RGHS School Magazine 2018

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At Rustenburg Girls’ High School, learners are taught to lead courageously, explore their unique potential confidently and serve the world compassionately. School Magazine Credits EDITOR: Mr Adrian Skelly

SUB-EDITOR: Ms Lindsay de Klerk 2

PORTFOLIOS: Ms Susan Schnetler (Deputy Principal: Academic Head) Ms Gillian Blackshaw (Deputy Principal: Pastoral Head)

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LAYOUT AND DTP: Ms Caryn Köhler (Rustenburg Old Girl) PHOTOGRAPHER: Ms Kristina Stojiljkovic-Campbell PRINTING: Mr Darren Taljaard and 4mat Communications FINANCE OFFICE: Ms Lynda Niddrie, Ms Morag Rijs PROOFING: Ms Julie Campbell, Ms Megan Paton PLANNING: Ms Tessa Brown, Ms Lindsay de Klerk, Ms Rene Forbes, Ms Olivia Herrendoerfer, Ms Megan Paton, Mr Adrian Skelly, Ms Julie Campbell OPERATIONS: Mr Graeme Broster, Ms Rene Forbes, Ms Geila Wills PHOTO TEAM: Paige Jooste, Georgia Smith, Savannah Althoff-Thomson, Alyssa Bosch, Siobhan Bottomly, Katia Devoti, Thameena Dhansay, Daniella Freitas, Sabrina Thorndike, Aasiya Khan, Helen Brooke, Iman Cassiem, Lauren Gericke, Sophie-Juliette Hertantyo, Rebecca Mortley, Nicola Oosthuizen, Mia Salonen, Tanatswa Pepukai, Saara Walele

Rustenburg Girls’ High School PHONE: (021) 686 4066 FAX: (021) 686 7114 E-MAIL: info@rghs.org.za ADDRESS: Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch, 7700

Step into leaders’ shoes


Step into academic shoes


Step into pastoral shoes


Step into sport shoes


Step into extramural shoes

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Former Principals From Left: Ms Bleby 1894 - 1911; Ms Donaldson-Wright 1912 - 1916; Ms Kemp 1916 - 1936; Ms Hazell 1937 - 1951; Ms Thomson 1952 - 1979; Ms McIntyre 1980 - 1991; Ms van Blerk 1991 - 1999; Dr Fullard 1999 - 2006; Ms Bekker 2007 - 2015

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Step into ROGU shoes


step into 4

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From the


“Water is the driving force of all nature.” (Leonardo da Vinci) This year more than ever our attention has been drawn to water. It is therefore with tremendous pride that Rustenburg Girls’ High School can enter the New Year as entirely self-sufficient in its water supply. The project of ensuring that this became a reality was testament to community at work. We have received donations from so many members of our immediate and extended community. It has been deeply inspiring to see the commitment to ensure that the school will continue to provide a safe environment within which to learn. Water has the ability to confound science while remaining our most precious resource. Water seems magical; the way it responds to temperature change, expanding when cold and evaporating to fill a room when heated. A simple drop of water is held together by surface tension.

in much the same manner as water vapour. It has, however, also been proven that when most vital, the Rustenburg community condenses to support and uplift. No-one can ever stand alone and expect to achieve greatness in life’s broadest purpose. Hence our Dialogue Day initiative to continue the process of making this ‘a school where all belong’. By working together, we can guarantee that our academic goals are reached and that a valuable community is built. This school magazine is testament to some of the wonderful achievements, thorough hard work, fun and laughter which have been experienced this year. We are fortunate to have a School Governing Body which is dedicated to the school’s vision of excellence in academics, sport, culture and caring for our environment.

It is only natural that people may, over time, drift apart and disseminate

Chairman: Mr Alan Winde. Deputy: Ms Wendy Newton-Wheeler. Principal: Mr Michael Gates. Treasurer: Mr Alistair Noyce. Secretariat: Mr Graeme Broster (co-opted). Parents: Mr Russell Edwards, Mr Sean McGuinness, Cllr Yagya Adams, Mr Steven Schaefer. Elected Educator Representatives: Ms Olive Herrendoerfer, Ms Susan Schnetler. Erinville Boarding House Representative: Ms Wendy Newton-Wheeler. Elected Non-educator Representative: Ms Nolundi Blayi. Student Representatives: Zahra Mohamed, Bethany Rumble. Co-opted Educator: Ms Gillian Blackshaw. Co-opted Parent: Ms Jacqui Samson

Congratulations once again to the principal and school leadership, teachers, pupils and parents for your continuing efforts in maintaining the brand, ethos, and outcomes of this leading school. From academic to the arts, from sport to music, and from community service to leadership, Rustenburg Girls’ High School is a richly enabling environment in which young women thrive.

Each portfolio chair continues to bring improvements to best practice of past governors. Excellence is evident in finance dashboards and management tools, HR improvements, grounds and building maintenance and improvements and upgrades, the Green and Recycling programmes and the new water purification plant which has enabled our school to go off the grid. There is so much going on at our school that is innovative and cutting edge, of which we can all be proud. This education best practice ecosystem is only possible with the full collaboration of the principal, teachers, management and staff, parents and learners. Thank you all. Mr Alan Winde

I sincerely want to thank the members of the SGB who volunteer their time and efforts, along with the school leadership, in maintaining the school’s vision and its excellence.

Step into the shoes of the Gates family

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From the of the School Governing Body

Step into the shoes of Ms Susan Schnetler

Step into the shoes of Ms Gillian Blackshaw

From the Deputy From theDeputy



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Outstanding 2017 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results propelled Rustenburg into the top position in the country (of the Quintile 5 schools) for the second consecutive year. The 100% pass rate, with 170 of the 171 candidates achieving a Bachelors Pass, produced 631 subject distinctions and 95 learners gained four or more subject distinctions. Six girls scored aggregates of 90%+ and the average aggregate for the grade was an impressive 77,51%. Our subject averages continue to reflect the outstanding preparation that is provided by the academic staff, with nine subjects recording averages of above 70% and 11 subjects delivering 80% or more. The top Rustenburg NSC achiever was Bianca Rijkmans, with an outstanding aggregate of 96% and seven subject distinctions, all of which were above 90%. With a perfect 100% for Dance Studies, Bianca was placed first in the province in this subject and also secured second place in French Second Additional Language, where she achieved 98%. At the start of the year we welcomed a somewhat larger than usual group of new Grade 8 learners to our school. They seemed to settle in comfortably and quickly, and they have certainly brought a lovely energy and delightful enthusiasm to our campus. This year the academic focus has been on the use of technology in the classroom, with each of our teachers being issued with an Apple iPad Pro. We had consciously decided to wait and move cautiously, so as to benefit from the lessons learned by other schools when introducing technology. Various devices were used for lessons and assessed by a group of teachers in 2017 before deciding on the iPad to take us forward. Educators are receiving regular in-house training to assist with IT integration in the classroom. These sessions have provided opportunities to explore and master a wide range of educational applications. The change to Engage as a management information system and administrative tool was another big step forward and enabled our online application process. This has also been a steep learning curve and has further contributed to the on-going learning and professional growth of our teachers. Google Classroom is being used in a range of different subjects. In this way, our girls are also learning to interact differently with their teachers. Furthermore, it allows them to work collaboratively and remotely, improves their skills and prepares them more adequately for the workplace and life in the 21st Century.



At the end of 2016 I attended a workshop on Implicit Bias. The workshop stimulated reflection on current school environments and covered topics such as cultural intelligence and the impact of implicit bias in schools. This workshop was so beneficial that we decided to hold the same workshop at Rustenburg for the entire staff in 2017. The workshop allowed the staff an opportunity to reflect on our school, our interactions with each other and the girls and to consider how we might do things differently in the future. This lead to deliberate steps to create opportunities for meaningful conversations for the staff and girls in 2018. A variety of staff workshops have taken place this year varying from the training of teachers to facilitate conversations amongst the girls to actually having meaningful conversations with each other. In May April we stopped normal classes so that the pupils could participate in a Dialogue Day run by Roy Hellenberg and Dylan Wray. The theme for the day was Exclusion and Belonging. We were privileged to have Jonathan Jansen open the day of discussion for us. A Grade 11 pupil wrote to Mr Michael Gates following Dialogue Day: “I came into today’s Dialogue Day feeling apprehensive and critical. On leaving school this afternoon, I found myself filled with excitement and gratitude for what this workshop has meant to me. Today’s discussions have opened my eyes to the experiences of girls around me and the striking resemblance to my own. The topic, that is too often labelled as ‘controversial’ and that is undeniably present in our current-day South Africa, was tactfully presented. I feel that this has helped in the building of compassion and understanding between us. After today, I have found increased contentment and comfort in my identity, qualities that I realised I had been lacking while in the school environment. I can say that I now do feel a strong sense of belonging and I feel empowered by this. I feel proud to be a Rustybug and even prouder in that Rustenburg is pioneering the creation of a space for these necessary and meaningful conversations.” This is an exciting, though at times daunting and uncomfortable journey, yet an absolutely essential one. I am hopeful that this path will result in a place where everyone interacts with respect and compassion, and that Rustenburg will ultimately become a school where every individual feels that they belong.

From the Support

Management Team

The Support Management Team is a new creation and comprises Mr Michael Gates as Principal, Mr Graeme Broster (Operations), Ms Lynda Niddrie (Finance), Mr Myles Siebrits (Campus) and Mr Francis Vogts (ICT). Together they manage the bulk of the non-teaching functions of the school that support the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom. Our weekly meetings discuss a range of issues; from security to events, water purification to community outreach.

Step into the shoes of the Support Management Team

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Our water purification plant was officially opened on 2 August by Education MEC, Ms Debbie Schäfer. The water extracted from our borehole undergoes a range of purification treatments and is regularly tested to ensure that it meets the SANS 241 specifications for water purity. The pump is capable of extracting 20,000 litres of water per day, more than enough to meet the needs of the entire campus. Pictured here are Mr Michael Gates (Principal), Mr Len Worthington-Smith (Technical Consultant), Zahra Mohamed (Headgirl), Minister Schäfer, Mr Andrew Hulsman (AWH Water) and Mr Myles Siebrits (Project Manager).

Now an established part of the Grade 8 Life Orientation curriculum, our Campus Staff introduces the learners to the Rustenburg Vegetable Patch. Using compost made from the organic waste generated on campus, the vegetable patch supplies the Hostel Kitchen as well as our grounds and cleaning staff members with organically-grown produce. The experience increases the learners’ awareness of where their food comes from, and the need to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

The Grounds and Cleaning staff were treated to a special lunch and cookery lesson by the Consumer Studies teachers and members of Bon Appetit. Here Emanuel Vureya and Kudakwashe Mwaedza show off their newly-gained abilities.

Our relationship with Bokmakierie Primary School in Athlone was strengthened this year as we joined with the Lions Club of Kirstenbosch to donate time and equipment toward the outfitting of their Computer Centre. Seen here is Mr Gates with Kirstenbosch Lions Club President, Mr Philip Bam, at the opening ceremony. The connection is ongoing, with the next steps being connecting the lab to the internet and providing support and training to the learners and staff.

In preparation for the roll-out of iPads for use in the classroom by the 2019 Grade 8 class, all teachers were given an iPad Pro along with an Apple Pencil in January. Ms Juanita Atkinson, Ms Kyla Thompson and Ms Floriane Blanc-Marquis are in the new Tech Training Room, showing off their new skills during one of the regularly scheduled training times. Introducing the iPads has also required an upgrade to the school’s Wi-Fi network and internet connection.

Rustenburg Staff

Ms Gillian Blackshaw: BA (MBK), HDE (PG) Sec

ISIXHOSA: Ms Mavis Mase: BA (Hons), HDE LIFE ORIENTATION: Ms Perdita Norval: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec LIFE SCIENCES: Ms Zargielay Rabeh: BSc, HDE (PG) Sec, BEd (Hons), ABET MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL LITERACY: Mr Paul van Koersveld: BSc; PGCE MUSIC: Mr Jaco Goosen: MMus, UTLM NATURAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Mr Graham Reggiori: BSc, HDE (PG) Sec

Academic Management Team

Academic Staff

PRINCIPAL Mr Michael Gates: BMedSc (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec, MEd

Deputy Principal: Academic Ms Susan Schnetler: BSocSc, Hons (BA), HDE (PG) Sec

Deputy Principal: Pastoral

HEAD OF GRADE 12: Ms Brigid Ryan: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec HEAD OF GRADE 11: Mr Bernard Biermann BA, PGCE HEAD OF GRADE 10: Ms Anita Marshall: B Home Economics (Ed) HEAD OF GRADE 9: Ms Rebecca Goble BSc, PGCE HEAD OF GRADE 8: Ms Susan Viljoen: BSc (Hons), PGCE

Mr Glynn Alard: M.Sc (Ecology) PGCE Ms Juanita Atkinson: BMus (Ed) (Hons) Ms Jane Behne: BSc, HDE Ms Floriane Blanc-Marquis: MA Ms Tessa Brown: BA, PGCE Mr Murray Buitendag: BMus (Jazz Performance). Ms Norma Caesar: BA (Hons), HDE, MEd Ms Julie Campbell: BJourn, PGCE Ms Astrid Castle: BTech (Fine Arts) Ms Philippa Colly: BSc, PGCE Ms Nicky Cooper: BA Ms Nokutula Dyonase: BSc (Hons), PGCE Ms Karyn Gideon: BEd, Senior and FET Phases Mr William Haggard: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Mr James Hendricks: MA, PGCE Ms Tracey Henry: BSc HDE, BA (Hons) (Psychology) Ms Lynette Jacobs: BA Human Ecology (Educational Course) Ms Marieta Langenhoven: BA (Hons), HDE Ms Louise Lawrence: BSc, HDE (Sec) Mr Wihan Neethling: BA (Hons), PGCE Ms Johandrie Oosthuizen: BDram, MDram, PGCE Ms Megan Paton: BSocSc, PGCE, MEd Ms Tarin Scharneck: BEd (Arts) Ms Kyla Thompson: BSc, PGCE Ms Jan Thorne: BMus (Ed) Ms Erika van As: MA, HDE Ms Kayla Voskuil: BEd, Senior and FET Phases Ms Louise White: BTh

Support Management Team

Part-time Music Educators

ARTS: Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec BUSINESS AND LIFE SKILLS: Ms Linda Mallon: BA, HDE LANGUAGES: Ms Lindsay de Klerk: BA, PGCE SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS: Mr Graham Reggiori: BSc, HDE (PG) Sec

Extra-Curricular Management Team 8 R G H S M A G A Z I N E 2 018

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Mr Jaco Goosen: MMus, UTLM DIRECTOR OF SPORT: Ms Renée Scott: BA (Phys Ed) HDE HEAD OF EXAMINATIONS: Ms Bridget Cameron: BSc, HDE (PG) Sec, Med HEAD OF LEARNER LEADERSHIP: Ms Zaandré BarrettTheron: BEd (Psych) (Hons) HEAD OF SCHOOL PROGRAMME: Ms Renée Fourie: HDE (PG) Sec, MA HEAD OF SOCIETIES AND SERVICE: Ms Olivia Herrendoerfer: BMus (Ed), PGCE (Term 1, Term 2 and Term 4), Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec (Term 3)

Pastoral Management Team

CAMPUS MANAGER: Mr Myles Siebrits HEAD OF FINANCE: Ms Lynda Niddrie ICT MANAGER: Mr Francis Vogts: Dip. IT OPERATIONS MANAGER: Mr Graeme Broster: BSc (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec

Subject Heads ACCOUNTING & EMS: Mr Gian Marneweck: BCom, PGCE AFRIKAANS: Ms Helene Swanson: BA, HOD CONSUMER STUDIES AND TECHNOLOGY: Ms Anita Marshall: B Home Economics (Ed) DESIGN AND VISUAL ARTS: Ms Jackie Chambers: BA Fine Arts (Hons), HDE DRAMATIC ARTS: Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec ENGLISH: Ms Denise Campbell: BA, HDE (PG) Sec FRENCH: Mme Dominique Williams: MA, HDE (PG) Sec GEOGRAPHY: Ms Brigid Ryan: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec GERMAN: Ms Renée Fourie: MA, HDE (PG) Sec HISTORY: Mr Cedric van Dyk: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec ICDL: Ms Janine Myers: BTech (IT), HDE (Comm) Sec, FDE (Comp) Sec

Mr Grant Adams: amaAmbush accreditation Ms Zanelle Britz: Post Grad Diploma (Performance) Ms Cheryl de Havilland: BSc (Physics/Music) Ms Claire de Kock: BMus Ms Annelize de Villiers: MMus (Clarinet Performance) Mr Graeme du Plessis: MMus, BMus Hons Mr Robert Jeffery: MMus, BMus, ATCL Ms Maria Raynham: MMus, LMV, UTLM Ms Marga Smith: MMus, LTCL, PGCE Ms Carla Stokes: 4th year BMus student Mr David West: BMus, LTCL, AMus TCL, ATCL

Media Centre Ms Jordan Tame: BSocSc, PGCE Ms Marilyn Peters (Part-time)

Administrative Staff Ms Nolundi Blayi Ms René Forbes Ms Pat Hanger Mr Alister Penny Ms Dee Penny

Ms Morag Rijs Ms Christine Steenekamp Ms Jackie Weston Ms Geila Wills Ms Lynne Young BUGS’ BOUTIQUE SCHOOL SHOP Ms Lydia Mostert Ms Linda Simmons

Campus Supervisor Mr Stephen Nicholas

Cleaning Supervisor Ms Nomazizi Sapepa

Campus Staff Mr Ibrahim Allie Ms Klara Constable Mr Llewelyn Giebelaar Mr Ali Ibrahim Ms Ruth Kabinda Ms Veronica Kabinda Ms Neliswa Mjiqiza Ms Bongiswa Mketo Ms Gcobisa Mlozane Mr Edward Mudiwa Mr Adrian Munnik Mr Tawanda Muyambo Mr Kudakwashe Mwaedza Ms Agnes Ndyambo Ms Nokuzola Ngxabani Ms Mandisa Nkumanda Ms Bongiwe Pikini Mr Emmanuel Vureya

Head of Erinville Hostel Ms Karin Evans

Erinville Catering Manager Ms Melanie van Blerk

Erinville Staff Ms Michele Bakker Ms Alyssa Cummings Ms Ursula Hardie Mr Gregory Isaacs Ms Susan Mentoor Ms Theresa Muller Ms Mary Mufford Ms Elaine Nyhila Ms Lizette Samuels Ms Sheila Stoffels Ms Elizabeth Theunissen Ms Nomawethu Tshona Ms Sarah Verster

Tuckshop and Catering Ms Michelle Haylett Ms Linda Mantshi

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Back row, from left: Ms Tessa Brown, Ms Juanita Atkinson, Mr Jaco Goosen, Mr Paul van Koersveld, Mr Murray Buitendag, Mr Bernard Biermann, Mr Gian Marneweck, Ms Anita Marshall Fifth row, from left: Ms Jordan Tame, Ms Hilana Marais, Mr William Haggard, Ms Megan Paton, Mr James Hendricks, Ms Kyla Thompson, Ms Rebecca Goble, Ms Helene Swanson Fourth row, from left: Ms Johandrie Oosthuizen, Ms Louise Lawrence, Ms Floriane Blanc Marquis, Ms Nicky Cooper, Ms Jackie Chambers, Mr Cedric van Dyk, Ms Jane Behne, Ms Mavis Mase, Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron, Ms Susan Viljoen Third row, from left: Ms Denise Campbell, Ms Perdita Norval, Ms Julie Campbell, Ms Erika van As, Ms Marieta Langenhoven, Ms Philippa Colly, Ms Lynette Jacobs, Ms Louise White, Ms Janine Myers Second row, from left: Ms Tarin Scharneck, Ms Kayla Voskuil, Ms Jan Thorne, Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Ms Dominique Williams, Ms Norma Caesar, Ms Olivia Herrendoerfer, Ms Tracey Henry, Ms Karyn Gideon, Ms Nokutula Dyonase Front row, from left: Mr Graham Reggiori, Ms Brigid Ryan, Mr Adrian Skelly, Ms Susan Schnetler, Mr Michael Gates, Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Ms Bridget Cameron, Ms Renée Fourie, Ms Linda Mallon Absent: Ms Lindsay de Klerk, Mr Glynn Alard, Mr Robert Jeffery, Mr Wihan Neethling, Ms Maria Raynham

Academic Staff


Administrative Staff

Back row, from left: Ms Michelle Haylett, Mr Alister Penny, Ms Lynne Young Second row, from left: Ms Nolundi Blayi, Ms Jordan Tame, Ms Geila Wills, Ms Christine Steenekamp, Ms Morag Rijs, Ms Linda Mantshi Front row, from left: Ms Marilyn Peters, Ms Jackie Weston, Ms Lynda Niddrie, Mr Michael Gates, Ms Renée Scott, Mr Graeme Broster, Ms René Forbes Absent: Mr Francis Vogts, Ms Lydia Mostert, Ms Dee Penny, Ms Pat Hanger, Ms Linda Simmons

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Campus Staff

Back row, from left: Ms Agnes Ndyambo, Ms Bongiwe Pikini, Ms Claire Constable, Ms Gloria Mlozane, Mr Emmanuel Vureya, Ms Neliswa Mjiqiza Second row, from left: Mr Ibraham Allie, Mr Ali Ebrahim, Ms Ruth Kabinda, Mr Edward Mudiwa, Ms Veronica Kabinda, Mr Kudakwashe Mwaedza, Mr Adrian Munnik Front row, from left: Ms Nomazizi Sapepa, Mr Michael Gates, Mr Myles Siebrits, Mr Stephen Nicholas Absent: Ms Bongiswa Mketo, Ms Zola Nkumanda, Mr Llewelyn Giebelaar, Mr Tawanda Muyambo

Erinville Staff

Back row, from left: Ms Lizette Samuels, Ms Sheila Stoffels, Mr Gregory Isaacs, Ms Elaine Nyhila, Ms Elizabeth Theunissen Front row, from left: Ms Melanie van Blerk, Ms Karin Evans, Mr Michael Gates, Ms Michele Bakker, Ms Susan Mentoor


Remembering Ms Pam van Dyk It came as an enormous shock to us all that Pam van Dyk, our beloved Hostel Superintendent since April 1999, passed away on the evening of 26 December 2017 in the Constantiaberg Hospital. She had been diagnosed with acute leukaemia not even one month earlier. Ms van Dyk attended Rustenburg from Grade 4 until Matric and, after school, graduated from UCT wanting to teach History, her passion. After a brief stint in the then Transvaal, she came back to Cape Town and started teaching at Wynberg Girls’ High School under Ms Urie. She was there for 18 years and left as Deputy Principal, Head of History and Hostel Superintendent. She was head-hunted a year or so later to join Rustenburg as Erinville’s Superintendent. She loved the idea of coming back to her old school and seeing what the hostel needed and where her expertise could be used.

Ms van Dyk had an incredible sense of humour and so enjoyed laughing. She could see the funny side to everything. Few people aim to become a superintendent of a boarding school, but Ms van Dyk loved doing this work and found it enormously amusing that she landed up living in Ms Thomson’s flatlet! Her spirit is still very much within the walls of Erinville. Ms van Dyk is remembered fondly by girls and parents alike, a truly unique lady. Ms Karin Evans

Remembering Ms Elizabeth Williams

Ms Elizabeth Williams, known affectionately in hostel as Aunty Lisa, worked downstairs in the Duty Room, Sanctum and Common Room in the mornings and in the kitchen in the afternoons for 12 years. She was found to have breast cancer in March 2017 and commenced with chemotherapy which continued throughout the year with all its associated ups and downs. Ms Williams was admitted to Groote Schuur towards the end of December and passed away in hospital on 30 December, four days after Ms van Dyk.

Ms Williams was a jolly person and was always singing hymns as she worked around the hostel. She loved her church and sang actively in the choir. We just needed to follow the singing and we would find her. She loved the girls and would often disappear off to the laundry and fold their washing from the tumble drier. Little touches in Sanctum or the Kitchenette that generally went unnoticed, were done by Ms Williams quietly and made the hostel a better place. She was very proud of Rustenburg and her association with it. Ms Karin Evans

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Immediately Ms van Dyk commenced an upgrade programme from pest control and painting to adapting rules to create more of a homely feel within the hostel. Change takes time of course, but Ms van Dyk had a vision and believed in the possibility of creating an environment that was not governed by strict rules which denied the girls any form of freedom, as had been the case in the 1970s.

Ms van Dyk spent her entire working life in education with teenage girls. She loved the girls and saw great potential in each and every one. She was extremely kind and patient and was prepared to listen. She would ponder over ideas and if there was at all a way to improve a situation, she would find it.

Staff News During the school term, the Rustenburg staff works extremely hard. We are so focused on what needs to be done, that the usual rites of passages pass by without recognition. We hope you enjoy some in-school news and some beyond. In January the Mathematics Department welcomed Ms Louise Keegan and, in April, she married Matthew White. Congratulations to her on an exciting start to the year. Ms Megan Paton (English) and Ms Johandrie Oosthuizen (Afrikaans) joined Rustenburg in January and, in March, Ms Hilana Marais moved to the Eastern Cape and we were joined by Design teacher, Ms Astrid Castle.

