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Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Values

is to fight and win the battle

is to become leaders in

are that patients are





Treatment, Education and Research

supreme and they must be served with

Love and Devotion

Our Conviction They felt it was their Dharma (duty) to provide to cancer patients what was not available to their near and dear ones when they were suffering with cancer. They laid the Shila (foundation) of their duty by registering a nongovernment voluntary organization - Dharamshila Cancer Foundation and Research Centre (DCFRC) on 19 April 1990, with the sole objective of making cancer treatment available, accessible and affordable. DCFRC Commissioned

A group of concerned relatives and friends of cancer patients felt the need to provide complete cancer treatment under one roof.

the first phase of the Dharamshila Cancer Hospital And Research Centre (DCHRC) with 100 beds in 1994 and expanded to 300 beds in 2006. DHRC is continuously adding Cutting Edge Technologies, Practicing Evidence Based Medicine and following International Treatment Protocols, to achieve Best Treatment Outcomes. High Quality Standards of Treatment, Complete Patient Safety and Satisfaction, Improving Cure Rates and Adding Quality to Life will always be our hallmark. Being sensitive to the Physical, Medical, Emotional and Financial Needs of the patients, DHRC serves them with love, devotion, compassion, commitment and positive attitude. Transparent and Honest Billing Policies and above

First and only NABH Accredited

mentioned factors have helped us to win our patients from all over the globe.

Cancer Hospital in India

Our Facilities Out-Patient Services An efficient appointment system and daily Tumor Board meeting of Surgical, Radiation, Medical, Paediatric and Gynae Oncologists, Onco Pathologists and Radiologists, goes a long way in charting out treatment strategies as per National/ International treatment protocols for each and every one of our patients. To ensure availability of Allied specialists, to handle associated disease of the cancer patients, a separate well equipped block for allied specialities is available.

In-Patient Services The in-patient facilities of 300 beds offer VIP suite, super deluxe, deluxe, semideluxe, single, double, semi-paying and economy wards. In addition to oncologists and other medical specialists, we have specially trained oncology nurses (both male and female), psychologists, social workers and dieticians, attending to the specific needs of all our cancer patients.

Intensive Care Unit The 42 beds ICU and 19 beds High Dependency Wards are fully equipped with advanced monitoring and life support systems for patients in critical condition and are supported by specially trained and efficient staff. DHRC is among the reputed hospitals of the country, which regularly follows the hospital acquired infection control protocols and antibiotic policies as laid down by the Hospital Infection Control Committee.

Third Party Payment For Treatment DHRC is on the approved panel of hospitals of more than 250 PSU, Corporates, TPA and insurance companies including CGHS, Central Government under CS (MA) Rules, Delhi Government, ECHS, Northern Railways, RITES, Freedom Fighters, Banking, Insurance Companies and Third Party Administrators.

Diagnostics Radio-Imaging Department of Radio-Imaging is equipped with world class latest generation High Definition (HD) PET CT with ultrafast LSO Crystal and True D with automated tumour tracking and tumour progression indication features. It has industry's leading PET resolution (2mm) which helps in early detection of small lesions and accurate staging of cancer. It also helps in early evaluation of response to therapy and for accurate analysis of cancer treatment and follow up. The machine also has capabilities for early detection and quantification of Neurological disorders like Dementias and Epilepsies. Other equipments include 16 Slice High Resolution CT Scanner with 3D CT, CT Angiography and CT endoscopy Gamma Camera for all types of nuclear scans. Premium Edition Ultrasound System with exceptional Doppler imaging, advanced stress Echo and vascular Imaging with all Probes for Transvaginal, Transrectal, Thyroid, Neck, Breast, Scrotum and other small parts Mammography High frequency X-Ray with digital technology Ultrasound, CT and PET CT guided procedures.

Equipments Available •

Linear Accelerators (Elekta Synergy with VMAT and Varian Clinac DBX)

Treatment Planning Systems (Eclipse, CMS Xio, MONACO, ERGO++ and Plato Sunrise)

Pathology Our ultra modern Pathology lab is NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited and has facilities for Anatomic Pathology including Cytology, Histopathology, Frozen Sections, Immunohistochemistry, Cytochemistry and Tumour Markers. Tissue processing with automated immunohistochemistry facilities for performing different panels of tumor marker studies of all types, ensures accurate tissue diagnosis. Our automated computerized Labs provide round-the-clock diagnostic services for hematology, biochemistry, microbiology and clinical pathology. A full range of hematological tests are done on a 5 part Coulter Counter with cytochemistry for bone marrows. DHRC receives numerous requests for second/third opinions for histopathology, cytology, Immunohistochemistry, bone marrow aspirations and trephine biopsies from across the country.

