RGHS School Magazine 2016

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_____Girls High School_____Girls High School ____________ 2016______ ____________ 2016______

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School Vision

The Ubuntu Award

was established by the E1956 year group at their 50th reunion and is awarded to “the girl who shows awareness of and concern for the plight and needs of others and reacts compassionately and humanely to these needs.” The 2016 award was presented, not to an individual, but to a group – the Busty Bugs. These girls have astounded the school with their passion and compassion, determination and commitment to raising awareness of Breast Cancer. Pictured are (standing) Ms Debbie Brooke-Sumner and (seated from left to right) Ms Mary Rose Berrisford Alyssa Cummings, Phumzile Konile and Ms Charmian Plummer.

At Rustenburg Girls’ High School, learners are taught to lead courageously, explore their unique potential confidently and serve the world compassionately.

Credits Editor Mr Skelly Sub-editor Ms Capstick-Dale Desktop Publishing and Design Ms Köhler Proof Readers Ms Schnetler, Ms Blackshaw, Ms Evans, School Operations Office Incharge of Photography Ms Cooper

The Rustenburg Old Girls Union awarded their annual

Diamond Jubilee Bursaries to the top candidates in the National Senior Certificate Examination (2015 – Rebecca Haines, 2014 – Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan, 2013 – Nicola Cilliers, 2012 – Alexandra Mould) and the Mavis Wakeford Bursaries to Old Girls who are pursuing teaching as a career (Dorianne Campbell, Ashlynn Wessels, Laura Jane de Klerk, Courtney Wallace). Pictured (from left to right): Courtney Wallace and Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan.

Professional Photographic Portraits Ms Stojiljkovic-Campbell Cover Pages Photography Lily van Rensburg Pupil Photographers Emma Swart, Lu-Jaine Isaacs, Zara Brown, Yusrah Hartley, Stephanie Lawrenson, Brittany Gouws, Tamsyn Baxter, Neeta Chavda, Rachel Couperthwaite, Saiyuree Sewchuran, Taskeen Parker, Alexandra Smith, Cynthia Augustine Recycled Laurel Wreaths The Grade 11 Design class, including: Kayla Budge, Wen-ching Chang, Nina D’Andrea, Jenna Doveton, Madison Gilowey, Holly Hawthorne, Amber Jacobs, Victoria Leach, Aaliyah Meredith, Talia Novella, Saiyuree Sewchuran, Michaela Solomon, Celine Truter, Jamie van Niekerk

Rustenburg Girls’ High School Phone: (021) 686 4066 Fax: (021) 686 7114 E-mail: info@rghs.org.za Address: Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch, 7700

E56 celebrated their 60th reunion by donating another bursary to Rustenburg.

E66 celebrated their 50th reunion and many Old Girls travelled from as far as Australia to attend Founders’ Day.

Long Service Awards Teachers who have served at the school for 10 years (or multiples of 10) are recognised for their commitment and dedication to the school on Founders’ Day. Acting Principal Mrs Schnetler handed out certificates of appreciation to Mr West, Ms Pretorius, Ms Wallace, Ms Lawrence and Ms Schnetler (all 10 years) and Ms Peters (20 years).

Lauren Denny (E2013), Madame Williams and Courtney Wallace (E2012)

Ms Chambers and Ms Mary van Blerk (Past Principal)

Past Principal Dr Elizabeth Fullard and Old Girl Ms Maureen Mantell

Ms Wendy Robinson (Moore), Ms Edwina Alborough (Volkwyn) and Ms Eleine Nannucci (Moore)

Rustenburg is fortunate to have many Old Girls on the staff. Pictured: Ms Ryan, Ms Brown, Ms Hanger and Ms Norval.



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Contents Leaders Matric Academic Music

64 Sport 79 Inter-house Events 85 Societies, Service & Events 100 Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union

Former Principals From Left: Ms Bleby 1894 - 1911; Ms Donaldson-Wright 1912 - 1916; Ms Kemp 1916 - 1936; Ms Hazell 1937 - 1951; Ms Thomson 1952 - 1979; Ms McIntyre 1980 - 1991; Ms van Blerk 1991 - 1999; Dr Fullard 1999 - 2006; Ms Bekker 2007 - 2015



From the Campus Manager Rustenburg’s Sustainability Journey We hear the words “sustainable” and “sustainability” almost every day, but their real meanings are often lost. Sustainability could be defined as the capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It is about taking what we need to live now, without jeopardising the potential for people in the future, to meet their needs. If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever. In 2011, under the guidance of both the Earth Children Society and the Campus Development and Maintenance Committee, various environmental and sustainability initiatives were introduced on Campus. These included: a recycling and re-use programme; planting a food garden; developing a wormery; sinking a borehole; installing thermal blankets at the swimming pool; implementing an arboreal plan; starting a compost production facility; creating awareness around electricity and water use; assisting the surrounding community in environmental and conservation matters; launching the Healthy Schools Programme; installing underground dripper irrigation systems in all flower beds and introducing a tree and flower bed mulching system. Clearly we were very busy! Then in 2014, the School Governing Body convened a Sustainability Steering Committee. While the school was already well positioned as a leader in Campus Planning and Environmental Awareness, there existed many high-impact, visible and attainable opportunities to become the leading Campus, within the broader context of environmental sustainability. Together with a consultant, Mr Raymond Siebrits, a Sustainability Overview Document was prepared. The Steering Committee decided to focus their initiatives into broader environmentally-considered Focus Areas, relevant to the Campus and divided them into the following categories: water, energy, supply, waste and ecology. Broad goals for these Focus Areas were determined, which included existing and proposed initiatives. Many other initiatives were also begun and achieved in 2014. A Healthy Living module was added to the Grade 8 Life Orientation curriculum. In this module, the girls were shown all the sustainability initiatives on Campus as well as how to grow food as naturally as possible. The school also created environmental and sustainability awareness with the help of Earth Children and Campus Staff, enabling learners to see greening practices first hand. A green/sustainable dashboard was developed for the School, in order to enable us to easily monitor performance. In terms of saving water and energy, solar water heating systems were installed in Erinville House, making that establishment non dependant on electricity for hot water production. Metered water dispensing units were also installed in bathrooms. Light sensors were introduced in strategic areas around the campus and experimental LED “blue lights” were introduced to the Bursar’s Office, Staff Room and one classroom.


As an acknowledgement of all Rustenburg’s efforts, the school was awarded the Eco Schools Flag, an accreditation from the Wildlife and Conservation Association of South Africa (WESSA). The developments continued in 2015. We expanded our borehole system to include storage capacity for 120 000 litres of water and a ring main around the Campus, enabling us to now irrigate the entire campus from non-potable water. A photovoltaic pilot system was installed on the roof of The Cottage, to assist us in understanding how gleaning renewable energy from the sun actually works. We also started irrigating sports fields and ornamental lawns at night time. Huge benefits of this initiative have included: reduced evaporation rates due to the lack of sun, enabling more water to reach the growing medium; water droplets are not blown off their intended target area because wind speeds are generally much slower and there is no disturbance or disruption from field activities. This nocturnal task now takes 26 hours to complete, whereas the day-time irrigation took 35 hours. One of our proposed initiatives, for the Focus Area of waste, was to “rethink our waste management system”, so that we could reduce our waste to landfill and then eventually remove our waste to landfill dependency. We decided on the latter – to not be landfill dependent. There are up to 1000 people on Rustenburg’s campus every day – each generating waste. Landfill systems are becoming scarcer and the cost of solid waste disposal increases along with increases in population and consumption. It is now seen not only as doing good to reduce, reuse and recycle but also, it makes good business sense. We did not introduce this Focus Area over time. We implemented it in one day! After placing extra recycling bins around Campus, which included receptacles for organic/food waste, the concept was introduced to the learners during a morning assembly. Organic/ food waste is composted using the Bokashi method and added to the school’s own compost windrows. Revenue is generated from the sale of this compost, as well as the cardboard, paper, tin, glass, metal and plastic waste collected, while white paper waste is donated to charity. Our solid waste collection contract with the City of Cape Town has been cancelled, which has generated a further saving. We were sending 26 bins of waste to landfill per week. That was 1 400 bins annually, which equated to some 350m³ of waste – enough to fill the school’s swimming pool! But there is more. The planned, high impact initiatives for the future include: installing photovoltaic electricity generating systems; installing automatic irrigation systems on the sports fields; retrofitting all luminaires to those of LEDs and increasing the strength of greenbelt networks from Rondebosch Common down to the Liesbeeck River. The journey has only just begun.






From The School Governing Body Chairman: Mr Brian Abdoll Acting Principal: Ms Susan Schnetler Treasurer: Mr Zelt Marais Secretariat: Mr Graeme Broster Parents: Mr Russell Edwards, Mr Steven Schaefer, Ms Dominique Malherbe, Ms Lauren Wheeler, Mr Rudi Gouws Elected Educator Representatives: Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale Erinville Boarding House Representative: Ms Wendy Newton-Wheeler Non-educator Representative: Ms Pam van Dyk Student Representatives: Daariah Arend, Phumzile Konile Co-opted Staff: Ms Gill Blackshaw

Mr Trevor Manuel was the longest serving Finance Minister in the history of South Africa. One of the key features of his tenure was policy certainty. This meant South African citizens, non-profit organisations, business and government understood the country’s longterm economic vision and there were no surprises. The Finance Ministry had authority which was earned over years of consistency and established a high degree of trust beyond political and geographical boundaries. The South African socio-political and economic environment has changed and, as strange as it may sound, we are becoming used to widespread uncertainty. In this changing environment, the question that many people grapple with is what should we do differently to ensure our daughters contribute meaningfully to our young democracy and become caring global citizens. What should our values be in the digital age? How do we define “better off” and how do we think of “living well”? One could intellectualise these issues or adopt a pragmatic approach for our school environment: teachers should teach, learners should learn and parents should nurture, discipline and love unconditionally. Far too often we convolute these responsibilities and, at times, abdicate them. Our daughters need a solid foundation where they understand the benefits of hard work, respect and kindness. They should grow up in an environment where asking questions and acting with courtesy are encouraged. This environment should enable a community where rich relationships are nurtured. I recall someone once saying that instead of asking, “What do you want to be?” we should ask, “How do you want to be?” Some may think it is a stretch too far to change our thinking when we consider our current socio-economic and political trajectory and all the many changes impacting how we will interact in the future. Predictions are that we will use Bitcoin with its intricate Blockchain algorithms to listen to music, buy services and products and socialise. Digitisation and disintermediation will continue to generate disruptions at an exponential rate. There will be a growing need to live unplugged and uncluttered lives. However, we have what we need right here. We have a set of Rustenburg principles and values which are appealing. Sometimes we need a call to charge as a reminder of what we really stand for because it is easy to stray off course. Reflecting upon 2016, many cultural, sporting and academic highlights come to mind. These are outlined in much detail elsewhere in the magazine. With the benefit of hindsight it should be acknowledged there are areas where we could have listened more intently and acted differently. This kind of thinking is embedded in the desire to continually improve. Rustenburg has a history of self-assessment (for example, the


School in the Mirror process during 2011) in order to evolve and set new benchmarks. Ms Sole, head of the Music Department, retires at the end of the year. She has made her mark in the history of Rustenburg and we thank her for her selfless contribution. The SGB initiated a climate survey regarding the Music Department since it is appropriate at a time of staff movements and other changes. The process is on-going and results of the survey will be processed and communicated appropriately. The theme for this year’s magazine is “Eco Green” sustainability. The SGB approved the formation of the Sustainability Steering Committee in 2014 to implement the sustainability strategy which was built on five pillars; energy, water, waste, supply chain management and ecology. Rustenburg partnered with an external consultant to conduct an assessment of sustainability activities and practices. This provided a solid baseline to develop objectives and a multi-year implementation plan. Initially, the focus was on cost saving interventions. Although the focus remains on exploiting efficiencies, plans to integrate the learning into the educational process and general school life are starting to bear fruit. Mr Siebrits, Campus Manager, has compiled a comprehensive sustainability report included in the magazine and we would like to thank him and the rest of the Sustainability Steering Committee members for spearheading this initiative. We have taken the first few steps in writing a new chapter of Rustenburg’s legacy. Our new principal, Mr Michael Gates, demonstrated a holistic approach to girls’ education aligned with global best practices. We are confident that under his leadership, and with the support of Ms Schnetler and the entire Rustenburg community, we will continue to deliver a high all-round standard of excellence. On a personal note, my term as chairperson has ended. It has been a privilege to serve as part of a team of governors over the last five years. I have worked with and learned from a number of quality individuals. The common characteristic of each one of them was the fact that they always put the interests of our daughters before anything else. The RCL is represented by two learners on the SGB and every year I keenly watch how these young ladies represent the interests of the student body. They are healthy human beings, standing on steady ground. This gives me confidence in our common future. It has been a remarkable, yet humbling experience. I wish the Rustenburg community all the best.



From the Acting Principal Ms Susan Schnetler BSocSc, Hons (BA), HDE (PG) Sec

Busy, productive and thriving; Rustenburg has had many successes over the past year, so it is difficult to single out highlights. The following, in particular, come to mind – for the lessons we have learned and for what we have gained. Sustainability and environmental awareness have developed momentum. It was wonderful starting the year with the new initiative of being a “zero-waste-to-landfill” site. We have seen just how easily and quickly we can adapt, change our lifestyle habits and make a significant impact as individuals. The inspiring Helsinki conference of 2015 generated ideas regarding the spaces that we occupy and how best to keep learners comfortable and engaged. This resulted in our experimenting with new classroom furniture (Pilates balls, lecterns, write-on desks), as well as acquiring an outdoor chess set, fitness equipment and hanging tree pods for our campus. These have added interest, variety and enjoyment to each day. Founders’ Day is always special and this year the generosity of the class of 1956 resulted in substantial bursaries for current students. Hopefully this spirit of “paying it forward” will resonate with our girls so that, as adults, they will also find ways to ensure that the school continues to benefit future generations. The inaugural Schools SleepOut helped us to better understand the plight of the homeless. Inviting other girls’ schools to join us for this charity event paved the way for more of these collaborative activities, outside of the competitive sporting arena. “Music from the Movies,” the alternative to our annual choral work, was fresh, uplifting and quite spectacular, confirming that difficult situations present unique opportunities for innovation. The immense talent of our students and their teachers, as also showcased in our drama production “Bedlam” and in our Art and Design exhibitions, impressed us all and instilled pride for what we achieve here. Hosting matches of the Cape Town International Hockey Tournament on our Astro-turf meant that the rest of the school could unite to cheer on our 1st Team. The enthusiasm and spirit that this generated paid off handsomely, with our best placing in this competition to date. This team had a particularly successful season overall. Our Netball team won the U19 PGSGU Tournament for the first time proving that, when you stick to a game plan, anything is possible. Many other teams also showed improvement and determination. We have

now moved beyond our reputation as an outstanding academic school, also to being recognised for our sporting prowess. These and other events throughout the year have confirmed the lessons we try to teach the girls at Rustenburg: You are always tougher than you think. It’s only when you have to dig really deep to solve complex problems and make tough decisions, that you discover the extent of your skills and abilities. This too shall pass. There are certainly more ups than downs, and even the smallest gesture of kindness is enough to negate the harsh criticisms or experiences that come your way. Eat the elephant one bite at a time. Sometimes life gets so busy that it feels overwhelming. Draw up a list, prioritise, breathe deeply and get on with it systematically – work smart. You can’t please everyone, but most people appreciate your efforts when your actions are well-intentioned, sincere and transparent. Be authentic, true to yourself and maintain your integrity at all times, regardless of whatever pressure you may be under. You will sleep better and worry less. Put the well-being of others before your own. This brings one immense pleasure. Give compliments, praise and acknowledgement where it is due. It makes a difference to someone else. Rustenburg is a special place: the physical space, the institution and the people. While no institution is perfect, we are indeed fortunate to live, work and learn in this environment. We should never take what we have for granted. Numerous and diverse opportunities have enabled me to engage meaningfully with our girls, parents, School Governing Body and staff this year. I thank them all most sincerely for the support that they gave me during my time at the helm. Particular thanks must go to Ms Blackshaw (Deputy Principal), who has been a calm, dependable sounding board – she is greatly valued. Mr Abdoll, as Chairman of the School Governing Body, has been exceptionally supportive and generous with his time, and his commitment to Rustenburg is much appreciated.

Introducing Mr Michael Gates The appointment of the new principal was finalised after wide consultation and a long, but thorough process. Mr Michael Gates officially takes up this position from 1 January 2017. Mr Gates has a Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Degree, a Higher Diploma in Education and a Master’s Degree in Education. He was a Science and Biology teacher, as well as a hostel master, at St Andrew’s in Bloemfontein before moving to the United Kingdom. In England, he took up various positions at secondary schools, teaching Mathematics, Science and Chemistry, including a post at Sir William Perkins’s School, a prestigious independent school for girls in Chertsey. Mr Gates was then appointed as the first male Deputy Principal at Manor House School, a strong academic, independent girls’ school located in Little Bookham. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

We are excited about the international perspective and independent girls’ school experience that Mr Gates will bring to Rustenburg. He firmly believes in the value of girls’ schools and in maintaining a happy work environment for staff and pupils. Mr Gates is eager to expand our reputation as a leading school in South Africa, with team work, parent involvement and family support, and by developing strength in sport, academic and cultural activities. This appointment marks the start of new era at Rustenburg. We look forward to welcoming Mr Michael Gates, his wife and young daughter to our campus.



Academic report Ms Susan Schnetler BSocSc, Hons (BA), HDE (PG) Sec

My role as Acting Principal started on a high note, with the release of the 2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination results. All 152 candidates passed; 151 with Bachelor passes and one with a Diploma pass. This group of girls recorded an outstanding average aggregate of 78,5%. Eleven subjects averages were 80% or more and another seven were above 70%. We recorded the highest number of subject distinctions to date: 607 in total (almost four per student), with 58% of candidates attaining four or more subject distinctions, 10 (6,6%) of whom had aggregates of 90+%. Top student, Rebecca Haines, accumulated seven subject distinctions (all above 90%), which translated into a well-deserved aggregate of 96,17%. She was also the top Mathematics student in South Africa, a remarkable achievement and a first for our school. Joining Rebecca as one of the top learners in the Western Cape was Kirsten Pienaar, with a 95% aggregate and seven subject distinctions (also all above 90%). Kirsten was also placed third in the province for German Second Additional Language. Various other Matrics also achieved top 10 places in individual subjects in the province, most notably Emily Roberts (Consumer Studies), Pauline Shrosbree (French Second Additional Language) and Buhle BemveloZimba (isiXhosa First Additional Language) who all occupied the number one spot in their respective subjects. In April the Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga, presented inaugural National Education Excellence Awards, based on the NSC results over the past four years. Rustenburg was placed third in the category Top Performing Public School. This is recognition of the powerful team work and finely-honed competencies that ensure that our girls reach their full academic potential. We are always mindful of parents’ hopes and dreams when they elect to send their daughters to us. There is an expectation that the school will maintain its high standards, prepare their daughters to achieve the best NSC results possible and set them up for success at tertiary level. Professor Jonathan Jansen has referred to South Africa’s educational “slide to mediocrity,” and we are determined not to fall into this trap. We remain committed to safeguarding the academic rigour and high standards for which Rustenburg is known, while still being mindful of the needs of our girls and the ever-increasing pressures that they face. There is a fine line between achieving excellence and striving for perfection. I have tried to raise awareness around the learning that takes place from making mistakes and why failure teaches us far more than getting everything right. Interestingly, much has also recently been written on this topic. While many girls and parents understand this in principle, it remains challenging for some to accept that a lower than expected mark in one assessment does not constitute a disaster; that it is not predictive of failure in that subject.

Lahey says parents “defail” their children’s lives to minimise their pain and that trying to save your child from failure sends the message that you think they’re “incompetent, incapable and unworthy of our trust.” Numerous studies indicate that girls, in particular, are more vulnerable to failure. The bottom line is that both parents and teachers need to give girls the space to make mistakes, renounce the stereotypes and work through the challenges. This is a brief summary of some of the most useful and insightful extracts and commentaries that I have assembled from this article: Girls respond to failure differently to boys. They are more prone to attributing their mistakes to a lack of ability, while boys tend to attribute mistakes or failure to circumstances within their control that can be fixed. Girls are more likely to give up “in the face of a stressful academic situation” than boys. Girls are more likely to accept stereotypes. For example, “when girls buy into the stereotype that they’re bad at math, they don’t see a missed problem or poor grade as a correctible issue. Instead, it confirms what everyone else knows, that they simply have less ability.” Girls are more likely than boys to lose motivation when we “rescue” them from failure. Learning is most effective when we are intrinsically motivated and this “bolsters us to stick out the tough moments of a challenge….” What resonated most with me, and what I think we need to constantly keep foremost in our minds as teachers and parents, is this: “Failing well is a skill. Letting girls do it gives them critical practice coping with a negative experience. It also gives them the opportunity to develop a kind of confidence and resilience that can only be forged in times of challenge. Besides this, girls need educators and parents to challenge stereotype threat, reminding them that ability can always be improved with effort, and that who they are will not determine where they end up.” We have students and daughters of whom we can be justifiably proud and we need to allow them to find their own way, providing only the lightest and gentlest of guiding hands as they learn and grow. In order to allow them to “explore their own unique potential confidently,” we must set boundaries to make them feel safe and watch over them from a distance, while showing that we trust their ability to right themselves whenever they fall. They are capable young women, after all.

Last year Rachel Simmonds wrote a thought-provoking article for “Time” in which she frequently refers to Jessica Lahey’s book, “The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed.” The suggestion is that young women today are “more vulnerable to depression, anxiety and stress” because “they’ve been so protected from mistakes, usually by their parents, that they fear failure, avoid risk and value image over learning.”




From the Deputy Principal: Pastoral Ms Gillian Blackshaw BA (MBK), HDE (PG) Sec

Learner Leadership Programme Rustenburg has a well-established leadership development programme which has been added to and adapted in recent years. The seeds of leadership are planted in Grade 8, nurtured over the years until the girls are strong and resilient, flourishing in leadership positions in their final years at high school. Although the programme plays an integral role in developing the girls’ leadership potential, the guidance of parents and especially the Rustenburg staff plays an important role too. The educators, through their influence in the classroom and the many extra-murals on offer, teach, encourage and constantly challenge the girls to question the status quo and to aspire to more. As in previous years, the Grade 8s and 10s attended a one-day workshop. Each workshop is designed to include a focus on team, personal and general leadership development through experiential and theoretical learning. This year saw the introduction of a new oneday workshop, run by ‘Plant the Seed,’ for 30 of the Grade 10 learners. It still focused on leadership development, but also looked at the world from a social and environmental context and had a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals. The Grade 9s attended their annual Leadership camp in Onrus in the last week of Term 1. Katia da Silva Valente wrote the following about the camp: “The activities we took part in were very enjoyable and taught us some valuable leadership skills and allowed us to build on what they had taught us last year at our Grade 8 Lead 4 Life one-day programme. The activities included an Amazing Race. We needed to work together with our tribes and navigate through three smaller activities: being blindfolded and being instructed by your team where the objects you need to obtain are located, navigating through a block maze to get your team to the other side safely and getting to the finish line with all your tribe members while walking on two planks. We also survived an intense obstacle course, a very lively game of kickball and played some branding games. Between these activities we ate, sang and danced and couldn’t help but be excited by the instructors’ infectious positive energy. On behalf of the Grade 9s, I can say that we not only had fun on this camp but also developed our leadership skills and grew closer as a grade.” The day after the Grade 9s returned to Cape Town, the Grade 11s departed for their camp, held at the Witzenberg Game Park. Cynthia Augustine wrote the following about her experience at the camp: “The three days were jam-packed with a variety of activities that required a lot of dedication and pushed us to our limits. The facilitators incorporated competitions and puzzles that put both our physical and mental abilities to the test. Rope balancing, obstacle courses,


team building exercises and waterpolo were just a few of the activities in which we participated. These trained us to create positive team spirit, formulate constructive strategies, as well as to enhance our communication skills with our peers. Our evenings consisted of dancing sessions, cups of hot chocolate and watching the warm amber sunset transition into a flickering nightfall. We also had feedback sessions about the various activities throughout the day. Overall, the grade displayed a positive outlook and an exuberant spirit throughout the camp. This camp gave us a chance to bond, to grow as individuals and to excel as leaders. After surviving this camp, I can certainly say, without doubt, that the Grade 11s of 2016 are well prepared to take over the roles as leaders for our school.” In the April holidays 13 Grade 10s, along with Ms Susan Viljoen, went on the Nation Building Outward Bound camp in Robertson. The girls were put outside their comfort zones by having to cook their own meals, share small tents and learn to work with people they hadn’t worked with before. They faced many challenges as a team such as abseiling and raft building. The camp was definitely a challenge but it taught the girls to work together as a team and showed them that they were much more capable than they had ever thought.

Extra-Mural Programme The extra-mural programme is extremely busy at Rustenburg. There are many team and social sports, societies and service groups as well as a variety of music groups from which girls can choose. Highlights of the cultural sphere were the superb school production ‘Bedlam,’ which included boys from Rondebosch and SACS, and the spectacular concert ‘Music from the Movies.’ This combined music concert featured the choirs and orchestras of Rustenburg, Westerford and Bishops. There were many successes on the sporting front. Some notable achievements included the U16 Swimming Team winning the PGSGU trophy and the 1st Hockey Team securing fifth place in the South African Schools Rankings. A personal highlight was watching the 1st Netball Team win the PGSGU tournament. They have been one of the top netball teams in the Southern Suburbs over the past few years but the PGSGU trophy seemed to be just out of their reach. The manner in which they won the tournament is what impressed me most. They performed as a strong unit, played with confidence and were humble in victory.



Rustenburg Staff Acting Principal and Deputy Principal: Academic

Ms Susan Schnetler: BSocSc, Hons (BA), HDE (PG) Sec

Deputy Principal: Pastoral Ms Gillian Blackshaw: BA (MBK), HDE (PG) Sec

Faculty Heads

Arts: Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec Business and Life Skills: Ms Linda Mallon: BA, HDE Languages: Ms Helene Swanson: BA, HOD Sciences and Mathematics: Ms Bridget Cameron: BSc, MEd, HDE (PG) Sec

Heads of Department

Ms Bridget Cameron: BSc, MEd, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Renée Fourie: MA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Brigid Ryan: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Elizabeth Sole: BMus, MA, TLD

Grade Heads

Grade 12: Ms Lorraine Gardiner: BSc, HDE Grade 11: Mr William Haggard: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Grade 10: Ms Anita Marshall: B Home Economics (Ed) Grade 9: Mr Graham Reggiori: BSc, HDE (PG) Sec Grade 8: Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale: BA, PGCE

Academic Staff: Subject Heads

Accounting & EMS: Ms Zuleigah Galer: BEd (Hons) (Education), HDE (Comm) Afrikaans: Ms Stella Rossouw: BA (Ed) (Hons) Consumer Studies and Technology: Ms Anita Marshall: B Home Economics (Ed) Design and Visual Arts: Ms Jackie Chambers: BA Fine Arts (Hons), HDE Dramatic Arts: Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec English: Ms Gail Wallace: BA (Hons), STD French: Mme Dominique Williams: MA, HDE (PG) Sec Geography: Ms Brigid Ryan: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec German: Ms Renée Fourie: MA, HDE (PG) Sec History: Mr Cedric van Dyk: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec ICDL: Ms Janine Myers: BTech (IT), HDE (Comm) Sec, FDE (Comp) Sec isiXhosa: Ms Mavis Mase: BA (Hons) HDE Life Orientation: Ms Perdita Norval: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Life Sciences: Ms Zargielay Rabeh: BSc, BEd (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec, ABET Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy: Mr Paul van Koersveld: BSc; PGCE Music: Ms Elizabeth Sole: BMus, MA, TLD Natural and Physical Sciences: Mr Graham Reggiori: BSc, HDE (PG) Sec

Other Academic Staff Ms Jane Behne: BSc, HDE Ms Floriane Blanc-Marquis: M.A.