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Early this year Campus Staff member, Ms Bongiswe Mketo had a baby girl called Lisakhanya Innocentia and, in June, our Music Department’s Olivia and her husband, Marcell Herrendoerfer welcomed baby Khanya, a little brother to Anniah. While Ms Herrendoerfer was on maternity leave, Ms Marga Smith joined the department on a full-time basis. We thank her for stepping in and slotting into the Music Department so easily. On the 3 November 2018 Ms Gloria Gcobisa married Mr Andile Mcinga and we wish them every happiness in their new life together.§ Our sport champions are Ms Linda Mallon who completed her twelfth Comrades Marathon this year and Ms Zaandé Barrett-Theron for her selection to the Western Cape A Netball Team at the Interprovincial Tournament in July. She also represented Western Province in the Senior Ladies Touch Rugby Team for the seventh consecutive time this year. She has since been selected as part of the SA Touch Rugby World Cup Squad which will travel to Malaysia next year. Sadly, at the end of the year we say goodbye to some teachers who are an integral part of the lives of both our girls and the staff. Mr Glynn Alard will take up a post elsewhere. Ms Tessa Brown is leaving Rustenburg to try something different and the French Department says goodbye to both Madame Dominique Williams, who is retiring, and Mademoiselle Floriane Blanc-Marquis, who has decided it’s time to enter a new chapter in her life. Two more retirees are Ms Anita Marshall, Head of Consumer Studies and Technology since January 2007 and Ms Marilyn Peters from the Media Centre who has been at Rustenburg since April 1993. All three retiring staff are going to leave a huge gap in the soul of our school. Their collective Rustenburg years total fifty-four! IT Manager, Mr Francis Vogts, announced his engagement to Ms Caitlin van Dyk in September and one of our part-time music teachers, Ms Claire de Kock became engaged to a fellow musician, Mr Mark Röntsch earlier in the year. In April, Ms Evans’ daughter, Tammy, gave birth to Katie. Tammy worked in the Hostel as a part-time boarder mistress when she was a student at UCT. Katie is the apple of Ms Evans’ eye and she tries to spend as much time with her as possible. Ms Elizabeth Theunissen of Erinville House celebrated her fortieth year at Rustenburg this year. What a mark of fortitude and loyalty to our boarders.

Ms Marshall retires After 31 years of service to education, Ms Anita Marshall deservedly retired from the profession. As part of a family of educators, including being the wife of a principal, she was a significant role model in the lives of her colleagues and pupils alike. Having grown up in Namibia, with a period of army conscription included, Ms Marshall brought a strong sense of discipline, commitment and perseverance to her role as an educator. She led and taught by example, never expecting anything of her learners that she was not prepared to do herself, and engaged with them in a firm but kind manner. Ms Marshall’s contribution to life at Rustenburg was multi-faceted. In 2008, she spear-headed the complete refurbishment of the two Consumer Studies Laboratories. These aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces will form a substantial part of her legacy. She was also instrumental in the success of Bon Appetit. This group, comprised of senior Consumer Studies’ learners, catered for a variety of functions under Ms Marshall’s expert guidance. There were many Founder’s Day Lunches, school play cocktail functions, and Old Girl Reunion meals, when guests were astounded that the menu had been provided exclusively by Ms Marshall’s pupils; that even the breads and pastries had been prepared from scratch. Another part of her legacy was entrenched in every potential chef who mastered a variety of skills under her tutelage. These budding cooks left school with the ability to recreate Ms Marshall’s legendary chicken pies, ostrich burgers, perfect rough puff pastry and entremets fit for a king, to name but a few dishes. As both an educator and Grade Head, Ms Marshall had the ability to transform an ordinary moment into an educational opportunity. She inspired her learners to think beyond the curriculum, beyond the classroom, beyond their comfort zones. She encouraged them to think critically, respond intuitively and react compassionately. Ms Marshall was in charge of the staffroom, and continuously ensured that staff needs were adequately met. It is certain that, in her retirement, she is unlikely to count coffee mugs and teaspoons on a daily basis.

Our best wishes and congratulations go to all.

Ms Anita Marshall’s dry sense of humour, combined with her innate humility, wisdom, leadership, care for others, meticulous attention to detail, and unfailing loyalty to her profession, formed an indelible impression and a lasting legacy.

Mr Michael Gates

Go well, Anita. Ms Linda Mallon

Ms Peters retires

It became a place where one could find someone to listen, someone supportive and caring. She created a cosy space in the reading room for those who love to read in peace while in the company of others. Always up to date with contemporary events, Ms Peters oversaw the display of books and other material. On entering, one was immediately drawn to the books separated out to make a display on issues which were topical, relevant and so interesting that you absolutely had to read more. Her library committee provided an important platform for girls to learn excellent social and life skills as well as rigorous training on the administrative side of running a library, something they could take with them to tertiary study. Organised and analytical, Ms Peters assisted the Rustenburg teachers by sourcing information for specific subjects or events pertinent to their lessons. Intelligent and tenacious, her research was done with great care to detail. She knew all the best search engines and would go the extra mile to make lesson material interesting and informative. She enhanced the lives of staff and girls when she offered a book that was perfect for the reader. Her ability to choose the “right” book was uncanny. In the words of Mr Siebrits, “Her love of AA Milne and Winnie the Pooh was infectious. Visit the Media Centre and you’re actually entering the 100 acre wood.” She is passionate in her beliefs and is outraged by injustice or cruelty. She is patient and kind and does not judge. Ms Peters was our bird and squirrel rescue expert and she adores cats. It was a mark of her kindness and concern for her fellow being. Family is her all. Mr and Mrs Peters have three children, all very successful in their respective fields. She genuinely cared about the Media Centre and made it into a space we could all enjoy, something that is becoming rarer in a country where books and the enrichment of reading and research is quite far down the ladder. There will be an unfillable void in the Media Centre without her. Ms Jackie Weston

December 2018 marked the retirement of the inimitable Ms Dominique Williams, known to generations of Rustybugs as “Madame.” Her indomitable and fearless spirit endowed her pupils with the knowledge that obstacles could be conquered and setbacks were temporary. Madame infused a love of French into her learners. They embraced her passion and commitment to a language which could give them a linguistic passport to multiple places and opportunities. Her learners were equipped to embrace the future through the skills which they acquired via Madame’s teaching. Many past pupils have recounted how useful it was to be able to speak in French with confidence when they visited France or another French-speaking country. Madame’s comprehensive teaching proved fortuitous in the case of an ex-pupil who became a gynaecologist. There was a French-speaking patient in hospital, who was not able to understand what the doctors were saying to her while she was going into labour. The doctor, an Old Girl, was able to explain to the patient, in fluent French, what was about to happen, making the patient feel more at ease during a stressful time. Madame brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to her position as an educator of the most spoken language in Africa. Her outstanding contribution to the promotion of French in South Africa, as well as her excellent French results over 19 years of teaching, was recognised when she received the “Chevalier Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur” at a function hosted by the French Embassy. The holistic development of her learners, both within the curriculum and beyond its boundaries, was a key facet of Madame’s approach to teaching. Her traditional Grade 12 French Dinner, with its many tasty courses, was a legendary feature of the Matric journey and broadened the lives and minds of many pupils. Madame was instrumental in ensuring that the school was equipped with fully-trained First Aiders: significant numbers of staff members and learners received the requisite training in order to cope with basic emergencies. Blood Donor Clinics also benefited from Madame’s unwavering and committed support to their cause. She was unfailingly loyal in organising the sessions, providing countless learners with opportunity to donate blood. There is no doubt that Madame’s larger-than-life personality will be missed at Rustenburg. Her genuine care for others and dedication to her profession will ensure an unforgettable legacy. Bonjour, Madame. Ms Linda Mallon

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Years ago I was given a book by Ms Peters called “The Little Book of Stress – Calm is for Wimps. Get real, get stressed.” Whereas our school is frequently filled with frenetic activity and teenage angst, Ms Peters made the Media Centre a place of order, tranquility and calm.

Madame Williams retires

, Step into the shoes of Rustenburg s Headgirl, Zahra Mohamed

From the Headgirl Headgirl: Zahra Mohamed Deputy Head of Seniors: Caroline Schreiber Deputy Head of Juniors: Yusra Sablay School Prefects: Noa Anthony, Rebecca Behne, Justine Crook-Mansour, Kim-Joy Damon, Adwoa Diamond Danso, Sarah Firth, Emily Hobson, Laura Jacobs, Aasiyah Khan, Imaan Khan, Sharna Naidoo, Tumelo Nkgudi, Azraa Rawoot, Martha Muye Ruider, Bethany Rumble, Lauren Solomon, Annie Williams, Beth Woodroffe, Yi-Ning Yuan

The mission of our prefect body this year was to plant the seed that will ensure a memorable high school experience through en-couraging school spirit, uniting all grades and creating a safe space where all opinions are valued. 14 R G H S M A G A Z I N E 2 018

We formulated our mission and vision at the Prefects’ Camp. The camp was our first group outing and the perfect opportunity for the prefect body to bond and to develop our leadership and team-building skills. We drew inspiration for our mission and vision from our own high school experiences. Through sharing and communicating, we built a strong foundation for future collaborations and found that our values and visions were aligned. During the camp we came up with a few ideas that we hoped to implement with the Grade 8s to help them integrate quickly and easily. One of these ideas was the Green Card system. This idea encouraged school spirit and support of school events. We hoped to encourage Grade 8s to attend school events in the sport, culture and music sectors. When formulating this idea, we decided that we wanted to work on a reward-based rather than punitive system. The system was successful as we saw an increase of Grade 8 participation at a range of school events. The first prefect-planned event of the year was Grade 8 Orientation Day. It involved a tour of the school, an information session and a range of ice breakers. It set the tone for our relationship with the new Grade 8s for the rest of the year. We welcomed them whole-heartedly and spoke to them honestly. We answered many questions. It was interesting for the prefects to encounter a set of Grade 8s completely different to any group we had experienced before. Part of our welcoming plan for the Grade 8s was

inviting them to collect a lollipop from the Prefects’ Sanctum. This helped the prefects and the Grade 8s become more familiar with one another and allowed the Grade 8s to regard us as approachable and relatable. The Grade 8 and Grade 9 evenings were two memorable events. The Grade 8 evening consisted of a cake decorating competition and some impromptu singing, dancing and modelling shows while the prefects deliberated on the results. The Grade 9 evening was a lip sync battle. The show was opened by the prefects’ rendition of the Spice Girls’ “Wannabe”. The night was memorable and the talented Grade 9s made the judges’ jobs very difficult. The prefects also planned the Matric evening. The theme was “Noughties,” or 00s, and we hosted the likes of Britney Spears and young Miley Cyrus. The evening allowed the grade to enjoy one another’s company during our final year at school. It was a special evening for all of us, involving much laughter and singing. Another grade-bonding event was the celebration of 40 Days. The theme this year was Internet culture, which was fitting for our generation. We hired a popcorn machine, a jumping castle and had a party during second break. One of the most innovative and successful ideas this year was the FREE Project, suggested by Azraa Rawoot. This project was built on promoting interaction between grades by playing games and sports during breaks. This simple idea had a massive impact. The prefects would take over the school grounds during breaks, playing soccer or hand tennis and playing music. Many girls joined us or started their own games alongside. This was a great idea because it encouraged the girls to focus their energy on something productive during break instead of feeling stressed or anxious about the next assignment due. I feel so lucky to have been a part of this diverse, innovative and optimistic group of prefects. They have not only helped me grow as a leader, but also as a person. I was introduced to a brand-new way of thinking and problem-solving that has undoubtedly shaped the woman that I will grow into. Under the guidance of Ms Blackshaw and Ms Barrett-Theron and part of an eager and energetic group of powerful young women, I felt that I contributed to the positive transformation of Rustenburg.


Back row, from left: Martha Muye Ruider, Noa Anthony, Beth Woodroffe, Rebecca Behne Third row, from left: Emily Hobson, Anne Williams, Lauren Solomon, Aasiyah Khan, Justine Crook-Mansour, Yi-Ning Yuan, Sharna Naidoo, Laura Jacobs Second row, from left: Tumelo Nkgudi, Imaan Khan, Adwoa Danso, Sarah Firth, Bethany Rumble, Kim-Joy Damon, Azraa Rawoot Front row, from left: Yusra Sablay (Deputy Head of Juniors), Zahra Mohamed (Head Prefect of School), Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Mr Michael Gates, Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron, Caroline Schreiber (Deputy Head of Seniors)

Step into the shoes of the Representative Council of Learners

From the Representative Council of Learners

Chairperson: Zahra Mohamed Deputy Chairperson: Bethany Rumble Grade 12 Representatives: Azraa Rawoot, Yusra Sablay Grade 11 Representatives: Katia da Silva Valente, Amina Dhansay, Nuha Hoosen, Aleya Dugmore Grade 10 Representatives: Aaliyah Salie, Lekia Thaver, Temwa Ng’ambi Grade 9 Representatives: Erin Coull, Michaela de Vries, Sarah Irwin Grade 8 Representatives: Zeenat Mohamed, Kelly Prowse, Ghanaan Wiscomb

This year has been an exciting year for the RCL and a rewarding one for me as the Chairperson. We have seen the school take strides in its quest to facilitate positive transformation and beneficial dialogue. The RCL’s vision for 2018 was “to preserve the legacy of a positive environment by developing leadership potential and creating an improved sense of well-being in the Rustenburg community.”

The main message the RCL wanted to spread this year was for learners to ask more questions instead of complaining. We did this through regular feedback and question sessions in our RCL-led assemblies. At these assemblies, the RCL members would sit on either side of the hall with microphones. After feedback from our meetings, the floor would be opened to questions, suggestions and solutions. This was very beneficial as it helped the RCL fulfil our role as a link between the school and the students through active and constant communication. The RCL worked in collaboration with the Prefects in our RCL and Prefectled assemblies to present a new project called “Perspective”. This project aimed at presenting something that would encourage the students to remove themselves from their current situation and to look at everything in perspective. This was done to help relieve the girls of some stress and worries. Another project aimed to relieve the stress of the girls was the RCL Stress Buster Morning. This project was a much-anticipated RCL event during which the RCL sold doughnuts and hot chocolate in the Kemp Hall kitchen a week before the start of exams. This year, in our effort to reduce

Representative council of learners

Back row, from left: Michaela de Vries, Nuha Hoosen, Erin Coull, Aaliyah Salie, Ghanaan Wicomb Middle row, from left: Kelly Prowse, Temwa Ng’ambi, Aleya Dugmore, Katia Da Silva Valente, Sarah Irwin, Zeenat Ahmed-Mohamed, Lekia Thaver, Amina Dhansay Front row, from left: Ms Jan Thorne, Bethany Rumble (Deputy Head), Ms Brigid Ryan, Zahra Mohamed (Head), Mr Michael Gates, Azraa Rawoot, Yusra Sablay

The RCL has always been involved in organising projects that can be done for 67 minutes for Mandela Day alongside the sandwich-making organised by Interact. This year, we decided to task each of the form classes with coming up with a project of their own which they would carry out as a class. This encouraged the girls to take more initiative and gave them an opportunity to bond. Under the guidance of their form captain, form teacher and the RCL member in charge of their class, the learners accomplished their 67 minutes of community service and the day was a success. Our weekly meetings were a vital part of the functioning of the RCL. Bethany and I tried to make the meetings as effective as possible. We facilitated the meeting in a way that would provide the most time for answering questions and dealing with suggestions we had received during the week. There are many aspects of the school where the RCL makes a valuable input. We divided our team into different portfolios to ensure that each issue received the necessary attention and to ensure that our meetings were even more effective. As the RCL is made up of girls from across the grades, we tried to ensure that everyone felt that their opinion was valid and encouraged each representative to have the confidence to share a range of ideas they had collected from the school or personal initiatives they felt strongly about. Being the Chairperson of the RCL has taught me leadership skills that have and will be incredibly beneficial to me, and it has given me the opportunity to take initiative and to learn more about the inner workings of Rustenburg. It has been an honour serving the school alongside this group of humble, capable girls who have inspired me to always stand up for change.

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Each grade decided on their own mission for 2018. The Grade 9 Representatives made it their mission to uplift and support one another, to discover their strengths and to create a happy environment in which they can thrive. The Grade 10s’ mission was to create a unique, safe and transparent platform for learners to voice their opinions effectively to their peers and members of staff. The Grade 11s’ mission was to make communication productive, effective and accessible, while confidently advocating for worthwhile causes. The Grade 12s decided to adopt the RCL mission as our personal mission which was to unify the Rustenburg community by encouraging communication and by serving, supporting and inspiring learners to become an active front in all spheres of school life.

waste, we encouraged girls to bring their own mugs in order to qualify for a discounted price. We played music and encouraged girls to talk and relax in the days leading up to the very tense time of exams. This event was, as always, a big hit amongst the learners.

From Erinville

Boarding House

2018 has been a year of finding our feet and building on the foundations laid by Ms Pam van Dyk. Ms van Dyk, our dearly loved superintendent, passed away just after Christmas in 2017, yet her legacy lives on. We were also deeply saddened by the loss of Ms Elizabeth Williams an invaluable member of the Erinville family.

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Ms Karin Evans took over the reins of Erinville Hostel. Together, we navigated through 2018. Her dedication and love for the girls is evident in all the consideration she takes over each individual. I am very grateful for all her hard work over this past year. During the second term we redecorated the dining room. It is now a more sophisticated space, of which the Erinville family can be proud. It is in this space that Ms Elizabeth Theunissen celebrated forty years of working in Erinville. Our Headgirl, Paige Eitner-Vosloo, and her Deputy, Tiffany Yuan, led the

girls well this year and took great care and pride in the organisation of events for our new Grade 8 boarders. Regular meetings between Paige and members of the School Management Team were held to ensure a connection between the school and Erinville. Mr Greg Isaacs, our dedicated handyman, has taken care to ensure that all cubicles have had holes patched and the non-working safes removed. He also ensured that the plumbing, electrics and floors are in safe working order. There was great excitement as we replaced two of the old refrigerators in the Matric Sanctum and kitchenette, with modern glass-fronted machines. The boarders have had some wonderful social functions with SACS and Wynberg Boys’. The girls and boys enjoyed one another’s company. We look forward to 2019 as plans are in place to refurbish the upstairs bathrooms. Depending on the budget allowance, either one or both sides of the corridor will receive a massive face-lift. This should provide more comfortable and modern facilities. We sadly bid Ms Sarah Verster farewell at the end of this year when she moves into a home of her own. We trust she will take many fond memories with her. For the moment, Ms Evans and I will continue to oversee Erinville as we move into the last year of this decade. Mr Michael Gates

Step into the shoes of the Headgirl of Erinville: Paige Eitner-Vosloo

From the Headgirl of Erinville Boarding House Headgirl of Erinville: Paige Eitner-Vosloo Deputy Headgirl of Erinville: Ni-Ying Erinville Prefects: Georgia Dugmore, Ayla Figueira, Sharna Naidoo,Martha Muye Ruider, Alex van Niekerk, Alice von Zeil

As an only child, coming to boarding school was one of the most exciting but also most overwhelming things I have ever experienced. Besides the fact that I was a new Grade 8 and didn’t know anyone, I will admit I was scared of the new environment, the new people, the new school and, mostly, being away from home. It didn’t take me very long to realise that the 75 girls I live with would become my family and the pink boarding house, my home away from home.

Sanctum, is my favourite room in Erinville. Even though it is the culprit for many last minute projects or crash courses the night before exams, I wouldn’t want it to be any other way. Sanctum has united our grade like you will not believe and has been the source of all my happiness and laughter in hostel this year. I have never met a group of girls quite like the hostel Matrics of 2018. We do get on each other’s nerves sometimes and we argue, but that’s what sisters do. They have been there for me through the best and the worst times and have made me feel like part of a family and for that I will be eternally grateful.

The girls have taught me to love beyond self and to care for the people around me because that is what has made my hostel experience one I wouldn’t trade for anything. Being in a leadership position is a daunting responsibility, especially when you’re trying to control 75 strong, courageous and independent women but it has been an easy task thanks to my amazing deputy Yi-Ning Yuan (who has constantly calmed me in stressful times and who has been there when I needed her most) as well as the hostel prefects and all the hostel matrics who have made this the most memorable year yet. We started this new year with an empty space in our hearts after the passing of Ms Van Dyk. With the unconditional love and support of all the Erinville girls, we came together as a stronger house to honour her name and the legacy she left behind, and go on as the Erinville girls of which she would be proud.

Erinville Prefects

Back row, from left: Alice von Zeil, Alex van Niekerk, Georgia Dugmore, Ayla Figueira, Martha Muye Ruider, Sharna Naidoo Front row, from left: Ms Karin Evans, Paige Eitner-Vosloo, Mr Michael Gates, Ni-Ying Yuan, Ms Michele Bakker

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As the frightened Grade 8 that I was, and that most Grade 8s are in the beginning of the year, I found comfort in my new family who reassured me that they had all gone through the same thing before. Over the years in Erinville, I have seen friends come and go, both older and younger than I. One thing stays true to their character no matter where they go. Erinville girls are kind and compassionate, they care for one another and don’t let each other down. They will always be there as a shoulder to cry on or a sister to laugh with. I have seen all these characteristics portrayed in the girls throughout my time at Erinville. The girls I call my family have been my support system for the somewhat traumatic event that is high school. No matter how far their travels might take them, they will always be girls of the Pink Boarding House.

After the past five years that have gone by in a flash, it’s almost time for the matric girls to say our final goodbyes. It’s unreal to think that I won’t be coming back to this special place, hearing the screams in the corridors of girls greeting each other after the end of year holiday. There will be no more running through the dorms surrounded by my friends left, right and centre, and no more hearing everyone I love all around me for a whole five days straight. But one thing I know for sure is that I will carry the values of the Erinville girl with me.

Step into the shoes of Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron

Learner Leadership Programme We strive to empower all Rustenburg girls so that they can leave high school with key life skills, such as teamwork and communication. All learners are given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills during their high school career by participating in the various activities which the programme offers.

President’s Award and World Challenge programmes have also been very successful and continue to offer invaluable experience. All leadership workshops have been adapted and improved based on the feedback from learners. The Grade 9 and 11 camps proved successful and enjoyable. These camps provided the opportunity to get to know their peers outside the classroom whilst developing life-skills. The learner leadership programme remains a platform for both the girls to develop and the school to nurture the abilities of each individual.

The Matric Mentor system continued to run smoothly. It helped Grade 8 learners to adjust to high school under the guidance of a senior. The

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The Grade 8s enjoying numerous outdoors activities and obstacle courses such as rock climbing and river rafting at the Bundi Camp.

Erin Griffiths, Zahraa Solomons and Zahrah Paulse in Grade 9 enjoy a competitive game of dodgeball as part of their team bonding activities on camp.

The competitive side of the Grade 9s in a variety of relay races in the lagoon in Onrus.

The Grade 11 camp included a variety of activities that focused on teamwork and communication. Here is Mia Salonen trying to communicate to her peers by using signs only.

The Grade 11s cheering on Aleya Dugmore on one of the homemade rafts.

Zaina Abrahams (Grade 11) just about keeps her head above water on her team’s raft.

The Grade 11s taking a break and enjoying the sun.

Grade 8s working together and getting to know each other in their first week at Rustenburg.

A group of Grade 8s make a concerted effort to pass the marble on smoothly during their leadership workshop.

step into


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Step into the shoes of Mr Adrian Skelly

From the Faculty of Arts

DANCE Although Rustenburg does not have a specialised dance studio, girls in the FET Phase are still able to enrol for Dance Studies privately as an academic and examinable subject. This is outsourced and supervised by Ms Megan Black, shown here with Rustenburg dancers Kathia Oppelt (left) and Camilla Freddy (right). There are both theory and performance assessments in Dance Studies.

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DESIGN An absolute highlight for the Design pupils was a workshop at Guga S’thebe, the cultural and art centre in Langa, where learners discovered the importance of using sustainable and reusable materials when designing. Much fun was had making animals out of recycled plastic bottles, flower sculptures from empty milk bottles and embroidery using old cardboard. The excursion helped to emphasise how valuable it is to upcycle.

Simthandile Witbooi (Grade 11)

Isabella Webster (Grade 10)

Piper-Lily Ashworth (Grade 10)

Caitlin Gronow (Grade 10)

DRAMAtic arts Invaluable cast member Talia Kocerhan received the Rosenberg Prize. This is awarded annually to the Grade 12 Dramatic Arts pupil who brings consistent high energy, enthusiasm and imaginative ideas to each of the theme programme rehearsals. Talia’s willingness to experiment physically and vocally, and encouragement of her peers, contributed valuably to the cast of “Out of Step.”

Best Actresses Natasha Espag (Grade 12) and Gabriella Sancho (Grade 11) shared the Alston le Roux Drama Cup. This trophy was donated in 1998 with the request that it be awarded annually at Prize Giving to the pupil, or pupils, who offered the greatest contribution to the development, promotion and service to the theatrical genre at Rustenburg in that particular year. It is the most prized award in the Dramatic Arts Department. Natasha excelled in her interpretation of the petulant Helena, and Gabriella as the mischievous Puck, in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” this year.

Full Colours for Drama Receiving Full Colours for Drama is no mean feat. Actresses need to perform in at least three productions, either at or for the school, earning credits over at least three years. This year was a bumper edition with more Full Colours for Drama being awarded than ever before. These girls are all exceptionally talented and hard-working, and tackled demanding roles in shows such as A Murder is Announced (2015), Bedlam (2016), Dirty Laundry (2017) and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2018). From left: Megan Sorour (Grade 10), Lauren Solomon (Grade 12), Zahra Mohamed (Grade 12), Jade Dreyer (Grade 10), Gabriella Sancho (Grade 11).


