kerry Kennedy, pre­ sident of the RFK Center, attended the event, which was held at Palazzo Vecchio.

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12. Fundraising


// 12


The RFK Center Europe organizes annual fundraising dinners and other events in unique locations. These annual dinners in the United States and in Europe are occasions to report on past activities and present future initiatives. During the events, donors can meet RFK Human Rights Award laureates, human rights defenders, our staff and executive board, and RFK Center supporters from all over the world. During the dinner, the RFK Center holds a lottery and an auction with prizes donated from important international and Italian companies, in addition to extraordinary artwork created for the guests.

Participants Silent Auction Items Lottery lots

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n 2013, the RFK Center Europe held its annual Gala in the foyer of the MAXXI museum in Rome on the same night as the opening of the exhibition: Freedom Fighters: The Kennedys and the Struggle for Civil Rights. The event raised 250,000 Euros for a scholarship fund designed for activists trained at the RFK Training Institute. Speakers included Kerry Kennedy, President of the RFK Center; John Phil足 lips, US Ambassador to Italy; and the actors Franco Nero, Timothy Martin, and Michelangelo Tommaso, who read famous speeches by John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy. Additio足 nally, two students from the Sir James Henderson School explained the implementation of Speak Truth To Power in their school and their newfound commitment to human rights activism and volunteering.

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12. Fundraising


// 12.1



he RFK Center Europe organized two annual fundraising auctions on the website Chari­ tybuzz, a leader in online charity fundraising. The lots that were auctioned included unique experiences and special opportunities in entertainment, sports, culture, travel, and show business. The proceeds will be used to finance the RFK Center’s work, particularly the Speak Truth To Power human rights curriculum. Among the unique experiences being auctioned were a photo shoot with famous photographer Harry Benson, a cooking class with Chef Carlo Cracco in his restaurant in Milan, a dinner with Kerry Kennedy at Salumeria Rosi in New York, a tour of Palazzo Vecchio, and a meet and greet with Florence’s Mayor Matteo Renzi (now the Prime Minister of Italy), VIP tickets for a Roberto Cavalli fashion show, and three days in Portugal with special Pirelli Paddock tickets for the Superbike Grand-Prix in Portimão.


“An experience truly extraordinary” I had the pleasure of taking a private tour of Palazzo Vecchio with Mayor Ren­ zi, who couldn’t have been more engaging, interesting and generous with his time… an experience truly extraordinary.

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12. Fundraising

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rominent Italian businessmen like Diego Della Valle, Marco Tronchetti Provera, and Oscar Farinetti participated in the fall au­ ction, donating their time to the winners of the lot. The lots also included stays in exclusive hotels,


high-end jewelry, designer purses, artwork, and the extraordinary opportunity to meet actor Franco Nero.

“The day was just perfect” Well, words cannot correctly describe the feeling of great enjoyment we had on Our Ferrari experience! The day was just perfect, the people considerate and accommodating, and the drive will be one of the most memorable I have ever done. We had a wonderful time and would recommend this adventure to our friends!


“We would definitely return again!” The stay at Borgo di Mustonate was excellent, great service…we would definitely return again!

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13. Stakeholders

STAKEHOLDERS Our Stakeholders


FK Center Europe has a number of stakehol­ ders – those people who get involved in the Center’s activities and who have an interest in contributing to the Center’s goals and results. First and foremost, our stakeholders are the defen­ ders, the laureates, the students, the main advocates of our activities, and all those who through their support and contributions make it possible for the Center to carry out its projects that support human rights defenders and victims of human rights viola­ tions around the world. These external stakeholders do not operate within our organization, but they motivate us to carry out our work. Their support is fundamental to the success of the Center. Our internal stakeholders – members of the Board of Directors and the Leadership Council together with employees and staff – work with dedication and pro­ fessionalism to fulfill the Center’s mission effectively and efficiently. Outside of these key stakeholders there are many others, ranging from the partners who work alongsi­ de us to implement our projects, national and inter­ national institutions, and schools and non-profits.

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// 13

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13. Stakeholders


// 13.1


ommunication with stakeholders is a key aspect of the Association’s activities. Students and teachers, Defenders and Laureates, organizations, Leadership Council, donors and staff and the general public are all our invaluable partners. For this reason, every message follows a precise logic and is not left to chance. In the age of global communication it is essential to reach our constituencies in a clear and precise manner. Messages are specifically crafted for each recipient and communication is tailored both in content and in form.