Ms Tessa Brown: BA, PGCE Ms Norma Caesar: BA (Hons), MEd, HDE Ms Denise Campbell: BA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Philippa Colly: BSc, PGCE Ms Nicky Cooper: BA Ms Rebecca Goble: BSc, PGCE Mr Jaco Goosen: MMus, UTLM Mr James Hendricks: M.A., PGCE Ms Olivia Herrendoerfer: BMus (Ed), PGCE Ms Maileen Jamey: BMus (Ed), PGCE Ms Marieta Langenhoven: BA (Hons), HDE Ms Louise Lawrence: BSc, HDE (Sec) Mr Gian Marneweck: BCom, PGCE Mr Wihan Neethling: BA (Hons), PGCE Ms Anita Pretorius: BA, HDE Ms Tarin Scharneck: BEd (Arts) Ms Zélia Simpson: HDE (Art), HDE (Speech and Drama) Ms Liffey Speller: BA Fine Arts (Hons), PGCE Ms Anina Stander: BA, PGCE Ms Christine Steenekamp: HDE (Home Economics) Ms Zaandré Theron: BEd (Psych) (Hons) Ms Kyla Thompson: BSc, PGCE Ms Jan Thorne: BMus (Ed) Ms Susan Viljoen: BSc (Hons) Ms Ingrid Weideman: BA, HDE, ADRM

Part-time Educator

Ms Tracey Henry: BSc HDE, BA (Hons) (Psychology)

Part-time Music Staff

Mr Grant Adams: amaAmbush accreditation Ms Rosemary Davis: BA, BMus (Hons), LTCL Ms Claire de Kock: BMus Ms Judith Dernier: BA, BEd, BMus, LRSM, UPLM, UTLM Mr Matthew Ferrandi: BMus, BMus (Hons) Mr Robert Jeffery: MMus, BMus, ATCL Ms Maria Raynham: MMus, LMV, UTLM Mr David West: BMus, LTCL, AMus TCL, ATCL

School Operations Manager

Mr Graeme Broster: BSc (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec

Head of Sport

Ms Renée Scott: BA (Phys Ed) HDE

Media Centre Ms Marilyn Peters

IT and Computer Centre

Mr Francis Vogts: Dip. IT Ms Janine Myers: BTech (IT), HDE (Comm) Sec, FDE (Comp) Sec Ms Trishanta Naidu: Dip. PC Engineering (IT)

Administrative Staff Ms Nolundi Blayi Ms Denise Cowan Ms René Forbes Ms Pat Hanger Ms Sue Hoffmann Ms Lynda Niddrie Ms Dee Penny


Ms Morag Rijs Ms Jackie Weston Ms Geila Wills Ms Lynne Young

Bugs’ Boutique School Shop Ms Lydia Mostert Ms Linda Simmons

Tuckshop and Catering Ms Michelle Haylett Ms Linda Mantshi

Erinville Superintendent Ms Pam van Dyk

Erinville Staff

Ms Aziza Abrahams Ms Michele Bakker Ms Jaline Brown Ms Karin Evans Ms Susan Mentoor Ms Mary Mufford Ms Elaine Nyhila Ms Sheila Stoffels Ms Elizabeth Theunissen Ms Nomawethu Tshona Ms Melanie van Blerk Ms Amy Visser Ms Ashleigh Womack Ms Lisa Williams

Campus Manager Mr Myles Siebrits

Campus Supervisor

Mr Stephen Nicholas

Campus Staff

Mr Ibrahim Allie Ms Klara Constable Mr Lluwellen Giebelaar Mr Ali Ibrahim Mr Gregory Isaacs Ms Ruth Kabinda Ms Veronica Kabinda Ms Neliswa Mgiqiza Ms Bongiswa Mketo Ms Gcobisa Mlozane Mr Edward Mudiwa Mr Adrian Munnik Mr Tawanda Muyambo Mr Kudakwashe Mwaedza Ms Agnes Ndyambo Ms Nokuzola Ngxabani Ms Mandisa Nkumanda Ms Bongiwe Pikini Ms Nomazizi Sapepa Mr Emmanuel Vureya


Ms Wallace retires It was in 1974 that she became a teacher, although she emphasises that this was not her intention. “Everyone thought I should teach because I come from a long line of teachers,” she explains, “but I’ve always had a strong rebellious streak, so this was enough of a reason for me to dig in my heels.” When she thinks back as far as she can, however, she remembers offering lessons to her childhood dolls and toys, but then recoils later when reminiscing about her own experience of learning English at school. “My English teacher was hardly a rolemodel. And certainly not an inspiration!” We met in 2006 when Ms Gail Wallace joined Rustenburg, after leaving nearby Groote Schuur. She was exceedingly humble and had more years of solid experience in the classroom than I had been alive. Years before she had completed a demanding Honours Degree which required her to study 26 Shakespearean scripts comprehensively. For any astute academic, this sheer scope is no mean feat. “Moving to Rustenburg was not a difficult transition,” Ms Wallace recalls, “even though it was the first time in my life that I encountered a wholly English environment.” She remains completely bilingual and still cheerfully converses in Afrikaans with teachers of the Afrikaans Department. Many will know just how much Ms Wallace abhors balloons, but few are aware of her passion for all things Scottish. Her great-great grandmother was Scottish. She grins, “As a child I even called my bathing costume a Baby Scotsman!” She didn’t marry a Scot, but Mr Wallace also had Scottish roots. They met while she was studying for

a diploma in Scottish dancing, “which is not the same as Highland dancing,” Ms Wallace insists, her eyes themselves dancing with delight. “The Scots have a fantastic, blunt sense of humour.” Ms Wallace’s eyes continue to twinkle when she describes what she will miss most about teaching. “It’s the teenagers. I love teenagers. There’s something wonderful about that particular age when you are old enough to be cynical, but still fresh and naïve enough to want to fix the problems of the world. My daily exposure to the energy of youth will be my greatest loss.” I have to reach for my calculator in order to work out how many years Ms Wallace has served the teaching profession. 42. This gesture humbles me. It reminds me of a woman whose mind is so nimble and quick in mental arithmetic. Ms Wallace could have solved the problem far faster. Mr Adrian Skelly

Ms Simpson retires It was difficult to say goodbye to Ms Zélia Simpson at the end of Term 1 because her contribution and commitment to the life of Rustenburg over the past 17 years had been remarkable. Ms Simpson taught Visual Arts, Graphics, Textiles and Design in varying combinations over the years with such enthusiasm, flexibility and commitment that hers were hard shoes to fill (especially as her shoes were so stylish that her Grade 12 Design girls said “they would love to own all of them”). Coming from teenagers, that is truly a compliment. Ms Simpson led the Art and Design Society and the Cultural Society with innovation and flair. Her quirky Christmas trees were always stunning and made from interesting materials, such as shoes or bottles, or books, or notes of affirmations, or prayers.

student to grow, learn and develop their own passion. She challenged them and taught them to excel not only as artists or designers but most importantly as people with integrity and big hearts. Her professionalism, and the seriousness with which she approached each task and learner interaction, was appreciated. Ms Simpson touched the lives and hearts of so many learners and staff in deeply profound ways. She was an authentic, loyal friend and colleague. She secured friendships with staff and Old Girls that extended far beyond the school walls. Ms Simpson’s motto, “make meaning,” was one to which she was true. Her “glass flowing over” attitude to life and all it has to offer, her brimming energy, insightfulness and an overwhelming sense of adventure will be sorely missed. Ms Jackie Chambers

Whether she taught them or not, Ms Simpson cared deeply for all the girls at Rustenburg. She was always thinking of how to motivate each





Back row, from left: Ms Anita Marshall (Head of Grade 10), Mr Gian Marneweck, Ms Stella Rossouw, Mr Paul van Koersveld, Ms Tessa Brown, Mr William Haggard (Head of Grade 11), Ms Ingrid Weideman Fourth Row, from left: Ms Louise Lawrence, Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale (Head of Grade 8), Mr Graham Reggiori (Head of Grade 9), Ms Christine Steenekamp, Ms Kyla Thompson, Mr Cedric van Dyk, Ms Nicky Cooper, Ms Florianne Blanc-Marquis, Ms Jackie Chambers, Ma Jan Thorne Third row, from left: Ms Maileen Jamey, Ms Denise Campbell, Ms Zaandré Theron, Ms Jane Behne, Ms Lorraine Gardiner (Head of Grade 12), Ms Rebecca Goble, Ms Marieta Langenhoven, Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Ms Tarin Scharneck Second row, from left: Madame Dominique Williams, Ms Norma Caesar, Ms Janine Myers, Ms Philippa Colly, Ms Susan Viljoen, Ms Anina Stander, Ms Zélia Simpson, Ms Mavis Mase, Ms Anita Pretorius, Ms Zuleigah Galer First row, from left: Ms Linda Mallon (Head of the Faculty of Business and Life Skills), Ms Renée Fourie (SMT), Mr Adrian Skelly (SMT, Head of the Faculty of Arts), Ms Gillian Blackshaw (Deputy Principal: Pastoral Head), Ms Susan Schnetler (Acting Principal, Deputy Principal: Academic Head), Ms Brigid Ryan (SMT), Ms Elizabeth Sole (SMT), Ms Bridget Cameron (SMT, Head of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics), Ms Helene Swanson (Head of the Faculty of Languages)

Academic Staff

Leaders Campus Staff

Back row, from left: Mr Adrian Munnik, Ms Klara Constable, Veronica Kabinda, Ms Bongiswa Mketo, Mr Ibrahim Allie, Mr Emmanuel Vureya Second row, from left: Mr Ali Ibrahim, Ruth Kabinda, Mr Edward Midiwa, Ms Mandisa Nkumanda, Mr Kudakwashe Mwapolza First row, from left: Ms Linda Mantshi, Ms Neliswa Mgiqiza, Mr Stephen Nicholas, Ms Nomazizi Sapepa, Ms Bongiwe Pikini

Erinville Staff

Back row, from left: Ms Jaline Brown, Ms Elaine Nyhila, Mr Gregory Isaacs, Ms Lisa Williams, Ms Aziza Abrahams Front row, from left: Ms Susan Mentoor, Ms Michele Bakker, Ms Pam Van Dyk, Ms Karin Evans, Ms Mel van Blerk, Ms Elizabeth Theunissen

Administrative Staff

Back row, from left: Ms Pat Hanger, Ms RenĂŠe Scott, Ms Geila Wills, Ms Lydia Mostert Second row, from left: Ms Jackie Weston, Ms Morag Rijs, Ms Lynda Niddrie, Ms Linda Simmons, Ms Dee Penny, Ms Denise Cowan First row, from left: Ms Rene Forbes, Ms Nolundi Blayi, Mr Graeme Broster (School Operations Manager), Ms Marilyn Peters, Mr Francis Vogts, Ms Trishanta Naidu, Ms Lynne Young




From the Headgirl Daariah Arend

Serving as Headgirl for the past year has been a true honour and privilege. I am incredibly grateful and humbled for having been given the opportunity to serve my school alongside such an unassuming and dedicated group of prefects. I was first welcomed into the Rustenburg family in 2004. I entered the foundation phase block in my new school shoes and blue Rustybug t-shirt. That was the moment where my school journey began and, because of this history, Rustenburg has played an essential part in developing me into who I am today. I believe that leadership involves encouraging others to strive for success and always give of their best. I was able to learn what each member of my team’s “best” was shortly after the prefects were announced at the end of the Term 3 in 2015. We spent a weekend together at a camp where we identified each other’s strengths and had the opportunity to flex our leadership muscles. In this way we could harness the best of everyone in our team. We planned for the year ahead and chose our various portfolios according to these strengths. Our goal for the year was not only to build school spirit, but to create a sense of mutual respect in the Rustenburg family. We aimed to achieve this by developing close relationships with the students and staff. We visited our assigned form classes each morning and used this time to chat to the girls and address any concerns which they may have had. The prefects were given the opportunity to lead certain assemblies, which we filled with video announcements, short skits to advertise upcoming events, and allowed groups of girls to showcase their talents by performing on stage. We also organised grade evenings which created a platform for girls to bond with their grades. This enabled the prefects to have a stronger presence within the school.

hold “dance-offs” to create a vibrant mood during break. The Interhouse Riff-off, which was held in Term 2, also boosted school spirit. The prefects wrote about their experiences and lessons that they had learnt over their years at Rustenburg. These letters were pinned onto the prefect board for girls to read. This was dubbed “My Story.” We thought that other girls might be able to relate to some of our experiences and feel comforted. The Spread the Love campaign encouraged girls (and staff) to love and appreciate themselves and those around them, as well as perform random acts of kindness. It was also optional to post a selfie or a picture of the people or things that they loved with the hashtag #spreadtheloverghs on social media. To spread love and show respect, we hosted an appreciation tea for the support staff. We used this as an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with Aunty Zizi (Ms Sapepa) and her team. It was also a priority to make the Matrics feel special. We wanted to make the most of our last year at high school and create unity between the grade and the prefect body. We included the Grade 12s in many of our decisions and, with their support, we were able to have a memorable year. 2016 was challenging, but allowed room for growth. The experience equipped me with maturity and skills which I hope to use to make a positive difference in society. I enjoyed every moment working alongside the prefect body, Ms Blackshaw and Ms Schnetler, and I would like to thank them, the Rustenburg staff and learners for their continued support and guidance. It was a phenomenal term of service. I hope to be remembered as someone who led and served with consistency and humility.

We continued some of the initiatives started by the prefect body of 2015 and began our own to achieve the goal of nurturing a positive atmosphere within the school. The prefects took turns wheeling the travelling speaker through the lunch areas of each grade. Girls requested songs from a playlist and we would

School Prefects

Back row, from left: Leesha Melvill, Michaela Jordaan, Walda van der Merwe, Lauren Pienaar, Tahira Abrahams, Lily van Rensburg, Alexandra Heiberg Second row, from left: Phumzile Konile, Daniellé Lund, Catherine Sonnenberg, Kauthar Salie, Lu-Jaine Isaacs, Muofhe Tshifularo Front row, from left: Grace Crocker, Megan Kode (Deputy Headgirl: Juniors), Daariah Arend (Headgirl), Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Rebecca Plaatjies (Deputy Headgirl: Seniors), So-hyeon Bang, Caitlyn Abdoll




From the Representative Council of Learners Chairperson: Daariah Arend Deputy Chairperson: Phumzile Konile Grade 12s: Sakeenah Jaffer, Muofhe Tshifularo Grade 11s: Eugenia Twumasi, Nokukhanya Zondi, Lerato Ntsime, Caitlin Millard Grade 10s: Bethany Rumble, Martha Muye Ruider, Elizabeth Stevenson Grade 9s: Havana Dauncey, Alida van der Merwe, Katia da Silva Valente Grade 8s: Lauren Heiberg, Lisa Makumese, Alexandra De Meuter

Mission: To preserve the legacy of a positive environment by developing leadership potential and creating an improved sense of well-being in the Rustenburg community. Vision: To unify the Rustenburg community by encouraging communication and by serving, supporting and inspiring learners to become an active front in all spheres of school life. The RCL is a mandatory body comprised of 17 students from Grades 8 to 12. They form an important link between the learners, staff and School Governing Body, strive to uphold a sense of belonging, and make sure that the ideas and opinions of their peers are heard. 2016 was an exciting and busy year and I am grateful to each member of the RCL for playing such a pivotal role in it. They inspired me to be a confident, compassionate and supportive leader. I hope to carry these qualities wherever I go. Phumzile and I entered the year with a clear vision of what we wanted for the RCL. Having served for a number of years prior to 2016, we knew where we could continue its legacy and where we should aim to improve. We started by asking the new members to develop mission and vision statements which acted as our mantra throughout the year. 22 February marked the formal RCL induction. It was then we revealed our vision and mission statement to the school.

Increasing transparency and communication within the school became an easy task because each class was assigned a RCL representative. She visited her class once a week and gathered suggestions which were then discussed. These led to improvements in the school lives of learners. We were also given the opportunity to conduct RCL-led assemblies during which we shared feedback, inspirational videos and offered light-hearted entertainment. Many spontaneous projects were spearheaded this year. We assisted the Think Yellow project by encouraging girls to collect new or gentlyworn bras of various sizes and colours for women in need. In Term 1, we initiated building relationships with our support staff. Both the men and women had an opportunity to appear in an assembly where they were introduced to the school. We also held an appreciation tea for the men, while the prefects catered for the women. When exams were looming, we hosted a “stress-buster” for the girls. We sold hot chocolate and pancakes, and provided music. This created a fun environment for girls to “let loose.” The knitting project, which was initiated by the RCL of 2013, was continued. Learners were encouraged to knit squares as well as get their friends and families involved. The squares were used to create blankets which we donated to various charities and animal shelters. In order to encourage knitting, we joined forces with Interact on Mandela Day and started a “knit and natter circle” for 67 minutes. On 13 August, five RCL representatives attended a workshop run by the Metropole Central Education District. They were given the opportunity to engage and exchange ideas with RCL members of other schools, as well as discuss current issues in society. It was an enjoyable and worthwhile experience which sprouted further initiatives.

The year kicked off with a picnic, a platform for the RCL members to get to know each other better. The aim was to discover our different leadership styles and strengths. Between mouthfuls of Caitlin’s grandma’s fudge and other sweet things, we did some planning and assigned various RCL portfolios to each grade.

I am grateful to have been a part of a vibrant and passionate group of young leaders. I can confidently say that we enhanced the optimistic atmosphere at Rustenburg. This is largely because of all 17 members of the #dreamteam. May they continue to build on this legacy and bring about further positive change.

Our main portfolios included Marketing, Suggestions, Assemblies and New Projects. These ensured a demanding, but worthwhile experience for the girls involved.




From the Superintendent of Erinville Ms Pam van Dyk

Erinville begins each year with a buzz of excitement as new boarders arrive and our existing ones return after a long break to greet their friends with all the news that a long holiday usually engenders. This year was no different. We welcomed new girls by taking them out to supper with the Matrics on their first night, whilst hosting an information meeting with snacks for their parents at the hostel.

Our building project for the year (funded partly by our maintenance budget, our fundraising and kind donations) was the creation of a small Hostel Gym. It has been put to good use and is enjoyed by many girls. We are very grateful to our neighbours, Huis Lückhoff, for the donation of a treadmill and to the Es of 1966 for the funds to purchase the exercise bicycle.

During the first few weeks of term, the new Grade 8s were kept busy with many activities: a treasure hunt at school at night and a midnight feast with the Matrics, a fairly impromptu concert called “New Pots” where they entertained the hostel and received applause and positive affirmation from the others, an outing to Marcel’s in Rondebosch and then the beach outing to Camps Bay.

We were challenged this year by the decision to make Rustenburg a “zero-waste-to-landfill” site. We have an array of recycling bins in the hostel and the girls were co-operative, as was our kitchen. All our organic waste was collected for use in our compost heap at school. This, coupled with our solar water heating system, made us a proudly green hostel.

Other activities included a social with the SACS Hostel boys, a Miss Erinville Evening, a Valentine Breakfast, a Hostel Dance and many outings in “Gus the Bus.”

To continue developing our harmonious environment, we arranged for Ms Stella Inggs (Erinville Headgirl 2007) to conduct a Master Class in Conflict Resolution for our Grade 8s in Term 3. The girls were able to share openly and get to know one another better whilst exploring the topic of how best to deal with conflict.

A highlight was the Cabaret. The hostel committee worked hard to decorate the Kemp Hall with a Western theme for an “I Shot the Sheriff” evening of food and entertainment. Parents generously donated items for an auction. The evening was a success, both as a social occasion for hostel parents, family and friends, and as a fundraiser. We raised R31 000. Apart from organising events for the boarders throughout the year, the Grade 11s have run a tuckshop (affectionately known as “D Com”) and designed an Erinville top which girls purchased. They worked tirelessly to raise funds for Fancy Dress, our Erinville farewell dinner for the Matrics. They are congratulated for their efforts and for the wonderful event they hosted. The décor was a wonderful surprise. The Thomson Hall was entirely transformed (the theme being a closely guarded secret). The food was superb. We all, but especially the Matrics, had a memorable evening.

It was a privilege for Ms Karin Evans and I to attend the Boarding Schools’ Association of Southern Africa conference held at Michaelhouse in Term 3. The title of the conference was “Boarding Schools: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” The keynote speaker was Ms Hazel Anthony who has years of experience in senior management of girls’ boarding in the UK. We learned a great deal and are still meeting with colleagues from other hostels to discuss the implementation of new ideas. Alyssa Cummings and Sasha Marais did a sterling job in leading the Hostel this year in a loving and kind way. Our thanks go to them, the prefect team and all the Matrics for being excellent role models at Erinville. They will be greatly missed. We wish them well.

Erinville Prefects

Back row, from left: Kristen Naidoo, Sarah Prutton, Catherine Sonnenberg, Kathleen Holcroft Front row, from left: Caitlyn Abdoll, Alyssa Cummings (Headgirl of Erinville), Ms P van Dyk (Superintendent of Erinville), Sasha Marais (Deputy Headgirl of Erinville), Emma-Marie Strauss




From the Headgirl of Erinville Boarding House Alyssa Cummings

“I’m a boarder.” “Seriously? Shame that must be awful! The food must be terrible.” When most people discover that I am a boarder they immediately feel sorry for me. They perceive hostel as a cold and cruel place. They imagine us sleeping on steel-framed beds, eating tasteless meals and being sent down to a dungeon when breaking the rules. On the contrary, I actually feel sorry for them because they will never experience the warm atmosphere of walking into the Duty Room. They will never partake in the delicious meals made with love by our brilliant kitchen staff. They will never experience sharing a dormitory with friends who quickly become sisters. Erinville has become my home away from home. One of the things that I look forward to after a long day at school is relaxing in the Duty Room (also known as “The Procrastination Station”) with the other girls and the House Moms. At a particular time of the day, you will see a crowd of boarders rushing into the Duty Room and scavenging for the tasty indulgences that we receive daily to satisfy our appetites for all that is sweet. I will miss those to whom I have grown close during my time at Erinville. Whether we were having a traditional midnight feast or playing a fun, competitive game of netball or hockey, we were constantly bonding and forming another family away from home. I always admired how easily the boarders accepted and valued each other’s uniqueness and how generously they offer a hand to an Erinville “sister” when she is in need.


As a termly boarder, I will especially miss the weekend excursions, to Kirstenbosch or Kalk Bay, Canal Walk or The Creamery, the Waterfront or wave catching at Muizenberg. In addition to these excursions, the rest of the hostel also enjoyed the annual events that we hosted throughout the year. This year’s events kicked off with the beach outing to Camps Bay and ended with a magical night dedicated to the Erinville Matrics, Fancy Dress. We also shared a fun-filled night with our families in the Wild West at our Erinville Cabaret. Apart from these, there were also socials with nearby boys’ hostels. Every term the girls looked forward to socialising and making new friends. I know that when I walk out of the doors of the “Pink Boarding House” for the last time, I will proudly leave with a “pink” heart that I developed during my time at Erinville. Being headgirl offered me a platform to serve my sisters and give back to a place that contributed immensely to my life and helped me develop into an independent and better leader. I will cherish my unforgettable experiences at Erinville and will remember this part of my life as a highlight of my school career.





From the Head of Grade 12 Ms Lorraine Gardiner E1: Ms Gail Wallace E2: Ms Lorraine Lawrence

E3: Ms Zargielay Rabeh E4: Ms Elizabeth Speller E5: Ms Lorraine Gardiner

The Matrics of 2016 will be remembered as a spirited and fun-loving grade, as well as being talented in various fields. Many Grade 12s took part in the Inter-house Play Competition, as well as in “Bedlam,” in which Lauren Pienaar, Catherine Sonnenberg and Sarah Prutton had leading roles. Hannah Clayton made history for Rustenburg by being placed in the Top 100 in the country in the South African Mathematics Olympiad (exact place not known at time of going to print) and claimed the top spot in the De Beers National English Olympiad. Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott also excelled in the English Olympiad. She took sixth position. The top athlete this year

Scary Matrics who starred in the horror movie “The Purge.”

was undoubtedly Kristin Bellingan. Not only was she selected to the South African Senior National Aquatics team, where she competed with the South African Olympic swimmers, but she also represented SA in the Lifesaving Championships.

Matrics relaxing on the lawn at the Grade 12 Prefects’ evening.

The Grade 12s enjoyed the Matric Breakfast took place on the first Friday of Term 1.

A group of Innes house girls get into the spirit of the Interhouse Gala.

Cambridge Matrics show off their gala outfits.

Hannah Clayton with the trophy she received for winning the De Beers National English Olympiad.

The Matrics had fun dressing up as characters from movies for their 40 Days celebration. Here we have Alyssa Cummings (Batwoman), Nicole Jutzen (Shrek) and Alexandra Dill (Princess Fiona).

The group of girls who went on an excursion on the Orange River during the April holidays.