History was made in 2018! At the start of the year the Grade 12 girls produced the highest History average ever with 89,5% in the National Senior Certificate examinations. This year’s Grade 12s loved their annual Sixties lesson which focussed on the 1969 Woodstock Peace Concert. It brought out the best in our wanna-be hippies.

Once again the Grade 12s won awards for their writing, film and art entries in the White Rose Project at the Holocaust and Genocide Centre. Shown here is Ashiqa Hassan who received first prize for her film “Resistance with Name.”

Adwoa Danso (Grade 12) launches into a verse of “It’s our time,” which she wrote especially for this year’s Women’s Day Assembly.

The 88 Grade 11 History, French and German learners made history when they became the largest group to attend the tour of the Holocaust and Genocide Centre in Term 3.

Ms Tarin Scharneck focussed this year’s assembly on Children’s Rights and the Hall of Fame for all those working to uphold their rights.

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Dramatic Arts is a co-ed subject In the FET Phase (Grade 10 – Grade 12), Dramatic Arts is a coed subject with budding performers from Rondebosch Boys’ and Rustenburg Girls’ learning more about acting and theatre together. The first ‘Bosch boy to matriculate from Rustenburg’s Dramatic Arts Department was Greg Cohen, last year, who achieved commendable theory and performance results. Shown here are some of the current ‘Bosch Drama pupils: Matthew Lubbé (Grade 10), Thomas White (Grade 11) and Timothy Mantel (Grade 12).

visual arts

Award winners Shelby le Roux (Grade 8), Erin Griffith (Grade 9, overall winner) and Kate Birch (Grade 9) at the Metro Central’s GET Art Competition.

At the Celebration of Creativity Exhibition; experimenting with medicine (gentian violet and mercurochrome) in the Art and Alchemy Project by Grade 11 pupils, Rebecca Bank and Amber Wilson.

Grade 11 Visual Arts Photography girls enjoyed a night shoot with mascot, Frank the alpaca!

The Grade 12 outing to the Norval Foundation on Fairy Day. Standing in front of an Eduardo Villa sculpture are Hazel van der Watt, Caitlin Powrie and Talia Kocerhan.

During the Grade 10 and Grade 11 outing to the Norval Fountain, Rustenburg’s artists encountered Brett Murray’s “Again Again” (2015).

Rustenburg’s artists strolled through Kendell Geers’ “Hanging Pieces” (1993) during the Grade 12 outing to the Zeitz MOCAA.

Chi Ying Ng (piano) and Kim-Joy Damon (cello), both Grade 12 Music students, during an ensemble rehearsal for a lunch time concert.

Grade 11 Music students Carla Daniels, Jessica McLachlan, and Ye Eun Chung discussing the possible solution to a Music literacy question.

Mia Salonen and Caelin Murray, Music students in Grade 11, exploring the sound options of Garage Band in Music Technology.

Grade 10 violinist, Hannah Olarogun, and Ms Maria Raynham, working on bow technique during a lesson.

The Grade 9 Music class actively involved in an aural lesson with student intern, Ms Stephanie van der Merwe.

Simone de Villiers, in Grade 8, on the tenor recorder.

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First row, from left: Georgia Smith (Grade 12), Bridgette Bauer (Grade 12), Jade Dreyer (Grade 10) Second row, from left: Hayley Wood (Grade 9), Beth Woodroffe (Grade 12), Tyler de Villiers (Grade 11) Third row, from left: Hanaa Hendrick (Grade 10), Kaden Rieper (Grade 11), Erin Savage (Grade 12) Fourth row, from left: Laya Gersowsky (Grade 10), Pebbles McGuinness (Grade 8), Cassandra Scheepers (Grade 11)

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First row, from left: Piper-Lily Ashworth (Grade 10), Michaela Feldon (Grade 12), Shafiyah Daniels (Grade 9) Second row, from left: Simthandile Witbooi (Grade 11), Sabrina Thorndike (Grade 12), Jemma Hallett (Grade 10) Third row, from left: Danielle Henry (Grade 8), Alia Ismail (Grade 10), Lauren Hawker-Jehring (Grade 12) Fourth row, from left: Thameena Dhansay (Grade 12), Megan du Plessis (Grade 10), Hayley Probyn (Grade 8)

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First row, from left: Kayla Burgess (Grade 9), Keely-Jo Londt (Grade 11), Piper-Lily Ashworth (Grade 10) Second row, from left: Beatrice Lendrum (Grade 10), Kate Birch (Grade 9), Laila Samodien (Grade 10) Third row, from left: Jemma Louther (Grade 11), Anna Nagel (Grade 10), Sage Canter (Grade 9) Fourth row, from left: Kelly Prowse (Grade 8), Michaela Feldon (Grade 12), Jade Benton (Grade 11)

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First row, from left: Hannah Uren (Grade 12), Paige Eitner-Vosloo (Grade 12), Christine Martin (Grade 10) Second row, from left: Ye Won Choi (Grade 12), Michaela Feldon (Grade 12), Ruby Wilson (Grade 12) Third row, from left: Iman Cassiem (Grade 11), Hanaa Hendricks (Grade 10), Josie Knutsen (Grade 11) Fourth row, from left: Rebecca Mortley (Grade 11), Olivia Steyn (Grade 11), Jade Dreyer (Grade 10)

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First row, from left: Alex Bonaconsa (Grade 8), Lauren Hawker-Jehring (Grade 12), Isabella Little (Grade 10) Second row, from left: Sarah Sims (Grade 12), Iman Cassiem (Grade 11), Mia Salonen (Grade 11) Third row, from left: Ruby Wilson (Grade 12), Shelby le Roux (Grade 8), Mia Salonen (Grade 11) Fourth row, from left: Kate Birch (Grade 9), Hayley Probyn (Grade 8), Nicole Oosthuizen (Grade 11)

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Step into the shoes of Ms Linda Mallon

From the Faculty of Business and Life Skills We need life skills to deal effectively with the challenges in everyday life, whether at school, at work or in our personal lives.

skills or soft skills, students who are able to understand and use these skills, along with their educational qualifications, will be better placed to take advantage of educational and employment opportunities. This faculty aims, therefore, to that ensure our learners are well-equipped to deal not only with life at school, but also their future.

A definitive list is something educators, governments and employers continue to discuss. But no matter if you call them life skills, 21st Century

Accounting 28 R G H S M A G A Z I N E 2 018

Mr Marneweck’s Grade 10 Accounting class enjoyed the Colour Accounting Workshop facilitated by Ms Gideon and Ms Voskuil in March.

Grade 12s Nikita Roberts and Nozithelo Falala, were interviewed on Hectic-9. They are seen with Mr Anthony Selley, Head of Game Play at the Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Challenge.

Grade 12 Accounting learners dressed up for 40 Days. Time flies when you’re having fun.

Consumer Studies

For their final NSC practical, the 2018 Matric class demonstrated some of their finer baking skills by producing Sponge Cake Entremets.

Bridgette Bauer (Grade 12) exhibited her skill in the form of Perfect Rough Puff pastry.

The Bon Appetit group donated two delicious carrot cakes to the recent and most successful Music Auction evening.

Aspirant chefs from Rondebosch Boys’ are frequent visitors to our Consumer Studies labs. Here, two proudly show off their eclairs.

Consumer Studies Department learners contributed to a more eco-friendly environment by creating a meal in recyclable containers.

The box trays were lined with an information page about recycling at this school, which is part of the co-curricular and extra-mural programme.


Grade 9 Market Day was held on 20 March 2018. This group was keeping it green, by selling eco-friendly products

This group designed their own doll’s house. They displayed their prices in a prominent place, to grab the customer’s attention.

This group of Grade 9 learners are busy completing the Debtors Journal after learning about credit sales during their EMS lesson.


Mia Di Giovanni Nothnagel (Grade 8) working on her app for the Busty Bugs Society.

Hayley Probyn, Hannah Lavery and Pebbles McGuiness in Grade 8 working on creating an app together.

Timiah October (Grade 8) working on her Anime app.

Megan Renecle (Grade 8) learning how to code using Code.org.

Gabriella Fernandes (Grade 8) doing a presentation on her role model.

Emma Leyshon (Grade 8) using Code.org’s App Lab to create her own app.

Life Orientation

Grade 11 and 12 pupils with Dr Zephne van der Spuy (Rustenburg Old Girl and Health Sciences/ Gynaecology professor at UCT).

Rustenburg Old Girl Chantel-Marie Atkins, pictured with Ms Norval, from the Cultural Care Au Pair Agency, shared her gap year experience with the Matrics.

Hayley McIntosh (E 2002) enlightened Grade 11 learners about the possibilities of careers in the field of Information Technology.

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Mr Ali Ibrahim teaches the learners of B5 the finer art of vegetable gardening, during a Life Orientation lesson.

Six learners from B2 are seen putting into practice what they have learnt from Mr Ibrahim Allie, and are clearly having fun in the process.

The founders of the Pride Campaign, Sarah Dudley (extreme left) and Zoe Nicol (extreme right), pictured with Megan Cusens (Grade 9) and Dakota Steyn (Grade 12).


Technology really is hands on. Eleni Kyprou, Keira-Lee Londt and Leena Khan (A4) put their skills to the test.

Freya Noon, Gia Paulse and Result Machiya (A4) enjoy their time in the Technology classroom.

Tayla Swan, Oluhle Tunyiswa, Kelly Prowse and Tyra Phipson (A4) building their structure.

Phelo Xulu, Katy Wilson and Faatimah West (A1) enjoy their learning experience.

The Grade 8 wired clowns Technology project.

Beach towers were made from recyclable materials and assembled using a glue gun.

Step into the shoes of Ms Lindsay de Klerk


The Afrikaans Department display the awards won for the 2017 NSC examination, which include coming 6th in the province (with an average of 80%), Best Public School, and the highest number of students obtaining 80% and above.

From the Faculty of Languages

Helen Meyers, Carla Kellerman, Katherine Worthington-Smith, Ylara Esau Salie and Taura Benning (Grade 9) performing their “rolspel”.

Former 7de Laan actress, the charismatic Diaan Lawrenson, captivates the audience as the guest speaker on Afrikaans Day.

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Jenna Caldwell and Kauthar Parker (Grade 8) perform a role play during an oral lesson.

Using the poem “Ma” by Antjie Krog as inspiration, Lungelo Mashaba, Kreshalia Ephraim, Zahra Parker and Stephanie Du (Grade 11) make cards for Mother’s Day.

Ansela Sloman (Grade 10), Elizabeth Stevenson (Grade 12) and Jamie Fraser (Grade 11) received certificates in the very challenging Examination in Bilingualism.


The Matric novel, “Life Of Pi” is a story of survival, suffering and hunger. The Grade 12s and Mr William Haggard enjoy some of the cuisine that Pi dreams of in the novel.

Grade 9s stand on their desks in an “Oh Captain My Captain” salute in their “Dead Poet’s Society” film study oral.

Ms Arushi Raina, author of “When Morning Comes,” visits Rustenburg to talk about her new novel.

A few members of A1 display some of their most precious possessions for their Three Objects oral.

Jenna Dugmore and Kristina Semmelink (Grade 10) enact the masked ball in “Much Ado about Nothing”.

Grade 10s Lauren Winde, Isabella Webster, Jenna Dugmore, Almas Gafoor and Shelby van der Watt make a poster on “Lord of the Flies”.


The Grade 12s celebrated their five years of French with a typical French dinner, the highlight of which was Madame Williams’s garlic snails.

The Grade 11s enjoy poetry on the Smartboard.

The Grade 11s reflecting on the message of the poem.

The Grade 10s try to understand a text in French without dictionaries.

Madame and Mademoiselle surrounded by all their Grade 8 learners.

Some Grade 9s forming the Eiffel Tower during a French lesson.

Grade 9s enjoy role-playing ‘Frühstück im Restaurant’.

Rania Mokallik (Grade 9) calls the waitress to order her German breakfast.

Rachel Noyce (Grade 9) takes the order of Erin Griffiths and Taura Benning in the German restaurant.

Grade 10s write and practise their German fashion orals before filming.

Rebecca Maas (Germany) and her host sister Rachel van Greunen (Grade 11) have enjoyed their FSA exchange.

Keto Jenkins (Grade 10) directs the filming of the German fashion orals.

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Siphasihle Zola and Amukele Ngubane (Grade 12) inform the school about various charities during the isiXhosa Assembly.

The isiXhosa girls visited Baphumelele Children’s Home in Khayelitsha to give back to the community.

The teacher at Baphumelele Children’s Home teaches the children while the girls observe. The girls also helped with cleaning, dishing food, portfolios and played with the children.

33 The Grade 11 isiXhosa class discuss their setwork novel, “Vuleka mhlaba!”

The Grade 8s mark their homework using the interactive touch display in the classroom.

Step into these Shoes Every year, on the day of their last National Senior Certificate examination, the Grade 12s of Rustenburg Girls’ High School donate their school shoes. The Rotary Club of Kirstenbosch collects all the pairs and distributes them to charities and homes that are in need.

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Luyandza Khoza (Grade 10) performs her oral about technology for the class.

Creative Writing The cost of the mask The Woman In The Mask wore her mask with pride. How could she not? After all, it was what had got her here, against all odds. It was what had made her dreams a reality, what had allowed her to rise when so many before her were forced to stay down. It had earned her respect, made her an equal. Never mind the fact that she could feel it burning where it touched her smooth, brown skin. Never mind that. She could feel it burning when she put on her pencil skirt and heels in the morning. She could feel it when she locked the door of her modern house and opened the door of her vintage car; when she rolled down her window at the robot to drop a coin into the hand of a beggar; when she drove past the shacks in the townships along the highway. She could feel it burning when she walked into the office building, the security man only smiling at her without scrutiny because she had come through so many times before … when the people in the elevator made sure not to rub elbows with her, gave her space she did not ask for… when she pretended not to notice the stores and whispers behind her as she walked down the hallway to her office… when she changed her accent and used her “English” name … when conversation stilted as she walked into the lunch room, the place where the mask burnt the most.

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The pain was searing as her co-workers eyed her lunch and approved that it was not too “ethnic”, the way it was the first few days she started working here. She could feel her skin being scorched as she agreed and smiled politely when Alice asked if she could touch her hair, as she nodded while Robert complained about the unruly blacks who were rioting yet again. “It’s just so unnecessary! They have equality already; what more could they want?” he exclaimed in exasperation, before his eyes flitted over and widened. “Of course, you’re nothing like them. You’re a good type of black person. The way they all should be.” The pain was crippling as she thanked him. Her only release, a temporary escape from the torture, was when she got back home and took the mask off. She stared at herself in the mirror as she wept in frustration at a system that promised equality on the condition of perfection and conformity, that allowed her to rise while so many like her were forced to stay down. The Woman In The Mask wore her mask with shame. How could she not? Never mind that that was what had made her forsake her ancestry, culture, community and identity. Never mind that It was what had made her give up every part of herself to fit into a world that did not accept people like her, did not allow them to succeed, did not even want them around. Never mind that! Thameena Dhansay (Grade 12)

Untitled Poisonous variations of ‘We don’t need this forced diversity’ worm their way into daily conversation. A wife complains to her husband about the ‘saturation’ of interracial relationships in all the contemporary Netflix shows: ‘They’re going to brainwash the children. They’ll think this is normal.” Snide remarks are uttered behind the backs of the new black family in the suburban neighbourhood: “Why do they have to live where we live?” A white man complains about his black co-worker: “It’s like they’ve got us handcuffed together.” Since Apartheid ended in 1994, diversity has been a highlight of South African culture. However, not everyone feels warmth towards it. There still exists a plethora of people, mainly, but not exclusively, the older generation of Apartheid beneficiaries who miss ‘the good old days’, who feel that racial diversity is forced upon them in an unnatural, uncomfortable way. To them, it is cold metal biting at raw wrists, forcing strangers together.

Demographic quotas in the workplace seem to grate many gears. Some people are not comfortable being a minority. They are not ready to learn names they have never heard and listen to ideas and criticisms born of different lives, to challenge what they have been told and have always believed, to be fastened securely to the other side of history. They are not ready to open their minds and work and grow together for unwarranted fear of roots of weeds depleting their soil. Equal representation in international media is a culture shock to us. The ugly truth is that our nation is still divided into jagged, torn shapes defined mostly by shades of skin. The media creates role models for the youth from every walk of life and show the dream in action: a world without restraints, but with freedoms, a working echo of Martin Luther King’s famous speech in 1963 in the USA, which applies well to our country today: “I have a dream that one day…every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight… and all flesh shall see it together.” People of different races and cultures starting to intertwine in living and working spaces is a natural step towards the ideal diversity that is presented to us. In being forced to collaborate communication commences. Stereotypes are dispelled. People learn that they are more alike than different. Humans adapt to work together instead of struggling against one another. Perspectives change. It is realised that no matter what one looks like, they are not weeds. They are deep-rooted, blossoming trees; they are valuable human beings with valuable contributions. As colleagues and neighbours grow into friends and family, they are no longer bracketed together before the palm in handcuffs; they are free. They are holding hands. Michelle Mouton (Grade 12)

Take a Bow I wonder, How many likes does it take for you to realise That the numbers mean nothing? That you are praising pictures, not people Pictures with filters, pictures with numb smiles, pictures crafted for hours only to be judged for less than a minute How many likes does it take for you to see That you have become the people you hate? That ‘unique’ has become the new norm Your lives are like a play and your followers count the costumes. Hide behind the makeup, fear the Poor Theatre, because Rule #1: Don’t let them know you’re human. Don’t let them know you feel. Keep quiet, darling, here’s a mask for your convenience Just your face will never be good enough. You have been trained to hide, trained to put yourself out there and hide, constantly finding new costumes, new clothes, flashy clothes, non-provoking clothes, clothes that fit and clothes that don’t but the price sure was nice to pay for. See the curtains close, sweetheart. Put down your paintbrush, stop crafting your smile of hurt. Your life begins where the show ends. Don’t tell me you’d miss it. Misbah Toefy (Grade 9)

Musiek groei soos ’n blom Dis is ’n swart-en-wit warreling voor my oë. My hart klop so hard en ek begin wonder of hulle dit kan hoor. Die ligte brand op my gesig. Dit voel asof ek buite op ’n warm somersdag is. Ek sit my hande op die swart-en-wit klawers neer, haal diep asem en net so, word die swart-en-wit warreling “musiek”. Om ’n nuwe stuk op die klavier te leer speel, is soos om ’n blom te laat groei. Eers kies jy die stuk wat jy gaan speel. Musikante moet ’n goeie begrip van die stuk hê sodat hulle weet op watter manier om dit te speel. ’n Mens kan nie net ’n blom plant en nie weet hoe om dit te versorg nie. Nou kom die harde werk. In die meeste gevalle leer ’n musikant ’n stuk om dit voor ’n gehoor of vir hul eksamen te speel. Om gereeld te oefen is baie belangrik net soos dit belangrik is om jou blom gereeld water te gee en seker te maak dat dit genoeg sonskyn kry. Musikante vat baie tyd om ’n stuk te bemeester. Dit verg geduld en volharding. ’n Blom groei nie net oor ’n paar dae nie. Jy leer die linkerhand, jy leer die regterhand en dan speel jy dit saam. Na gereelde repetisies sal jy die vrugte van jou arbeid pluk. Dit verskaf dieselfde blydskap as wanneer ’n tuinier sien hoe sy blom begin spruit.

Ek speel die finale akkoord, kyk op na die musiek en glimlag breed. Almal sê “geluk”, maar dis die bos blomme in my hande wat my gelukkig maak. Harde werk word altyd beloon. Kim-Joy Damon (Grade 12)

Die kleure van my kryte Die meeste mense dink kryte is net kinderspeelgoed. Maar ek sien my kryte as tien individuele mense, met verskillende persoonlikhede en stories. Rooi is ’n kwaai ou man met diep plooie op sy voorkop. Sy persoonlikheid gaan met sy kleur - bloedrooi, en die kleur van vuur - net soos sy vurige karakter. Oranje en Geel is jonk, altyd gelukkig, en vol energie. Hulle is die kleur van ’n somersonsopgang, of tulpe en sonneblomme. Hulle maak rooi woedend. Groen is die meeste van die tyd lewendig, maar kan somtyds baie jaloers op die ander kryte wees. Hy is die kleur van varsgesnyde gras, en ’n Griekse slaai. Hy herinner jou aan ’n woud met bome hoër as geboue. Blou is kalm, positief en weet altyd wat om te sê. Sy is die kleur van ’n wolklose lug en ’n tjoepstil see. Sy is die vredemaker in die pakkie en maak seker dat alles in orde is. Pers en Pienk is baie deurmekaar en ’n bietjie loskop. Pers is die kleur van moerbeie en grenadellas. Pienk laat jou dink aan malvalekkers en liefde. Hulle pas goed bymekaar. Bruin is slim, maar ook altyd moeg. Hy het ’n gerimpelde vel en kringe onder sy oë. Hy is die kleur van kaggelhout en herfsblare. Swart is swaarmoedig en altyd alleen. Hy is die kleur van ’n heks se pot of ’n kraai se vere. Dit is wat ek in my kryte sien. Wat sien jy in joune? Amy Basson (Grade 8)

„Dieses Jahr haben wir das Gedicht ‚Vergnügungen‘ von Bertolt Brecht gelesen. Ich habe dieses Gedicht benutzt, meine eigene Vergnügungen zu finden. Ich denke, dass der Sonnenaufgang und der Sonnenuntergang sehr schön sind. Es ist besonders, weil es mir die Schönheit der Natur zu schätzen wissen lässt. Der Geruch von Guave lässt mich an meine Oma denken. Als ich jünger war, haben wir einen Guavenbaum gehabt. Ich habe auf den Guavenbaum geklettert und für sie Guaven gepflückt.“ Ardine van Zyl (Grade 12) “Ich bin in Kapstadt aufgewachsen, mit Tafelberg immer in meinem Blick. Dieser wunderschöne, starke Berg zu sehen, ist meine tägliche Vergnügung. Es ist wunderbar, da zu wandern. Es ist meine Vergnügung, jede Nacht mit meiner grünen und weißen ,Wolldecke‘ zu schlafen. ... Tafelberg erinnert mich, dass Kapstadt meine Heimat ist. Tafelberg erinnert mich an die glücklichen Erinnerungen, die ich mit meiner Familie und meinen Freunden geteilt habe. Wenn ich Tafelberg sehe, fühle ich mich geschützt. Der grüne und graue Berg erstaunt mich immer. Ich mag das frische Geräusch von einem Bach, der durch den Berg fließt. Meine ‚Wolldecke‘ gibt mir Wärme und Trost...“ Tai-Li Lee (Grade 12) „Wenn ich etwas schmecke, sehe oder höre, kann ich mich an Vergnügungen erinnern. Ich freue mich, wenn ich an Frühling denke. Ich kann fast das Schwimmbecken riechen und das Eis schmecken. Das Fernsehen quatscht, während die warme Brise durch die offene Tür kommt. Die Sonne geht weg und Müdigkeit kommt mit der Nacht. „ Tara Oertle (Grade 12) „Ich habe Vergnügungen, die mir ganz besonders sind. Ich liebe es, Bücher zu lesen und Geschichten und Gedichte zu schreiben. Meine Mama liest viel und hat mir oft Bücher vorgelesen, als ich ein Kind war. Lesen und Schreiben sind mir deshalb sehr besonders. Meine Mama hat mich immer ermutigt, meine Kreativität zu entwickeln. ... Ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, täglich einen kleinen Moment Glück zu erleben. Dieses Glück kommt von den einfachen Vergnügungen im Leben. Wenn man keine Vergnügungen im Leben hat, wird man sich unzufrieden fühlen.“ Bronwyn Kruger (Grade 12)

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Net soos ’n blom wat gereed is om gepluk te word, is ek gereed om my stuk uit te voer. Die musiek is vrolik en laat my hart vinnig klop. Een-tweedrie-vier tel ek in my kop terwyl my hande besig is om vinnig op en af oor die klawers te sweef.

Some beautiful paragraphs written by Grade 12 German girls, after we read and discussed the prescribed poem by Bertolt Brecht ‘Vergnügungen’ (Pleasures).

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Ukubaluleka Kosapho

Should we fear technology or embrace it fully?

Usapho kulapho kukhuliswa khona abantwana. Usapho ngalunye lunoxanduva lokukhulisa umntwana ngendlela eyamkelekileyo kuluntu. Kulapho ke kuye kubonwe indima ebalulekileyo edlalwe lusapho ngalunye.Kukho iindidi zeentsapho, kodwa zibaluleke zonke.Kukho iintsapho apho abantwana bakhuliswa ngabazali ababini. Kukho nezo bakhuliswa ngoomakhulu, oomakazi, oomalume njalo njalo.Nangona kunjalo, usapho lubalulekile kumntu wonke.