Radiation Therapy DHRC provides safe, effective and high quality precision radiation therapy with minimal dose to normal structures in shortest time by using Third Generation VMAT Technology. Radiation applications offered are IMRT, IGRT, SRS/SRT, SBRT, Respiratory Gating, and Brachytherapy (Intracavitary, Intraluminal, Interstitial and surface Mould).

Remote Afterloading HDR Brachytherapy (Nucletron)

Physics Equipment:

Various types of ion chambers

IMRT QA phantom

IMRT QA Phantom

IMRT QA Software with film scanner

ArcCHECK for IMRT and VMAT plan verification

Radiation Field Analyser (RFA)

Mould Room Equipments:

All types of thermoplastic sheets


All types of base plates

CT Simulation with online transfer of images to TPS, ARIA and MOSAIQ online record and verify system.

Our Services Surgical Oncology DHRC provides high class surgical services by highly trained and skilled site specific team of Surgical Oncologists, Plastic and Reconstruction Surgeons, Anaesthesiologists, Nurses, Technical and other ancillary staff. The department of Surgical Oncology undertakes full range of all routine, high risk, challenging and emergency surgeries with excellent preoperative, operative and postoperative care. The most common surgeries being performed are those of neoplasms of Head and Neck, Oesophagus, Breast, Thorax, Gynae Oncology, Gastrointestinal, Urology, Neurology, Bone and Soft Tissue. Our Surgical outcomes are at par with European standards and in fact outcome of stage IV A Head and Neck cancer surgeries is even a shade better than Europe. Organ conservation, functional preservation and Aesthetic Rehabilitation are the hall marks of Dharamshila Hospital. DHRC boasts of seven spacious operating rooms with positive pressure airconditioning, laminar flow and hepa filters. The operating rooms are equipped with stateof-the-art Anaesthesia machine with ventilators. Comprehensive multichannel monitors (including Respiratory Gas and Spirometery monitoring, Co2 laser, Operating microscopes, C-Arm, Harmonic scalpel, Pneumatic Drill, Laproscope, Valley Lab Cauteries and full range of operating instruments. Endoscopy suite is equipped with all types of Endoscopes.

Haemotology, Medical and Pediatric Oncology The Haemotology, Medical and Paediatric Oncology services play a major role in treating both haemotological and solid malignancies like leukemias, lymphomas, multiple myelomas, germ cell tumours etc. All the latest chemotherapy regimens based on high level of evidence as per international standards are followed to achieve optimum results. All types of chemotherapies like normal and high dose including dose-intense and dosedense; infusional, multiple and single drug therapies, bolus chemotherapies, intra-arterial and regional chemotherapies are successfully given in the Day Care and the wards. The latest molecular targeted therapies (both oral and intravenous), Biological Therapies, Hormonal Therapies, Neutropenic Care and Nutritional therapy are being successfully rendered. DHRC is one of the few centres of the world successfully giving monoclonal

antibodies and gene therapies under expert supervision. To prevent painful venous thrombosis, latest chemotherapy access devices like PICC lines, Central lines and chemo ports are used to deliver chemotherapy successfully preventing painful drug extravasations. Moreover, chemotherapy drugs prepared under strict aseptic techniques in dedicated chemotherapy preparation Roomv using specially designed chemo-hood thus preventing unwanted chemotherapy exposure of attendants and hospital staff. An exclusive Leukaemia/ Neutropenia ward with Hepa filters and dedicated nursing provides isolation and double barrier nursing to patients susceptible to life threatening infections.

Community Oncology DHRC conducts regular cancer awareness programmes for making the public aware about their risk factors, preventive steps to be taken and early detection of cancer. Cancer screening clinic provides free cancer screening facilities to people above the age of 40 yrs.

Our Services Palliative Care We offer palliative care for the terminally ill cancer patients. Specialized pain clinic is being run by trained personnel for improving quality of life of advanced cancer patients with advanced disease. Apart from oral morphine and fentanyl patches, specialized therapies like epidural analgesia, nerve blocks, TENS, patient controlled analgesia through epidural catheters, syringe pumps, electrometric infusion pumps, etc. are being routinely given under expert guidance.