Back row, from left: Catherine Sonnenberg, Georgia Satchwell, Asiphe Sinari, Jessica Slater, Tahira Abrahams, Caitlin Fleming, Leesha Melvill Third row, from left: Sacha Wright, Taryn Joubert, Melissa Rossouw, Amber Thorndike, Kauthar Salie, ZoĂŤ Ruiters, Phumzile Konile, Francesca Cassar, Alyssa Cummings Second row, from left: Gabriel Morgan, Roxi Francke, Daariah Arend, Julie Ziegenhardt, Tsepiso Seheri, Kerryn Duff, Robyn Hammer, Emma-Jane Thomson Front row, from left: Cailin Buchanan, Emma Swart, Nicole Jutzen, Talia Botha, Ms Wallace (E1 Form Teacher), Tracy-Anne Sikenjana, Grace Crocker, Cameryn Watling, Sakeenah Jaffer


Back row, from left: Ashleigh Voss, Alexandra Dill, Lauren Pienaar, Karoliina Helotera, Ashleigh Prinsloo Third row, from left: Hannah Steyn, Zara Brown, Emma-Marie Strauss, Kendra Saunders, Zayaan Dollie, Rachel Edwards, Cara Lothaller Second row, from left: Azhar Salie, Jordan Philander, Olivia Stanton, Tamarah Pike, Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Mila Tonnie, Caitlyn Abdoll, Zia Jonathan Front row, from left: Jodi Rogerson, Logan Ryklief, Tyra Rosselet, Laila Korowlay, Ms Lawrence (E2 Form Teacher), Hannah Clayton, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Asma Hanware, Yusrah Hartley





Back row, from left: Aimee Cowie, Pasqualle Hefer, Vanessa Langton, Caitlin Solomons, Hannah Lambe Third row, from left: Amy McConnell, Jana van der Merwe, Daniellé Lund, Kayla Wheeler, Jade Syndercombe, Sasha Marais, Michaela Jordaan, Bilqees, Permall, Nicola McLachlan Second row, from left: Sharfaa Kalam, Alexandra Heiberg, Quratul-Ain Parker, Lauren Henshilwood, Nicole Nel, Kaylee Hudson, Gia Aitken, Rebecca Plaatjies Front row, from left: Andrea Pienaar, Areej Gamieldien, Megan Kode, Shafeeqah Modack, Ms Rabeh (E3 Form Teacher), Tauhira Samsodien, Eva Presence, Imaan Allie, Zay-yaan Hamza


Back row, from left: Leanne January, Lianne Verway, Stephanie Scriba, Natasha van Oudtshoorn, Nicola Hablutzel, Walda van der Merwe, Lily van Rensburg, Iman Kathrada, Khayreyah Antvorskov, Henna Bux Second row, from left: Sarah Byren, Sarah Prutton, Jane Lineveldt, Emily Hill, Tasleem Kerven, Sahlah Davids, Lu-Jaine Isaacs, Robyn Franke Front row, from left: Yumna Benjamin, Muofhe Tshifularo, Josie Wissema, Rebecca Terry, Ms Zélia Simpson, Jodi Nair, Layla Mahomed, Ammaarah Kagee, So-hyen Kelly Bang





Back row, from left: Courtney Pokorny, Rachael Rumbelow, Kim Davidson, Tara Panton Third row, from left: Emma Steyn, Alina Schoenberger, Hana Kabat, Kiera Maher, Maria Cupido, Jade Chase, Robyn Matthews, Suzanna Collins, Tessa Stephenson Second row, from left: Kathleen Holcroft, Jessica Vlok, Nausheenah Parker, Mila Truter, Jessica Funston, Farah Amra, Ashley Howard, Irena Nolte First row, from left: Raeesah Shaik, Jameela Rawoot, Mikera Bassuday, Jessica Jamieson, Ms Lorraine Gardiner, Kristen Naidoo, Tiffany Sprout, Jessica Martheze, Sheree Stewart

From Rustenburg Junior to Rustenburg High

Back row, from left: Courtney Pokorny, Zara Brown, Leanne January, Iman Kathrada, Aimee Cowie, Tahira Abrahams, Caitlin Solomons, Leesha Melvill, Kendra Saunders, ZoĂŤ Ruiters Third row, from left: Tamarah Pike, Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Hannah Clayton, Amy McConnell, Melissa Rossouw, Maria Cupido, Lu-Jaine Isaacs, Jane Lineveldt, Kiera Maher Second row, from left: Phumzile Konile, Gia Aitken, Daariah Arend, Julie Ziegenhardt, Suzanna Collins, Alexandra Heiberg, Lauren Henshilwood, Megan Kode, Roxi Francke First row, from left: Zay-yaan Hamza, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Cameryn Watling, Yusrah Hartley, Ms Susan Schnetler, Sheree Stewart, Jodi Rogerson, Eva Presence, Farah Amra RGHS MAGAZINE 2016






Matric Academic Awards Accounting: Megan Kode

Mathematics: Hannah Clayton

Afrikaans First Additional Language: Hannah Clayton

Pricewaterhouse Coopers Book Award (for Accounting and Mathematics):

Afrikaans Progress Cup:

Megan Kode

Francesca Cassar, Nicola Hablutzel, Kayla Wheeler

Marietjie le Roux Cup for Excellence in Afrikaans: Hannah Clayton, Kathleen Holcroft

Mathematical Literacy: Hannah Lambe Music: Hannah Clayton

Certificate for Overall Academic Improvement: Eva Presence

Physical Sciences: Hannah Clayton

Consumer Studies: Alyssa Cummings, Tessa Stephenson

Visual Arts: Grace Crocker

Consumer Studies (Culinary Skills):

Visual Arts (Photography):

Design: Tara Panton

Grade 12 Academic Half Colours

Bilqees Permall

Dramatic Arts: Lauren Pienaar Rosenberg Award (for Dedication to Dramatic Arts): Alexandra Heiberg English Home Language (Maureen Parkes Memorial Prize): Hannah Clayton English Literature (Adèle Cloete Memorial Prize): Hannah Clayton French Second Additional Language:

Hannah Clayton

Helga van Heerden Cup (for Excellence in French): Shafeeqah Modack Geography: Sakeenah Jaffer Geography Mapwork: Sakeenah Jaffer, Leesha Melvill Geography Research Prize: Daariah Arend, Sakeenah Jaffer

German Second Additional Language: mother-tongue speaker: Cara Lothaller

German Second Additional Language: non mother-tongue speaker: Lianne Verwey

History: Grace Crocker Sybil McGregor History Prize (for Research): Grace Crocker, Rachel Edwards isiXhosa First Additional Language: Asiphe Sinari

Life Orientation: Hannah Clayton Life Sciences: Laila Korowlay Life Sciences Practical Work: Walda van der Merwe

Pasqualle Hefer, Lily van Rensburg

So-hyeon Bang (re-award), Zara Brown, Rachel Edwards, Pasqualle Hefer, Lauren Henshilwood (re-award), Leanne January (re-award), Phumzile Konile (re-award), Hannah Lambe (re-award), Vanessa Langton, Layla Mahomed, Robyn Matthews, Shafeeqah Modack (re-award), Kristen Naidoo (re-award), Nicole Nel (re-award), Irena Nolte (re-award), Eva Presence (re-award), Jodi Rogerson (re-award), Kauthar Salie (re-award), Kendra Saunders (re-award), Asiphe Sinari (re-award), Jessica Slater (reaward), Walda van der Merwe (re-award), Josie Wissema, Chloé Zinn

Grade 12 Academic Full Colours Tahira Abrahams, Hannah Clayton (re-award), Grace Crocker (re-award), Areej Gamildien (re-award), Kathleen Holfcoft, Sakeenah Jaffer (re-award), Tarryn Joubert (re-award), Ammaarah Kagee (re-award), Megan Kode (reaward), Laila Korowlay (re-award), Daniellé Lund (re-award), Leesha Melvill, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen (re-award), Nausheenah Parker (re-award), QuratulAin Parker (re-award), Jordan Philander, Tamarah Pike (re-award), Lauren Pienaar (re-award), Sarah Prutton (re-award), Stephanie Scriba (re-award), Tiffany Sprout, Tessa Stephenson (re-award), Rebecca Terry (re-award), Emma-Jane Thomson (re-award), Mila Truter (re-award), Jana van der Merwe (re-award), Ashleigh Voss, Alexandra Wittenburg-Scott

Sustained Academic Achievement Hannah Clayton, Grace Crocker, Sakeenah Jaffer, Megan Kode, Laila Korowlay, Nausheenah Parker, Lauren Pienaar, Stephanie Scriba, Rebecca Terry

Top Academic Positions in Grade 12 Fifth position: Nausheenah Parker Fourth position: Megan Kode Third position: Lauren Pienaar Second position: Sakeenah Jaffer

Marchand Dux Trophy for Outstanding Academic Achievement: Hannah Clayton

Advanced Programme Mathematics: Hannah Clayton




Matric Special Prizes Alston le Roux Drama Cup.

This trophy was donated in 1998 with the request that it be awarded annually at Prize Giving to the pupil, or pupils, who offered the greatest contribution to the development, promotion and service to the theatrical genre at Rustenburg in that particular year. The recipient was Catherine Sonnenberg, who made her debut in 2013 as Mary McGregor in “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie,” and performed annually on the Kemp Hall stage until her role as Titania in “Bedlam” in 2016. Catherine’s exuberance, sincerity and contribution to cast camaraderie made her an invaluable member of all four major theatre productions.

Amy Steyl Award

Chloe Zinn and Asiphe Sinari exemplify camaraderie and to honour one without the other would be to do the team a disservice. These ladies bring their own aesthetic to their work in their subjects, Visual Arts Photography and Design. Chloe’s design work is characterised by a willingness to experiment and her sensitivity towards materials. Asiphe’s design style is distinct and edgy while her photography is both graphic and lyrical. Both girls displayed maturity and humility, and were integral members of the Art and Design Society, extending this passion for the Arts into their extra-mural activities.

Centenary Cup

The Centenary Cup for all-round excellence in service to the school over 5 years was awarded to Lauren Pienaar. Lauren excelled in many areas throughout her career at Rustenburg. In Grade 9, she was a Golden Bug recipient and was also awarded the All-Round Trophy. She received the Gillian Cockram Cup in Grade 10 and the Sally Michell Cup in Grade 11. Lauren led the school as a prefect, Head of Afri-twin and Deputy Head of Helen Keller. She also served on the Music Society committee and was a member of 12 Club. Lauren was a valuable member of the 1st Touch Rugby Team and played hockey in her earlier years of high school. She maintained an excellent standard in her academic work. On the cultural front, Lauren was an outstanding saxophonist. She was Head of the Jazz Band and Jazz Combo and was a member of the Orchestra and Brass Ensemble. Lauren also made a significant contribution to the Dramatic Arts department and tackled major theatrical lead roles, such as Miss Marple in “A Murder is Announced” (2015) and Desdemona in “Bedlam” (2016).

Dr Moll Honour Prize

This is presented to the girl who has best upheld the traditions of Rustenburg. The Dr Moll Honours Prize remains the most prestigious accolade the school can bestow on any one of its learners. Daariah Arend led the school with maturity and grace, always treating others with respect, and was, in turn, greatly respected by her peers and teachers. Over her five years at Rustenburg she was involved in many different facets of school life, making significant contributions to sport, Interact, Habitat for Humanity, the MSA and the Savuyisa African Music Group, where she was described as being “a very dedicated member.” She became known as a positive and confident young woman with a wonderfully understated sense of humour. She always conducted herself with dignity and maturity, leading by example and with unfailing courtesy and warmth. With her determined and reliable approach to tasks, Daariah had a positive influence on the school community and, as the Chairperson of the RCL and our Headgirl, she has set a wonderful example for others to follow.

EMV Smit Cup

The EMV SMIT CUP is awarded for personal achievement. The recipients for 2016 were Alexandra Heiberg and Sasha Marais.

Karin Wiese Trophy

This is awarded to someone who, in the opinion of her peers, has overcome great difficulty with dignity. The recipient for 2016 was Dilshaad Nazier.

Excellence in Leadership

This award is given to the Grade 12 learner who has displayed exemplary qualities in her role as a leader in the school. The 2016 recipient was RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

Alexandra Heiberg. She is a warm, caring and compassionate leader who led by example and excelled in her roles as a Prefect and Swimming captain. Alexandra’s leadership was characterised by integrity, maturity and humility.

Hope Award

Her dedication to and her passion for debating, in addition to her highly developed argumentative skills, made Raeesah Shaik the winner of this award. She was a member of the Debating Society from 2013 to 2016 and led the society this year. She represented the school in both the Junior and Senior teams in the Rotary League over the past four years. She was selected to represent the school at the National Girls Schools’ Festival over the past three years and captained this year’s team that came third. Raeesah was judged best speaker on a number of occasions and was joint fifth best speaker at the festival. In addition, she chaired this year’s Forum Discussion team that reached the finals.

Lucia Jacobs Trophy

This is awarded for organisational skills and initiative. The recipient was Phumzile Konile. She served on the RCL for five years, and fulfilled the position of Deputy with commitment. She is an independent and innovative thinker, and implemented ideas energetically and enthusiastically. Her passion for the broader community was demonstrated by how Phumzile approached the Knitting Drive. She drew outsiders into the project by enlisting the help of local old age homes and even delivering wool to members of the community who were prepared to help. She was a founding member of Busty Bugs, working to raise funds for the Pink Drive, and was a regular volunteer for the Lerato’s Hope Food Drive. Phumzile was an active member of the President’s Award Youth Committee in 2014 and 2015, and served as Vice Chairperson in 2016.

Marchand Dux Trophy

Hannah Clayton was the top academic student in Grade 12 this year.

Miller Cranko Award

This was presented to Grace Crocker for service to the community. Grace was an outstanding Head of both the Chamber and School Choirs, and her strong and supportive leadership was exemplary. As a servant leader, she worked in the Bugs’ Boutique, was a member of the Matric Dance Committee (2015), and fulfilled the role of Prefect Body Secretary this year. Her awareness of the needs of the broader community was demonstrated by her involvement in a number of projects. She was a founding member of the Busty Bugs and served on many Interact Committees. In 2015, Grace was the recipient of the Ubuntu Award.

Preiss Floating Trophy

The Preiss Floating Trophy was awarded to Alyssa Cummings for her dedication and leadership of Erinville Hostel.

Senior de Wet Prize

Hannah Clayton was the recipient of the Senior de Wet Prize for a scholar who excels in both her Home and First Additional Languages. As an English scholar, Hannah demonstrated a flair for language as well as an ability to think both analytically and laterally. Hannah het ‘n besondere aanvoeling vir Afrikaans en beskik oor die uitsonderlike vermoë om haarself in al die komponente van die taal keurig en korrek uit te druk. Haar skryfwerk is van ‘n hoogstaande gehalte en sy is ook ‘n uitstekende openbare spreker. Dit was geen verrassing toe die vakadviseur 100% aan haar toegeken het vir haar verbale sowel as kreatiewe kommunikatiewe vaardighede nie. Hannah is ‘n ware ambassadeur vir Afrikaans op wie Rustenburg baie trots is.

Spirit of Rustenburg Award

2016 was the first year in which this was awarded. The inaugural recipient, who made a considerable contribution to school spirit and Rustenburg pride, was Zay-Yaan Hamza.



Matric Dance






Academic RGHS MAGAZINE 2016



From the Head of Grade 11 Mr William Haggard D1: Ms Anita Pretorius D2: Ms Zuleigah Galer

D3: Mr William Haggard D4: Ms Philippa Colly

D5: Ms Marieta Langenhoven D6: Ms Tarin Scharneck

The Grade 11 year reflected both unity and great diversity. The annual Grade 11 camp ended off Term 1; the girls learned many life lessons and developed strong bonds in a context of fun. Over and above the number of school sports and societies which this form group participated and excelled in, a number of Grade 11 girls took part in outside school activities with distinction. I congratulate, too, those who have successfully assumed various important leadership roles within the school. There is no doubt that this year’s Grade 11s are going to be sound leaders in all ways as they prepare for their matriculation.

Bonding and happy faces during an eventpacked leadership camp at Witzenberg.

Natasha van Greunen won the U20 girls division at the South African Surfing Championships at Kommetjie, Longbeach.

Séanne van Horsten is to be congratulated on her outstanding performance at the South African Karate Nationals held in Bloemfontein earlier this year.

20 girls participated in this year’s iMfolozi Wilderness Trail, which is a record number.

Razaan Phillips performed a solo act at The School of Rock in Claremont.

Hannah Le Roux received Honours at the Cape Town Eisteddfod for Dance (15–17 category).

Saskia van der Merwe received Western Province Colours for Mountain Biking and was placed second in the Junior Women (17–18 category) at the Western Cape Cross Country MTB Championships at Bloemendal.

A number of girls joined Rondebosch Boys’ High School in The Transkei Isolomzi Outreach Team to help teach learners at the Secondary School. Here, Megan Lodder is seen assisting two learners.

Congratulations to Caylan Bromley (second from right) who was selected by Triathlon South Africa to attend a youth training camp in Stellenbosch in July.




From the Head of Grade 10 Ms Anita Marshall C1: Ms Tessa Brown C2: Mr Paul van Koersveld

C3: Ms Jackie Chambers C4: Ms Anita Marshall

C5: Ms Floriane Blanc-Marquis C6: Mr Gian Marneweck

The Grade 10s were a reserved group which took time to become comfortable as seniors at Rustenburg. They started off by keeping some of their talents hidden, but many learners excelled on the sports field, in the classroom, service groups and the cultural activities of the school. The classes were led by enthusiastic form teachers who managed to inspire the girls to step into the limelight.

C3 actresses ready for a production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” C5 classmates celebrating the last day of Term 1.

The Grade 10 Geography group on a fieldtrip.

While the Geography fieldtrip included visiting a tempting beach, there was still work to be done.

The C2 movers and shakers.

Jordan Byrne and Mikayla Shaw enjoying being two Cs in a pod. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


Grade 10s ask advice about the next move on the new outdoor chess set.

C5 productive knitting session.


From the Head of Grade 9 Mr Graham Reggiori B1: Ms Stella Rossouw B2: Ms Ingrid Weideman

B3: Ms Kyla Thompson B4: Ms Nicky Cooper

B5: Mr Graham Reggiori B6: Ms Rebecca Goble

In education we look to develop the whole person: the social, spiritual, physical and intellectual being. Our Grade 9s embarked on their Leadership Camp and we aimed to develop self-worth, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. The idea was to nurture these characteristics in a fun environment. The girls willingly participated in the activities. Ultimately the camp was a great success. Their intellectual and physical growth at school is progressing well. The Grade 9s are valuable participants in class and on the sports field. There is no doubt, by looking at the achievements of 2016’s Grade 9s, that the future at Rustenburg is bright.

Grade 9s enjoying some down time at the Onrus lagoon.

Grade 9s concentrating while writing a test.

Juliette Lily Rabie is a ballet dancer from Cape Ballet Centre. She completed the Intermediate Foundation examination and the Grade 7 examination. She is now working towards the Intermediate Level and her Grade 8 exam for 2017

Grade 9s enthusiastic during a camp activity.

Many of our Grade 9 learners excel in activities, varying from ballet to motocross, outside of school. Keely Londt won the second place trophy in the Motocross High School Class in the Western Cape. She was the only girl competing against boys in her division. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

Khayla Langner is a modern dancer at The Dance Centre. She achieved Preliminary Junior Honours with Distinction, a White Medal and worked towards a Turquoise medal in November 2016. 31

Assessment is an essential part of the curriculum. It is an indication to learners and teachers about the amount of learning and understanding that has taken place.


From the Head of Grade 8 Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale A1: Ms Anina Stander and Mr Wihan Neethling A2: Ms Norma Caesar

A3: Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale A4: Ms Zaandré Theron

A5: Ms Susan Viljoen A6: Ms Denise Campbell

Grade 8s have shown their abilities in many spheres of life at school and beyond. In the Inter-house Play Competition, an unprecedented number of Grade 8s took centre stage. The school production, “Bedlam,” also benefitted from the talents of Jade Dreyer and Megan Sorour in challenging roles. The world has to watch out for all these remarkable actresses! Being selected to play in the Orchestra for the ”Music at the Movies” is also no small feat and Mia Barashenkov, Mikaela van Otterlo, Younsung Kim and Georgia New were all chosen. Tobechukwu Emeruem and Maxine Meyer even represented the Robotics Academy and Rustenburg on the television show “Hectic Nine-9.” Juliet Fiet was also chosen to represent her district at the upcoming South African Surfing Junior National Championships. Flip through the magazine to find photos of the girls in action on stage and to see the numerous Grade 8s who represented Western Province across other sporting codes.

The year started with a bang! The Grade 8s took part in their first gala on 15 January, followed by an afternoon of sporting activities and culminating in a braai with parents and staff. Here, Isabella Webster flies her flag proudly for Marchand at the gala.

The Grade 8s underwent fire extinguisher training in case of emergency. Each girl had a thrilling turn to put out a small fire with the help of the Campus Staff.

Hannah Elvidge represented Western Province in the South African Biathle and Biathlon Championships in Bela-Bela where she was placed fourth in both events.

Emily Burroughs undertakes the obstacle course on the Grade 8 #GoingWild camp.

During the March/April holiday, some brave Grade 8 girls travelled with a group of Rondebosch boys to Drie Kuilen Nature Reserve for the adventurous #GoingWild camp. Activities included hikes, setting up camera traps and sleeping out under the stars.

Mr Emmanuel Vureya taught the Grade 8s about the keurboom tree which he planted (with a little bit of help from Mikaela van Otterlo, Alexandra de Meuter and Ms Capstick-Dale) in honour of Arbor Week.


The annual Grade 8 Natural Sciences outing to Cape Point was a success. The girls hiked through the reserve and ended with a windswept lunch on the beach.


Ashleigh Smith and her mother, Sue, travelled to Berlin with the Samurai Pinelands Karate Team for the KSI World Championships.


From the Faculty of Languages Ms Helene Swanson

Rustenburg has always recognised the importance of multilingualism and cultural diversity. The photographs of the Faculty of Languages reflect the variety of cocurricular language-based activities which our learners enjoy. The girls are privileged to be exposed to a wide range of opportunities to develop their skills. The Rustenburg community is proud of the wonderful contribution and the enthusiastic participation of the girls.

“Fiela se Kind” is the prescribed Afrikaans drama for Grade 12 in 2017. Pictured here are Chelsea Prodehl, Adrienne Golden and Eugenia Twumasi at the production of “Fiela se Kind” in Stellenbosch.

Specialist announcer and renowned Afrikaans poet, Dr Daniel Hugo, enlightened learners with a talk about his poetry on Afrikaans Dag. Pictured with Dr Hugo are Rachel Meloyer, Taskeen Parker, Michaela Jordaan, Leesha Melvill and Walda van der Merwe.

Ivan Botha and Donnalee Roberts visited our school to promote their latest film, “Vir Altyd” and to motivate learners to follow their dreams.

Various learners entered the Senior Afrikaans Olympiad and the Bilingualism Examination. Our girls excelled. Pictured are participants: Kauthar Salie (standing), Shafeeqah Modack, Evashna Pillay, Nicole Nel and Mila Truter.

Walda van der Merwe, with an average of 92,3%, was the top Western Cape achiever in the Afrikaans Olympiad.

Our Battle of the Books team met with success this year, placing third just 1 1/2 points behind the winners. They brought home a huge pack of books for the school Media Centre. Seen here are Nika Hofmeyr, Rebecca Behne, Daniella Attfield, Ana van Straten and Mila Truter seated with Ms Gail Wallace (Head of English).

Rustenburg is proud of Hannah Clayton, who came first in the country in the English Olympiad, and of Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, who came in sixth position. Mr William Haggard was instrumental in helping the girls prepare for the competition.



The WCED organises a public speaking competition biennially. Phumzile Konile had the distinction of coming first in Metropole Central’s round in April. She went on to end third in the Western Cape. Phumzile is shown here with the cup she won.


Some of the Grade 9s took a break from grammar, tasting a delicious French speciality known as “le macaron” as exposure to the culture of France.

French Grade 10s made use of the Interactive Smart Board to present their own virtual fashion show.

The French Department Grade 12 year culminates in a Matric French dinner with the whole class. This special occasion was a wonderful “au revoir” to five years together.

The Grade 11 German class prepared for the theme Travel and Tourism by building a jigsaw puzzle of Germany.

Smartboard “Grammar against Time” caused the German Grade 11s excitement and stress.

The Grade 9s role played having breakfast in a restaurant to practise ordering food in a German-speaking country.

The German Grade 11s role played a murder mystery.

The annual isiXhosa Assembly is a celebration of many South African cultures that are represented at Rustenburg. Performers from various grades participated.

Simthandile Witbooi (Grade 9) recited a poem during the isiXhosa Assembly.

Grade 9s performed a traditional dance during the isiXhosa Assembly. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016



Creative Writing Shaking Hands Who knew the simple act of shaking hands could be so tragic? The memories of his life spent on the land flashed before him; the way the crops used to flourish in spring, the joy during harvest, and the customary struggle through merciless summer. All those previous years they had pushed through the drought. The rain had eventually come and saved them. Why was this year different? Perhaps it was due to the effects of El Nino, amplifying the heat. Or perhaps it was simply due to the farmer’s old age and the loss of his persevering spirit. Or perhaps the farm’s glory days were over and it was time to succumb to the mounting pressures of being a modern-day farmer working with the everyday reality of climate change. With his head bowed low, the owner of the farm held out his hand in a motion of defeat. The veins seemed to protrude from under his raisin skin, bulging like the non-existent rivers that he so desperately needed to quench his dying crops. His wedding ring glinted with a dull sheen, taunting him of his former wealth and prosperous past. Deep crevices were etched into his hands. Dirt was embedded within the dry cracks. They seemed to resemble the parched, barren valleys of his farm with no promise of moisture. Nevertheless, his hand was strong. Many hours of manual labour working his fields and tending to his livestock had given his arms and hands a significantly muscular build. They were a burnt, burgundy red, scarred by the same merciless sun that had scorched his land. The agent’s hand was soft and sanitised in comparison. His skin had a sinister pallor and was smooth and velvety like his persuasive and reassuring voice. His condescending presence, despite his youth, revealed his egocentric character. From behind his Oakley’s all he could see was another deal; cash in his back pocket. He slipped his slender hand into the famer’s a little too eagerly; he was impatient and anticipated the closure of the deal. Soon he would prey upon the next helpless farmer, and reap the harvest of dying cattle and dead crops. The farmer held on for longer than the usual time taken for a handshake. He was desperately gripping onto his pride and his glory. It was slipping away right before him, into the hands of a heartless, cold capitalist. Then slowly the agent withdrew his hand and sauntered away with the rewards of the farmer’s lifelong work. Bianca Rijkmans (Grade 11)

The train slowed to a standstill The train slowed to a standstill. An unknown man sat on the cool concrete pavement. The floor was a lighter colour where he sat. His presence kept it clean. The working class walked past him in a hurry. The morning rush was always the same. Rows of tired people streamed out of the old and decrepit train station. I approached the old man with caution. I had never seen a man sit with such grace. He looked up at me with his deeply sunken eyes. There was a galaxy waiting in his colourful irises. His youthful eyes portrayed him as a completely different person. His eyes portrayed his humble and down to earth nature. The skin that housed his eyes was dark, worn and had deep wrinkles that only the bravest of adventurers would dare explore. His eyes were protected by long and grey eyebrows that leaned over the edge of his brow. The cap’s primary colours had started to fade. The burnt red and yellow cap cast an ominous shadow on his face as the sun’s rays filled the sky with yellow.


