The Summer Academy

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JUNE 24-JULY 26 2013

Summer Academy Program The summer program at Milken Community High School seeks to provide students with the opportunity to fulfill certain pre-requisites for more advanced work during the regular school year, to allow students to pursue areas of interest and study for the sake of learning, and to complete work in areas where remediation is required. With the normal school year being a challenging experience due to a required, dual curriculum, students can find ways in which to alleviate some of these pressures during the summer months. We believe that our children’s education is comprised of more than just a classroom experience, and the summer school allows students to create time in their busy lives to participate in campus and Jewish life to the fullest extent possible. Milken Community High School Summer Academy offers both credit and enrichment classes for Grades 7 through 12. This unique program allows students to receive credit for classes offered at Milken as well as to strengthen skills for more advanced classes. Students can also acquire new skills through serious academic classes within a relaxed atmosphere.

• To the Parents • Dear Students and Parents,

We have also carefully redesigned our Grade 7 & 9 study skills courses. These courses, combined with our writing courses, are

Welcome to Milken’s 2013 Summer Academy. Our Summer

designed to help students learn and nurture the skills necessary

Academy team has been working hard throughout the year to

for succeeding in a 21st century classroom and provide incoming

strengthen and expand our course offerings and provide the best

students, from both inside and outside the Milken community,

possible options for students wishing to fortify or expedite their

with a solid foundation to begin their Milken experience.

learning. Summer is a wonderful time to fortify current passions and As before, the main focus of Milken’s summer program is to

explore new interests. We encourage you to review our new

deliver opportunities for acceleration and enrichment to all

brochure at Milken

students in the Los Angeles area. This program is designed to help

Community High School supports and challenges all students in

students fulfill requirements before the start of the school year,

the pursuit of educational and experiential learning.

allowing them to open up space in their schedule, or to explore a topic with more time to focus and learn in depth.

-Mr. Jonathan Raup

In particular, Milken is proud to offer social studies courses for incoming Grade 9 & 11 students. By taking one of these courses, students will free up their fall and spring schedules, allowing them to pursue other passions during the school year. Likewise, we are offering an afternoon Physical Education course, which is open to students in Grades 9-12 and will fulfill a year of Milken’s physical education requirement. Our goal with these offerings is to provide Milken students with maximum flexibility in their schedules throughout the year. ii

Table of Contents Middle School Drawing Sculpture Photography Middle School Math Algebra I Review Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Study Skills Hebrew Ulpan Latin I Spanish I Chinese I

p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 9 p.10 p.11 p.12 p.13 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16

Summer Sports Camps and Athletics

p. 39


Upper School

p. 17

Drawing Sculpture Photography I Writing About Literature High School Study Skills Algebra I Review Geometry SAT Test Preparation Chinese I Hebrew Ulpan Latin I Spanish I Biology Chemistry Physics Health United States History Modern World/Jewish History Righteous Conversations PE Multi-Sport

p. 18 p.19 p.20 p. 21 p.22 p.23 p. 24 p. 25 p. 26 p. 27 p. 28 p. 29 p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 35 p. 36 p. 37




This introductory course provides a strong foundation of skills necessary for all studio art courses. The students will learn techniques, visual language and use of a variety of materials. The students will learn observational skills while exploring the fundamentals of drawing. The students will incorporate the study of line, shape, form, color, values, texture and spatial relationships, in order to complete drawing compositions. They will explore still life, portraitures, landscapes and abstract subjects. Historic and contemporary artists will be introduced. Individual and class critiques are an important element of this course. 5

Course Code: AR1402 Grades Incoming: 7-8 Fee: $545 10:30am-12:45pm Monday-Friday


This course introduces students to basic sculpture techniques and concepts. They will learn the principles of design and elements of art necessary to create three-dimensional artworks. The students will learn basic concept development drawings in order to create threedimensional objects. The students will explore a variety of materials. Basic techniques in building, wire and metal work, plaster and carving are explored. Historic and contemporary artists will be introduced. Individual and class critiques are an important element of this course. 6

Course Code: AR1415 Grades Incoming: 7-8 Fee: $545 8:15 am-10:30am Monday-Friday

Photography 1

This course provides the student with an introduction to digital photography. In the first third of the course, students learn the basic concepts of composition and lighting in addition to learning how to take the best possible pictures using the manual settings on their digital camera. In the second third of the course, students learn Adobe Photoshop. They will learn to scan, composite, create layers, select operating areas, and image adjustment, with an

Course Code: MS1401 Grades Incoming: 8-10

emphasis on output to print, screen, web, and photo-digital media. In the last third of the

Fee: $545

course, students will take the Photoshop concepts they learned and apply them to several


composition projects.