La technologie s’empare de nos vies sans préavis. Mon amie ne peut pas rester sans Facebook plus de dix minutes. Cela lui gâche sa vie. Ashiqa Hassan (Grade 12)

Izizathu ezenza ukuba lubaluleke usapho zezi: Kwamhla ufika emhlabeni ufumana ukufudumala, wamkelwa ngothando lusapho lwakho njengomntwana.Kulapho kuqinisekiswa khona ukuba ukhula ngendlela efanelekileyo ngokuthi uthengelwe ukutya okusempilweni ukuze ukhule kakuhle. Luyaqinisekisa ukuba unazo zonke iimfuno ezisisiseko. Indawo yokuhlala efanelekileyo, ukutya, imfundo neempahla ezilungele onke amaxesha onyaka. Xa kubanda luyaqiniseka ukuba uthengelwa iimpahla zobusika. Xa kushushu uthengelwe ezehlobo.

Comme nous l’avons vu en poésie la technologie est dangereuse mais les avantages de la technologie l’emportent sur les désavantages donc les gens ne devraient pas avoir peur de la technologie. Husna Owadally (Grade 12)

Njengokuba ukhula bakufundisa ulwimi ukuze ukwazi ukuphila phakathi kwabantu. Oku kulungiselela ukuba ukwazi ukuzityanda igila ngendlela eyamkelekileyo neviwayo luluntu. Oku kwakha ubuntu bomntu ngamnye. Xa ekhula ufundiswa indlela yokudlala nokuthetha nabanye abantwana. Ngexesha umntwana efikelela kwixesha lokuba aye esikolweni sele eyazi yonke le nto ngoba uyifundisiwe lusapho lwakhe. Akafiki abethe abanye abantwana ngoba ulungiselelwe ilizwe. Ndiyaluthanda usapho lwam ngoba lundinikile zonke ezi ziseko zobomi. Lukhona xa ndiludingayo, lindinike uthando.Luyandinceda ngomsebenzi wesikolo Luyandinika inkxaso ngamaxesha onke.Lundenza ndikhule engqondweni nasemphefumlweni. Luyandinceda ndithathe izigqibo ezinzima ebomini bam. Luyandibonisa okulungileyo kokungalunganga. Xa ndibuhlungu,umoya wam uphantsi luyandixhasa onke amaxesha. Xa kukho into endonwabisayo luvuyisana nam, naxa kukho into endivisa kabuhlungu lulila nam. Ngabantu endibathembayo ngoba bandazi ngaphezu kwabo bonke abantu. Luyandifundisa ngenkcubeko yam, amasiko nezithethe.

Do parents follow the same mode of education?

Kubalulekile ukuba uluxelele usapho lwakho ukuba uyaluthanda kakhulu. Isizathu soku, kukuba awuyazi ukuba luza kuphila ixesha elingakanani. Okunye, kubalulekile ukuba ulubonise ukuba uyixabisile kwaye uyayibulela yonke into elikwenzele yona ebomini. Ungathi belunyanzelekile likwenzele ezo zinto kuba ilusapho lwakho. Khumbula ukuba kukho abangenazo iintsapho. Oluhle Tunyiswa (Grade 8)

La technologie est très utile mais elle est trop puissante et influe trop notre vie …. Alicia Howe (Grade 12)

Personnellement je suis pour la technologie et je suis confiante que nous arriverons à la contrôler et à en faire un outil précieux. Tyla Humby (Grade 12)

Les personnes de cultures différentes ont des principes d’éducation différents. Ma famille est sud-africaine, nous avons des principes qui ne sont pas les mêmes que ceux de mon amie Nosithelo. Certains sont similaires mais nous avons vu dans la classe qu’avec la diversité vient différentes façons de faire les choses. Emily Hobson (Grade 12) Les principes sont très importants pour beaucoup de familles dans le monde, Ils pensent que cela aide les enfants à bien grandir. Zahra Mohamed (Grade 12) Je pense qu’il ait très important qu’il y ait beaucoup de façons d’élever les enfants parce que tous les enfants apprennent de façon différente. On ne doit pas être trop rigide avec notre méthode et accepter qu’il puisse y avoir d’autres méthodes et peut-être les essayer. Rebecca Behne (Grade 12)

Is conviviality important? Has it disappeared? La convivialité aide des personnes á oublier leurs différences de race, de religion, de genre et de culture quand ils mangent un bon repas ensemble dans un milieu chaleureux. Le diner français est un très bon exemple ou j’ai mangé avec des élèves des deux classes de français, de milieu, race et religion diffèrent et nous avons compris combien il est important de se mélanger et de le faire autour d’un bon repas. Olivia Key (Grade 12) La convivialité est très importante dans les familles. Cela crée une atmosphère familiale positive et améliore les relations parents-enfants. Lauren Hawker-Jehring (Grade 12)

Step into the shoes of Mr Graham Reggiori

FRom the faculty of Sciences GEOGRAPHY

Grade 10 Geography learners sitting where Charles Darwin first observed the contact zone.

Grade 10s learning about the rocks of the Cape Peninsula.

Grade 10s pretty as a picture on Signal Hill.

Grade 11 Geography girls hiking down to the pristine Diaz Beach at Cape Point.

Grade 11 learners at the end of their hike down from Cape Maclear at Cape Point.

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The Grade 10 Geagraphy learners at Hout Bay Beach, the last stop on the fieldtrip.


Grade 11 learners Emma Newton, Ashleigh Noyce, Jamie van Schoor and Alida van der Merwe learn about the current threats to African Penguins at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Nuha Hoosen and Katia Da Silva Valente enjoy the touch pools on their Life Sciences outing.

On the 12 February 2018, our Grade 11 Life Sciences group went on an outing to the Two Oceans Aquarium at the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront. Girls attended a talk taking them through some of the pollutants which affect our oceans and saw first hand the harmful effects on our marine life. Girls were divided into smaller groups and, with the help of a few

The Grade 11s are treated to a special encounter with Hopper and a talk from a penguin specialist.

university postgraduate students, they had to find the answers to some challenging questions regarding our freshwater ecosystems. They/we ended the day with an exciting session seeing a diver in the tank feeding stingrays and explaining his painful experience when he was stung a few months ago. It was amusing to see the individual personalities of the tortoises and sad to see the scars they carry from surviving the harmful impact humans have on our oceans. Girls left the aquarium with a deeper understanding of our oceans and a more determined resolution to conservation.

Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy

Pi Day Master of Revels

The Grade 8s and their Pythagorean Tree.

Jeon Jiyoon (7th in Grade 11) and Shelby van der Watt (4th in Grade 8) receiving prizes for the UCT Mathematics Olympiad.

Grade 11s enjoying Pi Day nosh.

Ms Kyla Thompson and her class celebrating Pi Day

Matrics in the Main Quad singing the Pi Day song.

Vivienne Banks (Grade 8) was placed in the top 10 juniors in South Africa in the Mathematics Olympiad.

The Grade 11 class presents posters for their third term project investigating space, shape and measurement in the designing of a nursery.

The Grade 10s having fun performing their original Pi Day song.

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Creative responses from each class in honour of Pi Day.

The Grade 12s putting the section on instructional diagrams into practice as they follow a dance video tutorial.

Natural Sciences and Physical Sciences

Ms Tracey Henry and the Grade 8 girls on their ecology excursion to Rondevlei.

Grade 9 learners enjoy performing their electricity practical investigation.

Grade 8 learners studying the gemsbok that have been re-introduced into the Rondevlei Nature Reserve.

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Na’ilah Farooqui (Grade 9) deep in thought during her electricity investigation.

Julia Gomes (Grade 9) studying the shape of the benzene molecule.

Rachel van Greunen and Michaela San Giorgio (both Grade 11) investigating the operation of an AC generator.

The Grade 11 Physical Sciences learners at the SARETECH wind farm.

Grade 11 Physical Sciences learners and Mr Siebrits in the lecture theatre at SARETECH during their visit to the wind farm.

Mr Graham Reggiori helping Grade 8 girls during their practical investigation.

Jessie Cragg and Aaminah Leonard (Grade 10) investigating the solubility of anions.

step into



R G H S M A G A Z I N E 2 018

Step into the shoes of Ms Brigid Ryan

From the Head of Grade 12

It feels like only a moment ago that the As of 2014 were apprehensively walking the corridors of the high school in their knee length dresses, carrying bulging backpacks and proudly wearing their colourful name badges. Suddenly, here they are in 2018, ready to walk out into a whole new life. Now, as they stroll through the Matric Quad, in their distinctive Matric jerseys, the skirts are mysteriously short, the lockers are fuller than the bags and the there is hardly a name badge in sight. The lapels are full of badges for leadership, societies, sport, music, amongst others. Zahra Mohamed has led this incredible group of young women as both Chairperson of the RCL and Headgirl of the school.

Of course the Matric Dance was a special and magical evening. The theme was Snowflake SoirĂŠe and the beautifully decorated ballroom at Kelvin Grove was a perfect backdrop for our young ladies in their stunning outfits. The Es of 2018 know how to party! As the Matrics of 2018 leave the school, we wish them all the best for the future and look forward to hearing about the exciting paths which they will follow.

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Matric seemed to fly by in a flurry of tests, assignments and exams, but the girls still found the time to lead and serve on committees, captain and play in sport teams, play musical instruments, act in productions and so much more. Many of the Matrics served as mentors to Grade 8s this year, meeting them every Friday morning and offering advice and guidance.

There have been several highlights during the year; starting with the Matric Breakfast when the Matrics and their form teaches sat down together to get to know each other a little better. The Inter-house Gala is always fun. House Captains go all out to try and win the coveted Spirit Cup. The Prefects held a fun evening for their grade with a jumping castle and karaoke (and they ate their favourite sweets from childhood parties!). The traditional 40 Days was a dress-up occasion with the theme of Vines and Memes. Even Yan Martell’s Richard Parker graced the Main Quad, only momentarily before he was kidnapped.



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Back row from left: Jaime Cooper, Alicia Howe, Ayla Figueira, Kaitlin Downie Third row, from left: Michaela Feldon, Athraa Davies, Bianca Cilliers, Alice Bonnes, Caroline Schreiber, Meg Wilson, Fozia Hendricks Second row, from left: Lauren Skinner, Deaviah Moodley, Amber Jossie, Emily Hobson, Tyla Humby, Alice von Zeil, Bethany Rumble, Tenille Cannon Front row, from left: Imaan Khan, Yusra Sablay, Mr Michael Gates, Savannah Meyer, Ms Helene Swanson, Saarah Mahatey, Kia Arendse


Back row, from left: Katia Devoti, Caitlin Powrie, Martha Muye Ruider, Natasha Espag Third row, from left: Siphosihle Zola, Kathleen Heiberg, Amukele Ngubane, Tasneem Davids, Georgia Dugmore, Olachi Emeruem, Talia Kocerhan Second row, from left: Bronwyn Kruger, Chase Mc Tavish, Rayhaanah Williams, Chi Ying Ng, Lauren Solomon, Lauren Hawker-Jehring, Anne Williams, Jacqueline Sissons Front row, from left: Daniella Freitas, Ashiqa Hassan, Mr Michael Gates, Kimberley Wain, Ms Tessa Brown, Naima Dutton, Elizabeth Stevenson



Back row, from left; Siobhan Bottomley, Aasiyah Khan, Paige Jooste, Rebecca Behne, Savannah Althoff-Thomson, Sarah Tough, Olivia Key, Michaela Thomas Third row, from left: Alyssa Bosch, ChloĂŤ Kruger, Baheya Dramat, Brigitte Moser, Amy Wegener, Sabrina Maker, Sharna Naidoo Second row, from left: Jenna Rossouw, Michelle Mouton, Amy Luxton, Casey Fairfax, Georgia Smith, Sabrina Thorndike, Gina Wright, Anna Choi Front row, from left: Taylor Hall, Sarah Sims, Mr Michael Gates, Jodie Stoffberg, Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Camryn Johnson, Maxine dos Reis

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Third row, from left: Alex van Niekerk, Saarah Salie, Kim Lothaller, Lila Ross, Saige King, Justine Crook-Mansour, Michaela Hill, Megan Hudson, Tara Oertle Second row, from left: Yasmin Sayed, Nicola Henry, Sarah Firth, Fatima Kerven, Julia Osler, Maxine Harrison, Katrina Moreira, Ardine van Zyl, Savannah Goncalves Front row, from left: Azraa Rawoot, Nikita Roberts, Mr Michael Gates, Nozithelo Falala, Ms Jackie Chambers, Kim-Joy Damon, Tumelo Nkgudi



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Back row, from left: Natasha Hazell-Gegg, Carmen Wilson-Harris, Erin Savage, Kiara Skors, Erin Marsberg, Yi-Ning Yuan, Mikayla Shaw, Paige Rutherford Second row, from left: Zahra Mohamed, Zahra Roy, Adwoa Danso, Laura Jacobs, Kayleigh Beattie, Hazel van der Watt, Husna Owadally, Dantè de Freitas Front row, from left: Tai-Li Lee, Keren Moyo, Mr Michael Gates, Paige Eitner-Vosloo, Ms Louise Lawrence, Chloe Parker, Thameena Dhansay


Back row, from left: Shannon Molloy, Beth Woodroffe, Morgan Rossouw, Zarah Philander, Andrea Walsh, Noa Anthony, Hannah Fairlie, Hannah Uren, Katja Chicken Second row, from left: Bridgette Bauer, Lamees Crawley, Hanaan Khan, Cathrine Alt, Dakota Steyn, Courtney Wheeler, Jordan Byrne, Jemima Gainsford Front row, from left: Ashleigh Madell, Tayla Kurten, Mr Michael Gates, Ruby Wilson, Ms Nicky Cooper, Kiarra Ephraim, Ilhaam Khalfe

Grade R to Matric

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Back row, from left: Michaela Feldon, Olivia Key, Zarah Philander, Kim Lothaller, Saige King, Sarah Tough, Caroline Schreiber, Savannah Meyer, Aasiyah Khan Third row, from left: Sarah Firth, Emily Hobson, Carmen Wilson-Harris, Alyssa Bosch, Amy Wegener, Lauren Solomon, Georgia Smith, Natasha Hazell-Gegg, Courtney Wheeler Second row, from left: Lauren Skinner, Yewon Choi, Bethany Rumble, Chase McTavish, Bronwyn Kruger, Jacqueline Sissons, Ruby Wilson, Jenna Rossouw, Thameena Dhansay, Bridgette Bauer Front row, from left: Yusra Sablay, Camryn Johnson, Imaan Khan, Azraa Rawoot, Mr Michael Gates, Ilhaam Khalfe, Kia Arendse, Maxine dos Reis, Ashiqa Hassan

Matric Academic Awards Accounting: Elizabeth Stevenson Afrikaans First Additional Language: Justine Crook-Mansour

Olachi Emeruem and Husna Owadally

Mathematics: Justine Crook-Mansour

Afrikaans Progress Cup:

Pricewaterhouse Coopers Book Award

Jaime Cooper and Ruby Wilson

(for Accounting and Mathematics): Elizabeth Stevenson

Marietjie le Roux Cup (Excellence in Afrikaans):

Senior de Wet Prize (for Afrikaans and English combined):

Rebecca Behne and Olivia Key

Justine Crook-Mansour

Consumer Studies: Jodie Stoffberg

Mathematical Literacy: Anne Williams

Consumer Studies (Culinary Skills):

Music: Kaitlin Downie

Bridgette Bauer and Siphosihle Zola


Life Sciences Practical Work:

Design: Kiara Skors

Overall Academic Improvement: Morgan Rossouw and Dakota Steyn

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Dramatic Arts: Natasha Espag

Physical Sciences: Justine Crook-Mansour

English Home Language

Visual Arts: Ruby Wilson

(Naureen Parkes Memorial Prize): Justine Crook-Mansour

English Literature (Adèle Cloete Memorial Prize): Justine Crook-Mansour

French Second Additional Language (non-mother tongue): Rebecca Behne

French Second Additional Language (mother tongue): Justine Crook-Mansour

Helga van Heerden Cup (for Excellence in French): Olivia Key

Geography: Olivia Key Geography Mapwork: Elizabeth Stevenson Geography Research Prize: Olivia Key German Second Additional Language (mother-tongue speaker): Kim Lothaller

German Second Additional Language (non-mother-tongue speaker): Bronwyn Kruger

History: Noa Anthony

Visual Arts (Photography): Georgia Smith Grade 12 Academic Half Colours Siobhan Bottomley (Re-award), Baheya Dramat (Re-award), Georgia Dugmore (Re-award), Paige Eitner-Vosloo (Re-award), Sarah Firth, Daniella Freitas, Lauren Hawker-Jehring, Alicia Howe, Fatima Kerven (Re-award), Aasiyah Khan (Re-award), Imaan Khan, Ayla Macedo (Re-award), Brigitte Moser (Re-award), Husna Owadally (Re-award), Azraa Rawoot (Re-award), Bethany Rumble, Sarah Sims, Jodie Stoffberg (Re-award), Hazel van der Watt, Anne Williams (Re-award), Meg Wilson, Yi-Ning Yuan (Re-award)

Grade 12 Academic Full Colours Savannah Althoff-Thomson (Re-award), Rebecca Behne (Re-award), Bianca Cilliers (Re-award), Justine Crook-Mansour (Re-award), Adwoa Danso, Thameena Dhansay, Olachi Emeruem (Re-award), Natasha Espag (Re-award), Fozia Hendricks (Re-award), Emily Hobson (Re-award), Olivia Key (Re-award), Bronwyn Kruger (Re-award), Tai-Li Lee (Re-award), Kim Lothaller (Re-award), Saarah Mahatey (Re-award), Zahra Mohamed (Re-award), Michelle Mouton (Re-award), Sharna Naidoo, Chi Ying Ng, Lila Ross (Re-award), Yusra Sablay (Re-award), Yasmin Sayed (Re-award), Caroline Schreiber (Re-award), Georgia Smith (Re-award), Elizabeth Stevenson (Re-award)

Sustained Academic Achievement

Noa Anthony and Bronwyn Kruger

Rebecca Behne, Bianca Cilliers, Justine Crook-Mansour, Olachi Emeruem, Fozia Hendriks, Olivia Key, Tai-Li Lee, Zahra Mohamed, Yusra Sablay, Yasmin Sayed, Caroline Schreiber, Georgia Smith, Elizabeth Stevenson

isiXhosa First Additional Language:

Academic Top Five in Grade 12

Amukele Ngubane

Noa Anthony, Rebecca Behne, Yusra Sablay, Elizabeth Stevenson

Life Orientation: Justine Crook-Mansour

Marchand Dux Trophy for Outstanding Academic Achievement

Sybil McGregor History Prize (for Research):

Life Sciences (overall): Caroline Schreiber

Justine Crook-Mansour

Matric Special Prizes Amy Steyl Award (for Visual Arts and/or Design): Ruby Wilson

Centenary Cup (for all-round excellence in service to the school over 5 years): Caroline Schreiber

Dernier/Sole Prize (for outstanding progress in Piano): Kim-Joy Damon

Dr Moll Honour Prize (presented to the girl who has best upheld the ethos and values of Rustenburg): Zahra Mohamed EMV Smit Cup (for personal achievement): Chase Mc Tavish and Ayla Figuera

Karin Wiese Trophy (awarded to someone who, in the opinion of her

Excellence in Leadership: Azraa Rawoot and Yusra Sablay

Ivan Kilian Book Prize (for commitment, loyalty and dedication to Music): Tenille Cannon

Janet Kirk Trophy (for service and dedication to the Orchestra): Kaitlin Downie

Elizabeth Sole Cup (for Singing): Adwoa Danso

Kopsch Award (for loyalty and enthusiasm in Debating): Mikayla Shaw

Lucia Jacobs Trophy (for organisational skills and initiative): Nikita Roberts

Miller Cranko Award (for service to the community): Caroline Schreiber

Nikki de Kock Cup (for service to Mathematics): Yusra Sablay

Preiss Floating Trophy (for special service to Erinville House): Paige Eitner-Vosloo

Rosemary Davis Prize (for Jazz Performance): Taylor Hall

Siebrits Eco Action Award (for environmental awareness): Olivia Key and Rebecca Behne

Spirit Trophy (for the individual who inspired and made a considerable contribution to school spirit and Rustenburg pride): Adwoa Danso

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peers, has overcome great difďŹ culty with dignity): Justine Crook-Mansour


Matric Dance


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Step into the shoes of Mr Bernard Biermann

From the Head of Grade 11

The Grade 11s started in January with much anticipation, as the prospect of being in their penultimate school year dawned on them. 2018 has been marked by growth for the girls individually and as a group. After a few weeks of having settled into their new roles as future leaders of the school, we headed off to camp in the picturesque setting of Witzenberg, near Wellington. The girls had to grapple with and live out the values of respect, dedication, listening and leading. Dialogue Day also gave the girls much to think about and made them more acutely

aware of how other pupils were feeling about various topics. I’m certain the lessons learnt on this day will be taken with them into the future. It has been an absolute honour being the Grade Head of such a dynamic group. A big congratulations to all the girls who have been elected as prefects and heads of various other portfolios but, more importantly, to the whole Grade 11 class. My hope is that the E 19s lead Rustenburg Girls’ High School in the year to come with integrity and kindness, as I know they can.

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It seems that the Grade 11 girls really enjoyed the “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Civvies Day in the build-up to the collaborative theatre production with Rondebosch Boys’.

Some Grade 11s gave back to the community on Mandela Day by making bracelets.

Break is always a favourite time for the Grade 11s.

The Grade 11 girls were well represented at the Jabulani Evening.

Healthy bodies and minds. The D1s seen here before their Physical Education lesson.

Tyla-Ann Senekal and Erin Hector enjoyed some time off together.

Jade Lawson, our Western Province rugby referee.

The sisters Jamie Taylor and Paula Taylor are congratulated on achieving a diploma at the Cape Town Eisteddfod and dancing at the Grahamstown National Arts Festival.

Morgan Prins and Amber Wilson rowing.

Imán Cassiem receiving her International Junior Black Belt.

Avantika Naidoo working hard in the Design class.

On a rainy Arbor Day, Zaina Abrahams helped to plant a tree on behalf of the Grade 11s.

Alexander Austin definitely “Afrikaans is baie pret”.

Always up to the challenge. The Grade 11s enjoyed a dance lesson during Physical Education.

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Back row, from left: Katia Da Silva Valente, Rebecca Bysshe, Ashikakumari Patel, Megan Davidson, Georgia Hill, Iman Cottle, Daniella Solkow Third row, from left: Isabella Elario, Josie Knutsen, Keely Londt, Teagan Salmon, Lauren Gericke, Shannon Canter, Jaime Gillett, Shea-Lee Tzamtzis Second row, from left: Jade Lawson, Sanjana Sewchuran, Amina Dhansay, Ra-eesah Allie, Rebecca Kew-Simpson, Iman Osman, Ameryn Peters, Hana Manjra Front row, from left: Razeena Rawoot, Shana Daniels, Alida van der Merwe, Ms Johandrie Oosthuizen, Zahrah Allie, Haneen Pohplonker, Melissa Davis

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Back row, from left: Kayla Conradie, Khayla Langner, Tyler de Villiers, Hannah Schaefer, Darian Cloete, Geena Polzin, Cameron Alexander Third row, from left: Erin Lane, Rachel van Greunen, Rebecca Bank, Sifumene Naka, Dori Kova’cs, Myra Parolis, Talitha Wyne Second row, from left: Rebecca Hill, Lathitha Njozela, Asemi Ntsokolo, Michaela San Giorgio, Mia Salonen, Lutholuhle Mkupa, Jamie Fraser, Nicole Smith Front row, from left: Ye Eun Chung, Linomtha Damane, Gabriella Sancho, Ms Mavis Mase, Maxene Hollis, Kaya Dube, Zaina Abrahams Absent: Karima Dalmau, ChloÍ Swartz



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Back row, from left: Jordan Cox, Tegan Makovini, Cassandra Scheepers, Tamara Engelbrecht Third row, from left: Ruby Wares, Simthandile Witbooi, Paula Taylor, Emma Newton, Juliette Rabie, Chi Hee (Jessica) Ng, Alexandra Austin Second row, from left: Courtney Martin, Varisha Lalla, Rachel Abrahams, Kendi Kane-Berman, Jiyoon Jeon, Alexa Edwards, Caitlin Reinecke, Shuhayma Jaber Front row, from left: Haneem Hendricks, Imán Cassiem, Flávia Paiva, Ms Marieta Langenhoven, Mila Guerrini, Avantika Naidoo, Julia Wilson Absent: Jade Benton, Sophie Hertantyo, Rebecca Newton


Back row, from left: Lara Cattermole, Olivia Steyn, Kayla Johnson, Tanya van der Merwe Third row, from left: Jess Fawthrop, Jordan Erasmus, Maia Duffus, Kaden Rieper, Kelly-Anne Hendricks, Thaania Mathews, Tyla-Ann Senekal Second row, from left: Aerin Mc Callum, Abigail Reck, Carla Mae Daniels, Erin Hector, Jessica McLachlan, Zahraa Waggie, Julia Naudé, Sisipho Ngqeza Front row, from left: Kimlyn Smart, Sanga Lee, Kate Lodwick, Mr Glynn Alard, Jamie van Schoor, Zahrah Solomons, Justine Verwey Absent: Shelby Nicholls, Megan Pettie, Megan Thomson



Back row, from left: Bella Nunes, Ana Van Straten, Shannon McGaughey, Julia Vainio, Rebecca Mortley Third row, from left: Jodi Littlefield, Meganne Steyn, Rebecca McConnell, Alexa Byrne, Aleya Dugmore, Jaime Taylor, Jordan Selous Second row, from left: Jenna Davids, Alexandra Muller, Erin Hartzenberg, Thameenah Daniels, Helen Brooke, SiannĂŠ Novello, Claire Ordman, Caelin Murray Front row, from left: Sarah Crawford, Nuha Hoosen, Ashleigh Noyce, Mr James Hendricks, Jenna Booth, Nishaat Hendricks, Catherine Grobbelaar Absent: Saarah Edwards

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Back row, from left: Erica Whittal, Kreshalia Ephraim Third row, from left: Summer Taylor, Emily Shave, Nicole Oosthuisen, Morgan Prins, Marnie McGowan, Amber Wilson, Kaitlyn Watt Second row, from left: Isabelle Vainio, Mushira Obaray, Lungelo Mashaba, Victoria King, Jemma Louther, Morgan Ribbonaar Front row, from left: Zahra Parker, Shannyn Byrne, Amy Rice, Ms Tracey Henry, Rochelle Galbraith, Sascha-Lee Hendrickse, Clare Roberts Absent: Leah Abdullah, Jodi Britnell, Stephanie Du, Amy Harold, Emily Lynch

Step into the shoes of Ms Anita Marshall and Ms Kyla Thompson.