His nose escaped the shadow of the cap and was covered in warm sunlight. Underneath his nose was a line of black facial hair. The grey hairs in between his black hairs gave a subtle hint of his age. The unknown man’s aged face was hidden behind years of unkempt facial hair. His features were surrounded by hairs as if he had something to hide. The contrast of grey and black hair framed his face beautifully. The hole-filled clothing looked similar to the dirty train station floor. The floor was now filled with remembrances of the unfriendly people that once hurried past. The clean floor marking his existence was still unaffected. He held up a tattered sign with a child-like typography on it. It said “Penny for a smile.” I smiled at the sign and reached into my pocket to retrieve a penny. I looked down at the seemingly worthless penny and then looked at the old man. His eyes filled with gratefulness as the penny fell out of my hand and into his neglected lap. I watched as his facial expression changed from melancholy to overjoyed. He smiled, revealing an empty mouth with a few rotten teeth still in place. His eyes started to squint and the wrinkles on his face were exaggerated by his wide smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said while returning the smile. Josie Wissema (Grade 12)

Coffee and Catastrophe “You’re wrong!” she said, raising her voice. In a flurry of motion, my coffee was swept off the table. The world around me slowed. There was nothing I could do but watch as the cardboard cup hit the ground, spilling its contents all over the pebbled floor. I sat there, staring at my spilt coffee. Only the scraping of her chair against the ground caused me to look up. She was leaving. I grabbed her wrist and she spun around, her cheeks wet and nose red. Her eyes held the look of a trapped animal. “I’m sorry,” I said softly. Her shoulders sagged as she dried her eyes on her sleeve. The people at the café were staring. I released her hand and it fell gently at her side. She pulled up a chair and sat opposite me, showing me that she had accepted my apology but had not forgiven me yet. The Café Community resumed eating their croissants, slightly disappointed with the outcome. They had expected a fight. I picked up the slightly bent, empty cup and put it on the table. Guilt was written all over her face when she realised that she was the reason that my coffee was a cold mess on the floor. We had both made mistakes that day. I took a deep breath and picked up my side of the argument. “Listen, he has a girlfriend and yet he went out with you. Also, you knew his girlfriend. You claim you miss him but he’s only trouble. He cheated on his girlfriend with you, so what makes you think that he won’t cheat on you?” A tear slid silently down her cheek but her determined expression did not budge. I sighed and attacked from a different angle. This was a onesided argument. “It was a summer fling, a one-time thing. You kissed on a rooftop at sunset and enjoyed your time with him, but that’s that. You need to forget about him. He’s probably forgotten about you anyway. His girlfriend is back and she doesn’t know about you yet. Let’s try and keep it that way.” I realised that I wasn’t very good at this “relationship advice.” I was only fifteen and I wasn’t talking out of experience. I was the type of girl who hated dresses, never wore make-up and had her nose in a book all


Academic day. Generally, an all-round tomboy. On the other hand, she was the complete opposite. We were the most unlikely of friends. “This is not out of a romance novel that you would read. He is not going to leave his girlfriend for you no matter how hard you wish. If this gets out at school, your reputation goes down the drain. You don’t even want to know the names you’ll be called.” She surrendered as her head fell into her hands and she shook with heaving sobs. I had been too harsh. I pulled my chair closer and put my arm around her. I told her that everything would be okay. The Café Community received the drama it had been waiting for. We were only fifteen. How was I to know that things would only get worse? She was the catastrophe and little known to me, I was the coffee waiting on the table.

heat. Blazing cherry-red on one side shifts into a colour as pink as an eggshell on the other. Wispy and translucent clouds trail after the intense colour like gossamer threads attached to the edge of the sun. Breathing in this lava sky is like sucking air through a damp cloth. It is heavy and thick and sticks to the inside of one’s lungs. The echoing cry of hadedas shatters the softness of the sunrise and I start in surprise. Beside me our Beagle, Christina, gives a huff of disbelief and immediately staggers to her feet. In a second, she sprints across the long stretch of cracking grass in a barking frenzy as their laughing bodies swoop over the neighbour’s wall. Their calls continue, and I watch as they turn from dark blobs to specks, then finally disappear into the hot, wavering distance. Christina trots back to me and, with a dissatisfied snort, settles down beside me. I manage enough energy to send a consoling smile in her direction, and as I turn my head I spot something small, yet heart-warming, waiting for me on the braai-room table that wasn’t there before: a cup of rooibos tea. That would be Mom’s doing – signalling the start of the summer day with hot tea.

Nicola Baalbergen (Grade 11)

Fifteen forever Why is nothing in life permanent? Apart from death, everything, all beauty and excitement are always whizzing away. I want to stay fifteen forever because I am finally blossoming and I am not yet ready for my petals to blow away. I love the safety of my home and my mother’s warm embrace. I love the simplicity of life at the moment, if I do not count school, and I adore the fact that I am still a young person with potential and dreams. I do not want to grow up yet and lose this all. My imagination is still free and flawed but as I grow and develop I am vividly aware that people, including me, are becoming more limited, because there are too many rules, conformities and restrictions in the “real world.” Life is so harsh, thus people forget their big dreams and hopes and settle for a life of mediocrity. And as pleasant as a simple life sounds, I think that dreams make life worth living, and at my age I still have true tenacity to achieve mine. I love being only fifteen years old, because the biggest problems in my life are miniscule compared to those of adults, such as making a living so that your family can eat. The way that time flies can be overwhelming and depressing, as everyone has something that they want to hold on to. But even though I cherish my freedom, open-mindedness and safety at this age, life is about living which constitutes developing and growing. And as much as I might want it now, I could never stay fifteen forever. There is just too much more that I need to do! Kaitlyn Watt (Grade 9)

Summer Survey The day is about to begin. Somewhere behind the pale pink flowers and branches of our hibiscus tree, sharp and crystal-clear robin song cuts through the wakening day. The heavy perfume of sweet dry grass hangs over the garden. Although it is only five in the morning, it is humid and warm. My skin is hot and drags on my bones. My feet play with the liquid mirror of the sky and shift the wavering silhouettes of trees and fences. My hand supports my weight on the smooth and cool paving that frames the pool. Sprinklers all over the flower beds stutter and squirt sporadically, then regain confidence and turn into rainbow-spray that hisses as it hits my mother’s roses. Their bursting tops wave, their petals like shivering pink tongues. With a long exhale, I lower myself until my back rests against the still-cool slasto. My eyes take in the molten sky that is almost dripping in the humid


Sabrina Roberts (Grade 11)

A path worth exploring “I’m Andrew,” he says half turning to me on the white wooden bench. His name is Andrew Forbes the Seventh, because his dad is Scottish, and he wants the mountains to come alive. He tells me this on our way to our cars, he to fetch his jacket and me to fetch my tablets. I’m sick. It’s not serious though. My car is on the other side so the walk gives me time to reflect on him, Andrew Forbes the Seventh, who started talking to me at the wedding during those awkward minutes before the bride arrived. He’s there because he works with the groom and he says that although he looks calm, inside he is a hurricane of sharp objects. This is not about the groom though, and it’s not about the wedding. It’s about Andrew. Andrew has many secrets but this is okay because they aren’t the kind that will hurt anybody. He draws his friends into superheroes with his blue pen and he writes about things he wishes would happen, ‘yummy’ things, he says. This is the only scary part about him. The rest is all wild hair and intense, loud eyes. A boy brings me a fortune cookie and Andrew says I should rather have gone and got my own because ‘now my fate has been chosen for me’. I tell him this is the only way it could be and I crack it open revealing the ‘fortune’ that ‘life will soon take me down a pleasant new path’. Andrew and I both know that he is my ‘pleasant new path’ and we say as much. Because who else would talk to a sick seventeen year old at a wedding and make her feel like the underside of a CD, the way it looks, all shiny and colours and light? Andrew gives me wonderful advice which involves the word ‘dude’ about twenty seven times. He wants to fall ‘in leaf’ with someone because Love is too organic and clichéd whereas a leaf is exactly what it is, a leaf, and this is what he wants with a person. Exactly what it is. As he speaks there is so much about him that I want to keep forever and I wish I could write him as he is right now, King of The Sea and Computer World, Champion Ship Navigator, fortune-cookie-eating martial artist. His face is the carpet on my mind as we unwind out to ‘be a bit more social’ and, sitting in the flower-petalled ladies’ room to avoid the slimy starter, I receive a ‘where are you?’ text. Doubt is a tiny ant crawling through my head as naturally I’m only seventeen and prone to making bad decisions, falling in love the way rain falls on a stormy day, but when your fate is handed to you in a biscuit by a small boy and your ‘path’ is a person who bites his lip and has dreams of dropping everything and sailing to Iceland to be in the dark all day, what choice do I have but to explore it? Julie Ziegenhardt (Grade 12)



Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Ms Bridget Cameron

We have welcomed new teachers into the faculty: Mr Paul van Koersveld (Mathematics), Ms Kyla Thompson (Physical Sciences and Mathematics), Ms Tracey Henry (Physical Sciences) and Mr James Hendricks (Geography). The enthusiasm shown by the staff ensured that the girls had a wide range of experiences in different subjects.

Nihaad Raja and Olivia Page-Macdonald use pipettes to extract the tiny sample of blood from the tube at the Genetics Open Day.

Six Rustenburg girls attended the Genetics Open Day at UCT with about 30 other schools from around the Western Cape. They listened to lectures and heard about respective research areas. They then split into groups and went into a lab where they performed tests for Sickle Cell Anaemia on a blood sample. They also learnt about possible careers in genetic medicine, as well as how genetics affects a sport person’s ability to perform. They also acted as forensic scientists at a mock crime scene. The Grade 10 Life Sciences girls had fun burning chicken bones to charcoal in order to investigate how the constituents of bone change after heat damage.

The Grade 9s project dealt with Mathematics around the school. The activities included identifying geometrical shapes, calculating the altitude of the sun and working out the volume of the recycling container.


Jamie Fraser, Hannah Clayton, Maryam Badsha and Jiyoon Jeon all got through to the final round of the South African Mathematics Olympiad, which means that they were in the top 100 in the country. Jiyoon Jeon was placed as the top girl in the Junior Division in this competition. Rustenburg also did well at the UCT Mathematics Competition by placing sixth. Three girls received gold certificates for finishing in the top 10 of their grade. Hannah Clayton and Melissa Rossouw came ninth and fourth in Grade 12 respectively, while Jiyoon Jeon came ninth in Grade 9. Jamie Fraser was selected to represent Cape Town in the Thailand International Mathematics Competition which took place in Chiang Mai City. Hannah Clayton represented SA in the Pan African Olympiad in Senegal, where she won a bronze medal. Pi Day is always special in the Mathematics Department. This year Josephine Chen (A5) achieved a new school record for the digits of pi. She wrote down pi to 186 decimal places on 14 March.



Hannah Fairlie and Ayla Figueira exchange goods for cash during the Grade 10 Mathematical Literacy excursion to our school tuckshop. The class learnt about the Count-Up method and practised calculating change under pressure in a tuckshop monitress simulation.

The Grade 11 Mathematical Literacy class had fun working out personal budgets and expenditure reports on their new whiteboard desks.

Grade 10 Geographers presenting their oral about the population of Australia.

The Grade 11 Geographers complete their fieldtrip worksheets.

The Grade 11 Geography students enjoying their day out at Cape Point.

The Grade 11 Geography group went on a fieldtrip to Cape Point Nature Reserve, where they studied the local fynbos and the coastal landforms.

The Grade 10 Geography fieldtrip around the Peninsula gave our girls the opportunity to see how the geology influences the landscape and land use.

The Rustenburg Natural Sciences Department held their first Science Expo in 2016. The presentations were outstanding. The Science Expo will now become an annual event. Amy Harold, Talitha Wyne and Caitlyn Reinecke received gold awards.

Darian Cloete, Kaden Rieper and Katia da Silva Valente received silver awards at the Science Expo.

The study of electricity and electric circuits forms an integral part of the Physical Sciences curriculum in both junior and senior grades. Mr Reggiori shows Ruby Wares (Grade 9) how to operate a circuit board.

Chemistry is 50% of the senior Physical Sciences curriculum. Learners study Chemistry principles and are required to perform practical activities to consolidate their knowledge. Katherine Sharp (Grade 11) is in the process of performing a titration.




From the Faculty of Business and Life Skills Ms Linda Mallon

Rustenburg achieved third place at the Spine Road High School Accounting Olympiad in August. This year’s team was Quratul-Ain Parker, Tahira Abrahams, Megan Kode and Sakeenah Jaffer, shown here with their teacher, Ms Galer. 27 Schools from the Western Cape participated. Seven of the Top 10 schools are from the Metro Central District. KPMG design and adjudicate the competition.

Grade 10 Accounting learners went on an excursion to Grabouw to learn about the manufacturing process (Cost Accounting). The excursion takes place annually and includes visits to vineyards, factories and orchards in the Elgin region.

Even sweets can be educational, especially when used to learn about Absolute Cell References and IF-function in Excel in International Computer Driving License lessons. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


The Grade 12 Computer Monitresses having some offduty fun. These girls supported the functioning of the Computer Labs.


Rustenburg is proud of its beautifully-equipped Consumer Studies’ Labs. Learners love spending time preparing food and keeping their environment clean and tidy.

Grade 12 Consumer Studies Practicals are the culmination of three years of intensive preparation. Alyssa Cummings produced the best of the best with her chiffon cake and butter chicken.

The Pride Campaign was launched by a group of pupils under the guidance of the Life Orientation staff. The idea is to create awareness of LGBTI issues. Several speakers were arranged, including one from the Triangle Project. A noticeboard displays relevant topics about themes relating to sexual orientation and ways to challenge homophobia.

Ms Siebrits shared some tips and ideas about using herbs for relaxation and cooking. This forms part of the Healthy Environment module in Life Orientation. Girls are also encouraged to rethink, reduce and reuse before they recycle.




From the Faculty of Arts Mr Adrian Skelly

Recent research suggests that creative people apparently have higher IQ s, lower inhibitions and “inability” to suppress irrelevant thoughts, which provide them with inspiration for creative ideas. The key ingredients for creativity vary considerably in the arts, however academics point to three most crucial aspects: the desire to seek beauty, a tendency toward fantasy, and a vivid imagination. How fortunate we are at Rustenburg to have fantastic teachers who inspire pupils to find what is most beautiful about the world.

Well-known designer, Mr Heath Nash, visited Rustenburg on 3 March to share his latest Maker Library project, a huge wind driven balloon made of plastic bags. Our learners assisted by securing the ropes as Mr Nash guided its graceful launch into the sky.

Gabriel-Fay Morgan studied Dance as her eighth subject. She performed in the production, “I Have the Right Too” at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and participated in the Dancer’lympics Competition at Grand West. Her group, Dance-versity, achieved second place overall. At the beginning of 2016, Gabriel-Fay performed in the Dances for Dancers Showcase at the Artscape Theatre. She earned three Gold medals at the Celebration of Dance Eisteddfod. For Contemporary Solo Gabriel-Fay achieved a 98% Distinction and the trophy for “Best Stage Personality.” Rustenburg’s Bianca Rijkmans studies Dance and is a member of the Cape Junior Ballet School and Company. This year Bianca participated in the South African International Ballet Competition, at the Artscape Theatre, as did Rustenburg’s Jenna Doveton. Bianca was in the Junior Category (age 16-20) and proceeded into the semi-finals. She also took part in the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Bursary competition, held at the UCT School of Dance. Bianca was placed runner-up in the Advanced 1 & 2 section. In September she performed in “The Sleeping Beauty,” presented by the Cape Town City Ballet Company. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

On 24 August the Visual Arts and Design Department held its annual Senior Awards Ceremony and Exhibition. Guest speaker Mr Ed Suter, a photographer, designer and entrepreneur, spoke about taking time to find an individual artistic style. He also encouraged learners to be brave with their ideas and bold in initiative. The teachers paid special tribute to their Grade 12 girls by awarding each with a certificate and a hand-made feather.

Grade 10 Visual Arts, Photography and Design pupils enjoyed puppet legend Ms Jill Joubert’s “The Willow Pattern Plate” at the Rosebank Theatre. Ms Joubert handcrafts her puppets from a variety of mostly found objects, such as bones, roots, mealies, tortoise and sea shells, calling them her Spirit Dolls. This experience encouraged Rustenburg pupils to experiment increasingly with mixed media.

A group of senior Art pupils discovered that pipe cleaners can be used not only for child’s play, but as a medium to create beautiful, elegant and interactive artwork. This was experienced when visiting Ms Liza Grobler’s show, called “Barbed Wire Paradise,” at her inspiring Woodstock studio on 20 June.


Academic Catherine Sonnenberg (pictured right) was the recipient of the 2016 Alston le Roux Drama Cup, for the “the greatest contribution to the development, promotion and service to the theatrical genre at Rustenburg.” Catherine holds Full Colours (reaward) for Drama. She played lead roles for the last four years, in “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” (2013), “HAIR RAISING” (2014), “A Murder is Announced” (2015) and “Bedlam” (2016).

The highlight of the year in the Dramatic Arts calendar is the school’s annual theatrical production. In 2016 the cast tackled “Bedlam,” an experimental, postmodern and entirely original work which incorporated famous scenes from literature, all set in bedrooms. “Bedlam” was a tremendous success. Photographs of the show, which included actors from SACS and Rondebosch Boys,’ are featured on page 99 and page 100 of this publication.

“Peace” is the word! The Grade 12 History class added some 60s flavour to the section on the Vietnam War and Civil Society Protests. They viewed some excerpts from the 1969 Woodstock concert.

The Grade 8 History pupils enacted scenes showing the brutality of child labour during the Industrial Revolution.

The Grade 9 History girls, assisted by artist, Mr Joshua Riley, presented a memorable Human Rights Day Assembly. They drew attention to the plight of children in war torn countries throughout the world.

The annual Women’s Day assembly and poster exhibition on 4 August showcased the talents of the Grade 12 History class and the Jabulani Society, ensuring that our school commemorated and celebrated this important date in South Africa’s History. Singing “We’re all working super woman,” (a song by Hannah Lambe and Tracy-Anne Sikenjana), the girls ended off the assembly powerfully.

The Grade 10 Heritage Investigation at the Iziko Slave Lodge produced excellent constructive criticisms of the youth-friendly nature of the museum’s exhibitions. Here Justine Crook-Mansour, Savannah Althoff-Thomson, Bronwyn Kruger and Natasha Espag collect their comments for their group task. Some of the group tasks were sent to the management at the Iziko Museums to inform them about the views of the youth. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


Academic Top row, from left: Alex Jeaven (Grade 11), Ayla Figueira (Grade 10), Yumnah Toefy (Grade 11) Second row, from left: Neeta Chavda (Grade 11), Dominique Wagner (Grade 11), Lauren Searle (Grade 11) Third row, from left: Ayla Figueira (Grade 10), Yumnah Toefy (Grade 11), Neeta Chavda (Grade 11) Fourth row, from left: Paige Jooste (Grade 10), Neeta Chavda (Grade 11), Ayla Figueira (Grade 10)



Academic Top row, from left: Amber Jacobs (Grade 11), Hannah Lambe (Grade 12), Holly Hawthorne (Grade 11) Second row, from left: Jessica Jamieson (Grade 12), So-hyeon Kelly Bang (Grade 12), Mila Truter (Grade 12), Third row, from left: Mila Truter (Grade 12), Saiyuree Sewchuran (Grade 11), Jessica Jamieson (Grade 12) Fourth row, from left: Sarah Byren (Grade 12), Talia Novella (Grade 11), Tyra Rosselet (Grade 12)




Andrea Pienaar (Grade 12)

Georgia Satchwell (Grade 12)




Leanne January (Grade 12)

Phumzile Konile (Grade 12)



Academic Top row: All by Josie Wissema (Grade 12) Second row, from left: Asiphe Sinari (Grade 12), Chloe Mallows (Grade 10), Emma Sacco (Grade 10) Third row, from left: Georgia Smith (Grade 10), Saiyuree Sewchuran (Grade 11), Sarah Byren (Grade 12)



Academic Top row, from left: Alexandra Dill (Grade 12), Alexandra Dill (Grade 12) , Alexandra Dill (Grade 12) Second row, from left: Celine Truter (Grade 11), Chloe Zinn (Grade 12), Hannah Lukic (Grade 11) Third row, from left: Holly Hawthorne (Grade 11), Julie Ziegenhardt (Grade 12), Kayla Budge (Grade 11) Fourth row, from left: Lu-Jaine Isaacs (Grade 12), Talia Novella (Grade 11), Tara Panton (Grade 12)



Academic Top row, from left: Alexandra Smith (Grade 11), Alice Bonnes (Grade 10), Chloe Mallows (Grade 11) Second row, from left: Daniella Attfield (Grade 11), Grace Crocker (Grade 12), Megan Hudson (Grade 10) Third row, from left: Micaela Eley (Grade 12), Mikera Bassuday (Grade 12), Nabeelah Gangraker (Grade 11) Fourth row, from left: Paige Jooste (Grade 10), Semonn Steyn (Grade 11), Tara Panton (Grade 12)



Academic Top row, from left: Ashleigh Wild (Grade 11), Daniella Attfield (Grade 11), Kyla Oberholster (Grade 8) Second row, from left: Khareyah Antvorskov (Grade 12) , Khareyah Antvorskov (Grade 12), Khareyah Antvorskov (Grade 12) Third row, from left: Lauren Searle (Grade 11), Maya McIntosh (Grade 8), Nikita Daya (Grade 8) Fourth row, from left: Saiyuree Sewchuran (Grade 11), Zara Brown (Grade 12), Zara Brown (Grade 12)



Academic Top row, from left: Anne Williams (Grade 10), Daniella Solkow (Grade 9), Erin Savage (Grade 10) Second row, from left: Isabella Elario (Grade 9), Jodi Britnell (Grade 9), Kaitlyn Watt (Grade 9) Third row, from left: Kaitlyn Watt (Grade 9), Olivia Steyn (Grade 9), Saiyuree Sewchuran (Grade 11) Fourth row, from left: Saiyuree Sewchuran (Grade 11), Sarah Sims (Grade 10), Sophia Morris (Grade 12)







From the Head of the Music Department Ms Elizabeth Sole: BMus, MA, TLD

1722 marks the year in which the great master, Johann Sebastian Bach, Kapellmeister to the Prince of AnhaltCöthen at the time, composed his first book of The WellTempered Clavier, “For the use and profit of the musical youth desirous of learning as well as for the pastime of those already skilled in this study.” On reaching the year of my retirement from full-time teaching, it is not surprising that I am recalling these words, which have guided me throughout my 42 years of music teaching in secondary schools. How fortunate I have been, having learned so much from my studious, earnest and talented young musicians, and they in turn have been so receptive to some of my thoughts, passions and interests. I recall, too, a few notes from past pupils that have remained on my mirror above the piano for many years, “We did some proper work” and “I did it!” Yes, work needs to be done and there is so much to learn and to rejoice in. We need to use our talents, our minds, our interests and our passions in the pursuit of beauty and for the upliftment of the soul and not in the acquisition of earthly possessions.

enriched our Subject Music pupils at the Music Workshop evening, with an illustrated talk and live performance of the indigenous music of sub-Saharan Africa.

2016 began with a bang, as usual, celebrating the success of our Grade 12s in their NSC music examinations, with Kirsten Pienaar placed fourth and Marianne Schwellnus eighth in the Western Cape. In our piano department, Ms Thorne and Ms Dernier swopped places, with Ms Thorne taking the full-time appointment and Ms Dernier continuing in a part-time capacity. We saw the appointment of several part-time music staff, Mr Ferrandi (clarinet), Ms De Kock (saxophone) and Ms Davis, our brass teacher, directing the Jazz Band in her inimitable way. She produced two inspired performances, one at the V&A Band Slam and the other at the Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival. We salute Ms Davis, who has done stellar work in establishing our brass department over the past six years, having retired from full-time employment in 2010. She will sadly be leaving us at the end of the year. We thank her for her experienced, inspired and knowledgeable contribution over the past 16 years at Rustenburg.

The Chamber Choir participated in the FACETS Senior Choir competition (winning the first prize) and in the All Girls’ Schools Choir Festival at St George’s Cathedral. This year they featured a new setting of Psalm 23 by the American composer, Z Randall-Stroope. The scores were kindly donated by Rustenburg Old Girl, Helen Reikofski, from Dallas, Texas, who was on a short visit to Cape Town.

Another surprise was the announcement that Ms Herrendoerfer, our energetic flute teacher and orchestral director would be taking accouchement leave in September. We wish her and her husband, Marcell, much happiness as they start a new chapter in their life. Our future Head of Subject, Mr Jaco Goosen, arrived in July from The Wickham Girls’ School in Pietermaritzburg. The annual Subject Music outing to a rehearsal with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra took place in February, with the legendary Russian pianist, Olga Kern, and conductor, Berhard Gueller in a programme of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Berlioz. The inspirational Dizu Plaatjies from UCT and his Ibuyambo Ensemble, entertained and


Celebrating the anniversaries of Ginastera, Granados, Arnold van Wyk, Prokofiev, Satie and South African composers at our seventh Piano Festival, with the Portuguese pianist, José Diaz, as our guest speaker on the quirky music of Erik Satie, we heard performances from pupils from various schools and our very own promising pianists, Rebecca Terry and Jiyoon Jeon. The newly established Judith Dernier Piano Prize was awarded to Kelsey Brookes of Herschel.

The Music Awards Ceremony took place on the last day of the third term, with Jazz singer and Rustenburg Old Girl, Monique Hellenberg as the guest speaker. She was pleased to present the Lisa Hellenberg Music Bursary to the new recipients. The bursary was established in 2000 on the tragic death of her twin sister, Lisa, in their Grade 12 school year. JM Coetzee’s thoughts “On JS Bach,” come to mind as I conclude my last report on the Music Department at Rustenburg: “The best proof we have that life is good and therefore that there may perhaps be a God after all, who has our welfare at heart, is that for each of us, on the day that we are born, comes the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. It comes as a gift, unearned, unmerited, for free. How I would like to speak just once to that man, dead now these many years! See how we in the 21st century still play your music, how we revere and love it, how we are absorbed and moved and fortified and made joyful by it.” I am grateful for my years of service in this fine school, which supports and values the arts and am humbled by the many talented and dedicated students that I have had the privilege of teaching. May the Music Department continue to flourish in the years ahead.



Ms Sole retires She transformed the Music Department Towards the end of 1988 Rustenburg advertised a vacancy for a Music Teacher (Piano and Singing) for the following year. Ms Elizabeth Sole was one of the applicants. She had been teaching at SACS Junior School but wanted to study further. At the interview she was quite blunt about her intentions. She was not sure she would enjoy teaching girls and, in view of her academic ambitions, she could not promise to stay, if appointed, longer than the year. I liked her honesty. She had excellent qualifications and I said that, if she wanted the job, I was prepared to take the risk. Now, 27 years later, Ms Sole is due to retire, having completely transformed the school’s Music Department in the intervening years, during which she became its head. From the start she was, quietly, a strong influence on the whole department. Rustenburg had always been known for the quality of its music and for its choirs. Ms Ruth Dosé, who had been Head of Music and Choir Mistress from 1966 until her retirement in 1976, was a legend. Ms Sole was to prove a worthy successor in this tradition. The girls instinctively respected her and responded to her enthusiasm for all things musical. As a member of staff she was well liked, had a great sense of humour and one knew that anything that she undertook, she did so wholeheartedly and always successfully. She worked hard and she expected the same dedication from others. When Ms Sole joined the staff, the school boasted an Orchestra, a large General Choir and a Chamber Choir. Today under her inspirational leadership, besides these there is a lively Music Society, a Wind Band, a Jazz Band, Berocca G, and separate Ensembles for Strings, Brass, Recorders, Clarinet and Saxophone, Percussion, Guitar and Keyboard and two Savuyisa Bands. The concerts, public performances in the City Hall, musical productions in association with other schools and lively participation in so much of the musical life of Cape Town in general, are too many to record. There are also many special awards, including the Elizabeth Sole Cup for Singing and the Dernier/Sole Cup for Outstanding Progress in Piano which, in years to come, will be an ongoing reminder to Rustenburg of a golden period in Ms Sole’s Music Department.