Allied Services To provide holistic health care under one roof and to treat all associated diseases of cancer patients, we have in-house facilities for Cardiology, Dental, Deramatology, ENT, Endocrinology, Diabetology, Gynae & Obst, Gastroenterology, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, General & Laparoscopic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Urology, Neurology and Neuro Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics and Paed. Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Pulmonology etc.

Blood Bank Blood bank has state-of-the-art blood cell separators, Heraeus centrifuge, platelet agitator and cold room storage facilities for blood and blood components. All blood units are separated into components and leukocyte depletion is done for cancer patients. All units are tested on state of the art machines approved by the Drug controller of India and these are highly sensitive for detection of infection markers to ensure safety of blood and blood products being given to the patients. Irradiated Blood and Components are provided when needed. We issue whole blood, packed red cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelets in addition to stem cells and single donor platelets to all needy patients of the region.

Pharmacy Services The hospital runs its own Pharmacy to ensure availability of genuine national and international brands of drugs and disposables. This ensures patient safety and helps faster recovery.

Support Services Cancer care services at DHRC are supported by a Meditation cum Prayer Room and a Guest House. Various social welfare programmes are also held.

Teaching, Training And Research DHRC conducts DNB programmes in Surgical, Medical and Radiation Oncology; Fellowship programmes for Head and Neck Oncology and Oncopathology. Post basic diploma in Nursing Oncology, Diploma Courses for Technicians (Laboratory, Radiology and OT technology, and certified course for home based Health care providers. In addition to this the Training and development unit of the hospital in collaboration with each dept. is actively involved in on job training, skill development and personal evolution of the entire staff. Being a Research institution, DHRC is one on of the few hospitals in the private sector, actively involved in clinical and basic research. The Institution participates in various multicentric, international and national clinical trials and studies.

Our Team DHRC has full time, highly qualified and experienced faculty, trained in premier national and international cancer institutions. Medical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Surgical Oncologists, Gynae Oncologists, Radiologists, Imaging Specialists, Pathologists, Anaesthesiologists and other specialists/superspecialists (Gastroenterologists, Urologists, Physicians, Cardiologists, Dentists, Dermatologist, ENT Specialists, General Surgeon, Psychatrists, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Pulmonologists, Orthopaedic surgeons and Physiotherapists) work together as a team, with an integrated, interdisciplinary approach. Their devotion, positive attitude, personalized patient care and commitment to the cause, has brought the latest treatment protocols to the door steps of patients.

Pioneering Steps The hospital has following pioneering steps to its credit. • First and only NABH ACCREDITED Cancer Hospital of India. • First NABL ACCREDITED Cancer Hospital of North India. • First Cancer hospital of India, Certified for implementing integrated Quality and Environment Management Systems Conforming to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001: 2004 standards by TUV-NORD, Germany. • First and largest Cancer Hospital of North India with a capacity of 300 beds. • Only cancer hospital, planning treatment of each and every patient in multispecialty Tumour Board. • First hospital in India, accredited by National Board of examination for the Diplomate National Board (DNB) Programme in Medical and Surgical Oncology. • Trained first Medical Oncologist of India in DNB Medical Oncology (2001-2004). • First Cancer Hospital of North India to start Post Basic Diploma in Oncology Nursing.

Members Of The Gvoerning Body PATRON Mr. Sudharshan Agarwal, Past Hon. Governor of Uttranchal and Sikkim, Former secretary general Rajya Sabha

PRESIDENT Mr. Anil Kumar, Chartered Accountant VICE PRESIDENT Mr. Prakash Akar, Business Executive VICE PRESIDENT cum TREASURER Dr. (Miss) S. Khanna, Paediatrician cum Administrator SECRETARY Mr. Ravi Khanna, Industrialist MEMBERS • Dr. (Mrs.) R. Dawar, Oncopathologist • Mr. Shanti Bhushan Sr. Advocate and Former Law Minister • Mr. N. S. Khanna, Industrialist • Mr. Sanjeev Shankar, Solicitor • Mr. Jai Dev Kapoor, Industrialist • Mr. S. P. Jain, Chartered Accountant • Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Chartered Accountant • Mrs. Jyoti Khanna, Nutritionist • Mrs. Krishna Sharma, Social Worker • Mr. Jaywant Singh, Exporter

Dharamshila Hospital And Research Centre Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-96, India.

T: +91-11-43066353

F: +91-11-22617770 E:


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