From the Head of Grade 10 At the Grade 10 meeting in January, the Grade 10s sang the song “Dream it possible” and we repeated the lyrics “It’s not until you fall that you fly and we’ll dream it possible”.

Grade 10 is the year in which you need to find out what you do not know, therefore making mistakes and learning from them form part of the important growing journey through the three year FET phase. The Grade 10 class of 2018 has embraced this year, grown as a grade and as individuals. They chose subjects, changed subjects and each found their own niche in the end. Their focus was on friendship, values and the support of peers. They explored their strengths, worked on their weaknesses and in that process strengthened their connections with one other.

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Lara Stulting plants a wild peach tree during a rainy Arbor Day Assembly. The Grade 10s have named their tree Barkley.

Farheen Parker, Hlonelwa Zimba, Iviwe Yeki, Lisa Slingers and Isabella Webster supporting the Rustenburg 1st Hockey Team, while watching the U18 Cape Town Tournament.

Iviwe Yeki, Zipho Tom, and Hlonelwa Zimba beautifully dressed up for the Cultural Dinner.

Saar-rah Chilwan, Jessica Davids and Thaakirah Majiet making sandwiches on Mandela Day.

Mr Gian Marneweck’s Grade 10 form class celebrates his birthday at school.

Hannah Faure and Jemma Hallett showing off the cupcakes that their form class made, decorated and distributed to the homeless for Mandela Day.

The Grade 10 Music learners performing a Fugue at one of the lunch time music concerts.

Jordyn Campbell playing in the Girls U17 section of the African Open squash tournament. Jordyn went on to win the tournament.

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Danielle van Breda competing in the run-swim-run event at a lifesaving competition.

Christine Martin and her Western Province team after performing their “Paint it Black� contemporary dance routine for which Christine designed all the costumes.

Kathia Oppelt at the World Dance Movement cultural and dance tour in Italy where her team won Gold medals for their performance.

Kirsty de Heer and Claudia Vieira exchanging blue cards and badges representing the values that they are taking forward from Dialogue Day.



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Back row, from left: Aviella Abrahams, Rebecca Vosloo, Mia Barashenkov, Temwa Ng’ambi, Kelly le Roux, Hailie-Jane Aspeling, Elizabeth Wucherpfennig, Rachel Doms Third row, from left: Hannah Stronach, Hayley Budge, Layla Allie, Megan Phillipson, Amy Cornelius, Yumna Abrahams, Sarah Hammer Second row, from left: Kristin Munian, Nicole Rix, Christy Robbins, Madi Berga, Emma de-Beger, Kirsten Fick, Hannah Olarogun, Imaan Mohamed Front row, from left: Meagan Jacobs, Amani Hoosen, Hudaa Arend, Mr Paul van Koersveld, Mikaela van Otterlo, Ainslee Khamal, Maxine Meyer Absent: Robyn Gernetzky


Back row, from left: Nika Hofmeyr, Sabreen Mohamed, Nabeela Jaffer, Megan Barnard, Gabriella van Vuuren, Ameera Behardien, Kate Olivier, Hanna Wafai, Juliet Fiet Second row, from left: Younsung Kim, Ruth Bezuidenhout, Olivia Noon, Jessie Cragg, Natasha Roomes, Erin Poulter, Cameron Bultemeier, Kelsey Hutchinson Front row, from left: Nazneen Allie, Aaminah Leonard, Lara Stulting, Ms Karyn Gideon, Laya Gersowsky, Lwazi Mgoduka, Alexandra De Meuter Absent: Aman Abrahams, Nanzeba Arif, Sarah Bassett, Bibi Dalvie, Zahrah Dramat, Hannah-Grace Elvidge, Monique Hefer, Imaan Shaik



Back row, from left: Sabeeha Vawda, Zoe Bunn, Maxine Broughton, Caitlin Henderson, Holly-May Nowers, Tobe Emeruem, Juliet Lunn, Michaela Jansen, Amy Skinner Third row, from left: Jordyn Campbell, Hannaa Adam, Isabella Little, Khadeeja Allie-Ebrahim, Piper Ashworth, Ayesha Moosa, Bianca Ravell Second row, from left: Salma Essack, Leigh Toet, Megan de Villiers, Tyra Ingold, Azrah Waggie, Cameryn Millar, Neve Grinnell, Quaani-ah Barnes Front row, from left: Angelique Murray, Fazlin Du Plessis, Qailah Bhamjee, Ms Philippa Colly, Beatrice Lendrum, Aabidah Royker, Sakeena Lagardien Absent: Nazneen Dalvie

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Back row, from left: Rachel Buckland, Ashleigh Smith, Ansela Sloman, Kirsty de Heer, Megan Sorour, Mia Lazarus, Isabella Bosman Third row, from left: Sarah Murashiki, Chloe Netta, Alex New, Kyra Welch, Georgia Grant, Amy Singe, Kyla Oberholster Second row, from left: Luyandza Khoza, Abbi Cohen, Ashleigh Gouws, Zach Burroughs, Aniqa Omar, Emma Smith, Zara Khan, Lisa Makumese Front row, from left: ZoĂŤ Dennis, Aaliyah Salie, Hlonelwa Zimba, Ms Nokutula Dyonase, Faaria Mullah, Zipho Tom, Olwethu Mthembu Absent: Chloe Adams, Jade Dreyer



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Back row, from left: Danielle van Breda, Emma Allkin, Amber Reid, Laila Samodien, Amaarah Adams, Hanaรก Hendricks, Skye Williams Third row, from left: Caitlin Gronow, Bernice Ntirukirwa, Mia de Vries, Anna Nagel, Erryn Morrison, Lekia Thaver, Camilla Freddy Second row, from left: Kathia Oppelt, Gadija Slamang, Claudia Vieira, Saar-rah Chilwan, Lauren Heiberg, Megan du Plessis, Hannah Lamberg, Alia Ismail Front row, from left: Thaakirah Majiet, Jessica Davids, Megan Ray, Ms Kyla Thompson, Gemma Watermeyer, Rahima Baboo, Aarzoo Bray Absent: Nurah Firfirey, Keto Jenkins, Tayyibah Martin


Back row, from left: Robyn Cluer, Shelby van der Watt, Hannah Faure, Catalina Althoff-Thomson, Madison Beley, Christine Martin Third row, from left: Almas Gafoor, Maryam Badsha, Lauren Winde, Josslyn Langford, Tegan Voigt, Kyla Aird, Jemma Hallett Second row, from left: Lisa Slingers, Angela Briton, Aaliyah Khalfe, Claire Neave, Cealagh Redelinghuys, Nikita Daya, Jenna Dugmore, Farheen Parker Front row, from left: Lindsay Jacobs, Amy Whyte, Nada Nyakaza, Mr Gian Marneweck, Iviwe Yeki, Isabella Webster, Kristina Semmelink Absent: Sadia Diba, Kayla Henry, Kim Sendin

Step into the shoes of Ms Rebecca Goble

From the Head of Grade 9

Grade 9s started the year, relieved and excited that they were no longer the youngest in the school. They were treated by the prefects to an evening of fun where they performed various dances as part of their class and grade bonding. They had a very special evening and the enthusiasm was evident. We all knew it was going to be a special year. The excitement continued, leading up to the Grade 9 leadership camp in March where they gelled wonderfully as a supportive, fun-loving group of learners. The Grade 9s have been

involved in school life wherever they could be, and they have not been a grade that had done things half-heartedly. Whether it was Grade 9 Market Day, Physical Education dance projects, the Open Mic competition or Drama productions, there was always a massive Grade 9 presence. They always went above and beyond, and most importantly, they supported each other.


It seems that the Grade 11 girls really enjoyed the “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Civvies Day in the build-up to the collaborative theatre production with Rondebosch Boys’.

Kayla van Harte, Carla Kellerman, Katherine Worthington-Smith, Dayna Powell and Dominique Taylor settle in to their dormitory on the Grade 9 Camp.

Break was always a favourite time for the Grade 11s.

B5 learners performing a Bollywood dance as part of their assessment in Physical Education.

Grade 9s showing off their pajamas at their prefect evening at the beginning of the year.

Saskia Beattie, Anna Eccles, Rowan Anderson, Sara Israel and Rebecca Eccles enjoying being outdoors and getting to know each other better in Onrus during a refreshment break on Grade 9 Camp.

Danielle Sabor, Yakira Davidson, Kirsten MacArthur and Erin Coull are challenged by the conversations around implicit bias at the Dialogue Day Workshop.

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On Arbor Day, braving the cold weather, the Grade 9s planted a Sweet Acacia tree.

Jenna Martin competing at the Western Cape Championships for Artistic Gymnastics (Level 6). She placed first on beam, second on bar and third on the floor. Jenna was subsequently selected to represent the Western Cape Team.

Isabella Lethbridge (right) before her completing her first Argus Cycle Tour with her family.

Jodie Williams riding Pinotage Prince at the Europa Dressage Show.

The Grade 9s enjoy the variety of treats at their bonding evening.

Zoe Sithole, Imaan Samodien, Yasmeen Kazi, Razan Hassan, Hanaan Shaikjee and Azhar Phillips are all Western Province Touch Rugby representatives for 2018.

B5 learners selling their homemade products on Grade 9 Market Day.

Zoe Sithole and Megan Cusens represented the Grade 9s in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” as attendants to Theseus and Hippolyta.

B2 learners after winning the dance competition at the Grade 9 Prefect Evening. They stunned the crowd with a perfect “Single Ladies” rendition.

B6 learners making sandwiches on Mandela Day for their 67 minutes of community service.

B3 learners making cards to give, along with roses, to different people around the school. They made many staff and pupils smile with their act of kindness.

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Back row, from left: Thami Giyose, Imaan Majal, Kyra Fourie, Laella Coetzee, Olivia Rademan, Jemma Pyper, Jodie Williams, Sara Israel, Kim Reinecke Second row, from left: Kirsten de Villiers, Georgia Briton, Zara Nijzink-Laurie, Emma Johannessen, Rebecca Eccles, Tatum van Rensburg, Tanatswa Pepukai, Shazia Solomons Front row, from left: Emma Nichollas, Jenna Martin, Sage Canter, Mr William Haggard, Aimée Kornblum, Sarah Philander, Rowan Anderson Absent: Paige Groom, Saara Walele

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Back row, from left: Georgia Wallace, Lauren Engelsman, Nicole Bransby, Kinah van der Merwe, Chloë Sampson, Gia Barbosa Third row, from left: Cassidy-Rose Botha, Yakira Davidson, Saarah Abrahams, Abigail Dunbar, Yasmeen Kazi, Jaryd Stewart, Jenna Langeveldt Second row, from left: Razan Hassan, Hanaan Shaikjee, Erin Coull, Isabella Rossouw, Nicola Prinsloo, Hannah Hillman, Zoë-Lee Holtzhausen, Imaan Samodien Front row, from left: Ayesha Abrahams, Caitlin Meyer, Misbah Toefy, Ms Kayla Voskuil, Talitha Delpierre, Riley Yates, Azhar Phillips Absent: Nicola Miller



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Back row, from left: Amy Worthington, Robyn van Zijl, Kayla van Harte, Alexis Fry, Kerri Muller, Keona Missing Third row, from left: Dayna Powell, Chloe Kammies, Luleila Oosthuysen, Anjelica Romero, Isabella Lategan, Oliwia Suter, Gemma Gilowey Second row, from left: Morgan Crawford, Erin Griffiths, Grace Cronje, Kiara De Freitas, Josie Malherbe, Nihaal Noordien, Megan Carolessen, Jameelah Jardine Front row, from left: Victoria Hart, Raniya Hendricks, Rachel Noyce, Ms Astrid Castle, Zahrah Paulse, Georgia Lynch, Megan Cusens Absent: Gabriella Dos Santos, Camryn Kretzen, Tao Naicker


Back row, from left: Kate Birch, Anke van Jaarsveld, Maxine Carr, Julia Gomes, Erin Le Roux, Cassidy Orchard, Anna Eccles, Abbey Hatton Third row, from left: Jaime McGown, Jenna Pentz, Kayla Currie-Gamwo, Saskia Beattie, Holly Watt, Michaela Acquah, Isabella Gruber, Dominique Taylor Second row, from left: Fatima Karjieker, Shafiyah Daniels, Na’ilah Farooqui, Nuha Grimwood, Catherine Rooney, Zoe Sithole, Michaela de Vries, Uminathi William Front row, from left: Namhla Msweswe, Hope Hadebe, Insaaf Pillay, Ms Norma Caesar, Kirsten MacArthur, Emma Kühn, India Durr



Back row, from left: Lara Rule, Emma Starke, Hayley Wood, Danielle Sabor, Georgina Vosloo, Sarah Faber, Chelsey Davidson Third row, from left: Lauren Young, Jemma Briggs, Jamie Fagan, Sarah Irwin, Morephološi Somo, Shona Morkel, Salma Desai Second row, from left: Hemisha Mithal, Amy-Raie Bernberg, Cindy Littlefield, Chelsea Davids, Alyssa Witten, India Nathan, Shannon O’Sullivan, Mary Martha MacMillan Front row, from left: Isabella D’Este, Farhaanah Dawood, Hannah Kershaw, Ms Louise White, Kumi Scott, Nina Macedo, Rebekah Layman Absent: Jessica Piper

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Back row, from left: Saar-rah Latiff, Saskia Gussenhoven, Kayla Burgess, Megan Oosthuisen, Taura Benning, Katherine Worthington-Smith, Jessi Booysen, Isabella Lethbridge Third row, from left: Azrah Dick, Ylara Esau Salie, Zahraa Solomons, Roxanne Comyn, Kayla Joubert, Carla Kellerman, Najmi Paleker Second row, from left: Samira Anwar, Robyn Rainier-Pope, Jordan Davids, Nuhaa Behardien, Rania Mokallik, Emma Muir, Ammaarah Samaai, Isabella Gray Front row, from left: Jemma Cusens, Tinika Navsaria, Fauzia Kannemeyer, Ms Tarin Scharneck, Helen Meyers, Stacey-Lee Pietersen, Tina Cara Absent: Insaaf Lagardien

Step into the shoes of Ms Susan Viljoen

From the Head of Grade 8

This year we had a record number of Grade 8 learners and what a year it has been. Making new friends, joining societies, taking part in different sporting codes and learning skills in a range of academic subjects were only a few of the challenges that the learners had to face. To get a better idea of what it feels like to be in Grade 8, I asked Clea de Klerk (A6) to give us a glimpse: “We began the year as caterpillars, shy and scared. We arrived at this big, intimidating school knowing nobody and gazed in awe at the older girls who knew the school like the back of their hand. As the year progressed, we dealt with the stresses of tests and exams and made new friends. We grew more comfortable within the school and started metamorphosing into butterflies ready to spread our wings and fly into Grade 9.”

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“Dialogue Day gave us a day of complete freedom of speech and expression. There were speakers who opened our eyes to the reality of what some people still face today. I am excited to continue this journey of inclusivity.” Ghanaan Wicomb (A6)

Nazia Cassim putting out a fire during the fire extinguisher training with the help of our Campus Staff.

“Experiencing the camaraderie of the Grade 8 Gala made the transition into high school so much easier. We dove into the spirit of being a Rustybug and felt part of the family.” Rose Oldham (A4)

Physical Education is a wonderful opportunity for the girls to get to know each another on a different level. This group from A5 girls choreographed and performed a dance as part of their assessment.

Grade 8 learners from A2 dressed up as fairies in support of this year’s theatre collaborative production, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

“Since coming to Rustenburg, I have made so many new friends, and through that sisterhoods for a lifetime.” Erin Daffarn (A1)

A group of Grade 8s on the Natural Sciences outing learning how the reintroduction of Eland helped to restore the ecosystem of the Cape Flats.

“The Grade 8s have a dance day every term. We learn different styles of dance and everyone has a lot of fun.” Emma Phillipson (A5)

Happy faces all around after the Grade 8s completed the Inter-house Cross Country event.

Mr Edward Mudiwa and some Grade 8s after planting an Acacia Karoo tree during Arbour week.

Miyo Jappie and Emma Irwin presenting their pavement art at an inter-schools pavement art competition outside Bishops. They were also invited to the formal launch of the “Schools for the Liesbeek Project”.

Lola Kirsten, Taylor Ackermann, Nicola Smith and Hannah Mc Guinness representing Marchand at the Inter-house Plays.

Kaitlyn Doms representing the South African National Synchronised Swimming Team at the Mediterranean Cup in Spain.

“I took part in the Cape Town Ballet Eisteddfod and was entered into two dances. I got into the finals and won both dances.” Katy Wilson (A1)

Rachel Jonker at the Celebration of Dance Eisteddfod. She received a diploma and gold award for modern dancing.

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Arwen Dumbrill (left) representing the Western Cape at the South African National FEI Dressage Championships. Mia Nothnagel Di Giovanni (right) representing the South African National Equestrian School Association’s team.



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Back row, from left: Ruth Bateman, Miyo Jappie, Tyler Barnes, Phelo Xulu, Zarah Hendricks, Erin Daffarn, Amelie Scott Second row, from left: Sasha Apolles, Jorja Roberts, Victoria Montanari, Chloe Pentz, Kimberley Steffen, Sasha Munian, Erin Chase First row, from left: Faatimah West, Caitlyn Benjamin, Caren-Marie du Plessis, Taylor Ackermann, Kimberley Steffen, Hannah-Lee Hodgman, Caitlin Dalwai, Timiah October Front row, from left: Seona Mahabeer, Katy Wilson, Anna Gray, Ms E van As, Luyanda Ndaba, Taedi Hansraj, Madison O’Connell Absent: Sanchia Bristow, Jade Copeling, Mia Nothnagel Di Giovanni


Back row, from left: Leyla Johnson, Simone de Villiers, Charlotte de-Beger, Jordan Carnell, Jesse Daniels Fourth row, from left: Morgan Cicero, Rose Williamson, Chloé Adriaans, Chrystal Wan, Alyssa Grinnell, Mia Sharratt Third row, from left: Hannah Williams, Amelia Oppelt, Aimee Jansen, Sasha Glass, Zoé Hendricks, Jenna Caldwell, Kauthar Parker Second row, from left: Taylin Holland, Lara Pienaar, Hannah Adriaans, Anisah Akoodie, Genevieve Allerton, Catalina Ross, Isabella Lee, Chloë Henry Front row, from left: Naadirah Adam, Amaarah Van der Schyff, Nina von der Heyden, Ms Julie Campbell, Nazia Cassim, Jumanah Gafoor, Jenna McLachlan



Back row, from left: Keira-Lee Londt, Eleni Kyprou, Freya Noon Fourth row, from left: Arwen Dumbrill, Jenna Edwards, Viwe Hlatshwayo, Ruby Jenkins, Tyra Phipson, Nicole Willig, Jemma Ziervogel, Bi-Qing Lee Third row, from left: Tayla Swan, Kelly Prowse, Oluhle Tunyiswa, Leena Khan, Robyn Gersowsky, Result Machiya, Kaitlyn Doms Second row, from left: Gia Paulse, Gabriela Venter, Hannah Grimbeek, Juliana Barrish, Rachel Jonker, Maree de la Bat, Michaela Brukman, Lakhanya Damane Front row, from left: Iman Hashim, Jiho Jeon, Rose Oldham, Ms Lynette Jacobs, Saarah Gaffoor, Taskeen Ismail, Hluma Xako

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Back row, from left: Amy Basson, Alex Bonaconsa, Kelly Hainsworth Fourth row, from left: Milahn Davis, Danielle Henry, Hannah Keevers, Kayla Ross, Hannah Hector, Jessica Mayers, Laila Valley, Ela Numanoglu Third row, from left: Firdous Omar, Hanan Mazema, Zeenat Ahmed-Mohamed, Kayla Beattie, Lola Melchiorsen Kirsten, Rachel Behne, Asha Cawood Second row, from left: Rayna Edwards, Zahraa Badsha, Mila Cuyler, Zahrah Mohamed, Vivienne Banks, Holly Burroughs, Voningo Pecego, Megan Renecle Front row, from left: Zainab Essack, Imaan Jacobs, Amy Chambers, Ms Megan Paton, Emma Leyshon, Tyler Lai Sai, Haseeba Manjra



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Back row, from left: Sadia Patel, Hayley Probyn, Natasha Truter, Kia Noland Fourth row, from left: Rachel Clark-Miller, Emma September, Genevieve Hennessy, Emma Walker, Manina Viljoen, Caoilin Dinsmore, Lia Naidoo, Hannah Lavery Third row, from left: Savanna Hill, Taybah Williams, Caitlin Lyons-McGraddie, Kyla Brink, Aa’ishah Khan, Emma Phillipson, Nicola Smith Second row, from left: Nika du Preez, Samia Essack, Nikita Green, Lauren Downard, Natalie Mawman, Aqeelah Ismail, Gabrielle Bellerose, Michelle Fernandes Front row, from left: Kirsten Okkers, Sara Wepener, CharitÊ Strauss, Ms Floriane Blanc Marquis, Pebbles Mc Guinness, Stephanie Kulikovskaya-Russo, Thamina Davids


Back row, from left: Alexandra Espag, Shelby le Roux, Alia Williams, Jaime Kelly Fourth row, from left: Ella Barrett-Smith, Emma Irwin, Sarah Dammert, Lauren Richardson, Chloe Williams, Maylee Clayton, Justine Bateman, Erin McCoy Third row, from left: Olivia Swart, Samantha Martheze, Alessia Guerrini, Rachel Stramrood, Sofia Gray, Clea de Klerk, Jodi Bouman-Hughes Second row, from left: Zahra Toefy, Ammaarah Dramat, Sarah Pengilly, Han-Lu Li, Micaela Ceruti, Amelie Bellerose, Megan Pringle, Kimika Naidoo Front row, from left: Gabriella Fernandes, Ghanaan Wicomb, Kayli October, Ms Denise Campbell, Kathryn Hendricks, Josie Koen, Nora Altwegg

step into


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Step into the shoes of Ms RenĂŠe Scott

From the Director of Sport The Sport Department faced its fair share of challenges this year due to the ongoing water crisis in the Western Cape. The competitive swimming galas were cancelled and the Water Polo Knock-out Tournament was postponed to Term 4. Despite this, our girls continued to practice and participated with enthusiasm as we were able to keep our own swimming pool functioning. Two water polo teams travelled to tournaments in Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg.

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With the addition of the Astro lights, all hockey teams practiced on campus and we were able to host matches under lights on Friday evenings. The fourth running of the U16 Netball and Hockey Champions Cup was a great success as we hosted 28 school teams at our three day tournament with matches continuing under lights into the night. This tournament has gone from strength to strength and attracted schools from as far away as Gauteng.

National Sport Achiever Hannah Schaefer (Grade 11) represented Western Province as the goalkeeper in the U16B Team at the National Water Polo Tournament held in Grahamstown in December 2017. After this tournament Hannah attended trials and was selected as a member of the U17A South African Team to participate in the EU Nations Junior Women’s Tournament in Brno, Czech Republic from 30 March to 1 April 2018. South Africa came first out of eight countries, beating Germany in the finals.

Once again we hosted many of the PGSGU Tournaments which brought many pupils from around the peninsula onto our beautiful campus. We hosted the Junior and Senior PGSGU Tournaments in tennis, cross country and netball. Rustenburg won the U14 and the U19 PGSGU Netball Trophies as well as the trophy awarded to the school whose three teams scored the most goals throughout the tournament. Our U15 Cross Country runners also won their age-group at the PGSGU event. Our cricket team got to compete against a team from Cornwall in the United Kingdom and our Netball and Hockey girls competed against teams from Northampton in the United Kingdom. We enjoyed our annual derby day against Rhenish in Stellenbosch where all our hockey and netball teams participated. Our soccer team also enjoyed two matches on this day. Rustenburg boasted 38 provincial representatives in 12 different sporting codes and three girls who represented South Africa.

National Sport Achiever Alida van der Merwe (Grade 11) represented Western Province in the Cricket South Africa Girls U19 National Week. The tournament took place in Port Elizabeth from 9 -14 December 2017. The team won all seven of their matches. Alida plays for Old Mutual Cricket Club. They won the T20 and 50-over finals last year. Alida opens the batting for Western Province and for her club. Alida is a member of the South African U19B schools team, the Fillies, and represented this team when they took on the South African U19A Schools Team in December.