One of my musical parents Ms Sole was my teacher in Grade 8. I have fond memories of lessons in her room. It was decked with “New Yorker” covers, posters from Rustenburg music events, photographs of previous pupils and cards full of thanks which I would pore over whenever left to my own devices. It was always warm. I remember her being a little stressed and quite stern, but also always enthusiastic, particularly about music of the earlier certain kind. Despite Ms Dernier taking me under her wing as a piano student, I remained partly a student of Ms Sole’s too. She became one of my musical parents, taking me to concerts, eisteddfods, competitions and the City Hall. Sometimes I didn’t even have a choice in the matter! I deeply appreciate the time she gave me. It is only after leaving school that I fully understand what this has meant. Coila-Leah Enderstein (E2008, concert pianist)

Abiding passion The word “passion” does not begin to do Ms Sole and her attitude towards music and teaching justice. In my very first singing lesson, I was simultaneously terrified and in awe of my enthusiastic teacher. Over the following five years, my respect and appreciation for Ms Sole as a teacher and mentor grew (the chocolate after each exam helped). I spent years in the choir, working through Jenkins and Bach and Rutter, singing and playing and loving every note. It is an understatement to say that Ms Sole has had an impact on the Music Department and the individuals who have passed through it. Her immense love for music has been an inspiration for many. I still miss lessons with her, during which I would always try to think of an appropriate response to her standard phrase: “Well, that’s fishy.” I never succeeded in that, or in trying to keep up with her immense knowledge and keen mind. This Music Department and its students would not be where they are today if it had not been for such a remarkable teacher. Kirsten Pienaar (2015 recipient of the Elizabeth Sole Cup for Singing)

Ms Josephine McIntyre (Rustenburg Principal 1980 – 1991)




She set a standard of excellence I remember how exciting it was when Ms Elizabeth Sole arrived at Rustenburg in 1989, fresh from SACS, to join the Music Department. She made an immediate impact on the five of us with her enthusiasm, energy, encyclopedic knowledge and perfectionist style. When Ms Sole soon became Head of Department, she set a standard of excellence that we found at first hard to meet, but we and the girls greatly benefitted from it, although the students would only realise this in days to come. And because she worked long hours during the week and into the weekend, the Music Department began to flourish as never before, giving a feeling of confidence and solidarity to “The Music Block”. To the music staff, she was a source of all musical knowledge. We didn’t need Google, we had Ms Sole! With her experience as Head of Department at SACS, she was in contact with people in the contemporary music scene and was able to introduce various innovations, possibly the most important being to give many more girls than before the opportunity to participate in the musical life of the school. The Annual Music Concert became an event not to be missed and a typical programme might include: String, Recorder, Flute and Clarinet Ensembles, with her Berocca G Ensemble always a highlight; plus items by the Orchestra, Wind Band, Jazz Band, Junior and Senior Savuyisa Bands, the General Choir and her special Chamber Choir. Of course, music had always been an important feature of the various prize givings, so Ms Sole made sure it continued to enhance these events. And then there was the Carol Service! Always packed and now held indoors, allowing more scope away from the prevailing wind, it grew in stature every year. In later years, the most monumental challenge must have been the City Hall concerts, held for two consecutive nights when the choirs and orchestras from SACS, Rondebosch and Beau Soleil would join Rustenburg. Large choral works were performed with a conductor and these created the opportunity for a soloist to play with the orchestra. Here, her great organisational skills came to the fore to make these events such a success. Ms Sole’s rapport with the participants was tangible and, despite many compulsory practices, these concerts became the most popular event of the year. An important task Ms Sole undertook was the maintenance of the Steinway Concert Grand piano (which had once graced the platform of the City Hall), to keep it up to performance standard. She also procured the new Kawai Grand for Charlie’s Hope so that recitals by visiting pianists and a School Piano Symposium could take place in the venue.

think that I would end up working with her on the staff! I knew there was little compromise when it came to music and most of us went with the “musical flow” directed by our muse. And what a flow it was! St Cecilia’s Day was always special when the staff was treated to some novel celebrations of the patron saint’s special day in the staff room before school. Sometimes it was a serious choral rendition, but often a humorous item which put us all in a good mood for St Cecilia. There were times when our participation was required which was always fun. I enjoyed so many wonderful performances, but also popping in on rehearsals to give a bit of support. What a privilege it was to work with such a fine and dedicated musician who sent hundreds of girls into the world with enough musical insight to form the audiences of the future. Stars there most certainly were, but her greatest achievement is to have given so many girls the experience of making music in a group, instrumental and choral, which has taught them so many other values besides the music itself. Dr Elizabeth Fullard (Rustenburg Principal 1999 – 2006)

Amazing woman I remember a girl saying, “You are an amazing woman,” in thanking Ms Sole for the way she had trained her students. The girl had summed things up in a nutshell. Ms Sole is indeed amazing in her dedication and in the high standard she has enabled her students to reach. Generations of girls have experienced pride and joy in their achievements and have also learned the important life lessons of commitment and solid hard work towards reaching a goal. At times, when some choir members lived too far away to attend evening rehearsals for big choral events, Ms Sole would arrange for them to stay overnight in the hostel or with other girls close by, so they would not be left out. As Head of Music, Ms Sole took care that her subject integrated well with the life of the school as a whole. Music is an abstract and specialised subject, and Ms Sole made sure that her department did not become separated into its own world. She also led Rustenburg music in adapting to the times, expanding into African music and introducing modern idioms along with modern instruments. May her retirement be fulfilling. Ms Mary van Blerk (Rustenburg Principal 1991 – 1999)

But apart from all the above, Ms Sole was a caring teacher for her individual recorder, singing and piano pupils, with whom she achieved excellent results and into whom she would instill the values of hard work, reliability and commitment. So, finally Liz, I want to thank you for all you have done for the school, even to the extent of being unable to find time to complete the research for your doctoral thesis as you were too busy giving your all to Rustenburg. Your dedication has left a lasting legacy. Best wishes for your retirement. And please finish that thesis! Ms Pat McCrindle (Rustenburg Music teacher)

Directed by our muse My association with Ms Sole began years before I came to Rustenburg as principal. While my daughter, Alexandra, was at the school she was a member of both the Orchestra and the General Choir which she enjoyed immensely. As a parent, I supported the musical events and was impressed with Ms Sole’s dedication and professionalism. Little did I RGHS MAGAZINE 2016



Music Special Awards

Matric Music Recital

From left: Hannah Clayton (piano), Lauren Pienaar (saxophone), Irena Nolte (violin), Rebecca Terry (piano/flute), Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott (violin/piano), Kerryn Duff (saxophone/recorder), Nicola McLachlan (cello/piano) and Olivia Stanton (piano/percussion)

Dernier/Sole Prize

Hannah Clayton, a Grade 12 subject music pupil was the recipient of the 2016 Dernier/Sole prize for Outstanding Progress in Piano awarded. She holds Full Colours for Music having achieved Distinctions for the Grade 8 TCL piano examination and the piano duet section at the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod and 94% in Subject Music in June 2016. Hannah performed with the Jazz Band in the Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival in the Baxter Concert Hall and attended the Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival in Grahamstown during the July vacation. She was the Head of the Music Society in 2016 and a member of the Chamber Choir and Orchestra for the past five years.

Elizabeth Sole Cup and Rosemary Davis Prize

Sasha Marais was the recipient of both the Elizabeth Sole Cup for Singing and the Rosemary Davis prize for Excellence in Jazz performance in 2016. Sasha served as Deputy of the Chamber Choir in 2016 and has performed in the combined choral events with Rondebosch and SACS, and this year with Bishops and Westerford. In 2015, she achieved 97% for the Rockschool Grade 3 vocal examination, a pass with Merit in the Grade 4 TCL piano examination and several Hoogste Lof awards at the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod. Besides performing with the Chamber Choir at Rustenburg, Sasha participated in the AKTV competition at Artscape this year with her Church Youth Choir and was the soloist in a massed performance at the City Hall in 2015. She has been studying singing with Rustenburg Old Girl and opera student, Ms Lauren Davis, for the past two years.

Ivan Kilian Book Prize

The Ivan Killian Book Prize for Commitment, Dedication and Service to Music was awarded to Nicola McLachlan in 2016. Nicola holds Full Colours for Music and was a dedicated and loyal member of the Orchestra, Chamber Choir, String Ensemble and Berocca G throughout her five years at high school. She achieved Distinctions for her Grade 8 TCL cello examination and the Grade 6 TCL theory examination. Nicola also received a Hoogste Lof in the 2016 Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod Romantic cello and Ensemble sections and performed with the National Youth Orchestra in 2016.


Janet Kirk Cup

The Janet Kirk Cup for Service and Dedication to the Orchestra was jointly awarded to Irena Nolte and Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott in 2016. Irena, a violinist, was elected the Head of Orchestra for 2016, having been a member since her Grade 8 year. She holds Full Colours for Music and achieved Merit for the Grade 8 ABRSM violin examination in 2015, High Honours and Hoogste Lof at the Cape Town and Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfods this year. Alexandra, was the principal violinist in the Orchestra and holds Full Colours for Music, and achieved a merit for the Grade 8 ABRSM violin examination this year. She was elected as Head of the String Ensemble and Deputy Head of the Orchestra having served as a member of both groups for the past five years. She obtained a Diploma at the Cape Town Eisteddfod and performed with the National Youth Orchestra in 2016. Both girls have been members of several other music ensembles at Rustenburg and the Music Society committee.

Lisa Hellenberg Music Bursary

Rebecca Terry and Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott were the holders of the Lisa Hellenberg Music Bursary for 2016. Rebecca, a pianist and flautist, achieved Distinction for the Grade 7 TCL examination in piano last year and performed her Grade 8 TCL examination in October this year. Alexandra, a violinist and pianist, achieved Merit for the Grade 8 ABRSM violin examination this year. Rebecca holds Half Colours for Music, having participated as a member of the Orchestra and the Flute Ensemble for the past five years. She performed a duet by Satie in this year’s Piano Festival. Alexandra holds Full Colours for Music, having served as the Deputy of the Music Society committee, leader of the Orchestra, and a member of Berocca G. Both have consistently achieved a high standard in Subject Music and have been very active in the musical life of the school.

Music Scholarship

Nicola McLachlan, a cellist, Kerryn Duff, a recorder player and saxophonist, and Lauren Pienaar, a saxophonist and trombonist, were each awarded a music scholarship in 2012 at Rustenburg for the duration of their high school years. As Grade 12 Subject Music pupils, they all hold Full Colours for Music and served as members of several ensembles. Kerryn acted as Head of the Recorder Ensemble and Berocca G, and Lauren was Head of the Jazz Band. All three pupils hold a Grade 8 TCL certificate in their respective instruments and have played an active role in the musical life of Rustenburg throughout their five years at high school.



General Choir

Back row, from left: Chloe Adams, Lungelo Mashaba, Sifumene Naka, Natasha Espag, Bianca Cilliers, Erin Marsberg, Cassidy Bhoopchand, Alicia Howe, Muye Ruider, Katia Devoti, Christine Martin, Victoria King, Caroline Schreiber Fourth row, from left: Thameenah Daniels, Hanna Wafai, Lauren Winde, Carla Daniels, Adwoa Danso, Baheya Dramat, Chi Ying Joycelyn Ng, Isabella Bosman, Fozia Hendricks, Paige Rutherford, Marnie McGowan, Emma Allkin, Erin Savage, Megan Barnard, Kaitlin Mowat, Jemma Hallett Third row, from left: Shuhayma Jaber, Ilhaam Khalfe, Chloë Swartz, Aaliyah Salie, Lisa Makumese, Hlonelwa Zimba, Emma Smith, Bernice Ntirukirwa, Camilla Freddy, Tenille Cannon, Lutholuhle Mkupa, Asemi Ntsokolo, Mushira Obaray, Kia Arendse, Linomtha Damane Second row, from left: Maxine Meyer, Kim-Joy Damon, Ayla Macedo, Kathia Oppelt, Lathitha Njozela, Jamie Fredericks, Erin Poulter, Maya McIntosh, Amy Whyte, Saar-rah Chilwan, Aviella Abrahams, Isabella Gloor, Ye Eun Chung, Tumelo Nkgudi, Clare Roberts, Ainslee Khamal Front row, from left: Lerato Ntsime, Kelly De Lucchi, Adrienne Golden, Caitlin October, Rebecca Plaatjies, So-hyen Kelly Bang, Ms Elizabeth Sole, Jodi Rogerson, Ms Maileen Jamey(accompanist), Megan Kode, Melissa Rossouw, Caitlyn Abdoll, Da Eun Lee, Stephanie Keyser, Saiyuree Sewchuran Absent: Beatrice Lendrum, Sarah Gerber

Chamber Choir

Back row, from left: Mikayla Shaw, Erin Wingfield, Nina Beckurts, Imke Mühr, Geena Polzin, Lara Cattermole, Sienna Widd Third row, from left: Mishka Sooful, Mila Truter, Jiyoon Jeon, Alice von Zeil, Brittany du Preez, Sesethu Mdlungu, Katrin van der Merwe, Emma McCrindle, Ameryn Peters Second row, from left: Sheree Stewart, Ashleigh Madell, Alexa Rabeling, Andrea Pienaar, Irena Nolte, Erica Whittal, Kimlyn Smart, Erin Steyn Front row, from left: Caitlin Fleming, Hannah Clayton, Sasha Marais (Deputy), Ms Elizabeth Sole, Grace Crocker (Head), Ms Jan Thorne (accompanist), Kerryn Duff, Nicola McLachlan, Phumzile Konile




Jazz Band

Back row, from left: Kaya Dube, Jordan Philander, Jenna Davids Second row, from left: Tumelo Nkgudi, Gina Wright, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Imke Mühr, Caitlin October, Andrea Pienaar, Ayla Macedo, Taylor Hall Front row, from left: Kerryn Duff, Hannah Clayton, Caitlyn Abdoll (Deputy), Lauren Pienaar (Head), Sasha Marais, Jodi Rogerson, Lungelo Mashaba


Back row, from left: Jenna Frost, Nina Beckurts, Imke Mühr, Andrea Walsh, Iman Cottle, Nokukhanya Zondi, Shannon McGaughey Fourth row, from left: Jessica McLachlan, Katrin van der Merwe, Georgia New, Caroline Schreiber, Kaitlin Downie, Stephanie Keyser, Gina Wright, Caitlin October Third row, from left: Tenille Cannon, Younsung Kim, Nureen Mahmood, Jiyoon Jeon, Jade Lawson, Mia Barashenkov, Da Eun Lee, Mia Salonen, Jenna Davids Second row, from left: Kimlyn Smart, Ameryn Peters, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Hannah Clayton, Lauren Pienaar, Walda van der Merwe, Olivia Stanton, Erica Whittal, Erin Poulter, Tumelo Nkgudi Front row, from left: Rebecca Terry, Andrea Pienaar, Kerryn Duff, Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott (Deputy), Irena Nolte (Head), Jordan Philander, Nicola McLachlan, Jodi Rogerson, Daniellé Lund




String Ensemble

Back row, from left: Mia Barashenkov, Hannah Olarogun, Shannon McGaughey, Saige King, Imke MĂźhr, Iman Cottle, Kaitlin Downie, Stephanie Keyser Second row, from left: Kimlyn Smart, Nureen Mahmood, Erica Whittal, Jiyoon Jeon, Katrin van der Merwe, Jemma Hallett, Younsung Kim, Lara Stulting Front row, from left: Haneen Pohplonker, Kim-Joy Damon, Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott (Head), Ms Maria Raynham, Irena Nolte, Nicola McLachlan, Ainslee Khamal

Wind Band

Back row, from left: Georgia New, Tanya van der Merwe, Caroline Schreiber, Sarah Tough, Andrea Walsh, Olivia Key, Marnie McGowan, Gina Wright Third row, from left: Tenille Cannon, Jenna Davids, Jade Lawson, Mikayla Shaw, Caitlin October, Bronwyn Kode, Linomtha Damane Second row, from left: Kaya Dube, Kimlyn Smart, Tumelo Nkgudi, Jessica McLachlan, Asemi Ntsokolo, Mia Salonen, Ameryn Peters, Ye Eun Chung Front row, from left: Hannah Clayton, Caitlyn Abdoll, Cara Lothaller, Jodi Rogerson (Deputy), Mary-Kate Oosthuizen (Head), Jordan Philander, Lauren Pienaar, Lungelo Mashaba, Olivia Stanton




Music Collaboration “Music from the Movies”

For the past 26 years, as an annual event, Rustenburg, Rondebosch Boys’ High, and SACS (joining later) have showcased a choral collaboration in the City Hall. Major choral works by composers such as Handel, Vivaldi, Rutter, Fanshawe, Orff, and Karl Jenkins are synonymous with this collaboration and something that will continue in the future. This year, however, Rustenburg embarked on a new adventure and, together with Bishops and Westerford, produced “Music from the Movies.” The three music departments managed to create a 90-piece full-on symphony orchestra, as well as a 300-strong choir. This impressive culmination of voice and instrument set the stage for a memorable event. The concert took place on 3 and 4 August in the Mallet Centre at Bishops. Both nights were sold out and the response and appreciation of the audience was overwhelmingly positive.

special lighting effects and surround sound enhanced the atmosphere. The audience was also transported back to the original silent movie. Mr Alan van der Merwe, an ex-Rondebosch Head of Music, supplied the background music on the keyboard while an amusing, original, Charlie Chaplin movie was shown.

The choir and the orchestra played a pivotal role as they supplied the sound track music to movie extracts from “Tom and Jerry,” “Avatar” and “The Mission” which were projected onto a big screen. The addition of

An incredible amount of time and effort was put into this production. Special thanks must go to the choral director, Ms Elizabeth Sole and orchestral director, Ms Olivia Herrendoerfer.


The playing throughout was of a very high standard. One had to remind oneself constantly that these were high school pupils performing. It made all the extra rehearsals, especially when everything had to be put together, worthwhile. The highlight of the evening was the 40-minute adaptation of the award-winning documentary, “Ocean Voyagers,” which explored the theme of motherhood through the beautiful, haunting undersea world of a humpback whale calf. What made this performance even more special was the fact that it was conducted by the composer himself, Mr Grant McLachlan, who is a Bishops Old Boy and currently a Rustenburg parent.



Music Small Ensembles Rustenburg’s small ensembles continue to be actively involved in the Cape Town and Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfods. This year was no exception. The Guitar and Keyboard Ensembles, under the leadership of Ms Jamey, were awarded prizes at the Cape Town Eisteddfod for the Best Guitar Ensemble and the Most Promising Senior Entrants respectively and were invited to perform in the Prizewinners’ concert. Our String Ensemble, directed by Ms Raynham, and Berocca G, trained by Ms Sole, were successful in achieving a Gold Medal each at the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod.

The Clarinet Ensemble, trained by Ms Thorne, advanced considerably and gave their first performance at the Junior Music Spotlight concert. The Flute Ensembles, trained by Ms Herrendoerfer, continue to rehearse regularly and performed at the Junior Music Spotlight concert and in the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod this year. Our percussionists were actively involved in ensembles at Rustenburg and Beau Soleil, under the directorship of Mr West, where they were provided with many opportunities to advance in their performance.

Several members of the Brass Ensemble were encouraged by Ms Davis to join the Jazz Band earlier this year, resulting in a more powerful brass section and giving the new players added confidence in their achievement and developing skills.

Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Lauren Pienaar, Kerryn Duff, Hannah Clayton and Imke Mühr, members of the Jazz Band, attended the Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival in Grahamstown during the July holidays. They were accompanied by Ms Thorne.

Kerryn Duff performed in a masterclass at the Recorder Symposium this year.

Piano Festival participants and teachers, with guest pianist and speaker, Mr Jose Diaz.

Lauren Pienaar on trombone at the Senior Spotlight concert.

Members of the Jazz Band in action at the V&A Band Slam: Imke Mühr (trombone), Sasha Marais (vocals), Caitlin October, Jade Lawson and Mary-Kate Oosthuizen (saxophones).

Imke Mühr taking a solo on trombone at the V&A Band Slam.

The Chamber Choir celebrated their victory after their performance in the Senior Choir category at the Sans Souci FACETS Competition. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016



Berocca G and Recorder Ensemble Second row, from left: Mishka Sooful, Kaitlin Downie, Bianca Cilliers, Stephanie Keyser, Kelsey Hutchinson Front row, from left: Nicola McLachlan, Kerryn Duff (Head), Ms Elizabeth Sole, Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Irena Nolte

Flute Ensemble

Back row, from left:Alexandra Austin, Marnie McGowan, Nokukhanya Zondi, Nina Beckurts, Jenna Frost, Tanya van der Merwe Second row, from left: Gabriella Sancho, Da Eun Lee, Camilla Freddy, Megan de Villiers, Jiyoon Jeon, Aerin McCallum Front row, from left: Angelique Murray, Kathia Oppelt, Andrea Pienaar, Daniellé Lund, Rebecca Terry, Hannah Clayton, Ye Eun Chung Absent: Chloë Netta, Almas Gafoor, Zahra Dramat

Brass Ensemble

Back row, from left: Kaya Dube, Bronwyn Kode, Kimlyn Smart, Tumelo Nkgudi Second row, from left: Caitlin Hill, Gina Wright, Megan Davidson, Imke Mühr, Azrah Waggie, Sasha Damon Front row, from left: Jodi Rogerson, Lungelo Mashaba, Jordan Philander (Head), Mr David West, Olivia Stanton, Lauren Pienaar, Jenna Davids RGHS MAGAZINE 2016



Guitar Ensemble

Back row, from left: Clare Roberts, Caitlyn Abdoll, Ms Maileen Jamey, Kristen Naidoo, Ayla Macedo Front row, from left: Tai-Li Lee, Daniella Freitas, Younsun Choi

Keyboard Ensemble

Back row, from left: Lara Cattermole, Ms Maileen Jamey Front row, from left: Adrienne Golden, Saarah Edwards, Sharna Naidoo, Leila Diesel, Lisa Harris, Isabella Elario

Savuyisa Senior

Back row, from left: Daariah Arend, Britney Price, Muofhe Tshifularo Front row, from left: Daniellé Lund, Chloë Mallows, Saiyuree Sewchuran, Olivia Stanton, Josie Wissema, Nicola Baalbergen RGHS MAGAZINE 2016






From the Head of Sport Renée Scott: BA (PhysEd) HDE

Nothing much has changed with Rustenburg sport other than the tempo with which it gets played. This may have been because 2016 was the year of the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. The number of activities on offer, individuals taking part, matches and the hours spent practising all also increased! I don’t see that any of the above mentioned facts are going to start slowing down anytime soon. This is a very good thing because as we all know, sport is a life skill and must form part of every individual’s daily routine in one way or another. It is key to creating well-rounded and responsible future leaders in our society. We continue to benefit enormously from having an Astro-turf on campus but without flood lights our training hours are limited. Likewise, we are really starting to feel the effects of not having a waterpolo facility. We continue to struggle to find pool time elsewhere and we look forward to the day when our girls can participate in waterpolo sessions on campus. 2016 brought with it an international flavour: we hosted five teams from the United Kingdom, playing netball and hockey matches against various age-groups. Many teams got to enjoy post-match braais on campus and our U16 hockey team even hosted a team from Ceres for one night.

I am so grateful to all the teachers-incharge of sports teams who assist with mentoring the many teams that we have. This link between teachers and teams displayed just how important it is for us all to show interest in each other’s hobbies and talents. The sports girls all enjoyed knowing that there was a teacher who cares and understands what is expected of them after school hours; this in addition to all the wonderful coaches who were employed by Rustenburg this year. Personally, I have really enjoyed my first full year at Rustenburg and I continue to be amazed by what our girls get up to over and above their academics. We have a wide variety of talent and commitment. The future of Rustenburg sport continues to shine bright.

Proud Mom

Dominique Scott, eldest daughter of our Head of Sport, Ms Renée Scott, visited Rustenburg earlier this year. Dominique is based in the USA, and is currently in her final year at the University of Arkansas where she is completing her degree in Business Marketing. Dominique was in SA to participate in the SA Track and Field Championships. Dominique qualified to represent South Africa at the Rio Olympic Games 2016 in the 10000m. In Rio de Janeiro, Dominique bettered her previous personal best time to finish in 21st position in a time of 31:51.47. This is the third fastest time by a South African woman ever.



Ms Mallon with her comrades medal


National Sport Achievers Kristin Bellingan

Kristin is a Grade 12 learner who has had an exceptional year in the water. She was selected to the Lifesaving South Africa Stillwater High Performance Squad as well as to the Rescue 2016 team that represented South Africa at the World Lifesaving Championships in the cities of Eindhoven (stillwater lifesaving) and Noordwijk (surf lifesaving) in Netherlands in September. At the Lifesaving World Championships, Kristin excelled in the 200m Obstacle event where she came ninth overall and broke her own South African record. At the World Inter-Club Championships Kristin’s best result came in the stillwater division where she placed second in the 200m Obstacle event, taking a further four seconds off her own South African record. To end off what has been an exceptionally busy year for Kristin, she was selected to represent the South Africa Senior Swimming Team at the CANA African Swimming Championships in Mangaung in October, as well as at the African Union Sports Council under 20 Youth Games in December 2016 in Luanda, Angola.

Natasha van Greunen

Ashleigh Smith

Ashleigh is a Grade 8 learner who is skilled in karate. The year, she was selected to represent South Africa at the KSI World Championships held in Berlin, Germany in July. Ashleigh placed seventh overall in the 14-15 agegroup. The South Africa South (SAS) team won first place in terms of medal count for the third title in a row.

Natasha (Grade 11) won the U20 SA Surfing Championships this year and went on to represent Great Britain in September at the ISA World Junior Championships in the Azores Islands in Portugal. This is the largest surfing event in the world, where top junior surfers from 38 countries competed in a competition spanning several days.

Jenna Doveton and Bianca Rijkmans

Jenna and Bianca are both Grade 11 learners who, after submitting audition videos, were selected to represent South Africa and participated in the South African International Ballet Competition at Artscape in February 2016. Each participant performed three solos, two of which were from a classical repertoire and one contemporary. They competed in the Junior Category, age 16-20 years, against 70 contestants from around the world. Both Jenna and Bianca progressed to the semi-final stage of the competition.

Jordyn Campbell

Jordyn (Grade 9) excels at squash. She is ranked Number 1 in the girls U14 section by Squash South Africa. Jordyn was selected to tour Malaysia with the South African Schools Squash squad in August and she placed 32 out of 50 players in the U15 girls division.