Monday-Friday 7

Middle School Math Fundamentals

This course reviews the important arithmetic skills; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions through problem-solving and critical thinking activities. Topics include number theory, measurement, estimation, geometry, ratio, proportions, percents, probability, statistics, and integers. The curriculum emphasizes connections within mathematics and to other disciplines, develops concepts through realworld applications, and encourages independent and cooperative learning. This is an enrichment course, not for credit. 8

Course Code: MA1404 Grades Incoming: 7-8 Fee: $545 8:15 am-10:30am Monday-Friday

Algebra 1 Review and Skills Reinforcement Prerequisite: Completion of Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1 and Department Chair approval. Course Code: MA1410 Grades Incoming: 8-10 Fee: $545 10:30am-12:45pm Monday-Friday

This course is intended to provide students with the basic principles covered in first-year high school algebra: from fundamental operations to systems of equations, radicals, and rational expressions. This material serves as a valuable review for students entering Intermediate Algebra or Algebra 2. Students who need a refresher course prior to Geometry will also benefit from this course. This course is for enrichment, not for credit.


Reading Workshop

Reading Workshop is a student-friendly course designed to equip participants with strategies to be successful readers in middle school and beyond. Students will read young adult novels

Course Code: EN1402 Grades Incoming: 7-8

and practice skills, such as annotating, questioning, clarifying, and metacognitive thinking.

Fee: $545

As students continue through the course, they will also implement essential organizational


and study strategies.

Monday-Friday 10

Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop is designed to improve and strengthen writing skills of middle school students in both expository and creative writing. In expository writing, particular emphasis will be paid to writing clear topic sentences, using supportive examples, and explaining the

Course Code: EN1401 Grades Incoming: 7-8

evidence. In creative writing, students will address the use of figurative language, sentence

Fee: $545

structure, and word choice. The goal of the course is to sharpen the student’s ability to craft

8:15 am-10:30 am

focused, developed paragraphs that utilize rich vocabulary and a variety of writing techniques. 11


Middle School Study & Organization

This course is designed to help incoming Milken middle school students develop and strengthen the skill set needed to flourish in a 21st century classroom. Students will cover the fundamentals of how to best prepare, prioritize, and organize. In addition, students will be introduced to powerful technological tools, within the FirstClass framework, which will help them develop the skills necessary to stay on top of myriad commitments and assignments that the transition to middle school demands. The course will also cover the basics of responsible and effective internet research. This course is for enrichment not for credit. 12

Course Code: ST1411 Grades: Incoming 7 Fee: $545 10:30am-12:45pm Monday-Friday

Hebrew Ulpan

This course is designed for those students who have no Hebrew background and wish to

Course Code: HE1400

challenge themselves by preparing to enter the Neta program in their first year. Normally

Grades: Incoming 7-11

students would take the Ulpan course in their entering year and begin the Neta program sequence thereafter. Placement subsequent to the summer course will be at the department’s discretion based on performance over the five weeks and an assessment test at the end of the

Fee: $545 8:15 am-10:30 am Monday-Friday

course. 13

Latin 1

This course covers the curriculum for Latin 1 during which students will learn methods for reading and translating increasingly challenging Latin passages while acquiring the fundamentals of Latin grammar and vocabulary. Students will also stress the study of English derivatives in order to improve their diction. The course emphasizes reading Latin aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation, listening skills through the dictation of Latin words/sentences, and using Latin phrases in classroom activities. Students will study daily life and culture in the context of the Ecce Romani chapter stories which reveal the lives of a wealthy family living in Rome and in the city of Baiae during the first century C.E. The course

Course Code:LA1401 Grades: Incoming 9-11

also focuses upon the legend and history of the founding of Rome and the ruling periods of the

Fee: $1090

monarchy and early republic. This course is reserved for current Grade 8 students only. Upon

8:15 am-12: 45 pm

successful completion of this course, students will advance to Latin 2 in the fall.



Spanish 1

This course covers the curriculum for Spanish 1. Students will have the opportunity to acquire proficiency in the present tense and be able to express their thoughts orally and in writing about common every day themes, including family, friends, school, occupations, clothing, shopping, food, travel, transportation, sports, and entertainment. This course is reserved for current Grade 8 students only. Upon successful completion of the course, students will advance to Spanish 2 in the fall.