COMMUNITY Families, young adults and children. Communities of the territory and region.


Meetings, evaluation and feedback surveys, email.

TEACHERS Italian and European schools, targets of the “Speak Truth to Power” educational manual.

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Events, campaigns, publications, information brochures, communication through media. Surveys.

STUDENTS Italian and European, targets of the “Speak Truth to Power” educational manual.




Email, mailings, meetings, evaluation and feedback surveys.

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

//04 DEFENDERS AND LAUREATES and the Organizations they work with

Email, mailings, partnerships and collaborations, events, conferences, visits.

//05 PARTNERS Region of Puglia, Region of Tuscany, City of Florence, Miur (Italian Ministry of Education), Università degli Studi di Firenze, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, United States Consulate General in Florence

Email, partnerships and collaborations, events, conferences, visits.

//06 LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Groundbreakers: FederlegnoArredo, Alessandro Garro­ ne, Kedrion Spa, Pirelli Spa, Sorgente Sgr Spa, Adolfo Vannucci | Activists: Francesco Aletti Montano, Ema­ nuele Emmanuele, Enzo Manes - Kme Spa, David Stein

Email, mailings, collaborations, campaigns, events, conferences, visits.

//07 EMPLOYEES and external staff, interns and volunteers.

Email, staff meetings.

//08 INSTITUTIONS National and International Institutions Government, Parliament and Ministries, Local institutions, State Police and Carabinieri, Schools and Universities

Conferences, seminars, round tables, institutional meetings, informal meetings, partnerships, patronage, memorandum of understanding.

//09 DONORS National and International Institutions, Corporate donors, Private donors, Associations and organizations Foundations, Financial institutions, Suppliers

Mailing, advertising on media, information brochures, institutional relations, fundraising office, project progress reports, financing on a specific project, fundraising initiatives, events, campaigns, evaluation surveys.

//10 MEDIA Press conferences, press releases, publications, international, national and local events, campaigns.

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13. Stakeholders // Board Of Directors


// 13.2

KERRY KENNEDY Honorary President Attorney, best-selling author, and mother, Kerry Kennedy started working in the human rights field in 1981, and since then she has devoted her life to the promotion of social justice, the protection of human rights, and the advancement of the rule of law. She is Chair of the Amnesty International U.S.A. Leadership Council, and serves on the boards of the U.S. Institute for Peace and Human Rights First. She is the seventh child of Robert and Ethel Kennedy.

MARIA LINA MARCUCCI Chairperson After founding the first European television stations entirely dedicated to music, Videomusic in 1984 and Super Channel in 1988, from 1995 to 1999 Maria Lina Marcucci was nominated Vice President of the Tuscany Regional Government and Regional Minister for Culture, Communications and Entertainment. From 2002 to 2007 President of the Board of the Italian national newspaper on political, economic and cultural issues, L’Unità, re-launched in 2001. At the end of 2001, she founded, in Lucca, Campus Studi del Mediterraneo, a non profit Foundation promoting experimental learning activities in innovative sectors of Higher Education.Since 2005, she has been Chairman and Legal Representative of the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe.

JOHN ZURICK Secretary General Prior to taking on his current role as Chief Operating Officer of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, Mr. Zurick served as the organization’s strategic planning and business consultant, helping to guide RFK Center through a period of rapid financial growth and programmatic expansion. In 2010, Mr. Zurick helped plan and launch the RFK Compass program, a catalyst for thought leadership in the investment industry. With an M.F.A. from Brandeis University and a B.A. from the State University of New York, Brockport, Mr. Zurick has a long history as a social entrepreneur.

RICCARDO MONTI Treasurer President of ICE, Italian Trade Agency. Previously he has been Executive Director of Value Pratners Group and Senior Manager in Booz Allen and Hamilton. Riccardo Monti has worked with corporations and Governments from more than 30 Countries on international expansion programs, most recently focusing on emerging markets: Latin America, the Middle East, Asia and Turkey.