Western Province Sport Achievers

Western Province Representatives Back row, from left: Natasha van Greunen (Surfing), Brittany Gouws (Hockey, Indoor Hockey), Jessica Knapp (Waterpolo), Georgia Hill (Hockey), Hannah Schaefer (Waterpolo) Fifth row, from left: Kiera Maher (Waterpolo), Tristan Jones (Waterpolo), Ylva Hultkrantz (Ballroom dancing), Zarah Philander (Touch Rugby), Caylan Bromley (Open Water Swimming, Swimming), Jamie Hollick (Waterpolo), Aaliyah Jacobs (Touch Rugby), Aaliyah Meredith (Waterpolo), Zoë Naudé (Touch Rugby). Fourth row, from left: Alice von Zeil (Touch Rugby), Kayla Budge (Waterpolo), Ruby Wares (Waterpolo), Michaela Thomas (Synchronised Ice-skating), Caroline Schreiber (Hockey), Sarah Virgin (Touch Rugby), Casey Wheeler (Hockey, Indoor Hockey), Britney Price (Touch Rugby), Caitlin October (Surfing) , Hannah Elvidge (Biathlon, Biathle, Cross Country). Third row, from left: Ashleigh Noyce (Hockey, Indoor Hockey), Courtney Wheeler (Hockey, Indoor Hockey), Jacqueline Sissons (Hockey), Nika Hofmeyr (Hockey, Indoor Hockey), Jade Lawson (Touch Rugby), Jordyn Campbell (Squash), Séanne van Horsten (Karate), Amber Jossie (Touch Rugby), Camilla Freddy (Rhythmic Gymnastics). Second row, from left: Ms Zaandré Theron (Touch Rugby), Qailah Bhamjee (Hockey), Shana Daniels (Indoor Hockey), Alyssa Cummings (Squash), Melissa Rossouw (Waterpolo), Alina Schönberger (Waterpolo), Emma Swart (Ice Hockey), Angela Mibey (Touch Rugby), Olwethu Mthembu (Hockey), Ms Gillian Blackshaw (Touch Rugby) Front row, from left: Gabriel-Fay Morgan (Hockey), Tamarah Pike (Hockey, Waterpolo), Caitlin Solomons (Waterpolo), Ms Nolundi Blayi (Sports Administrator), Kristin Bellingan (Swimming), Ms Renée Scott (Head of Sport), Stephanie Scriba (Hockey), Emily Hill (Hockey), Talia Botha (Action Netball)




Sport Colours and Awards The Rustenburg Sport Awards Assembly was held on 11 October. The guest speaker, Mr Kyle Brown, is the current captain of the South African 7s Rugby Team. He shared his very inspiring story and included his account of the team’s participation in the Rio Olympic Games. Cricket

Moraig McLeod Award, to the player who has shown enthusiasm and encouraged the game of cricket at Rustenburg: Alida van der Merwe Half Colours: Alida van der Merwe

Cross Country

Best Senior Runner: Kristeen Swanepoel Best Junior Runner: Hannah-Grace Elvidge Half Colours: Eden Paarwater


Most promising senior swimmer: Kristin Bellingan Most promising junior swimmer: Hannah-Grace Elvidge Barbara Marais Trophy, for the swimmer who has shown hard work and team spirit: Erin Hartzenberg Full Colours: Kristin Bellingan, Caylan Bromley Half Colours: Hannah-Grace Elvidge, Hannah Faure, Erin Hartzenberg, Daniella Solkow



Tracey Hall Trophy, to the most outstanding U14 player: Gemma Watermeyer Most outstanding U16 Hockey Player: Sharna Naidoo Pietersen Hockey Trophy, to the player who displayed outstanding and consistent enthusiasm, reliability, loyalty and good sportsmanship: Stephanie Scriba Lianne do Rego Goalkeeping Trophy: Caroline Schreiber Most Improved Hockey Player: Sarah Firth Hockey Player of the Year: Tamarah Pike Full Colours: Brittany Gouws, Gabriel-Fay Morgan, Tamarah Pike, Caroline Schreiber, Stephanie Scriba, Casey Wheeler, Courtney Wheeler Half Colours: Emily Hill, Kiera Maher, Kristen Naidoo, Caroline Schreiber, Jacqueline Sissons

Indoor Hockey

Indoor Hockey Player of the Year: Casey Wheeler Full Colours: Brittany Gouws, Kristen Naidoo, Casey Wheeler, Courtney Wheeler Half Colours: Caroline Schreiber


Most promising junior netball player: Alida van der Merwe Baguley Trophy, for the most improved player: Tristan Jones Shooter with the best goal average: Kayla Johnson Netball Player of the Year: Talia Botha


Francois Botha Trophy, for the most enthusiasm for the game and has encouraged greater interest in the game at Rustenburg: Alyssa Cummings Best Squash Player: Jordyn Campbell Half Colours: Jordyn Campbell Full Colours: Alyssa Cummings


Best Senior Tennis Player: Emily Malherbe Best Junior Tennis Player: Havana Dauncey Half Colours: Emily Malherbe

Touch Rugby

The player who has excelled, shown enthusiasm, loyalty and good sportsmanship in the game at Rustenburg: Roxi Francke Half Colours: Talia Botha, Roxi Francke, Zoë Naude, Rebecca Plaatjies


Laura Barrett Trophy, to the most passionate waterpolo player: Alina Schönberger Lisa Stirrat Trophy, to the most improved waterpolo player: Kiera Maher Full Colours: Ashley Howard, Alina Schönberger Half Colours: Kayla Budge, Tristan Jones, Kiera Maher, Tamarah Pike, Melissa Rossouw, Caitlin Solomons

Sport Special Awards Nicola Barrett Cup

Tamarah Pike received the 2016 Nicola Barrett Cup for all round sporting excellence, showing team loyalty and good sportsmanship. Tamarah played and captained in the school’s 1st Waterpolo team and 1st Hockey team. She also represented the U19 WP B Waterpolo Team as well as the U18 South Zone Hockey team.

Rustenburg team of the year

The Rustenburg Team of the Year Trophy was awarded to the 1st Netball Team for winning the 2016 U19 PGSGU tournament.




Teacher-in-charge: Ms Susan Viljoen Coach: Ms Renée Scott Captain: Alexandra Heiberg Vice-captain: Kristin Bellingan

Rustenburg’s swimming team swam exceptionally well this season. The team wore their Rustenburg costumes with pride and did their school proud by showing sheer determination and passion in the water. The team was coached by Ms Renée Scott, the new addition to the swimming team, who coached the girls to their success. Rustenburg hosted the first gala of the new season: a relay gala. The second gala was a combined gala held at Rondebosch Boys’ High School. The team swam incredibly well and placed second overall. This fantastic result was a great start to a successful 2016. The third gala was held at Bishops where we placed second. Some of our swimmers and members of staff took part in the Sanlam Cape Mile on 7 February in Grabouw. There were some very impressive results, the best of which was Caylan Bromley placing fifth in the Elite wave. The PGSGU gala took place on 25 February at Springfield Convent. Our U16 Team, Daniella Solkow, Jenna Currie, Shannon Canter and Erin Hartzenberg, upheld their winning streak and won the overall U16 trophy. The U16 Team won both relays and most of their individual races. The U14 Team came second in their age group and the U19 Team came third. Rustenburg placed second overall.

cheerleaders managed to excite the 250 Rustenburg supporters and this in turn spurred our swimmers on in the pool. We were narrowly beaten by Rhenish and placed second, only seven points behind them. The A-league gala is always a highlight of the swimming season, and this edition did not disappoint. Kristin Bellingan, who was building on her swimming career, had a very impressive season. In the Grand Prix series in Port Elizabeth she placed second with a personal best time of 4:25.32 in the 400m freestyle. Kristin also placed fourth with a personal best time of 2:06.73 in the 200m freestyle. Congratulations to the following girls who swam at the National galas: Sarah Tough (Level 1), Hannah Elvidge (Level 3), Hannah Faure (Level 3), Daniella Solkow (Level 3), Caylan Bromley (Youth Nationals), Erin Hartzenberg (Level 3 and Youth Nationals) and Kristin Bellingan (Level 3 and Senior Nationals).

The A-league gala was held at Newlands on 2 March. Rustenburg was exceptionally well represented, both on the stands and in the pool. The

First Team Swimming

Back row, from left: Shannon Canter, Sarah Tough, Caylan Bromley, Hannah Faure, Rebecca Behne, Olivia Key, Jenna Currie Second row, from left: Kayla Conradie, Kaylagh Mc Murdo, Daniella Solkow, Mia Lazarus, Hannah Connelly, Georgia Grant Front row, from left: Saskia van der Merwe, Hannah-Grace Elvidge, Ms Susan Viljoen, Alexandra Heiberg, Ms Renee Scott, Erin Hartzenberg, Danielle van Breda RGHS MAGAZINE 2016




Teacher-in-charge: Mr Graham Reggiori Coach: Mr Graham Reggiori Captain: Tsepiso Seheri Vice-captain: Alida van der Merwe

The 2015/2016 cricket season was a developmental process and the enthusiasm of new players was very encouraging. With practice, the girls really made strides in the right direction. Their fielding, batting, bowling and general understanding of the game improved. The biggest challenge was opposition schools not honouring their fixtures. As a result, we only had three matches throughout the season.

Rustenburg played two matches during Term 1 of 2016. The first match was against Pinelands High School. Rustenburg scored 90 runs for the loss of only 1 wicket. Our vice-captain, Alida, scored a wonderful 54 runs not out. Pinelands then replied with only 37 runs for four wickets. We thus easily won the match by 53 runs. In the second match, against Elsies Rivier, we amassed 136 runs with only 4 wickets down in our allotted 20 overs. Alida once again was the star performer and scored an impressive 60 runs not out. Elsies Rivier replied with 47 runs for four wickets and we won the match by a convincing 89 runs. We congratulate Alida on achieving provincial colours in cricket.

During Term 4 of 2015, we played against Hoërskool President, whom we beat convincingly. Our openers, Alida van der Merwe and Keely Londt, scored 38 runs in their opening partnership. Rustenburg reached the 49 runs set by Hoërskool President with ease and won the match by eight wickets.

Hopefully cricket will become more popular amongst girls and especially in girls’ schools so that the skills of the Rustenburg cricket team will get a sterner examination. With the great team spirit amongst the young set of talented players, the next cricket season is sure to be one of great fun and success.

First Team Cricket

Back row, from left: Aviella Abrahams, Kristina Semmelink, Lisa Makumese Second row, from left: Morgan Ribbonaar, Laura Jacobs, Amber Reid, Mr Graham Reggiori, Aasiyah Khan, Keely Londt, Jade Lawson Front row, from left: Tasneem Davids, Carmen Wilson-Harris, Zoë Naude, Tsepiso Seheri, Alida van der Merwe, Quratul-Ain Parker, Yusra Sablay




Running Club Teacher-in-charge: Ms Linda Mallon Teachers assisting: Ms Stella Rossouw and Mr William Haggard Captain: Kathleen Holcroft Vice-captain: Kaylee Hudson

Running Club had a successful season and the girls worked hard to improve their times and their speed. The club started with time trials around the Rondebosch Common: members had to be able to run around the Common in less than 21 minutes, in order to continue being part of the group. At the end of each of the two terms that season spans, another time trial was held. It was pleasing to see how times had improved. The girls gained satisfaction from seeing how their training paid dividends.

Running routes included the Liesbeek Parkway, the Liesbeek Trail (as far as the Newlands Stadium), and Keurboom Park and the Western Province Cricket Ground. Speed and hill repeats were carried out off Alma Road, and sprint work happened on the cricket field. The girls were also taught how to breathe and to stretch correctly to avoid injuries.

On Mondays and Thursdays, the girls met outside Charlie’s Hope, and the group was divided into three speed abilities: fast (with Mr William Haggard), medium (with Ms Linda Mallon), and slow (with Ms Stella Rossouw). Girls who couldn’t keep up with the slow group were moved to the Walking Club, until they could manage the pace.

Five years ago, when compulsory sport for Grade 8s and 9s was introduced, Running Club was not taken particularly seriously, and there was definitely more walking than running. Things improved significantly in recent years. Members of the club run with intent and are keen to improve their levels of fitness. The Grade 12 members of the club led by example and contributed to the club’s ethos.

First Team Cross Country

Running Club

Back row, from left: Jenna Frost, Rebecca Behne, Eden Paarwater, Kirsty de Heer Third row, from left: Jade Benton, Jaime Taylor, Josslyn Langford, Rebecca Martley, Paula Taylor, Emily Rice, Michelle Mouton Second row, from left: Laya Gersowsky, Megan Phillipson, Hannah-Grace Elvidge, Amy Stephenson, Danielle van Breda, Bianca Ravell Front row, from left: Kristeen Swanepoel, Kathleen Holcroft, Ms Reneé Scott, Kaylee Hudson, Ms Jane Behne, Thameenah Daniels, Zaina Abrahams

Back row, from left: Megan Phillipson, Emily Rice, Jenna Frost, Michelle Mouton Third row, from left: Buhle Mcengwa, Eden Paarwater, Paula Taylor, Shannon McGaughey, Kirsty de Heer, Rebecca Mortley, Jaime Taylor Second row, from left: Ainslee Khamal, Saar-rah Chilwan, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Aaliyah Salie, Kelly Bang, Bianca Ravell Front row, from left: Laya Gersowsky, Mr William Haggard, Kathleen Holcroft, Ms Linda Mallon, Kaylee Hudson, Ms Stella Rossouw, Maya Mclntosh

Cross Country Teacher-in-charge: Ms Jane Behne Coach: Ms Renée Scott Captain: Kaylee Hudson Vice-Captain: Kathleen Holcroft

Cross Country, although one of the smaller sports at Rustenburg, is beneficial. It allows girls from different grades to forge bonds and affords them the opportunity to work towards their fitness goals. A group of approximately 40 girls met every Monday for practice and were encouraged to participate in league races that took place on Wednesdays. The season started off with a sandy and windy race at Princess Vlei where the Grade 8 runners showed us their capabilities. From the steep hills of Lion’s Head to the well-known run in Keurboom Park, the league races crossed a variety of terrains, some tougher than others. The Western Province Zonal race was hosted by Milnerton High School. Hannah Elvidge, Laya Gersowsky, Megan Phillipson, Bianca Ravell (Grade 8), Zaina Abrahams (Grade 9), Eden Paarwater, Kristeen Swanepoel (Grade 11) and Kaylee Hudson (Grade 12) all qualified to run in the Western Province Championships which were held at RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

Keurboom Park. In extremely muddy and wet conditions, the eight girls braved the challenging route. Hannah placed second in the U14 age group and qualified to run in the Western Cape Championships that were held in Worcester in late August. Running in her Western Province colours, Hannah placed 10th in this event. Rustenburg hosted the annual PGSGU Inter-schools competition for the first time in many years. It was a beautiful afternoon filled with fun, healthy competition. It was a fitting end to the season. With the home advantage and the extra hours of practice on the designated route thanks to our dedicated coach, Ms Scott, we impressed with an improvement from the year before, managing to come second behind Herschel. Special mention must be made of the U14 runners who won their age-group. This bodes well for the future. 71



Teacher-in-charge: Mr Gian Marneweck Coach: Ms Andi Bernstein Captain: Tamarah Pike Vice-Captain: Stephanie Scriba

The 2016 hockey season was filled with outstanding achievements. The 1st Team had one of its most successful seasons yet and placed fourth in the Grand Challenge League behind Herschel, Stellenberg and Springfield. Rustenburg also secured fifth place in the South African Schools Rankings. The season started off with the 1st Team attending the National Girls’ Schools’ Festival, which was hosted by Durban Girls’ High School. We placed fifth out of 20 teams, which included many of the top schools in South Africa. We also managed to remain unbeaten and did not concede one goal during the festival. The 1st Team made it through to the final of the Spar School Girls’ Hockey Challenge, which was hosted by Paarl Girls’ High School. We narrowly lost by one goal in the final to bring the silver medal home. The third tournament in which we participated was the U18 Cape Town Hockey Festival. The majority of our games were played at Rustenburg.

We performed very well in the pool stages with the support of the whole school at our matches. We placed fourth out of 25 teams. Rustenburg was fortunate enough to have two touring teams from the UK visit this season. The 1st Team beat Taunton 10–0 and then came off with a 1–0 win against Dean Close School. After both matches the players enjoyed a post-match braai connecting with the girls from the UK who share the same love of hockey. At the annual PGSGU tournaments held on 9 and 10 September, the U14 Team placed fourth, the U16 Team placed second and the U19 Team placed third. These tournaments were played with a wonderful spirit and some of our best hockey was played here. The tournament was a fantastic culmination to an excellent season. We are delighted and proud to have had many girls representing our province this year. Congratulations to: Kristen Naidoo, Casey and Courtney Wheeler (U19A), Brittany Gouws (U19B), Jacqueline Sissons (U16A), Sharna Naidoo and Caroline Schreiber (U16B), Emily Hill, Gabriel-Fay Morgan, Tamarah Pike and Stephanie Scriba (U19 South), Georgia Hill and Ashleigh Noyce (U16 South), Qailah Bhamjee, Nika Hofmeyr and Olwethu Mthembu (U14 South).

First Team Hockey

Back Row: Zoë Naudé, Juliet Wilson, Brittany Gouws, Kelly van Vlaanderen, Caroline Schreiber, Casey Wheeler Second row, from left: Jacqueline Sissons, Kiera Maher, Amy McConell, Emily Hill, Sarah Firth, Courtney Wheeler, Front row, from left: Kristen Naidoo, Ms R Scott, Tamarah Pike, Andi Bernslein (Coach), Stephanie Scriba, Mr Gian Marneweck (Manager), Gabi Morgan




Indoor Hockey Teacher-in-charge: Ms Jane Behne Coach: Mr Kyle Lottering Captain: Stephanie Scriba Vice-captain: Kristen Naidoo

The 2015/2016 Indoor Hockey season saw a squad of determined and spirited players approach their practices in Term 4 with enthusiasm. The 2nd Team played in a strong league, but managed to improve throughout the season and gained valuable experience.

They worked hard under the guidance of their coach, Mr Kyle Lottering, who encouraged them to improve their individual skills as well as their teamwork. Most of the squad was made up of promising junior players, which bodes well for Rustenburg’s Indoor Hockey future.

Congratulations to the following girls who represented various teams at the Pro-Series Indoor Hockey Tournament in December 2015: Casey Wheeler, Courtney Wheeler and Brittany Gouws (U18 Seals); Kristen Naidoo (U18 Barracudas); Ashleigh Noyce (U16 Sharks); and Sharna Naidoo (U14 Stingrays)

League matches started in Term 1 of 2016. The 1st Team had a fantastic season. Their hard work and positive attitude contributed to draws against Westerford, Wynberg and Springfield, and wins against St Cyprians and Herschel. The highlight of the season was beating Herschel 1-0 in a nail-biting game. Caroline Schreiber, the goalkeeper, played superbly and denied Hershel all of their attempts at goal.

Congratulations to the following girls who represented various teams at the Pro-Series Indoor Hockey Tournament in February 2016: Georgia Dugmore and Kristen Naidoo (U18 Barracudas); Casey Wheeler, Courtney Wheeler and Brittany Gouws (U18 Seals); Sharna Naidoo (U16 Stingrays); and Ashleigh Noyce (U16 Sharks).

The season came to an end with the annual PGSGU competition, hosted by Herschel. Rustenburg took a squad of 10 girls through to this fast-paced competition. The 15 minute matches were hard fought, and saw Rustenburg lose narrowly to both Wynberg and Herschel. We drew with St Cyprians and Springfield; Springfield netted the equalizer in the last 26 seconds of the match. Herschel won the competition and Rustenburg placed fourth.

Hockey Fast Fives Teacher-in-charge: Ms Susan Viljoen Coach: Ms Robyn Morgan

Rustenburg entered three teams into a Fast Five’s league held at Wynberg Girls’ High School on Monday evenings. This was a good opportunity for the players to dust off their sticks and to prepare for the winter season. All three teams showed promise and played very well. The 1st Team lost their first match against Wynberg 1-6, but played brilliantly in their second match to beat Springfield 9-0. Unfortunately the team lost to Reddam 0-3 in their final match.

First Indoor Hockey Team

Back row, from left: Courtney Wheeler, Casey Wheeler, Brittany Gouws, Caroline Schreiber, Sarah Firth Front row, from left: Jacquline Sissons, Stephanie Scriba, Ms Behne, Kristen Naidoo, Ashleigh Noyce RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

The experience that the players gained from practising with Ms Robyn Morgan and by playing against some tough teams prepared them well for the winter season. Special mention must be made of the Matrics: Emily Hill, Gabriel-Fay Morgan and Kayla Wheeler who played a pivotal role in the success of the team. 73



Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zaandré Theron Coach: Ms Zaandré Theron Captain: Talia Botha Vice-Captain: Caitlin Solomons

This year was extraordinary for the 1st Team. There were four Matrics in the team who, together with younger players, made this a special year. The seniors brought experience and calm to the team whilst the new players brought enthusiasm and determination. This combination produced a hardworking and passionate team. The team took part in the National Girls’ Schools’ Festival in April. The competition was extremely tough and physical, but it was a great opportunity for the team to learn from each other. The players were pushed to their limits and produced some of the best netball Rustenburg has played recently. The team finished 10th, the highest Rustenburg has ranked at this tournament. The tour also gave the team the opportunity to bond and build friendships. These memories will be treasured for years. Returning home and kicking off the league, the team struggled to settle and did not achieve the results of which we were capable.

However, with continued hard work and a lively spirit, the team kept going, adamant to reach the goal of winning the PGSGU Inter-schools Tournament. The team’s determination and perseverance paid off. We reaped the success of our hard work by winning and bringing home the PGSGU trophy. Rustenburg last won this tournament in 2009 and had been working towards reclaiming the trophy for the last five years. By far the highlight of the season was beating Herschel on their home ground in a tightly contested match. The final score was 10-9. We won the other matches convincingly and were crowned champions. It was a particularly special end to the season for the Matrics who had been in the 1st Team for three years. They finally got to taste victory. Rustenburg hosted the U16 and U14 PGSGU tournament. The U16A Team finished third and the U14A Team finished second in their respective age categories. We are proud of the U16C Team who made it to the Cape Town High Schools’ Netball district finals.

First Team Netball

Back row, from left: Amber Jossie, Amber Keet, Emma-Marie Strauss, Eugenia Twumasi, Kayla Johnson, Tristan Jones Front row, from left: Caitlin Solomons, Ms Zaandré Theron, Talia Botha, Ms Nolundi Blayi, Alexandra Heiberg





Teacher-in-charge: Ms Louise Lawrence Coach: Mr André Naude Captain: Alyssa Cummings

This year Rustenburg entered two teams into two different leagues. The 1st Team was entered into the U19C boys’ league and did exceptionally well. They tried to maintain their winning streak throughout the season, but narrowly lost to Bishops and Westerford. This was a great experience for them. It is hoped that they will continue to compete in the boys’ league in the future. The 1st Team consisted of Jordyn Campbell, Alyssa Cummings, Aaliyah Meredith and Meg Wilson. The 2nd Team played in the U19A girls’ league and started the season with many enthusiastic beginners. They learnt quickly with the help of the coach, Mr André Naude. There was great improvement in their technique and game plan. Good sportsmanship was shown at every game and the girls thoroughly enjoyed playing in this competitive league. The 2nd Team comprised of Sabrina-Belle Roberts, Buhle Mcengwa, Stephanie Du and Phumzile Konile. Our reserves were Leesha Melvill, Séanne van Horsten, Mia Barashenkov and Hannah Olarogun. Two of our players, Alyssa Cummings (U19) and Jordyn Campbell (U14), were selected to represent Western Province at the Inter-provincial Tournament held in June. Jordyn was also chosen to be a part of the South African Schools U13 Team. She travelled to Malaysia in August and had the incredible opportunity to train at the Nicol David squash courts

and to participate in the Penang Malaysian Open. Jordyn placed 32nd out of 50 players in the U15 age category, a very impressive result given that she was only 13 at the time. We are extremely proud of Jordyn’s achievements and especially of her Number 1 ranking in the U14 age group of the South African Schools Squash rankings. The annual PGSGU squash tournament took place on 17 September at the Western Province Cricket Club. The competition was tough and unfortunately Rustenburg struggled. We placed fourth behind Springfield, Wynberg and Herschel. Now that we have opened coaching to beginners, we hope to see more and more girls playing squash for the school in the future.

First Team Squash

Back row, from left: Meg Wilson Front row, from left: Aaliyah Meredith, Mr André Naude (Coach), Alyssa Cummings (Captain), Ms Louise Lawrence, Jordyn Campbell RGHS MAGAZINE 2016




Teacher-in-charge: Ms Langenhoven Coach: Sinnet International Tennis Academy Captain: Emma-Marie Strauss Vice-captain: Kendra Saunders

Rustenburg entered eight teams into the league which started in Term 4 of 2015. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th teams trained on Thursday afternoons while the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th teams trained on Monday afternoons. Some of our U14 tennis players played socially on Wednesday afternoons. Throughout the season there was a great sense of camaraderie amongst all the teams and the girls had a successful season overall. Rustenburg played against various schools across the Western Cape including Herschel, Springfield and St Cyprians, and the girls thoroughly enjoyed the time they had to represent their school. As the teams were not categorized according to ages, there was a great spread of grades making up each team, which resulted in girls throughout the school getting a chance to play together and get to know each other.

In February, our coach adjusted practices to focus more on doubles skills and playing as a combination. This was to prepare for the PGSGU Tournament in which all participating teams play doubles against each other. The PGSGU Tournament was hosted by Springfield at Sans Souci on 5 March. Our top six players: Emily Malherbe, Emma-Marie Strauss, Kendra Saunders, Jessica Jamieson, Justine Crook-Mansour and Emily Hobson, represented Rustenburg in the senior team, while Alida van der Merwe, Holly-May Nowers, Ashleigh Noyce and Josephine Knutsen played in the junior division. Spectators were treated to an exceptionally high standard of tennis all morning. Our senior team placed fifth and our junior team placed second. Congratulations to Havana Dauncey who started the year ranked 188 (Girls U16) and 291 (All Women) in South Africa. She improved her ranking substantially with her placings in various tournaments and was ranked 67 (Girls U16) and 144 (All Women) in South Africa at the end of Term 1.

First Team Tennis

Second row, from left: Ms Langenhoven Front row, from left: Emily Malherbe, Emma-Marie Strauss (Captain), Kendra Saunders (Vice-captain), Jessica Jamieson




Touch Rugby Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zaandré Theron Coach: Ms Zaandré Theron Captain: Roxi Francke Vice-captain: Rebecca Plaatjies

Rustenburg boasted four touch rugby teams consisting of players from Grade 9 to 12. Touch Rugby is an enjoyable and popular sport at Rustenburg and, owing to popular demand, we introduced Social Touch Rugby for the Grade 8s. The school league took place on Friday afternoons on our sports field, which made it convenient for our players and parents to support the teams. We welcomed three new schools into the league which made the matches more exciting and competitive. Our 1st and 2nd Teams were unbeaten this season and showed great potential. Special mention must be made of the many Rustenburg girls who represented various provincial teams at the Junior Interprovincial tournament in September 2015. Natasha Espag, Amber Jossie, Angela Mibey, Britney Price, Sarah Virgin, Alice von Zeil played in various Western Province age-group teams. Although no Rustenburg girls participated in the Senior Interprovincial tournament in March 2016, 11 Rustenburg Old Girls represented Western Province in the Ladies’ A and B sides. Touch Rugby offered the girls exciting opportunities outside of school this year. Together with Rondebosch Boys’ High School, Rustenburg introduced the girls to the “ball girls and boys” initiative, which offered the girls an opportunity to work at Newlands on a Saturday during the Super Rugby season. This allowed them to explore refereeing as a hobby and to get involved in the youth referees programme.

On Sunday 13 March, the 1st and 2nd Teams took part in the Century City Schools’ Touch Rugby tournament. The 1st Team finished top of their pool and the 2nd Team finished second resulting in an all Rustenburg semi-final. The 1st Team won the semi-final 5-1 and qualified for the final against FHS, an academy team who had beaten the 1st Team in the pool stages of the tournament. The 1st Team got their revenge and won the final 2-0. The 2nd Team played against Good Hope Seminary in the play off for third place and lost by one try in a nail-biting drop-off. Rustenburg has won this tournament for seven consecutive years. For the first time ever Rustenburg sent a Touch Rugby team to the National All Girls Schools’ Festival. We lost three 1st Team members to the netball and hockey teams so selected four players from the 2nd and 3rd Teams. The team was competitive, played with determination, never gave up fighting and finished a credible 4th out of five teams. Congratulations to Roxi Francke who was named joint MVP of the tournament.