Course Code: SP1401 Grades: Incoming 9-11 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday


Chinese 1

This course is a beginning level of the “LEARN CHINESE WITH ME� curriculum, incorporating themes designed to increase student proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Chinese. The course is the first level in a communication-based curriculum that integrates into all phases of instruction the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Through thematically-based units, students integrate grammar and phonetics into all daily activities and assignments. Students also learn about the diverse aspects of Chinese culture, and utilize computers in their study of the language. This course is reserved for current Grade 8 students only. Upon successful completion of this course, students will advance to Chinese 2 in the fall.


Course Code: CH1401 Grades: Incoming 9-12 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday



This introductory course provides a strong foundation of skills necessary for all studio art courses. The students will learn techniques, visual language and use of a variety of materials. The students will learn observational skills while exploring the fundamentals of drawing. The students will incorporate the study of line, shape, form, color, values, texture and spatial relationships, in order to complete drawing compositions. They will explore still life, portraitures, landscapes and abstract subjects. Historic and contemporary artists will be introduced. Individual and class critiques are an important element of this course. 18

Course Code: AR1402 Grades Incoming: 9-12 Fee: $545 10:30am-12:45pm Monday-Friday


This course introduces students to basic sculpture techniques and concepts. They will learn the principles of design and elements of art necessary to create three-dimensional artworks. The students will learn basic concept development drawings in order to create threedimensional objects. The students will explore a variety of materials. Basic techniques in building, wire and metal work, plaster and carving are explored. Historic and contemporary artists will be introduced. Individual and class critiques are an important element of this course. 19

Course Code: AR1415 Grades Incoming: 9-12 Fee: $545 8:15 am-10:30am Monday-Friday

Photography 1

This course provides the student with an introduction to digital photography. In the first third of the course, students learn the basic concepts of composition and lighting in addition to learning how to take the best possible pictures using the manual settings on their digital camera. In the second third of the course, students learn Adobe Photoshop. They will learn to scan, composite, create layers, select operating areas, and image adjustment, with an

Course Code: MS1401 Grades Incoming: 8-10

emphasis on output to print, screen, web, and photo-digital media. In the last third of the

Fee: $545

course, students will take the Photoshop concepts they learned and apply them to several


composition projects.

Monday-Friday 20

Writing about Literature

This course addresses the concepts and skills inherent in various rhetorical forms:

Course Code: EN1403

description, analysis, argumentation, and persuasion. Students will focus upon understanding

Grades Incoming: 9-12

style, and writing coherent analysis of non-fiction. The course will be writing intensive and will serve to prepare students for the English courses presented during the academic year. The course will represent one semester of elective credit, but will not supplant the necessity to take an English course during all semesters enrolled at Milken. This course fulfills UC requirements. 21

Fee: $545 8:15 am -10:30 am Monday-Friday

High School Study & Organization Skills

This course is designed to help incoming Milken high school students develop and strengthen the skill set needed to flourish in a 21st century classroom. Students will cover the

Course Code: ST1410

fundamentals of how to best prepare, prioritize, and organize. In addition, students will be

Grades Incoming: 9th

introduced to powerful technological tools, within the FirstClass framework, which will help them develop the skills necessary to stay on top of myriad commitments and assignments that a demanding high school course load brings with it. The course will also cover the basics of responsible and effective internet research and an introduction to the databases to which Milken students have access. This course is for enrichment not for credit. 22

Fee: $545 8:15 am -10:30 am Monday-Friday

Algebra 1 Review and Skills Reinforcement Prerequisite: Completion of Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1 and Department Chair approval. Course Code: MA1410 Grades Incoming: 9-10 Fee: $545 10:30am-12:45pm Monday-Friday

This course is intended to provide students with the basic principles covered in first-year high school algebra: from fundamental operations to systems of equations, radicals, and rational expressions. This material serves as a valuable review for students entering Intermediate Algebra or Algebra 2. Students who need a refresher course prior to Geometry will also benefit from this course. This course is for enrichment, not for credit.


Geometry Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra I, teacher recommendation and Department Chair approval. This course fulfills one year of the math requirement at Milken Community HIgh School. Course Code: MA1403 Grades Incoming: 10th

(Special exceptions approved by department chair.)

Fee: $1090 This course enables students to relate and apply geometric concepts to algebra, statistics, data analysis, probability and discrete mathematics. Topics include direct and indirect proof, parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, connecting proportion and similarity, right triangle trigonometry, circles, area of polygons, volumes of solids, and coordinate geometry.