National Sport Achiever Kaitlyn Doms (Grade 8) was selected as a member of the South African age-group (1315) National Artistic Swimming Team who competed at the Mediterranean Comen Cup in Seville, Spain from 26-29 July. Kaitlyn participated in the team; combo and figures events. 32 countries participated at this tournament.

Back row, from left: Kayla Henry (Water Polo), Daniella Solkow (Swimming), Rebecca McConnell (Water Polo), Mia Lazarus (Water Polo) Fourth Row: Erin Hector (Touch Rugby), Jordyn Campbell (Squash), Anke van Jaarsveld (Indoor Hockey), Gemma Watermeyer (Indoor Hockey), Ruby Wares (Water Polo), Isabella Little (Netball and Touch Rugby), Megan Phillipson (Cross Country), Kayla Currie-Gamwo (Underwater Hockey) Third row, from left: Ashleigh Noyce (Indoor and Outdoor Hockey), Rachel Noyce (Indoor and Outdoor Hockey), Jade Lawson (Touch Rugby), Josie Malherbe (Indoor and Outdoor Hockey), Camilla Freddy (Rhythmic Gymnastics), Kelly Prowse (Athletics), Nika Hofmeyr (Indoor and Outdoor Hockey), Azrah Dick (Indoor and Outdoor Hockey), Hannah Hillman (Water Polo) Second row, from left: Aarzoo Bray (Touch Rugby), Aviella Abrahams (Debating), Nishaat Hendricks (Touch Rugby), Alexa Edwards (Water Polo), Erin Hartzenberg (Swimming), Zahrah Solomons (Touch Rugby), Azhar Phillips (Touch Rugby), Rebecca Hill (Hockey) Front row, from left: Jamie van Schoor (Water Polo), Georgia Dugmore (Outdoor Hockey), Ms Nolundi Blayi, Hannah Schaefer (Water Polo), Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron (Touch Rugby and Netball), Alida van der Merwe (Cricket), Ms Renée Scott (Director of Sport), Rebecca Behne (Lifesaving), Georgia Hill (Water Polo) Absent: Imán Cassiem (Touch Rugby), Jacqueline Sissons (Outdoor Hockey), Skye Williams (Touch Rugby)

Western Province Sport Representatives

National Girls Schools’ Festival An enjoyable and successful 19th National All Girls’ Festival took place from 27-30 April in East London at Clarendon Girls’ High School where Rustenburg competed and collaborated with other girls’ schools from across South Africa. We entered teams into Debating, Hockey, Netball and Tennis and also entered a Vocal Ensemble. The slogan adopted by the hosts was “All Girls Together”. With this is mind, all girls were encouraged to make use of the recycling bins provided at

all venues to make a significant contribution to the cause of saving our oceans and sea-life by being responsible with the disposal of all plastic during the Festival. All containers with unwanted food from lunch and supper were donated to those in need. The Rustenburg girls felt quite at home with this initiative, coming from an environmentally-friendly campus themselves. The Rustenburg Team was managed by Ms Nolundi Blayi and accompanied by a further seven adults who ably coached and managed our girls. The girls returned with special memories and a sense of having been enriched by having taken part in what was truly a very special festival.

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The Rustenburg 1st Hockey Team placed fifth overall out of 18 teams. Courtney Wheeler and Caroline Schreiber were both selected into the Tournament Team.

The Netball Team was lucky to have four experienced matrics present, who set an example under the leadership of Amber Jossie and Ayla Figueira.

The Hockey Team receiving a team talk mid-match from Coach Andi.

Kayla Johnson ready to take a shot at goal. The Netball Team played 9 matches over the 3 days. The tournament gives the players an opportunity to play the top netball schools in the country. Our Team finished 12th overall.

The Tennis Team placed 12th overall, winning their final match against Pretoria Girls’ High School.

The Vocal Ensemble had to prepare two songs that were performed at the concert on Saturday evening. They were also involved in three massed items performed by all the participating schools.

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The programme for the Vocal Ensemble girls also included masterclasses, drumming and yoga sessions, as well as putting together a mash-up of two nursery rhymes.

The Debating Team gave a very good account of themselves against some strong opposition. Valuable debating lessons were learnt.

The Vocal Ensemble with staff members, Ms Jan Thorne and Mr Jaco Goosen.

The Netball Team with manager, Ms Blayi and Coach Theo Tafeni.

Sport Colours and Awards The Rustenburg Sport Awards Assembly was held on 9 October. We were privileged to have Kristin Bellingan, a past pupil who matriculated in 2016, as our guest speaker. Kristin currently represents South Africa in three sporting codes: swimming, surf lifesaving and pool lifesaving. Kristin represented South Africa at the Commonwealth Games in Australia earlier this year. Her message was both inspiring and encouraging, urging the learners to participate in all that is offered and to ensure that they follow their dreams.

Cricket MORAG MCCLEOD TROPHY, to the player who has shown enthusiasm and encouraged the game of cricket at Rustenburg: Carmen Wilson-Harris FULL COLOURS AND EXCELLENCE IN CRICKET: Alida van der Merwe

Cross Country MOST PROMISING RUNNER: Lara Rule BEST JUNIOR RUNNER: Lara Rule BEST SENIOR RUNNER: Megan Phillipson HALF COLOURS: Megan Phillipson

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TRACEY HALL TROPHY, to the most outstanding U14 player: Kelly Prowse Most outstanding U16 Hockey Player: Nika Hofmeyr PIETERSEN HOCKEY TROPHY to the player who displayed outstanding and consistent enthusiasm, reliability, loyalty and good sportsmanship: Jacqueline Sissons LIANNE DO REGO GOALKEEPING TROPHY: Caroline Schreiber MOST IMPROVED HOCKEY PLAYER: Gemma Watermeyer HOCKEY PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Courtney Wheeler FULL COLOURS: Ashleigh Noyce, Jacqueline Sissons HALF COLOURS: Rebecca Hill, Nika Hofmeyr, Hannah Schaefer

Indoor Hockey INDOOR HOCKEY PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Courtney Wheeler HALF COLOURS: Ashleigh Noyce, Caroline Schreiber, Courtney Wheeler



Touch Rugby THE PLAYER who has excelled, shown enthusiasm, loyalty and good sportsmanship in the game at Rustenburg: Amber Jossie FULL COLOURS: Iman Cassiem, Nishaat Hendricks HALF COLOURS: Jade Lawson, Azraa Rawoot

Water Polo LAURA BARRETT TROPHY, to the most passionate water polo player: Georgia Hill LISA STIRRAT TROPHY, to the most improved water polo player Rebecca McConnell EXCELLENCE IN SENIOR WATER POLO: Hannah Schaefer FULL COLOURS: Hannah Schaefer, Ruby Wares

Sport Special Awards Nicola Barrett Cup Ashleigh Noyce received the Nicola Barrett Cup for all round sporting excellence, showing team loyalty and good sportsmanship. Ashleigh played in the 1st Hockey Team and the 1st Indoor Hockey Team. She also represented the U18B WP Hockey Team as well as the PSI U16 Indoor Cape Seals Team. Ashleigh represented Rustenburg at the National All Girls Festival for Tennis and ran in the Inter-schools Cross Country event.

MOST PROMISING JUNIOR NETBALL PLAYER: Isabella Little BAGULEY TROPHY, for the most improved player: Tegan Makovini SHOOTER WITH THE BEST GOAL AVERAGE: Ayla Figuera NETBALL PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Sarah Murashiki HALF COLOURS: Isabella Little

Rustenburg Team of the Year


Junior Sportswoman of the Year

FRANCOIS BOTHA TROPHY, for the most enthusiasm for the game and has encouraged greater interest in the game at Rustenburg: Cameron Alexander BEST SQUASH PLAYER: Jordyn Campbell FULL COLOURS: Jordyn Campbell

Swimming MOST PROMISING JUNIOR SWIMMER: Rose Williamson MOST PROMISING SENIOR SWIMMER: Daniella Solkow BARBARA MARAIS TROPHY, for the swimmer who has shown hard work and team spirit: Rebecca Behne FULL COLOURS: Daniella Solkow, Erin Hartzenberg HALF COLOURS: Hannah Faure

The Rustenburg Team of the Year Trophy was awarded to the 1st Hockey Team. They won the silver medal at the Spar Tournament, the bronze medal at the Cape Town International Festival and they placed fifth at the National All Girls Festival.

Rachel Noyce

Senior Sportswoman of the Year Hannah Schaefer



Teacher-in-charge: Ms Kyla Thompson and Ms Erika van As Coach: Ms Andi Bernstein Captain: Courtney Wheeler Vice-captain: Sharna Naidoo

The 2018 season showed an encouraging growth in the number of girls playing Indoor Hockey. We entered three teams into the league for the first time. The teams had mixed results. The 1st Team played in a very competitive league with the majority of games being won or lost by one goal. Despite finishing fourth at the PGSGU tournament, every game was played at a very high intensity and the results were only decided in the last minute of play. The 2nd Team had a great season with only two losses out of seven games. The 3rd Team showed great character and improved significantly throughout the season. The following girls were selected to represent a PSI Team at the InterProvincial Tournament held in December 2017: Azrah Dick, Josie Malherbe and Rachel Noyce (Under 14); Nika Hofmeyr, Ashleigh Noyce and Gemma Watermeyer (Under 16) and Caroline Schreiber and Courtney Wheeler (Under 18).

1st Indoor Hockey Team

Back row, from left: Azrah Dick, Ashleigh Noyce, Gemma Watermeyer, Thaakirah Majiet Second row, from left: Sarah Firth, Maxine Harrison, Caroline Schreiber, Georgia Dugmore, Jacqueline Sissons Front row, from left: Ms Erica van As, Sharna Naidoo (Vice Captain), Coach Ms Andi Bernstein, Courtney Wheeler (Captain), Ms Kyla Thompson

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Our Matric girls lead our teams by example.

The 1st and 2nd Team practise their short corner variations in the lead up to the final games of the season.

Gemma Watermeyer(Grade 10) scores a goal against Westerford in the 1st Team league match.

Caroline Schreiber (Grade 12), the 1st Team goalkeeper, takes charge during a short corner.

Azrah Dick (Grade 9) helps Caroline defend against some tough attacking play by a strong Westerford team.

Playing regular games at practice helps the girls with their decision-making abilities.

The PGSGU Team with smiles all around after some tough games.

Coach Andi Bernstein explains some tactical plays at a team practice session.

Jaqueline Sissons (Grade 12) leads the charge against the St Cyprians 1st Team in a fast-paced league match.

Swimming Teacher-in-charge: Ms Renée Scott Coach: Ms Renée Scott Captain: Rebecca Behne Vice-captain: Sarah Tough

Swimming took on a whole new meaning due to the water crisis and restrictions placed on schools in the Western Cape. Rustenburg was lucky enough to keep our swimming pool open for use throughout the season. We did, however, only attend galas in Term 4 of 2017, before a halt was called on the hosting of all galas in Term 1 of 2018. The focus this year was on knowing how privileged we were to have training sessions and as a result we took advantage and trained hard. A highlight of the season was having SA Olympic swimmer, Cameron van der Burgh, present a breaststroke clinic in Term 4. Daniella Solkow (Grade 11) and Hannah Elvidge (Grade 10) competed in the Youth and Senior National gala and Hannah Faure (Grade 10) competed in the Junior National gala this year. Many of our girls also competed in Open Water swimming events as well as the ITU Triathlon.

1st Swimming Team

Back row, from left: Hannah-Grace Elvidge, Nicole Rix, Shelby le Roux, Robyn van Zeil, Anna Gray, Hannah Faure, Bella Nunes, Erin Daffarn, Amy Worthington Third Row, from left: Katy Wilson, Rose Williamson, Sasha Apolles, Tyra Phipson, Sage Canter, Emma Johannessen, Manina Viljoen, Rachel Behne Second row, from left: Hannah Hillman, Rebecca Vosloo, Ella Barrett-Smith, Tatum van Rensburg, Sofia Gray, Clea de Klerk, Megan Renecle, Iman Jacobs Front row, from left: Erin Hartzenberg, Shannon Canter, Rebecca Behne (Captain), Ms Renée Scott, Sarah Tough (Vice Captain), Olivia Key, Daniella Solkow Absent: Allegra Smith, Hanaan Shaikjee, Katie Worthington-Smith, Megan du Plessis, Morgan Crawford, Savanna Hill, Simone de Villiers

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The beautiful setting of our swimming pool, below Table Mountain.

Cameron van der Burgh is surrounded by our swimmers before they venture into the pool.

The swimming team enjoy some sunshine after completing a tough training session.

Tyra Phipson (Grade 8) and Rebecca Behne (Grade 12) after completing the Western Province Open Water 3km Championship race held in Benguela Cove, Hermanus.

These eight Grade 11 swimmers won the Intergrade relay at the annual Inter-house gala.

The Rustenburg swimming captains, did an excellent job of motivating and encouraging the team to continue training through the water crisis.

End-of-season fun at the last training session of the season.

The team continued to train throughout the summer terms even though there were no galas for which to prepare.

Nicole Rix (Grade 10) and Rebecca Behne after completing the Open Water Cape Mile in Elgin, Grabouw.

Tennis Teacher-in-charge: Ms Marieta Langenhoven Coach: Ms Hayley Nel Captain: Alida van der Merwe Vice-captain: Ashleigh Noyce

The past tennis season was a great success, filled with learning new skills and having fun. We were fortunate to receive some good coaching from our new coach, Ms Hayley Nel. She always brought positive energy to every practice. We entered eight teams into the league. These teams all participated with enthusiasm and achieved commendable results. The practice sessions created a sense of spirit amongst the players from the different teams as well as between the girls in different grades. Three senior doubles teams and two junior doubles teams represented Rustenburg at the annual PGSGU tournament. The tournament was hosted by St Cyprians, but held at Rustenburg. Our Senior Team placed third and the Junior Team placed fourth. Five girls represented Rustenburg at the annual National Girls School Festival in East London.

1st Tennis Team

Back row, from left: Megan Phillipson, Megan Davidson Front row, from left: Alida van der Merwe (Captain), Ms Marieta Langenhoven, Ashleigh Noyce (Vice Captain)

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The Senior PGSGU Tennis Team: Megan Phillipson (Grade 10), Josie Knutsen (Grade 11), Ashleigh Noyce (Grade 11), Hannah Stronach (Grade 10), Alida van der Merwe (Grade 11) and Megan Davidson (Grade 11).

The Junior PGSGU Tennis Team: Nicola Miller (Grade 9), Georgina Vosloo (Grade 9), Juliana Barrish (Grade 8), Catalina Ross (Grade 8) and Mrs Langenhoven.

Megan and Alida (Couple 1) won all their matches at the PGSGU tournament.

Juliana Barrish and Megan Phillipson at the PGSGU tournament

The Rustenburg team representing us at the annual PGSGU tournament.

The NGSF Team

Megan in action.

Josie in action.

Megan and Alida in action.



Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron Coach: Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron Captain: Amber Jossie Vice-captain: Azraa Rawoot

The Western Province Touch Rugby Girls’ Schools’ League took place at Rustenburg and has grown tremendously in the last couple of years. Rustenburg entered four teams into the league. We welcomed three of our past pupils as coaches this year; Ms Kim Cranfield, Ms Zoë Naude and Ms Razaan Phillips. We were delighted to have them back as they shared their knowledge and passion for the game. Our 1st Team walked away with silver medals at the annual Century City Schools’ Tournament where they lost in the final in extra time to Spine Road High School. Placing second boosted our confidence and efforts as the team returned to the schools’ league and beat Claremont High School in the final. The following girls represented Western Province: Amber Jossie (WP Ladies A); Imàn Cassiem, Nishaat Hendricks, Azraa Rawoot and Zahrah Solomons (WP U19); Erin Hector and Jade Lawson (WP U17); Alexandra de Meuter, Isabella Little, Erryn Morrison, Azhar Phillips and Skye Williams (WP U15).

1st Touch Rugby Team

Back row, from left: Erryn Morrison, Skye Williams, Ameera Behardien, Isabella Little Second row, from left: Bianca Ravell, Nishaat Hendricks, Jade Lawson, Erin Hector, Yasmin Sayed, Amy Skinner Front row, from left: Alexandra De Meuter, Amber Jossie (Captain), Ms. Zaandré Barrett-Theron (Coach), Azraa Rawoot (Vice Captain), Imán Cassiem

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Amber (Grade 12) was awarded ‘Most Valuable Player’ in the 1st Team.

Azraa (Grade 12) takes a gap in the defence line against the 4th Team.

Nishaat (Grade 11) is determined to score a try with Isabella (Grade 10) running a supporting line.

The 1st Team display the silver medals they won at the Century City Schools’ Touch Tournament.

Our 2nd Team working hard during their last warm up for the season.

Jade (Grade 11) about to dot down the ball for another try on the score board.

During the last five minutes of the league pool matches the 1st Team displayed “gees” by wearing head gear. Aviella Abrahams (Grade 10) shows surprise at Alexandra (Grade 10), wearing a swimming cap.

The winners of the schools’ league, the 1st Team, show off their trophy.

The 1st Team gather around the three matrics as they bid them a farewell.

Water Polo Teacher-in-charge: Mr Gian Marneweck Coach: Ms Nicola Barrett Captain: Hannah Schaefer Vice-captain: Teagan Salmon

2018 was a difficult year for all sport due to the water crisis, however, water polo training continued as usual. Our dedicated coaching team, headed by Mr Devon Card, inspired our players to excel. Rustenburg entered the following tournaments: 1st Team: Stayer’s Tournament hosted by Somerset College; Reddam U19 Girls’ Tournament and the Old Petrian’s Tournament at St Peter’s College in Johannesburg. Out of the 28 teams that participated at the Old Petrian’s Tournament, Rustenburg was awarded the Fair Play Trophy. This trophy goes to the team that showed the best sportsmanship and continuous fair play throughout the tournament. U16A: Alexander Road Tournament in Port Elizabeth. Our girls played extremely well in this round-robin format tournament. U14A: Reddam U14 Tournament. This young team played exceptionally well to reach the finals where they were beaten by Reddam. Our provincial and national representatives were: Hannah Schaefer (SA U17A), Alexa Edwards, Georgia Hill, Rebecca McConnell, Jamie van Schoor and Ruby Wares (all WP U16B).

1st Waterpolo Team

Back row, from left: Kayla Conradie, Khayla Langner, Jamie van Schoor, Georgia Hill, Rebecca McConnell, Shannon Canter Front row, from left: Ruby Wares, Teagan Salmon (Vice Captain), Coach Ms Nicola Barrett, Hannah Schaefer (Captain), Mr Gian Marneweck, Jodi Britnell, Alexa Edwards

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The 1st Team show off the Fair Play Trophy awarded to them at the Old Petrian’s Tournament.

An excited 1st Team pose for a selfie with Coach Nicola ahead of their next game at the Old Petrian’s Tournament.

The 1st Team have a team talk at the Reddam U19 Water Polo Tournament.

Grade 11s Alexa, Hannah and Georgia during a match at the Old Petrian’s Tournament.

The 1st Team pose with Mr Marneweck, Coach Devon, Aaliyah Meredith and Tristan Jones after their match against Westerford. This was Aaliyah and Tristan’s last match for Rustenburg in October 2017.

The U16A Water Polo Team after a match at the Alexander Road Tournament in Port Elizabeth.

The U14 Water Polo Team proudly wear the silver medals that they won at the Reddam U14 Water Polo Tournament.

The 1st Team, with manager Ms Goble and Coach Nicola at the Somerset College Stayer’s Tournament.

Hannah manning the goals.



Teacher-in-charge: Ms Jane Behne Coaches: Ms Renée Scott and Ms Vivienne Williams Captain: Rebecca Behne Vice-captain: Emily Hobson

The 2018 cross country season kicked off with a fun relay race at Fish Hoek in the pouring rain. League races were hosted at Rondebosch, Pinelands, Milnerton, SACS and Westerford this year and provided for a variety of race routes and differing terrain. Ten girls qualified to represent the Peninsula Zone and ran in the Western Province Cape Metro Schools Sport Cross Country Championship held at Fairmont, with the majority placing well within the top 20. We hosted the annual PGSGU competition and shared second place overall. Lara Rule placed first in the U15 age group, and Meg Wilson (U19) and Megan Phillipson (U16) placed third in their respective age groups.

1st Cross Country Team

Back row, from left: Rose Williamson, Chloë Sampson, Kate Lodwick, Natasha Truter, Kayla Ross, Kayla Conradie, Nicola Smith Third row, from left: Jaime McGown, Manina Viljoen, Talitha Delpierre, Kim Reinecke, Isabella Lethbridge, Kelly Prowse, Lara Rule Second row, from left: Megan Renecle, Laya Gersowsky, Juliana Barrish, Rachel Noyce, Rachel Behne, Maree de la Bat, Bianca Ravell, Zaina Abrahams Front row, from left: Olivia Key, Ms Renée Scott (Coach), Rebecca Behne, Ms Jane Behne, Emily Hobson, Ms Vivienne Williams (Coach), Megan Phillipson

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The Cross Country squad after a training session on a Monday afternoon. They trained exceptionally hard in preparation for the league races and had lots of fun while doing so.

Our Cross Country girls after a league race. This group of girls ran in races every Wednesday afternoon at different venues across the peninsula.

The U14 Zonal Team before their race in the Northern suburbs, with their captain Rebecca.

Lara Rule ran an outstanding race, pacing herself very well to win the U15 race. Here she receives the prize for first place, an Adidas backpack and certificate, from Ms Gillian Blackshaw.

The U15s and U16s set off together in their PGSGU race. The PGSGU Tournament is held on the Rustenburg campus with the runners having to complete two laps that take in the perimeter of the school as well as making use of the Rygersdal fields alongside.

The U17s and U19s running in the last race The Rustenburg U14 girls of the afternoon at the PGSGU Tournament. completing their PGSGU race.

The PGSGU Team feeling relaxed before the races start. Six girls from each age group run a 2 x 2km route.


The Senior Rustenburg girls after their warm-up and before their PGSGU race.

Hockey Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tessa Brown Coach: Ms Andi Bernstein Captain: Courtney Wheeler Vice-captain: Jacqueline Sissons

After a brilliant season, the 1st Team ranked third overall in the U19 Grand Challenge League. They won seven and drew two of their 11 league matches. In their tour to East London, they placed fifth in the All Girls Festival. The team fared well in the more fast-paced tournament matches this year, placing second in the Spar tournament and third in the U18 Cape Town Hockey Festival. They rounded the year off with a hard-earned second place in the PGSGU after drawing to the winning school. The following girls represented our school at a provincial level this year: Nika Hofmeyr (U16B Western Province); Azrah Dick, Josie Malherbe and Rachel Noyce (U16 South Zone); Jacqueline Sissons (U18A Western Province); Ashleigh Noyce (U18B Western Province); Georgia Dugmore and Rebecca Hill (U18 South Zone).

1st Hockey Team

Back row, from left: Georgia Dugmore, Rebecca McConnell, Georgia Hill, Rebecca Bysshe, Hannah Schaefer, Caroline Schreiber Middle Row: Rebecca Hill, Nika Hofmeyr, Gemma Watermeyer, Justine Crook-Mansour, Sharna Naidoo, Ashleigh Noyce Front row, from left: Ms Tessa Brown (Manager), Courtney Wheeler (Captain), Ms Andi Bernstein (Coach), Sarah Firth (Vice Captain), Ms Susan Viljoen (Assistant Coach) Absent: Jacqueline Sissons

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The final day of hockey for the 1st Team of 2018 ends in high spirits at the PGSGU Tournament.

Courtney and Jacqueline flashing their silver medals won at the Spar tournament in May.

The matrics receive roses, thanking them for serving their team with dedication and skill in their last season.

Jacqueline is renowned as a lethal opponent on the turf, with formidable skill and legendary speed.

Courtney is an exemplary leader, giving her all in every game. Always running circles around her opponents, here she is pictured skilfully getting through Herschel’s defence line.

The U16A Team enjoyed ending their season with a draw to the top competing school, Herschel, and winning six and drawing two more of their 12 league games. They placed twelfth out of 16 teams at the Champions Cup tournament, and came fifth overall at the PGSGU Tournament.

The U14A Team has worked extremely hard this season, despite winning only two of their league matches. Their team spirit has been inspiring to witness.

Netball Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zaandré Barrett-Theron Coach: Ms Vanessa Lingeveldt Captain: Amber Jossie Vice-captain: Ayla Figueira

Rustenburg has had a very fruitful netball season this year with an overall outstanding performance from all teams. The season kicked off with the 1st Netball Team attending the annual National Girls’ School Festival in Bloemfontein, where they finished in 12th position. This prepared the girls well for their season back home as they had an opportunity to get to know one another better as well as focus on the areas that needed improvement. We fielded ten teams in the U14, U16 and U19 age groups and all teams placed in the top four of their respective leagues this year. The U14A Team went through to the district playoffs where they finished fourth. Both the U19 and U14 Teams walked away with the trophy in their respective age groups at this year’s PGSGU Inter-Schools Tournament. Rustenburg was also the recipient of the Goal Cup which goes to the school that scored the most goals overall. It was truly a day of fantastic Netball and teamwork as all three teams contributed towards the overall win. Special mention must be made of Isabella Little who received Western Province Colours and represented Rustenburg in the Western Cape U16 Team at the Interprovincial Tournament at Sun City this year.