First Touch Rugby Team

Second row, from left: Daariah Arend, Zoë Ruiters, Talia Botha, Ms Zaandré Theron Front row, from left: Jameela Rawoot, Rebecca Plaatjies, Roxi Franke (Captain), Lauren Pienaar, Amber Jossie





Teacher-in-charge: Mr Gian Marneweck Coach: Mr Nathan Perren Captain: Tamarah Pike Vice-captain: Caitlin Solomons

Rustenburg entered six competitive teams into the various waterpolo leagues. Matches were played on Friday afternoons at different venues and we were very pleased with the excellent results produced by all teams throughout the season. Each team had three training sessions a week; these took place at either the Newlands Swimming Pool or at Rustenburg. We were very fortunate to have committed coaches which resulted in practices that were filled with fitness and hard work, together with lots of fun. The U14A Team, coached by Mr Jacob Perren, participated in the Dave Pitcairn Cup held at Reddam House. The girls played first-rate waterpolo over the duration of the tournament and gained valuable experience. This year Rustenburg hosted its first U16 Waterpolo Tournament at SACS. The Rustenburg U16A Team, very ably coached by Mr André Williams,

was unbeaten and won all five of their matches. The 1st Team had the honour of representing Rustenburg at the largest girls’ waterpolo tournament in South Africa, the Old Petrian’s Waterpolo Tournament. This tournament was held in Johannesburg at St Peters College from 18 to 21 February. The girls were accompanied by their coach, Mr Nathan Perren, and manager Ms Rebecca Goble. The team played seven matches over the duration of the tournament and placed 15th out of 28 schools overall. This was a great achievement and the 1st Team became a force to be reckoned with. The 1st Team received generous sponsorships from Build it and Van Horsten Property Holdings for their tour kit. We were very proud to have the largest number of Western Province representatives yet. Congratulations to the following girls who competed at the National Waterpolo Championships in Cape Town in December 2015: Tamarah Pike (WP U19B); Ashley Howard, Kiera Maher, Melissa Rossouw, Alina Schӧnberger, Caitlin Solomons (all WP U19C); Kayla Budge, Tristan Jones, Jessica Knapp, Aaliyah Meredith (all WP U16B); Jamie Hollick (WP U14A); Hannah Schaefer and Ruby Wares (both WP U14B).

1st Team Waterpolo

Back row, from left: Melissa Rossouw, Kiera Maher, Kayla Budge, Jessica Knapp, Tristan Jones, Alina Schoenberger Front row, from left: Aaliyah Meredith, Caitlin Solomons, Mr Gian Marneweck, Tamarah Pike, Mr Nathan Perren, Ashley Howard, Séanne van Horsten RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


I ter House Eve ts RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


I ter Eve House ts

Inter-house Gala Friday morning, 5 February, was another beautiful summer’s day on the Rustenburg campus, but the abundance of colour and noise made it a very different Friday. So much good spirited fun and healthy competition was enjoyed by all who participated in the gala, whether as cheerleaders, supporters or swimmers. These are the days that our girls will remember most. Each house dressed up to a particular theme. Bleby took on a ‘Circus’ theme; Cambridge being the green house followed the theme of ‘Into the Woods’; Innes represented ‘Twitter’; Marchand followed the delicious theme of ‘Ultra-Mel’ custard and Michiel Vos were ‘Fire Fighters’. The house spirit throughout the gala was exceptional. Unfortunately there can only be one winner and this year the House Spirit trophy went to Michiel Vos.

Individual record breakers:

Individual overall positions:

U14: First place: Hannah Elvidge (14 points), second place: Hannah Faure (13 points), third place: Mia Lazarus (10 points) U16: First place: Erin Hartzenberg (15 points), second place: Daniella Solkow (14 points), third place: Rebecca Behne & Shannon Canter (12 points) U19: First place: Caylan Bromley (15 points), second place: Alexandra Heiberg (13 points), third place: Saskia van der Merwe (10 points)

Final house positions: First: Second: Third: Fourth: Fifth:

There was an excellent standard of swimming with two individual records and one relay record being broken. Daniella Solkow set a new record in the U16 Individual Medley (1:12.25) and Erin Hartzenberg set a new record in the U16 Backstroke (33.10). The Grade 12s broke their own record which they set as Grade 11s in 2015 in the inter-grade relay (1:55.72).



INNES (105 points) MICHIEL VOS (90 points) CAMBRIDGE (77 points) BLEBY (72 points) MARCHAND (56 points)

I ter Eve House ts

Inter-house Forum Discussions All the adjudicators agreed that the audiences at this year’s Inter-house Forum Discussions were the most appreciative and involved we have had in years. In addition, there was a definite improvement in the overall quality and content of the discussions held at this year’s competition, especially by the top two senior teams. Bleby’s Junior Team (Kate Lodwick, Lisa Makumese, Lekia Thaver and Isabella Bosman) was excellently chaired by Jamie Fraser, who ensured that the topic, “Social networking may have given everyone a voice, but most of what is heard is rubbish,” was discussed from a wide range of angles. The adjudicators were unanimous in their decision. The Junior results were as follows: Bleby (329), Marchand (250), Michiel Vos (240), Innes (210), Cambridge (200).

Junior Speaker Awards Best Chairperson: Jamie Fraser (Bleby) First Best Speaker: Darian Cloete (Michiel Vos) Second Best Speaker: Lisa Makumese (Bleby)

and Cara Lothaller were excellent in their delivery on the topic: “The gap between rich and poor is South Africa’s greatest danger.” However, it was the Innes team (Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Nicole Nel, Caitlin Millard and Zahra Mohamed) chaired by Daniellé Lund, whose more in-depth and fuller treatment of the topic, “Like it or not, winning is everything”, influenced the adjudicators’ final decision. The senior results were as follows: Innes (233), Cambridge (232), Bleby (196), Michiel Vos (193), Marchand (184).

Senior Speaker Awards

It was so tight at the top in the senior section of the competition with a mere one point separating first and second place. For Cambridge, Nokukhanya Zondi, Hannah Lambe, Grace Crocker, Lauren Pienaar

Best Chairperson: Daniellé Lund (Innes) First Best Speaker: Mila Truter (Michiel Vos) Second Best Speaker: Alexander Wittenberg-Scott (Innes).

Inter-house Riff-off An inter-house musical that united the Rustenburg girls in spirit and in song! During the last week of Term 2, the Kemp Hall came alive with the “Sound of Music” as each house’s musical creativity was put to the test. The prefects joined forces with the house captains to ignite a spirit of camaraderie within the school through the annual Riff-off – an event in which each house is required to choreograph dance moves and sing along to a song of its choice. The echoes of “old-school” songs permeated the passages of Rustenburg as the competition’s theme was Golden Oldies. Cambridge was first to set the scene, using drums and drama in their execution of Chris Brown’s hit “Forever”. The song “I want it that way” by The Backstreet Boys was brought to life through Marchand’s performance. Michiel Vos successfully captured the free spirit of Fergie’s well-known song “Fergalicious” through their bad-schoolgirl look. Bleby followed strongly, painting the hall pink with their umbrellas in their rendition of Rihanna’s song “Umbrella”. Innes’s performance of Britney Spears’s “Baby One More Time” ended the competition on a high note. They used their cellphones to create a unique lighting effect which scored them points with the judges.


Ms Mantshi, Ms Ngxabani and Ms Sapepa acted as adjudicators and they had a tough time choosing the winning performance. All houses were judged on their enthusiasm, singing, dancing, humour and creativity. The houses’ superb showcase of musical talent, enthusiasm and creativity passed the test with flying colours! The results were: 1st place: INNES 2nd place: BLEBY 3rd place: MARCHAND 4th place: CAMBRIDGE 5th place: MICHIEL VOS


I ter Eve House ts

Inter-house Drama The theme of this year’s Inter-house Drama competition was Fairy Tales for the 21st Century. Each House was to be responsible for the writing, directing and producing of a script of an original fairy tale. The competition was held on 10 March, and we were lucky to have the expertise of two experienced adjudicators, Ms Michaela van der Straaten and Ms Erika van As to accompany us. Cambridge House received the award for the best overall play. Cambridge also went on to win the award for Best Script and Production Design.


Rustenburg has some high-quality actresses and who knows what awards some of them may garner in the future! At this year’s competition, the following actresses received special awards for their roles: The Best Actress award was shared by Catherine Sonnenberg (Cambridge) and Sarah Prutton (Marchand). The award for Best Director was awarded to Mila Truter (Michiel Vos) and for Best Producer, Dani Lund (Innes). All the participants are to be congratulated on staging another successful Inter-house Drama Competition.


I ter Eve House ts

Inter-house Cross Country The annual Inter-house Cross Country event took place on 23 June. It was a beautiful day for running. The sun was out and the wind was still. All girls had to complete a 3km route that was set up mainly on the school grounds. A short section of the course took the girls under the freeway and off the campus. The entire course was well marshalled, with lots of support along the way. A First Aid station was set up half way (and was fortunately not used this year). The event catered for all levels of fitness. The fitter and quicker girls ran the first race, followed by a mass event in which other girls completed the same course in their own time.

3km Race Top 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Hannah Elvidge (Michiel Vos) Megan Phillipson (Innes) Kayla Henry (Cambridge) Emily Hobson (Cambridge) Caylan Bromley (Bleby) Justine Crook-Mansour (Bleby) Ashleigh Noyce (Marchand) Laya Gersowsky (Michiel Vos) Alexandra De Meuter (Marchand) Rebecca McConnell (Innes) Nika Hofmeyr (Marchand) Sarah Firth (Marchand)

12:12.79 12:40.57 13.05.87 13:06.31 13:06.69 13:17.87 13:21.61 13:39.09 13:54.45 14:11.12 14:11.70 14:20.73


Final house positions 1st place: BLEBY, with 151 points 1st place: INNES, with 151 points 3rd place: CAMBRIDGE, with 140 points 4th place: MARCHAND, with 138 points 5th place: MICHIEL VOS, with 123 points


I ter Eve House ts

Inter-house Hockey and Netball The Inter-house Hockey and Netball Tournament took place on 20 September. The afternoon kicked off with a netball match between the teachers and current Matrics It was nail-biting and set the tone for a fun competition. All grades and learners were given the opportunity to play either hockey or netball. The tournament was a great way to end off the winter season and allowed friendships to form across the grades. Cambridge walked away victorious in both the hockey and netball, winning all games and only dropping two points in the hockey.


Inter-house Hockey Results 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: 4th place: 5th place:

CAMBRIDGE, with 10 pts (13 goals) MARCHAND, with 10 pts (12 goals) INNES, with 6 pts BLEBY, with 3 pts MICHIEL VOS, with 0 pts

Inter-house Netball Results 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: 4th place: 5th place:


CAMBRIDGE, with 12 pts BLEBY, with 9 pts MICHIEL VOS, with 7 pts INNES, with 4 pts MARCHAND, with 0 pts

Societies, Service & Eve ts



Societies,Service a d Eve ts Services

Afrikaans Society

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Anina Stander and Mr Wihan Neethling Head: Michaela Jordaan

Sjoe! Hierdie jaar was die Afrikaans Vereniging omtrent besig. Daar is hard gewerk om die pragtige Afrikaanse taal by Rustenburg te bevorder met feestelike aktiwiteite, wat eie aan die taal is. Op 26 Januarie het ons ons waardering aan die Afrikaanse onderwyseresse betoon deur ‘n klassieke tee vir hulle te reël. Almal het hulle gate uit geniet met die lekker geselskap en keurige peuselhappies.

ongelukkig het haar lewenspaadjie ‘n ander roete geneem en so het sy ‘n nuwe lewe oorsee begin. Die vereniging was baie hartseer om van haar afskeid te neem, maar ons wens haar net die beste toe.

Daar was ook die wonderlike Afrikaans-Dag wat op 7 Maart plaasgevind het. Ons het die dag afgeskop met die Afrikaans-byeenkoms. Ons gasspreker, Dr Daniel Hugo, befaamde radio-omroeper en skrywer het een van sy gedigte voorgelees en die leerders in vervoering gehad met sy diep, melodieuse stem. Gedurende eerste pouse het ons ‘n pannekoekkompetisie gehou en die meisies het omtrent die kaneelen- suikerpannekoeke verorber. Tydens tweede pouse is die Graad 8s met speletjies vermaak en hulle het behoorlik terugverlang na hul laerskooldae.

Haar opvolger, Mnr Neethling, het nie op hom laat wag nie en het saam met die nuwe 2016-2017 komitee in Kwartaal 3 ‘n sokkie gereël. Die geleentheid is deur Rustenburg-meisies en -onderwysers, sowel as seuns van ander skole ondersteun. Dit was ‘n genotvolle aand en selfs die onderwysers het ‘n paar draaie op die dansvloer gegooi. Die aand was vol pret met Afrikaanse musiek, lekker kos en aangename geselskap, wat almal vir lank aan die praat sal hou.

Hierdie jaar het die Afrikaans Vereniging ‘n nuwe onderwyseres as hoof gehad. Mev. Stander het nuwe lewe in die vereniging kom blaas, maar

Afrikaans Society

Back row, from left: Eva Presence, Walda van der Merwe, Shafeeqah Modak Front row, from left: Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Michaela Jordaan, Mev. A Stander, Leesha Melvill, Taskeen Parker

Die jaar 2016 was ‘n opwindende jaar en ons is baie trots op die Afrikaans-Vereniging by Rustenburg!

Art and Design Society

Back row, from left: Asiphe Sinari, Caitlin Powrie Front row, from left: Julie Ziegenhardt, So-hyeon Bang, Ms Liffey Speller, Chloe Zinn, Sahlah Davids

Art and Design Society

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Liffey Speller Head: So-hyeon Bang

This year we wanted to do something new so we started the Installation Project. It was aimed to inspire girls, to give the Art and Design Society more presence, and to add a beautiful attraction to the school building. This was a very successful endeavour We used different coloured cellophane to create an abstract, stained glass inspired design. These were stuck onto the windows outside Ms Speller’s classroom and, when the light shone through them, the colours reflected into the classroom, walls and hallway which enhanced the creative mood of the Art corridor.


This year we also designed the invitation and awards for the Art and Design Awards. We took inspiration from the soon-to-be-opened Zeitz Museum of Contemporary African Art and created an overlaid, blueprint-style design which turned out beautifully and was very well received.


Societies,Service a d Eve ts s Servi

Audio-Visual Team

Bon Appetit

Audio-Visual Team

Bon Appetit

Back row, from left: Jordan Byrne, Jade Benton, Mikayla Lodder, Maxene Hollis, Nabeelah Gangraker, Hanaan Khan, Youn Sun Choi, Naima Dutton Front row, from left: Megan Lodder, Mr Francis Vogts, Jessica Funston (Head), Ms Trishanta Naidu, Hannah Lambe

The Bug

Back row, from left: Mikera Bassuday, Jessica Vlok, Cameryn Watling, Jessica Martheze Middle Row, from left: Tessa Stephenson, Zayaan Dollie, Khayreyah Antvorskov, Natasha van Oudtshoorn, Sacha Wright, Emma Thomson Front row, from left: Jodi Rogerson, Emma Swart, Ms Linda Mallon, Daniellé Lund (Head), Ms Anita Marshall, Yusrah Hartley, Sheree Stewart

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale Editor: Nina Stodel Graphics Head: Nabeelah Gangraker

Rustenburg’s student produced magazine, The BUG, has amused girls and teachers for many years. 2016 was no different. There was a shift from including only entertaining articles to adding in some informative ones too. “Believe it or not” was a quirky addition to the publication and the ever-popular “Say What?” page, which is made up of funny comments heard around the school, remained a big hit. The 2015/16 committee, led by Nina Stodel and Nabeelah Gangraker, worked well together and brainstormed interesting and hilarious ideas. Five issues were published. The themes of these were “New Year, New Me”, “The Bug Takes on the World” (which took a look at different cultures

and trends), “Left Brain, Right Brain” (filled with facts and entertaining quizzes about the brain), “The Red Carpet Edition” and “Blast from the Past.” Sales were boosted by competitions and prizes, including chocolates and ice-cream vouchers from The Creamery. At the end of the year, the committee was able to hand R5000 over to Lerato’s Hope, the profits of two years’ magazine sales.

The Bug

Back row, from left: Jane Abrahams, Justine Crook-Mansour, Lila Ross, Sabrina-Belle Roberts, Caitlin Powrie, Aasiyah Khan, Thameena Dhansay, Lisa Harris Front row, from left: Youn Sun Choi, Tai-Li Lee, Nina Stodel (Editor), Ms Sarah Capstick-Dale, Nabeela Gangraker, Nureen Mahmood, Jashal Gajjar Absent: Nishtha Naidoo



Societies,Service a d Eve ts Services

Busty Bugs

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Brigid Ryan Head: Phumzile Konile

The Busty Bugs is a society which intends to create breast cancer awareness by raising funds for Pink Drive. Our vision is to save the lives of breast cancer victims by promoting early detection. Fundraising events included bake sales, selling breast cancer ribbons and hosting Spur waitressing evenings. The Awareness Department is responsible for getting the students of Rustenburg involved in aspects of cancer awareness. School corridors were decorated with cancer awareness and support posters. A fun tiedye workshop allowed girls to decorate t-shirts with pink and purple colours. The Public Relations Department initiated a new project, the Pink Book, which contains stories, prayers, poems and artworks contributed by girls and parents from the school. The aim was to give hope to those suffering from breast cancer. We were touched by the stories that were shared.

Busty Bugs also supported our local community. On 6 March the Busty Bugs were invited to volunteer at the Pink Drive station for the Cape Town Argus Cycle Tour. We dressed up and sold Pink Drive merchandise and interacted with the crowds. We had the opportunity to meet the CEO of Pink Drive. It was definitely one of the highlights this year. Busty Bugs has not only made an impact within the Rustenburg community, but has touched the lives of many others. Without our passionate and dedicated members none of this would have been possible. We thank those who have supported the Busty Bugs this year. We are excited for future endeavours.

Computer Monitresses


Computer Monitresses


Back row, from left: Gabrielle Adams, Sabrina-Belle Roberts, Aaliyah Meredith, Mikayla Shaw Third row, from left: Rafiqua Anwar, Nuhaa Francis, Ylva Hultkrantz, SĂŠanne Van Horsten, Tsepiso Seheri, Insaaf Dhansay, Evashna Pillay Second row, from left: Tatenda Dandara, Cynthia Augustine, Saara Adam, Kezia Madell, Leigh Natus, Safeera Takay Front row, from left: Imaan Allie, Taskeen Parker, Eva Presence, Ms Janine Myers, Quratul-Ain Parker, Yusraa Moosa, Sharfaa Kalam Floor: Lauren-Leigh van Niekerk RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

Back row: from left: Tiffany Sprout, Anne Williams, Hannah Rens, Rachel Rumbelow, Zay-yaan Hamza Front row, from left: Roxi Francke, Ms Nolundi Blayi, Sheree Stewart


Societies,Service a d Eve ts s Servi

Cultural Society

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Liffey Speller Head: So-hyeon Bang

The Cultural Dinner was a great evening and an even greater success. Our theme this year was ‘Everything Asian.’ The menu was based on traditional Asian foods. For starters, we offered a selection of vegetable spring rolls and sushi. For the main course, vegetable and chicken chow mein was served. For dessert there were delicious bowties, drenched in chocolate sauce with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on the side. Games such as ‘Asian 101,’ where we had a general knowledge quiz about interesting facts about Asian countries, provided entertainment for the evening. Rustenburg’s own


Sasha Marais sang covers of two songs that she adapted to suit the Asian theme. There was also an exciting fashion show. Prizes were awarded to those who put in much effort to dress up to the theme. During the year the Cultural Society also held a workshop where girls could come at break to ice and decorate cupcakes we had made. Everyone had a lot of fun. It was a tasty treat which we hope to repeat!

Teachers-in-charge: Mr Cedric van Dyk and Ms Anita Pretorius Head: Raeesah Shaik

After the opening friendly debate against Rondebosch at the start of the year, the society grew tremendously, with an influx of both new juniors and seniors. Due to the amount of new members, the focus of our coaches, Jordan Pfotenhauer (Seniors) and Greg Muller (Juniors), was on training and giving everyone a chance to debate at a competitive level in the Rotary League. Although the Senior and Junior teams did not break into the quarter-finals of the Rotary League Competition, they gave a good account of themselves. There were highlights too. Lydia Hardie, Kelly de Lucchi and Mila Truter reached the finals of the FACETS Debating competition but lost narrowly to Sans Souci. Under the inspirational leadership of team captain, Raeesah Shaik, our relatively young side (Caitlin Millard, Mikayla Shaw, Jade Smith and Katia da Silva Valente) debated exceptionally well at this year’s festival. They broke joint second after five qualifying rounds to reach the semi-finals against Pretoria Girls’ High. Although they did not reach the finals, they ended the tournament in third place out of 20 schools. Furthermore, three of our debaters finished in the Top 10 Best Speakers

Debating National Girls’ Schools Festival Back, from left: Mikayla Shaw, Mr van Dyk, Katia da Silva Valente Front, from left: Raeesah Shaik (Captain), Caitlin Millard, Jade Smith


category: Raeesah Shaik (fifth), Mikayla Shaw (seventh), Katia da Silva Valente (ninth). Defending the SACEE shield they won in 2015, the Rustenburg Forum Discussion team spoke eloquently about the benefits and harms of the current healthy lifestyle craze at the finals of the competition held at The Settlers. Although they did not win the competition, the judges complimented their teamwork, wide-ranging exploration of the topic, and passion. To crown an excellent evening’s performance, Daniellé Lund was awarded the prize for Best Speaker. Our best Junior Debater, Katia da Silva Valente, participated in the Shadow team for the Provincials and was selected as a reserve for the Western Cape Junior debating team to participate in the National Schools Tournament held in December.


Back, from left: Mikayla Shaw, Jade Smith Front, from left: Caitlin Millard, Mr van Dyk, Raeesah Shaik, Ms Pretorius, Muofhe Tshifularo


Societies,Service a d Eve ts Services

Earth Children

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Jackie Chambers Head: Josie Wissema

At the start of 2016, Rustenburg increased their leap towards sustainability with the introduction of the school’s “Zero Waste to Landfill” initiative. The school’s new lifestyle promotes the recycling of glass, plastic, tins and paper, with organic waste processed into compost. All of this results in a significant decrease in our carbon footprint. With the dedicated ground staff managing the project The Earth Children focused their energy on other endeavours. They began the year with river clean ups along the Liesbeek River and by assisting Urban Edible Harvest with the food garden at the Mary Kihn School for the Deaf. A healthy bake sale provided the Earth Children with the platform to introduce nutritious alternatives to everyday junk food. Homemade vegan brownies, whole-wheat pasta and fresh iced tea were sold. The profits went to an animal anti-cruelty fund as well as the SPCA. Rustenburg also supported the SPCA this year. Each form class was issued with a tin to collect loose change.

The Earth Children also kept busy with campaigns, workshops and projects. This included the SMILE campaign which promotes the collection of plastic bottle tops. These bottle tops are used as “currency” which pays for an operation for a child who is born with cleft lips and/or palates. Ms Heel ran an upcycling workshop that inspired many to rework old clothes into new exciting wearable designs, rather than throwing them away. In Term 3 the system of the form Eco Representative was replaced with the new system of senior and junior Eco Leaders. Selected on the strength of their eco manifestoes, these leaders worked in conjunction with the Earth Children committee to raise environmental awareness and action in our community.

First Aid

Earth Children

Back row, from left: Tristan Jones, Aaliyah Meredith, Ashleigh Prinsloo, Sarah Prutton, Syan O’Connell-Richards Front row, from left: Georgia Satchwell, Josie Wissema (Head), Ms Jackie Chambers, Sarah Virgin, Sahlah Davids

First Aid

Blood Donor Committee

Back row: Hana Kabat, Holly Rowe, Nabeelah Gangraker, Jenna Mühlberg, Kim Davidson, Jade Syndercombe, Nokukhanya Zondi, Kauthar Salie, Laila Korowlay Middle row: Tauhira Samsodien, Mila Guerrini, Britney Price, Jane Abrahams, Layla Mahomed, Katrin van der Merwe Front row, from left: Jamie van Niekerk, Leesha Melvill, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen, Madame Dominique Williams, Nicole Nel (Head), Cameryn Watling, Shafeeqah Modack

Back row, from left: Leesha Melvill, Kauthar Salie Front row, from left: Nicole Nel, Mary-Kate Oosthuizen (Head), Madame Dominique Williams, Shafeeqah Modack, Laila Korowlay

Teacher-in-charge: Mme Dominique Williams First Aid Head: Nicole Nel Blood Donor Head: Mary-Kate Oosthuizen

First Aid is a valuable service to the school community. It is required by the Education Department. Learners, as well as those qualified teachers, attend to emergencies that happen on the school premises. All our First Aiders have Level 1 or Level 3 qualifications. They take their responsibility seriously.

person. A decision to donate blood can save a life. Four times a year Rustenburg girls and teachers learn this lesson. The Blood Donor Committee is in charge of making sure that these four clinics are well organised and run smoothly.

Blood is the most precious gift which anyone can give to another



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Habitat for Humanity

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Lorraine Gardiner Head: Tamarah Pike

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation that strives to break the cycle of poverty in South Africa. Habitat for Humanity aims to replace substandard housing with properly built houses in underprivileged areas in South Africa. The Rustenburg Habitat for Humanity Committee is a part of the BRIC (Bishops and Rustenburg in Community) Committee which was founded 11 years ago. BRIC is made up of learners from Rustenburg, Bishops, Westerford, Herschel and Rondebosch. This year the BRIC committee worked together to organise one of Rustenburg’s biggest society events of the year: 25-Hour Cyclathon held at the V&A Waterfront. This committee organised the prizes for the raffle, booked musicians and advertised the event. The Cyclathon

kicked off on 29 January at 17h00 and concluded on 30 January at 18h00. For the duration of the event, seven stationary bikes on the Amphitheatre stage were cycled by school pupils, teachers, members of the general public, as well as some of the main sponsors of the event. Those who cycled bought slots from committee members in order to raise money. The BRIC committee slept over at the Amphitheatre to cycle. Local musicians performed. Some of the acts included AnecNote, Chris Werge, Richard Stirton and Opposite the Other. The live music and valuable prizes attracted a large crowd and created a wonderful atmosphere. A total of R91 000 was raised for the cause in just 25 hours!

Helen Keller Teacher-in-charge: Ms Louise Lawrence Head: Kerryn Duff

This year Helen Keller Society girls continued to visit two homes for senior citizens: Huis Lückhoff and Helen Keller. This allowed members to meet people of a different generation and put smiles on the faces of the residents. The grannies broaden the girls’ social skills and teach them about themselves. These visits build unbreakable bonds. Rustenburg girls cherish the memories that they create with these wonderful women. Kerryn Duff and Lauren Pienaar led the group that visited Huis Lückhoff. Nine girls had the opportunity to visit six amazing elderly ladies who made an impact on the lives of the teenagers. We did not allocate individual “grannies,” instead everyone conversed together while eating biscuits and drinking tea in their dining hall. The grannies enjoyed the girls’ company. Kelly Rowe and Megan Lodder led the Helen Keller group every second Tuesday. Each person was allocated an individual “granny.” They enjoyed bridging the gap between the elderly and the youth, listening to remarkable stories about how different life was when the ladies were young.