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BOARD MEMBERS FRANCESCO ALETTI MONTANO Graduate in Economics from the “Luigi Bocconi” University of Milan, Francesco Aletti Montano has worked as a stockbroker with the Milan Stock Exchange since 1989. Founder and CEO of Aletti & Co., a stock brokerage company which later became Banca Aletti & C., which was sold to Banco Popolare in 2001. Vice President of UBS Italy (2005-2010). In 2009 Aletti was honoured as “Commander of the Order for merit recognition” of the Italian Republic. Actually CEO of Aletti Montano & Co. Family Office with investments in Borgo di Mustonate, Hotel Chesa Colani CH and Rossi d’Angera Distillatori dal 1847.

LYNN DELANEY A graduate of Trinity College and Harvard Business School’s non-profit management course, Lynn Delaney served on advisory councils for the Mt. Carmel Shelter for Women, The National Underground Railroad, and the Friends of the University of Natal, South Africa. With over 20 years of management experience, Lynn has worked in every area of the RFK Center for Justice & Human Rights: overseeing the day-to-day operations as well as working with staff and Board on planning, budgeting, fundraising and program activities; steering awards committees; and organizing events and ceremonies at venues from the Newseum to the White House.

MARCO GUALTIERI He is a founder entrepreneur of several online operating companies like TicketOne, a market leading company established in 1997 when he was only 27. He was also founding member of Netcomm, Consortium of Electronic Commerce of Italy. Furthermore, only for passion, he has been producing musical and visual artists. He’s a shareholder board member of several companies. For years on end, he was committed to humanitarian activities and volunteered for the Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori and other associations. Since 2010, he has been member of the Board of Directors of the RFK Center Europe.

PHIL JOHNSTON President and CEO of Philip W. Johnston Associates, specializing in health and human services in Boston and Washington, DC. Chairman of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation, founder the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps, one of the largest and most respected child welfare agencies in the country serving thousands of the most troubled young people. Elected five times to the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Served as Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, New England Administrator of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

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13. Stakeholders // Consiglio di amministrazione

ORIN KRAMER Mr. Kramer, is Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Partner, and Portfolio Manager at Boston Provident, L.P. From 1977 to 1981 Associate Director of the White House Domestic Policy Staff. Vice-chairman and Executive Director of a special commission appointed in 1986 by Governor Cuomo to study the liability insurance crisis and civil justice reform. In 1992 coordinator of President-elect Clinton’s transition team on financial services issues, and named by President Clinton as a member of the Commission to Study Capital Budgeting. He received a J.D. from the Columbia Law School and a B.A. from the Yale University.

DAVID STEIN Founder of The Stein Group, a privately owned land development and homebuilding company, which today specializes in resort communities throughout Europe and North America. David Stein has previously served as President of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation and continues to be a member of its Board of Directors. Co-founder together with Kerry Kennedy of the Memorial’s Center for Human Rights, Mr. Stein has also served as the Chairman of the Pacific National Bank. He was the founding Chairman of Claremont Graduate University’s School of Economic and Politics and Projecte Jove, the leading drug treatment and prevention project for adolescents in Spain. David Stein graduated with honors from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

DONATO TRAMUTO Selected by PharmaVoice three times as one of the “Top 100 Most Inspirational Healthcare Leaders In the Life Sciences Industry.” CEO and Chairman of the Board for Physicians Interactive Holdings LLC, with more than 30 years of healthcare experience in both product and service sectors. Chairman and Founder of Health eVillages; Chairman and founder of the Tramuto Foundation, Member of the Board for Healthways (HWAYS:NASDAQ), Boston University School of Public Health, and Regis College.

ADOLFO VANNUCCI Adolfo Vannucci is born in Ancona in 1941 and he has Honours Degree in Economics and Commerce. He was Managing Director of Ies S.p.A. and Shareholder and Managing Director of Cameli Petroli. His currently held positions are: President of Si-Società Internazionale S.p.A., Chimitrade and Star Energy, Member of the Board of Directors OXEM, Shareholder of Alpidorica S.p.A., Member of the Board of Bertolini Group, Ch&f Bertolini, Alba and ISTAO. He is also involved in humanitarian activities: he is the Founder and President of “Scuola, Lavoro, Felicità Onlus”, Vice President “Fondo Memorial Eduardo Vargas”, Member “Platinum Donor” Fondazione EXPO 2015, supporter of Emergency and City Angels and Member of the board and trustee of “Science for Peace.”