1st Netball Team

Back row, from left: Chloé Kruger, Sarah Murashiki, Kayla Johnson, Meg Wilson, Alida van der Merwe, Danielle van Breda Front row, from left: Ayla Figueira (Vice Captain), Ms Zaandré BarrettTheron (Manager), Amber Jossie (Captain), Ms Vanessa Lingeveldt (Coach), Tegan Makovini

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Ayla ready to take a shot at goal for Rustenburg at the PGSGU Tournament.

Amber looking to pass to her fellow matric team member, Meg Wilson.

Our victorious U14 Netball Team with their coach, Ms Megan Heiberg.

Coach Vanessa and the U19 Team after winning the PGSGU Inter-Schools Tournament.

Meg, Amber and Ayla celebrate after playing their last Netball match for Rustenburg, holding the U19 Trophy and the Goal Trophy.

The U16 Team warming up for one of their matches at the PGSGU Inter-Schools Tournament.

Isabella, our Western Province representative, in action at the PGSGU Inter-Schools Tournament which was hosted by Rustenburg.

Squash Teacher-in-charge: Ms Louise Lawrence Coach: Mr André Naude Captain: Cameron Alexander Vice-captain: Stephanie Du

The Rustenburg squash girls continued to make use of the Kelvin Grove Courts for practices, and we also hosted our matches there. This year our 1st Team played in the U19C Boys’ League and our 2nd Team played in the U19A Girls’ league. We placed third at the annual PGSGU Tournament after beating Springfield, and we were just pipped by Wynberg. Jordyn Campbell (Grade 10) won all her matches at this tournament. We were once again very proud of Jordyn who won the Girls U17 section of the African Open Squash Tournament, and has been selected as a member of the South African Schools’ Squash Team to tour to Malaysia and Singapore in December. Some of the highlights of the year were the A Team beating the Wynberg Boys’ Development side in their last league game of the season. The B Team had to fight it out in the tough Girls A League and were impressive in the way they supported each other through adversity.

1st Squash Team

Back row, from left: Ms Louise Lawrence Front row, from left: Jordyn Campbell, Cameron Alexander (Captain), Mr André Naude (Coach), Stephanie Du (Vice-captain), Nicole Bransby

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PGSGU team: Roxanne Comyn, Isabella Roussouw, Jordyn, Cameron, Stephanie and Coach André.

Jordyn proudly hugging her trophy after a fantastic effort and all round excellent achievement at the African Open Squash Tournament.

Jordyn in action on her way to winning at the U17 African Open Squash Tournament at UCT.

The PGSGU Team showing relief and having some fun after the tournament with Ms Lawrence and Coach André.

Stephanie playing against Herschel at the PGSGU Tournament.

Roxanne in action against Wynberg during the PGSGU Tournament held at the WPCC Squash courts.



Social Sport forms an important part of the activities offered at Rustenburg. In summer we offer Cricket, Fast 5s, Learn-To-Swim, Running, Soccer, Swimming, Walking Club and Tennis. In winter we offer Netball, Soccer and Walking Club. More than 50% of the Rustenburg girls participate in these codes on a social level.

A combined team photo after our girls played against a team from Cornwall in the UK. Our cricket girls are coached by Mr James Hendricks and have shown considerable improvement throughout the year.

Hockey 5s allow hockey players to stay fit and keep up with their skills during the summer season.

The Running Club season starts off with a time trial around the Rondebosch Common. We then work hard to build speed and strength by running local routes once or twice a week. We are then able to enjoy the satisfaction of comparing our initial time around the common to a time recorded at the end of the term.

Coach Lungi Oliphant running a training session with our soccer enthusiasts. His skills and enthusiasm have resulted in soccer becoming very popular with the girls. They practise twice a week and continue to show improved skills.

The soccer team celebrating after playing two matches against Rhenish Girls’ High School earlier this year.

Social swimming is fun and non-competitive; it provides the girls with both fitness and stroke correction. Learn-to-swim is popular and is open to all girls from Grades 8 to 12. The Social and Learn-to-swim programmes carried on despite the water shortage.

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The Walking Club has three teachers on duty on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. We walk along the Liesbeeck River on some days and on cooler days we walk once around the common. The distance we cover on any given day is between 1.5 and 2.5km.

step into


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Back row, from left: Emma Newton, Maxene Hollis, Emma de-Beger, Cealagh Redelinghuys Front row, from left: Hanaan Khan (Deputy Head), Mr Francis Vogts (ICT Manager), Jordan Byrne (Head), Mr Alister Penny (IT Administrator), Farheen Parker Absent: Maryam Badsha, Naima Dutton

Bon Appetit

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Back row, from left: Katia Devoti, Caitlin Powrie, Beth Woodroffe, Andrea Walsh, Erin Marsberg, Jaime Cooper Third row, from left: Katja Chicken, Tayla Kurten, Kayleigh Beattie, Megan Hudson, Nicola Henry, Mikayla Shaw, Jodie Stoffberg Second row, from left: Lauren Skinner, Jordan Byrne, Bridgette Bauer, Savannah Goncalves, Alice von Zeil, Chloë Parker Front row, from left: Dantè De Freitas, Yi-Ning Tiffany Yuan, Ms Anita Marshall, Amy Luxton, Ms Lynette Jacobs, Ashleigh Madell, Zahra Roy Absent: Hanaan Khan, Sabrina Maker, Siphosihle Zola, Deaviah Moodley, Tara Oertle, Zarah Philander, Hazel van der Watt

Bugs Boutique

Back row, from left: Talitha Wyne, Victoria King, Jamie van Schoor, Ashikakumari Patel, Jenna Booth

Middle Row: Amina Dhansay, Erin Hector, Lungelo Mashaba, Shea-Lea Tzamtzis, Zahraa Waggie, Ra-eesah Allie Front row, from left: Shuhayma Jaber, Hana Manjra, Courtney Wheeler (Deputy Head), Ms Linda Simmons, Maxine Harrison (Head), Nicole Smith, Sanjana Sewchuran


Back row, from left: Lathitha Njozela Second row, from left: Zipho Tom, Asemi Ntsokolo, Lutholuhle Mkupa, Julia Osler, Nuhaa Behardien, Azrah Dick Front row, from left: Anne Williams, Amukele Ngubane (Head), Ms Nolundi Blayi, ChloĂŠ Kruger (Deputy Head), Adwoa Danso Absent: Nada Nyakaza


Back row, from left: Savannah Goncalves, Julia Osler, Lauren Hawker-Jehring, Kim Lothaller, Simthandile Witbooi, Maryam Badsha, Hanaan Khan, Katrina Moreira Front row, from left: Ardine van Zyl, Ilhaam Khalfe, Mikayla Shaw (Head), Ms Janine Myers, Erin Marsberg (Deputy Head), Leah Abdullah, Lauren Skinner

First Aid

Back row, from left: Alex van Niekerk, Ashiqa Hassan, Katrina Moreira, Zahra Mohamed Front row, from left: Nikita Roberts (Head), Ms Dominique Williams, Lauren Hawker-Jehring (Deputy Head)

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Computer Monitresses



Teacher-in-charge: Ms Helene Swanson

Moving from a smaller junior school environment to Rustenburg Girls’ High School can be a daunting experience for most Grade 8 girls. Rustenburg recognises the importance of creating a safe space and a soft landing for them. Thus the mentorship program was implemented five years ago and every year a carefully selected group of 42 Grade 12s serves as mentors. Prerequisites to be part of this program include qualities such as punctuality, faithfulness, availability, empathy and a genuine concern for the younger girls. At the same time, this program offers the Grade 12 mentors the opportunity to hone their interpersonal skills and to make a positive difference in someone’s life. This year’s mentors played an important role in helping the Grade 8s with the transition. These quotes from two grade 8 mentees bear testimony to the sterling work they have done this year: “It has been a nice experience to get a chance to settle in and become familiar with the high school environment.”

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Media Monitresses

Second row, from left: Courtney Martin, Isabelle Vainio, Fatima Kerven, Nabeela Jaffer, Nuha Hoosen, Robyn Gernetzsky First row, from left: Kaitlyn Watt, Tanya van der Merwe, Lila Ross, Amaarah Adams, Erin Savage, Joycelyn Ng, Tai-Li Lee Front row, from left: Sadia Diba, Helen Brooke, Ms Jordan Tame, Thameena Dhansay, Ms Marilyn Peters, Clare Roberts, Zahra Parker Seated on floor: Aaminah Leonard Absent: Shannon McGaughey

Peer Tutoring

Back row, from left: Hana Manjra Front row, from left: Razeena Rawoot, Imaan Khan, Ms Perdita Norval, Yusra Sablay, Haneen Pohplonker

“My mentor has made my Friday mornings fun and enjoyable. I have loved spending time with her. Her enthusiasm definitely influenced me.”

Photographic Team and Public Relations Team Back row, from left: Nicole Oosthuisen, Rebecca Mortley, Ayla Figueira, Rebecca Bysshe Third row, from left: Mia Salonen, Sarah Irwin, Katia Devoti, Victoria King, Siobhan Bottomley, Jade Benton, Jordan Selous Second row, from left: Daniella Freitas, Sabrina Thorndike, Julia Naudé, Roxanne Comyn, Alyssa Bosch, Jessica McLachlan, Helen Brooke, Thameena Dhansay Front row, from left: Megan Cusens, Georgia Smith (Deputy Head), Ms René Forbes, Paige Jooste (Head), Ms Geila Wills, Jemma Cusens, Samira Anwar Absent: Nika du Preez, Isabella Gruber, Kyra Fourie, Saara Walele, Tanatswa Pepukai, Imán Cassiem, Lauren Gericke, Sophie Hertantyo, Zaina Abrahams


Some of the girls who are currently enrolled for either the Silver or Gold Standard Back row, from left: Ashleigh Noyce, Mila Guerrini, Justine Crook-Mansour, Hannah Schaefer, Erin Marsberg, Fozia Hendricks, Emily Hobson Front row, from left: Noa Anthony, Paige Eitner-Vosloo, Ms Brigid Ryan, Yi-Ning Yuan, Azraa Rawoot

Tuckshop Monitresses

Back row, from left: Julia Vainio, Kate Lodwick, Caitlin Henderson, Shannon McGaughey, Emma de-Beger Third row, from left: Josie Knutsen, Sarah Irwin, Kirsten MacArthur, Ana Van Straten, Mikaela van Otterlo, Rebecca Mortley, Saskia Beattie Second row, from left: Amani Hoosen, Samira Anwar, Angela Briton, Lara Stulting, Erin Hartzenberg, Isabelle Vainio, Nuha Hoosen, Linomtha Damane Front row, from left: Jemma Cusens, Geena Polzin (Deputy Head), Ms Michelle Haylett, Katia Devoti (Head), Ms Linda Mantshi, Imaan Khan, Alexandra De Meuter

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President’s Award

The Presidents’ Award Teacher-in-charge: Ms Brigid Ryan

Enrolment in the Presidents’ Award continues at a steady pace with many Grade 8s and 9s signing up. It has been impressive to see how some of the girls have organised their own adventurous journeys, getting a group together and planning the two days and one night away with family and an outside observer. There is so much on offer at Rustenburg that it is fairly easy to manage the Skills and Sports components by just doing school sport, ICDL or music. We are very proud this year to have two gold awardees. Justine CrookMansour (Grade 12) was awarded gold in June this year while Emily Hobson’s submission was being assessed at the time of going to print. They both used the option offered by The Presidents’ Award to do their Residential Project in Franschoek with students from other schools in the Western Cape.

Justine had this to say: “Doing the Bronze, Silver and Gold President’s Award over the past three years has been incredible. I have learnt so much and been exposed to a range of people from different backgrounds. My gold level included taking part in a variety of community service events, especially for Rotary and Interact. For my skill, I did Advanced Programme Mathematics and for sport, I did both school and club hockey. The adventurous journeys I took part in for the three levels were a hike in Cape Point Nature Reserve, a mountain range hike in Sri Lanka, and a river rafting trip down the Orange River. They all proved to be physically challenging experiences that pushed me way out of my comfort zone. Lastly, my residential project was a week-long programme in Franschhoek which had a strong environmental component and taught me a lot about sustainability, but also about being more confident and improving my leadership abilities. I have thoroughly enjoyed my participation in this award and recommend it to all other students as a way to make friends, strengthen skills and become more aware of the needs of others and what you can do to help them.”

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Media Centre Traditional group photo at the annual Pizza Party for Media Monitresses.

Awareness of Mental Health

Ana van Straten (Grade 11) stands next to the display board of Rustenburg’s Positive Support Group. Ana, with the help of Ms Perdita Norval, Head of the Life Orientation Department, initiated this group which aims to encourage an awareness of mental health in the school.

Dialogue Day

visits Rustenburg Zapiro

Jonathan Shapiro, aka Zapiro, our guest speaker, used some of his famous cartoons as a springboard for his talk on the struggle history of South Africa. His humorous delivery and clear explanations of a wide range of his works kept the audience spell-bound as he revealed his craft as both a cartoonist and a speaker.

Afrikaans Vereniging Teacher-in-charge: Ms Johandrie Oosthuizen Head: Alex van Niekerk

Bekende aktrise, Diaan Lawrenson, saam met lede van die Afrikaans-Vereniging.

Alida van der Merwe (Grade 11) kwyt haarself goed van haar taak as seremoniemeester by Afrikaansdag.

Die talentvolle Asemi Ntsokolo (graad 11) vermaak leerders by vanjaar se Afrikaansdag.


The Bug

Hier braai ons braaimeesters, mnr. Neethling en mnr. Biermann, smullekker boerewors.

Jaber Shuhayma (graad 11), Samira Anwar (graad 9), Saara Walele (graad 9) Zahrah Allie (graad 11) se hande staan vir niks verkeerd nie.

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Julie Campbell Head: Nuha Hoosen Deputy: Aleya Dugmore

The first edition, “Just Beachy”, was inspired by the relaxed atmosphere of the upcoming holidays and featured articles on how to make the most of the break.

The second edition, “A Girl’s Guide to Surviving 2018”, aimed to help students manage the school year after the winter holidays.

The third edition, “Alphabet Soup”, contained 26 unique articles, each of which had a title starting with a different letter of the alphabet.

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Senior lede van die Afrikaans-Vereniging saam met die Afrikaans-onderwysers.

Cultural Society Teacher-in-charge: Ms Denise Campbell Head: Lamees Crawley

The aim of the Cultural Society is to explore and encourage the various cultures that exist within our school. With this in mind, the committee decided on the theme, “A Night in District 6” for our annual multicultural dinner in April. This was one of the most culturally mixed neighbourhoods in South Africa. All the guests enjoyed the cuisine, ranging from samoosas, curry and roti, to the traditional melktert and a decadent malva pudding with custard. The entertainment was provided by Rustenburg’s Jazz band, an animated reading of a poem by Lisa Makumese (Grade 10), as well as a special appearance by a young influential poet Mr Vusi Mpofu. To round off the evening the committee played a game with the audience to test their South African cultural knowledge. During the course of the second term, the committee invited two speakers, Mr Dylan Campbell and Mr Litha Sokutu, both Masters’ graduates, who are highly knowledgeable on the complex topic of culture. They spoke to the society about cultural issues and answered questions relating to common misconceptions. The importance of acknowledging and celebrating one’s culture can be overlooked. The Cultural Society is seeking to address this.

The hall was beautifully decorated for the Cultural Society Dinner.

The Cultural Society members are enjoying the opportunity to socialise at the dinner.

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Busty Bugs Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tarin Scharneck Head: Alice von Zeil

This year Busty Bugs had a new vision: to expand our focus from breast cancer awareness to all health issues which women face. After an initial planning meeting, we felt rejuvenated and ready for the year ahead. Usually our main events happen in October, but this year we were busy all year round. At the beginning of the year Busty Bugs donated R17 000 to Pink Drive. With this donation, Pink Drive was able to refurbish a bus. The bus was converted into a clinic on wheels and will provide healthcare to women in disadvantaged communities. We also purchased two sewing machines and committee members learnt how to sew reusable sanitary pads. Learners donated fabrics during a collection we held and these

fabrics were used to make the pads. The reusable pads will be donated to girls so that they do not miss school while menstruating. We also collected bras which we donated to the St George’s Girls’ Home in Wittebome. Busty Bugs invited Ms Ray Cassiem to speak during assembly. She has survived stage 4 breast cancer four times and discussed her journey. She shared with us the importance of remaining positive and doing regular breast exams. October was busy with fundraising events such as bake sales and a tie dye workshop in which we dyed fabric to make underwear to donate with our cloth pads. Beaded pink ribbons were sold to raise money for Pink Drive and also to allow girls to show solidarity with breast cancer survivors. We also hosted our annual ribbon formation.

Debating Teacher-in-charge: Mr Cedric van Dyk Head: Mikayla Shaw

Although the Seniors only won three of their five Rotary League debates, two of their debates were split decisions. Aviella-Loren Abrahams and Mikayla Shaw were this year’s best speakers. Senior coach, Tamsin Metelerkamp, must be commended for establishing an excellent foundation and maintaining the enthusiasm of all the members. The Senior team gave a good account of themselves at this year’s National Girl’s Schools Festival held in East London. The juniors, coached by Mr Arthur Faulkner and captained by Zara Nijzink-Laurie, had far more success. They reached the quarter-finals of the Rotary League championships and participated in the Provincial Championships held at UCT. SACEE FORUM DISCUSSION COMPETITION Team Rustenburg won the SACEE Victoria League shield in the finals of this year’s competition held at Wynberg Girls’ High School in Term 3.

Back row, from left: Aviella Abrahams, Shelby van der Watt, Kristina Semmelink Front row, from left: Mr Cedric van Dyk, Mikayla Shaw (Head), Ms Dominique Williams Absent: Katia da Silva-Valente (Deputy Head)

95 The Junior Team members, Timiah October, Zara Nijzink-Laurie and Jamielah Jardine, with team manager, Madame Dominique Williams, ready for the first debate of the Rotary League season.

Zara Nijzink-Laurie, Mia Nothnagel da Giovanni and Misbah Toefy are part of the team that made it to the Western Cape championships at UCT.

Earth Children

Mr Cedric van Dyk and the Rustenburg team. Back row: Jamie Fraser, Mikayla Shaw and Darian Cloete. Front row: Elizabeth Stevenson, Kristina Semmelink and Aviella-Loren Abrahams. Our debaters are upbeat after winning the SACEE Victoria League Forum Discussion Shield.

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Jackie Chambers Head: Olivia Key

On Arbor Day each grade planted and named their own tree. Pictured, are the Grade 9s planting their tree which they officially named, “Groot”.

Earth Children quality checking the eco bricks made in support of The Eco Brick Exchange. Bricks went towards a building project at Eros School.

What’s the buzz about? Earth Children welcomed our new Rustenburg residents: bees!

A Friday afternoon well spent cleaning the Liesbeek River and its banks. The Earth Children meet regularly in an effort to improve the river’s health.

The Earth Children’s submission to the pavement art competition as part of the combined river clean-up hosted by Bishops. The theme was, “A Tribute to Women”.

The Earth Children were honoured to have Ms Jade Khoury, owner of Low Impact Living, lead a Zero-Waste DIY Workshop, in which they made various natural body products.

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Off to the National Girls’ Schools Festival in East London: Mr Cedric van Dyk (Manager-Coach), Katia da Silva Valente, AviellaLoren Abrahams, Mikayla Shaw (Captain), Kristina Semmelink and Shelby van der Watt.

Habitat for Humanity Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tracey Henry Head: Azraa Rawoot

Committee organisers Yi Ning Yuan (Grade 12); Natasha Espag (Grade 12); Azraa Rawoot (Grade 12); Rebecca McConnell (Grade 11); Ashleigh Noyce; Alida van der Merwe(Grade 11)

RAFFLE ORGANISERS Alida van der Merwe (Grade 11); Stephanie Du (Grade 11); Iman Cottle (Grade 11); Nuhaa Behardien (Grade 11); Emma Muir (Grade 9); Front Isabella Lethbridge (Grade 9); Rachel Noyce (Grade 9)

48 HOUR CYCLISTS, Ray, Chris and Quinton with Mariam Badsha (Grade 10); Ashleigh Noyce (Grade 11); Hannah Schaefer (Grade 11); Nuhaa Behardien (Grade 11).

A huge thank you to parents and businesses who donated prizes.

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Winner of spot prize with Amam Abrahams (Grade 9)

Mrs Henry Head of Habitat with Mrs Biddy Cameron a prizewinner.

Instagram advert

Habitat had a very successful fundraising drive, raising well over R60 000 on the day of the Cyclathon. Together with the learners from Westerford, Herschel, Rondebosch Boys, Bishops and SACS, Rustenburg’s Habitat team was amazing and selfless in their efforts to approach strangers to ask for a donation. Thank you to the girls and teachers who supported, and most of all the parents and companies who donated wonderful prizes, hats and t-shirts. Your generosity is an inspiration to all especially the family that receives a place to call home!

Richard Stirton and his band Zahra Mohammed (Grade 12); Azraa Rawoot (Grade 12)

Ms Louise Lawrence and Laura Jacobs (Grade 12) received the award on behalf of Rustenburg for 25 years of service.

Ms Thora Rix, who celebrated her ninetieth birthday this year, organised our visits to Huis Lückhoff. Here she is with Zahra Mohamed (Grade 12) and Adwoa Danso (Grade 12).

The Jabulani Choir sang at the Helen Keller Home. Asemi Ntsokolo (Grade 11) played the piano.

Ms Kay, Kaitlin Watt and Ms Grobbelaar at the Thank you tea given at the Helen Keller Home.

Nozithelo Falala (Grade 12) and residents sharing special time together.

Mr Ali Ibrahim teaching E5 some gardening tips at Huis Lückhoff on Mandela Day.

Helen Keller Teacher-in-charge: Ms Louise Lawrence Head: Laura Jacobs

Ms Riley, Zara Nijzink-Laurie, Rebecca Eccles, Ms Bosman and Ms Ackermann enjoyed tea together.

The highlight of the year was a special event at the Helen Keller Home’s 60th Birthday party where Rustenburg Girls’ High School was presented with a certificate for 25 years of dedicated service.

Ignition Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tessa Brown Head: Kim-Joy Damon

Every week we meet to hear from a range of different speakers, and to share in small groups about what we are learning about God, and how we are growing in our relationships with Him. On occasion we also set aside time to enjoy worship, prayer and times of creative reflection. The year began with an invitational series, “But Why?” which explored tough questions and doubts that we often face in our faith, and compelling answers to these. This was followed by individual talks which answered other pertinent questions, submitted by Ignition girls, about life and faith. Finally,

we learnt about what it means to be led by the Spirit, grow in our gifts, and how He transforms every part of our lives. Our annual camp, hosted at Rocklands, was the biggest yet. We were joined by campers from Rondebosch Boys’, Wynberg Girls’ and Wynberg Boys’ High Schools. The camp theme, Warrior, focused on how God strengthens and equips us, and gives us a purpose in His Kingdom. Moments of fellowship, worship and fun made for special memories of our time away together. We also loved hosting a movie evening at school, with an abundance of popcorn and hot chocolate, which provoked deep thought and eventually led to the start of a weekly Alpha group. Our last event for the year was a worship night, which created a space for the girls to meet with God and pray for each other.

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Visits continued at both Helen Keller and Huis Lückhoff between our young girls and Grannies who are often in their nineties. This gave much joy to both.

Interact Teacher-in-charge: Ms Philippa Colly Head: Caroline Shreiber

The 2017/18 Interact Committee and Sub-committee

The Easter Bunny’s Helpers at the Easter Egg Hunt.

Playing games at One-to-One Day

Painting a mural at TEARS

Handing out presents at the Christmas Party

The Interact stall at Societies Day

“Back to Childhood” civvies day

Mrs Herrendoerfer and Mrs Colly with Mr Siebrits as Father Christmas

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Matric Dance Committee Teachers-in-charge: Ms Floriane Blanc Marquis and Ms Tessa Brown Head: Meganne Steyn

The opening of the Matric Dance with a waltz.

The Grade 11 Matric Dance committee presided by Ms Floriane Blanc Marquis and Ms Tessa Brown. From left to right: Rebecca McConnell, Geena Polzin, Meganne Steyn, Kaitlin Watt, Iman Cassiem, Nicole Smith, Julia Wilson, Shuhayma Jaber, Gabriella Sancho, Iman Cottle, Shannon McGaughey, Lauren Gericke.

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Kelvin Grove is transformed into a magical winter wonderland the time of “The Snowflake’s Soirée”.

Jabulani Teacher-in-charge: Ms Mavis Mase Head: Adwoa Danso

Jabulani Choir dazzles the audience with a set of three songs.

The Jabulani Evening begins with the whole society lighting up the stage.

Michaela Acquah and Uminathi William (Grade 9) perform an amazing duet.

Jabulani dancers give an energetic sneak peek of their hip-hop dance performance.

Jabulani Head Adwoa Danso (Grade 12) performs a thought-provoking poem at the Jabulani Cultural Evening.

Asemi Ntsokolo (Grade 11) entertains the audience with a Brenda Fassie song.