Helen Keller Society

Back row, from left: Holly Rowe, Megan Lodder Front row, from left: Kerryn Duff, Ms L Lawrence, Lauren Pienaar

Holocaust Centre visit Several Grade 11 girls went to the Holocaust Centre. Cara Whittal had the following to say about the excursion: “On arrival, we were addressed and welcomed by staff member who asked us probing questions and explained how social constructs such as race and Social Darwinism were applied in Nazi Germany. A fascinating testimony by Ms Sonja Keschner, who was a child in Nazi Germany from 1933 until her family fled in 1938, kept us rapt until lunch when we split into groups. Our guides led us through explicit and extraordinary exhibits. They explained reasons for and the details of the


Nazi’s Final Solution. Thereafter, we completed a worksheet describing our experiences of the exhibition. A debriefing session, including a documentary, and a tour of the exhibit on our own, concluded an insightful day. We left the centre with a deeper knowledge and greater understanding of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and in Nazi Germany.”


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Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tessa Brown Head: Caitlin Fleming

The Ignition society is made up of Christian girls who want to share their faith. The committee has worked relentlessly to create a space for this within the school. The themes for our weekly meetings ranged from the strength and dignity of women in Proverbs 31, to love, dating and marriage. In our series Be the Change, we explored how to face daily challenges and finally, we learnt what it means to live as Spirit-filled followers of Christ empowered by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We hosted events that put our faith into action. The Easter Egg Drive was supported by the school. The committee delivered the Easter eggs to a thrilled bunch of boys and girls at the Vrygrond Children’s Home. The committee returned later in the year to read to the children and provide sandwiches and hot chocolate, and music for some dancing. It was a humbling experience.

at the Jubilee Community Church. Girls invited friends and had an opportunity to hear about the meaning, purpose and heart of worship. The second worship evening was at Rustenburg. It created a space to pray and minister to one another, and to learn more about the Holy Spirit. One of the most important times together this year was the annual RCU camp. We were joined by a group of Rondebosch and Bishops boys at Simonsberg Christian Centre. In between the workshops and sermons, the girls grew closer in friendship. Days were spent warming up in the wintry sun, playing games and relishing the natural forest surroundings. In the evenings we lit the fire, worshipped together and prayed. The camp theme, Not What You Think, explored the idea that Christianity is not for perfect people, but rescued people.

The committee organised two worship nights. The first event was held


Back row, from left: Bianca Rijkmans, Lauren Schaefer, Alexandra Smith, Chelsea Burnell, Erin Lane, Angela Mibey, Kim-Joy Damon Front row, from left: Jordan Philander, Caitlin Fleming (Head), Ms Tessa Brown, Jenna Frost (Deputy), Jessica Slater


Teacher-in-charge: Ms Philippa Colly Head: Kauthar Salie

The focus of Interact this year was to be more inclusive of the whole school. This was achieved through various outreach opportunities and events. The Interact year began with the annual Christmas Party in December 2015 with Klipfontein Primary School. In Term 1 of 2016, Interact held a civvies day to raise money for Stop Hunger Now and followed that with a food-packing event. Term 2 was our busiest term. We hosted the Mother-Daughter Tea in aid of Place of Hope and Pink Drive. A record amount of R18000 was raised. For Mandela Day, Interact got the whole school involved in sandwich-making in the Centenary Quad. The sandwiches were donated to the children of Eldene Primary. Later in the term, the girls joined forces with Rondebosch Boys’ Interact to plan Sun Fest in aid of the Sunflower Fund. As well as our major events throughout the year Interact also hosted a number of outreach events. We deepened our relationship with Place of Hope and hosted regular outreach events there during weekends in the first two terms. Later in the year we hosted another outreach event RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

called Interactive with learners from Clarke Primary School where the girls played sports with and tutored them. Throughout the year, Interact also held many drives. During the Elgin fires we collected energy drinks, water and chocolates for the firefighters. We also collected sewing supplies as well as old Sunflower Fund bandanas to be used to sew blankets for the women at St Antonine’s Home for the Aged. The Double Up campaign was supported as the girls collected sanitary items for underprivileged schoolgirls. Rustenburg also participated in the School SleepOut and collected art supplies for Klipfontein Primary School. Interact had a busy and fulfilling year and were happy to have so many different opportunities to give back to the community. Rustenburg girls are always willing to give of their time to help others and this year was no exception.


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Teacher-in-charge: Ms Mavis Mase Head: Buhle Mcengwa

We have three main aspects of the Jabulani Society: dance, choir and poetry. This allows for a diverse group of talented learners to share their gifts with different people and be able to form friendships in the process. We put in hours of rehearsal time this year, not only in preparation for our own cultural evening, but also for all other schools at which we were invited to perform during the course of the year. Practising three times a week during breaks and after school kept us busy.

On 25 July we held our annual isiXhosa and Jabulani Assembly. It started off with the Grade 8s’ praise poem about the father of the nation (Nelson Mandela). This was followed by other performances, including the Jabulani choir.

On 8 April, we hosted our Annual Cultural Evening. We invited various schools to perform on our stage. The MCs for the night were Asemi Ntsokolo and Amukele Ngubane. The dancers performed to Justin Bieber’s “Sorry” and the choir sang two songs. The event was a success and produced a variety of talented and exciting acts from our performers.

We also performed in school assemblies, like those held for Youth Day, Women’s Day and Heritage Day. The choir also had the honour of performing a song for the Matric class of 2016 at their Valedictory.

Jabulani Society

Music Society Committee

Back row, from left: Adwoa Danso, Kaya Dube Front row, from left: Lathitha Njozela, Asemi Ntokolo, Ms Mavis Mase, Buhle Mcengwa (Head), Amukele Ngubane

Music Society

Second row, from left: Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Ms Maileen Jamey, Hannah Clayton (Head) Front row, from left: Caitlin October, Imke Mühr, Lauren Pienaar, Kerryn Duff

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Maileen Jamey Head: Hannah Clayton

The Music Society had an eventful year. Under the enthusiastic leadership of Hannah Clayton and Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, the committee hosted its first Musical Movie Evening in Term 1. This was a great success and a fun evening. With a view to collaborating and exposing all Rustenburg learners to music, the Music and Retro societies co-ordinated their second Open Mic Event in Term 2. It provided a performance opportunity for any girl who wished to share her talents with the school. The line-up included singers and instrumental groups, as well as some poetry readings and dance items. Aimée George, an Old Girl who is currently studying Jazz Performance at UCT, adjudicated and was impressed by the overall standard. Both events were well-received and enthusiastically supported. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016

We also welcomed various guest speakers during the Wednesday long breaks. These included South African break-dancers, Mr Duane Lawrence and Ms Corrine de Beer who spoke about Positivity in Hip Hop; Ms Helen Reikofski, an Old Girl who studied music and drama abroad; a vocal recital by student teacher, Ms Nomsa Mpofu; and a performance by “The Voice South Africa” winner, Richard Stirton.


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Media Centre Teacher-in-charge: Ms Marilyn Peters Head Monitress: Raeesah Shaik Deputy Head Monitress: Mila Truter Secretary: Shafeeqah Modack Social Secretary: Laila Korowlay

“What a school thinks about its Library is a measure of what it thinks about education” Media Monitresses: Bianca Rijkmans, Faatimah Leonard, Evashna Pillay, Haseena Moolla, Daniella Attfield, Sabrina-Belle Roberts, Caitlin Starke, Kauthar Parker, Tatenda Dandara, Raeesa Kazi, Joycelyn Ng, Caitlin Millard, Lydia Hardie, Thameena Dhansay, Daniela Schutte New Media Monitresses: Helen Brooke, Nuha Hoosen, Fatima Kerven, Bronwyn Kode, Lila Ross, Isabelle Vainio, Tanya van der Merwe, Kaitlyn Watt “School libraries can play a major part in achieving ‘ambitious national targets for a high quality and high equity schooling system’.” Conclusions of an Australian Education Services 2013 study, broadly consistent with those of over 20 studies conducted in the US, Canada and Britain, were (that) “the school library is one of few places in a school open to all students, teachers and parents. In addition to providing a congenial learning environment and ‘safe haven,’ it often offers a venue for extra-curricular activities, as well as school community events and meetings. For students from lower socio-economic backgrounds, it provides access to print and electronic resources that might otherwise be unavailable to them.” We are very happy to report that, as usual, your Media Centre has enjoyed exceptional patronage, issuing over 4500 items during the course of the year, and keeping our fabulous family of monitresses fleetfooted and fit. The air-conditioned comfort and welcoming, relaxed atmosphere ensures the continuous occupation of the Reading Room by the read-a-holics, and the main Library as an academic haven for after-school work. After hours it is frequently the setting for School Governing Body meetings and VIP events, as well as the monthly gathering of the 12 Club.


It goes without saying that the Centre’s celebrated efficiency and productivity would be quite impossible without the dedicated service volunteered by our crew of enthusiastic young librarians. Well over 650 books, periodicals and DVDs were accessioned before the end of August, entailing hours of processing and recording. Thankfully, the increased capacity afforded by our gallery installation in the workroom last year has eased former shelving and shelf-management problems significantly – and comfortably accommodated all these new acquisitions. We’re grateful too for the assistance of long-standing library angels Ms Sally Michell and Ms Judy Paul, without whom stocktaking and “weeding” would be a daunting prospect. In helping to manage this Library family, our Matrics – Raeesah, Mila, Shafeeqah and Laila – were sorely missed once they retired to write their Preliminary Examinations in August, but Bianca and her very able new committee – Faatimah, Evashna, Haseena and Daniella – have slipped neatly into their challenging shoes. The term spent training new volunteers was, as always, worth the extensive time invested. This year we welcomed eight very promising and enthusiastic graduates at our Matric farewell party. Initiation fun followed as they were sent on a testing “treasure quest” for information and items, with thoughtprovoking clues set by Bianca’s father. Our monitresses continue to visit their adoring young patrons at our partner library in Vrygrond regularly, and thanks to our annual Civvies Day collection, we again secured the traditional December Children’s Holiday Camp. This time their librarian, Ms Jane Sylvester, has selected the Apostles Battery facility. Looking forward to the year ahead, we intend to continue nurturing the climate of academic excellence for which our school is renowned, whilst satisfying too the appetite for the reading habit that is so essential for our well-rounded school-leavers.


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Muslim Students’ Association Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zargielay Rabeh Head: Nausheenah Parker

2016 was very effective for the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), Alhamdulillah. The society grew through the introduction of innovative ideas that were successfully implemented. On 28 March, we had our annual Fun Day, where we spent the whole morning interacting with over 40 children from various orphanages. The morning was filled with laughter, outdoor games, face painting and other activities. To end off we had a splendid braai for lunch. This was provided by the MSA society of Rondebosch Boys’ High School. On 12 May our MSA was invited by Rondebosch Boys’ to attend a Thikr hosted by their school, which was a spiritually uplifting night. On 15 May, MSA societies from many different schools including Rustenburg, came together to attend a conference conducted by Sheikh Khalil and Sheikh Zakariyaa from Darun Na’im and many other youth members. The conference addressed a many topics that were relevant to our lives. The Inter-school Iftaar, which was conducted by our Grade 11

committee members on 1 June in the Kemp Hall, was successful. The Grade 11 committee members invited children from the Al Noor orphanage to break their fast with us. This added value to the night and made it memorable. Another event we held was an ‘’Almost-sleepover” on 21 October (also known as a Fun Night in Charlie’s Hope.) The evening was filled with love, laughter, hot chocolate, pizza and more. It was also a kind of a reunion event as all previous MSA committee members were invited to join. It was a lovely opportunity to interact and get to know each other. It has been an incredible year for the MSA. JazakAllah Khair to all the parents, teachers, society members and many others who have supported.


Back row, from left: Zahra Mohamed, Rafiqua Anwar, Nuhaa Francis, Imaan Khan, Yusra Sablay Front row, from left: Nureen Rawoot, Nausheenah Parker (Head), Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Imaan Allie, Sharfaa Kalam

Photographic Team Third row, from left: Semonn Steyn, Zara Brown, Lauren Searle, Brittany Gouws, Neeta Chavda, Adrienne Clynick, Saijuree Sewchuran, Holly Rowe Second row from left: Cynthia Augustine, Rachel Couperthwaite, Alexandra Smith, Tasmyn Baxter, Syan O’Connell-Richards, Taskeen Parker Front row, from left: Lu-Jaine Isaacs, Emma Swart, Ms Nicky Cooper, Jessica Jamieson, Yusrah Hartley



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Teacher-in-charge: Mr van Dyk Head: Neeta Chavda

Retro members celebrate the impact that the events of the past have on our lives, and the crucial role that the youth has in the outcome of the future. The new committee started the year with a classic Retro event, a fashion shoot. This introduced the new committee on the blog. Each member was dressed in brightlycoloured, floral dresses, according to “The Summer of 69” theme. Second on the Retro agenda was a fashion shoot for the whole society. The theme was black and white, and society members sported both classic vintage wear and modern styles, resulting in some beautiful photographs.

Term 2 saw the Retro Committee and the newly elected subcommittee organise an informative Youth Day Assembly. The theme was Empowering the Youth, encouraging the school to recognise the impact of the past. The school was addressed by Rustenburg Old Girls, Chloe Kruger (E12) and Robyn Fester (E13). We were entertained by a lively performance from Jabulani, moved by the speeches of Nokukhanya Zondi and Lisa Makumese, and enjoyed brilliant renditions of the songs “Pepsi Cola” and “Burn Out” by our Marimba band. The Retro Committee also teamed up with the Music Society to host an Open Mic Day, celebrating the vast talents of our school. From singing to poetry to stand-up comedy, girls were encouraged to participate. Each performer was warmly received by the audience.

The blog is a large part of Retro identity. Each member wrote passionately about various topics. Fashion, fitness, flashbacks and the recently added retrospective themes were all covered.

Retro Guest Speaker

Rustenburg Old Girl, Chloe Kruger (E2012), addressed the school at this year’s Retro Youth Day Assembly. Currently studying Psychology and Economic History at UCT, Chloe spoke about the rewards of her work with the “Reach for a Dream” initiative.

Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring

Back row, from left: Yusra Sablay, Nabeelah Gangraker, Neeta Chavda, Nausheenah Parker Front row, from left: Nureen Rawoot, Ashleigh Prinsloo, Ms Perdita Norval, Kathleen Holcroft, Sakeenah Jaffer RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


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The President’s Award Teacher-in-charge: Ms Brigid Ryan

Our mission, with the assistance of adult volunteer leaders, is to empower people between the ages of 14 and 25, by providing a balanced, non-competitive framework for self-development that will increase their self-esteem and enhance their capacity to achieve in whatever context they find themselves: enabling them to become responsible, active citizens within their communities. The President’s Award enrolment slowed down slightly this year, probably because of the sudden hike in administration fees, but still strove to encourage learners to develop themselves in a well-rounded way. We have had a fairly steady stream of people submitting their logbooks and many of these have been involved in an interesting variety of services and adventurous journeys. The girls at Rustenburg are fortunate because a lot of what they are involved with at school can count towards attaining their badges.

President’s Award

Back row: Cassidy Bhoopchand, Lily van Rensburg, Jenna Frost Front row, from left: So-hyeon Kelly Bang, Ms Brigid Ryan, Phumzile Konile

Five girls served on the Western Cape Youth Committee: So-hyeon Bang, Phumzile Konile, Lily van Rensburg, Jenna Frost and Cassidy Bhoopchand. This group of learners from various schools met up and planned events such as beach clean-ups, Spur fundraising evenings and visits to Christine Revell Children’s Home. HRH Prince Edward was in South Africa to present the Gold Level awards, but sadly this event was held in Gauteng so Rustenburg’s representatives could not attend. Those attaining Silver Level during this year included Stephanie Keyser, Holly Rowe, Megan Lodder, Alexandra Smith and Lauren Schaefer, all of whom went on World Challenge to Malaysia in 2015, where they completed their adventurous journey and did community service.

So-hyeon Kelly Bang and Lily van Rensburg with members of the Western Cape Youth Committee on their beach clean-up

FSA Exchange In July, Tara Oertle (C3) went with the FSA Youth Exchange to Erding, near Munich in Germany to stay with the Staubinger family for three weeks. There she met Toni, her host sister. Toni returned to South Africa with Tara and spent four weeks at Rustenburg. Tara said of her experience that, “The school days are much shorter and nearly all students take the train or cycle to school. I got to experience Munich and went to a typical Bavarian Volksfest (wearing a Dirndl – a traditional Bavarian dress!). Everything is more organised and the clothing shops are awesome. I enjoyed the food – a lot! I will definitely be going back one day.”

World Visitor Karolina Helotera attended Rustenburg on a Rotary Exchange Program from Finland for a year. She joined when she was in Grade 11 and was assigned D2 as her form class. Karolina proceeded to Grade 12 (E2) for the final six months of her stay in South Africa. She was delightfully surprised by her experience in Cape Town and said, “Everything here is so different to what I am used to.” Karolina has since returned to her native country, but took with her memories which she will always treasure.

Toni thoroughly enjoyed South Africa shared these thoughts on her exchange: “We went on three safaris and I saw a lot of animals. We went up Lion’s Head and to Cape Point. I tried biltong and chutney for the first time and I really like them! I’ll buy a lot before I fly back home. I love the food here. It was also interesting to wear a school uniform. I also liked the assembly. We don’t have something like this in Germany. It was a great experience and I’d like to come to South Africa again.” Bronwyn Kruger will embark on the next FSA exchange in December/ January to experience a German winter. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


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World Challenge Sri Lanka World Challengers Team 1:

Both teams spent time working with tea plantation schools in rural areas. Not only did the girls invest their time, energy and love into the school children, they also raised money toward their respective school projects. These funds made a difference to improving the facilities at each school. The girls’ involvement in the execution of these changes was invaluable.

Team 2:

One of the Challengers, Laura Jacobs, described her experience: “I learned how to book accommodation. I overcame the anxiety I generally get before speaking to strangers. On the hike, I developed self-motivation and I learned how to encourage myself to keep going, regardless of how much pain I felt I was in. The trip was such an eyeopening experience. I have learnt to stop taking something as simple as clean, running water for granted. I found my passion: helping people.”

Ms Tessa Brown, Ms Brigid Ryan Bridgette Bauer, Kayleigh Beattie, Justine Crook-Mansour, Paige EitnerVosloo, Emily Hobson, Laura Jacobs, Leah Mann, Sarah Sims, Sarah Tough, Meg Wilson, Caitlynn Yeo

Ms Susan Schnetler Thalia Bardien, Kelly Bridgens, Jaime Cooper, Erin Marsberg, Savannah Meyer, Brigitte Moser, Michelle Mouton, Keren Moyo, Caitlin Powrie, Elizabeth Stevenson, Hazel van der Watt, Alex van Niekerk, Alice von Zeil This year the teams set off to Sri Lanka, an extraordinary destination. The Grade 10s had a unique experience of beautiful, rural Sri Lanka. They were immersed in its vibrant, diverse culture; learnt how to manage themselves and their finances (individually and corporately); had to plan, communicate and work with people across language barriers; persevered through both physical and emotional challenges and developed new, long-lasting friendships.

Alice Von Zeil shared how she developed a love for Sri Lanka: “The best surprise for me was the culture, to see how humble and kind everyone was. The energy of the towns and cities was so vibrant. I wasn’t expecting it to be so different. I did not expect to see how people with so little are willing to give so much to strangers, just from the goodness of their hearts.”

12 Club Teacher-in-charge: Mr Graeme Broster

“The mind is like a parachute – it doesn’t work unless it’s open.” The 12 Club is a group of twelve Matric girls who meet during the course of the year to listen to and debate a presentation from one of their peers on a topic of her choosing. The range of subject matter has varied widely, from “Witchcraft through the ages” to “South Africa’s socio-economic gap”, from “White privilege” to “The role of women in science and religion.” With topics such as these, the discussion was lively, thought-provoking and, at times, even hilarious. Our minds were exposed to new ideas and our consciences pricked, but above all we were treated to the delightful experience of learning for its own sake.


12 Club

Back row, from left: Rachel Edwards, Hannah Lambe, Pasqualle Hefer, Walda van der Merwe, Daniellé Lund, Kauthar Sallie First row, from left: Hannah Clayton, Alexandra Wittenberg-Scott, Mr Graeme Broster, Grace Crocker, Megan Kode


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Drama Production “Bedlam”

truths from the most private room in the house Director Mr Adrian Skelly

Guest Director Ms Carey Hickson-Mahony


Greg Cohen (Rondebosch Boys’ High School), Ansaar Dollie (Rondebosch Boys’ High School), Jade Dreyer, Alex Jeaven, Bronwyn Kruger, S’Qhamo Mangcu (Rondebosch Boys’ High School), Zahra Mohamed, Lauren Pienaar, Sarah Prutton, Duncan Reid (SACS), Martha Muye Ruider, Gabriella Sancho, Lauren Solomon, Catherine Sonnenberg, Megan Sorour, Anne Williams, Simthandile Witbooi


Chloe Allison, Jordan Byrne, Jessica Funston, Jaimé Gillett,



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Ruste burg Old Girls U io

Ruste burg , Old Girls U io RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


Ruste burg Old Girls U io

Founders’ Day In 2016 Founders’ Day fell on 29 January, exactly 122 years after Rustenburg opened its doors. The school welcomed back past pupils and reflected on their contributions. This year we were privileged to host: the 60th Reunion of E1956, the 50th Reunion of E1966 and 40th Reunion of E1976. Many old friendships were re-ignited and memories shared as the Old Girls gathered for tea on the lawns of the Sacred Quad.

Founders’ Day Guest Speaker

Emma Dicks (E2007) graduated from UCT in 2013 with a degree in Business Science. She is passionate about helping South Africans create sustainable solutions to the country’s problems. Emma is particularly interested in education and entrepreneurship as tools to change South Africa. Emma began Code for Cape Town. This inititative introduces high school girls to web building skills and exposes them to opportunities in the IT industry. The mission statement of Code for Cape Town is “Encouraging girls to use technology to create solutions for social issues.” In recognition of her work, Emma was awarded the Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2016. This award acknowledges the work of exceptional people from the British Commonwealth between the ages of 18 and 29. This award included training, mentoring, a one-week programme at Cambridge University and meeting the Queen herself. On Founders’ Day, Emma addressed the school on the importance of pursuing one’s ideals, perseverance and her experiences in the UK. The school presented a new award, the Palmam Meruit Award, inspired by the words of our school motto, “She who has deserved the prize.” This will be awarded to a past pupil who, through her actions, has brought honour to the name of Rustenburg. The inaugural Palmam Meruit Award was presented to Emma Dicks.

Bon Appetit catered the tea for the Old Girls on the lawn and the reunion luncheon held after assembly. Their skill was certainly appreciated. Pictured (from left to right): Zimkitha Kasani, Kirsten McKenzie and Séanne van Horsten.

The E 1956 year group awarded a bursary for 2016, as part of their 60th reunion celebrations. As the group who established the Ubuntu Award, it was entirely appropriate that this bursary was awarded to the 2015 Ubuntu Award winner, Grace Crocker. Pictured are: (standing) Ms Joan Parker and (seated from left to right) Ms Mary Rose Berrisford, Grace Crocker and Ms Charmian Plummer.

Rustenburg was graced by a visit from Ms June Suter who matriculated in 1946.

Ms Di Berry (Principal Rustenburg Junior School), Ms Susan Schnetler (Acting Principal of Rustenburg High School for Girls) and Ms Karen Dallas (Deputy Principal Rustenburg Junior) enjoyed the Founders’ Day tea. RGHS MAGAZINE 2016


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School Vision

The Ubuntu Award

was established by the E1956 year group at their 50th reunion and is awarded to “the girl who shows awareness of and concern for the plight and needs of others and reacts compassionately and humanely to these needs.” The 2016 award was presented, not to an individual, but to a group – the Busty Bugs. These girls have astounded the school with their passion and compassion, determination and commitment to raising awareness of Breast Cancer. Pictured are (standing) Ms Debbie Brooke-Sumner and (seated from left to right) Ms Mary Rose Berrisford Alyssa Cummings, Phumzile Konile and Ms Charmian Plummer.

At Rustenburg Girls’ High School, learners are taught to lead courageously, explore their unique potential confidently and serve the world compassionately.

Credits Editor Mr Skelly Sub-editor Ms Capstick-Dale Desktop Publishing and Design Ms Köhler Proof Readers Ms Schnetler, Ms Blackshaw, Ms Evans, School Operations Office Incharge of Photography Ms Cooper

The Rustenburg Old Girls Union awarded their annual

Diamond Jubilee Bursaries to the top candidates in the National Senior Certificate Examination (2015 – Rebecca Haines, 2014 – Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan, 2013 – Nicola Cilliers, 2012 – Alexandra Mould) and the Mavis Wakeford Bursaries to Old Girls who are pursuing teaching as a career (Dorianne Campbell, Ashlynn Wessels, Laura Jane de Klerk, Courtney Wallace). Pictured (from left to right): Courtney Wallace and Yi-Tin Michelle Yuan.

Professional Photographic Portraits Ms Stojiljkovic-Campbell Cover Pages Photography Lily van Rensburg Pupil Photographers Emma Swart, Lu-Jaine Isaacs, Zara Brown, Yusrah Hartley, Stephanie Lawrenson, Brittany Gouws, Tamsyn Baxter, Neeta Chavda, Rachel Couperthwaite, Saiyuree Sewchuran, Taskeen Parker, Alexandra Smith, Cynthia Augustine Recycled Laurel Wreaths The Grade 11 Design class, including: Kayla Budge, Wen-ching Chang, Nina D’Andrea, Jenna Doveton, Madison Gilowey, Holly Hawthorne, Amber Jacobs, Victoria Leach, Aaliyah Meredith, Talia Novella, Saiyuree Sewchuran, Michaela Solomon, Celine Truter, Jamie van Niekerk

Rustenburg Girls’ High School Phone: (021) 686 4066 Fax: (021) 686 7114 E-mail: info@rghs.org.za Address: Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch, 7700

E56 celebrated their 60th reunion by donating another bursary to Rustenburg.

E66 celebrated their 50th reunion and many Old Girls travelled from as far as Australia to attend Founders’ Day.

Long Service Awards Teachers who have served at the school for 10 years (or multiples of 10) are recognised for their commitment and dedication to the school on Founders’ Day. Acting Principal Mrs Schnetler handed out certificates of appreciation to Mr West, Ms Pretorius, Ms Wallace, Ms Lawrence and Ms Schnetler (all 10 years) and Ms Peters (20 years).

Lauren Denny (E2013), Madame Williams and Courtney Wallace (E2012)

Ms Chambers and Ms Mary van Blerk (Past Principal)

Past Principal Dr Elizabeth Fullard and Old Girl Ms Maureen Mantell

Ms Wendy Robinson (Moore), Ms Edwina Alborough (Volkwyn) and Ms Eleine Nannucci (Moore)

Rustenburg is fortunate to have many Old Girls on the staff. Pictured: Ms Ryan, Ms Brown, Ms Hanger and Ms Norval.



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