ANTHONY WILLIAMS Anthony Williams is Co-Executive Partner of McKenna Long & Aldridge’s New York office. His legal practice focuses on commercial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments and financings for U.S. and non-U.S. clients. He also counsels domestic and multi-national corporations on all securities law topics and corporate finance matters. After working in its Hong Kong office and founding its San Francisco office, Mr. Williams served as Chairman of Coudert Brothers LLP from 1993 to 2001. He has deep international experience in financial management, investments, accounting and business development. He is a veteran of the United States Army.

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// 13.3


he RFK Europe Leadership Council consists of a group of large donors and leaders who support the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights/Europe. The Leadership Council helps carry out the strategies of the organi­ zation leveraging support for major human rights and social justice initiatives. Members pledge their multi-year support to the RFK

Center/Europe and receive different benefits corre­ sponding to each donation level. Benefits include invitations to events with renowned guest speakers and VIP seating at the annual Gala, at the ceremo­ nies of the “RFK Book Award”, the “European RFK Journalism Award” and the “RFK Human Rights Award.”





Alessandro Garrone Kedrion Spa Pirelli Spa Sorgente Sgr Spa Adolfo Vannucci



Francesco Aletti Montano Emanuele Emmanuele Enzo Manes - Kme Spa David Stein

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13. Stakeholders // Legal Entity and Memoranda of Understanding


// 13.4


he Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Founda足 tion of Europe Onlus is a non-profit social welfare organization (ONLUS), (D. Lgs. 4 de足 cember 1997, n. 460), and is enrolled in the Onlus Re足 gistry (D. M. 18 July 2003, n. 266).

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legal entity and memoranda of understanding

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013



Memorandum of Understanding with the Italian Ministry of Education (Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca – MIUR) On March 1st, 2010, the Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe Onlus renewed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR). With this Memorandum the Ministry has committed itself to promoting and publicizing the educational manual Speak Truth to Power: Courage without Borders in Italian high schools for three years, starting from the Academic Year 2010/2011. The Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Eu­ rope Onlus has committed itself to distributing

all materials related to the STTP educational ma­ nual to participating schools and to organizing training sessions on topics related to human ri­ ghts aimed at teachers, university and master pro­ gram graduates on a regional and national basis. The Memorandum of Understanding signed with the “Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Puglia” in 2011, with which the Associazione has extended to the Region of Puglia obligations underwritten with the Ministry, is closely linked to the MIUR protocol.

Accreditation as an official Training Institution for the Academic year 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 The Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe Onlus has been accredited by the Ita­ lian Ministry of Education as an authorized training institution to educate Italian school te­ achers through the educational project Speak Truth To Power: Courage without Borders and to hold the annual seminar Teach Truth To Power, an in-depth course on issues related to the right to education. In 2012 the Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foun­ dation of Europe Onlus also signed a memoranda of understanding with the Istituto Tecnico Com­ merciale e Turistico “Carlo Piaggia” in Viareggio and the Istituto ISI “Sandro Pertini” in Lucca.

Thanks to the memoranda, both vocational high schools have adopted the Speak Truth to Power manual as an official tool to educate teachers and students on human rights. In 2012, the Associa­ zione also signed an agreement with the Inter­ disciplinary Center Science for Peace (CISP), an academic center for higher education and resear­ ch of the University of Pisa. The purpose of the agreement is to collaborate on promoting and launching initiatives, awareness campaigns and educational and training paths aimed at teachers and students on issues of protection and promo­ tion of peace and human rights.

Validation for School Personnel Training Starting from July 5th, 2013, the Associazione Ro­ bert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe Onlus (Ro­ bert F. Kennedy Center Europe) has been included in the list of licensed/qualified associations for

the training of school personnel according to the former Ministerial Directive 90 from 12/1/2003 by the Minister of Education, University and Resear­ ch.

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14. Press Review

PRESS REVIEW THE NUMBERS: // 140 // 250 // 1228

Press Releases and Web News Radio Mentions Mentions in Italian and International daily and weekly newspapers


The exchange between the Robert F. Kenne­ dy Center Europe and the media is essential to communicating the center’s mission and activities and to raising public interest in all of the activists who work for the promotion of human ri­ ghts in the world. Among the initiatives that received significant press coverage last year were the Freedom Fighters: The Kennedys and the Battle for Civil Rights exhibition; the ini­ tiatives to commemorate John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy; the inaugura­ tion of the Robert F. Kennedy International House of Human Rights; and the launch of the Speak Truth To Power program in Spain and Greece.