Students’ Association

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zargielay Rabeh Head: Yusra Sablay

This year has been quite a dynamic year for the Muslim Students’ Association. A new committee brings with it the excitement of a fresh approach. Our Fun Day was attended by learners from Klipfontein Primary. The jumping castle proved to be the highlight of the day, but there were enough activities for the learners who wanted to stimulate their creativity. Children were indulged with face painting, colouring-in pictures and prizes. The staff of Klipfontein Primary were spoilt with a decadent tea while the learners had sausage rolls and cooldrinks. At the end of the day, amidst all the missing shoes, sugar-hyped children left with smiles on their faces.

Our prayer evening with Rondebosch Boys’ High School helped to prepare learners mentally for their examinations. It is admirable to see the deep devotion that learners can display at such a young age. Our Iftaar was replaced with a formal dinner which was well attended by staff and learners from various schools. We welcomed learners from various denominations who attended the event in order to enrich their knowledge about our traditions and religion. We ended the event with a poignant speech by Yusrah Sablay and Zahrah Mohamed, in which they encouraged us to not judge our brothers and sisters as we are all on our own journey. This message is important as we embark on a journey of tolerance and a celebration of diversity in our school and country.

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Teacher-in-charge: Ms Juanita Atkinson Head: Kaitlin Downie

The Music Society Committee was actively involved in organising certain music events and assisting with ushering, stage hands and serving of tea and coffee at events such as the music auction, piano festival, matric recitals and the annual music gala concert. They, working together with the cheerleaders, started the year with encouraging the school to support ‘Blu Jazz’ at the V&A Waterfront Band

Slam. This was an energetic collaboration which included making colourful banners and distributing blue ribbons to stir up some ‘gees’ for this event. Later in Term One we held a movie evening to welcome the Grade Eight music students to the Music department. The Music Society did themselves proud in organising the fourth successful Open Mic event in Term Two. The title of the event, The Stage is Yours, created the perfect platform to showcase a variety of performing art styles such as poetry, music and dance. The V&A Waterfront sponsored a bursary for a year as the prize for the winner, who was Misbah Toefy (Grade 9).

Step into the shoes of Mr Jaco Goosen

From the Director of Music 101

2018 started off on an extremely positive note, celebrating the success of the Grade 12 Music Class of 2017 in their NSC music examinations. The class received an average of 89.9% with Stephanie Keyser being placed fourth, and Imke Mühr seventh for Music in the Western Cape. We welcomed Ms Annelize de Villiers (part-time clarinet), Ms Cheryl de Haviland, Mr Graeme du Plessis (both part-time cello), Ms Marga Smith (part-time flute and piano) and Ms Zanelle Britz (part-time double bass) to our music staff. All of the new teachers have been wonderful additions to the Department and their expertise and enthusiasm has been invaluable. Personal milestones were achieved: I turned the big 40, Mr Buitendag launched his first jazz album, Ms de Kock, our part-time saxophone teacher, got engaged and we welcomed the birth of Mrs Herrendo�rfer’s second child, Khanya. This year was the first time that the Grade 10 subject students could choose between following the Western Art Music or Jazz stream in music. This again emphasized our department’s desire to be more inclusive of a variety of music styles. The annual subject music outing to a rehearsal with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra took place in February. They presented a vibrant programme by composers Bernstein, Saint-Säens, and Liszt. Our Music Workshop evening for our subject music pupils was presented by Ms Liezl Gaffley on the history of Cape Malay music. It was a most interactive presentation and the girls even managed to put together a typical Moppie, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

We celebrated the anniversaries of Debussy, Grieg, Bernstein, Joplin and South African composers at our ninth Piano Festival, with Dr Mario Nell from the University of Stellenbosch as our guest speaker. The Judith Dernier Piano Prize was awarded to Kelsey Brookes of Herschel. Our ensemble programme continues to grow from strength to strength. Our Jazz Band and Blue Quaver Rock Band combined to put together an exhilarating show that managed to place them in the final of the V&A Waterfront Band Slam Competition. Projects such as the Sunset Picnic Concert, Lunchtime Ensemble concerts, Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival, All Girls’ Choir Festival, Baxter Marimba Festival, A Night with the Stars Prestige evening, and The Combined Festival of Carols were all very positively received. The Recorder ensemble participated in the FACETS Senior School Bands competition, receiving a well-deserved 85%. Rustenburg was well represented at the annual Cape Town, Kaapse Afrikaanse, and Tygerberg eisteddfods with several of our girls and ensembles receiving Gold and Silver medals. The Chamber choir took on the world when they participated in the World Choir Games in Pretoria. See page 105 for a detailed article. Nine girls from the General choir formed a vocal ensemble which toured to East London for the National Girls’ Schools’ Festival. Several of our students also took part in the Franschhoek Chamber Music Workshop, the International Chamber Music Festival, and the Grahamstown National Schools’ Jazz Festival. All of these activities are encouraged as it further develops the musical skills of our students and also makes them aware of the music world outside Rustenburg. Our first ever Music Auction was a great success and much-needed funds were raised for the Music Department. The Music Awards Ceremony took place towards the end of the third term. Our guest speaker was Tertia Visser-Downie, well-known accompanist and lecturer in Cape Town. She shared her inspirational music journey with the school and was extremely well received. 2018 was a successful year with many achievements to look back on. Congratulations to all of our students and teachers. It is so wonderful to see that several of the structures we put in place are starting to bear fruit. May 2019 be even bigger.

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In 2017 the Music department brainstormed and formulated an exciting vision that highlighted the growth of our ensemble programme; the expansion of our brass, lower strings, and percussion branches; the introduction of the Jazz stream; incorporating RGJS into our music events; and exploring the possibilities of various tours. 2018 can be seen as the year where this vision started to become a reality.

Grade 12 music students, Kaitlin Downie (violin) and Bethany Rumble (viola), perform a duet at the Matric Lunch time concert.

Members of the choir performing at Founders’ Day.

Blu Jazz, with lead vocalists Asemi Ntsokolo (Grade 11) and Adwoa Danso (Grade 12) in the foreground, entertain the audience at the V&A Waterfront Band Slam Competition.

The Music Department staff enjoying a lighter moment at the Music Picnic Concert in the Main Quad.

Liezl Gaffley teaches the Music students a typical Cape Malay song at the Music Workshop.

Jazz Band members Tumelo Nkgudi and Angelica Romero (trombones), and Gina Wright and Rachel Noyce (trumpets), performing at the Music Picnic Concert.

Sarah Philander (Grade 9), Erica Whittal (Grade 11), Hannah Olarogun (Grade 10), Jessica McLachlan (Grade 11), Mia Salonen (Grade 11), Mikaela van Otterlo (Grade 10), Mia Barashenkov (Grade 10), and Kaitlin Downie (Grade 12) at the Franschhoek Chamber Music Festival.

Members of the Recorder Ensemble, Anna Eccles (Grade 9), Rose Williamson (Grade 8), Mrs Atkinson (Director), Gemma Gilowey (Grade 9), and Taylin Holland (Grade 8) performing at the Music Picnic Concert.

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The Jazz Band performing at the Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival with lead vocalist, Asemi Ntsokolo in the foreground.

The vocal ensemble participate in a musical theatre masterclass with Jeremy Quickfall, at the National Girls’ Schools’ Festival.

Participants from various schools at the Piano Festival hosted by Rustenburg with presenter, Dr Mario Nell, on the left.

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Ms Olivia Herrendoёrfer at her baby shower held by the Music Department just before her maternity leave.

Kim-Joy Damon (Deputy Head of the Orchestra), Kaitlin Downie (Head of the Orchestra and String Ensemble), and Bethany Rumble (Deputy Head of the String Ensemble) with the trophies the String Ensemble won at the Tygerberg Eisteddfod.

Uner the direction of Mr David West, percussion students from Rustenburg, Beau Solieil and UCT performed various items at a Percussion Assembly.

Members of our Jazz Band on their way to the Grahamstown National Schools’ Jazz Festival.

Savuyisa, our marimba band, performing at the Baxter Marimba Festival.

Kim-Joy Damon and Catherine Lee with the four Piano Maestros, Mario Nell, Francois du Toit, Albie van Schalkwyk and Jose Dias at the Four Maestros Piano Masterclasses workshop.

Rebekah Layman and Yakira Davidson (both Grade 9) perform a piano duet during the Junior Ensemble Lunchtime Concert.

Taylor Hall (Grade 12) on the drum kit at the Grahamstown National Schools’ Jazz Festival.

Former UCT lecturer and accompanist, Albie van Schalkwyk, gives Kim-Joy Damon (Grade 12) advice during a public masterclass on the interpretation of Debussy during the Four Maestros Piano Masterclasses workshop.

Ruby Jenkins (Grade 8) on the vibraphone and Rebecca Eccles (Grade 9) on the xylophone showing off their percussive skills at the Junior Ensemble Lunchtime Concert.

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Grade 12 learners, Kim-Joy Damon (Deputy Head of the Orchestra), Kaitlin Downie (Head of the Orchestra and the String Ensemble) and Bethany Rumble (Deputy Head of the String Ensemble) show off the two trophies the Orchestra and the String Ensemble won at the Tygerberg Eisteddfod. The String Ensemble and the Orchestra received 91% and 96% respectively at this Eisteddfod.

Ms Thorne conducts the Concert Band during a performance at the Music Picnic Concert.

Members of the Saxophone Ensemble perform ‘The Entertainer’ during a Lunchtime Concert.

Grade 12 music students, Chi Ying Ng (piano), Kim-Joy Damon (piano/ cello), Kaitlin Downie (violin/piano), Ayla Macedo (acoustic/electric guitar), Tumelo Nkgudi (trombone), Saige King (bass guitar), Mr Jaco Goosen (subject teacher), Bethany Rumble (viola), Tenille Cannon (saxophone), and Caroline Schreiber (saxophone) at the Matric Recital Concert held in Charlie’s Hope.

Ms Juanita Atkinson, with her usual smile, shows off her decorating skills at the annual Piano Festival hosted by Rustenburg.

Gemma Gilowey, Cassidy Orchard, and Anna Eccles (all Grade 9 recorder students) stand with international recorder player, Stefan Temmingh, after attending a concert that he hosted at the City Hall.


Choir Games

From 4 to 8 July the Rustenburg Girls’ High School Chamber Choir competed in the tenth World Choir Games held for the first time in Pretoria, South Africa. This event flies by the banner ‘Various Voices, One Harmony’. This year’s competition was extremely well represented with over 300 choirs from 60 countries, which makes it a truly international event. It was the first time that the Chamber Choir would tour and the excitement for this trip was overwhelming. The Chamber Choir participated in the Open Championship in the Equal Voices Youth Choirs category and presented works by David Willcocks, Todor Skalovski, Amanda McBroom, and Jim Papoulis. The contrasting programme was very well received and the choir managed a Gold Diploma with an overall second place in the category. This outstanding achievement ensured automatic qualification for the next World Choir Games in 2020 in Belgium.

The choir was also involved in an Individual Coaching session by Dutch conductor, Dr Johan Rooze, which was excellent preparation before competition day; as well as a Friendship Concert with choirs from Ireland, Gabon, and South Africa at Menlyn Park Shopping Centre. After all the hard work, we also decided to spend a day at Gold Reef City Amusement Park in Johannesburg. The girls, and teachers, made full use of the various rides and the Tower of Terror left a mark on several members. The choir also had the opportunity to watch several choirs perform in some of the other categories, which in itself was a great learning experience. It was simply, an indescribable atmosphere at the Games. The camaraderie within the group made this tour unforgettable. It is best summed up by an overheard comment on the bus: “I have never in my life had so much fun. I made so many new friends and it was the best decision to come on this trip.”


A choral masterclass with Dutch conductor, Dr Johan Rooze.

Fine tuning the competition programme at a rehearsal at Groenkloof auditorium.

Members of the Chamber Choir get ready to explore the World Choir Games Village.

The Chamber Choir performs at a Friendship Concert at Menlyn Mall, Pretoria.

The Chamber Choir performs ‘The Rose’ during the competition at the ZK Matthews Auditorium, UNISA.

The Chamber Choir in a relaxing mood after a successful competition performance at UNISA.

Choir members socialise with a Korean choir at the show choirs’ performance.

Some girls get ready to face the Tower of Terror at Gold Reef City.

Mr Goosen and Kim-Joy Damon (Head of the Chamber Choir) after being awarded second place at the Awards Ceremony.

The Chamber Choir celebrate their excellent result at the Awards Ceremony.

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Uminathi William, Michaela Acquah, and Hope Hadebe (all Grade 9) enjoy the Opening Ceremony of the World Choir Games 2018.



Teacher-in-charge: Mr William Haggard Members: Noa Anthony, Thameena Dhansay, Ashiqa Hassan, Olivia Key, Fatima Kerven, Ilhaam Khalfe, Bronwyn Kruger, Joycelyn Ng, Caitlin Powrie, Nikita Roberts, Bethany Rumble, Hazel Van der Watt

On select evenings of the year, each member of the 12 Club (comprising of 12 Grade 12 learners) is responsible for presenting a topic for which she is passionate about. Here, Thameena Dhansay is enlightening the group on the rudiments of “Privilege in society”.


12 Club is not wholly presentations by a speaker on a chosen topic. Discussion and engagement with the topic is encouraged so as to stimulate interchange. Every meeting fostered profoundly reflective and active participation.

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Cedric van Dyk Head: Lauren Hawker-Jehring

2018 has brought a huge amount of growth to the Retro Society.


Meetings were conducted regularly throughout the year (held at night after school hours). Nikita Roberts and Hazel van der Watt are seen conversing a relevant point of information. And of course, eating popcorn (all members were responsible for bringing snacks to accompany the enjoyable interchange of ideas).

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Together, the committee has developed and bonded into a sisterhood. We have had many successful and exciting events take place over the past year, namely; The Water awareness photoshoot, our ‘Retro’ Movie night and our famous Youth Day assembly which left every individual feeling empowered and proud to be part of our youth community.

Dr Dennis Goldberg’s (Rivonia trialist) address was the highlight of this year’s Youth Day Assembly. Mr C. van Dyk (left) Dr Goldberg and Lauren Hawker- Jehring.

The Retro society has tackled a number of modern issues that our society have been forced to face in an optimistic and inspiring way. The society also explored many opportunities to look to our past for growth and guidance. We’ve had the privilege of meeting the likes of Dennis Goldberg as well as His Excellency Paramount Chief Samuels of the Khoesan community and developed a strong moral connection to the Adonis Musati project, which we hope to maintain over the course of this upcoming year.

Water Awareness Summer Fashion Show

Water Awareness Summer Fashion Show

Retro 2018 Committee: Back row (left to right): Thameenah Daniels, Ruby Wilson, Olivia Steyn and Jodi Littlefield, Front row (left to right): Nosithelo Falala, Olachi Emereum, Lauren Hawker-Jehring and Ashleigh Madell

World Challenge

His Excellency Paramount Chief Samuels of the Khoesan community addressed Retro members.

Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tessa Brown World Challengers: Aman Abrahams, Kyla Ellis Aird, Emma Allkin, Ruth Bezuidenhout, Kirsty de Heer, Camilla Freddy, Sabreen Mohamed, Megan Phillipson, Megan Ray, Gabriella van Vuuren, Gemma Watermeyer, Isabella Webster, Elizabeth Wucherpfennig, Hlonelwa Zimba



At the beginning of the year the girls, as always, looked forward to the Inter-house Gala. The House Captains spent many hours organising the themes for their houses and hoped that they had picked a winning team to compete in the swimming pool. This year we were faced with severe water restrictions, but we were fortunate that our swimming pool remained open because we were able to use borehole water to top up the pool. Bleby won the gala, with Cambridge and Innes hot on their tail. The Spirit Cup was won by Michiel Vos. Later that same day, the Inter-house Forum Discussions took place. The adjudicators felt there was a definite improvement in the overall quality and content of the discussions, especially by the top two senior teams. Cambridge’s Junior Team (Talitha Kumi Scott, Clea de Klerk, Katherine Hendricks, Emma Irwin, Sarah Irwin) discussed their topic, Like It Or Not, Winning Is Everything, from a wide range of angles and so took home the Junior Trophy along with the First Best Speaker award (Sarah Irwin). The Second and Third Best Speaker awards were won by Ghanaan Wicomb and Zeenat Ahmed-Mohamed respectively, both members of Innes.

House Captains & Vice Captains

On the evening of 15 March, we hosted the annual Inter-House Play Festival. Each house had to write a script, cast the actors and produce a short play, with very little help from their teachers. This year the theme was “Shakespeare in the 21st Century”. There was so much talent on offer that the adjudicators had a difficult time picking the winners. Innes took home the awards for Best Production, Best Script, Best Supporting Actress (Amukele Ngubane) and Best Producer (Ruby Wilson, Jemima Gainsford, Amukele Ngubane). Michiel Vos was awarded both Best Actress (Nicole Smith) and Best Director (Zarah Philander, Darian Cloete), while the Best Production Design award went to Bleby. In June, the prefects once again hosted the Inter-house Riff-Off. Each house had an hour to prepare a song, and then perform the song before the school. Bleby was judged the winners. Unfortunately, the Inter-house Hockey and Netball were cancelled due to rain. The Inter-house Cross Country took place on 21 June. All the girls were encouraged either to run or to walk a very picturesque route around our school campus and nearby Rosebank. We were joined by some of the top runners from Rustenburg Girls’ Junior. The Grade 8s were the most enthusiastic as they had the highest number of learners participating on the day. Cambridge was the overall winners. Large doses of school spirit and friendly competition made for a great year of Inter-house competitions.

Back row, from left: Amber Jossie (Michiel Vos Vice Captain), Amukele Ngubane (Innes Vice Captain), Baheya Dramat (Marchand Vice Captain), Ms Tarin Scharneck (Head of Bleby), Ms Louise White (Head of Michiel Vos), Tasneem Davids (Marchand Captain), Casey Fairfax (Michiel Vos Captain), Elizabeth Stevenson (Innes Captain) Front row, from left: Mr Bernard Biermann (Head of Cambridge), Caitlin Powrie (Bleby Captain), Ms Nolundi Blayi, Ayla Figueira (Cambridge Captain), Ms Tessa Brown (Head of Innes), Megan Hudson (Bleby Vice Captain), Mr Gian Marneweck (Head of Marchand) Absent: Jacqueline Sissons (Cambridge Vice Captain)

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The senior section of the competition was very close with a mere nine points separating first and second place. Innes’s speakers (Elizabeth Stevenson, Aviella Abrahams, Fozia Hendricks, Zahra Mohamed, Alida van der Merwe) were excellent in their delivery on the topic Human Rights Are More Important Than Environmental Concerns. It was, however, the Michiel Vos team (Darian Cloete, Adwoa Danso, Talitha Wyne, Saige King, Kristina Semmelink) whose more in-depth and fuller treatment of the topic In These Times More Harm Is Done With Words Than Weapons, that

influenced the adjudicators’ final decision. The Senior Trophy was won by Michiel Vos, as were the awards for Best Chairperson (Kristina Semmelink) and First Best Speaker (Darian Cloete). The Second Best Speaker award was won by Elizabeth Stevenson of Innes and the Third Best Speaker by Michelle Mouton of Cambridge.


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“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” How to find eleven ‘spare’ hours a week to rehearse? How to conjure up a majestic blue forest and floral bower in only fifteen days? Where to begin when it’s decided that the main prop simply must be a blue donkey head? Considering “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in hindsight, we might never pinpoint these answers. Tackling a production on this scale was both exhausting and exhilarating. This precarious balance of emotion was perhaps represented when we called it quits at 23h30 one weekend only after feeling entirely satisfied that the fabric tendrils were suspended perfectly against the moon. This was fatigue and fabulous in a single moment.

Of course Shakespeare is still relevant! “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is as vibrant and entertaining today as when it was first written. Children still defy their parents’ wishes. Relationships still have their ups and downs. Love still transcends logic. Really funny people still do not recognise their own folly. Mischief still happens under the guise of night. Please spare a thought about what it really means to create theatre. There is a script, but no formula. There is no memorandum. There are no rules of business or sport. Theatre is a three-dimensional, moving artwork, which evolves in response to feelings, and must accommodate indeterminable factors. This makes the enormous love that so many gave to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” even more precious. Mr Adrian Skelly and Ms Carey Hickson-Mahony

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George du Plooy (Grade 11, Rondebosch Boys’) played Bottom.

Headgirl Zahra Mohamed (Grade 12) played Queen Hippolyta. Zahra was awarded Full Colours for Drama this year. A Midsummer Night’s Dream was her third performance for the school. She also acted in Dirty Laundry (2017) and Bedlam (2016).

Jongisizwe Stofile (Grade 11, Rondebosch Boys’) played Oberon.

Gabriella Sancho (Grade 11) played Puck. Gabriella was awarded Full Colours for Drama this year. A Midsummer Night’s Dream was her third performance for the school. She also acted in Dirty Laundry (2017) and Bedlam (2016).

Timothy Mantel (Grade 12, Rondebosch Boys’) played Duke Theseus.

Jade Dreyer (Grade 10) played Titania.

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step into



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Old Girls’ Union

2018 was a year of positive changes as ROGU strengthened its working relationship with the Junior and High Schools; the Alumnet database was implemented and can be used for networking by all old girls who register; and we joined the committee of similar Alumnet Schools in the area to share ideas. The Mavis Wakeford Bursary for tertiary education in the teaching profession was awarded for the last time. ROGU offered a 10% scholarship to the High School to a young lady from the Junior School who had worked consistently throughout 2017 to improve her marks. She will continue to receive this 10% scholarship subject to maintaining her standard at Rustenburg High School. Our Founders Day Luncheon and AGM in January was well-supported. 10 year, 20 year and 40 year groups also celebrated their reunions at the Lunch. Amendments to our Constitution were accepted at the AGM and we gained two new vibrant, younger committee members. I would like to thank the committee for putting their faith in me and nominating me as the new president.

The guest speaker at Founder’s Day this year was accomplished Old Girl, Ms Noxolo Mafu (E 2010). She is seen here with Rustenburg Old Girl turned staff member, Ms Brigid Ryan, and the 2018 Headgirl of Rustenburg, Zahra Mohamed. Noxolo, graduated with a degree in journalism and media studies from Rhodes University and has recently been appointed deputy editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine

Ms Pat Hanger, Ms Ruth Romburgh, Ms Geila Wills, Mrs June Watson and Ms Jane Hofmeyr attended the South African Schools Alumni Association conference held at Somerset College. The Association aims to create communication between members, an environment where ideas can be exchanged for mutual benefit and establish a fund to provide financial assistance to less privileged schools for developmental needs and enable them to attend the annual conference.

the Es of 68 raised R6250 at their Founders’ Day reunion which they donated to a fund. As grade reunions foster good relationships between past pupils, we continue to host a very lively one year reunion each year. This will be extended to ten year reunions next year. We encourage all past pupils to organize their own reunions and to update us on these events and other news for inclusion in the ROGU newsletter. 2019 marks the 125th birthday of our school and with this in mind we instigated the 125 Club - looking for 125 Old Girls to contribute R125 per month for 12 months to boost our bursary/ award funds. I would like to thank the Old Girls who have contributed and for their enthusiastic responses and communications. One of our aims this year has been to promote awareness of ROGU to the present learners. We held a doughnut and muffin sale at the high school in the first term and an “ice-bite” sale at the junior school in the last term. This year has brought welcome changes to the Union. With support from the school we have a part-time secretary, Ms Pat Hanger, who can be found in her office at school. We would like to encourage you to contact her with regards to reunions and visits to the campus. Her email address is rogu@rustenburggirls.org.za.

The Rustenburg Old Girls’ Choir was formed this year by Mr Hendrik Marais, of Rustenburg Girls’ Junior School, and Old Girl Lauren Davis (E 2012). After Ms Elizabeth Sole’s retirement concert in 2016, the realisation of the phenomenal musical talent amongst the old girls was highly evident and thus, a choir was created. The journey so far has been one of friendships, memories and wonderful music making which has proven to be a legacy of which we can be proud. If anyone would like to join us in the future, please contact our Facebook page (ROGU choir) or get in touch with the office.

Two cheerful members of the ROGU Committee, Ms Pat Hanger and Ms June Watson, selling doughnuts and muffins at the high school.

Enjoying the festivities of Founders’ Day are Old Girls Ms Linda Austin (E 1983), Ms Di Olivier (née Weaver, E 1967) and Ms Pat Grunwald (neé Weaver, E 1968).

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Thanks to the Es of 1968 who responded to the challenge from the E’s of 1956 to match or better their donation towards the ROGU bursary fund,

President: Ms Ruth Romburgh (E 1974)

The 1998 girls catching up with a cup of tea

Ms Leila Sadien, Ms Dominique Gawlowski, Ms Lebo Sebesho, Ms Lee Lambert (E 1998)

Es of 1968 Betty Baeracke and Lexi Slabbert (Winter) chatting at morning tea.

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Es of 1998 enjoying lunch and catching up with classmates.

2017 Reunion Group photo

Es of 1998 back in the Science Lab

2017 Reunion – trying to find themselves in the photo on the cake

2017 Catching up with Madame

2018 Founders’ Day - Ms Edwina Alborough (Volkwyn) E1944 and Mr Michael Gates

2017 Reunion – catching up with class mates

2018 Founders’ Day - Ms Sakeenah Kerbelker E2012

Principal, Mr Michael Gates with Ms Dorothy Suter, our most faithful Founders’ Day attendee, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

Walk in someone else's shoes

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