8:15 am-12:45pm Monday-Friday

Test Preparation: Subject TEst Math Level IIC

This course will include topics in Algebra 1, 2, and Pre-Calculus, as well as algebraic functions and graphs, functions, trigonometry, solid geometry, sequences and series and statistics.

Course Code: MA1408 Fee: $800

Instruction will cover these topics in depth while also developing test-taking strategies.

1:00 pm -5:00 pm

Students will receive a complimentary book that includes sufficient additional material for


additional preparation on their own.


July 15-July 19*

Chinese 1

This course is a beginning level of the “LEARN CHINESE WITH ME� curriculum, incorporating themes designed to increase student proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Chinese. The course is the first level in a communication-based curriculum that integrates into all phases of instruction the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Through thematically-based units, students integrate grammar and phonetics into all daily activities and assignments. Students also learn about the diverse aspects of Chinese culture, and utilize computers in their study of the language. Upon successful completion of this course, students will advance to Chinese 2 in the fall. 26

Course Code: CH1401 Grades: Incoming 9 -12 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday

Hebrew Ulpan

This course is designed for those students who have no Hebrew background and wish to

Course Code: HE1400

challenge themselves by preparing to enter the Neta program in their first year. Normally

Grades: Incoming 7-11

students would take the Ulpan course in their entering year and begin the Neta program sequence thereafter. Placement subsequent to the summer course will be at the department’s discretion based on performance over the five weeks and an assessment test at the end of the

Fee: $545 8:15 am-10:30 am Monday-Friday

course. 27

Latin 1

This course covers the curriculum for Latin 1 during which students will learn methods for reading and translating increasingly challenging Latin passages while acquiring the fundamentals of Latin grammar and vocabulary. Students will also stress the study of English derivatives in order to improve their diction. The course emphasizes reading Latin aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation, listening skills through the dictation of Latin words/sentences, and using Latin phrases in classroom activities. Students will study daily life and culture in the context of the Ecce Romani chapter stories which reveal the lives of a wealthy family living in Rome and in the city of Baiae during the first century C.E. The course also focuses upon the legend and history of the founding of Rome and the ruling periods of the monarchy and early republic. Upon successful completion of this course, students will advance to Latin 2 in the fall. 28

Course Code: LA1401 Grades: Incoming 9-11 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12: 45 pm Monday-Friday

Spanish 1

This course covers the curriculum for Spanish 1. Students will have the opportunity to acquire

Course Code: SP1401

proficiency in the present tense and be able to express their thoughts orally and in writing

Grades: Incoming 9-11

about common every day themes, including family, friends, school, occupations, clothing,

Fee: $1090

shopping, food, travel, transportation, sports, and entertainment. Upon successful completion of the course, students will advance to Spanish 2 in the fall.

8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday


Biology Any Student wishing to enroll in a summer science course must obtain signed permission from the Department Chair. Prerequisite: Chemistry. This course fulfills one year of science requirement at Milken Community High School. Course Code: SC1403 Grades: Incoming 10-12 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12:45 pm This course emphasizes the structure, function, and interrelationships of organisms in their environment. The course examines cells, organisms and population dynamics, with topics including basic chemistry, energy, diversity, genetics, anatomy, physiology, and ecology. Projects and discussions on recent advances in biology enhance the course. Laboratory included.



Chemistry Prerequisite: Algebra 1. This course fulfills one year of science requirement at Milken Community High School.

Course Code: SC1402 Grades: Incoming: 10-12 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12:45 pm The basic theme of this course is the recognition of the properties of matter consequential to the chemical structure of matter. To that end, students are first presented an introduction to the language of chemistry, followed by a study of the structure of atoms and chemical bonding. Other topics include stoichiometry, gases, acid-bases, liquids, solids, and an introduction to nuclear chemistry and organic chemistry. Students observe some basic chemical processes in the laboratory. Based on the qualitative and quantitative data obtained, some basic calculations and interpretations are required. Laboratory included. 31



Prerequisite: Algebra 2. This course fulfills one year of science requirement at Milken Community High School. Course Code: SC1401 Grades: Incoming: 10-12 Fee: $1090 Concepts and principles in Newtonian mechanics, transnational and rotational motion, energy interactions, oscillary phenomena, optics, magnetism, heat, light, sound, and electricity are studied in great detail.


8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday

Health This course fulfills the health requirement at Milken Community High School.