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15. Web & Social Media

WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA January 2013 / January 2014

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web e social media

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RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

www.rfkennedyeurope.org 01 jen 2013 // 01 jen 2014 VISITS 300


april 2013

july 2013


Total Views: 24.940



Unique Visitors:



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Pages per visit:


Avg. Visit Duration:


2,97 00:02:50

Bounce Rate: 56,49%




% of First-Time Visitors:

october 2013

64,4% New Visitor 35,6% Returning Visitor

// FACEBOOK RFKennedy Europe Likes: 1.617

// TWITTER R.F.Kennedy Europe Followers: 720

web e social media |


16. How to support us


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Campaign and Donations

IN KIND DONATIONS Supporters of the RFK Center Europe need not necessarily offer money, but may rather choose to support us through the goods or services that they produce which may be valuable to our acti足 vities. A donation in kind (also called gift in kind) by

companies is comparable to a donation in money to all effects. As such, according to the Italian law it is then qualified for the same benefits and tax treatment of cash donations. The market value of the good or service donated determines the level of membership in the Leadership Council.

5 X MILLE Every year, without additional costs, you can give the 5x1000 directly to RFK Center Europe.

CF. 08 80 56 61 009

LEGACY It is also possible to make a donation to the RFK Center through bequests in support of the activities in the countries where the donor operates, addressing emergencies but also for programs aiming at real and lasting changes.

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how to support us

RFK Center Europe // Annual Report 2013

FREE DONATIONS To support RFK Europe it is possible to make an online donation at www.rfkennedyeurope.org, or in person at the Florence office by ATM or credit card. One can also make a bank transfer to the fol足 lowing account:

IBAN IT53 Z033 5901 6001 0000 0069 882 Banca Prossima C/C 1000/69882 account in the name of: Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe - Onlus

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17. Donation fiscal benefits


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donation fiscal benefits

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DONATIONS: TAX BENEFITS The Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe (RFK Europe) is a registered Italian non for profit organization (Onlus) (d.lgs. n. 460/97). All donations to RFK Europe are tax deductible within the limits detailed by the Italian law (see below), as long as made by credit card, wire transfer, deposit on checking account, bankers draft or check (ac­ count payee only) made out to Associazione Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe Onlus.

BENEFITS FOR INDIVIDUALS Ref.: art. 14, decreto legge n. 35/2005 “Donations in cash or in kind, liberally disbursed by individuals in favor of an Onlus, are tax deductible up to 10% of total declared aggregate income and not exceeding 70.000 Euro per year.” Alternatively:

Ref.: art. 15, comma 1, lettera i-bis) d.P.R. 917/86 “Donations in cash, liberally disbursed by individuals in favor of an Onlus and not exceeding 2.065,83 Euro, are entitled to a tax relief of 19% of the donation amount.”

BENEFITS FOR CORPORATIONS Ref.: art. 14, decreto legge n. 35/2005 “Donations in cash or in kind, liberally disbursed by companies in favor an Onlus, are tax deductible up to 10% of their declared aggregate income and not exceeding 70.000 Euro per year.” Alternatively:

Ref.: art. 100, comma 2, lettera h) d.P.R. 917/86 “Donations in cash liberally disbursed by companies in favor of an Onlus are tax deductible up to 2% of their declared business income or for a total amount not exceeding 2.065,83 EUR or 2% of the total declared income.”

donation fiscal benefits |



Your feedback is very important to us. Help the Robert F. Kennedy Center / Europe to improve the Annual Report by filling out the on-line survey at: https://it.surveymonkey.com/s/RFKAnnualReport2013

RFK CENTER / EUROPE ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Project by: Valeria D’Agostino Lorenzo Tommaso Coordination: Federico Moro Graphic design by: BOTTEGAINDUSTRIALE Industrial design studio 工业设计工作室





RFKennedy Europe


RFK International House of Human Rights


R.F.Kennedy Europe


RFK Europe



www.rfkennedyeurope.org www.rfkinternationalhouse.org

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