Course Code: HH1401 Grades: Incoming 9-10 Fee: $545 8:15 am-10:30 am Monday-Friday

This program was developed by health educators and is overseen by the Director of Student Services. It is based on the value of Betzalem Elohim (made in God’s image) and has two goals: That students will become aware of the ways they can pursue wellness in their lives and that students will develop the skills to be able to do so. Throughout the course the ongoing question will be from a general and Jewish perspective what does it mean to be a healthy person? 33

United States History

This course fulfills one year of the social science requirement at the Milken Community HIgh School. Course Code: SS1403 Grades: Incoming: 11th Fee: $1090 This United States History class presents an integrated survey of the historical development of the United States, emphasizing the 20th century beginning with the Progressive Era. A thematic approach gives students a broad view of the development of democracy in the United States and of the growing role of the United States in world affairs. This course is chronological in sequence with recurring themes, events, and concepts such as reaction and revolt, reform movements, national character, nationalism, and the many causes and consequences of American political, economic, and social change. Historical content is enhanced by oral presentations, research papers, and required outside readings. 34

8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday

Modern World and Jewish History This course fulfills one year of the social science requirement at the Milken Community HIgh School. Course Code: SS1401 Grades: Incoming: 9 Fee: $1090 8:15 am-12:45 pm Monday-Friday

This course begins a two-year sequence in World and Jewish history covering the political, social, economic, cultural, intellectual and religious history of the Western and non-Western world. In grade 9, the focus is on two concepts: the fundamental beliefs and core narratives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and the development of the modern West in the Renaissances, Reformations and revolutions from the fourteenth through the nineteenth century. Integrated into this is a special emphasis on the Jewish experience as it changes and adapts to the modern world. Emphasis is on causes and effects of historical events and major trends in history. Basic skills in geography, research, and writing are also emphasized. Students learn to use both primary and secondary source materials. Current events are an integral part of the curriculum. Modern World/Jewish History I Honors covers the same content as Modern World/Jewish History I but with increased depth and breadth. Research and writing skills are stressed. Outside reading is required, as is the ability to think critically and analytically.


Righteous Conversations

We are seeking a group of creative and curious students for a workshop that connects teenagers with the last

generation of Holocaust Survivors. Students will visit local Holocaust Museums and learn more about the importance of Holocaust Memory in our communities. Students will also meet with Holocaust survivors to hear their stories of courage and survival to discuss the importance of speaking up about injustice.

Students will collaborate with survivors and members of the Righteous Conversations Project over the course of the

week for filmmaking and arts projects. Students will be able to create public service announcements (PSAʼs) that address contemporary injustices or create works of art that reflect the survivors’ message. Students will have a rare opportunity to hear first hand from those who survived the Holocaust and partner with them in a creative social action project. Participants will learn about the power of media and the ways it can be used to raise awareness and effect change. Students will choose relevant issues and form “production teams” in which survivors serve as mentors and participants.

This course fulfills 20 hours of community service and 5 elective credits.

No experience in film or art is required.


Course Code: SS1404 Grades: Incoming 9-12 Fee: $545 8:5 am -12:45 pm June 24-July 3*

P.E. Multisport Training This course fulfills two semesters of Physical Education requirement at Milken Community High School. Course Code: SC1401 Grades: Incoming 9-12 Fee: $1090 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm In this 5-week course, there is a physical aspect as well as written exams and presentations in regard to physical fitness. Students are expected to make improvements and demonstrate key skills for course credit. Some of the sports which may be introduced are basketball, weight training, indoor soccer and boxing/kickboxing.





Summer Sport’s Programs Training camps, designed for grades 7-12, are five half-day sports experiences geared to current and future team members. During the camps, potential athletes will review fundamentals, learn new strategies and develop individual skill plans. Summer leagues, designed for grades 9-12 who plan on trying out for a high school team in their chosen sport, provide an opportunity for athletes to experience playing in competitive situations at various high school venues. The coed basketball camp, available to students in grades 1 - 9, is being offered as a 6 week-long session of camp. This camp is designed to teach fundamentals, develop a love of the game and improve team play. For dates and times of the above programs, please visit the Summer Academy website (to be released soon). Also, feel free to contact the coaches listed for each sport or Coach Whiting, director of summer camps. Girls' Basketball (Training Camp & Summer League) Boys' Football (Training Camp Only) - Coach Barbara Iversen, - Coach Greg Weiss, Boys' Basketball (Training Camp and Summer League) Coed Soccer (Training Camp Only) - Coach Mike Whiting, - Coach Ryan Hosler, Coed Water Polo (Training Camp & Summer League) Coed Volleyball (Training Camp & Summer League) - Coach Lisa Steenport, - Coach Tim Hugar, Coed Basketball Camp: 1st - 9th Grade (Camp Only) - Coach Mike Whiting, 39

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